Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, July 24, 1856, Image 2
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'''',..l''' t .'t ', f• '- ' .71 l e ; '',A',.' „„ - ',"t;', , l's,/•, 1 z ' 0-' f r i•Or r 0 t....t k .„),„a te ..4, : r e ,, W ., .ar . ;5*/,'F:,',.'" , ''''. 41. 0 „ ; .„.....r.rl giffieV,r4,l,.?•: t ir,,tl.,,f o `T.,i. 4 ~0 s ~; C 1 , -, , , ,e, po, ...._,:a.".....01 * - 4 4 0.,;,..... l ice 04. cf ..-4,•, - ..-L ,to ,Ipst.Nrl,4,iit Iritvlyt.it4.4 fr 4 rippo. .4„.. u.... 4 t r4 .- T .H . ' 4., itgAntfr .14,4; ..:114 et t 44 4004 ,t....;140.gl .. 6 ~•• , fp+ Kit% ..e..*.gp.., e„ . * ,p,,".,MrV ir t ie d it k 41: 0 1, t.o 'T • -- ..'41 4 " 41,‘. 4,1‘1,(5,;;". • <+®a 4, A 4' A:- 6:V 4 i-ser tt .7_ 7.. ..-.. ,' ~ 11121 MEII Vittsharg VOst. FOR PRESIDENT , JAMES BITCHANAN 9 OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE , OF KENTUCKY. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET Ott.NAL CoIOaBSID773: GsoRGE SCOTT, 07 COLIThell CO. LOOMS GIVOILLL: JACOB FRY, Jr., Monownsir Co. 4. - - T fIII.RB DAY MORNING Democratic Convention Re-assembled The Hon. TtaOTBT Ives having withdravrn his name as a candidate for Surveyor General, in a communication ad dressed to the Democratic State Central Committee, at Its last meeting in Harrisburg, a Resolution was adopted by their Committee, calling upon the Officers and Delegates of the last Democratic State Convention to assemble at CHAM BERSBURG, on WEDNESDAY, TUE KITH DAY OP AUGCST :rim; at 10 o'clock, A. M., to nominate a candidate for Sur veyor General, to fill the vacancy created by the declination of Judge loss. In pursuance of this action of the Demo cratic State Central Committee. the Officers am Delegates of the last Democratic State Convention are respectfully re quested to meet at the time and place above mentioned, and for the porpoise stated. JOHN W. FORNEY, Chairman. G. G. Wiaroarr. s„„4,,ies. ISAAC G. MCKINLEY, MASS MEETINGS OF SSE DEMOCRATS OF PENNSYLVANIA. '4llle. .trwl • 1----"" Thellnlon must and shall be preserved Tits IVENOCHACT or PEN11511 , 7011A., and all others In favor of y4sserving the Union of the States, now seriously radon gerea by a sectional organization, led and controlled by the open enemies of the Federal Constitution, and conducted upon the alarming Idea of repudiating nearly o ne-half of the States of tills Union, are respectfully notified that MASS MEETINGS will be held at the following timee and places, of the friends of JAMBS BUCHANAN for Pre ident, and JOHN C. BRPCKINRIDGE for Vice President At CIIAAIBERSBURG, Franklin County, on TIII3IISDA Y, the ith day of August, being the day after the Decors crude State Convention. At EBIE, Erie County, on WEDNESDAY, the 27th day of August, 1866. At GREENSBURG, Westmoreland County, on W EDN DAV, the ad of September, 1556 At BELLEFONT e, Centre County, on WEDNESDAY, the 24th of September. At II kRItISBURG, (the Capital of the State,) on W ED NP.SDAY, the Ist of October. And at PHILADELPHIA, on the 17th of September, being the Anniversary of the Adoption of the Conitituttoo of the United Staten. Eminent Democrato, from our own and other States, a ill be present at all these meetings, to address their fellow citiZelLL By order of the DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL. CUM NOTICE. The Buchanan and Breckenridge Club of the city of Allegheny will meet on this (Thursday) evening, July 24th, at half past seven o'cloA, in Excelsior Hall. By order of Chairman . W. H. REED, IV. M. HERRON, Secretarz3 TUE ROLL OF THE STATES . . _ We have in two former numbers taken a brief view of the present political prospects in all the free States except California. The indicatiotis in nearly all of them were shown to be decidedly favorable to the saccess of the Democracy ; au I that, too, independent of the divisions in tLe ranks of our opponents. A brief glance at the remainder of the States will suffice to show the position of- the Democracy, and of the opponent 3 of disunion. Wst I, llarros, the Know-Nothing and It.. merits The W icon-in .:•a,.e will '.one tip in a few day, pitt,Krau catolidate lot the Presidency, i'''' • I ' and 3 like result may be anticipated. Hall . - ex CALIFORNIA. aparnst the hill to abolish Bogging in the itt , ... • pu,s, i ;on ; is neeesaary to -rears the vote of that in that far-off State the parties are divided So mhY' the Cleveiwad .I'lol.oll`aber State for Fremont. The Nebraska or New ' Mexican case will also be taken up shortly, to strictly between the Democrats and sl24:riv No. Black RepublicaA flbentiment 6. be foll•oiced by the Kansas case, as the_*mini things. Far removed from slavery, and from the nous testitri may teen' . t'i ._ l ief'.i'' cominissi.ni The tale and temper of the rampant Black Br. bot-bedof abolitionism, the people of California • will be laid on the iv.- es o''' o—tul.)ers in print publican...in ofthe day which, strange to say, niiits in a ,lay or t ,,,.„ i t 7 ,. L k,,, a a.,,, ittoent o f ahtit , feel little interest in the subject which is the countenance anoing some respectable eitirens. . „ t i,„ a ,,,, i ,,i page . source of perpetual agitation here. Abolition very well indnated in the following '' gems it . • Thr Wii rel. , lied hy the Naval 'i.inimittre or ists are very scarce in the land of gold. Fre• thought, - which have been recently elicited ( r an i i the Senate eerl.S 11, the ses,••n. providing -on, moat personally has no popularity in that State distinguished advocates. One at the correspendem relief to certain retired atoltiropped officers, lia- He once represented it for precisely twenty-one of the New York Tribune, '• Kansas outrage' . mai, l a ly; 1 :' , 1 i1 , ' , a ,, t , 1 :: i i i . ,,, 7 1 • ,i 1 L 4 1, f t,t `• l l l ,l : r ' ,, d , n e e l r ' i t t "' , ta " ti ! days in the United States Senate ; and he intro- o f ac t aree ,, i s ge ttin g discouraged for the want "I . th e vacancii-. ocensiwned i , v the action of the dnced a bill in the Senate providing for the stile material. Speaking of a Kansas company On i' c Ki.tiring board. have been confirmed. The by the gosktnment of all the mineral lands. road, the writer says clanior rm raised throughout the country has not oot hop. fo 1",le o,t,t .e.,,,e .n" the, 1,.. , defei.u.sl the refo initiated by the head or the "/ uim This would have cut every miner out of his hoc , be , . .ore; Seen, ( ..>e if ^',"“ ',. . 1 ^ , •ibin / 1... r Navy Department. The relief Lill is now before claim. Mining, then as now, was the great in- th.t ...,.1,1 sous, the East. en States to net." . the - House, but its passage is a matter of great terest of California, and it is no wonder that the I That will do very well ; but here is something doubt. people of California were indignant at their from an eminent Black Republican which beats it. The Senate's resolution to adjourn on the '2lth asst ,may be taken up by the Row,: V, morrow, Senator's bill. When the time came for his re- -At a recent Black Republican meeting in Auburn. election it was found he had no chance for it . Fred Douglass said, among other things, that it . , a • and if so, it will probably be amended, fixing the rho duty of every slave to cut his master's throat "• day of adjournment about the middle of August. and there ended his legislative career. Doev , , • It has been rumored that the Republicans pro ♦ The reader is very well prepared, we trust, now August to any one suppose he has now any chance of ear for theperusal of the following extracts from a late pose to take a recces from the lot of ' the lst of October or November , but a resolution eying California -• Fourth of July oration delivered by William Lloyd to t h at e ff ect has , „,, t , bee, offered. A recess Garrison, the notorious Abolition agitator. tierrisoti would not be an adjournment and the per diem of inenners would be continued ; that may ex plain the desire of smile of them for a recess. Others wish a recess so that the Kan-ias bill.frorn the Senate may be postponed until after the Presidential election 'There is a vast amount of unfinished business before the two House', which will be thrown over to the short session ND usual. • One night last week a caucus of the Demo cratic members of Congress was hell, to talk over the prospects id the campaign generally. The interchange iif inf. irmation justified the opinion that Bui•lianan and lireckinridge would lie elected, but that elertmus were necessary In make the result sure. The Fillmore and Fre ! wont nice arc co-operating to defeat an election by the people, each believing, that if the elee ; than lie carried to the House of Representatives. their choice must be selected. In this way they are virtually combined against the Democracy. 1s heretofore, there is MI abiding confidence that faction will he defeat e 1 and disappear before the blows Of the only national and conservative party. MERCER. NtISSOURI With the Democracy of Missouri Mr. Buchan an has always been popular. Col. Benton' , course we do not like ; but he is stumping the State for Buchanan and Breckinridge; and the evidences of his sincerity are very strong. lie is reported to have called those who put Fremont in nomination " ❑ pad, of political knave ,, ,' who thought Fremont rich and wanted to bleed him. Some of the ablest whig papers in that State have lately come eut for Buchanan and Breckinridge. The St Louis Republican, the most prominent whig paper in that State, is or the number. The German papers of St. Louis are for Buchanan. The question of (neon or Disunion is of vital importance to the people of Missouri. There can be no doubt of the result in that State. KENTUCKY The son of Henry Clay has in a long letter de obsred his intention to support Buchanan and Breckinridge. In no State have we heard of more old line Whigs declaring the same inten tion. The Louisville Courier, one of the most prominent old Whig papers of the West, is bat tling gallantly in the same cause. Breckinridp is undoubtedly the most popular man in Ken tucky. Of no State now do the Democrats feel more confident than of the native State of Breokinridge. It will stand firmly by the Union and the Constitution." MARYLAND. We published yesterday a letter from a prowl nent citizen of Baltimore, in which be expresess the most entire confidence that the Democratic ticket will win in Maryland. An old line Whig Convention—a real and honest one, is yet to be held, which he is confident will declare for Bu chanan and the Union. Oar candidates aro pe culiarly acceptable to the people of Maryland. Our correspondent is well posted up as to the state of public sentiment in his State, and his aseurances may be relied on. We have now glanced at all the States in whleh there is any probability of a serious con troversy between the different parties. 11l the southern States which we have not named there is no doubt of large Democratic majorities. We count confidently on the one hundred and twenty votes of the southern States. Only twenty-nine more would be needed to elect our candidate. Can any one doubt that we shall secure three or four times that number in the sixteen free States. We do not" Fremont and Dayton While Fremont, the Black Republican candi date for President, was in the U. S. Senate, a bill was acted upon to remunerate the Coloniza tion Society for feeding and clothing 760 Afri cans who had been rescued from a slave ship. Fremont voted against the bill. While Dayton, the Black Republican candidate for Vice President, was in the U. S. Senate, a resolution was acted upon to refund to General Jackson the fine assessed by Judge Hall at the time the British troops invested New Orleans. Dayton voted against the resolution. Simple justice was the object of both measures, and Messrs. Fremont and Dayton voted against rendering it. -*. Jfr'',,, •'•-•• • • . '•°'• •4 oas • The Uazette and Senator Wilson. The Telegraph . ° Reporter of the Associated Press, in reply to the false and abusive article in the Gazette of yesterday morning, deems it only necessary to say that he has ABUNDANT PROOF that the report transmitted by him by telegraph. regarding Hen. Wilson's sentiments on the Vice Presidency, emanated from the sourJe already mentioned by him. As the gentleman to whom the report has bet -.ttributed, has expressed a wish that the controversy should cease, and that his name should not be again mentioned in the papers, the Telegraphic Reporter has, through courtesy to him, acceded to his request, although the reporter feels that his forbearance may be misconstrued to his disadvantage. He can, how ever, afford to be generous,. as he stands on im pregnable ground, and is not afraid to take the responsibility of all that he has written ❑ the subject. The gentleman alluded to, says that he has written to Gen. Wilson; doubtless he will receive an answer, which, if published, will either place the matter right before the public or absolve the reporter from any further silence, and he will produce all the testimony that is necessary to vindicate himself from tae malignant and unjust aspersions of the Gazrtte. JII LI 24 Bennett, of the New York Herald, whom everybody has called a blackguard at some time or other, says that the circulation of the Herald is half as large as that of all the democratic newspapers in the United States '" ' And he argues that, ergo. he, Bennett, shall elect Fre mont!! Now in the first, place, how dues be know what the circulation of all the Democratic papers is '! Of course he does not know. No man alive knows, or has any means of knowing. In the next place, one half of the twenty-three million white people of this country are Democrats. Thereuare not much short of two million Demo cratic voters in this country. Most of them take a-paper of some kind. Tij o ey generally tale a paper of their own party. It will be seen then that Bennett claims for his paper a circulation little short of a : Yet he admits that the Tribune has a larger weekly circulation than the /lryld. The Tribune only claims 170,01 w. Of course it has not near that. But putting these facts together, the boastful, swaggering falsehood of Bennett is at once displayed. And yet he pretends that his lie is the result of a MEM • , , .-. tt. i %,. t k. 47 I. - , F.. 4 4 • ..,' i r_.... 4, f Mit .4 - ` .-4 .,4 • 4 . " , ~... ,•..—• .. n ,t..-e.. 2 • , c+ ..;-", ,s;. '- ' ''' . ...I E, •••,-„w4s vt. „it..‘ , .P",, D . ir- •• 4 -IP 4 11. 4;* Ot ''-. • . ...4. -..4 is . 1 4 1' 4.- L 4 W '. 4. 4' . ,":. ~ .., - ---,v ...1.- 1 eq,..,- , ' 4 ~.+- 0 , . ...v......4 . ..„,. t- - , r. .. ~ -• . . j ....A.1 4.- i ftz,...°s,,iltgitt:4 ' ~ - .1, & .,f1 viP.st- , 1 , 4 4401.,... , .. ~ . ..51.•wv- - ---.1, , „ 4 t 4' l / 4 46 ,2,, ' ' '117.*'..1.4, '‘I N .- '4"..14f9.01•L').-0., , -,1 ~....4",i'y 4.,„. 4 ,. . . . . s , . . ' ' . - -''o 1 • 4 - t ' .:- .4... 1 ",.....,4 4 . 4 1.„, 4 i ..,.4 , -.. r s , ~,, .. • , - . , . ;1 - j - 4 , - -", 's" - P - O• • • 1.. ~. - ' •'•' ' -' ...'"..,A.irr ... _ . _ , • ".; ;,- . , . . . - 4- s':- i . —;'. 'I 2 t It • • . : -. , • , .i •J 0 , $ 44 ,1 P, 40 :4 ' . • 1.,:',' l -•-.` th AVIS , 4 11. 4 , 4:S; •-: , i '. ' ,0•• 7.7' 0 / 1 • 4. •; , .-..... .*i. P • I',l ~,,v•47. - -1- -....'..*•.., ...• 4 • .s, t......,.., •,,,,::',... , • , . N. t _ s:. : 7 . ~..-, .:- . , : : •,. , • •? 4, '._ - -, . ~ .- 1 • )." 4. • , .. ' • MME EMI ~., r~, h ~~* ~~~ Kansas has had a week's rest in both branches of Congress. Other subjects equally as well calculated to irritate and excite, have engrossed the attention of the House. The resolution to expel Mr Brooks, received a majority but not two-thirds--the proportion required to pass it. Yet Mr. Brooks justly regarded the vote as an expression of opinion by the majority of his un worthiness to be a member of the House, and accordingly appealed to his constituents. In tendering hit resignation, be animadverted with , becoming severity upon the course of the abo- 1 lition members, who had converted a personal collision into a political controversy, using it to excite one section of the country against the oth er. A pretext was desired to get rid of some of the Democratic members of the House, and the assault on Mr. Sumner, indiscreetly referred to the House of Representatives by the Senate, was an opportunity hot to go unimproved. The ab sence of two or three Democratic votes will ena ble them to get complete control of the Muse. The passage of the resolution of censure on Col. Kcitt was also followed by his resignation, and an appeal to his constituents. The pre amble to the resolutioks assigns the grounds of censure, which are briefly that he knew before hand of the intended assault, was present during the same in the Senate Chamber, and did nothing to prevent it. Fur this he was virtually expelled from the House. An election to fill these va cancies has been ordered to be held on the TAth instant; so that, in less than a fortnight, both of these gentlemen will present themselves here, probably with the unanimous indorsement of their constituents. That will be the reply of South Carolina to the censure of the abolition party in the House of Representatives. The result in these two cases may be regarded as a strictly political and sectional decision, the real merits of the questions involved receiving no consideration whatever. Every Representa tive from the South, with two exceptions, and nearly all the Democratic members from the North, opposed the action of the House the abo litionists to a man sustained it. They are tilled with horror at what they call an outrage on the freedom of debate. yet the Clerk of the House, ilen. Cullom, wile wits a member of the last Con gress, had a fight in the House with a brother Member it offered no obstacle to his election. During the present ses-ion the Rev. J.. 1 Pewee was accused openly of an attempt to bribe a fel. low menthes: in order tii seizure the election of Banks : vet no notice whatever has been taken of it. Brooks and Eeitt defended the honor of HORTON'S LIFE or Bee 14 A NAN.— Derby 3 Jack- an aged relative of the State they represented ' son, 11:4 Nassau street, New York, and H. NV. they are expelled or censured. Pearce sought Itoomote Republican success by corrupt means, Derby 3 Co , of Cincinnati, have just published ai r lie retains the post of honor among his lie the life of this distinguished statesman and tb.t- I publican rpesoeiates riot in a volume of .426 page, , , in beautiful bind- I kfurther reduction ef the Democratic strength ing and large, clear type The work ranges froni ,of the House was e ff ected on Friday in the decis• ' ion cf the IRiniiis contested election case. Nei his birth at Stony Batter, Frankl.n county, in titer the incumbent, Mr Allen, nor the coutest -1791, to his present retirement at Lis house I.ear,j ant, Mr Archer, were admitted to the seat. The Lancaster. It is toll of incidents of hi, early district was, theref“re, de , hired vacant, and a new election ordered. r Allen has nn fears of life, as well as of his maturer years, and presents the result, and it is saol that the Black Republi• FLU example both to young and old worthy of j van- will decline to run Archer again, and will emulation. TJ astatesinan and politician it 1- a netuinate some new man There are two VACFLII - work of great value, being, in fact, to a great ! cies at eturniel 01,, m free from Illino will is if liemoc je rats are r ther%that lie ix mariti; of extent, a history of the legblation and poh:ics i f of the United States for the last forty year-. It is written in tine, strung Saxon style, and froio of it err esontat';‘,. its vote will be cast fo r NI, the author's reputation will lie deemed relieble Bnueither.n cloi na will Thgive t e eleetiti n vote Bl the ackState Repub l bi ioa the a n ihe of throughout. Every citizen, Democrat and ell' , „pposition Tie. Ilan .is I 'emorraey believe they sition :hould procure a volume. can roues both of this. Allen s ease, like those Fur sale at Miner's and tiildenfenney • s. of Brooks and Keit:, w!,• by n -trio party and serlienal Note, and not at all on its JOS. S'S()Vi DEN , Telegraphte Reporter THE BRAGGING WHELP " calculaiwn " It is by such lies they hope to get up a little encouragement for the supporters of Fremont. To me the path is plain. To day I disown the American flag, as the symbol of unequalled hypocri.4y and transcendent oppression, and, casting it into the broad Atlantic, defy all the waters thereof to n out its bloody stains. To-day I renew my accusation against the American Constitution, that it is 'a coNe nant with death and an agreement with hell,' whi,i, ought to be annulled now and forever. To-day I pronounce the American Union a league of despo tiara, to perpetuate which is a "rune against our com mon humanity and a sin against God. To-dos I affirm the Higher Law' to be tho rightful and par., mount law of the land, to the subversion of etc, ' statute, agreement and compromise inimical u human freedom. To-day I stand outside of chi . tyrannical Government, a seceder on principle. a revolutionist with Hancock, and Otis, and Warren. but upon a broader platform, with a loftier spir]t. with better weapons, and fur a nobler object. • s > • ."Lot us, then, to day- rejecting a. , wild aud chimerical all suggestions, propositions and coti trivances for restraining slavery within its preset,. limits, while extending constitutional protection to it in fifteen of the thirty-one States register our pledge anew, before Heaven and the world, that we will do what in us lies to effect the eternal overthrow of this blood-stained Union, that thus our enslaved countrymen may find a sure deliverance, and we may no longer be answerable for their blood. Let us not be drawn oft by any side issues in regard to Kansas, nor be deluded by the cry of -Liberty Na tional, Slavery Sectional," seeing it is the existence of slavery in the South which is the root of all our troubles, the cause of all our dangers, the source id all our' perils. Away, then, with all nostrums, con cessions, compromises, expedients, truces and the like! But one course is to be parsued—one object aimed et —one blow struck. The North nauet ego, rate . ire ni rhr Sandy, and organize her own institu tions on a cure basis!" ANULALOUS UEILUANS.—Certain UPl'lliatiSof this city, —we observe by the evening organ of the Maine law negro-worshippers,—have resol ed, in the same breath, that they at e republi cans"— that they "cannot consent to any pro longation of the term of naturalization "—and that they are "opposed to so-called liquor laws, and desire the repeal of such laws where they are in existence, fur example the Michigan liquor law in this State." We have heard of people being hostile to their own interest, but we never were personally cog nizant or so palpable an example of self-hostility as this. Why, the "republican" party it tier ouyhly a Know Nothing party. Halt' the mem here of the Philadelphia Convention by which Fremont was nominated were notorious Know Nothing, Thaddeus Stevens of Pennsylvania being at their head. Fremont has formally accepted the „ pure and simple" nomination or the Know Nothing Convention hald in New York, a committee of which obtained fpm him a pledge —so stated the New York &raid, a Fremont paper—that ho would appoint no foreigner to office, should he be elected, 'What reasonable man can doubt that should Fremont be chosen, with a Congress of Black Republican Know Noth ings, the term of naturalization would be pro longed Detroit Free ('rise. FREMONT AND LAND NloNoPOLY.—Fremont, in his letter of acceptance of the Black Republican nomination for the Presidency, makes a depre catory allusion to land monopoly. " This," says the Cincinnati E7urut er , "ie from a man who took advantage of the troubles in California during the Mexican war, while the other young gallant officers of the army were achieving laur els in glorious battles, to purchase from a poor, frightened Mexican a claim to an enormous tract of land, which he now claims as sole owner, and from which he is making efforts to eject thous ands of honest settlers, who have located on it in the belief that it was government land. Fre mont, the greatest land monopolist In the coun try, deprecates a ' monopoly of the soil !' " - ' • - - •.. %. ‘;Zr:..4 't 4 - e- a $' Correspoo , tow.x3 of Ow Pittsburgh MOrrlitlg Pool FROM 'WASHINGTON I:tton of the nous , in the Brooks Case—Censor , of Col. Keitt—. 2 7'o" • ,:ectional Doe aiun—Cullom and '' J. J. Paves—Allen! D,prired of kis Seat—Other Contested Cases— Naoul Nominations Confirmed—Adjournment— IL.mocratie Caucus. WASHINGTON, July 120, I SW, I Fnau t lvtinian air. Buchanan and the American Laborer. We have already repeatedly refuted the infa mous slander, Iwltioh tome but Lnaves would cir culate, and aftllsr the facts are understood none but fouls will believe,) that Mr. Buchanan advo cated a reduction of the wages of American laborers to ten cents a day. It is a gratifying tact that the opposition presses that have a spark of justice or candor left, either make no allusion whatever to the charge, or else at once manfully deny its truth. It is only papers of the most infamous wind depraved stamp, that repeat it. The Cincinnati Weekly Times, (a paper strongly opposed to Mr. Buchanan's election,) of the iittt ult., has the following remarks in reference to this subject: NOT fur Blum. War.—We see that some of our exchange papers that are opposed to the elec tion of Mr. Buchanan, aro now urging against him that he once advocated the reduction of wages in this country to ten cents per day. Now we do not believe that James Buchanan I ever said a word that could he fairly construed into to such en assertion. It would have been irrational in him, anu to say the least of it, very impolitic. kt no time since the first foundation of our Republic has there been a period when such an assumption would not have raised a storm from the toiling millions, that would have wrecked the hopes of any political aspirant for ever. Casting aside for an instant the fact that as a statesman James Buchanan well knows that a nation can never acquire strength upon such a miserable pittance per diem, that the advocacy of such a proposition was most absurd, and throwing it solely upon the ground that neither policy for any present or future advantage (mulct accrue to its author, we repeat it, we do not believe that be ever uttered such a sentiment. If it is false, as we candidly believe It is, how absurd to urge it against him. We are as strong ly opposed to the election of James Buchanan to the Presidency as any one can be who is opposed to the issues involved in the platform on which he professedly stands, but at the same time we wish to and intend to oppose that election with truth and nothing but the truth Ma. BUCHA.NAN.—The following patriotic sen- timent was enunciated by Mr. Buchanan in a speech delivered in the House of Representatives in 1822. In strict conformity to it has been his entire subsequent career: It I know myself, I am a politician neither of the East nor of the West, of the North nor the Bouth,--1 therefore shall forever avoid any expressions Pie diryt 'tendency of which must be to create sectional 'jealousies, sectional divisions, and at length disunion, that worst of all political calamities." [From the Louie - dile Journal. DOES HE LOVE MEI BY MISS LNN C. 1111.ADPOP.D. Pretty robin, at my window, Welcoming the day. :by wild and liquid piping, Read thy riddle. pray. I have conned it, waking, sleeping Vexed the more for aye; Thou'rt a wizard, pretty robin, ILlet he love me, any Little violet, blooming meekly By the brooklet free, Bending love thy gentle forehead All is grace to see. Turn thee from the list'aing water, Whisper low, I pray, For the winds might hear my secret Does he lore ma, say Star, that through the silent night-time Watches over hita, Wrlie It with thy golden pencil On my casement dim. Thou art skilled in Love's Cabala, Tell me, then, I pray, Now, so DODO but I may read it. Does he love me, say? OBITU ARY Here lies John Shaw, Attorney-attaw And when be died, The Devil cried, Give ne your paw, John Shaw, (Tot Moore Attorney-at-law RIGHTS OF PEDEBTATANEL—In the Municipa Court, Boston, on Friday, a hack driver was con demned to four months' imprisonment for run ning over a foot passenger. The Court stated the rule of law in such cases to be that carriages had no paramount rights of way iu the streets, and that drivers were bound at all times to heed the rights of those on foot and to exercise due are for their safety. This is a general princi ple of law, but it is certainly not recognized as such in the streets of Philadelphia. Pedestrians are treated as if they bad no rights. Wheeled vehicles of every kind take precedence in the street way, for if a pedestrian attempts to cross the street, with a carriage, wagon, or om nibus eight or ten feet off, he will be compelled to run for his life, for the driver in all probabili ty would never suppose that it was his duty to abate his speed and let the individual Cr oas in safety. Ten chances to one if the driver were at a corner as much traveled as that of Third and Walnut or Third and Chestnut streets, but that would increase his speed as he came to the corner, to prevent any vehicle or person from getting between him and any carriage which might precede him. "Get out of the way," is the only law known to a number of drivers, the law of might against right. The Boston rule of law is a good one, and the example, if imita ted in other cities, would render life and limb more secure. PEMTRUCTIVE FIRE Is NEW YORK —The largest fire ever known in the Nineteenth Ward, occur red yesterdgy afternoon, destroying about $lOO,- 0 01, worth of property. The fire commenced in the beer brewery of Adam Miller, on 4Oth street, between the lot and 2 , 1 avenues. It is supposed to have originated from the bursting of a keg, which was undergo ing the process of tarring. The tar by some . means caught fire while &he workmen were pour ing it into the keg, and the flames instantly communicated with the building, from which they spread to the following adjoining houses. The Turtle Bay Brewery, owned and occupied by Mr. Francis Ruppert; the brewery of Mr. Charles Clement: and the dwelling houses of Armenia Behrens, William Haven, Leonard Ho ver, lleorge Dohremoind, Valentine Benner, and r Wan nentach er. These buildings were entirely consumed, not withstanding the prompt and energetic efforts of the firemen. The heat made their labor very s evere, and owing to the long absence of rain. the flames spread with great rapidity.- -.V. Et Poe. Fate rue Mrsl. - .--James Elliott, corner of Twentieth and Market sts , Philadelphia, offers, through the !North American, i , an old line Whig paper) to bet $31,105) on Buchanan—Sl,Otat on each State in the Union. The Burlington (Iowa) (;‘, -.lre is authorized to offer the following wager: Slisi that Mr. Buchanan receives the electoral vote. of lowa, $lOO that he receives the electoral vote of Illinois, Slott that he recives the electoral vote of Indiana, Slim that he receives the electo ral vote of Kentucky, and i3tit./0 that he is elected st tt President of the United states. W ho'll het ht ••money ou the Mustang Colt do, do da dap." 'OTT Ge RA Ti C Democracy of . 11111 a 1.1,1.1 a grand rally at Indianapolis, i:0 Thnrikfay. From to ::7011 . 11) perSOLle here preeee'. The city was profusely adorned viei I - mutters bearing the names of Buchanan sii.t Breckinridge. At noon, a procession wa.s forth ed, hi immense length, which, after parading the principal streets, marched to the State oquare, where addresses Were delivered be 800 . Wright, Lieut. tiov. Willard, rol Allen Miiy, and many others. The enthusiasm was tremen dous. A grand torchlight procession tool< place in the evening. --Petrol( Free Profs. Tun New York Herald, a Fremont paper, says Many of the clergy, we have reason to know, preach political sermons not from a sense of du ty, but for political power. These men should be stripped of their robe and title, and Isaiah itynders should be sent to answer them in their churches. They have a right to speak as they please ; but—the enemy have a right of reply and Ahoy are not entitled to shelter themselves behind the dignity and immunities of their sta tion 4 14 -13 r. ElLadaters Celebratc4 yergolfuge AM/ LIVER MLR—A tuugular wiubittatiou, but very stir, tual, tut She fullowittg will show IC ;towing, front experience, the valuable qualities of Dr. Ve.ruilfuge and Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., Pittottnrgh, I have for some time hack eon:oo,d it my duty atta made It my loolueopl. to to . attu those articles known wherever I went among toy friends. A short tone ago I became aclualuted with the came of a young girl, who 'wenn,' to Ito troubled with worms no; liver complaint at the tame 01110, and had been suffering fur sonic Iwo Moil tine Through my perstuuslon she p,..rt1ia2 , , , t1 one b.,ttle of Dr. FT Lane's Vertnifuge, and one box of Liver btllo, which she took tuvordlag 10 dlnwtious. The result was, she pass.-t 1 large quantity of Worms, mad [Whits that one box Inure "1 the Pills will restore her to perfect health. (ler 0/1111e and residence can be learned by calling on K. L. Thuall, PrllMf,lst. cuter of itutger and Monroe streets. Purchasers will be careful to ask for Pr. M . LA N Cll.Fr It it AT ND V ERNI I FUtltw nututtftttfluttal Ly PLEMING of Pit tsburgh, P. All other Vermi furs, in comparison. ore worthless. Dr. Nriatie's genuine Vermlfuge, also his ,el brated Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores. None gen taint w - i.:liovi the rittn4ture of FLILMINti 111105 Also, for Mitt by the vole proprietor., FLEMING OltoB., Succoaeoce to J. Kidd & 00., No. 60 Wood stroet, corner of Fourth Jy2ldaw] JOY-What Every Perron Should Know. OPTIC!. MORGANTOWN, VA.., t Doornber 28,1845. Co.—Gen'.: It affords me great pleasure to testify to the desired effects of your Colebratod White Circaa. ainn Lininieut; It having frequently relieved me of the quinsy when various nther rMliodirs and I Ca:, to ..Ttnend It to thopuUto. JOHN T. FLEMING, SlYeirlfT Nonougulla Couuty, Dr. NlcLone'R tmettovsn Idver Pills and IXPROVXD Venni rug., also Dr. I. Scott Celebrated White Circassian Lini ment, prepared solely under the supervision of Dr. 1. Svoll, a regular Medical graduate, and Physician of extensive prar. two. None grnuine, of yus propared by Dr. I. Scott & Bank Place, Morgantown, NEWS FROM TIIF. FOUNTAIN BRAD! IIIORnaIgOWN, 'VA., Sept. 12, 1855. This a Oer:Hit That I hive examined the Recite, for preparing bleLane's Improved Vert:Mingo and Improved Liver Pills by Dr. 1. Scott, who hen been in the habit of pre paring and using any original medicines in my office during the hod thirteen yowls, and that I believe he ha* Improved them. I make the above statement the more willingly as I have no Interest in them whatever. C. McLANE, NI. I) Dr. hlcisitio'l otelioVED Va - mitugo and ttaMOVID Liver Pin " , ..°.i.nie 4 by CbrlifiCMllt , of C. McLane, for sale by Druggiets and Merchants everywhere. Div Ell. IL KEYSEII, 140 Wood at., Wholesale Agent. DR. J. T. FLEMING, Allegbeay, near Railroad Depot, Wholesale Agent. jyllalrwapc 44- Great Cure of Piles-- HUrnuelLlr, N. C November 1, 1813.—Dr. C. M. Judaism —Dear Sir: Allow me to express to you my alricer thanks for your discovery of a medicine which, to say the least of it, has effected a ogre that alt other medicines that I have taker flare entirely failed to 14 , . German Bitters" liftve cured toe of the most stubborn and aggravated ease tit the PI LriS that, per haps, ever fell to the lot of man. Myttsite Is nol a tit - l ug , to this community, as 1 am well kn',7Wh in this and the sur rounding counties, and can truly say that my recovery has a,teunded all my friends and relations, as I had tried every thing recommend:al, aim uothilig did me any good until I Cos prevailed upon to try the Bitters. You are at liberty to make use of this communication for the benefit of the of flirted, na you may think prol,er. Yours, truly, St, v , ir [Won:lent. Yor iinide by FLEMINGRO3. and Dr. OEO. EL KEYEEIt, Pittsburgh. jyl2:2w • gar fjome one, come ell, to ][OHO AN .4 CO'S, No. 164 Woof) street, and buy what you want in tho lIAT or CAP line. A large stoat of SLIA, FTIR And STRAW HATS always on hand. Renumber, Alit-Fourth or July .. , Firerybody4sbauld wear a NEW HAT or CAP on INDEPENDENCE DAY; and to ena ble all to do so, we will sell our stock at greatly reduced Eil!5=Z:11111 _ Redding's Russia Salre.—lt is a Boston remedy of thirty years' sts...,cling, and is recommended by physicians. It is a sure and speedy curs for burns, piles, boils, oc..ns, felons, chilblains, and old sores of every kind ; for fever sores, ulcers, itch, so-,!:l head, nettle rash, bunions, sore nip ples, recommended by nurse 3,) whitlows, sties, festers, flea bites, spider stings, frozen limbs, salt rheum, scurvy, sore and cracked lips, sore nose, warts and flesh wounds, it is a most valua ble remedy and cure, which can be testified to by thousands whe cave used it in the city of Boston and vicinity for the last thirty years. In no stance will this Salve do an injury, or interfere with physician's prescriptions. It is made from the purestrnaterirls, from a receipe brought from Rassia—of growing in that country— and the proprietors have ;ode-, from all c .saes, clergymen, physicians, sea captains, nurses, and others who bare used it themselves, and recom mend it to others. Redding's Russia Salve isprit in large tin boxes, stamped on the cover with a picture of a horse and a disabled soldier; which picture is also engraved on the wrapper. Price, 25 cents a box. Redding & Co., proprietors. For sale by B. A. Fahnestock & Co., Flem ing Bros., R. E. Sellers & Co., Dr. G. H. Keyser and H. Miner & Co., Pittsburgh ; Beckham & M'Kennan, Allegheny city. Have You a Rupture of the Bowels , —i would most respectfully incite the attention of them af flicted with hernia or rupture of the bowels to my splendid asses tment of Trusses of carious patterns, and to suit every ago, applied and satbifaction guarantied in every case, at my office, INo. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., sign of the Golden Mortar. Among the Trusses sold by me will be found Marsh': Radical Cure Truss; French Trucsex, Very light spring Oulu Elastic 'Trusses : riablrens' frusse..s, sinyie and double; Um&!teal ?mutt, chi/dreme arut adults EVeriCe Eliptic .spring Truss ; Dr. .S S f'itch's Supporter Trusa ; The price of Trusses vary from r 2 to PO. Hernial or Ruptured patients can be suited by remitting money and sending the measure around the hips, stating whether the rupture is on the right of left aide. I also sell and adapt Dr. Banning's Lacs or Body Bract, for the cure of Prolap sus Uteri, Weakness of the Chest or Abdomen, Piles, Chronic Diarrbana, and any weak nessdepending on a weak and debili tated condition of the abdominal muscles. Dr. Fileh's Abdominal Supporter ; English Elastic Abdominal &Us .51121- Bleu& Belts ; and nearly every kind of Supporter now lu use. I also .11 Shoulder Braces of every style, for weak chested and stoop shouldered persons. Rosette Stockings, for broken and varicose veins. Sarperuory Bandages, of all kinds. Syringes of every variety and pattern, and in fact ovary kind of mechanical appliance used in the cure of disease. DR. KEYSER wuuld atate to persona In want of Braces or Trusses that he can often send to suit the patient by writiug, but It Is always better to see the patient and apply the Truss or Brace personally. Address DR. (IEO. 11. kiEYSER, 140 Wood at., jolted,. ly Sign of the Gulden Mortar. THE ALLIANCE INSURANCE CO. NVoRPuIIATED YT TRY LEGIIII-VITEE OF I , B.7I:IIALVAIPIA, 1534 CLI ART ER PER PETL. Al, CAPITAL $300,000. °Mee No. 511 Walnut St., Philadelphia. I. ft 11,EG FL, 1 , 01; FIRE AND MARINE INSFRANVE STATEMENT A utlimrizAsi Capital Amount of Capital Laid up orplue ..... Toted Aslt, Ital.& for lotesett Ronde end Nl,irlAttgee on utlineutebered Heal Estate, and Stocks of par vale , $182,500 00 Botta. and Stiwk Niites, Caring Sin per rent, iut<•ret Gantt on lwnd and in the hands of Agents Bills Receivable NRR YORK, November 2,', IK, J ATWOOII. ]!ORGAN a 00., 184 Wood stmt. MORGAN & CO., let Wood street. OF PHILADELPHIA I=9 TRUSTEES. P. M. Moriarty. Fain.. James Sill. Y. q., Israel Lukins. E.s,t , Ben). 11. llyrlck, Esq., Win. Smith, EM.I., J. If McColley, Esq., Geo. W. CoHadar, Real., P. Wyckoff, but., Wm. J. P. White, Win. H. Gray, P.sq., J. S. Helfrich, Eel . Real. H. Austin, Req. I'. M. MORIARTY, President. .1 Mussis Tsoxexx, Son y. Thin 14 to certify. that I have critically, and by a persona examination of the looks, capita!, since and socuritm.s o the Alliance Inenrance Company, of Philadelphia, inyeeti gated the standing and responsibility of eald institution. and I do find, and am entirely dear lu my convictions, that wad C..mpany has a ¢. eel unimpaired Capital in Mortgage. on uninountaired Real Estate, worth double the amonu for which the same in in..rtgAged. My Investigations has Bern rig..roiri and searching. and arc, I th nh, reliable. UESJAMIN H. AUSTIN. take in owing that I have been acquainted with Benjamin 11..k1VOISI for several years. and have entire confidence in Lm integrity. capacity and ability, and would place full reliance spin his htok.inent. or legal opinion. ?lILLMRD FII.OIORE. M3=33 Win IL Blair. firm of Blair IL IL Myrick St Co. PAIN. St Hotter, Philo. G. Jenkins, Jr. " Win. Bowers, llon. Flurry Baldwin. Syru• Ittuciei, N. Y. iliac, N. Y. 11. 11. Illithorn, N Y. Iktu. IL Austin, Buffalo. Thin Con,..mly .45-6, FMK INSURANCE on buildings, good, and furniture; !MARINE. INSURANCE on vessel., ,argo and treight INLA NI) INSURANCE on goals by CAIMIS nr nrliroals, on its accommodating terms as any at her responsiblo office. LUKE TAAFFE, Agent. No. SO Water street, Pittsburgh, DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. Na. 434 *hurt:a and, • 1.11 , ,1LE ROOM, JONES' NEW BUILDING. Is NOW OPEN idly from 9 to 2 o'clock ; also, ou Wedneaday and Kitnrday evenings, front 7 to cretour. Deraatit4 7,,TiVaa WI nA1.319 not 101414 than ON/ MAUa and a dlvideuil of the profits declared twice a year, in June and Beret/11,r. Intereet was declared at the rt 44, of six per rent. per annum, on the Brat 4 December, 1355. Also on the 3d of June, 1E136. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Rego Lationa, tuivinhed plant, on application at the office. President--09:1)11.11E ALBREN. VIM MOMENTS. Elopowell Ilephtiru, John li. Shoenborger, George IL White, Charles Knapp, William F. Johun r ou, K. Bratlai Marphy, James sy. ldarbrudt, Theohald Ilmbetaetter, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock., William Philßps, William J. Anderson. TIOISTUS. John O. liankofen, James Ilerdman, Hill Burgwin, James D. Kelley. Albert Culbertson, John M. Kirkpatrick, Robert Chester, John IL lil'Curd, J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, 4. MT.. Pollock, John S. Co. o :grnie„ Henry L. Ringwalt, Charles A. ColLiii. itiMert Robb, K. U. Ktirtngtun, James Shidie, • Francis Felix, George S. Seldea, tieiirge F. Gilliam°, Alexander Tindle, James S. !loon, William S.- Lacely. William S. Have% Wilson Miller. Sccmiary and T t reaturcr--CHARLES A. COLTt)N Jyl9:dly - DELAWARE 'MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY OFFICE, S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT ere., Philndelphla 414 , MARINE INSURANCF44 C.asei•, Cargo, Freight, to all parts of the INLAND INSURANCES ON GOODS, by Rivers, Canals. Lakes and Laud Carriages, to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCE ON MERCIIANDIZE generally. Ou Stores, Dwelling Homes, .tc. Assets of Clausiesny ..Vekpember fith,lBos. Bowls, mortgagee and Real Estate $101,020 94 Philadelphia City, and other Loans 85,210 00 Stock in Banks, Railroad and lnaunnee 4:3,080 10 Bills receivable 186,440 Cash oq hand 2ti,Ba 09 Balances hanils of Agents, Premiums ou Mai rine Policies recently issued, and other debts duo the Company Subscription Notes.. DIRECTORS. James C. Nand, TheophiluaHug, James Traqualr, William Eyre. Jr., Joshua L. Prim, James Tennant., Samuel E. Stokes, Henry Sloan, James D. McFarland, Charles'Schaffer, Robert Burton, John B. Semple, Pittsburgh B. T. Morgan, J. T. Logan, WM. MARTIN, PreaideoL William Martin, Joseph H. Beal, Rdxntind A. Solider, John C. Pavia, John R. Penman, (I.,orge G. helper, Edward Darlington, Dr. H. M. Huatou, William C. Ludwig, Hugh Craig, - - Spencer Mcllvaln, Charles Kelley, 11. Junes Brooke, J. G. Johnson, Taos. C. RAND, Vire Presideut. lIENIII brtautur, Secretary. P. A. MADEIRA, Agent, No. 95 Water ntreet, Pittsburgh MARINE INSURANCE. FIRE RISK. MANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE COPY, OF PHILADELPIIIA.. CHARTER PERPVITAI—GRAIWYED DY THY BUTS 01 PIXADYLVMILL Chartered Capital, $500,000. FIRE, MARINE AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION‘ AARON S. LIPPINCOTT, President ORRIN ROGERS, Secretary. GEORGE YOUNG, Treasurer. DIFLIACTORS. Aaron S. Lippincott, William B. Tho Mast Mahlon Gillingham, William Neat, Nlcholv Q. TayluT, Wred Weskit, Orriu Rogers, Charles J. Fields, John P. Sinunta, James P. Sm..* -W - This Oosupauy has been ‘..---- anized wiih " Cash Capi tal, sad the Dirttcto... '; tttve deter mined to adapt the t - business W l4 a"t:ole resoturcea. To observe prudence h t.ottdutt mg Its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of hams. Pittsburgh (Mice, No. 76 Water qtreot. J. NEWTON JONES, Agent. I=CCI The following well known and responsible fine In Pitt. burgh have aufhoriked reference to them, with regard to the stability and .soundness of the Maimfbeturene Insurance Company. Kramer & Rehm. Wilson, Childs & Co., Maxim P. Smith h Co., Hampton & Campbell,, Jones, Tlernegk. h Co., EL Childs & Co. Doet WESTERN INSURANCt , COMPANY, Prrratmaa.—GEOß•ll: !t'Sl E. ,n .ideut ;F. M. Gosport, Secretary. Will insure against ail kinds of ri tke. It.E au. 1. AKIN!!. All losses will be liberally adjusted an -onytly onti. A Home Institution, managed by Di n- a who an- cell known in the community, and who are ddF-mined, by Srortlidneas cud liberality, to maintain the -Pra. tor winch they have immured, m offering the beat pro!. -e ta t o thr - e who desire to berinsured. Duiscross—B.. Miller, Jr C. W. Ricketson, J. v. Hitler, N. Holmes, Jr., W. EL Smith, C. Ihmsen, George W. la - -tle.r.n, Andrew Ackley, James Lippincott, George Deride, .Ta 111 , Achy, Alexander Nimick, Thomas Scott. Syr Office, No. 92 Water street, (Warethoras of Spaug & Co., up claim,) Pittsburgh- norgrtly MEIRSIMI masimmoinotom= PITTSBURGH LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE .COMPAN Y, cow; KR OF WATER AND MARKET STREETS, PITTSBVII.GII, PA.. ROBERT GALWAY, President Taos. GaAaem, Secretary E2MiIEMMI=II Also, against HULL AND OA.RGO RISKS on the Ohio and MI tsissippl Riven and tributaries, and MARINK lUBKB generally. Aud against Loss and Damage by Fire, and a,;iinst the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Racks lamed at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. Robert Galway, Samuel ltralurlutn, Joseph P. Germain, M. D., John Scott, James Marshall, 'Dark' Richey, James W. Hallman, Charles diblftbnot, Alexander Briulley, ' Joseph Ig. Leech, John Fullerton, Mansfield B. Brown, Davlclit.,Chambera, - -Christian Zug, - William Carr, Robert H. Hartley, Jas. D. McGill. fable CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. WIT.T.TSM lULUALEIT, President. SAMUEL L. MAESHELL, Secretary. OFFICE: 93 Water street, between Markel and Wood streets. Air Insures MILL AND CARGO BIERS, on the Oblo end Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. Insurer! against Low or Damage by FIRE. Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. William Bagsley, James M. Cooper, Samuel Rea, Robert Dunlap, Jr., ream M. Pennock, a. Eiarbaugh, Walter Bryant, COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE CO. HARRISBURG, PENNA. Chartered Capital, - - - $300,000. toy... Insures Buildings and other Property what Loss or Damage by Fire; also, against Perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation and Transportation. Orrtmuts—BlMON CAMERON, President. BENJ. PARKE, Vim President S. IA CAURra, Seer etary. A. A. CARRIER, Agent, Fourth-and Smithfield. De2Biim EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. JOHN H. SHOHNBEROHR, President. ROBERT ➢INNEY. Secretary. C. W. BATCBELOR, General Agent. WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL KINDS OP MARINE AND FIRE RISKS. DTRZCTORS. J. IL Bhoenberger, G. W. Gam, C. W. Batchelor, W. K. Nimick, Isaac M. Pennock, T. B. Updike, W. W. Martin, B. D. Cochran, R. T. Leech, Jr., John A. Catighey, George 8. Belden, 8. 8. Bryan, David ld'Candleas. kir AU Loslaw sustaiuod by parties insured ander policies issued by this Company will be liberally adjusted and prompt• ly paid at Its OFFICE, No. 99 WATER STREET. Dyll P E NINO LVANIA INSURANCE CO Corner o Four t h and Smithfield Streets, AUTLIOILIZED CAPITAL, 8300,000. Insure huildings and other Property against Load or , • by Ftre. and the Perils of the Sea and %land Nevi. gatlon and Troup nation. DIRECTOItg. Wm. R. 1., Nod? Patterson, Jacob Pander, W. WHllntook, Jas. P. Tanner George W. S nit H. 8. naval, D. B. Park, I. Drier Sprout, Wade Hampton, D. M. Long, A. J. Jones, J H. Jones. 11. a. Cogehan $210,608 00 . 40,140 18 Prctidcot Hon. WM. P. JOHNSTON Vice President. RODY PATTERSON. Ser'samd Trtu A. A: CARRIER. $250,631 lb PEKIN TEA STORE, No. 38 FIFTH STILEBT, ONE DOOR KART OF THE EXCHANGE BANK Pittsburgh, ),P3tl 18 GREEN & BLACK TEAS Purchased direct from the Importers for CAM. Th. dock consists of all the different flavors and grades of TEA brought to the American market, mid SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL • AT THY VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES! PACKED TEAS, PUT UP IN METAUC PACE MIES, expressly for the trade. TEAS OP ALL 0 . 1 . 1 .111E 5 , by THE RALF CHEST. COFFEE, SUOAR, COCOA and CHOCOLATE of the MP MANUS, for tale. • Long e xperience In the bilailleaS la a sure guarantee that every article sold will he to represented. A(IENT, at SPECIAL APPOlNtlfarl, 5: , 4 us &Ili or Mu JAYNE'S FAMILY MEDICINES.' S. JAYNES. Pittsburgh, % lino. 24 je2D) FREIGHT LIN • lIIS LINE IS NOW PREPARED to bring all Wilda of fro ig It t from New York, in three daps, at Wu Pia, and from Philadelphia in 40 hours at $l. rte LOO RECRIM GIVEN FOR TIME, WITII A WRITTEN GUARANTEE. No papsr pakkeigee er small bundles rewired. Mark coasts " ECLIPSE FREIGHT LINE." all. ALLEN, Agent, No. 2 Astor Mose, New York. J. J. McKEEVER, Agent, cor. Broad and Lngnsg„ Phila. For further information, aply to jt.24,:lm—Jourual copy SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK, IMPORTER & DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE. No. 89 Wooly, Woof.. tortweeu Diamoud alley laud Fourth street, PITTSBURGH, PA. AB - Tn subscriber is now opening a well selected assort ment of foreign and domestic Hardware, all new And cral be sold on as good terms as any other bongo lig this city. lie will always keep on 1ut 1 44 41 general assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, &c., To which he respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. itth26 SA4IIIEL FAIINESTOCR. - - JAMES BLAKELY, EUROPEAN AGENT AND CONVEYANCER, Cornea. IF Seve4tA and Smiilifielfl streets, PirreattEmi. itt,. Passengers brought from the old country to Pitts burgh, and moneys remitted to Europe. [nov2l SMITE{ W. W. KAM— ..... 40.3. & RONTMIL EINHTIC MAUI £ HUNTER WHOLESALE GROCER, 198 Second and 1.51 Itrnal st., ullxl7:thp Pitttotturgh, P 6. JAS. COLLINS J. &MO KNO: JAMES COLLINS &.Cie., Forwarding and Comolission Merchants, PROPRIETOB,B OP PEOS Pittsburgh, Meadville & Erie CANAL LINES. Nos. 114 AND 115 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. 93,589 9b 190,909 00 Pirtastrium— Wm. thwaley A Co, Murphy, Tiernan A Co, Smith & Sinclair, Hampton. Wilson k Co., !'Candles, Means & Co, itngliah k Richards= PIMADILLPIiIk- Bagsley, Woodward & Co., Traiti, Brother it Co; Wood. Bacon & Co. ffeb2B $617,348 16 WILLIAMS & ALLEN, C HILSON FURNACES, Wrought Iron Tubing, AND FITTING GENERALLY, For Warming and Ventilating Ilealgtling'. O- W. & A. will contract for Warininand Ventilating by Steam or Rot Water, Pipes or Ciallson'ef laurch es, Schools, Ilospitaie, ThayaKitgl, Green Houses, nge, Court nooses, Jails, or Goleta. No. 26 MARKET STREET, Pittsburglt. apl6 Jmo. 11. K OURB, lam of Humphreys, Hoffman& Koons, Phila. D. W. tinarnm... Sete of rittaborgh. KOONS & IIE4STINE, OUR FACTORS, AND General Produce CommissioXi ?doh:tants, Nv. 47 Nvrth Mumv , ar„,' North litter j'iro , to.A. Ores 4). tiMP BaSaltr•W:Odward & Co. Phil. nett. Martin & Co. Wood 11 Oliver, Miter, !'rice it Co. Caleb 0 ape d Oa Truitt, brother d Co. " J. D. 'Amer *Co. Cincinnati A. A. Pallock & Co. " . . . Tweed & Sibley, And Pittsburgh and Ph!tad A. A. oeszaza Corner Fourth and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, AGENTS Stale llintaal Flee and Xarine Dw arfing Co., of HARJWIDDIta , CAPITAL, $380,000. .--- • GPHl L irrd Fire and Marine Insurance COo. of ADELPHIA. CAPITAL, 111300,000. iWIurLEcTE C , o VA . f ChPI V AB3yooVsgtais. Commonwealth Insurance Company,rra RlBllllllll. 04PFTA4 $300,000. Connecticut Mutual Life Insinuates boy HARTFORD. CAPITAL AND A55EN1X•02915434689. Pennsylvania Insurance Co,o(PITTESCITELGI • C'API7'AL AND Amen Noe, 0,1856, $129422 49. Wa. F. JOHNEFTOII, ?reddest. ...... .A. A. 01E111; Secretary doon:dspay ~~ , ~:.~ . t .n4x . 'g a ti." imam I:=3 DIRECTORS Capt. Mark Sterling, Samuel M. Kier, William Bingham, John S. Dilworth, Francis Sellers, .1. Schoonmaker, William IL Hays. [dar.2l John Shlpton F PITTSBURGH orriczßa OLD ECLIPSE M!IEMNS W. U. BAR/LOLL, Agent, No. 84 , Poneth st. REFEBBNOEB; MANUFACTURERS OF - PHILADE PULL • lira, Kennedy & Oe. L Wilmarth d Co. Bell & Liggett, J. A W. Hee Bagaley, °gagman A " watt A Wilson. Fondick & Fonida, Cincinnati. Morrow A Gettler, J. S. Chonowoth A Co. " elphia Blorchante pato ally. A. A. CARRIER & BRO., ..4..7 , ..,:, t.. • 44- Copt aton• of the followltig from Gou. Usu. 1.. Morris, in tho liume J.:mai of November 7,1848 All editors profess to ha the guardians of r . t ights of the people, and to keep them advised, through their columns, of whatever shall arise for their Lament. We will livo up to his letter, and Inform them that the most viondorful cud valuable medicine for their geheral use ever Minuted, Is '• I)lGrey'4 Magical Thin Extractor." Its virtues are so rare, mighty and eccentric, that oftott they appear to work more like miracles than by scier-.: so effective, electric and as toilauoig we,, Its powera on tho human body, that, though now it is daiiy lei, 4 tho.iands of people, not one of this great maim but is delighted beyond comfit/x*l4 and candid ly confess they, on no consideratlon, will 'over again be without it. The inventor, Mr. U. Dailey, has wisely kept the secret to himself. Counterfeits are tusy about it, but Without sts. ‘ntsa. Its overwhelming merits defy all competition, and its peculiarities analysis. We confidently commend all parents to t eek ita acquaintance, for surely such a friend, van) laugba at death and auffertng, restores the blind, lame, ::ta=t and scarred to perfection, and all from pain, is "a, friend In deed." We wish the discoverer of this mighty blessing, who is a real benefactor to mankind, God speed, None genuine without a steel-plate engraved label, with signatures of IFENRY DALLSY, ItGauutactrirer, C. V. CLICKHNFIR A.CO, Aleunteicturom . . Bold at 26 cents per box by Dr. ORO. IL KEYSER, 140 Wood street, and by nearly every dealer in medicine. n throughout the United States All orders or lettere for In— formation or advice, to be addressed to C. V. CLICKENER & CO.. New York. lon2w AirW h y will you Suffer, wane liaLlitE CAN BE rY 90 EASILY OBTAINED}—Rave you a Sore Throat Quinsy, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Creep, Stiff Joints, Woes Bites, Burns, Sprains, or Pains in any part of Yoir system You ma be relieved at once by using the roost beautiful, of •fi• all Liniments, the " White Ciecosrian LinitneHlt r " prepared 4 by Dr. SOOTY, of Morgantown, Va., and for sale cheap, '+.t - wholesale and retail, by br. KEYSER, 140 Wood street, and JAS. P. FLEMINO, near IL R. Depot, Allegheny. See ad vertisement in another column of today's paper. [finaStlm sp. Bolls--We read that ono of the sorest afflirtitoui twat the patient Job was called upon to bear 'woe that of bolls, and they have been found to be, from that time M. the 4 present, the most troublesome and painful visitore. We have known instances where Individuals were cure to have there eruptions break out upon them once tt umiak at lomat. They show in impure stitteof - the blood, awl that humor of some kind is lurking there, and the orerplus of corruption -.1 ; is actually forced to the surface of the body, making its ap peal-once in the form of Rolla Now, is It not beat at once to purify the system? Do you ask what wilidb this? We 4 i answer, Kennedy'. Medical Discovery ; it is Curing humors In every form, and there is not a State in the . Tinian where lt has not accomplished the most ad tonishing cures.' Aar See long advertisement In another column, Sold wholesale and retail-at DR. GEOIIOE H. 1121YpiRliy, 140 %Vood street, sign of the Golden ?Aortas, and at J. P NLEMING'S, Allegheny. • 04rDon't Walt ffug , ;he - Grillo of PULMONARY DIBORDERD, before you attack them with a remedy. Ad minister at once that invaluable Tonic Expectorant, Dr. RODER& LIVERWORT, TAR, AND CANCTIALAGUA.. its first failure is yet unrecorded. The pamphlet in the 'I bands of Agents explains and proves what la here only hinted at. See.advertisement elsewhere: For sale, wholesale and retail, by IL E. SELLERS it 1. CO., corner Wood and Serand streets. Sold alno by 118NDERSON & BRO, Liberty &Spot; 1L r SCIIWARTZ., and BECKHAM & 1101110Nhigi . Allegheny City. , jy26l.awlei HatahelorN Hair Dye--•+LET'THIH YOUR TRUST:" That it makes no difference koli grey or red, or rusty the hair or whiskers may be, nor bow much they may have been injured by bad dyes, TIATCIISLOIUS will make them a beautiful and lively black or brown with out the least injury. It will never fade or turn rusty. WaItRANTED. kinds and rid, or applied, (in nine private• rooma)at BATCHELOR'S Wig Factory, alit Broadway, Pew . York. Bold, wholesole awl rotott, by Dr. ago. IL ILY4pOt, 110 Wood .treat ALEX. HUNTER, DEALER 1N F LOUR. GRAIN. BACON, LARD, LARD. OIL, AND PRODUCE CiENBRAILE No. 299 Liberty street, PIMBURG r-- de, 11:Stpc FORSYTII & SCOTT,, FORWARDINC, AND COMMISSION R 0 HAN Titsl,, Dealers tu Wool, Hides, Flmr, BACON, LARD AND LAUD .4 D PR OD VCE C BR _4 L L No. 75 WATER STREET, PITTSIMIIOII, PHITNA. Springer Ilarbangh, PittshlCtleo. Wells. Wells's - file, Ohio. John Scott & Co, " Martin, 4.1 E.D.Jon.t,Citsh`r.elt.Dep.bit. Keens & Lave /t Co, Pittsburgh. Barnet, Ncsbit &' Garrotson,. Joseph B. Elder, St. Louis. Phila. Thomas & Greiner, Bankers, Holmes & Connell, Cindunati Salem, Ohio. t A.. D, Unitock & Co. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: TIIE subscriber retired frow, bushibes the It inst. in favor of his sous, William and ilfontrose,. woo will continue the business at the OLD STAND, No. 209 i LIBERTY STREET, uuder the firm of WM. MITODEL TREL,' BRO. Ile begs leave to return thanks to his customers for the liberal patronage he enjoyed for malty years, and to sulkis for WS successors a continuance of their favors whicttEa doubts not they will use their best endeavors to Matt. MONTROSE MITCILELTREE. Pittsburgh, July 23d, ISM. WM. MITCUELTREE, JR. & BRO., WHOLESALE GROCERS,' RECTIFYING RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, 'WINE AND LIQUOR MERVII,ANTS, No. 20D Liberty Street, t • PITTSBURGH, BMW*. - p IL 10/10ItE MEN ATTENTIONI =-200 copies of the PHILADELPHIA NEWS, receeveattaily. Price two mots. For vele by MAGAZINES FOR AUGUST, L 5 CENTS. Harper's for August-15 cents. Godey's Lady's Book-15 cents. Peterson's Magazine-15 cents. tirsdnulf Magazine—lb cents. Haßon's Magazine-1n cents. - Yankee Nottons-12 cents. Harper's Story Book-25 tents. clussober's Journal fnl- J a ly-45 cents. Robert Grahant—Sec•jel and continuation of , An d it Life and Public , Servlees of James Bucher 40—by R. (4 ; Horton. For sto e by :pr'24 W. A. CH LDENIPENF,Er a . mos, Plfth St, oPP'Alte thiy Theatre. COTTAGE HOUSE AND LOT FOR 5A141., THE undersigned (with a, view of , retnov Log to another house, to the inunediate vicinity;) olfers for sale the 1101EIR AND LOT in which. he new 'resider, situated on Mount Washington, on the 'WOW of Coal 11111, opposite the lower part of the city. The lot is 123 feet Trout and 350 feet deep, and has growing ma it a large number of fruit trees and shrubbery, consisting of arples t '0402:1.1h* plums, cherries, apricots, oursaints, goomberriWolas., Urtr.c. The house to 40 'feet front, 6 feet a nd 60 n, with kitchen and celiac There are ft toni,with bath room and finished garret. The home is bat in mod ern style, neatly painted and papered throughout; the doors windows and washboards el front rooms and hall are grained. There is a good stable, sufficiently large for two boron sod carriage. A well of good water, a cistern, and all necessary outhouses. The tot Is enclosed by a paling fence 6 feet high. The location is one of rt.a most beautiful and healthful In Western Pennsylvania. possession given immediately. Terms liberal A. CARD.—The want of a good, reliable. and skilful piano tuner having long been felt, the subscribers t*lce pleasure in informing the publintlnsa they have secured the services of Mr, JOHN B. ETTA a very experienced arid competent timer, and whose or we will wALRANT In every case. M. Bytb's method 'of tuning, will cause the Pianos to stand in better tutus than ordinarily, and give complete satisfaction to the meat fastidious, 66. MI order's loft at the Music stero of 11, KUM 'k 53 Irifth street. will tie promptly attended to. RECOMMENDATION, The '4dr-reigned tenifY to the skill and trustwor thiness of Mr. John D. Arl, its a Tuner of Pianos, and cheerfully recommend him to their pupils and the pub Lia for an excellent, experieured and reliable tuner. V. DR MX: G. ANTON 11. ROWISkr,, N. SWIM JEAN M AM , hL SCIIWA Y S. J T NMI - RANCE! INSURA.NO7 [ ea _ lion far Insurance Inc several Fele reliable In-Terence tlnupanias readied 4 Gso. Itu, la s i:t ea r E s t ate Agency and Intelllgenw Office, out se north sills of Ohio, fourth door east of the Diamond . de ar ,Carr. CAND Dr,LAINES-19,000 RALLIES yards of rich Chaim Do Lanes, worth 25 and 37 cents. now closing out ot 1 cent . per tard, ace,. se annual Sale of 2) A. stesov:4, co. 400 El"" ..sBLS. FOR SALE by RHYMER & ANDBEISON, IyllNO—`49 Wood st., - opp9site St. Charles Motet 8. 8. OLEILIER $4()()r OR TWO CHOICE BUILDING loth, having a large front on two knew, by NA bet, d e ep, pleasantly situated on Mt. Washtniton, walk" , i*° . " on easy tet nut S. CUTHBERT S. SON, ;817 •Real Ditata Agents, 61 Marltstat. P,RPER, for August, has been repOved by SAMUEL LSU MEE., Fourth street, netts sell - .cipldly. Buy orie—price2o cents.. • 1 EMI-ANNT3 A. L SALE —A. A . . NEASONW p o _ CO. have just received per express, arothen tot of those fine Branch CT - Minutes at Ilire,'c , usually - 'sold (male. Also three more macs rf those desirable 14 IsretieleardiUg llehLtriuta at 12e.., worth lit auittifie. fr" 4. LIVERY desc,ri (WOW, ption - of •Millinery Tritradrkge r ßaefery a nd (oves; gents' Funtieltitig 000 dg, Acc, Ac.oxurrkaa down 2.5 to :13 per cent. al - the*rei• A emu.' Sale. A. A. MASON a:CO.. 19 23 26 Mitti rr. BROOMS --50 doz. Corn Brt.outsrjr — salef: 1Y 22 JAB. A. FETV.:II., tel Water se.. lIMIIEE=I r ~ z - ~ ?.. * v f 9.~ y e `f,.r. w ,:,~. IMEEEIIII3II A CARD. 11. T. o. MORGAN, 41 Fifth et. w. 0, 1,4144,4 - 4% No. 45 Fiftb.stres._ "wi:f. ii, .. mlee me Mel