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"-- ' ' ' - :•, -, ! - i 4 ' . •.4., r • 0 • , ~,,, p 2 :.:-,, „:„... .4 , 4- 1 - . ~7 , ..- 4 , ..%,. , •Et , ..,.,+... ~,;' 4 - • , ' ~..„, ' Y+ ,0 ,; .., 52 ''',. +-, 4. , • ;.:';:: ,,.- :::1 ,, i.',' , .' - _: , ,--;.,-:.,,...,„; . L e e " ,- - - • - `lxrar , ,,,L:r - ,r,,, - . 4,",,•g..11 F - Ac ze...7.7,44 4 ,4e.'S,r,-vt."-2 ' MEE EXIMI .-. ~: ~; BEIDIE _ . LOCAL AFFAIRS. WEDNESDAY MORNING Arrest of Counterfeiters.—An extensive arrest of counterfeiters was made, on Monday night, by offi cers Ray and Hamilton, of the Mayor's police, in the Fifth Ward. These officers had been on the track of a gang of counterfeiters for some time, and a plan carefully laid for their detection, resulted in the ar rest of four persons, named Margaret Munta. James Danforth, 'Edward Murphy and James M'Dermott, with a largo amount of bogus money, and all the implomonts for numnfaotoring thefitme, in theirpos- On Monday night, about R o'clock, the above named officers went to the residence of Danforth, in the upper part of the Fifth Ward, where they found him, alone. Upon searching his person. a counter feit $5 note was discovered, hut no coin. However, after considerable examination, a large pill box, con taining a quantity of bogus gold dollars, was dis• covered secreted behind a large picture frame. While they were searching the premises, Edward Murphy came in, and both men were taken into cus tody and conveyed to the Mayor's office. After se curing these, the officers went buck and proceeded to smirch the dwelling adjoining, occupied by Margaret . Monti, who was arrested at the swine time. The search woo fruitless at first, but, at last. after dili gently ransacking every portion of the house, their labor was rewarded by finding a glove or mitten, con ealed in a box, containing over $2511 in bogus gold $2,:41 pieces. and counterfeit quarters, only partially finished. In the same box was also found about three pounds of metal, used in the manufac ture-of the coin, plaster of Paris moulds, and all the implements for snaking counterfeit money. These, together with the woman, were likewise taken to the Mayor's aloe The information ,rbieh led to these arrests also tended to implicate n tavern keeper on Penn street, named WDerniett, in the transactions, and he was subsequently arrested by the same officers, and locked up with the rest. Yesterday, after an examination before Mayor Bingham, the whole party were committed ti nil for a further examination on Friday next. Millertnott was afterwards released on bail. Tho large amount of counterfeit eoiu and material found in the houses where the arrests were made, Phone that operations must hate been carried on very extensively, and too touch praise cannot he awarded the (Afieers for their sagacity and exertion in tracing ,tt and bringing 0, justice thast, engaged in the noferieus busine, 77 DiJrprgted terday delivered the following opinion in the Va., a the disputed Aldermanship of Alderman llartje, the Third Ward, Allegheny The petition represents that Augusto Ilartje was elected Alderman for the term of five years, for the Third Ward of Allegheny city, and commissional the Governor on the 3d day of Fehruary, I : that the office is situated in the Ward, although his domi cil is out of it, and that he acts under his commis sion, has not resigned. and has never neglected or refused to discharge the duties ,if his office. The petition fuither states that Robert Bell, supposinz 4.11 a office vacant, did, on the Sth January, 13:6, pre sew himself as a candidate, and received about I 17 votes oat of about Vet polled, and that the mass -voters not believing that there was any vacancy. al, stained frou3 voting for any person as Alder-inn, and that no 1166.1 of a vacancy or election was cis en ne prescribed by law, and that the petitioner. fearing that if no opposition he made thereto, the G o error may inadvertently grant a commission 1' Robert Bell to the prejudice of the petitioners, and other good citizens. This proceeding is based - upon the 7th se,-lion of the act of Assembly, and the powers of the t'onrt are derived from the same source. 'this action points . out minutely how things must lie done and where ,they must be done, and amongst many directions. -the section goes on to say. "and such complaint mot be valid, or regarded by the Court, unless the aurae shall have been filed within ten days after the election in the Prothonotary's Office." The r s ,usd exhibits that the election WWI held on the Sth of January. and that proceedings were filed January 2fttb. Therefore, o the expresg words of the+tnU to. tic. Court is egtorpod (ruin entertaining the petition. of deriding on the merits, as more than ten days clap-eel after the election, hot ire romplsint was Med Proceeding, luxehed. Maititninioru /',,..,n.-r+ - Au .Art of A - sembly was paastai in May. Rhine, the .In.letei eif the Court of Quarter Sesaiotlit the power to lii thi amount to Lo allowial for the anatonance of r in the county jail, which. pre preiimis to that time. au. 10 cents for vagrant, and 11, cent, court pri+nm rte. per diem. The emu-, lume,er, ne, er ••=tuid,ho.l the sum it ‘l,•med nee.,eary. nud '.uf,ter.lAy. enitie,l in benring nrpintent- of eetun,el upon the t+. l .ject. Mr. \Coo•1 4 apl , earel for the tato Slier; a - . Mr. and endeavored to Anw that lei , than fifteen cents for vagrants, and twenty cents for court prieoners, would not remunerate tire Sheriff for the expenses required to maintain the in. Mr. Marshal appeared as the representative of Ciberi Patterzon. and claimed the same amount. The County Commissioners. through their aoheitor, Mr resiettni their claim., desiring it t•o Inc fixed at • less sum, at least su far :14 Mr. Magill war reueern. Od Longtby nml ahh• arizumento e ern inadeun le.th The arguments will centinue t4. -any. --A new, an I it seem;, I cry important improvement to the Piano Forte t a. jtoi: heen brought out by Meagre. Nunn? d Clark. of New York. It conrists of an entirely new ref! b., which of ford; greater room for the iinunil Loam, and them New S.•ale ,rreatly increases the power of the instrument Judging by the sound of those pianos, it must he eon sidered Its n most vidunble improvoMent, for the Vol tune. brilliancy and delicious quality of tone is 'll , ll as um thought impossible to be produced by am) thing short of a full sMe4 grand piano. Theappenr- Rime of the interior also is thereby much improved, and the prier. withal. not a whit higher than fr- anerly. 11. Kleber k Br u., at wh.me stma , inay Bound those nurivalle4l sp,eimens of the now seal, Plane, " will:be happy to othibit them 1., nll who lisv Chem with a mall. whether 1.1.41...Aari or net. Il•e desire to eall the attention of our reader , I, tip,. ativertleesuent of Messrs. Cainpbell ik Pollck. ohich win L found in our columns this morning. Their stock embraces an ono:wally largo variety of such ad , Iriall Llneat, Tbroads, Ribbons, If onion, Gl ve. Domestic Dry Goods. eta., Ac. They have also a manMactory of ililt Moulding , for Looking Glass nud Picture VrsAtatis, and fur tin' le o ration of Railroad cart and ; and judg. lug from the samples exhibited. tee have no ticaita- iion in pronouncing their manufacture equal t. the Eastern ankle. We therefore commend them to the purchts.ing public The grand Ary of the United SULiCe District Court yestartlay found true bile op:attest Jatnee A. Mason and Catharine Ellie, for counterfeiting. A motion wa, made by the counsel of the parties, Ilan. It. P. Flenniken, for a P.4.44inuitri , e, and the caste will probably be laid over uutii the next term. Th,, attention of the Court was occupied fr riiLcipully in hearing motions, and other businces of no great no ;portatten to the public. Worknion are Mildly engaged thoroughly renovating and topairing this building. anti milting it in condition to Le /1.0.41 used as a The repairs will be completed by the tisk or April, after time it will be for reuL The tntilding is admirably situated for a Hotel, and any tone who dettirem to go into that busineso mhould not (nil to apply soon for the lease lt e rtith lIrror(. - Thu interment:, in the vity fur [h., past week Dumber - 0d 14. Of these 9 were adult: , and 7 children ; 5 died from consumption ; 2 from spasms; 2 disease of the heart; 1 disease of the brain; I dis ease of the Mort& ; 1 inflammation of the lungs : iilropsy ; I unknown ; 1 putrid sore throat ; I en linu,tion. Seven were mates and nine females. 3 'Nev. York Papen in advance of the are iiindekanid to Master Richard Shannon for the New Yolk Herald, Times and Tribune in advance of the mail. lir will serve them to'kuliseribers at the rote of fifteen cents; per week in a faithful manner. --Copt. L. A. Pearce, the General Agent 01 the Michigan Central Railroad, is in town, and etopping at the Monongahela +louse. The Captain ls-a w1004....-setilea man, and represents A No. 1 Road. I.6strl'et (hurt.—llon. H. W. 'Williams on the Bench. TrESDAY, Mnrtb IS, 1858. In the cane of Forgeun vs. Johnston. the jury re turned a verdict of $l5O 83 for plaintiff. Michael O'Neill vs. Jacob Peek. No. 459, July ivrtn, 1954. C. W. H,01.1, for plaintiff; Cochran for defendant. Action {'r standcrous words. Illtull440.• 1 100 1 at 310,0011. (in trial. * 17 .06 • ri , • * : • ••••'• Admitted to the United Slates Coart.—S. P. Ross, Esq., on motion of Jndge Shaler, was yesterday ad mitted to practice as an attorney in the United States District Court.. MARCH 19 On motion of II I:. I'. Flenniken, H. A. Gib non, of Wanhingt. n county, woa admitted to practice in the same Court. Afe,sr.r. iller & Smith, N0...h7i / muss steal, Pittsburgh W e anticipate that 110STETTElt'S BITTERS will s/vai br come an popular in C.alifoi nix as they have in the odder States of the Union. Every party that have tried Omni wum.a Immo, and /healer, whn have bought then/ from on have slot toiled to renew their orders. As the demand la doily Increasing, we /hydro that you should ship as, via New York, 50 doz. per month until further le /tle.•. We have order,. 011 Ole from Honolulu, Sandwich Islanda A Very truly, yours, PR II & V., feb2foolsw Wholesale Druggiata. Air Clark's SI °mac 11 Bitters are kok pow I,lgotl by all who have trl,l them I he the l.•ot family medi.•ine of the ago, for Ow or 1• of 1 , 3 spoio.m. I'.+olir 000 . ourallll n k .o d o ood cl otr of lbw Livor and Ston o owh. Thoy bov.• no, rival. The proprietors do not pretend to caution people fn.uu using other preparations that ore ludnu•d uh•n the peldie tinder the name of Storlll.lll Bitters, for tl u •y have funnel that only one trial was needed to render sorb caution unnereselory. For sale, who're:Ur. try QII.I,IJM h CLARK. Thinl street. between Wail and . Market: CRO. IL KEYSSIIt, 1441 Wood street; and by Ihuggistn generally. MAII.K.ET STREET DRY GOODS STONE AT AUCTIDN.--ita WEDNESDAY MnlU I Nil. Dalt inst.. 10 10 t..,110 . k. at the Fashionalite Dry iiiside ern .d Tina°. thiy. Market +tree!. L.twis t. Fiiartli mid the Diamond, i lainimiss in ill lie iiiimiummed the &ale hi, rutin , Mod, of Maple 11.10.1 hum, Dry Utn. sin hr. The i,is,irtmcnt in quits exten.ive. and han I poen care fully 0011 , tol her cantimair trade: among n hi. lt are eltigait dros, silks. ikadivt‘, tai•rat“..,l,anliaYin , A.ll‘. laines. :illiaccnA, silk Lennie+, Isnages, lawns. rinahmit and prints, cashmere nod silk shawl, linichn and him; tutu square than Is, I , nit.ll work .1.4.,14 claata . zeito,: linos alai silk 'Akin; l a , s a e ry. om en . Sc. satitaittn flannel, blaaketn, check,. miles, drillimrs. lama and ciittim diatsirs, linen tali', covers rind it tam, larsit . id Dry tlissts, Tiinanintr, lahls P. 11. uhf IS, Allt Air ECIIANICS' SAVINGS BANK or Al. I,EIMENY--On ItSTIAN' ni 7 o'clork. tho )133,13unt.' 131‘310113;,. Fourth -13,31., 1.43 3.31.1 10 341330 - 3,4 )1,13300 . 3' euvll.:s 1 1 .)0k A 11 3 .0. 3 ,0) rity. $1.1:3 1...,33.133tre poi iu. I'. M. DAVE , . nllll,l A WA.. I, • - --• 1, -I LEGANT I1(It'SE110L1 1 J AT AU , rui:, , l AV uiiiruni. NI arch nt Jo o'clock:at re.iiikuiv . of M. 31 Arkelire, . Pell° nlrev.A. butwevit Iluy 31111 llurhwy, u ill k• lii• ••11/1, 'Mulling, Silver W ~r.Ac.. ului - li al A uf quality. rumprow , ca.A.• t. - 'kei Yuri. , awl 1.41..”1. X 1 V Ai" it.. iltra , Ft • ni I. 111:(1.• Sidi! y 11,111 , 1. mu] on), a nA V 01.4, 1 elletuni vr.tinrro , num 1. , ~r tiltn, l ll, unit 0r,,, chain : r...ke, rani and v.-hire LIM .; cluck. ruck: inl .I.dr tutu pvt ion:kir nu.' rhitinlivr fend., niui fir ,. 1,11, info; drivivang and 0111.. r 11 :udi (path, 1uu1..; I us!: I. .I itutfuicunv iiveretrary lout 1...ar.1..1...tr, nod 1.rr31. - . 1.4...1 grt% pitch., t...” .'ll.lllll. 111 1,1 14•111. IC/1111 I 11, lit I. .1. hs.ne Inaathlt.",Sr: slilo tor. A..• Kit , It., Fut - tot:hr. .. .t. VA:111 111 W I .1..! I.rts,,, It. nn.l ....lock,. A. N. NlTlure 'rho. 1.. I' M. PEREM RV ,SALE. by , r - kr pi.: (1.1.1.. of unr4, - 44r AIRTICIIANT ANTI GRIST Al I 1,1., 11.41.11 W IN VA RAI .4 ND I All'll4 l l 41 EN '1 S THURSDAY afternoon, )larch nt '2 o'clock, on Go. prrno4,4. 14111 to. Kohl. t,y ol.lr .4 4114 Mary 11 her,.,. A I naini4tr.ortx of thn late J... 111,4 11. Unsl., .10r0n4.41. th 11 naln• pi•••••.• ••1 LAND, lotnnte on ChAlll,.. fur fromli tahnrch.••n the Snoll4.nrllld• Tto1.1.11••• Bond. nn , l Clnalo-1, ton to•111p4. ooni4lnilir (nor nr••- n o.1••••,,•nt, p e rrh..... ‘ 4 10.14 eroret.4l fir4i .144,1 4 lon, Min. coo.l r 01•01•1•• or [llmill,, onl I `1” I. • ' Il l oor •lny. with •I 1)W•111114 110 1 / 4 Noll•i••• A r TIo• ..,ill •••••ntninA toor pot ' onto. thrio• I-111n, • 1 , 110 - , thG• ~.roon4. •• .1.111 on.. ••••rn • r.lnlinr and .411., Imp, •‘..lnnlit•• Ti. NA., 1,1 v., m 1 1 ,11,, fin. in Ow knurl,. to n to• h 1.• it , p,• • 11.1, \,-.. 11,1.1 ralnal.l.• Farm ais ‘• 111 ••.; ‘l, 1% —.l ;••.1•••, •• 1.• nl• •.. 11. and 1111 N 1,11 4, •1, II Rap II Stai.i , PLII.i .41.. • 1, .111•4 01 , Frail ,!••1•611.1. , r, . al .1 1,11 .441. •• nlll:3vntion.t•l• h n 1,4 cnne• ry •.•• .1•• t:. OP. last) iif Ott- rif y, inti L:.!,l' tip 0 I tnonr3 1 - I.\ rk("i't ( I_, 1 , 11.) ••1 Vittl. c. !lolli•• q t.; t 5..,• t ~ a ; -to loiteut..ll 1 ~il.ll. 11.41 \ t•S - ‘Nt k•••• 1 ,.. K“ I. At 1•••• ••. 1..1N1s Ile. 1,111.111,',.11 I I 1 - rit -11 ../ 1 , 1 1110.1. I 111.11. t I,ln •••••• • 1111111), , 1110 GO. I.• .•1 ..,lii. 1 . 11, ‘• 111 , 1,1- I. 11". 1.-I Ow 111 1 ..1 Att.l 1 Xlll 011 It C. I, I \tL. all. • 3,1 1. I VOTE ..r, .1.4, 4 \ 4, • ‘ }ll, 1.1..1 Ily I.Lt• 1 , ..• It., : -I I ••f I. rlp-q:i I I. r ..1 .sn.l 11,. rr r 11. -r ct r nlirl I rh. " 1 . 4 ' ~ 1 .•.. I. I. $:1 n . 1•I • ,Ml/ %Alt! ikt t. CI Lt /V ERSEED 1;11 1',1,11 5... fi.r 1.1.1\ I IN ()11J vuttl7 111 11l II hu-. , 13y JLJ I y •ItIL I; • III.: \ \ 1 1 N11 --VuAvrel. N Sal F:NRI II \.I.LI' , NEY Ti fot• 1. f-r 'l/.1,17 Ili\ \II II \ WA 'NITA NTS A SIT i ..\ T 1( IN A 1\ a rolt.ifise T Ninn Ilf Porter, J. (i-rtnnti. U 11.5 3., n 3 ,,, .1 F.03,1t,d , S. briar. Apply 4. XOll7 . .1 A\l tr:;+ 13 A1:13i0 .1' Gri itA PE MU' N EltS---Fn.tir n1,4(.11 1 :(.rillall 8134,3/... OM' of th, 1.,i Prot.,' 614• , A II )1111 re4,13.+1 .ti ti. , .0,1 /313 , 1 .Agri , tiltur:3l 1Vrtrc4. , 1,..•• I: Milt 11 .1 ~..4 1.1 101117 J .1 NI liS A% Iii1.1:111' _.. 14)1 NI MEN'S ( 'll 1 TIAN AS: 4 4/01ATI.iN ItENIIO Y.D. —TL,. I'n t•lrorch 1 —tt: 11.1..• t'ltrlnltt.ll t tt t tl Itt lItt• , tt.ttt•l -1.. n ..t ti t .. ... ..,,ttplt..l I.r .I It , II .t . Ill! :.h. I itt•mtly ttittp,ll. the Loittt.ll - Ittilt.t. l'itol.att II to,. ttitt.ll It. 111 7 A %I. it. Ili I. NI all • tot It. It, ..tttltttlb it., Itt.tl t.t trtllll:.i. ”1.11 I,‘T ENV (1.1111'F:1 ' 1 N( iS --It( lil NS! )N A I 11. I t. 17, An .•1 tlot-ot tt tt.ttit.t. mitt. Ow N., 4.14-.1%,1 itt.tlttlf.t. hut, , vrrt v.,. 1;1.1, r..r 1.11 , • • 11, se; pees—i tlm. market. 1.1111 L Al'll/I.ll'l k'g' No. 1 for sat , I;v UV's:lo' C 1 .4 1( ii ;;••:—.4 bids. received I,y 141 d rad :it, , l t. , r i j .1.. I, rndtlo' IIP: \ Rl' IT ~. 1.1 I\ - • _ . _. • .. .. _ lilti(!'(--4 bilit4. this dad• received :mil I; , r J. J Anle to: ftmal )IKNit cp. 0,1.1,1N5. T A RI) -10 kegs for sale by 1.4 ~.t.i. la.:\ i: \ Ii 14)1,1x,, (11,t)VF.R.SEE1)--5 1) bus. prime this day re- V._..' o, ~ . t and rurnab. lu. '0,1.11r, 11E14 Itr 11. r 01.1,1 \ s BEANS --3(0 bus. received and Ii sale , by mble HENRI 11. (111.1.1 !51. 4 . WNTED A -INC /AES FOR SIX or EIGIIT 111 111. n, am Cc n1K5 , ..a 0. du ChanteriN.o,l, . 11a 11,4. ur C.Jur 01r14 in.. Num..., 1, 4nynrnl I , nyin In para., ur la Inaln Imlns; fir .4S Mill ItN V:i11. 11, r ur lAI I lag, 1/1 - 1, ~ :1,1 lid, 1 kro, [11.114.tl ,N ..4..... ,, A nplr at a N. 1....1) 111E', 1 nlnlllnnin e 11 ni.-. I', 14 Fifth str..et. THE ST( WI: ()F A c(1111<i si.t ) 14; OW `ALI:, tat.. /II ..1 I'lakk Road from West Ne ft'i m M west„„,, lao,l ( , 1411;.1.) , 1111.10..1 ~; Neu tor. fit.ato 1,11.6144 tuiles ~... I. ~.siAt.. Or, ihn.tA, git.... 10.44 arr. lVatiwure. . lug Houle. Stable. Ni The poit,l 1. , 1 I.l,ttp.sn, Laud will In* •di ..11,1 111, CUT II LIENT , rs. .0 _3(1( ACC.lli()‘ SN I VF just re /k / iriNed ..de 1.1"11 gr,cou.U ..- J+ Mark tug• m0..4 i •• (c) DOZEN LENT( SY It ; 4tv 1 \ ❑,1.57,11 Strawb , r ry S), up 5 " l'inv A [pl.. •. 4 Fur &dr 'I:7"MR .5; AtiloF.l:SooN. tooloS No 39 Si : . ..LV.ttv co . :Tharlott cZ l'ltl NO —lss6. 1.. 111 ItS111 . T1. 1) & SO 1.. i win iinen their Liilil:l Nil iSilii)CK OF YI'ILNISIIINti tiot)DS on Tp.nai. ilie 11th of Ma., L. iiianprising a fall as iiiirtnnintof I 'manta, Scarfs. 'Flea. Gloves, 11,1AII4I•rettl.tin di . , ae., x ilinil ILITIVI•41 by the last steamers nits I 1 r It I r FEE 2O O. bags - . flit,, f stile b , Finn 10, or . 5 V, Illil 17 sNIITIIi MAUI a HUNTER • -- - - 1 , 4 1 1.( 1 1'11 - . :2lll)his. Rye Flour, for sal' hr nilil7 SMITH. NI Alit a IIIiNTV.It pE,..,\,,y i ,iiE5_..2.,-, bushels, for sale by SMITif, If A lig & illiSTKii —__—____— MKS. IlErrs su ppowr ERs.---i lilt,„ , 4: haul a Intl:, n,siortment ~f these excellent Sig...lit eriii. Thos.• wishlis, anything in thin line should 11111 and eviautne them laiforii purchasing any other kind. dins. PI.ENIINii. whin ciii m•t Diamond and Market .t. IlW i li . : SERV ill': - A M.lNl' A l, intended for those who are nernsionally hindered fiiiin attelid- ' inn the lions., of lisial. With Sernaim, and a selinition id . ilymns. By lien. Wm. finnan Ste t s . i , i , ; , ii i i. ,,;k l A i. Nb l y. i. liti , iiit Weedt r 0: S . a Andrew's Church, Phihnlivii.li,lfild. C. . t i tithlo hand . PLkS.K. — li 91'}' j ON' W l a Ci lar bli i:ea-ssort ' rui‘nt n' 4 .d. f Wicker ' Vlasks, iii;ll-al.1:•:ir i Ira , ..ior a Thiese wishing anything of the kind 1 - 1111 11.1W(0 , 1 I W . .. 111" t1.1. - 11l at dos I , ool,lhiiiiii i adult enruat of Diamond and lidaii,et ate i • • -•- • •• • •'. • b • ‘J7.47:e.5., *4, t 14,, , • 4.. 4' "Pe . a 14. 4 44, q- 4 - N 4 • 4 , - tik ' t ft."1"1 4,„ 4 t ! • ' Ars ' • .'hlt • R. • SAN IItANCINC , , January 19, 18((6. AUCTION SALES "ut• hild M ‘11 , :1 , 1: A i'tt •,..t It_'ll. =ME a. - " fgkl) it.an.)... - A lila. 0 n tu. . . . , THE LATEST NEWTS BY TELEGRAPH. Till RTY.FOURTH CONGRESS. FIRST SESSTON. WASHINGTON CITY, March Is.—Sentthr..—Mr.lvor son gave nutico of his intention to introduce n hill to increase the compensation of Memlsers of Congress, and fix a time for annual meeting. Mr. Ilmtulin introduced a bill regulating the op. praisetnent of imported merchandise. Mr. Houston presented a memorial signed by morn hers of the Legislature of Maryland, endorsing the resolutions of the Virginia Legislature, eontlemnatorY I of the action of the Naval itotiring Board. Mr. Illonston was rujoired that the Old Dominion had spoken on this Fubj,N , t, as her position in the colt • federacy gave great weight to her utterance. Limit. Maury had been treated badly by the Beard. Ile said it was not beeause of inefficiency that the of ficers had been stricken down ; it was a system of es• pionago, 11-9 was raid I.y a victim of the Board; it w as I a black rou,piru. r tor crw-hing gallant men and giv ing pr.ition and promotion to those who, grasping 1 the swoon:, wielded it with drl..itio sway. Mr. 11.11,ton's remarks alsomeled in per-onitlitio7. The characters of Captains Z-Itelliling and Dapottt Were freely eommented mq us Were others of the Nrt !ard. A• a remark respeeting the latter, Mr. t i lnytnn enquired on what authority Use Ftatement was made? Mr. Houston replied that he had net read the whole dottliment to the Senate, but had obtained his information from it. Mr. Clayton -You know nothing about it. Mr. Houston alludett to this observation of Mr. 11111110 Ty that there urn some cases of harrt-hip, and said Stolle of the hardest case. remained in the Nav [Laughter.' I 11,1111 110 man's chariveter ; I only roast from documents. I don't say they are not gen tlemen, but I may have private opinions. j Renewed laughter.' Mr. Bayard, in reply In another remark I.y Mr. llon.ton. 1011.1 111111 if she latter could sii , tain his it , serthirt, by the doctinirmi, adduced, he possessetl power of perversion great., than ho had exhibited iu the Senate to.day. Mr. Houston charge.l the Naval Parl' with rut ting otT treads by hecatomb.: instead of being im pest '5-i the OeUlltry now 11101 I,llt ne prot.etive arm. the volunteer fore,. of the nation. Tie w a s for wiping out the wrongs by repealing the Oct under which the Board neted. Partiality and sellbdine4.- were tile only c.anne•mlation of the 130nr.1. Ile spoke more than three litters, the galleries Itch, densely filled. Mr. llutler vindicated Comino•lore S ' lllibrat•lt from Mr. Houston's attack, rulogidng the brilliant achieve ments of thot ..11 the Pacific sus-i and clAt , where. Mr. ilayard sp-10 , in defenoe Capt. 1 1 . . (I}, ,eloe 1 h e••,171011 he II 01111.•Xpr - r 5 4. at length ~r le. Senator's I.•mark re,pecting that their were iris :ii the 1,15 - 05.1,. • Mr. 110515-1,11 T - 5.5 , 150-1 by •..:tig. Plat 10. made no attach, 4 , ‘ - 121,1iiii 1.11115 ono, „M i -jal tlocutuents. Ile should wait for the printed speech of Mr. Itat ant, awl reply us it inigltt deserve. Mr. Mallory deft - oho! the Naval ant] rolls-et!, ttly. Mr. clay ton gave noti., that reply to Mr. Houston to Morrow . . The Senate son Moor.- .Mr. Smith. of Virginia,npta es the rose lusion 5.. •end fur Pero ,r,• and papers in ` l .ll l hII.IIA/IS election case. Mr. tbrangcr sa•l that 11.e.aler came here ha higher and lower In,. proga - 1,351,11 51154 WhittiebtAranie 1,, re under nil 'puree, 1eg...1 . :0ur, The people at thu poll , were 1 armed iris ader: from Nii-te.1111: there fore give the Committer 1,11 power to examine the I . ..tets the country dem:tit-I. ti the : 1,1 there he no fn.,. awl hake-I,ko tire ll:Zer. and Musttrs. Iltriteur West re,dution, lieb. Icinting the .Nliischri•Letif A i 'aid the:. ita Inv • of capQal to be uarvl for aro, or mur.itiot, of w,r, nor weft, or any tincombitutional net court. relied. Any ret o ok to the e.•ntrary in false as 1 ; 011. 11 lic e a'el..ek t h.rteon 1 - 1155M15, - . 5 5 411 5' ~r l.• prawn t. 1 and al.,' mar, p5•5 - --••Ili , gall, rick. Mr. 1-I:.gb•,, i he IJ t give the 1 I -oilhll l . e riveted, lie• 110110111 e.! poorer It:eked. llle 'le .1 - “:1 the mai,rity w.a11.1 mnnufM ,--11 a 5 l - 5,1:1,11515,11 5 , 1,, 5 - 511 I V. -I 51,5,1 iv -.5 ,11111 - Nel,r,ka I ea• o.'l tog thk sol•j-ct I I, 1.1, C•ii p 11.4 V 1,, ctplioti:tiec 11 , 01,e ntli,,urnetl. Nli,reh ! 7 Th. , r , tn - .it; ,•! Itir•••,l,:ttg •tatt, Co•o, 1,3 Cruz t- •-•1;, k,:t Irtler Ir the Co . , -I NI , %l, t,•l,•zrapii, • “21•Irti,,•.1 , •ing - ils•cw rrito I t 1 , 1 .• 11 C•1111• 1 0 ., .. - . If I . t ' :11 I•• 11,. I.1••1•I - I ILI IL` L~•~n,~ . EIMEMEIIII I %, -it \ trl 9,.! 1 0 • I lk , • 1 . 1,,tr1t, n . nn b:Lir Pork 'Erotic. of the Uell, C:\. 1 , 0 k \llll,l 1' The I •. rt. 1.1-11••• •, lull rt•turn• 1' , 4, tr, [hi We't. !111.1 IL.. the •h11 , 1.1,•11' •t Thy , r.• tkt.n. . r • 111 ,- ~11;1; t• '1:n• mer Ow •! or r .1 o. ti 1) tip , - 1•0i , 60.. lo• I.lsoll . J '(K ' u:ni, i )lar f.r.• ,•• tart. 1 (• ,10:11 • • 111 ,, - A. A. 11. Jac , kii-. 1), E, 'lnt , i'ret'h.. Ni• li.on I:rt•ieff Gould .l othor , . The 00. Selene, of the Schooner Falmouth W . Mar- h I 1 . 11 , F.I •.11..,1,1 L.lllll. AV •;10;1 t; ,;rl;..r 1 4 rh. 1. ) .; I.) the I 1.11b1;1; 1;01 “; 6rtug 111 tended 1.. r ,lity.• Arrli al or (tic Stroolklllp Calintwho Ni •11„ iar, Ii I. 'no ,te.tit”.llii. C:11111.1, rntn all I nrri,r.l tlri, for, I)E.. C. MuL•AN E'S LIV'Elt PILLS AND I NI l' u V E I) to: 1 n r.,111•Ir irt•lnnto 1,1 inn t•- f. •<••i i• inn: • xii•ni••••• -, .. 1,111C ,, 1 I, /I r•M,M1.1,1,111, l• .111., I tl, %, I it M. t, • 11M•L, 1110 Is, • \11 , 1;,Y, EMENT II Y. II!UiiISA I. i. 4 • rit &NP i.,pnro•ol rvfm..11,41 11i partner a 1.1 C , Imny p.st, I\l PftttVKD LIN Elt PILL: , AND I' EII\IIFI4IK 'v a c., greater efficacy and aro avae null In It it ope v atitta than Ii Liver Pill tstol Veralbige Kt ',red a, cooliv.l 11, r• • ito• of Itt Mr Latto We make 0H , .'..113,11 .11 alidotetaloliagly. 1•114 i •11 11,1 diet. t, do- . All, toil 1 , 0111,4 Loll. curnti‘.. RIO I. .al.ortor LO alty taloa Livoi I'll] or V el - 1111i 0,, over pretuttrd Read Certificate of Dr. C. PleLa r ne, below. THE WHOLE WORLD COYQUEIIRD DR. SCOTT'S CELEBRATED The Gniversa! r))1 1,1 afford...l by application.) flit f•NI, ERRATIC') KING at Eton Killorxinitial Ithotntom). tho t t. 1,t00ba,,, • Stiff new) of tin) Joint, i• 1)..rn.4. A On., or any other tli,easo fir Which a Pam or Low, ot 114.41, onablon to to agaort 1. so n-rs CIELERIt ATM) IVIIITE CIRCASSIAN LlN'ml KNT 1.) t In• reliable. Rah) and pion/volt remedy vot .11-,00t.))1. po),- ))))))attn: ablobbiinna prop) , Gn Il 1.1.1 LING DISICA)))1' ant TIIIC 1 1 1(i/N1 El' A 1)WATIIIK itb . 11c. Th.. ), „ t . t. 10 1))•1• on. el ...11_111 , itelrieent tirir ell ''l II las e Vantily llonobly. )0-^t on. 1 ,1 ) ,)••)))) 1, .1.) , notion, nioro than thr to-tuthal I' mr1.31),, )11)..ti4,r1))))11)..1 it, a r,nt )11). 1n)..!. , al rontodio, It E.A I R A 13 I I RE Al) I I MORGANTOWN, VA., Sept, 12, id that I lat.o eX11(1011 , 1 the RATipe for pre µau Ma'l,a4n - a. pon „ r• . y Y..rm lrutr and Li a, I . llln by Or. la)), PIC 'rll.l'. ;Zia:Pall:lW; AINIa ORIAII NAL /flifalillNKS IN lalY aIVFICK )Inrinz rho la.' 'l l l I 1 I'l l ElOl VIP [ii, anti tit.) I 1 .' 4 ) 1,11 1 , ban IMERGVKI) TIIIISI I mak)) alio /114,1' V4 1111. 0 ' 01) 1 'nolo aillinlZly an I II AS K. NO INTEIar.ST IN Timm WIIAIT,VEIt. I w of l birth, stale that I h.), frvonontiv 1 1 ”, CELEBRATED II IT E CIRCA: I :g .1N LIN I NI ENT iu It GI , 111 , IGLppleet eft, Os. Tool :bat I ma con etch:n*ll).4olly INTOGIIIII•Nci ,1, C. ME . LAN K., M. D. All the thoye M. di. pro r no,4l 5.,), d l u6.1.)r tl.. sop,- vissoo Al. .`,Cori. Soli/ Dru t z g l A bi abkl everylAberb. uy.Nul NE Dr. C. IMPROVED LIVER t)11,1,8 AND IMPROVED VERNIIFI'mE D r . I- ;:(11 'TT k CAL 111,01111X41110.1 b ) c4o.lifb Mi•I.IN Thr MIME 0)..)1 1,. Pr I Wll' oAt ont i .no,l with I.4 ; batbre of I. K-rr, NI. I) DR. 1. SCOTT CALS.& Pr,privtorft. Bank I'laro. Morgantown, Va. la. G. 14. K HYSEIL 14 16 delado Ae.rot. 146 Wood ta.rtad.. PitudJurgh JAS. P. kll, 1411.11•11 h Wholeaato A goo t. .6.2.2allyinawlyapcNt - Roarltuilioaa Drdt, 11,1;lodly, .aEA LEO! ROP( )SA Pmposais w ill h e it.. m,iyor's (Ore. tior, nth to (Mine. up the lowt .,. u.u'r '4 .11 0 1,6 . Ilan for Malta . and Trotatwor's tiffirt, and Nifirli,, , g I,,,,tatit,, for building two Vaults, :twill' foundation. Plano anti aptiailientiinot ta N n . 1.1,1 at Ow fie, ‘ .l w . KER IL Arehitort, full'llor of Wottel anti Filth miroota, tho lith hist. nilsl4 F OR SA I,E -2(1(1 Sll A RES HE SToCK TNTIA NE ON ptrrsttult6 II For part tettlata mph' itt, Plltmtrurgb, h 14 .sido a w','• Et=l \l :i I,i i'1..1:. ( I Ilia• U..• ir•irii lit VKIZMIFI DK C. M. INV. IVIIITE C111(11SSIIN I,IIIIIENT. 1- 45. it t ..x.l COMM ERC I A I, PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE AND MERCHANTS' EXCIIANGE. I `I silent, L. W lI,M A RTI I. PresithWs. T. 1 ,, I'I,A GMO. W. 7'reasarrr. N. 11 11.M1•18„In. &cr. , Lary. JAMES P. ItAIM. SrlprrinLenrl , l. : 4 . T. NORTIIA3I. JR. thnuniiter of A rbitralilm for .11.irch OE4I. IV. CAPS. V. P. I=ATAII DICK ET. T ITDIK SANIBEL lill.lVollTll, •1. B. CA N 1,11,:1,11 MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEA MEW: =Ell PllfY4 LE %, E ~p. DAI '. I , :ui pit, I'i I y........N. ,, 1 ~rk . ... 11ni :ma ii/1.1 `l. 11 ...Mgr. 71 (liiiiilinn . \ cni V.iiii Li 5.414.1 Agin N4 , t . \ vrk ......1. , in pigil . ...... ~..M,L, ,\ !Minds Ngiry Viirk... ..Agi•l n.. 11 ‘l,. i, Et 11. i \1:.1. 7 Arn., Nl'. I'o,rl. ..... I 1:11, , , ,in C 4 •Slit•A ....11,,... 4 Stmr ~I tht• IV. , t .Nl. , s . Vot 1i......r..in Joan, \i.. NI:, 4 lila+ k \Vitt riiir ...Ni,, Viiiii......lllv4n , nod Ni) . \ tar. 1, A nn•nii, 1 Iligiliiii. A..•......1,..11” ,,1 , ....... , Ni,. 12 Italtio Nl.ki 11. Uniiiii Nr.vi - V•irk......iiiiiinlini..i. .. ... \Lir. l', .iillniiiii.i.. , Ai, .i 2 Tglivii,... \ • liniil., .. Ng, 1.,11, Igin , l.iii. , 1.1 1:,i1.1, ... 1 114 il 1 tisprii \ \,-w 1 oi k......C4ri!ut, !lA.:l:v.__ .Aln 11 4 7',s 1111:1 P:. ton, 1 i,Vr . f,iv,•rr , ol . Nos,. 1 . .1-k ..... . . VTI T 11,111'11M .. . 1111111,1. A r V• 111, 01. th, .• NT. ••••,, 1.•• PITTSBURGR MARKETS. ()Milt Or T. 1,111 MoNSONO n.. 1.. 11,111 I: ;1;0 10 Ha.. Ort 110111 0,0 .11 I 1,1, I'm,. Cr... ot GI; A I N 10 , 1 Itnrlor ht BA( )N 2.0.) bun. SitiOß nn.! II ilua ,t 1 ,f ItU1'TI:1; G Foreign Market A. r.D, 11:1.1N. t ME= R) 1'...n : 1 , . p..:. wa... /111•' llil- • , 111,:ry 1, 1 4, 7 i• %111.•/11 . 1.21:,.11.1 1 .1 . t r- 111.111' I - . r ril 1..1 1 .11,;211 . 31.1 1..1'.1 1 1:111s tt 1.1 1 , •1 1111 1,• 1. t, Nl t tat-. Vi..nt 1! . .. 1 111,11 1 :17 , ~:. II %II t2ltti , .1tt,241 . +t• 'Ate, „.. I=lll=ll of Miler Conti, 1.(0.7.7.r." , ;finrtor , •InnrherK Inarley. and 4.:,.4.27 none I 11-n, i t winfr,,,„ nl.l, 1,11,n1 t•ver Intl( of I 1,. Itnt,nn 1.01 rinlly ir Wheat nrrd FloAtr. The reino,ll.lcl 1,11;lit m0.71y from thn Ntrili!orral , ••.th 141/nn. nrrtrut , Inavn \Thom, 21.:Att1 l'rtrn. IL /1.1 1 . 1 4 F 1,411 fr..nt thr with ~.1.:0:•Itint- t nr., ..f %%Iwo, .p1,L11 ,, r. rl fr••rn Fttypi. and 1270 c., h+ 1 , 1-nr i'lrtnerm . dt.11,•11.4, 11 9r.• ~1%:;" •,• 'in l tartnr. tk.,11.1!4.111) rn, rtf the nrelt of We, snnr, Th.. I'.4ll..•rnlnnn• 1,14. 1,, 1,11„•, -.I Ihr•nvi,•:- !In• tnt:- a vr, r.1”1, durno: their ntni -11••••• t ,‘ •hl tr , ,nt „ ,I h0,„n0., ~v 4 .t•o.e Wlhntt. nt f •rtricr f.tr ,in 4/Itlrt• .I,f• [l, , t LIT •1- 711! ha', tr th hi. In , rl-nr In •intrt "tip ••• t,. nh,l Inn , nl,l 1. ,n,r1., , t 1, • , r, 41,11 nt„. Milirr• ore • ..1n11:1••• • , f.l. n,l onnli oh,. I ! It , •1 rri 11 , ', lint 1 .er tr• 70.1, unal • r• h •Int trnlnntio ,a n In I'h., l• '1 tr. nth•t,l fnllt 1.. 'lt- , I. r.I 1 , ..”„i I hhhin •rh , nl.l It Ittrlll, I • r•I pi at , r t. , f.I =MEE =MEM =EIS irr.lri• ',Or ~. lir , sr...lk or , 3,11 tittrt , TI.. i. 4 t. ; tt-I tt 7. t.i Strt tt , rl , tt-tt I t:t•,.• ..tr ttl.l ti.ts 1, , tut t itt a • t:ttl tt ruv.l.•rt, r kr, r. , 10t-• Nls• 1. r r • ,1- rl t t.s .1, 1 . 11/111..1 1..111.1.:.41 , (.1 r; .! !•• - • • ; • ; ' ;;; 1.1.• !1,-; t,I •0•;;;;. ! • I. A I •tl • I . ltol 4•••! err e .', 0~- Ness I ork Market NIA, I, I'4 •,‘ r.<l.-•rt I t , tO.• c•lin • Itw I tt.e.t KurT•ll , th.• ,T10.4t r , r t, ..P1 1111 7 Nl,l Ir.'"Ntr, l l 111 ,1 St I ! !tor .1. 111 NI t , • 11111 ,1 .1. Itn•I r,.. m3l 11••• 117.1:11er,I.!! , 1, tit. , rnit tt , .•l o—ltttil —T. 't•tlttt • Ntr - t. S.tttttlt•rn 1 ot 1,1 Ilt••1• 1.14 . •• 1. 1 1 1.11 H1M.141,... 1 11 ,44,1, 1• 1 0111.ili “1 . ;12:1 1 ! , lil I'..r!! in , •,tl I 11, .6 1 11“1 11111 111111,1, 1 A11.. v 13 ,, 1,1,111..1,1i1111111t/ 1 , 111. 1.1 1 .15. mt 11. II! ,1 1,11 ttt i1.1'2,1.1,r.:-t• 1,,01, I. 11,.. 1 , .., I + , l 11 , •rtt.-r, . ' ll llll 111,1 1 11 1,111. .•1. el , It.t r.. 1 , 114 • I 1.1• 1,111”111 ,1111:I.1. tr, 1 \..r111 ivol • I.!!-!.. ;11 . f.rlso , !loss! ;to, !I ! o ~.f • i. • • I t ti•• y : I.l,llVs.toril 511x,.•0•+t sr! r. 5..1 .0 • os on-1,11,d ora tool yors .s!lsc Is 112)st 51..! liko!iisst isrm sqll.— , Ploo !....1 iszoss ssl lot. of Ih.• ti.llol cif .tt .s!tlsl'ooro •ISsirtr.: - m!so , 100 5 !Mk ol 11..•.. Lll , l $1 L..% prim , . 11,0" r0,..1, and t, 111 for r prime: I I L, PI 111 , 1 ro$WICIso.l oKtvell 1.,1" 11,11- 111, ~dth fitir slontorld : sulw. it ••!..! i •:. nab.. ha' 11111 •I. ni I , row.osl lln4w rum_ fromt''` i.` 7 . :!` ss ! -!‘!! !!!!!! —l,, at • rot Moots lino: s!so is., s at Tso lot Ilms, o!s•s!! : -.11 , o1(1!! Hsi,. al .stlovi 10:25 sstrlotly rrins - ;!!!,:,0. I7uttrr In ;rood !otillsly and modorsit. l ist 1,1.11 1.il• Ohio ; unit 2'2,22s for Flat , . msil•to; ...loss is .tc ss! Phllrxdclphla .31arkat 1'1111.1N.1.1`11 , , >Lu II Ih.--Fbair N:11•••• -11;•••11111 , /1.1 $7: A -1,3 .1 ,1y ,111:11$A 11-e nl 111 rovolity • Ny.• and l',f11111 , :k1 .11111. .1,1 .it 1,111 I 1111.• ,„.I .10:11,1. I 11,1 11 . 11,1 o• l'• tih I .0 $1 ,01114,rna11..t • 1111, n .0:s1"', /"" %. , 016 /litsmlf 1.11$.•.1 n- , 1“ 14•nS no 1 , 11 4 . .it I , •I -ti,ffi; :uks 21,0 lulls lit . ht,•l Clitelnnatl Illarhrt ..1 , •11' 1,11. ,I 1,•• "' I, i,k,l 1,0 1,11. hal, .0 .11••10.1.•rh .0 10 1 1%1.1.10 1.•11ek 11 0 r It. 1.,•11.1 ,11. 11 ,, 1,1 .• .41 The I- 1..•.0 - 11 11 wvt, wllh .4.10 •11.. w ••,. nolg Itnlllutore 11Inrket. Mary], 14.—Floor too, roo,pls of N 1 lionllt 1 , 111 tro ; *1.404,0 75: r , ' , l 4 ,1. 1,11 . 1 rot t, It 1, , dem,.11,1 ni :,:ol,lltlc. r,4. 1 )••111 ,1 ,s. 411,1 ,sl, l le New Ilrleaus Cutt•til IStrtrlict. \,w 17.—e0, ton ,11.01,40.1. 110 , sale. ,11! . , atoototiod to .;,,.000 ;P•ir liet Miter--tV. r ....L . J4tlr /S:o:4 vrrxit I.ISE, n th. flitt,l4 1.,131 , ,kllll utnh h. ...,;th• .111 tit.. April 2 ihtlir is 0.1,1111 1.. 1110 tit 1,111 , *. and 1,11,4 1 , -....1ti15,0.1111. I Ed. Sita,ov!idri I; UTION !--T.• prt•,•itt impo,itn•it, :uPfit I.• 11.sk ISterhave . 4 .1/.1/41”41 5.1,1 m. $1 1 ., bottl, or :tic bttl,n at g. 1 p th. pr, prlet , r, Rh:N.I.OIIN ( , Ntho u r nr t,, r i" TklinromcontiAtA :ma 01..•imst, 1.3 ; R. I.; 6FA LEltti corner of &wood and Wo,ul uti,t, Druggixt. zeoor.lls'. Tt• IT-;• IzEcEivED cccoYsii;NNIEVI it/ \o.l L.,:1; keo. • 1 . ...mi1t . ..11 1ta1. , : 1 1.1.1 .Irtall \l Ittl.. .o..1111'.” 14,11. 1 . .., 113ta0., f1t.1111.1 ELf. A. 0, • •r . 4 - THE 1U vaa.—At dusk last evening. them wero G ti id I nehel of molter in the channel. and falling, slowly. The int' is from the }hiol and all Indications are for rain. When it come we will IHIVO high water, and then the lee into will probably he removed. We live in hop, ,both the f.,lhrhing from the St. L 01.119 =NEE The riv-, nt this point continues to fall slowly but vteruli ly. We have nonewii from the upper rivers. The fine steam er v }MA IN Sit P“ltt-11 her departure till Sat 111 . thly LOOM ,111•11 Ali will p.,sith oly lcunre f. 11: OrittflOi. le o n4.- \V. Willard ennui the Ntillefii and M'anufartiareeo I.l.llra:ice Company of St. honk to recover the amount . im -an en fon.llit list on the stwodatat Cataract. The theta Of the e n tieltr its we rdilld ascertain, were in antistatic° the 14(4111er Cataract, by Willard, Willi oil 110. ONO of leas ing rt. 'honk for New Urbane. Wltlnrd afv idled for and obtaineil a policy on the freight for 1 1.0,0 WWI Ime. mtly. The boat titarted on the voyage, and u h - a ono litiminvl :nth fifty lieltar the city, she in rock o .41W.! or It r.a-k, brook., about ninety of her Milian, aof s, injured or hull that she WU., rOillirelit•tl to return for repairs. quantity of her cargo nc,ls browidit bark to lit. Loon 1001 the regithies scot (-truant. For that ulitch meta :h I. New Orleans the same aimist of freight wonw have ree, pa 1. haaran..i le) other lasts its tine Cittarl,t wise to It 111,1n111,1 that the 414 . 11, Of the ( . 3t.,141.t Colleatti on the cargo as freight idiom Mush. The luminance Conlf`mlY es' (lewd to !any the tosA on the ground that It had itnur,Nl ng:nlnet a ' , dal tans ewthl. nod were tint liable, au Klima $4OO Itml 1,1• O received fr.d;rht. and a ..tuult]..ntly One 10.1 not total. Th, Coart ,vedatiteil this ps aiti,on nu.l host, iii•ted the Jar) Ilan If the din-fottintit hail received any ROM ILS freight the lina wits not total and their verdict slit add be for .I,f,nll3t:t. the giving of 1.111., instruction the plaintiff took In nonwmit. with Thin itexi. 1 1 1,1 y be .4 ~,tne Importat i vi- taithiwo intereided in Ittati, ind Choy p..licied to :tee how they 1111. nsured. Thornls- taken to the "opreitte Court. p„..1 rit.a n. a .. rum on the Th. 1.4,.q area full. rind pl. city 1.1 water reported np to Jtuv,lnnd 0.11,1 Ira ix 111,1, n.1(1,4 vury font. and the is, pie ant:ripah I a: 1 4, 1.. In acid are nocking prvora pr.....ut property from I...ind...nfuyed. Niil r I ir , . I=l t‘t tw...,1a) 144,, 1,1!: 111., ..11 the ttat 1,, I ', t i e ., ..t, t, 11, ... , sit . .. awl tI,KII:111. Th 4. 11Yr, .11. %•• ,atl+rt:ll thet..athet. ill, has rm....!lellittrgy itt 117ndiaseer Sh! —Thu , rntly snok, and now laud 1 , 04•11 114 .11, iaa 11, V.l 11 lininn,ine and t.d Pan) lat K, t. l'!n laud Pitts - Imegli, Steubenville and 'Wheeling Parkets. The 1 , 1 URN 1.. CAM .1. A FIJR h:ST CITY, Gap!. II tC kv. will rul ar 1111;11,11: rAci; 1,:%11.1.11 t•t..i0... Ir. ill. 11:.1.11/1144 nt td: int , l M.'. Th.• Di i:N will kar.. W,rl - and FridAyK, Kt k. A l'! K : Ti 111 1 ,411) tut.l t.. 1 ./%•1.4.1. .1. 11 Thr FOR rr ‘l.—lt.rrt•RvlN4l. )11 I. 31 A. an.] I's I nt A 1I I'M :1,1,11( t:I p,ulwti , :::.I.lr ... . rd, rto 11. COLI,I Nn M. 11. For St. Look*, Keokuk, linvenport, Rock I=IIICIMMII Th , . nno stottnivr M tuft IS 4,1 T AN. )I h r • Cart.. E. C. H kZI.I TT, WI !I 1 , /1, t;pr iho n 1.1 1 ut,weilltak• port. ,di tho opening ‘,l lifts LatiOn. Far froioht or pn,,sairo apply ran 1,, , ,,r11. or to minl FI.ACK INt;:-TitS, A gvntp. . . For St. Louts and Illinois RI ver. Th.: qvainer AUNT LEM', CatA. Tun, Ilv um - iv—Cf::Hi. A U. Ff ill kat, fOr the above anti luterntivltate Ita: i'liivting 4 navigation. For l i r:iv:lit or epply i.r to :::1:7 FLACK. Agent. For Memphis. and New Orleans. Th.. stmt., A KCTIC, DevEsNlCT—Cl.wk, 11. I( 11/rNotrls--- 4.0.4 V : will 1., for 111, :Oro, introwolifare vorrn Ott tin oirgo/Ig od trnvigaLon. For (might or itanrago L 0 ,,,L, o r t o ultl7 FLACK k LIVINGSTON. Aplit n. For Louisville. flOght .or 1.••••+•, For St. Lout Ti.t. ~ d,funrr 1.1: 1. )1 AC I, kV, Capt., , kayo and i n o,u° the ..pcnolg, navlaa r Tv, lion. tri,ght or apply ,0 L'or.l FL 5: LI Acont For St. L00t... 1.117 7 01=ce r . 4 1.1,1)W. *441i10 0 .• I.lk. II M' ~rn,..L:rt•• ~11 ‘,l 0“ , 1,l(11. elnn F 1..6. K .4 1.11 1 • For Lotzi.ville. 11K , ot.caul• Y II 1111:1S, 111plaill 111 I . Si. , IS -- 11,1., 11,,,--I‘lll leaNe lot tIK• /.1.1 011 OW .4 11046 V, 0.11,t I N 1..t , ...ts pzuwq., aps,l) IA; It.rS For SI. 11"....51s and NI Iso.oorl It i vc. r. I \ DI It FA - I*--Ti,i• etcrrr jrzErsiata.l.;.l. r 1;t1•It 1.. r IIII• I. I'3'4 P..”tt nyt.l r1L..,11 I. I, SI etli•l ~"`• For t,l. 1,00 Ix "0,1 Illin Ct; r. Tl. • -i• !11i.% /.11. ratan.. T .r fr. •.t ..r ; \ VI. Ch..1,4.nt E D1%1t..i . 1 61, 461, - kct L. Nl\ul. 11l v0rt,....1 the of f' I k. ik.r and intin-nn .K.L.'!._4ll.ltat.. nnynd , o. , r • al dr t., • k r r, Fl. CK A II k lI\MS. Agrnt.a. _ Pot. TlO. V.tll/Y C.ll.loiti .1 r .1:1(11// I .1. /IN /, ,0 (.0 thy K 0 alt 40.1 re,00..1/./1.• I.OltA /.• .0 0/ F-1 311.1.1 y tql 1.411.1. t: ./011N r-ut Th.• ea...., r 7 KNN.t. I/ , 1, -4nrl tilt-111,in, I and 1.0111“.. Ille Pnt, 'Let. Th. 11. w and,• , 110.1 Ni I \ FR\ .1. , n1.!:‘,..1 .N 1; 111 1..1 dr. ni.n. And ilit.•llllt ,ii,l, th• 111,i,1tiolt. T I 1.4,..k:wt..1.;•!, .11 !..4r.t. 1.• JAL , . '"III \s h e"., cseat.a.. I 1..2s 115 1111•1 lilt ‘‘ al. r tL T1..,t, J . J . in 4' nll.l .ri Yot tl 1 I t to lol000k,;.• appl, ,ItIIIN A,llt. 14' or the Nliettivarli River. t , k I. kT , 11:1.. 1 . .11 r 41,1,,i-- ,_ 44 tvat I". )/ 11,11.1. II v., Th. , I N I , Cni,t.du !Is. Ku. S. C , Luxr.— s . ill I. 4‘11 , 1 thh•cht...,lhth. I,ata, a ti., • F' or t'luelukani I and Louis ville. oton.i, 4111":.',4TER. Cairt. ' N srt,--41..rk. C. DR4vcs, %%ILI kn, f..r ht• culti intOrtnodiaSe 1.. !pm: c.l lomaaltoo. For frra4lit or paaattgo, apply to FLACK ItARNS fol. I - 2 Agoots. For Illemphlit and New Orleans. It -t.eanwr METI:01 .0 0S, Captain II ‘7.- 2LETT, gill 1,41, for tlr aloe awl hitertni,liate put tx ott ttn 4,lK•nitig i.t • n.tv igntb u. t0.4;11t or 1111,1, 11111.1 V .In lkonrtl. or t.. (111,1 V ;STi iN IIAIU Agent , .. For Cincinnati and Si. Loullt. The Rteanter Colon O. C. k. Li.. lIRADY—N, ill le 1 . , thy 4/ 7 " -3.0 v, a.kol Internwilhtte poru 011 the Opellillg 1,111, ....1., 311.1 L!.l. r~~. ~ts. RIVER NEWS. Thy tlrf , • ,reamer 1; t f •t II vacs—f 'lt II IP , lfrxf rx-wril Ivarr fur lift , ftIH.,, no I in off the ol..uftafr .ir Apply I“ li.uOK A LI \ Nt. - .1%.N. A, For %villa* Lot.h.--Direct. 11=UISE For Cloyltauont I nuct 1.0t,11.1.111r For Lool.sville IMEMOIMI or 1..., •.}.lO ‘,l k ri.; ,t v k_. 41i/t.ll l or Irvy,ilt of ptvataAr. apply cal I.tar.l. or t• , FLACti At IS.\l:\l•;$, Ai;r•;lta. nnyln,onn, Fur might of innutagn, apply on binal - a. ja2 'Regular Louisville! Parket. ntnanter M 4 1 , 11 , ,1.D. Captain ninuls L v it YA.43liikk.l., L.---Cl..rk. Itunm,N, .Ir.—will leave the nl.nc MIA rortn on the lihkl),lt F' or iii• I.TTINOSTON. A P•ot.. Itt•gulltr Packet for Cloclzulialf avid Lottbollv. Tlw qtcnirwr .lAl't I%E ~ Calitt.,in A. S,llkni* tikit-fr7:2-f—&V.°-i4 L. 1 , •to ° al," ' IP , i , ll Oil ttl.• opoling t•I pa....g0 apply 1.1114/ant, Or to C. lIA It NES. A,41.11t. Thollnor GRAND TUBB. CAl.tain A. B. ‘I.LATIN---11.1 \V. El L 11,1V1. 101 tile /1.1 ino•:nu.linll• 14 , 11/1 on Inc opening °I nits t a linit.tit t to npj.ly on boaril. or to .1 vi. , cic A HiltNIQ. Aftlgit. F or Nn.hvWe. The CLA RA DEA V, Catitttln 17. W. L lF 7 4lltEfli--.1`1.-11‘..1 otr, ill for the ,tli. is i• iitteliiirg .•1 it.•ty,lli or pot:mge oppl) 1”.nr.1 nr to I..WK. Ag, For Nowhvllle. l'In• I , ELFA; ATP:, Captain .I,s. 11. nr L iß, ._ 01 MO F. el I plualh.to applY ttu board. Or to 0, bi FLACK A t.IVINII.'I'ON. .kgelit.S. I 1. ; MON & (1.! O. TItANSPOItT )N \ F..— tiavim... ectettalro parathalk this h tl4ilV iv I n henry iellSillelC4 by PEN N A CAN Al. and It A I 1.1f0.4 Lb THROUGH 111 1111.1 from the E.oaern Cate., W.. 0111 ns4nre Our frirtnd, and all dot, to patronino the l'enna. Canal and that uu V.lll m. r 1.1.41 1.. I,lla, gathidottpa. 0./ :q/lir 1. I, V. 0,111 1.11. i ‘Ven.wrg Yrolant. 'rho , oldttn, of tbe I ioll aeal Plant-A on the All.. o.ly Portapt itallnahl hill • o e ..00d delattch 1 4 . OW icei .d fr. • 1011. 01 PE street, NN strt, at. the (':.tint'An I'D f. 1.1:>111N.A i.moNt)s-- L llt Aini.m6; AMUSEMENTS. rirILEATRE.---J: C. FOSTER, sole Lessee and Arm. U. Stage Mentagerr ; CHAS. Renal, Acting Mating,. Tretanrcr, J. V. llonerrg. • PRICEH 09 ADM/MON: Duxes and Perquetta 50c. I Private Boxes, large $8 00 Second Tier 2.5 c. Private Boxes, mall L 00 Boxam for eolor,d persons 85 cants. Certificate, securing seats, 12!.6 cents extra. THIRD alionT OP MR. J. W. WALLACK, WiO)NESDAY EVENINO, MARCH 19, 1856, mflebeth.....-51.8CBET11. J. W. WALLACR ; Matduff, C. Foster; Malcolm, Dubois; Ist Witch, A. W. VOTltig; 2.11 Witch, Mrs. hector; 3d Witch, Mrs C,antor; Duly Macbeth, Julia Al-Cooke ; Gentlewoman, Mrs. Borrette. To conclude with Deaf as a Poet--Trlstarn Sappy, A. W. Young: Tem ;down. Dubois; Amy, Miss Lillie Cantor; Sally, Mrs A. IV. Young:. Allerstienq Time—Doors open 1 4 to 7 ; curtain rises et. 7 1 %. JOIN W. M'CARTITY, Bri.i. POSTER and Inwrninuiros., will iittond to the Posting and Distributing of all kinds of . BILLS FOR CONCERTS, LECTURES, EXHIBITIONS, &c. All cr , nannalcatioriw—either by mall, telograph, or 0ther 50,,,......-41irctrd to tho 11111ce of the Morning Prot, will receive prtol.t at too tion. apT INVENTIONS AND PATENTS From the Now York Scientific American.] Patent Plnlghlug Plane. MIN ilkvention ni intetided fur use where it Is desirod to im part a One, smooth, wd glossy surface to the wool; lint it Is applirable. with advantage, to all kind of carpenter's planes. The novelty consists In placing the cutting chisel. or bit. in front of the wedge. instead of behind, tax In common planes: also in applying a nortallie month-piece to the face of the plane, is front of the chisel. snitch mouth piece nerves a, the far the chi..!. and coofinrs the thrmw of the phone. Riot the month piece is so close to the edge of the bit as to prevent the plane from ripping or splintering this wood In the leaid degree. Indeed., we have seen the implement ap plied to the phoning of wash against the grain, and trans t. the grain, leaving the w,..1 perfectly enitaitli. Su yrf. ct is lb.' this instrument. that it ma 3 plied to the plaimm en—with cutler 5u ,,, ,‘,—0 thithin;;eunnot safely vou be clime by the ' , 0n...m . 0.0 , The is.elthar of the mouthßad IL complete and firm hearing for the bit Alirouglunit its 1 , 11:4 1 / 1 , under all cir cum imincovi, with the use of a rap or double hit. This in a Neu simple and effective improvement, destined, t,, and its way Into 4.ri7ry carpenter's sloop in the land. No tool chest is complete without it. The in lintor is Won. C. Hopper. of Pittsburnli, Pa, and his patent 'wars dal.. January In, Ighfi. if.,B F. ILkTuN, Na, 80 Fourth atrwt, Agent- for the patentee. lirrsnumm, Jalluary 341. M. FATION—,Cir: We are C.aliinet-inakers, and have used Flopts•r'. Patent Veneer Plane, and we ran ref.nni mend it L all ate fellow wcalosiest rw (.11 . 010 011/ soodu_ol wratiinc. A luau can ph rri I, much veneering in ...• Iwor wish this phase us he could s.-rats• in the .4.1 way loamy greater ease; f•ir any man that has used th.• scraper tuOws that it cramps the timid, and will barn and Idi..ter tire fsmcers. We wool,' not do without tlmse Planes if they eost dims times the money they do. We have rho, ir..ed his l'atent .11..1 and Fore Plane, and consider it superior to the. e.ld cap bit+. You our plant , ugainot the grain at the wood an we'll as with It. .1"/tN M. DMCF., WM. 11. LEWIS, AN'FIIONY 1.1 0 ,1 , FKR, rntit LEFNKR., Foreman, U. C. 111)I.L.I FUT, JACult FS.!ILOWOELD, S. F. 11()ICE, Empl.,)ed at T. 11. Young et Cu.'s Cabinet Factory. Mires 31scitisr..-t-This new Invention to higlify nppre• canted, and some sales of rights have been made on good terms. Every one that sees the machine pronowiree it one of the need ingenious inventions of the age, and one sure to make the lei-tunes of those who engage in the business. The trado la a rerylacgo one, and has heretofore furnished profit able employment to many firm iq this country. With this ttew in:whine its profits can ho doubled ur trebled, and the ansans: roquiriot to do n large business Is very moult. Tin:retire fortunes iu ihitad the people sum vtideutly finding it mit. A tympany is forming, to ho called the Allegheny County Match 0,11111:Lily, to wiart the busine,s at once in this city Call at Eaton's, No. F,nitl,,trert, and look at ono of the im.sate,d juvenilens of the ns,m. Tta - rimoriv.—The following letter from Our. Johnston Is te,titnony in l.•lmif iil F 1.11114,1 and Heater, They furnish far the hest uto'Je of heating dwellings, cliniths-s and et or buildlii , ,rs that is now . in use, according to the ..pinion of turn - 1y goal judges who have extunined them. Lief Mr. 1.111111. in l'irrsottimu, December 27, 15.5.5. MR. MOSES F. EA ToN Dear Sir—lt affords me pleasure to be enabled to state; after a thorough trial of Mr. Joe. Leet.4' tubular Furnace or Heater, that it fully ailswer9 the purpose of supplying my dwel ling with a pleas:lair and properly warmed air. I cheerfully recommend it. Yours, WM. F. JOHNSTON. _ . pITTSBURGEI MATCH R IVOKS, NO. 3 CLAY ALLEY.—JoRRIS, KELE DJ. it.tvilif.r ar .t,-.1 I h.• EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to h.t , tho MITCIII.I:kz MATCH MACIITNE" In A11,_11,61, t ...ay. are mnkim; preparpsimm t SCPPLY TICK TIIAItE 1111 MATCII.Ei., uariant.4l to IN , as put! Vvi hrou,ht to Ili{. market. OVVICK. No. .41 rot , will greet, 11' It E.- —I TIIE RT OF Co M .NION ,•1 Allot:I:oily County. 101 mar. 'fen 111. IS.', --NWSI.7. is hers-by on MArell 15.1, 14:1r, tho Ponildylvania Railroad eido• pany. Is, those prodontost n polition to ilso Judgo, of Hog Z'dnrt.lira , Ilse, for lie aitinsintrtiont tit lilt. viewer , . n-oortion and .ii-tormine fiat &unarm if oily. ttio Meld Re,. Mictiaol I . ( Trustor. or silly Oif,r aro Itlo-lt to suitor by reat...ou of tin , taking . and oodni., • ••ni.l len , y. tor the purpi•us , . 'Limed in poti- Mn. of that lost el!IIIWO and It Idlirrt riy .itroot. Ilio eity of Pitteilsitmli, and bound,' and bod as : lb-ginning n 1 the corn, of Liberty Motliodisi grinital; thou, by iitioei Si. W . 5,4 foot inclio•i Int, MI ,tr....4;ttv „1,4".., 'drool Si. 71' l .41 , ` - ' W.. It , foot a% s ilo iiniportv dy msid (Aindemiy thou,. by Sm.' t l isini.nor l ii lint: Si. 11.1) 1,, L 1.1 ti , lisii• of rirsporty sitrllrii ivy "Ira. Elirnbell, V. 'Denny ; tlionoo I.y Ile- Ins , prop•rty N. bio l E., In, foot W. ; inolsi , to the Ilotliodist Larini p•oinel; thence by wad burial 4 t,h13,1 SI. 1' ‘V. 149 feet lire liteln-s to the On, bezio .1110: thk•Kllti 1.4 ~ .1/1g1,11,11,10111Y ct‘ll.4l the pr,p, tiy ..f the l'oogrnzti.”l of St. 194 n-ink's " And ite illltiwrappreartitz I. saitlC.otirt that the title tottaitt property 4- doubtful tunl d, foetive. and that 4aid Company carinot manly pay to any porton or I,,attit the atimant that may le tiwitrit , l ',tit' lowers. 14.* the value of arthl lot Ity rea.tat 0 , 010.4: the Coltrt did thereupem. afler due comliden,thth ofth, the iirenthae, mid 1.1 tin.nl I. , filed ..1 n 111, 14.1 t : Ilinun Stowe. Itehert IhArmhzh. It. 11.1 ' 1.10., Liao, 14'11j:1111M 4,0114 311 , i ./11S111, , A 1/i.lll, 1 . 5. , 01 . 04. or 11.- th.• :01 , 0..00. P , MVO! 111.1.1 'lord. the 31At. 1 at the hstht leek. A. N. Kahl thiy: and did -•1.1or ,tll , l C.ehpaity to lite it t.eel te the the pm", .‘f feorte..ll thothftshl ‘iolbtrA. with oiril, 1 ,, la• ispiinond by the Court. (tin...mile tieing non 11 nrorki Mot apl.r.n oil by nail I for the hnnotit of the la•raon torso fool 1,. In. au third thereto, awl did forther ifiroct men,. nf the prosmaittlon of anht pr tith.it and of the appointment t.l oaiti Vie,Voß, an ,1 of the time and pier.. of their ineotiott. unit of the labia unit rtp.. al .11 maid 1111.61 to to 11114611,11 In the .PU1,11,01 . 01 Peat," and " t!ieninerrial Journal." for a perio,l of two prior to the tline of the Inn•ling . of anti yhevara; all soli. 6 mat trr. awl thi.p 410,10 iii the prnmisesh the (tight Rev. M 011..1 I VI'O/11101". t 111400., and tiny Othor (across or per -I.ll.llllihg o ow I/111K of amid lvf rr f1r,011441 To') of tit-onto!, arils Mt, notice. unit at the (into and plat, above 151•111401, apiamr bef.m..11,1 vion-ara, N 1 11.1, A. sT, I'm R. R. Co. Maiett 12, 1` , 56. •Inhl4:2w AW R(Nii I'l N colutEcTEL) OFFICE OF DR. S. S. FITCII, 714 11r,..1,ty, N. Y., Fehruary, 1 .1511. rind that n.l, rti.....mtntt... hay. , npittntrenl in Ow ‘ 1 1,44. rrontin t ; inn.renni.nt th.tt I. or noun , in.rttnn Connected .nttli tile, ta - nly travisting, lecturing and pra., tlxinc tltt-t, for disc...4ot the Thi+ i+ n mistake. I have not been, for the tao% ten yeariii: and am not now, absent from the city New Ywk • for :he ..f l,•rtnring nr iiractising, I.lll.3ikine - r—uny Chid. 10.1 v demanding, lily whole Further, there is 1,1 perrion traveling, or located els••wherr, nor has the, too 1, who has any VrOfe.iolllll Colllll.,iioll o ith mo or my °Slice. or who low any right to mend his Pa tients to un• for intylkine. or to dir,t lett.," to lie ttildre,.l to Lim through m,•, or to hall "of" 714 Broadway. N. V. include in this .i11i1 . 711,11 on prrwms, (whether bearing my nano. or .itheru me.) any profia=sional assixiiation ur connection with mu. I wish to disclaim all rooponedbility in regard to both the practice and practicr-s of such persona Thoeio desiring to consult me, ran In so by writ! ,g or rap , mg at my miles, 714 Broadway. N. My Modicines •tre to be found ma) at my dilb.,3 or with my regular agunts. el,. DR. S. S. BITCH'S "SIX LzeTtnms ON CON. SUMPTION, THE 'LAWS OF LIFE," Le, a new edition, Just hisued, asu pagea, 30 illustrations, and stoel portrait of the ;Inthor,,,ot by mad, to or for invalids, at 25 rents-- , nl, stantially givenaway. Postago 15 canto. give Town, County, State and Post °nice. S. R. FITCH, M. D, marl Author of "Six Isfrtnrew,"&c. MASO NIC 800 S-- Tho Freemason's Monitor. The True Masonic 11.0.1 e. M00e . 6 Ancient CharNes. The Light of the Tempi. Tile Craft,man. The Masonic Tent Book. Nlasonie The T•anpla,', Chart to the 3:'511.1, Nlasonry and A Lit ry. For sale hy 15 . T. C. mon.; AN, t;1:1:1 1.4 'd egret. NATIoNAL 11()TEI. FOR RENT.— Ttw above Hotel, fruiting the Monongahela Wharf. he ttt,et. t'inithilel.l and (hand strfaqs, togeth, r with the STAItI.F.S thereto attached, will 1..3 for rent, after the Ist day of April next. TIo also, Hotel being Very large and commodlom, and near th e pr o p o s e d oils, of , two Railroad Station. and the Wl,arf, offers minarkable inducement,. to those wishing to engage in ll,is bilmilletlS. Inquire qt tiro .ACCA of kiEO. ARNOLD k Fourth strwt. who tr_4l FO1: RENT---A GARDEN FARM, con t,, Is Acres of excellent Bottom Land, situn- Led yin Char-tiers Crock, -1!;: mites from the city—has lees 1, the k it live years, mid is in a high state of ea ti, ;a nee, shag Frame Stable, de. Water , °oven lent. Rent low. Apply to IILAUFILY 8, lIICIIEY, lupin Coruer Seventh alai SinitlOlolil apt. Plainer'm ColthratediApicurean Sauce. TAN DS preeminent for flavoring Soups, F 151.1, Meal, (lams, &c., &c. We ruiviso nil Row] Inai , ewi Yes to try It. Price 23 centayer leWe, at all Groove ry S.t.,roe in the United Slates and Canadas. For sale by WCLI.Ilitl and O. IL KKYSBR, Pittsburgh. P. T. WRIGIIT It 00., 241 Market stroot, Ptliadelplila. MEM rth; ARs _ 50011 -OPERA" CIGARS; :ANXI bondrea Cigars; Priociw eigAlr4l 10. , .100 RUporior qu AI VY; NOI) W:A.ltirig - tun Regalia Cigurn. Jot 11111(1 k r trade liv It EY NI EftANDERSON, No. :39 Wood Kt, Opposite Bt. eltfuiPA 11(401. -p !Inn. Mod. Straw Wryliiiiss Paper: 100 " CZVIT v. ‘. WA. Kim aSi.l for ardo oti , lU MFR. & Woxl. ekt 1011'E FLOUR-- 38 bbbt. for sale by SMITH, MALR & iffUNTRA ~., :: ti;r.: : ,5;:f5 MEDICAL BOERHAVE'SI HOLLAND BITTERS ELECTRO-CHEIRISC E A 1101111 A Edit Hollandseh, Kruiden, Bittern. TWO YEARS have elapsed since the intro ductioo of ails valuable MAI •lk.• Into Hut United Stst. During this time it imo gained 'miners:a popularity as remedy for • • liar and Agur, Pp :pp= . • dig.stion; IliadrrrA Loss qf flppehte, Lkelay, nottivowss, and Dowling 'Ups. Many of our most worthy citizens tmtify to its svondei fnl efficacy in all ntfrotiuns of the stomach and liver. Ail tonic, it never has been epualled,•fnr the relief it affords in all r..sen of debility or weakneas of any kind is almost In atantaneons. In nervous, rheumatic and neuralgic Rife,' lions. it has in ntonerons Instances paned highly beneficial, and In others effectod a itecitiod cure. When eminent physicians prescribe, and their patients so unhesitatingly recommend, merely We inlay cease t and eagerly test Its virtues for enrselyes. FEVER AND AGIT& A Ow of Eight Months' :landing Oared h rllnerland Wor land /idlers.—Nlicb..l Kelly, No. 117 Grant, near Sinithtleld stroet, says: " Lind July, while finning on the river, on a cotton boat plying between Notches and New Orleans, I was taken with fever and agate- For eight long nvontlia I antlered with this dreadful disease- The greater pail, of thia thus I woe unable to work. and spent at lerist fifty dollars for dif ferent medicine., but I found no permanent relief. Three weeks ago. ono of my frionde initiated upon my tryiug Boer bave't Holland Bitters, saying that "a =re woo guaranteed. After taking it tbr one week, I must vtato I was a sound man. I have Leon nt work now for two week, and have had no return of the rhillv and fever whatever." I certify the above statement tv Tamil+ Amara, Diamond House. Or at It. Cheater's, Gothic Hall. TIEADACITE AND DEBILITY Mr. Silas Ltscnmh, of Birmingham, says: "I hare found J Doerhave's Bittern it remedy for headache and debility. My wife has able need it with the greatest benefit." Mr. A. B. Nicholson, .of Pittalmrgh, also remarks that he Fula experienced much relief from its line for headache. I=l A IN7nnder's 7rstimony.—Jacob Rirstkes, liting in the Holland settlement or Sbehoygun, Wiseonrin, says: "After suffering for some time the mlAery attending an utter pros tration of mind and hotly, 1 hare lieeit tittered, Iry nsing Boerhare's Holland Bitteon to pitrfeethealtb." The f.ct of Chia rowdy king in mich high repot° among the liollondero in Wioconsin, Alichigmr, Now York—in far!, In every Holland settlement in the United' Statea--argaea much in In favor. STRENGTH AND ITF.AL.TU RESTORM. Mr. John Davidson. living tej miles above Pittsburgh, on the Pennsylvania Canal, kilyß I "When I commenced taking Boerliave's Holland Bitters, I could hardly walle—now, enjoy excellent health." WBAKNF.SS OF TIIB STOMACH AND INDIOF.STION. Another &rat Cure Effected by linfnehare's Flnlknnd Bitter:. —The wife of Peter De Witte, living In Holland Town, She hoytwo county, Wlscoaialn, suffered much from weakness of the stomach awl Indigestion. She bad been under a physi cian's care fir some time. Wit the disease seemed to baffle oven his skill. She purchased some Holland Bitters at our office, which due given tone to her stomach, her appetite and strength aro returning, and we firmly better.) that this is another great cure ell stet by your medicine. We have still to record many wonderful cares effected by this remedy, Ina must wait another opportunity. One thing von mu rob , upon, what we have Published are from persons touch respected in our epmmunity, and Iwo literally true. QrlErrtli, Editor Sheboygan 1‘ . ..1 , eur! .. 1!?1e, Sheboygan, Wis. A Ow of Two Months' Staeding arra by Boexhart r a Hol land Bitiay..--(longr ilenderaon, of Pittsburgh, says: "After imilering for three months with rhenmatism--a part of the time no severely aa to confine me to my bed—l have been entirely cured by using Boerlitive*ti Holland Bitters. I have had one attack shim, but' found almost Instantaneous relief in the mule medicine. It is, in my opinion, a sure remedy for rheumatism." NERVOUS AND RITEMIATIC AFFECTION& This elmngeable weather is likely to produce a great deal of 6itlu.as. To persons troubled with nervous or rheumatio affections, we would recommend Beerhnvels Holland Bitters. On referring to cur columns you will fled certificates fats some of pur first German and English citizen.—ThuutyP. conk Stasis Zeitrrmy. THE WORST FORM OP PILES CAN RE CURED. We are at liberty to refer to several well known gentle men. who have rsech thorom.ally tested, and now recommend nomhsve's lloilur.tl Bitters as a remedy for piles. We arc not at liberty to put hsh their names, but will take pleasure in referring . any penes to them who denies this statement- Vor this sill:ration, one-half of the prescribed dose should be taken--say he(f-tempoonful—morning, noon and night, one hour before meals. CAUTION , The great popularity of this delightful Aroma has inducod moll, knit:al... which the pnblic should guard against pur chasing. Lk , not persuaded to hny anything else until ,on bar, given Bocrliave'c liolland Bitters n fair trial. Ono isit th• will convince you how infinitely superior it is to all these italtstions. • . - • . Aar Sold at SI per NAG, or Mx bottle' , for $5, by the gola proprietor., lIENJA:4IIN PAGE, S CO, • Alannfactnriog Pharmacentista and Choral.ltg. ror. Smithfield and Third iitreeCii. Pittxbargli. li E. SELLERS k. CO., Drrrgivir, corner Second and Wood frtreets. Aml all Promrktq in PittAmrgh, Alloghyny, Birmingham 51.thrlu.stor and Tompvrancovilln. app2tkdsvily TM. MORSE'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, A PH F.VONEZVOY IN MEDICINE. Henith Restored and Life Lengthened 11ORSE'S INVIGOMTING ELIXIIit ITT WILL replace weaknom with strength, incapacity with efficiency, irregularity with nniforin and natural activity. and thtt not only withont hazani of reac tion, tuft with a happy eflbet on the general organization. Sir Boar In mind that all maladioa, wherever they begin, [hash with the nervous system, and that the parnlization of the nerve of motion and sensation is physical death. Bear in mil}, nbo, that fir every kind of 1101,0M1 dice se, the Elixir flordiAl is tho only reliable prerarailon knower CURE OF NERVOUS DISEASES No langtmm , can convoy no adequate Weft of the immedi ate and aliuost miraculous change which it occasions In the di,eased,Zohilitalksl nal thattertsi nerVotili system, whether hr „con ~ksrn by Et(7,4,t, weak by nature, or impaired by sickness—the unstntivg nal relaxed organization is at once braces!, revivified and bnilt np. The mental and physical symptoms of 11(4,111A vanish t,,colber nmfr, its inft, once. Nor Is the rfii+et temporary; for the Cordial properties CO . (11•3111 , clieill0 riqtfb the Co.Lit.lll.loll itself, and restore it to its normal coalition. LOSS. OP MEMORY, Confusion, gittlinevs. nolof ',Mod to the head.nmiancio4. debility, hysteria, , wretcholnens, thonghts of self.destruction —fear of iilrtallity, dyspepsia, general prastratitot, irritabili ty, nervousness. inability to Amp, disemm incident to males, decoy of the propagating functions, itYBt , tis4 V 1101.• terrpro, Tralpitatiou of the heart. impotency, constipa tion, etc.. from ‘vhatecet anuses arising in, if there be any reliance to be plared an human testimony, absolutely infal lible A GREAT MEDICINE FOR FEMALES. The unparalleled affects of this great restorative in arl complaints Incident to females, mark a new era in the annals of medicine. Thousands of stimulants have been invented— thousands of inviguronts concocted—all purporting to be specified In the various diseases and derangements to which the delicate formation of woman render her liable. EVERY WOMAN OF SENSE. Who mittene from weaknees, deranzement, norrommems, tre mom. pains in the hack, or any other disorder, whether pe r,illar to tier• sx, or common to both sexew—ehnolti give the 1 n vi.gorwtl og Cordial a trio!. MARRIED PERSONS, ,Oi - uthorw, soul find this Cordial, after they have rood a tot• the or two, a thorough r•genenuor of the system. In ail dina•tiens are to be found the happy parents of healthy o ff. spring. AV hn would not have been on but for this extrordi nary preparation. And it Is equally potent for the many diseases for which it to recommended. Thoimands of young men have been restored by using it, and not in a single stance has it failed to benefit them. PERSONS OF PALE COMPLEXION. • Or coneromptive habits, arc reatored by the moo of a bottle or, two to bloom and vigor, changing the ohin from it pale, yel low, [tidily color, to a henutliblllortil complexion. . . TO Tllii 311SOUIDED Tile* , are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz: weakness of the lark and limbs, pains In the hoed, dimness of sight. loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous frritn. bility, derangement of the digestive functions, general de. Witty, symptoms of consumptions, etc. Mentally, the fearful effects on the mind ate much to bo dreaded_ Liss of memory, confusion of ideas, depression of spirits. evil forebodings, aversion to society, self,listrust, love of solitude. timidity, etc., are sums of the evils produced. All thou afflicted, 'BEFORE CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE, Should reflect that a Bound mind, and body are the mora y ne 'cessery requisites to promote connubial liappiness: indeed. without these. the journey throUgh life becomes a 'Avery pilgrimage—the prospect hourly darkens the VIM: the mind femmes hltailowed with despair. and tilled with the reclan i-lioly reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with your own. CAUTION! Dr. Morse's Invigorating Cordial has beFtounterfeited by oomo unprincipled persons. In future. all the genuine Cordial will Wive the proprietor's facsimile pasted over the cork of each bottle, and ties follow ing words blown In the glass: Dr. Diorite's Invigorating Cordial,. C. IL RING, Proprietor, N. T. The Cordial is put rip, highly concentrated. In pint bottles —price three dollars per bottle, two for five dollar., six for Waive depart, C. 11. RING. Protirktor -111 lirmOwan N. Y Sold by Drutegists throughout the Coital Statcs, et:oaths • and the West Indica. AGENTS: •• Pittsburgh Do. 050. 11. KEYSCII.V O .I 4O Wood tit. PLUM ING BROS. No. (i 0 Wood street; R. N. sgbutrtB„, Wood streot. Allegheny City...RECE UAW& IVRENNAN .JAIWES T. SAMPLE' it CO.; ........1. P. FLEMING. Agent for 0hi0...J. D. PARK, Cincinnati. TRIVATV DISEASES—DR. BROWN, No. 41 Diamond alley, denotes his entire attelithia to na Office Practiez. Uia buguess is unatty rantieed hi private Venereal Diseases. and Knell painful tall, ..":" dens, brought on by imprudence, youthful indulgebrn and scene. Syphilitic truptiono, flOnnrrhett, C St, ietura Urethral Discharges, Impurity of the itinna. wnit all tlisenves of tho Venereal Organ. Rltin TrisellforlA, Mortionx, Tettor, Ring - worm Mercurial IlW.e,e,ett. Fornitud weultneuf., Impotency, l'iles,lltheculintlim, F.tonlo Wookot-68, Monthly Sopprendovin, Ittsofeses of the Jointt. Yistilla in Act, Norroon ffnctitnin, Putuft in the Ikrk nod Loins,, 1 rritation of tho Itholtht awl Kidneys. Iturceasfnity t ren tett. Toro g uar.lfitoo.l. Twenty years' prective (fen in femltteN Ur. groan G. niter assurances of n epevely curt, to all who cony come na iler Ills cure. _ UlBco and Peleate exwullatitm Rooms 41 Diamond alley CUIVIIIV. moderate. !movsalawly DR. BROWN onutinueB to be Consulted for tltn care c SECRET DISEASES. Ills succesa to hing-gtaaghtg cases is unequalled. The afflicted are Invited call without delay. Persons afflictrrt ivith Venereal Dle- Rtannnatlow,r, gengual DobiUly, sh.tdd not delay topt Ids advicsi • files, ct ettme containing a too, immediate ly answered. 4911110 n and Private R.,011146 No 41 hhtuband allaYs Ilttnburish. je :-7:riT;',7.. , : . ir,.t:'=- . > ~a~; ~. iL::_!..,-•...'.4..:, "5......__
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