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' ' ' • • ' ?"..V.1'4 „ . 7 a ek• ee- 0,61 0 ~,„,-,,*,... .. i .- , ~,, 0Q - Z r ,i: r ..' 4-P ,. .„, -; -... 0 ". %to te. qtr' s 4 8, •• . ci, Z 4 '......,,.. .„:.• , • .. .• . , Ilk - 1 : %0 -' r4-k , vo 14 4.-7.- -..;.-4 - -43 , 5 , ' 1401 40 V:: 4 74 • ~,•-1, ''•••",-.. - 4 U . `O, 4 ,' kr• ‘-• •-,4` . 4 • , -.. ~' i . °P• 41.."-• -. & - - the-k•-• .O ' , . , Pc ..' , - .0) , . •-, '• . - ' 4 "1. , -,_ k ... 8, 1 i 1 ..•:"_ . .. 8 i. • • ' ' *!4' r 4, 4 oftli lit a 4„,..e. ,e 4 ,i6ea f 4,„ ."` • PiTTSiITRGR MORNING POST. Printed and podioned mem Flaming, (.9w days excepted,) I.ll4 , 4o,kaotitias, DIONVOOMEItY, ON mall NOETIPIPPEIP CCOMIN OP IMOD LSD lISTH MISTS TEILM.B.—PIve Doflarea year, payable strictly in advaace. 61x twww - lably raired if not paid within the year. /fir Single copies, Two Ocirro—for sale at the counter in the Office, and by the Newe Boye. ..! THE SATURDAY HORNING POST Published frotn'the same caw, on a large blanket size sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In advance. Single coptee, Pres CENT& papoiwill be discontinued, (unless at the discre tion of ilieProptietors,) anal all arrearages are paid. ';1~>~ Ala - No attention will be paid to any order unless ecconi panied by the money, or satisfactory reference In thi, aity. Gainected with the Eletabßaiment of the Morning Post is one of the largest JOB PRINTING OFFICES in the city, where all kinds of work to done on the shortest notice, and mon; perlOnable terms. PROFESSIONAL CARDS -'," t ' SAMUEL C. WINGA.RD, ATPORNKY AT LAM, PITTSBURGH, PCNBA. sir Office in BARBWELL'S BUILDINGS, Grant street, (nearly opposite the Court Howse.) (Witty CHARLES W. WINGARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, EBENSBURG, CAXBRLL COUNTT, AirAlllo practice. in Huntingdon, Blair, Clearfield and In diana counties. fel, Mly. OBERT C. G. SPROUL, Attorney and R Counntaur hi. Low, otr:o No. Fourth street, Pitts , burgh. JAMES A. LOWRIE, Attorney at Law, office Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between gtuithfield and Cherry alley. decrLay JOHN BARTON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, office corner of Fifth and Grant stroeta, Nue burgh. je3fly A.M. P. ROSS, Attorney at Law, No. 100 S Fourth stmt., Pittsburgh, fourth dour below Mr. Rody Patt.erson'e Livery Stable. Je2B PTRICIi .NI'KENN A, Alderman of Third Ward, office corner of Brant and Fifth ameba, (formerly occupiod by Alderman Lewis,) where all business pertaining to the office of Alderman and Janice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. fetil:3m HAHL, Surgeon Dentist, successor to G. • W. Biddle. No. 144 Smithfield street. air Oa.* hours from 5 to 1 o'clock, and from 2 to 5 o'clock. fabl.kly _ 1' SCOTT, Deutist, Fourth street, five doors ..,3t of 3larkot Lome from 9 o'clock A. M. to 5 o'clock P. M. decALy T OLLN MOORHEAD, Wholesale Grocer and Commisaion Merchant, fbr the wile of PIO METAL laud BLOOMS, rout PRODUCE genarally, No. 27 Wood street, Pittaburgh. ap24 wudiaa musk alcuasou, Plttaburgh. MILLER &RICKETSON, Wholesale Gro wn. Importers of 13RaNDI KS. WISES and SEG ARS, Cos. 17.2 and 174, corner of Irwin and Liberty odrt,ta, Pitt. burgh. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarms, Ac, conatantly on hand. IY2O ED UID DITHEIDOL IILYJ:r L MIND IX ELT. CRLING, ROBERTSON & CO., Manu farrarere or Out. Pressed and Plain Flint GLASSWARE, warehouse No. 17 Wood stroet. corner of Front. Pittaburgli. lEiv- A.ll other kinds of Gladaware and Window Glass. at low Market priced. AO 1 r.dly J 111:28 E. LEDLI. -WSW' LI J. OLUIL LEDLIE St lILAM, Successors to Iqulvany LA 4: Led lie. tuauufactfuers of Cut, Moulded sod Plain ?lint ninl Faitcy Colored aLesswma., mad dealers in all ainfs Window Glass, Flunks, Vials and Bottles. Ward house corner of !Market and Water streetn, Pittsburgh. eilift ily REMOVAL. -C. ILIMSEN, Manufacturer of every variety of VIALS. RtYPTLES and WINDOW GLASS: black Porter, Wine and Claret Bottles; Demijohns and Cartago; also, Flint Moss in every variety, Warehouse Nos.lul Second and 133 First street, Pittsburgh.• mhSS FR. DRAVO, Diamond, Pittsburgh, dealer . i COUNTRY PRODUCE. offera for ado a choice stock of GROCERIES, selectod fur (wooly use. Spices .1 every variety and the purest quality, pound at his Steam Hill.. Also, Dried Fruits. Foreign and Domestic Produce taken in exchange fur inerviinndee. F. R D Me procured a full Retort meat of Landreth 's war. ranted OARDEN SEEDS. and invites the attention of all Wrested In rural athura janl 1 COMMISSION HOUSE.—The Bubscriberm have opened a lit/USO for the alieve purpose, at N.. 17 Smithil.ild street, four doora above the Mo:mu>ahcla Ilotete We will purchase, or note.' on coitirni.i.ion, for sale, no t siguments of FLOUR. BACON, f,IIEEAE. CORN, OATS BARLEY, FLAX SEED. Oit ASS SEED, BALED HAY. upou which we will make ad vaticee, or purchase at the be 0111.1iCet ratca fur cools. AU.: BO & Co. R. O. V 1,1.1•1/ . a. NGLISII RICIIARDSON, Fi.rwardin E and Commission >lerichantp and who'd-Ante dealer, FISH, BACON 11,111 OIL, and PRODUCE ir,euerally. War, house formerly occupied by Burtwidge & ughrani, No I Water and lfid First stroet PituLnreh. fell J .)lIN ' , NELL ATIVELL, LEE & (20., NVholesltle,Urtwers, Prodnce and Commiwoon Nle,hant, nod Pittsbut gh 31anufacturt-9. No strort, I..otm,en IA at, and Prx.ilt streuts, TOLIN W. BUTLER i'U., Forwarding au,' COMMMIIO II Me rchant& Jot%lets at all ktrlit.ol ItIANCFAtTIItILL 4 , LAD PIPE itto.l silt ET LEAD, No. 67 Po.ot tarnq., DittAttorzit. ettitt. TIFENRY 11. ('OLLINS, Forwarding and O tintntstti.,n Met( Itant, tilld la - hu-sale dealer in 1 , 111. CLIKE.SI4. BUTTER. SEEDS and I'RODLICE gvarrall). 'b Wool at - Leet, Pkltshurglt. mar 6 WILLIAM CARR :5: 120., (William Cart:, i.tv. , f the Arm of .1 Parker d C 0..) 1. holemle OEM end tlettlerr it, Foreiol WIN ES and Blt AN DI KS. tII Monoogahelh Ana Iterttlie‘i NV II ISK Y, No. 129 Ckolaneretol Row, Liberty gtreet. l'amburgh. hoi:y JOS E Pll FLEMING, suoce.; , ,,r t. L. Wil rot a Co., corner .I..t+Cp. Diamond. keeps ontioantly n , ;•.i, ..• ••• • ICI N KS, MEDICI N E CBI, I .-, I . Vl ER 1", and all aril. clot pertaining 1.. inn 1a1F,41,0 , Phydiciama l'ivacriptlona carefully compounded at bums. jetl.y =II - • • - - 01,DIING B ROTH E RS, su,....e,sors to ti 11 Kidd & wholesale DRUUGISTS. N 0.60 Woo,l xtr,t Putzlourgit PrJpricturi of Dr !Mane's Mebrate,l Vert. fuge, Liver Palo, Jalo JL. 91.-IB.SI.IALL, successor to H. Lee, . WOOL DEALER Bald COMMISSION MERCHANT, No 130 Liberty stre.4, Pitthborgh. Refer.,,—W. M'Chotoelt. A Bros.. Kramer A phy, nerriao . Brown di iiirloattriek. Pittsburgh, May 24, 1465 itiy24 IW. CILADWIta, dealer in kentuck . Loaf TOBACCO, RAILS on.t PAPER, No. 149 11teel styeet, below : 4 1.101, Pittsburgh y,~-'rhr higlast market pm,. in rush, paid fur Rage. _ W LITER P. X ‘ll- , 11 ILL JOSiP/I a, LICIaII.N. WP. 11ARSIIA LL & Cu., I inp..rters and ,l,Alers iu French and American PAPER HANIJ. 'NUS., No , 7 Wood strut, Pittsburgh. Afi - Sub ngetuts for the colebraP4.l itinnufact urea of Meow e. Delicourt A Co., Puts. aug7 p T. Q. IFIORGIN, Bookseller and Sta uom, :‘1%,•,y, on Land II general a-Yen - UW . III ..1 School, Miecellatwous nod Blank Brw4ts; Printiols, Poet ao.I Cop Paper. AI., uh c olesale nod retail, N,. lu4 15 ,00l street, below Piet', • ,mat sub, Pittsburgh . WANTED—it.z. and Tanners' Scraps. apls.ly Joits 11. mELLOB., 11'h — .Resale and Retail dealer in .114:S le AL I NS FRI' MENT:t, PI A Soft, MUSIC, SC;11001. 144elitS and STATION PRY, N Woorl Or, 4 Pittsburgh. PLIILIP 8111 XVI RODICHT I. ANDERSUY REYMER Sc ANDERSON, (successors to J,llua Rh,.} es & C 0.,) wholesale deniers lu FOREIGN FRUITS. NUTS, SPICES, 0( /N FF.CTIONARY, SUGARS, A,., No. 39 Wood stroet, opposite the St. Charles Hotel, Pim« burgh. ap2 ATINDLE, Wholesale and Retail SAD . DLE, HARNESS, TRUNK, VALISE aud CARPET BAG MAIIUFACTURF.E., No. 106 Wood meet, Pittsburgh. JY 2 S , Y VNTERPRISE WORKS, No. 136 Wood 12/ street, third door below Virgin alley.—BOWN & TET LEY vrou!d 'all the attention of Sporting nom to their large assortment of GUNS, MYLES and REVOLVING PISTGI., , , the largest and best sele,ted stock mer opened ill this mar ket, together with s general assortment of Hardware, Cutle ry, Tools and Fishltrg Tackle, all of which we offer at the lowest pcasible prices to cash purchasers, or for good ap proved paper. marl S NORTII-WESTERN POLICE AGENCY, No. 89 Washington street, corner of Dearborn, CIII. OAGO, ILLINOI.i. ALL/N PL.NICER.TON D. D. 601 , 11 VAR. PINK EATON .t Co. devote their entire attention to ti e transaction of a general detective POLICE BUSINESS In the States of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. mlilfkdtf LOVES.—No. 124 Wood street, above Fifth.—We beg leave to call the Trade to our stock of Stoves, 110 l low Ware and Castings in general. Having perfect ed every thing in our line, we can safely say that we usenet be surpassed in finish. fitting, and smoothness, by any In the trade. Merchants will find It to their advantage to call be fore buying elsewhere. fell GRAFF, RIG MITER, & GRA FF. THOMAS OLIVER, SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, No. 4 St. Clair stn - et, Pittsburgh. fig_ Morse Clothini WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. JULIE M. EDiSERTS is now selluag otT his large and choice stock of fine Watches, Jewelry and Panry Goods at a very small advance no hret cost, preparatory to enlarging his Store Room and the purchase of au entire uew stock for the spring trade. Persons desiring GREAT BARGAINS should call early, es it is his determination to close out his present block with out regard to former prices. Don't forget the pIace—ROBERTS', 16 FIFTH street, near Blarket. fold MEN AND BOYS' WIN'T'ER CLOTHING —RA)SENTRAL A BRO, Fifth stroet,opposite Ma son's, have a large stook of Men and Boys' OWTinNo on hand, c omprising some entirely new and elegant &Win, which they are prepared to furnish at the lowest cash Also, a large and fhahicmable stock of GENTS' FURNISIIINU GOODS. declautly u. lIIGALOW ILLittel L. wrzvore 010801 ALBERT. PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY—BIG ELOW CO., successors to E. M. Bigelow, No. 4.6 Dia mond alley, near Wood street, Pittsburgh--CARICAGF:S, COACHES, PHAETONS, BUGOIEIS, and every thecription of FANCY VEHICLES built to order, and finished In manner unsurpassed for beauty of design, elegance of finish skill of workmanship and durability of materials. CM_ All work warranted. ENTERPRISE WORKS, No. 136 Wood •t., third door below Virgin alley —SOWN A TETLEY would call the attention of Spurting men to their large ma aortment of GUNS, RIFLES and REVOLVING PISTOLS, the largest and beat elected muck ever opened in thin mar ket, together with a general aesortment of HARDWARE. CUTLERY, TOOLS eel FISHING TACKLE, all of which we offer at the iowent laenaiLlc prices to cash purchasers, or fur good approved paper, tuarlo TJOHII a. 001W........._.T1105. IL TOIING mallow L.. TOUNa. TB. B. YOUNG & CO., No. 38 Smithfield . street, oppotte ciq Hotel, mannfacturear of CA B 1 - NET Futorrrms and MAIMS, of every deacrlption. Ma terials and workmanship warranted, and sold at reduced prices. Care taken In packing for land and water enrringe. 61431 II 1 , • •- - It , ' 4 . 4 •.‘ k•••.ge ok• 41. : •• • ••'' • '' t . E , ,i;, BUSINESS CARDS g, IV - hips, Spurs, kc '4- • ' sl / . , . , , j et - . may&. rat Li , 4 1 - • • 1 . y`' • • 'z's• • v ai •"2 .t. c • ••ri ' • "' 4 ° l•ir • ,` f I ' • V74,tij e µa . : • 4 .I‘-• - : • ?" .4 . 1 r , VitAttni4/1 ,Montiq Pot PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM VOLUME XIV. BUSINESS CARDS "Neither with my eye nor my faith will I trifle.' IMPORTANT TO THOSE AFFLICTED ITII BAD SlGLlT.—Persons suffering from Bad Sight, arming from impaired vision, constitutional decay, old age, ur other causes, would do well to cell upon Dr. G. E. SHAW, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, where they may rely upon getting Spectacles scientifically adopted to the JUST WANTS OF TUN EYE. Address, 21$ Filth street, opposite A. A. Mason's, Pittsburgh. P. S.—Telescopes, Microscopes, Thermometers, and every article appertaining to the Optician trade, kept and repaired on the peetnises. 4/./P - Glasses Inserted in old Frames. tba. Any article not approved of, exchanged free of rs. pence. dec7:ly NEW COACH AND CARRIAGE EAU TORY.—JOIINSTON. BROTHERS it W.. corner Rebecca and Belmont streets. Allegleh% City, would reulw. t. fully Inform their friends and the public generally, that they have commenced the manufacture of CARRIAGES, BA• ROCKAWAYS, BUGtSIES SLEIGHS and ell A• In all their various styles of finish and proportion. WS_ All orders will he executed with strict regard to dura bility and beauty of It inh. Repairs will also be attended to on the most reasonable terms. Using in all their work the beet Eastern Shafts, Pol., and Wheel stuff, they feel confi dent that all who favor them with their patronage, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their new work. Purchasers are requested to give CV a call, before pur• chasing elsewhere. octfel y AMILLIKEN & CO. have on hand, at • their extensive CABINKT and CHAIR 34ANUFAC TULLv, No. ti 4 Srulthfleld street, a large w 1 ortmeot td . Fancy and Plain Furniture, which they will sell 15 per cent. low, than:custornary rates. Terms. cash only. [ilee27:y CHARLES BARNETT, HORSE SEWER AND BLACKSMITH, has erected a new and conanotheon Brick Shop on 'MERRY ALLEY, betwoen Third and Fourth strews., where h. is prepared to do all work in his line with the Ittenewt p pnteide. Haring had long experience In the, busnews, le, respectfully solicits the pativnage of hit of customers nd the public genendly. Ju2l _ _ JAMS S MELLINGER, Monongahela Pla nlng MIL would respectfully inform his friends and the the public that Lb new establishment V now in toll °poi a uou, and that he Is prepared to [tarnish Boat Odd., and MI all enters for PLANED LUMBER, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. Meant and Plank, planed on one or both shies. coustamil.i on hand. Sash, I.k.ors and Sionldings, of every description, nude t. order. • • . Bonder. and Carpenters would find it to their advst, Lane to give blota call, as he can now furnish them a ith Planod Stuff. suitable for eYery dtwrripuon of work. Fuurox CAR WORKS, FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, SANDWAY, Oruo.—The subscriber having moved into his new Works, recently erected, corner of Water. Nl'Douough and Sheldy streets, is prepared to cot, tract for and execute all orders for Passenger. Bagging, Post-Office, Hon. Freight. Platform, Gravel, Hand and all other ihweriptions of CARS. Also, for STEAM ENGIN KS of all sixes. GEARING, RA lb. gi)AD CASTINGS of all descriptions, and all other work appertaining to a Foundry and Machine Shop The Foremen of the different departments are scientifl, and practical men—mostly from Eastern manufactories-- who keep themselves informed and adopt all valuable mod ern improvements. tangtiktf i W. N. W KILELL. TILE lIOPE COAL COMPANY havir3g re cently met Willi Wines in transporting coal to ClEitits lititil, being insured by the ManufacturerN • Insurance Com pany, of Philadelphia, take pleaauro in stating that their claims were promptly adjusted by J. Newton Jomas, Agent of said Company D. BUSHNELL, Agent of Hope Coal Company, Cuicannati. Pittsburgh. December 7.7, 1335. j deal" pEVOLVERS I REVOLVERS::—Iust ceired, by Express, direct from the nninunictilfers, a Splendid /Wort men( of Cone's REPEATING PISTOLS. tour, Bye and sin inch barrels, all of which n, will sell for cash nt .18 low . pt lies as they out he bought In the city of New Vurl/ l'e' to g.klig to Aunt nail California gill 11114 the: they t at. titt Let,' by purchtuttng their equipage et haute. than the ran among stratigerii--as we girt persona a chance to ti i any of the als , re Piet.,le before leaving the city, awl to • - w.. of a Micro see refund the money. . . Oot.w.N & Co., Bottler, _LI N... 1` , 7 First street, would respectfully Infoltii tho put• iit that they hale constantly on hand a large guild, oA ROA I; I LLA, r:EILAL WATER, ALE AI.I rolirrt, of the best quality. The 11.' lon fa•nilless to partiealarly directed to th foot that Ow) leutie Al N [IT'S ALE ku its purest .1., Physicians reconiniond It to families on arronnt of iu 'sten, owe and in erazthritiliK -'LO - , It . _ y J. ILLESPIF: A C.... Le.k.ig 40:wNIAntsfActurer. ipj nutt denier,. In bt..L.t.ig PlAtee, hate 4.lism, En 01,111101.. C mI, and raucy We•el burgh. Vu hand mei rulvie to .n der, Uilt her m a d Nlnatle tilreeee Mult..gway. %%:dut.tt mud lltlt ‘e evety description. 04?-: 4 1eatuitkuLtPuss Deourate4 trod Citli -• NI A. SWILER, 'Wholesale and Retaii D•••• 1 , 4 1 . in Furtnv.. Stove, Ti.t Ir. u nu! 110u,k,yro' Hardware. Ti nnrr, Machin., aii.l I.n. Plat, Sln,t trio, Wire Riven, , 1-1 North Omood strnot, ..)pix.nte Bunkler'n .p.rB:d3ru JWIIITE, VENETIAN BLIND NIANUFACTI2- a asst, has rrOolferosi his health so as to resorts,' his of I.usiness, and has opened his BLIND MANUFACTORY. at Fifth street, near trio Pest Oita, I.etween Wood and Snuihfield, where he lists an ...alnico( 0u0..t with plain and fancy Worsted mid Stlk Trininimg, prepared to o'l any order iu list has, sin the most rea.sonaM. tarns.. His work is warranted to give satisftw - tion. or Home) refunded. sri,_ Old Blinds repaired. I'lease give him a rail, as he can't Ito boat in workmanship. ly _ F. SLIOPE, ERe fl ANT fell. a, Third ky.•t wt, neat dour to Uirpnte h Huil hug., thank!., the iery hlasnl patrenuge Iterend tre bestetted niad, lea , begs letter t,. ask a continuance of the same, tot he es Letter prepared titan 4.1 et to turuish his friends and ••ti-- turners alth garments which will insure enuitt statistattrion. Ile always lieepe ou laud a large assortment .d the latest styles of VP:STINGS, CA.Sril PIKES, CLOTHS, A. , whr it It.• a 11l make to order uu the shortest utruce, Upon renmonehle tea.. to_ A perfect fit always warranted. ( uterlOttf NVOODWEL L'S FURNITURE AND CHAIILS, a Irulattale and retail, OM hreelLig ever) style lortnture, In Reaewaal. Maletgatki and Walnut. •un table I, parlors. eluinthers, ails! dining e.itne/ to enY in New lurk or Philadelphia, and at lower le - Wee. livery article mo b , by hand, (MI warranted. Cabinet Makers supplied with any titistutity of pelt.l.l -TUKE and CHAIRS, on reasonable terms. H o tel. and Steamboats furnhilted at the khortest Orr N arerunnis, Nas 77 and 79 Thud ..treet• amr2 pirrAßL Itti 11, I J. & 'l'. (JIOUTT I 311 . 01rkERS OF BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, &c, DEALERS IS Fine Old Mauongahela Rye Whisky, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY ; ALSO: RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS.' CORNER OF SMITHFIELD AND FRONT STREETS. PITTSBURGH, PA. DVID A CAMPBELL & SAMUEL POL LOCK have associated together under the style of CAMPBELL tk POLLOCK, for the transaction ttf a general Variety and Dry Goods business, and the manufacture of plain and Waved Line Gilt Mouldings. 111m9 WA'I'CIIES AND JEWELRY.—JOHN M. ROBERTS, NO. 16 FIFTH street, is now opening e entire NEW STOCK of Gold and Silver Patent Lever. Author, Lepiue and Vertical WATCHES, in open end hunt i•g cases, of the must celebrated English and Suns mann la, tore. Ala,, Gold Guard . Vest and Fob Chains, Seale, E'tys L Miniature Cases, Bracelets, Gold Pens and Cases, Pen din, Toothpicks, henry plain Set and Seal Finger Rings Breastpins. Ear-Rings, Cuff Pins, Studs, 51N..1, Limp.. Geld/ MIA Silver Siket . triSlOti. Silver and Plated Spoons, Knives and Forks, Jet. Coral and Fancy thssis. Also, a large stork of Abe best BRASS CLUCKS at ell print.. The above stock has been purchased direct from the Elist• ern manufactories, and selected with great care for the retail trade, and will be sold at a small adVll.llll. cult. . Watches. Clucks and Jewelry repaired; Gilding and En graving executed in the best manner, Mid Silver Ware and Jewelry made to order. JOHN M. ROBER'PS, apt- Fifth street, next deer to Market. DALY'S STOCKING FACTORY —C. DALY corner of Market alley and Fifth street, Buds it necessary to contradict a report that Imo gained currency. that be was selling off to quit business. Ile never had such Intention. lie inlbrms the public that he still continues to supply STOCKINGS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, And all kinds of HOSIERY, at his establishment. His Fac tory Is near Ryan's Building, on FIFTH street—open at all times to the inspection of the public. Ile has, besides the work of his own manufacture, brought to the city the largest assortment of Goods in his line ever brought to this city, which are warranted to be of the best quality, and will be sold at the most reasonable prices. He has but our Sales Room, at the corner of Market alley and Fifth sC. treet. DA.L'i, tuhlls Corner Market alley and Fifth at. . --- NEW INTELLIGENCE OFFICE—If you w.ut to hare help," find employment, buy or sell property, call at DOWRIES INTELLIGENCE OFYICE, No. 14 Fifth street, near Market street. Legal Documents and Copying done with neatness and despatch. [teltlati JOSEPH W. LOWRIE. FORSIIA'S 071 VIMENT—The best Lini .meat atnow in nae for imrains, brute., kc., 12 don. just received by JOS. FLEMING, corner Diamond and Market at. PIG METAL-190 tons good quality, cold bleat, ust received per steamer Irene, and fur sale by P. M. DAVIS, corner Wood end Fifth eta. GREASE—Bayes' celebrated Grease for Drays, Carts, Bugg**, Railroad Cars, kc, In cans, kegaand bible, for sale by 1ap29 . 1 HENRY 11. COLLINS. COAL WORKS FOR SALE.—Sixty three acres of land. with 23u at Coal attached, and all the im pruretnents thereon in necc,eetill operation. Said Farm is ~ituatud on the Mouonolicia river , 34 miles above Pitt, burgh, and Is suppliqd with p arn , , Ronse, Barn., Tenant. H o wes, °reliant Railroad. and an excellent harbor. The vein of Coal is five feet thick, and cannot be surpassed hi quality. For further particulars apply t.O NICHOLSON k PAYNE, jelßlf No. 735 Liberty street. WALKER'S UNEQUALLED INDEL- - rfax INH.—I have just received a large supply ol this celebrated Indelible Ink, with or without the prepara tion. It la offered as the beet ink now in nee. In a n 0 ,, the, money will be refunded where It does not please. JOB. au2f. coma Diamond allay and Markus et. ERNI • s, i S. 1n ; :A I=ll [Lows d TETLIa. 1311 Wuutl .trnet, Pittalburgh BUSINESS CARDS. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE N THE EIGHTH WARD OF THE CITY GREATEST IMPROVEMENT VET! I OF PITTSBUROLL—TweIve lots fronting on Muff NE"" SC A L F.—II. —II. KLEBER BRO.„ neat, aver, which is an 80 foot street, o verlooking the i'donouga 'L,aaver,eadi lot having a front Or 24 feet and averaging have Just received a small lot of . from 110 to 179 feet deep, fronting on a 24 foot alley. NUN NS & CLARKS' PIANOS, ,•.11::.777. , ;):.-•;, f. Also, twelve 14.t.s immediately In the rear of the above, provided with their NEW SCALE. Tins in '.; ..; ...- 7. . having a front of 24 feet each on, Locust street, and running their latest, and undoubtedly the 005 T 10- ' - - bark Ma 24 foot alley. Locust street 1. aCO foot street. rontANT improvement as yet fable to the Piano Forte. The Ten lots fronting k..n Blair street, now in the city district, POWER of the instrument in Almost D ociii.En thereby; immediately adpaning the above, only divided by Mitten and in taint of volatile, OVrilairoe and brilliancy of tone, they t s . e ," it not , surpass aro thing as yet produced in the Illitilitkiii a Pia '. which In asu foot street, and also the city line. Tb , ge lob, are 24 feet front each and averaging front Si to They possess all the guiveztalsee . uf the Grand Fianna, with- 14 , , felt leen, running back tonls foot alley. out any of in; disadvantages. S‘ e now challenge comparison Tell lots in the rear of the above, rites lot having a front with the Instruments of any other canker in this C o untry, of 24 fret .ill Locust street and running back 80 feet to a 15 rtallident that every unbiassed judos of the article 1011 at f oo t a ll e y . once admit their superiority. Tito public in respectfully in. tine lot on the corner of Vanbraam.and Forbes street, 211 vited to call and examine these superb liiiiirlilllvilbt. feet front ,ii Forbes street, rnnulug buck to St. Patrick's It. K LEISER & liko., alley 120 fet, whi c h in a 24 fool alley. Sole agents for Nunns di 'larks' Pianos Ti,,-i lots. 24 Ito each, fronting on Forbes street, rut, For Western iiiiilllB3lVAlllll. nine back 120 feet to St. Patrick's alley. Nu. Si Fifth str,,t. next door to Masonic nail. IN ALLEtiIIENV MT. P. F. — Slitendid to 4 ortittent of the above shortiY eni ,, t . 4 Alt, to, to, story brick btilliiiiii And b..' Wit! , !Mil for the Spring Trade elth bllibbilf, i eAril white A front of 22t,/,', f.,t, oil Fed -1 , just alas.• t 1..• :North o ATIMOI3; ruuning back - . ._, I to ~ fe-t alle). . .. . . . NEV SPRING STOCK OF CHICKERING SONS PIANO FORTES. J.)IIN H. 31E1.1., , 0R has ::,!:5 _ -- JuKt rt,vlvo,l heven more ,d ..- ~:t„.,CS, CHIC Krausl; 5, S 4 INS." i 4 -.. r PIANO F ., litTi.S, an., , om. - J ploted the Stuck, selected for Bpn ug Salve, ,d . Till Ry y •VI 1 E new mad nplondid lust rum, La.', of every vonvty cud vi) mannfkt ured by the Nlva,in,. Chickorfuge,,ltostyn.', from the Ow mot SIX OCTAVE to the 1n.,11t gplendally ii Die he.l Seven Octave Square Piano Fortes, as well as their superb and inimitable grand and Part, Grand E I IY PIANO ItiRTE to this lot is of their NEW SCALE, with ATENT IR , iN FRANI Es, and PATENT Ain'loN, 1111.1 are tart 1 alb warranted to tio, purchaser by the tivinufactureri , . bit by the subscriber. to be In all respects its iiertei - tlnitruni , n.s mail be mai'e, b o th In re t ras,l b. Material ai,il \%erlimanship. PRICES IN VARI A BLY TILE AME ar it; 11, 4.stou ,at t:,e ilnbutactury.. . . . JOHN ji. MET,Lo);, N.. P 1 NV , ..1 lx•tw,tl Dnus,..nd alle: an. I Foulth strtm-L Agent for Chickering S :+onti, Ii oton, for INttA.urgh at cl Weetern ITEW SUI'PLY oF PIANO FuRTES. j t,, a further rupply of Haller. Dar! , f O. s Iquuon, with patent eilopeflakfli bralge all.' an flffoslooll lug+, nthd with r•-peat fug Grand Aet As a pr,s.f su., , ti. , nay ..f [hero Plans, I+ f I. Is wing • r [nut ut a I t•tral t at the late \for !au a It/atou. uhupentf,a, :al. mak., J,..,.,.• Chief:mug, h.. was Presid , nt ..f the As. , •• The 2thusarwhue.tte hantatl., ISleelti.K r If sm...a, It tru57:1.1,14.4, w ;t7.c.17:. t. Ihili.t. .‘ C.,. for 11, brand Pith , 10 ti thi lit I 1- bah. of 1 .1 , 0, I•1111•1‘1..K1 bud 1111.3 1111 t• 1 1 1 h./ 1/1,1 \ 1/n11149 t/11 I,llll l lllt/1/ ;1/ comiwtitii , n with Memirii. 11. 11. ,4 Co • The .1 \Volt., 11. r, J o hn Lump,l6l (itatol •• lu t. me, • • ful,ronoil, tun and u 11.111 111 ,1 \ 1111'1 , 1. I\llll //o) . 1 ..11 1,1111.11,, The. , Ilan,. a, Inn. %Ith inllll ,, rt !ran,. r , t 1 •lithrt,lerk. et , • atol are trunk t- It. any , In alltittrutt to aLK.OI'. the on.lmerlb. r Itar , / Ihanon !non Itatuntrartiteu 1 II Ilan tot . A ‘V At Itorttun. and utlor walker, at Pet,,.. Irt.ut lt , sl,uuto, CNA 1;1, , ITTE IS L 1 Ni 1r. , 1 I 11 , uutt tottt. Nb 111,1 [xi Iz, hang. at their va:ttr. Another the , elt.hrat , t: 11 anaturglt rto Lin taleral w ntu es• t a ,t,evr,ukt, FOURTH STREET CARPET titORE. W. D. & 11. Mc(' 11.1,1 M, h: FoCRT 11 z. TF, I: T, N LAS:OUL.-Y[ Tua attz;;;!t;;T; talrchaFers ;A re.p , ,tfllll) of preewat It.: :NUN , SA LL- quallty Velv,ts. En.. 4 44,1: a:..1 1 4 ,1,4•tr5 1 Hrtm-1.1 and Tap...o.r,', 4 zraloa. itutl etMr liru.scla, I t 4 4.1-44r. 4 14,1,4nn an I I, Lx Ira and Super. 3 Ply. I P 3,444. I :4713.1u5. 44•41 trot. •rtt..l iatra ,1 to. I 141 , 11,t.., II ttt r Floor 411 l Cloth, tr.m 2 4. 24 t ottilttled mot Trtl , l.• l'r.•tr. I. 5t4,./..1.41 H I C. i'vre: Al, I C.• NI.. earth fillip', Mat,, : 4 4411 11..1- ' Alutth .1,.w tcrt , t, u1:•1 Butt 11..itnt,I, A. Will 1•,•• 111.551 at nal , . at I,r) ix ..lerat..• 4,- IN.. nr.• t.t• t.rra , ..! turt.trtt. }111:}11 \ C.\ It ['ET MANSFIELD SEMINARt ANu Allegheny County Normal School, .4 b.. n ink II K 1 1 / 4 11.11 NI 1 Is I 10 . I me ~11111/.11, =II Tuitiii 11 .MI Ttnutter, Hs •;..ntrtn, I enter att.! , Innl nt I\lly tan, In I. .I,ntit , n.• Inn tur..e .nt• It 'r-1 Ton. Ittng. furtlint tttfortuatt.at art* It V. 11.1 NI) S'l'.lMl'.--- Th. rtlwr. Aitt•ltt fitr tito •• F KAKI( 1,1 \ 1\ • A'.l I . CUM PAN Y.' ttl , it tit,. i•roptirt• it• ittlititt• Sttsinit w l .l. it. •t•t.ll 1111..tiA... AIL •I Foit It , !.. I . F• it Iltit.r • rt.., 1 S. antis. at, i I \--1.•••••1 it itt• : it. t: , 4 ltd. • 1.. to 11. r :11. • !, • • ittg t•itt , 1,1.,•••• nt,•l It, .vtir A:kV t..•• .:t MI: )1,•I the 0,, 1.., .1h••. 1:1 'lt 12( . 11 rttslattuttlti, itss. ttt Is , LI,: st. itt. , whs. S• t: .• It I -11 .1•1. 13. to tilt ot 3-1 II I. 11,1 , i•a-iter iti• ttf Itit RFT., 1 N11.111. , t-tots. 1 , ii It. g.-I,lal !,.pi, • t stip, t•ttll) trivr.lt nlttilt 'FIB It • td • t,:etti Irt,..lNett Crtt lilt) gin it. To•ii hip . lap LAT , IIs, 1111 , Fir-I l',•1 I,C, 1 . 4 11 --Al rj:Vr, \VA it IL I, pit ct•1111111.11ittit 1, 1 , 1 It , It., 1 CLETIF I , ' iiTE tit ts itA t i t.lt•l-t' I• 1.111 , 11 t I n ill , -111 , ~! ill, i•I• at. Ilia Litt. it t I titllt.tit Ati , l tit tho tt;llite tst t FI, , ALIN 11\,'I, ',TANI' COMPANY, Itt , ,tts. M N. 3S ILLAISIL 31.0 tay Luc[', UIi.OVE FEMALE SENIINA R 1 Th.. Trust-, ~t L,, net lit.p,.• F. i. opal ~•initifir) goo noto , to the' friend.. tire' "onion-, tl..t the It. , 111LLIAM 11. ChAttitc, !dating hven oolipolled I v pretria' ill health, to rosiftu all charge as Itea tor of OW till have been so fortntottd at to novo, the .•• the Rev Gtolltit. T. l i tters, et New loll:. tor the tlioll, It'll tutu, and who 'uteri nt ono• upon the dial burg, ot his do hr's. Fr al the very high and tid,tering commendations whir h thoy have had"( Mr. Rinix, the) have nu doubt hie rtnin,tt fours for the walk committed to him, that that Ohl believe that under his inanagemout the cenunary ono not fail to procure a large share of public favor and supowt Persons having datlghtxtli or wards to educate are parti, nuttily desired Ito axinaint themselves with Oa advantage, which this institution afford, b o th ra. r e op,t, Inn le•nnttill and nalsibrium position, two and a half Milt, (rent It,r ally: ant alto alto facilities for the thorotiCh andrefined oduiation ..InClult I a,lllll of instructors. 'irt aloe, may be obtained on arla h Catin to that Hector, a': either of the Trusto .h.tix H. SIIOENUIi,ER, THEODUKE 13. LTV gi I nviiwl ut,l3J HE CEYLON STRAW AT--Thc, :awn j_ ton or th.. public i 4 r,qu,,ted to our 1,114,4 11., style of ,TRAW HATs, just nrrnvd treat the lyric eombinieg the many qualities which h-ive Iss, 1. , :e wanted tA. make the Straw Hat sellable In every Way an yuuum•r fiat. It is tLr ollly SIM"( Ilitt wiuc tit, rain or (lamp wenn.. •ill nut affect- either in th, brim St, braub , • Lko prevent the possibility of it in any way. I offer this entirely new sty!, called Ow CEYLON HAT believing it to 1.• the Straw Hat that will give the wear, •ntire CHARLES 11. PAULSON, 73 15',..1 St. viy3o next door fruni then tier of Fourth. MOSES F. EATON. AXIENT FOR THE Sale it, Purchase of Patent Rights. And Dealer In every variety ‘.; MECHANICAL AND OTHER PATLSTS. Offic, and Esliiluti , n FIRST STREET, neßr Pai,burglL Ps. Iffyr - Orders for PLOA.LL•if Art tivm ,Ncry Hr.cripto.o prutoralytittendf-d to. At} .STS W A NT KJ/ Gli lot, Pistols, Port. Mon takies, Powder Flasks, :flagon., Ita;i Strops, PercusAi•ti Cape, Stiot Poncho and Roles. REVoI. \ ERS AND II FLES of all kinds and pab•uni. RepAi ring attended I, at short notice. Look out for the ~gl, of the IR H.DEN (1..7N. iIoWN A. TETLEY, liTi,, N 0.130 \Vood elro..t. I V I ENV 000bs—A. A. MASON & CO. will /1 open. in the nent few days, upwards of $20.000 WOLTH Ole NEW DRY G.SoNa, .1 us t pumhased At th, large public sales in Nove York. j jell - LING LISII LAWN ROBES-600 English _l_i /..w., it,,t,,.e ast received from Chu large A action z..kaes in New York, it one-half their value. j.. 2 A. A. MASON A CO. AA. mAsi.)N & CO. will open, on Mon- 1 ~ day. June 241. 300 calk% and packages of Silks, m.awls, lirehs Gaols, Embroideries, White Goods, .k.c., Just . ache. , I p lr u l r l . '"' ..,, r l Y a b t ee th t e m l a l.r k g ' . n ..public sales, at about one half; heir Serious using value. WRIGHT'S EATLIARION ' Vl.\ E ii I,A2K. S - IL - 1 - S- ----- A. ---- NA• -I — ' , A.. ON Are never liable to sun stroke. WRIGHT'S PREMIUM EATHAIII..N -l. S C. , . have pot received. per Faprees. 20 pea. plain lihn - k Sllks nor) ink quality and rich lustre. Also, son o . Is the most valuable acquisition to Gil; toilet. retaining the I ~,... , 1 ' • }tubes -. t L o w prices. { .., !lair in any required form. . egant pL1.0.,..i ..111144 . 19... 1, p.... For sale by Dr. GEO. 11. KEYSER. and K. E. FELLERS u r -I LECTICPitEPA.B.A'fIONS--A general A 0)... at 26 cents per bottle- aual6 _ _.4 assortment on hand and for sale by ALARGE f31(1.6K. HOUSE pleasa.ntlysitu- o,Y/4 ated in Allegheny city, with lot of ground 30 feet CORN STA. RC li—A fresh sploply of thi4 front on Batik lane, by 150 foot deep to al6 foot alley. The 11..., is well built and finished In modern style: portico in ru.) . 24 favorite nrAele, en hand aril for safe TrLBMING BROS. front. hall, two parlors, dining room. kitchen, 7 chambers, eeller, hydrant, paved and gravel yard, shade end trint il T 0 small sacks Table Salt: 7. S ' -.5 trees, shrubbery, A.c., all in complete order, for sale by 50 " ' Butter rail 13. 0 1 ;714,44a ,trION,SI. Market et. tioctivett.by (mph)) F. P. DRAY°. WORTIII . AI"FEN TloN!—Fott HALE.—A new dwelling hunae Just tinish•4l, twn stories, iLfritillpiti With hid'. INlii pad, ire, tin,, ioon, kitchen, three chambers, goad cellar, bath r. rn, kr a ity , Brant in the yard, and good Idable. The 1,4 1131 , 3 fna,t .1 211 feet on Garry! street, Allegheny city, by 1110 fret 'lip L ,,, !- lie street- Price *1,400. Terin,—itits. , in band, r,tnainder in our and in - . , years. S. CUTHBERT .t St IN, ap2h ii Maikri WRIGHT'S PIiEMIL'I KATHARION call! the head, and removes all eyutpt,..tns • t I kad• PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY. JULY 3, 1856. All., 3 .mull IWo story brick house and lot fronting on It.ibin , on street, on the North side near the canal, 16 feet front on Robinson street, running back 72 feet to a 4 foot alley. Ale.. my dwelling house and ground attarhal, on the one. tier of Stuidudky street and the South common: thin lot fronts uu the commoo no hut, 241) feet on Sandusizy Itreet,lll.lld CO fret..ni 1% titer pluperty is too well knows, to t1k4,1 oily partiruhir dosrription, an those who want to per will cell and We 101' tilenlibt-Itee. I will barter or eldninge for city property in Pittsburgh or A lieghcny thmarLand acres of land, cut up into stun .1 tract., cult purchasers. This laud la situated in Franklin and Tyrone townships, Fayette county, State of hiusylvazou. The Pittsburgh and Connelsville Railroad runs the mitre through thin land, faces the Youghiogheny rit er.and is just fifty mil , . from Pittsburgh to Miltenber gel', ',Lubin, andmill not be more than one and a half or two hours ride in the Lairs, as soon as the road to finished from Welt ewton to Turtle Cr< ek, which will be completed Ly Jffiy A ugulit next. Th., land is SO stuwbd that there is none of it more than tw, miles rein Layton or Sliltentiarger's Stations, and a great portion of It covered Willi the finest timber, tine stoue, the best tending stony, urn or glasti.lionat mud, and large hwutt F-r part iculai - s inquire of the subscriber in Allegheny city. apz....tand GEORGE kiILIfISNIISTIGKR. 1 4 1 I,Eli A N't I L.LUsT ItA'l'Ell NATIONAL ‘,ii KS. now imhliclool 111 hulllbereC— Nl.•rcc . . to neral Athos of the World. containing Perch!) , .11,ku and engrused from ft... 1 latent and beet. authori taa a tot I),eriptions and litatistict of all Illation. to the par Le completed in thirty-three semi-monthly contaitunc twn maps. t •rial eyelets-rho of BlOgTapily. embracing. a series of ile•ucars of the !met Ifinunguiebed persous of ell tom—, illustrated with cop wood etntravinfos and 23 steel p•• ral --I4r be completed in twenty three parts. poLibmit Cotirt or Amen-Iran Stchtty fu the dart at - It t ~0 In'. I. , r!rh!tc of dieting - 111.6,1 tk 1,11 1. , I. • 1.011.1.,,i t eat) •.. parte, latch to con- I.tl r. 0 I. o trait ,•tLeanly I the time of Wash- W •.f lirttt.it h.q....At...A.,: and chronologically sasni,sl 1r pm t.. ttcttt t. uLLI. tAlogrephical and r t 1114 al nott. t t, ..f 111111. I, Dr. Atkin artfl other, --tu LA , • tlttplot,l w fvrt) w.,..Ji purtu, .uurb , uXtui .M 44 twu .teui 1,1a1 , 44 W A 611.1.k:N FEN SEY & CO, Fifth st., opp. rit. (bp Theatre n 1317 Arum fur the h.!.,. G ENT LE MF: desirous purchasing a liandwitne eitlts:THY SKAT, will please clam , the following: 20 s P. of rh0.... land. In fine state of • tit.ctiilo.n. 4 tail, ft•ita thr t•iy. •atana the realdeurie of at.: r.-henilt An w l•ri• k dior•lling 11.,11,, with hall, two hug- parlor., a 17 by :;.! Iral dining r" m 1 and kitchen: • ha1a1.... a nurser) owl numbed ante; a porch along the kit, lien, nod a peril, -•• Ili front ot Ilte h,aur 7 a pump ut g..-I a tit, at the n dour. and a rlt.g •iuneentent: rrtaiut tutu.- of 4 r,.-•nr. barn, rnrriage how, dr.: large itr ibea. to The above f•ri•pert.t only need. to be t• f 4 4, freylateil rem lo• haul. t 4 NISEI:T . a Si iN. Agts tilt r Market Ytreet. I net\ V A ANI) NI I N ESOT ,f A.—Farm , 445) near Ststl.”lll. hnoly Irnir‘ vfel A Farm In nt.:, t tnt7. t •,iiing prune. near :linter. Ferro near 1., ./1r• 11.11.. ~, I 4I) :tn.. Prairie Laud, 01,6 t n 1 , ,• • , Itn es I, land leaf Si Wekt St PALO, Vi 111131.111 /: SON. Ntiuk.t otr,t. I . ,:t r , S. A. ALLEN'S IVJRLD'S HAIR A _TA. kV...l'oft Alt.—An uufailteg reshiret and premerrer I, sir and sight It in not aa dye! The lair null t• I •••••set :rev. ore r.'aloud i•i and prelate - Tod in their Ity it. i 5..., tge, atiectemilett wail gray 0 ,• ,tta,l Tin' R.lOO, Inc lett ,I.IL OLP heir, I , ut In , liner, t, IL it Atel natural 114•Pt'ilrllIIPP .;1 rio•I prehiirer the sight, uI, I ~, leehl.ti .turf. I, • : t tie mirth. Anil all ttehaterrit 0.: It i• ,IL:1111 cum fur :I,lorrl, =ME \lt • 11. Itruit..zr•a• •• I .1 •n• I, tn. •,•1 till 1)1:.1 I '1 . 7 , I E ii.EUT l'E"; AND AM .( o,r .‘.. II talatta.ction • •ry 1.1,1 Lairtyrtter ituild _, • . Y 7 r• $Oll •D•••t. Parth,lttr attrnth•tt laud to 4AI 11, -.f IA murk. 1,0111 than re t .1 PR ••1 litldrru taken in a at. • hath...l ety Iva. Anita , t'y ft..tn ~ry NuTICE - ala r. 4 ta4tfl.al that h.. Dm, 44, 4 th.• 01,10.4 va ato4 Ftailna.l l•qn;g1n). ulo , h nart- St,l. I au1.4.,4 Lnto 4 . ,%rttleu vellit'the !hi, at. I I ~,lawn and }..4 . t ‘,l n) 114 mud 1 .Ictm I tin- I....pot:L[l.nm 1h• Malt, 1 1 v1.1,0 1 .anitt 111.11311 K all•! 111111,i , 'or the, ron.i,d 1,1 14 1.1.1, thy It.llllo ..1 the I . tttld.urvh. tort Wayne and I M•a.,,, I:adt..a.l Company. and LL.d a 1111. 1 ellqg tO take into ..maid. rat aml .10.1de uppu IL.. il..loplwn or rnj, 11.. of 1 A tli Ito hell Ih do. llo..cvnd day of July, la3o. at t .trh. t o the t at the hour 01 II o'clock, A. !tl of that day. Jutle J.I. II gNIAII.2O)N. LANDS FUR SAIL.—The r Md, thr 1011,,valgIno.le 1,4 - Itt-•1 Iu 111, c“."1. .t E 1 hair •• ,1:1 1 1 ' • Tt.,4 1:: I• 1 ,S . .t gr. .1 ~. .rt• I•t nor rr tail trade•. anti ri illD ill EIMIESEIIII=II u.. .3:1,1 at, Pdtsburgh. April 2,1.11, 1656. GODnAE 11. IV LUTE, ()LIVIA W. BUINLa, OG). S. SELDI.X. MIME DIEM I r N arr..11..1 Pre,. lll•mierate 1, , mhls f. St,,kll,,ltlers"f tho OH" Ittu I tott,l y • • • • •I r T, zu le l A, 1. , . t•Ilr• 1111 1 I 11., I hl• •• 7 „ m.1,• 11, 1.,—.J1gt...,1l r.llro awl t. —, : 1:.1. .ptl. trat Is—go.: e.r:•• I'.nl; I ' nt s • t. r. ;.tt. t• •I. ^, 4 - ttil 1,111,. timber \t '.n vii--T1.:...• ,tr,,. i... Un 4,,, - ,,-tm G. -•J i'r.u~....,:. I , 1..... um.. i. , I Pekin Ton N. , 7S Fifth 1y II I ( RENT. -- A \cry ‘.lesillthle two - story Inil ki.tt,l Ott ktr....1. A 1..11/ kitx.rx tlttll. oto styli t, an,l ~,.11..r, all iu urclor. 11.11 t ft"- -1, klutik,ltalc. Apply BLAKELY .1t 11.1(11E1'. .k. )1 AS( Ct).. will open this morn . g lieratre de 111.111 , `M Fit 125.1. Also, .1001.` et , tatlia.le I..aines rt 12 , ,r.. worth 25c. m 3 1 SEN 1.1; A ROUT- - ; sucks for sitle Lv 13. A. YA II NICSIX.KTK C!).. lay2t, rawtiar 11a t and NV:ltat otrweta.. Eli Volt 1) MINERAL NV ATER, in Oak 1) nu. \ kak.ums, jlirg rrtuili from tilt : n.d.• .1 , qr. , . MOORHEAD I \.I,LEN .: S I .111.,A1 It ouh RESTORERr t Dounood . .Marlo.t At. lusll LIN EN juet reeeired flu. , more 1 . 1.••6 f bolt U1t1.1, , A of Inch of e .•i• y gratle—warratit ,, l all jr.o. flax A. A. NIASON A 00 DoTAToEs-15t) bur. White and B!ue etlutuilLalkit fur tsalo by toyl HENRY 11. 0.)1,41N0. UTTER-3 'his. tine fresh for sale myl HENRY U. COLLINS. 11( ALLIES--A. A. MASON & CO., are a,,100 400 ph.ces of rich Challtas at 5 and c,•ut, I yard 1.., than fruit !Kier, tuyl r OBACCO. —75 haf boxes far rite brands 55 Innsl .Inns mooltrlKA 1 1 ".4. C F 'O i ßN na. (IY' '. l: A .r i 's l ) ri l i' t„ fe e .r ivtql Mh l k tv • F. li. UtiACil. _ . B lA' E ASS--13) I . r sale by 3. A. FAIINF:STOCIZ & ('ft. Corner First Mild nts. _ SEED\f.iEir„r,e st ) tl lz co. DOT CLAY-20tous Copley's Pot Clay fur 6 3' u9'=2 J.-6eIitiONMAIOER... rnlIE GOLDEN GUN—At the Enterprise so. 130 Wood street, will be found a splendid assert on•lit ET TABLE CUTLERY, • • - , - MISCELLANEOUS. FURNITURE! RYAN'S BUILDINGS, No. 31 Fifth Street. Tus subscriber, having enlarged and fitted up ill goal style his SPICIOUS FURNITURE IVkREROOIIS, LARGE AND VALUABLE ADDITIONS To his stock, and now invites his friends and the public to CALL AND EXAMINE Before purchaning elsewhere TUTS STUCK IS WELL ASSORTED, Amounting to about $50,000 Worth, Consisting of EVERY CLASS OF GOODS =El= LOW-PRICED. And embracing some very fine ROSEWOOD PARLOR SETTS, Covernl with French ba.gra,lle OAK CHAMBER SETTS, Arlan great variety kJ New Styles of Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Book Cases, &c., &c AU of which he offers by retail, et WHOLESALE PRICF.B. igs. Every article warruuted to give eatiefection, or the money refunded. H. H. RYAN, In) 89 No. 31 Fifth street. EDMUND WILKINS, EAGLE MARBLE WORKS. HEAD OF WOOD, ON LI B RRTY SREEY, and at the Cemetery Gate. Pittsburgh. Pa. Monuments, Muriel Vaults, Tombstone. Mtuatel Pieces. Centre and Pier Table Tops, 'Washstands, &c. On hand and merle to order, of every variety. Mantels, fencing for Ceme tery lots, ornamental and plain, which is durable, and needs uo painting, at from $2 to fa per foot. Having been engaged practically in this business fn. [his t) years, twenty-three of which have been in this city, which I deem a sufficient reference. I will make new designs, end furnish any work in my line at reasonabla priced. TERRA COTT - t OR STONE WATER PIPES. From two to six inch calibre. PRICES from l to 30 Cents per Foot A L.S, PEARL STARCH For Sale 'Wholesale at Manufacturers Prices by HENRI' H. COLLINS. FURSVARDIti; AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, LTD WHOLFIRLI DEAL= !N CHEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS, FISH, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. No. '2.5 WOOD STREET, PITTSTIT'RGD JAMES A. FETZER, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, FUR THE SALE OY Flour, Grain, Dried Fruit, Seeds, Lard, But ter, Bacon, and Product? generally. No. S 9 Water Street, PITTSBOROTI, PA. Francis U Bailey, Esq., William Dilworth, Sr., S. Cuthbert Son, Pittsburgh; Boyd et Ott, Hnixkrll & Swearingen, S. 'natty, Cash. M. & ST. Dank, List t Howell, Crangle & Ueo. W. Anderson, Donlon, Paxton &Co.. Wheeling. (mylS PEKIN TEA S FORE, NO. 38 FIFTh STREET FRYaII TEAS.—A choice lot fresh Green and Black Teas, jest rceive.l direct from the ituporteri, whi:h will be sold vrh. , lteetlo att,l retell, at prices Loser than usual. mY2O 8. J A YNES COTTAGE HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. THE undersigned (with a view of rennw _l_ tog to another house in the immediate vicinity:l oilers or sale the 110USK AND LOT in which he now resides. di oat. .1 on Mount Washington. on the brow of Coal Hill. oppoint, the lower part of the city. The lot is 128 feet front .00t ;VA) feet deep, and has growing nn it a large number of fruit mire and shrubbery, consisting of apples, peaches, plums, cherrtea apricots, corraota, gooneberries, raspberries, grapes, A. The hones is dot feet front, 6 feet hall, and fits feet deep, with kitchen and collar. There are 8 1,01116, with bath room and finished garret. The house Is built In mod ern style, neatly painted and papered throughout; the doors n.lows and washboards of front rooms and hall are grained. ii•re is in Word stable. sufficiently large for two horses and A troll of gond water, a cistern. and all necessary The lot is enclosed by a paling fence 6 feet high. , f the nowt beautiful and healthful in curt trip,. out !whew& The it,eithitt inOW IVettterti Pi.nnnylt l'odnewiDin Oven the 10th day of June if required. Termii liberal. W. 0. LALIE, jolt N 0.4 Fifth street. Two Medals and Five Diplomas Awarded. AR'ruuK Patent Air-Tit oelpfiealing tin cane a flre-proof Yellow Wi Jars. Henry 11Igby the Agent of this city e Western Pennsylvania . the sale of the above arti at his China I.4neenewsre store, NO. Wood et., Pittsburgh, 1 where is also kept ill and green glass jars at low price, with larg at and corks. ready fitted sealing strawberries at sortment of China, GILQua. _ewer . - - wants of private families, ho keepers, steam boats and country merchants, all at moderate prices. jel7:3m REMOVAL. FRANK VAN GORDER HAS REMOVED t No. Ta MARKET street, nearly opposite to his old card. nod in now prepared to supply his customers and the generally with anything they need in the way of Tronmings, Embroideries, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery and Fancy (hods genernily 4i- Remember the No., 78 Nlarket st y DrvlDEND.—Citizens' Insurance Compa ny.-11. President mid Directors of this Company ha , e this day declared a semtannual dividend of six dollars per !there, upon the Capital Stock. Five dollars In cash, pay. Able to the Stockholders or their legal representatives, and me dollar credited to their stock on and after the Tad lost. SABTi.JEL L. MARSHELL, Sect. jelßrBw June 17th, 186& OLD TYPE METAL. WE HAVE FOR SALE, at the Office of the MORNING POET, a large quantity of OLD TYPE. Machinists and others wanting such an article can get a largo anpnlyby calling won. fob 9 STATE FAIR.--41e undersigned Commit ki tee, appointed to solicit imb,icriptione, to secure the lielding of the State Fair at Pittsburgh, hereby authorise JACOB GLOSSER, one of their Committee, to collect the mme. hlr. ULOSSER will call en feibecriberii during the present month. N. G. MURPHY, TN l'llE MATTER OF THE ASSIGN MENT OF lIUGLI D. KING. The creditors of Hugh 1). King are hereby notified that the undersigned Auditors hove completed their report, Iliu tributing the balance In the hands of William F. Baum. Amiignee: that said report can be examined by persons In terrsted, at the °thee of ROBB A APCONNELL, Pittsburgh and that the aims will be filed In the Prothonotary'e othec on the eighth day of July next, unless the same shall bees cei.t.,4l to. 'THOMAS WCONNIFLL, J. E. BRADY, je 27.3tdaltwf -4tutih.wr. .1 t. I, ^_4l, Iti'•o-'j FIRE WORKS—Roman_ Candles, assorted sues; Sky Rockets, t tom oue pound to one unlace; Fin Wheels. assorted; Serpents, Chasers, Stars, Wheels, Torpe does, Fire Crackers, kr. Just received biliTfor &RYMER A AND st. St. Chides liot!el. No. 39 Wood __- T 011,--10 bbls. No. 1; 10 du. No.ll;Au store imailkm washy SPB.OOBE HARBALJOIL. 'Y• PITTSBURGH POST. THURSDAY MORNING The markets generally have been tolerably active for the season, and in Bacon, Lard and other Provi sions a heavy business has been done under the stimulus of Eastern orders. The weather has been quite favorable, and a slight rise in the rivers has added much to the convenience of shippers. We are also pleased to announce that the breach in Dim No. 2, on the Monongahela; has been repaired, and the embargo on our neighbors above entirely removed. There is no change worthy of note in our Money market, which Is easy, although the customary July settlements will cause a more brisk demand. The banks, however, still discount good paper to the ex tent of their means, while the offerings on the street are not large, and are confined to paper of a class not generally offered in the banks. The Councils of Pittsburgh have at length settled that protracted question permitting the Allegheny Valley Railroad to come into the city. They have decided that said road shell enter by Pike street. On Monday night a meeting was also held to take into consideration the propriety of authorizing the Committee on Railroads to vote the stock of the city in favor of the consolidation of the Ohio and Penn sylvania Railroad Company with the Ohio and Judi. ana, and Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Compa nies, at the Stockholder's meeting. The Common Council voted almost unanimously in favor of the measure, while the Select Council, to the surprise of many, failed to concur. A special meeting was, however, held by the Select Council on the next even ing, when the subject was reconsidered and the ac tion of the Common Council almost unanimously concurred in. It is announced in the New York and Philadelphia papers, that Messrs. J. R. dr H. B. Fry, of Philadel phia, will pay the July coupons of the bonds of the city of Pittsburgh and county of Allegheny, issued to the Pittsburgh and Connelsville Railroad Company. The Ohio Trust Company, at their New York office, will pay the July interest on the bonds of the Cleve land, Pittsburgh and Hillsboro' Roads; while the July interest on the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad mortgage bonds, and the bonds of the cities of Pitts burgh and Allegheny; the semi-annual interest on the bonds of the city of - Pittsburgh and county of Al legheny, and the semi-annual dividend of the Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, will be paid by Messrs. Winslow, Lanier k Co., of New York. The Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad has made a half.yearly dividend of 5 per cent., payable on the income bonds of the Company. It appears, from the New York Journal. of Com, coerce, that the total imports of dry goods at New York fur the four weeks in June are $1,960,215, larger than for the same time last year, and $186,825 larger than for the same period in 1854. The in crease upon last year's total is over 60 per cent., very evenly divided among all classes of goods. The total imports of dry goods at New York since Janu ary Ist, are $20,924,628 greater than for the corres ponding six months of last year, hut only $3,000,135 greater than the same time in 1854. The New York Times of Tuesday, July 1, says that the money market for this week opens with every ap pearance of an easy supply and generally at 6 per cent. to the best stock houses, returnable on demand, and 7 per cent. on first class paper, GO to 90 days; pa per 4 to 6 months goes at 7. ; a9 per cent. Foreign bills are firm for the Boston steamer, but thus far only a moderate business has been done. There will be from $600,000 to $BOO,OOO gold sent to Boston for the steamer, and probably more, if the demand for exchange should improve. The official averages of the New York banks for the past week present the following changes, as con trasted with the previous week: Increase in Leans $1,103.530 Decren.lic in Specie 802,11)8 Decrmee in Circulation 27.713 Increase In Uniirawn Depositee 968,768 Marie Karis in their Circular, - dated New York, .tune 30th, say: The foreign news, with Liverpool dates to the 14th inst., received since our last report, though leav ing us yet in uncertainty about the issue of our con troversy with (treat Britain, had no effect upon our market. The rise in Stocks, noticed last week, has been maintained with few exceptions; the leading Railroad Stocks, especially Erie, have further ad ‘iiiiced under heavypurchases on speculation, as well as for investment. Some orders for Stooks from Europe have also been received, and business gene rally shows more activity than for many weeks. The abundance of money continues, and probably will be increased yet by the heavy semi-annual payments of interest to-morrow. Money continues very abun dant at 5a7 per cent. on call; first-class paper 627; .names less known Ba 9; stock contracts Balo. Ex changes firm, but only a small business doing." The Philadelphia Ledger of Tuesday, July Lat., The Stock market was very inactive yesterday, and closed dull. Only some $27,000 of loans, and about 950 shares are sold. There was nu change in rates worth mentioning. The money market is easy and were there no apprehensions as to the future, stuck prices could scarcely fail to show great buoy ancy. On all aides money is plenty and at easy rates. This abundance of capital will to day be con siderably increased by the payment of interest on the city debt, and of dividends by various compa nies. The Government also pays its semi-annual in terest on the debt of the nation. During the present month some millions of dollars will be thrown on the market from the sources above enumerated. If our pacific relations with klngland shall be maintained, this plethora of money must soon show itself in an advance of all prises, and especially of all stock prices. "The amount of exports from this port to foreig* ports, for the week ending the 28th instant, was $280,761." The Cincinnati Enquirer of Tuesday, says : " Although the last day of the month, business in Third street was very quiet yesterday. The fact is that but a small part of the finanelarbusiness of this city is now transacted here. Most of oar merchants keep bank accounts in New York, and make their remittances from day to day, so that we are not likely at any time to have much of a crisis in our money affairs. The quantity of Drain and Flour coming East, by way of the lake porta, is very large. The Cleveland ;Ohio) Mato Dealer says the number of barrels of Flour exported from that port by lake this season to June 2S, was 173,416, against 54,592 in the same months of 1855; a difference in favor of 1856 of 48,- 824 barrels. The export of Corn for 1856 amounts to 153,160 bushels, against 40,270 bushels in the same months of 1855 ; a difference of 112,890 bushels- The Oswego Journal says that the receipts of Wheat and Corn at that port during the past week are over 500,000 bushels. On Saturday there were forty arrivals by lake, with 250,000 bushels of Wheat and Corn, and 1,000,000 feet of Lumber. The receipts on Monday of Wheat and Corn exceeded 100,000 bushels. apM3ll2--cliJ ASIEES—There is not much doing in Pearls; a side of 6 tons was made at sc., four months; sales 27 sacks initort"..l Suds at .3t4c„ four month., and 6 tons domottflo-..; on time. Pots nominal 0'614' BUTTER...Me market is very dull, and we hero no sales of sufficient ezo.•t to note; we therefore quote nominally at 12141.3 e. 13,4,c0ie _There has been a good demand, and the sales have reached 295-140 lbs. besides 58 tierces and casks and 104 pieces. The amount sold this week comes fully up tothe average of the early part of the season- The following ex hibits the transactions of each day ;—Thursday: 80,000 Ms. shoulders. sides and hams at B%igi9c., 10 1 ,4@.1011c. tula 1034 (01.0%c . cash ; 40,000 lbs. sides at 8%c.; 2500 The. shoulders and hams at 8;.4 aced 10 , 4" c., cosh; 2000 tbs. sugar cured hams at 13c., cash; 4000 fhs. shoulders at 834 c., thirty days; 3000 lbs. hams at 10!..?.. thirty days; 10 tierces sugar cured hams at 124413 c. rub and thirty days. Friday 20.01)0 The. sides at 10 , !.,,c thirty days; 8000 IN: shoulders at 88.31 c-, cash : 15 [leveed sugar cured hams at 138. cash. Saki eddy: 4000 rod. shoulders at 8%; 10,000 Dm do. filfar .4.41.1itt ; 2004 iLe. Isaias at,.111t34 ; 5000 lbs. do. at 10%; 90110 lbs. shoulders at 8%; 8000 lbs. aides at 10c.; 3000 fbtr.'htedur at 103.4 z; 0 casks 8 hams 'll all Du eBdh. !tllimderisr 1000' lbs. sides at PA.., cult; 051h0,110. piaki canstalled hatisi •itt sixty clays; 17,0011.114.4dain!ligmil Lt. 1,000. on - tither 5 5,000 lbs. 4/craW l,l * - SKIL, tartimal Woo tbilsians - st sixty days; 2000 ahauldaradd *ooi thirty-days: 1000 Ms aidoa at 4 YBi 8.00 at9c,thttly dam. 2000-Ebs. tided at 103! 0 , thirty Nre ; 20 oaks caurseed Zama N. HOLMICB, JOHN 8. COSGROVE, WILLIAM M. HERSH, JACOB GLOSSER, Orartmittro. tt„ opposite =MP NUMBER 231 PITTSBURGH, July 2 'r44:~yfyx#i t~,_ r.. • ',4 RITES OP - AGREED GIC BY THE PITTSBURGH PRESS TEN LINES O) NUNI•ARGII., oa L'Us One equaro, one inmertiun Do. rucit widiuowil !won uo. Do. two wer Ls Do. three ',rooks Do oe.• month.% two mootho... three months EMT= su months th, ono year -.....-. Standing Card, sie llee or lean, per agnura CHANG 'CABLE AT PI TA9l7Br : Ono ilquare, per annum, (exztu6iv,l of the 25 00 :Marriage notice's, 60 cents; [Wadi, notlde, 25 Cen** at 11c4 100 pieces do. do. at 1.1 1 ,‘, and 4 places S. C. fitima at-13r. Ttimaday : 17,000 The. +bookie., able, and lams in lota at 9, 102,..G and leyc., ash; 2500 Ina shoulders and hams at 9 and 10 1 ,:a., rash ; 3000 11. i. ~an vossod hams at 11r., rash; 3500 ihs, sugar cored hams at 120., rash; 4000 Mi. shoulders at 9c., thirty days; 3000 Ms. hams at Ile., do; tierces sugar cured hams at 13c. ENE BULB MEAT....There Ila 9 been on active demand, but holders have evinced no anxiety to sell; sales 40,000 tbs. shoulders at73: 4 fIDI Se_ and aides at 9;.,c., cash;-6000 tae. shoulders at 8Y.,c., sixty days. CANDLES...There is a regular demand at 13c. for mould and I2e. for dipped. Sales 100 bows Star at 20®1...Nc. cult. cp.F.ESE...The market la now tolerably well sappliwt sal. 195 boxes Western Reserve at 949%.). DRIED DEEF—Sales I tierces eon Vi 19.41 at 121.ic-, cash; and 7 tierces dried at slime price. EGGS—The market in not very welt surplied, and good Eggs sell freely by the Md. at 12)4651 3c. A sale was made. from the wharf yesterdayof b bt4e. ar 13c.• VS dozen. • • - FIRE 13ILICK—Sal. 57.000 common and extra at $28650. FLOUR...The Flour market has been quite active this week, and the prices ate firm, but not materially higher; tke stock In market is graeually diminishing, as the receipts are lighter than the demand. The sales for the past' five days foot up 2700 Li le. as fullowa : Thursday-20 bbisextrelfrOm store at 55.00; 21 bbla.:anperilne. from do. at 55,10; 85 bble. extra Qom do. et $0,75; 30 bb's. superfine from do. at $5,123;' 40 bbl.. extra from do. at $5,12%; 120 Wile. extra in lots from do. at 55,75; 247 bble. superfine from wharf at 54,90; and 180 bbls. from do. at $5. Friday-20 bble. extra from wagon at $5.37 4 ; 30 bbls extra and extra family from store at $5,62.t.5 and and $6.12 1 4;; 25 bble extra from wagon at $5,60; 60 bble. extra from do. at $5.62l .e:,; 35 bbls. do. from wagon at $5,65; 60 bidla do. from canal at $5, and 100 bble. extra from store, in lots. at $5.75. Saturday-30 bbts. en perflne from wharf at p: 55 bbls. extra from store at $5,75; 100 Leda extra fancily franc store at 56,25; 75 bbla. extra from store at 65175, and 40 bide. extra from wagon at $5,50. Non day-20 bbls. extrafrom wagon at $5,60; 24 bbla. Southern extra from store at $6; G 5 bile. extra from wagon at $6,60; . 60 bble. superfine from wagon at 55; 20 bbls. superfine from store at $5,20:30 bble. extra from store at $5,70; 66 'bide extra from store at $5,68%; 46 bblasuperfine frOm wharf at 65,06; 50 bile. extra from wharf at $5,55; 16 bble extra from. *hart at $.5,50, 60 bbbs. superfine from store at $5,10; 24 bble extra from store at $5,70; 50 bids. extra fatally from store at $6.25 to bDI. rue.tday--S0 barrels. superfine- end - extra at 55,25 and 65.75; 16 Lida. extra from do. at $5,87%; 50 bbls. extra family from store at 56,15; 50 bbls. superfine from store at 55; 40 bids. extra from wagon at 56,68; 46 bide do. from do. at $5,05; 30 bbls. do. from do. at $5,50, 110 bile. do. from do. at $5,820: 35 bble. superfine from do. at $5,121.‘,; 50 bide. do. from first hands at $5,25; 60 hbla. do. from store at $5,20; 50 bbla. do. from wharf at. $5,06; 175 bbis. extra from store at $5,75; 20 bias. do. from do. 873§; 25 ibis. extra family frona.do. at $6,25. FlSH—There - is a fair demaircißir retail trade-ate WO for Nu. 3 large Mackerel ; medium do. $7057,75; White Fish $10,500511; herring $6@56.50. Codfish 4 ; l', GRAIN—The sales of Oats are very limited, and the sup.' ply quite insufficient; a sale of 100 bac was made from the wharf at 25, which is about the ruling rate. Wheat: Sales 2110 bee red from canal at $l. Rye: Sales 265 bushels from renal at 42440. Corn: We have no Bales to note; we quote nominal at 35. OROCEItIES...S.ugar and Maassee continue firm at the advanced prices. We note a ante of 100 bble. oak, to be de • livered from January tat to May Ist, 1867, at 55c. on de -1 livery: sal. 30 bblx do, at 554560., cash. Sugar firm; sal. 46 bhds. prime fair and fully fair at 91401,9%, cash and time. Coffee : Sales 10,, bags Rio at 1254?. GERMAN CLAY...SeIea 12 tons ats3s, =AL GROUND NUTS... ate6oo bus., tu go east, at $1,25, cash. GREASE...SaIe 8 bide. at 8!10... cash. LARD...Market active and prices /Inn; saleg 200 Doreen / at 41j.e... matt; 100 bbls. do. at 10:;;.,:ec , do 4 100 bbla. do. at thirty days; 30 tails. superior at 10e , rush; 10 tibia. No. 1 at 104.. and 10 tierces do. at 11:.. cash. OlLB...Lard Oil has been acute at a slight advance; sales 20 Wile. No. 1 at 80c.. cash par fonds: 12 bLin. do. at 82c.; fatal; 20 bbl.,. du at Ik., cash and time; 14 bhis. do. at 82c., cash; 20 bads.. (21.50 for 1.0.,.)at 8.3 c., 10 L 1,6.. do. atS do.. cash; 0 Ills. do. at 841 c • thirty days; this, do, at 83c.; ($1,50 for Ltd..) and 10 tads. do at 49e . thirty 'lays. Linseed nominal at $l. 110 METAL...We have 11:, transactions to note; the quo tatione however are moiltereo SEEDS...Flaxeeed steady at SALT... ]lnrket steady; sales Oki sacks extra at 11.15, and 111 , bids. No. 1 at $1.0212. TAR—Salo 50 bbla. on private terms. WHISK Y—Sit'es i!nn bids. re. tills l a: 'WOOL...There lee good ,leol corning in now; th. doily te celptm avenging about '250 Dealers aro buying freely from the country at 304-loc.. for common to prime There is very little offering from wagon in this market. Allegheny Cattle Market BEI:VMS-25U head ufferod, and all suld. the demand being .ao tire prices for medium good to prime butchering cattle rat god from gross : itod for good to inferior from 31-Z down to d sti EEP—aa) head in pens. but the hulk was taken for the east at 8 34c , gross. a No ricE.—The Forwarding business here tc ore tamed on by the enhecnbers under the stylo of Jon.l.t Denny, will herbnitt.r he conducted under the of Jones di j.Olh3t] J. H. JONES. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, situate in Wayne county, Ohio, near the joust ion of ,ho Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad wit', the Cleveland Railroad, FA) miles mat of Pittsburgh. and Cu miles south of cnert;-' land 3.10 acres of first rate laud, two dwelling houses, tut, frame banns, two orchards, seventy nores of timber, balance under cultivation ; 14.0 'urea are tis I. bottom land, well wa. tored with never failing springs and streams. This ferns could Le cosily din idvd Into two or m..re Intl.. 11 ellittY ib notion mad good neighborin„o3. C, c d abounds in the vicini ty, at din supposed to extend under thin farm. For further information apply to CUTIIIIERT & SON, fe-13 Real Estate Agents, 51 Market street. FOR $l.-3 lbs. of superior Young Hyson "P.' Tea for One Dollar, at F. R. 111-LaVIYS, jeLl No 1 ',Lomond. - CASTILE SOAP-50 boxes in stare and foi Bale by fi.tr) FLICRIING BROS. SAND PAPER-100 mama on hand and for Rale by [J0271 FLEMING IMO& ADIRSIVE PLASTEkt —IWO yards in store and for sale by jar] FLEMING BROS- TiAl'IS" PAIN KILLER--5 gross just re .. ILI eared and for sale by FLE3IIISO BROS. ow's BROWN WINDSOR SOAP—Five 11 gram on band aad for sato by Jou7 FLEMING BROS Qt)l):Ti. ASH, of a good and uniform quality. .ma.airocturod by the AS. Salt Manufacturing Company, at Taveututn. Oa baud pud liar tale by FT.Elincr; BROS. CIOiIt_ENTRATED LYE—A new article X.,/ for malting soap, warranted floperlor to Potneh to every respect. Remember, 1 popnd worth 10 of Potash. On ban d and for sale by [je2ll FLEMING BROS. TOLD ESTABLISES,D TEA HOUSE j_ sun t ualntaice its reputation for FINE TEAS- All grades of Y.ll. and Black constantly on band, and now re eelving- -10 chests Queen Chop, finest Tea in market; iU `. Moynne F. Hylton; Extra Unions; di) Potigtal, extra flavor 30 Souchong Chulan; Lisurted Young Dyson. All of which will he sold at tone prices than any store in the city. F. it. DRAW), je27 Nos. 82 Market at. and I Diamond. DURK.EE'S YEAST POWDER-20 groAs artorted packages of due supenor Baking Powder 're ceived by 1.1 , 271 It. DRAY°. QECOND STREET POPERTY TO LET. 1,,,) A magnificent Two Story Brick Dense to let till the let of April nest. Enquire of BLAKELY & MILEY, .. 1028 Corner Seventh and Smithfield" WE OFFER FOR SALE ABOUT FORTY 4/ acres of prime land on the old Washington Road„ beautifully situated, which we would sell in mall lots" snit purchasers. It is one of the prettiest location? , country reeidences around the city, and wilt btiltotdyk_ Je24 T 1,03. W tiODA,. No. 76.7,,, ~,,, CINE HUNDRED DOLLARS f f .: 2 7 couy tk...• V .-::For sale a two-story dwelling hc:tpriblitstKehr,. and kitchen, spying houcei p 4c., situate fit by rgi 165 deer,. with large lot of ground of 96 fret "ie k ,,,t,,,, pleasant. fruit trees, dm. The soil is good r5 ,,,,,,i n d, at £l6O pck Price $1,500. 'Perms s6ooln. year. 51 Market st kftI.'TIIISP.ItT & SON; JU RY D GOODS -------r ‘ C tEDUCED PRIE. A. 44..61a00N - &Ask are now offering their hauteur stock ortdy Goodj --omprising every varwty.of silk thaw id_ s, mantillas, sick see straw 'bonnets, fine dress go em and oriel and tricnningsi housekeeping goods of every descriPtian , lc:: lc- "141 - eI4 I Y hosiery, gloves and mitts-domestic _ reduced prices. N. 26 Filth covet. ._)_2ll4_ FOR SALE _..-A very deeira.hle Country ltosidence, containing 63 Acres, beantifully situated,on the Ohio Ricer, and adjoining the town of Tienver—weilliu• proved, with a good Cottage liensis T a i ii i 4ti k ir 11 ,0M9sr" forest shrubbery, S4c. Jc2:; 76 ForirtWareef • TTOUSLS FOR SALE—AR dogoribod. on Woods' Printed Laud Itegister4,,,tilf is given gratis to ad who call at I.: c.,75 VOU.ST reet. If you wish a House on a apeculatlfm, calf in . fIONIAS WOODS', .. Jo= 75 Fourth street. • . , 6 - . . i —=, •r 1 ! • 13A -4— f ENT .LI4S.T.L AI , KIN(/ IJR EN GIN Fg...jythdp,Ors and others intereso.l are invited to call 01 ef tgi.k4ll. new article of packing flir airports of deatu enginearrunr, 4.c., where soft parking lo required. The_adrantages'Of Mia article are: grtot durability, Baring of fallout, rughtt4lou of friction,uonaequeney ...ring of power. ff dolt nr4 tequirc gob; token out of the stu f fing bozos, t‘ OA being,plicked inn coney, the packing to uruousny cousomud, 'thins taring time and material. Sl/04113111.1S of the various - aizestimi , y bo seen at .. .r . f t - : = , r . : W. B. italLiN't stii&a,e6 NVira'ou* . i., trit: . .: . . Marko' st.,cocner of Second. 'l.- aCI L ' ' r-N/L ---------- • , - 1 1V uteri '... i t T ndellible Ink., of whk.b ever) bottloi4 wrulOvd,il ll sold at .5 cents a battle only by JUS. A:1 as 1W; jab Corner Market et. and the Dimond. ~, t S u i4k. .Ar ~ _~~-S.r: iti.~: r ~a:Y: i ...4. .I.A!-..4:.7; .. .. ~,, ''-''' .. : . i.'' .. .;:- ..- ''''.' ,l:. " . " . : 7 • I 7 4 6 0, 6. 00 6 00 .. 9.00 . 10 oo 22 00 ... 18 oo ... 10 oo I=l `:s `~_ ' "v't't`'V„ ?i-.... ~. __ _.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers