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L..4...!..2,i„,_-, 1 ~.L t . ....tiltatt t, . ~_. t. ..___— ft...,... .I_, - --t..----- , --- -- -t- --- t.- ;St vs '''`' '." • t• ' , 2e r::.t, -, ..X.-'4,,sitt,s.-.;2....4.'.—, i,.z-- t• •--- 1 ~.. -- - t 4 1 ;7' great 1411.1 h.: ithr.rtAnee wat,,, that 1.,,u • I'. SiTICP tli above wa, 111 type, we have itif,,rmed by Mr. Stu yt,tll: that the ' ,, twert trill be repented Vain tu-niglb Itili.nonPs.--The bill that passed both littuses of Congress gTarintig a million and a half acrea of land to aid in building the lowa railroads has been signed by the President and become a law. It had a narrow escape however The :Senate was just on the eve of re-considering the v.oe as the President's message was received stating that he had signed the bill. It will he a grand thing for lowa, and enable her to com plete her principal roads in a short time. NEW C1 , IT(111 11CPUSE BILL.—An important bill has been proposed in Congress, revising and sys temi-ong the filinini , tration of the custom houses. It , tbolislies fees in all and fixes direct sala ries, as the pay of all officers, according first to the importance of the ports, and second according to the grade of office. dome Ur the higher offi cers have their pay reduced, but in most ease- , there is an increase proposed in the hill. WE call attention to the advertisement of flott's Patent Hand Stamp. The machin e is cer tainly an improvement on any thing we have saw yet. Every business man should have one, and will when he sees it and learns how cheap it is. It can be seen at 111. F. Eaton's Exhibition Room, No. 429 First street, a few doors above Wood. Call and see it. :: }...c vs , . • • r-•• • ••I•4 • ..1 't=,•``.„4,,t ' • . = • • • you have respectively performed the duties entrusted NICARAG l:A. —A great change has suddenly to you; and I need not say how gratified 1 am at I taken place in the ',oldie mind in regard to the reception which has been extended to me by the the idiot ts of Walker to establish a stable and people of all ...toles in title beautiful city—n city which, in adaition to the recollections I have already enlightened government" inNicaragua. The alluded 10, is endeared to me by the filet that the first news of hi:: recent Liattleiand bis.perilous posi political speech I ever made in my life seas male in has aroused a publielvmpathy that le show appealing to my fellow-eitizens at home to raise iol l ion unmers to defend it against th e foreign Meader. ing itself in substantial acts all[nver the count which I follow e d b y enrolling ,y namein the list 4i "I ry. A t Nl , a , t/rleans, St. Louis, New York and some those who o ff ered to march to its defence, and tetth them I came here to offer iny humble services. i other places, large. public meetings have been Now as to Maryland anti Pennsylvania.. s They held and s t rop are both rapidlyblotting out Mason and Dixon g resolutions of sympathy adopted, line. and measures taken to raise money and arms to l i ' i lle enterprise everydire,.n, ,f ~,i.3a.,,,,0dr you,,e hue penetrated our State are reaping the rich fruits send to his aid. The government has received of that enterprise from the s alley' and the muuntain, Vi i jili, the Nicarau of the Keystone State. We rejoice 111 your prosperi- gan Nlinister, thus recognizing ty. The day has , passed when any jealousy ,houl.l the V: after- Rivas go \ ernment. This is an im. alwa) s injur ious to bop, portant step in lV e next etc alker's favor. Th e e p x or ia i t ie l , setween us —a m altissy will he to present more recruits going out to Join I once inure return to you and to the citizens of Baltimore my sincere thanks fur your generous w el- his army, ti the ~ ,,P ,ll/11,11 rin But it rannol ~.,.,.. Whatever Daly happen to Ins in the future 1 he done. There are a thousand men ready to go s h a ll always esteem this one of the proudest days of my life. from New In-leans, and they will get -- It is almost impossible to convey the inipre,slon produced by the delivery of the above speech by Mr. Buchanan. Il is venerable appearance, his tine ath kale forth, the clear, ringing tones or his voice, which were heard by the immense audience that toned to him, rendered the scene a most impo , M4 one. Ile was frequently interrupted by cheer , , and when he closed hundreds rushed forward to take Lou by the hand. Last evening, in company with the city counvil. he ?mended the opera, where he was saluted with the la %qt rapturous applause. At midnight he was sere olided it his quarter, by the band of the Indupendent Blues. Lit' itlsbur Vost. FRIDAY MORNING FOR PRESI DEVI JAMES BUCHANAN I Sul , ) , -(1 fu the decisi... .r ti, ,r,thortal rburnsi DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET '.& UL COMMIStiIOYEK GEORGE SCOTT, or Col L'ABIA AUDITOR GERD. L JACOB FRY, Jr., M,..rr,omElo Co. SrIIV[ToR OLNYRAt . TIMOTHY IVES, Pyrrtn CoryTT Democratic County Committee of Correspondence. The berth, -- ralit riarrav ll•n•ratitts ..irrer—ir•lrte : rams( at Ore St Chair., s kTuRDA V. th. 1; tl,t Ma . ), 1.01. at 1, „ tl•.k A lull attearlahri. I, r.• trostr , l SA 11l El, tl. Hf. ACK . Clan, IllYll. The (011:rx - arre, traareel geotlellarri r.rrhieer, the clerhartit., 11 rtr Chariterrihater, t 1 Ihmkrtra, Il it 11 tiler. 711 , ....2. Hart. Win Jirlitert th, Jarol. L Elearea..r, H 14 lierle , tte, Jahree llerrirnan, Mir Irael Sher.. .I.thir II l'hiltriet, Jrthir .10111 r Is AWltrwry. ,t_lrl Jam , .L•her, Ilerttr.trlri Andrea s..rit, A (kilt, Earl., rre.ru F•tater Samuel Kirk, A It MiTarlarel Democratic State Central Committee The Den - tut:T.46c State Central C./uttnittee PettnNylvania alll meet at l'iit-dottgh. at the harlet , Hotel on Monday. the ot May, lu u'elock A. NI. Important lt-int— :0.101,1 •. cure a general attendance J W. nil:NI:I. rh,rman A 1 - 1 . )1( E GEORGI A The l; corgis at,/ .N . crif 11, I ha. halt' 311 ably written article on the i , uh . ject of the ei t n•l date f. , r the Presidency. and wake• the tollowmn rt•tnark= in reiriird to Penn , ylvitnia 311,1 Then to this nohle old kejst“ne I. -t us Fire tie h•ar,r of the nominee. It is fairly her doe. <he Idi never yet had a Pre,ident, great and trim, a• Au- ; and has Leen to our princtple. Now, ale.ve all oil. err, her time. li AMont .•.r. r Prerrielent , for New York and t , 1”,.. iv •••, three-fourths of the free State.. are dead .Lgain-t 1.•. A Prejndent has never yet keen clotted without the vote of one of there three great Statef.— Neer Pennsylvania and t . nor !• it n .w at all w;tl.,, the range of rational probability. Ilut one ,d! is reaJonahly certain in the next election. Shall put that certainty in jeopardy by ungratefully d. mantling her litrina•raey t ; put „side her gnat their farori to— prominent ti Vane,. fur the ufEwe are nut ..nrpttle , ed — ii. inlw they are equalled-I , y anv in the ahui, cuur.tre..at go for some se • tl,l or thlr.l r 9 tatter State. ,t.t,,t v i O , FLA H t hut :Mitt tt getwral ,tl,ll n , -..w - -e. it . 1' , 111 . • t•' 1%.tt1.1 I.e ct , duhvc t.t the 1.1:11,,t judgment. and •-und And L., rather of defeat and d3,,der than ..1 ni vi , Lopry. Th, le.ve nt thi,inliwtnro, 3 "rily LL•• ttril l•t_tt t • th•. exi , tetioe tho :. , untrs. the tem-I ieull hung or exp,ri[l.lcl[l. to put 111 rink th •..1.1 too plaruly t, Otl , l,3nort I,' i r.tn,rc :my uum,um•eweUt Ilassie • ..... e-•ar, dwell nl /illy length upon lit. ,up ,A,11111f1,101.•1 1,, the pemtien. 1...1:te•hl IN I. 1., be that el the ,•euntr v L r the Last thrty years; for there will SC/LT.ly Ike it•l111,1 that hat , not receit ed the light ~f hi, judguieot . A,. whether to the legislature or the Cahwet. he ti,eu•l ran proudly challenge the pr , nlu,•tiou "IA V,.t. that wa..l nut given in mtrivt c..hfialnity t•, the tution, and in equal juetire to all reettun. rl., The Georgia delegate. in the Convention nurc vote brit for Gen. Pierce. but Mr Burtoulan Irl.l ultimately receive their supp.rt. (it . that 11 havC• Du doubt Jrt two of the writer rettiat wr Inly take exeepttun to The wr:ter un•k•lratr , it Hrength ,Jr thr Urnt::eruti Larry :t: ::f ti I:::rittern Flair- 11, t:::t : liemocrney t f the n. , rtherEl Stale an ,1 :qr Buchanan lull ju-t., and i- right in believing him the mo-t urailal THE CON, ERT Hall was a brilliant affair S..tue young girls, all dressed in white and neatly an. tastefully attired took part, and we were agreea bly surprised at the correctnes, , with which !hr\ sing. Mr. Shryuck has by this concert gi%en pr.iof of his skill 'and faitlifultie , - as a teacher ,1 music in our public r,Lools. I%e hope ho repaid for Lis efforts. It wits one of the largest audiences ever a•seuibled in Pittsburgh. There must have been :i,oito present, including tho singers. That concert was a strong are:m.l,l,E in favor of the utility of our public schools It was the best concert ever heard In tide City, and should be re;.eated by all means. City Hal! can be filled twice more. Litter:llly the of a thousand string - was there. We know of several musical Eontlduet, who offer to volun teer with a full baud. 13yerly, Co., are ready. --Tbe c , .ucert Limit !light nt t.O WWI spite of neutrality law... It is too late to stop the title. Walker will bnd support sufficient to insure his success if he can hut ,ustain himself six weeks longer. Ile wants money, 211 in, and proyisions, and they will he furnished in abundance. The attempt the Engliali to prevent assistance front reaching hint will, in all prolotbility, result in a more serious diflietilly het yen the two gulvinmeuts than any heretofore talked of. Already one of our eMps, the Iftizba. ha Leer boarded and searched by the.4l - icerl of a lintieh armed A few ewer ~ f that kite] tieill raise a ,pirit in this enuntry that eann,t e y (kir ¢ocernno•nt lutes 1 ....111 , • -I. n r" rewPut the-e iu M 11 I LAN ear Is KANS Me of the Southern papers are now iliAcouriwitig Southern enligni lion to Kan,a... They say they want their popu lation at home, ttlld that it is unsafe to take their slaves : that they will either run away or he erniinripated by Kan- , as becoming a free State. W e I.ehere they are entirely right. Kt it-a 4 will L•ertKitily become a tree State, Imild then the lave tiiken there will linc , itne free. It N nu Inner .6mhtful competition. It N -"aid. and ao douLt with truth, that the arrival of settler, iu the Tel rtt..ry tI N -pi mg were by t.. ono , r 01 Nlr Reeder t etate t w.• L, ,ue +t those ;t•-t year were F rev :;tate men How ran It La;!, then, to become a free : ' fate MN,MrIIM,II , OI not be allowe.l again to miefere in the e;echoits a...they ihil beture. nml the the a. tual re-rieLt., will no,o tie the .ine,tom. ft 1... .`!,14 The Itive-t.witing I'o:nmitt,•c now there. are prtigres‘iinit but *lna gathering te.t.ni by. h•~Ne, e r, ehi 10 , 1 f„•t. to pr , t. that Nl , ..ourinn,. in I:relt Q„ er C. attd 'B4, tit the r!ecti •It• I t6n~n~•L tL~~ ~~,~r~ • I .11 i:rdl”rd neAr (Brit If. , I 11, an• ors .1a) aft,-r Ltv and night all v•un Irngth fitt,,iJth afi , r their ,1 1 . 9ppritratICP their .11.3 f•liti•l in the L•rr-t frill 1,,n wt-tt h,•r w-t, it•tilt•ti ,Iltr.ng. t:wi• It 14 liorriWe t,. ininrlnr •ua f Iren fri)111 thvir 11 , 111 , Light. tir , lr ..n, ati•l their 4L rt!,••• f.,r help N,pn.. 0M1•1 L,ll. 91, died hr•t, Lut u!,ebeN,r .1.1 the t ti. latt in: I kl.wt i mts,l Ji :t It t- •u! th.•y , tart.. I gt. their t:ittu.r xh , bx - i ion . 'Mere L.un•l hal (Large) the lather with Laving Mtn . irr tEetn ilarge wa, not tin] ~ everrly Tho 'lre ..f Lur :lit/. ii ll,' I I .11i, • 1 • 1,, ,, I1 10,1 • !11: 1.4,1 . t 'lan from >lt. .I 1-.;.ir..r. man,. I t: rrnl nrtiolen in , 1114i.lal.• fur l' ,, are• , .:Lb.l vie i 1.1..• 1,-1.,1411PL. Ca;]. 31.11.1 •11.1:hlt..11 nod I', I the rai.ad 114,, tl.at the nil,. ,1.•••• tIo.I u . lat, •II , •1 ..113( th.• ,—!lt 411 , ,I) Um+ , at., 111.1 I . Klll la. 1 r I 111,1 itlr.l 1 1 , 11t110 , 1, 11,11ce I 1 :•lil J.:k pre-en,, Ih/it the ',Arty r.l ;era , tr , l r. ~,,, but th,lr I,es, xr. , l ahlr—t the,: %0.., Hr.' , :,pa',l, defer: hng aid exp ,, undir.g er, t hr 1, r their Ithert,ee lV e a ant 111,11 .. I/ , - , 11,..1•1 fair. 14.1-101.1 C gin f,r the foture ag,aitlNt treachery tw the ~ lir "1.11111,.1n ohateter taro, tiny may appear , • IVllrch arcllerc, nr tire luau I• , r the timer and 11, glare. 111, 11.1 inert the Iretn , ,rrarie urket lewuld is run gt h and n guaranty ~f suce e , A NAl'lo.'s A 1, 1 1 . 2.1(01 . h. A The runro that the may stn.rtly he r perted a Frat. l generally dr-cre.ltted A tw,. ~11,, , r1f . thpn in (h wards .tf }:111110re,m It pre-,nt. has heet. !wins' ref ti , als t.l ~ i c • • 1111110 T. t• t.f /1111,prig Tlii• guxerlllllelit eNrti went ttir nm I tn.kke ~rl, l the c,sl.-1, nett,. t• y wttruttic t it I.,•.ttde 01 Ow I.tt, prolltlttittig puttlit:e~~,e~eh~~n i.wau„r,„.,„ ten. Were tip hi ii I , irk I.!tri their Wel it lyttges, Ur ti, pity tlicttott•l‘l.4, in lieu titer, two (runes rpt;,.n 1,, th.• fund. The••e detail:. are, primps, nauseous, but lln•t are sigodiiirtut. as they i0,, 0 t ' condition of the laboring class e s of Pan, The object ..r the sul , cription, I forgot to state, ,- the put chase of the Marengo estate on the field of battle of that name in Italy. The estate in .juestion ii to be =old at auction iu Paris on the first of neat July It is situated near Alexan drill, in Piedmont, on the line of the railway th•tl ' connects ltenoa and Turin. It consi.ts of a MuntiliB ntal palace, built by M. he Chevalier l Itelitvi,, the present proprietot, on the spot whet, Ih,• little is anppuSed to have raged with ilic eatest fury, and furthermore of about ~ ne hundred acres of land watered by the Scrivia, lurid e , inpriNing %iikeyard-, tueaduWB, The Palace is nothing but a vast museum of relies and curiosities connected in nay way, 'ter remotely, with the great battle which they commemorate, and consisting for the most part of work. , of art, such as paintings, statues, 18,1 Ne., of objects that once belonged to Nap.- leun or Liesaix, and finally of an immense quan tity of arms picked up in the battle field. ,111 these things are contained in the large parlor of ' the old Marengo Inn, which building, instead of being pulled down, teas preserved cadre and in coporateil into the new structure. 'the whole property will be put up at rt. minimum bid 001,000 franca. The secret society, the Marianne, ha., already extend e d its ramifications over .sixty-nise the departments of France. /e4.4/444)/.1 Russia Salo,.—lt is a Boston remedy of thirty years' standing, and is recommended by physicians. It is a sure and speedy cure for burns, piles , boils, corns, felons, chilblains, and old sores of every kind ; for fever sores, ulcers, itch, scald head, nettle rash, bunions, sore nip ple,, recommended by nurses,) whitlows, sties, festers, flea bites, spider stings, frozen limbs, salt rheum, scurvy, sore and cracked lips, sore nose, warts and flesh wounds, it is a most valua ble remedy and cure, which can be testified to by thousands who have used it in the city of Boston and vicinity for the last thirty years. In no in stance will this Salve do au injury, or interfere with physician's prescriptions. It is made from the purest materials, from a receipe brought from : Russia—of articles growing in that country— and the proprietors have letters front all classes, clergymen, physicians, sea captains, nurses, and others who have used it themselves, and recom mend it to others. Redding's Russia Salve is put in large tin boxes, stamped on the cover with a picture of a horse and a disabled soldier, which picture is also engraved on the wrapper. Price, 23 cents a l,“x. Redding & Co., proprietors.. Aberdeen, in else from the scattered fragments which the extavation of ancient cities For sale by B. A. Fahnestock & Co., Flem ing Bros., R. E. Sellers & Co., Dr. G. H. Keyser and R. Miner & Co., Pittsburgh ; Beckham & WE:er:tan, Allegheny city. • , ••••‘• -re • et , ' ,• . • N ~~ ~~~tt EOM! 4t; that uh. h perati It 51.:1-• I+% i,% I .111.1 the other HUD h I and hung(' I ttIP i/. :itg f • ‘Vzl.• , l/ at, lio-• tbr ts.a'M r n kr:Ler . h..,n•, amen The h although the ri‘..r is receding id IA there still a good stage ‘.l . and f,ol present indica tion? afforded I•y the weather we hare Nation to Lope that our river , ', iii t avignblo for some weeks to route, and that the active husinesa roe may yetbe carried into the ensuing tri•iath ~Ida The Marine Asrueiation have fq!!1.:11 reduced their freighte, the rate, from Pitt,buigh to the lower port , being as • 17_ 1_;;-; T o rm. • • f, / :1 ' 20. 15 1 Tu Lututo ;SU :ta t '.U I 1 251 171 I nSt, An., 4ll I 410 I ...... .•..... 40 40 ` , 011111160d, rilt , Hild Paducah 1 40 44, 35!! 31, 34, i Sitint ....... .• 4O, IL, 140, Bet ~.011 1/ Kvukt4A. '0.4“1 40 . 7 1, 01 701 70 Ikr lihl.-tot mid 1,1,14.111.• I 7 1 701 I ~, II Wit . ) 111 At Philadelphia, on Tue,day, there was. a Leper feeling noticeable at the :tuck Boned, owl t of tho seeuriti, ttit the lt,t Itttpruvetl tut Ato on the ,iu,tittbdis eslerday, the market. steady. A Leong the salt, were $7,000 Pittsburgh Coupon Sixes at ; $l,OOO Allegheny c..nnty • it'd. Th-re was little or nachange inn line inn ey market. Thu Phtlo.l,,lphla Weline,ll,l) in referelice tii the lively " Pitt burgh, Fiirt 11 . ,9ine mei I hieing, Pori , :IV' There Sel.l l / 1 a to Is. in thi. ity tin ithn,i UMW.' 111 , 10 %%an? nerlirate in1,111 . .!1 , 11 liue ul nail under ladle. The tdaternent, this? already appeared in portion , i,f the i•ity vre•- in it gard have been fall emir. and exhibit strange e 4 Jelusi,/ idea, oki the tit.it i ject, tug the ihi, and Indiana with the : - tetthous the an Indiana read. 4104' he edit., then gto, uu 1./ el Hein te the •' tHrmighted inhabltant, %hat the ted rk.hdt. 1 . 01,1.( 01, I Leirr ,, ut , ~-.:wd ~ ttst-r pal Lica lal, Mb, In bale .dread \ Ire( I, /in,.l 1/1.e,. , It ro , ilt1,•11 1,1.111 iLut 01.11e.1 thq• elewrnle aA gl ,At :•A 14,11,-, AL I.l..ginLeut, ut..l fi,llll/e, for rron.l ty I , tptraii,a, it ts ryunllt i. bany hoe ol •1•• 1,1.ux totvre The, , utl ttu dlrpule. the a, to the Rupbrtni.or l'lttA,ur,..:h and terinlni of thie great road, ao,t tee t,e4,1 hot the tadwipal or the intermediate towns to todo•at v slurale res,urres fur 104,1 I'll, tie e•t.r and New Brighton, in Pt-t. ,; V3ll. • ,3 AII lane., inntun, \Lu.•f Crr.tiuse. hula.. I r Delptv, ur. 1 V,lf. \V.,. !t, ~l A, mtid I , r 1 tt c. , 1 , 11111,ia. 1V xr- IlloUttl AT, I 1 •4 ' .l•Afi, IT trati, :• r tl, ••• ti t.l !L.-4. i r i 1.-ri IV t..., 1.•.. r ., ..f atl nnl n.troth ndr-enlrv, tnA pa-,• , J-tiro I re•t It t• Itt• • lily! tunrket t. wo t ru: at,.l tto. 1-IGI t. I thw Flne. I‘. ai zt•IJ %I .111 It, h1,•1.14, f,.,( tJA: ati.l rill! (Ake Flart m , .uc% market e. , n4nuc• at t 'ho Uld all the I ul.•r •41 , 1,1•Lnd It. range• ut 2 t Ib.. )..rk ha..• in h: i:• Zbe .tattc •.f ,Nan u,arL et, pit , l,-uts,l tPiu 11, a • k, a/ Li tb, lA, ac,:mrr n.• A at-II silt 0.*..1 not 11 (be (rad, Maiweb Nnto . ;:ht the I .% nti.l :t• Hieappeo•..ri ••• ,r,l nr r I.rn,s , irthal.•l ,01.4 , 10,1 ttl! art. ,u,,t.•.1 1 • I.•at 1 •ri e. Lyn: are l it wolf) . ny L.. I. .4 I.e.ng r euttle.l.4. 1,11 All , lulu I. the •,• *r I Ibe ; rt than i i man . , m,.r:rh. }••• - il.. .3 11 , 1.11. yKk . Uir [lt I. ~u r tza • , I •i the '1.1,1 the wntk .111 .11.1.1 4r , ' , 141.1 -I 'fir I..gfi prrlt.ll I I• 14 11.,I,It•I 1 ~ I • 3.11 ,•,••• II MEMO N.... 1 .1. kl., 4.... Nl.ll 1•.1,: 4 No 4.. . 1 1.. , 14. :4; i 1 , 0 • T !I - ,441 T,Lni 1r 'r. I—, .1. 1e.., I 4 4.4.4 , 1..4 1,6iN:41 " - I ; T. th• 1.• . 1 " A P I." t " I', 'Phi. Mune% r•n>.r ut,ler Witt. „1 May Ie• the 1-11. , witig a , the N.,‘ 1 ,11. lunrkot .iurtne Ole pot-, . i•te I , re,t/lal 1/1 trr :41;111,4'1, 11.•t,•,11 11 Intl ul•n , ro of wbnh It general .1 %%award tenden, e-011.1,tied The drelltit• 111 Inl I -ecurit, t ititi ilup , rtant, 1.11 , lit I it -1,I•t•Ill tit rharnefer, the -upply ./I which an, large', incren,ed by the .•alliag in laan,, ii n• ,11,•it Thl' feller ”14.111111 , 1 by large 4,1.1 •nlet during the pre.sure, mid the mireha,..• h, nee/ pnn n+ indaced liy the deprociatitin in price., 14,. .luredn reitelam. otque extent. but the iinpr.,, mcnl wise ilf Nll,rt 1.11/nll.'ll. Allblalgh f‘if Irty du, there 1,11., been lc,. difficulty in ~I ,L 2.111 1 4: grudual decraarie“t IJU,IIIO,M hat keen percep Rad the ,upply p , t./cl,• at the t 1, rather iu exec,. ,f the demand. The immedtate cause of the decreased supply id 100fley IN a curtailment of limns litr the Bank, in ity, in order to meet the withdrawal of i ountr . , li piisthii, and the simultanooutt demand for gold as a v.' Initiative to Europe tend it, absorption by the Treasury ihriitigh the pay went of 111 ties i , tl lutport, , . The ti,tol roilacindi of luau, since the 12th ult., when the, reached their maximum, is $4,1t:tn,g4.2. Ue Colpet S Ce., iu their Circular ~ 1 the date, Nays Sitice ativiceN i f the sth 111 Y(., the character of our rock .Market lute been less “seillattng. he Itnnke have .lacketied their coutraction, • nevertheles, continuing in nettve request; gierul e lion line in:aerially dcrrrneud. l'nee. hone L 0,1,11 downward for nearly all el.*, et+pecially in the unaa , perulattee Into Lip erpool to the 311th April, whirls rem, hed us ye,terday, rrnnte l u I miller depre.x.ll "HI" /dread). heavy 111 Eurupean orderm 1,.r A itieri , •:111 arc almost null ; we node°, it anything, it ilispoNitien to sell sione of the Railroad Betide it 11;01, fir the present, find no market. New York Tueeday, Yap : --The Bank statement to day shows an unexpected gain in specie, the receipt from the interior having been larger than was anticipated. The decrease in loans is about what was looked for, rather less than more. The deposits, although nominally showing a large fulling off, have not varied materially. The policy of the Banks is, doubtless, to a further contraction, and then a LLILICh lower point must be tubed in luaus before entire safety is reached. This contras. tion can lie wade without difficulty,except the natural effect upon the Stock market, as the wants of the mercantile world are gradually decreasing. The cx connive imports which still continue are a just cause of alarm to the banks, and justify the fears enter. taiued that the drain of specie will continue large during the remainder of the year, and bring about a very stringent money market when the activity of business is resumed in the Full. We have some hope tbat the losses which are now being submitted to, it; many articles of import, teach a lesson which will be felt in the orders for the Fall trade. We know this has been the case already in some instances. The deposits show a nominal decrease of $3,350,000, but the actual difference is as 140W° May 3, Deposits 92,516,083 Average Clearing 27,7911,19:: Actual Deposits.... May 10, Deposits.. Average Clearings Actual Deposits IEIII MEM Parsztuax, May la, rkaLiv. and I ',IR-65,, tll.lts •urr •sits.itue II ad. nt h lb. r lIIIIIMMIMEI 111611' =EMI 1.41...•• t er • . 1\ CI.111,1.; Y/t t,•,s kl I-, lry 1, 1 , •1:.) II Is :•1:1( 1..1 ••,• f.. , 0...0 Ow I , n 1 t!. -I "Int., AlAd ....I. r ttt• is 1,4 \ a.“ -4.1 14 14...: 4 1 , t • 1 1•. 1.1 TaTT. fu. 1.41r1/.641‘ 1 nl lanl 1 IT1,•1 11 /ay....at) .1 ITT \i T •.l 1...1 1 1.412tIlr11•••1 I , TkTTIT: ITT , / IIAI 11T TLITAN 1111TFIT:TT I•Tti,l 11111., ITT.g T.. .•iTaTTT.I 1 . attli.Tl r. , 111/ 11c1“1 ITT*Thly r 1{1 . :1.1tT.1 IT: :TT:4II.IT 111 I.lk I. MINEE 4 1 10 )41..11 1 , 11•1. 1.14•1, `.4 i I I • I 7 1 , 7 soz4 :^27! 14...1114‘. litltrr. 5.1.1 ut $1 I 4.4,1.5 Isl. 1 , , the pr , Iki I ••• lAI , K . Ju a ('‘,. Muhtll,,, Plektlik.. Wirth. MI,/ 1114 , 1.1,, Pit 1•1.1.1101 I.CM! , A 0., .I;,r of 4101 ad .- Kr} 6/111110,111... AA , I) 1..”1t. 1 , • tat,l hut •.‘• c, ,1 1.. h. Mi 4l /1.1. it, tli• 1 . 1.o•1w 11. It, 1.1. t H lirwn 'fie. s••r .1r ..‘• It ill I =OM at,.l r. , 1,0 14. itnß kII K KVSEIC• 14 , .1 stract. Alga the 6,1.1, 1 \I., (al, ttL,.l ut J 1 VLF:NI 1 \ Alit-Own) Aar A Short Lessou.-T, box.,. la a 1.0...1 w , al. 1.11•1 In ii. 1'...g1L, 1 1 1 , n/11111ns. "t an) l“ h.( (I. —1 Inn 1 - 01J1.:11S . LII Elt WORT. TAIL, AN! , I'lN I 11. k LAt/l'A I,x. I.•,in 11,3: Tlit•rr ~1/. In F. 111, r..‘,1, 1.311J1.111. A,•• 1114 11/111.1”. mad n. 1%. Elam /il• 1,1 In , innlll, • ••Inln ..L•. and 1.1.1, by 11. E. 1 1 111.1.1.:11S 01, 15'.,,1 titul rtl," by II KN DERSi .Nlt, 1.. Liborty ntre...l; II I'. : 40 11 WA 107, xwl 14ECK11.1M d NIcK N AN, AlleKh, 4d - Nand.' Salt Itheum Rented). ,L) ;•Ali A l'A t 9.141 y, nab. and llama 1.., Ntlt 0.111/ ttl! fic..ll.tal. att.] Cullto..,to, not' Litt, 111. I..rt•to ol ILL Ibll , l bel de • virus as it appear,. 111. -Ili, 114.'11 Ito.,:.11, pilrlths the i' , lll..voe III! 1111 11 , 11M.11) my Itql.,llM, tt. ,, ift•rttling Nllll etli ,111c1,11W3 I.wl L. ,qLv t a I 1i , 1 . 1 , 11,A1 tint' 101 l 11/...111 t I/I Prepett,l And e..ld by AII A AN11.1 4 Itrui4it4te, 100 tot Nvw 1 y P1.1‹.111N31 !MOS. Pitteltur3 , l. PA, mud 1.3 twgnottt gotterally mythlw 41e- Bat chelor'w linlr Dye b 1,4 tort. br. and tkil .using,thr rtgaltatluti 01 BATCH }:- 1,1; S HAIR LYE ILm,uu als , l"nward, burying Inn La. ry e1.a11. , 1 , 111g np prt•li . tidr.rM, drn..nitiß 1,..0 hll.l opptoitili krl 1110 104.1.0 .•1" putt," Ilo• t10,.,^1 of unappreciated tra,sh th ,, 11.; , ..r Zi3 N , w York. th.leml, nod rt , tall, by Ur. (1.. 11. lizidzß, 140 Waal wt.rnr,t Sae Prelim the N. York National Moultur of February 24.—11 VaPoa —lir. Curtis has , lime more to aniehorate the condition of humanity afflicted with lung complaints, than any other practitioner of Em4.thiot.,, that has struggled with the secrets of the moteria medico, f r tl,O but rentiir), by the Invention and perfection of an instru ment that will convey to the lungs a medicine in the shape of a highly Medicated l'apor, which arts directly 1.11 the , h.'ase, and not, ss hitherto, by sympathy. Those who are ti added with diseases arising from disordered lungs, a ill subserve their interests by giving the flygenn Vapor a trial. tunes.—Ur. CURTIN' Meanie in the ori g inal and only genuine article. nov2B:3wilaw air- Stockings and Hosiery for Winter.-- If you don't want your feet pinched with bad and short Bto. yon will take our advice and go toe. Dais's, cor ner of Market alley and Fifth street, and buy some of those elegant tine libwklnits, that make your feet feel nice and comfortable. DALT also makes and sells every variety of Llosiery that you can mention, at wholesale and retail. Remember the place, corner of Market alley and FM oet4 $65,025,870 $89,476,262 24,820,846 $64,b55,416 CIS=EI • • •- - • - The actual clecline4Oherefors, • Thi• ~m parison with Ittat week is it , . ru f 1....anr. . specie. en . u•lxn,o.. voio - . 25 .14151•2_5it0• :- 5.7 5 CI prA,Birote.:t 103,t.03,798 • Laul7, 8, it 8011 - ...t.0.: ...____44......--.„..r - __._...t..... ._.,_..._ Increase ..... ..... _ le o, 4.7.,,...i... .. , ....... ...... $1,,..., ~. ...„ $ 52 , 6 n -i'ita3n.'ol The contraction .n loan hal I•eml quite Keheral, but the largest amolint has.hcen hr the American Ex change tank. . At Baltimore on Tuee•lav the stock Market man{- rested ouch uneattine , s at lewd , far a• the leading Railro a d Stocks Were com•erol•d. The hut,incs-• ~1 the day amounted tu Leto!. Baltimore's exports. for last week, were worth 1:,1, 1 / 1 10. They included ~ : t1 barrel, Hour, and YOU bog...beads tobacco. The flour went to 'Want" , Ayres, Rot Janeiro, Canadatitol tho West Indies—the.tobacre to lbetteredaiti. tuortmet back, at least a portion an the shape of Votterdaw cigars, made by the Dutch who remain in that part nt the world.. At Cincinnati the Money markets were without anything of special interest. The Shirk Market: , are inactive twit there is plenty of money at fair rates fur regular business Thu idlowing was the 9toel, of pork and lard held 1,2, err: , and CorutuL!mion Merchanlo iu Nay YI h, 1 9 56. l'ho aggregate of Me, inelath. reeeivol einre, and not added t, the !tnr.l. I lb, 111th April Niers Park .. "Ibul Mess... lluwp Tierer Lard. Barrel Lard Kee Lard The -ti,iik iif purls mi hand in gained: l ie 13.1 year Iva, , and I ‘ II JHTATION Uf DRS ti"ww.--The New York cni-tum Huttae return,. fur April exhibit COntill u,l heavy impurtanuus of fureigh dry gaud" , . Indeed, the financial ditheultie , of the market Iry mainly attribittal.h• t., this source: Ihr amount on the market fur the munth of .kpr:l brine arainst $l,l - .,.71:1 fi,r tl.n r rreipute.hhg mouth of 1 ti - o:/, aud , f,r the tuouth of April, lt,e4. *1 rs . Vonderbill, No. 11%5 Suffolk 61.. LANkt's ettl.l...l.lltATkit LI% Fit 1'11.1.- iitotee.4l. rtnil t tit , ' it pp, LL. // .• 1", ../ r• i I- woLd 1, I 11/ 1.1 • 1.•I•ra.• I."- , NI.. pt..pared t y 4,,tug htistaltgl, and 1.- . • I u. 1.41 111,1/.1 all uen .i, 1,1 rly r• 11..,..41 I nalt 11.10 . 11,1 tit .111.1 L. , itu 111 mrottlawnd 1 . 1.11 x 1., all .antlArl, Irtlf:. teal. Pareti.t•n t. uek I•.t int MA-4 F lilt ATI-a) LIN RR I'll ,41 1,, 11.E)11,.", .•1 I•lrmrpt netoti, Pt Tll.. at. l• I •/Jr M Luw 1 • 1 i / alou ht. o a Vta tall t In. Ina: nr all rnapan tal.l , .1; a 1../ ...a \„ u, geut/Inn. ts,.l ~f \ Ale—, I, I , (Iv j 1. leriert.,l FLEMING BROM., K N.. m W... 1 tv, of 1',411 Os' Ile al It it 1 lie 11....•arua rt. I tus ss t ita) 11. a I Isa,r et/411.1,1D .11 1‘1„1.• I us, pl.. (Icy 1..1 Inn 1....1... 1 rift. IN 11l (1... lIEII=I I•: 1..•.: 1 . 1...1 04.1 1.in1 , ~3:..1 . re, 14;41 V..L. i N ; I i.nr..; I , ‘ L r p:p? r};( , 11 Tiir NT A r' If • j.t I .10 . , That I /.••.- ..,:artit, I th• Ii••••,p -j.,•pat the %I. Idnor • I cupr,rl .rra”ftl4:•• I rni r N r I.• Dr I •.• • .ov. W.•lh• . 1••! 1 / 1 , ao.l ft.., er,.ll,lri - lu in) All. • .1, 0,1 I t• hr I.a. 10 /1 .% snah al•••••• •Iwt-rnrut thr 1,111110 . nn 1..4 1 1111.1...4 In Iher., 1. hnlrvrr I• 11 , LAN K. NI 11 1-/r v LA to i. 1• tu,h4c.•nLd 1111e1H , r, IA, Pill, 11, ate k' J 7. Leo, fut. sts/.- 1 4e, I N.. II Is EY , Eit, 14k/ of , Lx J I . ) !•"I 4.-nr 444..1 14.1, A,rul aa- :VI or( Itti aeon. t.... r MEM a u„ ..T.mc, u• 'o , f`t -I • ft }l-ri f.f..- A \ r 1.111 1.1 • 411 \ 1.,11K 01 , El *KA alter t 41 I ! I A: 1,... 111.. j =ISMCMI!IIII!!!! 60-1 believe It Nu. ed my .t.ll L!. l„14::11.1, tA,• Lal. I 1. 1 t • Mll. 1140, f• .11 10 /1111., • ••••\-• r.', ..11.41 al . CO, rt, 11 - I.lLsl 1, , mAk I. =MO kit 1,,i1t 1.1111, ..1 iii 40 - li,Jg t 4 ,1 111,0 3/1,1 /11 1 • 10141/1 M=IMM 40 - Why will you I% wirer, was RELIEF' CAN ICE 9,1 EA:MA N.1..b?-1 fare VII r.,ru Thuut, QuinnY? Brontidtia eroop. : 4 tiff ,Tointa Fn. t I:nroa Prido., in mi 3 part of Sour mystetil . 'in Ir n•lit v... 1 itt once ly uninv thy inont beautiful of All Liffinieutn. the White preparwl br. SINYII', ut Nlorknutown, a., Nll , l for mate , loop. lo.b•nnl, nod retail, by Dr. H EY,'Eff. 140 Wool nu eet. nod .IAR P ELEMTNO, near R. R. Depot, Allegheny. Ron ad vei tu.nutat in another column of hetlay's paper. I notal PITT2IIIIIII.I 11, MAI' lsku At A tneetim, of the CutilltinsiOnf.rx of It /(1111 D./E PA NY, held on the 10th tom ,on tno tn. at tieurice 11. Jackson. Est, it was Rksot. En. That itool. for .Nulsocription to the Capital Ed,ek .it MCI Company hn rsopened at tits lollowtng time:, tat Otte., At 01. Charles lintel. Pittsburgh, on 11411 and nth May. At Jarrett's tavern, Waal ington r0ad........ ....21st " At MeFarlantrd store, Nteu Le. ills 2'20 At I l 41,11.1C1i MAIN', I/1 •.• •• At I'. try Martin a, la " kJ+, That Ale ts.n.ler llc R, n, llwam (.2111,18 earl .I.s. Ti uaurk, Le appointed to ters. ripttons at L/11.1 tunes and plat,* in I , llary: and Capt. Janie, Ni toot, J..hn F singer and Samuel A. Lunt, ;,•kt n,. nolmlLlnitit.l w ths may. JA MKS WOOD. Chairman. t roy 14. tiny hei 37,!..ti I 71;9 Kendall's Patent IMPROVED Double Acting River & Shaver. THE att..uti,a) and Lumber dcrtlrl 8. Yr.,. LI lat., I.lld •din•<twt• to tillo 14- I,4kusbie wlip 6 is isoss pre.scub.4l to Ciii yubli. 11, Jiro Itlld , 11 . 11 pi iu'lweti Mc tout, fur It. vi,g .1,11 Cur/1/.4/ 11.1;11 sawing tonehmen have Lieu for tb.tklug Shingles, but a I, a a.ll known fact that Shill gloa at or latikaal acne. the clam are guile to, tlinaty loot - ban Iturpotaw. Ntluiel oils to ,• 1/ LIMOS have rt,ently ap t-v. 4,4 ba 11,11 V 111.101 •tha.ot. 140,1 thaw have all beet, con .ltototel trot thleatt. 11,111 their ott.ilect method of raving, which 5 1 ,1, LUn/d awls Oa the 1 , 1.-k bet one h141(1.1 0 . N I.Lt h !shutout ;availably 411-1 Loa IL. . eotsrely "bilated by KENDALL'S MACHINE, tisnt nll L, tnnu thp .pl.. ,t 1 I.lle LICICk n piece thick .•14. , uw11 1.,t t%.) It /8 MIA. tatt.i 11l Lfit• I /I, , tllBl.ly 4,1 AlAikerB ra,b pert is ...ittluctea r tat, ti n u •,/ Lipp /IK 1 , 111,e6, vklitcht cuthpl , 44i . 11.1 i . pt.. 11/. the SlillA of al entry revels- Thin LiH.llll, alll 11 , .. oil the hi,. Ii duet. thowittiel 1 .11 , 1111 thilkneSS and Cap. r, sitia,tor w dblulity and durabalit) to trioee made by hand .ir nosy Littler pr.. rat. kis , 9pretious are by no meaner confined to pine and other sort a,aal, lint km to moral aatrantarre wk, walnut, and Livery orb, •leaa riptrun of timber that Mil tiO t.pltt. Th e ~,rk,h ge ,rf can i.e exititil tied at n Yilth strt...:. T d.111,4. awl etiterpt thim ~ poti S ra.. id 1., Wt.. n, aa le 11., ell/nor itala tow but n small slaws, is of dumb'. (i.. 11- birui loth. soh nets but n1.,ul tuo au./ eighty J.J. tarn soil .4 man and tw,, ti..)%1,01 124 , 110 . to na .A. , ,U01./ La , klO 4.1 /Ad.,. quy ulth Wart, Loris• pow, r. t.r b r , lu.o holm, at Nu. 31 Fifth nt City 11•4, I 04_ 41i nJ , •nwti..o ,Il ff , rwarfb-41 by lot b•r A IA ,N I HA 31 F.NI/A FOREIGN AND I)OM bAIG HARDWARE. 11•11M1111 No- , 43 Wood 1, between Diamond alley and Fourth street. thr .I.r 3A 113 34 . r) I i”( A W O3 ll A. 33 1• 3 1 . t 3 t will Rh% k•. =2!MIIIMI T 11,-4 the 3tti'lltif.n of 03,110.... n.zr, ANI I El. FA II E,T4 HENRY H. COLLINS, Produce and Commission Merchant, I=l FORSYTH & SCOTT, POlll AIMING AND COMMISSION It TS, Dealers lu Wool,' Ill4les, Flour, LAIRD D LARD 011, t 11,, ttlittelt, I . li It, it 1,. I 11, Ito. It tc-It t t 1 IFt I. I. Pill t _tt Etnl tt• t. ,Nttrattl. ttt lino, it... I.h i Kltlt t. it tttitt I I'l,ll 1 &, ALLEN. 91/d CU I LSO\ FURNACES, vli 1.7 TI / G I.: it' .1 I. I. 1, For VVarming and Ventilating illalldings. I ...tn.. I 1., ‘1,0111,,,r. :411d It • 1...,11 . t Yttrtiett.... (ism, It 11.•-itt.41. t. I 1 ••••rb . . Dv, 11.1, • - .t II -014 Nati I' tL.I kl 11111 S, SIDES_IIII SHOIDERS, 1 A LARD OIL. blaEi. SI,A lICURED and CANVASSED lIA litrKe k alwayo Band at No. /97 I.ll,eri y Street, VTITSI3URI;II, PENN'A PEARL A 111,1„ 1.1.1•'(; II I.IN V. Era- Ft. t I , EI FR Kt , T‘. F A)I lIA In either •.f ILA it./.3 I— I , ft al I 1,.. I. K. \ \ 11, ,\ A ,tit,/ I/1i 11 .\ A RI. I I 141.4, /....1 rl. On, streets II l% A ICI 1, FLOUR,. GRAIN, =MEI •1 Flz BACON, LARD, LARD OIL, PR() 1) 1' C r;• A' R I 4is _ . Hi /BT. Al. tiEltit & lIUNTEIt, Forwarding and Commission illerehant, r 4, ) 1., I& sir 44VSTEARIBOAT AGENTS,friI .N.. and tgitv xts, t. I -461 1$ 10IIN COCIIII4II Ai. BROS., IRON RAILINGS, VAULT DOORS WINDOW SHUTTERS, It' I N A R DS, Ltc., Nov. 91 Second st. and li6 Third street, I'ENNA W u . :-)111'11 a W . R. lIUNTFIR SMITH, MAIR & HUNTER, WIIOLESALL' GROCERS, 11! Second and 151 Front st., nliii7 Plltaburgh, Pa. JAMES BLAKELY, EFROPEAN AGENT ANI) CONVEYANCER, Corner i j Seventh (ma' Smithfield etreets, l'ITTSIIU(111 *l4 Pkvou•ngere to °light Irow the old coutttry to Pitts -1,11,1 114011,3 s I...witted to Europa,. tiov27 J. 13ANR9NoX JAMES COLLINS & CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, PROPHJETORH OP THE • Collins' Pit tobargh, Meadville & Erie CANAL LINES. NoS. 114 AND 115 WATER STREET, PITTSBERGII, PA VITTSRURii II Bagalvy Murphy, Tierunu & Smith & linmptou, Wi!non & Co. . 3 FCendl.an, .Lowe & Co., Sub; lob & IC, hard.u. Pun. k I .llollo— Woodward & Co., Truitt, Brother & Baron & Co. I fah2l3 W ESTERN INS URA NCR COMPANY, t 6. IS,iti. TilIC DI It ECTOitI4 OF THIS MAY CUM PAN Y HAVE this day do lard a diridrnd of TWO tYILLARS per share on the Capital Stork, payable to Stockholders on or ttller the 15th inst. ( thyl::.:tr P. M. CORDON. Seey. 1111 E AMERICAN MACHINE STAMP l""sreaee I•'cnliar advantages over all others in use I,c. It ei alwap ready for ace, being compact, the ink and stamping pada being combined. AI. A perfect impression can he made by a mere boy. &I. The impression can be put on the exact spot desired. Railroad and Ranking Companies, Brokers, Insurance Companieh, Postmasters. and in fact all business houses, will find this atamp invaluable for marking Notes, Checks, Cards, Letters, Tickets, Wrapping Papers, lc. Orders received at W. S. MAVEN'S. myl.; Stationery Warehouse, Market et, our. 2d. _41.1 . . tor v iy..,l 6, 11 , Spring' Atork ~f rin.da. rouaiatiu~ of Geiits titter. tiviiver end Silk lists; Oents . and Youth's dt Lists of atl c,d , rs; a 1..,,. 11 large 1.11401 . E1111 . 11L ~r sp, styled uf:t'atit mid straw inn friends, and tr r , public gciituutly, have ,o pntronittea !•Y`' find fresh induevnients to favor us with their calk vo, and do yourselves audsrat good. lkir 121,1 to JO: \:/111! ! 'sloe and Light Profits." MONUAN & Oh. No. 761 W of xtreet, Next 1.1..0 - h. the tt.,e i 'hurt h, loa frmil Sit tlb .t rcpt. SHINGLE MACHINE sAMtTk L FA 1311'oRTEIt.k. DEALER IN PIT ISbt•tei,7l, Ulu new...n ••112, 11.3[1, , I 1 thM , • I: :to I Et po,-111 ~.4%,,lttiwnt , t 5 W ood Street. PITTSLILAttiII. h .1: E A L P. - 40 WArK/1 nsiErr, Prrrstit auu, PENNA. ofla, I . C.111k• 11,111, C. 1111,11. otinnis I) j A k A Co, ILLIAM B. HAI'S 4i DEALERS IN 11111219 A • it S I , I.: I. I V F. AP. I.IO.YAA, 11(11:"..NECUli Q l'o 11. EX. 'HUNTER, DP:ALF:Ii IN No. :auto I.lberly ootreet, rrrrsiturum - - SAINT LOUD s. MANI PACTUHICItm AIM REFERENCES WWl= [.ril E EIte,I3ITILE AG EXV Y, ropifth hoot Alationic I4JI, .yll thfel4til the eqm-r ..f Wint3.l 6 ' ftl. XI, .wkla cane or Ptktrtek t'et , Ottitlift.rs.4o me tit Who, . THE . MERCANTILE AGENCY PITTS BURGH E.tabllshed In New York, June, 1894 Plit.burgh March, 11852, TOR THE pliolki,loN AND PROTECTION OP TRADE. Having !trundles and Associate 01bees lu NEW YORK 11. DotalLssa k Co. BOSTON R. Russia/. & Co. l'H ILA DELPEI IA B. DocoLAsS & CO. ItALTlAju)ti I D. PRATT & Co. CHARLESTON B. DouoLuta & Co. °ELEA N , B. DoooLass & RICHMOND PRATT & tirrrr. . CINCINNATI B . DOMILAAS LIGASVILLY B. DOUGLASS & Co. ST. LOWS B . DouriLisa &,Co. CUICAQO B. DOUGLASS & CO. 1 1111Stittition aupEdles Lto embsoibere all necessary inform 1101, on to the standing, responsibility, of Myr. cisaims 4 Traders, Manufaccurern, Public Companiee, throuhont the United States, their Territories, and British North Amenca. It in a valuable auxiliary to linportln&, Shipping and COMIGGSS/00 Merchants, as well asdebberb Nianurecturers, and to all parties buying Time .Exchange,br dierperraing,tuudiL The collection of debts In the States, Catuada,-&c., attended. to with promptness and fidelity. Tonna tuale known at the ullice. . CO. Fillpicribt•re to the Agency who 11 haveDOUGLASS OCCatlioll to trove through the States are furnished with Irilioductory letter. t,.(lie carious utticio , where Okay rain obtain 'lnformation without extra rout aprB:llu FARMERS AND MECHANICS' FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE CO - - - - OF' PHILADELPHIA. HON. THOS. B. FLORENCE, Pre 't. raw IL IlLacata, Secretary. lie 10 duy j Aut,ruei G. the day of Dec, 181,5 An,unt reemred iu Marine premiums $ 158.212. 81 Fire 39.9u8 Daft' prrrniums fur live mouths CAPITAL INITSSTED LS FOLLOWS: Bontis of All.gbetty Cuttuty, l'ittsburgh, anti Pitt.b.rgti ti's $ 75,721 156 Itattrout Bond.. Coat. -,...... :13,400 00 Lau on Ftratt Mortgage of Real Estate 50,960.00 " .80/ekr, Collateral :1%284 OLP (2:wh in Bank and on baud 11,0172 *-72 Capital atilt, ribetl, (payment not yet doe) 07,000 00 1 . ,0111111/ Note.. n ut 3et matt-It-ad 06,387 31 Dm. from Agrnts : (se. tired by Bonita) 18,8(.8 01 Ea 1... ea anti C.,nIIIIiFSIOTIS I 1,g01! Istl $408,1G1 13 amount of tunas incurred, but nut yet Minuted: V; rr SLIM% GO Ilariur .. $.OOO IN $4,660 66 Thin Company 'lnsures Hull and Cargo riaka au the ,Otilo and Mlanninippi tri hutatira. Ineurfa againat Loss or Damages by Fir.. Liao lihnrally stunted and promptly pall. REFEREN..-11(... T. 11. Howe, Gen. J. 11. Moorhead, F., I:tsar:Luca, apply to DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY oFFICE, S. E CORNEA TRIAD AND WALNUT STS. may- MARINE INSURANCES on Vessels, Cargo, Freight, to ell ports of the %orb'. INLAND INSURANCES UN UO - /DS, by Rivera, Demob!, Lobes mid Lend Carriages, to ell Fouls of the Union. FIRE INSURANCE UN MERCHANDIZE generally. tin Worm, Dwelling Ibiuses, Ac. A x •r!s •,1 6th, 1855. fond,. 31ortmitzes and Real Estate $101,020 14 Philadelphia City, and other Loans 86.210 00 Stoek io Ranks, Railroad and insurance Co's 25,6.10 10 Itdle reaviralile 20..1. 154.440 117 m band 26,81.13 09 tlaiaucee in hands of Agents, Premiums on Ms. rine Toilet., recently limited, and other debts due the Company So beer - Immo NOVA,. DIRECTORS. James C Hand. Theoplillus Paulding, Jain. Traqualr, William Byre, Jr., Joehita 4 Price, James Tennunt, Samuel R. Stokes, Beery Sloan, James B. McFarland, Charles :Schaffer, {Wert Burton, John U. Semple, Pittsburgh I). T. Morgan, J. T. Logan, lOL Ts.S. C. llama, Vire Preaklent. MARTIN, Preitieleut. lltuna LrLuvas, Boerolary, S I y P. A. 11ADRIRA, Agent, Nu. 65 Water street, Pitlaburgh. ‘l3rtin, , eid: H. Sval, Edirllflll A. I . 4.•uder, Johl, C. Davie, John R. Peuruse, urxrd 1/erilngton, Dr. R. M lln4eon, IV.llhai C. Ludwig, }fug', (:rlug. Si.eueer 31clIrsin, el.wr lee Kelley, II .lunee itru,:ko, .1. il .14,11 a. b, MEE= DI.4RMNE INSURANCE. FIRE RISKS. .11 IWFICTIBERS' LISLHANCE COMP • OP PHILADELPHIA. OHARTER PERPET4 1.-CFLANTEI. UV Tilt ETAT! OF PINTCSILVAIII.4 Chartered Capital, $500.000. PIA' IC, if .4 le/.1 E A .YE, I.I LA.I"U TRA A' .Yl% it TA T ,V. A .1111PN I.II.I•INI.Nrrr toklcl \ It, Di NIIS. ' 4, l•EtEry. I! Eußti l YOUNG, Treeearer. Lit liki.'TOßS.. S William B. Thomas, )hd, I.n,Uulu,4haut . William Neal, \n hulas tl. 'rai Mr, Alfred Weeks, rrrrn itoroira, Cliarimi .1. Yield., John p. ;Suu..ne, James P. itrayth. • eirullS I 'aitapany hat later. orLianized with a Cant, Cap cal, MS.! th., DlOn'ttak. oar. def.-milord to adapt the hostile: , to it,, available re...unto. To obaorve prudence in condur lby lin analft, with n prompt ailjustaiont of 1..6. Ciitliargli Udiro, No. 76 Wafer J. NKIVTON JONES, Agent. REFERCACZA. The foll. , wit,g Drell Snow u nud rmponsible firms in Pitts burgh ha,•• ant - both...a refel eat, to them, with regard lii .tabilit . , and souodu.," the Manufacturers 111,1Ur11.11CV Winpany. Kramer & Halm, Wilson, Childs & Co_ lie.,rge P. ;mall & Co. , llempton & Campbell, Joue,, Tl,lllll , H Childs & is.v7 A. A. CARRIER A. A. CARRIER Q. SRO., Corner Fourth and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. AGENTS State Mutual Fire and Marine Insurene Co, of HARRISBURG. CAPITAL, 8350,000. Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Co., I.IIII.ADNI.PiIIA. .300,000. Insurance Co. of the Valley of Virginia WI:will:STE:It, VA. t PITAI„ 8300,000. Commonwealt h lneuranee Company, liAlt I:lMsUltii. CAPITAL, $300,000. Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. II A RTFOILD. CA PITA L AND ASSETS, 112054,4d9 Pennsylvania Insurance Co., of PITTSBURGH c.1P1T.41. ASSYTS, Nk.v. 5.155.5, $129,022 49 W. F Jouxs-rox, l'renikleut A. A. CARILI, StTrottuy ‘l,l4:JApcly LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE iN.S'UR COMPAN enRNER OF WATER AND MARKET STREETS, purTseureon, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, Preehiant Tim% Wt rotary. .114-This Company makes eery insurance appertaining to or connected with LIFE RISKS. Also, against HULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio aStd Misse.sippi Rivets and tributaries, and MARINE RISKS generally. And against 1,0. s and Ihunage by Fire, and against the Perils ut the Sea and Inland Navigation and Trmemortution. Policies 'Mood at the leweat rates consistent with safety to all oath". DIRECTORS. Robert Galway, Samuel M'Clurtan, Jo,,pli P. tiazaam, M. D., John Scott, James 31arehall, David Richey, Jame, W. Hallman. Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph R. Leech, .4.11. rullertAat, Alanatield R. Brown, 1/Real H. Chambers, Christian Zug, William Carr, Robert 11. Hartley, .11w. D. ALVAH. feblB CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH WILLIAM BAGALEY, President SAMUEL L. MARN II FILL, Swretary. UPF/ch:: 94 Mier street, &tureen Market and !Mud strrels. Insures HULL AND CARGO RUMS, an the tibia and Mississippi Itivors and tribiltnrirn. Insures 11gal/ISt LOSS ur llaanage by PHIL againnt tbu Perils of the Bea and Inland Navigation and Transportatiuu. William fitagaley, Jinn. M . Cowper, Samuel Kw, Robert Dunlap, Jr., Isaac M. Pennock, S. Harbaugh, Walter Bryant, EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. JOHN IL Mot:NM:BOER, President ROBERT FINNEY, Secretary. C. W. BATCHELOR, Oeneral Agent. WILL INSURE. AGAINST ALL RINDS OF RUNE AND FIRE RISKS. DIRECTORS. J. H. Bh.nberger, G. W. Cass, C. W. Batchelor, W. K. Nitnlck, lea. M. Pennock, T. B. Updike, W. W, Martin, K. D. Coch It. T. Leech, Jr., John A. Cran, anghey, George 8. Belden, S. S. Bryan, David M'Candlesa 46Y - All Losses sustained by parties Insured underpolicies veiled by this Company will be liberally adjusted and prompt y paid at Its OFFICE, No. 99 WATEE BTItEET. PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH. Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Streets, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, 4300,000. ikS - Inisure Balding. and other Property against Lam or D. 11111.0 h r the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navi gation and Truosportation. DIRECTORS. Will. F. Johnston, DIRECTORS. Patterson, Jacob Painter, A. A. Carrier, W. irClintork, Jae. P. Tanner, George W.Ponith, W. 8. Haven, D. E. Park, I. J. Grier Sproul, Wade Hampton, D. Id. Long. nee, Jones, Jones, IL IL CoggshalL Pre orinointS. eidaa' lion. ice.Perailet .. .RODY W FA F IT .JOHN N TON. Zidi aged A. °Amps& ~: ~.-4 MP= REMOVAL. STATEMENT 4.1 F EEKNEas THOMAS J. HUNTER, Ag,nt. No. 90 Water at, bet. Wood and Marke Phllnde/phla 8. B. CARRIER PITTSBURGH Ml= Capt. Mark Starllog, Samuel M. Kier, William Bingham, John S. Dilworth, Prance" Sellers, J. Schoorkmaker, William B. !Jaya. Hes2l Juhn Shlpton /WIMEI . A ftt, • .4 .• ... L •A` • , of Arg 1.4141 ti 6Lrg-PATENT .th .crita. ,, ttona ad ttwir..QliA tot I trAtio' STAMP COMPANY , " of Banton, Maar., prepararto tier to the public n Sunup whlch,tar all practical purposes, any of the kind heretofore offered to tee public. ' roc V.itroadm Piabollicee, Public Mousey Steamboats; to ssion4l moo for stumping their library, Draggastalar ',toting their own labels, Mid all Mercantile men fortrlamp m,r flu en or velop e s, and in fact rvenT MAY In the comunl. nub who waula 4 §tatait.for .implchbg Pnen,,ClOtbingete.i I 4 thC , unt 04 Wine. ' •' • Tine Stamp le unlike . any other In the market, and Is not' ' open to objections reaeonably urged against other ankles of • the k Ind offered to the public, which forte are established on examination-- • - I .t. It is offered forabout nue-half the weal 'cost of others. 1:4. tieing Wore simple in its cdnallnactioni' 'lett Ibiblb to get out of order. iid• It Is more compait easier operated, and[ more certale of nu Wee swifter nsimiAtiott.*: • " The proprietors rely upon • the iatrinele Merit/hut The Stamp for its geuend adoption, feeling confident. that Ea eII.pIIPAN 111.1 euporloria com bin ed ,. A y e rjia . DUMB, -Idl - 00 I. a favorable-inbred i . The public are Melted to call, arid Aes the oile r ailau the variety of styled Af.electruryip4- Orders rem.' ve4 for any at ,or dice. - pattern, and the dies elec-: [,..typed, of th e best nutterial and worionanshlp. MOSES F. EATON Agent, • No. 199 PIM street; Pittsburg' ~Pu. It—AGENTS WANTED immediately to canvass for the _above, to whom a liberal conoulsaton will be paid_ CERTLNICATE. I hereby, certify that MOSES E. EATON ; of Pittsburgh,' Pa. in the duly appointed Sole Agent for the sale of !•litult's Patent Hand Stamp" for the State of Pennsylvania, (ercept- • ing tba City of Phlladelphin,) and also for the Comities 'of Aishfahula, Trumbull, Alaboning, Columbiana and Jetfeirmon, In the State of Ohio: FRANKLIN LIAND STAMP COMPANY, 'BOSTON VANS. By their Agent, W. Pittsburgh, May 1 . 2, 1N66. m 7e EXECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby ju i given that Ism try,' of Admiulstratkni on the Estate of hula. HARE, deCd, late of Rom township, Allegheny county, Pa.. have is en granted to .R,OBT. PALMER and. ItORT. WALLACR, ~f said township. All persons Indebted to said Estate will place nuke immediate payment. and all haring claims against the Estate will present their accounts, properly authenticated, 10 us, or either of us. R.OBT. PALMER, ROBT. WALLAI myl Ittif w DUELIC - SALE}—Will be exposed to Pub he euir. ott Sa'RYRDAY, Ingo .14th, next, on the premises, at 2 o'clock, P. At, that desirable FARM belonging to the heirs of James McKnight, deed, adJcilning Bend. of John Malta, James !McFadden and other., ettnated In finaw den township, Allegheny county, Pa., nine miles from Mb burgh, containing fifty-three and a half scree (6334 A.) The iiilprovemerrts are a comfortable Frame Dwelling, Log Barn, spring Home, Lc. Alen, several never-falling Springs ,4 Wnter, and an Orchard of select grafted - fruit. Terme wade known on day of sale. $lOB,lOl 31 300,000 00 $44M,161 13 IiIATES-10 mats fresh_ fv.al drama Pigs: Jost reed and for vale by & ANDKNISON, No. 39 Wood areal. 20n BOXES "iIiESSINA" ORANGES, to arrive. 100 boxes Palermo" LEMONS. For sale by 11EYMER & ANDMSON, No. 39 Wood et., opposite St. Charles HAW. myl6 QUIRT BOSOMS --We have received the imast styles of French Shirt Bosoms, plain and em evibmidered. L. OMNI FELD & SON, my 16 Nu. 70 Wood street - QUIRTS AND COLLARS—Just S--received k) from the factory, &full aasorttuent of White and Colored Shirts imd Collars of every description. -IE.- Shirts and Collars wade to order. znyl6 I , :nrnsurimp a: SON, 70 Wood strict. CA RFS AlVll PIES of the French t es, and fur flununardwearrieurtreeetvect L. 11110_ , IiiEL,D dr SW'S, No, TO wood street. UMMER UNDER-SIIIRTS AND DRAW: VAS, of every description at L lIIILSILFELD & SON'S, No. 70 Wood street. DIAMOND SPARKS--1 gross just im ported, sultaLle fur Glass Cutters. tnyla • W..W. WILSON. INSURANCE 1 INSURANCE I —Applica tion fur Insurance for 'The Merchants' Insurance Company of Philadelphia, The Manufacturers' Insurance Company of Phila., and The :Etna Insurance Company of Hartford, Itereired by (ilia W. BUNN, at hit Agency and Intelligente, Whet., on the north Bide of Ohio. fourth door east of the Diamond, ALLE4IIYIiT CITY. myltltly_ 93,539 PC Ita, OW IA NO. 36 coLivELtir _Housr g lioLD-AND RITE!IRfi FU RNITURE AT, AUCTION. On SA TU RDA Y morning. Mayli, commencing at 13 o'clock, will he add, at dwelling houae. No. 36 Colwell street, &airs bin lionachuld and Kitchen Furniture, colligating in pail of Mahogany hair twat Chattel; Conlon Chaim; Bedsteads; itrealtiliat and Dining ß Tables ; Centro Tables; Carper ing; Further Beds; _ Mantle Clock, Iluak mid Cot. drattreeactit Kitchen Furniture, Av, I'. M, DAVIS, Auctioneer.. $d17.348 ld TII PI TTSII U II PRO PERTY.— For .ale. on easy terms, a Two Story Frame Dwelling House of four ruorns and good call r with Lot of Orennd 20 feet treat on Chortle street by 112 deep to Chesnut alley, with iloolo trews, etc. The house Is situate on the alley—Heusi giving room fur a good improvement on 0111.601 1 street. myth CUTIIIIKRT & SON, 61 Merkel at, Aitibfil:, — C T U htive Jost opened five tnoro rases of fine Prreaßks In Mobs ' A ntique, Tare Satin, plain and Brocade SU, &c, 41, e, COW prising &Ann very elegant new styles. taylEt WHITE GOODS ...A.ND A.. A. Mj4.SON ‘OO, have received a very extensive. sleek of While Rood., mum - Wing lino plain and fig'd Swim. a flook: - ZliisliZb% Nahasooka, Jackonets Corded klual:na, Inserting and fine Einbreideries of every: descriptio4 myth I ow 'S BROWN)1; SOAP =5; goesfureole by H. A. VA /INF-9TVi. k CU B Corner First and Wood ids. 11ER Y —75 kegs for sale by ulyIL B. A. NATINESTOCK & CU. BRITISH LUSTRE—SO eases for sale by 'viz, 11. A. PAIINESTOCK & CO. for PalePa mylf. It. A. 11.'AILNESTOCK it CO. PORTSMOUTH'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, AIARKIT eon WATER LITP.EF:Ta. K/TTANN/2171. 21S. CIANTON 111ArrINGS. —ROBINSON & 25 FI nu strevt, bare rewired Una (lay a large ',apply. of {[Lie and Check CANTON SIATTINUS, of fine , qll.llns. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. altgaTegi , Summer Arrongement-..Change of Honr. I,Nr m u d after MONDAY Halt there will beTIIIIEE DAILY TRAINS between PITTSBURGH and PHILADkLPIA. THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN !tart , * NUM:math for Plitimielphhi at r:.30 A. M. THE FAST LINE leave!' pitt.Lurgh for pidia t i t ypbt a a t 2:50 o'clock, P. M. TUE NIGIIT EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh for Philadelphia at 10 P. M. BLAIRSVILLE ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaven Pitts: burgh daily, except Sunday, at dfiki o'clock, P. M. BRINTON'S ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaven Pittsburgh daily at 11 o'clock A. AL, 3::30 P. AL, and Cal 0. AL—running as far as Turtle. Creek Bridge. • Thu above Lines connect at Pittsburgh with the Railroads b, and (nun St. Louis, 3.10.; Alton, tiniena and Chicago, Ill.; Frankfort, Lexington and Loulavllle, Ky.; Terre Haute, Madison. Lafayntle and Indianapolis, Ind.; Clncimiati„ Day ton, Springfield, Bellefontaine, Undusky, Toledo, Cleveland, Columbus, Zanesville, Musailluu and 11 . ouster Gliki; al, with the Steam Packet lbws Irian and to Nrw,olU-Lita, Sr. Lams, LeuntraLt and CLNeIYNATL THROUGH TICKETS be had to or from either of the. above places. Sur further particulars, see, handbills at the different starting points, Vas:Wows from the West will find this the shortest and timer eipeditions route to Philadelphia,-Ralti morn, New York, or Boston. J. IdESKIMEN; Agent, Pasaenger Linea, Plttaburgb. TIIOS. MOORE, w Linea, Philadelphia. Agent, Passen VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE IN THE EIOIITH WARD OF THE CITY OF PITTSBURGIL—TweIve lots fronting on Blatt n net. winch lean 86 foot - arreet, overlooking the Monottga, bele river each! tot having a front of 24 feet and averaging : from 47.0 to 171 feet deep, fronting on a 24 foot alley. siso, twelvelots Immediately in the rear of the above, hereltiga fruntwf 24 feet each on Locust street, and running_ backiu a 24 Sakai - ley. Locust street e 0 foot street , Ten lots fronting ou.Bluff street, now in the city district. adioinitaf the above, only divided by Mitten berg* street, Which is 50 foot street and also the eityltne. Trios*lcts are 24 feet' front each and averaging from 97 to. 148 net deep, running back to a 11. foot alley._ Ten lots in the rear of the above, each lot baring a : front of 24 feet on Locust street and running back 80 beet to " a IS. foot alley. Cncr lot on the corner of Vanbramit and Forbes t, feet front ou Verb.; street, running back to St. streeP atric 29_ k's.. alley 120 feet, which is a 24 foot alley. Three lots. 24 feet each, fronting on &oboe street, ma lting back 120 feet to fit. Patriclee alley. ALLIN/1111Ny CITY. Ale., two two story brick houses and lots, with back buildings, each with a front of 2234 feet, on Federal street,.. just above the North common; running back 97 feet to a fout 3. Also, a email two story brickohouee and lot fronting on, Robinson street, on the North aide neer the canal, 16 feet front= Robinson street, running back 72 feet to a 4 foot. alley. Also, my dwelling house and ground attached, on the cor ner of Sandusky street and the South common; this lotfrunts on the common 60 fost, 240 feet on Sandusky street, and 60 feet on Water street. This property Is too well known to. need any particular deecription, as those who want to par. chase will tall and see for themselves. I will barter or exchange for city property In Pittsbur g h, or Allegheny city, one thousand acres of land, cut op into. num& tracts to suit purchaser& This land la idlnated 'Franklin and Tyrone township& Fayette county, State uf. Pennsylvania. The Pittsburgh and. Connelsville Bailnanb runs aye miles through this land, faces the Youghiogheny: river, and is Just fifty miles front Pittsburgh to .htiltenbet ger'ii Station, and will not be mote than ono and a half or two hours ride in the can, an soon -as the road is finished from West Newton to Turtle Cr,ek, which will becompleted by July or August next. This land is an situated that there is none of it more than two miles from Layton or Millen herpes Stations, and a peat portion of it covered with the tineat timber, fine stone, the beet building stools, ore or glass-house land, and large ~ siust timber. For particulars inquire of theaubscriber in Allegheny city. ap2B:3md IXORCIE 61.1LTENBSRGRR. pARODPS CONCERI.- P..r OPERA GLASSES sale or hire et U. E. SUAirS, Practical Optician, 28 PIFTII street, next to Daly's Stocking Store. nayl4 11LTE)V BOOKS AT DAVISON'S, 65 WI-ar il ket street, near Yourth—The American !Pulpit, or Sketches Biographical and Descriptive of Living Anl Preachers, and of the Religious Movements atul Di sti nctive nc Idea wl s which they represent; with portraits—by n o ," Foer. tiothrieb Gospel of Ezekiel. Tioieburch and her Been:Mai; by Dr. Planter. juvenilEdward , Clifford, br Memoirs of Childhood—Cart er '. f ai t e. VolUme three of Buskin's Modern Painters. Sol ita Sala ry. d for the Social; by the author of Salad fur the A Defence of American Policy; by Thomas It. Whitney; Loomis' aeries of Mathematical Hooka Manual for the Patriotic Volunteer, or Active Service io. regular.or irregular War by thigh Porbes-2 vela. ut J. S. DAVISON. THE BUNSBY PAPERS, (Second Series;) Irish ii.oboes ; by John Bro kut of Ohlpfe—arlth &Alas by & ugiuua, Woman. author of A lbw ! . ltUDGigatt TABLX TALK—Rendlections of Ohs Tea) Talk of Samuel Rodgarg; to which /3 added Porsottiana. /for salt by (ity/4,1 B. T. O. muttoANal ambit. f"i MMEIVEN !ea j ~ ~ l ry ', J- , - I . Executors ~'ti_: ... ._~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers