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'7,4l l6 tter, - 4 .1 3 .**.7t,e‘,1 f`;.-'4.5... ,r. , 04 , 14-4 - .1:4 - cf . t' T 34 4''A''•'•-: i I k r . 14 . t. 5.7 ..#P.,,..,....../ . )5 Ar ‘.... 4.y . ,0,; .i - ..-o i r ra..o„Fe- . #,r• ' 4 J. , I -44".r..1,.f4.4-li' • , v ; * , 4•4 44,0 A. .e •‘. 'tt • C • :g o t * l :a 44 ' 64. tee e 446.0-4 'Toy rdf th;_ti 3 2,:t9 * 4°4' 4 4 4. • , ; - ` r 4 P• 4 5 -, 4)11, 0‘ " 4 1' 71.4 '4 l4 + , • ,• ) 7 1 , •- f— 4 4••• .0 • e." t. • ,•• ... • .4;” Ayc , t > , * , - • 4 • ^° N•r„ ma 4 - ' • * - ` 4 ' . . 1 " o' 3 • • 2 z , e b, "A . . • 14, „ . • „, 4-4 t I-491N ." fr '`Nwor 114.04.41, 110 , , A-4 -0 vt0.045.4570 MIN ;TTSICLItGIi MORNIM POST. Printed amt palstitest every morning, (Sundays exc.:Sell, BY 191.1.1..1110AE do 111.021.14•60111ERY. 0.1 TEE WORTH-WM CORNER 0/ WOOD AND virin STRUTS. TERlld&—Rive Dothan. it year, payable strictly in advance. Six Dollars invariably required if not paid within the year. far Single copies, Two Cgsrs 'ale the counter in the Were, and by the Nowe TEE SATURDAY MORNING POST ihMeofrom, tha &Mit °DA., uu a large blanket size 70 . 1XMLAILS a year, In advaucu. Swale copies, Viva Orem- Air No paper will be discontinu.l, (unless at the discre- tion of the Proprietors,) until all arrearsiges are paid. &Wallis attention will be paid to any order unitise acconi panted by the money, or satisfactory reference In this 'Connected with the Establishment of the Morning Poet is QUO of the largest 3011 PRINTING OFFICE.? in the city, where all kinds of work hi dune l in the ahorteet notice, and most roasonable tonna. PROFESSION AL CARDS S A SAMUEL C. W IWY!,I)IAW, ;MlMlUtunl, PENNA. Offire In BAKE IVELL'S BU I LDI S, Urunt ntrrot, (nearly opposite the Court House.) feb 12.1 y lIA.RLES W. WINUARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, KHENSB PILO, CAN BMA COUNTY, PENNA. AiBo practices in Huntingdon, Blair, Clearfield and In diana counties. lelJl4ly. JIMPS A. IA /Wit IE, Attorney at Law, °nice Fourth stre t. Puteleirgh, between tanithfield and Cherry alley. decll:ly JOHN BARTON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, omen corner of Fifth and Urnut streets, Pitts burgh. SAM P. ROSS, Attorney at Law, No. 109 'Fourth strut, Pittsburgh. fourth door bdow Mr. Body Patterson's Livery Sable. jets PATRICK M' KEN N A, Alderman of Third Ward, office corner of Omni and Filth streets, (formerly occupied by Alderman Lewis,l NA' hero all business pertaining to the office of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will he prOmptly attended to. fehl:au Dr Ain, Surgeon Dentist, successor to O. 11 W I3lddlo. No 141 Smithfield street. Sir °dice hours from 9 to 1 o'clock, and from 2 to 5 o'clock. feblinly J. SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors J wart of Market. .rhir inik:s hours from 9 o'. iiick A. M. to Li o'clock P. M. dec.2o:y TULIN MOORHEAD, Wholesale Grocer and Oonind.ssion Merchant, for the sale of PIG METAL aiol BLOOMS, and PRODUCE generally, No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. aii24 writra.W =Luck Philath WIC RICICETSON, Pittsbur g h. WLLER & RICKETSON, 'Wholesale Gr - ore. Importers of IIkAN DIES, WINES and SEGA 4C.4, Nos. 171 and 174, curio, of Irwin aod Lihrrt s ' strm.ts, Pats burgh. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns. , constantly ou hand. .IYZ) LLIPRED D. CUALINd RO4EhTbON. EDWARD DITLIRI.I..E. CURLING, ROBERTSON S. CO.. )1;1110- facturers vi Cut. Presovd and Plain 4ont lil.A SS WA CF, warehouse No. 17 Wuxi Street. corner f Front. 1V lsbu Air All other kinds of 13 loam and Win. 1,04 at low Markot prices. opt I:dl J AIMS Y. LILLIE . J... 1. 1:.01. LEDLIE & ULANI, Successors t , , Mulvany Leah°. manataetniera Cut. Ni , •lll.irti i liar am) Fancy Colored GLASSWARE. +tn.' de.tlers ut :LII ainds of Window Was, Fla..ka, solo and Bottlom ii are. bowie corner of Market and Wati•r etreeta, tnh&dly REmovAL.—C. lIIMSEN, Manufacturer of every variety A ,n 6.1 WI N GLASc , ; black Porter. %%,., and 1,,,,,001, nud Cart.ys; oleo, Far e, er) II mein..., Noe. 1W SOCOIIIi awl lii }lna st eer, L•lnir 01. rolt2i • Flt. DItA VC), Diann,n,l, Pitt:Jan-oi. dealer . in COUNTRY TitoRCCE. 1, 6.0, stock of GROCEItIFN, „f every variety and the pure.t quttlif y. grmin.! at lam ! . .q.niu Milk Also, Dried Frame.. rvreign Lrohieatir PrtAn, taken In exchange fur wocc imadtse F.ll. D. has prtsmr,l a full :L.,4011111..111 14 7..111'm war. ranted GARDEN SEEDS, and insues the atteut in..,tt temples! In rural affairs. WA I CO.SI.IOSSION LIOUSE.--TIL^ have opened a House for the al.ere purl..., at 'i 17 BudthtlelJ atreet. four the,rs ttl.ere the Nl..uougthela Ruen. We will purchase. or roceive t..r sale. con signments of Flitit:a, BACON. • CIIKE.zE. (IIN. I lATi+, BARLEY, FLAX SEED. SEED. It.l Llib HAY. upon which we v. ill nukt• w .1-1,nu... r. irelow at the market rates for cash. , n irkcee w W. U. ENOLInft ...... ..% . .... J. I LIE, PNOLISII and C,mmthim..l) 31., •...t.• l• YLISII, BACON tm.l 111 1.. a: I I 1 . 1;oill 1; house formerly I.) 11.nrk ._•• A I I.,:hr.,tu. > • Witter tuld 11. A., /inn I.•! JOHN ATWILL. t. J. LIE A TWELL LEE S: ICU., Wii , dxsaleGn, , ,r, eill Pitudturgll Mau„ is "3 it.,.,! and Front tdret 14, Enctlan t :', JUII\ W. lil TLER & rii.. COM 21.. k 1 , • BURGH M 1.f..t I/ Ei rF, 3:..! it LEAD, No. Froi P,Tolad t ll H ENRY I.'“rwardin , ,l, and Conaut.i o chant. an I It 1i01,011,. Lit,in Els CILERSE, BUTTER. SEED., an d NB l i Ch: 2.5 Wood strwt, Prtt.tburgli. natr.. WILLI A.NI CA RR b., (William Parr, th.• I'. ..,I. 1,10 CERS and in WISES and BEd DIES.. Pdonoognloila and W IsK N.. :L4 C..aunon,nl Row, Litwin y stroot. ..o* , * JOSEPII t, L. wil.- 00x,i corner ,d k.-1 .111,1 keeps constantly band it ',tilt tln-td ICIN RS, NI EDlri 1 . , and all art:- clad pertaining t.O triir-'l`ltytriciatko' Pcettcriptnani ca-full . ) .1,211,• 'UWI,I I h OUT.. FLEMINU t,, J Kill Co., whole,. . , • •. N. , ; , .1%V.,.A Pittsburgh. Proprht.o. oi 11r )1 . 1.4"L. cclebrelt-1 \,• fogs, Liver Pak, J3''' JL. MAILSHALI., out.,:c.s.sor L. 11. Loio o WOOL DEALER io,l C I, INDIISSItIN 1R 1 1 11:1211A NT, No. 139 'Abort)• stroot. ikferarce—W. Wt aiut, t. 9 8r0.., Krxulro ,1 Raton, Mur phy, Tiernan it. Co.. nr,otil A bit kiatek k Pittsburgh, May gi, I • W. di‘itlrr in Kentucky 1. Loaf Ton toy,. 11.1.1. 4 auk PAPER., Nu 119 IVul styeet, below .1:xt1.1. ,up3'9y The 111,Thegt market pr u look f..r hags. WLLTIR P. 111.1.Slid.LL • )114P11 I. WP.MAllSlt_lLl,lniipd - ters and dualeri iu Frru, h .ltin•rlrau I'APER 11A. '' .... INGS, Nu. 87 W0..1 strovt, Pittsburgh. ligeuts for LLe ,lebratc.l inaiiurAcuiret, of Me+-:n. Dolleourt Paris. a T. C. MORGAN, Bookseller and Stu . done, flax niamyx ~ 1 1 hand n t ..1 bchool. Nliacellanaapi and 11lank 13....1i,; I . :1111111g. .1.1. I Oap Paper, wh.do,io and N;. 1,4 , below Floth Vast svlo) Air W ANTED- tin , crauni 1,1:, 1 v JOHN 11. 11 1 ;1_,1,01t, W h 0.e...1.1t. anti Re4;‘ll &Moir In NIUSICA I N:i piNNo r , 1341/11001. BOOKS and SI'ATI.INEIII". N.. +1 R"-.1 Pittaburgh MIME= " IKEyiliii, 4 i, ANDER.SoN, ,-11:,.e,,,rs 1. , JoahuA 101,1,, 1: L'...„. N.-11,,losal.• ,!,........,..0 1 , ..1C.J.:14,N FRLITS, NETTS, SPIC4S. CON yr:crl. C. Al: V, .....1:1 Alt. , . A , No. 89 Wood etr,,.t., ultp.mt le the t -t. Chatli.% 11..0,1, thtt% burgh. ..r.-: A'CINDLE, IVliiilesale and Retail S.lll- . DLR., TIAILNESS, TIII2SIi, VA LISF: and CA I:I'MT SAO SIANUYACELIRER, Nu. lUd Wuutl strnet, l'lttAburgh. .1929:Y ENITERPRI St; No. 136 Wood vatr.,t, third do.e Vil . Vlll 1111 , 3 . .—80WN LEY would mil the atteutton ut Sportlntr . inen t . their lal anaortment of GUN`, /MN 111. V 1 Nl/ 1 . /STII / the Urgent and tent selected nos k evtlr op, n.al ill this - ket, together with a general assortment of tint to •- ry, Toots and Yining Ta0•1:1e, all of which no offer at lowest vat.silde pricea to cash pun briers, or for g 0...! al.- proved paper. i NORTH-WESTERN POLICE AO NC Y, No. RV Washington envoi, colter of Dearborn, CH l• °AGO, ILLINOIS. LLIALt PINIERTOU 0. B. Rots, WI. Plls K ERTON k CO. dos sto their vets, ntLendun I , :Ise trattaaction of o general dete c tive 1.01.106 I{I::,INESS its the BMWS of lit inok, widco.its, mhlittle ITO V ES. —N o. 12-4 Wood street, als e IJ Flith.—We beg leave to call the Trade to our nlo. h I 1 8411 , 08, Hollow Warr and Castinzii in general. Having pert.•i L ed every thing in oar line, or ,Lau that be IMrpAINOIi in lilting. and nny u. the trade. Merchants will find it to their advantage to call lie fore buying elnewhore. tali 'GRAPY, ItENMY ER, k 1.1 ItAFl'. TOISIAS OLIVER, SADDLE, HAENEss AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, No. 4 St. Clair eu , t, Pittsburgh. ta, Horde Clothing, Willits, Spurt. Ac. WATCHES, CLOCKS ANI) JEWELRY AT GREATLY REULVER PRICES. JOHN M. 11013EBTS IM now selling off his large und choice stork of fine Watches, elis•ks, JeweuPt mud Ftuey Oasts at a very small advance nil first cosh prepto enlarging his St,.re Room and the purchase of till n,.ul• new stock for the spring triple. Perilous deeming 13 ItHAT BA A I Nei should call earl r, as It is his determination to close oat his to ssput so. k With out regard cs former prices. Don't forgot the pIace—IIGBERTS', Id El 1. - 1' Market 8/lENAND BOYS' WINTER (MOlllll\l . o —HCYSENTIIAL h Bail, Filth street, opp..site Nis son's, have a large stock of Men nud Boys' eI.oTHING on hand, eamptising some entirely new and elegant ntylps. which they are prepared to tarnish at the lowest cash lidiea. Alen, a large and fashionable stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. nrntww MARTIN L. STEVENS klrOkor. DITTSBURGII COACH FACTORY —B I (1- BLOW A CO, successors to E. M. Bigeb , w. aloud alley, near Wood stroet, Pittsburgh—CA It Ft lA.. E. , , C)ACHES, PHAETONS, 1100(nES, and every id FANCY VEHICLES built to order, and finiehed manner unsurponeel for beauty of design, elegance @f skill of workmanship and durability of materials. ibj_ An work rrarrantod. In , ,Q • UNTE RPRISE WORKS, No. 136 11 . (,od 121 st., third dour below Virgin nlby —DOWN it TETLEY would rail the attention of tiportllitt or to their lart, ar surt.atout of DUNS, RIFLES aol IIEVOLVINO I'ISTOLS, the largest and bent seh,tol rih erer opened in this mar ket, together with u general aswotment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, TOOLS sod FISAIINti TACKLE, all of which we offer at the lowest possible prieee t. rash purchasers. or for good approved paper. marl li JOHN B. YOUNG Taw. U. YOUNG retnnelm L. Y.'I"NO. rr B. YOUNG & CO., N. 3S Slnithfleld strout.„ opiesots (Sts manufartur..sr of CAIII. NET FURNITURE nod CIIAIRd. eleven. des , ription. tortilla -and workmanship warranted, and sold at reduced prices. Care taken is paricina for land nod water awl lAgre. SCEfOONMAKER, Manufacturer of J • White Lead, Red Lead, Zinc, Paint. Lithatge, Potty. dc. Wholesale dealer in Oils, Palma, Varnishes, Turpentine, ac, No. 24 Wood 'tried, Pittoborgh. my 22 4-3 , 4 , iliffin BUSINESS CARDS • ". • • ' O . -.c •• • ' tlitObliqi 01arit.iit4 . Vot PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE " POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM VOLUME XIV. BUSINESS CARDS Neither wiW Lay o uer my faith will I trifle." - vtriE TmroRTANT TO THOSE AFFLICTED WITII BAD SW llT.—Perbouii-sulleriug how Bud Sight, nneiul ft,,tu iulpairra coreititution K i d e cay, old K g, or other aaw'a, would do w.ll to Call UpOU Dr. 6. E. SU A I.IIACI'ICAL OPTICIAN, where they may rely upon pet:i Speehieleil setwitifically adopted to the JUST WASTti OF THE EYE. Ailiirens, 26 Fifth street, oppoeite A. A. illtinuifil, Pit hburizit. P. S.—Tolencopes. l'illeroacopen, Th.rmometerA, and every article appirtaiullii, ,he Opunnu trade, kept and repaired Ott the peeminea. tilasees Inserted In old Frnme4. irg, Any article not approsed of, exchanged frt. of I pen., dec7•l3. NEW AND ti CARRIAE & 00., corner of hebecua and Belmont streets. Allegheny City. would respect• fully inf,rui their fr,rel+ owl the public :rib rally, that they Lace Coliiiiionced the manulacture of CA REIAOES, ItA ROUCIIEzz, ROCK AWAY:, BEIiULES, SLEIGHS and CILI lilt rr,. m ull ILCu various sty ies Of finish and proportion. sp._ All order, will he exec itted with strict regard to dura bility and beauty of finish. Reptirs will slat he talerldiA tee on the most retuamahle terms. living in all their work the Wet. .E....reen Pei,. and Wheel Atkin, they feel ud derit that all who favor them with their patronage, will be perfectly satisfied 00 trial of their now work. Furdiasers are requested to give us a call, before put , chasing elsewhere. A MILLIKEN & CO. have on hand, at A their extensoe CABIN ET and CHAIR ?MA\CP Ae. TO1:1 , 64 :Ault lifiehl street, a large assortment of Fancy and Plain Furniture, which they mill sill 15 per cent. lower than cm:Amnia) lutes. Teri.. cook only. hi10c27,7 eII ARLES BA RN Ell', IloasE SUOER ANY I.II.ACK6MITII, has -rotted u w and commodious Brick Ohop on Cillittla ALLEY, betwevu Third and Fourth street,. a brie be in prepated to do all work in Lis line with tlie uuu,eat promptitude. flaring had long experience in the business, he respectfully solicits the patronage of his old customers and the public generally. juLll JAMES INIE LLI N Ell, Monongahela Pla n,o Mill, *soul.' rrststctfully inform his friends st.d the tt..• tul,llc that his net, establishment is Lit. to full 01.01, awl shot he is prigstrtsl t.. furnigh hot Cabins, and till all orti,lN 1,.r PLANK', LUNLIINIt, with pr,,iiiptnetts, nod at the luisi•st J 11.11 t/ Pi.lik, 1 , 111111.,1 011 Lille Or blall 1111108, CUlllit-Ul4l/, 11 Laud. Sw.l,, 1 , 44, nn.l M,ll,lLugli, of r•ory 111.1.• I Iti mid Cat - livid,. would ttnil it to 01,1 tage gi, lu all,. lie can how turiitaili them xul Hailed tttlitl. eaita.l.le tor ii,r) ilostrrtptiott woitt uLTON CAR WORKS, FOUNDRY ANII F SA:CLUS.I:I, O,ns.—Th. sulincriln 111,,rd iutu bus urn Work, t". 41.1111 of Vi star, 3ii'llititiOutth and Sholtly stroota, in prepare.' to C.•t3 tract lor and oxeratir all orders for P.Fwitger, 10iggay. , I.,,,Lulftiot, Hum. Nrebrht. l'iatforto, tiravoi. [lnuit and all ottirr deni•riiitiurts of CA.ICS.. A Is, L.r STEAM ENO I N of all sires, ti EA RIND. RA IL. ROAD CASTINILF of all dear peons. and all other nlgmrtamu+f t.. a Foundly aid Machine Ito Foren n of the dttlerrnt departzurnus arr twiruttll and practind teen—mostly from contra tnanufartorior ho k.-eik ll,ensehea lilfurult+l and ati , pt all Valuabie nun]. ern nnt.bp,rtnetitr. inute.2e,tl, W. W. NV ET itE++ LL. rilllE 110 PE COAL COMPANY haviug re f oeutly wet xith Len. iu tranrpuritug Coal to Cbtr-in. brlng I.ured by thy Mann!. [turn; lusulancr Cour poly, .4 - l'ldlatirlphia. take- in et:L[lll4 that tL. Lr clan, ‘,.•,1 tootnialy adjust,' by J Newtnn .10nrn, Attrut of autd Gompany. D. 1t1.2,11NE1.1., Agr,,t Gotu0.11), l'itLalatrgh. I. erul.na ; I{EVOLVERS REVOLVER!!—Just kt threat irolll • Use I.llillllki tut rrn, u Kplendul na,lrt• twatt ILEPEATI St; ;11, harrvla. nll 1.1.11 .anl, at ua low , they can Ire 11,410 in Ili. csty of New York l'er A,:laiot n.ll Ca..l, ;on that 4. liaatil k ; tl,rtr r.la.png.•• at 1.111... Ntiang..ra—rta v. , cn.. L:tam, t., t of a .J. 411, c , wr refund the tiwite). =TM 11( 111 . LE RS . 011 N ()I3 PEN .. Math , n , . I , r +trt-t. .i 111,• =MM /ilt , l,l.lt•lk . 01 14 . 1.;:11•1 a• parnculat tLrt . . tom.! L. t Et,: t!tut tLt•) bottlt . It Al Nltitilll " , , ALE ltt It. tottrotit gt.t. r.,..ttartott.l II utt ncettunt Ctt Ib .. mu , 1,1 t.t - ottztl...totty: titt•tlitto. .-.1.111 [ J. I.III..LKSINE ti 11,s M.m.lifa, tun' nine .1,411,r( In 14 Plat , GI., I k. nt2.l 1.;,1.. N.. 1.. •)0 10))01 nod mall to r. t tii t Pit and Monti,. (i N11)11 111.\ ..)1.1:1 and Ft a `4,. )) ;.; Ins a! • a • • I••••••l ti•tttnt 4ltl - I\llll..At Cult A r A. SW 11nd }legal Ilardwar, in • 11111., an .1 'I rt.-'t It. in, North Ltuch',,t'n tir\VIIITE, VENETIAN BUNT, 31ANUFACTU tan. I r an in. an t.. ritionn• his n and /1141 Opened /11$ IiLiND I:FA(TtIitT. nt N, , . h, Filth strert• hew' the Pont betiter. %Void and Ntsittm,l,l. where hi. Las nu a s ,. itirr• .1 if It Lt, Ile, tot ,tunn.,! I lant nail tnta . )' mik Tranni.o., /11/.1 1.• I,ll.l,artni d, ti'l ri ir •t, tr.inst tantnitatt.l, trim- lint with le warri.hnl t • F,te natlnft,ltin. it ntuiti,nl. es.mii.l Bit. Ls reimtreii. Picas.. give Llm a call, as h. can't bPat 13 SIIOPE, XIF.II.CIJANT TAILiiR, Third Ptr , ...t. 11,1 l'ikimlch Olknkft,l ~.r) 111,1,1 pan 11,. 10:01V 1, , e1 , .,41 , 1 1/1.• I Leg, lea , . 1. .k a 1,11t1.111411, •.1 the 3111111., no h.. Irttrr pleparenihLnLLer hi, fortush Ines. nilth ~mare LA Ul/I‘ll 11.- If. kei iin hal.•l fl_ Lino WS, /11.::t1 Pl' kti CA NIEHF:S, C 1,01116, d, svh,. h.- w 111 in - th-r9 , thr olgat nn s111A1•;t1 hot tn— Art fr , t tilw•tyn warratiled. invlo.lc • " E I. L' S FUitNIITRE AND F 1 111 A In.lesal.. an..l retail. elnl.ra• Ina ever, ett ..I lart.v.ure. in eel. ntel t;•,:-. 10, 1...rbn,. chninle.re. and tlanng rotuu ryu,.l wwht ”• 11•,••,, Lc. halA. u .ll I uu.s quostaily ul 11..;.'s I flit}; n 'l4l Cif A 11'.,=...n trrtlin Iles In lull StesstniossetN hu1..1.0.11 at Ilse te , tir Wlrer4,lo4, N... 77 niel 79 Thu-41 t .et. J. & T. GROUTT BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, &c. Iok:ALERS IN Fine Old Monongahela nye Whl.kr. PEACH AN I) APP LE BRANDI" ; Avm RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS CORNER OF SMITHFIELD AND FRONT STREETS. Pirrsßum) l'A - , • • - • • I)AVID CAIPBELI, & SAMUEL POL- L hxa, itasia - inted toguiller I/ odor toe style ni it IN 01.1.1)Cli, for the traumin•tion of a Keuidal \ artety and Pry (Mods Lousinean, and the manufartnre r of plain mid Wavad line i lilt Moulilittp. volsl9 NXT ATCHES AND JEWELRY.--JOIIN hi. IWBEKTS, So. lf. FI vitt 040,4, is ciiiw ,tile NEW Sri of Gold and \or Putent A It. 1,•.r. opine and Vet tiertl WATtIfF.S. in open mid ...sea. 4.1 tip . liana celebrated Etighsti null snip.. moan to. tide. A„••,, Gold tumor, Veet and Fol. Ch.a •n l. • Key, 3litliattire Ewa., Itrasnlets. t Mid Pens nod Ca-en, Pen nil,. Toutlipirlon Leavy pl.un Set awl Seal Finger lidngv. 1ne.11.114111., Falr-Itilllek, Curl VI., St,oU, ,114,11, lAmolys, aid.] nn.l Spe,taclea. Silver mid Phded Spoons. 31,a Forks, Jet. Gird! nod Fancy 6r.t,46. n 111.• tort IlltAr•S Cris at all pie es The nbn purvltitneti dir, I fr..tti tlr. Ea, nt !win Wiwi urine, nod eteler.ted ith great rare h,, tie r.t ail t, eel will lir ibild - Itt it Nina!) tidy:tot,• t. , 11 tibil jewelry repturi,l itldittg . and w gravi az ox,t . ittiiii ill the bent niiitibt•t, and Savor Wart' awl .lawelry made lu ardor. JOU:s >L ItOBERTS, aid; Fifth stmaA, urst ;haw to Market . . A D L AI Y T ''S ‘ S o S sr I :; ° I N C lai K k; l t 1 1' ;:l19y a F d A F ( I -3 11 1 :1 °, 11tI R Y \ t ' .. d i' ; ;ssar to co r ntradict roi;rt that has gnIII , I/ hat hs otl to quit Dina.... 11, ner, h ; o 1 ititeut,t, Ile inlornui pith that hs still continues to STOCKINGS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, Awl all Linda of HOSIERY. al Us estalthshfuout. 111. Fac t, is near Ryan', Atultling. ton FIFTH street--upon at a:: tmtea to the inspix•tion ,p 1 the pul.ttc. Ile lout hesitle, the work of hi.. own Manilla, tore. brought to the CIL) the large:4 .e.,rtineut of Gut.rile in his hue ever brought to do. ‘.3t, ninth aro warranted to be of the heat and will L. svlti at the moat rettannable priceic lie tom hot Lille dub, the corner of 'Market alle) and Fifth street. C. DALY, uthls Corner Market alley and Fifth t,t. - _ ivEw INTELLIGENCE OFFICE—If you want to hare " help," find employment, bay or silt property, call at LOWRIE'S INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, No. 1.1 Firth strevt, near Market street. Docuul•-uts and Copying done• with penult , es and tielOCJ ❑' LOWRIE. VORSHA'S LINIMENT—The best Lini went now in ure• fur spt,lllll. truism. dc., 12 dos. just ly 303. ILEMIN(I. PIG METAL-190 tons good quality, cold per oteann, Irene, and 1.,r sal. by DAVIS. corner Wodd and Filth ate. GI ilEASE—Bayere celebrated Ureane Prny:, Carts, liii4gtea, Railroad Cars, dr., in 1,4.,n1 nod bids.. for sale by lap-a 1 II h:NRY 'IUA I. WUI I L FUR SALE.—Sixty three . hand, w:ti..2:,0 ~1 Coal attached,tind all the iin proVelliOntli thereon In .Iwratli.u. Said Farm is situated on the Illononcalield river, 34 miles above Pia, burgh, and le eupidied woli a Sarin House. Barn, Trail ['dust., Orchard, Itailtoad. ,Lti,l an excellent harbor. The vein of Coal in it thick, and cannot besurpa.s.ed iu quality. For further particulars apply NICHOLSON A PAYNE, j 012.11. No. '.C4.5 Liberty strwd. WALKER'S UNEQUALLED INDE IBLS LNIL—I have just received a large ripply of this tetT with or without the ;nev a , iron. It Is are luti tea Llita lithe ,beo ink now 1..0. I. ail time the money will be refunded wits's) It does not Awe. JOS. FLEMING, ap2s corner Diamond alloy and Market st: 3 r . , EMI N, W; . : A Trri.Ey. I==!IMEMMS '; 1 , ;.s J P ,. a `,,.. - s„'%:. i, , "`„,"*. + % 'N; .- •-. ~... ,; ; 4 - , 4 7 1 ...: '',41.,..” , - , „„:1,... r- . .. . -.. i" ‘-',4°zif4bl,74,L'',l'::•* r. • i fr ).'', r•• / -. . ' • . . ', , . WP7 •P:, , ; ,:,' . " . ” 1, ;•- • ,. , ^ ' . - ~..s, ', in. k. • .4 , AI, ie BUSINESS CARDS GREATEST 11IPROVE51ENT VET! NEW SCA', E---11. K 1,1:BER A BR(), have just —calved a ' , null' lot 01 N UNNS d. CLARKS' PIANOS, provided with their NEW .SCALE. ThiA IA •.; their late,[, and ttudoulthAlly the .11.,T la• PORTANT Improvement AA vet made to the Pia,. Forte. The PioWER of the iht,h,..•ht h, almost ISJUBLEIi therelit ; and IN point of ,olunie,ereuilesaituil Lnlhnu. t of lime, they toirliass and [Mug as yet modudeil in the Alit', ..I a I'mi, They all the advantage.: of the Oland Plan— 0 ally of its ilinsdrautrmes. We now i with the instruments oh any other maker in tisk confident that every toiliiits,ed Judge of ertii le will At 011ie admit their Auperioritt The math, - to relpeci fold, ito vited i. amt examine itiese superb ustruments. & Itlto., Sole agents tor Nun,. & Fur 11't•xtern Pennsylent.in. No 53 Fifth xtryet. next titxtr to Nfixx.ut I toll F. `l-Splendid itssortment of the above Nllttrtly xi, I 1 •J CHICKERING & SONS PIANO FORTES. frfpiili ..1011N if. NI ELI: , F 1 ha... 1 Just ro( .ovt.l ne,ell too, ..1 , 1 CH il'h E.:1:1Nle & ~PNI.' 1 . 1 A Iso Fr , lt T E:4, :,,,,i ~.,.• 4 '..1 • piPteli tho Stock. lohrtott l‘pr Spring Salem, .4' I'lll KT I'.Pl t E Lew upd xpleitaitt lust I twat Ls, .1 - r I ory Vat I,t) ditii -I i , , Mal/t/fIACtUreAI b v the Nliast.rs. Chick. tug, . tt.mto, , t, • 41. I lit. piAilic3: SIX H.ll'A V E t. the m. ea 4plet,h.lll ti rt1.1,e.1 Seven Octave Square Plano Fortes, 64 well ns /111, /11U1),I , /11111 (Iran] an.] Purl. r mon. EIERY PIANti in this Ir.( 1. their :NEW SCALE. vii.ll their \ I li•iN FHA llhr. PATENT ACTION. /shit nly NATI n0t...1 [lir, purchaser by the iiisnutiti . turhrii. In,t Lc the iLulis rihs r. his in till risspsicts As perfect as .:012 1., 111. i.. thoIII in regard to Material and Wt , rll MAN- hi., PRICES IN VARIA111.1"i'll E At 11 Maaufactury. =II 1/A•tIA /11. I r..,..t t Agent for Chaliernie S S. , na r We,stern Penna. NEIV SUl'l'l,Y oF PIA N( CHARLOTTE IsLUNIE ha., pot r•- eo,al a turthet ~ u ppty & C. CoPtioe. with 01 I I id,' anti 1,11111,1A111011 A.I IA i, II n 10,11 mg, 1,14/Ili All/011. Ann pr,—l 1,1 the emieLn , rne I. %A nF extrlna of A re;..lt us lA.- la! , 111 "11A.1111,A1 %%MI I'ILA Ist tiA,;, MILA .1./• I I OA. • Niaa.a hi, • to I •'0 I. , :''.lse 1 , . C. , . 1. , r 11,,' ott to aLI hau. F.. 11. .1 I .1 ..I .1 ,‘ • WI, Ina.l Kl.” • ~. ,041,1.t•tin 01l II I , S t I,,C.nnlict,•,.l't 4. .1 \l.-1:. I! V, .1 fut. lull nn.! ..•I: tatlnt, n Nnial ant i Ivy on 1,1111.1,11 frail 0 a,. ma.l.• it 111 rill .11,1:1/; . al.l hr. 11,1111• 1:I !! .1 I 44 41,1411144 m 144 11444 0h0. , . th, -4.14, 412.4 1.4- I— :. 1 . 174 mm from ffrwmgartll4•44 & II,III', 11,441414 r,: A 11 1..01. A 2:4 4.. 14.0n14414, t. 2 lir: 13 ~,k,• rr :.• _ • 2.. AA'''. ,12,2 I IN 11....1 H 14141 I'mm ,, 14.1.4414 Ili -2 14,4, , NI (14,4 f 4.4: 4440 A144411144r 110 .I 4 1' 01 I.rn 4.41 114.41,144,4,4.14 4- 4. 14, 44,1 tfn 444,24-ral v 044.1,444 I I' FOURTH STREET CARI'I.In STARE W. D. & U. 11cCAILLI'li >TH F N I. A I. ~.1. 4si - S7 IoURTH ii,tll.•ll bk.:, 01 1,, ha. rs tlt.lo 11.11,-1 pr , meot k. for NI SA anol Itrw.rln, M..111.,i1 411.1 I. LAU I, l• , ta:, },ll C• Cat .11. —I .01: 01 '2 t.. t•I s% T,.; I ,1,1 I ••:, I'. l•,.•11 .Lot.l TAU. I. • ‘,l•. I •• n Rl.get, IV , . 1 Vt.ti• tlf •, PIA, I, \ • I/. :1/ti. s• • V• • %.1• 41.1 11;11 - 1 II • 1 ut qt.. - l[t\nl•'lLLi) NIE:MIN tall I,lt , Allegheny County :Normal School, MIMI= 1111ZUSEIBEIM 111.1 it \I \ 11. I . 1 •....., • 1.11. 11,.• 1:.11 I:lnzt,l I. on t.tr f• •ir , ; I, ,1114, mot 17.. t). at ti .otrt, ..! AIN I.‘ 1,••111 h.q...., N.•tinat at, ttzio. 11.1. tillt,•• clome S«.,l].lljtmrtvr ;wet iir,s will 1,, T, t, For further inf. - m:l6on 11.1,1,5, )1 1101:1 - S l'.Ul4:N*l' 'LAND ;7,"l'A T 1 N h 1.1 N II \ rI A.lll' Cull l'.lN . , ;I. ;.: t. ' , to It, ..r1 1.1 n.n. I.• 1111..: I' .L. 411 11•41—. l'r 111.11 1..1•0...1 '1 i.rln Ling. 11.. I; •.‘t ! n;. 1 114; Ilwit 111..1 11 31. ,!1 I Ch. IP . 11.1 the thllt,, 'l . llln uniAt. u .•thr! 111:ti ! “1,5 I/1,1 ..5“. r 1.1 II -nrled i. , 1ta..1/1....-1/..11 Ili. II•11.si .1••1 li, :LI •••••1 It •s nr••r , •..•1111•••• 1.00.1. ;4,1 ii. , r. • I ..1 1111 k/11. 1,1! 11..: 1,1!...1. II F• of arpl Ytt 0-1, I t 11 -A I. 1V 1 \ TF.i.1,1111,•11.1, t 0...1,1.. %/SODA him tttl It• t 11.1 I=l omc I - I:AT : tlt.• AK••til I, 01- •/.1, • t • II '• I'nl.•ut 11,p . I. et 0, Clty Pk, 41. Atthtaltla, Tt :.! •I • =HEM Pittob * Mu) . 12. 1S1,1; LOCUST GIMVE FE)IAI.I.: SEMIN.I v. Trusty, uotice to the trteuds ‘ , l the til.litti!),l, h:.t tho Wtl.l..illd It. CI.A.k[L, twen ,it I,milth, rt•Mg”Lis pts It. , 1. ot it.. it. lints ',Awn tet fortuoste a. l t , ' , ,• . 'urr tire the lire ll.tita T. Hwt.lt, aq Aviv k, for the WM., two, avid rtiters lit upon tho htirg.• I Fr..tn th. , vcry hi,h tlat.ter'mg I %cinch thy have had of !Or. lUUEti, they hart. 11.. etotneut Moe:. for the motk.othhottt , l to Imo. and ti they hells', rim( ruder Ir., tonoagenueut the 11111.1" y t fail to urn nee :n large ...Lore of 1.11.11.- G.n.ur And mom ••• i . Persuns tlaVttle thao.:htern to educate lire p tleolred ne.itt.ma th.oneeiNex auh lIIV he this to,tititthol both uncut st.lubriwt pr litent. two mini, 01,111 111.. eil, 0,.1 ale.. the 1... tor ree th.notigh ate) relined ht . ..• hied in itS o.ert t'o - ettlant unity le• 01.t.0u...1 A1.i.11.11 , 1..11 h., 111 r. tither of the Truateve I`..lhundt, .Ipl it '..",t11.1`,54' .1,1, IL 50,v1.f.h., I: IN 1(1 IL. WILLIVA F .1. I “I.ll't .It THEUINJILE It. Lrx,:. I Ow. S. 513.1,1 N. [l'ol.lm - chi. E CEYLON S'I1;.1 11.1T---Plio IL(1011- 1 Llull 4.1 lin: public ii . NN . it Vt . ::: Pint in Ow tint: ninny quality:it ulitell 111"0 1 , 1,1e../.'1.. M.t...1 3.. /1/11k1 . lint in:.t.11:1.• Ilat It IA Ihr Straw !Int whit I. the rain or ohttlii , Nlll la.Pi nitt, t. thr hrini or crow r, 1'11,1.11 10 , tht• • , I It 111 N /t) I 0110, Il ie , litirly met,' stvl.-, u , a I \r. to.lit , lttg it to In. th, Mlll,‘ II t that WIII VI , iA4•P.T. Autistat.t,ll. I'IIA /t LES 11. l'A 7:1 II I to•At .loot ..oloA.-1 F-mt MOSES I'. IE4I'ON. AGENT FOR THE Sale & Purchase of Patent Rights And Evaler in ,•very vari. MI:C11.1 ICAI A\ 1 CYTHER PATENTS. oft, And 1;•.. N., I.:; FIRLIT ETICISET, near P:t t,l,nieh. Oar Orders fur l'u.,,ted Arts. .1 <v a 7 : p row ptly attoud<4.l to. WORTHY OF AI"I'ENTIoN . .---1 2 4)1t SALE.—A new dwelling Iln,ll. -I. stone., arranged with hall, turn dining r az. I kitchen, three chainbt kith • a - drant in the yard. and g.,.,•1 •ra.1.1,. Th• f Poet an Cl' trrul otreet, Allegheny city. I_,) lon feet deer. m 1,.. lit - .treet., Price $1,440. Terili+—i , o , lit / , :t.l, Lii .pin and tau ware.CL T11131,10' a r ON, a 1.29 ft Nltiiket st WRIGII`r'S PREMIUM CANdtl OW 110141, and reu.kovvs all et) In] 11-1.1 l'enwne using KATIIARIoN Arr carer muGlirs pit h3ll C>l Ii ATHA RIoN Is the moat valuables tA, the.[..11..1, raAillill4 iLo Hair ill any required For sale by Dr. GEO. 11. 1i EVI 4 kit and It. E. & CO. at 2.4 write per laittln angle ALARGE BRICK 110 USE plea.santlysitn attal la Allegheny city. with lot of ground LU feet front on Bank lane, by 151 trot deep to al5 fist alley. Th • hence la well built and finished In modern style; portico ir, f ro nt, hall, two parlors, dining r .orn, kit c h, S ch am i a i r , cellar, hydrant, panted and gravel yard. ahada and trait troos, shrubbery, &c... all in etrznplete ardor. for sale /nye. a. CUTHJIERT s SON. 51 Market et. • . , '11.1.-,Aatt-13-'3'4"aw PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY. JULY 9, 1856 MISCELLANEOUS. FURNITURE! lli• t)h. SPACIO[S FtIi\ITI . RE 11.111E110011S, 611111rEEEMII 12E111 M 412141. E WORKS. 1[11.:.‘1)( Nk (m)11, (IN Linitp,Ty sREET )13111 XII. =MEI I'l Ns 1. C6l prll ..• I .0 VI t •!,r tw,-• 11.1 \ 1 , 1. 11 ' 1.1.-I.11:, ,1 \ 4•I; 10 r‘N ledstis anti 11 a I)lplomits t T II C li' S .t .th !I lit a v ,ii L.rurta,p, =SEE Ult.\ NICV A N 1;4 l ItII AS REMOVED 1.. ;, NI 111 K El' %It ottt. nearly 0pp0,61.•n , Jtio tdd t•ttl. /A tO :011.1d) 111^ i11it , 1111...111 and the :;•I. titin Ole v,ity of I (1111:1111 , !, F. 11 1 1.,.• 'A. tflos opt, Ilio,ivry and Fnt.o, 1,,,0ds Nerall). I I/... \l,rhtrt. apft.24.llll—t•lt.l_ D I 1'11)EN I). --t izoli,e I tiguranoe - /1111/ /111,h.1, nut thin (.‘nitutiany •I It .1.. •,n do INL• .11/ .1111 ../, It , 11.10 i rn thtllarn Il..• 1'31..t::11 .4 t•. I. I', 1,41 retr , ..lll:oll , g. owl 1t.../ 1. , I he! r :•ft.• 1.1111.1 utter the liitt. 1.. 1:14.1,... 11A1'E SALE, g at the 0114. e of :!., t, opalitlty Of OLD II l'E. alp! ottal, ;sal one miall an .11 tale cau t n lartto 8111,1.1 v hy rallirat fvll9 T .ITE FA IK. t., .tack ant•al t.. !q.FJ .11., L. P 4 .1 111, •.! 111.. rr.. Fait at lt. 01, . Nli . ,Ilitittg tlio ti. .111 IN I. k,'ln.‘ijltOVl.:, NVILLIA 11 I. II EItSII, .1 AC „ 1•1 it:et . v1 .4 .1v List received, :it'd it itt m1.../.t mgaill o. 111,- vi 11,.. ~ that 1. T To , T%VEVrY CENT 1:)551.:It (;REAT Iti;:\ I .ale, a -"m lirii k LiNEI.I,I Friatt -t till Ea,.each Cn feet rrent .I,ep. Thr w: 1 1 1 .. , :r1 rm. :II eliar. with criiiratiiil ", • sLail, ,5 9Ina ir , , kit, her tir-t 9.11 i a 9 ,e.ri h. qt.o. Mill pant I,—thr,,chnini..na. ii• •ui L...tlr rrrrrr r , r.rr Ir• r. rr I ,ra.rry, arrrltine 011,1 •I y. -h.h• an, Slur,'. awl f,r4t T . .• s .11. •lot. 1.• I; glll.- ae. S. h.. iMPTOVOIII , IItif nwre t• rini,d I. II ~• air y. l'prr th iii 11,91. et t 9 9 awl three yearn. E. CUTIIIIKItT Ilan! Dante Agents, 51 Market lit. )13 , 1 ER COATS---e have received per Lii,en, Dank, Marseilleo and Sozonier Con • s, who'll we will open thin morning. Jelt3 L. I.IIIIBIIFELD No. 7u Wood " •-* • ' • • i Z . , j . • -• • ~ q r~ .~ q~{.~. RYAN'S BUILDINGS, No. 31 Firth Street , 111—criber, ha\ .•ular ! Ai.ll ,1,• k I IV V.I. L AOIiTED, Autotttitttli to Ith...tit 1450.000 Worth, Co•t-istinc 4 EVERY Cl,l-•:-z GOi)Ds Mll,ll' \ kn.! LOW PRICED. ,11!...“ ,tl.• very tit, KOS IAV( ), PARIPII SETTS u h OAK CHAMBER SETTS, I=l New Styles of Bureaus. Bedstoads, Chairs, Sofas, Book Cases, &c., &e. PItICES. .„.,„I or Ow 11. RVA.SI, =llllllll EIMUNI) WILKINS, • ... ...,,,:-.- , - 1,. , . i : - ,- .,.,-;. A . , • .. i...- i.ila ... 14,4 : 5• 1 1",,:,'" .* '' ' '... -:, ::. 1 ' .4 ' P ,•;‘,; . .•,;,,,, i,,g , ..:. Zzi"itP 4 ,:l ....,U .i . g.. •••••.Z ~,,..t..t444,, - .4) - - .0"- ,:•;;'' ',.----7—z . - rkt,• • ...1... "''44 . 1, ~.. ; 4 4- -2 114 .I: . .: -... -4 , .'t '',•'• 'A , ,.' .-; : k'ev..t=. - —• 4 , j', t x • fix,. C 'art. 4 _.- : y r in.' , • -. ,"-••••' W . , -----.. ~ -- FRY:i.et: 14 14.-'lZaragetd", ..* ' - '... -' ••• • 1 , 11.1r,1,.r 1,•,31, Lill, 1.• .1,1•1 , 1.• and 1o4,1• _j ! ‘?. 1..1.• ,•••• ti It. .•tZs. r. I. • . I s‘ ..kr 1.e% 3,10 L., .14:11ILS A. I , I:II'LER, \\ N 11E.10.11.1NT r., , No. %9 iValer Street, I',l - 1,111:i0;11 I'% A. II A.... 1..1h1/.... I'EK IN TEA S 1 Olt_r„ NO. 3.: Ft i."rit sTRIKET F -4 1 1F .1,1, .1, lot .nnL tin. n tilld I'•1:~.6 I. COTTIGE 1101 SE AND IMl' I.lllitittl •• V, • 11.1-4 . 1, • t twit. hrb .s lort ;•, %,t , l kit Inuit ttl, u.,1..1 nu imp. iv , . ill, 1,11..01 Ilit I,4rtet 11% :Lytle tl --r , v•tef•,; _l4 - 4`7'er .L' : 4 . - . ';'i..l , -,:', J. , . . -.." . - ~.,, ir'' ''''''''fC7--g-:1 ''.,4i ( - :;;; 1 4 , ,i ,-- -70-i,..: -'' :' , 'V', , 1 '2' T ' ...... , q% - ,...=: - -..-_*--'' tu-cae" V..;1 ‘‘ =SEMI ~ —th, If 1,1, A aF. u,,, al an. f .:1 , 1 fatiapt , . , l t. , j.. 111111. ,I y. vielltn I,,utts lull It () V AL. OLD TYPE METAL. Ma• 1.131:•• Lact,l iu th , I t. 40, t. ‘11 , •11, 1.11.• The THrritori. , tli. (h,,,t 1 11,. ItwlNl.y by lironehttol T• 111 1 , 1 ,1% 11 - 1.,Z It• - $1.12 PIHHTH I.y rir:dp II tallt.•TH , by Capt. Ma.% W. ItHsl llT.Ther -Itli Pik p..r - - IN. f..• 'thlrc!Htli.pl.---..10,.. hlagantle t.. 1 J • (seavii.l oupply)-17... ‘1.4.4Z1t, supply:l—'2Nß'. 'N \ 11.41HT:', th.. . Get NlHannis..s ie at 11001i?T'/I1F., N.. 77 Fourth istreel. . 5. • ", , f . • 5 • * .f• • IME/1 THE GRAEFENBERG FAMILY MORE OF THESE MEDICINES ARE SOLD EVERY WEEK THAN OF ALL OTHER SIEDILINES PUT TOOETHER. N THIS COUNTRY success is the result I of merit, for the keen thfcernmant of our countr,fmen is proverbial., and puts an effectual atop to ignorant proton. slut,. We conceive that the unequalled success of the Oraefen berg Medirineti is more owing to their undoubted superiority thou to any other cause, and we desire to call especial atten dee to one of the best among them, MARSIIALI:6 UTFAUNti CATINLICON. ki p _". IjA - - - - This remedy will certainly cure Falling of the Womb, Whites, Distailered 'Menstruation, Dimes of Prrgnmacy. All troubles at the change of life, LKitli with young mid old, and all the various kiuda of weakness oil nervous coin plainth csitisoil by disorderi,l uterine organs. indicating dis..a.a.s for the Ceithulicon is offered as a certain cure, are weakness In the back, tingling and pain between the shoulder hladea. ext. ~, 'on!' soreness in the cud of the spine, hearing down in the Menne organs, shouting. pains extending to the isonLeis and Into the hips, sympathetic pains in the tirm,ts, Miming in the pit of the stomach, irregularity of the Mary :44.411061w:1B with diarrht.ea, awl again with obstinate con , stipend at, cold fret, capri ions appetite, headache of to ham mering or heating character, with roaring or whistling in the oars, dull pains in the head, with great nervous excite, eu.eeeded by complete prostration, languor and dis. Fouragenient, disarrangement of the menstrual perials, with an acrid dwlsnrge between them, which are described la the publications of the Omelet) berg exampany. ...1 and fitted 13 ALL CASES OF PA.LYITI.IION OF TRE HEART IT AOTS AT ONCP- Many uterine complaints are supposed to he heart disease from the sympathetic disturbances connected with that or. pan. hot the CITHOLJCON ihonld always be taken, and in nine eases nut of tea it will be found that nothing is the mutter with the heart, and that a cure will anon full., Its ass. It will ides relieve that feeling known OA the heart ri sing in the month and turning over. ALL OF THK:SE SYMPTOMS are not prevent at any one time, but any one of them indi cafe the presence of disease, and the neeeselty for IMMEDIATE ACTION. The remedy is prepared by vile of the oldest and must skilful ph) se lane of the day, and every one may Its ea:tared that t hey are taking a scientific and well compounded meth cm, ha tat - i-lige has proved that the rernetly will cure eighteen out of ever) twenty tares, and that most of tiv lOCnl able eases went NO bet,tl2le of snows WhiCli had destroyed the re cuperative powers Of the system, to of severe nicslutilital Injuries which halt !upturn,' some delicate,11., end thereby rendered a cure 11111)08AMe. The price of the article being hut otn• dollar and a half per bottle, tt is within the reach of every persam, and should hate a fair trial at least. • • . • • The medicine in accompanied by full directions, enabling . rte ry one to understand her twit ease, thus preventing the ueeessity of medical consultation, and what is Minn, iniiinf• tali t, oinurely doing away with medical etaininationa, Nit nib art Jus lv upon by nonien as a ‘i,iiation of their worst antral teelingx. and to avoid which will suffer excru. • tnlwc milt, and wohetimem liwe life itael . In thin the nest highly t.lutnt.l phybiciana of the pre-ent day, Find ..tie whit has a world-wide reputation, slated that the , nor,. of the tilrhefenlatrg Oitripany mould be appr, i/1- it .1 by if any lelicluy. and that the skilful adaptal iot ••1 the remedy which t•f is.rsonal eicriustirn, would entitle them to the app . , Milan 01 ever) man who valued [squills. Misirsty a thesafeguardher purity, and the most pert ions and Lrillinu t Jewel Is hinging h• her charwher. PARTICELAR ATTENTION Id REQUESTED 1311•1 totlie follov ing , ertiflL:ate, e rtrts.mr..:s have been a protean. II aurae for twelve )..,1 s. 411.1, of coarse. have set, a great many eery save, Lases of failing I If the womb, deranged menstruation, v huts'.. t.,,hrdern consequent ale m [pregnancy, Gram the time ol eon < eptk. to the h.ur of delivery. My attention hias also been frequently arrested by ses err symptom. out., led v lib the hear—sorh as palpitation, sink leg, fluttering and disarrangement& which are fre,inelilly supposed to Ind. nie organie disease of the heart. I has.. Aiwa) n found M or elialre Uterine Cathdloon nin at valuable ands acres...Wl remedy in those ale! lu .-oraplaints of the uterine orrmis to which so many females are liable—liar more 081. u -ions than and ..r all of the most arientilti. prescriptions of the reollar physicians, and I bone pr , ll 1110 practice of the beat in the country. bail particulars of any ea, wail I ItrOfflllly furnished .y ono. by addressing a line It, Me, b., No. 1,21), Nev. York. Post tithe, iiiiNTLESST.Si —I olaer, au important omission ID ,sour list of sympt,inni. Marshall's Uterine Catholic,. will 111- fsilliply cure Neuralgia. This symptom more lrequentl) ms ranratnlts, menstrual derangement than people suppose rind all females are a, sullect to it that they eh' 1,1 always have a bottle of 1.0.!. They tmiy rely that it will work seon,lers, no I know from certion rspe t 'owe. The syntptonia, when ihilinertril with the hire. lire troll known to rated do9cript.tott. Whet, the +lomat hix an-I:tell there are 1 . ontractio. and si. ormg pout, 1111101/ extending' to the cheek and bark, am! Dep., II) ,• • 1.11,1111.r . il I. nauseam (mu' news, rohltiesa f itii• 1,1111,4 and acidity. The., ~,,tpcuu. will 5.4.11 bit o.m- I•ii by ~.I, Lard. licit !Ili lIIN I lt, not in trip whole l'xiwrieu seen I% u loth u cutups,' Witil Uterine Catholiron. (nit of thirteen 6-mitten rn tl.i. place tn.% ruder iny truutntent for [II, iiti.rna. a :int), irity nle ti well, and the rent 0. 11. PROSeIZF:. Lyuchhurg, Vo. A .Amt. tAlliug of 1..,,,tut0 ..1 otandlng hne 111-1 by Mandl/LIP. l'n•rlue Carbon.. and N• lady bow a1.I• tv sraik ••llt Jll/.I :1(1.-ul1 ti•.•. 1.• k), looked upon no Incurable, mai Ile cure :n • vu d10,..1 hill.- le. than 8 JNO. P I. NI. PV:ltllt. One .4 tire sei 'west Aw•• Of nlrnur thSetUe that t hats reet aril, in thu t 3 years active oXporlence Am a prartltionor . I h....1re.•• air. the means 01 Meat Illy attention to Ore rir tire Nlarrhalla Clerine Cathnlleon. The patient a ri married Woman. and Ihe mother la two children. She had trven rat . ..unity troubled with a discliprign eurolar to the a lutes. and had 'tme trou b le with her monthly percale. I rit rror odeted her -elf ru crsid health. :die wa , then taken nib shooting !Alba mater the right. shoulder I.lorle, Mill , II firtrr.rl - 1,1 I•St1.11.11.1111/../IK the spins. She wan then troubled with headache and groat nervous debility. (\ld, shuddering pains slid dashes of heat would shoot over the 11-1. I.lv Tlec or groin - littioult3 el the a .aulr final]) rged tut , oniirlete prolapett., so that .1,. could nor ill pawl. The, was w.a,nmess ncd ItritiLlg in the I.scl: and an uneontrollable desire to he nu the tofu all atty. the hint natiscst. with hot and dry skin. and altnciether was in a critiCial Collilltioa. Candor compels me to at, that many et these 1.3 Lupton'r appeared after 1 undertook the MM., and the sat skill I could command failed br avert then. I felt the resporontrility was inmost too heart. !Mt a intighltit. Iron is it h nu etuitient ust•dleal prsatbssor in Sea York .rty led toe the rt.. of Nlarstrall'. Catholneou. 'fhe change of sylnp. tom. 1.. udlder .105. and then again to a 'writ.' state of heal: h n. ero,lual. led the ah. le \lift?, !Of WI the greival deed , proent rd n plant front [he to Ito. trurt. A row -t it ha so, wont). wan attc.hdrd nu y e.. plc t sures., n.l tlo PU years have elapsed, r, t the Ri kottar nyialtdoul of 111 health hint !wen ' rota ri- OE= rd. niucr t11.:11 l liavo owed It conntainly. nod do no ore tofu u crt 01 allni.l.•juellitu a hen 1. and 11/.0. at 1S etaillenl.l) no .rthy of pu II.It•Ilt (A, r mjany LNTLWIN . l It/i.k upon It IS KU %CI of ttratitieation an 11 , tPf duty. tik tufurui you of my esperienra with acmes t•. Uterine.C.ailiiilieon I have been a priteti.,iig j,t, ma for some twenty-flee yearn, and hare always naiad alitieut to those iiSVIL3CB kiln. 11 as uterine. I.i. theca the niedival prefeAsien have always looked ..i..,he te. ...inidainto 3/I tietirirlde, and thee 11111 . 1. 11111. h lanieuted their to ilisisieer a remedy. haring heard you. iirepsiatioti. SIARriIIALL'S UTERINE CATllia.l. I . IN, 1111. f I. ing,llllt: 1118111 11:11!1, 1 /1 iwIlvli:11.11111 1:8 I I/1 it ItlY .111t3 it it IlhlNt thorough lovortl A ra !ollowilig r stilt of four yeqtre exri•ful trial. sny ol the fsllowing si nipt tns 111 wit heat, pressure sin! /-• wing down in thentsrins ar4aris; sense ~1%, eight on the I•ll.l.isr. companied ur4eut : u,•l fre.instit desire to pans eat., gremrsou• 11 , 11ellt the t.l the monthly lei ith irregular discharge, It being St/Ine t miss abundant, and at ether times scanty and dilllsult Weal, uess and sorstiew., liervuus headache, irritability it (sniper, chillins.s, Halide:we, vomiting. irregularity Of the burn in_ ill 1110 St( 31:101. weight In the groins and small of the heel:. crawling and tingling in various parts tlm li ly and a great general sense of uneasiness. Thrre flour other 1 . 1)1111 , IiIIIIS 1 . .111r,et..41 with complaints, nll.l 11110, irl,lYrVeil 011.1111 well .108,1 - thed in the rul . h.v.i,ol . Ilticatma and Odd rations of Tour eutnpany. I ought to al, that lu the complaints eaustal by the turn or life" i t , /1/4 well us .1; U./ e ase of young girls is just Con, mg to, Marshal 14 . 1' [ethic Catholleon is infallible. Yours truly, IIBN.I, -H. NII7IiNIXiE, M. P. A youllg female friend of mine 4,...,11 afflicted for I. ur or five )oars with uterine difficulties, which pr,dueed t tolcut spasmodic tits and daturoyad her Raueral health. TWO bot• lit, of Marshall's Uterine l'uthol,at turd h o e Hthro[s. HARVEY PERRY, Pr,viden,e, h. T. A Commie friend of mine who has been suffering for nearly ten years with uterine difficulties (Irreplar, till painful menntruntu.ui is airway. by four months “f Marshall's Uterine Catholicon, better than she ever ex ptwitv.l to be in her life, and confidently experts a complete or,•. Y. HITCHCOCK, New York City. • Mind ne rat holicon caN rbe clitn.‘x ot" . t lung cv,t - known in thin in.untr, It tnna bee i inied i - onipii•tv JOSEPII LEVY. Mt Sterline. TI OFSANDS OF OTHER CERTIFICATES .• at On• Hi, Company. whim all iuter•••li..l enll. • MARBHALL'S UTERINE CATIIOLTCON . . . sehl at the Wholesale and Retail at the Drug Stan of DR. It. F.I. KEYSER. N to Wool street, sign 01 the Gulden Mortar. 401,. call and vt a copy ~f the tiraefenberg Manna! of Merit h. .00, pages: ph, 95 .eute. Copt., sent to any part the ....uutry. free ~11.harge.on the receipt of 2,5 cent., The Urn fenherg Alm:time /9 0110 of tin 'wet publi,ati..ns -I to kind. and may t.e had without charge of any 01 the Company'n Agenta, or at rhea . office. RS S ALLEN'S'WORLD:, II AIR RESTQRER.—An rt-st.rei pio,rver - S. - • Ihe hair and sight. It Lv not a dye! The hair and whis ker., however gray, are restores.' to and preserrad in their Ida color Ity its use, wigs, Fp...c . f.:lce and gray hair,, will soon beeonie extict. The Restorer us..l with the Zylohalsuinuni, not only cleanses the hair, but inclines curl, g iving it glossy and natural appearance. The Itest,et will strengthen anti prasarve the sight. Mid 1,001, and prevent dizzii,oss, dandruff, oc any eruption of tlar skin. aud all unnatural perspirationd of the head. It is a certain cure fir catarrh in the head. PRATT'S DAUGERREOTY YES AND AM BROTYPES, which give such general satisfaction are daily obtained, In every kind of weather, at Lafayette build ing. No. 87 FOURTH street. Particular attention paid to ambrotyping, as the time of sitting is ninth less than re quired for Daugerreotypea. Pictures of children taken In II few in either of the above awned style+. Au.bru type or Dargerreotype Copies made correctly from every kind of pictures. Warranted perfect. Prices iiiolerate. Our motto is, TO PLEASE. mhlB VALIT,A.BLE FARM FOR SALE, situate in Wayne county, Ohio, near the junctl•,n of ,he i tido and Pennsylvania Railroad with the Cleveland Railroad, 1,2,” todus west of Pittsburgh, and fib miles south of Clete land-340 acres of first rate land, two dwelling houses, two, trains lames, two orchards, seventy acres of timber. tallauee ,ultivatiou ; 140 acres are rich bottom laud, well "in t. red in ilb never failing springs and streams. This Carty ~,old beensily divided int:, two •,r more farms. Healthy lu ,-otionljtud good neighborhood. Coal abounds In the "Joint ty, and is supposed to extend under this farm. For further ~formation apply to S. CUTILBERT k si..)2C, re-ty Real Est ate Agents, 51 Market street. S ODA ASH, of a good andtatti — r — forta quality, manufactured by the a. Salt 3fanufactaring Company, Tarentum. On tumid and for sale by jer FLEMING BROS. MEE MEDICINES CAROLINE W. III:MINUS. Ntlrs”,,New York Cl/ y =II JOS. FLESH W. Drug . g.t, aor. UI Ihn Dinmuud mad Markt.t. et • 4 ° , 74N- NUMBER 235 PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE. AT THE BUFFALO VENERIAN HOSPI, I'AL--Estabilsbed for the emu of Syplillns, Seminal Weakness and the Infirmities of YUUth and Maturity, by Dr. AMOS A SON, ill, - FTAIA), New Ywk—Odics•, corner of Main and Quay streets, (up stain.) A MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument for the cure of general Debility, Impotence, Incontinence, or Nocturnal Emissions. This instrument has been used with the most happy effect In the practice of the most eminent physicians and surgeons in the British empire, France and Germany. I nteed, so le markable wore the cures, that the late 'Sig Asituft" hailed It as the "Harbinger of Life." The use of this will folly _sustain the high encomium. YOUNG MEN TANK PARTICULAR NOTICE. • Ur. AMOS A SON are the only Physicians in the State who are in•.uilsus of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, graduates of one of the moat eminent Colleges in the United States, take pleasure In announcing that they have invented a most important Instrument for the cure of the above di.....ases. It lass been subject.] to a test by the must eminent iihysientus in London. Paris, Philadelphia and New York; it has been declared to be the only useful intim:neat ever ' et discovered for the cure of Seminal Weal:is., of dny disease ut the genital organs, arising from the solitary habits of self-Indulgence- which destroy Loth body and mind, unfitting man either fur marriage or society. Dr. AMOS & SON, in order to satiety the most skeptical no la the mei its of their instrument, pledge themselves that in any instance where they tam y prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial, the money will be refunded by returting.tiEfJostru. merit in good order. Prism. wishing the aeovt. useful Instrtunent will observe that the price, with the accompanying direction, securely packed and sent by express, is ten dollars. NEW REMEDY ANC) QUICK CURES For the Venereal Diseases, and all private complaints. gleets, strictures, seminal weakness, pains in the loins, snec tlous of the kidneys, diseases of the he ad. throat, nose and skin, and all [how dreadful afflictions arising from a secret habit of youth, which produce constitutional debility, rim ders marriage impossible, and in thetend destroys both body and mind. A CURE WARRANTED. Dr. AMOS ik SON have devote.' their attention exclu sively to this peculiar class of maladies, and the relief the) have consequently hoen enabled to render to their fellow Creatitrea is holy t.itined sad gratefully acknowledged by eon vitleseent patienta Mud titloesi daily arriVing in town from all parts of the country, Ltr We ellirtaia [tria.° only of t.onsultation, while their exertions have I.een crow lied with the most signal advantages; yet from what they have Pa perielleVti iii Inquiring into the causes .if these infection complaints (from their most eimple condition to that of the most dangerous and inveterated) they have always oat.- taitnst the ii..sibility of their prevention and relliiival, and likewiele invariably found that the must horrible and Maha n/Int forms of Weenie con id alm..t always 1., tra....1 to one, of the following causes:— Ignorance, neglect, or tlis ill t-r -feats of unskilful and improper treatment; thereto, Dr. AMOS & SON have succeeded In discovering. in the se!i,•- :ion of their remedial., a Safe. elloCtlial and Citation., course ; Omitting all combination of remed.es which bear an i, lino 1 .. cal character, as well na those whose premature Or injuili- Citalm applauttioti might //V productive or bad consequences in the hand , of private individuals. In short, the laudable end of the remedy in the lessening of a grand mass of hu man misery by the alleviation, relief and 'prevention of these grieVoLIM attliCtlona that are its reality the secret foe of life, and which, while they so extensively surround its, fall aloud for our skill and interference tar their extermination. BEWARE OF IMPOSITION. Dr. AMOS A SON have fur It lung series of years been en gaged in an extensive practice in the treatment Of these fie!, cote complaints, and are the only legally qualified Physicians who, regartllysa of the taunts and envy of the liyin,ritical unit inoek neatest. have Mad the confidence, lb , ongli the tar donm of the 'Albite press, to direct attention to those mot-- Multi evils, from which no grade of society is free. In select ing this department of practice they have been amply re ' warded by the great success that has attended their aloft, in the treatMent of three rt... whirls are so generally con fided to the Ittegoalitied and ignorant einpirica, who, with their mined publication assorm foreign names and titles, ‘ and pretended sit tues of their mdent nostrnnis, have in- I I dieted serious injury on those who have been induced to place faith in their pretension—Medical Rerww. TO PATIEN'TS ABROAD. Dr. AMOS A SUN have made arrangements whereby packages can be forwarded will, ...creep and despatch to any part of the world. Address Dr. AM. IS .5: SUN, o,.ruer of Main and puny trysts, • lip stain,' Buffalo. N. Y. jenU,Lew 1 y VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE I ' THE EIGHTH WARD OF THE CITY l rF PlTTSllldlifill.—Twelve lots fronting on 11114 sireet. which in an hti foot street, oval looking the 31-inouga belariver, each lot haring a front of'll4 feet and averagin, from 1 to to 17:, fe..t deep. !routing on a 24 foot alley. A 1.., Laren" lota immediately in the rear of the above. having a front ol 24 feet each on Locust street, and runnier back it a 24 foot alley. Locust street is a6O tbot street. Ten 1.48 fronting ~11 111113 iktriket., new iii like city distra - t, iniimsliately adjoining the al.-ve. di,ided 1-y \ herder aLtoet. villa, is a 50 foot et root, and also the city line. Those lots lire 1:4 feet front each and avenging from 97 to 14 , - feet deep. running hark ton 15 foot alley. Tell lots in the rear of tile above. each lot having a front of 24 feet on Locust street and running back tat feet to If 15 foot Miry. t tote 11. t ou the cornered Vaulimain and Fortes stem--t, feet fr tit on Forbes streci, runniLg back to St.. Patrick a alley 1.21) feet, a Lich isa 24 tint alley Tbree iota 74 feet each. fronting sing buck 120 ft-et to St. Patrick's IY ALLFAIIIENY CITY. Also, two lien stor y - brick houses and luta. with back. buildings, each with a front of 22. t fSei, ou Federal street, plat allele the Isurth common; ruuttiug back 97 feet 1., : fast Also. AI stpall two attar brick house and lot fronting . it .I root, ou the North side near the canal, 11 feet front on Robinson sti,el., running bark 72 feet to a 4 loot alley. Also. my dwelling house and ground attached, on the cor net .if Sandusky street and the South common . , this lot fronts au U,, i1..41.1.11ct, tin feet, 240 teat on Sandusky streo, and feet on Water street. This property is too well known ne.l any particular description, as those who want to par chase will call an d see for themselves. I will barter or exchange for city property In Pithslilltittli ,kr Allegheny city..ine acres ill land. cut up Int.. small tracts to unit purchasers. Tins land is situated in Franklin and Tye one townships, Fayette county, State of Pennsylvania. The Pittsburgh and Connelevilln Railroad runs live miles through this land, fu-es the Y eighiogheny river, and is just fifty miles from Pittsburgh to Mite:it/el , gut's Station, and a ill nut to more than cite and a half , two hours ride in the ears, ins soon as the road iv finished from West Newton to Turtle Ortek., which will be completed by July or August next: Tlnsisiol is eilklattAl that there is none of it morn than taro miles from Layton or Miltenberger's Stations, and a great pure m it ertd al 1. the finest timber, fine stone. the best building stolla, ore or glass-house sand, and large its ust timber. For particulm, iliquire of the aubscrilwr iu Allegheny city. sp.lB,lltud lili.:0110E MI LTENIIF.RtIFII. 6 4 FOR lbs. of superior Young livson Tea foe One Ddlar, at F. R. DRAVC6.:, !ell No. 1 Diamond. A:STI LE SOAP-50 hoxesin store and for IL) sale by j Jed; j FLIOLING BROS- I) PAPER-100 reams on hand and for I C J sale by fie 27, - PLENIING BROS. AIM ESL E 'PLASTER —l5OO This in .1 ,. , an I f•kr sal , by jell"; FLEM IN r (1 DA \ IS' PAIN KILLER-5 gross just re -1...r "ale byFLF3IING ItOOS. 7 tlll - 'S iiitONVN WINDSOR SOAP—Fire jt_,/ gioas .1 Latta and far Seilt , by I , I.ENIEsaI 11hos, el ONCE NTRATED LVE—A new article oak it, Soap, warranted ior to Put ash lu orrryr,vpvct. lh•ro,n bor. 1 pound worth Itl of Un 11. ind wad for bale by Je27 I FLEMING BROS. rlillE OLD ESTABLISHED TEA HOUSE still tnaintainn its reputation for FINE TEAS. All grados V. li. and Black constantly on hand, antl now le el:tying -- 10 chests tlneen ellop.fintud I•ca is, market; 10 " Moyune,,Y. •• Extra Oolong; •• Fougtal, extra flavor; Sonchung C 111111111; .!() assorted Yount; All of which will ha sold at less 'irkm titan any store In tie• city. F. R. MIA t 1, jer Non. 82 Market It. and 1 Diamond. .DURKEE'S YEAST POWDER-20 n oToss , ortt d packages of this sittertor flaking Powder re e.•lved F. It. DRAVt.t. QECON I) STREET PROPERTY TO LET. iJ A magnificent Two Story Brick !louse Ire 10t 1111 the 111 of April next. Enquire or BLAKELY h RICHEY, Conner Seventh and Smithfield ata. 0 I'VE arFOR SALE ABOUT FORTY I tyros of prim,. land on the old Washington Road. beautifully situated, which we would sell In antsll lots to tun purcbaw n. 1 t is one of the prettiest locations for I,lllllu rcEidences around the city, and wdl be sold low. i'2l TUftS. WOODS, No. 75 Fourth at. ONE 11.1:1\ DRED DOLLARS A YEAR. —For sales two-story dwelling lonise of four rooms and kiirls•ii, spring 1101.18 a, filtilltin Olt Virginia street, with large lot •.f ground of 96 let lect front by Itlei deep; fruit trees. .•. The soil in izooll and It ,cation pleasant Price sl,lolsl, Terms ssrio iu hand remainder at AI t her 'oat 8. CUTHIRERT ,O SON, Market at - 11 01 ' SES FOR SALE--All describ,d fin Print,d Land Register, which is given gratis to all who call at Nc. 7.5 FOURTH street_ If you wish a Hone, on a npeculatkm, call in TIIIiMAS je2:l Fourth Street. LIME.-lUulqtrrel. fresh retlved and for sale by HENRY If. COLLINS. ,;, 1 Ls, (1A R AND MO L ASSES -1:00 bbia.. cyprean ~..,tvrage. N. U. IMolaases; 60(1 I ,ask do; 0, du St.. Jame* S. IL. Molaelana ; lolly no and prune On hand and for sale by MILLER 6. RICR.k'TSON, j.. 16 and 7.28 Liberty street. F isii_—:‘lackerel in whole and halrals. shad Herring White fish Trout Saint. , l4 Fur sale hy j (.1,111 II KNRY /I. CioLLINS. . • • - - - w - HOUSE 'PO LET A commodious To story BRICK DISKLI.INU HOUSE, situatial on Franklin street. optaiailu the Sixth Premhyt,mil l'orinetiegain given immediately. Enquire Al the hotaai, or ut FkeiTs-miLLER RicKers.., 2 - 2 je2l Non. 1 and trZi Liberty Ertr,t Fix dozen Poaches in bottle ur ran, _ . do Ilig• Apples do do do Strawberii. d. .1.• an l'hernea do do 5 do Block berries du do !, 410 Ifswkleber rte do do 5 do linueenerrien do do Pears and Plums in Ladt.les or rano For sale by RY3FER k ANDERSON. my 23 No. 39 Wood strost, opposite St. Charles Hotel. LAMP-BLACK: =:SO bbls. just received and for sale by De 2 al • 1/L8.311N0 SRO& 0 RtA ATARTAR-1500 lbs. just received and for solo by lje2l] PLRMING BROS. ___\_'_ RATES OF ADITATISING AGREED O BY THE BlTTsßumai PRE3B Ono square, one insertion . Dr each additional irIM I.lv. itpo aere!ca... tkare weeks. Did Inoutb E13111M! Do. fur rnontbn, Do. Biz month, Dn. ono year Standing Card, alz hue. or laws, per annum CELLN4ZAIIIE AT PLZASCIII One square, per Rlllllllll. (exclunive of the pnrwr 1 25 00 Mart - INN notic., 50 CHM.; D 4 Ati, Hotfres,2s cent!, - _ - • - - P rrs RI) H.C3r POST. WEDNESDAY MORNING :: ::::::::::::: J-ULf--9 IFor the Pittsburgh Morning Post' Political Lyric. Come. hoist the hag, and let the stars appear, That freemen huuor, and that tyrants tear, Now raise it high. and let them all bo seen, By honest, faithful, I...severing men, Who do not a tali to cilculate a lie, Or dim their Imtie with another dlr. Let every star its brilliancy display, And add refulgent... to the milky way. Now shall we hold our Democratic lands, Or leave the Union in deatruetiee hands, Flew ,:an we swerve from deffersounin law., The bright strong pillar ..f ear glorwas cause, Or ar, we doomed a tereigu ylke went, • Alike the mastiff or.feroci. us Or must we cringe to them. rice rip the ship. Or, , lo as Ranks says lot the Union Net no. lay friends. if you , usnqin the In blis.stal happine. , e nor chariot rolls Let no strange. beast: with his tremendous claws, Tear apart our well digested laws . Bat if Democracy -should lose the game, hi here in our honor. and where is our fame. Though we'll retain them, and adore them. still Things rant hi' agreeable to oar will. 'Tip hard to fathom eireamveriting knaves, Who feign much sympathy har relurtvl slaves. Across the semi some noble ladies faint. i And each must be n tender hearted sainto Whene'er they read of colored people's woes. The tear of pity and compassion flows.-- Alt gracious ladies. nail ortoss the main, And rive civil galling and tormenting chain The Irish wear—that brave, superior race V--u keep in Gonda, in their 'mast place. Catil you do, withhold your bellow schemes, They'll add no laurels to your honored names. Democracy--oh! precious name, That was, t ii:it IS, that will be all the Any ~leange would all th 3 merits kin. stilt no change, bat democratic still. Inspire the few, that seem inclined to stray, And honest Whigs, who're simply d3ing away, To rush to the p.:IS in November next, And road aloud their Democratic test. Then vote for hint whom our Convention named, W,jo, is for science and for witsictn famed, The WMatland chief is candid, kind and fair, We'll wake him fill the Presidential chair. It must be so—though you may agitate-- Ad being inserted in the book of Idle. Singular Case of Breach of Prom/se in COMM .A rather singular case of breach of promise of marriage was tried before Judge Smith, in, Montreal, on the Llith ult. The plaintiff Wasia: Miss Lydia Fligg, and the defendant Mr. Fran cis Ewing. Both parties lived in the parish of Henrysville, Lower Canada. The defendant is a farmer of considerable wealth and respectabil ty. The plaintiff is a farmer's daughter, and is also respectably connected. They commenced their courtship in November. .15;4, and after two m nth spent in making love, the Ist of Janua ry, lurid, was fixed npiin as the wedding day. Great preparations were made for the event by the youncr lady and her family. A sumptuous dinner WWI preV:ded, and numbers of friends of h parties invited. The license was purchased, the clergyman was engaged, and in short every arrangement was cunsidered mplete. On the appointed day, Miss Flagg and her friends pro roe-Jed to the church, where the ceremony was to be performed, but Mr. Ewing had not yet ar tiled. They waited for tan hours andstill he came not. Messenger, weie then despatched in serch of him. and in doe time they returned With intelligence that its w,as no where to bo found in fa^t, N,st he had left for parts 1113- N.. cause we:" assigned for this strange pro comling.. The girl's character was nnimpeacha blo, and no conjecture could be made as Works(' had induced Mai so suddenly to change his in tentions. Uf imurse the young lady was deeply affected by such ungenerous conduct. But nothing tree heard of her truant lover for several menths. At length it wee stated that he had !one to the United States. This was the sub-donee of the case fur the plaintiff, Its stated by her coimsel The defence was a singular one. The defendant's counsel denied that he had ever been guilty of a breach of promise ; that he loved the rung lady intensely, and that his love hadDever been changed: that ho had engaged to marry her, and was still prepared to carry out his en gagemen•to that effect. Ile avoided allusions as much as possible to the vagary which seized him on the day named for his marriage, but sta ted that any time subsequentlye was ready and. willing to take her for his wedded wife, if he had, only been asked to do so ; but he had never been asked, and consequently he did not Vink fit to offer. Ile was impatient to be asked a the time to name the happy day and he thought it strange the present action should be brought against him fur not ling that which he had never been asked to do. :inch was his defence,. and it,was urged with a pathetic air of injured innocence ; but it had I.ttle weight with either judge or jury, and he was finally cast in £2SG damages, being exactly half the sum the young lady claime.r C _._„ ROICE LAND NIL 13E.11:TIFCCUS CITIoNS C 1 ,1: NTLI 1;E: 4 11. , E:\ FORSAL — g: --111ree acres 1.1 I+eyond 11. .A.:IL•41o, Cemetery, On the p:.Luk Al,.'kr 5 nose 1, o!.11.tor- IllakPlr. EA.!. For pricyand t..rms It.. ltorti E.,tat.• tlfrico of Jr 7 F , ON, 51 Market et. OLIVE OIL.— , 5 don. quartg: 5 doz. 1411 Ju,t rr:eln-.1 and for sale I.y It EN - NI Sit A ANDERSON, .lu3 NO.lO W.1011.i. .11110.tif. St. Charles Hotel. WHITI4I WAX —l5O Iho. in ctore and for' sale by [ join] Fl.}: NI IND B KOS; • . 1 TRAGACANTII- 7 ,51 1 0 Ibs. on hand . ; kfi cod 1., iale I.y ..211 FLENIING BROS. ~)e-, 131ILS. LOVERINGSUGAR;StGA ...v It 141,1, Strap; *.b . ) bbbi. S. House Syrup. for sale by _mydl. F. R. DIIAVO. No. I Diamond, 5/1 GROSS tioodwin's Fine Cut Zhewirtg: Tobacco. Jura re,nivod and for sole by ILEY3I.I lt dt ANDERSON, “3 No. 39 Wood et._ ..• • - UN FOR 'nil; LITTLE FOLKS.—Tho. F Mammoth BROTHER JONATHAN for the FOURTH' Just arrivad, and sa liatpur's Magazine fur July. Can, ar nand and get them bath, at • W. A. UILD}NFENNEY fe 00 , S. icb) Fifth st., opptate the Theatre. , Till.: Farmer's Every-clay B.x.k, or Sketches I.f r,toelill Life in the Cnn nt ry; tritt, the poptilar elements of practical and theoretical agriculture, and twelve hundred 1., ',ties and apothettnt, relating to ethics., religion and gen eral lit eratare. Ahto, fir,. hundred roceipte on byeittn, dc" rllt'st it and rural e. MIL• 111), by the lire. John L. Blake, P. D. 4,1‘. by :tpt S! 13. T. C. 310110.11C,41Fifth Nt II A.M PII()PERTY FOR SAIE. tt hare a car: pretty rcfrirtenee for rate on The south 01 te Nion-ugitlualia river •nd near the Prat dam at ititittinglotai. The lot is '4 fet front by IXI deep. With fruit tri o , eltrold,ty, 'Phe howe im two etories bleb, built of brick, contattot five well finished, recently pointed and papered. It gill be ,11.1 at a bargee. APPIY to Jele BLAlifilLY. &BICFI6II. VALUABLE FIFTHSTREET PROPER 'I FUR SALE.—We have for sale a lot of ground au Firth . '2. feet front by 100 feet deep, eituated within a few , i'nwn of A Iderninn Ate Alaster'n Aloe. Thin property leafier" red at a Larg - aln, the owner having gone Wmt. ham per . feet and ~lea r of all Incumbranee. Apply to jelS BLAX.ELY A ILICHEV. T E PLE ' - t(I Boring Machine , -1: e 1 eb ra e rat, t-1 February'-'9th, 18:4. mar be ,e.ral at theEx lunitiun ruuni a NI. F. Eaton, yo. 139. First st reet. C. fi TSR, 3td. Agt. for the rale of Territorial Mats. Al i LI, D CROSS.-CUT SAWS Corn Scyth; ‘lls. Bellows and Vices; Plllllli Cll4lll and Fixtures; andhsy Manure Forks. Twether with a large mid 0010i/hive u.lsortrn..ta hardware,) reed and male low. at No. 03 11 .0,1 mtmet, between Diamond alley and Fo.llllll Pittbbilr6ll. SA 11. FAILVESTOCK.. T ° LET. - .1. Livery Stable and large ya o manrhaßer to test. :Apply to <-11 ',BLAKELY .t RICKEY DERFLMERY-A Inrge and fine assort meta of cheap and liaraikt,axe role, jugt received and fir t,ale by :Jel4 FL. HAI ING BROS. THE 1.6 T uF JULY" AND 4 7 111. J arpera. Marnainc her duly. The Brattier Janet han for tit , 4th of' uly. Fle,ived and tla- only at allSrnithiadd at- SOAP —2O grass in GLEAVER'S HONEY •r,,re and for sale by Uvn NEM NI 6FLOS. POW ' D OCSI — A 11—Al3re -31111 fur coin by p. 211 SKELETON Vt-STS—We hare received per Expreas anotip.r ka" the Siu.letan reete ulach are undoubtedly the ouoldet and Hanlon for Summer weir. j n L 11111SliF 7 kLP & B')N, No. 70 \Vocal n. BEANS—Received and for sale by mrn HENRY H. COLLINS, 9 a.. 4 ;F . ~. I 7 a 04 4 DO 6 00 linz. o n h ab l Ft. Nil NO BROS.
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