Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, May 24, 1856, Image 1
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Prittk,d publimed teem "omingir (StstOdayi jam:4lgal ' ) BY MONTGOIMILY, on raz NOILTIPWWW MIR= or WOOD ADD WORD • •• • nal,MB.--nve Dollars arm% to,ystawsttletly pad - piTiFlrLitqw4 l 447 toomrod notiotiti , within the pear. coptee, Two Ceara—for tote at the souotar to - tbwoMciaiated by thelleVrq Dor. THE SATURDAY MORNING POST Pnblfahed•from the Who office, on a large bleaket eke dbeet,.et TWO - DOLLARS a peer, in dunce. Single ooplee, Pin Cr.,re. Nu taper will he diectoitined, (wilco at the &sere thater the Proprletine;) until ell arseerages are paid. NO'altention will be pad to any ern* unlereaenum, Vended by the money, or senalhetary -reference in flit/ Oballeetad Sidi the Establiabinent or the Morning Poet la one of the largest JOB PRINTING WITIM in the city, whereon kinds of work is done' n the *hottest notice, and most reasonable Ulnas. PROFESSIONAL CARD ALEXANDER W. FOSTER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law , _and Solicitor in Mamma% •figent for procuring . Bounty Lands and random, and for 'the Col 'action of Mime to Gtedit' Britain and : ireland. Kir Collatikka inadb Wilda and idJoining Ommties: Fa tale* of 'deoettental 'ef) . tt,; SeaLgatate bought, sold or leaaed, and resat( collecMd.' Adone a invested on Mortgage other security, - Tiqba' and title tapers drawn. Office on FOURTII attet<tk fachozi above Smithfield. Pitts - burgh, March i}; A W. FOSTER•Notary Public, and Com -11 tr du, Stare. of Tozfromuseo, Neer Ramp. dam, Connecticut, Macomb:4 Wow York, ZdSchtgan„ lowa, CiffforniewpoV.thora (needy oppoette the Omit lionee) AiTOILNEY AT LAW. ATIANSBURG, comma cancirr, Pima. ifirAlso prsuAlceo Li llentlagJou. Blair, Clearfield arid fa thadacourdaeo. fob 121 y. OBSRT C.. O. SPROUL, Attorney CounatAlur at. Law, attlna No. Fourth street, Pi decru AXLES A LOWRIE, Attordey at JAw, otlos Ruirtb -erect, Pittsburgh, beNian aw.t chArry .Lky- &m ay JOIEN BA lON . , Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Whoa cornor of ISM sun Graut streets, Pitta burgh. Je&ly SAM P. ROSS, Attorney at Law, No. 109 Fourth stmt., Pittsburgh, fourth door below lit. Rody. Patterson', Livery Stable. ier DATRIOK M'K — TN — NA, Alderm n' o£ Pty Ward, dace rarnerunitant and Fifth streets, o:quietly occupied by Alderman terwlaywhersi all Widnes's pertaining. to the .odSca of Alderman and Juitice of the Peace *AI be tamp[!} attended to. ErMIL, Surgeon Dentist, successor to G.' • 11% Rlddlc.lio. 1.44 Smithfield street. *IT oal er house from 8 to 1 o'clock, and from 2 to 8 o'clock.; *8144 T SCOTT, Dentist, Foiirth street, five (WO: . wed of Market. 1/61 .- Moo hour), from 9 o'clock A. M. tot o'clock P. IL dedtkr BUSINESS' CARDS: OUI MOORIISAD, Wholmle Grocer d V Commiesion Mambaut, lbr the sale of PIG NLETAL tol BLOOMS, An 4 Wood t, Tittilmugh.: •- • • ' • mune mturn, Pliiioda.:. . alugerion,•Pithgburgh; Air ILLER ItictliSON; Wholwale Gro lit cora, lmp amor BILANDIEd, WINICS andBgo,llll3, N. ITT. and 1 1 13, corner of Irwin and Liberty week, Pitts. burgh. Iron, Nails, Ootton Yarns, , comitanti„y on hand. Jrzu ..1•111121 C. 11/Dit4.• BLAKELY Sc RICHEY, REAL Dawn DR°- . rres, corner of ;Seventh and BmithEirld .texts, rlttr burgh. Forma, Moses, Lota, ]TMs, Furnaces, dc. Lc.. bought and sold on-cLuomisalon; Land Warrants bought, satlfl4eqs- Bills, , Bonds and' Notre negotiated. tvo.4. . given to agibdtviding Parma, and disposing of them. : Tanya reasonable. nogßfulaw at►ncn XL C 02.11110..- CtrAttan. nrettadotr. ..... -----.....usaar aisowavr. URLING, ROBERTSON & CO. twat/rens of CM, Pressed and Pala Flint GLJAFFIW vrtmshouve No. 17 Wood street, corner of Front, Pittalarret. /Fir All otl kinds of Glamwaro and TiViScnr Ohm, sit low Market prima L EDLIE 6c ULAM, Successors Eo MulvaAy 4 t Ledlio, manufartunms of Ctrt. Moulded. mid t7 sTa Phut and 'Fancy Colored GLA.S.4WAIIJI, and dealers 10 k'mds or Window Glass, Flasks, Vlals and Mottles. Ware house corner of Market and Water Arco% Pittsburgh. rahasily "- IJIMSEN, Manufacturer jf_A, of erbry variety of VIALS, BOTTLYS and WM ligit MASS; black Porter. Wine and Claret Battlas; liewilA.As and Carboys; also, Flint Waal is every variety. Ware . Sow. Nos. Ng Second and I= first street, Pittsburgh. stelela FR. DRAW), Diamond, lituburgh, d. in 00UNTRY paonucs, offer for saki • stock . of OIiOCNRIKS, selected for family me. Spine* if every variety and the purest quality, ground at his Neagh Mills. At., Dried Fruit. Foreign end Domestic produce Listen in excitant,. for torrchandisp. F. K. D. hu, procured a fall amortmnd of Larlreth'i Iran ranted GARDEN SEFUS, and Invites the attontiou of all Ia toreated iu rural affair,. Judi 0 - 01MrSSION 110 USE.—The subscriber!. hare opened a llom, (..r the above purpose, at No. 17 Smithfield street, Sear doors al..l‘e the MonortgAhelA 1.100.. e IVA will purchase, or receive on nemmi.lon, for sale, moments of FLOUR, BACON, UIIEKSE. (`ORN, UAT: I , BARLNY, FLAX SEED. IiRASS SRED, BALM) HAY, . upon which we 14 ill make etivancoa, or purchase at the teat market rates for .ash. tnovr,) ALGEA) A CO W. R. ENGLISH 2. RICHARIASUN I. In-WOT. T I NG/AM & RICIIARDSON, Forwarding „LA aml Commission Ifet:hants and wholesale dealers 3'lBll. IiA(..SiN and ,)LL. and PRODUCE ;mortally. Ware how;e formerly oompied by Durbridgo A inghram, No. l lirtitsr and 150 First wort. Pittsimrgh, frb3 EIN ArAELL. ./. LEL QH,L ATWn2.• AT"'ELL, LEER CO., 'Wholesale Grocers. Pt.iTICP and Conuntsmion Nleretumtn, .nd doatk, to rittldirg4 Manufactures, No. 15 Wood strvot, botirecz and Front strucd/s, Pittsburgh. aPPg JOHN W. BUTLER & CO., Forwarding 100 evIIIMILMIL4I Merr-kkauts, &a/El.+ in all kinds of - DCROII LEAD PIPE and Saler LEAD, No. 07 l'iuct etreOL LTENII,V 11. COLLINS, Forwarding and Commission Nl,obant. and wholeaale dealer fn FISH. CAINE:W. nurry.ll. SEEDS and PIWDUCE generally, N. , : Wooduul4ll.; NOTICE. -the undersigned. A.Rignee hf W 11. KEN I N. of Steubenville, Oblu, having L.ldlo EE-ISSU OF TILE PATENT originally granted t., ue the ith day of October, MAL fur the purpose of trial:log I IOT-P RESSED NUTS, WASffEItS, etc., being substantially fulluu-a, Nil. Farti—The use of the die. T, and die but M, for severing the ihnik, the cloae die boa in combination with the dire and bracket-A? far penning, and the pouch I, for perforating the name during the presentre, the whole operating con jointly as alettieribed for making Nuts or Weathers el One ovi ration. Second—The manner substantially an described, of no ar ranging the dice In relation to the pouch that guy excess ,j iron in the bleak shall he formal into the 'sabot - the punch, than ex - ring the comp-ewsion of the Nut without riskiug the breaking of the machine. Perinew interested will plea. , take notice that =yin fringement on the above will be dealt with according to lan. UAIOII, kiAttTUYEE Ar MORROW. Pitiabnrgli, April 9, 18.59.—(aptelth.l) WiLisi/M cart bun, of the firm of J. Parker ' oo..)neholesale GRO CERS and deaden. in Foreign WINKS and BRANDI KEIOnd tdonougaliela and ltoctitled WIUSKY, No.nit Conunieretal Row, Liberty st rcet. Pittsburgh. JOSEPH FLEMItiII, successor to L. Wil cox. /I Co.. COT aer of Market street and the keepn constantly on hand a full asaortmonS of DRUGS, MED ICIN k•%. MEDICI-NE GUESTS, PERFUMERY, and all arti cles port “4 wing w his business.. -dsg. Physicians* Proscriptions carefully compounded at all hours. par Joni ..COCEttaN It • ! FL FYl\u BRoTtlEits, successors td 3. Ifldd di Co., alodesale I.Bri;, No. 60 Wood stroet, Pittsburgh. Proprietors of Dr. Nl'Lane's celebrated V °roil. fogs, Lions P/11s, kc. .140 T L. DiALItSIiA.LI.4 successor to H. lipel • DF.ALKK art& COIIMLIESSION !MIRO/SAVA No. 11 Liberty Atrost, Pittobargh. Btferrnce—W. &PCllutock. & Kramer k Rohm, 2.1 a. phy. Tiernan k Co., Brown k Kirkpatrick. Pittsburgh, May 24, 1265. W. CHADWICK., dealer in Kentucky .111.• Leaf TO6ACX3O, BADS and PAPKIL, No. 130 stiits{ etyt.t, below Sixth, Pittsburgh. lap 2 1 Zene highest market price, in cash, paid for Bap. WAL . POI P. ...... . ... ........ E. &PG% I • vr P. MARSHALL & Co., Importers Ult. . dealers in French and American, I'AX INtIS, No. S 7 Wood street, Pittsburgh_ era—Sole agents for the celebrated manufactures of Mesas. Deliegurt & Co., Parts. mE, --- BT. C. MORGAN, Bookseller and .Gtr 4 Honer. Has always on hand a goners' assortmeo4 of School, .11L+collan.ua and-Blank Books; Printing, Pant nail Cap Paper, kc.. wholesale and retail, No. 104 Wood eirewei below IWth (east side) Pitteburgh. 44- WANTED--Itag• and Tanners' Scrag JUHx H. SIELLOR, Wholesale and Retail denier in MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, PIANOS, 4L4=10, SOLL)01, BOORS and STATIONERY, No. Si Wood sti Pittsburgh. janl JACOB INV CULLISTER, Wholesale and It e tall SRtIAR NIANIMACTIJItHR and dealer in all kinds of TaBAI:I00, SNUFF and SSlAlifl, No. 2.5 Fifth drool, Plttsbuigh. fui. Keeps. constantly on hand a large supply of all lbs various brands of Imperial Segura. }ea YaitJP RITIII3I 4013L8T J. MIN. D EYMER S: ANDERSON, {succeitdor _LA; Joabba Rhodes Co,) wholesale dealers In FOILE FRUITS, NCTS,SPICE_S, (i)N.VECTIONA_RY. 91.10AK•19,./te No, 39 Wood atAvot, pppoote the 9t Chat* nutti, ills burgh.apt A IINPLE, Wholesale and Retail. S.3.p i Zie.4ZlZAtu r tt: ' L Ru iVivn bis lart and t • •cAlutaa: , • ; ;;. NTERPRISE WORK'S, No. 136 AVocidi mtrek, third date. below Virgin alley.- [ -SOWN rrrr, LEY would call the afttrntion of Sporting lona te'thrk tokrge ad.ortmaut of GUNS, RIFLES otral REVOLVING PISTIVOLS, thr large.t and beet adecbel atoel, ever opened ho this 1•,41 , het, togei her u all a general neaortment Ilardwarv, Cutle ty, TooLs and Fishing Tackle, on of which we offer nt the lowrst poeidde prirre, putvluwet ,r for I vod paper merle NORTH-WES'PERN POLICE AUENCY, No; 89 Washintrton street, earner of Pest lore, C. OAGO, lI.LLNOIS Y A LLAS PINE LIMON D. 11 6.0..1071.3. PINKESIOS tk CU. decute th eir entire athantion t, the transaction a a coastal detectien- POLICE BOSINES in the Stated of Illinois, Woconsiso Michigan and Indiana J . attire:al O}IN tatovrT, ImOrt,of er BRAN,Ip Gafg, DeAar , 4M/Zelifile Whlnky, Poach Briutdyp_te- . Also, REMFYING I On, alma of ead th aeldaud bout straits, Pittsburgh. ).-4-..ity* , ,er c?4,.!-4-41,0,04.14...,0t , • • .ow 7-0&. , / ~, `j ai 0 , 44 ; 4,- • or dr asla . tt • ' • •.• • r . ; • '" - . -L4. .1111:41.013 11.6112811:10X * d J - 4° .0 ? • • • 1•1 11 1 4. r'' •~;~ PITBLISIIED DAILY BY GIL LMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM VOLUME XIV. BUSIN.sB CARDS ._ _. ........ oturt.T.—Peregrui gt,„ —.Welt, tad - ug from Impaired rldon, conititiidhmpli 46zsy,'obtage, or other cennea, woold do well to call itpon Dr. 43. B. SHAW, PR4OTIOAII OPTICX" where they m* rely, Rom getting icyhOWly nftted to take,ANO Vt ANTS OF AME - . 2 . 8 Rft lit*, 0nea1t0.4....4,. Maeoo'e, 'l`. - 81%- , pm, Altcrosropse, Thermometers, and every atittuArA 4 oil , 9rnf i le woofs t , p 2 !u4P 3 Pa i n d , ,tquldlyram.. 1 . • ( sigentrafprdyi,-.6 . 4- ettehanged free of or iirVig, cm z ~. 411 :- . - C.. pew. - .J , .1.1.,1:Aff .„ ~ . ; . decl:ly -EWSAXIAOH.AND CA_KB,IAGE FAC TORY.--JOUNSTMii TROTIIHRR 'A CO, corner of Rebecca and Bolrtinatt gneolx, Allegheny (My. would reepect fully inform their Msd the &Me enerally, that they him - Qom:luau& thaf manufacture of CARR' AGM; -BA 110:10B,R8, KOCHAWAYN llUln ia, fiLif..lthlid and CBA- Ittern in an fludrvariceis Myles of end proportion. ardas rein be executed wl strict regard to dare tkitlbeauty of finish.. Reys ,itr•a, almhe attended toi, mina moat reasonable terms. lleing in all . their work the , best &stern Shalt% Poles, and Wheel stuff they feel dent that all who favor thew with their patronage, will be . perfectly satisfied on trial of. thekr wive work. hircbaenra atd foqivated to glee COL before pur chasing elsewhere• ocnily MILLIKEN & Cy. have .on tiara, at yes their extensive CAVES tITCALLIA VANINAC VAS V, Ne. 44 Smithfield street, a tarp Misbritettentof Fancy and'Plaiti Furniture, which they' will iiiiirriter C6nk.latcer than customary rates.' TOMB, asiXit el/LARLES BAENETT,IIoasz SHOED. AND %J. BLACSI3SIITII, has erected o new. and ecrtutoodious Brick—Shop ou CIIERRY ALLEY, between Third and Fourth streetsoshere he is prepared to do all work In his line with tho.otroust .propptiaoe. ilasktg had long • experience In the Witt*, h ! LrOpectfally solicits the patronage of his old customers at b piablic generally. ju.2l AMES . , LLINGER, Muntingahein. Pla- J 11111;itehlt timpuctful4 taCorjoa.his Mewl, aad the the ruele fluit - 11* hee •estabmiins noirici NI opera tion, ittal That he Is 'viewed to turtab Beet Cebfee, end till nil °pith foe 41aibliSD LT.l4llEiti id& promptness, tuld at the lowest mei: IcMi2=INiMMM Bosh, Doors and MonMaga, of every description, made to order. WI- Milldam and Carpenter* would Aud to.their advan tage to Ova hhd a :cell, as 4.l6.cittsioir foruisdethetu with tinned Stuff, fur -for every lielattp of track. VULTQN. AR WORKS. FOUNDRY AND mectrisfv: SUDP, 4tAzuvora, ao.—The subscriber having moved Into Lie Aft' WOO tece.447 erected, turner of Water, ArDonough, and itbekty-stroetVid Feilated 63 Om tract for and execute all order* for Paluenger, *wage, Fortoface, Mnn , Freight, Kat Awni,"(travel, Mind - and all other deacrtptiowi of OARS. Mao, for Mat UMW RS of all wing, 43SAIIING, RAIL ROAD CASTINGS of all description*, and all other wort, , Appertaining Wra Foury and Marline Shop. The foremen of the =went *departments are Banal& and practicalmen--toonly loan Noteru manufactories— who theinstivotoforruediand.adtsd all wainattlemcd m TiV enuatupa—.l. e. teltoiniv4nti- MEftWAN PAPIER "W.enEItANIT - Jr,Acruuntia tiomPANY, 1.5 . ... ts Second street, Pitts burgh, hanuftctureri 'oT PAPIER MA ME ORNAXENTE forsightuthes,' Homed, iltaanilioats. Mirror And . Picture Prwipealicindow and Dorn Meads, Bracket., Trusses, Cor taco, Ventilators and Centro Pieces fur Ceilings, Rosettes and Motildine of envy deaclipani; sire A nd design, cheap lu er nod warrauteettitnet *dot. than anynilsei articje now • • :Er Orden exeolto&Oirthe shortest soaps. N. 11.—Atmtion o7l3#Btuboas Ilailders i asr*clay di forted to this artklet,on'eccrunt of its lightweight CAMBIUM, ran as CO, No. 78 Fearnd street; betwosnliVoist 844144it0t, pal AftSbuskti. _ rr e .. ILE - IP:WE COAL COMPANY baring r ;- newly mot with • lamas in transporting awl to eincio mu Doing hisured by the Mannfoutunine DM:trance Com pany, of Philadelphia, biro *wow. in stating that their rhinos wuro promptly - 410W by .1. lientan Jones, Agont of said Company. D. BUSHNELL. Agrut of Hope Coal Company, Cincinnati. Pittsburgh, December Z. UM. • id.elS RvommtsulEvoLvEits::—Just re- Odsed,ll4 ktprost, direct from - = the sounufuott:t.igiendkl fount of CafeitILEVRATINO ?MO • - four, Aro ivad six inert alkaf width gm will twit for,castiAt at Prices its g {n l- , Weif-in 03 6 Aty e Vork. Vrr auto going co Attgrallit stud Ilgiforuila will dud that they isei h. beetrri,r p4 , 4ffisiiir. rbrireqmpitear titintr. than they . srt among Stralarera—a. we Vt. pa 7.110 eaalall to try any of the share Pi.tole befo re Ai tag the city, and of a failure us trilled the rtinhey. Jdo •I'. GROUTT, Importers of Brandies, .• Wit, Wine; Doalsm in FlOl. old M on ,,,, g ,th e i. llyo Whisky, reach Brandy, 6c. Al., Rectifiers and Dint.lll,4 Corurr of Sudttinel<l and First streets, Pittsburgh. ;decal BOTTLERS.--Jotsr u OGDEN tt N 0.187 Flostatreet, would itert,tiolly lolorm the Inc that they have constantly on hand a large supply of EAREAPARIMA, MINERAL WATER. ALE and POLITER. of the beet iinality. The attention of families ls particularly directed to the feen that they bottle ITAINRICaIrft ALE In Its purest nate. Phyeicinue risootinnend it to (strati. on a count of its Lion owe and strengthening qualltiee notdo, 1 y JJ. G I.lr. W,LIW,U.:A:Jug Ulm* Ninnunteturvr.. . and dater t Su Looking Ulnas Fianna, Plate rntings, Corm. and Fancy N. Wood .t, ..t., Pitt, I,urgh. On hand and nude to order, Gilt Fier and Mantle Warta,. tosewood, Waltint and thlt Iran ea,,: lag, of every deradiption, /Fir - Steamboat I.l.bine Deroratrd I\l4ll OI(t. Ittti STlikPit I WORK,NVood 12.4 et., third door below Virgiaa!ll.—BOWN k Th-rLrl" all the litontion of spOritilAV Ulan to tb,r , ~ill.llll. of CICNS, ItIFPCS Nht it.EVOhVINO the largest amt beet sele,ted stuck ever Lct, together witb a general asaurtsueut•ol HA KG NV A ILE, UUTLF4e. P- 4( - 4 .* 444 VISIIINO Tani IX., all of a. blob we offer at. t *vest pomade , prices to cash purchuusr4, or vod approved paper. mar I MA. fiViraft,' Wholektilp 'end Retail Dettt4' ilr'hier'• 'Ramos, Stoves. 'fin, Irno and tionaorinepera'vdara,Tentieva' Ildarldspa 844,T001a Ti Mani "Sheeelt e to., 21 North neronT street, (oppnidhe ifelder's IlAitlllBl4MiCI. 50p29441, WIIITE, Vi IThW BLIND MANDFACRT . ue, ra•coverod hle be . adth "qua to resume Ins old Luiiriaal, and littae eiipleneal %Is DUND kiA.NtiILA.CTOMS, at No. 66 IRAN stririet, near the Post Ofkre, bets-refill - nod and Smithfield, where ho ham en assortment of DLL"; LIP., trinutiod with plain and tone! Wit - Art*4 and Iffletiiiiinlngi; and is preparedleliD in order to his Doe. on the nowt tatioasial.le terms. Ms work is warranted to give autiefart ion, or money refunded. 1113,, Old Blinds repaired. Pletiee g,ica him a call. ea be can't be beat In seerkbittirthip: ,te)7.ly F.iAtlLlPFtivilizic tit LOH,. 1.1 • street, "it dt:r7 titt Dispatch uninunes, thn nano for Li. very liberal pe;con/rre Neryotaare be,e u , upon bin, beg. leafs to ask p ‘ tionnwfutee 01,1.1 w. same, RA 114. i. 111.1 , better prepared than ew'ta twatiai bra roiis towers wli& pimiento which will Insure entire matiefactiou. He always keeps on hand a large.sasorrtnent of the latest styles or_ YWV4iGila CiOnSALUZIiktHriCLOTILS , an, islArti he will order on MO shorn:et notice, upon mwonable term. . .. . 116.,A peepallt, alwilp warranted. tug:mil:tit JOHII IL TOCIII4 TROS. B. TOEING fitAXCIS L.1:0 1M). T B. YOUNE) 4 CO . ; ,No. 38 Smithfield. tT . Pl7l( r nAg r all e Silftil, of eva n r u ; ' .; tu rii r .ti: C ohe Mi l il terials and warkmaushijk,warrapted, and mild rat m‘dirced prices. Care takeu la Vgil clog lit' laird iirak . water carriage. aug3l WOuDWF,LL'S FURNITURE AND CRAMS, wholeeale and 'taihrttring every etyle of furniture, in Roaewewel, Mahogany and Waltnrit,table for wham, chamber,, and dining rooms ; equal to any in New York or Philadelphia, and at lower price& ISt ery article made try hand, and warranted. Cabinet Niiikers supplied with any quantity of MRS! anaI,CILURS, on ramonahlo War. Steand.qatisianitheil settle shortest ootiae. Warereogna, Now ii and 79 Third street., STOVES.—No. 124 Wood street, above natl.—We beg leave to call the Trade to par stock of stoves, 'Taloa Ware anittastiagsbavnertd, Having, perfect ed every thing In oar line, we can tosfetrsay that We cannot be surpassed in finish, litting,.atrd sinnottiness, by ;myth the trade. Merchant/1 will find It tb Their ildeuntage to call be fore buying elsewhere. fold GRAFF, REISMYER, & GRAFF. rrIiOX.A.S OLIVER. SADDLE, HARNESS AND MUNI{ 51.A.A . 1.1FACTUltEll, No. 4 St- 014,1 r etreet, l'it tAntrgb es. Borne C9otl iug, Wlllp4, Spurs, Act. UMEEZIE . . - JUNICS 4r. DENNY . , F,,rwarding xrul Comraltatthi ?der chant& No 81 Water atreet, PittbLurgh. inplU JEwN,Lay 71 Jul(f.l tat iddti •.! Jul to. Oaf 13,T now *Ming lo off hls large and choice stock of fine' MAO% Clbaub Jewelryut Fancy Goods at a eery until adlittWOOfr-fle4 . t - Oast preparatory tu ,enlarging hls Sono Rdol and the ptuchan , of an entire new stook fur tbasprltuit tividts • kopong.glesttafgllttlfafiliMAlNS ihabld.cal I natty, as .it is his determination to close unt his present stock with out regard to frow Don't forget the place— EISRTS', 16 FIFTH street, near ...Market. PIA NIEN A,NWROYS' WINTER CLOTHING —lLOSlttrrliat tk BRO., Fifth " 11 ", °P, 74* pun's, hare large stock of Men and Bop. , Cat3TIIING on hand, comprising some entirely new and elegant styles, ...Melt they are prepared to furnish at the lowest cash prices. Ale., a I orge and faehturiableetock of GENTS' BURNISHING GtlOD5l. (lecithin"' QWA LLCM -TAIL LINE_ OF"LII; . RP" 1.„)• AND NEW YORK PACKET SIM'S. 1 th4f , by .1111141414VENWE far Arta sb-ext f . . 37. ,r. • r‘fritilla. Tio• tobscrlerim,the only dept in Pittii burgh for the' What* I,hte.t-hasolilwitys on a . ItiMifite hlSONANtottarii payable aa•as* le e en .4.F. ~ y 4l § ,t, adandlyaleak. . rt. 'T 0MP9021. :Thiropeite A g erit, 410 , Libettly street. Pittithrovhi:. H. HiCirtLOW MARTIN L. HTEVILML Heenai-rr . PITTSBURGH c . p.4oi, FACTORY -I S O-, ~, !A UP, ffue,csi9 a.m. Bi g va.,3oApi,", monm ' -f, . . Wood .. Allaburgla--Catatur,;_aa COA 31: z ej . INK, liggrfrpfl, And eam of FAN '3j. z , ... 4 : 1. 0a., aad i ka t= manneklinulnita4l fo'fbe sign, elegance of WO, elciflif feiricnianitdp and .., of materials •011-*A-11 work. wasssated.? MEM ,r# ' 4, J KY ~tt ISEZ . . . ~. , •3 i . i • 1 . • .. • 1 . . • • • )I. 1 V,l 11. .. 1 1 .. • .nt 1.1t.t.: t .7? ), • ••• • ‘, .7“ , J I;4 1.1 .1 , L. 1 - •., 4..110'2 L. -. Si' l en -,n4 aunt .. , 1 , • -'• • ~ ••!. .. i '.. 1- . —41 T IT - .1..,.ff - :_, AI , ,... D4til DOWN h TETLEY. 136 Wood street, tAlAirrh PITTSBURG'', PA MESEI PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1856. BUSINESS CARDS GREATEST lIVIPROVEIVIEN T YET! NE SCAL —H KLEBEIt BRo., hate e email Ix N klLZic;•k ":11.5 ptotrided with their NEW SCALE. This is ; •••., •.; • ..X. their latest, and undoubtedly the MUST POVAN? Improvement as yet made to toe Piano lorte. The POUT'''. •.f the instrumenj le almost DOUBLED thereby; and In point of volume, ocenntsts mid brilliancy of tone, they surptou anything an yet producer' in the slutpe of a Piano. They possess ail the adranua,;es of the Grand Pianos, with out any of it disadvantages. We now challenge companson with the instruments of any other maker it 1413 rountrV, mnadebt that every unbiassed Judge of the article will ut once admit their superiority. The public is respettially cited to call And examine tlicsesuperb ittatnimanta. U. ELEBER & BRIJ , Sole agents fdr Minns & Clarks' Pincer Poi Western Pen us.) Ivituiu No ill Fifth street, next loot to „Bastonic Dail P. S.--Splettillif assortment of the above shortly expectcd for the Spring Titan. -P3 N-EAViiitoßiNG STOCK OF en eICETUNC &- SONS edNo Fintu,s. fop"JOHN n. IIiFfLLOR bM' Jure received seven more .. , fir . ...e. r .,. 'MICK PAIN& d SOW , -.- - 'IA NO FORTES., ant cony . ,t 1 pleteaftltbikivekLiselecled for Spring F.alea, of nuirrrliv E near ilikit splendid -Ittertnnnt MR. ..f . 4 , Pry variety and ay) ie. Ingentfaettlead by the Mamma. Chichertnal, ittofitono front the plalneet SIXOCTA V E to the moat splendidly finlabed Seven Octave Square Pita/10 Fortes, an well /1.9 their superb and Inimitable 17 rand and 'Nett. Grata' Plano. Eli ELEA PIANO ittlerlt tit this lig then.' NEW ...44.3A LE, with their PATENT IRON I'll AMES, n.l PATIINT. 414irri.pN,nnd so , te4artl3 warrtutted to Oe itureh aet.la`.'tb IDbtCt uter 3.lart Ho, intov rilier, I. In till reapecta as perfect ha Instruments ou Iw nook, both In to ti to Material and Workunuotblp. I'MCM4 INTA.THIBLY TILE 9 tmr: as iu 8.A... 3.humfactory. JOHN H. MELLOR. No. SI 'W0..1 atreet, between Diamond alley and Yeurth atreet. Ant for ettiokering d S...nts, BusLoa4 (or PitlabUrg,ki ttud Weittertt Won& tahtla FOURTH STREET CARPET STORE. Dr. D. & U. McCAILLritl, 487 FOURTH STRART, NEnt WOOI)."'AL Tut attention ;.1 purchaser• is reis W tilly invited to oar present Suck, selisited far &PROW .EhL, including-- Best quality Velveta. gnash and Tapestry lt. IFirtissels and Tapestry, r,raina - (Vanilla and State Brussels, Super. Stediran tad luis Etna and Super. 3 Ply. Piked Ingrains. Best Imparted. Extra Twilled and Deunaiski; nail and Shot Carpets.; Floor Oil Cloths, tuna 2 to 2 feet wide, taro eis qualified and prices; Table 011 Clutha; Preach Printed and Straboased Piano and Table Curers; Canton and Cocoa Mum Clog:Hearth Mug; Door Mats ; Stair Hods; List, gnu act; Dutch Carpets; Venetian Blind.; with every manly of Wit claw Equate% Green snL Dec ;Jutland, ko., t 0.,; all of attired/ atiade as aurrnoderate rates. ado - We are also proparod to furnish Matti, INCTON'S CARPET •LTIV9O3. MANSFIELD SEAIINARIC AND • itointai School. 4p m cipyr pa r , from Mt c4y. .near the junction of lig AOUlestowo pna Plank Roads. n. IT. EURO.. IL, linporPtlendont. MRS. M. A. RR. Principal Sominary %EV. R. 111MIERrI4N, A. M. Prof. Loopoor• n. rii. upicrsigued. C:mucy t4iirerioorrlent, will ro-opili hi. Somiwary &looi for 17,uliers, on DAY. iltrelfith a April Pupils of both woca to, rn coleral. limited number or femalne .:nn INanrrl In the funi; the Buperintendant. Uoot I.oardlug c,n3 ,a,tan.-.1 glade and ciciultp, d (nun Vs m•it . TNI3-41*-elaquartar 0110 neat& IN ADVANCE; Itoaidluelnalging and tigist 4-10 IN; ..... u 0 to xOOO cotglehr. oe tlestiltg lo . vropk.re for ieadaltm,' , .. ...ter the Ntulusl.Seboul ea. bay. thnk,and canunue Clown ut S&••anct Qtgurter. I,2turcl will lm dot unal Term, upon tlo, Art of Tome-Mug. Yur Runlet leonzatton tulfroso apt H. M. KERR, Pittsto.) tit.. CA3IIIPItENA.74I: - 1 1- OCl.4* — K: wpox.F.RAL,E DtAL4ELS Staple and Fancy Variety and Dry Goods PLAIN AND WAVED LINE GILT MOULDINGS. NG. 95 VI - 001 - 1(1 - 7: Viirnr - r of Diamond al y. Tllll.l rekr t.) a long experietN• in this 1w a flu guaanl.. :.• liA•• pc,r hax. t tfixt I.lli .g.t iitt , ,t ekro.l 60111 *1)14,, anti tot whet rstnbliahmotit. :111 11.21100CtiOn of th.r n k incur , to toty. Equal mtetttion xiit ~ ,,,x ll.tht-r 4,14 toe f, I . l.lllaluat,qt or JJAVJDCAMPLSI:LI. LINK ?lase rues..oiat.•l h, tr \ wrioty and Dry IivIKL, ,u.. 1 the ITIA/alid , I plain Lir.ilnthionl•lmr, - _ WATCEIES ANI) .1111I\ M Iti/DMITS, Su. 1L Yin Li ifircei. In 41111. I6u t)I t1,.l l .In.l 1 . 1.i-ut I ..• whor, Lapine awl V,.11k al 5V .11'1'1151:i it, • la burl int.: ea.., or the mnbt tl:at,as 1114 , 1 ta , f ore. Alo, 0011 Li tat J Veal .:pi I'M. Cllhatt, hays, ilialatura Itrar.l.•ta.ll-1,1 1' 4 ,, 1., It, Toothplek, laaty y , Lut. t 4,1 ml I neolptwi..C.u , Ri,u3. Cull 1`...1.t1,1-:. :Abet al.l out hated Epoons. Knit, I ark.. 34. Cond 44.1 inncy tiot.ln. Alt.:, a 1.,T , 1. • I ...st I.IIIASS CL.OOK.I at 1511 115-1,e5 Thev.tvavvi etua lice e.eti pureflveied dirvi tta FA0.411 .411 WWll&Ztarit., r,d firii,l4.l With errAt earel..i the rel.vil luef v.. 11 1..• ...1.1 et w nnevll tut% ••It •• ..vi 1 atel r•i,tre./. 1.711,1. gt.• eel re v sant,asalh (),,I W../ • t tue.le t.• ut Jre ,et Jull\ SI. 1:1111EItT:. ^P. Fifth ytre, t ‘113; i VA("i'l)}Y. PALI oi , rnor of Market edit ,end Fifth .t::•. t, fit. I,,,y•ary t A rrieu t C., 1. 11..tt It. wit+ .out t•o•itt,, , ,Q t,„ 4.11,!. Tilt!! I ht. VON ir !tint ho etill r “Ittly 11., I. "ult/Y STOCK INtIF, I.lt A WFIItS And all kintiv of 11.118IERY, ut LM 4.1h1,111,111.i.111. 111, V ',- tory t. 1201 r It; al's LtuUdaag, oo 111‘711 snot--opon at MI timmi to the ingpvrtion of the pato, lie hi". tvirktert thw work of his uaa mautrtarture, brought to We tufty the largent aavort meat of Goode to its hoe ever brmitbt to t hi. Lit), which Are warranted to 1, rI tho 1•rot quality, 6.04 a dt to sold mitten:Mat remotrable plot. LW Ito but mu. On; 00 Ito at th.• r,•rttor of Marl.Pt alloy lour Fifth C. DALY, Corner Na 114.1 glary nwl l'ictb tot SIIFTERV MARBLE WU R K S-- ATT RKIV 7 - 41A1TON, rai.crwat. Dusta I; —,. No. :& 1,111}.110T etre,-C, aayuo. tult2l.ly 4aZ ILAR BA , Cum It I SSIO DI Llo.ler. lir Wool, fietlvexiotue,' an l Pneleu, getenilly, 295 Lil.erty Ptrna, rittaburKik. WJA M ANVFACT()R-Y—:MiTiIWTE fruen the Aqueduct, up`u+tte tto 1:-41,1, , r a 0111. o. Ail.•gtemey City, Ix prriearod I. till ~tller4 le and all 1:11,,le.of (AIN - AMA:4IAL lIATIt WORK. 'Hie qua lay QC usetterixl le liirlila bed, and ell Imo entiefartlon mem • nu Leo& myl.ls:ilAwly NEON INTELLIGI:NCE OFFICE-Llf vim asp( to tieVre N Lit," find employment, ton r or seal eerty, nt 14,W, UN'S INTK.I.LItIENCR ORVICK, No. 14 Fifth Street, near Market street. I .-sotl 11.,uni-lits and Copying don.. with 11t,t111 , 83 11111.1 d.1414•Ch. J08.111 , 1 - if \V. I.IIIIFIIIII. FSIIA'S LINIMENT—The best Lini merit nou in us, for Aprotnn, at.. 12 don. Jun rer,ived by JUtt. rianum, oortter Diamond mad•Morlo'4 PIG META—I9O tons good quality, L 410140NuntTectliTog tor brosurf roc miter. upllll •' - • 1.41. IYAVlS,•coixte'r 11W bntt Fifth sts eTesse fur Drars, CortA, Ifuggies, Rsdlroad, ears, be.. 111 cans. kegs and- fads., for sale 11 [ap'2: 3 l lIKNRY IL COLLINS. WINDOW LASS- •- rA) boxos 8700 glaiur, 10 do. 31) ilia. 9x P 2. II , : Yb da lusl4 q‘ j „ 1 rarl-4hr side 1f . 1% SMITH, NAL': d 11UNTER. 928 l'.l.2.Feivild mod 161 First stre..t. - _ D ifigi-APPLES-5 barrels ; 10 sack, oir sale by ai•-b SMITH, NAM DifIED PEACIIES Itubli. fur stile tt Ity i tt:ti • Ski *II. MATH A 5T12. 111 4 )---5 4gB EVlrll. Al AI I: k nr Niro IOFFEIr SLIOAR.-1:t ititk. It. _•rt ee u -1. r rah. I , y SMITH. . . 0 ',El' BALAJN hntts. to at rii and for auk- by SPRINGER ILARILAttIIt ap2d No. '295 Liberty str , lt.__ SKED .I.IA .NlB- 7 5 casks- to arrirt ito and tot ie.. (ai.'2Fl SPIUNIIER. G _ 111ENT:iii Atitlif4 If I f) . ;;trice and for male by (51.2.. HARBAVOIL RY eLINT ItIVO";SI.LIFTIS to arrive and ft I_l : , PRI - N(11:1{ ILA RBA L't; 11. GONVENTRATED ',Yr.—A new article iltr making Irma and Soft Foxy. I loe 1.1"1 , 1111 i CI Potash. On hood and for axle I. PLASTER, CEMENT, AND GRIM STOW kg.ce-Plarter Tbr 'Land and St wet, Work; een eut for Cisterns . apd Worka; Grind.Stonoa, all sin,— on Land at U 9 MAI* trAve; Pittpburgh. aprl W. W. WALLACE. DHATT'SBOTTLES--:', .1' these evAkot uureing bou.km, rocvised by JOB. NLY.t.lti.), corner Diadnoud and Market .t ( 1 ,;‘,1)0A.R,—,51) hhds. Prime N. 0 Sugar in storo and for solo by (Op 2 ) JOITN tIOORTRAIy. ftiktiPt T I . ROMS—For sat, ki theynta dtUlt Piper Wwhome, ]S¢ihetal cor et Ad. Ce l fi r ' RhJLO dozen n- II coil's(' by — "OR. FLNINVICti, Iflntl. , n.inst.Dlßmneti, D myI" RIED AMES-100 bushels fT e T - or sa RENTS H 001. Lt \° . • .., • EMMITI =NA 4 • =EIS T,~n~:-, ... ~_ _ ~----y _. z~,, .... FOR SALE ~ND TO LET COAL WORKS roe. SALE,--Sirtir three acres of tarot with.2ao.of Coal attnctuxli mall] tho On porvements thereon Iti sucomaafnl op:ratian. Rag r , +rtn. 1 intunted on the - Monongahela river, mildestilil. I.ltt*- "%Nth and , U qapplied with Awn Homo, Dom Tenant f1004,a, orchard, Railroad, and an excenent harber. The ruiu of Carl in ace feet Wick, and cannot be carper I In quality. For tut - Mot Orticolo.rel apply to • NUIROLIWN A PA± 4 rN e, No. ?dr, IdLgzlt purr. TIIE NATIQNAL HOTEL fOR.REN T.-- The above llotel, (rotator, um Moriconftbelloilinau f, b e . too. a Smithfield end Graff strecta, together- kiththe STAXIAT thereto atm.:led, will ba fur rota oftertrte lot :la? of April next. The above Hot belog say ul large and c u mi:4 te 1,, a d ,tar the proposed taut of two Railroad Statiatii and the Wharf, Were rernerbable inducements' to tliaftwil:m . hitt. tz• thiz hnollorm /minim at the ofilea WM. AlitlitOLDA rota etre. I rtib6 If -c11) ARE CEI ANCE.—The 8% 1 N , ter hay ing i.: agnec.l in another hualnesa which. din:nail& his .hole teno and nttantion, wishes to dispose ref flis Tea and sjrlefiltrY 8U5116,... The strunling of the lionse.islvite: known u; the liras of sta loud, the leseouswe large and togasoiiiii, hs. . ostocueis of the test class In the Liu'. To an vrtiattunDisksotsinvis mut, it in inn tats diatlCC as a earn fortune. For particulars enema folatt W. A. 'Wart.° corner WocrA and . TT - NEON 420 AL WORKS FOR SALE.— ‘,..„) The C..el Well:A lately uwntsd by A. Leitch, J 1 .t Rltuutett uttuoltulu ricer, uhout trt.. Pittsburgh, art. now for utile. The la cirurtc II wet* toot Ild Iw:rebel of Land, (more or Itutu) end ntt th Co tnetein; end ail tbo C..ml in ttIKA.,t intt t..r..thct %tilt Ituthltngtt, Iletlwaye, , . . P. r forth. r 1 artimlArs *pray VI .0. VI. .t A 8. BELL, Atty'ald Law, 1441 JAN. tf Nu. 108 Yount, of. Pittibtnigh. WORTII i ois AM!'I`4ISTTi6N i. -- Al A sla.E.—.A MON dwelling hawse inet finished. two o •rit..., arranged aAn 6,11., two yorlote, 41.1314 room NMI P .t,hen, 'beer eltrusilsers 7 good eellat. Oath rooto, tr.; a I‘) • T oe frAnt In the pad, sodgood stAt•le. no lot front of 21) I. 01 0. Cannot street', Alleglony c!pllXlf pto Lod, ti...tivet prtce $1,400. T,Tlne In I, ,re•malnarr if...111 , 11nd Iwo yeah. S. trrmituzie SAN, an.tft __ lallarket .t.'ll ____ THE BRITISH PERIO4ICALS FARMER'S GUIDE. R EAT REDrCTION IN nig PR ICI, vv THE LATTER PCIBLACIAMICk L. SCOTT & CO.,.NRW TOR t tEt cn ilitle to rttbli.h rho fullatsing landing Brltlah, Wriodicals, vit. The Lcrodon qUarterir , ( 45311 " *"41" ' The Edinburgh Resless - 4 41Vbig1. The North British ReMinve<ibeoChnr..l ,, li The Westminster evistregib eek Mask wood's EldlitWh Eringtilue, (Tor, ). Int great and important crente.—lteligh' titClrialitical. and Niiiitarr,-..now agitating the tiationent On out World. Rive 1 f low publications an totem; and viand hdyl.ever before I.. , nuicd.' They try epy a toldilio gwu 1 bairn) the hastily written oars items, erode nwritktkaid "OPT rumor= "1 nie newspaper., and the ponderous ToaMt:ol"—the historian, N mien long eller tba mamma In the Arts be records shalt hare 1,4~1 away. "Ilemprogfenrog.the War In the Enst occupies a lame apace in dirir pages. aritnneemieut in closely cc! . .tt whether of friend cm foriand ell short milng poWted ,mt... The letteratrom the CHI• NI EA end the BALTIC) in Illackwood's Magallne, from t a.. • its moat popular contributors, &leen ematantelligible and citable amount of the movements of tbo..groit belligerents than can elsewhere to , found. Thew Periodicals repreeent the three peat:political poetic. ..f Gnat l'ory, and kkadield---Mn triton forms only Rya feature of their character. iya Organs or the moot promitud lerrters on Science, Litrulboiry, Moratity, tot Religion. they eiandvaesin - ifetietuie. miiivalled in the world of letters, being Plusidared fenliajpousable to th.. - halar and the prokkdonal Man, while .trg the. Intelligent reader of every clue they furnish a more earr,t and ...(11.• factory record of the current lirenitttre Of the day. through - .alt the world, than can 1.0 possibly otdained from am .other .ourte. Early Copies. Tha recoipt MO ANOII naniiithe Ilritiral !nt, fishers give. additional Talmo to these -Rogrnita. enysrially Juring the ',moan/ suiting mate or Enru4an anaira, iIIM -13111,11 as they can mew 1* placed In 11*is A ~f 114.1, P./KVII4 as won m rho original Terms. Fur any or, of the four ..y t. ,, of tht• Lair Review, ..... Fur our three of the roar ...... J. Mack Nlngitxtce Ma',=Cl alartwood and the foim Its than. . /Ityntemil to iv mode in all ntscr in atipareur., correi.: !hr ..SZtrir trilik.ortainedatt eer. CitabblUg. A dineollui of twenty-Pro, per ?Put. foto* the aboro t.ri. w,ll CLOW urtlerit;igloit,.......i.v , •... .•t too tbr ut , Avo'l,torßN 'Thus' flack Hoy tow. will bosonit to one tour of llo• t. , at Itvw o.r.t 11.1a.•kw....11 6.r i ui •..1 I A,r KU th. In it. ToN 1.1,•• • t., ). .el s enrd, RE h: POST/tilt: Wtn e...ut I [n.l, .•, . . r y part ..r th, cuitvti 111 1 , • t•ut I WYN it 411Zel'3 n y.• .r A r Hinchssn -, hi." nr. I .1 r ,, uka, Evre n year tot nth t.t . the 1.1=11;i1=11 iIL Y. .TI Ednhtr,h, end l • I.loft,toor "I %Intt I,IP Aorrmlinre in V ol• Noo. 01, Mil ono •n+ M..... 1 and :-1.1•1 c• 11.1c.vt k, ol .ardiq it a mldo•r. . [hr. publolirr, 4, .1 to rerti• r!, • I • 111 t. EON. TILE '1 lVt) oi,eNiri. • . . 11 L) ma.l 412/Aetna Oreyvn c Min 4., is T. , ,r.ry etLw µirt el.. it pr. It. pa,J 4.1 •• • it.`1.41.11441it.:4 . 4t 41/4 . 1 ti... shot- , rs • , t Po:\ it D SO .t o fit oirs.u. New 1. • 1, E 11 00 K. -(' h r I Su - um p'c tinted t.) A ise -3 I't • sight mol I loatin: N 4.10. 44 .1/1.1t111 4 . . . 41 4444414( 114tlig4 I LAI ofoll 1,1:' roartsliip and %farrow,- r..r.1:1,•• I H uit • 1.1 Bogen.' YoLlr Talk ..... . Let tcrs of Lady )ton t,11: hi It gsley • P..ems. All Alswril r th.• Inke . . . 14144 Ii• • /i11 ,4 ' , I 'Was". . Lam) I and tlllll , . I attia-1, Longiolt.is , o , . ?Ur. Rambles in L. Lunt . . We. Holden Path . Iloititis Hater5..........._....... I.ou 1,11/1 • 4.011/Iti) uteri --1) Leasing. 1.P2 Leslie's I fuel!, t.t for Ma) Knickerbocio r for Ma).. Schoolfellow }Warmish, " I,...tAteP N. V. "...ley for Ma , I Want for !day II triter nhant if Machold hi ords for 5tay._............. ......... '7 111;e t. 7 1 : • .: . 1. Tlestilisson's Dotts•t, , r... . . . himikwisui for April . Alltio ~'ant lksks lower than can he pm-chased It in titer id t.. LA L PF.ER'S BOOK-STORK, my'. Na. Fourth street. ENOLISII BOOKS. Tretigold on Stationary Knain, 51artue Sonora' Sealkaik-s-Navimstion. Ac.,A,• Land and Engineering Stave) lllg. I.lmes,•Cenionts, Mortars, A. - . Railways, Sketchoa the eonstruetieni, do Stenni and Locomotion. Tubular and other Iron Girder Bridges Well Digging, fining, ,hr. Constructing and Repairing Boa': Agricultural Engineering. Illetkfnary Tortati of Art. Cit.ck mud Watch -Making. Painter's Art, or a termini:tar of Coloring. llie Eklectle Telegraph—its llistory and Prozress Perspective, for the use of beginners • Clay Lands and lioamy Differential (Ntictilits. Integral Rudimentary Arrhitertifire. Navigation and Nauthatt Astronomy. Railroad Book of England. Pliggestione, in Design. tiothic Monuments. Tho London Crystal Polaris. Nlitsoilry and Stuns Cutting. For cols l.a B. T C. 'SIORG A 2i, apfl9_ 41 Fifth .tar i t. 'tEW • ileathen Not to t,e Sin, zed at—curnir Snug,. Druiuus that Chermbd.when ft Chltd—lrawthonie. The Love of one Fond Heart—flivkliorrui. I set uty heart upon a Flowep—Liawthortie. I've a Itomo In the WOods—Woodbury. Nt hat is Ilinue without a Father. Fairy Land iichottisi h, with a beautiful f..ntlitple,. of Cfreitu—Redowa Woltz. Cnndnlin Waltz—Uockel. ibiehester Tie, Baujo—Oottschallr. ads at the Music Store of JOAN 6I AIELLUR., Wood street np'w_ PRATT'S DAUGERREOTYPES AND AM- A_ DROTYPES, which.efe onettil eatisfaction are aity ,t , taine,l, eirrry tied dirADhet;tter.iiifikt I:Mid ler., No. 87 7,IIWITH ntreer.• Part:lmlay attenvtim paid to •ut brotypi Ili the rime of sitting I,a much /Nll than re quired ibr Dauderreofhats. Pirtnrl.s rtl.l.lr.A. taken in Is SuCOMS in either iifithe ate:ire' aimed A m b rt ., It.sruerreotypo.Ckipies made esniseetly from every ..,.d of picture. Warsanted perfect. Prices moderate. ni,r motto IA TO PLEASE. m4lB FLEMINO uhoe _ --.- \lV l_7_ A IBLF E; lN lt li. 'S I h U a N r: E Ju Q st ij re 'A ceit i' v L ed E n ii largo il' 2:i.p D p E ly i of •,1,1 0.1.1•4 , 111.(0(1 111 delible Ink, with or without the prepisra• h it 6 uttered m the trat,v 6 *'ltoW.Sll use- ila all mmee • h. -ni v to ill I, rounded where it boo Dot ideast J 0... FLEMINO, . ~,. , corner Diamond alloy as,d Mar k et et • CILOW ERS AND FRUIT.-- A. A MASON : a co. 1,K% e)ust received by II [press, icii ',tore ..slt.. us I. ..I very fine French Flowers and, Frill', Ws , ./.- ' $. Sr_ ,11. e eiewt,ditsuct. ey to Iva toudd littlip , city, ,i &yr, I, _. troli„-:%. P1.1.1/PV:4141;4.r AMeg 31C: PAlliTSt fitifl,•°D;B,E‘-'5g44&.1:.0h1/ ol ii=7Fric et reed, leitobargh- V l l- hog - dln.r Agar.: f ,-- : Dr. £oin hiedic,z,. ,:4,1.1 MEE =SVMI , • - Ml= 121:0=1 <,~'. • I STOCK AN STATE SECURITIES. P.ungylvankt 5 - fcAnt.,lk77. Now York d'f 0ant.,1873 illuu ftliceut , 187:: Ant.,11387 11.4. 11.1 ND:: AlL,gin up Co.C4,PlitsLurgL and Connell4vllle Lie. Pltw. k Stelibenv.R.R Allegheny Valley RR DO.-ClutzLier4 Valley 11.1 t. Do. ClovPßind S l'ltt4 R R Pennayranin t''OSWIC 606,(N10' • 54.1,(VU 100 MI 150,61 1 0 1,000,0c0 %, - 54,v1A) 00 03u 100 000 I City. ktitteiburgluiSki . . AllegLouy City ...... KT 4 I.lclievsport (.IConniallorillo6ei,lsB4: R. R SIORTGAO Pitts. k Connelhv't. 1 ulx, uk4 7 - o 000 4.10.000 WO I oar.l3alt.lmoroOty let rm.xt.7 F... KB- lz3como Cai.RR I.tt rrmrt Ifttit.R.R.l3t m..rt tc len Ohio Ohio .tllfo Puff BANK ?TOCK M li , ild. of Vittzturgh .• ?daunt Bank Lr.d.1aag0........ Vnhaturn Baul l•itrgburgb Truitt Comparq Farmers' Depot/m.ll,mA. . . t.1117.e/. pvotat A ib.iclway Faring Puha C. 11— flaring, ItAuk: kltoe7 1,14" 600,000 818 OW Gn,wG 20001 1, tk.,500 '200,0‘.10 41. 'fflo .L.ILROAD STOCK* R.lrfirit.ro a Ohio it. 11.- cum phinda Pittsburgh R.H. , )I“...lPolin4Prukla Pills& Cormel Milks Arb-Kholly Valley R.P °burners Valley lt.lt I'll is. i•teubout Ilk R. It.._ 12,114 J.A. rtglq,4ol ttA8(1,77( 11 1,634,213.5 .1.141 (rzoi niulX/11 STOCK A. Nl.mungsamlik Bridge Lima Street ltridge N.-th.ru Liberties Bridge- IIIACELLLNECIIat. Pit tabfirgh Gm Company.— A liegheny CoMpottly Ninuougahals. Nwrigat'n Co. lu.uramo Co Citizonfe Intareitvq. Co. LiTa,Tire L Mar 'Moe, *eras Insurance Co 67.10 u it Loop 116,84 x, ..nfoxx, Moo:moots !lining Co. & Boston !fining C 0... N.cional Mining Company. rth A-MPRICAD 2dtultn; Co. In.rtington Oannal Coal C0..1 P,nua. inenrance C 0.........: RATES OF DISCOUNT. FIiNNSY LV A NIA. Brandt lit Modeler-- ..... do ft nk of Fittaburgh.......- ppir Winch at Xenia- F. xrtutne Dane, do par Branch at Yorifigatown... dV MN% par S ty Bank, C`oWanti..... do flank of lionuieree...-.,. par Counnerrlai Skiehniri'li do took of North America_ par Franklin do Hank of Forthern Libeet; par Lafayette Bank_ do Hank of Fannaylvania-: par CdifoLifelns. B Trust Co. do Bank of NuA To , rnalOF, par Woolftn ZPalfro Rank— do c.,,,4anercial Bank of Fa... par Small Farman it Media:nice Lk, par 'NEW XN(3I,AND. titrard Bank— ........«_... par All golaetitltankai ;,4 Newington Rank_.._..... par . it.KW_ YORK 74(nnn.k Mecha nic Ilk.— par New tork City - Mechanic's' Hank par Country M Moyamensing Hank.-_... peal MARYLAND. Philadelphia Baulk- par t Baltimore Pa' Southmark Bank par Country '4 Tradesman's Bank par N. JERSEY & DBLAWABB Western Bank.- par. All solvent Ranks. ...... .. 14 Bank of Chamberslinrg-. %1 VIRGIN.La_ lien& of Chester County, par• Bank of Ulm. Vitlley... .. . ... ~, Dank of Danville. par Bank orTA. Ithinnond... Rank of Del. Co.. Chester, pa Bs, Bank. Vs., Norfolk... do PAM( of Germantown pag larmem Int of Virginia. do Rol k of Gettysburgh 3‘,( Merchants' .k Mech. Bank X itank ofLooriatoorn ...... ... North Wdodern Bank to Bank of illiklktimu....- 3 Smirches I,; M.intgainerj Co. Bank... par NORTH CAROLINA. Rank of Nortlininberlaml. pie Dank of Cape Fear iii Columbia Bk ik Bridge Co par Bank of Bt. of N. Carol's 4o D.yleatirorn Rank. ..... ..- par Com. Bank. Wilmington do r..toii Sank-...-...- pari -. hisrchants' Bk. Negharn ils Erie Dank . _ . - W311711 CAROLINA. . - 4- . _ Farmer"' lik of leias Co. pliii.tk of the SL of d-Caskditus do 1 , :truorre 13k of La.uauder. psi Ilduk of .South Curollos do I.rno-ro' Bk of Ilskllng- peal Bank of . Cluttiraton 0.... F.trto. Bk. of Stilt:l3.MM (1.3 inir ; planter? k Ifechstale" ltk J.. Far. it lino. Ws) nviburg I.il (11 , ..01101A. Yra.t.tklat Ilk Washitigto, (i.A.ttg-ttsta los. é Jik'g 4.A. IlArrisburg Bank_ , . Rank of Augurs._.... I I orosslsle Bank MIAS: of Brugoraick. A uea. ).; Loopodur Batik par! TYNNIdeIIIK. • . . , 1.,...,...t , r C.puuty W. 1.... par Ali it. 4sera 11/1.14, ..: 1.r,0., Ba. 1.11: . , par, ii EsTucv, V. X1......r.i . Rank of Puttry(lle pax, Bk of Buturiry, Leirtil‘',. t : 31 notig...thei.. Botnk... .. . pAr Bt - . of L•ui.vro. Thant., o•• M. -I Brunch Bank... ~, parl North., Bk of 6- o to- ", 3 . •'.° .>••,.10.e. ti Or 13k , Kettitatipf 1 .rl - . Rant: . . rs. pIAN A. lEEE= - - ..... • . • ' ' Only. NI 1..i.....411.' R.I. ~.... itit,.t., 1th.,...k „ ~ i .i . ifk .4 StAt , t.,t if ...tart it..toco at Aln.u. .. ;1.7* WI 442CINFJ N: 11 anch at A [tom.. . . ti... \ tAxi.ritt A. Firitin.l.‘o chls :. 1 , ....1.X13 at MI Itirt.f.l, . dni MiCalliii.:S. 11.,,,5e .t Clitllh.othet. . .1.. i F. 41144,4 . 4 N 4,, - 1,4 f". l . • 4 1.. /oat at Clut t.lai..-1. . ,1 0 ;Plintitiultu Itattk . . . I li-tut, hat '1%4m1. , . . tl,,'lA'4urt4.,' Company • ••• I Itc utrh at bait...tn.__ . . 4.1,.. &AV , Walkiza. .—.. .. . I. 1, .11k ka at Delaitaft... -.. du! CAN eI.A. 0 awl, at C-Ituitt.t.• ,1 ,In of N. Amer., Toronto "..: It myth at Atthtaltultt . it, , ilk it 4 Ike P , 0pi.....T0r.•itt. , 0 1.,..0 oat Sttlatil .. d,,,: Rank . t )hull rat_ . .. I! ):• attelt at 31aus11ti1tt. . dt.tj/ 41, -f U. 0 .. 41 .2 T'''`'l'''' ' 1. .ti. It at Ittitley .. .1.. EAST - 1;1<N EXCITANu E. 13 ~,,,r, at Cift‘ill yam 1., ,On New York, for cur', y t, 1,. Att. 0 At WA.51,01;..,t.,:. . 'I.. Uta Yttilaal,,lpli 1i . IL. Ala It at Cadri.. ...... tl-tiurt Ittltttratitt.- .1; i...0..11 at Latizastor. 11. t WNSTERN i',XC il A Nti F v./oat al Stvaalmacilir kl..'aatmartrAti . 1 :4. 4/.1.1/ at Mt. 1 et 6,11 tl.,l,:titleTillt :t., rt. It at Ni- ;sat k ... . ,1,. St. I-tali, .... ....... -....-. 1 li. an. it at Fitrlna..l! tIoIOOLD AND Seri.'ll.' \ An: P. Ii• alt. It al Ma,i.-0, ...' Na.i.l,a, Apart,t, 1 , 1 1.1) 1:.4,11 41 it.,, .. . . . .11 .1.. Pa..l ..1 .. 1., ral 0 ...nelk si . .S0 1 1-‘11A1,121 .1.. Ki• 10, • .1.1 . . 10 tri , I ..; .:1 1. I /..‘1, , ,11:1 11 11. hal N..,., AM. . .1..'11,1,•rid, , i ow, . 7 ‘l. I, ~.111 /.1 I' .pt - . .. 11,1'1 1 11 thairr. ' o 0. ni,.'ll at 1 . ..1111111. , 1111. .1,. 11 llinell. . "‘' 111,11. , II ar Paul, .. th ,l itovitmiiirt 4 • •• • - • 4 h: Ii a,,, li at Rat ttona . t i.t ' Tim 0 oilde, ... ......• 0. 9,. ti,auk.:ll al elayntio,..na. ..1..N414.4.1..116 :. Ko 1: .nth at .Mal/aillutl. LIU: DtaAtil .. - ..... -..- ..... ... 1., - )11. C. MrI.A.N . F.,'S -L) I:. PILLS AO VERNIFUGE IMPROVE 1)1t, 1. scam n. regular graduate Kul physician of eaten el re Kettle'. ati.l ncp rienee, ipdutp.l by a conuuena.bb , dv drew alleviate entering, as well ae to excel, has I.er tinted an INIPROIENIRNT ON YUP. ORIGINAL LIVER PILL AND VV.RMIFLX/ F. OP DR. C. 1144.NR, flarincr prepared thew remediea ne the medical partner al OUR. I.IIPII.OVLD VER. PILLS 21. ND vlat.vinaE poem.. greater officer, - and are more mild in their operation than the LiVet Dill and Verniiloge prepared according to the original recipe of Dr. C. titchatie. We make this declaration undemanding-Iy, and recommend them to the afflicted as being both prasecan and cileative, Alta believe them superior to any otter Liver Pill ig• Venalfuge ever prepared. • Read CernAralt of Pr. C. nol.our, 4p}ow VIE WHOLE WORLD CONQUERND! DB. L lOM'S VETAVROIED WHITE CECASSIAN 'AMUR. The nnivArsal relief attorded by applications of this CEL. EBRATED KINO of Pain fLlllers in cases Rlietunansni, Gout, Luddisgo, Sore That,Braises,'Spivlna, Swellings, F•tiffiless of the Joints. geintsca,,Fains, Scalds, Enrol. Ashes, or any other disrarip for which a pairs Killer or Liniment is used, onablea vs to•tissert posttiruty tiara Dr. T. 111. nOTTIS CitIiKIKLASKD - 1 4111T.E , C 17.2010361414 LINIMENT Is the most reirafiLe;orA sin; plwwa maibid,ryAg discovered, DV n-swing astonishing properties for RF.ALING IB&ASB 'Mid THE PROMPT ERADICATION OF PON. The tniiny St. tostations to its virtnea, given -by persons of enlightened lodgnteut sod strict integrl4., should induce all tn adopt it na a standard Faintly Remedy. The most liwrolnloto will rocralrenothleg more than the folkkattvz testimony of Dr. C. McLane, diattuktulthed as a great d,Kvcrter of medical remedies: READ/ READ $FADtit idoesiorerowN, VA., Sept. 121,1256. This Vto certify, that have eiSSlllitled the Recipe for pre paring MelAtte'mDriproyKi Vcrmifuge and Liver Pill, hy.Dr. I. Scott, Who 'has bben IN THIS lIABIT OP PREPARING AND US/NO MY ORIGINAL MEDPCENES IN MY OFFICE during the last TWETEEN .YEARS, and that I. believe he has IMPROVED WIEN. I make the above statement the inure willingly as I HAVE NO INTEREST IN TITEhI WHATEVER. I would further state that I hare frequently coed his CELEBRATED WIIPTE CIRCASSIAN LIN I Mt= in my practice, With the happiest effects, and that I con con scientiously recommend it. C. Mvi.ANE., M. D. All the above Medlcinea prepared aolelxikuder the super vision of Dr. I. SCOTT. B.lld by Druggists and Merchant, r very w here. The GENUIZIR Pr. O. McLANE'S IMPROVED LIVER PILLS AND lIIRROVXD TEILIIIBUOR are alghed by Dr. I. SCIYIT * CO., accompanied by certlo.eate . of C. MILANI:. The GEMJINE VIIIITX CIRCA/381AR LIN - OMNI signed by Dr. L SCOTT A Co., avooturvauled with alirtiattwo of I. SOCTI, SI. D. ll DR. I. scow a, ctn., sot, Propriztorq, Bank Place, Morgantown, Ve. PR. 0. hI. KEYSER. Wholarale Agent, lad Wood street, Pitteburgh. JAS. P. Y 1.531 1 -00, Wholesale Ageat, ylabwl yatinStl Near Railroad Depot, Allegheny. N - E\i" C..AST.LE L) DARLINUTC)N 11,AILI10A.DThu ut th e Now Cantle and Dertiokfon'lla4rood tympany, • ani • hereby r, cabled to meet at the DarlitiVon Station, ou the 011ie and l'enneylvankt linilrond, on WEDNI il'A. the ':th day of Mey next, hetwerin the, hOll2ll of MI o'oh.,cir, A. X, and -1 o'clock, P. M, for the purpc.,a of eloctlnz, fire Inrertort terra for tho emoting year Ity miler of the Corporation,. siVeL2w , law . . . . Secretary, efUPPING 'AND LEEOHIN62- 3frA.' X. ROOK nisyhiefedita si her regidemcion N0.:39, Wirers Etottittihifittna.Srood weer& Stilt tiara tit/. tostlmont of !tutu of.tho wain Otimity as to bfr 144110 long expos totic6 Ml' 'bet lion. tlyderr .-n1 be amoklulls tt, tatted ata•Httbiltrir TIUV.---Appliwiem u - ill he madam th'e i N DeXt 49114Mgrk,fay, thi , iLsarges The hatMilan'Y DaA li ^ "with a ,- - Itit 0 gp). at.N DOLLARS. AnfijdeCte:ttssprdsbionli M mngetw iß . OcSnAudaidasso . ..41.1EsplauMi W. yg. IL an notii, IL B. Inabspn, Peter Peteraoh, James Paton, Samsst ;INata 3r., and °Wert iFil 20; lgte \ . . '4l t,k, ' .1"...._ . ~..,..:. LIST OF ITNOLATMITO P ACK AGES 'RE MA:INktiti in toe Whim of TILE ADAMS lIKPITEITS tszli PAN V. N,, C 4 Fourth elreatt, I'itplbu nth, which, if not rand for latforn the PIK ST DAY 0' 3111.1 n,o, will he sold ot !mini,. Auction to pay charges and Inc account of Whom ft may concern • Alliely X Bro. 1 box. ilidnmbns, Pit Adams, J. & 11. . I package. Pittsburgh. American. , 1 keg, do Alden, Col. l T 1. pkg. do Btcene, II it . 1 c by. Allegheny .lie 1 kmaigvand. J. D. 1 seam, Pittsburgh. Brenton, IV 1 hat box, do Done. W. C 1 box, sin Bethel, $. S. 1 pkg, no • Backoien. J 1 d.• Blythe, Win. 1 do do Borman, Ches. li. 1 truss. do Beirdtrian, Dr. A. B. 1 'Lox, New 'Lisbon, At,. Burgan, L. 1 pkg, Downingslibs, P. Bosworth. J. C 1 21 ,, Attillhirgh.. Beuson .t' Co., 1 1 box, 'Cat:int awn Burgers. L. F. 5 1 keg, Pittsburgh 'Brown & sciter. 1 box. do Bridges, /Las z. i pkg.. do litrower,l. 1 do do Cromman Elizabeth,/ boxes, Cedar county, lowa. Coult, lira. II I ch. Pittsburgh. Colburn, L. I no Birk In6arn Chnrcb, Aims 1 do PortOriffltis Colver, B. 1 show ra.c. Pltualuirgh Campbell, 3. A. 1 package. Kitimaning. Clapp, Don. Ralf i al. Preohils Forra.. - .e. Pa, • Clark, Wm. F .1.. Pittsburgh. Craigw, Wie I 1.0.1. casrsvills, Pa. Citizen Offirc. do il.anklin, Pa Bewarth, U. ti ,- bag, Pittsburgh Dennis. 11 Ise Sroon package do Daritt, Jas. do ilo Dulaney. Martin IL 2 do do Danner, W '2 lialcs A Wortion, K y Unreel', That `ll i boo, Pittsburgh. OAV/s, DM /1 1 o Warsaw, Pii irmilish a Apploton.l 11.. •1 1 1/14,Targh. Elimnllghl, It 1 porkago, te s scliburg, PA Erne d, Chas F. M 1 do Nriv Ilene.. Pa l'oatar.llonry I pkg.. Ilexcer, Pa. Fife,' doh. 1 tall. etit.. Pittsburgir leP,Oh.-r, 11. P. 1 pkg, do Vf,yralill. Lelolll4 P.l Ixa, Blink Dank. Freyrntin, 11. I'. I 'pkg.. Allegheny city. Saillemer. A. 11. 1 trunk. Pit tehrirgi:i. Planer, 1.1111,, tO. 1 pkg., IVirtemtnirg. Pa. Findley & -Fulton. 1 box. Pittsburgh. Floyd, Stephen 1 , do chi VI inor, 3oliti C. 1 do All'eg'heny rite. Frnman, II t r bog, Pittsburgh. Friedly, Job n 1 pkg., do Gooden. Ilni. 11. I box, Warsaw. Pa. Glass .1. 1 ' et. bx Wk. Pittsburgh. Groff, J. . • 1 pkg.. Connersville. ttoode, IL S. 1 do Pittsburgh. drain, J . 1 box, do Ober. .1. 1 nub, do /lardy, A. L. 1 box. Canal. Ventango ro. Llama., J. 1 do Cadiz, Ohio. Hanley. Jesse 1 do Washington city. Ilendetson. Mrs 1 do Belleille, Wood ro.. Vs. Ileinerielth Roble, 1 package. Pittatuirgh. lieirscham, Louie 1 do do noPkins, Timothy 1 .1., do liolconib. W. 4 . I d'' do Hay, John S. 1 do do 1111kkr„ Christ 1 do ' dry ' lloallIns; W. &H. 1 do Patio, Ohio. Baling:a M. 1 do 110111man..I. I do , laTew4lorence. Ilaszie.lllll..'Sivltiall I . do Warren, Pa. ITennhig, Aug. 1 do AntrctlY city. Halm; Char . 1 hog, 110 , Clarion co., Pa. !Tinkle, 2.1/. 1 ,iii Pitts omit Manna. R. 1 keg, Allegheny city. Hart, W. E. 1 pkg.,. do Ilenderaon, gee. J. 1 do -111cCnanallsrlille, Ohio. Johnston, Andrew, 1 do Pittsburgh. Jenkins, M. 1 do do Jenkins, Ann F. '2 boxes, .Allog4terty city. JIM. o.ll'. hat, rittabragb. Irwin, 3. • tin box, Darlington, I'a Irwin at CO., C. J. pkg, lattalnirgh. Kinsman. J. box, ilo i Kicker. W. 11. packarr, do 1 Kaelber . ,(iodfrey 4 , ILI Kirkparrick. 11,,n1/1 do Allegheny ciu Kelly, Wro. sts Pittsburgh. "'' Kelly, P. do do Lent J. W. lira, Warren, Ohio Llppit, Gm rod trunk. Pittsburgh. ' Leainger, D. ch. took. Alliance. Lampkhi, J. bale, Pi/Waugh Lewis, Wes IL A. pkg.. Lorrett inn. W. 11. . boa, Madam. Edward ',kr. . Ilenberg,' Cons/ 4,.-, Morse, Levi 4. , Pledes. Wm. - .2 1/ol.r/o. Merchant& In--ay. •DI carat Muhl, !scot I pk.c- Mors:ly. ./.../, It 1 61%. Mote. Dr. R. I 2.., Marx rot IF I do Marta, W As 1 A bac... /Liter. gain 1 pat_ wieedinzt 4 Ca' . . Chard do Moms Res. AS 0 I di, Mositarne, Wyss. 1/. I ,iii Marti 4., W._ P. I J.. 3;.-n4...th.sl', ,:. 1 .1.. McFarland. . I di, McGaise, 1 1 4, , MAErisses , J.,. I .1...• uriai...i. F. I 11.3 . .7...i..-1. 0,-. I at! Nelson, A 1 box.tl , l Nentres, Bev. LI K. 1 tax, Vewhmt. I' 1 Nesbitt, ,1.0.. I trunk. 1 gob-rt./on, John 1 pan-kap, ,grin. Jas. 1 Lax. males, Mr: 5 : - ..a.a.:: 1 J.: , late., J. 1 d. Putney, Itc , n. 11 1 /IT Peel, Boa) 1 do Pros IV thatveratty, 1 to is tors Pranci . 1 pkg , Powelson, A 1 bag, IlennArs. I' '. PkiT' . 11 . .4.1. Alto, . .1 Rath, y d,. itsikih,.T. W. at.. 11-I.lmn,n, O. C' .1. at.., Itrosell A Bro , d ltsw it W, D. de -hart Dr Philip do /MIL, P,,r .. hoe -mob, Fla 1.. Ili: . -.taring. Girt Mark/ do storm, P S t ,1.. sniith h it. 1 bat, , i.3./1.4. John I 1,,, , -11. 0 3..1 -mar, U. IL 1 it, i ,, h. ,, A1,. t, .1 .hest, llmrston. .1 C. , it 0.. Vooter, (I, I an sort, W. li 1 .,,, 1.11 , ..m.beth, PA NI allin,, .1 II l'avalitugt. , I %Fright, T. 11. do K. ittannitv Wright. W.. pkg., l'lttabiugh. Williams. E. W. Aso., Salem, Wort, John do Ittreavilin,Oltio, Woodrnit ECM" pkg., li Manning - . Winer, glimbeth trunk, • Waeltingtou city 7.ittlebart. I. pkg., Pittsburgli. W. IL BARI/DLL, Agent, The Atlanta Express Co, inyT AI I,a, I 100 t 100 100 100 1 I 1154;; 2103 2.41 4o y U; :r_• ~4 s. 2 A 21N 261,. 75, 12q =ZI Xl,l. Bank d tTnnehh, VXoB,7* . r. NW= NUMBER 198 rittedsitrO,Wayldlt.lBsd. PANEL DECORATLQNS.—Iiew imitations of Wrod; row andold arridtectural designs for haug. mg the tratito. For not by P. lIARSUALL & 00. d.p.11) Wood stre,r. NEW MUSIC! NEW MUSIC!! Genii° Annie, a be:int:Cul new leelnil by :i.tesiben C Sorter.. Jithetta Itoll, new comic song a+ lung by Bnct.l.y's Sparking nn Sunday Night—ne~c. Three Stara; 3lotber, Bride nut Wife—new—bnilari by Iteßak. Say a kin.l word a hen you ran—new—Sang by Thomaas. Nervier) ger. Dore Ware', Bobbing AroutuAßOilia• Peri IT a 'trot. by Wilbert. Oome in—new ballad by Irorken. Twenty Joy"---a coll,tion of ewer pier tby ilrol4 tvrt rer•eired per Exprea.. and for sale Oy IL KLElia. A Ante A rents for •N untie t Ctiol.' tall No. Pf 191111 str,er. BLAKgLy RICH KY, RSA!. ESTATE BROXIMS AND AUrTiti‘ roruvr of Seventh roniiopio,„rt2s.,Rittartntr,rh..willatteroi to-.ollintr Ay irtion any property soh! by Ea... .maws, or .I.c ordor of Or phan( Muni in the City or ICollnty ; god to any description tlf Reo Itstato oat of thoaty; ' 1110 SO Writ PITTPUttOII PRO.PERTY.—FoT sale, on easy Leine. a Two iih•ry Frame-Dashing I WAD.. of font rooms and got4 . 3callar, 'with Lot or Ormind 20 Pei trout on Carson ettreot 14112 deep to Chesnut alley, etch shade tress, de. The house Is situate an the alley—thus giving room tor a good improvement on Carson street.. myIG S. etvtriscßt d - so,t, Sl Market of. --- VAR/LS(SE - B.—A. A. MASON -&, CO. have pled opensd• fire wore Miles of find Parasols in Volta Antigua. Taw Satin, plain and Rriumdo Silk, de., &r., rum prising some very elegant new mythic myth. MAUAZINI,S JUNE—liarper, Uo dos, Peterson, Arthur's Mope NbigAzino, and Ilidlou's Lion& Monthly, Net received by B. T. C. 3.10613 myl9 of Filth gtrevt. N.MASON & CO. will 11 open, In a. day or two, unwardi of MO more cases and packagecof new and.desiratge Dry Goods,' comprising some elegant styloa af Dress SDkai.China SIDE+. Botagoo, 'fbetneo, Lawns, Rolov, Ac 4 Caahuinre, and Crape kilhatOa. Mantflbui, +Embroideries, &e. Also, a ‘;_erilltrite stock of all Laois of Domestic, and nomad...wiling hoods. my] . OSIERY AND tiIOYES--Another very large as ort:went of Sorumee ilosiery, Gloves mot a, it of every cirecrip!ion. just received by m A. AtABGN do co. UNE MAGA2 E +let received and for wile. by If. Jiftqltlt 00, No. 32 Santnimbi street • lltu . perN Magazine fOr June; ilod ie. 'Lady's Book fOr Jane; rotaraaa's Maga-Alie for June ; Art Journal for MAy. sit the NEw pubHalied are tor gale by • - - 11. MINEIt .t 1 ° )19 iiirdlttifield. must. .I)O.I37,CS.NIOUTIPS LIVERY' AND - g - ATE STAALE,' • Oulusxx AM) , WATS!' 1:014573Le t ItIRSELFETAI SO4, • N 0.70 WOOD rT. Will oi,rk THIS (W,xlnevday) MORNING, thij r nev SiOft. , ol . MEN'S EURNIS,HING 000DS, for. TIM .1 %•.;; , ;•t;'6ltarall SEASON 1 /g* a;# . iti*SbiN it teaulen. aNiNETS 'AND MA NTILLAS.--A. A. i ku , Arz o g. 0,4 4 open, on Monday, flay 1204, PM c t, el a - - i of Lupts and Mantillas, 111 all znakcstdi a ia tht 1 ,;.,,, . o,f it desuabl• styles. =tit rA NT E D.—The * ander- Ild aa .Wish6l:?:,Pli+ mil . W . az exien4lve Pi , att 'lir ', n 6 "` -"W 'T i.' 11 r 0 MIMI! id' WI . otera- Ilan,' lath . enitles , aadLanonn ,441Ircient to' emplo y ably M bl O rs ' • g e Will sell the Ot.'l9,lol,friktia ap2f4a. * A 7tt grl, Welstr.r I'. 0., Pt, ~ .0 a' , fi,~ , * 410.41,4:k ,•,,ITAYirdrblrs I:1 ANRE.E'D ON BY - TDB' PITTSBURGIVPREBB .rcx Wire or X0NE4826114 G& tette: , • Doe iniptro, ono . itisertiozi ..... • 4 to Da. melt puldlthiradtt..rttoo... .... . Do: 000 week lt. • '1..76 • Do. -two Do. three • AU Do. one month • • " 8,00 Do. two monde... ...... .. .... .. Di) Do. threw 1.4430 Do. four month', ... D.. .tx Do. ono year .... ... .... IS 00 Standing Card, six. fine* or less, per RA ..... - AG *0 VILLSONAISIA,Ai 1 4 3A1AL98/.1 ' Ous square, per anuturt. I exchrsiserite-pumen).:.•,!.....15i80 • Ilartk*, notices, th'r.r.tot; IL , c.h ,uittiyrVAßeActi,.:: PITTSBIJRCin'T'QU, SATURDAY MORNING ka ft-11.0, iLc PeZlTltyliALlitlll] TILE. VOICE Or THE I I EOPLE There is a great moral opeotaelein thevepular ittoVements'clf' a perfeatlyfree - treopit, 'Nothing is Rn difficult of soliktiou to .the` despots eittql the reltitioug.of C 4.410440 to 64 .g4s ernmr-ut, except Ind eed the great demonstrations of the people themselves.- . Statesmen ; *IR . .Eqe unable to govern empires without oeetwing - the mszees in; war, or-.Wilhout rottclingahintQown with debt, or hiding, from them the dangerous halo of the preae, glitter inqintir' - philosophy, divine how is is that a pep* sh?nld be happy and content, - who ha've no debts, Who tolerate no maitem who rejoice inpariect inOividuel liberty, who are at peace with all taert, and to whom , the public presa peces9ity . like to iigt or Item-u, or their daily bread. Thpie is; tow- ever, in our might at all times, wlto, knowing and undeiitoClaig the secret of popular movements, often the van of such KtovemenU as if to seek the in evitahle destruction which then hefala them Let us take the daae,ef , .the extraordinary and wide-spread feeling in favor 0f.31r. ppgdianan. It cannot be ignored. It is not denied, even by those who. Pear it moat : 'it is fibs the caWl penetrates everywhere._ 1i aAt 9 lancis theilwltp. to Well ni those who are in it n 4 those who are oat of it. IVe are riot trying to point`dn't this state of feeling has achien. )Va . speali.Ait n 4 an abstraction—as a fact. Ilui thispnbiSe sentiment, 1m strong And so apparahti its embodiment to the.Elineinnati National Con- vention. Many of the delegates chosen by the Iteroneracy in'the diffe . rent , States, were chosen before this state of things became not,- r ions. The questioti:tig lr.thtv Cincinnati Convention be the organ by which this sentiment shall he respected and respondeil.to We.,hale abundant and abiding faith in the 10014 h! .. the fi Democratic party, especially in itS - lielitytothe popular will. We are willing to =tint the dell - gates of that party, with the selectiou.of the Presidential eandidate.• And when the wish of the people of the United States is so signally manifested, so'significantly tin - birdied and pro claimed, the representative body ,:of the Derno erotic party nt Cincinnati, our politinslCOtigress to which the work already done by the people i. to be enbi! .l 4Vs l 2:l4 ll )l47ttiket tfnit_blf in coming to a conseientivo conclusion. ,A sevy,few ni those who are to deny that the Will the Ant erican People has b reference to Mr. Buchanan, resort to drgnMent4 which are substantially to many confemionsiof their insincerity, •or else of, their infftnatiop. We have been entered at seeing how men, emi nently sagacious, Lave allowarl,ttieelies 'fit lily come the endorsers of the logic put , fortlign lepttciatipu pf tire ehoiee:of, the( aletieen ple. In after years. when they, eon:te a t() exaudne the ground tipoia Whieldhey now stand, they NB] he heartily ashamed - that' they Ahotlld haVego hetrayed • One or two instances pay,besoutted rwiatetZetl- What moo, North or South, Ahoycal, Pi!,„4o;fp caltury and revise the poet, will who, w rhat James Buchanan is not tote trigtetralti Astrav: Acieroie.r of the righmof ebb State?. whether theae rights relate to:the - ..inetitutionsvf (.4e south to the civil •=.l.parttical franehlses of .:no fur-opted ‘...ifiren. or to any other grave ; and unpartarrt Intort-A! There - Wiwi two" living trial mite witnee own heart would-itetlebultwtEe ,ttareinial . a of the opinion . that' Mr. Butthannn unfaithful to such e.trun. have it lunted. in other quart:era - that )‘ecattseXt Bateau*, Ota, Ptiuturgia_ lar) Et. Vt. Pleatroirie, Phitiituirrh. 61,14,111, Lad. Pl..Datrget. It I.lu.n4gtat Alkighnrv, 17/ri, tV4tr1..•a,.011 ta..4ltely Etaaza. - Kkt, Vittarur. AZgegberty treepoct. Ines, arrotaad. Pitzsbarrio str ttuchinan'wstE, not in the Nebtt.skn Care he engin not m be made the. President This is absurdity intensified., . ituidisuntrerns not in the Compromise uonteat of 18A.und,,,yet the entire South supported hint heartity . tld, de %nastily in the Democratic Corcrmitinii firlBs"2. ..leneral Pierre-was not in the I C,c.naproiniiialedti test of 1640, and :vet the South _stapperted: -ad the whole country supported dam :le was the candidate of the Dentocia:4;r7nomi tinted and elected' by them: kSo'filegicarant eidieuloas is this chiection;thatwn tionotntop to refute it. We allude to It alone because& I q in unconscleua tribuM to the jedicitunl strength of Mr. Buchanan, and.te the masses who prefer - him in 'other Wortl4; tt. is - saying to hint and to them—"see hotratiotiefen I are when we have nenhjeetions but treak.detiem ;.f this kind to urge against, y.pu,". TP plate the contingency af Buchanitalsxgettien ..0 either of 'these grontids, tti widen. plate an outrage and art insult•TeltiTh.Wle'distitiq , as utterly tutworthy of..deeent regard. :.•s There is a commokand very unjust:Prool4llN among the friend , of various Presideunal math .tatres to demmnee politicians, iticiatte are , in trigmng against the peopli..'''Wb read every day, tine gentlemen electedetnikne gress, by confiding constimencits,are at work irt t heir committee rooms, canvassing night and day ei re umvott the [lO{llllV Wll. N 'raid places are even giveo alters (.onlrhtiee , •• assemble. It is. alleged. that these,politicianssie blind and deaf to the surg.kilt wares 0C patnie opinion which surround them in Maryland, Vitt, ginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio, luid Which arc heard from °Very corner mid extremity -Cif ttie country. We believe. none of these chargevi. Our experience of public men has beenextended, and 'we crin say unhesitatingly that, those, called politicians, at least in the dernociatie parfije're, with rare exceptions. disinterested and Upright. men ; above all they are men wholautifrandeify their study to sound the depths el ... public , opitlign when any great question or contest isle be,,,11e; cided. A politician, so to speak, Mnstlie onelvhti f olio wsand dealt ot lend public-opinion; itt , leNt be must be one wh2 seems to do so if, , beal6fres, remain in the public service. ettaltAheßf•fititOr sauce himself by betraying the wisheepVds,eoP. , stituents on any question, no naide'iliO ,But to attempt to ontmanage the unknown and spontaneous wish on the prefuleneyoitthints who seed him to Waehington, would b.e.;4 11 .. t( 1- 1 - strmpthan which would stain and woundfar Mete than a deliberate insult—for wittai elite r - oh:Id this be but art arrogation , ' OW' one man to control : the suffrages...it na5.7 1 1e.44 fifty or sixty liousand. Let such a man, for imstance, be it.*elghetit politician. What a spectacle it would be Plitt a States' Rights Democrat frOnt the - SCUlff—tve care not for what purpose—putting himself•fo work to begrime the repntation-of,such to ii 4 tt as James Buelutuan, who ,haaf . been-AV-GPM sire/ of States' Rights Democracy in the,. airt4 and South for twenty long yearSl-''Whdett*C tacle to see a Sob them DemOcrfit;--vrlaWittring his life, .may have asserted his'weitt ct . rntinedenee in national convent ens beCapiethO . Wo.4;l4.4 thertt presentatiVes opttruiii;,l44;the mere la giStryt ef the ,t'ecrees 9t o tranage*etilAt.' turn a ttenapti ng . to make;is, nrcusatiette geed: by his own.scts in the cottoning, -Qettrentiont4 tha Demoorte.,y! We. are not of those , wto, - .thave threatened that if public opinion After- being formally announeod and known, should be defied,. there will be an end of national ' ..conrapth,m 4 - hereafter. We - do not sfir that tEellemocracy in the North will be parelYzed byeilip 'rejection of the man, referred,botause hasheetr true; and that the Democracy ; hi the South, are to be cut off free/ aEaeciatien *ith theta who Mire stood by them.' Wo ray taine of these things; we anticipate - no such -evil . ; . above' , all, we make no threats. , We only nay tliat it would be an. experiment ,at least thingertm , ...in its tendencies for politicians to comtail the effenys of tataplldg down a`ti‘ilt'esA'oli, ne they may ditfer - from It; which'is taititreatn greateet reepect. The cityof Wtuthingtont whit4r is the great political centre our Repahlic. eft vkitetrby men from all parts of the Public • opiniOn It constantly' bperittinelhere There .are many, very many patriets to - be ... foot - Lit in that city among those- who repreautit•the- pe,t- Pier 4 ,5 VII-M,rig ik,. k? , v arogoiog4o..atel fro between the Capita and their own t 0.1 4 4", It is probhblelliat among thee v.:. 6a l'oz.n:t sortie min -whoseTersonal •• Aiel, film may . 1 .- ,4 s theta to attempt to out mainige•pepnler.otti: mem ; but to the large and,pattietie revaalttlel, we would be willing to commit ;his without another . Well it. is;'acivit , have 'said at tit e'beruning , t h :4 artiole„'n very different thigg hettreete amircharacteriatic.ignmance of Seri* nstatesnitn in retard to popular zlemonstralioosni z. , 50 4- . A c htmiam=r Pistsbarg! Stiar,n. N hrtst•nrgh d. • a„ Emytn, (MIS t'tc{pbut h. Ntargsbzrg . Pttr+bur,. t. Apaltai Pa. il< , terrrr, P. rmiki nf,l.• eltt4hargl, • r 1;) ~ - ..eau,~.,L;:w~+x:~',,,'rEN:Y='a~.u:a,.~^."~.:: ~ , . . • •:; EMINVE r r "f~ " r r.i .. .r.. :. • ‘-',/- - -i . 't;': - 4... *-,- '' n,-.4-- 1.• , -'4i . 4" ,, , , :',T • . ~ - . -,..-:4:::7,1,%;:-.,,,:-.4 . • " 4;,, ' ==l i N, ' t , N.. b