Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, June 27, 1856, Image 4
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O . 4.P.PICZNeg '4 I 4 j' , S4'd7 '• 4, * - 4 - . ~,, 4* I- 4 ''' crlebritl. We se, lure our reputation as caterer« ler 1111 to ,I ~, 4,-,,.-6 tft..-s, ,,.., 4 tiSk, he tubt„. It thi. *work il.-ept net clell g lit «very reader. an I „,,,,,, „ n . ,„, iy ,„,,, i .,,,, u ~,, ,„, r , '..., O. % 1 ''."t.P1in1 141 4 1 411:t44, '• • i6,-.4.,Var 4,,,.1«,Y; # /..1," , 4...*•,,* , . t. , ~.., .., prove fully an' ntertaming. If not more no, than the re‘, I' , ~,,,,,11, 1,1,,,,, It WM 1 , 1 , '' bil,grflpilY 'fit , ' Mr Itarnham'a brother i . liyille. Spili.. 3 „,.,,,, 1 ,,,,, t ,,,,.„ , 0 ,,, ~,,,,,,, SOP AZ''''' #' 44l "+Vri , ti l4 "‘ .. ! Bnuth. 11. MINER &CO . 'l, l, , 1 , 1 . 4 . ray, ..., , ,,p ,A1Qa..40./,. ~ la "P a - No 32 Smithfield «I • ju • „, . 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STATE OF DK', ANV AltE, In sod for Kent ta t uty. Ebenezer Cloak tvonti. I, as they appear to have given entire satisfaction to Petition for PartitiO a. Richard C. Ihile. Thomas F. lisle. ) And nom - te wit. Ons youth day a ma--.x..1,:‘ , z h.• -or , n.tmli,A.,,a, have u,sl„.„,intion in recommending owm year of eur Lord out thou.ma eight hundred and motion x. :,, ~ K.,•11 ,Leti c k, mud much preferable on account of their this comae , unit [lg. before the Chancellor, upon the •a l , ni , ii ,.... 0 , ~, osoph l' Contegy, F.stilits, the COlllplainutits tualiottot, ant 1 . 1 istructlon, to the old faei ~,,, ,ed val Ululate. or the writs of summons itairestwd. and the 61terifro coracle '''' ' al "' ''' "hall We have any knox halite. orde . r , I thereon tieing seam and ex/twined, it is thereupon Very t tail. i•iit/11) 1 ours. by the l'hattroltor that rho aforesaid defendants, illeau l d, ' : Dale and Thomas F. Dale, appear in the CBll5O 011 T 008114).• .h., 'ill day of Reittmither nest. And it is of al and al' ,led by the Chancellor, that a copy of this order shall in tra inserted In the l'ittsburgh at. a newspaper published Fl the city of l'ithilturgh. in the State of Pea tutylraniat au d " ball be oath: continued in staid newspaper fur the spaee of one m_ and an.' that a copy °lewd order shall for the same space of time he posted in the odic,. of the Register of this Court 4a ' at the Court (louse door to this County. State.'( Delaware, t Kent Couoty, So. I I. John K. Jarvis, Register in Chaneery in Kellt COUnty, C aforesaid. do hereby certify that the f. 'ragging i., the ryas espy .'eltY of the order he the ahoy, cam,. r‘,.% ~f r ,,eord in In testimony where of, I in ee hor'eunto set wyh.nd and ills) of affixed the teal of the sold Court, at Dover, this 14t Mar. A. 1). 1856. JOHN K. JAR VIS ' --ril'4lm Register in haat'arY, --- REAL ES PATE MARKET. OWNS'EM or SEVENTH Site SMITHFIELD Talrr, PIT TS Re; We have the following Real Estate for saki FOURTEEN ACRES OF L (ND in St. Clair township, on the oid Witehingion Root, well improNod `CRES OF LAND to Chartiers township. shont halt a mile from tho Ohio river - at the lower ferry. with lidualile improvements, tin a pinfien smotry Kill A LOT lip lIROUND in East Liberty. be feet by l O. be sold 1., FOUR ACRES OF LAND near Minersolle. E• S , `F LAND Indian township. at t h e TEN AC month of lic-er Creek, on which are good improvements awl j an retrillitee! ferry FIFTErN AoRE s ~F AND in Indiana township. noir Pine creel, with Ile ACHES in Mai Rnruwhip, throe and L o on's Station, on the A. V. Railroad. with good l inpr , v , me ar ' A THREE SToRY HRICK DW ELLIN() ID ICSE sto Teminin sur e st. (Firoitilte the Merry llospitml.l modern i m provements A OARDEN FARM. adjoining the town of Beaver, con taming twenty-three area, within eighty role .d the I' A I' klailForel TWO FINE LOTS in the Borough of )lanohester. cornor of Chartiors and Talent. etreetA A VA LU AH LE Mll.l. PROPERTY AND FARM o Derry township, W exlmoreland oinntj, would IV exchanged d city properly. A BEAUTIFUL SUBVER AN RESIDENCE at the S,,iee rale Staten,. With 11,4 or ten Arras of Latol TWENTY ACRES OF LAND adjoining the Swissval. Stiitlon Apply I. J. , 2.) BLAKELY A lIICII EY TWELVE `V ES N A D ANc E OF 'nu: MAIL! thr -- TILE EASTERN DAILIES are regularly rocived hours in advance of t h e Vail and deloeitel ski), scribors at the following rides Philailelphi. LEI:HIER. lin. per week. Nen York Dail. TRIBUNE, If.c. per week . ♦". 11EltALP. •' 44 - I.eutr •nnr ord••rs [hum., of any ,tlter Eadtt. , rn papertt. :1 street. nty2.7 SIIANNu s , lit SALE; -20 ~,•r. A if Laud, un which i -I.lrani,. Instil n 11,1,413.! • ot• in *K.I, r I'. a, r-,,loarts.l, ,11.1 I and 111 o ..1 'lsle of ultlvation. r p.ll rig .•rohe o grain ;„.,„ ;,, , ; „j ;old lion, 11,. rctniun inkadros ts. a u.s , situation U.r a store, bei rig sattatod or. Its , cross tweet; Itakerstown and [Sutler, in 111,1,11050 t Ilut ler county. WIII Io sol•I lost —bonus yasy. Wsntod —A •IIII10.1“11 i,y a ). , utig Indy, in a In) Trialll/11112 M I iilll,y Wallin.i—,OVerai t.. do hous+xot k i the • ali count; v Also. ts.y about fourte. t oar. it. a slot, to ;tin orrtinols or other ligut work. I n.jun's of Hl.i W y and Intolligoin t/tbos, n .rth rodeo( Olnostreot, i ur.h d ton snot ~1 Inau t . Cr. MAJ.:tint:NV CITY J''i FRANK LESLIE'S Gazette of Ea:llion I; • Nl:s g sag.us 1..; Jun; Pumwd• d• Inokyns' II„tto..1, .1.1 It old. d. . The Sot ...1h !ht. eawa The 1., rtl..! 1,1/ F0..11. A M . . wT11.•,,,n1 nn! Teri Th % ,,, rl.l. >«x . 1 , , I.) mcq TC NI. A\.4l Filth tt N EW Cl:vette Th.,111..r1 •r Jun, thltnaitC ,, 111111+«h I .1.. IlArpore Mag . 41h Klipi•! L.a.ty '241 tit-abaft, .1, k..r N 1 J .1,z131 Fl/.2,r I , 1.1 131111 . 0. . .1 .hr, I!, I: 0111111 Loh,. ,1111111..1 , 10 1.1 I . 4.••••.C.111 , 1! .11 n.”. 1 • . 4 1411 •11.•1 ‘PIII 1\ • 77 h t.• ntr.- rh lan • 1.. 1 k lower 1 h‘n • in 51 N : ! 111 I. 1.1;..1.EFun ,Al.l eolvv 11,/,,..20 ••-• ••I Lin I Pr,. A STEA 11 ~11% NI I t. , t••••• t, • •, TAN s;k:liN kniC SALE 4.i 14, g I•er• ccritilElZT _ _ A N F:NV -Pr! Kid:1;111RA at thy ,1111 1,1) By NI: , lyyt- %%Wlby l+nibu. , l. , NI c ab.l - -.• " I.y PRIVATE usillEscE FOR SALE. nod nulArd t.. k +1t.11.-.1 IL, NoIt!. C4 , antnon All,thany City. n. Pit U. fir 11 2 71.1 7 7.71 fuotn.., a t/ Lth r•.um, cellar an , nuinhe,l Filth , h , drsnt In the yard Tlue pr.ip,rty is brautitolly I.v . ativl in worthy the attention of pwrvinni wnifitim a dentrahl, ; 7 vale restart.e. Will lir wild low. Apply t.. Jul) BLAKI:1.1 . A IllcllEl Do:q EsT 1 c iIOI)S.—A. A. Yts ,, n & ii,.. ) ,,,,t dminoil ioer 'ilti ewww and p•ivi Sad, .... n•. ,. elyin ea11... 77 , U 7 1 71 KILIA/11 . 1111S, 1.1.1 1 .1 7 1/1 1 1 7 , 7 )., S.. 1n110n., - • nii wiry dew riptiiin of twum•keviAls. g 1 .7 7.1,. N, SIC h will 1.. wil I at a a.wwileratile roduction frwrn the n.. 0 inv.-. D A R AS( )1.,5.-IVe invite the iittenti , un “: i._ ne.i.ti,,t. , .0. w w ..1,, , 0 , 1 ,,,,,,,,1. ~, t , „ „„ „..,,,,,. that indrudig. hy exprs, among which arc wim, ,f LI Moat thagant nod 11 4 ,11 - ahh . Rtylem yet offervil Pal A. A. 7illsdi!sl k en_ 2:. Ytf:ll at. Li V ItjtPOOL A N D PIIILADFILI'II I A STEAMSIIIP LINE. The vplimllid new I,tiiitmallip ClTl' IIAI.TIND.I7I - :, Cai 7 * 's LEITCH, will wail from Philadelphia on tieAi ii i ...4 :tab JUn , —lnau Dam p...• 1 huh July. renn P lc dadflph t., From Lt er rp..l. c .I,i. ti..', and j.".",5. CO. .F. , :, awl .57:. :.‘dewrage ... ~,, . V . .ii Steerage . • • $l". Pawing' Ticket., to and Morn ldvcrivv•l liy tlii• al.ii‘ii I.il• id mwarmildpa. • ir l.y El IiST-C1.A1.V,l r.ll LI Ni l PAC I Fire ran he prk. - 110.. , ] ..n applfration to 0 11tEl, .1 Cv IIiTIF. 177 Broadway, Na'. l'oili, ili ill , l TliiiMl'S-iiN. 410 1,0,-t, at.. rilt..d.tirkidi. I . ••-, Al.—. Drift, fiir wvlii Kix KV,. )11111.1.4. . .. . j - 1111 yiil• READ SYDNEY H NEY SMIT . ) , I 1 •..1 c. 1)1.• I litiv4ll--,1 cv• , , h.. wtt: murk, \ Jter you heti, book. 'D TI)): Bina.. liY THE St:)IMY.R. ‘1 I. retyly th,. day, the tiret eotapiete Amer, •.in tn. n, with a mein-tr. fr•-iii the lath ~i;1, •n. I n.. lilvaleotne r ,, ,) al 12 , 1, volutner, ; price halt sties t $.4 The 1 :8.7 ,, 1 , 1e1 , y !e.g.rats; . )firth and Nlar,ele. liy .tlio R ev Itichurd Hain, Ruriihnnt. e 1.. II me tunny Crink•liauL and Thin deliglitftilly in tertuitiing book It.. now 1.e.-one .tandaril lito - ur, work iti England. here it has ropi.ll, puasell thboivh ton telition. The memoir 14 litinirtil eparkling jokes, anecdote , . and witty repurtoe. 1-y Thetelot -Hook, Burnham)]. 111..11111.3 lion), t.y.lneyrrinth and otla celebrities. ...film, our reputation as caterer, lor he mate. if In. work tint delight every reader. un,l prove fully an ,titertaining. if not more in.. titan the reccht biography of Bev. ',lr. Iturnlitun'a brother dlsin e, Spi, l l.) Smith. 11..MI\hat dr Cl).. No. 32 Smithfield it W good iie Girls,r go of cto,kdof ge ur tt n , en . Ll , oo t If., of 17 to tarn is trade; must In w.lt roomu. foot, or fin. Girls to do Chauflwr tltullfy ttft h I 11,P) :It stores or It, errauti uml at :our h tfiti vitlitiftyttlettl. A I. pl y .t Intolligfotre Offi, fetd.) — N. 14 Fittl..trtud Vi i r A NT . F:1) A sitticn G , ~vcrns rd.u. lu h) u •ung ,sud! aud 'rig Lad ~.uAtd. n al.!, N,,11111 t„,, 1„, gitls to I. tionstotiork. taiuilt:). nail a lioy tii run of lit in a 'ill st ti, tautevr) Ord, atl , l 41.911”! g , •!. 1.11• 1111,111. a v sn.ll Lilleen In Lee fr , tu II The..wm•r wishing (I Wool trill evil ut n gl , ul burotus 111 1 , 10. W. BUNN, Id MI Airf n.3' nrul lute , ligel« 1 lilt I. u , rth i Je street, •,0! the Dlaus,u•l, Allegh , u) rI) y. VALUABLE cITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. —TL , . ludlersiguisi ollors for sale on favoraldo folios a larsie Itiint! , er linildlng Lots in flu Third and anla ut Os, ity The lots Iront on l'enusylvadls A seam, Watson, Forbes, Locust, Maria Virkroy and Moil street" aro but a few miuutes walk from the Court llonso. and will be sold very cheap. persons ti , eti roux securing a convenient and healthy l cation bra hone.. or wishing to purchase fur Xpectilatipt. In a pert of Ow Cil) which will continue steadily to improv.. will find it to their advantage to call upon the undernigned. CHRISTI /I.llEa MAGEE, Attorney at Law. tf No. 101 Filth street. LOT FOR SALE—Containing six acres of excellent Land, situated on the mat!, Churtiers Creek, in Rubinson township, OA miles from 111 city, and near Broadhead's Fording. The Land is wel adapted to Gardening purposes, as It lies sloping to the South; bar a comfortable Frame House 30 feet by lti, nine and a half stone• high; a good spring of water at the fan, awl a wrist) of choice Fruit Trees Just commencing t. 1., Price $6OO. For further particulars, apply to BIM{ ELY S RICHEY, Real Estate Brokers, feU27 Corner Seventh and Smithfield eta. F RESI I SEEDS—Garden, Field and Flower oil the rn 4it approved and reliable varlet 1 , 11. and retail. lit the Seal and Agricultural Watr meu.. i 7 Fitlli titrcet. JAMES WARDImE. ODA ASII of a gp”d and uniform quality auttuouta..r..,l th.. sun Manulacturoig Company at 'farentuni, on band and tar axle by ILE—SUNG ALSO. 3 awl. Ludlum's ; 4 grotto Gorman Bitter. Islto tbs. Madder: 000 tbs. limn Tragacruttlt 400 Ibs. Nutmeg.; Conoeutrated Lye, a new article for 'nuking Soap one pound worth leo of potash ; ou hand au.' tor sale by my 3 FLEMINU 811 l PS.. - • - A LOT OF GROUND, near Bakerstown, will be sold very low, if applied for soon. It containe one-fourth of an acre, and is In a oentral position. Apply BLAKELY t RICKEY. ORNAMENTAL Center pieces, Testers, Game and Boquet Pictures In gilt circles, with great variety of other ornaments on all W Paper, for sale by W. P. DiA.BBIIA.LL & CO. rays Dal El) PEAUIiES —lOO bush. for sale by apa4 SMITH, NAM a MINTZ& • ) 4 ! r 4,„1. . . MEE INVENTIONS AND PATENT 3 =MI Nit 4:1111. B. T. U. NN.. 41 1.-.11, MMM t , PlTTaßuagu, : April 1., 1 F A. \V. M. FABEII N'tt Thin rtutiru.s that tb• up pateuted . by Mr 'Ftutt, hurt be,“ ..ur rowl bo two y,•nrn pawt find it b., b.. •• tad durablu 011 Cup,awl can rt•vututu.- - tulit WI Run h t.; En). \V. tilil El!. rumn .Sh•.l. Prutitt. Cain nil 1;1 Novvtnlwr '.!vt 11. I nb4. • To )1 F. F:44 Thit ceihth.v that v., ha, lla•I in tl•t• li:k. pnt •nt or Curv, eol.l b. Nh.,..8 F. ht.h.o. F.sq., ~ 1 ,onstficr them very much Nutv•rl..r t,. v.t) thuog h.• kind sve have ever AI.FR}.I) Tit.4l,,ure, 011, c „ 1 „„ o „, s , )11,. In:,;. From the Nett { j erk Saa•Jntitlr Americatt.l patent Flulahlrig plane. This inl i ptition i."I intend...l L r tna• a la., i...lesire4l 1.4 part a fule, smooth, and g14 , 4444y 44 to tin 0.44441. Lit it applicable, with advantage. to all 1:1,1 4,i „u polil.•l . l.ll , ilint, The ri.irrity consists in pirui.nii IL,•, , nttiuc rMaol, or bit. it (rant J4l the svet4. , :n. instead 44f helm( l, in comm., planes ala 4 iu apply Mg a metallic month-piece to the face or it, plant . , is 11010. of the chiral, mouth lae,e senor as th rest for the CIllt•-el. tLnut Ot I liv plane. I:itt the n,.naL p, ,e is s. , c 1.4•44( to the el1;(4 ot the 1.1 l It.• I. plot 1•01 lane from rippinc. or ,phatermg the tc...1 II L'Art.hat, ptiO•i lo Ile ilk/ling 01 wood alrunat the groin. and Iran v, t. , Ow grain. 1...v.1m; the wail perfect!) N tn.(4.th. 1 ,,, .((eJ t the operation 4a this in4triatient, that It tri al a . , pl,l L. plaiimg, 44( Nelascr.--‘ , ;(1 ,into •1,4 (long N‘11.41( ramaa nal , ly in-' tiomo by the 01111:1,1 pla l„ Th 4 p(44 hltar lirritngs•lnc I of the 1.110.1t11 not, an Iwedge, allortla a Lomplet.s( anti limn bearing I:.r t I , Ilia. ItgLout it+ tcloir I , llglll, an 1 (fitment., no s ier a ll ,•, rt(tm - es, with the use (.6 a raj( et (1,461 , 1 n lat. Thisr) simpleMloctlre iulproverinait. dentine , Iwr hate no laubt. find Ito Nva) int- 4, er rofiwoler'l 41. ; land N'' t 4.4 cheat to thaliplate it TI 4,4 It (44ith4r i. SPar. C. 1101 , 110.1. k , f ; Pith•lairalt, ho, pat, j Warn dote .human 16, 1 SfN. I At - )1 , F. EATON, No. 11(1( First titrevt, Agent 1' the patmitate. CLOTHING A ('.dill—l requesi the attent'em boy r 4. k ANN) SI . MMER t;()UPS, Which I think larkpq Arivt) nen ht)lea any ..(het purchase. I Vl:lVt . taken Sr 1 , 111(11 ohms I h FANCY CLOTHS %Litt.. In' 21101 uah Sal tll/IS• tory. re., Btu , 1 ',Ave ttletervell mange tatrot in nelttettne nay FANCY CASSIMERES, ,netttrittittnt 14,10 ..1-,..nit31 , 1 , •-,•1111,: :11 the ,111TITII, :th a V Figult-1 tutehtled Br the h .t a tte.k vEtaTtNtita Itarg, ny:•• ,% rs risk hot, u• ittn:t 1t...t., ,, 1rtr..111.11‘ , 4 tit, 7 , 0. :•: : • 1... an m 11. I. 111 -Jr th,,u 14 r) I •liik , MI.: 11., I , tt unn t , •f PL..% 11.,. ;. ..... d:mly ft.111 , 1e.1 ,'11‘1•11 - ,1+ 11-1 Ita.l t. 1tt• , 4:1 51,11,..,• I::'4..11 Nnnlontlt.tt... Itrult t'l t..l'...e•tt II • Ft, .1 t 12? tmpy'n I.:Ft. NE w cLoTinNi; STORE. 4 Sixt .1' N • . I f :• • iill s• nit.. I, he %.,:arrxht....4.9.11 ,LI) 11l 141 , DI,. I '.1. - L. , llftbit . pl Tit+ 111,11. A, 11.116 :1 CM/L. oltr.t I HIRE CHANCE FUR N ISTS Or ihOle< IAI.O 1,1:1011 (0 I.:lig/Mgr In the 31 A C 1N E , ()R. 12.11.10: BIL 11.0131.: SINES S. r1 1 11}: l'N IkERSIc iNI:1),.11.!r, :it I.rivato. cl:, • ./ l•r Lt.h.‘ o ; le Itt k I•;.dhntl 11,111,,! an•l Fitton—. ••••' I:s • •••1.1! i•st, ‘V .1... at. t F.;l, h ; I cat- , 1 Coy. •••rh, h T6....` 1, ;.; , ;;rl•i.: F,r•t - ; ; 1. , r. .1t MINIM MI=MIIMMII IMEIE t; ; r• 11,1.1 11 •' II 11, u.e.4.•••;c111t-Lt I 1.t•;,.• 1111,..!.1 Ilh • 33 1.,1 h • .0 1.1)0.• nl: . ..I: •,, ,11111'.• r .111 : t 1 111,3titn: F..r It t nuns, L. pr nu , l It It,. at t pt ; titrttit.r. ttt rPtlttott. IC cii E 1 t li NI, tv IN.I y aG Ir —ll. t• ut puhlN •Nle \()I I( 1- I. ILL'L , I , y ail x ILA., pill , ills Lrl MLA LireLL•rtpti•at ILL LILL. I . LtI %% , Lt kn. I.LL tahL•IL amity befor” 1.” at. I ~• t In-twine '2' :4 , .1 I:11 11E1 A .` )RTA NT. lope.Dg ~ p , i ngnad aam..rttla,t In part in !ar,r.. atl.l nail •a-aa •1•, , 1 nr. , l ii yet faAni-nal 1.• n(1 .1>!•• , 5.?1,1,1 .. Engha, t 1 I ‘l3r.,_ i.• • II . II • -.• 11,1 d Iw. :.• Al I I.: .I t Ac A Ir•pt. nn. rmirerrrd• ioarrty ritrd dr • fdtrr •rld r • d In 1111 4 11.11.1 ,trrr V. 1 thrr rrf td.. N,. I)l..trr• I 1. . . _ . .... .. . tny) . It. 11 11 1411.1.1 ,1 e - - - - • MIIII:1) AIiIIIVAI. OF NENV (;()011s .\ _i_ I A) ) k: 101, rill Elf. 4, N. 74 Val 1,, IYt , hush., ..:h 1.1 The Fi11..., 1114,6 hat, Just re, , Ittdl al••! are le ..i.t.l. ... then thud Ntlioloit oof nee PLIpE hai. is-at.is-at.l/Nae 0,, 1;...1,. tuna Talnia.a.,ll..tiael , uzidallingin.el , , Shay t0t.g,i,....14.11/. m•-t. . llll.diain ;Ind heedi. ...rt. M:ktly ..f the al-se w.... 1.. In.. la,ii pus. liaatal.it 111, itili).l . l.etn and at Ile. large ,• .15' to n• oi New Park and 1 . 11113.1.1 phi, at lila., that .•11111-lo• Il• I, a 1.1.,,vt, m10.a.l a sees. 1.....f1er them at lea, than ile• .•...t .... tranle.riati d. Ni . ',..lit lotoliOr. •Ntsloo II au .tidy est 11 fin,n all dist . u-s-ra In and IL- laildi. , The atietd.on . 1a...1:•.en, an I ;la t i ado, .4 1 i.l- ~..enerall). ILt•lio•Viriß li Will I, Id Ilto• wolinilingo• tot' all. aa ~. , ,i, ‘ ,.. a i. ai.l I ) ie,er have he en al.', to toil, It bettor am.torttent. and I, VI , nsl lbral, LOY EMO rrill.lll,. formerly - 1/1 - INEItAI. W.I.TKII .1N1) S,lli.S.\l'.\ ju3. YttENII, sTIIVENSt , N Lk 1,,,i-E. ivi_ 1111,1,A -It Al It C.N;i1.1:11, lii oiS••• I.`, o N Po 111. a- tut,* 111111/111.t. .u:Ili tato.l looLtiiti t : ll•• Lit, 10, I • to :.,,,• n .d. _porrsmoL"rirS LIVE:IIY :1NI) SII.E .'"'''''''''"'" l. • 11 ""`"": - STABLE, ia %''''' ' t. ' '"'' ll'ol` and nnulai.tu] tal Iron. I.ln. 'ad.., mate, lidi, ...tl: I , lIN MARKET RM. Al otliill STREETS. 1113.15.I:11.1.1 i t ' / rTA N.,\'/ L Vii. ,_ rpm: Ali.k)is Exil:i.:: , s ( . I)IP,\AN_- ii-r:nt 10.11. 10)1111.Po! it!. A , Li \ El% 111{1,11 I , .N A 1,..,mi,;F:i, _i_ r 1 , 1,‘N1,1, 1,,r e aje ,--. ~ - ' t...i 111:,, ,, . •F , th, -1. , ~, ~ ~.,,,-;..,.." 1 ... ~,... Stu h.,,,,,,,,, -A ~,, ciiii•NEßlNG,3l4=', 4 9 . l.. , : l• ILltititiolt lildls: ilio• lit, -I ILL o 0"-A dt I' iol., ~....., I;„,,. If road. le•imi. s. Ilillahaigh and .'.. aL, e l.. ,1..,... , ~,„,,,, l'I.l:Iitl. ~ .l. g litly datiltilloit•Ll in illoo furniture. 1.111 Ind a Isere it tan be I.l.ser‘eil The u,- I. diineen and 5 .., „l i• lan .14 1....i1ire s ' n I, "\ e. 1.. ) 111 I.: etriinient. it, t,,, Witt injured. rill la ft, •Io I 41.1 II itchitchil..ri d.dA I l Allt' EN I'E F • I " .. ‘ . • M VA' . V 1 ., " ''` ''• .• I" ttt , Fir ry Dui,l,Alt: ,, . •m it sretht of vex itionth. , toent with the liatlt..aid aa 1., i nal... 11.. n. .. ~i.i. .1 Is 11, I .1011 S 11. Xll-.1,1,“1:. RI W.. , t1 •1 , : Slew,yelig, on the .1 . warn/411n, i , ~,,. vh , v.,. / ,,i,„ Itly;.1, A.,,,,, for CI, 1,., i, ~ ri„„,, I har4l2 1 , 1 1.11 plopet , , and h 0.,,,,.. ,, i : .1., 11,, • ntt ~..t .5 1 .. .. _. . _ . I,ini II• all' I•-ine '..w.lts 1,..51L1 It I.) in.. M. is., • 1r ..:. A comPLE'f E. LIST OF .ISION'IIII.I* ~,-..,, htt ,,,,,,, ' , -.I AP'' , •I'''' . : . ('`,. ,•P.. - ~• '4. 1. attend 1.... n. II ...i.....,..1•1.-..i.• Ilsit ! o a 5.111...1r0t I • i IL. .11 I 1 - I..NIAt•AZI:NI•.;-, 1,. Slay, Islo,, I.•ttlrli t.) the 1.,,r1111,4 'via., a illi Id , I. •I- in I i :,01•In- Al4ii p, r n lir,' litutlilLiy Slagatlioy Putil.onanewth•y ~ll.e I,tr . Inf., ti reintonaile i1iyh0.,... v .tlo.ot Is I ,' k-i'... I, c ...t N.., V", k itiousli, II : , ~.,,,. , hal ge. int 1.. iltittLi o• silt It 11-tltod . 1 1,o• .551, 1.0,1 it I I, w 11-11-'l. I 1 (V..r , 10. -• ..inlin•led 1.) . Climb. 1. , k. lill . ~..i., esp., n‘ily ha Pit Ali. 1.-Lo t -Coo, .i, ~,.I 1 .,.,,.. p , ~ p A t %VA.,. `AIR , Pin, till litnito•li st ILI IN. ,II will Hi.. ~,,,,, odo• A it.. 11 yo 111.,1, 1 / 1 1, ‘13,/ttoto , Agent ..I the llallr.ald C.ani.any. whet. I!, ILI loo•I i iris ,- Pol.. I, ll', I..tely'a Nati. hat ihtanz,n , lea at Do , liiotiloil •sli thell.l7l, WI id the ilea., t..i .....,.. 1,. 8ai1... - 1/..11ar olont lilt ~Ilagazole ilarroo•Ci, Story hook guoda. The Slll+,llll. I Th,• , bargee for cut rylng Inv - kat:0...1. . stud Id no :1,, •oo Tho• Rd loyalellow for It, ). and 1;till cielered 1,.• thy Sleaaeuger, are Intended 1,, ly , „trim, I. , Er ank I.enli,•'n New York J att nal t., hall, limits. IVhen the nature of the httoollithiti It 00110 i too Frank 1,ea10.' , , tiazette ot Faalooti . to adulli ~1 it. apecial agreement,' will t. non.. 11 EN ill It. IR YIN hat. 1.,-I, appointed 11, -0.,,, el . and Yankee Nothill,lllH ..1 ialli. illurtrattoto , Blank wtaiths Etlinlat.glt V u for Alai] , will ~,,,,,,,,,,,, h t ., duties on 11t , t01.... Deeetuhet 121 1.- ~ Chain laws Journal ,Lan ion Eday at,, 1,, Al l ,l i 1 OFFICES AND At) ENTS. PI: tyhur.....11 --14 Fourtli ',Deer Just rem Vial and fort tale 1, IV A CIII.DENEENNEI .1 tilt Alleglea, City-'l', infs., tity3 viru, .tr.4.t. oppoatte the Theatie I LIR) 0V111.1.-Ottilisillt 1111 I,o•Wl. kley station-ID - Al, Lays u. MAGAZINES! )lAGAZINES!! 1 p liodit , nt , -Mr. NV h, it Brayer-Dr. Chandler. Frank I,eshe's Falthion Rook lor Slay. i New Brighton -Sir. Mai, Irani, I..evilie•ii N. Y. Journal - •• , Orrice RDA lAN EX PREELS CO 1 OPAlt.p) * N Lull. •a•lha ,k Pittsburgh, Din', 21/th, 1)55. f tjraltanl'N Magazine - ' eerson' Magazine o I ____. liallou's lillitSittlillt• I - LINE MAGAZI:\"ES—JLI , I n ,:cived :I II I i 11.'1160101d Words II ,1 Kale 1, 11. MINER 4 1, , t., Ni, I,l' Smithfield str, 1 • I lariat'' 111agagine 1 Harper,. Bagazine far June; Puttianfllllttgazine tiod•y'll Lady's Rook ha June; Enicket bock, PytersoiCti Magazine for June; Yankee Note,. Art Journal toil May. DIA, kw . ,,,,,Ya Mi4ta.cine for April. All the NEW 14110E1.3 plilllisolittl3 NI, lor male I, LooltolOU Nova and Pun , 1, for April 19.1 I. SIINEII A , An, vale by II 51151'.11 ,1 1,4 N.. :•:. 1-nothlnad ..troet Nii.:id ilifirld UI'EN !NU this day, a largo as.“rtntent \Vitt, hrs. Gold fir rill yid ',risers from $l9 to Simi. Cylinders from $' Railroad Time Koeistrs. Frlxieklllllll . B Cilr0114‘111 , •t, Ito. in Silver Cases. $l7:, Chains, Fvaln. Keys, &e. WIWI.. repaired iu the best muuu.•r Ls inyfi W. W. WILSON. own, ..f 5. 411 et. STC . S•tiafi , f. 100 boxes 51,, I I and In d ran d ,.. 25 do tor do 100 ao Itora:1 300 kegs assorted 100 doz. Corn Brooms. 60 bales N. 1 and 2 Batting. 26 doz. Bed Cords. 26 do Buckets. 10 do Tubs. In store and for gals by In • 6 JOHN MOW-MEAD 1 kiti'''ll{l . 11.1 - 1 '' k i ; , r, .. 1. • _)—•, _ og-, ...q. ,:ii,• 1, I Jen It. a FA II N I,ST, rI . K A i . , , ' R 0 CIIE L L E UCIIRE-5 casks just rec . ,f and for aide by july'2.4; FLEMING 13110 S ' B ROWN'S ESSENCE GINGER—Jus re ceived mud for gale by [my' 4j FLEMING BROS. HOSIER" AND GLOVES.—A. A. Mason & co.. haw on hand a very large avaortment ~1 bid illeltis a A u l d ,,c lh t iLd e ren'7 t hogirry and glovea or „ ve t , d e _ QUGAR.---Prime New Orleans in store and a k ,: n r; k, mohair an k) for salo by italit] JOHN )100104 2,4 1). othar mitts to b a found in the city: " 01 'it jol9 4 ' • FAI2MERS' ANI) LIFE, FIEF: AND MARINE iNrIIA-LANCF. OONIPANY i/F earn rill $31)0,004.) Amount sinairtily . 5•200,000 This Company effects Fir , • l p.m:Rice nil tino.l4, Forinturn , S. Marino lii,urarag MI erls•gs, Gansu 11,01 Fii.,glil. !mania , no itcete, by RI, era, huh., i Canal; ILulroar., anti Laud Carriage gelierall). Alen, lona- i rata° upon the in..nt favorable tones. DIItECTURS.. Thoint. It. ll.tretwt., .Iturtt , , Seall, Ch 3r1,4 I' 11,11ntm11. C. lir .,, ,v+ter, Mauderlivl.l. 1,0v.h. TIIIOI.I, FIAJE.F.NCE, I'rt.tiJ.•lll EDWAnn It. ILEL.mt.. , I.D. ). Euhun• Builderi PITTNei P.,111 IIF: YERY.Sr Es. ”..1 11. P C. C.. 1. S IV. Ills. L, 11., .1 A. 13 F-- L. Th.nft t.. 1 K• • , .1 1 II 111 Th.. l'..rt,;.A , p) - •II 311 , 1 ; I,w ~••• n•I •11,111 - 1”..• tientlenti, at,..1 -tunar•• Rs•• •••int...! 10 111 1113:1 gnittrnt, Knit iitt,e,t ,, l zt,t :,h.. , I. Till .1 111 . N1 • N TILE Fll.\ NKLIN FIRE INSt'ItA.NCE Ctt \ it?' 1 'llll..%ltkail'?ll it Iloork. r. T0..111 , 14 Hart. NVnainer, Urant, It. Sittitlii tio-t1 liii•to.til• Nlortltit :xi It Lewitt. Adoll.hi I. It it 1 ,, • Nti litt.ter•ii :N. ißZicialt. Socurt.iry Continuo to null, 1:1511,1t1...., it, t petual or limited,. , rtuitroliiitt3, aid 0.1.11 y, :tt lost as iih The Company lot,. rom.irlioil I oi, which. with their (111 , 1Illi tutu prontotott. mf. ly ItlVrnloll, it' hipl motile protortl,l to the 11,7•1111,1. Af1.1I•IP. .•r o". ri.1111411, . oil .I.torutry l•t. I 1.11; rot Ai't .it Astoitititli. v ri. :... t• In.. I Real 1,1. l 7 • troop...to this 1..11,11111%1,111 Nl;;ltttzt IA.III am, I •tt.tt, itt,•••l. 1.) 111, 1 1' 11 .' 1 111111 1 11 .1111 tIiA.A All 11AI/1111114A .1.11. 1 / 1 1 1 11 , 1.11 nL_Jt !" • , ttortit-t•tu,t %V•ttttl aitd rr t I) STATES LIFE INS[ I;AN, Tiit;:•T otm•AN I'l IA L. 32.......000 Offic.•. PhtlAd• :I hill uritt:Etz6 AT PHILADELPHIA St , •l hrn It Ilxw 1. , •1 It tt,' It tt...1,!, A W ti, lirti;:tutin W. 111141 , y, 31c11., NVUI:h Al..y - \I ). kr.N•.1.1 , 1.- B,\NkER AND 1;1:()1.IG:- t IN I.1)(1)II , . IL. I li,ir,k , •rs , E% \ .67 1 . 1 E. .111 N & ie er. , Ban kt-r- , Ex• :..t• ~•:z 11,1 T1In• 144.11.. at.-11s, CO - ' 4 1••• i :. (I. y N 1‘ ); t 1,, T111.01.\ =MO N 1.1% =MEE =ME I t. 1.1., !..,.• ' -ro N `•z`t• t H - t, .40. • ;-* A r ic r Fr; • e • . _Yet " \.‘ MMIIIMIM=I T.or 1 F. ()0(a) k A , l • IMIIME=II I 1(.) i'I:L~ i;1;4)1;(,1. o.\ 1 A , s 1 Aftl anti ns-..11111-4nit-u - 101 le' ST UL M: Ilt.) I F:l., IMIE=I9 11 1 11. I 1: Veil) IN FENT 111 1.,,1:, L. EST:I L.", RANTS -NV. I. ENtiLISII, I i k:~y};1 'Lt .•• .‘hd•: It I, Ili .0.411 a:.•1 AND I; LOVES-21;1,011er vry 1. 04 , 'll rk lllll/1•1 '1 14.1011, jilt{ ,41,41 myl4 , A. A AIASON A CV. Hi. RENT. tartsin, 24 a, ;ex , ziol i ti -rue Mai,, e . I turn nun ntahle, aln“ht. I 11.1.,trIng herr) and tree, vr apv, Au. Thin a gaol titre s li r.4or tennis:tip . % 4. my° It. C. g J. R. SAWYER, !,• 47 W.4,tlrt 11\ 1 1 1:. , 1•TE WITH TIII;EF: DAMN' 11:AIN: , FILOM PITTSIIUMGH TO CINCIN NA 1.1 oNIS ROI"FE WITH TIMM.: DAILY TRAINS 7 . () bAII'O.V AA!) IN 01110 AND PENNSIII.I - ANIA PAS: EN(I ER TRAINS WILL RUN DAILY, EXCEPT A NIP el . N liAl S, as lollows: t...aves Pittibitrgh for Crestline at 3:00 A. NI., 7:30 A. M. and:; P. M. L ITT I. E Al IAN!! RAI I. ROADs. . ~., 1..5,i I'. M. , Leave, (Ire:aline for Pittsburgh at 5:00 A. NI., T;00 P• )L, VLA CIIE-TLTNE AND e()I.I'MI3 U.S. . Thrsu 'Trains make clur. connections at CRESTLINE with , Trains for COLUM.Iit S. DAYTON. CINCINNATI, BELLE i,Nit. d.iii ROU,)1; • ' '- r r P »n l'iltsburgh to Ci n.c.lnnatt. , F oNTA I NE, INDIAN APoLIS, CHICAGO, SAINT LOUIS, i and all points on roada extruding West and tiontli•west ( . ...xxi....rixi: at Clnclistiait with U.... )liiil Lam iidi i iiiii . ers, P tiaPPllx.ll 01110, INDIA NA and I LIANoIS. t . ,., i ii=l.,.n a nd Laxiinii..ii itailroal, Ohio ...el 31,...i:.ippi .f It AI NS FROM PITTSISU KO I I connect at Mansfield with ~,,,„,;,,,. ~,, 1 1 1,. l A , iencel.i.i...h 1 . ... 0 1 , ' , ll''''' . . S sil ,' Tr...li ..1. Sandusky. Mati.tield and Newark Road, for CIII. L.,1 ,., , ,,, , ,„,,, xe,L, .a id, the Iiii):.•11 111 N. , :::‘, an d CAI ii i. ToLEDo and SANDUSKY; making as quirk and I ii.1...i... Central fi1ti1r....,1-. int, cutiii,:tions to CII ICAUrI. a. by any other route. Con- Tiiiinodi TI , I: GI'S, Via Caliaala.V nod . I ' .'. ' n.ti i t .. I it, ii•l. are made at Alliance with Trains on Cleveland and I ...‘11,.:1.n. L.•;:e...ii... :it. LA , ,1 , , 1 ,, '1. , • ,, P- 1, i" i i . ito . ‘'.. ' Pittaburgh Road, for CLEVELAND, CHICAGO, DUNKIRK I:: oil and :Xenia, to 11031 , 11. Indetisii...l,, I...Tiyette, , th , t 81 .,,,,.,, ,0. 1. , ~• ll:inte. St. Irvin-, AC., iiii rix i iiteligersi leaving Pittsburgh. at 3 P. 31. for Sandusky, IDE 1.11 - ru: MIAMI via 1, 0 ." 1111. '' , .. ' l ' ll '',.. : '' wi ' h , Toledo and Chicago, have the benefit of a night's net, at 11,.11,001,1 , 1, 011 , 1 lA . V lag ' '' . Itail. '' ad ' lb" ''. '' M '"' Mnusfiettl or Cleveland, and arrive in Chicagii early next gii Tile. Si. an,..r-. tin- Oh, and )lo.stosii.l.l limiirdad, I,.dl,.dtile ~,,,,,, laix IPurcip Uiptite. pptlP•i i , •iiitip ii i lai tith ro . 111,1 • • ;' Triiiiiii East from Crentline make close connections with . .. .. . . ... , _ot. .. . . =EMI . •II to I+ hy :01 111 , .dn•l - r.IIS rlttn oink I.e 1411:1111,11. anti • Niiamt 1:,111 , o141 1 . 11 , • (I,,tkint• k.nrig 111. RII,Ir ter! I,•,'ini. I.4pu,n. rinnx i•t•I 1,1,1 p.,,5..115 ,. r: hail. lOU 11111 0 t By 11.1 F..1...1 xn.l 41Ner,its / t • 'I refititi,i. lite/ r - e•mp . ii , tt otetclalle II) In , . r I , , r Y . .... I .0.,1 pitsliollgrry ride t , r , r ILr rnu THREE lIA I I 1 . TIC.kIN.., 11.1 COLUMBUS AND CINCINN.VI .I . Fm-- l'.tl-I , rcli t. )91) A. M. for .:lira LI:, 11,3, 1.,111...1-11)111.1 ,111,101111,11 11,111. LI I at Cincinnati one. and 1,0 Ilona tom to a , ls au. i• i.l tl. t:h.pn L,J.I -ND Tltt, Pit t k A. \ 011.1111111.11. Thi• 'r rain 10 1 , 1.0 Tit Ini Crc.tlinc. L.,11,4:••11 111. 1 / 3 11 .r,11,. i, , i,N11.11, • '.•t:t r, aVi 1.1:k i i. ‘ vT„N, AND 1N1.!A7....\1'.11.1ZZ. F:1,1 .0 0 .., .• k A M. f". --;'....C.0‘01.1. Nouia. lodu, 1., I, \ 1.11•,...q. r.U 1 - .1,11, 1 1111• A. NI. tel ~ ~ ...t ..1.010,u, “in. eft.. Tetr. \ f't A . 1 wilt; T l'lttalpat Jt at .1 i h.k I'. , C..1.01.1...5. X. :,A. :•.t.. i tellaoolle.ilA, I.2sfayetie, . II •--.-. (....1“.A.1 114, are et., , I 1 r• in.:lli f. .r llcru(.ltia, hl C. 10100... m g tile Jl:re. I LIJ. Time TAloet, Jie F.A•JeJJ, urim,, ,, l t., run m piumAtim. 01, t• 11. f ..:01 Ti.•kerA, ritn.r Apply rt ,11 RARP.:OI 1 n:. CI 1111 V. T 0 Let Aomh t t 0. d.I• St it Tt.1..••1 F•I tt In St.. A. -.ht. t..l.ttrelt . I".t. l.tn. in.ti. 01,1:\ ELAND AND PITTSBURGI Ohio null Pirtsoft) v ania Railroad, ‘:, Ai I. -T mr.7T Ht.rte Tv C141CA.30 1 - 11 CLI", \ j. tln,.11,11)!!. • I 1111 kj...11t hue • ' tti..ll Ole 01.01 4,, f 1 . 41iP.1• , /:,11 Had t 1•. , eland. Cr..l. 14.11% I r.L.tin [MINI/v.Oll re.ettor.l att.' I.:htt't•g , .. • I •.‘ ;• • .4,•• till ir•ittre, .11,, Alter Tt F.:•I , A . 11 the. V. AA 01. i 1.111 ,t 3 th 1 L.A r, i • :•/ A M..,7 A \I ...•: ...tt I M I. +ttt- .I:llAttitt Al 7 . : A M pt..] II AlAtAl P 7`7•1117'- t::.•rt• tt4 ;I: • at:a •• I : 7,- 7 A NI PI.II, A ,oll•A' INNEN =WI 0111 1 ) ANI) M iSSISSI FPI ii1114110A1) Ml= 1!EIMMIE1111111 11.•//t .•/. I : / II K. I. rr.,•• 11./ lIIIMIII=I :. n11)10,1.1;1 1.3,• 19 • fi . 1. ./•• Ili •• II TICKET-el 1,1), 0,1-111101, 1,1 a) IN. • 1 1,, 40 .1 4 1,1 I. 1. \ 1,1., 1.1 1,-• el ue huhu., led Federal /die • `t.ttr ri. Alt. ultesiy Il ...0 of JANIE, M. 1\ Acili. t. iit ..I,el It. II F \ Agent. I'd tyloirall. TILE PEN ',VAN IA RA111.11()A1). ri I I' \ thud,. 'it.. • a dli en 1. ...id, i•tat... by a / llailaa) ini•i• (tonneau. u Iliti!) • ..t•IIIA1•1 , 1' 0. I a::1 TA I.y •• hi. I, idli /era aril( .1 1.. and GREAT IVI,OT. Itatrs bell{' ern Plk lIIT L,llllhlah l'lttlibllrgh. 1..\ - Beets, Shoe.. lit) tt.m. Furs, Fent ber...„l. ••1.••••N And i•ta:l ricry, ;in bide, Ilardaare. Len- -e lot the 1 Bagging. liar., I _ and Pork. •in bulk./ Hemp, . ' Kill Cl,A,,S.—Cellee, Fedi, Ituoidi and •• l• •lk, .1....1.0.dd Lard and Lard 1111 j rpei barrel. Itri - In nloppinu from any peint fined of 1'111!:tack p'.. id., to indel. pick , t All 1:0,.'. ,aningnial to the A.teni,•l ildei Il ad vt Phllddelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. I 1ty.1,11 . 1 . Au Potter, Ite.don; J. ; J l.•11••••ler, Philadelphia; A lieen.„ inei• Frnnrii,tnii,. A It, C. dinati, Wye ; J. L. 11, Ind.: it:itch/I Lou,. \L•; J. )11ti.11..11 d Snit. Evan...die Indiana. 11. 11. IltiusTi,N, 11.-neral Freight Agent, Philadelphia. 11. J. I.o)lltAtiltT. iiiiiierinteuilent, Alto/init. p it. RAII,ROAI). 17:4141 . L . AF1 Su 'timer A rrangeukent of flour. NIttNItAV '1'1: \l\- hetw•-•7. PITTt , ./tt . lOW and Plll LA DELPH lA. HE NIQRNINti \I \ll. TRAIN leave. Pittsburgh for I at (.611 A N I 11E. I.IN E 1110,1 Ititt..thur, ll f-r Philadelphia at NIGHT EXPIII.:SS TRAIN Ira\ for • ,lididua dr lu P. M. I I.A I itS ILLE At`COM)ItIDATItiN TRAIN leaver Plus h, _l. Sunda), at P ACCOMMODATIt)N TRAIN Isalt, Piltsbllrgb at 11 Jrl.Kk A. P.M., and 6.2 u P. AL—running Turtle Creek Bridge. al l t. alt.., Lines connect at Pit tslturvh with the R,,ii roa d, . 1.. ..1 Alton. tilde., ;itt,,, ill.; .oktort, Letitigtun and 1..t1t-s tile. Ky.: Teri, \Li Lanirotlo and In It.ontisd., I'n.,lllnald. \ • t Rellvfolitattie , . • /1,1,11 .. 1) mud Wooster. ,)hi..; also ' the :team l'acket Boats from and to Sea OILLEA•Ns, IS. LOUISVILLE auLl lIILAKGII TICKETS can be had to ur from either of the al,.•ve places. 1 or further particular., tier handbill. at the different sta. tiug pututa. Piis9l . lllrera from the We.t ajll bud thin the eteet and w ort expeditious route to Philadelphia, .. New Y.irk, or Ito,ton J. MEAKIMEN, Agent, Passenger 1.11,1. Pittsburgh. Tlll 'S. MOORE,. Agent, Passenger Lines, Phiwielphis. • .1" . . • . 4 % , .3 • " 0 ,- 11 ^ r- 7* PI. • +< • . 1 ,- .. z ' r.,. MEM 1556. n/.4 NA Pol. R I I.RO AD, MINIM IMI/MI MEMINEM •.• C. V. %,tt, 11211111111111111 NI % p ‘I Rlt 11r ti \liiE. It tII.It I) I). ;:.I \ I: ..; 1.101 11:1 , •.•1w. t. ,;., ;.-‘l,ll r• t•i: I. 1,. MEM fENEZ RAILROADS Onio and Pennsylvania RailroAd: SUMMER .ARBANtir.gIIIKMT TillktEE TRAINS DAILY (.UXCEPT SUNDAY.) Trains on Pennsylvania Central Railroad for PHILA DEL PHIA. BALTIMORE, and NEW YORK- Tli Rortill TICKETS are add to Columbus, Dayton, Cin . ',olivine, St, Loan, Indianapolis, Benet..lmmo°, Rock Island, loam City, Dunlieth, Milwaukie, .or,, Springfield. 111.. Fort Wayne, Cleveland, and the prin. • .p.,1 ate, in the 11 cot. Through ticket, over this line may be had at all of the Mare, for Patsburgh, Philadelphia, Baltimore and NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMODATION TRAIN leaver new: Erizliton for Pittsburgh at 7, A. M. and I N. Leaver Pit t,hurgh for Neu Brighton, at A. 31. and 3 4. P. N. toy For ticket-4 and further information apply to A. T. lll>p, iN, at the corner attire, under the Monongahela 11- , . at at the Federal street Station. to GEo. PARKIN, JUILN Ii.KLLY, Passenger Agent. J. 11. 3100P,E, Sop' t. CENTRAL ROUTE NEW AND DIRECT ROUTE OPEN TO kOC(Ili Northern Minolta to Mhottestppl RI rer lOWA, MISSOURI, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA ALL RAILILOAD TO TILE M1881;;SIPPI Chicago, Burlington and Quincy ruItMEELT THE elli,EG” AND AL - Evad, AND CENTRAL MILETER' Tn..tcr S ON CAN 11,ETED, and Trui us run the entire distant , fro.. CIIICAIiU TO BC It LI NGToN,. lowa, without chew 11, t)uty Ihrect Route to Burliugton, Quincy, Keokuk flu aainur, inmawka, Lt ap..110, Fort Ih-a Manru, Gounca and the oNt.r ALL n 111.11011) 1(01 - 1E from ellicagi „ r 1,111,, ith KA - 11111210U. Clinton. Decatur, Cairo, Spring. a•,.l..lacksnurille, Napnag, and intermeitntio ritatioras 00 LI" 1nm...4 Central, Great Wetter:l, and Ohio and Miadianipp Ktit the atk ve Line leave Chicago on the arrival • fi an the ELtat—iiNotding all laying over at any of tl leave Burlington daily her Southern and Central a :led N..rtherti Nli.ekinri—inaking the tinickext nod moat t 1.1.• root. t ) . reach all the itnyirtant plill4ll WY:4 Of the )11 • her yiiuncil Bluth with front tdrty to fiti) in.. lens etaging I', guy other route. The Brunt. ha of the rr ay. is land with the CiriTßruni.is RAB, ;:.• riding 1111:1 teat litlllll . ollll In the Wegt—Well • • ked with OW 111“4. 1.00/111‘41Ve, and elegant ties ,- Can. 4C 1:y thic route. patteengent are cure of Making culture ml arri, lug at St. losuic adverth.e.l time. avoiding ii. is..y.tuouc delay of Hr. :tl,l nut danifent of nut Iga• t.•,.,, as an In, rule by Alton. i5.t'he.1.4,1 dltect through (rum Chicago, and no at aby 3 It thd...111 TR Ei thic route can be purchased at Radr.mal Office. in the Flax( ; at the Unice at the Com .•oroer .4 ("huh and Lake street,, in the Granite , sit t h e Ih pet of the Oakum Railroad, and at the ( 5, , ht,utit Cent Hafts' oil cunt, of Lake stud I)ean cueetc. Cluettne 1.9 11., rant, - rt,..a, immediate ILA NI Supt. Yel.Lerr, I,rtivrhi Tpp , k, Agent, Chic...to TICIC ETS Nin rtrcurvl at the priucipel P:t .p.- ,t the ~,Lintry. tlltll9 deal American and U. S. Express and 72 N:LES I,F DISTkNCE SAVED, LIP TWO CHANGES OF CAM AND BAGGAGE AVOTIaD. AIR LINE ROUTE b rT NV HIM CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS, W. NUSri \ IA ('IIICAtit ) , ALTON AND 51'. Lol'lS RAILROAD, Formerly Chicago and Mississippi. ' Lours. Trams Ira,. I ..1 \l ; o er -• . • .:tt 'l,l•!.‘lS n A M. 1611 tt.t kit Qt. '1%9 utilett,) v'tthttut tialt.• r• I\ II .11,1 It El t\ EH, naa.ll4: m . . 31,1 p.ottl+ , . k..ttt,-,l'l,ltbettri.ttlt! Atttl Ttllttest.•••• tlttr - ±, mill rs.tte to Itt sr,rtAts tvt.. t • I. t.t.t. I xt) -met eit milt, 1,0 to lic.,ruituaton, II t:) ttllr. 1,. 1.. :IQ - 1140,411. thnti by Au) other • ThitetA over the.: route can he pr oared at the t I ' l4 1,1 \.ain Ne , it.lit/1141, A [lotto'. Itutlnle, A. and At all Throno: , thr , :e.,,,h:Ali the :tat.-, and i 0 l'hit , Ao at the rtl, Jr heaths:lu 'tree!, ~ p p, sue the Tre ... :,t Ile‘tA,--Alhl 01 the 1. , e1K.d. 01 the Ilhums Central Rad- 4 : t V, •trrot " 01 :"^Y.I." nt the' g• , ,lg Lliwago, Cht•ck LtiaggAgt 11,111 t 41en1i,41 ' , la tin' 11,. Molttl.kN, Jr., Supennteudent. II .1 D. SCIIF:I:MER1101tN, lieneral Pnaxeuger Agent._ i , i 1, NEW AND DIRECT ROUTE, ~ ~~ MIMI =EI 1:1I1 1,•‘1101 , rltii in, IN) 1,1, A. cll. g• w k TIIE CITIIN IN THE ME.ST ANL, tot TII, Nletit)etil ille Im. Indiana Railroad Ik. , 3111 , 1. 1 11 , 1 1111/1 in sokwettiftll kkpor.rtott kw 11.1 .1/11, 1:-.11I1 . .1/111 31111 611' lILCIIitIeS, 1/11 11 tt. ~ 11, Itttvett, ‘.l.• ' of trvuti.rt by an) ts ott 1 1/111111, 11 vat Inoutltlttmlourglt. Fall Arrangement. and after MONDAY, Not ember MI:. MS, it DAILY ANN elegant and .wilt running Steamers, commanded :•. .v i ,. rictned and accommodating officers, as 11l leave Pitta. b•ir,ll every day at ko I'. M. VRNTI . RP Captain titmeet. FAIRY (.41.',EKS " .1.0 ILKNO. Jr Passenger,. obap rn twirl, and rt•dch Steulam‘ ilk at 7 o'.•lock the folio%utg nnamitig—connecting with the Fast Train at 7:15 A. 11., tnakmg direct connection with Trains the above cittea—thm obtaining a comfortable night'. and avoiding Jr. fatigm of . nighl travel by railroad. al,r- Fare its cheap :is by any other Railroad route. For Through and Local Tia Lets, and further information, impure of 4011 N J. HOUSTON, N. 11 5 Water Street, Pittsburgh. ONO. W. FULTON, Superintendent. L. DEVIINNY, General Agent. 11.13 ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, CARRYING THE Great Cafled States Matt and Express TIVo PASSENORR TRAINS RUN DAILY on Ito entire Len,i DUBL'QL'E ro CAIRO, r. 1 ,1 11.40, in Conneeti , al with Truths of thu Ohio and R. It. and Chwago mud Galena Railroad, forms Ilir w , et direct n o d only o,ntinuolls It it. route from CHICAGO T , ./ Sr. LOGS, CIIICAt:0 ro CAIRO, CHICAGO ro oußuquit. T I AND CAuto 1'4,-,ng , Ars for 61. Louis I.y this train take the are of th nit.. and Miss. It. R. at Sandoral, and are curried direct t St. I,uls. 0.35 A. M. 0101 4:10 P. M.-Duiugur. AND GALENA KICKLENS, cuuwK•ting at Dunheth (opi.site Dubuque) with a Dail I.i n , of Steam Packets for St. Paul and the Upper Missi .dppi river cities. "run. leave Cairo fur Chicago and Dubuque at 7:30 A. NI and 7.00 P. M. Pa4,tigerS from the East and places on the Ohio river, destined for St. Louis, will sure Wu utiles of tedious and nu river navigation from Cairo to St. Louis, and arrive tift,tot bourn in advance of the river route, by taking the Cars at Cairo. Tt‘ kete t. , St. LOUitl, Cairo, Dubuque St. Paul, and all Im portant placed by thls route, can be had at the office of the 1. A I'. and C. di I`. Railroads in Pittsburgh, and Michigan Central ltddroad in Chicago. IL B. 3U ON, J O6 Bupecluteret. PITTSBURGH & CONNELLSVILLE New Arranyement. Commencing June 2d, 185 G lit eonsequenee of the interruption of navigation on the Youghiogheny and 'Monongahela rivers, the folliowing ar ranzenients have been made for the conveyance of tray eters to and from Pittsburgh. I'ASSENt4EIi...3 LEAVE by Bunting t.Nuachno at 5 A. M. Ilia by P. C. It. It. cars at 7.45 A. M. cwhai by Bunting& hall's coaches 9.30 A. II I a 11.1 . 1.1 Station by l' R. It. cars 12:0 A. M. And limy° in Pittsburgh at 200 P. M. • RETURNING—PASSENGERS LEAVE I'ooll , llra at 2.50 P. M. I rw StAtiOn 4 P. M. West Newton 6.30 P. M., c r upon arrival of coaches from Ire m a and arrive in Como Ikrine at 8 I. M Fare from Uniontown to Pittsburgh.... do Coo PittArtirg.... ti West Newton to l'ittriburgh P., , ,,eligers will please pructire stage tickets at the Aire of the P.mnapicania Railroad, Pittsburgh, in order to secure their seats and a sure connection with the cars at West Newton. . _ • - D. W. CALDWELL, Asd. SupL. iitlice P. A C. R. E., W,,t .N,,utuu, June 2d. ju9. DOWDER'D BLUE A superior article, Just ruCeiVell snd fur euila by FUSALINU BROS. .ti 5 r ; : ~~ka, ~. RAILROAD Mall Koala Sun! y, vx•,•p:rd t011. , 1 ulih 1;:al, and -paciatv• ; , p—rloaLly af u.,,idat-ir ,1111/111,1 railravul traNat,. Iron, vtlect, 01 log I'IIT6BCROII TO itatii.tuttiktlia„ ILtwklud, Yincettu,s, I OM, City, bairns, 31empltia, Vu-rt: tirkitits. /ND CHICAOO 11) CAIRO R.4_I[LROAD. MEDICAL LIVER PILLS AND VERMWUGE yMPROVED. DR. I. S4(YPf.'n regulor groduato nod phyOcton of =ten .icepnu.tice a nd pet en, induced by a CUMUleAdAbie de- Eire to mi ov i t , t , hh nufforiug, on well 11.1 i to elAri, has per• fected an MPROVESIENT ON THE ORIGINAL LIVER PILL AND VERMIFECIE OF DR. C. McLASE, Having prepared these remedies as the medical partner of Dr. C. McLane, for many years. U - 11: LIVER PILLS AND VEII.IIIFIaiY. • • • • pOSNCISII greater efficacy and are inure mild in their operation than the Liver Pill and Verntifitge prepared according to the original recipe of Dr. C. McLane. We inah.c this declaration understandingly, and reconnuend theta to the afflicted as being both pleasant and curative, and believe thew nuperior to any other Liver l'ill or Ver.:piing,• ever prepared. Read Certitlente of Dr. C. McLane, below THE WHOLE WORLD CONQUERED! DR. I. SCOTT'S CELEBRATED WHITE CI6CASSIIN LINIMENT. The universal relief afforded by applications of thin CEL EBRATED KING of Pain Killers in owes of Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Sore Throat, Bridges, Sprains, Swellings, Stiffness of the Joints. Sciataca, Pains, lezalds,d:ums, Achim, or any other disigem fur which a Pain Killer or Liniment is used. enables us to assert Poodtivdly that Dr. 1. SCOTT'S CELEBRATED WHITE CIRCASSIAN LINIMENT is the most reliable, safe and pleasant remedy yet dig. overt' d. sossing astonishing proportion for Ill.:ALINE) sEASERIDI Tun I'ILUMPT ERADICATION OF VAIN. The many at testations to is virtues, given by pero ids of enlightrned imlgment and strict integrity, should induce all to adopt it as a gtandard Fancily Remedy. The most incredulous will require nothing more than the following teStiniony of Dr. C. McLane, distinguished as a great discoverer of 1110diati remedies: READI READ2I READS:I NIORGANTOIVS, VA.. Sept.. 12, 181,5 This is to certify, that I have examilied the Recipe for pro paring McLane s Improyed Vel'rittrage and Liver by Dr. 1. ecott, who has been LN THE HABIT OF PREPARINAI AND USING MY ORIGINAL MEDICINES IN MY oFFICE daring the last THIRTEEN YEARS. and that I believe he has IMPROVED THEM- 1 make the above statement the mere willingly as I HAVE No INTEREST IN THEM IVIIATEVEE. I would rurthi.r state that I have friiquent.l used his CELEBRATED WHITE CIRCASSIAN LINIMENI In my practice, with the happiest effo.ts. and that I can cull seientiously recommend it. C. McLANE, M. D. All the above Medicines prepared solely under the super. vision Dr. 1. SCXYIT. Sold by Drutrutatit a..d Merchants ever) whore. 'lire GENUINE Dr. C. McLANE'S IMPROVED LIVER PILLS AND IMPID.WED VERMLNUOK are signed by Dr. I..rCUTI' A. CO., 1141,1.111111.111 ed by vertdieut.• of C. 3IuLANE. Tic' GENUINE WHITE CIItCASS/AN LINIMENT 41j.nu by Dr. I. SCX.Yrf A Cu., twaxanpanied with aiguatura of &it:TT, M. D. DR. I. SCOTT k Cn.. Sole Proprietors. Balk. Morgaalvwu, Va. DR. G. 11. FPA'S ER, Witoltoode Agent, 140 Wood street, l'lttabartrh. JAS. P. FL Kit I NU, Wi1...1,-sak Agent,. JIM:113 inawlytpoSt Near Railroad D.pt.t. THE SATISFACTORY REMF,DY—Fran ail parts of the rotintry. mirth and south. the propt tot - ate to receipt of each tattering teatuano u. ,ir . nit tolative to B. A. Fahtleat,les itnetio ed Vet nano tiitettontrutoY, April 15:11.1 , 45. Mth. ct 0, have lan, selling gent ,•, until, in tin. for tlvii years. a,,.! take ileasur•• 11l mtst fir the infort trade and of the imblie, that It I/m las.., a., tal as I know, one of the Wolt lan y remedies in the market. unit .n n ne th, mot saloable itioilininee we have. 1 have also prrsonal knowledge of its nvoil in numerou. ellsatl wader the treatment tlt alr - :!13 . 41.13:. 4 . all of a hunt axe It regularly, and always frpund tt lu 1 , e , e41e awl teliable an a worm aperitif, I can rmom m••ell it am one of the infest and beet In the market. - A. STOLLENWERCK Prepared awl .1d Ly a e. FAIIN IiS'fOCK s CO, 1011:0 turner Wad and Flret ete., Pittabarg', W. W. WALLACE S4TEAM MARBLE WORKS. 31;), 321 and 333 Liberty :greet, Smithfield street, I'ITTsBr7O:I - 1, P.l. AT UN 01EN'IS, TABLE'IS. andRA GRAVE- J.. NI"oInu)s on hstnl; etoton and Maxi'', Curbinv sad I ,ultra for C,lneteries, mode to ovier. Fur° and WalallittandTOpii. rind I mtuuKing Stones made 1.3 machinery, in less time and better sty Is than eau Is J.,110 mere manual lehor. Particular attention is fund to the toanufurt eof MARIILE MANTI, S of whi c h sto hat , a large variet,‘ hoantift.l tattora.. Ititilders and ,then a: a tits :tail 1., i•xasalutt vals kite iwrautuleit that all, doing at, and lo:truing tait pro-.. $l5 and upwards,) but lcw who ate able to own as gaud will hi. willing to rotnnitt I tag with,at iii,uttto,, ono •, ;Horn Mailthe .11itttlort. They la••itilrt• nO ticruhlang ma palatal,: are al wa3s meal; axe au ot na at to a I••••n: ae s.. tab.t and ••••at Ent more than i s tr,or r ol • id mantle. Mut 1•• t.• it 1- H'int !1.tii.1.1.• to al ttt.trl.l..• tit.. tl••• W.•nt. and r.t 1.3 t k.. 1 u, ni.Ld li• tutn.lllllulS. z1a..111.•n. T 'IIIN Es. - LULL'S PATENT 1,3 I \t..111 L• .1 tr.th ih. VI Urht. .1 -.11. ..1: ttt•• tlhrthl.-, :Anti hi,. /,114. 11.. .1.,..11, I. ,r.i ill I ra,king 1.,. uh t d ii,.• 1! ttl It tt !arit• , l ullll.l 1.!1•• Weet.);Lriti •I• 111,. lIIMEME : . a I • pill tiii Ui,, si r I.ll,ert r 1 UPI "ERl C —French Burr and 1,:u,4 inn st.,n,, c!..th.t. Idl Spindles, 31111 , rews. rirrevii Wire, II and Cob tic Hiders, Casa 11,11 r :thruy ..1111111id tilad,. to ..idar, at 319 atleet, awt QTEANI ENGINES AN I) BOILEIZS.- Li 1,4011( 1 1, with th,lairst ituvr.,lllll•llt, ,Irl•l/41 , 4 1 ,1 ,1 a:11Y. Lind 3./11 M. ' , to ~ • IL.,ilrn ~f .1111..ita 4,411. 'tic, t.,11..] ri liil.d w;01 d,-1 , 11.1t ./ 3:1)1.11.ert) istrret, l'itt4bur4ll, bi. 7)oRTABLI.I FLOURING ,NIILLS. —The uu Laud, rind u iitanutacturig, Pot tatile .it an lintils.ve.l quality: they We very n. 11.1• lat. - T, !Mt light. grind Wt. hive in art<tttalTbCia nt-r tintir.l ow Lu drirell I.y aleaaa. wale( or torso pI•VITT, sad WILL fin,Ve a aluable lo irun inii_steis, lumbermen and large fecilers. Orders tillud ut :11U Liberty street, Pittsburg!). ett.=tlAut W. W. %V A LLA . JLIMAS,-... _ Ii AS, T SIAT . • VItP:E OF CI 1 E! !—T Wu SP LEN 1)1 L) voti. , ..E. ENGRAviNtes. entitled ••Itoltou A tobr in tAA tiblen Times, - a eph•nabl Angrnving. In hl the pAnlttnA Lan , het r. an,l In•taii.ory :li.• I a Egi-pt.” n Int-z, anti brnut itu I angriVing inn° A painhun by IL Itobnrtn. The retail price An the flier en grnrlng, ie $3 per copy, but will Ile beat f Yet <J cituri, , , as follows: . . . The subscribers hava established a Buis& AGENCY in Iniadelpina. and will furnish any book or r übllcation nt he retail prier. free of postage. Any to [amts, by forwarding he subscription prim of any of the $3 3lat s nixinea, suet: Mit Gasper's, thsley's, Putnam s, Graham's, Frank LeAlio's l'ash i•ooS, he., stiltreceive the magazines fur One year, and a cull of either of the above beautiful engravings, free of charge, it subscribing to a $2 and a $1 Magazine, ouch as Peter son's, and Challeu's Uulies' Christian Annual, they will e, ;el. a 1,4 h tuagailuva and a copy or either nt the 4rnvinga. C.very description of Engraving on Wood executed n ith neatness and despatch. Views of Buildings, Nowspayi Ile, hugs, Views of Machinery. Book Illustrations, 1.. shoe lioain.al Card., k,. All to h. rs not by ,40,aptly attended W. Persons mailing slows of thou' lid ,•lagravud, inn send a daguerr, t. PC or of the 41; hug by ntail or vaprt,s. I,•rvona at is thafance having saleable articles would And It 0 their advantinre to address the shh.vehlbvrs, as we NeiAltd ageuta for the sale of the Mille. BYRAN h. PIERCE. CO South Third street. n~•lB.de ly attaTT BROTT & CURTIS, Dealers in Real Estate, Kt. Anthony Falls, NtlnuesotaTerritory. Land bott;.,ht dal ,old throughout the Turritory. Money loaned. :ON vat. te made to the be,t advantage, and Laud Warrant', I,nit ,(l Also, Agents for the sale of lots in the town of : 4 T. , 12 D, 136 miles from St. Anthony. and Lead of navtgution the Falls. The survey of the groat I.lwitie o e les the MiSalattirpi at this point., and the uumeron4 1 , 1- . at. nn[tat it pie ...Sava Ita inn'l of business, will make it one .t largest cities in the Northwe.st. immtarixets Fa-Governor Ramsey, Minnesota. Lion. Win. 11. Welsh, Chief Justice of Minnesota. Meeker. Lion. 11. M. Hier, Delegate to Cong.rees. Klee, Hunan:Ahead limiter, Attorneys at Law. Messrs. Bump A Oaks. Bankers. Ray. T. M. Fullerton, Register of U. S. Land OM, sep2o F. Brown's Essence otJarnalon Gin g er. TH.'S ESSENCE is a preparation of unusual In ordinary iliarrhivai, Itiriih•nt choiera, in it.at. in all oases prwaration of the di functi.ito, . vt . dts'Stiadaido YAM,. boring the M",,,litdice of epidemic .ho Lira and summer eomplaints, it is I.f...flintily eflkocioun; to Pettily, individual or traveler should he without it. c ‘ nrui.--I.to Kure to get the genuine .Voience, which is prel ail only by F. BROWN. at his Pro;; sit b. emirul Sto,o, N. E. coiner of Fifth and Chovinnt streets, Philadol php. and for sale by all the inal,ortalile Apothecaries in the Unbod States, and in Pittsburgh by B. A. VAITNESTOCK k CO., SCULLY & CO. Aud iu Allegheny by TI. I'. SCITWARTZ, sepB;6rud LEN A. lIECKIIAM Joseph White's Carriage Repository. Jto ba'Fl lIIT E, now carrying ..er • - 0 tress In his spacious premises, (now lately enlarged,) on the Pittsburgh and Greensburg furnpike, near the 'lwo Mile Hun. between Httsburgh and Lawrsureeville, respectfully finites the public to inspect his stock of CARIy AUHB, lIUGGIRS,bc. And tie :icularly informs gentlemen purchaser:, that one pries only in made. kourteeu years experience In the business enables hint to place before Lis patrons the same choice culler dub of Car Hagen which, so many years past it Las been his particular department to select, from the various and most talented Eastern manufacturers. The success of his new system is con, phde--the K.,llolity of his arrangements will supply the bat and most fashionable mannfactures at moderate price, thiellellalbereil by those Leary vSpriid., which the mania for deowating houses or business has heaped upon the price of gads, (awing to large route.) JutsEPli IVll.lTlisp ill sell, ou ready money only, at much less than the usual paces. Afar Carriages repaired iu the bolt manner, with despatch_ mlitedsw - - - NEW BOOKS AT DAVI N SON S, 65 arket street near Fourth. Poems, by Richard Clamerlx Trench. The White Chief, by Capt. Reid. The 'Scalp Hunters, do. do. Comic Miseries of Uumau Life. Helps' Spanish Conquest in America. Everybody tier Own Simemaker. Immigration, Ito Evils and Ito Consequences. Paper Dolls and flow to Make Them. If illside Church or Reminiscences of a "Country Paste rate, by John W. Chickertng, 11. IL Si.;lit and Hearing, How Preserved and How Lost, by Dr. Clerk- Lorenzo Benoui, by Author of Dr. Antonia. The Suffering Savior, by Krumacher. Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory, by Edward T. Chan. ning. Lectures on Great Men; Myers, London. and His Money, Its Coe and Abuse; by Dri Tweedie. Monaldi, a tale by Washington Alli tun. Lecturad delivered to Young Men in London. The Clippie of Antioch. Harper Magazine, publ , alied-20 eta. .1019 THE GOLDEN G N is taking the trade, and it is not much wonder. Our stock of Guns, &c, Is unsurpassed in the city: _ln the way of Fishing Tackle we hese such an assortment that would make old Isaak Walton's ores water, could he rentru to this world Pocket and Table Cutlery in great - abundance, Dog Muzzles, and too many articles to he mentioned here are to be found at the sign of the Golden Gun. GOWN t TETLEY, 4u14 No.pe Vs pal street. .overlF - . - 7- , - ,7 •*^A 7 t 4 i*". 1 ...--": 1,' „trl4 MgD/CA.L. AVER'S -CHEM— PECTORAL, FOR 1 . II E RAPID CURS OF cotroits, _OW" 1 -TGABBI! o ss, BRUNCH:I2W WHOOPIN M SMCOINHAi 4 01 : 11 "1 ASTHMA AND IXINIPIrriDN-• Tuts Itsretzur is offered SO the:C4ln .. ... ruunity with the confidence we feel ID • .- ..j .e an article which seldom fails to root- V . ,, n. . it izo the happiest effects that can be do • . is._ • sired. Ari wide is tht 116htsof Its tISS '-. , .tiri, fulness, and so tannin ' the iew of •-,:l. - ' its cures, that ahuoit every section of riLie , , ,,, ---:\ ,th.recOnDy eboandil in.; persons pub ,. '''' , C - -'" 4 "'' .- I Hely ifintivni, who higvelbeen restored' ~ - - - ,CroMmfarifirXiptnil men -amissdesperip,dis 101 i liattirri, by Its 'llse. -When once tried, Itaseme limit). over every other medicine of Its kind, Is too apparent Lamina, observation, and where ltd virtues are known, the ptilille.ner tong hasiktleisililif tudidoteto ship O flZ'f the ifistrissiiing and daig4roirsi affectititis of tie pulaWnillry.or. gsais.which are incident td our.Clituatpi . , - • • Noddim has citilesLiouder ft the earstestintitdrypt medi cal men, than the °Miming prelencri add fatalitY of con sumptive complaints. Her tubs any one eines of diseases had more of their Investigations and care. But us yet DO ad.- quote remedy has beenTrorlded, on which the public cotdd depend for protection Oulu attacks upon the respiratory or. gnus. until the introduction .oT the CHERRY PECTORAL. This article Is the product of a long, laborious, andel believe, suecessful endeavor to furnish the community with such a •. remedy. 01 thin bust statement the American people are now themselves prepared to Judge, and I appeal with confidence to their decision. 11 there is any dependence to be placed in what men of every class and station certify it has done for them, if we can trust our own senses, when we see dangerous affections of the throat soil lung. yield bait; if we inindepend . e . the axon once of intelligent Physicians who take it their ba g i no k i t o know--in short, if there litany reliance upon any. then it is irrefutsbly proven that this medicine does re lieve and dials core the class of diseases it is designed for, be yond any and all others that are known to mankind.. If this I • true, it (Minot be too freely published, nor too widely known. The afflicted should know it. A remedy that cures is-price less to them. Permits Should know It, their children are priceless to them. All should know it,. for health pan be pricerl to uo one. Net only ehonid It be circulated here, hut everywhere, not only in this country, but in all countries. Ilow faithfully we have acted on this conviction, le Await in the fact that already this article lute made the circles of the riots.. The slits never site nn its limits. No continent is a it hoot it. and hut few ita lics. Although not in so general 'Me) in other tuitions as in this, it is employed by the more intelligent it ultaisd all civilized countries. It is exten sively employed ire both America,—in Duropo, Asia, Africa, Australia and t h e thredl rebinds of the sea. Life la as dear to its ionAesvorS therm . here, 111111 they grasp at a valuable reue-ly with even more avidity. Unlike most prepaxations of its kind, it is au expeusive composition of costly mategiaL ;Still it is afforded to the public at a reinsaiiaWy low pate, and what is of vastly more importance to them, its quality is no or antlered to Ileelitle from its original standard of excel lettee. Every bottle of this medicine, now mannfictured, is as goad es ever loos been mode heretofore, or as we' are CB ',able of making. No toil or cost Is spared, in maintaining it it, the beet perfection which it le possible to prodnee. Hence the patient who procures the genuine Calnitilt Pze roa at, can rely on haling es good an article as ever been had by thou, who testify to Its cures. By pursuing this course. I have the hope of doing some go,l in the world. LS Well as lb& eatisfuction of believing that much lias been done already. try Prepared by J. C. AY RR, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, glass. Sold by B. A. FAIINECTOCK & CO., at wholesale and re tail, by every Druggist in Pittsburgh, and by all Dealers reryw` ere apl:4mdifw The Greatest Medical Discovery OF THE AGE. AAril R. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has disdov i. eyed iu ..ne of our common pasture weeds s remedy ~„i t ey Hod of Flion,r, from the word Sergi - W.2M II 1,./11 moli LI, has treated it in over eleven hundred cases, and never rail, .1 ,crept In two (vises ,both thunder humor.) Ile . has on in !lie Iw...elision over two hundred certificates of its within twenty miles of B o ston, are warranted to cure a nnrsing, sore mouth. t , ne ta three bottles will cure the worst Lind of planples of T , to three I...ttleN will .cur the system or bolls. Two tvctlee are warranted to cure the worst canker to the ulll awl st !.toe tf • fivo betctott are warranted to cure the worstame t•lysipelatc. • 't..nr two I....tthe are warranted to cure all humor of the are warranted to cure running ef the earrand :rhea among the hair. Veto to nix bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and run ults,rs. r hottic will cure scaly eruption of the akin. Two to three bittles are warranted to-cure theinost des. pi cases of rheumatism. 'l . w., or three Laittlem are warranted to cure the worst cases of ringworm. to four tattles are warranted to curo salt rheum. Hie to bottlisi will cure the worst °woof scrofula. 1-ticlit is always experienced from the first bottle, and rfei-t cure is warranted when the above quantity Is • Netlinig louts SO improbable to those who have in vain 1 , led alt the wonderful awe-id:nes of the day, as that a con:- loon growing iu the pasture, aud along old stone walls, cure every humor iu the system; yet it is now a fixed iact it' you hare a humor it bas to start. There are nu ifs our ands, Lutes or 11101 about suiting some cases and nut y e- I peddled over a thousand bottiLw of it lathe vicinity li,•stutt. I know its effects In every case. It has already .1,1 , 'sun, of the greatest cures ever dune In Massackusetts. e to children a year aid; to old people of .ty. I hive •ssm poor, puny, wormy looking children, whatm flesh or, ~.ft and flabby, restored to a perfect state of health by ar bottle. T., thou, who are subject to a sick headache, one bottle• e :dos . ), cute it. It gives great relief to catarrh and dizs ,. s. Some who here been costive for years. hive %ken mid Is-on regulated by it. Ill:here the body is sound it works east • but u Roy dt•rangetuent of the rrin err siat:tilar reelings, but '•on 1! . out Lit. Abu mad—they alwaya k luutppeur in from [our •t Or" k. There it, tote 1...V1 I t.stlit from lt. On the rte strt,t. l'itt.4l:l3r,ll W. N. IA A 1.1. AC E. •:tinry. when thar is over, you will fuel yourself ~ nee' perwn. r hvraq Name ,if the mart extravagant el it ti.at auto ever listened to. No change of .I•vtis es-, necessary--vat Lba best you can get. I have like au herb. e Lich, when ,inituered in sweet oil, dissolves t,..tal.•us .11111 of the meek and under the ears. l'rice rent.. Price of the hledir , I Discovery V per bottle. Dir,oli,ror for '"sr.—Ada' .•nc table apoonfilJ per day. c1.,1,11,1 over eight ye:int, sponnful; children front life t.• eight years, lea-eeeenfol. As no direction tan to eppliceiee to At ••••nsttliiti.•tts, take enough to operate N Ltt , vs " tlr K ENl•ersotial tittrielanco in bad eaves of ei W. W . 11 .X ',LACE and Irlril, nt Pr. KEYSER's. 110 Wood strprt. corn, of \ irgiu nllry, and J. P. FLX.MING, Allis• 41,n) . apl2.l.yd.ew IMIE= (kcat (Jolt I,ciiiebir. ff ul k7 WSt 0 R 74 Pr - Dr. Rogers , 83rup of , - 1 NA - • - it r J TO TUX OOMPLITT mar or Coughs, Colds, Influenza, _Bronchiti s, ' Spitting Blood, Aithma, AND ALL OTHER LUNG COMPLAINTS TUDING TO CONSUMPTION! THP above iltrpectorant, prepared by aneitperienced Physician and Chemist, has now become a standar& Preparation, and Is offered for the COMPLETE CURE of those diseases of the THROAT and I.LIIIGS, which, if neglected, usually terminate fatally In CON.. iiviPTION. It contains no Opium, Calomel, or any mineral whatever, but is composed entirely of those i*POl.l, Herbs, and Vegetable Bubstarmes, whleh have a speclfe influence upon the Lunge and their -connected organs. Its immediate effect is to allay all Irritation, and gently remove the phlegm and ether morbid secre tions, from the Throat and air-passages, thus - relieving the Cough, by subduing the Inflammation and other causes which give rise to it. It to approved of and re commended by Physicians of the highest standing, and may be given with perfect afety to the youngest child or the most delicate female. Lem MnE half a bottle will generally core any ordinary COLD or COUGH, by following the directions. 072 bottle Is usually sufficient for a case of Intl.- enza. few doses will relieve Tickling as fhe fffroci. or Hoarseness. One bolao will effectually atop Spitting Blood. Three to Bice bottles only are required In Bronchi tie or Asthma. four to Sight bottles will core any Me of lllClpt ent Consumption. One bottle to warranted always to do good, and sanity the patient that he is on the , right routto a LIME. Judge now whether or not It is beat to me If. Certifi cates on 1k at the office from Multitudes of restOri4 Fal terers. A. L. BCOVILL & Co., ProPriettlrt, No. 1304 BROADWAY, (cor. Duane Bt) New -York. For gale by all Druggists throughout the trotted &atm and Canada& For sale, wholesale and retail, by R. E. SELLERS & 0., coiner Wood and Second streets. ~ • Sold Miro by HENDERSON A BRO., Liberty street; 11. Y. St:IIWARTB, and BECKHAM k McKENNAN, Alhigher') C,ty. nov3o:dew UM OF ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION, NEW AND VERY WONDERFUL. HYGEANA BROUGHT HOME TO THE DOOR OF TUE MILLIOI A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY has recent li ly been made by Dr. Owns, of thhf city, in the treat. ant ut Consumption, Asthma, and all diseases of the Lunge, W. refer to Dr- Corms' Iltuesza, on INHALING theses Vsisat son Crony Scam" With this new method, Dr. C. has restored many afflicted ones to health; man evidence of which, be has innumerable certificates. Speaking of the mai:neat, a physician remarks,: It Is evident:that inhaling --constantly bre-editing an alma:able, healing vapor—the metlicival properties must could in direst contact with the whole oriel cavities of the lungs, and thus - escape the many and varied changes produced upon them when introduced Into the stomach, and subject to the procani•of digestion." The Ilygetum, is for hale by all the Druggists throughout the country."—Nets York Didclunan of January U. 'll.e Inhaler is worn on the breast, under the linen, with out the least Inconvenlauce—the heat of the body being sufficient to evaporate the fluid. Hundreds of cues of cares, like the following, might be named: Cue package of the Ilygesma has cured me of the Asthma, of 61x years' standing. J. F. gibutonr, pOstmaster of Dunitiamon, Pa. I am cured of the Asthma, of ten yearst standing, by Dr Curtis' linear... , Mamas= Mores, Brooklyn, N. Y. mra s feet, of No. 5 liannuond street, N. Y., WAS cured of a ...ere woo of Bronchitis by the Ilygetina. My sister has been cured of a distriasing cough, of several years' standing, and deckled to be incurable by the physi china She was cored in one month, by the IlygettniL J. IL tisonekt, liichmi-nd, Me, 1 Rev. Dr. Coerces, of New York, testifies of our rued!. tin. in the following language: New Yeats, November 15, 1854. IL-ar Sir—l think high!). of Dr. Curtis' Ilygesua WI a rem -6613: ill diseases of the throat and lungs. !hiving 1134 come opportunity to mealy its efficicy, I am convinced that it is a er ,scaliest medicine, both the Syrup and the inhaling npplaaition to the chest. N. H.—Dr. Curtis Ilygeatia In the ORIGINAL and ONLY a EN 1: I NE ARTICLY ; all others are base Imitations, or vile And I'SJUS.IOI.3II COULltdrfeittl. Shun than as you would rotaffir. sir For ado by Dr. Goo. H. Keyser; 140 Wood .treot K. boilers .4 Co. Lee A. llrcithaoi, Allegheny City; .Ishn 4, .s.r,reot, New Brighton; C. L. Kelorr, Rochester. scylbelkstilm el A R PETS ! CARPETS ! I—Superior quality Brussels, Canton Mediu& &t, &u. A fresh arrival et the c.urth guest CerpetBtore. avIS 14. D. t IL IitoCIALLUM. 410 :c 'IE4: 4 .4 4 ,•,, %.,:;47.,' ~ ... , , . ..._. ~.....,.., ; ,..i,;., . .i:',... r-:,*.•'''*'.4'r• A , : -. • , „ . .,.,: — .... - 1 . . 2 ...Crt.." -- ,..'' ?...., ,V l i.-...:fi,p - 4 , . ,. ; )., ..: .:.f..fi . ••• , i7' , .,-;.....; , /,''' . .-: : :... - . -- :' . '''' ,. •.., ,,, ... - - - ; , .. - i . ):?!! ~ ..- -", -• i.l. .. - ', , L•,c;,--.!:...,?=! - Z::1 7- ....:,..'4 - i.3. 1 .41 ....._ - i ^ ~~;.1.M , v. INHALATION En3ECI 112011 :~>,