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'„ DEMOCRATIC STATE t; 1-WIW E SCOTT FICS • Jr., 'l'llllll'lls. It F:S, ,Lst From Cairo th • L•,.. L L Ittrer T `tt`111111"1, 11 .2.11 !Old 1:C111 ,, !•:1! -- t• tit: , 74,.1.11:41':-: TEIE 11.: S The 'Hermann Fr , ; N, -„ 1 T'• n th in It niittratrxe ,l in ivr• r- I in \ k•II1 \v 1 . ,.1k II n 111, , •, r Tin• :::nac•.• i tnte , ti au u , ij , •:r u...j .W r 11,1111‘11011 t-. 111 bionl.kl. 1,0 the lii ..r,r it I,y 111 ThP bar.tu," .I , r v, if . l; Nev.. Y. , r'r u 'f Satur.l.l T'r.. f Pt:1'114111 Ilr - hut, to iht , 1 7 ( , 1,rnary. Tltt• ,11olern prevailing, to c.roclr alarinln,r rt wr.ulsl,,rrissruslv \vitt' rr.r ;sir Irrr .I:l).•ll , ;ti , ll'.l.pir T A TES willprol.abl 71,1 701 I tab. Ne, !v ~venty rwkr. , 1.1,,'k the Chiefig4. 'lye them th , re pi V:••1 . tl ,• a Pl.olth tl,t• ❑brrt in I )r, n. min .111 - 'l` NS 111 1 , 0 rnt )re' -in .n,lat UN' Pi t . thil, xis I Li y ii \l r i I n~,•I tl~:•r~. ~,u t i. - th 3 , N\ ill 3' :I , I, :t. t. ,:tri). tll , re t I. •t•Ahl,-1 rn 1 0 1, I =EMI •i i•11,.11 nr0:1 t•i n. , 11 --•I • ~ lIIIMMINI :1'.1:1 ill ••••••'l. •I,t !'n•e. ,rl.l t:!Llit tif t• 11.,•," .i q I IMIIIMIME ~~l~f , ~~n i a :171 1 tun! i ~~, i.~ . . r„~, ~..:~ ri AV !15 Ni II It t‘ p 1... the r 6,1 NL, r ••••., ~.0 *: • 1- State ;0..00 -"0 11. ot• 1 ..• Ilt.• cii3l 11,011 l !Irtrrity. Pry 11 , \ =MEE (.•11,!4.1 _ ono ro r in Thi, lIIV -,11111. I li Very cff,,rt i ' ' 11," inl4 , ti t t I ! .,11• to :1- prior.- VI e :wed I.Lo p, •'I ms 11l I. 1: ll' It•ani el..ry I,fl I.tio that Ilir I,.•mk•era,•v t. pavtii.iilarl . y , aerk I.l,v7i‘nri•\ tiw i t•/,,i air..lo t , ll , AII:1 reeeiv,-1 Irttin t Tr"i Ittcrto , zll. :I•llintjt , t In , : tvc ,.. l;, I hat a 1i0 , n11.1 in Ut V It 11. e lv•mt : an 1::::.% .i,,. :'• • : par', th li:t. theta. The cart , - ! . th, I'II.- at 1., .1 . att.l will Ilat !,•r, ve that N‘; ! than a arr., mr,le iro n'n:og.nn. In the rilc or Pnrlm..,t, 1,1 . 1,-:r the I , .•ii,cr, tbe iYin4tcrat:+l.•3l, =MIMI lEEE= it , ,‘V in .1 .1 their maintenmw, ,ated Add t.. the ettst the ••:tl'" ,ientl. , ll t•ak:11 11,.4e 11111.,11i1, ,peettLl - Or , Inl lar,! No 1... y he is Yourcecn Tl ppren ti Z•t• . I t ~! less ti Lli I vv,•ilt 7 . -i.,.....„.,4.......,,,..„..„.„.„.....&-",,,,:ie „-.,,,,,..-„,-- 2,.•.., , .. , .,....:., , ...-.,-.,,, . . . . ... . rn crat , matde nearly a clean sweep of it \ named above. I I_i TICKET t 1 1 II rt 7..11. cki 211.1 =ME 11, ,, \ v nil. :1;1 11.! •tigh, ItaNe 11. , '1..111 Tlif`y ~..r n•sr au H " " . 111 in L 7, in nn iiipinipt to (lint p :1,11! !I ,1,11-111 r lEEE =MEE =lll \i -11 :I. ,••rk.lpt :). t 0 T 1 I•:Irt,•• =Eine MEE= •••., i•• ~ li I '~ \ i; A =ME .Nit 111., -i. It of I. ' - ligh dit:, ; 2 .rinlh Pitt-I,m gh. rotintugliain. E 11,111, and Reserve end other township... uth Pitt-ltrgh for instnnee :~ ~ r~L~~~trl I;ur;[~ 7Cht tiirrqs 6 , 1-1 liho lute,. In \ I:1 wlll,ll w:ty 11,c , c,irr(.o .IH,. vini!.l4.- county. '1 . 11,. prnpli onn illy 11T1 1 I 1...pr./IC:0 1 :.111 'haJ ),(!t ,r yi;t cmin:y comer _ (" ;:i: r:11:'..-.11 I ...king. :wig ni.t•dr,..l 1.3' 11, , 1 rite i State , \iar-hal. at ti hat Vi ii•6.11;,•:1:'.y :11%1,1'02 f'.r tur s'..l v, \ HIP c,14“7' Crt ni` .- -If? Vl I'. 'l' . 'l, 'l , 'llO - Fli,pret P. r SUlt.o , l in flu.; rcinat - the proemlint: rp.e litto r‘punty ll)tit )le,<Fr woro t., 1,, Tiv In reg.tr.l tin• ~nli•i~tt,•~ f,~r I'•.r~vr 1it.r.",71. it ,t,:hs thi • ,up; is cri.,,:woti urr re. 1 ue,...1 by Mr. Pra•ly to soy Cn•it ! c I,l‘ •nrli %11 , 1 1113 t W' I r =IEEE t•vr.rti llowlni gni lt 1. , IN if NIZP.I-111 ilt \I- .1. II ,16. ni•:11 I r =MEM tho no.l t ft Xll. I ',I Tl , l ni 1 ,, not 1. ' ! for 14 1, , 4,1 44•4 1,,4,1r 1 1 . 1 t•.C•1•111'‘ ,~J :.,~ n..t :~~il r..~.~,. 11l I....nriltqlsakt.:ll Jaikain 1 t • 1 • 1 ..1. 1! 'I, V.NI IV • • tter nurn,) ,, i. `I" th,l" viy1.1111;11 , .... • 1•1- 10 9. 1,1 v 4'.'7i• W-111.1 7),V0 'n•~~I. tho ..,irt•'„niltl •-!Ltl•n! r•t. 1,1 Wr..11 , 9:11 t.. 1 u. “v ' o trft ,i. !.c I t I' 1 .rL r .1 ll i lit 1 %;;i a( -ur: ~~~~ :~fL~,~.~~1 Av,llr! nv..l'.;,'W the I `:m 't:l Ncr,.,•;.•• L'l Arr.. .. r ,ii o I' wit, I /•..4-LII 11l !),, 101, !LI rvt.•;-o, - 1, W 3. P..' • ! t•II ..r th nvr ;ice. ' iln • fITIV . nro;lre inabnereatende.i arr. • , s the eeean. : 4 1not1•1 • Tel,. ly nn:%ere,l. •rtly ,r nn the night "I' the I I 1: - $111 February is-t. e.• the rern.un - of the eity of I the re •1 of the -h••re of ;he 1.111 - .•1 of f , riplyrri, •rre ti-;te r l br an or:y:11,1 , 11r , rtnpar r alirrierl in dt•n, in pr LI , ',I , leo., . j • l i i . I. 1, 1 1 11 . 11 1: `Ti.. - it 1 . . - I cr.o wart, :in I-. it i rllll,iy :111.1 1.1110 t 4. -•tit , I 1“ .1 .Ity 1.. f I-!. 1%4' Ow 1111r1 1.. 1.0.•••• Ul,l ;`,llVt. tPI Sk , p1•0-1,;:•il ,, I , . It I , 111:1 , 1t . • h, rcr•f•ipt , I.l , l':glit , -I ; :r,.w1:4" 11. at Ll.l Ik• it t. in tin • I,lnpe.l n“VII It IWT••I• pi, 011).!,1 . INId jai Ilin tii t C.N F:11: A Legislall% e Snake. \ th nt r;r11i11 . - 11011-t• ill Ih.• I JI t., 411•..11,0,111• t,, Lr 1,, , •,, 1,, 1 1 , 1, c ,,, 111 . ‘. 1 1 . 11.• , 111 ..k 112. I- 11, till` j , •'/..1 ,,, V•VOr M' rots, , E y ioth. :11,04,11 - + dill Ili) ;ill liroViitmoi! lo•ro for fir :11'1 .11 I • inik, :1111.11;lt fICZN.V:I“` 1411.3 in zr-2.-1.4 , ,.. 41 , ‘ tlitroft,•- 129. t, ttt-t 4. rinprttvettlrtn•- iittw t•ttiltrleti•tlittr t vmmoti , architects of thit rile 1. ~f which H -to 1. , . 1 ow ", of tile city, part of it 4o varp , lN phoe , z ii,•o4. I nduilia. tind 111111 0, are inc block of ,iores in hullaL,. N. a t ...4:01.01)11; oue block of store, in N at S:::111,001). A \ self-denying, i.verything prying. llv is a iir l rii.ty, mitoritity. and the let , ipetlw I.'l y 1 , a dragging, bragging. stri,in eh:lf:Wier, II p•illoti.-! .pr • , t-,2 .11; A t o t . g • •• • .4. l_ VoLr •• 4 4 as * 4 Ofu, • • .7*7040"1";-11.t.-or,".,,, =MI 2.oth, .111 11 . 0 ; Li at the nsual hour, a o'clock. rather pleasant we were en !erunne V. 'I I i•rayer. I'hc ,led on the e , ,untie , for peti tion,. \ :11. pre•ente , lllrf.t.' . ; 011 winierou-ly enarter the Cite I .;,,ing ro..r Iho •anie, I I VIII it rut .nr , l • 7", yt-111 - ointv tnot'.•l 1•1 , :it :Lnd Cmall \. •cate t% , 1 \ or C::(-ir u. 44 ili 114,4 it 4t lII` 4 rc ,c; i ktt..l,vn, tlittre tt ,, t ctti•ittt; .tt"it..• , iti itt y.titt tt, t .ii• li ;111. , 11:111:C.1 , 1111.1 , '•1•. c,71 Itttit• f tv,,N in ~...,itt.tture a- (01 11(7 1 r =MIDI rYtirnvuL thr rnmmittrr ri :01 ilCt f•• -t0 /1111,11 V: 11. , nn l'l.diting arl for tho Thr 1..1":••1 Wi 11("171 k'o re - C. , .111 - 111 , • 1:01, 'Il•I:Cflt0 7,'er.•.•• C.,•••. , • l'• • '•• • ••i• 1 I , w Ct•ttmll : :1. -, • are , 1‘ it .•.r tr` t • an I Fru wl• l• 11.1.•‘T =MEI =MN MEE 1:1 111 11 1.1 11 t. 11011111 11 , t1 VO -IC:i N w!, 11% , ! 0.1•111•elVc, • It III.• Vf•V. =MEM i'l,k• • I"tt .1111 k 1 ~. ~:~ ri 1. "., ~•, 1 , . 1 , 1 r I', 1 1::11 t'l , a.l lii FitON 1 7" I :I! , • f C tttlo. r.f I=IIE=IM tnt - .1- 'O, 11 nl , ll 111 krate nn al 1110 Pitt 11.,thing .Ai',e;:h;•n}• 1,•!,; far at lea-t, ,non , plati , al. 4,11 I;ul thoro city n. , t he =EWE - 711.1!t , rot.ort griel =EOM =BEIM I :L1:1C..1 111 V weltivc ; 'oll the h..- ffivirsz it thr.i !•!!--,1 ti!,(!..m!!!!tt , p limy!! -I,m! ! ‘l.! 11 , !!.-e 9mj :!.!,!!!“, :1:i 1 , 1.1 I. In Tarrl;:in i•• .1, • in lLiil,r crlir tho K. "• A o ' • I. 1 I. ill- I I iLr 1.:z11 V. " •,;621- , It t tL c ~•I 1 , •• N 3 I • h r rYn' I '-• n .i./ rll I • Tc.o• •I o'l !t h I'v •• 4. 1,1- it i 'lr. 11' r..i ~ l ('•II r~.l r.. lr. Inf ~.- 1 r~ 1..L:.~ i 1,.1 Lac e hr) tr 11.1 W r , li v .... .t .. '. :1 f 1 ~'~ • r • • .• ;' • 1, ivai Tn. /, ht- 11..' . ."'•1 :•1:1 , ( 0 •.1 r•in i • Ibuy.• fru, I , tint , hr • • lir ut will r , thr h-ur nl . t., , o.la It I . = th:tt th,Q an 1 l'lr , to ha- In h: lett , r fr , rn Chat wrml , l :rum(' hg• I .•, ;1.• ,- 1,••• * 1 5 .' ,r , jurt• un •• ',:‘ ..: a- I 1, , ••r• i Id and t 1 ~ e idav 1,, 'Ti 01 1 • • " h.l 1:I_ 1, 1.. r tho int! I uc. n! , .1 1 th, w ,1". 1; in i r kii wn 11,.rc•fiftur \\* A AVlck,,t World =ICE \ f rnari I" nr rl:y, 1116 , 11, a! , it Caine 714-•!•,•ndi , ,, in n f,•l 1 , worthy ,kf !odic , Sot , T,ll 1 - TP.loh' •)i • rn 1: , •1.„711" 1."!11.` city 1. - •• , .krr gr! "II !fl i'l.' II.: )I,l' 11'.111 1.• I t 1 1 11, , m •—• I ',• Lot,. 1 11 :t rk,t ,111 , 1 Chen i 1 ". 0•4 1.11-1,1101 Iliv riv,.r. Om- tf ,vic.• •01 , r••. •.•!:t :li,in,llll.lllC,' nva i „ m '„, 1.1;11,1 , with 1,, lir- rl.!‘1.111n;:' t report . mll.ll t. ?,. I Cr, ,•1,1,1 -I ~F il" !!!!!!!!!, !W.!! ! I ! ! !!,1111.. !!!!!•,t• !!!! \!•! .• 1 •! • 1 .! .;I . 11111. • 1 .- 11'1111' 1.1 •-k%.••11 . !I 1 1 ;II !III.; AI 111.' DIED: 170, \ .111. . it,. NS I:1.i II Ur-11111;9'II _ I.tirtl, 11.1:tin..1 I. 11.. l'• .11 Dr NI, r.Tr;:tivt.: , 1 of C. CA , 1••14 , k1o1 N{ hitt et, c.....1.1.1t 1.111 th , lrl SI , I I •t•' )1. , . 11-1%, ; I (.4 11111•11111 ME 14Li•k P 1 •. • . t;l.lf II KEN - SFr, ! ji32,lAwap, Zr - SI °eking. , and IloNtery for Winter. It' 3. ‘,llll 14,1 :,11.1 - . V13...1:01 :111,`). ,1•1 II . •t. :11”! 0,1 1:111,.• fct•L I rre•t F .y~s ' MEI • .E. . . . _ . . _ .. 4,,j• Dr. ArLathe's Celebrated Vermiftage. Fresh Fish and Shell Oysters ! : ::, , Li , Ki: iILL:—., ..,,:, ; ,thu. ,-„,nbiumi.„,... , •::: s.• :.. ~ .. - 1 - UST 111.1('E I V Ell nt the Excelsior ltestati -1,,0..,,ih. ft.ii,..., .o Ililt i 3h..: ty 1, wb,r.• ul. the 44t•Itc•wirei ul tho .- •: - /.--- . t ,' }'ors, NEO, :‘ l,, ~l ber .-'''• / `• - . 2 ••• . •-• al ran be obtain... inn the ally . • an d 4 [test notice &.. !1•1 , ; Knowing, from experience, the valuable qualiti.. • .1 . Pr. .1,1.• up in the beet style. and :tt satlnf.tetory N'f,,,,„..,, 1 - ,,,,qufir amt Liver Pais, prepared by Fl.•nonz free,.. So don't forget the ego of the - ItFil,, 15 IIITF, AND BLUE, - No. 11l }5....1 street. below Fifth. Brog., Pittsburgh. I hose for S.' 0 time book consi.let.-1 it 1 S. 61%1NRUCti., my duty, and matte it my business, to Ewa:, au' , net k 1 , ,.. 11.071 Agent for the Philak•lphia Oyster 10.1 Fish Cm k.l'." , wherever I went 1110.)0g my frion , l4. A short time , 1 lii,ittw• with Ow ritsi• iif it p girl. NO.i, 11,4 Li..., itli ,i•ritr+ awl tli IMIEMI=II 1 . 11,1,11 III!. r,1.1-1,11 ,•:10 -1 nr an.l inn box. of Lit,r ,dooll 411, 111=3 .trtr , quantity ..f Wr 41:•1 thinks that I.', will n-t-r. f h , r I ,rc,r In.alth. II r anti . ottitlonc, oat: Ito I. „n ;ailing on E It. Th... 11. Drug •1 - Itntrt•r 'op! 'ur+L+uu•rw will 1.. careful tAt sudi I - , Dr. MAAN RATED \ El;)11Ft • G E. na.nfmlu•m,l by F LEM Pa AI) other Vertoifot, , , in romptre- IIIIIIIIIMMIIIIII! attt.l Li. or fills, can to.ts lr• lout at all n.yl,tr tall Drag witiatot iitrna'aro a/ FLEMINt Also, f, sale by the eole proprietors FLEMING BROS, Surrewtors to J. Kidd ek Co., tnfir*J4olawl No- 611 WOOI AtroeL wrner of Fourth 6 - n - galidn' Itenze(ly for Salt litielant.-Tho .-'slit /1:•.-,4 .4 thiA nnNlnan , in curnig In4aa,a.:l .1 thn '-",• • 11 '1 , :,, Salt 111.01 . 411, 11n; VC::11,41, , al.l 11,11. ;it.' :. 1:, 1 1 ,-r:dm,. 1. , .. n. mlth,alt 4 la •g '1 . .n tla. 14:4, N ..f . :n .1 1 ,11:. NV1.,1, %.,...1,1:1y ..xt,rtninatinq disc., , t...... 1.•• 71 ' " i' l'''ll,,tly harnil,::44 mil Inny 1.: appli:-1 milli -at: ly •:: .11 , •Isin 4an :1.1,14. A 1.,: 2o.tron r tiny , In 1,•: 1., II .•f- ,••! 11 , -1 to nut th , . 111111,111i:1y Lit „ in , lotncnly 1,1,11 V, 1: ik :13 .:11:1 t• an.l I y A. 11. DS, 1 , r1;4;i4t , . 140 1 , 1:1Lon Ktruut., New ;.•ttatl las., RLEM lll:'tP.. PlttAurgll, Pa.. and 1.3. 101124.1 w E Bateltelor'g 'lair -- rv.t I.t the ~•- t, . )•.n r••ling thr glt VI 1.:1/ p.l..t.i+factory, ,F 1,10.5 ,taalitATCll in ;tin , privat. 11,adway, ik-, Wad i.) Dr. GE n. 11. RZYMER.. YI St rovt. Bd-()platoon of the I're.m --Tho ‘ , ll, i '.• I' Nt..t • .1 ;cr.', I.lllEl=ll • . • tlt• r.c••:: , •ril 11— • r r'r.t , • It- ar, I .11111.. tis. y 1 , . •I ••••••ti,t. r.• (11' 11,155;5515 v , •lll—r. II I,:h•s. pt t h.. t , I 11. I ,tt11.. 1 1: • • I, 1, lI'S .111111.1.111 1 pat• • ].• .1111 .10 1411,1. 1- . /1 f/ . 1. t Ilt 11..1 1,11.1. lit A '.:4• ”crnv..l lab. I, tx I .1 1 ll' •i V I HENRY 1,11,LF:1, Mtitilll.l. .r. t' i.K NIAT.Isfm. Iqr z • r. • ! v ti r ”. • Ili .I.ts% k. r ,t Ti • , r 1 WI 15„r From t hr N. 1 01 h Nlolloolll.lllo o iill 111• 1.1 1 1 Al 11 kr ! 1.1 Childrrn Dir =ME n h ) on Nin try r On ( nil ni 10. 11;1 I.lood t.notl tt- IMIBINI lint \l. linri ()lino and Pciiiisy I aunt 'Railroad THE ~\ RUNNING WENT FROM 4:).1111 - . w; I . II 13•=111111111 =BM I. 1 - :11 111:I.111 . 1 ,0, 1. , •,%1,1 'lt .1 NI Jtt Ti. t- 11. t!..•1 r111,11.•11, .1 $i I I Coot loontion of the 01.10 & Pelt on. It. It THDF.h II N1 , 1:1:0 A 1:11.IITEEN 111.E> I•ITTsIll'ItC II Co TIT\ IN, rioNI..ECT AT I'ltEiTl.l\ %11'h 11.4 th.• tt , I I 11 , .tt T, ~•1101 Or r "ti.l r t,. ~1 "Ito , .1 1 . . 1.4 P111,1,1_ •I I. 15 4 % Ole 1,1• • 11111. . loa, vii :'l, , ~li. 1.1. I,l.li.twkprdi,, I:1,11(1,11W Tin), Yll,ll.tv. 1' , 1..11 , 11.. i iLt ., . Ti. Is. t, ,n ill I , 1.31 t i, 111 ti 1. , a-lk I• 7 'l'l. I. I 1.., 111. , 511111.1 111 , 11.11. l 1 . .. 111i1..1ii. 11 : , ri; ll`1;11 IN. ...oi;t Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. tst A It IV. '2./111 itott.. It t t• r tti rnn Lul,. x. • • 7 1 .; A NI nn .t I'. It )1 1. r,tl;int.tr I'M...hurt:l , m I m. „,.,,. ~,,,,•.„„, ('lt \ run it t it I \H:I , v't . ,tN, C1M:17,1, ATI. ItFll.l.l' Fri VI (IN F., 1/1. I" ri 1,, ~lIL.I ttt , - 11 -I 11111t,li tollit 1, INDIANA att,l T 1,,• 7 A\l Tl,lll from Pitt 41'11101 n'. kt F ‘lll,l It 1: ttn.l ts.t,ttt 1, .1 ,INN, T01,E10.0 awl CHIC frill. - tint, Ait i n t n n ,, stlt •,...1 EL IND. CUD:AIit/. Itt.Nlslll4 Awl 111 t•FAI.tt TII WI; II T1c1(11 . ...= art- ...Id It. f`ttlntuttn.... Ittlyttm. ( . 1t I,lllKvillnt. tttt 1tt,11.tt,..p. It.. I4ll.l.,ittitit'. Chn. Itut,ll.ltt, fill Nk rln 'pritl i ttit 1,1.111. F%trt N'illyttt.. Cl,l , n,i. and the plot tilt,' Ito.. in Ow tt,t. AcettAftlDATl l nN TitAl " Ititt , lttottli at 7. A. ft. RIO 1 1 4 1 . P. NI I,,,t‘tt, 11•101,4,11 fnr NtAr Itrittitttot. tt',„ A. 11. Ittttl P. ft. ttl., •r, tick..t. and forttittr I,ll , trnyttt-ti ttitn,l i t I, .1 Is. I 1 II I: V. it th, \11 , 1,1 11.4, 111. , tatt,tll. tAn P.Alt Itttt ',llll=l .1.11. Nlttl/11.F., 1 . 111 , )1. (Thkcinitnti, Hamilton s. 1)gylon ( K IINCINNATI PASSENGERS will pletthe t. that tilt , atllertist•nt. 111 oil a ItiNal t. Hutt then ..'t lock A. M a..ti Pelt, Usti;nod Ix Owmi.tat Whitt 11111:1101 , 1 . 01,111 , 11,1 nt Cr'''P tilt' dovilti• the ; titoro o two daily trains Iwtw..cii Pitt, I , tiritt i wit!, in, chi« , isi INT. I arid DA N'Ti IN No oth, Iti:tto•• • ..11. situ lit.• 1 r th. P. 011, I• o r i(aiirtßUl i; lk hi;11 1.4 N P. hgl t,toti ti I=MIC RIM T 1 1 ,• -1,- pa.,,ri N'Prlnitagy. 11. ! 0 d. lhl.MO. I h. ,• t•h , ” 111 r. •il.ti! I I !iv,' ‘1,•.,:u isni I =MEE ~. I 1,1 • I 1 , 1 .1 MESE 111= 7 , ; MIZE !MIMI =IIIIM IllEr lEEE= •/ r re i I`. 1.% I I Ohio and Indiana Railroad lIFI Nil T(' Fi It w N lIMMIVE.I l' II I \I; ARI; A N EM EN =ERN HENRY H. COLLINS. Produce and Commission Merchant, No. 25 Wood Street. l'A. 11 . F, T i 1 ' 0 V 1 , , 111 E'N T YET! N \V S('A I, LEBER. & 81.0., hu‘o .k-rt•lt..kl hit. .01 NUNNS & CLARKS' I'IANOS, pr. , vl,led wat. llnur N SCALE. •F t,,. •ur and 1111..”111 , 11. 4 11y Ito- 31. k, 10- • Ana e>r nupnoonctit as ytkt ik.a.kly In Ili.' Plano Fort,. Thn 1 , 66 liltOw 11,1 nonont -is alnuot Itr/CIII-Ert thnroh) ; wk.! I.k volion-•.e,•1111,,,181111 11..11000.-y Ihlnn as Vtti prodnru.l in th rlu,ln ~1 it 1 . ..k..kk Thoy pu•oo•--- all tho IkdOslotag... ut rho Grow! l'utru, wok, rny .b 1 its 111,u1V.t..t.1.4..vi5i IGoIII,O Ci.llllkinge t 5 at Ow.;ten 1818.0 is 1.1 tiny nth, tanker in this rutin( r 3 -, tik.“kkyk•ry untitas, jokl, ..1 tho Artn•lo will at • :.dun u t I lor •tipi•rlitrity. TI./. tuthlu• 11 respectfully in- I o. n,ii liLEl4:lt. A Bath, ngonts fur NIIIIO, h ciftrk.. • Nan,. Fur NA,stern I'. unaylrania. Fifth .tront.. nest .luur Ilin.•ouir 111811. In,urturrut of the abtkSi. shortly expectod ruhli Iv Spring Trade. =MEI FORSYTH & SCOTT, OtWAHIMNG AND COMMISSION It C ANTS, Dealers in Wool, nines, Flour, BAC , iN, LAAD A NI , LARDOIL, s e - A .v PrrE r:E\' EIIAI. 1. F. - Lor. W ATER STREET • PITT , Ii RE El, PENNA. • It It rE R I: 71 r 'pr 1.111.1111 i 'IM Sl'ott 'M. NlArt.lll It IN•p. K,..0p, 11.•,th,.., L....4.h A l'itlmburv;ll. 1 linen a, Nesbit A linm^tann. F.. Elder, Urt:ll,. C...rnpll.Chschlnati ulto. L1.,10,1y1 A. It. Ituil.ck 8 Co. VI LLIAMS 6: ALLEN. (Stace.rxors to ...1r7101 , 1 Williams,) MANUFACTURERS OF CHILSON FURNACES, Wrought Iron Tubing, .4 N/) 7'7'l N'; a ESE II ALL Y, For AV:ironing and Ventilating Building• /kir W. A: an.l \.•ntilntin• ,t,.:111L ..r 11.. t otor. I•i Flintni , ..elliire It ll.,rttal, I V 04,-, DweilLtr,, •r 11 , ,toirt. AI:KET 111.10 -- • WILLIAM B. HAYS & ('O., I.['[t , rs WON BUS, SIDES 1111 SIIOI LDERS LAI(I.. 1.11:1 1 D1:1 EIP BEEF. I;,;AR-cui:Er , CAN\ A.S.Y4:I) HAM& A 1.,,p• stock Ithoty. •m luui l at No. '2197 Libcrty Street, PKNN.A. 'EARL STEAM A E E(i 11 EN V. D Fl,,uit 1.11:Kli T.) FA M 11.11.:S I. ft at ttlo iI) st , r , a N . II iN ,c; C. It",. atr,.t. 111 11' ta , r. Libel t) nud Pt. Clair ntrla.t.A IL P i.t.'ll‘l A R 17., to TERM : SII,t. N It F•'. I. IV K T.. BRYAN, KENNEDY S. C 4) CO4IIII iN S. BROS.. RAILINGS, Avur DOORS WINDOW SHUTTERS, \\ I N I \\ (; I \ 11 S. A ..rrond wt. nod ktret.l 11 , 7-Itl C BOATS. FOR SALE. =BIM SMITH, MAIR & HUNTER, 11 110L1 SALE (;IZOCEIIS, 12! Stroud and 1,1 Front st., =EMI IMME=I =MEI kOONh lIERSTINE, FA ("DR HS, 1"1 , i~rnri ii Produce Commission )lei Hants MEM= FLOUR. GRAIN. BACON, LtRD, LARD OIL, I A I) P )11) I' I'H' ); E F .1 I, , EMI= \ \ IF., 1.k:1.1'...1,1 11l NTEt?, Forwarding and Commission Merchants 4ii-!.41' EA M noAT A G NNTS,-%3 JtMES BLAKELY. Et 111111:1\ 10, T t 11) CO\ MUIR, (A t , er a , i•l SIII i h . P . ,.111 xtrrris, EMMEN r,t4ht cilll ol and 1n..1 . )• roiffittod =EMI irEvE It ANIL) AGUE CURE. I, l ‘ ,he ,ffid INTERm IT. TF , T tr 1:1,117T,T Fevim I , t mit 14.1t11.M. 133%.• a c•—tunwn “ri,” \1 81 81:1 811.1,\1.1 • k"I'l I:Al. ANTI m hi. 1, ,vIII ,Itireh pr t.. 41 t..” 1,11 or trn,..lor. r , vt, Ow nt,wl st , kly ,1110 nu' AL;tl.• •.r disettro. 50 , :ts lis:ialing =IEEE twarpt I k tit. .l,tit• in port:ft,. who llnve KO . I t. ! :IT:y tit,. 11,11 ttitt• dry I I tlyt•lttk yrarvt. „pp, It, .11,1 -tt•t•toat It. Mall It 1.1,11 A• lki 11111 1:1.h, .11 i• 1,. TU.k 1..40, al.elltr.l f , l tlittat 11.11 ,111 t, 111,, in ivclintli. + Frim, 11 I. 44'0,111.11y t—ttle 1,1 2111t.10 Iradv. .1 A A. 1111011E11, l'ittvitlent tt, 11. 1. Im 1 . 44 a, .11111%4 11, I I. 4%. 1.%44.1.. A, 1 al ,mittliunt.),.ll..l ):h Fovrr 1. u. .1w t • ill id. , Et• )I:4l:trta: and havt. tvedvd kl 4.1 k:11,111. , and Strp Immo. I.ilt hall. 4,..t I. n. .4114•1 It. I .1I 111 I 1i,11101.1.113 .!. ;; I 1101111 , 11% t. 11 . • 11•,110:..1.. =ME 1,1,‘1,1t1 nr. 1 . 111 , 11 ~ .111111. llt.. Slay '2, Itr .1 1'1,.• ..r :It %,7,1 .1111 V 1"1„h , 1 on OW 1;111 ..1 April. I lint , v 1..• ,1101.•,1 11, ni. It 1., ry it1,,1 th• ciLsor. `.t . • i: 1.. l iv ...,4,1.1111 , ,( vt.tvr. 11. , 11,4 : „ i d , r d, 1..11, It. 'II , I% .•10 i:11, it. in !I” I , 'N 1111 I.) It. NIS.' \ .rll sti. 11 1.u...1 ums .1) , ,L- they ON, t i t„, /01,•' War, .• atm. ni 1l; lilt that and hpm rilitisl) that is 1,11 ink-, N Fever and Ague Cure. jr.: nul.• by :HIN suol Druggists Film- I )Fricx Pitt, & CoNNICLL4VILLY R. R. 0,1 . F..bruary I RON Dr , of the In /Iti ICU !IS OF Ur," rind IN )N N 1.1,1 t, hr Pi; {:4,i111) and Itrtilnonl Company in Intyntent nntseripti , ln. •t• h i snitl (4.411 pan), any offt•red }VIII ti.l LE, on fair I..rnon ill mulls ON It HUNDRED or (INF. TIIIIUSANir Ivll.LAit ent.ll, Ilenring ('IN PER (lENI'. I NTP:IUST. layablo Komi-annually at 11,. (mil, "1 +.i.l Company in Ilia 'lii The payinvitt of prin•ipal itn.l r.m II ) , ia LI 'Mara ',He Ili by Ow ~ , , n l.lny An .th. 4. II flrwighs No °TM:It DEM , kNI FAN),. titan. 11111 y 1., conrioirre‘l n ii( VE and i asu RE IN \ Et7r, )I ENT fultlwr itlf,rmati NICIIIII.AS YEEI)EIt ti% 11111, th.• t'.utputly. N,llll. ILtll Foit: ifs atld 1,11, t) -trtvt, OLIYLfIL W. lIARNER, 1.1••.,111. 114SEMENT TO LET. I A I,ARI E BASEMENT ROOM, 21 feet ground. 1.1.1 sv II ILgitt• 0.1 ,(1,1 II! I , ITIlt1 . 111 ) 11 rvagulaalllt. term, It is w :tr strivt nittl ClP•rry Ale). Enquire “L OYFICto, OF MORNING I'UST. \ Fll 1.1" F FOE SALE, at the Office of MORMSO POST, a la] VO it) . Of OLV . P 6: Maehl..,ta and ,xtkaa aauttne much an al tiara CULt t g supply I,y calling eaaas feb9 I SyAs A 44 ~`i MEM EMT= \V.•II, 0111 1 .r a rm,li Itl I.T I=l .: I tn. 111,1,1 J IMIEEII3IIII =MEE I.li INlJurg : ): I I. ~f I ll= lEGIMMEN3 .. I 0, 111, tr ill A C. I A •• I A ‘{ .101 F.., A I , , %I , 1 %. A C. t, r. -ILEX. HUNTER. =MEM No. Liberty utreet, E=Ml=;il mutn• to Pit to 1a0v27 EVIDENCE 01 SAFKI'v iut:NCI: 11111= try. (111111 in, Stlyf lnun•. ••r an) 1,11 , 1. tb.. OLD TYPE METAL. FARMERS AND MECHANICS' FIRE,& iIIARINE INSURANCE CO.! OE' ,I.HII,ADELPHIA• 11.0RENCE, I'reei t. Rim. IL ILEmtaiD, Secretary. STATEN! ENT OF ursiN - ms, F 17411 at 131 day ry' .1,4910 /. the :114 day fif 1116111 a Tl4 - 0“..i In Mitritm Nl.lllOllllB rxi•242 tl 112 T-tal pr,ationi , La fivo 111,:alot cA vrrl INVF-TITI , AS VILIAWS: 11,14 is 01 All-gboity 2 AfllT, Vitt,burgh, and l'itt,4l.llrgh C.Nt Fir,t Ni"rtg - no of Real Estao. •• St,K.ket, Collut,ral and .41 hand (payilwot not yet due) Pmmfnm N 44,1, flirt vat matured In.. .In (m.cure.l Ext.•1”..1 and Commisetions $409,1ta 13 T , ,cal amount of 1..0K54 incurred, brit not yet akjusteit:- 1 ire 41041 00 Marine 3,000 00 This Company Insures Hull and. Cargo risks on tho Ohio and I Iribut .inn. ins urea against Loss or Damages 13y Fires. lnmse. liberally adjust.] and promptly paid. IlkirrneNee..4.—llini. T. M. Howe, Gem J. K. Moorhead, J/lIIIeK 'WO. MI. For lusnrau el' apply to THOMAS J. lIIINTETt Agent. No. DO Water et., bet. Wood and Market DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, uFFICE, S. E. DJ RN En THIRD AND IV ALNUT STA, Philadelphia. 4iy' MARINE INSURANCES on Vet.°ls, Cargo, Freight, L. all puma the Wlll.ld. I.A N 0 INSURANCES ON GOODS, 13 , Rivers, Canals, 1,10, to !Awl rarria.gi, to t.II part,. of the Union. Flfl h: I NEU RAINCE tiN 111 ERCIikNDIZE generally. 0 Ste , r,s, Uwulßng lionsrm, fie. Ass.Ll of (hr thmpelny .Vorember sth, 1:355. Bonds. 'Mortgagee and Heal INtite $101,020 94 Iptiin City. mei ',tie, Lee, 851 2 10 00 Siiiek in Ilan Ittolngot and InsnritneeCoff 121000 10 Ikite reeeivnble 15e4440 iC Gush rm h:.1111 1 20,E20 09 Llnlnneem In toolibi of Apintn, I . renOnma on Ma rine recently iiieid, a n d , tier drbtn the eninipitily Snlnicriptiou 13531311 Janws C. Ham!. The“phillts Paulding. Jantezi Truqua.lr, NVillitun Eyre, Jr., 4,111. L. Price, James TVltnent, Smntuel K. titulary henry :ii,,an, I Jll,lll, it. M.:Fad:lna, Charke Sellsirer, 1 {LA .•rt Itortim, J..11:1 P.. Setsti.ln, Pittoburg D. T. Morgan, J. T. Loom, ... WM. 31AltTIN, PresideuL ideut. Ilartlu, Jo.m.pla 11. F.elututiti A. Sollt.r, .14.1"1 Davin, John li.l . ,knon, 11. 1,11.. r. Edu.l,l Dr. I:. ilham C. 1.041 w mg, N.owor Cha2 • • 11..kat.. J. li. J. 111115.1, C. II Oa, Prosi. Ilqatv Liusurty, bccrutary. MARINE INSURANCE. FIRE RISKS, lI.IICFACTCRERS' INSURANCE COMP' OF' PHILADELPHIA. ,711AUTER PERPETCth—HEANTEIVIT THE STATE HE PENXEVINSIKIA Chartered Capital, 8500,000. IR E, 31.1 RINE .4 ND /XL ANDTR A .NSI T A T10..\" AA IN S. I,IP 1' INO ITT. Pre/lido, t. ORKIN IUN k.:11.5. E YOUNU, Treasurer AM,' 9. I.llophirott, 1,41. Trln Itoct.n, I'. Simonn, rodoriny lots ball .krgani7.l4l With Cal tHI. 311 d 60 Pirrilol . . loavt• tio•ttormittedlot. the lough], io tt Itt Atloothiro roo.otottrott A. To °totter,r iorttoloottre in roottolutt to. otllttirot, tt prlrlllitt .V 1,111,4111011( of 1,...,3. ?oho. ito %Vat, .tro.,t.. J. NEWTON JtiNltiB, Agent 1, oovet, oo i ro•pototibl. firm,. 111 11,101,.11,.1 krooce to tio•lit, with rivu-41 to nu of the Nltanttra,tilrene Itomc Goolotuy. h .t It:shot, Cllihts R Co., t :Ototh R C.., lltuniol,4a 1; l'tortoto 11. Cloltim A Co. I' I BURG II LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE INSITAS('E cuMPA N I, C. 4 rliN tilt ul.* NV Al' NIL AND KET STREWS, PITTSBURA:II, PA. kl A I,W AY, Prosido ,x.•ry is,Autaiu, aNyertatikling ft 11 1.1 Fl: Al-.,HULL 10,P CA 1Z.C.1 RISKS on the 010.. alt.l A .1..t0 6.1, 1. and NIAILIN.F. RISKS 4..11.1.111). All4l rwaill.t 1. wr awl Dlirnay. 1.,' 100 11.1.cRITot the s..a.u‘t lu6au.l NAvlgitl.k.ll ne , tt Tranno,rtatiou. loNtira ILI the 1% , , est rates ttillntlit•lit With Nally Ito .ill s. 11111.F,CTOIZS. t Irelurk:111, .1....•ph I' liar tntn,.M... 11., J.. 11 1..11,111/111. 11.31 \ ll•tilotztr., Arlmtlinot, A 1 , ‘,..ru10r lit .a,.n hn S. J. Flll/1•11..11. Nl:tnglii.l.l Itrosi In„id 11. 11141111 A Cllrtel in:l 7.14. 11 . 'thou (itrr. I:..l•ert 11. llartloy, I ). Mc.l ;tII fvLIF British & t'ontinental Exchange ItillT BILLS DRAWN BY DUNCAN, SIIKILM.AN Zit CO. ON THE I,()NDON, IN F. 1 ,18 na (1 AND eII'IVUIT,!. it The., Draft.. :1.0 ttst.ilAttle At All the IA „1 EVIL tZCOTLAND AND IRELAND. awl the CON Ahot draw Slai,, it0..1.8 on Uruncbaum Rc Bailin, YPANK RT MAIN, el; n. 4 0 roinkttanc, to all parts of GERMANY FALA N :Ind I 11)LLA NU. itit.dtdinir to trovol ahroad, tuny prncnre., througl I onors Cr-11t. on which Money Call ho obtained, it. ao.Ltd. in any port of Enrol,. `1.1.1,71UNM t 4 Rill, Notes, and other Itecuritki la Europt a ill rervi, prompt attention. W It. WILLIAMS k (XL rult2.l \Vocal, cora, etnada. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM !LAI/ALF:I I , Prvsidunt. SAMPF.I. 1.. MA14.111:1.1., 0 FIC'E 14 Wakr str,f, bettrwen Marie-! and Wixxi slreeix. Ce 1t0,c., HULL .1 NI , l'Altthl 1t1,5113, on the OW /{II4I Mis•st.,pin ,1,41 trtl•ot:trir, I 10mr... ..r Danny., I.) FIiLE, 11,0. the I.t.rile Of th,. Sl-4 Alta 1 1110,1 Navlgatiob Transp.4 tntion. =BM fLymlt•p, M. CA.,ix,r, Samuel Rea, 14 dart Ihmlap, Jr., M. S. ilmrlKoigh, 1E111!=(ittl J...lin Shipton. EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY ()F , pirrsßußciti. JOHN IT. SIIIIENBERGER, Pre3i,lent. RoBERT FINNEY. B,retarv. C. W. BATCHELOR; benernl Agent. WILL INSURE AGAINST 4LL KINDS MARIX.E AND FIRE RISKS. DIRECTORS. O. W. Cnss, W. K. Nhnoick, T. 13. Uplllrn, E. D. Co,hron, John A. Caughoy, H. S. Bryan, buy id MTlmrolleria. J. 11. Shorrilx.rgr•r, W. lin.trlti•lor. Imam N. W. V.. IL T. 1,44 It, Jr., (A',...orge S. Scldert, ev All Losses suarained by parties insured muter pellet. issued by this Ceinpany will be liberally adjusted and prong it told at its OFFICR, No. Og WATER STREET. ljyll. I'ENNSYLVANIA. lAStrUANCE CO OF PITTSBUMMI. Corner of Fourth and Srathhdeld Streets AllT1101:1Z1•10 CAPITAL, 11300,000. Thadingts and other Itrupt,ty 471114 In. 0 1 Fire, and tho Porila of the Stu, and Inland N.O 111111 Trlllllll.oAtilnl. DIRIt.CTORS, Wm. P. Johnston, Rudy Pa/torrent, Jaen)) Pintvr, A. A. o.arriel . . W. NlVllntoek, in,. P. Tanner, 1 /e..n1413 W. Sulalk, W. S. Haven, 1). R. Park, I. lire, Spr.•nl, Wade Hampton, I). M. Loin;, A. J. JOll,l, J. 11. Juni, 11. R. C.nrsnlsal urFicictts. I'rosidrnl . 11,41. WM. F. JOHNSTON Itt I'ATTERSI)N, Ser'y and Treat A. A. CASiiitai, B. S. CARRIER, A. C , AitR:IER & IRRO, A. A. cAr,tl,o:;,' Corner Fourth and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, A GEN S store Mutual Fire and Morino "neurone Co., .1 lIARRI.6IIUIttI. CAPITAL, $350,000. Girard Fire' and Marine liii,anranre. Co, of PIIILADELPITIA. CAPITAL, m 1390,009, Ingitrance Co. of I.hg Valley of Virginia. A. CAPITAL, $300,000. COM MOIINV enit h Insurance Company, ILAR itilmt3ao. CAPITAL, $300,000. Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Ca., II A RTFllitp. CAPIT AL ANDASSETS, 82,154,489, Pennsylvania lnan,irnskoo eco., n( PiTT3ullß(lil CA PIT A L AND ASSEPS, Nov. 5, 1g55, $129,022 49. Ws It j(4I , 2IATON, President A. A. CetllßlLit, Secretary &el-1:161)cl y J A: 4 COLLINS J. RANESKNOX J AI,IIIF.S & CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, PROARIETOrd ov 7.112 Collins' Pittsburgh, Meadville & Erie CANAL LINES. Nos. 11.1 AND 115 WATER STREVT, PITTRIITTRGII, PA Prrrsßvittiii Wm. Ituguloy. & Co., Ilurittlx, Vorckivi Co., • 1711./ith & IluuLtpton„isop, & Co., , tleuom a Co, English & lticharilson. I• 1111 & . Truitt, Brother & Co., ktueou s Co tfebl.l L CITIZENS' DEPONT DANK, Dittaburgl4 Mart**3l37o3. Ue TEE ANNUAL MENTINtr.of Oielgtockholders of this Bank will be held at the Banking Molise, OD MONDAY, thy 7th of April, between the hoot. of 10 A. M. and 2 I'. M., at which thee and place au .ELECTION Ihr Otto hreaident and six Directors will take phi= mh24:td E. D. JON SANDS'N SAItS4PARALI4I,. Qu .ihr the Remord and Permanent Ours of alp Distaiss arils* frest an Impure State of ihr, _Mood, or. Ifabit of the System. This truly valuable preparation Is extracted from selected. roots or the finest description, by MOWm of an expensive and powerful apparatus, which obtains the medicinabandeettro principle In a highly concentrated forin t so scientilleallymen. hieing the several vevtable veiled/ in the proottut that a compound extract of Sarsaparilla Is obtained ing.ultety sulks' rear to any other for purifying - the blood, and the care of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Ulcers, lever, Sorts' Pimples, Dells, Cot aeons Eruptions, Ithetunatism, tdercurial &SUWON Wee Ceauplaint, Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Cowden:Rai, Female Its regularltita, Loss of A. petite, and General This powerful agent achriemultanconslyirpon the Stomach, the Circulation and the Bowels, and gently glum. tau., while It disengages and expels from the rotas all-that Is irritating and prejudicial to bodily health.- Being purely Vegetable, It Is perfectly harmless iu its eperation• the most delicate persons may take it at any time with perfect safety. The astonishing success of this medicine constantly lee creasing during the lest sixteen years, has secured for it Gui distinguished commendations of the Faculty, and It enjoys a • widetipread popularity and extensive patronage which throws entirely out of competition every other preparation of Sasses parille. Attention is respectfully solicited to the fallowing credit} cat., : ANOTHER. CURE OF SCROFULA. Thor, N. Y., September 1, 1854. Messrs. A. R & D. Sands—Gentlemen: I have for nearly three years bean troubled with that dreadful disease, S.erofts. la ; so much so, ae to be offensive to my husband and to top soil': and to obtain relief, have tried every kind of medicine that iairje under my notice, without effect. One of ray neigh= born, who fool hewn cured of a similar complaint by your Sarsaparilla, advised me to make a trial 'of it, and I can trubr my that it has done me a world of good. having completely cured me. hoping that my evidence army induce others similarly afflicted to adopt the same irmedy, with the tame satisfactory moults, I renutin gratefully yours, SnaAa J.: Papua= tin_ Prepared and sold by A. B. & D. SANDS, Druggists; and Chemists, 100 Felten street, New York. Sold also by B. A. FAIINF,STOCR elt CO., FLEAIINtI BROS., Pittsburgh, and by Druggists generally. Price $1 per bottle or six bate flea for $.5. ,mratiza Ji 300 01.X.1 00 44118 1 1 11 $ 70.721 00 33,400 00 54,0.50 00 :,0,994 00 11,002 22 rr 000 00 00,3141 91 1.0, , .f.s 01 11,6(01 30 rrIIE BEST COLLFCTION OF GLEES EVER PIIIILISIIED.—TIP.TOP GLEE AND CIIORUE: New and Choice Callection of Copyrights never before harmonized, and many of the Gems of modern Our. man and Italian Composere, arranged lea familiar style, end adapted to the use of Glee Clubs, Singing. Chime, and the Gandy circle; by C. JARVIS and J. A. GETZE. This work contain, a great number of new and farerite Soups, harmonized in a style adapted to general purposes, while many of the gems of Mendalasobn, AM, Ruben, and other celebrated composers, are presented in an original form. The great variety of musical compositions here intro (laed, eminently adapts it to the taste and capacity of the staging school, the glee club. and the family circle. .car PRICE, ONE INALAILIM Just received and ft..t sale by • 93,85 , 1 V 100,000 UO $61:,345 . le CHARLOTTE BLUME, 119 Wood st., aecoull door above Fifth et. fist_ Semple icopien will be neut by weft, free of postage, on receipt of mh2.l NEW SPRING GOODS.-A. A. MASON. Sr CO. are opening some 1500 cases and paekasei Spring Dry Hoods, recvired diesct.from ,Manslactivers and Commatsioners, comprising, in part .300 cartons orSilks, Shawls and Endyroldatios; 30 raven Variety Goods, Ilasierytmd (Moves; 40 " inwcks, Muslim, and Berne Dertaines; 120 " Checka, Gingham, Ticks, Stripes, &c. 100 cartons Embroideries, Trimmings and LAMS; likcases Straw and BrakLßonnats and Millinery Goole: gou Slimmer RUN, Tweeds, Jesus. de. 3)0 " Bed and Brown Muslins,lta, „ Torchich they finite the attention of se holestdeisnd rota nrctons.rs. 1nh2.1 P. A. 'IADI.TItA, Agent, 9C. Water street, Pittsburgh. ' CTORS. B. Thomas, tical, Alfr,4lW,.kA, Chrtrlort J. I , i,hlA, Jlint, P. Smyth. capt Mark Storting. Saunail M. Kier, Wilkinin Bingham, John S. Dilworth, Francis &liters, J. ta.x I%illuuu B, liayei. , • , • , . . • ~,.,4 ~....,., , - - •• , A ;, , ••••,; i? - •••' • • •• • -7 2 , 7,.. , A , Ft. , .• 0i,V , L , 74.4.'',;.,. , . . . .. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION.--L On TIIIJESDAY evening, nth inst.. at 734 o'clock, at the Merchant,' Exchange, Fourth street, will be sold— • 10 Shams Pittsburgh Trust Company Stock; 10 " Citigens' D . ep o s i t Rank 10 " 3lechaulcs • I'. M. DAVI% Anct?. A SECON IMIAND CII ICKEI ING PIANO ' Rosewood, round corners, 7 octave, tourly now, ha 's s t,,“ lit with the suleteriber for sale, the (tuner having nit further nee for it. The above Piano will ho sold for ge.lo„ act ooh, Icing one hundred dollars below the regular price. For sale by JULIN 11. )1t.,1.4.1111.. m 1,24 81 Wood street ..E.4Asr uRERTY PROPERTY FOR SA L E.--A Lot of Grown.' 76 font front on Wanbin g ton t hr 103 feet on the iteventh atreet math with n Framer flow. in I,y 40, rolltaini gig five n.nus. comfortably tharhed•—• nellarn. Ac. • Apply to (mh24) BLAKELY & 11.1011)Y. 1_70.111 AND POP CORN— IN, New F.miland Sngar Corn ; 15 tad, •• *. Pop Corn. hot recoils - 41 and for sole by 11M.Y.MER & ANDEUSON, mlrll No. 29 Wood $l., opposite St. Charles Rotel. 111 RTS AND CO LLARS.:I,IVe 'harp now. IJ on band, and a,, daily receiving from tiza Factory, NEW :MI 'IS OF Wll ITT AND PRINTED LINEN AND DITS.. LIN t..IIIItTH AND (10F.LA lyci_Sliirts made to order, no wad'. 1111t.SifFV.Y.D & SON, 70 'Wood stmt. y AMES' SA U NTLETS.—We have new an _LA bawl a largo :uwnrttneut of Ladies Kitt, Calf' tmd tinek s K ontlets, otth various mlyles of Fancy Cliff*, I . l lltElinCLO & SON , • No, 70 Wood street. SILK TIES ANi ) SCARFS--lust received; the Weed stria or Ties, Scarfs null Cravats, et L 111.11SIIPELD 8 SOWS. No. 70 World street. DRESSING ROBES of every description now on I.nrot L 8; SON'S, IEMETERY MARBLE WORK C mATTIVEW LAWTON, Ptarne.v. %mut :41Asort.. No. .11. - 1 LIBERTY strpot,boltilr Wayne TATtAy NI EN BOYS' liREASE, in (11118 _t_y tbe boa In - tit:ln In uar for ilrnvA. for avlo b r [m112.41 HENRY H. COLLIER. LIN SEED 011.---15 bbls. for sale by n 11124. 111 , 1:411Y n. C6LLINS._ F E ATHERS. --A prime article for ga!o by, m11'24 HENRY IL COLLINS. 1 KEEN APPLES—Received and for sale 1 1. 1 by IMMIX IL COLLINS. 'VI:ANS-10 sacks Small White for sale by ILJ n. 1424 HENRY 11. COLLINS. CODFISH -20 , 1) this day received and for B.llr by r.,b24r ENny 11. COLLINS. MAO AZ lisiES FOR and tor tre by IL MIS NIL & CO., No. 32 SMlTH strect 11..tuy's Book: I'vtersorig .STagazhw: Ilaaper'd Stott gook; Ynukeo Notions. • 11. MINEIt .01., 3'3. Smithflghl r‘w RA, by rulM MAG AZI NES FOR. APIIII,-- • riarran's 'Now Monthly Magazine: ling.'s Story luslk; l'etetnon's Magazine; Yanken Notions tor April; The Oil Dominion-4 G. P, Et. Janwel Thn Loves of lial'on—byliiv nolda .lust roceived and ins. ado hy. W, A. GILDP-NTENNEY c CO., Fifth st_ opposite the Theatre QI , RI No ; BONNETS.—A. A. MASON & CO are Just opening a Nary large and well selectedi stock of Spring Bonnets, comprising the new styles of 'Pedal ltrabl; Jenny Lind; ' i. Satin Straw; 0014=0i Imam ; , 15 Mod " Florence Draia; Diamond" Misses' Satin *raw ; Split •• Misses' Flats. • BOYS' LEODDIIN HATS, &c. Alm a huge assortment of Straw Buttons., Braids, Flowers, Garland., kr.. usla22 1 GROSS CLOVE ANODYNE just receivedJ. no.I for wily by . YLIIMINO BROS. 1 gross Paysou's 'tidal,le IPI4 3 " Cox 's Geletine, 30d nye. Sal Ammconoe, 30' " Crud° Tartar, 2 bblo. Mao Drop Ma, 2 " Boor Fink. PONCENTEATED . LYE—The beet article now in usto for making 'font and Soft Boaps--(4waym on hand in hug* oardities, and for sale by aib29 FIF,MING DUOS _ ILTONS AND BRUSSELS • CARPET- INOS.— ROBINSON & CO.. N. , 2 5 FIFTH glnwk hare received this day a largo and choice assortment of WILTON AND BRUSSELS CARUETINGS, Of new and bountiful patterns. 'Ahm, YAM:TIAN STRAW CARPETS, 3 Nye; INGRAIN, &c., at the LOWEST_ PRICES. .1,22 _ FOR RENT—No. 159 WOOD STREET, a good stand for business. Al.o, No. 12 Market st: 11.22 B. CUTHBERT k SON, 51 Market AV TWO GOOD DWELLING HOUSES l' LET—Om. sitrutted on East Common, Allegheny City, and .00‘ 1.11 Third stroe4. hotow Ferry, l'ittabUXgh. ntIC.! g. CUTIIBMIT S: SON, 51 Alnrkot st" Fr EN Do LLARS A MONTH IS THE RENII'' .lof n very cutnrorlable noun In Allegheny City. For issrtieulars, apply to S. CUTHBERT SUN, mh22 51, Market street. HARPER'S 'MAGAZINE FOR APlit . Oraley's Lady's Ikmk, Timken Notiovy a Jut received by B. T. C. MORGAN, mh22 104 Wood street.. VA SU lON L:i.SLE CLOTIIING_—fibs ii. ImaJust returned from the East with alutie2 s Hild varied assurtment of FASHIONABLE currnma, CASSIMRRES, VESTINOS, trim, h e le prepared to manufacture to biller' lirthn LATEST STYLES. Thankful fi.r the very liberal patronage heretofore Iv:- suns-ea upon ho respectfully solicits a continuance of ho same frau his friends and sustoinere. OW- Complete , satisfaction guaranteed. IL F. SHOPE, MERCHANT Tans. Third street, near Marker, mh2l.:lw FRUITS--- att boxes Mamma Omngri, 2S " Sicily Lemons. Just i celvcd nod for sole by HEYAISit k ANDERSON, No., ZS Wood of. CUR'S email S e lrliklCau effectual emu. fur ecuisks, Cobb, etc. Proparsdaisd 81/T , lOlllSr by JOS. FLEMINOi Cornor Market et, and Disactimet, TIDIT BE FA 111--200 highly_flavoreg -: rl Jiiinbe Nair Jest received by JOS. PLWONO, )nll2l Corner Mariet at and bizuninub. 8. - ALM OF THOUSAND FLOWERS--Ark otber enapplrbf 11114 celebrated article reed by JOS. pixstma; Corner Market at, and blaniond. DARNER'S PILE LOTi jj calved by !midi )N- 7 6 dozen Jos:YU:SUNG, I Owner 'Market NM Ill&USIlliS---Largo supplies of klng. Iblt hair Brustws Junt metrod by JO.l. FLEMING, Comes Market, it and Dlasnand. CASES CRILATIN-3 gross patent refined, varkling Oe Just received by - JO?, FLRMINid. earner Market at. and Diamond. HAIR 1)Y1 S—Large gupplies of 113teh* - hee and Crietati..rtOki Ilair by,s . ). 1 reed I, .10;4 VLEAI I NI:, Mackui el and Diutuowt„ ~' S:~ ~ ~ :. 4 ..~. '4l 4:+;
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