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Er . ..,1k,.:' w ' —a , V A r a j. seV. a 4" .s. .... . ....t..9" 'A... ~. a 4e. • 4.14 , ire , . .. :- +.4. -,- -,..?....:+. 4 .-.. . % ,t4.-i i ,i."e.: '''' ''.;'..., '. ' -e- ",.. , 4 ...,. et •I'il 1- ,vc - ,1- . ' n': . , foormill 111 41 " I 'l. .• .... . O . . -.„._. 7 ..... ..ft .. ~. ',.........„ • .- .• -• ..''' I - - A !.'' ' 4' . 4' wr y ;W l tit '. .... c .. 1.....14'. .‘ ' '' .' -o• - . .ty 1:,.‘, 1, - _ .4 '- ' . •4• . ' 4 :,.... 4 4 .' ir : 4 , k., , , o . c .. i_, Oc A p• i ,• . ' ..' . ' 1. 1: r ....; I ..c . :' ' S ,1 ' c't . '. . '' '4 • ' . , = ...\ ;/:-.• 7' __. 0 ,4, r -;„; '4,:! l `-:; ''` '' ' •-• 4 ..., `' L a f , "it lif . :),%:: . • * ` ‘ -' ;',1..4 '.':: - -0 . ' •51.4:,, . , - w . k : ` 4 ' ' - .4 A - " ri „4k , rf at q' . 4 . r.'S - 4 . ,•% . Aitl.'f-gpozVi l4 2lf . " , t4krAt. r4r,s,*.bec,*. .qtj • C. MISCELLANEOUS. WILLIAMS & ALLEN Ml' F.Amit, Esq.: PITMBURGH, 'April ..:i?,'Sfeit. Heating and Ventilating Warehouse, n. , ,,, 66,-..7isvlur and O. Troithi 4 14e6i , bet:lobe "on PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, S: STEAM aluord all the stems emptrioil f u rpoo ke d th e j aat 3 .,.., "A j u FITTING. 25 MARKET STREET, PYTTsBURGI L L astnuelt nn they ipiedir`tor t raii...6ll4 6,iii i fi6 e rt o ' n ' ti, M ARMING and VENTILATING on the most appeovud plans for factories, public buildings, hotels, private dwell eor customertocelnestuilicellidimi in kiatiMitendlng them ins!, green Mitoses, !Lc.. LT. ita a good artlcky aud•tithieprefetsblif an =aunt of their CEIILSON'S WARM Al R. and VENTILATING FURN ACE 6 i a ni7p u ntdthey, ° of t = weeu 7:,,etount h yek td o r ieze d Oil Globes, or of four sizes. HOME PORTABLE and SCIIGOL STOVE. fur smaller build ings or a less number of roma.' Very respectfully yours, STEAM FIXATING A PPARXTUS, for wartningbnildings of ' F. 6 W. M. FABER & 00., avers deacrlptlon: also for evaporating, drying, &c., for 1 Engine Builders. lumber, japannery, soap factories. tanneriea, Le. ''''''No cr.,0z4.1N s-• --- MOUSES, for hotels DRYING . 6C - OCETS . , WA 4 SH - otitutiond or dwellings. WARM WATER PIPI,S, fur warming green homers or build ings, public or prim,. LOW PRESSURE STEAM on an entirely new plan, for above purpo.se, easily managed, steam at 3.4 pound per ; inch precool . . OAS MORES, for how, towns contracted for. ROSIN, ell, OAS. APPARATUS for dwellings, factories, public buildings, Ac RUSSEL'S lIOT AIR GAS STOVE. KIDDER'S OAS REGULATOR, controlling the supply and improving the degrees of light. SCR 'WINO STOOK S. and I)) ES, TONGS and other tools for Stearn sad Gas Fitters' sat•. MON BEDSTEADS, cast, wrought and tubulariron, a eerie ty ofpatterns and styles. PEYRILYN' MANTELS, marbleized iron mantles and cuirr, marble mantles. ENADLELED GRATES AND FENDERS, of home and east- ern manufacture. 11 YC AIR AND VENTILATING REGISTERS, wanielr,l Japanned, plated or bronzed. Y.•F:AKINO TUBE CONDUCTOR PIPE AND TIN ROOF INO. . - -- PP-ASS AND TRGN FITTINGS of every d.cription fur G. and Steam. Valves. cocks, tee., elbows, (Lc.. In every variety. BRASS AND IRGN FITTINGS, ur Plumbing. BATH TUBS. WASH BASINS. NVATER CLuStiTs, LEAD PIPE and every variety in the beet description of Plumb er's materials. FORCE AND LIFT PUMI'S. galvanized wrought Iron pipe. for welly, Lc. MARBLEIZED IRON RASA-STAND TOPS AND BASINS. GALVANIZED IRON SINKS AND BASINS. DAS FITTING unit material. to great variety. CHANDELII:ItS. BRACKETS. PENDANTS co.. many' en tirely new patterns and styles. ap'24l.lmd THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY - PITTSBURGH. RuCLIESTER ANL NEW BRIGHTON EAPRESS.—Fur the especial aocrentriudation of the laro. si•mg th. CI the Onto and Pennsylvania raid, between P.itshin ch and Nev. Brighton, whose intimate business and social relations require such Agetay. Tilt. ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY have mode such trralig, 51,11 t with the Itailr,iel 114 them to pit a [rum) :!CPAPII ger 'll I h.. f nun, who w ill take :barge "I' a', prel.•rty sad business pruys.rly entrusted I. Lim Ile will leave New Brighton by the, Morning Train. remain in Pittsburgh and Allegheny Clit thlrll.4( the day I. attend to Au.'h C 01111111834.11% to may beentrusted to him, and return by the levenim.; Train. with his Goods and Commis stone executed. All goods, Ao., will be delivered or exiles) for ID the two cities, within P.....1:01.610 digtanc,, without Burn :barge; but to insure such delivery, the direetion on parka ow especially for private houses, should i.e explicit. At Way Statious. all matt, will to- left with the Station Agent of the Railroad when the proper party I , not at the Station ou the ittr.val of the Train. to reg elie l• • goods The charger I, can - , lug tAnek.kge4, kr.. nud for elertio-, clattered be nr- to be within rwa• Nt hrn the nature ..r U.. td.1.01 - 0.04, b 1.111,t1 t: admit of it, otw,ini n t ,-revinents In. made. ii/INRY It IR VIN Ira-u appointed M.knetißer, e(..! ' , tondo), 11F1 A•II , ..NTS. i &it...burgh—C.l fourth .thrg,ht , ll) C —Telegraph oth artyeville--Capt%in HA). N•vrickley Statiock—.Hr. liochester—Mr. White . Bearer—Dr. Chandler. New Brightou—Nlr. 1.10.4. ADtJYseat s C .ttalaurgh, Dec. :MI. j T 0 TllO SE W 11U )1' 1S 11 ARM S ! ! 'I, have YEit'rlLY. 'AND CilEAk' PRICY.. and .14 ternalf, your atteucius. 1. tiled 1.3 the Itidgeway Far. •.1.1 Coal CoMpsll3. Ts•ot h‘a acte4, of wool lo prsi.,4- C1.,1., areic . .l,l4 r.r .•.b..01, Flyable .11 instalment', of $1 p• , or SA in, 10 , 1.1 /I It l• ;. • Jae.' if. }..k county, l':.. LI ..oas fpf the least trotrlsoo LH' pr,vinir.. ti... :al e •)11 a t 1 411:1. :Ma a 11.. t 14 , 1.. Ku rp3"..1 for I:yrta assolitoirlota ..tll altos It le ALL (2 , ,A1. LAND, ntderltd.l Is tan rich V.41/- P.COIIOt ..t I }H . Le 11:1` . ,LAortly become of tEntn.nao value. Thr Bun last) and ka, o It. p.m* diroctly (Or - u9A it, which 14 now un.lor c.“l, structtuu front fine to within a alt , rt dit.tance from 1111 g.-- The Allegttony It. alno jotommit thronclt it. • onnecting it with Vora not tltt.4huralt The Ttml.er ...it to of the m•wit Tule uneaceptlontal god, and warrantee deedn are nrnu. It pr.letatn n gt.-1 and suboatinal opportunity te eommonew farm inc,. fur one'n children. or making an it 1,41,31.011 1 ,11, It' 111CTES, di raino. A new era in now opening to thin repon of cuuu• try, and lt cannot tad h,nue of gnat rattle. In a nhort time L. 1331 Land will he treble it. present price. Furth. r part:let:darn can be Lad from the panaphlent, which are sent to enquirer.. Lettern answered promptly. Apply or addrtata CATELI- ttec'e, 13.5 Wnlisut Full information to rontamed in the painphlet• • fet.: F.RIVYTTI.7I.II.II. BRO . n eu KT' S, Dealers in Real Estate. st. Anthony Fall% Nil 13,1040tA Territ,r) Laud bought and sold throughout the Terrttory ' , loopy loaned. to Teat • u,nta maxis to the beet edeantage. end Laud Warrant. Also. Await,' for the sale of 1...0ts in the t.ore of e , CLOUD. 8.5 mike from S. Antis., y a.t.ove the Falb. The Nltrvr., .! t• , -•P+.& croeeet. the .11healnalpin at t.h. ',tout. tn.! thmr 1:1110.1.61,.. 4.1 vantages it poesevers sax phi, 4( . q, VIII make it on of the largeet chi. In the Nortlta,.l RXYLEIArx, Iti-Gt/c^rnr/r Rarti.tey. N1in0r...4, Hon. Wm. 11. Wolof,. Chief .111. - tt.-. N1int,0... , t • Hou. J. NIN-kr.r. Hun. 11. M. Dttleastr to I..:votals. Rice, -r. A Et...tn..), nt Hews. Romp h ottint, Banker. Haw. T. M Fullerton. fteniltetr of I: ti lAutl , /tln .epi D E QUINCEN"S NEV.' VOLI:MES—und other new Book.. )0.1 S near 4th street. Ile .at/Loney', !demon:dr, 2 TM/. Contributions L. I.iteratute.i L',lt 11,, ii i vu, 1 . 1111,..0,1.,1 by' ,a,m1.1.-1 Lill clan. P. U. '.puler Ui•G.rc .' ihr Fv L.i, Bii At Home An I Abt.eul. ,nd Tb-u„ou. kat, and Enrupo, bys urgto, t tilt, 4 1 .u01t. Kt:tom I.4ne PJ u rtt.wr •tt toe 1 . ,,, , 1ttetiv.• F•u..•-•1 of 11l darn Srtet : . and the 'tomtits Capital ant Skill. by that Knight; unmet-on. .vdtg. The Herm,. or 01,4 Pen toles for me Chlldreo. by Iter C Km4b.) H,Ntlu I • i ',nano author. Edward Chfrord. nr :tlenedlee of C1u1.111.4 ; tlart.e• loot Jueerdle; l)ubh ktepublic. in cluth mud .beep trier'. Lau . . • , f the An-Sant A Second Jourto , , Itound the NV.d Id. by Idn Ptiefe• The queen', l , er undo It••• ligtun to Common Life, by Cat: 1 . •••111•4•I'm C—lnparatt , •••logoonl v. ,1101. fiPACiler . A e ^ /log d ud C••lt•thaal• • r . ..twat. and Lettor• the Nooble et/ Health, bet I , vatic Eronont) and 1t..• tpt 13.•• k the Brent Book for b.). ;'be Woudere of :-.Clef ol.A• . °bug liuruphrey lan•y rTto Apothetar, taught tatuarlf Natural Ph. 1.....q.t5y, and erentually be,:arne Pre...lent of the ffeeyllf ief ./ the life of a o •odorful }toy. w rill-, tar ka,y , , Ina • r rated. only 7. a•nte Abbot's Lear:ll.lf to. Thick sod Leal n o Talk. Dick.-n . • Little Folk,. for Children, 6 vole. A ALF-110SE—Blegvhed, unbleached mixed ottl 4.. '.l beet and German make. n.e. • elk, merino and Melia, feet, nose on h and at FII/iSIIYEJ.,II A F ' •,. ap34 No. 70 Wad• • • - - - 01L CLOVES-511 lbs. for sale by - ap29 If. A. vAriNE..9cFCR e k:',) A COMPLETE LIST Vl' )lovriip, Ma, NiArpeef monthly 'de:mai, i•ntuantle !reoittily r(be - korte. - Irer, .-.r V.-a York ntontbit lo• Ifwxhnlf vr, , ,.1.--e.raulorte+l to Chef:xi.. iPs. ctn. La.ry'd It of plate. ..rthltro'• A Inera-an nrontlJlN .Staglac.r.- / - eteram'e Nat bel haiku's Er.rlber monthl)ilkiaratlo. trariur'n story The Alu.um. • he -l•tchoolMtlow for Ff. c. and llor . ink Leehe • New Yuri, Journal • rank heel,. nazette of Fltahah aukre N..t. ote ,Itlll or vaunt. Illuetrattonot Islet ka.Yel • Kdlnhortrtl :qagar.ln. fro April trhatnt,re , London Edition, r tr . April Jam recvlYot .torl for tati• by w A 611,DENIENNEY a Lyt, my 3 Fifth ',tract, orToodr. the Th.t, A,l AG AZINES! MAGAZINES' Frank L.alltt't Faattton for %Lay rt;ak Leslie's N. Y. Jeurnal Godar's Lulled' Book teralmun'i Marazin. Pet anon'. Melissa,. RalLou'A Ma:ravine llonsaboki W. , rde •• limper'. SlsJ;rtzfu . vattauxf.stsk,, , • . • Yankee N.41,,11d . inaCkNVONVK 11 , yt,tatrle 1.1 Al., 11 London Now. sad Put.. 1,1.. t km 11 I , cur sale by 11 NI i:11 aC. t. tr,y3 32 e , tedtttnet,i gtroruf OPENING this day. u. large assortment of watch,.p. (hold Lever. from s27' r. $. 0 ....)0 Sliver Lever. Crum $l2 to Stitt Silver Cylinder* from $9 to 110 Railroad Time Keeper., S,O. Frodshama Chronometer Series, $200) Do. in Silver Cana,. $173 Chain., Seals, Keys, d.e. Watches repaired on the heat manner by my 6 W. IV. WILSON, Corner of Market lth sts DRIES -100 boxes Mould and Dipped Candles 26 do Star do PA do ROMID 340 keg. twaerted 100 ,et. Corn 8r00m,.. 60 bales No. 1 and 2 hattmg. don. Bed Corde. 26 do Bucket... 10 do Tube. In store and for tale by 9976 FRISH PINE APPLES.—:lfirnt eessou, Juno reLeived per Express, and for sale by ap2il JIEYIIEII drANDLRSON, No 29 W. 0.1 DRAWERS.—We hare now on band a full assortment of Linen, Nndln, Llele Thread, (lame, Me nao, Silk and 00ILNII Drawers of all glue, at L lit R.9171 , ,ELD d SON, So. 70 Wood street CHIMN EY TO 00, of various pi - a ttern for , 13.1 e by [ap2.7] 'HENRY LL COLLIN:4 TU LET—A large and commodious Ware .tivaiod ill one of the beet [lertness equare. on ,Pi exert Enquire of JOHN HAFT, JR., , op2l Corner of Sixth wad Wood its S TEARIN CANDLES-50 boxes just recd and tor Nab; by 1 . ap24) SPRINGER lIA kRA CUR. bbLq. t arrive and for sale hv ar,26 PR.INGER II ARBA 0011 VINE 'FABLE SALT FOR FAMILY USE 3tal bags fast r,nlve4 awl for .1« by apt EtY3.l dr. A NDERS4iN DEDFORI) MINERAL WR'I'ER.-10 half _Ly bbls, Just received freltb frutu rbr Spriztge. and (ol . . jryb) JOHN NloolillEAD LW PAPER HANGINGS - • blunt, Plain and Tapestry Patterns of brilliant odors. ar French manufacture. old, a great variety of American Wall paper and Ll,rdm. For sale by IV P ItSLIALL & CO. spy ts; Wood erect - WATER --Stone Water Pipes for rapt•ll HENRI: IL COLLISS y AWN GRASS.-2ii bush. of the finest 1.4 Yngl.e6 1.11,,,d, for bards and pleasurs grounds, Just /heaved and t,r eels et the Setel sod Agricultural Store. he. 4: Fifth street eprls , .1A NI ES WARDROP it ~ ~,: • - ••• •4 - • ;,. • • ..•-• • 144 , • . s. y ' ''?! MIME A • frff4*ll.:4 IN VEN TIONg.A,4II):44TENT .ttblic Lt. , This certlllee that.the thl Cup patented by Mr. Trott, has been In use on our road for two years past. We find it to be an economical and durable OH Cup, and can reoanimend It GEO. W. GRIER, Foreman of Pittsburgh Shop of Penna. Central RR November 29th, 1854. To M. F. Evros, Eau, Thle certifies that we have had In use the patent Oil Mote. nr Cups, sold by :doses F. Futon, E.g., or Pittsburgh, and consider them very much superior to any thing of the kind Treasurer Ohio Tool Company. Columbus, Ohio, November 27, 1864. gat I. From the New York Scientific American.] Patent Finishing Plane. This invention in Intended for au where it la desired to Im part a fine, smooth, and glossy surface to the wood: but it :4 applicable, with advantage, to allekind of carpenter's view.. The novelty conelete to placing the cutting ur bit. in front of the wedge. hutted of behind, ea in common planes: nisi, in applying a metallic mouthpiece to the face of the plane, in front of the anted, which month piece eery us as the rest for the chieol, and confines the throat of the.plates. lint the mouth piece le so rime to the edge•of the bit se to prevent the plane from ripping or spliutertug the wood the least degree. Indeeci, we have seen the implement ate plied to the planing of wood against the grain, and trut•e comely to the grain, leaving 'the wood perfectly smooth. perfect is the operation of this inetrnment r ehat It may be fife plied to the planing of veneers--with entire enoceea- -a thing which cannot solely to done by the common plane. The peculiar al-rabgenient of the mouth piece, bit, sod coffee. affords a complete and firm hearing for the lot throughout its whole length, and Olepeneee. under all Cr.. clan Fiance". with the use of 3 rap or double bit. This lee very simple end effective fuiproventent, destined. o have no doubt. to tine he 'Way Into reerythrpenterel shop In the land. No tool thestle rernplete without it. The in. rencor 14 Wm. C. Hopper, of Iflttaburuh, Pa.. and his patrol Learn date Joouary Id, 1n56 air IIiMWS KATON. lie. 1301 What eireet, Agent for the patentee. CLOTHING CARD-1 request the attention of Toy Int.& and the piddle to my stock of SPRING ANI) SUMMER GOODS, Which I think e0n5...n:14 a Larger variety of rich style, than ottry other I•um•r parehneo. I hove taken epertni pain. n ~ttlaiu MI the shades of FANCY CLOTHS eeheral.y .levire4.l. vlv r Vench. Multrerry, Ilrorive Ivrevb, litovvvi raid Olive, wfth TRIM. talla of ate! blue I have oheervort th REMO (Aide 111 11Plerbrig my FANCY CASSIMERES, which embrace a choice assortment of light color% suitahle rase evening dress ist the lattninot season, with a amber of Mack Itloslir flighted Goods; also, intended for 'the hot weather. My stock or V KeITINtitI is as large as can lound elaewhere, countriaing every verily of tank Patterns plain and figured Orenadines and Matadilea. My asaortmetit of Boys' Clothing h. been lneresswl ant I am prepared to 1111 all order. in Ibis brunet] with mot satodattion to myself end tratyfga than hitherto I s t spectal attrantion m . !toad., .4 pretty antral! PLAIN> poNtilist ly adapted to Antal:we'd dress, which. I thank. tt, not lad to plows Aiw, Dr..t.tos, Argentine LAW rw. &nett lostran Mertma, Prem.ll' IN anklunettes. Drab !WWI Cloths with nutnerous styles of Worsted and Linen 0..6. intert•b , rith, or boy's elution, sitl - Itnntra NA/W.IION nruN EFL N. , Ott IVEWC L,OTII LNG STORE, N. 4 Such 1.1 ,J,..ei,..i.potzto Liberty. The subscriber h. lost types. ed dd. toes wtahlwitment, where he ha. airasy• on hand • Ittrige and choice assortment of all articles of 11.01111 ‘'ti which iv. warrants equal to any In the city. nod rtll 11 , 41 at the t00..0 reasourable prices. The publir aru relusetedAss• him will [ =grit ly 1 If- UPPEIN 11 rtmfrL. ANNUAL STATEMENT of the O , llDe , - [WM IlnMal Lila Insurance Ctazipan), tor the y...r enduss 31st Jai:kiwi, OM: inslanee per statement 31st Januar k• A 11301141 received fur premiums and rieka during the year interent T,tal receipts for din year. 5:06.44 . 0 :4 Deduct paid ealartea, madltal exam matu.rtu, adArrtistnit, print• •tutionary, rust, tarn, pootsicv, ..SIB,IOU ounansinnion to wean. .... nu 113 p. 1,• clan. OW 111 e, itecludAug VA: u(X. unpud of loot yrs, Chvid.-114 durtug the y. 41 Ck. aurresatkred 6,3%6 14 Yrwasiatta Nan Yobrins . 101,6e2 Sirt w. . Jan. al. 18..t4 . polklas not •Itv, and •waltin.g pout ..$61,600 ‘3,0 AzALIF W., I aa.4l Mortgace Lasts oo i‘oral tartate 1 6 34 itaa k Stork Loans. . . o tr. 1416.11. t.. 1.1.6., rntr, orti4 nl..t I.r,nuk.o. 11„r tgso• Bntrtlft, Many aud k• Curti tn bank I•rrmiom h.a• Ittg 0 lon rent lutereal 1.054,448 01 04.10tre premlueina In tb. ti&D•io Agent• sad to trozna. --112../71.Kr 4 Atnowit I..Ars dortug Us« y.., (14., T.AnJ /1111..KInt It.e. oti4l t.. dinte.1,111"4144 T ml nalt.nt dielit.nds p. 4 4. fie.,l;t4 The dem-tors Ler.. det•Lare.l • 011044.1 of n,11.1 of 40 p.. mt 011 premiums paid upon UP% Polk - dodos the ye•r. mod 15 1.-. rent upon the premistm• on algal term to.oftry 11. IV.. tilA K. PLIKLF7t, fieesettay. 1. 1 :11:1; OF' C11.11'.6 E! :-TWO SPLEN DI 1 , 'A $'U KAi 19UE, nntitlel lloltbn A bbny 11. •u Tun e,' a witlniftligl scent nugroolom, fr• ut rho ..d• polutlug by Lantloner, cud thn Doporturo or rr,. bum Hops; large owl lonautlful num - stink inotbtlolt by D. ltuborto. The reboil price ~1 tbo grnotuypt VIP prr copy, t•ut will to, vont p.m cAurpn, The •1.0....r.r70d - 11 two, tartabliallesi • BOOK AUENCY I'killarklphia„ and rill format any publicsaada at mail lie, fry. di vAdA4re. Any per..., by I...rwardi,,, IIK dit Lod rime cif any of Lb. klAirazinna. nrh a. ILarpres, G.arley'a. Putnam . .. Csruhatrits, Yracdt 1,115,V. Fur. I M. AA, mill new:etre Qt. 121SVIIIXADMI 4IT Ors• y•St. .04 • envy •.1 nth, cbe atx,re Lrattidfal anngra, Inre of sivari• r rf sul.a - xibmg to • $2 and a 11 , mart •• 1 . . t. r a, aud l.Aeliell a Ladle& Clatisalan dranual, U-y t, avre rriavaztu. and • aary) rather a Lb., atarna fraranaa Every deecriptloo of Ed.graving in/ Wood exec-wed se•tt beatnews and despatch. Views 14 Buildiura Newspapse Headings. Views of lischluery, beat Itinerations, Lodge certilleatee, Buell:wet@ t.lsrds. d-c. AU orders sent by ow; promptly attended So. Persons wishing %levee of their build tugs engraved. ran send a daguerreotype or .ketch of tits !guiding by mail or expresss. Persons tit o distance having usleabln articles would And It to their adrantage to &Mire. the subscribers, as we would t as agent. for the eat., of the MU... TRAM a PIKIte.X, ISO South Third street. Philadelphia. sild.clavly WS' N ESS BU SIN ESS ! ! Mill. PROPERTY FOR SALE—Situate on Rig ,e -strkley, a mill house of 2 stories, 3 TIM of rhino. mint his. • nine, sod all other gearing and IlEturse complete. Ala o, raw mill, 2 good frame houses, 20 acres of land. Prke $3,0u0 A STEAM SAW MILL, aitnate on the Ohio river, Oral St du miles below Wheeling. Price $1,60U. TANNERY YOR SALE, Wiliam at Maunihrville, Va., with fete Mops, ie., all In good order, large dwelling house. 2 scree of ground, tr. Prim 0,0011 a 26 S. CUTHBERT & SON, 61 Market at. int. H. Boom, late of Homphreya, Hoffman A hoons, Phila. D. W. ilsaaroz. Late of Plttebnrgh. KOONS & HERSTINE, FLOUR FACTORS, AND Gener:il Produce Commission Mei hall is, A, 47 ,Vo , rfh Wharire and fib North Water sited, below Rate stnea, Beasley Woodward& 00. vhu.ieryon, Konnody 6 U. Garrott. !dartin 6 Co. " L Wilmarth t Co. Wood et t divor, " Kali t Liggett, 311t0r,1 rico Co " J.t W. Rea, Caleb C pat Co BagaleyCoegravo k 'Crultt, Ilruther & Co. " Watt k Wileon, J. D. Leidnor & Co. Cincinnati. Foadleit t Moulds, Cincinnati A. A. Il,itlock t Co. " Morrow AL Cattier, Tweed 6 Sibley, " J. 14. Chenoweth k Ota " And Pittebtiigh and Philadelphia Merchants grow ally. Jal .Sdapoem -wA WIT - 1 -1--Si X good Oirlti, to do general housework. Two or three goad Gooks fur city and country. A Boy of 17 to 1611113 a trade; must be well rwouc mended. Also, places for four or eve Oldie to do chamber or dining room work. Four Boys In stores or to run errands, and eve or six men at any kind of employment. Apply at LOWILIEI3 Ns/ Intelligence Office, No. 14 Ylith Street. pIaSSIAN BLUE-15 cane for sale by B. A. FAIINESTOCK & CO, and 3 corner Pint and Wood al wet. PEACIIES.--200 bush. Bright Pea.chaa, scorn and for sale by FORSYTH a SCOTT, myl 7b Wader etreet. BACON.-- -- low Bacon Hama. ..... 16,060 " eboulders. 10,000 " Bides, to store and (or sale a iz oTT FORSYTH 151 . 0 1 fik — ToEgL-1/0 bus. Wilite7a6nwdaßrlu":".l\t'e ij RilliTett.fres_oottfioN:. sale sbannocks for eels by ruyl OLL BUTTER-3 b 1 1617 itby my! FURRY H. COLLINS. AA. MASON &CO., will open dire more . lug 2600 of Recap de LAW. at 12%. Sy s . 40 0 0 pude 1 Muslin de lalnes at 12.3.ic., worth 26c. CIIALLIES---A. A. MA:.§of&oo.; are now receiving some SOO pieces of rich Challiee at 6 and Li ..eb ikor yard aLkilk Iv".. prior& my!. A A. 11. a r e liow opening borne eke er.•, oo r•• .AOO4, just purchased at a orvet reduction in priced, si..l Leach less thew the cost o! i x,ruition, and will be sold correspondingly low. SEED POTATOS.--50 bushels of the cele bratidTrirtde Chilt., or • of the moat reliable end value. lie Potato. known, at 47 Fifth Meet. aptcwJA.ll6.6 WAHDROP « I 'lo, - • ALFRED THOMAS, 4=1.411 Ai 144,541 4.5 EZEIM IEOIEI z,cv~srt MEM MEM • 1:A0 -4 A A CARRIER t lIRO. Abut.. rrirn , r And smillkneld At. PUILADH Plll* 13111133 j r~• it 4 . 1 4 t. j. 1,1 3 ',155151.1 )0 11 RAILROADS. RAILROAD. ._ AIEDICAL._ - _• . ~ i ED I . C AL.' _ _- _ -cItAN tcs. L. 1 8 5G . _ Ohio and . Pennsylvania Railroad. DR. MORSE'S , L AI-ERIS 'CHERRY . PECTOVr j _ ae C c iMPANY ts. 0741,1 ROUT}, WITH TRUES DADA I'ItAiNS " --iTgggWi— INVIGORATING CORDIAL, FOE THE RAPID COKE OP COUGHS, OOLINI,MOARIE NESS, BRONCHITIS, ISHOOPINO-100ta.ii.,.0101:11%. •,,, -. lielltolll PITTSBI'P.fiII l'il CINCINNA t'l. A PELENOME.II . O.,Y IN 41.&DICLVIC.. SUMMER ARRANG•EMENT. ASTHMA AND amommaTlON:- • . 1 ;.,,• ; 1 v. 1n; Ili R 1.1., DAILY TRAINS Health Restored and Life Lengthened i • ~ F ,P.,,, Tam Rahlar . iilllfeititi l toieleVitinr Fl, •. : ~• '1 ,', 11 i i:•,// /I , / , .i ITON .1.11) /..V.. TII it x., it THALIA'S DAILY Br 0 - . _ t , ~.„, =nifty wittrthertutedirgweifetbal Lb pi.„I,VAPOLI.S. 7 .. , 17, an article width seldom Ails Po gear LIE , ::.! l' SUNDAY.) MORSE'S INVIGORATDIG ELIXIR -., 5 „-, ,5 i., th.bappieeitefitfif thititedii. . -- I OHIO AND PItINNSYLVAN:A . PAStENGER TRAINS WILL RUN DAILY, EXCEPT TT WILL replace Weakness with strength ( ... ...-,: t ilL-. -- .2 , irLd%,,,,,,aw"Ln, this n umit numer°*_ mry the w . tion cue* 9 1 .. sal, • ! SU 3. D &TS, . follows t atailFggsaMig. . Leaves Pittsburgh for Cren iliac at 100 A. L. 7,30 A. M. .1. incapacity with eitidency, irregalarity witti - attlfortn ano , ~ A R . iiin .„..., I t. 60.,tn , s b ontu b" persons, pub , . and Be. 3i. natural activity, and this not only without heiard'orient , e„ • • .. '4, ,Litd: ' ; - llcityltniivrn, Who have been matured Loaves Crtattline for Pit:Flunt, at sou ,Y. Mi, ';;Ito P. M, frum a and even deme larmism . nts ilia' Hon, hut with a happy effect on the general organization - - LITTLE MIAMI RAILROA_"B. :.,,, 1'1.54 P. M. • IA CRESTLINE AND coLnißus. These Trains make close connections at CRWTLINE with Air 'Rear irehhind That all maladies; where•elt.tl;ey begin, "m'eletorify°fen,Al4°,o.lloo,iryEss,olthlorit-'066-inArtitPattlifittotettan,4llo-' Trains for COLUXII3LS, DAYTON, CINCINN A 11, BELLY, dnish with the nervous system, and that the paralltitlon ot -to o ca pt, ~,,bo,,i t io nd ittimips intutsnotekbAwnithei Quickest Route front Pittsburgh Jo Cinestinati. FUN' IA INK. INDIANAPOLIS, CHICAGO, SAINT LOUIS, .0„, ~,,,, of motion and sennatlon Is physical death. Sear public no , longer hesi,tateXhat antidote t'? Saqi.___Pc --4 and nll points , u roads extending West and South-weed • . distressing 'and ciatiNerotle affections Of - the pe citacrta , „ c,,renccrixo at Cinch:matt with U. S. Mail Inn etee,o, 1., through 0/110, INDIANA and ILLINOIS. In mind, also, that for every kind of nervous disease, the . . Mon, whiati. axe dent-to ougelimatm. „,-;..., '.-. a 1.4 f Covington and Essington Railroad, ohio and Id lastisslpPt TRAINS PRoll PITTSBLRGII connect at Sinneflald with Elixir Cordial is the only reliable preparation linden. Nothing has called londo for the yaruesLinmi .1a pr tiiii Railroad, and the Lawrenceburgh Rout , C rtatarlit t o '''", Trairin ou Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark Road, for CHI- CURE OF NERVOUS DISEASEE. eat men,lhanthe alarinbig ymelvilimeil Mat &Wilt onion. Columbus and Xenia, with the Dayton and Xenia, 6,,A 1 CAOO. TOLEDO and SANDUSKY ; making es quick and . „„,, id ea er the h ei e edi . muniptlye complain:de, ner beastly cute obuts.orditeasei liade Indiana Central Railroads. sure comma - Com to CHICAGO, ai by any other name. Con. No Langan,' inn convoy an &de g — • • mote of their Invoitigatious and care ent.eslet no Or THROUGH TICKETS, via Columbus end Cincinnati, I. unctions are made at Alliance with Trains on Cleveland and ate and almoat miraculous change which It occasions in the qnate remedy has been provided, enilvidas the pub oder ' Lexington, Louisville, St. Louis, Indianapolia, a,.., xe. t o Pittsburgh Road, fur CLEVELAND, CHICAGO, DUNKIRK , itteettual, debilitated and chattered nervous system, whether depend lor protection from sneak - end° „the, or • i Colombo. and Teals, to Dayuni, ludiaussialis, Lalays-tte. ~,,,1 Bu k , 'P,Lo . a, gans, duff tbet , ititroiliCetron of the CHERRY ECT9 Terre Haute, St. Louis, Sc.. Sc. riewengers leaving Pittsburgh. at it P NI. for Sandusky b roirs o. down .by moms, weak hI nature , Or RaPalteff .7 Thu ar ti c l e l a th et ,,,,,,b y , o ir i vk ai r=korifbini ~,, , THE LITTLE MIAMI vie. CULU3II3L'iI, connecting south , , ...I ;..1,1 en I Chicago, have the benefit of a night's root, at ;del:new—the unstrung and relaxed organization is at ones outoo,o,fol endives to y ux .,oo, t h,, , cy l oth iruc li d g , the Covington and Lexington Railroad. the U. S. shot .. .., •,,_, , In ~.,, !Wiwilica. or (alert auto, and aeries Linens. early next Line Stemmers, the Ohio and Mielllleippl Railroad, and tle resum e,;. Id •A, revivified and built tip. The mental and ' photos . reinedy.• Dirifi Iclitclecemeed die Artieileiiii peoplesre noir d er i i „, inei„ th themse dr dlechottiespireq.pared. It th ttlii ti dgifi, ,w an y dffim, dt.ppead ance lirl st. thrson t. =:' Lawrenceburgh Route, 4,flors facilities no other route coq Train. East from Crestlino make close ronnections with ".) toPtutua of nervous disease vanish together on . -- - • -- , ....,,5 „ - c ,, 0, Os through tldkera by all the Above touts, thu ouiy he Trains on Pennaylvania Central Railroad for PIIILAGEL- *mut. Nor is the effect. temporary; for theConUal properties vista mon'of Miry cis& ad litsitioh &silty ft" ham One for kNKLIN FIR' L , procured • via Colon and the Little Miami firth-rad. 1111 A. IiALTIMOItg and NEW TURK. •of the medicine reach the constitution limit, and restore It: them; it weestatrealkottrownstensesorhenvie see 'in OF PIIILADEL' The route from Umetlme via Columns. being the taliortent THROUGH TICKETS are sold to Colnuthas, Dayton, Cln - to Its normal camdition. affections of the throat.and lunge yield to Itilf Tenni • 4 W. Renck, to Cincuthau.euablea a atiOntat dart tofe spud. Cott.' -0 ` •t• clnnerth Louisville, St. Lorna Indians lie, Bellefoutaine. .1.0623 ON MEMORY, on the aintiritie 6f intelllgent Physlciansitholialtei it Wilt s, Jacob 11. are certain, and parareugers have lull wile for meals. BJ do. Chicago, Rock Island, lowa City, Inanlieth, Mil old ---wa-e ' i kinint i on• giddiness, ruse of blood so the head, melluschotY, badness as— *Nil it it Mt rellaneettgonatiy `hi E. Be P reen and Bellefuntaine route from Crentline, a cian,r.t.rt, Cairo, Springfield. 111, Fort Wayne. Cleveland, and the prin ,hysteria,ty wretchedness, thoughts ofeeddestruction tyrdfig, Chen it Glisufatattly proven that Wil medleinedoes re . Coke. •Arre/CF.II, Presto.. 0,4 and speed it requlred. and cattle/1,1 In ..relColt, ~4 ., .0 ~,,,,,, li , the West. —tear of Insanity, dyispeplas, general prostration, itritabiii. Hoswand . do n4cure the clan of dissainattliededgried-ror," ht , . • duOnute. 'IT/tough ➢ tickets o ver thi s li ne um , l ee h, t d it all of the ty, nervousness, mobility to sleep, dhreass incident to males, '. yond anyamlaii otherathatareknowu tomankind. - Ittbly bit - 1:,, Um issue tie tadurninia to CIIIC/Iruntl and trellunupollA, alO-ve idneee our Pittsbutah, Philadelphia, Baltimore and decay on the Propagating functions, hysteria, monomania; . trne,tr cannot belbo freelypublishadoor toowldelyknowa, tee , eensors ride over roe-is ball.ted and smooth. 11l ant t,„,„ y, , , 0. segue terrors, palpitation of the heart, impotency, corud The atßicted . should know it, A remedy tiudcdiee is price. Pon-at and Itellefouttune route, 1 au5e,,,,,, e el, s yt., the :..Ett,' ItRIGLITuN AeCt.OIODATION TRAIN loaves now non. etc., from whatever causes arising /A, if there be any leis to them. Parirtrirt ehould know, itietheir_chtleleast rough.% road, in Ohic. I.rightun ft, Pittsburgh at 7. A.. 31 and ite. P. 31. Leavre reliance to be placed on human testimony, absolutely Intel. prim - testi to‘theta. ' All should lino* ' ft," for health emu rartin DA 11. 1 fis AINS 51 A. 5.01.1..3115U1f AN b lit t elm, gl, for Sew lirightan, at u1,,e,,. A. M. - and Cdr . ,. P. M. Btu. Priced tette ona. Not outy c o u ntry, It beicietultdeffteee,littt z t'iNCIN NATI /lir For tickets and further mtortuation apply to A. T. A GREAT MEDICINE FOR BEILSLES., °eery - where, not only in this country, hut ht,allscotmillea.. YoLer 'lnert leaves PiltsboOth at tb , t - t 'ci tt t r tk AAL lot Ittil :, SON. at the cornet office, under the Monongahela TM: unparallaied effects of this treat restcrative la all How faithfully' we hie - , acted mi thisahrehntleic Li irahriilla I. rl,4llLn, t.',1t. Leon, Lin. Inhati, I, oo 6, i ii e, e , L.,.a. lion,. or at the Federal street station. to OEO. PARKIN, complaints ihcasiont to females, mark a new hav e In the annals the fact dot already <his article haantila the circles MIN, ' Meting/on gal hc0,,,,,,.., , , ,ut lawrezeelairgh Route 111 Le l'...ket Agent .1011 N KELLY, Penienintr Agent. sd medicine. Thormands of annuitants have Wet invented— globe. The sun never' sets .on. Its limita. , . No coutheatt Lit .•:-- .." t/on etrive,al Ctricluna t i rote Low and forty trilatates ta 1n,1,'..• J 11. 3100 RE, Sup't. thousands of uavigoranta concocted—all purporting to be without it, and few peardea : Althelhnotinaoseatfar 7 3... I: ..is up( n a tb, loreet art[ Bellel”utin no relit.. '--'s.t. ^ `• 1 - 71 -- - ei.. , ..,D 11,13 i.,re-A 1 .- .:•:.t .7r.;1: at 720 ...du. it A Si 1 z CENTRAL ROUTE. .pecitbat in the various chnotaeg and derangememts to which use In other nations ~ s. in thh, itjatelp eyed by theigotte l ' tra delicate foromtion of woman render her liable. intelligent la almost ell as ks,' countries. It Is 6i,',14a, SI ; Ctestl.u., 4....intr,butt, ArT/o ated bind nrcml lets 11,11. -- EVERY WOMAN OF SENSE, !lively eropicryed In both Amextrai=-Iti'Ettinpe, _Ada; ' ccak , ,...0.,,,,...t,0c .my • ..ri C 4• U. C11•111..all ;I 1. L 'r' .•'. '.., I , I , IRE C' T It lIU T E. OI'E N ! . Deo nutters Done weakness, derangement, nerectuniese, ire- Australia and the farrlf Wands of' the. sea. ;Life Is ss dewy. il.m-7 , - , Al ; lelne Te. 4114 1440,4 Itlttsteargh nt 3 •. , ' , :lock P. M P.O tuvorwl Lucre paint In the back, or any other disorder, whether r tr. to Its pnewrisora them tut here, end they grasp at a FalaaNAl, I 0 1,0 5 11 1rte.Golundtrut, Soma. CIL II -tnnal'• L . a n ' T ili s ~, L" . • l ' N ortincrts Illinois to Mississippi River, thitar to her sex, or common to both asses —ehould give the remedy with evedniore avidity. Unlike moit •tiZep - sindthni' , I ,, iegion aced luotannioo.s. Ain Lawreneolourgh 5c,,,, • . I'n U OAILY TH.A.I 7‘. \ 1.•5 1,11.,CAL1/12 - ItAITGA lOW A, 31ISSOURI, itavigurating Cordial a trial. MARRIED PERSONS, of De Med, it Is an expeneive Cotattoil of aetly uptterlal. • Still tt le afforded bit the pnblle at a reasonablilirw pedals Add AND iNDIANAPuLIS t Ea er 11;41•• 1,1•-4 l'lnotairgi , .1 tuo 0'c1..1. A ,I 1•... 1111. - . I_._ .. ..'__ _ NEBRASK.A. iNI S It. S t.. Nno Jr others, wilt laid this Cordial, after they ham used a lot what Is of, vastl,y mono Importance. to th iNtai'iterqtt it Us or two, a thorough regenerator of the system. Iu ali never talfared to decline from its erighniletn . ulantofgad, Ct ...thee Ct4uust,,, isms , (ley 1.-n I ndlaunp.-115. Lau,. it. ALi Rti LIUTAD 'I 0 I'IIE 3IIStAISSIPPI.. . titrectlons are to be found the happy parents of healthy oft. lours. Every bottle or dila Medicine, now mantiiiitii Ls i ~. 1 A HAW, ViiiMlA., !..I. 1,1111, pair, , , yva u mlic 1 . ..._ __. spriog, who would not bare been so but for this ektraonhe as good as ever - hue been made beretallire, Arr "assitedrii-de. -004 n Tau, I,A-.... Pluelingit at •In c t elo. is A `1 Isr t illeadm DU rlington and (putnt.• nary preparation And It Is equally potent for the many table of making. No toil er cost is spared, In inairdidldug ~.. '',';' ,l "'" co' " -- \ '''''''' "3 ' I.', 1 n''''' ' ''l", L'f'" ' " ' RAI L — ROAD. I itemises fur widen It in recommended. Thatteands of young it In the beef perfe c tion -width it fs possible to *lit Ike, t" 11 " ttaot• 1 . /te.eallen. :it, le. It, Collo I:vaults:lle, A. I men have been r.tored by using it, end not Ina single he Hence the patient Om peocur.es the genuine CZEGET'ftta nuch T?.....1, ~,,,,,.. rara,,n-ch ;.; - o el , tck l' I. I. r Cr ..thhe.1 . 4.1n1.1 , 1 , Nana. rNylan, I trdlnrelprlla, hoard.; iiiing;iiiiiefeEXUE stance tow It fulled to benefit them. a TOBAL , can rely on having as good an article as has eve:been ACTLIt 'RILED l'A PEI hi. tan.iena PEIt.SONS OP PALE 00}fPLEXION ,' had by those who testify to Its Cares. . r. rev 11,1111, VLlACellien.l 4 s.l.ol , tatth, hrtheviil.• C. I - ••• ...KIT ,WI 1211Wank. A's 0 Accuse AND CLMIL Li 111111/13.1 Jr coper4LnpWre habits, are restored by lit. Me 0511 bustl e. or By pirating this coarse, T heed the liope of ticdnif ie„ DOMe •• h. —c,,llie ',nit 11. 1...1.4 .et I raila,l.tt, and loin Me .., ~-. ' Toro i 15A11.53., tt , o to bloom and vigor rtianging the akin from a pole, ye/. goal In - the world, as well as the entalhetion of be ing It ~ , , I llt,tiu,,, low, sickly color, to a beautiful acrid complexion. that much ben been done already. ..4.....1.110,-, heel, Cif, 11.h.stl -1:.11) V.l MYMpillf, I .. lild , r , d , r t . , . N v w ~,,,,Ipu.n- FA, „ tn , i Ten. ,” . , tun t „ „ titre ttnet . n.... 1.11,,,,e, 'Du THE allialUlDED. ' Alt .- Prepared by J. C. AYER, Precticial and Analytical 5... Net...lie, N.- itc bit b aro. S , 1c• .01 l. LIN:AIi.) tot Hl' Sit ?'b e t t'N L' w •• w ilbtratt char .'" 'these are some of the sad and melancholy-effects produced Chemist, Ltgirell, mem.. Inc Collttubtut being she enrol v atd. it , 1 ttie T.1i... : , , ~,,•,,, •••4 4waly liablte of 'smith, viz: weakness of the back and Sold by B. L. FAIINESTOCK &CO., aestitoletele and so fl. • t.a.t.,,, Roads ate IXI rringt•l t• I tit, 1:, t '...., ~,,,- r,. 'Tn.! , ' '' '"•'` Iv,-'t , '-'' t. - h.'' , ..' , ' , .. Qattalt h, "'" -4 . .molt, pains In the head, dlnuices of sight, loss Of innacnlar tail, by every Druggist in Pinsimogh; dad hy"all Bilden e.o. lid. ,inaltir rentr ;•• it 'l' . •I'.'r• '' . l”.'•' • • , `• A . I'''••••• I • ,1 b ` - ' Mo . ' s ' s, '''''''''' poenr, iudpinstion of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous Write- ➢ eeeeroura. ; . -., • 'is i ... spltitintlEot I•rr .1 its --ruottior, a/..1 11,..uah 'Mktg. rsa-a appi. , , a t.art ie. Nett A „ ern.l ri, • , _r ~ F krLIL t.i., , Cli. non Cloth-. t luny, At-Tauten/ant of Inc di ges tive functiona, general do , ' laseb. I 'the. , and Pvtansyivnni• Evan sal vim , . t•tro r ii ~fl) i' . , 1., -I tumn 141...ir0rh - tot. , 111,1-, f0,,011, Om.. epr.L.4 • ~..,„y . ~,,,f ~,,,,,,w p. , ete ., A V - . , , '' • k . kt. b f the Sibit• ;4, i la Hun.- "''''-'• J' '' "' ' 'ine • N 'M'''' ' '" d ''-'''''''' --- '''''"" u° .. i ''' Mentally, the Denial effects on the mild sre mach to ts I jib. r t g fritlf .. tine J 0 Cl'iikt"fa - r•I i., - ct, • did". ev'idi tii. ' iri 'it i " , 't• in. and 'Ad , - -LI id thiLkdi tai ' dreaded. Loss Of memory, confusion of Ideas, depreenion al w at, • AP 44 . .., at F.,. r.l -t•••••• t 91n11.41. Rauh-soda. ' spirits, evil forebodings, averakm to society,. neff-thstrust, . . . . , . - " I • - ' . tol:Ar I' AJa, I :s. T. , At , A.,•-1./ l' ''''' ' `l, ''''' ' il '''' ' ''' I t'''" ''''' ' l t" -n tlf , ' lO '''• ' 7 " . ''' Love of solitude, timidity, etc, are sotneof the trite produrec. ~ t., ~i -,, ,....:.0k - k.i.',..1 1'1r.,. ,. .1 el: '.r.111• from the 1,44. ~,,' .., :.!: i.:.! ,r,, ...r,-, at env -1 . .1. All Mlle nthICIA,I, 4 .......„ ; 1.- 1 , I e , •, A. LI IA- Lienl,l4/ Aar:.:, , '1,,/,.:1 , i ' DEFOILE CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE, 0 li 1 0 AND MISSISSIPPI HAII,ROA I) ~',',"0,0 7 .1'..- : :.',..T,',' _.'"--'-'-"`''-'-----. ''-' 'T : 7'.." '. . ~: „LI .. duct that a sound mind and body are bout 15 r ' i f . * ..11'f. INst ' --h. , . , ;--.....--. 0- ....,.- k 5 .1 AL- •-, '• -err. y 1 equisit. to promote connubial happineas; indeed, ..stit.stst,, t ,o, BRI/AD IIAUGE. . -... Me I,llte t,. reach a,l the 1134, , ,,, , 1,1.14 .part 111 s ~,, ,L,„,,„ . t h e . h ai.rue , t h roug h Lib b ecome . a ~,,,,,,,,,,7 .. Hr.; Rogers , .lignip of 4 ,,, .. 1 f haus, iteti-th, licilifilkW4Wea§PW , : 1t : . :7 1, 16 , ° ,,, 7 ,, Gt - ::: t- s . :7 . r n t ‘ l .. 8 ,, i d uil ,., •:: 1 1 , i , L b,, i ' e a : ,, I ., :: . { . .: , ' I, l' , , ... 7 1 ,. ... i . ),,.. 7 .r. ag1-- ,,,h.sii.i tti ... 2 4 i t r i lerpoc w.itt hth t de t ,pidr o h. ur p ly p, w ciark at.d e a ns oufm th awi e no Vi tth e t w ethr i o t t h ,ee e mo io emi lt ,,,,,, Lo .1,4 lees ela.gille limn by any ,abler route The n0...1 1 , . . . . , s \ ... ...• i 11, . ~..1 ire-,r; 11 , ~,,•••• 12 .4 ILItO 4 D. • ..• •n.. 441,41 'piing and l est itulirnar.l In the Weel—At.l. r ,„ 04 , 4 autt y... , 0u . nun. • '' r' • •,' 4 •.S. • t t 2,.. s? .- ts i S t • ! wet .. . ltil t !ie. 111,01 I En.,berral....,4l.lvtiete and alegant /.. A CAUTION I . - , .), , % , 'r_ .• s. ~ l I ,ttl.ditt t i li . i' i lir.sl:! ,'..(;11 r , , • - i - L 1 ,1 7, 1 , 11; LI / ~ I, Ni,,rses Invigorating Cordial has been countedeited 11 . ever , Abir l, Ulla 1,....,te, plutornnest ore t•ure of making Conn, 1 ...,. 00pr i 0c ia. 4p .„.,,,,,,,,,. e i 4., : . --- • •sa . / A l rt vlll /4 •t S t. Lt . , " "u .I " rt.ed toas, , sr.idn ' , ; I future ail the genuine Cordial will haviettie pr later a,l was Tire coltmera ctriiit Or. iti Obitill . 7 1!- • • . 5 . 5: ,' ' '' /• •• •k ". •5 ', i '. -1" I ' ll. e.'41'",,: :bedew r f. " ' . ll '' r . h' 11 ' .‘ ' . ' ' S . 4... 'I. I ' r L ' r . . g. ' ." kr''' " ..-1 thin g''' . "' ''"`","' ' fee-Lull,' pasted over the colt of each bottle, and the IbIL, l COligil, 00/14, .In l = l2 A, ~. ...on . f ...„ ~.,.. the I,llr Id . , Alt.., lo words blown In the : Spittihg ' Blood, Asthma, .• '''''' `-` .:'---- ".'' ''.'-'•'''— .'''-'-.'",',- - ' I''L f - CM t a I E Dr glean: i 1in,..;.A.: , ,1., - , ....7,1 the llg• 1 - nrrl . ,44.0. nU• 11 • . Morse's blVigoreiting Cordial. ....„ .• ~ •.• r • int •e.l'a ,L,h:'- . t • '' •"•.' •• ,„,,. h„. ),,,,lb,, , ~ny 1., , ,,,,, • C. IL RING, l'roprbetor, N. Y. 1 AND ALL OTl[Eit LUNG Co3lll4agEi .. '-' -"' I . '' '''"l'''''''''''''" 'l . ' ''''' i ''''''''' . flin.o,ll i.a . K . ? . ..r. t., th e, r o u te can be pnrciaased a ea ~, d ..•ks. Curdral Is put sali, highly t w o fo rested, in pint boot a . t,. , i. , ‘,.,. t, . t . ~,. ~.. s ....t the 1.... it , a I tat -e , 'n IhrtEnAl ; rat the 1,11110 . .1 the 0 tot --price thrth dollars per bottle, two for Ilse dollars, six f.• I I VI:RUING To ‘. ~.:, .. .... ~ ... 1: 1 /,'.l . ' I, ! % . ' , I ...!, 15 :-.5 •. `I i 1 i ••• tter 1r , bat acre r. ' I '''' ' • ''''" ' I I ;me' Late An oars, in .11. e Grams. t ..«Iva dollars 0. 11. RLNO, Proprietor • • • I ~...r.te . it :Sc t lad of the lialena HallrnAd, and at U. • 122 Broadway, ~... l' ~ ', ° Ni s u N . „ o . t ..,„, ~.„:„... ~,,, ''"l' "I' ~.,,,,,.., I A " 1 . 1 . 5 1- .I.ls I ttAl, • , wa c u ~,,,h.,, 0, ' 'tt ttltL7a. 5.••0/ral 1 1•nr , ..ei 'Mire. turner Of Lek. Aar toad by Druggist. throughout tho United States, tante, i jig r Ni 74 1 .olts•tt t•tt ,Itossoo. t , ' ' ; :11 atre , to, ,re , -I , e 1 '74 .1: lit 11,14 , , I 1,11eA,. rlad the Went rndlea. ; ''''' • ' I tt" '''*. ''' ..--'` " ' I.'"""' a:. L. IL' ' '. •s ' 7. • 1"" " 1 ahlollt ~0,,,,e,, . t 1 , , this rota will rams Immeli., ,, - / 1.11 ••••5 AGENTS: above Expeeberant,'tireintrieWsitYctpiritintett , ..,.., ~. ~ C. U. HAMMOND, Sup't Pittshurgti Ow GEO. fl. KEYSER, No. 140 'Wood et. I T Physician and Chemin, TIMIZInfr become a standard i .°- Inal, LLA , /, At 3 A A C. E. tot-LETT, ?LEM CYO 8R0.% No. 60 Wood street; kreparattan, and is oreeed. for the COMMETY CAM of I 'i.e.. TaA.5 t_rott'Au 4.T 7 .T... s It General Taket Agent, Chicago R. E. SELLERS, Wood stmt. those diseases of the TRILIEWL'E cud ',LIUNGSs • ' ' ''" ' ' -' o ' ~ '' , . e. r .I. •I, E 4- -, ...;, be pr , tired at the prtnclpa: Rah, ..•• ett , ,,, ,;neny . ci ty... tEctllg .3.l g. msx . E N N AN; t • ttac•ec 7lre , '' .. ,, , t• 1, 11 ! , reet.,... , r “....,,p.,:0 il,r , 1 . t lidllA If neglected, wand* , tern:manta fatally in CORP. • • , ... of •:h. ~,n e icy ruhl'e r. r• . Ilr. ,te tbaut , .. ; t Ge. 'Li, A.. ! M,l4lli.did 7 0 Eht.- a ; __JAMS:. T. SAMPLE & CO.; -- ; SII7 DIP TIONs -....: I , c.r. at American and U. S. Repress and ....J. P. FLESH - NO. ' any minaret! whatever,. but isceut , ce=d entirely of Chops . . aon t t'.., ut, te...J. D. PARS, Cincinnati. (aplldse Ii Roots; Herb., and Veotable Wee., whith have a Mall Route. . specific influence upon the Lungs mid thee's:cum:Med . -,.e •• - .. • ...au., PC:, Arl ....I , 'As: ar, ~, A 1 (dry le.--,‘ A B =detail-no Optuss, Cakenet, or INHALATION 1 organs. Its immediate effect hi to, allay all irritation. 1 a 'ail ei , of DISIANt_f: 'LAN , gi, FOR THE .t. ; • • e•lb,..i ../ .ae, AND 1116,..,../. 47.1:17e , ~r , ' .4r• n • I L 1.,., r• . 1..a.0..... • ~, . al l I.;•tranr g ttl: ' =llr 4ge4 Ultl einB ol2l ATI Z II I O. V' • i too harm gen trom tly th rem e o Thr ve o uii3 a a. ptd d egarand other morbid Itecre , ',. •.. 155.1., ruastlA;.; the • !..-..rent..1(11 1,/ , a, ! 1,,,m1 ron ~ .e,, A I it LINE ROUTE (IRE OF ASTHMA AND CONSURYTION, ! the e mers Leh °°n w h' _ give risert'rs it. •• It Is approWeit of and - rr- A.,— . . ~,t. a luso. •- et % -.1 , A.Ak A ~....., o.ora .0,, ;• .......,,., ~.,. 111171,Liel ! commended by Physicians of the h%best staildlng, and, 5 SA- -- Au 1..;,•• l . 0 ::.; ,- .oh 1 1 .2.. u.,;“ 5.11 n 11.0 k it-rA.t. NEW AND VERN WONDERPUI.. i may be given with perfect afety hithe youngest child or .... .., , e.,. *I , I, ~.. A. , :1,......rue , 1:11, 1:1-11(..'A.Gt) ANL) ST. LOIIS,- I I. ~ : the most delicate &nude. \!A CHICA•io, A MoN AND sr. LOUIS HYGEANA Lees than ht/sabot& will. generally cure any oldie? • -01 liens 517 mon rlt7l==r49PßEarl BROUGHT RONA: TO TIM DOCCR 01 THY IitILEIOn . nau COLD or C 0174211, bE fonewirlA lb° di r e c rlorts- • , i.„ —,.. a. ; . 1(41e One bottle is usually sufficient for a case of 'Wane : t! • ••• 1..... 1-,..4;!. I t.o. enza. . . A few dome will relieve Tickling in Vulliroa,t,l . ; ii . or Hottravilelser. tiAlthIERS' AXI MECIIANICS LIFE, FIRE AND 2.1../IN n.t NCR C.,,MPARY OP PHILADELPHIA. Capital ClOO,OOO amount .1' .031.10.90071' TTus . 00r111 , 011„y etriSt-to Ineuran,- • J:iuldlne rv (i 'ut ; Furniture, hr. Marine malillmOu 1,4 , 411, Freight. Inland Insurance ,••• JUsers, Lake% Canals. [Willow's, and Land Corriate [net- Canoe upon Liver, upon the most toruri ,, is terms. DIRECTuIts. Hon. Thomas B. Florence, James E. Nenll, George IL Armstrong, Charles FA. P. Middleton, K R. flelmhold. George Heins hold. Fred. C. Browstet , Thomas Slander&ld_ loan Leech. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, President. F-DwAse R. ar.LXBOLD, Secndary. PITTSBURGH BP.PRRIENCES. Lion. T. M. Howe, lion. J. R. NCClltinck, Hon. P. C. Shannon, Col. it. W. Black, Hon. J. B. Guthrie. A. B. N'Calmerot, Es q., Thomas .1. Keenan, Itael, Wilson :11'Candless, Lon., Col. J. Heron Foster, tiem J. K. Moorhead, B. M. Riddle. The character of the above Compasy Is of the lltst clam. and combines the rare and unusual prtv.luges of Fire, Malin.. and Life insurance. Gentlemnll of elevated standing are .sociated in Its man agement., and interested an StockliJklers. THOMA.e J. HUNTER, Agent, IST te., Water etraet. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CUMPASIi, 01 7 PUILADEL! Fll A. Ltnacivit3—Charles W. Hauck Thom. Itn.rt, Wagner, lialnutil Uraut, Jacul. It. awith, t.i.vc. IV. Itactimas, Nlortlf , l D. AtikAlliti E. Dorb., barld Brn.m . ne. Slor Pres;dritt. Se:retary l>aritauue w oaks, meuraure, perpetual, llinlted. ou ewer) deac,iption of 1,, oporly, In town 1104 country, at late, is, lOU 111 art consixtent with security The Company have re.erred a large ioutlueeli, which, with their capital arid premium., rarely iureeteti al ford ample pr,,coctluil to the assured The Assetet of the Company. on January let, 1 , 2. lathed aaratatbly to an Act of .keitembly were ae t. How, ‘'Z Mortgage . Real Eetate Tunporary buine Cagh, do ,„ Since thou iue...tporall.a, npurt,4 ..1 to rt,t)int)i tio7 have paid upward ~1 nii Mi , ll •0.11 1.1 eiand Dollar,, loam. 11,y Are, therg , . arlordlng ',Wet," of 16• warm:ll4l4oo i,i indurauce.lia well aw Ute ability art du poc1 , 1: •, to meet with profit flees all I.l.elithee J. t.A.ILDIN EH I.NiFFIN, Agent. a '24 tare. zit•rth , “rt • ••t. ...al and PENNSYLVANIA INSU'RANC'E VAN Y, tiF PITNEWFUJII etrnetli food rt) tt.l,ekt -1 1,, nee ID) Flt.. Ihtl , l th. dm tl4, ell I C I elen.l N end Treliepurlatleo, E., [...ay t• Sproul it 1l A A lurrl , l W Ilasm, I. 1 I•nrk II E ji„.,, 1l NI k .E,ll\ •1 11y, A 11 LE, , •. ' A 1 I 1,1.1 y .L 3 Axratx. Wm I , W 'Chu t 4 k I , \l I•mic. 1!E=!!!! .13CUL. N• (1.. y Tll E N E D STATLS LIFE A.NNUITY '•1 :•T n u. 144).1 tprvi 2r.ti . t 1,1; ern, lei.. Sootti,Ant I'6o-m1.404u Til F. Ili ,I4•l,tvrti R etaa A int.r~ W hettlatt4:o ll L kllLwot tin.lurtti {`.../...roar—alet.h-z/ ! I We PrlSdOrtl—Am - I 1i...t0k , -ny 'O9 • Y, II Nlowr) WP:STERS ISSURANCI. 1:011'.\ 111 , 1. , t1“4 KOKU Son r tar ) NLAiust k.1t..11,4 rt... •, I AAI \ ware vr,!i 4 I! .1, , ! , ,atilatlo. ua nt.Fe.l k. 7 1 t. 1:1‘.1,a r.antalanity at. ati.l 114,-r.lily 4. rpit.lll4..et,lh., . I Uuy ••••iittlVd. u • 111,1 M, t r .te. ••!,... . 1.. ,n...trv,..1 Di N. 31111. r. Jr C W Rukrrr m , J \ 11.4.tne. VI II r.tatth, I I kw..., c.• S 1 .14 • out, wr Ar . Jnn.n. Lem,. sat Al ' O 4 3 Al l• I.a“ der \uu /CAL, / ,••• LA , • 45- •. 1,. •B Wntnr at , I,* '•• 4 • ' 0.114/ - 11 I.aburgh Pittsburgh Dollar Ravin Q• lustDutton :v. to S NOW OPEN dnily fr,tri 9u• 2 ••1 W.lo,velay and ".:I . . turdAy o tAei• .ta eivratwr .ii 0.., L•.“. •od . dffidood th.. ler.o11••I t , J.. , on 4 lotore.d on. dr. lam( •• 111,.....• oi •1, •ant oar,OlO. an lbw Ent of a,,ut5.1r.14, tt4..• Ity Hui , * w. iStlots. fttruillvel gnats. oil st Clr 411:01.10" \ SIJ ri ll 11.4. , rrk 11-kbur }I k R Atte, 14 Illisto V Jo4autos. imams W liAthaoo, 1401,y W Llttam Mak:pc nr.rtiTLY.a.. ),{..• {St.,. 'St , •Ica: )t. It.;1, ./ I , —.t rotttwrt..en. I I Izret I .irenitner 0.4211, ALr..O A. Oerrter. + , tryr. • r i h. ... ftr4.••• ii 4.4 4 ,• kl,sarn /14,-ts .54cretary sad 11. - II 1,1 4 I Iyl,lly BANKE1::) AM) ItiwKI.:ES +('ll\ Li nOll, 1;:;', Er • et., r. t , ..„ 6.1:4 I . l.steh tan, •11.-ihl , ie.,. I I 'l.* s. AL. hehs.thhiene , sl, the el tehh.l. .; h. h h .4NA Nr - 110LNIES SoN!•. liatiltei • :/i,tl 1./ • totcsq - e ill •44. k • I •i• , ••gut. Pril vet •.1 haul. .4 II ok.{ u Caw.. otasissaly wt. (;••11. , in.u. 1.0.ir /14 .II atiow LI. ,•u4to.nr tlw I mt• in tug.!. .r • urr...• r•^l 1.4 we., thiril nu,/ V nit it. •tvi fl E. A }{NOl.l) Bunker« arid A. Jr auan.o. 1.4.1.,• Ir. E. t.,n,. • and Tun.. aft. t ) t•.. .a• 1 prznalted to y pwrl t 1,• L. 1...n/gltt and .4.1 0:1 w Bunker and •t/ i) Itr Itnng, Nut,. t....g111 uul r,14 !;•,- I.•• luter,st 1 , •t4 N•. uN l, y l'uurth •trreq, smart) ..plowotte th. fl tt Haw IL rriIU.MAS IVOUL)S, Onnult , rvial Bn,kor, ;yid A. bus!eq . 11.44%1 FYtrtu, it , Yourtki strool, 1 llt.gburgl/, Ps. DRY GOODS SPRIN() 0001)S- - 74 Milrlvt street, Pittsburgh, I's Flo. •ul.e. fiber,. havejun' / ‘ornt and are now optional; their iliet szrisni Skit l!olt i.01t.1118, to which this) wish to cell the perticulna attention I their cud 4161, end the public 4. , •nereolly it'a tint to, 1./ I OW/ •4/2 that we hare IleTer been able 1.. Olint n, liendweo oid desirable • stock no tius preeent Our 1/ft Mel lkfUltr , DEPAHTM \ I —.tattoo. on ti. •• eke end novelties of the .sawn - Kstro rich Black and Colored Molrrtutnio4 • Jasper, Chen* end Striped ^ tltettmd and Plaid Bled " Naval silk Ylowneed Rotow " liftrece " " Lawn Also, Tissues, Bereges, Clue HIIA W 1,13 AND NIANTI.XB. Our etussil and Muutl ILu n is supplied crab 'A styled ut crape, l.:ddliniere, etella, 811 k, Rite Ciadatillis, Litre, Ac.. NESDLE WORK. .lurk of Collor., Ylouriclugs, Moored, Ae., I. aid 0,11 ;mused by any stuck Host of the A /MI, siudd eidieirtinent AND ll'/Ust. rifitslmiuNO tkA,I/S. DOSIERTICR. Prints. ()intim/at (linala, Nittalins, Ticklnge, Kentucky Jeans, Ca.. Wet us, Caowintsoree, Cotton, 1.11.11. sad Van! Mug-. tr. Aix., tilovea, y, Hit/bums, and every otbot uscialq kept in !trot -clamp Dry ()taxis Howie, to wblrL au solicit a call and examination beture yurritatng aa we Jul oontident we have nova beau *blip to eibliat sort/ a desirable •Uvrt. LUX f. IJKOTPLEkt, formerly Young, Stavantin t Lora tnbl7 73 Market 'trait, Pittsburgh, Pi 110 TELS. MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ, PIUMILLIITOR, No. 344 Liberty s treet, just levude the Passenger Depot uf the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes It the meet convenient house le the city for passengers arri ving by that road. The proprietor having, at ceusidarable ex;ertists, tilted up, In exoplient style, the MANSION Royal:. would respect• fully solicit a share of public patronage. There la attached a splendid STAI3LI and extensive WAGON YARD. afford. leg ample scrommodation to travelers and teamiaturs. lDe Larder and Bur will be furnished with the bast the market can afford. leiLy QT. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. Clair streets, Pittsburgh, Pa—The undersigned, rootlet l) Itrown'e noted," having taken this large and comma Mous lIUTEL, and having refitted It In magnificent st would respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public to give him a call. Assured, with the convenience of the house and his long experience in the buslneas, n entire satisfaction, and his charges moderate. feb22 W5l. C. CONNELLY _ - (.Y01.) INTENT - 110(1SE, corner of Liber Nji ty and Limit streets, hear the !Winn' Dept. Janlaly JAMES 81.1ANhOS, Proprivtot RESTAURANTS KENNET ALE.—W. D. ENGLISH, Sole nattier of celebrated Kennett Ale and Itrown Stout. Also, Camtuon Ale awl Poi ter, 10 quart end bottle. The attention I 4 . famillea, and the trade, is tful ll MINERAL WATER AND SARSAPA }ULLA —MI. D. ENOLIBH, Pitt etniet,luw Penn, la now manufacturing and bottling the above beverages on 1.11 extensive smile. lila articlea are of the beet quenty. and Ill•11116itnred from the purest mahartaln. ,tl7 '•Zi • d 1 t?sqi • • so( vatan y, L t, al.". 5..; t, THE PEN \Sll.‘ ASIA RAlLlioAll tillt to.Ekr, it“1:11. .13110:tu• • u•—•• r K. r • be I ,ersti Philudelsitil•d: Pittsburgh - ..1 =REIS ?NI Corral l tolleol VUlle• Mall •nd F_ tp. taa 1!!1=11t1 ••ii+• Jut nntl t ., mg•tv Itr milt , • ••• at. t: lorlAttl river elavignii., , t 1.0 0.1,1 41, liotira 1.. 1.11 a •,1' the I I‘et I ) Ir4lne II ut • I 441 11, 16.• I•. Omit", I , o.4litte. nll.l .01 ,ht• ,•,toft. .1, lut.l al .J II ,) a I . and r e I . I 111.1%,th I‘ II I Fal.ltl\UllAll t.Ct.). IRAN kji 11 w LIN 1.16 N \ A t ANAL ICA 11-ROA, O.- ri m j „„ t., .1,44 AT V ti I lit t 1 .1.•1 1 .111s. .t Nov. 1 rt.• vie thr 4tair i 1 h r y nIII prty 1., t 1 u, ). V.ttoolnit 6 11 owl Jollibatowl.. hating ft OA I I.'e LIN I.: t. / I. I ItiCr I 1.A1.11, \ NAV L 1 A N IA CANA L. I,OATK, 1.• too ski.. ron,lor r).ltro sitl2•l”, win I,‘" lElt'S TELANSPOit'I'AI'IoN Autwitutilis the eaut of larilltlea tas I, anal va Uurt Vitaaltta to mud flow Ilia Vaal eta nil., via Paouttylvaula tkutal suet Itaut,..,,a, a,. ~,,, ne I await! uur mt. k al Itula, Kama, tun Itva lII,h DAILY 1.1 iCC which Kivaa u. a rasps , : to of over 1(00 I et, par month taull say W. wire uttl Irsautta, and (Imo, de.l,sod Is latruslss the Kate impruvetnautv. there adl Ito ttuthluktaxed part I a autlnt 0 , 1101.1 eat.lllNolloll 111 folWal ding iteettat 111U1 Wolitl,ll Vr.4llle with protuptituda su l ttosiatteh K I All Canal Uwlu, Pittsburgh, I's. rill! Al' LONG EXPECTED BOOK, the 11 rARPOIVORA VI I' IPIOOI, t•y Ftnl , •rkk t COL,bei tnvt 12no, alms. Dill no doubt ho tho v. , 1,111a, deotino.l t a largo sale. l'larltisiah, u song that's b)• no anthai , —..a dood i. ante—p.,rtw•trnted bf Q K. Philander !kw/Molts, P. If .11111 t 111.1VM1 I , ) W A. OILDENYENNEY & co . Firth st., oplawilte the Thoatro AIiARDE; LOTf c o - 11 s:lL&—Containing eh aCrell • 1 excellent Land, aftuuted on Ow wat,r3 Lbarttore Creek, in Robinson township, 4.4" mits fro,.ii cit), Ind uoar ismeolhearts Fording. The Land PI ‘r,li adapted to (lard...tang piirposre..t tt lIM eloping 1. 0.1 has a comfortable Vrtune Uuuno .30 foot by 10.,.i,,. and a hill' su,rlQ- high; /1 good spring of water at the d 0.... and a Pulpy of choice Fruit Trees mat commencing boar Price per For further particulars, apply to BLAR Ll' & }LIMEY, Real ?state Brokolli, Corner Seventh and Smithfield ate. - - - Sem tb,• of it approved and •rellnble ranetb•e. wuule.rale and retail, at the Seed and Agrlcultur,d Ware hon., 47 F•tlth atruot. of (ILO) JAMES WAHDIt.,P. ODA ASH of a good and uniform quality manufactured by thy Penmytrania ;Mk Manufacturing . Company et Texentrim: on bend and for sale by FLEMING 1R02... ALSO. 3gr Lu.llum'v Sneelflr.' groan 11,,o8antra List nwn thttarn I . lit Liam Tragahnhth • 44.1.) 11.. Nutmeg,; Cou,utrated Lye, a new articlo 1., making S.. the pound worth ton of putaert , hand d kr( to b.) Lny3 FLEMI and 1310.', O LOT near Bakerstown, Awill th, 6,..1,1 vary low, If applied for soon It coatathe our-fourth ot an fare dad le in a cautral position, Apply OLAILELY A RICILEY. ... "'R- i v - ",•. ti Ly't'.-'rf '": ljr.=io`~- `-'. 4 ~ ; ~`aa ~.~'~y:o~ 4 4 • 4, SMNE I. I), L. tot t!,••• t I lir•dist•l.. ; • I:, 1(4.1e •••••4 14, .r •i.f••• •' • '•'*‘• • ff •, a4d .In:l,hr-4 r—A..t. •• •to• .”.1 ti sa .4:.u.baa.. ‘cr6ta of,: I, • r.,, i• J. • •, , ••,.1 11 1' T • , . t • I=l r - A i . %I. I I • • - ILLINOIS ITSTRAL RAILROAD \ \..lruin- l,l \ I ‘,/l ) :i• A•o , %!,.. 1.1 aa, O• 661 •• Au! t •.•• I x =l=l =ME In==l •1 • A N .101 1 1. , I' t/ 41 , •1, •1.11' , 111 1 V Ot Ottiti",tl .it. lo .4 ~.\lll k, • I St a.,l n:, I On,. l , Iyol 11 riv•t I F.t Nllll/01 . it , Canal-11441h RifgISEEDS--Carden, Field and Flower , ,„:1' A RAILROAD, Fortnerly C Ixicago and 1/Isodasippl. (i• • 1 , ) 1.1. t Trn. te.• • ••• , :t: t ate, •trt,t— ,. I utl 1..1 I. pro.* ax)y, ex-e ;,1, 7'15 A %I • i.ott nt pry.. y , tbt ardn e 1 .•• I ktt t tit! tt. ••! cm• a tr•JI: :10.1 ;11.11 thy emttratn,.. on:lat I • a ILLINbi.I.II., curtails. • 6.0 • Atttr... tr. ta P . 3.v•rnr, 1 rams 110.21Altcr. hol:' •, J A •I 11 A hi. ,• 11,,t-a•irt • 1,1• with Stlsi 1% 9.11,1,1L134 . 11.1.1 t .1C •t • ,13..11.1* I..uuisxr lard.n.ltra • .1 r !. •tr!. r• trxxdox: Is ..!u; ntltx - x nS x ; 'I 1,1 I K •r-1 LtfliASß la tr.. cu. at , 117 v, .1 ••1 de4 lyed I' 13 , ...ra1ug1.n.."N't14,1104.1 R•.l ; , ..7, • 111 r., •In 4 i ~ u to 1•1 , ..adn,.71 ...- I. ,prn,,,11 , 0t, than by ant tsttr, =EMI 4,1 A.p". I . • N 1) I R T ROUTE. iaitagma azia Erna rubenx llle Si. Indiana Railroad! • , 111 . !.q. .I .r: .l 11, %, au) t , IS. , I ~l'Itt•I•tlt.;1, k I r, kl I.\ 1.11 . I 111 • t: Ir;ant an I anunn.ng Sloan,/ 4, c.a.:m..1,1,d , tllorfs. vl.l laa.k Plt I.\ 11 ht Cal•tain , /skl.noa 1%1111 kj1.1'11•• " J., Do- h.,1•1 I and nat. aranak,knt, k .. I 11— , .11,, 114.4 yang...naa tn.; with the Fmst M stt.skiet o , tttt t, with , • 11.... niankLna ~ ,1 111.A twbie niglit'• kr 'oft • , r.el Iky rmfr.a2:l • 1.11 I.t ••••dh.l 11411,./1 14•41 1 lA.. lankier Inknrlnallon, oil• J HOUSTON , 11 .t.r uteri, httaburgh. Vt . ! roN.,,,,iwn.!, , : dr•ut I.K 1 •• 1, ,/annt.4l l ,a , ol n.a coNNETI.SATLTE or& \ WFST NEWrON Tn C nn Irvin litt•bulgh. t.n the 1 ougithoglien) I . l.t•irm imns I. .“ 1,•1 tn. trlAttnvortA Ili li ..1 n.• 111 U. thv• ant r 1. • 11.1 A A., ft oz. I'l. (•, r.r l' , lll‘,lls, Jia, 1.1", I I.- I.:01,1. • rk ;:i los"• h, ha,' 21. , re 1t 01,m1,1•1+ ill 14,, es..o bull-1..-t +L. 11, Nov, low. ,Ltg the, kttf h Ole 'I'I rllt,!, ~11 WO, n. 1 ,1 It.on t. ••• :II II .11 A. ; I f, Ille ttUO for IlluotoWo Mt , IL , LlllotstEt . mr t• I" I 11,11lonn a. led% r CoILLICIIN%111.• 111 duo morning, at 6.16 k, wl.Pl‘, nal coutloct I horn srith nt ill than t., l'ittothurgli at i• M=gl Ii 1, cm' Froiglii tind i'mpwrigi, Train will Imve Cum 111, at lii3o A M.. :Ind roi tuning, will lent r Al M., quypltig, at all uny Ntatlrmn for frkirlit awl I..m.otliiors. 11 I , alurdny the' u.uJ taterut.on train will Ito ore!' nittll It , 6 , 11,,xing morning gt. B:3u lido. k. hy the Snaturdny afterno.on haat trona Pitt. tntrgk ,atkhy thin strangenigut go forward without delay. F.d turtle., lot,tuntton,apply t.) the Officer% on Wald the LOLI AN, the Agents at West Newton and D. W. CALDWELL, t Aa,iataut .`upertutendent. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD 'IWO DAILY TRAINS I , RoNI PITTSBURGLI To RITTANNINO. Lear. so fullow, Nu. 1. lix.prool, 8:3o A. &rriving at }informing st 11 A. M. Ni Accommodation, 530 P M., arriving at Kittanning or .5 P. M. .TAG WILL RUN FROM KITTANNING, la route, ui.ia with the Trakt, kir the folhAvlug placa: _ YAK!. /ARK Malt uniug . $1 7b111r,.),111e R A . $3 if, Clarion 3 251Etr,ly'a Rend 2 26 Red Itl.k 2 23', Renueraburg 2 fle 71, !, •,. to All of the ahoy.. plat-cn can be procured at the Wife , • roar of Penn and Wayne ettreate, and at the DepOt alio:hut.. will leave the corner if Market and Fifth, and l'enn and Wayne acreete, at T.. 40 A. M. and 4d50 P. 1..„ in I. onunction with the Trait.. A. .1. any . ' izncerintandent ARM FOR RENT.—A small Farm, con taming 24 aCIVII. .1.111•• no mile txlow the city, oppee .41 • \lanchester. There is on the preralsea, a large frame r. and stable. about lon hearing apple trees ; also peach, beers end plum trees, grapes, hr. Is place would suit perfecter. For terms appy to my 9 B. C. I, J. li. SAWYER, No. 47 Wood et. FARM FOR SALE.—We offer for sale a kAt in of Ilm ecrms, about 334 miles littmetegne', sca n.,,. en the Allegheny Valley Railroad). The Improve arm atm consist In part ore. good and roomy dwelling house, *Me barn. &c 3 iwree of the land is cleared end cultlium ted. balanoe tizntmAr. The whole in Wa brit od by micelle/it Pi Inge. 4 1 14 DJ [Mr BLAKELY & RICHEY. N.; IM=lME=;=gwm=m=o!t!m ; 1....,,aat : 4 ucttli7s e • . ri ft.e. 1; - .1 Lit tato..., /..,),1113..Tr . , A :tom,y, Buff wnJ at vi 11, •tt,„• t ttt, t t„, ?co ttto StAtutt, tuttl fu Chx-ag. , az.. • ../,• .•• I.,ac —O, t.tititootte low 1.•• .•: I totLtA. t'vttinti I •,‘ I ,t . Jr,7111,s tLLIUL•It'ht I• prrrslicitoti TO UT I UAW T, /it i A L\l), I rmt.•‘ Pot, tt sett Ott Mmui h vi MEM! l•'alI Arrangement RAILROAD Fare to Kittanning, 51,25 kcM5ll A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY has reeent .L mad,. hy Dr. CCIITIA, of this city, in the treat I. Coneumption, Asthma, and all &sasses of the Lung-, IV° rafor to - Era. lirrizans„ on I...otauvo 1111SCA 4..r0 Coast Sravr.” With this now method, Dr. C. Los many aftlicted ones to health; an an erldence ct • hr too innumerable nor tillcaten. speaking of th• treatment. a physician remarka: .• It is evident that inhaling - uisrantly breathing an sgrweeLle, healing rapor--the •rovd,tnal ji upertiao must come in dvoot contact with [kr , • anal catltios of the lunge, and thins escape the man:: and varied changes produced upon them when introduced int,. ties stomach, and stiluoct to the process of digestion.' The IlyKr:ana to for rate Ly all the Druggists throughout tin country. lani. Dracharon of.rantrary 14. ht. Inhabw en worn on the brawn, untbw the linen, with tb« iewat inronaenirnor—th• bnat of the body lelas knit 1.. ..annotate the llntd. Ilundrece octanes of AAII4II, 1:1,« ;he Coll.r.nuf . , might be narond: Ono naakage of the Hirano has cured me of thr Asthma, of «Lxyeara' annudizig. J. F. KEzzorgy, Postmaster of Duncannon, P. I am orf.l of Mr. Asthma, of ten years' etxudlng, I.y Th Curtis' I.ls,coana. blesosart EnstoN, Brooklyn, N. Y. 51, Ysc4 el zi,„ 5 tr , ..oroonri street, N. Y., was tnrest of cu.. of Bronchitis Sr Liss Hyrum. tly Meer tn.., lanai cured oi a citenr;neing rough., of aererai eon.' mending. and dadded to to Incurable I; y the phyni ',on. Met mad cared In one month, by the_ 117gennn. J. H. GAVILEIT, RiC.lolld, Me. The net. he. Caul - Ea. of Now York, teatifiee of oar medi 0100 1.1:1 the following linnet:ago: MR. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has diseov °rod in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures awry kind er Iturwar, from the wore &roleLe fwa common Pimple. lle baa treated it In over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except In two mum (both thunder humor.) Ile has' now to his possession over two hundred certhleates of Its value, all 'within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a trereing sore moat& One to three bottles will cure the worst king of pimples of the fees, Two to three betties will scour the erdem orboile. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker in the month and stomach. Three to the bottles are warranted to core the worst case erysipelas. One or two bottles are wei ranted to care all humor of the ie- E SATISFACTORY REMEDY—From eyes- Two bottles are warranted to care rennin got the car dead ail parts of the coantry, north and south, the propr ter, are antesit daily to receipt of such Bettering test:hum:it. blotchesamong the hair. Fear to air bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and mu tilate the fallowing, relative to B. A. Fetmeetock's unequal. . nine ulcers. ed Woradfuge: . . thundentoao', Abs., April 1801, f • One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the skin. , Jr: ores ." ' , Wind:get th.-1 have been selling your • Two to three bettlee are warranted to cure the most dcsi- mange in all. place for five yearn, and take pleasure to perste caste of rheumatism the information of the trade and of the l,uhllr, Two or three bottles are warranted to cnna the woad cases i hat it low been, so far ea I know, one of the meet satisfao. rai g worth- Three to four bottles are warranted to cure salt damn. iiiri rentedlee to the mar ket, and one of the mart saleable Five to eight boltice y will care the worst case of scrofula. nwd e tt., I have ale personal knowledge of its Aexperienced from flat En bottle, end e.t echicta in numerous cases under the treatment of our a perfect care Is warranted when the above quantity Is pt)..l3Lt., all of whom use It regularly, end always fiend sale cost t eftable cia a worm specific. I can men. I ' 4°l ' Nothing looks so Ituprobeffie to those who bare hr vain mond it as one of the 1M5024 and bed in the market_ e. STOLLEN WEILCIi. , tried all the wonderful medicines of the day, as that a com elated and sold by R . A. FeLUNESTOCH won weed growing in the pasture, and along Ohl:done wails mif.e corner a Wood end First sta., Pittsburgh. , CO., stun' 'ld cure every hunior in the system ; yet It I, now • heed tact. If you have slimmer &has to start: = 'There are no Ifie nor ands, hums or ha'a about setting some awes. and not yours. I peddled over, thousand bottles of it in the vicinity tit' Boston. I knew its efforts-in every case. It hasalready 'done some of the vatted cures ever done in Maseachusistts.. t iCILTe it to Cletritra year old; to old peimbe of sixty. I hAve seen pair, fumy, wormy looking children, whcse flesh was soft and flabby, restored to a perfect state of health by ; one bottle. To those who 'are Folded - to eat*. heeded's, one bottle will Wimps cure IL. It gimes greatrelief to.adarrh and dlr. "Mese. Some who have beet' costive for years, have taken and been regulated Mid. Where the latidylci sound it works Tune easy, but where there is any derangement of the tune flans of nature, It will arr a s Very singular reel age , but you mast not beatandied.-theyaltreys in'ftotti Sad Jays to a week. There letterer a Ncirstultfromit..„On the. .:entrary, when' that teeling'il him fe over,' you buff p . c . :mutat Ikea new person. I heard sortle - off.he mart extravagant aC6IIXIiUMI of it that man ever latched tthi of` diet Is ever aectotary,-cat thalteet ran ceinAet. I have Side an het& which; When simmered in sweet on; dissolveg ScrofulousewinWng ce the neck andsunder - the tam' Price , h 0 cent& Peke of the bledir , l Discovery sloper bottle. .I"ireciimir tite..L'-ftche table if tlithmaill Der day. Children mei- eight years,. tostert !ippon - children from live to eight year, tea-apt M no d ' irection tan be Made applimble to all constitutions, take enough to operato on the bowels twice a day. Mr. KENNEDY gives personal attendance in bad cage' of Scrofula. Sold, wholesale and rota, at Dr: SFYSER' , 6 140 Wand ' street, corner of Vlrg t i alloy, and' J., P. ' M. Alle gheny. apl2dydaw Nay, Voac, November LIS, MIL Dtar think lalpsly of Dr. Curtlo' 113-gettaa as a rem e-13‘ to diseases of the thrwat and lungs. Ilarrog had vvrtt opportunity to testify Its eilloto-y, I am roue Mead that It Is e. moat eacelleht medteino, both the Syrup and the fahallap ettple:att h to the [Last N 11 Chrua' 113-paha le the °RaiI:JAL sad UN LI C: 3. t SkIICLL; all others are New hnitatlool, or vitt: sad uertrathha aoratterterta Shun them as you would lear Us sale by Itt. boo. R. Keyser, 140 Wood street; R r A Leo A. Bocklaza, Allwhotty Cky; Jahr: New brlgtdon; C. L Sour, ray ltriaarao F. Brown's Essence of Jamaica Ginger. r rillS ESSENCE a preparation of unusual I u ordinary tharrticea, incipient cholera, - •s is, all maea pr,trlaiuu of the digeatire funnies., t . rein, Durtng the prevalence of epidemic hotel a and niunmer Complaints, It is peculiarly aClicazinuei •io tared), Individual or traveler should be without. It. crion.—Be slue to get the genuine EimenCe, width b “Lily by F. BROWN, at his Drug and Chemical •ios N. E. corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets, anti for sal,• by all the respectable Apothemnies IU the oitei Amite* and In Pittsburgh by U. A. PAUXESTOCR & CO, BCDLLY * CO. And In Allegli,ny ny W. W. WALLACE, STEAM MARBLE WORKS. 319, 321 and 333 Liberty street, )11,11to Smithfield street, PITTSBURGH, PA. X f N ME N' TS, TABLETS, and GRAVE oTON E...‘ always on howl; Stone and Marble Curbing • unite for Cemeteriee, wade to order. n! and Washstand Tops, and Imposing &ones made osectiluery, in lessiline and hotter style tbau can be done manual labor. Particular attention is paid to the holm, of NIARBLE MANTLES, ~1 which we have a large variety of beautiful patterns oill.ters and others are invited to examine our stock, sa we 1,1 pit - sueded that after doing so, and learning our prices, and upwards,) but few who aro able to own a goitl hocee, will be willing to remain long without procuring one or more Marble Mantles. They require no scrubbing nor painting; are always neat; are an ornament to a room; are oot liable to take fire, and cost but little more than a good wo el mantle. Marble sold low to the trade. hearth Stones made warder. iur stock of Marble Is the largest in the West, and being manufactured by the best wo.•kmen, aided by machinery, to earthy of attention. onion, szliirmicil to me, ut 3 Liberty street, Pittsburgh with despatch. W. W. WALLACIii. • c„INIUT MACHINES.— LILILL'S PATENT kJ BURR SMUT MACHINES, need In 70 0 MUle In the. ` 0 , *et They ran light, clean well; are durable, and when they become smooth, tho edge can be renewed by cracking the Burr. They have been used fer Ore years in the City Vittsburgh, , Mtie of the largest mills in the Weetoand are warranted to clean well. For particular', see Ordem tilled at 119 Liberty street., Pittsburgh. ap'2l W. W. WALLACE— _ TO MILL OWNERS.—French Barr and Laurel hill Atonee, Belting Cloths, ?dill Etp!tidies, MM I roue, Pcrewe Screen Wire, Corn and Cob ( hinders, Cast Iron Proof ;snag, &c_ always on band and made to order, at . 31.9 Llte•rty smut. Pittsburgh, Penna. ep2 W. W. WALLACE • • Q.TE ATSI kNAINES A.NDBOILERS.:- ij Engines. with the latent binproeements, searyiuttqd hest .1 malty, on hand and made to order. ikiLleree of Juniata Iron, nude on short notice. Orders tilled with despatch, at . 3W Liberty street, Pkteburgh, Pn. W. W. WALLACIL PORTABLE FLOURING HELLS. —The subscriber has on hated, and is tersatutteturig, Partible touring Mills, of an imppiwed quality; they are-very cam. parr. run light, grind feat, (fire to fifteen bushels per hour,) be drieeu by steam, water or borne power, anctwtil prove valuable acquisition to iron masters, ltunbermettandlarge stock feedenr. Orders tilled at 319 Liberty street, Pittaturgh. ap2xisw W. W. WALLACH. 11DP EESON'S HYDRAULIC CEMENT, OR 11 WATER LIME.—The undersigned keep constantly an hand a largo stock of this article of the best quality. The o nen ta , u of Contractors and Ettilidas of Navigation Locks, Aqueducts, Bridges, Reservoirs for Water Works, Are 4 is re quested to this article. The well known resistance and ho -1 of water, chtwactoristic ofthls,Cainentowiders c the first necessity in all structuresexposed to theaction. of outer or damp. (iii)3I:uENSLISII f womutusuri, ei A RPE'TSI CARPETSll—:3uperior quality A- 1 Brueselli, Canton Matt* tc„ tc. A frwb ertioni at the Fourth Street Carpet Store. °P.39 ,: r ~ , , PPM= • e • - Sold Lino by RRNDERSON d BRO., Liberty street; H. P. ACM WARTZ, and BECKHAM d McKIINNAS, dßOlitsal Oily. LkOrtaltuity H. P. SCITWARM., , Lge A. BECHILAM Id. I). a H. HcCALLIIM. :,-..-..... ' ,,, : -., .. 1. ?.21..it:7.:;:::..:,....-. ...„........, ~ REM p : . an:•= 4 'l Oyu bottle yin effectually step spitting Blood. Three to Bic bottles only are required In Bronchi* tis or Asthma. Four to Sight bottler wilt cure any case of Inclt f i;i . en t Consumption. - • OThe bottle is warranted always to do good, andaidisfy the patient that he is on the right road to a OCRE. Judge now whether or not it is best to Ise lt.. OrittG eater on file at the office from mtdthindes of restored sof fereri. A. L SCOVILL & Co., ProPrieunik No. 304 BROADWAY, (cor. Duane St.) New-York 1 Par Bale by all Druggists throughout the 'United BIM and Omadas • She For oak, wholesale and retail, by R. E SELLER, & CO., corner WOOd and Second streets. he Greatest Medical Discovery OF THE AGE.- sA.NDs IN _I t r AAvi,.Azmt444,ei . , Fire the Reamed and .ftemaneni o . ‘io 7 i'art Dimas artrinp from an Janney State of the Maxi, or Sabot qfthe Maters., 1101rEALTII depends pnncipally upon the I condition of the blood—ira paidation by Its passage through the lunge, and diatribution into the organs of ab sorption, citecilittion, respiration, an'd'secretion, ronsiftrite" the phenomena of Life Those organ* are imbued. with . wonderful syinmtlieticelanities if any one of them is im properly affected, they ailliecome irritated andlnflamed, the sto=ch gets deranged. rains of all kinds come on, eve daily in the head and limbs, accompanied with a burning heat, loss of Appetite, extreme nervous debility; trardata,mor bld naltioth deldwithat spirits, disturbed sleep, anctiadia. Padden to thithotheelittliteetilihleithl.ait_ egioni. _gibe 311.41 gaid be char* With tbk alement:4 i ii e %sense, Si must be the consequence . 7t Is then nt - that' a nsialterne is needed that. will rlmnee. and pnrify the inch is SANDS' IIARBAPABILIA. It assistadlgeetionxreatis petite, strengthens the system, and by removing the muse of the disease effects a complete andent Pcei. r The following unsolicited com=tion is -orb among thousands that warrant time todima addressed toms from ell illiartere of the world: to which Indicate:m=o3w /MIN Oakiduli Wan, blatc.l4* 18 04 , Maas. A. B. 41 , Scdidr, n • In, th e spring of Indiana with my wife and ;teen ittalL dren for Ciregoshandaed . sasgrat Baba= galls,tinaka River, withotlegiVakthleNece.ogainatPaS" seized with awe aogefe j>o34. in 0 . 1 1 i;i m - w —r .. day by daygreW inns e, tuatil Wiriest, contracted so latinful that be could not walk; we had to carry him in• et} about the wagon as /RAW: his tneanibg was drilidful, keeping uslinake nearly all algid. Rris riwicheel Many ion•tba gr ootoba, Warts out bet fatigue; by.this Wow-Re emit reduced to a - perfect idtigleton. Kern w e were Ma** to OMIT& aphyslcian,tin Bill,,iebo • boneetlYeeuteeeed bo, OqPid-not 9."0 11 0 i a1L 11 9 , 44*.cac04: give him medicine that agBd relieve the *IL /0 thin exi gency something remalned'to be done speedily, or death Waoi inevitable. Being recommended to try Sind-pariga, .procured a bottle; eftertakingsome he armearied worse; but persevering with it, l obtained almond bottle, white seemed to grapple with the disee3e, and caused a makod imp oe. in, ut; the swelling and pain in the lege et &a ie.auct,el, his appetite Itepreved,and his color begun ‘ to return. Thus en. co ,„. age d, I purchased *third Loftin, while taking:width the, se ,agrigs in his legs broke, and come pieces of lance one eighth of an inch long came out; after which his legs straightened and boated up. lie is now 'perfectly recovered, hits uo appearance of being-a cripple, and ceri perform most kinds of common labor. All this has been effected, as many ate aertify, by three tattles of your vatuable &reaper a. itif which, under .goelknck ukf e° , u reunie li'd44l)l4lting"= nisi. You*, totrectfutin — ProgatediiNn <told <blr A; R 4 &M g, Diligent, and Chemists, 100 Balton 'dm New Bold also by B. A. FAILNBSTOCK & CO., FLBMINO BROS.. ritestitinba and by Druggists plurally. Prim $1 per bottle, or ea bore Lice for apittklia 4., - :i•' , . .' -. .i T *'.< ,, ' , ' , -. , ';,`.'.,.!4•'..ft-4* .f'• ~~_w~-_ .~?, ...
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