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J yi:".:: 7 4 ,;; -'. ..f' 0. s- g 4 1 . - ' 1 • i t ' t t.<< ,-c i Lz .r ft } ' :, \Y - ;_il ,viV'Otige,;;lf., ~1i:,,,..c-w',-zi‘!...,-:.,.4%.c--t--1 -•'. P-:','-:,2,1 , --i , ,..,......: , ;••: , 4 , :-1-4fi , ---,,,,,gz,.,,, r t,,,„,,,,, 4-, . - t43 ,- . 4 4 , t, ,, ,P, ,,,,,, itfe,•-i*„4V.5--,•„,-u: : -,..:','.;Vv t 1 q , ' ,-- - , •: , ,x-,, , - , -.4. , -!.. - 16 , n-L'ilr- ••-•-•---• '.. ik l" r• ~i WOODWELL'S FURNITURE AND ...-,-.'• ..tttt'".'x.''' • - ' , "./ •* r . ^-.4"..". ,* :;'- 4 . 2 *•,-, • F .t.,4. , TF4.,14",-,.. tritt_'- .' "0 , 4 ," c; I.` r 0 Lt; k s : ~'''' -•' ' '' ta t ` .s 4''. 4N - 1:. 4 CHAIRS, whotleala and retun. einidvidng noon 747 0 , .. k..1 . , ~ _ 1 1'; VL . eki `,erris.":,.A. . 4 Ci - - -4 1, -. .„.' r ss ..• A "I 8 •••••• s:•=s style of furnitare, in Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut, sui 747 ... " - '''''' ' ' ' l" - "vi' 1 -,-'' .- '' 04 l v7r :• -1v " .. 4 . ' tt. l l` '''' ,4; ' ' ''''' A table fo mrkirs. chambers, and dining rooms : °PIM to any 4,,, '4'1 4 "-*1 " ,, ,, t; ,, , ,,,ii.,, !.. ii i t.c . , ; ,, c:FJ,Z&: ,. ..1iiv: . i,i t ` . ... 7. i1-:. ,, i, :t . „...9 7 ,,,, 4 4 1t 1 1 ' . J . 4 anid ln Ne . w .d r forit ?_v m" . ll. Phibide d. an l a ohla,iuld, 44. 4rat lower prices Ever f .l .vral•f/rai - Mar-- !'... ;iv zriv„.. , ""re . :, vs , V, :Ic - "5 ., " ',„,ttp - i .v-7- v,i; ly -1 Oaldnet Mantra rationed with any quantity of FURNI iII i'',-..0 e't ,s sl . V ' ,,i' V -R;l:'''`i 4 e''''.4 -- . 1 " .. .X • ; ,,'C'••,i• c", s,. 41)tt e v,,,,g =H and MATES, 011 reasonable terms. e'" 7 ... -- . ..,,`4.:4nsr- .. ral -_,„,- `V, - ,, , y7.--„1. ,, , - ,-_ , .., r' . . 4: q 1 Honda and Steninboate tarnished at the shortest notice „" . ..;V".„ . :_v e t i . " 9 . ..t,,V15 k ,?, 4 ,:,,, ,, * e..„. 7 , •ra ,, t." ,„!.. , ",..ig,;:te 71 1 ":1 , ,, *. ce,v r.) -. ; Atir war"u'x'rns' ' ll agd 79 Third street, IC PA _ ~:•,,,k7 .2 1:1 it--,li•' • . 4 ; .- -4 '4,i.' • 1 (4- r.:,...5,t. 4 -.. ~,„ , , .<.,,.. -. .. g 2 ''''' •L' 4 " --- ' ' ' •'' ' ' -':'' ' ' '' ' '' ' ''''`' lL ''' '. °('" j rOll N COCHRAN & BROS., Mananntur ,,Aer, '''''s. ; ll.; =,..,, ....,..t. , t' ..e,4.4, 44 1,, .. ~,., C.,' f See in .. 4 ' °C. r ''''' '-' '''' ' '- '4 . ' VW' '''''''' ° G...". , ' . °, • ....* 7 . ;. 1 era of Iron Ihtillog, Iron Vaults, Vault Doom, Window I * `i• - ii"-.•"" 4 ,144 t- `.. ~, • ‘4 , 4 " , ' '," .' ' J. * " 44 " '' .. 4 . 't to, Not 91 Stand street and 80 Third street, be 1',." 1 ‘' • .. 1 ....; * , -.7 ., 4 ?,• * ......F.,1 4 ;/.7 . , '*.........,'' 4 4 "; 4,4 ^ rn 7 f". tweet' sod and Ilarkei atreeta, Pittsburgh, Pa 4 have un 4 .'",--' •- "" P f ,• , --% -.. ..-4.-.4.4-,-., ~ 0 ~t 0 , --. b an d a va r iety 0 0 pew pectturtui Farley and Plain, suitable for _•• -•,,,,-'......,-.- 4 .:.• •J - :,.,- - •: - ~' .. t, s. . ~" „ , ..,.,74 ~j Partlonlar attention potl. to enclos ing l/TArra -:- ....":/ 7 ' .4 " - v":;.! '..v.`r?"'i: ', -,;,,..'": ..s . ' ..- "• 2 ••• t =1 al a u = B done at short Doak marYl ,• ; • .-' ..." 1 7••• •; •:''(;„-; . ,;," ... .-,, , .., "_. 4 ,;', S , .P- v•;•••i! ~ . .n • .:' .*:: r,:' tt ' ' . ''''' ' ,-'' ;' 4-' ; •::::v -' ,:: -'';- ~r'' '',' ::: ' " - -'t. ‘ .' '' ,r '. , ~., A . ,---,," '-, ' •‘-' :ri ",' == . 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'="J".• ‘ :,` e..,7T1'; t 'sseV Ots' e?,„gst g tt 4 . 4 4Per . :so ~ ,t..'s , t, tOr.,` , " L I ', ;• 4 1 "Y I N 7%,, , i ;•4' l ,' • . ,'-- ~, ‘., e Ve 4t •r -c -- ": . `" '''''"''' 'C. '' t' "` .-'''‹to.± - vs ,i,' i ''' 'o 4 4, .. , P u--,,littir" - -' •'','" -< - •/ ' ` . 4, V - ,, ,,, .....„,:4 ; ,t , ..., 1 ' -,. '. , , -, , 1 „,7 ~. I- „kt-st '" *.l4, , =:, '. '. ~_ ..' ..,,,?, - , , ~,,, , ;,.,.0....,,...,-,.,/,. ~z .f..,L.1 ~,,, 0 ik- •••,....-44,,Z, z.,. .1•0 • . . - .."' „i• 4i 4 `......." .. 1 ..'•l7 '• • .r. • ' 4 .i r .......,0* 44 I , ''' - ....- " "" 1 1. - ,' 0, 3 .1 • .'.; ' ' . 4...«,.. 0 ,4 .0, - ; , -„•41, -, -, • _ - • 4-..• -et - .., .. ' ".• '." 4 •-• f' .1 *4' / 4 ••,r44., Del ‘•V . 7 ,.;'" ..• * '' • -,' e* 4 *. '1„..,04, .... 4 4;':4•:' ' 4 ', ' , SiS . •-. .. ,",. ~ •4.1. 40.-, 7•,.... .71 ••• 4 ' ..• " ' F ,•- Y . I 4;0 .; .c..a.e 4 , .. 44 t IT: kt't..t; ~'„' • ',/....., •• 0 1 / 4 ...0e,.' .•" ' 4 , 1.,* r., - 4 ~"/• . 5. CI t• . .1.' 1 : ~;- .•`-' ''4:, ' :' ': * l l` 4 :' 4, 1 075' • 4 -tr, s,2* ‘.24-C.-' '".'••,:•;."'.: ',• ' , ..• te ..„-,- : ,,,.1 4 e l . 4 , ,,,- _ a. ,, _ol cs;;; - • " k• •". • Pi'• • ' • . ? . L • , }~ M~ ~..ti' ~~{ +. t.y .Rtiniod And.pabtorzed every increuho, (Briveava r'o74d, 4.1 c 4111'1911.10110ftli & DIONT6ONERY, - DE- TWO NOWOLE-WEST MEWED. OF WOOD 4WD FIFTH trrizazili 'lElll.3lB.—Blve Dollars a year. payable au-Jetty in advance. 15121i9lrttltorariably requital if not petal within the year. aintolaPlaa, Two B o's. fur sale at the counter la thei.,o4lce,. by.tho News Boy. ismiTtlitiliATVELDAT MORNING POST trim tbo same oho, au a largo blanket size ifi ee TWO DOLLARS a year, in Lulrauce. Singh, ouplig, rd'iatkra. Altir•No 'paper will ho dipamtinued, (unless at the discre tlceyof the Propriotorsjiantil all arrearagas are paid. Atirtioartention will bo paid to any order enelesa• partied by the nicmay, er sasisfsetory reference In this city. , 13/1- Connected with the Establishment of the Morning Post III: 01 19 of tho largest JOB PRINTING OPETDES in the city / 'Where alt./I/Ada of work is done on the shortest notice, and Mast ronaniable terms. VOLUME XIV. PROFESSIONAL CARDS RCIBERT C. G. SPROUL, Attorney and eeiihreathir at Law, ofilco Nu. Fourth euroet, Puts; brth:• = doll lay TAMES A. LOWRIE, Attorney at Ltiw, EP. ottdo Fonrtti Pittsburgh, wtwooa slaithaott 1113 d 90f"019.". deollfty JOAS — BARTON, Attorney and Counsellor t aLlawtotike cornor of Fifth nod Grunt green. Pitts. Jo.lay K-rQAM p.. ROSS, Attorney at Law, No. 109 toiarth stzet, Pittsburgh, fourlh door below Mr. Rudy - Pude - Mies Livery Stab!. je2S PATRICK M'KENNA, Alderman of Third 'Werd, office corner of (hunt and Fifth street; (formerly Ocppied by Alderman Low Ls.) where all buidness pertaining, to the office of Alderman and Justice of the Pence Rill-be promptly attended to. febßhn U471:11-4 Surgeon Dentist, successor to G. . W. Biddle, No. 144 Smithfield .treot. ce hoOrB from 8 to 1 o'clock, and from 2 to 5 tit:look. fatilkly 1 - SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors e 5 ,4 AV est of Markot. Kir OM= hours from 9 o'clock A. M. to 5 o'clock I'. M. dcalky Nature nf Appropriation. 2 SitlarleS of CityOticers ru• lio Printing. 4 Engines and Rote CipnlWilite. I City Wangunen....„: ............. ......... 11 I illy '0 star Works, &e 7 Cleaning Street-1. let District S Do dr 2t do S Public Lampe and Lighting St; este 30 C , raning Markstr, a il Monongahela Wharf I'l. Alieghela) Whart fiortrd of llottlth 14 Contingent murnl 15 Outstondin, II arrant, Improv'ut Fund; ..e iniat.d net rre'tn 115,45 $9.467 21 , 14 7b 4.355 40 1.014 79 12.700 1,3 1,201 82 810 :U 75.4 VI 107 MO 222 f9l )171 491 692 2t 2,101 1,4 31.6'0 "1 1.157 90 BUSINESS CARDS TORN MOORHEAP, Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant, for the salo of PIO METAL nod BLOOMS, and PRODUCE generally, No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. a 1,24 weary mesa, Philada tea. alCCElroua, Pittsburgh. MILLE R & RIC K ETSO N Whulesale (3 ro -mrs, Importers of BRANDIES. WINES and SEGA Nos 1.12 and 174, Carrier of Irwin and Liberty streets, Pitts burgh. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns. se , constantly ou hand. .13 -20 M'KEE & CO., Manufacturers of M'Kee's S PeatiSylviala Glass, all sizes of Window Ulnas, Estee Double Strength, Imitation Crown awl Ruby Vials, Flasks. Pickle and Preserve Jam; Wine. Porter and Mineral Bottles: Telegraphic and Lightning-RA.I Insulators. Qty Second, between Wood and !lark - et streets, Pitts burgh, Pa., but a short distance from the steamboat landing, and from Monongahela House, St. Charles and City Hotel. apt II JOHN C. DAVIT In account with ih' Mayor, did 1655 1 To (2ns, 14.1anco in reasury, $ 21 03 ' .rlrit II- linuleKin, Inturn t. :196 50 " " Y. E. z, :ilnyor. linwa and fort', 1 turf,. dramstie 1117,11RC8 SST°, •• It It rwl•a6t+r, IVo. ar .) IL wSArr&K", 1V al. Root liay T. Ctiunlnglitni, -.„.. Wm. Chapman, do, '55, Lfc:nm•6 or drays, tmnprh.p, straElY etrowto 1C0131;JITSON EDWARD DtTFralDna lIENRY t.. EINGWALT ROIIERI'SON & Maim tacturera of Cut. Pr...4ed and Plain Yhot U LASSW A 111. wareltebse No. 17 Wood atmet.. comer ,f Prvut, Yttwbnrg h. ear All other kinds of tils.ware and (71a-., at low Market prices. Sill: ily JAMES L LEDLIE JOSEPH J. CLAW. T EDLIE & [LAM, SucceNsor6 to Mull - anv & Ledlio , manufacturers of Cut. lottlded and Fhut and Fancy Colored ULASSWA ICE, mid intern in nil Linda of Window tihvia, Flasks, Voila and itottl..s. Warr. hoc= earlier of Market and Water st,,t.a, Pit i...,burgll. mhaallY A'l.l3Dur n, (ity o,uger.'s4, J. I) V.•rner, Jo, 1855 J. A. Serifractt, house n-nt nt w round root nt Retain, Sam., b , uso ro , :t City TB3••e t, r I ki., an I Rout r.•nt for 115:4:, I tuprortquent Tnxe, 15:7,3 W t, r•ot 1., City 1 15 t, Inirrwretn-tit Taxng. W.kt,r rnct, 15'.1,, • s 18L5, Imp,, ,, ront 'raze& . P.. 55, 11" tiro Torun i D f3lO V AL.—C. XIS EN , ' at iufacturer XIL,' of dVery variety of VIALS, BOTTLES and WIN NAV GLASS; black PortAn Wine and Claret Bath,: Deinuoh..e and Otrboyc Mae, Flint Olaei lu every variety. Wai - ehate-e N0e.104 Second and 1&1 First street, Pittehurgh. inh24 Flt DRAW, Diamond, l'ittsburg,h, dealer • in COUNTRY PRODUCE. offers fir sale a atock of GROCERIES, eelected far family Spires .4 every variety and the purest quality, ground at too ,q..n1.1 MiUo. Al.lO, Dried Fruits. Foreign and DtQualtic Pn.du• taken in exchange for ruerchandie... Dtm Nt it A i•P,lftti.'ll. .Ichn irM.r. '2 I wer•l Sante. d Juhter.g4ow.i dn, rt,urty tnTAA pn 11 S-o.l.tri Innda for to U and Prot., d 5 511 art 5 or ,) x 1..1z. 11 et.. 5,1, diri w• I Jut) .1. 51.111 Aid fir.. no - . 1 1, telvd-t-K. F. hai procured a full nasortment of Lantir. trtu rruited GARDEN SEEDS, and intitet the iuteuti.m in• wrested la rural affair, jm, 1l COMMISSION 110 USE.—The hiru opened a for the ra.ove pu11..., at \o. 17 Smithfield street, four doore ah. wo tile Aluivaicalb•la tha., will purchase. or MO:ire on conituNsion, fur cal... con gignmernta of BLeICR, BACON. CH Et...‹E. 11 BARLEY,FLAX SEED, it it..AS, Slik,li. h.% I.hU HAY. Sr upon which we will make adeanera. or purchto, at the Lent market ratce for rash. 1.6 Id S CO _ R. tNaLlaa ... .J. 1. bras," vIVGLISii 111(11A RA )S1 IN. l',.rwarrlin g . - it and Commietirm Mrrrh 00. .3 , 1 0 1.. 10181.1., BACON and OIL. and rib 'DUCE ga, t er a itt.. RLr house formerly occupied by BUrbridgr , It Ing It ram. N.. Ib, Water and 150 First Stroor. f.• 16 MICISIZIMETIM Nl'n'unr. Aid tines an I I r.4.1,nr.5. P,r.A 6.. , f..{' , 1 sn,n and t ,rf•iccur.., Fars tr , m IL ant Nl.nfnro - n J. N.a u. k rut. snd 0711 Jot.I.L • , 7 , 111 , 01 , A: let]: bow 1.3,,..1:uv0.11.,,-11* for ISA SINK:N(; ITNI) Br raid City Tmasu•rt, Hy 10 p-r crot ,thiuod /IE, To oc.ru•rie.l iNour..J. or butler Laken, I , JOHN Ai. EI.L. A J. LEL .. .. CH 0 , . A MEL' ATWELL, LEE & CO., Wholesale iiro,ers. ; Pi,..tiaa, 11.1141 Commis.i,” Nt..,hants. and dcal.•rs in Pittsburgh Nlannfact ores. No s NV ~,.I rt.rs•t. h,q,,,..,, it „ 1 ,„„ nod Front streets, Pitbduirgh. i ;4,1 , TORN W. BUTLER & CO., Forwarding an , l CI Commission 31ereliants, dealers in all kinds of Pirr, BURGH MANUFACTURES, LEAD PIPE and SHEET LEAD, No. GT Front street, Pif t,l,ur.rti. ..erCS -FEENRy 11. COLLINS, FitrlAarding anti Commission Nforelmnt. au I .1‘,1,- - al.• dealer in MIS H. CHEESE, BUrfE. SEEDS and Pa ~ id/GCE genera'''. N 5 lt Wood street, Pittsburgh mart pp L. ALLEN, wholesale dealer in Foreign .111 L, . WINES, BitANDIES. SW ,A RS. IBA Moisaim,ll,l., and Eye WHISKY. &e ; ab.o. It.ECIIPYINrI DISTILLLR. No. 8 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Wince, Brandies, Gins, Cordials.. .balliti,A Spit it, St. Cro, and New /England Ram, Claret,. ChAolporAo... Scotch, A le. London Swan Stunt; Irish, Scotch, Bourbon. old )dosionga• he* Rye and Bnctifled Whisky; Apple. Peals. Wild Cher r, and Blackberry Minh.; import,' IiIt,AJOI.. IicACCILA and Prin. Regan; Ilalf-Spanisli 111,1 CollitiliOl Sc.!, . all st such low prices as to challenge competition. fnmey liar Kegs and Labelled Rettig of every et, le. and Demijohn. ..t sizes. I respectfully invite an canon nation of ins atts:k. at No. 8 Wood street, Pittsburgh. up3.l v WILLIAM CARR K. l'O., (William Carr. late of the firm of J. Parker & ro.. I Ak 1,•.l sole i ill. i- ORES and dealers in Foreign WINES and BRANDIES. Old Monongahela and RectitleJ WHISKY, No. 3'..... , lummercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. nie,:y . JJOSEPHFLE3IING, successor to L. ‘Vit COX A Co., corner of Market street and the Dia.o.m.l. keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of DROPS. 7 , IED. ICINES, MEDICINE CHESTS. PERFUNI BEY, and all art, cles pertaining to his bush.... 4- - Physicuitis' Prescriptions tearfully compounded at all hours. I, I' % RA I L Lt.(i A II S Ft , t.:1;..•. - 3 Pennsylvania R. II 4 .1.0 l'UL.l•nryb 4 I . .U• J ' Allegbe .1 Call-1. I' I...burgh • C-urier,vil . ... 10. t. Churtlorm 11l e m• Inl dd .verr.l to Uttro,nre of Poor. 20, KV.oot r.t n 1 1 ,41, I and Park to e.•ure 1. 915 r rd 4, '22 lent. t'• rr I 1 #.l el. 1 1 , 1,1 n.ll , to I.n.r!y r.nt. vt,zelAIJA .t. TAX O)I.I,E O T4)It'S Ar JUNTS. ClLlrb R, 11, To nUlnunt or puptioo4o of City Tax $9,(7?, 45 Wnter n.O LA, 7.14(0 0 , 1 iltit.r . tul Tax, 9474, (4 Lt, I nes., Tax. I .x.tx ml DI rash paid J.,;,n Men:. the., I'LaLudul fly :0 ,r • vr,t. oti duly reLds Caine deo, lly rash nt.td wnrrnnts paid Trea.urer. 11a.1.11c.• trae"Lkett,l 4.12 - :21 7 4 , 4 , tnt 11 , a To amount of Dui.lp.,te of t'it r Tltc. .tJt 9 Wed., 11 Itapr . ra Ito.. .211, 1:1 11 oath and marrialte pnld frea,ur.:r. -4 4 COW= 1.:1 17 linlaucu uncollected, 7.1:10 r,” 111APP MEASCREK, j” , ,n(;,...,0va1, d I. 11 Chorb, To amount of Put , t-aor 1.. y TOO. ^ it:. .I'. yz., •• T l s I'x, MEM j I'4ll r-nt on fall, Jame, .41usbri- ;id Hard fly aaftl. nukl wnrrentn 1.11 %:esqu,•, lo *_!,ll iv orrl s 794.569 fo t. .(6n , -411, 111trj 4 ot1.11.11• IDOL), 1.310+11,1113,1.0,10,1 t 41 7 .1 in; • Th.rt To .I:nounL 1.1“1”),:, wt a r l'w iOl 7,1 %Vnt., I n , '' I:l:l• ; :t r u ' r u F t e T T . , x 2 , 01; I'h 9 By rnah and warrants rail Tr asurr - , 1 It Isola/lag Li.0 , 11..at.,./. c 449 Nu report. No rrpor.• JOHN 11122.14 NH. FLIASIN, FLRMING BROTHERS, eucce,iB4.rs 4. Kidd k Oa, wholardo DRUGGISTS, N. Pittsburgh. Proptietdrs of Dr. .I.PLune'm celebrat.c...l lure, Liver PUN ac. jai() I.n„ f' 111. rd To amount td DUpllca,e oi 1,3. V. 1., £.42 It,. rut Tax , 94 •• nu•lt.e33 Tax, .• ItT , 6811 aurl Rat rnntm Laid T,,' Cuter, 13 6.7 3.43 03 liellsuce 1i,C.5.3 ----- —l7 1:: I! AI HlLlio 1. ti , rth 11111,1 To omnuot or Dup2l atu..l 'it> Tr. x. 4,112 771 Wnt.l . li. nrn. 73.4 , 2, uirr'Lt 1 7:12 LI mel.., 41, 4 No ri i‘ rt• Jahn PuLtl TORN HAFT, JR., successor to James NI,- ft" Cluffay, wholarale and retail DRUGGIST. and dualur in PAINTS, OILS, DYE STETPS, Nu. 141 Wu.oi stru.d. throe doors below Virgin alley, PPS.ulhrnh. apry L. AIARSILSLL, sue,Nessor to 11. LeA • WOOL DEALER and CONIM ISSION MERCHANT No. 139 u b rt„, r str ofo t, Pittsburgh. Refercnce—W. WC - Untock & Broo., Krauier A. [airn, Min , phy, Tiernan & Cv., Brown & Kirkpatrick Pittsburgh, May SI, 1855. ----11, 1 0 4 13.1 20 r ntid trartnutA D id frrn> ur e IW. CHADWICK, dealer in Kentucky . Leaf TOBACCO, RA(S aml PAPER, Su. 149 W0.,.1 etyma, belay Sixth, l'lttaburgia.lktV.2o.ly gar The laktimm. market price, cmih, paid forß aga. Raga. 4,lllll.llPai , tlr. 14Z, 01 ieuce 00.11ect01.. fi • - --111)::11 17 7 1.00,1, T 7 1,. rev; To s mount 011.1p110al, fir 1.1:y Ina, I . ./10 4? NY Kt , ' 11. ton, 1 lulpr'ilt Tax, B050:0-ns 11 131.LTZP. P. KLUX/14 - . JUSLPtI II II CUM WP. MARSHALL S. Co., Importers am! denlorn in FrencL and Amertcan PAPER INGS, N 0.87 Wood envoi, Pittsburgh. AirStite agents for the celebrated manufactures a Mcssrs Delicourt & Co., Part. . ang7 4 35: By egoh en 1 warrau Os paid Trenstur.r, 674 G.lift• I• Baleoca urteo ,lb. llect,d,• t; -2 ;7 liet T. C. MORO AN, Bookseller and Sta ... Lioner. Hatt always on hand a general aasorttnent of School, Miscellaneona end Blank kk.ulas , Pc - m[llls, Poet. an I Cap Pawl% .tc.„ wholesale and retail, 104 11 ..a.sl bel lw Vieth (east side) Pittsburgh. rhtrmas .Nctly, Eighth ;lard. To nuanunt of Duplicate 41 City Tll., li«nt•, 3.3 - 6 (4.1 to pent l'Ax, tho 09 v, 40 11 =V=M fly rath ar.d warrant, paid Tres u .r. tt7 iSir WA NTED--Itagn and Tanners' &Tara. 5p1!,..1y J OHN l'fiELLOlt, Wholesale and RetailV dealer In MUSICAL LNSTI.2IIENTS: PIANOS, MI. SIC, 8e11.X.., BOOKS euld STATIUNEILY, Na. sl Wood stre.t, Pittalrareh. Janl (N , ln ru 111 10LI tuicollt cted GU 11 4,151 tY2 - C.L25 73 11‘05 Ilurrimond, Ninth Ward. To amount of Ilupitclve ,•ft.if. 'rho, :38151 IVetor lienLa, 942 FO Impeol Tax, P 55 T. I•uduree T.x, 8091 JACOBJ— AI'COLLIST E am! toil SEGAII MANUFACTURER nod in all of TOBACCO, SNUFF and arilAlia, N.. sr, Fifth rstro•-t Plttaburgii Aar Keeps constantly on hand a largo eopply of 6.1111... 1 . 1/liollll brands of Imperial Segars. rub and varrenti pitkl Treapurvr, 1,•421 02 Corm. lone, I_o ty, Bal,aco unr,llectecl, 1 071 91 ==1:11MI PIIILLP 11101 EYMER(successors ANDERSON, (susors to ji_t Joshua Rhodos S C 0.,) whuleaale dealers In FOICEION yIi.LITS, NUTS, SPICE.% OUNFIXTIONARY. SUGARS. ko., No. 89 wood Sized, opposite tho St. Charles Hotel, burgh. np I=l VISCELLANEJUS ACC()UNTS By Botiding ne-owit, $4 , 1 (.71) l'erd. E. Al. V. , T., finem an I 1-trio it uroB roc,i J. 1,547 I 0 Ilratantle 1.1, -Lees, 4 I i II " Railroad da iLtthra, 70u t 1,04.; Iti ATINDLE, Wholesale and .Retail SAD . DLE, HARNESS, TRUNK, VALISE and CARPET RAG lii&NUYA.CTIIKER, No. 106 Wood street, Pittsburgh. IYMY gNTEEPRLSE WORKS, No. 136 Wood street, third door below Virgin alley.— DPW N S. TET ' would call the attention of Sporting men to their lei,o assortment of GUNS, RIFLES and RE t OEVI NU PISTOLS, the largest and best aelectod stock eror opened in tide mar ket, together with a general atoortmont of Hardware, Cutle ry, Tools and Railing Tackle, all of which we offer at Cie lowest piasdble priced to cash paramours, or for good ale proved paper. marl S , NORTH-WESTERN POLICE AGENCY, No. 69 Washington street, corner of Dearborn, CII I- Cl.OO, ILLINOIS. /ULM PINCLIITON. By cash pe Li Trelsnarr, Wi/!Wm 14filtyligt, jfroie,,i(All4, IVlamf Master. Dk. To Warms wharfage, 1 To amount wharfage for Pt.'''. dro on F',/,-rrei Stock ?t'o oubscriPtiou , . 16.310 uu By r...th rrid Trrlvrarnr, 185.5 JBnunry i. 1856 MMEMI 187 40 79 Wilitani Scot', If Au rf ster te To nrumnt of wharfeige for gth fr _ . _ By cx,Ph raid Treasurer, usleture unc , )ltecuxt Puit,) 2 928 81 Darii Brrnan., fretvli 31 , 1,1er at Hay des DR. P. 11. RODGERS PINKERTON & 00. devote their entire ettention to iho trantaction of a general detective POLICE BUSINESS la the States of Minces, Wteeonsin, Michigan and Indiana. mhlihdtf ==ii=l2 • • Bp c isb psld Treasurer, 145 hn fees retained. Balance u u 72 IS Thomas Ounsurigham, &tit inspector. leti4 h'.. . To amount of feo•, n r senors, BF. SEEOPE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Third street, Mat door to Dispute h Bulldinga thankful for the very liberal potrOnage heretofore heetaw•Al upon him. hey leave to ask a continuant* of the 1.110, no to le now better prepared that over to furniot tin triends and 44- 431138111 with garments which will 111IIIIen entire natinfaction He alma keg*, on band a large aasorttnent of the We s t styles of GS, CASSIMEILES, CLOTHS, Sc., tethil he will make to order on the ehortoet notice, upon reasonahl o terms. . A perfect - fit Always warranted. [noTlO:tf By each cn amount of fooa for 1854, 15 CU Ittnium ( hap= n, Sill inspet ur, 1555 DR. - To amount of free received, oo report, CR. By °tab Tr.laurer., Assusor of 114 , 1:r Hen!: on .Vela 'loadings. IMEMMI 70071 FL YOUNG TOO 6. D. YOUNO ..... .171.1.21010 L B'! YOUNG & CO., No. 38 Smithfield X • street, opposite City Ilotel, manufactures!. of CABI- N - in' YURNITUIRdi and CHAMS., of ovary description. Ma tsaiala and woritmanshis arm-routed, and sold at minted prices Caro 146 la pociang for land and water carriage. aug9l • By osah veld Tresfofror, Alien Dunn, C' , ty i.avar, 1654. To amount for ea ale sod inspecting. 4 511 bbis Whiskey, 1 so,:, }Toted fees, 321 " Ods, By .mount (i 0 per oent,) reteined, 16 , 1 f,t; By sash psiol, Treasurer, 169 56 JalneJ D Verne , . (lty itorr,) 4f4, To amount zersived for gsugtng, :25,417 bbis Whisker. 70.0 - 11 " Molasses. 3.8C0 011, de., Total fees, . • 62-217 barrels, — .t.2.;47 4 4d CR. By fres rotained for self and ambient. 1.187 2.4 By cub ;mid Tretenrer, 1,187 :4 John Taggart, Clerk of hiarkrts. To rents collected in 11th Word Market., 70 .11 1 4 eoond " " 27 60 A1 , :,.7.,,„, , ,7,,„"`Z,t• 5t4444 ono y :. ~ BEI •-• • : ..',.'.:,.% 14',,,:',:' i',7-1'1.,1:77:. ,i,"::t ?..1-Z- ~,r '... ,', v .._ :•:. 4 7., • " 4 ,sl.; "1 14 1 " 1 . vr 4 1,1 , 4 41:.* *,' • ,•* ', • - • - • lIIIIISMIIII PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE APrOINTED TO AUDIT THE CITY ACUOUNTS FOR 1855. To the Select and Common Councils of the City of Fittsburgn: I.ENTLEMEN:—Your Committee, appointed to Audit and Adjust the Accounts of the various City Officers for the year ending Dec. el at, 1865, beg leave respeetfullr to report that they ! ace exam. toed the books, account* and vouchers of the Mayor and City Treasurer, and tad the same to be correct. Tne balance of rash in the Treasury as reported ($l5 77) wee examined and found to be correct. Your Committee would here take occasion to mention in emerald!) terms the present 77ressurer wirmeo bock, are kept in a near and business :Use manner, which greatly facilitated your Committee in preparing this Report. We would also bring to your attention the increased -c llectiona nn the Monougalthia and A ileghet.y Wham rev— This feet speaks more than words In favor of the vigilance, enert y and probity of the of who have charge of these Whareee: Herewith we submit the Accounts of the ;arum City (Allure up to Dot. Slat, 11355: it. M. Klktt, JOIt.MS, } W Auditing Commitre, M'Ar JAASTE A Tabular Statement, shoran, the amounts drawn upon the eeveral appropriations annexed; the amount overdrawn; the aninu9te paid by the Treasfeer, and the amounts of outstanding warranla for the ye7r 1855. Amount . u( 1 Anal of war-1 Amount I Am't paid by 'Outs' ending 'Appropriation ; rant el drawn. 'overdrawn' Treasurerl Warrants. 1 /11:200 001 $11.200 00 I 304 OM 1 jn7 4? 6,820 401 5,5'20 40 .1 12,600 10 10,060 6' I 25,900 WI 25 olu N I i 2,450 00i 2A 1( : kit ..16d 01.11 9 000 ( 0 11:V6 ) 2 10 910 00 201 001 50) i , ..? 5 01 , 700 , 1;00 011 1.1.00 (H). 1.900 001 4,004 14,i 2 . 954 07 41, 0 00 (.0! 18,1-S1 641 0110; $9L,953 59 6 - 4 1 1 9-Z 975:71,7151. NI 1169.4;,1 14 P. McCoy, grading on Bedford street, 89 25 Samuel Hamilton, for work done on . Hand Street Sewer .... 90 W. Finch & Son, in full of repairing on Penn and Hand streets and Fos fer's and Irwin's alley 820 26 P. Donnelly, tor work done on Small- wan street ....... 77 05 John Scott, in full of ei,terwien of Magee Street Sewer, and lulot iu Coltieell street ...... 420 27 Bernard Mcgrady: for grading and planking,,Penn street, Lima' Ward... 127 00 Michael McCullough, Jr., for plank for T, TREASURER, .rmrn ar d Cib'zens of Pitaurgh. • 1855. CR. No Br paymentrundry approviations, oh: 1 In event on City Loans and State Tar on lir. da. $67.002 52 2 1".1roito, of city offl.ttera. 8.467 foo :i Pultlir Print ing. 114 75 4 ktntrlnn and lice.. Co=tante, 4.31.5 in 6 city Watchweu 3.044 79 ti City. Water Worltn, 15,769 fir 6 Cleaning stroqr, Irt die til.d. 1.21.11 82 8 Do do 2.1 d, , , 82,3 20 9 Piddle Lames and Lighting at re°. r, 79.1 97 10 (leaning 241•nti sth Ward Martnta, 107 Se 11 Monongahela Wharf, 225 09 12 Allegheny do, N7l 49 13 Board of Health. 0112 29 14 Contingent fund. 4.303 79 10 Out•tandlng Vi'arranta 31.1140 82 Improvement Warrant, cutnlandlng, 12,215 20 It • for MS:, b 157 109 Trt.n..ra• y Loan. Bank of l'lttbt•urgb 19.0.0 01) ./.5•1 •,/ 1.,f. 1, .1 Tots} n 1,3,1132 ig‘ dmon.l and slarbvto. 49/ Su Iti ir,nurr. • rtti• IL. pall 10 ,10110 R tbr pt.,/ riAl of Lb .outtrr 1 I met. to, n, raid I j‘ ~tptrq the above 148 b 0 James Little, in full for grading Alle gheny street 116 10 John 111cAnulty, in full of grading on Factory and Quarry streets 113 00 Thomas klackeral, in full of grading on Morton street 184 0u Thomas Ireland for steno 110 2E, John and Dennis kleKelvy, iu full of grading on Pride street, 115E,8 -.J68 19 Sundry bills for work done by direction of the Committee, for stone, lumber, tools, So., per clerk's hooka 696 80 $l3 ;tO6 The Street Commissioner of ti e Firat District has expended on the appropriation for cleaning streets in hie District, No 7, $2,420 47 The Street Commissioner of the Second District for the battle purposes, ltwei Mdttatt t• . crt. leer, $2.2 T•,,,urer, 7 t, „SS*2 1.61.1 t r5449,r. 9 39 • rt.... taarasd • LAI' • rvt.ortsl ft.II darlnd the sus Rion sr th • All It Kt'A ) Ting. (4( o.lFlundtny Drh, Itoratral liublAy, Int Ward. 1841 g, , • $844211 Ovoid Kinrstd. 114 Ward, 1844, 4:141 11. J. Ilagsrty. Wsr•l. 1841, 141 4.41 tA. Thsrapron. Bth Ward. 1850, 348 4. A. SI llartutter. Welghruattter of Market, 1851. NI 25 .1 1V Lightusr. Whartattn. 18%1, 48 8 , 8 linsry hSrIo, Whartago. 1881, ISt) Is 14.,.:, 117 4.1 181)3, ICN 111 .••• . INLJ, 116 74 Willinm Forsyth, Whoring . .., 1e..,:., I.l' .II; ‘V,lllsrn r ,,, c, tl, N'Lhrhzo. 1,465 dS 4.1 William S Thomrrnon, 61.11 W 111,1,1052, 90, trt Urfc4,ll.xtral Tux,' tor laatt let ward, Ciitt.t. Itttn, I. f.1,.1':.1,tr.'. 14 ward, Tatinta." If th,, la, .. , .169 11i 3.1 ward, Uttar tee W ',wig, 7,61. V . 27 Wit ward, Plchari Hop°, 6.445 tti SWI want, .1 .Vin Lowry. 3,orxit itti itrtt ward. li M Philoot_ R. 52.3 40 7th word, Thomas T Thompson, 1482 77 with ward. 1 bd... N'''', 4,1! , 1 0.4 mh ward, litit,ti Ll•ntutoutl. ~ 471 iti , — sl6,n'-`it 11 1,906 35 lota' acift. of Dui.nowt° tor ISM), V 0.756 :%1 c,co nod Luns, Y 0%, oi—slii.lsl 61 CII Br nm'c pellTreaturer, v*.ta Tai Acunont I rp-ol •led, !.4.4f, I vn - $18,6b1 54 Total amount for cleaning streets, $,4,326 82 This, together with amount of the Im provement Fund which has been expended, Ilphes the total nrimunt expended on streets for all purpo ses, $18,233 48 Your Committee would respectfully call the attention of Councils to the fact, which appears iu the above report of money expended on the streets, that upwards of ten thousand dollars is disbursed to persons Employed by the Street Commissioners of the First and Second Districts. Although the Pay }tolls, which are the vouchers which sive the Mayor authority to draw his warrants in favor of the workmen named there on, for their several amounts earned are ex amined by your Committee monthly, they have uo means of juifging of the nature and extent of the work done, except from the face of the pa pers themselves. The rere'pts of the workmen are taken with the Pay hills to the Mayor by the Street Commisaioners, who delivers to.theso offii-ere the warrants for the individuals named upon the Pay Rails. l ur Comtuitiee are of opinion that these vouchers for the receipt of warrants in psymin.t of work il , ne upon the streets thnu:d be prehated, in the same man ner that other claim., agalost the city are now, by ordinance, required to to pr.b.tted. They therefore respectfully a , k the passage, nt ibis time of the Orkiitlftbe.l, whack is herewith sub mitted. In view of the (Argo, and anrimliy increat.in; t amount t,l work ueressaty to hs done upon the streets r,f the city. yonr CMTIRITTPC I recommend that m dillerPtit 1 , 11111 of inlprOTnr. 01C 1 adopted similar to that elt hos lien adopted 113 Philadelphia or A '!scrheny City. This IA a matter which we earnestly rec.)rnmend to the early consideration of the rent Councits uwine to the continued liieh i.iage of rater during the pact it I -tit Rnl.iNit , :e for contractors to Iro cure 1, acing t,l4.new t.L.I gravel to complete their enntrechi. The titnr for of ropleting them was r.n this arsount ex tou led I y your Committee until the first 4 Sep to . tior TREASURER IN ACCOUNT WITH L.IAMONI) DIAREEI'ROUSH ABSOCIATIoN. DR. Ta Stock SuLotelluthns. 116,380 00 ro 1.1,110rn nn 13u.t.er Mtslln, 4,198 00 It, not ,•( 11“t,T Mt al Is, :AZ 8 07 Rents 01 Vegetable 84,..11g, 9,918 18 11,019 milt-corns Yew-table °tell& 8.116 93 Pcalrn, 114 60 lit, - 11101, 1,360 UU —400,91 U 171 Yzpensne motif, 3.73'2 33 oaltlro, 3,410 SI Cur Reut•, 9,331 05 K L Hine. Trpaaur,. 1.407 43 John Iklaw flip, 'l'; ensurer, 11,276 40—500,810 2.t.73 10 ck' 17.033 00 5,010 be bee been pel.l Herr:with we pre.9 , 111 e Fcbel.: l e of tl,O- , warlt t,trn.ctLd fot 4hol hot fiLihited, t,,Fether with the ru , e,< of the contract., the cumesof the ran tract...r nod the eetitnyt,4l cost r 110 the I: ,, cording ttm Finch I.'tve c-t.tract w,th the Coy Which have n,l3ct tittisLea, a. foiloa--: To grade on] I‘3trr alley tv the cr , htern I,Le rf ti .„ . . 4 Milt, at 42 cen per ,ul.l ! and 1$ cents per cubic 5, I l for gra catirdaird oust of To g.—Ple fLIJU tklV. , Itti.llo WOO from hind rt rtTt to Gam - al:ey ut 41 crate for rivu.g an I cents fur glAd,ng T. grade ani pare Cahla, rlf •ct tarn F,I ton to V,ne I rrcl a t cto f.ur pxru an,t 111 ;e t c, gradt,g, to 6:a. t TOPI/"..1.1 street ft- •Li . „ to t.e.r Clark -'Prot at 1 ,;) cis. fur paving and 22 c , fits grading To grade and pave rullim from Ltedf,rd toward Cl:tf ,acct at cents for pacing and 1 1 , cews for grading to amlunt of To grade and pave R. Lett , t.dre,t. from Centro Ave•ine t ) Prnukiio street at 66 cent, for paving aid 11' ovate for grading To grado and p.ve fade street f rc to from end of present VI• IJI t, southwardly at 64 cents for paving and 16 cents for gradlng to amount of Thomas Nlackeral has a confront ti grade and pave Locust street from Penn street north war I!) at 45 rt., for paving and 17 els for grading to amount of John M.,:Kelry ha , a c.,ntracl f , r g-g -f [ling on Bluff street to amount Elwaid Allen has a c , ntract for th•-, ellonsion of the O'Hara street sew er at $7.75 per thousand for furn ishing and laying, the track, and twenty-fire cents pt , r cubic yard for grading and filling iu $17,554 46 sod Int. due REPORT OF THE CONINIITTEE ON STREETS, . GRADING, AND PAVING. To die members of the Select and Common Councils of the City of Pittsburgh: GESTLEmEN—The Committee on Streets, Gra ding and Paving, beg leave respectfully to sub not the following statement of work done and money expended under their supervision during the year 186(; and also a schedule of work con tranted fbr and not yet completed, under author -9J5 36 ' lty, granted by Councils. The whole amount of warrants drawn upon the City Treasurer, and chargeable to the Im prevent Fund for the past year is $15.9 06 56, which is $2,172 27 less than was drawn during the previous yekr. This amount has been expended for the fol lowing purposes t—vlz: ,s. On Pay Rolls of the Street Commissioner of 340 00, the First District, for repairs and work done cit, • under his supervision $3,095 56 117 clnti raid Trpasurer, "" . , O °() I DO., do., Street Commissioner of the VA's?! uru ' 6 "l l`""` Second District for the same purge-. To ainotust coll.cted, pc, ~...,.-...58,008 41 322 6 4' Rowley & Willock, in full for grading on Vickroy street, 1859 Rev. W. A. Passavant, for grading on Reed street $ 39 12 . James'-Duncan, for repairs to bridge on Pennsylvania Avenue P. McCoy, in full of his contract for grading on Factory and Quarry Streets John Afelielvy, grading on Gum and Cliff streets Ed ward Allen, in full of 'his contract Smith Street Sewer & Rogan, in full of their con tract for grading on Vickroy street, 1,528 81 W Finch & Son, re-paving on Front street UVI:4 ME= r Ju , g at an 1,612 98 - c 4a R ' Total amount of wetit unfinished $4,461 50 For this 'tumour, the Improvement Fund of 1855 is liable to be drown upon when the work shall have been finished, and together with what has been drawn upon the fund, will make the total amount for which the Improvement Fund of 185.5 is liable to be drawn upon to be $16,- 368,10, which is about the nett amount which, at the beginning of the year, it was estimated that the Improvement Fund would Your committee farther report tinder the head of unfruisheil work that the contracta for grading and paving on Pike street from Factory to Adams street has not yet been commenced by the contractor, notwithstanding the contract was made in 1854. 9, 1856. The paving and grading on Caldwell street from Price to Fulton streets, also contracted for in 11154 has not been commenced by ble=ars. Rowley & WiHook, the contractors, but it ie un derstood that the work has been relet by Mr. Richard Hope, who is their bail, to Mr. Joseph Hastings. All of whieh.is respectfully Submitted It. I' SMYTH, JAMES LITTLE, WILI.4AII EVANS, J OS. . LEWIS, IT. A WEAVE It REPORT dt' THE WATER CoVIMITTEE To Me Selat and Common Counci'a of the CO of Poi burgh: Your Committee respectfully prevent fir your oonsideration the accompanying annual reports of the Superintendent and Assessor which ex hibit in detail the operations of the works, and the amount of Water TRIM . tissetised for the past year. It was thought by your Committee that a brief statement of the cost of the works would bo interesting, and in the research consequent on that decision many interesting reminiscences were brought up. The subject of a uniform sup ply of pure water was agitated with varying sue cess, when ultimately on February lb', 1824, "An ordinance providing for the raising a sum of money on loan for supplying the city of Pitts burgh with water . ' was passed. The first lot fur au Engine House on the hank of the Allegheny river, was bought for $1,425 and the lot 2.40 feet square, known as the 'Grant's Hill purchase' was bought for $B,BOO. The Water Committee made their first annual report January 9, 1827, in which occurs the following words: "Upon the disposition of the citizens at large expressed in the most unequivocal manner, to sustain a tem porary burthen for the sake of accomplishing two permanent objects of the greatest impor tance to the comfort and safety of the city, viz the affording au ample and constant supply of good water and security against the ravages of 4 .1. ....' , PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS;" CORNER OF WOOD AND { FIFTH. STREETS; AT I fire, they at once proceeded to contract for the work to be done.' The first revenue was real :zed in 1829 and amounted to T 3,088. We do not propose pursuing the progrees of the w.u.kis up to the present time, but from the documents at our command, and the reports of previous Committees, present the following as a close ap proximation of the cost and condition of the works at the present time : As near es can be ascertained . the total cost of the lots, build ings, reservoirs, pipes and ma- °binary as they now stand is $677,709 86 Lem the amount of real estate &a, told by order of Cetmoil3 $54,700 U 0 Leaves the estimated cost of works $620,300 86 Oa this amount it is estimated that $243,240 86 was paid out of the annual appropriations and that the oily pays interest on the balance $377,069, which at 6 per cont. is $22,624 14 The balance in favor of the city this year over expenditures is $28,251 45 To this add miscellaneous re ceipts from water tax on new buildings, ferrules, &c $1,200 00 Total balance in favor of the city $29,451 45 and then after deducting interest, commissions and reductions, there will remain a balance for the city of nearly $5,000. We trust that this favorable state of the finances of the works, may continue to improve. We cordially agree with the Superintendent in recommending the gradual removal of the hues of pipe ment;oned in his report. And in order to do so successfully, would recommend Councils to continue their annual appropridtions to make such improvements as the s..i.foty of the city may from time to time require. The water rents are generally cheerfully paid, and perhaps will be paid with greater satisfoc ti, n when told that the rates of assessments are much lower than in any of the principal cities of the Union, and that no city has such an unlimited supply of pure water. The assessments this year number 9121, being an increase of 40 this year; the increase in rev enue is $1,450, and but for the unusual nut ber of vacant houses at the time of making the assessments would have shown a still greater In crease l'our Committee desire thus publicly to ex press their coufidence is the several officers eon ty.eted with the department, and to oscrihe to the faithful discharge of their respective duties much of the success attending the works during the past year. Ail of which is respectfully sub JOHN ALLEN, ISAAC JONES. JOHN S. KENNEDY, JAMES DUNCAN, ANDKEW SCOTT, IL McMASTER. ADAMS GE PTY. DANIEL AGNEW, JOHN BISSELL, Comruittee. RLPORT OF SVPHILLUTERDEPiT 01 WATER WORIN Embrueing revenue, expenditures, ealenvions -nod condition of the works for ttre present .Voit of water rents astrAsed in 185 r, r,o proprinrionv by Cot:moils 25,000 06 ,:toiug't Fund frrrn last year 109 (,-11 reed for old pipe 128 ill; Exp.nditaros 119 por Clerk's bouk6 f .r current exp-nem of Lower Work., vir i 1,61 Labor, 4 2.57 Hr; :149 g 9 2e) tl2 e 2 tn:Lh work, an :I ca•t:no, 2116 76 rn:iov; , I",rn an,l fl 41: I.umt,r, 16 14 11.,r I 0(1 279 30 1:m. e r. printing, rotarh, glazing, turrcroitie, winte-lend, t.+o EXPENDITURES FuR CI:BRUNT EXPENBIN II• using [Tea KA, 1.7u1 6-I`.) Ina 1_ 3t; to b S.(lll.lA ' fl P,llow, Ilse , Ihl, ha barn aud ILLTe, I.Litul er. II tr I ware, re.ckets, braotuF, F•c . ytite, CUncaSB, brick, turpQutine, rhito 1S .15 It. 1, &u , I I , Es DrrunEs PfiRMANStit FATEN t I N. ENTII.I6: \VoliK+, viz: 6(0)8 790 60 BiLiioi's work and Casting 3, 832 17 Ilras4 work and Casiirp, 190 79 Hauling, 89 86 Hemp, -11 04 Lumber, 90 92 Leal her, 8 16 Iron cud Nailt , , 12 97 Copper, 6 98 liar.) ware, 34 00 Sin.vids and Picks, 13 90 New door, clay, Iduas, gum &c., 4 1 73 Payments lavrebeen male as cllowt.: Bp warrants draw❑ on the Trentury, by order of the Water Committee, 25,010 81 Cosh paid from Conting't Funds, 312 72 CAA in hand of Superintendent $l5 76 *, REGAPITULATION. IVnier rents Reenshed, 33,244 50 Cash ree'd for old pipoa, &0., 128 6ri ()a hand from !ast year, 1519 82 --53,5;4 cis 25.323 6:: ♦JIIII expenditures li dance in favor of the city, less 3 p^r cent Commissions, $28,251 45 The following extensions hove been mode: 15 loots from New Reservoir to centre of Bedford street, 78 feet 8 inch on Penn street, 1004 " " Bedford " 472 " 8 " •• Erin " 1160 " " Centro Avenue, 533 " 6 " " Carroll street, 157 " 6 " ." Crossing to Clymer street, 35 " 4 " " Carroll street, 800 " 4 " " Enoch " 358 " 4 " " Granville " 412 " 4 '• " Webstar " 4.31 " 4 " " Penna Avenue from Elm to to Stevenson street, 578 " 4 " Fulton street, 268 " 1 " " Colwell " 140 4 "Fine " 214 • • 4 " " Penton Avenue, east of Din widdie street, 644 4 " " Duquesne Way, 202 " Amount, 7,061 " To this add former amount, 131,980 " Total, 189,041 " W hich !makes 2ti and A miles. Flood gates put in the above lines of 16 inch, 1 " 10 " 3 44 11 " 8 " 1 46 41 " ii " 2 4 4, 6 Flood gates made at the works, ono of 16 Mob, one of 8 inch, and five of 4 limb. On hand 3. No of new fire plugs put In 5 " made at the works, on hand, 5 Whole number of fire plugs in the city, 2L9 " flood gates . 386 No. of fire plugs repaired and reset, 19 " gates repaired, 7 " " gate boxes renewed, 21 The number of ferrules taken out of the office is as follows: Of one-half inch, 96 five-eighths, 22 " three- fourths, 7 One, 4 ~g..: .:; ~t _ _ h F~~ 144 1 1) I,JI t A 4.1 -1 thid 1 31 fl4B 3 1) 2-'7 1 t ti I.l'S 1 , t 4 =OE 1,/s1 .1 =EMI w 4 n i i 11111 1 AI Ihl 1 17 73 . 6 0 1,u43 67 1,4,5 00 9 524 76 0,241 13 1 21, IN 1,'70 15 10,917 19 94 60 • + 11. 1 t II 00 .' , . - ..-.1 ,',:. . ..1 -- .. . . 1 Ir _ . f.., '.. _,..- .4> N 3113 - F' - ii So. At $2 each For drilling extra holes, Amount paid Treasurer for same, $269 Tim constant high stage of wee during the post season, prevented the order from domicils; directing =extension of 'the river mains; from being complied with. Consequently the Com mittee directed the money appropriated for that purpose, to be applied to another extrion. ref, equal Importance, which watt the' conip °thin of a descending main from the new reseriair to Centre avenue. The eight Inch pipereparted as laid on Bedford street, Erin. street, and , Centre avenue, constitute this important connection, which is 2165 feet in length. Heretofore the sopply to the inhabitants of the -upper district, has been directly from the ascending pipe,•extd , while the primps were in motion no water could, come from the basin to the distributing linos. Thus the water in the basiwirms without urethan and a rapid accumulation of animalcule° was the result rendering the water impure; to remedy,] this the expedient of letting- the basin rim dry, I once in two weeks, and oftener-when necessary, was resorted to with partial success, but it was 1 expensive and dangerous.' 'And also oiling to this imperfect mode of supply the 'water fn the street lines, moved with each revolution of the engine, so violently as, to drive mit. the joints, °renting constant leaks, requiring great laber and•expeni3e to repair, which' will not be en c.)atom' in , thelnture. '' • _ n eight inch ,wash out pipe and , valve, <was nl o put in, deediug from the newNtonsiktoSed-z, i l regd 50k" ' • P. - way' ThtPaPeending -main laid in the "arc wn- Meg from the pumps 'of the new Wilrkeivali originally put down on 18,piera.bnilt•let square Umber, and the lower parte of, them beginning. to rut, fractures in the pipes were anticipated; therefore the wooden piers were - gradually re moved and substantially rebuilt with brick. In the report for 1854, allusion ilaB made to a number of plugs in the old parts otthe oily, which are not well supplied. The large Interests involved, requires; that their lealtions should be particularly defiled: • The streets are First, Second, potretb, Smithfield and Wood streets, in which there is a hazard to property arising from the small diameter of the main pipes, when it is considered that in this section is the greatest amount of buildings and 'commercial stock, liable in dry and Stormy seasons to the fate a largo portion of it met in ;1846; it will doubt teed be deemed advisable to gradually - remove them, and replace with 'Mee of,greater capacity. Many of these pipes were laid down in the earliest operations of the works, and hire since Become seriously obstructed by deposits, hence the greater necessity for their speedy removal. The works aro In good order, and much is due to the industry, skill and economy of the per flOrts in charge of the various departments, for its efficiency during the pest year, and the pres ent condition of the entire works. Aveiege daily supply of water from old wotk.3 447,021 o. ft. Average daily consumption of fuel, 408 bus Aeersee daily supply of water from nets work?, ' Lteernc^ daily consumption of fuel, Respectfully submitted, JAMES NELSON, Supt. 85,231 0 ft 103 btu January 4, 1836 lIKPOPT OP 111 E : , .YEZEOEL AND REGL9I7ER OP WATIM The Water Rents assessed on the different:ea taLlislanents using the Hydrant Watet amount to tifiy three thousand two hundred audforty sizAohors and fifty cents, as follows, vie: 1 Railread Cortlpany, 778 00 1 Count; Jail, 3c , 400 00 1 33-.8 Works, 375 00 1 Cu,l.orn Ih.o a 00 00 4 Iron Mills, 1525 00 Eo,(: , ine Strop F , undrii•3 :Y. Boner yard.., 1420 50 1 Hour Ala 115 00 and Paining Mille, 413 00 Onl.s Nlantifactories, 209 00 Steel, Shovel and Spike factories, 644 50 10 Rectifying lliatillenea , 712 00 17 Brewers and Poitiers, 781 50 13 Livery Stahle, 609 00 Public Baths, if 00 3 Chandleries, 150 00 7 Bri,k yards, 87 00 4 Tonneriee, 172 00 4 .liseellenenti: Egttatlisbotests, 869 50 331 Ihtels,Tinrns& Battrd'r }looses, 4915 00 t;7l Wqteltouses and StoreQ, 4'276 00 and Shops, '34740 50 9121 AFsoFeine].t. $53 246 60 Et , trAnD S. WRICIRT, Jatuary, 4th 1:,56 Assessor and Register. REPORT OF TILE AQUEDUCT AND CANAL COMMITTEE To the Be!ert and Common Council. GENTLEMEN.—The Committee on the Aque duct and Canal beg leave to submit the follow ing report. Teo amount to the credit of the Aquedact Fond rn Doc. :`,oth 1 Sr, I w $82,887 88 Total amount received from tolls for year ending Dec. 31st 1855 7,719 24 The amount paid collectors of tolls, watchmen, repairs and other ne cessary expenses up to Dec. 81st 1855 _ 3,462 14 Bottum° in favorof the Fund 4,257 10 which added to the acoonnt of 1651 gives the total amount to the credit of the Aqueduct Fund on December 81st 1865 37,144 48 Owing to the fact that a very largo amount of business is now (10110 by railroad which was for merly done by canal the amount of tolls has ma terially decreased. The structure is becoming old and the cost of repairs, already a serious heal, will annually increase. We append hereto tare araternent of account between the Aqueduct and the City as rendered to us by the City Treasurer, a copy of which has also been for warded to the proper deportment at Harrisburg, according to law. The Books of the collector of Tolls have been ezamined and have been well and correctly kept. From them it appears that the items of receipts of tolls are as follows: From boats between Pittsburgh and Johnstown $4,000 60 All other boats 1,156 70 Foot passengers 5,300 00 Amount revived from collector of 1854 after lass auditors, report 262,04 $7,719 24 From the aboro it veld be seen that while the reoeipts from tolls for boats have fallen eff, the amount received from foot passengers has in oreaNed during the year nearly three hundred dollars. All ut which is respectfully sabmitted. S. M. BIER, JOIIN AIACKIN, JAMES DUNCAN, W. KIRKPATRICK, jr THE AQUEDUCT OVER THE ALLEGHENY &Welt AT PITTSBURGH YOB REPASER, RE•I3IISLDIYO, &o. lu acoonot with Mayor, Aldenneu, 'and Citi- Lens 'of J'itteburgit. 186.1, Dee. 30, To .balance as per aceount this date, $28,882 26 1865, Dec. 81, To amount paid Collectors of the Tolls, Watch men anii other necessary experi see till date, 3,462 19 Interest till date, 2,176 22 $24,019 62 1855, Deo 81, By cash reed for Tolls, from Deo. 30, 1864, till date, 7,719 24 Balance due, $86,809 83 G. P. BRIM' D ROTT & CURTIS, Peniern in Real. Estate, St. Anthony Fs.Rs, Minnesota Territory, load bought and sold throor,hout' the Teri - Req. Money lounM, hayest meats Lingle to the be advantage, aninand - Warrants Ideri te,L Alia s Ageutv for the nale:of Bata in the town of ST. CLOUD. 05 miles from St. Anthony,, and headmf glyauathlw shove the Falls. The survey of the great Pact& 'Railroad crosses the 3lissisiiippi at this point; and the riumerms ad. vantages It possesses sae place of business, will rusks it Otis of the largest dike ih the Northwest. Pamtitte.r.a : Ex . Gorernorßameey, slinnegota.• Hon. Wm.. 11, 1 44,131.1, C).det Juatica of Minnesota. . Meeker. Han. It. M. Mee, Delegate to Congress. Rollffiffithead SE Becker, Attornept at Law. Mow& Ikrrup A; Oaka, Bffialtera. . ...r e • Rev. T. M. Fullerton, Regleter of U. S. Land Office. , eep2U PUSSIANBL LIE, IN OI L-100 lbs for iude y [daleJ NLEMDIU BROS. ,- , - .,:.'.::1'..?,`!.C . ,1'.' - 1-, N. 0 A PRACTICAL Sultmelt.—A feu , Sundityp since, a certain highly popular suid , talented clergyman of the Methodist church, read to his ssog regs . tion'the second chaiter of Paul's Epistle to the ,Ephesians, the'fiiireteeiith. verse, Which, is as fol lews : • • • ' "Now, therefore, ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow-citizens with the saint 4 and of tho household ofHod." ' ' 2 After reading this 'terse, kedeliberatelyraised.. 9414 oyes to the congregation, and remarked, "My dear hearers—Se. Peed 'wee not itll:low, Noo-,. and without another Vier& of 'Cointiesii; went on with hie reading. The reverend , gentle. men, though opposed to making political remarks in the pulpit, could not slip so favorable an op portunity of " defining " St. Paul's position on Hindooism.—New Haven Register. MEE MBE MEM MUM WEIBEN 11 - ATES:4F.:ADVERTIBE& , 4 AGREED ON BT THE pITIR3Utten PRESS Iffis l 9F a t - P, P . ZtqsP#Wiat latt; Ono tqwxre, - ono Insertion Do. each additional Inaaegoo... • Di. , ono Do two weeks J. • ' Do.. ono 6•00 Do. two months..., ....................... .1 - 00 DO- three moxithog— 00 Do. - Ott 16, 00 • Do. six narathiw.:;i. . 00 -.4 )50. • u...• i 74 aOO 11l 00 ta nd l in C 4 4. 14. XIX 11 T 03 ,0c Ices, POF.WIMIY I TO , "‘..k "-.4* CHARUILUILE ea knurl= Ono c=3 ,g , per annum, (excluolv tho rapei t )......;,. 26 (Xt o notlaa, 60 coati .- Destb notkoe s , 26 cesda. PITTSBURGH POST.: WEDNESDAY 141ORNING JAlktatf 9 Tan PAOIFIC Ilsituns.n.—Asa Whitaey, who claims to be the original projector oVa. railroad to the Pacific, has written ft letter to the'Nei York Journal of Commerce, Wherein-he Sbanttoni : the project in despair..tutd pronounceff it a' fill tire". not only now; hut_ fon -time - to" . dortie. l-- ' The reason - which-Mr. tlithitney eft:CIO - 11W' opinion that the project has falledds; . that - the Government has squandered those , huide - whisk • ' were the only adequate source of means forite eocomplisliment. He says that "the projeCt-of. a railroad to connect the Atlantic slope with that of the. Pacific is a popular measuref a•grant speculation, political as well OS MolletteyllllB7' - be made ont of it ; even if- the...ion/Ps not coml.- plted - for more than one or two hundred Miles; or if Congress donate lands and it le not corn- menced even at all; but there can be no plan devised now that can be carried out—no . phut that can form a sure bash' of means , for any part • of the work, or create and accumulate.the means. for the work, beyond the first two or three hun dred miles. 4 . Standing Coininittie4 - of the„, Semite r , Peawayay,anta- r -giosetort err 1880: . • inance—Messrs. Bnckalew . , Browne, Elcinitii , • ke Crabb, Killinger. . ' 'Judiciary,—Mesars. Wilkins, Trice, 3orclins,„ ; „ 'Welsh; Ingram. - ' ArrOuntaL-Messrs. Wherry,, Ferguson,Trazer, .Laubach, Finney., . • - • Eststest• , and' Etchectis-1116ssis. • Flenniken, Walton, Trice, Finney, Souther. - • Pensions and :Gratuities—Messrs. Tagg'arti Janiison, Sellers, Evaaa, l Ely. . Library—MessFe. „.pupltalew, Wilkins, Gregg. dorparatiprat-,-Meosra .. , Browne, Straub, Sou-- • (her, Lewis, Pratt. Public Buildings—Messrs. ..M'Clintock, Shu- man, Tainison. - Banks—Messrs. -- Cresswell Crabb, Ingram, Sellers, Hoge. Canal and Inland - Netrigation—Afessra, Cress- Well, Hoge, Sellitrs,Uandson, Gmbh. Rallroadt,-Mesors. ' , Walton, 'Taggart, Killing-' er, Bcaps, Cresswell, Election Districts—Messrs. Mellinger, Knox, Frazer, Shuman, Limbach. Retrenchment and Reform—Messrs. Jordan.. Evans, Killinger;ltnax, Ely. ra:i.' Education—Messrs. Welintock, Gregg, Hoge, Mellinger, Shuman. Agriculture and Domestic .14inufactures,41;c41 Me sera..Knom, Taggart, Stnttil?; ex , agg : Mditid.—Meitm. • Straia., v4 Taggart, Ferguson,, Ely, Cress:well. • • • Roads and Bridgefenera. Jamison, Wher ry, Jordan, Rerguson, ,Fraaer,, Corninve 111144-Messra Hoge, Pratt; Mellinger } Lewis. Vice and Immorality—Messrs. Price, Fienni ken, Wilkins, Jordan, Welsh. Private Claims and Damages—Messrs. Br .Learis, Buekalew, Crabb, Walton. Public Printing—Messrs. Pratt,,Vitgago.nlV.lV. ney, Tagram,:arelintock'. • ' " • ...Vew Counties and County • Seats--Messrs. Welsh, Pratt, Souther, Browne, Walton.' [From the Phdadelphhi Ledger of Monday.] The 'Show Storm. The snow which commenced on Saturclay aftsii noon, did not terminate till four o'clocr sin 811111:r day morning. The snow fell about fifteen - inched on a level, but in the streets of the critydkvas" piled up in places five or sin feet high. Though yesterday was a day of rest, thoustunts of labor- , ers turned out to clear the side milks, and for a few hears there was a busy rattling of shovels and brooms, from strong arms, working with a will; iWages were good and hands were brisk ; many adaborer earned the but day's wages re e4Ved. this winter. The snOw „hung in ledges ofer the, roofs, and occasionally MBES Of it, Started by the sun's rays, would descend upon, the sidewalks, to the imminent:risk of knocking pedestrians down. The sleighingis excellent, and by to-day the roads will be pretty, well bro ken, so that but little inconvenience will be ex- - - , perienced hmekeepers from .tike-Atorm,. iS yesterday bad beeh a day of bie - lief:ta r ,the mar ket and milkmen would not havi beet% able to serve their customers. The lines - orritilioad were all impeded by the snow, note single =mail line, from any quarter, due on Saturday night, reached the city In the usual time. Banks not yet Broke. Spacial Oorreepondesece of the North 11.ther3can and C. 9 Weentscrog, Tani:v . 4 7 180. Banks had, yesterday, for the ii;st. strength enough to secure an 'election. He re ceived one hundred and_ five votes on the first ballot, being only five short of the number neces sary to success. Williams, Edwards and Moore were prepared to aid, and two more were need ed. On a second ballot, Tyson, Houston and Miller were accidentally absent, tot supposing that another trial would take place. Their votes and those referred to above,, would have elected. The result may now be - assumed - to be near, and the prospect for Banks' success is cer tainly encouraging, if there shoultl. ant be any unforeseen bolting. A Parrry Wow.—The subjoined, waif we have discovered in an exchange A pretty • woman is one of the " institutions " of the cyan try—an angel in dry goods and glory. She , makes, , sunshine, blue sky, Fourth of July andlapphiess wherever she goes. Her path is one of delicious.' roses, perfume and beauty. She is a evn3etpoem, written in rare curls and choice calico, and good, priqciples. ' Men stand up before her as somany.i admiration- points, to melt into cream ' and then, butter. Her words tioatround the ear ince Musk; birds of Paradise, or the chimes of Sabbath bells. Without her, society would lose its truest. attrac, „ . tion, the church IN firmest reliance, and young men the very best of comforts and company. Her . influence and generosity restzein, the . , strengthen the weak; raise` the lolly, flannel shirt the heathen, and strengthiU4sfuhit7heart ed. Wherever yon find the virtnOti:sweiniirr; 'You also find pleasant, fireside bouquets, cleanchitheii, • order, good living, gentle heartsoeusiOiWitiuid: - model " institutions" generally. She listheilf(W. er of humanity; a very Venus in diMity, and 1191. inspiration is the breath of Heaven.'" FARTS FOR •rna COR/0178.—Thomas Jeff:wadi a and John. Adams both died on the 4th of Judy, 1826. John Adams died in his 91st year, and was, eight years older than Thomas Jefferson ; Thomas Jefferson was eight years older than James Mad ison ; James Madison was eight years older than James Monroe; and James Monroe, unotAtight. years older than John Quincy Adams. The first five of our Presidents—all revolutionary men— ended theirtierms of service in the 66th year of" their age. Washington born „February , 22c1, 1732; inaugurated 1789; term of service expired in the 66th year of his age. John Adama, born October 19th, 1735; inaugurated 1797; term of service expired in the 66th year of hisage. Thom as Jefferson, born April 2d, 1748; inaugurated 1801; ,term of service expired in the 66thyear of his age. James Madison, born March the, 4th, 1151; inaugurated 1809; term of service expired in the 66th year of his.-age. James - Monroe,' born April 2d, 1759; inaugaritte4;lBll 4 ter m o f service expired in the 66th, year of his age.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers