Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, June 27, 1856, Image 2
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FRIDAY MORNING J A M ES FOR VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN C. 43RECKINRIDGE, DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET at 'fur Drawn ,Nl4 I "I'LL id COILIMSPONDLN CE rn ' t th. t Chad, Saturday..)une '_'lst, in purStnince the call Chairman. In the ablience of the Chuirtnan, lion. C. SIIALER was al i.onted Chairman fir. tevl Uu motion, it was That it is i chango the time Pr vi,udy fixed for tin. Tile-ting of the CouTeution, to wi ncl limy of August IMMEI=I Robot to, 1 , ;;1..;t ame Res,dred. That tve tocorono u.l h; the Count! Cotivvntiov tho propriety of changing ;11, manner llf Noung for tlo tioalinatom caroillates. Pi voting z-11. instead of marl. ing. ae heretofor; C SIIALER, Chairman. pr , , t, 11.1iiN N. M . C1. , ...R V. Cr,retarf. Democratic Celebration of the Fourth. The Committee app. tilted by the Democratic Club of All, - gltenr County, to make arrangement for a Celebration ori the Fourth i.f July. are i eluesto.l to meet TIIIS at 4 o'cl,Yk, nt the ellt e of )011 , 11. ll,nErNii, So 12h lourth steel The foil,. lug are the members of that Committee: rapt Jim Birmingham, Jame,. 11 llpkit, Col. James A Gibson, Dr. Alex Black. Matthew Harlin... 4), Porter It. Sumer, Get M'Culiough, fir. A. M. Pollock. John T Isymcnes, Capt. Dovel C. 111,1.4.11 SEE weekly review of the markets on kair trot RATIFICATIONS AND THE WHIGS We wish we had space to give full accounts of the ratification meetings held in all parts of the country by the Democracy. They are repre sented as large and enthusiastic meetings. Thee have been holden in all the principal towns in every state : and one encouraging feature them is that at nearly every meeting, among the speakers, are found distinguished old-line —men who, while the old national whig par y lasted, battled the Democracy manfully and gal lantly. But they cee the peril to the country of a sectiotal party whose success would be in evitable ruin, and they resolve to stand by the Constitution and the Union, and join the otil party thkt is national—the only party that car promke safety and domestic peace. The , ! , penkers at the different meetings all as,nre t. that the great holy ~f the oldline Whigs Rill vordia,lv with in November next. Every where we ,ee confirmation of their report., all the elvetirm, this year Detrweratic gain ha', been exhibited, in a great majority of the eiectwv, ilemoorutic victories have been the r, Tl.e issues that f,rtue'r::, divided the (d.l Whip , fra.in the Peu..werat!.. hare passed LIR 1.1 5.13 d are ahn,-; I..rgouen. New and. dangerou r=ues with anther cli of people have taken their place, and the true )%bigs can act luith Lh , tnocrat- up,l thrm wure than with the aktittloui-ts. the disurnotti,t. , . the advocate , of civil %hr. the :-Itstpe' , + rile fan:l6.'- 111 e prn-eri.di r,t,t tml hi! the Terri-t, that at qulrrehnct and trywg to chr:. each ~th. r in hargain t,r a ,ingle tick. With , uch a ratd,le the •datinch oil flattens Whig- h.% e n-yr:T.o;y 73 , ugh the . , in, Anil differ fr,rn the Itent2entl..4 iu SUthe tiny cah curdtai:y sgrr•• Vi uh them to the tit gent queiiing tin. ,e,tional 'Chill Hould invuh e t6c ciuutrc in perpetu. str . dr, engender sectional uuimo It Ltud pn pot•ely fumt:fit a civil war in our territories. thi: , matter national Whigs nn.l acct pc rnwmon fir , unJ . and they will unite.] for that common anal patriotic purpose i vtlihor 71e Xt. The country wants pc tee sr quirt Tbe people are tired of agitation An I hat euull give better a.9surance of pea.•(.. prudent pulley. of national harm o ny than ti name ~f Penn,ylvania's veteran staresman. T , . 1.1. Li the complicated and respon ,, ilde (I the Chief Magistracy woul.l he a familiar ta,l, H ripe experince the be-t afisurauce of Nvie administration, and the best itAsuranee a peaceful settlement of nur dlffieulties with foreign natiom:. t pon ! , ucli a man all nati,ma , Whigs can rally iu a time like this, and they sr. coming to his support by thousands, and their men of talent and eloquence are taking ti stump in the eause of nationality, peace and Bnchanen. W will let the former editor of the Pox! I, heard ttoday. by transferring from the Mt. Ver nui, Balm, the following remark: itie of the most pleasing things eonneeted with the present campaign, 1- the fact that of the prominent 1)14-Line W/higs, are ioit real atelt e for the election of James Buchanan t. the Presidency. These men are wedded to the Cuion as it iF, and opposed to abolitionism, fan atacism, treason and disunion, which are th , ildino: characteristics of the opponent. of Pc moera ey. Amongst the many changes of this kind Kc have recently noticed are the following: Senator Benjamin, of Louisiana, a leading Whig of that State, and one of the most elo quent, popular and influential orators in the South, has joined the Democratic ranks, and it now doing good service for the Sonstitution and Lawn Mr Preston, of Louisville, one of the moi.t. cou.picutis Whigs in Kentucky, and a bosom friend of Henry Clay, was a delegate to the late Cincinnati Convention, and is now exerting his fine talents for the success of the Democratic party. Josiah Randall, a leading lawyer of Philadel phia—a man of wealth, influence, and intellect —who has heretofore been one of the most pro minent Whigs in the country, was at Cincin nati, during the Convention, working with all his energies to insure the nomination of Mr. Buchanan. Wm. It. Heed and James M. Schofield, who, in former times, were among the most prominent and distingni , hcd Whigs of Philadelphia, ad• dressed the Democracy at the great rattication meeting in that city, a few days ago. Charles Anderson, of Cincinnati, an able and influential Whig, and an eloquent speaker at the bar and on the stump, addressed the Democratic ratification meeting at Dayton, on Saturday. Ile is now doing yeoman's service for the Democracy and Equal Rights, and pouring hot shot into the disunionists. The Hon. George W. Clinton, one of the most prominont Whigs in the State of New York, son of Dewitt Clinton, comes out in a letter strong for old Buck." PRE:, I DENT. —B. H. Latrobe, Esq., of Baltimore, ha, been elected President of the Pittsburgh and Collnellsville Railroad. Mr: Barnes has resigned both the office of President and Engio6er, and retired with well earned hon or and confidence. Baltimore takes control of the road, having subscribed two and a half mil lion dollars which is sufficient to complete it. It is supposed it will all be put under contract at once, and completed in eighteen months. No better movement could have been made. The majority of the Board of Directors will no doubt still be here. TIE Bellefontaine Gazette, of Logan county, Ohio, an old W higitaper, has come out Denlo - and run up the name of Buchanan 'and .Breckinridge. 1-P • • I"' es FOR PRESIDENT, BUCHANAN, art' PENNSYLVANIA vF KENTUCKY GA.NAL COMXISSIOMM : GEORGE SCOTT, op COLUMBLA AUDITOR ORNERAL JACOB FRY, Jr., MoN^ruoirAT CO. SCRVEY,IR EN TAAL TIMOTHY IVES, POTTER (born _ . Jawre sKoriiirii by it. I Old-Llue Whig. for Buchanan 1 -..... T 4 4.0:0%„ jr., , v .._ ..:„.,,,_, ~, „..,,,,,,_,, ,f, ip.,,,,i,,,., , t,,,1",.. 47 .,.;. 4% 4: ~w• ' , ...i."'t 4 . ~, . • ..... 7. 01.4 .. k ..,,,, , , , ,,...--, ........, ~ . ~ .% , , . 0 1- - .r.•-,41 , •4,,, - •if-tP . 4.`t • . • . -• .• . . ..- , ~.. "P ••`',•••• '.....• f,.... •. • 0- . . ~,,, • • -, t , " .1 . 0.• .". V .... • : . i.... ,` , z• *- - , 1 . .. t. • .., - f -.- • • •. . • ..• . A ~,,.„.....,..„..., ‹.:.,, - ....„. . •., .. , ,_ ...• ..... .. , :: .„ 4 • -.. .."... , .b „ q -,- •r , i„ ,-,T•,,' ' •. • '1 _ • L . - 1 0 . 6 ' 15,,: * . - • it . s•' • . - " e l ;i ,1 '...f . le ' , •N' -. .., . ' • { s ' . ' t .ll- ' 1 1 414 IL7f t ‘l l ' ' • . t ''.... !.. , 7 • ' •••••• ''' '''' ' if'...' ..4 11b...... '" ' '' • -•'"fr'' • . . n a -r , 4^ 4 4,7.7- n, , 7. ' ,...... - At • • --, • , ' 1.. a r , .-.7 ~ r - ..1-1 11, ,-, ~' 1.... *1.4 r . ' : 71. . ' ' ': '• 4v " ' ." ' ty‘ ,L ....' .t . ' T i. e ,. - ; 4. , . , %1 ' ,- ,, i , , 1 , ,vo t" ,',.; ; ' ' •.",-,-.,- . ' - ' ' . , , • ‘7, , j.._.,,t,, '" ,..e. 0 14,....., -..`. ~ . ~... - -, gMal FREMONV,B PE.O. , iI'ECTS IN PENHSTLVANIA.- The editor of the Cincinnati Commercial, one of the most ultra of the Republican organs, was in attendance ut the Philadelphia Convention. al Pi wrote a series of letters giving a history of proceedings. In one of these, Wi 11 ore candor than distinguishes his co•laborers, he confesses that Frentont . P proFpects ore far from being bright, thus: JUNE °7 " It is net to I.e thmied by one deviriius of telling the truth: no matter where it hits, that the nomina tion of Fremont Iva, ai Philadelphia, outside of the Convention llalls and hod !s, rooeiveil with coolness. Th e town is conserrathe to the last degree, and proud of its cleanliness and quietude, is stoutly op to invasions or preoeilcuts. It thought the only pr.ictical way of defeating Bueliana, in Penn sylvania was to make up a ticket that would turn Frain the llenamiratic ranks, where they had taken refuge, the rid Whigs ; and it thought McLean was the only u.arl. In its vices the nomination of Fremont instead of McLean was the descent from the suldime to the ridiculous, and there was mist allittle f it retions remark concerning the diticren,' between the ermine of the Supreme Court and vrizily hear skins. Jeems Buchanan seems t.. suit Philadelphi ans ho is slow, easy. neat. rich. nispeetable and without any speetal intention to ~bey the injunction ' multiply and replenish the earth.' Ili, snowy linen corresponds with the white window shutters M . Hula lelphia, his florid lace reflects licr red brisk walls. Why shoulitnt Jeems he p ipular in such a town' The old Federalists think of him still as a Federalist, and the Quakers are sure the talk about the Fillilmster propensities of old Puck, as mani fested in the Ostend circular, is merely a pleasant campaign fiction. Thaddeus Stevens and the old Whigs say 'Thaddeus knows.. that Buchanan will carry Pennsyliania by one hundred thousand ma jurity! CRU,InING Lit r "ANILaIiANIsM. - -Sarnho ie de termined to crush out Sam. Hear how tt Repub lican editor speaks in a paragraph headed No More Fusion." There will he no more honest occasion for the Buchanan papers to talk of fusion between the k. N's and the Republican r. The Toni Ford affair it; New Yolk nnIS nimmtlifled hreakd ,ten. If Icier ann. the Chairman of the Republican Execativo cumin:Ewe, had not become frightened before there was the slightest danger of any Una being hurt, and made a fo o l of himself, be opening negotiations witi the Apollo Hall Humbug. the Phila•delp.hia Coven Lion would have paid nn attention whatever to the operations in New Y ark. And at it woo, there an over, hehning imvpamy the Cons tattoo in taeor , - ,I(II , IiFtIL:Fr mot: m to lay the 4. , ,tuulunHttion from the New York Committee on the table: and when il,dilings was over persuaded by Thurlow Wee.' an•i utiserd. to L.u. , Ve a rec , , ,, d.rution of this motion, m merely allowed it t•. to done, and whet Wilmot reported that no arrangement had been or could be effected with the New York Eh , Hall rung With joyful plaudits. There and than the Ropuldi,m party parted company With the forever. It ought t.. lie evident di our frend of th, f•itirvo/ and other intense Amer;- cans, that Seward, Giddings , are deter mined to give theta no quarter. lie niu.t render at iluieret;iin and consider it quite a fa r be permitted to n,.ti iv the ranks. The lie, of conceding even The empty honor of the ,•jeni-V nomination Hcit Anc.l ticket scouted l'"or Siam' h ,re unk r,ry n ,cr •• (bore I. !1 , 1:10 !t— , elt =EI E IRE. ~er.rri 'E ,rgan In thin city. we mu-1 of c. iie!i tiro followit/g which we Lalo• frotu tilt% .prtglAlv , +hec•r, the (" It .1“v, kN: , Ft! 1.N1..Y.}. CI I - held a Meeting. Oh SHlfirin% vvvn .11 Inq, only few 1.0 rt. F , ro ~r 1 and , ~r rr,•,!\ol. the l'in) u'f! c :ht, the 1 . -11‘..uti,01. 11,1 r 1,0,4 being chan&:. c:,11• Itrty, !r :n the i'ren . , re:t I a:,l thr, hodrty wery gi,rn t• r li.e '• Aincrwan lie pt:' :it•An t,,,nal ;;.; 11,,- ac t,..,1/ Lresh•d e•,!:•tic: turns .Ip.l prl, in klitiervn: p looke-; I 1 niroith. and Frr thr.-w tip iherr 1,1 Th, MO nit .!her meeting. le W. '1 I,V rt-n; r:g, %n I amid the 116 az!!! r 7!, LW!! II ch:u•ed it, Prrsi•lcnt Nlr r nu I 1 I.,•1,!;1 MATCHLESS MATCH MA('HI%F A 11,14 . b./Ile teen lately invented is p a e , l by 1.. Th , ina. (..r trtfOcho•-. ti. utddy and ine,ontu -0, I) It vc!" make r I .•rf matrtw , tw‘•-e tit-t any f in u-e, au 1 it•.luir., y arry the !.0 -the , , With :o, :t.‘(-tincnt Vt. ..r hOtl.l7' , 'l a Mal/ CUUId 111.1.1, loaf p 'it i,f r , i:l.r r• the p•ar r,,un•! The tuat,:ii trade in a iarge one to nupply t . . thiu country and w.th thi ma';hine making them ne much cheaper t ip.r.ary other. it will , rcure the wh - de market W.. no reason to doubt that a man could clear with it teu dollars a day the veer round, he% ond expense,.. 3foses F. Eaton, Nu I:v.. Front ~troet, burgh. k the eole agent for the save of right awl machine, fuel he viii exhibit the at the Car Factory at Rochester. heaver county. on IN eilnesilay, the iln.l of July. where any pl . l •• , 11, to purchamme can i i iee it in oporatioi, c,,Nethhi.criov —The ( and having a vod time of it. They hoth talk right gingerly abut concilliation, cuncessMn and hai atone : yet heti] are as mad as Nlaieb hare , But up to this point they try t, , conceal it from the public. The (I.ll,tie finds it the easiest to keep the peace It hti.= the game all lt4 uwu way su far, and it tauntingly says the republi• can ticket must .tans, and that the idea of Day tun withdrawing is simply '• ridiculous The Journal of yesterday barely suppresses a lmsq at the audacity. But it concludes to wait a little longer. It is of no use however. The foreign vote is to be counted, and Know Nothingisto is to he repudiated. The Journal must submit. No Know Nothing will have a place on the ticket. Succumb, neighbor. NOT A N' WEREP. —We asked the l;a.<tlr a rely plain question the other day, and it declines to answer it. It wa, this: " Did not the editor -I the (1,2:,tt, a few days ago say to a person in till:, city that if Johnston was nominated he would not put his name up in his paper. and would isot support him" - That i.; the question, and if not very inconvenient the people desire an answer. REEDER von lircnANAN —After all the the Black Republicans have made about Reeder and his right to a seat in Congress he has openly avowed himself in favor of Buchanan. The Cieranwirr, published at Cleveland, says he an nounced that as his position in that city. how do the Republicans like that THE old-line Whigs of Erie c.•uaty have had a meeting, and come out 171(135e for Buck and Breck. So says an exchange. Between eight and nine hundred old-line Whigs of Lancaster county have called on Buchanan and declared their intention to vote for him, and labor fur his election. T E mouth of June was the month of political Conventions, and the Post has consequently been pretty much occupied with political affairs. We shall now have more leisure and space for gen eral news and business matters. The Poet is exclusively devoted to politics. " THE NINTH PLANS IN THE REPI'IILICAN PLAT FORM KN(F KNoW NoTUINOIRM ON FU RES' —N. Y. Herald. BFIECK ENRI DuE.—An oppo,i Gun journal having stated that Mr. Breckenridge has no influence," a Democratic cotempoi ary admits that Mr. B. evidently had no influence in the Convention at Cincinnati, where hO.riedhard to keep from being nominated for Vice President, yet could not pre vent it. VERY Constsrwiev.—The editor of the New York Tribune talks about "the Slave-driving party," hi the same number of his paper, in whioh he counsels politeness to his ootemporaries. ti,tl !1101:t•A:t rotti tl' t An i Ire 1. , the .k 'T.--The Democratic ratification , Redding's Russia Salve.—lt is a Boston remedy The spirit in Ohio. r,eeting in Hartford, Conn., on Friday evening, of thirty years' standing, and is recommended . f .„, I.onocracy have entel.eil into the canvass was an enthusiastic affair. It took place in the by physicians. It is a sure and speedy cure for i ~t i, g reatll . • n fi dencc and tml'ound , -I enthusi- State house „,inere, Bands of music. and the burns, pile., boil., corns, felons, chilblains, and ~,,,, L iii ..t week it Democratic mass meeting speakers discoursed from the balcony of the Ho- . old sores of ev e ry kind: for fever sores, ulcers, sea' hell in Cantm, Stark county. After some tel. It was estimated that live thousand people , itch, scald hoad, nettle rash, bunions, sore nip speaking during the iiay, a torch light procession were present. and they sent up lusty cheers as 1 pies, recommended by nurses,) whitlows, sties, w .i., formed in tire evening. The canton 1. , , , , Messrs. Hateersley, Pratt, Deming, Hazard, festeri, flea bites. spider stings, frozen limbs, ergo thus speaks of it : Strong, Chapman, Morgan and Eaton successive-' salt rheum, scurvy, sore and cracked lips, sore But the grand :idair l-1 the evening. ass , the ly !,1•11,-, .1 thew. Ti n , , or th, speake r ._ no s e, warts and flesh wounds, it is a most valua torchlight procession, w.inil, commenced it- Col. Hazard, Hon. (Ala , . Chapman and Mayor I ble remedy and cure, which can be testified to by march at a little lietoce ten o'coiek. It cxteicied Doming —were national Whigs a,, long a, that. thati,all,k Who have used it in the city of Boston four or five squares. air was p l ec.m e d by the . party had an organization. C.d. If said his and vicinity for the last thirty years. In no in bands, before whom were c.irried s,s 'argo II in, o•i'y course ,vas to art with tho lictiloeracy against stance will this Sii:ve do nil injury, or interfere beus, prepared for the occasion by M r I' Bie- the opposing sectiona l factions with physician's prescriptions. It is made front chicle, chandler of this city. Fire banner., with Mr Chapman asked, the purestmaterials, from it receipe brought from lights inside, were borne aloft by gallant y“iing •' Why, sir, where shall Igo ander such sir- hos-m—of article- growing in that country Democrat- ,d' this city. The mottoes were: 'Ne clitn , t3no as the...v . ! It litre can I go, and an I the proprietors have letters from all classes, Sail not with Disunion Abolitionist s:' ' Fusion where can even' Mall Who cares for his country I clergymen, physicians, sea captains, nurses, and Befoi in, )I.•re Taxes. and an Eats Se , .i..n: go 'F The Democratic party, with its broad na- 1 others who have used it themselves, and recom ' Proscribe no M an f or his Bi r th o r Religion .'I ti sal prlni .1 lc-, nose that other ques'ionfii oni mead it to others. Redding's Russia Salve isput Sharpe's Rifles, not Bit,:es—siteeoiior:' • ilurrah ii which sonic of us have differed. is the niy party in large tin boxes, stamped on the cover with a for Old Buck'— m etn i. i . r of c. ngre ss front Ifenr that we can join and honestly carry out our views i picture of a horse and a disabled soldier, which Clay'- District, John C Brcckeuridge: • 'James iin a contest like this. Here we are—,.„.ie o f picture is also engraved on the wrapper. Price, Buchanati, horn in 17'.1, will be the next Presi- us certainly, and I think there are many through- '..15 cents a box. Redding & Co., proprietors. dent ;' •No Dark Latium], Lights its to Dilly: . out the country. ( Great cheering.) Here we Aberdeen, in Scotland, or else from the scattered Let tire : Talon slide_Banks i' 'Let ','r rip-- will act in this struggle, if it he a struggle, and fragments which the excavation of ancient cities Leiter.' - to me the result does not appear doubtful. But, For sale by B. A. Fahnestock & Co., Flem •• After marching through the principal streets, whilst I A ia ll r o te for Buchanan and Breckin- log Bros., It. E. Sellers & Co., Dr. G. li. Keyser us circle was formed o n the Public c.,aare, and , ridge with a strict regard to what I believe to he and 11. Miner & Co., Pittsburgh ; Beckham & three tim,, thr, 0 sent o p i „i i i i r i g ht g. 0,1 will for the best interests of the country, there are M*Kennan. Allegheny city for Buchanan and Breckenrid g e, whei,theiiii,„ things I w ill no t promise—first, I will nOt „ blag(' E , pl.`l , i` I t , suit - P:110 ,th,r .lay.” prern,e to Til.ke political speeches in tilts ears i A i,,, go nivoli,g was hold in ('alit, Harrison I sign. see, nil, I w ill not p r ,, m i se n o t t o d o s' 1 c:,unty, I Mit', co, the Dull inman . at which tho i Tills -teeth elicited nine hearty cheers nominations were ratitied, th e pi it form endorsed ' and Buchanan find llreckeuridge clubs forme I throughout the county 11.[J: 1:11LIL , \ r,7/.-- We burn that our fell,w rkt - len, Benj. IL Latrobe. , a gentleman tb energy and large experience, has b e en invited t., take charge of the Pittsburgh and C..nnell-vbie Railroad ii•t its President, and that, in view the strong interest our Cif, basin that tuipurtani improvement. hr has felt impelled re accept the trust We can heartily eentriktulate a!! the the w. rk •in Ihi= cry timeiy i td hie 1..,it wii , ri nl Thar" tibia any tiller tent e.ut: t have te 1, tl.c rushing it t.. an I - c..tur.lr l.t.ll The connellsrill, a, I Ilaltw, re -•.ros , sug . 'hi , l itln.a i, t'th.• I.Lir,re mill, it affirmed, he I , ti? 1 . 01 Lillie, •11-tiolt hurgh, which will thu4 Le btu .;:it mdev f 111:1 , • t., u. t \I . h,•,• . tog..r ker.l.urg l i.r mil, ',lance I . Op, hoe h.o.aiwßys I , eett highly e,titoatiil i.c our and now that it ioa- lien , 1 ,•, the ha[..i- ne wit 'T n h.- lily with the trite inti-re-t , our :-t.•te we Il.fly feel fu! Holt-101' 1)%2.11Ct1t rive.] (1 ,, m l'• . ty C wili L. secured „ %Vv..T tits I. t Tho rd.t ,r • r I 3 tour thr• agh the \‘,. iL It :An I 'la c.•!:-E.ta , v• the lament a!: r,tal.l, t.u.:11c.• Ii:t• .T:1:1c!,t ; ,cft I. I band at a c..ti•t,l. h!.y ,!,t v . - I i‘t a., le IV. I lIIIES w n , MENEM tt I it :in•i 1-1 I , ,!,1 il. , I .tic t-ui:g z .t I ,v.• =MEM t , ,td utt• :tier part MIME .r • 01 !I t! {; Tin\ •ir IMINT=II :i.t 'k. I : t;,; Her: 111 'Pt: !• •P Ili :• , 1...•:1,11: I , 11*,- // ..pi , 1,3! Fr. 1i..• t.r then: :- I •i II • w•• ix ,n I minxtheir ! :T, ..• =CM -I••• t• ti unle!, he c.tnr y • Av.• , t It, they do uttlle will, the .uth must be a ',Attic-Al intraele L. pr them to cart.: even free State tent Penmylvama aril P•up• nth., 11e tn•t car that it , Imppa-stlple fur -itch It tP. triumph, for t may I,.pt Pennsylvania to he rarrie I against Ituporanar, 1,, carry the other free State- aga;h,t Lim, au !hum leave him two set.— ..1.,t; • it xi, that the I.r.,harol!Ale- are ; f;trur th:r , r; t Ike t, rir , k I,at, rl -11 t, 1. Nr ur.rht t ill I , home bare-h.-al, I 1.011 t \ l . l, B1,1 , 1:1Nt, 110 k1.14,N S11111:11'11. under th- auttionty the Ff. frr t,:ivrrninent, :11 , 1 1 1'1,111111 -upronnicy of tb, ;,,- te in Ran.t whore lately violence and t , 1111 . 141.11 . It•igned triutnyluint. Ile ha. the i•rill, road:, guarded, to rever t ; Tiny aroied loAlie , from rat— mg, and ie putting under arro.‹ all wh l are I:heated in the into S c ar . o goo .l next beet thing do would -eize nl: the p rrtkati letter writer ot dents of the prey•, and trot them briskly beyond the borders ..f the Territory, lilt Nlu.souri. There will never 1,0 peace in the Terri:••ry while there exists in it such 3 niatiut , tet , ry ~f full operation.- I‘ll . ..litANl 1 , 1, lAII Al THE I.AkE SI I'01•I'Eli MINE , -1u EIL , I au , l Neat vein i. ri,vv deing wrought at the and Copper FtW... Mines that differ , very inueh in siiine of it, phi— ',Ltterly from tho•e tiaver-ing the range on the (triton wagon. The vein- in the latter t rollaw the goidogleal firmatiiins in which thi•v exist, and are mostly inclined with the , 3111, angle to which the strata roek are tilted, the vein discovered on ,weenaw Point e a •.: the strata in nearly a vertie,l dire.ct:• n and a, ourse longitudinally hears a „r C(.lll'!'e of formation in (hy rduge. resents the lode as varying from ten di tw e nty feet in width, endiraveil either -i le dy viL defined wails with clay adherent, a well-known characteristic of all the productive veins of the country that run transversely thr.Lugh it ANOTHER planet i• announced to [lave been discovered at the Radcliffe Observatory, oxford, England, by Mr. Pogson. the first assistant a— tronomer (here. It described as being a little brighter than the tenth magnitude of stars. ft inn only in few days since we announced th e dis covery of the forty-first asteroid at Paris on the twenty--econd of May It' tin- above be Rut a re-discovery of the same, it will be the forte ,,econd now known to exist between Mars and .luriter.--Nurth zEir-Bnlchelor'x Moir Dye -- I.,rivrtiou in 1,4 ' int:taunt t, I ipl..iellr.. n1141N1 , 0 ; tile, is re act,. 1 , 1 LI our 1..t1 favor. The a..: Id will 1,1 lic blown like chart Into a '''/ .l 7 ± iin __ _ __ ---- II .tio. i titthcated I , qutiators. Witaienta the lasi auchurinl JAMES BLAKELY, - rani.' of ItATCIIRIPIC" , HAIR DIE, won by watching wilt, ~,, „•,,,,... ... ..,, by N AGENT AND CONVEYANCER ~ A in As autr , it . worth and Truthful- EIROPEA ~ bt natal, Warma...l not t , disappoint the hopes of / th , '.. ',lr , m.,' it. Miele and .obi. ot applied :u the Wag Fue• I Corner of Seventh and Smithfield streeta, 1.,y,:::03 Itroadwa3. New York PITTSBURGH. 4t, ta a 4, ea ,' retell, by Dr. Gito• II Koran, 140 burgh, Passengers brought from the old country to Illta burgh, and moneys renaitted to Europe. 1 atrr27 or -1 hCr Ike.t. j, I wdiw _ . . JAS. COLLINn S. BANKS KNOT Ai" - Stockings and Hosiery for Winter.-- JAMES COLLINS Si. ~ CO., tr )., don't want )•ur feet pinched walla had and tditart , StLe kin,. will take our advice and go ll' DALY:4. cur- lorwarding and Commission Merchants, m 1 . 1 Market alley and Fifth ntreet, .‘ , 1.1 buy come of those PROPRIXTOKS OF Olio el. nail( nu, mucktito, that make your foot feel nice and Collins' Pittsburgh, Meadville & Erle `""' 1,,,-0, 61- DILA also make' and nells every variety of j CANAL LINES. lk.oory that you can mention, at wholesale and retail. j Non. 114 AND 115 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA, Itemenaher the place, corner of Market alley and Fifth rpctnt RITTSIIIIIIOH - 4ir - W hy will you Suffer, wins KEIL EY CAN BE Wm. Ba‘giley A Co, Murphy, Tiernan A Co., Smith A Sinclair, Hampton, WiISOR & CO., :',, EASILY OBTAINEDI—have you a Sore Throat, Quinsy, I NlTandlera, Meant+ A Ca, English & Richardson. ithemnatiam, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Croup, Stiff Joiuts, Front PuiLthrLettin— It , -'. Burns. Fprulna, or Pains in any part of your system? Bagaley,Wurtolvrard St Co, Truitt, Brother A Co., Volt can be relieved at once by lining the most beautiful of Wood. Bacon A Co. ffeb2B all Linimnts, the •' White Circassian Lininif Ili," prepared I T m . NSURANCE! INSURANCE!—AppIies /1r SCOTT, of Morgantown, l'e_ and for sale cheap, _l_ tian for Insurance for several good reliable Insurancj COME OVER.—The Ebensburg Sentinel states wl.lesale and re tail, by Dr. KEYSER. Nu Wood street, and ewbßillib. received by CEO. W. BUNN, at his Real Ma MiChael Dan Magellan, Esq., the great leader of .1 . I , l , P. FLEMING, near R. L 'pot, Alle g heny, See a... 1. the old Whig party in Cambria county, Pa., ~,.,,,,,,,, ,„ , th ,„ h „ r ,.,, 1 „,,,,, o f t.,,_da e ',, pu,,,,, knur4,hu fourth door east of the Diamond, ditsoiticsr CITY. Jul boldly proclaimed himself in favor of James Bu- OUNG HYSON TEA-10 chests finest chanan at the ratification meeting Leid in Ebens- PRUSSIA - S - BLUE—I - 5 eases for sal e by y ~,,„ ( m op y oung K m . , r ,,, , , 7 , ." si - sm., r, B. A. FHCK k Cu., cemnt hy F. R. Diamond. burg on the 10th inst. , apzt corner fi li a l and Wood eta**. my/a het Market and 1 Diagiond. THE Illinois Central Railroad is not yet all finished, but there to a large force of laborers at work on the uncompleted portion, and the pro gress made is very rapid, so that there is doubt of its being completed on or before the first of ()ct,.1“..r. This will be in time for the farmers along the line of the road to use it for conveying to market their growing crops. T e Alton C,,urs, of Wednesday says that four of the Mormon elders. Cleo. A. Smith, Eras tue Snow, onion Pratt, and Ezra 'l'. Benson, reached that city on Tuesday night by the steam er Reindeer. The two forner passed on to Wash ington to present the constitution of tic propo sed State, Deseret. The latter are le.,,titied for Great Britain to take the superintendence of Mormon affairs in that country. , 44. -o '44 '14.1 - 6P6 e ' - 4 90.4.7 4 fif,044r0r4 . - • 9 „ J .? • 4C4t.t. ' 4, •4, •,.. t. - , P y . 1 , ) 11 CI: n VICTOR John IV. IVel , ter, I iew., e , t. ha, L ee n elected )IR% i.f IV..terhure, Tier state giving every , -'gn she can iif her it, to viite lir ITuehanan awl UrccLl ; ; i Cl).. A taw Itrr Letter from Tex." 111=1 4.1 1.. I r". 1.. 1 , 1,1 11. Tvt.in. l'urchw,r- .16• 11.-t UmWiftycluile‘l by rk.ulng Pat. • Ai 1.. lift. at all r , ..p. , •tabla drag N,a).• a I:la .I 1: for sloottatro FI.ENI !NO BROS. From a Ill.llugnl.ltrd Member or it )11.,;INIA 11!Mill111 wh ~ It IZIMMEIMINEI !=lllllllllB =lllll3l =MEE lEEE lIMEME A Ikll, II," I tIA qi tur , k , 14{1 0,1 !lA,' 11,11 i 44, th , “,:ht t, 11,.• tt •• It • Itt tlt t. ttl 111111 tr,tr , t; ; ,•• think it 1101=1 REFER TO !,..: they %, mid he ~gam en,rend, re-I. and %I'll,. a 0 ~,, , lOt,,aley. Wood% and A Co. Phil. 110 an, Kennedy A Co. Pitta'h. l• adi) 111 Ito , tetirm 111 // el tie /1,/ , f1,./. It 0 perh, ti harm- , tjarrett. Martin A Co. '' L. Wilmarth A Co. ~,,. 1.. the pale 10. Price •J., . cnts imr Vial ; Wood A Oliver, -1.; , 801 l & Liggett, ~I liter, I rice ACo •• J. AW. Rea, •• prop a red and "old y A ILA D ,AND: , , Dru,....glats, 100 1 ',::,,,,;(, pe & c o : " 13aguloy, Coogravo A c., •• Folt. ii street, New York.. t Truitt, ,irother A Co. " Watt At Willa:in, :old alao by R. A. FA lINE:•3I' , CK A CO., PlttabrirgAt, I J.l),Lettruer A Co. Cincinnati. Fosdick A Foulde, Cincinnati lA. A. 1 . ,:llock A Cu. •' Morrow A Gettier, 1 . 0 . and by Drttg,,t,,a ,zosorally je2,..," lw , Tweed & Siltios, - J. S. Clumowath & Co. '• Al . I t h .,.„ Delay . I ... ,..„, i , 0,. . ~,,,,, ~,, I. 1 And pittaburgh and Philadelphia Merchants gouotally. ~. 1 1,, a.. nrunlate upon vold a whole winter through This I ' l° 'dancthil • taking a Mott route to !.ht. -1,11,4 itotu, Stop the 1111, !NVII.4I,IAMS & A LL EN, ,hoot hot .re it Itaa fixed itai it la, maid,. With MK; gat,: , MANUFACTURERS OF Li !. REM , iitT, TAR, (ND i'ANCIIALAiIUA. the reanit I, 1 CHILSON FURNACEkS, lmerely a pr! , l,4lAlh: I, hill .1 4,1)0011 :WO I! i 1111,111,1 in ; Wrought Iron Tubing, AND FITTING GENERALLY, 0,1.,,, „,0,,1,„1,.,w e „.1 r..1..0, I ) it P :1.1.1.ELS A i For Warming and Ventilating Buildings. 1 , II . I 11,41111.1 110011 nir,..10. ! Ak.t . W. AA. will contract for Warming and Ventilating r Hot Water, Pipes or Chilson's Furnace, Church. .id ids.. t.) II ENDERSttN a I•Ro • 1 ••;" ;,, -1 . - - , • Il• P i ? . , '.. 5 1 , ' h " .. " .1',, ilompitals, Fartorien, Oreou Howie& Dwelling', !I WA lITZ, and DECKII.A3I A (I K ENNAN, Allegheny I Court theme, Jails, or llotele No. 25 BARRET STREET, I J 0.2.4 tlau 1. , Pitishorgh. _ 04116 . _ Ss- From the N. York National Monitorl ALEX. HUNTER, }eh,' ,I 3 ..:4 I 11,11 LAN VAPOR --14 Curtis has It o ' none DEALER IN :.,10.11.1., :10., aiithat 0: hull...ldly sflht tO,l alth Isla ;toLOLT it 4 GRAIN. :..: 1..: lA, 01311 /11, ~theeprartitimier ,d ntrtlic no, that I n.l 1141. I. tl.. '..uhint,. .1 ` . •nuo:elo I wino the wcroots oof the moot,rooo 0000 io•oi. lor oho ' BACON, LARD, LARD OIL ~,- -,.1., 'be ion entiom mod perk. tee —I an /noon, 1 1 ti.II: Sllll ,V 7 1 yto the ug ot Cr,ooloo low no the ~ham. 1 ..4 IV D PRODUCE GENEI?ALL I', ..: , lomlol) Nleobo wed Vapor, ,111. Cr a:tn don, tly om I),, ! No. 299 Liberty street, ,—..,,,., ‘ „,t „ t „ t. . !.,,k,,,,,,, , nympatloy. To, hoone wh an I d,•.ialtpc PITTSBURGH. r • • J. 1.1 wltli tlfrovared tuimm; from olbooortlered hotogoo, well i W. 11. smITH w. W. MA1R........105. It. LIUSTP.II. , oh•erve tile. ontererop by givlno; the 11)o.man Vapor a trial. 1 only SMITH, MAIR & HUNTER, 0, , ,,a.n.—Dr. C1:111,,e iiIGIANA in tilt , t , llgilllll alill o , 1,1.1 f, ontiebo ‘''''2"''''.i .w 1 WIIOLESALE GROCERS , . _._ I . : I,u+l Ill= 11 Al 6+r r...t 1.•••11 hAs t20,11._ atAI iti , th,rl ft. you .11, srod .1. titt •tht, =ll •ir:h. .41,r Lavt , r hilm, w c..liqvkrilcon, )! Loer I.IIL, lita %-1 brute I.y ,n,pr,tors, LESII NO BROS., •' 7 . I J ( 1111111111 El= FREIGHT LINE. 4:lll.lX_WROWasig rr H IS LINE IS NOW PREPARED to bring x .11 ko, ..Itro, T ht fr.. Neu - York. 111 throe days, at t , 1 ,, 11u. Ana from Phtlrvlelphm in Su hoots xt al - E. 1,1‘• r 1!1=El!1!!!!!Ill!1112 =EI I=IBIEM 11=EZMEE=1 I=l 111=1 Prot . . l) Grath on the Weather-- REM ti•III. /: ,o,.(1, • I 1mi,“'11..; : , ,rlll ~:t, t , U. I 1, 4 ! • I ;r:1 - 1 . :u I.r Dr. H. F Peer) V rrlnifugr. • rq...k 1!IIIIMI t., fu_im. 1.." , n 1,41.1, i... I nix. rumor. , I IE , •11 ntapitik. 4.1 ais 1111 A i.o dom. n•citove fru, ,trt only Ow TIM: i.... 1 tl~u fin, ~. Ate-Have Vou a Rupture of the Bowels! —1 would most respectfully invite the attention of these et a)) ted with hernia or rupture of the bowel.) m my splendid w, ~ talent of Trusses of various patterns, and to suit every ay. applied and satisfaction guarantied in every rase, at my Al,. Wo)01 street.. Pittskurgh. Pa., sign of the .Idett Mortar. among the Tri.. sold by me will le Lois... 11.1 r d(t It , ul.nd Trum tpring TEM= ,i,lren.r . Tr 1.1.4, Ilttgre and double ; frthtluul Trues's, , hildrens' and adult,' .'.'pring Truss ; Nupporttr Tru.ts The prtoe Trnasei vary from V 2. to 31). Hernial ;Ar Ilnytored lottieute can IX' Bolted by remitting -money the measure around tho lon., elating whether the rupture to on the right of left Aide. I alas .4 , 11 and adapt Dr. IL zo ning', Li., or Rudy Reece, for the lire of Prolajo e lop. i, Weohne, the t 'host a . Alolonh•n, Chrome U!harrli,,a.and any weak tiemitp-oldtug on a sioak and 111,11iii (3trii .11.111100 of the olniumieel .4)wforoir,of , Yuppart , f o•l;uuug 1=IIIII!El EIBEIM A iv! tit 111 lv ••, t•ry AI dof Stipp ,rt,r 1.10 , X iu I.e. I &ISO Nell /troy, ,v,-ry style, 1., a - oak chested mud top /,:01,t4...5*t.,cA-roy,. for brok,n and varicose reins B“naia,ps, of all kind... vyroyes oP r,ry Help and ;patter,. and in fact essr . mechanical appliance used in the cure of (tea... DI: %, •ul.l Statr (4, pet so. to WWI( of 11no.o or Fen...! that he can on eu eeud to suit the patient by ariun,•„ Ilf it 1,4 (f(Yrtly+ host. •1" (44 $44( lb 43 patient and apply the Trill,. •r Itr r leirsonally. Aci•liees I.R. Lite I. IL. lila:4Eß. 110 Wood st Sign ef the Golden 31••rtar 1:IMMIMIII3 EIKE= ME= IMii=ll MEM=II ~. n.. n,;, ~i 1~; I. ;~,a =MEE 1111,1, ln, kA}Z. "r Nma.ll bundles rek.eived LI LINE." B A p•Ti t. No. 2 Aetor Ilouw, New York. .1 E F.% LI:, Aim , . Bre.el and Luelew. F • tq•., Owl tororroattoo nitith to A ( E N 'l' - Stair Mainal Fire and Marine Ineurane Co., • t r.ll'ir.4/,, $330,000. =EMI Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Co., rtill.Al4l.l . lllA CAPJ7.4I.. 5.300,000. =ME iliSl.ll\ Co. of the Valley of Virginia INCIte,ILIt, t .A !AL, $:300,000. ( . 6.I.IIIIIOIIIOVCIIIIIIIrIIIIICe Company, II AI Rti +•.117T.1L. 8300,000. "stitec tic at rtitiinal Life Insurance Co. , ILA K CAP/7.1f, AND A .INE TS, $2,154,45U Prunsylvanlit Ingurance C 0.,. .t PITTSBUIW II ' N. h - retpll-1 , 1. A A CARRIER, Set•rrtar) SA3I UEL FA lINESTOCK. I,)REIGN HARDWARE. N '3 AVood Street, between Diamond alley and Fourth •treet, MEE 44 - rtiE 1111,k I sl`. ! : Ppj.,w 01,11Ing w.• 11 aaaol n.•w • um.l .1111. OEM= FORSYTH & SCOTT, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION M 1.: 1t C 11 A N 'l' ti, Dealers in Wool, Hides, Flour, A D 1 , cE _V E R L LP. No. 7 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 1.1 It Is, 7 , 1,111,r I i art.au4h, I'm -1,11 tie,. Wells, W.lhiville, Ohiu - M. Martin, I. I , . 1 • : 11, I.'s-h . i t',( 1 , , p Bk . h.,,tis A Ilerstine, Phila. Brnet, NL.bit k Garretsou 1 .1 ~.1.1, F: F.l,i. t, ..11, i ,uis Phila. 1•1' , ..... aI, rw•llicf. II11111:•414, 1(,41 - 11C8 a CA.III/el I, Cincinnati ~‘l,to. ~ 1,... ih.l.l•ly) • A. li. !illock A Co. 7, • 11. IN 0...., I 11, . 4 Hllllll4l t -1 11 Itt IT), 11..11nhut Rolm,. Ph IhL. U. IV. Lat, of P i Ltehurg h. KOONS & HERSTIIE, FLOUR FACTORS, D Grum] Produce Commission Mel chants At 47 N7rls Wll. - zrws and 96 Nort/1 Walrr sired, I:= W 11 11.\11R , /1.4 Ag , ,,t. N 6 , lYourtit •it %. A. CA lilt Ell S. lIRO., and STII I .•rrret4, rytt IMPOIITER:i DEALER IN N 1) DOMESTIC •r•m As an) min, Inn,. in this city. II I=9 /. I. 1,, iu „ tr• th, altrunoll purclia...., LARb AND 1.A111) vIL IMIZEZEI 12.1 Second and Front at., Pittsburgh, Pa REFERENCES DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK.• No. 65 Aura Street. MI'WLE ROOM, JONES' NEW nuitmiNo. IS .7%•,,,,w - OPEN daily from 9 to 2 o'clock el.", on Wednesday and Saturd..y eveningn, from 7 to 9 on - ctomr.. Deposit:4 received of all sums not leas than Ant Duu.As., and a dividend of the profits declared twice a fear, in Juno and Dee.•ails.r. Interest was declared at the rate of six per cent. per minion. on the first iJ December, 1K.5. Al. on the 3.1 of June. Rooks cunnun tag t h e Charter. Ity-Laws, Roles and Ream lations, furnish,' 4rnt i,, on application at t h e "Mee. a:—GE( Gtti F. A I.Blt F.& PIGS PRESIDZYM liOpetvell Ifopburn, John 11. Shoenberger, George It. White, ['nor!, Knapp, William F. Johnston, N. Grattan Murphy, James W. Hallman, Theubuld Umbsta.et ter, Alexander ltrndtey , Isnot M. Pennock, William Phillips, William J. A nilersou. 1/LIISTRIS. John G. Ltackufen, James Iferdtnan, 11111 M 147, ;a, James D. Kelley. Albert Culbertson, aloha M. Kirkpatr Robert Chester, John D. M'Cord, J. Gardiner Coth n, Walter I'. Marshall, Atom/0 A. Carrier, A. M. Pollock, John S. L'osi4rare, Henry L. Ringwalt, Charles A. Colton, Robert Robb, R. G. Kdringtou, James Shidle, Francis Felix, George 8. Seldon, George F. Gillmoro, Alexander Tindlo, Jame,, S. noon, William 8. Lovely. William 8. IL.rou , Wilson Miller. bleordary and Treasurer--CHARLES A. COLTON, Jyl9:dly FARMERS AND MECHANICS' FIRE& MARINE INSURANCE CO. OP PHILADELPHIA. Ron. THOS. B. FLORENCE, Prom't. Ems'. R. nEyrBoLD, secrotary. STATEMENT OF BUSINESS, From Mr la[ day of Auguat to U,t 31st day of 1)..c., 7655 Amount in Marino premiums $ 88,142 81 Firo " ...... . 39.908 82. Total premiums for five months CAPITA! Bonds of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh, and Pit tsburgh $ 73,721 00 Railrowl ItontlA, Cost Ingin on First 31ortgage of Real Estate Stocks, C,Lfut;ral Cmdi In !lank and on band 11,002 2*.i Capital subacrllx4i, (payment not yet duel w.. 97,0001 N Promium Nutot, nut yet mat are,! 00,3a7 Duo from Ammta, (secured by Bonds) IS,SZ4.I•CI Expoinu, and eanninirwriatm 11,tir,2 $408,151 13 1 4al antount of iururred, but nut yet adJugteth— Firr $1,6430 66 Marine 3,000 This Company Insures littll and Carfo risks on the (.13, and )lissiewippi tributaries. liemres against loss or Lisioatp• by Firno. Looses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Iterraizscrei—llon. T. 51. Howe, Gen. J. K. Moorhesi James NVfA4I. For Insurance apply to TLIONIAS J. IIIiNTER, Ageut. add:, No. 99 Water et., teL Ruud and Market, DELAWARE PPIUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, oFFR2E, S. E. CORNKR THIRD AND WALNUT STS., Philadelphia. 114 - MAR I .Nl3 INSURANCES uu Veg.els, Corso, Frrigh ports of the world. IN LAND INNURANCM ON GOODS, by Itte°re, Ostiale„ Lakes end Land Carriage°, U, all tarts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCE ON MERCHANDIZE generally. On Stec., Dwelling ITunaes, &c. Assets of the Company Nottem/er 5th,1.55b. Bonds, Mortgages and Leal Est.ato $101,020 01 Philadelphia City, and other Loans__...... 65,210 00 Stock In lianke, Railroad and "neurone° Co'e 'AOC° • lltlln roceivnble 186,440 97 enah on hand 26,826 On mesa In hands of Agents. Premiums on Ma line Policies recently uaued, and other dada due the Company .iubscrirtiou Notes 100,0(d) IN DIRECTORS. William Martin, James C. hand. Joaeph 11. Seal, , Theophilus Paulding, • Edmund A. Sunder, I Jamea Traquair, John C. bavia, Eyre. Jr., John li. Pi n o J..lina L. Prier. Georg.. ti. Leiper, I James Tennont. E. 1%. qr.] Darline...ll., Samuel E. St,kos, Jri R. M. Li u5t....0, henry Sloan, NVilliain C. Ludy. ig, ( .lame., 13. McFall:and, Hugh Cnug. I Schaffer, Spencer Mell vain, Iturt,o. John I'ittalairgl,l I: Bro. kr, ! l). T. Mouttit, .1 ,; I . Jr. Lo",ti. MN' t.. Tuns. E I 1••• 1 . 44.44441ent. HENRI Li Lill P. A MADEIRA. Agent, No. 1 , 5 Watt., 4 41,4, PittAburgli. E=l titRAL INSIFIL4A,Cr. 'rqEll.: RISK. UM F 1( MIERS' INSI h\ CE OF PHILADELPHIA. lati,rl IL-OY. 7 El , aY oy pr,,,,rINANIA Chnrtered enpltal, $300,000 Fle E. Al A RJ.VIT d.Vb lA . L A NI, TR A SPO T AV. A RON f=. 1 . 1 I . J;:I; IN ,titry ti Et rY,H li IuIISU, Trt A 11 1 .4,1 S. I.ippi,, , t Si,ll‘,l, ti. 1.4. utriu liogrs, Coulpauy has bts-li organized' WILLI a 0.1.111 the Dir,tord too, determined to lulapt t h e busloads to its avail:o.lu rusolirons. observe prudence ko coadurt. tog its :Wan,. wall a prompt tuljudtruent loss ,s. Illtalatrgh No. 7o Water dtn,t. J. NEIVION JONI7S, Agoot. The fiillowihiz weft LC...la II and rnlis.nsible firms in Pit, burgh have refer., to them. with re.g.ird to the .tability mei nUlltill..2l of the 31ininfitelnreri 1115ln:ince Cnmy,sny. K nun, George P.Smitb .f: Tiorunn A. nr,7 Ml= LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE CORNER OF WATER AND MARKET STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, President Titm. GRAHAM, Bocrocary. 4a-This Company makes exery insurance appertaining to or connect.] with LIFE RISKS. Also, against null. AND CARGO RISKS ou th e Ohio An I Migsissippi Rivers and tributari., nud MARINE RISES griusrally. And itgainat Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of hits &m and Inland Navigation and Transportation. tanned at the leatot maws consistent with safety Iv all parties. Robert Galway, Samuel M'Clurkan, P. thurata. M. D., John Scott.. James Niarahall, David Richey. James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Josepfi . S. Girth, John Fullerton, Marodleld B. Brown, David 11. Clambers, Christian Zug, William Carr, Robert 11. Hartley, Jas. D. Mco ill. felil CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. • WILLIAM BAGALEY, President. SAMUEL L. MARSILELL, Secretary. U-1 Mt, arm!, between Market and' Mod streets. stir Insures HULL AND CARGO RISKS, on the Ohio in t Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against Loss or Damage by FIRE. Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. William Bagaloy, James M. Cooper, Samuel Bea, Robert - Dunlap, Jr., Isaac IL Pennock, 8. llarbaugh, Walter Bryant, John Shipton. EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. JOHN H. SHOENBERGER, Pteddeut. ROBIHtT FINNEY, Secretary. C. W. RATCHUOR, General Agent. W ILL INSURE AGAINST ALL RINDS ON MARINE AND FIRE RISKS. DMECTOIIB. J. 11. Shoenberger, C. W. Batchelor, Isaac M. Pennock, W. W. Martin, It. T. Leech, Jr., George S. Belden, Ai All Losses sustained by parties tneuro,l under policies issued by this Company will be liberally adjusted and prumpt• iy paid at its OFFICE, No. 99 IVATEIL STItEET. Jyll !PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE l'O. OF PITTSBURGH. Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Streets, A UTHORI ZED CAPITA!, $300,000. 44-Insure Ituldings and other Property against Loss or Damage by Fire, and the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navi gation and Transportation. I:FCTORS. F. Johnston, Hotly Patter-on, .Lit,olt Painter, A. A. Carrier, W. 3CCllutoek, Jan. P. Tanner, tieorge W. Smith, W. S. Haven, D. 11. Park, I. Wier Sproul, Wade Hampton, th St. Long, A. J. Jones, J. H. Jones, IL It. Go hall. °Print:RE. President lion. WM. F. JOHNSTON I'Me President RODY PATFERSLIN. Akey and 7'resu....-.A. A. CARRIER. • . WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY, Ptrrsatmou.—G NOMA II DA Rail It, President; F. Al. GORDON, Secretary. Will insure against all kinds of risks, FIRE and „MARINE. All basses will be liberally adjusted and promptly paid. A Home Institution, managed by Directors who are well known la the curtuntwlty, and who aro taleteruained, by promptness sad liberality, to maintain the character whlck they have assumedons offering the total protection to those who desire to be iusurasl. Dmscross—R. Miller, Jr., C. W. Ricketson, J. W. Butler, N. Holmes , Jr., W. IL Smith, C. 'Muscat, George W. Jacksoni Andrew Ackley, James LippincoWN.rge Darsle, James Iffy Autry, Alexander Nimick, Thomas Scott. 44F Office, No. 92 Water street, (Warehouse of Spang A tip stairsj Pittsburgh. uotr24:ly COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE CO. HARRISBURG, PENNA. Chartered Capital, - $300,000, vt,9,. Insures Buildings nod other Property against Lou or Damage by Fire; also. sguinet Perile of the den, Inland Navigation and Transportation. dirtemas-81110N CAMERON, President. BENJ. PARKE, Vice President 8. IL C.ARRIKB, Secretary. A. A. CARRIER, Agent, Fourth and Smithfield. [ Jel.U.Out LIQUORICE.-9 oases for sale by .0-1.1 B. A. PAHNEMOH. a). 1 "U • - - 1,108,101 31 300.000 00 $118,151 13 113=1 ME= Witlmm it. Thtuttr, N e.t!, d ‘Veti.m. tiott La J. bl,Jda, J:durot 1•. Smyth. Childs & & Cx+nj -II U. Child i Cu. PI U CI II INSURANCE COMPANY, ECM= DIRECTORS Capt. Mark Sterling, Samuel M. Kier, William Bingham, John S. Dilworth, Francis Sellers, .1. Schoolnaker, William B. Days. a. W. Cam, W. K. Nimickl, T. 11. Updike, R. D. Cochran, John A. Oittghey, S. S. Bryan, David WCandlosa: .4qr- Mortification, the instant a plaster ts!applled, moot redie, and vigor Is given by DALI,EIt":4 PAIN' RX TRACTOIt'S galvanic °tracts. and eseept the 1 aro de composed they will soon res.dorfsl to their natural ram; but if sw. the coniagion3 intluenee will to, neutralizes' and arrested. fir mortillration cannot proceed wherever thu sal, b. 1,t,t1 on, and new 11.1) will oortainly ho gunerntod. EP.03.1 L'iRECTS, REPTILES AND . PLANTS is rendered quite, harmless by rubbing in Instantly a quantity of DAII.EY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR, and after it has swollen, and livid spots on- visible. Even then, like the voltaic bar n re, it will directly aft not. di.szolre, and ttletamorphose tbu pok , oning Influence. At the cling of hers and inotitittitpea, the itsnlnnt It tmlnbed you the !stir elitist. The bitesel rabid lire as speedily neutralizial. Noon geiluilio without a Eite4ll-plate engraV6rl Inibei, with ti I,f lIFART DALLEY, Manufacturer, C. V. CLICLiiiiNER A CO, Manufacturers. AL '25 cents per boa by Pr. am. 140 Wood street, wad by nearly every dealer in mediCinea lo the United States. All ordera or letters rtir in -s.lmatiun or advice, to be addresaed toe. V. CLIONVER )., New Vorkt jentilaw2s NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. D ATLANTIC ANT) 01110 TFILEGRAPII COSIPA NY.—The Anneal Sleeting of the Stockholders of the Atlantic and Ohio Telegraph Company alit be held al the COIIPA NlB OFTICE, PIIII,ALrA., on TIEWRSDAY, the 17th Jay of July next, at 10 o'olock, A. Id., for the.pur po, of electing officers of the Company for the eniolng year, atol for the transaction 11 such other business-ter-may come before the Stockholder,. JOSEPH SAILER, kTit jt,27::0-4 jy4andll Secretary. I N THE MAll'Elt OF THE ASSIGN MENT ON HUGH D. KING. The creditors of Hugh D. King are hereby notified that the undersigned Auditors have completed their repott,dis trOtnting the balance M the landa of William P. Baum, Aa.iguee; that said report eau low examined by pommel in tcr.asted, at the office of MIK fi M'CONNELL, Pittsburgh, :Ind that the mote will be Sled in the Prothonotarreldfice, on the eighth day of July next, nolen the IMMO stiall biect- I to. THOMAS APCONNIIOL, J. E. BRADY, June Nib, 1856---i Audit/ext. 00 6 ! BOOKS! BOOK S The Old vie.ra g e. n Novel by Mrs. Hubleick, authoressof the et ife's Sister," " May and December," &e., Id. Mr. Spuntio's Sporting Tour, edited by Frank Forester, odor of "Field Sports,' "Fish and Fishing," &c., .Nlarinal ;if the Patriotic Volunteer on active service in regular and irregular war, being the art and science of oh- Idoing liberty and independence; by Hugh Forbes. C..tnic Miseries of Human Life—an old friend in ft Pew do .s. • Tan-go-ru-a, an InitOrield Drama ht 1,11)9K The White Chief, a Legend of North Mexico-by Capt. Mayne Reid, author of "Ride liangura," "Hunteea-Vottat." The Rates and Ten itoriaa of the Great West; by Jacob I;achel and the New World—being a trip to the United S fait. and Cube. ,• The Modern Story Teller, or the best stories th 4 feet hors. The Daily Chain—in two vultztuee, by the author of 11,1, J 11.4 r00,v,.,1 by W. A. 0 ILDBiI'ENNEY & CO, •`7 Fifth et, opposite the Theatre ROOKS! BOOKS!—FoR SUMMEE tr. : THE DAISY CHAIN. or Atogratlons—a Family - Ocioni• it, the author "The Heir of lie lclyffe," "Heart's caee," etc. Two vols., cloth, $1,50. Mr. SPONGE'S SPORTIAG - TOUR—Edlted by Prank For est.,: with colored integrations; one vol., cloth. THE STATES tILND TERRITORIES OF THE GREAT WEST—a complete - guide for pentane emigrating to "The. Great 'Weet," with mope and numerous illustrations. One volume, cloth, $1,25. TELE OLD VICARAGE—a Novel, by Dire. Hubback, aa thorwof "The Wite's Slater." Ono vol., $1,25. THE \FIFE'S TRIALS—a Novel, by the author of the ~ .lealova Wife." Paper, 50 cents. ITAN.OO-RU-A, an Historical Drama In Prose. '"Hy IL Warhead, Esq. One volume, cloth, $5. ' WORTH AND WEALTH—a collection of nithns,ldttrals :oat Jl Iscellankajor 51erchants and Men orßnelness. By Freee,an Hunt, Editor of Hunt's Merchant:Ll Mega:fine. Ono volume, cloth, $1,25. For sale by H. arnma & je27 No. 32, Smithfield streeL N;IVAN TED—A YOUNG MAN to learn.the Dry Goods business. Ouo with some experience pro -1:r rea. Apply at 25 kph at. A. A. MASON h. CO. $6l ,348 16 f UEENSIV AliE, CHINA AND GLASS lot AT AUCTION.—On TUESDAY morning, July bit,at rit the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wald and Fifth will be mid, a consignment of Due Chinn, ill.ise and slie•ensuare, minimising lustre baud and minted tea China nud granite, figured and plain, terse and ,edis 1: tea-pots; sogrirs; creams; Louis; pitchers; plates; d labs,: bake rs; China ruses and ornaments; fruit plates dsl cs - a,adu ; tsl d ad. dipped and common bakers: dishes, is,ml, and teas; table castors; cut gloat do- . ss' rst etilored nine (stile,; diamond tumblers; stipplon; em.oes eil•I sugars; fine .its; doluttru,tonttlue; spn,,n• fluid lamps, Ar., Ao. P. Si. DAM,' Jr.. 7 Auctioneer. Ul'EKloli SUMMER CLOTHING AT - - - AUCTION —On FRIDAY morning. June 07th at 10 win I.‘, nt the Commercial Sales R00111.9,.C0T11, .11 W,KnI nod Fitt h streetn, u noutdguntieut of ganimozgloth m;. 1 0,1 n - '. iVed Trot" the Env. made in the hews/nu/net ; ,t.ll atli.,. of light en,,,itnere and thguted ..• pan:eh:en. n.htn4,l, it nod va,naituno. sorts, Teflp, in. P. ht. G.4.r18, 1 Aitetk‘e_c 1 1 1'SO:NI S.I.LT:3 - 10 1.1 d 4. juAt received n.kle T•S FI,IOIING lIEOS. v TT A I'll3l :: 1) t ) 11. A 0, . just recoil , an, or -- - - 6 4 --7 ~y I le:171 FLENCINO GRAS B011( .1 1 , X ., - 7 r 3OO 1 1, 1) L s ms . i i n ts. s o to ß rei ß ,and el :151 . 11.E st) !loxes in store and Tor ' FLEMING BROS. 4,,1 ANDi PA PER —lOO reams on harultind for i FLEMING BROS. A •i) \ • pLA sTER —l5OO yards in sto, an,/ solo r . 27 for by Ijl YLIZUNG BRAE.. DAVIS' PAIN K ILLE R-5 ...rms . just2re c,ive,l and for eale by FLPITNG BRAS. Lo wBROWN s WINDSOR SOAP—Five band nul l 4: ,, nle by FUMING BROS. QoDA ASH, Of a good and uniform quality, ina.:ractitr,ll.y ItanufttettiringCouwaby, at Tann:lM.. 10111.1 311.1 Far trate by F Liamia I )N"( !E NT ft ATED LIE—A new atiaele makiim Soap, warranted superior to Potash in ,yrry reap rt. Remember, Ipound worth loaf Potash On hand and fir sale by [Je27] PLE3LENO • ___. still maintains its reputation for YtNE TEAS: ,All gratiei of Y. 11. and Black constantly on ltami, anti . nirtr rr •tiN ing— 10 chests ociern Cliap.llnest Tea in !market; 10 -- Moynne Y. Ilysou : -- 1 ._ 4.; '. Extra Oolong; 40 •• Fongtal, extta flweur; i ''' 30 - Souchong Chnlan: - Sii) " assorted Young Ilyaon. .1 All of which will he sold at less prices thin anyAtore in ;he rity. ... F. It. DRAVO, ler.i Nvs. S Market at. and 1 Dkunilaid. tr R K T - D- EIRKEE'S YEAST POWDER-Dikm atolorte4 rack: es of this suprriot BakittePo ti hy P. R. D4.4.V • • N excellent article of POTASH, pit lup In tin cane fur families, rtreived by F. R. MOO. - _ _ R =:4l-3 lbs. fine Black Tea for $1; at DRAWS, 62 Market* • jv'..ti " FOR $l----3 lbs. of superior Young-Hysion Teo for One Dollar, at F. E. BRAVO'S, jet 27 No.l 11i0n30)24. COFFEE -80 .I.lra Corfre, 50 phi. each • - '0 bags prime ON Leguaj ra Coffee. Received by F. IL DRAV,O. . • STAIV IE -12 boxes Orris and Oswego Corn Starch ; a eeker's Farina; 3 - Wheaten Grits; recd by jc27 A GREAT BA RG AIN !—For sale, it• corn fortable Brick DWELLING EIOIISE, No. 59 Wilist et, wall two Lots of Uronnd, each 20 feet 400 t b 3 90 de* iTho Rows, Marge and convenient; ' a good , oellar, with ciuM: ii lt Moor : a hall, two parlors, dining-room and kittbett t Tory; with awash - house and large pantry—ttutnellliran, store room and bath room on the second 4.'andAhre rooms on third story. fireproof slate roof, glut d pipes on first and second story. Large yard; with:rees, grape vines, Sc. The improvements slontreoetWibre hen the price asked for the whole property. Prictill= onefourth in hand; remainder at one, two anditiniq 8. CUTIIREHT -1301g . r Jet; Real Estate Agents, 51 Marla it. OWE BOOKS—OtTSAftTRDAIt G 29th, at o 'cl oc k, will tw• sold at ghoiodin. ;atrial Sake Rooms, corner of Wood and Vial eta, elks& 'dock of ,:liofce _Books, in which arc embraced many of the I,mt. Knahsb and American authors on all subjects of gene. Mention', suds as history, biography, travel, poetry, Irrology, 4c. Also, a select lot of second-hand boo She reater part of which are valuable and interesting publica tions now put of print; illustrated works ou the arta iind. wiences, Sc., Sc. I'. N. DA17.9, lo2t; .• Auctioneer, Summer Arrangement. A L L EGhI ENY VALLEY RAI LRO4P- Eigt4VN_ Shortest andQoolo/ses! Roue . to all violuttto on the Alleghen - y River. .• TWO DAILY TRAINS 'env., Pitisbnreh kalinee:— Morning Express, at 8 o'clock, A. M., for KITTANNING, CLA RION. PRANK LIN, RED-BANK, RKADY'S BEND, )IA I lON I NG, RELAIERSIIMG, BROOK VILLAS, and Oil poiuts Fn.:tang ..lcconantotiztion loaves at 5c45, P. 24. 2 stoirtring- at all way-atations. Faso to Kittanning, $1,115. 51 i‘hlleiex $l. 7 51Citirion..-- ..... .... •••••4 3 25 Suockeburg 250 Pututatirimey .... 3 '25 R4,1-Bank 2 25 Reimeraburg 2 50 Vorleville 275 Reedsburg.....-- 300 s.l:una 200 Rural - Village ..... :......... /1 'Z A 8 I.:ra . ty's Bend 2 25 51nlioning ...........—.....e.A. 75 Kelleraburg . 200 Team 2 ;.?.5 Iti•thlehem 2 75 Mechauloilrurg. 8 00 Shantlootble 925 Brookville 3 75 l'icliots to all or the gene plaom con be procured at the oflive, corner of Pt-no and Wayne streets, and at the Depot on Taylor street. A. J. HOPPER, .1..21 Ithaperintentient.' __________ A' AND BROWN --- ; STOUT-. 7 doz. naelt. Ile;mutt Scotrh.Ain. t; do - " India pale Ale du •• " ntrong 4. .‘ Brown Stout. Jost received and for sale by MILLER.* RISACRRSON .J 1 anti Mar I3A CON.— 10,000 Bacon 15,000 .` Moulders. 1 " 8141,9, fn sture and for Bale by FORSYTH ISOM 76 %tea street Lily 1 NE RS. ALLEY ' S 1 AIR RE or L Zylubalsainum.—This preparation, which btu' never try o known to fail in any coos when need secordbg po,the din etions, restorea the hair to Its original strength .U4l roh.r. It fa not a dye, ,and one bottle is andicienr; ff apOkxl For sale only. by JOS. FLEMING, je'26 Corner Ilarket st. and the lasuaaad.; D R. HULLIHEN'S PARISIAN - TOOTH TiKith Paste is the boat of its Una for Cl. ilt,iug anti prom•rriug the tevtli. Tt is propumt undo Lit 111. , rviAluo of 1)r Said only JOS. ►Yi]ti\U, j021.J C.Oruos Market at, ud the Utamuad• " . EMU, ~.: ~_ :, .. ~;~.. k~'. ._ ~, J yF.~ a"r'. . ~ .._ SHED TEA HOUSE I. ' '