Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, July 07, 1856, Image 3
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Jahn } ~....., David H if ' IV Sham 1. d I. ‘ -‘ : V; 0 Jas D. mc. tV.A,bI-:‘7„, : - CITIZENS ..'ip e ,, , Wl".--„ , .,,, 0 F foga tetfeks. tt , ' , r• i '4,44/1 1 , ' 4 4 " eo^ SAMUEL L MARS ~, ,a.itt\ Is 4z , ,./ at<] . 1 4 s„,, ri's -• ii - 7-I'..eft"t , f".. t 0,,,, OFFICF 84, Watrr air , 1. Vitt l •t? V. 4 4 - 4.;` , .4,''' air lusures HULL A P h% ".1 , * 1 4 1 ' gli , i i a.ft .4• .. L 4° . 4i31, and itutataslppl Ron efa mu. 1 . ,---,, .7 . - -r-- ~ rt , , ..- 1 ,, m..,„ ...,,, ~„........ ~.., . tantrum amonat Lon or 1 Also, swanked Hal Perds of ~ vf , . ,'"...e.5. N. , • 43; . and tramportation Oli n ' ' '' '''' er' •- .17 NV 1` % -1 1 , Dtage 0,-P , ',,,. Et....4-z <4.e , . 0 - 44; Witham Bagale), . - int. J. 4 . ..,,i a ..5 Z, l './ 411 v ':: ' James H. Coopr, . .4.44 7.7. . - . 1" 4 % o ' '' '4,' to t Ham net RCS, t l/" . 4,4 ' .7 t... 1- ''' ' ' '' ' tJ ' tf , ' Hobert Dunlap Jr, , 4 ,,,,, `''S •-• , ,Ny - hi 4.- it t ; . , 4 y4 ,• ., 1 / 4 - "4„..- '4 l _l. _ lame M. Yen mai., 8 Hu haugh, '`i '''''4l so 47s3* fa' *.74. ° it 44 .1 Walter Bryant, .....- 14 - r . fz. • WP, , ts • e 'r, John Stopton ' i '••";. • -`. Es' ' 4/.4 re ,4 64 '. ',. z ' Oi . ttt i .;4 l ,o. kft,:t. EUREKA INSURANCE i .1,4 -, 14 / 4 1.•1 4. ...1:7- 5..,P NI Zr r •.-. 1, ,„,, ~ r ~.se,z,„, „,e,..., f OF PI1"I'SBURGII v i z t,. , •474, 1 5Tit*,...1, - .Z. JOHN H.FIIOI:NBYROHR, Pr.falont ROBE!: f FINNEY, B,retar) • z.A.k.tt,t.'2,?,'....%.,,,,,t.--(. c Iv BATCH.LI,OIt, General feig' .s . .r , . r.".. .t a ea .. a • e : d'' " I' V'tpir.l 4 . " . ";:i".711 , V, -1411 , .7t.Pt1. 4 .• .... a> WILL INSURE AUAINST ALI. - `l4le#teiekl e ,r...^.* 4., ~ i ~,,f,- . 4. ...,...,.. r * .., MARINE AND FIRE RISKS. `''' ~P.' '' ^ -Xl - '-'l." 3 4'' "116 1- .t.- • " 1- . 11 8.t.t ,4 4' * - 4•,:r4,' p, ::-.6, t , f;44 4 - t * w 4 lez -, 1 3, d~ . .- 4 ' A/ + 0 ' ll-11. ' N •lt: ' 'f' - ; "k/ a .' 0' ' '4 _ o f t.. lc- ... et ... - ! 4 ZW/ 4 4 -klf. 'fA yj t Vrt_w bro • • ,, ,,34 si a 0 1 weE --ir- i• ,P-1 - . l' 5: - F i ..44 , 4 .,-4 r .J.1., i were ' ff4.4 y`f+411.T. 444 4 ' . CA LL'IIVI'''± ' T ';''Rf li. l ; 4‘.7 . BRAT ED ~ . '''- 1 1 Y 1 f. ft , V- ' 7l - tb 11 ' ; 4 ''''‘N' 4 •thlo bottle t .. ...i l l ' ' V T 01'4,4 3 t` - , 4' " .: 1 purify the tu kitirrt.; l 4 4 o,.e'p,..-4. 1 14•- , ' )011 •ettre the , ~,., g51.,,t.,0-.1,6•0 -...:!,:p..,...4 . 4; ' r i : , : ; ,;1 , ..1 - 1.".2x 4. A.*: 47..4: pt; 7,0:-.! s:' 4'o. , fe e l ~; ert .P. 414 ,' 01 41.; ,r;, 4 V•7l ,o l.Be`tt; -ft j out dl4amato th 1 .olor to the coun, i system, and lend c should have 1108 T. tyg.hvg4lo v ",,Z q r f:' t ''' ' ),, - 4 t„ii.r.,. BITTERS. No artlch i v FO .N c t ii l3 °, f$ 4. % te' 4l- 411 ..‘ -s , proming effects of suun ,5,,, , f ?" kifr `;'a a ~' 4 4. 4.7' .- -7- ' 4N4 Y "' ''*, t 1 . 4' .; ',4 • _ _ ______ ; k " t 14 k , C 4, 0',.4 . :f ,, t'.Z !liit Role manufacturers a. And for ode by all the , ga tt: k7fr' -f-N. 'MX ' 4' V : throughout the Ututed Stale, 5 P C , ...4ek , •'&1 5 •'%• - •4.0 a 1815 ' r.kgt..,4•....14 ,"f`?"•;N: 4t i, ilk 4.. Come one, oome 1P01... , , .45,,. ‘ ze#,.-0.,1", --' ~ No ISt WOOD street, and buy o ftiA l• . S, so fa ;, V", 4 * .,'S" i or CA!' hue A large stuck of . .g 4, It ".. , "4 - a - '- V . 4,, , f,.. 0 .4. , ,, .i fls i 4 II ATS aloe} son hand Renterulfer fifw_fti,..sld'. - 4,t 4:4 ) R,.. -s' ; 1- ,t4ILIIRg. ~11.'' le ~ • 9,.* ' ' f:Tg 'e - ' t 14;&,,teer4 ~..4,..rt.' ' ,L', !,..,..,,b 4 „... fr.- 84-8 (i 2 ,1 .. ost'' re1,.. 4 .....r. 1 ,( ', "i.' ..:,',. Mgrt,,,t' 4 l; l4 .V ''''''' , 61 N - I,i. 4 . 1 Sr pi-, „ A GREAT BARGAIN !—Fch s• ~,,)e .* . .0-‘ll'‘A'P - :'14,17'cr..,"'- J - 11 tortable Bra k DWELLING HOUSE, fe , . C tptat-tre,:; tle.) ~_ r n+ .4 ' '; o o,2 .,Z t ZZX.n.'l ", t, .4 ''' _ _ . with t. 0 Lots of ~ rOll,l, fa, h 20 feet front , House is largo and I'oll, etl le lit a good cellar, ;\ V. 1, e0. 0 04 ;9).**2.itc Vu• IA:, •t• t ., " 4,4'1S ..t r at..t.,.. 4- 4 --1 ' .- r., itl ti. ''=: r ' th.. , a hall, la v parlors, , Immg-room, and k f‘t - f - e.,,,, '',..,;‘ , ,,,_- - . 1 ' O l. - ,, - 4 ,,..., ~,,,, • g 1 anal , with a nd a I ~,, .. and large pantry-tin 44. T i ....:*77s ftss,.) 1i.4 . 4. i. l it t " . c.... fq. A ', v --'. - I store room a bath room on the second not r,,otus on thud story . Yin-proof hint • roof, gm fl. Of ;.i. ..• 4 .- .,%-.V_ h ,74ckfr• - .51., ...a. 4...,kt,,e '''-, .1 ,a 41' '''' V F-It - ; tr4-IY.tmr+.: ., 4-.., .. - + 4 4 ,- =.,- .e.., 1 ..e i.- ..P 1' 1,4 - 1.4 - ' .4.*t . .. f•-• ~-47.4 % , , .. ~ I p.pos on first and second etory . L m en IP,roli - i 4l „P" " l t ' 4 l . 4u ' ft-- ' ' 4)=2 a'a . e , / t i treas. grope N muss, etc The Improvements alone c.. ex . .... 4‘ 0V r t;N:4 4 •vii..n-I,tt, ) , -,., ; tl,, , - 4 I t . ;Iv *4?‘ - .11-.4-1, .•:., , t, -.,..., .., ~,...., ~ ; thitu rb t .rt be h prit u ce h nk d ed ; m tcL i tte d : r tlezrzprz) . Tr t i i c . e 4 , pm,- A...VenNiZll4l 'l' §3 ,h' i .' t ' e 1 E -V- o ' .) 8 CUTII.BERT d SON, '4l o 4l:l kli f YA4 .1 r It'l' or r ) .- 1, , c n!:.-. ~.., , J e w Real Estate Agents, 61 Market e iTnO:rev.,f i lilr . "/= tY 4 cif} ''' - '.:•;%., , Tt - .e- I EPSOM SALTS —lO bbls. just receive Mme - "_" ti - 7 , 74 , 0t- 4, ervii 4 1 . f. d.-,4 N tt r yt.: Der) FUMING BROS sta .• - •;.ANAtrint Aa ii 4g r t !, 4 ‘. 1: 4 4 i L- r ?..., zekirtte.,4 PC f,e, ez4.11,: - lbU —3OO a. just received and toe 4, t , , Co'i...ii 4.:4"4.;.-, ` V::. ..''.-...-..!- c.. 1. -, TT a n d sale b 9 ‘,.) sale by . 1)47] FLEMING BROB .*,..L....t. v t. , c yt., ~ . .4,t-F,:l.i ;"':'''' '' - `r , 7' i 5 . p ..4 ~,, i;• , N! , ,p,....,7 i ' - .,," 1 -4.' - ',,; `.:------• ~;'+ • ' - ,t ~_.,,. ~ ..r.- st , • "..--.- , -, -,-, ~.. -.,,, , --. 1 ~,,,,,,,,, -.7 ~„ .r',....., 4 i t.. 0. -..; Wozikift,, ,r 6. t. ''_ :' r, -, .• ,f '.7 ' l , ,''' ~ s, •••. ~,, i s ..".. '•. - , 4 . _ie,40,-.F..4 -, 4 ,krr4o.&-t • wei - '-',: r s,s;s l -4.P-;• -2 ! 2,;, . 4lr,i x-- -• o''+, -, , 4- ‘ ' . ... 1 - s ,. .. -'," ..la-,` l '',l'. - ,,,;.. 4 ,-: '',.' ...... ;' , ,4N -4 1r 4, t.' -4.- - e....t . ‘, ..,- '-- •,. ; - N..„.• - , - . ,-44 h, .. '.• .-.- • . .- • . - '''"a's.*=as .e.'- 1.4' 1 ' ~' .... .4. .0 . ''' .:I' , ' e ; -, l' ~. -,} .‘-'' ' - ' . ''' I ` ''' - f f "I• 1.. 'ttT. * t ,'`,. I. •''' , ..tr , - - - . . : jr4... -- ,7 , : s -•-•". '-',' '• , `'-,:',,, ,:tr 1 ~" ~, , .11 - . _ . e „ fi e . ~.: • _ , -;' T 4L7 ''' - tt; •°, , s• '• -::' ..-.• .) C , - 1 1 ' ,c . ' .c.,,c 5 - -.'. - pg. , -: ./ 6 ' . ~'...', .t.. ' p.', t i l t",,.. - 7 : , " 1, ..., - t. 5 .‘,., „ .., -. .. .4 ••.O r ' • - '- _ . ' - . .. - : r ti,.3 l-1 4C-- ,- ,t -- ` ''' 4N CIS , t 't • '.... ''.4. , i. 7.; ° %e• ~., ~t . % ~.s ' l • , ..t <' ' , a ' - . _ Ci '.. eL4 l.. ; '.- ••,-` --, " '',7 "•• - - - P . 1. • • - t+ ~ 11 . tfr0t1e. . ,, , , .. 2i . . 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T 1 ~, , ." 1, 7_ ,'" 1, - • 1, 1 ' 4 1,,eir , ,1 ? , ... .. •,. f- ' '-' ' ',44 0 ,1,P0ir i.- et I:P 4 rX oif t'-'-' T , ripig dr - f r e - A4 1 . 0,, 4g, ..ri C„r v•-• • ~. - 1* ' A" 4 *4y :dattly's**l,AS4ol4),,e4 .4; 6 ' i''' - $ 1. 1" • - - e t S., .1-,t,,,.„,5•;1,4, 0 .14,4# ~,,,41„,10ywn.... ,4"; , e ci, .- , , , , - tyr, '' 4 -.‘„,,, ..':' %. 1 \ trr. c ~, ~,,w, - ,y 0 4.r 1 / 4 ., ~s:..li`r,-.i,--. ~,:fr„,...%-eil: 4,*1 e:, , to . 0.,: , .. , 4,4 " t ;' ea:•4'4:.) j 1..., r' f ,t. ,,,,,, ''''i' I --, , • 1 4' ". L ---. 4 k' c .44 . 5 ' 'civil" ,k,o*ititiV4,7,o44',lis f tf,11,0 • ...'.., -.-,.- -) ,OZ•Tt" . ,`",;'-; - • •••••. t - .:,.': ..' . • 4' - i 'et' tr''. ofttA Z.l, If ..*, •f, ,„ ) ,a la t '',7 tit" —.ov t t ,C " s so# V 11 ..1• ' : '''' ' '' P .. ' • '. ' • • ' o ' 4 . ~, , A ..i-..0-° -., ~-.• 1 t ~,f., ~,,,1 1. 4 !. ._ , - s ,l : ',, , 1 t*„‘,., .1. A \ : ' ~i'",' , , 1 . s , : .: - ,`,.t, • ' wl-- .`' - ` l. _t' ..:".:,''' „i tr,f,!:.: . _. ' ,•:., .' -- '• ' , +. - 5.,,i , gi c .. 4 ~.. 1..,: i , ~ _s , ''. :' yo i . 1,. .. I . -.1 , re I ;'',: . :'-' .. -'' , ' ''''' 6U. - I ‘4 .* :. _-, t "' ' c "'' • •••• .7' : ; Ik : ', 4 4 4 . s .74 ' ' ' - a- 4 .. i' i, .._i0c11..;1... • i, . 4 ~,, •rr 4 .V4 ;. , • s of, ' ' 4 4 .. .7-',.- -,.-- •.' 1 ,- : :;":4 ' • • Att. - - ...• • , 4 , ' A , ,r Tr, A, , V: k.a,..;16, 'I - A s 4. " • grg 4. - r: a fat 4 1 1- 17 45k4',Atiros,_ • ,ir A P OL11; Ali — EI A V lENrOtSI ' lit AIM. No. 65 Iburth Street MIDDLE ROOM, JONES' NEW BuILDINO. IFS NOW OPEN daily from 9 to 2 o ' clock ; 4, alio; atactor=,on Wednesday and . Saturday evening., from 7 to 9 Deposits received of all sums not lees than Ors Dotes,and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in Jnne and December. Intereet was declared at the rate of six per cent per annum, ou the first of Dec-ember, 1865. Also on the fid of June, 1666. Books containing t h e Charter, 13, •lairs, Enlee and Reg-n• 11 `tiouq furnished gratis, on applicate .11 at the odic°. President-41E401H; E A LIIREE. VICS PRCIfIDENTS. John 11. Bhoenberger, Charles Knapp, N. Grattan Murphy, Tboobald Dmhstaetter, hear M. Pennock, William J. Anderson. TROBTLIDS. John G. Backofen, James lierdman, Hi Hill urrvin, James D. Kelley. Alb Culbertson, John M. Kirkpatrick, Robert Chester, John D. M'Cord, J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter P. B.larshall, Akinze A. Carrier, A. M. Pollock, John IS. Coop - eve, Henry L. Ringwalt, „Charles A. (5,01t0n, Robert Robb, R. G. Fdrinirton, James Shidle, Francis Felix, George 8. Belden, George F. Gillmore, Alexander Tindle, James B. Dunn , William S. Lavely. William S. Haven, Wilson Miller. , Secretary and Treesurer--CHARLES A. COLTON. 1 y HoPowell Hepburn George 11. Whin; William F. Johnston, •bunea W. Alexander Bradley, William Phillips, FAKkEitSA_ND MECHANICS' FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE CO ON PHILADELPHIA. luer. THOS. E. FWRENOE, Preet. EDW Tirmrtorb, Secretary. STATEMENT OF BUSINESS, Prom the Id day of -Augo.d to die 31st day of Dec., 1855 Amouut received in Marine premiums 8, 88,2/2 31 Firs. 39.908 82 Total premiaras for tire months CAPITAL INVENTED AB rouows : Bondi of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh, and Pittsburgh 6's $ 78,721 66 Railroad Bonds, Cost 33,44) 00 loan on Pint Mortgage of heal Estate 69,050 00 . Stocks, Collateral 30,384 00 Cash in Bank and on hand.. 11,0d2 22 Capital subscribed, (payment not yet due) 07,04:6 00 Premium Notes, not yet matured 66,307 31 Due from Agents, *cured by Bonds! 18,850 01 ll:Nun. and Commissions 11,60 36 $403,151 19 Total amount of Names incurred, but not yet adj.ted:— Fire sl,tiCe Or, Marine 3 ,000 00 $4666 Title Company loom. Hull and Cargo , make 6 6 on tha and Sliesisaippi tributatioa. Insure. against Lose or Damage by Ekes. Los.a liberally adjusted and promptly paid. itumarecm---Hon. T. M. Hown, Urn. J. K. Moorings! James Wood. For Insurance apply to TIIONIAS J. lIUNTER, Agent, No. 90 Water at., bet. Wood and Ileu-kot DELAWARE IVIETUAL SAFETY INSURANCE' COMPANY OFYICE, S. E. CORNER. TIIIIUJ AND WALNUT STS Philadelphia. ilkir MARINE INtiUItANCES kn Vest.le, Corgo, Freight, to all parte of the world. INLAND INSURANCES OS GOODS, by niters, Canals. lakes and Laud Carriages, to all pat is FIRE INSURANCE ON AIERCiIANDIZE generally. Oh Short., Dwelling }louses, Se. Asre, tlonpony ..Von Ater iCh, ISLA. Ltordl4, Mortgatgen and Real Estate slol,tr-to 44 Philai.Aphiti City, and other 1.. . . 65,210 ud Stoa. in Rat.,)o,, Railr....lkAl 111,111,11 t, GIS . .n,1..)60 Bulls roceivat/t. 186,440 ti; 11.111,1 . ................ f 26,820 u 9 /I:dances in bands of Agents, Prenottno. on Ala• rine Politica reeent/3 /111.1 t/ill, th•LA.II due the en , Llll.lly . 93,880 ‘, - .o I , lllAwiipttt , o tivfm 11.kr,L.QU DIRECTuIS. William Martin, James C. liana, Joseph IL Seal, I IM. , plulas Paulding, Edmund A. S,..nd,•r, ; Jagain, Tre mair, John C. Davis, / HI flora Lyre, Jr ., John It. Penrose, Joshua 1.. Prt,,, o.arge 11. Leiper, i James Tenuelli, Edward Darlington, , Samuel E. StAea, Dr IL M. Flush., Henry Shinn, William C. Ludwig, James B. McFarland, Mugh Craig, I Charles Schaiter, Spencer Nlellvaln, ' Itobsrt Burton, Charles Kelley, John B. Semple, Pittsburgh M. Jones Bruol.e, D. T. Nlorgan, . J. G. Julin.sou, J. T. Logan. a WM. MARTIN, Preaident. Thos. C. ELAND, Vire Priaddeut. IltNlir LILLUKS, B..arretary, P. A. MADEIRA. Agent, 3a18:ly No. R Water street, Pittsburgh. MARINE INSURANCE FIRE RISKS. MANUFACTBERS' INABA\ a Cllllll, OF - PHILADELPHIA CHARTER FIZETITL AL-13k.,T -I , Cl ,!,1,..•1. PLrNet Let XIS Chartered Capital, $500,000. FIRE, MARINE .I.IV , L'CL A. 1.1, Th' 11 T.l T; , ) A AliuN S 1.1 PPI NC% )77. l'rePiettt 01(111.N ft4../G Strr,t_rry u &AWNYVCYU , Trees.n rev. ..&111 - 01/ S. I.ippiv,At, lEstiliaui B. Thomas, Mahlon Cli',llo,.h.int, 14 - titAa.o! N..xl, Nlcholm G. T.L . ,1,1, A t trek, 11 ~. .i.',.. Orrin P..04en., t.'harlee J Fiskt,lo, John P. Sim,.., Ja.nwa P. ;;rut ilk. AirTilia Company hal 1.e.11 ore.hiteit with . Ca.ah Cup tai, and the birerh an ha, .I..terianleal to adapt tlir busin, , ,l. to its available retourc, 'l'.. 01.,-, t 0 pro lr 0, - .• in C. , llillt I ing its ailaira, with a pn.,tapt 3.lJin.t.a.. , nt ~I t.... 4.... Pittnburgh Oily, No. 76 l't a:.•‘ otr.,t. .1 NI , :ltPuN ,rxxs, Agrot. The followmg well It new n and resp,,tisild e firms in Pitts burgh have auGtorrred reference to them, with regard to the Inability and autindrmas the, llarmfaeturers' Insurance Company. Kramer Rahm. a George P Smith Co.; liampLm A Cmpbell, Joraea, Tiernan A , li. Childs a (20. snarl PI'I"I'SBURGI - 1 LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CoMPANY, CORNER OP WAWA( AND MARKET BTREET3, PITTSWURCaI, PA. ROB lila OA I.IV A Prrehleut. Taos. G1.A.a,64, 414 - Thin Company niakaa eitury hiblirauce appvrtaiiiing t •or eanatiected with LIFE RISK F. Alan. against HULL AND CA R(O 11IdRF on the Ohl. and Atimasippl Rivera mud tribura: ea. and NI•E I a E RISK generally. ♦nd argYdost Loss and Datong.. I.y lire. and against tl. i'orild of the and Inland Navigation and Transp.rtatn•n Policies itatund at the L. not reps consiatent mull safety t. DIFLECTORK. 8.411.wrt ()tawny, &flunk.) !'Cimino, Jt.pph P. iitIZESLCI, Nf D, John Sc,,tt, James Marshall, band Itlchey. James W. HniIITIMI, (;),nrlen Arbuthnot, AJezuntier Bradley, J..seph ;., 1,,h, Jahn Yußerton, Mansfield D. Itruwo, David H. Chamla•rn, Christian Zug. Wlnban Cet r, Robert H llartloy, -Ins. D. McGill. fel,: 8 CITIZENS' INSURANCE CONINANI' OF PITTSBURGH WI Lid ANI BAG ALE Previden t. SAMUEL L. MA FLSITHLL, Secretary. OFFICE.: Ni Water aired, tolive.oi Market and Hrl.d street, {Er lusures HULL AND CA RISKS, on the °too and ilisaissippi ItHerii and tributarica Inanrus aguineit Lusa or Damage by FIRM. Alvo, agutnat Penis of dui S.. and Inland Navigation and tramportatiou. William B.agaley, (Sept. Mark Sterling, James M. Cooper, Samuel M. K ler, Baronet Rea, William Bingham, Robert Dunlap. Jr, John S. Dilworth, Isaac M. Pennock., Francis Sellers, S. Ilsrbaugh, J. Schoosmaker, Waller Bryant, 14'illitini B. 'lays. John Siiipt.on. tderlil EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. JOHN H. SIIOENBERGER, Bre...lent ROBEET FINNEY, S. , eretAry. C. W. BATCHELOR, General Agent. WILL INSURE AUAINST ALI. KINDS uF MARINE AND FIRE RISKS. 11 &km obergi, C. W. Batchelor, !taw M. Penr.:"ea, W. W. Martin, a. T. Le ch , J r., George ki. Belden, 4127- All Lo austainiql by partira insured under policlos issued by thin Company will lie liberally aripintati and prompt. y paid at Its OYFICR, No. tin WATER STREET. 1.1,11 PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH. Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Street•, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL., $300,000. air Insure Bulding-s end other Property ((pliant Lone or Damage by Fire, and the l'erils of the Sea and Inland Na gatiou and Transportation. Wra. P. Jahneton, god, Pattertiou, Jacob Painter, A. A. Carrier, W. „M'Clintoct, Jan. P. Tanner, George W. Smith, W. S. Haven, D. X. Park, I. Grier Sproul, Wade Hampton, D. M. Wog, A. J. Jonas, J. 11. Jones, H. R. Coggsball. oFFRIERS. President Hon. WM. F. JOHNSTON. Vice President ..... ...110DY PATTERSON. 'p mad freas..—A. A. (TAMMUZ& WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY, Pttyaeuaoa.—t3 EOM DARSIR, President; P. M. GoaDOX, Secretary. VFW insure against all kinds of risks, FIRE and MARINE. An losses will be liberally adjusted and promptly paid. A Home Institution, managed by Directors who are well known in the community, and who are determine& by promptness and liberality, to maintain the character whirl, they hare assumed, as offering the Mat protection to those who desire to be insured. Air Office, No. 92 Water street., (Warehouse of Spang Co = up stain,) Pittsburgh. nov2tly COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE CO. HARRISBURG, PENNA. Chartered Capital, - $300,000. Ibsortv. Buildings and .dher Pmperty against buss or Damage by Fire: aliu, against Perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation and Transport atidn. ornegu—simoN CAMERON . , President. BENJ. PARKE, Vice President 8. 8. CARRIER, Secretary. A. A. CARRIER, Agent, Fourth and Smithfield. EXT. LIQUORI C E.-9 caws for sETlebir )e-u B. A. PARNBatOoK A do $lOB,lOl 31 . 300,000 00 $408,1b1 11 $0t",348 It Mllll=ll 13=1 O. W. 011.111 i, W. K. Mtnla, T. B. lkl/ko, It. D. evarau John A. Caugiley S. S. Bryan, , " •'" °AY , - 1 . 4 1 , IP LOCAL APFA IRS. MONUAY MORNING JULY 7 THE SIXTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, WILL BE HELD AT PITTSBURGH On SEPTEMBER 30th, and on OCTOBER Ist, Sid and 3d, 11338. Je24 ROST. C. WALKER, Se,raary. The Fourth at the limtee of Refuge.—The children placed under the charge of Mr. Rutherford, at the House of Refuge, although not permitted to enjoy that enlarged liberty guarantied by the Declaration, nevertheless were allowed "the pursuit of hap piness" without stint on the Glorious Fourth. It was an exhilarating sight to see those poor unfortu nates so completely happy, and we envied the kind heart and truly Christian feeling of the good man who had so ministered to their delights. He appears to believe that, 4. prayeth best who loveth most. All things both great awl small; For the dear God who leveth us, Ha made and loveth all." The boys had a variety of amusements, including a mimic circus, as well as repeating a number of pieces of declamation, which were admirably performed. Rev. C. P. Krauth addressed them in an amusing and instructive manner after which they had a grand dinner including ice cream and other luxuries. Mr. T. P. Rutherford also made a witty speech greatly to the amusement of the boys as well us some "children of a larger growth." Altogether Independence Day was a gay time at the Rouse of Refuge. Of the Di rectors, there were present Messrs. Moorhead, Ander. son, Schuonmaker, Pennock, Hanna and Lyon. Accidn,t+ e. the Fourth.—Oa the Fourth, as two very respectable looking colored men were passing through the fields beyond Denny's Grove, where the Catholic plc nic was held, a shot-gun which one of them was carrying on his arm was accidentally dis charged, and the contents went into the arm of his companion, causing a very severe and painful wound. A buggy was procured and the wounded man was brought to the city A lad aged about 14 years of age, named Harvey Daniels, a son of the widow Daniels, who resides on Ross street, had one of his eyes totally destroyed by the accidental dis charge of a pistol in the hands of a companion. His face was also badly burned by the powder. The ac cident occurred on Grant street in the evening, a lad named Mettler fell from a boat in the Alle gheny river, below the St. Clair street bridge, and was drowned. Ills body was recovered within a few feet of where he went down, on Saturday night. Sttrltltitty A fitt t,r tz Iltotts, f NL lame.— An Irishman named Thomas Fitzgerald, a buss on the Allegheny and New Brighton plank road, was stalibed on Thursday hight, in a house of ill-fame in the Sixth ward, during a drunken affray. One of the inmatm, a notorious prostitute, named Mary Burke, had at tempted to take his watch, and in the muss Fitzger ald was knocked down, stubbed and beaten by two bullies, Wm. Tiernan and Wm. McDonald, who Ire quent such ptactio far the protection of the frail beau ties who dwell therein. One of the wounds was un the left side in the region of the heart, and it is n miracle that be escaped with his life. Ald. Major's police arrested, in the house, Patrick Morgan, Mary Youngblood, /Sarah grans and Alex. tirey—Mary Burke having effected her escape before their appear ance on the scene of conflict. McDonald and 'tier nan were afterwards taken into custody. They were all cummitt.ed for a further bearing. Th, 1 , ..- 114 Fti rle..—t..eorythiag passed off with unalloyed pleasure on the Fourth. The wiasthar was cool and delightful—so pleasant indeed that the most confirmed croaker had no fault to find. Tell, hous.inds of every age, sex and condition in life peopled the adjoining gn;res un pie nir excursi , u. in pursuit of pleasure, which they ov:dently found to judge from the gladsome laces of all. The place, of auuneetnent, both afternoon and evening, err tilled to overflowing, and in the evening a beautiful display of pyrotpchuiee et the tiierricon, on the Alle gheny ricer and on the grounds of LOU. 4 RubiN°ol, closet the feefivitlee in 11..00:leant. ctyto. That a: the tiarrison was under the chrecti in of Lieut. Brier ton, and was one of the Lost we have ever VelltiemAPJ . The grounds were crowded by people the grand iipeiitaci, Thure,n's Advertiring Dirrcf.ry.- canvassers having made returns of the citizens Pittsburgh, Birmingham, Lawrenceville, Manch:pies South and West Pittsburgh, and Alinersville, he de sires us to say that he will fee! obliged if any per son has been overlooked in those districts, if they will send their names, occupation, residence, and - siness firm, to the office of the Pittsburgh Directory, corner Fourth and Market streets, third story, the Gazette I.ffi INC, the Dispatch ttl:e, or hi. residence 4 7 Colwell street. Every person is iaterebtioi 10 living their name in the Directory, and as the compositers are now setting type, we hope .f there are any omis siuns they will be promptly remedied. The canvas sers are still chnraesing Allegheny city. and due no. rice will be given that if any uthisdione Lave been made in that district they may he supplied. 1., 1",,,, tue , or -In ennsequeure ~f the great...434.11n ~ f the public to nen Dr. Beale', p.moraula of the Artie Voyaguttro, he will r.,ntolue rshiliiition. during the present week, at Mesonii Hall. It i.e unneressary t'or us to advise our reader' to pay it a visit, tor no previous work of art has ever created iu this city such gild enthusia.sui. The anxiety manifested to vieit it is general. Univerzal patronage and favor from our citizens ie hard to be "blainad but in this they have been Instantaneous and unaniul ,, up. l'hig may be amounted f , r through the pepulerity of the ,11.)ecL ntia the ineritoriuw. I;M!1!IIII1nIIII1111 the , /and au,/ —The train from leveland duo at Alliance at I; o'cluek un Thursday evening met with a seriuus ac cident by running into a tree which bad fallen across thetrack. The engine, baggage car and one passen ger car were pretty effectually smashed up, and a freight conductor who was on board had his leg broken. We could hear of nu other persons being injured. Cl= /Lap/ Man Found.—A wan named Frederick Whitmore, who formerly worked at Gullet, Apple gate A. Co.'s, was found dead on the street in the first ward, yesterday morning. He was a man of intem perate habits, and fur the past twu weeks Itee been almost constantly under the influence of rum. The Coroner held an im i nest during the forenoon. He was a young man of 24 or 22. Fr,.4 . 0/ forth,. I 4 .r.—By an advertisement of Mr. Moore, Superintendent of the tihiu and Pennsylvania Railroad, it will be seen that on and after Wednesday next, bills of lading to secure proper attention must be handed in before 7 P. M., of the day of shipment. City Mortality.—There were 17 deaths in this city week before last-9 females and 8 males. (if these 16 were white and 1 colored. tom- Three bottles of Hostetter'■ CF.LE BELATED STOMACH BITTERS will cure the Dyspepsia. One ikittie will create an appetite, force off the iuipure bile, purify the blosit, and invigorate the systxtn. Two bottles will cure the worst form of Liver Complaint. One bottle will dissipate that weakness at the pit of the stomach, give color to the countenance, impart tone and strength to the system, and lend cheerfulness to the mind. Every family should have HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. Na article is so peculiarly adapted to the tie pressing effects of summer weather, (HOST TIER & SMITH, Sole manufacturers and proprietors, No. 287 Psnn at. And for sale by nil the principal Hotels and Druggists throughout the United Stales and Cauadas. je2l:dasv 4[l - Comeone, oome Asti, to MORGAN No. U 4 WOOD street, and buy what you want In tba lIAT or CAP line. A large stock of SILK, FUR and STRAW II ATS always on hand. Renterubef, A GREAT BARGAIN !—For sale, a corn twubie Bri, k DWELLING MUSE, No. 59 Front et , with two Lots of G nMod, eaeli 20 feet front b 7 90 deep. The if ouse is large and 1,11 Vtql : n good cellar, with cemented Boor; a hall, too letnite et, tittostg,-room, and kitchen on fiat siory ; with awash-house anti large pantry—three chambers, store room and bath room on the second story, and fire name on third story. Fire-proof slate roof, gas fintneeil anti pipes on first and second story. Large yard, with shade trees, grape eines, &c. The improvements alone cost more than the price asked for the whole property. Price $.5000 R oo.courth in hand; remainder at one, two nod three years. S. CUTE.BERT k. SON, Je2s Real Estate Agents, 61 Market st. EPSOM SALTS —IU bbls. just receive( and for sale by Der) FL - NMING 81109. UVA ÜBSI-300 lbs. just received and turl , i rale by jJJe2I FLEMING BROB MEM s t -. s ..,, e• i • ''N I si'ir'' - ,555,5=5,..........,..7.1b55...,:55,., s .r....!..0P.:_57.5.1•:-.?t,"-S5-.'1,-17,70.,' ' Oas DIA.V.OND MARKET HOUSE ASSOCIATION Bidders ut Certificates of Loan are hereby notified that the interest due on such Certifica'ea, up to the first of July 'nearside, will ho paid in full, In current funds, on and after the 10th instant, on presentation to JOHN MAIIOI , - PIN, NON., Treasurer, at the Partners' I)epo.it Bank. Jy2:3t S JONES, Pres't. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK No. 65 FOURTH I.o'' NEW -- poxi e CA mast be made with this Institution Institution in BUI thLDe ING. month o De f Jun, in order to draw Interest from July let. ja3o 011A.S. A. COLTON, Tread'r. PEKIN TEA STORE, GREEN & BLACK TEAS Purchased direct from the Importers for CASIL The stock consists of all the different flavors and grades of TEA brought to the American market and SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT THE VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES! PACKED TEAS, PUT UP IN METAIJC PACE. AGES, expressly fur the trade. TEAS OF ALL GRADES, BY THE CALF CHEST. COFFEE, SUGAR, COCOA and CHOCOLATE of the Last BRANDS, for sale. Long experience in the business in a surd guarantee th,d every article sold will be as represented. AGENT, BY SPECIAL APPO/NTMENT, FOR THE SALE or DN. JAYNE'S FAMILY MEDICINES. S. JAYNES. Pittsburgh, June 2u, 1856--Or2u) SAGE'S BROADCAST GRAIN SOWER rildils MACHINE has been exhibited at the Gunne,ticut, New Lurk, Ohio, Michigan and 11litidid state Fain; also. at numerous Comity sip.r.._ go d t o et v,y instance has received the highest Prt lotions for its super.or• ity over all others. A WORK INU MODEL of this Machine may '1.4111 EXHIBITION ROOM of Mr. MOSES F. EATos, Oen., al Agent for Patents, No. Uttr FIRST street, 11114,u:wit. P. t ame wishing ho purchase Tetrituridl Itlghts in tl,. mato would do well to apply to the subscribe. uniurnuttely, au tin• above named place. tjyli SMITH TOIIN W. 1 1 1 ' CARTLIY, BILL POSTER Mid Dutvatnirroit, will attend to the Posting and Dietrlbuting of all kinds of BILLS FOR CONCERTS, LECTURES. F.XIIIMTIONS. de. All comnantications•-trither by maul, telegraph, or oth• wise-directed to the viral: of the Nl, , rning host, wilt re.- • k NEW attention. ap7 EW BOOKS.-Just received, and it i tort are sold tT"OrTllll'N''?l".i'lqt:dt than elsewhere. Tour of M/11/411112 Rot 11.•1 Irl Ib,• 1 . 111E(A1 states-pric•• Sparrowgrass Papers-Ho,silt y. (kink Mister. ore roman Lilo ," •1•L. P.tntty and Territories ..f the itt eel Went -,1.1 12. The Ilunsl•y Papers, by. Brougham Tangletown Getters-$ - 1,1:: salmi for the S..icta.l-$1.1 . 1 Pullin Tales; by 31.11,111,- .' M . . Mn and Life In Scalp Hunters: by Capt. Md) ne Rent- 4.1.1 White Chief Mr. Sponge's Sport 1/14 Tout , 1 , , Finial, tore-'r- ll,' • Mother Jonathan for 4 ill t Pe•t..riitl Clipper ke•• N,•troils-tt• llarper's Magazin.- f,r July. t h e 1 soppi t Pen.r.,n'a Mft,,allll.• 1 , .1 Jet". : seven I sapid, • -17... tirultdriMi liagatin.• Jul . •ge1 . 1111,1 .ITh lindey'a Ladi•e. 11,4, for .11tly---at Leshv'm N. I..lourldo - •o s Ml r.i11.• lionneinher, thou place to get M,,,,, n 0 e Is at LAI:EPP:WS 801 1K,41.14( r . jrtta No. 77 Fourth stress - OOKS ! BOOKS!! BOOKS!!! - -Wil - B I lie '.'h rilling AtiVolil Orr.. tp, Land an.' Son or Lib- N trdo and ••••••••uth. Fremont's Flxpeddien Oreg•d• and tjabiott• • • ktell Smith .khroad. Indian Caput Ittee..sr Lae In the Wigs at. The Scat,-.a and Terrtt,ient•f the Grin! Wee, Noble Dt—t. L.l AII,rICAII W , een Ti., )luneunt I .lltemarltable andinterasting F.vente littchel Gray, by Juhn Kavanagh The lenng Man's , The Y•nang Lott) si J Avon as It Wan and t. 1 , 1.• Marred Ethan Allen and the )lon stain 11, , ds •I — t l :darned, not )laird. by tlide Guist War •11 Ka sass , h, 151 - ..trerun• Home For All. The Wator Cus,, f.:11.;.1 , :q.•.11A. A. A. Por male 1.). Is T MORGAN, je.ll N., 11 F fth street. - kr - INT!! \N . A RI) PROPERTY.- We Litre I sale a 1... t ti r nlnd lnaiUunu Mfr. ot, ;;It r• it..Ot Ina 1..4 1., .1,1. Ilallatrry ndles et, ahe h Ns 1.1. Il , nene, en, h • hPillassiilig tomtnn, b •• and ell.r. 'II •t••• fe ..1 gar. This ,•• ter) , .dabh. •.:t 5 . blta e:lia:ly beat. • • ~nouttoing ••••lighttu: • ea, •,' 1• rit••r. f y an., II; In• •d I ..• ratt,, , 111.1‘• 1.11.1 K ELY .t . pooks: BuuKs..—h, ft St 119 FE Kiel , • fIIE DAISY I.llll‘. bra ataaa. - at, - Two ...i t . Mr SININUE'r SIa , ItTIN4 aalar; aulh W.untr.,t: •na. TliX STATES AND Tk:III211' Atli., .03 i 111 . ~ I'l'l 31 EST—a a •11/I•toir gab!. 14.rxrgis mat 11'sai - with map. and nuntar, , ,a int:an/141 , 1a Coq!, TIIE 01211 11CA RA, Nal-I. by Mrs k. I TUE N I " i'L'd TRIALS •:‘ this- author ! l'.• - Janla. 11 ire " Parser, No cam. TAN 4/•I it. 1, au liintarb al liratba in ti It'OHTII AND 351:11.TII - 31 r 4 .. and Hi , u,l Li r, it., !..r. Mar, bauta and lie„ , -t !hipline*, I, Ertwinals Ilunt, E,111,4t !knit's Marultaut.' , un• cloth, Kir nab , hy 11. MINER .t .n. 27 No. Sintaillrld ntrart. . . - MI{S. ALLEN'S lIAIR RESTORER, r - 'Ms pia'ration, whir), Lg, l, sass too. , ta fail in .y sage alpra Ilcod I dices - Ie n., renters-, the hair to ita airan rl J. .5, I Its rad d; . and ir antra tan t.J ang,ln pr..p.rly Val aatc obi) L, YI.I2AIING 5,2'' Coro, Mart --t ...... AGAZINES put{ %,,:t Ti 1111,1.1 3 .11 Geo.:411)1.0e, Son &Co. J t . STiIECEI EI - F i n . awl Fri ti 104,, 1,11.1•1,1 .. 11 / 1 .1, 1 1 and r/1111 . k . K . . 0 Le , 1.0 ; „ lOW CU{ 11110,... Iliad.. L., .41,, , ,110 ur p RUSSIAN BI -1:") ca,es I, r ,ailc Lr It. A. IA 11. s. (,fXb d c. •p'l3 ir.t and ict DIIIL V , 11.11”1 IIL1n• Rl'Catidlems. Means & Co., I. Wick \A T 11( )1. ES.k RI WEIS, and 1 1 ea!er , in littiU. NAILS, (LI,ASs, eirrpi)s yA11y,;;.,,,,,j Pa t ._ n. t, out In, W.ntd and IVat.: ntrt.rtn, Ptit.littigt. pie _ . ACOBS . AM A 1,1i1)i PENS- --Tlit•-e ft" nil Iw 1. ,I,td an duraldt• an KlXnntirt tnn.l.• II OH! and „ ill It. I. n. tit. t n..itt...1 . the) ..trtint.• of mitt, the .4, of tilt. Ink. an mt...• 1 vartal.l) Prtt-t.. Ity W 11A VY.N. Stntton, liarn •Irect., AN , • x , ellent ttrtick: POTASH, put L 1: bo F I: DEA GEO. 13 LNG II AM T R A NspoRTA TioN LINE—Nit PENNA. CANAL - ntid RAILROAD —no• aubiairiticro are pr parad to slop REIT Y TONS (IF PRODUCE D 11.1 LIJ iii•lphia, or New York, vin tie State Wig L.. They will pay particular attonUou t.. Wry Freights hot Pittsburgh mud Johnstown. Ha v.tig a DA ILT LINE FIRST CLASS PENNSYLVANIA CANAL BOATS, Me 11..1, to lx. n 1.40 GO I' r::der VI/tire baLinftiAll... 0:1) PINGIIAII & Cu, 14.11:31U Liberty • t HAV /NG I'EIitCHASED the intere , t T11 , 1)1Al , the Pomt Vail. the are Of Ma). I will hethaftor carry the Railer and Sheot lion work, ih all their branches. at the 0 1,1 .t an b Water street, below Penn With the i rs 111 tine 1 , 11.111..., I hope to rt. 11.1, pettl.fik, thin tw all who favor me with the, trait .TAMES htlthureth Mar 2 , , Ihntl. inyl±gn;ind liIVE: Al2REof tir,t-rate land, direr I I cultN ntion, balance in prone eery ph-aslant looolon, about t Itilkei from A llegiloo) city. with large front on the New Brighton and Allegheny Plan': thns4l, will be sold nu Va.” term.. by . . P CUTDDERT 1 SON, • iny29 RY! KOMI. Agettta. 61 Market at . - WANTED—A YOUNG MAN t,, learn the Dry G.ssln business. Do,. with Nome exp,rieuce pre tarred. Apply at 2.5 Fifth It. A. A. NI ASIIN & Cu. _ .. . _ .. I t NGLIBII CA RPETIN N uS.—ROBINSO _4 & 04 - 1., No. 23 Fifth street, Imee now isyssing through t e N. - a Y.. k Cast.. Honor a large Invoice of English Velvets and Tapesptry Itrusewls Carpetting, a hlvh tvi shall rocetne in Stew days. 11114 1N! 111.8,1 10 show ti, any who ma) aMt the twat of Imported Ch.a.de Wu 111,00 also now In Sto...k of Brussels, 3 Plys Ingraiu's Stair Carpets, Oil Clot tie. /kr., al assortment•unsurpasued iu this market, end all at lowest prices. aprl2 SKELETON \'ES . TS---We have received per' Entress another lot of the Skeleton Vests u . hlch are ' undoubtedly the cooluat and lightest for Summer wear. lel 6 L. 11IRSEIFELD I SON. N. 70 W.... 1 at. SIIIRTS AND CULLA RS.---4 list. received from the Factory a full aam0rt,,,,,,, „f ~,,„r t„ , nail Collars. /kir Shirts and Collars made to order. jelt; L. lIIRSH FELD hSuN. N. 70 Wood st. COC6LATE-15 boxes N. 1 Norlblk for sale by Delid Al ILLRR 11, RICK ETSON Al'AlVßik BRANDY-75 boxes Lyott's • (~,tawha Brandy, fur nab. by MILLER dr RICK ETSON. MOM AN & CO., 164 Wood street_ That official try the lost steamers. myl4 -- - __ GARB. SODA—IS casks curb. Soda in store ALL FISHERMEN, Amateurs or Prdes. and for twin by MILLER A RICK faittiON. ...ti ',builds. ii I, .I...are to have the CII LA ItEi`tT atol HEST - - ' TACKLE in flu. city call at the sigu o t ti, . t i,i . m.., rr A R___l,s bbls. N. C., on hand and fir sale n, UN. N... lit 1v).)1.)*,:ir..0.. a,--id,”. ow, ii, h,-.. i • a tort ate. by [fel 01 MILL Elf Ai It ICR ETSOIi. .irtfilebt ~ GC NS, I.lsTot,s, RIELE. , . TABLE awl PI sli _ 'l' CI'TLF RV Ai. Ai.• 11. iii N a TE.T1.1..Y. WANTEII.—A dwelling hou,e, containing, 1.• 1 ~1 ' , - • N... lito W.... 1 .4. four or five rooms, within 111'44,1 minutes walk of ""- - this Aire. Any one having such a house to rent an rind ' 'NI l'fil . AN TIN-S. , at in tenant by addressing Printer, Morning Post Office. jell ' T fe9l.3t. WI lAA AM: , dill LEN'S . . . . ______ WHITE GOODS--Just received, a large TT oist -TO U:f ---= A Tw,, Story Fraire assortment of plain, Barred and Striped Jackonetts, _IA_ House, on Irwin street. Possession given imme- Nansooks, Bishop Lawns, plain and Ned Swiss Musllns, stately. Enquire of ; je2l] MILLER ,t, RICE ETSON Mulls, It, . ( jell A. A. MASIIF et co. AND B. LINIMENT - 20 gross of — Af- BEANS—Received and for sale by IN . lea's on band and for sale by term HENRY H. COLLINS. - je 2 Y L EMI NG BROS. 0.• t 4; *.!. 24 .-‘l, •—•--.......,-- . . DTVIDEND.The P r esided[r and Managers of the TH Ti L A TEST NEW COMMERCIAL. OCompany for erecting dge over the Allegheny river, oppothe Pittsburgh. In the County of Allegheny, have this day declared a Dividend of One ihdlar and Sevent3 • BY 'I'ELEGRAPH. Live Cents on each share of the Capital Stock of the Cou pany on which dividends are made, out of the profits of the last eta months, which will be paid to Stockholders or their legal representatives forthwith. JOHN 'IA RP Eft, Jy2:stdeltw—cliD _________Treasurer. ----- AGRICULTURAL NOTICE.—The trial of Reaping {r,3ll.aelifnits. under the management of the Allegheny County Agricultural Society, will take placo on THURS. DAY, Jul) 10th, at the Farm of Jamem Wilkineburg. By order of the Judging Committee. Jy2:3tdil tw--chD O. P. SHIRAS, Secretary. No. 38 FIFTH STREET, ONE DOOR EAST OF TM? EXCITANOR BANK, Pittiburgh, Pa. SPRING TOOTH HARROW Illuntr.ito4l Nrm, nrll th , llvrewronh 11 T M. .Fl 4 .1 N. 41 Filth ell I treq ~_... =.~:..: r... •• • • • n • .• gst •.> • • .- .., t. - , _Znat,craE. NEW YORK, June s.—The steamer Black Warrior arrived this morning from Havana. Sugar had been pretty brisk, but the business of the holders, who are demanding a further advance, has somewhat lessen. ed the operation. Muscovado is in good demand , and scarce at 13((y N. Molasses have further ad vanced, nod selling at 71. Lard $15,50 17 in bbls. and kegs. Rye has slightly declined. a Freights ' have materially declined, and.many vessels are li•ad ine leaving in ballast. Exchange bad advanced 2} 431 on all descriptions. London premium; New York and Boston 6 discount; New Orleans 4 discount. The Fourth iXißoston Boirox, July s.—We were visited with heavy rains yesterday forenoon, followed by oce m i, u ,„l showers up to 3 o'clock, which somewhat interfered with the festivities and duo I , ulehrution of the Fourth. The review of the military, the firemen's procesAon, the dinner of the city officials at Faneuil Hall, and the regatta on Charles rivor took place according to programme. The balloon Young America, piloted by Mr. Wise's son, made a highly successful ascension, remaining in the air about two boors. The fireworks wire poet,.oned till Monday. NEW VURK, Iy 5. —The ste• i• it Atlantic sailed at noun to-day fur ,Liveri,_ . tAkes out 12u t it e,engers and upwards of s9oo,Mto in specie. The New York Errn iny Pool publishes p c u ll, siggied by several leading Democrats, who decline to support Buchanan. Inviting their fellow Democrats, with like feelings, to meet in Convention at Syracuse, tin the 24th, for consultation, and if deemed proper, for politiculorganization and action. CHI , do°, July s.—Major Fry and the Santa F party reached St. Louis on the :Id. In New Mw.c ire the Indian truuldes bud broken oul with renew. violence. Many tribes are engaged in the hostilith Gen. Garland is peeparing for a campaign un an en tensive settle. The party met a large number of Ca !mulches and other Indiana on Arkansas river await ing an armistice. • Large Democratic Meeting INDIA NA ',LIS,' July 5.-- A very large Democratic meeting was held here to-night. There was a tor c h light procession and transparencies, with several bands of music. The procession was about two miles long. There is great excitement.. The N'ourth In Baltimore BA LTI MORE, July i.—The day was reryyuietly ob served yesterday. Nu accidents of a serious nature ~, ,irred. There was sume fighting this morning betweeu rowdy gangs in the western part of the city. Some were wounded by pistol shots. The I , ourth In Cincinnati. INNATI, July 5. There wag, LIo public eekbra tho, ycgterday. Thc private demen.truti u ns uere , onto extensive and ikt,h , y. A few accidents oc urrod, out or two of which were fault. Nomination for Congress J --1 hmen I,,,vt•joy, of kitirieri noon y, hay helm it .minat f...r i.'"ugroii , in the n. t of %Vlsig Nation.' COliVttliloll. ld.,t is% II LI., July The ptopored Nnt,nal Cur: WU, uut held yueterday. AUUT lON SALES T_Tut • SF,II()I.D AND KIMIIKX 'IT RE AT AI ATI , iN. Ito T 1 In, 1 Job' et lu J, hr It, nt Itoariling 1-iitiretio Wiwi! nod Smithfield strertn, VIIII iixtish tersortittimt iit Ihirtut tire, inshing which 1:11/11-41, Chairs, kettiy, borituon. lith Anil poyi V 1 inAttrsigt4l, work 11111/ .41 parl•ir, eh:Asher rind •tntr 1,1111,14, tire ir.inn. Chi I,i, gaiovnykrare. A. A .iiie zo;itiri.ir rook it mire, quantityof i i oh 11/111, di'. • ftA t N. Av t't. _ Altt:E :IND I,ol' tiILUEND IN THE stn . ENTII AT Al elli/N in'ill) RSILA YRy ruing_ July .}4ll, o'n lack, at the Ater ,•lhilitii Es. hang, n' II be thitt ilegiratile pl ee and itnate on Cravrhiril iitteet, hay lien? oi triet, 11. ii feet t.• Tann-hall ottiiiit hit No. N•, tit iti Lhe I/1 11•111 11111 • -. 11 nil 'too Ihirt..l, 'i't .h: reeilitus iu "tie nn , l Iw tr a itti lot r vt, siYurrit I , j temd 111111 111 .rlLtag,.. I . U. DAY'S. Au..tiereier 'IIIE 1 1 1..". , T1114 - 1'('1)1 11T of, nu. I \ Ihr 1),(1.. I ,•1 i . l . l::imyll ibis 1111.1.1 AM %! NTF.I:I t.: A•!, I tp.t it,r•: illin :it'd fur Tat,. it, ~ , 1 IN tl 3111...../ 1 . 1 ir.c.• vr,. . . I E., ri.Evyitw.sl. Marthil. 14 -11 I ;(ialPS fl 7 :l)fict.;]) t • ' 7.. 2. , 1 J 1111( )11 N 1% ( 111 S. k \). K Kce,VAN(.P. \' 11,. i,. urrtat Lank Snn'S and svl,l .I,t/ art•full v at!. tat,' t n N.. .1 .N SPIV 111'11—DING. Fourth j, 21 11:AI 1 --;;10 pigs Lt - ad 1,.w 1.01/111 51.841/./ter •• /brut • au,11,,/ aalc b %II! 1 • THE , I'AT ESMEN OF AMIlti,L2. IN 1 , 1 , 113 Myttot, Maury Ilkolina.4.l to , 11,. t.y R. T. V. NP \ IN,; TArK ~i„, . tteetlartill t2trertm. t• 2 :21t..s the hot NN:22.tit:. • ro 1,122 re 1.-awing. Mid Ctl/J rur our clerk . 'lows NI: trri 136 ‘41,222:1 222:r• • I —-- - - pisT,)Ls. (;•-, Furtii• 1.. I d . • urn, aleclti r et: It. W 2t I1T)..7)", 1:e .o FII ; II 1 IN lIAN bal:,;", STI.•. ; • 11111111 \ 1.,1 I 11:1q.1:1 A %1.. : ;,..• n. 11 ( ) L . 1. 1 )1 S.l 1 , F.lltlS ri r bah.. n 1 pp t. l'IlltE!:T 51 lilarket 1;1)R 5.% LE (.)It hAK tElt --.1 II 101..1 N.lll, J ........ 0 s. orrtlicEßT %. 1 , 0 \ . LI ) la. lit .l. Fait T 1, - ( )it V (11()ICE 811 l 1)1\G 84()() 1.... i , - • • ~,,,,,: 4 14rg. I• 1 ,70 nit t‘v • xi i .rl, by .il,:i 1..., 4t el. 1. , ....3..il M , {.11 . 10.i .4/ NIL 15M•1!1' el.', ,111 I. . H .:/ .1,, I•• lA, eIITIIIII4IIiT .t N r%. t•l7 11,41 FI4I+Lt, Ac , titok. 7,1 N14:...1 et ( II)FrE E. - 1:0 ) bags prinw Rio 1',14.•.• ; tz 4V du 1.. •tor MI .r Kai, 1 1:i NJ. - no.l tiov Java .1. . "c. na.l 2.13 1,11,t t 1.:1(11 Al. - and :Liter the ne. aI l 1. 11/ OW ••ft , . 1 I,3ntrer I/ , IS In k ;tit; 11„) It'os--2lith , ill.. Slip's anil Sli..Mibi z i, 1 j for ...it' by .1,14 II F:NRI it. COLLINS. (QTARl'lli--lMi lixm. ft,lehoster Pearl St iri•h kj for snit, by , jrl4] HENRY 11. COLLINs. • PIRITS TURPENTINE- '',(l liarrols li q kJ tw,.. Ly i ,a):::.; i .1 Si . IIOONMAKEH 131,0m5. —loll limn Lake Champlain fur i.ii.ii ) :iiiiiiii ii _,, ii miriallEAl , . to Ili METAL. -100 tom. Anthrui•im:" iiiiiii..ii:i. l kir 0.,. 11 . ; 1 01{ lino. Six ( )eht e Pia!, j.. 1 f.r 111,.. - DA Pl': BOXES---21111 ES ---21H1 pare‘r. _L ri•c 9 d and mil, by JeT DERIES.-11t haN e in Intild the larizelit and ItIOMI varied nt. k of Eintir..l.l,ii, I, ',mini in thr city. tinvitig ri.veivi , .l wi ad l tem t•i . u II r, A A D LuE LICK IS ATEIt bLIN.IIf this rbrutod %.linernl Ilium Juni. I.y Ji - 11 Market iiirevt and LIG BUIL i)ING LOTS FOR SALP, the upper mill of Lawren, lortuel I) 11.011,1,1 j feet front by 100 Ivvt deep. fryv a ~ le,•1, and la very demrable Intnalloo f, rla aka,o, v. al. together. Apply to [je.ll] BLAK BLV A K Will': V. XTRA FLOUR—For sale by I_l4 Jell JAS. A. FETZES, Witter SCIIOONMAKEII, Manufacturer of J . White Lead, Lead, Zinc. Paint, Labarge. Pelt v. A.c• Wholesale dealer hi Oita, Paints, V.atitahes,Turpentin . ,., .'e., No. 24 Wood street, Pittsburgh. niy22 . _ SCIAESIEIi. (1001 1 S L. lIIRSLIFELD & SON, NO. 70 WK , STO.KT, Wilt open THIS (Wed n esda y ) MORNING, their new et,. k of MEN'S FURNISHING 0001)S, IPOr. Tile SUMMER SEASON, ;.• , 431e:' lEEE w - , .f. ~. From Havana 'Prom New York /I. A 111 r / y T,L.. MII LEH & EICKTSON, 2::1 np•l I =ZEE it1.51,1'1 V t , I:F'I1111 ,111, .;•-•;0 , =UM e 4 ' • ,• . , Xl.l/ ,-,A=o,l4str, PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE AND MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. WILMARTII. Vice Preside/4U., T. E. CLARK.B, 7'reaatyrcr. N. 11u1.11F2, JR. Sscre.ary. JAMES P BARR. :. , nntenJ.,.l. S T. NORTH A.)l, JR. annttn, J 4r.',nration for Jun, (IRO. W. CAS S, V. P. JOHN S. COSORAVK, HENRY LAILLIERT, PITTSBURGH MARKETS OTPIOI OF TA[ DULY 510ANT.,10 POST, } Saturday, July 6, 1856. FLOUR...Market active, and pricae advanced; sales 851 hide. as follows Sales 16 bids. extra from wagon at $5.75: t 171 bids do. from store at $6; 214 If:is. do. from wl.arf at Ws. superfine and choice do. from wharf at 8 2 . 50 45 5 , 6 21.,;: luo told,. extra from first hands at $5.87 . i4 ; luu 111,1 s. aupertlue from do. at $5,50; 15 bbl& extra family from et - re at 18; and 25 Rd.& extra from store at URA] Sr. - . Sales 150 bus. Rye from canal at 42; and 75 bids. red Wheat from flint bandit; at $l. ' lIISKT...SaIes 50 [ibis. rectified at 27r. IIACON.„The market continues active. without change in Prier.; the sales today am 'ant to 14.000 lbs. and 12 tiercea, as follows 4005 Its. shoulders at 93.5 c., sixty days; 2000 Its. ;1..01 9c , cash; 2000 lbs. hams at 1500 Ms. nugar-ctlnral home, in hit,. at 13‘ 3500 It,, eountry sides at 9 7 ,:,; 1500 IN plain canvassed hams at 1 lc.; 3500 tic. shoulders nod home at 4, 10' ; )2 tier,. angar nu red hams at. 13e., thirty days. BEF.F..SaIea NI 14 . 1,1, in LAB, at FRUIT _Salt. frb bnA.Re3 at $2,05. FIRE BRICK 511.1100 Bolivar cutnruou and extra at BRI CORN—Salem I ton at $120.00 ASHES _Salem 3 , tons Imported Soda at on Ulna, sad ~asks l'etta+ at he , (our t nuuths. SALT .Salea 1 , 41 bbla. No. I at 51,62i,j? LW. New York Market SEW I y s.—Flottr has advanced 10015 e. i bbl. on common and medium grades, with a brisk demand fur export and consumption; calve 10,000 I his, at $6,10@8,44,f0r row. Mori to <O,l superfine State; $6.50443,50 for extra do; 0,75 1i,50 for superfine to good extra Michigan ; $ 0 , 2 0 itr.6.611 for common to good superfine Indiana, IllinOls, Wire ,;11,1 lowa and Obi° $6.7(4;07.:.1.1 for common to good ex tn. 110.. and sfi.likkr69,7s Mr extra 81. Louis, the market dos. cog li rut With only a limited ;amply of good common grades and a disposition to insist on still higher pric,. liye /lour Belling in small parcels at $2,ta10t4,41 for line to • hol;•.. soon flue. Ll;rn Meal scarce, and firmly held of for .I.•moy. s:i.i . ;;; for Itraddy win, and $2,05 fur puncheons. For Wheat then; is it brisk demand; the market for common ;;;;,1 ;11,111114 grade" of ; vd and wilds has advanced 2c fre-ic. 1.; bush sal.•. P.'„o00 bush. at i.l.fiairel,a7f;.; for inferior to guod Oil w ankh. Club; Mr,winter and spring to; xed ;I wank lc ; $1.70 for , W1111110(3 White Genesee and $l,- ;; fur <l.loli white Milwaukie, the markef ;•losing Imuyant. ;;;;;;inues steady, with is /I.lo4lPralt. export delicand; talc supply in market. but the balk is not In n shipping COl,- 'III 1,1 : eltd.lll 7,5 bu land; at biNrt of; lor common t;; prince Wost;•rn. Corn a shade firmer, and wanted for export, hot he ,Ipply hooted. Pork stead;; rules IOA, hble. 1i shade Anne, Bee( in good demand and market iliac, i'ut ineats at d;•maud. at 1-d ter paves. hotter tolling ..loss• If at 12. a I'd f..r Ithiu acid State, Cheese elcadY at C;fr;si-. Philadelphia Market PHIL\ ELYIIIA, July s—Finer market very firm, with steady dent,uni for eSp••rt. and but small stock: prkes further ad ,Aneed gal,' I:_ka) I•1•Ix standard brands at S l i,flutirie,,7s. loaing firm at last tigurea. and 200 bbls Western at 0 , 1,07 l.:,; ,[ante demand fur supply of city retail trade at $6,75,,a58,,al r, ,plinun 10 ram . y bt ands. ttyu Flour firm, and a abode bight-, titles of 100 bids at i; 3 ,3lirheir! at .33.50. Corn 1..11 doarer, and detuand act., e; Bales 1200 Lblet Pennaylva ma at $2.7... There but laic 1.% heat uttering; prime 101..• mach W 4111,41: .1 , 3'2000 I-,,. prime red et sl,2te 30.) bushels tt estern white at I.IM, and 1200 ,ufeet,,e Ryas, sere, and wantod: mile, I suo [. , , , ar.than.f. at 755. Corn b w .tanned. but very enure: await tales ano•I Stant.h• •in 2,110 w at .•0.• . in .Earn. 'lat. steady; 'tales Southern tit 3:4/y33. Mal prime Pennsylvania at 34. Whisky continues , watee: small sales libls at 32433; no !Aida in market. Cincinnati Market CINVINX.tri, July f.—('lour firm: the only axle heard of we. bids at j'5,78; receipts Thursday's receipts were • ~,dlned to 151 Idols. continues firm. with a tiii uel good dentantl; salt, 5'25 bids at and sth, barrels loan wagons at 26i,. Sugar quiet and the sales are con fil.c.l to small lota la a regular way at previous rates. 81.;- , •-es. A sale of . 211 Lisle was Made at 5'24 tuarket unchanged. ;. Ito hue Slid; at 5.1,15 for Barley, and 75 (or Bye. 14,11. I.,ma,,aeleeted, fic. Butter drat, with I; tirkois .18, and .4 bbls at 1 . 41. Provisions ere ,1 g'..11 1 .1 , 41 M... • tivity in the market. and the print' tend ore ard . the sales eontpriso lsu 55,16 Bacon ni t I nt l, ' .051 ", for ,lionlilers. and SOO bile Mess Pork al NCW Orleans Market. ,1 r July _—Cont Lb; Mo4e Pork t2l. Sterling ,• inhor artirlmi uncbang.rd. V7_ linerlsm'• Holland Milers id 1 / 1 .1P• 4 Oa. L !or brawl . , I =ME ni. •ly size., ,o 1 opirit t.. put:m.lv, it. IV, off, It ti• I k b .1,.• :1-• .1 1,11...i1 PIII. II dan In d - iwtolfal Lipon, Itl tl. >I t roa r IP) 11-.4, J. , . and in , iigt,altal, It Wai fy11,1•1 rALI•io et r.•ttitsfy h.r tho t 1131 1 .% uuph.n•nut 10. P att. uttlog n chztn,,...llointato al. 1 II at, CASUPUW—Ti. lu.•veUt lv cni Oro! to datz nterhave'n Ll44tand tkaiLld at $1 per bout, or nla I,ttle. for IL, Lp the pr, pn•t EV.SJ AM IN Manufacturing Pliarn•grentitlts tua,l Cbeurnits, Pittsburgh. In. It. R. SRL. LK tin , corner rd e r .c,tod and Wand atn..nta : and Druggists geuerall). Ju/411w • LimE. —11)+) harrels fresh received ;mad fir sale LIEN KY U. Cu I.LIVa. 14.1 ("GAR AND MOLASSES-- i.ypretati cotiperage, N. II Nltdir.st•ti; rt.. do "al: du do; idt do St. Jim,* S 14 Mincer 1.11.14 and prune 6 t , Sugar On hand and tot .1.• ley ti I LLER R ItICK ETSCP.II, lel6 21.1 and 22:1 Liberty greet. r l,„_-31ackerel in whole and half Wile. m.. 1 Whit, td.lt •• Trout rlalint .11 •• •. Fern:de liy , j. 141 HENRY If COLLIN' 11 . 01. SE TO LET A eommodious DtVELLINt.i the Sixth Pvelihyteriiiii Enquire ut the hun.r , or of NIILLEJ.: it HICK l'n*SoN. Nits. Lilierty eitreet k just received and 44 1.., kVLE.ttt Nil ( )1 T.‘ FITAE - liis. just recei‘od 1 - I.E3llNii ILEA \F:1: 110.NEYI'--_'Ugni...in a, I FLEYiINti tifl'M A lOC -- till Ws. 111 iiiiiiii .r ) r LEM Nli BR?: Et IT S Slrltsvl.errt,... .1.. .1 .1.. 111,k1,, ri , /, 1i11 .1 41,1,,,, 1, /11:11I+ 111 1..4111...r fin It} IF It & 1 , r.11:' iN, \ 'lClurrlerl II ot ul =OE HOICE L.N.ND , AND IiEAUTIFUL L.O. f.vri,N,;il)l( F,)RsALE. - urn, junk 1.4 3 ond 110. Alleglooly Comeirry, ou tlu• p'..olk rood. In fot,,t terns. gloubb o rs, ke. Alm,. acres I...ideto, of Juno-, Illukely, Loi. For inlue foul Item! F:stxt- , )111., .pf t' l l . lll4Eltr X; SON. st. OLIVE Ull foi ~ztb, by IIt.:V)IF.R A ANDERSON, N. 3r. mt. Si. Charlx.. Flott.l ANT VAS 111 I'E ~.1.. .1 . —lsl' 11,s. i i i i i .}. .: N t.; , l r \ e .c a i l:d aw... ti.r t:1_01 TI(Ali ACANTII 300 hand k_A and t I , y lje2l; FLE)I ING EROS. 1,()1 SUlLkit P Iu 1.11,1... Svry Slf oiist• `yrnp. sale Lr F. R. DRAVI), No. I Dixt.ol,l. 21 : 17 ,‘ iotniW in's Pico CIIt Chewing "k J Jot rec. eel xud L.r eak'o itiqlttat e. ANDERSON, Nu. 34 {V led et. FOR TII E LI . 1114; FUIA M.annwth Bliol'llElt JONATHAN f, oh. FU L 4TfI just urriv,td, awl nu has Harper's Magazin° for July. C 4.11, ..r 5.0,1 4111,1 gut thorn bath, ut W. A 01 LHENFENNEI" Fllth "l.• the Thontro. Farmer :+ Every-day - Book, or Sketches of ..rto..ial Lir, In the C.na/try ; with the popular elements of pritetleal and theoreth al agriculture, and twelve hundred I and telniin g to t tLies , reli g ion and literature. Alva , ti.t• hundred rreelt,ts 1.1 , +t lc and rural er..onotny. ht the Itev.,l..he L. Blake, D. 1). For .ale by irelB; It. T C. N. JI Fifth at. Bi NGIIAM PROPERTY FOR SALE. We have n very pretty residence for axle ou the south stun ot line Monougahalia river S in d near the first dam al lii. nu:I:Jot:0 The lot is 24 f. et front by 12.0 deep, with trutt trees, shrubbery, . The house is two stories hi g h, built of brick. e•mtaltis tire well finished, recently painted and papered. It will la. sold at a Nixon. Apply to BLAKELY & RICHEY. VALUABLE FIFTH STREET PROPER ,' 'FY FUR have for sale a lot of ground on Filth toot front by 100 feet deep, situated within a few .1.1.1!":141 Alderman Hc3laster's office. Title property i 0 offer at in bargain, the owner basing got. West. Titles per fect and clear of all hactunbrance. A ppl.r to p.l tt BLAKELY & RICHEY. rrEmPLE's Colebrated Boriug Machine, Patented February 20th, 1828, may be seen at the En• litidilon room of M. F. Eaton, No. 130, First street. C. GUYER, Jel7.9lJ' Agt. for Ihr elle of Territorial Rights Min AND CROSS-CUT SAWS ; (),.. nail C , mti Scythe; AinHS. Bellows suit Vices =2l flay and Manure Furkm. Together with a large and osteukivc astwrtnieut of Ilardwarv,jllSt rervivod and for aaie Lew, at No. M Kind 811 - 6 K, between I/almond alley and F.,orth etrert, Pittdburgh. `3AWL. FAIINESTOCK. -• ' • ILV2It TO LET.—A Liver' Stable and large yard 11 in Mandn,a,rt,. rent. Apply t, !'tl 131,AKEIN & RICHEY. I_)ERFUMERI—A large and tine lumort -1 meat of cheap and handsome styles. just received and 1•., wale by jel4l FLENIING BROS. T HE IST OF JULY AND THE 4TH OF JULY.— Harper's Magazine for July. The Brother Jonathan fur the 4th of July. Ricci cat and fur sale at 11. MINER & CO.'S, je21.1 32 Smttbileld at• Tar Rrrea.—On Saturday evening there were 0 feet 9 inches in the channel, by the metal tnarks, and Itatlonary. Weather pleasant, and Mistrial's dull on the wharf There are 14 new steamers now flnlehlog at the wharf—some of them of large dimension and sulttl fur the fall trade. Tag steamer *Rosalie" it the regular packet for Wheel. iug this morning—leaving at 10 o'clock_ UEO. W. CAR AttOuNAGT.—The steamer " Argonaut,' Capt. 1 'Lea n, w dl leave thla morning at 10 o'clock for St Lunin and interme ti. ate porta. The Clerk, Ed. L. Brady, presides wall grace «n I dignity Paanengere will find themeelvee well treated and cared for. Tot new steamer "Thomas Scott" made a trial trip 4.,n Saturday below the city, and every part of her machinery worked to the entire satisfaction of owners and engineers, and of the latter there were many practical men on board-- a larger number than we expected to are. The "Thomas Scott" is of light draught, with every capacity for a light draught steamer, suited for the present stage of water, draw. lag only twelve inches water, and cont•dns every thing re quired for the business. She will be commanded by Cal t L in John Furguaon, a practical river man, betides being an ex perienced pilot. The "T. S." is as light on the water so the American Deer on the prairie. JAM ES O'HARA THOMAS BELL. Tuz Mamas liostirrst.—Thle flue building, erected by the government, a shott distance below Manchester, an the tihlo river, is an ornament to this section of country, and a great consolation to the:poor and distressed river man, when cote- pelted by stern necessity to select a home issideitotwallA ; but one thing seems to have been omitted in providing for the comfort of those living there: the building stands in the middle of an enclosure, without a single tree to throw a shade upon any part of the grounds. The expense of netting ant a few tree" would be but trilling, and we are surprised it has not been done before. The oppressive heat of the past week or two bits shown most urgently the necessity of providing some place where the unfortunate inhabitants can enjoy a comfortable hour, and we hope those having authority in the matter may be Induced to have the river front set out with trees, under which the superannuated mariner, when unable to follow his employment, may sit, and enjoy the sight of the passing and re-passing of the craft It has been his delight so long to "run." We aro sure It would be grate fully remembered by all the " old tars" who sojourn there. The St. Louis papers of the 3d contain the following items: A rearms' of the freight, damaged by the sinking of the " Moderator," at Rising an, arrived here Wedueaday on the "Cambridge," fur St. Louis. She also had fifteen balm of rchandise, for [.eight, Rite A Co., of this city, which wan uninjured. The river at this point is about at a stand. Upper rivers are all reported falling. The weather is extremely hot. and business uncommonly dull on the levee. The "J. li. Come," Capt. Woodburn. le running in the regular packet trade between St. Lorne and Louhrville. Ste STEAMBOATS SUELNED.—Yestertlay morning, about four o'clock. a flame was seen to Woe from the St. Clear, lying :Icor the foot . cf Biddle street. The tlamee Increased, and rapidly.aproad over the boat, and before long, the blackened hull was all that reinsined of her. The lire communicated to the Paul Anderson, lying be:ow, and the .1. M. Stockwe I and (Arend Turk abuse. While the four boats named were burning, the Pennsylvania, Monongahela, Mettle Wayne, &await - Nu. 2, Southerner and other boats were rut loose, and flouted down. All these escaped, with the exception of the Southeraer and Saranak • which were destroyed, having bscome entangled with the wreck, winch had broken loose and dotted down. The Editor, wii,ch lay above the Scud:- . enter, asenia d narrowly. Ohe of the burning boats lodged for a few moments against her side, and she would have b,-er, lost, but for the energy and address of her carpenter and others on board. Tw o or three barges were also con stned. The fire originated in the ladies' cabin of the St. Clair in which there had been no lire fur two weeks pi t. This beanie to the supposition that it wits the work of an in cendiary. The 01. Clair, CapL Barter, was four years old, worth about 310,000, owned on the Ohio, and probably Insured. The .1. M. Stockwell cost when new $30,000, Insured in an Ohio river town for $lO,OOO. The Sarawak, owned by Capt. Willard, of St. Louis, was an old boat of little value, and not insured. The NW Anderson was divested of her machinery, and of little account, infrared against fire in the Cititens' Insurance Co.. St. Louie, fur $2.000. In behalf of Messrs. Beck A Nelson. The Southerner was built in Mobile, and owned by Gen. 11. Kirk and others. It was reported she was Insured in Mobilo and New Orleans, but we are informed that Is not the rase. She was not inured. She was a new and good lost. and cost about .$20,000. A.cahln was being put on her. The tirand Turk, owned by Mesana Newman and Obadiah Kutrirds, was an .Ad boat, worth about $21,000. and not in• gored. The Wats Lurned had no freight on board, and the tutu is tr. - an „SNO.UOO to SUN) non, BEM B INCHEN WATER IN THE MAXIM B METAL )4.016 &RBI VED. Siearner Col. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth. '• Ronan, flenderickson, Browns - ville. '• Jefferson, WraKiward, Brownsville. " Lumrue , Bennett, Brownsville. " Nebraaks, Bears. West Newton. •' Nathaniel Holmes, Illinois river. '• Venture, Boles, Wheeling. .• EMMA Graham. Ayers, Zanesville. Jorol. Poe, Stewart, Louisville. Donleich, Beltzhoover, Cincinnati. DEPARNED. reamer Bayard. Peebles. Elizalath. Iletideriekson, Broa JelrerAon. Woodward, Bruwneville. Luzerne, Bennett. Brownsville. Webro.sks.. Beam Weett Newtun. •' Tigress, ller,i , Wellsville. Pittsburgh, Steubenville and Wheeling Puckett'. The ROSALIE., Capt. tiro. Doris, and the Olt If, Capt O nortaa B. Moons, will run as ttgOULAIi. DAILY PACKETS between Pitts burgh, Steubenville and Wheeling, stopping at all iuterme• diate Porte. The DIURNAJ. will leave Pittsburgh on Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays, at 10 o'clock. A. M.—Run - Est.:a, she w at til leave Wheel on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, I .' `f, EtiT A-. CITY will also leave Pittsburgh on Tneadays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 10 o'clock, A. lit—itarsuatuna, ,he will leave Wheeling on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri lls) s , at 71,4 o'clock, A. M. Fur freight or panage apply on board, or to 3. D. COLLINOWtXID, Agent, No. Front street .. . _ . . West Newton—Regular Packet. Regular Dailey Packet for West Newton. it connection with the Connelsville Railrma. The I` zrolleut and very light draught steamy NE BR ASK A, Capt. C. BEER, will leave DAILY (except Sun •lay) for W..st Newton. in connection with Connelville Kull l`tunligreel and Shippers will apply on board or at th Wee:t Newton Wharf - l. ot. tell _ _ Tuesday Packet for Zanesville. etrAtner /01.11 A illtA LIAM, Capt. Mos , the N Auuorr— wtil leave h•r the above and interturcliate ports on TUES DAY, July 8 , at 4 o'clock P. M. For fright or pussagi.upply on board. 117 Thu steamer ARGONAUT, Capt G. C NI'LANE, B. Lcx Baker Clerk, will leave for the above and int, rinediale ports uu 31UNDA Y, July 7 lit, at 10 o'clock A M For fr,ight or paasage apply on board or at the PITTS BURG!! MARINE ASSOCIATION ROOMS, No. 82 Wat,-r ntrevt. Th. steamer GRAPESHOT, Capt. A. M'lla IDA.. i ld i agl Wm. ..11'Bitml: Clerk. will leave for the above and intermediate porta on SATURDAY. July sth, at 10 o'clock A. M. Nor freight or p apply on board, or at the PITTS BUIIUU AS 'LATION ROOKS, No. 02 Water trret. The Eiteunror VO.NONA, Calk J. N SIWNIC— ekrk, liumAe—will leave for tli Move and in termediate ports ,n TUESDAY, July dth. et 10 ”'n loek, A. al. Fur freiallt ur peteettgo apply un huut7, or at the PITTS In MA.ItINE ASnOCIATION /WWI'S, NO. 82 •Itreet. For Cincinnati and Louisville. Thu stormier CASTLE GA RDEN, Capt. If. H. DEVENNT—CIerk, U. A. Doknues—will leave for the abort, and intermediate ports on TUESDAY, .1017 sth, at 10 o'clock. A. M. tt,ight ur passage apply on board, or at the PITTS III:lit;11 NIARINE ASSOCIATION 1t0031.2, Nu. 82 itcater 4tlt.tt. For Cincinnati and Louisville The strainer CLARA EWAN. Capt. (1. W J. Mitios Clerk, will leave for the above and intermediate ports on SATURDAY, July :qh, at lo .i.1.0k A. M. Fol height or pvolsago apply on hoard, or at the PITTS BURGH MARINE ASSiX:IATION ROOMS., No. 82 Water ,trovr. jy3 • T ENI 0 N & C O.- THAN SYORTAIitTh ju LINE.— Having made extensive p partition, this winter, wit are now prepare to do a HEAVY BUSINESS by PENNSYLN ANLA CANAL i RA lI.RCAD, TIIROUOIL TO AND FROM THE EAST ERN CITIES. We can imitate our friends and all those disposed to patronize the Pouna.Canal and Railroad, that no pains will tat spared to render general satisfection to Ship pers of Ea..toril and Western Freight. The AVOIDANCE of THE INCLINED PLANES ON THE ALLEGHENY PORTAGE. RAILROAD will give increased despatch to the tratlenti.ion of freight. Office on PENN street, at the Canal Bailin. mhla LLOYD & LEMON. QTEAMER PAUL JONES FOR SAIIT- Ki The undersigned offer for sale, the line steamer PAUL JONES, as she now lies at the w hart', at Pittsburgh. The PAUL JONES is one year and four mouths old— leugth 18u feet, beam 35 feet, hold CVO feet, two engines, cylinders 23 inches in diameter, 7 feet stroke. She is in complete order and well found in all respects. The cabin is the most approved style, and fitted up in the moat elegant 11.8.111,. The PAUL JONES will be sold on the following terms:— say one-iifth cash, balance I, y, 12 and lb months, with in terest and approved security. If said boat is not sold at private sale before the let day of July next, she will be of. lyrist at public auction, and sold on that day. Any person having claims against the PAUL JONES, will forward them to the undersigned for settlement along with the balance of the claims, as soon as said boat is Hold. tnno.l3jyl chJ IjEFVB TRANSPORTATION LINE.— Anticipating the want of facilities fo - traimperting Freights to and from the F emit Cities, via Pertin.ylvsnla Canal and near We ha, increased our stock of Boots, &c., on some, to a DOUBLE DAILY LINE, which gives us a capacity of over 1500 tone per month each way. We assure our friends, and those disposed to patronise the State Improvements, m w th i e tb re pr w o ili mpluE lio e r izimm : d 7 wAtch on . our part to render general asidefaction in forwarg Eastern and Western Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, pa. 1.11111111 RIATMt NEWS. PORT OF PITTSBURGH Dean. Ite-tl. Dubuque. •` Grapeshet, WDride, Cincinnati • Aegonnui. Cincinnati. STEAMBOATS. WHEELING, &c. Z4NESVILLE SAINT LOUIS, &c. For St. Louts CINCINNATI For elnannail For Cincinnati LOUISVILLE W. A. CALDWELL, I Tay ,. s MARK STERLING.) } : 5 . Health and trStrength must thell tably Follow its use. BOER ti A VE'S HOLLAND BITTEic HOLLAND 11121 EDY FOB DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, A ND the various affections consequent upon a disordered Stewacl, or Liver. Such a.lndigeatJon, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Palau, Heartburn, Low of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affec tions, It bas In numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. Nature doh, no new enemy to combat, with this delight ful tonic in the system. Its effects are ahnotitt magical, yet the cure permanent. It communicates no violent chock- to the system, but by arousing its rile/ energy to normal ac• Bon, enables it to throw off the nzu..e, and thee thoroughly eradicates the disease. When its medicinal virtues are so universally acknowl edged, and particularly here, where it has become to popu lar a family medicine, that it is sold by many of the grocers as well as all the druggists. It would seem needless to offer further evidence, yet as there are doubtless some who have tried many advertised remedies, and still suffer from Dyspepsia in one or more of its dreadful forma, we subjoin the following certificates, the authenticity of which cannot be doubted, coming as they do from persons so wall known. WHAT IT IS DOING FOR THE SICK. Wm. Scbuchman, Ecq , the well known littographer,saym "I hare frequently used Bcerbaresa Holland Bittern, and find it invarbfbly relieves indigestion and debility." Rev. Samuel Babcock anyEl: "I found special relief from its use for a severe headache,. with which 1 had long suf. fared." • J. W. Weedwell, Req., arty.: "7 have need literhave's llol and Bitters myself, and recommended It to others, konwhog t to be Just what it 1, repreaented." Ald—lonathan Neely, of Lower St. Clair, says • "I hare de iTed great benefit front its use for weakness of the stomach od indigestlon" James M. Murphy saps• "After several physicians bad failed, B(erhave'm Hofiend Bitters removed the pain from my heart and stale, arising from indigestion." The editor of the Kittanning Pm( Press says: "After one of the best physicians in thin place had failed, ficerhave's Holland Bitters cared me of the worst form of dyspepsia." Francis Tali; only rumnifitoturer of the 'original Ex tract of Coffee, says , : - I know that your Holland Bitters is one of the bast mciticinen in the world for a disordered stomach or liver." Dr. Ludwig,editor of the 'Terkel," Baltimore, pronounced It a medicine deserving the confidence of the public. Dr. Eherhart. the leading German physician of Penna., has prescribed it frequently during the last three years, with marked success. in delslitated states of the dlgmtive orgads, or of the system generally. The manager of Ballou'n Vinegar Factery says: I used it myself. and was therefore induct to try its effect upon my wife, (troubled with the great debility common to ail 01 consumptive habit,) and really it is doing her more good than anything she hes ever taken " NOTICE! Whoever exts to (Ind in.thLs a beverage will be asap pointed, bat t o t he sick, weak and low spirited. It will prose a gratefal aromatic cordial, possessed of singular rem edial properties. CAUTION! The great popularity of this delightful Aroma ban Induced many Imitations, which the public should guard against pur chasing. Be not persuaded to buy anything else until you have given I.l.rhave's Holland Bitters a lair trial. Orieliot tle will convince yod how infinitely superior it is to all these Imitations. Sold at $1 per bottle, or air bottles for $5, by the so proprietors, BILVJA.MIN PAGE, JR, & CO., Manufacturing Pharmaceutist, and Chemists, car. Smithfield and Third streeta, Pittsburgh. 0 ENEII AL AG ENTS. Philadelphia, T. W. Dyott & Pone, 132 N. 2detreet. New York, Barnes & Park, 304 Broadway. curlier Duane. Buhl more, Caspar." Brothers, day street and Penner. Avenue. Cincinnati, John D. Park. Chicago, Barclay Crothera, 213 S. Water et. St. Louis, Barnard, Adams & Co. N. Orleans, J. Wright & Co. my 2.2 it. C. Alc LAN E'S LIVER PILLS AND VERMIPUGE IMPRO'VED. DR. I. SCOTT, a regular graduate and phyalclowof exten sive practice end experience, Induced by a commendable de sire to alleviate Manian coffering, as aetl as to excel, had per fected an IMPROVEMENT ON 'PILE ORIGINAL LIVER PILL AND VERIMIYUGE OP DR. C. McLANII, Having prepared them remedies as the medical partner of Dr. C. McLane, for many years. OWL 13IPROVED LIVER PILLS AND VERALIFIKiIn possess greater effitery and are IllOrP mild in their operation than the Liver Pill and Termifuge prlpared according to the rigitial recipe of Dr. C. McLane. We make this declaration vinderstandingly, and recommend them to the afflicted an being both *Remit and curative, and believe them superior to any other Liver Pill or Vermifuge ever prepared. Read Cert.ltleale of Dr. C. McLane, below. THE WHOLE WORLD CONQUERED! DR. I. SCOTT'S CELEBRATED WHITE CIRCASMIN LINLVENT. The ladversalrelief afforded by applications of this CEL EBBATKD KING of Pain Killers is moss of ltheninstista, Gent, Lumbago, Sore Throat, Bruises, Spramis, Swellings Sufloese of the Joints. Sciatica, Pains, Scalds, Burns, Aches 17 or any other diseae Gar which a Pain Killer or Liniment hi, need, enables us to assert positively that Dr. I. SCOTT'S CELEBRATED WIIITE CIRCASSIAN LINIMENT is the most reliable, safe aid pleaelint remedy yet discovered, pas sewing astonishing properties for DEALING DISEASE and TUE PROMPT ERADICATIuN UN PAIN. The many at. to Ito virtues, given by 11.1,910 of enlightened Judgment and strict Integrity, should induce all to adopt, It as a standard Family Itamoly. The moot incredulous *Br require nothing more than the following testimony of Dr. C. McLane, distinguished as a great discoverer of medical remedies: READI READII READIII MOIIO.I,NTOWN, Ye., Sept. 12, 1825, This is to certify, that I have exurinued the Itecipe for pre paring McLane's Ituproyed Vennifuge and Liver Pills by Dr,' I. Scott, who has been IN THE HABIT OF PREPARING AND USING SI Y ORIGINAL MEDICINES IN MY OFFICE during the last THIRTEEN YEARS, and that I believe be has IMPROVED THEM. I make the above staternatt the more willingly as I HAVE NO INTEREST IN THEIt WHATEVER. I would further state that I have frequently u...l lox CELEBRATED WHITE CIRCASSIAN LINIMENT in my practice, with the happiest effects, and that I eau C 414- ecleutiouely recommend IL C. McLANE, IL D. An the above Medionom pretette,l Rolely under the super siou of Dr. I. SCOTT. Sold by Dru,:giste and Starch:tuts • The GENUINE Dr. C M , LANT'S IMPROVED LITER PILLS AND IMPRoVED VEK E .ignerl by Dr. 1. SCU'IT A Ct)., accopiraukod by yertiticnte of C. MeLAN.E. The GENUINE IVIIIT2 CIRCASSIAN . LINIAVT nigar.l by Dr. L SCOTT *EL nig'r.attue of J. B;_err, M. D. DR. 1. SC6TT .5 CO., Sole Proplietore, Bank Plaie, Morgantown, Va. DR. G. 11. NEystat, Wholesale Agent, 14 , 3 Wood street, Pittsburgh. JAS. P. FL.II3IINO, ITltoleitale Agent, J a22 , dlylsawlyapcBt] Near Rail real Depot, Alien hiny. ACARD TO THE L.:\ DI Es.— DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN MONTHLY PILLS FOR FRMALRS. The combination of ingredients in Dr. Dupon csi'm Golden Pills, are perfectly harmless. They have been tued in the private practice of old Dr. Dupont° for over 30 years, and thousands of ladies ca., testify to their great and never-falling success in almost every can, in correcting irregularities, relieving painful and distressing menstrua tion, particularly at the change of life. From sto 10 Pills will cure that common yet dreadful disease, the Irmay. Nearly es cry lady in the land suffers from that complaint. The above pill hao permanently cured thousands, and will cure you if you use them. They cannot harm you—on the contrary, they remove all obstructions, restore nature to It. proper channel, and invigorate the whole system. Ladies whose health will not permit an increase of family, will find these Pills a successful preventive. For particulars see di rections on the box. Price 51.—and will be sent to ladles confidentially, by mail, by enclosing "stl to either of the fol lowing agents Sold hv SAMPLE A RBED, general Agents for Allegheny City; FULTON'S Dreg Store, Birmingham, JOHN D. and by W. A. GILDEN FENN SI A CO., N 0.43, Filth street, opposite the Theatre, PittriburAta who will supply dealers at proprietor's price*. Sold by all Druggists in the city and United States. apr2l:6md3p PRIVATE DISEASES—DR. BROWN, No. 50 Smithfield street, between Third and Fourth streets, devotes his entire attention to an Office Prac tire. His business is, for the moat part, confined to private Votereal Disrasts. and such painful affections, '. brought on by imprudence, youthful indulgence and excess. it vitae, typhilinc Eruptions, Gonorrhea, (Meet, Stricture Urethral I/isobar gnu, Impurity of the Blood, with all diseases of the Venereal Organ. Skin Diseases, Scorbutic Eruptions, Tetter, Ringworm, Mercurial Diseases, &subset weakness, Impotency, Piles, Ilheuntausm, Female Weakness, Monthly Suppreasionth Diseases of the Joints, Fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections, Pains in the Back and LOlllB, Irritation of the, Bladder and Kidneys, successiolly treated. Cure guaranteed. Twenty yearn' practice (ten in this city) enables Dr. Brcraii to offer assurance* of a spessdy cure to ail who nmy come un der his care. taco and Private Consultation Ronnie 50 .9.lnitheeld at., between TlOrd and F, unit streets. JA-:e' Charge. moderat.. R. BROWN continues to be consulted f; w the cure of SECRET DI&BASES. II success in long-manfflug MEWS is unectaallsid. The afflicted are invitiO to call without delay. Person, afflicted with Venereal ',le mma, Rheumatism, Films, or Seminal nobility, should not delay to get his advice. Letters containing a foe, immedlete• ly answered. lleh•Oirlos. and Private Rooms, No. 50 Smith^uld istreo botweou Third am! Fourth iitrewta, Pittedmrgh L• lIIRS 4FELD & SON WILL OPEN THIS (SATURDAY) HOMING, NEW TT ES o r eaT S U Al Mti it Cvi A T 3 • "liiCi Received per livpress. Alms, Dan etsles rf 21.111131 ER CEA STS AND TIES, Recelved per A tlantie. 1.. HI RSLIBELD & SON, __Nu : 70 Wood atree, FIFTII WARD PROPERTY FOR SAI,E. A Lot of Ground on Pike street. between Walnut and Lactory Streets. with four separate Frame Houses, In good cooditiou and well rented. Will be. sold cheap. jel:h " 'BLAKELY & RICHEY. _ . 30 pockets Java Coffee, 50 Bps. each tini bags prime (11,1 Lagoayra Coii.e . Ecceiveil by F. P. int.v‘ii. _ . . EFIN_D BORA X -30 _ 0 lbs._n_t_re an d XL, for sale by 1.1 02 1 i FLEMING Ella& ts6ooo FIRST CLASS BUSINESS . Paper wanted from one to six mouths, to run. Also, purchase mortgages, city warrants le.neht arid sold.J K. MORANGE, juLL2w ' No. SEt..: Finirttestriwt. t IR-100 bbls. fresh, thi., day leceivect; -1 " and for nab by 1,141/1 lI.ENRY Lt. COLLINS. „, , 4"4-44Yr.t. ..t . ', . ' , RIEDIGAL fnovs-dAwly ~r.. V?: \.i ~, ...._,. ._.,, ~.'^ . .L . . -........., ~'..~ .. ~d<' t I Y ',,. r' x . I ' .. % . :,•,!,...4•'7',:.-,'„'.' F , d . 1 ' is ii 1' it 4 t Nti ., P-. , - 4 -`,.* ~%` ~\ .~~ 9 ? ,~ ~ f~. ~ J'~ - 4 . V'151.. ;.4 ~i ) _,..:4 -, 5 ~ ,Q.,:...,, ~. ~,,_-_,..,..-4, -.04 , ,. 3 41,4t,'! • • ..it` , 4' - - 1 ' "' , :41 Er2lll - „ , ?, fi_%' ?.:~:: ;.r