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' 4 ' ' '''' CP -...1. z. - yoNieti,,--. .a . , .4.41,..-kk -.,...,"_ - .2 , ,17‘ , 17 ,. . - A .-&-,;,' e ' ," .1 - - ••:„ 11 . - f.t. :..' evfr ,- i:i l t ;4 s * - • i' , :r„ ~.• ~ , lifi r presWilredi i''; , P,A .I', ;'2, ;,5„ 4, t.,,' 4 4 ,'t ir" * . , ,,,,vitWt . 0ic...,... - • t,. --. ; . , -..' ... ~,,' • :7! ~, : o , :1 ~. ~ - V.',.tV,J!".tf 7 -: Wi 111,"1: 34; - 1, 4 : 01..‘"s ,4,7,, I; 4 4 4, ,, 441. - f• ~ ' .:i,'t _.. , t4 ~„, -„ .., ~,-,..., , ~. • ..,, L ; ~, ~. , * 4 '' ' - s. '4 " 14 "' -4.4,17'.1, '; '-4. ,e ".1 %i " 74 *4 4' it 4 ' a q P', 4 - r1441404T,:':::, -,7 A kl,• .7, *' '' /:, ; t ' _' . > o h ligligt 4,- kems ,,: we l* , ,P,.‘ o .„? c 44 A t i .!' g.,.. 41 -4 ra" #,, ,,, ,. 0 ,, L 4,M 5i%,! V.±: 6 4- , --. , f:',4 7. , r ."..,... t . j , , I ' ,..`f ;F.,' '''. "4.' ".4.-o;""26li4Nksni'l7kV tt r A ,4,-- ,. 7- R 4 -,kr4P, , --,-...- a. „,-,e,"!-,,:'F.-4,,,4-,,,, .„. -,,,,,% 0. ~ ,44, ~,.. 1.,.J0 p..., - ,....,:0 4 t , ,J, 1 4...v.„...,• ,N r‘ .=. .. 4-• .." • 0 .. - e -..- --t t 4. 4 '. ,• • ,A , ,' ryfroluz*pr. ~ stivikgl ,4 „ ..., .440 A."" f •• •• . ea. %. 4' o . so" t. 4 , 0.. 1 1 .1. 4 ..# t ••• .. Ar . 4 4:4 "'-' :::,, , i l e tr kir' o l 4 .l l2 To 4 :i f tle:44, ll l*, ..?;:e.426-.441-14it ic' .4.' '5 - . ` 4'' '' 4 % . : 4 If--.° ' 11-*°:" ` .^4..t ' '''' ..' . ' - I V' ti. 'o 4 4' 0 1 1- 4 4 1250 e ka • , • *ea "Ot • 14 4 R •• 44 • 4 , .. 4"* VP47 . 114% Or' 4r 4 443; 0 1 10-44, itjapr 4 4.18 w v "4' • • h* 2,•2 - • .L. l 66 ' • • 011 4 6 , .0.410 W ••VI 4 4 • 1. 1_ *- •• 11 0 • "" e •Q • 4 , , • - , • • C k 1 . 004. 4 4 4 ." 41/ "01„.1 ,01. •. - . th z. L . *3 • . e.1*..4, • . • 2. 4 ` • , {Q- t 4mt ••:-.• • or • • • *oi•.• • • • )1 t.! . iv i‘t • - • • • t t • 4 ." is dr t " • - A tt• • • r• r 4 ••• g s,• " • I • 7; V r - - ' • 4,1 r . ' . : Yie.." .•' 4"X - 447, 47.;rtr 449•74,44 4-.4 el . r yam,. . - e itvrlc7-4 % „ k - kc i r'4 „.•_ . :„§::t , J. - 4'4 • -el - •-• 4- • - Ai. 1 4 4 ' ' 1 ' J t ~ _ .r ` PITTSBURGH MORNING POST. Printed and ptibi.tileil wry morning, (Sundays esurpted,) BY 1911,1,110101 MONTGOMERV, of 4HB IGOAfI!•WIZT coancit Gr Woo:, AND }IF U arum& TER.ll3.—Five Dollars a year, payable alcance. Six Donn's invariably require ,I if not laid u tine the year. tar Single coping, Tan CaNTS---f.tr ,Oe .1 tin ranter lu the Nice; and by the News Boys. THE SAITURDAV MORNING POST Publi-hed from the same °Moo, on a large blanket size sheet, at TWO UJLL.I.ItB a year, in advance. Single copies, FITE CEN-rs. 4W- No paper will be discmitinued, (unless at the discre tion of tho Proprietors,) until all arrearages are paid. Allgs- No attention will be paid to any larder unless accom 'panted by the mOney, or witisilsctory reference In this Aril-Connected with the Establishment of the Morning Post is one of the Inrgeet JOB PRINTING OFFICES in the city, where all kinda of work Is done on the shortest notice, and most reasonable term. PROFESSIONAL CARDS ALEXANDER W. FOSTER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and Solicitor In Chancery. Agent flu procuring Bounty Lands and 1.0114i0124. and for the Col lection of Claim, in tireat Britain and Ireland. .Gs r Collections made in this and adjoining Counti.: hs tatea of decedents settled; Real Estate bought, sold or lensed, and roots collected. Moneys Invested on llortgage or other security. Titles examined and title papers drawn. (Mk, on FOURTH street. n frw dad. ob,ae Smithfield. Pittsburgh, March 2.5. Cabo coll2galaw A W. FOSTER, Notary Public, and Com misaionerr for the States of Tenneasta,, New lamp. shire, Gonnortieut. Wien-01min, New York, Michigan., lowa, California, Louisiana and Virginia. air Deeds drawn, and iwkiiowl”dtnents and proofs taken for record or use in any of the above named States, Illinois, Missimippi and Rhode Island. Pittsburgh, March 2S, 1.855—(m1eZ , 14,1aml SAMUEL C. WINGARII, ATTOII.NEY AT LAW, PITTSItUro: 0, t. 091ce In BAK P:W ELL'S BUILDIN(I,, ilraut etrtaL (nearly opposite the Court [louse.) lob 12..1y CHARLES W. WiNGiiii), A.TTORNKY AT LAW. Elt/fN.SB URCI. C 0168 IA COUNT!, PENNA. Aloo practi,es In Huntingdon, Blair, Clearfield and In diana roma ta, feb Iy. 1_ ,) °BERT C. O. SPROUL, Attorney and Counsellor at Lan, otsco So Fourth street, Piga burgh. •' deellay TAMES A. LOW RIE, Attorney at Law, uffice Fourth Ftr,t, Pittsborgh, 111 Id Cherry allry JCIIIN BARTON, Attorney and Counsellor nt 41M, clirtivt of Fifth Mid li rrillt gre.tii, Pitt. QAM I'. ROSS, Attorney at Law, No. 109 0 Fourth ntrot. Potkburgit. tout th dour twlow Mr. Ito.ty I]2 - =r= PATItIC K . 111'KES NA., ...11derinan of Third Ward, edice corner of Grant and Fifth ittreetti, (formerly occupied by Alderman Lewis, , where all I.ll,iiesa pertaining to the uttice of Alderman and Jusu, r,tf tho Tenon will to promptly attended to. N.A111., Surgeon Dentist, successor to G. W. Ind.'', No. 144 Smithiltrid strerL Oar Oflire floury from S t.. 1 I o', , mod from 2 to 5 o'clock &IA& I y T SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors svoot. or Marka. Aril-Unice hours from 9 o'cl“ck A. M. t.. 5 o'clock P. M. array BUSINESS CARDS TWIN NIOORIIEAD, Wholesale Grover and e./ Comnilsaion Merchant, for the sale of PlO METAL and BLOOMS, and PRODUCE generally, No. 2:: Wood stre...t. Pittsburgh. ap2.4 WILLI 'OIX. islour.N, Pittsburgh. TILLER& RICKETSON, Wholesale Gra y 11. [W.. Importers of KHAN DIM, WIN nutLtIOJ AN?. Nos. 172 .iud 174, corner of 'rain and Überty streets. burgh. iron. Naila, Cotton Yarns, , constantly On han,l. IY2C, BLAKELY HC, & RICEY, REAL ESTAT'E BR- Eras, uTner of &I-v[lth and Smithfkld Farms, Ilnutort, Lou. Mills. Furnaces, kn. ac.. bone,t and sold ttn r•tmutultuou Laud Warrants bought, sold Dud Iktca• t.ed; 1301 r, Bonds and Nut.s neg. ltbt.tectal att,titton given to subdividing Farms, and dtspostug of them. Terms f 0.50 IMMO. uotr2.7 :data. I=l F.P.' kat, DITIIRLD.O HENRY L ILIN4W k/ CURLING, ROBERTSON & Manu fiwtarE.l,. of Cut. PreJaaat and Plaln FL lit ,:LAS.`..WAISK. unrel ~ az, No. 17 W. and stroet. cum, gar .4.11 other kind..,( Lk. ..aware and 1. tn,low Lilaaa I Market prlrol. apl 1:dly 1= =I EDLIE (ILA:11, Sti,:cess , rs t.) Mulvariv j ± 1,•11" ruonufactur,is ..f Cut. M. 0.14.-.: k. Mt }trot and FoNicy tiLAS,WAKE• and thotierit Cutts and Bottler. War Lowe coruor of Market and %Cater strrto, rub:l , lly REND) V A L.—C. 111 )ISEN, Manulactu r 4-1. of every variety id . VI AL S, II: frr I. and \VI U. ii GLASS: black Porter, Wine and Claret and C.c-b o y iii ; alto. Flint Glatt in every variety. Nea.l•l4 S,xond and 133 Finn atreet, Paulen - a, inlc2a Flt. DRA VO, Itiam tad, Mite la[rgb, dealer . .0 WUNTRY cifers ir , eh,. atostock. of OILOCEILIES, selected faun:, ,41 I ever, variety and the potent qualttv, , , at hi, Z•t• . .4 Mil, Al—. I..ricl Frnita. Foreign and U. meant taken iu e,liatig, hir ictiehan.liac Y. It. D. lid( (ii,ienrod a full illavrtlUullt or I. 1.1,1 h . , v ranted WAILDEN :WEDS, odd Invites the al ZentloU of ail ii. (created In rural affair, CUMMISSION 110 L SE.—The den . - bare opened a Mai, at •I: Famhtit.l.l gua,t, knit .c al, tat! M0.a1g.,.1:.,1,. II We will pureha,o. r.,•1'11. tAt U min anento of E1.,1111. • 11.101 N, CHEESE. (..)ILN. OAT'. BARLEY. FLAX . ...EEL). Oi l SS SEED. 11.11. ED 11.1 Y. arou which we min make aeikaucea. parlinae at the 1, • market rates for cash. ALei EV ,k C.. W 11. T...N.TL1111 LLb li %,,,,-0, .. - J. I. lALNIN LI T ENGLISII &HICII.II{DSON, F.rwa.rdin: and Consmiasinn Merchant-4 and wh..b.sale drale, ~, 11SM, DAWN and OIL and PRODUCE Fretwrally. 1 , 1 ar. house formerly occupied by Iturt.ridg” .4 Inghrani. NO. I 1 Water and 150 First strt,t. l'ittbburich. 106 JOHN ATWELL A. J. LEE C 0.1., ATV ELL. ATWELL, LEE & CO., Wholesale Gr,o.rs, Product, and 12.kannd , ..nno Nlerrhanta and cnn;er, ,n l'stt..ourgh Nlanufa , dan, Na. ', 0 M Fared, ladwron 11 ti'. and Brunt Ftrtada, PlttElpl/rT.h. ,apl• ._ .. . _ __. Toil"; IV. BUTLER & (_'l.)..Fd n rwardin. , and Itj Commis-,..n , o-,11...t.. d.,1‘1.•t 41 1.11 kin. 4.f 1•11 - 1 , Ittl li.ti It 111A\ C FAcru ILES. LEAP I'l PE and .t. , ILEII' LEAD. No. 67 Frotzt m , r,..1. l'izillm,:il. • , -pDi -F_T EN it y 11. i'01.1...1N!!", Forwarding and Contnlk-ion I..:clrtlit. aild %t h,lt,tit. d...ztiez zz, Flt , ll. CUEE•tit. ISCTTF:It. t , EEDS and NO IDUCE gt•zwrally, N. , . 2.6 Wood Az re't. Pittsburgh._ _______. NOTICE..—The undersigned, Assignee of WM. K EN Y,,N. of Steubenville, (alio. having old.we• wt a ItY,-ISSUE OF THE PATENT originally granted to t,• on the .4111 day fdr the purpdse of mak:: FHOT-Pfi6SSEI SOTS, WASH etr., I s•i ng sul.tanthilly at follows, 117.: Plrs.t—The use of the die T. and die h.n M, fdr seven, the blank. the ri , r, it,, t,nh 111 I Utlil.lllxtlial with do' and bracket Q for prewnitg, and the punch I„ for is•rfdrating the same during the pressure, the whole operating r,'o - no dnirrihed for making Nuts or Washers at one op. • ration. &ad - ad—The manner sul,stanti.dly nu .I,cribe.l, of so at. ranging the dies in relation to the punch that any ,-greet Iron in the hin.nk shall tv forced into the path of the pond,. thus securing the comprmsidit of the Nut without risking the breaking of the n p w hia, QS_ Persons intere,tcd will please take notice that any in fringement on the ith dq. will be droll with accoi ding to law. 11APHI. 11A RT t; PER Nit/11110W. ril 9, 1856.—,a.0.3m—c1i.1t Pittsbtrzh, A WILLIANI & CO. (IVilliata Carr, ho.• of Ow firm of .1. l'arl,r .4 ' ol-) wholesale fi ,- CER.S and dealoni to Foreiv,o WINES and BILANDI ES. OH Nonorrglth ola awl Jt.,•tiflol WILISKY, No. 3D Cocumerel , l Roe, stre-t. JOSEPII FLEMING, successor to L. Wil coxli k Co., clrner of Market circa and the Diamond. keeps any,tanily on haul a full lo.lortruent of DRUGS, MEI , . ICINES, MEDICINE CRESTS, PERFUMERY, and all art, cite pertaining to him hurinAg.. 4e- Phyrdelans' Prescriptions tarefully compounded at all h Je9-y. sow; tX,CLIR /1_14141,1 FLEMING B ERS, successors to .J Hell a Co., who!eisale 1)1tUGOIST8, No. 60 Wood strew Pittaleal oh. Pnprietors of Dr. Nl'Lane'a celebrated Vern,. top, Liver Pille, Ja.lo JL. NIAP,-zIIALL, successor to 11. Lev, wow, DEA LEI CiiNINIISSION mEr.ctiANT, No. lu Liberty at fret, l'itteliurgh. Refeeence--W. Er Brox.. Kramer 1 Rehm, Vrr 'fiernaa 13rown A Kirkpatrick_ Pitteleirgli, May 24, ISM. miy24 IW. CHADWICK, dealer in Kentucky e Leaf TOBACCO, RAGS and PAPER, No. 149 Wo4l styoet. below Sixth, Pittsburgh. lap:9lly :fir The highest market price, In cask, paid for Rags. MALTFR P. UnaMOJA.. JOOCPH R. 1109111 F. WP.u:iItSIIALL & Co., Importers and dealers in French and American PAPER 11A N4i- LNGS, No. h Wood street, Pittsburgh. ./Q—Sole fikents for the celebrated manufActures of Mese, s. Delicourt A Co., Pans. aug7 BT. C. MORGAN, Bookseller and Sta , I loller. Ilan always on hand a general assortment .•1 Egitsa, aliseellaneons and Blank hoots; Printing, Post at , I Oap Paper, .he., wholesale and retail, No. 104 stre,r, balm.. Pied, !east side) Pittsburgh. WASTED --Raga and Tanners' Scraps. aplfgl J(lttN li. MELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer in !MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, PIANOS, MUSIC. u)1, BOOKS and STATIONERY, No. SI W.,41 alroot. Pitte!!urgh. jant ACOB isucoLLIsTER, Wholesale and ne t)trail SEGAR MANUFACTURER nod dealer is kit Aa of ToBACCO, SNUFF and SWAM, No. 25 }llth tstr..d, Pit ts' qtrgh. Arsi- Keeps constantly on hand a large supply of all the Tarierts brands of Imperial Seger. __-------------- PIILLIP 111:1-111111 FLOPEET J. 61.11111141 ,, X. D EYMER & ANDERSON, (successors to 1.11., Joshua Rhodes d C 0.,) wholesale dmlern In FOREIGN FRUITS.. NUTS, SPICE.w. CONFECTIONARY. SUOAKS. A • _ N 0. : , ) Wood street, oppossto the St. Charles Hotel, Pitts -I•nrglt. ttp2 -----_ A'I'INDLE, Wholesale and Retail SAD . DLR. HARNESS., TRUNK, VALISE and CARPI'. I BIL I lilANt/IiACTITYLER, No. 100 Wood street, Pittsburgh. ENTERPRISE WORKS, No. 136 Wood street, third door below Vir g in alley.—BONN A TET LEY would call the attention of Sporting men to their large assortment of GUNS, RIFLES and REVOLVING PISTOLS, the lar g est and beat eelected stock ever opened in thin mar ket, to g ether with a g eneral assortment of hardware, Cutle- Ty, Tools and Fishing Tackle, ell of which we offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchasers, or for good ap proved paper. marl XTORTH-WESTERN POLICE AGENCY, IV No. a Washington street, corner of Dearborn, CU l- OLGO, •1.1. AN PIN ICCELTON B. 1101YZAS. PINKERTON & CO. devote their entire`attention to : the tra nsaction of a g eneral detective POLICE BOIIINESS , the States of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. - 4 ,4. 4 1444 ,1 - I " C r 4,,;5.,... •'44,:t." ... 4.-.‘t • . 0 ‘i..i :- • I ' %), hriltStil . 1 , , ;! . ~ ipo i -..-. antill • .... ~ • 1 PUBLISHED DAILY DY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE. DOLLARS PER ANNUM. NUMBER 2,07. VOLUME XIV. , PITTSBURGH, THURSD.iy„I IrN E ,-,, is-,(1. BUSINESS CARDS .Neither with ray eye nor mr faitb will I trifle IMPORTANT TO TIIOSF, AFFLICTED WITH BAD Persom suffering from Itad Sight, arising from impaired vi,•ion, constitutionsel h ay, old age, or other causes, would do well to call upon (Ti. G. Si. SIIA PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, ‘i here they may rely tipun gvtting Spectacles scientifically ailapt•+l to the JOST WANTS OF TEI EYE. Addrosc. Sa Fifth stret t, opposite k. 01. Mastiu's Pittsburgh. P. B.—Tulescopus, )licroscopes. Thermometers, alp! every article appertaining to the Optician truth - , kept anti repturt‘i on the premises. 4.0 - Glsses inserted In old Frart,s. 0N... Any article not approved ut, exclinur.lfree of r•t 4,7:13 NEW COACH AND CARRIAGE FAL . - mla.-JiIIINSTt BIOITIIEIZS A CO, corner of hotiocon and Bchnont otroot.. Allegheny City, Honld ryiport fully Inform them frietldm nud the I,llt 1. gt -, ..r.11.) • thAt the} tom. commenced the numulnctnre of CAR tiIAUES, ItA IioUCII Itt teRAWAY:.. PLUMES, Sl.Elt;liS and ClIA• KJ , YI y, in atl their VILMA, +tylo+ of tinioh and proportion. tom_ All ordrerx will Me tiled with tittle( re,,earit to darn -I.aite 0111 beauty of habil,. 1..1,r. will .tl,i,/ Iti atteaileil to !ill • nogg ternim I ',air in all their u,irk twat tzlialtx, Pelt., 011,1 II beet atoll. 1,1 ,ainn• dour that all oh. fay, theta uitl. their iiittraiatire, will lie pet Fatly tat trial ~f their near 1 1 uriltiteerm are roiati-te.,l love Let, a call • le.tere elaewtaiire. • A MILLII.EN a: (2U. have, on fia..nd, A their extvnairts CABIN El atisl Cll A I bl AN L VAC Tull. Y. O. fl Smithfield tins:set., is large ihnshrt tihmt Farm and Plain Furniture, whit h tise3 a dl melt IS pet Cclll than ruxt.,mury rates., T,ro., umh ,•oly. y C 11AI1LE1 I',ARNETT. lloßsE SIIOEII AN 1...1 a atmmud shittrumbotts Brick :hop sh I I I EERY ALLEY. Let., it Thu tl hrt whey s . I t , s e g e , paled ,o) ark iu his ling a ill, the UllntnA 1 , 1 , 1111411.11 d, 1,1 o•C had ',mg i•xperience In the buqueses. he reepectfulls sesl.mt• TLS patronage .st chstoutgrxt awl the i h isi t c g ,;.”.•snyll ) jinn JA !sI ES M ELINGER, Molionra.liela Pla illug Mill, frnindo Awl tr.i. that new 111 hII ~ I—rvi tli.it t turi.o4l; buil. Cubit., ntnl till for PLAN Eli LCiilttat, with Ilse I mite, ENIIMEIMMIEMOiI " • • •"" D.A./CS M. • I • ve,y tlesc.riptlou. order GS_ 81111.1,1 w itudrttrpottlorl 1111 , 1 it to the, :..It ItiK, to gt..• Imp : nil. tt.- tr . "At forum! diens v.. 11 PIMIPII Mutt. outtitt.tl , t.orrr:..to , rtt•ii,tl - I, 4 I UL'I'ON CAR WORKS, Fol•NIII:Y AN! 5u...).. 11111,0 —The Owl 1,1,4 u N 1 uti) roi • ori., of %Vat,. M'lk•uougli mud sli.•l•ty t trust tor /IEI , I Vl.Ctitltt . Lill • .1;1-; .• :••1 Frlubt, tu, al; ; A.i otto, ,I.... , rtptiort. , of CAR' , r• ENG! N ••I tiE.ll:l.\ If k !I. iAail as•l uil ••111,1 l;; a Foto,•lry a... 1 tim hilo rt, Fototio,ofllir .1 , vat are ,k-solial, tiwticaal 1 1,111 t , •l 1.• I ...i•tt ?4:1 a u,.Lb Its..i ,ilf .1111f1. , f . 11,1, r. ntle - P. if Wlt 11 rrilEgi _ _ z it AMEIZ(CAN )I.ll'llE NIANU FACFL fil \t. \ V etre. l'att• Lm: nvmufv-taartu. uftN A , 11:Nla - - Fa Churchee. e. }lmmo., \I ntel D.. r 11.. t.. T: ha., I. E \ entih...re l - c3IIt• I• and M•amallha.e..." ever olee 1.3.1er 31 , 1 3 • darath s . - than. 1..) Maher I, I . exe• - ot•-•1•.0 —Att. I. ;••••••a•••l. ,, at 13.01•1•.,. I icte•l 0 , th.s oat, .•0 n; I 1 N h.': I 3 • . ••:r• • 'A.—, 1.0,1 `I. TIIE 1101'E ly :u•st 1.....,••• .0 11411-IK•r110":. ••••01 lu I••• •• 041, 14.u,[ twoat•-•1 I•• 111.. NIA, 10,1, 1111,111:0,Y 1.1 1 . 1411/1.41•11 LI.. .l.• 1...A.111r .1, nlaut.g . that lIIPI i• 11111111 %tee .; !'•• .I•••• J •,• • /0.01 C•••:11..0.0 II HI II•tIN1.1./.. . 1 \ ~, • 01 of II ;••• Iwo), I' t 5,1:., _ R EVOLVE I 1:F, V() \ . . _ 4 \--) • •, Oi kr. i I:1 .11 . 1.1 atnoug an) •pi ti). Cult , I•:•• I t• o: n future a ;:eta, Ith • 5•....1 - 114 ...1"N f: 71:ILI' I' e«pl 1k•...1 DoTTLEII:-,.. , UP Nok..t hio • 1 ItSAPA 1C11.1..5. MIN EIIAI. It AT I, ••t thy 11.1 ‘4031)t. 'l'u.• atteutxru I 1in••'l~d fu t dm/ thy) In•ttly Al. r. t 11. purer( /.1, Plo.u'lnun tronnuten•l it to Intuit,. nu scrouni t/I ‘l' 4,,ne and .t.,-nythYrul, I y MEE= . . _ If J. /. & Mallutist e ,.1 (.I.n.A. gla ugx, romba an f F. \ I•ureit. r , Land and mad,. too o.ro;ror Co it r and tlar,rlo• m ..•It Ftrionoooo,,or N,.0., rool, of o.roory de". 111.(1011 nn.l till! 14 NN 1:;c; •I•. 1.••• ;•,' • - .Nt \rt 11.7 lEI %, 111 I Cali I , lit 1. , 1!.../1 : • 1..••11 I N 1,11 L)I,V I I in:.1.1.1 ,•••., It •t 11 t•s .1....,041 It. tltt. trt.‘•• krt. toirtlwrll A A HE, TOW-S an.; Acts I.E. xll ~ f W 1.11 ~ff., at the h , N r•t 1”....1.1. 1,110 o. t • 111.1. ~ t apptuvral 1.4,1wr. mai I 4 A. s V 1 Ll-: \‘' und Het:kit .D, aler Tlll. art , l T11111..1 %IR/ anl Till Shot %V in. 1t.v,•1. a.. Nottl, c•; • \ESETIAS Li/4.IND NIANCIACTI hist -. I ND NI A Fi,lth .trait. tin , he nil xvv , rt milli III.! It':, v ;nth LO. , \ and 1111101111,,1, Ind 1. 1.1.1..11...1 1.1 VII any 11/ 111% Linn..ll tilt' \ tern,. 11.4. .rk 11., 1110,110,..-1 refnlVlCtl. \-A1 }MIA ra•Nlr , .l. pve n can't be heal in win 1) B F. SIIOPE, .NleacuANT 11,0 R. Third xy.xtru I, uext .10er Dl,patk thiti,kl , ll tun v ery liberal pet rt..1111i,, 1IOltqt,1 , 01.• Ikt•e: •• ti begs mare to uak a ruattoltrauce of the 1..• . belt-r prepared than ever to turniell •rrel.•ll , al, I I e t•eaers garmiceL, will 111,01, el' ' tct Ile always keeps up 1e..1 a hug, nsmertee•el styles of L 1.1.1 lie. n . IL, 11 he will make to order en the e , lset te+t u..te t • ••'t :la' tonne. v.D. A perfect fit always warr.fite,l. 3011711:t. A . NO tt.,et . lo I I'6oll. TB. YOUNG & CO., No. s n ,i t htield • al [vet, opposa.a City heal, loan nt.st tnt , ••f CART or FCRN ITC RE and CLIAIRS. of every d..arrlpt , n Mo tel ink and v.,,rlonanelnp warranted., and at 1, lucod prices.. Care taken in padong for Innd • c watt, art lag,. aug4l W 0 0 I) \V E I. L ' S" FURNITURE AN!) CIIAI Kr, v.ladoaal, and renal, entbrar • • , •vrry et) lc of tartnture. In Hneewwet. Malt. qatly and W., „,,t, auL tti le fur parl.a 5, chatuta-r, and dI LI in,: rotting t.. ally in New Turk or l'lttllnh•lpina. and at lower 1,11 , article rnado by hand, and wart anted G 1.4144 Makorn w4ll any patatity of BURN I TUBE and CIIA IRS, on a nd St,antl,,,,tte fllrriaitarol at Ow R6nrtent soh( I,kji- Warn:vow, Non. 7 7 u,,.1 79 'Third R tr.,.t. aug,ll PITTSBURGH, PA. LOVES.-NO. .1124 — NV(”)d street, o,,ve gitth.—We heg to call the Trade to our stock of stoves, Hollow . Ware and Castings in general. Hating pert , . t• ed every thing in our 1111, Me can safely say that we ray e-I sui passed in finish, fitting. and smoothness. by any In th.• trail.. Merchants will find it to their advantage to call Is f.ire unplug elsewheic. tell OR FF. It NISM I' ER. & GRAFF. ZIIOMAS OLIVER, SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, No. I St. Clair atieet, Pittalalry,ll. *A_ I 1.. i e C1.,1 long Whips. Spurs, I. 1.1.,:f J()NES A DEN NY, Forwarding mail Commission Ner chants. NI P. 111 Waiter street. Pdtsbnrch. {apP, W ATC A II. r E G S R , E l k : r .1. ; 0 1. (2 II K F u S tIe A F .N D .I p ) R EERY .Plll5 M. RI hiERTS is now selling all his large and choice stock of flue Watches, Clocks, Jewelry /WA Raney th,ids at a very small advance 011 [list COSt., preparatc , ry to enlarging his Store Room and the yardman of an entire new st.xt fur the spring mule. Persons desiring GREAT BARGAINS should call early, as it IA lila detitrtninatiun to close out him prexant stock ~.ut regard to runner prices. Don't forget the pIace—ROBERTS', lb FIFTH. street, near Market. fah° INIEN AND BOYS' WINTER CLOTHING —ROSENTHAL b. BRO. Fifth street, opp‘wir Ma son's, have a large stock of Men mid Boye' curriumi ..n band, comprising some entirely new and elegant styles, nhiclt they err prepared to ll:mash al the low rot cw.h prices. Alcoa large and tashiouablest,k of OF—NTS' FURNISHLNG decl3:dl3, SWALLOW -TAIL LINE OF LIVERPOOL AND NEW YOR.K. PACKET SHIPS. Owned by Curn.l.b.l Grinnell, 87 South street, F. The subscriber to the only Agent in line burgh for the above Line —has alien on hau DRAFTS the sale for any amount, payable at any Rank la England, Ireland. Scotland and Wales. JOHN TIIONIPSON. European Agent, fally 41u Liberty street- Pittsburgh. if LIGFLOW MARTL , L err:ENS—_ ~.I[olo.l. ALIMIST. PIT'FSBUIWII COACII FACTORY-BIG• EL ,,w & co. 61.1CONstaXel w E. M. Bigelow. No. 48 Dia mond alley, near Warn street, Pittstirg6—ClßßlAos6, COACILES, PILABTONS, order, d every description ..1 FANCY VBILICLES built to and !Mashed In a mender ansurpaseed for Imlay of derdm elegance of ftrajb. skill 0 1 scortretanahip and doraldD . ty „ of materials. • 4 *I: AD arm* virarrunt.l f nostr - • - - . PRATT'S NURSING BOTTLES--3 doz. o these excellent nursing bottles, recelced by JOB. FLEXUSIG, =NI DialitOttd NW Matted et. . • + t. • •,.0 -^" , wo z - • 4,41, AL.toftt„"r•r.far.4... 4*- 11+ 1 "•° 42 " it • - , 4W - P"e - r-' , ..6 -11;ift ' 7 :r 4" • . • "%Nor " IN"!<'•=•,' S •k. !Ind 121,1 . tt.1.11.4 I . •I,d “1”/ 1.91(1” 1 t., ~ • 1:a. 4 - ; - .4,, . 11I7SIN },SS ('A.RI)S. j IST OF IItiCLAIMED PA(..ll{ AG Es 11E _ _ . j NIAINING HI tn.. ,41 : .. , of TIP - . AIIANS I": . GREAT EST 1)11'11.01' DIEN T YET ! ,„,, ~,q, rit ~, %O. WI,. 1,. II I.is ' . ) l M latd i'A f N r V b . ef ls o ." re the nitFr DAN "F . J L'l.l rt,i, at ill la N E w !..: ('! AI. E -11. KLEBER S BRO., '::::ol.:`1:11',,1:` Auction I; pas . Lir • - ,r 1 1 i• r . y concern I,svi , 1,4 toceiv ,l a 1' 1,,, til 1 'I ''' \ t ,r.l, , /11'.. I I NUNNS do CLARKS' PIANOS, r d./1.,' prul itic..l with their NW E sCA LE Thin 1. Stunt Iran, wen latest, and undutibtedl3 the 11 , 0,1 111. Alden, C. , i .7 T . 1 pia:. PORT ~ T tuiprovement f , yet ovate 1. , IL , P1:1110 } ', art , . Tit- n,, a .,,,, , ii ii 1 c hit. PIAS Ell of the instrutuanit is 111n...1 DOUBLED tt,ert by; ik.,,,,, v „„,, , .1 I' I ,•,,,,. and itt ;. , int id ,oluine,eventioss and brilliancy of I, 114-, they Itrenton. IV 1 hat Itt ntirpti.eN iilltilliogll4 tot product , l in that slut pi , of n Pam, it,,,,,.. iv , 1.,.. They 1101010ra sill 1.110 advantages of the tiretu,l Plano, at 5111 w.,,,,.,, S.S i 1.1.; • out any of it..liait,ltittitagcs. We now clap. I,,ie coutilltrl,, iwk u t.,,, , j 0 111 1 th c instruments of any oilier maker in till. t , untt t , ~ , ,,,,b,„, ‘i n .,. ii waif/dent that et ery utildustorl judge , if the article at II sit ii,,,,,,,L,,,,th, it. trots, ~,,, nattut their .1.. I I..ritV. The public it re.pectfull) in 1,,,i,,h,,,,,,, Pr. Ai• 1., tart 10 1 - 1111811 d 1,111111110 these 501..r1. lIIKVIIITIoIit.e. 1:111 - ,11. I I - I.; . R. KI.E.BIIt & SRO., 1t...,..111,,J.1. ". Sole agsittet for Nunns & 'larks I'llolo. 11 .... nOll A Co., I Is,. For Western Felinity!, MI ja liurge.a, I. F. e. I,y. N,, 4,1 Fifth street, next dot, to Nlssanir Hall 11, t ,„,.,, A it,.,,„,. I'. S Splellaid aihUrtlllelit .•I the dtavo slwirtiv q, p.. 01,1 10, 1 1, M ~,.. I. I •k g for the Spring Trade. "I' 11n,,...f, 1.. 'I NEW SPRING STOCK OF - (loss:non ElLiahrt I, ..1 t,' , halt. Mrs M r . I 'I. A 10.4 (7HI CKERING & SONS ';'''''''."'' PIANO FORTES. .. . . . .11 , 1 IN If. .1.1111.1. , till law ..„ . t'l.q.p, 110i1. 11511 I.til;tCklit'n' lint I ta-etted ...ten Itll,o ~1 - .: "ft: 4 .4•:— ' I." k• "r. F :' ..''''' l'lllChlt-ItlNti A tnttNt , .-'''' t "---v 4 . ' 1 f1'1,,,,, (Pin. n ,•. ii PIA.Nti 1-1 , 111'1,. anti tout- van th \I t; t trip. 1.1. led the stock, selerted ft or Slning Stilt.,, ~1. TII 111.1' V •1 , 1 \V. U • „an ' ' I EIDIO Man Z , 11.511 tuu - l.rll:'' lieW sad nplentild lut.trttnto Into, of every varlet and Att t lit, 1 , „, ', ,t. IllnlallACClll,ll Its the n.-.,+. l'llifkitl i11rt.,14,,t.... front the ''''"' '"" i.tattoad SI t. t w;rn ‘e, ~. the miriit alin•naidl, fin. Lc,: ladatte), \ lat tto I; 1. .1.• lain. r. N. .1 lode. Seven Octave Square Plano Fortes, 1,1 0...) . l'll.*. 11 1.., A. m ,I 1 41-14 Littir oulter6 and inimitable tirstal and Parlor l'arltt• IS" I.; tetdl Plano, I-11 tit 1 PIANO VttlITE In Ili t nit li , of Ent: ll4l It APP IO - 1 '"- ai l the a ir : 1 ; kIIV SCALE. tt ith their PATENT 11101 N I. It AN' Er. l' hrnonnhl, II paelt a_.' and PATI.ST Airri‘. \ . and are Is tn t 111, to, arrantod to the Ernest. Chan P. Fl lit. purr Liner by the tiliililliaclllierc but Irytiro.lll... Ilk., to Foal,. Held, OM . i.e la all reaina - ta as pt., It it an Inntrutatata r.th Is mail, Fit.'. John WI slat I, th tu mord to Matt.ll.ll Will Wiirkluttaidiqi raid., If P phi. PRICES IN \ Alt! i. 111.1 'I 11 I ,iA Mt: 44,1 in In F. -I .11. at the I,‘ W.I. 1.4..1/tt,../ I'. 1... Nittltut,tory. t 'et than. 11. I' pkg.. .IttllN 11. Al hl.Ltilt No nll\'•.sl street. t .141111 r. A II tront bt tveen Ittnnetud alley and Fourth toreet. Flat. , :dint's IliPk; - .ttgettt fur C10t,10.1.a,t A ' , ins. Inailiin, I. r P t.: titnLtdll and Ph, Ur) xFull .n. L., 11 oetern Pehtta. , t ,l,,Ln 1 - I t I. ntt ;then • - Y'llt• r, i t t r ttli. tltt FOURTH STREET CARPET STORE. i'---. mt , ih 1..,:. •to iu . W. D. & U. McCALLUM, &Ter itT 11 :4 THSE T, N Alt W 1,.-1,41, Tot nt t,ritivla of porchasari r..apeetfull, m , i/r1 1./ oar 14.-o•nt rtnrk. aritrtell F r SPRI td.rdr— 8., quality Vslvenr. 1 Voirlian and Taia,try In- Brus-o-lt and Tapr4try, t's to in and malt Itruarsle, Say, Modn,rn and Uw .Ira and naiad Ply. I Pr tr,l I ograina. B, I ruportvgl /atm Twilled and Bausa.k . BAB and Sitar Aga,. Floor Oa Cloth., (0.1 1..-t a,dr, varuaur ..ants.4 and la I‘ , o , u 1 Cloth, red.!, In tut..d and r.n.n.saod Inapt. maul Ta' , lt L'ud, re; Gaut., and r Mai • 11.,trat Burrs. Mane ; Starr Itud.; Idat. ha: and cun n Carpete ; Venonan adtls r.rry rata,. 14 N ••• time. and Bull 11,4 and. Sr.; all .1 ai. i. d; dlartrt al Dan nr. •kratr rat., idelattml t., furtuan CARPET I.IN I Nu. M ANSFIELD SEMEN ARY AND Allegheny County Normal School. or 0, ..\*.J.l.-,(0.r0 11".1.0,.of I. FA: A . F. I. ;.; r.‘ I. At , A. A 1'7.4 . ul-nui I l is t. L it irlii I •31 1r... k, \ F t. I L ; T 1 !•••.: • • • ..4( r ( , •11”. Qt.r"r 1.• d.li.-r..f 44. /111"111:LIL h IMMIA.Ot'lli Staple and Fang Variety and Dry 1;0,1d. IA , MAN, lA, II 11l PLAIN AND WAVED LINE CILT :1101 . 1,11INGS. No. 1.)1 1,1,13...ri +l., Cornrr or DiAm..ll.l stilr V 'THEY eftr It. An 41 ne... ILI y • otht r 11,1144..i,11,10 j. & ( mot BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, ikt. nr.it rRs ; I'ln, ()Id 11IonougnItcla Rye %% tilakj .1\I) APPLE I:ft.lNt , l : itE("FIFICIIS ANI) DISTILLEits I r !": ITII VII I \SI) rit.,T Z",rfti:l,7 • l'lTlzAht lOW %. 1 1\ II) 4'A)11T111.1, 1. Mt El, I •i. t Fo $. t r I bra WATCIII> ANI) JE \VELRI. - I 11 , Ult.- A 1..1,1. 1,14144. ait, All “fitl ; tou••! t•uit,s; •.st, nit•l 01, g,-, Nlinsmt or. t 1.1“..•••1••t•• tp.1.1 uhtl CA.54-5. P. t, Tt...thp1.1.... I Anti "rlti 1 / 4 1, • I En., ••11, , I•Irm 1.4r-Ra•trs, ;•qt••••••La 1•••••• t/I,•`/, t ,r1.••Ac••I FP. , Ait, lar, 1.•• ,I. pi... 1. • .:I(A,, ftl p? 1.• • :•,A11111.“ rlt 1.5 N .r••• 1, mud 1‘ 111 he 5. 1.1 nt Ik ,(101. .11 It Mehra, Clock- NI/4 1.! I-., relining eseculetl no 11, 1,.l Ito.hoor. II:1 .14W.l ny male r 11. rola .11... 1. u, C..100r I Multi S uc I: 1N i; F'.l( "I'( )It DAL eortiur Oi Market alley and Fifth ale pet, Iltole toa , oakry a repot luau kotto..l 1,1,11 ...•a 1111,..; t, gull buroueee Ilc uN., 1k.k , 1 .1.. i , 111 . ran - the jailJ/11 tint'ool conl.i.knee t. ,TOCK!SIiS, SIIIIiTS, tut All kill , - rt :I ttSII:ItY. F, Wry v , rttatx h It h : 11::. - t : t: of 11 , tt, t I ~Wll t. , the • 11, ~I iL, 1111.• 0.1 16/.1, .1112 ,41raht...... , al 11 , t, at h. , blll olto 1:n. at C. 4,1 t dth taret.l C. DA I.V. r Marko ally and Filth St. CEMETERY )lAlt 13 LE WO It E.S-- NIAII I I ENt LAWTON, M SI:DU eireet. COMMISSION Mutt , kNT, L,ni,i ID \l,al, Itrovislutni, nut! gui.,•rally, Nu. 'Ali:, Liberty sti,ieL Pit uLur gL, t.T: 4 W lli , : 1 11 N r ; , l2 n t s o . the lolLr[ , rc • .I:leglien) City. i. prrpiu to tin or.let, for %flits. noo POI kinds at °MN AMEN 't AI. II I It IVOIIK. TN hest of liniterial u luruu , Lrd,and entire stitinloction guru ri,J. my [Satan' ly "ki . EIS' INTELLIGENCE OFFICE-1f you wart 1- kr•lp, - find employ:a. tit. Lary or soil n dia.i ty, call at I,iIWRIE'S INTELLIGENCE ICI:, No. 14 Filth street. near Mat ke l street.. tarunienta and Copy tug with at none and fellid 1 J./M.:I'll W. LOWRIE. .(iii.SliA'S LINIMENT—The he,t _l_ !neut. now in tote for sprain... bourse, k, .. .1.4. jird .0,1 I.y Jot+ FLF.V !NI I. oinier Diamond and Markid P METAL-190 tons good quality, cold received per etetuna Irene, and t.,r sale b ) ti.DAVIS, tarter Wraid and Flft4ats GREASE —Bayes' celebrated Grease for Dray.. Corta Haggles, Hai:toad Care. hr., ill calls, g. rued bldg., for kale lc ENE; IL (20,1:LINS. WINI)011' G LASS— axIO Oa. 4 ., ti... 10).12 do; 30 do. 911 . 2 do.. do. 10:04 do. Rut ,dber 5i,, , ---Sa ear er's brand--for sale by isMITII. MM lt A II CNTF.It, .t 1•26 D RIED f A PPi.r.. ll.2 :irft u r d re: "Fi"' '''''' 10 sack, for sale by --- ROO S'itlTll. MAIR A nuNTrr DRIED PEACHES —ltiO bush. fir rule I.\ apiit oMITH, AlAin A GUNTER.. LIRE)-- 5 kegs for sale by . i aP-a,SMITII, )1 .AIR A Ill'NTEli _ CIUFFEE S[Ciiit.—ls 1,1,15. B. Coffee Su k_i gar, for sale by smrrit, M Alit A lll.'S'fe,Ti . . \l'l-IN SHOULDERS —3 hhhl. to arrilo awl for sale In i-PltlNti ER ILARBAUGIi, sp'Ni No. '291 Liberty stniet. CAREEN sALTED nit)Es-573 to arrive ki and for sale by (np2Bl SPRINGER. lIARBAEG lb. CON I' ENTRATED LYE--A new article f...r making Gard and Soft Soup. line pound worth ton of eotash. ju baud and for sale by Kp2.: _ FLEMING BROS. PLASTER, CEME N T, AND GRIND sTAINtS.—PIastxr for Laud and Stucco Work; Cement 1.4 Cisterns and Public Works; Grind-Stones, ail sizes—cd, hand at 319 Liberty street, h. ' Pittsburg op= . W. W. WA.LI4CE-1 DRIED APPLES--100 bushels7hr sale Lv tnyl7 HENRI* It. COLLINS: DR. 1 riCoTT & CO., S..!s Cr..; rt. :..re. Its).1) Phi., 'Morgan . ..iv D X 3 DR, 11. 11. lt El SER. 11!)olie.ale A,•.it, 110 Wood h:: t-rt, Pittetoo ,r. JAS. P. ELEM.' NO, Whole:laic liget.t. Jar2.dlyisawly.tpcSt 1 Near Railroad Depot. Mit.:l,l.y. , NEW I'ASTLE AND DARLINGTON I RA LLIWAD CoMPAN Y. The atockhoLler , it) the I N o w Castle and Darlington Railroad Company. are bat. lie I /11..tifit d Ii meet at the Darlington Station, on the 0t.).• mil i Pennsylvania Railroad, on WEDNESDAY, the 7th day ef May next, between the hours of 10 o'clock. A. NI.. ani A 'dock. P. AL., (or the purpose of elect ine tit.) it t rset.,t, 1., t 3, 0 for the CllBlliag year. By order of the Corporation. aptll-2wdaw. It SANKEY, S....sr.:au. XT 7. - - OTlCE.—Applicaticrn will be made to the IN _next Legislature for the Charter bf "The Allegheny Runk." with a capital of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND ...., DOLLARS, subJart to the provisions of the banking law. 200 BOXES RAISINS, "Clemens" brand Commissioners i—II. Hepburn, W. Bagley, J. M. Pennock. 100 hf •' R. B. Roberts, Peter Peterson. James Patton, James Park, For sale by REYMER & ANDERSON, Jr., and others. ;ult.' ,No. 31i Wotxl Hemet. I Apdl 22, use. , .. r' ~1 =II 1.414 thir • • •.0 . . _ • tir ••• • . • ' • , • 4 . • • . • • t WEIMII MEM I i.tg kaw• hiuyhell, J. A I x t 11 t Ik 1,.. 1•.,. Nlr• R Una,. J t;r1.1.•,.1 1141,1 v, A.l. J I 1ett.1. , r.t.t.. NI,. I .! IC.. IL. I pt ka,,, I cl.• Ilr I 4.. 11..1 —llll W JOltt > I 11/11..r. I II NI A 11. I 4.. I 11.41,i141., 11 au+er. }I mu. god II IV. II att, IL Lod,. II kt I. IV. k. IJ.a . 11. It, .1 .1 Iwo. 'I. A. 11,1,,, 1 • %I. : .1 1•.1. ‘• S.r. I 111,1. I li .1 I AI MEM= =SE \I I \ I ‘l4, \I. SI, 44, t, MIMI , J.- )Is: .1 \S I - . 1% I Apt pill •.'to Po to 1 lie , •:fit•r indulging in the ,not of howling mot railltt g „y e , r . ` , 1T1111. , r. rent eit , tigati-n, collie , at la - , t ; tjesv the . t ueYtii.n. It •. t— that it aggre- , ion t-: be the pol ey of the •••rth, it t- neeessary to have the ar m ed bawl. the venomed trxtguc and malignant \\ e are Filliri•ed that the North has not -I•etlv.l it , eye. , to this , fact Img since. Tu sup- I' butt w :ti . if I and war in I:ittisas. ilttnlorgli. May :•tt.l,i. I I be >ncee-t; tllve tidnctel In its: issue hr . i..h sziti.iner in the our, and time s . C. McLAN E'S • .1, I . ...eder in the ether, wit. , a dream in LJ LIVER PILLS AND VERIIIIFIIiE a'..ne 1 and which . E D. I M R(1 la , 1. , h •-pelto the recont develop- V 11a. I. ' , COTT, a ri l rulas uthlaate and phseician '!'he " .1 ':lt corta .lll 'y has heroine gener ye t warttee extw•rlear , l, ia , 111“- , 1 hr it' c nirniCr i it 14 by hard blows, and not ~ ,„ aa ft er t r , g . w wen.. tit I.y hitid I , lw-tering art intuiting denunciation., reit a , , a t the quarr-1 , 0 he :+ettl..l. We need not 'l,nr•t.n., A I'. I. a: r, an kirk.k l% ti J 11. A T rnrht. 1i• A Illano. " • ol.•". I XI I'llON F.NI YNT (XN monTNAL nvEn .X" X 1.11011:exl1: )F Llt. C. :X:ANE. itaviniz proliarcd the., ronedien as the medical plc: r McLain., lur man} cart. 131PRi/VED LI VER PILLS AND VEit' Full: ,canter efficacy and are mole mild In thior tmoraf h thin the liver Plllllll.l N'ormiftmc prepared itII re..ipt• of Di C. 31,1m.”-. make tint 1/1 . 1 • 1:.7 .1 0 iiii.frvglandllidy, and recommend then, to the affii it, Boni pleetaant and cud - ache, and to ally other l,iver Pill or Vermitime ever prop:tied. Read Certlflcate of Dr. C. McLane, below THE WHOLE WORLD CONQUERED! DR. I. SCOTT'S CIiILEDRATED NIIIITE CIRCASSIAN IRK \T. The universal relief afforded by applications ~f CEL EBRATED KING of Pah, Killers in cam,. of Rhum:won., 4.ltr, , Lumbago, Sore Thrum, Bruises, Sprains, S.,•llincs, := 00 Ileots of the Joints, Sclutaca, Pains, Scalds, Bur., Ached, or any other disease fur which a Pain Killer or Liniment used, MAW. IN to assert positively that Dr. I. SCOTT'S t'ELEBRATED WHITE CIItCASSIAN LINIMENT r, tbe most reliable, safe and pleasant remedy yet disc., los ssmg itstom.hing properties for IIEALINii DIsEA: -, E and TiE Pliomyr ERADICATION OF PAIN. The trimly Eit• t<aup iris to its virtues, given by persons of enliclitcned 1:1,4011Vnt and strict integrity should induce all to adapt it as a standard Family Remedy. The most incr.• 04 Hill 1 - 1 , 111irt• nothing more than the 10111,Wing. testimony Pr. C. McLane, distinguished 63 a great di-coverer remedies: READI READIS READ!!! NlOlto.k,ao l, 'N, VA- 12, 1 This is to crrtfy. that I nave: ex mined the f r i.re l•nrinc )h Lana I inproyed rerrnifuge and Lair by Dr. I. S,ott., been IN THE HASEI oF AND USING MY ORIGINAL MEDICINES IN MN . t ,hiriak the last THIRTEEN YEARS, and Ilua I Leli,,r he 1.N4 1 5 11.1101 ED THEM. I make the alw , e I , tateruent the nt.,re Illwgly as I HAVE NO INTEREST IN 111 WIIATEVER. I would further state that I have neu;ly sed his CELEBRATED NVIII"I'E CIRCASSIAN LINIMENT .fs n,e with the effes:ts. sad that I `.l-1 CO5l - wno...uhly re,ramemi it. C. MuLAN E, .71 1, id, Me-delta. preretreJ rt, ler the 1,i,, Dr. .i. tiei.YPT. by ltrueripito eT,.I ter..L.hta N here. UENUINE Pr C'. IMITOT ED 1 I\ ER viatmiFc , ;E !,, , ITT K,:eurr.paDt,l by cert.:l, , t)i, i,ENUINE WHITE LININI C. FNT i.:4 . uTT S C.•., WIVA • I. 'IT, , 1.. ......, • .1 . 0 • „V ) - ' • I P . ' • :•• wo.if • et PITTsIIITEGH POST. :%.11;NLNI; La , written z. letter t, - , Quitman in fcrence to the recent speech of the latter upon th.. Neutrality 1.1 w ,. In this epistle, Mr. I'aul - argtxr , i to show that every consideration ”f interest ,i,culd induce the I nite.l States to 31)0 ' , , -It 5u11 , 11 1 .11, Low , . and encourage the ' itoluciwe ri ,ntong the half Spanish Centrz,i S,uthetn America. In remark-. =CM I•irlrLur,.L. I. otontown to Sef ii, but it clear to toe 114 the light t,f day, that the per polial clamor , •tf the Itriti , h journal., lest by the 11 , t what they are pleased to call filli bnitering, ttriginated in the conviction that the , pit it whielt animated theme gallant missionaries eiviliiati to nod liberty i= the mottt formidable I All the obsttyles to the cherished purpose of great Britain for the subjugation nY Central \ rner;va. It our great weapon of defecee agamst em•roachments it is the heat and cheapest bulwark of the liberties of the New orld, and the Ittrougest barrier against the en- . I • Pitt.burrh. 11. rn Ingham 1.", (1,111::lk I.ltt.l•nrol Klttannlnv 1 , 1 , 6.1.1 I un4 , 1111.1. I•n. 1•. ci.iachareelts of the (dd. Hence it is that the I;ritisit journals are perpetually harping on Hi ; bustering, and the Anglo-American papers are iesponding to their principles, until our people ! lieve become persuaded they cannot go to any Dart of Central America to better their fortunes, ind the progress of free principles. to teach the A yt.l.rek.,lCS Enburgh .0% r.tor. Pill•hurt•h Neu Oone, a. Pa at er , ta - . PM :J.131.4 i eopla to gove,u them elves, to exercise any t a•tribute of personal liberty, without a violation 4• bet municipal or international law. The honcet truth of the mater i we have no ,t our own : are led by the note by the British I,lw- , we are the fo,,thalls of British an.l, what is worst of all, we are cowed y the appiebent•ions of Britian po wet. We can- 1;1...1: !Inv, k ‘lirt,•zni.urg,. Allepheg, .I,urgh. rot taken ,ingle step, or contemplate a single .veruen , of policy, without ii,kihg ourselves r will give ,ffeuee to Great Britain, who is always on the look out, and always ready to pace hers, If in cur way. The ttatesmen of ,gland know this, and consequewly despise it threatt , and perevere in their policy. In cot , r•tt ts our history- we have never " ant thing trues Great Britain by negutia- I eouiplaint nr 1 mon-trance, but a repetition f Insults and ihjuries A, in the pant, so will in the future, so long /1, we rely on her tends Lip, her mattnanimity. or her justice, and must e•pecia!!y cn lung as shv sees we are afraid Warnau I I lt• t'.,nnetA• I at tq r ‘5" h• ct .11 ViV..• t 11 L../ 15 arn-at. .‘11,0,t0 The appearance .Ck Sun-. in the •,1 the true ai , hough a frequent ht in the Arctic ir, in our i,,•••!21C1, .of rwie urcurreure. .111 ti 'chili:l ' lon 01 C. Leautifiii I - 110%0110 . 1100 Le- -e.! lie the rhey in returning ftioin I:o,t.in 10 St w Vet WeLlll.•,]•,y, at ten minute.. pot • ~f LL ,N ening, wren the Fun wan tally Al 1..g1i..-11) y • I ••I nI 1. Ft:, .1 .leglee- h• ri.- n. The train left P..sti,ti for Fart River. ••!, lin 1 r.tirel duri:rcr I‘ . ll r r I •ixbur , N tl ttem. 1. r,.!. rrr('rtly re,enti,.;" '11.:• ,tin':c.l, :lar •I• • I 10.1.1 I , 1, I• =EN , It . • Nl.Vl,elt 1 1 31 -1 . tut !Inc I It.:1 wh..-11 •len-mitriz( triu , Sdr • L T , rrifir •-• rtltr, oito' • t rut t!to of th by - 'twiner att , l lievel It. At ltotutt, ' r suns p r.t ' which ViPil• -.Pen he the t. niter writer : ,•i twit ,t onetime. rt. t.lt,prvt , i 1y him at It int /1.. It tiro .1 • t I •cl' 7 1110 1 ,t.l Fll 1 1 1':11.1 o, NI 1 I IMI!!!111 I 1 t I tlt,l tl L t 11A1:11.1.1., A.Lons • ' • • \4 4:4; LAW', llvu .lames K I=ll GOVERN)! ENT. .1 oUt. the Ist of May Gen. Goicouris, with Capt. Raymond's company of Light Infantry ltatiallion. left Grenada to suppress the more l-kr" f ki•'" l4 .' • inent of the Serrillists in Chontales. The expe- ,ftern , . c' , u ly, hot toward okll7. filo bitty clou I t• tod' ton, ao 1 Ikrt',.•ll! , `4l a 1 , 1, a:terwar.l,, t:2f , ger rfcrt only .1 , 1.1 r rr, m t 10111 I 1%1, !i , 111,4 ! i, 11-1 I .•• .1211141- 1111=1 tfll 1..t11 4 !,(I,J I; 11;1 4 4' I ;4,1'11%01,1. f . 4,1 11,11,... lit MEM in th =MEI thr gue4lion I. to he Sciiird IMIIIIIIIIII v vex o;•Itlion Cot the lost year the c , tintry has run!" with Soil rt,i, , lnnee In K RIDAS. Soutiftrn iwople have been told that it vo'ttured IT., that territory, they *ol.l l .ii • WV:.,111....1 titles and blo"dy and- , to grates. From the ince , - ,nt and trrr:`r h md,t, made through all the we we', :tiniest led I, believe that "death \ ! •• Überiv lie death," wonl I he the ere f the Fri:, Soil warriors in Nansro , . ftwttlying to relate, while the ,, e !..liouta have thr,iugh the iire , s of the North, the n of I.qwrence hone been upon their knees re llovern,r Sliann,•.l, mut tquipant ror , ~f the Tr.', , fne Ileeh th.o iil- L:oi city. like Le't's wife from •I,,it. turned t 3 safe d.-tance to!iee only n f smoke .;n,tii-ing over what he supp.,,d to be it 4 IF be wn: n , t petrir e , l on the =EEM it tv , ‘ „ that it w:t+ the extremity of that I , t'ing innverN.l V% . 111:1'oltrED TS, IsI: ROI I ED.— -Tbs. Ners/ L'iss: , S l;:g from learagu Tav news from Central .‘.tueti , :a bt,,ught by I ha- anuoutwed the retreat of the pre erring a ;11 , pieious si eace tezarl to tl.e movement, or the sitna ,!: Walker. Ulu- private ativicea enable t- ta6c the veil. NVe have reeelvel, r , t v,•t% Airco inf,"rinat, , n that the (ten, ra! %Vac, 11, t ,late-. in a -perat.• lie hal I- and .•rta. h capit 11 and I.t in; eta , b,rt Er:se the hav'lne a Ltr.ng sw.pi • ~n 1 . )..t .t Ri.l l•ro‘c to be nearer the trnal, in i,.• ,•.-e than the y-i•••rt, reet , ived the -Mi . it NI, 111 he retilettlberPrt 111..1 et en Walker's ore-tn a•lroitted that L.' left the thwn of Cicas. e the C,,sta were skill firing upon it, I ~,ne exhati , te(l hi- ammur,itlon. Tae ae -0,0t.t: by the 1111n,,i,, too. were ningularly vague respectin g later movement , of the f, roe, ~r ramie, Tu KILL. tlitAlt , ;. It it- i+-aid, theautbur ityof the celebrated Frenzh chernisti that eolution or alues--one quarter of an oboe of It' , 2111i1 t two pints i.f water—Will destroy en animal .r trees. Where the hair or wee , . long, the animals are to be thoroughly and trees are to be moistened with it by means of a, brash Additional from Central America. Tlfl F.VACUATION OF NICARAGUA BY THE CGPTA .112\1- SUCCESSES OF CEN. WALKER THE 7RANSIT ROUTE OPENED. Sentence of Death on Col. Sehlessinger The papers by the Orizaba, at New York, fur ni,.ll the following intelligence from Central America : Gen. Walker, with a large part of his army, left Grenada for Virgin Bay on Tuesday evening, and arrived at that place at daybreak next day. just sax days after the enemy left San Juan del Sur. lie found at Rivas a large number of the enemy sick and wounded, together with a letter from Jose Maria Canas, commander of the Costa Rican forces, intrusting these men to the gene rosity of Gen. Walker, and proposing, at some future time, to exchange American prisoners for them. They were taken care of by the General. lien. Walker returned to Grenada on Thursday, and after remaining two days again departed for Virgin Bay, where the headquarters of the army will be temporarily fixed. The almost enlire strength of the American force is now stationed on the line of the transit. General Walker has given orders for the itn mediate organization of an artillery corps, and i‘ We know that Walker, in order to secure the the detail has already been made. Several services of the Licentiate, Padre D. Augustin heavy pieces of ordnance are being mounted, and Vijil, parochial curate of the city of Grenade, additions will be made as fast at possible. The and to dispose freely of whatever concerns the want of artillery was seriously felt at Rivas, and ecclesiastical jurisdiction, has promised him, as very effectual service was rendered by a small soon as his government is consolidated, to estab four-pounder captured from the enemy. We lieh a Protestant church, of which the said ou shall soon have a formidable park of artillery. rate, Sr. Vijil is to he the head, and General Fur several days past there has been in circa- . Walker the protector. lie does this to recom lotion a rumor that the Costa Rican Government reuse him for the signal services he bad rendered has sued fur peace. Be this as it may, there is him in forming and supporting the government. a political storm brewing in that State before Led away by these promises, the Curate Vijil which the Servile party will fall down like an- has again embarked in a revolutionary career." cient oaks before a whirlwind. A patient, toil- I The Panameno then goes on to denounce, in ing, industrious people have been deceived into a disastrous war ; and as its fearful consequences severe terms, the conduct of Padre Vijil, begin to he felt in almost every cabin in the State, a wail of anguish, mingled with the cry of revenge, goes up to the very Throne, calling to a bloody account the men who have deceived, be trayed and sacrificed their friends in a cruel, needless and destructive war. Col. Schlessinger has been court martialed, f,und guilty, and been sentenced to be shot, wherever found, the Colonel preferring flight to trusting to his innocence. On the morning of the 10th of May, two de- • serters from Walker's army were shot on the plaza in the same spot were Corral wax shot. These men deserted immediately after the battle of Rivas, and were subsequently captured by the soldiers • of Col. Mendez, on the road to Leon. They were making for Realejo, with the intention of embarking at that port for California, or else going into Honduras. \TTENI•TEPP INSURRECTION AGAINST THE RIVAS ilition landed at Santa Dahin, where they discov ered a party of lancer& The litter were imme diately tired upon with effect, when they quickly ili,per-ed in every direction. Proceeding to Aco yaba, they found the town deserted, bat after ,c me search a few persons were found s and a roper example was made of one who was known to be deeply implicated in the rising. After levy ing a cortriiiittion c.f one thousand dollars upon the 1,,5t., an amount long duo to the Government, rer, trip the party proceeded to Julgalpa, where they met ~iel l uicidy defeated a large force of the Legitt- Here, too. an elample was macle.;iind the ,:attribution , doe from certain parties in Thal reirlCtik wore collected. Proceeding down to :;an Hacienda, Qereral prisoners were taken. MINIM OH I,li, 5,, one body of i-4.rviles of considerable number waa ,I.sper.ed. From San Lorenzo the party t.r.weede.l to Comolapa, where another example ens made, and where the party made collection, of money and effects to a considerable amount from C ,molapa the company came gradually to '1 h, ri Grenada NV t liont meeting any serious resistance it om the Servilem, and upon the whole the party highly Fue, - e.fillin the object , of their ex pedition, AS well a; fortunate in their escape row In•., in killed or wounded, only one man of the party, Lieut. Wm. Lewis, being hurt, and he AS but slightly wounded in the cheek. The i.:;i:ett of the Servilists amounted in all to ten, their wounded beinir quickly concealed by their friend,. THE tir.crioN.—The election on Sunday last, 4th of May. ns mostpublic days in the Republic cmne on Sunday, was conchuled with the great st decorum. The candidates for the Presidency were all of the same political. faith, the only dis pute being between the Democrats of Leon and ho=e of Grenada. Don Patricio 'Rivas, the present popular President, was supported by the people of Granada, and Gen. Matiano Salizar, a great favorite, by the people of Leon. A few votes have been cast for Don Nordeste Ramireo, of Leon. The struggle is between Rivas and and it is impossible to determine at pres ent who will be the next President of Nicaragua. The election in Grenada proceeded by cantoro, or wards, each ward of 1,000 persons electing one delegate. The people generally took great interest in the result, and the number of votes ran larger than at any election held in Grenada. To the Governments and people abroad, this sig nificant fact cannot be avoided, that the Repub lic of Nicaragua expressed the will of the people. All it+ actions ems-late from their silent impres sion, and every movement it has made has been undertaken by Vle concurrence of the great body of the people. To ignore, then the fact of our absolute independence, is to deny to the inhabi tant.,, of Nicaragua the right of self government. Col. Wheeler, Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States, passed down to Greytown a few days =love, to dismiss his family—they wishing to visit home—when he took opportunity to sr e Captain Tarleton, of the 'British frigate there on ,ration. and informed him that the American Government would not tolerate his conduct in boarding our mail or passenger steamers for the purpose of either question or search and that he intust desist. Captain Tarleton apoiogisingly said, •• he did not wish to do it. having no in structions from his Government, but that the people of Greytown had asked his protection from passengers and filibusters as they had nothing for them to eat." ,Frum the Phthulelphin Penna34ranhin, Tuesday.l The Desperation of Disappointed Love , On Sunday morning, as the steamboat Ranco cas was about leaving the wharf at Tncony, on her regular trip to tnis city, a young Irishman, named Patrick WCormick, was observed sitting in a box awaiting her departure. He had been there for some time ; and a few minutes before the boat left the wharf, a young girl, plainly dressed, was seen to approach him. They en gaged in a warm and earnest conversation, the female upbraiding him for some act of perfidy which she alleged he had committed. He, in turn, became excited, ancrrose to leave her, At this moment, she drew a double-barreled pistol, and discharged its contents at the head of M'Cor mick. Fortuuately, the balls—there being three of them—passed through the rim of his hat, and he escaped unhurt, though considerably fright , ened. .1 number of citizens then stepped forward, anil took the parties in charge, and they 'were 1.1-ongtit to Arch street wharf and handed over to the police. They were taken to the Central Stst ion and looked up for a hearing. TLe young woman was employed in a family residing near Holmesbtirg, and, as she states. , 4 , iu r time since, formed the acquaintance of NiVormirk, who worked on a farm also in that neighborhood. The acquaintance soon ripened into a warm attachment on her hart, and, in an evi hour. she yielded to his desires. From this tiietnent, she alleges, his feelings toward her rhanged—and, instead of frequent visits, he but Qel hnn came to see her. Finding herself betrayed and ruined, she re sorted to the law for redress, and, after a hear 'tug, he was hound °vette, answer the offence ito Sunday, she learned that he was about to leave for parts unknown, and she at once deter mined to right herself in the only way that sht considered satisfactory. So she procured the pistol, loaded one barrel with one, and the other with two balls, and this morning repaired to flit wharf as above stated. Unable to get anythinp but evasive and unsatisfactory answers to her in terrogatories, and exasperated by his treachery in the past and paesent apathy, she determines upon taking his life. commnottag RICAN ARMY OONFIRMRD. '` r s' ' k r ~ w~ '. 3 Fu RITES OF ADVERTISING AGREED Al BY 1111 :PitriiirliGH PRI MN xon runt, 1,11. One equate, one ineortion b.. each 1), one bn. Vert, wetlks thr oo,meeka.„ U.. one month. Dn.• ..... Men nlnnthe..„ D... IL rot , uanutit. Do. f, •tt r hiwtkits, ,•rst• ytetr ....... ..... .... Stakrittil• Par-L.lx Ifni. or . t,;,:oit I=l One (1Le11.6.1V , I , c rL. pap,r,) ....... INU 31Arri”4, , uolinv, st) routs: I.mih a 4 . l te=, :46 Matz. ri ROY f or I ot Len don correspondent of A country paper lbw de scribes the appearance of the Princess Royal at the drawing room • f was scarcely prepared to behold her a fine grown, handsome woman, taller by a couple of inches than her mother, end carrying herself with the ease and grace of womanhood. - Her face is perfectly lovely. The regularity of her features is perfect. Her eyes are large and full of intelligence, imparting to her face that sort of merry aspect which indicates good humor. The nose and month are delicately and exquisitely formed, the latter giving the effect of great sweetness. The Princess is more like her father than her Mother. She is like the Queen in noth ing the nese. In all other respects she is a fe male image of her father. Her Majesty begins to wear a matronly aspect. She becomes slight ly stout, too, and looks more and more tike the Duchess of Kent. Prince Albert's likeness to the portraits of the Czar Nicholas is remarkable and striking, and it has become more observable since he became bald." THE NICABACVAN LUTHER—Father Rill's Real Panameno, of the 2d of May. has, under the above head, the following curious state - went : RATHER UNSAFE.—An exchange tells us that " Five Englishmen lately arrived at Lyons, France, in an open boat, direct from London. They travel for pleasure, and propose exploring all the navigable inland waters of France. Four of the party row the boat, while the other steers. The boat is so small that when they wish to change places they are obliged to land ' The foregoing is rather hard to swallow, as, in order to accomplish this feat, they must have crossed the English Channel, the Bay of Biscay, a portion of the Atlantic, the Straits of Gibraltar, the Mediterranean, the Gulf of Lyons, and up the Rhone to Lyons, rather a long and dangerous voyage for such a craft. IHE dismissal of Mr. Crampton calls to mind the case of Mr. Jackson, the British Minister, who was dismissed in 1809, for grossly offensive conduct. Ile had just returned from Denmark, where he had been insolent and overbearing. Onr government would not submit to his arro gance. The Secretary of State informed Mr. Jackson that no further communication would be eceived from him. Mr. Pinckney, our Minister 1,1 England, made a representation of Mr. Jack son's conduct to the, British government, and he was re-called. Fifteen months elapsed before a successor was appointed. RATHER SEVERE.—The absence of Edwarft Everett, Rufus Choate and Robert C. Winthrop from the "indignation" meeting at Faneail Hall Laving been made the subject of severe comment ..n the part of certain factious persons, the Boa t m while disclaiming any intention to offer any apology in behalf of the absentees, deems it a duty to say "that the character of the itergrnarrstawking of Friday evening, and of hose who occupy.platform on that oces ;on and spoke, were sulanllfrttri-way any t a t;enal man for absenting him , elf from Pfln Pnt meeting'.' FIRE ON TBS. MOCSIAINS.—EiteiIBiVe lIIa. hate I , r-tailed recently on the mountains in the vicini• t v of Pottsville, Ps., and a considerable amount of timber and other property has been destroyed. Last Sunday week several persons who had left Port Carbon to proceed to Tuscarora were corn • gelled, by the violence of the flames on either .ide of the road, to return, and a young man who had started for Pottsville from Middleport \MS forced to go back wiih his clothes badly oorche•l. Several coal-breakers were on are, but, with one exception, were all saved. A Nicn Ltrrmi BcsiivEss.— The annual earn ings of the several lines of railroads that eonneet at Chicago, Illinois, with Now York city, exceed 000.000. This fact, taken in connection with the 'Vast amount - of produce and merchan dise transported between the two points hy slider carriage, conveys some tolerable idea of tile resource , of the Great West. DEATH or AN OLD BARRATARIAN.--One of Lafitte's men, named Jas Campbell, died at Vit.. ginin Point, Texas, on the sth inst., in the sev entieth year of his age. Campbell was on hoard the S. frigate Constitution during her bril liant engagement with the Gaerriere. THE WOOL TRADE —The clipping season has uow fully commenced in Western Pennsylvania and other wool-growing States, and the mild weather is quite favorable for 'shearing It is said that many agents and speculators have al ready gone it to the wool-growing districts to make contracts with the farmers for the purchase of new wool. "Ltnon IN VAlN."—Richard W. Anderson, of Huntsville, Alabama, has addressed a printed circular to the sovereigns of France, England, Russia and Turkey, inviting them gradually to re linquish their regal power, "that the people m y return to their primitive rule." He tells thtm that the Israelites committed a fatal error 2950 years ago, when they called for a king. BoaNErs.—ln Foxborough, Massachusetts, the Messrs. Carpenter manufacture straw bon nets to the amount of $2,000,000 per year. Their main building covers several acres. In it are employed 500 persons, and in private houses in the adjoining towns, some 3,000 are em ployed. A Goon ANECDOTE is told of Ali Pasha, the Sultan's Grand Vizier, now in Paris. A t'ew evenings ago a lady, to whom this gentleman was introduced at a soiree, hazarded the naive cries ion, `• Is the Sultan married?" " A great deal, madam," was the Turk's reply. A FLOATM: HOTET;.—The steamer Jacoh Strader, Capt. Summons, was advertised at Lou : isville,,:Ky , to leave that pity Ln Sunday, le.t inst.. for Cincinnati, and remain there during the Convention, humming her passengers at $2 per day. YOUNG HYSON TEA-10 chaste tweet King Clap young Llyann Tea, at 7 :M. and $1 ^f lb. r calved I.y F. IL DEAF°, Tula s 2 Market and L,Diamond. _ SA LT-5i small sacks Table Salt ; :•0 ' Mater 4 . F. E. MAYO._ IZEIZE libls, No. 1 Mackerel; 14 1 . •. Just received moo F, EL NAV° ORN A EN•I AL Center pieces, Testers, Game and Bogue Pictures in gilt circles, with great variety ui Oliirr ornaments on Wall Paper, for sale by , • alp; W. P. .11AE.SHALL a co. CANTON MATTINGS. - ROBINSON & ' CO.. 16 FIFTH street, pare received thin day a largo wiTly White awl Check CANTON MATTENOS, of fine gruh r. tught. THE 1-ILN Slit/ PAPERS, (Second Series ;) I ridi Echoes: by John Brougham, author of "A Bee. set •it Chips"—with designs, by Mehemet" Itt.dGEES' TABLE TALK —llreoltrctiorts of the Table folk•S.muul Itmit•ers; to which is added Portonbum For !IMP by (rn yI. B. T. C. NIOGGAN, 41 Fifth at. • lArlliTE 00 DS AND EMBROIDERIES A. MASON k CO. base received a very'exteeslve ork of White Goods, comprising fine plain and fted.Svills. Book Mitsline..Neinsooks, Jackonet-, Corded Itluello.3. Whim's, Edging,' Inserting and.fino Embroideries of ore* description. utylft SIIIRTS AND COLL7R— from the Mowry, a full assortment of If hlto luta Cloloted shirts and Collars of every description. /13/ - Fltiirta and ('share made to order. L 1 SON, mylG No. ^u Wood street. e NTRI STORE FOR 1, n bin g amnll and well 1.44,t0.1 ; in an angunt Atuntion, nino miles from arts other Alk:r. LifENft I' 11. COLLIN% 25 Woodisl2lllli. • wig - • • . ~;; . . = ,',/ , x - „. 4 90 ou 90 7 00 9 00 to 00 00- 11t 00 10 00 ISM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers