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I 4 ! . .t e! •!--• '4' . • ; ' -'o'. : ' . ' ' , --' '4 '4' • "it if' . .S. , ' i ; 4 J :- ' •,. -,- • , . '',...6. 'IC ,e. '''' .•I; • • .'" ,‘ 'I , i '4 ,.. , e..... 1.- - " 0 -4' ''-. ....- ' . -- " I'/ ,P"'-""...-..kr 4 "'- , -; 7 05"/.7.4 1 ' ... " . 4 4- it"'S.44v f ' 1 ''' . :4 4.44 M k "';:.I-Ii 6 :-+. N4' '''' ..." ''', . ' ~, .4 ! '-'' 'i ,- 0 • ,e,..› 4, d t P; 1' / 1. . '' •' +0 t..., we , * .4 it ~. ' , .'' . • •.. '4, .o.o_ ++ ... •0.. ~'," .' ".;. ,1-4 ....•+ L . ,',.. ..,". - - ...• .• - • ~,,7 . , . .. ..., . •,....,- , ,i , , ~ .•- • - t b..,, e -"4 - --. -' '-' 1 1 ' -Ole , P. 4 , 4 $ - ,i; . ''' , :• - r ~C. • 4t ; -.' . '',, • ,;- 44- . . * t, t. ,- , • - ..".. - t_ -;- - it . 4 • ' .. t • * Fr'' 4 1 44. " . 4 ,-. . - • . • t'.-- -. .., r .„. cl .-...:%,- •-.., f • t,...1 , -P 4, t :,. .lo•'' ', a '';' • • -• - ' . ./o+4,t" , V,,+....3 -+•. ' ' , I , * -F 4 7. i l et , /. 7 1 Lt , ,..., -.......-+ '- ~, ' p "A. ''`i'V.t' - 4'' ' ~,,43 ,' , ~%_, , ,,1, ..„,,,,...2,. , : +. ' Pi! , ,1- ,r,..., 'q ' .',..4 , .t, 45!...,T . +- 4 i**„ ".,- 4 e .. ..,4, '4,0 ~ ,-F -, . ...',. -‘.!•,._--- -•_L." NO: "..i.v 4 ":4- . .ii4 . ! - ' 1 ' . 4ki.^.,..'ii.4- '' 3 : '.;,:.': . 4 .. i‘",,,i'...,i:',i,..7, 4 - ! ., , . _ .. ....:7,_e-7,4i4,,,,9z- ~ ;:4 ...', s' '— ' .... 1 .. " . '. ''' , ; _ 1 . I f.s-t2srt 4 4• -` ,"; •.;" 1,1 '3 kV/ P f ~ 1,X143.4. t41.00 C-4"4% - AV LOCAL AFFAIRS. FRIDAY MORNING Ward Nominationt—The following persons were nominated at a public meeting of the Sixth ward, held on Wednesday night: Select Council: John Y. M'Laughlin. Common Council : 0. H. Rippey, Thos. A. Rowley, Austin Loomis, Theodore Robbins. Constable: Uriah Walton. Judge of Electio. : Win. Ward. inspector : Wm. Barnhill. Assessor: Daniel Armstrong. School Dinetort William E. Stevenson, A. O. M'Candless. The following ticket has been placed in nomina tion in the Seventh ward, as a citizen's ticket : School DirectorB: Christ. Oyer, Henry Lytle. Select rtnotril C. G. Rogers. CO7lllllOll Cou cil : M. Liodkinson, J. S. Franklin. Judge “f Elections : John Crawford. inspector of Elect inn. : Sohn Beatty. AggeAmor : James Sterling. Comitabir: James Reed. In the Eighth ward, a meeting of citizens opposed to the Know Nothings was held on Wednesday night, at which the annexed ticket was nominated Select ('cone?!: John Allen. Column,' Counei/ : John Calhoun, Lenit , Kim and Wm. Grill] El. Judy. of Elertions Wm. M'Clure. ioeyertor : Jacob Koehler. Schou/ Dire , turs : John Allen. John L.lton and Christ. King. • Assessor • John J. Storer. Constable : John Moran. 774,-atn ualkee Locke and lady aro placing a splendid engagement at our theatre, notwithstanding the unfavorable condition of the weather. The house is crowded each night, and the vociferous cheers with which he is received must be very encouraging. Ho 4pears to be the most popular comedian who has ever performed here, and well deserves his popularity, as he has an inexhaustible fund of Wit and fun with which to keep an audience iu a roar. There is less extravagance and more humor about his personation of the Yankee character than any similar performer's on the stage, while his inimitable manner of telling a story is enough to Make the sedatest person laugh. To-night will be performed Therese, the Orphan of Geneva, and two other pieocs, in all of whirls Mr. Locke will appear. 1 . . i M. 1%, 'br...q An election for officer... , of the l'itt,burgh V.,ung Mau': Christian AstKoviatiou was held on Monday, the 24th inst., When the following person: were ele,te,l for tho car 1: , 1* , I .I. , hn I A nnut). .rd See, - -John IL l'ltuic V. I . .,•;•,i,,t;iity t.lrq -1;. I:tl,Qt , ll 11". I'. Beck. ,n- Parr. The annual tneet.ng th, %Ail! L,• hel.l the tt,i,l th, l'r(-0...) 1,1:.h arL Ii tttanco ~1 ,k ;11 t.l I I t•- I t t'N IVe lirez rI lilt• el,l-tellet. 01' 311,411 or to the .tmt ~f Lola .•'t Stu, t• an artit•litt wo :11,11,1 ILLt6, t ups JO all u; : and tcc vorti tally rt....tow/a t•tt , l it or 11.41st1toper-. N . ,.0 ran buy it at Ecyser's. Ido .':I. clo., acre inaile at the Merchant', I:xelixnge in night, by P. M. Ii ri,, Auctioneer: 4'ilir.en's Deposit Ranh Rochester and time-ire'aliey rid ectiipany lett in the Sixth ward. 24 feet on Se.in street. extending Lack to 1111 A 1., I C•f P" , !, I'ol ort mas Eye, at Lafayette hall. the supper for us bid. It prepurrd by Jos. , ph to un rie ‘'o., Wood street, tire caterer, that well understand tlie.r Everything that could tempt I lie nikprtito WU, pr, i dud, and served op in tirst•ratest) Iv. Ball nianms,r desiring h, make arrangenietits fur splendid -ail. would do well to consult Low rni d Co. .li/Wf , irl /b:/f.---A ,rand oivir and military hail will be given b the Light Itifuntr, the evening or Janaitry at Litfityettell. eimunittee of arranzeinent of a mind., of putletnen who tinili.rAitn.l perfectly the peendiai duti,“ bi.longin4 t the, I.o•ito , n.ittl who will lea,' nothing unil,ne ne , ,,cary to ruder the affair Lnl liuutund Ct , “ r• j,kint met-tit , f tLeo ld AI.. Hill hart) llll4lhell N.thih;r , ‘‘.! be held at. the ('curt on \\ c•dee,de) nett, t iretuitatte It om,liclAte f"r Ntay,r. Primhry will be lic,lkl ir 11,,uqt. —A man named Janie .M'Bride way e,uuntit.ril to jail, yeiilerday, by Alder man Wilsnn, f.. - keeping II gainblin< mot tlrinkin. Lome. on informaimn mode by tleorge W - Esq.. 131, heel] app.,:ntetl Apprni,r for ttli4 couuty by the Comm,,,i,oier:. The tolioo is viorth about -1 hundred n ear lotrre,y,.—Williall; Perry tt t.,,ininitted to jai :L.l , l,•rday, by Aldurtumn ~a t .! :anal Robinsun. cht,trfrr Sevile , ex.--11011. Win. B. Weltirc. Presiding Judge: Hun. Gabriel Adams, and Ilea. William Boggs, Isg,triate udges, .tn Oat Bench. Jame, Mitunahl ace arraigned upon a charge 1 . ..re,b1e entry and detainer, but 11:1_, The I/a...Ji11. ,ClItt•Illt'Ll t., pa , the CM4t, Patrick Kerrigan and - Fr:wet, Snyder acre bear.l ou erte, suits for aurety at the peace. Kerrigan we, Nenteueed to pay the cu.4t, in both cases. Mrs. E. Mullen we , ,•\ :trained on a char:: 1.1,-h•rred I.:need 1 , . pac the e-sts. :llartiu Strall arralgued and plead guilt, stealing twe hor:3es from Thos. Mellon. E.,4 1 ., ot Ea I.il.ert, The Court rentenn.il him to uhderg , .11 prn,.,nulent ir, the IVestern Penitentiary f.,r and du ing the term of one year and ihree months. Win. Moorhead was tried under the new ligtlor tut 111.011 it t•burg , mode I.y James 16atenn. It npis-a 1,111 the tl,lllllolly that he '(cut at the tar in a shunt adjolnlng the fair ground, Nt hilo the owner 5,; I.aking preparatiuns t.. go v.ithin the eneh,ure. WIL.4 ti.uml ril,ity, 111,.1 ,111,211,0 d to tIVI, days Iris muwllt. Commonwealth vs. William Caughey. The dere lout is the person x‘ho stahked Wroy, the Ind fficer. colter Wed, since• in a Luusa of lir filtile he Sixth Ward, the particular. , of iv 111 4 .41 were gic al the time. The indictment cuntained two roan. rt .e o ' It and battery, and assault and hatter}' with ~cut to kill. A number or wine-sea were examim lent as their evidrnre did not litter materially fr. the stature-ht• the oceurr,..•.: dream pu hr,L• de,” it unneecidory to give the te..iituony. jury, alter a chart al.....enee, returned a verdict guilty of asmault and ha hers. loin ,s ...Diner indictment, and battery, ,rn oath of Henry Conrad. - ~crew nut of a difficulty which occurred between powtic,. at 21 Lager lien Hall on Smithfield street. the 4th, of Deneuil.er. A (!r ,,, snit wnd flk , 111 , 1 J; tel by l'ornwr against Cuurad for the some otio, I 11 , Pr fined guilt, and sentenced to pity $5 C.Jllrll , l ~nut and priee..eVtllor 111 Commonwealth vs. Levert on Thoum, forgery. Tne indictment charges the defendant w having forged the name of Jas. 111"Corkle to an Gnuwkdgnleut of debt to the 11.111011 tof $465, dated 7 IL April. 18441, and a contract of sale of laud, do April Bth, 1815. On trial. - Dyspepsia.--There an• ~,m).• the twpLauut efl,ct of bernisu irnlqtrstion..uelr asu sripw of full tows, weight and ultra:. the Ht,m3/.11, foul tougur.. bitterness it Ow mouth, nal k hosullu•lw, Ac. dr. All nu.•Li fr,litts are evidence ..; pr utotuna dyspepsia. which should alwa) be Cilerbi'd ."110,1 by tL, usp llostrtha's Stomach 13111,113. which kuowu 1., b. all intAllibir for all such compla To this thousands will trwil, who lia‘r tried them proved Op• farts llostottoCs Ilittrro ,re sal, by principal Druggists awl Drab, to.nerally. Wholeanlo d. :41:7 pets stroio. K.)sTETTER s 3NI IT .eirelark'sa Stunts:Leh Bitters are neki.o.tl,lged by ..11u - 110 luivo tn.] tb...0 w b the beet family medione tbe Age. Lu the curt, A Lyle:l/sin., Cueuveueas, and a gb,rt.":l nulle of the Liver and Stomach. Tbey hnru uo The finlptltl• r,.101i t jet , felel u. numuu pe.mle troll] 11tI11g otb,r pi.eI.III.IILIJULIN 111,011 tilt public Iptitr 1.1.1110 ul 540,111,11 lint n, for they have 1111111.1 I.lllrt only on, trod into nettled to render ouch CaUtloll 1111111,/,latt For mtle, wholeuale. by COLLI.:SI CLARK. Thlr.l Fireet. lequeell Wood end Markel: UFA). 11. KEYSEIt, 140 NI,AI 111111 by Druggistei generally. or CfinELTIELLS YALU): 1t4 1 1.4 4, 4 , Co. t Pittsburgh, December 22, 18.55. Tit r. Annual meeting of the Stockholders of 0. , chn-ner, valley Itallitiad Company mill be held at toe Office or I : , eniyan y. No. 144 Fourth Area, Pittaburgh, the SECOND Nli IN tit I' of January, Mb 110 eleet hitt Jar Director , " Will b.• hew on the saute day, and at the mate betueen the hour. of 2 and 5 o'clock P. M. 40e..24 c. VON IIONNIIORST. Sirretarv. P _ ITTSBUIttiII YOUNG MEN'S CHRIS TIAN AS: , OCIATION—Tbe regular monthly meeting fur December sill take plate at Ito/ ILrome of tlio Aasuciat.i.m, THIS (M ndayl E RN I NG, at 7 volt. Aa kleetton will be Ina' at thin meetant fer a hoard of Managers, to serve fur the year 18,bn tlec24 GEORGE D. LULL Rec. E. L eciFi SifIHIEDAM SCHNAPPS-12 gross for by MEMINU BK.S EMMSMIIEMII=IIIIIIII THE - LAT.F4I NEWS DECEMBER [ Our communication with the east was sud denly cut off last night, while receiving des patches. We are, therefore, without our usual quantity. ]—REPORTHR. WASHINGTON CITY, December 27.—Tbe Senate held a - brief session, and adjourned till Monday. House.—The House rescinded the resolution, passed yesterday, that no motion for adjourn ment will be in order until a Speaker is elected. Mr. Campbell withdrew his proposition to make Mr. Orr the Speaker pro tern. The House then proceeded to ballot for Speaker with the following result: Banks.loo; Richardson t : Fuller 3t); scattering 9. Mr. Banks lacked only three of an election. Another rote resulted as follows: Banks ; Richardson 67: Fuller 31 : scattering 9. A thirl vote resulted the same as the second. The House then adjourned. New Vows, December '27. 7i u'clock, P. M.— Then` are uu ,:igns of the Pacific up to the pre sent time. Dec Linea a Nomination for the Presidency IVARniNcTos, December 27.---Mr. Clayton de cline:, being the candidate of the American Con vention for the Preidency. Ittrit-Nnitsen, Indigestion and Nervons De t ti sot wonder itl the popularit) of litElt 11AVE't, IftILLAOD now. • . . For 1110,101 d pros tune to its wee, my ordinary food eatietd such extreme uauseo whoa pined before 1110, that t 111/Aura dreaded the sound of the dinner-bell. My ditse.ttive organs seemed to hate lot all to 1. 11.1”1 toy ttervotte systemWWl ,1”1 , 1011 . 1 2.llllll.ered that 1 wrlte for live nottot.:e it a ton, - A PITTSISUILUIIEIt. . . . N/1.11.111 p vt•u, ou application at the store, or by letter. CAL"fION enrol - ill to ask tor Boerhavu'is Holland Bitters. The great popularity a this medicine has inaured many Imitations, which the public should guard againg pur chasing. u . ,..5.a1 at $1 per bottle. or six bottles tor $5. by the pris prictom BENJAMIN PAO E. Ja. k CO., Nlanura,turiog Pharoweitto.ts and Pitta•urgh. Pro. It. E. SEL LERS 1.. corner it Second and 11iKRI street, net Drug _t~tr genornily. den: 4 11 - Spectacles and Surgical Operations Useless--'lPite Mind May See.--It gratitplig 1, it, L , be aide to fmnoun, to th , public that the utility of BALL'S PATENT EVE CEPS ts noss no experiment.— tio•ir non , l4 , ront rße,tn are Lowing daily Is Lin. kin., 10115 e ol the pryprieturs. it way 1 , 0111, it Sp eetrtiles inuy In• ith and night remt.4. to al oft_niat pone: Cup. ),t ,•plok.tl al.• pain or the leztrq thin,r,or t.: Our y itoiom Hill rtifi. at.•• It y. al, .‘ 11 r • : 111i.t.• 1. t 11,11 uni.•nt. 1110 !wall ta.,l t• .1 11:111 A ,11)4111111t11 , .•I 1.11. Col 3- ..;r:.111.0 - 1 4 / 1 1.....-•1 It, ..tist.mtv. th.• 1.. 111131111 f, .111 till. t1q111:1 U.lll t:1•• La 1 4111, 1.!.. all 1, 1 .) r .111 , it 4, to 111111 th,•111 Pb• \Jr, 1.11,i,•\•1, 6/11,,, (lint I• :• l• 1•••••• Pitt hi It 0, 11111. , ,,•• 1.1 I. I • i• .I,t 1;1 w• ..1 t.i. 1.,„ .., 'Th.,..1 , I, . t l.. I . .11111 , 1,1 t., S. , ,tl.- L•-c I. .41 ;it..., I ‘‘,t, htt .t,truittvitt, i ti ~ t •.!.: t I itt tia, I .tit r•-.A.1 t itr day witti“ut t..- 1 I, t, in,' lot tin, 1,( hr, or st • that tut it ,• : ‘.1,11.1 1 .1L• all i 1. I t Mm ILLL ph ELL. \,•. .ail.\, l':it-., utl I. 1.~ 4;,u ttg lie-tate. CP u uu 1.1 ••••i • -• ,y 1 lip P/1 to/ 111 h• c//// — 1 .1 11/, u.ll .1/ i.Lt 1111,1 ,, / 1 1 h• t.•rck.l t.,. ;II ell, • ~I/. I/ rlt t, lII= 51nrs . 11'. Itndlea I CI", Traits . 1 . ,111.rir• ariosua pricru (. • tailarrn't 'FrUarirsi a,l r.r Stocking. 1.,411,1 \ • A !idol . " I tint Support tr. l .1•./..•14 , in Pile Prop. 1.1 Pl/11$^,i t r . Sliolxider Bracts 1,. n Stsupripiloix ISo iitlviga Jr. All 111.• .0 ..r 01•1110.1 3: DI, 11:1 i.r I' 'T. 1.6:• th. ‘.l lat pa.rt 1!. •• an.a., uuJ nnur. P•nn...l‘ 1, tnr r 1\ T )11' EFS ASf E Ar. tit I oxtract, 1:11...0“1 di.,vtniz r.relpt.vlt,t- InIII.•-t , 11., IM:////. to V. 111 I.1•1\0•••• 1. , •! • I. 111 1 1 , ltolo as, 1.. n 111, n. ; in. ....•1•1 it. Inas. in.:n.111... :a.. t l 1,1 0 .41 I• I. :01 . 1 .t. ..!! 1,/ atm:, ts oil IN• a li. I J., 1...4 tl.• la :I, J.: DE ,fa , I, ' N • 14 . . N , •••• I .. .tt -• ..1;till' .1 . , .1f 31, , . Lai CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH etpx•ri , irPt.p. Ohio And Prunsylvavilra Itallrond, SlllvitTE?+T.\ 1;171.I.\ Ii 1.1: 1..11 'ft: , %•LiN.t. Anti 1, I'I.XV}.I. AND. Tlll-. Prtrr Apt.i al'. tpir, Pp pm . % poPpp k••I thi • .I‘ t11;••ll , ‘•”1 11140t/ISVII , 111,0IktihTrtpr, I . o.:Apottotp 1 • rt,p 'llpr , .• Trttpi, , nold Wit. I,lt, Alin y—pp•st•tt app.l Ll, tkp , •st,b, 1 . • • p itc.- I: ,•111 ,1•41—o. • tp .‘pn- it.tirprapi btu% it,: ppt p A 3ti.i +Pr , A M At Atipatt... BY TELEGRAPH;' THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS FIi:ST SESSION No Signs of the steamship Pacific I==ll=l MEMIMIIIII!II11111 I=IIIIIIIIIIIMM A :•••• I• \I: .1 \1 .44441 144 4 444 4 1/ oh , 1 , 4 144,11i4 4 44 441 )44,, 1 ,, L•41A.1 t-t t.l ...It., t 411'4 I u,.;11 th• 4 41/3/14• 41,. autt int+) vt.ll,ut tll.l-1 11 dilt• %tat, MIMI 41-.4 Stabntllute for tlarint,s Liquor Lax, 11:11.1V, F. 1.1 \ Ili, a RAILROAD, . z~~ tr.:.•- - . 1. .11 1 it )1 31,1 1 I. N. )1. I•r tt ..1/..,11 .Ikl, ./11.1 ar it tt: t ..1 tsttl lot ut lel 11,,. ' trail, I. a% tar 11.Lt.-1 , ,r.:11 I . taanlataa aaa. al Alla.. • 1,1 l ,• 1 . .1. , , ,,, nver , 1..1 •,lia ••1: O.- ' .II la Sa •t, a v ta•a aaa aa.la L. hr,,;lt Ntllr a.ll tat, 11,. Ira la I, , ,art:: lat,latr,rln nt N. M.. awl ~/ nl 1112 NI.. a. ll,ar j. ! ili,tl 11111.1,3 tat, .•• tltr , a,ll , alaar l .y lii„ (rain l'luery2.. at , A NI I la• Waffling; . . • (Al... Elev. Th.. trainx I,tvllt,l'ltt.-I , llrol at ...:::U. A Af 11, 1 .1 AA. Ile, ,1,.. . 0.,. I,; . •111,- 1..1 til:Q lilt, 1.,.•1 intl.l. I k.tl I s ~ ,1 1, 113. r••,;31.‘ 1 ,, . , A Ni ..' I 'l•' ', • ',.... ':.‘‘ 1, h i'''''' .,-, ' 2t. ' , ~; r, ... !I ~.I 1,1.11 111 , 1 t hatile Kr, 1...1.1.•.. 1,1,1, .11,.1, • r.. 4 ,11 stAtL,IA -, •,., iILII ..1 Alltatioo, ~I .-tAti.m. ,q, tll,. T,,,, in s,,in „win iiii i , ii.ir iii„;i„n,i 1t t i n . i i.,..... , ~.1 t 11.• i . ni . 11, Ln CI. ‘,401, 1, 1111 , 1 t 1,.• ,•ril Vl , -- Ih:111 %IL Alit.“..•. 2:ty — k %1 . . s I In•lkt 1.,(.10.11•1 tn.! ,111 1 . nt •.• k :. :•••, "" """' 1" V. NI Arid , Ch.car.. kl , 1 ,, kl.. 31,1 ":.P• hut.. •••i 1 , 111 31,• I )1. tlit• •1. w ud. 111., 1.114; it , . pm , nail. 1.4 •1.101.,,, 1.. t. ; t 1 , 1 tt..l 6.1 , I. 1,1“ 8 .1 A.. 11,„„,/ tit . tti...l ,I (111., II ea :LI 713 A. I. NI. t. Fl—br tit i'7,:to (13 1.. pi.. 3,1,.. I. rt".•tht,htturtlst, .1... nittl itk .alrn 11,1 r , ,it Al,.., •by ..ttautt..., , I • ••110I • 7 1', , t.114, •by tll. 7.13 A. arr . ., I,m/3M ; 7 h- 1 /H 1 . 11. , a.y.l ug. aid hY P. M. T1. ,1 + 1 . , 1 M liir recesptet .4111 11141,1 M t0.u.‘113 111.. ,ie!•1.0.1 thiou,th ttlio.l.l.Lel, uu ! the, I 1. t 1!!!•:,•!..!1 t , the Noce- TI„. 1•'1.11 - . VIA A1,1.1.t NI•lt AND \ I price. hat, rettrhed the ler the i.r,er! but ON , •.1 - (NI!, tet.,l! 'l'.! I, Salle *lfi ix) id, Lo • liock 1.1',1. 1. i!!.) .ll the 1!•!..1.3 of the Me, Ititiktit' 1., hailt.te, „(tl let •• IS I 1 !!!! ..1,11,1:!, It th. a lint I; me have Itl,rl •Itle.. 11 Pl.riuCliel, 1, I. 1n IiS•.:•1 :WA lotit, 10 !Ale , at.) nig from T., \Ulm, if off i.. 10 •• ifff i ••If I 11e,,,,141114 so.lffif up Iff; Iff'''llro Ike"- • bUnIiVIN Math' 111.1 :131.1 1,111 t IIU rifilipitity, iu tliff third nt In.M 75 f‘of 11.4 ir Ptt the 0,1,4,1-• DURA.SI), Surt, CieV44:l,llli. J. A. CALIGIII,I, At, l'itt,,burgli 13,21 a, devoid of any feature 4 int.-not. He t 1,4,111 All gAIVII , IO , I I r.,iciv of the mark t.' 1/1111e, exam, For quotations ot l: 11. DIN I DES D—CiTiI.F.NS' I NSURANCE Cull PA- ous aril. les of inert Landis,see out table ..f pen es AT.—Thl` PT,liilt,/1 and Dire toes .d . this Company have this day declined a dividend of Six Dollars per shut. Salem of Thursday, IJecctubcr 37. upon the Capital st..el.—tire dollars payable to the stck- FLOI lc sale flu bbk. extra Lund) from store at fa la ~r thew legal representatives, and one dollar credited tilt AIN Sales woo basin +, 'Fenn...see led Al beat at ;II 1;0. to their ato. L. on and atter the 22.1 host. vlcciLe2ot SAM U El. 1.. M A RSII FILL, Sari. SA.- 300 It, II;,-. t.• ari i‘ c, at Sur Sob- 1W boo jolt 110111 MONONGAIIEL.I. NAVIGATION CO.- - the wharf 01 . .-"e'• NOTICE 'ft I STOCK HuLDEILs..—The Annual meet- LARD Sale 10u bids pi ime at It- ' nal , , n r, 1 , 1.1- •I II log of the Stockholders of the Muuetigatielu Navigation iIN lONS Salo 40 bus. Irian .tore at 'LI cent Company will le, held, as requited by lam, las THURSDAY. , the loth day of January, 1x26, at the Aire of the Company. DM ED Fill IT Saks loin lats. Pt.. lics at ;L", ,, o 7:, Grant .treet in too city k.flltttlair4b. at 2 e'Lloct. P N Di c es York filar ket. Al., tar the election of °dicers toe the ci.i,ng 3 elyr der I;:td..chlti 11 At. BAK E\1171.1., secretary. I Nun )oilk., December 27 - Flour unchanged, n o d in 111,4 i, ales 100 hits State at q.a."5.tta,117 Corn ciTOCKIIOI.I)ERS' .',I.E. ET I N( ;--The Stook- ' ' . . N 7,,`' ti d ,;:lr . :‘, l , d ' :7,„ 6 „,d . 1.,,.. J bolder; of the Pittsburgh and Et is Railroad Compose)' (Irani Wheat ;timly . sal, 13.1.,n. llahY bush. live tient and active Corn unsettled and Ina; . 1. " will tneet in Green, ilk, Horror county, oti THURSDAY, di, 44i,u00 bush tolled at itlm.93. Oats dull. Provisions... Put I, third day of January next, for the purpiaw of electing title- 1,,,,,,. ~,,,/ drooping: mot 4. . 19, ..2.5, 0 p . , , z g ,. ij,.4 . dol.Lard teen Direr writ, 1 docl9l TI if). J. putt ER, President lower; axles :241 bias at 12L0M11.1 1 Whisky ,paint ut IN , . - I °Uri. E 11.5.--J ,- , II N OGDEN & Cu., liottlers, :"''4:- Ott - hr tinn"r , Mut I'l ' aitd kldiani" "I" - 'I.J..r. 110 ' 1 ° 1 ' , C.Otral Nadel.' Lhstids 61. 4 ' • Mirldgaii Cetitnit Rail! oad . I_,), No.l/7 Fhmt street, scald respectfully inform 111P , 1,111,- ; ~.,....,<.. s„.„ York (..,,,,,,,, ‘ ,., 1, ./.: c1 ,.,.. i0nd ~,.,,d T„i,..,t 07 ._,.. , lie that they have constantly WI hand a large null., of , SARSA PAR' LLA, 511 N ERA L WATER, ALE mud Poli'lltS, , Cincinnati Market. ' of the best quality . The attention of families ix particularly directed to the CINCINNATI, December 27, '3l.—Tb, only sale of Floor rs I fart that they bottle W4lNnlillirs ALE win, purest ditto day was 100 bids at $7,13t1. There is nothing doing in l'i o- Physicians recouotiend It to tiouilies ou account. of its a hole- visions. Hogs are dull: one sale was made at $L.911 II List, some and strengthening qualities is - Likely unchanged ; sales 700 bids ut 330 , . Molfx.se, held at 42r Inat evening . sales :al lAA; at 40c, but there aro f.,. ~. II F OR SALE—The House and Lot ,t' the 1111- or. hely.' 41 lloW. SAlgta and Calve unchatigeNl dc-reigned. on Rebecca street, Allegheny City. It loos The river Is about 1,1 feet, and is falling. been pot in perfect reptile, with Um, Water, he., in the house, -4-......-...-s - is in complete order. JAMES KERR, Ja. New Orieans Marko. doc2•2:lve _ New OnLEAII3, December 27.-31olasses •10; Mess Purl. III: JUST Received by Express—lin:re. WEsTcx ; Lard In kegs 12. Exchanges dull. or, tv., Will and to Do. By Jennie Do Witt. - • -- _ - , The heater's Feast; or. Conversations around the Uncap WANTED—An Unfurnished Room, with Plea: By Captain Mayne Reid. Boarding, , in a private family. whet, there are no Fur sale by B. TC. )IORGAN, i other boarders, by a gentleman and his lady. Address •• II dee-4i IU4 Vi'vsal street. I, L," Box 391. Post Office. dec2.2:2t(chJ) EINE ",:' ' , PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE AND • MERCHANTS , EXCHANGE. President L WILMARTII. rice Presidents. T S. CLARKE, 01s.1). W. CASS. Treasurer. N. 110LMES, JR. • Srerelarß. JAMES P. BARR. Suprrintemtient. S. T. NORTLIAM, JR. Cbmmiltee of Arbitration for Norembrr. (31:0. W. CASE, T. P., JOUN S. C•JSURAVE JOHN GRAFF, I I ENR Y LAM II EliT. There has been no particular change in our Money Market since our last. Money is greatly in demand, as is usual at the close of the year, and there is hard ly enough to meet the requiremonts 'of our business men, although our Banks continue to discount good paper as freely as ever. The New I m ork 7'eileine says there has been an active demand for money there, but without any stringency in the market. The payment of two days coming in one has increased the demand for accom modations. Paper is in good demand and rather easier. The bank statement may he considered as favorable notwithstanding the specie increase is rather less than was generally expected. The loans having been contracted over $750,000, the banks stand in a much stronger position than last week, and the favorable condition of the money market is shown by its continued ease during a week of such considerable contraction. The deposits show but lit : tle change. The figures are as 101 l 0555. I.l.l.llSnnJ Di, Sperlo Circlll;il.l,in. Dap i+i Ile, F 1 ,V11..RX1.01 .4 Dts . 1 93,U-1-1.607 11.9;13311 711.(A16.,11 The loam now stand rather lower than, two weeks since while Lite specie shows a small increase. The foreign imports at New York for the week are very large fur the season, both in dry goods and gen eral merchandise, and show quite an increase over the total for the correileinding week of last year. as will he seen by the comparison annexed:-- F'OREIGN 1)114,11TS ENTF:ItiII , AT NEW Toltl V., Mr Ihworiirr 21 Dry • ‘lvrctuul,ll,. .It -MI, 1% T,,tal V 1.1 The illf . rt the ••• ing lu the arrival 0f ,l3lc rn.l largu .1 1,,w Nt•ss foreign ports for the week. nloch 'lll inrrea,e uf ~v er the t.tAl jr , tilt , I' re-p..toltrtg 1,0, of lAQt A cool Hirn t t“r the week •Illounry I=t 111==11 Vr.ttli J 31111.13, I (. I i'•.7 • If] 12:71 Scl7 tit,' Jlll.llll - . 1 t'tt to date. =II Tiic New I..rk 4 1. "f the '26th 1,11.11ty uar •troil) kt•l.l I.y I:r , l,•rF cour, Ise ha, t• 10, 1" tran.metl.ms rrport. The ttrri. the amt, fr,i» I •••• vv.•Tlinv. ,I Iro.rn.w. -tvainer 1113,1 c n rem.,1,a1 , 1) I. trip nut, mot th.• tual .b Ukke he, lilt.. than I hr• tlun: n,un r null he n. 1% 1,1 p../ I \ I 11“. ,T 4 • Ow 1111111 tht, pr .e runt,- then tt..t ,:rtteraity tt e r.h.t.a, tunatttih , the :wn a q d,m l at t e mttretoeta , the, g•ottz "It, tier,, l e .. up pr,:tmted th the 1,14t.:11-tt (hull 111, Frt•tielt t•tiptoth tt'ttlotttglt t lull g-Itt• tip t•lt the (1 11/11,, , ...••11 that , tlll , h t, , .ru1.1 , • trlutoptr Ag.ll ell het tree, tt , .tt 1;.! n :1.1• .rl/1.211 t e•,.. 'tic. hr./tight hy the \ t.,ihath rt part,,thaly tho 11..pc ui at ttert.. .ki the, ttc t ;14.1.tt,,,, am.l tt,-ttratt. I=lE=l lEEE= 1 1 /16,110., Kul 11,1 11, Lr uk' Icar. di , Ph It, 1. that thv 61..4. marls, Mt.ntl%. ssa• dull and .inivt NV:trlant- arts anpr.. ,, 14 II -11:1., natik :it 11tat a- 2 , 1 , 1.1 a: the 11111, , rd C 11111.1,11 111111 1111...ky Atid .1••Ita tt 41111 r. hti IkiU 53,1g . 3.1: r :•,11. , nnkl 1 ' l . {:11 • I V aila\ 1 . 01 . 11r,,i • 1.1, h I! 11121./ket .111 i!, j nee- !I) cre lira, at the t It it,tt t•r•thaitit• that thert. 1%111 I, 111,!, urt,l:s (M 16 ., .1 Ur the 1•r, cut leeling intuntainA uhtti after the I.fl) .1 the .I . uttuary Interest, and dtvl.len I• are oat 1,. a prlt t.- i. expvt-tv,i. lug went? Is - ill naturally t,tutrad 1111. i tin ad c:un•c In prier• Will Ir•liow. I,.dhrng t.r:L% I raid.. uri•rog ea,S, with it ten‘ien , ) rati .ki Baltimore, there i• su xtra‘Jr,..houry degree vii rtettdmet , . in the Fhwit tottrket. The ditrurt•urev from .Ind 1., day a1f,,r , 1 ht.ll. I,nle in•la( - I,[lolll pundit to op. e xerpt where they ha% e means t•,l , tQ 1 rra4h 811.1 I.( oUt 11;i11110,. ,4 11,111'y .1M 0,1/1 g ( . 11,11 /MA t /40 I plc,rut3pnll . 1 he Ctiwisintat • v ,• ••/ , •1 lb, 2e.111 •' kg • tql Ile Lice i..tt/re !Tel . lllll l / 1 1.,1 The ,1e1,,,L1,,1 i•tail.1111101 rather w u.it nnre .1 lit, supply, but there ha, Iveva prez,ore. part.,, tt thvy dul uva get all the) would have taken had the marker I,,en nv,• , .uttn..date , l is It •IA Cil if•fl I•ll.li.ii . Ihotn I meet current an., Alt. , ;:ether, the 111110,i. L 1111) 1..1; : in 14 ien healthy t,n4llti. , n, and the that all, the holtdaym it tell x„rt. yu,le only. t •.n lolenee tpi I,rancl , ex 1.1111d , i. Tht. Eicha.nge market has ootit,nue,l dull durmc, the eeerk, at par„ j premium kla , ,ein, :ind it was ...le is )e,i,r.lay. It runs gener.illy remarked that 111. , 1.• hr:- 11, t,ll , een experietwrd :n Tl,ll :lreet 1 , .r man , )ear -1 Wailte at par a 3 I , rcwlu w. P.P., at r. it. ;:...“1-ol.i•is awl the o,ut, , ie ruler are V... , /zy9 tnr 6o and I.4lPrt sro. k, 1111 d %. iittll • ,11 , , 1 1,:it1 111 . • • 1,04, 4 i )11,'Id ,wit• rul,l . 1 511..1. HIS COMMERCIAL, IM=E! ;;:11 I, (.49 IS:r4 , 19.7 I C I 1.307 OTli i..1.5'26..14 16X.::19.‘,21 11111=111111 'the Or , Iho ot .1 411 , 1/1 k J.tlll/Al , 1 t, I taw; :Ott, 11,.. 1,1,12,10 he wwwy mat krl. tt lizch just f. AV I •_":. I tho tralt,to•t.onn thr I,avr light, nil .t ... _r •r.~N..-. 4 • • 0 : 11 Gb " Z", STOCK 'AN STATE SECURITIIS. Pennoylvanta 6 cent., 1577 Now York 014 cent, 1873 Ohio c0nt.,1875 Virginia 618ceut.,1887 CITY ; CO. & BOIL BONDS. Allegheny Co. Pittsburgh and ConneDevine H.K. Du. Pitts. & titenben v. Do. Allegheny Valley H.H. Du. Chartless Valley H.H. Do. Cleveland Ss Pitts. H.H. Do. Penneyranla Kit City of Pittsburgh Co Allughouy City Os lior. of McKeesport 6,1,18R5 Bor. of Commits vllle 65,1.8,35 MORTO AGE BONDS. Conneltsv'e H.H. J. I WI, guar. Baltinwre City I Ohio A: ILR. Ist loort. 71, Ohio & Po. R.R. Income is Al Val. ILK. lot mortio Steu. IL IL lot. Inorl 7s BANK STOCKS. Bank of Pittsburgh Merchants' & Mantic. Bank Exchange Bank Mechanics' Bank Pittsburgh Trust Company Farmers' Deposit Bank Citaela Deposit Bank. ..... . Allegheny Saving Fond Co. Mee. Savings Bank, Alier„,'y 11. A I LItUA.D STOCKS. Pen ylvnnin ILIL littltimo,& (Ohio R.H Cleveland& Pittsburgh It.lt. t,lnu h Pen.)lvatna Pitts. Sr 01111),iiNViiie Allegheny Valley Wit =EI BRIBUE STOCK : 4 . Allegheny Bridge M.l.ll.lllgidiela Bridge khwd btr,rt ... dilierties Bridge ISC ELLA N EOUS. Pit°.lonrEh Un_. Cumpany... Allegheny thu Computty Munengathela N at %Venter° Insurance Co t I nsurunce Cu. lutin. LIG. Fire d Mar Inn Co. Eureka I tentranee Co Pitt, et Bontort Mining Co.. North Ainimeau Mining Co. Darlingtou CAUltbel Coal Co. RATES OF DACOUNT PENN: I I A.NI A. i Brunch ut Vittonter .1 Buhl. l'antborgls purl Branch ut XI•511A. ..... . Itatagss PaLuk: du.... • 1.1 - ,llrarsch at ti .1 Mrs. and Malltsf., du im.rleily Ibnik. Clocanstal 1• Bank "1 Commerce par 10.1111,s -1M 816.1'1.5011, ,t !tank of North Atuertc..... par! Frausklits !lank_ .1: Itstok 01 ths•rn Liber's, par 11,14/Isyrtir Bank I. Itauk l'ossisr)lvasda... par Hill. , 1.11.- In.. As "I'sara ... ..1 Ernts 'I4A orlsll.. 1551 41 ,Mien, lius , : v.• Itauk . .1. '..ssdir•rrial !tank 5 0 ,.„ . 11 \ _ stusorss.t 41,11stnit,d Bk, itur! NEW ENI 1 1..1 \l' I.lr.ird Isar' All '.lsar! hoirssos.rtuss limk . lus t NEI4 1L).1:K Nlasto. Itk. . par 10s k I'oy . . par Cuutdry . 11,.,,wn•aru,4 Ihusk par. 4141111,AN11 1 . 1111.1.1..1p10.. 114011. . par dialc ••••••:llnss 1. thuds 'sr I'oool, s .... li“oh. 1.r . :...1E15r5.E1 .1. 1/a1,411 4lt Ft: 41, -.u5.',,, Bunk. . par, All r 5 ,11,01 ISsusk Clisultlra , tad . 111,INIA. !tank 01 t'llorttsr 'void), par I Bank 01 thr Nal Bank uf Dan, l 1b.... skt, 1 Ilssask 01 1 a., 111. Ism. art. u. Prildk uI 11r1. C0..C10-drr. pas 1 Ex. Iksuk. \ it., par Esti-men. irk 01 1 11 0 a.k 01 11.• Ids :dames is 41,. Is. Blink ..1 int/11111. N. 4111 W,."terst 11.ank. 11:011, 411 , 1dIrtuu is Brunel. , " ....... . \ hunk...laud 4,111'111 cAIL,O.I \ A 11.0,k ..1 40.1:11.11.1 , r1.0s.1 par ;Kull, ..I Isrnr s'..l‘olll,:s 1161 llrs.lsLr ,•5 ..I N. 1 'Ls rois 14 " , " 1 " 44, B"",• .. 1,1,k• 11,151""1,' l'-rdust hank .. par, Meta Isaut , ' it 6. Ns, hut s, .1 Era 11.01 k I sill 1H I All. \ A F Ener-' 111, ul 110,,1d0. sir Ilk , •11 hrrl 4 Isua Earnler , 10. AI I.ot . Bunk ut 5.,1411, CA,. , Val 111, AI par ItA.lll. Chat - 1A.41 ~, F.5111,116 , -I`. lsoyll.lll Cs: {au 'd A \1..514,,.. lii. . .4 ll,' 15 4,11,-.1..5r, .1::: I 1 . 511100: 151,1,..5A In. A IsL larri-1 , t0,.; Ita.lll. Batik . 1 , R6..1 111,111...A1.. A., 2s .. sot! 4:11 E t I .A 310) pat „All kkAI,AO LAI.A.t,on 1t,.u6 par Pk Cis 1. llura• Eass64 Putt.,llls- late Ilk .4 E.Att It) lAA., )1..,,,,14,7•11,1A lAtr lik ~f 1..5.1"" re. ...I .2, 51, .11.. I. 15.1uk ~.r s lilac 1, E1...1 h. .0w 6.• ,A151.•.10 hr 1.51.0 5 'II,I \III A\.l I 55n1,' Ralik A. bn.a. I, I s Ilk ..1 -1 .t.t. It: ~r ` h "t . ,1., N I,teslN"i 11.. u. , I, tst 1,- ut,t I, Al t 111, 44 EAt - 1,,A5 - • ! ais. I WA. , h ~1 .1.. I 4-nnt . ..111., I I, al Ihst,a, ra Iku:k Its - small at. 11,155, . .4.1.41,4 P 45 4i. I, 55 tit, \ Itt tt, a 4110,-.i..1.1 EL A I 1511.4./1 Tin .. , t. It. ut.. L. 5: 41,5....4.F.....‹Th8:\ F,NUII t. .I I 1:0A0, .1. .01, \,'s. 1.41 , . 1 , , r, , • . h 0. 11. 11.130A1f.10 , A at ' WEST It: It I. I I'll It, All. Ili , it 5 . 11 k, . '4 .5 loolvtrtll - At \ . 4i.. i 4 ..1...11 „ 1.1 , A sll5l I-. 4 1.1 Lb,. I, .I 11a• Isr,r.M ett lr ""`ll 411. Kt, ,••• tit. .Io st 1 I tal,rs Lb. rtttlttr...,in". tit, 'l's, tinllattr. . MINNA ==MI EIIIIII 12111!MIIIIIIIIIIII iti 1t nalls rl 51a..111.“ I , l Ire I M Pk) T .10, I :W0.... 14.:1,1• 1.,. ' 1,. I • Butler, Lida firlilts end 1,4., Bran ttszti 1:114.k.5. , Rag', bam.llvs darou, . bttni.olt. t' .rt, 1.111 . :11. I pit I , IA. I ••t: ==l 1.. • . 11 669'i '..per.O. I m-titit:, ' try lA,. t r or, . 1.4,1t1rt. lta. I. tart I' I hi• ,I‘.l . 7'2 t'rn...krn. hhir 't fon , . I ...tt herr. ich It. 1 eV': Drutr, Frhit, 1 rack , 9 , 4 I .1,1. hhie !JO- . „ i'1,1,. 111 11•1 kit, 1'01,11..111, Fury. 1.1111 • : F uitur. ttit, arhrl. br-I 91 Vint, I tbl, Fall, kit For, 1.41. =MO 4,t1 , , I i 11. zr.p. 111.1.... 11015 1, r 4:- .4 4,1i1ti,114. . 1 r. , 0 1.110.1 s . T.. halo- ' I If I,k/11.1- dttll • • . 111 , 10, r 11. qr... 11,..1 ~ . 1; 11.1.. hal. 1 I Hatt. I • 1 , 11. ap, pacizugre.. .• Ad, pto ',ed. pp.-, “tll,l. ht, L.. 14 1; kg, 4 771 %Hal, 1,14- 111 levrrk•L mmt. I,litthvln It I n. I, egn \ Nltl oat.. I.lothels . H 1. 1 , 1 ,1. I.rttat p.s. 1- ,141 1.,,k ii 11 1 .4111, 11111 i ., 1 , 3.0 •• .. 1•Ili p. aaa -, Iw I.armls . 11,• 4.',7 • bulk. at. I. POE/Ittlrkl. 11Wel ..... 34niStiotr. 1.1, i.ll 131 k. Metal. loaA Pvitver. kolo I , :,iShiaalas. bandit,. . hundlek 71:;;SkiriK, Pipe. 1.,x0+ 1(.3,1-.. . . 311 !la, . Rap, . 1 Tt,tll v. I.l+ Rye. bush,-1e.... . . pkg/i Iltaaa, Tar. lat.'ll. 1.1.1, 1,101 R11...4014. box, lb. 1.1.1 k Siwit. Flax. bushel , In.. Timothy, bushels Cho ilt•ltti). ..... . iloit. bids Do. siwks . .1T1,,. Phut, he F _. I TON. Lill, ii'kgs plutkna,ia Soap. is.ses 251 Tallow Starch. boxes . . 51V hits . Stock, howl •• Tea, packages 1. 4 ,, b. boxes .179 , " tbs. ..... Do. ..... '2'2! White Load, hogs Do. bales. .... .. Wagon Boxes, net TIII, buses . . Willow ware, Do. pig ...• Wire, ingkagen... . Tallow, tibia 4151Wlnes, bbls easlis Oil Warr!. crates.._... wines. baskets .k Is,xrs 71' Wheat, tacks bushels 65.52011'am, pkgs. ... bales }39i 1:.•,1321 , Wire, ptkicag. ...... i Ware, crates... ........ 91 1 l willow-ware, dozens... VT Yam. Cotton. pkg 5....... • • , 4 ;f; , •.• .. ... •• .. '' . , •,. - • ~ . ~.„,,,L...„.4,„„,,,,,,,,„„..- - ,c 1,,,,,,,, , ,m-.-,,, r - ,,,, : ;,-'5 37, . .' ' - -..,: . ..*,;,,-,, ;: . ; ,--- , , 6 ,*,_ , ',... - ..c.,...:,.,. . , -24,.....,....„.::,, ,, , ......,,, ~,,,,5,.2,t,...4°..4.:4;.........k. -y 4 , :,-,,, (.....0_,,A,,...::„5;,....„...,1::;t:..!,-. Z - 5;::. 3 ' , % ,, ..• , :: , ''azir..' , Z , ..:" 5,1 11 - I';° ,,, viglt , :g.. - ..--1 , ..-g-4=2 , :, ,, i;L:uvi -- :- 4• - "iz...7.4".* .. , . IST. 27, 1 Oa ed I.'Ml 112 Thr. 100 100 100 WO STSO POO 550,00 750,000 150.000 150,000 1000.000 2, - 50,001 400.000 10.000 100.000 100 li.Nl 11. la, 100 I,txrO ix* I 7.510,x1 2,000 O(X) 4cx) ixxl SOO WU 1,14..700 AMI,OOO 51b,000 :00 OM 204000 62500 2 ),000 3 441.200 ' l l2lol4_l' 140 , ill 2,4f,4 1,8_4 -... lut j .\.ND EXPORTS rtf, Pcrela7 MEM Al4A+ll. al lAbeA. vs! ku". . !WI Au I 111111 , 111t.111A Ph k , I :71.2 , 14.4.1rA 1,34. ,„ !Itrlttor, 2'l'2 Run., Ilrkluo u)!I kl. Ilrnu. Short A. A.._ sack. G. [ln. k. And Ti 1,.. 3... 7 36!Ita;_, .•113 Hat lr.. vu-kx Ntsgv, I!! I. 11. lOW k il,ll Meal, 1.1.1. . 1 'h01..... Inott - A 1 Iv: CAW , . 1!!!. 1. hem!! i i ❑. It I Lk .2.461 !Ant. 101 t , ll. 1.1,1 r. .• Malt. 4. k• 1 " 10 1 77 Nitval all= .03:i k nod Bite., I1L•I ;:oil dry 14,111-rs. Duo Jul. ploo, 140: prt.4111,.. Stan-11.1.1X, ... 4:t! , :•11 . 44, and Axle, p.c._ ut,.l bx. ..I I 1/11,1. 1112=11 . -••• k I . • ;.,1 RI \TER NEWS. Tin, {Wm.—There were S feet 4 inches of water in the 1111,1111,1. at dusk last evening—a till of id inches In 24 hours. This hard freezing weather will occasion a further fall if it TgE steamer " Diurnal." Capt. J. A. Shoals, Is the reKular packet for Wheeling this mnning; she leaves at 10 - 14: ;1 1 y LS V, , 41.1 - 11 4 lir a private dospatrlt front St. Loins we learn that ihi )linsimippi rivrr was rlf.. - 41 by ire at that plat, ye4ortb , 3 . PORT OF PITTSBURGH. PE,.:T -I INCH), WITCH IN THE CHAN , E.I.. ARfil VED. .7i•frers,ll. IVvoklwaril, Browns, illy. - 1,11/ortie. Betinett, •• rut. Ruyan'. l'i•ttlilett. ElizAtttlt. •• Y.dinu. lll•itilenckinith Writ N. •• Mit•ltizmi No. Oen. Latimer. -. Roche:it,. •• Diurnal. Shia!, Wheeling. •• Fairy queen. Pah, St,n(etti • Eterlii-thir, Near, L~ntt-ttl I• •• quake! laity. ?'Daniels, Is EI . .IItTED. Slisuiner esin, lireuttuivill -I,ll,rtis. Bennett.. Brownsville. •• Bayard, Iti•••101t.s. Elizabeth. •• Euliath'llihtlistiiissuu, West Sea tott. •• Mit-Mit - nu Nu. Ilerst,lVellsville. •• Eitt inter. -. tits. Ws), Wheeling. Fate) Quern. Rest, Stesilienville. Messenger. Nlillenzer. •• Washingtiin lilt. Ebbs-rt. St•se idea. •• It F' Sr.., Mt/nun'. St. L.tut.s. • St. L. 15 5 -1 1 .110, DI1111:41 .5, w Orleans. 1855. 1856. Pittsburgh. Cincinnati, LOUISVILLE AND SAINT LOUIS ------- THE PITTSBURGII AND CINCINNATI STEAM PACKET LINE, F,,1; EVANCE OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT Pitt ',burgh, Cincinnati, and Saint Louis.. IX, ie ;;;;InDoiooi of ;O;Voll AI; ; o i L A Z , roUliOrt. DWI 1.. ONO fIIROOOII DAILY LINE OF STEAM o oil I to• LID," r.v..r. It c.onn.-et. with r s. 31161 1.1.• 1,1 Mottlll , l, ID;VO CO. 011100 1,411.1iii0 AM! Saint by I d o , onil fr,i,chto 94..11 1/11,nif,115,:i'y born added till II 11•. w ( . 3•1,-ts Illy tollowmg I.lllls : I , ay,,l4l, , parture Itl; EV I'. IDILTIII;K;VIk.;;SIODIDy. crry A I.LEG ILENY I. S. I Tut,day. / I `.CI NN ATI AltN.;,!;Di ; PIO LADELPHIA ...... It. ./. URADE 'Thurn,l3). 1' N . . 4 I.V ANIA ..... Fmlay, riTr , Bl ) duo. ) 10 A. M. iir,imely G k ou Li;' . ❑L I'llM 1„1: lApArt., pnt I ar.:y , plp lwor.l. or to P. I.l\ IN( 'P , \.' .110! d FLACK. Agot•. Steill,rmtville and 11,Iterling Parket,: 'll. , 1 , 11:1CW 11., C.q4. .1 A. SA.A.k.s. and Ow CITA, CNA \\ - Ar. ,1:01 run its Atwl \\ at all int:Ann..- .I.i • IkA ItiL kW: ‘‘l.l )1.,11./aVs. 1,0 , 1 at ill 1.0 k. 1.. t:ri - L ni,•• 111 It., S‘ 11,, 1/•• . ..i.11 , . 1 Lill niltyl a 14.1 .11,7 F t crr 'ill I'AtAIAtE,II , 4I :UPI tit nl • ,. ,1 , •1:. A. \l.--1:k - rt 51 . 1n..•!W: ,:,t, n. k. A \I .q board. or .1. I. U iI. Ll\u LVUIL, A v.0,1t. Fier I.lg nutt (:a11ii14311.14 Pneket. rr I lk. 411 I•pi .4(,/”.• i ‘l.ltl J M. 3.t3.1 11111111•1111: A A, A C.l. /116,1 116 Wayr Etr g ktPurse' Pneket for . 1% her ling Marietta:l.nd Galllopolls (r . Th.• •: , 1011 , ild Mr,' r“N Vt )1% Lt,..4.7 . 7-I‘.loli Olr, . lop ,t!I a 44 t I tit.4 - .l. , ijat , I. 41— s • n DA 1, tit 4 k• k. . ..5 I. 11. iiAl:l.l\ For :r1 r• In ph 1.1 and "i r• yr Or 'rai.. no. • 1.-n. r METIt• r , a.i Calarna u.. 11111 /,•,410 r.. 1 • 14111/ isiternael/Al• 1,11 ,ATI 1).% 1. • III!, ..H.ll !At IS 1.111 ItA.E's I:•r.t "Reg ulnr Loh Ille Pneket. \ `I• I Y. 1.1) Tri 01%4 J,ll, I.• ;N ,1 1 7 7 - ; , 2 I ! 1 , -, tit Por ('lnrlnlaati nud Loni.ville. ,Aivr 1.• It • ' ;1, , 1.• r,r, .tt 1 \ Lou lot-haunt' nod LORil4l.lile t.. ;I L.', lor th, mut 1 / 4 1. \ I, For Clinrinnnli and 1.0.1%%i11e. r PARK Cuidnin " I' I I. N • Fur Ctrietnua $.8.1 Luul.rlllr 1 .. 1.1 v i .t • t, I' I. • , .1 ". 1 I'4 =llllll ftrgninr Pai.liet for Cincliinnt i and n. 1.„ „... in., in„• ICDA T. 1:.11; . I: \ I RI:. CA,Ansit B rk N% -MIII 01..1 thr 4.it 11,11 , .11. th— Ti. .11Id {11,111,' rellll.`t Itt It) .‘t !LACK 3: 11. l ,: \ Ag.•ltt, CZE=I The Cie? tho utul ..-111,1t.,11...t1,1 • p •:!, IDA 1 . De. Min,' .k !1. IU n EF. For Na+ll• uir. - - t.. .1 11t,,,,--,kll It tt‘r :Lt i. A 34 .10W% I. Agut:t. For Ilinittltville. ; 1 , 11,FA ATE. •i 1 SA 11 a, ~ t passaw• ~ i t 1..40 1. FI.ACI A \ I N,;ST,IN, lIING 31ACIIINE.-KENDAI.I: , r'.k FIINT 1,0( . 111.1: \ l',ll - 1:11 A\ ,I 1 Ell at. Ati I dt..,1, upt.colmot • at,it • th,r, tILI-• I I c alltnl.l.• lots ii ci • I lii Ail - \ 11.0, 1.. r ;11,, .II 4,1/i 11 311 L.nt ~•ii• fr.., Op, linj I 1,1,1... 11. i, I. :11111014 111'..t .int•ly tutu 011 lilt) rla ft•tt.t tt.ti tv•ttt.ttlt I , n 1,,• • tattt,:lt- "I H, It t ,Ittl I• . , ttl • • .11 I. ' , Ail • 1 .I`, ( , P• • , 1 , 1 ,, .111 , 'lc. t•NVI, I. • 11,1• A In 011cl:iv's An 4 t.,; t. *013 1 11 ) 3,1 Llttt . .ll/.111 t.. 111•., tuaio LI hot, r :11 . 1. I.) n.. ..• t 1., pifte h. I —lt I.ot Ad% “ak. sk'aihtd..thd 111101 ..t Hulk,- that t t%lll 1,a11010../ at 11. 11 1.11; 01E11, 11011•:111,,, C, I" 1' AIM Lt , r, sloughr dftfth-rs. and tura entftyprft-e, this .bp,fts It. 1,1 , 1 1,.v tire i 4 00 1010/1.11 . 10,1.011.0 t oxtattt natchttft strut-0.41..1d 1 , 0 a , ut:l t, but I tt.. at. MI I a limn t‘k.. 1,03 J:. Cr .). tt,:ht -t :1t.t.11111. , ‘, tuqulro ;It ::1 Fifa lite City . . • u , • All tosdod 1tif,•1111.01:,11 will be ferward .1 I.v lett 1, • ~ N ,,,, c ,,, T O sTocKlioLDEßs__ ~!„ " .i,..,,,i, t). K. CHA3IIIEI,I„I3, .‘,..1. 1 ' '-' ' t.vl,,ltc tIFFIttr. OF Till Ilitno A\ - T0 Itlt.NN.t. R. It. ett.. I . 111 ii 1 Pit telnirgli. Derember I:1, lti.C.,:i. i I 3 breeZe ' I: , ~,• C lark i Tlo, Annual Meeting ~t. the :74,8tioiders of 1110 Oltioulot R 1 6 1 :11 : r..:t - tt• A it - I ' L . , r !:- , :! !! ,.: ' ' ! i!!•,!nsNlvauitt Railroad Company will be hold at the Conipa I.IIIIIIV F. rii . , two t.,,,1., - R.,... ch,,-1,, - . ~ 1,4.1. ; I,ri. e, it, s 011ier. N, '2''l Filth street. Pitt_46tlrgli, on the 1.1.2UNT11 $1.2... 1 . , 4:111 , 11 11. MINER A: . 01., THURSDAY. being the :oth day of January. 1856, at II t 1,14 No.:11 Smithfield street ,o' ,10,.k A. 31., and the election o? Directors will ta! 1101,1 at . -- ' - that office, on the time day, between the 110t1183 of It A. :11. TA W 1 N G INsTIa - Ni EN TS-1V e have a ,„i 3P. \I. W. ROBINSON Jr., President. I • i.•.. 1 itesettiii,o, --I ti,c .i:•- ,, , in-ttunician 011 hand, . declAsllwswhl ~.-.... vai,,ing Lo pric , troll. ;$1,... to !Flo. tor Nu, at .1..,2.: 1ti43% 3 ,i, Tort.Ev•: , . iTN Alt3l FOR SALE—The well known Farm • _I: ~1 Luau: Wiiil.ll., Mk Mil. (rain the city, in Upper St. ( i ,,,,1K .1 T Es!' , :-,! ! I ! 1,11; 1.- !!fiLs:,.rtuil Skates, from t lair Township, coununing 126 acres of ili4l-rate land. in Li ai ,' , •11t1 1.. ,i . ..; rt,•r lola .61..., : , tr01.... IL pi . (lie 001100.. 0. /5 i.escelluut condition. Thu place is well watered with l o at :,1,-.'2.] 11. , It 3 .1 1 KfLEI . ...-. failing springs, pleasantly situated, and suitable for a !..t,,,,k- TIM . ; MILI , S --- PLAIII Sl'lrtt> -IV! , MUSTARD ' e improvements are a 8111.8tatitial MIA.. , Dintirt)„,,,. Germ. Barns and t3tabting. The Chartie: s V.tllcy ..-N" ' I 111 A"N i' -Tl ''' 1 ,".' ''''' l ''' : '!",' re ''' Railr,sid ia loat,i within three-nairtlis of a null' ,d the Rheas ~ 1 ., ' , " “' M ”'" A l ''' ' ' ''''' l"' ' ' k` '''' '''''''''. farm, and will make acues,t euru said speedy. This saiiiable 16it op 111 '2 "Z. t , lit u,.1 '. lh pap s,. 'IQ 11,10. NV hob , farm to underlaid with Cool of the trot quality, and will lie dale ~ r retail. 1,, • ..1e,.1 I . I' ' i '' I ' ll A 3 L ' ! sold with or without c,lal, or divided to suit ptirL'haSers. Eli s E ()LIVE It IL--- For tell., ic., enquire of d,,,,i Lit t.! :- f1!,.1. , PIO .•d. •,k.t \ITS : . WM. H. WILLIAMS & CO., .t ti, ,1.. deelsslasylw(cliD) Wood street, corner of Third F. it . i'llAV". v, crrict—The partnership heretofore 118i4 - 1 I ing between Jacs,i, Hostetter, D. Hostetter and O. W. squith, under the firm of lIUSTETTER, 5311T11 I at_ woo dueuilved on the :Nth day of November last. hY.th° ..nre mirdiusli of the interest of D. Hostetter by Jacob 11.4.1 ter. The business will be conducted as bcretofure, under ;be name of LIOSTETTEIL & SW.TII FIRE 11•01{ curt Tut: 110LIDAvt; cAudit, ; ~.rp4 trm Just rot. ,o 1 and for hale bv de02".2. REYMER .t A :‘: DER:4 oN. No. :El N% otsl NI W. _ .. RRIIIT S NO:1111 lThl KATILkItION --- w th,. greatest Pewit in, of the a b ,.. \slaw - I'l-s PREIIIUNI KATHARION —KOSENTII, , th it PRO, Fifth stroot. oilstone NI ME N AND BUYS' ----'--'' '-—'- i --- W - Vf iN ER t_. ITi - 1 - Ir Renders tbo 'lair soft atsl glossy. t 4.1%16 sou's, Lace a taro stuck of Men anti Boys' CIAITIIINti For sale by KEYSER. uArr:SCOTT and SELLERS. at '25 ,ai fugal, ooMpraing .o{lll.l entirely new nod ole.bnint sty ICts, :OP ttl. Also, a large an faahlonablestOck of HEISTS FURNISII INU QHOl'--'2.0 kegs assorted Sib .t, from 1311 up deck; 1 1 : 1) %theY ittvritPtaed to fuxulah at the lowest cath j a i, . . i.,,_) _ to N”. 10, for .tlo low for cash. at DOWN & TETJEri"O„ LOOK TO YOUR IN S'l. f 'TERI,' ' . 0t.22 ! 10 OYS, 1 DYou can get a splendid pair of EILITES allott STRAPS PRUSSIAN BLUE. IN 011.-100 lbs for sale 1 tor 50 cents, all lu good order, at .• . by tiet: . ' , l, FLENIING Blitili. ! loci 'SOWN it TETLEY'S, 138 Wood stroed. 4 ' THEATRE. -J. C. FOSTER., sole Lessee and Manager; Wu. R. Run, Stage Manager; OWL F057E11, Acting Manager. Treasurer, J. N. Donerre. PRIM 07 ADIMMEM: Boxes and Peu - qnette 50e.l Private [loxes, large $8 00 Second Tier 25c. I Private Boxes, 6 00 Boxes fur colored persons 26 cents. tfidr Certificate, securing seats, 1.234, cents extra. t(semßenefit of YANKEE LOCKE:. Mrs. CIEO. E LOCKE will appear. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2S, 165:,, / I •rls k .1 th.. 1.; AMUSEMENTS. T hereseCarivin, iankue Lucke; Lavigne, Young; Ftlll mine, Mcßride; There,. Mr.i. Cunningham; C4llllLebtl. Cantor. Emily L After The Hermit of the Roc k--M„,,leration. y a‘ ,k &. , lueke: Nancy, Mr,. Lucke; Frt.&rick Dubol, Clara. Julia M. Cooke. . . ecbuOntle ,v It A W ife for a Da y..Natlinn To.• 1;••,. Montagm., Wearer; Mr, Tucker, Mt, WO ; A lique. Mrs. Young. lkoors open at ,vrtaili as. at 7 o'clock. GRAN PANORAMA oF THE SUNNY SOUTH AND GREAT WEST. MASONIC MI ALL. ANDRIEU'S CE,LEBRATED PANORA MAS to a trip from Louisiana to the North, via M. Louis, Alton, Detroit. City of Chicago! La. Salle. Penria. Peru, Cleveland and Toledo, and, the finest ;Lake Views In the World, Will re-open in the above MIN, on SATURDAY, Docembor 1855, and continue till further notice. Atli- Admission.. , .i cents; children,lo. Family tickets, V. UV ctuasTmAs DAY there will be three Umnd Exhilii tions—at 10, 3 and i i o'clock. SATURDAY, the 23d, an Afternoon Exhibition at 3 o'clock for the accommodation of families. dec:Mattlic_ CHRISTMAS WEEK. WHITE'S GRANI3 MIRROR OF CENTRAL AMERICA, CALIFORNIA, AND THE ISTHMUS! WILL exhibit EVERY AFTERNOON and Evening during this week, at APOLLO HALL, Fourth street, Commencing at 2 o'clock and at 44T-THILEE GRAND PERFORMANCES ON CHRIST MAS DAY. commencing at WA. 31- 2P. M., and 7 P. 31. y&R.. Every Lady should go and see it. OHPII A NS' FAI !—A Fair will be held in the GUY HALL, commenting on WEDNESDAY, the 19th, for the benefit of :•51.. PALL'S ORPHAN ASYLUM. Open day and evening. tff A Band of ]tunic will be in attendance. ,Uta. Liecl7 ORPHANS' FAlR'—The Orphans' Fair ht•opiqi every day at 2 "'cluck P. SI. [dvc2l T OHN M'CAIITIIY, BILL POSTER nitd 1.11,1 . 1111 - WTOR. will attend t.. the toe leg and pliitriliilling ut oil k Mill 01 BILLS FOB t`i I,Et - ITRES, EXHIBITIONS, lc. All votumufflattioinn---vither by mail, telegraph. or "di,- i,—.4l.lrectott to tho 0n... of the Morning ~ ill reotivo prompt attentiun. at.; DR. 11U0FLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN RITTER?. prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON, Philadel piim., xIII elfeetually care Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, .latin- Chl vim - or Nervoud Debility, Di,eaaes ul tbe Kidneys., and all lls,'aarising Crum n DLlordeit..l lAN t.g . or Ston.....'n. Such it 4 Lion, Inward FulneAs. or 1110,4 t, tho Howl. Acidtt) of the Stumtell. liglictbUrll., DiP.V.IISI.I , O' I 11111 ,- , ht its the 1,, 7 1, •iir Siitloir,r. or Filltt , • 1411;:. ktl the steina.:ll. sunnonne Hea., d Hurried 11i I Fluttki lug at the Itedrt, Chnak ug La ourbs.atlng :3ellSatil.l, when In lying PL.:tare, Dimness of 1 isms, Dots 01 NVelis before thu Sight, Fever :uid Dull Pain in the 11,1,1, Deficiency or Perspiration, Yeilon nem of U Skin aturEyes, Pain in the Vdiek. Chest, Liink., ea., Sudden Plush, of Heat Burning iu the Flesh. Cons - mut !union lugs Evil. and gnat Depreasiou ui Spirits. The proprietor. iu calltntt the uttention of the public to tit. pfs•palatloll, .0 with a feeling of the tittit.it rouG tlrno• tni its cit Wes nod :tdailtation to the disetue, for is lIICh It is rt,,tumetlded. It untri••J article. lout .nie that has stoad Ilse test or a ten yews' trot! before the A onuarun peopL•. and reputatnal and sale ta unrivalled by any similar prepara. tn.us extant. 'flie testimony al Its favor slsen the ni.d. W . 011111,111. nod well Knott I/ Ili) sielans and Individuals. in a❑ parts of the• country., immense. I:vl'er - ring any ta In. may doubt_ 'd.•utornLtlia.. • or Practical Re•ca•ipt Ranh. lor Parnn•rs and Faunlirs, to hail frrist., or ill the Age-an, for the tits la. Lilt!. •. PrillClrkAi OilIt", .14 91AIII1f:tetary. I'2Z) Arch delphm. R;kir Sob] by Dr. H. Keyser. 1.40 Wcorrl ~trevt; 11 A Fxborsbx.k .1 Cu., No. ti kk ,tr.o•t] Fleming Brothers, No rod 11 . 0.,./ rarret.; H .•.!,vmria und J. P. Flowing, A11,1...11., dochrg.tron I y fr, D R. .J. 1101{RET'rE, 13 Fourth street, I'nteLurkf.. a is In. valuable FRENCH 11.101F1/1, talatilitig in the cure of all thise painful and din, vrooe ti00.d.,, , , to which the Female Constitution Is RIO. pats I t exc.'s, nail remove,. all obettmetaimi--- divi_ciratee tire and delicate, by regulating etremitheuirla the eyslcm, awl feirtilles the eunetitutiiin to the Melo lite TO MARRIED LADIr-S It 16 /41:tiny'. its it %rill in it 611vIC time retsio(o na 01"tructiona! We are not of the number who trolleys , and act in ara-oril wire with the belief that hang anal slalvirute %tea tot and to objects of either momentous or [racist! import; its incline to the routiary i'liinion• anal In" !hit , simplicity Mitt tl - 1101 invest such as are no thy of any atten tion. in slomaissily the mats[ rich anal comely Colors. In tho prey.-at oar gnat desire in to Ire tinsim - stos..l he those as to IIM) Io h to its for informant.. all also lieu.; :013- A1.1,,,1 of minor 1111portAltre. eirCULLIS. u-sl_ Uttar !war% from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. :novif:n . . pRIV AT E DISEASES-IK. BROWN, No k 41 DiLIMOUII alky. iii• Notes Lie rntirr attrntion bi an UOirn ituaiia. Mix busilamin ix m.etty ronflneal t.. renerrai 91,rwes, and mall painful riff,- 0,,, brauzlit an %.y iiiiiinulatico, youthful inituigenca CIO rx,-ari. Syphile., Syphilitic Eruptions, Gonorrhea, Ulert. strict me, Urethral Dis Charges, Imperity of the with all diaease, the Venerattlm . 6.a.n. Skin Disem4es, Scorbutic Kruptien,, Titter. Ringworm. Mercurial Dh.easea Seminal weakness, Impotency, PIiPS. Mien:realm, Female Weakte,ss, Monthly Suppretroons.D,,Nee of the Joinut. Fistula in Ano. Nerimts Affections, Inn , in ihu Back nod Coins, Irritation of the Bladder and Kidneys, an.a,a,felly trt.ted. Core ipuu - an roil. Twenty years' practice (ten in this city) enables Dr. Brown to offer ti,illfiltiCeN of a epee4y cure to all who may come tim der his care. olllee and Private Consultation Rooms 41 Diamond alley ttly- Charces moderate. (nov-s:d.tcy I y W RIG lIT 'S PREMIUM KATILARION y cools the Lead, and removes all symptom, of Rend- rot wing IVRIGI K ATI I AMON IleVer liuLk to 61111-611 - okP. \I" MU I IT'S PRENLI tat K ATHA R lON tb.. moat raluable Zl,llliMiLioll to thu todlet, reWuing the nily required Yuan. For ealy by 1)r. 111,1). If. IiI:YSER and It. E. SELLItIiS mots pit bottle, ttug I b It2llool, 6EOGRAPITIES.—COLTON FiTcirs tire entirety new w.irkr. The Maps have been drawn with mathematical and adeutitle accuracy, from the latr,t and most reliable authorities, and (too. ex hint tie recent curvet a and Explorations; art they are 11:411101y and beautifully engraved. An Important feature of tie' Maps is the readines.+ and certainty with which studetini will learn nt first view the scale of each limp. hi Loh gn.gtap!uc and statute thence acquiring a true ides of the size of every state or r.ountry. Each Map i.., lino misliatcly follitwed by print.' descriptions of the country it exhibits, and hence Geography and Atlas are In the same too k. Much attention has been all•Vol,i it , eXllll , lllllg the , flit i• Itoitiircs id mad, chit t lie ser pleasing evercisvi of otalery ing the toottial• taaliliar tdeai it port °r cite. , Id. 14 happily pro Pled. The print being entirely new, is ni a° very plain and neat; and all difficult nun. an , car.- fultv and oorrcctly prOP/0,01.1,1. The series colloid.; of cur tliton tf Each's Primary lkograldiy—To la , ready in Jan 11v,11.ai J Pitcli't Modern Geivraphy i —No. ready', and it Lang extetivively ailoptval. blidu Pach's American School Geograiiliy—Tti he rend,. it, April. The pages and 111121,3 of Lida book are larger tlnis tneri,an schivd. luive ever usisl. ttln in if. 41:1 i nee Pie yrical laud, tli•ingli lint a very few month. finialical, is in so great demand that the fourth edition is now in pre., and cowists of t..ii thoinetial copies. Both It and the Modern School litaa:raphy can he immediately obtained or the publisher. Me.rs..l. 11. eo., 172 William street, New York; or of (.; P MAX:ION. their Agent, nt City !LAO, Pittsburgh. Pa.; or •f Mcsors. THOMPSON A PATTERSON, Wheeling. Vs. A tar 111.4 . 1.. tint to the trade. Maps I Maps ! Maps ! • Colton's Map of the World; size about 33 square feet Price. $.lO. Colton'. Maps of the 1 Cited States mid Canialats; once • iwarly 311 square feet. Price, it'd Colton's Map of the United States and Nlexle..: sir, 1.) Price. Colton's Mnp of Europe; sire f 8 be Ii Incites. Price.: ; Aad n large variety ..1 Colton's smaller Maps. including • l`ks-ket Maps f ,, r as cents. All can Le supplied by the ['nitUshers' Agent, GEO. I'. MANSON. City tiotol, Pittsburgh, Pi. ,1,1'2,1aw..pc5w ur - • • , • - •4 , • 4. 0 =CII2IIE=I2III NOLL; 6 kv. ~.. fjq. er -,, i 4 - „, p v :4_. ..... 5 4 , , ,, - I .' 7.4 , ~ ~ - t. y, ~ . . ..-.4„ ; •1•\ k ...'-'v,-,. A , .„.ti.:- 41 ''` - (J ttp 4d Vatk ; ~. 41 , -: 4 ''.;.'" ' rk..;.•,,,,.5z 21zeigir-v -.,,, ---____. ELECTRO-CHIEMINCEIE AROMA &At Holla,redsch A'ruiden. Bitters. rliWO YEA RS llio.e Elapsed Kinee the intro.- i_ duction of this valuable mei , . we into the United States. During this limo it has gains 1 so:re:gal popularity 11.1 a remedy for Rev . and Ague, liseepepet 1, digestion, Headache, Loss of Appetite, Deetity. fhttivesuttr, Blind and Bleeding Piltz. Many of our most worthy citizeun testify to Na wonderful efficacy In all facetious of the stomach and liver. As a tonic, it never has been a/quail.' 'for the relief A al:Cards In all cases of debility of weak of any kind is almost lie i e stantaneoua. In ewes.: Dons. it has In num •3 sl ustancea proved highly beneficial, and in others elk • . - 313,...3;, .• cure. , ttui When 3 analcut PilY 41:ici scribe, and their patients so unhesitatingly recomo t .• ; rely we may cease t ilubt, and eagerly test its virtue e* ourselves. FEVER - AND AGUE. A Clise of Eight Nonthe Branding Cured by Bberhays , fia land Bitters.—.)lichael Kelly, No. 11l Grant, near Enalindlehl street, says: "Last July, while running on the river, on a cotton boat tilling between Natchez and New Orleans, I was taken with lever and ague. For eight long months I suffered with this dreadful disease. The greater part of this time 1 weer unable to work, and spent at least fifty dollars for dif ferent medicines, but I found no ivrinatient relief. Three weeks ago, one of my friends insisted upou my trying Boer. have's Ilolland Bitters, saying that a cure sets guaranteed. After taking it for ono week, I mast state I was a - sound man. I have been at work now for two weeks, and have had no return of the chills and fever whatever." I certify the above statement is true. Taosits ADAMS, Diamond Rouse, Or at R. Chester's. Gothic Rail. 11.1 , J3DACIIE AND DERILLTIC. ic , Mr. 511..3 Liscomb, of Birmingham, says: "I haVii ffound in Ikawliave's Bittern it rennsly for headache and debility. Tby wife has also lifted It with the greatest benefit." I Sir. A. S. Nicholson, of Pittsburgh, else remarks that he has experienced much relief from its use for headache. ItIfAD TIIISI A Hollander's TOseilony.—Jaeob Rinskes, lilting In the Holland settlement of Sheboygan, Wiscorishi, flaysta After suffering for some limo the misery attendirig an utter pros tration of mind and body, I have been re s tored, b,g using Boerhave's Holland Bitters, to perfect health.. The fact of this remedy being in such high repttie among the IleLlanders In Wisconsin, Michigan, New York-rW' fact, in every Holland settlement lu the United States—argues much in its favor, S'fItENGTII AND 11}IALTII RESTORED. Mr. John Davidson, Living ten miles above Pittsburgh, on the Pennsylvania Canal, say, -When I commenced taking hoerhave's Holland Bitters, I could hardly walk—now, I ...Joy excellent health." W EAR . NESS OF 9 . 111; STOMACH AND INDIGESTION. Anothrr Great Cot c 1 - Ir,b+.l by Borrhare ' s Holland littler , —The wife of Peter IN. Witte, living in Holland Town. She boygan county, Wisconsin. suffered much from weakness of the stbmach and indigestion. She laid been under a physi- Liall . B care for sere time, but the disease seemed to lodge even his skill. 5130 purchased some Rolland Bitters at our ,dice, which lan given tone to her stomach, her appotite and strength are returninc, and we firmly believe that ibis is another great cure et-...test by your medicine. We have still to record many wonderful cures faceted by this remedy, but inust wait another opportunity. One thing you ran rety upon, what we hove published are from persons much respected in o'or community, and STP literally trite. . .1. Qcrtcres. 1...10,,, sie-Loygai, Nienwtesle, Sheboygan, Wis. It If KC )IAT ISM. • .1 , 'ay. ..,' Tvo .Ibodirs' .STandinfr Cured by Boolarre ' s Hal . ISti Miters.—lleorgv Henderson, of Pittsburgh, says: "After suffering fur three months with shetittnitistna part of the tune so severely as to CIMIMIIV ITV: to my bed—l have lastu entirely cured by using Boerbove's Rolland Bitters. 1 have lifia one attack since, but found zffinciat instantaneous relief ill the same medicine. It Is; in my opinion, a Euro remedy Mr ilailunitism." NEItViIIIS ANTI RIFECTMATIC AFFECTIONS. This chan,ryable weather is likely to produce a great deal of sickness. To persons troubled with 11,,0US or rheumatic affections, we would recommend Doelhave's Rolland Ritter. fin referring to our Minims you WI tlnit ...,....corrificates from some of our first German and English citizens.-zlL?erraryl vem'er .SToats Zeitung. THE WORST FORM OF PMES CAN BE CLTREE. We ore nt liberty to refer to several well known gentle men. who have reed, thoroughly tested, and now recosumend Doerhave's Rolla. d Bitters as a remedy for Piles. We are not at liberty to mil lish their names, loot will take &attire in referring any terse . to them who denies this stafement. Fur this affection, ,m_ half of the prescribed dose sbonld It- taken—say hottltcaspe ..nful—itiorning, noon and night, one hour before meals. The great popularity of this delightful ATOMILhafi,II),III64 many imitations, the puhlic should guard agitf.n!t pnr- Lie,ing. te,t persuaded to l a cy [Lay - thing else until you e given ll.e•ihave'e Ll°lland Slitter* a fair triaL. One Lot th• will convince you hue, infinitely superior it is to all thee* nu itstio 5i,1.1 at $1 p-r bottl, or six ,txAdes tur sf., by the solo prorrn.tors, BENJAMIN PAGE, Jn, fi CU., Abuntfacturing l'intrinumutists and Chemists, Smithfield and Third ,dreetn, Pittebnrgh. K SELLERS 1 CO., Dtitggiets, co, nut orond and 1F ud streets. And all Dru g ,-ds to PluAntrgh, Allegheny, Birminglinui, Menchvoter and T . lllll , NU/C.:rine. serr2fkilawly INVIGORATING CORDIAL, A PHENOMEXON IN MEDICINE. Health Restored and Life Lengthened MOLISE'S INVIGORATING ELIXIR, IT WILL replace weakness with sti-g4gth iucapaeit with efficiency, irregularity with uniform and naturni activity, and this not only without hazard of reac tion, but ith n Intilpy effect ou the mmenn organht.ation. kra- Bear in mind that an maladies. wherever thei:begin tlneth with the nerroti. yr.dein, and that the parallzation of the nerve of motion and sengation is phyaical death. Bear in mind, also, that for every kind of nervous disease; the Elixir Cordial is the only reliable preparation known. CURE OP NERVOUS DISEASES, No lamsuage,,can convey an adcsptate idea of the immedb ate and almost miraculous a-Lange which it ocraasions in the diseased, debilitated and shattered nervous systetri,.tvtietber broken down by earn., weak by nature, or impaired by sickness—the unstrung and relaxed organization is at once braced, revivithut and built up. The mental and phy,stml symptoms of 11,mous diseaso vanish together under its infhp one.. Nor is the effect tenmritry; for the Cordial prtipetties of the medicine reach the constitution itself, and_ store it to ita normal condition. LOSS RP - Confusion, giddiness, rusts of blood to the head, melancholy, debility, hysteria, wretchedness, thoughts of atilt-destruction —fear of insanity, dyspepsia, general prostration, irritabili ty, nervousness, inabilltp to sleep, ili.elesO incident to males, decay of the poopagating functions, hysteria, monomania, vague terrors, palpitation of the heart, impotency, constlres thin, rtc., from whatever contra arising is, if there be any rdiauce to be placed on human testiminsy,phsobately Antal- A GREAT MEDICINE . EGIVVibI ALE;3... The imparolliied effects of thi4 Attila restorativefk all complaint,incident to f•ratfles, mark ttniow er'l hi thoAtinals of medicine. Thousands of stunulantotinve been ttrrdtraftl— thousiuois of MN - Igor:tuts concocted—all purporting to he specified in the variofH diseases and fierau,teuteuts to which the delicate formation of woman vendor her liable. • EVERY WOMAN pr S,LNSE, Who sufferu from wealthee, , ,, ,lerangernent, nervomme , s, tre mor, pain 4 la the WA, or any other tihonter, whether toe. 1.• her sec, or COllllllOll to 10,111 sexe.l4---ltnithl give the Iu rl,i,orati Cordial .1 trial. • , 31A Rltl ED PERSONS, . . . Or oilier, e tll nod thi• after they heir,. need, bot tle or teo, a thorough regenerator of the system. lu all direetioi, are to he f.etild tic happy parents of healthy off spring, wln, eiinid not have Ic c w but fur this extraordi nary priliar.ition. And it is equally potent for the tinny JisenNes for which It is recommended. Thousands of yoting noel Inive hern restored icy using it, and not in a single lu st:um, has it failed to le•ineit them. PERSONS OF PALE COSIPLEXIM. . - Or consumptive babita, are mitorevi by tam use of a bottle or two to bloom and vigor. clutuOug tie gait from a pals, yel low, sickly color, to a beautiful florid complexion. TII E :11 ISO UID Eft Thew are some of the sal mid melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, W.: Weakness of the lack and huff., pain, in the brad, dimness of 'sight, lots of muscular power, palpiuition of [no heart, dy-Bpspaia,.nervolui tivita bllity, deramzement of the digestive 'Cuneiform, genera( de vympttfins of conminptions. etc. Mentally. the (earl& efforts on the mind aro muph to i» dreaded. Loss of memory. elillflll4oll of ideas, depression of limits, evil forelvvlings, aver:eon to society, self-distrust, love of solitude, timidity, etc., are some of the-evils All thus afflicted, BEFORE CONTE)IPLATISO MARRIAGE, Should ratter[ that o KIWIId mind end . body are tho most nee cel'eury requisites to promote connubial happineae; indeed, o altout • theee, the jenrney through life becomes a weary pi fgriumge—the pro, , pect lonely darken,' the view; the-taind lex-macs obadowed with despair, and tilled with the Eagan cooly reflection that the happiness of another became., blighted With your own. CAVTION I Dr. Nforlie's Invigorating Cordial Lai been COWISOXIttid by NOtre unprincipled lu future, all the genillue (7,rdial will have tin) proprietor's pooled tm or the curly of each bottle,tuad the follow i44; words dovethat 019,5: Dr. Morse'd Invigorating Cordial.. The Cordial t. put up, highly concentrated, iwottlea —price dip, cloth p,r ttirtile, ho. for five !it fur twelve • C. r nlyrietur, 172 lironduay,'St. Y. 5,..1,1 I,v Dri1,41.1 tlomi,.;lient the Unita' rdtatea, Canada and the iVeet ftelh, Pittsburgh DR. tail/. 11. KEYS ER, N 0.140 erelal at FLE3UNG 131t08, No. flu 'Wood street; H. E...S_ELL,K,IIS, Wood cheat. Allegheny City...BECKHAM & M'NENNAN ; JAII.EId T. SAMNA.; C. 0.; _ • 1 1 , 1 Agent for 0h10...J. D. PAlth, lined I I;dtwly F. Brown'. Nueenoe of itatiatiteWCkliffer. rr H. 8 'ESSENCE is it prepurfttiotrof fusual nadltlulY dhllrikea, indirdent tfinlertt, in .pert, in di ...es of pro.tration of the d141.-.tiro function, ,t le of meatimable cttltte. IMring the le mletta iil"phietaio cholera and mmtmer eutuplaStite, tt to pevtiUarly effitucions ; uo family, Individual or navel,. khotild te3 xithout CArrio.N.—lto mwe to oe.t.- the gelatine- Emoner, 'which In preptred only by 8. BIOAVN, at his plug anit Usetnical Store, N. N. corner of Fifth mod theentut,ctreete,.l'hllmiel- Oda, and fur hale oy oil the reapeseable.Alkditecaries in the United States, mid l 0 l'lttebureh by 0. Az EL/LUNESSOCIi S.CO, :CULLY: And in Allegheny by , • Ti. P. SCHWARTZ. setArndsw . ) LEE A. BECKHAM. .. Px4 bates C elc brat ed- Epleaizegap; gee. TANDS preemilleut for ElnioiLoglSQups, S Ontsies, blsh, Brit. Genie, At., fir. We oar all good housewires to try it. Price 25 cents pr bottle,: et till : Greco. ry Storm in the Caked States - and CaVuthot " - For eale by WeLPHO ',mil O. H. KEYffilt. Pit burgh. - P. T. WRIGHT A CO., Jaunt-dimly iii 241 Market street, Phtudelphis. 1111tAISAM FIR-100 lbs just received and Jo for aalo by [decl7] FLEMING BEM. * JACOB HOSTETTEB 0. W. SMITH. MEDICAL, BOEILHAVE'S DOME DR. MORSE'S C. 11. RING, Proprietor, N. Y .=:w<~'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers