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' ' ' ' --, IL. , -. ~. , , -6. ~.,%. 4.. , „,j."- 1 , ..: '. 17. , - ' f ,2 .r - - - ,• ," 4-. • 1 , it k.;1 . , %. I ''..... t• '• - ' ‘-'*•-•-• . •• •, ' ..'• . F. ,-, it •:•, 1.• •••••4•-•A• "'-'e.•• .z• - r • '--:± #44 . 4'4 A ti l IVY ? a . t'r 2.. ? r„-47' 41- A P :A .11'‘?4. ,ers 4 :l l %iT‘mV, ~. :, i 44 74 -66A)::efsgvh4'2.*Y;itt*.rt, ‘" , t't,'.f. l -!'...7:.:.,•.:' - .. , .--ie,: -, -, , •• ,I , et, . J rt .... . •• , . • ; • egri• * Vtoit'4*.. . ++•• • ' IZM - - _t)itt . Stu* -00 • 4I POW PRESIDENT , JAMES BUCHAisiA OF PKNNSYLVAN TA. FOR VICE PRE simeNT, JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, OF S.NNTUOKY. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. oonamorax: agoitos SCOTT, or CoLosou Co. 011WFOI 0112REL&I.: JACOB FRY, Jr, MOIXTOOMMILT 00. F iIDAY MORNING Deznocratle Convention Re-aasena the lion. TIVoIMT Ives having vrittatrawu his name as a candidate for Surveyor General, in a communication ati itottited to the Democratic State Central Committee, at its last 'Meeting In Harrisburg, a Resolution woe adopted by lack Committee, calling upon the Officers mid Delegates of .the list Democratic State Convention to assemble at CRAM BIIRSBDRG, on WEDNESDAY, wit sacs DPI Or ArecsT arri,lit 10 o'clock, A. M., to nominate a candidate for Sur veyor General, to eft the vacancy created by the declination. or dodge Ives. /n pursuance of this action of the Dotio dralloState Central Committee, the Officers and Delegates of VIMIMt Democratic State Convention are reopectfully re 'quested tninnat at the time end place above mentioned, and furlhe purpose stated. JOHN W. FORNEY, Chairman. 4342..icerroorT law maw6T. Starettrrirs. .A :CS MEETINGS OP THE DEMOCRATS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Thellnion must and shall be preserved." --.TACKSIN THE DIMOCIISCT or PLIMYLVAXIA, and ell others in hoer of preserving the Union of the States, now serioualy endan gered by a sectional organization, led and controlled by he open Ammons of the Federal Constitution, and condorted upon the alarming idea of repudiating nearly enehelf the Btatetfof this Union. are respeetfidly notified that AI ASS 111BETINGS will be held at the following times end ploy, , of the friends of JAMES BIJOIJANAN for Pre Went, and JOHN Q BRECKINIMUOE for Vice President: At CHISIBERSTIDRO, Franklin County, on TEtURSDAT, the 7th day of August, 15.58 s being the day after the Demo cratic Stale Convention. At BMA Brie County, on WEDNESDAY, the 27th day of Angurt„ MEL At 011.EF.NSBUIttl, Westmoreland County, on WEDS ES• DAY, the 3d of September, Mt.& At EELLEFONTt S . Centre County, on WEDNESDAY, the 'Atli of September. At 11411E18E 1 1RO, (the Capital of the State.) im WED NESDAY, the let of October. And at PELILAD ELPHI A, on the 17th of September,l SSP, being the Anniversary of the Adoption of the Constitution at the United Elates. Eminent Democrats, from our own and other States. a ill be present et ell these meetings, to address their fellow dtizatta By order of the DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL COM BUNCLINGANIK AND BROOKS. Mr. Bulingame some time ago made an expla nation which rendered it unnecessary for him to fight Mr. -Preston S. Brooks. Mr. Burlingame declared that in his speech he designed to say nothing personally offensive to Brooks. Mr. Brooks felt bound to be satisfied with that. But a little reflection and some slight touch of public opinion has convinced Burlingame that he had not quite sustained the honor of Massachusetts, so he published a card withdrawing his erplana turn. The publication of the card would of course set every body at work to prevent a duel. Mr. Brooks immediately sent a note to inquire where Mr. Burlingame would receive another note, which note of course would have been a chal lenge. Burlingame replied, at the Clifton House, Canada ;" and be left Washington at once to go to New York ; and Mr Brooks WO arrest ed and pat under bonds in $5,000 to keep 11. e i m . Burlingame then telegraphs from New iles iu length, and like many ...thee- , was um peace i built on borrowed capital It depended York that he shall return to Washington beemise Brooks don't follow him. Ile was answere I tii on the grain crop for its reempt. and thi. haviniz almost entirely failed in it became eml,r go on 'to Canada and wait his appointed time. I russet and has never -lose Let9l able to reei.i‘t So stood the case up to yesterday. So much for the history of the affair ; and it certainly looks very mach like children's ploy. Burlingame, If he has any notion of fighting, seems to have an eye to business at the same time. Like a shrewd butiness man he seems determined to have the hest of the bargain He himself runs no risk except that of being hit by a bullet. Whereas Brooks has to forfeit hi s bond and pay $5,000. He has to take a journey of 700 miles up through the northern States ; and has to face at the hotel and wherever be goes in Canada the runaway slaves. And he has to face the rifle of the valorous Burlingame besides. Meantime the story is all known at the " Clifti n House " by this time, and when the parties get there, John Bull's policemen will be ready to stay the effusion of blood for humanity's sake, and pocket a tee. But notwithstanding the hard bargain the Yankee has driven, the knight of the South seems resolved to stand it. He tells Bur lingame to go on to Canada ; intimating that he will be there. Probably Mr. Burlingame expect ed n somewhat different answer. Rut go he must, and Brooks must follow. And when they get to the Clifton House both must be arrested and the duel prevented. No doubt the affair is known at the Clifton House" now, and the numerous guests are all alive to witness the arrival of the valorous Burlingame and the cane renowned Brinks. And the policemen, too, tit e in readiness to pocket a fee fur capturing two Congressmen of the republic. It will make the fortune of that Clifton House. There will a rush of visitors, all eager " to be in at the death." And the escaped slaves, too, will be anxious to present their compliments to Mr. Brooks. And the people along the route will wish to see him. Now, seriously, we think Mr. Burlingame has managed this thing like a shrewd business man ; but certainly not like a champion of Massachu setts chivalry. He has secured " the best end of th‘ bargain," and fixed things so that there will be uo shooting besides. How proud the Massachusetts people must be of him. Brave enough to to conceive the idea of fighting the tremendous Brooks; and sharp enough to get five thousand dollars the best of it besides. If he is not popular in Massachusetts he ought to be. Both the champions will doubtless be re elected to Congress. But Mr. Brooks should " pretermit " going to Canada. He will get no fight with his antagonist if he goes, and may meet with some unpleasant incidents by the way, and lose $5,000 also ; all of which is doubtless provided for. This affair has one redeeming feature after all. It is calculated to render the duelling code slight ly ridiculous. A challenged party may choose the place of meeting. When a northern man is challenged by a southern he may choose the north pole as the place of meeting. When a northern challenges a southern man the latter may choose any place south of the equator ; and may have his antagonist under a five thousand dollar bond to keep the peace before he starts. Duel ling will become too expensive at that rate ; and men of moderate means may without loss of honor decline to fight under the reasonable plea that they cannot afford it. If this was the mo tive of Burlingame he is entitled to some credit for it. It puts every man to a severe test. .ilfy purse, or my honor, which shall nose? In nine teen oases out of twenty Falstaff's reasoning will prevail, and they will decide to "save their money." Mr. Brooks should decide in the same way. We have very little respect for the code duello; and do not think that fighting a duel is a sign of true courage. It is only to be shot at once or tit - ice. The common soldiers of the British army seem not to care a button for that ; and the French soldiers rather like it. That two Congressmen should make such an "immense fuss " about what French and English soldiers consider &mere trifle - is -mere noncense. soldie rs consider better comply With - the conditiona of tie bond and:cave - isjle • He cannot,pork, . . -4. 44 Is r. ti pTa. • • .4 • . I ERE MEMM biy tight ali t who Dill hint hoed nstoss ( bas VkiA ed neither will he with the rifle or revolver. Mr . Brooks should keep his bond. Mr. Stitlingamel should returilto Washington. And tho guests* the " Cliftmirdoutue_ should ventilate their wrath at theii di,4ppotistinept by two or thkee cruel artielean sootsedi s tnadlitn paper about the universal miwardietl4 the !Ample of the States. Theyihave dene;that already of late, and two or three more articles would make all tte world believe it--perhaps. THE Pittsburgh Pispetch has the following in regard to our election of President by the House of Representatives In the erection, Elf Wq - PrgititHint by the liaise of Representatives `each State' has one vote, given by a majority of the delegation from that State. The election, if there is a failure by the people, would go to the t.tetlent Rouse in February nest. Fremont hai a majority of the delegations of the States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Mae-' saohusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Fgqrrl ~ New Jersey, Rennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan- anti liVisoOn4in—in all twelve, sixteen being necessary to a °Wee. The States of Dela ware, Maryland mid 'Kentucky have a majority of Fillmore , momberti. The State of Tennessee is tied, having five Democrats and five Americans, as are Illinois, Misiscittri, Texas and lowa. In Illinois there is a vacancy to be filled, which will decide the vote of that State between the Repub licans and Democrats: and in 'Missouri a member is to be elected in August, where the delegation now stands three Democrats and three Ameri cans. In Texas there is one Democrat and one kmerican, and in lowa one Democrat and one Republican.- JULY 23 Suppose, then, that there was some chance o the election being thrown into the House, who are Fremont's chances" According to the I)i3 hitch Fremont twelve votes there now;. tghiel EMI ,it' 1 14 4 • 13:tit ......: - ,:Nli ~i ~ ..•A's ' .....,,,,... 4 „..,....„-;,-:- - ~ ,„ .„- A ., - ..,:7.: - -__ st, , by the why somewhat doubtful. Rut where is he going to get the other four? Certainly not In any southern State. There are fifteen States to start with against Fremont. lowa is tied, and thus loses its vote. Tennessee is tied, he sop, and thus loses its vote. Twenty-nine votes, then, will be the whole number cast and the fifteen southern votes alone would be a majority of the twenty-nine. But where is the California vote! Not Sro Fremont, of course, as the House now stands. That makes It out of Out of that sixteen there areas it now stands but three Fill morevotes, according to the loapoch. Suppose it to be so, and that they hold the balance of power, what then 7 Will they throw for Fre mont, or for Buchanan'! If they throw for Fremont and he is elected, Fillmore is to be hanged, according to Greeley. To ease their chieftain they must throw for Buchanan. And as those States ore Delaware, Maryland and Kentucky, will they hesitate between Fremont and Buchanan" Buchanan would thus get the 1 sixteen votes a nd he elected by a majority of the States_ But Illinois will be untied, and will vote for Buchanan : and taking Mr Itunu of Indiana, and Mr. Moore of Ohio as eitimp , - , it is pretty evident that the complexion of the House will be ooneiderat;ly change , ) by nest winter; and every change unfav,ralile to Fre mont. Taking the Daparh's own estimate as correct then, is it not apparent that Fremont not a shadow of a chance in the House, and he has, in our estimation, an infinitely cu KUrr chance with the people. A RAILROAD SOLD —Tbe San•lu-ky, N. Newark Railroad, with all the etigine. , , car., equiptnenbi, Se , was sold in Sandusky, on Tees day, the 22d of July, by At u . Key Bond, Es. t , Receiver. The purchasers were Oliver Slate, jr , and E. T. H. ttibson, of New York, and ilecage B. Wright, of DitlWark, Ohio, as Trustees, for the benefit of ail parties IllturfiXted to the op-cement of compromise. This road is about one hundred THAT the Sew York 11-rald should indulge such a silly story a. that u portion of the I.e• mocracy were trying to defeat Buchanan and make Breckioridge President c‘tuld readily - he believed. But it will surprise a good many to God that the Sew York Evening l'ox:,butild stoup SO low an to retail the miserable humbug long leading editorial Yet such is the fact A nursery tale Lk.l frighten ohilren has more more truth and more reason in it. But an It gray.headed man stoops to the dirty work ; no I is only laughed of and despised for his degrading folly. Sex the article from the Cincinnati Enquo.er • in relatidu to Fremont's cattle trades awl hobo,- ty. Observe that Col. Mason's letter was writ ten nearly nine years ago, and has remained tot file at the War Department ever since : and Frommt has never denied this grave charge of, peculation and fraud. Read the letter. An exchange says there are over two hundr,l political papers in Pennsylvania, and only tiny. seven for Fremont. Some of them will be on other side when Johnston "crushed out Prom tho New 11,,rk • The Laud Jobber• In the Fle/d..4.llnpen doubk speculattonl--Fremont pnd Backers. Our money article of Thursday last tended to disclose the moot stupendom+ California land jot, bing sch?mes ever known in the history of the country, at the head of which stand, in partio ship, Palmer, Cook & Co , and Colonel John ' Charles Fremont. How lastly leading men and presses they have induced to take interests and issues in their schemes is unknown. They sup pose that by securing Colonel Fremont - s eleetiou , as President their eighty-odd claims, Nlariposd included, will net them sr,ll,olto,l l Uoto $75,000.- 000, and make them all millionaires. We make no charges, and call no names. lint if we could carry the case into court, as public prosecutor, we should call to the stand several prominent politicians from their public duties at Washing ton, and interrogate them as to their complicity in this stupendous speculation. We should call to the stand the Trthunr, of New York, and ask its editor whether he or any of his associate , are interested in the Mariposa land grant, or oth er claims of the said cotnpany, and demand so answer—yes ur no. We should call to the stand the COL 1 rlrl rind EnfilllrCr, and ask the same lines tions of its editor, and demand itti answer -yes or no. We should call to the stand other !Dell, and other editors, and put the same wiestions to one and all, and demand them to swear on oath yes or no, help them tiod—guilty or not guilty. - We hope some measures will be taken at Washington to institute a searching investiga tion into the doings of this powerful combination of land jobbers, who, if they succeed in making good their claims, will come into possession of a largo slaps of the whole State of California, gold and all." ENDORSING A BANK BlLL—About a year ago a gentleman In Hartford, Ct , while counting some bank notes, carelessly wrote his name on the back of a $2O bill. A few days since, a son of the Emerald Isle handed the bill to him, re questing him to give him gold for it. The gen tleman, on looking in the,Bank.Note .eporter, found that the lank had suspended payment, and accordingly gave Pat specie for the bill he had so carelessly endorsed. ANOTIIBH SLICE Cis MEXICO.—It is stated by way of Mexico, that Secretary Marcy has pro posed to President Clomon fort to purchase another slice of Mexico. The offer is said to have been $6,000,000 for the thirty-first parallel of latitude for the boundary line the Gulf of California. President Comonfort is stated to have refused to entertain the proposition. The whole statement, however, is very doubtful. Sieg 4. DITTO'. UP STAIRS.—The Scientific American says that a man in Orange county, N. Y., was found one night alimbing the overshot wheel in a fulling mill. He was asked what he was doing. He said he was "trying to go up to bed, but some bow or other these stairs won't hold still !" A LONDON Counsm., addressing a jury, is•said to have used the following harmonious metaphor while Alluding to the : ttipl;ics of the opposing bar rhger: *Stentleilien of the jury I:sutell:asaat; .1 see ft brewingiu the_storp; but pleat* Gedi Rill crush it in tie iiva." , . Noma ea aminnositl N 04 4 414•51 .Let'r"Anl,"4" q.1.4.41-q'2:14A.r"114 . tSzniusts444!st.Hisgrassensi EasztAgos Igglt3Wilforia kulars:—: - Svents are parsing continually D - faciosm oa --Something for which are worthy of being noticed, and now a few Every Elector to licad• The obtaining of the Mariposa Grant" was from the West will balaidhefore you. not the only rich financial exploit performed by This is a fine rairie, pshoaled from, ten to twenty Fremont when he "Ink in California. reterbi' dilles , TroixiXook, Island city t in a south-eastern di ed to other and lose eroditable . imearis to etAriett real* filitivia,l2 aeon resident for acitrie few months, himself, as will beicseeil by the letl'fir of hav4ba4d abene_of the peculiarities of the soil Col. Mason, of the Dirac 7 1.1iragoons U. Si; elLis the senti manta and customs which is recorded...in: i f:be ofh`cial' aroliivea Of the `Governent ae;;;Washington. " A Californian" , of the people. ui has lately dug it n4 - and published it iu the col- 1 Thelsoil is a very good one ;it is well adapted to einns of the Washington Union, and to it we in- raising corn, oats, barley, rye and wheat; it is, vice the attention of our readers : besides, excellent for tame grass, such as clover and " 11kAtufu.4.11TER3 LOTH .114i1Urnitg DF.Pauggitago I timothy. The greater part of the wheat raised is Monterey, Cal., Oct.. 9, 1847. llspring wheat; fall wheat does not hold well during Si a--I have the honor herewith to inclose to you the winter, only on sod prairie when first broken , or the papers relating to a certain contract entered into ; _ on the 3d day of March, 1847, by Lieutenant Colo% aftereattivatet.% grass, as it`ia don ein year vieltiAty. net Fremont, mounted ritlethen, with a Don Bulogia This season ii.gentleman within one mile of here has de Calls, a resident of Ciudad de los Angeles, Cali- ,600_dozensof fall wheat-from 8 sores, of which fornia. The paper marked Ais a copy of this con -le dozens will make a bushel, wit' h will be 56 bushel s tract, with Lieutenant Colenel Frettiont's certificate, , bearing date April 26, 75¢7, that dm contract had Per acre. Spring wheat is tolerably good, some been complied with on the part of Don Eulogiq ds ; fields average 30 . bushels per acre, some 25, tindisorrie Cells, and that he. Fremont, had executed to him in ,1 0 T iN, ?Th e t ota l average will b e f r O m payment a note for the sum of $6,075. 18 to 20 i " Lieutenant Colonel Fremont left California in maliels per acre. The grainis better than the month of June, 1847, giving no notice to Gene- , last year, ft is but very little shrank, and last year ral Kearney or myself of the existence of such a 1 it ', no N ood d ea l. contract. or that ho had pledged the faith of his guy- IL should be sown as soon as the frost comes oat ernment for the redemption of It by the payment of the Sum of $6,975. Nor had I the least idea of of th e grcand, and the ground should be plowed in obligation until applied to by Col. Stevenson wheth- the 44, ' so that the wheat may be kept back in the er I would recognize the contract and redeem the starting. Then the stalk will not groiv so rank, and bond at maturity. This letter was accompanied by the others, which show that, in fact, notwithstanding igoration from the ground will principally g the certificate of Lieutenant Colonel Fremont., Mr. the head of the stalk,' the head will be larger and Cells never delivered to the commissary of the Cali- have more grain, and the straw much shorter and fornin Battalion one single head of beef cattle un- easier to handle. der this contract, and that not one of these six hi n t other crops are good. The corn grew well; Bred head of cattle was slaughtered for the use of that battalion ; but., on the contrary, that they have the oatspat were early sowed are very good; owing been delivered to a Mr. Stearns, of Imo Angeles, in the drimght we had for five weeks it wag thought two parcels : one of four hundred and eighty -one one that none of the spring crops that were late sowed the first day of May, end another of one hundred and nineteen on the sixth day of duly. 1547. both of or planted would ba worth gathering, but they seem which dates aro subsequent to the discharge of the all to be worth something. Sines the drought every California Battalion. commanded by Lieutenant Col. thing has been invigorated by very frequent shows rs. J. C. Fremont. There is no doubt that these cattle Thus are the same floe contracted for by Lieutenant Col. all the products of this vicinity are in a flour. Fremont on the 3a March. 16.17. Mr. Cells stated it positively in his letter marked It: and the receipts for them hy Stearns. marked II and 'V specially state that lie ( Stearns) receipts for theta in the name and behalf of Lieutenant Colonel Fremont. These deliveries occurred at a time when a gar rison was stationed at Les Angelus, with n commis sioned agent of the commissary department of the Lieutenant Davidson, to take charge of sub sistence stores intended for public use: yet these cattle. furnished by to formal contract, an. drlirored au 1 . 1 primer itldir.drorti, titan. a uperial ayrerai , af cas he, Stearns, says) to treed on dm s for the term of tars ! iron,. I have endeavored to procure from Isle. Stearns a copy of the agreement he has made with Lt_ Col. Fremont, ter taking care of these rattle, but his letters (marked 7 and 10? positively assert that he regards these cattle to the private property of Lieutenant Colooel Fremont, but that. the agreement by which he bolds them is a verbal one, witnessed by a Mr. Homily and Lieutenant flillespie, of the United States Navy. Thus •tands the filets, and I am applied to LI house whether payment will he made upon the psper La‘trked 2. which is a rertifieate that the soin of $6.97 , is due to Mr. fella, for snip plies furrit.hed the raillornin battalion, iebieh sup pie. arc .learly and plainly the lot M six hundred breeding rows now is the hands of a private indiri.t. unl, not so-e h ,~ h boo been used - for public par p,0.e.. This note heron)es due on the eighteenth day of December, 1 , 47, and boars an interest of 24 per cent. per annum after that date. " In r a,bection with this subject, I call your at tention to the paper marked 3, wherein Lieutenant Colonel Fremont hag bond himself anti future Gan e rnori of Californta to pay the sam Err 6,2,541 . 9 at the e xpo-Minn o f eight months from the date of March t, 1,47, or, in default thereof, that the note shall bear an interest of 24 per cent. per annum: this, t 0,.,, when the acting assistant qbartertaaeter al Mouteroy, had been more than a month in the country, with the sapid" of money applicable to the proper ex peuseiS of the army in California. Mr. state+ that it Was partly to secure lout of money that Lieutenant Colonel rreoloot eitt. has the liberal bargain for cattle. ! emits the prim as alwut forty per cent_ higher than the market prise at the time. Both of these ni.tes due, and Mi. is going to winks appli cation fur p o ymont. hr claims to hose fulfilled bit , part of a •intrart. it, the recteMpl,sa hirth the g overnment of the United pledged by KO officer thereof, but if BOOSChoII. •ho er by the acc otaNk t .e. ,,t,e, papers, appears to Rib a0..0g art, r tall, I .hall t ater p) cent of t i e t ,. M r I.u; ,ter all the to too department. for Ott,o a• they may ron•otor M the 1% c• hoti—f t.; V Li M ASoN. :r.; 0 , I L./114411.g lien It. .1,41,, ;i"1 T. the at..., , terotuF e . ...11 1 ;••a it I, cuiserted that, Fretntnt never I eep.tt,lett I, er Sought to dib+. 4, pr.ve theft, In the :raNt - ,111... ugh he wee w. en rnge.l at the time as to wake threats iu Worthing to tt t 4itj ',1e.., again,' the person of 11./301.1. Fremant w,,uld hare t.teu Lnra Lefore n mgrtial ou theQv (sharp, of Mto , n, ha.] IL twt been for the met that they arrived In AaFua, If. 17. I rewent wii , arraigned before 1 a court martial of the ablest officers in the to. teed Slate nr y satiny and disobedience order , . round guilty, t.ni.t atatni..tgel4 from the vice flail Mason' , e barge , . arrived in sessoo, they would have been included with the other peel tications Tae DeIEC I II Pfaillnt. of Friday, relates the following incidents : There was. on the iii fated steamer Northetn Indiana, yesterday, a lone mother with four children Satisfying herself that the destruc tion of the boat was inevitable, and that the w:de waters of the lake wits the drtrwr and 10E11014 110110 4 8 resort, the noble woman coolly cast her eyes about for the best soeurity Cot her four little ones and herself. Looking over the stile 01 the vessel. she sawn table floating near by Quickly she calculated the chance , • Then, binding thrice of her children to herself, she gently lifted the fourth 0.41111 the side of the vessel and dropped him into the lake, directing him to "keep still and float on the water.'' Having done this, site next jumped into the water herself with her three little ones In n few moments she seised the floating table, placed her three little ones upon it. thou sought and secured her fourth child. WIT ;;rt ling 0,1111 141 upon it, she clung to it het-silt' until :all were tinnily resenod by the boats and placed upon Ito Ste:LIII, N11+,1% 1 .1111. where the W 11141,11 was heartily cheered and congratu . titled by the passenvers on the Mounter, who hat let'll a nxiously watching all her movements, and who manifested their regard for her heroism i with warm hearts and unstrung purses. Such a woman deserve , to lie a myther. About une-half of those i-ii‘ed lost their all and :are enidiely destitute, some entirely so. tine man and his wife hu , l •if.•2Attai, th e ir a ll, w ith which they were going West to purchase a farm. They lost all, Ind had hardly clothing to cover them left Another man going W e st with Iry family anti $5l/11, all his --aviegs for years, and all lost. A poor woman with tour children, the oldest about eight years old, lost everything, but saved their lives. Another Woman with two children, one at the breast, was saved with het little ones, but nothing . else. ONULISII 81 . 1{S 11ES. —The Registrar-General estimates that there are nearly forty thousand different surname- , in England. It is estimated that among these there Aire :13,000 families hear ing the name of Smith, and [i10111) bearing the name of June, The Smiths and Joneser alone are supposed tu include about half a million ,f the population. In an average it seems that I person in 73 is fl Smith. I in 7tl n .bones, I in I ii. Williams, I in a Taylr, 1 in n and 1 in 171 a Brown. - Among the list of p.- cellar names given we flute the Hallowingn Affection, alabaster, Alltionem, Awkward, Italic, . , Bolster, By, (the shortest English name,) Cam omile, Corpse, Bagger, Eighteen, Fowls, Fussy, llogstlesh, Idle, Jelly, Kiss, Lumber, Mud al, Nutbrown, uffieer, Pocket, quince, Rabbit, s a nctuary. TOnlhs, Unit, Vulgar, Waddle, Yellow and Zeal.- -Critic. Rev. Mg. HALE), OF ALTOS.—This gentleman has resigned his pastoral charge in Alton. Our readers know that some two weeks ago, on Sun day, in the pulpit, he preached a political ser mon on the " Asptets of the Times, - and that this sermon was a good deal after the Beecher- Parker fashion. But it did not take so well in the free West as it would have done in the preacher-ridden and unscrupulous churches of New England; dissensions iorPue, 14;4 be has ended them by resigning his office.—Ohio states man. A PERTINENT LEGAL QUERTION. - If it be true, as allege], that whilst Colonel Fremont was acting in the fiduciary character of (lovernor of California, he borrowed money on the faith and credit of the United States, and, instead of ap plying it to the purposes of the government, vested it in the purchase of the Mariposa claim, taking the title in his own name, in equity and law to whom does this property belong—to Colonel Fremont or to the United States Wash. niunt. ANOTHER ILOORBACIL-All the opposition pa pers are extensively circulating a copy of a circular signed Perin M. Brown, addressed to Postmasters throughout the country, calling upon them for Dimly to $54114 the Democrats in the present campaign. No such person is Imown. Fo the Democracy, and the Washington Union' cau tioned Postmasters against the swindle -nearly month since. C ... 1 t * . .0 . F•a , N.. ..".. ET= idling condition This County is advancing very (wit. Populaation is corning gradually. and it is generally of a good ela.s. Property in advancing; land bought one year ago fur :s, B and 7 dollars per acre, will now bring it, 12 and 13 dollars—this is unbroken land. Improved land sells from 20 to 00 dollars per acre. Lumber comes down the Mississippi from Mines:iota and Wisconsin, and it can be bought along the river at 12 dollars per thousand, it having declined 3 dol lars this spring. This prairie is likely to be further advanced by two ratilroads—the Alton a-id Rock Island, running north and south, and the Peoria and Rock Island, passing through Coal Valley to Cambridge, the coun• ty seat of Henry county, and intersecting the Chiea• g. and ?Arlington road at lie walnut, thence to Pee. via. The former will bring here the trade of Ht Looks, and the latter that of thiiiago and the Illinuil river. These combined iiiitinot fail to further aug ment this Slate as well as this vicinity. Coal Val ley lies right along the stile of thin; from there iv an- easily supplied with fuel. The railroad ikriw.4l. graded to thin Valley from Rock Island. It-is about twelve miles to the principal mines. Coal is found along all the streams around here. The inhabitants hare are from all parts of the l'n on , . and , in fact, the world. Swedes and Irish are rittustupsei but Pennsylvania has the predotai. wince over any State of the Union. Bucks count) is heavily represented, and PO is Washington and Allegheny. Politically they are fairly divided he. tweets :Nebraska and Anti-Nebraska. The Know- Nothings are row in number, The friends of Hark and Breelt are very warm:sad true towards the fa vorite son of Pennsylvania. The friends of Fremont are worizi,i,oisterotts and daring in their beta of sec ' ties,: but, however, they are well matched by the Do in ocracy . _ . 'Through private sources gm well as personal know. 1,1,;,, I au confident that se iarge number of the old i,0.• Vhi aro going to support the candidate of tLe keystone Slate, in this vicinity. We have acoounts from every direction of this t.s.king place. We are .111.0 ronti , lent that I will east her elect.d:d ‘;‘. for Idurltalian and Brecht:triage. No ...Or MEE 1. w• ' =SUM vu, (ha: Chem iv auy want of c,poch) on the hart Mr. Bilebeesn to perform the antler of that ~that. at warty ea way, and have atud, that Mr. Fremont'' , vrarto-al know Lear to very limited. In thin we con- heck and Ilreck Clubs nre bring formed in loan , plawia through the country. The Democracy will he vigilant here, and hare a full Lurn out at the !tll, :.tince we pledge Dlioitit, we are still confident Penn ivnulti giving :20,001 majority. Q. unutilELD. Kock Inland Co.. DI. Jut) QI . 4LITICATIONS or A MI,sESSII . YI FaCITOR.—The Y ) A otrortieft I, Banner is owned by Mrs. Florrfett N. Prewett. Thir lady hos secured the cervices of n "political editor," wheal she tliuc on• NN r have the pledlints . of announcing to the reader,. of Ih. Irn , riCab Banner dint Mt. John Smith, eL elde and • rations American, wbu hat b en connected with the Minitionlppi prune fur foncteen true, ham Linn engaged to ink. , chine of the department of 11114 paper doting the twang Mentlit. Mr. atidtit, though a remarkably ~ .urteoWl. : o4id - imitable gentleman. Mu fought are duel-. k111.1.g WS MU every-limn ne brtogn Into the pvli tient besidena general Mock of political Inforruntlon no ',al for the bully two bOWiekniTtilliOne or Narsotalleeeiwr'a ntinvp , l rift., two tinahinitern and nunilry :anew and 11, .ft to Ilwak of two jsalr of brag keth-klaa. I.a4ga.a.k for Mr. Bralth a °untie! reception by tilt grew• gang. • I.lr e r Complaint.--The only remedy over of inrvd to tin- pul.tie that haw never failed to cure, when recinmn aro foliou'od. Ia M'L&NWS LI VV.It I'll.l, pnlntrvd by FLEMIN4I 131108 Pittelnirglt, I'm. It Wu! beeu - II pn, the In.blae. and lAA hoca lutrudnued , in . 11 ern lieu. or [ht. When , It h.. !Men tund, it line lwd IS' t ot triunildiunt RIICCOSA, and hail actually driven out .0 . It. all ,thet twolk•likes. It hie I.e.w tried uudor nit the Jilt eut plow.. llopati., out hum loon found equidly elder 1,1.• , It td I...chewer,. will be mrertil to sak tor 11r. .41"Ldttr y 3 (We Liver !Nat. Inanutaetured by Flouilng• Br,A., or Pitt.. burgh, PA All other Liver Pills, In enrnimrleon, Are worth lees. Dr. Al'LAue's genuine Weer Pills, &leo hie celeldate. Verodfuge, t . 11,1 now to, had at all reepectable drug more None genuine without the eiguature of FLENIINtI Alm., tor sale 1.0,y Ow propro4ors, FLEMLNG BROS., Buccotloon to J. litdd A Co., jj'.i . daw) No. 00 Wood stroot, corner of routtil ♦a- NV hat Every Person Should Itssolv- Stisurr's OFTICL, MURGANTOWNO . A., December 26, 18..56. ; It. I. Sererr 8 C..—Geals., It affords me great pleasure t0...i11y to the desired effects of your t.blebruted White Cite, elan Liniment, it having frequently relieved toe of tl tjuirie3 when ratio. other remedies and I ea.. commend it to the public. .1011 N T. FLE:silSti. Sheriff 3lotiongulia Comity, Vtrginitt. DI. NivLane's IMPROVED lAyer Pala and IMPROVED V,rnii rug., .4. Dr. I. sc,otv. Celebrated tt • ltito Clicaasian Lint. [mlt, prepared moiety under the auporvision of Dr. I. Scott, a rcgular Medical graduate, and Physirlan of extensive ',nu:. i ice. None genuine, only an prepared by lir. 1. Scott st C u, IWO< Place, Morgantown, Virginia. NEW 6 FROM TUE FOUNTAIN HEAD! Nloanstmwri, VA., Sept. 12, 1855. T'ti.t is h dr7ftfy, That I have egittuined the Recipe for preparing MuLatie'S Itnpr vrd Vernlifuge nIJ illlprovvil PLII.• by Dr. I. Scott, who Ims been iu the habit of to-, par lag and using my original medicines in my office durnig tile last thirteen years, and that I believe ho has improved them. I finite the 1110)10 statement the Dlorti willingly as have LI. , interest in them whatever. C. MeI.AN k, Di M. ktao s xl,Kovrp I.,rusttvgo and nantovsn Lifer Pill, accompanied by cartifitatte of C. McLane, fur sale by Druggists and Merchants everywhere. Dn. II En. IL K NYSSK. 140 Wood st., Wholesale Agent. 1./.. .1. P. YLENII NO, Allegheny, pent Railroad Depot, Ag.Ut.. jyll:alawapc thr Great Cure of Piles UurtuviLtx, S. C NOVCalbor I, (Or JecLion—Doar Sir: Allow inn to ex preen to you my skim, thanks for your discovcrY of a medicine which, to nay the least of it, has effected a cure that all other medicines that I have taken have entirely failed to do. German Bitters" have cured me of the most stubborn and aggravated time of the PILES that, per haps, ever foll to the lot of man. My case Is not a stranger to this community, as I am well known in this and the sur rounding counties, and can truly say that my recovery has astounded all my friends and relations, as I had tried every Gong recommended, and nothing did me any good until I was pmrailed upon to try the liiliCarrb ',con are at liberty to sake use of this communication for the benefit of the of no you may think proper. Yearn, truly, advortbromout. For sale by FLEMING BROS. and Dr. GEO. U. KEYSER, l'ioaLaraL. .tyl2r2w ifte• Hatchelor , a Hair bye " LET TIES BE Yiit' it TRUST:" That it maker, no difference how grey or rvil. or rutty the hair or whiskers may be, nor how much they may have been Injured by bad Llyes, BATCHRLOR'S will make them a beautiful and lively black or brown out the leant Injury. IL will never lode or turn rusty. 'WARRANTED. Made and sold, or applied, (in nine private raome,t at BATCHELOR'S Wig Factory, ZS Broadway, New York. Sold, wbolestdo and retail, by Dr. aim H. KUM; 140 Wood street Jp2l:lwd4w 4:ir Came one, come all, to MOROAN A 00 'S, No. DM WOOD street, aid buy what you want in the H4T or )AP Brie. A larto bthek. of SIM FUR end STRAW HATS•ibraye on baud. Remember, , . BetimipAst wusit4.-puhithltlt reßihitStiVatidirl of thirty years' standing, and is recommended ! by physicians. It is a sure and speedy ours for burnsoiles, boils, corns, felons, ehilblatik and old sores of every kind ; for fever soresOticeri, itch, scald head, nettle rash; bahlons,, - ,:sot ros, .troni)tended i y nuraes,Niehicows`, - sties, fitaterai Ilea bites, *der VingS, sit rheum-Zseurvy, (lore and oracked, lips, sore do's' e:Aiartil and fiesli'wouids, it is a most vahitj ble remedy and cure, which can be testified to by thousand who have used it in the city of Boston and vicinity n orthe last thirty years. In no in stance will this Salve do an injury, or interfere with physician's prescriptions. It is made from the purestmaterials, from a receipe brought from Russia—of articles growing in that country— and the proprietors have letters from all classes, elergymea, physicians, sea captains, nurses, and otbersalio havh used it themselves, and recom mend it to others. Redding's Russia Salve isput. indarge - thiboxeS; staittied on the cover with a picture of a horse and a disabled soldier, whici4 picture is also engraved on the wrapper. Price:, 26 cents a box. Retkling -& Co., probrietors.! For . `sale by B. A. Pahnestock , Flem ing Bros., It. E. Sellers & Co., Dr. (3. . Kgstir and. H. Miner & -Co., Pittsburgh; Beckham '& M'Kettnan, Allegheny city Sir Have Ton a Rupture of the Bp l oreffif would moat respoetbilly invite the attention of thee, af flicted with hernia or rupture of the bowels to my splendid *sew talent of Trues.' of various patterns. and to suit every age, applied and malefaction guarantied in every case, at my office, No: 140 Wogl street, Pittsburgh, Pa, sign of the Gulden Mortar. Among the Trusses sold by me will %e found Jfarrfer Radical Cure Truss; F'rench Trusses, eery tight rpring dum Elactic Trltsses Chihire.' Truntts, single and doubt.. ; trmira-lcal Trlu,t, rhildrene and adults; ta•rrti'a flip& Spring Prima: S. Pitch's Supp.rur Tran The price of Trusses vary from .$2 to, $3O. Hernial Ruptured patients can be salted by remitting money and 'oiling the iiiesaure around the hips, stating whether the pture is on the right of left side. I also sell nod adapt- Dr. Banning's Lure or Body Brox", for the ouretif Prolate Uteri, Weakness of the Chest or Abdomen, Piles, Chronic Diarrltten, and any weAticnesndeptindingou n %mile and debill taced condition of the abdominal numtien. Dr. Pildes Abdominal Supporter ; Engti.dt Flostic Abdominal /kits; .Wlk E.:natio Ltelti ; And nearly every kind of Supporter now in one. 7 oleo sell Shoulder Broca of every style, for weak cheated and !stoop shouldered persona. EAtsticling', for brokon arid varicose veins. Suspensory Bandage, of all kiwis. Syringes of &wry variety and pattern, and in fact miry kind of mechanical appliance used in the cure of dhleinie- DB.. KRYPER would !date to persons in want of Bummer Trusses that he can often send to suit the patient by writing, but It is always better to are the patient and apply the Ira's,' or Wilco persowlly. Address alt. OW. H. KEVlJltt, 140 Wood at., .lulo44in 1 y Sign of the Golden Mortar. _ . THE ALLIANCE INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA 1:10)11.11114TT BT Tilt LtOIYLATIIIt OF PtNZirtTLVAITI.A., CHARTER iHtPIETI: A I.- CAPITAL $300,060. Office No. 59 Walnut ft t., Philadelphia. /Ve/F11,.E.G.F.../) F. , 11 FIRE A ND MARINE INSURANCE. STATEMENT A tit horl zed Cap' lel ...... Amount of NOMI paid up Total Assets liable for losses CUSSISTINO ov Bonds and Mottitagos on aulneumberial Real Estate, And Stoeks of par rain, ..... ...... .$182,6G0 lat.) Bonds and Stock Notes, beannir Six per cent.. OG interest .......... 25,1.96 Cash on Lana and iu the hands of Agents 25,744 18 Bills Receivable, 14,896 DO P M Ikluriarty, Etiq., Jai:n.44ll. nal, bind Luting. Erg., Benj. R. Myrick, Eng., Win. Smith, Earl., J H. McConey, Mai., (h... W C.lllulay, Es 9., P Wyckoff, Whits, R. 1., Wm. It. Gray, , E 7.4. Wm. J. P. J S. lieltrich, Raul, thati. 11. Auntio, 111.imi. P. M. Mi)t:la./ITV, President .1 aloalis Tnowranx, Svey. Thu , ta to certify, that 1 bait. critically, and by s permits! examit,Atiou of the hooka, capital, oudeta and 14Mnrits , n4 of the Ain , ,na loannina Compao), of Philadelphia, inerwli pitted the otandlog and rei,pinnohilit3 of mid lnentuurit, and ido and, and am entire l y dear In my conektions, that mid Company ha a Foal unimtaaired Capital In ifortga...N , 011 nnincumlwied ittol &tat,. worth double the =moot tor which the awn. is unprig,aged. My ilk iieatigatiocia have Men rigorous and remit long. and are. 1 tit oh. raliaide. Ill:XJ AMIN H. AUKTIN. I tele ple.u.le in moyipir that I have Leen negtutint.ed xith Uenj 11 A u f.. -, • lo.••• ‘o , tire conittlener In tio, otcogruy, ono,o, and abllctq, and would p'two full reJuLoon upon his AMAIMIIIrIIAA , CIL MI LI. A Itb PI LLM Olt K. . _ War 11. Rla4. Ilrin Of pleb it ft. Ilyriolt AIN. Philo. llultor. Poito. Jr. " Win. Rtareno, Barry flititmln. ro llon.J.r. Bdtir., N. V. ,we, N. Y. 11. II liathoro• N. Y. Bolt). An+tin, Buffalo. Ti.o FIRE INbt.:IIANCF. on bulldtoo, g-0..0t0 nod !motto., NIARIN E INSURANCE on Ytauirl•. ;Argo an I freight - , INSURANCE on goods to tokos, canals or nlllroad s , oil as tiocommodatlng limns an ituy otho, rt.tipwlLln kklllo, h E TAAFFK, Agent. 21 No. Ito Wator ~trrct, Pittsburgh, CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY LLIASI lIAUALBY, Proddent. SAMUEL L. 31..kl . tALIELL, Fccreutry. OFFICE: 94 Water sired, &t wee. Market and Med areds. /1?/- lotroree lIRLL AND CARGO RISKS, on the Ohio awl Nthesiseipla Rivers and trihrtherthit. I Ileums again .t UM or Damage by FIRE egathat the Perils of the See awl Intend Neeigattee awl Trausportation. Willem Ragaley, Joint. M. COuper, despot! Mee, Robert Dunlap, Jr, Isaac ell. Pennock, R. lierbaugh, Wolter Bryant, COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE CO. 11. A RR 1 S 11 1' E N N A. Chartered Capital, - - - $300,000. Immtvis Buildings and Aber Prota.rly against Luce Damage by Fire: Ltliai, against Perils of the Sra, Navigation and Tranmp,4lll({oll, ricraa—Sl NI lIN CAME Kt Pregldet t. BE NJ. PARK E. Vieu l're.id , .t S. S. CARRIER, Secretary. A. A. CARRIER, Agent., Fourth and Smithfield. ijelni: DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY OFFICE, :I. E. CORNER TUIRD AND WALNUT isTS-, Philadelphia. 46/ - MARINE INSURANCES-on Vrmscla,•Cargo, Freight. to all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCES ON GOODS, by Rivers, Canals. Lakes and Laud Carriages. to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCE ON MEROIIANDIZE generally. Oa Stores, Dwelling nooses, &c. Assets ,tf Ow ampany NOtrintwr 5th,16u6. Ronda, Mortgages and Rival Estate 4101020 94 Philadelphia City, and other Loans Stotii in Banks, 'Railroad and insurance Co's Ta,otz In Bills rocoivable 1.8111,440 97 Cash on hand 8X181.117011 in bands of Agents, Premiums on Ma rina Policias resell} issuiNl, not other 4 it a era line the CompanyB3, B 7 + 9. 'Y' . dub...6ocm Note* 10000 00 William Martin, Joueph 11. Sal, Edmund A. SouJur, John C. Davis, John B. Penrose, Geode• G. Leiter, lis'wnrl Darlington, Dr. R. M. Huston, William C Vgawig. thigh Craig, Spencer Nlctiraiti, Charles Kelley, 1.1 Jones Brooks, J. O. Johnson, Tuns. C UM, Vie , Pp•Videikt. ILM Rl' Li. 1,4044, 151,0'011'Y, IIkNUFACTURERS' INSURANCE COIPI', OF PHILADELPHIA. CHART= PERPCTICAL—ORANTLD UT TUE tITATZ OP PILICINTLTANLII. Chartered Cemital, $500,000. FIRE, MARINE AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION. AARON S. LIPPINOOTT, Preetdent. ORRIN ROGRRS, Secretary. GEORGE YOUNG, Treasurer. DIRZCTORS. Aaron S. Lippincott, • William B. Moines, Mahlon Gitlin ghain, William Neal, . Nicholas G. Taylor, Alfred Wrolta, Orrin Rogers, Charles J. Fields, John P. Simons, James P. Smyth. Akir-This Company has been organized with a Cash Capi tal. and the Directors have determinedo adnut Ittiaiiieds to itiavailable resources . . Tq caiserVe piulibiloe in conduct ing its alTiUrs, with a prompt adjustment of losses. Pittsburgh Office, No. 78 Water street. J. NEWTON JONES, Agent. WM. J. ATWOOD The followlbg well known and responsible Arms In Pitts burgh hat'e authorized reforence to them, with regard to the stability and soundness of the Manufacturers' Insurance Company. Kramer & Rahm, Wilson, Childs A. Co., George P. Smith & Co., Hampton & Campbell, Juno, Tiernan & Co., H. Childs & Co. now! PE NiN ST LVAIVIAITv SURANCE CO I PITTSBURG Cartier rt. aiod Smithfield Streedi t 4.IITS.AIkiID CAPITAL, 8300,000. Insure Buildings and other Property agaust Lose or D m L.; • by N re, and the Perils of the Bee and Inland Nevi. Nation and Transit rtation. DIRECTORS. Wm. V. .... ~ t A ody Patterson, Jacob Painter, LA.)., W. M'Clintock, Jas. P. Tonns Geo,.. 8 - nit k W. 8. Haven, It. &Park. " I. O yler 8g,r0...V. wade Haintßon, D. AL Long, A. J. JJones, J EL Jenne, EL R. Cogshall. OFFICERS. Hon. Will. Y. JOHNSTON, 'Viol Pesides! ........RODY PATTERSON • Steyand Treas......A. A. OARETER. MOEGAN £1304 164 Wilcolitreet ‘‘' NMI 8210,606 DO . 40,140 18 $250,838 18 $250,t3e 16 MIILIMIM of PITTSBURGH I=! ettpl. ?dark Sterling, Samuel >L Kier, William Bingham, John SAM'worth, Francis Seßent, J. Schuoumaker, William It. Hays. [den John Shlpton DIItECTUttI, James 0. Maud, Theophillus Paulding, Traquair, sVlilman Byre, Jr., Joshua 4 Prim, James Tennant, Samuel 1. 4t nl, Wary Bleu», James B. McFarland, Malta liohaffer, Robert Burton, Joitur B. Semple, Pittsburgh 1). T. Morgan, J. T. Logan, M4IITIN, Artssident. .. A. NIADNTRA, Agent, No. 1/6 Water street, Pittsburgh MARINE INSURANCE. FIRE RISKS. MEM LIFE, FIRE AND AIARINg mrsußA.Nvitvoitaiity, ap)tpwa t a . WATER 4D KARIM STREETS, 7 PIT lilac GM; IPA. '.:llU= RA GAL TAY, President ' l l Tun% IMAM*, Secrk(srS• 4 goothi, ca g g in y natio eery Inimwince appertaining to or connected With LIFRRISES., Ming' aptikilit MILE' AND °ARGO alms . the Ohio and Mtooloappl Rivers and tributaries, Od SUMER AISLES generally. And against Loss and Damage by Sire, and against tlia Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Tractsmtation. Policies leaned at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. • ' DI itscross. - " Robert delway, Samuel M'Clurkan, Joseph P. Gazzam, M. D., John Soots, James Marshall, David Richey, James W. Hallman, Cluyies ArbAthhok, ) ' John Fllerton" Alexander Bradleyi . 10 ,0 31 . i'Vfi t Dishatiela David H. Chamber., Puistran Jas. D. - • febla EUREKA' ENSIII4IIIeg COMPANY OF PITTSBEfItOH..' JO/IN IL 8110.ENBERO President. .. :,,,, SOWN FINNEF, ... .----- - .._!:J. 1 - O. W.-RATOIDIGAIt,' ' erafAseilL.-i WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL FUNDS _ _.__ _ - • MARikE AND 1 7 1,11 E JiTSKS. i Dravaross. ' ' ' • . 1 J. H. Slusenberger, G. W. Ca W, C. W. Batchelor, W. K. britroilc, Isaac H. Pennock, T. B. 1101 to, W. W. Martin, B. D. axhrin, R. T. Leech, Jr., jobb A..taighei, George B. Belden, 8.8. Bryan, David M'Candleu. gkir AB Loom unstained by -, es insured under po - Reins tituted by thisComptmy will he liibbeetraalllly adfindadandprompt ly paid at Its OFFICE, No. 99 WATER STREET, Ltirl - - WESTERN INSURANCI, COMPANY Nrmumsaa.—GßOlLlii I) Vail C. •!n.tdent.; V.bt Gomm. Bear. •—ter7. Monolingual* . all kinds of ritta, s 9. :tn.,' ‘,AttiNlt. All 1 9 ,, 5q1 , *ID be Orval!' adjusted an Lurottartiv raid. • A Ileum inetitution, managed by Di...i.zo , u_irboare kucrito In. the community, and vrho are ditt - -tmitted, br prompthela aid liberality, to =militant the Ateratler wh rit [boy hwie /wenn:lnd, as o&ring the. best. prote •tion- to U1t....0 who deeire to be Insured. DissoionS—lL,Atiller, Jr 0. Nickerson, . holler, N. libitum Jr.,W. IL Smith, G. Damen, George W. .le Morn, Andrew Ackley, James Lippincott, George Itamie,Jeutta /Inlay, Alexander Nimick, Thomas Scott. Air Offira, Nu. 92 Water meet, (Warehouse of Bpang 'A Co,, up stairs,) Pittsburgh. 'lncer24:ly PEKIN TEA STORE, No. 3 FIFTH STREET, ONR DOOR RASP OP Tag EXOILLNGR BARR, Pittsburgh, . . . GREEN & BLACK . TEAS' Purchased direct from the Importers . for CASH:, stuck consists of all the different anYotv and grades cot Tkl brought to the Ascertain meet, and SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL At snit VERY LOWEST CASH PRICLESI PACE LED TEAS, PDT UP IN METALIC PACE MIES, expressly fur the trade. TEAS OF ALL GRADES, BY THE HALF CREST. CeWEEE, SUOMI, COCOA and CIIOCOLATILar the Eau BYANTA, for sate: Long experience iu the business is a sure guarantee that every article ebbfwill ba BB represented. ALIENT, BY Spacial APPOMBEBBY, roe rat Satz or Dn. JAYNE'S FAMILY MEDICINES. $, jairsr,s. Pittsburgh, June /0, 1850—(je20) • OLD ZOLIPSE FREIGHT LINE. aitarmigormisaim THIS LINE IS NOW RREPAREID to bring °II kind. or freight from 11aw York, in three days, at $1,20 t 100 tiai, and from Philadelphia In 40 hours at $1 Ft 100 RECEIPTS GIVEN FCtB. TIME WPM A WRITTEN 0 ABA RTES. get— No paper packages or small bandies received. ?dark goods " ECLIPSE FREIOBT UNE." O. B. ALLEN, Ageat, No, 2 Astor locum, New York. J. J. Iic.E.EEVEB., Agent, cor. Broad tuad Looted, Mitt For further Information, apply to ho—Journ SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK ' 9. IMPORTER & DEALER , IN FOREIGN' AND D&MESTI{ HARDWARE. No. 83 Wood elteet, between Diamond alley and Fourth street, PITTSBURGH, PA. rrir Tut subscriber la rimy openings well selected assort moot of fure_tia and Soutestic Hardware, all new, and will saki on as good terms as any other house In this city. Ho will alti.). 'Seep 00 hand a general assortment of 11ARDWARIA CUTLERY, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, An, To which he mt.:tray invites the attention of purchasers. nilrlu SAMUEL PAELNEMCK. JAMES BLAKELY, EU inEAN AGENT AD CONVEYINCO, Corner of ~.9evelath and 'Smithfield streets, errrnsußsui. lla,.Passongers brought from the old oonntry to Pith burgh, and moneys remitted to Europa 1n0v27 W. SMITH W. W. MA1R.......J03. R. ELUNTEZ SMITH S MAIR & HUNTER WHOLESALE GROCERs' Lit second and 151 Front at., m1;17111ra Pittsburgh, Pa. JAS. COLLINS_.„., JAMES COLLINS & CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, PIIONUETOII9 OF 1U Collins' Pittsburgh, Meadville &. Erie CANAL LINE'S. Nos. 114 Aso 115 WATER STBJII/21:, rVETMIIIOII, PA, Stressoutm— Wm. Bamiley & Co., Murphy, Tiernan & Co" Smith & Sinclair, Hampton, Wilson & Co., WCandleas, Means & Co., English & Itichardson. Purtanstents— Biutaley, Waxlsrard & Co., Truitt, grtith i e; 4 OD-, Bacon it Co, I &WS WILLIAMS & ALLEN, MAN UFACTIIRKRS OF CHILSON FURNACES, Wrought Iron Tubing, AND FITTING GENERALLY, For Warming and Ventilating Buildings. ad- W. & A. will contract for Warming and Ventilating by Stearn or Hot Water, Pipes or Chilsou's Bnrnace, Church es, Schools, Hospitals, Factor es, Amen Mulles, Dwellings, Wart Houses, Ja4a, or Eintellt' No. 26 MARKET fi r tilET, Pittsburgh. • ••• ' 416 J ao. D. Room, late of Elamphreya, 1.10131m4,11,4359:0.1) 1 . 44 a D. W. ...... ... .. orrittabargh! Kooris HERsTnig , FLOUR FACTORS, _,AN4 Weellloo Mumission Mee Ants tiv. a NA Wharves and 96 Narth Water s•l'Set, bdow Race stmt, PaLLADE PHIA. ..- • Bugaley.Woodward & Ca Phu.] Bryan, Kenneo &Ow Plitzeh. narrett. Martin & Co. " L. Wilmarth & Co. " Wood & Oliver, . Bell k Liggett, ' ti Sliter. I rice A Co. " J. aW. Rea, Caleb OTo & Co. " Thigeleit,Catigme &, A : Truitt, „o th er ,cO. " watt. & wii., T " J.U. Leillitet 4 C,i, Cincinnati. 'w k ale& Fuulda, 0 ticinuatl A. A. Millock A Ou. " Morrow & Gettier, , • " Tweed & Sibley, " J. S. Chettoweth 1 Aud Pittsburgh awl Philadelphia Merclaurita geU silly. jai lalepcem $07,348 lo ALEX. HUNTER, LOUR. GRAIN. BACON, LARD, LARD 014, A D PR6DUCE GENERALLY No. 299 Liberty street, PrISSBURGII do. i.dape FORSYTH & SCOTT, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION 111 - E.'14., CHANT'S, Dealers In Wool, Hides, Flour, BACON, LARD AND LARD OIL, far AVD PRODUCE GENERALLT. - aa No. 75 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PERNA. . . SPrinsor Harbaugh, Hush% ,Ooo..Wells, WelissWe, Ohio. John Scott k Co., " M. Muria, II 44 P..l).Jonee.Caeh'reit.DevAlr r . Boos,s4fEersOne, Leech k Co., PiStebergk. Itlrnut, Nesbit k Buttetsou„ Josepli B. Bidet, Bt. Louts. PhDs. ThatiM k Oreinor, Beakers, Holmes & Connell, Cinc.kuiatl. Balm, Ohio. [rebLlyj A. D. Bullock A. A. OAUJR A. A. CAJWIRR & BRO., 6Yrner Fourth and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh AGENTS State Mutual Fire and martue Inautane Co., of HARRISBIIIiG. CAPIZAL, $310,000. Girard Fire and the Insuranee Gq. k of PiiiiADELPIAL CAPITAL, saoo,000: Insurance C. o 0.1 Y,.Uey Of Virginia. ; VN'INCKEEr4, wow., 5300,000. • enuiniulaweaith Diana:num Company, HMV itISBUICO. CAPITAL, .300,000. ' Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., HARTFORD. CAPITAL AND ..433.1173, $2,154114.110. Pennsylvania Insurance 00. of PlTralrßint. CAPITAL AND ABUTS, Nov. 6, 1856, $1 29, OAS 49. Wa. F. Jonsetoa, FrefoAnt.. PAamorli, fivcretarY• 444*. O_Ozzo Pim at® Ottio * Daiwa NAL . NOTKV. TO SHIPPERS. —Oil line altar "Jigy 16 4 BIM of Lading saug4 bebandedin at the IhideterStrieer Von before 7 o'clock P. IL of the data(' o wise, ID 4r L ia a li ce m a be roil - manta far tiasir • • JA Bupetinteet " !. ^_ < \ice. EMI 3; 7rT. ; 4 17 ( 2 1 "qc-Irri t " dries Cbt: okishnhe froits Journal of Itovfr 1,1846: It editors Ppfeas fe bo tba guidisits . bPci:rti* erug° po„ 14e, and 1 , 0 keep them advised, thiough weir column, of whatever shall. arbefot their betteflt. ;, 11:o Wilkil‘uelp to 41111,1etter,4andlunimu theta tbibthe =at Asterdarthnind 4 riduabitmodtelne ' lbe thou genetal use ever , linerlts ". Daley's' "tied Pain Extractor: , • Its virtues a tiks o rsi s , mighty anti ecceutri., thut otte"ites/ agssyktamark more ,nitriclet &sit gildep 'e: 4 ay ofre cti tuna, yo,laectru ja t,goa toundlag aro Hs powersoulao . :tobetlYV / t/C4, thiaith 11101 r Itts daily OW by thousands of papa, stit:4tuvrthbe great mesa but is delighto 6eitfkippißtirieuki,vatdcaudid. they; , od no - it;tiktfigioht:,,,ealkeeee iiPin be witixtalt.• : , - P•-4; T11;360140,, mr.iladtaravii IrbefitkaitW"t* 1041 , 111.OacultidAttifv• busy abcnislOui ,itimatraduaintbg Welts dekir*L4uppetittou,anatt. Pwullaritle'sha llyai l s. NeAtextideutlyaauturaUthatiatenta 'to - rmiciiiacqunlatnnSo,Lr r re s ty suoip fe r kirhebelgto at deptte otWauffering,, rettorie too scarred to perracttert. and from pig, la . 111040 0 9 11. • We wish the dise4 niter of this mighty bleeffittg,,,,bo„ie a reakileito temalud;oo.l el* None-genuine without iiitiflßlaieio*V(ititl, „, , DXGLEY, Ilanutachuer, • - •D V. ` CLIOEENEIL& CO, Ma&Rrartruuts. Sup at - as cents , per bor - by ;DFI-ascF.; U. Wood street and by neartyerury,. deaki•W`. , throughput t h e United State s . - .. ekopiomor btteri , ternistioo or, pc, tr,f,x,CLl 0 • ' New Yorh,-• ~;02Wifhirr, _ _ hy:w in you WreiiirifizttittoW 4 UAW. • so' Will 011iinalW.Ilare you alorti t tWit 144 r. liberuoatlem, Net:nig* Bronchitis, Cro7r SilMcd= Otos, Barns, Spraina, or .Paine any part of Aar. ,Yoo cat bo renewed-a onri , 6l usliZt auki 3,4 4 11611310 ' all:Liniments, the White cfrfasean . plisieditiOkt st by. ,Dr. BORT; , .M.i atr g entaint s ilk l / 1 41 wbolemode and retail, by :br. SAS. P:'7I.riFING, near R IL Depot; Allog/30 , 3Val vericatonent: in another column of todisrir"..,: frilaztlia - .... 5114. 80 ilii"V 0 read ittlit Siie lit..thv" , eereef! " .„" '' that the , petient, JO wal called ,upon 'so .IsesirSrj* ti . - or r.; I,,Sitii; andlh4 have been found to be, from thalEttMol• .- 4 • , , r i ., prosent,.. , thr!nmst ttyphteeemeind pahstAi vhdtdrit; lets mr 4 known instance, where individuate sVe#!ishitiloop t gai. '4, ernptions,break: ont ,, npoi'theni once 'it - inlin,i,t;it.. : l4tar.''''.- ..,:, They show an tmp l yre i1!tte , .90400.49ad0ki4440.1011ifte04:;: - .- afia Iva! ilitripTg t here , putt Aim ,overpintdient nptlGn ..., is actually totted to itte sitsfie; of 'trip' 606;.1111tan- it. lii) ,1-A pearanco in the term of 11.94. ,Now l daltAtOtAtiisstiitlitasito -...•.' i', a: ;purify tho - Oetinti *PO iona4whll, , z4val-Ain4tdit e .,* , , , , , ‘ ,..ii,:icinii6.. nteAlca 'Huai:4;44i iiiiiniVisropt im ins*, term, and there is not a State in The.tWitlAlitt* has.not aocoinplished the teeet, 0 04. , hatfi4 o ;itre ,- .:, : 41,i.i.i.b4.4-.,i,viiii..4. 4 -444*,.,,,,- . _ .., aA., ' suid-ishidesals Asa sofa iiitli...oo4ll:ol. ICkir _,. ; 146 Wood street, alga of idar,Onldon - , bluitisi i . &a r id , -. 'T . -. ..- '' --, 0".'. FLEMINCd., Alleghen y. ' - - 7 : 4ol4o l ik*Y: . _ , .. , ~ • 13.iillti . iitt Weill f or she .Gristliterbratrilf - All..' ' I" - Dis9Apjw,.shstatv pill attieit4iiiii:iiipr:47i4rici''../m# ministin ,- at once that invalti4da,To'hici : . , 4 ct 36.14, - tit' ~ ROGERS' LIVERWOIit, T..A.1r.,_ , AND , OANCWAtA.:O4, Itilliet failure _ h "yet unrecorded. The - pareplgei:Kthitt. hands of Agents explains and proves what'i# , ..ho7#l hinted nt. See advertisement olio:bete. ~... . Xi"- We; sale, wholesale and 'retail, by U. S.- ii=1,1441 , 4# 00., corner Wood and Second streets- - - - : ' ' Sold also by RENDERIAIN a lißectibei:LY abseil, ILL' SCLIWARTZ, and lIIICKILS.SI A IicKENNAJI, - Aileghellit City. , ' ' .Iy2.l,:drowite W. a BA.BAOLL, Agent, No.64Fourth et _J. BANKS ENO =Mil 1I:.11711r1 _JOUN SOOT* S. el. OARIEUJIB. ~..e.,.. ... c. ,- ' . . . .. \-r ':.7,•.i•'4`:;.7 . ;.:':'.-: - ~..,T..5,,,:...?,....,,:z:2,...-y:,:....-..4 -r.,. . ••• _ - • • c. 7 for F earth ofAsurpOctly NEW ITAT or OAP on- INDEPENOP . SOR lila all to do 00, we fill Jell oar litor* pia*. , :"- , Jar • ;16.f34atiikaxeel4 NEW ADVERTISEINENTi3;-- r 1 , NOTICR.—The Stockboldemin ther XtleittiV Rya=' terford Turnpike Road Com , niatneetl444:ork Om in thatity of ixie on SATU :410 ,` hn 1 3 th lieptuaber next, to elect officers, andl# o ro itozigaiwairk, SionsotihB24. 311-and 4th Bectiontr of theotAtitertadyo .ltided us or the 14th'. any, 1135% and to , a6:llok,,tbAlt„-Ik5C, , ceptance theritd. 'My order of, tho Company:, - '1001(41X13ELDE4,;. , .,. SoteettrY ATEPP,WOR,i ISAACIONtg, MARMOT ' . CAST ST E.g.!. • 4i l §o, SPRING, PLOW AND SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corner ROSS irst, jy 25 1.9 AC JOAIPL . " 1 4 11.3 :- ne B. ROGERS & CO., • ilk • quEsuracfriftlati*:^:: - " ' ' Boozes' IMPtt99l3DliAl* t • '` . l( STEEL CULTIVATOR TW-11:„'l Coasts. Ross Alconoss,RAlM2s,, - 3'25 NCkTiCE To, coNTI4.OIOO._ - _:. sins z = proposals will • be receitoidat; the sifficonttiwo New Castle and Darlington Railroad COntptiny,- ittliew esstle, :., • until I.2„reclock, M., of Tuesday, the. I2th day,- 44,8.00 f- > neat, for the Grading, Bridging , &0,, of the entlritß,o44/1. single sections of about-ono - Mlle - Witt': Olds will se.. mired for the whole work, including iron, erosallite,- W ~ IT. ing, go. Flans tutd specißditions of the work-sill M fl i tAlit . g lied at said °ee by the Ist,proxinni: ' - ,! ‘' ' '- ' •-• ' , CHARLES T. WRIPI4 , : - ' - -- t. Chief Cregliireit: L''''' VALUABLE Coal Mines at ekuotioiii., tr the 23th day of August neat, ties o'cnict I...:ll:pitltb be add on tlerprernises, to the kigtostito t i*, - 'lwiiO4,4or, cellent Croat Mines, '4B Danes abovn'l r diehArg, ti;;10,1 1 14_,,,,,„ ; g4 ,, , nengaledatiFq. , Wews workeere :Mir ittoperauon,naw : :, the roadi kl all la the Roost, tinier. , Thiralo Of•ll i kfls l o4l , 4 ° ~ right. - era are 84 1 4 acres of coal. With two Rial..VoluicOtaa--. ' from 8 to 0 feet, dr, tither abont Vfeet., 'wolttiok andfnur frame bousest. the cem - andSiorYtidtig,' cit Miemindeudidtitl Improred works, together with , 15K 'WO ut rivet hottfins,va land of superior quality, and dO r 4.. yttlistiCtf.f.oidhili'9pt • the river. - Terms—One-third sash, one-third in 0mnti1,1*;,861121.&1 third in IR, montl4 , If you want a bargain hop these nu - surpassed wnripi , :41 1 , , For further moilenlars Inquire of-, . . - A , ~..`,...., . .n ~i-VC- l TUOS. IVUODS.:ConnnercialltroßMlW, 75 Fourth st,Pittabttreri;7;4 Tbi N El Ls Y thet t' in ' t C ar ° .; l l D o E f :1 1 1 ) o N kin S d ° er N er a ls S sued . . co ' - nta eighty pages of the most wpulur and fashionable Songs . ct : , the day. marked especially for the instrument., Wing the' .", only collettion.of Sentimental, COllEdO and Ett09141 . 12 ever published. The music is eib.aratuagesi as to• b Most far* , the iolln or Flute, as weA noAccordenn. iCoptaan'al 2.11 proper instructions for marking any SLIM* . tic tbriegidish*s• merit. Price kb cents. • Also, Buckley's, 'Violin. Tunes—enutaluing the Waitzea, Polkas, marched, Cotilluna With figures; algs • Betbk i kr . for Violin. Price 00 coght. as.-.• Copies mailed posgelree,„ ormuurrre urms.ts. ala Tr QOdeP, `t iY 2 4 ' S "nd d Q 4l ."'...xwe' Fifth st.' ANNALS OF -pEwNsv--u - vANIA 1682) (rata the &Met"' ° ro w 4Wtswan--bwr Saml. hazard. 4;evatlerrcalho Wv:ortiksoolooot p0„,,t0, to. v. . •., Just tecoieed tv.d for sale by' 'JiSTIN'S;•I3/CISON. 65 Malta. noar-ituth ilL•; • itt vittas;:dtkiejk itti - IikOLROF PA RR • 11 bathing peitions Coneepondemogolatritx!4,t 4 i other writing 4, itellittow - 3-4 y ProVaNi..tase,,,, Just pabllshedand for JUILIt 1Y 25 f. 15 Marker: near Fourth eti:"..7.' EGGS --3 barrels for sale itz ir amtnril,„..' DAAISIAX 'fOQlll excellent article, prepared and hold only byr , ' JOB. ItLE Corner Diamond and Mutat att,' HAIR . DYES I have on baudtairte . ply otthe 431 lairing Bair bye aU Af wb warrant: Basin's Waters' Alexander's jy2s MKS. ALLEN'S RALE,,RESTORE_ mi. Another =poly of th 4 colaboftedliWirl. put received by 4y23 corner Dianrnididd talutetit ,- L R. - JACKSON'SOOaRA:3IIK.ITIRIL 4 ' -LI I have a tarp supply or this ralnaidei•modlcirdi;;oi'jl l ' : '7 , , JOS. flarieliri; 1 3 .1 t irZ corn , ,r Dbunond BROWN'S Essence of Oingo-24 thisvalaabki medicine received - I.j • Jr2b corner - Diainiad and t et- EIVII - ANNUAL MAO' - a 2 CO: are clog oat tbeir sPleddiS .0 110 4motaftablitrOC ,1 ~., stock of VMS - GOMIS at a great. roduction4rositioac- It nod, piaci., . - • ASOLS— We • are now oaring - Or • ;waive select:neat of Parifeakln Bilk, innic,, finthilr Aintlfirte and other mataiale, at a reilueticar of arr. third the usual ram = QODAASH 4Sliobd rind unit**, Si#o: - 477; 1 ‘ .3 manufactured IT thePenu eyharitli &lOW Company at Terrapin; on kurlarAtbraiiii j 314 - - , Auoutre .1501113Zti=i4V;ar,::.; Loa , . an I far stale by ( UM TRAGACANPII-7 5 Albt , ° fain4llZr A .. " NJ rariabol i De 25 l 'MedING:ERO:k - Re m o Sand Paper in atorellad, 1,0231 _dt ptiln lbs. Cal-Witte Astanonia in 5t(34 , . ..-, c"."-/ fbr - solftb9 fir24l FIXMIN3 (1 r ss tar F we arre by irs Ara tie b -L an TAIII VIMIDt .4eriI eI Q-u llit04; 11144114 Z 1 1 ,gOll lbs. Carbonate Magnesia in atero . alllt. i-r the Nab? tty (rlal FLRSI.IVerBROR:s ' ar z t C°I4CENTAXIIII) LYE—A new' , artiolti l for inak.lll2 SAP, vidivintrd nieriOr 10 , 1411111714 ,very nava Remember, 1 pound IvartßUMlPotiabi. On hand and for sale by [1 , 13) swam 8300.7 UTMEGS-30() lba,, j4"itireceived 4141* 11. Iwo ' Turamiit3Ml4l . 1PLOIIII: SULPHUR-1500 , 1W, statelink,l 1 PP nde.tir (but_ •. WittriksElS tt,t , 1' 4 )74 1 31CW XER -- altklitiCaft 4 . • •n-cotta of tII4:PWWIELP!IT4IIIrAtiIaig,e, W 149 t 041044a.1 8414 by 8 T.C.II4IIIIIAX, • 41 110,4 at, .: ::. : i,. ;':;....i.,,."-...7,,.:.i'.-o:Viii:'.srg; . - x .. . ~s ` .. ~'~ t a f ; ~.;... ~. :. ~~' =m ~: • • , .• . - . . -409: ETX11010;„'" - ! eortibr Diamond said 1444 L ~l+C~~t'; y ~~ii.'r ~..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers