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'-, - :..,;.:.„, ' / , ' - Published from the same aloe, on a large blanket size a' I* . 4 'l '''''``it ;- rtluts v..„ , •,-.„,c;,- ,- ..., ~ I, , t , , , . sheet, atlllicl DOLLARS a year, in advance. Single copies, • 4., .„..,. ~..... • 15..., 4 4,..,.4,.........v... 4 y $, • I i "-• iron Corn. :4-. ** ,..a **. ..,,- v. - , .• , -.......,_ • -op * r • 1 -. , 4, v ,„ -- %'4. - at-44•.. - 6 ,... - •••.` " - 'i .1 ii , riltril4 4- ' 1' r ' . 7 , t , , - Sr No paper will be discontinued, (unless at the discre ••••4,l4lo4.o-5tr.",...5..-1,1..,,,,,-7.rr'sc,s4,,mit-' ,wr•,..' ', ' -* ‘' ,.ry *„.„ .1 lion of the Proprietors ,) until all anew:ages are paid. ' .; 74 ,,,., P,,,ria„.,,„ or lo k .t. N t • ...re ,_ r e. • ~,,,,.... ~, 4gr No attention will be paid to any order Mitre cann. le - 7 - 1.1.4* 14 .1 . 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':•-• ~ -14:0-•-- 4.'''' , )-, 4 ....-.• - at % . ,4Ff t l ; •W;11 AT& 4t. ws.t '• t s .4 s ` . i;%.l . ll'f.,''s .• ; • ' , a f'V "• • ~h Bs " 1 / 4 ' l 5" 4 1-2 .411, .1 ;At. - „ 4z4,fr. 4.1 +1... 4 ' 't # . , . f 4 y,..4,. f . 44 41 4' 4 4 ' - 7 4 41 ".• fei .4 4 i1iX4 10.41 10 '-40101.4- "Al e ..... 4 • --e;g4 4 Maw= • • - ••-•• -*•-• -- • - • -.-- N7 1 75.. - w_dit-*--. • ••r-V•1,‘,14;4;,03•41, --'l's - , , . - . '""" "7"•-"4` -,-."7"4-4. • ••• V. , ,, , *;,; . .;• , -.1."-tPA.?• , ••• • • - 1 .5••-•4.r. • • • . • -• •- . -•- '' -kg •• • ''=":••• _ • - p ,, ,a - Ligin tt 2.l 'Pirkv ,&• MCI CHARLES W. WINGARD, • -t...) ATTORNEY AT LAW, EBENSBURG, ' , - .., . ' cesium COUNTY, PENNI. ' Ma!' lorneticen ju liuutiugduu, Blair, (Rear&ld and , Lts• T a, _„,_ ...: 4 „,.... , : , , k f( :,.• feb 121 y. 5 - ".. - Ls A.. tO IV iii E., Attorney at LAW; affreo Fourth street, 11.1.taburg,h, betweez Su:id:held stud Cherry alley. . declltly TOHN BARTON, Attorney and Counsellor - el .at. LAwo:dhee ranter et Fifth slid 'timid streets, Pitts- I bArglit , ', .. Joßly ,- - - ~ , ..,. QAM P. ROS,S, Attorney Law, No. 109 kJ Fourth *trot, Pitteburgh,L.uuth ,loor below Mr. Rudy 2444301...41.1rery Siable..: • . Je2B PATHIC K. 1161'K E N A, Alderman of Third Wartictdilou corner of Groat aid FifthatMets, (formerly 1 , 1 Poillimided'hy'Aldenhau Lewis,) whore all business pertain - li% to the office of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will be . 4 promptly,attended fehl:3111 - AM= 0. °wawa 11011,LY ROOEXT9ON. ..... .... :-I.l2Xlti L. RINGWALT. . CIURITNG, ROBERTSON & CO., ?liana fachirers of Cut, Pressed and Plain Fllut GbASSWAhIt, . warehouse No. 17 Wood street, corner of - Front; Pittsburgh. All other kinds of Glassware and Window Glass. at low Market prices. Ldly EMOV A L. —C. 111.51 SEN, Mannfacturer • .1,1, of every variety of VIALS. Bornats auil WINDOW GLASS; black Porter Wine and Claret Betties; Deinbohns • and Carboys: also, Flint Glass in every variety. NVarelionse ' NOl. 103 Second and 133 First street, Pittsburgh. nada ♦tack of GROCERIES, select.' for fetidly uso. Spirea 01 ivory yartety, and the purest quality, ground at his Steam Alio, Dried Fruita. k'orettin and Dorn°kir Pnaturo taken to exchange for inerchandiae. B. R. D. has procured a full amortnient of Landrethyx war ranted GARDEN SEEDS, and Invites the attention of all in . tortated In rural affairs. IIiISSION HOUSE.—The subscribers Iv have opened a House for the above purpose, at No. 17 viiklaithlield street, four doors above the Monongahela uum• . ":11rs apt purclr-se. or receive on commission, for sale, eon ; Anmanta of FLOUR., 11ACON, CHEESE,' CORN, oArS, stAx SHED, olt . 1 .88 8 RED, BALED LIA V, etc., you which we will make wham..., ur purchaae at the beet - "-tnarkei rates for cash. 0.'031 4141E0 A , CO. TWIN W. BUTLER & CU., leurwaiding and 0011511111C11011 :Nierchan NI, Seaters fa all MI...La of l'lrTz, UHRGH ALANUPACTUILES, LEAD PIPE alai SITErr "LEAD, No. CT Front tareat, Pitt-tburgt. HENRY 0 11 COLLlNS,orwarding awl ematilet n MR . rcbiaa, w ' liolesalo dealer in PlSli, lamas; BUTTER, FEEDS and FILM:LUCE generally, No. 25 Wood street, Pittsburgh. wart . ; • • WrairAbl & 00., (William Carr, _, late of Hie firm of J. Parker ,t C 0.,) WhOICIAIe lei ti 'OEM and dealers in Foreign WINES and BRANDIES, 01.1 ktrinoneLa atd Rectified WHISKY, No. 329 Commercial •' lin*, Marty sires[, Pitteburgh. PUITIP J iNDL.I.I.OI REYDIER. & ANDERSON, (successors to Joshua mode. & es.,) ithrrs rn P)ILFI6 lIILUITS, NUTS, SPICES, °CONFECTIONARY, SUGARS, &,... Na. 99 Wood street, opposite the St Chart. Itot,l. I'rus buzgh. ka ATINDLE, Wholesale and Retail SAD • I/LE, ILARNMS, IIt.UNK, VALISE and CARPET • BAG SLANUWACTUHRIt., No. 106 Wood streot, Pitteburgh. .1129:7 NTERPRISE WORKS, No. 136 w(,,,d street, third door below Virgin alley.--BOIVN k TET NY would call the attention of Sporting men to their largo assortment of GUNS, RIFLES and REVOLVING PISTOLS, the largest and best nelocted stock anter opened In this mar ket, together with a general assortment of Mu dwatc, ell ry, Tools and Fishing Tackle, ell of which we offer at the lowest posaible prices to cash purchasers, or for good ap proved paper. mar Is N ORTH-WESTERN POLICE AGEStei, No. 80 Washington Street, corner of Detohoru, CIO. WO, ILLINOIS. I.II.IIIPINEXISTON n. 4...P.0D0PR1L PINKERTON & CO. devote their entire attention to the transaction of 4 general detective POLICE BUSINESS 111 the Etat/idiot Illinois., Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. Mltlikvltf WATCHES; CLOCKS AND JEWELRY AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. JOHN M. ROSERTS is now selling off his large and clinics stock of tine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Fancy Goode at a very small advance on first curt, preparatory to enlarging his Store Room and the purchase of au entire new stuck for the spring trade. Fervans desiring GREAT BARGAINS should cell tarly se It Is bit determination to close out his present stock with. out regard to former prices. .Don't forget the piece—ROBERTS', 16 FIFTH. street, m-ar Market. febt, MEN AND BOYS' WINTER CLOTHING —ROSENTHAL & BRO.. Fifth street, opposite Mu eon's, hare a large stock of Men and Boys' CLOTHING on hand, comprising some entirely 'new and elegant styled, • which they are prepared to furnish at the tweet cash priees. Also, a large and faahlonable stock orGENTS' 11.1 EN I SIM NO BEGIELDW mum. L. arrytits G60R06 AIDEUT. PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY—BIG— EL,fow & CO., succeasore to F.. M. Bigmlow, No. 46 Dia n:mud „w eb Wood @met, Pittsburgb—GAßNlAG ES, - -COACHM4= 'I4I.fiEI s ONS, BUGGIES., and every &seriph,. of FANCY VEHICLES built to order, and Bashed it, Wainer tfinturVafiaell for beauty of design, elegance of finish, akin of workmatuthip and durability of materials. lanu woiiewirrantat fnovo 1A301111.. TOUTCL- ..... B. TOMO FRANCIS L. LOVE,. B. YOUNG st CO. No. 38 Smithfield made opposite Olty Hotel, marmfactnneer of CAltl ..l,itl,lYSll:~OliNlTlOillE and MAIMS, of every description. Ma -worknutushlp warranted, and sold at reduced Chwe tattcn In p.okilig for land and water carriage. OONNAKER., Manufaaurer of `Leath Red-Lead, Mac, Print, 'Marge; Patty,. ,10041 0,1 6 deader in Oils, Palate, VerafabeeiTarpentine, • 40340.0t0d .-Pittstmrch. • - mv72 PRESS GOODS REDUCED—Every 613 ' or fine Drees Otaxlanaw baba offered at 25 ".".F'lf,.F4l4slr:CtOt* le® than anal 4, d pcioes ti 00, No. 25 Fifth et. 11 ' ' I 4- • x: ~'. PROFESSIONAL CARDS AMUEL C. WINGARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, • PITTSIIIMGH, MINA. Office In BAKEWELL'S BUILIONGS, Grant street, • roppialteiheCourt 'Lorain.) feb 1:LIy AHL, Surgeon Dentist, successor to G. W. Biddle, No. 144 Smithfield street. Moe liours from S u.. 1. o'clockyand , from 2 to 6 o'clock. tbbl6:ll T SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors . west of Market. gar Mee Loon from 9 o'clock A. M. to & o'clock P. M. deegley BUSINESS CARDS. OIIN MOORHEAD, Wholesale Groper and J Ocuomiusion Marchout,lbr the rale of PIG M VAL nod BLOOMS, and-THODLICS generally, No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. . sp24 WILLIAM lait" Ph.tisda WIL kwurrsos, , ,pacabar g b. MILLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale Gro cers, Importers of BRANDIES, WINES and SEGA RS, Nos. 172 and 114, corner of Irwin and Liberty streets, Pitn.. burgh. Iron, Nails, Ootton Yarns, Ac , consulting ou hand. 020 , • .• • - LOLLS L MU] JO5/.111 J. MAK. jEDLIE Ss DLA.24, Successors to Mulvany J & Lodlie, usauttfacturers of Cut, elooliled and Plain lint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers in all Etude of Window Olaau, Flasks, Vials and Ibittles. Ware house corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. nitt3:dly R. DRAY°, Diamond, Pittsburgh, dealer • In COUNTRY PRODUCE, off., for .1. a choir., 'l. R. /*GUSH . i. RICHARDSON J 1. WINN CT?. F r NOLISH & RICHARDSON. Forwurding and COHUDDISOOD Ifercbanta and iv/totem:de de.lerm in BACON and OIL, and PRODUCE generally. W1.1,- house formerly occupied by Burbridge Inghrain, No. 110 Water and 1.50 First street. Pittsburgh, feb3 -ions /ercricu. A. J. LEL. ......... ATN , ATWELL, LEE .5; CO., Wholesale Grocers, Produce and COMIIIiSMOD &ail,. In Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 8 Wood street, between Water and Front street., Pit tehnrgit. splB JOSEP H FL.k.l.6lliG, successor to L. 15%1- car. t co., carper of Stark.o eureot and the Duunoud, kdaPa constantly on baud a full assortment of IlltUflE. NI El , !CMS, CHESTS, PRILPUaIgRY, and all arti• Cleo parthining to hie basin.... Phydelane Preactiptu.ne carefully compounded at all kcars. IMF 117.1131:1NG... ....cocapo rwariu. EXING BROTIIE RS, suucesiors w J. stags co., Wholesale DlttititilSTS, No. tiO Wood street. Pittsburgh. Proprietors of Ur. :‘l'Lane's colebrsted Vertet Sage, 1.46er Pilby itc. job T L. MARSHALL, successor to fl Lee. qj • WOOL DEALER zud COMILESION MERCHANT, 1110,139 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. flafternae—W. ?d'Cliattrek & Oros., Kramer& Ballot, Mur phy, Tterturti & Co., Bruu - ri & Kirkpatrick. Pittsburgh, May 2.1, 18 5. in y 2-1 y W7CIIADWICK., dealer in Kentucky 1... Loaf TOBAOOO, BARS and PAPER, Nu. 119 W,..;,1 etyma., below Sixth, Pittsburgh. japluay Jar Tr,e highest market price, in cash, paid fur Raga. •A 1.112 P. MAIISILLLI- JOSEPH a. E11.H1,. . WP. MARSHALL & Co., Importers arid dealers fa French and American PAPER HAM, INNS, No. 87 Wood street, Pittsburgh. atiptolo agents for thacelobrated mannfActures of Messrs. Daikatitt & 00., Pada sue - - 111 T. C. MORGAN, Bookseller and Stu ll timer. Eine odways on hand a general assortment or .inhoul. Miscellaneous and Blank Books; Printing Post 1.1,.1 Cap Papr c, in., wholesale and retail, Nu. 104 WC,od below Pleas (east side) Pittsburgh. 40- WA..,NTRD--Rage and Tanners' Scraps. aplb.ly TORN H. MELLOR, Wholesale aud Retail dealer in KUSLCAL I NSTIMIENTS, PIANOS, MuSh', SOHOOL BOOKS alld STATIONERY, No. Si Wood eate , t, Pittsburgh. joati STOITILS.--No. 124 Wood street, Ms, \ e - ARIL—We beg leave to call the Trade to our stock tkf &oveallollow Ware and Castings In general. having perk-. i- ed every thing in our line, we can safely soy that we c5u...4 be surpassed in finish, fitting, and smoothness, by any In the trade. Merchants will ilnd It to their advantage to call h.- fore buying elsewhere. felt GRAFF, RISIENYFR, k GRAFI,. NTERPRISE WORKS, No. 136 Wood JILU at, third door below Virgin alley. 7 -1301VN & TETLEY -would adi.the adoption of Sporting men to their large aa aortment of GUNS, RIFLES anti REVOLVING PISTOLS, the lartmet and best selethld stock ever opened in this mar: ket t together with a general assortment of HARDWARE, CUTUT.p.`g,TOOLB and PISGING - TAGELE, all of which we 'wirer ante lowest p2esible pd.ces to cash purchasers, or fur £ OO 4 -l lPProved Paper. marl 8 MEI ... . . . . . .. _ . _.. . .. ~ ... . • . . . i! • ' . { ... . . V" • ' "•, . tI .. t,' -.... : • .;' -,: % ,-; .. , ~ . . . I . 0 . . . . . . PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER, ANNUM VOLUME XIV. BUSINESS CARDS "Neither with my eye nor my faith will I trifle." 0. 44:_ 10, 17 77 c7 Tejl • , I MPORTANT TO THOSE AFFLICTED wan BAP SNI/IT.—Pensansentrealtig from Bail Sight, arillblit Man intlittfred vislOtY , contitififtlonal decay, old age, or other canses,:would du wall tx.call;ppoo pr, 0. E. SIIAW, - PRACTIOALUPTIOIAN; where they may rely upon getting Sppctacloe wdentlfically adapted to the JUST WANTS OP THE EYE. Address, 28 Fifth street, opposite A. A. Ittesou's, Pittsburgh. P. B.—Telescopes, Microscopes, Thermometers, and every article appertaining to the Optician trade, kept and repaired on the poemises. in? . 0 iftllBBll inserted In old Frames. *IL Any article not approved of, exchanged free of ex decitly .NE". COACH AND CARRIAUE FAC TOILY.—JOITNSTON, BROTHERS & CO., corner of Rebecca and Belmont streets, Allegheny City, would respect. Tully Inform their fronds and the public generally, that they have commenced the manufacture of CARRIAGES, BA. ItOUCIIES, ROCKAWAYS, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS and CHA RIOT:4.. in all their various styles of finish and proportion. le_ All orders will be executed with strict regard to dare, bility and beauty of Salah. Repairs will also be attended to on the most reasonable terms. Using in all their work the bast Eastern Shafts, Poles, and W.licel stuff, they feel confi dent that all who favor them with their patronage, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their new work. s. Purchasers are requested to give us a call, before pur chasing elsewhere. octtkly AMILLMEN & CO. have on hand, at . their extensive CABINET and CHAIR MANUFAC TURA. No. 64 Smithfield street, a large assortment of Nancy and Plain Furniture, which they will sell lb per cenL lower than customary rates. Terms. cash only. itiee27:y CIIIARLES BARNETT, IloasE SIIOER AND BLACKSMITH, has erected a new and commodious Brick Shop on CIIEItRY ALLEY, between Third and Fourth streets, where he Is prepared to do all work in his line with the utmost promptitude. Having had long experience in the beeline..., he respectfully solicits the patronage or his old customety and the public generally. ju2l JAMES MELLING EK Monongahela Pla rilug Mill, would rospactfrilly inform his Mewls and the the public that hit now Atablisliment is now in full opera tion, and that he is prepared to furntab lioat Cabins, and fill All orders for PLANED LUMBICII, with pramptuess, and at We lowt.t rates. . . Board and plank, planed on one or both side., constantly on hand. Snob, Dram had 'Mon'ding', of every description, made to order. Cluildera and Carpenters would find it to their advan. loge to give hint a cull, as he can now furuieb them with Shined Stuff, suitable for every description of work. UULTON CAR WORKS, FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, SANDOSET, Ouzo—The subscriber baring moved Into his now Works, recently erected, corner of Water. Sl'Donough and Shfly streets, is prepared to con tract for and execute all orders fur Passenger, Baggage, Post-Gface, House Freight. Platform, Gravel, Hand and all other descriptions of CARS. Also, for STEAM. ENGINES of all sites, GEARING, RAIL. ROAD CASTINGS of all descriptions, and all other work appertaining to a Foundry and Machine Shop. Tim Foremen of the different departments are scientific and practical men—mostly from 'Eastern manufactories-- who keep theumelvm informed and adopt all valuable mud era impron iments. Laug2Sitf] W. W. W ETHERSI.I.. TILE TOPE COAL COMPANY hating re. wetly met with looses In transporting coal to Cincin nati, being insured by the Manufacturers' Insurance Conk tinny, of Philadelphia, take pleasure In stating that their claims were promptly adjusted by J. Newton Jones, Agent of said Company. Lk BUSHNELL, Agent of Hope Coal Company, Cincinnati. Pittsburgh, December 27, ltifib. ldo:28 REVOLVERS ! REVOLVERS 11—Just n?,- (Av.:o, by Expreea,• threat from the manufacturers, a splendid assort moot of Cam's REPEATINU PISTOLS, tour, five anJ eix Inch barrels, all of which we will sell for cash at as 10W prietw a., they can be bought en the eft, of New York. Per gong to Aioitralia and California will find that they eon d, better by purchasing their eii,page at twine. than they can iuuaug stranger--an We give persiiitiii a Chant, t., trs :toy of the above Po.t.oly, betoie Iwrt log the city, and In case of a Failure we refund thin money. DOWN k TETLEY, eel.) 1313 Wwal street, Pittsburgh. BOTTLERS.—JoaN OCIDEN & Co., Bottlem, No.lif; First stmt, worth! respectfully Inform the :Alb ite that ,they hare constantly on bond n loran supply of SARSAPARILLA. MINERAL WATER, ALE and PORTER, of an twat quality. .Tho attenthh of fauillbw is rurticularly dirtrtrd to the fact that they bottle WA IN RIGHT'S ALE in it purer state. Physicians reoenunetel it to funnies on acrount of its whole ome awl strengthening qualltias. oct3fel J.l. GILLESPIE G Cik, Looking Manufocturerrs . and dealers In Looking Ohms Plates, Mite Glass, En g nein" Combs and Pane, Goods, N 0.76 Wood street, tittle Loral, On hand and made to t.r. arr. Gilt Pler and Mantle Glasse, Mahogany. Itoisewood. Walnut and Gilt Frames, or Mould. lug, of every description. .0.1- Steamboat Cabin. Decorated and Gilt ectl MA. SWILER, Wholesale and Retail . Dealer in Furnaces, hang., Stoves, Tin, Iron and ileusekeepent' Dardware, Tinners' Machines and Tools, Tin Plate, direct Iron, Wire Rivets, le.. kr.. 24 North Second street, opt... Ate ltuehler'a IloteLi sap2it:J:lm WHITE, VENETIAN BLIND MANIJFACTU . RIR, has recovered hie health eo as to resume his old Lusim•ss, and 11oe opened his BLIND .MANUFACTUBY, at No. 66 Fifth street, near the Vont Office, between WOO4l and Smithfield, where he has on tewortntent of BLINDS, trimmed with plain and fancy Worsted and Silk Trimmings, and to prepared to WI any order in his line, ou the Most reasonable terms. Uls work is warranted to give satisfaction, or money refunded. • Wt • • • . Old Blinds iiipairdd. Please give him s tail, as he can't be beat In wurkluamtdp. jury 7,1 y B.F. SHOPE, LNIERCIIANT TAILOR, Third striait. neat d. , wr to Dispatch Blii thank top for 1it..r.1 °nag,. begs lasso to salt n the as hr ri mot litter pi tiparril than i-ror to furnish hin hlrtnle and tO/1.112r21 with lv rtnaute which will lustre entire &stadia thou. Ile Itlf.) 4 k 1 , 1 , 4 t.ll 111111.1 n large fumortment of the latent of vISSTINik,i, CLAJTIIi+, ~ which no will make to order OD the mbortost notice, upon et...A.114f. teruno. I,s_ A t.terlect tit aiwnya warranted. uorlot! WOODWELL'S FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, all. dr.le and taunt, embracing elrry et vie of turnittnre, in 1tuera0.....1. Mahogany and Walnut, sm. for vat - tors, chambom and dating room*, equal to any in New York ur Philadelphia, and at lower {incr.. Every art.. I• made by hand, and warranted. Cabinet Mailers ruppltrd with any quantity of FURNI- E and CHAIRS. on reasonable terms. lintel, sod Steandosits ill I totaled at the shortest :loth:, Warerooma, Nos. 77 and 70 Third atonal, ung".2 PITTSBUittr PA. J. & T. GROUTT BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, &e. DEALERS IN Fine Ohl Itlonongeakela Rye Whlliky, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY ; ALSO: RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS COREF.R OF SMITHFIELD AND FROST STREETS PITTSBURGH. PA. I)AVID CAMPBELL & SAMUEL I'OLH Loci( have avutocatte.l together under the style ol tiaIIPBELL h POI.LOCE, tor We transaction of a general ' Variety and Dry Uonds Lueineaa, and the manufacture of plain and Waved Lluelt Mouldings. mhl9 WATCIIES ANI) JEWELRY. —JOLIN M. ItUllEltTS, No. la Fl rill street, is now openiug an entire NEW STUCK of Gold and Silver Patent Lever. Auchbt, lepi tie and'Verlieul.WATCKSA ln..iGteti and hunt leg eases, of the Must celebrated. English and Sr Ism mann [actor.. Mau, Gold Guard Vest and FuL Chains, Peals, Keys, Miniature Cases, Bracelets, Gold Pena and Cueen, Pen r. Tolothrickx Leavy plain Set and Seal Finger Ring., lireastdtts, Ear:Rings, Cud' Pius, Studs, Sleeve Luopt, Odd atad Silver Spectacles, Silver inn! Plated Spoons, Salvos and Forks. Jet. C.,ral ulna Fancy ii, vats. A 1,,. a large stoek of the Lang BII,ASS CLUCKS at all prices. The (delve stink has been purchased direct from the East ern manufactories, and selected with great care for the retail trade, and will he tedd at a small advance on coat. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired; Gilding and En graving executed in the best manner, and Sliver Ware and Jewelry made to order. JOHN Dt. ROBEItTS, apl 7 DALY'S STOC KING FACTORY. —C. DALT corner of Market alley and Fifth street, Stile it necessary to contradict a report that luis gained currency, that ho Was selling off to quit business. He never had such intention. He Informs the public that he still continues to supply' • STOCKINGS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, And all kinds ofiloB.l.BßY, at hie establishment. Ills Fac tory is near Ryan's Building, on FIFTH street—open at nil times to tho inspection of the public. lie taus, besides the work of his own manufacture, brought to the city the largest assortment of Goods in his lute ever brought to this city, which aro warranted to be of the best quality, and will be sold at the most reasonable prices. He has but cue Sales Ituoin, at the turner of Market alley and Fifth street. C. DALY, mkt& Comer Market alley and Fifth et. Vtiir INTELLIGENCE OFFICE—If you J. we . at to have "help," hod employment, buy or sell property, call at LOWRIE'S INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, No. 14 Fifth street, near Market street. Legal Documents and Copying done with neatness and despatch. [tel6:ttf JOSEPH W. LOWRIE_ poll.B.ll.A'S LINIMENT—The beet Lini ment now in use for oprains, bruises, ic., I.2,Ape. just received by JOB. FLAMM), ap2s corner Diamond and tifteket et. DIG METAL-190 tons good qualify, cold blast, Just received per obtainer Irene, and fur sale by P. M. DAVIB, corner Wood and Fifth ate. CIREASE—Bayes' celebrated Grease for -Drays Cella, Buggies, Railroad Cars, &c., IEI cans, kegs and btils., for sale by !nag) lIRNRY IL COLLINS. COAL WOltliS FOR SALE.—Sixty three acres of land, with 250 of Coal attached, and all the im provements thereon in sucoassful operation. Said Farm ill situated ou the Motiongulieht ricer, 34 miles above Pitts burgh, and Is supplied with a Farm Rouse, Barn, Tenant Houses, Orchard, Railroad, god an excellent harbor. - The vein of Coal ie Eivo.feet thick, ancinanucrt be surpassed in virility: For further'Particulare entity to NIORULSON & PAYNE, Jelttf No. 235 Liberty street. UNEQUAL TND b . a a bur suPP keit, Just • ---wlttfont e, prelim rue' ''lltdetwirbthree:lbiet4',...tekwitbimr,l„„itnutptelan. • '„, hrab tali.melkig offered am. BLEMIN , es, 4 Market et - --Dimond $llO7 " " E , PA • - •.' 'N 74 : c 4 • 1 . 4 4 , 4. e • . , 4 • , • e ti 4 .f 4 2. 1 goi 8 fir: v0.i74 - „," fr -s; „ te ry a 4 s4O , - • r • t • ' 4h,w47 .. , „ : •At J - • • • - " - 4' • ;‘' • • t-488.4 MEM BUSINESS CARDS 'GREATEST IMPROVEMENT YET! NEW SCALE—II. KLEBER & BRO., have Just received a small lot of . REENNS & CLARKS' - PIANOS, provided with Abair NEW SCALE. This is their latent, and undoubtedly the MOST ne- PORTANT improvement as yet made to the Piano Forte. The POWER of the Instrument Is almost DOUBLED thereby; and in point of volume, evenness and brilliancy of tone, they surpass anything as yet produced in the shape of a Piano. They possesii all the advantages of the Grand wnh out any of its disadvantages. Wu now challenge 4.l,raparison with the instruments or any other molter in thin cumin), confident that every unbiassed Judge of the article will at once admit their superiority. The public is respectfully in vited to call and examine these superb instruments. Id. RIEDER dr 13110., Sole agents for Nuons k 'Narks' Pianos For Western Pennsylvania. No. 53 Fifth street, next door to Masonic 11011. P. 9--Splendlil impartment of Our above shortly expcx.ted for the Spring Trade. aps NEW SPRING STOCK OF CHICKERING & SONS, PIANO FORTES. JOHN H. MELLOR has .., • .: Just received seven more of ~. 40t.t.t. 6 ,-ai : iffillif CHICKENING & SONS' PIANO FORTES, and corn- / ' I i plated the Stock, selected for Spring Sales, of THIRTY-FIVE new and splendid Instrtuur uts, of every variety and style, manufactured by the Slesera-Chickerings, (Boston,) ti om the plainest SIX OCTA YE to the most splendidly Snit had Seven Octave Square Plano Fortes, as well as their superb and Inimitable Grand and Pallor bimud Pianos. EVERY PIANO PORTE In thin lot In of their NEW SCALE, with their PATENT IRON FRAME:?, and PATENT ACTION, and are cot cnly warrant., to the purchaser by the manufacturers, but by the subscriber. to be in all reapreto ea perfect as Instruments can be male, both In regard to Material and Workmanship. PRICES INVARIABLY THE SAME as In Boston, at the Manufactury. JOHN IL MELLOR, Nu. MI Wood Strout, betwion Diamond alley and Fourth street. Agent fur Chirkortug & Soon, Boston, for Pittsburgh and Western Penna. to 28 NEWSUPPLY OF PIANO FORTES. CIIARLOTTSI BUN has just ie. einvel a further supply of linnet. Davis it .-I,l=ap,„; Co.a Pianos, with patent ntvpeuetou bridge and couilawition hearings, and with rvpdat- • lug Grand Action. As a proof of the superiority of these Pinoss, in the f I, wing extract of a report at [lie iste ••• 3lechatiw's Moir" nt Boston, ih cutupotithm with the eeletirated Joust Chirkering, who was Yrreldeut Cr the AattokAuti.,. Tire liasaachns,tta Charituhle Meehauie's Aiwoeiati in award Oil; iliplunia, with a Silver Almial, to Ilnllrt. Ih L'o., fur the bad Grand Pilaw Mon.• ettotrthutelt to the Lateen of INbb. iiillyikEs CHICK EKINti, r-,L" OVial had, alen one of his boat Alirtl.n.id on oxhibitoin to competition with Me.... 11. D.. 4 Co.) The Committee, (Professors George J. Webb. II K ul I John Lange, 0t0.,) ray of l b Grand : "lo tone, it le loAroi ful, round, full and well balanced; a vital and best on exhibition.- These Pianos are made with lull ir,,n frame, r Ihi wale, slitting desk, etc-, and are made tw stand In any Inaut, 1u addition to the above, the miltarrttatr h. Pianos from Bautitorrtiteu & Himo, Ilatulturkt; . Ladd & 00., Bostou, and other g. .d makers, at p. from Jo-11 toreot, N. B: Old Pianos taken in oachangLt at the, full rah..-. Another invoice of the celebrated flambe r6l, yected to aurend weeks. C. B. FOURTH STREET CARPET STORE. W. D. & McCALLUM, 4irB7 FOURTH STKEkT, NEAR IVUoa-ii* Tut attentlou of purchasers irs respectfully tuytteil t. uur preseut Stock, selected for SPIIINU limit quality Velvets. ICtiglish sod Tsi,stry In Brussels and Tapestry, grains. Crenilleuud Stair Brussels, 6uper hledioni and Extra and super. 3 Ply. Priet4l I ug Beat Imported Extra Twilled and Dautsel. and Stan Carpets; Floor 011 Clothe, trout 2 to 1 - 14 wide, k quabties and prkoos; Table oil Clothe; Yreu,l3 Prnti,d and Embossed Nate and Table Cove.; Canton and 51st. Inur: Hearth Rug.: Door Mate; Stair Ito. 1.; liat, Rag nod Dutch Carpet..; Venotian with eV,T) • y Win dow Shades, Green and Buff Holland, all of chi, b will be offered at isle st.rory ntAerate rate. 44 - We are also prenusod to furnish 111111LINGTGN', CARPER` LINING. MANSFIELD SEMINAR V AND Allegheny County Normal School. About four miles from the city, near the junction . of the Noblestoson and Washington Plank Road,. 1:11== B. M.. KERR. A. 11..Supt,rintrzdobt. MRS. M. .A KERR.. Pr 1.'4.1 S,/maziry It KV. K. 11'1411:11S ON k V . Prof. Lat.!. undt'N , Km.d. Coct.ty ‘,ll bier SaultuLry and Normal S. 40,.1 1", , r her, 'I 1., DA V. Ult. lbtb .1* April nesc• . Pupil4,r 1,41, 6, r, cel yr.!. A limited number of feulnles CPO b..erd in the i;ital) Cite Superintendent. Uood Imvarditin run Itl• sllluge and vicinity, nt from 52 to $,:.1 pt any A TERMS-11 tiitorter 10 vh ,, ..k5, IN ADI A NCI,I Boarding, Lalging an..l Light • $:1, On Tuition, Irvin $5 00 to 10 on Teacher, ..r those deetrtug to iteepate enter the Normal Schtx•l at ttgly time, And ..11i1fIlIC to 0Y,1,1 or to the doe, of Second Quarter L,ctureal will Du deltrurecl litleh Term, upon the Art 01 T*mdung. Fur further Information euldreas apt 11. M. KERIt, Pittsburgh HOLT'S PATENT HAND gTA M P. - The rules. rile, Agent for the •• ' , KAN!: LIN II p STAMP CUM P A Y, - of Itt.tnn, N. 1486., Li 1104: pkgl. oiler to the lull, aStauyt tnr all prart n0rp0....,, surpaaaor any of the lona heretofore offered to toe pahli.: For Rallrhads, Poit-ofilrea, Public llousee, Profelaional [lwo for etninping their lilrnrt. UrtiggiKts Ga printing, their own lutwis, and all Nit.ll.llltiit, (11,•11 I. %CHOI' - lug their,•ntel..pe, un.l bat treat Ails In, th,• .tontou ratty wino wants a Slump lot mai hil,g Low!, thw is Jtbt the Wing. Stamp is unlike any other 111 the tier Apt. au I I." to obietlionn reasonably urged.<hiAt “ih, 0,11. Ih.. kind .ffered to the publiv, V. h h 1:•4 In al , ~1 ex.muluatiou— 1•t. It Is offt•rxl about one-half the wital of lleing inure simple in its ,oustruction. it ie le.. ball. • to get out of order. :el. It 16 more compact, easier operated. Earl noire kith of lurking PCII.PBOT IMPIC.I2ISIONS. Tho proprietors rely upon the intrinsic 111 ,it, 11 ,, ttt,vmp for Its general adoption, feeling youlident t h•it it• cheapness mint superiority combined, over all dh.iy, will give ii a favorable introduction. The public are invited to call and see the ..petation am! the variety ut styles of electrotype dles. Orders reeriVod fur any style ur pattern, and t be elec trotypaii, of the bold material awl workman:4dt , 3iOPF:P N. EATON, Agent, No. 1:14 , . Pa. N B.— A I.:N TS IV AN TISD iumnettlutxlv to .n ram for 11 al.pvt, to whom n tibt.ral COlllllliRNI. , li will 1.•• laid. !al - eh) certify that MUSES F. EATON, of Pittsburelf Pa., to the duly appninte,l AKerff tur U •Aig. •• 11(.11', Pal CM Lloyd for the State of Pentioyl,Allll4, (es...•pt ing the City of Pit adelphia, and ILISO for the tkmte., 01 Ashtabula, Trumbull, Maliontug,Golumbuota and Jefferson. .0 the State of Ohio. FRANKLIN ILLND STAMP PANT, By their Agent, B. KI I,LA It P. I'itthburgh, May 12, 18.56. lul,lo, LOCUST GROVE FEMALE SEMINAR\ . The Trustees of Locust Ur,. Epi.,upal Seminary give notice to the friends of the institution, that ilo• Re, WLLLIAII H. CLARICE., having la.en compelled by protraci , •o 111 health, to resign his charge as Hector of the same. thet have been so fortunate as to sernre the valuable services ei the Rev. Unortos T. RIDER, of New York, for the same co'* [ion, and who enters at once upon the discharge of hit do ties. From the very high and nattering ounimmolutiom which-they ban-ludo! Mr. Ripka, they have no donbt of hit eminent fitness for the work committed to him. and that they - believe that under his management the Semi mart' 0111/• nut fail to procure a largo share of public favor and support Perseus having daughters or wards to I.IIICUIO aro pi, to , Olurly desired Ito acquaint themselves with the advantages which this institution affords, both us respects its henut I in! and sidubrius position, two and a half mitre from the city: dud also the facllithes for the thorough and relined ~.doeution presented in Ito efficient corps of instructors. Circulars stay be obtained on application to the Rector,. either of the Trustees. Paibargh, April 20th, 185c1. JOHN H. SUCW.NIIIIIICISIL, GEORUII It. W 141117., WILLIAM F. JoIINSTON, OLIVL% W. BAIL• 141, THECIDOII.I.I.I4 LTM.A.N, Ora). 8,1310.1)LN. 114.304.d/MXl.l4l!Chj. rplE OEYLON STRAIN' flAT—The atten iL‘ boo of the public. is rvint.sted to our entirely IleW style of STRAW HATE, Just received from the import,. ~nibining the many qualities which liars bet, s., loin wanted to make the Straw Het suitable la every way ns 0 Summer HaL It is the only Straw lint which the rain or damp wrailler will not attn•t, either in the brim er crown, !snug so braid,' as to prevent the pisaildlity of It iu any way. I offer dna entirely new style, called the CEYLON HAT, believing It to be the Straw Hat that will gite the wear, entire satisfaction. CHARLES If. PAULSON, 73 Itu.sl et . nly3o next deur from the corner or Fourth. MOSES F Sale & Purchase of Patent Rights. . And Dealer In every variety. uf MECHANICAL AND nun PATENTS. Office and Exhibition Room, No. 139 FIRST STREET, near Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa. .Iffir Orders for Patented Articlea (,1 every description promptly attended to. AGENTS WANTED. aolv.Pl WOItTLIY OF ATTENTION!--FOR. SALE.—A new dwelling house just (hushed, two stories, arranged with hall, two parlors, dining rt,"111 kitchen, three chinthein, good cellar, bath room, dst.... a Isy dnum ill the yarti, endgeod stable, The lot base front of . -4.1 feet on*OarroPstreet, Allegheny city, by 100 feet deep to Ixsi lie street. Price $1,400. Terms—s.ooo in haul. remainder in one and two years. 31s.N. apliS Al Market st. W RIO LIT'S PREMIUM ILATHARI 0 N cools the head, and removes all symptom. of ❑rad Persona using wainsrs B ATH.ARION Are never liable to ennAttruke. WRIfIIIT'S PREMIUM KATHARION Is the moat valuable acquisition to the toilet, retaining the liair in any required form. For sale by Dr. OEO. H. KEYSER and R. E. SELLERS k 00.. at 26 MOGI per bottle. angle_ • LiAG , -TAR1C11.1.1017.,E pleasantly sku ll'. .IE4. in Ifißeglieny city ; lot of ground• Su f ee t Ironton Dankaane, by 160 feet deep to.a, lb foot alley. The boulieDivrall balltandlleishedlit roodeiti- style ; portico in ,ttopyhall,twapayloya, , dbeint•ra6M,;k4lten, chambers, hydrant pie and gravel yra - , shade and trolt trees, shrubbery, &a all in complete order, for sale by WS • OUT=lfiT'it 801'x, 51Xerilat it. t , . l .: ' 4\ 4)- r4‘" . , . • • PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1856. CIIARLkYIIE HLUNI EATON. AGENT FOR TEE MEER et e. i 4 MM=Il EIMEZI MISCELLANEOUS. RYAN'S BUILDINGS, No. 31 Filth Street THE subscriber, haring enlarged and fitted np iu good atyla hl SPICIOIS FURNITHIE 4180011 S, LA RGE ANP VA MIELE ADDITIONS T. hie stock, and now Invites hie frionde and the public to CELL AND EXAMINE Before purchasing elsenhete. EIS STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED, Amounting to about $50,000 Worth, Consisting of EVERY CLASS OF GOODS 11101, MEDI CM, hnd LOW-PRICED. And embracing 110111 P very fine ROSEWOOD PARLOR SETTS, CA.ivered with French bagatelle. OAK CHAMBER SETTS, Aud a greut varlety.cof New Styles of Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Book Cases, &e., &c All of whirh hr,.ffers I.y retail, at WitiILESALTS PRICES. Every articia se:l:ranted to givo satisfaction, or thi, money refunded. H. H. RYAN, nt Fifth greet. EDMUND WILKINS, EAGLE 111 ARBLE WORKS. I U' WOOD, ON I.IBItRTY SREE'r, At the C4.mrtery ()ate, Pittsburgh, Pa. ~tutitiolent. Ductal Vault., Tombstones, Mantel Pieces, re And r Table Tups, Wasliatands, lc. On hand and tnade to -rder, rd every cart ty, Mantels, fencing for Cemo tory luta, ornamental and plain, which to durable, and needs in, peiming, at :ruin V.: to Sti per cunt Mat Me engnged prai tically in thin tinniness fur thir. tv yen,. taeuty,three ~t whi^h tare been In thin city, a Mel, I dekon a nuffieteut reference, a will !linker/MN, design., mei ttirtnni, any awl. In lily hue at reasonably price. ly. JAMES A. FurzEn, F ,, RWARDINti AM; Ck , MMISAION MERCHANT, Fun THE SA LE or our, Grnin, Dried Fruit, Seeds, Lard, Ba tor, liavon, and Produce generally. No. S 9 Water Street s PITTpt" , rxrcr. rllll. lb C. Raltry, Esq., IVi!limn Dilworth. Sr.. S. liuthbert :on, Ifl L,orgh; 1.1,0 S ott, Ilwir.l,ll Swearingen, S. Brady, C. b. M. et M. Bank, 5: C., , W. A mit.r,•ii, .1 2•4 PEK N 'l' E A S I'OllE, NO. 38 FIE'll(111 STREET. FltilS/1 lot fresh Green and Black Team, nat reoelved direct from the Importers, which will be finhl liolonale and retail, at prices lower than motel. y..YJ 8. JAYNK.S. COTTAGE HOUSE AND LOT pill': undersigned (with a view of reinov fog to another houe. ill the offers for sale Ike 110WSP: AND LOT in m hi. now !ibid.. albs Ilea on ll.nuit 11 a.liington. on the brow of hat 11111. IL' lover poet of the city. The lot is 123 rest front feet deep, and 100 , growing oil it a large number of fruit trees and ahrubbery, consisting of apples, peach., cherries, apricots. currants, gooseberries, raspberries. grapes. AT. 11,0 house en 40 feet front. U feet ball, end 50 jest deep, with kitchen and cellar. Thorn are 9 rooms. with Irdh room anti finish.' garret. The houso is built iityle neatly patinhid and iiapertit throughout; ih r indoors and washb..ards of front room, and hell are omitted. There I. n goo.l stable, sufficiently large for two horses and rriage A aril of S., it water. a cistern, and all neeeT•sary lilt in met , w,l a oiling fence u fret amenslli- C is '4 . the :saw, heantifol and ha.lolllll iu I‘. , stein lash day of Jun: - f,rrns J 4.114 No. -1,4 Fifth sti,t "I'v‘to Jledalr and Vise Lllplonaas 41vartied. AR TII R Patent A Ir.T4 _ion-dealing_ tin cane es er,proot4iliillow '.55 Jars. treDFY 'HOY Agent ottlik city a W.nerti l'ennitylvan is I he sale of air shun ail Li—, at ha, China an 1,!11,115.111. stor e , Nn. " et.. Pit Inbargh. I is line° kept di and green glass jars at lea price. with larg etra and corks. ready fitted f strawberries a, .•••••.•.• situ a genii.. as ..,rttneut of China, Glass mid litiertisviara, adapted to the wants of privets famine& by el limier", steam boats and .aointry merchants, all at moderate prices. jel7:3m REMOVAL. RANK VAN CORDER 11AS REAOVED 1.. No 7S MARK }l' tltleet, nearly opposite , to lily old stand. and is now prepared to supply MR customers and flag geinually with anything they need in the way of Trimmings, linilitionleries, Ki Moves, flosiory and Fancy (tools lixtuenibor the No., 7R Market at. ap22.3m—ichJ VIDENIA,--- Citizens' Insurance Comps.- s) -The Pr.-lidera and Directors of thin Gompany ha s this day derlitrial a senu•annitid dividend of six dollars is r shat e. opus rho Vivi tut Stock. Five dollars In cash, pay • able to the Stisikhol•lt•rm of their legal reprosentatives, and our dollar Credit.] to their dish 4,0 and after the 231 inst. SAMI2 L. 111 A RSA ELL. Sect. OLD TYPE METAL. WE ANTI , : FOR SALE, at the Office of the MORN] NB POST, n largo .inatt thy of OLD fA PE. Alacliinists and others wanting Pilch an article can ,ret a !eggs supplyby calling soon. fob 9 1 TATE FAIR.--The undersigned Commit (. tee, :I pp .11,11.1,1 to solitat aubscriptions, to severe the holding of the State Fair at Pittsburgh, hereby elation. 01oil li LosSER, one of their Committee, to collect the auto. Mr. 1.11.1186 ER Mli call on subscribers during the present mouth. N. G. AI UIIPIi Y, N. HOLMES, JOHN S. COSGROVE, WILLIAM M. lIESSII, JACOB GLOSSES, j.. 21 Clan STEW BOOKS.—.Juot received, and it is I hardlyat* Vto r 11, I' 11 t the in, that they are „„la from TEN TI) T WENTY CENT. LO W E R Liam glue,, horn. Tour of Madame Rachel in the United States—price 90c. Sparrowgraas Papers- -00 I . e nix. Comic Me.eries of Human Lif,-7,•. The States and Territories of the Great Werd—sl.l2. The Be ashy Pepe!, • by Brougham-talc. Tangletown Trotters—sl,l2. Salad for the Social—sl.l2. Piazza Tab.; by 9lelville-90c, Vagabond Life in Alexis, -90 e. Scalp Hunters; by Capt. Mayne Reid—s.l,l2. White Chief, $1,12. Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour: by Frank Forester—s . l,3s. Brother Jonathan for 4th J —Pfc. Pictorial Clipper--r, Ytll.l[ol. Notions-43c. Ilarpor's Magazine for July, (third supply)-20c. Peterson's Magazine for Jul), (second supply)-17c. Graham's Magazine for Jul tsecoriti supply)-2oe, llutley's Lady's Book for Jully-20c. Leslie), N. I. Jonrnal—lae. Ration's Alagazine-10c. Remember, the place te got Magazines is at LA DEFER'S BOoKSTO/LE. 1„..N No. 57 Fourth street. AGREA'rBARGAINri-For sale, a com fortable Brick DWELLING GOVSE, No. 59 Front st., with two Lots of Ground, each 20 feet fnait by 90 deep. The HOUR.' lo large and convenient; a good cellar, with cemented floor: a hull, two parlors, dining-room, and kaclint, on first story : with a wash-house and large pantry—three chambers., store room and bath man on the second Story, and fire naafis on third story. Fireproof slate roof, gas fixtures and pipes on first and second story. Large yard, with shade trees, grape vines, &c: Theterrprovativing oast more than the price naked for the whole property. • Price ssoV— onefourth iu hand: remainder at one, two and three yeses. S. currrtesaT & SON, ... 1.28 ItearEetate Agenta,'6l Market et' SUMMER COATS—We lave - "received pet Fhoanse another lot of Linen, Duck, 'lltuielllea aLld- Mazourka Sumner Cana which tomill oparrthismoinlit. jele L ILIRBIWELA.# HON, N 9, IQ Wood ft F :• F F . F . • - PRIVATE AND • CQNFIDENTIAL MEDICAL AIEITACZ AT THE BUFFALO VENBRIA,N HOSPL Til,—Eetabllshed for the coal of Elyphilua, Seminal WtaiMoB9 and the Infirmities of Yohth and 'Maturity, by Dr. AMOS. & SON, •ISIWPALO, New York—Office, corner . of Main and Quay streets, (up dabs.) A MOST EdENTIBIO PLYENTION. . An instrument for the cirri of general Debility, Impotence, Incontinence, or Nocturnal Emissibni. This instrument has been used with the most happyeffect in the practice. of the most eminent physicians and surgeons in the British empire, France and Germany. In feed, so re markable were the cures, that the late " Sas Amur" hailed It as the " Harbinger of Life." The use of this will fully sustain the high encomium. YOUNG SIEN TAIi6 PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. AMOS & SON are the only Physicians In the State who are members of the itoyal College of Surgeons, London,. graduates of one of the moat eminent Colleges In the United States, take pleasure In announcing that they have invented a most important Instrument for the cure of the above dhieasea. It has been subjected toe test by the most eminent physicians in London. Paris, Philadelphia and Now York; It has been declared to be the only useful instrument ever let discovered for the cure . of Semi* Weakness, or any disease of tire genital orgns arising from the solitary habits of self-indulgence which destroy both body and mind, unfitting Man either for marriage or society. Dr. AMOS & SON, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their Instmuneni, pledge themselves that in any Instance where they mayprofe unia4hdlickiry after • fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the Instru ment in good order. " Persons wishing the wove useful Instrument will observe that the price, with the accompanying directions, securely packed and sent by express, is ten dollars. NEW RE& IMF AND QUICK claw For the Venereal Mien* and all private complaints, sleets, strictures, seminal weakness, pains In the lotus, affec tions of the kidneys, diseases of the head, throat, nose and skin, and all those dreadful atllletkeas arising from a secret habit of youth, which produce constitutional debility, ren ders marriage impossible, and In the(end destroys both body and. mind. A CURB WARRANTED Dr. AMOS k SON have devoted their attention exclu lively to this peculiar class of maladies, and the relief they have consequently been enabled to render to their fellow creatnres le fully testified and grateflilly acknowledged by convalescent patients and others daily arriving lb town from all parts of the country, for the express purpose only of consultation, while their exertions have been crowned with the most signal advantage.; yet from what they have experienced iu inquiring into the causes of these Infectious complaints (from their moat simple condition to that of the most dangerous and luveterated) they have always enter. mined the possibility of their prevention and removal, and likewise invariably found that the moat horrible and malig nant forme of disease could almost always lot traced to one, of the following causes :—lgnorance, neglect,'or the ill 1.6 fecte of unskilful and improper treatment; therefore Dr. AMOS & SON have succeeded In discovering, In the Belts , lion of their remedies, a safe, effectual and cautious course; omitting all combination of remedies which bear an equivo cal character, as well as those whoee premature or Weill dons application might be productive of bad consequences In the hands of private individuals. In short, the laudable end of the remedy is the lessening of a grand mass of hue man misery• by the alleviation, relief and prevention of thorn grievous afflictions that are in reality the- secret foe of life, and which, while they so extensively surround us, call aloud for our elan and interference ter their extermination. BEWARE OF IMPOSITION. Dr. AMOS A SON have for a long series of years been en gaged In an extensive practice iu the treatment of these dell ante complaints, and are the only legally qualified Physicians who, regardless of the taunts and envy of the hypocritical and mock modest, have had the confidence, th•ough the nie dium of the public press to direct attention to those el:wi nning evils, from which no grade of society in free. In select ing this . deportment of practice they have been amply re warded by the great success that has attended their efforts Its the treatment of these cases which are sn generally con !Wed to the unqualified and ignorant empirics, who, with their pirated publications assume foreign nemra and titles, and pretended virtues of their patent nostrums. have in ilictsl serious 'lnjury on tii..se who have been induced to place faith in their pretensio ns --.Medirra Rerieir. Dr. AMOS & SON hate node arrangements whereby packages man be forwarded with sacristy and despatch to auy part o► the world. Address Dr. AMOS & SON, corner of Main and Quay treats, (up amino Buffalo, N. Y. jeffOala wI y VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE I NTHE EIGHTH WARD OF THE CITY OF PiTTSMOIGIL—TweIve lots fronting on Bluff street, whin!" is an 80 foot street, overlooking the Monouga hole river, each lot having a front of 24 feet and averaging from 110 to 171 feet deep, fronting on a 24 foot alley. Also, twelve lots immediately In the rear of the above, having a (rout of 24 feet sack on Locust street, mid running hick to a 24 fool alley. Locust street Is tici foot Street. Ten lots fronting on Bluff street, now In the city dletrict, immediately adjoining the above, only divided by• Milten berger street. which is a 50 foot street, and also the city line. Thwte lots are 24 fret front each and averaging front 97 to 14S feet deep. running back to a 15 foot alley. Ten lots in the rear of the above, each lot having a front of 24, fer 3 on Locust larva and running back 80 feet to a 15 foot alley. One lot on the Corner of Vanbratun and 'Forbes street, 29 feet frvut on Forbes street, running back to St- Patrick's alley 120 feet, whish is a 24 foot allay. Three lets, 24 tent each, fronting on Forbes street, run ning back I'S./ feet to St. Patrick's =Hi Also. two two story brick houses and lota, with back buildings, each with a front of 224 feet, nu Federal street, just above the North conunou; ruaniug buck 07 fast to a 3 foot alley. disc, a small two story brick house and lot fronting on Robiuson street, en the North aide near the canal, 15 feet trout on Robinson street, running back 72 feet to a 4 foot Also, my dwelling hem, and ground attached, on the cor ner of Sandusky stmt and the South common; this lot fronts on the common 60 feet, 240 feet on Sanduslu street, and CO feet Cu Water street. This property Is too well known to need any particular description, as those who want to par chase will call and see for themselves. 1 . will barter or exchange for city property in Pittsburgh or Allegheny city, one thousand acres of land, cut up into small tracts to suit pumheusere This land it situated in Franklin and Tyrone tourruitilisy Fayette county, State of Pennsylvania. The Pittsburgh and Conuebrville Railroad rune five miles through this land, faces the Youghiogheny river,aud is Just fifty talks from Pittsburgh to 31ilteliber. per's Station, and wilt not be tears then one and a half or tau hours ride In the curs, as soon as the road is finished from West Newton to Turtle Crtek, which will be completed by July or August next. This land la SO situated that there Is none of it more than two mules twin, Layton or Miltenberger's Stallone, and great portion or it covered wills the finest timber, fine stone, the best building atone, ore ur glasshouse sand, and large locust timber. Nor particular], Inquire of the oubacriber in Allegheny city. ap2B:3md 0 MUG E MILT END ERG Flit. 3FOR ti--3 lbs. of superior Young Hyson Tea fur Clue Dollar, at F. R. URA ViYS, Jell, No.l Diamond. CASTILE SOAP— 50 'boxes in store and for sale lq De 27 i FLEMING BROS. SAND PAPER-100 reams on hand and for gale lky FIRMING BROS. ' ADHESIVE PLASTER-Ifoo yards in More and for sale by Lis2n Hans. DAVIS, PAIN KILLER---Se- 6 gross just r Jr reined and for side by ()e27) FLEUING LOW'S BROWN WINDSOR SOAP—Five gro on hand and for sale by le.r7 FLMILNO BROS. CONCENTRATED LYE—A new article CO for making Soap,, warranted superior to Potash hi erery reqt. Remember. Iponnd woythld of Potash. On baud and for sale by De27l FLE3IINGI BROS. rrillE OLD ESTABLISHED TEA HOUSE still maintains its reputation for FINE TEAS. All grades of Y. H. and Black cunstamly on hand, and now re eelving— 1U cheats Queen Chop,lineat Tea In market; lu Moyunn Y. ilyaon ; 4) Extra Oolong; Fougtal, extra ; Sonchong Chalon; Eat " el...sorted Young All of which will be eokl at less prices than any store iu the city. F. It. DRAYO • Je•7 Koa. SS Market at. finii I Minion]. D URKEE'S YEAST POWOER-20 {;rose niorted packages of this superior Baking Powder re octved hi. Licrn I. It. BRAVO. S --... - -- ECOND STREET PROPERTY TO LET. A magnificeut Two Story Brick House to let till the ht of April next. Enquire of . „BLAKELY 6. MOREY, lel% Corner'Seventh and Smithfield sta. WE OFFER FOR SALE ABOUT FORTY acres of prime land on the old Washington Road, beautifully situated, which. we would, sell In small lots to suit purchaser.. It is one Of the ifrettleat loentious for country rentdetn*s around tho city and 5(111 be sold low. - is% THOS. WOODS. Ro. 75 Fourth et. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS A YEAR, --For side a tiru-story dwelling house of four rooms and kitchen, spring house, to ' situate QU Virginia street, with large lot of ground of 96 feet feet front by 165 deep; trait trees, do. The soil is goe4 arid location pleasant. Price $1,500. Terms $5OO in hand remainder at $lOO per year. S. VUTUBERT k SON, je24 61 Market st OUSES FOR SALE—AII , described on. Woods' Printed Land Register, ethicists given gratis to who call at Nc. 'if, .street. If you wish a Howie on a speculation, call In TROILIS WOODS, JeZi tb Fourth street. LIME. -100 barrels freak received and for age by . Uelo . l HENRY H. COLLINS. Q UQ AR AND MOLASSES,-- 200 bbla., cypress cooperage, N. 0. Kolas/ma; 600 do oak do do; 50 do Bt. James S. IL 31olakinal: 100 !Aids. fully fair and prime N. 0. Sugar. On hand and for sale by MILLER & RICKETSON, jnld 221 and 2= Liberty 'strut. F lSH—Mackerel in whole and half tails. Shed Herring White flab « Trout ~ Salmon ii For Mb , by (jol4l i HENRY H. COLUNS IF OUS 0 ET —A own.. ous '• wo • Story BRICK DVIIELLING HOUSE, situated: on pranalin street, opposite the 'Sixth Presbyterian Church. Possession given immediately, Enquire at the house, Or of MILLER @ RICICETSON.' Je2l Non. 221 Mid 223 Liberty street. FRESH FRI:111'S -6 dozen Peaches in bottles or cam. 6 do Pine Apples do do 5 do Strawberries do do 5 do Cherries do do 5 do Blackberries do do 6 do Ilnckleberrieerdo do 5 do Gooseberries do do r. 5 do Pears and Plums In bottles or carts, For sale ' . R 41=1,11130N, m oz . 11 0; 19 VittiottalheV • , positdBMirlei Hotida ,4 2 71.ditAIP.11/4M1K4410 Aki"-1 41, 43' 0343 , - , 1 1 APO:WNW:B PREAM TART4-: 500 received anS for sae 107 ljral ri,M3G • " • 1 w•'` ~1- i ''' ;(,.'1'1'...'7.',1.:%?-'i.:i'it_',- :•• • .101 1 4 -34) ; ;1•w f nbE f commEßoimi; - - PITTISIII*GEL, sp".uupq 40,,T - opu3iF. AND INDNCUAN4I3 9 EN6IIANGD. , WDMARTEL ViceDtsidart.t.' (49. W.. mum frauvrir. N. HOLMES, Ji Secretary. JAMNA P. DANA Superintendent.. g• T. NORINAM, Cbmmatee of or Jnu GEO. W, CLAII4I- 1 7 - JOHN 8. LA OO 3O3 §G ERT V ; F, •;.I_,E#ry T. a CLARKS, movEnizams OF- IDOIDA N WrEVAMERE4 Ships Hermann. Edinburg_ Mil Barcelona F/41 '' • - , leaf e; il 11 ; attr ;• Days Fulton Havre.. New York .....4....J.uty , 2 Niagara - " Noettra; &c Liverpool • July-' 5' Ericsson. Liverpool ........New York I .July 9 Persia Liverpool New York ' July 12 City of Baltimore—Liverpool -'lrattlitore ....: .. ;.. July 16 Washington Sonthampton...New York ' Joly 16 Business has not been very brisk during the past week although there has been settle activity . in the. markets for BrestistuffrartCProvisions;...the former has experienced an advance.in prices. Whisky has also advanced with a good demand, while in Sugar and 3folasss the sales have been restricted, the prices tending upward with the prospect of ticeii: tinned advance. The weather has been quite favorable for the far mers ; the recent showers have improved the pros pects of the Corn crop. The harvesting of Wheat has already commenced, and judging from appear ances, there is every reason to believe, that while the crop will be as good as last year, it can also be gath ered iu much better condition. There is a good demand for money without any pressure in the market, and as I t he Dankecontinue to ~diseount freely, the best paper finds no difficultyfin being negotiated. There is. not a ,large amount of fered outskle. ...Eastrn Exchange is scarce while Western is plenty. In money affairs in New York on Tuesday there was no marked change. The official average of the-Ranks in•th'e city of - New York for the week ending on Saturday, July sth, present in the aggregate, as compared with the pre vious statement of Saturday, June 28th, the follow ' ing changes : Increase in loans $2,180,058 Decrease in specie 230,451 Increase in circulation 387;182 Increase in gross depesits., 6,901,177 Inhease in 'undrtiwn' depositi 1,405,513 The heavy transactions of the lst and 3d instant, caused the gross deposits in bank to reach, for the first time, the unusual figure of one hundred but the check, drafts and notes drawn against this and exchanged through the Clearing Renee aver aged for the five business .days, $27,885,914 a llay, and thus reduced the actual or undrawn lino of de posits to $72,754,505. But even this figure is the largest ever yet attained, free of the Clearing House.. Including the Sub treasury statement of Satur day, the following is the general comparative recap- . itnlation Specie -. , ' ''"' - .''' , "?'7""• 16,8.61.093 10,829:416 14,069,n77 Circulatiou 7,748,069 80137,471 67.50,289 Deposits 85,647,240 100.140,41 93299,243 tiov't. Office, N. 1'...-.... 6,636,464 10,464,947 10,351,437 Gross ,leposits, June 29 1.93.239,243 Lees average clearances.... 21,989,250,1 Leaving nudrawn Gross deposits duly Leas average clearance Laa•ln& IntroitFo in same deposta The private letters by the Baltic are writtekCitva: very cheerful spirit. An improvement in the London money market is looked for at' once; but matters in Paris are not favorable. The letters contain' a fair amount of orders for American securities, more 68- peeially Illinois Central Bonds,and stocks. The imports at NewYorkiiiii June, shoe ii. small decrease on Mity, but, nearltfive millionsblerease on the same mouth,o 4 lrst.,yinir. The aggregate, as compared with 18.54-5, shows an increase of 'nearly . $43000,000, but, as compared with 18.53-4, the in crease is less than $7,000,000. The disbursements of the Sub•thasury 4 New York, on Monday, were largo, including some $150,- 000 to the steam lines between New York and - Pan Francisco. Paid, $425,437 67; received, $247.401 61; balance, $6,993,797 83 : paid for Assay Office $91,- 439 82 ; paid on disbursing checks, $105,5'i4. 331; paid interest, $193,998 79. A letter from New York, dated Monday evening, nays :—"'The Flour market halt again advancedlsc. per bbl., with a brisk demand for export to Ei ni gla l nd and France. The reeeipts are large, but are • suf. ficent for the demand. Shippers swopt the Market today of common and good mediumgrades ci State and Western Flour. At the close, holders ids' isted upon an advance of 20@25c. per bbl. Wheat has been in brisk demand for export, the sales to-day reaching nearly 150,000" bus., at an advance or 3 to sc. per bus. on all grades except strictly prime... The receipts were pretty heavy, bat the market, was swept of nearly all the lots offered. Cloth opened a shade firmer, but with large receipts and only a moderate demand prices closed at about the figures current on Saturday. Prime shipping lets are very scarce, and will bring full prices." At Philadelphia,. Qll Tuesday, there was quite' a re action at the StooktEtddrd,` partly owing to the un favorable telegraphic adviees from New York, and the market was fiat, with a downward tandem* for all descriptions of the fancies. Long Island .felLotr iat ; Reading Railroad d. and Morris Carla i.. Pennsylvania Railroad continues firm at the Ml:pad Vance, with free sales at 49k. Holders of ; ttle Schuylkill Railroad. have been disappointed the company having declared a dividend of 2 perant., instead'i of as 4 per cent., the usual amount, and, j offered at 44, with'Only 41 bid. The Investment Se curities are held firmly, but the demand has thllen off. In the Money market there is no new feitture to present. The Cincinnati Columbian., Of Wednesday, says The Money market during the whole-of thetimst week has been gradually workingessier. TheAusa tity of first-class paper offered from day to day i was only-moderate, and we did not heir of any difficulty in negotiating it ou fair terms. Of second-class pa per the amounts were somewhat heavier, but still the offerings of aLkindai re weroano than usually I . ght, and we quote. rates as before,vis 10 to 12 per cent. for first-class names,, and 12 to 24 for inferior, or what are not so well /mown. At Louisville there isan Abundant supply of cap ital seeking reliable investments. " Paper " with. Sound names as endorsets is very readily discounted Itt usual and legal rates. Exchange is firm and the demand good for the season. The Consolidation of the Railroads West from Pittsburgh bee bad the effect of running up the Orice of Pennsylvania Railroad Shares to pai, and It is believed the consolidation will add largely to: the business of the Pennsylvania Railroad. We learn fromthe Louisville Priee Current, 'that the ate.* of Pork, Balk Meats, Bacon and Lard *old by packets arci . BeForainiOn Merchants in Loulaville ou the Ist of July inst., amounted to the follosiing aggregates:. Moos Pork 24,314 Bulk &Gulden "21,000 ThLn ...... 421 Bplk mope: • ''• •''' ' tiorm , nen?) 4 111 ••••••,erv, 7, Moon 1 67Z1 IktLE7IPFL/ t 4.-4L.111,71 , 111 BoconllLinny(enni l / 4 1) 88p, Ovet,,,haY 414c.ealloKit - .llliies , Foilet-e*fi! the ickeifFretellchelre-been taken on specilatiolii! withitteatilik,,l4MairtettethideliritMllo4ol, ~'='~ - 2 t. NNW= - , . --, , , ,;=-1 , : - ..?!,? ' -- - - -02' - .'r . , - . •:-t:' ! " . ': . 4,.::"...i I ',,, ,1 ..•5'. , ...4 tr,„,efrip 1:..1. ..„7-7-:$ ,-.V. Ai . .4- ..e.k , . " :*: t 't LI i., '... - , ' 1 14* 1} t ...v.-,• ~, . ...4.r r ,. ~„ i I=ll Ell= MTN= NUMBER 231."4 E=El AOILLS - , TO BAEL.. Leave Day?' ........Nets York.. Bremen, 12 New Y0rk,... 7 .,010r50w.-,4 , ... , ..41 1 12 32; Bolton tidorpooi 7 July 18 111 , New York. Liverpool... ... ..July 28 New Yralc.......llArerpacittila-r.....1n1y 24 ----New York-- —Elovrawla Cirwrle:...Tray 28 ra TO ARRIVE. PirisareGH, Jitly 10 1 1850 July 7 July 5. July?. 28. 11365. 1866. 7497,852.491 109.267,58.3 101.Q~ i,526 ..... $71,349,90 ..... -$100,140,420 - ...... • .$72,754;50. 0 .4•...-...,.. 4 ,,, r „. 4,1% ..., ) ,„, 5rw - -2=:Y..- -: rl -z - - „1- - 7 ,,, .... 21M . -.7.4 . :-. Y - Fes, .:5_,..4-4.gw--4 e, - f,-;--s<f - ott T. , - , ex-10*TO: • . ''• -- •'= 4 .--I 4P - ..t - z•,4;. - - - --:•;:; - $. amirdwa ,e31:44,:r44,-,-,,,,,Avri,.• %---,;-*- -7 ,- - , --:-----,Z---- r -- ` . 74-- 'q , 4,. . , ~. 10.4400 .-” ..='.. r = • 44' 11 4 .A. GR ~ , ~, ,• , -- ~. . ••-•!'.e „ -, •,..4. - ,z,"4 , , A ...:, „, . is , % Jr? 4,0 l'fiV,o„ - -• 4 ITI .; ~,,,„ , . , - -4 ., ~-9,-17•77.-7.-'-t-', -.1*.;,034-;.--.*,'-' 5 , - • - 31.'501P4#01V.,11051-gti ,_-,',::.-gs.2. .121120fiilarb, 0120 illlertiellk ' ''''' •......, . ~,,.„4„„...... ... ~ • - d•-vrct. ' te'er:..ol,a(o .11014,1**i-liiia . :: ' ... '''''' 4' W ''',' '' 4.- „A.. 4; w .ru crie i i i ti iii V.-"" 4 6 00 -- - - 4 t- Do. - • etatiortigsz_ 946 • ; Pul4t4z.- ...... - ....... ........ 4 06 1 -4, , Z7 , ..4 4 .: Do. 1.844; 1 41Altrattber - e : s,o4,welutaatar.Oweluskre 4(OA -47.1."WaP !:1444.544a,eNt.014;45-0114)qtfevy-Aecitiff.;' ,• , - 1)1 9 0a 4,34bwn,,9.,..,11041440,.. .800F . ted4,s- ;-,. -.. ,, -s - zo- :.‘ stook only 3,050 barrels. Ali, .4i:? and, .R.inip i , lfOrla:-,.. 7 4=.....,. , 2 ; --;- awn ,. roaohod eo await AnytgooantctllP o 3 l ara-nnt,".'f?-'t-4.40 ~!.,..dir4 ..,,..;,.....- worthy to mention. Tierce and Barre) Lard ' hats .r . - ....1,,..?.....5e.r - -I 4 9 1 44, r feiP4° 11,4,26 41> V* keg , ft - am 8,882 to ..‘ , -- Z, '' . - g -;:':-.147 ,-. ' . 1 7,ltf • BnUf stituUtrenrAS stia3 to 27,000; Bulk ''-;- - - 4: 41. .t"" - -.-...::;g1 , .!4 , . , - • Sides andAnMa, : no lo i Bart 4 SloTn4ront 233 r :'....., „ , ,,,,4, ~ 2 '211 1. c0 111,61(1; Mite, ArOni S'S,2ieGA - 0,72 72 ; name , . 7f tr4l ho ld ~ ' . --•fz , :si..t froimis,o3o to 98,830 pi**::t . ,,2„ : :.„,„,4i4 . Frf-iThe - gew Orleans Btithrtin;. ' 9l;44;igd, iitys •• -' _, -17 1 ;..." - ,''. ; Ip ~,liugay, npotAtious have illy, A ~risin9relimitedr-..-1 ,7, ;'- / ';* - -.! ' f 'scale dtuink the !cut Ilireo ' days,- Ind a ptdOetildiew. ' -,,, 1i` , .; , sr :: l'. ing a further alight improvement, sho ... seles compria. ~.- . 4...., : ...i - . $ rag 606 - bluft - withitilhe vinitil'Orirti . .tikotatien4nez.., ...*t : - ,..„.'5-..r . w,...., . follows' itiferioittittei;'obtkithOn 611191 4 ; 4111i8taffi;,•: ...,,Agc ! . .'} prtme'Refq,..-end , chnice .9104n.r - 415r1ga4 . piX0.51..- . ; ,, , - , : 'XA,.9..L . ,_ mended - BalOn. , Received eince- the , 2711b 2 tt1t. - . Ai1p, , f:4,,, ,,.„. hide. Exported 5 wads. <,-,..., -.40:15.3: .Kr -,di . Of idoleeeee,..the:ettpplies..offerinf.dttritig the Tait ; - ::7;t r. -47- t, , three4eyellatlkeonOncted toikke , montlY;intariorf and " - : " . .:Nh.. lzrZ gone 6ff ' ral , NOA'a llr i l Y.fo.,-Q a __.4 ,3 a o. , Plitate, on thi ,- 7 .4-4 conktnu,....ekoontinund r ecet . ortinnd in attuned at 1.6 a. " '.:47 4 - OK , Tikeialok agfaapriaa.4o l Y-04,- -Rewired since - • - •: ,- '4';`-: . .* - " thii`tt.ii nit . 16rlige. - toid:364 - .l,:ifrAtiii - Oitil ~,. ~-'. ' ",, , , " -,,,i,. 292 bble. - • ' '' - ''' ' ' '''' '': l. . ', i . ' , --"-!'; '' '• ? '..,''t' , '':f ~ , ": ,,,-- -t . ' , .• , ;'''..t''''''' - 4,1 - ;' ). ; ~, ~. .1'., - ; . '''17:4 , . , : ''.. ~, - 'l.9ittritAi;i4Vi s 6nt- - os' ~ Lii.",askirrE. ~,, •',....,-*..., - .. make Pearls pa otedelitleali .., 44lll - a T‘4.15d1F , ,..' :?.._,,,. - .0 y - it-13 9 .,;- 'Go ittilitii4thi;o i itiii*i .. :;:jlt,, - / , ' . .;._..., , .. - .A.5 4 ,-,'5 -- 4'.: -.:-..-- , ~ BOTTER-Thereittiielc4i). iidatilifin l luant;:end tie, ":: ' - .:,6. irtailiet iti'exieedinglithilf; cm , ;:sitate"tiimalostily,att4fo,. , ,.44l(rt, • - BACON The market still ~.tt1 i it.„*.„.i.*.iif ki .6,,...i.0....,...4z1 . 4..: - -i- ~-..... „„dibez.:,,,„ii-,64.ia ali t OtfilsitrWitt • .011r...N:; k:,inckaleK. l *- 1, :14,',, the week foot up 1311409tbainii , 3Ctlirs:4,..ta,Vlniaise,...;4„ „ ,7 - 7 , M;- ,_ Tlitiisao, 7000 1i.i...,6-.*##0.)4141, ~ _ ;-2,?0,116.---,-z117.,L.„. ' , ,i.,.., at 10IA; ZOO Th e aboubier a 4 4 ,ll fit 2 oWW,..,*' :-, :r ; '''''‘ f '' ' - lbs. clear country sides at 0 . l 0 4,,,,, ' Ins angar•oureci tains at 131 , Ki*isinculdtalaqe.;30yltia - i ~.,;.;,,-a . alder' at 10 1 A; 2iOtt lii. Canvassed geMaiit,.ll;'if 2 ktir* - - kF)B,,, . sugar-cured hams, ill for casks . ) mi i 48 . tierces; dm itite. ~, ~..?;ti.t.e. Saturday: - 4 099,itoogt9 0 1flariA 9 X. 6 , AT:tido.: 53 *) . Tee . - ,-... 41 . g.r , - ' a...ilia., cash; 2000 N.liiiixit-lone4 1000 The. ittgalinto ' ''4"7/&„..,',- -' hams to 4' 45 ; g . f3 X; 8 0 . 1 4 %,TinPz4g aa l t ?X ; 1600 1 . :4 , 744;4- As, .liiiiiiicativassod Lame Alai 3500 Aba,chouldisre and .-p:,7•4 ~, - fusing at 9®104,10.).?; 12 tierces,sugar . cm24,ll9neat 1110, 7 - 1 -- -:.,;N:,:t . Thirty days. 31Mldy , OciiHilbs,Shouldeni, Oka aedlunwalm f - .,:'::. ; i - lots, at 9 1 ,4'610;4 and 11c.; 300 lbs ahouldarts at iln, melt; - --!./ .1 sOOO lba Mst unat 10 1 ,0 lON. and 5000.1 ha. cleat ildee at tic., ..' , ,' '.;.. ..' oil for club. Tuesday : '30001 . 11N shoultieraatAo r ; 1,9,001b5t haunt' 4 ..w v- :''' at 10X; 5000 )11, 500 in lots at f I XO4 I XiI.CP thsh a ll i nl - .. 4 "; i 5‹C... _in lots at 19 . W11e.; 300091. Iron pliy..ii4l..Raras In lots at , ~.. .,. " 7", 14c41000 ths.Shoulierfi and„kistiottet ‘ 9, l 4o44l;; 1500 ire..';..,74,„ ..„ Dams st 104, all for cash; 6060 lba„,...HamsAf 110., 30 ma' ~'l " ,t; 6.. {, ... 00 dap); 5000 lbs. Sh4ders . alt 9'4 60 . 4 . aVli-1. 1 9.i1° /ba•'a O': ' :''',..lLft,-: :''- hanie at 1234, 30 days; 5 tiercea do, do, ,t,n Aola at 13% ~., --; .3).74 , _,' Wednesday: 5000 lbs. Shoulders and hams „.at„9l6 and 1.1 a; .'-_, Itts - r , ~i caedi ; 1500 lira sugar cured tunas at 13Xe,i . pakal 2200 ftnt ' ' :',',''•:, ''. .. clear sideagt.lo-Ye.; .1600 lbs. canvassed hints at 113.1 e, cash, -'. . =:;:f„ , 44, _ ....i. 6000 lbs. shoulders at 9Xc.., thirty *rya; 20001t1bpjlides-ai , -- .. :''''''''Or.:;.:, 4 11)!f,,c., do.; 3000 lbs. hams at 11c , Call; 'l6ißliba,..Earrassed . ...:::;;;4„. 10 7 - , , .. _ hams at 12. c., 11,600 Ibs.,,,craidera, ‘1119!E •,.. at 934, - 4.-pi.. 1934 andfic.,; 5 tiefrcelitgaristre& hania aletc. , 1;,.?-47 ,1 -`. BULK WEAT...Bales 2000 tbs. sides at..9e,„„essh. „,-, ,?„..!. ,4 _, wrtoo3rbortN...Saliis 1 toti . at gi20.09. CANDLEB.-In good demand; regal& Attales,ltt -'.. i:-.. 12e. far. .., -..s r •t" - : .., - mould and 12c. for dipped; sate 83 Imxes fitak Candies at , 20 . . Isf , i ,- .;, ---'- j ~ ‘ • . 'f' (alb., cash. _ „, .__. ";:•,'7..• - !__..-- CHEESE.-The market la rather languidithinkart.l9lfvc.z:i 4 V."-„ . ' r ' little offering and the demand but.light.2,tilil , goShostA'^_`..' ,- * A. . : ' Western Reserve itilq9lAc. •.' _ . ,7 , ,. -ittv , PRIER BEEF.-There has beenlin , itaninotbilOcesOsetret c...;, , :,4.!•,;;;;;. `; 6 tierces at 13y,c, thirty daya;loo9lba.,lnhl44oXe r ,:stasW, , '2 ,-, C,417 - . 2000.7b5:- 6 Tind City'' in hate at 14c., add 10601likfti tits at ~ Zq., ,- X - lac. ell L, -, ,. , cl. - -. - ta-f 5-,;Fitr.'d ~! i-r; ,, • • ':' - : -... 2 ,,r - ; '.. IT DRIED FRI.T..:FaIm 260.hopbeff ? pried ; Apples at $1,19, - - , ...;45 - , t, 6T10,4: and 85 builtall of ranclia at 04;4, -;. . - ?=_:fly-: -,‘; ..-EaGs-Wa haws naaalea ttoeta ;" du , holtanidorr i r '. e; ', : - -r . :' -'; ' ,?. 117 4 1 were made at 13c., and we quote nontinallyntth*ntts: ' - `,-,,i . ..04,' ''''.. vitt iiiiiCir...Sales'sll,ooollVlWei'coillicion arid.ia**lo , _ ,t 1 . $28(3456. • • . ~ _:„,:',.: :5 ''r ;4:47:,-.4 ..:ti , ,,:...-: ..-,,,,,--yi ; ~, FLOUR-The Flour market has beeAlptihsAirleirtigt... ?"-/-,.,,,„;. 1 -- : - . - ., week, the sales s&cooding those oriWo preview week 145:54- , ,: , .;... ,, " i7Ai„,„,,7 .-eels.- The, prices have adeanced;and,thkinarifilt Isiliitri'- ,'4 4.5, - 1 , * . it,4 with a tendency towards a still furgier,.tidzatic„e .„ The sae; 1 :,'"?:" ~ Nftst . ,•,,, 'of the Wiek' itroorint ht ar4l hiik,nia Trifio , X4 - : 7 ; hr...fp:lay-, -2,.6.: - f`l l,-2r i 49 bbits,,nxtra fronhature ,5x..55,87%tf1S iblitlincira from • .e- 4.' wharf at 55.87%; 100 bbla Ntymdlneanst,egtrat wharf , :',..' 9,.., at $5,50(0.87 1 ,4; 00 bbl a superfine and extra ..lmm wharf -,„ ; !-;--7. - ..fity. , ,, f 0. $ 5,50; 100 bida'extrit'ffnmiteore'lie.ls.ll734; !?0 btls extra - --. ..:,i5 ,,4 1.2 from store at $6; 50 bade, extra trim attire . :6 1 86 0; .25 bb1et.;,;.1,4i extra from store at $6,54; and 50 libls,rapstllfie from store .:'l , '.; 4 -.05: - at .0.623 , ". Sate,* y-16 bids. extra from wagon at $5,75t 1 „..;,' AP: 171 bide. do. from store at $6; 214 bma: ilk freid wharf at - ' ',,i* ... • ~W. ' - 1 1,5,37 ;,..',; 150 bbls. superfine ami olunce..do-foatu wharf at ~ ,,,.;:k. 4 0, 1 j5.50®55',62k:; 100 bbls. ex tnt from first hands at $5 8731; •;;; . . ,,, .. , -.4 , ,. g 100 labia. superfine from do. at $5,56; 75 - Mtg. Idxtra ftwalli , -i4f=4541 from 'store at Sat and , 25 bblit extra from stare at $6,29 , 4:: . 1 , 43' Mouldy -20 bbls.extrafrom store at $6,1234@56,25; 05 M1& , ..t. , ..„,„, - ,,, ,- .. t '' 9 P4l ll l kr0nt.q , t0r404:4 5 Q4 6, 4P141441114 , 611 1 1b1a. extra -family from wharf at $6,50. Twesdap-96, bids, extra from ';:- .... 41 , 1."4-„Xt , wharf at $6,25; 152 bldg. auperflna and extra, fryna do. at -. .. 7 .:iyi::, , ," t,8,W23,030; 179 bids erica fiom store in l'it6" at $6,59; 79 -J:l 4 bide. superfince - from store at $6; 170 bbli.exlifficenattkra , at PAIN , andBs-bb/ellanortlnefoins whisrfat $5;80: wad- • - '),.:^"?*, iirikt 7 W bble extra, yore wbatf at $9,25 i. 15 hbla. do:fomt ",--.., ',;,,, - 1-; i ..,,,„.s• sti*afft3,l2l4;'l9ol.thlade:in lots from stem,at46,so; 149 ..., ,, .. ,- ;-.tr,r_4.', l bbia. superfine and extn:froni wharf ' L ai $5,804425; 75 bldg. ';''' '''',-.4:11,,,,,, exttalrom etora it putt 79bble &apeman frtwedn. at $6 pst -, ''M 714 Ides, extra from wagon a: 400012 X; -10614 , 1 a. do. frrm - ...iq:,-„ I '.0 0 wharf at $6,f9 ; 67,tible.dp,.,froTenn , .." nt 20 2 3404 7 th :".'. 4 4 . A 1 a. PRATE' Fid...SulesTexidisat're- :fl 3 2 , , .:73,1.;.:0,A PIPIT...The - deroand ierilliiitifali ad pigilo6ilitotaticns 4 :;-11 7 1.4 . .t,t a sale of ./O half labia . 1k0. , 3 hfickiiel;ledPs'let4Pfess. , :* . -',. , '4i 7 t;;AAl quote tdds. at sBso@s9 , io bt.ll - ..axaditaas l @VP* l 4 lo 44 •:.' ,t 7 -. 4 56(450,60j Codfish 0.4; !into I,.akaii,ish $19,6943411. '-: '' - '- .. ''':-! , :i: GRAIN...Tie sales of Outs arc vrry,light, wit,there ix 40.... , 2::•Ai change in prices; Salgii ere Making in ' m411'1411- at 25c , : ; 1 '''.-fi4 Wheat: aisles 75-red-retlfrorti first nands'it ti, and ma ': ', :;:44„,..0 „bushels front canal at- $1,05 a - ealermal made l from -,-.3-,,,,, cal of 156 bushel at 42c. Corry:. pales ; 204huattels in th0:•;,..T.' , ..:,4.;A1l ear at-SOc.; 80 i'busbels strelled,'Slightly damaged,. at Slof :;I - : - .:.g41' . ~.,,g, and 154 bushels ihrlokelit,"froin Store, at 49c ' ' `.&' - ',,i'' , -;"_t GROCERIES-Alrdat4es 'and Sugar - lorrelio - th rathattco; :''':'`'..4 ,- .1 ~..:7.4:4.i the market la firm With , a , etll4lupward,dinftrn there fa' -..;,,t -igi not a very good supply in nnw,toid,-anctßusliralltfaklnOlaire 'lieen bat light. We note - sis'ile of 10 bbis..dfiegfrst, In (ink,. was made a 'fear daps sirant 55e., 41iiiiiltheraige ruling rates at present; we quota MoudiatillY ne"5458e9-Sogar: sales 17 hhda,,fair and . gocal-falrat,i) , *4l9ae:afer: sales 69 bags Rio at 12®123.4c., meat andheyp...4ala.:: ;1., , ,ct• GREASE-30e 50 bbis. 9c.., on tends eqaditoos4 4 ' lIIDES-Salas to city trade 'are kusidii itlcf.'ffiren-1a15. ,, eel, audife. for dry; aides of the latter frelsl atom il. 18c. LAILD-.Thore is not much doing in,Lardicatid annals hot 'a small anpply on hand; sale; 5 bbls, Nv, 2 .14,X1et.;•4 OlLS—gales II bbla. No. l'et 8334 c, csah (514.0 Arr tibta.)l 25- bbls do. at 85e4 caeb, .(clo.;j bbts: da;tie.„, and 5 bbla No. 2at 78c., osab. *Linseed Elit4lintnrid - atotnN• . flair $l. PIG hIBTAL...We bayous tnut.nqiptis;h;4sots:i t fa:47e - : heard' of no change in view. • • • 4 •' ..PROVISIONS—SaIes 50 bbls. irreill'iiiVaN i a. • bßEDß.,,Flaiseed nombu9,attl: - • BALT...Sake 300 bbIa,_No,LAILSWAM ib*lnitit* at 5t,50 V rack. • • •ak tl-V.M - s_ls DP* - WHISKY—the pri...ea Widakfhavo . B4BB7lij*WEV42"; le a good demand; sales 50 bins. raw at tril,fcZattiM , ror.i.V!, .fii.l at 27c.; 31:41a do. 5t.:21 1 ,4c:, atuttibbbfii, 111* • WW , L- ;•1 12 ' re F ei P t 44 WATIWSkiM 4 gNLIMPAP*MW.' g em 13 , 1°5 eastern markets . Tl?..egsT,iytkpmts*: ?Eilelli:1, this 011 i than 'jibe last. Sales In tiu; eiyerar 4 ; pl3.,, ere P. made at ttorn 81:1 to 4bc_ -., , ' , 'l''' . . ll ' 4 "i; T EON' S-7409, box,es.--,l4snathaj,fe.: _Li aired io prime order, and for egae_by • , ..•-- jy4 . REYMEIL a-Arnyeresobrilattotiiast. -;---r - -ii — . - . -- • Z-,'.:4T"'i 00b — OA:NUTS-L600016.410 - C'WorkaZinajust, ;.:,, , - i7.t..,, , , t N„) received and fer.ealo, by .....ri..... k,'. ,,, V-i VlVant' • -7.:-14: 1 ' 7q2c - V . ::4 4 , REPtER ot. ANDERSON, .. .....,:. '":??: .. ,..'1r. jy4 • --: .. - ~,="kiMißgitcliiiiiieet;"l-4;Z-1 R OCK 0 ANDY-20boxelfjuNiWit araamt:44.4 - jy4 Air A 1.14 Z IN - ES 'AN D `.I4CTOBTAZ. S _ jjj_ PARS FOR JUI4Y-s-Rorenle ' Pictorial Brother Jonailiark; - Pictorial C • • Pictorial Yankee pa' #icautt.:i 4:4 Pictorial LondonNihr3; r Batt 011 II . P Plaart 4 4-'' - • irrifor'ir a - • 7.4 , Siadee 3"P 4A : Graham's Magazine; Peters:wee Misgazinsn'l •‘; PatriaVeart/P44e;, tgt e . fromjaboall'ontisi , Bay Blitikscood's Maisitiptr- ' .41 For WO --(1431: "MP at. PAL ; - • 6diaqiiil fide MBROIAM 12j largest ainOtidalit , sound in the MINIM* choice stylea-:-all or' • '..1!4!.1.- _11.012A.G 11,:j 11 bailed " 25 baskets 41.72't vilmord tat itopt 15 bstaketit' o l74"" 1449Yazdgmf Bpi 15 cases Barbi& 20,41a.:4 , 4114*(0nC9 25 do, S. Julla l / 4 , ''tir • "f#A4 . N. 11 ',., i. •,- ,; , .;•_. •-• `. • j '4 44' MIME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers