Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, July 18, 1856, Image 1
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TERMS- Ire Dollars a year, payable strictly in Miato& - ii 19.1Disjhuss Invariably required if not paid within tbo year. 531 ' iii - Pantle copies, Two Csass—for sale at the termer be . thw °Moe, and by the Sows Boys. , , THE SATURDAY MORNING POST . , ~...,,, , . :, 7 -' •_,.. -":,, , ~ Publlshedrtrom the same °Sloe, on a large blanket doe • sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In ediunce. Single copies, t Pros Cgicra. No paper will be discontinuoil, (anima at the &owe , thin of tito rroprietors,) until all arrest:sett are paid. „ Sir No attention will be mild to anytotthir unlaew 'mom .,lisaled by the money, or =Wet-Laura:Mace in Oar city. SW-Connected with the Ratablishrient of the Morning Post' ta one of the largest JOB P1.115111Nt7 OFF/OEI3 in the cdty, wbero all kinds of work In done on the shortest notice, and moat reasonalle terms. '• PROFESSIONAL .OKRDS .SAMIIEL;' , p. WINGkRD, \ ATTORNEY AT LAW, PIITEM6II, MN& Ike-Office in BARKWELL'S BUILDINGS, Grant street, (nearly egpoilittrthe Cent% Howie.) fob 121 y friAaLEs W. WINGARD, Vv ATTORNEY AT LAW. EBENSBURG, • v A.MBRIA UUSU, Pff.NNA. W-Also RI /Lunt.lngdpn, Blair, Olearneld and In amg ctitaltles- fen 12:1y. , JA.M. tatie ' e ß F S,.A h .st,L.O.,WintitlluE' Attorney at Law ' rgh, between :MUM:I2OId and %Miry alley. decthly JOHN BARTON . , Attorney and Counsellor e at Law, Mhos corner of Fifth and Grant Wong, Pitta burgh. Jay 5A51:1 3 . ROSS, Attorney at Law, No. 109 isourth.samt, Pittsburgh, fourth door below Mr. Roily Patterituult tiltrery.Stuble. je2B ATRRCM - T - ENNI4., Alderman of Third lVartl, olbee corner of lima and thilltetreeta, (fortoeily occupied by Alderman Lewis,) iabere all Israinces pertaining to the office of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. febl:am ur fiL, Surgeon Dentist, successor to 41. W. Diddle, No. 144 Satithliold street -1111-0111co boars Nom 8 to 1 o'clock, &nil from 2 to 5 o'clock. fobWlj. JSCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, fi ve doors most. of Market. lop 01E63 hours from .° o'clock A. L to 5 o'clock P. M. dets%ey • mix M.00,1,11.E A 11, Wholesale Grocer and I ,..... f .e).:oomaisskat Merchant, fur the ®le of PIG METAL and BLOOMS, and PRODUCE generally, No. 27 Wood .Iret4. Yittaburgb. ap24 irazus tmcZs, Philada 1111. iiicarrscni, Pittsburgh. iVirt.ER RICKETSON, Wholesale Gro- Icaportors of I.IIMNDIIIS, WINES and S PA/ A ES, *td 174, combo of Irwin and Liberty streets, Pittn 2ruoq Nails, Cotton Yarns, &o, constantly on timid. 'l9 e*lS:Dra , cruausaOtttiAlt 11.01110 4 :011. ~../711,,TAIANG, ROBERTSON & CO., Man u sT .ts.ren, of Cnt. Presses! and Hein Flint OLA SSII AR F., .ikikrehtirsSe No. 17 Wood street, corner or Front. Pittshurg‘l ~f.416r All other kinds of Olekswatv and Window tilsso, at klarke. prices • /auto c. mug JOOLPU J. ULA.3I. • - sLA EDLIE Si ULAN!, Succesors to Mulva.ny d Lodilo, manufacturers of Cut, 31oulded and Pistil ?lint and Fancy Colored t.ILASSW AHX, and Weideh in all tindi . of Window (Nati, Flasks, Vials and llottlus. Were • house corner of Market mud Water stri,ge, Pittsburgh. tahaally (1101 - EMOVAL.—C. lIIMSEN, ,Nlittlufacturrr every variety of VI .4.1,5, myrrt,Es and IVINIi Mr GLASS; black POr l er, Illue awl Claret 11.4tles; Deuido blis arid Carboys; also, Flint thnss in .-very variety. Ilemehende Nos 104 &cowl an d txt First street, Pittaburgb. ' _ . FPittsburgh dealer • it. COUNTRY PRODLICX, offers for side a e stock of Dittri.:l l ll.l.l;B, eelected for family us. Sinee,, every variety and the purest quality, groused at. Me Stesui brills. Mao, Dried Fruit.. Foreign and Dumeetk ['redo,. taken In exchange for merchandise, P. It. D. Me procured a full assortment of Landreth's wer ranted GAR.DEN NERDS, and invitre the attention of all to• forested in rural cart.. — isn.ll COMMISSION IIOU The subscribers have open,' a House for the above purpose, at No. 11 Ektnittaloid street, four doors above the Houougeb.ele Rouse. ' Wo will purchase, or receive on couunission. for nAlc, *n ap:manta of FLOUR, DAOON, EIIEESE, CORN, OATS, BARLEY, YLAX SEED. GRASS fl KIK!). BALED 11A V, So upon which we wAI mole advances, or ywcltaoc et the market ratry for earth. ' Inoval Alimi A 0/ J. 1. 1:1,:41.1 . 1. VNGLISH. Sr. HICIIARDSON, Forwartiintr I.lld Iferchauts and wil..l,salt dea.l,4 I• 1 YLI3II.I3AOON and OIL, sad 1.101)CCK g..n,ralty house forsatorly .g,olottLl I.y licrbridgv Ingkrain. No. 116 Water and I.sol•'ind str,4. Itittithorzb, 107 J. LET. •11.5 A TM ctL ATWELL, LEE & CU., Wholeslx.le Uro arc, Produce aud Conisandlon Men:oasts. sad Aruba Pittsburgh Ma.1.111fi1 , 1111 , 4i. No. h t ood atreet, bet. c, Wadcr and Frost strxote, Pittsburgh. r - o g BUTLER S: Furwarding and Ckntimird.ou Merchant, Jralcrn it/ all ktl4., 4 1117, BURGH MAN UFACITELA, LEAD I . ll'E awl :‘ , IIEEV LELAD, No. ti 7 Fro.ot6l, EtiRY 11. COLLINS, Forwarling enrumwdo. !+larellnut. and a drakr ipinSESE,.RI7ITB II ., Ell4}:a6 and PRODUCE gorwrally, 23 Wood street, Pittsburgh_ •laara WILLIAM itgAlt4 & CO., (William(':Lrr: Into of the ftrro of J Vartor I C 0..) o 1.01t,-‘l, (A It 01111.8 and denies, In .y.ovign WIVES t.aJ It It IN PI F.L 4 . i ,:.! m oboo . o o kn l A . n ,l it,t1.01,...1 %V In 1 4 ii f, No. '..i:9 Cow men. sol sow. liberty 81,x4. l'atehorgh. j.d; ; _ . _ _ . J . OSEPII I L.E.111 NG, suoceAs ,, r 1.) L. W i - cox . cn ner of )]:shot atrin.l and On Diamond tr.sept coa.tatitly on Land a lon nocvnito , nt ICINES, IitSU!CISE CIIESTL, l'EBSC7111 . :IIV, and all at t.J dee irottaitaing to hie Jar Pitysiciarw* Preacziptiona carefully .....4.v.Junded at all •bours. roes nrxixo FLAY, MILEMINti B 1101'11E11S, sclzee•surs to J. gala olloloutlr Dc %Voogi Pitts9urgtv. Proprietors of Dr. M Lnoe'. nottbrated ..,101- cage, Liv.o I.olk, Jolt/ • JL. MARSHALL, sucessor to H. Loo, • WOOL DEAIRR and C413.1.5115210N NI.EII.CLIANT, N 0.129 Liberty SC.'"eCt., Referrno , —W . NrCliuni,A A Bros.. Kramer A 11.2thru. 51.4 pity, Tiemon At Brou E Kirkpatr Pittaburull, May 24, 1e,;." N'. .n Kentucky x. Lauf TOBACCO. ItABS au.l l'A PEB., Nu. Ite Wu. al sheet. Wog, &lath, Palaburgh. Air The bittituAl market priev, in r+ll, paid f. r hag,. • W UllaP. ISIII-SiltLL ...10151tP11 R. /Wilt.. WP. M. ARS li ALL 1c 4 .2 . , Ini porters and dealers iu Freuch and anteri,au LNGS, No. 87 Waod street, Pittsburgh. AirSele agent. for the celebrated tuartufaci Ni ot Dellcoort & Co.. Pads._ eup,, _ - BT. C. MORGAN, Bookseller and Sta tinder. Ms always oo halal a general assortmeht Sthoololliscollaneous and Blank liras; Vriutiug. r.at el, I Osp. pspvr, dr, atallesale and retail, fie. IU4 Wvtal eu ce4, OW $101.6 (eat ride) Pittati.trgh. Ilart-WANTED—.Ita;,,, mitt Tmlurrs' Scrapg TOW 11, MEL LO 13, NV holesale and Itetai dESIer in MUSICAL I Nernumr.yrs, I'l ANoS, SCHOOL WOKS aud STA_TIoN tY, No. 81 14Mbursh. PHILIP EXIXIVO. 801=T J. ANDLI., , REYMER & ANDERSON, (StleceAs , tr. L. lapilhns lthodro a C 0..) a hole•inie ‘1,211.1, Sc V li:I• 1.1 L . thiIIM:INUTS, SPICES, 00mq:cc' , iNAI:V. 51."‘; A t:S. r. , . No. 89 : god atrewt, upyt,siht Ott. et ci...-I.m u•,1..i. i , ,,.... bntglh .v.: . ,---,, ~, ~ A!..- 1.1 N OLE, Whol,;sule and lt,.t;iA I SA 1 , . -,. DLE. 1.1A.1tNE. , _9. TIXNIi. VALI,E out CARPRT BAIIILLNUFACTURER, No. 106 Wood street, Pittsburgh. • 1.0 9 :5 YEYiNTERPRI SE WORKS, No. Liti Wood street, third dote below 'Virgin adley.—BOWN k Tr. e. would call the attention of Sporting men to their lag, autortmout of GUNS, RIFLES and REVOLVING FISTUL , . the !roved and 10.,t we1..41 tnrck ever operoA in this nifii• Lek, togsthor with a general lomortnient ~f 11, t rda,,re, Cud.- ._, .......ry . ,_Took arid Fishing Tackle. all of which ir. niToc at 'hr. . jou,: posiablia pricoa to sash purcluaera, or for gb.: Fs!. ;rimed paw.. marl 4 I ORTH-W gS'rEitN POLICE AGENCY, - , No. MI Washington street, e..,rtivr of Drapburn, CHI ,rtAANots. ~ ..f;i: AWOL PERIMILSON b. U. ROMER: , •,,,;_rigAIWATON is /;U. devote their entire attention to tt..... :,.;. , .*anfloOltio. of o. geueral detective POLICE BUSINESS Is .- .4114$ tate. of llllttois, %lawman, Michigan mud lonians. latilffittfi -- -- e Q ------ TOVES.—No. 124 Wood street, abovo c 1,3 :inftb.--We bog leave to call the Trade to our stock . ( ,Jli BMW+ Unllow Ware and Costinsts In general. Ilaviug perfeet • °demi thing In our line, we can /lately tosy that we enrin , t beillltotvaid inalluiels, Wong, and smoothness, by any in the trade. Merchants+ will Ilud It to their advantage to call la , fore buying elsewhere. felt GRAFT, ILEUM MR, & GRAFF. •. WA'FCIIES. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY AT OREATLY ItEDITED PRICES. JOON M. WI3E - HT'S to now wiling off his large and shales emit of fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Fancy aloe& at it very small advance on first cost, preparatory to enlarging lila Store Room and the purchase of an eutit hew stock for the spring trade. Persons desiring GREAT BARGAINS should call early, 10 ft in his determination to close out his present stock with otatiregard to former prices. Don't forget the pIace—ROBERTS', 113 FIFTH' street. near Market. /1,66 .. D MEN AN BOYS' WINTER cLonfiN(l —ItOSENTII I. A BIM., Fifth tree( , ~pposite 1%1 .• eon's, have a large stork of Men and Boyle CLOTIIIN.I on band. comprising some entirely now and elegant styles, soldell they are prepared to furnish el the lowest cosh prier.. Also, a large and fashionable stack of CIENTE' IN tl +000D& decl3:dly B. DIALL," /1.4.)1111 1 L STYVTAB ....... ALLILRT. I DITTSBURGIT COACH FACTORY—BIG-1 now k co., successors to E. 31. Bigelow. No. 46 lite- mond alley, near Wood street, Pittsburgh--CARRIAGES, COACHES, FLIALETONS, BUOGIIhi, and every desrriptii, of FANCY VEHICLES built to order, and finished in a manner unsurpassed for beauty of design. eleipuce of finish, skill of workmanship and durability of materials. 4416. all wait warrantod. inovo ViNTERPRISE WORKS, No. 136 Wor).l et., third door below Virgin alley.—BOWN & TETLEY would call the attention of Sporting men to their large i r e. sortruent of GUNS, RIFLES and REVOLVING PISTOLS. the largest and beet selected stock ever opened to this mar ket, together with a general assortment of li&RDWARE. CUTLERY, TOOLS and FISHING TACK Mali of which we offer at the lowest possible prices to cash pterchasers, or for good approved paper. marlB tonwlt.routta.. Toes. a. YUCINO ramom L YO17:40. YOUNG to CO., No. 38 . Smithfield 9poidtra City hotel, mantifacturesr of OMR frg VifilrrPftE and CliAlltB, of every description. lids ...tirilidatalori.iroirkmatufhip warranted, and sold at reduced piictia,....cPSO4akett In pas fn¢ for lend and-water carriage. Manufacturer of te Lena, Ractleao Zin Paint, Lithargex Putty d .., nn 4 , tio-243rsialittrect. Pittsburgh. "InT22 EBSBESS:pOODS REDUCED—E v teal:west owes eiw wee a red er, ls gam= ow**, ° 177 fc,ci yin BUSINESS CARDS - 'l, )410 AO* %ft, • .°1 *O, „., PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS' PER ANNUM VOLUME XI V. BUSINESS CARDS .Neitikor with my eye eor my faith whir trifle." • -,.: ,'=-,- : - Z- N , cr:-:= 6, -,-, -__:. iiiswzionwmoirs --", - 7 • 1110 . .-- -- ':=7 ---- , - .1. - .-_ , - . . _ IMPORTANT TO THOSE AFFLICTED wpm BAD SIOUT.--Persoos suffering froniF*l Sight, arising from impaired vidoe, constitutional decay, old ages yr other muses, would do well to call upon Dr. IL E. SILAW, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, where they may rely upon gettinc, Spectacles scientifically adapted to the JUST WANTS OF TUE ETS. Address, SA Fifth street, opposite A. A. Almon's, Pittsburgh. P. S.—Teleacopes, Microscopes, Thermometers, and every article appertaining- to the Optician trade, kept and repaired ni the peel:deo. Olassos insetted In old Frautea. lA_ Any article not approved of, exchanged free of ex pence. deci:ly NEW COACH AND CARRIAGE PAC TORY.—JOHNSTON, BROTHERS & CO., corner of Itelierca and Belmont streets, Allegheny City, would respect fully inform their friends mid tire public generally, that they have ciininienonl the manufacture of CAREL AGES, 11a 11.0UCIIES, IWCKAWATS, BUCO IES, SLEIGHS and 011 A. RIOTS, hi all their van-ins styles of finish and proportion. OIL_ All orders will be executed with strict regard to dura bility and isciuty of Repairs will also be attended to' an the most reasonable terms. Using In all their work the beet Eastern Shafts, Poles. and Wheel stuff, they foel um:M ile= that all who favor then, with their patronage, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their new work. Purchasers are requested to give us a call, before pur chasing elsewhere. octecly AMILLIKEN & CO. have on hand F i at . their extensive CABINET and CHAIR MAE° AC TJ it Y , No. Oil Smithfield street, a Urge-assortment ney and Nein Furniture, which they will sell lb per cent. lower than customary rateat. 'Terms. rash only. tdecTfiy CIiARLES BARNETT, HORSE SHOES AND BLACKSMITH, has erected • new and commodious Ilr,ck Shop on CHERRY ALLEY, between Third imdli/ourth streets., where he is prepared to do ail work in his line with the utmost prmnptitude. Haring had lung experience iu the business, hr respectfully solicits the patronage of his old customers and the public generally. )u2l JAMES ELLINHER, Monongahela Pla ningM Mill, would respectfully inform his Triends and the the public that Ms new establishment in now In fall opera, turn, and that he is prepared to furnish Not Cabbie, arid RR ell orders for PLANED LUMBER., with promptness, and at the lowest ratos. Board and Punk, phoned on one or both sides, constantly on baud. Sash, Doors and Moulding', of every description, made to order Ray Builders and Carpenters would find it to their astrate tags to girt holt a toil, as tie can now Ctirsteli them with Planed Stuff. valuable Tor every description of work. FULTON CAR WORKS, FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, SAN - DUSKY, Onto.—The ,inscriber haring WIL , Seil Into hie new Works, recently erreCtod, corner of Watt, Wihnough and Shebly streets, is preys:trod to cote trazt for and esti.utr all order+ for Ploctenger, Ilaggisge, Post-Odic, Homes Freight, Platform, drone!, Hand and all other de,r4/ttolco of CA Ito. Aber, illl STEAM ENG I:t itS of all sizes, UEA RING, RA I 1.- ItO Al) CASTINGS of all descriptions, and all other v Ott a1.1.v.rt.,11:,t to a Foundry and Nisatame Any The Foie.at of the different departments SAW at-Watt/Ic and iv-reAtcal men—mostly frvot Eaatern nmaufartvetes— who 1....• p thematic. Informed and nail all tainkide Mod ern improvements. tuna:3Al! W. N. WETHERELL. FlitiE DOPE COAL CONLPANY having re f vet, tly met with tames in transporting . coal to clucto natl. being Insured by the Manufacturers' Insurance Com pany, of Philadelphia, take pleasure to ataung that their claims were promptly adjusted by J. Newton Jon., Agent of said Company. D. ISU rill N ELL, Agent of Hope Gaol Company, ellicionati Pittsburgh. Ire?certtla.r 21, 1155 1 dectPr ItEVOLV EAS 1 REVOLVERS 11—Jug. ro c...trod. by Exprees, direct from -.. ' ;_. , 3 the mamutaotstrera, a aMemild aasart-.....; l ip ... • taunt of Cotes ItRPRA'FINti PISTOLS, ' ' ''''' lour. live and tai toot barrels, all of , • whist. we will an tor cash tic as Into pro. as they can be bought in il. city Of Na; VGA Ite. 'tut, iz•tinii to Austral. and tlahfornits a di Rod that they f•fitA do bet tt.:1,3 purch,aiu t t, their eoutpage at home, hin Ho ) , ~.nit among ear:sugars—as tee girt persons a dance to 1r , I any or the A L.., howl twitter leasing the city, and to cos. I of a faaloro out reload the money. DOWN k TETLEY, 1 sopl lan Wood street. Illtmtaw - Vb 1 B()TT __.... L 1.31,5, --.NuN OonEN & Co., Bottien, No 1',77 First street, ar....1 resi - trolly inform the pub , lit that Lliry Wier olustantly on baud to horgo simili of SARSAPARILLA, Ml`.• /A UL WATER, ALE and PORTE., q r.r: t:, 6.1. .1.0 11, 4:,., t• v, ~, f.ti0; , .... le twrlti - ularly directed t. , the fa, t that u....) t... 441, it II: , It 14J111":1 ALE to Its purest stale Physicians Derutialtwitid it lei frono.ii. on 000CIMS of Its triad.. i tune and strengthenina quell:lea ...MA y . . _... _ 1 S di .1-kiliPla • K. Glinl• 1J Li I IA. k;nl.l}; A. i.li I, 1...00Ant,g titaxa Niartutactoretv. if . and di-attn. to Veiktog (Thus PtAlea, flat. - (fleas, Mo iiiii, .4,-, Cowin 4,...1 Fins. 3 .i.....da, NO- 7, v•••./ ....Ph SM. Loirg s. i 11, l/.1011 atol tita•le to - Sr... i 1 Lt Pier and Mnt ''.. bi1a.a...,, Matiorvoy. M. re-wo,I. M - .P.1141 -1,1 i lilt 1:.111.- ••t N;uu.. 1L,.. i. 5.1 tiYiny description. Cur ei-Atoi-...i Li......• P. - ',tit' tru.! tiV.t . itutid , im.tal...r of heal.. r.....a 1.•,/ ICI 1111 LI. 1; A.SNV ILE It Wholesale 0.4 I<etz.ll :: ' , . . ~ . Al • 1...1et oi Sur w..-.. ileugi. nnif es, Tin. Iron ti...! ' 11:1.:".'7".."...'"? .:" i 7 L. , ' ; . r l '''. - ... 4 ' ' - ''''''' ' livtivehevi.eni liantware, Tit, uvr.' hia.iaue. and Tovl.l. Tln s L' i 01 . 4 . 1r . , ' .. .i, ' ' : . :,, t ; y„, - . .., " 1,: :.:,:, f . . 1 !.: 7., .1 . 7, ' i, i i , y, l'bitv, Pilei'it Iron, Wit. itivela. AS .A , .1.4 Not tit liev.veil i b,,,,„, 51 ,,,, j;,tp,,,, . 4 .1 L ic. „.l^ ettvt, ttniptiatte Ltutiltior's ILA '„) I.IMISIShUItU. -- ._ _ V, u; t••• lo is., eeplAYA:lati • 1 Teetihora., ..4 al.*. dotal 114 1., pi, Pa li tin l•at tin, • 5, T WiLliE, Ves rrtArt Bu N D Ai AN 1: rAci ,_ et.lcr the N :,, [nal A. h•.. 1 ni. 41, 41 :S Il.s/ I ••i,nas w ,..•,.1/. n Link LI . 1 , C , ./VCITILI tl Ul health el, tie wr.ultne hen „Id' I" Ih.. 6..". •l '"'" ''''' ''''''''''' Lew - twee :W bv &it, crvat each. T.Tem, hi,, , 0 il, , 1,, ~, b.i.tivue. and has •pe1,•.1 1,, IILIN It !JAY t: YI.TOR T. at ; T , iii. No. fie F'ittli iitri,t, near the Poet tttlitv. tilitiaveeu Wend amt 1 ~„ & h. ., Inhir.. „ l„. ii.iiii„... Southfield. where by lit. ea itenortmvett 01 IS/X.llll, trimmed ! , It. U. h Kit it, Piittatmtgil 0 ILI. plain and Gnat' Worati , l and Silk Tritritzititga, an: t. ; 'PI __ .___ _— __. _ .. iirainiled to fl'i au y oiler ili kip JIM., on din nitwit Mieutut.l. ../". , , „. , tortut Lila watt u ararratibul to Kite malefaction, •• t 11.01 AI Ol.l 1 . 1 PA • I' 1,N.1 • ILA N. L) •'l' A Nit'. --- I tie r,,tut,,1,•1. inthevi 11.•vr. A ',tit for thy ''. Vita NK LIN II (\ V st3_,iiii Mods r•palrod. Pir,„l.o Ell,. Wen • •211, •• he 1 NT A tIP 0- 411. ANr• ?. ' 5 Pv`iittih• M.` , ii iv.. v s Ylin. -1 i• van Pi. by beat in it orhutatieb tp. • ' ii.t: 1, otter to thv lethal , • Pliant , viiirh, en all prait.-.1 pug...-. I •-ri•sveva en,' 01 the klad Navel...oov yfler , •l r.. Si,. 1,,1•1ii 811.0 PE , NiEftctlANT TAIL.t.u, Tliiru i,,,. ii,“„,.....,_•,..„ .. „.fr, ~,,. 1.,,, ,, „ H ~,,..,,. ~....,..,, , . %Ir. 14 111 41 dt•it 1 , / Di•ind , Is inlnililiga• tbaulful f.sr ! p,.. n t.,....,„,„,( ,„,..,, t,, Nttttu pt„, “„ ~,, „,„,,,, p i ~,,,,,, t., • B r . ~b .. v-re lite•ral p. 555 net, , ' leiviitntore leutYievb it:4 , " bins. i riiii,nii I ti , ,r ~. 0 1•Iodii. end ar 'net , anIlli• 111., 1 1 I •Iniii. l•••,,, 1.-.. , • I ...id. • Einilii.osl,, ..I 55• C 01111, 4.• 11, 11 Ulf. 1 " l a (11.1111 ..corp.l..pr.. 15.'0 In far% i fray ei.• if. Lb. r ~...., triter pr•p•rmi ELAM roof In flu utelt at, iSietO; and 1 -1 / 1 1 r. :y•li . a asq. • ~•tnii (id inittitnig I..n•ri, I lidtio , g. .1. ' (.w.-r. alt, ~...arnitint• a 111.'I, 0 111 iinit.ia Nair. ettri•f•,,tl,,,. 1 1,4, I . 1 ..,10 14, 11,11,0 ' Lie always hoot. on Laud a beige aroatirtuneu of the latest 1 Ti_ t _o• et.= p I. o erflte ally .Itts•r It. the uteri. vt and I. 0 . , t ; .:sky of V LiiT 1 Ni_i.., CA r'..i, I M CHY-Y, CW111.4. kv_, Celt, h , l e l; t. ..,le-• to 0,. r.ue..•..10 • ...1 out eiteitui ~1 1 ‘ 0 1I .I. l '. ' I" , • ill 1 1,10,1, •rd.'•• Ilse .htin•Ytit hiittCYN uPoh T... .1.. 1 A. , 1a.,. iLt•,,i .0.,•..• L. 1,,,,•1.1.1k; - . which h...-..,.....L.t.h..1 .s. , torsain t naaininatt ,n— -' 11P 1 1-- A P.lrra4 42 nlyways nurrann‘i. 1. 0 ' 1 " - I . I I.L. It 11.1111,011 I•irld..ot ime-I“II tho il.osl ..wit of •.1 tzert IviAr () oi)wEl, L ' ti FfYitNITUItE AN I) • ;.! 1,. 1.,.: ...ry aLts.s ,tn tt• ~ ..iort, ta: I , I. II II iiim• I.al•Ir ! y y ciIAIILS, 41/01.1-111•111 and r•tatl, a1ut.r . , , , , ,,.g 5, -r y . i .,,, • of inyinAnn, in n,inivriiori. MalloVily and Wain as. 11//i 1.14111 for ilarkenl, etialliliani. and dining - non., •.iiiiil 5.1 ally i a. !11, 1 . 1.111 or l'haa.1•11 , 111, nod 73u 1, ,, ••r pn,••• et cry ler:..hl;c• aoade bir :Ago!, mot viirraill•-•1 Crib:pet 51r...,.....-1 e•.}7:....1 -tilt Buy inat.tlty ,- .5 Fl'lt!..l. I 1'1,1'.1.: xt,.l i 111 A I I ',.-, ~51 111,4.....i11.1.' V I'l4. 11idirla and ZLnanilnial..ll lin t...,4 at the 51,,,,C.,41 na,.i ,. .. • 4.-e 1r,,,,0mpt, Noe 77 11.1 Si' Tbit.l •tivot, mtg./ PlT'llttt Will 11, PA. J. & T. (atouTT BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, &c. Pt I.ERS I Vine Old Tilosoosgsalttla aye Whisky, I'EACII AND APPLE BRANDY ; It ECT 11F1 ORS AND DISTILLERS Cutoign. or Starritrtr.l.D AND Ftiota Sinai:vs. PITTSBURGH. PA. A C __A.MTB - _ ELI. & $ EI. I'ol, Üboos. Leer aivalclated together under toe uti;e I'AMPItELL..kPuLI.QCK for the transaction of a general Variety:mid -Dry Gonda lousiness, and the manufacture of PIMP and Waved Line Gilt Mouldings. mils W — ATC ETES ANDWEL 11Y— JOll N M. ROBERTS, No. 16 FIFTH street, is now opening nu entire NEW STotli of Gold and Edl - ir ''anent Lever. Anchor, Lupine and Vertical WATCHES, in open nod Ir,11“, tog oitaen, of the moat reletorated English and tt nun 1 , 1.11 U Lictitre Aloe, Gold Guard Vent and Fob Chains Seale, Keys, Miniature Canoe, Bracelets, Gold Pens and Coon, Pen rile. Toothpicks, heavy plain Set and Seal Finger Rings. eaontena, Bar-Itlugn, Cull' Finn, Steen, ideeee Liege. (laid ill/Li Myer Spectacles, Silver and Noted Spoons know sod fork,'. Jet. Iktrill and y Ciuodet. Ante, a arge stock of ii,e heat IMAM (11J.12,1:18 ag all pot.. The above stork has been ',whip.' direct from the Katt re ntanufactories, and whaled with great mere for the retail trade and will Is, sold at a entail aLIVaaCe Oa cost. Wa ' tchee, Clock,' and Jewelry repairtal; Gilding and ED Leveeing executed In the best manner, and Sliver Ware and Jewelry made to order. JOHN M. ROBERTS, apl7 Fifth stmet, next door to Market. DALY'S STOCKING FACTORY.—C.. DALY corner of Mar:Let alley and Fifth street, timid It ~motry to contradict a report teat Carreacy, that he wen selling off to quit business. Ha never had such i a tention. Ho informs the public that he still continues to supply STOCK/NOS, SIIIRTS, DRAWERS, And all kinds of 110SIERY, at his estabitellment. Gin Fac tor) is near Ryan's Building. on FIFTH streei.—open at all units to the inspection of the public. Ile Ilan, beside. the ork of lijs oWn Manufacture, brought to the city the largest anaortuttinttalOods in his lino ever ni,uglit to this soldb are warranted to be of the beat quality, and will Lo at the moat reaaonable prtoes. ma hint but one Stiles Room, at the corner of Market alley and Fifth C. street DALY, milt Corner Market alley and Fifth st. .JEWINTELLIGENCE OFFICE-1f you want to hare . help," flnd employment, buYor sell property, call at Lownirs INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, Pio. 11 Fifth !trent, near Market Street- Leglil DtaalMelita and Copying 4000 *-10) neatness and ifitl6lll JOSEPH W. LOWRIE. FORSII $ LINIMENT-The best Lini meat now' in ww G r apni•lns, bruises, ec., II dos just received by 405. FLEMING, .P2fi corner Diamond and Market at. PIG METAL-190 tons good quality, cold . bleat, just received, per steamer Irene, and far sale by ap29 P. M. DAVIS, corner Wood and Fifth sta. GREASE—Bayes' celebrated Grease for Drays. carts, Buggies, Railroad Oars, U., in eraug, mud 1,1,15., for slap by [14,291 MORN IL COLLINS. COAL WORTiifoitThALE.-Bixty three ucraa of land, with 250 of Cad attached, and all the Im pruteanenta theiroon In imps...dui operation. Faid Farm i° situated on the Monongahela river, 04 miles above Fitta . burgt4.lodne :ssuppli”d with a Ifariii House, Barn,- Tenant House., Or O ardi tte,ilroad, and an excellent harbor. Tlei.ieln cif Goal is live feet thick, and cannotbe surpassed in 0144ty. For further particulars apply to NICHOLSON & PAYNE., Aalitf No, 235 Liberty street. NtrATKER'S UNEQUALLED INDEI, Afflllll2ol.- 1 have just received a large supply or (1 , 1 , 1 , de -b o oed Indelible Ink, with or without the prepare• lion. It ite the best ink now in age. In all casei the intillettiViairefunded t ehere it does not please. • ~i ,•t :;_j• • JOIL MEW% 9.145 ,04147p4a.a..30 -101(1110111100 to :4 t, e I .rtr... a , tit,,t4+" •:".` 41, Ratwe ~~,* "'~,~~t PO UT )Atli fir BUSINESS CARDS GREATEST IMPROVEMENT YET! W SCAL E-11. KLEBER & BRO., have Just received 11 small lot of NUNNS & CLARKS , PIANOS, -•:: 4 :•, - '77 . 1.4. - :A provided with their NEW SCALE. This la their late„ t, and undoubtedly the Seer vie PORTANT Improvement ae yet made to the Piano Forte. The <POWlnt , of the instrument Is almost DOUBLED thereby; and In point of volume, evenness and brilliancy of tone, they surpass anything u yet proineed• in the shapecif it Piano. They possoan all the ruirautages of the %raud Name, with out any of Its dikadrantages. We now challenge comparison with the inetrumeute of any other nicker in tills country, confident that every unbiassed Judge of the article will at once admit their superiority. The public is respectfully in vit.! to call and examine these superb instrument. 11. KLEMM it BRO., Solo agents for Nuona di ;lacks' Pianos For Western Pennsylvania. No. 5.1 Fifth street, next dour to SLasonie Elan. P. S.—Splendid assortment of the above shortly expected ter the Spring Trade. NEW SPRING STOCK OF CHICKERING SONSj PIANO FORTES. JOHN 11. MEMOS hay ..,,..,..., Just rvivived Bevan mon, of . ".,v• r. . -.•,:, • iffillif CHICK eance & SONS' SUSI) FORTES, end eon]. 1 • Y 1 '' pint,' the Steak, edoeted for Spring Seine, of TITIRTY.F3 VI? new end apiandni ingtrnmenta, of every variety and piyie , tnanufactured by the ?desert. Ohleketinga, (tkaton,) front the plat newt SI XtaTAVE to tiln meal splrudidly tlnt.ll.l Seven Octave Square Plano Fortes, as well u their superb and inimitable Grand and Pluto, (trend Pianos. Et ERN' PIANO FORTE in this lot le of then NEW SCALE, altla their PATENT IRON FRANI p. end PATENT ACTION, and are n.o t my warranted to We pluentmer by the manufacturers, but by the suteullur, to be to all respects no perfect as Instruments can be nude. both in regard to Material and Workmanship. PRICES INTARIATILT TILE SAME as to Roston, at the Manufactory JOHN 11. MELLOR, Nu. 81 Wood street, between Blateorld alley and Fourth ousel.. Agent for Chlckering d Sops, Boston, for Pittsburgh and Western Penna. utbild NEW SUPPLY OF PIANO FORTES. CI.LAtkI.OITI3 BLumr. boa kvit coq.. a (twitter of llatlet, Dais t)o.'s Puusi, with patent rurprnalon bridge -tl V toil composltiou haring., and with triviert //mud Action. As • proof of the atip,riortty of these Plana, to thr I< wing extract of a report at the late " Mechanic's Pair" at Roston, hi competition with the ceinlirated maker, Jona.. Chickerlng, who was President of the kssocistion "The Hasmehnsetts Ctiarttatile Ittrataniti'a A.an.a . iation ri won/ thin fitploma., anit a Sam' Mucterf, to linnet, fur the total ()rand Piano Forte c,,eitrlbutril tii Kai,. ..littion of IsZ.Q. JONAS Priat. " Who had also ~n o of his hint 4.lrands on exhibtliun to coimpi.tition with Nlorara. H. D. Sr Co.l The Goutnottee, Prateafaas tir.ryr J Weht. It. K John LAnyu.. via say ~ 1 In tons. it la paegrat • fut, riorn4 lull and wa- i< bottahecsi; • .spital I.tritio•iot, and lar.# on exhilittion " View, I liana arr mole with run b<4l (r nob rireutu and are mad, tnirtand In any dituni.ii. In W.Ltnw t" the vitirsetila,•• 4 Nano. frtah Itaulttgar , lteu k Ilinea, 11.0.4. A lt * itoatota other gu.sd mak , ra at I, to. loan CIMILIAMTE ULU I/ fall Ft, Iltl Whaal N ()Id Mann. taken e *chimp , LI their kW vain Another hat Area aro relahrale4 Itanahursta Pia.a ey• ported in weeks. C. II FOURTII STREET CARPET STORE. W. D. & U. MeCAILLIUM. *a- r YoU tTtl bTILEET, NtAlt WOODie* TAN attention ui parcliasors is ruspecatilly itivite.d to our prevent Stock, &Amt.' for SPitlSiti amate., Best gnality Vets - rut Engitati and Cap.itry in itrmvG and Tatdestry, grains. Crimillis anti Stair ttruarita, I Snpor %indium end La. kc,itra and fly Pric.l Ingrains. boot Imported hatra 4.ntw.t 1.1.0 /1,414.1. :=Vioar aft Ckiths, tm '1 to Zs ven,,tis 1, ro and praxis, Tali: Clotlas, Ilan, 6 Frila...l lioassid and Tattle (Akers: blinds and C.,. Mai itti4 /tags; boor nat.: Man Loa, Ka. and /rata , Venetian laltrds, aim orimry vartat, of IS l/i dolor Stmeavi, Omen and Stiff finnan-3, *tit, I, trill I* Lend at mils at vary staaliirato tsars Aar Ws ars also proparaii to tuna*, 11 A Ili,/ stirtri's CAlti'Vr !MI A !WWI ELD NEMIN AL R V Allegheny County Normal School. .460.4( (our Holm rr C.,11 fit! (11W. Nrdr ;A. , f 0.1 /id U 04 -1 A I ' • it M. KICIIII, A M )11/11 .M A. 1,1411 K hib.Ly.l lin' . M rt..l issa,oekexs Rik. L 4.0 ty 1•14 NYIIIII., &bit 1,.11. Llu. 1....tb ....I Apra Vujaks t 11.41. • li f t. tutu, .444114. - 1. •-Q•lrr speristest. mar, . Oro. ,f k:c, PhtYLtl 11011.K.WSIONS Tits ;sup...Uhl. tt: -It the ',actors, mail. oat 'tamp for Its trusts! s.t.iitUsi, leettliiii a:sob:cutt! 1 at Leapt...ol aril .up.rb.rll , ~ .uthstorL ever allstti .e p Sk bourn-We tn ..tte Th. public a, r meths' ts.l aad see the opt-mix. h stet snot, .4 styles 44f .sts It. p• • f-r tan stite .4 yultrrit. awl Utz Sus trstype.i, uf the hart trostc.lrt `Ott; 46.40.1411... wsolrar. KATON, Agelbh N , . ' , hat .trc..t. Pats! l'a N 11— 101.INTS ANT Kb :an var. f.r tits t.. ale na s bt.r,al e•sumneutot r tttl prel I i tc rchy ...ray that t hAlt.tst, l'Otstect it I. spputritcrt St.te Acrat f..r th ash •.1 "II 4; • t'estact 1t5u4044.'1," slf • . 4 s•- Pechrylvania, (et, ..11 tie Mir Phtlealetititou riot hi., t' , ll:• l " . 's .kahrethC/s. Tr 1.111.11/, )Ishrsottit, 'tot Li ruhtnitst and J i th. i the State of Oht.. Fllk ',Lill th.,Cr ACV,ntr if tit 11.I.AttO I Pittsburgh. NIA) I'2, lON+ -1 oc Li ST G It° V E I , E 31.1 I,F, S E.NI I N .\ KV. The Trustees ..I 1... II st timre gplasoissl Sroonary i, 1 r nosh,. vi Lb,. 1.....:: ' I. o institsiii. oi. that tho Itei WILL/at U. f..ll,tef 1.6. but 11,g 1.,. • oor pet lest by ps •, i , is. t.,1 ill hatatit, ill midge hie ..liai ge as Iteclor of the sawn, that Imre been so fortunate as to secure the Nal onto.. Servi. en .1 tho Rot 041110 O Z T. 'ben, of Ness You k. or the aalta. ,rat. lon, anti who veinal at our. upon the dlachargi. el lon do hes. ' prom the eery high and haltering ~,,,,,,,,,,,b,.,„,„, which 04 hare hada Mr. Sinca, they have no donbt of his ealr.eut. 4LUesa for the work canzfultuffi is, bin, and that they hellore that wain: - his tuaiiagenterit the tkquitiar, oa o. not fall to procure a large shin,. of pools, into, asoi st.pb.,7l. l'ertons baring daughters or wants t.O nines'' are parth olarly desired Ito acquaint tifaufealleffe with the advantages kLleh this institution affords, both as respects Its i s . a .,t,fbi eau aulubrlllil peialso4. tiyu a 1..! wield 1 wile. from In.. city noel lo4olho faefiltha'for the thareitigh anti Mania] edueatibe ',misruled Its Its efficient corps of Inntrritterb rirrolars may he obtained on application to the Re.-tor, or other of the Trustees. Pittsburgh, Artl 18612. J'tiixlL snosrmar.arn, U mnta. It. W ;tyre, W n1.14Y F. Jo liNaTuV , VW Via 4 0 6. 1 , TiItOODRE B. Lninx. Ow. B. kilLusa. rs:ln eral I nevi mxer. TIHE CEYLON STRAW 11A1'---The arton too, of the public in re.mented to our /nun el) neer nof RAW 1; An 4.!st rw-elewl front the importer emithining the many cithilltiela which kW/ft hewn NA 1.t.1K wanted to make the Straw Bat suitable in every way as Summer Hat. It is the only Straw Hat which the rain or •Iniiip weather will not affect, either in the limo or crewil, being no braided an t o prev b ,,t, ;.ie, T....delay of it in any way. f offer thin entlrely new style, celle,l the 1.31.:F N ItAT, believing it to be the Straw Hat that VII give the wearer entire matinfaetion. CHARLES 11. I'ALLSON, 73 W 0 ,4 et, iny3o next actor from the corner of Fourth. • WORTIIY OF ATTENTION!—FOR SALF..—A new dwelling how Jasi Ilui3h.d, two stories, arranged with I=ll, two parlun§, dimug room and kitchen, three chiunbers, good cellar, bath runm, Ac.. a hy drant In the yard , and good stable. The lot hasa front of 20 feet on ea rrustreet, Allegheny city, by 100 feet deop to lAA lie street- Price $1,400, Terms—s6oo in laud, remainder to ope and two years. 8. dt SUN, ap29 kiarket at. WRIUIIT'S PREMIUM liATIIARIO:s1 mots the head, and removes all symptoms of Head ado, P."l°Ds Wgl6tl l l 4B ICATIIARION . . Are never liable to sunstroke. WRIGHT'S PREIIIUNI KATO &RION Is the moat Valuable acquietion to the toilet, retaining the llair in any required form. Yoe sale 131 Dr. GEO. U. KEYSER and IL E. BELLI:BB CO.. at 26 cants per bottle. angle ALARGE -BRICK HOUSE pleasantly situ- ! ated in Allegheny city, with lot ..1 ground 20 fect (runt on Bank lane, by . 150 feet deep ton 15 toot alley. The home la well Manua &ebbed In modern style ; portico in front, hall, two porkers, dining room, kitchen, 7 chambers, cellar, hydrant...paw earl gravel yavid, shade and troll treek shrubbery, eemplete order, for sale by ENGLI SFI myB , 011T11111411.2 & SON. Al blarlmt at. 'CARPETINGS:—; - ROBINSON & CO,, No. 23-Fifth - bave now passing through the New 'York 'Custom 'large Invoice of English Velvets and Tapeeptry Drussels=attlng, which we shall receife Wilder!, and be pi .to.show to any who may wialLtbe - Mato! Imported Goods. We have also now in Stock ..prossels,SPtys Ingrakes fat* 064-pels, Oil Cloths, SisslottlitiliOttimmfiaitited fhb and all at WYPtrieel Orprl2 . s ! • d *. .1 • f , H 11 , riY t.r PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY. JULY 18. 1856. MISCELLANEO7S. FURNITITAE: A T THE Rl.' FEALO VENER.IAN HOSPI. / - 1... - FAle-Ertablislied for the maw of Syphilw, Seminal any higher, but on the contrary they , a;sioiiiv q uite Weakness and the Infirmities of Youth and hlaturßY, by probable they . will be lower. The : present prices' of in.. A this s SUN, 817041,0, New York.--O ffi ce, corner of teralairgnoila ti r o !hit PaktfithaaniiWttsiiiilitgeneral i Main and Qotay streets, (np stairs.) _ A MOST SCIENTIFIC ii:YENTION. . and the heavy importationslaat,smisonisndkheproe- AU Inatrument for the Purr of general Debilltyjinpottinge, Peqt - a e gf t l' z'n g it i d P 0 -11° K..P . 9 ,.D ! ,..# a liZil.tinient . I ncontinanre_ or Nectannol Ktufedona. in prices. By the las t sleinier, ,we an adrlatitlef - as Thilidnaltrument has been used with the mast happy effect debline in 'wool - in .Enrope tif 2diflltii,ietittathi 40. In the proseties of the mord eminentphyakinnsand ettrerant , in the British empire, Prance oust Germany, •In Iced, so re. of our currency. We eoptintus'ouritittatatittus'as markable were the cures, that the late .Sta Attatts" hailed fOP.OFIti: , „ -, . , t - t oj. :- -- . It an the '• lisrbloger or Life." The use of Bola , will tally • v .. 27 02 11,. - stistaii. the high encomium. I. ' bkaid..... ~..t.r.l-...:.: ... h.:.i.:: . ...... .: 2i.-..., .... ....,,...e.iv,..2860) i YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE.' . Dr. AMOS A SON are the only Physicians In the State ' blood, ... . .. ite . 'rt:; who are 'requiters of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, -16094.......5--...... ...i..t.............45e.............*.................... raduate+ of our of the utt.4t. °tuitions Chillegee in the United V ..gashed • rt..••••4 8 6# 0' States, take pleasure in announcing that they have Invented a mart important instrument fur the cure of the above .1V Eustr.----T he demand iiititenii • vad - acti lo 4 - do ; 1.. dis....o.dt It has been suldected to a test by the most eminent •-•---- - - ="-- ''"------,,,..„,„,„,,--- 1 .,..i. iy. - ' . l . iiig the entire week and lriat i '• , haviillitttnitlia - --,' plosicimis In London, hula, Philadelphia and New York : rirr ''"""' ..**-I '-' '' . y advanced; closing: buoYant, WeilnikubliF *iv% :•‘• I[ has Leeu declared to Ito 11. ugly oneatil instrument ever Busbies t iso v . exceedingly . al?/ 4 the onl y "M il "' )Market opened at 204 This wasthoxatillitfllaini- .et disrorered for the cure ,A" - Seminal Weakness or any lissomol the genital urttalosi us icing (seri we solitary Lion being in Breadstuffs and provisions The -for - liiiithiyi 29b. 'Wks obtained; and'lt anti - day Bllit4 'l . l l:thlis , ' habit.. of self-indolg , lFF , sIFIFIF d•IFI(I-1 Lush 4 0 " I trier has experienced another advance !Since our last Tate,the market was buoyant,'- deli and -isto - mind, unfitting man eitho.r fur marriage or hOeietr. ' day..3jo. was obtained, being itnAdvanutt..fof the Ire.A MoS A SUN, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as report and al th ough there ia at present ft doclino in to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselrea that in ~., the Eastern markets, it is not likely that it will at- - . a i ll .:::.;, - .4.i,..415it..g.i..t .. , :....„..L . ,........, nay instenee where they may prove it teustistactory after it ..ir The following was 0 scours _St A. U 4 4 .55k9.44f,p, week of 34c. I p gallon. - trial, the looney OW he refunded( by returning the Itsitru- feet the prices here, as the supply is quite light, and. Boon atiitTd i sii wi t lir . i50 " ......„.5. ,* ..,....,‘,,,_. .. no rit On peel order, Persons rorlilt int< the lutes, metre! Instramint will obtetrytt itirit . iiii 7 etZle‘ !"9r li ‘ t er4 , - . 7 ' in consequence of the almost total stisOntlon of o a t .-iikaibiliitit lii longs .alh : I . viooo, -. It . that the foot., with the accompanying directions, seefirely river navigation, will continue - to be son - • , ~,.„,,,. . m ... 4 1 / 4 4. ,, , a... ,.....„,...„gi0gi0 ;,4giiiiiligania-v. -_ ligktee . {.at - Led and sent 19 exprgeet, et tee dollars. NEW REMEDY AND QUICK (Trims • The.money markelis without eliingetliandlito:l Thi501ta i ”,..p.,, , ..., , ,121 pip: , -,..- , 7 .". 4 ,..604 1 3.,per",. „ --- ito the 7 galena! Dim..., and all private complaints, paper is freely discounted in ear hanker sillifts • 'systi," a ~....147. - llasaandatrullierei. - ...c , 40 1 M 6 . gleets. stricture... seminal weakness. pains in the lulus, dfilio. none of the kidneys diseases of the heed, throat, no e, .ned offered outsidetit done at,previonso.ratsgaiuttiniing , lard. , 7,000 Bacoutilides.. %VS. akin, and el those dreadful a/Illations arising from a garret to edam , - .''-'-'''''''; " --- •-Blrl-W. th &sew Ilitinsi(cinviltNlo,4o,. . habit or youth, which rodeoe p eoesutationd debility, 'Vete ' althirisiWek t iii Porkint**ig .tatilitlilliivr 1':'4,,, , dors marriage Impossible, and in the end destroys both Daly The New Fork Evening Po.q, of Tuesday, says :- ... .. ...„..„ .., ..,. 1.,. _ I , ~,,., and mind. A CURE WA F.RANTED. • The money market cootinues well supplied asui rates sinalireaklinr 11 4 ki4tiii s s - . .1 9 . 25 'ILS O4 . lil 4i,., 12,016. Same date taililiiiiol4 l 9 2 • PA;;; 4 ;;;4T Dr AllCei A SIN Isere derided their attention egein of loan and discount are easy, at 617 per cent. for .. rely to the pecuitar class of voteless, awl the reliefthen' ^.5. , ' .1.4;0"40;r"-AFet7.) PiAriZ. bar• e keequently bran credited w metier to Weir V. 11„,, the former, (I s per cent. for well endorsed paper, ' l Asrigg,NA evetio • ''. - to note ink . -:: :roams* is idly testlttad ov and gratefully ack.a ledgial by not over 90 days, and, US per cent for , dates 4 trr 6 we quote rionitnally - i i' lin . " 27 r m :4;. ••-,oratoscour patient, and others daily arriving in teen , , , _ .,,, „_„,,, a as.....dioadt a id _ o di.. i o s o h i i ...* jo.ln al pansy! theconntry, kw the exposes purpose only menthe tnchutve. romp exc h ange is Ural MID '" ' -‘"."."° ,6 , - Irkill'lbi d i - " artkm ` "" I. "'" "' 1 " 1.11 moderate but steady demand. Sterling at IlOallo WO lll / 2 Pots aonAlstat ati:s34ori.:: - .. - i:- . "1-- - c - t1T. - ., , , ,, F.vg.,:,_ . .. huh the most *vas auvantagact yet from what they have . “periellerd fa Inquiring into die causes of these infactbals 1-8, with little over 110; and Francs 5.15 a . 516 1-4. - Burr, 2-1 1 ,- „J i lOc a , 1113 been- AP s4des .-Z r #,As-.. 7 • Mel at.114113e Putter in, ' .. " . '' ' penal 1 is In 4:teitli ennuitmats (from tear twee simple condit io n to that of the The payments through the Clearing House to-day, me-t dais:gam and invetnrategli they have always enter- market et 11942 iii. ill.* • - _ . te,re..; the re... Malty of their prevention and removal. and amount to $21,860,441 71, and balances $1,361,549 lIACON...The stales • - f Bacon have fallett , ,offnititittal.ly hh.....-tv• nevartably found that the mast horrible and will& 21. The stock market proved feeble to-day, the s e ttl e oar hod re po rt s hssing . z .,,,,,,b e ,3,, n dy igopeogio44:6" ~„,., 1,,,, , ,,, ..,T ginwswe r vuta to. •. t alwaya he tractal to one gg ot the Ittllowins • Au., 1222 , raise, uegloci, mWe ill .4- trananetions few, and generally at lower prices. . tierces, ow follow. Thurnlay-4000 IDs. shotddeelleakAF.39,;, ''''•" " f "" °"/1"I ""' I "" 1 " - " P" tz.'im""i; in noun I" The balance in the Sub-Treasury, on Tuesday, ,at toA and 103.40.; 00001ba.:conntry Adel; at 10c..;1909,i1dnx .. - A It. to 1 v, , N Deis sm. e... 1.-1 io •liar,ottitring. in the net ert. ..t.to .a Ll...etr 2 outedlool, a safe. ertectrud att., Cannot. rout..., . tn., , 5a,b44,16.3 le I gar cured hams at lete.;"l.9.4ltur. ihrefiderti,MdfilianiOaket , -- - ' -3 - .. t ling mil ...rohinatent of ri - rutLes which hear ae gaper Cuttontsree'lpte yesterday 209, 6 21 3 5 lat 94c., 10.)1 and 11c., ttatti days 1 1 : 0 00.0 3 e fitititiMet 9 2) iC ll' ~, ..t . ..weever as well .o. thew w .. hose premature Or irl.ll/LO. Treasury payntenta, including 51 00 . 36 . for - I Wuxi* at 44, aullo.X.e.a sladbl.4494ttaWil6l.663kli. NI. 68 :- 93" . et. so ....Tn.-a:Ivo to.b;ht I. - 1 4 `sIFFI - Fw , •t'' leaf egitsrepeaseta Califorela draft 5......... 359,22.'S o 1 r-,, ...... lin mi. .4 g.• 4 1 ..1. .I.to rho gala in sh.trt, the Illudahta Treasury reeetpta 300;m6 ti 3 i 14c.; thirty days . .fr.ge-7244.256.T181Ftty, ...610 9 ,filtil l 2c.s ' i,I ...1 tit. teeie..y I. tO. be.....uti.g of A grand Memo ..r Ito Payments on disburaing checks CA.. 21 ' cash; 5000 lbs. &adders alskisiuid pada at %II mid. Itc , . ......r• .........r• i.y the a11...1.:am. relief and ureleuttoss of f in addition to the sp ecie by the George LAW, the I 1000 lbs. do. at 9 1 ,6 e. Atli: I.4liW.shentitaieluLtiddreat„ th,gee g1e."..t...t...111. tutte. 11...4 era O 2 resist" the secret tee of I g . ..g,4 Mkt .1,. tel.tt, t ii•y •.., ~, , tar•ei• sormtat.l Ile. CAI , Panama Railroad Company . eet i ..ir e,i .4, i .0 I 1.1.., f.•• ..... - tor tie if . therettuation. brought over to depin- I 9% and 11c., cash; 70001ht.-alletthierslsmeh. Satarday-3000$a shoulders azolJeten akie.4titan4:nsal wall on English account : ittil4.s.l:s of.' liltV,ITItoV. 12,000 102LIIIMULT0red Wet at I.334c.o4,tylbimerillOttO It, AMltd A :. bare to .. Lag set es. .. 1 rata 1 . 07 ,77- I OW PK.= 33- 4.er.gt din le eat..naill, prar.te.. ;It the. treatment ISt . thee, deli- ; ! The. WMletiisideslit,loe., cash- 41folni.44MbtrY C. 1.. x,rvpia.lata, 41...1 an the only irically tittallliCrl Phyrikil•tio 1 , hams ili I ele.VeillSil.'36ll4" lbeslatitileitinefairufai and - -.h.,, regatdir m of the taunts and envy Of the byport itiral Total ' .44,103 10 I lle.,rush;:dislielbetariati - cien and thibitatittlitid l llW4 ''.." ' ' '' . ..; 3‘ . `4*.4 ` * , l- taco "I the , '''''"' '• tit ca4b , 'l'm- The bank weekly statement shows an increase of woo ft„,.. a„„ i lo olg,04 ,04 - „ gaa ,a.4 . 0,m,1414, z 2000 zt .....,. .-.l.tr, ... to, puo...- tor's., t.. 41, , 1 t atteiltl. , " ttl 100 f, Clio, a „,,,,, .vita, from ttath nn , re...deaf seiety is free. la sdeco. 1 $430,460 in leant, and a decrease of $2,035,827 in , dew and tututes,t FA end Re; 3000 11e,Anivamedharae at "m ik''. 'li•l'Fi'"" 'r P“`"" tiwj R ain 1"” "1 ,1 ''''. • The following is the comparison with the T11.4c41600 the. anger cured hints at fag, .210,4:100 vocatu by the crest oneee. that has atded Weir c eta 1 Flieeic. in the fruslintla of these case", olooh erne.. generally ron- ' previous week; I the. shoulders and haitti at • 10V" met 12% . '30 daatift; • 4 '/000 rided te the up.jurtii,s , .., +Lei tgu..rarir ...IN: ies, sr tio, nib . limns. Specie. Circulation. , Deposits. ' lb". IL. n. haws at lie , 3 ° -4110. - iv∈asuS",--10001b11-shoni their shwas pribilku.ias easiness sign Filinws. and '''''''' F July 6314i9.21r7.582 sl6.SZt`rill .1,E17,471 .00,140,4 . 20 dere at 11c4 18,000 . IDs, aides at lluerdsb.l49l3oittari;istoord... .... wed kratestd•A rhea t 2 awl: trait moirierizek. ..are he 100,70042 14 , 791 4 4 ° 9 8 . 4 e 4 ." c+ 5,61 a 44° dens at 10.11%, thirty days; WOO lbs. 4=3,4,32. ett.,' ; ' • • dn ted serenatt Injury ..0 thoe, who hare been Induced to Jul!' 1 . 3 .. ptsse ROW to their. prevetegone- Abstievi licru4s Ti, rATII.:NT 4 ABII‘iAI. Deere... ........... ........ $2.0311,8tri • r_mai. e $4,410,960 thirty data- , ........,,„ I EKEF...64410001ba Dried Beef at lie ., thlrtY days. ..-- tor. A.340S A. SON bare wadi. tosseggneents w ho i lia ,, a. $180,401, f`AultN..-Esies .- tomcat $41.0 '' •toii. ...g, to 57:01. El. ... j ~ ,D. t. m.,,,, ~.: 1.„,,d,,,,,,i, 1.. ,; _- par s can le forward,: a elf erg i ..sy at... !Pert or the world ' dr.D. 51 . 9 to 55 1 1 The increase in loans at a time that the specie has i BROOM - - - I I 1 decreased is not looked o n favors- calmittia-lhore is' Put tillbsodering..and • essodemand hs ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 ,,,,,, v . „ . :, ;,,,,,b,t... 0 .5. Mantel 4.,....., ; address Dr. 1111.1$ A 5.225, oarrier of Slain sail quay been no -argey r l'l° out eery large, We notesaleuf 2JhboxealleeternAtisruve co-rot, aa•l 1 . ,e. v to., 7 go. 'tt olct et. .• 4, sin baftal .....1 . t tn.... , t.,, ttalr•,` Histtahl, IS y 1 ,. .A . A 4 .....i.r 1 bly, especially ea the specie shipments continue. The , . 2 9(4;04; _ ''''''` ''' "4". 4 "'''' ''''' ' ' " •'''''''' ."'''''' '"1 t'' '. V lie U :IBLE PR 0 PgRTY r - R SA LE . reteipta of specie this week, will, however, balance i Dgi g og a ulr...gab i s 30 1,,,,,, k. . 444 , 4 40 1, x - i . 4.b ,.. .Iveer ‘, ---f= -i. , i- ,-, • - N TIEE; EiLitiril NV Alt I/ 0E111E; CITY I the shipments, so that the present large amount in ; pm,,ettee notaired at PAZ. - 'i. i'. o'- u 1 ' isai.:4 Lao, rata :.. ) It.. :. nii• ~• the. 1. , ati...........• tl, r , i'r i • I rrai , L , llleti -.- ..k.'1l IF •IFF P"95li5F en HIIIII ' hank will not be further reduced till the close of next I F.5343.2.....4e market # poorly &applied sad eaksaligh4 the l? year.. tweet , 0. , . of v %.,. I .''' '"'"' '" 4 6 41 ''' 3 ' . ~„,, o r, t, o AS) •O 1.,..1. clrert..erra./.../gikg th e Idenot4t3- " I": .L 14- '" ' ..' L '' ' '.. '''•' ' '' ' "' • • ' a*R l ' '''''' ' '' !'' Mn.i. r .•er verb he he.tes a fettiot of '24 te. t and at et aggeg week- only sell, we base to note Is 3 this. at I;s • e' .e 0 down- -.2 FIBEOLAT...PaIea 17 tons at $l2 ton. ~ ~.......f , _ ie., Is. i '''" ' l '• 1- I -I '' ''''' '''" 9 " r '''' w `g "'" n •41 I '' 4 , bl" "Y' 1 The following are. the footings of the Boston Bank • t,. ~.,.. 1,4 14011.14 L 4 /SI 1..... *.a. ~• the a...e. 1 V1511... - Thcfe tr a - fair deinan NO. t large litack!un ..15 Itrytltit a bent of it feta ...oh ,u Lc.: art rt, •.-.1. ear ruheulA SILLLOLO224t, for the past week s selling at MN to the trad soil $9 to trientrylirftelieM $1 toil i t, ti,...: i h., alley tgovn‘t street :• A ••. fott Ater' Capita} Stockee...-..-..------$31, 26 0,0 00 Riaili. 6o . Hertings6@6,6o. ii Codfish 650. Ilfelli ''.s2lllte Pleb I lan tots irtgoties tut mos' ,{,-....t. 0.... in th , city elirtrt,t. I leans lattlitiamais . 39.alasno ; I luertagdeately atl,teingug Oar ata.te,.•,..ly Jointed cry lilt ,fi1eck....i. ,, W111....,` ........ '`'''""' 3.679,1360 I VI bbl . and for half bids._ $5,60Q6, flays Wile , ..I,,,nir ottt- ,, 1 14 hie,. is -.:,. I• t strz , L ..1.1.., a....• the ell) ifl.• amount dee from other Hants....-. 0.542,000 Trout at 0,50, and Zct half bbLatit $4,50,_ .„., 1 .- ...t0r. lir.oio., 1.r....1 I' 7 '• •, 1., LW), 4 11 ... Th..... t. 0u or. .':.4 tel.! ft...at...tat a.... 1 ill.o.: ug 14,,km Si i.• , Amoonednitoothirttanks......_.._ -6,43E000 ; ~,.... so,- , ...., ;.0.,,, test ... s t.. soot ....1,. ,Derrata..........-..0..r....,.......-..........- 1.292ANal I P1.01.11 : ...The market has adianeia; and is the but : 1.,, sex...: 11 , ... ~le I t t., , A t., ... reef. Igt tga7 I Its nft tit( g CirculatiOn.- 7.211,000 t Mlle coming In, and the samdy Is tight It iattat midiable Nu. leg Irk alter !street, . ..... te........ I...tut attest steel tittitaht hac.l. SO bet to .IS ' •7 - r,-tat ittithga I ... alb., 1 At Philadelphia:On Tneaday, the operations of the , /lost the dedine lathe Hastens markeswill matertallystreet 0 I li ' -c '- ' l s"' I '""" arm nut "' '''' E '"'" ''' t ." 2 i Stook market wore heavier than - for some time past. the prices bet,.. t, The sales for the pas wpck. footittp2Jr/Ybliko.'7 . lea follows: Thursday-83 bbht. extra from wharf at $,6,50; 192 1., .... t ..1.... I, O. 4 , 3 1 ..: Ole. j The demand was mainly for good-investment smut'. I lads. do. *Ow stomat... ; 40 bbla gni. ficliil 9l 4 9 nia ...; ....ae. - .... 1 L. , . g .. , ' , l.'s sti'vl. "" ties, mild Leans- wereninst Ituflatort - the fancies are etas'writ La lee 22 , et !arra niv iM '', 25 bite . extris *amatory at S 1; 16 tibia . extra...familyqcom lk .1.1.4-tsitild3 1 iIIT \ i week, and prices show a slight Wog of/. The . „ cr .., a ,33, m itgobb„ . o ne fusbay damaged at.. gwo.. .., '' ''' o I-"1. . . " ' "1 et.e" 4.'11". "".1 l'bi ' wtth bark ' traneactions of the day:foot up about $82,000 in ?ridgy-100.bl*. ettisettem 'Wore at Vlsttlleik,2,o • J/45. 16:1 -. -•".„ - _ ' perfine from &fit PM; 251,121- eaten from 6 1 1133 / 4 - 1kF!ft,1 . ... _ - eta.a'i la• , 111,..• 1., 11,41, as, , l I l friltitll.l: ~ r i , The government has purchased, thepropesty of the Ica IlltatrZabitrAit . -__-'.*.. ..,...Fktar, ~...- s tait.:7- -A 9_,,,11 7 17.1*-1 5, ...,„4 , 41. 4„ .i... . 1...g,tee,“ stre...L •-ta the. terra, •Ide. %ie.: .h . anal, It 1....„. Bakk .i. p en . y ),„o, , 03. , s coop k omet, nude,. 1 ...,mui fasailyifrom wharf at gtc - 76';:rAibeneisii ~, i tseree-sietess„. m. ,...., - 1,,,,,-4,4:: , , , , ; . t; .41 /1. 4.1, 4114 att. , 1., tuhia....,‘ tact. - .:. i=4.l to a 4 tot . .1; ''''' '; ' ~r , stora.idss l 4 7 ol IfteAtarrati: extra.. from wagea'atk 4 ffsfe7; : ` „,‘ Phla , *tinning t hra°o,,. t i ° li ) ! e. ..!W e, Cl )r . a ... M t -- , zos hhiseutwt fomily„land store et F - 2: 0 Pktihtylatioviiiin • 4 .... 1, 4 4.'1114, leant att., 0, , ,.., 1 etas e•.l al th , . t.,.. , , A ,. The Bank proposes „j ee ri ng, i r....,, 4 F ai" , fic j ix ,ow , mor,, aiiiii2 " ,61,10. . 6.., itore et $5,2f,;, , 731„14ixtra .. . ... sv,..in,d., 011,-4 ...../ th. , 1.11./.,alttzt , , I htt lot trends r tit i • ...tee., re. Le t .ie ... o ... :-.40.1ue..) vr...0., and re' on Chestnut street, oll'a part of the old 'Vatted States ' pldirijkliatFlaillifF2S-thiliiit iron ilia iitifY76; 3,22 • '''' "" ".'"' ' " to. '" n 11 '" "'1 .... et ' ' '''' "II """‘ ' Hotel property, which has beet purchased at a' cost ; obissatittriiiiiiiiiiiaitii' iljunintliatfatiog r ato4lWl 4l4 bhia ...... ~ a 1.. P .... r gg he• t 1 leto, .. a. .. I those soh, wont 11.1 pot hay. tti .... •• ,1 ...-, r. r t.,,..,..k of $ 120,000, for seventy (satin Chestnut street 1 taltilanlttattli *Pill Oxen ' nhartit..sB,6ooll stallie •elx i "." " ''' L' '-'. ''''''''' ". ' 4? P " 4 "' "Y I " I."1"b"rh I Aoconling to a hasty calculation made from the IPi foitlik: 0( 4 6- to VIKA., *.tihla extnt„lnlotapentatpreat q tlies.lteny .ig g. t:. .a........ 1 a les -, L. , . i.. tit ui. wire ...au fr , acts I . %rut ooniute.-2,2. 'No land is situated on . papers, them are sixty-eight tuuth applications, for- $0,7547Pbb1s ektra twally ftematere ati57,25, , , ..,55sukte- .o.t.t. veil l'4„ v sustops, r..,,..t,. ...„...,, kat,. ~t - di . it: a d used ta I I be Mile Sipert .. itie Trani OitateiPtildlirBJi bi6. " drfrans - • . . ......i‘..... et. ..,.. Ittit.teee, ~ los ~,.....,..jo r;, .„d charter and ni.reade of cap , IL ver sweat $6,60; 180 hilt. sitierfftekiiittl'extra -- Emn Atka at 'n ' - "",'"': u:' '"vi' "”i" '^' , l• ,-, • ' •',.' ‘ iii-ili ii , l•Pot brought, before the next Legislature of Pennaylva- I 1 8 6 , 1 . 0 g 7i 20 hbla extralksullyiltg,titimitffiblds. •...... ...........1 11 J.. :lit, 11.4.9 tt ,th l'itigthut ,It to Xlitt• tater. • 5t....t., . met vtll t... 1 ~. 1..., th ... .. ..z.: t had or , eta, showing an aggregate increase of capital asked 1 superfine from store.at $6,56,•,4 .1 1 15 1 - - .e 211 *.4 1 F 5 4.** . law ”• ,tee in ti, ,:sr• . eau: WS the re.. let tini.to.,l fur of 8 24, 0 00,000. . store at $7,50; 88 barrelstroroxykirfali r .s6,Bl?, _Tr... , „fvi- ~ u , ..; a,... 1.,: t Tutu' t. r es a ;et. t, roil Le g otnitionel '. ir 5.001 1.,. The Stock market at Baltimore, on Tuesday, con- 5 . bbls-131,68fr.,0-66iiIii.,.bi!daliFfEeiriaIWI.I . I from store at $7,50,115 - blibs. ha . tilemiiiittriti t 4, 'Ali; "80: aimed buoyant and native, things generally sustain - at , ttra •-• ,el in sympat ity by the leading Railroad stock, BAG, km. nw framanoa atv426 ; 30mdaan . pa i store a 000004 " 344,,,....# 4..1 1,0064irew sm:Luviya tfand . t $7. i '" . • "'" I I' '' the rapid similes upward in which art rather surpri- L K ., ffi ew,,, 5 ,_,....5163,,.. 4 .,, th u d-u p ,. a te. •'t t • .iii- •"- rie t''...t , " ,, 0v. , i,,_ to the uninitiated. Very large amounts of the ItYll FlGel3B...4reles6o.bati Wore et ore it 5;25453,3734, - shark bate been for a long time past concentrating and le bble„frousstartiatip,so: -' "" ` -' i i i.' , ''' . - • 'l' "l'4 ' l . l ' 4' in the hands of eepitnliots, who, having mostly 1 51.8/ 5881 r i flt, sttlwi..ot,LilQi.eszmaoct,it.ud.'-eM..trllc'.l:kiiwtt r It. I.lt 1 \ ~ ' S. \ : 1'i0ti.....•1 I I..iughf it at the lower points on time, have been anti I " 0 5 }3 - X itx ` sso An ', ot i L i y_sai. .. , - , . -. i' . 1 .: •i. .."..." .4 , 3 make at , 04 Per ten, It 9. 0 5., 1 . 11', , 111,1, ...1I k P - s , 1 1.... ye.• in nt,4l:. itud for i ere still taking it up as It matures, for which the shoadant. fa., .450 0R bu. SIN R ... y . e lh a sre 456, is L i ch t t vni ch olir ti tti o g ra oLan o. y t viiiety..i t. Sal r ea r, 5 1 / 4 ._; ~..i. hr n • "llNri n" I groat ease in the money market affords Q .1S l I P. ‘l`lllt- 1 01 1 reams on hand end f; ; r eilities. This seriously affects the large " short liner mouth* at 35ei satin nik bus. Oatest2-le4 calbs - t. i.. 3 ....1.. I • ~,... l' LEM INC 111:0.1 I , - ,in the stock, silt is termed, which had been persist:. .011.911 ND 211:178...8a1es WO bust at,5145,_ca5kb,....4.0 itiIITIVE 1 1 1..I.STI:11 -13 1 '0 \l' JS in i itly maintained by others fur an. indefinite perio d tilit o C Blll ß 6 -4 1 11ar firm at Previtall 810. i_q , ..l , . ....,-, 41.1 , ell ,7, ..O. t 4 . :: . fLr NI 1N . ., 1::: ,, S. 1 ' LI It OS I I..ra to I lilt S r- D.'''''' ~.l I 's, hI L 1.. F. It -.:1 gmis j list re- iu the past-reudering it di ffi cult fur such parties to hhda. N.D. fair 6' good at IhVgilo; 6 ididaValjefaliped 4 hhtle. prime at SW410;•13 hbda lewisir end 5 iditleetitais ~.,,, ; ~.. :., ..,, , , H. , 27) VLIKINi; UM et ohmin tbe necessary stack for delivery , on their eon- aft m .,.ciak; 33 _ ...n,evi...i. , . . _..... _ _ . . . et 9,,ii.autl 1.014.74111 - .tta.' Altar y , OW 'Sv. tili OA N IVI. N 1 1 SOR, SO A.l ) -I'iNe , trade. tienuat-he revise rise from day to day at pre- tdoaa. good nar.at..nna, oao,; 044,4?" " 3 , :.f.i.ikrAl 10F . ,quh; I sent, with eager PurChasera at the advance. The 10 lilah: Coaitioinsiqg.., nn.h, and idlik oa .fidro 4 , g ond -1-- , . FLEMING EROS - • . ~ . - 1 littgeet rise of any one day yet finder the present lair si'o,' aral-10. •• Ifelassetil SO& 12 ' hie eti,gartease at (`till „ 11 NI 'l's -- - . , N , 1 1 fl .-II 17,,,ut-Noth just ' 1 movement aeourree'•caterdayslng $3l on the 610.'010i:end 25 :OtdrAt 58 ceea , ffalliatl s 51)15- ma • I, fill FM S 4 , :nl4ltittlN, i share. • at 12.12 1 . , ( ..and5i11td stay days. Rico manumit at Mid aa screen salty, at Sc,,an d . dry salted at 17, i' ''' 3'' ' ' " ""4 a" "1. The torrent operations of the Tternittry Depart,. 1-IIDE !. a.--841 ., - _ ri 11l F. tILI ) ES l'Alti.isitli) TEA 110 u SE from atom; dry sells at 18 from shire, ment at %Fish/aeon, on Saturday, were of Treasury J_ ...,11 ......ta„...• rte min ton tor I INK TEAS. All 110PS...Salcs 3 bales at 10e. IB lb. a t.. i...a I' II and lige it. g. tt•twagt II Is 4,,,a. and nos t.- earrelitsyntereditin - the nooks of the Department, as n A y .. ,Ei,,, from the Malee al, matting et frvm•ga (... gm 41 ton. . Lit liD There is but little duing; salea /0 ktds-130. lat , ... 1101iNe,avah. . . - " ,J-ist ' OTLS:.:There has been an advance In Lard 111; we note the following sales : 0 blits. No. 2 at 80e.;mishi4bblijito. at ne., cash; 16 bids. No.l in lots arBBc.,caidt; 1010iNce;51($1. a to eV ifcr, bbia) at Mee sixty dale t. A Obi. K111.445144$ to.. - • pay fur bbls.) at 86c., cads; 15 bbls .. lhal 01,96tojiag-for tibia.) at 88c., Seth ; 21 bbl,. No.l ($1,50t0 Pei for tidal at , Else., cob; 20 Ms.' (51;25`f0r lible.)at thiiiixtyifitysill i thibt: . No. 1 at.9oa,,thirty days. Idiumedolll.rhomtialtitsl, 4 PIG ,Bwr4r....w.e.whgetetelthes tberedatectleinedig , .._. , , - for Metal, With increased Arrows, and sales of srsallieteare . trammtringalmost' dedly, but for some r e eso3i orether the terms are invariably Withheld. - ive - kateaieteit*- - 44, a. of 400 tans BLetutries( A.lleghony) en terrasatricli- • - dE1a1,9.-Flaveed to selling at $1,60e5i,,.:4w.i . i.,,z < ; :-c .<. SALT...The market is steady, and regnyy l Kes,,,,, - at itt,e2. for No.l, and $1,76 for extra. i .'. ~„4 . .; 'fit.; . TAhLOW-iSalee to ehandlers at-fic. fat i tiotigiti'iliiid!d* '' WOOL.-It Is now..generaily concededthat theWolilitillha Abort title year. The ,rece ipts . far,t4,7eitTsl l P4o:44o l A, - ore 15,094 a g ain5 t.., 2 4 1 ; 44,./eari.l ll 4,,p;a B 9oe- 6:ol !r i Ft - - commenced later 'this' year'lluila kik, ln4lite. 74 aling td may not be soilittat dellie era &Mie r ; siiitiii.' 'tins mi. • remain ouchange4our twit 4notationsheinettina 2o 4 ls llii . .. in qua1ity. ‘ ,.1 . 4...!: tikiiii s ;;...l - ='... Wirisg y...Tiieri has been .art-sl7tfiwtttipsk ii1.445 4 , - ,? - c -- following ea,. luiVe teatitipli4litimi ontialk .riita;4. .. 7 ..?...-.. .. '- •. .-,szt,-4 tilde. rectified at aagvae; 76 btu. -.lk r iiiS3c fts too at the ; 70 hbla - rectifted at 33c:ICasheitsiii1092114,N9,..."-", , ,F,F.A..,,, , 111 new Rye at as*. cash, .„ • ... ,-,,4 • ;41 7 `,.. ,- , „::...., Allegheny Lave block ttlarreo'.-; 11 ! •• • • .i; . Aiinitnicsrly. - 16 , ";::: BERagB...Bcarce,and in demand.: - ,...pleir - to prime choice et WA-40. gross. , .A.u. - ,:t1,1" . ~.:.....;„ Nest is well kept up. •- '." I ; i:etr;if.4 - # , 5.,, , ,'5 : •,i.: 4 ;1 8111k8P...A few sold - to butchers atlia r . l tl4e, gods, .' • ' istilk of those outland beingforithellait • , i'Al tr li i-I • s "' ii ii' - , _ THE subscriber, having enlarged and fitted up In good eta Ix SPUTA'S Ft MITI RE NI 1160011 S, LARGE A r Al:! DPIVOss To bla stock, nod 1101 i 11,1,.. 1,, 1.. t,•14 4,1•1 hn pul , ll to CALL AND F.CAITINI4.4 IM.re purclilutag olaewtt..r. 45 11 IS STOCK Is WEI.I. A S D *50,000 Worth 4. EVERY T. 4 F t ) 8 . A IA ambruing Mn/1+ ~r) , . ROSE WO( )1) PARD)R SETI OAK CHAMBER SE -s, New Styles of Dare%us, Bedsteads, emirs, Sofas, Book Cases, &e., &e. All of I. tn, h ii..tv.Fti.4VitlCP.,. }wary mud, %Arltult,l seksuln.tkip,,,rqm motley r•-iu..1.4 11. U. TlAtei, m 7311 •itrtiy•t,..-t. JAMES vruzEst, , \ VAT, I • , :tkISA-• . A N.D. Pit taLAT dl II t a ••. II ,t. • A ,s. , 41•/.1,4 • • t lArs.ll tllLak St A St I{l{{/k , I •.1 • II • . I. I • ,1.,t.... A '1... ia. A &s,IAIA.AI IS r Irr rr I tr• .. ar .• . H Ir. Hui.: , rt. I'EKIN TEA sit)it4„-- Su. :11. rliE. 4 ll Tr. L, - T •Ll•i 1!1=1:1 Firl I E ~C rrnf t. t`:• .••• ,•In .111-• •y. 11.11 .0 , 1. I. 1.. i. ,•r• 1; 01111. A. I. IAo M A ,r‘VPL, A. IPPIOr I• tat h and .rt O. nO , H. I. ILIPA3,7I.•AIt P : t • P”. ~•x- a .ri . .. ..t h.m.'. 16• ...~. o Nleditim and FR Diploma% A TII R 1 . 164•ttl Tit. Caw sz henry WOO IS ...Ora, Cl, •Alr "f it. 41.1.• • Li Ito. I I..tra t e n St. Vlttal..T.h. ps (1.1 AL,I jo.r. r •• with etip I .4 11,..1 ati.l AL., • 041..1,1 w. s :uent (;;-....tg. Aro, 1mi.m..5.4x1 to thr "1 - 4 1 T I ANN VAN ro)1110:1: 11AS itEIOVEI ) _ AL • -1 , •• • • ••• 11 ~•1..111t. 1.1.1 1n.,,1 awl la r,..vt p4 - ,par.-.1 tt•toiTion 911 , 1 Ihr .rn•qull) wllls as., Mit., I h.., 11..wl In the uny.l 1.3101 .1 Iclt•v, ra.“ t. , 1% 46-4/-1•1,-.••milwr IL.. • ‘l.l , t.l .1 n V=4 , l I) 1 V 11)ENI! . - .cltiter,' , lnsuriowe Comp:A.- 1m •• nisare. Carithl k. Five .I.,ltan•tueuxia. I.) • ~t. 1.1 to 111 , ~1 t r 10, Ai tvt.rpartit.a.tir.4, and 119,11 •1,,, and .ner the 1:3.1 ittigt SA NI I - Kl. I. 11A Will ELL, 5.., I. JllllO 11111. ixbn. w c IL _ q Ri y _ sc. 1. RYAN'S BUILDINGS, No. 31 Fifth Street. Amomaltw t. %IF:DIV NI. a,d PR ICY:P. t:ove/ wIII, Fr rln - 14 `racnlvlio coTTAGE Hui sr AND► LoT run 14 I. h. i• . 4 .:r t ~.t., =IMP 11 , es a r de .tntr I.k.whatit, ell nt r•Yht•f ItE3101".11.. Oil) TYPE METAL; WE lIAVE FOR SALE, at the Office of th.• moaslNO R , ST. larg, quantity a °La 11 l'E hinints and otho - s aouting sorb at, art,,l o can est n largo supplybs rallu,c snou li,ba sTATE .11„. iia,l,.rsiened e pp o lot,..l b• sot]. o pub., riptions, to secure Or ot the Stot• FP:I at Poinbargb, booby oth, imo (ILoSo ER. it., ..lai ita 11, 114 rußt..t bi t o irr,tElt sOl a 1150b...-11syrs Aurhig the pg,-setit mouth N EPIIT, N . JoIIN S. COSGROVE. WI 1.1.1 AAI M. II lIIU 4 II, J A 'III! (MOSSIER, lonositt, TV - E\/ 10 )0 KS. —J received, and it 'P. , loii•Ilt u••• rrI.MII Agalil to the 4.10.1 i.. Oro t y are told boo. TW ENT) ER CENT ER than olnewhere. 'Foul 01 Ma.lano. Koch,' u, Ihr 1 oiled etw..—prit . i•piirrowgr,te.s qo • c it . s. Itllmerl., 4 Romani lg.. 70, 'rho States and Torotoro.s lb.' tirrat Wost Tlie Itunsby Paper,'; by iir,ugliuto l'iingletown Lottery—S.l,lZ. Salad for tllu Social-4 1 - 1 j NUT,. Tales; by 3101r111....1 4 0e. Vagalnool Life 111 sles Scalp lino trrn ; by t.4ipt Moyne Reid—sl,l2. White Chief: '• $1,12. Mr. Sponge's Shorting Tour; by Frank Euro:der—SAX,. Brother Jonathan for 4111 Pictorial Clipper—Or. kee Notlons--8, Harper's Magazin,. for July. o.lllrd supply)-20e. Peterson's Magazine for July, (second supply)-17'. Gralturn's MagaZititi fur July.leorona supply}-2ur. Letiv's Book for July-20r. I, she'd N Jouronl-1 , . Ballun's Nlagazine—ltk,. Remember, tho ;dare to get Magazinrwn is at LAI:SEER:9 BOOKSTORE, No. 77 Fourth street. 6 , 28 AGREAT BARGAIN !—Fur sale, a cum furtnhlr Brick DWELLINCI HOUSE, No. MI Front at with two Lots of llruand. each 20 feettfront by SOldeep. The lloyso is large IWO -.JD, IDent ; a good cellar, with tsanented floor; a hall, two parlors, dining-room, and kitchen on first story; with a wash-hintae and largo pantry—three chambers. store room and both room on the second story, and five rooms on third story. Fire-proof slate roof, gas fixtures and Opus on first and second story. Large yard, with shade trees, grape vines, &c. The Improvements alone cost more than the price asked for the whole property: Price WOO-- on , rnurth In toted; remainder at one, two and three years. S. CUTHBERT & SON, 14 0 26 Real Estate Agents, bl Market et. St MMER COATS—We have received per Express auother lot of Liao°, Dock, Marseilles and azourka yammer Coats, which we m 111,404 1, thin mor.log. L. ILLESILFELD'Ar. SON, No. 'lO Wad et. ~. , ISE PRIVATE AND • CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE. I. In t. 1 ~ ,r, n=l •.II u . r •)• re I 1 400, n .0. t t,•,t T• ts In Rim • ‘l,q . II lam! •40 •' ~0,41.,0. 0311., rlas Same - tO4Ol . 1'1E013.0, py n0..r1 (1,1 1001.4 Hy , . All .11 Mitial will I.c .4d 141 10.., pt.. [boo an) fitor , 111 11 , city F K IMA \'t). \ et arid 1 Itholond. "AC 1-11: EF,'s E .IST l't \V I , ER-20 grooo pa. 4 tide ltal.dng I\n,Let vri , et! 11, I. II xt.l,ti • tlsi•l;F:FrPftt Ertl' N' 'l'o I:E'l' KJ A tnagrhlneent Two Slot) Beek Ilonsn to let till the 14 1 .1 At,nl n ett. Enquire it 111-AK KI. .1 Elt'lf KY. G.., net h and Smail.ttehl stn. I • _ _ W F R „Fl.o i )li. I S A le; wool.l dell in .111111 to nail T,13,1 111,s, It ,711. of the Kett test I,A:taunt f..t •none rednlen. • • at ontl.l lit , citc.nn , l will (' mid lat TM'S, W)')lS. N., 7.5 Yourth st. N . E ),( 1 , 11 , ' 1 N A I RS ., At four E AR ; io,,i I,th. S._ ?num. , ott Virittuta street, oit h I.,rne lot ..1 pwut.l o nto fret teet ft'ont by deer. I ,nt V non. . The nnil and lotation plummy!. ?1.., n'. T... 21..tn1 . to 11411,1 nt WO pet ,!.•arT SON, N 1 Market et - _ 1 , 011 4,;:wribetl o n Printkal I.an‘l r. til l i. oven gratin to nll., tall nt Ne YOl , lllll ~treet. If ynts N lab 110115.. npeculati.al, call lo TllollArt. woonr e . Fourth etreet• . . I lME.—lrai barrel,: freall revolved and for _ILA sal, by 11401 II EN ItY 11. 001.1.1 N. .... _ SI I * .li A R AND MOLASSES— .4sI blils., cyprees eoopttrage, N. o.l4lolattsrta; Taxidotok 11 , . do: ;dt do St..l MUMS Z`.. 11. Nllasses: Tat lIIIIIR. tally fair and print° N. 0. Suzar. On hand and for sale by NI I LLtillt .I, IUCKETSON, .1,40 .21 antl :U3 Liberty street. FlSH—Mackerel iu whole and half bids. Shad Herring •• Wlttte fish " Trent " ..t Sllitlloll .. For oC. by ,yi.1 , 11 lIENRY IL COLLINS. 110lASE TO LET —A commodious Two Story Llltllli. DIN ELLINU LOUSE, situated uu Franklin street, opposite the Sixth Prost)) terian Church. Putwession given immediately. Enquire at the houte, ur of MILLER. & ItletrETSON, ..,e.21. Nos. 2.11 and 223 Liberty street. .. _ .itESLI FRUITS- • 5 dozen Naulted In bottles or cans. F ZI do Vine Apples do du 5 do Edrutrherrles do do 5 do Cherries du du S du Btaekberries do do 5 do Iluckloberrice do do 5 do ffoosoberries du du 5 do learn and Plums to bottles or cans. For sale by RYMER tft AMIN:ARON, in y 2.3 1%; o . 39 Wood street, Qpi.ate St. Charles hotel. LAM P-BLAOK-50 bbls. just received and for sails by .Liall FLFBILNIII BROS. ('I REAMTARTAR-15W lbs. jaatreepived v 4„./ owl fur sale by De 21,1 YLIIMINEF:BBOS. • • • 0t..: 2 _ 4 00 4 1141.411... iv in 'lone It th =MEE 111111111M9 :~~ ~:: ~'. t Ni3ll3t,'lt 243 COMMERCIATI FlTTsgßitog TRADE AAP 11133,11CH.NNWSkikacilANGOS. , WHALLIITIL Via .Prosidena. 'P. S. CLAIM.% OA. W. OAS. TIVOSUrer. .14. HOLMES, dB. .1.0 416 5 BAWL • EuperfoffendalC. . S. T. NQRP.I.P I , rimmittee of July. GEO.Nr.tASS. V: P. JOHN P. PEARS, T. U. 'UPDIKE, - W. S. LAVELY, ' J.B. CANFIELD. follow ros redemption of Team debt .............=19,262 68 For thtfieslemptlon or Stneke 25596 57 - kor Iho Treasury Department. - 5431 45 1.0 the lettolor Department 13,1r..V 61 Cmdom• . ' 22.695 61 NI or warrants reCrived and ellOcrua.. .... 21,773 26 Wee repo:, Nt amtntn received and,rtered 2.l`a tm soconnt a the Nary,. 1.21,922 I; ea3ntret on account or the lins,y 2,216 00 coons Ink...enrcheollB soarers 710 a The Columbus t Ohio) Journal, says :—" The Cen-, trot (Olio Railroad. after the'innumerable and almost insurmountable difficulties it haseneountered, is now do:a g a lucrative and nourishing business. The re, coipts of the present month will exceed those of any former month several thousand dollars, and from the ' steadily increasing timelier of passengers, together Ith the vast amount of freight carried over the road, there is every reason to hope under its present excellent management that it will soon be freed from its heavy pecuniary liabilities." Experiments of burning coal in the locomotives of OW Illinois Central Railroad Company have recently been made with great success. The coal used is ob tained on the line of the road, where it exists in great abundance. A number of experiments were made last week with engine No. Si, which had been altered for the purpose. The portion of the road used was between Amboy and Wapelia, lOff The train consisted of sikteen loaded freight ears, and the coal used was La Salle. The comparative result was as follows; Wont, 6 cords at 5 75 Coal, 62bustusle at 15 amts. $2l) 95 In thse4":llP;lOrith of Cleveland .. the Corn ` B very backward. On the Western reserve it in .not more than want high, and in Someloentions not over ankle high. Near Cincinnati it looks much better: 'The. wheat and rya are very good, and nearly all secured. Oats are generally very light, while grass ismearly failure in most places, and is not , good anYwhere. Apples are abundant, and potatotoes promise, well., R F.:AT /1.111) firkt barley of, 1410 season arrived at Mityoill‘ on Williteaday. It: wain a portion of'a crop of'l,6o(F.buthern'tentiaoted' for soma time ,ago_ at ,$1.40. Ths„aniWmpratekin that market is now $l. One h,ousi,tri.NoWille ims COD-. traetea for 600 (12,40CebuktISIC of wheatnt $l. For rye 35 cents is Offerett—Louist i tie Courier. [Ecom,thoQineinnaiMunpitrcial of Tuesibkr-1 Wow— ,W$ have no ohanBe‘to!,A o *e *Ale Vs ,. erel aspect et the market, as last noticed; and the unrket continues , ream quiet, and Vriees 'rule* about Our • last. quetatlens. Sooner thew pay,: the pressnt high Fr 4449111004 ,in 00 . phitintmApideri!., gederaUy pre r 'Smiting and tilling the chancesint the market, believing that tulle vise varilmirie he • - a fit&Tb ifto 2U IDenlyi Jo** 'Amer *et a Is W r kii 16 44‘6 wieehl 5/14100* One insertion..._.._.. 60t Two tueertigue,f,..-? 76 Three ineeetione ......... 1 OD One !MX .a..... 1i 16 2wo w*lct. •-..... 300 200 -1 10 .. 161 I, 25 21„„,„, 400 265 200.:100 One month " 'SOO 336 ' 250 160 126 Two mouth. 7.00 405 350 235 2so Three 4.00 .. 9.00 .i ._6O aOO 360 Four thodili6 10'00 ' 03'85 '9'oo 335 go WheammithaT •••••- 00 7ai 6 , 50 366 R•• Sheniehths.:. , .4 .. .. .. 1 00 • 8-00 6.00' , 4'00 Nine menthe.— .. . .... .16 00 10 35 800 635 Ono year 00 13 35 10 00 665 Blending Curd, ex lines or leen, per an • _ One eqware, aria Marriage nod,: PITTS'BVROII-POST. . . -4„..41{ZY .18 Vopt 4147 A VOrY 4eL4IX tagetzVW(o4 - T Tteakence, meta t:111g 6a - Asires, beantihillyaittaitid ait thalahio Miran an& adidnlnittbetowrshr BefararAviel!_ * proved, with a Rxxl Oettagc,. Home anttsitticie tartannr-7, &rest shrubbery, &c. TIIOIIIIVOM. end . . ritog , . . DAN Buts.= afhlk&--gnaiia'cers * othera inierestaitaleggqd • urcalt antteecatninea tlaw - *Ude orplialtnglarriatphis er steam engines, puttiipai, &c., where soft The advantages of this article are: great of tallow, reduction of &ratan t coneequent_ . ...... l2llll = o , ,Ifffses ,Staf_.lVicirs :Itibctrtatintt4ctia , PRP" , F ° r adi t;e l _ ha' ph Ina con, the, packing uma -40 tTiefhtie - arid ixitifertahrStiechriettsrof the . ows 4 FeM m r k7c / 'llrClifkt hi; lihtit!er & ;11h4cOtiteAlt,eaeat& QOPA'ASJEE, ; :pf a wood*OifitOttititimlity , L. 7 manufactured by the Penna,SaltlfdivalaWit. rIT Ugtfa, *farentnm, on band and for iitift4 - jr f?lfti*VlN Livety StablO rgelarti In Marlette/4er to rent- Apply to ' scaKEtt raciAvv. ii!§=ll2= MEE I.ri,i.„-:,;1":..:•', .1:4",;•-7,'::.;.::SiZ,t.': ...•",y:,,,,,F,,a7..?...1.!'-;':,..'.-:',.:i',,'4'''''' 100 /0 00 ,