Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, July 30, 1856, Image 1
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' , ~41ip - #I•F .......p...-..t•'- , .'..,4 - S-•,,1.,..-•••• . • - One rotre wee thwark, k th . ~.. ... ..... , .1 ;O . 4. 4. a ~8 60 ,2 86 2 60 t Three moithe C ' °. '' ''' 'Vtflt•: 12 4 1111134/ EA r - . - -- ,-• : -- : _ _ :-,I: ~,.. iglice ______ - - 2 1 F. 2 . Four spoL".9 . nmvi t a l I l i O ntr s t I t nitt.r t i ll w. I 4 :1 .... ... ... .... .... . t, . :.. ..... . ... . .., n mis 0 1 0 9 ,1, 0 0 0 O W 8 %1 5 64 r t : i ! S _ : 35 .. . . i .. r . 4 :6 61 1 6 0, ~ ef - , "-- • .Niue irianthe...----- le 00 10 85 800 • - -. ~....„; . .Ono year e c x en el t n : iv O e lb,. l .ll l4 Pa '-.7" . 6entls ' 4-- .4011+ 03*iut Btanding Curd, et: hues-or lop, pig , .*trium•tn- ...... —vj ll' cramenortx it 'Ptanat - ...., I alop.. llot -- --- -_,-- _ _-_ -_ -- - -- sr : 15!0 . NTGOIVIERY, AT THE " POS T BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AN D ri D"c:i sT Mk:TS ; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER _ rT:715±1....7__ ......., . ... ________ __. ___ W;'' .. ' PUBLISH:EIi ''ff..kfa_ .' BY Xit_LLMORE NUMBER ~,. ..... .. ..., ... , : - --__.--- .r**. -11 0.3 111 H..*: —-- -- . . .lA' -',':-.!:'. , : .• - . 7-;: •-.--• ~, ,;,..- --- •• , - PITTSITUBGEL POST. ..-.. , -.... - :.1 c, - ,P...,.,,,,.• PITTSBURGH. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3(), IS5(;. _-_ 1 — : ° : ° l l3' : °° pe,r ~) 6 6. ..:::... —12 2::0 . ..-, .- -•,-.• - : , ..?".•••.,4 1 •••-••••12. ' s t "Sirite ' tlie aim' ef.:61011 - khaiti blailiaiiiliis , DOLLAIU3 ams4,le , tutsati4o,,.4l43le 'l.° , ... ,f,E-4: , ,-'lffiri 0.00:011/1 be dhsecattlauett, Outtalla at the Ware. ~ : givc : .sZaztirietore,) tailit all,,roFepitft .;.a.cYjggioti ailll ,be pahilatsroindes =den seam ..,,aror, tir ea -.atori reference fn. tide ~Aty. 1 4.l* . oaVieia,4 with the ihrtabliahutemrat the Morning - PoOftitme of. the largast JOB PRINTENOYOTIOEO In th e 4 tirs',./freratdpktade 44, isre4,4edettkon theabortart'' '" - ottes, ." 4 4M.0 1 1140 1 T11ie '''' '''' ''k''- AM P. ROSS. ATARI 'KENNA, Alderman of Third • wee, offieeieeirtitei•yeramea ...a Fifth streete, (formerly • &cabled ki Abierrban !Aria) wbere all liminess pertaining to the a:Bee:dr - Alderman and Justice of tLe Peaoe,will be febiadm BIiAHL, on Dentist, successor to G. W. Blddl9ail 144 Smithfield street. .416g-Otllce honrM itiB to 1 o'clock, and from 2to 6 o'clock fobl T S OTT pen6B), Xpurth street, five doors U • '3iqejt,ol lg iret, 4 ft: t sir owe twin 9 o'clock A. M. tub o'clock P. M. JOIN r . ''. 0 . BAD, 'Wholesale Grocer and tip for the eale 110 METAL and BLO 'and PRIPTIOB generally, Np." 27 Wood street, Pittabutgir. ap2.4 VT/111LX =AXIL, Philade Wm. lummox, Pittsburgh. ,MILLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale Gro cent, Importers or BRANDIES, WINES and SEG ARS, Nos. 172 and 174, corner of Irwin and Liberty streets, Pitts burgh. Iron, Neils, Cotton Yarns, constantly on need. JP) , LLTHICA D CURLING . . _ EMAIL° DITIMIDOZ ILLIRY 1- R.11C01 , 1.T. CGI-MING, ROBERTSON & CO., Muciu factia.rer. of Cut, Pressed and Plain Flint V LASSW A It K, Warehottss o. r Wood street, corner of Front, Pittsburgh. 6166dfier kinds of lltaasware and NN ndow st low Idarkeittricos. apll:dly - - JLXES Z. I.[DUZ JI3eIIP4 J. ULAN. T—EDLIE -ULAN", Successors to Nrulvarly k Ledlie, manufacturers of Cut, 31oulded and Plain Mat and Fancy Colored GLASSWAItE, and dealers in all kiwis of Window Glue, Flasks. Vials and Il• - •ttlee. Ware. house corner of Market and Water streets, l'ittatar,h. mtadly REMOVA.L.-C. .I.IIMSF.,N, Manufacturer of every variety of VIALS. BOTTLES and WINDOW GLASS; black Porter, Wine and Claret Bottles; Demijohns end etrboys; ale% Flint Glans in every variety. Warehouse Non. 101 Second aud 13.3 First street. Pittsburgh. mIr2S FH. DRAVO, Diamond, Pittsburgh, dealer . in COUNTRY PRODUCE. offers for sale a chowe stock of GROCERIES, selected for Crawly tier. Spices every 'variety and the purest quality, ground at his Stearn Mills. Also, Dried Fruits. Foreign and Domestic Produce taken in exchange for merchandise. F. R. D. Lias proen,l a full assortment of LanAretb's %var. ranted GARDEN SEED 3, and incites the attention of all in tereeted in rural siTatrs. Jetil I COMMISSION HOUSE.—The subscribers have opeuod n House for the above purls.", at No 17 budtbfleld street, four doors HboVe the Monongahela House. We will purchase, or receive on commission. for sale, vele si z .nuft.nt. of PLn cit. -BACON, CHEESE. COILN, OATS, BARLE7'. FLAX TEED, GRASS. SEED, U 1 LED HAY, A. - .. upon millet! we w :I! cake ativanc., or perch., at 111 e bt•nt market ratni for cash. in ~"^;I A 1,6 Ct.i W. B. 1,...L.11 x P.1,11Atti..)71 J I. 11[aNtrr EtiOLISII & RICIIA11.1)SON, Forwarding and (2 ,- +lnmops, , n Merr!,ant3 and ulntlestale dealer It. YISIL. BACON and ()IL, and 1'10 1 1)1:C6 bowie formerly lturt,r,len• A !tight - ant, N... 11 , I W a n t' , and ISo Firm: str”..t. Pittat.oralt. t01.t.1 I JI7.INA TWT.LL A J LEL CII.IY. ATM ELL. A TW ELL,' LEE A. CO., 11 . 11.)1e.a.1e Onwers. MerrhantA. 11.1”1 httsburol Ma,ufw tor,. stra,t, bet wt,..ti and Fr-t.t JW. BUTLE It & 1- (711 S; - _ CU.. ' , .rwardiTlL! nr..l Cusamimnon A1,r.11,0A, Jrn.li., • 1,1 ..ii kin•l• ~! i•ln :-- BURGH MAN LIACTEKES, LEAD I'IPE and 811E1.1' LEAD, NO. Ci 7 Front Rtr.-t. PLD.burgh. 5..p.,:h HENlil H. COLLINS, F,.rwitrtiing and C0111111120i,1 Mil, 11,1 It. a!, 'A boleevik dtwier lti Fliqf. CIIKESK. 111:T1'KIt. SEED? and I'LDDUCE geocrall), :A.,. 2b Wool street . l'ltt.burgh. mari WILLIAM CARR S:. CO:, (William Carr, Into of the II: rn of J. Parker k Go. 1 v. holevedo ti it ,- CER.S and Lkalere, iu Fart - Igll w i ' 1 Es aIA I; ItA ND! ES, 01,1 bionowakeln and Ite , tifle.l IC II 1S ti 1", N, It evultnerrial How, Liberty 9 tr,L. httaborgh. Jae.: Y ____ JO,SEP El FLEMING. successor to L. Wil t) cra k Co., comer of Market street and Lb... Diann..., keeps coristantiv n fu; I assortmtmt of DRUGS, ICIN ES, MEDICINE CHESTS, and all art, clef, pertammd by Ids LUAIUeSS.. /Icir Physionns' l'rescriptlons °irefully compounded at all hours. JeCky ]OAF TLESII:sO MAXIM+. VLE:SIINCY 13KOT11EItS. successors to .1. liadd k CO., wholesale DRIitiGINTS, No. 60 Wood stroel, i'ittsburgb. Pc praetors of Dr Wl.ane's celebrated Vern, ( l p,Laver till. , ks. .11‘10 T L. MARSHALL, successor to 11. Lee. wj IJKALEIt and CIISIIIISSION .11ERCHAN'1 No 1:1 ,1 LAN:its otro,t, Bdtsbur4.ll. lieferente--- 111 . C1 n: ri; k 11r . Kramer d Bahm, 111 or phy, Ti..rnan ,k C. Bro, a A li..rkpatrlck Plttsborglt, ILy VA, I INV, CliA D\VICK, dralrr in Kentucky . Leaf 1 , 11. 1 .110 1 . RA , ;:s and PAPER, No. 119 W0,.1 etyret, below Math. Plttabur4h. ',ap*N'nly /Xiy- The high-0t [nark, sauce, in rash, paid for :tags. lifaLtia P. uitsa iLL . . •.•••• 005r.711 6. Itt,dlis , \~T P. MARSII:ILL i Co., Importers and d.-aloes in French nu.i Awrnean PAPER lIA\iI :SNCS, No. a' Wood street. Pittsburgh. fg-Bole agents Mr the celebrated manufacturon of Meson. Doßcourt Paris. aug7 BT. C. MORGAN, Book.aer and Sta . th,ner. Una always nu hand a general assortment , •1 SCitoOl. Nll.4.llaneons arac Blank Books; Pi luting, Post tn. Cap Paper, km., wholelals and retail, No. IJA Wood siren!, below Vieth ieest stde, Pitttlinnsh. Vt' N TED—hairs and Tanners' Scraps. apls ly TORN 11. NIELl.t.ll{, IVholesale and Ketali dealer in )11.1SICAL I NI I IIIOIENTS. ANO:i, 7iIUSIC, SCHOOL BOOK:: ar.J oTATIoNER I', No. 01 Wood stre.d, Pittsburgh. pot PUIIJP HETILLE ROIJXRT J. L3l'tl.bwll REVISER & ANDERSON, (succeAsors to Jceshun C 0..) wii.ohmale tleAlt•rd t:, Fi FRUITS. NUTS, SPIG Ks rNI PCII ON A KY, PUGARP, 39 1f*,.1 stroot, oppottit, the St. Charted 11outl. Pil 2 tx n.p bittr TINDLE, \Vholenale and Retail SAD '.E, HARNESS ThUN R, VALISE xnd CARPET BAti , L 11 - ••"PACTINIER: No. 101 Woetl strttet, Pituburgh. NIAN ir2 s q 'ISE WORKS, No. 136 Wood ENTY,RP - li_ -- nntiou of Sporting men to their larg. nt third .1, shr below Virgin alloy.—DOWN & TET LEY would call the at, ~...,,,..,,,,, ~. ",,,,, 111. n.ES ,Lnd B.EVoLVING PISTOLS. visortment ,d . hardware, Cot 1..- 'i7 , ` - ' t assortment m . ,d "',...„ . oct, vi stock ever opened In thin mai ket, together with a general . ry, Tools anti Fishing 'Li of which we otter at lb , to possible prices to Tackle.,,can', p strohnaers, or for good ap proved paper. titarl ICE AUENC,Y, NORTH-WESTERN l'()L. corner of Dearborn, CH I- No. 89 Washington otreet, 09.00, ILLINOIS. ALLAN PLIIIERTo.% ...D. tkitODGEttS. PII.IKEIT.TON .k Cu. devote their entire at.' to the transaction of n iri.neral detective POLICE I.IO3INESS in the Staten of Illiuoi4, WiaconAin. Michigan and lu.lialia. mhl9:litt Sl(WffS.—No. 124 Wood street, a bove 1 Fifth —We beg leave to call the Trade to our st,..k ,‘•C Breves, Hollow Ware and Castillo in general. Having perfe. I od every thing in our line, we can safely say that we cannot I be surpassed In finish. fitting. and srzewthness, by nay ifi t l l , ' trade. Merchant,. will find it to their advantage to clill ,- fore buying elsewhere. _._ fold GRAFF, REISMYER, & GRAFF. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWEL AT GREATLY ItI3'.I7CED PRICES. JOAN N. ROitERTS Is now selling off his large and choice stock of fine Watch., Clock, Jewelry and FanQ 1., Goods at a very small adVittiCe co first cost, preparatoi y enlarging his Store Ruom and the purchase of an entire new stock for the spring trade. Persons desiring GREAT BARGAINS should call early, Si It is his determination to close out his precut stock icitL mit regard to former prices. Don't forget the pIeco—ROBERTS', 16 FIFTH street, neer fenO Market. Air EST A I) BOYS' WINTER CLO'rHINO —ItOriIINTII AL A BRo. Fifth street, opposite Ma yo.* have a large stock of Men and Boys' CLOTHING on hand, comprising some entirely new and elegant styles, which they are prepared to furnish at the lowest cash prices. Also, a large and fashionable stock of 0 F.NTS' FURNISI - 111 4 0 GOODS. Illof.LOW MARNMN 13TBNINS tIEORGE ALBERT. H. PITTSBURGH COACH FACPORY—BIG ELOW k 00., successors to E. N. Bigelow, No. 46 Dia mond alley, near Wood street, Pittsburgh—CAßßlAGES, 00ACIIES, PHAETONS, BUGGIES, and every description of FANCY' VEHICLES built to order, and Aniabed In a manner ansnrpassed for beauty of design, elegance of finish, skill of workmanship and durability of materials. All work warrants's!. rnor9 EVNTERPRISE WORKS, No. 1.36 Wood h., third door below Virgin alley.—BOWN & TETLEY would call the attention of Sporting men to their large as sortment of (SUNS, RIFLES and REVOLVING PISTOLS, the larg-est and best selected stock ever opened in this mar ket, together with a general assortment of lIARDWARE, CUTLERY, TOOLS and FISHING TACKLE, all of which We offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchasers, or for good approved paper. marl 9 00015 B. TUCNo...7. ...... FELLNESS L YOUNG. T. B. YOUNG & CO., No. 38 Smithfield street. opposite City Hotel, maitufactnresr of CABI NET FURNITURE and OIIAIRS, of every description. hlie terials and worknianshlp warranted, and sold at reduced prio.. Care taken in pecting for land and water carriage. SCHOONMAKEK, Manufacturer of J • White Lad, Red Lead, 7.foc, Paint, Litharge, Putty. Wholesale dealer la Olia, Paints, Van:ashes, Turpentine Am, N . 0.24 wood street, Pi ttobarul. In v 22 FINE DRESS GOODS REDUCED—Every description of fine Dress Goods now being offered of ro 30 per cent. lees than usual prices. A. A. XABON A 00., No. 25 Mb et. ?st, r • ' • • c . '24. 4 • •, .• .rney - atqatir, •.' 7 ,:'109 -',lttgh,jourtit door below Air. holy je2B S c CARDS JroAanx IlOttgitTlsOK MMM XIV. VOL Jrir- loaseelniterted to old Frames. Wt. Any article not approved of, exchanged free of el vers. dec7:l y NEW COACH AND CARRIAGE,FAC TORR.—JOHNSTON, BROTHERS A 00., cotter of Rebecca and Belmont streets, Allegheny City, would reepect. fully inform their frode and the public generally, that they have commenced the manufacture of CARRIAGES, HA. ROUCELES, ROCKAWAYS, RUGGLES, &VIGILS and CHA RIOTS, in all their various styles of finish and proportion. sznk... All orders will be executed with !strict regard to di:mil-- WIR end beauty of finish. &Taite will also be attended to on the most reasonable farms. Oiling in all their work the beet Eastern Shafts, Pol., and Wheel staff, they feel confi dent that all who favor them with their patronage, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their new work. Purchaser , . are requested to give us a call, before par chWilin elite% hero. y A MILLIKEN & CO.have on hand, at A their extensive CABINET and CHAIR MANUFAC ToltY, No. ltd Smithfield street, a large assortment of Fancy and Plain Furniture, which they will will it per cent. lower than customary rates. Terms, canh only. [deal :y CHARLES BARNETT, lioass SUOER Ave BLACILSILLIII, ham erected a new and commodioue Berk Shop ou CHEERY ALLEY. between Third and Fourth !streets. where he le prepro - nd to do all work in his line %VIII, the utmost promptitude. listing had long ex.porienee in he busirierN he roatev.tfully aolicita the patronage of hu old - gourrally. Dull ==S JAMES ME LLI NliElt, Monongahela Pla ning Mill, would respectfully inform his friends and the the public that hie new ortablishment is now in full opera. non, and that he to prepared to furnish Boat Cabins, and 1111 all orders tor PLANK]) LIIMBIIIt, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Board and Plank, planed on one or both aides, constantly on band. Mash, Doors and Mouldings, of every description, made to order. r,„l._ Builders and Carpenter, would find it to their advan tage to give bins a call, an he can now furnish them with Planed Muff. stumble Mr every deecrlption of work. • VULTON CAR WORKS, FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, r3.8111/1.113131, Onto—The subscriber having moved into hie new Works, recently erected, corner if Water. WDonough and Sheldy streets, is prepared to Cote trr.t for and 08.8,31.1 e all orders for Passenger, Baggage. Post4n.lke, lion. Freight, Platform, Gravel. Hand and all other de,riptlons of CA lie.. Also, for STEAM ENGINES of all 811.3, GEARING, ItA I L EGA') CASTINGS of all deacriptions, and all other work appertaining to a Foundry and Machine Shop. Th. Foremen of the different departments are Pickett& and practical Men—mostly from Eastern notlinfaCtorles— Ns he keep themselves informed and adopt all valuable md ern impro,ellielita. j W. . WETUEILELL TILE HOPE COAL COMPANY having re f cently met with li.tes in transporting coal t.. Calvin tialt, being insured by the Manufacturers' Insurance Coln. pro, ,if Philadelphia. talc. plemnire m stating that their chums were promptly adjusted by J. Newton Jones, Agent of said Dmipany. D. BUSLIN RLL. Agent of Hops Coal Company, Cmcinnati Pittsburgh, December C, RI T Vb LTV REVOLVERS!!—JustEft.S! c,.1v(41. by El.progsn, direct from 44 - ": 4 , the inanufactupors, a splendid twaort• : op meat of Oia,e's tt}:PEATIhI pIETJI C. toir. five and six 1..6 barrel., ail ”r loon we will sell for MAI at as low prices as they can tin bought in the city of lift, York. Pert s pang hi A wilt alba and Cal,farnia will find that they an do better by pin clothing their eluipage at home, than ii,e) A/1 /111/01/ .i.llll/gi,ro -- NA we gist. 1.41 - SoLIN :•• r) ofot the above Undo!. ref., .hatiiiti the city. and ID krAn.. of a failure We refund tlii money fitoWN h TETLEY, 130 Stool Street, Pittsburgh. • (h.DEN a: Cu.. 13,.ttlerK. s allayin! a n: t .1. that they illant . ..notAut:y on 'hand a laTaas saj.i.h. of a A It: , A I'ARILLA. NI I!. k:IIAL WATER, ALE and 11/RYI It. the twai,„ quality 111., attrnti.al fana:aa. t. 14,11 icniarly dirta - ts.l to ti, fa, that tbey l.ntllr A% AI a ALE In rest state. Ph ysaaans r‘ronzawn.: it G tannin.. an account .4 its Cane and strentrannltn: •rt. 311,1 Ali D Allegheny County Normal School. About Jour miles from the City, near the junct:un - - - - - of the Nobles:own and Washington ).1. ttILLG-IPIII .. . ... A. PINE.% t 1 J. RILLESPLE A ill_ Looking Mars Manufaetut. rs. Plank Rottriz. 10 . and dealers iu 1,,t1..,0s i,,aset Plate, 11,10 Maas. Elle It. M. KERR. A.M.. Supertntrodent craelogo, &milts soil Sam) ~....la, N o. 7t, Wood otrt...-1.. l'ltto- 111 LS 11 A K ERR, Principal Senototry but gh. KEY. IL M - PIIKKSON, A. Si. Prof. Language , in, hand and road , to ',ler. Utlt Po, and Mantle Cllasses, IRK understonsd, County Superioteudent, will re-open Mahomsoy, 1t,,. .w.,..1. NValuut and kith Frames, or 51ouid. o s e and Normal School for Tea - Iters. on TUE , ing, of t eery descrlptam. I.AV, the 15th of April 000'. Pupils tit Loth sexes are re - StrAllltAle CAS bit, Rocornted trod (Slit ~,e r ; oetred A limited number of females can board In the family ot Ai . A. S W F 1 L ER,. lounges,l.l'll, 4es,aie Strain. i a . nd i Retai l the . Oi l .: Superl i nteudTat , ,I (i f tli , nll.A s. ) .2 Ar;lllif . 4;1. 1 ano7k obtained itt Housekeepers' Hardware. Tumors' Mucha,* a n d Tools. Tin TEKNIO--11 quarter of 10 v. volts, IN ADVANCE; Piste, Sheet Iron, Wire Rivets, A . .. Ac.. Llet North Second Boarding. batting and Light. 130 00 0 00 street, (oplatelte Buehler's head.) Li AItHISBUKU. ' Tuition. from. _ t.. 5 uo Lo 1 sep2lrallint , Teachers, re those desiring to prepare for toaching. ran ~ • • - - - .1 - ----- as ----- enter the Normal school at au • time, and coconut 10 ~,Ls. J WHIM, I'ENETI 1N 111. IND ISIANUTACTU.- rto the [ ... 105e of Second Quarler. e ant, has recovered i ts health so so to resume he id ' 1.. s tures will be delivered each Term, upon the Art of Lust:wets. and has opened his 111.1 N Li M _AN U FACTO!: V . at , To „. 1 ,„„ g. No 01 , Filth 'trees. near the Post ..ffice, la•tween Wood and i For further Information addresa Smithfield. where he has an NAA.rtml..ni of BLINDS, trimmed „ op ., B. 11. KERR, Pittsburgh with plant and fancy Worsted Hod Sllk Trimmings, 011.110 pret,:ll - 04 to Ill': ally order iii hie ills, on tire most reseamalde , tonna Ills w ..,rk Is Wlttne.tod to ;iv. .UAiliCtloll, Or inoney refunded_ s k sj„.ol,l Moots repaited Please give him a call. AA hot Cale{ I. brat In Wort Mtt:::•1:!:•. .inyTll7 ly. -- - , --, - - '—- - - -- ' F. StIOrE, MEM T :RANT AII.OK, ird B • F .„...,....„, ~.", t., ~,•p..., 1::::1.1t1:,.. ttoinktut for I:20 lert lihrial patronage tirrotodote 1.-d-a rd upon hon. to•gpt I,:tvt. i. ....A a contatu:ot• - • .4 th.• h•tni.:, , t, t..• li•.NI, I. I 'ceps, -1 thso Olen to tot 5110, 1113 i I ,Illi n 1..1 lu. touters with otrntent.t whid: will imfal i r entire ftatist.t. ti,..; II•• /1.1, , :“ a keeps ou Irate) a (loge I ntit,ltist•t•t •I the Lot-,t int 1..1. ot i . I.IFTINtiS. CASsIMEK ES, 11. , ail, , . a.. , h h h.- will to/skew order nu the shortcut notice, npou reasonable tonne. 11 , 4_ A perfort lii alwayn warranted. 100 - lu:If \AT O,,NVE 1, L ' S Fl.' RN ITU R E AND T cii.uits, wholeitalo 1111.1 retail, embracing. t.•ry sine of :ii•ltiturt . . In llosewsod. Itlahogaily and WH111111.1,11. t„'',,- Mr 14.1 en, dlambern. and .;:nrsA r.sons . tnit.ol t•• any p. New York or Philadelphia. and at lower priers Ev..r) 0.:1.101.. Inntir dy lintel, and wit! ran trdli ooLlnet Ntalters st,mdied with tiny quantity of FUR NI TCKE and CHALKS, on rroo •t0d...1e blina note:, and Steaulle.sts fill mshed at the shortest n-di,s, lye- Warerooms. Noe 77 met Ta Thud •ttret. atoo2 PITT9H:IIO 11, PA J. T. GROUTT I M P(MTERS re BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, &c. Dr.?, I.F.RS IN Nine Old Monongahela. Rye Whlsiky, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY ; RECTIFIERS AND DLSTILI , EIRS , 0111NER OF S.NOTHF(ELD AND FRONT STREF.TS. PITTSBURGH , PA. DAVID CAMPBELL & SAMUEL POL LOCK have Foisodated together umber the st)le of I_,OII'IIELL A POLL,GCS., for the trithithetion of a general Variety and Dry Ooads business, and the manufacture of plain and Werth Line Gilt Mouldings. trthl9 yrATCLIES AN9) JEWELRY. — JOHN M. ROBERTS, No. 18 FIFTH street. is mite opening entire .NEW SPASM of Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Anchor, berdno and Vertical WATCHES; 111 open and hunt lug oases., at the most celebrated Engltaß and Swiss menu fe•tur«. Also, Gold Guard Vest and Fob Chan, Keys, Miniature Cates, Bracelets, Geld Pens and Cases, Pen c:ls, Toothpicks, heavy plain oat and Seal Finger Rings. Breastpins, Par-Ring., NIT Pint, Stud., Steele Laps, fluid :old Silver Spectacles. Silver and Plated Sp our, Knives and Parks, Jet, Coral a n d Fancy Goods. Also, a large stoelt of the best BRASS CLOCKS at all prices. The above stock 110.14 tarn pun - based direct from the East. Sru illAnt/fartOrlCS , and set,. 11,1 with great care for the ,0111 *lll be sold at a small adltaCA . uu cost. Patches, Clocks and Jewelry repairtal; Gilding and En graving executed in the brat manner. and Silver Ware and Jewelry Blade to order. JULE': M. ROBERTS, apl7 Fifth Street. next door to Market. DALI'S STOCKING FACTORY. — DALY corner of Market alley pad Fifth street, finds it necessary to contradict a report [hat has waned currency, that h« was Rolling oft to quit boninenn. lle never had such intention. He InforuG the public that he still continues to vu 'lily. STOCKINGS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, And all kind.: of HOSIERY, at his establishment. Ills Fac tory is near Ryan's Ituilding, on FIFTH street—open at all times to the inspection of the public. lie has, besides the work of hie own manufacture, brought to the city the Lirgest aesortment GOCKIA la his line ever broughtto Ohio :sty, which are warranted to be of the best quality. and will be soil at the most reasonable prices. Ile has but une Sales Room, at the corner of Market alley and Fifth C C. t sreet. DALY, mlils Corner Market alley and Fifth et. - KT EIV INTELLIGENCE OFFICE—If you 11 want to have " help," find employment, buy or sell roperty, call at LOWRIE'S INTELLIG.ENCE OFFICE, No. ii Fifth street, near Market street. Legal Documents and Copying done with neatness and despatch. [felflittj JOSEPH W. LOWRIE. VORSHA'S LINIMENT—The best Lini ju ment now in use for sprains, bruises, itc., 12 doz. just received by JOS. FLAMING, ap2s corner Diamond and Market et. PlO METAL-190 tons good quality, cold blaat,jtuit received per steamer Irene, and fur sale by ap29 P. M. DA VIII. corner Wood and Fifth sts. GREASE ---Bay es' celebrated Grease for k jl Drays, Carta, Buggies, itailfond Cars, itc., in cans, kegs and bids., for sale by ta1.2111 II BNB. Y H. COLLINS. CIOAL WOIII S FOR SALE.—Sixty three mires of hind, st ith fifio of Oval attached. and all the he piovements thereon In successful operation. Sold Farm is situated on the Monongahela river, 34 lull. above Pitts burgh, and le supplied with n Farm House, Barn, Tenant Houses, Orchard, Railroad. and an excellent harbor. The of Coal Ic five feet thick, and cannot be surnamed in quality. For farther particulars apply to NICHOLSON A PAYNE, jel2itf No. 785 Liberty street. WALKER'S UNEQUALLED INDEL IBLE TNE.—I have just received a large supply of this celebrated Indelible Ink, with or Withee , the PrePare• doe. it Is offered as the best Ink now in use. In all cases the money will be nibinded where it doesnot pleats*. JOB. YLVIECNO, ap2s corner Diamond alley and Market at " " w• t-vr. 4. , i; 4 • 74: BUSINESS CARDS . . GREATEST ,IMPROVEMENT YET! NE WSC ALE-li. KLEBER k. BRO., have Jut received a small lot of NUNIVS & CLAIMS , PIANOS, provided with their NEW SCALE. This is *: their latest, and undoubtedly the MOST IM PORTANT' InlproTetnent as yet ade to the Piano Forte. The POWER of the Instrument i m s almost DOUBLED thereby; and in point of volume. evenness and brilliancy of tone, they surpass sly-thing as yet produced in the shape of a Piano. They possess all the advantages of the Grand Pianos, with out any of Its disadvantages. We now challenge comparison with the instruments of any other maker in this country, confident that every unbiassed Judge of the article will at once admit their superiority. The public is respectfully In vited to call and examine those superb Instruments. H. KLEMM k BRO., Sole agents for Nunna k 'Marks' Pianos For Western Pennsylvania. No. 53 Fifth street, next door to Masonic Hail. P. S.—Splendid assortment of the above shortly expected for the Spring Trade. apf, NEW SPRING STOCK OP CHICKERING & SONS PIANO FORTES. IImeoJOHN H. MELLOR has Just received seven more of CHICKERING & SONS' PIANO FORTES, and com pleted the Stock, selected for Spring 8610 S, of TIIIRTY•FI VI? new and splendid Inetrumcnts, of every variety and style, manufactured by the Messrs. Chlckerbags, (Bostono from the plaitioPt SIX OCTAVE to the most splendidly finished Seven Octave Square Plano Fortes, - - as well an their superb and inimitable Grand and Parlor Grand Pianos, EVERT PIANO FORTE In this lot In of their NEW SCALE, with their PATENT IRON FRAMES, and PATENT ACTION, did are tot only warranted to the purchaser by the manufacturers, but by the subscriber, to be In all respects as perfect as Luta-tin:tents can be made, both in regard to Material and Workmanship. PRICES INVARIABLY THE SAME aa In Radon, at the Manufactory. JOHN 11. MELLOR, Nu. SI Wood Street, between Diamond alley and Fourth street. Agent for Chlckering A Sons, Boston, for Pittsburgh and Western Penn. mlO2B XTEW SUPPLY OF PIANO FORTES. CLIARLOTTE BLUME has just re ell a further supply of Lialirt, Davis & (24 I" Pianos. with patent suspension bridge 9 V mei composition bow - Inge, and with repeat- ins Grand Action. • As a proof of the supeiiority of these Planes, Is the foi b wing extract of a mport at Ike late a Mechanic's Fair" at Boston, In competition with the celebrated maker, Jon. Cluckering, who was president of the Association The Massarscho.tta Charitable Mechanic's Association o ward this diploma, with a Sur, Medsd., to Bullet. Doris d: Co., for the bent Grand Plano Porte contributed to the Exhi bition of / SISS. JON AS CHICK SKI NO, Pivot." ,Who had also ono ad Ida best Grande on exhibition in competition with Messy.. 11. D. A Co.) The Commutes, (Professor. George J. Webb, H. K. Oliver, John Lange, etc.,) say of the Grand : " In tone, it is power. fol. round, full and well balanced; a caPital instrument, and bed ou exhibition." These Pianos are made with full iron frame, circular scale, eliding deal. etc., and are made to Woad in any climate. In additrun to the above, the subscriber has receiv.,l Pianos from Baumgardteu Hines, hamburg; A. W Ladd h Co., Boston, and other good makers., at price. from $2,.h to ,000. CHARLOTTE BLUME, je-I I 113 Wood st res.t, N. B. illd PiallUS taken In exchange at their full value. Another In, the celebrated liamburgh Pianos is ex Issued in /lever - Al vre4-La. C. B. 1 FOURTH STREET CARPET STORE. W. D. & H. I.IIcCALLUIVI, il/FirB7 FOUSTLI STRKET, NEAIt WOOD.IOII Tax attention of purchasers to respectrully Invited to our present Stock, selected fur SPRINU BALES, including— Cleat quality Velteta. Eugliab and Tapieitry Itrussehi and Tapestry, I grans. Crenills end Stair Brussels, Super. Medium and Low taus said Super. 3 I'ly. Priced ingrains. Best imported Extra Twilled and Damask: Hall and Suor Carpets; Floor Oil Cloths, tram 2 to 24 feet wide. turban qualities and prices; Table (HI Cloths; French Priotod arid Emb,esed Nano and Table Covers; Canton and Comet Mat wig lloarth Raga; Door ]tats; Stair It.otifi; List, Rag nod Lioteh Owners; Venetian Blinds; with every variety of dow Shades, Greco and Bull Holland, ,ke., ie.; all of what, will be offered at atltr at very atodorste ratop 1:4 - We are alse priipared to furnish 11,11113.1:20TON'S k.Aiii•ICI MANSFIELD SEMINARY TIOL - 1"S PATENT lINNI)STANIP.----'rlie subscriber. Agent fur the "FRANKLIN HAND STAMP CIOMPAN T. - of Web., M.., is now prepared to ~fter to t h e public a Stamp which, for all practical purl..., . •uriaises au) of the kind heretofore offered to toe public Fur Ratko:alit, Puhlic Iluunae, Steambats, 1., Profe.ional men 1,1 - stamping their libraay. liruggnits fo r printing their ••••,1 Iftbd, arid all Mercantile men for atamp. ing their entelopea, arid in fa. TrallT 1150 al the commix lot) who wants a Stamp for marking Linen, Clothing, hr . t hi. VI . 111.11 t ito• 0011 i. Tile Stamp IM unlike any other in the market, and In not „pen W oh,mliouereasonahly urged against other arts, ol Ow kind offered to the public, a hick facts are established on esarninatiilll— ! let. It is offered for about one-half the usual cost of other I Rettig inure ample in its construction. it is lrx. 11141/1e b. get teat of oripr :1.1. it Is more compact, easier umerated, and more certain of HIP king PaitTECT IMPaitagiONa The proprietors rely upon the intrinsic merit, the Stamp for its general adoption, feeling , on that it. .•hea(,ness and superiority combined, over all others, will gee it A favorable 11/U - int.:itl. 1 he puhlic are Invited to roll and Nee the opcmtlon and the variety of styles of electrotype dire. up. tern received for any style or pattern. and the dues elm tr,,typed, of the best material M and workmanship. OSES F. EATON, Agent, No 139 First street, Pittsburg' . Pa. N. It —Ail ENT'il WANTED immediately to canvass for the ate m, to in hoot a Ilherel rolaillitiltiol7 will Ise paid. CF.RTIFICATE. hereby certify that MUSES F. EATON, of Pittalinrgli Pic, in the duly appu.nted hole Agent fur the aide of ••11011' Patent 111111,1 Stamp" for the State of Pennsylvania, (e..scept lug the Cit) of Philadelphia,) and also for the Counties 0 ,Aahtahula, Trumbull, Mahoning, Columbiana and Jefferson in the State of Olio. lyl ViKLIN HAND STAMP CUMPANT, 1103 TON, MAPS., Ily their Agent, W. W filo RD. Pittsbur :13 Ma . 12. 1866. myl LOCUST GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY. The Trusters of Locust Grove Episcopal i•ominary gar notice to the friends of the institution, that the Rev. Wittisst 11. CLAS!sw., having been compelled by protracted dl health, to resign hie charge ae Rector of the same, they have been so fortunate a to secure the valuable services of the Rev CI COROZ T. RlDnit, of Now York, for the same posi tiongand who enters at once upon the discharge of his du ties. From the very high and flattering commendations which they have had of Mr. Amex, they have no doubt of his eminent fitness for the work committed to him, and that they believe that under his management the Seminary can not fail to procure a large share of public favor and jiupport. Persons having daughters or wards to educate are partic- Wanly deaired Ito acquaint themselves with the advantages u Inch this institution affords, both as respects its beautiful and salubrius position, two and n halt miles from the city; 1411.1 also the facilities fur the thorough and refined education prevented in its efficient corps of instructors. Circulars may be obtaine4l on application to the Rector, ur either of the Trustees. WILLIAM F. JOHNBTO:4 T,,zopms B. Lnu-^,, nlyO I nrdwl =chi THE CEYLON STRAW HAT—The atten x lion of the public is requeSted to our entirely new style of STRAW HATS, just received from the Importer. combining the many qualities which have been so long wantoil to make the Straw Hat suitable In every way as a Summer Hat. It is the only Straw Hat which the rain or damp weather will not afieet, either in the brim or crown, being so braided as I. prevent the possibility of it in any way. I offer this entirely lieu style, called the CEYLON HAT, believing it to lie the Straw Hat that will give the wearer retire satisfaction. CHARLES 11. PAULSON, 73 Wood st., niy3o neat door from the corner of Fourth. T~T " SA T L HY E A O n L deviling l l ' j es t aNni!.l7,4F, Ot.R 111 . stories, arranged with ball. two parlors, dining room and kitchen, throe chambora good cellar, bath room, he.; a hy drant in the yard, and g ood stable. The lot Mina front of '2O feet on Carrot titroet, Allegheny city, by 100 feet deep to Led lie street- Price $1,400. Tonne—srou in hand, remainder in one and two years. 8. CUTHBERT & SON, ap2B i i Market at. WRIGIIT'S PREMIUM KATIIARION coo l. t he head, and removes all symptoms of Head- eche. Fontana using WRIGHT'S KATHARION Are never liable to sun-stroke. WRIGHT'S PREMIUM KATIIARION Iv the most valuable acquisition to the toilet, retaining the Hair in any required form. For sale by Dr. OEO. 11. KEYSER and IL R. SE LLERS n CO., at 25 aeries par bottle,. gle A LARGE BRICK HOUSE pleasantlysitu atod In Allegheny city, with lot of termite 30 feet trout on hank lane, by 1.50 feet deep to of fool alley. Th o house is well built and finished in modern style; portico in front., 11011, two parlors, dining room, kitchen. 7 chambers, cellar, hydrant, paved and gravel yard, shade and fruit [rocs, shrublkiry, is., all in complete order, for .10 by myB S. CLITLIBRBT A SON, 51 Market it. ENGLISII CA_RPETINGS. - ROBINSON • 6 CO., No. 23 Fifth street, have now passing through the New York Custom House a large Invoice of English Velvets and Tapesptry growls Carpettlng, which we shall receive in a few days, and le pleased to show to any w h o ma y wash the Lest of Imported Goods. WellaTe also now In Stock of Brussels., &Pip Ingrain's Stall' Carpets, Oil Cloths, &a. au assortment unsurpassed in this market, and all at lowest prima • c, 4"..^ , • t r • -; •,-.' t 4,k t - - • Pittsburgh, April 29th, 1896, (itußos. It. Wurrt, Oucat W. Biatxxs, Gm. S. SILIIII‘ • '• • * ••' •'" * • • • , EIZZEII MISCELLANEOUS FURNITUItE! --;_:, C')) Nfij••;''' — `7142.' ,,,,, ..1.: '.....• • ' 1,! , ..' - ,47 . 1 1 j i 11 ji _ .l. "lIIIIIINIIIS I 1 '1 li l f . . 1 : (( 4 r . o . ii-,•-_,=,-- - 1 1 :_.- : . i';.. '-. • 1r.... ^::': 4 . 41 ‘‘ , _ ,:. .„ 5 . 1. ....... .........„, . _r.ittinhehaVAA"."'f r " -n.. 7 . r, h . • --,.. .: • ' . .7. - .=---.—:-- - _= ,7 4.7, -*- ~. .- V. I. t-:. RYAN'S BUILDINGS, 1%0. 31 Fifth Street THE subscriber, having enlarged and titled up In good Mylo hie , ShCIOUS FURNITURE AREROOIIS, LARGE AND VALrADT,2? lADDITDINS To hiA stock, and now invite., his friends and the public to CALL AND EXAMINE Before purcheaing el.ewbere HIP STOCK IS WELL --4 SORTED krnonntiug to about $50,000 Worth, Con!latfng EVE Rl' CLASS 14 ill/OLS RICE!, MEDIUM, wia And embraciug !OHIO 4011 fine ROSEWOOD PARLOR SETTS, Covered with Frenoll OAK CHAMBER SETT:4, And a mat variett New Styles Of Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, Botha, Book Cases, &C., &c. _ . All nf which by offers by retnlh at WHOLESALE: PRICE: In- every article warranted to give sacisfali-ii.•.r th money refunded. H. 11. RYAN. my 39 No 11 Fifth Ft r t. F,DMITNI) WI IA IN S, EAGLE 111AABLE ORKS. fIEADOF 1V001). ON lillltTl' and at rh. C.-In-tore da:r, Iltdwlntrth, 51..numenta, Burial Vaults. bat..:.',-T.•m 11,•. Centre and Piet Tatar Top, Waal 4t.1,11, 111. ii• to 0rdt.r...1 every tornoy. NI ov. 1.1., L. m tery lots, ornamental ot I. .In. no prontinK, at from to 1...6 Fianng lown rn o rag....l pro...drally m I. ty year.. twonty-thr.... ..r 1.111, It ahmh id... 10 a .11111. loot e. I all! ;rob. and froth any work in no . 1,0... d )...13 1 y JAMES A. FETZER, FORWARDING AND C,I)(11SI , IN N FRS '.%:T natl., Grain, Dried Fruit. Lard. lii ter, Bacon, and Pri”luce generally. No. S 9 Water Street. P:TTALI A REPTI: Vruacts U BAtley, g.y, W111.41i1 Dily 4: h. rr. - t Son, Pat...burgh E. A IIU. 11,4,1! A r,..t: . • Croh. 11 k VI fluid:. Lio. 8 II t A Polron ,„ pEKiN TEA S;1() /11'. NO. 38 FLIPTII STREET. .• FRESH TKAS.—A ciwice lot fronh j net rereist,l direct fr. m the s‘, • :• ,A Indesale and rutail, et lover than venal my .1 A 1 . S Fivo Medals and File Diplomas Awarded ARTHUR' Patent Air T,,;1 nott-pealtag tin 01‘1111 MlO flre-proof Yellow War Jars. Henry II tehy the Agent id this city 01 Wooten] Peprotylvatito L. the sale of the above art. Mss, at la+ China an. I.lpeausware able. No I'4 Wood at.. Pittaburgh. Pr inhere is ItiSo kert flu and greon alms jars at too, pro:, with larg And coil,ty fitted hr et: ' a. i other hints sortaneut Clow, out-, a Opts of plinth, taint hen, ha el to.• , all at iii,lerate lit,. ,- 1-2.1:310 V A 1.. "RANK VAN °ORDER lIA El. to No. To MARKET street. manly oppiott” t. . A o opt, and ie 111.% propareil tr. supply los ci,..t• it', .1, puhlit• generally anythtng they tieed it, :it , Trooping,Pintlirlres, Ribbon, oi Fancy guttered tk,r- Kvtarrnl,nr tin. Co., 75 Morh.r.l it , • DlVlDEND.—eitizeub' rn,udeut and litre. Pt% oi L''"- tia e this day Pieclntent semi Ito moil h per share, upon the Carotid Mogli. Fine ti le to the Stookholdors or til.'ir our dollar credited to their stork nn or;., aft,:tho I,i J , 1111• 17 111,1 ise OLD TYPE METAL. WE HAVE FOR SALE, at the °thee the MORNINO PoST, x largc ipwiiiiity of 1)1.1 , TYPE. )4a.chinixte awl othera watitnig h ( . 4 LI Vt a large opipplyby tail,, nom. I"l t 1 LI TATE FAIR —The undersigne4 appointed to 501i5 . 11. holding of the state Fair at liattibutyli. .lAroa ounssEa., of the, coaeoeteo, to , COM, Mr tiLOSSY.R will all on sot, ynotit mouth X Ihil.Mr.s. .11)115 WILLIAM Al .11C , .It lIIASSEIi Jvl:i VEW BOOKS.—Just recoil I hardly necessary to repeat anain I. the 1 l ; toer are sold from TEN TO TWENTN . PER CENT I. ill ER than elsewhere. Tour of Madame Rachel in Ow United Sutter—pi i T Sparroivgrass Papers-90 cents. Comic Miseries of Human Life-7 0 e The States and Territories of the Groat 11,4; -(.1 The Bunaby Papers; by Brougham—" , •, Tangletown Let t ers—sl,l2. Salad for the Social—s.ll2. • Pi,W.n Tales; by Melt Vagabond Life in Mexico-ou, Scalp Hunters; by Capt. Mayne Reid $1,12 White Chief; " " 51.12. Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour: by Frank Forester_ 5.; Brother Jonathan fur 4th Jule --11 Pictorial Clipper-6c. Vat tee Nnthorni--dc. Harper's Magazine for July. (third , upio Peterson's Magazine for July. (second supply I' Until/m . 5 Magazine for July, k,eCont.l Oudey's LadY's Book fur July-20c. Leslie's N. V. Jonrnal-ISc. Bailout Magazine- 10 c2 Remember, the place to get Magazines pi at LAUFFER'S BOOK:- DAN r. N.. 77 je2B AGREAT BARGAIN !—For sale. a eo; fortable Brick DWELLING No. 09 I mat with two Lots of aroand, each 20 feet faint to House Is large and conventeut4 a good cellar. with rem. , t. I door; a ball, two parlors, dining-, mt. ati4 kit. Itt.t. t,ll or story; with wash-house and large pantry store room and bath room on the ser,•ll,l ,tory. V.,. rooms on third story. Fire-proof slate Lon nxtor,. pipes on first and second story. Large 1 aid, Ire., grape sines, ie. The Improvements al ar e r 1;1 1. than the price asked for the whole property. tan - fourth in hand: remainder at 6 , 11,t0.. 11, S. Je2n Real Estate Agents. 51 NIAr BACON -2 casks for sale I.v 172 4 i lIISRY 11. C 'LLINi I . 2 BOXES ORANGES ti 1 arrive :old f.,r •--' sale by KEYMER .1, ANDER?' /N. 13'17 N0.:19 Wood -trees 2(1 BOXES LEMONS to arrive this des and ~ ."for sale by RHYMER S ANDERSt I s: Iyl7 -, N. :311 W.•,..1 ,bee t. YOUNG HYSON TEA-10 chests finest King Chop Young Hymn Tea, at 75e. awl $1 R._. re ceived by F. R. DRA "Oi W. myth Sil Market and 1 Diamond. FLOWER VASES-20 pair Terra Cotta 1 rim. for sale by (Jyl2) ILKNKY 11. COLLINS. FedraIFIFTHSTREET PROPERTY—A Lot ,A Ground on Fifth street, opposite the Cathl. on which le ere ted a neat Two Story Brick Buildinl. suitable for offices. Apply to [ jer2B . ll BLAKELY at - RICHEY. Wl-141_,AT-5660bashels of prime Wheat wanted by SPRINGER 14 A RBA UGH, 'NS Liberty ntreeL LAMP -BLACK-50 bbls. just receive. an for solo bs [Je2ll FIZIELNO BILOS. • • 4 t , ;?..4.lr< PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL AIDA' ICE. THEV EN EIHAN HOSPI. I,r Syphllaa. S eminal % so.l ilea I ntl: uuti e IV •,..h ou.l Ifivorite Dr. A?h r? s Sus, Err raw. New York—Office, corner Nls., And 00. - ty lursets, , up surrey A MOST :SUIENTItIC INTF.NTIoN. Au red ru hL wr the cure general Debility. Impotence, I sect mstice, or turnul Ends's.+. Th. instrument Ilan twt•ti trttett with the most happy offers In the praet le, of the most eminent physicians and surgeons di One British empire. France and (lemony. In Iced, so re markable were the cures, that the late "Sia aSIII.r 0" hailed it as the list !anger of Life." The use of this will fully sustain the enomniuni. Ytii„"N l l :1,.; EN TAN DAPTICI-I,Alt NOTICE. Dr. AN, is A SON are the .itilv l'hyticiOns in the Stab ho t nit mem ate ber%the it, yai t'olleire Sur,roons, London, of the most 0•.:i nt Colleges in the I.ln.ted Stat..,, take pleasnre attootoolog that they have in, entail 11 0 ”,! mita •rhint merit fir the cure of the above disc q,a. It has been qul.jsetisl vin test by the most eminent phi ,iciana in London. Paris. I.ldlad , lphia and New York: it his been dnelared is. be the only usetnl instrument ever , et discovered for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any .1 the anuital organs : arising from the solitary L.,tdn of 1+,1.f-indulgent , which d-stray troth body and mind, unfitting :can ^lf her tor marriairs or society. Dr ANTIS A SON. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as b• the merits of their mon untent, pledge themselves that in any ire Mal, Whet.. they inlay prove unsatisfactory after a fair via'.. It, .011,y will Is ,Inutb d by returning the Instru ment m g. s -1,1 t rier. Peer t inwashing the ne.,ve useftil instrtrment will observe that the poss.. with the accompanying directions. securely pen kit and ~.11t by I.l.prPlia, is lea oolisrs. NEW EEMEDY AND QUICK curs.s For the 1 en. rial Dbastses, mid all private complaints. ,legit s, gt Lactlir.s. Waal:Dal weakness. pains in the affec t.ong of the kidneys. delease4 of the head. throat, nose and skin. and all those thalictul afflictions arising from a secret habit of you:h. which produce constitutional debility, ren d ' 111 . 1 .1411' and to the end destroys truth body 1 and mltal A TITRE TT ARRANTED. Pr. A'l. A' A n , .0 ay. , I voted their attention exclu ,,,) r. 1. malad.en• and the relief they ./0.• ~••• nlly bet ti ,tialiled to render to th,ar fellow r . ~.y t,ottne.l :oat utcehtilt u k knoaledged I.y • - LOW PRICED ant patictitA and I.ther , daily artiritor in Irom at! part- of the country. I .r t h sprees purpo.a. only while their exertion. have Men crowned ..,111 tee moat aumel atlimittaxem; }et from what the) have it umiluir Into U..' ,autee rd thorn. iiefectiut.. . (Join /1101111 e otottlitiou to that of the dangor... inveterate:l, list have always ri:iier• 1 ,,,, 0,t01ttv of tic, prevent , . and renuival. nod !Mew, - 111 Val lably 11.tia.1 that the rimrt horrible nod toulhr• 1,11, • , 1 t• alu ay, be traced to "Ise ! the ,alll,ll - I,4noraute. no;lect. ill el , 1.. 1. , • uttrik.lll:l :tiel improper irrvitmcol ; thcrefore A ri.lN have rli..eorerirlit. in Iltertete• ot Me, r••merltett, a kale, effectual awl cautions rourae ; ii.i.tniur ail .1-mhtuataiu of 1t.111 , /.1 , which hear all e.juie el . ha, nit, sr. aa premature or el ph. att.ti IMO t ne I,,, ,, lLlCtine of had cutmeelumict , . ban In short. the Itxu.litt.l , I of the limo of a grand mass of ill: ~. It. tte .lief ete/ prevention ,• • t, all!, all. !:::,I /It reality the ana;ret ! ~...,. t 1121, .•! I ne. rr tine exterrnivation ill.. 1 \ll .,, ,llTliiN. I,r AOl h ee.. 1. ra 1.4, -ere.. of been en to n ~cr:).1,1- the treatment of the...telt nt•-; aro tie old) quatilied 1113'61.311 A : ..,1/1 ,11.,1 tql” u 2 ti, , h), 0 , ! • /I :It •,1 , L I. I 11 , • , •. tL ‘ , L1,,11 ; r t ntlentr , t, to those oleo 00. ell, I•t m • r 1.1 T.. ',vele of 0 ty free. -sic . • .1.1',11(11,,,rI ,•I ill, they have lavin amply r. 1 I 1:1 attended tn-tr Nt to: h are • gcnerall, et -tact tt • ~ •reitre ,111.1 virtu... of Ow,: patent tr o , trett.e.. bare t ,•-• I, kat,- I.e. it itolare.l I'A ,11:vrs A 1.:K.111 , I.r. A .V hero nunle whet , ' .. I ,_-..., L-Lawiii are! denpat• 1111, • ill: .1 Iho v , ..11 I .\.l;i - Dr. .‘ \I.,- .., S'.N. —4'1,1 of Maat ILIA Q‘ - -- --- . '.Z FOR ".•1 -- .; li , ±. , Jl . ..:11:en::r Y::una ily:-. • • :. , : : :::,. D..; a. At Y lALA V. 5,.. .7 No 1 1..1,n ! ' C A • •• • I'l LE :',(.) A P-- ;61 1,,,ye... in ,tore anti I 11.ENIIMi Bl'a 1- Q .1N I) PA PER - : I :: / roanis , :n han,l and ..,:: :., I. LEMING HR. , _ .:il. NI v. , [ \ E ' , LA ~...„1. Ei1_._.1.5:::: car,?_ ...••: ~:.: t . , _-: i1.... - \:: \*.. R.:.:: 11 \ 1:• , ' PAIN 1•11,1:[•:R—.5 gr::::: , ,lust t k / .• : A::: f r •.,1 ' . . 2'7, FLEMING Mid _ _ _ I ti \‘'''., BR' ' \‘' \ \ V IN l'S , Oli •S4).A.P-4 .. I_4 ,71.....: •.. I, t• ! ..I. I i r ..a..• hy C r" ' ' ‘••- \ I 1 '` - ''"l'' fro-II C: t k f1.:\.1-IL.F. itZ-E way LI (II kil ,10,•ril)ed nit It m . tal, :ill, TI It .MAS IHIDS% ll= -4 'c F.Y>iF.ll .k NDERiA)N. • , str,t rI,IIE, TVA :t•i.”;,.. I .r VINE TEAri ; Awl I:a,z 4I•Li . . 11,1,: 01,11 co. %la. I; and 1 Inanndal t E.lSl' l'( )1V II.I'IINI I SI FAIT lIIRIVER'n" TO LET. A was 11-tt, t• the 1-1 • t It, 1.-kt r •te ! 111. AK RICHEY, . ~•r nuei :;zn[t NNT E iITE It 1 -• ( IL LE .11i)I . T 1•OL1 Wasltiotr.E., ..t. %OA .tti• tttl•l mil ••thittl I•tts t „. 0 1 i , t, 1,,,,t,,t1 1••:t.t:,114 I rt 11, t Awl it ill I It, 7.• I A.t (1\; F: 111 NI)1.11.:1) I)()LLARS A YEAK. - -01••,1 I r 4,.. Vll'olll/1 CZ I ilTt 1,1 1,111 by lob dray. •.1 an 1 r r'aLr 4a plea:lr.:l a 1. t: knit••••", 11. 1 - 111 1 FRT I -4,N, I ` , 1..1,1 ett fre,'h rt-0,•iv,1 and b r Ttr.);r 11. NI) )101..1*•ES . 1 t 1 I,t .! tl: \ On hand \ I : Itt'li ET:3ON, I-d I I j o rst.: Ti'.\ \ 00 •.' ;Pr.•....3-1.•r..0. d ~.m it %I-1y Eoydr. , lIlf• 0,1 '2:: 1 5[;,.., • 1.81 11 FI;rIT - ' , -- nr. bottk, • • • !. I; M Er. A • Dt.ll:-.oN. •.• 39 11 ••• opiAmaci,t- Chitrie, 11. 4,1 Double Dank Melodeons H - • K I; ER BRO. have ju=t received %Eh Ala 'NI: '11.:L11 , :i ILO 0:11. I N S Ne.lllltn. \lop 10.1 Nri EI.ODE(rN %, .I', ••1 , g Tl.i.: gur , orl, At •,, 1.. 1•41 , • , ttpi tor. ttu,, , , .0••1 u r ~ • • ,1;• t:1, .1. • r, 11,r •• I ~,•1 th , NI• • •,•• Al , I lip. • I 14 other , I.'llo. Fifth ) 1;1, ( I RAN ;Es -- Just recalled alai ::r `1 Fats NNE/FILSON, No. f I.\ !• s• -1:‘, • I • Nt•V., 1,111111 ..Ly 1 .t , r.• a•pl tr: I.r !"()1.! , -1‘ e 11.1\e jiNt rec'd ate , the risln tbte Tur , J T,u, 11 ILterrd k an 1 ..)1 ., 1 quit. do A I, oller at A. A. CO. No.l Dry Sall Ilerrtng; .20 hi. 1.1,'5. No. 1 Jug r, and for nide by MILLER 0 ItIliETSnrN, j.% *2.21 aud Lawny at. _._ • 'IN:H. RANCE ' I.NSTItANCEI !—Appliea tin.. for ::saner fur serfera: ~, • 00.1 :Arable lusuraher. L. , .turamet. :rev:l,d by GEO. W. RUNE. at his Real Einar. AzetiQ and In telligehee :Alice, or: the 11.)rth Pith - , f 0/110 .ti . m . t. innrill door I•Ets. of the Diamond, A.I.LECrCIENI CITY .... je7 COF F E E.-150 bags prime .6:)- Coffee : 65 do. ' extra do do. 40 do. Odiaorr.39Fa do. . lo ',tore and 11 .r sale by 31111£11 Sr. RI.CitMVON, je-13 No. 221 and T 23 Liberty street. .. . • ral '~+ "„'~,_"'-y4xA.a3i:tiJ:b'f. MISCELLANEOUS IVRS. ALLEN'S RALE. RESTORER, or Zylobalsamum.—This preparation, which hari never Irevn known to fall in my case when used accenting 'to the directions, restores the hair to its original strength and color. It is not a dye, and one bottle is inafficleut, If applied properly. For sale only by JOS. FLEEING; Je2t3 Corner Market at. mettle Diamond. SDA ASH, of a good and uniform quidity, manufactured by the a. Salt Manufacturing Company, at Terre tuna. On hand and for sale by Fuc • • irme BIIOS. jy2.l FOR SALE—SEVEN ACRES OF LAND' on which is a Frame House, Frame Stable, never•fidi. lug springs; best of grafted fruit, grape vines and variety of shrubbery. One and three quarter Acres of Land, on which is a Brick House, with four rooms and good cellar; and a Frame Shop. Also, a Town Lot, on which is a Brick House with four rooms, finished garret and good cellar—all aittlated in Sewick. leyrille, and will be sold low if applied for soon, or Would be traded for a small farm handy to come of our r ailroads or riven. Pon SALE—Three good Farms, well improved within twenty-five miles of the city. Apply to G. W. BUNN, at his Real Estate Agency and In. relligeoce Office, north side of Ohio street, fourth door east of Diamond, Allegheny City. jyl6 - R -- .. .. OOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS---10 max in store and for sale by b. 12 FLEMING BROS. L B ACON -3000 pounds Hama, Sides, and 9' Shoulderg, for Kale by Jy22 HENRY H. COLLINS. ("MEESE-100 boxes this day received by jy22 HENRY H. courNs. hhds for sale by AJ 1Y22 HENRY H. COLLIN& T 131 E--100 barrels for sale by jy22 HENB.Y R. COLLINS FISH—MackereI, White Fish, Trout, Sal mon, .2c., for sale by jy22 HIENHY H. COLLIEW O RANGES -40 Iroxeitirsdti — yreccfand eive V for sale by ARYMER & dI.4DEBSON, , JY22 N0..39 Wood atreot.. JUNIPER BERRIES-1000 lbs. just xe co. eti and for sale by [ jy7l FLEMING BROS. BLOOMS. -100 tone Lake Champlain for sale by Lle-1111 JNO. IdO6RREAD D AISINS-100 half bas., " Clemen brand," joint received and for sale by REYWER & ANDERSON, jyl4 No. 39 Wood street. • Nl\ WARD PROPERTY.—We have f, sale a Lot of Ground on Smallnuin street, 80 feet ;tont by 154 feet deep to Mulberry alley; on which le two Two Story Brick Houses, each containing four room, kitchen rod cellar, In the neighborhood of the hydrant, water and gas. This le a very desirable property. beautifully located, unilnandlng a delightful view of the river, scenery on the opposite ride, etc., and will be sold at a sacrifice. Apply to e2S BLAKELY .It. RICHEY . HARPER'S Magazine for August. PRICE 15 CENTS. • • IL MINER CO., No. 32 Smithfield et. Fvr aide by Js =3 , ~ 11 xi - AGAZINES FOR AUGUST, 15 CENTS. ' 1 11_1_ Harper's for August--15 cents. o• ' I.. Any's Lady's Book-15 cents. 1- I Peuirson's sfagazine-15 cents. Grahams Magazine—lb cents t, Bs.llon's itimplzine-10 cents. ii- 1 Yankee Notions-12 cents. Harper's Story Book-25 cents. "'• ' t %amber's Journal for July-25 cents. Robert Graham—Sequel and continuaticfn of Linda. tale and Public Services of James Buchanan—by R. 0 !Lorton. For sale by W. A. CiILDENFRNNEY A 011, •1y ' .21 Fifth at, opposite the Theatre. Q EMI-ANNUAL SALE -A. A. MASON & 1,.) co. have just received per express, another lot of flue French Brilllantes et 18 1 1ic., usually sold for 31c. Also three more clues of those deeirable4-4 Preach and Eng. 11,11 Prints at 12c., worth 16 and 2&c. 1Y23• HA It! ER, fur August, has been receive by SA.7Ot EL LAUFF - F.R,Fourth street, and is se ”, pid Iy. Buy one--price 20 cents. .13M COLT HAS LEFT HIS BRIDAL GIFT.- One of the lest things done by Col. Colt previous to 4..lting married, was to have his IMPROVED PISTOL fln l.ed sod brought into market. It ixissesses many advan ta4-s over the old patent. We now have on band a supply ..1 thee really tasteful weapons, and would be pleased to h • w them to nor friends. tinlnn. Pistols, Rifles, Revolvers, Ammunition, kr, BOWN A TPTLEY, No. 13S Wood street. WINDOW G L ASS -150 boxes Bxlo Glass; 10xI4 " 10112 " to store allti fur sale by 7 MILLES A lIICKETSON jiLE)II I.VtOWN'S ESSENCE JAMAICA GIN U ER-2.4 dozen of thin valuable Medicine recei lN ved JOS. FLEMG, Corner Diamond and Market at. ACIiEREL -2:, I,ble. No. 3, catch of 18.50; " No. 1; 10 half bbla. No. 1; lo Illtta No. 1. Just recoirod and for sale by 9 1311TTEI, 3IAIR k 11131iTEEI MEM lhAl, .1N st”n•iu F R. 1,1(.4.1',), 5n IN lIAND, balance in one, two and V- 1 three years, will boy a good BUILDLNO LOT o *2l feet front by 130 deep, situated near the Pater Depot, Al iegheny Gay—prize $1.15. This Property le well worth et tool i. ,t) . C. CUTHBERT & 80E, le7B Real Estate Agents, 51 Market It. M A u G A Z N .rp* i sl S Ftraz. 0 tit ur J JU I LY— yr (lucky s • Graham's " Bed loo's •• •• Peterson's " I lluatrated Loudon News. Thr struggle for Life,- or Claude and the Skeleton I orromum. B. T. C. SIORGA.N, I a . ..hi 41 Fifth street. MC A E REL--New Ne. 3 large-for Azle by 1312 lI&NRY 11. COLLINS LINSEED 01L--1000 gallons Linseed Oil for sale by BCllOONMAtaft, 24 Wood street. k UGUST MAGAZINES- Harper's Magazine; Graham's Radon's Peterson's Godey's Lady's Book. .uQchus yuu may want in the tray of Books or Maga , 1.,. ,ona , w the UNIFORM CHEAP CASH BOOKSTORE. j e2l LAUFFER'S, No. 7 Fourth lit 12= F L ES, l; NS, PISTOLS, Gun -Furni ture and Accoutrements, always on baud. GOWN k TETLEY, 136 Wood et-, 030 Sign of the Golden Gun. 1)OZ. FRESH ST RAW BERRIES, in quart / boats.; 5 do. do. do., In cane, jaet received and for sale REYMEIL 3.19 No. 39 Wood et., oppoette St CharletillateL • ACON-2000 lbs. Sides and ShOulde jj car sale by [jel.l] HENRY L COLLIN& . - ,TiI'ARCII-100 bx.s. ochester Pearl St-re for ski° by Debi] TEENSY EL COLLINS. PIRITS TURPENTINE-20 barrels fo 10 gale by [my22l J. 501100:011LEKIL IS lIING TACKLE.—If you intend goini to themountain streams to pace the hot weather cal, 10. Wore lesring,und examine our stock of Fishing Tackle. Itfull.and complete. BOW TETLEY, j e:10 lB 6 Wood street- -14 E Hal NU-100 boxes No. I just received nu 4 fur .4.1 e by REIKER 3 ANDERSON, N.. 39 Wood street. FINEST" FIFTY CENT YOUNG HYSO TEA LN TILE CITY can be had at vIS PEA VOT, 82 Market it. CHAMPAGNE AND CLARET WINES. 15 bitek's" lieldseick's" qts. and pts.Champagne Wine. baskets "172" rite. and pta. Champagne Wine, from vineyard of Rancho SL & Drouet. 15 baskets "174" qta. and pia. Champagne Wine, from vineyards of Douche ills & Dronet. 10 eases Batson 8 Guestier "1348" St. Julien Claret Wine. a) do. Baron & Guestier" Bt. Julien Claret Wine. 2: do. St. Julien 3ledoc Claret Wine. Just received and for sale by MILLER & RICKETSON, Noe. 221 and 22:1Liberty etreot. Fit _ OR SALE A very desirable Country Residence, containing 63 Acres,. beantiftdlyaituated en t tie Ohio Hirer, awl adjoining the town ef liesTer—erell kn. preyed, with a good Cottage Howe and other huildings— fo.-ost shrubbery, hr. moues woov4 75 'Fourth street. reimin oak! doll ATE.S. S. A. ALLEN'S'WORLD'S - HAIR _L ItESTOR.ER.—An unfailing monitor and . prOnervot „t tae hair and eight. Isis not a.dye I The hair and 'MD kr., however gray, are restored to and preserved In - their original life color 1 lly Its use, wino. spectacles, and gray hors, will soon become eztinct. The Restorer iuird'with the 1) lohal.unum, not only cleanses the heir, but inclines d c,. cwl. giving it nut, glosay and natural appearance. , 11, litorer will strengthen and preserve -thee igkt,.and rlnovo and prevent dizziness, headache, scurf, dandruff, anyeruption of the akin, and all unnatural perspirahocoi of the head. It is anertain cure for catarrh iv Ow head. hy .10S. FLYMlNG; . Drtiggist, a old oar. of the Diamond and Market at. ILL AND CROSS-COT SAWS . ; Gam" and Corn Scythe; Anvils. Bellows and Vicar,' Pump Chain and Fixtures; Hay and Manure Parks. Together with 4 large and ostensive aaeortment of Iltriturare,luet received bad far low, at No. 83 Wood street, between Diamond allay and Fourth strost, Pittsburgh- FAILNAIMPM. sp29_ TTSiFURL TELE GLORIOUS ,8.,01N.ER , - IL.I 1A Patriotic Song; words by E. .1. Allen. 'Written OD Ors occasion of a presentation of a stand of colors, by the Duquesne Greys, to the Chicago Light Guard. Musk coin• auJ mspectfully dedicated tole-apt- Joins Wyman,by Fleury Eicher. Prlco 2h Ceuta. The above Jost published and for sale bjr 11. FLUKE= F. RO., • 1 tio,b3 Fifth Street. ATONE Y can be had for, the notes. of City Cl business men, haring from four to sivoiontlielorem Enquire of V0 31 ".4 V.V.l#4 Jr 4 Commercialoker; iIS NT A,ND B, LINBABNY,*-20,gress 0f.,A1 1 ; 174 ..lea's c , l btu' *Filar ig*tqa, FFLOURSULP 'a • 7500 on h ut and for sale by byll FLEMING BROS. . „ -,1 - •-t -- 4 = , .... 44 - &-t - i, ' '', .. 1 - ' ..--, • • ... 4 $' 4 ..--14 , 74,"' #.... 4 1,,1 e 5,..eft,,iii -- ''''' ' ..*.'" -' 4,-. "-t.' , - - . I ;' , '' ' '‘VW .... —'-a - , 0-.....+4,4 . „....- - - 1,,,-...,.;-_ , ~.:,..0 ~.....,,- 2- ---;. 4.4 1 1 , ~....z . ,-,-4, . ...,, , ,..t.,,,..: ~•„ : . .. 3 , ,• ; •, : p•-••‘4 , ,z... , v t• ~.• ~,,,.4., s ,r_ 4, . 1 . ...•,......•:„--- .4 , - 4-- - ?r,,..4,2 , .. , , 1... .s 4 . , 4 ' ^ WM= 11111 +s' WEDNESDAY MORNTI The ,North Pennsylvania: 101., massacre, VERDICT OP THE Montgomery County, inquisition in dented and taken at Fort Washington,- in the township of Whitemarsh, in the county of Mont gomery, on the 25th day-of July, before Daniel Jacobus, Esq., continer;2 o e,,th, county aforesaid, upon the view of the-bodice:4A Edward Flannigan, Patrick Flannigan, dialliarit Dugan, Bernard Greene, Cornelius Coixely, and the bodies of twenty-nine other pertio*to the ; inquest unknown, there lying dead, upon the oaths and„.affirteatione of Angnstas G. Feather, Francis Kenderdine, Daniel Hillier, J. C. Swit- •••- zeci John. Erwin, George H.. pie;co" Charles Donat, Daniel' Stoat, Jiffinlr: Honk; JOU' Sha ne!, William Katz and Charles gent, i2-gtoft litiffut men of the countyaforeeeid being-sworn reaffirmed, and charged tolniiiiiitriii - the part of the Commonwealth, - when, twhertOtOw-and after what manner the said persons lying dead as aforesaid, came to. their death,-.(theasid in quest having been first empenneled.onthe 17th day of July, A: - D. ' 1856, and-having continued their investigation from day to day.by adjourn ments on the 18th, 190, 21st and said 26th day of -Julylinst4) do say upon their oatheand affir mations aforesaid, that the said. Edward Flanni gan, Patrick Dagen,. Ber- , nerd Green Cornelius Cokely, and the tWienty nine other personal°• them unknown, as afore said, all came to their deaths from theleffects of a collision of two trains of , carwrunning upon the North .Pennsylvania Railroad, whichiaccur red near Camp Hill Station, in , -Montgoinery county aforesaid, on Thursday, the-17th inst., et about eighteen minutes past & o'clock:A:4M One of the trains which thus cause into colli sion, was , a special excursion train, consisting of ten passenger oars, and one freight car, attached to a single locomotive. By previous arrangement, this train was to start frtim Master street, in the city of Philadelphia, al 5 o'clock on the morning of the 17th inst., and was to reach Fort Wash ington Station at 6 o'clock A. M. The passen gers consisted chiefly of children belonging to the Sabbath School attached to St. 'Michael's Church, in the city of Philadelphia, and their teachers, relatives and friends, numbering alto gether about seven hundred persons. The train was uhder the charge of'Mti Alfred F. Hoppel a regular conductor upon the road. The cars did not leave Master street precisely at the time fix ed for starting, but were detained abont nipe minutes after 5 o'clock, When the'train prOceeded on its way. A. F. Hoppel, the conductor; had written instructions for running the train in his possession, which had been furnished to him by the proper officer, and by which it was provi ded that if the excursion train got more than 16 minutes behind, it was to be kept out of the way of all regular trains. The excursion train, in the course of its route, encountered soumdiffi culties, and, from causes not important here to detail, it was so delayed that upon its arrival at Edge Hilt Station, two and three-quarter`niiles distant fromfarAViaabington, it was-more than fifteen mintlteslehind time; neder these circum stances, the instructions furnished to the conduc thr required him to wait for the regular town train, which was due at Edge Hill at' 27 minutes after 6 o'clock, A. M. There is a sideling at Edgi 1101, but none be tween that station and Fort Washington, and al though the sideling was at that time partly oo- - cupied by cars standing upon it, yet the-trains might have passed at that point without any practical difficulty. Bat the coaductor , of. the excursion train, instead of waiting the.re,;pro ceeded onwards with increased speed. be fore reaching Camp Hill station, thretzfortilfts of a mile from Fort Washington, there is a- short curve, around which the excursion train waarun at great speed, without any suitable precautions being taken to avoid a collision, although the time had elapsed for the down train to leave Fort Washington, and it was actually on its way at the time, in accordance with the regulations • and time table of the road. About 400 or 600 yards above the curve above mentiened there is another curve in the rood, and between these two curves, and nearest the lower one the colli sion took plaoe. At the moment of collision the regular train had nearly stopped, whilethe ex cursion train was still moving at the rate of about 26 or 30 miles an hour. As respects the responsibility to be attached to individuals connected with the disaster, we find as f011oivs: First, We deem it due to the memory of Wm. Vanstavoren, the conductor of the dowtt`train, since deceased, to state that he was Tanning his train at:the time of the collision, in accordance with the regulations of the road. . , Second, We find that Wm. L. Lee, the engineer of the down train, is free from all Writhe, and did all in his power to avert the catastrophe after the first, warning of the, Impending danger. Third, We find that the immediate cause of the collision was the gross carelessness of Al fred- F: Hoppel, the conduotor of the excursion train, in running his train contrary to the instrno tions,.after it. had-got so far behind time, as to render it his duty to keep the track clear for the regular down train. Fourth,' We find that if the regulations of the Railroad Company had been obeyed, the collision would not have happened. In witness whereof, the said Corener, as well as the Jurors, have to this inquisition set their hands and seals, on the day and the year, and at the place first before mentioned. A list is published in the Philadelphia papers of the names of , the 'victims, their ages and where born. The total number Is sixty-seven, of whom twenty-nine were born iu Philadelphia, twenty-six in Ireland,' and twelve Whose 'place of birth is not known. Their ages rangedltom d th e i r rhm tw n en t ty o . fifty-fore—a large majority being an _ IMPOSTS OF COTTON GOODS.--TitgesTs. An Fay Ft. Co., in their Manchester (Brig.) Olit'3alar of the Ist of July, writes as follosis: We have herewith the pleasure of layingbefore our friends our usual, half-yearly statement of the imports of the textile fabrics, and are glad N- to say that our tables show an increase the total exports of cotton fabrics, compared with the same period of last yegr , as follOwer Total increase in yarns 11,000,0001b5. weight. plain printed and dyed4B,ooo,ol)Vjards. TO show the importance of. our tradOrith4he United States of America in' a pyieldcZtinti'iker, is at the present juncture of affaire,*org tlian a matter of curiosity. We are able to State that there has been an inoreasedtrade carried= with our brethren on the other side of the Atlantic compared with the six months of 1856, in almost every article of textile fabrics. We givelkifol lowing details, which the accounts noW nutdenut by the board of trade do not show, the.total ex ports only being stated: Increase .in ,the.akure period to the United States of Anteriaa—contort roods-29,500,000 yards plain calicoes;- 830,- 000 yards printed and dyed calicoea, lft,looooo yards linens. Increase in the above , paet'ed 3 to the United States of America, woolen aud.wOrist ed goods, in value, £530,000. A PRBTIRENT Ittwurnr.—A correspondent of the New York Journal of Commerce; Atlnt2linglu the testimony in the North Pennsylvania refit- . road accident, which speaks of the passengers running to the neighboring farm houses for axes to enable them to liberate those who:•itteie roasting, asks why...should not railpads supply their cars with tools indispensable. in ,esee. of accidents—why have to rush to the, nearest hone for such tools ° If it be needful for a lire engtiie to carry axes for their immediate -use, AiltY - not the more needful on ears? .This This is a pertinent inquiry.—Every train of care should carry ititk it the implements. which, are ; fottrikto...toe ; roost 3ervicable when an an accident occurs,-jack screws, saws, axes and troWbere--tiot 'One of each for a train, but =a supply, and placed'in each ear, ao that „they . could .be easily reached when their use renders it necessary. . . FILUMUNT'i Bl6HAPHT.—imilliottaire without dollar a' statesman without a speech—a lees lat9r.alMOst without a vote--a military chieftain S.APS a.pattde. 740‘c. ,ron!*. for PQ19120.--ETe mont,—the *ntleman Ihq is ueye4,4, 4 the iighL ' ' ' LEMONS— 50 boxes to arrive4aad-Sif iotle bp REIMER ANDERSON, '712 140. 39 Wood strort. Man 1111 M . . . ... . . . . .. •4' , i'•,; , :.;.i.:`:',-..•4'...',''''''','., .• - i' :... : - f-e,.:• - :.'' - • ,-'•••:--- IMS2 ~,~ .4.1.7.!•.. ,. .N:: ,. '..':-:::;:.i.:7,.::: ., :.:: - .7 , . - : ~.. -,- r.:,r'':_'...'..1;,-,,,:1:-••.;