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'''., -- 6 ,. . f..: :. 1 . 4.- . •S .. ~U 4-4- 4 • 4 4; !4. dr* ;. 7 It 1-• • g:-„, .t - r -, E Ga-q-....,-s •.4-?„i.`'.— ,- - 4e 4...... , e-_,0 ,, 1-r',p;to' 4'.61 .4` „, t , , , i 0 ,•.)` 'Tf,4 .t.,c';' 3- ? . ,.1, - 4 -, ', i y 7...,..1.0 ~ ‘• 41 - 1 r ~, I f:j , ,e, ta. ,0 , , 7*. t,s a c.r. ~ • : rea,'" V **,64,. 1-- ‘4 ,, i , ils, l , ~,,,, i poc- +s' 40 :0-3, Acr-mo * 4 ' ir , ..y dve, - ,,,,,Z 4 _1 4 , - , r ,r.. Ali 7 . t-422 , 4 , ..„. 6 - eve 4 -•-•".:.!' • !vs , • 1: rig. • ' • •-•- " •-•' • . ••• ' • y,~ ;. , , ~t . '4 e t . 11441114.Ai r 1111 SATURDAY MORNING JAMES B UCH A NAN PF.NNSVI, VA NIA. (subject to the Derision cf the .Vational Colinaztiou.) GEORGE SCOTT, or Courinn Ca A MOTE GLWELAI.: JACOB FRY, Jr, MONIVOUPAY Co TIMOTHIrS I . Elpilai - xi4;l; Coiniry The Weekly Poit, of contains a great variety of original and selected matter, and is one of the beat numbers ever issued. The fol lowing are the contents : Poeti-y.—lleart and Hand. Miscellaneous hems.—Seserved Valley of lowa : valuable receipts; Col. Colt's Revolvers; A case of Sympathy ; California gold no new Discov ery. &c., &o.; Political.—Speech of Hon. J. Glancy Jones : The Voice of the People ; The Crampton Difficul ty ; 'Extract from Mr. Sninner's Speech, &c. Editorials. —There is a large amount of Edi torial matter, in which the startling events of the past week are freely discussed. Local News. —The Local department contains very interesting items. Telegraphic "Vers.—The new, , reori red daily du ring the past week, i 4 also given, and embraces all the leading event. that have transpired throughout the country during the past week, besides the Foreign new. brought by the steamers. dommercial.—The Commercial columns of the Weekly ,post Embraces a well written Money arti cle ; Weekly Review of the Market Foreign and Domestic Market Reports : Wholesale Prices Cur rent Table : Bank Note and Stock and Bond Lists, Se., is the best weekly Commercial parer issued in this city. Price Live cents per number: $2 per atminn Clubs of twenty, supplied to one address, nt •;:- THE. NATIONAL OONVZSTsON . I Pre — tritrfor holding the Detnoeratic Convention, which will put in n..ntinatien the candidates of our party fur .the Presidency and Vice Presidency, is now at hand. The immense mass of living, acting, thinking men who are now and have been for several days crowding to wa r 1. the-scene of deliberations, and the universal in terest, felt by men of all parties at home, are in dications of the importance of the liets to done, and the heavy re:ponsibilities they are .1, tined to carry with them. The first convention held in this country f the purpose of selecting leaders in the Pre:+iden - dal contest, assembled at Baltimore is May I , ' At that time General Jackson had been chosen the candidate by the common acclamation .•f the Democracy of the Union : but there was .111 apparent division of choice in regard to should share-the honor of the ticket with t:ie old hero-President. To decide this question nit secure the unanimity of action so important success, that first convention was called T. country knows the result; and the preieden, established by that body, among which war tier adoption of the two-thirds rule, have mainly go, - erened in like cases ever since,..and will protAild., be adhered to at the present time. Who will be the nominees, is now the all an N. ions inquiry': To a citizen of this . State, there seems to be but one answer. The name of P.eti , : sylvania's faithful son, in the person of Buchanan, arises spontaneously to the tongue. and excludes from the ear all mention of a rival Others there are, indeed, of leading talents, ma ture experience, great statesmanship, unadulter ated patriotism, meritorious claims, and tried fit ness, who are favorites of different States, and the election of whom would be rapturously hail ed by their friends. But while we bear a respectful feeling toward , their sympathies, we by no means admit, that any man now before the country deserves better of, or has more claims upon his country for its highest honors than Mr. Buchanan. We go thi- , far generally, but in our private judgment be stands paramount to All objection and all oppo nents, and his defeat in the Convention would lo• felt as a stroke of injustice, which nothing bo: a love of our principles could endure, an•l earnest desire for the safety, preservation ai..i happiness of the Union and the country. con'', prevent us from resenting. The futile and ab surd objections urged against Mr. Iluebantoi heretofore, when he stood prominently forth as a proposed nominee, have no longer a tongue or pen audacious enough to urge or mention ttet:• His late brilliant and philosophic career of dip lomacy has placed him above the atmosphere oe the petty low born calumnies of old traducer,' an the present people of the United States, whit ever some of them may say of him eonir ratively with thor model aspirant., utianitliousi . , accord to him tie highest virtue a,n•.l the itie,l of a well-doer and well deserver Li. We have occasionally heard douLt. r‘iire-si I as to the certainty of Mr. Buchattasii , nonlin s Lion, but seldom from a Democrat, and nothing is more natural than that, with the uppunition. big defeat should seen, probable. The wish is father to the thought with his enemies. election, if nominated, would he a futegiitie conclusion, and to them a hope would linger in the knell which signalled the funeral of hi• Presidential aspirations. Onr readers will be informed of the proceeding at Cincinnati, and a thousand guns of deep mouthed thunder are ready to reverberate the name of oar Nestor when his star shall rise. ' FAYETTE COUNTY, P.t.—Jacksen Kilpatrick, of the borough of Connellsville, while engaged in making railroad cross-ties five miles below West Newton, cut a severe gash in his left foot, alms-t severing kris foot in twain.—The mangement or the Pittsburgh and Connellsville Railroad, are about making arrangements to place stages ou the route between West Newton and irving , ', Vtation. For the better accommodation of the traveling public, us soon a i the stages commence operations, the cars will leave Connellsville in the morning, and return from West Newton in the evening. The Fayette County Democratic Convention will meet at Uniontown on Monday next, for the purpose of nominating a Representa tire to State Assembly, Associate Judge, Sheria, County Commissioner and Conferees for nonii 'aiding a candidate to Congress. It is presumed that Peter Johns, Esq., will be renominated In, acclamation, as there will be no opposition. - 4.04 _,~~*:. iiIIAVY RAILROAD DAataims.--The ease ~ 1 Neur versus the Pennsylvania Railroad Company was decided last week at a special term of the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin rount . i The plaintiff, Neur, claimed damages for injuries received by being run over by a train of the Pennsylvania Railroad, about three miles above Harrisburg. The case excited intense interest, and was ably conducted on both sides. The jury, after a long consultation, brought in a verdict iu favor of the plaintiff for $4,000. There were 511 patents issued for the week ending May :21lt. lte-isiues 1 : Designs Ll Additional Improvement 1. Total 55. The revenue of British ludia shown a deficit of about twelve millions of dollars, compared with expenses. The cost of the military alone i. over $6,000,000. The headquarters of the Buchanan men in Cincinnati is Wiswell's Hall. It is handsomely fitted up. The Pierce men have secured a large and elegant room over:Peters Si. Sons' Music store, on Fourth street, east of Main. ,s 4 , • t r r - 49447 ~. .- 1 ,.'t..,',..,'., 4 :.,' ,"; ,-.,,,_::;:..2., FOR PRESIDENT OCRATIC STATE TICKET. CHOIAL O.XXIEAMNIS. straVEYOIL WEEELE!V ?POST • . • , 1 1' 1 ku. ;!. „' • ' ICoMisPondence °rata - Mai:4k Pesti . - I rico& titarcofiftiort, - 4•• • . citits'Jcsivntiliridii.y;-"yi9, 1846; : Dsen Btrtieradtthiiftioo.olo,.*vent 4-the approach* am. ftg4r)4lX4Watnaiiintion -.-id loudly he* .14,011N::*7?" - fittndrods of /del egates, at ilM ' ' - 6We:filers ' ;like myself, hare arrived ;-"afid irt,Ml6l& Continues to pour in until Monday, I do not know how or where they can be accomtnodated. The hotels are full now; and I am afraid many of our friends who are yet to come from Pittsburgh will be rarely pressed for places to lay their heads. I speak entirely without bias when . ' my that Buchanan stock is decidedly in the ascend, ant. Oar own delegates, Black, Burnett, Burke aid tlibson, aro all here, as well as most of the Pennsyl vania delegation. The feeling among the delegates is that of cheerful confidence in the nomination of Mr. Buchanan, and the movement of the people—or the "outside pressure,” as the politicians call it is all in his favor. his nomination, if We can judge appearances four days ahead, is certain. I trust we may not be disappointed. The friends of the other candidates are working hard : but I notice that many of them express themselves surprised and die .appointed at the numbers and the enthnsiasm of the friends of Buchanan. All is harmony and good feel ing; and it is pleasant to see so many friends from all parts of the Uoion meeting in cordial friendship --all bent on the good of the whole country. Ilow strong the contrast with sectional Black Republican •iinu, and selfish, narrow KnowtNothingistn! PM] BUCHANAN AND THE BUCKEYES The Mount Vernon tt/hitO Democratic Banner in the course of an article on "The National Convention" intimates in unegnivical terms that Pennsylvania's favorite son is also the first choice of Ohio for the Presidency. it says: - It is impossible at present to predict who will le our standard-bearers in the next campaign. On the first ballot Pierce and Buchanan will undoubtedly be the strongest candidates. Douglas will also receive a respectable vote. As Pierce's nomination is entire ly out of the question, we presume he will send in it lettir of declination, which will be read after !a htv complimentary ballots are given. His friends will then divide between Buchanan and Douglas, and if the two-thirds rule should he killed, the former will unquestionably be nominated. That is our opinion at present. if the whole question was Ivit to a direct etc of p•nple, NI, Buchanan would certainly receive a majority over all the other candidates combined. Amongst the masses his name is a tower of strength. I Lot o no Will new LIVIng, with the exception id who has len so clean a public record for the iiispectiori and admiration of the world. 11, Liniesty and Integrity toe above suspicion; his Dem ocraey is untarnished. while his statesmanship is a.: knowledged Io both hemispheres. With sir. Buchanan as our candidate, the Democ retry would be sure of StleCeva., He ran carry Ithio like a whirlwind. and we honestly believe be is the only man in our ranks who will be certain of sc_ eeiving the vote of the State. As against Chase, Seward, Banks, Sumner, or any other Black Repel. !trap, Mr. Buchanan would receive the vote of nearly every potriotie Whig in the State. We kamc this t be true. The Stark I '•..tint •-at has the following The Washington correspondent of the New York says that several ~ f. the Ohio delegates to the Cincinnati Convention are in Washington. and 0110 in that the rote of this Suite btunds I; for Douglas. or Iltichatian, and I Inr Pierce. and the vote is to lm cast us an enir—that t., that the rote of (lido is end,. for Douglas. e find the above going the rounds ,•1 - our exchanges. Whether it is entitled to an'y credit, we don't know. We do know, that .lame- Buchanan 1, the first choice of a very largo inajority of the bernocratic voters of Ohio, and we fire , low to believe that the delegates will di regard the feeling, of their constituent, Delegates from Fronk).lvania The following a correct lilt of the represen tation of Pennsylvania in the Cincinnati l'otiven toni Filch :State is allowed double the number of eCot+ ou the tioor that it has vote in the elec toral college : Hun Arnold Hunter, Venango : (yen. H WeNtruoreland ; HOD. Livid H P,rtrr Dauphin: and Jamea L. Reynolds. Eq.; . Lan PI STU I ri• DELEGAT ICS Districts-Ist. Risoird rl. Weld', John Arl'arthy •• .1. C. Vandyke. Chambers WK. MGR.. •• • John Bobbins, Jr., C. W. Ourigen. •Jtk. Joseph Lippincott, John G. Brenner Lth. 0..1. Montgomery, T.. 1, Roberta oth. John Rutter, Charles D. Manley. 7th. John D. &Ilea, Edward Nicholson. - Bth. .1. Blaney J7nes, P. K. Miller. 11. B. dwarr, Joseph B. Raker. 10th. John Weidman, J. SI. Krekler 11th. Wm. 1.. Detwart, C. 11. Moo& -• 19th. IL B. Wright, J. C. Montgomery. 13th. J. N. Hutchinson, N. B. Beardsley 110. Victor E. 1 . 10/ott„ C. 1.. Ward 11th. Wto. F. Parker, John Monsen Pith. Henry Welch, John Stuart 17th. A. I'. Luck. John Cre,terunn Richard White, John C. Everhart. 19th .Inuoh Forney, Alex Whin.,..y •• 20th Jrhn L. LksweiOn, Wm. Hopkins. ••• 'nat. Andrew Burke. Churl... Barnett P. W. Muck, James A, llitelon. '.:341. M. C. Trout, John N. SPOndln. J J 0. James. .‘ '1.401. J. Porter Itrawloy, W. Lain! Frew Ltc Cincau wits Eteoutor of Friday . ; The Delegations—The Canvass Al lea,l halt of the delegates to the Conven tion are, we presume. on hand, and that half em braces the delegates of the roost remote st a t e . : Mised:.sippi, Arkansas, Florida, lowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Indiana appear to have the largest representations in town. Virginia liehind not only iu the number of her delegate , . which have reached the city, but also in furnish ing the world with the names of the elect in the several districts, her list being alone wanting to complete our amended list of the Convention . Of the New York delegates, the •' Sons have arrived in good numbers, and we have heard of a few ,f the Hants. - But old Pennsylvania takes the lead of all the States, and her stalwart Democrats have fairly captured and occupied Cincinnati. Her falorite sou—the sage of 1.41, cagier-- has al,..ut a, many as ardent and - spousor.•, backers and C/111VaNNerS were UN, before enlisted in the advocacy of the merits and claims of any man. it is a high tribute to the personal virtues and political fidelity of James Buchanan, that he should inspire such enthusi astic and cordial support. other candidate. have equally earnest and devoted friends. Judge Douglas commands the vigorous and earne.t homage of the energetic delegate. of the West and the South. lowa, Indiana, Missouri, and Ohio, all send forth devuted advocates of the .• little Giant," while among many of the South ern delegates a real chivalry gives President Pierce special claims as the Northern man, whom they regard as most prominent and affective in the maintenance of their rights in the Union. such is the general aspect of the warm and animated canvass which our city is now the theatre. It is prosecuted without discord, ill. feeling, or any kind of bad passion, all Demo crate seeming to be satisfied to abide cheerfully by the result. 1' I.: I: BEN VILLE, 01.110. —The steamboat Phila delphia, from Cincinnati bound for Pittsburgh. with a cargo of flour, hams and rot-gut whisky, struck against the rocks a short distance below this ei , y. The boat conitnonced leaking rapidly, and by the time she reached this port there was three feet water in the hold. A large amount of flour WAS damaged by contact with the water. The remainder of the cargo was uninjured. A considerable portion of the freight was transfer red to the steamer Minerva. The accident oc curred on Tuesday evening, and the Philadelphia d , still lying at our port in a swamped and dis abled condition, although a large number of workmen have been actively engaged in reparing the injury. +IN PENCE per day, or s2'..t,s I per year, suf. fered to accumulate for fifty years, upon coui ' pound interest, will amount to $29,000, and in sixty years, $76,000. This question of interest i., a strange one, and rightly understood, would completely unravel the great mystery of acquirin g desirable to all: In the above calculation the eighth year's interest alone exceeds the princi• pal appropriated in the same year; in the twelfth ) the interest is double that of the principal, and what will most astonish us, is the fact that while the principal of our combined sixpence fur fifty year., is but eleven hundred and forty twu dullars, the compound interest on the same aniotuits to the large sum of $27,800. FIGHT BETWEEN LOLA MONTE?, AND AN EDI rot —The notorious Lola Muntez recently had an encounter with Mr. Seekamp, editor of the 7'rmas at diallaret, Austr slia. She attacked him unexpectedly with a whip, and laid it on his back with a hearty good will. Mr. Seekamp, however, retaliated with a riding whip, and ere long the combatants had each other literally by the hair. Soine.parties finally interposed, and they were separated. but not before revolvers had been prodinted. .It the the theatre next evening Lela Monte.; %, to enthusiastically re ceived, and at the dose of the performance made a characteristic speech. The Auditor of Cincinnati estimates the ex periAes of that city for the month of Jane at $5m,6.58. 14344 .o =i=2; Narra t ive. , ' editor of the Zanesville Gazette has laid -.upon our table a pamphlet of. some ' fifty pages, giving full and detniled l partinulars at the four :linen buried in thetinalminei:en. : the Miiskingnm river, of which we:: have already put:dished:no:" counts. This moat, es4nokdiultry affair excited Vie ; deepest interest thinughout'the 'Whole "Conn '..try; and thousands rushed to the,scene of distress 'to lend a helping Mind or add their sympathy in behalf of the sufferers. We are glad that a full and authentic history 1S- befpre the public iu a form satisfactory : to the public: Such was the rush for this little harrative.thet the find edition of two thousand copies was sold in two days Another edition is now out, and Mr. Edgili, one of tfle rescued, after fourteen days imprisonment, will wait upon our citizens on Friday next with copies of the narrative. In their thrilling narrative they say: We experienced but little difficulty for want of air, though we were much annoyed by the dust of which our bed was composed. It was very fine and dry, and every time we turned or moved, it seemed to raise a cloud. Even clearing our throats, when our faces were turned downward, would blow the dust all over each other. Uur throats, an 1 tongues, and teeth, would become coated with this disagreeable substance, so that it became necessary to scrape it off with our fingers, wherever we could reach it. It would conic off our teeth in scales. It seemed to add very much to our thirst, and kept its using the copperas - water continually. This water, although disagreeable at first, became rather pleasant towards the last. It seemed to possess some nourishment. It began to have a taste, finally, like sweet milk, or rather like the whey of butter-milk. We always felt better after drinking We think we did not sleep much, nor long nt a time. We were too cold to do so Sometime, one of us would be attic to sleep a little by get ting iu the middle and ha% e another lie on the top fur a coverlet. Edgell ~ay• that Pearson made the heaviest coverlet they bad, and they could nut bear him on very long at a time. We , ottietinies used the Leads of each other for lows but the pillow generally grumbled t .13 - sideraLly beret-, we had oecupied:it as lung e, de! ired. We, Of CUtlr`, had no way or measur in ? . ; time, but we thought we could tell from the cool nes, of the airwhen evening came. We supposed 'litre must he some crack in the bank through which the air wKs admitted, for there was an evident difference at regular iutet vals. We tli , l not attempt, however. to keep any account of the days it was a long unbroken night Toward the last Pearson did trot go to the breakdown at all. Savage and tiatwood say that they finally became Cu weak that they could no( go the whole distance without stopping once, and frequently twice, to rest. Edgwell, however, was able to make the di•tatice without resting Very little merriment way indulged in by any of (lilt wood remembers having taken ot, laugh at an amusing Auarrel which took place between Pearson and Elgell, as to who should alcep in the middle. Else!! also had a laugh at Ned Savage OM,. They Lad .started on their hatIAS and feet to go to the breakdown, and Ned, who was behind, stumbled and fell, exclaiming as it happened, —l'll he darned if that ain't down. for the first time. ALLEGHENY Siivngii seemed to keep in better spirits any of us. Ile was in the habit of lamenting le“ about Lis friend , . Ilis principle cause of trouti!, was concerning his want of sleep. Ile frequent ly became spunky beciu , e not allowed to .le,p in the middle, and when his rei l ui-it was not grant ed he would threaten to tell his l ucle [tick Menar, awl vet a ntll n thrashing after he got out 11e di•l not male use or the oil a" , food 1:•I -celi .ay• that after they had been In ntt Olt n week. ••r thereationt, he took a swallow of i t . Il e found it very pleasant, reseml•ling chicken grant as much as anything else he can think of lio did not tell the hoys, but threw the can into one of the empty looms. Ile Say • . •' I thought that death was certain Itt all events, and u , iu•• oil would only have prolonged our sittfering-•. I did not wish to be the last to the A. pte , eibly referable to the nee the copl.era , water. will intereet tnedloal met.. and perhap ',there, to know that the 'abject: of the naratlve weit, eonet,pated dunes Con entre gale of their repro ti taer.! Alter their rc,,:e a healthful lt,tl-11 an, r. - rt. , red I.y inedne andlth ra. , great u!ty. i4uer—wa, the ,trengthening quality .1 the watts attributable to CitO ;au!, hell in aolutian by WILMEICs ninetc, of May 10th, says . 'We have mentioned the absence of Mr. the American Minister, from the Mansion-hous, He dined the sane evening with his friends and subscribers to the Literary Fund, where he made the speech of the evening. The American (.1,,0 eminent has f re, ue tly been represented at the Court of St. James by very able men; but we can call to mind no minister of the United States who has won such general admiration in this country in so short .1 time. The literary power and elegance of this gentleman's after dinner address are perfect models iu their way. They are so pointed and so terse, and marked by such an elevated time, that they charm in the reading even mare than they impress in the de livery His to the lam of th e gr ea t Benjamin Franklin, his eountrymay, having been towards the close of the is-t century the Pre,, dent at the same Literary' Fund assoeiation. wo „tilt• excelled in glomd tuote. hy the reference the Englishmen who in the United :•itate, a kindred institution. If popularity in this ari , toeratie emintry lie any tee: ,f adnura lion at home, Mr. Dail,. might to weil at the Presiiienimi ballot hoer- t2rl =on, I%d - d0...til ing occasion A linos.: Or TR .0;t- 1.10“ evening a young hidy, who 111 the eve of marriage, was making some purchases in a More in Man, , lint in her hurry earried ill in her park age two cheap fan, whieli ,he had not bought When -Le di,eurered her mistake. which "'A very afterwards, ,he returned the artii•!ii with an aiiiilogy t the owner, who, however, .eht for au iitheer, had her tlken before a magistrate and iminmitted te the tuml.-. where in spite -1 the exertion. .4 her It .4, N . 11, dcitti until morning. when n iirie npear - ,ug ilkeharged Is WANHINHT , N WOHAY. THAN OTHER PLACES -I)r. Bailey, of the Neu. Era. the mall slavery organ at Washington, answers this sues tion as follows: The truth is, W,hington is very much like other cities, and human nature here is just what is elsewhere. If one man insults another, he iv very likely to have a quarrel on his hands, no matter where he lives, hut it iv just as easy fora nun to speak good wholesome truth here as it is in New York. U. S. UOVF.RMENT FINANCEN - -The debt is now rapidly being audited at the Treasury Depart. ment. After paying rising seven millions on this score, including interest, there will, it is sail, be a surplus at the close of the fiscal year, on the thirtieth of June, estimated at over seventeen TO COLOR THE lIAIR BLACK .--Alexander Reed, ~f Pittsburgh, Pa., writes to the ..irtentifir Arne, ran that the following recipe will du it :—" Take one part of bay rum, three parts of olive uil, and one part of good brandy, by measure, and wash the hair with this mixture every morning. In a short time the use of it will make the hair a beautiful black, without injuring it in the least. I'ANRSE NICK NACK•L - The first cargo from Japan consisting of fancy dressing cases, music stands, glove boxes, drawing tables, card tables, trays, and other curious and elegantly carved ar ticles, has reached New York in tho schooner Gen. Pierce " and will be sold at auction, in that city on the 9th proximo. A NEW PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE. --The Alba ny Timm says of Sumner, since the attack upon him : " It has made him the strongest luau in the Re publican party, and we should not be surprised if it led to his numinntiun for President.- MINNkSOTA.- All the towns in this territory are crowded with emigrants. Boarding and provisions are high in consequence. Since the Spring opened the emigration to the territory has not fallen short of one thousand persons a day. The population will soon exceed a hundred thou sand at this rate. COOT OF THE WAIt --The London Tune., mates the cost of the late war to Great Britain at not much under one hundred millions pounds stet-ling. Immense as this is, the expenditure of Great Britain, in the closing year of the Napo leonic war exceeded it very greatly. RAILWAY PROGRESS is Tea AS. —The Galveston, Houston and Henderson Railroad, has been graded for a distance of twenty-two miles, and is under contract to be completed for a distance of twenty-five miles - by the 30th of July. THE manufacture of letter envelopes is carried on very extensively in this country since the introduction of these articles into use. [n New York city about four millions of envelopes are made every week. Lucy STONE A WOMAN. Mrs. Lucy Stone Blackwell has repudiatdd pantaloons, and ap peared on the anti-slavery platform in New York in a long, black silk dress, fashionably betioun eed. t~~' ?r, an' 0.,11; iiiLdi by Launim grure Mr. Miller, founder or the Kansas Free Shc, newqmper, has retired from the tripod. ;I nd i n his valedictory reviews the whole Kansa s , I n e , tiou, vondemning alike the Yankee Aid Societies and the Missouri ruffians: and affirming, what we have always believed, that the latter were in cited to their course by the interference of the former. The Aid Soeteties he dello l / 1 2e;)•+ Yankee humbugs, obtaining money under fal., pretences, expending it chiefly in lat salaries for the managers, and of no practical use whatever either for the settlement of Kansas or the cause of freedom. The late Kansas war was all Bun combe, got up for the especial benefit of Reeder, Lane, and other agitators, whose aspirations would be at once crushed if quiet were restored. or tt e people at large could be made acquainted with the true state of affairs. Referring to Lane, Itnhin. m, aril Company. who nre cursing the whole Free State mori.ment, and who will be responsible for the /Let if Kan,a; be a slave State, Mr. Miller says If the people of KIII:'115 do riot err itt thunder tone,. .God save us from such politicians' before rive years shall have elapsed, then we shall admit that we have greatly missed the mark. lint [VI are now whipped into the traces with the charge of pro•slavery, or a disposition to distract the Free State party. Some have come to Kansa.; to aer t uire a political notoriety—the adder one.. to bolster up their broken down political fortune: and the younger, because they could more easily attain that eminence here which would lee entire ly out of their reach in the states... We trust the power of these men for further mischief is now at an end. Their schemes or.• beginning to be seen through: and we have hope that affairs in Kansas will soon settle into quiet: sluatter sovereignty be vindicated, and Kan-a. come into the Union as a Free State—free, as well fr.mi slavery, a• trout the dictation of Eastern Abolitioni.ds or Miss mri tire-eaters - Port Way!, THE CAMELS IN 'h6 \A9. - The eorrespondent of the New Orleans Pw.ffeene writesas follew• from on hoard the steamer whi-Jh the Camel- re rently imported from Smyrna, f,an the store 'hip Supply. at the tm.uth of the Matarorda: • ' Toward , : ev e ni ng , th e dreary uttiii hanks of the mouth of the Nliq , issippi ...Imo in view, the hind rill the time ,inking lower and lower. The camel. , were on board the l tilted ii-tate, •inpitly, which we were ~ . .)T1 Gn , tea ed. and ready tv reeei‘ti the fillilll.llA. It hems , into we did not tran.fer any of them that day went nhonrd the -hit, , I. •wrstcr. im pelted by curios: , 1.1 ,ee the W-1,1...:1.11 They were fouled beii,w, well lieltoreil eroni the had weather, and haul three Aral- at, i two Turk- to attend to their wtint.i. "The shy ti:. ti4ht I.,y i g • fr •rn :-myrnn. cnr , e•in, ntly Li vi•ry ox, z re, ru , ,n th 1. They n lirnber••,l!v tiro, iv ••••veral onr 1. 71, ull the voyage, IN Ow V . !lllFin C0T1 , (..11e1n ., ` tar.- rale I it •• Wind ha I vard , u•• Arairc rognunien , hut it u.-• ;wet: , ed name after the :••••••it, ••1 li!.. 1 . 111;1, which wunld he highly am,rer ri•oe. The ••upily i. a fine :••petsitnen of , ur 'Tana'. !11 - 1:1,g0 WWII, being an extren3elyn !t r . ' .!11;er. !UPI OtTL'el , 11:11 t•Tn r.• She t. e.,nlwatided t'upt/titt !'..1 tt t..d.1 not be in better bawl:, for he reg tho l nice! Statec' interest own. •• Tne next day the cameli were In-tqr,..l boar.l their new h,tne: hut not with •ut diflieidtv, for their natural ren them tilt to manage. The St Lou, li , irrUiran, of ye•terdav, thin, a let ter a hitott“ei hg. the rt.! Urn M . )1 i•••r• 0 1, 1E1+011, Sehll) ;Cr !M.' rLlec t hr ch trge ol the Terri torINI authorstie• 11.1 extra was im,tted in Kan:in , 111, the rntrypfl, office. en the iust l e c ei v e ,l laiir night, whidt tixx+ that twenty !nen into Lawrence, and at his demittel Civil Pomeroy stir - Tendert..? all the ri!les an 1 e el! , tint he could get, which wetl" .tanked in the Mit rret, .tones then rtii i iiesteil Eldri.lge to runt-, hi. furniture from the hotel. but I.e .le.•linwt! t.. .1, so, a posse entered it and carried .1 into the !greet. Jones gave express , •rier. that tie private property should he inured, and tl,xilarly that tiov. Itohin4on . 4 h,use u .1 be tiwoheil ; but after a portion - 1 : the left the hott-ie was burned lintitic the ex eitement iflo 111:111 WA, 61/0 1110 , 11er t.iite,l In the failing hricks frein the wit!. , ef the I. tei. .1,411-. gave Pomeroy a rei'ettit 1.. r a . : the nil I .iantiiin The hwtel, tw v printing otl,e c s, nn ,l • Kohinsq,tis house, in Lawrence, have been It stroyed, and two free State men sh,,t, Geoer,,; Pomeroy surrendered up all the arms in his poi session, without resistance. tiov. Robinson n prison at Lecompte. lien. Pomeroy i= nt in Lawrence, and tiov. Reeder is unheard from The conduct of Col. Sumner, commanding in Kansas, meets with the approval of the adminis. tration, of which he has officially been informed. I and complimented for his prudence. sate by Mrs. Anna E. Smith, called in her advertiaemeni ...Smith, I 'hen/14. Sr., is not Redding' s Russia Salve. —lt —lt is n Boston remedy of thirty years' starling, and is recommended Mrs. Smith's pretensions to et kleteWledp• of the r war by physicians. It 14a sure ands peedy curt (Loos of thin celebrated reliantly, atiaseti from her coti P ti ' ectio:i burns, piles, boils, corns, felons, chilblains, nod 0111, Mr. (idiot's B. Smith. formerly engaged with Prof De olil sores of every kind ; for fever sores, ulcer, i t u ut keLti v iu r g u th;; ru ta et , , k d s a in tid th c , :irremnd t e , n 2 ce t De i e Grat i (l itch, scald head, nettle rash, bunions, sore nip- These parties ha, neither the right nji!the clothe to ples, recommended by nurses, 1 W ittbrwa, ti l snake "tM Urath's Electric Oil." and no imitation of it can festers, flea bites, spider stings, frozen Inn!, salt rheum, scurvy, sore and cracked lips, sore 11411/nein, N.. :tO 5..11/11 lf, Eighth street, below Chestnut nose, warts and flesh wounds, it is a most iiiiitadcioliiii ble remedy and cure, which can be testified to by V g Dnq;gloio well add,a, their orders to him alone. thousands who have used it in the city of Boston F"r sole by u, It. KtEr , Elt Pittsburgh, not all Dm, and vicinity for the last thirty years. lit no in- ssW,i Ilse 12 stance will this Salvo do au injury, or interfere A CA It I), with physician's prescriptions. It is male froni j zr.a- our Spring IWrk „f the purestmaterials, from a receipe brought Crout „ ;ringlents' fitter. Beaver and Silk lists; and Russia—of articles growing in that country-- \wow. list. „fall colors; ate,,, a Mtge assortment is and the proprietors have letters from all claiiises, styles Caps and straw Bats. our friends, and the clergymen, physicians, sea captains, nurses, and public gene, ally, who hese so lila/rally patronised u. the others who have used it themselve-i, and re hest seiumii, will ftud fresh inducements to favor us wills mend it to others. Redding's Russia Satv,. , is put , vicar call.. „Piratle do us. and do yourselves and IN good in large tin boxes, stamped on the cover with a I , s, mot to 19 "Quick Sales and Light Profit.” picture of a horse and a disabled soldier, which muituAN It CO., No. IG4 wood street, N picture is also engraved on the wrapper. Priiiii. , ext dour to the sew Church, 25 cents a box. Redding t Co., proprictiir- One door from Stith street_ Aberdeen, in Scotland, or else front the scattered . fragments which the excavation of ancient c 44-- From the N. York National Monitorities aars I traLtN VAPisa.— Dr. Curtis has done more For sale by B. A. Fahneotock & Co , Flom log Bros., R. E. Sellers & Co., Dr. li. 11. Kry-rr """"/''''"'`' s he of talffiffaltis afflicted With hint Mal 11. Miner & Co., Pittsburgh ; Beckham y- 'saaphslols, than any other practitioner of medidnes that bile strinWod 1:11 the Asa:rats of the moteria medial, for the M' Kerman, Allegheny city. Ice'' eatery, by the invention and perfection of an instru - - - I meta that will wove) to the limo a medicine in the shape of highly Mmlicated Vapor, which arts directly on the disease, and got, 's tillasthy. 'Sleben in lA, are tl OL/bioll with disioakeef arisin g from disordered lungs, will Hubner', their interests by givin g the Ilygimin Vapor a trial. andum.--Dr. evens' II rotesa u th« original and only gessilinearticle. nor2fl/43wilaw /Ira-Why will you Suffer, Wars ELI EP CAN BE EASILY O 1 lTAIN12)7-11ave yon a Sore Throat, Quinsy, Rheumatism, neuralgia, Bronchitis, Croup, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Burns. Sprains, or Pains in any part of your system? t.e relieved at once by using the most beautiful or 01 the White Circassuzn Liniment," prepared by Dr. SCOTT. of Morgantown, Va., and for sale cheap, wholesale and retail. by Dr. KEYSER, 140 Wood street, and .lAS, P. FLEMINti. near It It. Lk.p,.g. Allegheny. Fee ad- v , rtmement ill souther column of to-day's paper. fmar4,lm WATER PROW' GARMENTS. —M. Mayen, t h e celebrated chemist, in one of his lectures on '• Chemistry, as applied to Manufactures," which he is now delivering at the Conservatory of arts and Trades, gives the following very simple method of rendering any species of tissues water proof without the assistance of caoutchouc or got ta percha. Dissolve two pounds and a half of al um in four gallons of water; dissolve, also, in a sep arate vessel, the same weight of acetate of lead t the same quantity of water. When both are thoroughly dissolved mix the solutions together and when the sulphate of lead resulting from this mixture has been precipitated to th e b o tt om of the vessel under the form of a powder, pour off the solution, and plunge into it the tissue to be rendered water proof. and rub it well during a few minutes, and hang it in the uir to dry. Twenty thousand tunics, added NI Payen, are now being prepared in this manner for the French army, by order of Government. DECENCY OF THE Panss.—The Evansville (N. V.) Journal, alluding to Kansas affairs, called the President of the United State+ a villain,". a "traitor," a "creeping, crawling sycophant," a " murderer" and '• the most infamous man.' • The editor is probably a Christian and goes to I church.—Phila. Lodger. • . • • + 4 a MI3NSMI MITZI IitsAVAA.9 ffittiArk: A CONVIcT IN fig . Iritfirtg..k nriITE3TI r Of all the streams that eart!y* tti4, In murmur tO ii r PL:zt The , wee:r!tglikiof to vu• .4411 t:;. hour 3 IWhen with the 1 Alone, upon it, blot olio:: 1t Summer cve 1 ,14.6%,1 Ur all the flocterm. that rich and gti)- In field and forest er,tr. The rose [but hangs I.y Laura's grave, The Etreeteat seems to blow; In it I see the ruddy glow, And soft, en:hanting grace, That once, when life and joy were hers Adorned the maiden's face. Of all the birds that wing the air Or murmur in the grove, None with their notes appear nu o pleagnot TA:= the dove She, built lint nest by Laur,C, grlre Vpon the willow trees And, as I sit beneath its shade she often muumuu with me Kansa* Lies Refuted The War in Snnwn• ClUr Sr L.. 1 t., :sl,‘ WASHIN.:TON, MrtV 27, , f.: ..„ ,T 6,0 .• • - IT . ' 44;40k0i1y clue who hoe ever used fiFf. •31'1.AN E't.;C/..L R LI V I.: tt PILL 7 4. prepnrock Iv rI.ENIINORc):4, what Ow) tl“bk them: Moetirli.e, IN 4 h=114:1 . 41 will Zl,ll t.11..y ate tii Lent Pik for 'Liver C ,, mr4int;:. Sick flraderhe ‘ l .o' froln one ufvur most rurpixt• bleeti. tie. I •• er , r! fy 11 .1 T Leon .dr,rin g from a pain my aide and bi,tat for a 1-1,4 unw, and after trying nt , ttY rettio.ll,t ran, to ilo• rotoltooort that nty liver oin at.d. I conotteaco.l initig DR. 3 FLAN ra Cl . :l.l:Bit.Vl El, 1.! \ 1.1.1..tred 1.3 - FI.EN(I:\ ./ litnt.tut4l,.w.lllo. f.-33. that i hare taken have a't.aidy glut, rdal than nil the other itiedictne. has,. tati,o NVofit to a clairvoyant to con. ,nit hint: art, r examining 111 , ho adviaial lit.• L. tanitintie the a < a "r Pr. 311..inic4 they would W W. Pill LI reCtil rnn• lilt l'urchaeTri will be careful t, ask Cro Dr. M'Latte's Itrated Liprr Pill 4, manufactured by Fleming Brua., of Pitts burgh. other Liver Pills, in comparLson, are worth less. Dr . M'Lane's genuine Liver Pine, also Ids celebrated ormifuge, exii now be had at all respectable drug storm. N.ute c-toiler without the signature of FLEMING BROS. Also, her sale I.y the note proprietors, FLEMINU BROS., Successors to J. Kidd at Co., nry'2,4:daw) No. CU Wood etreet, coruer of Fourth. G. Look Well to the EftSIt...ITORGArrOWN, 1 .1 , (N . t. 99. 1 Tlii3 Li to certify that, in the inixly part •it lust yvar my health tvgau to, kkilne, and fur nor-rut I kw, frequent llernorrhares front the Lungs. had AO, polo in the NM.• and shoulder, and great debility. In •fi • toy friends, ran well yself, thought I at, tar gone t After trying various means without on.) ..rt,c. I r , m,ulted Dr. I. t , c,,tt. nhu prescribed n bus. of hra NI, LAN m plot% ED LI f tat PILLS, telling me he 6- ...,1 toy twin,' 1,.1g. -a. 1101101, pall. 1/1 the side. &e., none • I . Loolotril Liver. Before 1 had used one 1000 I,f tn. Iti lt like 111 - W 11111/1. nod I Itrutigh their itlfilloll,. 1 , 14, rd (.. lioalth. No language in strong .. .t, htu itreati my gratitude F, Dr. Scott, for - tu on- NI,LAN IMPROVED LIVER PILLS, on-I I can, it itli confidence, teeutiimand them to those Similarly oftlicted. A. C. DORSEY. Into Sheriff of Monongalla county, Dr. Mcl.aue . ..l Ltettuvr.n Liver Dille and DIVELOVED Sermi- Mire, Aldo Dr. 1. Scott's Celebrated White Circaasian prepared tvdely under the enpervision of Dr. 1. Scott, it re gular Medical padnate. and Phykirian of extensive prat- N"no gonniur, only all prep/11 . 1,1 by Dr. I. Scott & Ct. Ilank Mi.r.,:antown, Flto.ll TUE FOUNTAIN HEAD! Nfrltgektier,Nti, VA., Sept. 12,1955. cert i fy, That I have examined the Radio. (or pi , poi ing tic Impr,tal Verrniftige and Improved idtcr by lir. I. te, bar l,een in the habit of re l.. ing nod rising my original medicines in my office dur.nit . Env loot thirteen years, and OA I believe he has irnprnval them. I Intake the es,re ALUMNI( the mare willingly al 1 have int interest in diet. whatever. C. McLA.NII, Dr. MeLzine'a rx ray. crn V.rtnifnge and 111PROVD FlCC,nit pan led by rertinrato of C. McLane, for hale b . i* l)rlig,,st.e and 31onlian:. eve•ryubere. DR. GEn I. IL hEYSER. Ito Wood et, Wholetutle Agent. 1)8. J 1' YI.E3IINii, A11.10..ny, tp• 1,Vh..1.-Knl« A gt•ut Ye-The L oug Looked For Specific fur Pulr.r.- n.n Ilineumq i, faind ut best : A man rt ust doubt the i.v.- .!,•ne, of his AY111,0,1, 1111.1 all human Integrity, before he 0111 r••,outlab:y q urction the array ~fpn.iuf advanced in favor ~1 lir. RES' SYRUP OP I.I.ViIR WORT, TAR, AND CAN LAGUA, a.. au anti-febrile and tonic. medicine, wh'rh .4 , m.. 0 I,lllces all PUllll.'llary Inflammation, expels the • ~r Jr.t disease. mud i,uilda up and strengthens the syr n;.• heats of stir Coll,grx, tlr. Clerp., the bled, al I A oitv. nod . 01 0.1 or ail clannen have, over thvir .La I , ,,verful remedial propertleii, and ,0 th. pamphlet L, be hid the Ageatir, as well xi+ in th, ...mingn or thy pubL• the Must loeitive and elat V • %.•:. 11. ..' i•• I,.::: l• adVrri6vllll.lli. AZ,- For .to. whob..Llo mod r.util, by R. R. SELLERS .t CO., turn, Wo• d and Second atrtatte. L . l HEN LtElt.;ON n HILO., Liberty d t rt ,,,t ; ❑ it :tt'l I \VA wrz. au I BECKHAM a •.McK ENN AN, A11t.,411,1,1, Mortification, the. instant a planter in applos! 4 `l by 11.1 L LET'S PAIN EX TII A n . olt 01 v 33., rtf.4l.s. and es, via tln palls are 4, I ft..) u L.• ru+t •r... 1 P. t6••ir unturul ,g 1 ,11.1 10. tielltrtai/N1 !ill I:1tillort eVii lierover II , L.I /I.•W ii !t rt 01 I AND r. ;11 lost..tly n quant.ty -1 1 , I.! l'A N At A hu. thou, the , •1 3111/ 111,,.,,111,• ME! 111.1. N engravnl u I fri t I %In!11114,11:r, LN tali 4 Nianwurturers t c..n 1., L,ix (9 . lir tit}i. 11. K . MI,Elt, 11+. i 1..• Ali .r '..•tterH lon ••1 t Lr ti.lJ: mica L... C. V. CLICHENI.“ tny I 4,t• Ca nker In the, Ilouth and Stomach .:..i1 I I 1-.1% lot n ., ar many a moth, I • ..1,1/ 11,1. daay.r L. But tuatiV 1. ivi.l ari in g. frian llii. painful run,. P. .1 Ai:~.::i ••~w, i.. .V 'kit/AA! , it Loll r.I vter of I,ng I . 0 . , “ RA.ZrAvat— , n.Ltar run• y. uM r, .51nry r 1 Brizlkt,ll • A., • :n..1 11:ter •f 'ow yrant. Mr, .Nla f It•.x ht.ry. vra.4 doprtved ..1 t,,, trutble—thr,. made hor perfeerl, : Mr, rh.-t-r , 0r..1 Ili Thoo latlar cases at , ttt•a • 1 Mr. tw LiklriatlirS, a:1 him. it vs th.t v‘itlt I•aig lit athuttur ,1nn0.,.n. and r. 11:;. 11. NEV...SEI: 1 1 .• ••.! sty,a the in,lttell Mortar, and at J. I Alleghony ay Sands' Sarsaparll l / 1 .-.Persons bttg attl. • •1 trlte have tntnte traal many expedieats to ea actssat e dts-eae, sve but Unapt to give way to sleeporuient.y, and re• ,ts.intstls all hope 01 ~t.tre t. vet Aura a rammed) that It, •00,1 ths•usuatls is 1.111.,41 witlnti their reach, they f • n•• vise. t.•tthittg, w ill cure me This is Worse than •'•), st 0 a attlni sa ride of health. the grenteet of t•quiv • s s • tc's wort id feelin,rs peculiarly eldat•s •ss, •attl , •. r..i n S not aut eruptive ,1. .0 Im. , mthe Li.lkgiaing and ellen 10 :031‘.1t., Let th os o til l ,' ar e tbt r I r,•aort 14,A ! • A 11.1. A. tile) will Ile II ',Nth . .., lti their OV4II I. 11.,1-1g snd r.-Inrwortillug ti 1.. , lit/ lulling ruu.,l, l'niatr.4l I.y A II A U SAN DS, DrUgginl:ll, DA) 401,1 al,k, by 1 , 1.1011M1 Putaburgh, Pa., amt by DruKgintn gr•urrnlly iny'S3 1 w 44-Prof. Dr Grath on the Weather--Prof h.• drat h aunts all ,ulf.•rrra from the effect, of tho inclement A, all r Lady. to call and lowlife a liottlo of hie pleasant hI, trie Oil It . nrra like magic. Price rai, and $1 iirr II 9 rod. De (iratli feels it to be his duty to himaelf and to the public to dtato explicitly, that the article offered roc ecir Batelletorte Hair Dye .- Perseverance, thpe, nalitarry and experiment. oft Wuuty psalm. have placed the ortgibitl and true. upon the toietuoas round of the lad ia•ra imirstais may \CM', but u,,t approach; egN y may ho., but not arrest rt. onward way to universal 05 ... m„do wed so ld, or . applied, On nine private room.) at BATeldELtilt.'e Wig IV are.ruona, 'M3 Broadway, New York.' wholesale and retail, by Dr. Gee. U. H.2111/2., t4O m y 2.11 SENEGA ROOT—: sacks forsat b L Aa / w., corner Piro and Wood Streets.. :~ n~~- v:~:,.. 63iigotpke.iiScs of the suddiiit atitess of Dr .1. w. 8 - yggi4 ' DRS CALVIN M. FITCH Will conclude the appointment in ynce.,n, and RENIAIN IN PiTTSBIMUII until Saturday Evening, June 29, 1556, When he can I -,coneuPerl daily (Sabbath eacapted)betweoo the boors of 9 IV; I and 4 P. M., at lag rooms S th,• ST. CLAIR HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Char Streets, Er.lrance to rooms on /1-no Sired. NEwto“,-Auruit 185'•2. For Diseases of the Throat & Lungs, And all affections predisposing to them. FIICII w,u open his permanent ollire at 151 MAIN STK nl/ f. BUFFALO, on the tirst or July, 'ahem lie may be addre,s,..l after !raring rittelargh. The Invalid's Guide and Consumptive's Manual, uz suggestions fat the prevention and rellettif.continiurt tion, Asthma., Catarrh, Dyspepsia., Fetualo Complaints, Sc., iby ' CALVIN NI. FITCH, A. NI. NI. D. l'rir.• in muslin 50 renta.. It can be mat by mail to auy part the Uoitial States. ney2B_ NO. 2 Columbia Mac.. liendalPs Patent IMPROVED Double Acting River & Shaver. TIIE attention of Shingle and Liimber dealers, speculators and others, is directed to this irir valuable invention, which is now presented to the public ap the firdt and only practiml machine extant, (or Rising and. Stilts - tag ,Shiugliss. and sawing machines have been invented for milking Shingles. but it is a well known fact that Slun g/es Litt or sawed tscruse the grain are quite tee. 'Jimmy for nm.fing, purpt..ll. Nllllll,lllll inventions have recently al, pvured for riving and slmvmg, and them hare all been coll. ned as worthless, from their imperfect method of riving, which I,lll!aititti of iiplltting Irani the side of the block but one stogie, which almost invariably runs La This iliniculty is entirely obviated by IiENDILL'S MACHINE , Which brat splits from the side of the block a pleco thick enough for two shingles, which is separated In the centre, and by means of elastic guides each part is conducted through a pair of approximating knives, which completea the operation; thus producing two shingles at every revolu tion. glue machine will rive and elmvo frum the block three thousand shingles per hour, of uniform thickness and taper, superior in solidity and curability to those made by hand or any :Aber process. Its operations are by uo means confined to pine and other soft wood, but works to equal advantage oak, walnut, and re..ry other description of timber that Eon be split. Tie workings of the triad:line can be examined at 11. IL Ryan's Furniture Bulling.,, Fifth street, Pittsburgh. to timber owners, shingle dealers, and moo of enterprise, this opens a new field for speculation, as there is no similar invention extant. The machine occupies but a small spec., is of durable con struction, and costs but about two hundred sad eighty d l iars, and a mom and two buys can make from 20,100 to nub shiugios per day, with about three horse power. For right of territory, ur machinem, inquire at N 0.31 Fifth street, ur at the City Hotel. ea,.. All needed ioformation will be forwarded by letter, deaireM Aix/SULAM KENDALL. PEKIN TEA STORE, GREEN & BLACK TEAS Poi - chased direct from tho Importers for CASH. ,onsists of all the different Haven. and grades of T.EA ' , rough( to the AnLertuto market, and PACKED TEAS, PDT UP IN AIETALIC PAC], AGES, expressly for the trade. TEAS OF ALL GRADES, BY TILE HALF CIIEST. C I•TEE, SUGAR, COCOA slid CIRXXILATE of the ucsa th.Qins, for .le. Long exp,ri , nee in the business is it sure giutcantee that every article 84,1.1 Will Le as represeutul. AtIENT, BP SPECL‘L APPOINTMENT, POE TELE SALE OP DB. JA FAMILY MEDICINES. S. JAYNES. Pittsburgh, March 'Lb, 18:,6:—.(mh.2.5:21u) FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE. No. 153 Wood etreet, between Diamond alley and Fourth street, PITTSBURGH, P.A. Air 'nit 01: ,,er in now opening a well selected assort. aeon of f,,ceign and domestic Hardware. till new, and will I, - .1 on good terms te, any other home,' in this city. lle will always hop on hand a general lisnortmeut of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. cm:rEsTEßs' TOOLS, &e, s loch he resp,tin:ly ins it, . the attention of purchauer4. SA.MIi El. FAIIIt ESTOCK. din la 11EN it COLLINS, Produce and Commission Merchant, FORSYTH & SCOTT, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION 43 - .1 ND (./ C GP.O E ALL Y. - Ati X. 73 WATER STREET, .PtTTSIII,Mitit Sprinv, Ilarhaugh, Pitiel.'h lie•. \Veils, WelL4ville, (Rao Scutt - IM. Martin. Cit.llep.l3k.l Koor & fleratine, Phil. Pittaburgli. liiirnet, Nesbit S: Oarretsou Joseph I Eller, St. IV I. y ..n Thom. ,t (hewer. !tankers. Ilollucs C.,nuell. Cincinnati &dem. Ohio. fel.l:ly I A. 1). Bullock & Co. WILLIAMS & ALLEN, CHILSON FURNACES, Wrought Iron Tubing, AND FITTING GENERALLY; For Warming and Ventilating Buildings. too- W. A A. will contract for Warning and Ventilating by Strom or Hot Water, lines or Chllson's Furnace,Clinrclk- Scliools, tlo9otalr , Fartoriea, Omen 110116 , . 1 / 2 Dwellingd, Ginn loees, dead, or Hotels. Zio. 25 11411KET Pitt...burgh. apl6 mr-i.d.foar BUN 11111 S, SIDES AND SHOULDERS, PTITSBCRUH, PENN'A. PEARL STEAM MILL, A 1,1. E. (3. It EN Y. FLOUR DELIVERED TO FA3LILIES in either of the two Cition. ORDERS may be left at tho Mill, or in boxes at the atonal of LOO AN, WILSON d: CO, 62 Wood atrial. BRADS REITER, rot. Liberty and Bt. Clair streets. 11. P. SCHWARTZ, Druggist, Allegheny. TERMS: CASII, UN DELIVERY. Jyx BRYAN, KENNEDY & CO. LOUR. • GRAIN. BACON, LARD, LARD OIL, AN 1.) PRODUCE GENERALLY, do I.tidpC KERR & HUNTER, Forwarding and Commission Merchants; —ANL -44-STEA.MBOAT AAIENTS,-rtg 2I Levee, between Pine anti lithe ft.l,2tidapclyi SAINT LOUIS, Ito. N% G. SMITH W. W. R. LEUNTER. SMITH, MAIR & HUNTER, W HOLE SALE GROCERS, Second and 151 Front st., .L.1.17:61” Pittsburgh, Pa. JAMES BLAKELY, EIIOPEAN AGENT AND CONVEYANCER, corner of Seventh and SynitiVeld street; PITTSBUROII. 6, 1 1-ramtungl.ra brought from the %Ad country to pluu burgl., and money. remitted to linropo. I nov27 J Is. COLLINS . ... . .......... J. ItA7SKS I.OuX . JAMES COLLINS & CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, PRoPEIZTORS 02 THE Co Pittrburgh, Aleacivitke & ETIp CANAL LINES. 114 AND 115 WATER ETREET, PITTSBURGH, PA Pirrancnon— Wm Ragaley & Co., Murphy, Tiernan & Smith &Sinclair , Lintupton, Wilson I. Co, m'Ca.rllesa, Monne & Co., Englimb & Itichardson . , Woodward& Co., Trait; Urother & Co, - wood, Bacon & Co, I feb2B PEK IN 'I'.EA STORE, NO. 38 FIFTH STREET. FRESH TEAS. -.A choice lot fresh GreeA and Mack Teas, just received direct from the importers, which wM be mid a/ohs:tale and retail, at prices lower than tumaL ra.YSQ S. JAYN . air Call at No. 164 Wood stroot,4u4 &softie our stock of hon. 114r8 and WINTIEL CAPS. Just ri wired, a large lot of Shanghai, Celestial ? and other styles of cape, which we will sell low for cash. MMUS a Co, 114 Wood Stroot .rtts'! ' VALUABLE CM: PROOP;M:felti Fresh Arrival of Salt Oysters. ; V BALE .— The Pedtewilgoed offers for,,iiitriirtittukaiW,' ' terms a larov ttn/riber of Building Lots. In received at STEINRUOK'S, No. 111 vitath Waal at the city. The kne troll} .. ttiVe**_ J UST Wood street, where all the delicacies of the seaiwp coo Avenue, Wauten,%Yerbee, Lomat, Warta -- Vkidoy.imar he had, served up in any desirable Kyle. He is also la ktreeleitus bitatifelN Walk tram thelledio-744aW15. : receipt of New Potatoes, Peas, Lobsters, Frogs, Shad. Bea and will be aold 'rent cheap. • Bass, and a great variety of Lae plea; which will be add;. Pere°4l4ool4llk 14 .,, w 4,1‘ 0 4 11 wi14bitt . Siaa." ' to [azalea, hotels, and restaurants;ectue, OD the molt reaeonable cation for a home , 0 top eMeifooi in a part,.aftb_l s eV V l O. !cooeideedttr u to,iailiteyett • Just t ecelred, a large and line lot of Lemons, urangesaud will runt it to took sottogor . ta, eau epesktho Pine Apples. STEINRUCE., •;"44:404810Pfte,IttAtalitiii my2o WoOd Wed. - m 12941. lO4 FM sines. SHINGLE MACHINE. No. 38 FIFTH STREET, ON li DOR EAST ON THE EXCHANGE BANK, Plttpburgh t Pa. SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT TILE VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES! SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK, IMPORTER DEALER IN :No. 25 Wood SUrtrt, PITTSP.UIIOII, PA A 1 1.: 1.1 C 11 AN T S, Dealers in Wool, Hides, Flour, LARD ANT) LARD OIL, E=EI MAN I.' FACTCRERS OF WILLIAM B. BAYS & CO. ) DEALERS IN • LARD, I .ARD 1111, DRI.R.D REEF, SUGAR-CURED and CAN VAziSND lIAMA. A 141.1 . ,, .Lock alway“ 011 hand at No. 297 Liberty Street, ALEX. HUNTER, DEALER IN No. 299 Liberty street, PITTSBURGH. noir. iLLIUNTEIL • • ••••,,,- SUE ENE .41e. • , - 111.4.7a4",-50-1 .•:z.:.....t.,...:•. j , ... :`;' , ..,.:f.4..i. -.t.-..:.: kit JP, Efitiliaghl t OR SALE—Three Fine llurseP wagon and buggy. reinire M.lLlttiugllM&D, r3l entre Avenue, Pittebtugh RROLL BUTTER-700 lbs. justr^receivQ end for wile by JAMISSL rlazza, so. 84 Water street rig lIE CITY ORDINANCE prescribes that 1 NI DrigN shall be muzzled The law Is a wise one, and owuen or Doge can romply with it by calling In at my.3l H✓fr - W L./ & TI:TLKY'S, 136 Wood st POPaSMEN ur EMIGRANTS can find 3 . erode they need hi the ehape of 11 ro arm*, at the sign of the Golden 0 1111 SOWN & TETLIT, tnp3l 50.,128 Wood street, FRANK LESLIE'S Gazette of Fashidrilor June. Knickerbocker Nieman° for June; vutriem e do do; liii.lener Household Words do: The Si.heolfellow do; Speech of the Hon. Charles Sumner; The Invalid's Guide and Consumptive's Man ual; ,by C. 31 Fuel. 11 D One Thousand end Ten Things worth knowing. The London Illustrated News. For sale by m 331 B. T. C. MORGAN, 41 Fifth et. NPUBLICATIONS-- 1i Leslie's Gazette of Fashion for June, price 25c. Putnam's Magazine do. do 20c. Household Words do do We Schoolfellow • do do 10c.. Garner's Mag., '4th supply, do do 20c, (Miley's Lady's Book, 2d-do do do 206,, G raham do do 20e. ~t Peterson do do 17c, Knickerbocker do do ;We. Leslie's N. Y. Journal do dO, 18c. Bparrowgrass Papers ao 00e. Piazza Talea, by 'Melville co Wo. ; Bunsby Papers, by John Broinplara . tIO Stet . Recent speeches of Charles Sumner do, 1,12. • Blioemc Gone,• • ' The above, with a I trge assortment of school and mbeel.: litneou9 books, statiot.ory, ,Cc. Bold from 10 to 20 per cent. lower than elsewhere at LAUFER'S hook Store royal No. 77 Fourth stdet.• FRANK LESLIE'S Gazette of Fashion, fors June; _t Knickerbocker Magazine for Juno; Speech of Qom Chas. Sumner, of Masa., in the Senate of the United State.. The States and Territories of the Great West, eith tins. The Sparrowgrasa Papers. Received and for traieliv ; W. A.OII.DRNFRNNEY & Fifth et., oppesitethtrTheatvM my3l BENTON'S WORK—VoI. 2 now .kendx; • ,odd by subscription only: 50.000cupfes sold of the far. vol. Benton 's 30 years' view, or a History of the {Perking of the American Government for 30 year., from 1820 to, 1850. Chiefly taken from the Cong Teas debates, thot private , papers of General .Ja tram and the Speeches.of ex-Senator Benton; with his actual view of men and affairs. With Historical' otee and illustrations, by a Senator of Thirty Tears, 'rho, ,evond volume of this work 'ls 'now riady,• embracing VW pages, being 50 pages more than were contained in the ftrst: - end embellished with an illustration of the IL Et.'Settlito' Chamber. The two volumes complete the work. H. HIVES' & CO., T 2 Smithfield fitrt'e • 6 Agents for Allegheny , - - PATENT ELASTIC PACKING Ff...a EN -0 I:MS.—Engineers and others interested• ore to call and examine a new article of packing for allrPailitnii, strain engines, pumps, rte.. where soft packin g :, The :ulvantages of this article are west oratmity, icsu_s-,) , tallow,rednadon of friction, coneiegnently oatiitiepren. . i t nut enrolee to be taken out of the fildfiflg. being packed in a cone, the packing is gradnaßY cOmmtoott, thus saving time and material. Specimens...of tho millenat size. may be seen at w. S. fIArEWS Stationery Warehointo. ftAWING PAPER, of all sizes and qual iti.l Ifor sale at W. S. HAVEN'S Paper Warehouse, my3l Market at, corner qf Second., BLANK BOOKS, Ledgers, Jorwistili,lefuEdL and Day Books need in counting bons Also, Court buckets, Steamboat and Railroad Books, on hand or mallet°. order, ruled to any pattern requlred.and bquatlAmunqr,of desired. W. S. MAVEN, Blank Book Mantillettita,, -my:3lMarket at., camera Becant4l- CHEESE -200 boxes piime_Nemr -. N.; Ti fur cutting, received aid for sale by- ' - my:n HENRY H. 001.1.1N5. DRIED APPLES-100 bus. prime ituit;'re, rwlv.l am! for Rate by TIEN - RY'll. COLCINA, A . EKRI.Nti--50 bbls.. Baltimore received and for sale by [my3ll. 111011PY B. t`ALLENI3. A LMONDS --3 bales soft shelled ' • 25 boxes shelled; Just receired and for , ssle by ,rrty!lll REYMER & ANDERSON. c;. l 1J ND RIES-- • j 10 duo. assorted Pickles, quarts; Toronto Ketchup; • 0 Son. Pie Prelim: 1 ,, &a. Bls,khery Vrandy : just repented apdgmaidtt; IthYIMER & AN DERSON. Wood al*,;, opposite Sf. Cbarleanottl,,,t. F R, N T. tiltEt EMIZEiI No. 31 fifth Sireet; rilklE subscriber, having enlarged. and fitted 11 ry in meal style his sPACIOCIS PURNITUTE'-WAREROOMS. I'm made large sod valuable additions to his stock, and now vi. Ws hit friends atarttie public to call and examine before morimainu One% here. H in 1/01 . 1Z in W DLL ASSORTED,, dutountlug lo about, $50.000 Worth, e. , nsietieg of every clam of goods: R I C II , MRDIUM,awI LOW-PRICED A A. Frabraulug Imnie very fine ROSEWOOD PARLOR SETT& covered with Francis bagatello,oAßollAllllBiit SX'ffS i tn( . /, a gnat variety of new styles 'of Bureatm,lteBeteeda, Book Caeca, de, de. All of which be °trete !%"te_ at wholesale prices. !ski_ livery minds warranted to give satialketion, Or 1 11 0... money refunded. IL IL 8.1 - ANT,` my 39 No. 31 Fifthatrvie t. TllE CEYLON STRAW HAT--The-shells lion of the public is requested to oar eau* tile s it, style of SPRAYS' HATS, Just recedvm! front MS IleB oll eVi l , c whining the many meddle* Which have been so I wantrd to make the Straw Hat Suitable Ilf every skajma Summer Hat. It Is the only Straw flat which tharkin nr cbintri wegtberi in not affect, either in the Windt moan, beluga° braided, as to prevent the pontildlltY of It in any lOU% I oiler thin ettUratrxew AM- owed this Crilslit*-. believing it to L. the Straw Hat that wilt give thaw entire witisfirction. CJIARLB.B IL 8,1131.1:30N, I 3 We stip* my3o next door from. the corner oflkinirthr TEA S E , fora Terre of Years: l 4'V - Rant, and the Old, Can, and Loconmtives bf met Lmartiers Coal Dompany are now offered for lesae, tar thee need moderate terms. They are hi the beat ander, and at all open for inspection. for further particulars ingot:reef. MATTIISW 11A8IIISON, Agent, ' • Robinson 'fp., Allegheny I=l rpflE VOYAUr LlFE—Engriivings of these great llloral Plctur s, painted by the Late Thou.. Cole, are now nu new at the store of J. J. GILLESPIE & CG., 70 Wood CL When: subscriptions will be rot:aired. nay So. rpilE Knickerbocker Magazine for dune; Yankee Notions, do; halloo's Magazine,* New Turk Ledger for this week.; • . , tine thousmul and ten things worth knowing; The Invalid a Guide and Commnapti ye's Manual; by Cal vin M. Pitch, A. M. M. D. Linda. or the Youlig Pilot of tho Belle Creole ; by Caroline Lee Herd= iteoelved and for sale at W. A. GILDENPKIIVEY Fifth at, opipoolte.the Theatre. WHITING-25 bbls. In store and for sale iyA fraY3o] sutlnurn, DUCHU LEAVES-150 for lbs. in stare, an. J) sale by rix 1 9 30 .1 VI.NerM 8R45 , ..4 QODA ASH, of a good and uniforin quallW . ).„) manufactured by the eenwElalt ManufactitinglONA Tarentum, on bald and for sale by'PL GM° BROM CLYEONOENTATED —Large quantitiis k.,/ of We celebrated article ccdtataup tiaad, and foe Bale by [royal] ,HEM.' § VTANDYKE BROWN-10 kegs just reed, ir and for sale IV [taY3o] YLBIfQ 2808' QUININE -100 ounces just reoeiped for sale by ta/730) FLRBIIMIRos. ROSIN --30 bbls. No.l in stare and for sale by (my3ol FLEMING MEM: Q ANDPAP - 7EI- - :100 reams (mortal in sto - ti and for Edo by buy3ol • 'FLEMING BROS. p f SfiELLAC3OO Bas s ti/ litoreittd fo4 Kilo by Lmy3ll] WAXING BROIL i ARD OIL-2Q bbls. just received and fiw Ju 61ie 4 iM,Y 3 °.] FLEICIPIG BROS. C- ONPERAS--10 bbls. in store and- fat 41 6- ., , by [ ra.S 3o ] vuldiNct BROS,: ' .:, . c,ZUGAR AND MOLASSES-- • • • v .: 1.3 2i.x, bb)&, cypres3 COOKrage. N. 0. Moblimilii . 4,1, ' - ' - .4 . Boit do oak and lOU Win. gully ibir and prime N. 0 .940r_ ~, :Ai 11 4 2 C jr and Cpr Kile by MILLER 2 B.IWOB!,:: :.: ~',,. rny3o 221 and 2T3 LlbehrittAtsC.V; -; ______ C OFFEE --150 bags Rio Coffee; . - ... 75 do. extra prime Rio: , , .1:: , I.' 25 do. old Gomaimilie - Jarrii In. sump , [my3o] AiILIXR4 RIMMTagq.- ".' T,FTNEtrSUQAi-------- and for anle by •• RLIS 14 1 /orb:ma "A" crunl4„engsk " tki:' "30 do Stowsrt's "A" do Aka , 15 do Lovering'e fine pnle ' d .dpi hi do do roam do do; 10 do do creslieil fur sale by Ins v3Ol 04H &BIOS sls;. , • RICE --12 tierces .iust received and for : 7sal e by rtey3o . l , KILLER & BIGICETSON: ripAit-hc,„ N. C., on hand and fi - Jr - sain? J.. by [ntyBo . ) MILLER dr .R.ICKETSON. • CARB. SODA-10 cases carb. Soda inre and for Sabi by MILLER ,t RICKIT3ON. CHOCOLATE -10 boxes No. 1 NtirfollW r . wile by fre33o) "An LLER d RIOKIMMix," - - - - - - A LCOHOL--5 bbls. 743 per cent.; 11 S do Ott do; futile ;, by t 1L1CK178024, . HE SUBSCRIBER, having wspoged' . --' Op This hiterest in the Point Boiler Yard - to Tid IlAtuirt._ men, un the Ist Wet. takes this method of refit:J(4On alt.. who have claims previous to that date to , , * intl ./ 0 ,, eettlement, and dame Indebted tonrake WI nktnat.; . T8Q. 4 ,114 ., 1 , tf, ..,,, , R t t pitstburgh. May 28, 18,56-mrAP.3 j d, c , r. -- " .- Z' 75. 7,;-' ' _.__ • ' ::,,L '. -,..,. z•-•.: : , ;z , o''.-,t ~,.',. , ::-; - c i -..i;.::-.:';:'.'..!,...;!',.N!7'•;7',U;',4;, -La" - -c. „-• •' 4 -l e . -\ ~... t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers