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OF .... r, 4 *** ~„ l'. •-• •••• 4 ....., . • ''‘ 1 ... ... .'st **". * .s ..-.- , ~ .... f. 5 -..1,1 . 4 r . ... . .. f t4./-. :. ti 'Os ... I a - • - I '"- - - - ~ .. Efi ' , '' 4 ; -1 % , ,Z1P . ,4. •' 4 . :: q,_, ', . -.. la 4 ; t. - ... # ' - . • al* 1 )r 1. JL 'coit ~~'St a w l ti k. • 4., • , z 7 ,;"1- , • "'rag • e v n ,° ' - '3 4. `q' # L 'l,' , 4? _ , - eig t :Ori,“V"" l ---s tiffAytec,Wl42 4l _,orW i " wro';‘,, 'ttr.;#l4ct • Z4vr 4 • . . eirokukint 0 i'tfiNG; iosT. Printed and Putiamil-ieneir 601 1 / 2 1 - 14, (- %awl exaVack) BY GILL.% & MONTGOMERY, OA Tae- WORTH" 01 WOOD LID nrrs MELTS. / 9 / 8318 c4hin, liifirti - year, payable strictly in advance. Sin Dollars in*: required u not paid within the year. Aar siugle 41' ea, Two Omit—tor utht at the counter In the °MON end,b7 the Newallort THE SATURDAY MORNING& POST Published from the acme office, on a large blanket size sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In 'dreads. Single copies, Pin Csirra Paper will be tilsoontinned, (unless at the decree tion'effihe ProprisUunj until all arrestages are paid. SW No attaidlett will be ppapild to any order =dam scoom ponied by the maaey, or inference. in thir w Oonif_litteCidth 110 Setabl Of theaorning Post Is onotallielagnit-JOB PRINTING OPFIC4 in the city, w - kinds of work is done on the idnkrtest notice, :,s4annui 0. yirINGAILD, ATTORNKY AT LIM, PLllSttllzill, MN/ 4ir • Cgicu „Li/ BASLI6ELIIB BUILDTNGBi fiesta street, titierlt it , 'Melee the Ocnirtitotin.) feb 121 y Hg ES W. WINGARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, EBRNSB USG, OAMER 001:171TY PERNA. iarAlacrpraetlees In Iluntingdon, MAW, Clearfield and In diana countiea. tebl2.ly. _TAMES A. LOWRIE, Attonaey. at Law, - oftleo Poarth stroet, Pittsburgh, botwean ibmithlield and Cherry alley TORN BARTON, Attorney and Counsellor u at Law, office corner of Pllth and Grant atroota, Pitta burgh. jatly QAM P. ROSS, Attorney at Law, No. 109 k) Fourth stret, Pittabargh, fourth door below Mr. Body BatterePO's Livery Stable. Je2B DATRICK ISPRENNA, Alderman of Third Ward, otHce corner of Grant and Fifth street, (formerly occupiedb,y aldermen Lewis ,) where ell business pertaining to the deco of Alden:Bm and Justice of the Peace will be promptly wearied to. lIALM, Surgeon Dentist, successor to G. ° W. Biddle, No. 144 Bmithteld street sir Office boon from 8 to 1 o'clock, and from 2 tot o'clock. • feblikly T SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors ftt i stet of Market. ter- onto boon from 9 o'clock A. M. to fo o'clock P. M. dec2o OLIN MOORHEAD, Wholesale Grocer and tr Commission Merchant, for the sale of PIO miner, end BLOOMS, and PRODUCE generally, No. 27 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. 14,24 WILLIX srtu.n., Phil ads__ ins. steirrsos, Pittsburgh. MILTAIR & RICKETSON, Wholesale Giro cent, Importers of BRANDIES, WINES and SWAM, Ned 172 and 1 7 4 . Corner of Irwin and Liberty streets, Pitt. burgh. „iron, Nails, Cotton Tame, Ac, constantly on hand. J 3 , 20 sawn B. =ELMO ArOBAL.,II LOBLELTSO! VORA= LITIIILIDON OZXOT L ELNGRALT. CKLING, ROBERTSON & CO., 3,lanu facnaren of cut., Prod and Plain Fd o I 0 LASSWA warahonan No. 17 Wood street, oorner of Fro:3% Pittsbut t :',. ET All other kinds of Masawaro nod Windt..., tow Market pieta. apl T EDLIE & U LAM, Successors to Mulvany & Leith°, manufacturers of Cut, Moulded and Plain ilint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and deniers in all Linde of Window Glass, Flasks, Vials and Bottles. Ware house corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. mkaxily REMOVAL—U. ILIMSEN, Manufacturer of every variety of VI/LS, BOTTLES and WINDOW GLASS; black Porter, Wino and Claret Bottles; Demijohn and Carboys; also, Flint Glass to every variety. Warehouse 510a.104 Second and 133 First street, Pittsburgh. mb2s R. DRAVO. Diamond, Pittsburgh, dealer .F R • in COUNTRY PRODUCE, offers for tale a e.boice stock of GROCERIES, selected fur family use. Spices of le very variety and the purest quality, ground at Ids Steam Mills. Also, Dried Fruits. Foreign and Domestic Produce oaken in exchange for merchandise. . F. R. D. has procured a full assortment of lan , lretli's WM , grantal GARDEN SEEDS, and invites the attention of all in. tereatod in rural affairs. jaul I COMMISSION 110 USE.—The subsoribers have opened a House for the above purpose, at No. IT Smithfield street, four doors above the Monongahela B ourse. WO will purchase, or receive on coninulauen, for sale. con. signments of FLOUR, BACON, CHEESE. CORN. OATS, BARLEY, FLAX SEED, GRASS SEED. BALED HAY. Sr., upon which we will make advances, or purchase at the best market rata for cash. (novel ALOE° S W. W. H. WIGLIBII L ILICHAILDSON J. L acrscer. ENGLISH & RICIIMIDSON, Forwarding and Commission MerclAnts and wholstale dealers to DISH, BACON and OIL, and PRODUCE generally. Ware ham formerly occupied by Burbridge S Inghram, No. 110 Water and 150 First street, Pittsburgh, fnb3 JOlnt &TWILL A. J. LIZ Cuss. •TULL. ATWELL, LEE & CO., Wholesale GrocerF, Prodnee End Commission Merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh Mannfacturra No. S Wood strwt, twtareen NVnter and Proot stre.ets, Pittsburgh. anis JOHN W. BUTLER & GU., Forwarding and Oommisnion Slorchnote, dealer. in all kinda of pirrt , BURGH IdANUPACTURES, LEAD PIPE sod 811 Err LEAD, No. 6, Yruot istroot, I'lltntrurgh. arp../.4 NENItY 11. COLLINS, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, a.l wholesale dealer 111 Fl,ll. OILUSSIS, BUTTER, SEEDS. and PRODUCIi generally, Nv. 25 Wood ettrt•t, Pittsburgh WILLIAM CARR & CO. ' (William Carr, late of the firm of J. Perk , tCo.) wholesale O la)- ORESanddealers la Foreign WINES and BRANDIES, Old Monongahela and Itsclitied WHISKY, No. :1129 Cottunerrtal Row, Liberty streot,Flttallurgh. jnAf) JOSEPH FLEMING, successor to Wil coxt) & Co., corner cf Market street and the Diamond, keeps constantly on hand a foil assortment of LRCMS, MED ICINES, SIEJ-MCINE CRESTS, PiJiPUMICRI. and all arti cles pertaining to his bitairasa.. 'air Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. Jefry FLEMING BROTHERS, successors to J. Kidd h Co., wholesale DRUGGISTS. No. 80 Wood .tryst. Pittsburgh. Proprietors of Dr. Sl'Lluite's celebrated Verrill lugs, Liver Nile, Esc. jai 0 J. L. MARSHALL, successor to H. WOOL DEAL= and COMMISSION MERCILAP J No. 139 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Referentx—t. Waintock a Uro,. Kramer !'balm, Moe. phi, Tiernan A Co., kleosru A Kirkpatrick. Pittsburgh, May 1855 IW. CHADWICK, dealer in Kentucky • Latf TOBACCO, RAGS and PAPER., No. 149 Wood atyeet, below Sixth, Pittsburgh. Agr Tim highest market price, lo cash, paid fur hags. lIP6LS4 P. MAILISII 411 ...11.aPPII 0. LIIHIPP. W MARSHALL & Cu., Importers and c. Pram and American PAPER lI.A.N(i- INGS, No fr Wood greet, Pittaborch. 41p-Solo agrnta for tilt oolebratexi manufActuroe of Itereoi. Delicaurt & Co., Part& sue BT. C. MORGAN, Bookseller and Stu e [loner. am always on hand a general assortuo-nt School, Miscellaneous and Blank Rooks; Printing. Pot An./ NI Paper, Sc.. wholesale and retaul, No. RA Wood ate e!, .below Vieth (esAt sole) Pittsburgh. /tar WANTED--Rags and Taunora' Scraps. spill - 1y TWIN 11. Wholesale and Retail CP dealer in MUSICAL INSTRIIIIENTS, PIANOS, 51125 - IC, SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY, N. SI Wood street, Pittsburgh. Jahl I=== D EYMER & ANDERSON, (sueuessors to Joshaa Rhodes & C 0.,) whoiesale 41,411-rx In FOR F:10 N FRUITS, NUTS, SPICES, CON YECTIONARY, SUGARS, ac.. No. 39 Wood street, opposite the St. Charles Hotel, Pitt. burgh. apt . ' iriNDLE, WladeeAde and Retail SA D '4l • ULF, HAILNESS, TRUNK, VALISE and CARPET A.AU MANUFACTURER, No. 106 Wood street, Pittsburgh. 1Y29:7 • 1 V NTERPRISE WORKS, No. 136 Wood _LA street, third door below Virgin alley.—GOWN k TET LEY would call the attention of Sporting men to their large esiortMent of GUNS, RIFLES and REVOLVING PISTOLS, the...largest and hvet selected stock ever opened in this mar kat, tOgethar with a general assortment of Hardware, Cutle ry, Tools and Fishing Tackle, all of which we offer et the ,• 1 lowest possible prices to cash purchasers, or for good . 1 ,- ptoved paper. __ marlB I N - ORT H-W ESTE R N POLICE AGENCY, No. 89 Wrutition street, corner of Dearborn, CIE "JAG°, ILLINOIS.. --...., . , ALLAN PINICEZTON -lig,D. a. 110D616H. PINKERTON & CO. devote their entire ataniktujo the tranAsotkon of n ,v , .,,.,. detectiv.. POLICE BUSINESWIn the &aka of Illinois, Witantsin, Michigan and Indiana. mhlShdtf STOVES.—No. 124 Wood street, nbove Flfth.—We beg leave to ecl the Trade to our sto^l: ..1 Storea,liellovr Ware and Castings In ge,oral. Having pen.-. od every thing in our line, we can safely say that we cannot be summated In finish, fitting, and smoothness, by any in the trade. Merchants will find It to their advantage to call br fore buying elsewhere. Inl4 GRAFF, REISMYER, & GRAFF. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY AT GREATLY REDUOED PRICES. JOUR M. ROdERTS G now milling off his large and choice stock of floe Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Fancy Goods at a very small advance on that cost, preparatory to enlarging kis Store Room and the purchase of an entire new stock for the spring trade. Persona desiring GREAT BARGAINS should call early, as it to his determination to close out his present stock with out regard to former prices Don't forget the pIace—ROBERTS', 16 FIFTH street, near Market. feb6 MEN ANDBOYS' WINTER CLOTHING —ROSENTHAL & BRO, Fifth street, opposite Ma 0011 . 11, have a isrge stock of Men and Boys CLOTHING un hand, comprising some entirely new and elegant styles, which they are prepared to furnish at the lowest cash prices. Also, a large and fashionable stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. &el:Lill IL IMMO* MARTIN L. ALBERT. PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY—BIG' ELow A CO., successors to K. M. Bigelow, No. 413 Dia mond alley, near Wood street, Pittsburgh--CARRIAGES, COACHES., FLIA.BTONS, BYII3I3LES, and every description of FANCY VSHICLEB built to order, and finished In a manner ummrpamed for beauty of desig - u, elegance of finish, WU of workumnslilp and durabißty of materials. MI urn rk warranted. f novil VNTRRPRISE WORKS, No. 136 Wood .12.'4 at., third door below Virgin alley.—BOWN & TETLEY would call the attention of Sporting men to their large as eortment of GUNS, EIrLES and REVOLVING PISTOLS, the largest and beet selected stock ever opened in this mar ket, together with a general assortment of HARDWARE, OMLBRY, TOOLS and FISHING TACKLE, all of which we °Swat the lowest possible prices to cash purchaser., or for goo approved paper. nuarlB JOHN H. YOUNG THOS. B. YOUNG MAROS L. YOUNG. rr B. YOUNG & CO., No. 38 Smithfield e street, opposite City Hotel, mannfactnresr of CAlli NET - gOILNITIME and CIIA.IRS, of every description. MA terias and workmanship warren toil, and sold at rednced prema Care taken In peckinst for land and water carriage sug3l .'t'm°l ~.,'. ..„. •s. , ttv PROFESSIONAL CARDS BUSINESS CARDS scHooNmAKE It, Manufacturer of J . White Lead, Rai Lead, Zinc, Paint, Lltharge, Putt, Wholesalo dealer In 01k, Paints, Varn bawd, Turpentin e, An. No. 21 Woad stook, Pittsburseh. to v 22 FINE DRESS GOODS REDUCED—Every description of fine Dress Goode now being offered M per rent. Icce then usual prices. Jean A. A. MASON A CO- No. 245 Fifth et. r, ; .„!,„ 1 iit4iiirsh ,alumm4 PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS ; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM VOLUME XIV. BUSINESS CARDS Neither with my eye nor my filth will I trifle." - Yom'=\ mot►-~~:--' '° i T-~ MPORTANT TO TIIOSE AFFLICTED I WITII BAD SlGHT.—Persons suffering from Bad Sight, arising from impaired vision, constitutional decay, old ago, or other causes, eyelid do well to rail upon Dr. 0. B. SHAW, PLUMB-AL OPTICIAN, where they may rely upon getting Spectacles scientifically adapt. I to the JUST WANTS OF TUE EYE. Address, 26 Fifth street, opposite A. A. filwein'a, Pittsburgh. P. S.—Telescope*, idicroscopos, Thermometers, and every article appertaining to the Optician trade, kepi and repaired on the poemiaes. Ara- Glasses inserted in old Frames FAM=ME=M NEW COACH AND CARRIAGE FAC TORY.-.-JOHNETON, BROTI. • .4.5 k 00., miller of Rebecca and Belmont streets, Allegt.• City, would respect. fully inform their friends and the public set. , -ally, that they have commenced the manufacture of CAli..` AGEB, DA RIN:CUM, ROCKAWAYS, BUGGIES, SLKIOIIb and Cliat. RIOTS, In all their carious styles of finish and proportion. *A_ All orders will be executed with strict regard to dura bility and beauty of finish. P.opuirs will also be attended to on the most reasonable terms. Using In all their work the best Eastern Sheila, Poles, and Wheel stuff, they feel confi dent that all who favor them with their patronage, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their new work. . 0 . Purchasers are requested to give use call, before pur chasing elsewhere. octo,ly A MILLIKEN & CO. have on hand, at A their extensive CABINET and CHAIR MAN lIFAC- Tint Y, No. 64 Smithfield street, a large assortment of Fancy and Plain Furniture, which they will sell lb per cent. lower than customary rates. Term& cash only. Idee27:y CHARLES BARNEI"F, iioRSE SEWER AND BLACKSMITH, has erected a new and commodious Brick Shop on CHERRY ALLEY, between Third andlanrth streets, where he is prepared to do all work In his lion w - ith the utmost promptitude. Having had long extvrience In the hr.sinees, he respectfully solicits the patronage of 111.4 customers and the public generally. j tTAMES IIIELLINGER, Mommigahela Pla ty ming Mill. would respectfully inform his Instals and the the ronblic that his new establishment Is now in full opera. tion, and that he is prepared to furnish Boat Cabins. and nil all orders for PLANED LUMBEIL with promptness, end at the lowest rates. MSIEMMiM Seeh, Doors and Mouldings, of every inscription, mad. order. 3, Builders arid estryemtere would find it t their ad's, mite to give him a cell, as he can tww furnish them s uu Platted Stull . , imitable Lir every dr. - m.4100 of wort. VULTON CAR WORKS, FOUN bRY AND MACHINE SHOP, lissnmrst, Onto.—The solw•r!he: haring moved W W hL now Works, meetly PRehnt.i. not ner of Water, Witkmough and Sheldy streets, to ptepared to ! ote tract for .and execute all ordem for Passenger, Regrew.. PottAbbee, Rouse Freight. Platform, Gravel, Hand and ad other deecriptions of CARS. Also, for STEAM ENG It M of all sties, GRA JUNO. RA I L. ROAD CASTINGS of all deacriptions and all other * !rt apperoduing to a Foundry and ‘ltteltine Shop . The Foremen of the different departments ore mitt and practical men—mostly from Eastern roannhator!...._ who keep themselves! Informed and adopt all valuable ot..t. era Improvements. taugT4.3ll W. Si W ETIIE EI.J. 9111 E HOPE COAL COMPANY having re- MIA!, met with Llsats to traronmtrting cad L. Litt. ita mai, being Ensured by the Mannfx-torere* I nsornnee patty, of Philadelphm, take phauntre to stating that ow:: claims were promptly aljasted by J. Newton Jon,!, A t.vot of salts Company D. BUSHNELL Agent of Rope Coal Company. Cloctuttatt. Pittsburg*, December ZT, 155 E, REVOLVERS'. REVOLVERS: :—.Jubt re- Cetivedi by Xviresei, &reef from • ii•JT, the autotibtcitarers, a orilanditi nasuotl men t t.( COLTISILEP KATI N four. five and six itiela bitriivils, sII tif W 10111 Set for melt at tut low pt ice. as they can be bought in the city of Nt•tr Y.,: ler sone going to Australis and Oaltdoretta wsll nod that the. do beater by Itnrchatung their equ.page at lion,. t/.411 can among strangerw—as w• give person. n %Mtn , t. any of the above l'uituls tieforr leaving the city. and in of s failure we refund the money Ett)SYN a TETLEY. sttpl 1311 Wo.sl erts-t, Ilthaturs' . OTTLERS.—‘IOII N °UDEN No. IR7 First stre,L ntualti rssystschttly ississrls. ssl Iwo th•Lt they Lave exastftantly ttu htsutt a teal. tingitl. SAIthANAItiLLA, 11.NLILAL Ye AThit, ALA and I , ttif Xt. of the best quality. The attention cd (smiths t• partif-utstt) tso r tt. fart that they bottle \A AINKRI lir:3 A I. E :11 it. pi.:••ct •• ,1. I . ll3stctsus rreutnntentl it to on a. count of .t• ta • • • oms anel strsninth•Lnine •Insilttts. no r TJ. OILLY.SPLE t k.; :ass a -- e,l . and dealers in rbo• graving's, Catuta and Fancy tionsts, ii,. 7r. ...I .r i — I r burgh On hand tad matie tn order, Gilt Pies an.) M.ntle Mahogany. Paisew.s.d. \Valhi:it and (hit Fronts, lug, of every ilevicriptioci. O Nteatia.at Cabins Lk...muted and OM M. A. S i W n r I LER,. hole:ale l lt. , et Housekeepers' Hardware. ruiners T Tu. Platy Sheet Iron, Wire Ittsets, . kr., Zi North bie. street.. opisaite Buehler', Hotel,/ II A RE.I.!..MCItiS sep29 - 431 D JWHITE, VENrri..ts BLIND 51..p.turm. ru . au Has recosered tiu health a. as reviirite hie business., and has opened hut )1A NPVM il:1 No fib Fifth street ? near tne Pint heransin W..et Stuitlittelsi, whore be haa an awairtviietit •11 NI), trlrniiied tb plain and fancy Wonted and talk t .turn , his, '••• prepla - ed to 11'1 any order in hie tins, nn ti.rms. Ills work Ls WILTI9I/Lerl 4. ,rl , l , gal.fla, nl.. ~) refunded. Old Blinds repainwl. Please abr.. hail n rail. as be can't be treat orktuanitin;, n.) . • _ B • F. SHOPE, NILRCHANT TAII. ,, ii. Thir`i 1,3 t -hair hi 111PHati }1 k the sefy liberal patronage het eiiitore i• heo leave I, ark a .111.1nUAlaan of Lilo acme. a 0 u. Ix better prepared than ever t. !urinals Ins Ir ,et. nn.l t o mer• with garment.. which will amine edit., taart.f.•li..h i11 , r113 , kiwi. on bead a largi iiioortusnot tlo. sty Ins ..1 VEHTINtiS, , w b.+ will make 4.) order on the hat terms. tgt_ A perfect At airy, wornant.4. I W 0 (1 15W E I, L' Ili: AND C 11AIRS, wilordestai , I.od rm,d, curl , 16 ag , r ) III) le of furniture. in ItAtieutte et. Alnliii,“trit ititd Witte itt, •iti tel,!, for patters. charntwra. an.? ilin,na . 1 ,, In 5. , ,s Mil. or and at I. .4( or pr y article made by Load, Juni vritrrAnt—: Uttlituut 3laknr' nupplrml nab a.t.y qt, , ,:ity .7 FUlt TURK And C7IIAIIL, Oil rl-11,1.41 •HU : Ili+tele and St...rut...au Itirmetieit nt Wareruttium, \.n.:: and 70 Ttard nug2 rirttaicit , ,, l. 1..1 J. & T. cittet:rirr BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, &c. Fine Old Monongahela Rye Whl•ky, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY ; .W , : RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS. CORNER OP SUITIIIISLI , AND FRONT STRRKTY. _ PITTS lit' KG IL PA. DAVID CAMPBELL & SAMUEL POL- LicK have Sasociatod together under the at, I.• tit CAS PEOCLL Ai POLLOCK, for the transaction of a gi.tv Variety and Dry Goods L 111,14.1.14, and the tnanutarinre vt pl.tin and Waved Line Mouldings. rohlg WATCHES AND JEWELRY. — JOHN 31. RtM3K.II.TS, N 0.16 PI STU street, is now ototnius en entire NRW STICK of Uold and Silver Patent Leter, Anchor, Lepine and Vertical WATCHES. in open end hunt roc L11"4-6, of the most celebrated English and :0,1.1 I1111:111 isiturr. Ale, Gold Guard Vest nail Yob Churns, Seals, Keys, Allutoture Cases, Bracelet., Gold Pens and Cases, Pen T' .4.Ops'ks, honey plain Set and Stst) Finger lo —.sr pins, EN/-Illago. Cott Pins, Studs, Sksers 4.1 ,o 1 Silver *slacks, Silver mot Pistol Spoons, Knives sod Forks Jet, 0, al and Fancy Goods. Also, a logo stoek of the beet BRASS CLOCKS at all pries. The ebeve stock We been purchased direct from the E.:• ern menufactrnies, and selected with groat car- for the rvtail trede, end will he sold el a Munn isdrittlee on cold Clocke and Jewelry re-patrol; Gilding end En graving executed In the beet manner, and Silver Ware end Jewelry made to order. JOHN SI. !tali Bltl'b, apli Fifth street, neat door to Market. DALY'S STOCKING FACTORY. —C. DALY corner of Market alley and Fifth "treat, nods It necessary to contradict a report that had gamed currency, that be was selling off to quit business. Lie never had sink Intention. Le Informs the pub& that he still continues to supply STOCKINGS, SKIRTS, DItAWERS, And all kinds of HOSIBRY, at islis establishment. Ills Fac tory is near Ryan's Buildi❑ un FIFTH street—open at all times to the inspection of the public. lie has, beanies the work of his own manufacture, brought to the city tie , largest assortment of floods in hie line ever brought In this city, which are warranted to be of the beat quality, and will b• sold at the most reasonable prices. lie has but one Salve Room, at the currier of Market alley and Fifth street. C. DALY, mhl6 Corner Market alley and Fifth at. NEW INTELLIGENCE OFFICE—If you want to have help," find employment, buy or 111,11 property, call at Lowairs INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, :So. 14 Fifth street, near Market street. Legal Docuiriente and Copying done with tipsiness and despacch. (felectij JOSEPII W. LOWRIE. FORSIIA'S LINIMENT—The host Lini ment now in use fur sprains, bruises, 12 doz. just received by JOB. FLRMINO, PIG METAL-190 tons good quality, cold blast, Juat received per atrattner Irene, and fur sale 1,3 ap'4l P. M. DA Vl2, corner Wood and Fifth ats GREASE--Bayea' celebrated Grease f.,r Drays, Carta. -buggies, Railroad Can kr., jrl fa.. kegs and lads., for .ale by lap2Ul HENRY H. 0)1.1,10 e COAL WORKS FOR SALE.—Sixty acre of land, with 21s0 of Coal attached, nod oil I h. In. provernents thereon In 111100011efld operation. Said you in la Sit tinted on the Monongahela river, tulles shore Nits burgh, and Is supplied with a Farts! Hone. barn, Tens"! Houses. Orchard, Railroad. and an rareilent harbor. The vein of Coal is tire feet thick. and oinnot he surpassed in quality. Fur further particulars apply to NICLIOUON k l'A YNK, 2.tf No. 236 lihertv street. WALKER'S UNEQ,UALLiii IT UEL IBLB bare just received a large of this celebrated Indelible Ink, with or without the prepare. Con. It Is offered as the beet Ink now In ume. In all Ctl/4•4 the money will he refunded where It doom wit pie.* JOB. YLIMIINO, corner Diamond alley and Ilarkut et MEM EMI= corner Diamond and Market of • - ds, Irs• • ' r: 1 4 .4 5 .; ' l i, • fz' BUSINESS C4,IZDS GREATEST IMPROVEMENT YET! NE W S C A L E—II. KLEBER!& BRO., have Just received a small lot of NUNNS & CLARKS' PIANOS, er provided with their NEW SCALE. Thin Is their latent, and undoubtedly the Nos, La- POISTAYI improvement a., yet made to the Piano Forte. The POWER of the instrument in almost DOCBLKD thereby and In point of volume. eveurnsis and brilliancy of tune, they surpass anything on yet produced in the shape of a Piano. They posse. all the advantages of the Orated Pianos, with out any of its disadvantages. W. , fjOM- 0,11,pg0 , v mpariwa with the Instruments of any onto . maker in this country, confident that every unbiassed Juoge of the article will at once admit their superiority. The piddle is respectfully in vited to call and elandu, these sepert. instruments. R. RLEBER & BRO., Sole agents for Nubile & `Narks' Flans For Wiaiteru Pennsylvania. No. f,3 Fifth street, next door to Masonic Hall. P. S.—Splendid assortment of the above shortly expected fur the Spring Trade. upu NEW SPRING STOCK OF CHICKERING & SONS PIANO FORTES. JOHN 11. MELLOR him r „,,.. friorim Just received seven more of :::!.'",a_1.X...;;,.i. CHICK ERINO ' r S SONS' -. " V 1 PIANO FORTES, and cam- 1 ' t Ward the Stock, selected fur Spring Sales, of THIRTY-FIVE now and splendid Inottrums tits, of every variety and style, manufactured by the Messrs. Chickerintrs, (13oston,) from the plainest SIX OCTAVE to the most splendidly finished Seven Octave Square Piano Fortes, ae well e.,3 their superb and I imitablv Ornod and Parl..r Orand Pianos. EVERY PLANO FORTE in this lot is of their NEW SCALE, with their PATENT IRON FILAME:. , , and PATENT AcrioN, and are cot < nly warranted to the purchaser 1.9 the mgoulacturer., but by the euhstriber. to be in all respects so portent es Instrumente can ta4 made. bib In regterd to Material and Workmanship PRWES INVARIABLY T}U SAME as In Booton, at the Manufactory. . . JOHN H. JELL OR. Nu. 81 Wvod strewt., I.eter,tt Diamond miry and Sowell street. Agent ter Cllickering & Suns. Hostrin,i9lloAinbUrgit wJ Western: Prune. EW SI'I'PLY OF PIAI i SO -2 FORTES. ha+ Just a furthor nutiply of • l'utraa, with patout tiridgr n , l brariugt, a/1 watt rilltuttt lug Grand Acuity Ail a pivot of tnc soperionty of these Pianos, to the , Al', I. amit .-I.tract ,•f.iteport at thr iato •'Fait " h. c•atipai•' with ttio reititoutral molar, Jou.. krrin.;, w h.. ow I'. of the A...dation • Tbn. Ilasantllua,tta ,LarGable Nleghaic . • Ibtr •111.L.rd, w.tli aSzlr.• Jiang:, to Galled. Lana for the heal m.. 1 Forte odntrthntad I the Exlir lain. a 1 , 43. JONAII l'rrat." had nip , In- .1 bla Laat ()rands r 111 bin. at In II P C—ntriuttor, l l' , qs %Vold>. K inivrt Jnbn Lang, edr .1 eny a.da,r ltn , Grand .• In n.na It 41 pt.rlir rt • Itl. rGntnl, Tull nal art: nalatnad. a rnonal tuAtrand.d4t, ani oe.ri VIM` Pian.+ me... 4.• with fall Iron (ram, 4' IT - CIAI ‘1,.11n, PIC . nrA kr! mad. to rlaulti w tilt • flua,te It 3 .I.tivort 1.. tt,. TTl.ut - T, *Me vrare.rtbrr la. 4 I.t•ltum fr. , m nu , n4ze.r.lt. , u t Ilium, neunburg; A Vr d 1.4 TTE/IT4 4Trool mA.ker• al rim, &run tn II .000 CII Alt F 111.1 . A1 )0-11 11 , 4 \Vogel str-wt, 1 .1.1 l'14” s.•haar. al ibor fail *Cu.. ‘:., . tnirt , rat,l ilomtqarKli pr. te./ C FOURTH STREET CARPET STORE. W. D. 8 lI.:IIcCALLLIVI, 41.0- Y R II eTFt T, ti EAR WO CID.-5111 TH. 'attention of perchs..rt no r.spe:t.fuHy furttsoll, fur 61 . 11/ ti. hAtAQ.. Ettgltsh sod Tar.stry Itt• Itrus...l. art.' TN...try. trtalr-a. Cr..na11..t.1 ,M..1.1.xtr, and 2..t.tra Sad Ouper ft Ply Yt,..1 I rfgratqd 1t...! I trq..rt..l Y.xtra Tv I)aurs..k 11461 at.: tf • In L .: t land wt..,. ...a. asn.l. Frorotit ..ot Tsbi. Cart...TA c s 11.; /r., 11.artt. 11.4. r 2.c• !tut" , Lt.t, 11.* a... 1 I. tarp.t. tt.l of Up onn.l buff 11.41 NA. .4 .1 •t m•-i•-rat- 44 - fur - L.lth H.tria.t.'olT Cttcerr 1.11.17" - ia.ta4 MANSFIELD SLIIIV4nt AND Allegheny County Normal School. 1:IIMII/Mil r:: , ' it Kl'l . • MR, t.K • K i' El: M It, .! : ..• l't t e tm.h. r • T Fit M.,- 4. I _ T... luel, 1... t.•r II". !, rn-al PL. , 1, •., •u% .. r , turn vlit 4r..t. , tr.: el, Tr.rtn, ut.• th. Art .4 OLT'S PATIA D T HAN ' , TAMP --Th, r II- • FIiAr•KLI% k‘l ~1011. r 11ii•t \ Tr• r thr 1.41 ar.r. r liarlt.verrlrr Ir rrr TI. Mats'' , La 111,1:k.. • •of Is to. tt, Iry r - 1:,I 40.. I. of utt g,.u. fa: u 4.; .“ I. t r • m.l r.tr ~ . Al,r, ••• rul•:•• 11 , ; pul•Ii• nr• L ler. I Ljo.r atl,. at..l I!, rxrwir ••1 agi I.rn. ,••1 , •r ot‘lr •.r An.l • 1., Ir of LI, mat...1011..1 ar.rk!orkaldi. F N.% 1 , 1,•1 I',ttp.ot,l 11, Eyrs IN AN r Li; the . 411 14 1j....; •vi ll 1•• ,1•.1,111•It I 1.• to I , y .ertAl, 111., 11.1,A..s Y k. cr. ' s,. p,ttg,..„ . ‘l, dll/1 A.: , Lit Itor Pat.., ,t.r,p - 1, 11.. ' , IA, I . .tstlg,tt.lr. 1:1‘ , eat ..1 tor 1.1., n I . ..tlxinot 11.11tubult. I,IIW 1,11,4,1 alsti lhe Dlnb ( 111.- II au /IPA NI. s+,4 Ily I/nyr 4, , It, Vt 11 PLll.Aburgll, NIA, li. t Itly lvs Cud's.',' URI iv E FEMALE The Tru.tto. of Lot nit .tro, total,tenuttr3 gltt• non , - to Ent. tri., ..f tn.. ...Mutton. 1',., Ito. not ILLIkII II 11.0.1, Easing lawn • ou.t.dloti by prwlracted 111 114,11,1 t. I. n.igu Inn t tong. a. R. Ito of tine ann.,. the, havo Itoon furtututto a. toso. uro tlto tantablo sorvtvolt T RIDER. of ..'wlurk. for the panto gum 1011, ht, outer. al ton, von IC. thstAlartot tt nut du. tat.. Iv. tin. vory Utah anti Ilatioring catniturtolautots Intl yr had of Mr. Itigo, thoy have nct doultt of hot tontuold litnotot for Ow work committed to him, and that t I.onot o that under line trattotgoolont the ttattnuary can not fail to procuro a largo 41taro of public fn., and mupport. totvunt ;11111i:titer. , wand. to oducato are 'antic .l IV 4,111 , 1 11.»,c,p1+14111 whin ten. advantages a.turit tion Itutututv It afford.. 1.-11, n ..in•cts ILA latautinui Cut , and a 1.. A mde. crow the city owl td. /MI, for tho Llion.righ aid oducati ro.n tot] to us otti. oo.• .f . Mot, twlurs. in ult.r. Ina) It ohdtvnott applittatatu to the Rector, Or Tr.t...r. SIMENTIEMMER WILLIAM Y. JoliNsToN, MIEM= rito-poil 111,11.1 m ad. THE CEYLON STRAW lIAT—The atten x eon of the public it rialuenteil to our entirely new at)ie of MAW lIATS, just reraiteil front the importer iiiimbining the ninny iinalittes which have hewn so lona wanted to make the Straw Ma suitable In every way na Summer lint It is the Straw Hat which the rain or damp weather will it,it nth., t, either ut the balm or crown, being to bruld“.l to t,prev,et Ito posaibility ,d it in any way. I .dler thin entirely new say!, called Ow CI.IYI,CiN HAT, 1.,11t, mg it t, thy' Straw hat that will give the WOltr - Pr entire aatiatartn.n. CHARLES 11. I'AVLSON, 73 Wood et., niy:ln nott da..r front the corner of Fourth. WURTIIT OF A 1"I' E N 'l' I O.N !—FOR SA I,F..—A new da..lhog jloo finished. two gonna, arratigell with hall, two parlors. dining room and kitchen, three chamle•rs, good cellar, loath room, 8.r.; a hy drant In the yard, and good stable. •I'M•• lot Meta front of 20 Get on Carrel street, Allegheny city, by 100 feet deep to Led lie street. Price $1,400. TO/AIM—PM in hand, remainder 'ln one and two years. ,t S. ap2B :•1 liar ket WRIGHT'S PREMIUM KATIIARION wrote the bead, and renumrn all symptoms of Head ache. Persons wing witionrs KATIIA RION A ro Decor liable to suu.strok, , . witioirrs ATII A RION IN Ilia nigl4t vnloubio avritliKillon to the toilet, retaining tho 10. Itliy r... 11111,4) form. eor ord. Ay bc. U EU. 11. KEYSER and It. E. SELLERS a 41 '.lO routs pat hOtt.l4. 0111,18 I ARIIE BRICK lIOI7SF, pleasantlysitu ji bind to Alli,liony city, with lot of ground 30 foot O. thohl Irmo, i Ifol foot deep to nlb foot alloy. The it V" II 1..111 owl lisilxll.4l lu tdoilorn idyll.: portico hi o /.1 1.011 1.., r, Mllll. kitchen, 7 chnrnber, tlho hi Boni ut..l gra% I yard, nhatto and troll ,11 t/0,1k11.1.ti orclut, for gait. by Ai thiN, Gil Market at, E.r4N(4/.ISII t:A If PETINOS.—ItUBINSON b 171, virth hot, tiott? ',limning through the Vonk t ionoto Ilionin a bug, of Eugllsh roi• and Tutooltdr ) Corvolting. which ton idutll rio "Ivo 10 n r.. dity•, nt,ind pleioo4l tn nhow to anyany g alto rimy Ltit. , hold of Irilirted Inivo Mtn now In pu , k lirtinnoloi, A ply Knit. Carpet., 1.111 . an tionortiliont tinnurploinnil lit tiii. luArk.t, and all at lowest prtkwa. sprl.2 4 7 , • 7, t..„ , " l' •S. ' ~ PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1856. MISCELLANEOUS. FURNITURE: TILE subscriber, having enlarged and fitted up in good style hie SPVIOLS FLRIITLRE 11 IREIIOOIIS, To AN stock, aud iurites his fro.uda aud the puttik RofM^e purchasing elsewhere. HIS STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED EVERY CLASS OF UOODS RICH, And embracing some very Out ROSEWOOD PARLrill SETTS OAK CHAMBER SETTS, And n great variety of Sew Styles of Bureaus, -Nedstesds,Dltairs, All of which I.y retail, At WLIOLESALETrat k:,.• ivy the I refttudewt H. ii. Rl' A Ili, tny3o 51 Fifth ortri..-t. IiDMUNI) WILKINS, HEA 1) OF IV tX) I), ON LI likt slt E at. 4 c 4.• (.38•••14717 hitaift<gt. i`a )i,....u.sn , ”aisk Nola{ Vent.. V.A.; •ta4 Ihm Table T+4o.. •.( ...wry nal., < OW , .0.! {.1.1. L 11 , 16r•1 t.- L nt.r.g, at (r.,•• I - 1 to SA g.-2 . La - 0.1 ,Mr• ia 1,11 kove ill 0,1. • Ltch 1.1•.• • GUIS... , rwaten, t wilful:sir...-. .: furtaieb, ay v. ‘• :51 uaor.uat.ll Grinn, Fr trr Ita• Ein , l l'r o. Iht 9 Vi &tier Street, ). rT Fra, , sa t) 11.11+7 w • t m s: .i.l r tall. at Ts% o Medals and five Diploma. 1' II 1' R AA, t :r •,-.16/10, lAA • etas Jar. 14•4357 11 ..rt•y A,,cv I f thr 1.-44 1.4-4.par44 , •1 44 .4/ ,4,1444 %ea t s p•r••., t h I , ar, • • r• 461, 11,•,1 =ECM FRANK V.\\ (.411{1 , ER 1:F.N1 , )1 vr•par , .: tovi••• t••: t.,•• ,t,• I 4,i i.r N. , VIV: .1 .1. . - f 11 VI 1)EN11.--•citiL0.11% . t to 11. Pr..1414-nt t.o• k.l ..• n this ,tay. 4.4 hir4.l •...Ito nkt•l C. I% t. I I • : .!nr up.rn r••••. 1. P1....1 41 •t • • Slo• tbuldcr• (~ r r• ta2 , •-• tr, •• k nn , l al:rs . I .f.nt MUKI. n I. 11.111511!' t 1:t11,1•56. \ITT 11AVE FOR SALE, at the Ottiee V Ow MONNI744> POS - 4 n qua/ 44• I 01. i, T 111- Hari/Anita and "larva vrantmg much an a , al.- ran gvt m larna mama r 14 calling ma.. 4 . 1 4 I,,j,: n T ATE FAIT, The ini,lt•r...tiint,l 1 , ,J D.. aptamnt4,l to NAAR - 3( at,ha 1.141- aa, t,. ar tin: nf the 'tat , Fair a.: Pittat.al 14,-..by -1 b ~ ...11 .41.0 ,4 1.104 “n.- -4 • bo•ir •011110 fa , l• • •:•• th• ~LAISNI-71l ail! -all ••11 W.., .1,, • 4 th. .•nt rn-tith N N WILLI 41.1 M 11,1,11, J.ACN/It XT EN' rveeivt,l, itti-t it 11 hardly woe...try to rnpocit also.. toth.. 1...1 , .1, to ./. sold from TEN To TM ENTY l'Elt ENT. 1, 11 lb , 31100 obwwliore. turfllsolonw Rachel In the IS Entecl isi . I.lporrowgroos Paporo-00 rr tits. M00n... of 'lnman Lifo-7111. TlO MAI,. .1.1 1 ,1 of the tit eat Wont—+;l 12 Th.. !bolsi.) I' by Brougham— ,so T.....410t0wn Lett...B-01.12. for lb. 1:2 I . IXI. Taboo; by Nish Vagabond Life lo 1110111,0—Pnr. :bat p Hunters; by Capt. Moyno 11.11-- (1,1 11 hits elskof; " •• Mr. Spougo's Sporting Tour; by Fronk Forootor Itruth, Jonathan for 4th July-111. Victoria' Cllppor—tic. Vat kee 'torpor's klagazine for July, Itltir.l supply Peterson's Mogrisilno foi July. inocounl supply)— Graham's Ninstastne for July, lanrotui sum.] tboloy'n Lioly'o Book for July—ins.. lowlie'm N. 1. Journal Mailmen Magazine-I(k' Itornomher, tho plan to get Nlogarvins is oh LA 1:ElE/Vii lb kiEST. No. 77 Fourth Pittsburh. April .2gth,lBbe, l)f+inun fl. 11 MITE, uuven W. lieiutes, Geo. 8. Suncs. e. 28 AGREAT BARGAIN !—F”r sale, a t,lit fortalde Brick PWKLLING HOUSE', Ni J 9 Prig •t with two Lots of tiround.earh 2n feet trait to 90 p 'f Lo House Is large and vourenlont ; a Rood 'ollar•wnh flor; a hall , tau parlors, dlnlng.rootti, and kit, hen on Brut story; with a wash-house and largo paatry--t brio .11 ato store room and bath room on the second story. and live rooms on third story. Flre-proof shoe rooL gas out ores mot pipes on first and second story. Large yard. a Ith tri,s,grape nines, it.C. The Improvements alone ow , ( in ire than the price asked fur the trholo property. Pri, $5OO trio fourth In hand; remainder at one, two and three yrars. lf S. eililiEßT SoN, je'2ll Real Estate Agents, 61 Itarket BACON -2 casks tbr sale by Jy2.l HENRY It. 0',1.05. 9i) BOXES ORANGES to arrive and fa. ~ sale by REYMEK i ANDEK.SON, JYI7 Null Wood ettr ,t. 9 ( 1 0 4 .' / tor sale by RHYMER h ANDERSON, j yl No. 311 W...d . lit re,A. YOUNG IIYSON TEA-1T chests finest Kiug Chop Young Dyson Tea, at 75c. and $ll4 lb., i.... COI vv,l by F. It. DRAVii, mylo 82 Market and I Diamond. ___ _ Kr = • • EIMMENI RYAN'S BUILDINGS, No. 31 Fifth Street. LARGE AND VALUABLE ADDITIONS CALL AND EXAMINE. A.Junting la. 111x.ollt 550,000 Worth, Co.Seiting MRDITM, ex.? LOW -I.IIIOE D. Covered with French 14wsteUr Sofas, Book Cases, &0., &Or EAGLE MARBLE WORKS. J EX A. Is ETZ ER, 5-w4ll/OA/at* .axi) OtAllll3ollllt PEK IN TEA SIOL NO. :IN IhTIiKET / TV , 4 P --- 4 4.4 •,.• •r- r, tvlarded Arlo; 4.14 f. ENIOV .1 IMICIECE OLD TYPE METAL, Tli LOWER VASES-20 pair Term l'otta _L Vanes for sale by (jyl . .lj IlanlKl If. C01.1.1N1 , lIIFTII STREET PROPERTY — A Lot of 4 Nlrunad on Fifth street, opposite the Cathedral, on which Is pro ted a neat Two Story Brick Building, suitable for flakes. Apply to l irlj BLAKEY): A HICII EY. WIIEAT- 5000 bushels of prime Wheat wanted by SPRINGER lIARBAUQU, ii.v. 'AID laws* street. LMP -BLACK - 5U bbls. just received and • for cab by Liel:l] FLENUNG BROS. i!IME •• 4 ' PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL AT THE BUFFALO VENERIAN HUSPI. l'AL—EstablLsbed for the CLP.E of Syphilu., Seminal WPakno , . and the Infirmities Qf Youth and Maturity, by ANI(:= tc SON, Bt Fisto, New York—Office, coruor of Nish, and Quay streets, 1 up stairs.) A MOST F.CIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument fur the cure of general Debility. Impotence, Incontinence, or Nocturnal Emission, ThIA instrument has been used with the most happy effert la the practice of the moat eminent physiciaus and eurgeons In the Britinh empire. France and Germany. s, re markable were tic crime. that the late SIR Arian" It AA rite harbinger of Life." The mine of thin will falls sustain the high encomium. YuGNO 3IFN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. AMi , S d NAN are the only Ph),haat. in the State who are members of the !loyal College of tiurgeona. London, pwduates of ono of the moat eminent Collegvaln the United .`i.tat.e., take pleasure In announcing that they have invented a ailed important instrument f.ir the cure of the aleiv.• diet...es. It ban been huhjected Mateo!. by the most eminent pliptician4 in I ondolt. Pane. Philadelphia and New orb it too. been declared to t o the only awful Inetrumen eel? et dieceverid for the cure of Seminal Weakatraii, or any the genital urger/. arining from the aolitaryi imhite of itelltindialgenee which destroy both booty and. mind, unfitting man either fur tuarriaf,ee or tt.rtetY• Dr. AMOS &At IN. In order to satisfy the m o st iikepti,al ne to the mettle or their ornent, that in any Tanta {I C. where the) mas. pure n oral isfactory after a lair trial, the rrion.-y will be refunded hy returning the I nstrte meat In good order. Fermin, wishing the aeon, useful Instrument will obeerre that the price, with the accompanying ,faction..., ,eeorzly pee Led and gout by expreee, Is ten doll Ira. NEW REMEDY AND QUICK CURES Por the Venereal Diseases, and all private compLiints. gloats. etricturmi.xeminal weakness, paine in the inina, atlec tions of the kido”ya 1111.41.4012 of the head. al ct, 110 or and skin. aid a.:l those dreadful afflictions arising from a secret habit of youth. u filch produLa constitutional debility, ren ders marrhig.• Impossible. and in the end destroys both ',A) and mind. D r Am; e: & SON barn dev , tel their attuute , n ex( 'lt tlvely t, Ode le atltts Hato at maladies, and the hate d , roe.trotly Le en ertahlol to render In their fell ,se ereatarge• in fit.ly teatlfhel and ttraterally Atli non ledg,d hv d .nreeateent patteuta nut othent datly aer.ving iu tau it tn - ttn all parte the , tatntr), for the et pre-,. I , ltrpnae , 51:y ;If rozipaltu.lion. Ole, exertion, hare Into orl , ro.d w:th the tl..ati Witus,tagf.; yet Irani wird they hare ex lean waal Ltoto,lntt unto the , Ittotat of there. thte , tedet odaplatnnt I tram tun - It Iteett simple cowl:Tian L , that t. he Intat d3nKernata nti.l luirt.l atmlt lusty hav•- ulwny.cblei tattled Ih , p,,,,.11.1111y • 1 !Is , o pre,entsan nazi r•lis. 1 . 1t1.”11.1 ItIt• Inv:truth]) !nand that the twat le,rll , le end ma , ~nt „r t‘,l I nituargl ninny. la , traced tie the I,ll , teln, , 11i - ON', CI, I :,, ••I Jee•e Or tt Itok .11at and tint.rt-per trestru..nt : t heron iro A NI., .A. 1,,•• Li, ••t at t. tiul r , •motl.. wtadt iotru. t. r ..v .; ‘OO- , ~.khare lii tb. I ~••• gi sand [LIMN -5 I I y nt..l • • .• I: N / A 11/AZ NI, /14 NU: : Int.; rfet..a. • for It,tr ri ton 111111ritl, 1 ,, ‘l. YS kr, rY Lnrefor y••• ,, + 1•••• , • tt •t• It. nel le Lat , prscrk - e• ttt t ll' tr•uktnt• nt..l tlr.. i•ti I tht •.rt!, taurill ! .•,r, • 6. .t.;,ot. :18, e • - outHtutc.t, ni4 !he tr.. .r I. I Rt.., f, +en .•11r I. 1 11 i•tZ •• • : I.• 11, • In.. .1,1.1 . F g a l A. tn.-MD.-a.' . I.~• ..I 1 .., ~..~ .. I'r. ..... I ~.~ ~.~ ...~ ... .rig .t =CM th Ist IM=C=gl F ,, i. Kt Jr 4.. nt C .C•Tiii: S4lll \:. PAPER 0 I 'LA t. 1 1,2 ar , • .r&t. 111.1".V1444 mt. D l' i.ILLFi 1,,,rd I t nni:. N, ,I . \ 1.• ti‘tit • } OEM= I )1 Ri,f 1 i].\ -1 I'IINI,r ( 11\11,1i:1j ;.I .! I ~. ift 1 vv E 1: 1 , )1; 1(11;1 HA.l.ki.'s 11.1 0 .; \l.l .1:i I I)ft S t it Al; ANI , Mit!, ,11 nu! 1,u.V.b1.1. LET -- \\ .1 r.• I 1 , 1 1:F.: , 1111;1 111•111111 Double Hank Melodeons. k !!i:(). hay, .;ust. recei \ rj CA MI r MI:LoDEoNs. Fr , . thy ttt oothAl ins t.t.tt I 'tt fit, Citt - htit t \,n•.llien 4 ', %, ills patent 11011610 fiN, 1,11 , I 0 ,t, s ',•, wli d asblo r , •,•us and dould .1. , 1 . : 31 ~‘,ll Al.. IC. 4.11LF. it A NK MEI,OI)F' \N III& kr.), and ••••1:;•11n,:, I in for ‘.I /1111‘. tIV.11•1111 /.1y1.• lilt , c, t• .11;•ort, nrt:. i• . n and and tor; nurn, ni rnap, tfully in. on ZIA` nitl.lll,ll t.l pr.rllalt, land Ow 11111 , 11 e In gnunral I! ' , ln Cat:hart noad- lb lir , : 31,1.,1 , 00n, ninl 110.. In. , runlnnt, arn 111•••:1 In••• 1••.!, I , ) .:liar ul•tkel F, .41k. I , y 11 lvto ft 10 • N.. 5:I Fifth at rn , t. 5! BOXES. t. , 1 and ll fttr bid.. by It A N ' , LES AN I) St)AP-- EYM N. ANDERSON, t• 113 39 Wood rtrovt. fat bnXO/1 Star Conalt., MI I men mould Candles. .2..1d0 Cub tiertnan Soap; 1n do do No. 1 1., do No. 1 extra cana:y Som.. lu , b,r . e and fyr stole pht MILLER 5. 111CKETSON. lane just recd another ir,tbie Ita of lint- Pot atittle, cotoprklitt,,,r riniu Tore Satin, 11atertal ad. Satin, Illavk and cord 11ohe Antblue. S.ne, lionlortta tl.t Wm k 'la do Black Plaid. hot will at ',Newt poker. .1 1 11.1 S, ,y HERRING t.tuA No. 1 Dry Salt Ilerrit:; hf. 1.1. a No.l •• .11,a n., ned tun: for title by :.111.1..Eit 3, RICK ET,SON, 2'll and Liberty st NSI: RINC ! INSURANCE! !—Applica _Lib.. for ihnorato, ror a trial gth.ti 1 - eatable Inouron,. t .Inpttnie. reectred by ORO. W. BUSY, at Intl Real Etaott Azeney and Intellfgence °Dice, ou tilo north Nide of 011ie ftturtb door east of the Diamond, ALLIMIIENY CITY Jta,' COFFEE.= -150 bags prime Rio Coffee; fv 11, esti n do. 40 du. Uoy. Joni do. I u dton. and f..r •:itle by MILLER & RICRETSON. le-13 No. 221 and 223 Liberty str,t F►r. MEDICAL ADVICE ..e....., 1f,,//' • I'si!Es(• ._.f. .G:4 , 4.4.1114 wt., IMIIMiEI r .v•:: 1 1 ...m• .1.: ••t'o , N•, MIME 11=E=1 •. nt r,. ;n,l „•1.1.1S 111111111111 E=l 111. Li• A I, •Iy It kill • g. i k • 1., I,..trg 1111,1 FllllllO 111 1,,1t.5, Pot THE GRALEFENDERG 'FAMILY MEDICINES. MIRE OF THESE MEDICINES, ARE SOLD EVERY WEEK THAL( OF ALL OTIfElt MEDICINE'S PUT TOGETHER. N THIS COUNTRY success Is the result of merit, for the keen discernment of our countrymen is proverbial, and paw an effectual stop to ignorant proton mina. We conceive that the unequalled success of the Elraefen berg Medicines ie more owing to their tuidoubtetlatiperfority than to any other ranee, and we 'desire to callatten. tion to one of the bust among them, MA ES HALL'S UT SILIN E CATHOLI CON. This remedy will certainly core Falling of the Womb, Whitey. Dimor;lered • Menstruation, Diseases of Pregnancy. All troubles at the change of life, both with young and old, and all the ,Ilf'oll9 kinds of weakness and nervous com plaints ,ttured by dins bred uterine organs. TILE PE I: CIPLE SYMPTOMS indicating diseases for which the Catholicon is offered as a cartels core, are weakness in the back, tiagling and pain between the shoulder blades, extending all along down the spine, sureness in the end of the spine, hearing down pains In the uterine organs. shooting pains extending to the bowels and into the hips, sympathetic Woe in the breasts, burning Su the pit of the stomach, irregularity of the bow els. sometimes with Martine', and again with obstinate con stipation, cold feet, capriimis appetite, headache of a ham mering or beating character, with roaring or whistling In the earn, dull palm In the bead, with great nervous excite ment succeeded by complete prostration, languor and dis couragement, disMidingemernt of the menstrual periods, with an acrid discharge between them, which are described in the publications of the Graefenherg Company. Its ALL CASES OF PALPITATIO,I OP ?RP HEART IT ACTS AT °NCI% Many uterine complaints are sum:exited to be heart disease from the sympathetic disturbances connected with that or gan, but the CATHOLICON should always be taken, and in nine cases mat of ten it will he found that nothing is the matter with the heart, and that a core will soon follow its one. I t will also relieve that feeling known as the heart ri sing In the mouth and turning over, ALL OF TrIF.gE SYMPTOMS are not prpsent at any one time, but any one of them Indi eat.. the preeteries a disease, and the necessity for IMMFAMATE ACTION'. The remedy Ls prepared by one of the oldest and most ekilfnl physiciane of the day, and every ono maybe Roared that they are taking a scientific and well compounded medi cine. Experience has proved that the remedy will cure eighteen out of every twenty eferea and that most of the incurable so b, -tune of Calls, which had destroyed the re. ottperati, le-w the system, or of severe mechanical :latteres e lio;rured ionic delicate membranes, and thereby rendered a e Impossible. The emit • ..f sr ...els lean g butane dollar cud a half per hnt.le, It i. , within the r . •h of et cry person. and rilt,Aild hare a lair trial st lout. The medicine 0 accompanied by full directions, enabling --very one to understand her awn case, thus preventing the to ' , At% of medicalconseltation, and what Is more Ittirs ,• I.••rar . .I“ing Ratty with medical examitiatiozis. which I are JU‘oly stoked upon by women AA a violation of the r . •' ,red feelithzs. and to avoid which will stiffer esorti ••-oretallee hare life isael . In this view, bb , ‘it the mint • dm:uteri physicittns of the present , dst, and on.. a ho has a world-wide reputations stated that th•• eth.rts of the Graefenberg Company would lie appra in u,l by ei••ry female ..f any delicacy, and that the skilful adaptation of the remedy a hick obviated the ne.tassnity of i exieerere, amdl entitle them to the apprecusti., every loan who valued female modesty as the safeguard of parity, and the most precious and brilliant jewel be t- her titaraeter. I'AItTICULAII. ATTENTION IS REQUIIiTgI) t the G.ib as trig cerlifleate : t:r.a - rirstrts have been a professed nurse for twelve 1 years, and, if course, have seen a great many very savers --O, Of letting ~f the a and,. a, ranged menstruation, whites, •omo••inent Clem pregnancy, from the time of con. te the hour of clelivery. Ito attention has also eyttentl V /repeated by severe symptords connected wish art smiting, fluttering and other „-seests hem sr- Ire-I.lloy supposed to Indicate ;ant: •itsease of the heart. have always found Mar- , •Itei".'s I 1 , r1[1 , • CA{ ii.././I,•U a Most valuable and successful in those and in all complaints of the uterine organs ..w o n, II an marry teMalest are liable--Car more ether lows • tear , Ins' or all of the :newt scientific prescriptions of the c•diar phyacoiaaa, and I have !risen the prsatios of the n rite • ountry. Full particulars of any case will he • I.aerfully furnished soy one, by addressing a Ito. to New hork Post Uttoe. CA IteILTNF. W. Pnblm Norse, New York City. Ocirti_r.wra ••••) ewes, MI important omission in your . e rt of sverpt Mershal's Uterine Cathollcon Nee Tit. .yinyaom noire frequently ate -toe!, ' .1- rt, n gett.•.nt than tasrple suppose. and ,11:•• 14:14 - 1 Air ta it that they should always have 1441 tif tn bare!. They may rely upon it .irk sn I kter• from certain cape r,o., The 'yeti:items, when Nretneetrd with the fact-, sot 1 • ' 01, • nt••••./ tiLIAS/Ilarail• W. 1,11,4 ..Igainadl Law, are courractions and sliontlag soin • , s •• 5., the cheek and back. and frequently ace . a r !!..o nee.. rt/bleey. of the et • •.. ; • tar Tli-se symptoms will soon be cont. • •• i.r.•te-. th• , aer..bcon. II A II Eltif AN, lI D., New York. I a.Lt • re h .e- ea recreates sera a wearer:re winch a :, Isar-ti s Ut. raw Catholtotia. Out of .• r •I;•••• e bow under my treatment for • - 0.• ma: ray an snout well. nad the reel =CIE z. z I I=l i Li. Pii.U.SCIZE. Lynchburg, • of L. - ml, ••f V•.l. ) ,tra staridnag h. . • , • l'terin• Cathohc..a, urkl the tail} . I arll!k •nit and .++..1.1d In her antic+. 11, CaLI, . • • , ••• 1•••k•-•1 dp• n at 11,ctirALlo, snd theenre in con. • : ..td. I at than n rincs. - le J N; 1 P LAMBERT. M D- Pent.. ..oe 1 11,- se. et uterine dines., tat I Insv• .•+a;11 lu th:rir 1• -Inn n:U , V etparb•nCe ax n krueddl,ner •• a.. sat the Inena• of nrst stn.: Aron I , ‘• ; .;;•le f Marshall's Pter..ne Carbolic,. The patent as wort e-11 v ;man. and the matter of two Children. She .•• troul•led wills r tbilatarito 1111131tlitt to • a ..1••-. and Ila•t nine tlold.d.•oils her monthly perkss, .. k hrect kern-It h. She nay tea take, .`• ••.• tout., Under the rlght shoulder blade, •••• I sr,re at •I ten.le.l slug the spine. She v. then tow L ton .s. 1.. and grant nervous &inlay. Cold. •• r r... pa.ns end r,a4t., heat ;scald slesit .tor the • •I r t TI.; .141 i; the womb final)) rc ! t.. rlal.. tl.at it:te cdul..l 11,4 611 vrn without Iv, n Thy, nai wear - mesa and xehing in the ! It. Jilat•le• Ityytre It. an tl.• , r .ht:s xll day. ][ 11 hot nn I dry akin. nn: tat tether u xs .1,70 • .)11 CAOI (A , 1111.A . 1% t 0... that man) ••1•,..t.•tn ApiwArt-i artsl sitd.rtt...4, the tu.x. sad ..t.••• I•• tt..l t , otno, - 1.1 6.1..1 to to t ert th•rn. I fell t ... allsoat e.. heavy. (tad n t 01.1.1111, •,F profetisor oi Nex t York city lid nor The, king,. .yrup. th•-, ^tin t. , n pert ct Mate of uht pro.,..se Na t . AA beautiful ist, 0 A 1.1 A/11 : (ruin the to the mtt ra. •r six stonthl wt.e attended th.stt,;ll.ever t al )ent, have elapsed, t , ,ptont ,it 111 health 1188 1..•11xp..r. • ' r e 11..1 it ootts•tantly, do no ore ...L.,' iioll I ray that it it. eminently y of purl., .~ ..u.,'.~°,.,. • (~”11,?:y . Z:V.ZI it &s an f zra!ifirntiort J.ltt t.. inf., in a, .n n with c••,:trtl t• . 5:11- Cal ILIVP L.,•11 a turn: U. =M!ti 1. I.• me. known menu, menu,. en of probate/en have ail ernye looked the-e ...In 14;1111 L. v licurable, and they have much 1.• 1 il••I• 1”11. 111 v !• , b•. ,, v,s ,nualy. listing heard 4 , 41n/bon. D A.'S i:TEttiN CATHOLI. 1 k... h.. 1 Ill.‘ll y been benetltted by Its use, t l 411.: Ii lev laity t.,0%e it a most thorough inveetige .wing a. tt re.nll of four yeare careful trixL hi, ebraye I.ain it eern.,ful In ream characterised by .1 We fellow lag olyinmonte. Great float, pre.aure end !;.; , I. , ren al the uterl be organs: cruse of Nelht on the a:conr;kinied by entre( and freqnent desire to MRS ,reat itoryous rn item...tit about thu ume of the period. with irrermlar db.ch.trge, It being rome .., alotn.laul, and at other Ittne+ grants and difficult Alldr,•iseet,.. hrsdarhe. irritability of t. •opor. , !ill niencr r. ud tin g, irregularity of the 1..•,‘ • Is. loin.lnc in Ow it, inch. wt.:gilt in the groins and •.of the tate hug and tingling in various parts of th • 1..1) and a groa.. g . i „al s. of uncr,lness. there islail) other eonnootcd with these complaints I ; c lied 111,11 Wvil iitiv ii ritred in the Carlon: err. nn.l pull rat •rl.l 01 )nt:r k,unptiny. I ought t. ga.y .11 ku the ~mtplatitt, cruised by the - turn t,t" life" to ..Itter n ti. CHM 1.1 young girls is Just cum , ~t im Utrto Cuthoilaon L Infalliblo. 1.•11r 11 1 11111). DITLIEI(.IE., :11, D. A yo. • f,11.a1.. friend of nun, h, _anon afflicted for four rine dalliculure, which pr“,ducad vi,4out nt, !r .y. 41 her wlivrttl health. Two but •• Nlitrahall curod her entm4y. ll KV FY PERRY, Pros idellee, It. I. friend of unoo who has been autlering for nearly • .. a;th uteri, dittrultiet (irregular, suppreclAed cllntal menstruation) La already, by four months use It. rune Catt,licon. bolter than she ever ex• • • h. , in her It., and rot, (bully expects a complete V. II ID. I.lCt/Cli, New York City. b:cl's Uterine Catbelicen caps the climax of eery -1 k• , in dot country It has beet used with .1"stall LEVY, Mt Sterlincl, Ala. n , . f FIER CERTIFICATES ali. at tla• of the Cotepttny, where all interested ,eriteti t call. )imzsiiALL'.: UTERINE CATEIOLICON . - at the %Vitoleaale and Retail at the Drug Store of DR. It. t F:YSEIt. N,. lio Wood street, sign of the Gulden Mortar. Call and get a ropy of the Graefonberg Manual of 11 th. 330 pages; pric, 'l5 cents. Copies sans to any part ..t ilo , ....nntry. fro, charge. on the receipt of 1.5 cents. Thu ()Inert:OW.l'g AillinitinC in one of ti best publications , r ON hoot. and ma) he had without charg,• of any of the Company's Agents, or at their office. j thnos- lawd. ArIZS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR EzsT‘ )1: Eti.—Au unfailing reatoret and preserver of thr hair and sight. It is not a dye! The hair and whis t:, r, .w,ver eras. are restored to and preserved in their original Itte color ! By its use. w i g s, spectacles and gray hail. w il l ie beeon eitinet. Tice Restorer as. d with Zylobalearnum, not only cleanses the hair, but Inclines it t• curl, giving it a soft, gloasy and natural appeiwance. ittquorer will strum-then and preserve the sight, and re n.. a n d prevent dtztule.e. headache, scarf, dandruff. oral ; head, or any.eruptin of the thin, and all unnatural pet Bid ratlot, of the head. It is n certain cure for catarrh in I lie head. i 1 Uroao an; ANI/ Icorn CRO s, SS-CCIT S.3,IVS ; Ails Bellows and Vices: Pump Chem and Fixtures; Hay and Manure Forks. Together with a large extensive assortment of Ilardware,just received end for .sto at Nu. 1t.3 Rood street, between Diamond alley end F..ortli street, Pittsburgh. UL.S.O L. FA_LIN ESTOCK.. apiA TILE GLORIOUS BA WN A Pittri,tie Song; words by E. J. Allen. Written on th- oecasidti of a rresentation of a stand of colors, by the thlgoetioo Sleeps, to tits Chicago Light Gourd. Mualc seem. nod resp, rtfully .lodicated to Capt. Jolt /3. Wyman, h) tioury l'r,t.c ern tel. The above just published and for sale by 11. %LEBER & RRO., j) I No, 83 Fifth street, MONEY can be had for the notes of Oit'c business men, Lasing from four tosix mot:di:tato rat Enquire of THOSLLS WOODS, Commercial Broker, TS Fourth et , AN D B. I,IN IMEIrT-20 gross of Al . bawl and for Rule by • Jr.. 11 FIRMING BROti. NUMBER 249. .10S. F1.17.311NU, Druggist, cur. of the Diamond and Market at • i." , 1 to t h M==== RATES . OF ADVERI I ISI BY THE PITTSBURGH MuIiNTNG • Thrin Twa-..e1" ea. a a lerel.l toKek. I EMESEII 000 insertion ;'Ol . Two tueertiours.. Three ineertlous ..... I 00; , .••... One week . 1 7CI ' •• •• Two week', . ..... 3 00 ! 2 "CO 160 Three weeks ..... .„ 4 00l 2 661 00 One month , I 6 60; a .7.,?j 260 Two montho, . . 700 4 601 360 Three rn0uth5........1 000 ) C 001 4 bet Your roontlie lo 000 663 3.0C1 Flee ..., g'43 7 3D 1 6 6 0 ruoutho, 12 no 3 001 600 Ntue mouth,— ..... 16 00 10 :WI 400 Ono year ...... ..... 'A) 001 13 351 10 00 Standing Cord, Biz lin El= t!.1.1 One square, petannum, tta uoticon :a cet IZZE3II ilk,- 0 rho r , e , per o. :lt•atlh uoticon 26 PITTSBURGIFINDST SATURDAY NORXLNG [Forte PittAburgla Nicznirnott.j . THE MEN NEED NOlrps9.poit. BR GERTRUDE X. EVADI 'Tts really getting quite a bore, •To bo so ninth admired, Why are my lovers Mill so fond, When I am getting tired. There's If— ielih his smiling flee, And hantwome " Congress nose," Thinks that he would be sure of me, he would bat proposo. That tall, pale student wooe me Ica, With many a winning smile, ' And many another one at church. LooLo at me down tho And James moat gladly would be placed, Among my list of beaux, Their sweetest tones away are throng, Nono of them need propose. Some Of them trytoirin my hart, With talk arlstoci-atic ; Some of them breathe a tender tons, And smell quite aromatic fy . poetry is beautiful, ASI excellent my prose, These they may praise much as they please, But—they need not propose Though I'm the most admired of In taattion's golden bevy; And though all praise my airand grace, At drawing room and levee • Sb...TSsionion - (Os gravity ' Sometimes away he throes) Wools, though his etfortamre in vain, And he used not propose. • The Devilman The Liverpool correspondent of the Boston Daily Advertiser giver the following acoonnt of a new necromancer who has been astonishing the French, and is coming to astonish the London- era : . • . The London swab, ever like" the _pedple.tif, Athent, craving for some hew excitement, are eagerly anticipating the visit of Signor,Ragazzo ni‘ a magnetiser of such extraordinary powers that the Italians call him the " Man Devil," tic the " Devilman," I forgdt exactly which, mar does it much _matter. Thew Signor, from -' an ex trems distance, or from another apartinent, , can, it is said, strike senseless any one .whowahesto- Intel as his patient, or perhaps I shim* nay, hie victim. He is the first whose power has been strong enough to stop the' the pulsation of the heart, At Sc Cloud; in the presence of the Emperor and a large circle, of visitors, beiPer formed, the other day, some °this periments. He placed himself at the end of a long gallery in the palace, and upon reteiving„ a memorandum in writing indicating the person chosen from among the company to be an ex ample of his power, outstretched his, hand to. wards the victim, who ifistantly fell, struck as by lightning, stiff and senseless to the door, and thus remained, to all appearance dead, ,, sci Tong as the Signor willed. Another gesture 'am the part of the magnetiser, and the patientrises, staring with ineffable amazement aroettd, and wondering what the whole thing it hboilf"stag gers to his seat.. The- mast cartons-experiment at St. Cloud was made upon a young Italian singer (female) just arrived from Florence, who ' was introduced under the auspices of the Prin ceqs Matilde, and who sang with great 'eclat the andante of Vaoaai's bravura "Le Romeo." In the allegro, which follows, the singer was in the nct of executing some particularly brilliant pas sage, when the Emperor, who was seated at the further end of the room, made a sign to Raga toni. The latter stretched forth his hand to. , wards the lady, when suddenly, as if some infer nal power had seized her within its grasp, she -copped, with staring eyes and mouth wide open. The unfinished note died away, and after two or three gulping efforts she gazed round in terror, d then fell forward on the piano and burst into gars. Her voice was paralyzed, and in answer to the kind solicitations of those around her not in the secret, and who thought she Wail ill, she could only point to her throat with a piteous ex pression of countenance and shake her heed in despair. At another sign from the. Emperor, Ilagazz.mi withdrew his magnetic spell, and the cantatrice gave way to her pent up words in tor ' rents of thanks at being liberated from so dis tressing a bondage.' She could not be persuaded, however, to finish the piece. Kunst. TOOK F: ridiculed the practice of sea botthing, and said if any of the seal species were sick, it would he as wise for a fish physician to order them to go on shore. Parsons declated that ,ea-bathing was only reckoned healthy bpqaps . e many persons bad been " known to survive but Sheridan's objection to salt water was most quaint. " Pickles, - said he, " don't agreewith me.'' - - - CHAMPAGNE AND CLARET WINES. bask's Heidseick's" qts. and pts. Champagne Wine.G (s.skets - 172" qts. and tits. Champagne Wino, from vineyard of Bond.. file Llrenet. .) ba,kris -174' qui, and pls. Cluuntairme Wine, from vineyards of gleam Als & Brouer In vases Barton It ()nastier 1 (AS " St. Julien Claret Wbrie. do. Bar on & ()nastier" St. Julien Claret Wine. 25 do. St. Julian 'Medea Claret Wine. Just renaive4 and for sale by MILLER & RICER - TRW, jy7 Nos. 11 and 223 Liberty street. Oli SALE A very desirable Country" .1: B.,B4idence, containing 53 Aom, beautifully nil - Oaten On the Ohio Rkoor. Find adjoining the town or hoe I , rovod, with a good Cottage iiol3llo and other. bidatifp..-- sroot shrubhory, Sr. THOMAS WOODA, • j 023 75 Fduith street. P ATENT ELASTIC PACKING Friit.N OTNES.—Engincers and others intereated'arefiffita to call untie:cumine a new article of pecking-for tilepirtii steam engines, pumps, sc. , where, soft packing. le rued. The sdruntapa of this article are: great dnrabilftyorssing of tallow, reduction of friction, consequently Kirin} of perisMb it tts..l not require to be taken out of the rtuffing W."' but, being. packed Ina cone, the packing is gradually coitalSmadt anus saying time and material. Spertmana of the Tarn:nal saes may be seen at W. S. HAVEN'S Stationery Wstrebotire; Idarket it.. corner of Seam& ‘,ITOCKIJOIALERS' NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given Unit there will be la meeting et - he ,torkholders Of the Little SSW Mitt Rua Ralyeed.9P.eaPealb tt the office of the Company . at the Rlcer, ou the 213411417, of August next, between the hours of one and font Vcineg I. M., to elect nix Directors and a President far ttte'ettsitifill year. Jtsrw.it JACOB B.,LJAtlaiorrXST. F IVE ACRES of first-rate laud, three in cultivation, balance in prime timber, situate. lOaTerl picasant location, about two miles from A llogheny, dty, with huge front on the New Brightou sad Allegheny , Plant tial, will be sold on easy terms Hy S. CUTHBERT & tiOrt Real Estate Agents, bdalitrkrt st. LEMONS 50 boxes to arrive and fur, sale Ly REYILKE s ANIARBON. iy 12 ' No. R 9 Wood &treat. ("OLT HAS LEFT HIS BRIDAL ‘.,/ One of the last things done by Col. Colt previous. to getting married, was to have his I-UNLOVED PISTOL fin ished and brought .irate market. It possessei many adltap- TRgeli over the old patent We now hare on hand SUPPLY :d• the.e really tasteful weapons; and would ho pleased -hoer them to our friends. Ouse, Pinto's, Rifles, lierolarrs, Amblunttion 40, Sc, BOWN 6 rrenia, _ .1)5 No. 138 wood greet. WOLF'S SCIIEIDAM SCHNAPPS-- 5 gross on hand and for sale by YLILIEDO BROS. WINDOW OD ASS -150 boxed Silo Glass; • 30 Ralf " /07. " In 810r0 and fur tale by Jy? MILLER & EICKETSON. B II.OIi7&"giSSENCE JAMAICA GIN GER-24 dozen of this valuable Medicin eFLEMlNG received by .100. , Corner Diamond and Market at. M A C KE bblo. No. 3, etch of LE.5i..; 5 " No. 1; 10 half bble. No. 1; 10 klus No. 1. Juirt recoived and for date 9 6111T11, MALR 5 ELLINTER WHITTLING.—Persons fond of ,his .nn clonal ptettime can 1. provided with one of the best ET KNIVES In the country at BOWS 4 TETLEY'S, .IY I9 No. 136 Wood street. (Z PO RT LN U AP PARAT U S.—Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Revolvers, Ratting Tackle, Gnu Furniture, and vv ryi Win necessary toa Sportaman'a comfort, can let had at tte Enterprise Works No. MI Wood greet. J yl9 tows k TRTLEI7. cn IN lIAND, balance in one, .twp_ and .Three yens, will buy n good BIJILDllifi LOT of 11 feet front by 130 deep, idrunled near the Oufer DopuT,Al 'egbeny $175. This priipailY 19 crpli . trora.N.; teotion. 0.-czTunank . Rent ?qua Ageas.6l }lark etrt. B I,E TINIESL-IUOU rrirtgie•• r..)prt • f- - th , ! •nIISLE TIMES, - T tS, ; -ale at tore or A. R. L'a,xl,,a, 74 it J. L Rco I. 74 Fourth stmt. Pm, TWAIMEI .0:5,Y 26 `~~~~: 44,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers