Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, February 23, 1856, Image 1
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"Cti _ =SMEII ‘-, (,:- • , , f 3",`, t • Lit / 1 4` 4 , 44 i # 1004 , N0 tti0en,... €iyZ, r s 4 1; 4 : ;...4" , ti• 4:4 ... tt • , .+* 4, " NY-4.01 -;F,yC F r • ; 4 t.i * e- 4 ? --tr..'. 4 4 4' 4.1 11' i 4ei, *• 4/ • FT • ~j, r , A , , Pirf . SBURGH MORNING POST. Printed and Insoloud exery morning, ( Sundays spied,) RY 011.1411OrLE & MONTGOIIERY, 01 THE NORTH-WEST CORSLA OF WOOD &MD nrrn tiTILLLIS. TBlll:l.—Five Dollars a year, payabi" ,trirtly in ad THIICfI. Ea Dollars Invariably required if nut paid within the year. AyT Single copies, Two Cans—for mile at the 'tinnier in dm Office, and by the News Boys. THE SATURDAY MORNING POST Published from the same office, ou a large blanket size sheet, at TWO DOLLAItS a year. in advance. Single copies, FIVE Cewas. kar No paper will be discentinueri, (unless at the discre tion of the Proprietors,) until all arra:taigas are paid. Jar No attention will be pail to any order unless accom panied by the money, or satisfactory reference in thin Sty. C,unectiv.t.--vlnth the Establishment of the Morning Post is one ob.the largest JOS PRINTING OFFICES in the city. wherweli kinds of work is done on the shortest notice, and moat reasonable terms. PITTSBURGH POST SATURDAY MORNING GOLD AND SILVER.—The vast quantities of gold thrown into use in Europe and America by the mines of Australia awl California, have had the effect of revolutionizing the currency Of both continents. Silver is no longer the stan dard, and is going oat of use to a great extent, in consequence of the abundance of gold. The question, what becomes of the silver, is not so difficult of solution as it seems. It is the stan dard of value in the vast empires of India and China, with which Europe an 1 America maintain so large a commercial intercourse. In propor tion, therefore, as gold currency increases in Europe and the United States, the silver finds its way eastward supply the Indian and Chinese markets. During the year 1553 the export of the precious metals from Great Britain to the East was £94R, i 74 in gold : £5,409,859 i n sil ver; total, $7,358001. Ilene is near thirty-one millions of dollars worth of silver taken from the currency of the civilized world and thrown into the Oriental empires. Of this amount E4,- 970,3i:9, or some twenty-three and a half mil lions of dollars went to India, and the remain der nearly all to China. Such a drain as this is truly remarkable, but it is more so when we look at the manner in which it has increased ever since the discovery of gold in California. This is shown by the following statement of the ex port of specie direct from Great Britain to the East during the last five years : Total. 102.2;4) 1.71,',100 1,815.350 :,561.977 ISM Total in 5 year5....4,0211,792 5,5i,5,505 :Z2,62.5.65 - 7 Over ninety millions of dollars in silver taken from European ciri:iilation in the course of five years, a fact which shows the great extent t., which the trade of the East is against all the civilized nations engaged in it. We must have saltpetre, tea, silks. indigo, spires, etc., hut the habits of the Chinese and JlMloos are so radi cally different from ours its to render the intre daction of articles of Western production ex ceedingly slow. China is entirely independent of foreign imports. She gets nothing from abroad that she could not easily do without, and the export of opium from India by the British. is ah iut the only article on which a reliabl.i trade thither can he based, and even that i , against Europe, because the crop is an Indityi tile. It feliows, of course, that the result f this eastern commerce is to throw an immenoiti i.l wealth beyond the reach of European civili- Ltion. In the five year , above given the t ita , Coils transferred to the east woe nearl.• one hut.- dreil Will tell tnilli.ms I.f dollars. We do n. t k!: .w the ~tati,tic, in referenci to the American Iliad. With 121 , 1iil China, hut of course the litdance against us is proportionally a, huge a that against Great Britain. The. , we um !erg , 0 two•fold draiuitig Eur:ipe take.- ilWxy our 1 tot pay for her manufactured goo hs, while En -- land and china c-iisuine our shyer t o p a y f. their domest'ic prodnee. In a condition or thing" it is no c'oo'ler t't it oar our:re:ley is gt.t ually di,typearing. not for the r sources of Calitoruin, we ilo not know hose the country could stand ouch draln. In spite o! our cotton an breadstu ff ". ther e• W 0.1 1 ,1 54.9 be a collapse like that •.1 I i-7. IL ;it remarkable that, nottvi; tioling civilization and wealth an.l power 4 tile w =, the semi-barb:troll , east m:vider , us all. Its st t ple products are iminensely valuable, both t and to it, while its social organization and cu•- tams disqualify us from suppbt:rig its wall'-. Pont the questiiiu ari.ses, ns p rey take from Eilr' , - SO limited an amount of what becomes t the bulk of the currency of that metal! in Eng,lattil, nor yet iii France. Sa.:lilarcy.. olu t ot titles of it have been nhstraot.sil front cirri:II:10 ..1 in both countries. serious adorn, Thus far no sati , factory solution of the has been fur-Ili-died. S.atte tlii;d: the rtis.i gold has found its way to IlAssia, by ineaii= secret loans, to supply the of the w ... . while other think it ha" been eiincentratei: . the vicinity cif the warlike oper-itiim, of t'.ii Allies, by the expenditures there. Th e ," ~•, mere c .:6-...turet, but the fact is ascertaiae clearly enough that the got i iy no where witl. roach. This is a "trance ph.ummen. , n, in vi of the enarta :a.- amounts of e'l'l continually - Ceire.l in Eiiitiand from Calif,rnia an I Australia but it shows that that king 100 so independent in her trade operations ns world has le-en in the h. Cult of believing. Silt ',• r and gold are both slipping away from her cotlei-i without her possessing, in any way, the p , ,lser t.) prevent it.— Y .1 , , t 071.11 ~ 1 (7,,,n7nrrr Thr Chinese Potato A writer in the New York Tirolee Lions shad" doubt upon Ill(' i:ei for Chmo, • about wh,ch so much has been sail, nob cauttons n: • realer- of that :Hurnal ii ho are fon•l of hurticultaral etpermients not to ga too eagerly into the coltivatlon of that vegetable. whiolb like its wonderful probs. eessor. tae Rotolo potato. may, after all. torn out to Le a humbug. The writer sajs he is not disposed In quarrel with the claims of the new potato. hilt having l o oked over sundry English and French ie tn olicals, he has arrived at same tolerably definite .•• , 11 - clusions respecting it. A few French writers are en. raptured with it as they have been with other- that have proved of little worth. and almost all the c. comiums that have been published in this coun'rs• have been written and republished by those who ore especially interested in selling the seed. lie not wish to discourage a little experimenting with it, but would not recommend any one bt mortgage les farm to cultivate it extensively.. 'rho Rev. Mr. editor of the Homesfr'id, a reliable agricultural [ol.,ir. seems to be of the same opinion, and reasons thus We agree with this winter in one thing, that it , astounding that such a marvelous tuber has rover before been brought to oor k n owledge. This wi.l quite apparent to every one when we state the fats in the case. It is claimed for this root, that it is the common food of China and Japan—cultivated as x tonsively there as tile potato is with us that it is a perfectly hardy rout, not liable to be injured by frost or by rob Of eourse this riot must be as common in the p irts of China as the potato is in our own, and must cuntriltute a part of the food of our slops' officers and crews, when they are in Chinese forts. There are certain ports of China that have been open to our commerce for 12 years and vessels have bnol visiting them fur teas, silks, and other articles, al most every month since they were open e d. Th., officers are men of intelligence. and quick to so, Ile, practical value of any such article, and to impr,.ie upon their knowledge. The third vessel that visited the port of Shangleti. brought home a 1-1 t of fowls. that have since borne that name, and we have some of the progeny of that importation in our neighborhood. Fowls, it is known, are difficult to keep alive in a six months' voyage. and any importation must be attended with great loss. Yet numerous shipments of this perishable article hove been made from that day to : an article ton that cannot begin to compare in impor tance with the Diseorea, if a tithe of its good quali ties are real. That, in all these years. during isoi-11 the potato rot has been doing its worst, no shiptio et of this article should have been made, either to Bri tain. or to the Vnited States, is more than nine day's wonder." The runt, too, is jest the thing for a sea voyage. not liable to rot or to he injured by the frost. Chance almost wombd have broaght honey so common an es-inlent, am mg the ship stores. And now it is claimed b•r this root., that it ;.:tg over five hundred dollars a bushel in Europe, Fio I i 7 Cue Uit to be had at that. By special favor tbee eon Le retailed hero at one 1,•11ar the bulb, the seller t luctant to let them go at that! Cincinnati Hog Trade The Cincinnati Fric , - Curr, Iv gives the f ing statement showing the number of hogs pick ed there, for a series of years : 183:1 60...000 1,40 ..... '. o',ooo IVA 123,0(5) 4,4 ti ..... ... ~. ....., , ,:,., ~, 1636 162,000 1847 0- 0,000 1836 72.3,000 164 N 1037 103,000 1540.. 4141,640 15245 16'24000 Issl, 30:;, , ,r4 1.,,+:7Q 100,(07) 1851.. 7 . ;.0.P.1 1040 95,000 1,6' 1041 100.0,, 1,03 31,00 is 42 ...................:...._.220.00•' I'o4 42.1,000 1043 "61,,1.K10 1,55. ::,, --5,706 1044 440.000 1656 405,31.6 It will be seen that the whole number Packed this season is 405,3‘.03, being an incrrase of 40,- 010 over the number packed last season. There is also an increase in the weight of seven and a half per cent, which will make the total increase this season equal to about 80,000. Nlisstssirpi LEGISLATURE. — In the Senate, on the 4th, the bill to repeal the act prohibiting the circulation ofbank notes of a denomination less than $5, was indefinitely postponed. The Houk. on the 6th, adopted a - resolution abolishing the -usury laws of the State. VOLUME XIV. ARTS, SCIENCE AND DISCOVERV, —A small pie. 7e of paper or linen, moistened with spirits of turpentine, and put into a bureau or wardrobe for a single day, two or three timec , a year, is a sufficient preservative against moth, —The number of males burn is always great er than the females by about four per cent. At twenty years of age, lid. preponderance is en tirely lost, and there are 111UrC, females than males ; at forty, the balance is again the other way, and there are more male- , than females : at seventy, the number is about even. Beyond the age of forty years, the probabilities of longevity are much greater for American women than for men; it is estimated that at the pre , ent time there are 130 American women in the United States above a hundred years of age. —Medical writers, of standard authority, d e ny that there is any truth in the assumption s o coni• munly made, on both : ; des of the Atlantic, that our climate is so dry and stimulating as to pre clude the possibility of the devtdepwent of firm and voluminous muscle, of well round ••1 form,, of athletic and healthy frames, 11.1110 . ng native:- of the United States. Nor does the' theory of a gradual acclimation yr the Anglo-Saxon race to tat , new physical conditions ef tbd , c•mtinent militate ;ignited this prop..sition : for, even :f it were neceveiry to t-Lldw that tbi; were , ruven, would, at ne,t, inip:y a ditrertmee in Ainule twecn the Angio-Ameri.•an and Lis Enta.pctin kinsman, but no leterioriro: , 'n of the former. FEBRUARY 23 —•• Railway Surgery is the title of an able and interesting article in the last number of the New Jersey Medical Reporter. Dr. S. W. Butler. one of the surgeons resident near the scene of the disaster which took place last somnicr the Camden and Amliey Railroad, is the author ot the article. Railway surgery is its distinct ado partment of the art as is military surgery, and it is highly desirable that medical men shoal i ltave the benefit of ail the experivtice cdl.•ulto I t astist them in treating so peculiar and dioo-ult a class of injuries. Br. Butler states. that du ring the last two years and a half, p4o-s,in have been killed, and ounded. in the l oite. sitates and the Canada-, dy tailtead —A late writer ,t:li i it tuuce 4.710.665' 5,59U.81.7 3.132.6n3 4,366,',Y1 6.409,i53 t,35.5.18u npldo nn f , ..0 , 1 ha, r, .t I,en -uttp.;, under , loi ,, l. Ipy I prevent dohility, C,"l, the putrtf.“..z:Nt. ~ 1" nvurt 'y rtiren;:itlien • ler rile nearly as :knit at, 1 exii•nsivr:y : WI in tit rural ii - other. ecru Rad II:CO/1311C, tirj...lll ~ n t.. i•Nt , nt. all , 1 I. f. r th , engr,..n:z V.lth tho T: IMEEMEI which, n Ct,Vt :e t , ) •! which 1 : • ,••• • the 1:011I2 I in the mar. o .1..' , 11 , 1 i U I'IP 1,, p ,rtions r g ,ver, _ =EI . . . , .. • . -.- • . , # • . I, e . . .•%•:-. :-,:. r-• ~ t ry., .t. tz Z.... •.- i - • .••• ~.... , '.• - • g. cz *-• ' "...- .•‘. 4 ...ri A •:.• •.'• 1 4 - 5 : i . 27 : St :...-; _ _,' e < *-1. • , 4 . . ..,,, • . , c, •,` - ..". ~„ • ..01..- t. ... ..,,,.. k, n , PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMOBE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM \. v, 1511111111 E I ' 1 11CCi .:1 n f thf, =MEE r I I --In an artiCl, C-I.ltr:!rit , • l , J an.! r ! I) , it "r I t IL. fn.; rsion • wi: l , q; ways recover with ,reu,,.lrr 3t,11t , NO, li IV rt.! tt.n.r• - in • j•••• •nl :n r• •••••••;:••:, 1 ,:. 1 , I; 1 , 1 i C:rkt 111111111 fentit•l,t. h•rntlr:::!,1 Siver' , MIA, n-I.lvrtH , aZtent =ISE • 1:1,11 , • , '1'. ,01.• 11, 1 up,rint..ll , lcnce f the 11.411t:hozli -t.-1:11.•r I, 1i; the!!) tho 1..,t -ucet2,- t 11, wail a , I.:- t• -1 , , , , u 1F 11 1 t. re , l a tieNV 1111 . 11,1 f V. 4 I , ;•tl. Ishieh he has seciire,l lecelit. Ile the pull. in a to !anon of b',••••lii , :it 1:13 , 1 4 ,` by ,aturittiii7 ...hie ti, , irw the clear li•liior--an I 0,, aci thr It i f,r „ f of rott,n try ' I in !.41t11,11,1r; ,- .• rt .„ • fz t.lll ami paiwr tk , ! f,11 , 1 it .1 , 1,11 -, t • u- 1.01,1 t , t ' , e t- than earl, , ni , ga.: the yr- • va',ue ~ f any h-wuNor. 1- th, —ln \C•W Zeabirid. !I acter oozes fr , in Ihi• ..f the noble tree, which .ftewir,,•• , e'er twelve feet. I",e 4•Cowdee gum. - and i- f.knad the size of a walnut to chunk.. hundred pounds. .p.,•tmer, white, and oth,re, are , f a nut hr-wo c is fragrant. like el n:1 , 1 t intilmninid camphor. It r , a.l ly di—olve. in ah,h , !, makes a harder than rum also dissolves in fC,r..11 1 ~IKI••1 t1111 , 1•I/I: and mdled with di.% d tt 0 I k.•:lhrl , it is now exten•ively ttn , l f , r v arn ;:h ut 1.; land, but is not yet much known in thi*Otql:.l —The most perfect telescopic in,trtrt.c:tt the Nv ,, r1 , 1 are matte in itunich. That fo r ll, Lr y College. tdf do refrtletors vot st was mtvle thcro. It- Lint) . l i-t•tm-t• feet. and the Watt - 10er ~f g hs_ I I ches: cost s7-I , ..ttott. The t than focrtl dist:lll , 2e of 17.3 fcct, with an -Itject i nc hes in tliamet , r, c tst ; th e lb feet , glfiSS 11) co.ting next 1'A?; feet and 9 ite:lo.s. All these great in struments have stand-. with cock work so moving the telescope to 111•10r.l';7'• the rlHrn.:l of the earth, WILICI. a , 111.1 , .tIterwl ,, rouse a to di s , l , l „ ar too flirt 11. from the fiei•l. 'Fite ma king of the ohject glass. upon whi.:h hed: depends. is a labor of great care and n i cety. curl c.0.d.- , just one half of the en ire expen-es of rho telescope. C. G. Massiquot, of Paris, has obtah.ed a patent for improvement,: in lithographic print ing presses. Thrse may be summed u- lows : A sliding c,rriage. which travels aver the stone or other engraving.. and Carrie , a!iing the printed scraper, to take off the impression. and which is moved to and fro liy a crank a shaft: a loose tilting frame which carrie: , a plate and Olen to lie down upon the paper that has been put upon the plate to he printed, from the print ing scraper passing over the sheet with the ne cessary pressure, and the loose tilting frame be ing raised or tilted up by the said carriage at the end of each backward or forward stroke, sn as to allow putting a fresh sheet of paper ou the stone or plate engraved upon. —To smoke the best bacon, fat your hogs early and fat them well. By fattening early you make great saving in food, and well fattened pork. Then kill as early as the weather will allow. and salt as soon as the animal heat is gone, with a plenty of the pnrest salt, and about half an ounce of saltpetre to one hundred pounds of pork. As soon as the meat is salted to your taste, which will generally lie in about five week'-. - take it out, and if any of it has been covered with brine, let it drain n little. Then take black pepper, finely ground, and dust on the hook end as much as will stick, then hang it rip in a good, dry, airy place. If all this is done as it should be, (it ought to be done now,) you will have no further trouble with it, for by fly time, in spring, your ba?ou is so well cured on the outslde that ides or bugs will not disturb it • ; : Nh• c r 4 . . , ; We pi•rilcive that in all the principal cities great a:die:gin:ions sore entertained or a Leavy business on • the op e ning or the ensu,sig spring—rllllloUgh the season will probably be a !iti• one. Yet that circum stance will perhaps add t• Sire issil.esus which will re sult from a long per.•••i of inertia. We sincerely Lope ;Lot these auti• •pations may Ise realized, an d ti that no Lotter circa:oat:knees eoul•l exist to assure us prosTer •as season. The scarcity of a former year !sus been succeeded by one or unexam pled prosperity. Whilst the former conveyed lessons 111 wholesome economy, the latter propounded to is the e tent ss; the tact resources a Lich a bountiful liroviderice hail place•l within our reach. The lesson has not been lust; for, whilst the farmer confined himself during the Peruser year to asusuil ssecessaries. the in:reliant prudently contracted his business to the wants of his sus:tomer, The hod year placed them upon a different a n d we are about to realirc tOe henclita ,1111C11 must naturally result from a season ut Shaft succeeding a sea , sl of economy. The stocks in the country stores ate generally low, and 4-,:ntry merchants , Laving lu t uidated their for. rater ohtsgations are h.•Il ready to deal liberally unil n:nkc lame purebstscsi supply their exhausted stociss. The Atlantic Odle- are prepared to do as: I in.portatiens for the ,pring trade base 1,1,1 Let v though slut ex c. tor Frvlleil be obtained is, i•tifficiesit isuantisses in elinsequelire of the absence of w•rlitunin sot the army. \V ls:!rt Ilast,rn neigh ; L. are destine-I to r.•:11 , n pro'itable hxrsli•t. see have ! ',ere s.; e tins lisit-lasr s zli aid not lose •s. the race. • air Ilinalliartlll , - , hat e hec.anc 05,n• I tint ts the \t o.t. and although our commerce has I Leen crspided by the embargo." our mills have I been in ti,I,VO operscien during the entire winter; .or ,tarehoti , e. are !We I “,..11 the prodootr or the matocitetilries, nod we aro only nwautrig the "good t,lO for it luorativo trade with our r, I ( 1 EMI= MEE The p!iee—f • I - - man unehfclze-I our Ithn , t7h the womher m. , •lerve ril" LFC- Hid TL,• •10- in .% I I , In rtty. with am nr, i nnlnte I. !In , I i t‘ •II rtlnng every -trerq. min:: were h•• tigurw. p”,Lerdriy MIIIIMBEIMI 1/ •' ,thtvrt 'l-1 , 1 1. rt. , 1 , 1,11 1,,,1 , , ,, 1111 , 011 . 1 11 11 . FAIII , 11111,• . • 1 of 1 . if: 113 l'a!, - Irn and in the 1r .1 th.o ,nch t.mthnol,v , c s .lCt :"1` I,ltti The toth , t!nrlo an i hftrmle-- 'l'ffi)Sl.: \VII() AVNII . • 1 ,, ` !" I lti 11 Ell. PI:111:. nn , ! tr • .‘ . ! ..”1.1,.• i/ -• .1 A t.. Alt I, n• I IA1,1:- . • lo ill -It I L.,0.0e,,q, •T hr 1,1.1 Fri.. IL. /1 pa. , 4...•- t.l> I 1 1 . 1 Iln 10r :,,n -11.1V .ro 1::1,•1,1 from ,‘ '11::: V:,II I:. I: 11 11 I:11 : 3 ' 1' 13 . • i t.i I. I/11.'7, I tiotml.ly '1.,.. • • it t • T .11.trt• ; !ir• • • h0,L1 , 11. 111 Lk ail I.i. (7. -1 ut SU, tt ,1110. A ..1 1.‘111.. tL tthort ..a' 1 tr 1,11•.,,t Ft:rilt, jurt. , , 11/4/.1 t 4.11 ;11, 1,,51t,:k1.1• t-, tu.• I.k Apple ~ r. tT1:11.1.. 1 1 . 1 " , c'y, I -- : -1.. I'l ILL tll. 1.• h: tm L t r >lx I,:efh pr anal froritine upon Ow .1 el :he I.lli4litoigh and l'onliells‘ilie Ihrilroad. th: .(111”: :1111 thnviug iroli,rl: .if PORT. Fear of r 10 , 1 :II width tit :dealt lib, in depth. 1: awn..., e:••• i :el a It,. Depot. ::1••! at thi• other on Nil, hot 1: . 1,1,1 t a.trf theta flout:114 for their whole leitztli opier It/in--VAN) Iliet in Nei:lt:Li : fronting th , other of the Depot. and in depth 121—one of the Lot. I.l:Lter" in::: for it, wird , n ttr..•t No better pr.rp. r!V folitl. and it will ho sq. 10 I'ur "1-''- lte. t of the pat nieut taken in : the Como :list:111e Railroad, if desired.Ll.Nl /UK, 0111 , 'e of 11, lorning Pomt. l'ittsbOrzh. August—.11,if BUILDING LOT FOR SALE-A 1.,t 24 f e et on AVVI,TE street, an .1 eslendlrnr hark lof t to 11 iln alien, thl lI e hank part of the lot 0 a Cellar 1‘ ail, built ft, two await hon-ea This lot is in a de4jrohi,, L. utuni a residence; ;Lad w:!I be will le, and eu fav,ratas terms. Title good. and clear bum ineurablanee p. Enplire of 0 EO. at the office of Moritlhg. Post. MSS PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 23, 1856 [From Ow 1',1;.1.n.r.:11 Prl.,-Currvnt.) Titer Spring - Trade. ••• th• l't PT • .4 P•,l The Colt ure or Flat. w.qin• a 1% writt..l) I, ite n l ; , r. (Lai 41,•I /1 4 4 t 4 1114 lIIMMIE Al,ll. rnwo exlen:ircl r k , ma I.f` ' ILO. Fll , I • 61' ; v • ..•1,1 Ole 71 • cal lIMMIS =ME Import. , to ]^s] foal and Coke. "Taritet I' /.\i. i .L.l I 1., ri.•l. =MEE COAL WORKS FOR SALE.—Sixty three az.rtes of but. letth ISO of Coal at tached, and i ll the ,n,- provements thereon in suctle,ful llpUratiOn. Grid Farm omited on the Miinungutiela river, 34 mil. ahoy,. Pitt, I,urgh, and in MUPPlied with a Farm floww, Baru, Otyhard. Railroad, and an excellent harbor. Tle• rein of coal in fine feet thick, and Cannot be surpaaeed in quality. For further particula apLS-O rs ply to NICHON & PAYNE, Yl:ttf No. '235 Liberty litreet. CIOFFEE--I'rime Rio and JttvaCotree, green and I , aptra. by S. 3 r. Ton Storo, No. i 3 ,3 'ifth stroot. MEE • e . . , -r.„ .= • • PROFESSIONAL CARDS ALEX n ANDER W. FOSTER, Att , ,rnev Lull Conmiellor at Law, and Solkstur iu CLano,.): f", pre Uriun nountyllti4 and Pen+ion+...l In u•m td . Claims w Ureat Britain and Irel.tud. 4e• Coll,t.oui made in [Lim and adjoining Culintase . of le drntu twttl,•d; Rua' Fadat , I n.nIL .Id k.r 1,...,4, and rentm Mort,l4, ur loth, strurity, ntl, examined and W . 1.• papor. draw, In, F. 11111 4troot. a few Jour, , V , ' Pittgl•urgti. !Loch 28, 11344.- - 4 Mh.2B:"W A W. FOSTER, Notary Public, and C,,;n -,„ r „,„ 5 ;„,,,„ t ,,, tin Stater of TuuucxnCO. N,•w Ilncq- Ciinnectii•ut. New Von IL L Enlanrniu, Igintmana and Virginia. Z 4- D+.441,. drawn, unit anknouletlments and tat, en record or in any of List 31,01, LlOLLltsiUtter, 1111.4,, and lll,le Island. Pittetiurgh, Mord, SAMUEL C. WINUARD, 17 ATTIALN EY AT LAW,. VITTS:sIII,GLI, rEN%A. hlp-i,n1,1, In BAK ENVELL'VIMILDINGS, Urnut Street, noarly pp.,sit , the Ciawt CHARLES W. WINGARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BB): \ SIL URA', CAMBRIA t•OI,,NTS. PENN.. 41 .- A I, prxrtived in I.luntlngdon. Blyir, Cl..arbel,l and In .1..c1a ounue.. f.b I I v . . . OBERT C. (1. SPROUL, Atturuey arid „Lk , o ,, uusellor at La.', office Nu. Fourth 1. !.1 TAMES A. LOWRIE, Attorney at Law, tfr ntr,t, Pitteburgh,Lotweeu =it h ~n.l Ulwrry 101 y (k. - 11.1 y JOIIN BARYON, Attorney and C - oum.o!lor cnrner of Fifth and Oremt etn,t, Ptlt, burgh. QAM P. ROSS, Attorney at Law lco. li7Y.) Fourth stmt, Pittsburgh, frnrth door below Mr P 41v l'attersn's Livery St.ablo. je.:; • BOAT RICK M.' KENN A, Alderman of LAlico corner of firnut Ond Fifth streets, (lormerlv cuiced I.v Aldermsn leowis,) whore all Limit..rn peruabmg la 0111, of A Iderumn and Justice of the Pevcee k,,• promptly attemired to. fr1.1:;:m IT AIIL, Surgeon Dentist, successor to G. 1 V. IMMIIe. No. 144 SruithAeld str,t. ~g-Ullit e hours from h to-1 o'clock, so.l from 2b• ~••1•, ,, k. bll 5 • Trr, Dentist, Fourth street, five ti- , 3rs 1 . Mat ket. /30 - '.`ll,l,quel from 9 o'clock A. M 51 5 Lirl,,k P. 51 11,41ay BUSINESS CARDS TOTIN N1001111E.1.1), t;rc,oer 41 ,,1 ) Mervhunt. f, Ow ((Al, (4 PIO 11F:l'A I..rrr I lit, r. 11,, and ularrully, ht:Bl.nargli. - can 611.11131 1111.1.714 11011;1.0 ..... 1 4.14. El. I,K1 1 15./1 1 1, w 41, `TILLERSItICK ETSON, \ 1111.1 IT 4. c”rn, , f It win 1111 , 1 Lit. riy Ir,,n, Naate, k,`,. 4, ton Varian, 34' mnt.antly on I 0 1 M . K.EE I'o., Maim •,1 M . F: • l'••au-y“. auto. t; bum, hll .ortr.o, of W:•, 1),10.1 • Sitriurth, 5.1 Ugh, \ i.J.. PI tau alai Pr Wt haler !Old ihuoral ff t• 1 ., .10,7114 , hh• and Lurhtuur.R. ,4l tl t• • .hd, An.l Nl.ukut mtra. hurl, Pt but a 0... rt •Ibttan, !! .o...aruh.att au fr..to 11 .uot.:rahuit 1.1.u0rh.. I. (Jst 14, total Cl;; 11, z I. •r '2l it In ‘••'l.li .1 1'1111.41NC,, 1'().. I,_ . . • . e- Ail tglt-- !r. kl‘rt.• t prik • L''l.lE CLAM.:,; t - • r 01 .L• r str•—in no, 11. - - 11( i A 111 la, ~ r r 1 ) .1 1 A I . VI.r.S an 1 It •1:. An I 1 . ..,: . .•••• • I..•. ;. • 6 • • ... • •6).. r.,1 6 ( I.!1 , o o so, o 00. • • .16.1 i .1 r 0... 1. roo Isi•rit _• i l l I \ I. hill:I .11 r 6rh, Co rl • • ~r l, r • mm. 4..16 ..1 oh. Ol' Er, lor • •r•troo.t 1 1:1, %• !. • - A:•••• ,••1 Vtast,,. .11,1 f..r •n,• It 1! L. 04 n.. 1 .r,: .•! 1....1:, .!.! ! 4; A 7.FEDS. 1 \j\ll"S )\ lh'l ~` A , r ~_•, :t 1. , 1 . j Ii tt .:li. 1.?.1 t t. 1.1. ,;:i ko• ;Nl-r• la • •lt; •/:• as: I W. 1., t ' I.—i i,. A 1:1,11:,• \ 1.1. 1., LEI': ( . t 1.. \ I,r .r %/101.11.4,0,1 •il I• • • \ 41,, :, .4.. .• 1-111I\ t()., • .Li, , II 11A N I..FACrI:/tES. E.E.tD 1. D. N. Fr.,t I• • •!rwardin.: ll• r. 41. Ft, and kt net, I•lttnl•urgt , , I ) I, N, cit.ntlor ,I, a • lat. \VII ',til l , . REt'l INC, DI, I :i.:.1.1:, ••• • .\ Kt1,10;, , 1 Ittutt. , • .•' 1(•` , ( 01 . - . 1 Wlto , kY . Appl, nra..•ll ! • .: tntraort , -1 Mei Ilal4t-0010.11 an I C4ttry .0 S.. .:••t• • ttch ttn•••••1 t.. F:t•.. • I 1,01.•11 , at 11.0t1.ts ov. rn ry at. 1., 0:1.1 Itotto . .d .on. I r 0 . ,• 0.-tfnlty inytte an ox.intatt. 11 of tn.. k, 't: s It*,•••1 otraog. Av L C o A , l l l 3 lt I B. , ragatt :VINE: 4 and 111;AN IP, 1,. •l • 11•.11,11,4nLe1a nod V, ,31 L. 114. 1 -1, prn..et. nntsburch. T()SE I'PII F:NI I slh.Tess , r t. • 1.. \i I y..‘ 1 G.. c . ..1:.t.r of M.,..kvt :tad i hat, I a full /0.'4.11 , 01 4 1/1:16:. NI ti- It!I'NES. CflEs - r , . l . i.iti . u)lEity, nu.; an urn -1....tia1in4 t.. Kyr I'll3oocutras' rreernptionm carefully comp.upt,-.5 . _ FLEMING lIROT 11 F. t,, J. C.... D141:41 , 114 , 1 1 4L No. 6.3 I , ttvlkatch. I'r•ktrietoe4 or Dr ?'Lame 's rel..l.rate 1 V.,e3. fug, Liver da. j( IN HAFT, J R., sure('-stir-stirl.. J11111(`` Mc e rehalenale atel retail DliCiiiilST, and claal..r, 1 Al NTS. VILd, 1/Vll r....11:1Fe. !Ca. 141 11....1 4 , D et. .I.4•rx Lelo V w Inrin alley, l'ittslalrv'l. JL. XIARSIIA Li., . W 0441. DEALER and C.''.1N111 .1 .'. 4 101‘ 13 Lilwrt3 vtleet. Pn teliargh /eO/1.e.4.4e—W.1 4 1 . C111440 0 1 4 k lintt.. Kramer .t It., 13 , lar I.l.‘..Fternaa .1 Co.. Ilrov lilrkpan I, IL. l'itt-3.1,01, May 41.1,1 , 4.1. .1,21 INV. C.ILI.I)IVIuK, dealer in ki:‘,:;l•k 1, 1 0 . Tlll{lCOl, RAGS Mid li.l}'Elt, No. I. it. I'lftsl.olol. , thy - inarkrt paid P r WAT.Ttft. P. If . . . r P. :11A R511..1 lA, Hl' IiICY. NV. 4.1,61,rs E'rsneti Aplericau No. tii W,sr.lttr ,, t, Pittsburgh. rte -&d« stzsnly for the osl.‘brato , l nutnufacturn.s Dsln,urt . Co.. Purls. 1) T. C. NIORG'IN, and Sta jj. ti , •nt•r. akray. Isttn•l gt , tt ~.st .;'n• nt 11Intstlane , utt and litank lt,“lott Prtottng. And can Pap., . wh-lo,11.• altd 104 NA•••.1 sty- t, Lel ,w Firth vast side) l'ilAsburgh. rh,r- ANTED--Rags and Tan:trrs' Sr raps_ I(OLNft Mi.:1,1,013., IVholesale and Itotail t) dealer in MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. NAM , . MI.: It', St'llottL BOOKS and STATIONMIIV, N'. 01 ..trt•et, Pittsburgh. jot 112013 .NI'COLLISTER, Whole ; it Jty tiu rx; ,t MANUFACTURR & MANUFACTURE R and ale ... - 11,1tin4, TOIIMAYb SNUFF and SPIARS, N. , . lb F Pittsburgh. • litsps nonabAntly on hand f 1 inrgo Supply of n V, brands of itilperial St•intrlt. - _ t;tt1.TFT1,.15.41------------- noisrst J 1N1 , 4,,tv. REYMER tt ANDERSON, (suoce , sors to J...ioa itbod,•• S C0.,1 wholetude , i, , a1. , ,, in 1. , , 111 . :IGN FIi.UITS. N L"FS, SPICES. CON 1 , F.GCI‘ oN A RN', sl',; A its ~,... No. 39 Wow.] stroot, oppostlx the St. Chariots ft .t . l, Pit:, 1,141-gilt ar.! A TINDLE, Wholesale and Reta.l SAO DLE. HARNESS, TRUNK, VAWE an•! cAnPrr EAU MANUFACTURER, No. 100 Wood str,t, Pittst,,,rgh, jy-m, - INTERPRISE WORKS, ` . ,t. 136 V.. 1 street, third door below Virgin alley.—DOIVN would call the attention of 61, - .orting men to their assortment of GUNS, ItIFISS and ILEVoLVINE th ,, largest and beet selected stock ever opened this mar ket. together with a general assortment of ry. and Fishing Tackle, all of which TC ,, lice at the lowest puasible prices to clash purchasers, or for gI S p purred paper. NOR:Cif-WESTERN POLICE At No. S 9 Witehington street, corner of Dearborn, CHI CAGO, ILLINOIS. A.LLV4 luirtom .. ROOOPP-S. PINK r.RTON k CO. devote their entire att- t... till - transaction ~f a general detective POLICE 1.11:SINEl. , - in the States of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana_ mhl9:iltf TCTIIN GROUTT, Importer of BRANDIES, It, GIN, WINES, 4tc. Dealer in Rue Old Monongahela Wl)inky, Poach Brandy, - Mao. RECTIFYING DISTIL. 1. IR, corner of Smithfield and Front street., Pittahurgh. apl2 ... el • • 1 it 11 .~c~c3r=~L .=;... • I_ . • •.7 ;.•• *fr i'). • _ BUSIN it SS CARDS. . . f .1. t., Looking G IMO 31unufarturrrii. . and dealer. in Li.oking flatus. Mutual:l.c, En. grarin4s, and Pitney N.1.76\5'0,1 xtri,t, Pn ot. on haul :‘,1.1 wade to Nor and Mantle Cilal,e4, ‘llol.utuny. Walnut and Gilt or Mould ing. 0: ev,ry de.rruition. I. r:tuatillomt Cabin. Deri.ratod and Gilt. ort4 T 4 INTERI'RISE WORKS, Not. 336 W,wl st.. third door bdow Virgin alley.—Bows k TETLEY u„,ui.l ...an the Attvntigin of Spurting men to their large ..11.111rill RI FLES illl , l REVOLVING PISTOLS. the 1:0 - 2,t and Fruck ever Opener! In thin mar het. tulu-th o , wuh a gen,:.l axsortment of HARDWARE, CI 'ft h 11,6 and FISHING TACKLE, all of which we l,•• I um— Frio, to saeh purchasers, or fir marl S ir - - i . Wh.le.ale and Retail Al. 1,) - r.d \ II1,•1 VLl ,l l)i 0 1 :1. 1 : . 4. RANK,. :'t ,.ve;, Tin, Inn and 11,,i,ehe , i , rs . hardware. 'n n nenr M arh, nee and 'fouls. Tin l'hu. , , zneet Iron. Wm. Rivets, .te.„ &e.. 24 North 64,0r0l street, oqup,site Bunliler's Hotel,) HARRISBURG. wiC:i:ql;lrn JWIIITE, VENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTU ,, RCP- lois recovered his health so as to resume hi. old sod pei.ed his BLIND MANUFACTORY. at Finn ,treet. gear the Post Office, between Wissl and Sootlikehl, hors lin assortment of BLINDS, trimmed ii;th plain a., I hey iS, rotoel and Silk Trinintihirs, and is 1,1,31,1 h+ any order in his !ins, on the m u st remonable ternii His work is warranted to give satisfaction, or motley retoodol. til. old BIRO% roralrot Please giro him a call, on he con t be beat in norkinnnellip. J 3 F. SIIOPE, NIERCISANT TAII.OII, Third Xtr ,, •t. next dour to Thspatrh Iluildinp, thankful fur the rtsry lilwral patronage heretofore b,towe.l upon him. tn,, leave ri :.11 n CtorIOI.IIILLIWA , of the mine. un La ii 110 W hetter prepare,l than ever tAI furni,h hie friend, and Cud -1,10,S with altrne•nt4 which will insure entire sati,fartinn. -- Ile ill‘VayS keeps on hand ft lame of the lat.! oi VESTINtiS, CA :5.1.511'.1tP.5., curnis. k.e., which wall utuke to order ou the ebortest entice, upon reasonable temps. . . . 11 - ta. A perfart fit alwaye wa.rrantett. tnovlthtf J MY It . 11t.56 TI.I)S. ITYSI'7O PILAN'IA L I,l'Xil, r B. YOUNG & CO., No. : Smithfield. r. ,Irve‘... oi.tAelto City }fusel, roanufartureor of CABI - ~T Fl' F N l'r ru iik; and Cl I Ai KS, 131' ei Kry description. M. ..r.., , a anti wortinativiilp warranted, awl "old at re•le e.l Care takt-n In packing for land -ad water carriage. \AT 0 D EI, I,' S FURNITURE AND Ulf A IltS, nail embraiang ea ery ity iit larnitiire. ill Pidaewmal. Mahogany arid Walnut. Fill. ! tol - pas 1,.r•. chamtien. and dining rianini; to any York ..r Philadelphia, and at Mixer pritaa Ivory maile Ly Mani, and warranted. Cal-inid suppii.l with any quantity of SilitE and CHAIRS. on rearainalile term,. ail ! StelLtli;eiats f firtilithed at the 111Ortelit noise. %%alai-camas, Nixi. 77 and 7'.0 Third atreet. n MITSUI:IMM PA. ToliN coctirtn;S BROS., manufactur ..f Jr I ,r) ValdtA, Valli Doors, Window stl•sd nod gr. Thi,l I. t'vn -1 and Iliark , t atrexta. Intt,ddirgh., rnd hnr "a n.l nto t) or new patrrus tenure and Plain, suit:ll,l,ld ,):1 purr , is r.. Psa twul.ar edention ;odd to euelosing Gras.. Later d..no e short notir roarn - - E)1" cO.ICII AND CAIIRIAGE HIV/TM:RA & C'th, rorn..r of Belmont ritmetn, Allegheny City. would rn their fr rend', and thel.irble yenernily. [lna they . I , .. rnol tre• ruonionetnre of CAltitlArE: 4 . It., .nene y. r t nit AIV A Yr+. awl CllA ru nil trot vurroue styles of !lurch onvhproporoon, t ye._ A t er 1. r w . .I le •..ver, Inert with .triet rep.r..l I .lld loranty i trilAr Ih.pair. will rther be otterelvel It rerni. Ching in all their work Ell r • !roil.. P-1,-. awl AS heel .tut[, they lent colll te•.,t h..l wle Inv, then: with their ihntrnnage, will S. r'•- 1:y ihteh I .11 th,:r 11, , V work. or r e r i n e orrel U, ;110 tau call, trainee r• 13 1. OCtAI y llrrA . 4 ..... orunor: 1 ) ; 11 i ACTUIti-BIG r. No. 4u Inn •• . . ~ . .1!1..-. 1;l'i/(71E,'. and eV...Ty ch,criptit 1 N built t.. Orkier. and Cnu.hei in . at)t, ~f (1.,:0)., , ,cca0r.0 of Cluj, „... 1. 3E1.1 7u, ability of I,tatenalm. rk :11,0 . 1 - 1 Di. R. \ V 111. TE & C 0.,, N , .. 59 Market 0..1 aft, ”i)NT)A Y. Noven,t—r .•nt .4 . (.I.f TALIAS anA t a!, ; ..;rn hruLch of de., n.ll Nvl-1‘,..r L; r lium,iintelv, they want to II:611.i posetbir.. 1. 1 1 0 l i bF. I NT: tt I, It .• ,r ‘rl. , \ tat ! • ••!..•-ru• • rv.., 1.. of Lotal. .1 n...: 0 .% 1:1 Itlank • ..! !!.•• v at,ci I : • st.trk..; ;‘, , i.l IL ' il.\.lll , (.. ) 4 ..' I\l},Manufacturer •1:1 r , : 71 I / ~A t 'rr. t A 11 ,iiii i . 1.! 6..1 1,11.11 u.: .kod F "Tp—, wh.. t r rrr! 1-',grrorrri,s arr.l I_,lll.rgrro..!or, t I nii•Atro: r ..I , PalittirkK)r,to,l iti /ht . bnt thi+ o.”. I I svitl Itvl vc,ll ,ttp and ttil I N.• tor,rt, l'Atsburo. i Ll,l KEN & have on itand. at, • \ .11.1 CHAIR •• •' i ~ Irlllollt f•C Can. .c yt: h thov 4,1115 Inv , 1•1 i.ry. c ;A: 1' i ht.Y. 111 .‘ I:I,ES 14.+ n. 11, " , “31 II: : •1 1:t tl.- inz 1..1 I,nc ,p,riP7l., It.: xol, .1s Ow pAtlonal,7s , Flo+ "1 , 1 . :1-t• ts, •i• ; “1.1, n , r.‘ll jo:1 JAM ES M E LI NG EIZ, M,. ll „. ga h,L a (r.•ud...1 the t t 1.4 it 1,11 ..in•re el that le• r. lerrstli Ideit Ca 1..., no 41.'t rh Ell Ll' 111411., xtdt promptness. nt.d ett 114,1 ter! plan .1 on ene both hides, tuitttittitly ..r. hurl N1,•111,1Ings, vTo.ry denerlyuon, trut Bn 1.4 'I , itk.l Car; vnt:ert i!t•P tLoi: :olvatt - to c r him n nll. iu ho ran pow furtubh bun .1:11 t-tll.l. +MO% hlc livery desrtiptton of work. ANT 1 1 , ...5( Y , Ea ..k rk ,f et w and r l s 'o l t . i i r \ ll - 1, 1 , to I, tooltd . Wt-storu l'enttsylvmo.n. It L. et.: :!.•' 11._11 , ••t 111.111, `ll , why thnse :•f .41 vi"•iit nth:, :tete - les ni hie Elite, should glee ~ .:nn pi:ortlllllty t,, ,erNe• to n n ! , O@, Fine NI aii.:lll:iipulelng done grumpily and in the 1 -'et t• L'FoN CAR WORKS, FOUNDRY AND CHINE SNNOUSET, :nto hf. nsw Works. recently erected. con., o: Water. Nl'Donouklt and Shaltly eitr,ts, la prrpa.l,l to Corr -11.,l 6a all xt , ute ail ire Ira for Passenger. Pr, i t tlih Platform, ( inky'', liaml and ill o ther ,I,..,•ript/ot, of (*Alt , . lor o fhA NI ENGIN ES of all atzes, Cl EA RING'. RA Ih is.. lAD CASTINGS of nli dew mato., and all other work apl...rhtl;...ng n .111Phy arld Machine Thn rarenton .:ll thc cltlferent depart merit nrinntific nt! lo w tal E—loos:1y from Eastern manufncttnaes— n theols. 11.i.n - 111.1 and NI. v. ail rulnahle mod et,. Phi noon-oh. ,no t tl2a tf \S. R. )1 . ETII ER ELL. MI:1:1('.\ N l'.11 ) 1Elt MANI . ArTURINti 011'AN. Y. N". 7.; 50,111 , 1 Itic 1,101. nu.lll..turorti P R O l'A lERN A ` , l IS t I l'hurt 1.q...u111,,L1A, !cc.; 111 - r . , F7II:11 , 1. Itt•I-IN Itlld 11,.15. uss., V zovt uI \lf ,o every ,size 1,,..ppr I wurrent , acre ;11a11L 1 / 4 : thull att utter article 11011 ut . . rii,-- or,l , rs exe,uted on the shortest notice. N. It.—,llb,itti. , ” of Steamboat Builders is especially n iidi * 1 ,, tea to thls article, on of ILS li.ht weight. CUMMINS, ' .. 1(..s A CO.. N.,. 7S Second street, between And Market, j... 11 . • '7;:i . :„,:?ittsliiirgb. . . . .. .. \ATIG MA ' i . f , e, .1 . 1 y7.1'01 - CY-11' *-RENTER, v six dix,rs er. , ..•:,,.: nekluct.appos I,lle,olll,,tor's i , :h• .•• Ale gbeny Cit.'...k..•folartal to till a In for WICiA, n•I ~11 1.,t0k of t 11:N..ii., 2. 51L lIAI it 1V01tr...: tie la•••st .I , i:du vol materml is to .`..i . - ,and entire satisfaction guar. .., - a a teeki. '. - . myls:d.kirly - - -- - • JX F. 6 W.... FI.T 3.1.ML5 C. RICHEY. 13 L KEL & f L L id . 9l; T BEO enry. 1\11 , 1,, Lots. Milli, Furnaces, ,tc...tc, bought and ,•' pl/ C . "11111)14 , 10:1; Land War-lame bought, sold 1114 , 1 .31111.. Rondo and Notft3 mgutiutai. INpecial attention kp,...n to sulolivi.ling Farms, and cbmosing of them. To, ms heas,nahlo. nor27:Mvx T) EVOLVERS! REVOLVERS!?---Just re coined, by Express, direct from thy nennufacturers. a splendid el nzbort- .ftots nt-nt f - Corr', REPEATING PISTOLS, • tivo and six il\4 h borr..ls, nil of ~.,-11 eo will sell for cool, at no low " an they can be I.w.uzbt ill the city of Now York. Per . , to All, , tralia find that the,' fall ,to honk, by minimising th,..lr equ,i,,,ge at hum , . th.,n they can stranors--nd we give f erotic a chance to try a:,) of th.- above Pinto/5 bcf.,ro Waving the city, and in cam, •;i• a I . IIIIIIIV we rofond the money. _pARTNERSIIIP NOTICE.---Having the , day aasociated with me, TITYMAS GROUTT. us a lamer iu the businoss of Importing, Rectifying and Dis- Liquors. the business will hereafter ba conducted under the style or firm of J. It T. GROUTT. Pittsburgh, December 29, . 1 m; JNO. GAOL - TT. J sr:. T. GROUTT, Importers of Brandies. . Gin, Wine Dealers in Fine Obi 'Monongahela Bye it hirckv, Peach Brandy. &c. Alen, itectillars and Tdetillera Uornei of Smithfield and First streets, Pittsburgh. leict2l BOTTLERS. -JOHN °UDEN & CO., Bottlers, So. 157 First street, would respectfully infirm the pub- IL that they hove ronstrintly on band a large supply of AI;.rAI'AItILLA, MINERAL WATER, ALE and PORTER, of the best quality. The attilition of families Is particularly directed to the !mit that they bottle IVAINRIGIIT'S ALE in its purOgtfttAte. Ihystrians rocornmend it to families on account of its whole- POLre and strengthening qualities. nar.Bo:ly I- . 7 ~ 4 • . .t. : il 1 I ..: 1 I . , TOLIN LITTLE, Jr., ty stmt., tms just roc-tire, EEO= BIt.iNDIES. Gente Brandy, (very tine,) inard lawny 14 Co., keuper.) 511. rett Cu., Sazerac. wrNzs. Sarcial sladeira, lloward, 3tarch & Co., Mad'ra, India Madeira, Table do Amontillado Sherry, Manzanillo do Table do Conking do lieeswing Port, I . 11t, J Ordinary .lo St. Julien Claret, Malaga Dry, Do Sweet, Cltainpagnue, Anchor. V.,rneney, Together with RE other R, KIER'S TRANSPORTATION LINE.- Anticipating the want of facilities for transporting Ereights to and from the Eastern Cities, via Pennsylvania Canal and Railroads, we have Increased oar stock of Boats, on same, to a DJUBLE DAILY LINE., which gives as a eatisclty of oven tons per month each way. We assure our friends. and those disposer) to patronise the Stan• improvements, there will be nothing spared on our part to render general satisfaction In forwarding E.•stern and Western Freights with promptitude and despatch. ICIER A. MITCHELL. an 11: • Canal Basin, Pitteburg - h. Pa. Neither with my eye nor my faith will 1 trifle." NIPORTANI' TO THOSE AFFLICTED I WITH BAD SPIIIT.-:-Persons Auffering from Bail bight, arising fl,lll ,onstiturional decay, odd ago, or other (Win!, ',mid do well to call upon Dr. (.1. FL PtlAll', PIIACTICAL 'PT ICI .k N , where they may rely upon getting Spoota der, acieuttfically adapted to the JUST IVANTS ON TIIK EVE. Addr, , a, 26 Fifth atreet,opwslte A. A. 31.1autt's, Pittsburgh. P. S.— M it . roSeepe., Thermometers, and every article appertaining to the Optician trade, kept and repaired on th- pectniaes. 4,e-tilasses Inserted In old Frames. Any article not approved of, exchanged free of ec pAtev. PUKE ZINC PAINTS—The undersigned would cull the attention of dealers and consumers to their seperior orticias of ZINC PAINTS, ground by a new' nroce.s, cud free from the objections hitherto made to Zinc Paints. There are no (wands more favorably known, and we Invite the clooeot scrutiny to the quality of them. We manufacture none but the Ville Montague Co.'s" Zinc, in oil of foreign manufacture, but grind all of the various brands of American. Those who wish to purchase an article that can be rolled on 04 pure and unadulterated, can be aura of getting it of no. W.. call attention to our brand of French Zinc, without tilt non,. 10 genuine; and all purchased of 1.12.• with this brand, we guaranwe to lot felt, if found to be adulterated. 11a LI. Is CORNELL, Office, 153 Maiden Lane, New York. ISA IAIL UICIShY & No. SO Water street, Pittsburgh. It. KI.EBRII have received and for sale a lob of the above instruments. which they warrant EQUAL, IF NUT SUPERIOR, to any others II A RI.P iN I Uld . S. with eight stop, made by t I SCII I EI/NI EY Elt, St nitgard. Germany. ON IC MS, with three stops, by Traynor & Co., Stott- These instruments hare been examined by the Professors aryl 1.11.11, of the Iwo cities. who pronounce them, in ',lnn, and sweetness of tone, fully equal to any email Church ur Parlor Organ, The treadles are so arranged ;hat a CHILLI OF EIGHT YEARS CA_N WORK THEM WITH EASE. NI.F.I.i)DLUNS MADE BY CkTIIIART I: NEEDHAM, N. Y. It superthmos to Kty anything in their favor. The elf pm tner, Mr. CAUHABL is the original imam!, of the Mel...ktm, and the superiority of his instrnments has never be. 0 questioned. They rAelve orders for them front all varto of the world. One"( their last and most important impro..ements L. the fl IUBLE SW ELL, which, white it en- Holies the 1 , ,c, ud - ords tho player greater variety of effects. I•uradi...ers are requ.-4.01 to examine and courince them. V•S of the superionty of the al,ve, which will 1.0 sold on the r..as.nable 1,1113 by 11. IiLEBER R BRO., N0..1.1 Fifth 4tr, , t S --A fr,ls NI:NM & CLARE'S and oth. t,” the way. announrii that SIIIItYI.S nuulti 1.5 them gmtirnaltrid to lit: will IR, forwrirded to ratty part of L'aiou, r,ceiring from the I.rtivs :tending Ow tints immi4urationt in kichi-a, according Cn tn.. fort1:1111 6,10 W. Iterry.uther. the size must be carefully and accurately talcs. al all occcmary allowances are made by the cutter of tlJe rutahh'ln u •nt. I tt. nroumi the neck. t. do. do. wrist. chest uninediat,ly. 4th. From th“ middle of shoulder, longth of arm to the wrh , t joint. Bright of the person, from the shoulder to the knee pen IVl,tbor with or without collars, the style of collars, and any oth, dirertion as regards style, fashien, tr. p!..n i luite union, and will be of great valuo to ~:“I.•ar.n at a aldillllC, M 110 find it impossible to obtain at han., satisfy them in style aud fit. Al'.. du hand. a full assortment of Shirts of our own man ufd.rture, and tientlemen's Nurnithing Boole. L. 11.11iSII Fl LD k SON, No. 70 Wund street, Pittsburgh. 1) V. ; TOTICE—TiIe partnership heretofore esiF hot.een Jacob Hostetter, D. Ifa,totter and G. W. malk. TITO, the firm of lIOSTE'ITEIt, SMITH S. CO, wan on the . 20th day of November last. by the entire i•nr, of ILc I,tPreAt of D. Host,t!er by Jacob Hostetter. Tio• 1,, conducted as her.wfore, under the name of 110i , TIMEIC S SMITH. C OLD PENS— w find Many no it difficult to pc;:s god o;formerly. )Manufacturers and dealer. have been tempted to reduce the quality of both gold ant uorkman,hip, in order to reduce the price—conaumere (..r,;ettinc. that I or price Ls not alwaris cheap. We have , pr Peon made eapresaly to order, “f the very beet material and finish. and warranted—from $1 to si. W. W. WILSON, tli Market savot, Corner of Fourtb. p!ANUS AND IF.LODEONS.-.10.L1N MELLOR. N,...51 Wood stroet, betwftn th.anond alloy no Fourth street, will open this dal. Friday tho 'Litt, In addition to ai lArgo ,;•,tt u. NV On hand, . NEW I'LLNO-FORTES, A n.l n ownplot o elognnt ❑ea &tar!: of MASON & 11131 LIN'S NIODEL .111k11,01/111 /N: 1 . in. 25 Vii - SINESS AND MONEY.—An opportunity for invent j) ment, and a partnership in a magnificent, permanent, shtide awl lucrative business, is now open for acceptance, by a party tiles wishes to make money. Here In a chance that .I,e. not ..-cur but once in a century. None but reliable parties, with business qualification, and from $5,000 to $10,01, 1 available capital, need reply to thin notice: and to aw,, a demonstration of facts will be presented, that will enhilut a position the most captivating and desirable. This in no gvissy, mach-penny adverdscruent, but Lana fide and sulJstautial in every respect; and the severest scrutiny la th-al. fill.. Address “Miumfacturer," Post Office, Pittsburgh, Pa,, and full itema will be communicated. ricor2lrtf IRON . CITY ('OLLEUE-DAY AND EVENING Wriling and /lad-Aaping.-I,llllietS uu i Gen I Inobeti's A pArGnon LA separate. ARI Twa c, anil its applications to business, (a new systole.) sin irter, plainer, and better adapted to business, than to bo funnel in any treatise. Results obtained with great facility . by new rules, termed "Arithmetical Magic." Arith mono, per month, $4. Call for a Circular of the College. dn.:a F. W. .17.NICrN9, PrincipaL THOMAS OLIVER, SADDLE, ILirus;Ess AND TRUNK 31ANUFACTL'itER, No. 4 St. Clair Benet, Pit taborgli. I.lorse Clothing. Whips. Spam &c. foots J. IL JONES C.. D. DENT JON - Esk DENNY, Forwarding and Couindsdon Mer chants, No. (.1 Water strest, Pittsburgh. Capl9 WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. JJFIN M. RO ERTS is now selling off hls large and choice emelt of fine Watches, Clucks, Jewelry and Fancy at a very small advance on first cost, preparatory to enlarging his Store Room and the purchase of an entire new stock for the spring trade. Persons desiring GILIIAT BARGAINS should call early, as It is his determination to close out his present stock with out 0 gard Io former prices. Don't forget the pIace—ROBERTS', 16 FIFTH street, near .Market- feb6 fIOAL COAL!! COAL !!!—Cannal Coal will now be delivered to any part of the two citiea, if orders addressed to me are left at Dr. ROBERT WRAY'S t; tb tetilt Y. on Smithfield street, opposite the Post Office, or nt RODT. WATSON'S S'fOltE, corner of Liberty and Wayne /streets. Lfebtd3wl J. B. STEWART, Agent. 'TOPE COAL COMPANY having re -L tently met with ]oases in transporting coal to Cincin nati. heing insured by the Manufacturers' insurance Com pany, of Philadelphia, take pleasure in stating that their Matins were promptly adjusted by J.Newton Jones, Agent of said Compauy. D. BUSUNELL, Agent ell*'oal Company, CinctrinatL Pittsburgh, December !XT, ,1255. BOW N Tin - Ltrt, Nrund atr,,,t, 1 itulough ME AND BOYFINTER CLOTHING —ROSENTHAL & Fi ft h street, opposite Me have largo stoe - dilrAten and Royal CLOTHING on band. comprising some AIWA)* new and elegant Kyles, which they are prepared terOtWt at the lowest cash prices. Al. a large and faabionablan44l. of G ENTS' FT Rhil.9l.lNO Goobs. decl3aily NUMBER 120. BUSINESS CARDS Agent, No. 201 Liber ed the following very clnice ar. Jamaica. Santa. Cruz. 0 IN Boguet, London Cordial, Schnapps. SUXDRIYS. Rutherfnrd's Suitch Ale, Barclays London Porter, Wild Cherry Brandy, =thi e e, Sardines, Mocha and Java. Young Flys. and Black Teas, Buglish Bronson Cheese, Imported Havana Cigars, of various bnuade, Old Monongahela Whisky, of all grades. cies couttectod with the bus my 4w AR MON I U S MELODEONS. 111 R SIIr 1•:Lt1 & SOti, z. , IIIICT MANUFACTURERS. No 74) Woq, snarr. Prt74:l,ll.na. JACOB lIOSTETTER, G. W. SMITH. SW ALLOW-TAIL LINE OF LIVERPOOL AND NEW YORK Pdr,Kl.7 SHIPS. Otonoi by Orme/fits Grittiest:4 , R South street, N. F. The subscriber is the Only... Agent. in Pitta-ii burgh for the above Lige —lam always on handDRAFTS for sale for any aminmt, payableat any Bank In England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. JOHN THOMPSON', European Agent, 410 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. NIECE OYSTERS—We ire now receiving rezular and constant tmpidy of 5.E1E14, ( ;,... ,\ aud OIN OYSTERS, •„Nag .. No. 8E DItICONDALLEV. Ja26 GEO. ItiZAITS. '`;` . . - ' • -,"-?-7,-_-',.;-..*:q.';',5::•.! 4.,... - _;•;.Y, '•-* .- - 11N7z 1 4.>. -,t . ,-..,-,---:-.-_,,-;:-...,,,•-•••-- , • .1 . ~:~ RATES OF ADVERTISING AGREED ON BY TILE PITTSBURGH PRESS TEN LLIZS OP NONPAREIL, 00 LEM ono Innertion ......... each additional insertion One equal'. Do. Do. ono week Do, two weeks...... Do. three weeks Do. one month Do. two mOnthi r . Do. three months Do. roar mon!lo Its .six months Do. one yeti' Standing Card, eiz lines or lees, per run= atAziozArra AT PLZASURZ Ono mime, per Annum, (exclusive of the pallef,) 25 00 Marriage nutted, 50 cents; Death notices, 25 cents. MISCELLANEOUS RIFF POSTPONEMENT THE SECOND ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION C. A. A. The Management of the COSNIOPOLITAN ART ASSO CIATION announce n brief postponement of the Distribu tion of the Worke of Art from the list of January to the 28th of Subruitry next, (the same as last year,) ax waxen Isle IT WILL NIOeT PO:lain:LT TAKE PUCE. The above change in the time of the Distribution has been (etmtrary to the expectation of the Management) deemed expedient in order to receive the reports of distant Ikezetaries ; which, owiug to the late storms throughout the country and the consequent derangement of the mail., will be delayed from reaching the Western Office by tho Slat of January. To those who have already become members of the Anse dation, the Management most respectfully request their in• flume° to incres.4o the list of subscribers: Should each member increase his subscription for an additional Periodi cal, or induce n friend to subscribe, the future benefit to the Association would beat leasftrebled—enabling the Manage ment to make still gem* °oft:re - Vie Works of Art in future. The Lost Chtitice is now presented to Subscribe. TIIE DISTRIBIMON will positively take place TRUES- DAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 28, when the bugs and valuable collection of Works of Art comprising the cele brated GENOA CRUCIFIX, the MARBLE BUSTS by POW ERA STATUARY several hundred magnifi cent OIL BRONZE PAINTINGS, will be ,und distributed among the sub scribers for the second year. TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP. The payment of Three Dollars constitutes any one a mem ber of this Association, and entitlea hint to either ono of the Maimzines for. one year, and also a ticket In the dietributiou of the Statuary and Paintings. The Literature issued to subscribers couaists of the follow ing Monthly Magazines: Harper's, Putnam'e Knickerbocker Blackwood's, Household Words, Umlaut's, arid Oodey's Lis! dy's Book. Persons taking five memberehipe are entitled to any live of the Magazines for ono year, and to sir tickets in the distri bution. 11e net proceeds derived from the sale of member ships are devoted to the purchase of works of art for the en cuing year. The Advantage Secured by becoming a member of this Association, are— let. All persons receive the full value of their subscriiption at the start, in the shape of sterling Magazine Literature. 24. Each member is contributisz ' towards purchasing choice Works of Art, which are to be distributed among themselves, and arnat the same time encouraging the Artiste ut the country, disbursing thousands of dollars through its agency. Pursues in remitting funds for membership will please give their pose -office address in full, stating- the month they west the Magazine to commence, and have the letter registered at the post-mike to prevent toes; on ita receipt a certificate of membership, together with the Magazine desired, will be forwarded to any part of the country. Thome who purchase Magazines at bookstores, will observe that by joining this Association, they receive the Magazine and free ticket in the annual distribution all at the same price they now pay for the Magazine alone. a ~ For Memberships, address C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A., At either of the Principal Offices--"Kniekerbecker bla„z. rise" office, 31S Broadway, New York; or Western oilice,l6o Water street, Sandusky Ohio. Sill Subscriptions received by Dr. GEORGE for H. KEYSER, No. 140 Wood street, Honorary Secretary, Pittsburgh, Penna. Rib& SANDS' SARSAPARILLA. IN QUART BOTTLES. Fbr the Removal arad Itrmarum.l Care of all Diseases arising from an Impure State of the Blood, or habit of the Sydem. -H- EA L TII depends principally upon the condition of the blood—its oxidation by Its passage through the lunge, and distribution into the organs of al , sorption, circulation, respiration, and secretion, constitute the phenomena of Life. These organs are Imbued with wonderful sympathetic alDnities: if any one of them is im properly affected. they all become irritated and inflamed, the etounich gets deranged, pains of all kinds come on, espe cially in the head and limbs, accompanied with a burning heat, lose of appetite, extreme nervous debility, nausea, mor bid anxiety, depression of spirits, disturbed sleep, and Ind.- piaition tomake the slightest physical exertion. If the vital fluid be charged with the elements of disease-, sickness meet be the consequence. It is then evident that a medicine Is needed that will cleanse and purify the blood and ouch is I SANDS' SARSAPARILLA. It assists digestkin, creates ass petite, strengthens the sysfem, and by removing the CUMe+ of the disease effects a comphae and permanent cure. The following unsolicited communication isOne among thousands that are from time to timeaddreseed io WI from all quartet:s . hr the world, to which we invite attention: Lifts CO.. OPECION TEEL, Mirth 144855. Messrs. A. B. & D. Samis,.ticie York—Gentlemen: In the spring of 1853 I left Indiana with my wife and seven chil dren for Oregon, and arrived safely at Salmon Falls, Snake River without any difficulty; at this place our eldest boy was seirei with a swelling and severe pains In the 'legit. which day by day grew worse, until his legs contracted mud became so palliful that he could not walk; see had to carry him in and about the wagon like an infant; his meaning was dreadful, keeping us awake nearly-all night. We reached Albany on the tid of October. completely worn ant by fatigue; by this that) he was reduced to a perfect skeleton. here we were enabled to commit a physician, Dr. TIM, who le neatly confessed he could not care him, although he could . give Lunt medicine that would relieve the pain. In this eel ' gooey something remained to be done speedily, or death way inevitable. Being recommended to try your Sarsaparilla, I procured a bottle; after taking some he appeared worse; but pecieveringwith it..l obtained a second hOttle.WhiCh seemed grapple with the disease, mud caused a ranked improve ments. the swelling and pain in the legs were reduced, hie appetite improved, and his color began to return. Thus ere couroged.l pun-hailed a third bottle, while taking which the .wellings in his legs broke, and some pieces of bones one eighth of an inch long mime out; after which his legs straightrued Wilt healed up. Ile is now perfectly recovered, has no appearance of Wing a cripple, and can perform most kinds of common labor. All this has beerfeffected, as many can certify, by three bottles of your valuable Sarsaparilla of which, under providence, my son contains a living testimo nial. Yours, respectfully, CALEB DAVIS. v „. Prevend and sold by A. 11 A D. SANDS, Druggists and Chemists, WO Fulton street, New York. Sold also by B. A. YALINESTOCR k co., FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, and by Druggists generally. Price $1 per bottle, at air bat s febildni STEAM ENGINE AND PUMP PACKING AND LlNlNG.—Tuck's Patent Elastic Packing and Lining, for all parts of Steam Engines end Ptinips, where soli packing is used. llngincers and all others who have need this Packing, ac knowledge its superiority over all other kinds known. Its advantages: great droubility, saving of tallow, reduction of friction, consequently saving of power--a betuir VACUUM is maintained on long voyages of vessels than by any other material, thereby aumomising fuel. It does not require to be taken oat of the stuffing-box, but, being packed in a metallic cone, idlest inside the stuffing box, the packing is gradually consumed, tlins saving time and material. It is made in lengths of twelve feet, % to 2 Inches diame ter, and also In sheet of any size and thickness. Samples of the Packing anti models of the cones can he seen, and orders will be received, at W. S. HAVEN'S, Ja29 Stationery Warehouse, Market at., corner of 2i E W M U S 1. , 0. Just published and received by IL Ii.LEBER A BRO., in advance of the trade:. L' INNOCENCII—Grand Galop de Con- t cert, composed and dedicated to Mrs. Mary • ' Scheele7y of this city, by Fleury Bieber. CR S AND QUAI'ERS—Threo easy and pleasing Itondon, wiper:ally designed! anti composed for teaching par pases by If. Kieber, TIIF MAIDEN'S LAMENT, or a Woman Can't Propose— A cheerful and pleasing song. Both words and music sprightlyand effective: by H. Rebelk. ilo!)13 NIGUT AND PLEASANT DREAMS—Beautiful new sone', by W. T. Wallace. Six Songs by Wurzell, (author of Basal Dell. new, pleas ing. and very may. Aloe. a selection of new Polkas, Schottisches, Waltzoa, etc., etc. For sale .1)y LI. ILLEBER ,5 BRO., No. 53 Fifth street. N. 11.-1. fresh supply of NUNNS 6: CLARK'S PIANOS on the way. fobS IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE ." 150 Students attending the Day and Evening Mese% Penmanship, Book-keeping, Arithmotic, and Ito applica tions to bnalnera, taught in this oxtenitive Commercial School and Model Counting-house., to large classet of Laillee and Gentlemen. Success guaranteed to all who attend. A few lessons from an unsurpassed penman correct the worst hand-writing. Book-keeping, when correctly taught, is easily learned. Merchants and business men apply hero for first class Book-keepers, Accountants and Clerks. Call and obtain specimens of Business writing—a circular for full informa tion—opposite the Post Office, at COLLEGE HALL. decl9 RLCEDMATIaI Ann NEU±LALOIA—Dr. litioWN hereby Informs the afflicted that his remedy for the above men tioned diseases Is one that will cure. Ile will warrant a cure in any case of this kind. This remedy was never known to fall when properly peisevered with. Many suffer the torture of this complaint for months and years, when a few dollars would procure a certain, sale and speedy remedy. Office and Private Consulting Booms, Na 41 DIAMOND ALLEY. 1e26 BUCIU I 'Y'S VIOLIN TUNES—"A. Col lection of beautiful Waltzes, Polkas, Quadrilles, (with figures for dancing.) Jigs, Reels, etc. Bucklers celebrated Imitations of the Farm Yard, find the Power of Music. ° This is a choice work for amateur players on the violin. The collection of Jigs and Reels never before published, is alone worth double the price of tho book. -Price 60 cents. Copies mailed, postage. paid. CHARLOTTE BLUME, jot 11811ood et., second door aboverPifth. lA/RIGHT'S PREMIUM KA.TILARION V cools the head, and removes all symptom of mead- Yenone-ming WRIGHT'S EATHADION Are never liable to emu-stroke. watours pimmursi KATELABION Is the moat valuable acquisition to tillf toilet, retaining the Hair In auy required form. For sale by Dr. GEO. IL ILEYSEJ3. and It E. SELLERS & CO. at 25 cent. per bottle- arida T AIRES' WRITING CLASS—DU FF'S COLLEGE.—Tho Ladies' Writing Clazusof Able Institu tion is removed to an elegantly furnished, earrpoted apart coma mijOining - the Classical Department, where Ladies ars instructed in Mr. \Mates' elegant style of Penm , u.hip. A Class of Lady Teachers meet on Elaturdaysjecim 3 till P. 11. For tering and particulars, apply tc!.tbd.PtincipaL febB;dsur P. DUFF. F _ 0 I E—V ALL' ABLE PD.O.PERTY IN ST. Loom Mo.—The. lower portion of Mock 747; fronting Victor .184. feet, 6oselualf.o 218 feet, 31aia 2G feet. The Irmo - .4Countain•ltnilroad nins licisciusko—the Depot being within .two! tinares. It Is well suited for the sito of an Iron Works. Xnquirn at 8A.11,11Y, MOWN & Tittstairglt,..of of TRWLN: 7 S3flTki, Attornsy at Law. St- Louis. M. _ - povilino N.CI..LANG „Lowe, _JD ana, Illinois or Michigan, to exchange on fair terra/ forcity pp:43ml. , Is'aquiropf • TEMIAS:WOODS, ja2.l Ihronrth,litregr. T JOHNSON CO.?S TypE.A9Eicoy._ • Having tho Sgeticyforgui solo of L.9ohus it! E. Co.'s Typo, Cute, Rulos,Loado, Fur nitaros L - c.„l aMpreparell,to till all orders promptly. - Terms: C.A.5 1 - W. , 8: RAVEN, Printer — and Ell=krter„, • /garket Bin calmer of Exqnd. _ WANTED --100 Shs. National Itrg Co. Stock. 92 Iromth street C ` 4 1 ^a r c 5" F'^'b 'l4'2* _.. 1 74 a 00 400 6 00 7 00 900 10 00 12 00 10 00