Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, March 24, 1856, Image 1

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i'117§01 . 44,,11,4900G POST.
Prante , l and pablanal maw morning, (Sunday' rte,)
BY 6 1 414 31 08E 4c—,IIIONT GO NI ER Y
03 ILLY 8103111-WEST 001111tIt 01 WOOD LND 71.1111 ants OIL
TEII3IB--Fiva Dollars a year, payable strictly in advance.
Six Dollars invariably required if not paid within the year.
OW-Single copies, Two Cure—far sale at the counter in
the Mice, and by the News Boys.
,Published from the SAMO Ofn. 3 , on wgo blanket size
sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Single copkw,
Firs CENTs.
Silir No paper will be discontinued,
at the &acre-
Ron of the Proprietora) until all arroaragets are paid.
sir No attention will be paid to any ordor unless accom
panied by tile money, er satisfactory reference In this Sty.
411 r Connected with tho Establishment of the Morning
Post is one of the hwgest JOB PRINTING OFFICES in the
city, where all kinds of work is done on the shortest notice,
and most reasonable terms.
A LEXANDER W. FOSTER, Attorney and
jos_ Courriellor at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery, Agent
for procuring Bounty Lands and Tensions, and fur the Col
lection of Claims in Great Britain and Ireland.
_ .
11W-Collections made In this and adjoining Comities;
tates_of decedents settled; Real Pstate bought, wild or
lowsod, and rents collected. Moneve investod on Mortgage
or other secmity. Titles examined and title papers drawn.
Office on FOURTH street, a few doom above Smithfield.
Pittsburgh, March 28, 18fiS w
A W. FOSTER, Notary Public, and Corn
?Ilk:4101.r for the States of TelltIOS.W., N.•w
shire, Connecticut. WI., New York, Michigan, lowa,
California, Louisiana and Virginia.
ST Deeds drawn, and seknowledruente and proofs taken
for record or as., In any of the above named Staten, Illinois,
Mississippi and Rhode Island.
Pittsburgh, March 2S, 1865-4nilt.2Sitawl
SW-Office in BAKEWELL'S BUILDINGS, Grant Areal,
(nrarly opp.itt the Court Rouse.) fini)l2.ly
Pie-Also practices in Huntingdon, Blair, Clearfield attain.
(liana Conotit, ft:11111y.
oBETIT C. G. SPROUL, Attorney and
Counsellor at Law, offico No. Fourth stroet, ritto
burgh. deeply
JTAMES A. LOWRIE, Attorney at Law,
office Fourth street, Pittsburgh, 1,1.4 x -elm ruithfleld and
Cherry alley. decll:ly
TWIN BARTON, Attorney and Counsellor
ft/ at Law, allce conger of Fifth nod Grout str,,ts, ['Rus
h ar..h. fe3:ly
Q u ANI. P. ROSS, Attorney Law, No. 109
Fourth strut, Pitteburgh, fourth door below Mr. Roly
Patteroon's - Livery Stall, fe2B
P,vritick. IkI'KENN A, Ahlertntut of Thirtl
Hard. (am corner of Grant and Ftlib stn,te., (form , r l Y
oompell by Alderman Lewin.) where all laedeoes pet-taming
l the ofti. of Alderman and Jngtiee the Peeve will be
womptly attotekd to.
alit, Surgeon Dentißt, surrossor to
W. 111t1,11o, No. 144 Slott 6P0d.1 st root.
4i,r-011ic.. hours front ti to I t , ',- lock, and from '2 to 5 o'rbssi,
5.4)15:1 r
T SUOTT, 1 t
)ent..s.., Fourth street, tire door
wmt of Market.
lakru Laura Inau 1 o'cick A. M to k o'ckal I'. M.
JoliN Im(g 'RHEA 1 1 , G nwer and
N 1,1,1.0 t. Gar the salk• of Yltt St rr A L aml
Iti,o• NS. nod I'IOIOIYR :5 W1..1 str.44,
l'ittNt.orgh. .P 24
•11.1.101 4111. CR, P/1113.3 11/11•41.11rg11.
I tilp•lrt , r , 1.1 ii k /1 , . 11' I nu.l ;Ali,
N... I Tl.l :and 174.1 , .1 . 11, •If /1,1 /1 :1:11 . 1 4(1,4 401. I'l th
btu gin. 14•00."11 lan, , c./e/Nt:ll,oy. hind'
• •
- .
M' & ).. Matt a raoturers ~f
sizos Winstsv.- E,t r
1,110,11, F•trellell. tilltati.)n 11111,
asl slaw: Porter and M.ss: sal
T. I:afraphts: an 1 lsizlstlsts.: lsthlahts ,
lattsys...n W , .. , 1 and 11nrkA strs,t,
Issh oh. Pa.. last a ssi,..la. •Igssisths h—iss ths ata•:—.l
rah I Is,, Mssassoostls..l:t IL•aoss•. ht. sisarlstr Asht shit Ilssts•l
_ _
Ent Cl, it. CURL., . ...... Mom: Vt
rPn n . I. 11,01W111
ItOBEICI ' S II N A".. )..
1,.; rt. 11:V.
N.. I; NV4.-I cot n. r Fr , ait.
4R>ri' 111 other ki , NV111,1..0
3tArl.,( I'
til :1/ /Vany
1,411i1, 11,311111,,ii.111, • 011, M.011./..4 loot Plum
/lint Fancy C.1.A5,1% ARK, +u,.l .1•••lerp , 111
kinds NV Ilicii•S4 IZI/ 1:-111.., a r,
6,1 1 .• o.jr,p.r of 11nrk t and \Val, st twt,
of were \ I ALS, 11 , f171.F.C. and W1N1 1,1 1%
blnek l'orter. tnawl. 14.(i14 , ; autpliwo
and "6'1.; Flint ••, NV:velem.,
Nii,•loll l ,rotiil mid 1 ' .13 trim ,h2){
- .
J .
It. mt. A Vi), P l
itt:air:lll, dealer
iIINTRY 1 1 11. 1 .)141JCK, offerr, for ,«11. , 11 choios
yvv.vl; 11101CRIIIP.R. ILerk:te•ri for fitmily
P.v,y variety and this purt,t quatitv. ,!1"..111111 lit hi. Straw
Mill, Ala,.Dried Fmk,. ~ Lk)llll , ,Ele
Liken in odeliadium for inerellikelise.
P. It. D. ha. 11 (al Ili* „t ...tit of hanilrelli . .
fIARDISS SEEDF, tool lit s it., the iatciatioli of all
V • n • vrtvsl in rural affair... hull 1
CIO:NIMISSION lI()USE.=The subscrii.wr ,
hare openoil n Hoorn for the ;lbw, e itt No. 17
t'ouitlillehl street. font' ,b..r4 above Ow llune•
Wu will part:lrwin. or receive on rottoidieihon, for nal,
nittiimerits of FLOCK, 11A01N. elf Etkitl. 0111:5.
upon which we will mai, iulvaneeit. purrhane at
nowlret rafta for wink. lu„vu! Al,llllO dr. el
V. Lt. ENOI.PO4 Z r3,.•11.011m0t J L. 111...NN
JNGLISII & ItICIIA1t16()N. F"rv,-arding
ant Gomaksion 11”.1 is
isll, lIACON and OIL, and lOW - DUCE cetwottly. Wart
itMI. , fqrntt.rly ,ea'npled by 13nrbri.1,.. k Inghram, No. lie,
Water null 150 First Streg . t. Pit tAlmr.l., 11,1)3
,J.111.N ATWELL k. 3.1.5 E "11 44. IiViLLL
1' ELL, LEE S:: CO., Wholesale Grocers,A Produce and Comm Sion MPreltant, anti dealers In
l'lttAturttlt Manutacturett, No. S IV,tud street, Littwt.vn IVater
and Front etr,tx, Pitodutr.,rll. apt.)
. .
Toll.N . W. BUTLER LS: CO., Forwarding and
Cornudzsion Merchant, drab., in all kinds of PITTS
LEAD, N.J. C. 7 Front atosct. Pittsburgh.
. .
HENRY 11. COLLINS, F.rwarding and
Commia4ion Merchant, and ab01.,a1.• .1,0.1 cc FISH.
SEEDS aud Pltoldl2CE
=Wood street, Pittsburgh. ntarG
L. ALLEN, wholesale dealer in Foreign.
SFAIARS, Old M.)n0n,, , a11.01a
and Itya 1511181i:1i, &c.: also, RECTIFYING
S Wood ~feet, Pittaburgh.
Wiaes, IlrandiOs, 0111,1, Cordials, JailWaal Spirits, St. Cr•'ia
and Near Itn.L, , land Rum. Clarets, Chumpag - nos, Scotch
London Brown Stout: Irish. Scotch, Bourbon, Ohl !ill 1,14111,, •
het. ;Lye sad !toutltital Whisky: Appl.. Peach, Wild Clulry
and Blackberry lirstoliort; irnportt4P Havana.
Rr~ndln cure,
and COM rII. 1111 nt
sorb row prim, as to chili left e COlll i . Fancy liar
iteg's and Labolled Itottb, of ~very style, turf DerniJohlor
tt iTaor, I nnpoctfully Inrib• an examination of lay stock. at
g Wood street, Pittsborgh. ati:dl y
WILLIAM CA_ItR S: CO., (William Carr,
inie of the firm of J. Parker SE C 0..) wholnotle
CUTE and ‘l..ahmi In Foreign \f IN ES and BRA NPI (NI
goimia nud fh WIIISKY, 319 Co man, cia I
I:mr. Liberty ~text. Pittnburg'h. Mr. y
JOSEPH. FLEMING, suwessor to L. Wil
co contvr of stork Pt Str.el o J ti,r Diani,ov.,
kv i p. mowtataly loupt NIL ti.,,,r1.111,10 of illi.Clls. EP-
6,4 potalning t' Lin 1.114.•••..
Prv:mptioun carefolly rompounthql nl oil
boo.. v
FLEMING BRO . !' ERS:. :+lieet3FSOFS to , ) .J,
litdd .4 c .,.. ui t ;‘; I=TS, No. a) %Va.) strt,t
Qi Dr. s.l..Latie'i ed.:brat./ Vrruti
f titre, Liver
join - it A FT, JR., Huo(iiiii,air of .James Mc-
Arl Ivt.ol 111(1 . ‘1111HT. awl .1..a1v.r in
PAINTS, OILR. BSI sTt . FL , . 0,, So 111 Woo.l
OW.. door, below %Irvin alley, Vitrol3orelt v
- - _
L. MAILSILA LL, successor to Loo,
Li.) Liberty etrvet..
..72.eftxtrice—W. & Kramer di ILLIIOI. Mur
phy, Tiernan it Cu.. Brown .5 ICirlci..arick.
mt dl
l'lttsburgli, _Bay 24, 1501,.
-IW. CLIA DWICK dealer in Kentucky
„ Leaf TOBACCO, lt.ltlS and PA PEIZ.. No. 115
t e.yont, below SiA.th, rittsloirgh.
exe.- The lihr.hogt loarit.vt price, in I, Bag,
Am - P. ISLA RSTIA LI, & Co.. Importer,
dealer. 10 Frvnclt amt .A 1111.(1.31 I• A PF.It 118 Nti
-INOR, No. 07. (Alm r.,11
A-RP - Sok oRPIIIs for the poletarutv..l ittannrael vire, ..f
A C... Pale,
13 T. (1. MORGAN, 13o1,1=eller and Sta.-
Jt.l• 41,v,tysjai hand. efi
11im,•11,.... , 11+ and lilanlT .
(lap ['up,. \... 11,4 11,...1 .
4 1 4- WAN'l'l<l/--1t“.... And Tani, ly
otiN 11, 114 EljA)li, IVlioleanle and Itela'd
dnal, In NITIFICIAI, I steritt INIENI". 4 , VIA NO: 4 .MA , I
4(II oJI, Moon' lid STATIONKILY. No SI W, , 4 „
. ;.
yACO It hi'l!( 1, IST E I Z., Whi h nlr and I ('` -
SFAIAIt M 1 NUYVITIIEIt and d ul r In All knnti
TOBAMO, SNUFF and S.Si; A ILS, N.,. 2.:.r Itikb
21Elf KOCIIN constantly on hunt fl la, ge supply all dui
carious brands of Imperial Sitors.
P1131.1P BEMIS J..onxusoY.
iin n (li stio
i ceF
FOREII .surs tO
JoUhUO & C 0.,) q's n
No. 39 Wood lama, oppogite tire St. Cluirlea Rotel, Pate.
ATINDLE, Wholesale and Retail
ItAt3 MANUFACTURER, No. 10d Wood street, Plttslatrel:
street,third door below Virgin olley.-110WN h TET
LEY would call the attention of Sporting moo to their largo
amortment of owie, mvuts and ItEVOLVINII
the largost and host selected stock eye!. (Vet...din this
het, togethor with a general assortment of Ilarthyare, Out&
ry, Treks and Fishing Tackle, all of which we offer at the
lowest possible prices to cash purchasers, or fur good ap
proved paper. marlB ,
No. S Woobiugtou ntroot, corn, of Doarboru. CITY
PINKERTON A CO. devote their en tire attention to
transaction of a general detective POLICE BUSINESS i7l
the Stat.i of ll!Julia, Wismaam. I.l.ichigan and Indiana.
irj GIN, WINKtI, de- Deal, h lino Old M , nonli!leln
widAy, Pnach Brandy, Le. ole o , - turn FYI NO DI !;111,-
Li Yom,t, corner of Strittliteld and ' , runt stroots, fitteburi.,4l. w
0/2 ;
,r _...._ :~.~.~..
. , .
. .
. - +
•.• - I
. .
t.,. e •-.-: -..
7 .....
... .. . .
, • ~. •:„ _ • ' . l) 1 - ---._, t
.„._ •.„
. .
__,_„:„ ___.._.____________ .• _. -
.. __ _. . _.... .._ ._......_ ......._ . .. .
T J. GILL&S.I . L.E t 0., Looking Gloss Nianufacturers,
and dealers in Luokin4o.lla.ss Man., Plate Glass, En
ravings, Combo and Fancy Goods, N 0.76 Wood edruet, Pitts-
On hand and made to order, Out Pier and Mantle Glasat.,
Mahogany, Rosewood, Walnut and Gilt Irma., or Mould
ing, of every deacriptlon
int- Steamboat Qibina Poconitod and Gilt. [oct4
tit, third door below Virgin all y.-13OWN do 'TETLEY
would cull the attention of Spurting men to their .large as
the largest and beat selected stock ever opened in this mar
ket, together with a general assortment of HARDWARE,
CUTLERY, TOOLS and FISHING TACKLE., all of which we
offer at the lowest possible priors to mall purchasers, or for
good approved paper. tnarlS
A. SWILER, Wholesale and Retail
._• Dealer in Yufnaces, Ranges. Stoves, Tin, Iron anti
assA.ts•rs' Unrdwars, Tinners' Machin.. allll Tools, Tin
, late, Shoot Ire, Wire Rivets, ko., Ac., 24 North Second
Street, (opposite Buehler's botel,) HARRISBURG.
• rip., has I,C.Wintlai his health no AS to fetaLan his old
business, and has opened his BLIND MANUFACTORY, at
No. hi Fifth street, near the Dust Whoa, hetween Wood and
when- helms WI assortment of BLINDS, trimmed
with plain and fancy Worsted and Silk Trimmings, and is
prepanxi to till any order in his tin, on the most reasonable
terms. Ills work is Warrannal to give satisfaction, or liatn,y
S. Old Blinds repaired. Please give hum a call, as he
can't he Leant in workmanship.
street, nvet door to Detpatch Buildings, thankful for
the cery life rit patranage herehifore Isestowavi upon loin.
begs Wave to ILA a continuance of the same. en hee al now
better prepartsl than over to furnish his trientie and Ca,
tUnteta with garments which will insure entire sattsfartion.
Ile always keeps on hand a large assortment of the late h st
styli'. of V ESTI NOS, CASSIM EKES, CIA di , „ who
ho will tank, to °Harlan the alanlcat nlant reatamabh
toy_ A ',Heft ht always warranted
II ..... IL 1,...,01 in-LANCIA L. 4Linini.
B. Y(il:Nt; & )., Smithfield
orpo.it.• ray tiolel, rololoix.loroor of CAM
r I: II N 11'1 I‘ Cl IA I iIS, ory
kolonship war rontod , and mold at rod oro.T
Unit Lk tin fin:king br bait{ ad w ttlyr lvn lag,
,t,,.- a . Nlahouart) and W .1.11,11t.•ill
tal,1•• for parlor, r HMO bet, awl liming rx.onts equal I:- :1k
In A. , . Y. , . Ir or Phila , l , lpllia., and a tpra.. t)
art wk. triad , anti warranted.
L'ainnot r,upplied t any qua:
VIM.; and CHAIRS. on ,ftsonnbl , I , •rms.
llu!", nn.l St, 01d.... In: tior cr,orind noti,
Jur- Warrroont, No«. 77 and :L. Third
T 011 N coctIRAN 111 igstrairact it r
,t 11-11 X VA:11 Wail.
n A , , A.. ”I S.SS , mI ~ t ioot and Ar, Thtr , l
‘1•...! Nlark.t •dro,t, Pa_ .•
han 1 A vali , lx nn , . , partorw, raw r.,
all pip Partwnlar pant
l a k 1. •, , lorn• nt •hort.
'STEW ('11.1(11 .1NI) ( - .\!;111.1Cd: V.kc
_ll SritN. ~.."„ ..;
. • , 1-.1:11-10 t o -t• ..•
• .100: •)‘• I.‘
1,K./:A‘V.I\ II I,
It: 1 1...110 01 1.• 1 .1
. I• •11 1 1 Iii. I Ili, . 1 11.il lit /111 111. lt
-. !1:..
•:,:111:0 1.1:•: , :Is.: , 11.. • t
:r... tlwir M
`•,.' •
)11-rstit;io; 11 -
4 , 11 ,, ,, ,, •• , • t•• i NI. 4.
Itt and •
4 \ Vl,lll , 'Lt , 1,.d1l I. 44 , 1••1. moi 1. ~.1,••••
1.,,a1 . 1,1,..1 1...a1t1 .r .„.. •
4141114 w..rkiii.:4ta , h!,•
( I. It. \\AMIE).'.I M a r 1,,t
, f,
t. I. .1 11/ • \
F. , . so:N . si I KS •,' .• , •••,•1
I. 1.••....1. ..11,- •a 1.44 .01.1.1 •I•
It. 1•• •rtm-10 fur 01, i.f I, Oa It
1,,a,•• Alai a 1.11:60,. {.• IN/ . tar) a , at
cloar mit 41144,4i4.04 haul er la•la
' Itoov2ltvlltn
A Aittcktots,t 40.1
Att•l STATIt t:tt Y:11.1 It A.ltEllttlt,SK, i••
p:u..ll ry ttt)I•• ~r Cann.
At.•l Jolt: stTlNti and lON K Iti
fillomit ••• • I) Artwit• an tit , itl.tit Is PAIK, and Z , LAI..it
of s lattr, tt , Itort.t•rtt tt,tot a• tittmt
tVa 110
Maul. 1t..4 Pr: ut.ng t 411.
0,1 .4 N1.t11 , ...! I ;11.,‘ It.
111( . 11 '. it l) C, Is(); Ai I ',. )(31Mr3,:llir„r (.1
Stlr , r. awl itt..1.7..• 1,41V/KING 4 i LASS.
IT and ri.-ruitf: YEA K.', I . la, ~0 (w.,;L0..•,0,....;.
21 St. tlt r Kletl. All 1.,11.1p
Steal/a...1.N Sr. Alt 1.11.1.•,1 U11,.tu5 Ao.l t• ,
alit W.i11.111,4
rat :LIA: for till I . ‘Liltiil7.., 13ogravili4. and of
I \ ”1 ah , tve
1.11 i ; boo .• a. • 311 11.. [net. I 'nit .I.•k of
Wei' ,•Lt. , 1.6 I In; inn in ra
. 'or ,111: mnf , l) thnt on nll.Ol
If -orpteowil ntel Any to the
arnae Saachniam n :II itud it to tnon il 1. ill to , 1,1 roil I .`
, for.. atifloi;
iired or 'left:civil OD Paint:tip rontorril in the bent ' f'l4 liitAvy. N1;1:011'1:11, A(i RAVE.
, 1)1 ES' IVI:ITING Cl„\ I) I: F
Frntoen and Nioitlaingn inallobtatorea iu 11L1.4
LII I I oli 1-1,.1i.•>' t'laftm.if Choi Itwtitie
tail:el:mew way Im• tie::-a. unbent It:Jur), IA II h Ail. Allti
1./-1, 1. ri ~,, . .1 to no niotili fortoolitia iarr , itea ni.l t
eater. eall anti e.eo. tic, .I FL elaif Alva. Pitanburgli. I
nth2f:tf_ 115. Willltunif' 111 , vola 41 le 01
A 311LLIKEN &. CII. have bawl, [lt A Ginn. of Loaf Tentlinrs nwet no :tutor:a:ay.. frail :I tilt 5
their xtenotien CAJUN ET owl CI 1 MANI A l'" P let ion inulacillat Apply L. the
'I , Y. No O 4 oft' t n Lug'. lin.ratit,•at el Foil, P. PL. I V
And which ,11 Isl.' 1 ". , r Tt yril. Y.— The part n an , hi p haratub.re OA ISt
thni: rllibanary watt,. Tortola 'ad). 14.1:27 5 to 2 I,lo , eit Ibeitettio. laimoitter nod f;
I - 1 ELLS RA i{\ ETT, I I,,Hst: S ! tr,va A N I ) Nto 1(m , f i rm IditosTryTt:a. %t
.. , rrii (I 1 , w.an
LI ha.'" main] I: nen tool eintotonhoo• 1 .' 7 ' 1 I'd (hr ?nit ino oil :0-, awl. the etaire
Pan 1 1.:11 111 - ALLEY. Imin ern "flora Ale: Si of
I t!. I 1 "' o.l ' ' ll.° I
The inwittinni will lina. nn
where h r 1' itarra to oil work to 116 Ilio: I'
the wokenitoottnae. [laving had lona ',viol •ne , In
110 rreyertfullr xulknn the rota
co.lioern nod tit , pnblie knwwrally. ju2 I
J Es .511iLLINUER, 141.1nonguhela Pike
ping 'Min, would maiwy.traity inform Fin tition4.# nmi the
the politic that hie new ontnblinhotoot 10 110I1' In full over ,
bon. nod flint In. Li prep aro.l iit CALtniti, 4101
all orders for PLANED LUMBER. with prontlitionni, tool 01
loot rate,
lionra and ('book, phosea nn ono or both Ad.', ',mann fly
on Luna
So,h, lh. ism and MoulaitiLtn, nook to
Builder.' and Cara mere W. , 111.1 find it a• lln it main,
tint , to gine him a roll. Gin ,111 11 , -n tornaell thew nnL
l'lntst , l Stoll'. :tunable her 'ivory ilea., iiitnin of work
WILSON, cornor pl . Market anti F.arth
fru:init., keep" the Inrg , mt [l., I. of NV ATCI 1 k'n', FIN
JEWELRY, hr , I',. .•, I rnoin 11. ,
bOl2, experienre,witablislenl rilattettoa and 01 ,4erna.
pn[ the loghest T.. 1.15 Sk in 0, 0 1 ..1
ir,wml Watch. or other 0105. lem , In lit. .11/ , ', -1,011 , 1 glAti Ili, ton
omiortitility to m•l'Vr Ihrn.
Fili.• Wait h it , •lttut
ior,TeiN ("AR vahtpc6, poir \-1 WY AN 11
sEktflll \ E [ll. I :too- 1,.
too , -I into , hr. won' Wolk , recent!) el-. t
01 11 na r. and saieltly iareoto, 1. in elia.rwl a • ..te
t I u ale! entieur , ill lor I', .meet.
Poo-inner, Mot, Fr•-igl,t. Natant', ',aid, Ilnal nod nll
.it !pit "leiwrlption of eAIiS
Abe.. La Sark:AM I:NI:INKS of all el, f;f:A1:1 N hill,
RO.11) CASTLNIiE of all 11,11'11110M, .111,1 n/1 11//01 . I
oleo, tohong to 11 F aunlry nod Nhultile Shop.
The For mu of ii..• .1111I•rent ileilariniouts are neielitlll.•
411 into tnnil men—anwitly Iron: Kanter,, Ifintinftuaorn , --
n Lie'. taentselsain :of /ruled and ta:10.1.1 nll [owl
twit 1,:141,10vI1 W. W. 01 ET ILERELL.
a J CUR,. I TI Shy
y. N,
p9l'lmt MAc i rlE I,its 4,M ENT.;
nougen, ; M 1.11,4"
F r ,,,,. 11 ,, Lit, Itrm - Vo.ti C..r.
11,4+. l•
3f....11.1in•zg of o.ory Joorl Ma,,' rlo,t
qnd ultrrattL,4l lliaun :tr to I , 11..0
4,;.•11,410r.0 , .11/ 111. 1111.1111-. I 11i1111,
N B Ntlcolloit of t..{A'4.111 1 x. 4 . 1-114 6.11 y
t.. thi , al tick. ~I 1 ••1 B• • I1I. 1%. .gl,l.
Nn f , .... , tad st (Pot. I.V.,ri nod
. - -
AV i(; MAN I' P.ttj' Il.)ILY-1111:,-. RENTEII,
Y .ix d...r , In.nt tlo• Aqu , d.i'L “Pl"''''' ''''. C''''''''''''
Oak, Aiioglwoy ('i'v I- pl, t otro.l U. MI ..• ,•• 4 L,r lt lo;,..
$l,O 01 ku,.1.,,i IT. \ A NII.::, l'Al, ll.k II( l', ..I. h. TI, i ,, ,,
qoalliy of materoll 14 111114,11. A, 11111 eiit,l, r•atiet4cl,ll ~,,,,,
mi11.4..1. til 1:1 ,481,
• Nfr.2l .. JAM .
8 1,..1K ELY
1-..1,1*.11 d srulthfkl.l
Lur L.
Farms. liii 1,1, Mill., Fitt eif. kr
Kohl t•ii ; 1.3n,1 %%/1.1 - 1.44bil
t4l: and NI/1.144 I“.4 , Pliaterd. rdirrVild to 0 . 111 PO
gieou W xn bdi rt di ugFll.l . lll l4 , 3114/ lIIINIAng of tll,ll. Torn,
ItE 91VF1L i :i!. rlO
ment nr"Coveti 11:4PYATTNU nuts,
four, live ;mil Six hal Lamb+, ell of
u, will sell fur mull at us lOW ,
print' as they dui be bought In the City of New York. Pu r.
SOUS going, ED Australia and California will find that they (.an
do bettor by pureinLedug their equipage at betur, Lite. they
rail qmong stranglers—as We Ova, persons a chili). to try
any of tilt. 14104, 1944 ds before the city, 111111 ill CAM.
(d - a failure we refund 4:e money.
1111 Wood str.cl.. Ilttsboreh.
n ,of T toi.wthig, and uainciateul with me, TWO:IIAS a
imrtu t. o l r ds o d , a t y h .
tilling Liquors, Ow tontineas uiii hervarter
under the ntyle or firm of J. & T. (lItOUTT
Pittahurgh,Docembe , tte, lafity.--{lml JNO. GROUTT.
J& T. GltOlirrf, Importers of Bramlies,
. Gin, wino; Dc4e.r. in Yine Old Monongahela Rye
Poach Dtnndy, ke. &leo, lioctifiers nod Dintiliers.
Corner of Smithfield and Viral streets, l'ittahurgh. { dee:3l.
BOtTLEB,S,--JOHN OGDEIT & On., Bottlers,
N 0.187 Pint &Mixt, woukl re/Tactfully inform ti,o pole
tic that they hire constantly ou hand LI rk.P supply or
of thu best quality.
The attention of famlliee is particularly directed to tlb
fart that they bottle IVAINItiII UT'S' ALE in its purest state
Plosieions n3E:a/tomcod it to colonies on I wornolut of Its whets
1,01110 and strougAlieulog qualities.
4 , 4 4s 41. 4. .4,=- -4 4 4 - 4 , 7„ , "."-•
Agent, No. 201 Libor
the fulhAvlug very thoLc ur-
1 - 01114 LITTLE, Jr.,
ty street, has Just recoh:
tides :
Gentr Brandy, (rery flue,)
Otnrd Doltlty dc Co.. (super.)
Marron h Co.,
Santa Cru,
a IN
1,11(lori Cordial,
Sarrint Mailolm
Howard., Match& Co., Mad'ra,
East Indic
ldo du
Awout.lll Sherry,
Manzarillic do
Table do
Cooking do
fJeeewtug Port, '
Pore Juice du
Ordinary do
St. Julien Claret,
Malaga Dry,
In, Sweet,
linthorfnri.Ps Sootih
Barriay's Loudon Porter,
Wild Cherry Brandy,
sl.,hr, and Java,
Young and Black Tear,
English lt.a.s.on Chore,
Inyar Cell Havana Cigars, cf
vari..us !rands.
Ohl Nloilon;zsliela Whisky, of
all ;;,solos.
den ronuoctod with tho host-
Toguthur with all other an
. _
or my faith will 1 trill,"
"Neither with my eye
wpm RAD Sl,lllT.—Poruono ...1116,1nm from 11.1 Sight,
arls.rm from Impaired vision, cuustitntinual tlecu3, old up.,
othur enusey, wonla du all to mil 1111011 Pr O. N. SI IA W.
PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, wllr, OKI may ply 131.1 gutting
Sin,tuel,s adulutot In theW ANTS Or
TII MYR. A.lrclus, 26 Fifth Arent, oppusiln A. A. MaeronN,
B.—Tuk-unopes, Micronrolu, Tll,lll ...... until ern,
aroclu upperlamlug I On. I,pin nun tr. 1 . ,, krpi nut
r. lcun.l
on ill, in,n11....
an - I. Fraltwol
%ff,_ Am) artig•l.• 11.. n ~1. fr”.• ..f
1 - )l.'ltE ZINC PAINTS- -The untl.l-•;ign4l;
j 1 wll.l r,lll the ;ktteutv,n ~f 4 , 01.00 , and is,
tinqr supnnor arta Iro of ZiNl; I'AINTS, grown! by a now
nrwonn, ninf fn, fr.rtu th.• nbiortions haln•rto nnun . ..l, , Zinc
Ti,-• 11r , 110 1,1 , 111.1// fsty.nl,N.y kts.•o.. Silt wss invite ,
ttu•el•nw .. 4 ••1 101111 11101 , 1 01110,1 We' 11 - 111.011f3 , 111r ,
n••ii.• at lilt Montag - us. 7.111 r. 111 011 0/ 1011.1,:11
11111,111fitctoro.l.ill ~rstisl allot do sat 1... hi 0.10 ~ f Astwrirs...
TI..00• Ir n.d, t , , isssr. S.A. , - an artiels• tlu,l ran 10• r 1.1 0 ,1
n,l au.loll,rateol, rasa ,Zrail,; It ,
111. ,all 3,0311011 L. vus 100,1 .1 Vr.•n. I. /1, , . astbsail
~„ , s , ;„ „ 5L ,,,, „,,,i 1,30,,1 .4 an 0,11, 1.0
100 , 01. 0. 4.6010,11.••• t. , bss I , ot. 1.01,0110 1 , 0
1111.1. h 0 , 111:N1 - 3.1..
s , stss ,•. 1!.-k Nl:tab a laws-, k
N.. as 11114 r
FIIIIE 11111'1*: CI)N11.:1NY
nth 00•1 nln, ~ Ns ,
nat,, 100sta 5c5,,, , 01 Is) 110 , Nianatas ttir.srs.' Inparalar
',sissy, 1.00.1011 , 115 a, take 1.1,0.0r0 its ot.trisigs that th , ol
•1.1101. n 10 , 01-will rOl,ll-t.d by .1 !..• 05 , 0
.I,ost ol 11-10 I' sal , Ins, lis.
' l'onO•ny-_+ ".?7,
- 'a
II I RS 11 L It S ll ,
.1J• 1:t NI ANI 1.• 11'T V It Y
;•: •rx.orr, Preroo,
Th, r• t••q••••-lfull, ,•••••Itv•.••• that ' , Ulla' , 1..4.1••
i , 11‘..t/il4 - .1 L.•
• . 1144. l• • . •r , tuna' 1,4
,i a. u ,i.. ~~ . •,~
..th NVI r •
Own! .I]h
\ , 1..11 M ..•1 Ohl 'l,l
I itit.-11.t.1.1k1 SIIN.
I I,A 7kl •-.1 .1,. .I. 1 . .11,1..1.A
11S 4 ,N Partt...., . 1 . 1 .
I r • en. A 1 0 ,
e.,) 1.114.1 • Nutiout
Ai. , 1 - 10 N 1 . %JASON,
NATIIAN Y 'Sl.4.4itt4
itt,l•tir h. F. 14 , 1 a, ; I.
GO l'A ItTN ERSII I \A. M A!..4 )N
V./I hi- ta1 , .l wln , t 3 ATII.IN
”I 111..1et tos 1 , 1 “( A A 11A, , N
I 1.4.•
hills-1,-t. r 1.1 N A SI A,40 , ..
N II I.`t
bran!) :LI, 4.1.9
JAC , .I 1 1106TKI1EIC,
I. ;•,• \IITII
il(11.11 PENS—Many ninw find it ditiiinilt to
„,.• . - r,n i o rll Nlatiofis , lon I . :tn.!
&oh,. hu.r Loll totoptod L. nnhtn quallly of lx.tll cold
1:31 1 H. 110.1.0,4, u 1 ortkr t.. r•-loco 1.1”,k`-- • 1..1/M11111•1.
a h on p
eha afr Priv , 111/1111, 1 . 11.1“1.61) L. - of
ik+a nvkt..l orol li thl,. sool worrootoa —front $1 1. 11
W W. V711.1.101Ni, (17 MorLot Atroot,
(Noll,' Forth.
41.ktsim , AN I) MELODEnNti.—JOAN
No ogroat,
th att i.o,.! allay alai Fourth t. 11 111 011111
thr .tat I,On> 11,. Loll, it nJditi.ml.o. . r ,
IfilillT N I.IV 44.1. k NITFOItTFEI,
n 1011.1slt+ k IIA6I I N & I) I\t -
I,l' ?
`l'o l 1 11 , 4,01)110 , i1 ,
1 )1 MONI: V All .471..
1 ) lii, 1,41 - A1,01.41 lit n lel• • t.l
• ,I,• , in s io• ll mat. 1011.1111 ..1 • •
11,0. tit l•til • 11, ••t, N•o, t. 1131
pat io .111.,111...:1— , If, I 11. 1 111 j. , /0“
111110 Il.l,l.titi. • 11/11 .1 11..,1 1%1,11 L. 1/11• ,1..1 1
0.11./.1 / • .4.11.1 111..1.11:1 .11 1 .1 .1.1,11114 11
I. I. IN, 111 Wilri ,11....11i 1 .1 I.lil. InA It 1. .11 1
oil 4,0 0.4.1 11. I. l rltl. 1, 411.1 r,,,
it•l iti.
1: 41 I 1114 •. l'a
nod 11111 11,11- ....... 11 .1,... , 11
TR()N eiTY cni,LE(;) , , I),y ,),),
Irdhwitr, A./ping
111 , 11 . 0 ..111.1r1./111. 111' r11.1t1.11...
VIII rummy'. ..f.).1.../.11..t.• (..
plaint , awl 1..11, liil/11.111,111.4.1L111
14 Lo In. 101111 111 any 11111111 1 0. 1L,1111./i 111111
In. lit() by 111 1 1.1 rolt,, ha toed ' krittonottral 31140 ' Artth
101.11 r, rtr 1111001 l f t.
Gall ior a I'a, ular of the Colit'F'''
,htet K Int 11.1
gillioi.\s ()Li v Elt, SNDDI r, I I c.t
01, 01,
Ipu.lor.• C 1,41.11, \11111,... Rimy, A
. _ . .
. .
.1 I 1•:S I,FN r.•1.1111i,51..1t 41.1
S , . I• 1 NV:stut -Ur. L.
4'l,l)('K AND .11.1\1'1.:1,11
.Itilfs. If utioyicrs ..,t1
"'" "'"'
,11t1••. 'Cy BALI; A I N,.;
I, • ! k-. I,t I;
f,rn.. psi,—•
I , th., , lwar
!IHri. ,
. _
_ -
\ 1. A CO.11.! -
.1 I. 4. u,.i."1 0 VII 1 •11 111.• Ikt It t.li
t.. al, 1,11 31 at Dr. iliEliT IS 'S
1,160111 1.1 io tho 0111. 0. oi
tit it.,,trr. AT: , 1-TOlt corn.; 1.0.,tv and 4Lyne
.1. h. ST t,'NV AIIT. At , a rt.
- .11. A Fiflb strool i
n larv, rt h of Men and hope' CLirrn Na
nq 6yntl, ruotprhlec worse entirvly new nod elegunt nt
which they aro Prn . p.tl.•Li ,;, tIIri;101 ut OW 11:111.}.
AI., w largv and InAlionnf)le 4t..ck i I tl FLIItNII.IIIIS{I
Gi)i)111S 11,13,11 y
Owned by o,w/ins Grinnell, H 7 ~ : Drullt /trod., N.
The sulincribur in lite only Agent lit Nit.
burgh for the above Lino—bas wayn on
h an d mAns for Kale for any amount, payable at any
in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
JOHN THOMPSON. European Agent,
4)0 Liberty stre.t. Pataburgh.
TlintrsAND FLOWERS.—r have I
ALF Just r.Teirod another supply of this Justly colobratml
Ja2ls Corner Diarpond and Market at.
--TheCYrt7enti(m'e Monitor.
The True .Maamk
Mo.lro's Auchint Charge. ,
The Light of the Temple.
Tim.' Craftsman.
The Masonic Text Book. •
Mucoy'q Mwouic Manual.
The Templar'e Chart to the 33.1 D.
Masonry and Anti-MasourT.
FlFr min by It. T. C. IttO.AGAN,
11,111:5 101 Wont] street.
FANS- --30 hue. received and for wile by
jJ a.do II FNItY
v ~ • ~.
• :t
• • -
. ' „
IROCLAMATION.-13y Virtue of n timept under the
lian.it of Win. 13. 'lb - Clare, President Judge of the Court of
loltitillloll Pleas, in and for tho Fifth Judicial District of
Pennsylvania, and Justice of the Court of Oyor nod Termi
ner, pool General Jail Delivery, in and for said District, and
William Boggs and Gabriel Adams, bsirs., Associate Judgll.4
of the same Coart.l , , in and for the County of Allegheny, tin
ted the 21st day of February, in the year of our Lord one
thou.nd eight hundred and fifty-six, and to too directed.
fur holding In Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General innil
D'ellYol7, at the Court House In the City of Pittsburgh, on
the VOL:fall MONDAY OP MARCH next, at 10 o'clock.
Public DOUG! , Is hereby given to all Justices of the Poner,
Coroner and Constables of the county of Allegheny, that
they be then 111111 there, in their proper persons, with their
tolls, records, iuquinitionn, exam inntionn and other rumen,.
',noires, to do those things which to their respeztive offices.
In their laduilf, appears to be iilso those that an ill
pn+4,llto the prisoners that now are or may la, in the jail of
said r,onty of Allegheny. to be then mid there to prosecute
against them as shall be Just.
Given under my Pittsburgh, this 21st day of Feh.
ruary, in the year of tad. I,rd one thousand eight hundred
and fifty-six. Mid of the Ommionwealtli the l'bth.
fel.= ItODY PATTI:IIBO.N. Sheriff.
.7”st pnblixhed RIIII recriv , l Uy 11.
KLEDER k BRO.. in init 1.1 Lb,. trade:
I: IN NIICKNCK—ti ratal Galop Jr Ong
cu•rt, composed and dodk,t4sl h. Mr, Mary
E. Sclnmley of this city. I v lh•nry Klvi,t•r.
CIIOTCIIISTF AND QUAVERS-I'hr ,, tuni'pand ph-nzing
Hoodoo, designod and comp...d fur huwhing pur.
pooten, by 11. filcher.
TUE MAIDY.N'B LAMENT, or a Woman Can't
A cheortul 11.111 i pluming song. 1t..111 sw,•rds
sprightly and effort ve by II 11, 1 / 4 . I k
twassong, ley-W. V. Walbw,..
Sin &utti by Wtity. , ll. (main, of llarvl Onll, new, iAlrsta.
Inc. alai very ottoy.
Ain., n Induction i,f new Pnlkaa. t•A-Itot !Lathe, Walt.,
W,_, 141. r. Fur lJy It. At
4 Fifth tarot.
N lI.—A fruit supply -1 NUN NS CLARK'S 1•11 NOS
on Lin. way. fel.a
' Mt/GUS AND COLDS RED by the use
~f ATE!. IN Ir. ;11 1,4
all vl.. at . .. utthctel Arilh a 1..10.. ot 1 lir i,.•
only intr.. N11..1(1 aura win,tin ,- E1 ,
JoIIN 11 Nl,slo, - Two may ivrtify that I. in;:: alllirt•
ith I A tit
Ss rill,. :Anil atri using it. ray
iw clitiroily .31,11. I mai 1 ,
to r11.;111.11^. your!'.mal l Syrup th, no•dicuy. I luk••• e r,
altaahl vallinl,l.,
Il.k tl II NI. 11 , 1111:1M. A
Prvp.nr.+l and Nal, %%11-1.-al , mil r 4tul. I.y Jun N
❑A FT, Jr, Sok 13:, Wuxi str,t, Pat,
trttrAh. • (.4.11
- -
• Era Ina Om Ag: no, in Ow ...Al , k
y I lead, i,1T111111,, a., 1 .11 pr.ywan.l I•. II
oil ord.,. promptly. To,ll, Cro t.
Vii. Printer anti ir.atomm,
Sl a rket oL. ...ram of &amid.
WATcii At; EN('). IVe have Leen ap
..1.• A, id 14 Ow Slat.. 4 I . .thot. rl, .wt.
Got thy .sth• thy et , lyhrttuttl $4.1 tlhnlittato.4l WA,. 01
&in:l.' Chronorst..t., uhil.}l
1•••51•6..1 pr,:iimv. .4 . C.:1.170 Th..,
n.u.tll, 1,111a1..• ult s.. a 151/1111 , aI.- tt ' Tht•rr
..r r vt , .•1 '11.11..tr 1111.1
nib. 5...1 1,, 11
imett bib ut
At. .1 • all ~ l h,•t 1.. ua.. , Wnt. heit
Lle- N r.I• I. 0.• • i/
V , \I NV I 1. ,
11.0“-I ..4 - a-• or Yost
TIMIIZ 1 :1 \
,R 1,11: 04, lit
N. 1. I.ttr, . N1.1.,4,11'• 1'...1..1
11, F. 13.,.. t '...1 n. —1 1'1.,itt.t.i...
11 ‘4,.. 11.. , • n 1. , ..r.....1 I11:11. , 1.wk.1 i'1.,.. ,
1 ttli., ,, ••10•11:11 11l `ll.ll , 1 1 / 1 11.11,1
1'.11,• 1 1,141 0 ' 11 n %if 11,..1..- 1 1 1 • I ' l l
1 n11,•111. 1.,4.•t1y••1 11 ....r • ,,,, -.1•..1 .4 %.r
-I+,ol 1' , . , • ro. 111
11.0 ..I'. I'al , ol , 1,,,,.1. 11,1 1.,... I
A 4......1 Flarn , v Lilian . vs, 1,-..
T.‘1,1. ..1 .n 1 .......1 —n \ 't n . H
A to.a. 41.1 •.1 I . A tztl.l. 51..• .
1...,,.“,. T.l..r.‘ids•'.
A 1'1.0) ..114:, 4..41 C.. 11-,....
11. , 1..11 -4 11, 1 • .1/11n11 4. 1 nli, ..1 I'Altlol '.
A In.-1 - 1. nr. Ila 1..
I . ftt,ol t 1,1,1, 4 al. 1110..tr2a1,.., t
F.. , , xl.- 1) It 'l' 1 . ‘1..1,t; kN.
mill': 101 41... 1 .1,...-1
J,,...., , , 1 . ,,., ~ F,Nid,iit Toy ti()()Ks
)) ,I,.•1 ro.-.4..mt •1, .1 •Tll VI.ON. r.s'lrk uvrr .trt
, (0 , `'..rni. 11... 1 4 f , O ~,,,.. Pi. 141,-... , fn.°, 11.1., lainnl.,. ..lo
01. a. Talrk+ land l'hitir... (.4 - Hi.. Nn Fltl l ,.ln 11 4 11 1 1 , 1.
in 1 , 111, 11 . 1,1, ntlL:l ,i 1 1 , , ,.. o 1,.......... In -41, I ..-, 1 1.,.. 'n
, .11 • . 1 1 1`111..lir ,11•1 11 11•1 1111111Hk, 2“ c. , .t.. Nv .. N, Rl4llnn
I .a
1!,•41 , , Ku"), .4.:, r.. 114. 1.141111 e mull 11..1.1 r0..t5,.-, 2.: , nn•ttl.,
N.r.....,) 1:1,)°,.. •-, 1..r.d ...I plow, '2l, .0.1 1.: t , t11., 11,
I rst 10•-in. - Li! 1110.11,t....1 Alpl,Ab. , 1., c..1 , .,-,..1 a1,.1 1.1,,,, , .
nvl.l l't c..itt-
N lilV 11.41/(1', REV!) 4IA1:.(11 7iti. RV J. :... f`.ll IS.'S,
6. NIA /I 'VT =TI. \ .k ill If
n %tin*, 11 TTI , t In• Yr. Clozr - 11 llt*f option
$l.OO I lon.. by tin. kn.l
* Sermon* lot 11 , •• 1'•.,1 y ,
J. .1 blain*. A f.
~t- Ain! .1 , 1.1r.n-. I'l,no I, IL- kof St
It. T ka.-an I iu r
Ll 11.41 ,, Summer Analtoli
111,1 tL. I Ili ,fr 1, 11. T Talc 11,1 11, 6. ono
Tho I/ny fol.-, A.... 'I
t E.lll' REAt)t! ItE,\ Hi:IA1101
1„ „ TA, I Sont!o. .tll,
T..nr 1'0n0../10. \r to,
Th.. !h.. A.u...
Tho 1t.t . r.4
Gob!. : 1.11.
Song, .4 11LL0,..1111-
h) Win M Tint ,
ITloner of 1t'..11, eq , I Aro 4 IL,.
For -at T
Th.! 1:111$111Ilon • F1u..., al.!
All .A Oil linnre \%ork. 1...0 on 111. 1 lor
1% . 11. 1111.141 \ \
nod 111,
i' 1(1k -11 r, hate hrr.ulo
A11%1...11111,1 Mil , . 11011.41 .t..t...tt.
1 11111 .116.gliony \ y fott , L and within atn hour.
..r 11).• Con r 1 11 17 rn. an 1 a!l. n
.4 100 • 111 tor 101 , 4. I:h 111 , 1
,1 , 01.11111 g to 111 the routil ;
In...rlng fruit, alahka, gar,l. OA,/ , A grnal
A FARM ,•1 40 .•11 th.• l's3lll , t‘n. ,
,o.• 1 411.41 1..11. 11.4 4 1.. ga. 3 Vt•rry hut ,
11(11 .•1n .v \,.vltr.Fhtott, • p.st
allr, 11 woke 1111. , ,t1..n, a .01 I izt '1t1. , 11.
able MAW. , told r,l •A. I.Ard t
ix,el, Att.! ,leArrN tn , r, hil 1114. v.,11 utt•!
in the 1ie141113,r1t4..1 t Imre Iva, gu,14., .4,,
m , arp, 0:111 -ivt..n
.1.0 , 1; awl 011111.0ln, ttrchAt . .tt t”..m.4 ,• . 4
1431111 g sprAn4, ,tr , tle , ll , lt And uour
jar 4 .tOl , ll.
.4 F \ RM. n , Ar T 3 1 ,111111, :AI I. ri, In. It
.4 YARN! 10 A t. ,
I.4 l liENt . I I 81,.‘i I \
I IZ N ,^ :1 .1 M S 4 IN A 't
.1.. •..
I dam I .
15t) Iho. Nut moo.:
:a .1. /WI/ Vorpor &lore.
Spoor at Ow lotrort For '
not 'S I , F. It. DIIAN't 1, N... I Po"
...utiout to r.Jlovory .51 '
r0.100t.0.0 to pi - c,, :trio ll` t • •..
yit g l ituO, ailll.oalumrl knit 'JO lobo pot coot. I ' ']
r ah,
I lIrIT Kb • :to Mi., 1•1,• , ••• 'lllOl 140,. I •IV ••11
Auol 1;1 ,, _Lam., Itlonclod 00.1 1t0...
T.rktltg . t. Floortd". , t• ill Soo.
A ...tot Prioor (lot t.t.f.) A. A NI AtoiN
AN'l.')) -110
••111 ••11111 . /,•.• • ,
o . X .1. ..it .1. 019'0.• Oord ,
.1 t.'t, I A 2
lIN SEED (111 , I!. 1,.,rre15:1 , .r
I_,/ 1,1,26 II V.01:1' II cot.i INC
Sc()Ti'll HERRING -11101 ,, ,,.
PsorAt.t. , N,
1b1,211 No I'dd Wool
A I . : : 1, !
tlotoi , A room!pt icor. A. A. .v
oda '2!).FifE, drool
t it
rtrool. (1',.1,) 9) .IA }IFS Ik ARDROII.
2i BOXES AV. RUCK I'ANDY just re -
V , volved tool for role. tv
61 , 2 3
3rD e r' i 4 ‘ l: l.d
()00 IC„1;1.8'
luhe No. Id 9 Word
1 (VSI ;1 I I I
turd for role by
()0 Eloth MPT Y I. ,, R LLE E I S 1 1.... ):31 5 Tix}:,53 f 1 0 : ; ,/
1`- for anon br In otol
0 ~,.
ba . x , oar,'x i., No. 1 soap :
In storo and to arriva; for afar by
ndttn- •
c r. .
. ;
- -
a e nr• •
It'll AI. Flti oln:11A NI. S 1 ?" - R\\
F-rtlierl , .1 IL tog , q.t.,'
I.A A 1:!1i1
'1• , 11 i .4,44
\ kink,
VAIRBAIIIN on the Application of Cas
1 and Wrought Iron to 'Building purrokw. By \Vint°
Fairbairn, C. E., F. R. S. F. G. S. F o r F udo
inhlo • B. T. C. MORGAN, 104 W0...1 st.
0 I have on hand a large supply of Shoulder Brame mu
Trusses. Those wishing anything in this line should cal
and examine nay stork purchasing elsewhere.
iuhll t‘irnei ,d Diamond and Nlarliet al reeto.
M I SC 147, L L A N liX) LT S.
1 1 utozna l e Monthly Magazine, 410.
Lhalaehold Words, 110.
Ti,,' Schoolfellow, 4lo .
The Horticulturist, ,10.
Jug rce.xlvetl and for sale by
marL Fifth fa., oppolite the Theatre.
C.olfee, of the finest flavors--all
Ike. Roasted and /Iron not.
Tet.--Y,arng Dyson, Black and rhoire heand,
Sugars—N. 0. and Leveeing's.
Foul.--1, , ,• : r11,1', MI1111:01,1 fl avor.
Marrarom. Bice Flour.
Farina, Corn Fiat-oh,
Pate Mu•qanl.
And it c4l.lllirtP 11.41i111111'ut of (1...510 in oar
mar! N 4 o. 1 and 2 'hanenel, ewe door from Market.
MOAT ill lILICA I. insTußy OF TII It JEWS. fro,,, thea
lose of the Ohl Testameut, nhout the year 420 11. C It.
till Ow destruction of the wa n ed Temph., in the year 70 C.
K. By Morro J. Itaidiall, M. A. I'h. Dr. ItaLLl—Pnencher at
lireoue street, New York. In 2 yob..
For sale by B. T. C. MOIUJAN,
marl 104 Wood streeL
Ir Iltlg4S .110)1 , 0 REDUCED.—Thu whole of our amort
i meet of French Merino*, Parnmettas, Plaid Goods, Do
L tt i l ,eg. 'and,other Drool Goods, NOB he closed out flt still
greater 11/ prk, A. A. 01ASON It Ts 1.,
1113e1 17. Fifth .tr—t.
KM I-AN ' UAL, BALK.—We ore olTering U.. whole of oar
1.7 1 Kt.g•k of rant),lderien, Ribbonn Trimmings, NMI..Ty
GlLiveit, de.. de., Itt about tine-half the
imar3) A. A. MASON & 00.
I ) I.A NK ET;, 111. A NK A few more pall - . of de.. sti.
1 ) pvrioriii.trilied sl t 2 and CSlui—untml pre fn
nud r —rwei I.yA. A. NIAB ,, N A Co.
. .
/ V.ItSEK4-100 bun thin Juy tr•eive.l tilde by
k marl II EN li V 11. 0.11,1,1 NN.
hX T RACTS fn,in lhe Wiary and Corruspmd
the liite %MOS LAWRENCE. ;, hi Li
c.l n 4 In II!
It .•I/1,, M. D. I , a mak I.y
T AN. N.• 1111 W. N , .1 .1
_Z 11 I . : S SAND l'A IrkAt jto,t ro•ek
•.0.1 •nli• 10 VI,ENIIN6 1110 *).
i. 1.1 purr Clo. 1,1%., (01.
1.100 Met Mti.t.lang Liu ttttt• . llL.
3 1.1.1 e 3Vl2lfr Moe,
)000 Th. Pamir. , do. 10,29
NXT RIO 'S I'ItENII t' K .1111 A RR IN
y 151.1.. th.• flair In. flllinlg Mt, and produ,s x lux-
ur Laut growth
'NV Itliiirrs K_ATIIAKMN
Ittno2oo n.ll Ihmrlr2lf 3201 i4•/180 depnitn.
For Fudo, 0.10.100010. 11 It. E BELLEIIS Ar. Oh anglii
T - 11{ESH I;round (pure,) always ~n
N , .. f 4 UTAIIiINP.
(„ 4 : l't AI: MI 12125 -1)f ihlrgoe . F,,rsyth
,0.,..,122 1.22, 1.,r 401.•
101,11 Lr
4 1 1 El t 1 DESCIIIITiox of White 1;, - .,41,t,
tw0.... Trimming., Millinery
11....1.r) all being LAL4,I At 11 re,inctitos
IP Aril ...ALAI! w
tin! nt the ttrini• Ann iml :kale LA
I In A A MASON Fifth ..teeet.
)1:11 . :1 ) gueks ,411 , • by
te-1 , 1 4 HAITI .4 111.:VI
St I.\ P IeLtoLA "Zi IP SO , :k p,
...tr.,. Aril. . ter 1.,
NI UG A 111,;Tt.1i
10 )ITF:F pr , m, f",,r i , V
1.1. :-
+ ‘f !Tit M A lIINTEIt.
1 4 ‘1.( "0)1 , 1,1.. Ilh 'lli reo•i, 1,1 ;1.1141
".nl. SPtt “Pii Ii A \
I I _MI 20 huh., 11 ; 6 1 . in
I /ivlil'l•' \,; M II
X AbO•11. • 11•• •
I I tri..r,
le 1111-i
II POWER'S Ni Mrk 7.1 Flit %I tfteft —Just mt - t•trell
ItAttl ht. Ittgh In W A. ti I Ll , Kfti t ENS KY S ()).,
t LL t tit h the Thottt,
r I I{ l SS ES
Alive tm hand a large as.-kort
j v.teit , o,, o,6 hur
•1•• otj k 1. fin- purclutma, elm.-
.10r , FI.V.MIN,;.
t4l: Ovrts , r I.Hat..n•l lats.! 11nrirpt , tart,
E‘% , I NTELLIGF.NcE ;.41
L. Lave ••11 , 11.. - Itntl I ml' •4 -
pf..i,rty. ut LIMN r:V , 1 vrta.l.to xplcm ovpick,
14 rift', twAr
Inwlotv•ltiA C3p)ittg .km. , witlland
Bi )X ES Extra Scalded Herring. ilea;
k-/ 2‘.10 Nf. I llrrrtlig. now : jn.t t . l,l`iNrvt :,n.l
fcq ewlr I) ItNY MKK h AN DEItSO3I,
kteJ No. 39 W. 341 xtowt.
I.IOT ---01) keg assorto4 Shot, from 1313 up
to No. 1 0 , 1.3 •glit, law 10 cash, at
111)W I.i
( r ) 1,:., 1 .:,, 8 ...1 1. 1: 171'E t 1 , ! . - 11 -: , i
1 1 - 1 01 ( 1 ,, . 4fi ti :s is d y
ran bt , obtatnettun first gun& and
Mortgag,,, atplimtion tu
2, 1,2'2 ti.AK ELT S RICHEY.
itiiiilTS kATilkitiON
V h.' d • And 1,1110. r„ ull symptom...l ll..std-
Ai.' 114,, 1• , 41111.+1,114...
Wit Bi iirti i•it KAI 11]K K ATI! A RION
I' Ow 'lunt snludlrln ncttuoution w llno the
ot an) E - tniol/tni Into,
octlo i.y IT. G RI. li. MKvar.E. nod K. K. AKI,!.KIIS
st 2MI 1.1.4(.0 P*4 ileltrit, ,ogle
om E At.; Al NI. -FRANK CA Itt ;0, after
j_ no 1.1 Wine' mouth, rnturlied Iln• city.
111, to Mel Iu rous or "tilers wishing - the neruin.s of his
rnu 11.1 I hltu at It. K costiu's Room., Nu. 76
$80( )( ri v , r ) . T . ) , ll:tt r ?
11,6, Mort, NV, and collniernk.
Q F, I oit 110 r- itt:Ds--- A con) pli.t tti•lort
,ll,l t. :uhrtv utg, all tltt• eiltinl.. cm kW', al Itto•StuAt
Tlts , ltueu. 47 Fifth et 61.24) 4 . .7 . 1 WA I{ WOW.
.ki 'OBS' \MA Li ;AM PEN s.-- Those Pens
ei m .11 b. 6nut 1 darn 11, us xis' ta . •tuhr In.tel• d.•.f, and
111 1, .1 this pap,. will thrc r.
-r :lulu • iit this 1414..eiiittily
Fur Nil ,
W E. HAVEN, St.Ll,..nrr.
Girt.‘ t ,1„ g oner,ti
v '.. 1
qiut, A R..). of 17 t•• lent.tt mulct
1 , 11 tilt, ..t lh, I;ti is t .1
-1,, 11 , )• Ili , •I t , k 1111 i • /1.11J,i,
1•11.1 it• • •st RI% ,11. hint ••( • 1111•1••\ TIII•Ilt.
I•1• ' 0 lit \ h I Nvlr I Iii.•111,1o, .4)11
N.. I 1 F‘lth
k1(.11 " 1 " S M K .\lll.\ III( )N
p•lop. 11, 11:w ~ 1 1.,51.1,71.4.•
h 1.1, I" ITT kt
) , ,I , llok iu st.rt• and
~ II II:I:Art.11
\ \
1 , ()/1' \ 1)1.
It t' N J li • \\t
:•1 1t
It 1.11.11, or Below nil,l lAhinl
t Mr. Th's`
It'ott.• For t•y
I. 1 1 II MINER .t C. 1., N.. m 1110111.1.1
) I .( KW 11 EAT I'l,lll l R stack,t,
JO .t 111'NTEI;
1 0 itii,l7S )t)F L A . 1)'; It
1 A..." =t.• -nod for tt.tlt.l) , \IING 111, , S
(1()IIVIS/1 -- 10 Vt.r t.:11t• I.v
\Hill. NIA I ItAt
I) Yr, 11 6 .0
i• • .t. , 1 , 11 tptttglilltt•ti: I , tt ml.. Ly
1.1(0' . ..) 1 , :t1, In •!,,r,
I 1.).7 , IlAitliAt'oll
ji I/1 Et: MILLION
I I NSEED 10 1 , 1,1.4. 11 , 1' sill, In.
11.1L7 II VARY 11. 0,11.1 , ,,
1 1:1:1N(; ".tlgar , , all kiwis;
i_J lust
V 11. PR A VO'rl.
11 . e(1 I , V I':Xprt .,, - K Art: \ ESTI)N
P/ 1.. 1% iIl otol Li U. Nt It .
11... 11111i1, 4 t'mentittiolin wound tho C.atuF
Yip.. Irt Cw.twil 513 ) rio
Van sato by 11. I'. (.
10-1 Mood Arcot.
1 K
.ITES---- 500 pairs a5:4,4 - 6A Skates, fn.,
t., 6ilap , , to, ow ‘ ,. r y
luau,. at N A TEl'l.}3l' , .
WA NT El ) , immediately, Srct . . vri.Ns fear
11..rnr ( . 11,r, lid a ILlucloun It h I I hart ft, n
to lea, (Moulding praerrni I j--fur Lauotr lit i rim to
1, pot.ornl hut. .n or e1t111111 , 0 , 1 , 111i —fn' It Mflrl an
and liltrlteller----fur n mall nn (311,11011,, n ',AMA
workman—anti a )11111 in Store, speak, or writes iloontl)
tlortnau and Frond,
A 1.130, WANTED—TN!, or tin,' Girls an Cookn or Cluunbet
maid, for t ic mat. try. Apply at
No. 11 Fifth, near Market mt.
)(1 1.88. CAIIII. A'l \IONIA, In atnru and fin . salt, by
ligKilt.s. Cy - 0m Tartar n ',tort. and fur mule by dn.
50 TaTnln, Il..•
1L un.xx llaAdn'x 111 • king. arinortrik
Moo It., American Ar.
an. Ito, lkirminin Art ov Rom, ,I„.
:5 ;Jo. S
lON C ENTIV) El) Li E. --A new article for
Soop—toi• i:otatol-mirtli ten of for imic
1. 1 . I . colel. F1.1.311NU 111105.
l'"B RO W N WINIISUII SO A 8.--1 have
gr.ms I him dim
nil, 11 nal of Dianinnil mid MAI kom sin
•,sl- 14
The telegraph account of the foreign news,
stated•that this noble temple of the drama had
been entirely consumed, but gives us none of the
particulars. The catastrophe occurred at 6
o'clock in the morning of the sth inst., just at
the close of n masked ball given by Professor An
derson, the Wizen] of the North, who had leased
the building for a couple of months. The loss is
in a measure irreparable. All the scenery—the
exquisite productions of Grieve and Tolhin—the
splendid properties of the theatre—the wardrobes
—the mountings—the dramatic library—they:ll-e
uable operatic' sceres—some of which can never
be replaced, as the Eliair ,lA,nore, of • Donizetti,
and the °heron of Weber—all are gone.
In Prince's place, the court-yard by which her
Majesty entered the house, one attempt at sal
vage was successful. The properties - apper
taining to the Wizard's tricks, were in an apart
ment very near the stage door, and these were in
great part saved. A small quantity of furniture,
belonging to Mr. Costa, including his private
demi also rescued. While engaged in this
duty the police were surprised at the unexpected
appearance of a nevi at one of the windows over
looking the court yard. Ile had been asleep,
and not even the raging of the fire in his close
vicinity, nor the shouts of the people, had sufficed
to awake hint, until the room became full of
smoke, and breathing, difficult. A ladder was
brought, and he was rescued front the perilous
position in which he meat have lain for an hour
when the flames broke into the apartment.
The value of the properties destroyed is some
thing Weiler's. An approximate estimate may
be formed from the fact that in producing the
several operas contained in the repertoire of the
theatre, when under the management of Mr. Del
afield, no less than .C 60,000 were expended of
which the four operas, Th. , l'e , ,phele, The Hayne
neds. Lurrczia 11 , 1ry and L" Donna del La:"
cost C2.),000. The valuable dramatic library of
the theatre—unique of its kind—is gone in the
general wrec%,.. The original MSS. of The Sehool
cor Scandal, The Miller and hir _Wen, and the opera
of The Slope, and hundreds of other curious works
-ere heie preserved. The armory, consistingeof
more than a hundred suits, and occupying n se
ries of room., is wholly destroyed. In fact,
nothing is spared.
Four original picture. by flee- 1 - th. represent
ing the Seasons, - which hung epee the will,
of Mr. (iye' , private moot, within ~ s ly •, few
pact's of the leix.effice, could not l•e v,-1
rapid vcav the prneress of
,the fire. As to the
origin of the, calamity. nothing is knewe
present. It eppenr- eeeerelly alletted !het. for
seine time past, there has been an unusiel
escape of gas in the house. Mr. Slocum. who
lets for many years hell tine ee'e-e of machinist
and carpenter at tin' theatre, lies been so ferei
hly impres.4..l with the denger arising fount it,
that he has actuelly waited upon twe or three of
the proprietors, and represented to them :het if
something was net done he feared the theatre
day he burnt down. Mr. Slocum
he: also called the attention of the fireman to
the same cireutnstance. but nothing seems to
have been done. Whether the fire originated
from a gas leakage or not is of course uncertain.
It has been stated that the buildiug itself is
uninsured. This is toe true. and the loss will
he terrible to those proprietors who hold n large
number of shares. Among them may he men
tioned the Komble family, the family of the bite
Mr. Harris, Mr. Surrnan, Mr. Robinson, Mr.
Thomas Grieve and others. The only insuran
ces known to exist in connection with the build
ing are two—one of £5OOO upon a portion of
the properties, and another of £2OOO, effected
by Mr. Anderson, when he entered en the occu
pation of the theatre for three months, which
insurance would have expired on Sitturility meet.
The original theatre in Covent Garden was
built by Mr. John Rich, of harlegninade notorie
ty, and opened on the 7th of December, 1732,
with Congrove's Way of the World. Various al
terations and improvements were made in the
edifice in 1752, and in 1752 it was rebuilt from
the designs of Henry Holland, architect, at an
expense of ,E 23,000, of which £15,000 was ad
vanced as a loan by the Duke of Bedford. whose
successor, the present Duke, is the gleam.' land
lord. On the night of the 25th of September,
IStna, the theatre was burnt to the ground by an
accidental fire, which is supposed to have arisen
from the ignited wadding of the soldiers' mus
kets, fired off in the play of Piznro, lodging
among some of the inflammable decorations of
the scenery.. Twenty-two lives were lost by th e
fall of the burning roof. The value of the pro
perty oonimmed on that occasion was estimated
at £lOO,OOO, and the loss is said to hare 'neva
covered by insurance to the extent of £75,(100.
On the 31st of December, 1808, his Royal
Highness the l'rince of Wales, laid the first stone
of the theatre, and such was the indefatigable at
'ention of the architect, that the house was
"petted on the ISth of September, 1800. Mrs.
eliddons played Lady Macbeth on the occasion,
:old passed through the character in dumb show,
being hooted and reviled by an organized body
..f rioters, (let - molding to be admitted upon the
old prices, and thence called "O. P.'s. The
'-expenses of erecting the theatre are said to have
amounted to £155,000, of which 4.44,530 was re
ceived front the insurance offices, a nd Vitlettle
raised by ~ ü bseripticm shares of .C. - tfle each.
The architect was Si: Hebert Smirke, and the
ahttuee of Tragedy and Comedy, and the two
has reliefs en the Dew , treet front, were by Flax
mane The m eg ,. was feet ie length and Sti
feet in width, t h e depth from the curtain to the
h ee l, p a rt of the pit was 37.1 the 111CW: 1 V
111L1 . 1 11 ,,,1 11 the dieeeision of which were :0.1 feet
foot. After being by sari- n :' DLAIDA
,zecs roc titee star., Jellien hind the theatre
for Ids preetimade come tea in Is;I:.t 3 It wees
•elete q uently hired I , y the Atiti•them Leagee it
a le..tere hall : bet ie the building 1 0(1%., 1 c'D
111,1 . 1, re1110.1C11 11, . 1 1 1 y Mr. . 1 11 1 1411‘ 1 , ~‘ou, c ortrekt
1111 , 1 ,111opere house It w 3., ~petted on the 4.1 e
p r il, 1 "I', lie with seat art VIXtM. VEIM C9N - 4-
penditure tligt iti ltlo there was a loss et' tlt
7ell, tied ie of cue year the
veo ,l ,l e p a .-timett vest 03,3 19, the ballet £B,
and the orehestre t Mods,
Iluring the whele of •rhm,aky itmnowe emu.
1,„" ,f p eo pl e were attraeted to the seem , ef the
e.mtlagration the precialing mornittg
doomed 1111 1 t heatre Cue e ext- garden tm snetAy
and complete deeit ; aa,l when it is suited
'hat h e r Majesty, her hey el Coueett, amt the
. wct k • 1011011,r the visiiore to the
IP es ie tie• cowee of the 0 , 4 y, 9,4 well .40r,r, 1
member:. of the to‘bibly and eri s toer t ley, Meted
one, enteue .Thera, the thteheei of Welling! te.
the Duke of Itelford, the Merquis of Lambe
dee... lady Peel, Lord \\a..l, Leal (Vieth.,
Lord Menet. Hill, Lied Elehe, met Mr. Iler
liege, M. P., 5..1110 Lk, May IH I fOllllO., or the
eimerel inetrest eatemitetts event 11.1,
115V111,0lietift111011g all clesses of the inhabitants of
the metropolis.
I'4 Wood
VINN 1 - 11-1., 1, I. A 11,
'Phi ses,.. f 'lar for the year
epo Whined 1.11 Nand by the 1.:11444,r in
His Imperial 9lnjet.ty aelirerell the fullewing
invert' :
Veers and Senators---I in the last occasion of
iny assembling you serious anxieties pr o vail e ,i.
The allied armiev tvuru engaged in a siege, whore
the obstinacy of the ,lefonee raised in doubt of
II verse. Europe, uncertain, seemonl to be
awaiting' the end of the struggle before pro
10,unoing iteolf. To maintain the war, I asked
of you a luau, wh ich you voted unanimously,
though the amount might have appeared ex
• •• Thu rise in the price of provieious thveat•
ebud the laboring elasses with general inconve
nience, and a disturbance of our monetary eye
4an caused a fear that business and labor tvould
slacken. Thanks to your aid and to the energy
displayed bah in France and England, and
above all to the assistance of Providence, these
dangers, if they hinve not entirely disappeared.,
have been for the most part inverted. A grand
font of arms at last decided in favor of the allies
It struggle unexampled in history for its in
veterancy. From that moment the opinion of
Kurope was more openly expressed. Our allies
Were everywhere extended and strengthened.
The third 'loan was completed without
iiiill46l PR
One square, one insertion —6
Do. each fulditiorusl insortion.
Do. ono week 1 76
Do. two weeks 3.01
Do. threw weeks- ..... ...... ............ 400
Do. one month bOO
1)o. two months. 703
Ito. three mouths 9 00
Ito. four months. 10 00
Do. six months 12 00
Do. ono your lB 00
Standing Gard, six tines orlose, per 00
Ono aquere, per mantra, (oscine -We of the PliPef,).—: 25 00
Marriage notici3; sijiienta; Death noticed, 25 cents.
culty. The country gave me 14 - freak proof of
its confidence by subscribing for a sum five times
larger than that I asked for. It has' supported
with admirable resignation the sufferings in
separable from 'the dearness of provisions,—
sufferings alleviated by private charity, by the
zeal of the municipalities, and by tho 10,000,000
distributed to the departments. Tho arrival of
foreign grain has now produced a considerable
fall; the anxiety caused by the disappearance of
gold has diminished, and never has labor been
more abundant or wages higher.
"The hazards of war have revived the military
spirit of the nation. Never have there been so
many voluntary enlistments, nor so much ardor
amongst the conscripts designated by lot. To
this brief expose of the present situation must
be added the facts of great political significance.
"The Queen of Great Britain, desiring to give
a proof of her confidence and of her esteem for.
our country, and to make our relations more in
timate, has come over into France. The engin- .
Fiastic welcome she received has proved to her
Low profound were the sentiments her presence
inspired, and was of a nature to strengthen the
alliance of the two peoples.
The King of Piedmont, who, without looking
behind him, embraced our cause with that coura
genus spirit which be had before exhibited on the
field of battle, has also come to France to con
secrate a union already cemented by the bravery
of his soldiers.
" These soveveirrns have beheld a country.,
lately so ngitat , ,d disinherited of its rank in
the councils of ,rope, now prosperous, pe.acea
hle an dected—making war, not with the
momentary delirium of passion, but with: the
calmness. of justice and the energy of duty.
They have seen that France that was sending
2n0,a00 men across the seas, convoking at the
same time all the arts of peace, as if she meant
to say to Europe— l The existing war is to me
only an episode. My ideas and my powers are
always partly directed towards the arts of peace.
Let us neglect nothing for a goodunderstanding,
and drive me not to throw into the field of battle,
all the resources and all the energy of a great
" This appeal seems to have been understood,
and the winter, by suspending hostilities, favor
el the intervention of diplomacy. Austria re
solved on a decisive step, which introduced into
the deliberations the entire influence of the sov
ereign of a vast empire. Sweden linked herself
more closely to England and France by a treaty
that guaranteed the integrity of her territory.
Lastly, the advice or entreaties of all the cabi
nets reaching St. Petersburgh, the Emperor of
Russia. the inheritor of a situation ho had not
created, seemed to be inspired with a sincere de-
sire to put an end to the causes that led to this
sanguinary conflict. He determined to accept
the prepositions transmitted by Austria. The
honor of his arms satisfied, it was to his own
lieth.r to give way to the clearly expressed wish
of Eiir..pe.
•• The plenipotentiaries of the allied and bel
ligerent powers are now assembled in Paris to
lecidr on the conditions of peace. The spirit of
moderation and equity that animates them all
necessarily creates the hope of a fllVOriible, re-
Nevertheles „ let us wait with dignity the
end of the Conferences, and be equally ready, if
necessary. to draw the sword anew, or to extend
the hand to those whom we have fairly fought.
" Whatever may happen, let us occupy our
selves with the means calculated to augment the
strength and the riches of France. Lot us, if
possible, draw closer the alliance formed by a
community of elm:: and sacrifices, and of which
peace wiE f..r better exhibit the reciprocal ad:
Finaniv, in this solemn moment for the des
tinies of the world, let as put our trust in God,
to the end that He may guide our efforts in the
.direction most conduchM to the interests , of hu
manity and civilization!' •
The Emperor was most etillinsiastically receiv
ed in his passage to and from the Salle des Mare
chn.ux. -
The Carrying Trade of the West.
A report recently made by a committee of the
James River and Kanawha Railroad, gives ac in
teresting account of the .several lines of transports-
Con from the East to the West, competing for the
trade and travel of that region—as follows:
The Erie Canal, 364 miles in length, and beLfore„
the enlargement, having a carrying capacity of
1,500,000 tons : cost $7,111,759.
The Pennsylvania Canal, 39.5 miles in length, with
a capacity of 1.000.000 tons; costing, with its rafl
ro,l conncetions, $14,361,320. This capacity applies
solely to the canal, that of the railroad connections
not being over a sixth part of the canal.
The James River and Kanawha Canal, when com
pleted. with a capacity of tons, and.being
4X:', miles ton- : estimated ccet $15,000.000.
The railroad competitors are:
The New York and Erie Railroad. 473;railns long,
coune , tinc. New York Ci y with Lake Erie at. Dun
kirk, and then contiectinx-, with the Lake Shore flail
pla.l via Erie. to Cleveland: cost up to
2T2,534. with a present capacity not exceeding, 7.50,000
The New York Central Railroad., from Alhatty to
Buffalo, 3411 milt.-3, costing up to lvs. $30.560,432.
with a capacity not gemster than the Erie, of 750,000
The Pennsylvania Railroad. '256 miles long, eon
nectinr. Philadelphia with PittAumh, and costing
$17,158,495, with an mann!i capacity of 500,000
The nernplield r,ad, eonnerting: at Greensburg
with the Pennsylvania Central, terminating. at Wheel
ing. 761- miles in length. and meting about S-1,000,-
04n for sinzle track.
The Baltitnnre and Ohio Railreal from the city of
Baltimore to Wheetinr, adistaaea of ST9 wile & and a
,apacity. it is b•eliered. not eveceding
enst $34.992.71-3. This re.s.d elms ~ ....4:6llVex vie& the
Ohio at Parkersturg. hy rett-,rats el the Northwestern
Virginia mid. Dislanee frert Pazitersise.rir, to , Bisl-
Itn.,re 3.94 miles. This tv.ratm--ra mtai will toot:. CM
-190,01.k tot,.
The Curia tots and tIVe. read. e6tima4.4.4eutd , .31%,
009,09 a. with a ‘ , 3.1. .f.t,lt tow,
I Cot stka , .. ot, the We:4OM taatuilvv, '22A
the. 6.4.4.timg , *ttaitql-qtrSe. , .. mooliug oid , lx4 QG 41104.
1,44,41,1 ci.6.1p4.544 ist4 nasketehtiset,tx Were JetteltJpest,
hs tweet Teporta to theLegishil:nr,eoMta-Sbite,
eentpite.t ter the thysten Pest, hr tk. nowsteelthettier
eest, of pa:ems:A..4m treestier4tterA L tits:
eeets. per I"a:et:el:viz psas ee...x‘
.11.- The ....oes c wwe'exatk;e:tKee4porextieex i~,3 1493
Nets th‘r 5,44 k.ZK WAN
R is paxsener tknee'wer,tettl Vt 1.9 3, per cent. of
Ow week - pr.,: thesefreek Are lAbserte4 in expenses.
4 . Ilk uxeNhxol.-v4, ttewvestAtten. 09 62 per cent.
of the ressAp'4. %hetet:rota see, At‘sozhest Ztx expenses.
3. The expeeses ot‘ toßereads xtextesest invariably
detarsoined Gr the iwitta wo4 - -(e.3 toter thereits., For
ihstant-e- -the eastern taytl, apes whieh pi:meager
trento leett,tetiextes, is ol eretmi at an expense or
Per matt a tho t‘itho m 54 - whilst the
Lowell, epos N 1 ttitth 1\1er:1)4114i:so traffie•prettoutiOntes,
:ost sso• -s
coo or ronoxvol. of too upon m311113(13 is
this magnitthlo nI expemes
for tho procodkng mason:, tho cost of that item on
ti E3,turti road in l , ut $390 pt,t la& of the longth
of tho mad, whits) u: ou oho Wentern it in $1399.
7. Of the expenses of railroads, thirty percent. Ore
kb:tort...l in maintenance of way, of reatlhod: Mea
ty per ants. in fuel and ; twenty per cent in re
pair at 01116110,i, telidtin, and cars; ten per cent. in
pcofal freight onnmses, and the remainder in pas
,cut;ar, incidental and mitt-ennui-iota expenses.
s. The weight er the engines, tenders and cars up
on pamenger trains is nino.fold greater than the
weight of the passengers.
O. The weight of the engines, tenders and cam up-
Wt freight trnlns 6 scarcely one.fold greater than the
weight of the mereliandise.
10. For cheapness railroads cannot compete with
canals in transportation of hoary descriptions Or
iklerVilittitt6o; the cost of carrying merchandise upon
the Erie canal ranges from two to sixteen mills per
to,, p e r mile; whilst upon sixteen of tho principal
railways of New York and Massachusetts the cost of
carrying merchandise ranges from thirteen to sixty-
Ave mine por ton`per mile.
Tv ,y.; AI, 11l VIIIGINIA.-Tll9 fol.
liming bills whieli passed the Virginia Senate on
Tborsday have failed In the Houk, for 'want of o.
romititational majority, viz : Bills making appro
priations to the Manassas Gap Railroad, ($.300,000
mango and Alexandria Extension ($300,0000 Vir
ginia Genital t$300.000;) Richmond and "York
River Railroad ($150,0004 The friends of thelm
improvements do not yet despair of the ultimate pas
mee of the above bills. The vote has been reeon
-itlerml, and the bills laid•upon the table.
.)/}(1 LBS. 11IACCABOY SNUFF. Jest re
-7x-fxMilT.i and for undo by ItitOS„
hhis. Canary Seed,
In Glue,
1.04,ttm. Borax,
Slogan's Blacking, naaortcal,
Wallah Scheaita Schuuppa;
ItAa.:Acbak.vAto. Kikikx4.mk.ktl•
k 1