Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, July 25, 1856, Image 1
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OR WOOD AND Tiny 8191X11111. • • •TS:11113:-.-Hive Doter' n year, payable strictly inadvance. hreartably required if not paid within the drcer. _Air Single copies, Two Cars—for sale at the counter in the Otico, and by the Now,, Boys. • TUE SATURDAY MORNING POST Published from the same offloo, on a large blanket-else sheet, et. TWO DOLLARS a year, In advance. Single copies, live IDLY2II. No paper will be discontinued. (=dew at the dbutre . &Lao of the Proprietora) until all arrearages aro paid. ssp- No attention will be paid to any order unless mom. panted by the money, or satisfactory reference In Shit 4ew Connected with the zEstalaislutailit of the Moraine • Poet lapne of the /argot .108 PRINTING 'OFFICES in the • - edtioleMfe all kinds of wee* Is done on the shortest notice, warned' uneihuif.leteYme .... t . , PROFESSIONAL CARDS SAMUEL C. WINGARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, prem. - 4a - totlacc. In BAK ENKKLL'S BUlLDlNGS prrrannag, , Grant street, (nearly oppotte tbeCourt House.) fobltly C E HARLS W. WINGARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'EBENSBURG, • . • CAMBRIA COUNTY, MYNA. lu fluntiogdou, Blair, Clearfield and In Meek beainties. JAMES •A. LOW RIE, Attorney at Law, office Fonith street, Pittsburgh, butween Ecalthlield and Cbarry.aillay. docl JOIIN BARTON, Attorney and •Couneellor at Law, °Oleo corn.. of Fifth and Grant greats, Pitts burgh. jaaily SAM P. ROSS, Attorney at Law, No. 109 - Fourth .fret, l'ittsintrgh, four . Mi door below Mr. Body Raddreoree Livery &WA. Je24_ 1611tATRICK WKENNA, Alderman of Third 1, - Ward, offlco corner of Ghent and Fifth streets, (formerly occupied by Alderman Lewit,) where all bovines* pertaining to the caw of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will ho promptly attended to. • feblittm AIIL, Surgeon Dentist, equewtr, aa_ W. Biddle, No. 144 Smithfield street. Far Office houra from Bto 1 o'clock, and from 7 - to 6 o'clock. feblikly jSCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors west of Market. ^ Ar'Oftloo briars from 9 o'clock d. M, k 5 o'clock P. IL (leaky,. BUSINESS CARDS TWIN MOORHEAD,'Wholesnle Grimm and tII Quramisakm Merchant, for the sale of PIG METAL and OLOOMS, and PRODVOR generally, N. 21 Whod street, 'Pittsburgh. int.twx gum, Philads— --ant 1111=12011, Pittabargh. MILLER & RICKETSON. Wholesale Om it& ecru: Importers of BfIANDIES, WINGS sod ,BEGAitg, NaL US and 174, owner of Irwin sod Liberty utreeta New t:44:h. Iron, Nana, Cotton Yarns. , constantly on hand. AIMED D. ninttLiso -1101(tiAlf SALIMULTDOX. 'EDWARD L. IntnitttE °ORLI:VG, ROBERTSON & CO. Alarm mu, insturers of Cut, P ie n .' and Plain Flint GLASSWARE, warehouse No. 17 Wood 'street, cornea' of Front, Pittsburgh. 401...A1l other kinds of Glassware and Window Glass. nt tow brarinst prian. npltdl y E. until .. JO=PIJ 1. WAX. - - - T EWAN., & ULAM, Successor; to INlnlvany jJ .t Gdtie, umuufacturers of Cut, Moulded and Plain Mat and Fauey - Oolorel GLASSWARE, and dealers in all minds of Window Glass, Flasks, Vials and Bottles. Wure house corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. mhEmily REMOVAL.—C. 111 MSEN, Manufacturer of every variety of VIALS, BOTTLED and WINDOW GLASS; black Porter, Wine .end Gialrer Bottles; Thouildhla and Ourboys; also, Flint Wain in every viiriety. Ware soon Noe. 104 Second and 133 First stn.-et. Pittsburgh. milli FR. DRIVO, Diamond, Pittsburgh, dealer . In COUNTRY PRODUCE, ,dfers for sale a choice stock of GEOGERIES, selected for Lwoily use. Spices, of every anciety and the pureed quality, drutind at Lis Stearn Mills. Also, Dried Frulta. Forelgu and o mosUc Efodoce taken in esehatmeteimerehabasu. 1. It. D. hat procured a full aesortniont of Landreth's war ranted GARDEN SEEDS, and invitee the attention of all io temited in rural affairs. janll 0 - 04iMISSION HOUSE.—The subscribeni N.) tiro opened a Ma me for the above parpcoe, at No. 17 Smithfield street, four doors shore the Alonougehela House. We will purchase, or receive on commission, for sale, roe sßramente of FLOUR, BACON, CUEBSE. COhN, OATS, BARLEY, FLAX BBBD,GUASS AXED, BALED IIAY, dm, upon which we will make advance*, or yurthase et the Less market ratee for cash. [hove) ALOE° A (XI w. rsc &0n..*Z.:11 1C11121.50/1,- - LING/ASli & Forwarding 124 and COMlllitelioo Ilertbruits and wholesale. draiern iu 11811. BACON Oa OIL; end_ PRODOCIS gutturally. Louse farearly occupied by Burbridgu R luglnm, Co. IN Water and 150 First street, Pittabruvh, fob; JOUR , ' ATVCILL ........ •Tl. LL.L. ATWELL, LEE & CO„ Wholesale Grocers, Produce ILIA '' CorlittlisSlivil Ilurchnot, nod detduno Pittaburrigh 3lanufst.t.u.res. No. 8 Wood str. , :t. between Ws!, and Proof Orfotol, TOIIN W. BUTLER & CU., Forwardiu g and Conototitsfon AlerohnotA, hotlnr. a oil kind. hiANUFACTVRES, LEAD P 11•11 and 8111 , .1:T LEAD, No. 67 Front strent. Pithiburgh. eep2b ILTIsINItY 11. COLLINS, Forwarding and Jlerchant.zind wholesale tln.el , r In ChIICRSE, BUTTER. SEEDS and PRODUCE goner/y.lly, Nn. 516 Wood atr,t, Pittsburgh. mart: WILLIAM CAII.B. £ CO. , Carr, •tiwe of the firm of J. Parker h Cu..l wholoaale Glb CE11.6 and dealers in Porvign WINES and BRANDIES. Old m oooth ictheos nod 8,..1111...1 WHISKY, No. 35t0 Commee nai Row, Liberty stnovt, Pitteloagh. jnn:y JOSEPII FLEMING, suecesKor to L. Wil cox & Co., corner of larket street and the Ltiam..ed. keeps constantly on hand a full aaaortmeut al ICI NES, M /Marl CII ESTS, Hint+ li 11.1.:111 , sad all at tt clea pertaining to bin business.. „ Physiciana' Yresr-riptions carefully compounded at all hours:" .1.01 P10:4- 1273 VLEMINC; BRO1'I1F.:It:_:, successors to J. Kidd di Co, wholesale !MUGU'S TS, No. 00 Wood eitre.R, Pittaburgh. Yropritstor4 of Dr. Nl'Lowe's calebrated Vern.- fugs, Liror fills, kr. _ XIV L. MARSHALL, successor to 11. Ler, J . WOOL DIULEIt and N ?tlEitellANT, NO. 133 Liberty ntral, Pittsburgh. liVerena—W . Clmtvct A lirox., Kramer A Itahm, 31ur. phY, rlOrtltilil A Co_. lir.wo K.irlipntrut Pittsburgh, May 2-1, 1854 IW. CLIAI)WICK, dealer in Kentucky . Lea TOILACCO, RA4I6 owl PAPER, No, 149 Wtx.cl atyeet. below Sixth, Pittsburgh. (Karl:ly Sir The hiellogt urark.•t price, In club, pool [or !Ingo. JOSEPII 1111011Ln. vv.- P. NIAitsilALL & Co., Importers and dealers in French and American PAPKR lIANiI 'NOB, No 57 tc”..l street, Pittsburgh. Sir Sol e agent. for the celebrated turninflicturai of Ilaers. Delicourt 3 Co, Part', Sugi T. C. MOII.OAN, Bookseller and Stlt . boner. lies always on hand tt grn,ral asaurt awn ,•t' School, Museellaueous and Blank 1io”ks; hinting, Post sun Cap Paper, Ice, wholesale and retail, Na. 144 10 .od Arlatit, below Firth (mat aide) Pitt.bureli. • &a- WANTNI---Hrigo and Tanners' Scrap.. anlAly J OUN H. NIELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer in NCSIC.A I. INS [P: ENTS, Pi A It (Pill', 1.14101(ii and STATWNKIIY, No. II Wood street, Plttisburgb. J.l roust. BET MLR 11.013111 T J. ..t.NDLTIAWN. REYM ER & ANDERSON, (succesgorb to Joshue itikodi4 & c 0.,) wilukAale tloAleng iu r‘ )1i KB/ ! , 1 RULTS, NUTS, I'ICKS. CON y Rey ON A KY. SUU A ItS, No. 311 Wood soot, opposite the St. Churtell Hotel, Plttr burgh. apt ' A TINDLE, • Wholesale and Retail SAD DLE,, HARNESS, TRUNK, VALISE mud CARPET BAU MANUFACTURER., No. lOti Wood street, Pittsburgh. Jr/Q:Y ENTERPRISE WORKS, No. 136 Wood .strem, third .I.str below Virgin alley.—ROWS h TETe LEY would cell the attention of Sporting men to their large sasorttueld of GUNS, RIFLES sua REVOLVING PISTOL: , , the large4t atel begl selected stock ever opened In Gila ma, hot, together with a general assortment of Hardware, Cutle ry, Tools and Pishiug Tackle, all of which we offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchasers, or fur good ap proved paper. marDS N°"I , I 7 WE - gt - P.R. , ": POLICE AGENCY, No. 80 Washington street, corner of Dearborn, CHI CAGO, &LW( PINUATON...-. D. E. EDDEMILM. PINKERTON & 00. devote their entire attention to the transaction of a general detective POLICE RUMNESS in the Mates of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. QTO V o. 124 Wood street, above , 1,7 fifth.—We beg leave to call the Trade to our stock of t it Storm, Hollow Ware and Outings In general. Ilavingperfect• tj ed every thing In our line, we oeu safely say that we cannel be surpassed in finish, toting, and smoothness, by any in the trade. Merchants will find It to their advantage to call be fore buying elsewhere. fold WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY AT GREATLY ILEDUCED PRICES. JOHN 31. ROdERTS Is now selling oil his large and choice !Mick of fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry cud Fancy Goods at a very small advance on first cost, preparatory to enlarging his Store Room and the purchase of an entire newatock for the spring trodo. Persons desiring GREAT BARGAINS should call early, as it Is his determination to close out his present stock with out regard to former prices. Don't forgot the pIace—ROBERTS', 16 FIFTH street, near Market. fetid MEN AND BOYS' WINTER CLOTHING --ROSENTHAL & BRO, Fifth street, opposite Ala son's, have a large stock of Men and Boys' CLOTHING on hand, comprising some entirely new and elegant styles, which they are prepared to furuish at the lowmt casirprices. Also, a large 'and fashionable stock of lOU' FURNISHING GOOD& • deciftuily n. Bn/ELOW KART= L arryMi . (MOROI ALnieler. DITTSBURGHTOACH FACTORY—BIG /MOW 44 CO., Inlccemsors to R. Id. Bigelow, No. 48 Din, mond alley, near Wood street, Pittsburgh—CAßßlAGES, COACHES, PHAETONS, nriowiEs, and &eery description or FANCY VEHICLES built to order, and finished In a manner unsurpassed for beauty of design, elegance of finish, shill of workmanship and durability:of materials. IVO— All .Ivor* warranted. (nom ENTERPRISE WORKS, No. 136 Wood et., third door below Virgin alley.—DOWN & TETLEY would call the att•ullou of Spotting men to their large as sortment or GUNS, RIFLES and REVOLVING PISTOLS, the largest and Lost selected stock ever opened in this mar ket, together with a' eneral amortment - of FIXRDWARE, CUTLERY, TOOLS and FISHING TACKLE, all of which we offer at the lowest poadblo prices to caul purchaaers, or for good approved paper. marlB 111,1 U. T01715CL...----SUOIL El. YOUNG FRA.:MB L YOUNO. TB. YOUNG & CO., No. 38 Smithfield . street, opposite City Hotel, mnnufacturder of CABI NET FUItNITURE and CHAIRS, of every description. Ma terials and •isertaiianihip warranted, and sold at reduced prices. etre - taken in packing for laud and water (Arnow- JSCA,OONMAKER, Manufacturer of • Whiteljeaut, Rod/Laid, Zinc. Paint, Lithe-rue, Putty. ke. Wholeeile dealerth OIL, Palate, Vealliabw4 TurPeatine, &a., No. 24 Wood etneg, Pittsburgh. wv72 FINE DRESS GOODS REDUCED—Every deesrision of Atm Drees Gordo now being offered at th LoAr cent. leas than meal Prices. A.A. MASON k 00., No. 25 Mb et .4 • . • . • ••• M=WM GRAFF, RRISNIYER, &GRAFF MMI :4 ' I. INI/1 _ .. _,,. 4. ct. 4: ,4..,, t a 7 ;r:;T;r i - T --- , 4 , :1,1 , ..,,, ~., 1 , -ini.lll'l4----- , . ' ItitES:i)F iIiVERTiSI !. :„*. ~ , ‘• I j r. . .. • rl 11 ~.:_..-:- ..,,.,. ..•:',-', .. . , • 1--.„...,,•„ .., ~ . ~ t BY THE P.ITTSBEHLGH - SIMMENG - Ear - Eut Fs: :., . — __......._ 0.T. -17 9it ;: ertrticm : . : . .. Da1i 1fra . 1 :7Te: . 1a t :re.: 1 7 : 7 ..,.. 6 ... 1 . 1 . i - 1,4 1 : Three ineminins '• I '' TOll \ ' t ' ' thus etmh...4.,.., ~. ,1 75 .;.4. ~.,......;44.i.i. Two weltini " ' '360 '7. 00 Itd 100 Three weeks ..... . .... 400 2;63 200 125 T-n month. SGO 375 250 150 wo months... .... 700 tk 651 3,50 ;245 Thaiiiidithr:....: 1 a cot 64 1 '64 t Ardb __ _ ___ _ F-- -- " ",-, G G5l 5 60 00 10 , .. 1.4.1qt.' PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, Al' THE ‘, pudT BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM VOJUME XIV. BUSINESS CARDS. • Neither %lilt my eye nor my faith will I trifle.' IMPORTANT 'TO TIIOSE AFFLICTED WITH ILADSIGIFF—Persons suffering from Dad Sight, arising froin impaired vision, constitutional decay'', old age, or other catikeli,'wouid do well to call npon Dr. O. R. SHAW, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, where they me,yi very upon getting Spectacles seientifically adapted to the Juter WANTS OP Addrati, YB Fifth street., oppoidta A. A. Mason's, Pittsburgh: • " )41 The P. S.—Tele:mom,. croscopes, muumuus, and emery" artleld appettg to the Optician trade, kept and repaired on they Glassed Initertdd In aid Framek Vg6. 01113 , article not approved of, exchan geddectli free of ex paned NEW COACH AND CARRIAGE FAO TORY.—JOHNSTON, BROTHERS & CO., corner of Rebecca and Belmont streets, Allegheny City, *mild respect fully inform their Wendt and the public generally, that they have cdtolnenced the mninufsotaue of CABILLAOI.I, BA ROIIOIIF-S, BOCifs&WAYS, BUGGIES, SLEXOUS and .CELA, RIOTS, in all theta vadat, style. of finish aticfpF)Ortion. *s_ Ail orders will be executed with strict regard to Mira, bility nod Nano of finish. Repairs will siso be attended to on the mart reasonable terms. Using in all their work the best Eastern_Blualts, Pelee, and Wheel staff, they foul confi dent that all who favor them with their patronage will be perfectly satisfied - oil trial ot , thele veer work. Butoliasere are requested to give us a call, before pun chasing elsewhere. actrtly AI4a.IIKEN it COI have: on hand, at :e 'their iixtensive c - Alrgxesud CUALIt NUFAG TORY, No..olllllaftldial&stkiea alit* littera:tient of Fancy and Plain Punnture, which they. will sell 15 per cent, lower than cuidomary idler. Terms, cash [doer rf CHARLES BARNETT lioass Suoipt &Ne gLacptiTO,' haafere&e pr ;dad, •04opoerioni Brick - Shelf cm CHERRY &LLB , totir&nnAra and Fourth streets, where be is prepared to do all work In his line with the named prumptitudo. liavLug . bad long experience in the basilica% be reepectfully solicits the patronage of hie old customers slid the public genially. Jir2l JAMES DIEELIN GER, Monongahela Pla ning IdBI, would respectfully inform MN - friends and the the pn Uc tpit bit ziov astablkhment 6 now in fall opera. tion, and tliot he le prepared to furnish Boat Cablma and till all orders for PLAYED LONIBlill, with prottiptuww, awl at the lowest rates. !ward and Plank, planed on one or both aides, constantly on hand. dash, Doan and Mouldings, of every description, road, 4, order. !tom Bulkier, and Carpenters would Ond it to their bay an. taus, to gays hhn • colt as ha can now flunish thorn aith Clbood Stuff, suitable fur every dew_i 'ption of work. FtILTON CAILMICIKS; POUN DRY ANL nAcniN,g SHOP, Ssetntialltri tAlso.—The subscriber lmriog morass 1140 Uhl sew 4vcaintacaaara.ch.i, 'of Water, 1.1 - Dotiough foul Shelly etmeta is prepared to cote tract fow wid..tbsecuttt all Orders Ike , PaeasnEfer t ilaggage, Poet-011Etelk - RMIPS Freight, I'llithtein, Grazed, Mmd and all .other deseripthimll_of CARS. Also. fur AM-10M1N ES Of An alma, GEARING, RA! EGAD CASTINGS of all des and all other iii.crk appertaining to adrcrundry and Shop. Tbo Foremen of Die different departments are &titan& and pructical men--mostly from Eastern umuctfacturle"-- who keep thesuselsee lammed and adopt all "minable mod. ern Improvemen (anf,Dl:tfJ W. K. W Ic I .1- r LIE 110 PE COAL COMPANY having re f mntly met with kora* In transportinw coal to (Smite nett, being imund by the Matinfacturere Insurance tetuy. of Philadelphia. take pleasure in stating float that Chia], were promptly adjusted by J. Newton Jones, Agent I of mid Company. D. BUSEINYLL, Agent of flops Coal Company, Ceireiumdl Pittsburgh, Deemither 21,1856. EVOLVERS! REVOLVEAS 1 !—just re .IL manna, by -Fsprcr, dined from the manhfacturvia, a spieualil amsort men t of courts UKETATINtI IttSVILS. four. five awl loch barren., MI of which we,vrill Jtql for moth M all hr. picot aa they eau be bon ht lu the city of Nes V ort. No • loom .ing to A untralis anti iNtittailosviu ttodthat Liao, ••nu better by pillthattitig d.eh ego.page nt home, Uuu 14 , 4 tan among 1144.1.14 Fer•--68 vt give f0.r..0t, a 2 - hamv to tr) ant of L. al.ove, toeturc banal; the city, cull! in - 3,41' of a failure we refund law motley- DUWN & TETLEY. 136 Wood gtrrot. Pirt.sburgt. BOTTLEtts. JOAN OGDEN & CO., fiottlers. sin 17 Yir -rmet_ re.peetf,:lly tots, 11. that ILL) hale constantly on baud a large rupply of SA H.SAYAIiII.LA, lIINER.AL WATER, ALE and PORTER, di the best mutiny. Tile attention of famlll,el I particularly dire:led to 11., fw t that they bottle WAII , IL.ItiIITS ALI, to its pm eat ,t,te. Phyaiclane recommend it to fatullano on account of It. *me awl atrongthnuln.o exr43) I • JJ. OLLLE:SPII: e 00. Lonking Glom Marrunrrtut and inside:l - r in Lootrtng . (Aro. lint.... Pioh ts tam, I Kr ar to get, Control turd Vuory (roods, u 71r Wood .trout, 1.11,4 Lut Kit it o hand and nude to order. 011 t 1111.4 V 1•110 4. Siotognstry, ILatuarood, 11 odour and Lirlt V 111.4., or SI ~.k1 In/. ovary dorerritrot, arr rlttorurnrrat DLL.. Dr.ourat.ed and JULt Lori _ A. SWlLgit, Wholei:tie and Regal blur th Fara. hasmess. Stu..v. T. huo I.l“uo•toepele' liuteare, Tmoory' Ile. L io Lice 84.1 Toole, Cut Plate, Sheol I run, Wire Ihsvhs, az, 4 - , 24 North hea-otl strove, 02ppoeite Buehler's Hotel,' II ARSLISLIUNO. .309-43 m • - - jrWHITE, II gtigTinx tsuso lii.%NurAcTu• . ica, Laa re•covered his health so 333.0 to rr.onnu3 L. 331 d Loosens, and haw opmed tais BLIND MANI! V ACI"Oft V. at No t, 1 , 3103 ours; Imo the Past Lahr*, Irstsarn WO.wl Sonalito , l3l, alter, 110 haw an assort - m.lO of BLINDS, trininwd arta. Oath sod fancy Wurattsl and Silk Trtuttntnaa, walla prop:at - al to CPI any order In Ma lino. 3.331130 nowt r0.....30.303 ter.. Ul3 wart a warranted L.J. Ktta .1.13 i. 16A, n Mints y tut undod tm. Old Dlindw roptired. Plea. giro halm • call, aw can't be twat In w.trkmanahly. .n,: 1 v • V . F. SIIOPE, MeacnA t 1 TA I Loft, Third atrovt, next duor to Dispatch littthlthzt, tharalfol tor the tet) Ithutul taittotottre heretofore levglou el two. htur, Left. ice , e tu naL u ounttotutiev of the retthe, A. I.e. Wall preVaral than ever to ru, nisti 111. 11.4.111 Kati eat I..their halt - etrrttentr which will ituttlre /be nla ayt keep. on hand a largo abaOrtillt . fll of the Luert stylem of VIKSTINOS, kc , al,i , L how 11l soaks to order on the shortoid UtAiev,lll.4.l riaxonutdri terms. Qiy A ',affect flt alaraya ararrantud. [ncorltrlf WOODWELL'S FI;RNITURE AND CI IA 1 ItS, u I.olr-sada and rotail, umbranna at> le ut tut tuture. 1/1 Wllabtlt,.lll lur parlors. chatatera, and ro..rus , Nita, b .t, y fork . ur I.l.llrulrlfrlint,, rod at kuwer prices, y at ti. 1..n1e try hand, and x rant...l. cabani &Litters aupplhaf wlth any quanta) FI:1( 1 Tint K and uu rent...ma/Au trrtua. 114043 end StAatiaLkaln rurbieto.l nt U.. shortroot Indus pi- Wurcrooms, Noe. 77 mod 7til Third xtreet, safri PITTSItt RO 11. PA J. & T. GROUTT BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, &c, DEOL4R3 11 . 4 Fine Old•llloziongahela Rye Whisky, PEADII AND APPLE BRANDY; Also: RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS. CottCMS Or SIIITBrIJ3LD Alto FOUNT STIVIsr.TS. PITTSBURG H. PA. DViDA CAMPBELL & SAMUEL POl,- Loa( bane associated together uuder the sei le et Ca lIPBELL A POLLOCK, for the trauma:Dun of a genenel Veertety and Dry Goods business, and the manufacture of plain and Waved Liao Gilt Mouldings. athlv WATCIIES AND JEWELRY.-JOHN M. ROBERTS, N 0.16 FIFTH street, Is now opening , at. retire NEW tyr‘,cii of Gold sod Silver Patent Lever, A och.r, Lepinc and Vertical WATCHES, in open and hunt leg mom, of the most celebrated English awl Swiss menu facture Also, Gold Guard Vest and Yob Chains, Seals, Keys. Miniature Case., Bracelets, Gold Pew and Cases, Pen cils, Toothpicks, heavy plain Set and Seal Piuger Rings, Breastpins, Far-Rings, Coif Pins, Studs, Sleeve Lodi*, ileld nod Silver Spectacles, Silver and Plated Sawn.. Kul,. and Forint ' Jot , Coral and Fancy Geode Also, a large Ntle-i: of the be at BRASS CLUCKS at all prime The above stock bee been purchased direct franc the East ern cuanufactorkwiaod 'elected with great care for the retail node, and will be sold at a moue advance on cost. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired; Gilding and En graving exetMted In the beet manner, and Silver Ware and /weir) , wade tdorder. JOHN M. ItOBORTS, apl7 Fifth street, unit door to Market. DALY'S STOCKING FACTORY.-C ' . DALY corner of Market alley and Fifth street, finds it necessary to contradict a report that has gained currency, that he was 'Ming o ff to quit buttinessa. Ile never bad each latention. 1/e Inforoosilx o publlo that" Tie Mill condi:taw to supply STOCRINGB, sunlit, DRAWERS, Anil all kinds of HONIMIII,.at hiasatabllshmont. HI. Fac tory Is nearßuildi aII FLIFTII iitreer.,-open at all tutee to theiMirection tit he public. lle Ina tawides the work of his own manufacture, brought to the city largest assortment of Goods in his line over brought to this city, which are warranted to be of the beat quality, and will Ise laid at the most reasonable prices. He has but one Bales pupal, at the corner of Market alley and Fifth stree t tnhl6 Corner Market alley and Fifth Bt. NEW INTELLIGENCE OFFICE—If you want to bare " find employment, buy or sell ppoperty, call at LOWRIE'S INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, No. Fifth street, near Diarket atroot. Legal Documents and Copying done with neatness and de patch. [fel &RI JOSIIPII W. Lowitiz. VORSIIA'S LINIMENT—The best Lini meat now in use fur *rattle, brulace, &c., 12 doz. JAM 'waived by JOS. FLEMING, eLp2.5 corner Diamond and Market at. DIG METAL-190 tone good quality, e4;17.1 blast, Just received per steamer Irene, find for sale by ,LPV P. M. DAVIS, corner Wood and 111th sta. GREASE—Bayes' celebrated Grease for Drays, Carts, Buggies, Railroad Cars, in ems, kegs and BM's-. for cud*. by I ap2Bl NENItY H.COLLINS. COAL WORKS FOR SALE.—Sixty three acres of !mid, with 2.50 of Ong attached, and el! the Iui urOYEINOLIth thorion in successful operation. Said Farm is situated on the Monongahela river, 94 mil. above Pitts bnrgh, and is supplied. with a Warns Howe, Sara, Tenant !louses. Orchard. Railroad, sual an excellent harbor. Th e s..in of Coal is live feet thick, and cannot tie surpassed in quality. For further particulate apply to NICELOLSON & PAYNE, lerktf No. 296 Liberty street. WALKER'S UNEQUALLED INDEL IBLE Just received" large amply of this celebrated Indeliblelnk, With or without the pre*s twn., It is tortied as tlie.beit itilL now in nee.: 'nail 'amass tbernoney will be refunded where it does not w i t u ti & i. JOB. aIA S • corner Diamond alley and Market it = • • p M 1 0 . 1 • .+. +`r: El!IIIIBilili M=Vl= GREATEST IMPROVEMENT YET! NiW SCAL KLEBER & BR_ O. nve net received a small lot of NUNNS & CLARKS' PIANOS, provided with their NEW SCALE.' This to their latest, and undoubtedly the war 111- POILWR improvement as yet made to the Piano IF4te. The POWER of the instrument ls almost DOUBLED thereby; and in point of volume, evenness and brilliancy of tone, they surpass anything as yet produced in the shape of a Piano. They pommel all the advantages of the Wand Pianos, with out env of its disadvautages. We now clutilengs comparison with rho instrnmeots of any other maker In tlija country, confident that every unbiassed judge of the article will at dhce admit their superiority. The public Is respectfolly In. cited to call mid examine these auts•rb Instrument.. • U. ELME A SRO, • Sale agents for Nunns a Piano. For Western Pennsylvania No. 1,3 Fifth at • •‘et, next door to Masonic Hall. P. 3.--Splendid assortment of the above alertly expected for the Spring Trade. aps CHICKEIIING & SOIN w i lt JOHN H. MELLOR tuts Just received seven more 0f... 4 .,:5. ,- ,'" -i r CHICKENING A SONS' .. 1 . ' ' PIANO PORTES, and corn- 1 4 ' 1 i plated theNtick, selected for Spring Salts., of THIRTY-LIVE DeW and splendid Instrunsants, of every variety and style, mannlnettared by the blessraChielterings, 11llostou0 flow the plainest SIX OCTAVE to the most splendidly finished Seven Octave Square Piano Fortes, os well as their superb and inimitable Grand and Parlor Grand Pianos. 10 Fail PIANO FORTE in this lot is ,d their NEW SCALP, with *air FA_TENT lIWN FlLAhlaki, sad PATENT ACT N, and are not c rily warranted to the purchaser by the MA Eltactumrs, bat by the subscriber. to be In all respects as perfect a. /11/trUltbanall can be made. both In regard to Material acid Workmanship. PRIChI INVARIABLY TUI SAME as In Boet.tiu, at the Alanatectory JOIL.N IL MELLOR, No. 81 Wood street, between Diamond alley awl Fourth etreet. Arent for Cbickering A Sous, Boston, fur Pitusburgh and Western Penna. IVEI 4 I SUPPLY OF PIANO FORTE& CIiARLOITY. BLUME has ,1 art tr. vet% ed a further supply .1 flatlet. Davis k C.; '• plates, VrtLII parent na•pnnslon briar. nod minpowition Onarintis, and with rewsa• tug Orand Action. Al & proof of the super - laxity of 141010 piano, la the fol• losing eattwd:t.or aiwport at the late . Meciastikes Fair e ent Boston, to competition with the colobratell outs, Jona. lin - kering, who wan President of the Association Massaohnsett• Class - ltablo Mechanic's Assoclatir.n +.earl this diploma, wills • Saver AIMaL, to Mallet, Yam Co., for tb. bear Grand Piano Forte eolitfthutssi to the Elan . hitnm af JbAl .US At eft lel.: +MI NG. Pr/wt. kWh., had 111.0 one of las best drawls on exhibition to rompetithni with Messrs. 11. D. A O. The Gozumntre, (Professor+ George J. Webb. it. F. Oliver. John Lange, etc..) say 4.1 the Grand eln tOOO, it 10 Polt ful. round. full and well Instanced; a capital Instrument, and twat on exhibluott." l'imwe /Um,. &xi. Route with full iron [ram, ctp_miwr sealq 2.1012.4 . itewk. ehr arc muds to stand In eliptikowi - - _ to .Million to the uttove, the imbscribet Itaa r,rt5....1 Plan. from Ltuunasurdtou A Wows, Llsokhurg; A W Laitl A G., LlAaton. au. makers, et wir. from V.,tB, t., SI X. ell ARlAff'lll BLUME, Jr-11 118 Wood rtre.rt, Old Noutta taken to exchangevat tlotdr full value. Another In. _ricr 01 the 0e1,1tta.1.0.1 Ib.mborgb Piano. h rx. peeled C. It FOURTH STREET CARPET STORE. CBS WOORTLI STKEY.T, NEAR. WOULt.IOI Tux altotalon of ptuctiartra it rnaptctfully itaxibial W ow preset Stuck, ac. 1.43.1 for EYEING BALKS, sacita,ll24—. P.st 4:misty Vial.,U. I English .ad Tapestry do Brum. , le and Zaptotry, graittix Credit, tiad Stair &twit, Surer. Medium sad Lam Extra &aka Super. X Pty. I Prtood ingrain.. Nut hayfield itztra Twilled and bartsis4 Lisp and Steer Carpets: Fluor Oil o tha, trues 2to 24 teat aids, various qua int... and prices: Table c4,/pa; Itte4ses.*l Pismo and Tatiie Oeuvre; mid Case* Ito, [lag . Hearth Mips: !sot - MAU ; Star Rude List, lia6 and Dutra Carters; Yeasts= L.:aids; rrttU essrY variul/ Jul. :quids*, Orson and Itvfl 11011.10 d. tr. tr, .11 ,4 *WA. all be uttered at sale at very ruuderate r *Ass ssr Ws are *le. prspeasd to furnish II A Itlll - NOTtiN'S iIiPET AkU Illegheny County Normal School. .1. at Ibar nule, frum !A, cov, n•nr !A4 jmrr.wn 1321711111 R M. KERR. A %I nprtrarnd. :.r MR, NI A h FAR, Prus...pi Sew. wur REA. IL NI 1•11}1U40%, A. SI ~1"1-4 Supertlitce..lertt, rttll lo• Scb•..l ./1 -n IM 1 U.. lbU. of As.nl l'upthb s•-• at, uultarta cm-a I..mrd nu. tit , Ouporintv4l4.at. I—Ardn,g aan Ir •lotAlliwi IG Th. !v.,. TY.IIII, - quart, 110 wip.-k. , 11./% ASCE linardlnu. 1441gtug And Urhi Tuat....l/, Trindrenl, or alum tientritaK to prtivtirt• tof ter - hitt/. run wet the Nut mai titituttl al auty Uuw, endrOlitiGa. 10 .f to the close ut See quarter. H OLI"S PATENT 11A NI) STAMP.- —The rthar. Afall: for the .1 N NII NIA Cf)Ml`,4N V,' of (foal , Situ., a aorr Draparral la offer to flo• pol•W a Stamp a h, lh all prem.-xi prirsaaara orpaala./1 an ./f lb.. ksn.l holatofor•-• .41,-4 to too pubis I ~ Ilulrsaula. orlhaoh 1 . 1/ I.ts, StrafolaAala, I. • I.ll,faaaloard to n 1., rl.rolortr, thrll ltbror), 1 , 1144,.. • ho print.”,/ then 014 - 1) 141.v1, .41•./ all NI erri. {Or I jgnf, trig thr,f oar aloka,. and to tart CrZlll MA, tbe 0102110 it wane n Sarbip for matting I.lnrel, 11 IP I* Jll4 OW EL 111,c, ,tartly u uhilke a., othor lu tho market, •ial i• Dot • al ..~f NVOillti.Lhar 1itti , 14.4 I he k iral oflrratl h. the ha fa ma ...slat/1ab...1 ruitttinall”n-- lei It te ofierial fro &taint he toinel coat of others 'ittieing more ...mph it. voidt ti. tion. it in leas ti rid oat .•I :1.1 It IA mime ccaniaiel, ....ewe operated, and 17.. tt e trt tall .if iii, piny tetivaistrhdre. mr proprietor , . rely niain the tritrtneie meanie the for Itot general ad. t it leelittr ttOtttlettt thvt it. h#apooltie and supernirit) .anillaniai, ;Am el er ail he ill r i ot. Ii a filvionthle introduction The rititiUt are Incited to rail 157,11 Y5 , -,2 OW operation arid the vacuity of aryls eloctriity pe hater rosetord for ally MO- ot pattern, and the dies el.. unity ped, ul the heat material and arorlimanalslti. Alo9fail l P. Y.ATISN, Agent, • No lan F hat rtreet, Plttabittgt . Ile V it Al. F. NTS IV A STKIJ ttlilloutintei) to ,151s•ma for the 0t , ,,v0 to 5, tt• , lo iiminiaeion will let paid. I h , TO9 n•rtil 1.11.1 NlffSil.l , V EATON, of I.ltlAmex.. , th• xpiennp•l Sole Ac•ut for th.• .ale of •• I•atent Ilnl,d Manly - for the atm.• el Pet41.4)1.... (ex,+ryb Itig file City of Iftillu4elpflig,..l.l all.• for Couttiter of A 01141,11 K Truinlolll, Sfah•m leg, Colutuinglia nod .1.• Iu filo gone of t ifoe If,xt. STAMP 14.41 , ,, NI mot_ II) theft Ageut, W. WILLA HD. Plttglof rgh, Slay 12, I'lso. “nyl6l LOCUST GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY. The Trustees of Locust li roe, Episcopal t+ettonary goo notice to the friends of the lll.tatot./. that the Nov WiLLIAM It. CLARKZ, hacmg been compelled by protracted 111 health, to resign hie charge as Rector of the saute, they have been le. fortunate as to secure the valuable services of the Rev. Groans T. HIDER, of New York. for the same tioti, and who enters at once upon the discharge ct his du. ties. unto the very high anti flattering commendations which they have Mato( Mr. RIDER, they have no doubt of his eminent flttwas for the work committal to him, and that they belles e that under his management the Seminary mo no, fad to procure n large share of public favor and support. Persons haying daughters en Wllrdi , I o educate are partio °holy desired pm acquaint themselves with the adsantagea u loch this institution affords, lath as respects its beautiful and salubrius pwuou, too and a half miles front the c-Ity laud also the facilities for the thorough and refined education presented iu Its effirlent corps of instructors. Circulars may be obtained on application to the ltortor, or unbar of the Pat,burgh, April Dth, 1866. Joint 11. Snowthrattiga, Lit/lata. It. WHITE, WILLIAM F. Joitnerrom, Ouvez W. BARNIS, Tituthoss B. LYMAN, UFO. 8113. Di ilp:lo4.llmrd.lrcrelq. MIRE CEYLON STRAW lIAT—The atten- J, [ion of the public is requested to our entirely new style of STRAW HATS, Just received from the Importer. combining the many qualities which have been so long wanted to make the Straw Hat suitable in every way as It Summer Hat. It is the only Straw flat which the rain or damp weather will not anoct, either In the brim or craven, being so braided as h, prevent tue pouiltility of It In any way. I otter this entirely new style, called the CEYLON HAT, believing It to lx' the Straw Hat that will give the wearer entire satisfaction. CHA 'ALMS 11. PAULSON, 73 Wood at., tity3o nett door from the torder of Fourth. W 0 RTIIY OF A '1"I' EN TION I—FOR SALE.—A new dwelling house Just flutchett, two stories, arranged with hall, two parlors, dining room and kitchen, three chambers, good collar, bath room, tko.; a hy drant in the yard, and good stable. The lot lutsa front 1,r20 feet on Carrot street, Allegheny city, by 100 feet deep to Led lie street- Price 11,400. Terms—SW° In hand, remainder one and two yearn. B. CUTHBERT SON, ap2B 01 Nterket e t. EIT'S PREMIUM KATIIARION wwas the head, and removes all eymptoutit of 110411, Persona tudng WRIGHT'S HATHARION Are never liable to aunlitroke. witioilre, PltHbll Uei KATIIARION • la the moat valuable acqninition to the toilet, retaining the Ilan- in any required form• For sale by Dr. GEO. 11. REYBKR and K, E, SULERS CO, et 2b cents per bottle. . angle ALARGE BRICK HOUSE pleasantlysitu ated iu All.,gbeny city, with lot of ground 30 feet trout on ihulk lane by 150 feet deep to al6 foot alley. Tho house is well built and finished In modern style; portico In tront. hull, t‘ru parlurn, dining room, kitchen.; chtunbere, cellar, hydrant, pared and gravel yard, shade and fruit heel shrnbbcry, c.. all In v fur sale by mrF S. lltiTliliKßT .4; SON. 51 Market at. ENGLISIi CARPETIIsiGS.—ROBINSON .t CO., No. 23 Fifth stroot, hove now passing through the New York Castom Rouse a large Invoice of English varets and Tapesptry Brussels Carpetting, which we shall realty* in a fetr•dals, and be pleased to show to any who may wish the beat of Imported Goode, Wa have also now in " - Stock of Brussels, Phis Ingnitee stair carpets, On ettotba, T AMP-BLACK 50 bbls, just received and kc., an assortment ntuunassed in this market, and it at lowest prime, spil2 ji_4 for sale by .18211 FLEMING BROS. I . . .t• • IS. .6. ' • " - , • , 4. • ; • 1 6 1 PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, JULY 25. 1856. BUSINESS CARDS NEW SPRING STOCK OF PIANO FORTES. IV. D. & U. iIIeCALLI'3I, MANSE' EILD SEMIN ARY of the Noi.l.e.stown 4.4 11 1,11.4119 y.Oll Plonk LL M.. 111:11.1L. Pitt.lmre, CERTIFICATK . , 'T. ' ',-, MIMI MISCVLLANEOTJS. T RYAN'S BUILDINGS, No. 31 Filth Street 'NE subscriber, baying enlarged and fitted up lu if,auil style his SPACIOUS FUNITIIIE IVAREROOIIS, LARGE ANT) rALC✓ABLR ARDPNONE To his stock, and now Invites his friends and the public to CALL AND r. ICAJIIINE Boture purchusloF i.bseas bore HIS STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED, Arrbouutirig to about $50,000 Worth, Oungisting of EVERY CLASS OF LAUDS MEDIUM, and And embracing wane very flue ROSEWOOD PARLOR SETTS, Cuvrevd with Frococh baritone, OAK CHAMBER SETTS, Ands grant variety of New Style, of Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs., Sofas, Book CUM &c., &e. An of which he often to, retail, of IirIIOLVSALK MICK& 1116. *very articie warranted to err aattrOwtian, or the money refunded. U. H. ititAX, nun Aa 31 • xtrelet... EDMUND WIL NS. EAGLE ItLAILAILIE $Ol HEAU OF WOOD, ()X LIBRIIT at the &meter,' list, i'itt.sbergh. .14,11(1111,11.11, Itnrlwl V•tilta, Tiitutistauea. Centre and Pier Table Tom KeahaNn4h ke. made tc • . ranyty. ittantrAs. fertrl 1.-ry I.aa. •-ttumbetatal awl O,IIIL, which IS Mind uc liatettac, at Wow t. , !e per (.4.- emzageil prartintlly In thia hoe cos thtr tY .4 which lore boob Jar, city. el Lich I ile.re • .utitrietil rerererv, male it . inst4tia, nod furnish any ensrk In tuy itue at reasi.tiabla.l , ti....... ie 131 y JAIIIEN A. Forzeiti FNiltioliAlWlNti AND 1:›11111.1:011)...i M*lll t RT. rVit TUN I.LLE ur I L I Flour, Grain, Dried Frwit, iietatirk ter. Bacon. and l'ruluce generally No. N 9 Water Street. Froturts 41 hallo,, FAN_ a lii taw IKlyrttt th. 1.4 . 'llllsb.t. r 1 1 Sou„ ; 11.1.1 IP in.:. artmit•ll it t‘tweatitttirn.. Firstly. L'as..h. M d M I.l.Ant. 11• I A (1..u.41. Crattgl I W Antittrat•tt. en.% Lt. C, IN '2l PEKIN TEA STONE, NO. 3W FIFTH STREET Pail: , TK A+ -A i lot fresh tireen and Ida k retreeetei clime rnitli the irnie.ietent, which w lit le at.' e 6. ilewate awl rt4ail, at iirtraii Wei et than usual rwo Medals and the Dlploinsua 4 ts arded 4ItTIILIt Privat fat , T l l tt-11-eNaillatt tin cane a an- pew/ Vl-11.not w. Jar, Ileol7 t he •gemt of Iltta city • MterLl Pcmatelatmla he .ale. ttl the. ntatar as , ea. at 111.• • invetu wane allay. Nu 114.1 et.. INttallos4ll. I • lt, te also 1, titt alt• amen ttlaa• fora at v. 1.. with larg el. ka m tett . ...all g sink an .l taller fettles. Alan Iten .rAI a - • .1 /ownl • l/10...,1 ... tot. I. It, nta,l . 11111, nu/reit/tate. all at tottlenite mien. ). l 3m REMOVAL. • VRANK V.V.VGORIFER REAIOVEI) 11 to No 711 HARRt.T lattott. ttrorb opposity to hut uld to tut* innstmott to nspply Ist, cuttuntous mJ the gouet olly matt any thtmy sls..y 1,441 sn the wny Enshroldor oat, 1414.4, Litovens, 11.1•ry and V ok, y tioutitt rmurttlly dt.t- hett• 00 the N0..7, Nlttrl,..l .1. mt*Z.:;.tto I . li 1)KNI).- —Citizeng' ny. • ,Tlso Yelvidont nod then:tons of tilt, C-.lllpPlij hn r ti,. OA) s.teclAtosl s.Oll anneal divisiond of tat .lollo.rs m - .puts the t.,:espital Stock.. Vivo dollar+ In moll, inky :Otto to the Storltholelors or their I.ry al rept , ,orntots.,4, and •.tie cr.f.tto,l to thole 4.c...A nn nlnl after the '2 , 1 snot SAMUE.I. L MA141411F.1.1., Sort .1 one 17 tlt. 1 ,:itt OLD TYPE METAL, SALE,t, ,in tl . l: o Office o Nlit).111)114). and •414.. rs wanting such an article ono set 61.1 . 10. OUPPl7br..llinf 1014 1 / 4 0' ATE FAIR ----The undersigned l'“intitit l yep inb.t t, , —not to recuto the 1).4 hna of (fir state Felt. at Pittsburgh, hereby atilltorisr .1 tt'lllt ULt)tiSEIL ono of th•dr to collect the ith WA-KANKIi Will call on tushwribers ,luring the ewnt month Y. U. MUItPIIY. N 1101.1111 S, JOII.AI 8. CO)4IIIt) , AN. WILLIAM M. JACOB GLOSS Eh, 11 - • STEW BOOKS.—Just reeriveti, and it is „ L i hardly accessary to repeat Arabi to Ito 11111,11 c, that um, are ~d 3 from TEN Tt; TVIIiNTY PRIt CENT I.CAT th.tit elsewhere. Tout of Madame Rachel in the l'nited Stoics- tub r 90, Sparrowgnus Prtpers--130 ornta. Coale Miseries of (Inman Life--. 70. The State. and Territories of la, ()teat The ittinsby Papers; by Brougltatu—itoc. Tangletown Letters—sl,l2. ,:dad fur the S•nelal—sl 12. I•torra Tales; by Melville-00c. Vagabond Life in Merin.-00c. Scrap linnters; by Capt. May he liehl Chief 1 Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour; be Frank Furl...ter-1;1,3A Brother Jonathan for ith July--12c. Pictorial Ynt kee Notions—dc. • Harper's Magnrino for July. tthlyd supply)-20e. Peterson's klagozine for .luly, (second supply)--17:. ;11;thorn's Maiptilue for July, isectoni suppl),,-210•. iodoy's Lady x Book for July-2ik% Loslie's N. 11. Journal-18r. Alogayjne—loc. Remember, the place to get MOckellu" I. at LAUFFER'S 111a/K:I'D/RE, No. Ti Fourth street AG RE Al' BARGAIN:—For sale, a emn r. table Brick DWELLING 1101.:88, ho. fa sL, with two Lots of Ground, each 20 feet front ht ha deep. The llama is large and convenient; a good cellar, with cemented tloia ; a hall, two arlors, diniairproolar and kitchen on fir"( suer: with awash - house and large pantry—three chambers, store room and bath room on the second story, and lire rooms on third story. Fireproof slate roof, gas fixtures and pipes on first and second story. Lan,..e yard, with shade trees, grape vines, Ite. 'rho lenprovemeuts alone oast Wrote than the price asked for the whole property. Price tusk— on, fourth in hand; remainder at one, tar" and three years. 8. OUTRBEIRT k BON, te:.lo Real Estate Agents, 51 Mn.:.,, _ B - WON-2 caz,1 , ...., for sale by 1124 HENRY II C - Li.l Ss. 20 BOXESORANGES to arrive and f (? . A. : , v sslo by RHYMER A ANDERSON, ../ ' Na -To wood frtroet. 2()BOXES LEMONS to arrive this day and for sale by ILEYNIHR & ANDERSON, 4 N 0.39 Wood streot. OUNG HYSON TEA-10 chests finest King Chup Young Nylon Tea, at 7bc. and $1 'Ob., m -1(1 by Y. li.. DRAY°. I. • 0 B'2 Ntartet and 1 Diamond, LOWER VASES--20 pair Term Cotta V WWI fur Kale by I jyl.lo I.IIINHY 11. COLLINS_ FIFTH STREET PROPERTY—A Lot of Ground on Fifth etr.et, opposite the Cathedral, on which to ero -tell a neat Two Storyilak_ck.rlilfs.,_ inatabta for offices. Appltto f Je2S) XEL fidCIAY. WHgAT--5000 bushel; of , prinae,,Wheat wanted by SPRINGER „. 11'2 295 tibeeffitteat. ' MMM . 0 4 it 4 PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE. A T TICE 'BUFFALO VENERIAN ROSH. A TAL—EsUtblished for the vas of Syphtial, Seminal WeakneAs and the Infirm(lkw of Youth and Maturity, by Dr. AMOS & SON, Firma.% New York—Office, corner of Maw and quay streets, (up stairs.) A MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. • , An instrument for the cure of general Debility. Impotence, Incontinence, or Nocturnal Ettnilone. This Instrument has been need with the most happy effect in the practice of the most eminent physlcians and surgeons in the Brash empire, Franca and Germany. In lead, so re markable were the cures, that the late " tire AY:ITM" hailed It to the " Harbinger of Life." The nee of this will fully enstele the high encomium. YOUNG MEN TAKE. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. AMOS k SUN are the only Physicians In the State who are members of the Royal College of Surgeons., London, graduates of one of the most eminent Colleges lathe United States, take pleasure In announcing that they havainvented a most important Instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It lute been subjected to a teat by the most eminent physicians in Loudon. Paris, Philadelphia and New York; it ban been declared to be the only useful instrument ever let discovered for the cure of Seminal Wanness, or any disease 01 the genitil organs, arising from the solitary habit. of self•indnlgence which destroy both body and mind, unfitting man either for marriage or society. Dr. AMOS A SON, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their Iturtrousent, pledge theiniiiiiTe a that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory alter afalr trial, the money will be refunded by returning the Instru ment to good order. Pareaus wishing the native until Instrument will observe that the price, with the accompanying direction* securely packed and sent by express, is ten dollar,. NEW REMEDY AND QUICK CURES For the Venereal Diseases, and all private complaints, sleets, atnctureAseminal weakness, pains in the lobo, lave' Pons of the kidneya, diseases of the head. throat, twee and skin, and all these dread Cut afflictions arising from a secret habit of youth, which produce cumnitutional debility, ran• dere marriage impossible, and In the and destroys both body and mind. Dr. AMOS d SON have devoted their attention elan d...ly to ti.le peculiar clone of maladies, and the relief they have consegueotly team enabled to render to their fellow creatures Ls hilly tovtithel and gratefully acknowledged by cone:amoral patients and others daily arriving in town from all parts of the country, for the express purpose only of consultation. while their exertions hare been crowned 'lath the most signal &Isomer's; yet from what they have experienced In inquiring into tiee minsys of these Infectious complaints (from their most simple condition to that of the most dangerous and inveterated) they base always eoter talned threpaosibility of their prevention and removal, and likewise Invariably found that the must humble and malig nant forme of &wee. could almost always tie traced to one of the following mows :—lgnoraree neglect, or the ill ef feels of tinskilltd and improper treatment; therefore In.. AMOS .t. BON bare succeeded In discovering. in the telet , tion of their remedies, a safe, elisclual end 0111=1121 coarse; ontittiasAll combination of remedes which be= au equivo. ,eat chstrtigtier, as yr. II as those whore premature or injudi ciousupplicatket might be productive of had consequences itt the hoods of private individuals. In short, the laudable end of the remedy is the lessening of a grand mass of hu man mixer, by the alleviation, relief and prevention of those grievous alb:thins that are In reality the secret foe of life. and which, while they so extensively surround no, aril aloud for our skill and interference tar their extermination. -PILICIID. BI WARIt OF IMPOSITION. Or. AMOS k SO-4 here fur a long omen of years been en gaged in au extensive practice in the treetmentof these dell te complaints, and'are the only legally qualified Physicians mho, regardlest of the tmutts And envy of the hypocritical and mock modest, hove tool the confidences th curb the me dium of the public press, to direct attention to these tenor mous fad); Gum which no grade of vociety is flee. In adecb Mg this department of pinctice they have been amply oarded by the great stmeas that has attended their efforts in the treatment of theme mesa, skich are so generally ff.- fitted to the onimalified and ignorant empiriee, who, a bole pirated publications amines foreign Dam , . sod titles, end pretended tutees of their patent nostrum", have no flirted werious Injury on thme wbo hero been induced to place bath in their pretensions—Me/col Eerie,. TO PATIENTS ABROAD. Dr. AMOS A SON hems made arrangements arberchy pa,-lag can kawardeal with eocreay and despatch to any tart of Om world. Addtaas DT. AMOS SON, corner of Main and Quay iresie. (Op .lass.) Donato, N T )4Xi3laarl y • FOR $l--.3 11 - r u stipenor Young yBon • TN{ 101 One Millar, at Y. IL. DH.A VOB, 1027 No. I Diamond. KS. SRE El' , 14 , 4 44 r .. wv. 4 and CAS - I'ILE SOAP-5u boxes itTiume and fur mar bY rr 27 l YLKIILIG 1111.06. A N D PAPER-100 reams on band and for Aj toi Jor;: FLEMING ADHESIVE PLASTER-1500 curds in nm and for lurk 811. S. rkAVIS' PAIN KILLEI'--5 groiss ro tor se*. lay (Wt) *LCIaNti-OROP._ Lbw's Bkow . N . WIN Dscift SO - rtv- From oil band not for %ale ,r 7 1( ICA 1A \I TS-515H1 frosn Cocoa-Nutt just ina,l tut .nb• by • Itlall ER a . No. Ai Wood atrr.t. THE iJLI , ESTABLISIIEI) TEA 110 USE A. .1111 rnaintalus It. mputation for FINE TEAR. All 41,0. of Y Fl. anti BL. k mtvaantl) on hAnd, and no. 1, 1.344t4 quern 4.14..,p, Bowl Tea In market: lu M.. Tune Y 11)aon . Mt - kitra (lolenng, at Fongtal, 81144 flay: .10 Sow:11014g Chulaa, moolorl.l Young Hy•on -of which grill I,e soht at Ire price than any stun. in tl4O rity F It DHAVO, Je2, N.o Market it an.l 1 Diatnowl 12E0E:3 . I)URREZ'S YEAST POWDER-20 gross as.dted ••f t hi. sup. nor Tisklng ,sired Ll lalt_' 27 I E. It. 1.11.AV0. I CNIN STitEET4'.ROPERTY TO LET A wag , to t ot April tisa n t let t ill the 1 „ t IsICS Corner Seventh slid finuthllosid sta. WE OFFER FOR SALE ABOUT FORTY scree of prime land •In the old Washington hood, situstod, whi•-11 'we would sell in onisll lots t • soli puteduasers. It es ono at the prettiest locations t.t e.hntr) reside..et Mull./ the rut, null will sohl Inn Je24 IDS, !so I i'ourth 1 LLAItS .1 YEAR > t i v,L E . , noose of hint rtstmt tool kitchen, .brink I A ell IlAte on VI/1111114 oar vet, with huge lot of N rnittuti of filet 'bet loot front by 165 deep: tut ,L.•. The teal in F oal and location pkomant $1,304) Tonna S6OU to baud rentalitatee al PM, per e euTuittitr A FOB, pa 110LISES FOR SALE--All described on Wood? Vrinted Laud Itettster, whits is Risen grotla to ell who cell at Fr. i 5 FOURTH .!met. df you wish it !Lww on a speculatiou, in TIILIMAS )0 . -n '75 Fourth,treet.. LIME. -10u barrels fresh received and fir nal° by LIKNRY 11. COLLINS . _ t'CIAR AND MOLASSES— io Let° bias, cypress t - oltintritge, N O. Mohawk.; 1100 do oak 3,, do; 50 du :4 „halos. S. H. ; 111111. (tith f. r arta wink.. Y 0. Sibiu. Ou .0.4 for .nit , by MILLER k It DOM.:THON, 2'1.1 out' "..= Liberty etroot. 11 ISll—Mackerel in whole and half hhls. sti.d Herring 1611 Trout .• St:11110.w A CORE WARRANTED I.•it Mak hp Jcill 1110ila 11. CJLLIN6. HOUSE TO LET --- A commodiuus Twc Story BRICK DNVELLINO UOUSK, euttuitu.l uu PrAnklio stmet. uppmite Ow Sixth Proxhytmittu Church. glveu ituctuhlintoly. Knquirent the. hone, nr of NI IL.LE It h RICK NTSON, No 4. ;:21 and 2211 Liborty lit FS 11 FRU ITS— „ , , , .10011 111 uottles or roam. do Pine Apples do do 6 do Strnwhorries do do do Cherries do 110 do Slacklkorries do du 6 do II uctlehorries do du G du liooseherrles do do 6 do Pears mud Plums 3n bottles or Cons, For by lilillga k ANDKRSON, in% '23 No. 30 Wood street, opposite St. Charles llott,l. Double Bank Melodeons. E LEBER & BRO. have just received . a large lot of CARLIAIIrS GENUINE MELODEONS, From the original inventor's factory, Owinut & Needham, N. V., comprising Octnres, scroll legs, with patent double swell. h du do do do. do Piano style, with tionide reads and doable omen. Also SPLENDID DOUBLE BANK NIE.LODEON, With two row. of toys and coupling atop, tiaishe I in the moot elegant and tasteful style. This is a very superior article, Loth in tune and fun iture, and we r e erovtfoly io vlto the attention of purchaser. and the public in general to it. Mt. Carthart Invented and tirade the firm Stokeleons, and his instruments are looked upon as models by other makers. For sale by R. K Jon, Nu. 53 Fifth ' , treat. 5( BOXES ORANGES—Just received and for Welly ILEY3LER & ANDEILSON, ale Na 39 Wood street. OANDLES AND SOAP- N.../ 60 buses Star Candles, Vs, s'a and 6'6; 1.11 do Common mould Candle.; 25 do Cin. Oerman Soap; 15 do du Nu. 1 do Wu do Nu. I extra banally Soar- In store and fur sale by lel6 MILLER & RICHETSON 1_) ARA SOLS—We have just rec'd another desirable lot of floe Parasols, compriaing Hain Turc Satin, Watered Silk, Brocade Satin, Black and cold Moire Antique, do Pould de Sole, Bordered do Mal li do do Black Plaid. &c., &c. All of which we will offer at !educed prices. fold A. A. MASON 500. HERRING—, 30 bbla No. I Dry Pelt Herring; 20 hf. bb's. No. I .. Just received sad for sale by MILLER & RICKETSON, 3221 and rffi Liberty M. • y N.SU RANCE ! INSURANCE! !—Applica timid for ivatiranee for ...rowel good reliable Inagrance Lontpanlea, received by kllttl. W. BUNT, at hie Rent bier. ,Agency and Intelligence Unice, on the north aide of Ohio .m.% fourth door 'east 'of the Diamond, ALLEatty.NY • -it COFFEE. -150 . Page - pritiie Rip Crpffep,; . -• •es do. • ditto 410'. - 40 do. Old Goa. Java do. Ib store and fur sale by KILLER & RICKETSON, 0-18 No. 221 and 23! Liberts street \ 1 4 , 11 , 4 6 ' MEE PITTSBURGH POST FRIDAY MOBNINCI:::e FINANCIAL AND ,CQITMERCIAL. PITTSBURGH. BOARD: - DV TRADE AND DERMA NTS' EXCUANGE. Prestient L. WILM4MZ. Vice i'Vevidentti T. E. CLARSA az°. W. OAPS. Treasurer. N. HOLMR4/-Ja. Secreierry.: JAMES „RAM- B. T. NORTHAM, JR. Cbmositte, of Arbil-m/1m ,for July awl W. OARS, T. P. JOHN P. PEARS, ~ T. R. UPDHCH. W S. LAVELY, i . J. B. 04NRERLD. MOVEMENTS OP OCEAN STEAMERS Ship* Hermann. Edinburg- Canada - Balm Africa Lebanon Fallon ~.. Barcelona Ships Leave . . .Fbr "• Days Fulton Haire ...New York-. .July 2 Niagara Boston, kr...-.Liierpool July 6 Ericsson Liverpool.. New Y0rk..........1n1y Li Persia, Liverpool New York .July 12 City of Baltimore.-Liverponl..—Baltimore -July 16 Washington Southaniptou—New 1t0t1e..........Ju1y 16 The business of the past week is devoid of any peculiar feature; as usual at this season of the year, it has been quite dull. The rivers are now so low as almost to be unavailable for the purposes of trade. Nevertheless a fair business has been done in some of the leading articles. Bnradstuffs have suffered a slight decline from last week's advance; but Bacon and Provisions have advanced, and the market has been tolerably active. Our farmers are busy getting in their crops, and the dry weather we have experienced for the pdst two weeks has been more favorable to that object than the weather of last year. The.newsxcdpecting the crops generally throughout:the:country, is quite favorable. The Wheat, although somewhat injured by weevil in some sections of the country, will be a fair crop; tim Corn will be later than usual, but. had so far recovered as to give promise of a handsome yield : while the Rye and Oats will undoubtedly come up to the full average: Money matters mink without change. There is some stringency in the market, -but the holders of good paper experience, little difficulty in effecting sales at „reasonable rates, while the Banks are lib eral In their diaconate of the No. 1. paper offered them. At New York, the Money market continues easy, i the demand being mach below the supply, and the rates easy at from 4to 7 per cent. The Tribune of Tuesday says :—The banks continue their system of expansion as their deposits increase, and are peeper ! [lig sooner or later for a severe contra etion. With the decreasing specie exports, and the weakening of Exchange, this contraction may not come as soon as otherwise; but it will surely come, and those who keep under short sail will be best prepared to meet Therliee-of .team* now nearly.sll3,ooo, o o o — an unprecedented amount, and this in a dull season of the year, when the business community require hut moderate facilities. The specie line shows an I increase of $.',30,000, which is unexpected. It was t generally supposed that the drain fur the Sub—Treas. ore. sod fur the Wednesday and Saturday steamers, would have reduced the average below that of last ! week. The country hank balances have been in creasing during the week, and the deposit line, al -1 though nominally showing but a small increase, has, in fact, in view of the reduced clearings, increased about $1,600. The comparison with the previous week is as follows El=l Luaus Specie. Circuhttion. 'Deposita. July 12. $lO9 ;4F,042 116,793.409 $6,406,756 $95,6153,460 July 19. 110.873,494 15,326,131 6,846;243 95,93231 Th I n.roar, g 1,125. 101 i 5 2.72 Y $59,513 .. _ The extiofts of last week are . unttSually large, ineln d tag nearly a million and a half of Breadstnffs. The total wee $2,238,733 against $3,458,698 last year. The exports siriee January let hare been- 1855. 1858. week $1,458,693 $2,236,733 l'ry v i u 691 y .... 34,370,868 36,906,460 Total .ince January 1...35,829,584 41,143,193 The following is a comparative t Atensent of earn. ingd from the New York Central railroad doting the mufi h ‘.f Juno in 1855 and 1858: For 1850, $654,- Sl 1855, $520,436 4s—increase $133,405 52. The increase on freight is about $150,000, and the felling off in passengers about $17,000. We learn from North Aotericaq'of iirsdeenday' that the Money Market in PhOtiddiptilit On' tuesds4 was more active than on the previous day. The de mend was mostly for investment seettrltiss,. Which are held with more firmness, and priests are better. Money continues easy on cal, and abort paw is totted after, but there is rather more difficulty in passing long paper at previous quoted rates. The receipts of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail read fur the month of ,Tone exhibit a healthy in Cre4.Bo Passenger receipts Freight reeelpte.... Total 82,101 88 Total receipts for June, 1855 78,433 63 At Baltimore on Tuesday the stock market was steady with a moderate I:mail:toss. Loans and bonds are generally firm, with some still advancing with a moderate investment demand. •. The Cincinnati Columbian of Wednesday last says: " We have had a more than usually dull week in the money market. During the Brat part, the weather was excessively hot and oppresai're, and a good many people left the city for tho more genial atmosphere of the country. Since then, although we have been blessed with a much cooler atmosphere, there has been very little disposition to operate 14 anything, awl the offerings of acceptable paper at the Banks and Bankers, being lighter tha.tt their receipts, money has been easily obtained by those who ought to have it, and all parties seem pretty well satisfied. We quote the rates same as last week, viz : S to 10 per cent, for first class paper, and 12 to 24 for inferior, with the same decided disposition is favor. of A No. 1 names." HAVANA, July 17.—Sugar—The market is (taffe ta a state of excitto.nent, caused by the favorably ad vices from Europe and the United States.. Prices range from 91 rials to Ina rials for Coonruchos to common yellow from 11 to 11/ for addiging to fine, Yellow ; 12 to 13 riots for Floietes 12 to 145 rials for irhites. The stook in town amtrunts to about 250,000 boxes, and about 70,000 boxes 'at kiitanias. There have been exported hence this week rather more than 3300 boxes,all-bf which went. to Now:Tork. It is reported that one or two contracts havothus early been closed for the craning crop, the condition of which is understood to be very favorable. There hare been fine rains thiettglont the Island. Idcr lasses—There is none on sale in this market., the last rale, at an f:apart, we effected aft Y ruts per keg; i k rials per keg is now asked for cloyed, and S to 8 , 1 dabs for Muscovado,. Honey is scarce, and lb held at 3* rials per gallon. PROSPECT! or TRH BANLET CROP.—rayorable ac counts of the incoming- angle barley ' are' given Se the N. Y. Tribune. The harvesting has ssomntenced, and promisee an abundant yield, and. good 'quality. Contracts are already being,rande for *mare delivery. That' paper hears of a ease of 4Q,000 idne-dudi to be delivered the last: week in August at 80c., end the other half beibra the 15th Of September at 85c.• The samples already shown are said to be bright and handsome. • • ASIIICS 42nitolitatiketiiia' wEri 404 week. we t V.. uriwzwettio* athis foreAtiote Vili• tact arnAik ti * eeks of imparted andllomaiti it* 3 four, months. BA6El...9atee %CO ttvcAushel seaml4ss bags at 4c • on terms equal to cub. MEM 2' • # . . = • 13'4 •;;;;., NIMPER 248• MIESMU TO SAIL _ . . Luaus Fbr Days. ...New York. Bremen, ar.e.„ July 12 ...New Y0rk.........01dww • July 12 ._Boston July 16 ...New York .... _July 10 ...New York.— ..... .July 28 ...New York,.— —LI rerpool July 24 ...New Yorle.........SravreilaCowes.-Julf2B ...New York.. ..... .Juty 28 TO ARAP7B. Prrranunen, July 2401, 1856 MIME e-. 4, .3- • 4 , -.*:- wv.cnt Jour mouths Five ...... Six month. • • Nino 2100 ...... . Ono year Standing Card,.iz flue One *lna e, nor aunu Merrier noti 11.5C;1N The h fi • " b; -en 0 . A41 7 ...* seagull, the "I'm r 9 1 a , ge91, 1 0 , 4,31)_ J1 35 .WA4'46 tierces, and 4100 plOes,as 1 41;19' ri hains 1 0 -4 c, 6 1 3-17 d6 4 6 i) 1 i i 511 ,....* 1 -4.24114 *At 1 "4.1 "caAi 1 0 0 0 0 74. 9 ° 91 0 , 1 4e0x10.-1 1 11WzihI4OSS at 101.4, 1/X kaggolitt. 19,(500 lbs. shoulders at 141034 c., caattiil4oo..ll4. at 11c., ctish; 4000 19 . 49 'q ° P). $ Mf 2 F l MAgirt° lbs. hams at 12c., sixty, ilsys;Wlbis Eagar t m4mci" 14c, sixty days; 5000 fba caniass E d.haros . al.ll.9ol. Friday-2500 lbs . hamisll7lY csatil 40 00,14410iitsil hams at 10@11c; 300014 sugar curod bums stliao.„4o for cash; 1000 is prime canvassed ,hams atA1.9A443, Ilya 5000 lbs shoulders stale., thirty days; 2000 Dis -shoal- - den, sides and hams at 11,_1134 Bud F1Ci..1114,414 6 tierces eager cured hams 0t14c., a:160 aizeC-Vy -11,000 lbs. shouldfirs at,..119.;. 3000- lbs hams at 11 1 ,31.;1060'16.1 cti'vasse 1000 lbs. sugar cured do at 140,, all at ' lbs 4 1116rddeki at IsAtib , atik Rm. di a ,,,111,4001,,,5t 10%c, cash; 2000Wssogt c‘. 4 l 4.4)(gi..kiitk cured hams in J0jtir44401%.: -. , / ,.!K0 lbs.sideat4intros 12 and 1134 e..., tilrtYoloo:l2,olbe. side.+at tniftc!.f i zß , tdaYP'; 199 ,NlSAtitaxcqz4 Mises 14c., thirty days; 1600 pieces hams at 11%c, sixty days; 300 pieces do. at. 11%c., '4 4' 6 0 3 ; 0 00 PlerAs Oausaitiair/Uttns at 1134.3., and 200.piecoa„ do. do, at /2%.c. Iliosi4rAooo lbs country . Odes at 10%0., cash; 8000 Ibi...shorddeTh4lllo4. at 10%c., cash; 2000 6)s. do. at alc.,-60 daysplo,lo4.-14s. shoulders at 11c., cosh,and 30 day ' s;:3ooo I6a-14tt05,ut..121 30 days; Et-tkiros auganotred hams ata4a.r.'oo dlY11;4 10 1 0 pieces plain, ammo*, ham. at-1.1%@)1130.4 cludl l loll4o Ws. Wcfinfiday .— s ooo, lhs• alaulidetP 'And Una! aka% and 1114 a., cask; 2500 lbs.. obroublent, 10% . o,,autalsl;l/0011 lbs. sides and banutos 11 and 113,4e., , ,ca5h;11 1 :011x shoat. den andhaas at 11 and .1.2 c, 30 days, andolfiltercessugar cured hams at 1.3%@14, cash and 30 days. Assu B"B—galts 2000 . 1b5. Dried at.,l3c.,alStylloo4o=lbs. do. Iron City, at 15c. cosh ; 10 tierces Dried at iair. s ishitst• days, and .4 tharcospdaln .V.134c. cash. ' • BUTTER AND MOS.. narks& doll, sucr-vlO. ha's nd sales to note. Butter nominal .at 100180. ..T.ggs3loc:+ dozen. 011lthfl....tdarket steady. Salts gi:f :hektCsr %dint . Reserve iu lots at ftlh l / 2 c.; 00 boxes dastr9c,:dir46t3. , FLOUR—.There is not much coming hi, and trial sWas are somewhat, restricted. The market , is notlick =fliniguidle slight decline has been experienced. The Inilee'for-thnlitat' week Coat np 1.630 bbia,asfolknve Thursdblihnitiper fiue and extra fromerliarfat $O.lOQ$7; 2t lible. , raffirtandit'' from stare at $7,37 1 ,4; 107 bids ~nperfine from store atso.o';' 155 bids extra in lota at $7; 18 bbls *our from store ICkss; 40 subs Tomatoes Irxtrafrom iterentia,623. Friday...l9 btds extra from store at se,wthairio tiblarieratched from wfore g 5,12.9; r hatgrBh34.43 ftbt ifllielialglgati s s4 . 80 Ws. extra from store-at $7; 25-bbl.: extra anti 8° b ! aii • "We" and trot 14 ,StStal36.A8 7 5ii ialfwablvs tooting up 203 bbilc Moaftp -210. -m a K" 9l 7o 4 A lb r i .,--' 4 inbiz - exlts fanifijr from Wriosif at $7l 12bida, extra WA., atles76rls-bila supeffhtbitt ssl2k; 01,0fromatate et56,26i46.37144.60-bblaisktra-frOmnri $0,76 . 0 6 . 8. 414 - ; faosily feonatore!at s7*so; fA bbl. °n Pe' llz P tkwn „ 6t rl I k t ,i l F l @°s lo34l •F , extra fronimalie'itigdfigt47i 45011 extra from new wheat at $7, miss bbla;tatt4 &toffy 'Wan atirri = ai lobbiLitionistote, at $0,1501100 tor - 15firletfine trAlfs6,W. 47 for extra„„ W4nesdasis—The taloa for', thittettrimOsamt felbstra : 4 30 bids, superfine, from sAvtt . ,sW, Veto irtore,slB,:ll; 16 bins. extra, from More"' „ at SVBiS2 Ws. do.; from 'Wagon and dare , at $6,62 1 14; 'tad bliTh. - ex& fluolly,ftrarrice per railroad; at $ll- 23 - Ma store, at $0, 4 q,:. 60 Pills- SUPO:ine exiglotstra,l72l Iota; fau l , . store, at $6,25@6,75; 60 bbls. extra. fn _ lotas tz,75Q6,1411,4;00 bbls extA, u, lota, from store, at 56,75,9 4 . 2. bbls. extra family, from store, sies7, attiltrbbti . linperfttier' la lots, from store, .1441,3716. , • EYE FLOUII--4, , a1e, 30 bbls. from store at Vithhl. FISH—The market continues active at thefoll,TingßAs tattoos: Mackerel, No. 3, law, $8,56(09; medium s7@l„- 50; Herring $0@6,50; Codfish lh, 'LAG 0.1,56 ' 414./ and $Bllll3O bbl Trent s4,6orgrlo lbfila and $51Q4,26 for isalf,blds. , leftlllT.7.l9elite trimaacttons alsipte : pied, Apphst are n patient at $l, and Peaches" at $05®2,5(r. GRAIN There is not much 'Wheat' offering. 'Botha aides of red have been made from canal at $t;10. -.llyo Ilia,* Bit bush. from canal and wharf at 46t 566 Corn nollitonlowt- ,, 35c Oats: sales 650 hush. frau! store 1 441 Wharf .„2VAI;Ifa,M. and 100 hush. from store at 28s. GROCERIES—There It us changrs.lh the matiketideilti " hlida. low fair sugar at:9%,90 da,ya";lll Mutt gciiii'fair n i oasis, Blands. fair and fully at:99,f,,fai daps abditaih;>s 'lshda good fair at 10, 60 days, and .t. ithda prime at P 3 Molasses; tales 125 bbls. animas at 85, on4.srms equal to cash, and 161.0b1e. oak at 60; 60 days. • sated Wt 6. otttertua equal is cash. Coffoe : Galata butane:Tat 60 days. 13; attotiND Ntrra _sale I fr.m.shey.aleSlAllbuolo4i )e , lIIDES...SaIe 104 dry, polio slightly dithaged, at 14. 11A1f..-There ta not notch °flaring; Ralea'arthe e kidiehriff' duly making at from-VI to $lO VI ton. • • rat.- LARD...There is I,int a light ly marts;.fsian,i.i tibia. No. lat 12,30 days; kegs tron City. at cash, and 4 tcs. No. 1 at 12}4, 30days. ULLS.-Sales 21 bads, Lard, Igo. 1, at 90, 80 trays and 'citsib;'"' 23 tibia. at 94, cash and 30 days, and 19 blab. Noel, Lardiat , shi, cash. Linseed nominal at $1€41,0,5. • I'ItCYVISIONS—SaIas 5 thla. Mesa Pork at 3'32,30 days. PIG 31.1tTAL—The market is Mattlva, and eve have no silos to note. Tho quotations, we believe, are imcbanged. PJ5TDER—St¢ady salesAt $5 for blasting and $7 for rifle: SEEDS—FIax, aced is steady at Thorn is but lit tle offering. TALLOW...BaIesIBI.III3. at 10c. , on terns equal 'tO eaSh. WHISK Y... The market has adrancedl Wes 885 hbla raw Butt rectified at 34(p6,azat..35 bbis ngtilicuLat 35@n WOOL...Buyers ere paying from 33 to 4) fox' powunall. fell blood. There is not much , waling to however, and the Market is netattive. MISCELLANEOUS. NIRS..S. A. ALLEN'S . WORLD'S HW A' wissuatrat.r n An uak(uus mutat - ex and--preitervet: : ot rt.:hair and light. It is not a dye; The hair and whir» item however gray, .Are orestored td and•preserved original life color I by its _ pso nigh, spectacles and gaiiy, hairs, willaoon-becdine Salina The hearth - sr' ns. d iiiih' - axzsiowsamtkm , Pt 4)10Y Pleu4 ol 'lliallairs hut iaclines it to curl, gisin rit 'a soft; glossy and natural appear-auto. Thu Restarec will strengtheffand Immerse the sight, .anti renkoVo and prevent *airless, headache, scurf, dandruff, scald-heed, or. savertiption Of the skid, and all unnatural iiertutratiaus of the head. It is a certain cure: for catarrh • in [behead. 2Old by JO.S. FLEMING, Druggist, zur24 cot, of the Diamond and Market. st. $57,878 95 24,422 90 . , . ILL AND CROSS-DDT ,SANS Grum and Cofa Scythe • Ballosta and View; - • •- Pump Ohalaand anniAlt; . Hay and'llantut . Vbrkt tarin and auteaalso assortment of..Harka'amjnas.recaimed and 6.11 , ! , uah,joue, at o. 83 kraut between Diamond, alley and, Fourth streak Pittsburgh. •• BAWL. VARNESTOOK:' , ap29 • 8,663 18 TINFIllti THE GLORIOUS_. BANN,Ptt,r-• iu A Patitotlc gong; words by E. J. Allen. Writt,ti on the becasion of a ,presentation of stand. stook* by the lluopesne Greys, to the Chicago Light Guard. Music own : posed and respectfully dedioned to Cept. John Wiman, by Henry Father. Pcce 2.5 mute. The above Just published and for side by IL KLEMM' C BROV- •%, J •1 •No,bB.YiAlt etreet, CIIIAMPAGNE 'AND OT.AII WE -15 bask's " Ifeldeelelee Os. and pts:Chnispiegtikyilik4.: 26 baskets "li''2" qts. and pte. elnunpagno WistoOlooko " tineyard of Bouche ejo & Brottet. 15 baskets 0 174'. Os. and* ptewehamtsignel9ll*4osir tinoyarde of Botch's tlle & Dronet. 10 cases Barton k Cniestlef "1848" StillentlatStWin;. ' do. "Baron & (lustier", kt. Julien .Claest Wktus. • •'• 25 , do. St. Julien 31edoc Claret Wine. Jost received and for Bala by _ • OR SALE very deslialito C. tifthjy• _ _ L Rosidence.Pl44lining - GaAvresvbeautimuy &Gated ' thwiebio lifser, and adjoining the town of Beaver,--.., well . proved, wttbla good. cottage Bonne mid 'ether tedltlingO , — ' forea l ahralibery, . ISQQPP,, - '" IT) Fouith otreet. - DA T.PACKINGFbit tic TENT E—ASTIL, .. J.l.N.xs---Engtheara otbere ititeregrixt• •ateltriqti4 to cal and exerniun a new ,artickaOf Paakillg forail - } an& of • stub., eukines, punipa, white tuft packing is rewrites!. The OVI/Iltagq of thin article. arot- great dnrability, , weieft ,- of iallbw, reduction of Meth:in, coneegiuently.ravingefre - et.,, , , I/ deer not -requir e to be taken oist ry the sinking luitearbto,' beingpacked in a cone, the packing logradakiip. coniutotid s thAn sating timo and matctial. Spec imens of the retietes sizes glay be seen at - . W. S. RAVEN'S Stationary Walrehttalf r . • • Abwitet et.: eutnet orsecos'ii. • TOCIfROLLERS' , NOT OE cW .- -: hereby given that theta w 4. beg mengng ktf.etheit; atochholders of the - Little Saw Itill - Run Ratirda4 Cwittpani l t the otlice,nf the Company, at Alm It he day' Of August next, between the hours _of one and four o'clock I. M., to elect six Directors and a President for the ensuing yeor. Jy2fFw4X 40c#1:41441ilaci,I.Rteslnk..: • MONEY can be hail : * am% notes tof klitp In business nien, littvffig from four to six months to rett r-41.tdro . T-HOSIAS . WICKI.DSr iy 4 , , „ , Counuerciai Broker FentAket , I t tE cUs i ni,AraGonkte, landiAnval in:, EtNitioi:lt - tprturAimbekt n:Rn location,t twthltea lg,Cyltl4 i_ar g e i frot ! t on tbo. Npvf 4 , 4lgbto siA ppg! awinielank I SP9A, WilfAersifil. on eaSy onaumm,:t43ol4.i'!-' ' 'Real Estate Axeonsebt. !Mire et.,, ee by• • El ~,_4l,...amininrcraitget LE HON S— 50 boxes to arrive and for sale by REYSIEIt ANUEIIS4.4 Na Woud 'Wet. Jyl2 ::;.k::;.:.~ ~' ; ~, q .w ~w 260 360 4 60 660 6 60 a 1 10 00 a G5 ll 00 "I 95 1.2. 00 '13'..00 10 00 10 4000 19 . ' • ,7.. :.s. las. cr ittsa, pfr./ soc?.ote- #.%4.4at ith. ViCliyi . :l. u , r'PliTtlis",iiitati 88 .43, Kt 00,04,1 00 6 . 85 0 1 4,4 M 4411111.. 'l2 00 l 0 00 1.15 co AtILLEE:& RIGKETIM 2icrii:VY and =Liberty „ 13tred: ~rt. , rtc ?s . ~. _, ~~~ .~ ~~