Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, June 26, 1856, Image 2

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F OR VICE pauswEsT,
JACOB FRY, Jr., MorrocadraT Oo
TIMOTHY IVES, PurrEn Courrre
S reading matter every day on first page
Tint DEMOCBATic Conlin - rte. or CORFLESPEI;DEM2E met at the
St. Charles IL.tel. on Satunlay. June 21st, in purnitiMe of
the call of the Chairman.
To the ahAeoce of the Chairman, nun. C. Sit kt.Ett was ae
point•! Chairman pro trot.
On motion, it W as
Rf.to!red, That it I iuexpedieut to change the time tin ,
r loudly fixed for Oh- nu,litig 01 the Con‘entiou, to wit:
1134.1 day of August.
Ou motion LA 101. Fwontled I.y
Roberts, F, q it was
R . That we r,olunn n.l I , the C.moty Con ventina
the propriety of changing the illat/ no, o•f ,otlg for tht
nomination elintinhaet. by voting rhea nor, nitead of mark
mg, etl heretotur.•.
C SIIALER, Chairman, pr, l.m.
Joan N. hretorat. S..•rrotary.
A silly attempt is now being made to convince
old line Whigs that Mr. Buchanan and Henry
Clay were personal enemies. If henry Clay
was alive his frank and manly spirit would rebuke
the attempt at once. But after he is dead
language can be attributed to him that he never
uttered or wrote, and mole-hills magnified into
mountains. Up to 1825 Mr. Clay and Mr. Bu
chanan were both political and personal friends.
That was thirty one years ago. In the fall
of 1824 three candidates had been run for the
Presidency : Gen. Jackson, J. Q. Adams and Wm
H. Crawford. Jackson had received a majority
of the popular vote, but had not secured a
majority of the electoral votes. The election of
a president therefore went to the House of
Itepresentatives. Clay and Buchanan, both
members of the House, were both then Democrat
Buchanan was a warm friend of Jackson, and
Clay was not. It appears that great exertion ,
were made to induce Mr. Clay to use his great
influence in favor of Gen. Jackson. It was
believed, as the result proved, that Clay's intlo
ence could make a President. It is now "mad that
Mr. Buchanan suggested to Mr. Clay that in ca,
Jackson was elected he [Clay] would probabl:.
be Secretary of State. The truth of this
solely upon the authority of that most uotori.m,
of false witnesses. Prentice. of the Louisville
Journal. But whether it is true or not i. a
matter of no earthly consequence. Mr. I:uchttnan
was anxious to secure the election of Jackson
and, as he says in a letter twenty years after
wards, he would have used his influence in flay r
of making Mr Clay a member of Gen. Jackson
cabinet. Up to that time then Clay and Buchan
an were certainly not enemies, but quite tl.e
The election came off, and to the great disap
P°intment of the Democracy Mr. Clay's influence
secured/ the election of John Quincy Adams
As soon as Adams was inaugurated he appoint« d
Mr. Clay Secretary of State. Mr. Clay never
afterwards acted with the,Democratic party. It
is not surprising that the Democrats were angry.
and that the charge should have been made that
there was a bargain between Adams and Clay to
the effect that if Clay made Adams president h,
skuiuld hold the first place in his cabinet. Ti c
concurrence of the events, and the heat of part
excitement at the time, gained for the charge the
honest belief of many; ti.ocigh it is not now be
lieved, nor was it for years before Mr. Clay
. !
"4 7 ; 1 -9
It seems that Gen. Jackson believed it, and
that in one instance he mentioned Mr. Buchanan
Its authority fur his belief. Mr. Buchanan iui
mediately published a letter in which he posi
tively denied being in any way reepun-ible fel
the charge, and said that he knew nothing fur
ther about it than what the events themselves
indicated. This letter, it was -apposed, an:
repeatedly asserted by the opponent- of the De
mocracy, had produced enmity between Mr. Bu
chanan and Gen. .lackson. This was asserted
until some years after that (len, Jackson appoint
ed Mr. B. Minister to Russia, and there ended
that story. For twenty-seven years after the
events above mentioned, Mr. Buchanan and Mr
Clay, though political opponents, were persona:
friends. They were for years in the Senate to
gether, and the kind and complimentary remark
that occasionally fell from the lips of each in re
gard to the other, show a real and sincere feel
ing of friendship and mutual respect. We stia:!
refer to them at another time.
After all these events, and those long years
friendly intercourse, the attempt is now made
the notorious falsifier of the Louisville
to prove that Mr. Ilu.lhanan did injustice Mr
Clay, and that there wan enmity Letween them
This Prentice of the .I , ,urna: dues in order t o in
duce old line whigs to vote with the Know No
things against Mt. Buchanan. And the mil . ,
item of fotunlation Prentice can rake up fur hi,
two column falsehood is the following short en
tract front somebody's published life of Henry
Clay. I u that book, published years ago, are the
following remarks:
Some time in January, eighteen hundred and
twenty-five, and nut lung before the election of Pre
sident of the United Staten by the House of Repre
sentatives, the Hon. James Buchanan, thco a mete•
bet of the House, and afterwards fur many years a
Senator of the United States from Pennsylvania. who
had been a zealous and influential supporter of Gen.
Jackson in the preceding canvass, and was supposed
to, enjoy his unbounded confidence, called at the
lodgings of Mr. Clay, in Washington. Mr. Clay was
at the time in the room of his only messmate in the
House, his intimate and confidential friend, the Hun.
It. P. Letcher, since Governor of Kentucky, then
also a member of the House. Shortly after Mr. Bu•
chanan's entry into the room, he introduced the sub
ject of the approaching Presidential election, and
spoke of the certainty of the election of his favorite.
adding that he would form the most splendid cabinet
that the country had ever had. Mr. Letcher asked
how could he have one more distinguished than that
of Mr. Jefferson, in which were both Madison and
Gallatin? Where would he he able to find e q ually
eminent men Mr. Buchanan replied, "be would
not 'go out of this room for a Secretary of State, -
looking at Mr. Clay. Mr. Clay playfully remarked
that he thought there was no timber there lit for a
cabinet officer, unless it were Mr. B. himself.
Mr. Clay, while he was so hotly assailed with the
charge of bargain, intrigue, and corrupti,n, during
the administration of Mr. Adams, notified Mr. Bu
chanan of his intention to publish the above occur
rence, but by the earnest entreaties of that gentle
man he was induced to forbear doing so."
Thus says the author of the book. Now, we
cannot see any possittle damage its publication
would have done 11. r. Buchanan. That book
was published containing the above, years ago,
and - Mr. Buchanan has taken no notice of it.
Nobody has thought it of any consequence, and
it has never before been made a subject of public
notice. But iu 1844 Mr. Buchanan was not a
candidate for office, and did not wish to be
brought prominently into the presidential con
test of that year, and for that reason, it is said
by Prentice, that he wrote the following letter:
MY DEAR SIR : I this moment received your very
kind letter, and hasten to give it an answer. I can
not perceive what good purpose it would subserve
Mr. Clay to publish the private - and unreserved 02n
versation to which you refer. I was then his ardent
friend and admirer; and much of this ancient feeling
still survives, notwithstanding our political differen
ces since. I did him ample justice, but no more than
justice, both in my speech on Chilton's resolutions
and in my letter in answer to Gen. Jackson.
I have not myself any very distinct recollection
of what transpired in your room nearly twenty years
ago, but doubtless expressed a strong wish to him
self, as I had done a hundred 411:12/38 to others, that
he might vote for Gen. Jackson, and if he desired it
become his Secretary of State. .1
-fad he voted for the
General, in ease of 10-election I should moat cer
tainly have exercised any influence I might have
'iittshurgt, Vost.
.TUNE 26
INf.NAL cowwilsioNlE
LANC&STER, Juno V, 1844.
A 't . .., . • .
4, - a ~,"re. -. '
tt.' t' ..9 .. t
' .1 :::,,,,,,
.1.. ... '
'" ' nt 4- 11
• okw
PPt l gts4 l9 -4 0 40 3 )Plitih.this-Psulit-ankthi5:1.4 014 . , , , , , , 444,Yet_ A e P t4"i
hive done from the most illsinterestedrfrieridly - sta' -The folLiwing communication
patriotic motives.
was written for the Pittsburgh li',,:rite---that the
This conversation of mine, whatever it pisy 'FS?
been can never-be brought home to laen' , '3'ackooo.... same remiers might -ee our reply t , "Enquirer
1 never had bdturie conversation with hitn'' ' on the But Nlr. White declining. to 'widish. it is at your ,
subject of the then peridiug election audtist upoii ,
the street, and - the whole of it "iierbaiim 41i:err/tint, " Is P` '-
when eurnpar t X re l y fresh upon my memory. was lie Mimed to explain fur us our position--an
givnit the public in toy letter of August:lB27. The offer we could not apprtsciate —since Lis refusal
publicatiton, then, of this private conversation could
serve no other purpose than to einharrusti me and allow our own defence convinced m , that in
force me prominently .nto toe pooling contest— asking such a favor we had foolishly presumed
which 1 desire to avoid. too much upon his gentleumuly magnanimity and
You ure certainly correct in your recollection.
•• You told me explicitly that you did not fool at lib. " courtesy
erty to give the conversation alluded to, and would June 25th, 185il
not do no under am eireumetanceB without my ex
e luiere,tn likei . m an
of hon o r sion . ..lnthig you
acted,as you have tPqr the Pittsburgh ]hail) tiszett
Cr ie
• "Enquirer " and his •• Autecedenis•"
i N it
s o ti 7
._,,lu n 1
p u r t p. e
oßs the , prom inent htaonba ne
genuine. - The a titer is nut woh,L lOW iii liIT ta• t
ing himself unasked upon the niitiiiii of your readers.
But when your " loeal - gives us notoriety fur :neon
did not want to be forced i, simen,--is in the 0 t o fl 1 li
..azil.. , t.lo . ni.l .llSLint - arid
yiiur cnraespondent, '. Enquirer," in Friday', ir.slic,
pays us such marked atti , ntlon, we presume a reply
will not be deemed a trespass on your oourte,y.
Our friend '' En q uirer" umiertalo, to enlighten
your readers with a I ‘ brief shetelu " of the -appland
cd orator" and his "antecedents," in whiell he liar
rates our early church relations, and oui .inlent at,li
slavery zeal : and i•ontrasting these w :ill our pri-eol
support of the liemoisratie party. he i:• in• I'. - lei I
urprised,'' artil asks witiiiirrest 11,111 - 31:1 - e. 1., eh.,
appiiinted him dietiltur' - N i‘e. -ir, what i= this
,•a..° or 011tIF,I of this ',tilde i - , rlller el ~ I I the sub
2nd. Re can see no
the gool
kind.it<c N
n do
oMr.Cy to
into the contest of Ist i.
publish any thing ofwas
then candidate
he "
tefurr :a e' s n
id. In dent friend and ad
mirer" of Henry Clay, and - notwithstanding
political differences , inee, much ‘f that iinCient
feeling still survives - in Ist I
4th. He says he had long ago , itle “ample
justice" to Mr. Clay.
tll. Bad Clay voted for Jacks , n ho would
have done all in his power to make Mr. t 'lay the
head of the Cabinet.
i;tli. Cep. Jackson had authori.ed no , u , : h
conversation as that referred to.
Tth. Ile had given the whole matter to the 1
public in Lis letter of le2T.
These are the points, supposing the letter to
be genuine. Dues Mr. ',etcher, the intimate 1
friend of Clay, anywhere deny the truth of any
of those points:' Nowhere and never.
And now, what of it '' What wrong is there
iu the whole matter" We see none, even sup
posing the author of the book told the truth :
and even supposing Prentice
. i .,, r - once to ha , e
come somewhere near the truth. The only prom
inent conclusion to he drawn from , the whole
extracts were simply these:
In IS'_';, Mr. Buchanan was the warm friend
of both Clay and Jackson, and he wanted Jackson
for President and Clay for Secretary of State.
1111 18-14 much of that ancient feeling of friend
ship and admiration for Clay still survived.
Are those good reasons why old line Clay
whip. sh,ti',l vote against Mr. Buchanan now"
1)n. S S. Fir, u has been distributing through
uur city fur a few days past• an advertising sheet,
the .• Erpment, on the first page of
whirl , almost the first paragraph is as follow!.
Srrr lAL Nut, r:. -There it nii perinea.
nitintoer name, ali-ieat from the office of Ur. S.
Fitch, practicing gi li..ine nit, ry 11 ,,, v.
~r ever hit, been, hi- partiii:r it,,iventte
Ono h,, him or is Ire:
went ..an I.e had only lie applieation to hal, at 11:-
0th,,.. Ae., Ae.
It so h.ipp.ns that we h. 0 ., ben.re u. hi+ al
trnv. f'or 1.11 ITe C-• , \ er of which we find
tilt, ear I
"To root: .INTERY.,II.:II. As 1 have beard of =e,
oral 11,4/Mc, of pert. is traveling through the erun
try, representing thenowarus to Lae e been calico
partners or pupils of tntue, I would ,ay that I ha, e
Clover hod any' partner in the praotiee of ruedieint.
or any moaents, eire pt Illy Dephea, Cul, in M. Fiarh.
A. ,M. D.. who ha. , been with me for net eras year,.
And now toy avrhaant and niastedote.
We gre not left in .I,lild at whom the thrust in
the • • air St.E, t L \t/ I .!uoted !-
levelled. for vu the same page of this paper.
under the head ut ••CA I 'NON--A Calm to M
THE fnjTntc • Dr. CAI.% la M. FIT , II IS nam.4i in
a mariner whieli would lead those unacqua.ntr,
with the facts tai suppose that Dr. S. S. Fit, is
had never known aught of this Dr. C. M. Fitch.
and thought hitni4.ll ..king a service t.. the
!nuttily in cautioning the public against. Lim
The same article alludes to Dr. C. M. Fitch
having sue.ceeded in confusing the publ
mind by making tuaauthuriF.pd,u...e of my name, -
Nall, we know that Dr. C. M. Fitch'e
rkill in the treatment of pulmonary and °the:
dirotii , affection., is such that lie would he fo,-.;
,h ei•i, t, With /i
AL 1 we know u!SI. that ie ;111
tircmentm or ever seen
M. Vitoh li r(43, ,, i , 1ert41 It hi+ intere,t to ;dal.
lc, in onler avoid confu.l.n, (hat he h.,111,
longer any ruuneeii , nt with Dr. Iltch. 1.1 i•
glaring incon, , i,tetiev. theiel'ore. t ta , e no
term. thi. Wier re.tuirrn-
Colllllll . llt ; ¢n I w. , mler that Dr. I . NI
Fit 4:11 -)1121.11 . 1 h:oe e preS,C.l 111111•,: r 1,01 ,11 -
pri,ed and gricled that lu.l uncle , hould ha% e
allowed hini,elf to he persuaded to .uch a course
alou.y at' itid nephew', ski!l re:eivel
by tie public tic a i•Jur ino,rer. po--
Ide, Luau ilk alleged riot to he emit,un
with hint. But we can kosure Dr. Fitch -
C. M. Fitch, we of course mean- that he will
experience n, injury from attacks like thee, for
we are confident that he p, ,,, ,,:55es too much dig
nity to be betrayed int., passion, and can well
afford to bear the petulem-e of age or jeal,u ,, y,
while his pr.,fe,sional reputation is to, firm'y
e-tahhshed to be buceessfulis
NT), Pk The dwening
ur ef .\l!egheuy
Nlen•lville, were .Itt,ttrt.p.tl I.v Ire
ttigitt latttt, tilt-itt I The tilt
,rtginated iu s smoke-htr , e, connected with tht.
wood-1,11 , -e, frttm it ,preati t, the main
building, tint! so far had it advanced and so rapid
was it, prog rt . :, that the family narrowly es
caped with their live,. Very little was saved
The Professor's valuable littrary, cabinet of min
erals, philosopLical apparatu , , and almost every
article of household furniture, were consumed.
. . Friday, Saturday and Sunday was intensely
warm in Crawford county. The thermometer
indicated in the shade 1 yuuag Ger
man, named David Haas, was drowned in the
canal, at Meadville, on Saturday night. Ile
went in apparently to bathe, but the water being
about ten or twelve feet deep at that point, he
went down immediately. Ile was heard strug-
Hng in the water by some boys, but being late at
night, before assistance could be rendered the
vital spark had tied.
umeracy of Mercer county held their Convention
00 the ltlth ittst., and after passing a series of
excellent re4olutions, nominated the following
ticket :
•arriol,l - arnii.l .I.hustun.
-fat , J tpig,,--.10,,ep1i Kerr, Charles
C ,, talnizsi-ncr---Du rid Price.
For Dtztnet Atiurf-y—John D. McGill
Fur Surveyor—Henry llosack.
1 . ,,r Poor Director—Robert Kyle.
For Auditor —J. W. S. Chappell.
—Under this caption we find that a Philadelphia
exchange places our neighbor of the Etwiloy
(.7,,50h. Is there not sullle mistake about this
matter: It declared a few days ago that its un
biassed belief was that Mr. Buchanan would be
the next President of the United States, which
would be rather a queer way for a leader to in
spire courage in the ranks of all the isms.
The Baltimore Argun has received a letter from
a friend, which informs us that the °IV-line Whine
of the Ashland district, of Kentucky, have pre
sented the Hon. J. C. Breckinridge with a hand
some pair of horses "as an evidence of their
pride in their fellow-citizen, though of opposite
politics, and as a pledge of their confidence in
the coming administration of which he will be a
prominent member.— Wash. Un i on.
THE 5.5. John (N. 13.) Oborrver Mates, that
another attempt to lay a chain cable for a tele
graph across the Atlantic, will soon be made.
The length of this cable will be 2,400 miles, and
two steamers, each with 1,200 miles of cable,
will meet midway between Ireland and New
foundland, unite the cables and proceed in
opposite directions to land.
z' , .,
' 'r .. ,
, ..4
4 1 4 .4 -T, 4 •
4 ,
4 - "
jest of slavery
St, far as this "young non is coin,rited, the 11
"• smith n Somersol " 110%, ,o curved. and it tt‘i,t ,
Is in the imagination 4.1 ° Emlutrett. " Ile vile al it
when Franklin Pierce wnP a candidate for the Prett
donee. friend Sawyer was ftttaid battling valiantly
for free soil principles. - Four tear ago sir
int, and suffrage were given to It i ranklin Piet, 0.
hut for some 111111. Itrel imiely we ttl.enly qtttke uor
approval of the Itemocratie doctrines of legi - Laiiou
suit ; nnr 1 1 , We remember Lavin, - made any
speuelies iu npittnotion to thew .111re:1 , 11 1 . From Is•tl
we Lave ttnifortnly enued the liennturatie tieleot ; art
are In Ire firmly in the eon, wt.,. than ever, that it
the only part.) of integrity and trustworthines s 10
the country, that , leson ,- .:andt ,, rlllll:liiiiS 'slier ti.t •
UMW , / operatinit tt!o, Of the I floc,
I occur- to It, that t a ge.al 111111/V remark:lP ,
"sudden souteraets cm the subjentlit slavery '•
list e
taken place recently in these wherttalnott•i stner
was learned that "Sato'. •Ittii,,rs sit rs. lint likely i
he popular, the aid of Sand, - was invoke 1 I r
reinforcement., anti loud .I:tutoring- , for • 'lhertv
wore heard in certain strange t/ oar ter,. W het lit r
these soutersets belong to "erratic "
movement., per
haps Enquirer. ' who is II conro ssetir in .
dent., " can advise us. We opine that the law of ;••
lirrem.ifire will hart exp:Aln this phenomena,
Shire our views as a civilian changed. we have
purposely avoided every intentional irritation of the
public mind on the question of Amen tan slavery
believing this is not the Lust way t-. promote In ,
peace "r the Intl:frets of our great republic.
To have earnestly a-sdttteti year• agn in :;:yin
strength to movement , dm: are now td-approved.
part of our history we cannnt ighttre th.ttlgh it vul.
feats us to the charge of Inctoottstener in tile 1 1 -litlttl
tion of those who dog tae.liv 1,11.01 , t , Car,. "1;:•
impressions, ” true or Labe. It doe. m ont , trit e.
so much to know whether nor antet , dents azre
with nor present tv , ttott, n. It. Int :11 1 FtlfrI is" Lave th
...lit approval of our -Pan oter,hot ittt ..r .1 con
rho:no. With te•t• tott..utv . mt ; u•.l‘.• 1 , 1 - ttcrt•
1t . .. 1 ...i: •-•'. 1,4.-.1,114. Itr
erS pr It i• eyunUi
Tie !hilt there i•
nd tii i barge .11,!,:en• heaver n t!/. i...et, lii.
ferer , rly to .lay than lie year% litii.ire. iliiter
the ve'iat !heir )1,1,...,1 , Appr , ,,
%11111 i:r•ree Arhome
el en deperl.l , up , n, • - peratit.t.,taeb
hare boei. tiled far -uun b rhi,
t'oesildy un,-sl,tut,:tte whon - youn,.;
tniin " Lt, to hat e no opinion- upon tru..t - fc ,
iurr,undin,:,. That when h.• entl,red the hu.y
w,•rld, he did f“. nr,L .L ~1 pha -
ideas, which tray, bon at :t.tuitivts p. , -
eoption of truth, that IL , :terdedllo tuent.ll
Inoue, and no varled exi.ertencel to culch, his foot
p•teitg, but he ,ad I to $. eo rre ,
direction, and, 1:i10 Ic
eccr r• - .nristant
With himF,)f hi , L. Jun 102. lo erk.,l unit,l
den Nouter,rt•. - n .r di-un;zuil.hed lsy nutty "
denance 1.1 s, • f nature, - r,r 1. •
tend, .I,tutled ai i..•neelul
1., II:, irregillaritic-, ;tie Le. ' otcorekle;:t,
ire m ,C heartily f. K r ~1.1....• .1.- A it:Mark:Ll.
ni , e,ll,lt•ti the t•i, fr .ni a i i
tLe .•r! I t.. 1:
very frtt of , ..• •. rr
cour•c . gels!
ultii propriety V .
are IGSS uniform.
Thctloira Era cm Fromnni.
The luut number of the
central leading Heptibliean paper of tha country .
(-nesting the fs,lowit,g Hitor.ft' h.t.•
hi- nn hi-
I-n•in JTI
•t young coal n•n
nn state-man
uhit.ll lighate t!it• country
Tiii• ikl".Vv , -I .;y Thal t . .. r ^ : 11t.
1,,. } •,• ~.i tcwE••,r:.~y :u~:,~r, l'rr:,..:.t K:~d 1,
:It tit , • 4,1 , 4`1 , 4` f i , ettvr n n ,11 , 1 the i
, igures out hit defeat that-. 11,.•at it
Mr. I'mc63nan v, 1:: 1 t•, ;.re-u1111•. 11l
S -r • h ' •
m.l , !•.1 Let Li - ,1.111,1 , 0 ILat OW 11' 1111
nee of the Phil 01e',1.1,1a
the cle•ctor:u v..t..s of New Ilzightn.l. New
Nliehigen. and 11.,..-11-m. the StAto
then will he. 11.4113.
11111101 A, Cililiurn„ 1- for cleryi,
1.. r the r•volt late. t i,,.
upponcrion c= w 2 , 1 Tl. .'V tcrlc
-both the 1,11.18 nil I
there have ttiwai - deou I I.y I.
.mbseryieney , In‘ely mieht. 11 , w.
h or n In
Prenomt, 11,iehAnan
coninvlnd tile en•ire .e, I .1.1..r.5e
tmrtion.d the ..1 , 1 con, , erv..tive r-te. Noir.
with hi< one hum fired •trol twenty %me-, he ,
c re ed mily In I o.
fhtliforn,l. the 111'.
hi , vole L.. I ou-tiigh
•ffnil.thit• .1.0••,
Fre I- Ott . ...! 1-ill IliV Ut•l
1 . 01 Renton determined, aml anmotticed ih.
letertnimitiup In 11 , 1,ttuce of the tionlittatiun ..1
rreffiLait, t 1,31 he w.,11: •tipport him. lilt
following letter tin• I,r llr oi .Nl.l.4Souri
T. th, 11, I 10710 l'orne 10
the tietertninatiOll. Ilt thIS I , llleo, to accept th/.
Itemorrntie nomination for the i.tilee ffi °vertu
of our state, induced t it I,y 1,,, paltry calcula
hon of the chance: , of an ilection, but wholl% Air Alt : there Delay* I --:+ometimen ~Itl IA MI t•
and entirely upon e , n, , itleratioli:4 of puhlie good. 1,,,1 to Accumulate upon roil IA wh,,1.• winter through. This
The nomiuutiuu of Mr. Iluchatiau for the l're•d• ~ taking A .11.,rt rout.. to the .• lose houp• - Stop Ow rate
dency determines my course in reintiOn t. the • lucl More it had fixed Itm.lf aturably. With RVIERS'
Governorship. I consider hint the saf , :+t chalice IA v EItWoRT, TAR, AND CANCHALAOLA, the remit 15
fur preserving the pence of the country, now 1,,,t, store!) a prole bialy, but IA COrtAtinty. se4 , %RI mph let In
greatly endangered, both at home mid abr,,uot : I A g••.is poKnes. ,, u, uaa atlverueement I:. the , budiness ,t,..
and believing hint to be the best chatwe for p., L.•lli. of Ultn paper.
race, 1 hold it to be fluty of those who ',re 'sr kr, sad, wholowale and retail. by It. R. SELLERS A
in favor of that object to assist in his election ; i GU., ,,, ra , rW0. ,, 1 and :Lrxvtial stri•Os.
and for one, 1 shall du so—in a public capacity,S" l.l '" , t B
by HEN DERSIN M ) • Lib ,,, tY h ,,,,, t: H. P.
if you invest tue with one, and no a private iti- s '0
, iIWARTZ, cud BECtiLIAM .4 Mek ENNAN, Allegheny
cel; of :lissoltri, if not. I'".n' felh.w-citizen, ' '
Tii4ot As 11. BKNION,
Oft-From the N. York National Monitor
•, Cincinnati, 1,1,M, June T.
,•I Fobrilltry '.:4.--111OIAN VAPOR.-- lir Curtin has dolt, mr,
It will be observed that (tent ~u h , very t.. Mit condition of humituiiy afflicted with Mug
0110110.1 C in the announcement the eourso he Mail any other practitittluir awilicinen that
will pursue, and decided in his ~p inion respecting
the crisis in the alfairel of the c‘mutry, and TII E thnlwillnmrryk, t„ o mudlclnx In
,A A highly MiitticarrA Vapor, whirl) win dirt,tly ou the
unit not. lit hitherto, by nymputhy. 'l is who RCP
Tile following remarks In the New York :Fri- with dime., arising from diriontered War, will
brine eh ow what Horace Greeley and his friond. rye their moires bi by givimi the Ily t ;euu V,tpor n triad.
I CURTLY' HYOLLNI ill the urigiuitl and only
think of the prospects of the Fremont ticket :
a.l,lilJO Rrti,,le noiri2fr3wihiw
"We do not enter upon the contest before its ur Batchelor's Hair Dye-- Perfection is not
in any spirit of overweening confidence. We
iitt.tined 1.) iiidob-0.•.. nail ea..te ; therein no aer.ess lot to nal
admit that the apparent odds are greatly iti favor veisal.fasor. 'rho win Id will not be blown like chat Into a
of our adversaries. We realize the e l "ta•eles .10.00e1 indicated by imitators; Witness the last-tuicbored
thrown in the way of our iiur,..ei-i- by the exis- ran, ..t BATCH El,oft is HAIR DYE. woo by watching who
fence and peculiarities of the • Ain eriinti ' or-
ii-rii slept, sustain,' by its intrinedo worth and truthful
ganization. We know that the votes of all the
0,- to nature, Wal ranted not to disappoint the hopes of
slave States but Missouri and tieiftware, with t ItO, who use il. Mali. and sold, or applied at the Wig Foe
probably these also, will be thrown for either
0 .r., ,'''ill Brisui way , Nov York.
Buchanan or Fillmore—most of them for tilt ;„id, wholesale and oeuill, by Dr. fico. H. KITSIA, 140
former. We feel that the possession of the j „„.,,
government, with the disbursetnent of the mil- _ _ .__ _ _
lions constantly flowing from the treasury, I *3-Stockings and Hosiery for Winter.--
' . ti
weighs heavily in favor of the C in c in nati 1101111-
it ~,ii don't want your test pinched with bad and short
nee& We are prepared to hear that several St... kings, you will take our advice an d g o to C. DOLT'S,
s, cur
eminently respectable, distinguished and wealthy ie.i ~f Market alley and Fifthstreet, 1 an,
buy sumo of those
citizens, who have hitherto voted mainly with elerieit the Stockings,
us, when they voted at all, will now refuse ~ .i. t..rtable. DOLT al4O makes and sells every variety of
to support the Philadelphia nominations.' it, wry that lea can mention, at wholesale and retail.
-..•» - ---..._. it..tueniber the lilac., corner of Market alley and Fifth
Tax defaulter cn the Paris Bourse is said to be i airi • t. °eta
M. Place, and his engagements are stated to
0,4-Whysvillyetsiinffer, wazx RELIEF CAN BE
amount to a sum equal to $3 , .00,1100. Hp is
oil LA SI 1.1 . OBTA IN EDl—Have you a Sore Throat, Qui ro y,
one of the directors of the Co,-,ltt ilobilier, and sheumatima, Neuralgia, monclaitiv, Croup, Stiff Joints, Frost
retired a short time back from a banking house ih t ,,,, Burns, Sprainii, or Palos in any part of your System?
in which he was a partner, with a fortune of ,
Yi: C 4251 be relieved at once by using the most beautiful of
$1,000,000. ' all lAutnietits, the - Mils Circassian Linitnenl," prepared
I, I. 'SCOTT, of Morgantown, Vs, and for solo cheap , JENNY LIND COMING 11.1MtE AGAIN. Jenny wholesale and retail, by Dr. KEVS},II., 140 Wood street, and
Lind will make, on the 30th of the present month, )A:'. Y. FLEALINIJ, near - B. li. Depot, Allegheny. See ad
her last appearance in London, prior to her ' v ,„,,, m,.1. „ i...ther a. .
of t.day,s
paper. imar.t.L.
departure for the United States. Her voice has p
RUSSIAN BLUE-15 cases for sale by
lost much of its power since she was last among , B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO,
us, but still retains all its sweetness and melody. I ~p w . - corner Wks* and Wood at wt.
1 once in frig ndfdlip'n Idrelred
Found every 'Wis..; thett'- ,
And fume! in friendship's learning ev
A ray of light Iron heave:: •
Rut. /at! the serpent nnl y t
himself urou nd nit hear::
He led sn•piclru from my min:4
Thee threw Lm dewily tort.
EnjtlyCli ILi 1,1.0.1, of 1.1t4A
IVit.hin thy
That to,. 12,4 ti i. f r n L ' thy !wart
P. R. S.
It CAL A. glt,ttn twist
Arld bkze, and liwu csigrv.
lint let the iNiirld etij•iy rlii•ir • ham,
(For siion ends the scene.)
in ea. h other's arms.
Anil rind them f.tricy' , dr,olll,
And !bill like rue back
Alas' h... frail is Mall
xtl.l trieti.l6lllp lode Itwgy
0.1),. A not her Letter front Texas
l. 1•• I itlllll t Itt Ito tot,tll-I', tattlit) t.t tho
;3., 1 , 11 , 1 12111 awl I,',
t,,11111,1“ 1/.^.. and m.•
th, lit N%
st, 1.. A 11.1. u. Tv‘a..
Vol li.wetn win tw catolul t• A -k I, Pr .11'1,,m1
WWI of. tu1. , 1 1., 11,..1.1g 111.., .4 Pat.
1 , 110,1,. It All .41. , I.orr 1•111.4,
..A.4 ties% he Iku.l nt 2dl t• Irug Istort.l.
N.,ne sn.theot the "I.:nature II FI, KM I
AI., I, Salk . I.y I pik.prlt•to,
JAN , . ;
C , . Front a Distingulmated Pirtnber or 'MS
1;.‘4. nit 01,EAT \VE,TP;ISN A.
/Jr 1/..at rtr—Last :all 1 had A NIOR.Lit attiwk of
Lumllag". 1.1,1111, for -evens) oek used the ordinar
t• toe , thes uttli-ut nor permanent te•nellt. I gut it vial of your
NV 111 T 1.1 I.l\l , 11 - 11 1 ,T. I 10,1 not um,' this more than a
week, whoa I wan ahlliad totally relieved. I have every
/1111.11,1114 i•-li' fto t ore of this medicine.
nod I 101 l /lllt4t)it , g that I consider your
LIN INI ENT avi ..doablert.tnedy lor IthentuatAc affect
11 lts cry I • t W. T. IV.I 1.1. .
1" I.At, V, Lis er fills nod ta.fauctn Vern&
l l•C' • Also In I colic lt 1-t•rated N lest- Or , . 11.111 LA.!'
Bt. I at, L t -t.v/ I)r. I. 'SK.ott
4raatiat....tti.l vxt,univvprat
t. I ,.rart4l by Itt. I. Soat &
~ That 1 X4ll/111,1 th ,
I.r• NI, LA,...,• t:t:.ftt,
1.;:t. 1,, Li, 1.•••. n ., `.
It, lit, 1 biro., ,•• it I 1. IP , - 111/1/till'iisi
71, I IlLtIo• ,:„• • 11, 1c111111,,i, ,N 1
liali• 111/Nteiv• t: 11, LA \K. M. D
Di 11, Letylr',, v 11241 1 .1 4, Ati..l 1111.11.0N111.1
A.N. , ,lnpapi , •4 .--rtitL•tsle C NI, lAD, I,t sale I.)
DI 11;4, tnts au,l ••• • . I .^.
ti Lo. /1 I I.\ S Kit, 110 et, Wll,,lemlo Agent.
1 1 11 .1. I'. Fl.lOl IN , i, Itailrol.l
A a‘ Apt'
O. Time Pn.t and Present.--
r, sip ;!.;.; •.; !,.1 P. —1 u WI; ili..rail,'
ia.n...t:,n‘,11 11, I t .Itroad
Log 1:—: ilo i. 1. no m- At hao•I Kows
31 i••• \ I 1.1'! , A! LW- , • r.1;1" AL
P -,.1)
oe. Prof. Do Grath on tlto IVeatlter--P1.4
1 ,, U. ath truisisitii *Marrs fruttt the ••ffet ts n t 1,..
w ;Oh,- nr.d .‘ I I.• pleaN.lll
with. A I.: e
gr•-t.am , 414 t.q a .1 Ow I.,pa+
-1 ills. eolet.rat...l art, , fnan 10 , 1 ••.aatz , ll./1
.1111, Mr. i.al , lllA. it !•Ixiith. t..rawaly ro•I
ttr• Ili ket.t..tsgt, ~ ..ttt••• t.i Una}.
A C... I•tat itt.truct,tl it] Ittntottat . titr....l I.llt. 11/4 . •1/
1111. tt .tt.t.r tltt , right 'tt Atttlity t..
tttAk• •• I.• ttitttli 1.1,11 t.• t:tit.l tutata.l...tu ur
At, I.- tit :It • • t ito-part.l in
I, -...)••• '71 , 01 11.0,1'. At a. 11 kilt." ts , ..tt•
t. .• 1:•glalt 1.t.1 Cti.—ttott
11::t.,.1.110ttt.t •
• tt2 •• ti ••!,1 , 3J1 il4l/
11. K etol ail Drug
1.- 11. Perry 'lt c rmlfuge, vra -DEAI•
'lit to!: \l, , ki 1)011.101n, UI 111, tlimt.use An•
)•llt 110.1,15 t.,
••,,,: luau) .Lt ttati wamt awa) and dio without
I • ,•I• NO 114111 k it ma, I, .11.•ly ennl . tLut If is
A I. lI,LA w.ll rt•tnOvv lz • ni
!MEER MIE1=1:1
Otter. Roar, 111,,tm
'rt IL,. k•I . nIM n larw• amm.ortment vi
F,f- motto quo, h ,ste, Light Profits. -
MORtIAN A Cn., N, IM K ,nod street,
Nort to the now Church,
[Fn[the Pitteburgla Poet
Iteth.sll, no long , Irk,
AO,Ol-4 I:, 19G1
MA% 1, TtAn.,
PJ(I. , 11 nu) 1.41
adttu[llo , l - 1 , 1 tit .11.
t3uce,... , .ri to d Kidd k Co.,
Wool ecrwt. ,rn, of Fourth
V . ?riltrch IX4tV
.Itit,r, IL •I, turin4 p,... .1 the To
)f. R1..1:. t:tRXI
th.• I. S\ y .1
•IL i
I A' ..1111 ,
)i I 71 '11:1,
rt.... , iIL).I a rad
I 1.) A It A It t-A Itrt.t.4tlst,
Flll \
.1 I.y iii iLomti gert-rully
at3d r.,iirw•l.l•, acid Ils pn.4l
1 ..- Redding' a Russia-Salves—lt is a Boston remedy- DO L-A - R 13.511.'lrialV r Ari.: . .: s r ailf--auT eattioss - i - lbelnifant a photo. ts appltetl,.,
of thirty years' standing, and is recommended .._ 'l%*
.9 , 5 T . :Aim), 56.-at;5:,, , ,, , . :. , - , mu" ceaa,and Vigor is given IriDALMS"S PAPPXX. .
by physicians. It is a sure and speedy cure for -';' ?"'"L" R °.,.,..„. 154 / 1 i . 4 .9,4 58 NRA!,-,.._:•4..i..tiataNa,• , TitAcTotes galvanic effitc.twand except Om parta...,=S64,
will won he restored to their nittinit'OMOTi:
burns, piles, boils, corns, felons, chilblains, and ;Ts ,Now, OPE.Lsk:cfaitylirointo 2 o 010 OR i cone L h ey
Let if SO
otz, the contagious intinenceitilrbe twilit titirek* . „ -:
old sores of every kind ; fur fever sores, ulcers,
0 -k-. ci 't , " , " SlA?"l"mhkV. and 3 !" itni "Y'' ll .! nin g e ' frc ' m " p t° °
itch. scald head, nettle rash, bunions, sore nip- pelmet.
received of all
not ieet,i than 1 ,,,,, z Thm „ . ,,,; arrested , for mortification cannot proceed Wherevet' OW
plea, recommended by nurses,) whitlows, sties, an d di i I d the DiT,
e-v- , DD- Of . tit° db.danal Wee' a year, in June salve he laid on, and now flesh will certainly be generated.
festers, flea bites, spider stings, frozen limbs, an t
per Derentr. l o ntered ~,n 3 twelaied at the rat.: a six per
twat Of December, Itßia. Also on POISOOM IxeECTS, ELEPTILIktt AND PLANTS'is
t salt rheum, scurvy, sore and cracked lips, sore ij„.:..4 a
of Jones n thelBs6. N PR
routier. :1 gouo burnaless by rubbing in. instantly-a quantity
nose, warts and tfesh wounds, it is a most vacua- Books containing the Charter, By-laWarßuka and Itegto of D.kI.I.HY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR, and.after frlias swollen,
Ide remedy and cure, which can be testified to by I ° 9 °" , rbrbiabed g9l 9 ' , I.". 1P P./I'll 9 921 'me' Peridnt-01,0tu tr. ALBA r.E. sod RI id sisits aro visiblm . Even then 4 like the:voltaic bat
thousands who have used it in the city of Boston yleS PHICSIDUITS. tery, It will directly attract, dissolve, and reetatnerPhowthe
and vicinity for the last thirty years. In no in- fiopeweil Hepburn, John 11. Shoenberger, poisoning influence. Al rho sting of hoes and.mosqultoes,
Charles Knapp,
seance will this Salve do an injury, or interfere tl r i g ani RP White,
N. Grattan Murphy, rho instant it touches you the pain ends. The bites of rabid
with physician's prescriptions. It is made from James W. ['oilman, Theolsald Umbstaetter, animals also are as speedily neutralized. -,
the puresirnaterials, froma receipe brought from Alexander Hundiey, Isaac m. Pennock, None genuine without a steel-plate engraved labelisidth
William Phillips, 'Main J. Anderson ,
signatures of
Russia—of articles growing in that country— TRUST 14
. ..
and the proprietors have letters from all classes, John G. Rackofen, James Herdman,
clergymen, physicians, sea captains, nurses, and 11111 Burgwin, James D. Kelley.
Allen Culbertson, Jbhn AL Kirkpatrick.,
others who have used it themselves, and recom- • Joliu . IPCord,
R rt Chester,
mend it to other , . Redding's Russia Salve isput J. Gardiner Corflu, Walter P. Marshall,
in large tin bozos, stamped on the cover with a Alonzo A. ()triter, A. M. Pollock,
picture of a horse and a disabled soldier, whichJ'''''' S. C"°,fr've, Henry L. Ringwalt,
Charlie A. Colton, Robert Robb,
i l 0 ,,,,,
picture is also engraved on the wrapper. Price, R. G. kd r ,„, Jtunes Shidle,
2b cents a box. Redding & Co., proprietors. Francis Felix, George B. Selden, .
.lberdeen, in Scotland, or else from the scattered George .ni F. (Minions Alexander Tindle,
S Noon, William S. Lovely.
fragments which the excavatioilof ancient citing Williams,. Haven, Wilson Miller.
For sale by B. A. Fahnestock & Co., Flem- Sorretary and Tranterr—CHAßLES A. COLTON.
lug Bros., R. I:. Sellers & Co., Dr. G. H. Keyser Jyl9Aly
,- , --
mid If. Miner & Co., Pittsburgh; Beckham & FARMERS AND .
M'Keninin, Allegheny city. FIRE & 1 11AR1NE INSURANCE CO,
Hos. TLIOn. ii. FIMILENCE, Preal..
Eno-. R. ilrituote, Secretary.
4E Have Von a Rupture of the Bowels!
—I most resiositfully invite the attention of these xf
itli hornin or rupture of th. bowels to my aplendU
iv-so latent of Trusses,.) ...Aix patterns, and to suit ever)
ags. studied and satisfaction guarantied in every case, at sty
No 140 Wood eret, Pittsburgh, Pa, sign of lb
1i..1.1en Mortal. Among the Trusses sold by to will
Muesli's Radial f'ore Truss:
l'rensdr Frusr,, eery It ! rb! sluing:
,urn Ebutre Trout:;
'lrddrerrs' Teus . ser, pout< curd rbrobbr ;
rnbaliral Trusses, chddrens' and adults ;
Eberir's Irdristre Spring Prtus ;
r.. 0 S. Krlelr's ..bspporter Truss ;
price of Trusses vary from V 2 to $3O. Hernial
,r Ruptured patients eau be suited by remitting money and
' , ending the measure around the hips, stating whether the
rapt urn is on the right of left side. I also sell and adapt
1,. Banning's Laze or Body Brace, fur the cure of Prolap-
Uteri, Weakness of the Chest or Abdomen, Piles, Chronic
Disrrlnea, and any weakness depending ‘lll a weak and debili
tated condition of the abdominal muscle..
h'ileit's Abdominal Supporter ;
English Elastic .Ibduntinal Bits;
s.u. Eiastic Belt; ;
And nearly every kind of Supporter now in nse. I also sell
Brace.l of every style, for weak chested and stoup
shouldered persona.
Roche Sl.l4ings, for broksn and varicose veins.
Setsprr,sory Bu ranges, of all kinds.
Syringe-, of every variety and pattern, and in fact every
k nol of mechanical appliance used in the cure of disease.
!Ht. K 'RYSER would state to persona in want of Braces,
l're.oa that be OIL often need to suit the patient by writini
t,ut it in ahVII) 4 Letter to eve the patient and apply the Tru
.r Ito Addreas
DR. DE L. 11. KEYSER., 140 IVood at..
Inlo.ltwly Sign or the th,ldeu Mortar
al. kinds of freight from New York. in three days,
and from Philadelphia in 41) hours at $1
lye Ite..
11,*„. Nu paper packages or small bundles received.
C 11 ALLEN. Agent, Ne 2 Astor House, New York.
.1 .1 M,K LIE \ ER. Agent, cur. Broad and Locust, Phila.
E,, ftt th.i tuf.rulation. apply to
W. it. BARIIOLL, Agent.
La - deur sal cup). No. BF Fourth st.
Corner Fourth and Smithfield greets, Pittsburgh
A (i 1.: N T ti
State Mutual Fire and Marine Insurane
ItAKItl::10;00. CAMTAL, 9350,000.
Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Co
PHI LAL4:LI'IIIA. CAP/TAL, 5300,000.
tot.oraltee Co. of the Valley of Virginia
‘ll:sciii:2,TE.R., VA. C.l $300,000.
Commonwealth Ineuranee Cornpa.ny t 11A11
CAPITAL, $300,000.
Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
,CElv kW. I'AP/TAL AND A SSA LY, •i.d,1u4,4t19.
Pennsylvania Insurance Co., ,4 II
.4 .V. , ) a., E 7.0 Nov. $129,022
w) I. Y. JOstNST.)N, k A. CAAILIVI, 5k4:3,441,,)
No. a 3 V.ood street, between Diamond
alley and Fourth street,
Str Tar oil...riLer Is now opening a well selected .11.4801
[Ol etgo and domestic Hardware, all new,and well Is
a.- good terms as any other house M this city. Ile
.;I talw,9 keep on hand a general assortment of
u lick L. I tapt,aully invites the attention of purchasers
Dealers In Wool, hides, Flour,
'set - zits:gess:
Bpi iuger Ilarbaugh. Pittsb 1 11 flow. Wells, Wellsville, Ohio.
J.th Scot.L k Co.. M. Mmrtitt,
Ilerstille, Phil.
Plttsburgh. 113arilet, Nesbit & Oarretsou,
.I...with E. Elite.. Sr 1..th1t.. 1 I, • Phil a..
1. i rvi Ba , n
ncr. nkerolme4 C,•nuell.Oltielraiti.•
Irbil)] A D. Itulh•ck 44 Co.
I • I: Im.• aIl timplirryx, 11,,Ifumul I cone, l'h
Latl , of IN ttaburgb.
El 401111 FACTORS,
General Produce Commission Mei hants,
47 ,V,,r!ti Wharra and 95 Nara 'trate, .!reett,
below Race street,
tiAgaloy.Wood ward .1 Co. Phil. Bryan, Kennedy & Pltte'll.
ti arret t. Martin A Co. " Wilmarth & Co.
, A',,Kl A °liver, " 'Bell A Liggett,
,liter, I rid' , A Co. J. & W. Rea,
Cedeb C & Co. Bagaley, C(xagrave b. Co.
Co. Watt A Wilson,
J. I). Lohnier A Co. Cincinnati. Fosdick k Yonlds, Cinclut, ail
A. A. lt,dlock A Co. " Morrow & Gettier,
Tweed & Sibley, " J. B. Chenoweth & Co. "
And Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Merchants paw ally
Jul ellapcfnu
Wrought -Iron Tubing,
For Warpting and Ventilating Buildings.
sir W. 4t A. will contract fur Warming and Ventilating
by Steam or Hot Wator, Pipeti or 0.11123011%1 Furnace, Church
ea, oboott, Iluepitishi, Factories, Green Housee, Dwul
Court flow:km, Jails, or Honda. No. 25 MARKET STBIWT,
Pi ttsburgh. apltl
J 4.lAurba
No. 299 Liberty street,
do kdipc
W. H:SillTl.l
li2 Second and 161 Front st.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Corner of Seventh and Smithfield Mreeta,
sty,. Passengers brought from the old country to Pitts
burgh, and money. remitted to Europe. 1n0v27
Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
Collin a' Pittsburgh, Meadville & Erie
Wm. Ilagaley &
Smith & Sinclair,
M'Candlosa, Means A Co-,
Bagaley,Wcodward & Co,
Wood, Bacon & Co.
.lion fur Insurance cur several gaud reliable Insurance
Companies received by GEO. W. BONN, at Ids Real Estate
Agency and Intelligence Office, on the north tide of Ohid
f6nrth dour neat of the Diamond, ALLEGIECNT Orff. .A 3117
VOUNG IIYSON TEA-10 chests fine
.1 .
, kin g Chop Young Hymn Tea, at The. and $1 VIA., re
cillYed-hy P. R. DRAY°,
toy 10: 82 Market and 1 Diamond. i `,
r,.,...s ti< fi
.V *
' - ':irOt',' .
Murphy, Tiernan & Cu.,
liaruptou, Wilson A Cu.,
LruglfnL & Itichoxdsou.
Truitt, Brother 2 Co.,
I feb2B
' F ;A .( t.R.P
Fron the lst 4 t r August L., the 31. st day of Dec., 1855
Amoant receivoLl iu Marino premiums $ 68,•312 31
Firn 39.908 81
Total premiums for five mouths
Bonds of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh, and
Pittsburgh 6's $ 78,721 66
Rnilrond Ronde, Cost 33;400 00
Loan on First Mortgage of Real Estate
Stocks, Collateral
Cash in Bank and on hand
t)ipital subscribed, (Payment not yet due).
Premium Notes, not yet matured
Due from Agents, (secured by Bonds)
EXperl6ols and Commissions
$408,151 13
Total amount of Loales incurred, but not yet adjusted:--
Fire $1,6643 66
Marine 3.000 00
14,666 66
This Company Insures Hull and Cargo risks on the Ohio
and Mississippi tributaries. Insures against Loss or 'Damages
by Fires. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid.
littmazgots—Hon. T. Si. Howe, Oen. J. K. bloorhead,
Jam. Wood.
For Insurance apply to
No. 90 Water at., bet. Wood and Market.
46,1 MARINE IN St RA N CRS au Vowels, Cargo, Freight,
all harts of the w,,r14.
,ak..l and Land C'strriag,•s. to all parts of the Onion.
I; E. I N 4,4 t: ItA OS NIEIiCiIANDIZE generally. Oo
Stores, Dwelling Holmes, Sc.
.Assets ,f the Oompany November 6tA,1855.
. .
Ronde, 3.lortgliges and Real Estate,
Philadelphia City, and other Loans
Stock in Ranks, Railroad and Insurance Co's.
ltdlo roceivablo
Cash on hand
88111.11C.1 in hands of Agents. Premiums on Ma
rna. Policies recently issued, and other debts
doe the Company
Subscription Notes
William llnati n,
Joseph a. Seal,
Edmund A. Souder,
John C. Davis,
John R. Penna.,
George G. Leiper,
Edward Darlington,
Dr. R. M. Hushin,
William C. Ludwig,
Hugh Craig,
Spencer Niel - train,
Charles Kelley,
H. Jones Brooke,
J. G. Johnaeu,
Taos. C. TIAND., \' i,•n
11.10 RT LI LIIITaN, Sisarotat y.
I'. A. NIADMILA, Agent,
Nu. 95 11att, ♦trout, Pittsburgh.
Chartered Capital, $500,000.
A..4li.uN I.IITINCOTT, Prreident.
tAilcIN I:00 Serr;thry.
4.21t0tt.0U YOUNG, Treozarer.
EL Thomas,
William Neal,
Alfred Weeks,
Charles J. Fields,
[141 . 011 S. Lilrphrrolt
atraa I.r Oilltnghant,
Nichol. U. Taylor,
Orrin Roger%
Company h. been orminizeil with a Calll Capi
tal, and the Directors have determined to Ndapt tho to:mita:as
to its available resources. To observe prudence in conduct
lop its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of losses
Pittsburgh Other, No. 76 Water street.
The following well knoWn and. responsible firms in Pitts
burgh have authorized reference to them, with regard to the
liability and soundness of the Matmfacturensi Insurance
Kramer & Ratan, Wilson, Childs & CO,
George P. Smith & Co., Hampton & Campbell,
3,113.5, Tiernan & Cu., 11. Childs & Co.
GRAM-11, Secretary.
Air This Company makes amity insurance appertaining to
or conueLleti with LITE RISKS_
ag'ainert HULL AND CARO° RISKS on the Ohio
and Mississippi Rivera and tributaries, and MARINE RISKS
And against i. 04,1 and Damage by Fire, and against the
Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigate. and Tratgivortatiiiti.
Itohetes tanned at the lowest rate's conbieteut with wifely tii
all parties.
Robert Galway., Saniuel .Nl'Clurketn,
Joseph P. Garaani, M. D., ,John Scott,
Jeunt,s Marshall, David Richey.
James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot,
Alexander Bradley, Joseph S. I,oCil,
John Fullerton, Mansfield B. Brown,
David IL Chambers, Christian Zug,
William Carr, Robert B. Bartley,
Jas. D. McGill. Cebl3
WILLIAM RAGA S 4, President.
P'/CA:: 94 {Kilter street, nebulas Afarlad and Wood stmts.
this-Insures HULL AND CARGO RISKS, on the Ohio
! Mississippi Rivers and tributaries.
lama. agninat Loee or Damage by PIM
A 100, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation
William Bagaley,
James M. Cooper,
Robert Dunlap, Jr.,
Isaac M. Pennock,
B. Harbaugh,
Walter Bryant,
John Shipton
ROM= FINNEY, Se...stary.
0. W. BATCHEI.OIt General Agent.
J. H. Bhoenberger,
C. W. Batchelor,
Isaac AI. Pennock,
W. W. Martin,
IL T. Leech, Jr.,
George 8. Belden,
David M'Candleva
alir MI Lomas sustained by parties insured under policies
Issued by this Company will be liberally adpeted and prompt
ly laid at its OFFICE, No. 99 WATER PIREET. [jyll
Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Streets,
frirtinattre Balding* and other Property aztinert Lon or
Damage by Fire, and the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navi
gation and Transportation.
Wm. F. Johnston, R.ly Patterson, Jacob Paltrier,
A. A. Carrier, W. M'Clintock, Jae. P. Tanner,
George W. Smith, W. S. Haven, D. E. Park,
I. Grier Sproul, Wit& Hampton, D. M. Long,
A. J. Jones, J. 11. Jonee, IL it.. Oometioll.
President Hon. WM. F. JOHNSTON
nee President RODY PATTNRSON.
&dr and Tsvo.s..-..d. A. HARRIER.
PUTSInTia3/I. GEORGE DARSIE, President; F. M.
GOWAN, Secretary.
Will humre against all kinds or risks, FIRM atui.ILARINE.
All losses will be liberally adjusted and promptly pun].
A Mena Institution, managed by Directors who are well
known in the community, and villa are determine.
promptness and liberality, to maintain' the charucterli l l
they have assumed, as offering the bast protection to those
who denim to be insured.
Dntscroas—lt. Miller, Jr., C. W. Rlcketson, J. W. Butler,
N. Holmes, Jr., W. H. Smith, C. ThmsOn, George W. Jackaon,
Andrew Ackley, Jamee Lippiucott, George Hanle, Jamee
Auley, Alexander Nlmlck, Thomas Scott,
/Kir °face, No. 92 Water gavot, (Warehouse of Spang
Co., up stairs,)Plttsburgh. . nov2-I,ly
Chartered Capital, - 8300,000,
a.. Insures Bnildings and other Property against Loss dr
Damage by Fire; also, against Perils of the Sea, Inland
Navigation and Transportation. 4' 7
BENZ PARRA Vice PoioldeAt
S. B. CARRIER, Secret.;.- .
A. A. CARRIER, Agent, Fourth and sugthttel4
VXT. cases of Wei! ►
jo.u. /44aABNIgaVcar t * ,
Hotel at t 5 cents per Lox by Dr. GEO. 11. Itglifiß4l4o
W.wal street, and by nearly every dealer , in medicines
thruniatunt the United States. All orders or JeMernfor
tot motion ur advice, to lie addressed to O. V. °mamas=
& C 0.., New York, 'iji326laW2st
DIED 4 .
(.4sWedueeilay evening, at 8 o'clock, PAUL 11.A.RX1 ,
awl. sou of Win. S. Harris, aged twenty one months.
The funeral will take place vus ArrcusloorriaaO'clia.
A GREAT BARGAIN!—For sale, . coin
ao tattai Brirk DWELLING 1101155, No. 69-Yriaieet,
with two Into of Ground, each 20 feet front b3:00'd*...-1130
Masa large and convenient; good collar, with ceiti6nied
thor; a hall, two }tarir.rs, dining-room, end kitchen on flist
'dors: with a wash-hone and large pantry—three elvimbere,
,taro room and bath room on the second story, and - Ave
rooms on third story. Fireproof slate root; gds fixtures,ud
pioes on arst and second story. Large yard, with aikido
trees, grape ,Ines. Sr. The improvements atone cost mote
than the price asked for the whole property. Price $.5000-
Bmi-fourth In hand: remainder at one, twß and three years.
je26 Beal Estate Agents, 61 Market st.
$lOB,lOl 31
3003100 00
$408,151 13
lag. Jane at 71 o'clock, will be sold, atthe Com
mercial Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth ate., a &set
stock of choice Books, in which are embraced many of the
t est English and American authors on all knitiects of gape
rd literature, ouch SA history, biography, travel, poetry,
theology, Ac. Ales, a select lot of second-hand books the
grinder part of which are valuable and interesting pnblica
[ions now out of print; illustrated works on the arta and.
scent:es, he., Sic. M. DAVIS,
je26 Auctioneer:
THIS EVENING, June 28th, at B ottook, at Ova ger
cue& Exchange, will be mid—
le Shares Western Insurance Co. Stock.
e2ti P. 31. DAVI
FIRE WORKS—Roman Candles, assorted
oozes; Sky Rockets, Ponione pound - to one ounce.; Pin
Ns h.4.1a, assorted; Serpents, Chasers, Stars, Wheels, Tome.
klocx, Fire Crackers, dc. Just received and fur stde,iry
jr•2B No. 29 Wood st., opposite Bt. Charles. Mid,.
LISA -1u bhls. Lake Superior Trout;
llecelvtal and for sale by
WUol,—The highest market prieelte'ea'sh
will be paid by sprtmaxle
No. Z:is Libertystreet,
repied as a Grocery and Provision Store, and a Seet•rata
stand for the business—situated on the Diamond. WIII:Dei
sold low, if applied for soon, as the owner wishes to leave {ha
city. Apply to G. W.' BONN,
je2tl Ohio street, Allegheny:
Zylobaleanium.—This preparation, which has nevar
10,11 known to foil in any case when used according to - Aha
dir&tions, restores the hair to Its original .atiength lad
color. It is not a aye, and one bottle is sufficient, if INK
properly. For sale only by JOB. FLOM?
,le :h; Corner Market at. and the DiamoUg. .
.$11,020 94
. 85,210 U 0
. 23.060 1 u
. 180,440 Ui
. 26,826 00
93.889 9
100,000 00
PATltl—Thia Tooth Paste le the heat of its kindAor
elruneing entlpreserving the teeth. It le prepared ittpa
the mapervisanDof Dr. Ilulltben. Sold only by
je.Xl , Corner Maiket et. and the,Dlnincipd..
$617,648 16
James C. Hand.
Theophilus Paulding,
James Traquair,
William Eyre, Jr.,
Jcsihrut L. Price,
James Tannest,
Samuel E. Stokes,
!Leary Sloan
James B. Mc Farland,
Charles Schaffer,
Robert Burtim,
John B. Semple, Pittsburg
D. T. Morgan,
J. T. Logan,
WM. MARTIN, Presidenb
. 1„,zu.,4 THAIItON.—New eupplies of Darry's Tiieorhininui
• ' -
PAW 14 . 4'8 Kati/Wren just received by
x) ways kept on hand by JOS. FINAHNOi
je.213 Corner Market at, and the Ittatnionh'
I odellible Ink, of which every bottle le warrtuitetght,i t
-old at 25 cents a battle only by JOB. pl.lOlllUN:w. i .:4-'.-
jeilti Corner Market et. cud the Dinfricrt -, .,
NuTicE. —in the Court of Common P.8*,..... $;::.
Allegheny county, N 0.250, October , " lltim,.llslf-21.1e, i
the matter of the voluntary astegument or . mcCamniow &:, ' 4 ,
Stevens. All parties interested in the abovuusiffgt4iiiificire
hereby notified that the Auditor's report la . tbofilitribution
of tbe fund lo the hoods of Henry )Ambert,„ assitmee, illus.
beet, mode out, and will remain At the office of the Atiditor,
No. 167 Fourth street, rlttaGurgh, subject to mumllatiiion,
and exception, until the Bth day of July next, when tallto•
port will be Ii ed. unless exceptions are made thereto. te3Pro
the said Auditor. AUOVS'i US AVABHINGTOW
je25..3t „
I_, Thu part nershl ritcertofore exlstiv betteeetaiAMKEl
IR mod W. W. MARTIN, under the style and. Rime of
JAM ES BLAIR S Cu., is this day.diesolved by tuatitel*m
sent_ "'The in:Woven of the firm will be continued bylA.l4/3f*
ULAI ft, style of tirntrenosinitig the sAiLie.' -
w. 11% MARTIN,
LIME -100 hbls. fiesh, this day recdiied,
and for sale by be2s I If P 24111( IL COMM
J.u,a P. Smyth
AGENTS wanted in every pa rt of be
sited States, to sell nights for several new aMdim
pr ed In retitle's,. To smart men with a small capitat, the
above offers a chance w realize from $161)0 to Met
year. For particulars address (with a stamp onalosed,) per
W. LOW. 5'2 Washington street, Boston. jo24:3mw
]j OR RENT—Warehouse No. 86, on • Wood
fared nom Fourth street, occupied by Wm. Moyle.
Foaa.moo giro.. immediately For termsluquire of
No. 143 Libctj!aC
Cape. tark Starling,
Samuel 31. Bier,
William Bingham,
John 3 Dilworth,
Francis Sellers,
.1. Schounmakar,
William 11. Hays.
G. W. Cana,
W. K. Nhuick,
T. B. Updike,
IL B. Cochran.
John A. Caughey,
S. S. Bryan,
~, : -'t!L.,5. -• ., -. .,, ,: ,:,, - ..:.
;,..t"j'i . ,: , •,:.: , ` , ..,.-'; :F'.
'.'•:..''; '',:•.,.4.': , ':, , :,k'
- :;'-,?• • ':
.• ''
', ' j,
,4",!;,-- 4` 4 , -, !, ', (4,
~..,a; ,-;' ‘,l',-"1.7--:
~.' ,`, ~471, ?,
4,-' 4' -fi -,. ...: 4 ' , A: ,. ? 4,'
,4 •4 - '-;.: ~"' 3 ',. , : . `' .;'' ,;,.,•:-,-;.-- 4 k'z'-.t,1-7,1;
-4 , ,,, 4 ' . ;• - •-cA'I.V. Igr-f:lti'47;„
.',.. 7 1:1:.,.. , :, , ' , &
—e, 4,
V Aker e 47.4 ,4 :1 7 4 - Mt`ft
'"i" T
HENRY DALLEY, Manufacture%
C. V. CLIOKENER k 00., Alentactuiiin.
2945 Litettpttp*,,
Jog: ITL . P.3II‘III:, .
Corner Market at. awl the Dlinuon4:
acres of prime land ou the old Washington Mild,_
lwau.ifully situated. which we would sell in tausdi lute to
.utt purelanaers. lt is ono of the prankst locatloni; for
oloutry residences around the city, and will be sold loVei
Jet 4 TLIOS. WWI*, No. 76 Fourthnt.
X . l —For salen two-story dvielling house of font rooms
and kitchen, spring house, Sc., situate Oil "Virginia *tat,
with large lot of ground of 96 feet feet front by la does
fruit trees. &c. The .soil is good and location pleamnt.
Prier V.,510. Terms WO In band remainder at simper
Je a5l /44ki.
ju A. A. MASON I CO. um now
of of r ertniitieft*i.
e ton. Dry (Foods emurtising every varietyhtsilk.le
mantillas, silk and straw bonnets, fine dreest***ll:l9lll
- and trimmings, hosiery. Cloves and mittlrAltneatkand
lLumsekeepit,g goods of every t.c.ripti0n,.&4 .. e,44)3 ,
redlicrtl prices. No. 25 1 0 11113 street,
FUG SA LE -- A very desirable;::ootiffy
It (.sure. c.•ntaining Ayres, beautifulix - sitnateitoit
the Oh, Hitt,. rust adjoining the town of neaver7-wilLtrit•
with a good cot tagr House and other
forest blirtibbery, THO.MAS WOODA,A
Foarth street.
li6Aft--10 hits. prime N. 0. Sttiptilor
en b. by If'23 HENRY EL COLIANS.
handset/lota locations on the Fourth Street atiad,ittree
mites from the city. Now to the time to Mity. Ettquifit. of
„e= TH-OMAS WOODS, 45 rotictli.lo
RSALE—AII describe Con
Printed Land Register, which la giveu..Vatla
le ail who call at Nc. 75 - MIMI% street. /.1 . you wish a
Honer on a speculatkai, call la • THOMAS WOOHIr,;.;
Je23 75 rousth al;p✓
(~EALED Proposals of Painters. to giVelin e
1,3 coat of beet oil paint to all the outride, woodwork :or the
German Church, corner of Smithfield and-Sixth be
received, from this day, to the first ofJuly.inciltOS*Ntes
andersigned, P. A. •
I. IL DEMMER, 1`”7,r.g0.
- C. GANO.,-Alleoeni.
Pittsburgh, June 17th, /860.
STATE FAIR—The undersigried' omfitr. f
tee, appointed to,solielt subscriptioats,-to-littbe'-'
holding of the State Fair at Pittsburgh, - herebs,ittthintile
JACOB GLOSSES., ono of their 'Committee, to ,collsioCtbit
lame. Mr. OLOSSBh will call on subscribers datt*ltie
present mouth. N. G. MURPHY "
JOAN a toseii*m:
JACOB atosszi‘', -- -....!-•• -
je2l Cbtunik,o:.
AA, IS bbla. Loveriuga ••A" crushed Sugar;
30 do Stewart's "A" do do;
15 do Lovering's flee pu1 , "4.1 do;
10 do do coarse do d 0;,...
10 do do crushed do; In . :fioi ! e .. :and)
for sale by Uol6] MULES &ItIOUTION
FOR SALE.—Bedfurditreet Priverty,:--
A neat and comfortable two- story - dwelling
containing seven roans and kitchen, and five odaigerlara,
The lot la twenty-one feet front and aeventtone teak:deep.
Any one desiring a leap dwellOg:honse viiEjide*stril
a tau, and it will be ea:Lao' great therittne:
• E.TD.Luhrs Itzt,f store
audtor tale by :(Josl7 Alms.
Summit" ": Arraugoinenti.VY
Shortet.andltial glßlLll4lW elkilataLctlitCkiklan." ,
.0 the' Allegliisaililkkijitzpv„:.-IVA
Homing Express, at 8 o'clock, A. ill;',llwlalrk&NNEN .. _o,
poiuts North. • :
E...thwAccommodainnliiiiio at kg, r-,3148.1 0 .18 1
all way-statim3s.
Fare to Kittanning, $lOll6.
$1 75 Clarion
2 60 Punsataattei
......... 2 25
2 76 heedeburs
.... 200 RuralVitlagel .
liedßunk ..
Curl. 9
Bra 2 25boning
Kul leraborg 200 Texas,— .............
B et hl e h em __ ......... 275 Me*caarticeift. .. 300
a mpuon da o 325 Brookcilia., ...... ....
Ticked; to all of the above places can La pticceed
mice, corner of Nola and Wayne streets, and attbe part
on Taylor etreet. A.
5 caykS, 7 doz. each. Re4l4.*.Scatizti-A14,-
6 do"
3. do " ,
du •.• "
J mat rocaired nald for , -
Nos ?21 atid'42lll.4llnatnit.
p AWN .
Jo . " ail= muls.. • ,
•:" , atiouli.x* . • • -
. ii4w „*... ASteeilu 0490."16""'
, B ASUI Lile
nayi ' - : if WiferfPrisi:
......,,:-!, TL4v.,it-Jx,,. '
T y~ Y .,
1 Bs