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" 4 ",e ' _ 4 ~.11 ~.-, . .... .1...!.t. ~.2 ` ..„.: ~4. f , ... ~,i , 1 TERME-Five Dollars a year, payable wtrictly in ad, an, , . ; 1 7.`..1.4‘..... 4 . ..., s .., . • ik ' . 7 4. i .. •,- ' l, Is I le 4....„,„,„`4., • ,Lf,ar....1,4„. ; A t, ~, ~, ~ ~ 4. "4 , .„,.. ..4.151.x Dollars invariably required if hid paid wittily the roils . ." , "' , ...",,,,,........") . ",* k t 1 1,,, , X '427 . '4", 4.,i i .....t t .......: 4.;;.,.....,.. A 'Single coplea, Two Cmcre--for bale at the sount. rln 14- 1, 14 " --,_ ^.. 4. _,1' ' . ~„`• i. , .. ,-- `'" -4 . r'.,‘ ' , the Office, and by the Notre Boys. ~ I, 7 -•• ~ ..,1 / ..1 ‘. • 4 1 r..at . 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' c.a. 4 ` ..- ... ~ i , • ;•• • ''' 4 ' 4, &if - No attention will be paid to any order unless accom ,e 4,.-4,,,, , ...4- , ,, „„„i; ,.."„ 1. ":. i ~, u ,,,• • • • ~,i b .„ ,,, i ,` ~ pained by the money, er autiefaetoty reference in this :uty. Pk:l.r . ..4... 1 i.ie5, "" t` . 't "-:. 4 ,0 . ''' P. - . " l ..." , 401 . C....tnectell with the Estaidishinent of the Morning -IA ...'S ,- , •:',-,y l ll.r.tt_ t' • :...r-}i'.. ‘ ,...:"'t ~,.. , '0 ~,,'"' ~ ,, t• ~ Post . one of the largest. JOB Pill NTI NO OFFICES in the tt;',1, 1 .."' t'.• ,4 - ,i,„‘",4? w;,.... • " . -1 ' `,... • ~.,'., 4 . , •, city, whore all kinds of work is done on the shortest notice, ".‘ ll i- ,i,,:, ir 1, 'l 4 :a! • si ; ••• ~.. ~,. ~ , . , . V• ~" and Most renamed/1e turms. ~, e , ~ 4 ....„,4... - 14 .. 1./. 1 +1, '",...,,, .' , • : N o 1: ~., s z,. , Jr., , • • ,..1.. % • .., .; •, - ..,„„ „t.„. ____ .'. 1 , 1' ,1- ' •% l '';' ll t ,- *.-''' 4 T " 3%, t; k Z l4 l- ' `,: r . : ' '• "!;.' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. -.••,- w -,-.4.0-,..,,,,... • 4.., 01 , ~ 4 :-•. ~ , , 4 ... 41 - f-N.h•-:‘ , N.'' 41% 0 .1. 1• - . 1: 1 1. ...!' .:-. • — A LE lA' W. FOSTER, Attorney and 41 - et! • Ac tr ''' 1 / 4 4 I't it it S l . ``k l •‘' T '' ' ' ''' t: get Tl.' P 7.; ft. 16, y;,„it,..,..11.,,,VP , :e' r e '.c..e tip ,N ~, 4 , ...Cl,_ Counsellor at Law, and Solicitor tu Chancery, Agent " ti l 1 1....4...} .0 , , t,...P . :L." , ,../ es t o „ .... ' 0...4.4 ~,,.7 „,:5.t,..,...1, .„ t for procurtug • Bounty , Lands and Pensions, and for tho Col te Ito, ik. , ..„....„ ~,e ~,,tit...,A-: *d+- 4, ~_, so. N i ~. w-a tiloctuin ,a - cwt. in Great lit - ham and Ireland. .....f i ti iht:k f ,' 11, , e• ..;7; f.:;, , ,,...",.. , 4 1 .. .. 0,4...: -...‘'" -. • 1. .. .4F" CollectlonS made in this and luijoicang Counties: E.- i 1.,,, , ~.........,/,......, ~. ~., , , ~..„ , ..... 7 , ~.... -o .; ra tes of decedents settled; Heal Estate bought., ,oa or t . . ,4,7 7 ,,1411 4, ,,, ‘ . ' i„, .e.'2 1;1 _.,'", I, .... 4 ,6 , .., - !" .. ..t . ! ~-,,..... t eased, and rents collected. Moneys invested on Mortgage j,. .,: 11 ,4,4,„,;5ia4 1 .,,, , ,, ,, at 1 - , : . . ,, ,•11,,, , , , 1 . .., 1 , . ,f , „ :..., _- or oth er security. Titles examined and title papers drawn. 6tV . i l , t. .t•Ni t i iN, .0.4 •L ,-..,„,-., ..,. ?1, t ~,. A ...' 011117 e on FOURTH street, n. few doors abut./ Stmthhold. . Is • Nye.. I J •‘.. t i ' fl' ~4 ' -'• Pittsburgh, March 28, 185.5--mll2Balawi ~ ..,,,,..kb.50i 1 Ww..;...,, , , a , '4164,e...tie. 0•,,I:i .1 .. .,, o%l' -. 14`...eler.,11rEbl , 'S 4 . - i\ '''' 1 IP' tr it. 1 h W. FOSTER, Notary Public, and Corn t - stkti - , ~* .41u 1 1,,'• s , , s . d * 11 ' '''.• t.f. .1. 1 v. , ''', : ''‘ , " -0 ,;,$ ? moors 3 ....! , r - - , ~.,,, t...91, - . , , •• .r - , • - A,. mi.inner for the States of T011110:01. O. Neu Hemp tr'rellii 4._/ 4 .... ° ).,.• VA ei ' ''''..ri/1` ''' /• P ''' . 'r,v e ..' ""' :.,i or 4 • 1.1 , -.1.•, ,, , , ,,,,,tieut, Wn•consin. Nes York. Mu'lngtm, lona, 5yt,,,,, „,.,„*..,•,&„.(,,,, -ea.. hi :,I'.. i . 7 %,,,,-i ~.:', el' r ; t • ,Calif,tml.. in altailltla and I irgotia. 111.17;137111.1•01, • t 4 41.4,1 . ... !" .1 , . 1 ',....' i... ' i ''''` , r... 1 .1 .. 4 ' ~‘` , e . Are' Desals drawn, and not, :o and proofs taken *l ie. li.er -i 'A i' o l, lolißikil. S l / 4 . 6 4.-5,,,,,: ' 4 . - ~,,,- , i .. ct '..„„s't i.... • . for record or u.e • in any of the &vv.. nettled States, Illitioni, ! e f, - ir lIR6O I- 4- tEtisit V ..t. .- 4 :`,if. ,. ..., 4, . 31,,F`.4".. to Mtn +l4+ t p pi and Rhode Island clVer, ttr" -.. , - ••rr ...tie t.tt*ti. 'it 1.,.• •gl N 4 'l .. • ~,,, a 4 Pittsburgh. Match 2A, 1855-imltaCtlewl 4 441 9" „ 141 i. t, , . t. „. , „, IA, •., „- -i - v t ot. ~ , l i4, ~ , 1 , „„, 4 ..4 , 441 t.. t, V ~:',-* ... , to-..1, Q AML EL C. WINOARI), 1..,r.4 4-- ,,1v1t ,- -Efl'! L in(cM..hq' (~ t r.../ - 2,';,;',/ - _cil;4l,t ' .. ,': 1,0 ATTORNEY Al LAIV. 1.1;6; - -,e,) F' „s 4 . f,4.,,,,.!.• ,- 4 .-'r„. ~71 ... ~ ; „II ' , , 11•0,1.1111011, I Nl. 4 4,1 4 1 ,C 1 ..1 . 1...t7/10,1 Ji 41 t'''A• l ' ZP 9 . A V,A... - 1-, 1. , g . 4- r,,, .13.- Office in TIAK Ell . ELUS BU I I.DINtIe, Omit titer ot., cti,„ ~j,,t,.4... lit ,-..',.., "„Tp - ',. 1 4, tt 4.1.`", , .5 . ~„4,,, , ,... „, (nee, Is , •1 , 1.. nits. r li•• Court !louse I lebl2 I, A WAN 1- 17 ,4 '' 1 " . '" , t 1 :i;:i'".q- - A l r"L`' ",„v,i•N.,-;' , ,g- ,1 4- i -r;,...z ,cII A R LES IV. NV I N CIA 12 1), ...,'...1,4(tii,"'!."4.1, jar ''' n•• et-‘• 0... ' c r tt. 144. '.. ,- 0 o ATTORNEY AT I,IIV. .A.. - y 4, et 4 k q• • q VL 1 1 .t4 . l ,'S PO. 1 11 ii" 1.,, .., t - it %. I , t 1.. „. f eki, 1.,,, c ,„ at r ~t i Ell/. \ ,111 iill .4 .4 ",P'"0l '". lU. A .15 .... a.- .. 4 '''''.. ' .0111/.1 el l 'NCI, IE., 1. 4. ` 4 4r i, , ,, , , v ,..,.. ... , ,,, , , , ,. , ,p.,,,,„..• .. ,•,....,p,t, NI ltivA v a .• .......44.,11 .. 4 ,..,, , .r.; , :t.f. , ,,,, I '' C., 4 .t.A1.4 .. a d 4 ] Jaz- 11+.r pta, tic., in Huntingdon Mai,. Cleat ti, Id and 10l l • '''' . 4 `t , - i 4 `"ll.Z.t2s,t t* • t.'''! . l" i P - o • . - /Z thane . onlittos. f.1,111y 4"tgnf t** .- 41410 - .-, ( .(, ,, : 1 1 ,.e c - (11( 440. 41;; . ,,. :‘ ,L (.1., '', 4 ',"(- ~,,,,,. 1 ~, , r , , RoßEicr c. t',. : - - , PIOI . L, Attorney and i t *4 A. 4 .., , P00 ,,- .5 1 ,7,t-,-.;':',.,,,=:',.„-, t . , , -- , , ;i (7.outo+,dlor dt Lau, oftto• 'so - Foul th sue...E. Pr t.- a , ,,,,,.,. ,, 4, . ...„...! ~ burgh li f t. 4. ~,_,H144 4 ,71, . . t .„ 4 - ‘ 9 l - e11, 9-• %l,;'erk, p `ii , ,, 4,,, 4,i , g , 4 „/ , TAMES A. LOll l RIE, Attorney at Law, -, - 4„w4 - or, f , PI t•lt , lT.e•txt• Grtiie 4 ,„st: , . ,- 1, tii, O. ; ! ,:r t/ folio- E , urth stt vet, P,i [-btu gli let,,,. r, s , ualltu 1,1 and PU't 4 .-i s iiriPt7 .r' .1 l 1..4.3,e,:i:0 '4- - 4 .44,_•...,T,,e. . Ch,t ry all. 6,11 ly zira r t;s ,, ..a ). sept i. 1i. , T ••" :"../. 1- 4,4 , 3-.4 v•t 'it!3'...4 ‘,•••.` i.'s JOIIN TIARTON, A ttornor anti l'ouu , ellor ) •••4.0',,a7 t, t" - f=; l c77,A . ' r e.. i , .v-' , :z i!':.:te c ir ef . '. ..,,,, tO'44.lt..,,,,f;„TsirAVl-/.tiV.,-p'f, Cr,, , , ,e N : t 4 r t ce barg. r. , l. 1...111 , oil], l. ir per of Ftfoi au I Oran t ett et 1., Pi tts ..-. o g l el 4 tl. '4l.%ref•e.;T:l - .-Us, • -4 ` . 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Sale I; r c l ter,, N.: l-1- 'l:' , VG. l r.,:t.„ ' l s e L iliti_ lt * • -kr,; • 0 , ; 13- j -- i_ lr tin dal Comm., .11 NI. 1a11... , 1 w. ii - hpiera4`....,irs' • 1r 4-1:- . , -4 gz,;,,,,, )•„,..,..„ _l, 1 1am/fa..tures, \. • 11',..id .trait. botot. a Mons .. e , ..,, ,,,, • „ D,Z, 4, ((a.: h..; .4 0,•(..,, Pitt•but,h Mail, - f ' ,,,,, r , ftitp.4,7451,.. 44 q.y,,,, t '1l ,h ; t '',•%, - • „„t0cta~ , ,,,,ii_4 , 4, 1 ,_,,R. .104.4r 4 X,,,,,_* , '.....s it i . ~.. Tt)II N . W. I; rr I.F. II A - CO. Forwarding :Ind i ` - '4ti o '''t -4 . 0, y .. , -,, ~ . 'h 4"^ - 4 , F.N. - 0,-- TiAN. I ., - re'Vtivy,t ; ,,itv...,,. ~,,7 , f. f”. a,,,,, , ,, ~, ad.. , o tot. , ',' I. 11, ,11 1.11014 f PM': ''' ' ,14 , illigl t lV', .10•,•.f1ar.40,„,, 11t tl. .‘, d l'oft t ir,l 0 1 , 1 1 . 111 , t 11 NI '1 4 41•1 7 .1( - 11:,11: , I Fun I'IPE and Fill Li 1' .I ...tfa „rilsitrOol,,l7, Z 4 ' iil.: •- j • t,,, IT EN l' , Y 11. COLLIN ;,, ForN, Li - din ,, :111 I t ' '' 'r ' 's 5 4 -4'7... . , -117 : 41- t& It t.. ".‘rd'' i I-. c"."'"''''''” \l ' r' ha' , tna 1 , 1 aa-,1 la,rreEl .- 1 4.444..... i , , 3 / 41........tx., ti ,.c .ii .;i i 4..„ 4 4 ...1• 4 .` t .2.. !1 N e l . /2 . 1 1 ,4 1 ,,, 11 . 11 , "T r 1i`. ,, 1t ,t e ,„ h r . , 8 i 1,- iii el Pi.. ,1r I. l h. g. to r ,ys., lin ~..„ ~ 4 1 "%i 1• ,,,, Y 4. . te. al,, . : ''' ' r • - ,-., ',..f 0 14?-it-r•rwc. , ew -44 . , At i t , t- , ,, 0,q,, , ,,1P,,,t 0 ,„,, • .a...,.,,-,-..4,,„,,;•-.,,, 4- : , ~, - 1" 1.. ALLEN, wly Ph...N:l'4' .11..11er in F. r oi;:i i 1 4 :,.11 , 1" ,, q -- is'l4,4,Z t.. ..7tgtetit,' . 4. .I . V. WINKS, BB NNI)IES, t-Bli NB,. 011 N14FP.,11,, 1 „ 0 .. ~_....„..„„,,,:,...,,.:,„,,,..,.,(114,, llt IA 1(1.141 . S. a 1.., I:ELM!. YlNti DI:111111J, n't. -4„„te,,,,%. , -,4 Vi.--- 4 ,_, , ,...--(, , 1...,..-A 4 , .4.,....r., ~" :,.. . II ~1 ~tr,. t, 1ttAI:or.:11 . • 'l. • 41 , 1,6 • - '..4'"44. 0t , "=',„.,' , ")" i'.`,;;lt tl , .0' i3".;,.., 5 , . 4'..: , ! 11 op . 11/ Alia. I, Gin, Cordi tls .I.onat , a Siorite, St Cr , •V12,ty,.; • re.,:iVeiiln cet I'„, 1t4 ... 4..+1, 1, c u.I 1 1 1. a }CI .Ilarvi nu m. CI ,r, I, 1.11,..1111/ 1.711/, 1 •1•11, Il 11/ ' I .OtA 0 ' ...1 . 0V 0 .1.1.(1‘14., 4.1/ ,„,.. .r., lreolon lii m n ,tnot It'd, :.- .t. b IS .1.11 /11 1/11 M• A ...... 1 ...., ?.IV L A.l.:L c itiTtil ri ~ ,, S , I , • '4* -t ii,„•*l4! ..`iiNe.pli", t and illa. - 41-rrt Br Belt-. ',port, 111 1,11, 110, 111.1 •1• 1 t c, L i „. .. - e‘ 'll 1 ••- , ,,. 1 7 1-C2l7* . i ./.... F., ;;;4 . . „ .; 4 p,;.. ar'l.,'. I: u rir l t , ii i, - ,, S. ~, , . r, .. ; 1 . 1 ; t1;.....ier , 1 , 1 1 . 1 1 , 1 „ 1 . 1 , 1 . t ., \0t . t t n . ..i. „ .R. , ~i„ . ., . , , 11 1,. ‘ P" "b s fet.e* r . eir ' 91. th"1 1 70,-,4M 54 V *• ; ' ,q 01 ,1".... "- Icll.lll au II I ,am 11-If ot II .., ': vs,:t r ' .','; ' l ' .• a ' rl I), tuo ' ln. : r 4 „,,,...„..5...„.,',,,.*.t.,z,... :5 .4.. t p, 41 , * .j.i ci -e,r4itt /tate. I r,-,1, ;full, in I :Fe al/ 1 Xallllllall.al of rn) to, k. at ..„‘ ..11 i• I' lreCtt, f rh, .....,..„?et.ro ' 'i • e t t lll . 4. IN ~. \ W. .1 It. ~ t Pit: ~,,,1„ p 3 I s '4,1/• •-•'""/ ~4. A.., -- e.. - .., -- -ta Ls ' 1 . 4:0 4, W,..tir -, -0 !I t !' - .".i l e - tifi,TP.OT.7,I:? , 9TV't - WILLIAI I.IIR. ,(c - . l'() (IVilliam Carr, liPitree '.. 4:eZ,,,„,'eei"lr , tetNr,..,;,K- , -.404: „,4V-,e.)- 734 4 4 7 2, T Y lir, ..I . II p• assn of .1 Path, A. C, , 011.. 1 .....1• i.lti ,- - 49,,5. ; .,....,...1 1 .1 „.. ve:„, , ,;,:5_ v ..,,N,.,- illo '‘.;,,,,,. aII 1 , ,`,..r. in F..r.,.:11 , IN I Nl:S . ltitd B . R . A N . DI ES I 11 ....,, r ,,,.„. 74 ..., z ,,,,,,, ;) .,.t...... i:.z1 ..,...,,„.,,,.., , T , !l - ; 1,1,,./,,1 1 1 f , \ ,,, 1 ,, , t ~1 1, 1 , 1 , / I , , 1. ,,,, 11 , 1 ,„ 1. ,, , , 1 ,, It II i .t• h 1 at, 3_.., GOllllll/, /• 11 . 1 / 1 ' 1 V 6 P 4.. i./. l Att . F l, :Kt,i '- '... ,, Fi1 7 f -P, ,i "- ..411 U . '• ~ , . -,' . ' 'v a, , r Ce r "'„,,,ATpi.,vd ,' l -, ,i -1 :;n •--, ,,„., ~t4, . .,.„, t T 0 -1,1)11 I 1.1.Nt i NI, ,i, ,, e , ,,,,r t ,. 1 .. w ',I -.' e ~.r . ,==o4;„, -;,ti„,., 4 7 .7 4 _.„..,,--z r „,„l--.....4.„-,-,,ki.ti z t_l ,xsr • . , if,: of \ 1., ,k• I ..tie. t and t 1 I , ' c A4 '"' S " 4 'l l. '. 7.: ,r 1 El .1' ' . 15i1 494 ,..t.' 'l;:i'N"F` ‘-,;';'::1 Is' in ':'.', , -2 `l:;',VZ',';, ,, ,!l`-''' , l ,;i'' ,' ctr4o • . W",tu,„„i*,e'*_{.A s;f4';;;# . 4 7 ,tk.14;40.: 7 4,.... T .:rt., „,; :1. 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Z-tt r.,. r' , ,,,z , . ~k„*•..,-- v at i -, A ., - .;.,,"4 „.•-,•,, , i.' i ,-,,,,,,•,,,„ - - ~ ,,, ,..,-,, , ,•,4-, .„ ~.44 i- .e , - t• ' 4,, ', 4s ks„. 0.. , ... , ;` 7 1, 4 •,ar-- - 4 - , , ..1„ 4 'kt.' 1, • -,.', t , 0" .. •., , p ktlt7"-t- . ,;••a ~- ; ..72•'1. *.5 1-1 i .......tAi, i d. f„: •,?,,t...,,,, „,k4,-,,,,,-.., ,t , 4i. . ,'2 4 l;thr' sR,S3,W44i , l ei", - 4 - MI, 4,„.. .Z- - Jg..,_. - 1r42:4,.:ji1' -, - - ' 4, 0' 47.,, , ,pACt4,....1.i.g.t,i.!,,.Ap . ,4 . t4.,,p , ....t ?a 'tet I-, 4t.,,,:e l e , i - .etAt., :r ' u e e r y /V .n. 7. 1r. t. L. , V‘).Z 4:V.-,! - a, It Alc, ..„. i; ..te • """ td 4.). • l'irt•- t - '''.'''..--I.t. t1,) , -.•...i.„• , "; 11 . . ..* l ••&tir t'-„,.. , - ..- 1,... „, , , , „ ,i , -.. ''- 0 1 , --- ~, ; 0-, - % ,, ,,1'- ,-. .e..- , ..ir--A--1, 0 ,4 - 47: 4 ,•' , . . . 4 '4:,....e i S t rt.q 55..;'.4 pp ~.,, w 4 LT rti PNI INATIAI 1 !I , , , : '.4- '' , s' ..;, di tp.v,,,-,,,....:47-f;-:;„.1,,v-t.,, i i., - , - mil(T . P. Ni...‘.13511 ALL & ("(, Trap, rtr r(- :. !I I i i. 1. 0. , e ,, K .,,e . b) , . f1,1 4 , , -,,1 .r .r), 1.t . ..;,..- ~ , t-g,,,, 1 N 7 „:, , 1 : ,1 11 . 7 ,n Fre . neh p mo i l , te l t i I ti , l'A , 1:11 11.1 t - "..„ " '4,. . 4 . l .Nrie"4"itcii - 5•! -- eii•letk:g l iii - P - 4 . .a , - . S, :1.. I: zenl,4 11 ," r tr tZe t' r4 , 1.- r l L n - 1 ' irGh r r . t ‘ natinftrt in, s.l N I 0-• i f t' • , . -145.,,,,,,,,.i,,,,,,,, A ,,,,,),,.„.„ ,0, . r.„.. ,tit .., .f 4 'irt. '‘iTi, '.1..r.t..,g,,/ i ~ iti4 4.,,,, t i5t,.....,,,,,,„t,,;,...,,,..:,,- B T. c. MORG AN, !look tiler and •-• ia - itt4ss .: f •''''tl"l -- , 41, ti:ilktz.4 - , 7 r1 • o .n. r 11, , alwa, nun 116,1,1 a pon•ral ~... , I ton, I I 44 Ift :tat . " Vir,.4at 1t t ,„;',..,„'iti ) .41 ?. , '! „ ,'V`... , V , F.lto ,I. 1 11._, 1111.11.,11•11l11/1:111•41111 li.. I; Pr r Ica ,e I' 'tte,,„, ...: ..; 1 4. .55 z 4/. , ,..4 :: . 1 , 1 .. ,, 4 . ",.e .,... ... ,. . 92 1 ,11 . 4 j , 1 1 2 . 7 ,1 1, ,, :14 .t r h t. ,, , , sk , h. I ' l .. ~;I:' t al i ) d r . e i tail. N, . Iu i II ,se 1 i t , t 370 (o .' ifit4 ,l l'47l,f.; i. • ..' 4 J. - c. " --:-N.,..?1 t , '-. t 'id /sir- IV I, NTEI- "' }; . ,.. - . ' i ' eti7! " 4 .r i:.it.r.' Sr.rap,. n., I' ' F r I s V.:. 'irtt *At 4, t 1'4 4 ; i . "'" . W )"0"' ". 4,..671 4, ..`T"),5) • 0 0. .6 , 5..,. TUli N 11. MELLOR, Wholerale anti ki di] i & ,1 , 45 , ....it'- 4, ,N,51-:;t-y•-: , •;-)...'• E.,"41•;11 ffi oea.er in MESICII.IN , TIIIIIENI, 111\ tt' , 111 -.. ',, .. ' . .'V .- ' AU: Z 4 2‘ ,. ='ark2:X .. * a'i-I''' ,,,' t. 4 11 7 1'? .‘ ...1 . 111' , 1, 8 . P./h, ....I ••;'1• ' ),i'lll \ i"III 'N . , I . 1N....,,1 , 41. • " /,...,,,rotOp-4 , 1; 1 t* :.,3.• , v-,. , i ,,, ~ - -- • ,- - e ' t l - "Ib''' 17.1 ,11,1 Ftztttl-1:-1-Y‘ 1- il k,, AV . 't1 4 1 )1 .,, ,4 , 1 :1,! ) , L iti, 11 -5,4 „, .":1t ' , ,•1 . TlO )P MY( )I_,LD 4 T I . It Wh I I I n z - w•i•- -- ..f , ... , 6 - ,....,...77;„ t , a . __,,-_,- 4 , 7 , • ~ , • , , (. esa. y ,tiy Io - irt7f..i , -,,,,,.. ,i -. A. „--w -- ,„. ,--- ,„, -- ""2-4 . :-‘,.. "i., n c, - 73, - ,,, e tint re IF. NI \Nl' I' /,f`TunElt „,,,i , 1 ,,,, 1 , , fl •rji ('‘, 5 t ,%......,,,,- - -I:N. - XL / "'N ot : 0. tl, lOf TOBACCO, SNUFF uod .tiEtIARS, No 21, Fifth e.t. t. 0.44 4 -rt7 1 .V; 4 091.4?...7 .4 . 4.4 „e,/ . t :t ~ 4 ...,.t., l'lttshureti, cc , 1.,. ii...nei1,1. 0 47; . 9;,..i..2k4,-4i,...,,5,,i-e,..... 46 - i i .- ki,., I . . ortste ,tat on hand a hope supply .fal • 1 , ir......-*`' ',','",'5;,- - ~..,...‘';'. l ' - ',76 ;• "•:ji;i . .144. - ' 2 :4;4 t t .• d'll:4-N:.,tiiatirl '4 Tt:toes le en I. or Irnpnn.l.l i ) , ,Lart, , ~,`"%. ) ;11,,,,, 4 i ., 17)1 . 0 ° A .. .it L•-•:,"" ,, 14E,ft,-: 15• , ....4itt s tlit LB. tth coca C:fi k . W 4 3, l t.e. i tr t - tie/ .4-•-• O " Z '.. ? -.- t g-, ,..ri. - , i , ..- -y-b El' MEI: & A N DERSON, ''' ( '. .. , 70 ' , j 0... ‘ ,..,,:.. '-' t '' i. „ 4 1-- i 4 1 0 ., it 4 ,- ;T4 4 , 4 -'l:tr;,,;AT,r..•.'''.,-, 1 :04, It ~,,,,., ~,,.„,..., ,-,. , ~,..,,,„„1,...,,.,- 11l 1 . 1111 l / N. ' 11 • 9 1 z, ~, 1 71.1„1'411S, 1 %.1‘.!,,,11 , t.' ,1 :- ) ~.9 ! t., i t.:1:,.‘2 ii.it 1 , , , 1 Plt 1.: ITe \ UTS. SPICES, el 1\ FEC - I'ION A WV. :-.1 t. A 1, , ~1., AlitV,, ,, t i*, - .....-ir,:-.7*,,......1...r,' , 2:: , ...!‘,:,,,,- ..,,, ,-, , ..., : 1- 1 No .:. ,‘i . *N-1 stri et, ~pporite 11,. i i .t Cl arits II 4.. ; I It.. 14 , •!. I .^ 4 Vi.' 4 •i‘le.r-g -, , , ..tx -7 ,1 , -.1 - ' V;. , ;;" -" '' ".. but; I, l ti'ittr - Nal‘ n e; t iihe.t. ,i ii•±4.l.-t- ~-..-", ... , -.4'. 4 ei.i . e.40 ,,, ,C.- .....itli,„„i ~._•et, • tllt„: 4 Cfhe,iroto, ' ,r.t,./.4 t e'l t' ', ... A r 1 \ [ )1, E, Wholesale and Retail 111 :•• • ItsZt - i.:;; , ;-;it;?:',„ . ;4,,-,73;ilei? , :tr. : 43i...:1- , ...i. -- ..„',14t. t .r.-,.. ci_. liI.E. HARNESS. TRUNK. I ILISE and CA RI F r 1.9.,r„...,„1,;,, , ,. .7 1 :4, -. .;;;,,,,,1,,?,,,. 4- . , i , "44 „ :, fi,,, , ,,, v ..17, 1 aAu lII\LFICTURER. No 1116 IVisel street, Plttelio.,4l, P lll4; ‘ l V 7l i '''' ' ' . l ; : g 121.41.L0 4 7- Z r ' '' ' ! 7 -1.:"'t'.21 1 )).29 ) v.ici.i1!, , z);1;1it!..4,-.1:--4=7:,''-',!i FNT ERPIIISE WORKS, No, lob Wood ...., ~, .... ~,r- ,, 1 4 , ,, ,,1„ •.:`..1 4 .r .7.., , 1 g V . ~I j litl , t tlorVogt° alley -BOIVN' .1 1 El\ .....3ii..4,,T,...ect„.e...1.7.:,,,, ,•, - , , ,,Q t u e4 ...... , ,: ,, ,-. ; ,..4... r ,..... „.. 1 LEI u,..1 hi . all the Itaten I ion of Spong mon 1. , Otter I.‘ r to. , t?.. , -1,A41.1 - ,64,1 3 ,7) , : , ,,,,',.." . .`i . "4„.. i . , ,":2,:," . .;) . ...;hc . , ....; ",...:. arolorttnent ol tiONS RIF Ll":',' and RE), Cll.l INC; P1....T i I .:, ..,„ „,.... 4. ,,,,,1_r i. „,,.., 1 , , ,,,, ' l t . , ei„4„,..„5: , _.. j ., , ,,, , , , , F T, , t ~4 the larto,t 11111 1.07 l .51:104./.1 .1.,...1, I/1 ,•r ..is•to.,l to E 1.,. to .r -'c':"L•O'c---.4,i'ir•P-x44-,,:1b r t e:.,,t , ..,. ~,,,...,• :....;',,• 0 •..4 -, 0 . 1 ket, togetlt. r otth a gonoral aaa 'tint, n I ~f flit thra,r, I' .. q i 'ir,..;',t. -,.,. „Prer.,;;!'_it5,„.!:„..,'. )"••• , 0,' . • ',' "' re . - I t' '", ' 11l rt . Td.. old Fl,ll/ Llg l' al 1 ' 11 f Lich ' ' • ''." i......`../i • lt'e ,- 'l,yet.i, , - , -.' • / , ',4;"? • ,:,..e" , e L.' ..".;-• st e t` 1 ~,.„.. ~ . . .., a• / a V• 0 oft. ra • 1.1,• .r.„,•104.1...1.....7„1. 14 1.? ; .. r ,-„. i , ~.5 . ,..,,,......, ‘„ ,,...4 , 1 . ..., i .., it•.. itrieLs to rash pun Itae.. t. al l a g ....1 I. 1 .'1 1. .".1.' 1.41.. " .. ..teri, 11 4 . ',,, n I 7 1 4 ,r,., ..3 01,c -1 . ; ~ 41 //-1 .. , 0 /...,„... i, I prove.] pap. r mar Is ""5)..,' - 1, 1 t,12 - 1 , al. T. , ""-,- „,., ''', it tt ,ar' -,) 't , '' ' '' ,v ‘ ‘a t i4: 4 ; l 2, 4 )t , l4,,, ~..tri,,, ,r, 'ii t", - ,ti,' -n4 ./..-1 9 1t.,'..t - ii 1 - N oRT)I-WESTEII.N I'l i 1,1 (` E .. 1 (.( IEN( ' V, f -,, Ui1.1 `• ,, - 1i1 , t.... , i,1r',..- -... ,%...*1' .. ;,,,,' 1,,..11.„ . •:z 1:N ..c. i.: 4 141-"...,1 . N i . ,L I cl sr N o v i l.,a ingot( street, corn., of De....rbot n. I'lll 445 .t:.'''Z. r;J:*":--"4:::.:-.4";"1;"::'-1-;-":-.4;'!'''-' C L. k I.. ( s. “ `Z I PINKERTON ' 0J . '1t';,,,. 4 ..... ". '. 4 ,ft ." 1. l',,,ii , ft i P .!. '')...; ...'. * -4 , 7 - . .."1 t"N.4i" . . 1, ti A IifNKERTON k Cl totals l I.olr . nto • ultra t o ' l ' e ll . ..„.`"z..r,' , i'•" * .ltti.,,"i.' i i; - 9ii , " * .iirr, , "ti r '.i i-i - 0/ . ..' i- ..-• 1 - ri teat Matted of a getteral detwtll. iii i L It '. it.„.:l',' 5.',..,.,`: ~) . 1.- , 7 . 4 y ...!•41i ., . . ; ,f.,,t.,..... - -...-1r."7,;-:;* ,:,-)- t-...k.,_41,"i the 5t..V...,1 11111”.4A, 111.e....111L, Ali, j,,,,,,, and 1,,,th,..,.. t! , .;.;?"4 " . , e,rt.',44;k.; , ' ‹ - -i.7 . 4": 4 :1. , : -. ; A. ; - ;, 4 7., , , 4,.". ~.,'' ~!' .;; • ,..1 mit 'Shit f "KAS ;Y t3 d o t i;,.;.g% ..-; , 7..0rt tor,' s, ' • ":l.,""Q, •: ... ".C.l' •,:''' '' '••1.. , '..,'i TOI I 1'; 13 [torn% Inip - ter of BP iNDIFC f ~.......,......, , . '1, 7 , . .,4 t „ .• : ;,: . :..ait, , t,„ .- -,,,' ,4 4 z it i.,.. 5 -..,,,; • - g - -,-.. ,, ,._; „ " i j„,.,,, : -,.„: : : : ,,- „, „ ! , -4, ,.. , y ,;1 N , WIN )",;., Air Dottier lit flue Old ' ll .- ionozigal:. ' II: 71....7.1,0" '1 7' .1 ›,.../Y1.../,'Z., •„,"”,-....,, :"1.! --. R, 1 ,1. , l'i':,.. .., M rll 4'. 1 • Pl ll li . 1,9 . 4 1, A. Also. RECTIFYING DI,TIL 1 ":"51 ; ‘, , :11 1 c."%i.. - 4"-. "4.1., ~..“_c.. 2' 1!4 11 LER. corner of Si oilthfield end Wont streets, Pittsburgh I; 1. - ` , /.',,,,4 c.:... ' t •-•:. r... ...' .7: :. rtt.r 4 f...e.„.-- .1 . .t-r , 7 ,. r. ,.._ .., 11,12 ''' ' ''?-;4. , );'.'"; , , ..., , Sria",t)e•-tt C , 2 ''''' z' ,` ', , ' ,.',11 " ... - .. " .. , ;j 1 , - ;•.4 .-. ..''t: .5,.. , .:.:„; '.. , :r,,-: • ;.''', ;:-.. - .0 e ,' ` - ',""- - -. (1 , , , , -",. r ~ 0 , - .. , z>:, ! -- ... - I'Y .r. - . - ,7 0/; - - -,- -7 .c ., '' .? "' ,--- .., - 1 -.1.-1- :_;, ...„ -".„ AL,. ' 4 r ~... 4..... , „„ : ,,, ! , t..-..i'.'. -'" ~.".. trPrz .: :' r -- ,.1 '4 '..,...: - `: -- ..- ,-, ,; 4 '' - ',' l ,','-',1 1. ' 1 ' 1 ..': ^ ,, ,r f. ' 4 i t iitil7 l ..i. 4-, •- ....: 1 ,;, '„..4 ' -.1. t•- •. i.r . '• `" I ' P i . ; i'drß*F47: - 7-,71,7, , tir.;3wet . t. 44 , , P r zw •!": :771 E , , ''- :-:..- ~;"- T 4. i. ,.,cAt' , r,; : r.., ,,,-- "!..'..:-'''... , ,,` ,- , , -- ., , , 7 . - N1 1 :,7.1 .- ..."-••,'''.; .1,`% , 1',„ ~, ". ~ '.„-, „,„ ~, , - . - ~t -, - - - , „ .., ~., , ,....- . -L, ~, ~.› ,•-.-„, ..,,,„,„•-,,,„,-,,,,• r ,-'„ ,i_ti ',: i'vt , -, '7,-. • .1-•-\"• 1 :. ...-. 't ' '.' .- t--! - - .= -15` .. 7,1 i ' : ' i . r.f,' . 77, ...,5,P;111 . /: 2 , ..,.. I ,' ,:', . ' i , - ,t - ",.'iii = ' ii 4- ..- • •.- •'`-' it: ' --,5- ' . '7 • era •-• ...- .. _ - T-L - ,v- - • I , ,ar - P.' ' ....‘ ..1. - _"...- o".' •=, ' ,v, ..p , ~"1- . i:'.l ' '''...t; 4. ' Z.- ..!" . ,', cAr . ~,, C• z;• , - . ...I '• -,..'• . , , • ,' , ~ : rS- o l 1,7: 4%! :,4 .11 i.:4.:'-'- ' ? ‘ "' ' ',; . : Cl i.t 4 I ' a t ..!'''' ='' '' ,. : "l . ..lt"o '''' ' .l -1 9 " q s' :".> ' ' ' ' '',4 t.,7,,!,..!' " .." 4 •, ''4 \ 7 , ...;,., r. ,V 1., ,:,' 7 , , , ,.' , '? 4* 1 tt ' ,14 ,.,.. 14 ,' ,'',.': . ,`‘...:, lt r'! -i f ! .'' '• - .:' '. l ~,",.....-' ' '''' ~- :' t''''-'')-;-;N:z ~ -1 - ;, • , 24. 0 7 , 1 . "1,7•1*-..•••V;.'t:.,,t;" - ,,'"?r:* - t7' . 'ef't.'ry,, ,` a - i't• E,I --(4`' , 44 .4 -4,, ..1, % • . ' ' .t.. ' ;: j 4 . :' j .' t 1 . . . . , .• . :.*: :: r f :1 6. ..4 .0'4:,,,,21.tt.i,5te,:*'. % .41 V7 .. ,, '"' 4•''' 't, '' v:,.4: , ..,- , r:, ` s -, , )' 1 4t .. ,, c ,l tr c 'N - 44',..,T .- ,- . 4 ' 7,,.... " 4' .., , N,: ' 1 1,". S i ' • i. '• ' r .„, . ..: ~ r • i - eetL-.-li „.....,,iL,:I • ‘ , 4 1,.. ri -,' e'• 4,,,54 4 ' fi )s f,,:,?..‘ ' e Thi a4>.. L * rr 9. a . U . 49k I." *1 . 4 r'• I . - ' l . i. ''''' '''. '''`..- - I P f ' '.f F . 74 .. -, ' . '• t • - • C'' ' ' - P"" ,o ",'''.'4' te 4 o4 , - • i rol ~ Se,..'„t"), e ,o \ri'rt.. !.,.... -,• '.5 r „:...,, r -,, ~ e „7„„ ... ;-„ , i ,„- ...is . - ~, , e.. e , e; , ,,D......e. _ ~k , „....., 1 , _ -. , , , , I_ , tyz-pii: , ,,,t,,.feir.,..%,0 .„,t , , , ,,. A .,," , r„,, , ... y ' , Z .- 4 t i . • ..;tl74 i ' ...-- 4 , el ‘ 1' , 11 , - - ,• , -41 - *.t....' .- • .h -. r • -3.'‘,, , -. ~ I. .• ~...,6- ~,-,,, ,- , , •-., ,_ . . ,-, . r l ''''''''jj'e,- 4:,°4 : 7 5 : , 1 '' ; '' v: ' e 'r‘ -44 e tl. •••Z10 1; kii:7 1 -',4. VP .. 4 tg`r ., ..'...:'' r'llvf .4*.;--*4--4:' ::'' L4 -, 4Z - ti - J..'o" ;e 4 j,,1 ' .• r..."`sr,l-' , .:„ ; ';`.; .' ! -I. -,,,, 4 , , • . - -;-• g': -. t!"fi,,,,-;,,,e.,,A..,,f,„‹,,f,11,•;41,5,...,..„11-1..- ~ ,, , ,, , ,, ,,i- . 0- . „11.,,5 00 4 1,, , ,„„f„q -- e -11 : , tee ,0 1 7 ,, ..,e,(R. - , - (-L, _.,..: 1 (,,::-. -;,, -, z i:; ca , ,1.. c . },•-• , "-• •,• ~11 to t : ,-1 -r• ~. ' , ":- ' , ~ "..4 ,- . ~ ' ''. ; '{' n.l t r *.• -'4-' - 44.11',: , ~i, . * -t 7 . P :-."- 4 ' r•,, .. „.-Avv,,,,-. 0 , ei<z« .o, -1*......'-,tart , - , :';'- 4 7 ,, ,‘ ~,, 4 .. , L .:,1 , .. -. , :i .7.... ‘.• '- i - . : ."' -.-,, -' l` f.,': •S 4 e t , t;L: ;-.,;.. '4.i' , iLid ; , .A . V 3 41'15% , ,4r L 'tpi t'',3,lli 1 , .0. f .'. 0 v %VI e' ' , -: '.'-, ~'• , .i t i- 13 / 4 . ‘ yen ''' 4 . Ir l -'n ''' , '.-'; - -- '''''''' ' ' 1. . -ik,_ 6 . 4 •i ' ~- - - - '.: , e'' ,s ^st ; e 4 ,,,,f` - 4 4- 4 AZ (4- . ‘ ,l l or ~,i ..,s; . rt,,..'' NI to -.••• ''• ''' •/ , ' --.- - .ift. • , ,,l'i. 4 i. l 'i i ''- A •• . t• J, ' 4 0 4 fi ."k,,4 . • ' -..... ```• ". ..x. ,it io. '4.. ...,p er.s. .... 4 sea .. ~ it - t... ' • ........'" .r. 1 ''' • di'.... t t ..,....." '• ' ' ~•• ` ..,• i i et I J `..r i t. ' 54. ' t r .rii , i. r: t. 'r eiti',l . ..., lit 41 1 **..1 % re , i'9; , "'A .. ' - _ , ..,, t . ,' . 1 4 • r a 4 ,1 ,' '4. ...,' - 14 , f - .4.t. 417 . " 41 I , .4 , !,,y,,_ t i. . ' • , ....Li til "... .. - . ~., ^tle . '‘ ~,,---;# ~r . 4.11 Vel , ;•1. 47 4l- •. , Wril C ~,, ,,. .../ 4 1 . 11 , .. ,1. „, ! . I,' , . f . - - c c , -'• Id' ;i , ',, , -.: ,- ,..,..7;;.7 - ,i, , ,,,,,,,,,,, ; .... „, .., . , . , - t:',)?4:' • .4.• • - ' 4 -kx.t.,„, 4 1 pra, tt Cf,f , 44,1 =II PITTSBURGH. MORNING POST. AM I'. IZOS;S, Athirney at Law, Ice, 109 F.((a-ch mn(t.i.itt.baroi. fourth du, Idcluw Mr. ratt,rn.n's Livery Sokl,l, .VritlCK AIIiENNA, Alderman of Third ,411. , corner or Grant and Yi:t (formerly occupwd Al.l.•rtnati whero pertaining w thy ~t:),••of .I.l4lertnttn r 6,1 Jun tin. of tho I . 4..ttce aciti I , t• prt)mptly'att.ll.l.Nl tn. I3p Surgeon Ilenti,(t, ,meeessor to G. . m 13i i li•.. N,l. 144 511,011 , 1,1 Ate Oil t• tr .1 , to a”.I Ir. 2 to 5, 1-1.15:1% T Fourth strf_.,.;, live doors ty . NV! ..r Cu- ..+e hours fr.,111 P M. t. , t; P. M. )1 N NI()()II EA I G r,,or and ,f \ rch.tut, Gar 111.• I'll; \i ET.li. aro 1 . 111. , 1)12CF: gr:101a:11. 11. — . J I r.l. I L.I.E A: I;lk.'li ETS()N, r+. No. 172 in I 171, 11W111 and lurch Iron, Saris. Cott+. 1 .Ll'l,. . J. 20 EE :•;• )1 I \ S. I% awn 1.1,.• /otth:•• Strt•no.li. bnit.ainot f'ro.,n I P.n!, P I 'whir. and Pro+erv. , ; Wine. Port., 1)- and Lvlitnininit., In=n:, . . Ctir Itt•tw,..n 11 . 0,1 tut I 'ct t t t!,t t t tut et, . 1,11 , !1 tr! tlistant. , t.!. -tt ~:tt't • tt I fr.ttli 11,,,tt,,t1it t la li. ttit,. i i. lALTLED H. ,Tb.LINt., 1,1i1t11., Irl it • it( JBERTSON S tql••• t A...t F h „, „ N. . • r t. t..rtt. r 1 , 11 . ! Are- All -thrr til.l,:ware At..l Wltttl..ytt • ,t 1 . 5 ow AlArttt•t ut. tt 1"IA:11 ' 0; 1 ' 11 ' 0)1 ' 11 F . .rt' 4 , .3 (111\ ILA .IR., succos,,r tl• I , Rt r . 1 it Nv...1 I T L. )1 AILSIIALL, a rr.. t , , 11. L , . It) . DEALER and 1'.. , MN11,-I.rN NIEP.CIIAN N. , IT , Lll , ,ty str..et. Re Milintock & rir li r.n.er ph y:T1,11:In & n & li.rkpntrc k. Yiltninr _l,, mar T (I.:.aler in 1. Leaf TOBACVO, RAID im I PAPER, No. 14 , .+ etyeet, ?lath, Pittsburgh. 4,43—The h 3 g 11,4 t market price,in ru,ll. I MEI .J t BUSINESS CARDS I ff.\ !SEN. Nillfillia:•;;;;' , 1 I .1 I; ;TTLI.f...; .L 41.1 %1 I \ t Art I Ultuet sulo:critvr, :0• , s•• 14 NI •1. e.. . . 4,,_. ) • ~:. A.,,..„.. : _ .. / , : ..: , .., r. - `' -,t - ,--; ' 3it - - 2 i It ,-, ?- : 11 .7- 11 ) , 24. . t, ii - pl. 7 Amut v ... . .„, , • , 3. „. 4.. • __. le '4 1 ,_, ... 7-4 1 -.7. PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE &, MONTGOMERY, AT THE ((POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. VOLITM E XI V. PITTSBURGH, TI lUR S DAY MARCH 20, 18 56. NUMBER 142. BUSINESS CARDS T .1. LL h:SPI I.: .4: . ' 111.4.. s Mmitifitot rt.r J s anti den.l,l, Plates. Nat, 6144.+A P:o gr - ftrlngi, Coml. :444.1 y N., 7.. Pat:. burgh. (. bawl and nut& to order, ?laud. Mahogiuty, Walnut. and Gilt Fr linen, or 3loold. log, of overy th,cription. Steain boat Gtl.in, lliworate,l and (lilt oii44 VNT W ERPRISE IRKS, N.. 1;;G Wood Jl_l4 Ft., Lord their helew Yirgin alley —BOWN A TETLEY would rail the attention of Si.. rting 11111) to their large ini s,,rtment RIFLES and the largest and best sleek kisid speueil iu this 1113T ket, together with a geueral ivirortment or !IA RDM'A RE, Ct"rl.l:KY. '11)0LS and FISHING 'TACKLE, all of which me offer at the lowe.t possible pike, to rash purchasers, or for good appruiiiid paper. __nutria A. Sls' I L.ElR,Vliolesale find Retail SiiiVes i Tin. !roll and li..usekeepor.' IIar.P.VIL,. Miners' • In . - and I Tin Plato, Sheet Iron, Wire . North Second st: vet. te Ituolder'b 111.1, , 1., HARRISBURG. TE, E, F. lANIiLISD M F ACV:- RFT..rt,o, r... 1 hi. t.. 111.• ~Idll,l opono.l 111- 1:1.1 l' Oil. at N,' rh, Fifth tioat the I.1..1•••n Wimnl and Snt,ll.ll, I,Ln It. t on 111 k.f BLINDS, tritunied piton and fan, v and elk Trinun,n.,:ii. and is “rd• r it& Ln, 01 , n-nn+ Ills Iv, t; is kn.‘n . ..n..1 t.t 111.•111) n f II 1 1;lin.1, 1.1, II cal!. he C:111 . 1 twat 111 J.F. F Al I.OR. Third ,tn•et. 1± i •I I. II Eni!.llll,-, :haul:It:I I, 111, 1,.1 . 1 nil pan till 111 , 311 111111. kove t wt.!. ..onnnnan, of tho smr. is in now bottertiw.tao..l Iran clot eo fin - nish hia Iris n,h+ and raw =l=9 11.• alwa, n ',nil a Iµl , , .14/ , .11"11.11r...1 . It.. latciit iir cAssimhitEs. A - A which will Make to i i t r , ni the .h..1 - tiwt In tire, terms. ei-1),. A ;ii-r - c.-et lit always warritiiii--1. J , IIN 11 YttiN•• taL 1, L. T ,, UNG. T B. Yl)1...:\"(_; -1 (.7A ill. N 1 , 1:1-iN1 It IL F. a,' k I It,. L - •r1 s r"-LI•Ln. Ma n LaLLL-1 an I 'V11:1,1111 , 1, /i 11•: 1.1 .1t ent, tklo-n ILLL- - k La_ Lnt Iktpl nat--L - cart ILLL4L ~ 7 T!iu 11 E!. L'S Fi 1: N 1 'I 1; E .1 N 1) •.”••!A• ticnr• 1 1 ?l. ir.g.tn, Stu ! \ 4to- I.• 1•.1 1 1. , ,V.V in \ ••la •r ; •r i• Fs,' 11 •/. Unlau•; i , v;;;; ;111:11,..; I'l I2N I AL..; !T I t••••••;1;.; ; ,• • htv-11'111.! A 1.C.11. I QIN .N1,1111I”. nr •, r ... \:, , r,1- , 4% t'1•1 N EN\ r A.l I ) 1 1 : 1 1,. 1 :› 111 it 1..‘ 1,0;\ Hi L. 1 MEM DEMME 1)1 ( 11 \ I:1.1 . 11 I 1111,1,11 i LN !,.,t,• ,at liatid. ut \Pa it \LI\ C II IHh-} Ni..r • \ I LI 1 ME1.1,1 NC, Fit. !sf“n.mgl:llehl PI Nt.411 I r• -•:• • judt,inf• 11/1 !lit iil:.l i•11',11 , th•IL 11, I/. a • • I/0•112-1111,,, L:.. liift•i• 11,1 i Il• ,11,41 !i•.:.1311 , 1 •1‘1•, , , i : A 1 I al 1.•nr.1 and Pim k. plan. •! •m. both aides. rolooantly on hand. 1! Vl , l-.1111'.1.! ! • • •ti . I 1. , 1.1 .‘ :L. tut I..it HI. r.: 11i . t:11 ; ,rKwI:I.RI. I I 1t at, I:a ('.AI; 1.1)(:N1)1;' AND \, - I , , It I I L, It t N\ L I t NI AI• I; : I\l I:nA!! ;.1 :6; ;.;;;;;; ih•rt:01::::,, 11:: in ..r..1 ;;;;; 11:01 ; ul,:: I, .1; I, It:\ ‘1.11 . 11E 11.1\ 1 ( . r - t! t . ,t; \ 1 • F " 1 : 1) !:) NI PI ,11 .:•• !II \ !I: 1,F.111 . 8 1-11.1 ED I;1( !HA, r '.I l; Frtl,. I! d.l ;di 11/1131, gis; a to ;;1n!.!.,1 lir r0a.,,t1.1101.• T) EVOLVEI::! IU.:\'()E,VP:IIS! oidnuf..ritii• 14. n .10.••• ;1;1 a 5....;?• 111.•1;1;;I end,' •. s ";:_tr ;a tivo kild mix inri; kirn•ls, all ‘,l”.h 11., la i r, as th. v; an I.; 1,1411 i ;le till' ;;1 Y;;rk ,1.• A iii , tra!id and Crdif;ornia will find 11151 1.11-. y clo; 1.;•:i, Iv , 155 , 11,1;:.... ;;;0,1;:w.• at 1;..m; 11,._,. ; v;;.• givt. per...a.: a cl. Li; .; any -I th- fdr- ..;,;! it., n! fadint• rein,: 1.1;.• 11 , 1VN . str44.t. 15t t,t,rl:ll. /10-I'A ItSI I ll' N I(" •- facing th..hty ;tll TII4 )\l.ori 1i. , 1.717. :r partn,r -1 - 1 nip.kriing, E.. 1.1,1+1,, Ip-renfr, ltduct..d under th, Firm .1. T. 6111.1" w. I•lttA/Ur,ll. I' :aul. r '2O. I^s.`, J NO. 111;01711'. T T. CIZOI.'TF, InTiTters or B ran dies, tl . I'm.. nLI NI•oonnuli•-la It 11,1 ft. l'•.rt. L Ftranfl. fle. Also, ltertlti.,s and of,.t r in• r s • C..rn,r :suilefol.l stol Fu•st. strut.., 11 , ttlers, No.1S1" First str , ol. )ssf.s,ffolly .rtn Ito pot, tic Ito .nstfottly vii larg.• supply N. if APAR 11.1..1, )MINI ItAL WATER, ALE s od fs)RtER, of cll.. tKa •potlity. Tic atte,itin .11 fitruilies ir. pArti , nlarly tlirrctr,.! Oto Bt. that tfo, b•Alls WAINItIO lin , . ALE in It. till/ii Fiat, 14/).11 . 111.111.1 nr , tintilend It to (Awl., on a...Mt of its tv Lulu down taus streno4oning yttalltfes Oa:AO p 'vY...11-Ei ;0' • 1- =MEM ^i~' • ~, ' , iFV :y ~._ iatigfa Z_ _M E M I( !ER'S TIiANSI ) OICI'.I . rION LINE.- th.••rhulitte, tlangt...rturg N.,11 F. 1,4,111 I'.IIIISA 11,111 Canili .. lin., inrn aw•d rrur wt.. k .1" IF nt,, . •fl ',nu, a It' l l_lll.F. DAILY I.IN 11 lur u../ Ity .rttr.t , per rn.uth ~nch urn) 11d, nu,l (11.... 41,p. t,i'd pArriillig, thr. I, , trat.• 11,11...,Nrrtuent, tilt, nil lo• 1,4:1111.: .1) nue part tr. rend./ u.neral ruttisfuetirl, in I..rwartlin: F.,,te,. and Wenteru Freight, ult.), tritouptiturto mut) F 1 Elt 311TC11E1.1., Canal ima.iu. Pitt/rbur,..l., MEM T )1 PI ICI' ANT TO TiIOSE I) N 1 fill I:ATISI , 7IIT.-I.6ria. gutr,:riz fr. rn 12,11 111,11 , si .••:/-f1::::.• : I. lo n. ti. ,•trm, , t • 1 I F h 1 I'd L I 11 , I . ) I\i I ' .\ I\ I=l r1:11:: lit ‘,4 D 1. ,,, )1.1 \ =MIN t.. A 1 ,, I,y , u-11,1 h F , lrll.r:, 7:11, I•to• SP I V I.:S. No. 121 11%. „1„ II At. ..::•1 tl 11, .•nr , 16 - 01, %, • t r II) • .• Wil. 114 ~! adj, ,I,• n , t. j \ .ttl ~1 P. M. F r 000 i pat It, 111,L: ft. t NI -1 al E---Tlit• rixtriership lioret,fore ,ng 1 , . Iltrgettor mod 41 . tO.ll. un the Orin of III , STP71"11f GL w 2.6 tho "f I v the ot , ll, I;.tert,t I. I. 111 1.• r toe uamv of II lITII • ()LI , 1 ) 1.1.\ find it diflictilt. d ,•• • !, 'd•td,j•le,•! (.. r 0.11.., Lr •111.4:l)' •.r 1..41.4dd •_• • i,d; , j • ,;, =MEE 11 1,.‘ • k; a:.:1 ‘1,1.i•••1 \V M I 1111= >,( , 1) i:1,( iN It HT t'l‘' 11.1 , 1 Ft tlITE;tt, .1,1 a t I. t tlttri Ir•W k I lASON 1. II all 1.1 Vtttlt Itt 1)t ., ! I ) mr ;... - 11..1-!Np N. .! .1 : 11 11 V;ITIIELEI.I ,I 0 I L p 1. 1;1)N (:1•1•Y c, )1,1,0 r I r I iIIII Nl , ; r \ 1 NK i \ VAC! t It) 1,, -, W 'Ft I I I .11:11'i:1.1; 1" T' AT , ;I:EATI,I ItFI.1( /.1(11 t 11 , in T.. 111 @MEM ular 1,, .1 f„,,, the , 1.1m.,—11f q11.1.1T,•, 1 , . otrrt, lwar el( , AL! L! ! L ! :—ctm,•l 1'„ul s, ill new Le doliver,l tonn) part the Iwo, CM.... It 1 , 1 , 11 0 , 1.114 ti• bit ti: I)/.. M It Al's lilifiCEßY...n Sinfthfield fitr,et. , •pp.i-nte the at !WITT. WATSON'S S'l'Oltß, rat 11 a) no streota. ffeldnl3w . l J. li Age,. At EN :k NI) BOYS' 15'1 1' I,(Yr iNt; 11'1 —itOSENTHAL it ITRO_ Fifth fitre-t, , •ppflite Kiwi), have a larffe ~f Man and lhya' Nti n hand, r4.n4prinit. r,.1,1f. entirely new and idel,-afit et 2.14.14, ahi h they fire id, pared m furniNlf at Om lariat tart poidem. Ali), n lar,re nil lanlunuul,lerWrk of GF.NTS' FURNISHING GO !GS. deelflelly SWALLOW -TAIL LINE OF LIVERPOOL AND NEW YORK PACKET SHIPS. Ouumi by clorn•has Grinnell, ST South strrel, ..4kThe subscriber ix the only Agent in Pitta burgh f.rr the above Lin,.—Lae always oil hand DRAITS for sale 1 . .. r any amount., payable at any flank in England, Ireland. s--011.41“nd JutiN Titomp6ox, European Agent., la1:1 V 410 Liborty structi Pittsbursttt. ' BALM TIIUUZSANI) FLOWERS.—I have just received another popply of thim : justly ,L'olebrritmi article. Jo.* ILEMINIi, 1a . 145 Corner Diamond and Market et. , BUSINESS CARDS _TWIN LITTLE, Jr., ty street, hna just re,: Vei] Agent, N. 201 Liber the follou ing very choice ur- BRANDIF.S. flew.. 'Brandy. (very flm•,) Otnrd Dupriy h. Co., intli.r.) Marrott etc Co., &men, (UM Jamalc, Santa Crnv. SUN. WINES. Snrcitll March I‘lti..rra, Muct 111.1iit 31a.lt•ira, Aulotittllatte :+lit•rry, I., alnuxnuillu J.. Cooking Bee:. we tort, Cur. .In,ct• Ordionry Lio St../ onto] Ciornt, Mologo. Dry, L 4111111,11 COlll St 1111:/ig10. au s Wit FS. forirn Sc.,t,h AI. Itskrctuy'l Loudon Porter, NA ild Cherry I;rltudy. Alvin the, A nkethp, rn‘vm, ; dun 1i nlx, NI , K awl .I.syn. Yourif: 113 s mid Ithtek it! I rt,p“rt.4l ILle,uur Ci4.l.ni, of 11 I , rauds, 1141 M. qo,liwoheln NS'hielky, of /01 Chmupaguea, A nthilr, Verreu,•y, Ile b lowck. T , getlierLh xlt nth, xn nme. .1s contweti4l ‘vith tho tu)"2.,-ti.tw N • ,t. 11,, u!:11 trr) op.• t. a- tll.l I:Lit it Nk ;s.i Lp(• , i 1.. On 11 k .tr. t. 1.•,• •I• A A NI ,rti• ;11.1 , ~1 t. Jptt4 t..i.1•, I.•', 111 t, ra`dr r st:,•l 11111111111 =EMI= I I is II 1: I. I. •. ,1 n.rt t 7 I 4 .n. fr. 1:1 t MEM! I=lllllllllll n urr.rn ( r!! ! I=l I \ lTll‘`. \VIM :NG .1 in 41 lI ,, STETTER 1; W. SNIITIL I.c II I •I" 1 , 1.111 /11:114• 111. , /,• . y. 11. I.• 1, a ~,. . . ..'~' , =EOM Al •latni =IMEIMEI =MEI 1 77 7 7 .( 7 1 7 (7 I• \ 1 f,I;P:11 • 0.1 •Itri,.”, , . 4 - . , i 4,4 -, ' '4 • , ..... "4....... 4: 1,.. •Ip. k , t . % , t-, a. •... , •.. '''' '0 `,.., • .1. IZ *. ieUV.- • •,..- . • C ' , - r . • ^^.• BE!!!!ES 1)11' /CLANIATIGN.—Br td a ('inept owl, the Mef,lure. Pre,ident Judged the Court u I C. ,lilllloll PiellN, in and fur the Fifth Judicial District o Pei.lnny 11111113. and Janice of the Court of Oyer and Tenni , :111,1 Gener.l J. 2,1 !Nnivery. no and fur suid Dititrint, and It!!grr. ,Ind Gabriel Adams, Eg•irrn, Ahnot . ll‘l , lll .11/A1141.6 t.l . the :value C , urtv, in and Ihr the reitnty of Allegheny. Oa ! t !.1 the '2lst. day of February. in the year of our lard ono ! thensand eight butldrevl au - el Oft., -six, mutt to 1110 dtrected, tor Indthug Cuort of they and Terminer, and G. neral Jail Dellverv. at the Court lion.c in the City of Pittelmrgh. on ! the Ft IFltl'll MUNDAS OF M lICII nett, at Id o'elork. EMl,ll..tiettee iv her, liy given to all Justieev of the ! Coroner and Con,tablem ..1 the cutoity of A Ileirhene. they he tln-rt and there. ii. pruner penearv, tenth their run, r.,.!rd, examination, :11111 other rentetin brunet,. 11 , do thuve thing, whivh to their resnevto, oniony in their heltalf, appear!: b, alro tla„e that w ill 2.r...4 - ilte the Iwi.ollery that teat are ~r :nay be in the jail nt said !!!•unt, Allehers. tu I. then and there to prowl:toe the ,11:111 In 11.1•.11 M . ) 1,3,1, 111 Pit.h.hurgh, thl,l '2.lst day of F e l, runny.in the :tear !a •!tir hundred an..l rots,/ v. and the 7 , 211. 121.11 JV I'A'fTEMSON, I•heriff. IE W M U S I C .1,1.1 1.111111,11,1 /111t1 revvi cel Iry hi-F:11E12 & llltn.. iu al,ainn• ihe trader I,N:s ocE.M.'E-- Grand Gal, de Cint. - cert, eutnpesed and dedt. 01,1 to Mr. Vary F. her.h, el the. elty. . IVleher. CIIIITCH 27.1% .1\ It Elh-!--Three 21,12 - and plenving 11.ata.s. devn.ned and 0 , 11111U:11,1 tea - Ling pur- THE .‘IAIDEN'S LAMENT., a NConnul Can't PropLete— . A ele ertul mei •,.1,-zoing...l 1 g. Beth. n , •rtiv and tonna: u eprightly and eneeNe. by Itel.• 112. tIGGD NlGirr A NI) PLE.I.7'ANT 1/12F.131&—Loailtiful i to I . y I'. Wallin, ,••11,,, 1.) 1:11/ faulltor Ila.prl Dell, new, IrldtfiEl -1 and kers e.n.y. Alvu. aee:eetion nf new P. lhav, FeltottlArtaes, Waltzes, eve.. etr. Fur sale hy 11. K I.Bltl9ii S 1312.0., No. Sat Firth street. N II —A froNli vii Hay ef NI NNe ('JANOS on the ten). rebB ! AND 2201,1/? 12EI) by the use mov.,:Avs rdi ••h.. at , An. 0 , 1 % , :th • • ••1•1+ I, or , n ..t it. Pro, •. `% ••ntn. 11„vt•- , tho•41, ••I , lt.i.an I•••tri..4 1.. N-- ron.3 ttg% that 1••• mg 4 , 1 1% Ith (%•tt.th. I t tk , ttit. t.I .I••tgattCet hyrop. to) I at Itnpr% • -al. at', I,h t, It. ray rough I. 1,11'.. 1 N 1ir...1 I nui r.• •• t•• pi•4l,4lhrt• t.. or Cough ,11 t•t h r N 4. Wilily m!,• , .1 I tl:.. s )1. IP ‘'.••;-,h , ny. I. ' , nail , :111 , 1 rvt;hl. by .1. oHN • 1., NV...! rat', 11.t,11 ! ! .r . • I dINN I.\ A. CI r. .\ EN(' Y.— \% \ I.N. P 1.444444 41, , 4 4,,r;44414,, i ‘14,144 I . 4 44 - 144• r f wAT(.II lia‘c vit =llllll =I I ): \I !Hi I•\l,', ) "I , , 111 , II :• 65 st.hr -•I,,Fh;. • 'I •t Iln h MIME Li it t•I 1 A : A. 1,. .11 11,•• All, i IP •',.? :rrr r 110”. rr:hrr I • T).• 1:‘,:d..1 : I'l \ \1;- 11)P, :•• 11:n0 f.rral \ o 11 t..• ••1 11 , 11,/ , .• 1, I IA \ l:\1 a 4'l ••'. l'••• 11. • 4 I.ll' 111:1 , 4 111 [.. • I r• • 1111 M ••I 1. !l'ur 14•4••••• ••• 1•• ••• 4r.! ;•, [,•••4. .•1 • 144-, t r••,, ~:1 1.. ,•1 s , „„! A " IZ \ 1 g r..• • I:11 a I Pup A••• . A. n”.ar 1.", F •); \ 4•• Ar T up , ,T .. Ju x. r•., • h.t:f Auth . •!1., . loc .Ih.•1: .• A pp] I 1 1l h I.) I. TI nihl7 14 1 I. I j;I, \I f.I NI I'2 -1; /1 •Ir. , --JOHN if FLEMI \I; • . •,d ,tIPI \111 . .. I, 1 RP'il - \ \I k t \- (.1). c it \ 1.1-; •, • t•. 1,11 •• • _I - , l. , inck f , r ile I , v j (4 1 1. ( rn II II \I, -•1 ,,, ) I 3 1..1 K . \ • A. .1 n.h7 1 31 R kf;:i:S-, - ,l:i I ..,„ N7 i t i Al;H:.11' tt)( ) BUN ES 10 )4 K CANE' %MR :tll •!1 t I 0()( H.( I . y fr,h. r‘d I 0 M .ITS FEESII PATES, iww er ,, p, just N.. 39 Ntr.N•r. *)()() PT Y ISA fill E for sale by - sws a El MER A NI , EI<SuN. 1)1,E I,xes , o arrive and 1.1 for KM,i whin! ATV. ELI- LEE 3: `+ll.l l —25 Is.xes Ex. N ,, . I Soap A t.n" lo,sw I ,t•kro and 1. , al inLlo AT YEI. 1.. 1. -1 .1.1R13A Non Applicationor and Wrnoght Jr..n t, Building purposesHe IVilHai F.. F. . . ItT•1,1 T. M. qoi.k.N. QII( )1 . LI)Elt &C.-- kJ I "U haul a large ,nrplo ,Imulder Itract , s and ,inyrlwur. in thin lin.. ,Ilould Cal! and ~-enmin~ iny Kt.rk purrs assn; olmswhere. W— J'N`.` ~. ~.. ..n ;, • + ; 1 1[1-6 , it 4' MISCELLANEOUS lIIIIIMEINEE =MEE =ME J I r1‘1;1 -I 1 .131 , 1:.111 , 4 • I.”.• ”t r, , ',LAD.....:. sit. ••f, I. I Ult Ilti A I 1-1. I p,) n 1, o s V. U.. F',C);Ill VI k , , f \ t;, '11,.••L;4 hr..• ..$ 1 : MEET MOE=II =IIEICIZEROI 1•11=1111EnMi C 1..1 1 . :1; ANDI:I;sON FIENI I Sl7, coin. 1na...! acid Market etrectt - q I t•ir • r ;r. •-• ejles MK§ .. ~. =Man MISCELLANEOUS LESLIE'S LADIES' GAZErr E far Mardi. Putnam', Nlonthly Magazine, ilougultolel Words, II n. Tho Sehottlfollow, r 1.,. The Horticulturist, ri,,. Just re•celred and for sale I,y W. A. IiTI,DENYENN EY & C. 1., Fifth 01., opposite th, Theatre. • 011010 E (3 ItOCE RI ES- Collev, of the finest flavooo-,all qualitiet. D,l. !toasted and Or Lund. Teas--Young Upson, Mal and choice brands. Paigars—N. O. and Loverlug'". Syrtsp—Losa•ring's, unequalled for flag,. Maotroul, Bice Flour. Farina, Corn Starch, Pure Niggard. And H contplett los"ort inept of 410ods In our line. F. li. DRA hl, marl Noy. I and 2 Diatnentl, one door from Market. AL lIISTOY of , TII4: JEWS, fr‘n the lostl ii ! lu cR ift j 01,1 Testament. 'shout the year 420 B. C. E. till the iltagruction of the gsaald Temple, in the year 70 C. F. By Morris .1. linphall, M. 4. l'h. Dr. Bahia—Preacher at the Synagogue, tlrecul. street, New fork . 1t4.2 sot^. Fur sale by B. T. C. .51011(1.1N, marl_lo4 Wind sheet. T) - viEss uismsßEDucE3). The whole of our snort 7!two!. French Morino, raratnetup, Plaid Goods, lie Lame., and other Lods. ill I. dosed 001 at "till grouter reductions In prier. A. A. MASON Taal I 2:.] . Fifth greet. GAL are offerh, thd wholo of oar ..d.n.k of Embroideries, Ribboun M.llllllO, Millinvry Iloswry, Gloves, Ar.. Ac ., ut about ouodialf ti. , usual pro e. Offsr:l) A. A. NIASON A ('it. 1 . ,) )LANNLETS, BEAN KEIS.—A few more Ind,. of those so pormr Wool Blaukots at $.3 and fro—ousual prim and C—rereived by " imarni A. A. MASON ACu IL. iVERSEED-100" bun. this day i.oadved and nor sale by marl HENRY I!. G , L1.1 1 - I J xTR ACTS from the Diary and C. qresi late AMOS L.S.WEENCE, 1:11 a a, o.t/:mom- illridelita/ In hits life. Edited dr 100 van. Lawroure. M. D. For sale by it. T. C. Minti:AN, No DA Wood or. gn REAMS SA NI) PA PE ' R received FLEMING BR. "7 1 g h t i--s t l ni i'' l ' L l; : . ll . r , Off . do..es Moslem. Musdaug, Liuimeut. 1., /.I,IK. 0 1111,14111 e, low IN, rb-i WRIGHT'S PREMIUM KATHARION ho liar from falling out, mil produces a lux n:laut growth. wurttllT'S PItEMIOI HATUARU)N R,1110 , 1•Ii .11 1./.,..trulf tu,d t1i5e.,.1.• dei.nntat.. AO, ‘4 . 11/.1‘, 1 1, by It. E. SELLEI,6 A CO. i1it,416 VRESII Ground Coffee, (pure,) alwav loom at No. 1. niAmtiNn. .4,.11.:6 A It. MILLS—Of .Durg.fte s Forsyth sido I•y JA111:.• IV Alt Dlb'l'. T I ADESCLIPTiON ~f White Guod...; Ald moo, A r • Ac: all r. , l;trlion .1" a 11.11.1 MO, at tbs. Silk" of A A MASON A. C. !iLI, t• 1 ) RI F. I Fack , try • ?1.11 it a lit 100 l",cr.p. •••lih•ri,tartielta S!111"It. 11: AHI NTKE., 1 01 . 1'EFt--1.75 bag,- prin.e. sak• (et,23 ,Nfr,ll. \TM:. 14 1. f . 11- E x ; ra ; k n] r/: I 1.\:'1;(1 . I 'tirlt , l 11 , i4 . s' 11;1' r 1)1)E1 S )I.\ 6.IZINF. tn , 11-- X3r ~ / .1 11.1 1 , tlik. 141A6c... N MAifi }CP. , ! t , ) W A t;Il V A Itx.t.rkttm.l ..t..1 Mat t • • t. V ENV IN . I . }:i.[A , IENt- 1 }': \ .1 i.tutt . hot,. •• 1:t.- III: 1•:.1 A: : .411 ,st Tr.l.l.l(,}:NCt: ig . l it I. en, I. near Mark ,I !tn.' C.A1 , 71t, d.. 71. ‘ ,O l )l >O BOX Extra Sculdol No. I li..rrlng. w,u; n....,,, I nn.l ani.. I r ANIPLI.S4)N, N r. • rr_ .2(1 from BU ur 1.,1 t, for .41.2 lon , for cuni;. BAry .t 1_)()LI. 1111 C ER: ndl _L k, I!, lIENN II 0/1.1.1‘, iI( tY EV can I, ~L taint- 1 11. , tid- and j II !tin, , appl eat t.• K.1111.\ ItIoN tien•i..wd ttll ”t0pc...,,1 Vont mot using WRIGITrg K ITHARION A Iteter 11:./•:•• t ~troke, ,rtt l'lt KATIIkIIIi,N tt,,gt ruhial 1.. tictittlettlun to th.. rotliniti.: the II or In .Dly I.y Dr. 11. KEYSER And IL. F.. 51.11.1 (X)_ nt 2i ,otas twv bottle. ~,11 21 8 r/T(./fl*: C.VRtA), af;. , r ..r +onto ...nth, hn, rt•tun i5...1 to tl• BitAstt .1; t+l ADRII.I.I. t t'•‘h lin I 1.. t V. t_ tY..." R.... 14, St , St)( )()-1 1M rrepar.4l N..... 4 , 1. mod tSItt.I . :I I S, Pt tit Ilur-BEDS---A ctilltriltttrt tit.t,t.rt n ni ..”11,rAt nil the , 143111/if vnttrtt,.. nt itte 5.4,1 17 FJ:11 .t. ,felij9, JAMES WA 1:1,10 I AC ( } BS ' AMALIIA)I PENS.—Thesv Pens Mdl Ill• filraioleu,t slz or mad, r u rf.. .01 hot .th k th , paver; rsmh, nv‘ll then ~.r r.ntt. •'I 44 the loin. 11. snssrsaldy e per i s , Vl5. Nur.lo hr IV. ;F:IIAVEN. Statitwr, f 0,2•2 roort1) r -f /k NTED—Six g.m.l to d o gt)llt , ral 1»)11 , , , )rk. throo 1,0,1 t'...)k,t ft.t. , Itc al).1 ( ry A 11»y r)r 17 to) If•artt lIIIISC ~ ••••11 r) , -)rr t). )o•1.))1 )1- our )4 - i lo zr. :11 »»rk I , »)tr 111 rE and 11i... no 11 at an, hindp • u t. .11 11l i‘% It I E'S Ortir, Iblrgi No 11 1.1(11, Wit1 1 3111"S K ATIIA RION 18 Ow groat,.st It, nut Inv, 1 I!, \ intll.l-ti KATII,AION Itaarda, Ildir 5,11 and For sal, dy KEYI, I kR, HAFT, SCOTT and 1.\"F:1.1.1'.115. at angle, ID /V ER SE 1.:11-411 Inv:hills in st. , re iti.Al' 1 ,,,„. ;: r 11 , Y E ; 4 0. 1. uhnle.alo and rctad I,y Id C. 11.1 ) 47 4tr- , • t 111(' LIFE, ttr I:,tl,tre and th, A,n,. Cora rot 100, I 1".•I I t' t., I ME= l'11:11 . I I EAT FIA • a;.• by I. MA nc 111 ENTEII 1 .) ISS Ili %k>1.1..\ ND'S 1311"11:1Zs , in 1. 3 ;I:, e t 1 1 1 11 Sn-10 tierces I , r sale Lv sMITH, 1112NTE1t YI: 1{ •:: VI : WELL. LEE A: rt I .:L 11, int i . I y .)«( TRIESTE 1 Iiiit)111.1,10N i„ i ' %I i• ' i 1 \ I,v ~,t,7 \ C1 . 11.1.1N i)1 kinds: IA Do ,)r , :p. 1,10, : nt F. to:A t is. I I' Received by Ex pt.,,s___K ATE \ F.5.T . ttS ~t. t., ‘‘'H and i t , It. By ,lottnit• IVi(t. Illititttrtt Itt,,tl; ttr. Ctutt , ..,14111, II ittF.tlll,l CI. ( . .up F t ttittairt 11.tyttv lIt•it1. •• Ity rt. T. 1' \10111:AN, 1 , 4 Wood Ntrw•t. (!N A TES--.'it ft) puirs n«nrtr,l Skatcq. front t•• ; p•-• - 1.1••• •11•1•• way heap.1..10,221 8•)44S k TETI,EY'N. inunernateiv. s-ir TioN, fur \N a 1i0n,..-tihrwr. Itlackmjnth f•• - y l•wrn Traden Moulding proft•rred•- for f••nr nr li•nti•rls . l.• 11 0 g•••••erol house,r,rk ur rhatubla.n, -fur n Man us • litaan and Garden. r -••••- a nran •y••• tt 111 Sr/%11(e t Writes 11 , 1rntly Er,ll,4l.(h.nuan and }trench. At .o. Waal - CP--Two Girl, as Cr.. 821 or C 11.8111,08 tile country. Apply at LoWlll.E'Sllitranot Offlra, fit, 3 No. 14 fifth. uear Market at. h CARB. 11 , NI A, in porn and h, t . 11,F.NIEN1i loot , Eh.. Oroam Tartar I, etoro and for main by do. Tannin, do. Mnitori'm ISt king. $1,81 , 11 (I, &7t) ft.s. American Ar Sr Root, 'as) Its. thirniala An d., Scheldaln S e II . I N E.NT HAI-ED LIE—A new article for wut Ito of Pittat.b. for Ktle FLEMTNI; BROS. () BROWN WI NI)S4_)R. SOAR-1 have N. 7 ra•tived floe gimoi of thin MEER T M4tio;Ay. :,,t tart, N 1 11 , NAN.IF: No. :1•0 Fourth kir. =l=l/MI 1:1M111111141 Jt.S cm unr of Dintuopd end Mnrket mit M ISCELLANEOUS CIOUNI'Y APPEALS.—The principal As “r• the avveral Diqtriots of the ii:Jonnty of Alte elo•ny for the triennial year 18Lti. are hereby notified that 1116 A PPEA L alit be hold by the COUNTY 00blitI 1 SS/tßigliS. at the places and tine, following, to : .MIERE TO MI HOLDIN 1111 E. First Ward, Alio gbeny Secoml Sur 1, All, Oleo y BEIM=I Wards.. Allegheny. Third ll'artht, F.urth, Fifth 3.1 Ff ctli wnr , l44,l'itt.- I,tit.ol ===l ]Huth war,l4 liirruitsgliala Munclif.st, xn•l 11114,. O .• Silarr , V Ai" r 1 ,1 1 •1, ... Cltartier.,l,nu,st. S. , utli ‘V,•st Pitt rl•orCh... Pitt. To, n.itlips.. SeW , ll(l..y and and • iwwittley Ito of F.•Avicklov Pine 1..4 'P. sfoser's, )PI and kr. Townall,p " Itn,l N , •rth' Ymp•lto At the house of A ritliam. Moon Tp Fayette, well Suom.l,•ii t At jun. (,nuor, Upper St.! ......... ....... I Thtirnday, April 10 nod \I Illlin J. llellolicrts*, file 'rowiillip If outlay, April 14. Slt!, end ILAus tps , Mrs. It. (rider, kooe ilVednesiry, Apt 23. ElirrrLrth TOW11.11i; , : sod Lif Eli/Abel li. FditAlii•th Borough,: Wednesday, AO 16 rind l'ersAil lee Turtle Orf,k 111- 1 , lase Irriday, April 15. Plum and „ A odi'd Plum, .Monilriy, April 21. 11 - ,mot ß „.l . 11, 1 , :lit Vori.iny, April T. 4. Kisid [her and Hero' ~f reittion At ..f Snell! Ilona Taro!, font • Tneettay, Hoy 1. 1: e•,• rVi• T. a ash Office— ! Saturday, Hay S. Monday. May S. The T,..inestr4l to evil at the Conunlesionene Oirt,.. and lt,k , a tler 1,..••hx, and notify the taxable in habit:intro( th , ir diet rids at leant five Aare pre ,ionn to th:iappv,,l. EPHRAIM J. BROORE„ R. 11. COOPER, JAr,oii TOMSIt. tl, ) Canty arniNissienerc A .Clerk% rmhPAltstr2t lI'S CELEBRATED GEIOIAN T.ropar-.1 !.1. Dr. C. M-IACASON, Philadel pia a I:: •11,-. - tually rug •• Liver Cornpl,int, Py.p.11,03. Joon ds Ncrsoti.. Di,ear.el of the Ei.intyp, and 1, a ;sing`: , .,‘• Dieorderecl Liver or Stomach. Such 11. ( .11-44.1- tit sn. Inwnrtl l'ilt Fr , r in 4.141 t, the II•••,. I. 1. - I•lity ..f th, St,•Thar h, i ant, IlloglaNt fi.r Food, .s•-• ,•• s‘• ih t!:.• iqouaelt, Sa.ur • ;•.,•• r Hutter.: at the Pit t! t!44 Ss% ,41, 1!!! !,, 4,f . Ult. 14,4. I.llll 4 ried A:111 1,10,11.! ilo,trt, C114341k i:,; !!r : 4 .11 ! ... 4, !.!!! %. • !! !!: 1 1 / 4 , Rtriro. Dimneee ! I!4 I‘. ; !•I , 4% 1 , 4•f0r , tht. fight, lever nail pry t 4. l'ertpirantat, V , th, rk it, nmi 1 ., :r , +, Pain in the ',l.tch. (Alen. Lunt n, etc.. Sudden - • , f 11. ..1 ttnrning in the I 1,.1,. Cat4titnt 1 arl , l treat r Th.• inuof public to ‘r thi.rci , :t: it ... .. 11 , . 4 ..1 thn 111.111. 'at C4lllfi• 111 I th- for which it...:n• : ' IT ::- ::tt:i tr.trit::t hat ~a , th a t h as :g oo d t • :ti,tt :.• American io,ple, and !, • a ..!! ** : !!:0 !ban! az.y •ittn:ar prepark n, • ~.!nt 1:16. tr,111,1..1., fAVIT given Lv thy ran".l ! :1:1.t all 1,5511. f t!••• Is 1111111,11 e, tif•fetTina any Who ' !sr I'r. - 0.1l 1t!!! . ..1pt Rook. ft, F,rnar .v:,l ts , le had grate, of all the Aionts f,r thP• Nlaructictory, 120 Arch Stroet, Nal& a,,- 5..•1 I hy Dr. 0- II Krvrer. 110 Wood street; ri! A A 1 ,.. ....I strrrt; FL ming Ilrothere, to - IF. I'. Fwartz and J. P. Fleming, Allegheny . A'l,\ \ )1 ' FOR SALE---Cnnta -Containing .•,,..,,,•„t nitmited on the %anger/Int t h• i. , It. 111 Roblgrou township, miler from Ur, oy. •• ! 14o:01re:rd . . F,r,ling. The Landln well la.ar t h.-1 iimr,l,•utrig porptwe, as it lien eloping to the Inble Intrue 11 , ,urr 30 feet by 10, one A , 1.1 b .t/ A l ••ri. high ALt0...1 spring water at the door. nrirt: rer Fruit Treee juet commencing to to•rr. F .1" furth, !Artie:llam apply to 'ILAN L 1 0 I: iLol EA:IAV Brokers, Corner Seventh and Smithfield stn. ATALLABLE FARS( Fault ItENT—Situate in c on the wlttt,m of Chattier, Creek, Gnu. :....I A LAI: . 11111, Dour the city, adj,,irring knot. or cull.'e heir , 0,,L1 111101.11. 70 acres, well ,•I I ad..pted Gu. maiming - pnrpodes; well at.. ,:h fruit. Apply to f-1 , 41 A, !ILA ELI" & _ . r fo: FA —l6cundersign /.1 ..d .suo, I/M110111.111.11! Ot it VARI Nu awl WIII \ I:S. POWERS. TI/RESE- F:l'.. C. `II El. I. KI(S, anh otla, ALTicultaral Machine.. Th., dl th.. appc v. 41 patterns only . ond th 1.4 t Illtlit• I WI, Farm-1.4 intert.s4rd In procuring Ma ~ lit ncar hon., nro nines-tad to call and juda, f 4, H.:Nile AI the Inhcc. 47 Fifth 44. AVA!:Nt.“I'. STOTT A. WILLIAMS. Frbrysary 21st, 1N66-4feb2,}.3t,r) r xEcuToi,s,-NOTICE-,Notice is hereby that !A ti id Admini,trutiou o n the Estato of .I‘ M'l. LII ZR lON , late of Robinson township, ..kheelletty county, Po. have town granny! to 3. Li. Phillips townhip. All persona indebted to m !II plea,e make Immediate payment, and all herit,,,•L mm amille+t the eviate will present their account, pr loony itudteutkatod cc or either of 3, it. PHILLIPS, t•„ z.xecutors: ) r x Ei: I: w Tos N( , TlCE.—Notice is hereby 1 4 4 gi ,, h that lett,. et" .l.hninhttration on the . extate of Ai...eased. lid, of Nertli Fayette Township, Al legle•uy Ciartity, heir granted to John Walker and li•iliert I`,Ater. of mid toWriship. All parsons indebted to said . ,tat, a Mease wake immediate payment, and all :mains( the -state will present their accounts tiroprly authenticated f, settlement. to us or eitll.‘r of JuliN WALKISR, / RoBT . wyrno t _ nzerutors. fid4,rfuto N'l , lIE COIRT OF COMMON PLEAS, and for the County of Allegheny, Purina. V.ilitutary Asraguntent of) WILLIAM Dltilil to liS '""'" A. D. 1a'4.5, WILLIAM T. Ma , W N. ) new. te wit: February leh 11:56. Account of . e iu opvn Court and 111e.1, and the ( I ,,tirt t that 11 , 410,4 the name be given during • --- • la , athlication to the . 1 Pont" end ." nro9 perx 110111s110,1 In Pittsburgh, that the raid 1..• the Court on Saturday, the flf• , I.LvA D. ISS'i, unkss cause be shown why Fr,.. the li,ord. 111 , 11 1 .. tw A l':ll l P le eta T, ret h e e b it 73 ; .-anted to the Aubs...ril,er. All 1... -..tt t0. 1 .1.tt.t1 to mud 1 , 1-4.1 t.• an , r..questeti to make IMMO- I. aid nil v ,- Lavin.; claims Mr,RillSt sail • oporn Antlo.ottratt..4l. for settlement. .11 . 1.1 A 111 . 111 . 5. Ea,utriX. ) 1•o1 101.0 . ; Tl, rrehitl-.llt alt.l Matta,,,r• of rho Company Cr a Itrt•lg. , 1ie,..., Nlon.tngaltela, oppo .1.0; to 1.11.. f A!! ,Itenv. have this day ...1 .t Un I .• .1.1 (.1 t',111... 1 ~ COl.llOl Stork for •• •- Ixv al 1.. to the St 1. 4 - I,holtiors or their .• at V. 'F..11 notl after the 10th t 'l'll.l lc. Treasurer 4$ 0,4 . Vik No% litte's Cnrringe Repository. N% I I I CllrrylllZ OLI 1•113 i• Si Ape !`t • t , n • : 111 INV, I !lOW lu wiy• ..!, th. , 1•,;....; ..:,11,1•114..en.11,1%; - • 1 , I, 1 ropoctfuily iliVlten the public t.. n.kpe,..t 1119 CAli HIM; ES, ISUGOIE, Sze. And he nrtirtllttrl 1.11 . ,111 gontlemen purcha-ters [het one price l% Vc•iiteeu expetience in the lii.ines/i enables him to liec.irel,, pateiins the gain , • dem, e,xlleeton of Car , • pit.! l ei , I•een his partieulsr th tr . -, and nmtt tokure,i (II bra•rctrm in - exiwentelltX W:11 Rlli;ply the !...1 t:i •nt f.,1 111:11n1fa,tUr., in...ierate pr.ce.. tbu, lieliVy expenses, which the wtrtm G.r leelses .4 business Iron heap"l utiiin the prier . e:tig largo rents.) JOSEPH NYIIITE will sell, 3 at much 1,5 than the wino] prim . , ii - lhmages repaired to tho hest manner, with despatch. n 0.,; data CARPETI NGS• rT`I!E underaigned would respectftffly call the. attention of j purrhas.•rn to a .7i ER and JIIPSII uesortment of CARPETS, • AVILTt.IN, VELVET., TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS rtn,l FLOOR OIL CLOTHZ, OF ALL WIDTHS. All of which we will sell at the lowest cash prises ROBINON & COMPANY, Fifth street, 1112.7 WEEN MARKET AND WOOD. 1.0v2.9,e1s I( FLASIS.—I HAVE ON hand It La 11 , .: 1r1I'llt of Wicker Flecks, suitable far travvlrrti. Thee oi,hing anything of the kind eon aJwayn pne - Ore then, at ' JOS. FIMMTREPS, mhl l cornet of Dinmond and ktirrii.etnte. offleire • . - intER f AGREED ON BY THE PiitaßOßGii-DiRMS. One square, one Insertion Do. each additional insertion— Do. two weeks Do. three weeks.. Do. ono you-- ..... ............ ..• Standing Card, six liner or leer, per annum CIALTGRAIIIIS AT PLAIA3111131: One ArITIATC, per annum, (exchaare of the 2t 00 Marriage noticed, 60 aanta; Death itaticeti t 25 center STATE SECURITIES. Pconcylvanin 8 cent, IS7? New York 0 cont., 13773 Ohio 0 cent, 1875 Virginia vp cent., 1687 CITY, CO. t 808. BONDS. Allegheny Co.flet, Pittsburgh and Connellsellle Do. Pitts. of Steuhrnv.lt.R. Do. Allegheny Valley R.R. Do. Chartiore Valley R.R. Do. Clerelemil A Pitta. 11.11.. Do. Pennsyvanin WeinP.lay, May 1 Wedaf.day, May 7 Thursday, May 8. City of rittabutgh Allegheny City Many, May 0 Bor. of McKeesport 64,1885 !tor. of Comae Millie Bsl/21885 Saturday, May 10 R. R. MORTGAGE BONDS. Mot. & Con holly 'e R.H. 1883, guar. R4timorn City Ohio A Pit.. Illt. Ist.mort.7B Ohio A I'm R.R. lucome 781 ARe'sr Vol. R.R. Ist mort. 78 Pitts. k Bton. RAC. lstmort re Monday, May 12. l'urmlay, May 13 Wed noMay, Mayl4 ,Tlturulay, May IS. BANK STOCK& Bank of Pittsburgh Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Exchange Bank Mechanics' Bank Pittsburgh Trtist Company Farmers' Deposit Bank Citizens' De itßank Allegheny - Saving Fund Co. Moc. Savings Bank, A llog'y 11.41/Ily nnti it:ty, Mar. 33 and 2:.t Wixine.ry, filar. 28 IVeanesdny, Apl 2. RAILROAD STOCKS. Peunsylvania Friday, April 1 Baltimore .:Ohio ILA... Cleveland& PRiaborgh RR. Ohio & PenuaylvariiivAß... Pitta. h Conuelleville Allegheny Valley AR.. Chartiera Valley SLR Pitta. & Steubenville ILIA. ILirulAy, April T BRIDGE STOCKS. Allegheny Bridge Monongahela Bridge. Rand Street Bridge Northern Liberties Bridge... 3125CFILLANE0138. Pittsburgh Gt. Company.... Allegheny Gan Company.... Monongahela Nay!amen Co.' Western Insurance Co Citizens' Insurance Co. Pitts. Life, Fire .4 Mar Ina Co. Enrcka Insurance Co 31 . 1nnennta Mining CO - - Plug. & Dragon Mining C 0... Notional Mining CompMiy: North American Mining Co. Darlington Cannel Coal Co. POll na. Insurance C 0......- PENNSYLVANIA- Bank of Pittsburgh-. par' Yachting° Bank, do- .... par ' lifer. and Manor., par Bank of Commerce., ~ par Bank of ?forth America.- par Bank of Forthern Libor's, par Bank of Pennsylvania.- par Bank of Penn Township, par 0 immercial Bank of Pa... pm Psrmers k Mechanics' Bk, par Kensington Bank-- ..... par Mann. & 31whantes' 8k... par, Me:amnia' Bank par, Moyamensing Bank par; Philadelphia Bank Par) Sonthwark !lank' par. Tradesman's Bank !sal Western 8ank..........._..par Bank of Chain bersburg... 3. Bank of Chester County, part Bank of Danville._ _ Bank of Del. Co, Chester. lett Bank of Geetrinottes n 0.... par Bank of Gettyshorgh Rank of Lewistown Bank of Middletown Montgomery Co. Bank... par Rank of Northumberland. par I Columbia Bk & Bridge Co par, Doylestown 8ank.......... earl Ruston par( Brie Bank 34, Farmer.' Ilk of ilneks Co. par: Farmer.' Bit of Lancaster. par' Yarueir,• Bk of Reading- par , Fortn. Bk of Schuylkill Co par! Far. & Brie. Waynesburg 1 41 Franklin Bk Washingtnn. Ilarristilag Bank ilones.lole Rank Lou - aster par l Lancaster County Bank... par , Lehmann Bank- par Miners' Bank of Pottsville par' Monongahela Bank. par, West Branch 8ank........ par; Wyoming BkWilkenbarre par( York Bank.-....... ........ 34 4 Relief Notes Ohio State Bank Branch at Akron oI Branch at Athena.- ...... do' Branch at Bridgeport.-- do Branch at Chtlliootha-... do Branch at Cleveland. do Branch at Toledo.- .._ do Branch at Dayton do Branch at Delaware do - Branch at C01umbu5....... Branch at Ashtabula- do Branch at Salem do Branch at Mansfield do Branch at Ripley do Branch nt Cincinnati....- do Branch at Washington— do , Branch at Delis Branch at Lancaster dol Branch at Steubenville.- do, Branch at Mt. 'Vernon._. do: Branch at Newark......... do Branch at Springtiela.L.... do Branch at Marietta- do Branch at 'Panay du Branch at Mt. Plererant... do Branch at Zancaville.-... do Branch at Norwalk Branch at Damn do Branch at Portamouth.... Branch at Diton do Branch at Ravenna... do ' Branch at Cuyahoga. do! Branch at .Massillon .dai: E LEGANT STEEL. ENGRAVINGS now I utfurrd at 'VERY LOW PRICES, byW51..11, 39 Centro str,t, NEW YORK, up stairs. _ ' Sine of Eng. Rdal. The Parting. Engraved hi the highest style 15 XlB% $1 00 The Angler's Daughter. Painted by Landseer 11, 1 01 100 The Shepherd's Grave. By Landseer...l4 13 100 The Shepherd's Chief Mourner, do -.14, 2 x1 4 100 The Rat Catchers, eo ...14 xlO 100 Bees Homo, (Head of Christ) 9 xl2 050 The Highland Whisky Still. By Landauer 21 x 24 160 Harvey Demonstrating the Theory of the Circulation of the Blood 23 x 26 200 The !tubber of Whist. Painted by Welismr 18 x 24 150 John Knox Preaching to the Lords of the Cnngegation 'l2 x2B 200 Trapp - it's Loot Shot 23 x-26 100 rrn Sir Welter Raleig P"tiu h -f o hie Rife 21 x 24 100 r Anne Page, Slender ands shallow ''l x 25 100 Sparking: a New England Scene 17 x2O 100 The Capture of Andre 18 x2l 100 Queen Mary Signing the Death-Warrant c.: Luly Jane Grey '1 x2ll 100 Farmers' Kooning: a Haying Scene 15 xl7 100 The Jolly Flat-Boatmen "1 x2O 1 01) Chins Marin:lnnen the Ruins of Carthagol4l4xl9 1 00 tEst_ Copies of any of the above splendid Engravings will tee sent pnelags paid to destination, on a remittance of the price, affixed. They will be put on a roller, and 1:311110f re ek:dee injury. Agents supplied aith these Engravings (to sell again) on cry librrnl terms. jahisato VXECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby i s given that Letters of Administration on tho Estate of ALEXANDER STEWART. deceased, late of the Borough of Elizabeth. have been granted to the undersigned. All perscns indebted to said Estate are requested to come for ward and make payment. and thane having claims to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. J. 111 RMING TIA.NI. Procharintary r w l i 0 0 v S. 11 IlSt re ,.. eirina . at JAM Y.S DIIIIIN"S.No.1R1 LIBERTY siren, an entire til.w st.,ck of lt IDS. comprising English, French and American CasNimeres, black and r k ,lor,d Cloths of the best fabrics. Folk and Marseilles Vestiugs, new and fashionable: limp Ete Caitunemttes, white and drab Linen Ducks. ' , wart, Neck Flandkerchiefe, Shirts, ke., all of which hare hero bought in the best market, awl will tm ~ fferod low. Orders attended to proinptly, and clothes fish' in the best style. fe1.2.11,2w THE BOOK OF NATURE- AN ELE MENTARV introduction to the Seidler!, of Physics. Antrinonly. Chemistry, Mineralogy, llotany, Zoo logy. and Physiology. By Frietlrich Schnedler. Ph. D.. Pro. ferifor of the Natural Sciences nt WOllllll, and formerly ne. Alf hint in the Chemical Lahorator3 of Gies.,,D. Translated from the sixth German edition be floury Medlork, F. C. S. Illitqtrated by 675 engravings on wood. For .le I.y mhll B. T. C. MORGAN. I'4 NV , xl street. A RTISTS' SKETCHING BOXES—A se -11 an,rtment O u r, reroi,t4.l ruvl La a..!.. FLEMING BROS. 1 labl. Suglir Lead. 1 ,dtlt. Terra di Sienna. Bair. I raise Maca, 16.) IN, Tariedrited I grove Low's Brown Windsor Foal 1 xreds Sande' Sarsaparilla. AVANTED! WANTED!—AGENTS to sen T by vubscripttna some of nu. mon Yulualtlo and pop. War HISTORICAL WORK .: 4 publirVo-d in America. Agents row oosratiog aro making monoy nod! c. For fall particulars an IL,atalog ue.MlLLEß. ad.hyss WLIAM 1`111.1t1,1),,, Col tm,bl.. fa-7,:d3aran 3 ro L EMONS AND ORANGES-- boxes "Sir,ly" Lemons; 30 4. 4, oranges; Jnyt reocOed and for enk by RiYMER & ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood streai CONCENTRATED LYE, a new article making Soap. nee poem' worth ten of Potash. sale by [mhl4] pull: YO BROS., - - - TO LET—A GOOD DRY CELLAR. No. 38 FIFTIi street. S. JAYNES, PISION Tts Srsxs. LOIIII- 1 - . 100 bbls. Extra Flour in store and for eels by (febl9) SPRINGER ILARBAOGR. :1 .1 0 , ,;, FIN LLTES OF NONPAREIL, OR LEE Do. 0120 month.... Do. two months— Do. three months. Do. four months.. Do. six months.... STOOK AN $750,000 500,000 750,000 160,000 130,000 1,000,000 2,730,000 400,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 50,000 2,000,0001 400,000 500,000 1,142,1'00 600,000 818.000 600,000 200,000 62,500 0 J30.000 b 0,250 40,00 12,104,83) I L 3,049,400 2,csivro !2,4:543,:ti0 41;34,= 35,000 67,500 111,000' 116,666 ..45,W01 RATES OF • DISCOITArre Branch at Woostar- - do Branch at Xenia./.=.44.7 Branch at Youngstown.. do City Drink, Cincinnati-- do anmercial Dlt,Cinciseti do Ernnklin Dank-. do I...tesystte Sank.... do Ohio Life Ins. & Trus t Co. do Western Deseret, Mak.... do Small Notes • V, : NEW ENGLAND.. An B.3lvent Manta— NEW YORK New York City_ 033231 a Baltimore par tuuntry 14 N. JERSEY k DELAWARE. All solvent Bank's._ 34 VIRG 1 NI A. Bank of the Rank of Va., Richmond.- do RA, Bank, Va., Norfolk... do Banners WI; of Virginia. do Merchants' & Mech. Rank X North Western Bank...-. do Branches .......... NORTH CAROLINA. I.l3nak of Cape Fear-- 3 Bonk of St. of Claroll'a do Com. Bmk, Wilmington do Merril/Lune Bk. Newborn do SOUTH CA NOUNS. .13k Of t Ito St. of S. Carolina Bank of South Carolina Wolk of Chna-leston Planters' & Mechatc' llk GEORGIA. - .Angusta Ins. A Bk'g Co :Bank of Augusta 3 Bk of Brunswick, Aug'it. All solvent Bankft.... I Bk of Kentucky. Louie - 'e Bk of Loniteri'e,trratou do ;Northern Etk of lienttleky do Southern Ilk of Kentucky do INDIANA. State Bank & branches... I. MISSOURI. 13k of State of Mis.ourl WISCONSIN =SI Partnere & Mech. Bank... 1 Penh=lar Bank 1 Insurance Company 1 State Bank 1 Bk of N. Amer.,7oronto- 2 Bk of the People, Toronto 2 Bank of Montreal 2 Bk of U. Canada, Toronto. 2 EASTERN EN.CIIANGE. ,On Now York, for =req. On Philadelphia. On Baltimore /2 WESTFIIIN .11XC1LAN9M, . Cincinnati 1 Louisville_ ........... ..-...... 1 St. Louis 1 GOLD AND SPECIE VALVE. Doubloons, Spanish Di 00 do Patriot 16 60 Eagle, old 10 /X/ (Nagle, new 10 00 Pretlerirksd'orn.....- 7 SO Ten Thaler. 7 E.O 0 ulneas 5 00 SoNereigng . 4 83 Tan Guilders. 3 05 Napoleons 3 80 ANDREW McEINLEY, JAMES M. STEWART, Pzecutors. , t _ i, 9 00 /0 00 12 00 18 00 10 00 GARY 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 I 2100 553 11 , 250 134 21.34 as PI z 9 C V% ADA. .% * ,it
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers