Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, May 19, 1856, Image 1
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N ..„ !., ..!., ,„. ,e , , Six Dollars invariably tr..,t, t.t.i tt ~ •• peel 44 al, . .5...,..11, 44 , '.•'`..,.. 4 0 4 • , i_,_.1;,.4*.„,...,..- !4 :33.- i‘ , , . 4 ... ~ 4` r,.1,..i Or Single ooldna, Tiro Cr.rits-Y .. ,-t s , et t t,- 40 '3' sr sr4, 7 trA 31 / 4 4 • a, ,t , ,,r„i;;;,p,ti t te4,l4,„,_ - kn , ~, „ 4 .: ~ I 4 1: , , the (Ale, and by the News iloys. • • ,. :74:,...,. 4 0 ,4 A09:01 - 15 .., 0 1 ,...tti1gr'. 1 .,:• .. . ~."...."' , . • TH) III NATURDAY MORNING F ~..i L iar; 4 1: 4 Prab„.0,„, ,o. 3 tete l ' 1.r ... 1.- 7e . g.,•ete 4;,• ut ~ 9 ' att •47 , ,„; ~ ) , , i , „r , it a ,, ,,, qrs'r e, , o ft , „,.,. i , ;4 ,..... ; ),„„ 4 i ~, ;k: 4 , ~ 4 Pithl , l4ll.l w, p l rom the same °Like, on a large , i i tf: t .66 ....r.. 0 4 41 .; . 1 ,.4,7 fit ~ 4, p t 1,, ,; .: , t. „ .. d . , ~,,.., ~..., , ~,, , :.. • ~, , t . , v , . i.T %Ma t; yoar, in uhratte.,.. t, „,i rl4 L . ' Ire " l.,tj„r "' t,t`'.'• .i. ,., *- :, a '''4 .• a ' ' ••.‘". • 1 ' " ' . `. , ; - r :.% / , P, 4 al landiseeminued, (unless r 'FirsiZlsr . ari..elts 4 . r:', 0 ...1011 . 4p* A t e ' ,..1 4 . ii. ...,! .... ~.:, s i. '3 . , . rt,.. • e 11.. etopriemrApatil all arrearagea sr; kNit 3 ✓•%; l4 ' . l„ . 4ll: l Zit. 4 . .,,.. - " 4. 3 4 , .1. ' ••t. 3, Ail N. attandonArhe paid to any order r ~;Ltl.3 f , er,,i, .4-•••0 il ~„ t 4 .• .• .. _,.. ,*1 - , _ ''' ' '•'. 3 * '' 4:V I,t ,t74,'' I, Alr ~) 1 +• 0,. • c . /- ' . oar o . .unected with the Estabilahmeint of 1 / 4 .. e .;- 1 7.. • .),... 1v ..- ,-- ''' '''' , tz a.. :1 ,111 : t..: ::4,,. 4 !ij t.,* :f ... 4.. ,- • 7 : - -.f .-.. 7- : • _„,•,,, L ,,,... ',:.'' ", 4 7 :'', .: city, !hero Lone of I" Lid g'st uf ~ caß i sP d ..R lNT. ne o i nTlin o r l 1PA,,'4,0••06 t 4- 6-'7. 4 t 1', * ,,.. 6 ''......'....,..,••• % " ',„.1 .4 .. .. , r . ' I '.;::. • and most reasionable terms. \ ir.sl*Z.k7;ll.JilCl.ll‘tiree4 :1 14 , !,: t '2: ra,V t 1 , - ~s ' •,' .5. 1 9.. . ___ .. _ ...*•4 . rt, i,.01,- i t 4 ..' , . 1 / 4 .' "i ', I. 1'" '' r: .• • ' 's,, -•, PROFESSIONAL e I w " st"'''l ''w 4 + a.. 1 , N -1 1 • - .4 * t: - -4 t ‘t., ° ', ~ &„ 'r-qi..41,'4,1',ER45",,, r '‘, -,- ,; . : , e '",, ti s, 1 N ' . t ,„.. . e .„"/,A, - t,„ *".4 •1;!te:' , ;, 44 . . , e , t 4 .,' at. , 4 ) ;,..t . : 4 ;: t . .t.; • , 4 , ALE X A NI)ER W. FOSTE.R, • It . , t -, ...: , ,,5, - .t.7;: -- - 4 ..* t, - * to - ,..• , A . '... , i: , .. '2' ;:,„. .:, , -..., t , ; ..L - 1.. Coutotellor at Law, and &theft. - la . p r z.4, 1 5_ ,, 4 , , 74' f 4, ie, ~,, 0 s i' , . 4:3 ~ . .7:. ~. '„„ ~,- 1 . .:,, ; , , lor procuring Bounty Lands and tensions, • i.,...L.,4:1341,14.1,4t.44;:,,,itc:,...,,, 1 . .. , 4 „",.`„ . •. 4 . '' ~ i ..," : ...".... .:, 3 . i us (too of Chines la Urant itirtuen and ire! Nt d 2 l's' a: v . "` 7 c `' l • t sr ' F'. ''. a '' ''' . - 4 ` t . ' Ber Crorlectione made in this and adjoie iliA g Oal t. ..tvil "/„....;‘,,.".1,„,,' ai e• • ~r , ..,, sr .ea r . : I 1td.... ~C Alt<etient* settled • Ilea! Reza rara"P lava i''' ''' 4 ~ ...41 . 11-ta 'a, ~• "", ' tr - ' 4, r 1 4 . I 1,.....1., mai n•uta cullect,ll- ' MaUey9 l ~,,0 r0_ 1 0, ......„. _ ~,,,, 'h 0,,,...,,, gb. ft.. .1... -i.: 0: • -.). , ..'_, 1 •., ..thor !fortuity. Titles emnsutned owl' . ...6 ". ""il i .:l 44 Ql, 4, ‘ l Vef,. l' iitO IX. It 4.r; ',.. c," .• 4 , . 4 ar. ' ; - A. 01t... on 63)URTII attest, a fine doors 4 00 1 4 V_YitSry ll itt u i 9 are • Zit 144 4 ,1 1' q r. t.r .. :'. ` ~:ad \ t Pittrhurgh Mardi 28, 111:4- .i.1, - ...), o.44tW;Jik l'- e r 11:4 " 4 * ;1...4• 1 -:;, e ' `.- -' 1 " 1 1 ....__--to , ottif -40 ,a. . ' hi l 4. '^rt ', • ''- P, '. ' 4 t W. FOSTER, Notary P pr.,70, 40 .1,4,„. ' t. i .,t,...,,,,,--,q. /CI,: ' ` 4l ... .. .-,.., 4;• • •t_ 1 ..11,_ e, miunouer for tho 31 A 1 1...4 ~1 T. IVA . . , ';..- - 43.4 eve. 4- - rr '''',.' I . ' is • ~ ~ , ...„ ` lOLA L ..,, C.,n , ,e. tic it t W,...,nmiu N..* 1, tr g .C. 'A t !? i• l. I - ,*..,-", ~ 4,.41i ‘ -, . ~‘. 4 ct.l ft, •• I ' ii' '-; ....._....• .4 tt,i, . tt ri. ~,, ~,, ~, , ~ . . i- i , , ,-,,,,, ...0tA14.6 au, ito n nia , ftt. : ~.,,,,,,,e t p ,ts lu t .. ,444 4 9 , ~ .ri. ot 4, . 4.1.. ......., V(,. 4 „. i r . 74 -- r,,,r x.;.:1: ,Ilex., , and trku,,a ledm 1 i .... . t tV . 0 . 4 0 .4 W.K 7 i 1 '; . z. • .? ~ 1,. , ... ,-,,.; ,' . -‘, m,,,....,,, ,, , ' ,., :,, ' ,; "" ):ll " C:i . e " l*ian ti d u 'l''''' 001 P r t i t l .. ... . 1 .e : '41 1 06:re6V t40,-.t ...e .....4 , 4 3 t• : ;,,A..t.-:,•,,,,.1 to Marrh '5l, 1 klab-{ ude..!i. , ." - . r,Ci I? . rtXlo..,..ND"Z: o r drt .r-;a 1 . 4 1.1, e 1;•,. f' 'i •" •t' - .1 Q.‘NIII E I, I' NV INOA R I " p . 1 4'.'"'.1%,,,,tC414ett,:tri7:‘1,,;Z-4X.: ki ~ .1' 5 ....6 .•, '4. :. - ' A TT , IRN YY AI te itio: l4 lt vv .,. 0 •-i , t'7..t,'.N V ' r ,..+ . ,, , ! ‘ C s t'l ''.' . 4 sti - oft, erelt AK EWELL'S 131 r. 4 1 1,...... , C . ' ?*. r 3 t* rt.. i 1 ,.• be. -Fit 1' - l. ~, ,,r s I i neatly eppinte the Court 11.tiete .WIC k. ,i ft' • 4 .‘ 11 !.47a,t.' . 1 . T 1 I ' 4 ••/•‘' Is.sic 33{ .. ,T'). t • '.l . i i% imi '' kai4:ln t grk:sr ' , 3 1 4' Ilse .:,,..`',: t; ' \ ES W. WING! - . • ' 7 ' l i l ir -4, * t 1 1%A4 ~,, t 4 .4 5. k s • 4' ; t A TTI RIV.Y •-; w 44" 4 - - ' g" .. 41 tcP* ''. q *4: .it 1. " ,' ' i tg ot •''‘ ' - are. wt. t %,,a. 4 .4 t ' ' . 4 . '' ' l ;.•' ..' . to ' ll4 1. . 1 ' ;;;; .i • "24) 4 , 14 .07, 171 :*:0 7 -1 ,,,‘ 4*.t re . i..!.;:i. `' i ? 4 , : :, 1 Gor A la., la - turtl.•, sin Ilene , n ..;''. 1,4 A5rekTZ . :.,, ( , , ,, , , 4 4 '.. :41 4 b.ll 9. ?",,,,,,, . dinn.„‘nuati„ 10' ';',:.: '';: l , '° u s e, I t, 'al, ...'..! ~. ,„... 3 e ittri 'h 4 p ari F. /IT C. U. :_spi A „,V - 4. „ 0 L 4 t..0 %- ro V ' t , ',0. 44 4 - "q l. ,4 ' 'l` 4• 1 '0% . `x - I. §k - 161.441 , ,),..„4 5. , 4 4Ci.,..., 9. tt t .' ' ' • Ald 0 :'• I - 1;-• t ):4,4 ~ I, I v .. _ e. -., -; ~., 't t lA.. t•tr, I. 1.6. ' 'e` 316,, it."‘ At 0:64...; t••• •• ? , t i gi,,,,,, • _, t i , .4,. , , t . ..: { ,A., i f77 6 4 ,4, 4 .4VP- ,i,„,..,,,4 , yil:e4A V. , ' kt? 07, 4 . d. c i e :t . , 4.5 - :, , I I.IXI E .1 LT_ilV ill igior,titeit - , . ' 4 ' .* • ~ ..457,., ~..,T .# e -, cie 6 4 ~... !,?...,...., .....';%,,•!..,..:••• ! I F . ~.rfl•.:l F ..tiLth .1.,.., t Pltir.l t.,. q:.•• 1 4. a ^R. , ,..4 - , e'r av i, L . , 0. i : L.!, !.. ,/ •. , ) Iftr47.llW4PooollAlog'Ot'il,4l* jr 0 ' l '''Zl ~" ,T.A , ..' ' l e , 4 r ()II \ B 111ToN fi .04 4 V-41 kai24 1 ° ,% 0 1.1ta..%qc .Z 3 f;: t ;1;* C ' tS`l,' 4:4 ' .2'. •, t I - . t . ii '' '‘ rlt I,43.titligtelit•s.q * s /N4 P.. t.c; '',e. ;;;"* ' ff,„ 1° 's 6 11! :444V... 'i,,,4 seep!, 4F.v'' I ~ 0 - .• , ~.s. •. •4 ' *,- 1 Var l i 111' FA* l il, r.,.et - i.. , „: . V . .. - r.:a 4 ;# 4,1 4 , k , , t . k,, n A )1 I'. RI iSS, At t " • 'SP b r a. olt r ri - y, .45; c... 4 3 . ..., 4 r... ,1 1 , :? , 41. 4 ..,,.... ,. ..t. , i s _.•l ll. i , .“ 7 !1, , ,,t ‘ c t, I;tc•!,irc ..... , 42.0.. ,er,-.0......t. -- ;.1," - ',..4 •P , -" ,„ , 2 , . ''' ,-; . La , •, • th , h-- , ,,r ood.f ' 4, •.' .1 .t v 'P . .), 4 - 4 ,y , ! - ‘,`l - 4', 1 - . tt '.' 1). I.I{,ILK NI RE; :/ krek 4, .4 . ,'14 lk, Vt , "t'• -*C' q, l, i ' v, "': t i te% ' • i.; •'' 41 44.470 k;:g , ,TtiVia,,, Te % gi'VZ .4 ' .' itr . , ‘ ,T , l tl fi , '' ' ', ,.4. '' s - , - 1;; - Y 1 ~' Z .- . l.Y . ,A , i . id a yr,.n „ .( -: : z .. 4 ".; ' , cpgSt - ,i,%:1 1 " - =:,. , L. i;i- 4 .:'a.., - ! `-ac, : . .!. ; ,,,.',,, - 7,4 ~.r., ~.,„,, ... tr pt ,,,,,w w ,,4 15 , fit ,.. ~..1e, .. b_ 0. - .0::2--,`11 , 1 3 ,,,,N IT . : ~_2 r_T A i n., Surge , Li_ . 1V Itbid , ,, \ , ' . e. 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'- i .. , 1,1%;"•.,. : *•;',., , N."srl.`„i"‘ k t ~;, ,r. ! ..,.......: ; „,`-. ,',.,- . 1- ~ ' ' ~,,,- -;'• .. 1-' ~,' W!,. 4,4 11::ii 4 1 11. , :i• . 4 :, i " I .' r. , ta d o . v i ? *; t4,lOA ..,,,1411:1121t 0 0 ' illy. 1e,4 , 7:-.1 1 t.. • + O4 • • . 444, . _ , • - • 4 . , MEM t.. ~. 1291 PITTS HU UGB MORNING POST. Pr.ntext and puni,tgal every morning, (Sundays excq4oi,) & ItIONTGOWERT, Tni ata.Tll-WC6I Ca WI , MTH STMTS. TER...MS.—Five Do .Ar, Slz Denary Invariably pa,' a , .be year. 4t- Single copies, Two CI.NTS—r .enter iu the (Ante, and by the Newe Royh. THE I INATURDAV MORNING POST Published from the same °Like, on ft large bhukket elm ob . • 'llIci).1u11.1 1119 a year, in advance. Fingle copies, • 1 al heidiscoothmed, (unless at the &sere- Pioprietarqbantll all erre:olive ars paid. 41P• No attandonArbe paid to any order tralma accom panied by t.tio money, or satisfactory reference in thlr :Ity. qfT o..uneeted with the Establishment of the Morning Poet la one of the largest JOB PRINTING OFFICES in the city, ahem all kinds of work to done on - the ehart<st nottre, and most reasonable terms. PROFESSION Al CARDS, A LEXANI)ER W. FOSTER, Attorney and Couto*.nor at Law, and &their.. In Chancery,. Agent ior procuring Booty Lands and tensions, and hrr the Cot , I,tion or Claims lu Ilrtradi and Ireland. 4ir Ilorlectionx made in tine and adjoining Connttee late, of decedent., settled; goat Rotate bought, eaid or and routs collected. Moueyt t u vomf.-1 ~n ,enritY. Titles examined and title papers draw I/. e on YOURTII etniet, a tote doors above Pittsburgh, Mwrdi 28, 1845- IY. FOSTER, ?Votary Public, and Cunt „ta_ • Midgirstler f,.r tho 4;1 Tf.cmolow.o, New Limp. eth/ tin, t NV...m.41u, New lof 1., Co.hfurnlff, ViforPtio Qr - and wk nosh . ..lt:neut. and pr,ad's takou t..r record of Ifio w nu) thu lON- r (.111,.l $ ttql. Rhode Island . Pittsburgh, Nfarrh 2. I!3ss—lnslst!inisa I WINGARI), I_7 ATTtittN FY AT LAW, Pllll.llll‘lll, YENS 4.6" 0111,, it. It AK EWELL'S eirunt ntreot I lt.lt I V topp.illt, the Court 11. , w4 , ') P.M) i ill NRI ki W. WING.kRIP, A I'VOR ' , IVY AT t. tW, KNS • }iFfk/• I,‘,A ZdirAl. , ',met 1.•., in If nt .ft, .1.•••, l'it.ar6al4 land In dutnq ccruutlekr. 141$1y. OfiF. IIT C. U. •Plii)1:1,. Attorney and Loot, t. 111,.. No. fonnh olt - t - at. Pfnr d0.,11.13, :1.1 A L6ll . E, Attorney at Law, ..rfi• th at G..-t tal raan ; 4 1althliPld and 1. hill ly r N BA ft ' N Attorney and (.7,,tinaell,a. II at Lau •41i.,. r..rner ..( 1 , 11111 ati•l Grant 'riven.. PIII4 I AM SS, Attorney at Law, N. BO ij Fnn llt Attet, P.t(4l,tire,ll. 1.•.! h Mr Hate Isslt.-tewr,'. Sfml , l:. D A'f RICK Nl' EN NA , Alderman or Third 1 Vara, all.« xof 11,1 of Urant nn.l Mirth , wts, kr..riron Ic nplo.l I.y Alderman Leon , %here nll Lu.a,rae perta.lniale, t.i tlie 1.1111, a id Aldetinan e the 111 1, I.lLariptly itllettaled tobl:3ni ri A I I L, Surgo(n Dentint, ( 11. 1v tt,,t.uo, N, 111 Smithfield street Arcier LlM",L.,urn fr,m, 5 1., 1 L '2 h. 5 da.x t 1 1 .•?.t,51. ';‘tirtli strr÷t, file meet ,c Mat 411 r Re 11,,ca e li , A RI 4.. R RI y BUSINESS CARDS UIIN INIOORI1F,A1), Wholesale t_lrocer and Mor,hnitt, 1., tit. ~1 NCI METAL ao.l 1‘1,0“11:3, and 141111,UCK g,uer.!l, , N.. scrod, Plc tet.ut b ap2i WILLI 4,1 Lai ck. i'}lll.l4 . . au kiecrrevam, fitt4l.lirgl, 1111.LER i RACKET:SON, On. jj er+ I ulp, g!. WINES ar,ISEGAII, , , l'_ ~..11".r •.t Iru .41 kt..l Lit•erty PILL. I i1r,•41 1g... NAP, tA•Et.. I.rus. :•.nstantlg ••11 111.0 13.1.6.r1i LAK.ELY A 111CHEY, Itr.,L EsTATI: jl Set.mih mid Smithfield Ptre, , t., Ifit• I,r+, Mille. Fume:al, a.- I. a.anranal-n ; lAnd NA arrant! 1..a,g111, .1,1 and MAJdo , r.. 1 n•la 11 1 +d-111 bun ; : I .rust, nod Tem., noVC•dala o le HENRI ! RINQWAI.I . 01 . E.LINt.i. .BE:it•rAs.c, S C().. Mann 14.111 r. c 4 Cut. art.l PIA!, V. ..t \VARY', ell lt• • c..rnPt t.t . 3 r• rtt. l'lttett.ttritt. tre - e! 01r.A.41..e dr.{ tiltvt, nr I Nl4rAlet pr . ,. •-4 .1, MCI r )41.4.{y -I.l_l LF.DI.II-: ,4 CLAM, t., Niulcrinv & n...oufh- - tort..r+-f Cot. M. 11,/ I. tint kn% Ru,.r C.,0,r,..1 1.i.411'.1 KP, ..1 d..1e.“ iu h:. L :elk 1.1 N tod...w 1.i...0,, Vials end Bvltlea M Yi• L,ll/12 M3rL.-4 11,1 Nt 11I6r ato.mtk. Piit.thorgh D E)IOV.U. - NisEN, :\ Ituaufacturer Irt, •I y -S. DOTT Wl:\ Dot% en.l C..t 4.•.,; nltt, tiln.g. In •, or) •url.•ty. .;rOl at:l I.G Ftrit prroAt, I:ittalwrrh. 1 1 . lliamnnd, Pitt.,6urgh, dealer lin COCNIfn. P {WI ;LC utr..re I•r .• UR , A:10( I k- 4 wn,a, ..t) nI IA ) And 11a I.,,:enc yowl it j, gr.•. 4 tAI ..t LL Strai. U ,11. A ~re. F •rol,e A mad Ia it ••/• 10,1.40 1.1 ITV, 1.1.12,1L1M`. . . io,rtrnent •.a I ht.lrettes vrar I 114%)n th , of all Ifs pooh I) 1.t.• I.i etfe,i ii la.' 81141 r 10MYTISSIUN 1101 SE.--The tlubserit:er. rn , e .r the Kt.., ',inv., at No I. 1L.1'1114 i ptrc,t. four e the M....44101.4a We 4111 1.11r.h. , ...r c e.k, I.,,,crnot•la -I I LOUR, 1111'oN, It PLAN. •'1.:V.0 1111.1,: 4 FED, CALFD U V. e. ,4111, h 14e 4,11 ...L• haw. at 11.. I.,ikti Floe. i..r ALOE° A Co _ F V I 'Kill. LA . .J. I p.Nul.isii Lt. iticliAltDsoN, Forwardin „.1('. f,.tanti.mion Met clmnth and SklstAroguir Juan?, 11. liAl. , IN and 011„ and Pi/DI:CV nAi.sr.ily. t •rns, ihn s Inintsru, Nil II 11.1, Uri Farsl 141.1 Ali , u 1 .I . AJ. L. .. .101 •TiLI I AI'IVELL, LEE Lt- CO.. NV I'oloBllle Uroeerk , , I i -ince end Common:) ..n 51erclisnts, itud ilesles. Li ktn.nnrrn ,Ilfainls - tures N, ii W—.l 1.(4,4 (-en Nt.tel •nt __ll 4 011 S I:t...;TLEit I , , , rwardirig ant • Mt.mhant.. .11 I..irldso Prrr.9 I,t'lt./11 31..NUFACTURKS. PIPE .1.1 Y.III I 7ST i EA!. N. stio.et. Plit.lAtargh erpt..l l ENRY 11 t_'OI.LINS. .11,1 C.,ntrik•lou Nl.l. twat 111. i dater to FIE I II. •It - .1•J i'HoL/Ul gen:q tlly, N.. mart. N ,Tic E._ he undersigned, Asfiignee )t K ENYON, of Steubenville, CC, haying 414,w, . I.Sl'h OP Tti.E' PATENT coigtnally granted 4th day (ktoher, 1A51., for the purtv.ige of mai:l.K NUT: I , IT A SHEER. e 1.., bellki 2,4 The nivt the du. T. kr..1.1.1. I.n M. f...r nevertng the I I.i II 1.1.14 %lace 41. th.ll. W COmbillation (4. for pressing, anti the. 1..21/Lb T 1 fnr perlon/Ithg 03 'uuo 'during th./ 2.reeetire, the whole operating vo ~•tnilI L k/a-Hi/y(1 r•F Inalux Nat, ur Wwitiens et u ne ottki, - Th 4 manner PobatentiAliy as ..laa,rtt.,l, of tai ar ranging the dia. In rolatton to it, latnrit that any barese "1 iron in th. blank shall be forced into the path Ot the punch, thus on, tiring the comproeston cl the Nut without rlala Lug he hreaklog the niaatino. *a_ Portiona itit , r...sted trill pienno take 001, a that my hi fr.v-intst on th. above will tiaalt with ni.c-rding to . 11(1011, 11... ItIPPEK Ak MORROW Pittnb., r April ft. WILLIAM eARit can. Ide of ft., firm i f .1 Parker 8 C...) whrlerfe Gittt - CERS an•l ,n,lnr, m FOrfigll WINES 1.4 BRAND' &3, Uhl Mowaig.,loda and it,tlll.l WhIldKY, No. f 29 o.lollllllllCiFil Pittelhiah• Jac) , osEpri riti::siiNu, successor to L. 'Wil y it C.... iv,: n. r of 'Market street and the Diamond, keep.. tautly halal a full ree,ortment ofDRUGH, MED. I OIN ES. MEDICINE CHEATS, PERFUMERY, and all gni ( I,,rtr..ult.r 2 tr.) Id, Imelmna. 4 Ph prit.intre Ilcar:riptirrnor t erefully compounded it all pay 1 JURY Fl2'llll4_ .. . . .. .. . . ... —COCHRAN IHXYCHFC. FLE)IIN ( i I:RU I 11E1::-3, sue,essors tc) 3. Kld i s CO. wholnool• DitOO , ilSTS. No. 64) Wood •tre..d„ Pittoi.or. , l. P's.sprwtori ..I Dr. ',Man- . Lelehrat.ed Vartui rl toz.., 1.1% • , Pdla or, Jolo _ r,, T 1.. )IAIt"4IALL. siweessur to 11. Le; 1 cp . \v,k Id I,K %LEN. and C \t }II,IBTON :%:EltellANT, N. I :t 1,1,:dr0 .. ~..d, Pittfilm iRh R, , errn ,, —lV. 51'Cliutock & gr... , Rrotner d Rohm, NI.Ir. phy, Tiernon at d'.,, Brown k Kilkpatrl. 1,. IPlttlburgh, 51.1 21, 18.55 - - I• \V. Cll ADNV IC S., tlealer in ri.entuekv Loaf T,,BAcoo, RAUS awl PAPER, No. 11 W0,...1 eiye.1.1..1.•w Sixth, Pltt•burich. L•P 2O : 7 f Sir The higlrest marked price, to crash, paid Go Rap. if UT 1, Y MA &M AL. .JCOLPH I. MPG kt M. Wl'. MARSHALL & l:o., Importers and . 11-.l.kre In Pr,sch and Atll4.li^Ml PAPER lIANiI t' ijj,. :N.! P; N,.,.1 btrevt, Pittsburgh. sga-S.i.. ..amts for the osishrst.ti matitits. tures of .llretue. 1..11. .1, t J. 0 • . Parts Fair B. T.C. MORUAN, Bookseller and Sta . C Ham always on hand a general fulaortintal of allanaoue and Plank Walks i Printing, Prof or. I (..4p .t.., wholesale and retail, !.‘;1 104 lccami mtr, I , ,atL ',-ax Plitatinrgt. gkzr WAN FED—Rags and Tannerm' .S7raisa. TwIN 11. MELLOR, Wholesale and Retail •,I.nlar In MIPSICA.L INSTRUMENTS, PIANOS, MUSIC, BOOKS and STATIONERY, N. mu rat, Jai, J AI'eULLisTER, Wholesale and fi r- SEU A RR MANUFACTURER and ,imaler In all klndm TAIACC , ), UFP and SDI ARS, N.. LS Fifth air., PirtmlAugh. Ay- ronatantly nn hand a lug, siipply • t all fLe I,randm Fatraia. ia . k , 111 I' REIYEH .E.OtiCHT J R AXDfIY. E E 4k, Als: DE It SO N , ( successors to .I,Atina Ittirshod Cu..) wholesale (leaders In YORRION } Itt IS NUTS SPICRS, LloN PECTI ON AR Y, SUGAILS, N. , ::9 crt, upp.olt the r [ t. Cba I MAO, 1 , 40.- I,kir, tbp:: A I'INDLE. Wholesale and Retail SAI). • DLE. II AIiNESS, TjIIINK, VALOR. and CARPET Is %k./ MAN UFACATIIitit, N.. lot, Woo.l etreel, Patelugh. --- 36 AT N 'l' Eltl'ltiSh 11 . 01tE.S, No. T 0 0 J.tr.—t. third door Lelow Virgin alley.—ROWN & I a ,al.l oil the attention of Sporting wen to their large IILI,I I n wit tlit. NS, RTELEi ana REVOLVING PISTOI.zi, the I.Arge" , ewle , tp.l stock ever opened in this mar- Rel. •.• It, with a general assortment at Hardware, Cutle r), end I , lRhlng Tackle, all at a hich we offer al the 1,8,1 le prices I • rash purchasers, or for good arc ).1••‘ , 1 paper nuarls NuKTII-W ESTERS POLICE AGENCY, nt, , ne.L11../In. CHI CAGO, 11.1.1N01s •CLAY PLNEI.II,,,t ..... .1‘..1.• Ha... Ktt - Prition io the ti"n ..1 K g«nrrti dcl4k,ttre PuLICE 111.731NieSS t.i[.•+a I ihr t .m, 116,41.61., Michigitn nfA l udlnen 1111.1i0 _ roIIN Luiparter of 1311.*LiD113% f) IVISIO, 1, Deal.r It, Ina Old /lt . umgalkela ik.a4bAc.,. Also, RICTLYYLti DPVIA L ODI, owner .1 Iludtollll4 Lfid Pout meow PUtothatgla. MEE PUM,ISH ED OA( 1,1" R\' i; \i( )RE s IUNT iOM EltY, E " PoST BUILDINOS," coRNER ore woOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM VOLT TME XIY BUSINESS CARDS I=il l'ill'Oß'lAN'l"ro THOSE AITLICTED Wirt' BAD SkiIIT --Poroottm ptlfferiog t roan Ilfui Sight, lurTmoig (torn Illtintlll%i 11.t.11. ...tit d.. tIV, ..Id .. o-. Ur other cnuneo... u,,,11111 do "al SHAW, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, sthez they 1111\ y gctt,T.k.7 Sp,t4teles t..utltirhllr 0t.tti,t,..1 t., t .11 WANTS toy TII E ErX Address, F,IO ntreot,isppoolte A. A 91ioor,'0, SlT,n)scopes, Thor utomaar.4, hnd •0,-ry tot', I, appertninlng iv th, tiuu, HTI-1 1 .1.41.. , 1 tholou.m.e.B 414- Man,. inovrled In Frann. Ir n.. 1 41.1.1 ..4 ,•1; ,I• ; I N• };%l CN o:11 AND CAI{RIAUE BROTH & CO, itot.,,x and Bulifniut Alloglieny w.. 1,1.1 I inform then ...A , r. hay, 00111111011,,i the w.tiinfu. tutu C.l.k RI ROI:CUES. PLIJOIF9. RIOTS. in all flier et) le, Tit:,,h Ref Wl_ All t,llterti L be t. 111,4.1 V/ It h 1.-€iir.l 1., 1111. hilitt mid iftwitv k.I ii.pun. will utiun.l..l •.• 4, the Molt( IrteL•ltithie t• rm Piing if, nil I 1,, •.I{. If • brat Elltik, un.l utntf, thy nil Aunt that all fui, with their peer. u 1)1 uutniiii...l..n it ill I ..1 ,• he e i tt y4,,,, • ae,,•l hI, r• I i•laeuhur.. MILIAK CV. hate , Lund, fity`l J AL. their ruicia CAM El and CRAM ill kNUYAC. 'WRY. No. 64 Eittiltlitiel.l r,','r, a I,l“rge haikirirliv4lt Pen:, nod 1 . 1.111 Furwlurw, ahit, 10 pur ,unt hue r ustvritar) 1 1 led Tr •:.. -•-- _ lIARLF.S BA FiN El T. ottsE :111,ER AN. BLACKS.IIITII, It. .1.1101 it to (1.1 ~IA 1,..t a,. it T1.,1.1 .sl. ALI „1,4„ 1,. 1,1 1.;„1ia1t-1 11:1 ~L „ , 1,, ltl In.. „ t c•1••11111(itIld , /„‘ lir . I •••41 „ 4tfull!, I.n .•;t.. .14.1.4.tere A1...1 the publie va..tatlr A M Atoriortgati,lttPilt tattg tikfvru, 111 w frienae .1..1 11, th•l In ft.:l. ‘l,,i be 1.. ftt, nIl ord..ra 1.. r I'l.A I It 11.F.11. ulth I.t..ft. c t .1 the 1... Mt falai 11...1. 1...11k . Lind MAIL, awl 11 .t11.1 , tut..... I .1.,11 o I 4 Rtltl.lr:s CaLri,nt,s, AL..I t • IL.It .;..1% I hint a all. to, h.. rinn....l Nut!. 01,41.1.• ; ry A,w rlpli..tt Of 1 4 .1 1 ' LTON4 R ()tiKS. 1 , (wl'N1)11' M ,11./1.. l.n• lit In! nl.t.evi . ‘l.•, • ”.' 4•1.. •••f If f 4.• W6l, mr•-•-te t•Tur, !.• Ifst I, all .11 1.1. is . iI. I LAW, •le , It, • or IItIN,I C \II lit./ t.!...1: 4 T1Nqt • pt;i I •n•. i. , 1 nl . l. t,“' fit. i I'll 4 I , ;;g.tirt; ..t t 6. ;1111; ; .1.14;;;:n• nt .34 pr. 11. hi 0,-0 :0,1 i 7 1, , rn 1...;u1. , t u; Lott, I ; . utl.l .1,1....11 cox:. It NV Vi ?CETI( F I K .I.IIXI , • 1k 4•4•-• AMERICAN I'.\ )1A( . 111 MAN.I FA(TLI:ING c,fui t ••• 1-11 , 4 . 1 i, •y• .:1a1•.. •*• • r 1:.•t 11 t• 111. • 1., •u.t It , • • Lt-lut Ceutl.- I. ♦i..l "o.ftf h• /., t o N. • ' . Rar alt 1-1 , 1 I I N 11\u,n4..n III: • t • •A,11,1 It. 1..-tit N1 , 11.: , .1. it' \F: : 4 •.• t.. I ..tm 1, 11 - ) , ":1 .1-1•.te. , : THE CuAL cu.NIPANI havihr r ntly t Ilh Isanqp..rth L.•ng IL,111,•1 1.1 . Nl.r• i•i. • ,z. . . , It . ...1,,,al••1 I• J \;‘,l J •1.6:01.t of 11 C al. ;ao tApi r 14. 1 1111.1., EVOLVERS: ,•• I I, L. ittis,.l. - turvr., 9 ei If u.lll 4V..11 IterliA T 1 NG 1'151111.P -,f1„11 r ft n I. 1,11.11., bit I. a. ..111 1.1 I Bo Is, tty .IA I A. ;..'mar.: to Attar ralla. tuta PA, 1 1.1011 11.. f.... 11,1 I.v 1.d.1.1117 It. It At A. I N.. it.. . I It( it TT, inip-rt , r. ..1 rrat..l. • ty . \% 11 .. `• hiAsy. 1,..L Itr .&.ty &. cLr.•r I 1.1..4.,1ct • :-ratthih.Ll aryl Vlr.t A L. .1 B oTTLF:its --JOHN 1•,. No Firet stroet, mkathl mot.. talll 11,! IA that they LA, ort rnatitly on han•l .1 I !Y • AAHSA VANILLA. All\Ntt 11 1Y I.Thli, .tl.l'. In 1 i th,1.4.1 rptal•cy r t,.• attehti.. tvt tit t h.) 1-a 1. It iilllllT.4 ilz It• •-.1 •1.61. Y 14. 1 .4 inns lay.,lama.d at la (aunties. ‘.l an v !va ..ma Mai varrnyttiviagat ga.lluwn. LA 1 • / 0f1.1444114 1.1.1t.5il P: A CI l ltt.l s and drat,' In L.,,lclag I •• L.k. , , 5,.,.1.1 yraougn, and 1 . 44, y N "4, %V ..1 t t.urttl. In, haat at. I mad • 1...44-r, .I.lt I I ..1. o • ~1 rip, ( r)...• ,at..autl I 104 FTENRPRISE , 4 , \‘ ,„ Illtt•I t• ..11, .!try - Y, .t TI I 1 A 443 .444.4 4 4 11,1, r tt , ...au/Aunt GUNN, ItriLF.lt at. I 11.EV01.% I'.d 14, largrat nn , 4 teat ar4N - trrl rl.. Ir et. r t.. ! 1.01, attl. a g• arrkl 1141. 44 .4 11A 1.1 41 A..ht, Ti.)o LY end FlilinCU rACKLK, all ..1 ..11.4 at the 1.... AAA 144,1111•1 , ItTl• . I. • ft/111 1.44 4,n8•14 • • A. SWILNIt, WholPsale awl Retail M. balder to Fut ••••t. 1/1•/10 . •• Lt., Ir n I Yr. ' AWE!, !, Iluatteat4.l.,,ra . 514.:Ititty., and Tt., .15. 111, . I'LL..., It.o•ta. A. , t. 1 " L " I ' II " 41Ehl h 4 * ntreat. (opti,atte It• , :•1 , 1•4 • s 11. 1•" I lIA RR IF.II , Lear it .1. nit tll t, at 51 • inn.. t rt., 15,51. • 11,11, inn 5,1 ll , • Ws,. Itteittltitto tt. aortlt dant .1 t.,. 4... , 110w:tarp 1 I , 0,0 •,t‘• 111 IWILITE, ' VENETIAN .. 14 .1.1ND MAN tit , /rg ., I,ltt - t-/ • I //••Atl. , llt 4 1 , lit , . I .r t•rtlgLst t IP) • REA, baa renn••••rcti Lttt ItAalllt eons 40 rename h,. ..1,1 tit 41 • I • 1-••• I It,: „Un.i.a.)./L/1.1 1 , 11 Allttilst l o// t and las avated tow 13 1.1. N MANI:FACTOR I% 1 .!... 1 1 , t! 1 !“ 10.. 4 tk . .40 4, 1. 1 •1 0 1.34. hit one No LS FAIL 81tort, b. - sr Ittu Vat UM... tintarett %4'4.•1and.1 It"- it.. n,. r In, kit aikt niet t 4 tattlttaild, ht•rti et.o. 4 tinuat .14 1 ~n,nukt C PA I.T. ultb plaiu and tn4l. y 1% ..1111.4 tilt , / w • tv• I ittllt tt/ t,reitax - 5.1 WWI any • AAA, 111 1111111 R, •II the Ill••••/t t. •/ NIAR it LE N 4 ,4 1.121114; lila ...tit Id Aul 15,143 L, g... tisa., y • r,func4.l 11Ell I Atl n• 1101-01 , 1 111,nda r. , /alrtal Nen, 1, „ , ‘ l . l I IJ El.. '•• • t• 1 :: • s* " t t. 11 !" --• caul be bout la wkrktuat,illll.. !to; Is . 1,: n 1 PHI:\ BF. SIIOI 2 E, Mr,B(.7nANT '1 114.044, n• " . It 4 ‘••', •••• 1 • la(r.(4. 4.041 11.84 Dutpatch 11,111.114, 4 01..1 t rnl - . 1 . 0, 1 ) -1, P.tli' ttary lita•ral 14.11,441 g. It,. 1..4 4,...,1 ut tan.. I T (.; )1A Nl' l'A (.'.1 . 0 11 I.:EN T 8., begs leave t 4 aak a c..attaltatur of the /k, !••• thr A I•ledlit rilv Me et ;iv. It•i a better prepared than ever to fm 0,41 1.115 1. 4 A\ a lth gm - met:4o 4..11 all' Immure ....t.r k, I A , itAI it \I h. . Th.. Itayalwav keep., tru hand 11 tar ga aftauttrt., ul 115,4.:. r, •• rAtt , -I••• tt.try , ttAt • •tylno of It ESTINGS, CASSININ.Kr,, hi, uutr , d la...lsosly lup will twidu, 0(.111441 it..tt ttt. •tt I ..11..tte1.:4 - terms. , N -Ecv -'f 14:11.," ,4wll pi ttportY, • I AI / 4WI:l t: ..1 I't rFIA,ILit..t.r.. 1 1 lt t., 11 ~1 4. 11 , Ki 411.. el Act Itl AI . 4%. 1.‘ , 14 1 -1 )1(. - 11.\ I.INI - mENT --Tile 1.4:4-4 Lim ~ , . :• 1114. 4, A . .1i •I L./ I•ittlnAtt•l !MIA .1. plt; m ETA 1, -100' tr 0314 Bond , I naliicTo.llll per 111-attiti hen, and far awl.. by • .414,4 and 1, 41. • ItE.\ qr. 11 . 1 f, IF Lot- .! .. .1! .:•, kr aud , 1.4 VC , ti i II 11 1 N4+. •Nays 4 1.- 11 du. 1,412 .1 .! 1 . 117 .4.' 1. 1 .11 I 14., oil Abu I •...1 - .1,411 • MTH, t .• NTFR. aakontl I 1103. A ParCoet dt tawny, wan ante.l /mar a TOONG.. TWA a TOUNO VOCN , Fr B. YOUNC, & CO., No. • atrvet, opposite City fifdt , 4 mantii ;I:rpvt CAB: VURNITUXX And laLtlitn, .1,41 workmuuslup warranted, uh ..di ;.1 prie44l. Cftre taken it, puling for land •al.l ,rringe• augal \I TOUDWELI'S FUItNITL'I;I•: AND CHAIRS, tt twit...tale and retail, embracing evert at)ln furtiatire, in Rcaew......t. Nialite4any and Wahint, nit', table for itarlta, rhambeta, mind dining rocrul lit N.& \Gilt nr at Itornr pi ..ai }: ..r ) article mad° by liana,'aud tcarriiuLtal. • Cobh:wit litlrt.ris suppiled with any quantity ..5 I'f'R`. I TIME on reasonable tarma. Hotels and Steaunbtots I urntsloul at the atorteat ludLe Wareroorms, :: end ;it Third swet, 'TII liTTShritrill. Q VES.—No. I '' 4 Wood street, above yitth.—We Lag leas, to rail the Trade W our oesrk or STAAng,lllonose Ware and Castingsln gamitrel itartog pollees ud es.ll thing In our line we can safely any that we cannot be eurpassed In Antall, Attir,r, and autoothneas, Ly -..y 111 lLe trade. Merchants will tiltifit in thew tuts m3t.e . , t cast tau tore buying elsewhere. Irli • GSAP,F, ItF.ISITEII, St ORA FF. 0)1 AS OL .4 IVER, . HARNES3 AND T TRUNK M tNl'l , keTll:l'l l . Pimburet. ttt- el,thlnr. Spurn. . 1, • J H. 20?11.8 ........ ..• . • • TON E 8 6 DENtiV, ' ticirevahlaqc tatut Cauputratuu Dlar etabt., Ns. - CI Prlt66mfe6- u WATCIIES, CLOCKS. AND JEWELRY AT 131LEATLY BRIAN/JED PRICES. J01.C , 1 M. RthIERT.S. Is now selling off Ws large an.l k cf fine Wstshss, JswearY cud VI".1 at a very eluoilt c4c cCe on Ann von, pt eistrat..ry enlarging his Store Ituani and the Jour hase ~11. re laser sjock f.,1 the spring mule. l'erfons desirtng ()BRAT B kßtl A INS slion.l.l eau Ir , as it In his determination to rise tot hi. i.ie,er.t shs-k with out regard to former priesa. D‘.n.t forget 11w I.I.,—ROBERTF, II FI FTII street. near Market. mot MEN AND BOYS' WINTER CLOTIIINO —ROSENTHAL & BRO, Fifth ,tract, oppantlte Mw Itnee a Large Moat ..t Meat and I:kapd on hand. rtampritaing an.auerattirely new and elegant styles. they are prepared to Nen teat at the toweat manna-area. Alto a large and lamb atonable stork of ENTS' PL'RNISIII SQ. 01109bSt. , ' tfilot33fly SWALLOW - TAI L LINE OF LIVERPOOL AND NEW YOFili ACA.,67 9114:0. Own,' by Cbrneniir Gi - Innttf, r, South tarter, ..N: T. IffiFThe ealwriherig The only &giant In Patti, Vi t o, for tbo clove lane—has always on tFUSTS for ,ale for any amount, payable nt any to W England, Ireland, Scotland and Wale,. JOILN THONIPSON, European &Fent, „bJ.b Llheay Ptteet. PittehurOt. 117BiagLOW, • • • • ~ . ..ii/OT TA L'STE r " S— • • . fiEt.,ll. ALB MT IDIFITSBUIttiII,A.CII FACT,ORY--BIG ce i ELow & Cu , ktiSokwukhrs' to R. 1 . 1.11i' flow, No. 4* D6s mond alley, oeerli r igai eft' Pitteta C . AltltlAtit: , OJAcITES, PHAETONS, ig LE4. 'eTery, doscription ilt NAICIr VEHICL 6 3 bailfAP: 1:, '4,niiiinithed i ;I 0. manful cfroturpassed for heahtql 'elf ~Sd~ r •e ,rr n ) i.b. eklil of workmanship fuel dunafi of t me . SA. All work warranted. ; enio L.. - . ; r: GB EA'r 111 PR 0 I.E ill EN 1' ET I NT \ .\ 1. 11. K LEM. ~,.I NII . NNS S I'LAIIICS' PIANOS, I II -C4 1.1. tiwki 111.94, nn.i tt:l.l-n1,..11% k,” N 1..., 1,. r. 1 , “ • 1,11/ •.t r,,le t .111.• L. Th. - I. I. :11 , , 111 ii nlnnwl 1..411 Pll 11..n.1,. All.l ...11,,,,,,,-,,,1111.11•111119... . 11..11.. 11... .• •1u...1 In IL.• :1 a NA.: .1 11, tit ,55.1 .li. MY , L^t:• ,foli, I I. Fit .1 P. 11 ., lor \I e-t , tr. 1 . . lIO4VIt .6 Fllll. 4tr,.11:\1 .i t 1 14. 1,111 fs (111 , .T 11..1 fit •• thall Iy ,014.184 /AA , - NEU'S PR i's - t; ---- S 7 roc I s i•• • ~r:nll..nt I . 1.1..1,1 k, eloloClokl 1..1 I ,f.ltbala luntrou.. tan, a rntl •ts I. tries i~nlu tHrwHI AIt.F.HH • I.lf 11 or 111,..• ft.orton,. Irt.n; 11. X.. /11 1.11 . . r 11‘0 gr.1..r.HH1 , . 11n k. be.l ettprith Vut.l Pnv .r • l'N 1 . 1. v 1.4 .•I 11.0 h .• I IV '4' l / 4 1 I. YAI EV , I 11(o\ lilt \IF-. N't • at IftlAl•A 1 • rv...r lii. Ito 1.,: r• I ..t I r., I t , ~ r.III 1. •1.11 Ftil It'Hl STREI:I' CAB PET ST(R vc. 1). h. El. :Viet 4 4 - t kit. It t I I. I ‘, 410.6 C.srl- • ki io, t 41,-ru , /I I ,trut l ari(.v arid I IP: 71 *it k 1 0.114`1 l I ;Hi I e , 4. l • NI ('.ll . d)S ctIICKERING & SzoNs PIANO FORTES. .11 , 10; FIA OR I 44 Mit i ron u,.n of • I 111121,1- • I'l Yt.lll fin•l Sqltss.re rOrla, =MEI . I ie.el 11 :•. E.t.a t 1N•111:1.1, sll'illN int Allegheny County ;Normal Sf hool. =MEM it CIIIOI3i.LL t... l'OLl.tht h t•LAIN AND WAVED LINE \WI I,l)l\hti •.. NI. .1 Cos .5e...1 ii.. 'En ' 1 • l! 7IFOL Ai 0,1 Itt 11 t ~~.1\"Iii ~ .\'~11'1:1.L1. :. I I 'E. , -l.lt Al • .• r AN II I.s. ,er I 1.1 .4fl .t 4 • n- n“:” • tachr win, ! • nr..l -t i • Ili • )1 • 1 (. F. 1 .\ • .•hir I I 11. t , ., , 1!..: 1....)11 Iv , 4 I tali • _ DitILI , ‘PI'I.F. ---., baricli In tax*. f I- ,Ale i ISio: :OEM. M 411: 4. ill:NO I R Ditini.a. m _Tiffrs - _ ii,-, b t iA. f.r Rale I,V tip 2, \IITII, MAUI i Ill'STl , ll. 7 rAR u ~..., kp -. 1.-I •-B.lis 1.0 .L.l 2 p.2 , 1 . . CIOF FE E .31. 6 A 1:.--1:, 1,1.1. 11 Coffee Su 4 . L:,l , ~,, t ,Nltill, \I %II: 1. 111 :N i Fi: A _BCON blide.. to arrivv E,l. I . t,EI3. ]tAItBAC(i 11. '_".•;11..0.41ty LI I I:4AR arrik 13 f r -i . I'.INUER 11,16.1.1 1, (.4 11. fiLLEN S11.11:11 HIDES-- arvir , • ~nd f..r ,;ale 11AEB.A(*(111. FI.:INTIIII.Es Ni; - , I-r nale 1.5" ,I.lll\tu,r; rIONCENTitATED 1, \ 1r: --A ttrtivlv An.t I: LEM 1 L DIE • toil 1,1.1 , it h iii., lIENIt II CuLLINS 10111:..c't ti AN 1) GR!NI iNES.--Plaitter fi.r Land and t Sr.n Content t ,r and Puldt, Works; Chind-5t0t , .... mil Sin,- .•Il hand at .1/9 IttrePt. Pitt dmrgli. W. W ALLACF.. DR A Trs NF ESIXti BOTTLES-- Ivz. t,l' JOS. VI.EMTY(.I, nviTsTsii:a7tadMaikTi UA; A R-50 4101:. prime N. 0 Sugar in S Ft." I v .1011 N AI udt lIBA P. tiARPE'I' PAPER TN ROLLS—Fur. Kilo \_j by the ptt..l or holt tit W..`'. HAVEN'S .1.21 Market tit.. enrnre _ TIARNER'''; ' 4 E I,OI'ION --LI dozen r, Jos. Fl,Fnirktf. Oorner Mark et t. and Diamond. • 14. '4l sr, ) .1. - . A„ •.• a. • • J . : `.'t PITTSBURGH, MONDA Y. MA Y W, 18% FOR SALE ~ND TO LET eIOAL WORKS FOR 5A1,F.,.--Sistv three k.l Lund, with l a : the 41"-- pi AUMeats thei Iti 10101,- 1 111 .ppri tu •I .•rh Tht• ::1 it e I • Lft, 1 ut .4110., Rini irt .11,01.1 ti Farm I, 01.11,1 1, excelloui lit It ttikke J•„ itpt.l, 1.• NR,ll,4,Fros: A PAYNT , Jel:: If t<•• Y.. I.ll.tty . i.trek. frity NATIONAL HUTU FOR BENT. 11,t , K1.„6.. not,' I g.nti no 11.. Monongand k htt.l, t„. Smitl,ll.l.l /trot Orant ot to. to. t., flier wit tLe A BUS Owl 1)1 be Lc rel.( aft, Tito lot dav .•I Apnl nou. Th. flab I 1..44 ot, and r n t“ tho .I t. — • 1tnt . ,41 Ft 41.41 a nut tho Ii tool, • A . ,* winarl.4l.lv in.lll‘ . t.rootti. boon talthiti? /II t!.', 15.. 111,111, 4Ow t 1111111111111 A it Ai{ E Ttir ti•of hut ngr.g l In Ptnotto, 1,14144 , 4 ,4 »1.1.4..1.-u.,• to bb. ' whol tuno 1.41 .11. , 11tIort. vlr.f.•••• to 4:14p..• ,•I bk Ten nnl .to- •4 , 1,4.4,4. - - • In. nt....1.r.g 41.4 11..4n- Is v.ll k 440, a. fir•li • I U. kind, 11, lomirtoes Inrgu et 1 :n.16.4.4... t ,144.41nera of the I.t.t 4.1., in It.; ;its PG rnrikinumso EIVSLKILTI Y4N, It 1 P 4,1 f 1. 4 t for p.rt.l: - . 111&r• .11.1u,n3,61 il9a W A IrCLUI3(I, W4.,1 au.l Stl th earl LrTNION COAL WORKS Fog SALE.-7 The C-41 1..7 A 1.0, Jr a C.. utunte•l -11 the Moll , llg/th ' ele _ll Vet, sLi.pt 2i udl.. I littot•orgt, stro tow 1:‘ solo properly 4,.n.1.4ts r.i 11., 1 . 1 " 6 P Ol, boll of lA.a.lrnota yr 100-) tt13.1 nll tho 41/ til , q•Jii; and nisi all I.IA,AI2•AaI In a1a,1,1 r , tm.t... ulth Rslltroyo, A. - 1 r I,,ther Inv throlune apply t.p 1.) W. I A. S. Atty's 1l Int., No. 11.13 Foartli et.- Pl ttslmr,,h. 64.11 la wtf C.)EtTIIN ur A 1"1' EXTio -FOR SA LE.—.S. neM dprelliEli4 h.q.. furl linisisea, iNII saratigt,l diumg, 1..u1t1 1114 , 1 1.1 f• r , !tar, V•stb 11,- •tg,,r ard, and Tha La tax U 1.111.4 nn rt. A 1ie,,V,r13 y by 1..0 bet d.. , 1. 1. Led . . _4l Pr; e T. , t 14300 it, r a.. ~...d la*, CI7IIISEItT A - THE BRITISII PERIODICALS FARMER'S GUIDE. cEI47 Riatt'OTlON IN Till' 1.. scoT, & CO., St .oth lendino;ltrllnL 1...: I .11. •. 3111., ' The Linilon Quarterly, t••n-et, The Edinburgh Review, WI, •The North Brltiiih net lew, The IVrailmin•ler ReVat%% • 1.0,.•141 illueit-wood•e ICdlnhu • b Magazine, tqr ;.• Inc ,t $1111,111,1 i',,111, , nr th. nn1,••[, , •1 I'M 11,411, 1.• 1,111,01F,11,14 an 101 , N ,, [11,41,1111 ,- 644..411. er,t,..t the fla•q• • • • • • ,I• us, • 41•••• ti) MA' Nunn.- . MEM o • • o 1.. n, r I h.• soca, 'lt: (11.101,.....1 I 4.. 11. r •: .•: • lb.. lOW •-it I 1.• I r• • 1 . ..4r1.-.41, r.gut..l .ot Th.• I. ft.: • I b.. • •: !••1•1:2 • •t•• irt••• n nr,.• • P. tltr..e r N. IXng, II !..4. T. : tuiol Ilialgrg .4 ...I it-4 r.'. •r hart.. leg Al lgtmtra 5, I • 111. lleg , • II ' le • . • lh:arly 4 °plea. 1.. r —I Apr A s e CO. SII f1t".7:4 ir,its ft, • , .11 Etna", tiLl n• the he pie. e , l In 11.. I. 'rernalm. I • ro I rG. 1.- 1 I lice I , ar K. I • 1, , - 1 • M.gart, r ..ri thr•.. • r I L 1 4 Ihr .1 • ke.t 4 , 1 I Arts,. lite 1.41' .4.1. I. 41, I I:. 1.• I liso I.‘• 1 - 4.• Tl.a” • i• • ur I. I,• _t.,-. I tt,••• I. ttr Re vA,n .4/.4 tII.. t .11 I t. Postage. ("1410.111 1..1.) , It Li, PU. 4 I Mit! K hol ..nt e l. n1...L.1 Th. t .1 ttl 1... toy. T I 4 II k w•vvi. az• I I 1• ! t I. 1 th.• Re, . \ 11 1.1: I .. n ~. ii.~ ..... ..0.. 1.. i ~ .. The Fai sner"s Guide T•. (EN fill.' AND DRAtTIi 11 AtiMCI 1 ,1 HAP 13 II,; F It .I 1,!. ‘4•0.. AO L.• l r nit! 1 11 %'I,. t., I.le I. .„1,1 Kral I • •-1 Mid St.-3 EL1,1,1:,,5. 11fr• an 41 0nt4.1, to ••• 41: crt A 111. tt! pt 11-1.. 4. m.. 1 ,ca I.) ,11 •1 es Wlekt Ihi L. r, !Ln 1.. 0011 the rt I 1 I. )IA.AIIS 11,L nig TM \ '.O p, ,F-sat t.;o4.lt.runt at 141 n -n 1t..• nlll T.J ever r .dyer pat t Use -ft find it. C.llll.lthi h ih ith.,l. u m.,T (hr .• Book r on% - att. n• ,haul 1 I. I Irv.. I t Ih. 1111tA1411,15, I C , N)1111 , SOOTT (VI N I ntrwt. Neu V. K ha rlO Stirrinor's ) .A I,re Cart,' rt. , oloor )I,,nkri l:orruL .—u 11 ?11.641 , 4 I 11.1111r1g-1 1.4 •\ . . Rank, —by 11.9 clod Marr.tre..--lky Toroth., I.- 11,nt ..rf.•r• 1,.15 . M0u1Agu., . An Al. NO, „r 1 ,4.. m thr Lok, Nt.o. • .1..1 It:. 10 IIi:WU-4.y IT 1..,, ru VI .1,1 11,. Cu. 1e....tAtl ar r..igur A lA, t'-)mplvte Work . - 4,1 1,1.41,1 . 1,1.! 11.1.4.,, lull, 1 Vlolowr 14 I,4t'• ..... r -1,)1.1'2 . I, .10 •$ f .r Ma, , '• 10-r IA [...0n, . . ... . • A .1,41ru0l Vo.t OHM 1,..! May.. ilarlvr r.t • • . •: , 11 'I ....-11,141 1 1“. 31. y . I, 11101., PI IN't4% .r April • I. , %Rut 11.•411. I "war than ..11 l u 11111,111••••1 r 1..- I.• ik PIO t• 1 ••i 140 4f. I.AUFFER'S rlo4l6.st,ii 1.• un N.. - . I ISII BOO K S 4 " ,A TI : . t.litzt.nhi rots, • •• Marin. •• Sea Igati-n. A. , !And and Engineering :"U/s , •yin,;, Inc.,,i Cem,nlA, Mortar,, Railway,. Sketch/at of the conttrnf t A. .-1.11111 ni i Locomotion. Ttt!att.! and other Iron Dirder Br 1t t•I I tltggiug, Hen:Witt Ong and Repairing Roakt., Agri,..ttur.Jl Engitia•ritie t.,11..) of Teruo of At L., k and Wat, b Making h.inter's Art, or a U-aroma; I.olorlh e. Tn.) I.:..clectiz Telegraph—it-, Iliatoty - I , repe. live, for the ume of beeinnnr• 11., Lands and Loamy : 4 .”1., I , ltir rvutial I r.tee,r,l I: ...It ntaotxry ArrLltr.lare. Igatl,in and Nnuti, al An:, tl .Iroad Book of England In Licalgt. ....the Monument, Londot, Crystal Pala, t. dluo'nry and fI Cot Litt,, t nate by If T NI , , I141.1`:, 41 Yvan 411,,4 N r- Lleathen llll.3—Wurzvl. 1, 11,, de .011ef /NI ut--C•Jmic fitnne, I.loittus that Charmed Nihon a Child—Baal h•• ,,, . rho Lov., clone Fond Heart—hawthorns -• t u., I leart up At a Flower—lTsc . thoric• 11 it .me In the Woodn—lFoodkatey What ts I tome ulthout u Father. y Ltnd Sch. [tin. h, with R cut fr•,1.41 ean—Rodtaselk l'nT.dAlot Waltz -.0,41 . 0 , 1 'tester h t ..r sal.. at tic llust.: St.., of .11/IIN 11. II fiLLOII, 01 Wood street. RATI"S I)AUGEHREOTYPIi ] S ANT) AM AItOTYPES, which give such ~, ,n eral sathdecUon are duly ,ldsine.t, in every kftol of Vitiath , r,,M, Lafayette Dail& 87 FOURTII strc,t attention paid to .toot.Ayt.toe, RS Ihn two of silting /a much h-ss than Tr • t'd for I tictgerrectapai. eitlttlrea of children taken in I. cln in either of the above named etylem. lonbro or Dargerreotype Copies mtch correctly from e‘ery lcd -1 ph turns. Warranted perfe.l. Prise mcderate. One motto tn. TO PLEASE.. 1111118 AVALKER'S UNEQC.A.LLED • IN_DEL, TALE TNK —1 have Ju,tt receirrA a /aria atIPPIY of celebrated Trah•litdo Int. with or without the prepara 11. , t, it l 9 offered as the least int now in me In all case. net •,r t..• refunded where it &ma not please. JOS. Vl.F.5ll.tiG, '17.25 corner Diamond alley and Market et. EE S AND FRCIT.-A. A. MASON & en hare jult received by Frpreea, ten in,.• cart•nr, ..r very fine French Flowers and Fruit, Wax Frlllo4. th,• hunt assortment to Do found in the city. rnys TOII It6iiteP - 14801' :Jitletieq 1 11l c? vincieNde and retail DRUGGIST": and dialer In PAINTS, LS, DYESTUFFS, &mi, of Wc.,..1 and Sixth etzcts, Pltt,ldlrgh. 11M. }Lew - War Agent f, Dr. Sord'a Medicine. ~ 3 .1 .. y'.y "~ EMU TEEM ~r THY I Ttr.Rttl,•Y lE3= (71nbbtne. • • f• s, i. r, ' • !' • MEE ST M 1 AND BOND I,IST Arms. 24, ISSB. STATE SECURITIES. f 1... ,l: I eV4I I Aerd P 00. 0 ,11% 0.40. t 5 - I t .. rrili N,' V. 111; o e rn I , I 4 r7 0 1 4 • lb; •I L'l9l 131$NIff , I l'ettnbusFl, $415,1 Coliftellmillo It ft I t7f...5100 1 k000. 1 41' All.,..hrity lnll.t IF IF Cdlwa r. 1,1 it Ft l'. , rt nstvvat.. Rlt I 1, 4 1410,000 I two I Ny City ;!!1. uv City l h „ . foupou: It., $ • I McKs44l,.,rt IM, risl,l 1...L001t , •^S.,. 11..1.•' It. It. NtoRTIJAGE BriNDS., i.t.t. r. - ,,ttt.llsett 11 It 1.4. i't,, a tat. Dui Ctrat.t. Ctl) 1...00u00411 Iln t I by 10.. I'. R.ll. nis••11 .e 1,. R 11. I, - ult• ; /011 .1..1. I I ' M It h..l.it mart en' 4... O(Ii 1..,.. • tr., It it. 1t m. n:.l I: EVE STOCKm I V: A }II tabitiel. NI a ns, I Da elk I 11% LIKY YntnLucgL 'finer Comp., lb Isauk . Fttud C., I )1•-• ft A Mho A I, STOCK:t. mtylrAnla It K . . 1 2. 1 :6 1 / 49 44 : , 4 8 00 2: i. 16, G4.1 : 11 1 nti 4 ,72. 6!. 1.,240 ; IA) ;;:f 1 .r. 3 IJI .211 I , tit s R•R • 41. ‘.1.11,..14, httsburAttlt.:ll. l P.;c4l,l)lrman R-12 htt*..4 Con 1,16 Rft I A 11.T.1.Gn 1 Alley R It . j =LE 1111ZEI=211=111 !-TtICKr. :Ir gh.ti kir vx1,14 Bt . Ilan.lSirret Brt•lge . i~~:.+,~ R.~1N4~~ ~.~~ 1.~ ~i~ \•c ibvtli I.llmrcov ILI 04. ti )1 I A ' K 1 . I.A Ni FA.) t I !... 1 I 1 a 1,..1.1,th Ilse l',111•Als f I '2:,..1, u, I n ;... .• s'.'. s,. 1 .1, .411,, till 1 . ...tpaill v , I :0.1.1 ..... , . 1 . 1 ,, ." ' '.l k„,...upsltrla N.vioni I, c..., ...I —4, fo . ..,. ' 4.. ts ....term 1...Ur - AO. C•• . : .2sl ! ':l'.; ' — 2 I. ,I ~ “tv.P . / takk rillsl't .. . .... i i I:, L 2 t. , . ._,•7 I ....1...1f. , , Plc. , & Misr In. r.. 1 0 i', .4 101 ..ka lussasucc Co .1 an.all I 1 0 I 112 , ' I, I t:', 1..1.1,4 , ,,,t. NIILLIng C.... . 1,7„AU1 1.2'..1 ',L. i 7., I J.. ir Hoot, Mining U. .1 111,000 1 , 1 , ..,;! '..'l:'. ' ..!AI ' .11.0.11 Nlittiug Goolltauv ' 1114....1itt. 11 , 71 '_"s I .. A 1 • , L4 - t Is All3,llcuri 'cluingC . ... '24:.,0 , tit , _I , . _l' .' :., I •Is/tiuglon Coaut.l lint CO.l I I 1 I .I,lto I...rat. tt Cot . ILL 1. , , 12. RATES OF DISCOIrNT. PENNKYLVANIA. Ltrattch at NVowattrr att raTtk i.f I'lo4,r:n par, Itratr It at . s. any,. Raul,. do pr. Pa lib. 11 al r011(1•1• 0 1.111 • $ l , t. r. and , l.tillt: dis.• .I.• r jar . t . ..atorr..l:ll 4111... f N. I par] ratitslia tltt •• t 1,1..1 . .. pat t.at.st --11 , ILa .at. •. Prnort tvawa... par 11 att. Life I 1.. a Trtt-t trt, k• 1 1 , 1.1 T. VC,1•101 , , 1.31 enl.'l7l It..ret l• ta! Nara .1 11a I.r X • \}.W t:\t.l.A\ li t•". 1.1 I.lftrti, kit ~•rtott,et \ YVV 1..1t NI, hat” • 13, VI . 1, tlt. • 411,1telk . I 011:1(11 6 , 1A04 , I , lrhan !At IV& •iiihr. Hank . I ar ~I. .11 . 1:,.1 1 A 14 I.All.kitt: 1.,, 111 II 1.•• of n .1. . . . . • , i .o• . I, 11, 1.,,511.. 11"•11. Knot. 1`,••, I. W.,. , ,6 t, 1.4 I M 5.1.11, ., . . 1,1 N , ,81 II 110 , 1 I.\ 1. ..,11 ~1 14f Mot I. ell, •1nn,1 , 14 kik s Whig.. :., pa.r: bask oi N 41.• I. •; tr•-•,... , ,r1, Bald. I.tl • . .1.• haul: ....... 1 to frank •,• h. It TO a'.l itol.lN A I trinro.' Pk at Itneka C.. I.tr Pied thr 'it al S Car„1,,,... .1.. ../ AI" / • lii, ••I LOI/Collt , l . par Ikauk -1 :Tull. ...ar..1...... 4.• L ..:to-r• ha ..t L....Otte . par haur .4 t hail. -.1.... .. ~ 1.1..4 P. hlll.lklll ILA .1.. I I AM. I • 1 Mr. It; hl. EL L' • i .r s. [trot 1% a) bell alr:: ' I a 110.11 l )1 A .1.1/1/1/11 LA W/Alll/0. I. ' . {11( ~.14 lu, S 11l a r.. 4 trva•tatr7 11... t: '1541.1. •.1 A 11,11,1.• I i.. 141.6. ii...k I - P.: .4 brut, at. k. A... . , ~u. A.,.t.-, hank pat: 1 PINNYS:4IO 1 h.. 541.1 - C./111/1. kiefil. 1... All r .1.. ut Itaula .. t . 4....... n 1.....1.1. p.r K KN111....7K1' • ... t • 11,...1 .I I. i 11,IIIY 1...: 'bk r 4 Perdu. ky.t...Ati.1•... i ~i ...., a .t.i 0t. tutr. Bk 1.1 1,11111V1 . .. Thllr; ton 4, •'t that h Pawl 1...1,N.... di.° lit •/1 Krutt. 1.,' oto .. , ~,,, ug hakr.lnrst..... 1 r 1...1 ~.1.111i,t rt. 8k...1 Kola., 1., ,1,, a 0 Paul: . INDIA al A . ~ . ...1 N,.1.... 1 140010 hautt L brach - 11.0 . I._ I'M , . kilt-501;BI. fLt.ata Rauh . r 'tit ..f ".iota of NIL/Ls-au.. . •, '..,...1. at A k ron'l Wl:lhk NM IN .ran.'l, al AI hr.,— .1 ~ Marine .k Fla.• In. (4.• chk a 7. .....t. h ..l h. n6,,-{. II 4.•. .)11...111.L1A7'' . Lt. lat C1u11,'....).. .... Cat tart. I Mr. I, li.uk I vat n. - I, ut ('jr., , thn I ,t,.. P. ottraular bunk . I , 4,,1 I umilrath, Coal-Ant . .. 1 -an.:. al it tat, .1r , 0..,:. into liauk_ ~,,,, . . ... I than. t or l' Ina al • /I . CANADA. ua1...1. at Crhout ..• .1. Pk uf N. Autrr , T..routn •.: ~,,,t, „1 Apht : ,l,,,), .1„1 Pk L. 111.0 PrriLl... Tot .•nt4 1 „ „,„ I, ~. ~,I, in ~.. . .. ~.., Rauh . 1 31.antre41 . 1 • au. IL at Id tr.43.Li.t a Pk .11 Ca1.a.L.A.4.4.4.. ./ .r„1. or RIO,/ IL , ' F.A STERN EXCILIiciIF. 0.,.,.1. :.t i.:.,,n0 ‘I, . d..' On Nrw Yurk. for COM . / 7 ' t . tor', at P nahinct.... . .1.. On Pluladrlphin ..... ...... 1 .: han. - IL at L'a.hr. LI. , Lau Rattan.... . .. ... ,'. i• of I. il at Laura...tar d,' WESTERN 1 ,. . XCII ANti V ..00,1, 01 Slrntcu,,lL .. 11.. Chairman . . . 1 . orl, It at Nil. 1 .Lrztru. Lk. Lot:wain , .... . . .- . I ,an. hI: : pithri. 11 il lerig.l) AND It Pi3.l /I VAI Cr • ..,... I. v ‘14.., “.t c.... . . .IrlDoulaldorrt, 91.11/41 14 to. •atlt 1: Ti• o ........ .1...! 4.. Pans. 4 . . ..la 50 I: au. It at M! 1 . 1.•.1.. , .1 Pug!.', ..1.1 .. . ... lu ta. It fi 11/ f/ ..1 7...1.,, I:1e .1..' F. 4.410. lii.‘, - 1.1 1. ..... ii al .5.... r.,ta - .I...Yrrairrick..l:4 - .. 7 bar if of/. It al I 1/0/11. . . it.. 'l, Li 71...11111 .... . . 1 t./ SI or,. h at Prost., ..: h .lalLltoltuat3 a 00 i.e... h at Prat..o it .Isorrrehrna 4 8 t ~ .n, I. kk Parent.. . . Lir•Trn (hold& a . . 3Pa 8. a nrh at Cionhawo . . . 4,,,Naprlroans ... .... .... 3 SLI 11. au. n at kleuisilton I.: Li ' . i - i l{. C. 111r1,AN E'S ' LIVER PILLS AND VERIIIIFUGE I I L ii. I I IMPROVED DR. I SCOTT, a regular graduate and plaralcian of eaten ke practice awl eilwrmsuce, Induced by a commendable d.. ,• In 1.111.61001114q11.11 nutleriug, . will 6e lo ezcrl , baD 1 , 411 Iv, I SI nal \ I.:NfiNT ON TIIR ORIOINAL LIVER PUT AND VEILNIIFROE Olt DR. C. MuLANE. 11,1ne prepozed three remedies es the medical putner ol lir N. Ltille, I, )• era. ouit imptc( - )vr.D PILLS AND TIKItYIIFIIGE greater etli4 aey and era Mite mild In their operation !hail the Liver Pill and Vermituat prepared EliConrding to the or:clual ecipe ol 1 , 1. C. Ici.ane. We snake this declaration iindergtandiagly, uud reonimend theta to the Aalicte4 na 1.0, hot it, pleasmii and curative. and tAleve them imparior le• oily ..1 her Liver errnifuge over prepared. it e t'ertlfirobc of Dr. C. McLane, below. THE WHOLE WORLD CONQUERED! DR. I. SI S MDR ATED lIITE CIRCASSIAN LINIMENT. The iiiiirercti relief sflorded applications of this CI;L• EI:RATED KINU of Pnin Killers in clown 0( It .vuuatirm, Carobs,,, { t.iro Thrtist., Rm... Sprains, Swellings, r.tAli,•,.• the jt , 11.11, P. 11 41 Seth., Burnt , A , hrsi or ito . . • tier disesee for whirl, n Pain Killer Liniment in 40 tit 112111011 positively that Dr. 1. I , (.x.mrs CI:LEI)/LATE') WHITE CIRCASSIAN ItININIENT in the reltabl.., safe sud pleasant 'moody yet discovered. pop% woe sn, untoninhlng properties for IlF.Al.lIitl DISEASE mot Tile PROMPT ERADIOATION OF PAIN. The m hh e nt tren,tom* irtties, given by pei,.t oh l i gjiteasii lo.lirm,.t and ci riot integrity, should to mean e ell to,..L•pt it an a ntandsrd Family Reme‘iy. The inio t• , quire hing inure than the follawlnr testititimy A Dr. C. \Lino°, as it great RICAD! READI! READ!!! hloachorrowN, VA., Sopt. 11355 /I,L. it 1.. rertVv. that I have examluei.l the Ite• Ipe ler pre paling )1. - Lane's IshproyeA VerutiTugh wad hlvet by hr. I. S.ott, who hasp rassn IN TOE lIAIIIT OF PREPARIND AND UBING M 1 OItaiLNAL hID,DICINEI3 IN MY OFFICII de a thg thn last TUIRTEJiN Y EARS, and that I believe he has INIPItOVED TIIEM I make thy IA ptuirgLola She more willingly as I DAN E INI'ERES.Y IY THEM ATEY ED. I wonted thrther state shet I lusts 1 - MlllBlloy hi. CELICIITLVIED lIIT 1: CIRCA: - .t hINI kr::T In my prah•th,e, with the m.,•1 ti a I con e.y rk‘ahlmend it n' , 1.1.1 NE, NI D. Alt this wl...ve slt,lidans prepared solely tio.lrr the euper rini.,o 1)r. I. 8i..14)TT, :4,1•1 by Dni.fgitits Nkrvilanl.s o‘.:ryv,lL. TLS GENUINE Pr. U. 111r.LANE'S IMPROVES) LIVRIV PI I I.:I A NI) IMPROVED VKILKIFUGE yycce 91g12441 by Ue. I. ANITT & =Tani, d by cyrtifictitl, ni C. McLANt. I FIN UM W till' it CIRC . i..SSE A N LI Nnt signed L. I, r I :+colsr inyoutatienleci with signature cif I. Ni ti I , r. I Awa-r & S.,lc Hank Pincer, Morgantown, V. NI *l. Wholetude Agont. 1.40 stre.t., P/Itetburgb. :7AS. P. "I'LEMINCI, Wll.ll.ttle Agent, els wl yip. 413 Near Flallrnati Depot . , Allog hmly. N LW' CASTLE AN U IJARLING'EON CuMPANY. -- The .. t ..kcj i ..bald,,rs to the Nam Cantu. and Darlington Railroad Coospany,are hereby notilied to meet at the Darlhigton Station, on the Ohto and Pelingylvania ltailrowl, on WEDNESDAY, the l'th day of May between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and 4 k, p. M. fur the purpose of electing five Diregtore to met, for the ensuing ynari • • By onior of the,Corporat . ion, a - • • F... pd.N.}3.2Y, Socret/try v14.2m (law _ .. N - oT ICE .- will will be =de to the neat Legielaturirjor Pie charter uf "'Ow Allegheu hank," with a ettpital'of "FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND Dt)LIeARS, enhj.let to the prvrlinone of the -banking law. Cernmisaioneng —Ti., Hepburn.. W. Paglej, J• Ai- Peliuock , R. R. Roberts. Peter Peteetion, James Patton, JILIMPS Park, Jr., nod r.thera. ~ April 7.3,18 A. • • . apAikdritern ... . _-..,(U PING A-1 , 1111 LEECHIN I . .. -gri• - 1,, ~. . . ‘,„ -1, $ .). may be thkindiat heirekfdericenvi'S f . LI ' streA ''S;) 31), . een Southfield and Woodigoadß4,JBb.filtU tH. tortitoori 1d many of tho regular fsectlf) as to her skill and Icing es yrience din her line. Orders will be thankfully ;e ctaTrd aplB:2itodaw •-4.' 4 . . I 4 s'i• OF l' NC LA 1111: D IsAQ I: Aci ES RE A M A 'NINO In the office el' 'FfIit'ADAMS lA - PRESS IiJaIPA NV, No. 64 Fratrth street, Pittehurgh. whirl.. if not cehe for lietore the FIRST DAV OP .11f1,1" neat, a It he ',Arid ',ohne Auction to pat chat-rev anti for 'rennet oi n luau If mar r... - on, • .Attiely a Br„. I 1.,,%, l',..lunthna, Po Adants, .1 AI IL. I! I' pa. kali,' 'Pit tebrivgh i A meleloan, keg. du. . Alden, Poi .1 '1 like . do Ilreol.no /I U. . r.bric, Allegheny city. Ileadgvend, .1 D cant., l'ittaburgb lire Mon, 'IV ' hat I,„e, . tin P. 1.4.0 lA' . 1..... Los, do Bethel. S. I' pk, , . ,1,.. Backoien, J do. 4„ 111) the, tln,. do do Bon Dan, Chas. B. trials, do ' Ileiroluisti, , Dr...A. IL bog, New liabou, Ohio. Raritan', 1. pky, lkovillob die, pit tioneorth,.t, c. do Pittsburgh: 13....5an a C. , , I later, Uniontown litirteas. LF. 5 keg, ' l'iltehnegl. brown ..I. Reuel, has Bill pis. Mb'. F pkg, .1., Brewer, D. do • do -:,caiman FIlial.ell• . 2. L.xi..l I ',Aar county, 1, A . .. 1 Coult, 'him. NI do Pittsburgh C.illairn, L do Ihrislnghain Chun h. A tn..% do Port Griffith elver, B. shoe %,....se. Pitteinargh Lompbell, J A parkaee, Kittannine. Clapp, lion 11.:If do Presild'ta Purnsa , Pa Clark, Wm. F, do Pittsburgh. ernighe, Wm 1 2 Criers a, Pa Cliti:en Orli. e, it.. Franklin, PA Leiria Is, hi. 11 •Pittsburgh Den dint Miss Sloan package. • 1.. Dal di, Jae. A.. .1., Thtleuey, Martin R 2 do do Danner, %1 . . 2 bake, A nderson. Ey. Dorsey, Thos. M bus. Pittsburgh. Davie, David ' ..in Warsaw, PA. Engilah at Appleton. do Pittsburgh., , Ettrailleti, It pin kayo, I.orviiburg. Pa. Etn.sa, Chas E. M .lo New Grmeta, Pa I-...itar,lienr) Pne • Mercer, l'a. I . JIO. John 1.11. elate. Pittslairgh Fettle r, II I' ply, , do I, e. mon. I,ernnol I' NA. !Slack Hank, Ft. ) tom., 11. P. Pkg.. Allegheny shy. Yotten•er, A. It. trunk, Pittsburgh. Planer. Simon 11. 1 pkg.. Wlrtemlmrg. Pa F.r..11..) a gult.•ti, box, l'itt,burgh. Floyd, Stephen do do Filitr,..John e. do Allegheny city . Ft onion. 11 e bar . Pittsburgh Frtodly, Jon n pkg., do tlraelett, Mt a lt. Warsaw, Pa. M.A., J c't. ha tt'k. Pittabutgli Grarf, .1 Pkg • Connersville. ito...tb. ft - •1.. Pit ivloor,li. Oral., J. V.:, do ' U nt e r r j, .. , l, A. I. nin 1,, do loot, Venal, N'enango 0... Barrio, J. du f`adig, Ohio. Hanle), Jr.... .1.. Waithiogtota cit v. lien•lemon. Mrs. du Renville, Woof en.. V Reiner a it h Ilcv It, laultane, Putstureli. !kirk-bum, Loutti do do I lopki ris, Timothy . do do 1 totcond.. Ir. 5 if.. .1.. Ilan, John S. do do Tidier, thrivt .1.• do li..4Cift, W. 1 II do Portage. Ohio . Gratingly It, A. Kittanning. Retinae, J. .1. new I loreore. /I.torr, Itlo...zoltbiltA do %Warren, Pa. lieu inni;. A oi, ,t o Allegheny city. Italia, t 'hes box. Piney, (Ration co., l'a. llinkl. , .1. IV. Au Pittati-rgh. keen.. k k.;:, Allegheny k - i!y. Hatt. II . F. ~i,.. do I h•tidur... a. De. .1 d.. Nlreonctoll.villo, • •Iti, ,1.. h ndl on. Andr,o , do Pili.barrli. .lokoo., Nl. do .1. Allegheny • It 1 JO, 0 11 I hal, l'itt...borgli. 1,,0 .1 1 fin to,N, Darling.toit, Pa In, in I. I '.5 . c .1 1 plig . Pittatihrgli i.tnainan. J. 1 box, if.. hillier. IV 11. 1 pl. ktiv,e, ,1„ Kaeller,tiodirey I it. do hak le"' iol-• 1i..,, -11 l I • 1 •• All, 7.Lieny nit Eon{ • Wl ll I do l'ittalitirg,h IlAlt , I' I .1.. d„ L. ,t, .1 ti ts'atre.., Otto. I.lpalt, eons...) Irani, Pittsburgh . L. muse,, 0 . h. b.- , , kilitiLlC. Linit.k in, i Wale, 1'1,1.14117h loos, ‘ll,o 11. I. 1.1.,...... I ..rt. tun., ‘l II siosl , na. FA% ,rd Pkr.. 11entairv,Cot.....1 .1. Mot ..e, Let i 1., .ilerlii. %Wm Ilerrin tit A loorrvolll easto, Muhl Ja.. 1, 1 pke 11...„.1,-..J.1... i i... % . Stoic, Ur. is Minn Lb. II .1, Marlin. is a; 01,1 inf. PAM .I.'"'. 1 g , NI iraldu t S,. . i I, - .a 1 Warren Oh %lorao het ii. C. Pittsbureb Montagne. II in. 1.. do do dartio, Wm I'd,. Allegheny zits 11. ad. nball,:-. do Richmond. /no. IL-Fart...l, A do Pittsburgh IL:finite, l• do Allegheny di) NI. licnset . J.,- Pittsburgh. Nlcenbt, J. It Freeport NloCorno.i., C. 0.) d.) Irwin, Ver.ine i A Aeon , tv 1.-on a 1.1.1 , Clayekunl Neutli r, Pei. G. II hos, Pitteburgiu `.rivi,..rt. 1 I it •1.. * Nneet, 34, 1 trunk., .1.. H nher tl. oil, Jub a I package, ii.. visa, J.. I 1.01, do Peoples, Nits puma I du do Price. J. 1 d.. Allegheny •E tin. Futreey Iron. P. 1 pkg Kittanning Pout, Neat 1 do Pittsburgh. Pros. IW. University, 1. bat, do Peters. Fran. oil kg, do Powel,,itl, .t. 1 tag, di. hent.ert. P. ''. pkg. , Reid, Ads, d.. Sharon, Pa ' Worn. II .1„ Pittsburgh Laugh, 3 Ir. .1„ do Holeneon, • i it 'I. d.. do Russell A Bri . d.. d. Iltooe. W, U. d o Deyton, Ohl , I -. hen. Dr Phlbp Mercersbure. ' oniiili, Psi C het". l'lttstso Eh I fitnith. El. pkg . Kldersvllle. . Stertin J.., -nit Mark do l'lttahnr Is `lone, I'. s' 4., Apollo, Pa. mien 1:. i 1 ) , (10r, Florence. Pa. 51-ort, ti. a .; pkg.. Steubenville, 'Ohl Suter, il. R .1.. l'ittet•orgh Stovt tier, i ohne, An Telloyke. II It. Nig.. it,, . Thoraloo, A 4 - . , Cl. A•. .1.. Vanier, It, do do rethink, NW F. Flit-sixth, Pa. It al lace, J. IV do l'ittsburgb Wright, T. It d.. K ittaauine Wright, W pig , Pittsburgh. Williams E. W. lox, [ Watt, Jot , . do Rt.-evilly; Ohio. woodruff. Duos pkg.. Kittaunblg. ' i li'inen, Eli. abetli trunl . ICastelugtuocit r . Z4l tlebart, r. Pkg., Pittsburgh. W. D. BARROLL,. Agent. • The Adana rUpresa Co. Pittsburgh, May61141E56. tuy7 It. tlti• NH 111 116 10 , I JP.: MOM 1112 j :.•• I .11 • 4U(N)I tA) I 00.. n' bOt) 2100 :' , 0,1 , 111) I i. 41 1.2 I .0.1.) +.700 1 111 171 @BEM 31 111. I • B \ • • NtrMZER, 193. DANE L DECORATIONS.—NeI4 imitations of {Carl; new awl old architecturaldr hon ing the main. Yor wileW biy W. L '. btAasn CO. ap.3l) on.l strett. NEWMUSIC! NEW MUSIC!! Oar.( Anuio, s bamuttfoi new ballad by Ftepben C. }aster. J nisetta 8011, ueiv comic song ne min by Duetley's Min strels. Sparking on Sunday Night—new. Verve Stars; Mother, Bride seal Wife—new—ballad by Bellak. Say n kind word when you ran new—Sung by Thomas. Meaaenger Dose Walter,.. Robbing Around Pell.. I'vri \lalt..es, by d'Albort. Corn.. In--new ballad by Bucket,: 'rusty Joys -.a rolle..tion of onny pleeet by Dedink; J.e,t re.c.dved pet Repress, and for aide t IL KLEMM. A Bibb, ~ de Agents i•.r Nllllll5 & Clark's Hawn+. N 0.6.1 Plitt street. NEW AND CIIEAP BOOKS. ilitutholdre Island of Culot, train-Mahe] from the. opanish. .Ispon Court, a tale of our own time--Shirley Brooke. on.l Hoping, the story of a little II unehliarl;-- irony Marsh. and 'tfi, the modern Revolutionary llietory of i relalot -- John Eatmge, The n.n.b3 e ,. Cona aeries, With Echoes-4.bn liroughwit, leno—Annual of Prientiflo Diaerwory, try TrBMd k Marriage, fresh supply revolved. The ladirr` Guide to perfect, gontflltv—Etiilly Thnrnwnll. Vsaave; a 6,111..1 to the Foregunt, h 7 Wm. G. :intim, lardnere on.- Thioviand and Ten Things Worth li n.erinv ..ut.. .t met Wan Railway Guide for V.'S., May, boolg re , •rivAd Re tool, fie publred,.at W. A. OIL DEN IMET & CO Fifth SMNgt,, lite the Thistie. T ` TIRWPAN'S LETTERS:—Letter4 to the. _IA. ' [tient Rey John llnghea, annuip,c4thhll, Inah•T !!.44 York, res Ned and entaretit 11y Klrirft.n. Nor 441,. I. , R. T. (24 WEALS% .HP111641,4441 E.)111110ILiERII;$ AND 'PRIMMINGS.-^ A. A. MASON A' CO. are )wet opening aunth. !Tr . nd 174.11 idlectsd sgstortnient nt Embroldprirm, 11.1br.cfs hr.t Trinantoviof or.q ) vat imy, alad tha tn46t elegant and taah hmat•hs 43*. apYi BLAKYLY ti RICLIEY, REAL -Esx.a.rx BROKERS AND AUCTIONEERS, corner of So nth and Saaltflebt streote, l'ittaburgb, will attend to sellins by !melon ant , property sold by lientoret by order ot Or- Ow l s' Court, in tlia City or County and to any drectiptlon of Real Estate 001 of the City. job H HITS AND COLLARS made to order and p,latrant...l to fit, at I. lIIRSIIXELD t SON'S, 4,24 Vo. TO Wond atruet. 8 / ILOTEIS AND CA SIMERES---A. A. 1,.._, , :,lASON .t. CO have received a verielarge and ottrw... ,i,.,: e,...,rettient of Frehth and Eagliati Smart Clothe. MPO, ta 0001,114 Ipt of.h.lark. Doeskin and Fancy Caa4nieren of every deacrittwo..l.l6, , cilma NG MUSLINS AND LINENS.- ) A A ISIASON k CO. bare just apened tea cases of ca irn ,'soft finished Shirting Muilltut,' 'Very desirable makes. Affix, 100, more pte.m ( c i f Sas qtkullidta of Irish. Linens id' the letest'ittakeiOltid Sriirrazitha all pure flax. taut 1 OROS' CLOVEIANODYNE just received ailffer sale by FT.EMING BROS. - Fgnsis Payson's Indelible To!, " Coen Geistfile, 300 8.. , Sal Ammoniac, 80 ,4 - erode Tartar, bbls. Ane Drop Blaelr, , Bose Plnk, 7 • " [IntLV A CON-150 pieres this day received lIICIRY H. COLLINS. , ofxl4l< - 4w4 bbl*. r '' otte444 Ott 4:ViiiilNEti ACKEREL-50 bhls. No. 3 Mackerel, 50 AM, Herrings. mr,lrtag and for gale by myG HENRY U. COLLINS • '4= .r' f ;. 4 , _ .. ~F~,:~. RATES OF ADVERTISING AtikEßl) ioN t Y 'PHI Yri"PAll'ltt4ll PtaNA glzr square, one iuoerti,, 1), , , rarlt u.klituuct I in.tert,,ll Ell==l=l Stat..tio l t t!at .1, wit 1111.... r Lµwa, tber alltllllll et, iNtlilAllll rr PLPA4I , II.II Oho *than., per eltlllllol, teltriatil re the plipet,) `!'23 . 00 t.O beialt uotieesai roots- _P I I".USIATIii3 R POST. MONDAY mousr*G.. PRESIDENT'S MESS,C-Gg, CENTRAL AMERICAN AFFAIRS, The Senate passed the llonse.bill granting 'Whir., .1 in alternate seetions,-to Florida and Alabama, to aid • in the construction of railroad=. • . 0-t 4 Mr. Mallory spoke on the subject of the Naval- Board, replying to all the arguments urged spinet. the Board, hut taking no untie of the personal:Wish whirl had been intermingled ,n the discussion. ---• The President transmitted reports from.thefiectreol , • tary of State, Secretary of the Navy and the.iittientq • r general, in reply to a resolution of the Senate , at•:, March last ; also a resolution from the Houltainf the Bth of May, both having reference -to the routes nf transit between the Atlantic and the. Paoltiottetumer through the Republics of New Granada and Nina :ague, and to the condition of affairs in Central America. The President says in his message: The narrow• Isthmus which connects the continent of North mid South America, by the facilities that it affords for easy transit between the Atlantic and the Penile oceans, have rortderei the countries of Central America objects of special consideratitin to all cam- mereial nations; and this has been greatly augment est in modern times by reason of changes in our coot. mereial relations, produced by the general rise .of steam as the motive power. To us, on account of-114 geographical position and our political interestansan American State, of primary magnitude, that istlAinns is of peculiar importance, just as the isthmus of Suezr is, for corresponding reasons, to the commercial powers of Europe. dint, above-all, the importaneeta the United States of securing free transit across the American isthmus has become of paramount interest since the settlement of the territories of Oregon - end Washington, and the ticcession of California. pelted by these considerations, the United States took steps at an early day to assure suitable means of: commercial transit, by canal, railway or other- wise, across the Isthmus." Alter speaking of the treaty with Now Granada. Saco ring the right. of transit, and the unsuccessful en dearer to obtain front Mexico a cession of the right of way at the northern extremity of the Isthmui by Tehuantepec-, the President speaks of the importance of the narrowest point of the Isthmus for transit, and the paramount interest of the United States in the .eenrity and protection of the projected lines or travel. lie then adverts to the fact, that although this government has been asked, to extend its pro. tecting power and avail itself of such advantagesr-as that protection would secure, still it has persevered in a system of justice and respect for the rights and interests of others as well as our own in rc,nrd to all the Central American States. lie refers briefly to the pos4eseion taken by greet Itritain of the harbor nl an Juan del Norte, almopt ..urnediately atter the treaty of Goad...loupe Hidalgo, and of the effect produced upon Nicaragua by that set, and adverts to the unsettled condition of it r ,zpanish American republics and of the solicitude and regret inspired on the part of this country. Their violent revolutions and the wars by which I bey have been continually agitated have made them amparatively powerless. Unable to afford due pm- lootion to foreign interests within their territory, or defend their own soil sgo.inst aggressors; foreign or domestic, the harden of this ',tate of things has inn 4erynently been at Nem the foreign titittes tioome6 led in (Jose relations of conmereial intercoarse. lIL, PltiAburg.h. The Presidant in A peaking of Maxien shows the Ca,t that Great Britain and France hare both had no Elryln, I'm rittsburgl, n, htteburo_ 1.,.f ITmsturigtail it A 11rg1,z.7 ..scion to resort to their military power to.enforce the rights of their citizens against the States of inde• pendent Spanish America. He likewise alludes to the fa.t that, although it would be as easy for the rnited states to absorb new territory from Central \onerka, as ii is for European States to do this in Asia or Afrios, yet we have abstained from it in *be Hence to lf.on2ideratinna of right not less than of poi. ~.3. Ile alarms that he has never failed to discharge - Ihe duties which. he owes to himself, to his country, ~id to foreign power , : and that he has never failed -ternly to exert all the authority vested in him tore rrem anlawfuLeuteirrism, because they are in -vio tatien of the law ut the laud, which the constitution' requires him to execute faithfully; because they are contrary to the polity of this government, and be cause to permit them would he a departure Tram good faith to the American . republics in amity with- her the American republics to which modern events have imparted most prominenee,.is that orNi earagna, on account of its transit route and other ,vise. The President adverts to the fact that in their grrigglea and troubles, neither being strong enough to overcome the other, one of the parties (Castill' anti) .avited the assistance of a small body offtitizens of the United States, whose presence, apparently Lput 'ati' oud to the struggle, and restored quiet byplacintrit. the head of the governmenta distinguished Individ ual, by birth a citizen of the republic, D. Patting' Picas, as its provisional Presidents - The message then speaks of the established policy of the United. States in relation to the recognition of foreign ministers. The following are the principles ••et forth : "We recognize all governments without question f their source or organisation or of the means of which the governing powers attain their power. provided there be. a government do facto accepted s the people of the country. -We do not gn behind the fact of a foreign government ever , Mt , the actual power to investigate questions of legitimacy ; we do net. inquire into the causes Which may have led to a.obairkge of government. - To nalt is indifferent whether a stoccessfal revolution has been aided by . foreign intervention. or not ; whether insurrection halt overthrown existing governments and another has been establishedin its place, accord ing to pre-existing forms, or in a manner adopted-for the occasion by those whom we may find in the actual possession of power." All these smatters are left to the people and .pnblie , authorities of.the countries respectively. During the ' sixty-seven ,years of our existence nnderthe-present • constitution, we have had occasion to recognize governments de facto founded by domestic revolution or by military invasion from abroad in many of the governments of gurope. The principle is vastly more Important as applicable to the Central Ameri can States whererevolutions are constantly occurring. If, therefore, when the minister from Nicaragua pro. tented himself some menthe since, bearing the com mission of Presidentaivas, the foots which are now presented bad existed, he nowt have been received. Various objeetions to him wore stated. Another minister has presented himself and been received, satisfactory evidence appearing that he represents the government dc facto and, so far as such exists, the government dr jure of that republic. Numerous considerations pfknternst to thisecisusts7 are added to enforce the propriety of this reception. -The message states that a spetial commissioner-has, been despatched to Panama to investigate the factkof the late occurrence in that quarter, and suggests that some meaxeres forrecurity of transitmnst be resorted to, and that if the present constitutional power of the President is not statient., he will communicate to Congress snob recommendations as the exigency of the case may indicate. The documents accompanying the message wet •-• quite voluminous. Those *am the Attorney °extern' comprise instructions to prevent the fitting net of ex peditions of a military or naval character for invading the territory of any foreign powers. The report of the Secretary of the Navy encloses r orlon r orders to the oommanders of the Susquehtunis, Potomac, Fulton and St. Mary's. The Secretary en closes to Codamodore * Paiilding a copy of the state of Captain Tinklepaugh, of the steamer Orizaba, Bay ing • "It presents . a, ease making- it manifest that ' cur fl ag should he...shows at San Juan, Nicararta.": in inasideratiOn of the circumstances, he directs , them to proceed there with the frigate Potomac; and in distributing the vessels Of the home squadron he gifts particular instruetiOns to each commander to touch at Panama, Aspinwall and San Toon, and a' often as consistent with a due regard to the interest. , of our conntrr in those parts—the sloop of war St. Itlnryrs being instruoted to remain at Panama as long as she is needed. fbe mass of documents ...nun full particulars of the outrages at Panama. Don Molina, a Costa Ricer, minister, under date c.l April ISth last, in a letter to Mr. Marcy, speaks of fillibustering poweri as being always hostile to that Republic, stating in candor and frankness that the lawless conduct of itiY class is the sole cause which compelled Costa Rica to undertake the war in width. she is now engaged, and imposed sacrifices which she protests the will reclaim from whoever may be re sponsible for them. Mr. Marcy replies on April 2:,th, to what Don Mc , - line calls the lawless conduct of the inhabitants of the United States, raying t.hat it reflects on the good fairtfof oar conntry,itt regard. to - its neutral relatinns not only witli Costa•Riea, tint *Rh each of the Cen tral American Statott. "'That charge could not' be lightly made, and wax presented without adequate. proof to sustain it. • - After arguing in favor of the right of extirpa tion, he says "JterPect. for Costa Rica and Don Mo lina himself- reqpirsAat,hia languagoahall be Mb, ..erPrePedil tbatitiliAlttiot Charge of conalyamOt • on the part Of thrS"Oreriuttent at u einladion tho., neutrality a • ' • • On the 2d of•MaY,Teetritare'. filtait , y rends Ultra the papers detailing the shocking bariiartiy'l daughter of non-rombstants by Costa Ricans, and says - "The President is willing to believe that Costa Rita will promptly condemn the perpetrators of this r,r: w BERM MMEffffl - '. 01le A Fri: MO erb.n. . flare% went. ot ir month vi t gall• bur ii .nib. 1==!I DEBATE IN SENATE AVAREIINOTON. May if SENATh ^, .• 'k MEE 1- ;1 - 00 400 00 °:a ..... 0 00 e: Oa , ' • 110 k4-r t*