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'd; • 4 t. 4 ,/ 4 4 wv- ~. est -08. k. 4.,4 A. ^1,404 qae r Zi'f:V4 l, ,et el"c" Ato - f•rb - m. ititthdusse- ~4 ~. ~ ,_ ,~,~ Y ~. ~' A t 1 4 41a : • 4.4 PITTSBURGH MORNING POST. • Prin 7;l‘ rationed enercrentg A itiginutaw crtePtal, 111 .111. tAßtOg t igilrafitr T9Olll ERS. on viii - Jeoenignte* AXD MTH MUM- „ . nuteta-unge %nary A' AtiiAtlikAibad 151 x not /KirBl :1614-16101A61-tio irdutder to the Office, did by' ale ewe Boys. • THE SATIIEDAT'EORNINd r( 1.4 T Palathated from the - ou a largo Liaukta else ihostest TWODO yVax, In athance.. • diuglo imam, NoTaprir ,wlll 'be dlik;onttacA, ( unless at the diaare• tion °Pam- P'Mpi4etetsj'fintir An arum~* are paid. ittettpoe will be peed tempi' ceder 'melees Meta,- pauicithythe. tuotte,y, or. eattehictory M 611,1100 In littr "Aty. Ihp bi.in matted with. the Itetabliehmettt tit the ldomblg Petite Lone of Abe largest JOB PAIN'PENO of 14 the city, whore oil kinds of week leetecie ori the thane:it lion* end most reeteemblo tenet ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ALMANDER W. FO§Pat; Adman) , and am...um' aeTANT, im sonata- Slr Chancery. Agont tor prorating tottaty Lan(la mutt retushma r and for the Col lection dr Chttnai in Chnat „Ifrataln,a,nti /anima car. Cuertitions nit* thlaanoi artiolang Caltutical to ilerettiotb ed, Beal estate boughto sold or etta ~Bloneya taut:ea-4 on Idortgoge or °the 4otiarftt. en exuatned, abd title papers drawn office olr Weditrit ettoa, 11,* 3adal"" Pimbargt;lltrelt 18/55-404142.8a1aa I • A W. FOSTER NOttry PubILI, and Com minaiomer for the fitaies of, Inuovases,Now Lhutrp. tiohnittiicaL - Wiaconein, New York, Michigan, lows, California, laraktiarra Are Ikeda drawn, and aCknowl.virtients and proofs taken for ro , of or tine In tray of tarp above inieund Staten., Mut* alississlol krprmotra Wood. l'ittabth-gLi Marcia 28, TBs6—rmialitia . v.) Q.ildFa O. -WINGARD, ki • • - ATTO,f(NIe'T AT LAW, , • •• • • " rirtstanui4, Saivilfilian hr BAKEWELL'S IMILDINGS Grant strove, (nem Iy opposite thooourtilhasa.) fubl:Lly W. WlNtiAttu, ATTUS.NXY AT LAW, ,RILEDIBLI mitunm MIIIAT, mzu. inacticeis in Hunting-don, Ithdi., (.laulfield and Tn-• dixnn 1111 l tiOd. nibly. ÜBERT C. G. SPRO - U L. Aitonley and Giunisoklor ist ,Lan, odic* iourth etrneit, Pitts docilldy )IES A. LOWItII% . Attorney . at Law, o Fourth street, Pittsburgh, botoioun itultithfishi szst Cluerr) ir.ll:/y JOilN BA It'F(..)N, Attorney and Counsellor o 411, corn, of null Mraut drools, Pitt* burgh. jb:kly. AM P. ROSS, Attorhey at Law, No. 109 S Yeetertle ear. -1, Pittsburgh, fourth Lola* Mr. Rudy Futionion'n I.lvorp: Statilu. .t.t4 DAT BACK M'R.ENN A, Alderman of Third Want. "gilt , riirnort.i'Grruut media:lb streeetn, true - utterly eeevoineat ley AtiertustiLewis,) ahoro all Loneness pertuirelog to thuribe , l ofeektmluo am) Justice. ell tbe. I.Nbuce, he: eu prnteny 41teendeS1 . ' AIIL, Surgeon Dentist, sueeessur to 'O. \Y. 4.44411(.. N. 144 Flaufildlol.l alp— Odic o lumno Crum to I arclewk, anrl from 2to 5 o'clock toblfrly I SCOTT, I)entint, Four th street, five door. t./ . RAW. of Markot inbcv hours from 9 :clock A. M. t.. 5 o'clock P. M. t.IoCX y BUSINESS CARDS JU II N N1001(1 INAI 1, W h esal e Grover and Oomtuiseri,m Slerrhant, tor er e ral.l I . lti MICPAI, cold FiLknINIS. And gonerully, No. 27 Wood street, Pit Lebo r Wit.l.l •idl4 I ELKX. . a a. nArsrroon, l'atadna rah. K KTSO N. Whtlllwtte f;ro- L I p-rierr .if 1111.1 N 111 /,-•;. ICI NES am! l4'll AILS, N•.. 1; mod 171.. 4 , .rre of It e WI.: I .11-rty etteeb!, rills rk.o. Netts. l•rt! A. . ,- ..4e.trattly on hand 1! thlth . JIMLY C. I,A Khe..I.ESTATLhM j~ o.(livr Of 5.,81t1.11 nud Stkilthfiehl eta e.ts, Pitts -I,urgh • }atuu, Honors, Lots, Milks, runisisa, As. A... liaisallt and snld on o.niunzitiiaiu; Land Warrants bough i, wd i and loon liilnds and ti olAvi ~ItlAlO.ll pclvvil to rUbdividlng Partin4 said disk...sing of them. Tint. reaauuahlo• ALriiro IL CVALIZILI ktuit,mrt itr.ttertni.rl rim llln lull It itivnir T It/ Nti, WAR & ),, st rt it It6.lttrein l'itt Prenne.l3ll,l 1 , 1.111 (I IrnlSr , ll" Alt F., Witt olk , ,tine N... 1; ntret, rt , rner d Fr.a.t, littraeti 41" All elle., 1,1,4% of latAmrart• all 4 \Villa.. • at k.-t 1.-..4. upl laity J 4.IkITS J. 10•11 J. IILAY. IEl)L I E L L.Ol, Stieuessors ?duly:illy I_4 & Ltallat man uturtut rn• .4 Cal, Inlggolnlegl non n 4 Nairn Flint and Faun.) ()Agana' ,!. anon al• 111.1. of \II tli lIIW Ulan , V1:4.1%. Vl.l k .111.1 1/44L1.316. 110 ,- 11.. use coral, tlarlo t nond )% nt..r xi Pit t.b , 11101 • ItE VIOV A L.--C. 111 NISEN, Nlalitifiwtur;tr or Panay ,aronly nnt VI kI v, I YIT I,M mod WIN la /1% in • Lna) 111. anal Clarot Ikatlana; lanuaijoln ono ago! Cat.. MP, Trill( 441,41% ill vvvr) Inraty. Nan gni. anare N•ngn It/ I 514.011 , 1 and MI. ?hot alrgant. Pittaloir u. In. tln . .to A I R. Tilt A V Pittsburgh, dila kr to LOUNTRY I'H(IDUCIt. otter+ far' go& tuna-) 11. ' E 4 egulLa.tonl for lararl3 Nun ran • r•r1y41,4) . itryi intrein, -ground.nl his so X4ll+A la.. U 1 ignar - Progrtge'Pororr,n aiAl toligno on etrlnaingu tot tuarctouttliarn. F. N. In lung rral'aronl a fall aanagrlaueut of la rain war ragnigol .I.ltl/ Klng SP,RUi, nod iu Vika Its. altgollgn Inll on. tganantrol ill rural lawns. /mat I :\ !MISSION LIOU SE. —The aubscriberg • • tur-U. • mmt.a. L 2; IV- will pitrvllaso, parave .13 coramintion, for Nato, n.o, inglitorists of 1 , 1.,f11nt, COUN, OATS, lIAItI Y . FLAX FEED, flftAFti SEN.I.I, LIALLED HAY. kr, uti.oi which wr will !oat, AVM/P..IK, or pun ha., a t th e market rata lor l ooud .11.41X0 A Ou. anqueo. .. .2. I. ma:rat:rt. 1 1 1 , ;(./LiSii & RICH ARDSON, Forwarding and flonituisalon 111,eltants sod whotraale dealera 111 1,1 I. MACON OIL, awl l'ItiflYVVV: generally. War.. lorn,rl) %lon ri.lgek litglo am, No. 116 Wator and I.faf }Wit atrfa.4. Plttaborlfh. Jous LTRCLL. A 1 —WWI. . .... ATWELL ATNVELL, LEE & l'O„ Wh . olesale GrOfers, rroditre elati /11 , 11V114t114A, Ito4l &valeta In l'ittabtirich NlAnnlar'tor.v. No. 1.1 Wor.l etreot, between %Valor and Voniit atronta, Pinnitanyh.rPtS ( 111 ., N W. BITTLEE, ,(.I'U., Forwarding and V °wawa:taloa Mrrnlinaits, deainra in all kinds of FITTS MANUNACTURF.24. LISA!) PIPE and ArtAY.7 1..F.A Nu, 67 Pout laical., Y irr 10 11 1.1. 4 :r. ° In i t ' h. lt L a i t N l 8 ..... ' lJ or l w • .. 1 1 ; I. Forwa rd ing 14 1 811 1 11 C. I I K 7.:,‘ ao.I I . I.I.ODUCkt generally. 14.. W.mritr.f.art) m N uTici4.—The undersinyt, Assignee of K MN YON. of Stant...llYlfin. (ado, having ...I a RE-ISSUE OP TUN PATKIIT . orlgitutlly grunt.] u, u. 4th day of Or.tobor, 1551 f..r the puriam atakiug 11. or-PRP:SSE!) 1 UTtt, IVASIIERS, etc., being subutaultulty . Pero—The 11, of the die T, and die tx.a M, I .r Re‘ ,. ring the blank, the riwe dre two In nonibionti,a, with th.• do-4, nod bi - :LA.6 04 for preaaing, nod the punch 1., for perforatiog the aoeueu during ties ppoinore, the whole operating COI. joiotly an deecrlb'ul for making Note or Waahrrn at•oub of"- manner Itubdtantially tu t - waning tbe Mew in r 11.14 0 -1 to the lituich that tiny exawei the blank nitwit IA foirott Into tbu path tb, tlen. .-curing the twatuirewitum of LIP. Nut without risking the breaking if the machine. It 4_ Perimew intennstwl will pketwe take notice tibig nay In fringement on the above will N. dealt with ltreortring in law. l'ittxbaxgke, Aptil 9 1 .1856.--(apit3ur,--,hr) W . CARR ILLIAM & CO., (Willizun Carr, Lac of thn firm of .1 l'ark.rv. A en.,) whol.mie Ofti CERA Awl dual.= in Foreign WIN ICA nrel BHA N 1)1 KS, Old Nfoucaticatiubt and 1t..-titigd R lIIBK Y, Nu. :VP COmnterrinl =22===l Jcisk Pit FLEMINU, — successor to L. IVil- IP/ cox & Co., corner Irr Malkt.t xtro.,4 and tlo• Duoloold, moon. tI y hand n full anuorturrot D 111.148, ICI N ES, NI EDICIN.I3 cuxsts.., PEREUMBILY„ and 01l arti• p.-rollnlng to Mu Lumioosu.. 41,r rhplicluwe Pre.cripth , ths carefully compuuntled at all euerlf. Jacky JOHN 13.41301.41.. 030RILLN FLllltNil. F LEM. INO II ROT II E RS, sueeesxm to J. DilliqiillSTr+, No.llo Wuoil Pittsburgh. Proprietor of Dr. bl • Lane's Nilebre.toil Venni f Liver Pillsolte. .110.0 JL. MARSIIA.LL, sw_xessor to H. Lee, . WOOL DEALER and COMMUNION lIERCIIA NT, I:V.i Liberty stree,t, Pittsburgh. RePronac---W. M'Clintock d Bros., K ramer & Italitn, Mur phy, Tiernan d Clo., Brown k Kirkpatrick. Pittsburgh, May 2A, /865. IW. CHADWICK, dealer Kentucky • Is.at TOBACCO, HAGS and PAPER, No. 14A Weed street. Whey Sixth, Pittsburgh. tap2o:l y Kr- The highest warkot price, in cash, paid *Jr Nap. II 4 LIT F. MARSH ALL Jame MOURN- P. MARSHALL & Co., Itnporters and. • dialers in French and American PAPER BANG NO . No. 87 Wood atnea, Pittsburgh. eucou to tor the celebrated nun &so tun. of Mownrs. IN•li.kort 41; CO, Pad'. nogl BT. C. MORGA B,.,kseller and St:l- do or. Ilan always on band a general anattrtmeat, of Stitool, falnoollannann and 'Blank firtobt; Printing, Pnk and Cap l'apur, wholesale and retail, No. 104 Wool nireet, bettor Vogl, (tout mtt) Pitultorgn• eks) , W ANTED.—Anita and Tuuto,rs' Scraps. npl y 011 N U. MELLOR, Witele,etle and Retail dueler In MM ICAT, I 2181111JM1015, PIANOS, MUSIC, 'CID/01. ROOKS nud STATION Kit Y, Nu. 81 Wood street, Pittsburgh. inn] Miuß Dit'COLLISTMR, Whigeoalo and He t, t.l FA; All M U Acru ItCR. and dual, in all Ain& TOBAOLX), laNtalr and SPA: AKv, No. al Fifth ntroot, Pi tteobu rgh. Ara— Kropi p.tintantly Oh 11111/.1 a largp nirpply of 411 11., variouslYmittioes.f Itnperial SogitrK. _ • EYMER A ANDEItSoN, (Kueeessors to jiA„, Ithod,.. dr. Co.) 1r11,•1,011.• dent..rn in WultitlON I , ltU ITS. NUTS, SPICES. (.>)N trNeTliiNA.ItY, SUUAUS, No. 3v W 001 M.root, opp.mito the St. Charlon Putr,- I.,tirgh. .141 A'l'l NPLE, Wholesale and Retail S A 1)- • Dt.v., HAIL' SS, TRUNK, VALISE and CA IiTICT SAO NI..A.NUFAOTURER„ No. Emmet, Pittatorgit. .1Y29:7 1 -1 4 N'rERP 111 SE WORKS , N. 136 Wood .124 litrect, third don, liolow 1 0140 olloy.—BOWN d TLT- I.kY would call the attention of gpctsting men to their largo nmsortinunt of GUNS, and ILEVOLYINO PISTOLS. th.• larg,e.t nod Imed sPlertnd stock ~o r opened is this LAin3tinir with a gni:rend assortment of ktainfwart , i ry. Toots and. Fishing Tack's, ssit of irbich:we offer at the I u“' t pOditible mice' to cub purrhaaero, or for good 1.1)- 101 orOd Nan -WESTERN POLICE AGENCY, Nu. 89 Washington street, cornar of Dearborn, CIU DAD°, I LLI NOEL auan rrtntaineer D. B. 11.0141115. _ PINNERTON CM. devote their entire attention to the trannactlonr of a general detective POLICE BUSINESS hi the Staten of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan +uld Indiana. uthlihdtf TOIIN GROUTT, Importer of BRANDIES, OGIN, WINES, &c. Dealer In flue 014.1denougahela WbAskY. Dena Brandy, .kr- Mae, lUMFYIVO OMIT, cornet of Smithfield vul 'rout streets, Pltisburfiti. , . r • a '.• 1, t VOLUME XIV. BUSINES TOEIN LITTLE, Jr., ty etttwt , lumina rocrtvo Wire ti- BRANDIE 9. Gogh. DrAndy, (very fine.) 4MAnt Dom & (.upet.) Mlbu - rott & 133., Sas.ritc. WINS& &mita Madntro., Howard, March A al., ?chul-a, En.in ludia Alatinira, rabic, - do Arnold%lade Mantas:Me do do Cooking' do Bot.willK Port, . , Pure - ; T 2 t r . d j i e do flinlitcw. Dry, .tiv. A tscht.r, Ve‘t-zeuey, Fhlideftwk, Tot:eel...lr with all other ur n 0161.. "Neither with my eye II • PORTANT TO THOSE AFFLICTED 'i wrrn BAD SDI RT.- -Pen:Root suffortug front Bad slght, al g Mg from Impair-Iyd vigioti. e‘th.rtlttitionit decay, old ug, ur Miter Calla.. ...Mid do well to cull upon Dr. O. V. AUAW, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, when; they limy rely upongottimg Spoctgolog rzientitlry.lty ughtigt,d to the .3118 T WANTS Of TIV RYE. Atlctrom, At Ylftit stmt, oimototo A. A. %moo's, l'ilf Itlttlyet. e. e.—Tolesio pos. Microvuvrvvt. Thermometer.. And every 614 to appert-strsogg to the g g.t.-oto troJe, kepi ItW/ reputred ...k ILIIM ip,rlll4. •E ilhookvg tomerte.4 to eght Prtgog-g. y l l- ..) hruolell.4 1:11,1.1,)•••1 t eteTesueed free of ex. 11,7.1 71. Z11\;(;. l'..A NT:\ Tito wInILI ell the at:4lth. of tlenlet sett teheutuets 4. I I. isuperior 4.1 tsck. of %ANC \TS, 1.,X411P0i by s treb. pr0.......,41,1 Imo [sum the utoectums Label te ulnae 1.. %Attic N. it. te. Th. r. fn, ..r,t1.1 k n. Nlltt W.' 0 . 14. • I Iltllly too 1.11. 1114111, 00l 11.. tot tt tveultzfriel/e • 11,-0, lollt the Me tilttots4a, Ztiec, o•ol oot lo•o. 11(11 1.1.0d11141 • 1111, grut.l I In , ~..1•31. 1.1(11,.411 • A tin., Tittm, It 1.. volt too loom LA.... 1.1 LI. I. t ..,ro to, relto-00l 000 l I(.n i~n.totd I,l4#llollirrni, , 4, am. In, Rm. .4 coil, 4e. it 1.1 . 1 :01 ottl• ottloolt tooolio 1.1 ,1..1 oof r.„ h le . no.l isil pa - 114..4 of U. wits dm gooottnutro, too tool r.,t, it I.ottiool too 10000 otolootlt, ottooi. 11%1,1, .5 0110.1t1.1., 011/e4,.1,444:141t.aen let.., Nevi 1,-r 13 AI All bice:xv h 01., Sf. WAter var.-et, 11144AI:1,i, it I It S II 1 , I) ti SON, S 111 UT Al ANtWACTI'III{I(. N. W. nT431.3. VITTNSUAI4II Th. rit.t.rt• Until 0.1 SHIRTS ,mtrmit,ll t , • t• , no) pkt I h. , Uittto .n. !111, tom, the rat-tit, rt ti.ruttzlia it,clrn fl,tnt.mbetr, tin' stn. atin.tt Ito r-‘1 , 41111131,1 at /nitwit...l .11aLtt, 11.11 ht...Attary rtilt.atotttt-t, tt, t• t0m.1.• the cull. hti 11. t tfi.- rt• , 9 :91 do. .6.. n.t :91 A. , .1.. ,•.. 11 411, Fr,411 pl. I, ;• nrtn t• 11 - o,i .4 111, fi , no h.. el h Ilh ultlmant dlm II,..h1"••t ur.•l r 0,1 ,ruisn 1.a41tt.41. . . . . 'Olt,- it,. t• quite , mop, tool mill I.- ..1 t trtott ',hot I. t.ttlit.tto 1, 341 t distant, t. lot find It imp...tabor to tad.to at I, .tto :qt., t.. ottlaty thou. to Et, Itt mot Itt 41,.. on lount. n fnll wonotnontt •4 Shirts , 4 our nun Sao „fat-tun.. run! Lontl•-nmers's Y orniallto,r • L 11111: 4 111 , ELD A 80N. fdle; No. it) .tree. 11etaburgia. LS:-.01.u . r7()N.--.The(V l'nrUrcrnitiEE, hex •A uutior gum A A..11A/14iN A (Al " tilt. 4....1,A1 MUII.IIII L.. 111. lit N4ii.k.Sl3 P . Mmes.o witti.ll,4lltAg imit4 the Laettl,.. ALViedtlN A. NIA,SKINI NATHAN Y. MAiiON. Februnry Tat, 1..14 f1()•1'AI:TNF,11tillil'. -A. A. MA,`... , (N hs with NATIIA • 111'11 \II. mule, ti.• tltm yr k A 11A,41A 111. 5‘1.••,.1 1 , •1, b01d... t.,t,littuur-1 1,14. 4 N.L . 4/Ftnll 1.1.ri..4. ALT/GRIN A. 1111/.14.11A, NA THAN 14111711C0 11(tAl•tirgh. F..1.1 - uary aL, 175! i.tA • 4,„1' r ()I. ES.- -No. 1'24 Wra,J earcet., ov LI Fifth --1% a Leg Mode t. mg' tb. Trade to our ass.t. r4..jea, Ilether Ware 111111 d (}at MO h. deurnd. Ilea legiertet ..41 ever) tlur,g la our Law, a. Lau ,dill may tAnt we raera.l t..a , ..1111.itxt-A , •nudeba-fwmate. to 1.- e inning efeewhera. fa 4 (; II IVlr, RICIRMYY.It, A 47 RAF? Nu 1(1.: The reirteerrini. here.t.fure exim tne I luotr.Lir ..,kd 11 ti•J• r the MI. of Ilt hrrIC114:11. 1. %I ITII A Ut, wrrs .41 . 4)L.11 41A9 r.f Nr.s.-0,1.r init, try Lt... •:,trr.• purtltiL3e stat.,rl,l .4 U. llustr.Lt, .bLeola liorrtvrt.r. Tbr , bireatrorm la ill lan hertilr•Arrri, turrittr mune 14 11USTILTTELL A tOrIITII. JAt %JAI 11i T'it'TT Mk, darl U. W. - GOLD t'ENS--Many now find it ditli.-ult prtttruur Pet. ae goal as lonnerly. Meeuttelure.• Ilowirrs have 11•Yti Le - 1444M to rOttri, Ito qnaht) of t,oth g. 4.1 ittlnl'worktloarttoblp, In order to n•elnet• the mice---cohattuten forgytting that Inv, prk, is not always cheap. We have n•n• Pens nude exproody to order, of the ter y Lwt,tuateritel awl 111.0%11, and • strenttel— front $1 t.. j,4. W. W. WILSON, 67 Markli strem, 2 Mawr of Fourth. p.B.NOS A N - I)Nrif .., - 6r)EuN5.--J6IIN 61,1151 t. hn .1 Mt..ei ntre•et. tetteeen I.lle , tetutd alley tut,' fourth tetreet., ertli t pen Ott. n. 119. the . 2.51,1, to adattnnt Ltritt , mow oh fund, • PILGIIIT NICW lIIANO-FORTM.?, And a rontpletc awl ologwot new shock of ALtScIN A II .111 LI N I S N101,K1..EL, , 1/KoNI I , 1. ---- f ENT ac .- ao ins._ The Limier*, gne.l hht.ing .ortin4l tolt, r. l'aterit ft,r the Ittneutte turn .•I SHNICI-TII47BI.•IIENT '/VINIeIW SIIAIIR et, L new frhmpliCh+l to firenhth the trod, with oil Widths. fro. ant* whie. Itriog ti, rierttlrer. pentane tieeineie of .44.eist ter tio• right tt. rend the one cast ‘h, rio mrplieatioa, to • Pret•al N., 16 Irtm at , PithiLoirch, P•A .... - UusiNmse AND MirVfrlr - 1110t1t. 411.1 n parther+l,q, 111 a Iliafoillkr l,t. iourtuxu,ut, duple. sail Inrrotho betrinv. la !tow opeu Ly 3,llMlTry why Vtril.lll V. makr n 11r1 - 1. inn chat,. 444 , 111 , nra n.. 1 occur Ina a cnotury. Nom but rriutid, with, tninizuno tpdatllention, will twin V. 014 to r0,,110 tvottlAblw n•ply Li thin ovtics.' ' awl 1.. nc/I, a demotiatratim, of (art,. will Ito preal.bled, c hat will calla,u a inntltlon an/I .lentrable 11,j. ,no Kann). cat , h pnany advertin , un 111, but Oh and ,airy rvacn-tt ; and lb., wrut an) 11, Lima .81anallartIlM14,.. peat ( . and Coll i tem. wilt Ike etrunnunmatod. no P. a T CITY COLL EU E—DAT Asp EV EN I Nr; mei tm 14ntMi,,oi /*Anl irpfrip !Ada.. and 0 , 11111:man's Apartalentn tinware. A ETIC. nod iv. nppl irntnmw Lu (a sitivi nynteln,) nhurlrr, plainer, uud t.uttnr.oloptoil a. 61111111.111., LIMN ,In to PO brand io any treat har Ileaulta teMlity by lll,rob Lunn' “Arlikatitival 31agh.." Aria Melia. per month, $i . . 041 !ore Circuity of the College. dad F. W. JILNKINS., Principal. 1 1 110 MA S OLIVER.SADDC,x, IiARNEss AND 'TRUNKN OVACTURRII, Nn. 4 tt Clair ulreel, Pittaburizh. lin,„ Inn. , Clothing, Spam. kr. tomb J. H. JONIS t. D. MANI. JotiES t DENNY, Forwarding and Commission Mer clianta, N. 01 Water street, Pitt.mburgh. [WV WATCIIES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY AT OREATLY RICDUCED 1.11.1 C ES. JO/IN M itOdroliTS is new t.dliug of his largo. awl tholes stork of Iltio Wittehes, 17,100rk., Jaw,.lty awl Isury Goods at a Vat) nutall adman• uu tired coat, pretatralory ooulargiug lots littiro, liwom awl tho parcheso of an oittr“ new 0...3k-for this lopritue trouts. oi o ..orio o g HItMAT BAlttl AINS should roil early, n. INM Itta ilata,rnalantion luLicaa oat hi. presolot k with ant rogarot to former pricom. That for g ot tie I ,t,,,,—Roßitirra% 10 Firm street, Mnrki.L folio) MEN AND BOYS' WINTER CLOTHING —KUL+NNTIIAI. a BRO., Fifth atroot., uppladta aI- In'a,. Inv,. a Low stuck of Mon and Bore CLOTIUNti fin ['rifting iv... elltird) lie,' and elegant atyks, which thy art. proparell to fin-aisle ea airs !woven( meat prtre, p targr cud fashiunaldast.wk of GENTS' YUILNIBIII.NU Ogli dacl3:dly SWALLOW -TAIL LINE OF LIVERPOOL AND NEW YORK PACKET SHIPS. Owned by awnsNur Ortaineli, 07 South greet, The subscriber le,the only Agent in Pitts ?. burgh for the above Lino—has always on all. HAFTS fur sale for any amount, payable et any in England, /rehtfliil PetTn4 %WV . th . SOTIN DOM fN, ge , 410 Liberty latest, Pittsburgh. Al2ll AGENCY.—We have been up p..inted sole Agent tbr tile State of ponturylvanat, tor, the sale of the celebrated and unequAllod Watches of CHARefItOLSEIAM, 44 S,iuptn, LONDON, ( formerly J. it. Aastudi,) B r ing Ole " lontrufwd Cbronumeter Series," for whlarthe BOLA) tievertiment awarded 4 premium of £3,170. They netially regulate within e. minute a year I There in perfect regularity 01 time ender every variety of climate and peti tion, and ar.• not affecttel by :inroad traveling, horseback, or UN( loot %silent exercise. Auto—An excellent Mock of all other kinds of Watch.. 41" Watrli R.Talring does promptly, end in the most su per), insure!, W. W. WILSON, Wag 67 Market et, curlier of fourth. 13=1 pcOAL WORKS FOR SALE.—Sixty three aerie, of land, with 260 of Coel attached , atidull the im r ements thereon In sucoessful opPrativa. Said /41 1 . 1 ia *slated +on .t.ho. Monongebala elver, Siemllaa aboveillftfte. burgh, and is supplied with a Farm Emma Baru, Temuit Ouss, Orchard. Railroad, and an excellent harbor. Me VOW Of. COW is OcO feaLthick.„ taut cannot beatupwased In quality. For further parr.ipulare apply to 'NICHOLSON A PAYNE, ila-t-f No. 246 Liberty street. OOKSTORE REMOVED --The subscriber his, removed from No, 104 Wood at. to No. 41 111TH et* o , w eowl door wea.of Wood attuet„ (n Poet Buililings,^) 4 &,'„,,, h o 41 kaaNfri..sidditJou to • •So, MechaoicaL tale• c , t ,",,,,,,,, u ,, a i„,i ,o, .Books, PAPER and FANOY STA. TIONERY --10 24 1 Ai.PUtPular 2 45 1 willws. Papers, So., -Sc. / 0 2 hoe Wi046110 gaud Mall. . 8.. T. CL MORGAN, IV , , , . , . 4.1 PUttk orost. " 1 " -;$:&:".""0-70,774t-t.'," =MIMI . ~ 4, WEI ,tt - '440 _ 1 l e ~, ~. .‘ , ~..i, ur , di •I: ,a iii ' . PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & lIONTGOATIWycAT I` . Ell4`. "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND Firm STREETS ; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM 8 CARDS. , Agent, No. 201 Liber d the fullevehtg very chuion az- RUM Jamaka. Banta CTIM. Boe;gu Lohdou cord ,J Setinappk. , SUND,IIIF.S. Itutbefortre So?, tch Briiriay's Loudon l'vrtec o Wtle Chorry Brandy. t u , t m t ! , , tisnltnes, • ' ' Cam find Jere, ' YOunglitrit and Elect Tiwitt, Muglith Bronson Imported Llaranu then, of tattoos hrutols, M, uuugatmle Whisky, of All triulot. itot emnootod with the Idle my4.13#.6 n . my faith will I trill,” Cl= . •-"" " . ",..c .1., :11 BUSINESS CARDS The Greatest Medical Discovery •OF THE,AGE. IS E N NEDY,' lit lidEbtiry, has diSCOV ided Line of ourrOULWOU ligature weeds s remedy t=ures nerp Lind of Humor, front Um worst Sorg/btu tea Corstlllon Ile hag tngsted ft In over eleven hundred cases, and Dover failed except in two awns (both thunder humor.) Ile has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value, ail twenty milts of Oustou. Two bottles Ant warranted - to turn a naming, sure mouth. One to three bottles will curo the worst kind of pimple.' of the taco. 'two to three bottles will scour the system of boas. Two bottles are warranted to , M.lll the worst canker in the mouth and *touted, Three to the bottles are unrested to curs the wow case of erysipelas. Onaor two hottries are wombed tucpna UI humor of ,the eyes, 2 2• : • , , • Two bottles are warranteal to cure tunuing of the eat and Watches antonA the hate. roar to efx ',utast, tins7trrauted to curs t.frrupt mud MI I/ • Inns ulcons7 Oue hot tie will curs scaly eruption of the ekna Tsroto three hottles err warranted to elms the n.....) dee. petal« mu.. of rheumatism. Two or three hottlen roe warantfal to cure the uncut cettieti .4 Ilttoc.cin. Tilt. , 1.. I••tir are ‘lllO-11r1tted n• ear salt rheum. ttlgitt bottlita a Si cure the w...• 1 ruse of tfer.froli A lweieflt le always exix.rienond from t to• brut hot t te, and perfect cure as warm/dal when tint ninc • te quantuy in taken. {.talking . 141 ' 141.1.1 - Idni4e to it u{lave in 111.111 tried.lol the tesustiedul sluts& it,..aat thass..eum nufn weed growini, 1u the l ././ stave vallm r alb .sald COM. 14111..041.111.nr in the'teratenr.- yet frts now a {heft (mot. If you have a hauler It 11/1.11 u. awn. Titer. au, UO Ulf 1.4 Ando!, 11.111 m or lu.'s 31./.11 ranting .11111. and not 1.4111.1 twee • thin llaand hottiss of It in the t Minh) of ]baton. I ruler its efforts tu terry crow. it has already 4.6 e witte.r the ItrtMh , ai curter ever done In Maaisu littnelLn. 1 eve it 1.• chilli,. a year ..Id, to old atilt. hale own 1.•. r. Cron), wortny chilil,u, Bent, aro ~fl and n.liby, rrefor.l 1.., a 1.,11...t mat. or 1,, nine bottle, 'I,. 11...0 who are .Ih,frot t., tt one ta.ttlo ..Bal.l. it It girt, Jeat n se.l foe aa . 1. 1 ho hey, hal :trod b. - , rexttlattcd 19 it Who, the I.d. 1.,.•.,1,•1 it o noen.y. last tote it tilt .l.', an ,11•• lit • Om !•111. 1,41. ••1 ot 1 r ) ./I.,..iiiit •••I 11•• t 71,4,,Lpisf..Ar In Ova, i..'31 t.' a On. 1. 11en L Ilarth a 1.14 , 1 11 , 011 t't 11, rury vise. tlant f••etitig °rye, 1,11 ri p•nt lii i n tam Iteratm. I latargi auto.. of the nand seer..Cato.' ,••,..ttutults .4 Jt tlnai ~.a,, et et 11.4. art! It. 11.. .• ••I lat. etraary---ttat the Iwo inn t I lira.. i.t.• tw an het L, 1111.1011 •1i1.41101..11 lit •itl, 1 . 1.1.11••11. .wii1111•_ 4 Ow r 11••• nt• •. • 14 inn •.1 Slet ta • IL, . t rye l 1.1111••• Jr+, Uar —Adu' ..1••• •Int Plall•11••itover eicitt •..canotrt ktittir• tc•e• I. • •_l,t t•attn. ,••• no: 1• tit al. at.plaaLle lo ell ci.ustrt tit is•lik, take en 401 t.. •iter„•,. the ln•ttralig day klr KESNeloy p•trattt.al attrittletnett in In.! s dr rural, .tu•leaste and ',stall. at fin KRYftlilra, lit. W....! .ti pet, ett.cniertucks Weq on.d ,t. ft. El.Kllll . ,ii. „beet). art •!I)4A It • I; It EA T EST 1)1P RO V I' . :NI EN T . VET ! Nr w S (.' AI, E 11. K 1..}:11t,""i; 1t...11 , d n attota lot o 1 Iti Ai It P. CL A RUN' AI% og, pt•e i•ttl a oh I lu.tr .+C latuat. awl tottiout•tottl) tin Allan Su stittitovrtavot att yet nook to Oot Sian t•••rla. Tl.o la 11% Ell ~f ittml Illiteta is 1.01411./41. ag.•l )11t.nuI "I ULU , . captttortatvl !mg - alma.). .4 Its, us* tut )4 yOil proiiall,kl is. 'Ow ikarq. d (Nuts,. TI Ill..4lntutlype. 4 111, tifl•Ual .11. ..41111•111 it. 11matirahrincea W.• now rltnllrn n..• ti b IL, 11..0 Whelan ..1 nhy ~a.`g us 1L1..441.51,, , o.trttita.t that este . ) , Isltbatato..l jr.tivo lii ~i k wnl al tart athaltr itr,ir rb- ovit. .IAI I. . All stool • "awl, Nap,rikn , s • ' Lit.lollo a nit. , for J onus t fist L. Matto. Pot WritUrrt Prntol tt woo No 4 Fifth 24,r.t.ta, nort floc, to. 711tokimir Halt P, 1 4.4pkkilt.l asaurtnictit tlo .t..,11) • t.•l tor Uto Spriug Dna, _ W .- Fli i iilTUTi c irk'K CHICKERIN(i & SONS PIANO FORTES. JOHN CI NIKLI.OR h. sort reeled aar.mrl n.o. 1111 , 'KERI NO & SON,' rl bNO F , ,hT Er. .DJ foto 14 , 44 Ob. sturk, ObliteChd los ,palbst :Lb*. ..f Tin IVAN *4 r ol .... ru..l cq.kitilla Ipsirbao bt., ul rot*, ‘...‘ ....II • boostf. to..f by the blardr• NAIL 1.4 Ib4. .11.'4 N. h,.... 11. I'l -.t 01N is Tit% bto tho L.. at...41y M.. bed Mew.. (hrlave SqUiLlre Pi4lllo 11 , owl r., ... 1...11 . 11,14 .ute-rb v.,1 tiouut..64 to rawd bE.J kwriur bEwb , l Abp... kl Y. it VI t 1°). $v Fi nt. la .lit. 1.4 I. a th..a N rvr tiri Lt. .11f1 their 1' ATEhT 1 hoN VRA NI 1r.,, abd PATENT ACTION, .i.l Nub o.a. aly,leatrra.nl.l 1. tt.... puresilavt by lbb sou.sibte...., bat bys4ll.r. Subs-rther. 1., 6,11 rtrnlrmy” to ormtera.lson-4,rtargiakifava 1... ....111e. Phu IS IN A AitL(III.I 11l I. &A Wx am it. !W...., . it... Nl,..bub. up>) JOHN' ri NI ri Gilt, No. kl 5 ..i ltr...pt, ......rt hums, -rot all.) .ail P‘borth atriwt Ago-GI La-,13. It, 11, A.. ii% i1...t.n, I, Hrtaburgt. ROO It ..get „ Pre.. Mbllt I.III.;RTH STREET I'AiiNET STOIU. VW. U. Om.II. McCILLUM, , f i t sTHEET, NEAR Wii"1.),(01 Tur itttrlrtrao t,f pun - Item-re lorrir4.l w vu r presrut Muck. lorzlecteri r.t 3pit33;(; 11A LYS, t1“11,4, 114.1 gualrty Valve*. Brussels altd Tat.etri, Crendlasko4l3,lakt littouleds, b/4201. Medinto oral Low Late.* ate .11. PAM.7 fngrainv Beat Itn[e.rtol Kett . ' Twilled and Memoir., !MI real,,f +6.1 Carpets Fl•wer 011 Chstba fence Y tr. 24 1.44 'sub-, wart.. •,nalitn. and 1rk...: Table Oil Cloths; French Ptint.m.J tAnttnenntt Plano and Tobin rtnrrn: Cant.. nod Mnt ttnC; s lip t.ltlntAi ;nig Undo Jet. Ba k : 4.0.1 (1u pets , etirticul Inlmin; I.'llb - ever • taTirty ;4 It don' titandon, tintltt b4l Matt Ilettand, all w ;II .4.-1,4 nt Neu ta....1..5n1. Aj - W.. prop.l.+l t. (In 00, tittLi virr ) ,„ r A ICI' KT 1.11i13 ,7 0. ttahV. 111 4 MirIIKILD MEM IN 411 V AND Allegheny County Normal Mehool. A 1...nd f,itr nu/.a r,,rn the rlty, liar Of Ihr ..1 062 , 3(4)U74 and Washinytt.ti I'lank Road, B Al. K 'mut. A BE. Suomeint....l. , ot NI Hz+ NI A. It EAR, I'n/wird :"...rottiriry KBS. K. A I'HEIU4IX, A M. Prof lnne ~ Aar,. fllk molerrlgfrad, Oucuty Stll, - Inteweb.nt, Lin Brrolfiarr and Normal School for T. lir!, oft Yt BA N% tls,llAlt Appl Dry J•upllA n 1 1....111 I.Alos•rr , r. A lignif..l nitnllakr /I'lnal,'n rnn 1...,nr.1 in tiw (anti], ..f air Wt penu t rod.ut. IUPOti N . 4.'111114 eau ire 01111.11,a1 i n 11, yille.g.• and truinity, frpniA t.4.5t Tmsig a(11) vo.-Its, IN A OVANCIS.. . - . 14.mtr.ti he. ludiritifirtind 11.iht. ~. . e.VI Ari -....... 4.). in 00 t.r [hon. , .1.441r1ng 4. ellter tlat. 2101'0141 1i.01..01 Al Loy tinuN to. I, the I. +.c.,( ljuotrtgsr 1 , 41nr.a0 will be de erod each Turin, nix.. the Art Thu h trig thrthAr Inforrnati.rn K.-imns al2 IS. Si KERR. 19liAl.ury.11 C 113 ELL &. ,iI'OLLOCK IrxitEns IY Staple and Fancy Variety and Dry Goods. F . nxn ANI'V ACTIAIE RS PLAIN AND WAVED LINE CILT MOULDINGS. No. 95 Wood eetAi Corner of Maw I alley. THEY refer to . tt long experience in thin I.MIIIIOBB 11l 6 natty guarantee to the purchaa, that lo wall log the (660/11 , 6frd belrtittytee, and at prices as hen any oF ti er estabindut. An lerOcon of *lr silk 10(111.6 nO obligation y nn. &Ina attobthit Will be .1 Ato 151..ftireute, .ht4twe their ratio o' for exatoluattort or purchaae. whltt:lnta:nw 1)A.V11.) CAMPBELL h S MI , EL bast, artaortaht.l targaLhar tool , , tint at) In of bf OBELI. A poidAvg, fire the tritnatintion of a geuend Veriefy end Dry (tooth. badmen, and the tuanufaeture of 'dein hod Waned Line OM blenktiogs. 1 . 11 - SS( )I,UTION.---The partnerellip fun. r•C 611.1 11g liontitewn tb.• IleeteelOrtlled in I to ttotattits "'"'• ."41.httlifttot 4itppplaps bgaitry, la ltd.! day 11....1 by that uni nnen t. ' ft. , b1e6111161 will la , rarroxl tto to, It. Si. HUNTER done, sib{ Carumernial itreet, ' JAR. HERR. Jo. Snicit Louie. April a, 181141. R. M. HUNTER. i ) S.SQL Cri" ONc= t•d;.re misting Getal".l3 JAMES K ERR.,. Jr. and 11 , 013 T. M. HUNTER. is thir day disipolved;by.anztoal censedUl U.M. If li N'YER will stilt i.ontinne tLe ATEA MBOAT AGENCY mid COMMISSION and EVRWARDING BUSINESS, at fri Com mercial street, and'_'; Levee. JAMES KERR, Ja. R. M. MTNTEIt. W. iN S. iIANT.g'S No. 1 PEN.—This ex . rollout Pon, manufactured by Joseph in . place f the popular 708 Yon, la rapidly gaining furor with the se.' tang pubbe, and is bo more in'demand than hfiy pen ever sold In this city. It Is used in both of the large Commercial Colleges, and preferred to any hitherto intro duced. I bare rontrantati Sur Albentatinfartnre de tarp. and regn- M, supply of these Pena, and am ready to nil (mime fur any "'k W. S. UAVXN, Stationer, feb u Market at., comer Secwl. FOIL SAIE.—'Pwo-fineb6 ehNiter, 94 feet front by 123 feet deep, near the land bought fur no yitanalru trot works. A form and'unikkuperty/ to 'tarry. townehtp, 2Vrahnort.. not rOnn l y. 12 , ,,v 4 .. "du i good. itupruveuteuts mud In a One groin growingimieti , corthe ONINtl", utflr tAtehily? A lovely rionutry reeadeuce and 5 or It) orre,s of land, tin the Polll.olyiVallifl Fiaflfimd and adjoining the Swlserale iiita tion, with every thane to .rake It tleatrableram a country nod city residence. A lot of ground and dwelling bonne, to Cad Liberty, 76 feet front and 135 feet deep. A 'factory traildlng and lot; In Allegheny city, with engine lailler and mactapery titanplyte, or a ,qattpn batting and oakum factory. • Apply to ap9 BLAKI6LY A 'RICHEY. BOORS FRObt THE SALES AND M- PoRTATIiriA.-.The suboariber is now °polling hie late Pu''h'qvif"l prig mod LA " I'IBON, ap9 96 Markot,twar Fourth /Moot. NTE.A13413 I FOE C DREN, 1tke0004.4. 4% 144 itifyillgpAculd did aindratea. grftr rartety of thaht. Caribou at DAVISON'S BOOK STORE, ap9 65 Market atr,94,. 110. Fourth. t t 'jt~~♦ , t tx , , Asomi NMI PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1856. tbictl,ll and Tvealu y I - R►y .1 .ry. • l•do 4 , 4 k , • • • • `; . - a lEEE J t ~ .• - r- • 4 ! t .. • " J • • ' ♦ 4• t , w ~ ~'~. 4.i,!,! . _ . • .Irf.. - • f 1:11 fii6K 23H70/ ‘.l INVENTIONS AND PATENTS MOSES F. EATON. AGENT TOR THE Sale & Purchase of Patent Rights. And Dealer in every variety et SI LOILANICA Alp tiTligt PATENTS. Offle., nn.l ENlkiloittoo 11. out, No. 139 N 1 RAT SIM ICKT, near Wood, t.I 4/41" orders T. , PrartitoJ ArtieMtl 111 ~ -y gioncription promptlyat tended t.b. AleliNTS WANTltill. thIC) Trott'A Oil Globes for Strum Unglora Form PITT luny SVAiiicii, Firrriwynnit. April 1411,, DAS. Mr. M. P. Ratm —l4lr: Tar. 00.irga . Pa'rift 011 atotoe• hay. boon In ow on tin. Env, b.... , in our works for or ft or )Iqtrll pffilt. en l lose i.erf.rfue.l na ratiStyct r t,ry. Owt " now 0111 thew 1. , all OW S.IIgIIIrS to Orson 1. 4 tutor AiG111,i4•114,1 Ilor of may olber bind of u I I) , yarn, ptrt.intnt.a, April 1 . 2,1`,:ie, Ennis, flair natal 11. Trott'. lil'ita•lst o , olininit all tin. iitonin ou t ,/itei. farni,litiil Dial yontil,tinil iu .t.n.urh as tlay 44irtion, to lint , rtvi n initlnf4tion in id, tuitiona, • no lionitation fu riiroramenilitig diem .1111. 1”, ik,tll.l ll l o t.n it,routit ut Iholr ..f t.. .4.1 10. no, 1 tkull) F. & N. N. PA likki & Co., 1 14 14 4 , 44 that the 4.d I up tod-e1ti44.1 144411, bad I. VII ill 11 "t/i r. 414.41 [dr 11..6.-1 La 4,6„ ; . 4 4 444444.4 lnh Al MA dill aLI , ut tlt4y, n. 44.1 Cut. fr. OWlltrOdi it 11.1. V.lNtentuati .•1 Pitt l•urgh .i...p .4 Y..run ItH N tnr 'Lath, I 5.7.4 n 11.. d we L.•• 1.4.1 sri 11.4 e 0:401. Isi • ' 111 1 .4 •••••1.1 1.3 . I .ltrvee V 1W 11. ~•r k .tai.• 1.11: i.111.i 'J'. ~ nn. i .. '1'...1 oiq ~.~.~ 1.111 t 1..• kov-r..3r, l`ni 111111bg I.la tar. i.. 1 f it 1. 1.- I 'r;,. r~ i i ~' . 1.. lIIMIEMEIM 11!111=11111 ,o••,••tat hp 14A1.• ni•;•in.! • r "' I tsgln vl, • • ha 100,1 U.. 1111,11.11We1., l• • 1/... ..••f •1 flw /1.• tit", lg t• 11••• I 111 MAI of Km, /.1 • 11*1 •••••• tt TLe 1, , a,r11,Ar zit an, u. , ntr • 11, ail" ph, r..! A • , q. h rut lA, 44., I Ito 1,.1 n •.11 :t ” v ,„, at in ' ‘. l . I 111 \ • ! (• 1 . 1 , • • /4(.11. :x . a.{. I I:ZEMIEMEM InEIMMMI 11,••1 ii••pp... • V.I/. I !rim,tli•l I=EMIEB e...r nr• 1!1=211EIBE IMMENEMOI err ts • 11,31 1! ,tl.l ! awl 14.1, 113 , • tin,.. u .1.• vIIT •ort I•ll.l.iim if .wt tbn. , W. =ll tvw t.. th. ..1.1 I.it I=l I fir, M Ilry, 11 M II I F A \1•11.F\1 LE) , FVft, I' FT L F F 1., Y tt..le, e 1111.1 , t Vt+r .I.li X , kt :s. Y. MUCK. 1 , .n.q.1.1.,1 rF T 1'4.14.1 Fs. trar4ll . 7 " working the now Match Maritime flint you hale (t. rcfl, for uiumie Uuu, Itn.l We Joel .nf•• in i.sylug that there 1:4 U 0 /1“1,11111.• 1..1 1:okkIr. [(Wirer inalehe, m the , c , unfn ue,t can I, al It!I crllipat e , l with it It work , sod t urns out w irk very' fast. 1 try ti il.ie rowel lit requited to art wiih it, Mill Ovule I. Ines liroctacheu of bus:lies, no.re plobLulAn. We eir.ider it oue of tire .aunt inven tions we have it Intiet fin t put, Oise', wherever known. e are well ;.loused with our purelisse of Territory, toil pre tot w .11 suou 1/11‘i A ',We fur Lit yon have , 11.10 ,o r I s ours Truly, NEXT. AND TIIF: It LI, :ALF. VY lAJTA AT IA ~ /CHEYCI.It. tntrstll4, - .. %% 11.1. A F......11A1.1t" Ittlu 41,1., 111 ttst-1 .1. I ‘1 'II II 1. n• ,11 td E Al I t lift ,I 111 ,t, I. I I‘ 'llll' 'lt ts4l‘, KLINItANT 1•AN1'I 4/1..1• 1141N11.. , r. `tltE'sl'l,, ultra It al I tt Itatt 6,1 SI 1 C A I )1,.k1 N I I, 0. 0. , I, CI)FFEE•II I 1111;:11 lI I nirl lags primo IZi J 1.114 AI.S.I;IIN.AI , NI nil t•at- TIJe 5111.4 , 61.t.r8 ittaJi.• :tr ito .‘lll/ r M.( art. t.• 1.. I II„„ 1.11•!th. 411*.chfti, n ettr. att tho old stAnfl VTl,ttil, A cr , , %I.e.- Lim public All, Gl.l /l Lina . ,tel nod ,I,lt auke.ortup•ol .11 4.•%. ,11F,1111, I , rl 11.4+11, 11,4 . 11 Ili hi ht5.10 , ,-.1 tt..ttl ..t.s 1/111.1.6 . 0., pi 41, Pitt,l•t,i 41. r , li, the publif.t. ar Kir, r..l.lent rt=trir,r ••t-t• 11.4 k. All Arpr..l, iiiii ty ul e. iu. Itli RIIIII. LW% sly .11 4,11; A A. A. (11 1'it,0 , 12t.11. Apr il Iw.e, uiLS _ - y C 30 _FRANK A Ituo, 3ft.r I L ntgln• to.llll - 1, r.tm rto,l I' the nit, Ilia I—rtunt patnkrpi 04 w. 1111.; rho owl viro of lot A 0( (p . .1111111,1.E !TA %.1.. , ran 0.1 boil at I. NI te.Heei. u . H. mg. Nr, V 14.1 M - - - - - - ---• 8( )( 1 AM l•rorared NI ILr . WAIN Imw tIW Him AMA on PrOlksist , a) Not., K NI; K. al ntr,•!t. 1iL1)%% :S. 11 I N W, \ . ‘, 7 Ju.t.r,..,,t Hewn t.l ON Null.. .1 1 , 1./011 \ 11.1,11 onrn. f t. I and ‘I •11,. I ; , 11liAltti: 'C Lt it, r h tiou ‘,. burzli l'tt , v,ry ornp,rioi Firtirle "t , hPtil , tl s •• t , and (11-14,16 4 -10, 0 0, Sty the Alnnvr tuhl /lny rk, 01.ni oled fowl, rlxttut FAH \1.. , '1'.14'1, _ )RI C I,II A- luo uuncoh f u r Tula by u 1.12 11 A. YAW': (); Painter'. Celebrated It: plc ureau Ounce. QTANDS prwwiueut. fur flavuring 0, MT tea, Fist). M utt, liiutu , 1i« .11 11 , “ all 4th KI 111.11.VN I vVOI Pra, .••ril, r I..ttiv. at All 111 t. r, in Ow i'ttitt..l State. curd Y. solo by td'Ul.o RAJ and U. It. li K 1 rtKit, Pittsburgh. I'. 'f. 11 lUU LIS A CO., Jaul.N.dawly iel 241 Starket. btr.wt. iORNER STOItE TO LE ' r.-- Su,re the subserd,r, attlo• roro, oil :Sixth Wool stroets, will to' let on favorable terms, with or u 'Mout tlriuren. fobla:tf W. A. NIV1,111(11. VVN ERS 4)l' PROPERTY (norl-resiiirnt kf or others) are it forund that ue otb a l 1,, c.„0„, honees /suit colilVtJ111; 1 , • 110 , , oleo to insurance, repairs, pa) , mem of taxes, he., kr. Our charges for such net vices moderato. We invite the attsnt hot of proparty owner, poehdly those who reside out of the city, I this lu a n c t, our kIIAIIOBOI. We ablt, negotiate butts on Nuls, itiortgages, kw.; ,- ponn, hunlueen psu - tr.nt, make 11/11014 of produce, manufactured articles, kr.. fur (tumors, unrhanies and others. liminess of Oak kind uttentlod to pro,ohilly, and Itll conatoonications :friday evntlid,,ll4 All inquirloAr.szarding real eatato or whit inutto•rm must I.liChont• n Vvoit - Statllt , to , pay postage on reply. & SAN', ' Itoul Ent.lll.• nud tionoral Agent,,, feb27 No. PI Market st., l'ittsbttrah. OR I{N - .V 1 - -Tltut large anti convenient itituuto on Water slre.ot, between Market and Wood iitrnets, formerly in Ow of Long a DWI, suitable for Storage, Produce or Vol - turas:dim Huse, or a Boat Slur. Pueisreidiun on Ist of April neat. • ttolrl S. CUTIIIIEIIT A SUN. S 1 Nia.rket et. r LEI' —A Pwe[hag 11 .use on Hand i_ street, betweon I.ll,erty and Pettit, at present occupied by It. Elliott. Pometution t.t,,, , ,, 01, tiw 1,4 ~t At. il. Apply to A W I,IoftNITS, 120 Yowl!, Kt., febtil Or Its AUSTIN DONIS, 91 Foorth mt. O LET—For a term of T yearN, that large and commodiona Building on Water street. near site Point, well known tot the - Pint St4an, Mill." blechtumat or !Manufacturers will flipi this an excellent locati.n fur auy kind of hultineas. S. CUTHBERT A SON, (el 3 b I Market greet. FlitsT BONDS AND MOB.TOAIIp Cll to 011-, tallied, with liberal premiums, ou application to fah= LILA R ELY it MIMI ET. FOR SA LE—A Lot of Ground on Penn Ht.. (bear Um Fifth Ward Mark,t Unison.) 30 feet front 1,3 100 feet deep, on wkii.th is e.meted two Front lywnilinv AIa:WM and Stores; mud a number of Tenements iu the rear: • valuable property, and mild to rout tot $6OO a year. Title perfect, n ithou I any Inmirubraims. Apply te (feb2l) BIAKELY k R.IOIIIIY. • • . , yr•' r • • .4 1 . . D A.C. MILAN LIVER PILLS AND VERNIFUEE flit. 1. KM% ft regular ,gratitiate fuel physician of extort. sive prartioe nod experiences Induced by a commendable ibc Fere to alleviate !ablaut eurferibx, as well as to excel, low per fecti.d an IMPltOilkilkli't ON "All.E. OVIINAL LTVKR PILL AND YEIDYIkIMI ll Olt It. C. kIeLANK . /taring prepared them remedies as the medical partner of Dr. C. ifel.ane, for many mot. OUR IMPROVND6SVBR PULA • AND VHDAILTUOSI , pommy. Kremer edlowy and are more mild to Moir, operation time the Liter Pill sod Vernafuge prepaced oxopling to the origins! recipe of Dr. C. McLane. We make this declaration understandingly, and recommend thew to the afflicted m being both pleonent end curative, and believe them superior to any other Liver Pill or Verrolfage ever prepared. Dead Certificate of Dr. C. McLane, below. 1: N.A.!' 8 W A OK. THE WHOLE WORItl) CONQUERED; DR. I. SCOTT'S CFI FORATIED The unlvordal rvilef efllrrded 17 spolleations of this DEL KItItATY.D K I Nti of Pain Killers in emetic,' itherunstlern, at, Lens ew e Eons Throe; bruises, Bpralnat, &sepal/74 eltiattena of the Joints, &inure, Paine, Betide, Burris Aris, er any ether disease for which a Pain Killer or Liniment is used, euablee ar In aourrt peelflvely that Dr. I. ROOTTE CELEBRATED WHITE CIKCASBIAN LINIMENT Is the neat reliable, safe and ointment muted yet illocoverad, pow ...ming astonishing properties for HEALING DLBEASK and THE PILUILIT KOIAJ)IC.LTION OY PAM. Thu many at. tentatieus a. its virtu.. girth Dy preens of enllghtentei enlont.nt and strict Integrity, *tumid isithir, all to adept It m a ntetebtrd Parody Heinedy. The most Increduluun will repors nothing raise than the following testimony of Dr. C. Low, dislanguiabed an a greet discoverer of toodiad remedies.: Trir it to erritfe, that I Isere exemioed Ti,., iitlei4ll3 fur pre paring M.,Lor a I elpru, evi \ ormiLuapa and Liver rills . by Dr. I. scuts, lion town IN THE LI ABI I I'REPA RING AND LILI.IN(I MY Oltlil IN AI. %tI ICI NE'S TN MY OVFIelt daring the 1,4 T7l lIITEFIN 'l' KARP. and that I L•linrn by L. INI /MO VED TIIKM. I mak. tt. 01.11 the f; ./ vulthit ly :us 1 ILA VE NU LINTER Erer IN Tlle.llll .11 lIAT e.l lllt. I ~041,1 Turtle, .late tbzu I. have It eyeent ly 10 ,- .1 hi. ('YJ.IJthIATEI , WHITE. OILCANNI AN I.llCItl ENT nt) I.r.u - Orr, vrlth lh« Imppleat atrula, anti that. T con r0n ..1«.,11.ar.1y'. it. 0 Ntehd:lX, 11. 1/. 111 the -)neve Me.tbiuns prenun..d Adely under the guy,. ,u 14. j l ',ern Mtlrt //11,1101 1 • I •rh.• UKN.NAY. rh . C. MeLA Nrfl 1111 . 1141VIK.1) LIVIM 1 . 11.1...4 AN! , 1111.1.110$ V Ed: M lEL)).IH :.n, utebed by Ur. .SOll7 A 0). MOIX4-111.11X1.1 E . Of Lif.atir 44 I'. Nirt•A ?, Y.. 4; lb 6: Vlllrrh C 1 itC.Ltiel A N 5131.1.:NT usgued In In I A , ar“Askimiliod w itb olgnat ure ~r 1. Ist)err, m I k.. I • C hit. ii lilt 1. 80.T1 . Sole Proprietor.. Bona Plan d, Morgantown, la. I'LL a. (LF.15141C. t. 140 11*,,,,,1 strowit, PittPburgb. JAP P. 1 , 1,4311 , 111, 1,11,01.4461,e Agt.nt. _ne_ .. 2.11, - Inaul)apritti Nov Mattn.l Donut. Altegilro, =En NV 1 ILIA & AL LEN Meat - lug and Ventilating Ware I:annex, ply M 111 NO, 11 A S Frrr INf ; • A: STE AM L Ylrfl NI I, V4I?KPT YT le rFr. ;11 lr AHMI \ :1,1 I".NTi LATINO ou cansi p. 144 1/..tclm. I.r is,lA 1,1 4 ,, • I. 1.11..14, . iIItILSONY IA ARAI Al it :rad TV.NTILATINi; fi..ar 4•17.••• lir .111 .11'1.Y. 4.1 mil , Pl .1. :,t - a hma Y.ssssLon' . . It=l 1- 7 1 h.A‘I No. Atll'.lll ATI r. L i w .11111, Idldn.r , ..vni.wiLtinz. de) I nr, lie Ine I mil i, r. *nap fen 1:41M . ,, :',ll lattAtr Hr VI A. it ft 11 ATER DI PI'S, la wi...roling Ivo. , l'UM ',l",oLln r FLA' I' I D.K.FF:4I•IIF. FTEA NI no so natjeety new pint, fne :All ILMIA*4. 114T)(4.1 at IMMInd pne •FF - t. proodire. , 4 01;hr, lid I..rge cuulrnated to. [NL IF An A PI'AILATUS t.r dtaALLug - IF., Gnetoriels, Hr I rinlaincrs. St }, 11 , 11 Altt tI PT K'S. 11,1 I'S AS Knit LA Tint. tnn a‘Altng du, no iFpFy nod 'Uwe , ra z. VC riu ltS „, ll4l/ ..0 n1 . ..&% TONFIS o4b, tudajwr I I Ku, VIKA DK rant, wrought and tubillar (eon, a vnrir. „ 1 j „, tt , rt. And Atyi.-s_ ksu AA IVELLS. anarld.trnd man nutlike and 7ratror 1 I) st i I t 11.4114. , mac. k mEL . E . n IiATY-8 AND MENDEnS, awl vaad tv - oloAl.ac . 1 ,,, T AIR A ND VIINTILATIN4I 111ZUITEliN, rtmntried, jaw. n islxt.nt I\G TI By. OAP:NIA PIPE AND 21N Ittk)l, I NU. ANL ,f, CAM 1.1 Tem.,. ..11.1.A, dr, , in .I.•ty. Int 12 4 S A NI) 1111. N II TTlN,ati. ur riumbh+g li ~j 4211...N11 ) 1 " Ci4111"4,...-I,EAD et tuaterszas. 110 r. AND LIFT ITMPF, "t". l "d wr^ng 4 4. Iron rvir,, dr I 1 NIILY.IYY.O IRON IV ASIWTA N 0 TOPS AND 13.' , DIND. ; t VAN I Y.IRD I itutN AND it Ai- I Nzi. 4; um& mat,rinis tu great tk 0:1.1 y.µs. BRACK . }TS. PKNI.A,NTS, many en ri 04 . 1 I.etlt la t Icrit• and atyle.t. • I.s; N A L STATEMI:YI I of the Ceturtee th.,“ Mutual Lit. human., Cumapany • fur lbe yrar • et, Jnautcy. Ptie., datYment 311.1 January, 755 e.. ...r,4l:pl,lht) 07 .I,n, mat rrcre INA kw ptraIiOSIIII and lug tile fe:24 I I 'AI ...... /44.:4.2 Taal r,-rrdiar, for tlir ”Ar . $765,965 74 IN-duet puirl II dr IriMlnl - •dr.•rt print luc. xt.stiourry, mot, i•-ing, 11..1, ntia .' t Itniancr, Jan .nt Zlpttlitit, nut 00.,..14111111tut.ttt t : 1.1.11000 ltt) NAK ES. I knot u..l \lortyzaig.• ott Real $943,416 S 4 Bolds 464.7. I k,. s,, nf. 11111 i 01.1. r ¶•or• ........ . ...... 4:1092 79 other . .......... 14'.414 11, 144 wk 130,12../ 34 11 , •10, 1.44-414 41.44; 4 41.4 4,1 ilas.resst . 1,060,44'1 )Y2 in the lus.who 1,4-441.44 a. 4441 u, trait/al . 21.475 4.14 4S A. LA l[l'4ll llll,ll, the year.. $2Z.1.115 ..t psi.] i" I.: W. 2,4411 42 1'44A1 otitiollut et 411,44,444414 it.hl 44 'rl4- 41i, 414 or 4. 6+n , . 44,14tri.41 n do 14144‘441 441 c 4 .4.44111. of 44/ per 144ntlunt• 1441441 itt.44,4 1.1 FS Polwies dus tho pl , initims oil short term .i.o.na,y 31. talk. (1U K. 1.111.11.P5, lirrelary. A A. °ARIL! kit .4 11110.. Agents, it 2 t.lwil orruer Yourth owl Sinith(ittlii iota. 1..1k Bi )I.)KS- —Vmut Now York nod Phi- Ipbta TRADE. 6:OI.FLA, aud, (non to to 20 1.•., than any to Uoa city. All wo aek In lur you to rt.. , Mid moo ft•l yourattlirr Amour. tliv isadis funs out ilot ',Honing Klitirttlry'a 10ietiot; All .0 bonsai; 11 or /11 Broaerlou; r 1 , 11 , 11 ; or, Every Cloud boa it Silvia ; I; ottora' : Cin - littlaro; or, Woman', Triala ant Ti itimpitti; C.. 111 nit Mlll'rfrigo; : , ..it.sarkl :Jai° . Tle- 11'o3 o c.l ltir‘it o airl tut 1i I f lull-- IL. W 11111116.111VM I,llllld of Cob,— Thrualtor Courtoltip owl Marriage—Me, lotto Ifonty icticril of Lady hfontalluo-9. J. I Isl. 1 olonhier . Alio ray's Ultiteil anti Canada l'rlvalt• life of au Viodern King, Ambition—by Kato Willie; Ti., licuistado; Stray Youkoo Tosas; Wcetcrii ellorectars--by Areminell ; lad 's lick for 31ny , :Al coots; it,tersou'e Ilegavlno " 17 " " 10 " Harper'. " 41 2 0 o !sally's N. Y. Journal 18 Yankuc Notious The about ter sale at I.AUFFISRS, 0p2.2 No. 77 Fourth street. MOVAL.—The Drug Store forineriTy ~,pyius No 1:21 Wood dtreot, Dm boon removed to No. ItiS Wool Irrupt , (roruar of Wood and Sixth stresia) whom the propratior import t i inrut his formor patron. and public (n.p2l) ,1011 N HAFTi _volt SALE OR 143.1t.OFIANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY.—A very salvable YAM!' AND 'SILL j PtiOl.NliTY Iv Weettnoreland county, conaisting of 127 j ecrta, nittleal) In burry township; a fine well cultivated arm, is the lidded of an ludustrioupanditeigtehorhood,, wall churchrst and school hOtises of . tatlowt kinds. The will tau tin-re run of stones, and blot an excettont bushieea, run lan,' night and day fir a lame portion of the year. Alio a SAW .8(.1U.,, well patronized, both propelled -by the Loyal linunoli, a never falling sternal. Apply tip ap24 .111..LK SIN RICLIRY. ANCIIESTARSALE PROPERTY FOR M —We will .01 two building tocsin the starve thriving manufacturing borough very lOW, en the owner has pur chased in Ohio. One le on Fayette street, 24 feet lent hniu Chartier. ntreet, 24 feet front on Fayette, extending back 124 feet. The other' is on the N. N.- *Griller of () hardens and Fayette street, 24 by 100 feet ap24 BLAASLY 4 =tun% CIitEEN AND BLACK TEAS of all the Vy afferent flowers. A.large said tall alsoctonareceheol by recent arrivals. In consequence of our giving our thin to Teae we can guarantee oar prima to be the meat favorable to the ruarketS. JATNBS' ap24 PRATN TB4BTOB'Y 98 VIM et A A. MASON & CO.:r a Vist. upenllmo wore case 44 the best tattxtstitetitattppea, and liingtsms, ttftasHns, Meeks, TI gs Vier ke. MISCELLANEOUS. IMPROVED IVIIITE CIRCASSIAN LINIMENT, READS 'REA D I HEADS Mouenerrown, V a-, Sept.. 12,146 E oILD nm Lo 21'53'2 15 I t ••••1-"-: =BE r, t.lt,d. IL« U 0 1 . ..11. I. • imr l'l wit. r .k....l it.,3145 1.4 , 41.14111 hilt,l Au llunn4Nl 1 . .,11. to. .... 40 !1.11 . PITTSBURGH POST. SATURDAI", MORNING POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE. MISSOURI FOR-RUGBANAN The Democratic State Convention of Missouri, met in Jefferson City, on the 22nd of ApriL About ono hundred and ninety Dhlegates Were in attendance, and every ommty in the State was rimresented.. 'A respected friend, wise was present as a Delegate, writes us that the greatest harmony prevailed in the Convention. No espresetion of preference' would bel given or any Presidential candidate. The mnipl ae of the dministration would he strongly endorsed ; but t wore not ten men in the Convention who did not privately decline that James Buobanatr was their first choice. Our friend further asserts, " that the vote of Missouri will biLeast in the Cincinnati Convention as an integer fur Mr. Buchanan, although there is a wish to give Gen. Pierce a complimentary vote; but Miasenri will not hazard the success of the National Democracy for the sake of paying cornpli. wants."--rteoxy/canion. INDIANA AND THE PE.EffiIPENcY The Itulianapolis Stole s,,aka, the csNairal organ 0r the Detueeraey of Indiana, antiouneee that t he Bon. Jesse D. Bright, of that. State, ail! not he a candidate before the Cincinnati Convention, and that this leaves the delegation of that State free tit vote far any other pert , On. Free l'rexa. DEMOCRAT it: V 1 eI'ORS In Belleville, Il'lrwin, on the 2.lst inst., J. W. Hughes, Nelmtwka Democrat, was elertad Mayor by 440 majority--hiit vote being 590, again.t If.o for his abolition. know N..thing. and Maine Jam opponent. All .4 . the Aldermen sleeted—five in timber -are Deluncrals.—Frr•, wrscoNizrs FOR P.I'CITANAN The" Afailison snys. in lone titbit -it clearly shioKV IL9 earionstiinini and - " The.eyos of all the Democrats of this State are turned to a veteran huntsman and patriot of Penn. sy Minim James Buchanan. Ile inns not for yeas mingled in the turmoil of polities- Ile has stood aloof from the storms "I factual and Don turbulence of port), hi. eye watchful of the rnion, his heart deemed to its safety. De came from hinr retirement to assume the arduous duties of Minister to the most powerful courts in Europe, where Lc has served his country faithfully and well. His nomination would senors the re-union of the Democcatie party everywhere. and his name would lie a watchword of victory. With him for a standard hearer, defeat impossible. Forty thousand Wisconsin Democrats are awaiting the announcement of his nomination to join in the labor that will secure his triumph. If the tlelegatsia from Wisconsin fulfill their duty to the party and the State, all other preferences will bw for gotten in 't he support of him. — )2he .troos is the central organ • of the •Donmerney of iVis.-044, and would not speak thus positively titles, w e ll informed inn the subject. finlee.l. from what we howls( the Democrosyn of theßadger vie feel confident that DO ether man could carry the State I.y such an nicerwloiltning majority as Mr. llambianon,- Sentinel. ebeeree that 'tunny of oinrerchunges are speak ing oat upon the subj. ,, t the Presidency, and it seems to be conceded that the Democratic sentiment throughout this region looks upon Janice tuelinnan as this most suitable man to be planed in nomination by the Cincinnati ; Convention. lie is the undoubted preference of the Democracy of iiitarke county at this time, and this, too, without making any insidious distinction toward the other distinguished Democrats named in connection with the Presidency.—Stark (O.) ticw«,nitt. Seduction Case in Harrisburg (Pram the I\hlegrsph, May 1.). ammonwertlth es. James M. Anderson.—This sa+ on indictment under the act of 1843, charg ing the defendant with the seduction of a young girl named Aun.E. Dunlap, under a promise of marriage. The prosecutrix, who resided with her father in this boinitgh, w as about lA.vears of oge at the time the seduction is alleged to have taken place. a"he defendant wne a member of the Legislature during:the sessions of 1662-53, representing the county of Mu rk. The rosecu , some tim in the summer of 1i52, and that the illicit intercourse first occurred in March, 1853, Der father also testified' that in February 1553, the nlefesdanit asked his consent to the marriage. A uturdaer of letters wrsten tn.the prosecutrig were given in.avideuce, and the intimacy of the Ptu -ties welted Jay several witnesses. The de feada.n.t, ISitilutut dis i Etnting the fitet of the illicit "Mies the protuiw,of utrriage, and alleges that the proaccutrix egsl. not at lifetime, a g i r l of goon retrareddiY the at:4,a Assembly. A. co. NagUralitig zttaount of te,timpny star'e, VMS given in conic. .. 4 , etibb 1 1 , Z - 1 , v -tae c;pecting meet and in support o, - her ()hamster and conduct trial as we kw to prem. A "SHARP" (111AIN IN THE CoNF. —The New York Errniny Pon states Halpin was tlrre,trd in that city, a- I state. ,In a charge of nhatrdonment. Sit arrest. it has been aPeortnined • that he rect.. went to Mr l'entiold, of New York, agent Sharpe's rifles, Colt's revolvers, Sic., and pre sented a number of letter's, Which purported to be from various persons of high authority in Eng land, asking for specimens of fire-arms, and promising extensive orders if they should prove satisfactory.lpin being n man-of polished manners and smooth aitilre , A, easily succeeded in opt:Lining about 'j.5011 worth of Voles revolvers, $3OO worth of Sharpe's rifles, and $2:41 in (Lash, for the purpose, as he claimed, of bearing his expenses iu visiting various agents of the. Brit ish government in this country , . After his ar rest on complaint of his wife for idaandcarment, these facts came to light, and it svas discovered that he had pawned the fire,irrus in various places. lie is in the Tombs neruiting'.ersacina tion. =).;03 54 2471,837 48 The South nod Kansas. Several South Carolina papers take griamil against southern emigration lo K:111:11V. 'flit reasons are that the South cannot compete oitit the. North in this sort of emigration; that it is ex I remely problematical whether gains in Kansas will ever be invested in southern slave property: that the old slave States aro decreasing in po litical power because so severely taxed by the loss of citizens to populate other States : 'because emigration to Kansas may populate a govern ment Territory whose future admission as a State is se wrapt in doubt as to " maks it prudent nut to carry slaves there yeti awhile at any rate." The Charleston Standard . adds to these reasons the following : "The South has long been taxed to the Iteoolll - of iiiiiiindateut objects. The one has been to expand her material development, build towns and eh amLumintain resimetability in the oyes of the worhl; the other was to march with equal peen upon vacant territory and preserve equality within the l'aion." Fire In Wheeling. Frra the I atAll igencer, May I.] Last night, about ten o'clock, the largo flour ing mills on the river bank, in Centre Wheeling, took fire, and were entirety consumed, together with the stock of flour and wheat in the building. The loss will be from $lO,OOO to $.15,000 but at the late hour at which wo write, we cannot gather suffiCient facts to enable ne to make n correct es timate. It is understood that the property had an insurance upon it, but to what amount we could not learn. Through the exertions of our firemen, the warehouse adjoining the mills, was saved. This property was purchased. a few days ego hy parties from Philadelphia, and they were to have taken possession to-day. NORTHERN CENTII AL RA ILIIOA u—Ax.r.orios NT. —The work on that portion of the Northern Central Railway, lying between Lykens Valley and Treverton, was allotted last week, as fol lows: Sections 29 and 30, C. Sheesley & Co. 31, 32 and 38, Thos. O'Bryan S. Co. 35, 30 and 37, Marr & Griffey. " 38 and 39, Oeorge and Walter Scott. " 40 and 41, Smith, Rehill, Snyder & 2'‘ 42, H. B. Masser. " 43 and 44, Panics & Fullmer. CAPT. S'ETtABTIAII IRDICTED.—We learn from the Xtadneah Democrat, of the J9th inst., that the *and Jury of Ballard county, Ky., at its late inquest, indicted' the captain of the Ohio Belle, forthe murder of Cooke eh:cm-Jones, on the river between Columbus and Cairo, about which so much has been said in the newspapers for the 'hist tvto months. ~# u ; -~-~ ~. r ~,, . mow, _, ._ :. . ~~ T~~. NUMBER 180. 711 F. i'RERTI)ENCY `tee:lA . o, e r ,4114 R. qY A.LyR eie ija; a - .21._ IH, • . MEE .--; • A " E f l i'l?f r ?'Y PRA44l..''t Tv , Span, - Aft aW. Ouu square, OUP lusertura Do. each Do. une wevk Do. two Do., / am, mteks 7. ...._ Dot l outemmith - Do. two months Do. three months Do. • 44M-Mohtbs... 1:3=III!!11121!!! Do. one Standing Card, si■ liti,i, or Irnx, par nuntuu cliviumius. A 1" Ono wittaro, irr nuunm, (excluoire of the pap0r,)....... 21, 00 Marring.. noticon. PO ron(o; ptcifL n.4it:k7o, 2 . 4 nta. [ From the Chic:Lg.? TriLnne.J Sllaut, ;Brandi and +11:1:gori4; To those who have not Winitlii3C.Ltho staastieatrs,, turns published annually by 1110 goveiiiinent, the =mint paid every year fur luxuries will appear fab ulous, but the ligure:t do not lie, no 'natter who may doubt: We .boast of our ability to feed the, world, and of the business we are doing in that way now ;Aml sup pose that the silks—piece goodsOinciading ribbons, but not buttons ;mil ornaments chiefly manufactured of silk- brought here for the adornment of Republi cans and their wives mud daughters, exceed in value, by eight millions of dollars, all the flour that we send abmatt. Yet such is the fact. In the year ending June 110th, 1855, we exported $1 1,75:1,394 in (lour, and imported $22,470.011 in silks, leaving the bal ance we have above stated to. be charged to the elf' furnace between the pride of Americans and the appe• lite of till the world-besides. Our cornfields, particularly in the west, are the oc 7 elision of much national toasting. Wa measure they_, singly by miles square, and estimate-their aggregate value in hundreds of ittillimms; hut the amennOof this our national staple which we send abroad is over shadowed by the cost of the cigars with which we poison breath and ruin health. In the period we have named corn worth $1,371,077 left our ports, and cigars valued at were brought in. The herds of cattle find the resultiog.,harreln.of beef people never tiro of talking of. They see iqq them a large part of the material with which we fill the rimer of all civilized mankind. Onr merchants who are in that line watch the foreign markets with g-reat,solieitude, and gauge their prices by signals from the other side of the water. But of hour, tat ' l ow , hid es , and "horn cattle," sea:sold for other coon tries 0u1y . 52,2l 4.54 in the last commercial year, mid ill ring that time we bought bnuidy to the amount of $3,241,408. We deal largely in totocco, raise it in qnnatities, slew and smoke it without limit. rt constitutes the third in value in the list of commodities which this country has to spare. Vet we export only $11,319,- ::l9 in value of this article yearly, and last year 110 reeeired in return ten and ovtfco amounting in round numbers to $24,900,000, Even in narcotics the bal onec or trade is largely aglitrist its. Ilatoin, lard and live hogs are not unimportant items in our vonutieri e k't we send abroad only enough of Omen to buy the linen that we wear. Ilia eitttrin is Thnt mil OW 1 ,. 11 jar y e ff e ct:, the e or:l:m . l;z:times which ill m e ue co nspired ,to e.anmit, t‘f that ire scut out 10.. t y ea r s hip lo a ds en ough to swell the 0g : 1r,5.0t. t attic of export to $lllO. 3111.1111 i greater Ole ruble of all other exports, specie included. ' The 10C111411A of Ireland The last census of Ireland. just completed, containing statistics obtained in 160, de.velnpes in:my interesting and instructive facts. The whole work evinces great assiduity and eare in its preparation. While thiscensus presewfwmat tors of interest as subjects of information, it is also suggestive of many sad relleatiqns. „Since /341, the date of the preceding census, the stur dy populatinn-of unhappy Win has, in' a larva ratio, diminished, atteomparried by a correspon ding deterioration in the moral and physicateow ilition of her people. The number of persons of all ales in Ireland on the oth elf June, 1511, was 8,175;124f: 'hurl nh the 3fith of March, 1851, it was 11,652,386. The rate of diminution was 20 ti per cent. for teaks, and 10.1 per cent. for females. A reduction of the numbers and ages of the population to a ba sis of 100,0(1(1. by five mud ten year peridds, shows a large diminution in the proportion of persons under five years of age t a circumstance which is to be attributed, beyond a doobt.to the prevention of marriages by the famine. ''lac registered marriageslii 181(1 were 9,344, while in .the famine year, 184-7, there von but 41,943 being 2,401 or 1.Y3.7 per cent. deerettse,Aßd mom, ming that the unregistered marriages fell off In equal prortirtion, there appears to have been a reduction of one-fourth in the entire number of marriages, a fact which probably accounts for the decreased return in the number of children, under five years of age in the year 1851. On the other hand, a classification of persons under , 20 years show an excess of 2,992 in every 100,000, as-compared with Great -Britain; and another encouraging feature is the return of the number who can read and write, in Which there appears an increase amounting to 4 per cent..4t - .nc number of above the age of 100 years was 713, of-whom the females were to the males as 2to 1. The_ increase w 11.9 very large over the same class iii England, where, in 1851, in a population of 20,- 959,417, there were only 319. The greatest age returned in the Irish Census Report of 1841 we 113 ; and in 1851, 120 years. The census shows the encouraging fact, that Ireland, even in her most deplorable condition, still retains the love for learning, which, during the early ages, distinguished her prproinentl, nn the teacher of Europe, and the refuge of leno . .ing. LOUISIANA Buena Cnor.--The New Orleans papas publish. I'. A. Champromier's statement of the tugsr z ..rup made in Louisiana in 185.1 ;F;. 13ie Statentent braces an accurate return of the prodnet df each plantation in the State, the aggregate crop comprising 251,421 hogsheads, estimated at. 2:i1;69,000 pounds.. (,)f the total, hogsheads were brown sugp,r, ami39,fidfi refined, clarified, Sc., including tStern, net., vtiore in operation during the year only 1,24I1) houses against 1,322 in 1t54. Of the Su .-.teisies in operation daring 18.51, 938 used I .36,1 horses as their motive power. st°Bl" a um:ONA of foreign unrefined sugar The total ,State-s .for the year 'ericline• Ite into the fret, w er e -2010.1 t o es again7stre cember 31, 150.., *se 1:4.5 1 1. coipts of 11 -: -. 0 . -t 5 i» 'tiara in 1140;, 1u4,01)1: tens, Taken for ennsump \WA, being an inerefisc ila against Ir,r),K:;-1 tons in in 1856 of 43,1' 1 5 the consumption of fornig "vlinst the total On tons, or about '283 percent., ti qttlett of ilotoes somption of 1835 (assuming the . year to ituxire tic on the Ist of January of each ' , l st a tot been equal) was 1711,1117 tons, agar. +inlg.i3 , on•mmption in 18 - 54 of 355,298 tons, an. (wo of 872,989 tons, being a de,rease in the tots. , limption of 1853 as compare,' wit 4 1854 of („ lid tens, or nearly I per cent. The value of Fugar on the lot of January, 1833, was Al aG per pound. and on the let cf January 1856, -- 3 TeNas producc.l last year a much better crop £l5ll in 1834, the product being 8,977 hogs head a t sit) pounds, against 7,513,1t6n ppatn,fp, the pre v ins season: The crop, of Louisiana was 3441,635 hos-Asada i n 1854 , arioinst 231,47. Z hogsheads in 1855. With regard to the coming crop, Mr. Chain promier entertains the impression that it will again he short, though it is yet too early to speak decisively on that point. Mnch of the fall planting, it is feared, will be a total loss, whilst that planted later is not thought. to have fared much better. The lateness of the spring is also un unfavorable feature, it having proved so ,wet that planters could scarcely do anything. ntIitARRASSMF.NT Ann, DRrICIT re Tee -The people of the Cantulas have for some years past been borrowing money, spending tuoney and lending money-1.1111,c practice: , that deplete the fullest purse, and now they are looking to tied' bow their accounts stand; and some to be quite astonish ed that they cannot make both ends meet. It, ap pears that the C rand Truck Railroad Co. bus boon unable to pay the interest tine to the holdere of the Provincial Bonds, which were issued in aid of that enterprise, and for which the Province holds a first mortgage over the Company's property; that a elm: War state of things exist as to the Northern Road from Toronto to Lake Simeee; and that the Candi= agents in London had to meet the demands of the holders of these securities for the dividends in Jane 4try last. Some of the loan funds exhibit unexpected deficits; a.ld the change of the seat of government, the in - croese of salaries, the patriotic fund of £lO,OOO to the Cri•nean war, and other expenditures, have drawn heavily on the Treasury. Ilre must, says the Montreal ffero/d, borrow more money, and ea bursas° our debt, already extrava gantly large, in , kt adu ,N t . is system of direct taxation, or must be content to pot en an additional 25 per cent. to our present duties of customs." The „ ppos iti on papers find their consolation in this state of affairs: but projects for new expendi tures continue as freely as ever. 1 From the New York 'Evening Poet Epigram. John Li.c.o one winter day metltoo, : +i Where Lager Beer is sold. Said he " Friend hoe, How 110 you ? This weather's very cold, And since we're here, Caine, take some Beer, You'll find it healthy tonic.." Ilut Roo replied laconic—. "No, no, WWI Due, I thank yen, n 0,.. For me Protonic." April 26. 1856. 4 .• MEE ~~ ~~ 'f ._ ~ _ ~.,. _._ . „-,* ~~~"'` ;. ~H EEL .....,., 25 8 05 OP .:'6OO T 00 9 00 12 00 18 00 F.. i~~~ ~~~~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers