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" ' •., ' ,".. r,• A lc ....... , .r.. t. 6f A t .... ..• '' ":„ • • ` or 4 4 , f , tf 4 • • • , • 44 • . • . THE NEWS. PITTSBURGH POST I • from a rcport of the vestry of Trinity (Antra, Fl:[llAY MORNING FEBRUARY 2 0 . New York, to tho Legitduture, we learn that the i•roperty owned by that oorporation amounts in PRICE-CURRENT EXTRA copies of the Prier-C'urre'nt, put up in P,,ng, wrappers, ready fur mailing, can always 1., had at the Merchants' Exchange. at the rate of five eent.o per copy, or fifty cent.... per dozen NANO() SWALLOWING "SAM." There was once a party in this country caned • rational Republican. - It ••didn't pay under 1 hat title, and it changed its name to " Whi g .'' I'. wally disastrous were its misfortunes under the nw appellation. Federal—National Republican - \\ pig--whatevername it assumed the same foe -lifronted it. the same dark fate pursued it. I , •-aster and defeat were the perpetual result of ii • best laid schemes until in 185'2 it apparently ,ve up the ghost. Not so, however, in fact. •\ j. , rtion of its sh4 i ttefed legions thronged into the coup of abolitionism, and took bodily possession of its standards, weapons and munitions ~f "r. 'the progeny of this amalgamation is a Repub li,-.an" party, which many call "Sambo," from it= all-engrossing negro sympathies. Another ietion of the disorganized Whig hosts ought I.y stealth and at midnight the forlorn tents of Native Americanism. Secret councils, signs and mswords attracted the unwary, and those fond ei novelty, in crowds, and it soon became the mysterious and formidable " Sam." Drawn together by a common origin—Federal ; and a common purpose—to defeat the Democrats—Sam and Sambo joined hands for a t me, and victory on victory perched on their banners. Those victories won, they fell to guars riling over the spoils. Each claimed the honor or the day, and the spoils; and each demanded Ole undivided control for the future. Sanibo had to friends at the South, but the majority over Sum at the North ; and, having no notional aims or purposes as of yore, lie dropped the word • National" from his former name, and adopted the title of "Republican." But " Sam - was everywhere. East, West, North and South be numbered his hosts and his brethren, and proclaimed the "White House •' ids own. To establish a more perfect union, !Ind provide for the common " onslaugh upon t'•e foe, the Samuel brethren met in convention in the city of Brotherly Love in June, 1`;55. \lint eager hopes and anxious fears hovered around that secret conclave. Pure men in crowd,. were resigned to the task of serving and saving their country if high "once sought them." To , -onciliate Sambo and yet satisfy 'lnd secure the South was n desperate task. The convention es_ rayed it and blew up in a row, and the " White receded from view. It was an evil day for Sam that day in June. The splendid fabric that he hod reared in a year was shattered to fragments in a day. High hopes and proud as- Idrations were crushed. tittin's brilliant vision , . Isis pride and power, and even his victories had " "II lhr rir..r, An instant Aern. th..o g,no From that moment Santlto resolved to .nra/Jot, Sam. The process adopted seems likely to suc ceed. Stun tries to be national a little, and would preserve the union of the ..fates. But Sanilio .P 11.09 upon and intensities the anti-sla very sentiment of the North, and declares hi , willingness to ••let the Uniou slide. - lie insists on civil war in Kansas, sends bowie knives and ritles, and urges his friends there to repu diate all peaceful remedies for their troubles, nullify all laws, and tight it out to the death. A revolution notneichert is needed to give Saint, the next presidency : and is also needed to enable Sambo to swallow Sam. Such a disastrous event as a civil war must necessarily divide the whole country into two great parties--those who instigate and urge on the fratricidal war : end .those win oppose, and endeavor by just and peaceful means to prevent it. Mambo instigate , it. and thus forms one of those parties . Th e s great party of the people [Lila of the constitu tion, and all moderate and law-abiding citizetr oppose it, and form the other party. Thus Saw is erowiled out—lust sight of in the great ex pected - inu. , l fall int. the Il publican party and serve in the ranio,, or hs powerless for good or evil, or any other porpos. wha e e r Such is the programme of operatiore, an such the proce-s by which Sambo expect,. t swallow Sum. The Kansas excitement to I. intensified, nud oeeasionally diversified by tl illublents of a fugitive slave ease, and by a law less finSardt oil licu Of the war- ad V.realifi,' non-reF , istent Greeley. The first man wh,, ha the audacity to propo , e to let the Cnion slide ' is likely to he Sarubo's candidate for the presi Ile is already Speaker of the House Representative , „ and may yet crowd the arch agitator'• of the Empire State from the track He is a Sam and a Sambo both, and hence nio, available in the task of swallowing Sam. llu he is a Sarah° most, and his availability wii enure entirely to the benefit of the latter. Wr may expect for the next six months, in the re publican presses, nothing but tales of horror about K tisas, " tales of woe" about fugitie.• slave, and a thousand and one tales 010111 autithern aggression and democratic ttiekedne all equally thrilling and equally true as the tal of the Arabian Sights. The sober settee of great nation must surely succumb to such a mighty effort; and Sant must go where Jonah went, but not like Jonah, to return. 'Tis " a great country this ;" and the create: I thing in it is a certain bug called—'' hum.' That animal made a president in '4O, why net in '56? The answer is easy. Blood is thicker than cider, and dearer than log cabins. hard cidrr may flow, and log cabins may rise all over the land, and the people may laugh at the childish amusement. But when human blood must Hew that uneasy politicians may thrive—when the Constitution and the Union must be trodden un der foot and slide," that an abolitionist may be president —let the agitators and schemers be ware of the stern will of intelligent freemen. The ballot box and the ballot will execute that will Ae lightning duth the will of Ilearen TWENTT- SECOND FElllil'AßY.—ThiS It the 1241 h anniversary of Washington's birth day. In many places it is to be celebrated with unusual interest. In Cincinnati extensive preparation have been made, and the Mayor and Councils 0 several cities invited to be present. Quite number of our citizens have gone to the Queer City to participate in the festivities. The I/hi Legislature will be there arid the St. Louis am Louisville public authorities and board or trade. It will be a great day in that city. The military companies will turn out in this city, but beyond that we suppose the day will lie little noticed. COSMOrf/LITAN ART Ari3OCIATIUS. —We noticed some time ago the fact that the drawing had been postponed until the 28th instant. Person.: therefore will have a few days longer to so', scribe and personally or send in their subscrin. icons to Dr. George Keyser, 140 Wood stre, t, who is the Honorary Secretary for this city and "emits. The subscription price is $3,00 for which each une will g h et a magazine for a year ami besides a chance in the drawing of a large number of valuable works of art. See card in another column. -- DINNER DE , LINI:I-. A large number of citi zens of Philadelphia, belonging to all political parties, addressed a letter to the lion. George M. Dallas, tendering hint a complimentary din ner as a mark of respect, prior to his departure from England, to assume the duties of American Mitii4ter at the court of St. James. Mr. lidltis lc, replied. declining, for the reason that all his ,p,re time will be occupied in preparing for his ! oirt ure. value to $2,1;68,710 AN article from the N. Y. Ere cling I'o:it, on the iron trade of England and the United States, 11 be found in this morning', paper, and give. ,unie interesting statistics in relation to the eel,- 3ect. We Will give to-IIItTroNV in a c,l - form the entire corri,pulidelive ill rein to the K:111,1l , 11 , 111.1... , t :01,,111 a page or the Wash ington Our?, :Ind is the of tit jai rt•port suhmittch to I 'ldtg•res,•• he the Pr t e.i_ .lent. A number of the 111,,1 citi/vit, of C..vingttot, :1 l e tt, :\ll. \lt. Burnett. of Cincinnati. iucitinL him to vi-it their 1.111.., when his (-.,n‘e,nivi,e,.. pl”111:-Illg 111111 from otly ,urii outrage Iva., perpetrated I tin , r.,,wdie, in hic recent Green. Will) WaS arriisti.il the iither ly ut Cartimizti i rionniy, the aitinliireviiii 113. bcell 1:.“' 1 1:11'! , •f1. It Iva. , :Li the the teiS,n wh,. 11121110 the 11110r:11:U1011, 101: who , 111...e.1 , 1011t1y he. The f,,llowing I , II,: a the delegate= i• , the .kinericart Nat,. nal ( . .,nvunii.,n now iu ses ',lon at Philadelphia :- 11 In V Johnston, S. Far -aid. .k. L. .1 , thii I I eiSt apt/. .I. L. itl,S'er. Jn.. I'ovo,io.S. 1 .1. 1VL,41, Jr IL P. Gillingham, F.. 1 Vln . `.; I Coffee, T. NI. Carlisle, M. t' Smith. Lemuel Todd, 11. T. N.lorgan, I):,key. J. William t'. Pyle, E .1. J. ('l .. \ de. T 1.. Gifford, Lloyd Jones, J. IL Edit, J. aI. Kinkead, Francis Park, 1,. J. Power, J. H. Sewell. The friend , . and neighbor of the Mu. Ilene M. Fuller gave him ti , pulilic dinner on the I`+tli nt Williesbarre, which was participated in hy Whigs, American , and Democrats. Mr. FM icr being callel our. made a speech of sonai length: vimlicating the cour-e of and friendo during the struggle fur the Speakership, tad aligning that lils positMn on the slaNery question was sound, national and cunservatiTc lie deprecated the agitation 4 f the qUv,(14.11, ire and out of Congris, as calculated to intlame the Julie coo W e learn from tho Lotti,itle papery that on Saturday morning, Atte: ,eveu O•C,-Qli, not , f the steam beiler. , :It the Loui-ville situated nil Main -met, between Tenttt 5111. i Eleventh. Kai tcirtfit• X pito , i , pll WtnN 111'111'.1 ,"11.1are, 1,11, ul,l ,0,,n hut) ',l e d. 4 people tioeL I•r th.. vt wiliiin it Iv, 11 01 !,.(.n klu t . I 1 . 1 , UT IT 1 htll :he 111.1 IV“ N.'l V 1,11 W,1111.1,1 1. 'f Le , 11111• AV r 'lli i3lllOlll. In - ,•u::u[ :01 , i thirl crtvi I t.!, IVl!.t.on. •ts r- h. •Ilt.i tittle gui ~no• rear. 3go. 43 , 1g1,t , t. vsi.l..%c Tit,. t tiatilt:-1 .ind I at the Ilia, TIIE ((I:V1..11:N1'10N TO-1)11. 1, •i TL; I vin t::. I' ,alNellll , ll 111 \ • it 1• IIIt• 11 , 11tt1.r.1 . .1s '11t.11.1-111r, • uwc 111,.1,t1 Ilia! tit.• her th. ,rf• I , 1 111,,0r1. led fr •In ,•i/-,,, ~ .1,1 111 Ow ‘1 tiotigalieln, iu lair titular. Ow or- 1,1 .1 ;L k with ..,.,,1 1..1.,rt:, • I, ri.•'\ A •• ruthAti arrived are IL n .I.ed.nta It iel II .1,1 1;,•••!py. .1 I' \ Allwhan A NI. (.141.1 the the New 1 -rk,- in '!“• n ;tr :11,1+•ty 1:011111t 1 , rt.. , 1,1' , ft 1,1 11,11.,t, 1011, II IV Sr tii,. Lai tlo• t• 101. -I • u. Flat; ,nn 1.1147 k: ,-!c,l 1 which rn:irr!t tittt fi - tmt !aritti it ~ t ittt lit t ~lint tt.itv I f.Jr - - , 013.11 , 1- Wk\ I out 10r fut.ion 15:111 the 1.111t!T",;111 . 1111 p,, Benefit of Mr. Bovidge this city to-nig eri eleoh eee:veeti he will a benefit. Two such capital picccs Heir ;it Law, - an Po ,r frier Pillicoddy ought t, draw an immense audieher, :trot r.e doubt not the house will he crowded. Go cat's and secure your seat,. NEWS OF THE VICINITI. 142 We , lne,hy of last wt•ek, . . . wife of Henry Stitt.m. and Niue: Anna I,e‘erg.,, ' s dacight,, „t• were severely injured by the upsetting of , sleigh near the town of Indiana, Mrs Sotto,' shoulder was diniocated, and her arm bad I bruised. Miss Levet good had a foot ha,: 'v sprained. The sufferers were compelled to g o as far as Mechanicsburg, before obtaining nistance. --The local elections in Carribi ia county last week, were very favorable to the mocracy. The K. S's elected their tickets pret ty generally, but by reduced majorities. few daysisincethecahinet and furniture warerie,to of H. & S. Purtzer, in Saltsburg, together with a considerable quantity of lumber and tools, wa , destroyed by fire. A good deal of finished tel unfinished furniture was also destroyed. .$lO to .$l5Oll. On the day after the tire, a subscription paper was circulated through toe town and s:•!,fitt promptly raised for their reli, —The scarlet lever is prevailing with unust, d fatality in the neighborhood of Sallsburg, on both sides o! the river. Three children of W m . 'Ammon have died within a few hours after the first attack. So malignant is the attack, in mo-t cross, that death ensues before remedial agents can have effect. -- A Mrs. Sullivan, wife of Irish laborer on N. W. Railroad, in the vicinity of Saltsburg, had her thigh broke in attempt ing to get her drunken husband to bed. In king a desperate effort to carry hint to bed, she sunk under the ef f ort, awl he Galling on )1. r, broke her thigh. - A child of one of the opt, a tives on the railroad, was burned to death by falling backwards into a skillet of boiling The child's skin adhered t„ the skillet ft liar- l some days in intense suffering. -- Some of the operatives on Section iL, N Railroad, mad , a narrow escape by the descent ~f a rock weich ing several tons. It struck the crowbar of oim. threw him some distance— injured his leg, but fortunately did no other injury. --George Vi ii son, in the neigborhomi of Salt...bur g , had a valuable horse stolen a short time ago. The horse was found at Tarentum, miles fr home, making his way back. The thief v a. discovered frozcn to ,!scab. between Tarentom and Deer Creek—he haul attempted to cross the ice, as some supposed, and perished. Disastrous Fire. [ From th, .1ollost”wn Echo. 2i,th (ha Sunday morning last , at about three o'cloek, a tire took place at the Cambria Iron Works, which destroyed the large casting house at fur naces No. I and 2, of the range of new furnaces erected by the Company, before it was arrested. The engine house and the machinery were also much injured. The fire took place in couseguense of the "bridge" at furnace No. I giving way, when the metal in its liquid state rushed out, thereby causing a '• The great accumu lation of snow prevented the destruction of the other two furnaces. The light was most tirillant, the snow on the surrounding hills appearing to glow with lire. The most active efforts are tieing made to again commence operations, as there is great ;lon ger or a chill in the stacks. The loss is varioosly estimated at from $20,000 to 711,1 1111_ We that the real damage is about $11114H). The Company espeet to have repairs made in alomt two weeks. ~. . ..• ~ '' ]~• .n.J j 1 ;: y. ' 3 ip... t.r~' P x .. Q.~~xl-s• -4P : d R 1 4 * -Itl ' •-• 4 if r • v 4 ••!#'4a)rd4 =ME "'.."1" . • r:i;.i (hat dirt, I,livit =MEE =MEI 1 kl , MEMO 1111=11 FINIM Isequences, that bate been S.tnic‘dpit 1111,chirV, rh e benefits of our iwirca•l. are Inca : but they have tavulved u , tii a heavy lit n.l this debt must emliartai , s , elite extriit years tit Collie. It Itas t , tried contililic foster die Sy-tent of ta• ; ,:tit a t i p, I/Whetary concerns by Ettr tpetin market,. It has c.xtentleti (Le peril our , ervitiple to the capitali,t, of Eureve, and is tlin, an for all the tli•itre. , i•tti- ;Intl patllC., 11,0, atr,f•t. toy . The worst ilitintwe ti'.', this muse, letwel i s over. IV/ lire ‘lepelphint Ihan runer! , , Upon Europe 14 , r money iron. Capital accumulating here in qullieient rpopititte, to enable raiirmul compatile , to negotir loan , at amt isms timininicturer, are tiakinr superior to the Eurepr•itn, at price., that g•• patties Can aff,r.l to jr A In a !el, l;,orr will lie to I. r -ending a the country t.. pay rot the (1,,6 st„eki ng „r our new railrot e k, ()n ee 1,1 th e present deli; pail 1111 . ,Hid rte run lie our twit ;MA \in !nao:, turers, se that our railreatl, rimy tie ,littericati in eery , ease it the word GEN. PIEBCE.• --In the diary and o.,rre•,p,ou dence of the late Amu , ~r the Pi. re r. It will I.e rememitertal that 11r. 1.:m . 4.110t. W . , a presidential elector, and r,t hi , note 1 . .. r t,en tic..tt ; hut in a letter to a :•;,,titi, Nutt in I rit i t2, he .nail : "Nly nephew I.y ?nal-Hap.. Franklin l'o•rco, .seem.: to he a proinit,ent candidate f.prlhe 11 Lit• House for the 111.Xt 111111 . lear. Ile i, the -.4)1,1 ~1 hon,.r, arid an obi denn , erat b•tin an•l bred, and ca n t be depended I,h A wEsTERs New York parer Neither ugu, nor Seneca Lake I la, 3ot t-urrendemtl the ice, but remain with their dark blue open water, like islanbs in an ocean of -now Their colors the deeper, from their fringes of . viiite. Lat‘t winter Seneca Lake wa, frozen er •-ti hard, at the lower end, that horse races were had upon it. It is a remarkable ,beet of water, and ~nly freezes once in a centurv. WHISK) FREEZING. JulleSTl/le, Lee Coun ty, Virginia, last week, the keeper ol a gr ,, eery stare broached a barrel or whiskey, to serve out to customers. but, on attempting to draw some of the I].,uid, it was feittel to haNe n into a barrel solid ice. ,That whi•lty was well watered. A WRITER in a N.•w V. paper ~ p eak, of a la dy who wears up..n Glle drv,, a full trunnany .Another p.atig h o ly in N ew y,,,k ha, a,h,rned a :ringte drew: with .t• eyn andlifty yards of rz7•!• , • , ,. Truly, this i , . - irrving extravagunee in dress to great ' . I '. „ i . • 4. '1•:/t... • •1 ;,•• [Front the Nen York Evening t' - d3" We think we are instilled In saying, THE 1110 N TILA DI: OF EX GE AIA D Ail 1) thin tai other fill, or remedy far kivor Complaint, tea gain_ THE 'UNITED STATES. ea, .0. aes, vt,Hy. the roputation non oh yid h , The uterca-c of railroad, has given an Leoiti lilt'.. As au el-kb-net that they will cure, teed thd dd inero.te impetus to the iron trade, yet it i- n :sin_ lowing room a lady minting hi our own ity : gular fact. that the United State, which take+ NEW YORE. January the lea.l Or all other countries in the extent of Ih.in to lily that I haves had the liver eninplanit for its , a Rill the amount of iron used fur HU , puriouuY, ilaS n o t increased manufacture ,an now say b. LI:- ',sidle. that they have rod of ir4,71 to an extent at all commen,urate with its and I do heron, rneonuneti. them to all porsons afflict wants. o,l,vith a liimeneted MO will sure. M Alt I A EVANS, N., sacre-!.Tilt. annual production of erode iron through „,,t t h e wi,t.lit. to et.t,tit.tted al l,lll careful tt, n , l. for 1” - .11 G reat B r i t vrarwo Loyr to:ootf,,ort, I , l,rmr‘o iitto,. .A 1 l'ittNlorglt. Thi•ro tturpt.rtitig• Austria Itol • - gium it t v t ,t, • , ultou tt ,. t.t,,,ttett Dr. lnn,nlat the l vital 1.1v.r tut rttlrbrnyetllertniitigr. ran Ott t ttu t die lesser liertrimt stater • :•t all !aid, l,rt, Nt.ti r go•nuir, wLlhout tle It "fates 7:1(11H ritunlt•it, it. Out, seen that one-half of the iron of the ''''ln"- ” ( FLEMIN" 811":' front the forges of Brent ltritftin t that tlo. amount 1...111,r , 1 in the rnited Mate=ough lorge, a,s c,l:ll,trtsl will! other 1., J. Kidd , No. wt wood gtroot, corner „( Penni, e“tirltrie , -.mall when e"1,tr,,, e .1 with that of i " lind ' w t ,rat llritaln. I. till , likel lo Those arr ht.st it this -iihje- - t. of 111. , pinion 111;0 the fito..rtide 'I./Catton. //r. Thr, and r' are at pl .rit a.,aa ll apird, and 111,1 if the 1 , 1;10.1.114,,01.1 ..tti•p.,rl it 1,01 r ,,, •ivotl Irn. I . lom. 1..5 iron trAcle Britain i- destioe.l I- a nir- Ti,.- ..• he itot, /I,t 0,11 u. Ow thl• I , ,•f N.1:11,1, WhiCII t:i VI. hitl,erlo Nit. , /1. itl TMI,IIIII nut thi. hrt•ti. for the ; part, tit doele.l. r. ~I 11,u In the n ttontrttry, thotl,,• .Iww. li. Off lit 1 . 0 aI , n 14 . i 3! ar•• to r,0n.1) .1 - yrrt-ally .1. 1i,.0 a ,itCh guy hat It tt. post•:11 enj •t - trvi•ly 11 ) .. 0 Oro Lunet, 111 0 1 toake an impression upou Own'. lildettd. ' to n“ subject which , trikes the sk , ,ientific ~l 'l•erver I this country with gro:Lter wonder, than I bat rr..111 of the 111 1 / 1 0.1i,• 111 . :11. Iteape I nip 'in act :10.1 0i1... ranges 111/Lill. , tahirit trtcer.c Ow eh- r.,• and Sr-tool) .Irk , -(4. tire length ,r American 111:NI,ERSO1 A otr,t I: 11. I' 11,e of which, no well as the ni , st widely AIiTZ, and 1:E.1:1:11A;l Ni• KENhAN, Allegheny f01 , 1t , .,1t0 I w iron. Cul England. aid , th . 1 0. ' 1 "e' f irl J j-- tlntcl.elor's I)ye T.enty .11, is far fr,in fflaki:47.. the be , t. • The Ilu.,an and Sivedi , b bear, A higher- reputati,on, and. c• the 1..5, maw!, a greater inarket ',ace 11.1eile i„..,„„d e. tb.- b..' Ili jury L. I.r due t" the m"'l. ..r talne 1.111,41 referMUle LO A •:. ,,, •fI•Y "‘`,o.• 1%4; 1 iißrathi\.•wabundant materia's 1 . :11011f1.1 'Lot them t" F.l d, And I , y . Dr. r. N. IL Belar.a., .10 alopf, a”.] .ithfully l.aut hated. ft-1,7 Iw. Oar- Clove Anodyne 'Toothache Droi,a-- The r Englim.l ; t‘i that Ti t - 5' int . /mutt...of T....tlincho nee nitt.7 , 01.7 . 1 - ,ltert/ti I / Ow 1,4, or 11.4tr,11,417, 11,)117/ t.. Ow F.tlli fri,m it is !tint the Mitt Hai !Jilt/hitt:J.li 14117/n tst IN/ntiNto hnso /7 high ninnluri //1 it, 17,1,1 ~/nstatil I/ he diminished. lu ! eet , llarterld It 1./ ttw it pn[l , o4 Tbo following. lootll.pity 1;1 this diltnimh. thh mihiit - ttliV I , ttitt 1 t Stale tca..re nature hat: 1 'lit j/, '""" """ I"" "'in ' in with a rn-rt , hoittitic , ll until than in Hit V nth tir pirrt ; llt A It SA vi-t!----tie/gattnn-n to t tut., to he 7,1w1 , . : 1;1- hiren.i) P IA ; tun , ' ''' l . t . sl l “ " ri l 1 1 ' T " :. t r ti t r a ' g " l:. A ln n d "'"i ;:+ ". l NMI 1 ~1 titer , 1, t•lin tt rt.a,,l-, /tt , t/ 4 ttit) rl.4,4llllesei It //I.) deeltl it I.IIZ )11.41 Tl. i • 11,14,1" t,.0 of Use high optuntu / htrin 01 ,t OVer other mew— Aii,tg tt.-. ;1 ;-are ht VET, 14nt . 1 , ,.,A 7/ 11A /, 7 7 n :0111./74 I•very varirtv hi;;;WII , s..m. • 111, which 1.1 e DPI I il,l 11.1—. :IX mention, , .) the Fr1;11;! ihte Wil,a7ll i0. , 11/1-e, tl,-ii :11 Ir , .n rcl :01 , 1 1•••111;./trat IV', , 10Ii re••••••tv k • :1••• . ..IC I.‘ 3i , I the tailed ,'w.ll 11u1,i1h it :Lt IT; 411.,V7t 1.1 w.: I. i. ,i 01.'y !1,1 -I. :LI . 11•.;;,t 111 I I I.tr pol Ilia=lll 1 p.. I I L Jr t ~ ~~ I. ~.. 1. ~~~ ~ ~ . \1 ,- \ I..:•'t. iLaii Lt..l =IEEE MESE r.•• 4 ,ri ; „ 14,11 . r111t30 , 4, 11. :11i33II, I II:13:1 _ rude h MIMI I ln,n:au!l whid, IP. .n n N esir .;I" IN.k I. I. tnazing the (~.‘t It , a , L3 at the rutultrv. We lin , l the aggregate lIIVC4III,hI nr,nr~ in thi,. inter,,t S -Nearly the 1‘11 , ,1e k`ii•krlll,l ill I di 'liit i'l~~la•L:~ii,: t / 1131 h:rr , l :: iii.... 1 11, t• .4 Of InollOy, Ow o t I , , to ke fl , t OW read e.. i t;li' II ha. fiat Meet money thr,rx%ll )1111 1111. a certain drgree of reeklemene... in 11 , rlio•I ture, together with n tlooight:e•,lll...., - lIIIMiI Alnu, lur w.k ILLo .1, propri , turn, lI,EMI NO 1111, t!,o- What say the Faculty ! ;/1, ,Itrntivt• - F..r u.. 1 IL E. SELI.EILti ,k 1 LIP, I,y FI.ENIIN4i Bit, 's.. PitL4l,ur;4ll, Pa.. ac hl by riy 11,1•41-1 t• fatal: lealg - tn .I,tlounq l'A ;\ h. ;!ii.ter• II rp.twri i.,rtn ILa n,tutlL, t I~ ~~~~..:1 I lutro. It thr cvrinyr k withdrawn. It 111 n ~.... ri Alt • age ef Y:tqlen, 11,...41,. 1 :•, .1,1. 11.,1••ilii) I 11T 1 / 1 , OUP Appi,,t,“, 3, 1,1..14, b, th, Iwnt. Itchalg /{llll pain of tiv nm.r.l tl, full ' • :t- 11,• ••!.. .11, i t Tit , •ls rt/t,:... 1110 liit..4tll/11' VI, IL. !.:t: 1•14.m.1 %tin, tot ..tt,t;:tr tit.. Itt•ing 1.• . 4 ou• ~ I, 11 1.1 r..,1.1 It t• 1:: It I. .titt, littut,rl tArt., th. xl.l . ” t , t.t•r t.. t n.r. ”tt , , • 11. • •? .1 1 ..I.tnirt, I 1, • ot..t oral tht.t ttni•pt•rt !•• , ,t• ..• • •••,,- , ••1 ..$1•1 ta"ttl.l.l tur }•• I t .• 1.. t. 1! tte• (1,•1 II n,... • 1411.1, I% .7:: 1 .t,l Itl4o lie Cirseturanti, lin.nllton h , Day ton 12.11r.settt. 11\1'1 \ \ "di Fdi , I. unt.'leetiit , 0i1.% Ito - 114M. r irt.A NI , A. FLOUR, C:11.111N, BACON, LARD, LARD OIL, rrs Itt:1;61! PP:Fi IN TEA STORE. I It 1.. n 1 . 11 _ -nnin 1~ .. ~ ..~ IRDING 111) (011111Ss1(1\ M IZ ( I I.\ N . I)4.alerm in 110411, Hides, Flour S , ,rr - .. 1 , ; I' • ' .\ F. le .1 L 1. 1 MEYEI:4•4OC r II 111,.,1; b •• .11,1111. F. 1) r.,lt('it IF 1, Ilk. F..nm h 11,mitic, 311.' L 4444.4 A P 1110,1,411 Neitra 4.t , ; rtri 4 1:04 .1..+. IsA K. 113, yq j A 1., Ilan lo.rx.llloltbog .1/, /bp, I it•bl Iy j A. V Kt A (11%.. ./ I: (1,01,/ tat, 01 ul/111 A..,4.1 /ot/t11:131 A h.! 1 . 11,1 ur,ll 11' II En_ins KOONS A. HERSTINE, FLOUR FACTOUS. A.l, General Produce COIIIIIIiSSIOR Merchants, :1., 47 Yurth "Tel are/ Vorth WO, Arr.., tvi•ne FIF.FER Tn , 14,:n10s .11 o,l‘vnt d. 4 (1. Kerin,ly tal Mtltilp A Co. L..l4llinnutl .• ') • . . Wr A*. I .{.. I hit,. .• BIM & 1,44.',•(t, .• :`lll., h 11 , .C.: CO. “ ~I k w. Ile., •• " '.lt+tgult.y, C.....swrart. 1 C.. •• "I'l um, 11 , ..th0r kC, - j Watt k Wilw.n, .1 ii 1,1. iii, 6. t '.• no. Intotti , 1.',.......11.1, .1 F.. 411.1, Cm. 1 c.0.t1 A A 10111,4-k A, 1 . ,. ..11,notv .t. llyttler. T1,....,1 k +ll,ley. " J. S. i'llotiowt.tla di Co. •• An.l Iltt.tiburgil Iltlil Pillklielphlit Merrillitltii gniletally. jaltlmlatwOru LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE INSI . KANCE Coin , As y, lh N }I WATER AND \LARK FT STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. IWHERT AMA 1. C..nlpativ 111,011,111 e, aplwrllvilltig h. thd h LIFE -u_. [WU. AND C.iliG4l RISKS o n 11),,,, Nll,,nippi R11,1:1 And apa)l3.,t Go,q, and I , ,knangl• t,3 }':re, and aganixt tin ‘.l an! Ink.' \ n114;31., 41 and Truntipurtuld-n. ea rod, ok,nriniot with sziftd. ill rartA.B lt..boit ilalu ay, Sainu, I Ii Chirknii ,i,,,,, , i,1, P ilez.r.ain, NI It. John Scott, Jaine., %tarnhall. David Richer. ,bowel W Hallman. ('barley A rbuthritd, Al. tatuler MI MI, , .1...ep1i S leo.; /1, John L'ullorton, Muiwtield B 11i toot Da,' II Chainhoot, (:lo odiau 7.0 g, II tiliatti t arr. IL .hert IL itartle, Jo, It Mot .111 . .. • A i, I, E( ; 11 E N 1* CO 1' N 'l' V I l'E NNA. ) lA_ 111 A T(' If FACTORY. th C 1111, 2 PIT,. ii: (oNNKLUIVILLF. IL It. (7-0., 1 RUM'S, EBLE ,l, o. haring seemott e EXCLIISI 1 E RIGHT to toot the Pit 'shin gli. February ft, 1556. c 1 - lA'I'I . III.F.:•S MA'IVII MACHINE'. i ry -.:-n BONDS of Ow ItoltortiFlS OF Mob: RESPoRT !vase-- and and 1) iNN ELL: , I I 1.1.1.. , , issued to the Pittsburgh and In ILL. c.,iii,i), al, making preparitti , ris to SUPPLY THE eonoolk,,lio Railroad C , •iiipali) rii pa 3 mesa of subscripti o n s TEA liE M I'l 'll BATCH/I:, um taohm to In ;w p.od an the , to ..tw k or :mid C.iiipany. are t Merril FOR SALE on lair 1...-t elm Ittot,lit to Oil- ru , ti Her i term, In sun. of ILNE iII'NDILED or ONE THiiItSA \li 1 tu tic, No so Fril:RTIl sweet, l'itiaLoirgli. II I DOLLARS ttrult, I,aring SIN PElt CENT. INTEIt}:SI', i i . 11 ) NTR.k cfult \V A X ' FE II ~,,, 1 ,, i „ 11l lit i t ,, ,i , i , ,. . ! 0 ,;f i,. 1 7 ~ , z ,s i t - ,, . L: r l g. , 1:: al I ‘ at the (Ore of said C.rupany ill 1101 The tnivuient of nrincipal and ilit,rest ' ‘.._..' IL '1 .•' AT TII F. 11.1 ' ,4 ; "}. " 11 - 16 r.- -- To Per . .. , ' al 'the., florid. is oti irmbyti t, 0 ie 7 tad Omipany. Am hat 0311 introduce amtropt late 1.0.0 r a rant elmmo it: otferod I t i„, „b uy ,. 11,,,,,,,,,j,:„ . :, '' ' e " I ' 1 . N' , OT.Eft allo7o or nor KIND, Hog.. Lor lilt lIIM 1111 , 3 110111 4 14 • 4 '1401y ' 44 II" - S' l l. 1.11 W44 101 .. 1 “ 4 4 11 ... I 1111110 1113) 1 0 4 1 4 0eisidrrml it SAFE and SECURE IN V PST iistituriou an) :ifterrio,n, , S nda uy exceitte.Li Itot‘t orli . /1111/ 4 11 ENT. ~ i ,. ..10 , k..., L. R. Li TlN "' 'T '' N . ll .i.."' " 1 the c , "..n. , 11 , . , I on i uthettry t. /or lurthor information apply to NICIIOLAS AREDER, • u ' I " I I Trah.f. , Clerk ttt the Ofileat 4 the C.mpany, Neville Gll, R ALAI 1'11(11, SAN I FLOIVERs. _I 1 0 „. 1 , Fourth and Liberty streets, up stairs. _tit just received wu,il o 4 , 1111141) or ti, po,tiv . olebratt ;I OLIVER W. BARNES. ; article. .111 S. FLENI !N G. 1 I).SallniapeZtit President. j'2s C an orner Diiond 3101 Market .t".----- i OLD 'T TYPE METAL. rill) LET—If .r a tern] of veers, that large , 1 and i oinniodoili. Building on li ator street, n..,,, tho P.,,at . well krb , wn an the '. Point Stearn !fill.'' Mr,liiinics IW E HAVE FOR SALE, at the Office of the MORNING POST, a large gittantlty of OLD I or m i ,„„f ai ,„„ rs a ill lied this iti , ~ , ,, , .fli . i it I,„„ t i on for any I TYPE. Machinists and others wanting such ,uI article can kind "f 111111111,841. S. CUTII ft Eltl.' & HON. 1 g" t a largo supply by calling s'4' (069 fel3 51 Market street. 1 OFFICES TO LET. r VERY __ (leserivtion .1 lily Goods sell - TI I TWO GOOD ROOMS, su it a bl e fur Insurance 1 -4 ,4 at a REDUCI'ION of '2:, to 5o per Gent. at the SEMI , A_ or Law othees, will be rented. in the second .cony or , A N.l 11, SALE of A. A. MASON .1 ro., ; the building on the in - Ili-west corner of Fifth and Wood 1 . .1.7 2-5 Fifth wo-ot. titrooL, in the 83.11111 building with the M.r7airty hat. I •• L , 11 A 1 1..'; Cot till sl - lit•P—M 11,1) CI I ERR y.._1., doz it in the livio humus,, corner in Itittetburgh. Aeottsti to the • 1,1 ~I thin yid untie Cough Medicine iii.it ri .,,i,,,i by ' i offices t ., •rivenient. Inquire soon at office of Jt IS. F LENI INt I, ja2StrltStatx-ft.t MORNING PO ST. f la; Gorttor D . iamond 1111 d MiLrlo•t •:t : I.I.A.SEIIIEN'I' TO LET. '..,) 71 — I'l )1 'E ETS ( (Id Gov't Java Coffee ; - ^, 5 , laths oii. 1 Itio wide lir :l0 drop. half alkwe gTannd. 1/1111 4101.111.1111- 1 uOl re. el% o<l :11 1:1a 2 D) N, I 01ANIoNh . , a t and ttuisl,..l. will be rented ori reasonable tering. It its I QF: NI I-.l\ NI .11, SA 1.1': - !thin ket, ' lilail- ..,,. li,, ~;;;:,i.2er,i/ oFFICE 0? .110S.NISII POST. of street and Cherry alley. Enquire ; L - 1 ko' ' . --loW pair. , Prtil,•lll.,tit , 1,-mil.l, wale, -s 4,1 5, ~ ' . 1 / , 111,, , 1 ISPI.JII,t.i. ',fling . C I ~,,, ioiio,,ria.• ro.ltiotion From i . WA N, Spell', and Star Candles, at the udual eatoi, ttt Ifeltid A A MASON .4 t'o f Je29 FR. DKAVO'S 1115=ZI by :11,1, rerllll,,f, %% lint 1111 111, cati ‘1,011,..i' ()I,llull pnrt4 1 / 1 1 , 1' n lny wttl, %,:t!t Lttrartit , lJ. ttll.l Ilr \ gl I.lr /. Va, 0,2-r• I. 1-1 I InH KEy.) ! . .I.•tnt- .It it l SI POI t 41 \ t. ItI:01‘ ♦ . • „,„.1 A,„.„t ALEX. ItUNTER, =EMI 0. 209 I.lberly rrrr et, N.,. 3.h Slrett kII r;.tre FOlis TII s.cori I; s. i.ann A 'lt L. LARD 1111 Wri ;s1 PIIIL ADELI'I I I P TTS B MEM DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, oFFICE, :7'. E. CUILN PM THIRD AND WALNUT STS., Philadelphia. 13 , lAitISF. INSVRANCES un VearlA, Cargo, Fright, to all parts of tbe world. INLAND INSURANCES ON 0001/8, by liivt.ra, Canals, 1.41.. s and Land Carl - mg., to nil partrt of the I:ition. 1 , 1 E.E INSURANCE ON .1.1 MICR AND! ZE generally. On Stone, Dwelling Ifousen, dc. .lateht •!/- the (lonpany 2V,ere-ynber sth, 155. ll.eubt, ?llortga.go.4 and Real &guide $101 ,15, 1 1) 94 Illiladelphia City, and other I...itini 85210 00 rlt,rl. in Itanlot, Railroad and Insitran. e Cuo' '41,060 10 Iltlls receivable 1r1d.4.41 97 Yeah on hand 1.%,81:45 09 Min... , it! hand 4 ~ 1 Apents, Prerninnot on Ma rl,. I. 41,, I , relltly tunnel, and other debts do, T It.• Conn.any Sularription Note, William Nlartin. Janles C. hand, Juseph 11. Seal. I TheupLott. Paulding, P,ln.und A. Saul, r. Janles Tr:Nu:Lir, Jelin C. 1/to in, W tll ian: Eyre..lr.. Jul, It. Penns., .I,.buit 1.. Jr,,.'.' Goorge G. Letlwr, JUIIIVI Ten:lent. FA. as: Darlingten,Setinuel V. Stokes, kr 11. M. flust, i n, 1 I lenry Flom, William C. Ludwig, Jatnos /3. 3 1 / I , :trl.ltul, Hugh Craig, Charles Schaller, Spen,er )11l vain, IL,bert Burton, Clutrles Kell, . J-.1:11 ii. Semple, Pittsburg . II Jenes Ilcuuke, I). T Alurgan, J. ll—Jul/p.m, J. T. Logan, WA/. 31AliTIN, President. =MEM 'rims. C. II kNI/, Pronkli 1I i.NRI MARINE INSURANCE FIRE RISES. M tNEFICTLIIERS' I\ RANCE COM CH Mira TEEPETE kl. - --OEANTED 4T THE ETATE OP PENEETIVANIA Chartered Capital, $500,000. FIRE, iIARI.VE AND I.VLAND TRANSPUR TA TION A AIWN E I.ll'l'lNCi)r Prpsident. Wilt 11 , 1 ROO ERS. reeretary. GEORGE YOUNO, Treasurer. Anna. S. Lippincott, William It. Thomas, Nlahlwalltllmgham, William Neal, Nit•te.l.t• u. Taylor, Alfred Weeks, thriti itugern, Chg./Lee J. Ilithi., Jolty P. Slalom James I'. Smyth. PeThis Gaupany has been orgauized with a ettab Ca lat. ioni the Ihriamws have deft:Matted to adapt the Muth. to It+ available ' , marvel.. To unser, e prudence in eoadu, tag ita affitini, with a prompt adjustment of Imsast. PittArargli Lacy, N./. 76 ‘Sorer street J. NEWTUN JONES, Agent. - . The fellening well kte,svn and rests - 1 . .1b1° firms in NM, have Antheirinefl rehm•nce I, them, with regnrtl to the wt..l,tllty and soundness of the Mann fart:lrene Insurance Company. Hrun,ra Itatart. U.•orw• P. :quail Tiernan a cn, PENNSUILVANIA INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH. Corner of Fourth stud Smithfield Streets, Al THORItkID CAPITAL $300,000. 111-4-Itteure lila/Alt/gm mud ether Prtperty twalltst I.m,t, Ponta, byau.l the Petite 01 the nea mutt I ulahtl Nevi omndTra/INltirtaLll/11. ntnncrous. I , Johnston., Rudy Patterson, Jacob painter, W. .hl'i'llutork, J.. P. Tunuer W. Smith, W. S. flaxen, U . Fr. Park, I. tirio•r Sproul, Mule llsnspron, U. Al. Long. J J,ues, J. 11. Jow•s, H. It. Com-sirs OnFICY, us. I `r.sid owl 1141 n. 1S \I. F Ji)SYSTUN I • n...llent . 110111 . ATT y and Treas.... A A. CA.1111.11.11(. Ilirithila X l'ontinental Exchange Hi LL, DRAWN By DUNCAN, SIIERIVIAN & CO. ON Till. v.ll()_\ - B LVK , Losims, itv .E I vih 40- Draft. , , aro as:Ill:Ode at ii thr. priunWJ \..1..1\U, NArTI.ANIJ AND IRELAND, and Lhe 1:1/N . 1 . \ E.NT IV, ',ls., &au. Sian? BM, ~n M. A. Gruurbaum & 57.`.1.17t.Errir'T .1 .11.1 /.N. ho. et. u rvrut Chan,• I. nil purl,' .11 AN Y. r. 1% 11 . /.}.1. I. 4..1 11 , 1.1..1ND. Ira,,'! 111 R ',en,. thrnii,rh l,tivr. , •I ~11 4111, h Wm.) btl tP111.11134,/, u. In 411... part •.( F.rir•r;.• , •I \..i,.. ~th. ervorllh, In Bur..pc. • i•nrtript II 11.1.1 ANI II IV I 1,1. l AMS strrouta. hl.l4'h Isi CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPAN !'1'I':••! It 6 IL N$ M LE V ut_ Fl I. NI A 1L,11K.1.1., ffIZIMffMA 11,11r , -. HI Lt, \ , s o /.4 1:11..r. sty! I'lo.ll'l. 3,1.1, yllt): . th.• 1 . . - Itl+ th. It And /I /.111 , 1 NUVI,Nt I l'rnat.i..matb.to. ti~,r. c.m 1:..,;:J.. .hu,.~- N i. ~...h~ 1 , 1,141. A, I•ati_l,, IVAN, LIJ Akt, Sh,i , t..“ EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY (IF l'I1'TSBURI:11. joliN FI V. N, rciAn \I It 11 , II Ll,ll. u.•tv•ral Ageut. WILL. INSURE AGAINST ALI. KINDS M.4H.VE .t NI) FIRR RISES PERECT.RS. II Sh.. 'll IL.t. ht NI 1 ,, k. 1% 1% sI 14,1.1 1rra111.11,41, C t l- 1,1 I yl.,u 111, /11 1 1111111 11,1, p.diou, .-4, , :11 l••• adjl+4o.l pi.. 11.! pt• F:. IV AT4ai (I J jyll lIES'I'EItN FARMERS' INSURANCE C AI PA N New Lisbon, Ohio J 111 . N ThatAß, nt, Nt.. 94.1 Water ntrk,rt, 14•tu . ,and Pat,J•wah. OFFICERS. F. A 111.0CK:n .1 A ME. , III; it DICK. Proinle 1.1511 )1 ILTI N, and Tronntarr. l' 111'111111 REFERENCES. \C. 1% Fllmulnyr, James WoNL. R. M. 11111111 n, .111.. V. Or. In., F., Pna.1..., Wm. :Inn trts, II ni /11,11:11d, Di tlrflt Fra, rt moor A. Co. JAMES BLAKELY, El 1101)E,11 IGEAT CONITIAVEII C , rner Seventh and Smulyield Blrrem, O.V , Pasaangera brought from tho (all country to Pitts burgh, anti monuya ramified to Europe. 113°027 WILLIAM B. HAYS & CO., DEALERS IN BACON 11:11N SIDES AND StIORDERS, L. LARD, LARD ,iIL, 'DRIED BEEP, 60;AR-eI:RED and CAN PASSED HAMS. A large st,k always on hand ut No. 297 Liberty Street, PTITSBURGII, PENN'A PEARL STEAM MILL, AI, I, U I NY. @3 — FIAUR DELIVERED FAMILIES in either of the two Citios. Maims may to lit at t h e Mill. or In larceit at the storra of wiLwiiN A 01.. vY Wool street. BRAUNA REITER, vor. Ltls•rty and St. Clair litrents. IL I'. SCHWARTZ, Driiggi,L, Allegheny. T 1: Kll S: CAS II , ii N DELIVERY BRYAN, KENNEDY & eo 1V 11,1,1 AMS & ALLEN, ( socre.ors to Arnoid 4- nthanut,) NIANUFACTURERS OF CIiILSON FURNACES, Wrought Iron Tubing, AN I) FITTING GENERALLY, For Warming and Ventilating Buildings. .Ht- IV. A A. will t . ontraet for Warming and Ventilating hr Steam or 11,4 Water, Pipee or t'llilson's 2.'urnare, Chum', w. SchoolA, II pitojo En,tori,t, tirwt, !lumina, Dwelling's, Cnurt Hone. Jude, ur Liotek No. 2.`, MARKET sTrusET, apin '~~ i - , qyy y I=l P. A. 'MADEIRA, Ag , nt, No. 95 Water street. Pittsburg OF PHILADELPHIA IVilAon. liatopt.on Ft, Cl'alas A. Co. Mu2-I.rt , rnd IV.A./t/ rfr =EEO C..rt k Sterl imiim I ‘l. W I Mani MI/0111111, .1“1; Fritmisi J. S. William IL flap, G IV Can, Mitfl. k, T I:. 1 , I ' , .ctir JelEn A. I.)lµ,ite S. S. Bryn., I . II7SBURG II IMMEENE ( 44-From the N. York Nat/pawl Monitor of February vpon.—Dr. etirtierbwr dono more . to Ameliorate the condition of humanity afflicted with lung =MEM . • bun struggled with the secrets of the mottria medico, for the but century, by the Invention and perfection of an Instru ment that will convey to the lunge a medicine In the shape of a highly Medicated Vapor, which acts directly on the disease, and not, au hitherto, by sympathy. Those who OJT troubled with LI iflo3.fli. arising from disordered lungs, will miliserve their interests by giving the Llygean Vapor a trial: Chu/tem.—Dr. CURTIS' II TUZANA is the original and only gun nine article. nor2.lb3Nrdavt Dr. :McLane's to PROVED Liver Pills and ImettovsniermL fug, also Dr. 1. Scott's Celebrated White Circreevian Lini ment, prepared solely cinder the supervision of Dr. L. Scott, a regular Medical graduate, and Physician of extensive prn,s. tics. None genuine, only us prepared by Dr. I. Scott k Co,„ Siink Place, Morgantown, Virginia. Dr. MCiAlttill IMPROVED TOIIEDIfOgI3 and IMPROVED Liver Pills, accompanied by certificate of C. McLane, for sale by Druggists and Merchants everywhere. Da. GEO. 11. KEYSER, 140 Wood at, Wholesale Agent. Inv. J. P. PLEMINO, Allegheny, near Rallrixul Depot, Wholesale Agent. jaV..:dkulpe 91 XB9 If ) u(s) 90 $617.538 16 Jfki- Stock lugs and Hosiery for Win tar.-- 1 f yeti don't want your feet pinched with bad and short Stckier, you will take our advice and go to C. DAtr'e, cur n, Miu-ket alley and Fifth street, and buy soma of tlenie .44.141tuL flue Steckinge, that make your feet feel nice and l'AJllifortablu. DALY alno makes and nulls every variety of I luNiery that yea ran tventiun, at wholesale and retail. het:leather the place, corner of Market alley and Fifth !itreet. octal tt,d - - Call at No. 161 Wood 'areal., and ex aml n e our Klock of Sort flare and WIN - rill CAPS. J Set re eta ved, a large lot of Shanghai, Cel.tial, and other nt) Iro o. Cape, v, Welt we will uell low for cash. MUSGAIY & CO-, I W.,1 stroa. octlB ,rEd- Hats! Hats: !—All the Latest styles' of HATS and CAPS can be purchastsl cheap, fur cosh, frum 1.10111.1 AN & CO., No. 164 Wocul stn•et, Next dour to the new Church, 1. 2 5 Ouo door from Sixth street. On Tuesday. February sth, by the Rev. Mr. Malone, at St. Paul's Cathedral. Mr. ANDREW MrINTIRP., of Phila delphia, to KATE A., only daughter of John Waee, of City. The happy couple deserve, as no doubt they will receive, more than nn ordinary share of the blessings of this world, as they did not forget to remember the prliiter with the clue tomary token. The thanks of all is tendered for the flue rake accompanying the above notice. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TII E LAS.T CALL. At the request of my numerund friendel, 1 hare con. mented to Moue this circular, for the benefit of all alt.,. per wnts STUTTER AND STAMMER! There Me been a floating population of imposters travel ing the country, prolonging to cure impediments of speech by my system. and teeny have heel the audacity to advertise to III) uatoe, 011.1 give the nature of men fur reference whom they never knew or saw. When persons who stammer :Idled, dose scoundrels would represent me, and in several instances produce a certificate purporting to be mine, vesting in them full lOU er and authority to practice as my agents. I have frequently warned the public of these won, ae they are nut In full possession of my system, and cannot core. Through untiring perseverance I arrmitoil two of them, and "tier,, still sooner or later share the mine Ede. This cure t o r Stuttering or Stammering Is one of my own discovery. for which I have a apy-right, secured by law, and havetinc c,,e.ially practiced the same for the term of tape years. Iteferencvs, are of the highest order, such as the Mciii al Nullity of New York, Philadelphia, and the Univrrell of Virginia; all the Press of Pittsburgh, Wrodlingti,F, , ireensburg, and Uniontown, Pa., braid,. over 50,000 per sotl3 In different parts of the country. This .•nre for Stuttering and Stammering is performed it. Ire theta OM. hour. There in nu pain or surgical operation attending it. The teensy of all is. it will cure children of liVe, gild adults at the age of one hundred years. A person wt. , to Cur...l by it. eon never again Stutter, even if they try I oder to forfeit .$lO.OOO it any person ran afterwards stutter, by application of the .-tire, It formerly customary to announce that no pay would in "Noir-eft unless a perfect cure won performed. That a - a.. done to show the pomie there would be nu risk in giving me i trial. Ilut now insomuch as the leading citizens of Pitts atrgh knoW ay care never fails, it would be anion - 11.ms b. Wake. ...titer such all noun, enit.nt. To conclude, I Kiropi, to all who, .totter or stauditer, Ibis is my last notive. 11 ritere nay desire to he cued, I would be happy le hays than 4,11 at nty re.idence. No. ii) 'Milli) street. Pitt.. tfurgh, nuy time tosfs., the loth of Ntarrli, as I have finally noign the ',ratites, of my pronasion on that flay. ..Ib.t V. hods soy time will be otherwise occupied. All persons tirtn, nt a shntans-e can have the cure complete sent thvtn by man. ond thus inst. the fine and expense of traveling. nutount rcluirtfd Li s2it,un, which must he fora arded. rt. Mr, i t. if desirable, to sap 0: tins proprlP.Lorli e.f the pupurtf. Prefab -et, this cure borer Calla In [llly Aililrnls all lot tern to No. 30 Third stroet, Ilittiditiri‘ll. feb2.2.11 I tawtinarlol DR. W Yeli.l/FP. LA I)IES' FASHIONs___7 — i , tioiloy's Lady's li.silz for March, 20 con La Petersn's 11lagazi no, do 17 do Yankee Notions, 12 do iloals,aril Slay,* States; by Oitusti-ad, $1.25 Life of Lioothr, 2 volumes, $:45 i'anip-tires of the lit.l 31on, $1.12..: I liairtitha, $l,OO Ili. InTlll, 1- ,11,X) WI r Gotoini Vetionna, $1,1.2 A oast.. in Illaiirl.l, tat do ('on thlim t isl CA a - rt-vondenre of Naiallesin. I,ltirneA. $l,llO Pi...11i/kW; 90 do Yi •e II undra.l Mivtmlirs,;ls do IV hit. li..tloi t Papa's, $1,12 R. a... ('lark, $1.12 Mono, iaa 2 11 Alden nob, $1,12 Japan, China, kr.: by B. Tailor, $1.35 Jost reerna,l by Expruas, and for salo cheaper than ail: Q., estatbl nantaria E in the city. All 1 can say, the noon •-• . 2.1, , 1Lk for tbeiusdren. Ilintininbor. tla.: plat, is a LA UFNEIVS BOOKSTORE, No. 30 Fifth start. 1 )ROCLANIATION.—IIy Virtue of a precept under the hands of Wm. B. McClure. President Judge of the Courtot r.alimen Pleas, in and for the Fifth Judicial District al Penti , ylmuta, and Justice of the Court of flyer and Tenni in••r. and General Jail Delivery. in and for said District. and xod Gabriel A - datns, Emirs- AtklOeitttl, Judges of the saute Colitis. in and for the County of Allegheny, da ted the 2lst day of February, In the year of out Lord nue dens:Lod right hundred and fifty-six. and to mo directed. for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer. and General Jail Delivery, at the Court 'louse in the City of Pittsburgh. tm FoCIITII MONDAY OF MARCH next, nt 10 ...clock. Puhlic notice is hereby given to all JlLltietaS of the Pence. Coroner and Constables n.l the munty of Allegheny, that they Ik then nod there, in their proper pers..as, with their wilts, records, iaquiettilnas, examinations and other reinviii. trances. to do thre, things which to their respective tithces, in their ledialf. appears to be done—and also those that roil! proeecute the prisoners that now are or may be in the jail 01 ,44/11 COClllty of Allegheny. to be then and there to prosecute j against them as shall he rat. Given under my hand, in Pittsbur.gh, this 21st day of Fele roars, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, and of the Commonwealth the 78th. feb2Ll RODY PATTERSON, sheriff. - LE AT ALL ROUND—Everybody With wishes ti obtain it feast of full should obtain a copy at VANE EE NOTIONS FOR 51A11.4.111 , Just loulillshist. Every page contains splendid Comic Illus trations. which no one eau look of without "snickering right out, - while its stories, jokes, and sideiahlitting mmictdi ties ore warrant,' to put everybody in good spirits in spite of t h e weather wad strvet Ineuntbraiices. Price 12" cents lot number, or $1,1:2 per annum. For sale by 11. MINER feta.? No. 32 Smithfield street. WS. lIAVEN'S No. 1 TEN.-I.'his ex rellent Pon, mantrilietured by JosephDna in place of the popular 703 Pen, la rapidly- gaining favor with the writing public, and is now morn in demand than any p.m ever sold in this city. It is need In both of the Large C4.minerrial Colleges, and preferred to any hitherto intro 1 bare contracted for the manufacture of a large Red regm supply of three Pens, and an, ready to fill orders for any mount. W. S. HAVEN, Stationer, felel2 Market el, corner Second. !ti 'NT WASHINGTON RESIDENCE FOR RENT— A well finished and convenient Dwelling lliwise of seven IS, half an acre of ground, large stable, cistern, with fit r and pump, le. The house Is new and in good order, pleasantly gltuated on High street, haring a fine view of the cities, rivers, fie r y and is but a few minutes' walk from the oity. immediate possiwaton can be Lunt relit./ S. CUTHBERT it SON, 51 Market id. HISTORY OF PITTSBURGH—TiIe History of Pittsburgh. from the earliest to the present time; with a notiee of its facilities of comninnicatiou and other wirau tages for commercial and manufacturing purposes; by N,. rifle 11. Craig. Esq. In one 121310.volt:no; bound In mus lin, with two slaps; price 75c. Published and for sale by feb2.2 JOHN It. MELLOR, 81 WaX.g.i A. . T At7()BS' AMA LGAM PENS.—These Pens ty wilt to' found drowlie res six or eight made from steel, and 12 ._— - ed catch, or stick In the per; neither will they car .l. Injure the color of 4 as stool pelts invariably 'rice, S 2 per gross. Fu r w o ' hy W. S. RAVEN, Stationer, Market street, corner of Second. n I Di; F. MINING Co. SToc . E.—On Thursda 11 rrolug, Febrnary 2130 i, at 7 o'clock, at tho Jlor c.niuts' Exchange, Fourth Street, will be sold, by order el .liodius. Entine, Esq., Treasurer, Shares Ridge Mining CO. Stock. forfeited for non-payment of assessments. folutt P. M. Auct'r. LfRER A MI N INC 00. STOCK—OD Thursday L . 4 evening, February `with, at 7V o'clock, at the Mer chants' Exchange, Fourth street, will be bold, by order or Jotoec M. Christy, Esq.. Treasurer,— Shares Eureka Mining Co. Stock, forfeit.] for nolepaymelit of asseesmenis. feb2.e2 P. M. DAVIS, Aucer. IVIANJIIESTER PROPERTY FOR SALE—A Lot of Ground In Manchester, fronting on Sheffield street TI feet front by 133 feet deep, inn bertutlfol situation. A Land Warrant of 160 acres would be taken at s'lo In part logy :neut. Apply to (feb'22) BLAII.ELT k RICURT. ELOCUTION AT IRON CITY COLLIX/I.l.—The members of the Class, and Gum who wish to Juin, • ore requemted to nowt. THIS EVENING, at 7 o'clock. in College Ilan. o MILE RUN —To 14 6T, 16 !, 6 6 Acres of Land,•well e adapted for bordering purposes, situate at three mile+ from the oilY, on the Four Mile Run. fetC! CUT}IBEItT & SON, 51 Market tsL MF ASH lONS—Godey's Lady's Rook for March Just recriv.l and for nab by IL MINER & CO., No. 22 Smithfield street yox EY ORD be obtained on first Bonds and .Mortgages, by application to fe kr 2 BLAKELY & RICHEY. FIRST BONDS AND MORTGAGES can beob tained, with liberal premlumn, on application to feb22 BLAKELY & BACON -300 pieces Hams and Shoulders just reed by (feb22) HENRY 11. COLLINS._ CASHSIERESA ?it) DE LA LNES A. A. MASON & CO. are cloning out their entire ntork. of Canbniertm and De Lain. at an 'rumen. reduction in price, Gold Medal De Lalne , 4 selling for I.23c.—worth 25r. All Wool do. at 25c.—worth 37( and 5 , 1)c. feblB r VL-1.,m0 LANK ETS, BLANKETs--200 pair of Wool Blankets at Vi and s.3,so—ustull yrire j:5 and V: nt the z. , erni-annual Sale of A. A. MASON & CO., leblB 25 Fifth Area. SEMI-ANNUAL. SALE—A. A. Iklisos co. have just opened another lot of those splendid 4-4 English Calicoes. at 8 Mel 90.. per yard. feblB AA A. MASON & CO. Are daily reeeiving • fr:H.I. Happily:. of Dry liaxls of evory o loch thry are at Semi-Annual prickly at • fi•la 2fi Fifth atroot g 2,0 , 7 , I, . • MARRIED, A LLEUILENY CITY PROPERTY you SALE. —A Lot of Oronnit on Dank Lane, &2 feet front by et ikwp, on which b erected a ffne Two Story Ibiek Mouse, con tubing seven rooms—and a number of out-houses, all very and,convonteriL Apply to feblB BLAKELY S RICHEY. • AI.OT of Ground on Penn street for salj. (near the Fifth Ward Market Llouse,)3o feet by 100 IL deep, on which Is erected two Front Dwelling Rouses and. Stores, and a number of Tenements in the rear; a cohabits property, and could easily be made to rout for $OOO a year, Title perfect, without any ineumbrance. Apply to feblB BLARRLY RICHEY. Ilistt—eue bids. and littlf Fish, Trout, Salmon, for cab. by ite Gib 13 MERRY tl. OOLLINS. _ , , I, ' , ~4viz. ERY CuiNc.ll, Ati,scE.L.ldarzous,,BooKs•—kh) -Y.—SAT:eI/BAY svenhig, the 23d test, commencing at 7 o'clock, will be sold by cataktnto, at the Commercial Saks Rooms, corner of Wood"and-Pifth streets, a very choicecol lection of miscellaneous Books, among which aro— Smith's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, al r o engTaringt ; Prose Writers of Amerlca,,fine portraits; DU: .. Works, 2 +ninnies; Christian Library, 2 volumes; EncyElcrpedis of Geography, 3 volumes; Dugald Stewart's Lectures; Thlers' French Revolution, 4 Volumes In 2; Percy's Reiiques of An cient English Poetry; Dunlap's History bf Now York, 2 rot- t times; Life and Speeches of Clay. 2 volumes; Book of the t ' Heart, elegantly illustrated; Newton's Principla; Knapp'. t Chemical Technology, 2 volumes; Bush Illustrations of the i Scriptures; Heroines of History; Sear's Guido to know. t ledge; Lives of the' Popes. 2 volnmes; klacnen s f e ' s Five Thousand Receipts; PruL Wilson's Binaysv: llrtyw gird s Go. setteer of U. S.; Life of WeLiington,.2 volumelq, Bliss' lire- / mere Works, 2 volulllef, Pictorial Half Haunt .2 volumes; Noble Deeds of Women; Beauties of Scotland; ' Humes Ills- tory of England, 6 Volumes; Macaulay do. do., 2 Tames: ; ilistory of French Africa; Le Baum's 'Narrative, dc, Ac., For further particulars see Catidognen, which are now t. ready. (feb26) P. Mt DAVIS, Aucer. WANTED—Six good Girls, to do. general t i housework. Two or three good Cooke for city and 11, country. A Boy of 17 to letirn ™ must. he well reoom in end.l.. Also, plume for four or Rye Girls to do chamber or ~. dining-room work. Pour Baia In atom) or to run arum . 49, 1 and dye or six men fanny kind of employment Apply at LOWRIE'S NOW lritelligence Me*, g . , febl2o No. 14 Fifth etroet. il LLEGIBI---NIT C'E, with two 7, jaiL, Acres of Ground TO LET,—The Himee contain, ten ti rooms; portico in front; smoke honee, wash bonse; well of good water, and hydrint ; cholcolithlikreesokc., &c; situate on Itagarey's Lane. Rent $3OO per year. • feb2o 8. CUTHBERT & SON. 51 Market at. '2 MAXWELL'S NEW BOOK Pictorial Life and Adventurea of Orate O'Malley; by William H. Maxwell, Complete Mono volume. Price 38 cents. Fir Kole by H. MINER & C 0.,: LitcH No. 32 Smithfield street, •,• FFURRENT—A Warehouse on ,Sinithfula s street. One on Water nt. A Store Room and Dwolttifg r , : . Nu. Mg Wood street. An Office on Fifth garcsit,', . - r .1_ i feb2o____ S. CUTHBERT A SHIS; 51,11arket :LI . ? . . i f OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE — SitilatD•oll* k . ooruer of Clark and Fulton atn. 11.0 Maga :cronhilius r! fly° 700711.9 and kitchen. Prico $lOOO. 4,.'.. 7, feb2o E. CUTHBERT & SON 51 ,Itarket it;' e. On LBS. TRIESTE VERMILLION h 1 N." store and for sale by it FraIIMING BRO* &WA) CONCENTRATED LYE, a new artieleXor making Soap. Ono pound worth ten of Potnah. tror ante — by -- by [febAk] FLEMING BROS. 1,2 GROSS HOOFLAND'S BITTERS t , int store and for sale by ffeb2ol FLEMINO ELEGANT ILLUSTRATED NATIONAL WOIULS' new publishing in numbers-- • Ist. .3105858 GENERAL ATLAS OF THE IVORLD, containing seventy Maps, with Descriptions and Statlatiwi up. to the year7Bs6. Price 25 eta per number. 2L PICTORIAL CYCLOPEDIA OF BIOORAPITY, em bradng a series of Memoirs of the most distinguished /nth- IT riduaLi of all times. WO wood and steel engravings. wilt be completed in twenty.thiee numbers, at 25 cents each. TUE REPUBLICAN COURT, or American Society la ) 7 ' ° Days of Washington—to be completed in twenty-ono putts, ,is each containing a portrait of some distinguished woman) ; Ci• WORKS OF THE BRITISH POETS, from lien Jenson to Scott, with Biographical Notices of their Lives iind'Writlints; will be completed in forty-seven liana, at2s etc. per number. 1 These are the toast desirable works ever offered to the pith lie in numbers. Subscriptions received by W. A. GILDEIs.IFENNEY & CO-, Fifth st., oppoeito the Theatre. EAST DEER TowNsinp--A Fa'rin of 50 acrpit in the above Township, near TarentuM, of which 57.5 4 ; .- . acres are cleared; balance first rate timber. There Ore ;;.' , V about 100 bearing Fruit Trees of different kinds Apply io. til fol)13 BLAKELY & RICHEY:: t,.1 UTCHINSON PAlllifY SONGS-- - ' tl - Hno, the Life-Boat: or, Storm at Sea. v.:, ! .: The Other Side of Jordan. . lt • The Newfoundland Log. Good Time Coming. . ' Jlortienitural Wife. r . 41; Ship on Fire. '" P My Boyhood's, ilomo. . ' i Where can the Soul crod rest ? P '' Away Down East. g. , Eight Dollars a Day. :4- . .. .. And many others, fur sale by . . :-'; eIIARLOTTE BLUME, ~.4. .: feblS 113 Wood street, .I.d door above Fifth nt. r l . BE AU T 1 I , ' U E Coin.; t 1; n. Tor IlEsto7cE eo q . BALF.—We near,mi by the wner of hat 5 beautiful propertyr the Two Mile itun; o known Its t the l;•", Hazlet Matution House, to offer it for wale. Tire property consists of about two mcret, on a de'l'ightful and commanding li!. . 1 eniinentavounnandiug a view of the city. The bonne ill one k: ' e the finest and largest or the noighltothend of Pittsburgh: and the improvements generally are of a high order. Ono t acre adjoining it. (part of the sane estate,) out ho purchased if desired. For terms and other particulars, eleilliTe of '4 fable,-- - - ISLA E ELY & !UCH NY. :..l ARARE CllANCE.—'fbe subseriler ne engaged in another NI-int.., which dontanda his whole Limo and attention, wishes to dispute of his Ten and Grocery litturiuesa. The standing of the Muscle well known as the first of its kind, the business largo and increasing 1,3,11 customer. of the best clam he the city. To au mrrEnelusiNCl BUSINESS slss, it-fica rare chance anio.E. %sure fortune- For particular. enqn.ro of felartf NV. M'CLUII.G,. corner 'Wood nod -9 CORNER STORE TO LET.—The Storbx , ) omupietl by tho subscriber, at tho corner of Ft:l.ll'BE4l Wood structo, will too lot on (nyorahlo terms, with or witllotA... i fi xtuv. 11O1,13:tfl W. A. III'CLURCf. dro Ler---A well finii4e4Sture on Market. Street. bet ween'Third and. Yourth—a good stand for a Flat, SI114! or Clothing Businms. A Large Store on Third street, near Market street.. Alm. two well filliMed Othee Rooms on Third street. Ramiro of ifel2:d2wl N. D. OAZNASI, NI Third of. CJof AND COLDS CCIffI.F.D by the utFt ki of 51011(IAN'S CELIMMATED COUtIII StItUP. Let all who ore afflicted with Colds pmenre a bottlo of 1L Price. cents. Hf, only 25 nts. ear the testimony an old man who tried it; Ma. Joux D. 51ini.ix....-I'his may certify that being afflic , - egl with a troubleseine Cough, I bought a bottle of 5./orgeo,:. f Cough Syrup, and ani happy to my, after using it, my ecrugh.' is entirely eared. I am film to pronounce your 11C.ough;'^ - Syrup the hest medicine I have ever' timid. No' family - • should be without this valuable Medicine. DAVID bIeRODI, Prepared and for sale, u holea ffltillnle find gheny. li~by . JOH - N ! bomb. PT, Jr., Sole Proprietor, No. 13.5 Wood af..ceet, Pitts f - • .• _f bid ISSOLuTION.—TheCo-Partne!...shi p here- • Jur tofore existing under the firm of A. A-ASON 01:). is thin day dioolved mutual consent. Na th an Y u en withdrawinginna. tile business. ' ALTERIN A, -MASON, ' Pittsburgh, February 7th, 1836—feh9NATHAN . P. MASON . , i . CO - PARTNERSIIIP.—A. A. MASON has E.-- - this day associated with hint, in business NATHAN WHITING, of Allegheny, i under the firm of A. MASON I & CO.. by whom tho Dry oods business will be Continued as usual at N 0.2.5 Fifth street. ALVERIN A. MASON, . g NTH AN WHITING Pittalmrgh. February 7th, IfiSti--f A eb9 S , ._, _ • TEA.MSII.II' PERSIAARTUVED.2-I,on- don Icipors in advance , f all cosopetitiiro:-4ust received, London Illustrator! News for January 26, 20 etc. do. do Thu. do. do. 20, 12 cu. do. Weekly Tim., do. do. 27, rz. 010. do. Punch, to. do. 25, 12 cts. do. Dispatch, do ilo. 27, 21) 'eta We have perfected arrangements with Wilmer and it 6.Sgers,. .... in New York, so that wo will have our London Papers in °. advance of all others. Remembeo if you want . 11)KELV1.1 25 per ti, cont., no to LAUFFER'.4 rtlook Store. 1. , fehl2 No.llo 'Fifth etrcet. ~, VALENTINES.—Thesio f •.•:. volcano. just received and will be sold lower than oily Lows, iu the city. Haring purchased frontthree or four - .3 different 1111 .111:11111rer81, CJItl safely say we can please-um our ctock is Winost excliwively the sentiluental Valentine* .Z. very few iscuie. nonnsuber, if you want to save 20 per cii tit. r.i. come to LAU EVER'S WOE STORE, .i,„,' foh9 Nia,3o.lDith street. 1 . `,. BIRKING-11AM- Property . for Salt , .—A Lot e. of ground on Franklin street, on which is a frame .t house two storks high, with a kitchen on tiro fi rsilloor, i'..i good Brune cellar under the whole. Site of lot 'X by 60 feet. '` Will be Bold cheap, and title . perfeck mairmy at. III(Ilitr, corner &tenth and Smithfield ofrects. c'. FOR SALE--A first rate Brick 1./weWing House on Townsend street, finished In the very best manner, containing two pailors, kitchen and wash-house on first floor, six rooms on second story, all in the beatiirder : a frame stable Ls on the rear of lot. Size of lot 24 by 100 feet. I'Will be sold cheap. .Apply to BAKELY & corner Seventh and Smithfield BEF S'PAR CORN SITFILLERS.—Another sup simply of those reliable Shellers, received mid for sale at the heed and Agricultural Warehouse, ?i0.417 Fifth street. febl2 ,JASIES WARDROP. SEEDS FOR 11 07-BEDS.—Out stock of fresh Seeds, for 1856, embriming the most deSirable Va- Males of vegetable, field and flower Seeds for the gardener, termer and amateull, fur salt, wholesaleand entail by • febl2 ri GROSS. Radway's.Reatly Relief just re- '..", Vnoised cud for sale by FLEMING BROS. ;! 3 gala Narreire Arnbien Liniment, do. 6 dozen Osgood'. Indian Cltologogne, do. I. gross Ferrell's Healing Ointment, do. 4 gram McAllister's Ointment, do. .. . . 3 gross Ayers Pats do. 't greets Hunt's Liniment, do...frets:lP '1 ONCENTRATED LYE----A new article for making Soap--one pound worth ten of Potn3l for gale _ _ Valk] FUMING BROS. R OME AGAIN.—FRANK CARGO, after , '" f: ' an absence of some months, has returned to the city. .. 4 his fernier patrons or others wishing the services of his BRASS OR QUADRILIX RAND, es Oin find hire at IL M. Csauo's Phuterr, aphre Rooms, No. 76 Fourth id, 00 a BOXES tm Scalded Herring, new; boxei No. 1 Herring, new; Just recniMl and REYMER & ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood istrept or ;tole by 1003 . . .. . 2511 BOXES Bunch Raisins; ..... N../ 10 &Arno fresh Pio° Apples; 10 " Tomato Ketchep; just received and for ..„ • REYIIIEIt & ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood st., opposite St. Ebarlea liimil. :., gale by retell V ALUABLE Fenn Fonft — ii , 7l.:..Situato in Robinson township, on the waters of Martian Creek, four and a half miles from the city, adjoining lamb of Scilly's heirs and others --containing about 70 acme, well immortal and well adapted for gardening purposes: well docked with choice fruit- Apply to febOthsw BLAKELY 1. ~VASIIINGTON RESIDENCE,' For Rout—Two Acres of Ground on High street, with a COTTAGE HOUSE of tax rooms, wide portico In front, and a back porch. A well of excellent water. stable, coal house, 29t- fruit trees. Qttawba grape rines„6oo currant buoha,, a great variety of Bowers, Bc The location is eery pleasant, with ono view of the cities and livers, and being but a short distance front the city, would suit a business man for a cowl try residence. Rout $l6O pew year. fell B. CUTHBERT tr. 9' S-7 ICIIENCK.'S B}:A WEED TONIC.—I have rec'd another 1 supply of this eelebnited Tonic; also, a supply of eehenck's Puhnonie Balsam, ono of the beat articles note to Ise for Coughs, Colds, Aa JOB. PLIIMINO, fob@ Corner Diamond and Market at. 3,,, 400 - 01.:tit 7 Ar," ilail ; -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers