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"""' g . • • 4. ~.9., ,4.44. if - -e ... ‘ o e ',o - • ' wr.o . `rm.. o• - i.oe in Nti ..,17',A to " ''''' . 7. -' Te-sorai.9, , -,.0 { •,,,t , ,t , 47,9- 4 •,! , ,.4.. , z, f .v.. 41, . /. ~,.. e , - • 4% .4 , 1 , 4-..t.,, , , t .„7„,,,,E . ,..pz.h.•\ ; 1.-t--,2,.., gt4t;, 1 ' 44 r. , ..z.,...,,g...-4.. , 4 _•,...,.._• :,..... ,7 14•,54 ~,', 4,. ~t •%• ‘44 t 41 •!' l I ‘ % e F. v . ;;! ire ." • ' ; P•4- 0 1 %itit, 41' 4b 44 , . Alaiz e ,,, , 9411,- .4,4V - 1k...el cf : Z• 1 .&,.. - - ~ V , •'4{,i . tT. - i t tr i t,'lLV4: 4 ' 2 ' l ' b ' 4,4c.1 . ' .-- ...'-i'r ; - - t* .*• . 4W 4, 'l' 1 z ft•-4- - q Iv '-' • ' a•. .'' r . 4, r, -‘' • yf r .s 1.,,t. . 7 .; -.4 ‘ ‘..,,, . ~ A „,144.,, ...40 s. a tr.r.t_ • to; lV* 0, 1, , i', .., kvlrSogiyi di rti , ,4 1 1 , 4•4 . 1.1-•47 4...1VY ei•, , -.• ii4 7• •••-,.:' ' l ;j O.O J at';•• ' - t''l4 . ,:ivc Z . "' '44. • - ,,!.,n - .., '' ~ ty *q-0 , 4:-...` , 1 , zi -" '' -* Atfi.to I ';.:' , cP'e t i A 6 ,i, - V -1 „ ~e*-. = A,f• 64f..;p1.&., 410 - _ - tc . v , , , tit°,l , Flt , ..- - $; ,, ;4 , ' 7 = . i' .T... .r. fr A ", 4N •; " * -P.iWO, (l ` 1 1 •gfA14..1 f 7,,t;,4J t , , •*4 ~, 1 01: 4 4W•tik 41 4reirt4*,‘:.A 43 R 1 .. 1 ' . __ 4l . l iKeSic -T .,0 - :; ' ,..,.'i . ,; - "•' $ ' ''i Ze`; . '- c . Pq"• .;13 4.t'ifi'• 2 r 1 :4: , ,...1- ,, d0..-4, , ,,....- i t .......,- ~ ..- ...,1 4 ..q...... ~..47, . .)-1 44 . -4.4-..-,.!:.,:,..i :Iv. 4,9 •rt .., t"4- " r ' '''' ;, 174..,,t,A„,-4, ,•:‘: 4.4 , ;, , ,...,,:.„4.4.4 r- - font,dr i .iz e -t-..) - ron ,. . - 40.>:-..,..,,„ cr ~..,y,,1 i ¢ : • ea .r ..; v --., •.,...,. y 5.1 ). V.v..' ''''' 4 4 14 4 rti.0.5.*:'. ~ ..."'7.. "!- '''''.." , •:' ,.4 .: 4 t 4 , ..0 At A. - 1 ,1. V . 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" ',...., 'A I ; . 1 40 ,..... , , t , , el.-, ~ .,,i ; i,.. r ,•-• , a., '.•• -.".- . - 4 - ,-:. - - ~,,, •,-,7 ,- ,F . .3 ~6 6. 2 dfa ..4,.tft , ; , ..- 6 ;1 4 0-o t ...*.:0-• ••1 4 .1;•••,,t..„-P!," r , 40,-1 , . _.. , _ _ ..; ; -, .7.37,.,7. - " , .._; .-- • , T eir !0 1 '..74 0 ' ZO-3 , 4t itios 2.01...i.1iV 1 eetV:7,, '''' '0 :t ~ 15.1, , g4f , ,• .. •i .• .. •--, , ~,,, r. , ; • , -,- . 7*....., l ' z i_ . • '''„, ;„..- .t 'A'r,:t 9 0 tr4t 3 P4 IP, itfiff4i4Al47‘' 4 ".. ' .- 4 , v,,, ,, .., 1 ,:*4....;.; , . ....,`;::' ~, • -• , 4 ' ... , . ..,.." , - ; ef.: ; ; r, -- , -- ; ,....,:', • 0- .. - c.. 4 4:4...;c4 rAtr.": 4 „,:vl:l4l-;,=5„ 9 f .. 4.,=4..;;;;,:: '.- 41 . 7 14.111. 11 / 4 ,7: . •,, -, - It: . ,--., , ~.;. ff,zl - , ,I„ . L t r ; " .. 7. , . ....- re .. .t'cl I . 7.„1„,0kz.44,,,..„4..„6,4,4iTeeir0_.4....,....,0,,,,..t., re , ‘ . ~ -- tb. - . i ,„,,,,\ ~.• A \ .: 4f - , .t. t. , .. , :-.. 4! ) . _,A i . .14. , b .. 4 - 0/0 41, L it 4 fr..% b a 4, 4 , 'II V i : 4 ' ,' ^ .• f - -7 I . ., 4 e . ' .j y . . , 7 ..‘ 'Y r , .. , , , ..7111. 6 I.!* ,e, , A ... *, ij. 4""1 4..4 !.. - 0,1 y-. .. ---. .. ' % If di 1 '..., -.. ,: '• , -.^. *.... •••• t. 4. 1 .- 1 J.... 411 , kW . .. - .. S ',. . “. _, .... .. • . a . . . . . , _ %. ~.. ' - ;,ps i -*,X'h v ~'!:'p^... , ; «:.l' - • ?,4t l 1 4 , - " J 4 ' 41.40 VAt . t 41, ',V ••• ' 6 % • - 4.9‘ "12. ,4e4111. 11- 11V - 4-0 " .4" 16 ' . 44 ,1 / 1 1440 7 C *s'. ;4 0 Fe 4 . 4 . • ,os , r _ .ejVitt. o4 . , • < * _ . • ' 1~~ y MISCELLANEOUS. T N THE COVET QF. CHANCERY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, In and for Kent oUititv. Ebenezer Cloak I vs. Richard C. Dale, Petition for Partition. Thomas F. L'ale. Anarnow to wiy tki.s-tyent;yettlentil day.of Darchi In the year of our Cord one tVirmsand eight hundred awl eft) six. this cause coming before the Chancellor, upin the tion of Joseph P. 00111l . 43,1. 11,11.1i1 . 0 the complainant's nonenor..tild the incite of summons eons:aid, and the Sheriff's return thereon being seen and i-runined, it is thereupon in - glens! by the Chancellor lest the aforesaid defendants, Richard C. Dale and Thomas F. Dale, appear ill the tense on Tuesday, the 2.'3d day of September next. And it is ordered -fuel di rected by the Chancellor, that a copy of this order shall be ineerte,l in the INtteurah The, a newspaper pnidisheil in the city of Pitts burgh, in the State of Pennsylvania, and shall he continued in said newspaper for the space of one moot and also that a copy of said order ishall.forthe same space of time be posted in the office of the Register of this - Court, and at the Court 'loose door in this County. ' State of Delaware, Kent feu Ay. ' . . I, John K. Jarvis. Register in Chancery in Kent - -county, aforesaid. hereby certify that the foregoing.ia a true c o ley of Um order In the above ounce, now of record in this Court. In teetimony wherecf, I have hereunto set my hand and nth ttel the Beal of the said Uourt, at Dover, this 14th dly of May. A. D. 18b6. JOHN K. /AIMS, m v22:1 m Register in Chancery. REAL ESTATE MARKET, CA' .RNER OP SEVENTH AND SMITHFIELD STREETS, We hare the following Real Estate for sale: FOURTEEN ACRES OF LAM) in St. Clair town hip, on the old Washington ItotuL well improted. SIX I CRES OF LAND in Chartlees township, about half a mile from the Ohio river at the lower ferry, with valuable i mprovemeuta, suited for a Beni vl country residence. A LOT OF GROUND in East Liberty, lto feet by 150; will he cold low. FOURAeIt F:.S OF LA Mrs ND near ineville. . . TEN Al2ll LAND in Indian k township. nt t hn 11,11111 ..1 De, .-o ;, tw pr.,votn rote Anti I,rry PIFTEV.N.ACitEtt I . IF LAND in Indiana t..waship, ta/tlr Pita/ /mad:. with 111/ ACRE:// to Plata t.nvuehip, throe un ! half naloa In.n/ Isataa's Stati.h. tt the A. V. littilr,,,,t,with good impt- A THREE Y t c DWF:I.I.IN(I 2•11,01.. Wl,llo 4 lte 16. Merry 110Spitai.) With urnla 'I improv,aaht,... A the town Iteavor. Mining tw..tsty-thrve tw red, V. it hiu eighty rod. , ~1 the C. liniltott.l. TW4 ) FINE L T 6 111 the Enrough of Nlanln,ler. of Cliartn,l and Fuca to slrovta A ALIJA It MILL Eic 11' AND FAILM iu I , orry ton, todop. 11 . .•ntmonJnud county, u ould lro exclumgrd Ga A BEAL — hi-I'l. SUBURBAN RESIDENCE at the I at,• ,Siati,a., call tiro or tea Arro4 of Land • . . E NTV AC It Rti uI LA\U adjolut rig . the Su is4v tI Station. Apply MAK ELY & RIC HEY TB' EINE ‘L'E,s IN . ADVANCE r"r LIE MAIL! air THE EASTERS DAILIES tiro regularly rervived. t tisk, hours in ad vane. of thv Mad, and deliveretl u,tt. scribers at the tollowing rates: Philadtruhla LI tki LH, 10e. ixtr ueek. N., York [lady TKlllL'Ilr Inv Werk. " HERALD. " " " TIM St Leave for dew. ur any tdbut Fatatern p apes, at 71 Eifth street, for nry2.4 RICHARD SHANNON. ipolt SALE _2ll :Lores of land, on whieli is or-tied a helve! 1. , g hews , . frame bat xi and other on t• buildings. nll w g... 1 -.der res cleared, well len Mil l in is , ssl state .•1 cult, siedi y,dirie orchard, sr,al 0, - res grain and lover t; ..el nod thriving tbw: the forciii.llllng:/ acres well timbered—would be a g situation for a store, being situated on the cross roads. be Ltakerstown and Butler, in Middlesex township,' But ler county. Will be sold low—terms easy. Watited—A vittiati.m by a ydung lady, 111 IL Dry Tritunting or Millinery ivitabladiluent. Wanted--Several girls to d, hirtisa,..ol: in the city wet country. Also, a situation by it sty about fourteen year. .4 ago, In a store, I, run errands , ,deer light work. lug u I re, 1. \V" l' N. at Lll , l Agency and I n tel ,•I , d, , ,tre , L, fourth .1 .or east of Dian, I. A L 1.1;4 iU EN `i CITY RANK LESLIE'S Gazette of Fashion 1,4. litilrk,b‘wher Nl.Agetr_ine for .loor ; Putnam', do di.; Dicke.' Iliarseh„id w,, r d, do ; Thr Schi.olfellow , do; .Sper.ch .of the lieu. (.7harlem Sumner; The Itiralam 0111.1.• an.' Con.oruphre'* Manual; I. C M. Fitrh. A. )1 31 1, um, 'flo•naani and Ton cingt• worth knowing. rho hondun Ilhgrate.l Now.. For ~,,ir by N::1 11. T. C NIOIUIAN. 41 Filth 5 EIV IT I3LICATIONS 1.-..11,...,:ar.rt:0 of Fwaluon I,r .I.lno. price 2. Vutuarn's Nlaga..ine do do 20c. 11.m...ch1a 11 . , - .1. ,b, (1,, 2,9, Srlioulfellow do do 10c. Ilarpree Nlng.. 4th supplg, do du '..).,<.. tio.l. , y'a Lady',, 11. , ,k. 2,1 do .In do Ikk. Graham do d., :2 , ,. PrEersoll do 17g. 6w, kurbuk.ker ti, du :W. I.,•edie . , N. Y. Journal do do lke. Sparrow gra.w /*nix!, do lkl. I'l 'toot Talow, by 111, , Iiiile co 9t.w. Ilunntly Papers. by John 11r. , nghwrn d.. 9 ,. . lbucent opeorliw. of Chart-. :2 , 121111, r dv 1.12. • . • . Shoefoc w rl. o Lirtt...:oo , ortin , ot on•I nu. • I lano•o0 , toa.lo , oery. ke. ?old from lo to '2O twr ~•0t loner t l.nu.-o•rwL,r, at FFE Bot.k 131:SIN}:SS!! PE. WERT): sALE—Shuate u,Se n Intl! lt,:rute st, 'est. 3 run of all ether gen-tug nw! futures ..urnt.letp A'• saw Inuit. it trusts turnout PriorA STEANI SA %% MILL, smutte in, Ohiu river, nen: St %Lary'', uttle" Prtee 31.500. TANNERY Et , II SALE. situate at M,,untlerille, Va., u.sh vats, pa, 1.e.. all in , rder. large dwelling bow,. ==!l!= AN ENV BOOK.—i'lle. Kidnapped 4ild the lia,tnomrd Ilemg. the f_ier4ol.iiii ef eider 01111 and bin Wtfn •• Ina," after forty yearn of By '.l ra. Kate K. It. Pickard. with an introduction. mirnuel ‘l.ly and au apiem•ht by William 11. }'urn,,.-. I/. I/ 1 . . d. I,y I:. T. C. &101ifiAN. Jif. 41 Fifth Ri V ATE lIESI DEN CE FOR SALE. A Lea:. :I tun If and II furl, I, lionme nit flat •ff if o. North I \minion. Alieghany City. containing nix adl finuilloil room, a ball, room, 4,11ar afid Ilninlirtl dram in the :arfl Thu pr. fporty in beautifully located .nd In worth) the attention of pi ream, winhing a di•strAhle pri vate reardenoe Will I.' nold If fa . . Apply to BLAK ELY & 1111111:T 1E)0.A1 ESTI(' GOODS. —A . A . Ni„ ... „,„ ... ii,“” cmies and pa. kagfw fd fooi le 1,111,.. and gingham,. chock, tacking , . 3 , 1 ever \ den, iption of h,l,el...flung %,il3Ol be • .1 , 1 nt a • , u,,,. - , :able red anion Irwin It, mond prunw • lt ASO LS. —lVe invite the attenti , ,h Lle.. thin t nitag 1.1 rxprel 21111Ong %%Each nrt. ..1 511051 1.1/ ti, 4;11,1i wi .il,ll - 11.1.11 . et) Ir. y ,, ( 011yr.41 jug. A. A %CASON k ()).. 2e, Fifth Pt. 1) 11 ) Y()I . READ SYDNEY SMITII?- ( , i liked it. And hugh..l oral 1113 Witty :nark, We D•Ar eivr y. It bett,r THE We have really fill fl rat coutpleht American •.,li- Ilntt, st tilt II tnens •tr. fn.,m the loth I.:ugh:lls ctlitent lit nog, hateloente t. al 1:!tn.... LI , Ali; price $2,a , , half ..allextrik $4. The I Legotiiti •r, Mirth mitt )furvt.l. Ity Thomas I.itgvi•l4li). tit.. ltichttrd flare ttith ld 1111,tratti •n- by i•to lutthy It•lLows, Anti Thi,kll4lltfolly Prit , rtaming korrk ha. trow 144,1'11 , /‘ ••natrd.rr•l hbrtu work in E/1 ~1.111.1, w lit-rr it ham 1111•••11 1 tlrrowrtli I , n •-•i.ri••t, T 1••• srwrts •rr 1n Inuuh.l ••f mrott k 11,4 i. 1,....:....• , 1 t•-• .ir• I stilt r•-parrer. I , y 11—.1,, It trtrlial, TI. 11. , -1. ~ • It•• rtrol • .o • ••1 , 1,0•••-; NV.. N• • .Li , l•!. r ; ••••- 1•• tint, It 1111. h - r•••'. -1.1,1.;• r• 11,1•• r. .11, rt,ll, as • I , t,lrr:irir,,t. 1••• t rwo•• Oran tlo t.t lo••gral.•11y ••I 11.1 Nll. Irarrllwrr . . •1114. r dorm, r•tor•••3 Foortlr. 11 %ll\ 1,•10 11.1. FrrotltlP.l.l W NTEI ) -- hi s g” , ..1 A; irk, It, gen,•ral rk thr,-• r.nritr3 AI: .) IT I. I,,tru nit/ 41 1..• w'.-It t• at f, 10111 ..r Istri,t , In r hand.. I V.., [II oral., t. 1•E ittpl ti.. ~ r nn 111 , 11 AI kin.l erupt , t111.•Ii L. A 1.1•1) at Inn.lllgonre OM, feb2u Nu. U Firth stn.., WANTED --A Situation as Governes tuacin.r, by n young lady - wull qualitiod. and lutv. Jug had ..unaiderable Pxl/01 . irtl..e; Vi Utlid not object wt.(' into he country ‘Vanted—?ereral girls to do lioueewurk, in city anti uuntry. and a boy to run of errands, In a shot, stern , in, the icy. For usk—A n man tatJnery ire goof onivr aud Mango good hinsineas. Inn 811,11 tillago almut nn,ru ndles from the city The oWtter 1A101111,, , I , 11.0 Went will sell at n gl , lut hargaiu tr 11111.• t:11;. IV. BUNS, at his AE ucy and Intet hgeaco fllide. 11 , rd , rule Ohlo street, fourth door east of the blataosol, Allegheny sty. myla V.RESI.I SEEDS--Garden, Field and Flower 111 at approvrd tool Ariel oa. ,11401./.10 1111 , 1 1,1,11, tit the SO,l and Agricultural Ware house. 47 Fifth ,treet. of (41.:,1 .1 A VIES VPARUIU cl ODA ASII of a god and uniform qualitv manufactured 19 the Penult, Ivan. Salt Ilanutaetin mr Company at 'Parental.; On )1 mil and for Kale by A 1.r%). 3 gr.. Lotlirmi'm : 4 gr.. I lovflaritl's G h erman Bittern I iglu Ihe. 5111.41:ter CAA 11:.. IA 11111 Tr .cunll 41,0 Intl Nut.megN; Concentrated Lye, n new article for making time; tole pound worth ten of puma!: ; on hand and for aide by my 3 FLENIING BROS., - - • • near akerstown, A LOT OF UltOU ND, B will tis tom tern low, If applied for noon. it contaim one-fourth of au acre, and is in a Central petition. Apply mh2A I.II.AISKLI' A RIGHEY. • ORNAMENI AL Center pieces, Testes, Glom told 1U,./net l'i,toree ill gilt circles, with great variety of other ..nouveau on Wall Paiwr, for Kale by [nye W. I'. MARSHALL A en. DRIED PEACHES —lOO bush. for sale 1.1 - y ap2.6 SMITH, hlAlit A HUNTER. TT/81KM AND GLOVES—Another very large emortment of Mummer Hosiery, 010 T. nod Zll itu of every dvicription,juet received by myl.9 A. A. MASON & Co. DR. If EISKELL'S TEl"tEli OIN"I'MEN 'l'. This i)intmont has never Lea known to fall in the cur, of Totter. Scald Head. Itch, Ringworms, Ulcers, Scalds, Frostoil Limbs, Inflamed Eyes, Piles and all erm tloux of the nkol For wyle only by W SITUATION, by ayoung in a DE:, t'ioodt, or Trimming Store, or Uilh e-ry set VV 1:1 P. 15to housework, in the city and m o ot)` A II," by a say about fourteen, in a store. 1, tun • - rrands. orb., light work. F4llt A sui.dl TA NY. Eit V. in good order and doing a good mll/11.ii viva g e IlbOUt fifteen miles from the city . 'rho own., uishin g g„ W'. -tit, will sell at a great hargain Impure tkr /111 DUNS, at his Agency and Intel hgen„ t 01 , 5. n•o-th litho e1f,.1, fourth door east the Diamond, Allegheny Cit). of 8 4e5 underalgm a l keep ~q,stantly hand EESON'S a lV l A ar T w E • it stt l r i k Ni, !l :— lliT 'a sa . rtirie of the hest quality. The attention of Contractors and Builder, of Navigation Lacks, Aqueducts, Bridges, Reservoirs for Water Works, Ac., is re. quested to this article. The well known resistance and um iamilommeas of water, characteristic of this Cement, renders it of the first necessity in all structures exposed t o the action of water ordamp. [afB3m) ENGLISH d - RICHAE.DhoN . A_ LCOIIOI,-10 bbls: '76 P' Alcohol du do In store and fur sale by Jeld re "1* , 1 . . . . . .' •• . 114!.• • ' . . ' I ' t, • t l • • . • . . , I . , . . • • • - , T .- i ,•+' '14 , ......• 4•r• 7„ I . ......N . , -. 1e41it...1...V.•-•%,..0-4r : ''" '" '...-• D''.1..:.4.- •t‘i 'l l ', 4 -' l/ : '4 ll; ;;• 7 . ''' ' ' '': " l L ' i . C . : 4 4 1 ,-= "...-4 -- ,..ik e." : '- .4 .:4.. - 4.• ....L.. ' ' r ''''*' 4.- 4. '''' -" ' `'-.. ,-,`- - ',.- - - 4- 4 , wx , -- ...---,....^....,... v.,-............,.....e.,...-_ - - _ ........ - - =Ell ME= S. Cl Tll BRILT . Nfarkes FLESIINti Mins JOS. FLEMING, corner Diamond and Market st MILLER k RICICETt3ON • • e 4 . • i • • 5 :I•st '411.eir4k..." , "11/.4.4. - • Ir' . , , l i p • - • `• .4.." • vt • • IE! , • , 4 INVENTioNS AN PATENTN M. F. EATON, Es'. D•ar Sir,—Having used G. Trott's "Patent Oil Globe" on almost all the steam engines furnished the List year, and in asmuch as ihey appear to have given entire satisfaction to our customers, we haw nu hesitation in recommending them us a good article, and much preferable on account of their simplicity of construction, to tho old fashioned Oil Globes, ur any •dher of which we halm any knowledge. Very rel•ecifully yours, F. & W. M. FABER & Engine Builder' This certifies that th” oil Cup patented by Mr. Trott, has been in use on our road for two years past. We find it to he an economical and durable Oil ('up, and can recommend it AN such. OEO. W. UREA, Foreman of Pittsburgh Shop of Penna. Central EA:. November 29th, 1854. To M. F. EATON, ENO.: This certifies that wo have had in nsr the patent Oil or Cups, sold by Moses F. Eaton, Esq.., of Pittsburgh, and consider them very much superior to any thing of the• kind Treasurer Ohio Tool Company. Columbus, Ohio, November 'X, 1855. ap24 [ From the Now York Beieutrlic Akcictimu.) Patent Flnl•hing Plane. This invention is intended for use where it LS desired to ire• part it flue,, and glossy surface to the woad; hilt it is applicable, with advantage. to all kind of carptuter'el planes. The novelty consists In placing the clittmg chisel. or Lat, in front of the wedge, instead of behind, its in Comm,. planes; al., in applying a metallic mouth pi..., to the face of the plane, to n out of the ,Lisel. which 11101111.1 1001 n Herren as the rest for the confines the throat of the plane. But the no close to the eJgc of an, Lit aso r pre, sat the plane from ripping or splattering s...se, 11/ inc least tili.4l . tv. .•.1. Sin , have seen the Implement tap to the planing of wu,sl against the grain. and traps sem I) t.i the grum, km 11.1 g the m,aal porfrvtly suirsith. So pert, I is the operation of this inntrunarrit, that it map be ap plied ti. the planing it comet-- 01)1 milli, lllR.,llA— thing which cattalo! safely Is• done l.y the LOW/11011 The peculiar arrangement of the mouth than, bat, and attortis a complete and tiro bearing fur tin. lot V, Ito!, Icllgtll, and d 1150,11504, under all cum star, with the one or a.mbi.• This .ery sunnily and rift•CL/ 111.11irtAtalleat, d. wr hive I din t.t. 1.. hurl its may inb• vier) . CAlMl'lllcre , IR the hand. ho mot ehost is complete without it. The ~,. Itmlor in Wm. C. Hrippor, of Pittsburttli, Pa., anal his pats at twars date January Id, 1h1.15. 44) - N1 , . , .51 , 114 V. EATON, No. 139 First marvel*, Ageill tho potruto CLOTHING ACARD -1 request the attention uf my ksitte hut' the publu. I, my n dOrk of Sl'ltl NG AND SIMMER GOODS, I think contains a Larger variety of rteh styles than any other form purchane. I have taken alarm] pains to all the 311111111 of FANCY CLOTHS generally ilen.reil. Fenno, Dahlia, Mulberry. Briii-r • Dial, Brown nod nitre, With Val - 10114 tlnta of Green and Blue. I have observed the same rare In ,electing run FANCY CASSIMERES, stitch "mbr,... a iltuace ...natant of light itiltins i Humidity for eteiling dress in the allUilUer season, iflth a Builds 7 of Black Elantir Figured (Aoods: also, tutenitod for the hot weather. Mn stock of XESTINtiS in an largo on eau Iv found elnewhere, ever) variety of Silk Path-Imo plaits and figured Orsuadluen and Marseilles. Mc inunirtittent of or Clothing luta ho r ea inertia...El WO I are propalvol to hi! in: orders Iti t h is bran, h with more attoiliwtion malaria lull 1.11),, titan hitherto I sou; Tali ntsvoil atteutnio to a toluilvi of pretty small PLA I lin. I,i - ohm - I) adapted to i•hildren's doss, whisli. I think. caw to if fait hi plea., Al., Draothui.Argmuum I.tintrva,l.l- lualan Freueli Nauktinnettes. Drab Italian Cloth. with n tuneri ion styles of Worst/id nod 1.1”011 intended to'r for non's ur Laiyis lothing atii:S.lnidit is SOLOMON STONHIt, No. sr/ A RARE CHANCE FOR MACHINISTS Or those who wish to Engage In the MACHINE, OR ENGINE BUILDING BUSINESS. THE UNDERSIGNED offers at private tin linoth ,Lay of June next, the whole she.. 'l. la. Pattern, Shafting. Heating Pilass and Fixtures .1— in the Pitt Machine Works and Founds. loeuhi! Allegheny City., curlier Main and Cherry streets. The stock o f Tools consist in part. First— , if a No. 1 Steam Engine. nearly new, II in, h der, :t feet stroke. with ylinder holier 44 nub dloniet,-r, us, • ~ne year . IT, lar m and one small power Planing Machine_ Twen ty.three turning lathes, carious length.. and NO. I, 4Wlng from seven feet down to twelve ire hes . the shear, lin, biro, 8. - . ring Mill. itoutili-griartl uptight Drilling Mitchin., (ivarclating Ettgule, with A groat nT of .tr nipl rut4.r. Machine Pun, Ling and Filing it/ 4. 4 “ 1,,, kr• A ,:•:tt -f xuki ail i:••rt.T.,ls for Gott”n •. r Ehgtor--Imild/t.g n.. 11 lcpnl thirty-ran .11arl . ith .'ant t:044 flO/ and firtturort. ,•1111 Nil 1 r r , r , 1 It, i 1 . (.111 , I ov. u. ANT,FI.I,IIg Vrou . bras, Furriare. CtAtl , 111/.1 141.11 r, lust! ZqL/blik.B ..1 ,arl.mot i 1 full tuts..rtr.cut F 1.4.4 a,,4 , Aloq F,•0r..1r) Ttltrd—rlve Marta:mit r. F-rgs-a. 1... at. I togrtl.4 wall a full sot .4 1•1141‘, I. c: mere.:old tools rut e,a. h Fog'. ...so ...II Trip Rammer. with . gnat la, to massc r tes. e In good oplor patent 11,11 and Mao!. Nimbi... Yourth—A .a.n.i.lete stork of hall) Pattern& froln loos eilty in. II .Inunt.t..r. Spur and Ile el O • o Otte ar2e., !tint Ott h . It great r....ntser nil nil let) ..1 hittel Fol, nod a great 111.11111rer •,7 other I . :kits-ID, t, rune• OUS t.I ssientlots. Thee, T,e,le are all ill 11,4 rate or•ler. a. 13,1 thee- 1% . k. lin,' been c.r n rlanzl.et ~1 yent• ea— eal.fui -le, ate mei topre.at proptal.oes , t int,4lll, It 10. 1./1111'. , a ear- elute a ,Mini” 1.4 the purvltanet I, ta, II re at i. estaL•lielal naglina Thi• Luil olu can II fair rote f r our utuoi—r of Intjruntioll ae t,, pri“. arms. apply h• the ;•r , ro ent pr.privt.ors OD lii prentieva. N. II —lf th.• al.n .• twk.ls ar. not e..ld tw.A•re th. it li of w II br utf.•rrd at pul.llc sal,. Ni)11(1. Is le r. I ) oleo to all perttens vk h. , ha, pattern., or u Jk of mo Llesonpt.,. to the •• hue , %%orb.: t. thrt. LA., pony (~.re the loth day of Jon. , 11 , 11...111.-3 .111 1.. .411,1.11er .I,lenscil EN ho. Itlell EY A (NI LI ARM FOR RENT.—A small Farm. 1 tortuog CI itcren, nle.tutulte pule below the -Iv,. site )bmrlcontnr. There is on the promises, a huge (mess house and stahle, about lOU bearing apple trees; also 10,, It. cherry Will plum tree., grapes, Ac. Tide place would .:ill a glen! gurcirtier. For ter= appy m)11 It. C. A J. 11. t4A W EH, No 47 W..KI ALTPETRE, REPD-35 kegs for sale 1 , % . SLy jos it A. I".A LIN 1.:8Tol'h A I. ROCHELLE ()CURE —5 a,k', just r, ''l al, I h.r snl.. FLENI ISO MI,- 1\1: N's F:SS EN CE GlNi.r.l; —I Li. :.• juk .1 41141 f..r Kali iteyd4 FLEMI Nit !,.. - H w , II.:ItY AND GLOVES.— \ A ml. hay.. hand every hang,. 1..:. ti , ttrn and Itotoet•y nu.l ul-ten of et ery di et riptiott. the luntt anntortniettt ntlk, Mahal, 11,1 La./..a Witt/ tI be fo•and In toe city. jolv rill I 1:. I Alt 111 VAL OF N 1V tiiiol)ti AT Lt , vE II Eltr , , No :4 litt ket tn 1•11, glt I • •.111 .1.4• r :bar. hat e lord relied and .0 now lo e• then 16in1 nultpli of new and hand:elute Drew,. t Lawn, natl. Far 111111111/ M•rmong itteeln.:l- , lttent 1111tInton ..1.1 Ntnnile work. Many ..f the above w.f.! , lon•tt porchttned of the unportet 0 and at the large A twtt• h ut Neu York and Philadelphia, at prlcon that ettaltie tit fleet to otter them at la. Ilan. thit of trannportation if noht tt au early call from all our • untontern and the pot•ltc treuerilly. hollering it will he to th. adVaalago of all, at w.• never liar, been able to tiller a better tonort meat, and meter ne cheap. LOVE lifitalltiltrt, lorillerl jud. YOU NO, rITEVE.NSON & pORTSMOUTIPS LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, ON MARKET AND WATER MEETS, My 1 .Vl,Ol K 1 TTA 21' NO. ADAMAGED PIANO, for sale at a bargain —A new CIIICKERING ., 4-7".. , I'4 • A Nis. slightly damaged In the fitrniture,f I but not where it can be observed. The in. stimnent. in no way Injured, will he sold at a eduction of FIFTY toiLLA HS. on a credit of six months. 11. MELLiIII, 141 Wood a., Agent for Chickering's Piano, AA COM PLETE LIST OF 31ONTII Ali A ZIN h•r May, 1 h;:,ri Marp, Magazine. 1.1 1 1 . 1 1&111 . 11 1 / 1 011Lbly En], kei looker: or New York monthly Magatitio. ted by Charles Dickens raley's Bok—colored plates. Graham's American unualoly Magazine, Peb•ros Lady'x Natnnat Mat's,' m• Liallou's Dollar moo till, 151. g liarper's Story Book. The Museum. The Schoolfellow fur Boys and (lain. Prank Leslie's New York Journal . Frank LtUllitill Onzettoof Fashion . Yankee Notions; full of mimic illustrations. Blackwood'a Edinburgh hlagaximi for April. Chambern Journal (Loudon Edition) for April. Just received and fur sale by W. A. OILfIENPENNEY my 3 Fifth stre , et., opposite the Theatre MAGAZINES! MAGAZINES!! Frank Lealie's Fashion Rook for May. Frank Leslie's N. Y. Journal " O,ob Book " " Ilra , larn's Magazine. Peterson's Blagazine liallou•ii Mug-min° " " 110.12410111 Words CI Harper'. Magazine Putmun's Magazine " " Knickerhorker 1. CI Yankee Notion Illackwood'et Magazine for April. London News and Punch for April 19. For sale by 11. MINER & co. my 3 N 0.32 Smithfield street._ OPENING this day, a large assortment of Wittell".. Gold Levers from $27 to $2OO. Silver Lever. from $l2 to $BO. Silver Cylinders from $.3 to $lO. Railroad Time Keepers, $2O. Frodahumfa Chronometer Series, saw. Do. In Silver Cases, $175. Chains, Seals, Heys, ex. Watches repaired in the beat manner by mys W. W. WILSON, corner of Market & 4th star. S UNDRIES -100 boxes Mould and Dipped Candles. 25 do Bier do 100 1/0 Rosin Soap. 300 kegs assorted Nails. 100 doss Corn Brooms. 60 bales No. 1 and 2 Batting. 25 doss Bed Cords. 26 do Buckets. 10 do 'Tubs. In store and for sale by asyi, JOHN MOOREILID S UGAR..—Prime New Orhaute in store and for sale by [MO] /OHN MOORHEAD. ft.: • ^ L.NSUR&NeIi. - FARMERS' ANP MECHANICS' LIFE. FIRE, AND MARINE INSURANCE. COMPANY OF C 5300,000 A ah.unt tvcurvly iuvo,tl.4l 5600,000 Flrrnuaem, April 12, 1955 . . This Company effecta Fire I lisitrania• FurFurniture,Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargo and Freigl.l. Inland I.llrall, oa thx , thl, loy Itir, rs. Laken, Railroads, and Land Carta:nit. gian.ralli. Also, Illsth rnurr 111.11 1.11 ON, Marl the must favorable terms. Tlwehanuier of the a 1.,. C.nuhw y thy flry.t ohann and cointanem the rare and uu elaal Fire, M Man. , Mid Idle ~ueurvice. lit. 01111,1 A . ch,:itn.l standing air• assncian,l ni in. 11101, agetnrut, 1111 , 1 Ivrf`elt.l n. Sti dd«r•. TR, 0/ AS J. HUNTER. Ag.mt, No. tin Water str.n•t. r IIE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CUMEANY. IF PHILAI/ELEPTIA. ALFRED THOMAS . . Inlific - r0i424-4.-libitri c a W. Wi Tol.rus Wa.4,1144r. N11111:4`i 1;1:111t.. JII , -vb It. Jlwtl , lit', W. Itichni,k, M..r.1 u.I Adulplii 11.41 w, Pa.,d liruunt., ris 1•.. n,: ,/a1 N ItAsch:tu, Cll kS. li. BANCREII, Sseretary. Contuiti44 t 44 ;nut. insnnwn, prri... Ina] dream riptron 11 propel l), in 14.0 n un.l at I at,. C01.19N•III with lit4sitrisry The Company have reserved it lento Cnsendegent Feed whin In. a nth their estnntal laud toreneettes, safely invest: d. reed nueinle protection inn the assured. The Assets ell the ColllpArly, .•in January Ist, 1451. as ed stgroonnley h. se Act of Asseellslv, were cc follows, nun Mn rtgass . snnis.l.ts lase F.stet.• Te:dpurary Issue: old , s ::n esn-In. An .... 64,7 kn sl Total 11.-12.1 1 0.1 41 I 114•1 1. :ii. , rimertio/f/., t•ml twt•ut 111 , ) ph/ , 1 111.,1,1 hk/.11 11t.hdru..1 11. 1 nr,, t1•••:.1) :.„ .1 , n1114,...4 of 11,111.1,1. ;AA ,‘.•l/ thr itlizlit) and inrt•i lAIIII pi .1. 1, AIt.IJIN KR 0.44'1N. Av..taa, rilllE UNITED ST.ITES LIFE INS 1:: K , ANCP. A\ St. ITT A AP ',JAI PAN I. - AM; Wel. II Pi I/ 7 1 4 L, I . lj, Cl.rtar p.apt.thal. (11t,, South e.tal Lwr TL;t Chvotnut nu,Y In Phibuk , lphia. OFFICERS OF TIIE lIIIME BoARD AT PHILADELPHIA of 14.701,. I'Pplicn R. Crawfisd, hull 11. 0,. , 1,11art1, Atol,rosa. W. Thompson, Law,,,ce Joltslann, W. Tinle), lbso. NI, Ilenry, Jacob 1.. Flor , •nsc, Jansca Wll I lam M. CS im Nrilham Po ...Mir:a—awl/mu Crawfmil. Pressdeni--A mbroass W. Thompson. Aledocul Kra,' ner Ptrlsburyh -.I :taw+ 11. W NI. Ancykrny It Moary, U. 11. BANKERS AND BROKERS. Eti k SuNS, Bankers arid • tri.mtade• rp..8:1•114-41. 1,1 in 144:4114. ; 80.1 1:8014. ./tev. Kit 1180,, r 0.1 1% / r t 1 14 .t.- 048.1.. Ili /111 C 41,4 til4,lgho.l: 1114. Stu:. 1..4 1 NI 11111. i• t 1111 t•rit \ tl7 118: k,t :. 1- 1,4 , ip rt.. v.., 41, 4... F.. 11.1) Co.. Bankers and EK- I_A • 1408,:.• 111.4, I,t, 1 , 411,1* 10 E 1,1:11f, 044;111 84441 ritile 144 nn.. A. 1t... • 1ur,1,11 1ead...1 to, Ad' 1.4 04.i4 rvuldtiNl 1.. liny pal 4of Ow Chl dd 1.014,414 44441 441.1 tin 4 , 111.1101 V. 11-E- 11t./ 7.4 Foul tl, 0tr....r. next the ti.k 1'.44.- burgl.. p_ll'l rptioNiAs wool.s, Commercial Br4:ker, and 404413. St-14 km. 'teal FAD", dr . 7f, F.doth 414,01, I\T ENV SITING GooDS-- N.k. 74 Mark, p.,,bur g h, t rtr . and an how opoutni.: 'hair flt4t art,ral .1 !\ ti tnad_htt, t.. attic h Stier WIKII ',II llic 1.1.14 , 111, attend • .1 tin-, Lcanhan..ll and the puhil. gt.n. It at l o tt t, • that w.. hat, 1..-trf t.. gin/ doairablv a Nt.x.k 4.0 t he t.rnt...nt tur hit.a)lJ, DICI•AItTMENT •;ntatnt , tt;l tts.. h• et! ha ttn.l tatveltitte ..5 Ihnt..art. tt.xtra nab 81a..1. and t.'-ohat..l.ll”lrantt.itte " - Jta.t.er. Chrna and 5tr1t....1 " Plan, Sr - 3i..1 att.] /1, 4 - ii It 4., ('hail. •• rll Laa ,t. All ANI, Sit\ E , ..,.; ; SiAnt, I. ...11 •h• • • i i ... •, lir.. 11,11 .• I hahttlla. I a \ St ;IRK k 11 • s ht "• ,T. \. ; A \ I II I -1 kl \ ,t"• 1., .1 too, It'lp • Lt., 11 ttAtitrA, 71,1Art,-, Alp.. tri ..r , r 11 ...., •. itll. l -14 r. „11,'t :At rAt itt trt A 1...1..4,- 1.1, ....le , 11 t.. 1,..w. rtt lA. I I 1 , ..,11 ••11111'..1 i • 1. 4 .1 F..1...111 1.4:11g, 1.. 74 N1aII.•.1 pt....t. I=l M A N:•1; 11()I • , 1:..4,F,0ft.iiE A CREN Vi”. 4 Th, rtt....rm I i) I.• Mir I.() I, till , NIA N?.1 .!. . 11..1 .r.•l I n nhare •t 1.144.. TI:•1.• .Alta. wA , i• Y A z! stilli .4.,,•111111 an•l 1,1.111,. I r :11; kat v. QT. CLAIR ...,rner Penn UPI 1',11.p1•tp,.,-1. P. t.i: i• I, t .• ,•, II P. , 1,9141 I . 11,1. d0r11.111 ., 1K1....•1 hay!, t• : ~• I rt -, .1. .q.,• nh•l 1.4 r .1., 11 M 1,.1.1 GOA) IN TENT 1101'SE. yorner ty innl3 1, JAME: , InIiANNU.N, I • tiiprietor 14 1 .1.1(N1 1: 5.11.,E --In North Follett, j . ' Ti•wilebiti, Ail. li) . Sir.: !..t Ti,,• Inklulat tituks /a, arri Al. iil) julb, lILAK F. 1.1 li!(:11E1 3( )0 1 ' ; ( kt•rs Fl`" V, I, DV \ WCi.llllllll4. I , ' pay Refit, %Olen :I NI 11.1 , 1•6 I. rr • fIL 1.• I , u hi... 11 :it the 1 ,, 1105% I „, Kacli L 4 1.y.,a fritt. a 71 id.. ~ t r. ,• ••l. I.y 13- :tit I. y ray. Twat P.•p• , [ $l7 )tnikine, nt •i., wed ts,•• S. A St IN. Real Esinti te.ditn. IT) tierovs prime l'anilina Hirt'. iii And for sale MILLER h Ittll(lirrStiN. - 14 -1 01 i. SALE—A FRAAIF: ",- ,opied rimier) l'iovoih dni Shire, An n hint lute stand fur the busmen', nitnated uu th, Innmuud. Will tie M,ld lute, if Applied for count, us I hr owner %vial., td leo,- the , itt Apply Id U. W BUNN, Je-ii strdel, All E)IOVAL. ('AI{VII.L HAS I;E -mlvEll frt , ui Firth street Id Si. lit where hr in prepitiiiii 1,. SUIT with t hi• 01, est last/ide TO CAISINET MAKERS AND Just N. 91 ‘Vdoil ntrinit, lin , no ...del:new dr JAnd hdriiiLi 111:1,1. t.t ram kid,- in 'I.-,,., learnt him,/ 11-11 potidit minue t ; Lill II , tsn , .rinu in '.l haaraNal.t.., :all of which an je• I:I SA 111.:F:I. FAIINEST. THE (;01,1)EN (it:N is taking tile n•kt tuo. It ',miler. ;tar 01111 n, ,Yr., 1.11,1111 . 1allsi•ii in Ow it, Ili liti• w ,11 Fixhing l'ackh• ao In", an, h au a-h intent that “,,uld make old latutk %Vattou'A t . yet. Water, euuld he return la. thin Nt or P.alet ;tll,l Table Cutlery in grunt abotnlaza )1u7.7.1..a, and ua. tunny articles t,. he ntouthated hert• at,• to hated at th.• litgn of Ofiti. • , Jul 4 Nu. 130 Wood 4trext. N"AND CII EA P BOORS !—The Spar rowgrluts l'ap,rel; S Tho I.ruly'n (NI& Gennlity ; nlnu,n Uneflll lu .1 r m•tor ; by Emily Th,.l nw.•II. Alwnwoltl. I'luribuntal3; by Q Dorstii.kn, P. It. Sung of Salad fur the ;Wend—l...lololly illustrated. A Defence of the AuieriLlut Potiry, os opposed to the rms,lanents of foreign Influence. 1..1 espetially G. the inter ference of Papacy in the isdait al interest of the :antes; by Thos. It. Whitney. Forbes Volunteer Alituoal--11.1 2 vols. Just rec'd by W. A. ti I I.,DENNE.NNEY & Filth st., opposite the Theatre•. HE VOYAGE OF LlFE—Engraviiigt theme grent Moral Pictures, psi n t the late Thos. Cole, are now on view at the store. of J.J. GILLESPIE & Gl., 76 R - wml mt. Where subscriptions will be received. royao r, BAGS PRIME RIO COFFEE; 20 " lxtrn Old laguap •• 10 Old Java 2" poekets French Java `• bales prime Mocha lit bags old Marioribo Sebs•ted expressly for my retail business. myl2 F. It. DRAW, No.l Diamond. Ti — LA RELY & RICHEY, REAL ESTATE _UP BROKERS AND A UCTII EER:i, c , rtier of Seventh and Smithfield streets. Pittsburgh, will attend to selling by Auction any propert. sold Ly Executors. or by order of ttt - pilaus' Court, in the City or County ; and to any description of Real Estate out of the City. Jalo AGARDEN LOT FOR SALE—Containing six acres of excellent Laud. situated on the watei, of Charters Creek. in Robinson township, dj, miles from the city, and near Broadhead's Fording. The Land in well adapted to Gardening purposes, as it lies sloping to the South; bas a comfortable Frame House 80 feet by 16, one and a half stories high ; a good lining of Water at the door , and a variety of choice Fruit Trees Just commencing t., bear. Price $6OO. For further particulars, apply to BLAKELY & RICKEY, Real Estate Broken!, feb2l Corner Seventh and Smithfield sta. film non., IL Flatlets Jantel E Neal! tit..., U .11111,4 11 , 31 (111:11 - 1 , 1.1 1)111V1•1'. )/ E. H. 110 l ill ( ,t• 11.11111.11.1. ”6 I. C. Br , n tl.l, Litta, I'll.OlA, It. ILuItENCE, EDWARD R. IlitittAn. y. RF.FERENCIS4. T II,•,, J. R 11..11 C W. 111.1.4., 11-1. P. 11. liutlai.•, A. R. , .1 11.,.1. J. K. 11,„.r11,01, It. U. 111.1.11 r. ()El 1. E. ARNOLD, A:I.W, N... 74 . Fonrth street. DRY GOODS 110 TELS 1.1- I , li I:A A\ICI. 1,,t , .7•1 1 tom,. 11 I 1 .1, M.l.'k,•rul BOVVN S TETLEY ITIIiZI ONLY DOME WITH THREY. DAILY TRAINS FROM PITTSBURGH TO CINCINNATI ONLY ROUTR WITH THREE DAILY TRAINS FROM PITTSBURGH TO DAYTON AND 01110 AND PENNSYLVANIA LITTLE 11 , 11A1111 RAILROADS. VIA CItES'CLINE AND COLUMBUS. (,),ockrst Route from Pillsbury/1 to Cincinnati. c,iscc-ano I,t Cutrinuati with C. N. Mail Lino Steam. re, Cyougton and Lexington Railroad, OIL:, Mill )11211,111N,ppl ILMII - 1.41, nud the laiivrencelitugh Reute, Cimileetilig eta Ctilumtine and Xenia, vi tat the Dayton and Ximla, and Indiana ()antral Railroad:l. TRIVOLIO LI TWEET'S, env Contrnbris and ClnrintuaL 14 le xitigton. Louisville, St. Louts, Indianapolts, Atc., tae. V Cviluntibutt and Xenia, lo Int)lon, l telittlatiodo, laatiyetty, Terre Haute, St. Imita, tie, THE LIVTLIC, Ml.Oll via COLLThI BUS, omit:Ming with thu ()ovington and Lexington Itailrixail, the U. S. Alain Line Steamers. the Ohio and Aliainsampt Railroad, nail the I .?iwTetmebtirgli Route, valera facilitiea no other route can through tickets by all the taw', I outett can tad) be itro.mrial eta 0,1111111.ns awl the Little Miami ItAilroad. Th.. nut.. Dian Ciestline via Celtimhun being Ow aka:rival to Otiellitiali,eitablas a alai/ern anal raft. rreGit. C 4,11114 _t•.11.0 are certatii. and passenger:l have full Lillie toe meals. 113 and RelleTontaine route Irma rrePtlll.4. a damjerms aoil 14,4 -Ilea speed is rv"; nil, ,t,el ,eepelled to °Veleta., By the route via Cvdintiliita to Ciliri I tehattarldiS, pfpeleagerl ri•le el' roads ballasttsl and rluto.ith. lit tile Pore. , an d Relletontainit route, pine.engers ride 00 the roughest rota!, in fall,•. TIIRKR DAILY TRAINS. VIA COLLNIBUS AND CINCINNATI. TI,IO lea,da IR ttaloir,:tt at wit y'd,al.l A. NI. lot' Cry: line, Cvdlini bun. Netiiii. Cm, mina, Imilyv St. Lemma,. and I lithiompolia. vin Lan ren,leirt:lt 14 , •1114: Ti.ltli amt., at CIO , lunau c.ne true and ty notim• in tlio For eat And Delhi. art aim. ro u te . SEL,Na TkAIN at 7.:11.11 , t1,6 Ad, NI. Idt Orixt , connuldt no, CinrinuntL Tbi, Ti.,, 1 ,I,- tin Coloruleni to Cincinnati. Tuicit Int,....its I'itl4l :igh at 3 o'clock P. M tor Cr.-e 1.., Coital:Li., X, ton, doni,ville. Len, aa I isi I.lt, rent eh:ll'4h Rmite. TWit DA' Ll' Tick • s , IA Cc /IT DAI'ToN. Hiner Titk, .e• 1 . 11,1:1:igl: nt want o'cl,a•k A. NI. for DA) 1,•‘.. lieltaanir.ll4, Terre Haute, 1l nest, LOU,. Evauavilk, 4 4 5it.4.1, Tanis Pillrbot.il: at T.:tu o't bad: di AI.: Coedit:le. Nimod, Duet, n:, indianapoly.a, Late ) , Terre haute, %ince.. a, St. Louts (Mr, A.e. TIMM T.,1, halos Pittsburgh at i;cluck P. NI. to Cr. stint, Colutubita, Xenia. Iv,, ton, I tahanapnlia, Lain). rte, Terre Houle. Vint Si lee,, ;'!ilt.., N. R --Saierne your tidzein vita Colt:mina, and you art ate tat ori actions. sterunery leave Cincinnati dimly Lir Memphis, Vieloildit gh, Natclmt, New Orkatia, A-'. The Colurtain• bein t i the firr,et rondo, the Tittle Talde. „r ft, B.terr, itnadri are arratiged to tun in do., (111111, It •11 air h (WA rehab!, route. For all infornuttion and Thryugh Tickets, plixase apply at the inn.. and po, n.).l,uillis Railroad ornet liimer the Nloampthela .1. 14 Ticket Agent, Or at Fealoral Stmet. Statmn, ii Ed d PARKIN. Ticket Agent. F.O. U SESsItiNS, Pittsburgh. de,-201 P W STRA DER, General Adsdit, Cincinnati. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURCIi RAJ LROAD, ~,trcrps, Ohio and Pettnity•lvanin Railroad, lia ALLIANCLI. 711 t; SIIoRTF.:7 AND Qt. icko , :6l' ROUTE to ClllO,OO k•i. THE N-1,11 Was.. I,EI ELAND. 11 , ...D-1 uui«l Lliorter and about Mile L. pin t,'i than !lie ctrcuit.m. ,11.• Slit mlinnin.rlll.l. lttreu Dully fauns irotwevn Ihtteburgh and Cleveland. Daily Train- le•tweei: It, Island and Chuhe!.. ‘l,,,•luti I 'a, h. thirag. , twenty-1,..r Ise., IA •teren liaurr tin ittul /Orr Ti May Lln, 11fai, the Ti.,,,i an the Road will run as 11A ALLIANCE. The ,ruins of the !Our, and t'enusynaula bate Pi' isburgit at 3:00 A M. and ;:In, .1. M. and 11. Lehtv Alliance , at 7.15 A M and tidal A. M. and ILSO I'. M. Arnie in Cleveland at lung A. M., 9ao R. M. and ti;:go M eoniterntig there nab Cleveland and Tolivlo Itailrund tar Talailo, Chi, ago. Rock Inland and et. Lama. Page.enget, for Taled... lean, M! 1110 Nartle weed. leartn,. Ihtbiburgh an the .2AI A M. ithin, by going Ch-,,.1 w ill lulls,. w IL! II; .it • 1.11), at P...hp., t.,r 1. 1'.!.. Ch wag, el. Lorne. Rook Islaiet, Celan:, and Val to go through sn if out detente., ail] take the train lent lug PittsloitrUll at 7.30 A. Id., in that to nue only tram by whirl chase thainectiana are wade thraigh t.• the ab.,r , The (ruins heaving Pittsburgh at 3,00 A. M. and at 1:00 I'. M. are the (ail) orer, l•r which paseengera can rein ti stations inhtli of Alitnnee, or etathdia on the Tue.., rowan exteurian ra Y. a...it City aild ddirrial leave their landing. Thaiatwalada II .uki•. e‘• mart..., • Sunday,. •1, .1 at I ..:. lug .Lt P X1:1:k1:::• r,oto. ar,,tt: Clevelall•I . u ball: I:•' .••I 1,1.1 \I ii II 11 l :'I Fir !r r i , •r I Mil. at r:•L,I. .-1 , 410 , I . I Al I. 1!.. , !mu, ! • 1%,-•.-1, f ! ‘,-• ih • r :;•),o1 an.l Tti-car.".tvi t. r.. • tit, cult, IA19: tt .11.- 1. :It I. T ft...! Ch., tu;t. , 1,41 ott• • •..., n I • I' ri - tr •at P 31. 1 V, I' \ IA A lAA ANt't! AND LI Aair ai ."t IS! 'lust_ ?..! • i:t ni. tP ,1 4, Ittttl4l. • 't ,tartly :4 7:: Itottitt-tt, 1. t.t 11:10,V. , 11,rt.11...11 t, Clost.lAtitt N1,11q," I , 4, Itt tat tat. Iltt, tt r the ttilt • t: t• ..ittpatt). Its tltt• Nltt t, it..ttgttltd.i litttotts. tlttrl dt- J DURAN D. Sari , t 1er,.1.n,l to% .; A CAI Inlvt, .1 Kt, httftt•nrglp. 011 1 0 AN I) 311SSISSI RAI I,RoA I) I'ITTsIOIWII Tu ~:7* 1. (,17s, I)lREci T , ll. taltlr Lnalong anra •, I,—t 1.... 4,1 ..11) ••na TS% Itkit lin %t \\t h. t , F \ IL I( l'h: 11., t fa.•t gang , . .1i an 1 al,. aal /L. •'•. I , a I, to .ann:lztin.,lo,.. ,at,.., it,,; t „,, , 11.. , 'fl.. Tra., thiN ar.• in tb, inlink un 1,1 ;.•I iris,.ll 3,, Mt. 1.3,, 4 I hat a. l• r. ,s • kept op. Two DAILY I'AS:q:NI,I Blt TRA INN t, tu..4ql IhttrLuv _t 3.11.1 vm Ir.th IZ.nlr.qul. loot. PRAT Tn SIN Lek , es "I A A. Nl , dt •THIS' LtAvr, 1T A NI " •• 31 tut 'at .441 4tl ,a 4.1 4.1 114 1 1 .4 1 1 1 Rant..., ••.• .1 •!..r, 1 ,, 31 r, t it, tI t• n444t.11, 111 • • 14•.4.4-1 I I. t •.t.IH 1., tint tlkt.•oklk 11111 Exp. l't /tl3 n 1 slt 1,t1.14 all nit th,. nam.• !Lille tlt.ly 1,9w0,0 • P....0.11w.1, a iii .Itll (01 Tllkrt, I.y Ow VIA %1111A. , 111.1 .111.1 lIIId Junking en, .t.. 1 a1..1.11t14 110. A.. 11 I/ 4•%, And 11/1i1111”11. a FARE,: - FIR!, St. Louls. cia Ilellefonlatny and Uni,ll ;`,I) Lk , vl/I Co \ onia and lhi, ton I, :;,1 Do in Columbus. tan, omati and Li el - renreburg 31. • t 6 So‘aanlalaan Car In .`ist. Lain. . IN 111 Rt H'U 11 TICKI.:TS turthor infornttli:4 Iflaybe rro• red of A. T. Johnson, Ticket .‘ t teni I lido k l'tuna It It. corner office, Mononßitheitt thaw: of tivorgo Parkin, Taltet Agent. Federal air-ct Station. Alloatt-ny City, or of JAMES M. WARD, • Supermt••ndent Ohio and Mississippi R. R. F NONVLAN I), Agent, Pittsburgh THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD - . TIIEUREAT CENTRAL RoUTE, connecting the Atlantic Cities with Weed, N.irtli west., n awl Soutlewestern States la a 111110., a lian ay direct Thoi Road also connects v at Piti,lotrgli with Pail) Liii, ,it Steamers to all ports Orl ester!. Lakes; mak log .•tir.ArE, and I.y AI wie FRF:101IT can Le forwarded to and tram the fibi. Rates fietween Philadelphia & Pittsburgh. CLASS.—Bouts, Shoes, thy - E , 100 till boxient Furs. kettiliers„e SECOND CLASS.--tiooks and Statlonery, i'i lia bides,) that!, are, Lea- .oi. p, ton 11, 4 Bagging. Bacon l 'llllO 11, II I, •. TII llt D CLASS.— A and Pork, k in bulk.) lienip. Ac FOURTH CLASS.—.l.,oilis., Fish, Mein) And I 4 , Pork, via.clasl,i Lard and Lard oil FLOUR-7J omits per Laurel. &firlu shipping floods from any point East of Phjnyd. Phut, be Particular b. mark package, rut iiriin.affra,,,ii Butirouil. - All 17titts consigned to the Agents of thin at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be fontarilea witle.ot detention. Vrtsuorr Aoktvri--NloAt. Putter, ; .1. L.. Elliott, Ni-w• York; E. J. Sne,gier, Ph ii leiplun; Migrnw ,t Koons, 13;.•t ; Uto. C. Erkudrcus, Eitteiblirgi; ; Shrulgmau Ci.'ir"." , OM° ; . 1 . IS. Nloorlo•tol, Louis% 1' Meldrant, Matilbou, lud.; Hxtcliff It Co,. .St. M,'.; .1, S. hiliellOS &SOD, S.. V ine. J. IMIBAttIIT, myQ Superintendent, Altoona, PA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Summer Arrangement—Change of Hour 1-)N mid after MONDAY next these wit je THREE DAILY TRAINS between PITTSBURCiII and PIIILADICLPIII A. TILE MORNING MAIL TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh fur Philadelphia at 6:30 A. M. • . THF. FAST LINE leaves Pittsburgh for Philadelphia at 2:fiu u'elock7, P. M. THE NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh for Philadelphia at 10 P. 31. BLAIRSV I L LE ACC,O3IMODATION TRAIN Imtvi, Pitts burgh daily, except Sunday, at 4,30 o'clock, P. M. BRINTON'S ACWMIIuDATION TRAM leaves Pittsburgh daily at II o'clock A. N., 3:30 P.M., and II:20 P. M—running as far as Turtle Creek Bridge. The above Lines connect at Pittsburgh with the Railroads to and from St. Louis, Mo.; Alton, Galena and Chicago ' III.; Frankfurt, Lexington and Louisville ' Ky.: Terra Haute, Madison, Lafayette and Indiatspolia, Ind.; Cincinnati, Day ton, Springfield, Bellefuntaine, Sandusky. Toledo, Clevela n d , Columbus, Zanesville, Massillon and Wooster. Ohio; also, with the Steam Packet Boats from and to NEW Oann.ana, LOUIS, LOUISVILLE and CINCINNATI. THROUGH TICKETS can be had to or from either of the above places. For further particulars, see handbills at the different starting points. Passengers from the West will find this the shortest and most expeditious route to Philadelphia, Balti more, New York, or Boston. J. MESKTMEN, Agent, Passenger Lines, Pittsburgh. THOS. MOORS, Agent, Pamenger Linea, Pigtailslpkiht. s • 44' 4 ..., P • 13131111 :~:~~_~ . RAII,ROAD IS 56. DIANA POLLS 11=1 IEIEII=I lIIME !!MM!!!! T.• . $lO tk, $l2 .4) k I.! tn.. l• Ite ;•prtta,ll.4.l. I. 7n L.. 1.. hnoof, , k 1 F. • k) BROAD GAUGE It A L oik N. In ian, Caint, Duhulue, St. Patti, and all in , 1.11 tnt r•uh.. inn he had at the °thee et 111 A And I. k I'. Plth.bitrgh, and :I/schn...3l „ , !oral ftaill.ktd 11/ C 112,44,1, li. 11. MA.S4 Superintetft. ulAtint att h•r p 11.• itria 111K.,...;•1•1 t. _ - WANTED, A situation by a young lady in a dry goods or trimming storo, or millinery establishment—for one cook—two girls housework—one boy to learn a trade --two boys In stores or run of errands—two men to work on (atom or In boring work In the city. Inquire of George W. Dunn at his lb-al Estate Agency and Intelligence Offlee, on the north of Ohio at.. 4th door east of the Diamond, Allegheny City. Jel9 11. 11. HOUSTON,• General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. M 111=1SZE , Z1511=1111 RAILROADS Ohio and Pennsylvania kaiiroaii. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT THREE TRAINS DAILY P A S:,ENGER TRAINS WILL RUN DAILY, EXCEPT RU NDAYS, Ml== Lraeca Cre.stlitie fvr l'ittsburgh nt COO A. M., 7,;00 P. :Ltd 1 . 2.60 1•. I. These Trains nial,e chin, ..,nnertiotts at CIESTLINK with Trains for CULUM BLS, DAYTON, CINCINNATI, BELLE- YoNTAINE, CHICAGO, SAINT LOUIS, and all points on roads extending %Vest and South-west through OHIO, IN DIANA and ILLINOIS. TRAINS FROM I'IrTSBU RI c.oli scot at Mansfield with Trait. on Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark Itsnd, tor CHI. CALIo, TOLI:Do and SA NIHISK Y ; making as quick and sure connect it,. to (2/III:Alio, as by any other route. Con nections are trials at Alliance with Trains on Cleveland and Pittsburgh Road, for CLEVELAND, CHICAGO, LICIN KIR K B FFA LO. l'annengers lensing Pittsbnrgh, nt 3 P. M. for Santhinky, Toledo ivild Chicago, have the benefit of a night's rent, at \Smolt old or Cleveland, and utrt FO in Chicago early next evening. Trams East flout Crestiine make close connections with Trains on Pennsylvania Central Itaßr,atl Mr . PIIILADELe l'lll A. ItALTI3IOItE and NEW YORK. 'Mitt/Call TICKETS are sold to Columbus, Dayton, Cin cinnati. Louisville, St. Louis, Indlanapollii, Donator, Winn, bob Island, lowa City, Dnulleth, Idllwaukle, Gllll 1. Springhyld, 111. , Fort Wayne, Cleveland, and the lona. .3pal k•I I iei w the Through tickets er thi• line may be had at all ,y 1 the puwea for Pittaltigh, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Sra k. P:IV BR lUIITVS ACC, MODATION TRAIN lease t flew Rtightun for Pittal,urgh at 7, A. M. and l!4 I'. M. Leaves l'ittaburgli for New Brighton, at 1) , 4, A. M. and 6,4, P. M. 4tl - For do lets and further information apply to A. T. Jl/11.N0,,N, at the corner Ake, under the Monongahela I I..nae, or at the Federal atrevt Station, to UFAt. PARKIN, fi.ket Agent. JOHN KELLY, Pasaenger Agent. n'yd' J. H. MOORE, Sup't. tirrat Annerioan and U. S. Ezpreo■ and 72 :2I LIS DE DISTANCE SAVED, AND TWO CHANIOI:3 OP OAAA AND BAGGAGE AVOINID, AIR LINE ItOUTE lIITM GEN CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS, I'l2, CILICAGO, ALTON A.ND ST. 1.01.13 Formerly Chicago and Mississippi (7111t:.1(7.) t 4 T. 1.01216 in 15'6 hutirtt. Trtuus Carr the Illinois l'.encral N.pot, foot of Watttr ettroet— st. lAMLA /Sly pre.. dutly, Sundayn excepted, 7:lt A: M. St. lA.cet }:xpreem ‘Ltdy, Sexurdnya excepted, le3o P. M. Louis Freight and Fahigritot daily, Sundays except rd A. AL ituggoge checked through t.. St. Louis. Trams run direct through to Alton, (2h9 miles ; ) without doom. , of rat, or baggage, and connect with the Company's •plenuid steamers IV !Nell ESTEIt and REINDR.F.R, iu oxelto.ive ronnoction with Passenger Trains from Alton to LI miles.) on tio , ut landing. These boats, f con vorilober and elegance, are unsurpassed on the otor., tilted up with Baths and spael.aim to passengers tile opportunity of r, oo•, u tic the dust unavoidable in summer railroad Itraveling, And rea.enttn: :ft. Lulli.. refr.hoti (roan the effects of a long ride. T.• KANSAS and NEBRASKA thin Is the meet dirt.rt r..0b., and la s,' destined for if: :logien, Springfield, lir. Nspws, and nil points on thr 31 Cumberland and Tenln-oleo rivers, will nate 11111.ittilla SOS Ing in dint:tun:, s,•rrnty-tzvo miles ions to SI. Imnfr, thirty-,en, n nthet lets bi Blooluingft.ti, and nitl+s le.s to Springhelil, than by any other route. Thr, , ugh Titt, ,syr this route cut) be procured at the ltrt, , usilr licke.t Otheva in ,N.,r York, Boston, ch.lphta, Halt silillrll, Albany. 8ut141, , , and at all Thi,0,,11 Tscket otticeo throughout the States, and in Chicago tit tl.O Drarlmsrn street, opposite thy Tie tent at the IN•pvt of the I Crontrat ~f ater •trevt. it,..punxit;h• Ltaggagu Men will alwayx hr nt the Depots of larnan; Roach; going into Chimgu, to Clic•vk Baggage through to any point destied ••n the lilac. NEW AND DIRECT ROUTE, la s sit FROM PITTSBUItOII TO Col u ml.us, I Whit DADOII3, Chimga, LIOCILIIIALi, Terre Haute, Hoek Island, I, un,ville. 1 iuuennes, lowa City, Ni. L. F'S IS, ETA ll:intik, Dubuque, Dayt,n, Cairo, IiDISLIA, ,VSIDA, Memphis, Peoria, LAD...PAS, V I eksl.nrg, Peru, Newark, New Orleans, AND THE V a:D , . IFAL CITIES IN THE WANT AND SOUTH, ritl the Steubenville & Indiana Railroad k t. ‘,.:111.1f.t,1 111111 iu sucerneul operation tut, It No•WIll I, Oil/V. Otlll,llllllg . Ho road Anti Lictithee, tbiA n.ut , ell. - the tril% air a degsw of c,mfort unrivalled by auy lbevl m.rnuir, W,ot from l'itt,Lurgh. Fall Arrangement. 'On and after 51 ,, :n DAY, N•.l ember Lill. 1555, a 11111.1" I,IN el,yrant and .wilt runumg Steamer+, c,,ntnannr..l L. exm.r.enr.+l and 16,1 , 1111.11,411:111g ntlicers, esery day at 5 I' 51. . . ENT Captain G,,anort. FAIRY QUEEN.. " Sir l'a— , ell,4e, .leep tboatd, and reach ,trubeneille At 7 .••1..4, u.cturg pith the Pa I ' l ' r:./1: at T.lr .t.. 11. 'or Itn; direct cunneetnat With Trai. jr all the al., tinee--thua ebtauttur; a coullaa table nirht te.f. and dz , achn, r'ke f.inune. J night Starr! by rai:r . , 4-0_ ihr- I- a. cheap any other Railroad runt, Thr..,..:11 mot LAahl Tirketa, and further intorunitivn, 1,10,r,• JOHN J. HOUSTON, N. 115 Water atreet, l'ittalutrgh. GEC). IV. FULTON, Superintendent. T.. DEVENNI', nerds, A 4. act. /:.: - ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAR, OARRYING TUE Great Catlett States Inall and Express TWo PAS:Q.:MIER TRAINS RUN DAILY on ice outno leogth from DUBUQUE TO CAIRO, AND CHICAGO Tv CAIRO - - This Itcuul. In connection with Trunnt of tho Ohio tur.. It. it. And Cl•icav 4.lad Itotirx.nd, r.ritut • t.•- oil uniy rtuatuuutts It. li_ route I 11 , [11 CHICAGO To Sr. LUUIII, CIIICAtiU TO CA./ RO, JUAGO TO 1)171115QUE. 1=2=15 1 . . zus.l P. NL--:" . 7. Louis AND CAIII.O Exrai,s. P Lail, by tlik train take tile caril of th," ut. R. I{.W aiinderal, and are carried dire, t Leid•. 1 M. and 4.10 P. M.—iseat'ut,c AND 04taau, l'unheth ( .. W.:41101111.11.0 with a Lit of ,team Paul mid tho Uppur .Ippi rllrr ,Iti.••. rtuu, Iva, Cal, for Chicago and babuque at 7,30 A. IS aria :ASO P. M. El,lll the En-St and phiC. on tho Ohio Hs, tit...111:1441 I, St. I."111S. N save 190103 of Ittdit - tus matt :It • . ..,to.an H. or too :_vi !Pau Cairo to St. Limas, and atm. an at,lvialtace of the rat or route, by taking al, .ytn ita Call, Sumner Arrangement ILLEGRENY VALLEY RAILROAD --- • Shortest and Quickest Route to all Points on the Allegheny River. 11Vo DA I I.l' TRAINS 1v... Vat...burgh as follows-- If•rolo, L - pr.,. A. M., for KITTANNIN.L , LA MON. FRANKLIN. RED -BANK. BRADY'S. BEN 1 , , tl 111 /N I Nti, REIM ER; 4 l.ll' L BROOK VILLE, and aL ~..turn North. Er.neng ...omm.lation leaves at 5:43, P. M., stopping al all ..11.\spu tolls. Fare to Kittanning, $1,165 7,lladlesex $ 1 75ielariou ••-- .......... 2 rii,l'unxittalruey 2 23 tivimorsburg l'ilrlsvillt. '2 .I.lllmo 2 Itunil Village Ilutdy's Rend 2 22 Maliontng K , llershurg 2 00 Texas Bethlehem) 2 75 Mechauteaburg :3 lin ....;hannondale 325 Br ...krill.. Tickets to all of the al ore places ran Ito procured at the 1 11 lice, corner at l'unu and Wayne street., and at the Depot on Taylor street. A. .1. HOPPER, Je.l SuperiutaudeuL AI A I ti.eley'n Lady... Book for .li, tiraluuub Nin,.;irtil/c for July •-.Xk. l'etersufi'm Magazin., l'or July-17e. N. V. Journal for July-1", Yankee :cottons fur Juli ItiUlou's Maga:qui. for July— 10c. Brother Joitathau for 4111 July—a magnificent U.•uLle !mintier—price 12c. The above peg received at I.ALIFFEII . O. BOOKSTORE. Nu. '47 Fourth street. ; v. pOR SALE,.—:!O Acres of Land, a good Ju Kiiuntion for a k ountry store, about 2ti wiles front the ity. lit a thriving neighborhohd and n,, alert n ear . How. and lot and Clime vacant lota in A lloglieny City. ELODEONS AND REED ORGAN.— Charlotte Blume has just received another lot of those unrivalled Melodeons and Reed Organs in elegant rosewood aura of every variety and style, comprising 4, 43,4 and 5 oc taves, portable style, with .scroll legs; 5 mid 5% octaves, serapliine or Piano style, with rich moulding; carved music' desk, (Itc4 5 octaves,..piano style, with 2 stops, and contain. mg 2 sets of reeds throughout, the one tuned an octave als,ve the other, an excellent instrument for the use of Churches, Chapels and Lecture rooms livery instrument is submitted to a thorough exiunitiatton previous to being lent from the ruanufactor), and is warranted in every respect. These instruments are recommended as being far superior, Loth in tone and dais); to any others manufactured. The chief improvements (upon which the makers have secnred Letters Patent,) consists In !winging the wind to Ile hre.'ly upon the reed. eons to produce, on opening the key valve. tie:quickest possible vibration, and the sound then passes Into a modulating chamber, ienclosed by the MIN which mellows the tone, and give It More of melodious, flute like quality, than is the general property of reed instru ments. For sale by .let? •• Ohl Established Plana depot" So. 115 Wood st. FI.SII-10 20 lif. " Lake Superior Trout; Received and for sale In- SPRINGER lIARBAUGH, jeai 295 Liberty street. REFINED SUGARS- 15 bbl. Loves - 4'W" A" crushed Sugar; 30 do Stearart'e "A" do do; 15 do Lovering's floe pulT'd do: 10 do du coarse do do; 10 du do crushed do; in store end c, We by Utle] MILLER & RIOEMERON, T UDLUM'S SPECIFIC-5 gross in store jj and for sale by [Yea] FLEXING BROS. ( EXCEPT SUNDAY.) Moll Route RAILROAD, I'. 310RUAN, Jr., SuperinteudenL • J. D. SCIIERMF.ItIIvItN, General Paaaenger Agent. .$.l 3 -5 „AI a ii . M~~fC TONICS WON'T DO!--They never did do more than give temporary relief and they never will. It N bemuse they don't thuelt the native of the disease. The cause of ttil!vigue 'and bilidus viiiindmea Is ttII atmospheric puteon chiled 511itstria, - or Malaria. Nentrallie this poison by its natural antidote. and all diamane caused by it dleappeare at once. ithoded Pe l verluilt Ague cgrerla this Antidote ur Malaria, aiKrwahottc It itra peetectly rutrvalmle medicine. .The cortilicut s e of 44e oplobratld cheml44 J. A Chilton, of .New :Stork, to tat eireet, fa attached' tan every INAtk„ there fore if it does no good It can do nu harm. This Is more than can be said of Quinine, Anemic, or any tonic in existence, es their.use.lattlinattalintheeotistßati o n and Wino on Dumb Ague, which:never aituwe eberion to feel perfectly well, fur a single moment. In Illustration of these indite T annex seine extracts from ale Just received from althyalcian: OF.OII.I7ETOWN, Ohio, Starch 17,186 E. JAS. A. MODES. Esq.--Dear Sir: Yours of 2d inst. is at band. The Cure arrived late last year and the difficulty in getting any one to try it was greatly increased from the fact that a remedy had been Introduced which was groirlng in favor with the public, as being better. than using Quinine —not knowing I presume that the remedy they used to escape taking Quinine, contained the drug itself! This rmedy, known as Smith's Tonic, would- invariab y break an ague, but it did not cure it, as it would often re turn with renewetrvigor. This tine circumstance I deemed in your favor, if I could institute a test comparison betweeu It and 'your Cunt. The following is the result Three persona took your Curs, all of which were cases of Quotidian Intermittent Fever, of many weeks. standing. They had tried Quinine, and other remedies, occasionally missing a chill, but it was (as in all each cases) slowly Wear. lug them out, and laying the foundation of other and.seve. rer maladies. I did succeed in I Netting' a radical cure of all three of these cases with your remedy, and they hate riot bad a chill since. In all three of these cases the Smith's Tonic had been used. and would, as before stated, break the doll, but after a period or two had elapsed It would return. I think there will be no difficulty now in giving to your Cur,, the vantage ground of any other remedy now In use herr. Sc., So. WILLIAM BUCKNER, M. D. RHODES' FEVER and AGUE CURE, or ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, the only harmless remedy in existence, is equally certain as a PILYVFINTIVE, as a CURE. Take it when you feel the chitin coming on, and you will never have a singlo one._ JAMES A. RHODES, Proprietor, Providence, IL 1. For dal. by Druggiete generally. Jill . „._ W. W. WALLACE STEAM MARBLE WORKS. 3.19, .;:21 altil 333 Liberty atreet, Oppunito Smithjleht PITTSBUR 1 ',I. LE" n m d u , RA Curbin g l : E - t. uild Vaults for Cemeteries, made to order. Furniture and Watihatand Tope, and Imposing Stones mad,. by machinery. in less time and better style than can bo (lobo by mere manual labor, Particular attention is paid to the manufacture MARBLE MANTLES, of which we have a large variety of beautiful patterns. Builders and others are invited to examine our stock, as feel persuaded that after doing se, and learning our prices, ($l5 and upwards,) but few who are able to own a good house, will be willing t • remain long without procuring one or more Marblo Mantles. They require no scrubbing nor painting; are always neat; are an ornament to a room; are not liable to takS lire, and root but little more than a good wood mantle. Marble sold low to the trmie, limrth atonea made Weider. Our stock of Alarble In the largest in the Went, and being manufactured by the bunt wo.kmen, aided by machinery, in worthy of attention. - • Orders, addressed to me, at 310 'Liberty streot, Pittsburgh, tilled with despatch. W. W. WALLACE. QMUT MACHINES.— LULL'S PATENT twilit SMUT IAIIII.INES, used in 700 Mile in the Meet. They rnn light, clean well; are datable, and when they become snusath, the edge can be renewed by cracking the Burr. They have been used for five years in the City Ploaburgh,*(ohe of the largest mills in the 'Peet,) and me is maimed to clean well. /for particulars, see Orders filled at 319 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. ego= W. W. WALLACE. rroMILL OWNERS.—French Burr AO Laurel Hill Stones, Belling Clothe, Mill Spindles, !fill lams, Screws, Screen Wire, Corn and CobOrsndptb, Cast Iron Proof Staffs, Ac., always on hand and made to drder, at 31i Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Penna. ap32 W. W. WALLACE. (,ITEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS.— IJ Euginexl, with the latest improvements, warranted hest quality, on hand and made to order. Boilers of Juniata iron, made on short notice. Orders filled with despatch, at 319 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. sp22W. W. WALLACE. PORTABLE FLOURING MILLS. —The subscriber ball on hand, and is manufaatialg, Portable }louring Mills, of an imppoved quality; they are very COM peel, run light, grind feel, (five to Eileen bushels per hour.) can he driven by steam, water or horse power, and will prove a valuable acquisition to iron masters, lumbermen and large ' stock feeders. Orders filled at 319 Liberty street„ Pittsburgh. _eV). W. W. WALLACE. T PITHCI. FREE OF I !-TWO SPLENDID PARLOR RNDRAVINGS, entitled "Bolton Abbey in the Olden Times," a splendid steel engraving, Er in the cele brated painting by Landseer; and the "Departure of the loaelues from Sept," a large and beautiful engraving front ri painting by D. Roberta. The retail price of the above en gravings is $1 per copy, but will be sent free of charge,...) follows The !subscribers bare eatablished a BOOK AGENCY in Philadelphia. and will furnish any book or publication at the n-tail fr, of postage. Auy persona, by forwarding the subsci imam priio of any of the $3 Magazines, finch no iiieley's, Putnam's, Graham's, Frank Lealie's Fash ions, Sc., will receivi the magazines for one year, and a copy of the above beauLdul engratings, free of charge, or if a and asl Magazine, such as Pot,- .”I . A. and, Challen's Ladles' Christian Annual, they will re. raise berth magazines and 11 Copy of either ia the above eu genviags. Y.eery description of Engraving nu Wood executed with neatness and despatch. iI3WS of Buildinga. Newspaper Headings, Viras of Machinery, Book. Illustratious, Lodge et:ethic-an-a, Business Cards, ke. An orders sent by mad promptly attended to. Persons wishing views of their build ing. engraved. cub send a daguerreotype or elietch the building by mail or express. Persons at a distance having saleable articles would Bud it to their advantage to address the anbacribert, na Iwo would act as agents for the sale of the same. BYEAM & PIERCE, 60 South Third street, Plats&hails. aplertiewly BRO . , 0 CTIV:I4. RoTT & CURT IS, Dealers in Real Estate, Jr sr. Anthony Yalta. Mill l, 3olATerritory. Land bought and sold throughout the Terrin,ry. Money loaned, - invest th 0.10 to the beet advantage, and Land Warrants 10c.,. tat. .klso..kgetits for the sale of Lots In the town of SLI'. CL1l.:1). 65 Mil. from SL Anthony, and bead of navigation above the Yalta. The survey of the great Pacific Rath wad crosses the Mississippi at this point, and the numerous ad vantages it posseeses as a place of business, will make it one of the largest cite.* In the Northwest. IanCELNIZIES: Ex-Governor Ramey, Miltueoota. Hon. ISni. U. Walsh, Chief Justice of Minnesota. Lion. J. Meeker. Don. 11. Wee, Delegate to Congrong. iii e, flollingitheatl & Becker, Attorneys at Law. Mooorn. Burnt, k Oaks, Banker. Rev. T. M. Fullerton, Register of U. S. Land Office sep2o Joseph White's Carriage Repository. J°SIKH I WHITE, now carrying on Limi lat‘.3 in his spacious premises, (now lately Mt. eularged,) on the Pittsburgh mid Greensburg Turnicle, near the Two Mile Run.. .between Pittsburgh and Lawrenceville, respectfully invites the public to inspect his stock of CA.B.RI.AtIIiS, BUGGIES, &c. And he particularly informs gentlemen purchasers, that one price only is Made. Pourteen years' experience In the business enables him to place before his patrons the mime choice collection of Car tinges which, so many years past it has been his particu lar department to select, from the carious and most talented Eastern manufacturers. The success of his now system is :0111 plets—thr scouting of his arrangements will supply the best ash! Mont WhiollaPle ttlailaraetlltlw at moderato i.ri, rt. Unencumbered by those heavy ~Xpenelest, which the rn01.155 for de,oratin g boi.es of business Mix heaped mani the pr:.-e of rsels, (bwing to large rents.) JOSEPH WHITE sill son, on r , m-IY moue) 01 4, at mash less than the usual prices, l'arrlame repaired iu the best manner, Wll.ll despatch. J.I.MLS LL1821.1 55.5158 C. 111CIIET. 1) LAKELY RICI EY, REAL ESTATE /hit,- x Las, c..rtier of SeVelith and Smithfield streets, Mts. burgh. Farms, iloilisst. Lot& Mills, Furnaces, Ac. Ac., bought and .in commission ; Laud IVarrauts bought, sold aml 441; Bills, Bonds and Notes negotiated. Especial attention given to subdividing Farms, and disposing of them. Tel iu_s reasonable. govi..;Atow ALEXANDER W. KISTER, Attorney and Counsellor at Lae*, and Solicitor in Chancery, Agent for proeuriug Bounty Lands and Pensions, and for the Col toction of Claims in Great Britain and Ireland. Steir Collections made iu this and adjoining Counties; Es. Cates of dece.dentS iettled; Real &tato bought, oi leased, and routs collected. Moneys invested on Mortgage or other security. Titles examined and title papers drawn. Omen on FOURTH street, a few doors above Smithfield. Pittsburgh, March 28, 1855—finh'41:dswl A W. FOSTER, Notary Public, and Coto • inissloner for the States of TenneaSue, Now Wand , shire, Connecticut, Wisconsin, New York, Michigan, lowa, Clabidtant, Isonisiana and Virginia. ale- heeds drown, and acknowledments and proof• taken for record or use iu any of the above named States, - Wiwi., Mienssippi and Rhode Island. Pittsburgh, Mire, 28, 18.55—(1111128daw] UNION COAL WORKS FOR SALE.-- The Coal Works lately owneti. by A. Leech, Jr. At situated on the Monongahela river, about l% miles from Patsburgli, are now for sale. The property consists of 115 acres and lld perches of Land, Omni or less) and all the coal therein; and also all the Coal in about 100 acres mote, together with Buildings, Railways, Ac. For further partienlars apply to D. W. & A. S. 1 1 511.4 attY% at Law, mill:Java( No. 103 Fourth at.. Pittsburgh. I_)ARGAIN OFFERED.—The undersigned _UP offers for sale SIX LOTS of ground fronting upon and adjoining the Depot of the Pittsburgh and Counensville Railroad, in the growing and thriving Borough of RFS. PoliT. Four of the Lots are 3734 feet in width by boot 120 in depth, fronting at one end on the Depot, and at the. other ea Sinclair street; and two of them fronting fur theft whole length on other streets. . _ . Also--TWO LOTS, l 7 fest In widtly fronting the calm side of the Depot, and in &loth 121--one of the Lote Lorde r. lag for Its whole length on Jerome street. No better property can be (musk and it will be told low Part of the payment taken in Stock of the Qounollsville Railroad, if desired. ORO. E. iiILLMORB, Office of the Morning Poet. Pittsburgh. August 31, 11150.—Adasstl WIG MANUFACTORY—MRs. RENTER, six doom from the Aqueduct, opposite the Collector's Office, Allegheny City, I. prepared to fill orders for WIGS, and all kinds of ORNAMENTAL lIAIR WORK. The best quality of material to furnished, and entire satisfaction guar anteed. mylkedswly NEV BOOKS AT DAVINSONS, 65 Market street near Fourth. Poema, by Richard Cheneriz Trench. The Vi'lifte Chief, by Capt. Reid. The Scalp Hunters, do. do. Conde Nliwries of Human Life. Helps' Spa/deli Conquest In America. Everybody Her Own ;Shoemaker. Immigration, Its Evils arid Its Consequences. Paper Dulls and How to Make Them. lillleldeChmsh or Reminiscences of n "Country ['Wo rsts, by John W. Chickerfng, a D. Sigbt and erk. Hearing, How Preserved and How Lost, by Dr. Cl Lorenzo Bruoul, by Author of Dr. Antonio. The Suffering Savior, by Krumacher. Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory, by Edward T. Chau- Ding. Lectures on Great Men; Myers, L 01.141114 Man and His Money, Its Use and A.bnee ; by Dr. Tweedir Monaldi, atale Ly aahington,Allletton. Lectures dellverea to Young Men in London. The Cripple of Antioch. Harper a Magazine, miaow) as published--W cts. JelS JUNE MAGAZINES --Just received and fo ar r sal per'es by FL AISAER & CO, No. 32 Smithfield street: H Magazine for Jan.; Gods re Lady's Book tor Jaw: Peta nwmett Magazine for June: Journal for M ay. All the NSW BOOKS published antler sale by H. MINER & 1::0 4 ' . No. 32 Smithfield street. • o• 2.r. 4.oft" ~ `,a .e . . AYER'S CHERRU.PECA FOR THE RAPID CURE ON ootrarts, Cm Pq . HOARSE NMI, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPINGCOIiuIt; .CROtT, ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION. • Tma Itzeittst b offered to tbe arta , munity with the confidence we feel in an article which Seldom fall real '!y..,, to. rea ' tr. ire the happiest effect& that can bade. aired. So wide b the fold of Its rise ' - fulness, and so numerous the cues of tie?' its cures, and almost every section of A - 10 1 , 81 0''" . the country aboundsin persons, pub. set -.s • , licly known, who have been reetored front alarming and oven desperate dis eases of the hugs, by its nee. When mar tried, ita ince. riority over every other medicine of its kind, le bat apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer, hesitate what antidote to-ow:tiptop for the illetreasing and dangerous affections of the pu l monary or gans, which are Incident to our climate. . ' Nothing boa called louder for the earnesizirmatry of medi cal men, thee the alarming prevalence and fatality of con sumptive complaints; nor has any one clam of diseases had more of their investigations and cam. ]tut as yet ins ado gnats remedy has been provided, on which the. pnbilreconld depend fur protection from attacks upon the respiratory or guns, until the introduction of the CIiIittWE'PEOTORAL. This article is the product of a long, laborious, and, I•believe, successful endeavor to furnish the community with each a remedy. 01 this Inatatatement the American people arenow themselves prepared to judge, and I appeal with confidence to their decision. If there is any depeptience to be placed in what men of every chess-and station cartify.it has dome for therm' if filitittilteuet ourown semies, - Whisn we sea &porous Affections-00m traciatand lungs yield to tt: if we an d i erasid the easizrance of intelligent -Phyirahine who make it - their business to know - e-brltherteli,thereisray reliance upon any thing, then if is irrefutably proven that this medicine dose re lievetind does cure the class of diseases it is designed for t be. yond any and all others that are known to mankind. If this 1* true, ft cannot be too freely published, nor too widely known, The afflicted shimid know it. A remedy that cures Is price less to them. -Parents should know it, their children are priceless to them. All should know It, for health.- can be priced to no one. Not only should It be circulated here, but everywhere, not only in this country, but in all countries. How faithfully we have actecton this convation, is Ararat lis the fact that already this article has made the circles of the globe. The can never nets on its limits. No continept Is without it, and but few tmoples. Although not in so general use In other natiolis as in this, it is employed by the more intelligent iii almost all civilized countries. It Is exten sively employed in isith America,—in Europe, Asia,' Africa, Australia and the fie -off islands of the sea. Life is WI dear to Its peatessors there as here, and they grasp at a valuable remedy with even more avidity. Unlike most preparations of Its kind, it is an expensive compoeition of costly material. Still it Is afforded to the public ut ayeasonably low prim, and what is of vastly more importance to them, its quality la never suffered to decline from its original standard-of excel lence. Every bottle of thin medic:Me, now manufactured, Is all good as ever has been made heretofore, or as we are ca pable of nuking. No toil or cost is spared, in maintaining It in the hest perfection which it in pc-nil ; r to produce. Hence the patient who procures the genuine CHERRY Pee- TURAS., can rely on having as good nu article nn has ever-been had by those who testify to its cures. By pursuing this course, I have the hope of doing some good in the world, as well as the satisfaction of believtug that much has been done already. Alas-Prepared by .1. C. AYRR, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Bold by It. A. PAHNMTOCE & CO, at wholesale and es- tail, by every Druggist lu Pittsburgh, en by all Dealers everywhere. apt: rrid&es The Greatest Medical Discovery at - TH E A CilE MR. KENNEA, of RosbAry, htts diktgr• ored in one of our common pasture weeds a. remedy that cures essay kind of Humor, from the worst Serofeiki too common Pimple_ He has treated it in over °Wan hundred ewes, and never failed except In two cases (both thunder humor.) He has now in his pcsmomion over two hundred" certificates of Its value, all within twenty miles of Ruston. Two bottles are warranted to once a nursing, sore month. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of pimples of the ewe. Two to three bottles will scour the system of boils. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker In the month and stomach. Three to live battles are warranted to cure the worst case of eryalpelaa. One or two bottles are warranted to cure all humor of the eyes. Two bottles are warranted to care running of the oar ond blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and ran- Mug ulcers. One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the skin. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the most des perate cases of rheumatism. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the worst cases of ringworm. Three to four bottles are warranted lo cure salt rheum. Five to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scrofula. A benefit is always experienced from the Brat bottle, kick a perfect cure Is warranted when the above quantity taken Nothing looks so improbable to those who halts in vain tried all the wonderful medicines of the day, as that a cam moo weed growing iu the pasture, and along old stone walls, should cure every immor lathe system; yet it Is news fixed but. If you have a humor It has to start. There era no Ifs nor ands', hums or ha'e about suiting some cases and not yours. I peddled over a thousand bottles of it in the vicinity of Boston. I know its effects In every ease. It herein - 0y done some of the greatest cures ever done In Maasachnsetta. I owe it to children a year old; to old people of sixty„ I have seen poor, puny, wormy looking children, whose Bah was soft and flabby, restored to a perfect state of health by one bottle. To those who Sr.' subject to a sick headache, one bottle will always cute it. It gives great relief to catarrh and diz rineet. Some who have been costive for years, have taken . and been regulated by it. Where the bodyJa sound it works yoke tan), but where there is any derangement of the lunc h.m of nature, it will cause van. singular roelings, but you must not be alarmed—they always disappear in from fotir days to a week. There is never It teed result from It. On the contrary, when that feeling is over, you will feel yourself like is new person. I heard some of the most extravagant encomiums of it that man ever listened to. No change of diet is ever necessary -not the beet you MD get. I have like is hie an herb. w hick. when simmered in sweet oil. dissolves Scrofulous swelling of the neck and under the ears. Prico f) cents. Price of the Heine 1 Discovery 41 per bottle. Directions for Ur.—Ada' tcor table spoonful nee den Children over eight years, Lessen spoonful; children from five to eight years, tea-spoonful. As no direction can be made applicable to all constitutions, take enough to operate on the bowels twice a day. Mr. K N EDI - gives personal attendance In bad caamiof Scrofula. Sold, a heiesale and retail, at Dr. KEYSEIL's, 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley, and J. P. FLEMINO, Alle gheny. INHALATION CUBE OF ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION, NEW AND VERY WONDERFUL. HYGEANA BROUGHT HOME TO THE DOOR 07 THE MILLION AWONDERFUL DISCOVERY bas recent ly been made by Dr. Ceara, of this city, in the treat- meat of Consumption, Asthma, and till diseustui of the Lunge. We refer to " Dn. Coarse' ilragass., OR Itnimaso Uteitirt VAPOR ihnD Clinar SIRUP," With this-new method, Dr. C. lea restored many afflicted ones to health; ea an evidence of which, he low innumerable certifentes. Speaking of the treatment, a physician remarks: "It Is evident that inhaling --constantly breathing an agreeable, healing vapor—the medicinal properties must come In direct contact with the whole icrial cavities tit the lunge, and thus escape the many and varied cheafges produced upon them when Introduced into tlie stomach, and subject to the process of digestion." The Ilygenna Is for sale by all the Druggiststhroughout th• -- conntry."New York Digchrnan qf January 14. The Inhaler is Worn on the brunet, under the linen, with out the least inconvenience—the heat of the body being sufficient to evaporate the dna Hundreds, of races of cores, like the following, might be annual. Ono package of the Ilygenna has cored mo of the Asthma, uf siz years' standing. J. IP. lisnannat, Postmaster of Damainuott, Pa. I am cured of the Asthma, of ten years' standing, by Dr Curtis' llygeana. Maltneltrr K.ASTON, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mitt Pets., of No. 5 Hammond street, N. Y., was cured - of a severe FASO of Bronchitis by the llygeana. My sister has been enred or a distressing cough, of several years' standing, and &coded to be incurable by the phytti, clans. She was cured In one month, by the ilygoana. ' J. It Iflittamer, Richmond, Ma. The Rev. Dr. Cessna, of Nev York, testitiea of our modl clue in the following 14155aiwa: isw Yana, November 16, 1864, Dear Sir—l CALLE highly of Dr. CUltili Ilygeana as a rent ads to diseases of the thrust and hang. Having had 110M0 opportunity to testify its telcacy, 1 ittuaionviticed that It las masa eXCeiiellt both Ose Syrup and tho inhaling applicattou to the cheat, N. 11.—Dr. Curti"' Gyassua to tho ORIGINAL and ONLY OENUINII ARTICLE; .11 others are base Imitations, or vita nod uraus.jous counterfeits. Shun them as you would routut, For sale by Dr. Geo. EL Bevan, 140 Wood street; B. R. Sellers A Co.;Lee A. Beckham, Allegheny City; Jain Sargent, New Brighton; C. L. Kaiser, Rochester. rayl4:davrem • SANDS' SARSAPARILLA. INQUART BOTTLES. Der the Renewal and Permanent Curt of all Diseases arinna fm; an .Im a treSlak of Nend, or This truly valuable preparation es.extrueted from selected roots of the finest description by means of an expensive end powerful apparatus, which obtains the .egl.n.n4 and acne e principle in a highly concentrated form, su seicodilcallY coin. bluing the several vegetable products In the process that a compound extract of Sarsaparitta is obtained infinitely supe rior to any other for purifying the blood, and the cure of Scrofula, ..Felt Rheum, Ulcers, Fever, Sores, Pimples, Boils, Cutaneous Stumm., Rheumatism, liercurial diseases, Liver Complaint, Dy.pepailt, Bronchitis, Consumption, Female Ir regularities, Loss of Appetite, and lienend This powerful remedial agent acts simultaneously upon the Stomach. the Circulation and the Rowels. and gently stimu lates, while ft disengage% and expels from the system all that is irritating m u d prejudicial to bodily health. Being purely vegetable. it Is perfectly harmless in its operation; the most delicate persons may take it at any time with perfect safety. The astonishing success of this medicine constantly trir creasing during the last sixteen years, has secured for it the distinguished commendations of the Faculty, and It enjoys a whieepreail popularity and extensive patronage which throw* entirely out of cotaPetition every other preparation of Saris: patina. Attention is respectfully solicited to the following certills cue: ANOZEIRS: CURE OF SCROFULA. Taor, Y. Y., September 1, 454, Arno:. A. B. ft. Smu l .l--41entlemen: I have for nearly three yeah been troubled with that dreadful diseaau, Bcro ; so much so, WI to be offensive to my hwiband and to m fth• y. self; and to obtain relief, have tried every hind of medicine that came under my notice, without edict. One ormy hors, who had been ced of a shallar complaint' y out Sarsaparilla, advised cu r ed tuakoktrial of it, mull Can trtily say that it has done the a'vorld - of good; having chmpletely cured me. lloping4 that my evidence may induce others similarly afflicted to adopt the stone remedy, with the same satisfactory r e s ults , / - renutirVlOntefully yours, • SABAN J. PortufAtt. 13.. Pared and gold by• 11. D. SANDS, , Druggirts and Ch ta, 100 Fulton street, New York. Sold also by. B. A. FAUNESTOCK & CO.; IiIdCALEKO intoß.:4PitiiibiziA - thandis by by Druggists generally. Price $1 per bottle, or al het" 4 , 4/ I^' THE SATISFACTORY REMEDY—FItia all parts of the country, north and south. proprie , tors are almost daily In receipt of such flattering Wiliam:Ai. Male as the following, relative toll. A. Falniestock's unequal. ad Tern:Huge: . _ Gssrumorto', Ala, AprillBth,l34s. E, A, Fum us t oc k 4 tb.-1 have boon gelling your Veradtbge in We place for live years, and take pitesure in stating„ for the information of the trade and of the Imbu e , that It has been, so for as I know, one of the most 6 .118(EC , tory remeditat lu the market, and one of the most maleable medicines we have. I have also pi-mould knowledge of its good effects In numerous coma under the treatment or oar phyaiciana, till of whom one it regulorly,and &temp t k uittt, to be ante and 'reliable as. Worn) opecitio? raWreeniss. mend ft as one of the saftsst and, heat lu the market. A. STOLLWWERCK. Prepared and sold by - D. A: FAtINDDTODIC'd CO„ nitlo corner of Wood and First eta. Pillobiargh. nR. HUL LIU EN'S PARISIAN TOO PASTE.—This Tooth Paste is the hest of ito kind for c:eaneing and preserving the teeth, In prepared lintitr the supervision of Dr. Haitian. Sold only by JOS. YLVAIING, kinrkast.oinalitorDlionand... OWDERI9ILUE —A superior, •wide,' tiat reuainmLaibdihr alga by I. A. FIaUCLNO z . .,i.,.., - i: l '''.: - '',..i ~ ...z.:.;P....,..;- ' :.7,..." - ' -V.P'*o4l •=tEMI AlEblio; rogu, IZZED ~,~ ; ~; n _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers