Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, May 24, 1856, Image 4
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N v . ~..., , , -..."..- ', 7 c 1.. .„, - *^'44. 4 l;site.fertili.,,V ft% 0 11 Eo' „It ft 0....1; . 6 - ic 1 . ',. , f ...-- .. ~f ; .", . ' 4 2, 4 1. 4...6 t ~e 44 1:4..r 4 ;...1 'l.''•,-7'• • E .) 4 . E14,.,:"_ 1 • '" • :,. ' ' - .. 0 . 1 , •%, - , 0' - aht•-.4%." . *... y t :... t3 - .. 4...c14ft 0 ,,,,, i tt ... 4 1.. ~. .,,Z.,.t tr iN ...:,.' ~.. . . - 1 ,•••- ..1 , , i , ~..? f t ot: .., r ; if i t. ~' . ' ! .1 . ".4 . •-f',ll , ,iVuel% e7",7 , 1,'':.' ' • ' .',.. ' ,`. l ,tit." --- ‘ _ - 2. ~.4 ••' 'tj 4 - * •,.. 4 ' r' 2 0 1 "%ste l t -,- ' -,, -, •- - '--. - ..5.' • _ ' '"- • . ~- ,•" - ,,, 4 ^ , 5i„, a -'l!4r, ...` ',„:,,,-. 4 1 : - . ''.. , .• -.'-+ - ~,et - . • 'l'., 4 A 4. 46 . 41. ' . 4 74 4 • ." 44 t,.., •, . 4 ,.. ,_ . 4t, , 4 1 ..... i • ~ . Y IL. at .„, •.'ns "P . ....• ' ' .1Z: -- .. ''' ' .„l.. -4„'" . le. rt . lA' ..t ~...,-,_ , ~1 it. ,. , . ,,, ~ . . r; :. i .a_ ,E. ie , , , , .. i`.-'l..Pt' [." . 4 ; -* •; ' 'Cg. ' 4 .L4 .2l:ikt'•-• 14.1.- . 4 ''' ' 4t 4: j 4 ' 4 " -S trct- , ,.7 4 ' • '.' 4 4 ', ~ - , Act . i ~4 4. ~,,,,,-:1., . ;;31,: - ''' '''. ~.., 4 "....... • ''" ~.: ... . ' ' • P • a .J- , ct, ~...* e," - :- ..,..-1, 2 _,.:,-, • Ip.."' ~~ ~~ .'. j` co 0; 4 P -046-44° - Nir , s4 A s-' %if •• . ' N. Vt . ' • 4 i • ,• . f• ' • • e. ' • 4 . et r . .. , , , '4 '. ' . Hon. H. M. Rice, Delegate to COIIgTHIL Ric,, 110 11illgehOW1 & Recker, Attorneys at Law. Masan,. Borup di Oaks, Bankers. R.T. T. M. Fullerton, Register of e. S. Land Office. sep2o TIE QtrINCEY'S - NEIV VOLUNIEun., other now Books, Just received by John lair.on, t. .Itarket, near 4th street. De Quince's Idemortala 2 vols. Contributbns to Literature; A - ..lance. Critical, Hum or ous, Biographical. Philosophiond and Poetical. b Oit ! Soma, tonn, p• Popular 111,tory or the - English Blt.bS ConsuL At Home and Abroad, or Thing's and l'bought. in Amer. ea and Europe, by .Slargaret Fuller °m01.n.,.-ledge Power a view of the Prolfurtlre Forme of Modern and the Restate of Labor, Capital and Skill. by Chart, Knight numerous engraving,. The Heroes or Creak Fain T name author. ales for my Children. by Ker. C. Kingsley. lin - watt, l•, Edward Clifford, or Memorice of Childhood; Carter's Lior Juvenile • Motley's Dutch Republic, in cloth and sheep. Wlyde Laws of the Ancient Rehr: ors. A &rood .I.•urieo Round the World, by Ida Pfiefer. rise Qmo•ri Sermon. I,• liglon In Common Life, by Our. Compare.tile Physlogriom). Mims Beecher's New Books, Phystology and Colistlientc Ey ercises, and Letters to the People en ilealth; also. her b.- mastic ECOUOMY Mid Itecript Hook the UreAt hook for Bel The Wonders of SCIYUCP or Voting Humphrey Duty , rt.. Cornish Apothecary Boy, who Wright Mosel( Natural Ph, lu , n , Pb.T, and eventually became Premdrut of the itoyal s. defy,) the Ilfe of a wonderful Boy, written for Boys ; !rated., only 71 cents. Abbot's Learning to Think and Lcar log o Talk. Dickey's Little Folks. for Children, 6 cols, 5. HALF - HOSE—Bleached, unbleach e d and mixed cotton, of beet English and Dermot make; allk, merino and merino poet, now on hand at. apBo L. HIRRIIFELD & RON'S, No. 70 Wood etre.-t (AIL CLOVES --50 lb s. for ap29 IL A. FAH' ACOMPLETE LIST 01 MAGAZINES, for Mar, 16:6 klarper's new monthly N11ig117.111.. Putnam's monthly Knickerbocker; or New York wont': Household Vords—condurted by Cbo Lady'. Book—colored plater iiraham'n Aincrimn monthly Maganue. Petemon's Lady ' s Nath•bst Aleganne liallon's Dollar inenthlsl.ltetrizine. Harper' Story Book. The Museum. The Schoolfellow fur Ytus.• nod Girl.. Fr milt Leslie “ Neve York - Journal Prank Gazette 4d . Fashi4M . Yankee Nodonn; full of comic illustrations Blazkwoodo Edinburgh .Nlagarine for April. Chambers Journal (London Edition) for April. Just received and for sale by W. A GILDENPENNRY A Oil Fifth street, opposite the Then AG AZINES! — MAGAZINES!! Frank Leelle's Fashion Rook for May. frank Leone's N. IC. Journal Goday's Ladiee'B •ook • " Graham's Magazine Peterson's Magazine Ballou'e Magazine " flousehold Words .• • Ilarprr's Mogazine " Piamtufe .•`• Knickerbocker Yankee N , Mone Blackwood's Siagalitio f r Aptd, London News and Yon& for April 19. For tale by my-ya lIMINER A f•tx N 0.32 Smithfield etrevt. OPENING this day, a large assortme nt of Watches. Gold Levers from $27 to Pk. Sliver Levers horn $l2 to SIN,. SiteerOyliodere from $9 to $lO. Itailrw . al Time Keepers, $.50. Frodsbiun'a Chronometer Serie., $3OO. Do. in Silver CAB., $175. Chains, Seals, Key., kc. 4„ Watches repaired in the beet marin e r by mys W. W. WILSON, corner of Markrt k 4th 100 boxes Mould and Lipped Candles 25 do Star do 100 So Rosin Soap. 300 kegs assorted Nails 100 dos. Corn Brooms. 60 bales No. 1 and 2 Batting. 25 doz. Bed Cords. 25 do Buckets. 10 du Tubs. In store aoJ for sale by myd JOHN MOORBEA D. F RESH PINE APPLES.-3 canes, first of treason, just received per Expresa, and for Rale by ap2B RHYMER it ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood et. DRAWERS.—We hare now on band a full assortment of Linen, Muslin, Lisle Thread, Gams', 11,.. rine, Silk end Cotton Draw ens of all sixes, at L 111RSG FELD & SON, No. 70 Wood Faroe!. CHIMN EY TOPS--300, of various patterns, for 1 , 1110 by I ap2B] HENRY H. COLLINS TO LET—A large and commodious Ware house, eituntod in one of the beet bneinesa Rquariie Woo.l street. Enquire or JOHN HAFT, J 01,21 Corner of Sixth and Wood e EL., ta. laITIN" CA boxes just rec'd wd for axleby p 26) SPRLIWER HARBAIRM. LAIN to arrive and for sale by ap26 SPRINGER HARBARG/1 RINE TAI3LE SALT FOR FAMILY USE L• sp.2 300 bss.iwa received and for gale by REYMER & ANDERSON. JEDFORD AIINERAL WATER.-10 half A ..1) } kis Just received &mill fro theri., f" ode b/ MY6i m JOHN Sp MO ngORHEAD. XT - WPXPE.II. JA Marro. , /lain and Tapestry Patterns of brilliant c . 010r7. WW of litench manufacture, With a groat variety of American Papar and Border,. For Fula by W. P. MA lISIIALL .4 CO,' • ood street. ATER PIPES—Stone Wale Kale by raP2R) 112 NRY Er r . (* Pi t - • L AWN GRASS.-20 bush. of the finest &wind; Mixed, for yards and pleasure ground; j mislead and for aide at the Seed and A.Ocniturai Store,. No. II lin Wee- epriS JAMES ) ,- .4; 4 -e - %* 4 1 1 -tOt „ ' l n. ........., ._.. MISCELLANEOUS. INVENTIONS A ND I'ATENTb' ...... ~- -E ir.."71,f i 1 . ..: e-•, j : lr r e "iiirlar" .. , , / [A Heating mid ..ir ... .s.aimais.4 Warehouse, D .. 1 1Litithig_g tr i ~...rit t i ,.._,... ..,, n ,/, fbil Globe” on pLUMIIING, GAS -FITTING, & STEAM .elmwt..t4l the ' steam-engines throbbed the hat year, and I to W „Actium= gilgyrage„ErßeET.,P/22ANI/RG/f. asztlUcli as they appear to have given entire SiMidietfon to WARMING, and ,VENTingintiCitOn thoionost approved our ___ piens fite factories,.. 4 " ) '.llll' i t ieheflaktolivingeogitittylgtiding them Inge, greenhoutieS;fia., Ac. pubnclittilaltigs; hotels, private dwell- as a good artiehry Mid much preferehla on actiontit of their CIIILSON'BI.VM4 44 ando,r47 l.l =llLACE . , simplicity of Untu fi s i aatiou'iltitie olittrulhihned Oil Gkibeef, or of iburtalaki. e t" ''''. l ......,,_''''' ''' ' . 1 .; ' aotter of whiny 1103 / 1 1 tiAItrAII'IISOOLLIT , 0 S ill- °). wWe have any /finowledge. inge or a lean number of rooms. . estuct i fu BTEA- 31 , KEATING APPARATUS, for stiiiiing buildings of Yet 7 r gy yours, YverydescriptiOtt; abigeEin,eptitoratiftgA4gying, Ac., for F. A W. :11. FABER A CO, lumber, pip_annertilitelti fectorits, tannerkti, Ac. Engine Builders. DRYING ULOSETS,';WASH BOVSEN axe *tele, public in- , . coital:ions or dwellinge. , .." --. . ~1 .:, 4 ,FP, This certifies that the Oil Cup patented by Mr. Trott, has WARM WATER Flustottforelth'!ttut tor build- been in use on our road for two years past. Welled it to be LOPR IbIic IIIVE T TIAfieZtii an emiria -j e n , . ~ ew, ‘ .plan, for an economical and durable Oil Cup, and can . „Vraolnina above Par Pales, aaanY managed. gnaw:ay L 4 podnd per " each . GEO. IV. ORIER, end it inchpressure. . ~,,, . -!. ~.- '1'...., ,.., „ Foreman of Pittsburgh Shop of Penna. Central RR. GAS. WORKS, for large toaalliCOldaanted,l9e. .L.T. November '29th, IM.I. ROM, OIL 43AS APP or derellinlm factories, ,public buildings , fire.• "./Y , ..,?tri a To M. F. EATON, lisp.: RUSSEL'S lIOT AIR GAIESIE:IO. .. ' ' ''. UDDER% (MS ILEGIII,A,M . ~,,,Htg,,,,gin g a uy ,,,,,,,A,.. y ~,,, i This certifies that we have had in use the patent Oil Globes insproVita the derea or ifily, ~.......":. ' or Cups, itold by Moore F. Eaton. Esq., of Pittsbnrgb, and S 5 t. ..1 41 .7 nd th% (:)C Fitteo} S ", (l . l) .M 3 ,... , ..ruNGS arelai r hfil L' lttots for consider them very much superior to any thing of the kind ALFRED THOMAS, / MN BE DSTKDS, ea4t, wt:ought and tubulmirou, a vane. we have '''' used . Treasurer Ohio Tool Company. PEt3Nltoillitrio-11 ..... at t ikr i TELS, 841e'l luaibleiXed ‘ lam tuanties and narrut Columbus Ohio, November 27, 18f41. ap2l marble num es. - - - - ENAMELED GRATES AND FENDERS, of home'sted east- i From the Yew Turk Scientific American.) ern Ituittßtafititte. Patent Finishing Plane. il i To Pa A nn lß ed, 4 pla p ted :V o i r bronzed. REGIST"S ' "I'mlel'l' The tuvention is ihteutled for use where it is desired to ion- S P EAK ING TUBE CONDUCTOR PIPE AND TIN ROOF- part a line, smooth, and glossy surface to the wood; but it ie ING. applicable, with advantage, to all kind of carpenter's planes. BRASS AND IRON 111 - riNGS of every descnptior, for Gas and Steam. Vales, cocks, tees, elboev, Ac . to every variety. Tr t :ra n o o f re t l r t ,e y w co ,... zte i, litt .u. phiciu d ,dr g b, t h l i te nd„ cu aa ttin in g .o cii: m eL o. or pi bLt , , ,,,, in ; BRASS AND IRON FITTINGS., or Plumbing. also In applyiug a metallic mouth-ploce teethe Moe of the Lira Toss, WASP BASINS, WATER I :Lo&ETS, i.r.AL PIPE and every variety of the best dew ital 1/ plane, In front of' the chisel, which Mouth piece servos . the Ire's materials. mii .. I‘,/, /I teat for the chisel, end confines the throat of the plane.. FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS, galvanize{ fir •tig,•l tv..t, t,t... But th e mouth poste Is socks. to the edge of the bit as to for wells, Ac. MARBLEIZED IRON WASHSTAND Tv't •• AND BA.. 3 prevent the plane from ripping or splintertug the wad in jALYANIZED LRON SINKS AND BASINA. the least deirtoe. Indeed, we have Been the IXIVICOIieIa ttp- GAS FITTLNO and materials in quit railer.. plied to the pl.ma,g, of wood against the e.t.a., and haps CRANDELIF:RS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, - .lc, niattY vat ; . .. I y h al hSo tirely new patterns and styles. . p2 ,, 1.d verse.) t. t le•gra-t. es. ,leg t e wo. pen is ay Kitievt . e faaftAt is the operation ‘.11),b, instrument, the: it may be ale r ill ANIMS EXPRESS COMPANY— 0 1, 1 to the pin ..t of 1 d on e - entire dieresis—it PITTSBURGH, ROCHESTER AND NEW BRIGHTON thing which cann.tt safely be done- by the moo plane. EXPRESS.—For the espei'cittl accommodation Loge 1,.• 1... . . - ellieul of the mouth ,te. .a, sea population along the line of the Ohio and Pennsylvania It- .!• .. ; , aolete and title beetle, tor the b i t road, between Pittsburgh and New Brighton, WhOsie intimate t • . length. and clispensts, tinder all cur business and social relations require such Agency, Tilt .., It, tote .4 a ..tit or double Lit" ADAMS EXPRMS COMPANY have made such arrang. • ; y simple anti eft, ; le improvemeta, destined. went with the Rail/NSW as to enable them to put a true , : 1.., , ... doubt. to find rte ear into every carpeuter's Qt.+ Messenger on the Accommtaianon Train, who well take m tlte L s N.. tool chest ; mplett. without /1 T at n charge of all property and business properly entreated •;t ventor is Witt C Hopp e: .; • .ournh. pa„ and his patent elm. lie will leave New Brighton by the Morning l'ro.i. , tears date .;souru-y iti, Its. remain in Pittsburgh and Allegheny City daring the day to ' 44-IdosEit F. EATu 'wet street, Agont for attend to wide commissions as may be entrusted to hint, end th o pau.ef.. retiree by the Vvening Train, with his GOOdS and Cone. . *ions executed. All goods, ..tc., wilt be delivered or tali, , , , sesr.,... - tn the two cities, within reasonable distance .. •;; .. • charge; but lii nature such delivery, the do ecti - . gee, especially for private boos., sh o uld In' ey ill, ti At Way Stations. all matter will be heft with toe .- ;.• t. A cARD_I re q .. lite atti-rirt,ni f.d . rely Agent of the Itattrad Caelpany , when the prole, part, At friends and the pefille Co tut slikit td not at the Station ou the arrival of the Train, to rrceive hie sPRI Xi. AND SU.NDIEIt IiOODS, goods. , ri,,, c h arges fior coursing p a0 k a . m .,..,, , ,te_. and A„,. ~,,,,r i n ., „, Who It I thotk contains a larger variety of roll at" Les 08, 4 rendered by the Mootenger, are , Intended lee tee within 1011 '"' " th rr T.:rm. ' . P"" h "''' 1 base " km ' ` l* " al " m " h ' sortable limits. When the nature of the business L. such . obtain all the "h•" 1" of to admit of it special agrifetnenta will lee made AH HENRY E ' IRVIN has been appointed ge andF NCY CLOT S Nlstaeitr, will COliciruenre he/ it/Ides on Moroi., Doeoo t h ot . 24, !gyi, 0•1.-r1, ,i AND ...I ell 1'1,1., DMISI/A, Mulb.,rry, Bret,, opriays AN AOENTS. Drab, n. !Insti l ..o told Olive, with various Onto of Green cod ,, Pittsburgh—Gl Fourth street . Moe I hare obser.eof the ear. owe in selecting my Allegheny City—Telegraph Ofllo, FANCY CASSINIERES, Ha glue---(hp H a y Sewickley Statiou—.llr. McLaughlin. e hol t embrace a choice neatirranont of light ..,tun, uituad., Rochester -Mr, lliiita. i..r evening dries iu the rummer etestaue, with a Greenlet .4 Beaver—Dr. Chandler. Mark Ensue Flgarsi Govais; n {Wended for the led New Brighton—Mr. Hoops. weal My anal, of V HOTINUS tau largo as ran tae OPTICr ADAMS F.:rases Co t found e 1.,. here, compti.tttg worry varlet • ed . bilk Prootot• , Pittsburg/a, Dec. Ruth , I a 55. 1 piton net firhrof fitertoolottot nout lixottollex N) 0000etoo Is t of /Loot' clothlug hx.s teen lueroLood an I I 40 . f-parrei 14 flll a 4 eaters iti this t.tailr h lo rth to re ~..t1.1.t4 Lieu to myself and bottle than hitherto 1 ta -efl `fe.../.4 attention to a 1 .1//101 1 Mt /4 PrOtty 4“Litit l'l. AA I 1,' , , t .,.1., r ) adapted to t I,ll,tren'a dm., which, I [tuna. t .at, itot fuel le 1.te,00... Ale, 14-xotho, Argettillo. LOstfea, it totx 11.1d/tl.O Merinos, Freneh Naukinnettett, Drat, Italian Cloth, oalib if.fitterone at! he of Worsted sad Linen Gisela, in tenenel th,-, La 131rn'. or le/ 's tl,thotr ap.25:1t0d.1.. aoLO.IIuN STONER, No SO Waal tit. AT E‘V CLOTHING STORE, N. 4 Sixth oroeh opio auto. hitssrty Th• ott hat-ether lax. J tot open. ...I tho teen ottalOoktoettt. xbete he too altt oys ott toilet 4 tarp/ ant do/k0 satiortmetit of all articles of CLOTHINU, which he warrants Neal to aay In the city, and will sell at the most tvessinable ;4 - Wet The potato are requested to Kier LLB • call ',5.a.e....1y ; It. OPPENHEIMER Tu TuoBl - IV - fITWISII FATIM.T.i!!i-- To have FERTILE LAND at a CHEAP PRICK and , easy term; your attention to to the Ridgeway Faro/ and Coal Company. Tr etity-ti re acres. or menu in pro, so. non, are givea for 1.200, payable in In of el ptt week or $4 per ne It k ,orinty. Pa ...nd has use of the beat markets (or Its pnaltios In the grate, The soil is a rich loam • and ts not to be surpassed for farn,• nag, se ex.amtuation will show. It Ls ALL CURL LAND, underlaid by two rich re/to., which, on account of Its facility to the Lake market, s shortly become of Immense value. The Sunbury and Rri e IL IL praxis alinartly through it. winch 1,, nose under con• structhm from Erie to within a short Matera. from way. Thu Allegheny Valley It. R. also muses through lt. connecting it with New York and Pittsburgh. The Timber un it is of the meet valuable kind. Title unexceptionably goo and warrantee deed. are given. It present's a wood and sabotaa opportunity to common., farming, providing fur one's children, or making au Investment sure to more in value. Anew ern i• 110 w opening to this region of coun try, and tt cannot but become of great %Islas. In a short time Coal Land wW be treble Its present prkse. Further particular. can be had from the pamptileta, which are bout to enquirers. Letters answered promptly. Apply or whirrs* BAWL ri. CATELL, Reey, 135 Walnut It,, PGlia Full Information Is contained In the pamphlets. 0 . crav, B ROTT & CURTIS, Dealers in Real EFtate. St. Anthony Palle, Alluneeota Territor7. Laud hough and sold throughout the Territory. Money leaned. lei est • meats made to the Wet advantage. sod Land {Torrents L teit. Also, Agents fur the sale of Lots to the J.own of : 4 1 CLOUD, SA roil., tram SC. Audi. v nod Lead of ens above the Falls. The survey of the grant Pe on noun Railroad crease. the Alhadissippi at tins point, nod the tinmerous ail • o f it lag s es a place of 13/ 1 / 1 / MOM, Will make it on.. of the largest cities in the Serthirest. ILITCIILier, • KX-0.151110r blintaasoto. Hon. Wm. 11. Welsh, Mei Justice of )11o.neo0t., lion. J. Meeker. 1440. AN NC A L STATEMENT Uf the ( \lnner -1.1,11 Mutual Llte Insurance CoMpway. ku (Iv 7e-as. Slat JILtIt/9117. /SO, .tatanwut 31st Jou:mart, 1:4•09 01 Amount recrict.l tar pratututuo an..l ritlu chirlUg the yaw4ll Intattat " •. .. I 44,:41; Total n— i7cia,sca 71 rota] r..rviptn for the rsar . Ur irnt no.l ttottions, ltdverttaitg. print otation,a). r 7111.. MAIN. 1,-tag.., . jlti,troo ~0 ttet.12,41.t0l to komea ou oclucimg p;& unpaid Lsot theetieatie cturthg the year ..N. w Parrlni4l.l l l. ... • 1t Pre tniurn Notes Om -vied Net tuhutco, Jun. 31. Inz.n Lunn,. Vfl Ind tr.. not . due, wad YINPILIng vo,,A. .1v ILAid atk.l Mortgni,, 1....na cal itr4.l F.4,4tut, Ilank Si4,t Luau. t.,,,%,.41,`• 11 444;2744 441, lA.. 14, ;441c-an. el nod other c 44,4 3lur !gage, LlA•oti+. 11.1 k st,l sta. k 44 ... .... . it, 1.1.11 k PrvJuitu, tug, ititwri•it t[A . • Luk, prvisiiiustui I 111.• lunit• , Of A ,;•-talsi and lit [m.o. „ • A ra•Air,l .$t dtiront, year- I I!, 10. Tut.' altt,.,int tat paid 1../ deae.1,34:•44, T9t141 ••1 air al.-1/.IA paid to •.. CA6.4.3.4 t••r - 4 ••• n . 1 1T.dond of cr•dst t.• ae L I r V 11111.11119 paid upou M. Polictr. during and IZ, p•-r oprrmiutiv. JAI/04') 144 R. PH ELee, Secrrtary, A A CAIHt./ KR A' PRO, Ageuta, - nrn, Fourth 11,101 NtetiLlifierld ttK kRLE OF (;11,11_;E!!—Two SPLENI)II) PA 1i.1,111 MNO RA VISO:4, rotatlod " tun bb, t tra Tin1.,1," sp4.ntisd cograystsg, tr. tas att. ....1. , brutal ;mitt Wag by La.utt...C-r, alt.! Depau tura .•1 11. I arat,littat Trom Itio . pt," a Da k , not taaauttful tawny s at{ it, at, plain Dug Dy D koberta. 1 - ht rrtatt pilot of Ilta• &ta t , e rot ffTtlnwngraying's h, $3 per rlupy, tart VIII tau went troy ti Mani:, a, Th- har.establishrst a BOOK AIIHNCY In Philadelphia, and will famish soy book ur publication ai the rental price, free of ef.rtage. Auy persona. by forwanin, t . the euto...ra.tfon price soy of the 11.1 Magazines, such e. flamer's, Ciorley's, Putnam* Orationea, Prank Levant rash , 1,404 rooerve the tnagocnee fur out , pea, and t .p. ..1 eats,' of the above beautiful enaraf man, free of ehar,p - Or tf anbecri_binc to $2 and nSi A/ 1 4012.11., 1111 t I/ 1. l'elef soot, Sart SO.allett's Leaf. Christian Ananol, tiay will r ceire both fungAtiL)lsl and spy of tilt/on the al.• 1, Krataufs deecript.on of PocraTinft nu - en..l .• ti of Itu:I.0 ** *Pal Hermituse, few. of 3 letelfluory, itook 11 i l / 1 1 , 11 , ,, , ..1, t.:Antattniee, 111.in1 ea Conte, As. All ord..- lo•ot 'ono pr ornptly utlsmpir.i to. Person* wishing •wo 1.1 (11 , 11 . Id zoo. , 01/Fravo.l kap send a dagnerreot) slt. , el, of t n. ✓ .lAlit tpreee. P et s ..hetanee haring aka...able arttchs would find ad contact. to Whir , -.. F it tOtititri 11•Otn, ra, we wool, ac , uts fur the sale or LI, 'woe YRAM A PIERCE, st) Third strut. 4. 13 1:1 NEs8! -- 1:11:SINE!! \NIL PROPERTY FOR SALP—Sltuato ea lug S watley, a inlil hon. of ii atoriva, it run of none, unlit out a: .1 tdl other gearing and fixture.. eta will, Y good frame Am.., 161 a,ua of land. Prier $.1, ,,, R) A eTLAM SAN' MILL, alto.« ou the Ohio river, near itt Mary's, fk mil. below Wheeling. PH..., $1,600. TANNERY POR BALE, situate at Moundsville. Va., with vale, W , Ac., all In gond Order. large dwelling Ituuse, nerve of ground, Ac, Price $4.00n. spl3 8. CUTHBERT & SON, 61 Market id. Jet. IL Stone, Into of llUMphreys, Rothman A Koons, Philu D. W. ilsßertly. Late of Pittsburgh. KOONS & HERSTINF 9 FLOUR FACTOR, AND Gene! I Produce Commission Mei jhan ts, . 47 North Wharves and 9b Nora Water shed, below Race street, • Karim To . itagoley Woodward & Co. PhiLlßryan, Kennedy & Ito Pit eel Garrott Mutt. & Co. " !L. Wilmarth & Co. W,» .1 4.llivor. " Bell & Litt, Slitor, I rico & Co. " " J. 4W. Bow, " Cobbo l' pr & Co. . BarleyCosgrove & (.0. o Truitt, i ruttier & Co. " Watt & 'Wilson, J. D. Lolonor & Co. Cincinnati. kosdick & Noulds, Ciricitooit " A. A. 1 1 ,dlook & CO. .. Morrow a (let - tier Tweed & Sibl e y, J. 8. Clieuowoth . C'u. And Pittsburgh nod Philadelphia Merchants genet silly. Jaljulapctim . __ WANTED—Six good Girls, to do general housework. Two or three good Cooke for city and country. A Boy of 17 to learn a trade; most be well mann. mended. Also, place. for four or five Girls to do chamber or dining-room work. Four Boys In store,. or to run errands, and five ur six men at any kind of employment. feta Apply at LOWRIE'S Neu, Intelligence Office, ) No. 14 s'gth street. PRUSSIAN BLUE-15 cases for sale by B. A. FARNESTOCK & CO., ap2ff corner First and Wood starletßlEU . PEACHES..-200 bush. Bright Jurll hero Peaches, in store and for sale by FOBEIYI7.I & SCOTT, 76 Water street. BACON 10,000 Baron 16,000 Shoulders. 10,00uSidoe,lo mon nod for sale by FORSYTII & SCOTT, 76 Water atm DOTATOES-150 bus. White and B!ue Ne abannockAs for wile by myl HENRY H. COLLIN& OLL BUTTER--3 bbls. fine frWedcfoiriale by myl ILENRY COLLIN& - _ _ _ _ A. MASON rin e „ morn. A• ju g . MOO of Berage de lninee yards of Mnalin de Lainea at 123.6 c., worth 2 1 Z A t ; 1 1 ° . ° ° CHALLIES--A. A. MASON now receiving some 400 pieces of rich Challiea at Sand It/ cents per yard less than (rover prices. myl A A. 21ASON & CO. are now openin g gwino am CAI./ of New Slo ' oda, Just purchased at a great reduction in prima, and much lees than the coat of im portation, and will be aold corramondlngly low. myi SEED POTATOS.-50 bushels of the oele- Grated Purple ChM, one of the Brost reliable and v ble Pewee known, at 47 Fifth street alua ept-w JA.10,8 WARDhop ,ri,~.t s~.~es e f =Ea 1 ot," k I -.0 %,4 fx.3.44h / • 13ANKE1 S AND b(,j.)tik:l;* tsris iitil Kr,;; ..nli Et. Y.,.-et. ilLv att. 1),,t, , l.• Al: I •Ilisamn•-,3:4.h• V4toi,l 1.. 1.1 - •.rupt:, • 11()LNIES t SON'S, Ilatiken. and L Frnk nn.l torn,. r. it, .4., In nil-. A,. • ' , 1.:, nilv, /1.2.1,k Ktituthp. ~ n 11t . ..torts Llties con/1441111) for clir. eiril•-chlla 111.10 In CI thr nto. thrlnurt./u: EL. /...14raite m Val furArs or vurf rat el, Atuket rret, bet suhu Tlnr4 and Fourth Mu un:lrt 1) a rl E. AI{NULI) .s‘. CO., Bankers and Ea . /mug., Itritkoro. llostof, in l o t Itattoto, l'otzt Nutt.. in Witt Time brotto. Gollottion• , ntr4ttlit nt Intstit•: nod .u,t Nal of tit, t. to. 1, lotuttitt 1.1 • , •1301.... 4*- N... 74 Y. 'UT Ili to 1, t.l t the Ramat •.1 rittlt I• • )1.1 N 00 I)S, litutkrr nal.l x citt.gl 11,,1,•$ tri tun., ml 14,1, rL.k ftc,.l 4-1 , 2 . • • 0.• t /.• ..tutquily t.....1”41 tn 01V1,.1 1,414 ••11 tl. t4.a l •pt.fflit.• Us. M rrliO Lt wh. 41,.. lip NIAS WOI)DS, Cotithiereial Brukur,;u l d 11 Dral. i. 50t.. , “, 14.4.1 x, 511,L., tidal &W t.., tr.. is,urtla struel, Pitunagh, kn. MEW SPRINO (400DS-- No. 74 :lar)iet 1 . 1 street, Pittabargh, The subeocrarern leave just r, and ar e now opening their that armal of SIIN t/e.loDtt, to hidh they wish tall the pp [molar attention of their customers noel the public ip•nerntly We flatter vut• nwirea thnt we ha, never been able to offer so handsoup And iletilruble a stock HA the prtiatint on, Mt KSS silfS DEI'ARTNII.STI2I.IIiII.I{d Fltyl4l. and nurelues of th e firtrn rich Black and ColorefrAlotruuta.iu s Silks , Jasper, Chetta and Stripe,' Main, Striped and Via l, ! Bhu k " Twisted Silk Flounced Rob., Chain llarugo " Lawn Also, Mana, Dart:gen, Challlea. /au sa e k,. SHAWLS AND NIANTLES. Our Shawl and Mantle Itexan is supplied with all the now ylea of Crape, Otahtnere, Stella, Silk, Brocha, Moirusttalue, Chantilla, Lace, eke., kr. NERIJLIS WORK. Ottr stork of Collura, Plonochignk, Sleeve., ke., nut too panood by filly thick Went Of Nlouottuns. Ale., 8.004 onsoment oi MOURNING AND 11,11;;;J. FURNISHING GOoDS. PIIILADE I'llll DOM Et 4 TICS. Priuta, Woghxmy, Clocks, Jlnellne, Tlcklega, Retouch% c a u .„stao,, 000urnerea, Cotton, Linen enal Punt :musk, A.r. Alan, Moves, llosiery, Ribbons, iuol every other arta]. naitaßy kept to a ilrat-clata Dry %lova@ Donee, to ato e i, solicit a call anti elaniltiution before purchasing °Mealier, an we feel confident we have never been able to exhibit Nut% u cicalrable stock. LOVE f 1 WYLIE Formerly Young, StevetuaM & Love. 74 Market street, Pitteburgb, Pa. _ •. - _M ANSION HOUSE, GEORGE A ERE N TZ, PHOPAILTUR, Nu. 344 Liberty street, juxt Lettidu Lb, Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which wake, It the moat convenient house in the city for passenger s a, ri ving by that road. Theproprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted op. In excellent style, the MANSION ROUSE, Could respeet fully solicit a abate of public patrtinage. There is attached a splendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, aor.f_ fug ample accommodation to travelersand [CPU/biter,. fr llm Larder and Bar will be furnlshial with the beet the marlio can afford. ST. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St Clair streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.—The undersigned, lrmee ly of "Brown's Hotel," having taken this large and commo dious HOTEL, and having refitted it In magnificent styl e , would reepv:tfally Invite his friends and the traveling public to give him a call. Amami,' with the convenience of the house and his long experience In the business, dc., u give entire satisfaction, and Ina charges moderate. WM. C. CONNELLE, G OOD INTENT HOUSE, corner of Libor ty and Grant streets, near the Railroad Depot. ,Janl3:ly . JAMES SHANNON', Proprieteirj KENNET ALE.—W. D. ENGLISH, Sole Bottler of SMITH'S celebrated Kennett Ale and Brown Burnt. Also, Common Ale and Porter, in quart and pint bottle". The attention of families, and the trade, is resportfully solicited MINERAL WATER AND SARSAHIiIi BILLA.--WM. D. RNGI.IBII, Pitt street, below Penn, In now fnanufacturing and bottling the above beverages ou an extensive wale. His articles are of the best quality, and meanflotareel from the purest mCotiale. 0c.A.17:17 :NSURANC,R 1 . -i FIRE AND 4....titi.:6. h I N SCli.A.Ncli (X. 1.11 PA N V , 6 V PELILADHLPHIA ( I ~, 'i , 1 rV. Capital . ' '6,00,000 Amount securely Inc. -Lea - $ , 400,000 r- TMEClentpiany effects Vim inenraime en Iriffhlinga, Goode , 1 G; LS" ft,,WLI: LI i lit 'I itLEE 11.1.1. LY THAINS ' 3rnrininra, An Marina ininr•in ‘' ' a ' r ' ia, ent4 i n an 1 Fil0)1 .1 ' ) '.l . I - .5.7. : Z.,' i 1 ~ .,11 TO DAY:7ON AA' D IN. BreighL inland Insturance no Geo); by , /livers, • Lakes, Hanle, Hailroa4 and Limd Carrion gene' ally. Also, bleu- I I) 1 AS.4 1 ULM . . rance opmatires, upirn the most favorable terrne. -- - • DIRECTOrta. Ii OHIO AND PENNS Ii.VAN: A Hon. Thomas B. Florence, Janice Fl. Neal', •, George H. Armitiong, Charles Dingo., I An n ice.. P. Middleton, B. Ft. tlelmhold, i George lielmbißld, Fred. C. Brordter, Thomas Manderield, limac Irech. THOMAS it FLuIIENCE, President. "Rowalm, R. Hzumotn, Secretary. Virranolinn ntrztiv.iirns. Ilnn. T. M. Howe, lion. J E. , I . L.E.Uthek, Hon. P. C. Shannon, Col. S. IA . 1141.,L, . Hon. J. B. Guthrie, A. B. M'Calieunt, hay., Thomas J. Heenan, Bey., Wilson M '.4IELEN:I, 1,1.1., Cul. J. Heron Foster, Gen. J. h NI., .rhrud. . FL M. Riddle. The character of the above CoinpnLy 14 .:" the nrst 1:110.1. and combines the rare and unusual I ri, thczas of t Tr, Mee Inc and Life insurance. Gentlemen of ele,itted standing a1.1.,,,,Eit..) I, Ea lEAU awouiritt, and intereeted no. Siodth ~,,, , THOMAS .1. 'HINTER. AI:ont: , N. .A. , Cl at. r Street. rrllli FRANKLIN FIRIINSURANUE comi•ANy, PILILADELPIIIA. -Charilw W. Elaucker, Thuniaa . JRCOIt It. Smith, 0(0 {{'.l clmrdx, Mvl , l,ni L. Lew., Adolph; E. Rune, David .Niur. tar.Orl. Cam.. N II4ICXLe, Prealdent. Cll.B. 1,. BANCCEII, Secretary. Culattouo to ilk , . Ix + rp«t Itt 11111it..1, 011 dot. , :riptiou of prolwrty, in tow.; nad cum; try , nt tide, In lug ad; mi. ronsiatont ;rah ;wearily. Thu Oulapalty hilTto rasorrod a Iur f, Coutlagaht whi hich, with their capital and premium,,, Nifely to vetted, aulple prutmtioo to tho aasured. Tbo Amets of th• t'unipany. can Jnlttlaa). 1.4 a.;; pub lialleal &gra...ably to Rh Act 14 Aasoutbiy, fulluw..., viz: Mortgagg 91 k. Oil Totaporary Linn, 6 . l.Vitt ”t., 011511, 41.344.. bl Total__. ...„ • • 51.:21279, 41 9in./ their It - orporation, a rwt,rl of Naarp,ur Choy Ila.rey paid upward of Vim • vu 11 411dIrti f lento C l / 4 .11141 - 4, laboos by fire, Ito, rt., , [I., wirlint ogres of ifo.oraly, a, co.!' , Ito-,a.ll,; ;knrl to moot pn.kmptlwan ail 11ut.t,,t1,, .0 Unice., nor throat 0...1 and 1 a/ rti . - IIEASYLVASI,‘ I , VSUIt:NCE i•ANy, ur 1.( ••k••urti, •L: d Sluit6l,vld lotin•Ax AUTIlu14111:1) (:A 1d5...400u lunure Iftublitign dud —due, yd,,ke• unt abraJ 44.1/, 14, hl Yin, U.!wa u:dud N 3 401, Win Johnrl.)n 11 diVilob.x./..., )1. lAa/g, I .0rt..1 h: t., A A r earn-s., ii•vr E. Plk. II k. A. J. J ow., ..11wrno, li. rieglev Wgult Ll.Loapt,, 0, 11,. % \I It' Jolo,l\ /N. Vittlti I'Al - 1 Eft , \• r A. A I'AltltlClt, tos Mid Ini.sottrttt I - I t 41610 AVAIII44II - - - • rilllE I.; NI TEL) S'IA TES . 1.1 FE INNI "; : _& HASCE. ANIaI'ITV ARP Till ~ r cs ,, irt:si, 1,11 k iad..4.4ifa --4-14acterod Apafl . D4b. !kW , 1 1.,1,,,,, CAI'ITAL, r.2.:af0.10 017 k., Famtlalrfaat evruor 44 Thud and Chaatald fttra.at, 14111a4f.lpto. f I FIFRIII.4 OP l'fi If 11011 E If. 1.141.1 AT P1111.1.1 , 4:1.1 111 1 WHIZ, afm fflephrt R Orom-1,1. /...I H U•aLtal d, Antkrtow W Ttuani....., 1n. ,, ,,,- :•..I,sr., lion)amin W Tingley, Of,. tit, 11 , -nfl. Jafa+ L Mar , tft, - . .17., 1*:,.., ,y . Wllliirtl M 0.4114, S l l4:^tzt, t 1. 1 ,, fic r e• radnle—*(Ap,ht, It (7 - .4.45 d d Its 4 •4- ravitasl- Ab4tkrvaaa• V 4 711,1, 0 ,, : • Affeitaul Kaafaafrarr.- /714effra-r7i4- -.144,,aa II W/i. , ' ,r. AI I ALL•94, - ny 0.t.,--11. H Ms. Arty, Si 1.) II F. , ) E. Afftifft.ff, \X.-f., I N ' N... 74 I , ,rt„t„ frf,,,t. f•dt*l.o NITESTEitN INSt'itANcE 4:(1.41..tN1 Itrflvdeson 15 I . So. trinry 1/ 11l irkmArr agstetot all kiwis riska. R arr.: 11 ;1.: ;• A r;11 lac; klly skljortr.l 1.1 trr• All I wrt,littkry trt....k,kr,rl hr. Ow eNtlstrft Trutt., •111/ .vel . Ut...rality to ;Tsai tan thr LA; s• t ., ry 11,41-4 amallebfwa. n oftr.ftztg• tkr rrtdr• • tr , e. e. t• u , trisrll,l TU,.• R f' W 113.11rha , ,n J W 11, •14. - A.Jr. a ti . tArtutt olrvr 3.. t...tr..•• A, k Jam,. lArry;kfr,•ll. Par-, 44:•• Anat . Al. v. , trirs• ?steak-It, na...M..401 ..1 g4r :‘,. 41 144.t0r otrrr•t, ', •up ;Astra.; Itittatrurgh, A . _.. - • • Pittsburgh Dollar having s Isi•tit tailor, ..X.x. td tios.riet 44.4 xxxy Hoop TO THE 1'IT1IISC.ft:11 11,6141 K. 1 4, k,OPT.`S ,NOW 0N dna,' frinlk 'l . ) tr) 2 o',! -1 ..., uu tte.laucula, 11,1 ru t t u r,La I rt n„ co, I i u-,.. : I u 4: • tari.•••kta - raar.l.r.l M AI rum* 4 . 4 th,th (1,11 aivi • a / a tt.:rod .4' a.. 1•• , 4124, 4,1 n! —.I Is,. • yv4kr, aryl la....errat, wroa r!...Lar,l at th••• •. r out prt ontIURI. Itu tint of fl.reartaer, i;••••••k• tarr•lawatair, tt,. flmarla-z. Ity-Lawa, Lat. Intiman. furairta.4 Erato., ara appiegjarjr.* 1a••,jr,•,,••••*•E•701fli). 11.11i;LE. ri+7l /MOOD trry /Oar, It Fla. I R :rat 1.. rt.—LA.:4 I )/ :;+, .thicua / A v.!, n.r, rut vTIZi florwreil Flort.arb, 1f tlluw Y Al•tawaarr Wake. 11,21140 k, Flack.4e, 11:11 Burg - aril, `rstbertson Ai..." A Garr,,,, trAti A XI tut kola 1) I' Mu L. 4r L.irrn,,4. rytuaJA J,t, S If It Ll:tun Z. lisr«, At. .1,14,117 4.10.1 11- 4.141 , 47-4-44„ A .1 4.1 t • DRY GOODS HOTELS RESTAURANTS 4 1 . 15E0E1 . • - - •. IN, •; V-- IGO RRAC j lAL ~ o piiioiiina - !iv htitthenetp , ' od , xte,',,aii, iti, ss arr d wad 1614/it'VertleiteT-d •-1, • ,•:•.., - . • ..,,,,-.. ,•.7;,. - :. !r - .., . .. • . " . / 4 . - ~...;-, so, : :::: ....1 .„ . . „.... ~..mrfea.te. ,I IT..:•.iiril.a. repiSeeH Tdeakfttft Ritihrißgitzth, 10/18/ 1 8 . 01 1 1fifiRl i nNi ' i• 1 I - •', • 1, n4sAilss4 with eili4gffi irm g 44o o7 l # l 4ll4M9farauti .. 4114 Mig , e4 1 4.4tifi NA Cf W : 1 1 1 4 -01±,IY 11.1.4194:11BASItttipfte/ace deo,. I P•fviffl; A 4NPI qhc cu 49•1-41fgaDhottlwa - tar-Bear: IP; 1 114.0.0111 t SI roal a d te s e , w4off7Or. they lashit s finish Lthenetrvona systern r and.i.inAllotou,or the 'let* gmq. i pp.p ,m 4 .4,9 4 .114 uoikt4 5, 005 . ,4 Pia cloh,-. Res in mind, also, thal f for exery fdret : at , F ... :peTl pp f ,,p, Elitir.Cordiel in i tfaneniy reliable preparation known. : - :WIRE of 2f.ratvout3 /PLEASE& • No larounign can coning an edennataidea of the Maned,. ate andalmoat ndraisukatel oilartgeavhlith tt . icorkgethisiis this 1 iiiieased,'ldebilitatlAl and,eduitttiMiOir ttetTollolll*:,Wb'edlet broken down by excesa,. weak by nature,. pr impaired,. i 4 I *lckes:se-eh° unstrung and'sulated azgazdzatkM IS - 11rOilcsl braced, r.evivired and built 'up.' Tlui Mental' Acid l phided , ')apron of DerfOO4 4 4See , Taliieft ti:EetkeT; ll 4l-Oi lanuf ewe.. Nor lathe aftbot tkanpOraryrfortheooadialpropeettea of the medicine 'reach the' constitutiOn itself,. aid rastoralt to Its normal condition. - • ; • ^.- 7-- •I, • i - • - : ! lode OF niRmaRY, - oourtisronifinkusrwrrodf salatod so thwtiont,•mourisholy, debility, hysiteria, wretchednees, though:be ofestif-do etrncg in -fear of ineenith dY ll Pelefee general p sh,lTi, ..iiiklil ty, nervoromeon, inability to dicey, (Masse Chlent ps melees decay-of the propagating futittionsi I:lioit'e'ritil'otuitnerds, vague terrors, palpitation of the heart,fraporacy, tomato*: tion,„etc., from whatever causes arising le,,if th ero, twang Bble reliance to be placed on hturiaetestinsdny;absoltitelylliatl4 A GREATALEDICINEI FOR FEMAI,BIL: . The unparalkied erects of this great restorative hi All romp : 4onm incident to fematea,. /Mark AtICW PIA in the annals of tfibMehles '"FliniGhtifdralitillistriftitiflTtikViseiftiiiaiffiq thonscusds of .thiigontna getup .octed-;$0-.0iirporting to be epecitled in the varietal deemed And derangenoents to which the delicate formation of woman render her liable. EVERY WO/A-N.ok' SENSE, • i•:r .• -. Who cures from weakness, derangement; neeronitess, Ire. atom, pains In the bank, or any other distirder, whet/melee. culler to her sax, or common to both sexes -should git - e rt a Invigorating Cordial a tile MARRIED PRESOWS, Ur others, will find this Cordial, after they have Mad a bot tle or two, a thorough regenerator of the - system. In ail directions are to be Bernd the happy parents of heathy , or epring, who would not Lune beim so but-fm' this ol[ _ nary nary preparation. And it Is equally- potent for the many dieeeeei for whEb it Is recommended Thousande or )oung teen have been restored by using it; and north' a single In stance has It failed to benefit them. ; • , • ' ••• PERSONS UP PALE 15111 44:1404.... , I, ;; .1 Or consumptive habits, are re s tored by. the die of a tattle or. two to bloom and sager, changing.tbe skin from a pate, yel, low, eickly color, to a bountiful florid complexion. TO THE MISGUIDED.' , These are some o f tlAsailowillllll4lllo9/3 isrechl.POdnued by early bahita of: „voutha i ss weakinewAof the back and limbs, pains in the head,. f hat astys loss of minieulad power, palpitation of the heart, dyapo nemmus Orrice., Witty, derangement . of the ,digeatlve . fan nu, general de bility, symptoms et" 'consumptions, Inc I. Mentally, this .2artnleffects-on thaigdzureremahehoWbei kg:l to dreaded. Loss of memory, confusions:if ideas, denremion of spirits, evil forebodings, Aversion .o society, beitdhstrpet,l love of solitude, timidity, etc., are some of the evils produced. AU time articled, 5.„,-, pe,,,. florlicztou daily for S. , uthorri and Central shunt,' re flec t that h i ihiditha h e t; we • o ,g, .„,„. ItEFOitE CONTE wsodw atnict'ireit are ni l- , ~•,.,1:5..,,n,•ru Nll , nrl- ...eking the quickest and nowt canary reonieites to 'promote connithial piness; . indeed,. t•lil.eh t• n, In•lio h all th e t Cant points west of the • ' ••• , I , P , a. , 1.. e., 1--ueed funs. with from forty to far, 7.'„'„?,_" :th ' s " , ,,„. th e'Juurnir,,:•thrg,_,ufft'arg'bwsztia.'s weary ..,.:„,.1.-:.,,,..,..1,44,,,,intg ot...baz)nyt.ttowdyetlwlie, with rthe,mite..o.7Tite.ltaint. Lsti.L.r ta t, ' lco "" n -'- lee Shad-o;red"'withP'"d"'veartrun'T and "m tl!littil e apa vil'in th ,Id elPi dlan 4d : •.- .1..•••1k....t rob:, ; and 1.... n Railroad to the West-nen a , : e ° ,‘ . ,: f1ea ,t, 1 „,.,. tl a n e r f e „„ the Im PA nada" . ten , .... b 44 44 -. - 5..-0 a ith the 1,, ,, al inodern la.comoti re.. and elegant, new - . --"' ' 9 "':' ..- , - O•N a ~ • *:-' r CAtru t • ~ - .. Dr. urea ' s InalgoratiogOdrdiattuta heat counterfeited by Lee- Dr toe route, passengers are sure of linking COnnae- unprin2ded persona •t. -.-• ,• - - • 1. •,.., sad an Iro; at tit Louts on adrertmed tines, oval:hug elm s ~m etheeaneyne mi.,/11,,i e „,11 / „, „,„,,,,,,.„.., .. ~ AlAols lob) o f hs,ni 141:1•1 100, and dangers of nart.7,- f. G .;;,,j,„;, -- . 0,, tiA,,,AiLofeArA,Ntthkania-,Tiaiji,;,. ~ ~. , n 11, r.,1.1... 11 Alein. it words bl pa own in thoglam: . : • • . inme:e:n. ei,acke.l direct through from Chicago, and no in - ' ti0.,...5. ii i .... 'Cordial. rl,Arr• for itartilhant at nay 1144414. . Dr. - - - Or - :..."11.1. en . BING, to*, N. T. ft I ltseUi :II TICS( IsITS by this roots can be pantheism.' at - opt„.. .. : t:o, 1 . ...41.10 .1 , Atov Aln the Lnst , sit the Lace Of the Cow. ''''',„ 43Wttiel,,,,,,n,,,igitti 11,P.:high4h,..,,„ C f..... nahatnib.41 ,,,, h . i ... ib Ptat. , b° , 4l ," , 11. 104 i.or of t lark mei Labe et:efts, in the Granite iTri,..-,:e.h.--11.,..7.- ... .42711.-.1115-G7-2,7---pricao',..7- ,••;•,,,,, u nt the I , 1. tt of , die Galena Bollroad, nod at the --"" ------ ' 19 211roadwity, N. Y 1i . I. one Central Itaillrnail tettlos, earner of Wks. and Dear- ' Sold by Dru throughout the:Ennui Ststen, Canada ~. . n lire., Opp. .IU. Tremont ILONA% Chicsno. end the W Ind i null:HI/ ....,:n.vl 1.; Wei route Will twelve immether,. est ke. AGENTS:. .., ' :.• ~u, p. C. u. ILSJIMUND, Bala., pmaigh im.„....____Dy ego, N. .g.ggs-RowNe_ Iv w a w a. , C. L FOLLETT, FLEMING 211425, No. GI Wccd &Mat; - General Ticket Agent, Chicago. l -IL Z. BELLIIRS, Wood- armor. , ma ~,,a , ,, ~,,, a ,„_„,.,,,, , „ ..,,,,,, „: ~ I a .,. ia ea; ._ : ,,,„ „, ~a -es- TlV , Pilrni rot be procomd at the priorlpalliellroad Allegheny cliy a _liEc t.KßAlß A ArKENNA N .,.. , mhlti . stilt DWI , . ibeere 5 - t:i • . ~... au. Vlumiengtin fteth.s.. '' ' ' •' ' ''' ' '''''''' ' • --......JAMES T. SAMPLE.* 1 004 • , . _ _. • ....,.,• 1.,- Great Ameticein and V. S. Expreet, and 1., , ...,. •i.r , A. so i\ . * ..!..... 0 n %AI , (!.... 11 , Agent for Ohlo-.J. D. PARK, Cincinnati- raplhdowly 'telt Route. , 0..1 1 .ntrnl Keane.: at sv. I 'VW no rt, ..,: nt raln• ,o,ora: --- ....tr• . ales.r...e. oi 4 . .1 ..01. o I -I, •-• '.' ' - INLIA,LA.T-1-04----- ' 74 afll.l{S - . t.iF DTsTA NCR SA c F.D, T to. ra ,a. r.a... d• . ', ..•„. ...i.i., 1 f,.0 N. 1.....411 1. , , /OR ...wit •,.. • ANL 1'44 t . . 11. 4 .11,15 to? cASS Ann nAtioArit AVOIDID. . 1 .1.-ono -r. k fl. :•.1,0. •• a; J. .1. e .6•0 Cer stilt, ham,. --- el, Set, wroAIT, C I{, 0n....•41-nnol :..e. 4......1 4,4 - ity , •nt e ., •1/,••orin AI It LINE ROUTE CURE OF ASTIR Off CONgiIIIPTION - ..... routs h au.. ao.I 0.4.A01.4 ~...1 n. car. ,A..0 , 1i. nor. ILIVMEZIr I non •:n.:.• La.oo 1,41: Vli L • •/,.1 U. hAtittne NEW ANTI VERY WONDISELIML. AO r`• 1,4 1,.! nl 1....,.• o.: * nr C. , •no 0.• 1.1,,r (*flit:AGO AND ST. LOUIS, ~,, o w . • h .,, .0 14., ~,.. ~ .01...,: . r•t7rl,r ‘ b AI,: I , I 1.4 Ctilt_AGO, ALTUN AND ST. Louis HYGEAVA i....., ,lvor. tweAni.;.r...l.l A. I r / 1.•,- •i ....- • 1 1.1 hrit.a . ..it l. ...I, igilt2 DROUGHT BOMB TO TIER DOOR OV TWO musJok ___....._. • •,. ,!,• • ,„•,• . 1. RAILROAD, AWONDERFIIL DISCOVERY I= recept, • roves:seri,- chit-age and Sllselessippt. ly been made by Dr. CUIIIIR, Of Shirr cit, in ahn* , Ii :1 1 , 0 , T,, . 1- T Litt f? in li.. boor,. Trams tear, m '" l "f to Aa dmlai .4 d all ' n ame° alba i 'M l im We refer to 'l). Cuero' artctae, cat imam Lirasea , - , ~, •,.. ( ~,,, 1,11 fe.isto, foot of Water street _ , ..,., . ~ ~,_... „.„_, ~,..1.,..., ..__„.., .. 1.5 A„ it. Varna LIM GELLERT firAUP." WWI this sew method, Dr. G. * '1,,,:.,,,,',7:,;.:',„“1,,,,,,,,,'"'"1:17, .„, , , ,, ,":,, s4 :7:* ~,• , :;‘ ; ',..i . v ,, ,,, ban restored marry 41211Ct01.1 ones to health:MAß eTidenCIBUI Io which, ho 144.3 innumerable certitleatvs • Speaking of the ... .. ... , ....,..., .. ,.a. „ . 1 .... , .... t 4..,i . ,,,, ~..,,,,,,,,,. ~ , a ~, , p i„.„ . t reatment, a phyerician remarks: 11 It is evident that inhaling --constantly breathing an agreeble...healing vapor-the umslicinal rpertna must coma. In direct contact with the -; •...,..- . t. -tor ter.....-P, 1... .V.‘ /,..err. ,• . - ~:, o,‘Lart 1./.ot ot o to .1411,00, ,i.. 51 ., wiles.) without whole lads dadiffe ' d of the MA P' and thut " ea l'e fh°4414 0 . .....„ ,„.,. „. „ , „ ~....,,,, I , ~ ~, ~ , ;,,,. , ~.. ..,,,,, „ L,. . 4 , .., , .. . and varied changes Produced upon thew when in t ro d . .., . •., n.rn ./ vg,..,..., on ientw‘t ell i tie tAitnisiti, e . - o t.i..r .1 „, ~..‘„ •,„, ~,,,„,„ 1,1 , ,, lb f.,.. - 1 ER ~,,,/ p0yi....,D,J,..,,w004, into the stomach. and subject to the promise ofd hteation.' s 0 !0-11 II A ic.i. 1,, 0.. :,...,•. • .no ro•noll, 41 r• /011 No oo ne . ll},Tl: lrulu• h.. Alton t. . . fn. lb - gear:a h for Gala by all the Davalete throughout the .1- , . ~.•1. ~ t . •,.. :.,.., ~... -...•,.;... i... ” .., i ~,,,, xi „,,!.,-,, ..1:4,11 6.1./s11114; llotn4n lull • I', ''Utri."---..V.: ' W 1-1 "'"k Arlatolim P/JatturnY r n V I , i LA 0, : A,,0, ro ...,.1.,,- ~. ~, __,. me ~,,,...m . „ „,,, „ p . m _ am e ' eae ,,,,„'„ .. , .; t e ,. m e labeler is warn on the breast, under. the linen, vrith 2.0 „ .4 up .. u, , u , 1 7,.... - , 4 ,,,,,, ,, , u , out the law inconvenience-the hear Of- the hody bettor TII F., PESNSIII ,ISIA RA11,110A1). ' , ‘ ° ::':7'.::::`.`z., l ii::: g , .....ertiv.re li.c upp..Jr(l.l.lll /3/ Or lt row. isvolketee„ rho to evaporate the flu Ilundreda of - cases of cons:a . , ~ , , , ~ t „ h.,, 1 „„ H„.., „. ~..,.....„ . .. . ... ~, . m.. , eea. , a ,.l .‘a , e „...... „ a . m ., tra .„ l .,. a o Log. might be awned: „„! ':. . \l „ . ~ a . ~ ,• t ;••,-t...,..- e i /....• refrenittnt from the etitwlis of aln One °U°Patka g e 4f the ff hPama Lae eared Ina ' Astbm, of six years' standing. J. F. Ifinamer, Postmaster of brmeannon, Pa. .', •,:: enJ 0 KlinAni A this Is Ins meat direct I nor cored of the Asthma, of ten years' standing; t Dr 'Y .....14.1 inoonnvooK.,ll iieeittwil 1. ILL Aolulngton, Uproahliskl. 0 --1. , ;,-, N..:4.,.. mud Ai 1,..1ut , , on Lt.. Aliasiasippi, kil„.. cunie lilssams. hiskalam Eamon, Brooklyn. N. Y. er, K e ~..,.., on. '-erlAu..! niel Tennessee mars, will uot • Ora Pact, of N 4 6 Hammond atlmaf t N ' Y 'l W " " 1 "d a severe caw of Bronchitis by the Ilygeasis. ~, "up, ..,•:: • ~,,,, in ele-anc e. ls,ing seventy - two Mil,. ~.., .‘,.. c, 1.,„‘u.., 1,w1)......,, 0.1 i,.. 1,. w I...oothitt„,o, My 'later hoe been cured of a dbs cough, of ;weer& ..1 nay vtsl,l toiles 1.1 to Myr - 111,010d, than by any Qtltrr }"". trending, and "aided to tar 1° l 'y the ' f i ll' , ._, Clans. eso, tutu cured in one month, by the ... l . lmausts. . J. H. GAUBERT ay.h.‘eut, ite. , •a„,.., - r,,,i. over Gan R. 11 •0 ems be prorated At the The Bev. Dr. Caemm, of New York, teed/ties of oar mail • .1 . qt• 1,041P.,.01 Ilekr.t (.0%0, 11l SON York. Boston, Phil” -', ~ ..i. s. twitter., A ihAny. Mittel), Ale, end nt all Through ' ins In the fat-I ' m -M g hua g na g e I lan Max, November lk, 185 I. , ~,, ~,......... tt.,,,noont Ina iitalte. sad in Chicago et tile . ~,,It • • .111,, :'• .• 4.n Itonittorh street, tippet/tit the b, l'l ' m. ' WI " ! think bl rl et af Dr' itri gr iaMl a I 'm - an.! et the Ovia-i .•1 in,. %litho. k.r.u-.4 rt.o: " d i ' ' tee. '" of the and l on gs. .; ug had sour opportunity to tostify Its tilbasoy, / ant convinced that ipigt, it -,...r •: r o r.t. . ~, m,, ,, , m, olm ~, , ,, ,, ,y, ts, ~,, th,. „ rot . ~,.. most excellent medicine, both the Syrup and the lubilliha .. , • .00 ,0'..• I Itio, 1.. Chrok itacT 4o , • a PP I444-m t '' the cheat. ..; . -nog on It. Its, N. 8.-Dr. come Llygeena ie the ORIGINAL and ORLI GENUINE ARTICLE • all others are base unttaijoiss, Cr eil. • I . AI,II,IAN, Jr , Conerinterateot• * ' , and rerrahert connteredte. Shun' 'theme 'es 'you w,,010 J I. ,k.:I[I.2OI.4tIIIURN, V. ,ionorsl Passenger .4.gont i fatam _ 1 Sa- For sale by Dr. 00C1. IL Keyser, 140 Wood street - 111. '-' . E. Sellers &Co ; Lee A. Beckham, Allft.hany . (515: Jain I sargent, New Brighton; 0. L. Kaiser, Rcelester. istyltdawtan LITTLE VIA ORESTLIYE ANI) (..(ILITMBITS. Quickest Route from rttt,.'.u...yA to Cincinnwt/. I coNNtort.wo at Cincinnati with U. 8. Mail law i , ltNhtl e ; 0, 100,L, and Lexington liatirtaid, Ullin and ,Nliaanc,ipiti Radroael, and the lepa i reneeleurgti Route. Connecting via c ., ininlitis and Xenia, 'yeah, the Dayton find Xenia, and I ialiitna Central , Railronele. rilltulUterli TICK LI'S., via Cciutubus and Clucluilati, LeAeugton. Louleville, Lottix, itc. &C. lix Xenia, to Dayton, Indianalx.int, 'Lafayette, Terre !taut , . St ke• THE LITTLE A'II via crir. I .73ILICS, er:meeting ,Pith • Thu Coving.tein and I.iptitoctini Railroad. the U. 11,11 i Lave Steatites, :111,l NlPtins •tiipt Ratiru.l, oad the Lanreticolittrgh ao other runto can 1 Fite, no tin u g h ifttlt,r, by all hen ale 00 rent's GUI -lily bit are! the little I The rout. froth CrPritlin, eta Columbus being the ah , rtred to Cincinnati, enable, a untfierm and erye. speed. Conn, ..tiotia are. certain, and younierigera have full tune for mtiala. LI Purwiit and hollpfuntalne route Irwin I.:renlene, dan t ,. 1 -, e44 um./ tr.tk-ro, 'peed rcilitired, din/ r.wnpriled 1.. 0V1A,C41,6 11 1 11 1.11/00. By the, route via Cohinitinn to CiliCittnati /11,11 111.hArli11.011g, I.. .d e i r se „, , u t g: EI d thee r.hlchnitt in THREE. I/All.l 158, VIA ( ~ O LLTMItUS AND CINOINNATI. VIA.4T TPA:, 1.31. Pas i'itiatiurgh of 340 o'ilorti A NI fot 1 .3. 1 11111i1.1).1. • Ciro iT.0,2110 I•o.l.ingoqi mid li.tbrtnni..ll/., Vll,l 114-1,111...b11rk11 Mint, This turirtv. at ('inetututl; 000 11.1t11 and forty minute,' ur I Hi , , ecru( the Pia eet aud 1.1.c/11./. 1.11../.lt le,,‘ ea I • .t t , t , ,,r41.1 at 7,: s u ii ' clork .1. ' ,if. 1;1 nia and Ciao ianati Thor Train l i taltexcirtinectein onl) C. t. Cincinnati. Then THAI, loarex eittatiiirvli at 11 tr',ktck I'. NI. lor LutliA, 1 ^ and in law Patio, 'I'1:• NIA 1 •,1.1 I Nt i l.‘ts.Al , ll.ir Finn, TRA.r , 1.1. , a Pt ttabitrell fit 411.111 for 1.111y1..11. I.i/4 14 , 4041 A, Era,sl,il.-. -rivei:e True, lie, ex lit i-burgh at '7 i • lti 'c I , k A M. I. .r C. nix. leayron , Ind .ana tan,. 'l l -rre oc •iitLentael. LOWA. Cairo, elixi-trine. Ac } J utan 1.44- • • ten tea 1 . 17.16611.rjal at a le char. e P. Si. 11 5.10.1 / 4 . 1 T.. 11. In.l/Astai..:l., , 11rt0de. in. 1 1 11.., Cid", ,Eceniit.ll, .1, - errure ) our ti,kete 0tat2.41m31..4, and 3 do ••. 10 onnot Leda. !ul”-f(trt I !at , 10,,a1t l• r Nl••trtj!!.., Vsk !!.• !.. ! !!1-011.160. Iwo rig In. •tsr,tl , I, ‘ • I •••• ,•. ,t! , • I.• !!, • ! • ••t! re •!! !•.!, P•Av 1 I • .11 N. 1./ Ti•r Tt• k. 1••••.. k.• 11, •tt It ! 1% • t loi 0, TO r*, r.n:tm HIIO AND AIISSISSIPPI RAILROAD J• .• • , IR GILILO4p, P/77,./WAW/i 11)77..4. : ••, r •ut, • 4p hwn ..4 \ :xlll II I. 1. • ..:14,1 .I,NI nemt • 1..... • t I . tt AS,Ki W. 61.11 .1 lifal c.th ass, i I hvi Anil?, ud %%-• T. tt .. reti ttly ?1t /1.1. NI rt -t st. tI • .. 1 t.l 1. :••nd =EMI k:.~ o: t Y M.i 1~. If~ .~ F- •. ya 1(4111, tort weep Phlinclelpttlet.l. Pit !slut. -4.11....1•. A• E=IIIMI :1.111-Co . 1 . 1, 111 I I - 4 R. a, ra• fr+i,f t..tr 1 • t.l ~, .~ h ~.. .. t tpt .. ) / . t I a tmi.n. 11 it ••01-7.1 • .0: l'tit;&!,-1},.., ..wor f:urt,dk ,i. ,P. I lAA N IS CENTRAL RAIL DAD! 1 THR Greet l ulled ntatc• Mall and Ss prir• 111.. 1,.1.1.N..)../1. 1 1 /1141 n. • .r. wk.-, tr., , 11:1 rA4urs ••1 014 !,1 Ur , ..... I I I 4,1 r Irr.Ar Air I ItAi••111 ''ll. 1 nil I, I .ttlti ••11) '). K r Arrrit. I Il 11 Ar..r 411“). 11111. Air° 10 DAM:qtr.: t 1 rraitr. 4.4,4 • im1.41,,, at. La.... • j irt A NI 4,1 P. II .:t I.4rpts st. 1 'Ata tri Uri, It,n trittr• trir. rat. , FL Arrrl >11,4 I; ii. at , r.urtr , rul, 4.r0 At, tni Ii i i i St. Inrrri, k, A: A. NI. niel 1.10 I' %1.-.Dl:niNer. •LINA LA 1'1.11(114 11I1g, I/014"AL lupin/tutu Dubuque) nuhn h.o;. Li/1P r Paul null thu sliver dried, n leave Cairo for and Daboqu e at 7,31) A. 31. and 7:00 P. SI. l'ainengwts from the /hint and places, on the ohlo rt I leotincl for St. Intiln, will *nee lAO [llllOO of tedtu,u a and un certain river narigatlnti (rm. Cab,. to St. Louis, and arrive Ilfteen hour, In athAtiet , of the river route, by taking 113. at Cairo. Tickets to. St., Louis, Cairo, Dubuque. St. Ntil, awl all itli• I.llnflt 1601 , 1 by thin route. 1,11 be loot At the nine,. •.1 fist- O. A P. and C. A P In Pittntairgh, and 3ti. higni. Unbind Railroad in Chicago. It. It. MASON, ins Supartnten't. GEO. & CO.—TRANSPOR'rA. This 1.1.\ I'ENNA. CANAL ,;',,,...rtgynal arm RAU...ilk/AD.-11w nub.* . rilten an. pro '•.' pured to slop FOIiTY TUNS. NO./DLL% LAI Lt to 8 - Jinn. or New lurk, ens the Mat,. Worice, l'lmy Will pike paxticnltix attention to Way Freight, beriOevi. Pittsburgh nod Jultuanawn. tiiir - ang a BALL r LINE ob' Fl ILtiT CLASS PENNSYLVANIA CANAL. BOATS, Ire Imp. to b,, able to render °nth, mtlyrection. UEO. Et). Cf. spll;am ai Cnd Satan. Liberty at. _ KIER's I'ItANSPOK'FA'fION tho Want iltu.innting Freight:. to and froni tho East en, titles, via Pennsylvania Canal and ILun oa.in, 0o hale increased our suxt of Doutn, ULI mum', to a IX.L.IIL.r. DAILY LINE. which given an a rapaetty of over ltalo tun. per mouth midi any. Wo aanUre OUT friends, and tin.. dispotied to patror t i n , Stater thee S improveui.•tits, there will ha twilling spared on o a r uud render mmeral natinfaction in forwarding t;aaten, W , st.ern Freights with promptitude and dequitoli. KII angllty Canal Dania, Pittsburgh, Pe. - - TirAT . LONG EXI , ECTEO BOOK, the' Set nnowouAsn...P.A.Pzlis. by reAlterkit neat Plum. Thu alx.ve will 010 doubt be the popular Stem,: hock, and in destined to a Barg„ sale. Pluribuntali, u -song that's by no author—it deed a Uhtelt a panto—perpetrated by Q. ii. I'hiluuder Doentick,,, .lust received by W. A. GILDENSENNEY A CO lo.) I '2 Flfh st., opposite. the Theatre. _ _ A GAitlik LOT FOR.SALg--Containini. nix arr.,' excellent Land, Situated on the irate], Churtiera (reek, In Robinson township, 4!,- miles from ti y, and near nroadlieud's Fording. Tire Land 14 W, adapted to Gardening piirporic., as it t thu South;ul has a comfortable Frame !louse 110 fhet 1,., and a half ntorie' high; a good spring or water at the .1,1 and a Variety at choice Fruit Trees just commenojng bear. Price $O.OO. Per further particulars. apply to BLAKELY & RICHEY, Real Estate Brokers,feb27 Corner Seventh and Satithhold SEEDS--G w SEEDS--(Darden, Field and Iloor Beed,,, of th e moat approved and reliable wholesale and retail, at the Seed and A riculturel Ware house, 47 Fifth street, of (aps) JAMIS WARDROP. SODA ASH of a good and uniform quality manufactured by the Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company at Tarentum; on ?rind And for sale by F'T.E3fINCI BRtnl ALSO. 3 growl I.ndlunca Spee KTIMAI 164 . 1 41 Ma. Hootlagors Uerman Bittern : 3tatler: 600 Nu Lium..Tragacauth 400 Me. Nutmegs Concentrated Lye, a new article Mr making Soap one pound worth ten of pariah.; un hand and for sale by rtiy3 ,4; ,PIARAIING BRuS , ALOT Op GROUND, near Bakerstown, will 1w sold very low, If applied for soon. .14oznitalna one4onrth of [mom - In' InAmtntrrittim -Apply 14404it.L .: RIELEY., " P"- et' • Iv • RAILROADS oNLYInEv. DAILY TRAINe. mon PlTTEuvitileat Tio GINCINNA /1 Mt P. 11. 4.1 vvs. itiStIAD 11 k UGE TT% ` IflrT ft, I , , haract, ao A.N. , 1 A a:t. .1 7 1; LA " :1 1, . lA. • .4 I e4“14. bat =ME tk}t h • 1 1=1:1 . ,z I. n 1 111,tt. =EIS IinICAIM. IN , I hio - aird-Peanteittnia , S U MIVRE'R ARR A 7 1 9 t0 E NT. 'l l 4l ft E E Tic iitNlir 'WILT I \ CMT :•17ND4Y.) PAS:ENDER TRALN.S. WILL RUN DAILY, .R.T.O.RPT SUNDAYS, as follows: ',area Pittsburgh for Crestline•at 3:00 ILL, 7:30 A. id. and 3 P. M. Leaves Croatline (or Pittsburgh at 5:00 A. M., M., and 11.50 P. 51. These Trains make close connections at CIL BSTLINE with Trains for COLUMBUS, DAYTON, CINC/NIIATILBRUJE.''' Yon'AINE, INDIANAPOLIS, CIITCAGO, SAINT LOITLI and all points on roads extending Weal and Sonthe l sies tllrongh 01110, INDIANA and:ILLINOIS. TRAINS FROM I'ITTSBUROII connect at Mansfield with Tn.-inapt, Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark Road, for Clll. rAOO, TOLEDO and SANDUSKY making m quick and sec com,, , ct ions to CIIICAOO. by a other route. i. thavi are made at Alliance wit . h Trains ny on Cleveland' find Hoehn, Road, for CLEVELAND, CIIICAOO, 'DON EIRE and lip SEAL , I. Passe l , gcrs luaving Pittsbnrgh, at 3 P.M.for c Sandusky, ,hicago. hove tho benefit of a night's rest, a t r monstield or Cleveland, and arrive in Chicago early next evening. 1 rattle haat Crum Creetliae make close connections with :rains on Pennsylvania Central Itadlinad (or PLULADEL- Pil IA, It ILTIM , f RE and NEW YORK. TIIROMIII TICKETS are Bold to Columbus, Dayton, Cfa -I,nterille, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Bellefontaine, ch.mago, nook Island, lowa City, Durtieth, 311.1wankle, ;tiro, Sprlngtiold, Fort Wayne, Cleveland, and the Orin - .vol clue, In the treat. 'through tickets over this line may Le had at all of the above places for Pittsburgh, Phillidelphia, Baltimore and New York. EIY IiItIGIITON,ACCuMODATION TRAIN leavea new Illightun for Pitt/Mizell at 7, A. M. and 13. f., P. 31. Leaves l'th.burgb for New Brighton, at olal, A. 31. and btC 2 , P. M. gar Not tickets and further Inß;rmatlon apply to A. T. .I ,, IINSON. at the corner office, under the 31onongaheln !louse, or at the Federal street Station, to OEO. PARKIN, 1 tut,' Agent. JOIN KELLY, Passenger Agent. J. 11, 310011E4 Su t. 'NEW AND DIRECT ROUTE OPEN! _ • TIIROVOU Northern Illinota to Miskiesippi River, lOWA, MISSOURI, [KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. 45 LL RAILROAD Tt/ THE 311881.881PFL Chicago, Burlington and Quincy ILAnktuAli. 161 - l ElMgitigMß - Car.tno ern AVEORA, Ana CyffilL4l. 311.1.1T.LR TRAcr • ILutnculi, (X,M and Trains ran the entire dieting.° a, MIA Nti TUN, lowa, sithont change terwt lt”ote to Burlington, Quincy, Keokuk, Alue:dine, oonatalm, Waled)°, Yort Dea Moine+, Connell Sc., and the 0711.0 ALL ItAILLOAD 1.0004 from ChMoat) 4. ht. Ivrti. , 13loominamil, Cnotota. ' , orator. Calm, SPring. tleld../ackadatile, arol intermediate Statuana on the I ".linela Central, Onat Weelern, and Ohio and ifittalatippl Pram. on the al,ove Line leave Chleagn on the arrival et r.una from the lfad.--erotiting all laying over at any of the ~X $ % ttt, M._ N 1 IV / O i I6 DIRECT T ASalit ailgi PROM PITTSBURGH TO tAplu rui/DA. I ilthalLtrouile, CIIDNIgiii, Or/du:tall. Terre li.ute, it , xlC I.land, Lou.ville, 1 LtioNtil3.l, 10IND C'lty, et. L.A., En., in,, Lrubutme, Payton:l, (`airn, Galena., I.enet, .Memphis, Peoria, ..tentille, Liclialnum Peru, Newark, New ttrloan*, AND TOE DTINCIPAL CITIES IN VIZ MINI . AVI SOUTH, rut the Steul)enville sz. Indiana Railroad! Li h„ I, i•rk..tv cottliiiett,i and ID inzeneelful operation be. 1.. mt, .p - ‘ll,t; vine end rework, LillitA i .W 0 ,4 1 ,111,4 hallit.oitl Alla Dientabont I .: ll lties. this route IT ~, t.• the Eras ski A decree el comfort unrivalled by LLD) it,•..1 ru,l n lug Wo,t from Ilt tsrburgh. Fall Arrangement. )e hud arthr MONDAY, November o h, 18.56. a DAILY 1.,A1..4 elegant and sa w n running Steamers, COMILINIIded I t , Njo•I i0nc....1 and accutuSlWthitiElg OMCIZA, trill leave Pitt. rurgh oven Jay at 5 P. M. Captain GORDON. FAITH' QUEFN . •` J. C Rzao. te. Pni.eruktiire. sleep on basal, end reach Steubenville at 7 ..lock lino, st the h.llowing ut orulug — uonnecting•with the Put A. IL, waking direct connection with Trala.s t..r ell the above citie.—thus obtaining comfbrtable tiighro 1.4, a n.l apou. mg :he feeigue , t 1 plight blue( by rualrocid. 414 Fare as thesp as by any other Railroad route. 1 , ,r Through nodTicketa and further infurniation, luqulre Qt. JUILN J. HOUSTON,- No. 115 IVater etreet, Pit.biqurgb. U CO. W. FIJLTON, Superintendent. L. DEVENNY, General Agent. i'lltsgeitair& -. CON notl3 17W.: WAtiLAC,E. STEAM MARBI,E: WOARA 319, 321 a nd - 133 . Liberty . .ativi3l, 9 . y o o Opposite Smithfield Street, • , IoITT SBG 7 Zeg,"P.A:" . ; ATONUMENTS, TABLE TS' - titittFRATX7, ILL STONES altraa4y4hand; lithattean„,,, tigfivideCelrbleg amt Vaults for Cemetrti , Made, to order, ... Furniture andiF kyl e '.3' maChinerY,'ln lies thrip,ittl4 netter,Stylet4insan.be4lone I.y mere manual latir.; rartlettlur, atienlifon i la paid. to the niannfactnro of ' 51 A‘R.BLE MANTLE'S,' ' ' of which we have a large variety 'of beautiful; patterns. feel Buil persuadeders and others t are Invited-to examine our stock,ao we d hat after *Aug so, aidlearning olu - ,grJoea, • (06 and upwareN Nit few Who are able to own a good house, rail be wollug . to remain log& ,witkottf laneurieS °°' or more Marble. liautles. They rooks, tie .seruhbing nor notPelethei; tn ire always neat; are an ornament.to a room; are th ei r o take wood mantle. lite, and cost but little More than a good , .. Marble sold low to the trade. Hearth Stones Made torder. Our stock of Marble is the largest In Hie West, and being mauutactuted - by the best. wailtmen, aided by machinery, is Orde wonky of attention. rs, addressed Cot me, at 319lJbeuty stree, orghs filled wi th despatch. W. W. Waldi Pitteb allK... SMUT MACHINES,—LULL'S PATENT BUHR '8MI:o1 ,- ktmllntlEg, used in 700 3111115 1u e %vet They-rutslight, clean wept am durable; and wh they become smooth, the edgaciatt, be renewed, hy , the Barr. They: have -been used Birth% Santa_ In , pro , City Mills, Pittsburgh,t(one of the largetradila In MelYeest4ant.4. are 'Warranted to clean well. For Mle tee ,lur ,I : Orders filled at 3l 9 .lJbertyetreet,. bl d a I.- , '.h apM . . ~ . ,15'..,:W. WittlotOE.. To MILL ONI T NERS.--. Fret. A.. ~ „ ---- A. LaureillillfftOuee,llelilui aatts4 NU fliPludley.3.llll Leave as foliose: No. 1, Express, 8:30 A. 55., arriving at Irons, SurewsElmeen WlteXontanilSoliAlyindansicireturen Kittanning at 11 A. Si. pro o f stark 0.,; lova oil haudepd .xatulo te,opter,,at 319- No. 2, AceoinmodaUon, 5:4.J P. SL, arriving at KittanningLLiberty_ ty stree t , l'lttabinh, Plum. , .. ~ . „ at 8:2.1 PAL api= • :It' W.14i,1,4a.E. , _ Pare CO litttatutlitg, 81,1113. TEA M mr . 7: - , 1N..., D .1313- . STAU ES MLA. KUN FROM R . ITTANNIZIG, in mune,- A..) Engine., with r u l e latest imprefenibtA.' yky riu r e4 ties with the Trains, for the following places: quality, on hand and made tb eider: - - Boners ot - tiltflan ' YALE. ran irou t made on abort notice. Orders tilled with. dnaji etc at" Mahoning ,41 75IBroekville . $.3 75 1819 Liberty street, pittsbarzb, Va. ' • •-• Clarion ...................... 325 liradre Bend 2 '25 I sp!.: ••• ' ~V.' W. MiLLAIV; Red •mit .... .... .. - 'I,. ~ Sc to all of the above places Can be procured at the I PORTABLE FLOURING 'RUA& -...Tlie Hh.. • corder of l'enn and Wayne streete, and at td DePot I ontecrilau Matt' hatalinild la igii,itth o r t u tr , p.: 0 ,1,14 ~,, T 9. lo r street. 1 lemming Mills; bran. ittrivOted 044144 titet*s. fury cepa omnibuses ‘Oll leave the corner of Market and Fifth, and . pact. rem light, grilid sauni td ppm* . -eh pee hMtr,./ Penn and Wayne mtreets, at 7,40 A. M., and 4:50 P. M., in I ,nn bedriven by stet* ' 'iir• - • - 0, - . 4 . 0.111 A. J. HOPPER, a valuable acquialtkaii to iyOnldeif,f o ,' " 022;4;4 ova• con noctlini with the Trains. in v 2 Bupetinteudent 1 stock feeders. 'OrdeinfilledittlH9 fdttertyi i.Vsttsbur FARMOR BENT.— .I Iri sum arra, con- I a l f-d ..,w - ...-......‘:,- ~s. , ..; ~ V .'. ,11",SXL ~ ,, ..„ Act: ' tainlng 24 acres, about one mile below the city, oppo- i BEES° l'S -,e,c,.."„jide C E Np, OR ,-,to Manchester. There is on the premises, a large Inoue l TATAR -7-711,P ...3 1 511hanrei g m e t low constewleW house and stable, about lOU bearing apple trees ; also peach. 1 hand tle WO etoCk'dt,titlaitt. 'ems' best:qualliy. 'AP horn' and plum trees, grapes. Ac.. This place would - suit ' suites entriltaCt.4o and 'Builders of Nailgatlma Locks,- a good gtudouur. For terms appy to ' A q uednit ts , ittl i t ti lteeervcd rs for Water, Works, Ac., is re. ruy9 B. C. &J. H. SAWYER, No. 47 WoOtl at. . quested to this .%e , " Min .ce and im- Meat, ii lLl 7.. FARm FOR SALE.-We offer - for sale a 1"::;; w a °24 0 a a . 544 , e liraciutts . ea*Mtth , Farm of no acres, about 3 :emilee ( ma 14 011'8 846 ' of water - or . iipeml. BKOldni 4 = O - 4 4Tels - iirr two (an the Allegheny Valle?' ttailrod). The improve. ' ..,.....,,,... . ~ , - masts consist in part ore good and teensy dwelling house, /O. I OPR I ERSCA.RP.ms:ot f•-,.!Lm, Se ,„Orligflr tram, barn, de. 85 sores of the land 91 (leered and cadre- _ •-• " - ..tr.1 ~.,„elminf, . ,P . tea, balance timber. The whole is wptered by excellent tne,pcmuLtig me s Qupsoltam. :-. riuti . 4 +: f Kin g .. Apply to (m l 9l' BLANELY & Main. lipirri."- , . .., 4. iI.ECIAA. .. . . _ . RAILROAD. • OPEN P1(O.111 WEST NEWTON .TO OONNELLSVILLE, fittyright Wise from Pittsburgh, on the Youghiogheny vex. ti This now hrst-c rt lass Road is now open fur the transpoa on of passengers and freight, in connectiou with the fine' moonier 1:01.1AN, from Pittsburgh to Couttelltiville, daily, no foiluseet the atwitter ELILIAN will leave her wharf, above the !doming - alien. liralge, vs ere afternoon, at half-past throe t.' , lttrk. for Went Newton, connecting there with the Morn. 10: Trail leaving at s.:10 for Columnar - 111e, and reaching there at 9,60 A. Al.. in time for the Stage for EniontOvrii. Fare to Connellsvillo ........... -.-...41 Faro to Uniontown . ............ 2 115 A Train will leave Conuellsville in the morning, at 1115 o'clock, for West Newton, and oonnect there with the stenmer gollan at 7:30, in time to reach Pittsburgh at 1 P. M. Fare from Devine to Pittsburgh sl 75 Fare from Uniontown tn. Pittsburgh 2 25 The Local Freight and Passenger Train will leave 11011,111 e at 10:30 A. M.. and returning wilt leave Con- West Newton at 3,:itt P. M., stopping at way stations for freight and passenger.. Se;urday t h e usual afternoon trainwill Us over Vtatil the following morning at S:3O o'clock. Piensengers by the Saturdny afternoon boat from Pitts- Inorgin can by title arrangement en forward without delay. For lurther tubrtuationnaPlSl to the 018eara on Ward the intnetzubust EULIA—N, ur to the Agents at 'West Newton and L'. nuuellsrillw. Altaispta. nWt.SeuiLperiprteit7Lent. nstito ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD TWO DAILY TRAINS ./flll/I.I.PITTSBUROII TO KITTANNING: RAILROADS CENTRAL ROUTE _._ rriIIE SATISIA.CTORY all parts of the conntrp,'north end millet, 'proppkt tors are almost daily In receipt of such flattering testirnoMi Mall as the following, retailse to h. A. Fahteetoces unequal. ed Vera Huge: . . 1 ila mmeauadokbk„ApriliBth, 184.. ilezrn. B. A. flehnetteck if Ch. , L:l baN'tr been eettit Aur Vertnifuge in this plat:* fbr gee jeent, And Mice p x o lesetui t fp that Ittuts stating, for the intormathm m of the Madae:l-of the pub' ~ been, so far ea / know one of the .moat. •• ."—' tory remedies ill the market, andel:lei of the most aaleable medicines wo bare, I hare also parllo/14 ktlOWkdgE , l3l . its good erects in numerous cases under the treatment cif our pliyaldaus, all of whom um it regularly, nod *Wart Nand I: to be safe and reliable as a worm .-. . c I cau recom mend it us ens et theceatAttAnd bt4i r tfi‘ ,L ..t r. '4, : . /MI .. A . M. ... Prepared end sold by ft. 4., p. : 6: - I : 4 00.4 7 ,4 mll2O corner of Woodard First AntirTittsburgh.l Brown's Essence orilassialtesf Binger. THIS ESSENCE is are ot- or tuciusit bo l uj at exoelledee.' •ortunapy te4, in abort, !trail ;mistier prostration Ur titirintbrz, it of Inestimable Witte. Daring the pt cholera and summer complaints; pecett,:frAirlOst4giii: no individual or trawler shonldhi4ii CAUTION.—Be sure to get 'the g9llOlO apyf vrge),',l4 prepared only by F. DROWN, 'ebb Driu s eeelro Store, N. E. corner of Fifth and cry P tibia, and for sale by all le Arkititeuarlin:itirtho United &ate; and in Pittsburg be a A. )rd. liaamc 80171,& And in Allegheny bye - L R. P. SCEINVAR .17,_ t ~ ~ ~J', yT~y, .i r Y.# Y~~"4.. .._. ~: ~.}' ..'irk d • MIMI MEDICAL A. r, scong, &co.; Pro Priam, N o . 804 I3awDwaT r (cot% ..Dho,no .41*-Fork. For Ball by a¢ Drums Throughout the Chilled and Cando. 4. Pomade, wholesale and retail, by IL k. snu4nB.4 co, corner Wood and Serond , streets, Aordt6o by RHYDERSON t Mu, Liberty street: II:P. 8 011WITZ, and tIEbEIiAM MoKICIINAN, Allegheny Oitr, The .Greatest Medical Discovery - OF THE - I.GE. . AP: - X.r...tlYT,' of . RO ‘ abitry, 1.13., disc° v rod in he'cecor common prerture'freesis a reinedi that cutes , crety J. 1ai1.., - ! .1 1 / 1 711 , 0A f , t)r) ...I.lc 12 ..first CeirAilit to a common Pimple. „ Ito hat. treated ti in dyer eleven 'hilitdred i'.4li3Pll; and nicer • falled except in two ieses. (both thundethemor4 Ile - has now In his aotwession over IWO hundred certillmtes of its value, all within twelity miles of 110 , 46 ii. ' '• • ••' . ' Two hordes or,. warranted to cure a nursing, sore mouth. One to hate bottled a di ,tire rile a jrst kind of Pimples of the Face. Two to three bertha frill F.C.MIT the systerit of b&ls. Two bottles hm warranted to cure the worst canker hena mouth and stomach. . Three to fin bottles ere warranted to tai the worst' Can "t "3744+ , OncPitt or two boitlea are milted to curt all humor of the Two bottled are warranted to alp runrungol the :4 w, .v 4 blotches among the Bair. ' ' Four to air bottles are teurrirtilmi to mire corrupt and tun. i me bottle will-core ,s , utlY artiPiiort Of theskill.,..f, 6., Tirdtd threa 'Nitres are dart ditimi to cite s thi,most dee. pertarto cases of rheumatism : -..: i. z.. , i: - Two or three bottle:ince warranted to eura , rho worat,phrd fiari,.. ngworm. -- 0 4.,7Thr ee to fmtr boric* are warranted to. mire mit Thema: --* Five to right bottles will.cure like worst case of scroful A benefit is always ,ealierienced, from the Arta bottle, •a. an a perfect cure is waft:lured when' 'the above quantity isi, Nothhig loolis SO Improbable, to raise whp. have in 'prat tried all irmindirful' medicines of the 'day; 'Wear a air men w etwillM9l4-41 the Peetheetathl Rion oldatorama,l* shoal& cure every humor in tlthiepretu; yet lt is tams hart Put. It you have a limixe.a It his te-itire: "Itiere = nrytur 44 nor ands, bum s or ha's about suiting come mans and not y . as.. ..EptalrW evera thowatrid*Wea / 3, 111t,th the vicinity of Ito ostena. Ilnow /tikelects in every, case. has y done stormolf the glief&l'eniett Beet , thine IW. " garait 41 2 plilldron.a Ten Ad ;ItP old Peopleni .i4ntr,,,l, have wen poor, puny, wormy foomng children, Whose flesh wee soft and flabby , restored tb'a perfect 'state of health by one bottle. To Varna who are subject ta a sick headache , one bottle alit airriyatitiett. ''lt . gives greatiener 'to catarrh rind cliz ththes.;lBtheo letthJeaeweinteri endive Sort reinvhave taker( and'beenregulated by ft. Whore dm bodyda sound it frorke quiteeleant may, but where therelegicryderingement utibaltaio: ti qtakratteelatryithincigar: remingaiiiiiryott must not 15. . ~ id , ppstsAratmdlonit days to Slieele“ t tere hi nerd's !eau , ~. rd `I Ipt tt ceeknf rirefkkki * t .thflthg 4 OTeij ...M. teer. like e WW2?. 'r • -.004-1 4rao,brtI1031,*' akin= enurial- ottrat'ularr. tit Iftagadia:Miltgartge:OX f . diet to ever neuearat—aar the, Pftl4o, ..,ftakatilisiOUWe also au berWirWrferaliihr ijit!'d•ririxeiruve *„,4iikeolvee 7 ficrofnwo ftel%ik Of ilib'neciiiii44 fitool.. - tvo, fay tow* Tiie447ttrelireidkrl . ' /*AiotitliS' "! - Dixediewfbiwrfie.p-41,e'j 'one yib Ispoi6nro.**' „_°lgiatt*OvtuftTre'r#Vt4aßOtt t..::*drethtmii, —evieta.t v itid:- no dk r tkin ciabli, , ...iv Tht,,,....,,,ott.enontyyr opiarde on hie,______.S tar; ''` ' ' -"' ' Mr. zuwirEargtiewriTecliat,titteetande Whitt *fie, tit Bold, wholesale 'hod retail, at 'Dr. KEYEIBRWI4O *do street, corner of yl,rgin aey, iucct 'J', P.. PLEmatill,' Aite. gtteny. ' SANDS' SAIISAPAIIILIA, IN QVART'DOTTLIIES. Pr the Restemil and Rrtmiss e rt °bye of Masora terisfi Hose antra ...Vate=e2/40, 6r l ' T T EMIR ftettas --- ,, qi a— the t-- , ... c fianY ; r . . _n_ condition 4A, bk...-"ti, wddoo t t hY, ta.Ptisaas through the beg% and distribution Into e organs of sorptim, circulatMn, respiration, and secretion, cowin. the phenomena of Life. These organs am Imbued with wonderful' Oa. r a thetLqaplAlillaff if AO OM ot thanking properh affecfso, they all heMnoOhrltatee and bilanu e j, sanwoA phi ilqrsPited, Poit/a4lO bad" Pine ons eillsw , ' dap" In the' fluid gl i kliMbs; notoniPardid with ft krimlng ba s t, 10e5.04 appst(te,extreme nessousslebilits, tutuae‘bittat, bid' anxiety, depritqf spirits, dlsturbeitsleey, and,bedia, Position tOnlOtetfi-e'gigteet PAY e l e a. o sortlen. /Lae yirai, Mild be With theerlits iitpaeases, Birk:dean , wt. be, the', oP ' ;It'fs . thou !nriderlt thas a• La ndedettbst It and Pro* ibe 114400, lis BANAT 81 . 128 AIMILLIXA. It Sailers &goat , : Refir e ape . perls g iti ehat4 ll 9alest u sral by OR, " L lAiiioAffie of tlie'Mil.uo isteAts a, AMIIIPIO6 , (kPerrauueict cure. . , The' raknidilk. P li*, " -Mat,o- I , *n l 7utillicaton li 'onO .4,194 thmiagifactut ate frertilllnai Wilms iirldresied„te**son all !palters of thelycculd,.to. which we Invite attention: . 4 *CA, OlikilOtt Tril...illtMch* . e_ 3reliri. A. tr. el). gater, Alit; Yorb—Veritlerselt"' the spring of 1848 1 left Indiana with my wife aztil sesfe chit., dims tor Oregon, and arrived Miklyet gatmon ralbs,ennhe River. wi•thout any dilbsonicyl at thia - Place ° W . ellialf4 WY W. " seised With tcOrelliag,iikfl serere:l4lo,% in _tbesW day by dAY-tieir worse; lira - hie leps4.lo,qq an , e , siL prantatbar lie conld . fibt`stallq We hid to atm. 1, ha and about the wagon like an Infant ,al itis ~inoiFting wa n dreamt, liaening tie awake nearly ell hi IL e reached Albany on the &I of tiorebei FPlalSkt , r Worn ant by fatigue; by lupe 31:t0 wi,ult. heed, to &perEMI 8101<lharL Here we were fed tu *mit 'O- pnysician, br. 1111100 w honestly e souldnor slue lion, althonr 3 he could give him ildfcilleAgWonlliesii flie,pairo this eal c.4o/1 gelid,' morn 4 Pea to be ded l4 .kmesillY. or MO was i nev i ta bk. it,t MOotreidlto #y; Ydnr . girimpargla, I ProcUted n h ot t i ° ,, en, 4 l lo 4 3 9; 4 04 YllPeeFed worse; but perpermi 'with %I it A:Ocih,CA. Itbit 4PN-wad - to ,Tarplemith tie' 4144be,-1.44 roslisti arkwi ISPrors-• I "St: the tivirnlha' red "Ps4i ill , ..,LheNgs 'i;x-e teaurier - liia ' tame: the . arenite Wier nem tO IM: "rtai c - coaragett, I pnraiased I:alibi-bottle; while tAleti4 teg Ulu swellings in his law broke, and ,aome.pitiefiti df henceMie it of mi _ Inch long 'Mille Mit iilikh bp, legs straightened and &sled up. 11e14 ai rh pairactlfaiO4. ha , no aprOarance of being a CriPe; tea 6irroitamar kinds of emblem labor. r o ll this beinsafieried, ale t . ca „ mnify, by three Limb o of your ialoribbs fierasiatil. which, caider,prui.444...sou rsmants n livinittalino., Dial. Toln re ... , A Cdtrat 48, *§... ob =„4 tu. . ,by d. u. ' D. RANDS, .., • " and DC , . g - tiri-street, New Turk.- • •Or t li B. A. F -L.': L... 1 u: ..k...UK.ArIiMI9I3 BEM ; tl. • v ' and by• t -• • , -1.1 r.; Vital thpar botila or 11 bk 4 ilea froja,” et e '4:"..1 - hei -, };- P.- -i' ap•1011* , ~,:. I f . , . f ~~ k _ F l ~4~-~ f.~i;*¢q..y~~ ,fir. • J k ' t ' HIM ` • • - • • k' ~ , . ,;+ , , -k MEDICAL. ------- , ,--- \ • "TERifh•Alallarli t,„,, MTNlslapp FORZ4 BD or mu t , ,A v ItjudiuP i a ozw vAni g AS tdA AND CON'M up, ''-: s • ' • Tarlikatiilitoltaiveridlideirm _ . 4 _,, , . munity with the cottedence Ink reel In c :,;;'-`'• ...; i ire the h apreltrictr i thni * b e d . es airedd Ito widtvi t s the itaKocitaiit: t -...L. fulness,- andatnumer Qom of f ' . •' " ' " 'ire harm, tharalMoitti*latethis ot - ..,.' fu 'r ..dit s ritt ~ t 'the country perongst pub. c -.! it- . ..... ...II Hely kneeler', whombeen_ e 5..... from tanning inftVoirerf riorit di* items oft , Blom byitt IMO. When once tried, itsdalPo y ore; every other medicine of its kind, latotramtrent It i osisaile + nEdetvatletnhind Where its virtues are knoilWthe dnibltrAltr l ifili f Mk.vrupo t ta em -0 0 . y -.the Z s ditilLitr...., ec a, °' - - t 41° 11'1 1 :7 Y, or -441.11.,q62tVe1=r4.21°P i4itV64`.sior",. mouton complaintamoir Utak), eumXimmt, ilitmeaes had morn ottloir investiotious and tea_ Bat aS Yet ..49 , ad , " la. teMedy ban' been preidded, oti abich the' prlbltt cduld depend for protection frottutto.4.tnponi tbetreatihatm7 or' ov4s, mad the intredaction of the CHERRY pF.CTOBAL TN* isidclets the Proinctuf h lo g,ltdatniouit'atitl;Theliere. anconedtd endeavor to Bunt* ;h i et eennlintlifYiVfk Jaab a remedy. , 01 this isatistatement flie American peapleare now ;remedy pumped ttrludgte and I appeal wittramtlaehee te .sheir4loollol4, it,there ds eity„depeodence,taitut planed in it men of every clam and station car it has dello for -. them; if we can man oar own mermen, when We gee ebuclin affect/two( the throat and lungs _yield Olin if welan d chi the'aisurince of intelligent rapacious' who Make I heir bunbuteatoknint‘tht shartritibere nasupounn -oPaglitti,Mbeallilloror=itlePd=r, 4:: yea aniandail u uthent thataruknorn tontatikhai.JSt‘hle troe„it cannot be too frrelypublisbetiolorteolcidely#own Jriiiitffifettsd stiouftfkhost it “li`reinetly tW curro'broldre hor„, rd Airco Rucaproibborddi kpt* 14 , 314*.childrcu, An pricelete to them. All <Wild know it, for health am he priced to no one. •lsid AnIY tdddthrit be clreideteethero,inst everywhere, not only in - thisommtryf but la all countries. 1-10 W reithhillyfae• NPR tuitad On thLiCallinCtiOn, hollow in the fact that already ed. article has made the Circles of the -globe. - Voe inn rarer netti , cittittattlitnYtti. No eanthign to tol without it , and but few peoples., Although oat In scymnaral e in other nations as in this, it to employed by the mare Intelligent So altncutidl civilized cmuthies. Lit , is `eaten szvekrezogloyed in bobbtmerica,, in Europa, Ada, Aica, Australia and the fitr-ofT Islands of the one. Life to as der mita preesescrs there at hare, and they grasp at et Sliklebl3 3 rettudi t tr even more avidity, Unlike moot, fof its A lt Is an'expentire ddiflpeettibalit Midi i l tr=. ! Stiltit ta titian:led to the publin it antationaltylotratiiceputd - wetaat, is ,o_f. WOY more ortporttutee to them,., 4 quay ntr i, er snuem to decline from ite original tau deaf ofate4 . Immo, Every,bottle of• this medicine, amemetinfriclavedi is as good aer has 'been made heretofore, or as we are ca able'of e ve rhg. toll'or wit is kfiered. 'irrfitednislidOg Ap _,t,in tl}p beer, perrec4iou ,wirlch 4,4, pew*) ; to produce rterice tbe patient who pregoree the senoine OVERHT Par , TORAL, can•rely on having sagood an Otheletis heti ever been had by apt! triattaticcio,thi.CPlM Ili phrasing thii course, I bare the 'boric of doing~ some good •incthe world, :as well, se the' siedsfactiOn of believing thnt„, mud! has been done Wendy., , i - gly.Prepm4d 'bY .1 O..'"AIM, liiactend kneAtildyfical Chendst,rowell,,ltase„. -1i - _ .... ~. . i Sold by B. A. FALININTOCif & 00, at wholesale and re- tail, by every thugoir in 'Pittsburgh, and '6,f all'llealer's everywhere. , ,'apidiadkw ... ' . nOll . r- . '4 ' • 5 , .... p- 11 oeughi, -, _ As, . : i xti , 4141 13 Pir a l il itiv - OKg . SA . T77SDIA6 TO ori y . . N • flt EV abeenita inetengt , 'plaperedttrinexPetienced , and Pbassist, hse,now_bitcome is standard "Pritaild lir btlenta for the 0..n.g, • TUBE or those; dissaseatt„nfittinCTlLl/O&V„ead LUNGS', whi t ytiol f T enet n .r d e t wit 6411,7 1111,011[-, S I N. • fell O' °Ales; - Octionk er any mineral whaterer, bat to . etlyely of tins. !toots, Herbs, and 1 7 :, ~ nen, which lume a spend° Milan= n e ge and their connected argink--Itw , effect'. to Qat, all lrfltatihn, and gently remoire the , phlegm and other morbid ewer . it o ricfrem the Throat' andhili-paksigeic Wei' relleWng the Adoughc by; subduing • the -Ingsunwintett and ~other canoes which give rise to it. It is appeased of and le. commended by Phyaialang of the highut dint In g; , and i =V be given 'IOW perfect Pit,i44-TPingqd FiVl9!;,. the mon delicate 'female: . . • ' Las Win held &elle Will generally cum any Sidi:, nary COLD or VOllCkilstrialosinttleslissAttssic 0 2 4 604 4, 11 twualkY Ffiknifht tor i l !9 1 ?°4t 1 41!!" env*. , Aft/to dame will relieve Tickling is On gsson,, • ° T. l 4. l : l4 Pcseile!xl •t '. ~,, • •: - I One bottle TM effesSnity stsp Spilling Blood. 7:Sres-ioSio 4We. 9sly - sre 'squired In Bronchi tis or Amassing. . • . roar to Iti#Afifrotaes will core any ease Oi indila ens Consumption. • .: -• ,• •• ~:. . One istas Is vsnanted &trays to do good, and satisfy the patient that he Lon the right road to a 'MIME. Judge now whether or not It is best lowa le: 'Was' eater on tie at the Mae from multnudea of resumed ear fuer*. . - . - r,z , ,i;.;k:, , ...• ,, :4 . .-.:.-' , ..t.'1 , 1 , .:.4•q. , ,'-' i '‘- F :~ .: `~;~ e , . ,~;; ~~;