Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, May 26, 1856, Image 3

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affidavit setting forth the amount of damages.
Patrick Black vs. Thomas Black ; capiath ease, ar.d
bail demanded in $l,OOO. On motion of Mr. Snow
den, the bail was reduced to SZ,OO and defendant dis
• o
Board of Liceorrt.r.--The applications from the
following pereone in the oily of Allegheny, for Tav
ern and Eating 11g.itie licen.e, and to aril n ith other
goods, will be taken up in the rollowing rrder
ON MONDAY, ‘1.41' 2t
1'; ../ .Tolin Dapler, Adam James
Ws 1,1. 6..0rg0 tlarber, 4. F. Kammerer, "told. Mc-
Coy, I'. 141 . 1..aughlin, iieo. Proodley, J. Siddons.6
&road Ward.. --J. M. Moyle .k CO., t James
Brown,' J. Bauman A Cu., Wm. Chambers.
M'Kee, W. B. Newell, Ellen Thompson,
Thomas Waif, George Walters.
Third Wwd.—Thomas Atkinson, tleorge tierst,
Peter tleesr, A. Hoffman,' L. Kern.*
M'Clolland, John M'Masters, Charles Sohtotter,
John Myers.' ,
Fourth Ward.— M. Crawford, John runbelly,
John Cowling* Geo. Deihert, , ' M. Fisher, Mich.
Fans,'" Thos. Gardner, 0. Eborhartz.` •
A. Klinguiao,t John Krahenhall, 11. Baker, , W.
Myers, Joseph Moul, Peter Metiinnis, 11. Onisler,
Jacob Pact , P. Sehower,' .1. Kingletnnn,* W
A. Shubert,. (Marge Schmidt, Anna Stiner, Thus
Smith, deo. M. Seller, iJohn Tucker, W. Thielunin
Charles Wolf, Franck w,dr, C. Teackel.
(•1 Eating Hons..
(t) With other gonad.
Dulitardly Assault. — A❑ unprovoked outrage, says
the Chroni,/i., was perpetrated on Friday evening, a t
the corner of Fourth and Market streets, by some
scoundrel at present unknown. The eircumstanee of
the affair is as follows : At the time above indicated ,
a coal host pilot, named William Jones, walked up
to one of the Birmingham omnibuses, had his feet on
the steps with a view of entering, when be was struck
on the head with a glass tumbler, the fragments of
which wont dying in every direction. The face of the
wounded man was horribly lacerated, and the blood
flowed from his wounds in torrents. Ile was conv eyed
to a house in the risinond and a messenger des
patched to Dr. M'Cook, who promptly dressed his
wounds, and ordered such other treatment as his case
demanded. The man's face is horribly cut, and it
will be some time ore the marks of his injuries leave
him. lie has not the slightest idea of who his as•
sallapt, is, nor did he oven see him previous to his
receiving the blow. This is a most dastardly out
rage, and we trust no efforts will be spared to bring
its contemptible perpetrator to justice.
Diwict (Jr.toue lief - pro J ualgu, !tampion and
In the ease of Phelps, Carr h. Co., rt. Wm. Etch
harm et al., owners of the Oakland Omnibus Liue
action to reco'ver the amount of a promissory note
given for an omnibus, a verdict for plaintiffs fur
$11:14,60 wee rendered.
Elizabeth H. Denny vs. Rota. 11. Brunson ; capias
ease. Bail demanded in $l,OOO. Defendant was
brought into Court, and on motion of John Barton,
Esq., discharged on common bail iu default of an
Ladies' Paris Chantilly Lare—Mnire and
Mantillas, Wholesale and this-la.—We informed
the ladies lust week that A. McTighe, corner of
("rant and Fifth streets, had started East for another
large lot of Mantillas. We now beg leave to state
that he has returned, and will this morning open the
largest and most splendid assortment of these good,
ever brought to this city. Mr. Mt-Tighe informs os
that he is now prepared to sell at wholesisile and
tail at !s,evs York wholesale prices, and solicits whole
sal: I users, as well as purchasers in general, to
and examine the gorgeOus display of Mantillas a hi, ti
be oilers at prices heretofore unheard of in this part
of the country.
The Ca .11 iris! relc—Our amusement lovieg
citizens will be pleased to learn that this uoequalled
troupe of performers will visit the city during the
present week, and give a eerier of their mirth pr , ,i c
iting entertainments. 2Co band of M in , :rvb= in the
Union enjoy a wider or more deserved reputation for
originality and genuine wit, and their concerts are
always patronized by the most fashionable Loupes.
The company is Composed of fourteen of the ter y
beet performers traveling--each unrit ailed in his
peculiar line. We believe the first concert will 10.
given at Masonic Hall, on Wednesday.
P-liti,•;.tn., in Tom,- A largo number of poli
ticians are in town, who are either on their tray
Cincinnati, to attend the National Democratic Con •
vention, or to Lc present at 0 e meeting of the State
Central Committee, which takes place this morning at
11/ o'clock. The following are stopping at the
l'harlei , Goy. A. It. Ilruiria, of Tennessee; llon. J.
Glancy .ions; lion. Arnold Plumer; Col. John IV.
F..rney ; Cu!. Wm. S. Unrcin, of Mercer; W. T
Alexander, of the Clari“n bemr,crat ; Col. Wm. kite
of the Cl.:Lamberton, of Clarion
'county: W. A. Cook, Esq., of Westmoreland: mid
Andrew Hopkins, of the Pa t roa and I . pi on.
Lecture at Manitfield.--li. M. Kerr, Esq., delivered
a lecture in this thriving little town, on Friday eve
ning, on the Power of Human Thought. It is de
scribed by one who heard it RS a highly creditable
Korr's Normal School we may remark, by the way, is
effort of our worthy County Superintendent. Mr.
in successful operation.
Military Enratapmcat at Torentsin.—An encamp
ment, to last three days, will commence at Tarim.
turn on Tuesday, May 27th. A number of military
companies are expected to be in attendance. ,
learn from A. J. Hopper, Esq., Superintendent of the
Allegheny Valley Railroad, that two trains will run
daily on the road: one starting at 9.30.
Theu I re. —,116a Maggie Mitchell, the little "Star
of the West," commences an engagement at our Thea
tre this evening. lier hosts of friends in this city
will no doubt give her a befitting welcome. She ap
pears in two favorite pieces, viz : Masks and Faces,
and the Lady's Stratagem.
Meet of the Friends of James Buchanan.—The
friends of Mr. Buchanan, not delegates, who intend to
be present at Cincinnati, will meet this evening at
Wilkins Hall to talk matters over. Let there be a
large attendance.
Forcing tlo. Season.—Green peas, in limited goon.
[Sties, have made their appearance in our market.
They were served up to the guests of the St. t".air
The condition of the gutter on Fifth street opposite
Nos. 6:land 65, is disgusting. We have alluded to it
several times. Will the Street-Commissioner attend
to this?
The owner of vacant property on Roes street Le.
tween Fifth and High streets, should be obliged to
fence it up. The neighborhood complains of its
filthy condition as likely to provoke disease.
Necting of Conueits.—The City Councils hold a reg
ular meeting this evening. The A. V. Railroad right
or any question will be on the tapir.
- - -
Lit Every Day brings forth some new evidences of
the virtues of DR. J. 1108TETtElt'S CELEBRATED
STOMACH BITTERS, from various hoax. in Nlehile,
VP ksburg, slomphin, Galveston, as well as from our own
citizens, nod from other ditlront sections of the U toted
Staten, we are Informed that those Bitters are particulmly
adavtod to warm sickly climates, k partacularly along rivers)
and &aeries the favor of the public generally. Asa pre.
vomit's and dlapoller of sick headache, languor of the body,
loss of appetite, derangement of the liver and stomach, as
well as a sure preventive of Fever and Ague, and all bil
ious attacks, it acts ss a gentle aperient, and gives full
strength to thrvandututh and s‘ stem.—N.
U. Rcayunr.
sale by all the principal Druggists and Dote!s through.
out the United State and Canada, and by
outburst:Hirers awl proprietors, No. 2f37 Peon street
oar Clarles Stomach Bittern are acknowledged
liy all who have tried than to be the beat Cannily medicine of
age, for the sure ut Dyspepsia. Oostiveneas, and a disor
dend state of the Liver and Stomach. They nave no rival.
The proprietors do not pretend to cautiorrpeople from using
other preparations that are palmed upon the public under
the name of Stomach Bittern, for they have found that only
on , trial was needed to render such caution uuneoessary.
For male, wholesale, by COLLUM & CLARK. Third street
between Wood and Market: op. EL KHYBER, 140 Wood
trees; and by Druggiste generMy.
.q-Stockings and Hosiery for Winter.--
If you dbn't want your feet pinched with bad and short
Stockings, you will take our advice and go to C. Marl, cor
ner of Market alley and Fifth street, and buy some of those
elegant line Stockings, that make your feet feel nice and
omfortable. DALT also makes and sells every variety of
San -fiery that you run mention, at wholesale and retail
ltetnamber the place, corner of Market alley and Fifth
quest. octi
,Jot A r#74ot-lt 4 - 9(4)
I.4N: tt
C r , r:VittoPi
'o'. 4 .' ,
. 1,
. 1.-
THEATRE. -J. FOSTER, sole Lessee and
Manager; Wm. U. REEL, Rage Maii.lor; CRAB. FOBlllll,
Acting Managnr. Treasurer, .1. V. Barnum.
MAY 26
Plums or ADM:LIMON:
Boxes and Parquette......boc. l
Private lioxoe, large $6 00
Second Tier '2sr. Private Boxes, 5 00
lkixita for colored persons 26 rents.
Arir• Certificate, sectiring sues:,l ^<..onte extra.
The "Star of the West," MISS IdAtiolli )1 rreti
will appear.
MONDAY EVESIN i. MAY '_fen, 1 0 13.
Masks and Faces--Peg ICultinggtou, M
Mitchell; Triplet, Witrid
Vane, Julia 01. Cooke: Kitty Cline. Aira. Cant , . ;
Triplet, Mrs. Borrette.
After which the
Lady , * Stratagem--Margaret Wilton, Nitre Maggie
Mitchell—perstaiating 4 ellic litter,. with 3 lasts /tad
1 song: Fir li,,rge,Nleitt,;Whalley;
A. W. Young
Alteration of Tintsi—boorn open at 7; tllltain riiws at 7 Li;
LI. 20STER and
Dorriuutrron, will attend to the Posting and Distributing
of all kinds of
All communicattous--elther by mail, taloAmpb, Or otlier•
wles--dirocted to i.e office of the Nloi uing Post, will receive
prompt attention, ap7
- -
ENGINE, Ac.-011 MONDAY afternoon, June '2,1, at
3 o'clock, at warehouse tiliaohn W. Duncan, on Net on,l Pt.,
near starker, will I.e sold fo. w count of whom it may min
cern, part of a Ntemn Engine, SLAG, Doctor, Ar, from Or.
wreck of steamboat Dun Golden. Terms at sale.
my= P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
street, at auction.--On SATURDAY aftermaon, May
31e, at 3 0'1•10vIc ou the prernidev, by order .4 the liveird of
Ihreetors the Third Ward Pulvlie School, 1.111 be
very valuable and handsomely situated lot, of rround, td the
corner of ith and Grant streets, ha,ine oft, li a trout of 3 - 2
feet on Seventh street, extemling, , k hark 01,55 , Drat ntr..t.
90 feet--agreeably with plan, which may be had at the :tax,
tlm2 store. Title indisputable. lermv at side
myt4 P.ltl. DAVIS. Anvtiobeet
TioN.—On TUESDAY, May 271 h, at 2 olchs•k. will lie
told on the pronioloa, the :ate three story brick de riling
hon.. , N., I Logan street. The lot In 24 by lon foct. co
tending back to an alley. Toe house Is in g0...1 repair soil
rowdy for {llllllo‘hate Y. To Ir. Ire aiw id, and
potable. Terms made kw... at ante.
tiolt.—On TU ESDA Y. May 27th. at 2 .•el•sk, s la`
sold the premises, the tiro , three attic, brick DWELLING
HOUSE.. N 0.71 Logno btreet. The lot to 21 by 100 wet,
teodint hack to au alley. Ti,., loam. is in go,sl repot. and
ready for lanuediste occupancy. Title, foe simple and I toLs
potable. Terms made known at sale. toy 20 chD.
sold by surtton on the prettuaes. on SATURDAY
next., May 24(.11, at 3 o'clock P. M.., a lot of ground on Butler
311 - Det, Lawn...2otlle, 4l 1,3 11. at feet, !tinning bark to an al
ley 2.11 feut unit, VII WI/1 , 11 is elected u titre,, spay
15 by kft; lint ...Ater tern eeluenl and lIPCCSRILLy
OM I.llllk/ 1 / 1 6M It it most dean-tatty Molted between Ibe fot be
of tlis rood and the garrison wall, and VI (.la,i WA.' a plea.
sant suburban resident:a. Ti, me made known at sale.
mr2.2 BLAKELY Real Entnt, t',
FOR SALE—A very desirable lut of grmind
on Robinson stn,a, A . Rolzheny Qtly. zl by lth.l krt.
which will be euld dtrAp. Apply to
111'Candless 7 `leans Sz, Co.,
(Sucreto,or , to IV k s 31(molk 00.)
WHOLESA GNAW ELLS. and Deall•r , iu
11:0 , ,, NAILS. tH.A,,. (%yrr,lN t A „nd
burgh Nlttnuhirturrn c.ll, "1 N•.,1 All 11 :11.
übb. by z•,o,k,rod: .•
eel and tluiabed, u .11 b.. r0,te.,11,0.1.. II l
on the corner of Fourth otre• t nu.l Ch..n, 41 1..).
at Da :MU! OFFICE NloeiNINI;
LI 111 11T BO SO AIS- -• IV t. Lnce roe( ived the
ktrnl nt) Ir., 1$ : , Itirt plow. et..i
1.. 1111t:q1! ELI/ .t ter..
rItANK VAN G(IIII)El: lIAS kF\lil~ F:11
j: to No. TA MAng.rr .are,q, next ly
&LAW!, rout u u. ar prlptu,l to mull*, hi, th.
pubttr gt-tt,rnlly watt sulyil.trit; tlt,y th.• !k
Triutwo.g., 1.1,16t0i41,1.01,
Fancy K,tterally.
Osi- 11...N0.. 7, N1A11,4 •t
TN '111.1•:EIGIITII W.11;1) 01 - I'lll , ,
..r :,• I I I.
Kt, aI ir6 ie an t•O kit.. Ito •.. • ,
tram 1 i t. 175 t tlt•••tt. tin t : ,t 1
!nod I. I' laa Ila
Iliaweak:al.-1 . % ataljaaanang 1 1 ta• .0- aa. a.a.l. .1.1
it• A!1 Li... th• . 1
Tht,••• I .1 • ut.• -4 h.q.: • ;. ..1.1 1.. •.
11S,ftv.t It/1./of.: k 3,
Tett tot,:: the ckar t I. ...t •
feet e:t L,ett.t mei :1:111, : : tett L I
f•ot alley.
One /id on thv ••1 .1.1,..11 Kl,l F
1 - •••• L hunt kar,ot, sutt , Frtlr
allrs feet. n117,-It in It '2.11., All.
Iret• fr.,..;tlg•rt '1t...! • r
uitrg back 120
Alwo, two two stor) Lihk houe a al. bt.
buildings. en eh will, a trout h-et. a Yederal street.
pot above the North L0111100(1; 2 7 t
(..ot alley.
Ai4l, u StlMii y hrlck 114, :.tl , / 1, .0,.
41.4•1411114 on ritreal, .a 4 (Lir N. 4 IliOw 4.21. 1 .
tr utuu R•A111.6,1/ VI/ rIA, I.lta 72. 1.-44 t.. a 4 t.. .t
Also, Illy d ellinv Ils•lLAft I\ll4 6,1,Ur, I mt.
to, oof Stuidu.ookt pit root ourt tlor Ott, 1 ot :1..:-1.
•ou ...moil ret feet, 940 fro t u ndnnkt strr,t Mitol
fret on Wetcr etstut 'Mae pt..perty IT r,. Hall ki. 0 0
11 , 011 any Testicular .1.--ecriptiut.. Ones., et 11. it...! I • 1•01 .
I. 0.0 u ill call and au Ilia - thrills...lrue
I still tiarter evitlinngs city l'itlsl.,l.
-auall tract, to .ait pur,lnt, /S. Th'u 131,1
Frnuklin nut Tyrotte•
Poutte)l,nuitt. Th.
rnus fltr Utilos titiott4 th, 1.0i1,!..!.
tit,. nu.] is Just lift) /1/i/e8 hut. %i.11..11.4
reemt. /I hOL In at", ~tif I
trvu 11.111/ Mc t,. 11,. .:4'a ism WA. hilt. I 4.1 ,
front IV,tt Ness tut, Tui th. iik, wLn 1, 0,11 1. 4
by July ur Augu.t next
. •
Mi. lh [NJ hitl4ltt.•l in ••to• “I a Imo, lb 11,
110t1 1,31,1 11.11 k Hi., tz • r.•
gr..nt I.loittLril all lb.. 1111,4 I'll,
the 1,01 glio+l,,,ttNe
Yer parideulnrol loquile et t 80.5,11., in A Iley t.)
nid..112u1.1 Ul.l , 1111 J NH LTENIt F.R
JSC 1100 N M AKER, Malitifiwtilrer
. 11'hlte Lead. 11,1 Lend. %i/J•. lid Is
.tode, 1 arn,hee, Itriwtd,l,..
ax., No. 21 Wocxl str.L Iht t.burgiL
DROCLAMATION.- Br , virtue ~f a pre
." cept trader the hands of 11. M'Clure. Presidenl
Judge of the Omni of Common Plear, in and f•r the } fib.
Judicial District of Prnn•el van in.. rind Jestlee of the eouri
44 Oyer nod Terminer, and General Jail Delivery. in and to,
kalil District, and William Boggs and Gabriel Adams, ling. . .
ARAoClare Judges of the same Court, in and f the rouni
of Allegheny. dated the sixteenth day May. hl lb.' eai
if our Lord one thoieland .•ight handr , ',l :111 fifty an, rind
to me directed. Lir 1144141414 g, 41 Court a 44yrr 4trel Terioru•r.
and Oehoral Jail Deli,ery, at th, ('oust [lon, m lb. City
Pittsburgh. on the oral Monday day! of Jun , .
at 10 o'clock.
Public nonce I. harehy id all I. Pt 8,,
Coroner and Constables of the G unt3 of that
they be then and there. in their Inver rams. w:tl, it
:tills, swords. inqutsitions, examination , oth , r r, ntein.
brancea, to do Ch..• things u Lich to th• ;an,.
in their behalf, appal.. to be done—and th....• that a ill
prosecute tbe prisoners that now are us way so tLo JAI)
of bald County of Allegheny. t., thei..11..1 t 6. le to pros.-
cute against them as shall just.
Wren under my baud. in Pittsburgh, IL., :no oil, day , I
May, lu the year of our turd sue th , atiatiel .'fight Islas
drat and Ilfty-sin, and of the Conine.... ealth 75th
myl7itd RUDY pArr
_ _•
TEAS. -100 half chests
der, Young Ilyson and Black Tea., in stet.° end to
Ele by JOHN 111 001ttilll
WE HAVE FOR SALE, :IL the Office of
the 3.IOItNINO POST, a large quantity of 01.11
TYPE. Macidulmte mud others wanting much nil article can
get a large auppleby calling roan. fula)
DUN CODFISH-500 ibs. of this superior
Culti 1 uceired direct frogaontuu, by
mylti K R. DILAVi).
TANNERS' OIL-30 bbls. fur salo by
myls It. A. FAIINESTOCK k 01.
1. ratrefully prepared under the , 1511110, Noll of lir. .1
F. liulliheu, a le, hat nM.I tt f..r a another ~r yeafs with
great FUCCor. in htn priValt, it i 3 ..Dina.! otly ret,antnetnl
„It o th e itut.lie AM icing sdpert, to any I.,lxte or Powdsr
mw In 1181., 1;4. cleansing and hcautifying the Tedth, active
ring Tartar, etreng - ibening the Owns, and ia rfutning the
Preparvd nt Iy l'Y JOS. FLENIING, IThiggtat.,
sny24 car. of the andNlnrkrt st
_ _
AGoof) DWELLING HOUSE ~n Si . fffifi
greet for rate, Eirraugr,l wall hall, to.. pm it, s iilliilL;
room, kitrtien, six cliatulaira, gas rel., I,uf, and Mitt, fixtures
throughfrut the loafsr. The 1,4 has a front of •10 furl f, g 5
de. p l's i.r if.:l,otsf F. t crinwiLT A. SON,
In)::4 Head Eatate Aunts. :,I Matio.t at.
1 .2 t) IN easy parments will buy a
t) IN
DWIt,I.I.INh HOUSE, tylth f,
and a lot of It feet fr , nt on Darragh Ntreet, by 70 deep ,sit•
unto In Allegheny city, near St. Clair htrent
( I t r UNS of all kinds, and the latest iniliFore
ments, at prices to omit purchasers.
PISTOLS of all kinds and patents.
lIFISIIING TA K LE of every variety.
The place to buy these articles Is at the sign of the Gulden
Gun, No. 136 Wood street. I my 24) BOWE k TETLEY.
assortment on Laud and for sale by
SOYA ASII, of a good and uniform quality,
manufactured by the Penn. Salt Manufactnring at
Tarentu:A, on hand and for sale by FLRMINO ItKUt
CONCENTRATED LYE—Large quantitie, ,
thin veleta - lA.I article runedantly on hand, nod 1.,r
ceived and for sale by [nlytAJ YLENINO BROS.
CIASTILE SOAP--A genuine article-4;o
%._/ box. on hand and for todo by
CORN STARCII—A fresh supply of this
favorite article, tea hand and for sale by
EXTRACT LOGWOOD-50 boxes just re
celved and for sale by
HOOK may be found at her residence en SIXTH street
0 39, between Smithfield and Wood street.. She has the
to etimony of many of the regular faculty ea to her Atilt and
"' ng
, experience Inlnher line. Ordere will be thankfully to
00 iveclL ap.lBMmdaw
tti ,
o W
Heal Eotato Agenta, 51 Marlo.t st
Outbursts of Indignation at Boston.
Bosrox, May 24.—The metting of citizens, called
to express the popular sentiment regarding the as
sault on Senator Sumner, was an immense as-em.
binge, though called at a late hour in the day. Chap
man Hall was found too small to accommodate the
crowds:, and an adjourninant to the Trenienr Temple
,was found to he necessary. The meeting tens opened
wills a prayer by the Rev. Mr. Beecher. Deacon
Samuel Ureele presided. A general indignation Ives
expressed by the speakers, and prevailed in the HI,
dience. Speeche. , were made by the ltev. Freemen
`lark, Wendel Phillips, Judge Russell, Theodore
Parker, J. W. S. Williams. of Cambridge, I.vm.in
Beecher, John L. Swift and W. B. Spooner.
The speeches of Messrs. Phillips and Parker were
almost entirely political. w ith minor references to the
object of the meeting. Mr. Spooner dissented from a
declaration made by both, that men who were not of
the Free Soil party, rejoiced nt the assault on Mr.
Sumner and justified Mr. Brooks.
He said it was not ar, and field out a requi,i t ion for
the use of Faneuil Hall on Saturday night for a mass
meeting, signed by over fifty men of all parties.
The present meeting he said wits a spontaneous rise,
and no special party had credit for its initiation.
The meeting adjourned at 10 o'clock, to assemble at
Faneuil Hall this ut ening.
Great Nicaragua Merl Ing
NEW VOLK, May 21. The Niearagua sympathizers
held n large meeting biyi. evening, Elijah Purdy
psesidiog. Specche3 were made by tiny. Price, of
New Jersey, Gen. Which, of AI i,higan. Judge Phil
lips, and other.. Letters a ere read from teen.
Gen. Wallbridge, lion. \Vie. Smith, td Va., and Tin—.
F. Meagher, N. V.
The Ntettwer Atlantis L,r Livvrr•,..l
with 171; pa2Ftne • ~,er $ . 2.0. 11 1 10 fat trri~ Lt.
W k5111,...T0N T May "_t. Mr. I:ro.d-, ace,tn
parried by Mr. holt', appeared before .lu,dieu
lingshead thin afternonn. Tbe examination a
alumt to be eutumeneed, when Mr. Itr.mk, (hes..
Rfis no neee , pity for an et ntninatinn, am he arkno,, I
edged that he had r , ln witted au a,-ault and ba:tery
on Mr. SLlmaer. The 10. dire toluired seonirit
the amount IPf $2,0011 for hig appearan,•e rt l' uou t.
Jame. Maguire and Traxt,m I:eale omen,' dire he .
Indignation Meeting al Alvillerwt
Sim/env:El n, Mey 2i. trnltginwort meetitil;
was held last evening 11 the students of Amherst, to
reference to the entrap, on 31r. Sum her. The tarot
log nms addressed 11 President Stearn-, Professor.
Haven, itreene, and others. Itesolutions ucre uneiti
mously adopted expressive of indigo:lomi at the in
!lilt to 3lttssactiusetts and of s) tonality It, 31r. Sum
Indignation Diet.llaag at New 1 ork
May 24.• -The Iterithlioge
Committee, at meeting 1,1.1
+tr.,tl_ re. i.ll•lle,f 111 - assault up .11.1:
Sumner. tie I:epre.. ntal.•.r.
to repel lb° ::it'" titto • l the
Wa..l/1n c , :t.... City t tuctu.
of tiuvurnment
Condition of Mr. Sumner
\V i,lll . :Grii:l, Nfiry '2l. Th.. ,•,•11,1Lti..11 :Nit' 'Mit
ner Is nut deemed su. lavuurnlrle this morning our .••
terday. and his phySicinni hi
roam,."tin. r rof the ns , II uis iu, , ih,
pre;iininary Stu i • f retie
scam-err atter, laig the aru
Eliciting News front lionsott—Lon rent,
Dest rt.) et!
1,-t i.. MAy \ tr,ll 1 / 1 "141,-,,I1
the e,ort•ay , ••: ITA-
The H 4<-1.
an.i Pre., ecru del. Httt t,.rr
. .k , 14,1111i1 t) i/l• ~ /111 .11,14,1 1 . 1:" . 14
1,11, I, 111, •itrat, 1:v • t'. {1.”1
I.) 1,r1.,
1111 X F.1(1.11 - 1
ru y. • Lan•sJ,,.
ti ibr I. 111 . 1111,, •.t
I -I r I
I NI iil, ;
Nt'lV. lil.i-In•.1 . 1
V, • • I I t Il a.. 1111
! • !It. • :1;,; ' 41i, i $ .t:F.I 10,
Nk., A 1.1. I '.l 1•1..1:. A :t
...1 :
'll\ l'.lN El.
n 1 , 1'1,i; 1 . 1()N.
I lin - rt • ! zi.,
111t.11 11 . 1:1:c 1,•1‘ . NW. tit
I I . : 4I T A Ir. -li
P / 1. , J.). •I. I.
T.'" 4. 1.1 1.. 1 . 31 tit .11IdI , .r•:tit• I.
1'..111. - 111 .01
1 ,.,t . t1 :0.1.11 , 1
L \iti ,,, i L 1.1- it'd
11 \
f, il,1)1 Him. Iti.•t i,..• ~• d and
-AO I% 1. /:,1: . 1 i• ,
tl‘o t ttortt,..
b d,. Ilt•thlcb.
. •s •• • 11 •• I • 111 , ,
For nnlt. i:1 .\1 tat .4 A\
1.1.11 lot
CII. 11:1;,iirm p A , IS • I 1.,
I,- • tlt
I.l\ k71 . 1:K A \ NI IIIS vr
tiu.l tlt.• I. t:•-t Ito.l tl. • I—t t,
mattularttit,t, NO.: It li, .tt
Jarr - 1.11 r T nee 111.,..
‘;. I OA P.— " r Loxes ()wine and
0 for 1.A.1••
YE. - --31 1 0i1 sv;oitt . .l Le
n]).l.; FiII:I...CHI A :WI err
F., )OZ. FEES!! STIt.I \V BERRIE, , . in
ti hit
1 0 •' Tos;int...., in 1.4:14
Just du,l tor
3,1 W,041 l'hariee 11,411.
5 (2.1-ES 1,1(p'(1IU1'E jiNt
crilld hd for sal!. by REV AMR ,t A \
wy2l stro , t.
qt . ASPEI) lib's. 11. r ' , ale by
11021 6.f11k . 1 Fll,ll. AL,
GUM SliliLLA(2---5 eases ()range I;,r sale
tuy7l 1'..1 tier ill - 41 wnl W , 4.4.1 NIS.
BEN-,,,,„ , Acl,)_,,)„ („inct.s liir sale by
nly:t Jr. A. FA IINI: ID /CK & 01.
S°l)A SA L-A RATI S----40 iiiixes ha. ,ale by
21 I:. A F \II:\ ES'lol Ii A CO
1 1 ()It 5.1.1..1ii --Thirteen :lyres of Land, o n
r ii lilt It ,/1,1 ..II Fralm • t• 11,11,f:t 111 1 . ,•1•.'1., I," ushlp,
pi. omaly 1911m1tr . ,1-II
toI llw I , ,arti: :.:: ,. .. - t 1,..,41. 11A1N11,
.1.1 V , •ly IcrINI Fr ult 'lll,Ch u,:..,1 lwarmc • rd., Al 'II I
my 17.411 m Ill.AliF 1.1 . A ItICIII,V.
‘PN ritt".l I t,t, \\ SILK ,INLJT,I,
1101.1. ; \'; \'l:.
- DONNE:FS AS I )1A T I 1,1,A S. --A . A.
)1.1,0N A: Co. swot ota oh Monday. May
tbor splenhel lot Pt lhametatlll•l Vautilhm. i 0 ail turd. retie
and the newest wed toast thatiruhle et) lo)
APA ItTS Eli IN'A NT EI under
,utuer to sell the oh—halt ~I .1 I . steo,lse
eti.% I, WoRKS. all in the bent of 0,1, r. , 511 ,1 iu Inn
lion, Ulll ..11111,-, 115151 15)5,1114 2111111c1,11 115 Ntsl
miner, lie will sell the whole, d drew at le.
ap2t:ltn. A.. 1. K ER.. Webeitt r P ht.
STATE OF HELANI A RE. in an I 1, Kehl to.k
Eleniever Chad:
Richard C. D 01..,
TIll.llllo, F. t ole. ‘,
And now to wit. this twenty-seventh day •if M Arch. in the
OYU of our Lord one the eluld liondied and
thin Chine. coining befere thi Het. Ur,. the 111eileli
Joaeph P. Coinegyin, coniplitinant's solicitor. and
the unto ol 811t11111.08 ItfOrelittld, a n d the t"liefilr, teluru
I hereon to ttig si en 111/41 PUIIIIIIII,I, 11 is thereupon ordered
by the Chancel:, that the aleresaal ileteialantn, lit, hand
Dale and Thoitiaa F bale, appear In the GIM.• 1.1/ T11.,11i
tilt. '23.1 day of September next. And it in ordered tool , h e
crated by the Clianivllec, that x Copy of thin order shut] lei
inserted in the l'iltrburyh 11a, a new npaper publiiihial in
the tit) of Illttiliurgh, in the State SIMI!
Le c„utiuuai 111 Said nexcepaper liir the :Tare i:r one month
also that a copy of said order shall I . or the nine Mletee
tittle lei panted In the office of the Register of thin Coe, t and
at the Court Douse doer in thin County.
State of Delaware, t
Kent Co ar ty, ES. )
I, John K. Jarvis, It.winter in Chancery in Kent county,
aforesaid, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true ropy
of the order In the ahove.USV, now of record in tinH Court.
In testimony whereof, I have herettuto Het my hood and
till red the Peal of the said Court, at Dover, this ID h day of
May. A. D. 1856. JOHN K.. 1 Alt\ IS,
tnyt..t, 1 m Register in Chancery.
&Ale by (my 22 I J. Beta)Am eK EIL
TOBACCO. —75 half bores favorite brands
female by [mys] JOHN 11001111EAD,
I M `•1
I II • I
• -
• • I , ft t•i • ' • • • • • '
• 40
•••- ,•,•ft): '°.• • '
T. p CLARKE. GRA.. W. CA .
CI. mitt, Qf A HAI-nth,. I , w Ma y
aro. W. CA P. P.
Jolt'; A NVII.:ION
Saturday, May 24, I Ni
F I,ol:lt—The Nth,. to-41.ty f... 4 :;00
1.1.14. extra 140 1.1,14..1,1 1r.....
44 1.1.1.....x1ra Nu 4.13 ,4514
1.1,1 n • xi ra Iran a: VI.
i; .27n I.+. thitl 1 . 1“111 f
Al: Salt, 131111. k. tally !air nI
/1.1SSI:IS-- (hk nt -17 c , eavle
V—Sahs IW, trill. 111.'111,i it
BACA Bac,. ,
11, 0 ,i,0nni0., at : 31410 lid nide:. : Dm Inull,. a:
10c : ,SOOO Ilim +ll , al , lorpi nud llano, at 7
3000 Ins,houlderd, ni,lnn awl hams at I li, all In 30
L '_:ro 1.14, N.. I 1,0.1 At
111 1,1, third .1t Itt .
I'll AV. K
- .41. F 1,1.10,1 3/1d ••111 at
i; Eilll AN el . t•
New York Markel
NE, 1 oar., Ma) 1:1 1 /111111111. l I ' lll Flour COIIIIIIII,
14'11, 1 1.. r export awl hoett, ,tigulitittAtto. ILr Kt ,
„( ‘ ,..,,, L 0n hot.. tul V/111. rd ~.1. 1 . 2) 2 p 10/11. KlO.l l l tit
L . ,/{..1:.11, ))))) rn,u xtr st
Ism Illitsuls. It it. "11. , 111
1 ,1 1 C. l lllll/. 1 11 111 1 111:1 1 . 141, 11111 it, 1 . .! 1
1. 1 1 1 111 titul vttiltotlt Italltrt. tit .1.,11/ •
111 1 .41.11.1iti1l YJ. ur I-tut-el base null annul 1.1,1 It t
lit ut* S,lll,trit ts, In lA., r. I.llly
it ) , ; oil pro,.
11'11140 hear,. nttli ittio,tllo.). 111tH Itittllt..l turn ....Ludt-.
uttlitait cliaitte, .1111 1 , 14.3 111
171.0ri k prius,,,,sukt,f4fui I ,lltatr) utttl E" Lu
nod VI! for rtspack,tl Wvott.t tt. Cut ]tuna.
Y,„„ „ u 7 xj ittr I,llould,ro, find Vj ,1 201/I‘.l 1.. t
Pot'-tit 11 /11 -1 1, 4/111 u..mulnlly the mum,. Lard 111 1 Xll 11l ,
tin r 16,11 r.t dtutr, 1:4,b1-h1 for UWu. Clir.•n-6,-lo,tr
Philadelphia Market.
1 . 1111,14.11.111 , .. Mlty 21. -The Flour 111111.,t 1111111.1, alp]
1.1. -4. II n halr demand f r . rte 11.1. 111
1.4 au.l lautily 1,1111.0,
laaler 1 x Thai, doll. (oro head IVheat
1i)...1.1. awl 1...1.1 at 7:4‘.:4 , . Le dull and lea.,
U 4., 51 ,•11 \% lank) Ilea! k aunt, .1, al
el, INS M A - E‘• •oti.•t an.l t, .1.151,1
It- 1111,A Pros i•t.,11.1 fki mt!es '21.1b1.,LA 1...1L
sly 1 (a, ,rar ill 1,111:111.1--Ii.ieM 70 111.1. 111
(Ur ...(11/111511 (1, , law, ri.ry 441;1. Ili, 111,
L 3.• 1,11,1
(-)NNETS ANI) -.\. A.
.11 )).1.k.4. ,4 .Ir,ll, Ai.rd Jl.l, lut
,f,i Citri+ ' , it au. Ac.
I.ti• 1,. Ai., r 1,4 ~I rrlt, Slot, An
~ , I ,• ..f rt , C Itiooftl , l.• •c)1 , 1,.
sr_ VIII It utre.-t. .1,21
_11: )1 1 1." 1 \ .; \ A N
BI I FEN __ 4.1 1..5.•a priuto Roll But
DI NE A uNt received Ly Exprt,s
f—r n.d.' I v REV 'I EH di AN £ER, 4.
HAIIPE 1{ S )1.16.141 N E FUR .11:NE
3”, t mri r,.1 T %N.
zn, 17 41 Filth i
1:1-15INt: t)11. rt.,,:nod, a
HENRI II t.rl.ll\ ,
)() s 's l \ i' • Hit \ I
I 'l l
xt . t
) I ."(;)
- 211
- ; 1;4 1 ;
1)1.1. F. Lill\ 11 ATEIi•-•
I_,) L rl . l IrMl Lida* OK, Fl."
11 1 .\ I. I , : A
I:.\ 1~1
I.FI \
lilt cIIIMN FA .
k_ll i•,
- _
D AT ES -I- 'mat:, Ire-It.
, j .t r,•.1 and (..r rJ,. I.y
Eli. A
Itly I
.I'll it ••
t •,1,,• •
t 7'. I,\\ 11111 :••E tts,
• L , llll}.Hl
INH.\ ;", t.y
1. lIINI
ytii \I. 111 \
1- II Irk I \.:
‘I irk $..1
;l N. , 1 1;;
/ ~I:\.\?I h:.\'l.\l, t',iitrr
tost, 1% I. NIAIL,II .‘
lAN luN ~ U N
viml rt.-et. th.• r 1,116 r
~1,id.. nu•l t A VI; IN NI vl
T"'"` :•;t•ries;)
.1 .1., Iii.)1110111111. .l111t1••1 •t• .• 1t4,•
T k1:1 I: I \ T.1,1c
r 1.. Sk .r . .. , 11/1".54.
I ' V r ' L. ' 1 Y 10.1 1 i, it C. Nil 'I'M .k N. 4t hill, id.
WITE 1;1 )01 1 : .k NI) EN! Illt()11)F:1:1
A. A NI %:+4l`, 1111 V. 1 . 4‘ , .1...1 a I s
Or. . \I I,ltc 4,1 I, .1 S,
1•1 .11t,
I; Edgtic,. ting an.l fine Enil.rk,hierc • cl cs cry
.Icceript lOU r.'S
Q1111:TS .k N D 'ULL A ItS- —Just re,•01‘,.,1
fi..”. :I full lt , m , lllll.nt c.
ust,lt',4l,3p, 34,13
4r' 31,,1 ma & 1, , ,r,/,•1
I. 11111:4111.
NO. 70 ‘Vkli.o.l
(101 . NTIt Y STORE Ft 'II SA LE
11, tta 4,1.11 Ali , l 1,11 ; : 111
11111,0 1 , , 111110 31,,rt..
Eu.olll. lIESIIY IL CoLLIN: 4 ,
ut y 1.; NV, Phi
.) 0 0 /1 ,) \ t IItANG ES, inyrinio .racr;
LEm, , Ns;
11.• I•y
I:ev\IEI: A . ANDERSON, N... f:1)
!Ayr; Opiwniff. SI. Charles 1144, - ).
4,4 1 CA EIS ND TIES, of the latest Freneh
M ) 04, Ulld tot Sl4llllllOl . Wl'ar. 1,16 i•ki Ilt
mylt Na. 7U t.
ItEMi IV A 1.. - 15 ' 1. CA RV 11.1 ti 1:E
-MOVItillfrout N.. '22 Fifth to N' il7 I.o„.rty
•I rw t, wh,r, tio i. pr, pared lel Y C IT Iti,..ll.tomor• ‘s
Li••‘‘.•,l 1/4.410,11..
I TT } j AN EILCII I EFS.- u t rt Tpi ‘ .., l
litrip. ILmort hids,
vvory I•. 1 .•111% tt , 11111
1/..!6 A. A. NIASi,N CO.
RE9II) \ - AL.—The 'DOLLARSA \ I NliS
B K" lut+ ,m. vt..l t.) Nu. 65, middle. 111,
buildit,, I , %purtli thoir form, Once of
11+111.,A. CHAS. A. (%11.1'.
mylS.tt Tra•iiiel .
_ I - -
IA Illt opal Seminary,
1.. Ili , friends ofIILL• Het
WILL' to 11. tvrli katup,•ll,ll,,
111 rcsi,.:.” his ch . o ge al Rout, af +mu, 1A...8
Iwo lwril ual.attluttle w+ .a,Urr the Yalitahlo , o n. I, :LI
the KkLI OELIIIUE L 'l'. RIDER. of New I'm 1., La the mine post.
IitLII, ana who enters at once tmon the discharge L•t his
Im Fr , all the vel y 1001 31111 9104(.110,, t
which they hare Ittitiof Mn they t. 41,04 of lort
mutant fitness for the work committed to hon. aml that
thi-y believe that under his ItUtatigrillratt lLr St•lilll..ll'y
hot fail to procure a large share of puhlic knot awl suman t.
Persolui hue lug daughters or wards to ..1u au I . lirti,
Warty derilred Ito acquaint thcinselves with t
w Lich thin Inxuuttiuu 01,r,14, 1,..th 14w I aLLL.I4,tS tn.ottuld
and salubrius rotation, two and II half hulk, fn in t eit)
and din./ the farilitive for tile thoroilKli 11,1 r , thie.l,4lo. ati m
l.r,tientesl in Its i•fficient corps of Instcurt,,,,,,
Circulars arty ha obtained on applittutiar:
tither of the Tillittrd.
j.IIIY 11 91{UEYL'ER'{FR
Tll rouwi r B. LYMAN
1 MPO li.TA N 'l'. Suhycrillern aro it
a Spring and Sorninor nr*.rtitulit.,f I
1 , 1,11.4 In part it Iftrge anal attll Arlo:led stoet. tho taint
quality and tumlllowthlt , at)lre of Sunuu,r f,,r
fin, tiugulN,, I,tuey
1..,; : Curry Colulr, : ('ltrriAp•
1 ,,u u ,„t Lauttlier
li. All of
kilt. :Ire 51.11 M-11. if 11 quality anti lower 11, prier tlonn a•%4•1"
glrit'll . t/ ill (ilia mar hat. Purclinuers nn , incit."l 1,. roll
u , ntock t t •4... n licllll,
N. , 10) W.ant curt., ~f 0111.111k111.1 All, a
;; It. 11. II IItTI.EY g CO.
. _
u 1.1) N( ; LUIS at low prices and on
tornin, situate in Law roneerilk. Alh.gh.•ll
Mt. Washitigh.o, Uric. (rum POO tosS,nt nml 111,‘ Art iF.
and Or the 1;18.1m WI Kum the term&
10'2'2 al Mx, t
PINK - 3 Ithlß. fur sale L
utyl2 B. A. FAHNEMCK a CO.
. _ .
s & ...-... -
NV. r1111.1.i PP
A Fin\ Kl{ A
ill/Aoiph: A rid _
iodtc.e. Wiurr.
I.lEu. S. SEIDL,:
Tits RIVE.—On Saturday evening there. wen 4
Inches and falling. The weather continued sultry and
cloudy at Rundown.
TUE ••Chnrloe Avery, - the reguktrt/allipolis packet, leave.
this ukornin4 at
11 . 3111, i4,ltist, " C.lll. 1,11.3 rd. %%lib
in Ow '...• N 4 , 1 ,1 11 ,• 'rho
L,•' 1;34 tho ~1 uct.olott,l,l,l, 1,1‘,•11{,..121. I`ll.
Ttit. Clur et, L 00. Vl,ll
aig 1,.i 6t. an,l la.tannnia
tht. •• luau tam, ban( nl h, clazA. and
Ile ~litutur •• Co 1,1 , vi,
bled fin' SE. Lo,ll,,,,liukkla.
111,0r00' /110..,00,, 01 10 1-11, I. .t .11110,1
Ittpl :ul.l Lan Loo LAI
ug..ut 1 . .. r the itmlerwritt.r.i in Ilti
city, m rtre I e ith (lie HlA...liser '.eztledtatia" on Sat
hag. '(he perfect are./A. Lul liar lair
“air ity ‘,JII 110. , 11 ho viii tia 11/ill, her pas,. ilimire.•
la •ii, lw.l nn,il Ln 1,1,i1e,•.
Sr.Fon - -Thi• ••
,In% 14 St. 1111 , i int., Th”
••S 11 i, 1/vlll a ;in.! rut t, ant, ant mlor ClerlC4
pi pr sided r Lp C. 11. IVilkind, than %I
Krt. 1 a mem, 1.4,1i1.r and altenlivo gonlleinen
Ri I'. tray.:llnz In flint 411r,thai will pie., laki•
THE w a mt , atii , r3 con,ll , l , ting ILI LII' Ek •rf ar , lan
TL.• Lag• .4e.ti.e.r f..r Cala NVillar.h built tool, the hope,.
ho. the Cttiotaisi, ie.•l 3.lle4tahti.tl hoil.l, living well
I ustene.l, nod • le I .litpt , .t nu•l New
ilia/. II Win 1..• r 111.• 11. ark..
Ca.,/t4/ WM 1 , 1111, film %.•11 -rail If illownikut
g..t miet it ly ,111
CAptnill : 4 11to 011.•
14.,111,1 thaught .1111111, 1.,304, L,r Caillnial 1 1;v11,
itit4 N% u.. I.luusta4, oi the o, >141,•.
IL tii,11...1 -111.1mn5...1 (kit -1. , wJ 1144 lion mu, 11 t•, I.
\ la) has "it, ..1 :hut
enna. 1., thin w Isar! II w.,n 11111 at Ft 4....10nt, mod, hi,
-nperl.loll, anddr..w, lien lanuche.l. only flit, inched, with
all Lin., L.:Lt.!, with e•lrriothm of the otbill.
PORT OF riTTsuirmai
s. , ttimer 1.:4,11x11. livn.krickntal,
lb° 611. Iteel;rlv
Ellll/I.t 1, t.til:1111 7,111.... ill
( . /.:1! .I%er ) . T. n, lIY. 1 1.•1111..11
(..:11/V•11 , i111‘. - NI da
Lit. lin. -, 1i0 , 1 , t
'11.•11,•tt, ,
cra 11n). 111,•.•11,,.
1 . 1W11.111, 11.. r
Coale !.11, P.. 161111011, tll I.k.itis
Mom, Ileolltlg o St.
.1. S St.
At. 1.1011.
IS. 11. . Ilt,t••1.
A. Roo K S just 11,1•IV,41 xn 1 f•or Sate ht (C./.
clarlors 1. nabroic.al Dictionary ........... ,
l'rcts Lars Philip do. I'.l. oleo 4 tm
Untio.l s C. volt. —pct %of. I rot
..f o 1. Lt
Fcranitt.l “1.14 18:11..1•11.1. lu
'• Porn .... "
I .1.1 (1111 1 110
I•lte.ti.C.l Royal ti.,1111.1
Waverle) Ntock, L cols ....alpha.. 11
111.1.1 en Path 1 1 , 11
Ikalot t Ad:wry .......... ..... I 19
Alone I is.
\tar .. . . 1
J. k...” nn.l Nisn . 1 oil
Rose Ctn. 1:
kat.. W, ~0 . . . ..... I
Pin rt-1.11• La.
"‘lad for lb.! s'• 1 ,, I
IX - 11 1 1. 1' 111 till• 11. , all y
dy LI.-rTal. • ,
Kull:sky • 1 . .+.11,
1)1 . 1:Iet. at k. 1111.11, 1.1 `1111.11., .1 11/it i,l+
• 1..111:1111.. r Mask- told F ..•••
t I A or 1.11 . . .tt Inc
1.11. OW,
T 1... ju-t 1.11 I r Ilto al—v.• it
of L.llr 1•471: IK F •
2111,17 N.., :7
.•111.\ NCE! INSURANI:I:' -
Ni.tlitilJt. l'.•uq , aul .p. Hitt
"1'6.• ••I
. ~-,! 1% \ It \ ..•
It)11' .1 .1 N 1) ) 1!ES(1 1 ::1.- -Farm ..f .10)
...." A Faro
its 4 . -“ , 1,01 Flirts lot.nr
J ~ 5 .4. Stint' UM IC /..11/41,
fi-an li+; 3cr., Inst.! !War Si
1,114. /114 . ,•iM 1.4. 111 (( C•ti PAUL
.51 1 , , riitIERT
\\T .‘ L N TEI ) .k II a , i;il‘orile , s isr
i.) iii. u.. 11 .a.l I s .i,
uq .I.a.,;Ct 1.11 It. cwt.. r, ‘4.4iltt ”.1.,
W..trirYl of able I•. dy 1,. 41yr.A.•11. Anti :t 1..) t.
ctrrt yrt 311.111.
/" . .11 - 1 1 111:111 Vll/111111 w V , ,...1 0,1 , 1 111.1 tb.11,4 • 111 . ...1
11. -0,11 t /114, rLlrotit. 1111 -y nll,, ti.. of
uv ttt Thy ylartter vriOlyty NVyYt xi,II r.,11 Al .tt
.ygyry 11t.011, 0111. N. 131:N A, 14 d c AK' ticy Attrl lttil
, 411 , . 411,1, t-.tinit
u,c 1 , i,r1..ad. A Ilegholky IL v . _
1 4 1 1,E( .k NT 11,1.UsTILVITI) NA'II()N .% l.
11,11 11/.1 It.• 1 I/I 1.1001.1,
•11.4“6..111 ni..11••••.5 Antl,3l
tlf• 1 , ..,111•11• , its , n
.1 :5.510-11. 1.. II" ,
t/ I- I— I 11 !Idol) 11,3. • 1.15 1,00,i1,i)
.•s 1• 2 1. I. • 1,1.1111, 111 • 111A14-
L.AIAI 1• 1 1..p..1111 • 1 H 1,11111211, ...1. , . ••I
..m.tt..tl 11..11,111 Aal 111. 111n1101 1 .1111•AliA1 I•t1 . -••12• 2 •I
z •1,,•••• At..l lilt 12111/ ‘IIA.I 4•12,1A,11, 1 1 .11,1 ..1. • i
1.. 1,111111 . 1. .1 11. 1•12 Ihl, 1111• A• I12•11`.
II• pi ,I 11. Su 1.1 A111.•rt.••/1 :" . •••2 • 1• 111 1 .1.1 , ..1
1••/. 111. 1.••111, Otto 1,..111 I. • 15..1t••.1
• • • , 111.1 I. -I 112 1,1, 1..11t Il 1. , ••1.
i 1/11 A 1 ..1,(,.1 •.5 .. 112 1.1,/1 .1111 . 1 .21 /he 1 ~.,...r \VA.!.
to: i.•ts
11.4 .•I tltv itittat tv•lt t t led And t
tt I , I 11,411 it,II 1,1,, V6llll td
ilt• it ttiv ttl to It . ~I
Iv it
.111,tit ttl tttiv Ttt Itt•
11 1 \ FENN l".,
illlt t,t ttithmitt• It, alt•
Itlyl7 Agvtit, Ittr (Iv hilt ' s.
E N 1) (211 EA l' 13U1 )
jrowgrtucti Pttiter t ig; lyy Ittvd. S. l'tvs.telt,
rho 1..k.1)'n t., pet (..et : a rill lit
1.11. ; by Emily '11,..1nw. 11. A .1•••.,.•1.1
I.) K k., I
ti,lll; ••I MilkautlwntllA. t.t1,1 r
Salmi fir the Social illu.lrnt.,l.
A In.linitie t.i thi.
11'0.411111 /ItS I.t fOrVigll t,p,-cu t tly t.. ti., iubr
Plitntr) In iii 1.010,1( . 11 of O n .
Stain.: by Thw. IL Whit.,
I n 2
1 - ,.1 by IV. .1. (111.1/ENFENNEY 8 CIL
loyl I at., the 'Theatre.
LA ItG E BR Il`K I 101.!SE ple:tsantl v
~t,41 in Allegliiiny city. milli Int ..1
• tql rAnk hin•, bt I:ni feet i.. a I b It..t
i... 11.4• is well taut awl fini4tt,l in ini.lern portico in
1i hi. hall. inn pm ~ liitclien. chinillivri.
and grztvt.l .hale 1.0. 1 unit
~n w ,t•telpkte ior pink by
ot•rnattwr .t SUN. 51 51, L rk,:t
W ANTE --A Situation as Assistaut Clerk
st,,- Kis t , is a wholvagale ur ra‘ll w:trelton, e.
A , i4i, . Y., et !hit. "111....
DuoKs! BOOKS! BOOK S !—All the New
1.1 Hook of the 11” M 11. MINER 3:
N. 3 - 2 Smithfield street:
ri bithiali—tv Song tharx by no enthor.
I.y .1 K. I'lttlantler P. It. ti tt ,. e, t i.. C l o th. with
nor hundred env:raving", l'tiee $1
The sparrowgram Papery, or Living in the , It.•
Fret(',coin.—..n.. vol.. $1
New Ittutt 19 J. Frellerick Smith—Fred.t; F1111:1111. ..r AL e t,
V 111.111: by .1 I , Smith. Om• vol., prior f.tt, t
The timothy Paper.: by John 1:1 - 011g11/l111 - $l.
The ant .tdientur,..t Jack Adams. the thielettie.l
English Sailor and Mutineer—Z,”
Lardlntett One Thonteintl aki.l T.l, Th." E ot.o
inn, vol., !taper, 26 vents.
‘lO. Leche'il New Itetetpts tltr
Ad, 01:ttlr1.1 111 att.l
A ,I.l‘lll.
5.1+.1 fur the by 111, ••
coil I,r tit,
Vagaltoml Life in Mexico; In (labile! I'.. vv.
(Inn le.' Inctenr . %Vol ks. kin ediitotig,
vvriing ht 1 rive front y, to :Iv.
etteloltivAl ItALNI W. A THOUSAND I I.')WEIiS Lr
male 'by the b,dtlr, that'll or
The poptilar RUSS:I.\ SALVE Ea ~•nts
tr sale by 11:st kit A CO.,
N... :12 vet
ivw Prize Song,
-Tliv No; York Alti,ical
No. 1. Sw.s.t mei low—by 0. Dresel. the boat pr lee
of $.!-MO.
No. 2. use. heart for ire—Lc T. to
No, 11. Where are all the birth that sung—hy Frank
No. 4. M geet le nonlim s song-11) C C. Concern, Took
the secoml prig.. of $lOO.
No. 5. The Hale—by It. D. Allen.
Nu. 0. The Flowors.—Lc haul. Darley.
No. 7 The l'arting—try II C. NVamon.
No. S. The Serett.i.le —by 1:01tort Stopel.
The ghost eight Songs were seloctssi from 40. it Fent in for
competition, and It is the loaf coil.tion :,konio
lislosl in America. They are isstio..l in superb style, tool
ahl at ilie low loam of
Twr.srs-1 , 1 et CENTS 1.; kCtl.
Vol ....le at the Stole ot
my.; S It. Nll:l.L.ilt, si
001(S BOOKS! BOOKS! —The Great
JO A Itiol irbU Rattle, ‘o the Il..nteAt hetueoli Chi ruruoi
4itieul by Anna Ella Cart,ll. )1.1
Flhan Allen. Lunt ale Ilreen Monist:tin II Li . .., LA
1.d'.1 Patrick Henry.
Inoue' Bootie auti the Hunters Rentin k.
Nokle lieeds of American 11.ut0.0.
The Book of the Ocean and Lite tpls the
I ltd.° Wars of the United Stat. m.
Live. Or Mare and Mart sit
Multenin of Itenntrluthle and Ergot..
inft Itook for Yount; Ludit,
,lilt Root: fur Young Abu.
The Aturritan hustler.
The I Culttirk.t;
The Furno.r's Every Day
boctor, or !bane Book of NL•dicitie.
The Constable',4 I; ludo. mtle by
itiyl2 It. C. Nlt/IttlAN. -1:1 Filth st.
0.11 be found nos durable at Ma or kn.lllT made from
areal, and will nut cubit, or slick In lite fuller; 11 , 11)1cr will
they .urrode ur injure the color of the Ink, en Meet pens in
rtriniply do. Price, s7t,t/U per Krona. For "rale by
W K lIATP.:I, Stationer,
3larket street, corner of ~,s-c4.,nd.
1855. 1856.
Pittsburgh, Cincinnati,
Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Loulavlilq
and Saint Louis.
I da til Tuts List is CO.poggyi „r wren
firxtt lase, powerful Steamers,
quailed fur speed, spleedur,aret3
and ennifurt, and is the ONLY THOLANIO Luc, L ,
"II the Ohio t fiver. 11 ...eel/ %kith !hi. U. S.
Line of Steamers Irk. Ciurionail I,trinrdie and Saint
Leith', by pasEengers and freiglibi are tlckried t 'pod
receipt-a through daily Two new Stio,tinei s have lo,n ud,14,1
to i.e Line, which tow consists ul the Ibllou ing Lem,.
• , ikty.rof departuir
.frrnn PetisturVh.
BUCK EYE STATF 'M. W. Iturznuov Es, Sunday.
CITY OF WIIEELINti....'Junx Monday.
I. N. (htmr: Tuesday.
LA DELVIIIA K. J. (INAct. Thursday.
PEN NSY AIN?. KuNEFLTEa... Friday - .
PIITSBU Hull 1.1. O'NEAL ;Saturday.
gg„, Loam, .1.1) at IC A. AI. prrcisrly.
Nv f, o t th: retort, 1 aft.•r 4A.Lek. Oil the morning ‘,t
For pat In-ill:vs, apply .,, hoard, or to
J 01124 H.
B'S A Font/4
PITTNEUROIL NoVeMber, lhlAZ.,—lder.:l:t I I
Pitt ■burgh, literibenvtlle and W heeling
Thu 1/IUItNA Capt. J. A. SxnLEa, natal the
F'll/11.EST CITY, Capt. 11. WAS, will rim no
ILKI/ULAIt 11,1* PACK ETA tuitwuun Pitt,
burgh. Reillkuns illy and mopping, at tail 1//tet Ate-
Sante p. .11A.
The DI URN AL nil! PittA/nryli W... 1.
liethlaym awl At 10 o'clurk. A. M —lLr.-trxntvn, nlm
will huiveo Whuuling Tuutulitya, :lug uttlui n,
AL 7ii 11% 10,k, A. M.
Th.. you EST CITY trill alioi luny/4 Pittaburglk on Tiat.ht)
Thursdays and Sutlinlays, at 10 t,'eleel,. A. M.—/Li.TiltuviNoi,
KIIO W boding nil .s.lonilis) it, Weil...l:Woo, aii.l Ei
.1. 4) n, at 7 0%10. In, A. M.
1..1 fruiglit en 1..1/age apply Ai/ l.rat J, .
J. D. C.01.1.1NUN% (lUD, Agent,
0.1/ 2A Nu. 1f... Killlll
Regular Packet for Wiserling, Marietta,
Parkersburg. 1104klugjkort, Poi., era),
Point Pleasant 411.11
'll. IAvW 11.1 Very light draught 116,W. r
CIL% [MKS AVERY. I:Ag . r. W. P. Togaggce.,
will ICILVr tor the and intermediate ports
etei y Friday, at 4 P. M.
The Charlen Avery in now ruceiving freight at the %mon
gahela wharf, between Ferry rind Short streilz.
Zanerwille I.4se
TL.. ntettuter ENIM A URA II ANI, Capt. 31on-
ROE A rtiel-,ClPrk, N teary (or
the ultove and int..ripe/liale I...rtg On TUE. ,
DAV. Nlnr-'7.ltt 4 O'cick P. M.
(or frPog lit or pAnsage apply on board, ito
For Clueltroal I.
lad..h.ainer v It H. Capt. 1;. Is. M0..111:.
Clerk, Kohl Lk/ .lu—will km, 1.. r the
alapvt• tittertne.haie in 413 nu 'IIII.: , DA
May I.'7th, of lir A. I.
For freight or ]4l,4ltge apply ~ n Inmr,l. 4' At the 1.117 , -
1111:11.G11 Al' lON ItININIS, No. Wat, r
leer Loulrvlhe
I'h. floc st,hatzr RAY CITY, t'aittnin A. U.
Miura 1.1.1
—Clerk, N. It. Fum E.-11 a hurt.
l it.r
Ow :there awl irth , llll,llAto lorta on TUES
DAY, May 25th, ht 12 M.
Irciglit passage apply on board or at tb. Pyrry.
Buitilit AMOCIATIO.I 1t04.151:3, No. W.J. Wairr
strenl. iny2.4
The ',lrmo, HO:MI.IE, Capt. A. Saker.kk.
Clerk. Jeri,' Dons, is ill lestr wr the almve awl
intermediate ports on 3101.111AY, May 66th,
at 10 o'elm.k A. 31.
1:,,r freight or pa..e..t.te apply on &NADI., at the PITTS.
111.A.RINE ictISUCIATION IS.,ruNIS, Nu. s 2 NVatee
913 19
For St. Louts, Galena Dubuque and St.
Paul, direct.
igalt.no Sii.ditiiir A liCill-A—CAl.tain 1: rortat I'.
...,---Cli , rk, I. 711,mix, sill Ira,. 1... r the
lbOVe hal iLl..riimitliilte ports .in TUESDAI •
'1111). at 10 "'clock, A. M.
jro fronrllt pasaa.go apply on board, or at the
RCloril NI ItINE Ati6O(2IATION IttaDlS, No
For St. LOttirt 111111-1111111 Ali
"." &itw Moulo-i" 'NATHANIEL 110131 ES.
Clerk, V. X.. t. will
1 . ,, `" . ..at' the abave nml [lll a - 13 ,a 1
:•iIt:VD..I V at 1 , . A. M.
-- - . .. • .
, ?i,nr.lit •r r:.....4 ni•i•lv on board. or nt IL, PITT?-
EL I:011 1A1t.11.. A: 4 :4011.1.TION IJ No S 2 Wlrtor
•litoi 1113-2•2
rEiaThe nue atrauker 811,1141C' IrA.l'E,.Captain
Jottat lit'MlLLix,--Clerk, C. 11. W.lLKiNd.,—wili
leave fur the atmre and infortamtiate port.,
on MONDAY, May 2t.ith, at 5 I'. M.
For frolght proimge apply on begird twat tho
it LIM!! ASSoCIA'FION IttIONIS, 85 %Vat.,
111 i
For St. L 01.1%, Galena., Dubuque
The liw hteatn, CIA RA DEAN, Chptaill
. rt,, -1,. Al ill I
'Zeal, the above and all int.-I - mediate p,n Is ou
•.1 tiN toil, Iln, h. at It/ A. M
For 1).•i •
ht paa,art. apply on honr4l. or at the PITTS
ltli II 11A I:1 ‘,, Itl‘l 1;o41M7l, No .r' Nelvr
,n,•.1 111321
1 E M UN CO. - - 'l' It N SPO 'IION
toad, rllviisiVe Ilfra
(111 lbithM
,1 Illi t•t, pra-par,
nitd U \ 11.10.% tr. Tratot:Wl To ANII Flti)Nl TI I K EAST
KEN crri 11.• I All 1,1 , 11t1' ..111 IVIU/M 1%11
LL. 16.. i ,117.• i . .. 1111.1 Cllll/,ti to.
U , .... end 133 :33133i133
133 3 ~1 II "Id Wt,t,33 - 31 TI3.- A V611 , 33\ !WE
\ 1.1,A Nrs nN TliF; A hI.KiiIIENy
1,1; V! k ll.luh.\i s‘,ll inn „ i,„ r ,.,„,.4 h
1.1101 .( LEMON..
Ohio and Penury) ranla Railroad,
\ I.LI A NCk.
TIIE AND QUICIik:ST itourE TJ Clue.co
AND ill, Nol,ll W.T. IY VIA I'LKI'kLAN U.
The. Rid, v. our Iluudn•d tetletr tthttrter ;Intl about nine
qtt, ker than the circhittept 1111 l • vitt Itt4inthipetirt.
Your Ditil;Trauo. betwer.-. Cleveland and ehietwo.
Titue t.. elvVviallil ~ix 1 n, (Att....go twoutpcour thaws,
And St. Louts thirtme•ven hoot,.
()II mut uftrr ESDAY, Alay 20, 1856, the TI
..11 0.8 li,•:.1 sill riot nu f.,iluwst:
Tho tram. rho tali° and Penns).lvaula Railroad lenv,
Pal .1 , 111.01 3:00 A. M. Awl 7..;.k1 A. M. allti 3:00 P. M.
Ann, in Clerel:and ae InlHl A. M. and 9'30 P.
tln•n• (level/x:la nn.l Tt,ledu Itailr,ut
Rudi 1,11311.1 and Sr. I.ollin.
VIIMO:Ilgel, for and the N..rtls.
weet. ..ie the 7:3U A. M. trxin, by going
yin (level in,‘ will ill Nl - 10 nest morning.
aul tho North.wo.t. o Ito wish to go throttuli o
tituontion, will t.tho the train leaving Pitt.tibur.ut
A. M., IL. that LI the ottly train I.) •tt hit It dodo • outset Uinta
aro made through to tho
The tilt'. leaving Pittsburgh at :hat A. M. anti WenelVilin
nt 4.00 P. M. aro thu slily ones by ultich passettgers can
mach stations south t.f Alliance, or stations on the Tu..
novas extruaion.
Steantera Fore-4 City and In artist! lea, their landing, op
posite 51onongalieta even v morning (Sionla3s es.
cepted) ut to 1/ . 1 . 1.n . k. e-ntorting then• with
the train leaving at 'CI I'. 31., Alliance at 6,1111, and era lying
in Cleveland at :13 , 1 I'. 31 . connecting with the train for
Toledo and Chicago, awl 311.• I, C. otral Railroad fur
I6•trt.d and Chiengo.
kets for Chicago and rib, i on the North-went,
via 11 kit, die, me aold at $1 to ',ilk,. via Alliance,
Ths traool Cluveland liuklNt.ii with trams
for Cuyahoga Falls and Akron.
l'a,sengor, for Dover, hew Phtladolphia and other sta.
t i.h: ou Ttiwantulis EXtelinion, cult gu through same clay
without detention.
Irani. (nail Cleveland ln Toledo and Chicago ruu as
follow, Leg", Ulevel3llLl nt 030 A. N. ti;:Xl, 8:45 awl
11 . . M. Arrive at Clucaip., at 10.. X P. M., tau A. 1.,
8:40 A. M.. and 50) I'. M.
Ir.l , liuz.. 22 cl" s. Ist em u. - 2,1 cr a.
To Allllll.OO $2 35 'T , In Sidi" ...$l6 00 $l2 50
" Cleveland.... 400 ;•- Rock 1-,l'd.. 1, 00 14 00
'' Toledo 0(0 i " Oulena 111 10 11 00
" Chicago 13 00 $lO 50' " Springfield, 18 70 10 20
- Illoming - 'n..16 90 14 401.. Burlington, 10 00 15 00
•' St. lords 10 %il 16 50 " Peoria.. 10 101 14 110
•• Ronal, I 15 00.. lowaCity... 20 25 14 75
•• Milwaulsie.- 115 I 15 50 - Dnulletli.... IS o',o 13 bu
Emigrant Pare to Chicago $O,OO. llnek. Island $lOOO.
Ittggvurn checked tlirough to l'lurebuul and Ch go.
l'Amequmn; urn rupl,,t4Al to pn.un: their tick, at Ihr
ofticv of this Colupituy, iu thu Motion,; ;.11,1:i II ur,, third
Ivlow the currier.
J. DURAND. Supt, Cluei•ln ml.
roc._' J. A. CAUtillitili, A4t, l'ittanrg) ,
Ur,sa 111.1 COl . ll Scythe•;
Pump Chain :ma Flattiros;
Hay and Manure Forks. Together ‘‘itlt n lar;:e
oitensive assortment of Itardware,Just received mid tor
side low, at No 43 Wood street., between Diam o nd a ll a y an d
Fourth street, Pittsburgh. SAII'L. FA FINE:4I'OOi.
hhds. Sy rup;
Syrup. For elBlll Ly
F. IL DRAY°, No. 1 Diamond
4.2 (:(.1A rime New Orleans in store II nd
m3'sl .101 IN MOOR EA D
Joseph W hite's Carriage itepository.
Jnow carrying on
11,11.1 in Ilk:11.116.N premises, l now lately
OntAlrgt..l,) en the 191tabnrgh oral Ureeinitiiirg
Turnpike, near the Two Nile lien, betueen
Pittsburgh and Lawrenceville, respectfully invites lie paid le
to inspect his .1 oh of CARILIAIIEZI, ItUUU I", 9r. Anal he
particularly informs Viiiktnell Joao/laser:, that one grief
on 17 is mall,.
kiirtcou years' experience In the Willows enables him re
plaeo before his patrons the same choice collection of ear
-1 lobes which, no many years 113 , 4 it In. la.-11 hi. particular
department to, sedra, from the various and most talented
Kasten. mania:Lamers. 'the success of iris new system is
plett—illt• economy of Ills arrangements u ill supply the
tot Mid MINA 11.1iionAble tuautf acUu es lit Inirderall, 1411,,
I:LiOnCllnitsurval by those heavy expenswi, which the man ia
for decorating houses of lauds.. has heapoil upon the prier
of gissis, tows; to large rents,)JuSEPll WIIITO: will sell,
un ready 1114•11,V only. at much Ism then the, usual print'.
Alar Carriegan repArisi in the best manner, Otitis despatch.
WATER PI PES Stone Water Pipes,
frau t ti calibre, fur flair by
_ _
44, '4•••
- • t "'"
' -.r
• n4, -,..;.F: :::::,,! , ;,..,
Health and Strength must Inevi
tably Follow Its Use.
ANI) the various atreetiolis consequent upon
Itdko.tlerml Stomach in I.ller. finch as Indignation,
Acidify ~ftlie stoillaeli, Colicky Pains, Ileart.bara, L o y,, of
Appetite, 1.0.-spenilency, Coatironema, Blind and
Pd. , . In all 'Nervous. Ith.• n matia and Nenrulgic Atria,
them, it law in ~onerous inanuiree proved .Idghly beneficial,
and in others .4.41,1 a decided cum,
Nato n , ,1+ no I tew ..ttetny to eonolout, b•ith tloiiitht
col t •inl he I 61eni. It, effect, aro fthilivit 0ute,14.11, yet
the cure pernso 'trio!. II ratillinilitiritiri tin violent eitnck to
the ,)eiteto, hnt 1., :11,miillg Ito 1 , 11.1 i energy to hornet! to.
tittblel It to throu ott-tho a ut 0 inntl
ertulienieri the• thimen,e.
11'heo its ntedientnl virtues are sn univereedly acktnew/-
~hred, mei pitrthlil:wly here, where it tins become a.llopu
fintatly Inedacine, dirt it is sold by runny of tbe‘grueerd
an „ell ii.l4 sill the ,IrliKgistm it would ber/tl.lltedliVlS h.
ulkr yet las there are Wlii,
have trim mails iiilvectint..l remedies, out etil softer front
Dyspeletia It. who or 1,, t. it, t dre.u . nt forleA we subluln
the flillwilig . certitieutoli, the aiitlktrittel:y µC• )
1. 4 .1.0401. ill they de from persons at tfell knewn.
IS II A'l' Vl' IS 111.11Nle•FOR TIIN SICK.
%VI., :Nil 11, 1111 in Alin well known lit hagrupber,
- I lath.. h, plontl)
lilt 111 itibly nitiovem indigestion mu] debility."
lbw. :blame] Itaheovk foui.,ll skeins relief
Ito /t ere With whleht 1111111 Isar, 01,1'
J. W. W.talwell. Esc' , sap: " I have thus! Ikerhave's Ho!.
iaall Bitters i,ysttf, uaJ 1NV011114119.61 it to others, knowing
it to be jest what it La rispl - taaattaa
All. Jonathan Rack , lA., It. Chi r, cops :" I hare do
rlvegl great benefit front its too for weakness of the stottlarla
and indigestion."
Jalllett M. Murphy sap: •• After several o)ldd:inn had
failed, 1.14er1u0.V.4 Holland latent ,11111Ved MO pain from
my heart mid lade, arising from indlt., , estion."•
editor of the Ki t Intl sing Pre Preto sari: "After one
of the Ipe,t phyairiats,lu ti m e plant had failed, therhare*,:
Ifitter4 cured toe of the norm form of dppepairt"
Frato is MAIN. 11111 y 11.1111161.01 rt.(' of the "original lEx•
tract of Coffee, erne: " I kilaw that your Holland KIM I, in
.mt. of the best ulediciure in !Ito mmbl for it zli.or.leirl
giouttolt or liver."
Dr. 1.11.1% ig. rdi lure( t - Fiwkel," Baltimore, pronoUngeil
it a iloservitig Iher,,n ldrure of
Dr. Kiwi hart. the leading
Ito priiiieritiliit it 1111.111-nt three ',am with
1. • the spa,. pi:m.l,lly.
This iiintiagnr of 'tattoos'. Vitinizar Factory nays: '• 1
it nlynnit. niid wan Ilinrrforn to try :Is etlntit
nay , tr..atilril a ali debility rianaion to all ot
habit.) :amt really it in tiniwr a, Wore 1,4.1
than an) thin.; nlio Lae ••vor lake. "
Whiwv,r .•xpect.• I find in Iluot lkwerage^Will La di ~lr
pAntifi.d, but to th, twat and lunf n 11l
pose ft gran•inln,ntad it cnrdial.i..;sso.....d of Singular raft
elinl pr..prrtit,
The mat popularity of this delightful Aroma has Induced
many imitations, which the public dumb! guard against pur
chasing. lie not le•renaded to buy anything else until you
have given itoerhare's Holland Bittern a fair trial. tine tat
tie wiil convince you how iuthittely superior it hi to idl Liman
fair Sold at t 1 per bottle, or ale betflesior $5, by the sole
proprietors, BENJAMIN PAGE, Jet-, & CO.,
Miniuructuring Pharmarinitists and
ror. Smithfield and Third streets, Pittsburgh.
Philadelphia, T. W. Dyott k Sons, 132 N. 2.t1 street. NM'
York, Barite+ k Park, 30.1 Broadway. corner Duane. Balti
more. Compare Brothel,. itay street and Penna. Avente
Cincinnati, John 11. Park. Chicago, Barclay Crotlls,t-,.. 4 -2Y3 S.
Water et. St. Louis, Barnard, Adonis k Co-;;Can.1,,,u,,,
ti i fight & Co.
The rntibination of ingledielltl3 in Dr. Dlltkott•
:ro• Cold.irTille, are perfectly liartnle:,. They have been
rased In the 14 irate practice of oil Dr. Dupont.° for over 20
yearn, and thousands of hulk, ra•l teulify to their great and
never-falling oiler,-as iu 2,1111... Wt i•N • t y cone, In Curl'Verilllt
irl,g111:ltil firs, 11-14,111 V. 101111 . 11 i tool dortregAtig men:grim
t ion. particulatly at tlo• change of life. From sto 10 Pala
will clue that common yet dreadful iiiSiable, thg
Ntutrly ery holy In the hoot sutlers from that complaint.
The above pill Int. perntancntly curial thoustuids, and will
core yon if you tie them. They contort harm yott—on the
i‘drirary, they remove nll olotructiotoz, rt.staill• nature to 114
Paper rhaunel , and invigorate t h e whole i•lyte,i,„ LAW,
wit.... health will not pecntit incretto, of llama), will find
thew 1.1114-a anciwsfui preventive. For ia;rticulars see di.
roctiotot on the lion. ,PrICW $l-I\llll Will to tad 1.1
!ry mail, by i•lick.ittr, $1 to ritL.r of the
Lm mg ac,ent..:
;3 , 44 b y s A r.F.Eit. Aplas con, Allegheny
City; FULTON'S Drug. Shoo, Ilirioinglouu,./tillij 1 . . St 'Oll,
:nut W A.!: I.DEN PEN NEN A I`o., No. 43, Fifth aire,g,
”ik,tte 111, Th,itte, Vitt,hot
ptopt atr', pro S./1.1 by nil on.a , ,L.,ia voy
n01t...1 aprYCaunlSp
R. BROWN L•toitiiiite:; to he consulted l'r
../ t...kcitET uptv....kttv.tt. Ilio nu.,:ess ut
long ntolnlini :..a . rl in[...l. 'Vitt- altlictel are 111111.41
Wil hula t ~ t l.-,n..ue otllict,al nab Venereal Ina.
enael, itloinhatimo, 1 . 0,1, or Seminal Debility, 01n.u1.1 ii..t
deloy to g.. CUIZ [alai ng n Cue, itunnoliolu.
OA_ UN... a n d Pti von. 114.,11111. N. 50 Smlllitint,l ntsoet,
tot woun Thiral and Fourth nu twin, PitteibUf in2fl
nag, lagu von flirt nod Fourth
el tievot. his e tan., attention to t, 0111,a
two. [LA /.11n1Ill I, IS. inr Ito wort port., confines! to
prlVlti, lens Di.nar/al. tool LAN It noinfolutrecionn,
brotight nit autiagnltonon, y,mthful Indulgentu and exer , a.
Sy I.llllitie t rapt lona, Ilunorrhea,tilea,Stt kin rp
Ltt.•U, rill Din, barge:, l tarot Ity of tho Itlwnl, with toil
of tho Ve.nereol Ut raw.
Tang, ILingu•., in, Mercurio) Litamotea, Samitial
liasia , teloy, PR. n. Itlogunatutu, remote Waakavaa. Monthly
:401/10”-antotta. ilt.tma'a !la- ol , attla. Fig lila in Attu, Nervous
A neeLi4,lll, Poll., in the linen au,l la.ina, Irritotinti of ate
Woad, nod 3. i ,1,111) trealaql. Caro guarani...l.
Twenty pat. to ot,i t Lun Dt this city )atiablott Dr. !Iron n
otha - Itr.ll - 1/1... of n eitaasly vary in. all who:logy con.w
lila can,
Otlicu :Lad Private Cotignltatitm Srnittainltl
n,t•l u n L• It..
411.83 - l'harg, 31.3h3 31
Summer Arrangement—Change of floor
us And aft, MONDAY twxt Ow, will TIIIIRD DAILY
I.owren PITT:OtUID: II and Pll 11,ADELIOI 1.1.
. .
MORN IN() MAIL 'NIA IN !envoi PittAburgli
Philmtelphin at n3O A. M.
,THE FAST LIN 11 Itttv vs Pi I tAburgli
Ju t,',.1% I•. V.
TuK NailiT I:XPRESB TRA IN li.avvn Pittslmrt,lt Get
P1111.1.41,111n att 1U Y. M.
111 IIIISVILLIi ACCONDI011.11'1(1N TRAIN burrs Fitt
burgh daily, except Sunday, ttt V. M.
doily nt 11 o'clock A. 'AL, r. M., and 11:'-'1.1 P. M.—running
as far at Tingle, Creek Bridge.
111. above Lines ',towel at PittAmrgli with the Railroads
to and front St. Louis, 3.1..; ARAM, Galena and Chicago, Ill.;
Frankfort, Lexington and Louisville, liy.; Terre flame,
NLadisoit, Lafayette and ludinimpolis, Ind.; Cinelutetti, buy.
ton, Springfield, Ilellefontaine, bandusky, Toledo, Cleveland,
Columbus. Zanesville, Jlassillen and 1400sttly; Ohio;
will. the Savant Packet !louts from and to New 0111.3:1:13,
TICK MI'S can be had to or from either of tho
above placesti.
For furthernarticulam, see handbills ut the different
starting {whits. Passeugeis front the West will find this the
Morteat and teat expeditious route to Philadelphia. Pahis
more, New York, or Boston. J. MESH 131 MI,
Agent, Passenger Lines, Pittsburgh.
mylfi Agent, Passenger Lines, Ptdiadelphia.
NOTICE is hereby given that tluTAnnual
Meeting for tie_ election ..f Directors of the Pitts
burgh, Cincin..riti and Louisville Telegraph Company, will
le. held at the National Telegraph Otlice, in the city of bon
krill; Ky.,
on the first Monday loecoud day; If Jule next.
nt 10 o'clock A. M. JOffiIUA HANNA,
evil Secretor..
SLACK AN It LlME.—Sealed Pro
possls for delivering in the stores of the Works of the
l'ittdiurch 1;10 (Nittipany. 175,tgrd Imolode of bituminous
t' bO,OOO 14101(1, ..f :dark, and &rind linsliela of thee, will
rtnrri yea at the °thee of the Cutnpany until THUHSDAY,
the inst., at 3 ~'clok It, P. M. The Coal, Slack and. Limo
to Is• et sorb quality and cielivert.l at inch tisneisnaul In such
quantities ua SitiLii he ItpIICEIVNI of and (111.101.
standard of computation Mr C.:11 Mid :Auk to be 78
intn min per hustle!.
") n.vuta to 103.4. Mritlity. retaindig at perrecd: nr
01.7•1151ty f/s pertet mance of
1.7., 1 "...a. to 1.. .1211,1,.,1 en .aUIIO DoI.MES, Presi
ent o! the Game., , and endorsed •• Pr./ie./tat, for Curl and
'la. It," ~r lor as the rase tasty In'.
.1 %ILLS T .u3160N, Engineer.
°dire of the Pit tshorell 1
Mlty 1611.. toyl7:tJ
1,1.115. No.
in pi uuo ordor, for mf• try J. :74:1100N91AliElt,
up-7 No. 21looil qt.
Lr.to ;MILO t.id 1.111:11:11:1 I'llM,
*.A.) pookein
NN Mln prin.• quality old Rio r‘...oiTed hy
Ito lo S. liarket st. mull planmot.
. . .
ri -- _, ~- - PlTT'Sltll HMI. MlO , -
Ii) 11.1),Os.
li-e , .) , Y THE 1•ITTSIn.;11); II l'it t....5T c,,li PAIN i 1,,,,, o h , ,I,y
Jo. i irci n In, n 1,1 1 ,1 of SI X l'Elt tIfVT on the Capital Stork
.I of the pr..nis of 11.. In 4 .ni,iisoinl,.., rayulle to the stocl,:•
1,,,,i,,....i !hon. leg: ,1 1 ,- pr v.lllllll .. en Ca lIIW it tk
-10 'Plil 11. . 1 01[N 1,. .. 4 (.111'.1.V. eanlilvr.
NELi 001 ) S. • - A. A. .1; C. 0..
. 1111( 1,1•111V,1 2u. Lairs nTera ,lola
Ticking+, Tit Anniniur titnen I.larn 1:1111a,1/14 Ou.oii, •11, , er., 311 1 I UlllOl iII La f 0 .41
MILLINERY - 11001ni- —A . A. .N.ASON
Co u...t 4 . 41 •
‘.l 1614 on:, I ~t:.l 1:o iif
I)EAN S. -- Eel' \ 1•II 1111,1 for vale liar
inv23 nxiatic ?<A.
Ku, Eit .111 . k egs li
L I,I•
E--- 154 10.1 s. IICOII t • 14
I r CLAY —2l/ tops Ctil.l( v v . fl P(.4 t 'l:iv
sal- by 1t4y22 . 1 J. Lil~ir3ilsu«
111111111 E
- is,
J'.."5 ~y4 ci
. .
... ...
.. ...
- .; „ ,-.7 . .;i: - ':,.:. ( .....:1
1`.•.:: , :"'j , • .- ... - . , i.P;. , :
'Dol. , Ilm 1)