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' t : 'X ' : • ' * l • .•: ! :_ 4 4•' n' •••'4%; W ' • ef• • • - • ( 4 . 4 1 ;;;, -1 '4%'', • A " h A , . • 'l[4 • —4. lyt 4 4 4 - A,144-40 ,y 0 kkgree, . 4 l i aseiggten t it- .iN04 1, 40 4 1141* 41:iieva.aiti... a. 10 +. _ s 4 =MIMI . _ e i • • • ••• •-• LOCAL ATP Al RS. TFIURBDAY MORNING THE SIXTH ANNUAL. EXHIBITION PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, AT PITTSBURGH On SEPTEMBER 30th, and on OCTOBER Ist, 3d and 3d, 1836. Je24 R.OBT. C. WALIII3I, Secretary Buchanan and Breckldrldge Club The Democratic Club of Allegheny will hold a regular meeting THIS iThureday) EVENING, at eight o'clock, at Excelsior flail, corr... Fgi^•<" ,nd lAeock etreetA. A gene ral attendance ie dealred. By order, Formation of a Democratic Wee Chub.—Pursuant to notice, a large number of the young men of the 3d and fith wards assembled at Wilkins Hull last evening to form a Glee Club to act daring the cam paign in conjunction with the Buchanan and Breck• inridge Club of Allegheny County. A temporary organization was made by calling Win. C. Gallagher to the Chair, and selecting John C. Devlin, and L Grier Sproul as Secretaries. The following committee to draft a constitution and by-laws was appointed: John Mellen, James McKelry, Wm. Murray, Thomas Pander, M. Tomer, M. C. Milligan and John Burke. After an excellent speech from Christopher Magee, the permanent otTi curs of the Glee Club were reported : President—WM. BLACK. Vico Presideuts—M. C. MR.I.toeN and Wu. Tao Secret wry —A. W. Pe nlan d Treasurer—Wm. B. Kelly The constitution and by-laws ware then submitted and adopted, when Col. Lawrence Egan proceeded to deliver a brief addrese. (The Col., if we mistake not, stumped Ohio for Oen. Scott in 1852, hut he is now heart and soul for Buck and Break.) L G. Sproul, James Lindsey, and Daniel Pander were appointed Musical Leaders, and also the fol lowing committee of Arrangement on Music, to co operate with them : Wm. C. Gallagher, James Me- Kelcy, W. J. Murray, Lawrence Egan, and Christo pher Magee. From the interest manifested in the matter last evening, we confidently antieipate that this Glee Club will be a decided :access, and do good seri ice this fall. The Pi(; Mend Business. --Frequent u uti ce h as been taken of late in the public press of the large business done in thieving pig metal, which is cold to parties fur about one.third its actual worth. It is carried on to a large extent, and the evil has become so serious that our iron men have been compelled to .. - resort to active measures to put a stop to these lar cenies and prevent their recurrence in the future. Indeed, we are informed by a competent person that one and &quarter per cent. of all metal brought to this market is pilfered by gings of boys and men, who manage in this manner to earn their subsistence. One of these cases came before Aid. Johns yester day. Isaiah Dickey, Esq., made information, charg ing Paul Rice with buying 400 lbs. of metal from a boy who vita by the euphonious soubriquet of "Camphire," otherwise Nathaniel Graham, who al• loges he fished it up nt the Puckety Schute on the Allegheny River.. The price paid by Graham, we belie:•e, was half a cent per pound, while it; real value i s : , ..bout ono and three quarter cents. A fur ther bearing is to be had in the case, when the truth of the mati.'w will be brought out. If a few examples were made , - f those committing these de predations it would pro:-ably have a fff'At salutary effect in reducing the percentge of i"" tothe " wn. ors of pig metal hereabouts. Trsu il .J r r , es" appears to he pretty extens.ie in this vicinity if one's ,pilenietit iv to be governed by the record kept in the different police magistretes' offices. 3 e'' terday Henry liertnerett was vommitled to peeve on the oath of Catiarine Germerett, the woman he had once solemnly promised to love, honor end protect for all time. Having so far forgotten his obligation 8.3 to threaten her life, Aid. Itagetnan. of Ilirming- ham, us the minister o: the law, stepped in to "pro tect" Catharine from the unlovely designs of her husband, and consigned Lau for a k•tief period to the excellent institution pre:A:led over by J. 11. Phillip', EN Before Ald. Parkinson Anna shuts. toads to information charging her loving lord, Powell Shut., with threatening to whip Let, itotitiry to nu not cl AFsembly intended fur the protection of Women Ltight.t. A warrant wag itituetl, but uu limo( ha/. yet been made Admitted to the Sebotd.--We published a lux% days since a list of the numbers, the applicants being designated in that manner, of the pupi's who on ox. amination were unconditionally admitted High School. The pupils repre,cmted Ly the numb— with one exception, have since reported themselvi , and their names will be found below : Eighth Ward -George W. Dethridge, Alice Bail,' Louis Al. Dethridge, Rosetta Akerman, Eliza Jan, Proudfot.d: Fifth Ward—Anna Jane Donnell, Wm Mcßee, Lizzie M. Smith ; Eighth Ward—John Y. Stoer Seventh Ward—Caroline S. Smith; Ninth Ward—James W. :Mackerel', IL Verner Bates, It. W. Flack; Second Ward—Theodore F. Arabia?. In addition to the above, who were admitted c onditionally, quite a number were conditionally ad mitted, and Ln their casen a uew examination was ordered Ly the Board. _ Pal::Jern.s qua rdian .pi thr Siyht.— CoD el derr• Die arm:Pune& was raised on High street near Wet, ster, yoxterday afternoon, by James Kelly, the watchman on that heat. discharging a pistol into a crowd without the least provocation, while intoxica ted. The persons. perillod immediately assaulted Kelly, and used him very roughly, which might have ended even more disastrously bad nut a couple of the city polvve iuterfered by taking him to the lockup. It was a double barreled weapon, but only one was ...discharged. Kelly will most likely receive his walk ..xyg papers as soon as he is in a condition to compre and the difference between a discharged pistol 11011 h. •charged watchman. a di: E UM MCI" MOO many inducem (Jame is now pie ways find some of th, or squirrel hunting. 1.. V. K. It_ and Lightcap they can arrive at Brookville leaving the city. Maj. Brady or no doubt go bunting or fiohing any /a a notice of the marriage performed r man Wilson on Wednesday afternoon, we w error in saying no questions were asked. We assured that all the necessary questions were aske and oati,farfori y 0 net, rrti :before the magistrate tied the knot. We make this correction with tie more pleasure, as Mr. Wilson is a very worthy man ~and performs bis duties correctly. hence we have 0 ., desire to misrepresent him. Summer L. flltirieg.—Luscious watermelons hate made their appearance in our market, and yesterday Connelly, of the St. Clair, regaled his guests with '•a mess" of green corn fresh from the sunny South. 'Heretofore these luxuries have come into market in this region earlier in the summer, but the killing frosts of last spring have put the season back fully a DiansiBsed.--In the case of Commonwealth versus Dr. Berger, before Alderman Johns, the result, as announced yesterday afternoon, was that the defen dant is discharged from his recognisance, on the ground that the testimony given on the examination does not furnish probable cause on which to bind him over to take his trial. Town.—We observe that our amiable and good looking friend of the Affer.onitin, Col. Brady, is in town. His paper has a large circulation among km barmen and other customers of our merchants, and is therefore a good medium for advertising. We presume the Colonel would not object to a few more, if paid in advaLce. The Filtewr , anti Doneloon Club meets to-night at the corner of Smithfield and Furth streets. S • ' , .4 N • . JULY 24 WILL BE HELD W. M. lico.R.v. 1 5e „ ) .,.. W. A. rir.zu, —The number of unhNITS wishing to visit the country during the thr, tlida flnd no place which offers , nte fur pleasure as Brookville, Ps. ,ty ie too woods, and they can al iwys ready to go trout fishing lw taking the care on the A. Piper's line of stages, on the evening after t. E. Carrell would . . !term.—Since the last acts.,.. i.f the Central Board THE LATEST . N EWS 1 A. and 0. Telegraph Line. of Education with regard to dispen:lg with Prof. - PHILADFLRFITA, July 23.—The AtLsnti: and Ohio M'Keown'a services as Principal of the High School BY TELEGRAPH. Telegraph Corrpany was organised to-day by the election of A. Boyd Cummings, Esq., as President; Sec several applications have been made Co- the office— i LATER FROM EUROPE. J. H.l3erryhill Esq., Treasurer; J. Sailer, Esq., Sec some from men of very high literary attainments rotary. Mr. James Reed declines a re-election as The target i.x.cursion of the Duquesne Greys comes i ARRIVAL OF THE PERSIA. Superintendent, and will retire as soon as a succes s sor is appointed. of to-day, when the Rover Guards' Medal, now in possession of Mr. Petrie, will be handed over to the member of the company making the best shot ... ..... The Board of Licensers have refused the application of Mrs. Hanna for license to keep a tavern in Sheler township Cross Suil.—Thomas Atkinson was taken before Ald. Wilson yesterday, charged with stealing a whip, the property of P. McCormick, Esq. It is alleged the whip was found by a man named Boilers, taken to the Lamb Tavern, and from there borrowed by Atkinson. He would give no account at the time of 'Jere he obtained the property, and was therefore held for a further hearing. Subsequently he made charge against constable Baer, of the sth ward, be fore Ala. McKeene, of arresting without a warrant, Ac. Baer was held to bail for a further hearing. Coroner's horneet.—Coroner Alexander held an inquest yesterday upon the body of a woman named Isabella Collins, residing in the Sixth ward, who, it is thought,died in a mysterious manner. In the ab sence of any positive testimony either way the jury brought in a verdict of death from causes unknown. The deceased was a married woman, 50 years of age, and of temperate habits. Dr. Hellos Opinion of Hostetler Hitters ILL, April 14,18.56. Some months since, while recovering from an attack of re mittent fever, I was reitileattsl to try Dr. J. ll..tetter's Cele be ated Stomach Bitters, ne nn article peculiarly visited to tire condition of convalescents from fever. It is but simple jos. tine to say that It rapidly restored the powers of my iligesittve organs and at the same time kept my bowels gentl) open. I have no hesitation in Paying that hitherto In using it In my practice, it has, In every case where I have ordered It, acted like a charm lu thin' ',peaking freely of it, I far from puff a patent medicine, an article it by no means claims to be SANYOItD lISLL, N. B.—We will out be accountable for numerous counter feits of Hostetter Bitters, put np in the same shape bottle as the original. Purchasers will be able to tell the original by Dr. J. licatetter's name being blown lu fall upon the bottle, or by tasting It. HOSTETTER A SMITH. Sole Slanotacturers and Prprietora, 28i Penn at. Ant for sale by Druggists and Hotelt generally through out the United States and Carindas. jy 19,da w Troll's 011 Globe• for Steam Engines PORT PITT IRUR WORILR Pitisborgit, April 14th, 18.5 C. ) Ma. M. F. EnTott—Sir : Mr. George Trott's Patent Oil Globes" torte been In use on the Engines In our Works 1 . , three or four years pant. and have performed so satisfactory. that we now apply then, to all the Engines we make. Fot o ears past we have abandoned the use of any other kind of Oil Globes. Ittaspialftilly, yours, /OF -Stockings and hosiery for Winter.-- If you don't want your feet pinched with Lnd and bliori Stockings, you will take our advice and go to C. LkilLl ' s, cos nor of Market alloy and Fifth street, and buy some of flo elegant hue Steakings, that make your feet feel nice sad comfortable. Lam also make. and !Wain every variety ui Iloalery that you can mention, at wholesale and retail. Remember the place, corner of Market alley and fifth oil streeL NATIONAL AMERICAN Mk:ETING.— The ed. 1.:rr.5 7- of Fillmore and Dunelson in Allegheny ,ontity. a ill meet In the city of Pittsburgh, on FRIDAY, the '_"nth ,i 1 Jaly, at 2 o'clock, et American Hall, corner • f Fourth and Smithfield str:ets, to elect Seven Deleipstos to the Hsi is. burg Convention, to form a Fillmore and Donelson RI. :to tal Ticket. 8 MORRO, .1Y241 President Fillmore end Donelson Out, the GAS pI CO s N B II u P B A a N u Y ° D A I S Y I L D , R o N lv D ek — Ni The hs, T e r . i t isl h i i..la tl ~ declared a Dividend of Fire per C.A. out „,1 the 10.,11, the last six months, no the Capital Sloe: of the Coronae) . payable to Stockholders ur their legal reprmentatives with, at the 01100 of the Company. JAMKB M CHRISTY, Treason Office of Pittsburgh Ilea Co., July 14, 18.56—IjilA 01110 : AND Auto d itthlAltt R tt NOTICX TO Silt YIIF —On and after Joly 701, Bilis of Leafing truer be handed In at the Federal Pto.ot don before T o'clock P. M. of the day of entynnent grist, the Cornitany Will roc pay charges, or .ny Illatta4l b. r. oponsibte for their rolleetion J 11 Superinten t jy DOLLAR SA VlNtirl BANK—`.n. G 5 rout:Tß eTREET—JON IO 3' SEW PUTI-DlNti ea. must be flood., with this thitt/tutton to the ntonth of Ji,ne. ..n , 1 , 0 to dn.& Internet front July lot CLLAS. A O LTA IN, ?teas r. •e;al • I'1:Ii.C11.8SEI ) the . .. , tere , :t t•I T 11011.4,6 Wit; IiTNI A N. itt the Pwitt Kotler V•tni, the Ittst of May.l wlll hereafter tear) 011 the tattler Mattnt; atel Sheet Lr work, wan their hrancbe.. .t 0-1.• Water elreet. l'ettn Watt U., e npertetwe too, v t .41n. In Ina i.141,..11, I luope to rt•utirt Icktisfarlioii I% to, favor 1.1, with their trade J AMES MA1111711.4 N Pittsburgh Mat 14.4 FLOUR SCI,PIIER-1:00 Ilit.. Oil 11:and no.l tor sale tty IY7: YLKMINtI MOSES F. EATON AGENT Eon TOE Sale & Purthase of Patent Rights. And Dealer I. °Tory c.riety of ..NIP2HANICAI. 4\ ITU Eft PITY-NTS. (Moe an,: kahibttion NMI, N.. lA. FIRST STREET, near Wood, Pittribur:‘ , 41- order, for Patontud Amid. of rr prorapti, att , nded to. all xsTs WAFTED. PRICES REDI"CEI). AS TIIIS le the age of cheap prices. ire will in future Pen all $1,:li) b,..kit for I low Th , 1,4. I, 0)014 is a list. Who rag twat Il t iiiihirn Patti, f 1,,•, Al or, 1,,x, IVulow Ilt-dat l'avors. 1,... , ....ortatith and Marriage, ty , ('Sr i...... flout t. I."' I t.tila ; or. Ow P.-erl of Pearl 1t,...), 1.,. White Chief, I,y C 11...1,0pt_ May Ur .A.), I. ZN,E ) gia% id Si, v Shoo., I.y Olinstrad, lin, e.al..iii for' ff the St,litar, 1 .li , ,• ••'• Ka-151. 1.. The. Clark, by Fanny Fern, Sumner'. Speeches, Afraja; or. Life and Love in Nora . ..), My bondage and Freedom, by Fred Don Kiwis. b. Uerard, the Lion Killer, Lod Wolf...rt'e Roost, by Witaltlngton Irving. 1,00 lie News Roy, 1,00 The following One Dollar Books will be sold for tot.ety 1116: Eroext Linwasl, b) Caroline Lee Herds, 90 Plitenisiatut, by J. Plio•nis, VU , ;urriod, not klated, Vagabond LID in Hiawatha, by Longfelluo. is ltachel and the New World, Serape.' Novice by Mira Huntley, t•parrowgt ass Papers. vu Ilertha, by Frnstrika Bremer, Wanderer, by anther of Watchman, Remember, the LW.. Lo•As for the.e prices will ire tor 0107 ..nlo at UYYFR 'S Nadi rhre, No. 7; Store 11-ERPOOI, A N I) PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP LINE. 'due spluudid new Steamship CITY HA LTIMOK 11, Co it Atik Luau, will sail rem Philsdelbis on the • 7th Augus t—vise Liverpool 27th August. Prom i'Ariddctpko. Pram Liocriv.el Cabo. and $49. fay and pi: , Stnerage ....„ teereg Ihnisa,ge Tickets to and front Liveryxd by the al..)re I ins of Steamships, or by PI R.I. 4 T.CLA.St• SA ILI NO I'ACK ETk eau be procured on application to SABEL it (X.HtTI.S. 177 Broadal,y, New herb, Or— JOHN THOMPSON, 4lu Liberty rt., Plitsburl. P. S.—Also Drafts kw wile Wills/212 1! P bands. T. DEMOCRATS EVERYWHERE. BEAD —READ -- READ. ..:9,000 Agents wanted to sell In every town in the United Ststes, THE LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF amisir4 MUCHABIAN, • Of Penn:ph - omit, Late Mounter 10 England, and formerly Minister to Ili eria, Senator and Iteprowintative In Congress, and Secretary of State. INCLUDINO vim MOST 151 IAPERS. 'OIiTaNT OF HIS STATE P By R.U. Kay., Literary Editor of the N V Day ild,k The above book has been written by a gentleman a ell onalifled by his literary attainments, and his deal- cootie. Doti with the Democratic prase. lie was feral-100 nersorially the distinguished subject of the memoir with many Z`f the dates and tacte of his warty life, mid from authoriteci friends Mr..Bucitartan has been aupplitai with material inareomil- Ide to other parties. The proof sheets have been submitted to authorized parties. It ran therefore be called, without CaParVe , AN AUTHENTIC AND AUTHORIZED BIOURAPIIY. The book makes it handeome 12mo. volume of .130 pages, nea tly boptid it; cloth, and Is embellished with an accurate y yr t r ag on St,;. ! l. Price, $l. Fur further particulars. Etp i/iy ,psipsir JACKSON, Publishers, 119 Nassau street, N. Y. sp_..Copiesiimnt by mall Must -paid on receipt of pricm. jylli 'osop.b. White's Curripge Repository. . 1 'WI Vr WTE, now carrying BOP' I 'S: Ws spacious premises, (now hardy • 0 mess rot Ate Pittsburgh and (Irtiousburg enlarged.) , v Mae Two Mile Bun, betwann Turnpike, ns Lassranceville, respectfully barites the public lattsburg,h sun t ,„ifaa.R.BIAG,EI3, BUGGIES, Ac. And he efflikAleirieri purrAaßrs, that one prise i do ., in ru s cu pec h, t r h iy is i s u t t i o r y r, only le made. 'e.,tce i f , Ahekaslness enable* him to Fourteen years' 61 1 01 'be smue choice millectlon of Car• place before his patrons been hie rages which, so many Vaara ei rarities lad most talented department to select, from tit c system Ic omplete—the of his r °••••• eats ,eawar4/ upply the • te prise.. best and most fashionable ufactu..7.......rvbtch vita tUnencumbered by heavye p a"aa r j.ce for decorating houses of business ht 1 R=ode, itici°wrii44oLtc:l;7at YcZtretullithVe'tisu.:wiln.sa.l selj' Th/fikr.iages repaired in the best with "basPeloh. 7.; I:I[OOFL.A.ND'S CrEItMAN BITTERS—.N arose In etore and for sale by jyl2 FLEMING BROS. BACON -3000 pounds Hams, Sides, and shou t,a, for sale ey jy22 HENRY H. I:XIiLLINS,_ CI EESE-100 boxes this day received by kV' a, HENR Y ' " COLLINS. tiGAR-30 hhds for sale HE by NRY It. 00I,LINS. , r Alder S i, 5 OS.. grqslit store andly , al_e , _ b : y_ MEXICAN MUSTANG UN LLEE I.:. : : NN V: iG N BI T: RI i 1 .2 . .1.06 D 7: 1:: ST ONE-10 00 f o:: : :: , oo iy,), :b:. , ;; :in : ci r:::..ud st : e t bv 130 dovp -- .iuN I PE R BERRIES-1000 lbs. - ill - st7l 7 e- 1.4, 1_ for sale by (15' 2 ) ey ceired and Cereal., 1, ( jv7 I FLEMING BEGS. Y ( • El ADWAY'S READY RE L IE F -10 _____ , : 5 . , il . :i tc te T b Zed near the Outer Depot, AI- Steamer Rock City Sunk. 1) LOOMS.-1011 tons Lake Champlatn for il‘ 1.)(• barrels for sale U. coLLIN. L I "-7-1"---- LoUlavrtis, July 23.—The steamer Rock City _lj mile by [Jo-131 .1 so. mtKial-IEAES _ . . __ _ . _ --. S O ura!tt,, ` "t l.- e ' d . ' , f . tial'ecXXliilralEyt,4l, a ll f u n:lu ' rirrs cou'a:,:::, '..! le ,4 r... g, l h s , e . l t l o ) t • r Ci on t l y Nr - 7 p ily rir ."l-C---balaan t avgwdee p erilty:nl3Ltiwellil;:lltWawoor7:ll4l:. Fimsoft_maccereC-11-fh-•-t—pfai; it - , -- i - t - s al - seek at Amsterdam. Fier stern hi , 6 feet end her CIANARY SEED--5 bbls. on hand and for Y FLEMING BROS. tejne''..B". Real C. e c r a genufaM A se l l ' lft.. I e ro , - As-, for sale by jy22 B.EZI bow S . feat below the surface of the water. She will A.... 1 wilo hY L1Y7.1 —}/_I4YiNG_BROs._ at i Tf i eutuul. OD hand and r, i yr ARPE 'S Magazine for August. _ Mies is owls. OR:A.N6E-S--40—bo—RayxeslEhias ilaLrecDzitoivNed and ' 4° raised. H. mon. & CO, 1: Nu. 32 Smithfield et. tor -sae by 922 LEMONB---1.0 boxes this day received an+ for tale 69 REVERE:A ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street. ERE New YORK, July 23.—The steamer Persia, from Liverpool, arrived this morning with dates to the 12th inst. The Cunard steamer Arabia arrived at Liverpool on the 6th inst. , The Ericsson arrived out on the 7th, and sailed again on the 9th for Now York. The Steamer City of Baltimore, from Philadelphia, ar rived out on the 9th inst.; she sailed from Philadel phia on the 26th ult. Nothing new in relation to American affairs, ex cept a somewhat milder tone on the part of the London press in relation to the Central American question. Political affairs quiet. A revolt had occurred among the Tipperary militia, which was suppressed with three killed. . . _ [SECOND DISPATCH.] The Persia reached her dock et 7 o'clock this mor ning, with 200 passengers. She left Liverpool at three o'clock on the afternoon of the 12th instant. The steamer Arago arrived at Southampton on du. 10th inst. The evacuation ~f the Crimea has been completed. The Liverpool races hid somewhat detracted from the business of the cotton market. Just as the Persia was leaving the port the wen, ther brightened, and as the market was very sensi tive, the prices of breadstuffs may be atiected by it. A serious riot had occurred among the militia at Menogh, Ireland, on the 6th of July, and continued for three ElleCeShiVe days, caused by alleged bad faith on the part of the government towards them. They had been ordered to disband and give up their cloth ing and-arms, which they refused to do, and Instead broke open the magazines and seized ammunition. They afterwards paraded the streets, discharging their pieces in the air. Assistance was immediately telegraphed fur, and 1000 troops of the line soon ar riving, a short struggle ensued, resulting in the din. arming of the insurgents ; three of the latter and one of the insurgents were killed, and about a dozen wounded. The citizens sided with the militia, and cheered them un. At the latest accounts all was SEMI-ANNITAL SALE. A. A. MASON & CO., . 25 FIFTH STREFT, A agonner the opening of their GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL SALE OF DRY 0001. M. All of their immense stock con tinued in their Wacker:tale Rooms will he marked down 25 to 50 PERCENT. LESS than regular lateen. 1.1 3 VOII. SALE-20 Acres of Land; a good ...g.: situation for a country store; about twenty miles from the city, to a thriving neighborhood, and no store near. Four Houses—two Brick. two Frame—in Allegheny City; one Frame situated on the Diamond, occupied as a grocery and provision store, and for the business four vacant lots. WANTED—A GIRL to do housework Dr a small family in Allegheny City. Situations wanted for Men and Buys. Apply to GEO. W. BUSS, at his Real Estate Agency and Intelligence Office, on the north side of Ohio street, fourth door east of the Diamond, Alleghouy Cie._ jy3 NOTICE is hereby given that an application will be made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at the nest eollaluri, for a Charter nt Incorporation for a SAVING FUND BANK, to be located to the Borough a t Birmingham, Allegheny County, to he styled -TM Bit utiugharn Saving Fund," and to be a Bank of Deposit wet Disc ,unt., with A Capital Stock of Seventy.five Thousand Mama. 13,1 DOCTOR: ILOOFL--AND'S CELE—. larinfliAN BITTERS, Pacesata, or Ds. C. M. JACKSON, Ilitmah's, Pd., Will effectually cute FIRST SESSION. LIVER CUAIPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA JAUNDICE, CHIIO. W Assn:soros, July 23.—. Senate—Mr. Seward pre- NIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASES o f en invitation from Vanderbilt to the members OF THE KIDNEYS, of the Senate, to visit, on Saturday morning next, his And all Dise.iseit ari,ing ; from A h Msorrkrird Liver ,ii - Atinnash, new ocean steam( r lying off the arsenal, and stating Ms cuc sallallsa that facilities would lie offered fur that purpose. that Inward Phsa. The hill relative to the improvement of the Saran Foible-as, to Blood to tbe Head, Acidity of the Stoutest,. nah river passed. Nauseam heartburn, M m r. Mallory, from committee on Naval affair:, re •o Fullness orweight lu the Disgus for Fod, Stomach, Sour Eructs ported a joint resolution authorizing the acceptance. tattooe r :finking, or Fluttering M. the Pit of On stir hy Lient. Maury and other naval officers, of medals iesi i,, :s e i e ,mi e g or the Head. Hurried and Difficult from foreign guvurnments, threerviees to the cause of Breathing, Fluttering et the Heart, Choking cr Sufloenting science and humanity. The bill passed. 5.a.e.,. when in a lying pasture, Donne,. of \ i sms, Dote or Wets, before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain A long debate ensued concerning priority of liusi. in the Iliad, Deficiency of Persplratlon, Yrl Delis, during which Mr. Weller zeal that to-day has Inwriezni of t h e Skin end 1,101141, Dein in been assigned by die Deumeratic caucus for the cou• the side, Rack_ Cleer, littlinn, At sideration of the Pacific Railroad bill. sudden Flushes of Heat liorti• Mr. Trumbull peotested against the majority meet tog in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil. mud mg in secret and deciding the order of business great Deprowsicon tit They might as well expel the minority at ones. SPIRITS Mr. Weller explained that the object was to ,lie- I attributing such enfeeble ptopettlee to testis remedy, no patch business in a systematic way instead of wasting ras or unaarrantabie assertion ts made. liot uulti) stated time in discussing its priority. as h A ; proven undeniably anti conclusively ley the et trial dinary corsets stud benefits arrirrnlfrOrtl Its 11160, un i tes the m- Mr. Clayton said that for the remainder of his life „,-,i,,„ of M. ilkw r i... n ,. ~,i,,,,,,, D.. ll o ptUnd, i ,,,,,„, .1! be should alway. Vote 115 he pleased without toeing a I chums of Eilrupeots soctety, and from the Iturttece• Mari el alive I. any party. testimony, Irian RP port , Of Eh , American ...intim at, in eu- Mr Douglas justified the caucus in order to defeat minced durin g rh,:',l'"r ton i'""r u l .' i d l i i ' ri ‘,.. ndr ,, " 1 i h he ,l' ir•- the policy of the uppiisitiou, who desire to delay action G0 ' i r .,.. 1 n ir . '„ r i ,"%.,........ d % 1 P ,, r .,,d `v 7i . ; ' 1,7 w 10., ~,'„.„,„,„ 5 ,,. ° ., ,T . " 1 :17. on public busiuess. moat universal; indeed there la ecarrel v a family thioughout Mr. Fessenden, on behalf of the minority, denied the whole extent of our country In which there cannot he that they ever avowed such policy, or were actuated "ell ....V In at robe, runt freel'es sane.. rms l l' ,, Vrorri ch desire. appearance denoting a dowariel Liver, or an stoat e.t.a! and by su us flaring Dr/peptic. Mr. Douglas thought that everybody who had wit Theo of whet immense importance to this cl i ps of invalids missed the course of the minority w ould hale a right that a eersain and ratable remody stwuld to' ph, •.1 nuthin to infer from their Actions that such it as their policy. their ...h. ons in wlitch nott baneful or injurliow drug sti fle ssa3 willing that the panic should decide the tens into Its ertnisreiltkili ; y ..n which the pa drug .au rely with the unmet , on tide., e auilcertalniy, mod 1/.• assred• question, whether he was Correct .4 not. fr.., situal and tangible pr.!, that tire article he Is using Mr. Weller Irithilrew Li, Inol:i'n r" take up the j really possesses the virtues arts - Mute- 1 to it Such a reap, y Pacific tell, finding that the rhole day war likely . -LlOitYLANtrsi GERMAN lINSITERS " Thousands ' tf thus to he (Sl.llLll26Siy eirOSUMed. dotter. have been expended in ile ntatinfireture and diffusion The dill continuing the improvements at Sheboy. t i br 6 dughout all pars of ti le colalnntit.ll.ll.l the posprsetor F" harbor ." 4''''''-`'-kd and Posse" , end the .sea. *Leta:tile i! " c7s t re 'a ns ' li 6. llll/ " Ks. '"' us it h ' er ' e " L l T ' al t s b tll ' esti ll . ' t I r di.s . " be..r: ate adjourned. intrisbised, that there mono' 1* found tititubeill %dung to /boom ito motion 11f Me. Barksdale a resolution I tiwtify tons virtut•sAlY iii the Pr•rt"s' l'i • isirirs' ... Was adopted providing for evehing sessions this week it is nw - st l'es aunt r •Ils' the mist prountnent Fllystmana In the rrountry. a 1,.. have ftsr general debate only. mos. role.! tliair atoms] Malty:luny ii. «stare, of I. srslit - The speaker laid before the House a coalman:cm I ~,10 , e. to ioncossiori, the,. we wititil respeettely wk of ti .1. from the Seery tor) of the 1 reitattry, re...intent lamee. sign te/1 Oith any ..i . th. tir,ne /Isanamn 1“ iii/.. sl.• ,ng leislatoo, so as tu"r e enr,tuAlly t. prc,ptit Its. tt ati tel. PP.: I t,i. PPOur..l It a 111 net, 1* r . i .,....11e.l Under a altottun ol merchsorlire in 14.0.1 ...1 ths itaisnunt. olio/. roads, all a, .. /.,1 r A . ~,, , ,,t . ,4 .1 , ,, ,, .. med . 1, , , wt ... ,t..t. th,„ rprail.„,..:iri..t,,,7,l:.l,l,:re. an ltirnalit.::,..}:nbt,....twa,n:l,ua, l/ trild 1: h . ? . 11... pro vine by which the Hoare )silt ribs) decided that M-. Is, of T. , •'I ,• :IL 111.1“. i.• Ito " I.. '' linrity II) IT:: Chapman. delegate from Nebraska, was entitled t , it the. Mlles, tram the inert to .41/ler n 1 anti n.. 1: 1.0.,s it .ri Ms seat. A resolultio was tid.pte.d authorising 1.1, slishinsoln .1, -ill ~.irle. /1 /11. l'nuel All A i , uts 'or tits hit Lis p , en , pf. mileage . pd per Jamul to " 1 . , t, " Mr Less e a atilloo sr/A t....1,/.....ite the Almanacs, ,11.1.1./ti•li Pilo. Ipelllgn. e ...11.1N1..11.14:1nr 1 ..; arch stmt, 1'1“...1.-1. Lennet, Iliu contestant phis.. Pa Tbs House then proceeded to the c•iniirleration id For sale wholessle I." hi us-dirrD or ell lire a l , tormitre irrs. the ew Mexico eon tested election ca.,. and at ,tail hy A Males tierarea a nd simiekeeter. In s/ lay unamundi, ConSelit Ike clerk read a statomet.t ' II." t " 4 "" iM ` d " '" ' . ""'" I '" • '" I ''' ELS:NI i N , : RIO seals I of Gullegos. who sap that tin, ineere Aid pets with lit OE. , II KEN .. ER, which r•crlart, members have permitted themseli err i 1 , i . ly Illtslairii.b dr treat his proposition that he sh oild tie heard bi r THE CIIEAPEST lIVILDINO LO'I'N IN connsel hecausc of Lie inability to make a f rrinal Till. It Alt li El, amt ab.ut line last. lien, or lists discourse in the Fdiglisli language. Moe produced m ' ~„, ~ „,, „,, 1 ,, „1 i i„,.. , 1 ,,,,.. 1,,,,, ,q 21 lout front „„ other eilect upon torn than of painful disappointuiebt ' VllliiLitt dicer by Lai deep ta sl4 het alb, Mu' Leta al thesis exceptions lu the generous spirit 11/ ht. 11 he , will /sr in. 1.1 at ,P+U neat Per.-. h ,a, n.ialtor (no or lo ,re Lea been alleettrag*/ to Cips,...l fsOul all the rope ' 1 1 . .r0ta L,4 r -al, have them at WO mat Tri... tin-I.w: .., iies' g tire, of a free and magnanimous people. Ile , )1 4 bal ""' '' P 7 n e T . ..',Ti i3 1.:. 1 3 , ' i '' . ',.),::" , ,. t y,"..."..,..., asserted that making al:each. was not the chief or . NNU AL S•il E i ital function of a delegate. He denied that the iii 41 111 EM I- A - • - -- - • ----A ••\- M A - . " 4 I N fluency of the Roman Catholic Church w isii brought .1•21,4.,'-fl)i,g,t,s`ltri, rV u k r r . 7 , l*wi r ,.",' '` . :', 1i k* :, 1 1: d .,, 11 ,... auto the contest to scrum his clectien, ii” tug lb.' i strusal and Fig : dans, th,cluire, Its, 'ri ant plain lit k Pitt... the new French bishop intermecidoul by himself and I stirSsuns; Pomp de :44... Mace, ic.. A.. at a reduction of the linen/ not to Fupport, hot crush Inca. i 7.. N and pet. Cell/ )) la tateriu the contestant, during his reply, said that 1 E NIBROIDERIE.S REDt (Ell-- w c are iienegos should Lies e gone to school to learn the - ie.. . ifs, ing um moue arieortruesit i I new and niegoril Eugll-1. I d nguage before attempting to represent &nib. 'et IPP Pt a rtPIUPtiOn of mei-thirdA fr MASON om cream( l P l im o ., N e w Men;'." ,uCongress. 1 1.0 I,ll.ltig delegala had t P'' A 0 appealed 1, tie us' 'tinn,nily of the House, but he. 1 VINE TEAS ! !---- A feu - more custom‘•rs for inure, detneoded J ustii e, and tailing in that, *out t 1 l' u..•-. v l RE awl VII Eitll TRAP ear/ no 4r,..1un•. later scorn to ask a fii or. Ile ar orld Hurst cur - coder this, r“i VIL DRAVrr S, so help him iiod. lie Was the first native of New r 'it' _ Nis N . : lie!. r: lit iits I I las onuil Mexico who had addressed an American ihtigreas in 1 4 1 1 N 1.:!•'1' Fll.l . V ( 'EN T lOr NO II N . SoN the language c-I the conetituLton and laws. If tiny 1 TV.A IN TII I" {in :an IP. 11.1 at man ihOuld say ha was a demagogue he should tree: r ot" I/1/0 0 ~,, ..: !d4i ,i t.l him ac a calumniator and vlllaio. The Bishop re I )EI,II 'IOIS COVE EE' - If v"ii w‘qi Id tc rred to by G allegos had displaced thio c priests l_, lose s deltshous Call' A C.. 1. r tri It*/ ti,-wited a. , .4 who disgraced the religion they professed ty izdul I . Dula N e`. 11 tint bl oise .d in/ Isunils. J)" genet , in vice in all Its aspect., aid filled their places I _ ii — es. . . ......_. with others, end mitablished scSouls on a good With ; 1 -2 B"''s cOR N SI A RCII, Orvi • and dation It was not surprising that usher the priests oswer.•• shoses lieeker's Emma were no longer able to rotate their wicked ...mind. ' 1 - • Wlieritr n Citaa alley they should find fault with the Bishop Jun fl u fresh He, Floor At The ritatoluliun declaring that Gallegos line 1,11 ~id Li11.0.i. 4 and that Otero was elected a delegate was adopted, 1 PRIME BADS ) itlu curFEE and Otero was sworn in. I 1 s ' _) ( ao tags prime l-sguso :a Cogs,. Die CuLLIU:III.Len sin Prititing reported *resolution Ul. pockets tiormt.Jllld P II irb was to print 20,41 e." copies of the majority stdl to bag. Mat Nrallai tmnority on the K MOW. Investigating Committee, I, ile, . prod by t f i sts, ir 1:- DI.A 1 0 _ with I 00,litiu copies without the jouraal and evidence I DOORS TO TAKE TO THE COI N 1 ii--- p,• the members, the former to C... , 1. nil and the latter.' Lli coziens* Spatroworass Parerrs Beautiful P2rio -$1 .i cools u.piece. 1 A sicenturre of ileinrit Ow Llo Cr. n Kill. r Among Wild The House went Out,, comtnittee, and took a ',re-- ' Orilmols "I Africk. WIG , illinankti , ii , vlilsh ti, hoes. One s. i John In ouglisas Damao Papers, rit Iri until 7 is'eloch msit P.Mio vol t --prier $1 EVENING SESSIGN The Hidden Falb. li) Marim, Ilm Poi I, aa11.0,4 A 1.... There was but a slim attendee , . ; i -MI -14 /CP Ii Mr Davie, of Mass., 'l,l, e in favor of the bill , The Ladies' iiimle to iierfect thruntit) or Nixon.", D, ran heretofore introduced li) hon , go tug privatect's. lan I I'd i ‘ersation--joee - i 'll cents ' thank! N ism., Lis i ortut..-. and hie Friends.lrdtin , - s l , 2 k Olen bounty lands, and placing them on an equality I For side to NV A. 0 I LDEN is F.NN MI & 0,, with soldiers and sailors. 16 stated that 15,0110 werel 3)1 : Fifth it., uppocte lb, Tl,..nt I, employed in the war of I'+l9, of whom probably nut c 111 A - LILES LEVER'S NEW WORK-- more than 2000 were now living. Ile eulogised their ' THE MARTINS OF CID) . MARTIN. to On.s. 1. ,, S services, which he contended have not been suffici .the Daisy (Slain. or Aspirations; 10 the author if -Tim catty appreciated Heir of Itedelyele," Ac. Mr. Sapp argued agamst siavery extension. Ile John lialifez.Gentleman; by the author of sfitiiii. - could assign no reason why his party was called . F . tittr . a d,, le n l , , r i f . i , In t r b ll n n t lLKkk or ! . .4 . T . ~,,,,,,,..„... likelt Republican other than that the people of the ' The Old Vice ?' by Mrs. Itutiiaak North tamely subtnit to the Fugitive Slave Law and I The Adventure. of Jules Gerard, the Llou Killer of A lael la. subject themselves to be negro catchers ftir the South. Ls miner's Otte Thousand and Ten Thome Worth Knowing Ile predicted that nepl lioV.Milier the Democratic F ASIKNCY OR BALM OF Tl4olit k N P , I.O e W3 Ito' mod party would lie among the things that were, en d II e I l ItRUDINd'h RUSSIA SALVE. at l l N. SIINIs il. Oil., een placed in the White House will stand on X.... 32 withheld street wit:Ail the broad basis of the Union. Mr. Valk--Who's that Mr. tulip—Fret/lout, Freedom and Litierty , .-- . -. -_- ---- quiet.. In Parliament, Lord John Russell's motion in re lation to Italian affairs, was fixed for Monday the 14th. There had been no reference to American affairs in Parliament, excepting some interrogatories concern ing the boundaries of the Belize. The spinning mills of Joseph Ainsworth, at Bol ton, had been destroyed by fire. They contained SAO spindles. THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS KNAP A WADE From 'Washington. W.AkiliinUTuN eirt, July 21.—A telegraphic dis patch was received to-day from Mr. Burlingame, ut New York, allying that he intended forthwith to re turn to Washington, as Brooks had failed to follow lout He was answered to pursue his journey to Canada and await his appointed time, but some of his friends anticipate his return to tnorrow. Mean while the police officers of Washington are still on the lookout fur him. In the Criminal Court eight hours of a continuous .ession to-daS , were consumed in a discussion as to ao..at shall be the character of the instructions of the jury in the Herbert ease. Each side has submitted a set on which the Court will decide. EARL 'I'APICTCA---.5u. al. sale byuEn...________ BL4Ny. BOOKS, Ledgers, Juurnals, Cuss. and Day Books need in counting hoaxes. Also, Court Dockets, Steamboat avid Maraud 11.fits,ou hand or made to order, ruled to any pattern requlml. and bound ii, say o.yit, desired. W S HAVEN, Blank Book filaunfactumr, 0 myal ' Nerket L. corner of Secoud ß . AITSINS- - IV i5-71.1.1£1-70., demon brand," Just reeelted and fur W., ty N 0.39 Wood street. C " Rudd pod li. C. Totten A.,. this day become Fanners Pestruct4ve Fire. in the Fort Pitt Iron Vforks. The busionss of the concerti ulll he conducted under the firm and name of Soap, Toitotiro, July 23.—At one o'clock this morning a ; Wade & Co. it-ItTNEttSLIIPit—EY:EORTICAE:4.D-717,' F. large fire occurred in King street in this city, destroy- 1 The unsettled business of the late firm of Kean & Wade ing a number of frame buildings, offices, lumber wili,iabi.t..ia,t,tregnil,catit;.l.?;ll43ew firm. 54 1 ' yards, Arc. The theatre narrowly escaped. Loss --..-,-. -- --- - $..0,000. WASHINGTON, July 2J. --The (,ii, n - publishes the correspondence between Drunks and Burlingame. In reply to an intimation by Burlingame that he would be at the Clinton House, in Canada, on Hater day, to settle the difficulty, Brooks declines going seven hundred miles, through his enemy's country, by a route through which Burlingame knows he would be running the gauntlet of mobs and assas sins, prisons and penitentieries, bailiffs and con stables. note from Gen. Lane advises Brooks to take no further notice of the matter. I Sailing of the Afars.. t For sale by NEW Yoas, July 23. —The !arias sailed at octal ; .-ti - • • to dur for Liverpool. She takes out 90 passengers, N YER'S PILLS --5 gross just received and MAUI( EREL--New Nu. 3 large for sale by f... - gale by Ur2t) FLEHING BROS. .)yl2 HENRY H. COLLINS slid Upwards of $1,000,000 in specie. ' No. 39 Wood street • • . • ,4 4. ••• • 5 ", tT . .;1` '• 4..2; a , , . 4 . The Afttfithiated "a! p. • I • • .4.4. ••• • "•• v• . 1 / 4 4 ' • . e .... 5 • .• , - • • 1, .•G• lb MEUSE u.... T ti ,._ . AUCTION SALES. COUNTRY SEATS FOR SALE.—On ‘...1 THURSDAY evening. July 31st, at A o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange, Fourth street, will be sold-- Twenty-eight acres of choice laud, being part of the well known "Wools' Scotch Bottom Tract," about two miles from the city, beautifully situated between the Braddock's Field Plank Road and the Monougahels river, adjoining bove the flue residence of the late John .1. Roggen, Thu hum been divided into four lots of abott seven acres each, offering elegant sites for country resitlinces, easy of screen at all times, and commanding flue views of river scenery. For gardening purposes it is unsurpassed, being noted for fertility of tell and desirable exposure An excellent two story brick dwelling house is erected on one of the lots, and several temernenteon the others. Terms at sale. Plans can be seen at tie M. DAVIS, Aurt /YZI BANK STOCK at Auction.—On THURS DAY evening, July '2-11.b, at 8 ;clock., at the Aler chant.' Ex,banr, will be sold -st. shares 3lechaula Bank of li Pittabtrg Stock. lyeI" M. DAVIS, Anct. BANK STOCK - AT At kyr !o N . On TIMRSDAY evening, y' Jul hit 8 o'clock, aL .he Merchants' Exchange, will be sai— l) Shares Mechanics' Bank of Pituiturgh Stock. .IJ' l9 P. M. DAVIS, Anet'r. » 17 B ANKINO HOUSE IF cut:l3ll BRO., HARROW Jr 00. P.l I'EXPORT, /0 Mak ßiver. Prompt 11l poi nti o on gero tn on. and t..ent Qt th. N; mi.to w [noted to their REFEI TO-- 1 . JONES & CO., Flttaburgh, It. K SWIFT KRO. JOHNSTON, Chicago , K. W. CLARK CO., Philadelphm. CITIZENS' BANK, Baltimore. elotitti; Da° K 01.,/., Now fork, L.IOKK A . primunatl. N rN'll wa le l a r for Lot of Orouud On FIBAIIIIIPti ntreot, 30(oot front by 134 (not doep to klulberry Ole) , on which totcheu two Two Story Brirk HOORNI, Ma) C.a./Wag four roorny.lti oellar, in the nolethorlmod or the hydrant., water and gee Thin Is 4 very dealt - able pnvert,). Inatutifully locate on the d, oorimiandiug a delightful view of the over, aconery oPPI-die Ode, on and will ELY sold at a.,rlfico. Appleto ; i ;els 131. A K k RICKKy. IZICIIII - - _ PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE AND HERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. Psericient. L. WILY( ART IL Vie, President. , T. 9. CL.RK 6, W. CAPS JOHN P. PEA RA W. A. LA VEIN, MOVEMENTS OP OCEAN STEASIERS NJ Lim Hermann &lin burl .. C Baltic ... Africa .. Lebanon_ It .. Barcelona TO AR.,IVE. beure 1,, n," !lay, Nev Yolk.. 10 iy _ Rottou An. ..Liverpool....__.Jul.y _ .. . Ls - ~,00l . ..... New York July 0 Persia . ...:verpool —.New York . ... July 1:! City of Baltimore.. Liverpool lialtimore . .... July lri Washington Southampton—New Y,rk ........July 16 FiAlUft..The sales of Roar t,ility ttmoola to 519 Lbla., 0. follome: 30 Mils. siiperflne. from store. at $4.30, fio Lid.. do, from store, at ;6.20; lb 1 tile. extta, from store, s i 92 Mils. do, from wagon and store, ni 64,6'2,; ato tibis. extra family, to arrive par railroad, at 17 ; 20 bids. ea tra, from store, at $6,45; 60 5515. Impel tine and extra, In lot+, from store, at $11.2663 1 1,75; 60 libts, extra, in lots, from ature, at $6,76(06,67)•4; 90 tibia extra, in late, flow store, at 6.67ai 42 Ws. extra family, front etor, at $7, and 11' bids. 01:1, rime, in lota, fr..m store, at $6.374,. URA IN...Sake 100 bush. Oats, from store, at 280. SOUA R.-Sales 4 Itllds prime at 10r., matt. - • 1i...8a.1e5;43 Ltda. rectified at 35427. BACON...The 4a1..8 to-day foot up 16,000 ihs.and 10 tier es, viz.: 5uOU tbs shoulders and haul's at 1034 and 113 i , cash ; 2500 Ms. shoulders at c. 11; WOO Ms. sides and 11.1.111 A at 11 and 11 !jr, rash; Ouoo Ms. shoulders and-hams a , 11 and I'd. 3u days, and lu tierces sugar cured hams at 13.4ur1 14, cash and :40 days BEEF Sales 4 unl.sa plain at cast, LARD .ziale 4 tlaresis N. 1 at 34 days BRATEI. UU IJuxu4 W. It., iu lots at 9c. OILS 1U L 1,13. No. 1 Lard at 90,, cuh. TA LLOW .Sal.. 13 bbLo. at lUc, equal 10 :ash Dr st, rtwr Prreitt . 1 Wt uteo , i., July 12.—Cottvin market 11nel/tinged. aith moderate demand and firm prices. &ilea fir tln• week Lon' been:l2 Ou bales, Including 20 1 $) to speculators and bn ekport. Market cloned firm at the F diewiric .111,Ptal New Urbana fair 7d: New Orleans tiiiddi•bc n Nebde lair CeS, ; Mobile middling 2. 1 . i. Upland lair ••••••,, t pllluJlo...i -dling 6 3•1 11 The stock of Cotten in teat 15700,1100 bales. at 11 .14.1$ .771,N1V., are American. The W ha d lean st,r.ll, Bleed-loam — A shade higher. prism fit in with ino,h,ate Inlet. 1t l.rrt advanced and Flour from .441 to 14. 11 Id. .•r• Con, dOMatiti un ii.hance of In sales are itltlited It, 1.1,- V l• 11, late,. Li , EXIK•II.. July 13.:1 o'el.,ek—Afterunon —The estimated .ales of Cartoon b,day late been between :OW arid both/ the Intarlet being uln h.. W.) to every reelect. Itreadmtiala hrisi and nriee. Mo.:e, ate bal., Wheat at preslol.l2l rates. Flour un,lianci - J Provuione. Idv EVII•Vol., J 111) 12 —Proviaiona ilucharo„,l til 11, r) I Tuilow in et.011(1..r Ktoly Western reit Vl'llettt Yti 4k11•,1015 [id; %line lUt 3 , 1 to J tttl Western Canal k lour ::Us to 33.; Pl.llatielphitt It lid, good tfislo ?Ate IA to 378 GI; etrttight 01 I , Of 4 Wmttartt Sallow 3 . oru tltt.t to '2 , 01 1,41: while '-'95 id to :to. Naval Sturiar- -Contiuhri Rollo 4. LanDau, July —lron uurrk.l firm with modulate busi ness at former rat..'. 1.4011,011 MONLI 1.1,1i6, LT. dad 1/11 Saturday for uiuhey at 1,6'. pt fur susa,unt 11 arty mar iCt Th.. he Bank of I.u4latul heurevaaal 460,000 puuml. Au,rru an plucks Mut with au upward rimileti. y. 11.)e-A Curran M anti, July —,aales of earthen 1 . .1 Ihr tank 11 (or) bah% Neer ttrliiao. fri ip kiil/4.1.re SIPoN, July 12.—l'heri• to a large busing , . doing 121 Su. gar I.'4,llein Ten—curnimin Criugaal an al. A largo bushier... tit,llll.: 111 Hire at tall prichs, and laddur. are a.k In:, au ads :saltpetre quiet. Carrel. land stumly and firm NI. Vona. July Z 1 —Flour 14.10: haltal ushler the 1-f• nia's hewn but the demand Is not see) mitre eithrt for n port or the home (Ma, W alien ll ISA: bin at $1".•,9•14.• n 1 ;n c t ,ameonon to gnaal su .0 lartlann 1./Sl , . $.1'..1:. '.......,4 1, 1.1 extra do: tine bulk of 11.0 natloa mere at $1:.02, $5, , t/o.s'n o Ino ~ . 111 viper - tut. to coon elle, lowa, 111111 , ,1.. 1 Ilillatll. Nritnonan , r) a n ,.l oh,. VI snau.o.7o fn alt. 1.1 L.nuk, t 0•• Innen, n 1 - .0, with-3 alaent nut tho tounleno y. f inri • a 1-nllut ,lam .0 .rd In Casonsluvi Finn, ti. en ls A 11...r1,1.11.• 1 , ...1i,us 4., 104 arol Intl,- ae. a nnliala 1,1,1..1. , 1 1 : nn 10.1 s at to: ......., ....In horn 1100/Itioll u, Oil on a extra i‘olllizer , l H, , ilr 1 , / r St r/ , annl tint:r held. VII,. I I.' 1.1•1 , 11.1 1'.,.1.5.„,..: Or 1. , 1 !1..tr.1 1.. e.,sl 41,•1 7 .4!,.•'r.',.. Ino fah or and antra Itt e 1.,•.1111 ,11 1 4 . .411 41 , 0 l n.. toloan:. It.. sari,. 101- 1% on At ..10. fa na a On 1.4. rLis., t 4,1300.1 rlll,l 1 ',eel C.rlrAlsersi .11.%:•C ,' Lunt..:. Irate. 11.11.15 A/ 1..11 at $1.: 1 , 1 ,1.1 for Ina au. , n :nntn. s 1,1..1 far no 10,1, Wevrf , f/i sil 1 a lute I /ha, $1 :Zantl,. t o I hp eq.. nnninttunr. $1 .10 au 110,1, /r. i 11 , 1,5, r. and 1111 .... 4 1..1 , 111Nrutikle (I 151,; $1 - S 10l 1;0,1 1.1.1r,1t 01 lone.:fl t.o want Sn% oft:hoes, sl.trona.l. , toe Pal South era: $1,1.n•11 Orin ran i T ahue .,„.,,,,1.1.n05,1, ,, foe 1131e.riar to got inn , ul hit., 1 1 .4,1.1aarrt It. $1.1.1,41.5.../ for Cannanltati Club, and sl.rflos i al foe attar:no to lan-hots hem, abut , Cataultnu. nOnaing a nth a tort. dornuunt and the terhienn s n : In Wen 411011,41) ~,,,,,,i It.. ,1.,11 ~t, : -1 ne pn:uun Non ttantli I. 411 111511 1 411 , 1 tennionn s of firwas toanunrar Ina. Vll,',l.:..tann Inanin itnlxed 1n culerli at 10.4 , 1 Cbush rats au ‘tun ..I , J mid nleatutral Inn n......r0 ten. W lasi.. oules small 111.1 , e111 at .I.`aes:lo, the mar. kat I, stlll Ist) much uhnottlent. Poll .11111 Aunt tleorroug Vries .4111) bbl. at $;!.04,?( , ,11, for too. tuna i l . 7.37 Inni, intim , lhanf v. Illtsul tuatertol . haus, .1, 2...0 IttnUt 11. t Si h,-,lonn; lot ....aryl inettun zoo. 11, - ,r 'IUDs 1111,1 at Xl:.•l,l l •nrue Mo. neer nlull.annl u ouittsity the :.t Vut 1 11 , anal anlnon 1:14141 pa., bulk Sib-nal 9 , , :4' 11. no., the .tur Loir I hero, .1,n:2001114s at 12:‘,..01. , _ and t•Loola 1,U14111 as ins: liotiC , i. Nlai a 1.1.11' bliSlll,llll .1..111g. St.'l Mart". . Chic An, . R. lxIon•I Itn.lroad . CleveLatlA s T..1e.a., K. It. 71/ R. .1. 4 erntritl tiotruA a Iliarottn. Itll‘ 4 leingan Control.CUL, SeaVolk Control. ',M..; l'ottnoy i• aunt l'4Bl Co . ItroxilllO It. IA r.. Orkosr.ro •S• II u loon Canal I'll 111)noo Cola 7 . $ ~ Ex• .Intulto 401. a., Mar:4 The aulopl.) of hrt. !Allen on'. ..f the at 9' , nua iufrn..t A a, ; .on -1, tri rnl ILA_. Philadelphia Market. Pim.. nil.. -lull 2, 11,, xuarki.t it •1.2..ir tin Intl th , . ,p n't 'I I al l nod Irrah .tan tort ••:. awl t i bia ,tr. onion 1.11 , in04 ° doing h. of oily tr.! , at quallti It Flint Mill at Com item quint awl tit wat 1.,1 lit.' au1.1 , 11 ile iTtwal it alinuilant. i• but inquiry, pried sloe 4.0 b bu h it .1 u i.. 1 and print.' Whit at la Jull. aniall Prtitia. at ;1. Cur %wall PO, god S'onal•wn yellow at ktc..‘ll.iitt • itt it Milky a..Lart . o nn 1 Pith, and tih:la at in store and FLEMINti BROS. ~~ a~ . ~, ,4:. a. COMMERCIAI , Treaterr , r. N. HOLNIES, J. JAMI P. BAKR S u p S. T. .4,II:THA`I..Irt. Cboinitt, Arbiorutiou fur 01:0 W. CASE, V. P. T. B. UPDIKE, J. B. CANFIELD Ti) SAIL. Lo, • Pr Oa vr New Yolk. ilnqueD. kr. July 12 New York.. ...... 1.111,-,ow July 12 Buxton I iverp4ml July 16 .New York I iverpwl July 19 .New York Liverpool . July Z 1 .New Y0rk........ Li , er,, 01 I uly 2.4 .New York Havre CM Lower . . July 26 .New York.. ....Havre July 2, PITTSBURGH DIARKETS °MCC orE 711 runs MUELNINO POrIT, ed neht!a2, , J 1 rtti. Foreign Market• New York Market Cluctnuntl Market l'rv. - tva,ri. ?2. - resell'', light au,l inmkei drni. aide. 11 hbl, at .?9A. an.l 214.1 hbla at p,l,:sb. the elpt• tun., yesterday uero 1.14 a. Proviaioua dull; 111/ChAllgt . d . ..10i C01106,4,11tq1e, (3/ 04,110 11.1.1ii0t •Clll4 m, ttea tv.ttut.' the at•tttlyilti . tartatt ivtai w thr ror,ipLi at 5(4... Butter g.wnl, at 1k Sugar at, Itmlgoa. a Lth It it 1.,1 dentate]. .Itit , l . 2:1 hhd. fMllr to nt Veuth-e: aah.a kretg. at IP the au.l ntarlet luau lK,iit“liiya .1 , T2u lAA,. ;I zupc., luauwaguu at 41 , , tying a further decifor. Baltimore Market Bttrivona, J uly 23 —Flour , open,. t heavy but ,tuowt.,l tirm, aß , •r reorlpt of rdaatner't mews. Whs..% n larg,• •,n hand when market ~peued, fr.tu 2 in nor, ,red after steluner's news and 01,041 at yeeterday,, rat.. Cunt dull at ‘l2!y fur wit:te, and sN6kti2 for yellow' AT Persons:of iSedentary Aabtts, who v lwrally affrl tOd vItL red'," Lunt-ba.n , /V. 1,1,1 and Hemlach, have in Lio:rhavt , g 11.,11un 1 Bitters IV ate Cul retneal). It gtvva ntt enot: and energy to the syn twu tail:wanton (lie .figns:Pl, organs, arid on.r,ets acidity 01 th, .t.atotch %t would o.ulloi the put It ay.tl tt t purchnnutgant of the wally imitations of this delightful .1,1m.3. rein be careful to ask tot Ito•rlott v•e / - ! glen.! Ittl t LTION 1--Uuard against par, pr newt itulhaitlon, be careful t,• mak fet It.erhave'e pto um.S..ld of tl p r bc.ttio, T elf bottles for tr",, by Ow pi r bF:NJ AMIN PAUR, Ja. t CO.. lanufurturu,p Plutruia.outhoht mid Chemists, Pittsburgh, Fit K. R LKIIS .t coruku of likvorui mid litauctA; awl r qui.tA vell.r.ll* j) 111 1w TERRA COTTA OR STONE WATER PIPES, prom two to six inch calibre. PRICES from 12 to 30 Cents per Foot. ALSO—ROCII ESTER PEARL STARCH Fur little Wholesale at Manufacturers Prices by UENRX 1111, COLIANS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHIANT, AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN CHEESE, BUTTES, SEEDS, FISH, AND PRODUCE LIEN ERA LLY, No. 2 WOOD STREET, [fele, W11.10111"S PILLS-5 gross just received and for sale byi jy2l) FLESIINO "VENETIAN RF.I I -25 1)1)18. in store and V for sale by . Ilv 1 FLEIII NO BROS. CUP LIVER 01L-3G dozen at store and tur sale I , y jy2l) FLEMING 111109. CONCENTRATED LYE—A new,artiele for making Soap, warranted superior to Potash In osecy respect. Remember.l pound worthlo of Potash.. On hand and for sale by .13 , 51) FLEMING BROS. - 1. 1,. 4. -. ,5-;;‘ „ RIOTER NEWS. Tel river is still fal.lag, with 22 inches water by the metal marks. There were but two arrivals yesterday, the " &Alan " and "Chas. Avery" from Wheeling. The "We none" in at the foot of Gives lipase Ripple, where she is awaiting the men who have taken the contract to °crape out the channel. The Committee from the Marine As/saris t ion were on hand directing the work when we left yesterday :Lfternoon. Tel st..mers `Hibernia" mill -Grapeshot" both left for wishing to get below the falls before closing in. hwh 4,11 be tal the first of next month. BY the car I below it will batman that lb a steamer "Chita, .4,er)'` leases Shia afternoon for Portsmouth; those wishing to make a safe and pleasant pr0t0,... rh rough should berm hoard early, as only a limited :r lutt.er of lassteugers will be taken. nn Tuesday eVelling, lust, as the '• Champion No. 2' . was hind!: at Paducah. the mate, Mr. Dowe, was leaning over the bow of Is net boat which the C. had in toe. endeavoring to pledh a skiff out of the may, when he was caught between the flat and guard the wharf lost and rrtished to death. The pilot had rung to back her, bat the wheel having caught on center. she could not be stopped In time. flu Louisville Om icr states that the David llitison, on her late trip from New Orleans, had several fatal cases of •n board among the deck passengers, three of whom died a... ~econd clerk was taken off of the boat in a dangerous condition, being prostrated with typhoid fever. Toe -Shenango," on her trip from St. Louis damaged a small quantity of hemp on bard for Louisville. Hew the accident occurred was not known. A protest was entered at Evansville. Toe new steamer " Melrose " is Just compleated, and will noon be at the wharf. She Is preparing to leave for St Louis on Saturday. This Is the handsomest boat that has been turnod out this season, and is universally admired. liar hull is by Cunningham & Coursin, of Monongahela City; length 167 feet, 31 feet beam, and 4 feet hold; she will carry 400 tons, and draws 14 inches light. Cabin by Chas. °Gehring, a very neat affitir; painting by Wm. Lees; machinery by ltobt. Lea, two boilers, 25 feet long, 88 inches diameter, cylinders 15 inches, 4 feet stroke; outfit by Massey & Caldwell; furniture by Robt. Weinman, Allegheny; car pets by W, D. A U. McCullum, Pittsburgh; medicine cheat, by Beckham A 61cHeeuan, Allegheny; bloeki, tackle he., by Devage & Roberts; blacksmith work, Douglass & Eng. liell ; lines 4c„ by John Irwin A Son; upholstery by J. Sol• bort; looking-glasses by J. J. Gilespie A Co.; books, station. ery &c„ by J. R. Webtin & Co.; bells, brasses Ac. by A Fulton: , tin work by Fitzsimmons & Mortow. She was built under the supervision of , Capt. Then. Rogers, by whom she will be commanded, with A. J. Rogers as clerk. She will leave on Saturday for St. Louie positively. Number of flat hosts built at the Excelsior Boat Yaed by Neese it Nixon, Alt•ghony City: Thirty-one fiats, average fli.Kel bushels coal. tvrenty-viz bargee, average XOOO bushels coal. One Pteamboat. 140 feet long, 30 feet beam, 31,1 feet bold. 4,0 tons capacity. The steamboat Clam. Avery, built by Powell & Walkup. 150 feet bug, 2 ,, feet beau!, 4 feet bold, 350 tow, Tor Aeamboat Virtpui.t it.-11e, built by Powell a Walkup. 125 feet keod. 2•2 feet beam, 3 feet hold, Kw! nbout 251.1 to. The share boats hate s.II beau inuttclseul sinca tio first of PORT OF PITTSBURGH. INCHES WATER IX SUL CHANNEL BY METAL MARE ARRIVED. Chi.. Avery, Terrel ce, Wheeling. Relien, Calioon, Wheeling. DEPARTED. Steanter Nebraska, Bears, Wheeling. Hliwroia, Peek, St. Louis. lirapeshot, St. Louis. STEAMBOATS. WHEELING, Ssc For Wheeling. The steamer NEBRASKA, Capt. C. BELR-i, will have for the above and Intermediate porta rerilartf every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 11 o'eloek A. M. For freight or passage apply on hoard. Iy2•'' For Wheeling. • EXPRESSLY FOR THE TRADE. , The new eiteliuur CREMONA, Capt. Ens araDorts—Clerk. flu. flat tt—arill commence In oi-ke her regrlar trl-weekly tripa, leaving on TUESDAYS, THUESDAYSand SATURDAYS, at 10 A. N. For freight or passam apply an timed, or at the PITTS DURUM MARINE ASS:I'IIATION ROOMS, No. 82 Water }y2l Regular Packet for Wellsville, Steuben ville and Wheeling. The new and fast nutting niesmer s KOLlAN . , Capt. Csttioes, elork. J. El. Salm will leave • for the above and all Intermediate la.:lino very MONDAY, EDN FRIDA Yokt, 10 o'clock, A \l. height or passage %poly nu board. .iY/g The pew and very light draught Roamer CII A ILLACS AVERY, Capt. %V. P. TcataaNc will leave for the above and intermediate pot ca Till, DAY, at{ P. M. For trvltill pa4sage apply oft board. Jel.l For Cincinnati and St. Longa. The now light draught ntnawnr 31Y.1.11.051:. Capt. Tu., Itonatn—Clerk, A. J. Root as—will leave for the above and intermediate ports. I. '260.1 inst. The lELRO.S.7i only drawnl4 inches For freight or pridiags apply on board to the Captain or if= LE NI ON & CO.— TR ANSPORT A.TION LINE lia•ing made extensive p paratiooa this winter. we are la , * pre Lk, du .t HEAVY PENNSYL ANtA and ItAl LEO »D, THROUGH TO AND FROM THE EAST ERN cm Nve can mason, oar friends and all those to paironix„.. the Pes o S. Canal and Railroad, that tie pains will be spared to r.•ndur general eatiefection to ship• pers of Eaatern cud Western Freight, The AVOIDANCE oF THE INCLINED Pl. &NEE ON THE ALLEGHENY rtrrAliE RAI LItOAD will dive Increased dospatch to the 1,410,1111,K1011 nI freight. OIL, on PENN street, at the Canal Rasta. rabid LLOYD A LEMON. ER'S TRA_NSPORTATION LINE.- j 1 A h:tt • the a - ant of facilities flia eosporang and from the has ~l, tliuw, vat PeunsylvaniaXaual and Railroads, we have revacd om stock of Boats, tic- en same, to a DOLTISLE DA 1 LINE, which gives ul a calamity of over 1500 tons per month each way. We assure our friends, and those disposed to patronise the State improvements, there will be nothing spared on our part to render general satisfaction in forwarding Eastern and Western Freights with promparndeand MitCIIELL despatch. KIER & IP • Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. Pa. nissoLuTlON OF PARTN ERSIII P.-. The Copartnership existing, heretofore, between Jail. t'outiss wnil J. BAs ES KNOX, under the firm of JitalES iJoLLINS S Ctb, him been dissolved, Ode day, by mutual eat:tout. The businetei of the late firm will be settled by James C..Lltnit, who is authorized to use the name of the firm fur that purpose. JAS. COLLINS, Pittsburgh, June 14, 1556 J. BANKS KNOX. TOANKPUL to my friends for past favors, I Leg to solicit x eoutinnence of their patronage for my late pm truer, JAMES COLLINS, who sill carry on the FOR WARDING, AND COMMISSION, TRANSPORTATION AND PRODUCE BUSINESS under the style of JAS. COLLINS BANKS KNOX. 5 vag_4- . 0.5 - ut.r-ss.. WILLIAM PAEANS U. A ltiFrlN 31'CandleSS, Means & Co., (s,we..org to Wick & 511)ind1esaj WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in IRON. NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, ,and Pitts burgh Mauntactures generally, corner of Wood and ' Water ntil•••IA. Pittnburgh. lyg 13 1.00 msl.Atti ons juLtUatiN.ll3P6---..; 25 " Lumps; Lako Champlain. jy9l JOIIN MOORLIEAD. For tole ty ' - PIG METAL iINI tons Allegheny Charcoal bU Coke; o Red ;port Anthracite lw •• Cold " INi " Mercer County Stone Coal For silo la JOHN MOORHEAD. BOLT II AS LEFT HIS BRIDAL GIFT.— ou, ,ot the last things done by Col. Colt previous to getting married, was to have his IMPROVED PISTOL fin ished and brought into market. It tiosiasaes many adean i..ges ever the old patent We now have on hand a supply 1.•1 this, really tastetul weapons, and would pleas.' to .le,w them to our friends. I.IILIS. Pistuls, Rifles, Revolvers, Ammunition, Ac SOWN & TETLEY, No. 138 Wood street. WOLF'S SCHEIDAM gross on hand and for sale by FLEMIO.BIIOB. WIN DOW GI, ASS -1,50 boxes 840 Mail; 80 " 10c14 " 326 " 10x12 • Iq store and for sale by MILLER RICKETSON BROWN'S ESSE-NCE JAMAICA- IN ti dew, of this vkinable Medicine received by JOS. FLEMING, • Corner Diamond and Market at. Nit—A-C-R—EREL-- . : 25 bbla. No. 3, catch of 1856; 6 . Nu. 1 ; 10 bail bbla. No. 1; 10 kilts No. 1• lust received and fur este by SMITH, MAUL is ILUNTkat pAiliTii - AN TOOTH PASTE—A y new and in.ellent article, prepared and id only L JOS. FLJOI I NO, Oorger taamond and '!Becket at. WHITTLING —Persons fond of this na tional pastime can be pro. Wed with one of the hest POCK ET KNIVES in the country at 110ISS & TETLEY'S, No. 1:I6 Wood ousel. `PORTING A PPAR ATU S.—Guns, Rifles, L. 7 Pistols, Revolvers, FiPliug Tackle, gun - Furniture, and everything neressar3 too Sportsman's comfort, can be had at tle i.;literprise 11 orke, No. 136 Wood street. iylo SOWN & TULEY EFI-NED BORAX--30 1b 3 iu,stbre and 4. 1 11,0 for sale by I fe2 7 i FLEAuNd 100.9_ 000.,Fi 2 ," sT tha ran, Also, purchaa:mm o ‘ k4Ml '‘ , i a 4triAzills LlY tralklrAra sold, 3 R. tk3P.A.: , XE, 10.4-2iw C bore *lee cutting ._ re- I Q . FOR $l-3 lbs. fine Blac k YO'S for $ Tea 1, a trued by k,111.4) U. U. °OWNS. " 3e2/ MA, Mashc.t T ee IBLE TlMlig---1000 single s opkes of the "BIBLE TIXES," edited hy T. a. EW for sal at the book stores of h. IL Englieb, 7214100 d, ro t t i d .7 L: Reid. 7B Feiorth street. Price 2 WAR. . . ram For Portsmouth. CINCINNATI. 1.. 21. 1. ' S .v ... evke ..a.: M=Ml IleaHU and Strength in Wit Inevi tably Follow• Its Use. BOE RH VV.'S HOLLAND BITTERS THE CELEBRATE!) SIOLLAND ERE 7.:EY Z v.: DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, - WEAKNESS OF ANY HIND; FEVER AND AGUE, AND the various affections consequent upon a disordered Stomach or Liver. Such as Indigestion, Acldny of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In nil Nervous, Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affec t:lo., It has in numerous instances proved highly.beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. Nature finds no new enemy to combat, with thin delight ful tonic in the system. Its effects ere aimed Magical, yet the cure permanent. It communicates no - violent Fleck to the system, but by arousing its vital °norm , * to normal ac• lion enables It to throw oft the wrote, and these thoroughly eradicates the disease. When its medicinal virtues are so universally acknowl edged, and particularly here, 'where It has bectimb 69 popm far a family medicine, that It is sold by many of the :grocers ea well as all the druggists. It mold Seca needkss to offer further evidence, yet as there are dfitthiltisti auto who have tried many advertised re:Oodles, and still auffiti - from Dyripepaia in one or more of 4ta dreadful forma, .Wo sublet/1 the following certiflcatee, the atithontlcl:y of which cannot be doubted, comingns they do from persons Bowel' known. ' WRAP IT IS DOING FOR TIIII SICK. Wm. nchuchman, Fag , the well known lithographer, asye: "I have frequently used Bterlieve's Miliaria, Bitters, and find it invariably relieves indigestion and delfiKty." Rev. Samuel Babcock &lye . "I found apie-M relief from its use for a severe headache, with which 1 had long oaf feted." J. W. Woodwell, Esq., treys : " I have need Bonhavri's Mel lend Bitters myself, and recommended tt to °Uinta knowing It to be just what it is represented." • Ald. Jonathan Neely, of Lower St. Clair, nays: "I have de• rived great beoefit from its USN for weakness of the stomach and indigeation." 7 , James M. Murphy says: " After several physicians had failed, Bcerhave's Rolland Bitters retrieved the pain from my heart and side, arising from indigestion."' The editor of the Kittanning Free Frost' nip: "After ono ofthe beet physicians in thin place had Mailed, Brerhavehi liellaudjl3lrters cured roe of the secret form of dyepepale." Francis Felix, only mamifacrturef of the "original Ex• tract of Coffee, -lays: " I know that your Holland Blum .1 is one of the best :medicines in 'Sin+ world for a disordered stomach or liver." Dr-Ludwig, editor or the "racked," Baltimore, pronoun :A it a medicine deserving the co nfidence of 1110 public. Dr. Sherbert_ the lesdoie, cermet, physician of Penna., has prescribed it Crepe:idly der hie the last thloe years, with • marked suers s. in debilitated stairs of the digestive organs, or of the synteth gnnerully. Thu manager of Balloon Vinegar rectory Says: " I triad it myself, and wan therefore induced to try its effect twee sly wife, (troubled with the great debility common to all of a consumptive habit,) and really It is doing her more good than anything she has over teken." NOTIOEI Inogver expects to fled to this a beverage will be tbap pointed, but to the nick, weak and low spirited. It will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, lassaaaaod of singular rem editi) properties. OAUTIONI The great popularity of this delightful Aroma bas induced many imitations, which the public should gusri against per cleans*. Be not persuaded to buy anything else until you have given Boerhace's Holland Bittern a LAB triaL One Cot• tie will convince you how infinitely superior it is to all imitations. qy'p• Sold at $1 per bottle, or els bottles fur p, by the ce proprietors, BENJAMIN PAGE, Jo., at CV, Manufacturing Pharmaceutists end Chembits, nor. Smithfield and Third strisin, Pittsburgh. GEN ETU L AGENTS. • Phlladaphia., T. W. Dyntt Si Lone, 132 N. 2d atrect- New York, Barnes ek Park, Bu 4 Broadway - , corker Deis e. Balti more, Coeparo Brdther3., Gay itreet and Penna. Avenue. Cincinnati, John D. Park. Chicago. Barclay Cruthezw, 213 .9. Water et.. St. Loins, Barnard, Adama A: Co. N. Orlean., J. Wright & Co. inr4i - - ACARD TO THE LA DIES_- DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN MONTHLY . PILLS FOR FEMALES. The combination of ingredients in Dr. Dupon co's Golden Pills, are perfectly harmless. They hare been used in the private practice of old Dr. Duponco for over on years, and thousands of ladies rat testify to their great and never-failing EiliTex - i la almost et% ry case, In correcting IrregulariLiee, relieving painful and dietressing menstrua tion, pat Kohn ly at the change of life. From sto 10 Pills will cure that common yet dreadful disease, the Whites. Nearly etery lady in the land suffere from that complaint. The above pill has permanently cured thousands, and will cure yon if you use them. They cannot harm you—en the contrary, they remove all ObstrllitlullS, restore DUMP, to ifs proper channel, and invigorate the whole kystent. Ladles whose b,-alth Will not perm:: in will hi" these Pills a successful preventive For particulars see di rectimie on the boa. Pre., .t—and votl be sent to ladies confidentially, by mail, by enclosing $1 to either of the fol lowing agenm: Sold by SAMPLE A REED, gene , al Agents for Allegheny City; FULTON'S Drug Store, ilirmingham..lo ll N P. SCOTT ) and by W. A. GiLDENFENNET Fiftirstreett opposite the Theatre, Pittsburgh, who will supply . fieelers at proprietor's prices. tell by all Druggists in the city and United States. 7, - B. •C. eL A N E'S LIVER PILLS AND VEILIIIFUOE IMPROVED. DR. I. SCOTT, a reenthir graduate and plipician of exten sive practice awl experience, induced by a roo...had° de sire to alleviate Inman suffering, m welt an to excel, has per fected an INIPROVEAIENT OIFN 1.'14 E E. ORIGIN C. isic ,LI VEIL PILL AND VRISM DE. LANE, Having prepared them remedies as the medical paomor of Dr. C. McLane, for many year& OUR nipituvED • LIVER PILLS AND . TEESIISCOE possess greater efficacy and are more mild in their operation than the Liver Pill and Werintfuge prepared according to the original recipe of Dr. C. 51cLane. We make this declaration understandingly, and recommend them 'to the afflicted as being both pleasant and curative, and believe them superior to any other Liver Pill or Ter:Mingo ever prepared. Read Certificate of Dr. C. McLane; below. THE WHOLE WORLD CONQUERED! DR. I. SCOTT'S CELEBRATED ViIITE CMCASSINN LINIMOT. The universal relief afforded by applications of this CEL• ERRATED KING of Pain Killers to imscs of Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Sore Throat. Etru'wes, Sprains, SiveHinge, Stiffness of the Joints, Sciataca, P 1 1 ,119, Scalds, Horne Aches or any other disease for which a Pain Willer or lin iment to used, enables as to assert poeitively that Dr. I. SCOTT'S CELEBRATED WIFITE CIRCASSIAN LINIMENT is the molt reliable, safe and pleasant remedy yet discovered, Pos sessing astonishing properties for HEALING 'DISEASE and THE PROMPT ERADICATION OF PAIN. The many at testations to its virtues, given by Persons of enlightened Judgment and strict integrity, ehonid induce all to adopt It as a standard Family Remedy. The most incredulous will require nothing, more than the following testimony of Dr. C. McLane, dletimredshed as a great diaroverer •ot medical remedies: ' -:•-• • Ri&Allt READYREADI 11 I.IORGANIONVIS, Sept". 12, . 1215. is to certify, that I have examined Mie;ffedo for pro paring McLane's t mproyed Vermifuge and LfverPille by Dr. I. Scott, who has boon IN THE IIaRIP OF rittl'A.R.ING AND USING MY ORIGINAL MEDICINES IN MY OFFICE* during the last THIRTEEN YEARS, and that:l:believe he has IMPROVED MEM. I make the above .statement the more willingly as I HAVE NO INTEILT IN 'THEM WHATEVER. I would further state that I Dare frequently need hie CELEBRATED WRITE CIRCASSIAN - anWANT In my practice, with the happiest effecta, and that Lean eon-. scientieusly recommend it. C. 310L.NN / E,' M. D. All the above Medicines prepared solely tindok the gaper. vision of Dr. I.SCOTT . Sod by Druggists anitMerchmits everywhere. The GENUINE Dr. C. McLANVS IMPROvED LIVER PILLS AND IMPROVED VERMITTIGE el 4 shaped by Dr. T. SCOTT & 00., acr:ompanied by certladite or MoLANE. The GENCLNE WIIITE CIRCASSIAN LINIMENT signed by Dr. I. SCOTT' & Co., accompanied with signature of I. SCOTT, M. D. vt, I. SCOTT t CO., solo Proprietors, Bank Place; Morkantown, Va. DR. G. IL illriSKß,MludeS9le4gent, 110 Wood street, gittahurgb. JAS. P. FLEMING, Wholesale 'AtOnt, yisawlyeridlti Near Railroad Depot, Allegheny. PRIVATE 1 E DISEASES—DR. No, 50 Smithfield street, bfa1 , ..011 Third ' Mid Fourth lamas, devotes hie entire attention to an'Otfice Prey- sV-t r iq tlce. Ills business is, for the most part, confined to private Yenenda !Astons. and such painfo) affecions, brought on by imprudence, youthful traltfigince and excess. Syphilis Syphilitic Eniptiord4 Stricture Urethral 'Discharge% impurity of tholllood, trith,4ll diecases of the Venereal Organ. Stan Diseases, ScotbOcislruptions, 'Fetter, Rillramllll, Mercurial Diseases, Sentuiel weakness, Impotency, Piles, Rheumatism, Yeniale Wealtn* 'Month', Suppressions, Diocese,. of the Joints,Fistula Nemo= Affections, Pains in the Zack and Loins, lilritatlgn of the Bladder and Kidneys, men:44l.llly treated. CUrtignaranteed Twenty years' practice ( ten In , this citylenctblea - Br.Brown to offer asenranees of a speedy cure to all.who trisiyO'ome un der his care. Office And Private Consultation aa. *catiolod at., between Third and urth gamete. Sit"Chantee moderate. I R. BROWN • coptinuee to be , Consulted for to min of , newt' atakv.kgs. , rvirsiceess lougntanding noses itsuitigiallead. attlintaire invited to call. without, delay., 7PergOrtik, faustea with Nenyreat DI& emelt, ftheremanem, 'pool, or Seniliilll/01111ty, stiould. nct delay to got hie atlrice.'Letttiriroolltitliguguitheithissoiliote• ly anymore& • ss..ottic„ and p r isatirßocins, Ft 60•Eiffittlaitia ttrett bat WPC. Third and Fointh I.lfk L 6 IL F F; R 1 LE Or'RN ' THIS (SATURDAY) MORNING,. • fir BUMMER 'CO Recttved per Erpressi- - H I R • Ale.,, new styles of SUMMER CRAPIITS AND TIES, Received per Atlantic. L lIIIISHFEED .:!. SOS, . je2B No. 71 Wood at rr-et. FIFTH. WARD PROPERTY FOR SALE. A Lot of Ground on Pike street. between Walnut and Factory streets, with four -separate Frame Homes, In good condition and well rented. Will be sold cheap. Jer.li lILAKRLY 'Bl. RICHEY. .._ COFFEt--- 3 0 poelteta Java Crape, be lba. utu...-b.l. 24'" " " 3:1 " .20 bags prime Old Lagun I ra Coffrx.FV.AhrosbY %.~: . `, jaotvdsc'3S ........ .7i-...',:::.4.,:iNiA, -~,.~- y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers