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"#"'l- 4 , ..5 14 /..,.... .. ki• •''T..: 44Fn....: 44 . 4.1. 4.4.44,4 i!e 4 T407,4 - 4 4 'NcrOlf 4 1,1iii:,.. 4. i ,' T , 44' 'S f . nt 1 ~4•71): -.... 4 4 7- ' ' ' ' 1 . •!:-.,,,, , r ,• - •••• 4 .{. • .. • CIONI R ESS IVAT'Elt.4.2et dclz 4 au, fOd FLFI (Vr;" tipr Gxw I I htutp/il.l and ‘1411....t \ PAPERS - Eenentl meat p,! opettilig at H.N. II P.tper Watrelitoust.. Mfutet alre.t.. • E Ann, BELTS FOR 111 N R L MI viZ a, ontand and urn &to or.kr. A 1., r!., t.•r Elevatura—at 319 UlK.rt) hp'.! U S-2 I )bls. fi sale • upl2 I,v W. WALLA , V. I.:Shr 11. C.11.1..1N, ID YE Fl.olllt--51) 1)1)1 , i. in i 4 t.ire and for (npls) SPRIN,IEI: HA RBA B 1 I.K PORK—Fur V IT. HOLLINS f FRI IT-- 11iin bushels Aliples and r t ~i;.•J) HENRY 11.. 1 1..1.1N:". ITTERN PAPER IN ROLLS—A laTrEi W. S. HAVEN'S Pal. r \ V3,1, , ..t.• )larket bi., ,- .,rn«; •Ind.._ Ai .\ I;.t z 1 N 1.: 1:( )1 1:11.--Ilarper's iyi 1:. , ...•1 . • P• .. I.• 11 . , At Ilito . ',..haront's .1.1 11'av,.11., t ..“ ' ) 11 T C M.,lfti.l N. N“. Al Fllth sti,,t. juTAT(.)I•:-- I harrelN fi.r sale I,v iinm:‘ I. ,, LIANs I.oxes rxIII Glass t , q. sale hy ~Ever oir.Livs 13111tA.CON--Is I piece. I,v 111-„Nlt\s N , • t.I I sit 1 , ..1.1.111 . A ' , owl- s .• t w Days It—R.ll.k 1:r th• 11,/tlll,t—Tn s I:•t t.st K. N. P Ut-kt. F•r vd , 41' )11,• "t .1. fi, 4 ;Rh • (' t • R.\ 1, It()( iS. ;rf:f 11f kff •f.l nt.!! 1:11,11 I Eff ,f j. .1-I.fff .Igf tlf ffl ftruf rf- En. ;nil .104 n, Ifif A f Nary Elf fuf.f ir..y •: , Agf ff o. •• • T.,•• Ft; '11• r . Trop!-111,1ts. ;1,1 tL , •ir ;;;tivtruct;;;l; .‘;;;I ; It;;Ertl k r Pruu., er., k F;;r F.7;1;• I.v pHrsliE,-1 hand n larsze L.ll Hrn-h , 'l''. h .1.. Fi as .! Th • SELL S. o.pip;ete asst.rl enlt,./..-111, nll 'nimble 1,11'• 41. the Ai nz 17 r.f I.' .1•• .1A . 111/1 , t.1 . •• • - i'lh.\TE IL% IA Fi•p, • h nr Ni -•-• ; • •I r' %I•1:1 1) 14 ' 11. 1. .1i, N ,, I . J1:1! l!• 1)1;11:I) r .1!,,, ‘l;7.i ~:! • • h.`. It V it !,, t ; CA \ arrive f.; }.;()P i;T , ',TT', • xl.l i F 4 !IF 1 - It ) !L I r 11-I.lli IN I. ! ! • • • • :I Gil T ,T; I:1- - L :, 1. 1111:11AL•;11 I I i.I:S ilr . ‘ I t.;• arm .• ;LII.I &hit C1111. (1 ); ,1 1 - CcW.1 "o , • L t; I,l'll ( . .k E I I\ ~••• • 1 .•• "I 14 . • ' .• • it.ll l• fI.. t \ I 1.1.1 . .1;.!2 A4. , : a!!!!! , 1,r11/1!-!!!!!.; ! I (LIVE till , , i,ly interv , t 111.• 11.• I.,'I1;-1 : .T.k \ . l ' ( ' ll .11-:lt \ I ta... rrrhric. V. \ NS 11., JTl l. l', 'I( Til T. \ t-1.1 / 11 \ I.lr TI. I t, Ir., I, .th t I,: In otEicr TN t‘li r r,r‘ . orirl 41.1 r I I '.11.1 1 1 \ ANI•P.I•s•,\ \ , •%.••1 Bl harnd-z R ,, 11 1i• 1 . 1, n.: -sl.. 1" \ }ir 11,1,1\ • "lONE 1 —5l/ r , • , •eivrd and f,,r salt. IrFNHY II LTV -0 NI():c 12 1, 1 .1. 1,,r sa l l i t; .\ 1 1 1 ,;( 1. II I FLU' ( - 11 /( 1, ().-1 ANI.)A L.N . 11 INDS -3.111.,,na Nutr, lan n 3v.11.\ (~ 1s „•i; fruN . .d ,r. RI, to ar:riptlon, b r I,,ktng tdrom Pad /'vine Freon-a : lid k'. Iln NV. , l)mt,a•t, Pntalalrgh, ~ • ,1 c s i ) f)A ASH, 4 a girl and uniform ifit. at Earn hand and f•rt nide t., }l.l:7llNid 1110 ,f , (l 1.1,•••• , 1 (J,l O, P Amde , Chr , m • Prusmr. 1t1n... DERFI'M ER Y—A h•r!um..ry jt,t ‘Lri I 1.1:. Ir nplS :.F \ 11%. . , nt, pATExT it .%. f,, r . i, v IA II r. A (' r. ) , ale by A }All% A C. (4, I 1. V I.: I - - I[ l , )1,„.11:,, u i I „,,,, N8 l ' ItE)111 . )1 ,\ TilAliji lIIr •qtl !iti I it .!!•••, tirtatst c..tr!w!l! N% 1:11;111"- !TENTH NI \ I.all.lruff •1.1...“., For salo. I, H. I-: jJ : SCI 1 slo.111,1er,; I , 4utsrtil 4,.2 •I•REI) II A)Ps . tien.es just ' - 1. I an.i L.r r , +!• - I. 11'—= , i 1 )I , IIW S4lll. jU9t F , 10 , 1711 FIT LI FAR CA:cI)I,ES--5,1 1 - O , V.F . jIP+I reed and 0, 1 ,5) Foasy l_a C 111 _ .11(1) (11 L--2(1 hhls. Nu. I just rpg :01, kj I, -al , . I•T .apR FOR, 1711 A: SCI )1' r 01 . 11 . :t•alo, a 1,471' ()}:" IR'l' S Inrd tu,n the J. W. IT.,threil and the Ba n k of r arn, 4er , -f•t ,N 1 T HIATT real'. and run', , f.rb; n.cr, -viva rET mizspu [RH, and u I pr, , •• at, , l trrms appty to J apl: G''(..EIII.NE-30 for ca:e by nhls B. A FA II N Blt:10ES. TIiUSSES, kr.- -A I,:sortment of th.•, almar. 011 ixud at apiC C , rnPr Diamond and m ar ko f } N ( • i':NT h.. 1 .1 El) LYE—The beet article .t Hard F. 11.. A .1()S YLEMING. 1 , .mood I\l,l Ni/1/1,.•I . .\(ESI .1 Prepared fr. t,•.; .., VI.ENTI.M;':', ••: : del and M kot sta. Ii I ' LL . ' RE t LII PA L SOAP-An- • „,.; !, • , ; , llt Si OW ',volved by J.* , . FLEMING. spit btamold and Market st. LJOHNSON ski CO.'S TYPE AGENCY.— . Ilkolav thv Ake,. v the sale. f L .Iblinnon 'I IT, Cuts, Rules. Load, 141rnit are, cte., I , hrtlmr , to hi , sii orders promptly. Tenor IC 8. lI.AVEN. Printor and Stationer, ciec2.s 31aritet ,t.. corn, ot 87,,,T1d. ) ' 0( 1(1 IVILL BE SOLI) IN A FEW :',..., P_ J f N.., DAYS. Novi ready. rs. lit•rli /Pi 1,111 w• , rk, I OOLITSIIIP AN 1 1 SI A Ritl AI; 8: M ; or. the .1..y,i 'nd Farr, Wm 1.1 A Iller11•1111 Life. By Mr.,. Carol., Liv• He m , Far Kiln by If. NIIN ER A., CI i . aBd2 No. $2 tirnithlield mtroot. COCOA N[TS---20() fresh ( . o(.."ti Nuts ju.t 411.1 malt• b% R EYM El: A N DEItS4 apl2 f'". 39 p , tl rot, MISCELLANEOUS Innit w the Myrtle Deli I=l Li~~!~i,~'>i'~an C M•qt , r/N. 41 I , ,fth 0.1 '111.! • ;•It 1`1,11,1” . I •71,1 nu. ko 4 s 4": 1. 1 1 , 1 , 1 , Jr I. HI:V II r. , 1.l ! !tu.lnei•. to.t re , fdr , rl find r. r It F.VNIY.It d ANDY:RS.IN. N W-.. 1 ,tr..,' rII , I/t r 0- 1 MISCI4:LLANEOUS A VER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, Fop; THE ROOD CUICE CoIIGHS, COLDS, 110ARSE W. II (AOLNUCoIIkiLI, CROUP, AsTtimA AND CONSUMmos. „ 7 , h ' 4 ,erfl,t, , ' rum REMEDY is uttered to the voile munlty with the confidence we feel sit .. "t41............ie an article which seldom (wile to real. - e...Ci11& Pre the happiest Mieetft that ran tn. de r -zu ~,,. so wide I, the held ,I Its um , '' .;.., , ---.........f 4. , fultu.s.s, mid en numerous tho eases a •1. , ,• :,.....T.... its Cure , , that xlnittst every sesttiun of ,1 F .,4 11 1;4 4 .... 7 ;,b; s the :,miry ain , llll.lB ill peret , na, pub ;lt..., ‘..--s' `..__.!,•\, holy know 11, who liaNi• Leer restored ---' ” ' • --- fi,ii olamitiug tool et et] desperate dis eases of the lungs. ly it...n4e When once tried, its supe riority over every other ni. 'Lins of its kind, is WO appar,t to escape observation. and w here its virtues sore known, the public uo lourrer hesitate In hot tottitittte to employ fi,r the distr.oing Mill dangerous a11... - tenin of the pulmonary ..r, gone, which are incident to our rlttluite. Nothing has called louder for the earnest inquiry of medi cal men, than the alarming prevalence and fatality of con sumptive complaints, tint has any fine class of diseases hut more of their invpittnentions and rare But as yet no ale gnat.. remedy ham Issai provided, on which tile public could depeotl h.r i.ro , Petion from UttarEm Ilion the respirator, o 1 Ilia lie Intr,sluction of the CI I Enity pix,m)RA I. 'floe al wie in Ow prslind of a limg, bib:Amu, and. I belies P. stu•cessful endear, to Inrnisli the community with such s remedy tit this last statement the American people are nor there w I res prepared to Judge, and I appeal with confidence to their If there is any dependence to Is , placed 11/ what .0, IA every elect cull station certify it has dour fir them: it we rate bust our own Cellars, when lit' gee afteetions of the throat and lunge yield toll; If we ran depeiel on the assurance ~ f intelligent Physicians w ho make it their hustles, to know—in •fliort, if there is any reliance upon may. thing.then it is irrTutalily proven that this niedictio , llClPM,..- lit•VI• and does cure the chola of diseases it is designed for, Is poet any and all others that an - km ovfi io mankind If this Is true. it "allied la• too freely published, ?for too widely know Tlue afflict.' should know It. Ala ineily that curve In par , .. leas 1.. them. Parfaits should know it, their children are priceless to them. All .11,111,1 know it, fur health can he pre,' to no one Not only should it he circulated hen, lad everyn here. n.. 1 only In Um( otintry, but In all roman, s. Mon faitldnllc a, Imvp acted lal this conviction, is show, in IhP cart t h at already this artn•h• has 'nude the circles of the olds . The nun never sets on Its limits. Nu continent Is ond but few peoples Although not hi au general nn „ iu other nations as In thin. it in employed by the morn intelli,zent Li almost all rictloot countries. It is exten• sively eniplo)ed In both America—in Europe, Asia, Altai, stn-hole and the islands of the sea. Life is use dear to its p .saws ore there as here, still they grasp at a valuable rrnrsk with even more avidity Unlike Mini preparations of its kind, it in an expend,- iaituisisdion of costly material. :7 , 1 ill it is afforded to the ' , obi is at a reasonably low prtce,•o.l what is of cast ly mare importune(' In thorn, IM quality Ileter mitered to MClitle from ifs origiudaano..d of livery bottle of this Med:eine, now manufactured, Is as good an pi', bus been nunle heretofore or BB we are a• liable of making. Ni, toil or owl hi spared. In HULlntailling it in the beat perfection whirl: It Is popu.n.le to prodic e. Hence the patient who proemrs the genuine CHERRY Pr.'. Ton t 1., can rely ou haring its gins! an al Ude as ham ever Leen had to those wit,. testify to Its curt,. It}' li:inring thin roues.., 1 hare the hope of doing .nn. , {tort c, the world . ne well He the entistectlia, uf that !nor', h. been .1,.0- ftlrenly. Oa - Prepared 1,. .1. C. AYER, Practical arid Annlyt, chiirol.t, L,weil, kw, roll hy 11 A. F.11.1,s C. 1., at nitoleiude and tnil, 1 elate Drtiggrat lo Pittelatigh. nod by all D..),, u t. spit...V{lAL% VERY \":1LI:A 1;1,E REAL ESTATE FOR 11.0.:—')c, the C1e,.1e0.1 and Pittsburgh fei re ‘V- I. to ,• ri,elved from the °Aro,. 0.1 „e r .! Ina ralluilde iirulberty for rude. suitable 1,.r e• •-• • ' . .irrilers, 4rnrdenere or manutlecturrre This ,• et ~ .I in .ne of the hner:thiret ieetlotis of the U.,. t. . - -urtu•to ere,- soir Bran: the Cie...laud a:. Pow, par..ug thr”ugh It.. 1.441 , No. 4. 4. 8. : ! e 12. /1111/111.1 It • 10,1' .f the OW- river for Ilia • e. 7. and P. e• .0. • u it• ;1 t•ui pAgookl L.. N'IR, 10, 11. 1 4 r.. 1 4 .l , l•nwlwal L ot, 1.1.ei. 1. :2 nod 3 very in 1. , 1•' 1.. n•td tuty. end re mend-, nud tire, lao a. I 1.1 in HALO , ' ,u• q•=dt, tu L., .110 h •. .11 :•• to„. .;•••. .111 •••.• at, in „I hit I h:1 • • • Is qualm. h re '2.11 a. 1 1.,- : a:. I r N.. 17 I: nu 1•140 t. : • ; 1 • 0,-0 I•dan I. a•.•! Ali air 1: a.. mJ •$ 1' , ..c b , t. r.•. 1 • ,‘• ,tk,g nrl, ) lu ll^ 111 oh.. in•rn 1, ,r• i nt.k.: , t• 1 , , re—k i • Eli= ...I St! I. !liil.ll/312.. which. togetl oi •o• • ail,oung to n tho haw!, of tr. t•—• , itil,« r. illll-. for *oh n 1 I! •. h he of ritillty to all iniraoll• rniningi Iltot or • i.e., It 1, sk' • retett for sole in A ttenin or :Ls In •e' in I ton..sonltle terms tntehtno le•to tl,t•nlsht.tn4ren •tf Itenlthy and net, . nit I t I. •oi!•tton1 Alt h t lie • onvertter.ren of trtinel ' rt‘er • r o tt .mll ttn nn ttef..rrt pctrebn.l, f,.riltt.. 1..1 •I•attt - L rat; r•t• 1 , 1.• k F At Rl ,l /171 d.c••• 11.11•tnte 11: .• '.• •• (•• • - - TILE IVE.ST.—We 1. tn tha Wesrle, 1,11 , J • -; I /hrl4t4l at • prerritr I t• sae landr in ail it , laud Chstrlcttt Ic•I• Zratt• er,J T.rilt.ll7—“, purrita.an anti twl! lands on 1,171&12 •. n, • •,•,1-llnn., trthd tn.'ne••• ht drat! on ••• Hy I Si 4,ln. are tt•ltltHe men, 11. ro.. a • ,•• It• the Weat • hn•t• errAnt-tt...1 at,•l t• t n, •••' •t- , tt ..tnt 1 hay. , tort•ti n• t-ntlt.• ti,,•f, 10. law v. 1!,..11: I Inn/ ••. • w!,,. ,•'l,! IILIP t; A. NVoRLD'S HAIL z\ - 1..18A1. , ‘ , fm-4hi. •• al L IL tirl.l, 71 Ira: I I t 1,41 r. r , .l Fr, nII:N.-n...01. etrt,•l.• 1., .1 , 11..1 it t• •ti l',1•41. .1111 RtN.lll ! t.ttly the itht, nt1•1 ekm. R 114 1 .• I• 1. nll I •11.1.,... it. I. •sv. t.t litszr/1 Wild e. t 1.•1111 Ita ••I/• • P•• ,brl Aud thnt gl , eLsy awl itatur. • N., um. /1 It .IE , t.•115.,1.• 1•11 , 111 •Inndr,!!. ne; 1514114tt 1 1t.,. mold Iv it. 11111 st •t• • li,. 1..4- !Le tow, lb, 1r... Ii t M/1.1 II ••IJ .1! I .., pam . A. thtlntlinottl• - , R. !rm..... 1.11' . . •11t• gm iiksoits, I r••• It tit... ‘I - ", • A 1.• 11 , 1 , I 111, I Nth: lo I 'AC nl,l th. .1. .11.I.EN' 11 uli.l,l)'S lIA I Kt: 1,.1 14b,!,... r 14 1 • r .•i I I.u. ~ 1, 1 II 41r ts,l nl lo.w.•tet el• tr• t• - -i .; r.v.,%••1 th.l, 1;% I. •• I I . 1... I. ~ t, t II Ur- 1,11 M.., I ,••••111/k/1 Iguildre•dx 4.1 It,. .I+t. N .11 the . Ins,.l.wip , l/oull.r. 1.•1 /1./ Ole F....011111n d:Ly wlth.,ut It • ?sorely .11:!..r. 01 form •thur prparntlm, fur the 1,11 uha • Ar.• • onia-,,1 ol deleterious arturlow Koch as I.rou. . rlauu.h no, .1.114,.. Ind .41 of vitriol, am are Kaud oLou..' the hair to grow oil the pat. of ure no a h. in reality, either grunt!) Injury boalth •.f thy. w h , • tra• them. or amid I hum to do untimely k• 17 ., Th" woh the Zy lotalsaninto. tut ••ii , y Jam,. r. ti lour, but irlim c a It to url, giving, It a •dt, glossy ant nalornl apvio.rroare It.wt• Ter struogt hen owl rewerte the night, nt rem. , r• and lin•vilot rll.lnotw, Lead-arta, scurf, detodmg, ernld h• a.l. us dty aniption tler Alm nod all unnatural perldr tt I.'ll •4 pond , P(1,• rt....dorm], law applying :1 a tea ruturvals4 thrue traditl,ll. you 1 , 111 not h.... r. rf y • ii .ht.!: I oft..!„tlie ugn • f bun Ir•-I lI tiun nee.: for 11131•11,Tia. !t! , •11r Int I.. —lied silk.- r any thlog abr. h will pall* ,n tutu, II tro• In, •1,11 , 1••di of the 1,11,1 jr tr n . a oar,. far Catarrh lo ..Diy l) JO. YLEMIN(I, nplo Canner Market street and Ihatn.oel NEW atil, VaLI'ABLE LOOKS just receive( vJ. S DA VleoN, Kb MARK nt.r.Yet, near Fourth Chri.tianity in the Republir; by Ile.. E. M Vanduneu. Ezekiel. by hey t.Guthrie, D. D., Minburiz The the flirts ry of the !hemp; 1../ Or the 1 111rth ..f I.y I r. Buchnimn—fifll. E,l,:,bura thnodltn Mauatt—a t , autiful tor Illowtratlng tLa Tau . and Trnds of the Disrupt lon—Edluburg—sl.2s Weir.ano to Jeaux-12 ct, • Elvg , Luf rnliwed 1'itr3,711113 6.r Children-25 teats. Thy iv •nt 114.1( in print. P... 4,1 I PP.III.IIF, wt lb :tarred ilwaponje,.. . Itlnkr•s'n Hitanry of the Phi10...44u of the Mize] •n's Tinetinn on litrirtuntetn. ~lnn tl.ny lor o•otn. 45 r tr. F , 2 rt.= and SI,LO rwr v.,lrty. ja"2,;) J. S DAVISON. F. Brown's Essence ofJasnalen Ginger. 1 1.115 ESSENCE is u preparation of unusual ca. ellaure. lii .I . 4ltnary ittriptent cholera. in +bort. In all rt.., pronitatinn of the digonitve II !!! Inoattniabh• lain.. During the in eildenco of epatotto.• ind C. , lllplat tits, it is ta , ultarly ofttractott•, n • lan!.' , .nolo rittal !it t id) !tier should lat without it. TI••• •nro got the genuttai Etwetwe, which I. Fit !Tar.• ••:!!) I , 1111 , , "S, at Ili. Drug and rheninnil rt•t!a-. • P. !onto, •! fifth and Chialinot mtri,ta, Plolto!!!l pion, a• ! f!.. mak 1 ) all the ta•poilatile Apothecat tea It! the lout.' •1 • and in Plitiil•tit gli It A FAIINESTOCK A C ; Aud iii I 1 P SCHWARTZ. I,E A. Bkk'KLIAM sep , ./..k) 0( (WS AND t' OLDS URED by the use J-I MORGAN'S CELEBRATED CCIGUJI StRUP 100 a,l arnfrled web C hit r , ' cure n bottle of It Prtre rots Ilea: the testimn ny of An old man who tried nt `Ma..l•di: Mottos'—This may , ertlfy that being ardiN rd wrib a troublesome e , mgli. I boughs n bottle of Morgan'. nip. sod am happy to say, after miring it, my tong) ie entirely cored. I am free to pronounce ynnr Cough oyrup the best medians I have ever used. No family should be without this valuable medicine. DAVID Mcft ( IERTS, Allegheny. Prepared and for sale, Wholeanle and retail, by JUAN Jr. Sole Proprietor, No. 133 Wood etr,t. feld 1 THE NATIONAL HOTEL FOR RENT. 7 he Rho, Hotel. fronting the Xfonongahaia tweet: ernitlifield end Grant streets. together with the BTABI. FS thereh attachod. trill be for rent after the let day of April next. Th.• Riess 11 , 1,1 Ming very large and commodious. and near the propoußil Rite, of two Railroad Stations and the Ivharf, rt...rkar.lo inducements to those wishing to engage in this business. Inquire at the office of DO. ARNOLD & CO.. rnhe:tf—ehD Fourth street. ARARE 1- 11.1NCE.---Thc subscriber hay ..11;,;:,..1 in mouth , whi,b .j..e iam b i his Oro., 1111,i Th. l standing of the House t. well known as the first .if its kind. the business large and increneing by customers of the best class in the city. To an WITERPRISING 110810ES8 MAN, it in a rare chance and a sure fortune. For ' , articular. ~n pnra of fel.3:tf W. A. M'CLURti, corner Wood and Sixth etc. CEMETERY MARBLE WORKS-- MATTHEW LAWTON, PICACTI4:AL %Juni Mmes, 333 LIBERTY etrort, below Wayne. rnli2l.lv SPRINGER HARBAUGH, Col t3i 7ji - 7,7; Mracrunt, Dealer in Wool, Provieiona, and Produce generally. No. 295 Liberty etreet„ Pittsburgh. .124 pRATT , s DAUGERREO'rYPES eND AM BROTITES, which give such general satisfaction are i.ly obtained. In every kind of weather, at Lafayette Build no. No. S'i FOURTH street. Particular attention paid tn ainbentyping, as the time of sitting is much lees than re for Dautrerreottlics. Pictures of children taken In a few se...inlo in eitlier - of the abort named styles. Alaimo ‘'izerreot% to. Copies terns!., correctly from every h'" • ,1 tur..t, Warrann..l pernsl Prices moderate tirinotto nl Ti) PLEA:4: mhlts !0M . % 1 . .L.A.K1..1.1' A );iltEl. lA••k.•tr kg. 11t...1.11 11=1 TIIREE IJAILV LietAween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia THE MORNIN6 NIAII. TRAIN I. 1 . 11 teLut e t, t mt 7 A I. aat I . l,ll.ufelihta !(A_ M TIIK YAI , T LINK Wive, r l' M., aad l'ittshurvh kt 1'1,30 P. M TIIY. NltillT TRAIN ir.o, Yhilsrlalp/an at Irlo M, stai f..r r at II I'. M. 111..AllirNILLR ACOOMM4dIATIoN TRAIN burgh 1..4011dA,. it I' 11. Hkl NININ'r , At VI.MIIOI, kTI, IN TR A I N duly nt II A NI . II p m “11 1 / 4 •••1 xi 1 . 111.111/1411 %hah the t ,, amt 1,..n.1 rt 6,uln, A :t.;,.08 0111 Chiexp 1.. FrAll4l;•rt, and Tern , 11,. • Lolevrtto , mud I ncllizi,ap ,, ll,., tun, handusky.l..led... l'•,Psrul,tlA, Laurel, ill, 51.4n1.1. , 11 Rll.l 1+:•• with tho Ith•etat l'acket lanl. nolo ati.l Lou, lonlinvls..l.l nll,l . . curt be bud to ur from either of ti taerre Owen. For further partfrulars, nee listidhilln at the dillrio,r starting points. Paesengera from the Went will hind shortest and wool expediti.d. route to Philadelphia, PAP:- Wore, New Yet It, ur Ltositon }parka K. Agent. Passengt, Line.. Philadelphi a J. M RSK denlB Agent, Ihissenger Linen, Pittsburgh. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAIL THE GREAT CENTRA L ROUTH., connecting the Atlanta - Cities with Western. Nortlow,l e , Mn too western States by Ft continuous Railway direct. This 11, ad also neon nests at Pittsbnrgh with Daily Lino Steamers to all ports on the North-western Lakes; inali!oli the most WARM, CLILAYLAT nod RELIABLY Horns hr wld, i, FlthltillT eau be forwarded to nod trout the IIFLEAT %Fres. fiette•bri wren Philadelphia dtr. Pittsburgh. FIRST CLASS Shoes, Dry floods, It,, motes,) Kurt, Feather.. hre SECT /ND CLASS.— Books and Stationery, Dry I insole, (in t , nh..,l I (1)c.1.1 IPn the t her, Wool, A.• TIII Rli CLASS-- A 14% ll+, Bagging. 8.., 100 ito nod Poi Hein ! , Ar ' FOURTH CLASS —Coffee. 4 , 4 e t a Usl Pm pork, iparked,) Lard and Lard lid ELUL )•ents per barrel air In slitpping Goods from 0113 point Eant P11)4.1e!- phma, be particular to mark rub•lows, i , inttill• I, " All G0.. - Is conelgn,l io the .Agents him 41.1 nt Phlladelptini Pit,huruh, forwarded witho u t detention. FREIGHT AOIENTS—Mo, • I . . 11,,. •6..T.T. F . :ilk( York . a, Magtl., ~a.. K t a.. YMIII, P:"SI . t`11,11,N1:1 tP. 11E, tttnall. . : h) Mollruni. Math... Tu.;., 't Lawn . NI“ F blitch•llkftou, Int-arm ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, ceARYING TER Great United Minute Mall and Expresu TWO PASSENGER TRAINS RUN DAILY o, °woe ngth (r - ,m DUBUQUE AND CHICAGO TO CAIRO. This Rciad, in connection with Trains of tho Gh io and Meets/drip] R. R. and Chicago and Galena Railroad, forms the most direct and only continuous R. H. rya to f r „ n , CHICAGO TO Sr. LOUIS, CHICAGO In CAIRO, CHICAGO ro DUBUQUE. Trains lens Chicago as Saloum in A. M. and 10:1Y) P. M.—ST LA..1.19 ANTI CAIRO Passengers for St. Louis by this train take the cars of ilia Ohio snd Miss. R. FL at Sandorsh and are carried direct t., St. Louis. 9::.15 A M. and 4:10 P. M —Druunnz ANT GALLNA EXPRESS. courting M Uunheth (opposite Dubuque) with a Daily Line of Steam Parkein U•r St Paul and the Uppor sippi river cities. Trains lease Cairo for Chictqp.. and Dubuque at 7:30 A. M and 7:00 P. M. l'szsentrers from the East and placett on the (thin river, dectined for St. Louis, will save 1f1) miles of t.ations and tub certain river navigation fr..r ca t e,, t o st . Lenin , an d an , „. fifteen hnni, in ii , L/ Vain, , d the river route, by taking I ler car, at ('air,,. Tickets to St. Louis, Cairo, Dubuque, St. Paul, and all im portant place« by this route can be had at the Nikoof the 0. & P. and C. & P. Itidlroa;in In Pittsburgh, and Michigan Central BAannul In Chicago. R. B. MASON, it•ti Superiuten't. _ BALM OF THOUSAND FLOWERS --An other supple of this celebrated mild° I,y ' 4[ 6 :3"11 EMI 9 1 4 `. • EISE RAILROADS ALLECHENV VM,LEV RAILROAD CU, ELAND AND I'llf IUTGII RAIL I AD, • - I=l On „fa WITH r n and after NI. INDA Y M . Mardi 9., 1&56, 2 Daily Train,. v.. 11 ohin andEvnnin Ila11.1.011(1, a ...a tst.rgli follows: No.l, Expreun. 15,34.1 A. M., ritop, ping at 51.iii.51 liiilton, Tor stun. Cbartirrn, Frr,port, VIA A LLIANCE. TII IMEGIITP I iT AND QUICKEST itouTE , 6151.000,505 and 1t...55mti, arriving at Kittanning at 1 1 A " t , O Cr,.,014 VIA CII.:Vt.:LAND NI. No. 2. Adrallllll.sktion, 4 P.Ol mtopping at all Stationo, 1,00 mactrt. Kitt:l.og 'I! 7P 01 ir .,9, •' 1111 1.1 111 ' 1 :mut,. Tn. 1.01 than ,ir end cuitons on- InManop on olor 'l'2 I. ''°"'"1."1•"'.."• it °'.." t A ll ' Dail) flan, 15•twoen ots eb but o,l gl -, . null el., oland stopping at all Arlo at talmi Io .5 NI, , „,) Ch, No ..' t.sfor,oo. M 5t,p1.111,4 fit Ito—ton. • 1..„„. ,„‘ Glued [scent h„ irrn, Freeport. I'llarimr, ILLI,IAIIIIII. 1111111. n ,illll i.•I•111,1 . 11, ,, 51 lit Mg at 1 1 .tt51.nrl. at 7,40 I. Al. ~0 .0..1 aft Louis , •11 1:50 , 5 1, January h, tio• STAGE:4 11 . 1 1.1, KO; 1"11 1 /NI I<ITTANNINti, u, rom a ,. • Jon. , Bon with the 'lrdoi, t o r 11,.' ing pin,. ALLIANCE r4F.I• "J't t 1... nln,. /1.11,1 1,111„t IvOnt. . 104 Clarkin 4' 3 2 ' Po at A. NI. 01.4 , 01. A 5 . 1 and ;ion Ir 2 s', firm! 220 1.-ay.. Allis,,. AI 7•1 1 0, A 51, nod II 4.. AOl and •••... 1' 51 . .1 21, Nlnlioning . i7l. AI Lye 1/, Clo,oland fit 11' . 0.• A 11 . P 01 and 910 p 1 75- K ,l l l I,l u'rg 11 ' 51 hug wit!. tdridand 11101r...1 1,1 2. '41 . .1 • 2 I • 4•51., 11.5 k I 010n.1 56 11..011.•11.11. ' ' 1.0 T.. 1.51.. CM. W... 01 nit.l N 411,- 2 , IF.'iratimtilutrir ••1 l'ittst.orgt. 111.• lg.. A 01. litklo, by going 00 •• ..... :7 1 ' 1.,. cloradnu.' drill ,urn.. Clo. am. at 5,10 ro•At uruining 1 101 . 1- '''' • " 111 ` • '''''' 2 1 ' lig, 0 1, 1..1•51... Chid, , 11.0 k Fare to Kittanning, t I N0rt1.•9,01, ...P. 9,1. to go through v. I '• 1 I.l ' ll 'g 0 • 311 A s l Um, 11..1„ " 11 • 11 '' 11 ut take tho train lea, mg Pittidotrid. at 50.0 anus, at all of Ili- o••• 1.1.0 a, Ills oN111.• dar A. 51 Ilia, 1.111 LIAM 1.5 1L 0,1110., Donn Tlckde to 511 ot the .1.,,,' pinion 1,11 110 lel 5,t „LA.. 1.. 1,, VI 101.4 TA) for TllO 11,111 R 11.11011r4 It ::,1111 A NI am! W.• 11,1110 munlitnomi. 1140, r. tl.. or :no .4 M. kad and. 5,1 It 9:01, A. NI onli lo peou.origorn ra t ,. r eun "'"I %"'"- "'''''''• " 1 7 1 A 11 • ' ll4 2 ' 111 ' . "• trail ratioos o..ta II 1.4 stations on Om Tonia -11,104. ith TI ants A. 4 IitiPPKB, auarii.•stirunion. 5111..1 1111dnirmi. nn - 'fi, log, 1.'1,,,1„.11.1. Chicar... and 0... Nortl.-,--t, m 11 , 11,111 e, fire sold at $1 le'' than 111 A Ihnina• Tl.O 11,1111, t blr CII •1.11/ i .1.1.1 t I Ind',,, nab trains FAX.," .111.! A1,,,11 int.. fr. litCl,-,, land to 'F..I-.1.,5,a; Clikago run a rd,,,1„,„1 0,5. ,5 NI and 9:00 P. Nl, n All 111 at 1'1111:µp, at P. M.., 5.111 A. M., ...I 5.414 A. 11 11'111'. 1 fir 1 : 11 1 , M5 I. r 11,N '5 1-1.01.1 and 51. 14.1105 For Ruck 1.1.11,2 1 1, 00 AM. .101 11:10 P 11. F o r ot 1,1116 at 9:15 A. 51. :111.1 tadm P. NI. Ts Grc 0 1. .I.‘ or,, Bork Island Railroad is t, aid Own.- t 1.•• Clm 11 Alt di 1...01/111 l'ot,ll. t.. Lout, I •, 5-r, 1. 2., y 1..• 9.15 A. SI. Tr.!, vT, I, at 11''41 /11.1 1.5 010 9 3., 1., M 'Flom :it t0,,,,,,101 iI.II. • chock...l LI:1,1J, to ,'1 J.L11.1 . 1 114 Chira;to. FARE VIA A 1.1,1 CACt: AND ("I,EVELANI.. lot class. 7,1 Ist 2,1 I', T. .1 11r.roiri• &Ole ...$lll 101 $l3 •• 4 I,rd . Ia l s, 1 4 15/ 7.0 Galena „. 10 1 I , K) " rlur 1.1 oil $lO .011 "Ypin,gilrll, I' 70 I', 3•1 " M.rtnit“; u..ln WI I 1 401 s Burlington, I'4 .51 11, ...1 13 W IA 00 pas„ 1:14.1, itrk• na1,...5. I to pr.olite their u, bet, at dm °Rice of ibis Company. IN 111,. Alotiongith. In 1 11111,1 .6v tl.lO cot ma Baru! Villao Sinicksbury Punk/tut, Bey Midgilvsex Red Bunk... Corlpville Heodel,urg Aduink . ISS 6 . 1:017E WITII THREE DAILY TRAIN. , FROM PI TT31.1 ROO To CINCINNATI ONLY J u )UTL WITH THREE DAILY TRAINS F/COM P/TTSBORWI TO TUN A.\ II IS DIANAPuLIS OHIO AND PENNSYLVAN LITTLE MIAMI RAILROAPS. VIA citEsTIANE AND COLI , MIHIS, Quickest Route from I'dtsturyli to Cloctanott CONNi.CTING Clll4.lllliall III( U. S. Mall Lit, CvVlllj4t(ia 11.1A1 LAID, 011(i , and Itireiastlipi and the lA., ts..iiitrgli Row-. lon.au - tiii; %la Columbus end Neill',, nil i, the Ilnyton and Asnlit, Indiana Central liallruads. TISILOUti II TICK KT:, vin Columbus and Ctnclniatti, t. Le:1110qt, Loais. I riliahats•lis. . Ci•lnnflinot sold Xenia, to Ls, ton, liallnisapoils. lest - Rye:tr. Terre Haut" PI. Louie, dc, TIDE Lrrrr.F. miAxit via ( 11 1,UNIFICS, critinertioff with the Covington and 1.0 Aington Railroad, the U. ii! Lino Steamers, tho Ohio and Miesissitita Railroad, end tiii• Lasrtenealturgh H , nue, , Tern Ito ialier route .'.l. glva an through li, - keta all the I n a ran only procured via Colima.. and the Little JLaml Rat:rise:. The route from Crisoline vat olintil•us being the shot inst to Cincinnati, enabler, A ittikfarrn lent lof , Conn. rn are certain. and pasatootstrit hay« full time for Itioale liv i Ponta and Itallefontaine routs , from Creatline, a derton,, and to - , on tin•A u rnnit.ond, clad to tort oii.• ilistanre Ily Om route 110 ('olunilais to Cincinnati and inillanitisilo pseteingern nae at•o r sets l.alittatri.l AI. I 11) In Forest find r .file.paes,torios Tide .onr th rin4hret roads ID 05/, Tilit.EE DAILY TRAINr , ,t!I WU. `1140:f. CINCI:NNATT. Fl•liT To we leaves f l itt.Liur s h at•;. - ;is h. A. 01 Cles , tine. • o•lnufl•ns. Xenia. City infiath .11e, t ex, ltittamp• 110 Las% ni• lent• T•,•• srrivie at l:ita'1.01•Sill nlid s•l l ah , e -1 (b. ForPolpad l',!lefentnins r••1:‘ , TAMA A! • • ( sinnihos. ins siol iiisk •snan• • ti•••• 1.. z •. TWA!, HA , ni ..'r ( . ..11.11aliliA, ( . 111,(11(At I. 1,11a.1 i. ‘11,(1 , a1 nod I,v.:••tirehilt,iti h. it Tllii 1•11 LY II 0 0,110 1•11 i• AND INDIANAisi: To .1 k It I CIA-Arilta., 1%411 , 10,, Nonss. let t• re. Ilion, ilantin•A, F.var.,l!•• MEI= • 1,•, .1t,i..416. 01110 AND 3IISSISSIPPI RAILIIO A 11 BROAD OAUUE }II.d,Ik iv 1., 1,1 1 k 1k: t \ I Y-1 ‘..r 1.1.! rc kml t. I 4 , 7 TILA, THI., I. E 1 1 .41,.. N. • ••• ra.•ertg.•ra mak. •• I ••••• knni..l”. and r 1,. lv,ll.•azt •'ma! •.r. lln Ink. a ndt•.; L. It.. rht-uvl• .1 tal %Olt tt.• I al Rath ar. at Al! lip. 7 A e.s..ht,:. N... • krt.. az..l ; , •It.t•t tt. 1.,,t /41.tratipip. vr. • itt 1,.1 • t 1 .411“.., I. r 11,. I 1•1 alkd .3”. Cr, 0;11, I, kfiE ) . ' 1 4 7 I +n'•.n 11.n.s Fkiis .r,•l 09' r .Ig I 9 ' tll4V. 40 r 1 -I.: .4 l' W I• K LA I'ENNSVLI Al IA RAILROAD H. IL IIorSTON, Ge..no rn, F ht Agent, H.. 1 LOSIBAERT, Ftlixrlntendant, Alt, , osin, Pa. 4.0.5 VLF:NI ING. C..rner MA st stud Du0u..11.1 • 4 C . . . : • ' , I. ••• ••• -40 • P, s r J • EWE `-'2'- , r... - ':',n , .'''', ;.: 7 ... 7 , ' , ..et..,'5, , :r.1.•.: , :!' .', ::: 4. :' , 7'.•`7'...::,.; ' ' ...,,..-. :''::::.' .': 2'. ''t. ',•,'''' ,-Irt:'-'.'l-. NEW ANL DIRECT HoliTE OPEN That Northern 11lino'. to Mleslssippt River, lOWA, MISSOURI, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. Chicago, Hurling - ton and Quinc3 1111 CLIP Ai, AND Al I,IA, .Alilo C1.,111 . ..LL 31LLn♦I: NOW (NrA PLET ED. r 0,4 Truce rtat Ole , end, tilstan•••• BUilLiNtin.N. lowa %about chmq,. 011. TM. only Dlrrrt kontr tc. nu, Itn,tAcn, Qn:cry. K,, , k,, v.tucc - ktinc.. ommukct, • , r1 lie MoinrY, Crum 1. Icllll l , kr.. kn.l r 5,11_,A•.An nor Tr. from Chirac,. C. , It 1..”114. Itlc•mninirtott. Chcc•••11. Der.ur, tlftlro. r l prtic,.. '.1..1., mni incertrwrlotto c 4 t/VP.I.IS 11,.,rent 15,-I.•trc, cimi cll. , and 11101:1,11,1 k• k A 'I r. 'I rt.in , ..it tbA krtlttd • Tt.t.lt• It ••,1 th•• /”..1.11. 1/1.1/:el, r'l , l at 1,111 txl lb. 1,41, u C.r 3couttwrn ^IA 1 , ..n.r . ma-t .I,llwr 12! I ''••• and r.• ,11 I L. • p.) v. reel America. n . h. Expres• ant Vidl) LW k, It 41 LILO 4D, Fot nicrly Chicago and Mlo•Isi.11411 Ti , -T ,• t IV,et 1,.y - t Ntght =i1•311 J1.,,,.~,.,, . J,.tL ~1 t , 'h , , ..~ ...n, ~ u~;..,~ • • 1irn,404".. r, fl.l t•\l IN, 11F - 1 F. .t:ttrt. I • 2 t..r t.ii._ t FAIR It. !, I !.!•1 • ',I ,4]••- 1;..t. 1 i, II1J• rt.. ./1, /.• .• 11/1 .1., A113.‘, A.• nlOl of 311 11,t•ii 1 t , 1.0 , t 111.-.1.1J :it I 30.1 111 t1.1:1 :I, 141.1 •.1 ll,t . 1:111$,, IS, 111r.11 Kll:kny, I, at Ow 16'stm.ap: g k !/11..141, 1.• rite I' NI , M.!;AN, Jr .• Surerlol , o.l.•fit If .1 I. (Jrneral l'asarug, Agent NEVI: AND DIRECT ROUTE, liad _ .iikiata YRONI PITC:+I3I; HO II TO Coln mblin, I til.uhittolt., l'lttrac., t tortit titttl, Tetrrtt I taut, H .k Imliind, 1. , mitts Mot Vlttrettntto, I ttwn Cay, 0 1 1 ,, t1/ 4 . E , MI, , lii , , I ttt Itutott. Ikay rt.. (.':tiro, ottlertit, Xt.. lA. NI etuisltlA, i,,,, 7utt.‘ 1110, VlckAtttr,t. I', tt, Newark, No. OH. ans. AND 'MK PlllO IP , ( . 11 . 11, IN 711 C 14 rAT A,\ I' ,011,1 Steubenville Si. Indiana Railroad! 1%111(.11 is r,w coinp!.•hal lATI'LI Sin°Lewin. awl Newark, Wu., r..mbuting ItallrtAil and Strums at tuutr ntL ti.tli traveler a drgnvof , r2ll , Pr( urn I al; ,1 by tiny It runtilug %Vett fruul Fall Arrangement. tln d aft, lONDA V, Nortquber sth, !S&L, a DAILY LINE tdogattt and nn In running Stownors, comEnund,tl by napen.•ur,d and a.r..muuvh.tiug offlours, will lank. I'u!.. burgh °very day ut 5 I M. VENTiIItE Captain Goßnoff FAIItY QUEEN '' J. 4fo I'Ra:wt.:era hlf,p and too - 1, Strda-a, 1111 at ila. 1..11na 1114 111, 11 1 / 4 ., -- 1 -, 111/eCUI/K I 1,1 I:, A Al . mak., (101 l w IEII I I nil 111 , 11,1, • .litain,n o r, .aanlortal•le .1, and l411,)1, trar,) h o ratin,, , l cltaap a. by any ••11 Italln.ad nal!, l'llt I,l' and 1,,, al 'll, t !at titer tnf mit t. 110UST ,, N, I , l'. 111. Plitalatr a ll Ell it. 1. I.P.VENNY Genoa! n , 117 PITTSBURGH & CIiNNELI,SI:II,I,E Li tIIILEZO.4D 1..11, i 1 . • tr" , •'l • (Wt, 'Old 'A I. l l.4lrne•r f QIAN, from Pl:t.H:r,.:ll ro C0tat011,,n0..1,0) Er•l.; .1 • i• •,•r ••h.,rf. al • • • Mon.u Vabola ev••ry ritterr,et. n laatt-pa••• twee h•r Went Newt , n. ,-, une• - i log there .1•1: the M-rta tog Tte•it ;••toing ut vii fir Conneilertlle, and reA:hin, Ott , '" et 'J.:A) A. M.. to time t. t the : 4 tti4e for Cm-itt•pwn F'ute tt• Fare te Uni••ntown A Train will toe. C••nt,ii,vtile w the npetting, nt J t. e'cl.e-k, her We , ? Newton, en•l r.etnect there It Ith the steamer Er.iu. ttt 7 :to, to time to rench l'ittlbtirtth at 1 P M Fare from Cm nal In vine r pit tabu rgh Pare from Uniontown to Pittsburgh .. .•' ,5 The Local Freight and Passenger Tram will leave Con nellsville at 10:30 A. ~ and returning will leave W,.st Newton at 3:30 P M , stopping at all way stations for freight and passengers. I) Saturday the usual afternoon train will lie ore,. ',rd the following morning at 8:30 o'clock. Passengers by the Saturday afternoon boat from Pitts burgh can by this arrangement go fora aid without delay. Yor further Information, apply t o the Officers on board the steamboat EOLIAN, or to the Agents at W.tt Newton and , D. W. CALDWELL, ort3o Assistant Su peri n ten den t ; IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Isu htttdentn attending the Day and Evening Classes. Penmanship, Book-keisping. Arithmetic, and ita applka. bunt to hustry..a taught In Ibis extensive Commercial and Model Counting-house, to large classes of Ltalies ail ' Gentlemen. Sorel.. guaranteed to all who attend. A tow lessons an unsurialstuvl penman correct the worst hand -writing. Book•keephtg, when correctly taught, ie MkSay itlirtled. Merchants and business men apply here for first clam lh , ok-keepers, Accountants and Clot ks. Call and ohtaln gpectruens of fluaiuees writing—u circular for full inform. non—opposite the Post Office, :tt. HALL. (twit) ALLEGHENY CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. —A I,ot of Ground on Hank Lone, 52 & ,, t front by 84 ~. whieb Is orect,4l a (toe Two Story Brick lloure,ron u6',..l4 ...ane—ndlti t i l t ust,ful and ...11‘eloent Apply 1.1 leblb 1.11-O;kl.Y a . • .4:11,4 RA L OA 1);'!..: J. 1/1:1lAND. Cleveland. J. A. CAL:lillEl, Agq, Pittnbunat RAILIMAD =MEE =II =IEI ~ t ~~.~ : ~ =RE •• 1. • ),I f. Pai P.• • I N.SU RANCE 111. : ( ! 1 1:1\1 4 'S' FIRE AND INSURANLE ILILADELPI.II A. 'sound 14 5300,000 Amount securely 'Deemed stoo,ooo This Company effects Fire Insurance on Buildings, Goods, Vur.itnra. &c. Marine Insurance on Vessels, (Ivy., and Freight. luiwutl I uluraoce on Gouda, by Rivets, Lid;e., eauft/s, Railroads, and Land Carriage generally. Also, lulu re..., upon Lives, upon the most favorable terms 11.. n. Tlkon2A4 noretwo„lamt; E. Nes , If. Armstrong. Ulla, Bs Din,e, FA. l' 111 , 1tIloton, K. R. iiniltihohl, Ifv..rg.• 111/ nit.,14.1, I C Birttst..r, 'I tl,orks Ist.: 10.t.4,1 , TIJONIAS B FIABI.BNCE, Pitll.l.lf PDWAIIf, It iiILMIN.,Lb. Soenntar). RISYKRICN.'ES. . .. ... 11. - .11 T M. 'Lowe, /Inn. J. It M'Clinn• k, Mai. P. C .11.4111.1,,D, C..!. Z., W. Black, 11. n .1 B. Outhrie, A. P. M'Caltnvot, F...vi., Ttintnas .1 Keenan, Evi , Wile.al Nl'Calelless, E'.l Cul .1 11, on F.e.t• lt, ~ .11,11 ./ K .0..,11.4.1, H M 111.1.11 e. '1 he chz1.1,4 ler the nLe,er CA/11114th) 111 of the 11(.1 el/1213, —intent" 11 ...Wet 1 11/.1/All,llk deg, •,1 Fire, Mar i He I.lre 11,111ele, ..1 btalidinkr AT, ft,e, Ito, I 1,41) al.ti UN Stockholde•re. THOMA:I J. HUNTER, Agent, Nn. 1K) Water straet frit.; NRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, I .nsEuvrts—Clotrles W. Balicker, Thomas Ilart, Tobias agnel,likll,l ()rata, Smith, tleo. W. Richards, Mord , Lai D. Lewis, Adolph' E. aerie, David S. Brusrue, r tt , r,rl • Cu At , . N. BANCKEFI, President. IRNCISER, Secretary. Colltiloin to make iilsUratite, perpetual or lltoil.al, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low 11, l' 1 •1141St.•11t with a , curtly. TI/.. CAPllipany have reserve d a Ist4e Contingent Fund, which, with their capital and prem,ooo, stf,•l) its, sled, af. ford ample protection to the assured. The Asset., of the Company, on January Ist, 1661, as pub- Ihiletl agreeably to nn Act of A.vaildy, were an fullovni, viz: Mortgage $916,128 68 L'.:4 Itot it 8-4,377 78 Teinparary 83960 17 Stocks 61,869 ta.) 64,346 61 $1,212,708 44 Since their Incorp,ratkm, a period of twenty no years, they have paid upward of pun Million Four ilundresl note sand Dollars, losses by fine, thereby affordiu,: evidence of the advantages of tosurauce, as well HS the ability and dispositioll to 111,1 t, ith .1. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, Office, north-cud ror. Wood and Third eie P ENNSY LI/ ANI A INSURANCE COM.. PAM', OF PIITSBURCI 11, men, of Fourth and mull Wield crew.. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. 2,300,000. Twin re Buildings and other property against ilkSrl or dam- I,y Fire, and the perils of file bat and Inland Naviga'l..n and Tranxportnlion. • DIRECTOR& Wm. I , ..lolamtutt, Rudy Patterson.' W. M'Cltutock, Kenai -11y T. Ft ien.l, It M. Long, I. Grier Sproul. A J. Jones, tiL-orge R. Whitt', Jamb Painter, A. A. Currier, .Is.mes S. Nt.glvy, W. S. Itsvcil, IVatis Hnotpu.4l, I). K. fork, H. R. Cuggstmll. Ituu. WA!. Y. JOILtiSTON, l'reettlent. BODY PATTPIRSON, Vlce Yrt.l.lont. A. A. CARRIER., .Secrutary nud Treasurer. B. S. CAtutize., Attptiottint secretary. dt,.2.61t1 THE UNITED STATES LIFE IXSV X RANCE, AsNurry AND TRU, , T COMPANY. Pun., trrpd April 2eth. lAZA,. Charter Perr,t 11111 CAPITA!. $2.50.000 Oftlce, South-east corner of Third and Chestnut streg-r, PhiMe:phi. oPFICERI3 OF THE HOME BOARD AT PHILADELPHIA DIFUCTORIS. Stephen R. Crawford, Paul D. Goddard. Ambrose W. Thornpson, Lawrence Joh neon, lienjtunin W. Tingley, Geo. McHenry, Jo, ub L. Florence, James Devereux, William M Godwin, William McKee. Prrntfent—titrphvo R. Crawford. Presnisnt—Ambroom W. Thompson. Moimai Exconturr—PUtsburni.--,lrames R. Wilson, lel 111.:01.rny eily—K. D. Mowry, M. D. E. 111NoLD. Agsnt. e. 711 Fourth street. Pittsburgh. W E I S ., _ 1 , ?. E % - ; II2 ,. A D N A I CI F I C:4 ) P.\ N =BEIM I FL RE :•I I.; LAT.-1 3:1 I'. L.. • ( NiE iwT' , r • . t.`_ Tr, •r v I rig. institution rare, , , arsT 3 To THE PlTTnrikilf DANK. NI )1V OPEN &till - from 9 to 2 ~ ' (•1, . ,•k Wedueslay gal Slaturkley evramg,l;.,, re - ,11.11 1 all earns not lean than O',r the ['rattle deelnreJ to„a a Non', i. .1,,. tinter I nt• te-t tatted tit the rate. • 1 -,1 f II ,a 61.. t '.l r, • the Chit., ter. 11,1.1"..., Ica . 41,1 fo. o. ftle. I ktr.ttet tli &N A. te NI h. alb 61, JitttE Y• 11,111, It II Ft. r`rott lets Pintgli, Theolmild Unttethsettet, 1ea.... 1I l'ettotwk, Wtlli•on .1 A n.1..11,1 11.1..,,i1 iirl.r.Url, e osi ..• 1.., li. W It, VI ,114.1, e . • 111.4, .1 ~ tire W istmn, ielle.l.ter ttrh•tfry, V alinnl Philllim, J,1;11t; P. kitf-t; litil Cillbr(ln =MIME r. 1•• A 1 ' P4.11,1 II t.,11., A C-1,, hATI.I• , 11,0 F 10.1.110. JAIIA•11 J:mt, i;.N.:tt. S. S...l.tett, r AIS I.LS A CO uruN 11" s Z' 61{1:AT 11*()Rii ! Nis! r este: • 4. t he „f •,• \h. C:1,11111• /.1,• if. tar Head what the • I r.• .V us74/1• rin this seeh's pais r !•1 T! ~ Iss.k, ly ”ne til.• not , t poiallar author, in I. :d. ‘. Its b•stn it!stied m Ow idthlisher's ser st L. Cl•• r! I. s res...irrs !!f tles lament literdtai of 11., .1, !!.! d.I s ;a tinted A 1 it h the mune, and the !las antli!!r , tr! 114 r st) le inn pleasniat one, and lion ht.., • taarlt,d now Iktd 11.41,d ,Ith the :11. , nt I,lllLifflt thd :•;i twit, with all phloirt. hnt/Mii I• r . all ths charafal!rs Isang extwdingly wrll dray n. zPi II l• It halesatne eharacter, and the pl.!!! ,u• • ! uol znana r nals•nt ees idones of great hint. slid] an I gni! St nil the istt t "(the wriu.r. It is It work trhi! I, th ;!1!—I and von!p4...st may alike ',ad critic profit. Third Edition toady this day: I N DIA. THE PEARL OF PEARL RIVEN. 1.51. NIEL& Sot Tuwtßitt. I 1111 . 11,1, !Mee.," 4.1 it. Everyt•KNly buying It. :mil a a: w.th it. F, sale Iy n VISII ENG TACKLE, of every variety and wile at !SOWN h TETLEV'S, ,p 1 Sign of the Golden Gun. - - • _ D ~ZORS, RAZORS, RAZORS.---Peraon, rlogiroun of haring a good clean dative, can get one ol Ilia rely Lost Razors for p. WllrremWtl or no sale, at DOWN .h TETLEY'S, apl Sign of the Golden Guu. I ( 11l SPLENT)II.) , N... 7 RODS, the heel ever brought to Oita mat hot, tot ^ale at BOWN a TETLEY'S. ,p 1 Sign of the Golden Gun. D OLL BUTTER-5 lible. prime this doe XL received and for sale by up 2 IIHNIVY IL COLLINS. PIANOS FOR TILE HOLIDAYS!—CuAR- Lorre &met, 118 Wood street, has just . . te. - eived a complete assortment ofd, 6;463 , ,,. - !":"f 'V, 7 and 7t octave Plano Fortes, of the ni haeat. etylee, and containing all the new improve.' . : y I men ts, among which are the following: Full Brand Louts XIV. style, carved lyre, legs, case, Sr , Full Serpentine, with sliding music desk, do do Semi do du do do do LOllll X IV. style, to du do d o ,‘ 1 do with pearl keyn, do ,b, Round corners, finished back and front_ do plain. Square , orners, finished back and front. d., plain. The 7 1 i octavo is a new sale, larger than any male hen e tot.,re. Also, several SECOND HAND PLANO& line it , ee,k , r. ni II ,a•tarn Pine,. Forte, with iron frame, near!, aa cool an are:, ler .1 . .f..!.,0 One Mahogany 6 oc do ta‘e Piano, In good order 10.: 11 110 do do do lob PIANO STOCILS of every variety, at prices tram $l. to vo, F,,r Anln lv CHARLOTTE BLU3IE, 118 Wood et_ derlb Second door above Fifth. i tilt I'ETZ , • t'A It PETS ' ' --A T M'CADXSPYL--.11...f ' , I k, ~.-.J. ~u,l daily coming to hand. a lar g ,. aud : • , I.• ,, rna , •nt • , 1 g , .-4.,a in the above 111.1 e. 10(111'1111g V.. 1,1 1111.1 1 'ipeetry Brussels Carpet. Three-ply. Fuperline. Mrttarl au Law-priced Ingrad \ 1..!..1._• u ad,: 1 spestr I ugrain, t a peat razi,•ty toru•.• I.: - :,,ic. r.m....41,. or,; N..1.,..-1:1 1./c l l no I ..'1 I r i 0 I • ' .1 pntrort.: 1 Ll/, Crumb NUL., , ttltf find Ive Carprta, French Etatax,,d ::1 ' :n1 Tu lo Cnvere; Hearth Hitge au l D.• q' 1 great ‘,lr.t All ...titer articles uaaally found iu (1%r1.,; .E..staLtly on hand at ti 7 Fourth arrest, no tL r W. D. 1 IL NVCALLUII. I RON CITY COLLEGE—DAY AND EVENING CLASSES IN WOE-KEEPING —ln all dapartmeots, including Ilin!Ir new and highly valuable improvements, Which ere not elaewhere taught Large chimes attend even Iliga onto receive a thorough nierrentile education. Lectures upon nil the studies delivered to Evening Clatitsmea. Arithroeti. i new byatetn) and ita application to business. Also, writing include,: in the Nteratatile Conine, or taught separately Call 1 ,, r a Circular for full particulars at College !Jail, op poen.° the Pont Mice. F. W. JENKINS, Principal. novl4 BUILDING LOT FOR SALE.—A lot :24 feet on WYLIE street, and extending back 109 feet to Wide alley. On the back part of the lot is a Cellar Wall, built for two smell homes. This let is is a desirable location foi a residence; and will be sold low, and on favorable term, Title good, and clear from incambrance. E•tignire of OEO. F GILLMORE, J)l2 at the aloe of Morning Puet. 3 , lAG AZIN ES FOR FEBRUARY.— Harper's Magazine for February—price B/ canto. 1. ,ss.su's Magazine for February—price 10 cents. serene's Ladies' Magazine fiw February—price 17 cis Leslie's N. y. Journal for February —price 18 teats. Yankee Notions for February—price 12 crate. London Illustrate s:I Newa—price 32 cents. Froth supply of N. Y. Clippers, containing account Prase Fight of Walker and Hayes. I , a_ley expected this afterucssn, with various new Bonk,— and for sale lower than elsewhere, at Jan. LAUFFER'B BOOKSTORE, No. 30 Mb at. LER) us, of the most beautiful and unique S designs, perfect workmanship, and beet material, matiu, fa - tared and furnished lu two days' time, by _ BIGELOW & _J *4 N. 4 Diamond alley. Pfttabar&h. ffrkiiPEß'S MAGAZINE FUR APRIL- Nv A. GILDENVENNEY h CO have Harper, for alei. ler sale at their Ch Beekdtere. Path strget, app. •itr the Thattrrn. ruh2o MOIMMII.I EIEZEZM i ~~::S ' ~.~-~l.v t Jaznam llrt dill., Jt.ttli M konti I.k J,.ttit It W,tit• r P Nint A M 11. nil - 1,t1160,,i. MINER .4 I'll.. Nu. 32 Smithfield street 1.44,4 11,1 Canada.._ .. ... .. :4.4.. 1 r4,4.,—... , 4; ir.,:tti.•r . 4:w.. 144d4a.4...i IL, ! -art ~ 1 Pear! I,lver ... .. 4,1.12 C444irt4b,n4n .44f W..med Lit, . . .... 41.12 I tailar ,!...4-,b1,4 -by .7 .1 Jar, i: , . I 'll 9 Cltriatine., or Woman'S Trials 11,12 London News for 314,A 15th. L44odon Pnneb, I*.f. 4, London Timm, . .. . ... ln, Llarper fur February, 1.55 d .. 42, Pere.. alp, want 13,14 and readable, Books 1,,a,, 11,,,, they can be trod elsewhere.4.ane to LA UPFF.R'S BOOK-STORF aI.::. Nu. 77 FourtL rittot. `TEAM ENGINE AND PUMP PACKING 1.0 AND LINING —TUCK'S PATENT ELASTIC PACK ING AND LINEYE, for all parts of steam Engines, Pumps, , where soft packing ie [wed. F.nitineeie and all dthi-rs who hate used this Pnoking acknowledge itasnyriotity t.trr all other kinds known. The advantages are: great durability, easing ..f tall.,w, reduction of friction, consivaeutly saving of power; a Lester vacuum is maintained on long voyages by vessels than be any other material, thereby economizing fuel. It don; xid require to he taken out of the stuffing box., but being packed in a metallic cone, fitted inside the stuffing box, the packing is gradually consumed, thus saving time and material It is made in lengths of twelve feet, from a.n to 2 inches diameter, and also lit sheets of any size and thickness re quird. Samples of the Packing, and models of the Clines, can be Seen, and order, Kill be received, at W. F HAVEN'S STATIONIMY WAREFIOUSZ, at l Market street, curlier of ...cowl U l l RESEI FERN LEAVES ---NEW YORK Ms - BOER—Devoted to Choice Literature, Romance, News and Commerce, decidedly the beat literary paper pule Anierica, .11c1 since the great literary name and American favorite, FANNY FERN writes exclusively for this !raper every week during the year 1856, it should cer tainly make it one of the moat attractive papers in this coon. -try. We Carl supply back Nos. from the let of January. 42411 and take a look ut the paper at 016 LAUFVER•B Book Store, No. 30 Fifth street. T AWNS AND BRILLIANTES . .-JA. A. 14 MASON CO are Jut opening 10 caws more of fine French Chintres and 1311111antil, entirely new and desirable %Lyle% api NEMO E=MM BANKERS AND BROKERS - - - - - - IVI ' '-' ,. 1 . I\ I)( 1( 01 IS I.'t),) , k and gill 111.),Iter, ,AII, N 0.9:: 1... t ill +t 1.. t, a 1.,, re 1rt.a.f.N..1. ~ braftP, b.a.1.14, Mort,taes a... 1 I.r.nn, ..II ..1, 11 . 41. 1,,,kt.mtv,1 . .t..4. - ka lokalglit al,l e... 111 ...I ...1/11isinot..” I.lt/..1 Wni I ila.te katalit and POl.l. Pat ticulnr 1111.011LiOn paid to thA par eilitriO and ~./do 1.1 " per Ahocks. All communications attended to prornruk. janl9 110LMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex . cloth .4 , 1. Brokers, and Dealers In Notes, Drafts, A ovept• am.es, tlohl, ;Wirer and Beak Ni,.,.0 Exchange 'to the East. , n R.? Wr••11.•1 11 Citie, r. , uatautly fiu- lute. Collectin, tomle in all the cities throughun: the United Staten. Depodits reteived lii par flunk or current lam-, N,, t,7 Market street, Letween Third and Fourth eta. pea Ely E. ARNOLD & CO., Bankers and EX k_A . change Brokers. Dealers in Exchange, Cola. Batik Sight and Thee Inafts, Ae. Collectimm carefully at. tended to, and proceeds remitted to any iatrt of the thdon. moeks bought awl sold on comininsion. Isar No 74 Fourth street, next door to the Batik of Pith.. buret]. sepl3 JOIIN WOODS, Banker anti Exchange Ey Broker, Dealer iu Exchange, Commercial and Bank Note.. Stock bought nod sold on ColllllllllfliOn. Collectintes l • aret idly attended to. Interest paid uu Deposit. 44" No r.:5? , Fourth ntieet, nearly opposite the SI. M. Bank. &dB rptiomAs WOODS, Commercial Broker, and it_ Dealer in Notes, Bonds, Emckm, Real Estate, hr., No. 76 Fourth ntteet, Pittsburgh, Pa. Junk DRY GOODS NEW SPRING GOODS—No. 74 .111a.rk(st street, Pittsburgh, Pa. The subscribent Imre just to-- now opening their first arrival of SPRING GOODS, to ccldrh they whh I. call the pat-tit:tiler attention ~1 their rieumiters and the public g. Octane. W- flatter our selves that we have tower been able to r it:13141,4W' and deldrable a stock no the present. Our DRESS GOODS DEPAII.TMENI' ,ontaii, all the te styles and novelties of the en . a.atal— EXIIIII rich Black and Colored sloiratitique .lasper, Chew* and Striped • Plain, Striped and Plaid Black Twisted Silk Flounced Robes: " Challi •• Ilucege Lawn •• •• Also, Tis s ues, Bareges, Challies. Lawns, In. SIIAWLS AND MANTLES. Our Shawl and Mantle Room is supplied with all the hew style" of Crape, Cashmere, Stella, Silk, Brocini, Chatitilla, Lace, Sc.. Sc.. NEEDLE IVOR B. Our stock of Collars, Flouncing", Sleeves. Ar, in not sur passed by any stock West of the NI ountaloo. Aka.,. a good assortment of MOURNING AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. • DO3l KSTI Prints, Gingliams, Cheek,., Muslin,., Ticking, Kentucky JeKfia.Cassinetts. CUbMialarell.Cotton, Linen and Pant Stull - , Sc. Also. Glov.s. Hosiery. Ribbons, and every other article usually kept in a ti rsts•lass Dry (load" lion., to which we solicit a cull and examination before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident we have never been able to exhilrit a desirable nark. wyte BROTHERS. Formerly Young. Stevenadli & Love, mhl7 74 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa. AWONDERFUL DISCOVERY hut recent ly been made by Dr. Cram, of this city, in the treats meat or Cotommption, Asthma, and all dlisenaes of the Lung& We refer to "Ds. Conyi& LITOZAPIA, OR INiTALLRO Hunan VAPOR AND CEIDREIT Srativ." With this new method, Dr. C. lain restored many afflicted onee to health; an an evidence of which, ho lice Innumerable certificates. Speaking of the treatment. a physician remarks: "It is evident that Inhaling —comaantly breathing an agreeable, healing vapor—the medicinal properties must come in direct contact with the whole &oriel cavities of the lunge, and thus escape the many and varied changes produced upon them when introduced into the stomach, and subject to the procesg of digestion." The flygearia is for sale by all the Druggists throughout the country."—!Veto York Dutchman of January 14. The Inhaler In worn on the breast, under the linen, with out the least ItICODVOLIIDUCD—CIie heat of the body . .being sufficient to evaporate the Sold. hundreds of canon of curia:, like the following, might be named: One paekage of the Hygrana has cured me of the Asthma, pinta yearn' standing. J. P. KIEDBUIT. Postmaster of Duricannon, Pa. I am cured of the Asthma, of ten years' standing, by Dr Curtin' ifygeautt. Mnitomirt Banos, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mtn. Psta., of No 5 Hammond street, N. Y., woo cured of a severe case of Bronchitis by the Ilygrana My Meter bee been oared of a distreasing cough, of several yearn' standing, and decided to be Incurable by the physi ciaim. She wee clued In one month, by the Ifygeann. 4. IL GADLINIDT, tilchmoaA, hie. The Rev. Dr. Cannons, of New York, testifies of our med. our ID the folion Ing language; - Q . T. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and Sr. . . New lioax,NOvernber Dear Sir—l think highly of Dr. Corm' Ilygeana an a ran. I.J • ':ii oi - ^“ts, Pittelinrgh, Pa.--The undersigned, forma- edy in diseases of the throat and lunge. Having bed soma. .o'B hotel." having taken thin large and cumin - opportunity to teatify its efficacy, lam convinced that it is /1., El.. and Ing refitual it in LIDIrIifICDOI most excellent medicine, Loth the Syrup and rho inhaling •- . rt.!' y it, Lin friends and the traveling putla- applimtion to the chist. •.• tired. with the convenience of tho BI KE —Dr. Curtis' Hygeann io the Oftli/DIAL and ONLY .• - ^ •• to too Duane:is, At, n GENUI ARTICLE; oil rth...rs Fire Lear imitata.no, or vile . barges moderate. and LNICRIULIS Cut,DterfeitA. 6/11.111 theta anal}, Wll. C. CONNELLY P 01907. - " 7.\ Ilot7E corner of Lilar- Foc Pala by Dr Goo. IL Keyser, tau Wood "helot; R. k. ;.,Ilea A Dec. khan, ine,.11,..ny Gip;a , . , • . , Railroad Depot. =ant, New bri t ;htun ; C. L Etilder, J:ME: , LIA ',NOY. Proprietor. royltrisni to CLOTHING. NEW CLOTIIING STORE, No. 4 Sixth street, opposite Liberty. The subecriber lout Just [pell et.' thin new entatoliabinent, where he has alwayn on hand it large and choice amortinent of all articles or CLAYTH I NH. which be warrants equal to any in the city, and will sell .at the met reasonable prices. The public are requested to give him a call. jruartelyl D. OPPENHEIMER. HOTELS ANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ, PROPFLIETOII. Nn. :14-1 Liberty street., Just beside thy lms,riger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which 'ludo,. it the most convenient hone. in the city fur pansongers an F ring by that rued. The proprietor having, at ronsiderahle expense, fitted up, In excellent style, the MANSION DiOUSt would reaps,. r fully noltrit a share of public pntr•Juage. There is aitadvsl a splendid and extensive WAGON YARD, atlotd. in 4 ample ...commdati, Mt to travelers awl teenniters 11,4 Larder and Bar will be forniahed with the bent the market ran afford lebl.y R EST A U RANTS Tri;NET ALE.—W. D. I:St.:L.lSi', Sole AI, I'. !tlel ••t" reld,ratpd liet.liott Ale a.n56. 1 . Br, Nu lha Alm, Common Ale and I , ,rter. In quart and pin! attoLititl , •1 farr.diel, and tlio trade, ia C.i, it. i. nutty Ail I N O fi k L vr, 1 1 , 1 ' ) 21:1 \ t l ;i t A Z , riAvNul:c 11 111.11,1 WTII I III2 .1.1 tsittlit; the tiLore fur.. ages .1 • fri,-.1 1 /11., .111. 11 1 5 Yi •.1 Ihe 1,6 t 0! , J.4 , 11•11i 1. .11..1 liens the J.Wir•l ly riiHE ADAMS EX RESI IIIIF- 00311':‘ N 1 . - • RUCIIESTEIt AND NEW BRIGEITON Yot esp., ial m tainontalistion id the Lary, is iodation alone tho tined rue t tido and PelittgylVAl.:3 oad, between Pitt-it-111,h tool Nen litaghton, whose intiniaie rielinotet loot sot lid relati,h, re,inito oneh Ail. 4 4 444 •t. A DA 114 pp.}::ais (a; \WAN I hare 111nAle soil/ HI the Hotlio4l.l itS t.. 'ltable then. to gait ti Until)" ‘l,,,oottgor on the Train, who Will take • hor,‘.. ,•I Pull pioport) and !maim.,ra properly entrwtted haw 110 Will I,..tt‘e New 8110/( 11 11 I') the •••Htaitt WWI Allegheny City dining the .1u) I to swill culitlitimi“tlH puss Only to• twit ruatod to him, no .t I,) (1,.• Eioning Train, with hut Cloutier Anil Cutout, , Alt good,. dc, Will Ire 1101%1,1,1.W ailed rot in the two tuna+. ottion ilintans-e, without extra Lorne: tot to/ ittniire 1.1,•11 delivery, the direction on pink., ,eAt soyeeially for priialo loins., should lee explicit. 11'0y :station,. all matter will be left with the liitation A e ,int or the ltatlrsiod Company, when the proper party in not at the Station oh the arris alter the Train, to teco,sti his TI , charged f, carrying packaar,s, Sr., and for ~,,der,,t by the M,Set”..:.•r, are totrlided to Lr nithin t. s.,nable lititita When the 111111 Ire of the bn-in,,4 is +II It admit of it, laa . i4l agreement,' will I, 011edr. II F.N111( ii, 11t1'IN LA., been app.pinted Di.ro,r seer. ndt unnence 1,1, dialea ii. et•lial.. I 2.a, OFFICES AND AOENT. 4 . I^dtAtatrgli—C4 Fourth sti‘,l.. Allegben City—Telegraph utile, lia)4vilh•—Cantain Hay. Station-51r. liclauGhi u. 1.,+ - heater—Mr. White. Bearer—Dr. Chandler. NOV Brighton—Mr.llt..op. OFTICE ADAM E3PD.E.138 Co./ Pittsburgh, Doe. 'dal - 41855. f i 0 TIIOSE WllO WlBll FARMS!!!-'P, have FERTILE LAND at a CHEAP PRICE, and ..a easy terms, your attention is called to the Ridgeway Facie and coal Company. Twenty-five acres, or mine In prop: teen, are given for ram), payable in Instalments of $1 p, week or $4 per month. It is located in Elk county, Pa..,,iel MA one of the best markets for its produce in the :date. The null lea a rich loom, and Ls not to be surpassed for far.- tog, an examination will show. It as ALL COAL LAND, underlaid by two rich reins, which, on amount of its facility to the Lake market, will shortly become of Immense value. The Sunbury and Ere. It. R. passes directly through it, which in now under from Erie to within a abort distance from Ridge. v. my. The Allegheny Valley IL It. also passes through it, connecting it with New York and. Pittsburgh. The Timber nu It is of the most valuable kind. Title unexceptionably good, and warrantee deeds are given. It presents a good and substantial opportunity to commence farming, providing for one's children, or making an investniant sure to increase in value. A new ere is sow opening to this region of coy', try, and it cannot but become of great value. In a short twin Coal Land will be treble its present price_ itartlier particulars can be had from the pamphlets, which ere sent to enquirers. Letters answered promptly. Apply or address SA3I'L W. CATELL, ' 135 Walnut at., Phila. Full information is contained in the De- dilute. ffebi:din G. T.BROTT 0 CURTIS BROTT & CURTIS, Dealers in Real Vstate, St. Anthony Fade, MinneeotaTerritory. Land bought nod sold throughout the Territory. Money loaned, inveet meuts made to the beet advantage, and Land Warranta lora. ted. Also, Agent), for the wile of Lots in the town of ST. f1,01.11i, 66 mitre front St. Anthony, and bead of navigation al. or the Palls. The survey of the great Pacific Railroad riotiees the Mississippi at this point, and the numerone ad vantages it poeaeseee as a place of business, will make It one of the largeet tutee in the NurthweaL REPERINCJUI : Ex-Governor Ramsey. fi.l. Wlll. 11. Welsh, Chief Justice of Miunesoto I 100 J. Meeker. Hon. 11. M. Rice, Delegate to enngress. Rice, llolllngshteld Sc &ricer, Attorneys at LAW. Messrs. Boron & Oaks, Bainknm. Rev. T. M. Fullerton, Register of 0 9, Land 011L.e bep2o STEW BOOKS, &c.--Household Words fi•r 11 Apr.l • ..p! 1.11 t• hit:Arnfur April ..... . . .. ....... 'lie. r,.. , ,u , zo :t EMBE • S . ' F' I' Elt AND A4IJE Cllit E. 1. 4 1011. the Prevention and rare o 1 iNTERAI IT TENT AND RI/Arrltti? FAVIMA, Fir en AND AOLIL, enfll.4 AND Fr in Mb AnIJA, OEM ARAL "'AMU'S. NIGHT IAIT atal nll I , rin. DtnnnAo wl.lOl bairn a comn4.l, In NIA I,A ti I A owl .111AS31A. 'l'ln. ie HN A It AJ, A NTI Mak:, N, lalch will entirely tent any reefd,nt ur Iraveler, even In the mist sickly niainiii.y any Ague or I:lliiinti dreease w hat• ever, Huy inJiit y !rims ranetautly Inhaling Abdul Stinenia. It wall instantly check the Ague In tweltotin who have cut fend for noy kindle of time, front one (ley to twenty yen., no Om they need never have t1111711)17 chili, by Confinelug Ito ttke a , .-ording t., , 11.-ttion.. 'rim patient et once Lenient to recover tippet ite strength, and continues until n parole. ant and redirill cure in effected. 1,..r to,, bottles will answer for orfllnary caeca; Auttlb linty require Directions In GOnnlin, Fran. it Stoutleth twcotnianty each ttle. Price--Otis I.ll.erel made to the trade. JAMES A. RIIODES, Providence, It. I EVIDENCE OF SAFETY. Nay Yong. June 11, 1855. •• I hare !undo a chemkal examination of 'Rhodes' Fever and Aano Cure,' or Antidote to Malaria,' and have tmitud it fur Arxenlr, Mercury, Quinine and Btrychnino, hut !lava not found a parade of either In it, Our bare 1 found any bilbstance In Ito compmsltion that would prow luitiriond to the eunstit talon. - . " LEWISBURG. Union county, Pa., May 2, 1b 5 6. Mr. J. A. Rhodes—Dear Sir: The lax of medicine you ant me won duly received on the 11th of April. I have Field about emshalf of it, and so far the people who have need It ere eatistied that it boa enrol them. It has certainly stopped the Ague In every one who has used It, and eix of the races were of long standing. My sister, who has had it for five years bock. and could never get it stopped, except by Qni eine. And that only 1131 long as ahe would take it, is now, I think, entirely cured by your remedy. C. It. M'GIINLY." CAUTION TO AOUE SUFFERERS. Take no more Arsenic, Mercury, Quinine, Strychnine, r A n tid'eriodics or medicines of any kind, the virtue of which is owing tn such Nisonous drugs. The most they can do Is to "break the chills" for a short time, while they are mire to came constitutional maladies that cense only with life. Remember that the only Fever and Ague remedy that a harmless as well NI sure, is Fever and Ague Cure. 4j For sale by JOlll , l MITCHELL, and Druggists gene whl7alkw ÜBE OF ASTHMA. AND CONSUMPTION. BROUGHT HOME TO THE DOOR OF THE WELWOR Drat (figgij Xitillebtr. iok. oftWOßT Zi so- Dr. Roger' Syrup of 4iirt _t\lthaV Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Asthma, CONSUMPTION. TQE above Expectorant, prepared by an experienced? Physician and Chemist, has now become a standard . Preparation, and is offered fee the COMPLEPE CURE of those diseases of the THROAT and LII:4111131 , 4 which, it neglected, usually terminate fatally In C0N.... Si I* :11IPT lON. It contains no Opium, automat., , any mineral whatever, but is composed entirely of thous Roots, Herbs, and Vegetable Substance., which have specific influence upon the Lungs and their connected organs. Its Immediate effect, is to allay all Irritation, and gently remove the phlegM and other morbid secre tions, from the Throat and air-passages, thus relieving the Cough, by subduing the inflammation and other Causes which give rise to it. It Is approved of and re-1 commended by Physicians of the highest standing, and may be given with perfect afety to the youngest child or the most delicate female. Lem than half a bottle will generally cnre any • nary COLD or COLIC IL, by following the 411reclions. • One bottle 13 usually sufficient for a oast of loft ar• enza. A few doses wilt relleYo Tickling la Unarm/I or Iloarseuesa. One bottle trill effectually stop Spitting Blood. Three to &a bottles only are required to Bronchi- 1 tie or Asthma. Four to Eight bodies will cure any case of tncipl. , i j en t Consumption. 01141 bottle is warranted alwayato do good, and satisfy the patient that ho le on the right road to a CUlt E. Judge now whether or not it is beet to use P. Coln]: eaten on file at the office front multitudes of restored suf. I ferers. 1 A. L. NOVELL dc Co., Proprictort l / 2 ; No. 804 BROADWAY, (cor. Donna Bt.) New - York. 1 For Hale by all Druggista throughout the United Slats.' and Maeda& SW Far sale, wholesale and retail, bysp. R. SELLERS - & CO., corner Wood and Second streets. , Sold also by HENDERSON & 11110 s Liberty 'treat; IL P. SCHWARTZ, and BECKHAM A. SIKENNAN, Allegheny City. • - mpr uovSoktiew PRIVATE DISEASES—DR. BROWN, No. 50 Smithfield street, between Third nod Fourth etreeta, devotee his entire attention to en Office Prac tice. lib business is, for the meet part, confined to private Venereal Diseases, and each rainftti affeclons, 4 broeght on by Imprudence, youthful indulgence an exceea. t 4 Syphilis, Syphilitic Eruptions, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Urethral Discharges, Impurity of the Blood , with , of the Venereal Organ. Skin Diseases , Scorbu tidlit tip Totter, Ringworm, Mercurial Diseases, Seminal Wealmeaa, Impotency, Piles, Rheumatism, Female Weakness, Monthly Suppressiona, Mimeses of the Joints, Fistula in Ann, Nervous Affections, Paine in the Back and Mine, Irritation of the. Bladder and Kidneys, !mecca:rally treated. Core guaranteed. Twenty years' practice (ten In this city) enables Dr. Brown to offer aaturances of a speedy cure to all who may come tin der his care. Ogle° and Private Consultation Rooms 00 Smithfield st y between Third and Fourth attests. sir Charges moderate. [notbidawll DR. BROWN AT 110 ME.—Dr. BROWN ix now at his new quarters, No. 50 SMITIIFIELD STREET, where the afflicted are invited to call. Certain, cafe and !Toady cures In all caries guaranteed. Femmes af flicted with the following disease. ehonld not fail to get Ids advice; Syphillia, Uonorlue, (Meet, Strictures, Urethal Dis charges, Impurity of the Shod, end all diseases of Venereal origin; Skin Dieessee, Totter, Ring Worm, Mercurial Paine, Seminal Weakness, Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of the Joints, Fistula in Arm, Nervous Affection; Pain In the Bark, Irritation of the Bladder and Kldney-A rip; _DR. BROWN continues to be consulted for the core of SECRET DISEASES. KW success in longstanding cast. Ia unequalled. The afflicted aro Invited to call without delay. Persons afflicted with Venereal Die_ cow, Rheumatism, Piles, or Seminal Debility, should not delay to get his adtice. Letters containing a fee, immediate ly snsweted. IRS. Of/Ica and Private Noania, No 60 Smithfield .treat, isstween Third and Fourth .treat.. Pittabargh. ,16.20 AV ANTED—Six good Oirls, to do general homework. Tn - n or three good Cooke fur city and' country. A Boy. fl 7 to learn a trade; must ho well rrcuw mendt.d. Alen, place. for four or fire Ohls to do chamber nr dining-innul work. Four Noye in stores or to run erranda, and oratt moo at any Find of employment. Apply at 1.04711 E'S Se o intelligence Office, feb2o N. 14 Fifth street rrI.IE SATISFACTORY REMEDY—Froin 1 all parts of country, north and eouth, the propriii tors me aluicet daft h receipt ut end flattering tvatirrieni ..ial, as the hake:log, relative to B. A. Fulnestuck's unectnal od • Clitemtanotto', Ala, April littb, 1845. M-sars. B A Poiloteafnek cf. fit. —I have been selling your Vet inituar la title piece for the years, and take pleasure in butting, for the information k n o w, he trade and of tho public", that it bee been, eo far as I one of the must satisfac tory remedies In the market, and one of the most minable medicinea we have. I have also personal knowledge of Its god effects in onerous cases under the treatment of our physicians, all of whom Usti it regularly, rind elan) s found ato be gee and reliable an a worm apecltie I ran recom mend it alt one of the safest and billet in the market. STOLLENWERCK Prepared aed aeld by DA. Flint FSTOCK & CO., inh2o corner of Wood and First nee, Pittsburgh liAVE YOU TRIED witrairrs PM:7411711 KATUARION If nnt, try and you will never he without it Be sure to oak for WRIGHT'S PREMIUM KATHARION, Or you may get a worthless article. OAI.. For wile by all bragEbitt , in Ceuta per bottle. Wholesale Western Depot, RRYSER, R. E. SELLERS A co., sad JOHN HAFT. 1 DROSS CLOVE ANODYNE just received and fur toile by ELPLMING BROS 1 Ul - 1,1 Pa3 - son's Indelible Ink, 3 Cox's (Maine, 300 lbs. Pal Ammoniac, " Crude Tartar, 2 bbls. Doe Drop Black, 2 " Rose Pink, (AN S AS.—A. A. J j MASON ACO will •vti, Alanday, April 21st • Ilkt nem. fine Spring Ihnineta, in Silk, Crape, Straw, he and ar lb , Inuit Paris styles Also. san:ther it of Stik Au to sod Lace ItuW V 1,41 t:1,i11011Abi, .3_ 210 Fifth .treat ap2l MEE - 4 : 0 ' ';;;. 4.;:', MEDICAL. JAMES IL CHILTON, M. D., Chem kt EVIDENCE OF BIERIT INHALATION MEM NEW AND VERY WONDERFUL. HYGEANA AND ALT, OTHER LUNG COMPLAINTS TENDING TO ; .4 .4 :: t ; .. (r a h2.l
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