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A - 20...0.;,..v.4„ : ~- 'v fx •= l it --,- t-c .."-:.• P i,t4',' .-.! •I` • 'TT • it- ~ ;•r; 4 ~ _~~. rs'. ; . 1-Prinalind esaWag,'(&iocuoi Arrdwas,o ior, , lsoarafaancity , _ to certasentiatiMites Adtisi-os wooD AND r,rra stairs. TERWe• — . TnYeenollz . zz'„ paYableettrictly ha aitvanCe. Sit Whin incai(ahly uot paid 'within the year. 4611"34gePhe0.Two Cc:rya—for We at tie counter in tinClllifONand brthellows Boy. • GrPOW tiklldfirtid troth the - nine office, oa a large blanket etre •',llh3ettint:V*olXFLAMS a year, inadyance. Einghz copies, 5; „Wimple lea he din:anti nned, Imbue , tt ollcze. Oh dr the Pm:plate") until all arrearagetare paid.‘ , A Igimateation wi ll be paid Co my ordutindull Mom . tPaillitdimthe znmej, or satithat.ory-Mbruibe in 11* a:sairCvAinimpd with the Ihtitbliahiiitiest thtiTit ' . 10 49 1 0(_„ JOU PREMED DM= the 144 ' l4 !'-!iL ' NR , 11'411.4011# Oil theAIhOMMA, +~' a "n , -- ®a . ; e , WW:OV6. .--Vi r INGARD, - A OR ATlA‘aw - - .0 f ITrrancaLou, mrsi, ..;'• tarkOffteittlAKlNTLl t ig L lIVILDIN6I3, GranCa ' t, (AllitiftttOW#%oOuit . ) 1ik1.%13 , i , .1., . ---- .., , , _W. WINGAIU), ATTOILNNY AT LAW, .14,11::'T , --- --- • EBENSBURG, . cAnnats. court!, 'fie . 1 ,. .T- ih r2 ,44l t ig ic ., i n u nn ti ng ,l o ., Binkr, Clearfield th it , - ' feb y. 44 . 111F1S ii., LOWRIE, Attorney at Law, , • Nero Fourth street, Pittsburgh, betweenEfetithfleld Raid • -4:EletTratier. - der,l4:ll 7'4OLENIIIARTON,. Attorney and counseiror , . TA - ~ _Um cab" corner of Fifth end Grant streets, Pi b, tts. -ja kslll. P. BOSS;' Attorney at Lir*, No r ..Rodi 109 * ..7,--TddrelEalretr-Plttahurgh, fourth door below Mr. fitlotllgl,o.llYFEY-14014. Adel rll/12131.C1L3rICENNA, Alderman of Third ,twiel; Wilco corner of Grant and Fifth etreeta, (fottnerly yAlsketraso jowls) where all basinoali partalblbg • Illirelll b eB-reelddnivatt and Juitice of the Peace will ho promptly ittlandeid to. febl:atrt • IXAal,,Surgeon Dentist, suoe&eqr . to G. • w., Wats N 0.11,4 flmfthfleld street.. oar dittos hours from 8 to I:o'clock, em4from 2 to &O'clock. feblfcly • IT 7 St(Yrt . Dentist, Fourth street, five doors woat of Worket. Sr =co bona &obi o'clock to 6 o'clock P. IL -- Jsff - E - § - § - 6 - AitTis. •Uw MOORILEAD, Vilnalnsale Grocer and "Ikardsalon Idorrtfint, for the sale of I'IO METAL end • 'MEM, nnd PRODUCE gonorelly, Ho. 27 Wood a meet, P 24 atucca Philnds oz. tummies, Pittsburgh. do RICKETSON, Wholesale Gro of.llllAND/Efl, NYLNES and swells, NcY nate 174, corner of Irwin end Liberty streeti,2Pitts rroky NBita, ()cotton Yams, , constantly on lota LIR G, ROBERTSON Sc CO., Manu •:„, jaalinrentof 0141:ironed and Pisan Flint GLASSWAIiiii, ..,-,eilireilitinasSo. , l7,Wood street, corner of 7/ront, Pitlabeirgh. air All 'other kinds of Glassware and Window Glass, at }lpr)tarket ,riots apll:dly . . was L =ca.._ ..ltalf.rtl J. I:LAX. ' . ' l . EDLIE ls ULAM, Successors to Mull-D.l.y e ..- & Letitia, manufactutore of Cut, blaulied mil Plain • t •and Panay Colored OLLUSWA.II.}I, and deatera it, tit ... ' L erida of Window Masa %tasks, Vials and Boatel': . - AVare• douserutruar of Market and Water streets, Pittaburt.h. . watailly RI3MOVAI4.—C. lILISSEN, Manufacturer Cr avery variety of VIALS, BOTTLES and WINDOW :GLAILS4 blitek Porter, Wine and Claret Bottles; Dem*ham andiltrboye; albo, Flint Glens in every variety. Warehous e Nya. DU Second and 133 First arced., Vittabargh. mL2B - - - VIC. DRAY°, Diamond, Pittsbargh, dealer • ID. COUNTRY PRODUCE, offers for sale A choler .4=4 •of-.OROCERIFSr •elected for Lundy use. coEpef of eat,' variety and the purest quality, ground at hid Steam Mil e . Moo, Dried Fruits. Foreign and Domestic Proditer taken iu exchange for uterchfuidise. P. it. D. has procured a full assortment of Lauflreth's war ranted OARDUN SEEDS, and Invitee the attention of all in• tweeted In rural affairs. petal CciwaissioN itousE.—The Eubsoribers have opened a noose 4.1 r the above porp.ae, at N. 17 Ihnithileld street, funr doors slam the Monortantami B gem lmrchase, or receive on commission, for sale, coo- Talkomarits FLOUR, 11A002 , 4 BARLEY, FLAX SEED, muss SEED, BALED lux, -U -4iiitinrublch we will make advances, or purchase at the best market rates for cash. [nova] ALGEO A 00. ENGLISH & RIC HARDSON, Forw 1 a = rdi E n T?. and 00132031a4011 Merchant& and wholesale dealers iu Ma DAWN and OIL, and PRODUCE generally. Were. Douse Ratnerly occupied by Barbridge & loghrrm, No, 116 Water and 150 rust &trent, Pittsburgh, kb3 MA& AZIKII.I- ATWELL LEE & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Prodnee and Conontssion Merchants, and dealers In Pittsburgh lisnobletnres No. 8 Wood street, between Water and front Ova!, Piitobol4* npltt JOIN WAILITLER & CC., Forwarding and ft, comnimim Ilarrilanth, dealers in all kinds of PITTS BUB.OII idANUFACITURES, LEAD PIPE and RITEET LEAD, No. 67 "rent street, Pltniborgh. s4Z3 APiNRY 11. COLLINS, Forwarding and •AA : Comatterfan Merchant, and wholesale dealer in 'ISM OU.E.E3E, BUTTEII, SEEDS and PRODUCE generally. e. 25 Woo-tweet, Pittsburgh. mara WILLIAM CA RR & CO., (William Carr, Ty • tate of the firm of J. Parker & C 0.,) wholesaler GRO CERS and dealers In Foreign WINES and BRANDIES, Old Stoinlinola and Rectified WIRSEP, No. 3ED Coinnierclal Row. Morly street, Pittsburgh. .140:y . - JEPEI FLEMING, successor to L. U cox & Co. corner of Market street and the Diamond, keeps corimardyou hand a fall assortment of.DICtiOS. 1C1,N1313, !ODIC' NE =En t, rzRYtatERT. And all aru. des pertaining to his business.. Arir Physician.' Prescription . earetully ncilinPounilli4 at all hours- lorry JOHN nix Pro cono&&& ruaaNn. FLEMING BROTHERS, sueoassors to J. toted „t co., wholesale DRUGGISTS, Na CO Wood street, Pittalmrkii: kroptiotors of Dr. DTLane's celebrated Venal fags, Liver Paiv, kg. , Jail) ...1----1—::313.A.L1,, successor to H. Lee, . WOOL DZ4J.ER and CAALSLISSION Bticalitra NT, 11i0.133 Liberty street, Pittston -7.g. Reerertor — W WCUsitovk. A Oros., lixamiair k Rohm, Mar. pity. Tierrdtn it Co., Brown & Kirkpatrick. KU...burgh, MnY 24 , /244. IW. ULtADWIGK, dealer in Kentqek v a, beof WIWI)°, SUMS utt.d PO l'llli, SO. 149 Waist atpta4,lx4oiv 8140, Pittxbaigh. [o.V.:Ctly aar The lagboot worket prim, in co4hfoki for lU.p. . —....------- saists,r. miAntam-1- Josue gi. UMW , . WP, jSI..k.IiSLIALL A Co„ bupdrters and . denShr 4 in Yroonn and 4-cao.rlcau ,PtPEE, 11.44jG tygfel4o,g7 Wood wort, Pittabaret. -, 4forgjoto agents fixr do oelobgated mastufActure• of Messrs. Detkobartdren, Pali& oogi T. C. MORGAN, ifooksellar and Sta timer. asagiways on hand a general aasortanstit 1; Miscellaneous and Blank BOOR.S;Printing Post sod tbip paper, wholesale and Malt No. 10.1 Wood street, bold* Fteth (east aide) Pittsburgh. eir-arANTED—ltiags and Tanners' Scraps, 'TORN H. MELLOR, Wholesale end Retail lty Assassin 811JSICAL INSTRITMNNTS, PIANOS, BMW', SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY, No. 81 Wood street, Plttalntrgh. Jaul Paine Az innit — HOBERT J. A.Nurlugull. ZYMBIi „.. ... (raf.veeettors ul I,ll(..loshaar Rhoda k C 0..) wholesale dealers is SAULT& NUTS, SPICES, CONFROLION A-SY, SUGARS. As., NOL 38 Wood- street, apposite the Bt. Chariot Hotel, Pitts bunko • ap2. ATINDLE, Wholesale and listail SAD -1:4L&, lIARNMS, TRUNK, 'VALISE and CAUPPY BM} . IdAlitflioaCTEl= l , .No. 416 Wood street, Pittsburgh. .0 20 :7 -IPRFE'----BPRISE WORKS, No. 136 Wood AL/ 'greet, thhl door below Virgin alley.—BOWN & TET -4,13Y would eall,thil attention of Sporting moo to Weir large assortment of 4.111t15, itIYLILES and 11.E,' OLVING TOLe. hiragest amt best setocted stock ever opened in PUS thin mar , cosetger with o rum* coma - meat of H ardware, Cuth eh:Tools and' Fishing Taritie, 91 1 of which we offer at the loweat' possible Prices to cash purnbasees, or for good ap fPrOVoa rnarlB W 0 ORTH-WESTERN POLIOE 4HENO_Y _LI N 0.89 W IXLlNOl ashington street, enrage of Dearb orn. Cal• 4010, nds.gir,WESSM .....:............................ . .A 1. MVOS. PIiiKEIMON .t CO. aerate their entire attention to tim , manuctin of a general detective POLICE BUSINESS io Statue of Midi, Moamar'. Michig.t, End indi Ana • xliblttdd QTOVS.—No. 1 Wood stret, .itax ilfth.-- E Weheg leave to % call the Trade to e our ;hack )ye a Stove*, Hallow Ware and Castings in general, txerfee t vsd every thing in our lino, we can safely say that we can n. , t I.ut impulsed In finish, fitting, and smoothness, by any in up , trade. Merebanto will find It to their advantage to call fo ' re buying elsewhere. MA GRAFF, REIBMTKR, b GUFF. ATCHES, CLOCK' AND JEWELRY AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICER, JOUR M. RO,SERT.S b now selling off his large and eisoksviltock of Ono Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Fanry Weeds at * very small advance an first cost, preparatory to adarging his Store Room and the purchase of an entire lime' stockier the spring trade. Pamons desiring GREAT BARGAINS should AO surly as ft Is hhoistermixtation to close out his present stock with, oat regard to former prices. • • 't forget the pIace—ROBERTS', 16 inn% Street, near feleS MEN AND BOYS' WINTER CLOTHINU —ROSENTITAL A BRO., Fifth street, opposite 11 a son's, haven largo stock of Men and Boyi CLOTIIINti Ola hand, comprisigg some entirely new and elegant styles, which they are prepared to furnish at the 10w,..5t cash prices. flap, a largo cud fashionable deck of GENT'S' FURNISHING GOODS. docl3:dly 110fromoir..—.„ausalf1 L. arm= °soma 4.1.1L1MT. IiTTPURGia COACH EACTORY , - F BlG ociwl-to:shcassuni to-1. .M. Bigelow, .ddi Dia nlatid.laft- ffeir "Wbeid street, Pillabargh—CAltitTAGES, COMMA: P •ILLETX:diIk BIIIMLEd, and every description of IDTCY MMUS built to order, tuld Walked In a rfiannedlioetaldeßfed for twenty - of design elegance of Qzdoh, skill of warkmiiiild4 and duAddlifY or materials' lA All work warranted. . roar° gAINTERPHISE WORKS, No. 136 Wood AL/ It., third door below vino alley.—SOWN k TETLEY would eall the attention of Sporting men to their large a,. sortment of GONE, RIFLES and REVOLVING PISTOLS, theket, largest and hest selected stock ever opened In this mar to gethm with a g assortment of HARDWARE, CUTMY, TOOLS and FISHING TACKLE, all of which we offer IT the lowest poedble prices to ca sh P urch M er" for omit aPDrewed PaPer• nitwit JO® U. . TOO 0, TOUNO Tail= L. YOUNG. rr B. YOUNG & CO., No. .3i3 Smithfield 'I • street, appogit. Cey Motel, monufficturesr of (lABl .lofrrinilliTTllll.l3 sad CliAiltS, of warp description. ic eldr and workmannbip warranted, and sold at reduced priCe y ea r taken in pvedng for tend and water tarring , .501190NMARBR, hillimfeeturer ~1 Bed Lead, Etc, Palre. I.ltharg.,Pntty Ad." kaiialadqaPOOMll"atz,Vanthlie4iTivPentirdi, lF • • I ;B GOADS REDO Ea....R ver y ;iggiotuni:orsopreaseoods now being offered at .1.6 ~..c.i'soertent lee* timw susdi fi prim MID A. A. ILLISON d 00, No. airlithot. 4 ' 7 \ 4 : ; 1,46 A' , •4- , al , , `."?` Effil VOLUME XIV :BUSINESS CARDS. " Neither with. my eye nor my fai th wth I trifle," -= -- t - -7 4,0 7° IMPORTANT TO THOSE AFFLICTED vsallf itza) SIG UT.—Persons suffering from Bad Sight, arising Troth Unpaired vision, constitutlozerl decay, old age, or othetnixema, would do well to call upon Dr. O. F. SHAW, PFACTXDAD OPTICIAN, where they may rely upon getting Bpactaclial liciatifillcally adapted to the MA' WANTS OF TILE BT Addresa, 46 Fifth dtre,*.Ppoirlte A. A. Mason's, Pittphargh.. 13 . 1 - := - 'reStOo*Oil; Wilormicopeo, Thermometers, and every Ditrati . a ~tlalnt glo the.Opticiati trades kept and repaired Mutts paa. 4lirputsbei inserted in old izuwes. Any article not approved of, exchanged free ft ex pens& dee, dy EW COACH AND CARRIAUE FAC N _TORY.—JORNSTON, BROTIINCS & CO., corner of Rebecca and Belmont streets, Allegheny City, would respect fully inform- tholr friends end the public generally, that they have commenced the manufacture of CARRIAGES, BA. R 015011103, ROOK AWAYS, BEIGOLES,LEIOIIB and CHA RIOTS, in all their various styles of flltr.th and proportion. iks.. All orders will be executed wit' 'rid regard to dura bility and beauty of finish. Repairs be attended to on the wont COnnonable terms. Using in all :heir work tbe bast Eastern Shafts, Toles, and Wheel MOT; they feel confi dent that-all who lam' them with their patronage; will t , e perfectly satisfied on trial of their new work - Purchasers are requested to give u! a call, before put , 'Wing else here.oetfirl y -7ffiffj= —AREN & hake on hand, at 1, their attendee. OABINICT end 011K111. NIANIIFAC TORY, No. GA StnithHolti street. a largo assortment of Fancy wad Plain birnittire, thich they sill mall lb per cent. lower than custotanry - ratea Terms; cash only. Idoat:y CHARLES BARNE tiORSE SROER BIaratAXILTEL has erected a new and commodirms Brack Shop on CILZERY ALLEY, between Third and Fourth streeto, where he is prepared to do ail work lu his line with thalittridst.prompt.ltasits. Baring had long experience In the business, las respectfully solicits the patronage of his oil customers and the public generally. Ju2l I AMES MEILINGER, Monongahela Pla tt ring Mill, would respectfully inform his friends and the the lithlic that his now establishment Is now in fun opera tion, and that he is prepared to furnish Boat Cabins. an dell l all orders for PLANED LUMBER, promptness, a the lowest Than& Board mid Plank, planed on one or both sides, constantly on hand. Sash, Doors and Mouldings, of every doscriptiou, made to order. Burldersand Carpenters would And it to their advan tage to givo him a call, sus he can now furnish them a Ali Planed Stuff, suitable for every description of work. I: tILTON CAR WORKSJOUN DRY AND MACHINE 5110 P, Sosronskr, Oino.—The outlaw direr having moved tato Ms new Works. recently erected, corner of Water, ki*Donough sad Sheldy streets, in prepared to cote trace for i ¢ rind.anent{ alt orilars for Passenger, Baggage, Post-Oftlist., Hansa Freight; Platform, Gravel, land and all other descriptions of OA ItO. Also, for STEAM ENGINES of all sisal, GEARING, BA ROAD CASTINGS of aB descriptions, and all other work mai:inn...Ming to a Fouudg m and Meoliate Shop. na Foremen of the rent department. are oriental,. and practical men—meetly from Eastern matitifactorir..-- who keep themselves informed and adopt all valuable mod ern traprovemeuta. (augilikti) W. W. Vi ETIIEBELL. rilllß HOPE COAL COMPANY'lleving costly met wild Losses in tratesporting coal to tan, iu. anti, being Insured by the Manufacturers' Insurance Conte pasty, of rtawelphi., into itlentsure In stating that ti nor claims were promptly . eitßested by J. Newton Jones, Agent of said Company. D. 13 U SUN E LL, Agent of Elope Coal Corapxay, Cincinnati Pfttaborktr, Dor:ember 27, Bab. Wen R — Ell - 0 0d - LTrEHS RE Espfesa,dhy 0 LVERS :—J ust , re cein,the ritanitteiturers, sple;dl , l rupipt: moot of Elites It.t.PIATING PISTOLS: four, fire and six inch barrels, all of • which we will pe2l far cash at u 10w prima as they etm be bought In the city of New York l'er suns going to Australia and California will find that they ao do better by purrhaning their eqtnialge at home, than Oa y OW among strunicers—aa we give persons a Chat. * to if 3 any or tits above Pistols lief ore tossing the city, and In ae of a failure we refund the moony. SOWN A TWILKY, seta. 136 Wood .treat, Pittsburgh. _ BOTTLERS. — JonN OGDEN tt llottlers, No. 147 Winn street, woohl respectfully inform the Tub.. lie that they have conetantly on hand a large .01.1,1, d WATSIt, U.K and PONT r:li. of the best quality. The attention of families is particularly dire.ted t.. ill. fact that they bottle it AIN itlG lird ALTS in it, purest .t Physician recommend it to Camilam on amount of no one end ortrorurthenina ... E=M MiMN EMME===E •g- (i. i: i , ,. '...4 ...'4. ~.._ ' '.",•::. •i - _ .; . .. • . . . ,-• . ~- .... ~ .. • • ,• !".,.., i'tt- 4 - .1 . 7 , 4 ~:. •i - 1. , • ' .. 4 . e ! iii „, l •.,;..•,. _... __. ... .. : ~, ..;., ~ ,i.,..,. t _:., .; .. • e .. - ~,,- ..-:•- f.kt . ~ PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM - - ETT, 114 J. J. 01LL1151.17. JGILLESPLE ta CO, Looking Giro Manufactur and dealer. in Looking (Ham riot. . Plate (11a.. Itn• grasingS, Combs and Fancy ti0 , J , 14, Na. 76 st P,tto burgh. On hand nod made to order, Gilt Pier and Mantle Mahogany, Rosewood. Walnut and Gilt Fram , , ~r Al, dd. in;, of orrery deseriptiou. litecinboat Cables Decorated and GilL d,tl MA. SWILER, Wholesale and Retall • Dealer in Purneene. Range , Storms, Tin. houseitooperf hardware, Tinnvre nnebits., and Tuolx. it,, Kato, Stuiet Iron, Wire Hire" dc.„ dc- 24 2:orth Sriond strew (opposite Buehler's Hotel,) LIAILRIAI3IIIIO. 10. ^'MW - _ JrWHITE, VENETIAN BLIND MANCIACTU axe., hae recoseral his Iptilth so as I, resume his ohl taishreas. and has °petted his BLINft MANUFACTORY. ea I No. f 5 Fifth meet, near the Poet Ullioe, between Wood mot Sraithtlebl, where he has an assortment of BLINDS, unnied with plain and fancy Wersnal and Silk Trintinltimi. nt. I is prepared to EH any order in Ws lino, on the nestt VA/Y.11.1W terms. nig work is warranted to give satistoct ton. or too ooy refunded. Blihda repaired. Pleaae give him call, as to can't be beat In workmanship. ly F. SHOPE, MERCHANT TAILOR. suer[, twat tinor to Diotpatd, It.tit :.11, 0 . : 11:011:1‘11 t,ho vary liberal patruuazu lad utufura lawtowed upon I .la. two Imoe to ask a cooliuulauce of 0.0 rime. to he is 1•,•w Letter prepared than ever to furuish ht. 11-It.titts ;canny with garmeuts which will itonsre entire satlaractlou. He always keeps uu hand a tarp• ast.ortrattitt ut the Intt .t styles -0 V10311N09, CARstIMEItES, CU7lrlB, h TIU [make to order on the chariest [son., upou reasonable farm& A perfect fit st)p-,1 warranted. WOOD NV EL L' PUP Nf'rUILE AND CHAIRS, wholesale and retail, t,u ,, nvint .ary Crle of turuiture, to Kowa-Anti, Mahogany ' Walnut. tahht r&rprinrst, clutrublq, and dining. ronrw: to Any in birw lork or Phibldeilthist, and at lower vit.,. l'A,ry article node by hand, and wurtaitto-1. l`Abiuetlslaltars snpp with any quantity of FURNI TURE and CLEAT ItS, on rtworol.l.l.• aotkla and Stonintwata fttralehed at short-et uott.r. 43/- Whityotona, Non. 77 and 70 Third o tt ang2 ,Bt'lloll. PA. _ J. & GROUI T LIIPOUTEBB niripiEs, GIN, WINES, &c. PgALP 34 "I Fine Old Monongahela y e Whpiky, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY ; 41.a0 . RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS. ~. CoRNER OF biIITRFIELD aND PITT FRONT STREPrrii• 5111.111. t, IL t'; DAVID - 0230 - 61 1 - L - 74 AK SIJk , I , .pOl,- LOCK WO arafriditad jtirit.hPr tpltiCT the 0)1.• of iA 31 PULL *TOL WOK, for tbe thlnatictlon of a gete nil Veriety and Dry Goode kennels" ! and the manufacturo of plain and Waved Line Gilt Mouldings. inhl9 I WATCHES AND JEWELRY. -JOI - NI 1 M. ROBERTS, No. to FIFTH street, is now opening an entire Kr 7 STOCK. of Gold and Silver Patent Lever, 11 Anchor, Leo no 1 10 'Vertical WATCHES, In open and hunt jog cases, er The molt celebrated Engilel'„ nod Swiss mane eiguire, At, t, Gold Guard Tot and Fob Cimino, t:tetii., ht-frs, lifulature Cases, Bracelets., Gold Peas and Oates, Pen ells, Toothpicks, beery plain Set and Seal Finger llinlis in etuatptui, liar Wogs, CO ria/3, a 41211. Sleeve Lops, hold and falser Spectacles, Sliver and Natoli apiatus, Rums and FOtaa Jet, Coral end Fancy Qoode. Alsb, a large stock of the best BRASS CLOCKS at all prices The above stock has Wen purchased direct front the Vast t rn manufactoriea, and selected with great care for the retail I trade, and will be told at a emall advance on amt. Watches, Clarks and Jewelry repaired; Gilding and Eu usteing ageoutod in he beet manner. and Silver Ware and Jewelry made to aide, .101.13, 31. ROBERTS. apl7 Fifth guest, next door to Market. _-__. DALY'SSTOCKING - C. DALY corner of Market alley and Fifth street, ftnde it necessary tgi contradict a report that has gained currency, that he wasselling Qp. quit business. lie sever had such Intention. Ile inform the pub4c the he still continues to supply STOCKINGS, SIIIRTS, DRAWERS, And ail kinds of ROSIHRY, at his nstabilehment. Ilia FOC' Wry i.e neer , liyars's pn FLFTII street—open nt all times to the inspection of ate pubilc. Ile lieu. besides the work of hls own maw:doctors, brought to the city the Largest assortment of Goods in his line ever brought to Ibis city, which are witrranted to be of the best quality, and will he sold at the most reasonable prices. Re has but one bales bloom, at the corner of Market alley and Fifth G. street. DALY, mhl6 t3orner Market alley and Fifth et. NEW INTELLIGENCE OFFICE-.-If you 11 want to hare "help," find employment, buy or still property, call at LOW - 111E13 INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, No. 14 Fifth street, near Market street. Legal Ocirumeifts and Copying done with neatness and despatch. [feliltt) JOFIEPII W. L0W11144. FORSHA'S LINIMENT—The best Lini ment now in use fur sprains, bruises, /cc., 12 doz. just recelved by JOS. FLEMING. sp2s corner Diamondand Market st. PIG} METAL-190 tops good quality, cold blast, Just recelvecl per steamer Irene, and fur sale by apt.N P. M. DAVIS. corner Wood and Fifth ets. GREASZ--Brtyes' celebrated Grease for Drays, Csrts, ling.gies, Railroad Cars, Ac., In cans. kegs and bbls., f.,r wile by lap.lol lIENEY IL COLLINS. COAL WORKS FUR SALE.—Sixty three acres of land, with 210 of Coal attached, and all the Im provementa thereon In successful operation. Said Farm is satiated on the Monongaela river 34 miles above Pit u.- bomb, awl is supplied wi h th a Fart lit House, Barn, Tenant Mouses. Orchard, Builroad, and an excellent harbor. The vein of Coal la five foot thick, and cannot be surpassed in quality. For further particulars apply to NICHOLSON & PAYNE, jeUtf - No. Z 2.5 Liberty street. WAiricgß ' S '-'I3NriqUALLED INDEL - ISLE TNIC,--liiirra)go received a large 'apply of this celebrated Indelible Ink, litth oricitlidat the prepare , Goa. It is offered sitlinbest ink now ih use. In all case, the money will be rattnalettivtalie It doealint please.. 108.FLE3tING, scan corner Diamond alley and Market at . • • . • ~ , t-P • ••••• c ‘ f ‘ „, ; 14,. • , ", • . . 4 4 .41,10 - * •.• , , 4 ' • 4 7 t• .. 4* . ' 44 • , •• - • • - 14 , .41, • r • ••• •• +4.1, r : 4*, •••• ••4• • ^At ..4 ' 'P.iF~. ;::!:,v?.5,.i2. , :-;, , BUSINESS CARDS GREATEST IMPROVEMENT • YET ! F NW SCAL E-11. KLEBER &138.0., II hove Just received a =all lot of 7 ' NUNNS & CLARKS. PIANOS, provided with their NEW SCALP. This Ia ,;" 1, their latest, and undoubtedly }be. LOST Of- • Poa+Axl Impremement at 'yet made to fhe Plano Forte. The POWNR of the Instrument Is almost DOMILED thereby; and in point of volume, evennere and brilliancy of tone, they surpass anything as yet produced In the shape of a Plano. They possess all the advantages of the Grand Pianos, with out any of Ito disadvantages. We now challenge comparison with the lustrunents of any other maker in this country, confident that every . unbiassed Judge of tho article will at once admit their superiority. The public Is vited to call nod examine those superb instruments IL KLEIIIOI. & BRO., Sole agent. for NIIT %irks' Pianos For 11 totem Pennaylvarda. No. 53 Fifth street, next door to Masonic Raid P. S.—Splendid assortment of the above shortly expected for the Spring TAMP, aps CHICKERING & SONS JOIN 11. MELLOR. has - • -„,:•• just received seven more of CILICKERINO k SONS' ,• -; • PIANOFORTES , and cow- ' • • • ' plot.' the Stock, selected for Spring Sales, of TIITETY.PITE new end splendid instruments, of every variety and style, manufactured by the Meows. Chickerlngs, (Merton") from the plainest SIX OCTAVE to the moot splendidly fluhiMsi hey en Octave SquaTe Plllllo ForteV, as well as their superb and inimitable Grand end Parlor Grand Mamie. EVERY PIANO FORTE In this lot Is of their NEW SCALE, with their PATENT IRON FRAMES, and PATENT ACTION. and are not wry warranted to the purchaser by the rusnufacturers, bet by the subscriber. to be in All respects as perfect as Instnunents ran be made, both In regard to Material and Workmanship. PRICES INVARIABLY TILE SAME as in Boston, at the Manufactory. JOHN li. MELLOR, No. 81 Wood street, between Diamond alloy and Fonrth street A.geat far Chickeriar, A Eons, Boston, for Pittsburgh and Western Punta. tah2B NEW SUPPLY OF PIANO FORTES. CHARLOTTE BLUME boo Not ur eeived a further nupply of linnet, Davi. Co.'x Pizinoti, with potent sitspellaiou bridge ' If and cumpooltion bearings, and wall repeat- tng Grand Action. Ae a proof .of the superiority of thew Pinney, ht the fol. It ivitig extract of a report at the late " Itec.banlc's Fair " nt Lloston, to competition with the celebrated maker, J0r1,4 Chir/lieritlg, 111 u ye, Preatdeut of the Association : "The Maioughotodts Charitable Mechanic's Aasrwintion .Iteard this diploni with n Sifere Medd', to flatlet, llusifl Cu., for the bast litYllll riacto Vol te r•Attrlbuted to the Exhi• bltion of le:t11. J t'tli AS CILIC flea" (Who had also on" ,d beAt Grande no exhibition in competitton with ?teens. It. It. Co.) The Committee.. •dessors George J. Webb. H. K. Oliver, John Lange. awl the Grand : In tone, It is tamer It round, full and well balanced; a apical instrument, and loaf an These Hallos are wade with full Iron frame, circular wale, sliding desk. etc.. and are made to stand in any climate. In addition to the above, the subscriber has received Neon* front thmlogardton A Ulnae, liambarv; A, W. Tr Ladd Boetoo. and other good makers, at lam from to $l,OOO. CIIARLOTTE SLLIIII.It, je-11 118 Wood street, R. 11. Old !luau taken in exchange at their full value. Another in. the relebrutoml Ilamburgh Pianos Io rd. potted 111 several weeks FOURTH STREET CARPET STORE. /WV YOURTII STREET, NEALE WOOD.IOI. THE attention of purchasers 1. res •pecttully invited to our presont Stuck., "elected for SPICING SALES. imiluding— Best quality Velvets. I Ifaminth and Talwstry 8rut... , 1a and Tapestry, I grains. CmCal•ond Stair brusaaLs, Super. Medium and Low liistra and fluper. 3 Ply. Priced lugeutua. • Best Importod Extra Twilled and Damask: hall and Stair Carpets; kloor Oil Cloths, trom 2 to 2.1 trot veldt., sari,..us qualltios and prima Table tlal Cloths; French Printed and Ittnlawaed Plano and Tat/le Corry.; Canton and Ono. MAl ung Hearth limp; Door Mats; Eltalr Hods; List, Rag Nod Dutch Carpats; Nem:into Minas; with every ratiety of Win dow Rhoda., Orson and Doff nand. ft , . ; all of a MAI istli he • iffered at pate at rr 07 modt.rate rotot. Stir We are also propared to To:mutat, II A ItRINGTtr. CARPET LINING. mb2.5 Alleghouy County Normal School, .4 , •out four miles . from rily, hear the . . • of Mr .i.Vut Zest° rue aiati Iraabingion An): Roads. 1.1. M. KERR. A NI., ttupertaianctrnt. SIRS M A. K E:HH, Prior al r4quitiary It IITIIKItt .I ON, A. N. Put( Laagliaizia. Fith Ulltiormg Dr.!, Or:linty auprriatrLitont, sill tr- , pou Lli Santlnary Trarlierr, au TCY.P- V. the 1101 ir April flex . Pupil, bath sear, arr te- A limited nucitlr.dr of tonal. ran 1• and In thr 6uully of the And vicinity. at front arra quarter a-was, IN AOl I.4atgliig anti fayht.. . 00 Tnitiou, front ..... 4f., 00 to 10 00 Tearhrt.. or lone daa:ring to p.repara for tasclung, rail rater the Normal tictaan at any tune, and autztinue 10 week.. errand tartattar. Lectures will be drlinarad each Turn, upon the Art nt Teat Inn g. 1111=11111111EMEIII!!EI HO - _ L'f's PATENT II .k STANIP.—The stn. - ran,. A.retil for the " STAMP COMPANY.' Rost .1.. Mites.. Is now prepared to otter to the pains n Sunny 'she h. tor all proeucal purismes. suristseen any of kit"! 10-iett•i..rs °Clore,' to tile poldo For litiron.i.. l'ost-.lllces, Pnhhe n..ow I. , tenutiNssis. Profossoonni no.ti lor th..ir I.tonry. Itrinresste fog priming ltIT•11 own lisbrils, and sal Mercantile HUM for ,tritittv ing their eurvlopre. att.! lu filet rvekT V. 1%, {II the ~ . 11111 wants a s amp lot tusr`sun; Linen, Clothing, Ar . this is Inlet tLe mi. &map Is unlike any other to Ono hutrii.et., and is not oprti to obi.. tIDA reasotial.ly is.gatort other orti.b.s thin' kind othired to the poi , u iti.-1‘ rwls.trr otatiblildlett on examination -Ist. It is oftered the ninsl cost of others morn simple tts ite con - ittmetton, It Is less liable to get out of order. hi. It Ls natiro comport, otltttelt glrerlttott, a n d Motr certain of ilrritint: PLE./EsIT The Kopf-t-foss /, lq.o the intrinsic /loons of the stamp fur Its general s adoption.. hamo,i; ems ~, t it' arid superiority coinlntis , t, ovor nil othet 5. still give It a favorable totrodilet Lyn orr itinar. , l to trill and s ea We ulwaation MOO the variety ul styles Of elortrotype di's. triter. need rest for any stylo or pattern. and the dies I•to4 • utyped, of the best macerail and workmanship. NlOn.a KS F. EATON. Agvni, N,'. 139 rims street, l'lrtetturgi . N B.—AISENTS WANTEU immediately to retirees fur the al , ore. to Those a lineal cam nundou mitt be paid. CERTI VACATE. I horsi‘r rerttfy that NI , PriE.I E. EATON of Pittslairgh. Pa., to the dal) appointed Sole Agent for the sale , of Patent lion!! Stomp' for tio• etate'of Pennsylvania, kexcept line the City of Pliffrulelphia..) end also for the Counties of 'Mahon in,t, C.dtualeaua and Jefferson. I lit the State of Ohio. FRANI:IAN itt.nn STAMP Co.V.PANT, MOSION, Mass.. It, their Afirtit, W. WII.LAIID. Pit thor h, ' May 12, ly,r. my Ili, . _ .OCf.;ST FENIAI.E SE3IINARI. ju The l'runteen of Locust Glove I+i-would Serino:try FF notice to the frionds of the 10.111,111. in. that the Rev haring been . - ompelled by protrarted ill health, to resign Isla charge an Hector of the name, they 1141,1 been so fortunate an to &wore the valuable service. of the lice 01/8410 T. Ripen, of New York. for tne same posi tion, and who enters at once "poll the dtaCharge of his du- Lies. From the very high and 'teetering commendations which they have hadof Mr. RIDER, they have no doubt of his eminent fitness for the work committed to him, and thnt they believe that under his nittoagentent the Seminary ma nia fa.:l to •?roeure large share of public educate are favor and pport. Persons Raving daughtorti or wads to are verb'. verb' , ularly ,teoired to acquaint themselves with the advantages which this institution affords. both as respects its beautiful and saltibriuP position. two and a half miles front the city; 311 - 1 also w, facilities tor the thotough and refined education prevented in ifs corps instructora. Circulars may be ..btalued au Tim/lc:Won to th, , ROelnr• 0 : caber of llln Trust,., Piasburgh, April 29th, 1866. (flatter. It. IV urtz, Ouvaa W./I/RNLI, Ozo. S. &tuna. Joule It. Suorzvarnors, Wru.ton F. JOILS2TON, TULODORI B. lirstax. spitn-cod I nrilwi arch). 91 1 11 E CEYLON STRAW HAT—The alien ". lion of the public is requested to our entirely new ,oyle of trutAw BATS, just received from the importer. combining the many qualities which have been no long wanted to make the Straw Bat suitable in every way as it Sulamor It it the only Pirate Hid whbli, the rain or damn weenier Mill not affect. either in the brine or crow u, being o braided to prevent toe possibility of it in Any way. otter this entirely sew styl, called the CEYLON FIAT, believing it to Ile. Straw lint Osii will give the wearer enure substaim IL PAULSON, 73 Wood at_ rap_t d..., from the corner of Fourth. • WORTIIY OF A '1"I . ENTI ON!—FOR SALE.—A new dwelling he., Just g a ig t hod, two stories, arranged with ball, two whim dining room and kitchen, three chambers, gO.l MIMI', bath room, At.: a by• drant In the yard, and good stable. The lot Luca front of 20 feet on Carrot street, .4.llegbeny city, by 100 feet deep to Letl lie street. Price FAO. Terl.4.-I,ion 1 4 . d, rop ,„i n d„ in one and two years. F. CUTIIIIERT 1: aplß3 M.rket et. WMORT'S PREMIUI KATIIARION COCAS the head, and removes all symptoms of Heath I ache. Are never liable to numertroke. WRIGIIT'S PREMIUM RATH ARION In the moat valuable acquisition to the toilet, retaining the flair in any required form. For sale by Dr. QItO 11. KEYSER and 11, E. SELLERS k CO:, at 26 coots tier bottle. auglB ALARGE BRICK HOUSE pleasantly situ -81,4 i n Ame l ecy.elty, with lot of ground 30 feet front on Bank tilllo, by 160 feet deep to a 16 font alley. The hence is well built and finished in Mod room. kitchenern style 1 c ; portico In front, hall, two parlors, dining . hambern, cellar, hydrant. pared awl gravel yard, shade and trollcellar, trees, shrubbery, Ac., all in complete order, for sale by myS S. CUTIIBERT A 80N. 6l Market it. Mnil= ~. s PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, ITULY 72,5, 1856. NEW SPRING STOCK OF PIANO FORTES. W. D. & 11. ➢ICC&LLIJII, MANSFIELD SEMINARY AND Petrone ming WRI 0 HT'S K ATH AR lON FIFTH STREET - PROPERTY - TA Lot of Growl. on filth,' 1 . the ttathedral, on &Wu- suitable 1 . 14 & CO., No 23 Fifth street, linto now pa, ,*F.g a. far office. .--Allyt, -.via . ) ..,. the New 'York Custom flour* ... Milo wir nimia....:soo9 e 1 „ . .._. ~., UNGLISH ()ARPETru:S.-1.,0 ~ _R 1 0 :0 1 1 14,,u1 80 0 1 ,1 1 whiciarvz wit par , 1141.4. eatrxdort7abliFs. yore& slid lamptry 13 romeWrg ow ro tiny who VrZWimtod h, I - 81 ' tectilSail a fen da "' and be ' V e&fs 'iiVe have n.atnew in . 39 2 . ' - '', '''..? '...-""'-' way IMO the humor Imparted „*. .. ...__ Stock or nhuseb , ,r 3 Pb's ingreAn ' s 14 ,..... - - - a nd M IT: ;1". -1431P-81iACK4,.40 bbl*. jilt:. i Itt assortment ttneurpamted'in ;ssits mar . epri2 IA for sole by 1)4 1 1) town vicec i 41`. ..t • - '4) . • (.4. - _ • .• • • - ' ' - '2":." ? 4* ‘ 14" . MISCELLAIMUS NIT: RYAN'S BUILDINGS, No. 31 Fifth Street Tun Aubsoriber, having enlarged and fitted op Itl good style his SPICIOUS FIiRNMIRE IREROOIIS, LARGE AND VALL'ARLR ARIGTIONS To bin ,tuck, and now inviton bin friondctind the public to CALL AND EXAMINE Before purchasing, elsowbere. HIS STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED Amounting In abont $50,000 Worth, Consifiting of EVERY CLASS OF GOODS RICH, A CCILIi WARRANTED. Dr. AMOS A SON have devoted their attention each, shely to this peculiar claw ot maladies, and the relief they have consequently been enabled w renter n, amiT follow treateres is fully testified and gratefully acknowledged by ..ottraleseent patients and others daily arriving in town from all parts of the country, for the etpreas (impose only of consultation. whale their exertions have been crowned with the moat signal advantages; yet from what they have experienced in tuquiring into the calms of these Infectious complaints (from trait ;mast simple condition to that-of the must dangerous and inveteratedi they have always enter tained the passibility of their prevention anal removal, sod likewise Invariably Found that the moat hohible and malig nant forms of disease could almost always be traced to one of the following moats t—lgnorance, neglect., ur the ill ef fects of unskilful and improper treatment; therefore Dr. AMOS A SON have succeeded in disooverfng. in the side., :ton of their reneaiies, a safe, effectual and cautions cootie; emitting all combination of nano:hes which bear on equivo cal character, as w• 11 na those whose premature or injudi cious application might he productive of had tvinsequenora in the hands of private individuate. In abort, the laudable red of the is Ile. lesseuteg of a giand mass of Mr tern mfsery by ilr alleviation, relief and prevention of grievon. M., Iha are an reality the secret fee of c.J.0•1 t.iiiionvoy surround on, call aloud tat stir niterferetalt tor their HISMITMLIOLIM I . BEM' ARE OF IMPOSITION. 1)r. AMOS k SON have for a long series of years been en peed in au extensive practice in the treatment of these den drite complaints, anal are the only legally qualified Phyaicitum who, remit allms of the taunts and envy of the hypocritical and mock modest, have had the confidence, th (web the me dium of the public press, to direct attention to those enor mous evils, from which no grade of society is free. In select ing this deportment of practice they have been amply te warded by the great entrees that luta attended thelr efforts an the treatment of thetiet's..9Ml. which are es, generally con fided to the nuttealitleit and ignorant empires, a-he. wnh their pirated publieatiens assume toreigu names and take ( anal pretended virtm.i of their patent unetromi. have• lee tided serious injury on limne who toll , been radoced place faith In their pretettstunta—Mslard Keene . . TO PATIENTS ABEIAD Or. AMOS & SON hare made strran gement. whereby packages ran be forwardod with aecreay Auld despatch to oily part tel the worbt Address Dr. AMOS A SON. corner of Main and Qtely tree.. (up stairs,) Buffalo. N V. JettO dawly 9 . FOR lbs. of superior Young Llvsou • Tea for One Dollar. at F. R. filtAVOii, No.l Diamtind. ASTI LE SOAP-5 0 boxes in store and for set.- je27l FLEMING BROS. I) PAPER—WO reams on band and for 1.3 sale i.e 1.10111 FLEMING DIIESIVF. PLASTER --VW() yards in store 11111 for colt- by ELF:SIIS:G BAGS. D AVIS' PA IN KILLER-5 groan jeist re ceived and for sale by to r ir , „; i_ nemExo RED& T OW"S BROW - N1 V I — NOSOR SOAP—File lI go.t imiel slid for 'ale by . IR.'OA-NI-TS-5011I) fresh tAieon-Nuts juot RIM , . TO F ra nco, Batley, Esq_ William Ddworth. .S. Cuthbert r's-` it - rd anal (or as bY k Pittsburgh , Boyd At Ott, Iletskell Sweattegeti, RFT 51ER A A NDERSON. Brady. Cash. 51. 31 Bank, I.lst A v 4 No ~,ii Wood sturt. Geo. W. Anderson, Denbril. Pastou AC,, VI-heeling Yr [IE OLD EST-1.BLISIIIII) TEA , IIOUSE ,0511 meantime. its tritutatlen for FINE f hAS. Ail PEKINTEA sToil-F,, olt 11 and Black constautly at, band- sad NO. 35 FIFTH STREILT. 10 cheats queen Chop, finest Tea its market'. FRESH TEAS.—A ch.dee lot fresh Orion awl Blayk Tess. I to )Loy nue V Ilynon jest too iced direct from the Mayotte., which will be sold iu Extra to-long. holtsale and retail, at prices lower than usual 40 Fougtal. extra titter: my2o S. .1 A YN :to Soot-hong Clinton; Two 'Medals and Flve I)lplonias All el which will be sold at lean prices than any saute in Awarded. the city F. It. DitAVo, Novi. 82 Market et. mad 1 Diamond. Di kE'S YEAST POW I; E It-2 6 grws assorted I , m-1.g...a of thin superior Ltal.lng Poe lit r re ...dyed by ; F. it. La ;AV.... s,;;EcoND STREET L., A magnificent Tee Ste,ry Brick 'Laa, to let lan the I,t d April nest. Enqulre of BLAKELY e Bien EV, ts.rner Seseta:ll i 1 2‘11111101 . 4 1 1 .114. ?dItDIUM, and LOW-PRICHP. And embracing some very fine ROSEWOOD PARLOR SETTS, (3avereti with French bug3tello OAK CHAMBER SETTS, 4nit 11, great ♦atlotp of New Styles of Bureaus, Bedsteads Chairs, Sofas, Book Cases, &0., All of whirl be offert by retail, at WHOLUALN MUCH& n. Every article warranted to give eatisfactiou, o r 11,, mnnep refunded. H. iL RYAN, tny3O No. 31 Fifth ctrvet. EDMUND WILKINS, 1g Ali LIE ItfA,RUILIE WOR1". HEAD OF WOOD, ON LIBRRTY SKEET, and at the Cetnetory Gat, Pitut•ttralt, itonumenta, Burial Vanlta, TOMbatoll(4, 31notel Cootre and Pier Table Topa, Waithatanda, ac. On Imo.: nod ntfolo to order, of ern" - variety. ;Thntolo, (miring Wry lot , ornamental and plant. Whitt , Li th 3 ribie.. noitalntlog. at from $2 to $t per foot. LlAvinif been rogog ,, t prw•tieolly in thi. ty years. ewentrthroe of whieh hare In tide 'ill which Herm a sultlelerit roferauce. I will make new Joan: ILa furnieth any work In my line at rex...noble prin. )043,1y JAMES A. FETZER, VOIIWARDINO AND COMMISSION tNT, Full TUL SAI.I. Jr Fleur, Grain, Dried Frait, Seeds, Lard, But ter, Bacon, and Produce generally. No. 59 Water Street, PiTTSHIMG It, PA. A. H. '1 11 U It ' Patent Air-Tigl e,:iliettling tin cane at ti rt- proof I ' el low ‘1 e Jars- Henry Iligby the Agent of dila oity at Western Prniattylvanin the male oI tb,• above at rlta. at lit. China at tlinwur.rara abort, fin. ‘‘'..0.1 at., Pittaburgh, wh..re to oho kept 111 and greon alaea Jars at oea lat.., with lam ett and (.ml., ready fitted atra,rhoirrioa a, _ ..,,etrpentot (that:pa, Ukase vied QIII.O.IIRWare, adapted to the *loam of private 'mollies. ho el koepora, 101 d roietry merchant& all at moderato jerks, I. 17:3111 FRANK VAN GORIER iIAS REM( )V ED to No. 7 , NI Altlin street, nearly eppiieite t.. hi, °hi nu.:1,1, and to now prepared to supply lam cu....honors and the polilir generally with anything they neeit in the Rey of rrLnithnita, Fmhrolderhvs., Ittbbonii, Ole. rn, lie , .•iry and Fancy Gads generally. Ohl - Remember the No., 7S Markel Kt DIN - 11)ENI).—Citizens' Instirazwu Cotnia ny.—Tbe l'regident nod Ph-trim-it tit. Company 1.1 e [hie day ,le fared s samiquiunal 610,1°0,1o( nix dollars 1..• r hhitru, upon the Cupital Five dollars In rash, pity • to the Stnetholders or their 1.4.41 repreaentatlven. and one dollar credited to their ctoek on nod after the '2:141 lost. iiANkUKL I. MARSHICLI.. Jet J !tut: 1711, 1.558. OLD TYPE METAL. WE HAVE FOR SALE, at the Office of the NIORNINU POST, a large quantity of OLD TYPE. Maciiinista and ethers wanting such an article ran get a large eupplyhr culling aeon. lobe Q,TATE FAIR —'rtie. undersigned Untnni it -1.,,j tee, appointed to soucit sunsriptions, to secure the bolding of lire State Fair at Pitt4fetrgh, hereby antlioriar JACOB BLUBBER. ,no ..1 their (loam:Mee, to or tic •t. the Mr. ISSF.II soft •,,n on subscribers during the present ne , nth N. U. MURPHY, N. IIuL)IES, JOIIN S. COSGROVE, 44'ILLI Alt St. HERSH; JACOB J.. 21 • Conisiinee, NEW ROOKS.—Just received. and it is hardly necessary to intuit again to the public, that toey are sold from TEN TO TWENTY PER CENT. LOWER than elsewhere. Tour of Madame Rachel In the United States -price 90r. Sparrowgrasa Panama—On cant s. Comic Miseritufof Unman Lffe—Ter. The States and Territories of the °teat Wort—sl.lg. The Roush) , Papers: by Brougham— Tangletown Letters—sl,l2. Salad for the S.Vllll—sl 11 , 1a7./.lt 11 , 'Vagabond Life fr, hieliro— Jot.. Scalp Hunters; try Capt, Mayne Reid-41.19, White Chief, '• •` Mr. Sponge'. Sporting Tour; by Frank Forester—¢l,Bs. Brother Jonathan for 4th July—lle Pictorial Clipper—Se. TaLkee Notions--43c. rfarper's Magazine fur July, (third supply)-20e. Peterson's Magazine for July, (second supply)--tie. tiraluuteg Magazine for July. (second Pllppiy Godey'a Lady's Book for July-20, Leslie's N. V.Jourtial—Die, .Magazine--10c. Remember, the place to get Maine/Men is at LA UFFEIt'S BOOKSTORE, N 0.71 Fourth Street. AGREAT BARGAIN . !—F ,, r cult, it emu fortable Erick DWELLING HOUSE. No. 59 Front with two Lots of Ground, each `P.) feet front he 90 deep. The !Louse is large and cons ode nt ; a good cellar. with replanted Cthvir ; a hall, two parlors, dining-mom, and kitchen on first ory; with a wash-bense and large pantry—three chambers, store room and bath room on the second story. and fix.. aeons on third story. Firo.proof slate roof, gas fixtures and pits s on first and second story. Large yard. with albule trees, grape vines, Sc.. The improvements alone c o st more than the price asked for the whole property. Price $.6000-- Ono.fourth In hand; penfitinder 4t °De, two and three ;ears. E. CUTHBERT .t 60N, 1.26 Real Estate Agents, 61 Market it. BACON -2 casks fur sale by 1324 HENRY H. CMLINS. 2() BOXES ORA.NOES te arrive and for S .' sale by REYMER ft ANDERSON, ' N 0.39 Wood xtrevt. 2il BOXES LEMONS to arrive this day an %-. 1 for Bale by REYMNII & ANbERSON, No. 89 Wood street. JOUNO „y 5„,,,,, TE4-10 c4ests fine; King Chop Young Ilyson Tea, at 7&c . and ".41 If tn., r n*, P. IL DRAVO, . ,82 rifigket and 1 Diamond. LOWER vAsr,s—go .pair Terra CTOTIa Vexes Tor sale by (Jyl2). H. COLLINS. + • ,r 4"f: . R,E; REMOVAL. OEM PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE. • A. 1 2 THE BUFFALO VENEItt A N 110SPI. TA L--Establisited ter the cuss of byptltm, .oeurnia. Went:nom and the Ibfirmities of Youth mid Maturity. Ly Dr. AMOS at. SON, ElurrALo. New Yorls—Jilice, corner et Main and Quay streets, (up stairs.) A MOST SCISNIIF IC INTL:::TION. An instrument tar the :are of general Debility, Impotence.. Incontinence, or Nocturnal &missions. That iustxtunent has Issm used with the malt happy dr. CI in the practice of the anted eminent playtudattemml surgeons In the British empire. Praiser and Germany. Inked, no re markable were the rums. that the hate Asitt.te hailed it oa the " Harbin ot Life?' The me of this will fully sustain the high encomium. YOUNG TA KN . , PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. ANVIS A eoN ere the enly Physicians In the State who are member...l the Royal College of Surgeon', London, gradatees of one of the most eminent Colley:sin the United States, take pleasure in announcing that they have Invented a most Important instrument for the cure of the above dhstses. It has been subjected ton teat by the most eminent physicians in London. Paris. Philadelphia and New York: it has been declared Li be the only useful instrument aver • et discovered for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or Any dlseaun A the genital orgam, arising from the solitary ambits of self-indulgence which destroy both body and mind, unfitting man either for marriage or eociety. Dr. AM , IS & SON, in order to satisfy the most skeptiCal 3.11 to tho merits of their instrument, pledge themselves that In any Instance where they inny prove unnatisfactory after a fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the Instru ment In goal artier. Perrone wishing the tense useful Instrument will °beers° that the price, with the accompanying directions. securtly packed and mut by expratin, is teu dollars NEW REIINITY AND QUICK CURES For the Venereal Disenms, and all private complaints, 'dents, strictures, liottlill/11 weakness. pains in the loins, affix.- [lons of the kidneys. Mammas of the head, threat, nom and slain. nod all those dreadful afflictions arising from a secret habit of youth, which produir constitutional debility, ren ders marriage impossible, and in the end destroys both body •tuil mind WE OFFER FUR D LE ABOUT ForsTY Ivrea of prim, 1:1,1 or! I It- old IA ',mid .41 10 00.1.6110:0 purcha, r.. It is ow. of the prot , l,l toottionA for 'min s artaoi.. tIo and 0111 he to'd low. ~ 75 Fourth st. 111:NDILEI) DOLLAI:6 A TEAR. — ` For .nl.• a t ‘l.l.lllur, bona* of four uo and kliek•n. amuse on Virginia atn,i. utti, tam. lot ,L ,146 foci teat front by 165 deep. nett trot, ac. Tin -.111 11 good and location ple.canr. }tat in I•alol re•na.u,btr at i.l CUTHBERT it SON,OO I.•r .124 ..1 Market et ToK des,-ribed 011 Wo..LC Print,.l Laud I:egiater, which LI , g - Irt - u gratis nd all.- at N... 7,5 FoLIKTII street. If you with lioll.. Oil a etwoulati,L all to TLIONIAS WLIUDS . , Fourtli LIMI"-100 barrela fresh received and for solo by lIENIIY H. COLLINS. Q, DJ AR. AND MOLASSES__ N 6011 do oak oil do St Jame. S. H Thdit,+seq Ivu 11hd,. full% fair and prime N. 0. Sacar. .0.1 hand and for sale by NI LLER S HICKETSON, Jel6 '231 Am! 223 Lits,rty stroet F lSH—Maekerel iu whole and hall bbls. Shad Herring W.Hitr flab Trout S.almun Vor I.y IAL:141 HOUSE 'Pt) LET —A commodious TWO story BRICK DWELLING lIUUSE, wltnated. on Olt nhliu ntreot, op[..osito the Sixth Preabyterinn Church. llossesdlon given inuuedialely. Enquire nt the h0u.4., or of MILLER & RICKMON, Noll. 221 and 2r. Elbert{' stroot. 1: 4 1 RESII FRUITS-- ii into Peaches in bottled or cans, do Pine Apples do do 5 In Strawberries do %1. , 5 do Chotrieg do do 5 do Blackberries do do h d Huckleberries do do 5 do Goodeberries do do 5 do Pears and Plums in bottles or ell., For sole be RIME'S k ANDKRSON.. 23 No. 39 Wend edrvot, oppo.dte St. Cantrloi Hotel Double Bank Melodeons. T KLEBER & just reeQivea . a large lot of CAItIIAIT m ba,ODEA:OI6, From tbe original inventor's budery. Carbart ..4. Noodbarn N. V., composing 4 , , Octaves, scroll logs, with patent double swell. .', do do do do. .1.. Piano style, wah double reeds and dont , l , e‘,....1. Also tWI,F.NI4II/ DOUBLE BANK AIKLODEON, With two rows of keys and coupling stop, finial:ad In the most elegant and tfLatnrill style. This is n. very superior art:de, both In tone and fon Imre, nuctwe reepeetfully M- I ite the attention of purchasers and tho public hr gnlfilcal to It. NI, Carthart in, entod and made the first Melcaleona at s i los instruments are lo,dal upon as tnrateln by other tulkort. Per Anil , by 11. ELEM.:Ib& 111 . 10., telt) No. 53 Fifth street. 5, i BOXES ORANGES—Just received rind k-. 1 for sale by REVMER A ANDERSON, Jr I ONo. 39 Wood street. . _ CA NDLES—: AND SOAP trozra Star Candles, 4's. s'• and 6'B: do Common mould Candles; 25 do CM. German Soap; 15 do du No.l do 1:8; do No. 1 extra family Soar. In store and for gale by jel6 MILLER. k R ICK krIBON. pAItASOLS—We have just reed another de. irable lot of line Parasols, comprising • Turc Satin, Watered Silk, Brocad , Satin, 111. k and cold Moire Antique. do 1•••uld Sole, Bordered do Bto•k do do Black Plaid. kc., kr. All of which we will offer at :educed Toric , a. field A. A. NiA.SoN CO. HERRING— • 30 bbla. No,. 1 Dry Salt Ilerring; 20 bf. bb's. lie. I - Just received and fur sale filby lt,LEll A ILICKh'TSON, 193 231 and 313 Liberty et. INSURANCE 1 INSURANCE! !—Appliea tions for Meantime for livraml goadvellable Insurance waipatag., resolved 10 (2110. W. BllDDl,AtatiAißeel Mato Agency and Intelligence (Ouch on. die, 044_ 414P-PCo ll io etreet, fourth door east of ito AtEattnr, TT - • . e - Wl2, est • otri4t- " . • ' COFFEE.- 50 bags prune Rip . Caree :- ••. 45 likf." l ;i' sairri • do , ' - 'dig , 40 do. Old Gov. Java . 1iE1mu0,...., Tr, store gibtfor vile by MLLLEE. & RICKIVAGS. 042 No. 221 and ?ZS Liberty atrao Isnd .a.,IIRQB MOMO ~~* {,.. t . ~:~; NNE 1 - , * 43:7 pir4fit. 1 31r , fJ; • • • • . . _ , .. TIIIE .41.11ARMEATIREB.G -- ~. FAMIL, ~..,.. ,MEDICINES. MORE OF THESiIeaIF.DIOINES: ARE BOLD _ WEER THAN-P T OF AL OG I. OTHER MEDICIN :UT E THER. INTfri COUNT= ausgep_ . igt the result of m e rit , tir - the keen direerliiitea. of 'otir countrymen or proverbial, and putt; an elifethat stop to ignorant preten• Aim. We conceits that . the unequalled imect4m . of the Oritifen, berg Medicines is repro owing to thelrundehiee 4l3ll lWrLotitY than to any other cause, and we desire to call especial name tlon teepee( the best tenor-theta, • -- ~ • - . MARSHALL'S UTERINE CATHOLIC:O, • . Tina remedy will Certainly site Falling of the - Warina, Whites, ineordereti'MenstruatiOth Hilleseco : of , PrelTlSlthi• All troubles at the change of life, both 2 young and old, and all the 'Tarim:akin& or .weakimati nervous eviro plaints ceased by disordered uterine °Mow , THE PRINCIPLE SYMPTOMS Indicating diseases for which the CsithOhratltt Offerwt,.. he 8 certain cure, are weiknese In the back , tingling an d - Pain between the ehounler. blades extenclingadiedine dtmeethis spine, soreneas 111 the end of the spine, bearing own paints in the uterine orgatot, ithoeting painis eitindiftre to MO %townie awl into the Inns sympathetic, pains in the bet:eats.. burning in the pit of 'the 5t....1.04i, liregulariq of the 110w eis, sometime* with diarrhrea, andagein with obstinate can stipation, cold feet, caprtiona appetite, headache of a WO mering nr beating character, with rearing - or Whistiliti In the oars, dull pains in the head, with great tiereus a : 1 ° 14 " ment. succeeded by complete prostration, languor and dis couragement, disarrangement of. :the _menstrual periods. with an acrid discharge between them, which, are described in the ymbileationa of the OrtiefeetbeigOtninfithY. .. IN 1,14. cam or PALM:U.7IOa Or *tit MART IXACrit 4.71:11 1 1; . Many uterine complaints are supposed to lie heart groan o from the sympathetic distnrbanoas connected with that lot - i , gen, but the CATHoLtrox should always be taken, and is nine cases out of tin it will UV Ibund t hat nothlntrle AIM -. Smiler with the heart, and that, a cure ,will soon follow Ith , min. It *in ales relieve that feellng known an the heart ri sing in the monthiand treningroveri. i ii .. • ALL OF THESE SYMPOMS are not present at any ono time, lint any oue ell - bent Indi cate the presence of disease, and the necessity. for I 'IMMEDIATE ACTION. The remedy in prepared-hymn° of.the oldest and merit 1 skilful physicians of the day, and every one may be assured that they are taking a scientific and Well conipotnitled tnetnel tine, . EXperience has proved that the renat!rik ' tifilL Cure tlighteet , out of every twenty cases, and that most Of tide iut:Orrib - cases were en because of causes which had destroyedthe * cuperetive pawner of the system, or of severe meebiffical injuries which had ruptured some delicate membranes, and' thereby rendered a cure impounds - The price of the article being butone dollar and a half pen , tattle. It is within the reach of every person, and should have a fair t -fat at least. . „ The tomes:.- id accompanied by full directionS, enabling ivory one to undcritar.d her own calm, thus preventing the nenewity of medical consultation, and what ismer° impot ten t, entirely doing away eith trualical oxaentiationa, whi are justly looked upon by women as a violation of the r roost stirred feelings, and to ovoid which will - suffer ex rioting pain, and sometimes lone life threl . 'ln this lien, one of the moat highly educated physicians of the preterit day, and else who has a world-wide reputatiout,stated thit the efforts of the Ornefenberg Company would be opintemi hal by every lactate of any denencY,and-that eta-skilffil edoptatitni of rite remedy. which. okritited.the .tufromaity - bf rorsonai exposure , would entitle th em to the -appreCiAtkin of every man who valued female modesty aathesafeguard of her purity, and the most precious and brillhant. jewel I:Se , louging to her character. PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS REQUEST®_ j to the following certificate: GraTianna:—l have been a professed nurse for twell: yearn, and, of course , hare seen a great many Tory gave - came of failing of the womb, derangettnicanitinatlot, whi ' disorders consequent upon pregnancy, from the time of coil eption to the hour of delivery. My attention luta aldo Icon frequently arrested by severetffiliffitomwhwhw-ted with the heart—such ea palpitation,Finking, fluttering and other disarrangement* which are fr equently tropposedlo Indicate ,saute dentine ef the heart. 1 have aways found 11.1 m- .hill's I'terino Catholicon a moat valua ble and stical remedy In those and in all complaints of the utertueo t r g g aagpse to a hi. h so many females are liable—fin more effithelatta titan any or all of the moat scientific. proscriptions- Of Abe regular physicians, and I have seen the practice of the beef In the country. Full particulars of any ciaiditill be cheerfully furnished any one, by addresaing aline to -iris; tea No. 1,218, New Yolk Post, Office. CAROLINE W:111111111 1 ffiffile- i Public Nurse, New York City., Onnteuxe - :—I observe an important omission - in ; your: hot of ej mptoms. Marshall's Uterine Catholicon went. in fallibly cure Neuralgia. This symptom more ftteinently no, companies menstrual derangementthan peoplesuppOse,and-. all females are so subject to it that they should always lustre a bottle of Cathdllron on hand. They may rely upon it that it will work wonders., as I know from certain aspic den,. The symptoms, when connected with the fiver., aro ; too well known to need description. When the stomach-i i a ff,tetl there are contractions and shooting pains, sonie t Imes extending, to the cheek and ba-k, and frequently le . companted. with painteop, Min* pew- saktnesa of the- ee l_ treptlths and acidity...-Thesse symptoms Will- semn - to coin. pletely controlled by the Calholicon. H. B. HERMAN, M.D., New York. I have not in my whole experience seen a medicine which will compare with Slarslutffie Uterine Catholicon, Out of thirteen females in this place now ander my treatment for di.(1.0 of the uterus, a majority are about well, and thereat :,.., rapidly conraleseirm. A.M. PROSOLE . jLytichburg, Va. A ...Ilse of falTmg of "be trOmb of oven Oars standing has 11.1.1 cored by Marshall's Uterine Cathohcon, and the lady 1- iew able t , walk out and attend to her duties, Her case bay :oug been looked upon no incurable, and thecure 'aeon. .e.lered little tem than a miracle. .114 - 0. P. LAMBERT, 'AL IL Penna. Ono of the severest cases of uterine disease that I have mat with in thirty 3 MISS aetire, experience as a practitioner if medicine - Vas the rosins of first :calling my attentkrit to the virtue of Marsha's Uterine Catholicom ..The patient I was a married woman, and the Mother Of two eltildietelibe had been occaronsily troubled eithetAincharge similar to. the whites, and had some trouble with her monthly.pertods, but considered herself In goodherdeli. - She was then lake:, with shooting pains under, the right shoulder blade, w I ith afterward extended along the sphie. She was thou f roublei with headache end groat nertribs debility.:-Co l 4 l . tdmaderitig paint. and Pastes of hest would shoot over tbe e hen testy. The organic dilßealty of the womb Kindly merited Into complete prolapses, so that. she conti . not . t down, without pain. There was weariness and Pelting in d e Lack and an uncontrollable desire; to tie on the 004 alt' .. She bud nausea, with hot and dry skin, and altogether, :is In a critical condition. Candor compete Me to Ray thiterna v of thate evaptoint appeared after I undertookthe case, tt,. the hest skill I could command - toiled to avert - them. "I'llat - , I I ii the responsibility was almost too heavJG endm aonstrifit ton with an eminent medical professor in hew York city, lid me to the nag of Marotta'''. Catholicoth Thechangeof gyrate lOW+ to milder ones, and then again to a petite .. state of health inns evadrisl. lint the whole primemn warrllS bergltifrit eIA tb.• gradual development of a plant from the seed to tile . i .le. fruit. A constant use of it for elk months was attend h,' complete success,.o.l3d thoughoeveml yearn have etapi i - . 11,3 the slighoont symptom of ill health hen been este. mired. Sion. then I have used it constantly., and done , ore than an set of simplejuatice when 1 say that it is eminently. I worthy of public confidence. J. W. TURNOCK, M. D., led., 11, Ihe Grafienberg tLetpany : : Otentriess: I look upon ft. as an act of gratification as well es of duty. to infonn , m of my experience wititregind to Marstiall'm Uterine Catliolicou. I have been to pmetichig ph I sick% for sonic twenty-five years, and have always found It almost imp.ieellile to rare those diseases known der nterinr. My brethren of the medical profession have always_ looked upon these complaints os incurable, and they have m lamented their inability todiscover a remedy. Having% ..r your preparation, MARSHALL'S UTERINE CA.THOL - t.l .N, nui knowing that many had been benefitted bits ti I thought it tap duty to give It a moat theramthinvotati ' lion. - The following Is the result of War ;Cara careful .. 1 have always found it succeatful incases eheracteriser* any of the fallowing symptom:la.. Great_hear, prc*anra tun hearing down In the uterth e vegetal I strtalp Of wele 'j ellet* bladder, accompanied by uwht and frequent ilea to past water: great liereons exdtement abont the' thitesaf the monthly period, with irregular discharge, It beingnsomt. theca abundant, and at other times scanty sod, difficult Weakness"and soleness, nervous headrielfe,irritability of helper, ehillinets,Oatnienee, vonilthag, teregukoo. et. • biwols, burning in the so - null, weight to the groins an amen of the back, crawling and tinglingilevarioneparta f' the body and a'great general sense of uneasiness. Therg - nee many other symptonSibmneetell WitbltieseaxiintilMtitir, and I have observiii them well described in the variant eft thieates and publnations or your conipanY,' I ought to say tlast In the complaints catvmd hytherPonrfrotlife," Invade* ly females, as well no in the caw of young girls is just eon-l ing to, Mareball ' e ritiiirieLtatladieint leihffillibli. - 1 Yours truly. BENJ.. n.:*-ITTAKESaE2 hi,LS• i ' A young female friend' of think 10_ .40riattilkted fob' four or five years with uterinettliffieultlestWhichfiprisiniedVielent ,panmodic tits and destroyed her general health. Two ~bi - ilea of :ffarehall's Uterine Cathalkon cored hefentlroly: ' , RA RY NY PERRY, groildouo o , 14 .k female fri, nd of mine whaled.' been nattering for neal ten years with nterthe difficulties (irregular:- su . pPrels 411,1 painful nunistruettion) its already. by fent: mouths us' .if Merahall'a Uterine Cathoticon, better than she titer- et - 1,,0.al to he in her life, and confidently expects A complete oil, F. lIITCEICOCK,New York City. Merdiall'n Uterine Catholieen caps the climax of.evert thing ever known in this country It has bee t used wit eempleto SUcCeBA, JQSEVLII.jigErA kft“Eterthu, Ala i THOUSANDS GM OTHER CERTIFIL'A.TES are on file at the office of the Company, whore all interestif are invited to cell. MAItSIIALL'II UTERINE CATFIOLICON is sold at the Wholesale and Retail at the Drug Store of DI . GEO. It, KEYSER, No. 140 Wood street, sign of the Golden: Mortar. . le_ Call and get a copy of the tiraateobPrg Manuel o f Health. 300 pages; price 15 cents. Copies sent to any part . ^i the 6,4 1 1 40, free of charge, on the receipt of 26 cents. . The Oraefenberg Almanac is one of Um heat publications of its kind, and may be had without charge of any of ' the Cempetty's Agente, or at their office. 111 FLEMINO BROS. HENRY H. COLLINS, __- MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RFSTORER.—An unfailing restorer and preneriei ut the hair and sight. It is not a dye I The hair and wbit. heal, however gray, are restored to and preserved in their original life color I lly tie ism wart aPtChteles - and.gre: balm will soon beam° extinct The Restorer Zylobalestuum, not only cleanses the hair, but Inclin to earl, giving it anat., easel and natural anpearanc The Restorer will strenatheziand prebeive the sight, and remove and prevent divines% iadache, scurf, dandruff, isuld-himal, or an2 , emption of the skin, and all unnatural perspiration* of the head. It It a certain hum for catarrh m y the hoed. old by Jtl,4. TirnOist, Le 24 con of the Diamond and Market. tot ' AIILL AND CROSS-CIIT - SAWS ; Orris and Corn Scythe; Anvils, Sel/Kge mut Viceet .- Pump Chain and Fixtures; Kay and 'Manure lrorlca • 'Together - with a large ana Pzteosive imeortmentgAt,rdwarejnet received and fur sale mow, at No. 83 Wood between Diamand'alley and Fourth street, Pittsburgh. BAWL. YARN/STOCK. apK4 - - _ TTNFURL T : GLORIOUS BANNER-- ILA A Patriotic Bonirrarrode by E. .1 Allen. Wrltttn ttr , a"a'aaa Of a Ptelleutatiou,ol a atand,of COlraat by lite Datraeade Greys, to the Chicago Liktit Guar& Music coat. poerd and respectfully dedicated t.o• pt. Jahn B. Wyntan t ty Hoary Meter. Piee centa. Thenbova JastAar t ed.end forole by s. t.O-':ntniWintra*eat. lANDXF,a Atan,heizadiforiiiiii4lotw V aXity AUOZ'*'—eg s ,Tr4 l ,l 7sl ? l / 5 2a.TiMASTI , RoiNktsrailo!roklmstircuribto AND B. 1:Thalo r:A l N len't an band and for ante bre - _ N. •Itimple Baora. ~ Y !~'Y - f' ... ._ ~ ~"r. 1 ~:~: •_tom <~fL..wK r-:~.:. " :'s:. NUMBER 2 , • ••••N.-:. 1 - e, 1411- . Ell . ILk 1)..- - -•;fillt tik . • *. i . -. ~,,,, ~;,,,,, :-.v./ . 4 _,: .. ..•14-:0.1-,,,, - .:4 1 -i i ,-* 4 -‘,..er , 4•:-... , ...-,,-i - re,-i.r.::'-' , :' ' .- -: • '-''''. z fi,li:y,il'i-,;i,gii, - A - iiillai . ‘vo'F. , titaV.l ,, iii t iitir :; , .:,4A14. cilledtki'Attcif9,9 - 'NfOlt.., t i.-,;:iff '; ".. 7 .. -;:'-. $ x *.it4..alliceir . 4o6;tiogiVlSAilAiksM c4t . - ...: , ':1 • gc,qc Ari. tiiiiof--016y047.-fhfritit-clavkAit .., • :-.....,---,':-Vir n laygi*W l- 460140 2 147 - ififffit44ffigi . ' 4: • .:!..; ._ • 'aivgaide'iriTitiiiiicleritiWiltt -. „.10,4,1 1 ",;1,: , e 2,7 A 1- were indecraivoryilltiiititell-A litt..-T,11. 1 ?: - , :".- -,- 24" - -0 - ; feI P S truth, Mr. Bloodgright-Xlati4na ' V. - - ,,, ""? . .: „ ...;.,.. '.- -," • had no right to expect priVilfgiliAtitieWidetti* .- ..'.--,,-,.... ," sideratiott„ - yethe*smiiiiroi6iii:;,i34 - ' ,l ** , • •• , , :.y ,.. :4 A : lent-, wfiefir'itliatitslo?'hisfal*tithetif'biso,, .• ~ , :-:: 4 ; Mrs. Bloodgood was li - 15 .- equalli elich4Hte-IdOpfl,; - - - • - • , .•.j4 ., ,, : 40i6,/riefitiit•Widonfoollo r i OCAM - 0- 0 : -: ,• - :-.:: vil wase . haughty and/ even tyrann ical t,. „ 41/0. - .- - ''-'4„: riti44.X.rditilitter of children, _ tiii; yia:ait' ... - ',t"......; - a ro -- et - alitiTtitilzletas - of age, witinti,iit ' .lii?.. tici; and .wlm fp n mptsnle.tbii. l olo- 4 410i • know tier fry her airectonatiMid - syttitia f p. heart. ',towards her el4erbrs4hers:*t.pttsi: - Au. riOkeekriid And shy, but; with -,0.01i • tti , ,sly 4 4014Tr0p.6:4 ,, 400*i. itlige:h:reit , ol7j - . aoa , tc?*pk4t4 ‘ool,pt ' ! (lll • l o*n i ii i i i i sts.. ‘. - • lg.:0414.1 1 /g .73* 1 :0 1L 4.. , t42/ o Fitt i r - .„ alikilidiceiettl; ,giiiiabl l 4: - Vitgli,Pi , ' 14:.......:'-- , '. ea4llttlii-ti33Fla Simple." 1...t.N.`9P1it,•41//.lra:rli; do lii4 t 'ty ll o -, iiii 44 5 3,..,-- - .4. A 1 .,-, < 4..:' , 3 / 4 .i *:- , ' ,!4. i ,i# ; , • ,:;'f40? ' We ilawtlo , -Pit:tU4o lo Ao/ 4 014:1 444.; :'''.: :: -/ : ?) , down 40,11 e errand boy.'-,soiiii#o,l2om44o, ...;. • ~ 7„ . .. who is tha.su'§OPi 0w4t°1 t 4,1 1 0 0 .7 k , -- - A.lll4ia Vali: . He early fo"st a Oa, -4 . ,. 1 1, A1 remembered. of l'iti4glF:l44l#4--Viki,?'4' ,:'4l-:-' atitanfons at la . inliriling,iii.eoteW - . 1 .: 1 - 14 /0rg14 17 411.FL1 Pcit"#4 6l o.4t - - -,.i 1l • iffable, - lie - hiiiiime a reiliktslMOV,% i fit'iialtil - .P4r 7 .- .0 ! - 1. 84 11 Y rthibl.k, 4 r'l;.r . 4 l *) ..„.„ Ple could do f or him WWII a real yleatifirg",t. ~ ...V i ke AHred, hp, loved the child with h, first - loyis which never iriiniaprni'.te , ,..A .- it bet.vveca4heir relative pos c itiansWit,h*: . ..vortich ..- sprtMerora a young haart, whoin IA: li:Nici for a while been dried up. but now - Oath 1 in all ite tendernesa„and beain,...olWilte i pet child,, other feelings par, r 4l6 - , Vira#:. I than those of sympathising ohilaliarg3a. Bloodgood was the first to notioa,...A.go*.feel lugs towar4s „her yet - ohild . „ , alitt watit".3*.to Ida little roontiwhdile.waii.absilnt,it..beWlife:titat ..time Ishaihmleutereitit.sinct liAliftvid*MiiiiiPa . the estalatemmitt,abotttirreovAilitititiWt,7 l lere, an littletable f laid ran - e1d , ..15004 1 #144W.ii after. exatnitiinAciirefullyinlireiMAtt ttili:ji ditit t,ittO ffiritili aside with • dWain. If 0.0 aylliniaAtio evidence She 'was in search iir4:4lllo4il.:takill was attached a pink ribbon, AAA shailtt4Hied as the one ' -she had, illYeAl4o. , Fartnyithetvery: day. She also Canna str;ps... : of" paper.,,upouWitiOH:V.tere Writteasinitile rilyinee, extolling the betuldee'and grabeir of -Finny. How' that foral4tirdniFtt WOO flushed did turned. pale,- therCilushelitj**l - having searched every,Hang, sho_.titoXrthe • neat heart with the pink ribbon, atvcell.aikeyttry . °Hi - gr - 11AM' trifie:`wildtatiOt 'hii.ire - Vg . tilled ' AlfreetiliihelkihOirti; and destr*Atriiiiik** .11r.211loodg.oOdwasinforrattd?tlint4Iffekl*W fortlirritplinl.-aelfilatohati;lnritMeany-iiiilitAtitant his . zsocietgit neininekivvifseiblig*- .',"-- "i'T,...`.4'.0-t -".alferettr ttiliar'ftitilifetliiiE s.tinitopattti*lted robbed bititibf*Dilia we alt hi'ini putett , --ir 07, a bot, .wholicalikeirliked AO torateto --;".._ ,; '_ wbeiria-tinx.4or'.:tiwo afterwards • beetW4,- -, ...."110$ Fanny that fsente one Dad taken the pr. -i-eWkiiiitt.• Ole hadgiti#Jtitil,iffie_tearg:toired'clOWlkitla'fair , cheeks, FOilnyistondbergra f bittrhalf piliTdOAV; wh'en 'the gryilliiiiiee etriner . t 0 - 2,1103 - I,lodi good.hatitily crated.' . Fniittint:odettlif tt4tp. Y to tell' her mbtlier the trohappkeircuutstinea,tbat i she took her: child by the handr.aud- quietly led ... _ her avitty l ,„w4He 4144 lookadlit the grsati . „ l bli .., , , 5 ..' . ...: - face burned,' and his heart beat so - Violently:Oat -. --'• he thought' it world' break;' and lie"felt so trltir- ly unhappy; yet 'he could mattellwily,i for Milla r d ' I done nothing wrong, •-W..hy then .these-,op*M- ' sivaltiongittt ?t The-bell - summoned Alfred folds rite ,l it .. . iw . ' ' tr i 1 where he Was received frith t(bltlit tcpie .7.. y'..•i.. ~, '-• ill ocitigeritli- who spoke tbitsrziii4 , :t i :'"•;!i'..#2VP;"Pt* - -";!!'"i?-',. -- ,-•• ~' '‘ Alfred, you have been witilOW. - ti,l'er . .. ,- ,' L years, and behaved w011,,a5Ww41.004104V. = show. Here are your wages an& - SV - iiifilliateo4,. ~ LjYtiatrie'ditialsiteddd' i vitiii. l'i - 114.fiftligit- ~..•,,. elier low , go, - .and you. will tieriii*** iit9 . Vil:l 'it . ,•'''' 1 You : maygo.. 7 ., Thereis anothe r 3 t o ikitiltagetl -4 n Yoo7o4ae• -.. ~4 •-. _ . ..i ii - .' Who Ovid . be so . sur . prised as Alfred ?, '''. - at ... hiiie Vatine f'sevkb.kel , - Wig& oigetliiii,ittie ''- \ ligalo t -, 6titi-•bir-"ivit.s , "ri. - ative7; - ::thertifiriellMft , away:4ll4d feelings,. he bid the sue: bye; trvAding all of the .faarity'Mtitir*T„ trunk nporilarfeliciallei,iiin - leff re? iciitir= inlet' et thieiiiiie iiddinifeeraiiiiiliiiiikn _ n . .. aistanae: ' Having arrived ,here ; • are,l,-aftices.:to proeure,:eniployinenti74hloo4o --.. ' i sonni with of severe labor ha erceii.d44ltol.. r ing; a 'veil "piii)Oisi rdiYstelatt.... t 00 ..I`4 i i- • tiers of' his occupation hint lb faigetliiii .. .. _ , 1 grief for Fanny, but hitt , love'4lSti.:blitlfirtitirOtr - „:. e k5A:,',.:4. , unaltered, and then:his:employer wate:.*Vtis4:. ;. ~- : „.r. . ;:.4., and tecik snob a deep interest in bi5#4010,12,! --.. i.,..T.:.‘ , giving Alfred thefaytisite Instruction lt - ftlftr,,- . s . -.1.*" lilt° ateriiii"ltfraillvailltt'illikiWa t iWi s 'i..7 ,r- 't,ne: andMouTd'retid.:well;iiielnal CatddisaVillisAttida ','" "..,:-. "ii Ottieill'ii.. , 3313-,:writmgyrm_trulyiexciellent,c. l **i:'..••:,C"fi'''7 learned it inogejy n , front imitation. .P.r...ltalAell • . conk great 'Hai:reit in Alfred, hating no one to take tip hl4'tiii4Wheri'at Thillif;'' atteitlfeldtte bears, holiaingwbaolialort , -;".' -'•., '":'- ,- ; , . - i - . .Mr...Bleadgoodle prosperity - . , Vras in "Abe very .. - n° o o-4 4 Pe Pr .0 6 7 . 54 1 )4• 4f .41f.1', a(0.i.4-lisiwi I sal,: and. `h e,walledtliit - Wares.§.(Yi.{4n. luxury inifilltiliation, 1 - e'te's eta . iiiii*Vtli* others: ,- TQue Vifyithe eritilidiSop'(ltifketreWt-,. . 3 . comirr-),lWWQobtOnghttoolug - easoAt4 4 o*. : . to.his,raas. tor, 14onr,ea-anilw.:oWew,.i. A44 - 04140:d;' . • Ansa lialitiod "the bete to iffe;'lie 7 :l4iiC:l43l4 with' dVatTs and menages: "q• " , ' ,41- - . :Y.:.:7 7 ',& . , .0 Just'thiitit; , 4lin Colbraleklest litaoD - Oiiir, exclaimed sre,llleodgoatlitialtiittatao.ol4. such a ram young:rnan.'!.. ,v ?4 -- : - , ; !.:,,c1:.:,.a.riNt: -. . tretriSsible,'"iailf Mi.‘l34,O4goitt,,;4lthorPitirt' ti : ifertiisVetir" • ''..--- " - le'-kr '•'-' 3 nl:;te?7• .. ',. shalt we: tub txtimiki4 l . htle*Wo4 .,- ..., - ,;' , .'. b w i, rt-.5.i.•0•A00t..3H8.0i.164„.,.:0*16A T l l! l, lft. e- 4;44 . 1 `T%.etteA#4II,I)AIRFO--1--'*t+•?0:',15,','4".,::. ...,y -',-. 1 (res,urIf*OPTAIMMIr 4 4 - 44t?p- •Vr witraAgiaNie 1 1 !q4A .•fmT9 O I*Fs:6O . OW AftererktlmCW have reliL...tri`preenpin. - 1 . itiiiiiotii4iiis4 leant , they , firiir Mf . *ilor knew, although to4tel, fancy these prnertila k t them-thiegs - ain't l so; , v it•triamW4 7 then she ox . ided,„. l ., vielnt veyanoti,V' ..-."., l-4:„. "Yes; 49,44. we i 'milt stile; Mi. :- ",Ciiiikfi'irt' mine—tie:ready tit teit 4-. What 4o 'yoti , think . nertd, Juliet?"asketoll .:::::-,,,..g.,•7:::,--,7.7.;;:-N,-,.,---..,. afterwart4,_..-- , :.,,c...,440-:. "Don't thinranytinn i %9l - 1ti. , ,i. -- pp.. 4 , k.- ~.. - ••1• , - • or - feverish fitsi , itinistiO . : - ..5 - 1 - ••,., : 4 : ::-.• - • ~,,..., ..,.. " flue you must atiiiii" , : , 'Higi;*#.4_,.._4lo,'4::. :- ., , :•- - ' brought in,. his .points , titelitllit#llW, . c. , '''-z, : ..:I'W•i, said : ' I tun thei:revarsecti*, , #44 l 4lgeir , i , - ,- f -, : , . thitt nelieVeti.inine--"'":" - - . :''' ,,, '=' ,:. •.''.r54k.j .- :!--z- -, .. He, ifiii'lli; Mr_ ilibiaio'aitkiki .:' , 4 A _',..7.:! , ;:,•ff:,,gii, trite,. . stadia:lb - , lluitariiiiti4,l4isiilliitici.. t , t - -ii3" - .7" --: - - : - ,:: - . ",it ~,,„. . .a,., --.1 „a.- --' , ... "--, : - - , . -•, -.. .., ,, -'%;;, . „kfia 209 , 4004, ontling_shartlitaxernaforsv , ...?l , 9:7 , 4.-- , -.4. " plat yon. Met aidiett that li.e l lmiicAr...,,- .',..,%, 1 5,' ,3 :,,1 comparison most hasn't:Unify,- ifienClieViVr--V4i'VA* the rich man in torment, anti LuftrEp #1:: l'f;i';,-V` , '''.W. - arr en?" ' - • - -- • . . „..-,...4,k3;;;'• , - .-i'rVA, _,_:...1 , 44jA , ,,..74, ' [lid mit notice that petit ;. in; 14.04. , itigg'fiVg't - 9??l f r4 so out .of ,place, I paid little , . atten4iiit* . „Alilt' thing be said ; of course each ontitantoo. 7 ftPXl , ..l' , ..:;:it-7„, 4 4. their own doctrinal points, that yomiiM - 744.7. 1 '' - .V;i - : , - 1 5•<F -, ' the Colby.'s. are wealthy,aridd derift-Siti ~,:-,,,.-?- -; -ii, ; ;;,.'Zt tells them such nonsense for." - - '=-',.0.'---,,c-Z.0..e:5.540:-• . Ivo as cmartytifiT• -1 x ' • ~ '...'.., ',..'.,! ... , i . Pnlini.. ure-ar. Nothing:44,Li L .,,ok ikg:,.. i-, - .. - --...7.Y,7,--lk . :. „- Thei-Alnericart • Convexities' ..for , liie-Mitilioll . -c'l?' , '..3-1:• ; ":' ..- ~, ..„,--....i,„: , - , .--;wi. - ,. - . 7- ,..,i Caitlin' afThiladeiphia, Met' 01 . 41.6; 1 . 477.,,qr- , :ft , ,... -. -I Li-! . •-: , . , •, - .4.4 • I.epx delegates to .: the .kiarrishurgiCiwm..2 ,, ” • - :'.5 - est. 'which is.:WionnintitiYiinieleeteratr , l l -" 1 ft il°74 '. VP, IPllPA'r_tceclP,l -ik-147:4w:, ,,. .> - : ,_..g.flN :,--1,1f.e.4..44,-.T.-4ats..?,Mgeleetefieleatii#4l4lCW, ' ..-;:A .. -- , JA . 4791/49.xklijAviek4-i.-netiOi*gi44.loo- - _ -- .rl gt...:1111*1n1ii09•40: 4 4 1 P.5410#4#_,51.1fre.,,... .. -: ....,. - V;',. .• .A4.lialtilit . so - 1,4, tittAtte.PnOrOtil ii `,: s :''''i - ':•.'• - • 1 2,3 - 4_,..,,,,': - ;ily ~ ., • -', ' 44 , 2, - -'- , 7tiko-tool,4lo'ltelf'eet'.- f - - ' .:; , .5.405' counitgement trein the-Amerienn party, in the cane y • . _, i , 1 .„. of Plilladelithilt, 4 • -,-- *-.4 4 1..,--",. 4. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers