Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, March 27, 1856, Image 3
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"•, , .- 7 * 1 3 'ltZ,f r li,;t 4 sl,l 4 r. ttmft" 1 1 qi,r -s " 1 / 4 . 1 '4• ' 4 44 ' l '4 4, :1 1, Vf 1: 'R.it ' '. 4 f l •4:1 4 ,1`• ;7 4 4 : 4' Co - - 2 ,-",' '7,' , . •.1.., e ij.**,, f ~' ' .. .. 0 3 '..p'—''' , ' 1 - '4.- AL *Oar* ' ll G ...1% t of 1,,,,i Itfit" ...' ' ' ,-,... ' , '''' . • '-. ~ 4' h , J am. 4 x. - "'t = ' o tztr ..-} 1.. 44. 11 . 0 - ‘ - ' • ,' ,- .-'•', - , p - - •5 1.- ~"*- -, li° Me . ..`°,l,war' 'I , .r 4 , t.,t,,,f,r‘ ` .r., , , -, . ''' 'f, d .4--t.t ..., rr : K ~. ~.. ' tppt , 1 4 : 411. .4 1 . .., 4 ' ~ •• % , ' • " r t, ... ... 4.. ft' t '....., .e. t' V• .. 'i.e. .." '' ' "'•• ''' ,• . ••• *••• 'a d 0 ',.- ,•• ... i,,{e : 0 * ,,..P11F' '•_', -, , , • ''', l ' * ...,I* ` , l ••• '`.. - .• -,_ (.* A - .' '. - 4 -* - ,'*.3 i ' sT A.. 4.. r't 0 4 4.; r e 1 , -,' .• .. i • .rj. '^ ', ',' di - ' ' 'l,• ri.P'b i t .....t- .A* • .. k • • ''. -f' ii.,.. 0 , rt ' ' : " 1,4 .. L. ° t-,, 1 4444' :',% ''' "' *:•:-. '., ‘` r' i - i f 1 ,;, , ,t'-wi :: -. c ,i , tt .: ~- . • qi,._; g ‘ , i 'd., &. *4 4 , * e . ,,,x' l s. f' 4 , ' l 'k u ' 4: ... ' ' L . 4.9 m: '`. '' ;t' '' '* *4 4 W . 4- ' ' .- • '...., .1 " `. P t , 1 mr:' ' ' , r *fT " ,l* 4 ,- 4 sr . •••1.r.41.4 ~-.. IT: : , 'i r . 4 .1.,.6.4. 4 - , .41ZAlre VI".1}: 4' 2 ' It? f 1. '7 4 ii‘;`,l'..iv 4, • svet-' to PteS ll-17141 " . 2449"..-"P' t. 0 - , . LOCAL AFFAIRS. THURSDAY MORNING Court of Quarter Seesione.—llott. Win. B. M'Clnre, President Judge; Hon. Gabriel Adams and Wm. Boggs, Associate Judges, on the Bench. WEDNESDAY, March 28. Commonwealth vs. James Miller (colored); indict ment, larceny of q mantel clock from the residence of Augustus Washington. The jury returned a ver dict of grand larceny, but recommended him to the mercy of the court The prisoner was sentenced to ono year's imprisonment in the Western Penitentiary. Commonwealth vs. Goo. Page; indictment, grand larceny, on oath of Jacob Stuckrath. The defend ant was charged with stealing twenty calf-skins from the tannery of the prosecutor, in Allegheny city. A portion of the hides wore subsequently sold by the defendant to a German butcher in the Fifth ward market, who identified him upon trial. No defence was made, and the jury returned a verdict of guilty. Defendant sentenced to two years in the Peniten tiary. Commonwealth vs. Casper Negley ; indictment, assault and battery, on oath of Frederick Rook. The defendant is . Supervisor of Collins township; and the complainant alleges that while remonstrating with him for turning the water from the road into a spring belonging to the prosecutor, he struck him upon the nose, injuring him very severely. The de fence alleged interference with his official duties as a justification of the assault. The jury returned a verdict of guilty. Commonwealth vs. Samuel Hamilton; indictment, obtaining goods under false pretences, on complaint of Henderson Wilson. The prosecutor, who keeps a clothing store on the corner of Liberty and Market streets, testified that in July a year ago, the defend ant entered his store and wanted to make contracts to send hands With orders fur clothing. Ile repre sented himself to be of the firm of James h John O'Neil, at M'Keesport, and stated he had a farm Mere worth $7,000. Ho desired to seed his hands with orators, and would pay for the clothing they pur chased, at every coal-boat rise. Ile also said that he wished to procure some clothes himself, which he would pay for at the same time. Upon the strength of these representations Wilson sold hint goods to the amount of $34,95, but subsequently learned, or Mut reason to believe, that the representations were false, and brought an action against him fur false pretences. In defence, it was shown that the state ments made were strictly true. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty, and defendant pay costs. Henry Hoover plead guilty to the larceny of a log chain, and was sentenced to two month's imprison ment in jail. James Simms plead guilty to stealing a hog and a number of chickens, and wan sentenced to nix months in the same institution. Greet Fent rit Shingle Jfilkiii9.--We have had fro• quent occasion within the past few months, to notice an ingenious piece of mechanism called Kendall's Double Acting Shingle Machine. Mr. Kendall has recently improved on what we had before thought was almost n perfect machine, (and what had been scrutinized without finding fault by committees com posed of our best mechanics and practical tuou,l and few days ago invited a number of uur citizens to witness Its working. The result was completely sat iefsetery. as the ft:Bowing card from the oye.wituess es will show: We, the undersigned, being together, for the pur pose of testing the working abilities of A. Kendall's patent Improved Riving and Shaving Shingle Ma. chicle, certify, that in the space of thirty.tive eon et.eutive minutes, easy running, it split from the block, and Ftia•ved one 1,1 0 4a/OliVi aeren hoods,/ and dirty-tiro ailing!.> in a aIIAXII,Of more perfect, am' uniform, than is done lij• hand. We also state that the timber used was not of greet quality, sound and free from twist, as required, to show the greatest working speed of the machine. doses Borland, J. P. Sersetin, John King, J. C. Burgher, A. A. Frew, John Shorten, 11. 11. Holman, Courtlen King, Joe, King, John King. Jr., Fre•ic#tek Jleads , J. M. Barrett, aV. 11. Duke, C. F. Iforrosce, Samuel Crawford. henry Lang, Devitt Aiken, Jr.. P. Jake, Nit_ Rhodes. The machine ran Iw seen in operation at Ryan's buildings, No. 31 Fifth street. Information demised io TOreretiCe to right of territory can be t,btaila.4l railing on A. V.:tat:dull, at lintel, corner Third and Smithfield streets, uf A! Myna's Buildings, Fifth street. 77,e Cron Ivory Crticifi.r.-- This beautiful work of art, lately drawn as a prism in the Cosmopolitan An sociation, is on exhibition at Mrs. Inguldsby's, Smithfield street. It is the work of an untutored monk, Fra Caroln Antonio l'esonti, of the Convent of St. Nicholas, Oenoa, who, aches; Miller the pow Armful influence of a natural geoius for art., heightened try religious enthusiasm, believed. himself iospired. a nd hound, as a labor of penance and devotion, to carve from an insult-rise bloelc of ivory, which hod long been an object of curiosity and wonder in G.- Pima, an image of his Saviour on the Cross. Ile was engaged on the work for four years, during which time he secluded liimself from the world in a soli tary cell, frequently devoting twenty or thirty bout, rontinuotudy In Inber and prayer, without sleep or Comb The figure has been FC.01:1 by thousauds in this country, and pronounced a wonderful work. Exploxion of a Moiler.—Yeatortioy mom about nine o'clock, the atieun boiler in the Boiler p ac ,,,-ry of Janice Blair & Co., on the corner of l re tiuesne s L•eet and Daum:sue Way, exploded with a terrible noise, knocking doer a portion of the build ing, and injuring two man very severely. The boiler was in an upri;lat position, and passed through the roof into the air to tbd height of Arty feet, coming down on another portion of the shop, and lodging in the second story. The front wall of the building won precipitated into the street, and a gent:4l wreck ems. led- Five mon were employed in the second story. but fortunately received no injury. A Herman hawed ilrowley and his engaged in the engine room, were badly .9 entded, the latter no much as to leave but little hopes of his recovery. Ile resides on liarltury street, near the river. Riyclow & Co., coach Waken., Diamond alley. be tween Smithfield and Wood streets. have just tinishet nt their establishniont one of the handsomest buggies ever made in thin city. The workmanship is superb, a.nd shows to what perfection the manufacture of art ides of this deseription has been brought in our city. All work turnestout by theta Iv searcoly, if ever our passed, as the material used is the very best that can be procured. The workmen in their ocaploy bare loon brought from the east, and have had many years experience in the coach manufactories of Phil adelphia, New York. de., where they have perfected themselves in all the branches of the busioems.- Meesrs. B. I Co. are engaged extensively in thy manufacture of carriages, barourhe,, coaches, de.. and specimens of their w srk von be found in all sec tions of the west and south. Fire is Birnsinyboi.—A small two story brick, in_ habited by a German family named Storks, in the western end of Birmingham, was entirely destceycd by fire yesterday afternoon, admut three o'clock. Thu fire was accidental, and caused Ly the carelessness of the occupants, who had kindled a firs in a shed along aide, the flames from which extended to a porch 0111.211413 the house, 'and caused the whole build. ing to be burned. The dwelling belonged to Mr. rif fin Jones, and was insorod for its full amount. As will 1, se,. by advertisement, Mr. V. It. Pray., lung and favorably known as the great family grocer, has broken out in a new playa, having fitted up a Market street front, formerly occupid by Mr. Bos worth as a book store, which is both convenient mid necessary to his enlarged businers. We know of no place more agreeable to deal or more certain to get just what you want in the grocery line than at Mr. Druvu'r, Diamond and Market The real name or the person arrested on suspicion of being concerned iu tkie hu,rgl,stry at Gray's clothing atoro is Scott, and not Howard, as lie stated. He is from Cincinnati, where he has a wife and fam4y, and was recently employed in the saddler shop of Ur. McClurkan, on Wood street. Amodier of the Eiscuped Carirtreri.—J,,l,ll litineler,oo.3 of the prisoners who esespeil from do county jail, along with Dan. O'Brien.a few ..4.44 since, was captured ul Cleveland on Monday. lle was brought W Ilia city on Tuesday night by an officer from that city. _ _ tr., readers will bear in mind the great rule of Brussels, vebvet tapestry,N'enetians and other caririle to be sold at McKenna's auction bowie, this after noon, at two o'clock: all of which will be exhibited for examination during the forenoon. A. lb.. 11. , rar , Mann li (I) Jiscture in hles , mio Hall, next Friday evening, we hope our citizens will give such a veteran in the cause of education—ond nue, toe, SO justly popular es a lecturer--the (ion ho no richly merits. Let there lie a crowded house. The Executors' sale of furuiture, chicks, horPos, COMMODCAS this morning, at 10 o'clock, at the residence, on Bn3ithGeld street, of the late Hobert Moore, Esq., as advertised in our columns. The regular weekly Icale of stacks will take Once this evening, at the Merchant? Exchange, by Mr. Davis, auctioneer. SAN Fataraaco, January ID, 1650. Ilesni.lloddier If Smitl4 No. 2.67 Penn steed, Pittsburgh— We anticipate that HOSTCYTKIII BITTERS will soon be come so popular in California ad they have in the older States of the Union. Everyparty that have tried them wants mon, and &Were who have bought thaw from us have not failed to renew their orders. As the denunal is daily increasing. we desire that you should ship us, via New York, di doi per month until further notice. We have orders on filt , from ilonoluln, Sandwich Islands. Very truly, yours, PARK A WHITE. deb2Salaw Wholesale Druggists. Air Clarkos Stomach Bitters are acknowledged L.,. all who have tried them to be the beat family medicine of 46 the age, for the own of Dyapopeia, Cs - Naiveness, and a diem dared etate of the Liver and Stomach. They have no rival. The proprietors do not pretend to caution people from using other preparations that are palmed upon the public under the name of Stomach Bittern, (or they have found that only on« trial 1.1,1 S 11001.10 d b. I r /110 i fNution unnere.otry. V o r auks, wholetatle. ly 1)11,1.15A1 k CLARK, Third xl lattataal Wood awl Market ; ft 4:41 IL KEYIER, 140 Wood OThatt and by Druggies geherelly. • , t 4;• 4,f4V00-15. ..!` ,:~.. -' ~.. . • 1,.; - ..'. ... 1.... • - *** -' 5.14 • .• ._{.4 i:V• ". e f k. MARCH 27 Prrrstwuctl. Marrh 18, ICA ;~X; sc ;a r~. y%. t l . s 4, - . w • OMEM!MI Alir. Wits I Hats! t—All the Latest styles of HATS and CAPS am be parct•aw.! Leap, for cash, from MOINIAS A CO., No. 184 Wood attract, Next door to the new Church, 1a.26 Clue door from Sixth street. SHIRTS AND COLLARS.—We have now on band, and am daily receiving from the Factory, NEW STYLES OF WHITE AND PRINTED LINEN AND MUS LIN SHIRTS AND COLLARS. 111%.. Shirts made to order, m L. lIIRSIIFICLD & SON, m 1124 70 Wood street. SILK TIES AND SCARFS--Just received, the latent styles of Tim, Scarfs and Cravats, at DRESSING ROBES of every deseriptiou now on bond M L lIIRSIIFELD & SON'S, mh22 No. 7U Wood stront. CEMETERY MARBLE WORKS KW LAWTON, PL , CnCAL MAI , BLE MASON, No. 338 LIBERTY .truer, below Wnyto, D RAYAIEN BOYS' GREASE,' in cane; the bent article In UM fur dray, rang, waznna, Br, for sato by 110,24) II EN ItY 11. COLLI NS. LINSEED OIL-1.5 bbls. for sale by mh24 lIENRY IL CAJLLINS. FEATHERS—A prime article for sa!e by m. 24 HENRY 11. COLLINS. GREEN APPLES—Received and for sale by IMMIX 11. COLLINS. BEANS -10 sacks -.Small White for sale by h 2.4 HENRY 11. COLLINS. riODFISII-2010 lbs. this day received and for sale by [mb24l HENRY 11, COLLINS. MAGAZINES FOR APRIL RECEIVED and for Ask by 11, TIN Nll R CO., No 32 SMITH. k I KLD ntreet— Harper's Magnvine; thaley's Lady's Book: Petermes Magazine: llarper'm Sb.ry Ite,d t Yankee !intik... Far Sale by 11 . MINER R CO, rah= Snlithtivld CONCENTRATED LYE—The best article Nj wow is ww.. Sr making IfArd and Soft Snaps—always on hand in large quantitioa. and her sale by ntIi 22 SEMI NO BROS. lIAI R BRUSII ES- -Large supplies iii Eng trait Hair BEI/81104 joNt recolv,l 11y .frIS I NU. tult2l eratter Slarket st. and Diarnond HAIR JIVES--Large :supplies , - )f Bate le•- lor's and istadere'.. just by JOS. Cotner Market st. and Dournord T -• E sATIsFAc)ty ro REMEDY—Enna all parts of (tuc country, to tlh nod south. the prom ie tors arr almost daily In reeript of torch flattering mailroom Mats an Elm following, relative tell. A. Pale/aorh's unequal ed Vertnifuge: linstasitorto', Ala.. April Pith, la-11. Messrs. /1..1 Pli/iiissb•/ - I hate been w-Iling p.m Vnunlifintr in tlu, !dace for Mee your, aril take pleasure in stating. for the information of the trade and of the that it line 1,113, no far as I know, of the mat satisfac tory remedies in the matt:rt. and one of the most saiaable medicines we hate. I hare also is-mond knowledge oil its pflitete in neittlen.ie ra..on mill, the treatment of o physicians. all of whom use it regularly. and always burin! rt to he safe and reliable a, a worm mr,writir. 1 tall 1141,111 Illeati It as one of the safest imd hestitti the mark e t. A 1114)1.1.)1.5N't theigired and 1.1111 by ft A. FA II N; KeTtiCli .k CA 1., mh3lcurlier of W.... 1 and Eliot eta., Pittsburgh. R 11 . .1 11111{1{ETTE 13 Frairth strert 1 / idlers his valmthle F.Nl'll I.HAI F rib. is unfailing In the .u,« a all oaaa• sinful and -Isie r gerous disorde4i.. which the Female r,aaa,tlall..” t. It mineral... MI ex...tt, anti all vit.:twat... the tlel.illt - tt..l and Itn.l ntrrngtliettirtic the nyntuni. ;aid I;irttlion the ilia duties of life. 11.1 It I< I Eli LA I) -- • It is µruliarly ault,l, as it Will iu n short Woo rrntur, obstructions. We an• nnt of tho 11111[11 , 01 . V% act 11, anen ulth th.• 1 , 01,4 that Intig nail 01%., right and tllgnity to 01t,c1 , , of ritl u •r n tttttt trolal import; We incline G. the on,u - ary ..j., w o n. Mitt hold that 4 + , d truth barest worthy ~r our dile, lion. in ecuin,lly the nee, rt, la suet 1,, ~, pronent imam:lon, oar .neat dnairo In lu b• uudorato.•l 1., may hunk to au for iarormatual, all dew ~,, aitiorn,l,4 nituor Importatun. cirmlarm. *1 - Ottice hour" 11,111 9 A. M 9 l' DRArrs DAL6EItIZI:()TypES BROTYPES. which Is ireileral Ka(ehietion as.. .bile obtained, In ev•ry kind of at Ilitll.l init. NO. Sl' 101 . writ etreet Partienlat attentionraid to anitirotyping, in. the time 'I sitting is inn.), les: than quartet ibr DanKerreoty pee turn. rh11.11 , 11 taken Ils ferl.o4,llde to either .it the alio,. named Ntyles'. Antbr t tutu. or ~ i ilts., esnr, I.lnd of VI I. yrrit.,l I. ra. t n I'n,.•. •/,•. Our motto ia. TO PLl:.k.:+l: nO.l , SEALED PROPOSALS.-- Priiiiiesale will lir reeeireil at the Mileor's nVibe, Fourth street. until :Cali tid - tio Ind lin Ow Inns st.,ty %\ t 14,“. 11,;! I , NJapq all.l TreA,lll, r. nsi.l I"''1'1. '.n I. LA k I. for blinding to.. V16.11t.4. kaon,lA rasa tu.l 410,111,411,11,4 r. 114. 1. ,n. 044 the MTh, J KgRFL Arelat,d. oluer %*....1 upd Fifth %Aid," 171. b tutil4 NNE CA It PETI N( ;s - it( NsoN A NO Fl F.lll ST it Et'', Ar„ uur ;, 4: 1„ v .4 4 Ili, r nt).l r, • 0111 Ih.. „ I. OW - 111 .4 i {KY BT I NCI 1111111/18313 Arris.;: 4 . A, • 14 114 , 11, ,litantlly, ~/ r, I , • et., 1,.,1 inark , •l Inlila t. kpgs N.,. I for I,v LA 1: D -- mh7 Is:, 1 4 1 1l1;S--4 LLL . rvi•ei% ea Lv Itailruall and Mr J nale by flohlto! II N'1:1 II CA 4.1.1 \ Ani) .. 1(1 kegs for sole by 1.4 .0.10 II h'14.1.1 \P 11,11 V E RSV. El —5ll I.tis. prim, tht. , dav An.l fbr rzilo \by I.lll.l.l\4 vli i,E(Elt, FLASKS. I 11.11 I.: 0:s. hand , Ityrp. .3. 311, I,..t,tLabb. nitvlbioz. kind rsht s, • tin , 111 at J , y . 11 talon rtwo, I,f 10In tttttt 1,1 Rio! Nisi 1,4 .t. iskfr's s t - I ham, ..„ :41141—f Tito, n. 101 a... any ne.ll n thus .1..111.1 cull nil t 1 1 ,411, I..Garr Lair ,tany 3, , !•1 JOS. / .. 1.F.X1 I Nis. trolll2 bbatn.,n4 oti:1 Market .t. COFFEE -210 bags prima Rio, fur dale li tssl,ll g.1111•11.11A11: Joseplt W kite** Carriage Itepository. 4K+Kpii wiliTK. itft'l. of in his spstrions tatotitnes.ltwu Inter!, wilurutol,) tot slw I t itintou uli st.lt I tnnotolon Turitiokr, tewr the .. Shie firm. l'tttalntrult an.l Lau t eton, r. -ion trolls otritt , 'whir insiseet Ins st..l of ("A Ith I Atti , 111. , 1ti 1 A. Awl ht. intrlirularly Infurttis unottletneu purchasers. that one pi way In utts:/st. Fourteen y..hrs' °kw-41 , 11f' 111 the totnannts ettnltle• hits to plant Itefurs his pat.:whit Itse ,/1...j.11 ,, ti I*.a4 rings. wl, it h, mt lUillly putt!. punt it lass to.',,Ws Ina 1.4 dellarl.lllolll 5014k . 1., front therations awl wont talent...ll Easter,, utanufnetetrets. The ' nucersts 1.1 Ida 110 V, tirtawn in retttlouty of lint ArrungurneUlti '4lll supply the hest ..,4 gnat fanltiottulsle Innitufactures at tinnlornte tow es henry et hens,, f..r de...matte futp4e. of hunt ”rff apoil it,.. e k‘l.l*. lowing fint - ge ropy, J ' f)l/1.1 • 1( 14 . 111 . r v. wilt ~41, on rentls ututtny ohly. at nnir6 lens Its., the unit/111111,0, attrrtes‘es repos:n.ll4 illy Lost 11143113er, 1 , 1 till cl.pittrti tllhen4l4. NENV Sl'lt IN( t;4 1()1)S - 74 :NI 11'InI t t street, Pittstutruts. rt.• subscriber , hat. just r..- reivetl awl nre litAy /I...twig their first iirriVul u1 (1(111)8, to winch they wtslt hi, call the partic olar attention of their ru-touhers gull the tutliltr k , tier - ally r flutter tour set Yell flair we hart. ..ter 1... 0. 11 utile to ~ 1 1, Iwittlmour and tlesireltle u 4toek n, the pr/owl. Orr 1./ItE.S. , tit >Mk , IIEVA T)IE.NT rontune. 311 the ntyha 11.11.1 1.1./VPlliell of the 5a..., - Extra rich !Muk and I 'oh aeti M , wit n 1 , 11, Silk, Jatiik . t, Chem and Sirlik , l " `. Plum. Strip ml awl Plaid •". Twistud sllk Plus fount Itober 6146 1 11 •, If t. Lawn Also, Tieirillek, Itamq.a, Cll/1.111,1. Lau nn. SIIAMIL. , AN! , MANTLE., Our Shawl mid lhann it .upplhal with all atslog of Crape, Cashmere, Stella, Silk, Ilya'. ?IRVTill'', WORK. Our stock A Cullers, YlounelM4s, hr , to not our passed by any stock West of the Mounted.. Also. a ciao! assortment of MOLTEN/NO AND 1101.:SE ELIILNISfiNi..) Q001)15. POll ESTIC'r , . PriutA, iiimrhatua, C. bluolins. Tostnga, Kentiwki Caosiineres.(Nitt.M.tinell and Pant Sinus. kr. Also, Clloses, llostery, It:IA.11s, and every other article usually kept In a first-elaas Dry (Mods ilunso, to volirit a call and evamination before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident we have never been able to exhibit ouch a desirable stock. LOVE Ilitintt EEL Formerly Y..ung, Stevenson & Love. toll' 74 Market street, Pitt:o.l,l'oi, Ps A I).)tiNisTit4Tol;:s NoTicE is iier., 3 . that LOltkrll of 4,4it0000rp4.14,11 :o the estate ..1 NANCY 111F.LO!'i late of 'Pin Tutritsbet a AI leabeny County, bate Le.eit II aorta I, (lir itistior”lgued All taavous indebted to Said 1,1E41, WV requesbal by come ward Ilia Mai. pity mtalt, and thorn having chums, to lire sent theut, 4u4, ituthenticatetl, for settlement. A. JJ tIWtNB, Finley Township. sultlaidt A /DIM Istria, 1U ICIIIUAN LANDS FOR SA LE.---1511 A(It.EL lir LA SD. tilimite 3 12 miles from tints,. Lake, ,npo of the best FATITIIi in the State. Cloud itnpral, lut,,,ta. Nice, $lO per acre. Also, a 01101Clt FARM ot or. iteres. Ilse oil and Erin Plank duet,l 22 toile. from Detroit, tol acres 'Neil ir4l.- . odd toil 40 4 ' 300 fruit treas, log house, haute latrn, at. iin;.ooo m 1,25 v, CUTIIRF:It'f Jr SUN, 51 MarhPt DR. 1100FLANb'S CELEBRATED GERMAN HITTERS, preparnl by Dr. C. M. JACKSON, Philiblub 1.1,M, will offorttmlly cur., Liver Gauplaint. Dyapepala., Jaun t/Lt., o.llr or Nerrrata Diatarms of the Kidneys, am/ all , Ltaa.wr. ariartag from a Diaorder,d Liver or Stomach. such Cuus[♦l/0. tion, loward Fuhaclut. or 121,..Lx1 tu Uul Fiend, Aridity of the St.runtch, Naugass, Heartburn, Ihuirout for ?oho,. or wolght in the Stonitu-h, Sour E'ruclations, Sinkiug, or Finttcring 141 the PIE likanyrh, Sgriolaning ,?I" tI. Head, 11nrriNt and Diflivolt Urea/Mug, Mlultnriug os4 I e 11.. rt. CluKti- 1111( or Suffocating Sensation when w tying Poaturo. ~r Yhbo, I).ts of Webs brier,, the Sight, Povi, and Dull l'uiu In Llso !loud, Th,fh-ionry of Perspiration, Vollooness of the tai., nwl Eyes, Punt iu the • R.A. Cheat., Flushes of Ileac Doming in the Flush, Constant hough,- lop of Evil, and groat Deprousi,on of tapiritm. • The proprietor, in calling the attention of the public to thin preparation, does no with a fooling of the uttnont omit. den., in Its virtues and adaptation to thadisetums for which It is recommended. It in no new nod untried article, but ono time has atonal the test of ri ten years' trial before the American isaple, and its reputation and sale is unrivalled by any similar prepara tions extant. The testimony in its farm given by the ntrat prominent and well known Physicians and individuals, in all parts of the country, in immense. Referring any who may doubt, to my "Memorabilia," or Practical Receipt hook, fur Farmers and Families, to he had gratis, of all the Agents for the Gentian Bitters. . . Principal Office and Manufactory, 123 Arch street., Phila. dolphin. Sa/r - Pold by Dr. Geo. 11. Koyser,l4o Wood atroct ; B. A ndloe.trk & No. 0 Wood street: 'Fleming 8r0th,,.. NO. 00 Wood strovt ; Swartz and-J. P. Fleming, am - IP/awl). it 4; .4 i , . wd AIN L dIRSILFXLD lE SIN'S, No. 70 Wockl etrooL Q 111'F:1:Wit HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE kj AT AUCTION.--On FRIDAY morning, March 211Ith, nt at the rksideoce of Dr. Woo A. Penniman, No. OS Font IL street, between W Marknt., will be cold, kb entire stock of Household and Kitchen Furniture, have loom well kept and lo fine onler, among which nt•e Ma hogany Hair Spat Solo and Cloth's; Mnrble top Centre or! Pier Tablos, Nlithogatly Sit -Inn Secretary and Lks.,k Cause, Cane Snot and I , llllllOn Chairs, Eight day Click, BrunselA and I brr•iti Carpets, l ia ..tl Hoge, Esther Beds, Nlnttrosenus, lloddtig. looking , illoss•-•., II hi, and bow Post Bedsteads, Venders, Fire 11,114, (loon, Wass nml Qll,elll4Waro; Oh-c FllllllOl, Hall Fortin ide, Cooking St..ve and ll:tures, Kitchen Furniture, Sr. P. M. DAVIS, b11.'2. Auetioneer. XEITTI)It'S SALE OF FURNITURE, Doggy. nom, - THURSDAY %MIN I ING, Starch 1::; do at 10 o'elock. at the reaidonee, No. _Ns/ Smithfield street, irtswt). will be sobl, by taller of the En.cators ot Hie late Robert !Caw.% Esq., deceased, his -Wire I louselebi Fortin e. hr. comprising hair Seat Sofa, gLnin and IL , Ler.; Sofa Choir; Maio •gany Centre and Side Fine 1:11Kr/tying... Parlor and Chamber Mirrors; Fenders and Fire I I.ani . Parlor, Cliainis•t• nod Stair Carpets; Ilerrth Hugs: l'enctinii Dlindg; lint Rack, Hall Oil (loth olano tool Arm ('hairs; Dining nod Breakfast Tidies; Man tle Co. I. ; Fine Nialio,rno) 11 ardrobe ; Mein %any and Mu- IL I' B,,,l s h. a d s , w ith spring Ntatitestws; Fenther Bede, Redding; Mahogany Irork and Wash Starl.lii; Mahogany alt. 1'31.. MO :".1 . 1 , 1.111y . I /n•s, ,g nod Plain Iltireaus ; if nluul Gulnge Barometer China. Wass nod Quo...aware; hdbieti Fn. - mime Cook los I i 1,11,14, os. A 1,..4)--eurwrt., one-borse itl:11 , 11• rOtpr.l.l”, ; 11,1 nen,. I nor dal'. n ; I do. Large Irraught I ..11 , 11 , 4,1, /111. i ilnrto - mn, lc. Terms at sale. oilbN/ I' NI. DA V IS, Atirt. • GREATEST IMPROVEMENT YETI. x - T - E S .1 I. E --11. KLEliElt jaat nvaar,ll a small lot of NIUNNE & CLARKS' PIANOS, pnaldwl ail ilt,r NEW z•CALE. This is laleat. Aral titaloularall) ii,: 1.1, - T in „,,,,,,,,,,,, paa Isle t, thr. Vmar. o Fo r t,Tl,. iIVEI( Ow it,' tutu., I ll ' a. wt 1 1 .111 LED tiltarl.by ..lid n, irk•iiit \tall., aral la /lunacy of hal, they not pas + mi.,. I , Klir.s.l , it. Oa- ettna. of n Tian,. 111Vy tilt' 11,.' (lraial Plan., u 111, Its , Ilraulvat.ta ; , .• now 01411114;r ‘ - "rairarinoti with OW /1.1, n.Fr An .1 it, mak, in all, naattry, 4nikdrnt•lhal vway .I.sthr. of the anal. , will al admit laar Tha la.tn -11..1 t. , all ..mlaxatatti. tla suporl , itratrutwalta. k BR( I, 11 - Nlllll. A (larlia . F..r Pen nay!, ant... ;,!', Fifth •Irt , t. /14,i 11.•. r to. Maaonic - Sibt,l.l aaraa tioant en..ttly ha Iho Sprin, Tru4 a . 11C IKS 41 ST RE)'EIVEI): rut.: Laura .1, Caral, ' W. 0.11.11, Si 'rah, I ,1'.2!, Nary and o.rroor.al.hao, ”1 in.” w 1,12' !..<l.rni,l awl 1 'inataarttri Knr 1., Slarliia 1.. Tlint , %tun 1a..., or Lat. AI H ‘intr.riti: Pk , Taldr- Talk "1.1 tr I' If Jatraal Th.. (1..• itrl.le I. 1(4E1.4 •• Ap.,1”.. 1"..r 4.1 , v .1 1...1 • i 1,1 MIZE gait at I AI 7 7 It-ttrtb \1...:n0d I. I.r. S ?N \ 7 .•n.nrlynes*. 1m ft si in I. in. II- r Rnie aut o r Ittortltt, tt. tat Littt.-• 1..1 tt }lva), llw r.-golnr prk• 1 ., . male by II MF:1.1.11/1. I /51 It 1 1 .\ ST I I BEI:TV I . RI) lIT 1 Fr oft ;Cllr , r, 11 , 0 , •I. I:.: I••• I u ttl, A Ern..., I Ir. I • /1...•. A' Ai I. • I:1.1h 1 A 1(1.11 . 1.:1 1 \ AN! ) Istlif,/ b.. 11...1 .1 11 E I; EST (. 1 )1, L (i LEES F. KR 1 . 1 111,1,11r11 TI I. ,;: 1:1016(.%. , K IL., ..:5•. I ••1 •1 •1. I. ..... ~f 11,.• 1;•.r MP ~ 1 I E. 11... •••••,.......1-‘, tr •,,,• .1 .tt IttrtrltAt at tit., nti.l v•i•tt , t , tt t•• Ittv ti•-• ..1 :moo,: I t ...wt., mid Ow • ~• 1.. I , \ I••• IJ ••1 GO. , 111•• , C 1 I .1 11. “i is n ..1. b.•,•••••. “iiil t • • 1 , 1 , 11-.1 • r-. 11, a , •!...1id I.dlu 1 , t 1 • tr..1.,,t11 031 , 1. it I,• tu,4t, and i..{..aseity 11,,• ",s lull 3,1 1110 ',mail, itt I. c'l:.t It rITE 111.1*N1K, • •st st ,st• •.t..1 •Its.r hol, Fifth 6: 6161 ,-41et).1.• 1. "pi,. 14 I. 6 ,11 11 tuml, frro ofµosuk t o , r I .1,24 "likTE‘‘ 000l)S. A. A. MASON I. 1,•110 1.11•1 141 , 11441. ,4-.• 7,0 1., 0,1 ‘l,mtifaht ttit..rs .t)i.l tttttt I.,ltipt 1,1 1, PArt I 1.11.1 I:ll.l.n.telos ••rix, ',hi, zslr.{ lk• Ti ks. T , llll/111t1,14 .ti.•l 11r4.1 and Mlll.rlor, li ss A; b.. •• ,11•11, TV114.1.4,11, 4, %Of. 4r.. T., .1..1$ th, lu, 11. I h.. ni le•ts11..11 of wll,4ovalr 40,1 ”,4 4 01 IrolJvin. n' 1.11h24 . . 1 EN T.'S TII.I V ELI NG : .4 11A1V1,ti liap•tit. at • I. 11111.511 i 1,11,1 I 711 ‘1 nod strtwt. I .1111 f . :: .4* S.l ,N -11 e 112iN flow on i,,,,nr"Lortliwill wo flat k .sArtlt I. t 4, wttli pt) 1, a OM, I. II Ilt - Sll VELD k SON, poll,: t N :1) Ktroet N I II N.. ,*.! ,rtEr.T t. IDI CSION, • I:lo34.p:ity 4'41, TVA frt•Mik: Mar kot /1. , N t., largo nail ckolral ,f art.. 1., and fur a et , 1:11IIIIIIIICe 110 , m1,•.,re.1 I.lln All ...Id iii lotAl, /nit. pr rot. Y R. DRAN ANE: \V SUPPY I, FI{ESII FRUITS, I'l4 614,, rt 4,1,4,1 by F. R. DU A VII, N.. h-t Mat Invt titt,l I lisatrp.ll,l ,;( lil.AcK TE.I. Miz , l and Era ,l‘./ tti ant. 111112:, V It. Mt A Vtl, N., tt.2. ttb, r k n t n t . 111)ER \ INEI; A I{ barr , h4 in stdal ' ?: and Aalo toy REV ANItEliNt IN. No. :V.l W.,t nt ;RES! r NUTS 2f,t) Inge N Cirt , ,l Nut.; 35 I oklell Ivlrk , 5 ) 4 .; 41 1 4 1101 " 44) hews erekm NMlllei ; 55 " Filbortu I 5 1410 Skfly A Imotols ; •,!,5 lutio Englial• :OM 0..8 Nutt): 151... 45.1h,l Almond». Just I PC.V.I mid fur .1u 1.))e .1125 It EY NI KI) k A si I) F.14)44 )N K lirriniitil, _T()Ni,vro _ VE 1 1: I , .th..• PAI,IIF:It'S Jost received and for sale I,y It EYNI ER & ALNLEILSt IN, N,a 39 Wooil nt A )IANITFACTIIitINO NOTIIER (IREAT ESTABLISIIMY.NT AT WWII ESTER, for battling L0c0:41 , 11,n, F.teatii Engines, Mom Eriwniiini. Min - hanieal and Agricultural litiplenointa atilt inachinnn la general IU i 4 'it ESTEE, though the YOUNt :EST rit ten nbiter rlllw aliont the Awrrif Am) vA1.1.8 OF ILEA PEE, tati,-thi raid I, NII I In MANUFACTURES, .1, in awl ninnt contlinie to lie lu comm.., Thin Isoh !iiiin to all who nt her I,onithin, with reference to Rin i rri Itiolroadn Though aspiring to liecoine a (Try, “hat.i II EP OWN among the ritien and too on of tL ,, W.-Lit, l o",pi L , riJol a SO 111 . 1(11 tip 14TTSIWIttill. Ti he It to hat lion el in la BOSTON. or .1.01 l'at . and Newark me to NEW V i the helielltn and IMlYarltagea are mattlal and rarinrootl• Thy c.tblthlottent 1.1 rttcata Mina, rottutlrr, Car Factory, 131.41,1 Factory, Viru ill irk Vat Je, ke nod the 1011ilthlig 4.1 tWli •.I Utrrc ,1, leltra at Mot:loader, have calhal (. 1 „ .1 trial atoottat nal elms.' a conaid en•h4n taliatt 4f fatotticnr..ll/1 Yorstatra 'oat ta.tor that it to nt proactit aatettot.lx Jillirnll to procurc reacatonts or Italainaa for llama a ho arc unity arrir tog, tat thcir hum, At least 100 new boners are rNitired, nod must, nt 140111,1 nits, Ix, !Mill the I,llllllg season, b. say nothing or ill, M a ,. iihs•tiiring, Kotablishotents, and emtipletion of the (novel:Lod and PittAtnirrli Railroad front Wellsville into lbwheeter, by the Ith of July, 1856. Shine. Brio, Lint, Rend gt ,,t L gte t., l are convenient and Ontolittit, bet labor IS 'wry sotrce, nod 1 1 Mils( romp (nun ill et' Olean. , p.,” ni t ilersigne , having eir II i nil of 'drilla I.OISI iriigilllo 13,0111111 K 1.11416. wil 'suiting's to hold nut th e most. tit,,, c il 4 ,_ ilia ...et, to bil i Weil and LlllVlrrilliiil of alitiost every descrip. lion. Cheap tenements will readily rent for 10 to it per eat. insm thrir ecwt. Here's it chatter for builders. The first poblic sale of Lots, upon the ground, for the year 1856. will take Ida, on WEDNESDAY, the 'Atli of 1 , 04 na ry, lit 10 .i'cick. t I (the weather is IrWl, the sale will be the tint FAIR DAY latur t h e 2,3 0.4 4a) - The hubseriber will Is' al the Allegheny Rail Road Re tell °II Sartlll.ll/1) irf each week, from 12 till 3 o'clock. with maps, plata, descriptions, kr., and will IS' happy to w e pt Builders, Purchasers or Enquirers.--nm' particularly any who purclutned lots at Litt }oar's sales, for their lots have genendlY ralranced in value about 160 per ceilL Stills they bought, awl the mum will happen again. M. T.C. GOULD. Ilocluatrraa, Fell. 10, 1856. fsl3,3td:wtf:pctf. VASES tiELATIN— 3 gross patent refined ...cti,ol by JOr , ' , LENT INti, Curuel Rim Let nt. and Diamond AMUSEMENTS. TIIEATRE.--J. 0. FOSTER, solo Lessee and Manager; Wm. H. RUED, Stage Manager; Orlin. Foam, Acting Manager. Treasurer, J. V. Burns DRUMS Or ADMISSION: Boxes and Parquette......soc. I Private Boxes, large $8 00 Second Tier 26c. Private Boxes, 500 Boxes for colored persons. 25 mate. /Or Certificate, securing seats, 144 cents extra. FOURTH NIGHT OF MISS MARY PROVOST. THURSDAY EVENING, MARCEL 26, 1860, Ingomar--Parthenla, Mlis Mary Provost; Ingmar, C. Foster; Myron, Cnrrnu; Acura, Mrs. Cantor. After which, Slasher and Crasher—Slasher, Young; Crasher 1,0,tt; Dinah, M. Itorrutto; Ito., Alias Lillle Caut.,r. Alteralivn of rime—Door,, open to i ; enrtnin risPn st TWIN W. M'CARTIIY, BILL POSTER and Durraravroa, will Attoild to the Punting end Distributing of all kiwis of HILLS FOR (X.INCKIITS, I.KeTURF.S, RX DITIONA, Ac. All .mninnications--oitin•r by until. tt , legraph • or other wiso—dirocbmi to Lilt, ~tile, of the Morning Pont, will recolvo prompt stumtion. apT AUuTION SALES HUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNI TUREE at Auction.--On SATURDAY mnrulug, March 2Utit, M In o'clock, at dwelling hfinse No. 39 Fourth street, between Market and Ferry, wilt be sold„ the entire House hohl and Kitchen Furniture, Lie., among which ate dining and break Gist tables, bureaus, wash-atainla, bodatisula, bode and chain:, carpet* Lanka, looking,gb.ses, China, glass and lineenNavure , cooking stoves and fixtures, kitchen utensila, Ar. n 1112.5 P. M. DAVIS, And. • 1.. •• •• ' ••1 A 14.1 hi.l NMI: b A\UF J L,IS • lIIIIMIIMIIIMI lu (Natl.). tt A TAI"1 Pita COMMERCIAL. PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE AND Tux Erma.—At dusk laid evening, there were 9 feet 4 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. Inches of water in the channel, and falling—making a fall of Prezident. 11 inches the peat 24 hours. The weather was warmer after L. WIT M 813. TEL sundown than it had been for the past 48 hours, with sour Vice Pretidentt. Indications of rain. T. 8. CLARKE, ORO. W. CASE. Tivasurer. N. LIOLMEA., Jc s,3rdary. JAMES P. BARB- Buperintendent. 8. T. NORTHANI, thomittec of Arbitration fur March. 1.10.1. W. CABS, V. P. ISAIAH DICKEY, T. R. UPDHIP., SAMUEL DILWORTH, J. B. CANFIRLD MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMERS SHIPS !JAN'S rod DATA. Empire City.. New Y0rk...... Massimo and N. 0.... Mar. 3 ClMlldilial . New York...... Liverpool Mar. 5 Asia Now Y0rk...... Liverpool Star. 5 llUntil. New York.-- Aapluwall Mar. 5 Etna New Y0rk...... Ilavro Mar. T Arago New York Ilavra, via Cowell ....Star. 8 Star of the Wt [..New Y0rk......8an Juan, Nic Mar. 8 Black Warrior...-Now York......llavana and N. 0 Mar. 10 America Boston, ke._...l.lverp,ol Mar. Is Baltic New Y0rk......1.1v0rp00l star. It Union New York Gibtkitar, Ale. Mar. LS Hermann _ New York......Bkeitinunpton Star. SS Tell UMW") ~...Non" York Porto entwllo, &r....31ar. T. 5 Womb% New Y0rk...... London, via Cork ....April 1 Oopray New York ......Carthagrw, &c........ April 8 Quaker Cil y........ ..... Now York Fulton llnvru.. New York =En PITTSLIVILGIII MARKETS. Orrice 01 rue DAILY MORNING POlll% Wednmitty, Mire 2d, 1.8.56. Dnsinrna contintd.. t.. .0110 outilllMPti, and a larg amount of uterelounliv. oont lone.. to be shinned on board th numerous steamers which daily leave fur the west', port. Yl,OUR....'lalex. NA) 1313 "I'alta, , llo' to ,r. r j 33 , nt t.,1 ; 11313. extra from ttag3.ao hbla do. from the dep.( at 1..5,50, and 4.1 1,1.13..10. kora wharf at $.5,74. GRAIN.. No .le3 vrl3.3t or rye r , porhml. tiot, n of .3313 Ism making from otnre at 25,,?20 ten , •. • SUGAR—The, is no ellang, in inn.,s; w.• nou. kilt'. 47 lls. N. U. al 51,..et,9 1 ,.", onnh and time ; uud 15 11100 low flair It( ra+ll, 14)1.,Att... 4 1:5...54111,11:,0 6144. oat, nt cash hllli al, at UN . .. 1 . 11.411, and bbil. dn. at 44., 4 rgi.,111113. tv II ISK y 10 and 5 1.4,14. ncti6,.l at 34r, 11ACl/N...1.1a1et ZOO Mu. abonl.lool and homm, r ity at , 41.,;ua11c., n ad ax.) to.. do. do. Yi, , uturn nolokud ut 801011,r. 11 1 / 7 TEII...SaIe 10 1.1.du. roll at '..120c02.1r. KllllS 11111,1 s. at 14e., '4l to RA,. Timothy at $.l per I•uulo.l. COVVEK...2CtIcuo 30 Rio to lot+ at 1217 east, A 1'1.P11 4 ...r.1ea 30 111.. tho wharf ul 40.2.5 .4.811K5...1f:u1e 11 rAul.. Dont.tir &Ala at 31. UM, 171%1 I. .S4le '2OO toou char..: 041 Blaut at $23, Nrw Yana, Atateh 2fith —Eveainz. I, 2 , lyart<stitititirko in good dentan./ lath for extra and 14a-al •441/0 an/I toinritel prneettla iso ;notarial rlange. Th. re 'is 0 latter .apply oflatuu,.. wale. 701k41,14144, nt $ 4 1,M744457,'2.5 for 1 , 111111011 to . hon.. state nod western, $7,::549.7,k0 her extra . 1444, " $ 7 .27 for 14/a to xosel rneshufn grn.lea of extra a - extern, mod t-' 44 44 1 U rvr e.A iru : the market cloning with araely 4 / 4 / bunch demand, but wlthent change In p5i....- _ - Valuislastu floor in latter demand; Hales 3,24.0 1.1,1. at hi, ttttttt eut,rfi chat,-,, ex ten. Ssattli drn there Id a [air Lnnkteen , bat holden/ of inferior 4 - rn/14/44 ate el/naps-lied to accept lower price. to order t,, retain*, male. 0.:-Ito Idyls at $7,1,104.1.0 144, nriard to choke, $1.124454 for fancy and extra Rye flour bear): emit, 400 Llda . •t 44u. Hoe nod *tip, ti n.•. no-nl 1.4.4•44: sale. Ilia, 1 , 1.1. at r .T.' for Jelany, nod $3.07 for !leant, win.: 10•4 pow he.ani or, pna ate term.. the but anlen nin.le of 011..414 al $17.....0.41411. , 10 41.1441.1i then, is a fat, at 1./ I, ,th.rt Imt.rtat4t t, and a fa,fdentand for fllhox contra' fa, miss In t 0,4 hush al $1,1.1 I.sl 414.1 ter nil April deltaery at ?1.40. nuaettl4.l, strictly prime parrel• that atilt pnas ....astruct 4111 Inatig 7m , ,. 101 l al pre, r.l there Is hot lotto if say in turarket . 4.1 e. '2o4•xi lush at netann7 for Infartar tee e ;fated, yelhea Southern and Jeraey, western at To amt. tit fri.afertate re.;;;44:t at 4tha42 for Slat, and l'4rDN• for I tin. batter hang •ef y ..are.. NV 4tnity the litttl oit Lout , wp , naui 1.11•4111 to. Si! , ! tiniest.; 01.10.4 ". 1.1.1. "nn. V 414.141 41 itasa...;o4 Ifork Itrntar. faith a id 4.k 'l4 wand: nate. I lOU hits at 11.'4,07 for ita-na, nod $1 b 1.4 prtn) , Ite , l .tend) wl.. 4,10 $4,1!..,, , ,7 5 for • ..ont.4y prime: ri.,lll.tra niena, and $1 lat 13 fiy, yso 1,..! Western none. 114 , 1 home firm Ill) 1.111., $l3l/1.16,50 ,e-ra Ilse! dull, and tietultinl nt $10,44 sira" eut 41.44.114. arm . 7; 4 ,14 fv .1p..1(1.-1, and 4. 0 4/./.44', sal, 2141 hll.l. dry saltest 41 , 11 , ./ratd• to Halton...re pi April AII4I Ha, rat i. ••411 firm antes 1:s; 1.44414, /4 44.0 41 1.4 , 4n...134411 r 4.14. of '4' 1.e./44'1 lard .ales till bl I. : '4' env I' , Itt/tlat it/ lit! and dad t. I a ./414.1.a,e.i • `fate 1://444../ et kat 14.4, h 211, •itt. in iinpit, and nrarket favin, I. l hiur n •hiL.I.• toot - . walit , atetzttlaril lit ands al ..1 the , .apply f rity $: Rye-0.41 nll ; nnall vi VS. .r . ), ‘ll*/ in fit, t.tncial, * oil .1., 3il) I.lilit v.it.- 1.1 nal ntanit n.+ , Ludt, at $1,75, nn,l ../ 11 10 1 r al 11. 1 4 , 411 11. y,• I,lsli 11.1 i -t. n, al $1 C.. n 1141'11Vg• 1% ILl.nth. hi, i.i-httAli • mti.l In at fn. Out. .1101 itt ; 114) 6u.h af $..1-1 .iliac' ~nil fin.iltry rat. IV WA.) urn, In , tLnil 1 .17 In 1110.. ( 1 11,41!ouiliti Itiairket. V11.,14 and to 14,1.1 atil•pl) le. 1.. W. 1.. ja: outJ, 130.“. rd,,; .1,tr...1 , „, 7r,0 I n• s • . i• 1.1.• at Mlow :61s 041., I 11.• 'iv., Pc el/-mt II f“.l and rloaing , 1 1lrf l. mp. Ilan It :Xt.—The (.11..t ag, 101 14+1 1 11 1 11 I.`, 1110 .4,1: Isms 1:.•I Itt It CU 1. 1 4 111.11 d , - 104 .1 1 1 prla. twbsiigr,l; al. out 5:m4 I I4mttalt,l and n rt.; sale.. L,4501 Baltimore Market. It k LTIIO It b I , l“er iklaat .4.41 At yeettertin) . A Porn u At•llnitt Al :,7trt.til Het Ilolleteitleelt 114ttee.—We Aare ron•lre.l r..rtliient. wu 4,( *ll-.14 Unpick., 114400%n, ilatt,l Joint. 19, 11. A. DAN E. a Ilollotolor, arniroe net to publish In the Struovit.dr, that the llolLainl Bator,. ontiroly rur.ol bun I , i Itooulon, Fere, rind riblch to mull., .1 nll the spring. Prior IMn. , is gr.itolol 1,. tho propriotocn to. groat r. on Iy, mud take, thes wyy tv tai (vow r) till STU:4, trutuar Sholboyyrit, 11" u. CAurzom!—T,, pr. ront impoeitlon, In• careful to awk for Ihrlire's ifoliainf Bittern. sl,ll_ Soil at $1 por bottle. or MI 100 tin. for M I N. by the pro priotorn. BT:NJANIIN PAIN V., in. A CO_ unufarturing Plinrinnroothits mid Cborubits, Pittsburgh, Po.; It. Y. SEL, LEItS At ooruer of liocond nod Wood struota; and Druggists gruerally. mh11 1 :1w . ALAI) laskots ror hale 1,7 11111 . 4•1.) it. A. FAII N CO P., C 1` , 1,`) S 1.1t1)IN ES-llalf Yuen l; ; fr./ " 2 " Whale " sa..r. A uchavlill; - Fresh Lobster,. ; 160 hoielo Seah.! Ile, ring 300 No. 1 etl and for pale I. 011125 It MY ‘I ER A ANDERSON. No :10 1 / 1 1 BOXES (.'I'I'I 1N:•; , I 10 Derr. ear..lll, 16.1 e. •• lirtakeL. Pare olire ;l e a , t 6 " " " " plats, :1 Der. FrPrirli Cavern, " (Riven, .I‘l4 reeelvol and for AM.` ill• i 1 m Eft A A NDERsoN . 10h24 No ;19 11'oo.1 SOrel MNSVLVANIA RAILROAD. Between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia:- THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN loaves PRLiburgli for at T A. M., awl l'ltllaußlplan fur ViltokLurgis xt 411 P. EAST LINE lonvon I'lliAl•urgh for Phlleulolphia 2:35 P. M., and Plallmlelplan for l'ittatourigh nt 123 P P. M. TIIK NI(III'r RA PRESS TRAIN Wave. Pittaburgh tor Pllilmlolyyhhla at 1.1:IU P. M., .11.1 l'ltlla.klyllut kI IFI BLAIRSVILLP: AOCO/.II.IODA'FILIN TRAIN ligurna P 11.14- buril daily, except EtuiPlay. al .1:31) o'clock P. M. BRINTON'S-A1XXI1I&101./ATION TRAIN lINAN on Pittelgurich daily at II firlowk A. M., 3:30 I'. M., rod R2O I'. M. 'M....4.m0 Liu, connuct at Pit tobutiat with tI, to ....1 (ow Bt. Mo.; Ailig, tlaloua and Chl.gt., 111. ; Frankfort, lAniugtou and LdJumvillo Ky.; Tent, 'facto, Mit.l.4u4, Lalayulto and ludianapolo, Day Spriugtiold, 11,11cloutuints, &Ltin:Au, n. 4,41,4 Cluveltin,i, Colituibua, and 01it.,; alno, with th., Oleum t'urkot !Wats fr.ali nod to Natv thiLLANtI, Lotrlti, IAWINVILLIt 2..41 CINCINNATI. TIIROUII II TICK 6T9 cau Iw 4ewl lo or (min eltilur .4 th,, eilk,e, tran.r pirtictilnp, rot, lomdliiile at the dilTerout shirtlng pbiutu. l'aaamgore hum the wv.iSO this Ora shortest and Dios{ expeditious route to Plillndelidila, Nth. more, Now York, or ItUatUa- Agent, Passenger Limo, Philadelphia J. J. IiIiSKIMISN, decl3 Agent, Passenger Lines, Pittsburgh. - ------- - - THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAI). THF.CIREAT CENTRAL ItOUTR, ronnucting the Allman: Cities with Western, North-Art.l4-i a continuous Railway direct. This Ib.ad also antuectS at Pittsburgh with Gully Line 44 Stemmas to all ports un the North-Western the moat minor, ouuesst and r:ZLIABLI liamtp Ly wlirch Fit SMUT can be forwarded to nod from the tIS.LAT %VIOL Ite/tps bplween Ybiladelpbla & Pittsburgh. FIRST CLASS.—Flux,fr, Shop., Dry Goods, . 15c. . is (jo boxes,) Furs, Fearherx, Ag loo • SRCIOND MASS.—Rooks and Stationery, Dry Goods, (in liales,) Hardware, Lew- s6oc. 100 Its. liner, IVisd, kc TI lIIt D C LASS.—A v Bugging, 50, oo and Pork. (In bulk.) Hemp, kc. ....... 1/ / the. FOUIITII ULABB.--Ooffee, Fish, Bacon and aue 11 100 . l'ork, (packed,) lard and lard Oil 44- In shipping Goods from any point Kest of Philadol- Oda, Le piu - tirular to mark put:kite's, "sit J'enasyloonia Railroad," All Goodis consigned to the Asoots of this Rind ut l hila.lelpbin or Plmburgh, will be forwarded without detention. 9EttICIIIT Anirarr3—Mbaria Potter, Boston; J. L. Elliott, New York; H. J. Sneeder, Philadelphia; Magraw & Koons, Milli. mere; O. C. Franchens, Pittsburgh ; Shringiatanh Braw n , Cinrinnati, Ohio; J. S. Moorhead.Ky.; It. Me'drum, Modloon, Ind.; ItattMl& Co, St. 1 : 0 ‘11., Mo.; J. S. 'Mitchell & Sou, Nvaruiville, Indiana. IL U. lIOUSTON, lleiwral Freight Agent., Philadelphia. 11. J. LQ.klß.ittiitT, ,”v Superiatoudeat, A.44ootia, Po. Wes . ~~`. ....r ~ia~~. :C;x.e is »:.t,'i • p , ,•r,.1 ...' 0,;, MIMI TO AItII.IVM. LEA Vtl FUR MII=MI:== Liverpool...—. New York . LI verp001.......New York kc.... New York REM IZEM Philadclphla Mark•t Now Vark Vall!e Market TIIIIYA DAILY TRAINS ' • • 'C . ' . , I , • y " ",=, 4 . ,d6ire RIVER NEWS. THE steamer " Ifonry Grafi" is now loading fur Ed. Laois, near the i,ot of Wood street. Tut nubtitantlal built /Ammer "Clifton," Capt. P. w leave this afternoon for Loublrille. Tne xtetuner "A. 0. Aftwom" Li now loading for St. I'm. , and in advvrtinavi to tare to-morrow nxoruing. Trim firm stearin, " Roadie," Capt. Doyle, will kate this evening for Nashville. sln has go,sl accommodation for passengers. Olve her a call. Tits Warner "Endeavor," Capt. Marken, ,val preventt from leaving yesterday by pre. of hugineir4: ehr will len, early this morning for St. r/18 Hoot steamer " Swallow," Capt. Itnn e,m , will be ready to 1e..v0 this evening for St. Timis. She offers a line oppor , trinity to pasaeligers going West. Tue Limlsvillo packet " norliostor, - Capt. 0. %V. None, wi loaro for that port this evenhig. 81w b woll known to th travoling public for good Bur and tho urbanity of her odic Ins fast passenger psrket " Forest City " i the regal packet for Wheeling this morning; she leaves at lllitielnek She also make. edimectloits with the Railroads at Steuben ville and Wellsville. TITII regular Zaino ii, parked - Cheviot," Captain D. T. Dr.'s; n. will leave for river awl all interme%liate ports this evening ut Capt. B. and G. W. Con, clerk, are well known to it ippOrfl and traveler% in that trade, and we eytpect to I , loe her leave with a full load and ( . I,IIAM ',llk passenger%. It.l . Y.L.MI Tux A No. 1 iiteana r " Arctic " i. now hauling for New °Ho mo , with the intention of Rating thin evening. W, woul.l nay to thuan winhing to hair a trip to the Sunny South embrace thin opportunity, if jbny desire n p not 1.0 to travel on. Call on board early and aecure your state-rta., as there are only a few more 1.11. Mr. Reynold., Neck, will see that you art. Will 14C0411111041.111041. Tns filAt timasoingor ste " Nlessenger" Capt. Millenger Is the rugular packet. for Cinrintintl teulay ; she will leav immediately after the nasal of the eastern cars. Thus traveling to the Queen City 14)141111,1 he nu hoard early to - rumilwir state-roun., ghe lays at lit hot of Wood street. Mr. C. 1.. Brennan, the gentlemanly clerk, will sae, that all It, well attended to. FOUR new ntemaltoat hall. HI - rive.] at the wharf ye4Lellny, t nee,. dolt thiinhiity; touch : for Capt. IL W. pow. imia, built by Naar Iratamott,Jr.: one fur C:111(. Tlpm. It'ea 1..1) : W‘nwlhorn, hod one for Caw. A. WI I. oU on. I . lq4'tin. Ihqln, Pt al., fla,bint; a t.ow.t air for Capt. braiik Ltohrtitan. fur a.rr oig r. mil 1 -.. n, their wutka, tip the 3lotion . gultela river. Toe Marietta and Gallipoli], pr.sengers and shipper. are reminded that the light draught liarket "Charles An ry." the lightest boat ever turn' out by our III••t'l/Mllkb-- ha, lug earring" capacity to Ili , amount id . 301.1 tils, and only dram. 11...; 11,•6--1/. permitiOntly plm •nl in the itlx,vr trade; and we hope our shippers n ill not forri•t that it will lie to their interent to patrol 17, iii •• Char!. A very ;" lit•r - 11,4 of draught w II alwayr a uaLla her to run at die 101,111 •Inge of water. She non 111.1 , 1 h under the nolo tint...indent - 1:ot Capt. Win. P. Torrence. The hull woo bolt by Walkup Pon el. of A/leghetiy it'., and nui..iires 130 feet in length yin din k; 1.4 loitl/1", 4 i. 44 drpth hold. slie tuts too bull ets 3.1 Inches in .lisitietvt and I . : feet long. Two engines, with rylinilern 13 inches iu diameter and 3 , 4 feet strokes— furnished by Ilaigh, llartup k Co. Cabin by Oullott P Applegate. Upholstery liy Mr. Senn., t. Fnndhtrr by R. ratrman. Carpets by MeCullant. of Fourth btreot. Stars nll.l derrick by Win. Fivans (Milt by C.Aey. alllerf regular day for hen, .tig in 140.1 for Friday.. She in tfouf fog 'rought nt tln• 10w... viol of Ow w liar f Ifoturoo Mort and I , ,rry •1m9.. >l r. W. 11. Baker. 1 - lorty, fffefy. Le foetid 94 Ifto itogt w6rn Ansfn.s.n limit -1000 rtlit 1 . 11131 IMAD, 1,,,. 11,4 b "rt 1 , 0.1 0101 xlll 1, ri•ady 1,. 10i1tri xt lc,k I Ittv ininiiing kir St. 1,00. 0101 litkikok. the kniii•riiiti•nili-tie 01 efipt. IV. 1/00., itiv,rv,i nit. 1, cr liir inuntter 0i • •1.0 1... Thi• nOO, 0111 I he nt.l.ot 101 0101 n , .rAwsnaLlp A 1. Iltir II 01110 built iif . .... 11101.'r. and 100:001. 1 iii Ictit th 141 k G.-1 ntik k•••t ilOl4ll 01 It•ilil. Eiiciooo Ly K with I , in. tic. to iliatacter :1101 4'h 1, ••t To.. 10010, 40 00 10. 11l thitototer 1001 25 11.01 1. , 14.. 4 10. iv ktirtooll.4 with o 1411 , 1 1111 , 1 ,• 11/,,11ie• biibitit i ft freight, 0.100 ith 1.1 th•• t'Ll , tll/) Cubiti 0 0 111.1111ar X 1) i• I . n.latiz IVil.io Fair., • T l'i• .4.4 by .1 J iilloo,oo i vit 1,, i•,. 1 4.1..4 • 1 ') 1:•Its0001.0, 1 4'.. Lie I..ntv 00•1 yr. 1.. R. ft. Sea' t.• lot fit by -1. .t Capt. 1.14 nu 1... b....El - 6+1.. , IIJ In. rair.u - 11) ft. • ..ni iktol in • itud 0/1. • .1 I. 1.. I' tun. I, 11.4. offlc, I11•y haul Inng csik 1010 •• In hi• 1114 !ill, .this 14 14 11 .11, gllmrlllll, 11,01 11, 11 '111 .1 •ilb 44tro• la 11 1.4, nebtaili 11.. Tux ftbrier, et . the 2At),, .ay. • The tit, hae 14 , 0 h aging ft.t ehlee 4 41% II wt., i‘nter m the 1.41 hat evening. qh. th,• f.JI „-m were f.ur feet eirht wnier fir PORT OF PITTSBURGH n I Kit IKATIAI 11 TUG .IAY—N-11_ A 1:1-(11 Stomper OA. B.) Ant. 4:14‘04.01 1V..4.14.4!,L Brovhoot4 " Lit 7.01 0 ,. " Frost Corers_ Grtm r.y . SL 1, 1 4 4 x, ;41...4«.1 44 ,,, 31i A. 11, t 1..4110 Ft 41,4 I'll V. IV,y, \I h., ttL,. " Saint L. 411.4, 14.4, . " Itr.on 44. DEPARTED. St.:Anier IlAya..l. 4:117..1.,04 " 111,0,,s " I,ol.orite. Flonote4L, Met r44..l.itaiL 1:14•1414 St. LI " ELM 14,044.44•. L. L.,,,,_,11.. "• 1 Atnibo, rhApnia IL %V 'is. r 1 . 1111t4.4•11.111.A. CintAtinati l'antlo I imniviL Nt.4l“ .11 " .11. 11101 n, kL " 1111/m441.5b...4, n 11. C. NI el, A N E'S LIVER PILLS AND VERNIFUGE IN Plt vE D DR. T. s.Rxn-r.. twtptlar graduate and phyxician of exten sive practice lain' experience, induced by Itendable aloe to alleviate hieuan suffering, ee ntin nn 111 t„ pot :Wuxi on INIPILOVRIIENT ON TTIR ORIGINAL I.IVISR PILL AND OF DR. C. NIcLANI4. (taring preparisi these remedies as Ik. .o .&nl partner of Dr. C. McLane, for mary yvara, lift 1311110 r el) UVKII PI LIS AND VRIIMIFUGII eiheiity and are 'no, mild in their 01.4•1 , 1:1"11 01.1t11 too UVOr Pill 111111 Vol . llllOlgo prolmirtml nee,ll:::g to the iiruotied recipe of Dr. C. Mcl.nne. We make thin declaration ineleretandiugly, and recommend them to the eNio u.l 11,1 In to it t.,111 pions:tilt and eurntl,, and believe then, aiipe,inr to any tither Liver l'ill or Verminige over prepared. (Lead Certificate of Dr. C. McLane, below. THE WHOLE WORLD CONQUERED! DR. I. SCOTT'S CELEBRATED CIRCASSIIN LINIMENT. nuivoriail relief affurib.d by applications of this CF,L. K 'MATED KING of Pain Killers in CAL.. of !Glenn:mil/on, /out, Lumbago, Son. Throat, 'Bruises. Sprains, Swelligs, Stiffer..•l the Joints, Selutnu , Pains, &alibi, Burns, Aches, or nay other disease for which n Dein Killer or Liniment is enables us to assort positively that Dr. I. s(x)rrs CELEBRATED ivtirrE CIItCASSI AN LINIMKNT is the wont n • lialrie, safe and pleasant n•woly yet discovered. pos. seastng Imb:ensiling prop.,rties for It KA LING DISEASE and TUE FlttilliT ERADICATION OF PAIN. Thu nanny at tt•etations to its virtues, given I.y tiersous of enlightened I inigniont ntiti strict integrity, sliould induce all to a.lopt it 4.0 a standard Faintly Remaly. The most Incredulous will require nothing more than the following testimony of Dr. C. Mebane, distinguished es a groat discoverer of medical remedies: READI READ II READ!!! lORGANTOWN, VA., Sept. 12, LW, Tail is in certify, that I I to Recipe for pta !Daring NICIAOO'S Inlinnynd 'door Nile by Dr, 1. itoott, who has been IN F I'ILEPARINt/ AND UBl NIl MY Milt/ INA IN MY (lEFICX dialog Mtn loot Tilt lITIM hat 1 lA•11,wo he has IMPROVED TIIEM. I a Ai:dowel,/ lho morn willinKly no I II 4' E Nit in inl .rt EST IN TttElf W 11.4'4:M , ER. I w,a11.1 hirthar titan. that I tiara frolaantly 1.41 tits CHLEBRATF.D WHITE CIRCASSIAN LINIMENT lu my pr act an, a jai tno Isapplont onm - n., and that I can roll •• •lontionnly locontinend it. C. AIcLA NM, IL D. All the nt,,,re Medieluex toroputeil Nobly under the nupnr rision el . Dr. I. Sl'A , l7. Seld by Druggiete nod Mee, tiAilbi lery where. The IiENUINE Dr. C MeLANE'S ISICHOVED LIVEN PILLS AND IMPIDIVMD VEIOIII , III/ K one eigiltl by Ur I. i• l ( l, YrrAce,Aupoilied 1,, eerttheate of C. MILAN):.Th, WIIITE CIItt:AitSIAN LINLMENT by Dr I. SANYIT & Co., neeumpaniett with elguature ‘,l I. 2501:17, M D. DR. I somr 01., Sote Propttiori. 114 " 14 1'w. , 3 1.410tUttiwn, Vs DR. U. 11. KEYStilt, Wholesale Agent, 140 11',. RI KURIA, Pittsburgh JAS. P. YLRAII NIA, Wholesale Agent, Ja22:tllyttotwlyspeAt I Neat Railrnatl Depot, Allegheny CAMPBELL & I'OLLOCK, Staple and Fancy Variety and Dry Goods AND MANUFACTURERM OF PLAIN AND WAVED LINE GILT MOULDINGS. No. 95 Wood st., Corner of Diamond alley . HEY refer to a king experience jit thlti busipeas as 4 safe goitutittoo to tile purciurser that h e wi I gut the lart last stylert, and at prier., as low on auy other eat& 1i1.13111 , 9114 An Inspection of their stock incurs no obligation to ituy, Equal attention will be shown to Merchants, whether th e ir rails he for examination or para., athltl:lotdAt3ty - LIRESIf 2oomoxee ta. A. Raisins "Clollll`llle WU Quarter boxes do. do. do. 100 I lair do. der, a,. do 100 Brae.; Layer 'Wallis tr !loxes "Syria" do. f 3 Cusk's Currants. to !dots Dates. 44. x) Drums Figs. 6 Cosies figs In paper boxes. 5 Cases Prune. Cows Pron.'s in rani y'lnixvii. Omen Pri•servil recniveil end h r t im e It E 61 kilt 5 ANDER...4O, n111.:5 No. 39 Wed sheet . a_. The ~ t 4,lna.r Fit RD. .1 ) I t 7., Capt. R. flaA rev. mill le v. for the ahoy.. and all internaaliato p.a la on :' , ..lT(f I; Iht V, huch 29th. For freight or paaaage apply on la.ard..a. t)) FLACK k 1.1 VFM iSTON. Agents. For tit, LOU{/i. The •toanoor'Nl A TIES, McCti Ertl— Clot k, I I Fn. crizt ye for thy al.00• and ioterotoliate p•ortt SATURDA V, Morel, '2.44 1 1, at 10 A. M. Fur freight or pradage apply on la•anl. or In John 11.) N 7: 011.1.) ; W(101). • For Cincinnati. The 'tti,tuner ST Li WIS. I J. II 1.1 , 111 . M.R—.111 IGrvr f,r Lir • itt).l iliterllietiliae ',vas on FRIDAY March 10 A. M. Fr fret,.T.lit to FLACK k The 'tamer I: ELI A NCI:, Capt. W 0.3 nt Citont --Clerk, llr. u, WoOnarßN—will fJr the abovu and lataniamliata purl on TIIUIIIDA Y, AlarCh 27th, at 10 A. M. For freight M . Ica age apply nn board. or In nalt2n FLACK, LI V I 1 1 i1 i.STON h BA 11N For St. Louts. rotAa !nor J. W. CIIKSSMAN, Capt. A. I). WiLos—Cierk, S. EN V ARC-14'111 I. as, t r , Ilie nln..a and in t..rineallate parts on FliII)A March Llitlt. at IS A. M. For fr.•ight lut,ttg,. apply 11:1 I , ..ntrd. or 1.. 11111.5 FLACK A LI VING:,T(IN Par St. Lout's. The gtottlner .1. W. lIA I I.AI AN, 0..11.t M II k‘ Clerk, It. nottiNsoA wOl Irtre 1.1 . il.• Itt”I lotersitethato j. rt. on 1. Nhtrt h nt 10 A T. ) r freight or tuetyAge upply nu Nam!. or to nlll2o_ FLACI( & V INiiSTON, Ag,utat. _ _ . _ _ • . Thor lino; roger steamer Al KSS I: It. Capt. NI. S111.11:44 o --Clerk. I. 1.. Si w 111 Lava for the Above awl Ist rermethat oo L,rt, 4.0 Til 1 . , Ma rob =Lb, at 10 o'o Lodi,. A. NI. For freight or pasostoge apply ~n I.t‘rot, or to IIA ItN 100-,o A UV I NtlS'l't IN, A geoo to, Thr paaaaaacrlacr ICACo, caw. 1'..1r1 r.mr.--Clark, 11. 11 11 . A bare!, thc abort. and Ditc . rfac.liate p.m+ 011 IV EDS DA Y. March la o'clock, A. M. oJrSS Par frcigla or paasmac sappl) on hannl ar to is.l, '25 DAILN Er , A (1 1 1.1.1\t/ 0 . 1 N 11), A 0.121.. sti‘vm, J. C 1-11LNIONT. J. ALIEN 11,r the iO4•top-dulte I.n to ~I 1 I . III'RSDA Y . Mardi t&I 111 A. M. For fr.Lirtit ,kr payom,•npply I.,4ird • Inle2l/ FLACK .k LI VI For Si. Luuh.. _ TL. • &FF. Capt / I. ffigZeUrfroCk-- (Atli:, J. 11. STY.WAHI , -. will Ivar.: L.. di« ttil•l Ititerto,diran 1..11s on TULL:— DAY. Thach 2:lii, at 10 A. NI frnight us - pavoia,,, apply con lokonrti ..s. to FLACK A. LIVINIIST•IN Pror Si. Loulit, Galena. Dubuque and St Paul. Til.• 1114113114, A U . lIAS4,N. k. M -h., i , .1 111 ,, fttol iut,ToediatA loto TI I I'FsDA y. m„,j, o'clo.-k A M For fretglit or irt.5...4r.• apply on I..Ard. or t,l m1.24_ ACE \ IN. ir , TON. A.rotr _ _ The steamer CAM tiltlINIK, enyt. It4A, Clerk. J. P. F‘lLLEV—will I.•an• Gar Il..• /lb.,' and internindiate porta on TIIUtt.44DA 'I, h March 27th, nt 4 V. For fn•ight or Immig.• apply on hoard, or to 10124 1,1%1SO:4'01N. For Nashville. mount, ICUd.AI,IK, Cnitla in CEO, . • .1 1 1 Orkt—Clork, Joitn 1,1, for , nkove and I°4.nm...flat, fart. TII1?II-- +UAI', March 1:7111, nt 4 k P. M. Fur froinht or itannn4.• apply on hoard, or 1., 1:A1(1g 011.1.1.Nt1WOOD, A For Clneinnoll and Louniville. Tug +l,lvmlikl qt , int.r MR II MST . M.N. .iigat N to - '. PR t VO, will Ira.,. Ow alw,e all Roil inlorlu.hate landing+ Y, Nlaroh 27th, at lo A. NI. For froight or paamagre apply to FLACK & lIAII R9 fob 12 The *trainer I N DE A V OH., Captain J. MARK ray—el,rlc. 11 kat. ELL— %% krt, t• 1; 4' the above nnil internreJinte porta on 'fill 11,:111:1 V, at 10 Yor 14.•arbt er paaaag, ITT, benriL — For St. LOUIE.. - - - - • • tE1:1:=1:r; Tho .teawr SW A 1.1.0 W, Cant. JAVUI It krISOM--( . 1.,rk, 11. WIC] rt :, I 1 . —U.1 II Itnl,i, for the nisoV,. null in tt•rtnedial... porta ”ItTIII.IIttDA l', March 27t1A, at lu o'clock A. M. For froight or poNsairo apply on boor,l, or t mll6 FLACK .4 LI V I MISTON. Aeon t. For St. Louis and Illinois River. sat The Arlo - nor AUNT LErry. Capt. TlitN. Ilt.t.uwlN..--Cli•rk. A. O. FoLora—will 1100 fi,r lII,' KIMVPII3III illterlllollilltV Ih.rtY 00 7110 opening or MIN inatlon. For froigltt or pookogo ort,ly o n b onr ,l. or t o nkh7 .101I\ FLACK. A,•ta. For Memphis and New Orleans. Tlio passenger Arenmer ARCTIC.. Capt. DEVENNLY—CIork, 11. K. ItErsoun—' will leave for the 111,01,, eud inl.•rnmllale ports on THURSDAY. Mardi freight or 1 eteiege Apply on 140nr.1. or to roll 7 FLACK A LIVINGSTON, Ap,nis. The steamer YA NNY HARR I: 4 , Captain G. Sl.9lN—Clerk, Is.‘ se 31 ssox—o ill leave for the :drove and in lermediaty ports on the opening of navigation. For freight or pagan° apply on board. or t o mhit FLACK & LI VlNtil-I'ON. Agents For Clinciumati oud Loulsvillr• The tine pamenger eteamer CIA rruN. Capt. JACOB lon, will Irate for the above and interme diate ports ou TILUItSDA Y, 3lareh *ath. at lu o'clock A. M. Yor freight or 11/usage apply ~n iniard , or to niar3 FLACK A BARN FS, Agents. Nor Louis Pllle• The !dean', VIENNA, Capt. Cuts. E. ll.tr, will leave for the above tel lutermeiliate 1101141 011 TIII7II.WAY, Mat eh Cih, at lUod.e-h. Yor freight or lutssage, apply ' uteri L3l 0 N & C 0.-- 'I' . ItANSI'OIt'rATIO LINK. -- I lathia m..do er*.naive pro.2liLe too otlolpt *lsla a mtg.,. wo 11. n. not. prep/well to do it HKAYY BUSINESS by I'ENNSYL% A.'l A 1 :1.,..!. and RAI LtioA D. TIIROUWI Ti! AND Fill Oil K EAST. ERN CITIES. We 1,11 1111/1111, our lend, and all Ho., diaroaori ti pittronizo the Poona. ('anal and Itallr/01.11,t1 %Alas will Le spared I. road, gonersti tatinf .t.t too to Slop. Torre of 1 , ..t0r0 and Wostoett Freight. Tlso Alai ll% NCR OF TIFF: INCLINED PLANES UN TIIE A IxI.EOIIEN 1 PIIRT.WE 11. A I LIVIA I/ roll pi,. 1111 . 1,111,1 it t , trittottnlssion of freotill OITIoe in PENN et n,4. at the Calla! Ittsiti. ntlo4 I.IA/Y 1.F.11 II E ' S T 1t.% N'S POItT A TION LINE.-- 1 Autwipxt log 11. , tong* ..ffacilitioa for - trallaportiag lerrO4l”n to tool from Ow Knot .•. - n Billies, via Pelllllqll . llllll. ( 4 1.1111. i 111111 it/1111,11111, Nu 1111111 lucre/v.41 our stork of 801/1:1, , 111111. 1 . is. DoIIBLE DAILY LINK, whirl, gives in n rapacity of over IN,$; Lam pot month ,•stril wily. MM.4111,1 oar (muds. and ilmme diApn.4l to patroni-o• efo• jM.prmVl . llll'lll,l, 11.1 . 0 fluting ,pared gar , or part to rooder general uatisfaction and Western Prniglin4 xillt promptitude and despauM. I( IKR it M 111211 ( ' MIIIII Ibwin . PittAlutruh, Pa CANAL BOATS FOR SALE. 1.11 - , for sale, TWO SUI.IT ANTI ALLY 111'11.T CANAI. I.IOAI'S. BRYAN, K V.NS EDV S CI , DALY'S STOCKIN6 FAt"r(ii:y. (n. ITALY cgruer of Market alit.) ...I ' , int -t,..•t. lio.k it ..../..ary to miltrittlicl a I . «lsa tth bas Kamisl I 111 0. . ..,. That lin WWI selling all 1.. quit iiligil a. 11, liev, had slo•ti io.ntiou. 11, informs tho public . at It« still rout i 11..., to surlily STOCK INi l,i, SIMMS, DR A W Eft: 4 , Anil all kinds of HOSIERY, at his isitoblislonsut. Ili. lcitc• tory In near Ityan'n 111‘11.1tng. on Fl FIT ate.-4—"I"'" at all WO , * to the Inspection of Ow plume. VW 1.18. Drx , lo., wink or hie tovit inanufactiue, brought to the city the larginot naeornnent of thesis iu his Ilne ever hroiight to this city, which urn sarnutted to lie of the beet quality. and will be mail at 11..' most reasonable liners, 110 Las but line gales Room, at the corner of Market alley owl Brant Barest. A VALUABLE PROPERTY of 5 4creß FOR SALE, sitnate itlicit 2 talkie trout, Alloglietly my, and having q barge frOut . on tue Allegheny nod New Illiglarty Plank t 2 acres ate now in cultivation ; Irtd ala In prima titular, 1..... i tti0p in piewitua and 1„,.,1, hr tad would make a licautlful uuuntry neat. wklyS. OUTIIBERT SON, 51 Mai Lai at. S y4 1 . dT Al; , s- 40` STEAMBOATS. 1855. 1856. Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, LOUISVILLE AND SAINT LOWS. THE PITTSBURGH AND CINCINNATI STEAM PACKET LINE, FOE CONVEYANCE OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT • Pittsburgh,' Cincinnati, and Saint Louis. • rm pned T tirstet in lass L , powlB'erfc"in of il ' Sleautoni, " unit quailed for speed, splendor, safety and comfort, and is the ONLY THROUGH DAILY LINO OF kiTLely Pecsarrs on the Ohio river. It connectn with the U. el. Mail Line of Strainers from Cincinnati to Louisville 49.1141 Saint Louis, by which passengers and freights tire ticketed cad reccipled through daily Two new Steamers have been added to the Line, which 110 W convicts of the foaming beds: Bouts. (144"ins '' I f A it 'l l'i d l '` Vrhy ". BUCKEYE STATIC M. W. lIKLTZIIOOVER, , Su lit hty. CITY OF WIIMKLIMI.... Juni, MIAIKE Monday. ALLYA/lIENY I. N. O.K. Tuesday. CINCINNATI A IMAMS ixii,oulity. PIIILADELPIIIA It. J. (lune. Thursday. PENNSYLVANIA Jouu KLINITLTyIt... Friday. PITIMBUItO II I I O'Nzat 1 Nat unlity. ty . g. Leave daily at 10 A. M. prmil.4.ly. No freight received after nine o'clock mi the morning of departure. __ _ _ Pittsburgh, Steubenville and Wheeling Packets. The DI URN A Capt. .1. A. Sneutn, a 1.41 tho FOREST CITY, Capt. D. WAT, will run REGULAR DA I LY PACK ITS twlwech • _ . burgh, Steubenville and Wheeling, stopping at 101 il.frrute dint, ports. Tho DIURNAL will leave Pittsburgh on Mtßallip. Wed neoulays Bud Fridays, at 10 o'clock. A. M.—ltErutodan. she will learn Wlll,ling 011 Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7!,.4 o'clock. A. M. ThO FORP.ST CITY will also leave Pittsburgh on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at lit o'clock. A. M.—Rerun:vino, she will leave Wheeling...Ll Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. at PA of A. M. For froigut or passage apply on board, or to .1. D. (`,DELI W(X./D, Ag...t., N. 1:5 Front n.,t. Regular Packet for Wheeling, Marietta, Parkersburg. Hockingport, Posneroy, Point Pleasant and tialipothw The now and very light dr.tit g lit Meunier 1(1.1 , 24 AVERY eke, \V. I'. Tot:mnia:, will leave for the above and intermediate porta every VI iday, at 4 P. M. The Charlea Avery is now re nt the Ndaion galaila wharf, between Ferry and .Short street,. For Zanexville. The pats:tater I'llEVillT, Capt. D. T. Ititow Clerk, Capt. U. W. (Tx—will Lave for the mid intermediate ptirta on THURSDAY, March 27th, nt 4 o'clock, P. M. For freight or pigetage apply on lioard, or to inli27 CULLINIIIVOt in tt BARNES. Agent,. Nor St. Louis. For Nosh vine For C . I tacinnat I For Lotailiville. For St. Louis For St. Lonl• and Keokuk Po r St. Loias For Louhirille 14nr1 Sloutu C. DALY, earner Market alley and . r . _.,. -,. Itt= ~,,gAft% .. Jo d.. y.. . 4., _— >.,.-• ..,. •-• vi, .7 . : 4 1: 1 - .,.. , ; ,,,,,, a. ,. ....;!...V.,- ';'..." .-;'''''";". ''''...;•...... ..'.'.', ,t.,40."0 44- .r.k• 2 4. -- !... ,-, .1:;. , --4 ,- -- , t-s -,5"..h.,'Vzi-24.-1 ,1 . - '' ' , . +,..• • - ' ' • .... 1 . 1 2 f 1 ,, , . . , , :,... 41-4 ,-,.E.,...:(A-t;-;-:,. ~.,..::;:..5":...40:'-'l%--'''',7'..;- ":' • 4.2:-...3•4";:',.,-;..-,it't:• 14",''";i1-',..',-:` :',....,',. '': ,-,' ;,".,;:.•,? . .-,:-.;',:•-;Vt;*`;', .4'.> , ~',-,-;-",;;;:f.'41r54i,,;<,;;;e4 ; 7 ' - ' ~ • 2Y,;,ft.,Vcii; . r 'i : :. l ,;J'il .;l' P*7 W';'•;.'"ll' '''''2,:"7,1:.;21 -,. .7; .2'.." 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'%-.l.''.i:er'i:i'ft'V•;4,-;'•1.W.1.,'.'," ...i--"'•'''''.' .'..:".:',i,,A)z-fi,?:-..,„;,-.7;,,,,,,;e;,;.-,-q:'?fr-:`;',:cc0i.,f44,ik,43;;5t;=...„"'1r,.74 .. ~.,,,? ,i.,:e.„- ,:`.7Pe'''4l.l.fq-.a4AT.,1frit.411',47A2417 , ... , ~,.• , ~, :r .f.,-o<.-- 21..:.,,.r...1.1,Wq.5..;=,tat ~,tv ,•0'',..,, . - • :, - , ~, <,...,7-... 1'.t..•-w-,,v, A ...-ricr,i•-1747-4........:,;-.:-..,],i,,.q,-4,4.4 , - ... , , --. `,.'..-i=i-t,,,:,,';'`,P3r""1:,:143,,,..f,;-,.,til'F:;:-.:;''..-.'i, ;'-','''''' 2:---.''Lli(*.. ;.,-- 4 '.:j: -1.1,-:t/,--i4V-.-6;,.z-Z-,:•V:',,,i';'*fi-'-='1..:,:-,. • ~,, ‘,.• : , -, , ,o.',i ',....--:)- ,-` , ' , ' ;,.- l',„':;''':-.:'';;-' if, .'•,t, 1,.," ~ ' ' i; '' • ..* : . ~ , -;; *... - __44-• , --1,. ~ - ' ~,,,,,--?.,,z), , ---- ~..,:,.....,,!..t..,.-;tp-„,..,,• .E..... 13~ • -• ^ ...ge....,'...N.,/.....•:. ' - '-'-' 17 , , ;?,-- ~ ~,. ;,;,:.'''','-' •-•.'4,',41 ... ' %' ~ "' r ,f; ',l :,'•l.l.°' "."' - - ...0,-;;0,,,,,,,•,;',. +, ~ ~ti,,,vl,''-% - - : - -;14_,,,,.' '. -,-,;, - ' r , -',,,,,:i.k44:,..---. ',--,:.•;;%..:;:.&;K:f;T: _.,e6_*Ltin,vl=;;l'f'". ~.r..c., ! ;..... ;-,;`,..,,,,,1; / •;,.1,,,:;, ,'',, . , ..; ..„,,.,:,.."2,/,P. . , 1 , ~' -;;''':_,..ii;i ;1;•,,i1:: - ~,,;;', '..,.`;50,."' -,;' , ' ,:::::",c7:;- 4:,' , , -,• ; — ,i ..?...- ; ~ .,!.T' ',... ...-,' '-V7l ,-1 ,- itfi,..4.%,,,,,, MEDICAL . BOERHAVE'S._ HOLLAND . BITTERS 0 Edit lloila,l(7sc7l ° Kruiden, Bitters. TWO YEARS have elapsed %nee the intro 11111thl , 11 of this vain:J.ls cosi us Int. the United Stem. During this thou it low ruins] striver:al midway as rounsiy for From and Asper. Dy.tpopstA klqinfian, Rsadae4 Lots Appoto4, lk.oi Civil:Dem% • • Mind and 131 ta Pile,. Many of onr most worthy r melts testify lofts liniularfal efficacy iu all aliectious the stomach and liner. As tonic, it never has horn euualled, for the relief it affords fit all room of debility or weakness of any kind la almost in stantaileous. In nervous, rheumatic and neuralgia. ado> I' .it lon in numerous instances proved highly bensfida, and in others ellected a deckled cure. When eminent phyNiciaus pri,scrilbs, and their . patiaula so uahsinelinaiy recommend, surety we may Cf. 8341 p 410 UN and eager!) lest its iirtnes for ourselves. FPS ER AND AGUE. A Ow ty - Eight Months' Mantling Oared by 13crrhatt Rot , Mod Ilittrnt.—bliatel Kelly, No. 117 Oran!, near tbnithiield /greet, my + : July, while running on the river, on a r,/thin loot plying lietween Natchez and New Orlealla, taken with fever and ague. Mnr eight long months I gnawed oritit thin dreadful direnee. The greater part of thistimu' l was fmabl to work. and spout at bout fifty depart fordir• final medirinea. het I found no permanent roller. Three v.eeke no,. IMP of my friends insisted upon my trying Boer- Itavo'.l llt.ilnnd )titters, saying that a cure Wal After taking it for one week, I must state I W2ll a amend man. I have been at work now for two weeks, and have had no return of the chills and fever whatever.• • • I certify the alto, o id:dement ie trno. THOMAS knees, Diamond Ilanne, Or at it. Cheater'', Gothic Hall. TINA D_ACIfE AND DEBILITY. Mr. Niles Unreelli, of Itirmisicham, says: "I have found iai Iteerlinve's Bitters a remedy for headache and debility. My wife hum also uwil it with the greatest benefit" .fr. A. 8. Nichol:wit. of Pittsburgh, ahso remarks that be has experienced much relief from its use for headache. - - - READ TlllBl A Thdander's Tratimony.—.lncob itinsken, living in the settlement of glieboygnn, Wisconsin, says: "After suffering for some time the misery attending an utter prow trotion of mind and body, I have been restored, by using, itoorhave's Holland hittors to perfect health." The fact of this remedy (wing in cinch high retrute among: Ow Hollander); In Wiwonsin. Michigan, New York—ln fact, , in every liolland settlement in the United Btatee—argues mauls in its favor. STREN(47II ANT) HEALTH RICEITORND. . •. !Tr..iulta Pavithutn, living t,n tailed above Pittsburgh, on the I..aniylvania Canal. alys: " When I isantnoneell taking 11 , ..rbav, 0 4 liolinvti Bitters, I could lairdly walk—now, I houltit." W HANN ESS OF Ti itTONIACII AND INDIGESTION. A ,nth.,' Cr" blue i'YPri , vi by noa-h.res Holland —The wilt of Peter fie Witte, living in Holland Town, She biygon county, Wisconsin, suffered much from weakness of the of annrL and intligestien. She hod been under a phyel m.m's cure for some time, lint the disease twined to baffle 1'5,1 his skill. Sin, purchased some Holland Bittern, at our :ace, which lots given Mite to her stomach, her appetite and sn rength are returning, and we firmly believe that tido Is ii, other great cure effected by your medicine. We have still to record many wonderful cures effected by this moody, hut must wait another opportµnity. Ono thing you ;WI rely upon, what we have published are from persons much mepoc:teal in our community, and are literally true. J. gowns, Editor Sheboygan Nienurhxle, Sheboygan, Wig FITITIIIVC"Ml A Cu.• of Two Months' aanding !Nord by Bocrhares Ed. loud Ilittrx.—Cleorge Ilendertam, of Pittsburgh, says: "After Eng . ..ring; £r three months with rlieumatbun—ri part of the time so severely ns to COnfine me to my bed—l have been entirely eurod by owing Boerlinve's Holland Dittera. I have bad one attack nines, but found almost instantaneona relief In the some rn.,dicine. It In, in my opinion, a sere remedy for rheum:l6lln." N It VCR.N ANU RIIRIPSIATIC AFFECTIONS. - - Thin chan.oitili.ie weather In likely to prooliwo a great deal p.unonn troublei) with nervous or rheumatic n8..-ti, mn vw. wimil 9 reeiiiinnuinti Itoerhitve'n Holland Bitters. On referring to our columns you will find eertlicates from wino, of our first Gorman and English eltizens.—P!•rutryl cariia Raols Zeityrng. THE Wt MST YOE If OP PILES CAN BE CURED. We on at Liberty to .rftr L.. aarenti well kno; n gentle loon. w Ito horn uletb then v..lghlf tasted, and now recommend itoerharr's !Lollar I / Ili/ ter oas a rrmody for piles. We ore tot pot !ish th- ' r WU:fleet, Lunt will takepleasure ryfel ring any perm n to th no who denies this statement. For tilt; utryetion, 001-half k,l - the prescribed deco &mild le taken--say hatllteorpcalifill- -morning, noon sad one hour lo,forn wool. CA CTION TLC . great impolarity of thin deligi.lful Aroma hat induced many tmitationn. which the public s h,,vid guard against par chasing. n o t persuaded to hey an . •titlng else until you have Oren itnorhavu's liolland Ilitteasa fair trial. One bot tle will root itwe you bow intloitoly super:or. It in to all them I 4er 6.01i1 p. 71. 64(1r, nr six bi,ttles ft..' $5, by the sole pr.tpri.•h.r., lIHNJA LN CO., 151ninifsetnriug l'iteruiseentists and Cl•:mints, c..r. Stsitlinehl ipel Third titrtNetil. Pitte , ((rrh. It. lt. $1.11.1,1(1Z1( h (XI, I)stiggist.s, corn, ti.rond :11111 WOOd streets. AO.l 011 Driiggists 10 Pittsbnrell, A llogliepy, 115i,..11,4-ti.r and T.liiiierettirss ills. sep'2%.lswl y DR. NIOWMIS--- INVIGORATING CORDIAL, A PITENOMENON IN 3IFIDICINE. - Elretllik Kertored and Life Lengthened MORSE'S INVIGORATING . ELIXIR, r.r WILL rephme weakness with strength, incapacity with 0116..11..3., irregularity with uniform and enteral actisity. an 4 that not only without hernial of reete• tie, lett with n happy effect un the general organisation. a r Boar in naiad that all untlailiew wherever they begin, ft it hit with the norviies rystetn, fowl that the paridLyttiou of the teirce iif and volts:ohm is physical death. (tear in mind, also, that for every kind of nervinia disease, the Elixir Cordial in the only relialile preparation known. CURE 1W NRltS"ollti DISEASRS. N.. lon.-nage can convey an adel e idea of the Immedi ate and almost mimeoloos change ich it occasions In the disee.c.l, debilitated and sliatterod no syeiteni, whether troken dour by retreee, went by n tore, or impaired by sickness—the unstrung and relaxed nrgauie.ahou is at once, I•uno.1, revivified and built up. Tlie mental and physical symptoms of nervrois ilisooso ran iph together tinder its lune. coce. Nor in the effect. temporary; for the Cordial properties of the medicine roach the constitution Itself, and restore it to its normal condition. LOSS OP MEMORY, Conf. - ion, giddiness, rush of blood to the head, melancholy, debility, hysteria, wretchednees, thoughts of self-destructiou —fear of insanity, dyspepsia, general prostration, Irritabili ty. nervousness, inability to sleep, disease incident to males, dray of the propagating functions, hysteria, monoManis, vague terrors, palpitation of the heart, impotency, constipa tion. etc., from witatewr causes arising is, if there be auy reliance to be placed on human testimony, absolutely infal lible A GREAT MEDICINE FOR FEMALES The unparaDoied effects of this great restorative in all complaints incident to females. mark a now era in the annals of medicine. Thousands of stimulants have been tainted— ,,, ~, sands of invigorants concocted—all purporting to be gpetilled in the various diseases and derangements to which the delicate formation of woman render heritable. EVERY WOMAN OF SENSE, Who suitors from weakness, deramnituent, nervousness, tre m,cs, luunn inAlte back, or any eater disorder, whether po roll, to her sec, or c.lllllllOll to both sexes—atuadd give the Invigorating Cordial a trial. MARRIED PERSONS, Or otherx, will find this Cordial, after they have used a bot th or live, n thorough regenertitor of the gyatent. In all direetions are to he hmad the happy parents of lankily off 81.rlug- who would not have awn no but for this extraordi nary pieporation. And it is (Nullity wient for the Many di,umaes for which it hi recommended. Thonsands of young thou har.• been natured by using it, and not inn single in stance had it failed to benefit theta. PERSONS OF PALE CONIPLEXION, Or consumptive habits, are reetornd by the use of a bottle or two to bloom and vigor, changing the skin Crow a polo, yoF sickly color, to a beautiful florid complexion. TO TUE .ItIRIUIDED. These are mato of the and and tuoinuchoky,,ft-„,b, prod „,.„ by early habits of youth, via: Weakness of the back and limbs, pains in tho bead, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, isdpitation of tho heart, arra - spate, nervous Irritne Isility, derangement of the digestive functions, general de. Liiity, symptoms of consumptions, otc. Jlentally, the fearful effects nn the mint} sun 1 2 / 1 101 to be dreaded. Loss of memory, confusion of ideas, depression of spirits, Coil foreboding* nversime to society self-distrust, loitudo, etc., are some of the eACte eroslucod All thu Dieted, B ItE CONTRArPLATING MARRIAGIC, :Mould rellisAt that a sound mind and body are the most ne. my ro..lll4Lires 141 promote eownsbial happiuebx; indee.l, witi,mn these the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage—the prospoct hourly darkens the view; the mind .11:1.101Voil With \ir. and 611,,1 with the oselass• ,holy reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with your own. =ME Pr K.rse's invizorlttiug Cordial tots beim counterfeited by 1111/1. persolm. 10 future, oil the genuine Cordial Will have the proprietor's Inv-Amite p:tsli..4ll over thr 1,1114 ',hell Lottle. and the lotto,. lug r•ortir I.lokrii in tho glue, Dr. Morse's Itavtgornting Cordisd. C 11. It !NO, Proprietor, N. V. Cordial ie put up, highly Or. euti sited, in pint hultks —privA4 thre..llol/(1111 per bottle, for II VI; 11011.trS, eta 1.4 vr.•lv.• It. It INt), Proprittus, Itroat.hvay, .1.1. Grid by Druggiatm throughout the United Stabss, Canada and the IVi.ot MEE= Pit tsbli rgh ORO. 11, lc RYSER, No. 116 Wood ca.. NI BRS, No. Co Wood street; n. E. stlLLEic:i. W.. 1 ntnwt. Allegheny City ..11ECKIIANI & 61'KENNAN: T SAMPLE & CIY.; • o f. I', FLIC3IIN, _Agent for 01a0....1. PARE, _ itiotAtwi y PRIVATE DISEASES—Dkt.'BROWN, No. 41 Inionond alley, d0N.1.11 1141 entire attdnilou u Office Practice. Kis 'loudness in mostly confined private fi4nereal frisectect, and finch painful aKre tious teranglif on-by imprudence, youthful indulgeuee and exces4. dyplulla.Fyphilitle Fatiptious, Cioalorrlioa,Oleet,Sl.?lttere Urethral Diecliarges, Impurity ,if the mood, with di dieeax,e of the Venereal Organ. Skin Ilivnncx , Eleortrutk,ErnPflon.i Totter, Ringworm, Merrtulal Diaraeca , Seminar weaknesa, Impotency, Piles, Rheumatism. Female Weaknene, ?deathly suppression., Diseases cif the Joints. Pieta., in Ann, Nerroue Affection., Pains In the !tack and Leine, IrrilLAlnn '. l 11 .• Bladder and Kidneys, suceesef lly treaNsl. Care guarantees/. Twenty yearn' practice (feu in this eitylenatilee Ur. Brown to offer arieurtiniare of a speedy care to 114 wllin 4 41 1 Y fouI" der hie cane. OffiCt, and Private Consultation ROOMS 411:lialinlnd alley. Skip Charge. moderate. Ittoranterwly DR. B4OWN continues to be con -stated for the care of SE4:IItET DISRASES.. lila oilmen In In standing CARPS is unequalled. The afflicted arc Invited. 46 call without delay. Persona afflicted pith Venereal Dic mon. ithennuitisim Piles, or 'Seminal Debility; abould delay to amt his advice. Letter containing a tic;, inimedistw Iy auxu'vt,ul. *5 taPav anti Private Houma, Nu. 41 Diamond alley. Pittaborigh. iall R ^ ,41,• 4 • Yf _ -,. 2 ^;:'•,LYt• :„-A.- -,.- ..- - , ~..., ~,r,;17, k ,..,,. ' ' . 8 . 4: -%. "7 'r-•*: - , ~..•••• -.-:-.:•;.;. .:"..4" .. A k't , ,,.." '- - 47 . 4..* 7 • ''-;.• :-.--• ,, ,0vie•••. , " • ... 2 ,..ri.e r '. ' i ' '''ilf , , ' -- - • ...1 '' • :' ' -;"*.r : ' ..• - S-.. -.1 ) '" - ,t• 5.•.-4-- , , ,, • irl.'' •''•;" .0 .`g!:4 2 •4 -i' ' •:. •• 1,- ....'fi::. - -1 - V - rr ' -.-"":" .• - ••4:1_, i t e,i.,,L-t:3•s,',l 'in , *-- '- .4 F-',%;•. - 7 ....,Z,...' • • '''." 2 .).t':.;'. '',.., - i :.i f ,l - .3":' • '' • 1 1 , ' - i i 1 1 - 4 a~. .~. :tip t' ~~ . e.`o -dk ',---' 41, :444 .7 1 ' ISERE , :.r :<<_ .^p-+ -C N S "Ar .... 7# •• A A , .„P:fg.istl ~.‘*. ; . g ;_l pi-s .•;;I':k -, • ,- 1:,, ,, ' '..''' .7 •>:-i'' - '' . ::;' : i :- •,' ;,I,er'4',l;i.;• -:7,-,-;s,•.‘. _ " ~2;. -;~i~ _{;,;;: ,_ - ; ~'~ r _< ;- ' .?,' , ,ca ,} gy m. }~.'~. 5