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" . .. 44 ,4 7,, 'le ~ ‘4..rgr „ * . c ; '.. '-', i j, b hoot, at TS5'O DOLLARS a year, to advance. Single copha, e , ..,.,.. " 0 4. ~ri t i , ~,,', ,„ ',,,,,, .i*,, -4, '",,:':ul v , ' ,`I .. f":lFivs Crams. •et n'''' ....' S e :. a. 4.. t'."l it.,..i./ i s 4 F-L!!. - * ..‘ •t • -4 ' ' /Ur No paper will be discontinued, (unless at Cle &acre ..,..n..j."40.45...4txi./..,-.....' 5..„-,. , .,in , ,,.,1::,,11-'' ,4 1ff,,,, , .• ~ .- lion of the Propciotorit) until all arrearages are paid. ~, •f, r;,„,'m n* t e e, t ,I ", iIA - .o,!.*,'Ai - 4 , ''' ~, -.. AID- No attention will bo paid to nay order unless accom -0,;..,r*,„...1". :1 .4., ' .... ‘,-,,..",, ~" i ....,., ~,,.; • • ~.. ka. „inured by the =hey, or satisfactory reference In this city. 4 ta1.r;'', • ,,m ' ,",;; f :...... 4 7.,. , . • . , ! 7, ,. , f , ,, 4 h,..h,; ~. 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L' ,, it% ,„ 4 : v.. er.e.,, •,•...4• -o-t• 4-- sit .r.%-...-_,-, 14 0.....4t4,... 4 „'• +), T T .:t- 46 , ," ‘, ..,,. Li •", •„„ , A, L, , i ,....• . c .• o ,t ...• ••••• • •i , ,- • ,: . •,.. „, • , ..o .1•I'd . I , '.k.. e ,,, --- ...e ., C; CV e,v7 i 4;tl- 7, ft.s.-Zie '. ,7a, ,,, , , ,,, ~,.x...4„,,s .., , ~,,,,..- ,•., ..,,‘ I s N . : 1 " ~,- i ''. f A: "• ' ~-, ,\ . ''.. .Z •, 0,•-i L zit C 1 , I:‘,1, 1 . -140,,,, ,5..4 4 4) /to it•4l. 1 0°••,, is , MiP ., #., t, , „ I ll „," ..,,,i ~, 1„ kt,:i.t ~ ~, , 1 . '., - .., ,'‹ 1 11, 4, .7 ••k" ' •-, P,. 1. I ' • .. , ' '' ' *, 4s ''`. 1 - • . ,k • ''.f. , :; , `/` ,/ , ,, t4 0 . 5 e- , ,,r_.• 4 , C.51,1„.:P,t , ' E.' , 4; ...,,,.. 4 -.- ~- -, . ...1., N.. ,*-, , ,, i . - , . ,- ~..-,, 41 . -- .l* - 'L.''-- ' • • , ..- ''. 4 ... '''l i f '' , N, •• 7' f• , ••• 5t.,7_°,,, ~,,Ari., . .., in 00 - , ..•A, L.500t,t01,„,,,, ,t" , -. 4- ••••• 01- s,f, "I q' %L. n , . 00 I, ,\ , , L . 1 L , L i, r r a r ru.: 1 , p4clitli ~, , . - ...., . ; ' e ... • ..•- -; .7 ... I A K ...- ..... . , ...4-14,- , • • a , , .._.• • ,e' •- •+ ~..,7* t" .. .- , • i' " - ' • "./ ' ' , .. -.. • . 4• .#' 4 cy o t it,,, ',• ~. ."^ ' + ' 4 • ' .... • 4 iil ,-*-', .••,..'' .: • - s ' ' 4 * ‘44 ::, At -- - ,„:., t.,----,,._, .‘-- • , -"- ~-. _, %-',.,-. .• .- 5...:„.. • . - 4 ! 4 P , 41 V. t .•=k . s. ~?nc-:u''..1.... ~..a:..rnc.a~.:ahtr'A.' =, v~-. f: x , '=~hvL+'". . 111:11 PROFESSIONAL CARDS HIERT C. G. SPROUL, Attorney and qats. , ll •r at Law, office No. Fourth etroot. Pitts- AM E A. LOW RI E, Attorney at Law, oflic.• Fourth fltre,t. Pittnburgit. between 81111U:01 0d and •rryalloy. __ JeClily OLIN BARTON, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law. offico corner of Fifth and (grant etreeta, Pitta- Je:tly M P. KO` r. ROSS, Attorney at Law, No. 109 Fourth ntret, Pittsburgh, tour - th door below Mr. Roily at( , •rttoll'n livery Stable. J e tt' [J.\ M'K ENNA, Alderman of Third L Col ~f I I rant and Fifth streets, (formerly Alden:inn lF.lc'i. and nll ,tru Li. h 11.11 1 ,,, : 1 4 ,v-ril,. • :"01•0 it j,•9 y . .. 1 1.F.MING Tqa,THERs. s i ,„,.t. ss „ r , t o J. DK \e to Nu •,w1 pL rt,lot It•tot t M itano• I, nr,0,,1 1 I t', lIIFT. JR . .101,1 e, .0, .1.111.. t 111 \ DYE ziTI .1. id, Na. lAI 11.,,J • , a gib lilLvy. 1.. ..N1 .1 \ 5t1et.4.....r to 11. NI • DEALER and rJytvt»toV • Inm-bidet. • • -\E NI t.',llnt ,k I:r:uner L lu.Ltn. Nlui• /.•I II C.' . 'lt II kputtlek. It-llrgh. MN' 24, I.`ds no 2I 1 AI)W do,Lii•i• in K tuck r FlAtki. and PAPER, • I,las, no- I,l;Lteat inarl;ot -1,11 it 'I ‘11.1311.:11.L . ..,1711:1•11 111 r P. ' -‘1 A It:701.11,1, A: C... I inp,rters t••ri•l. 4.1 Arzwrican I'APEII . \ pl, Oa , • • ! , I,rattA uataufnetuna ••f •• 'Jrt oug: T. ,:I N. and St.-- ta....‘ Jimn a hil a, ••a a....•r1i0• , •l • 11,..aqtaa,aus a., Malik ttad latlwr • wia•loaaly and rnfa.l. Nv. 10-i 11 ,•,.“ a Faq rrid , ) litliiburgh. Nt A \ TED--Raga and 'fnun..rAC aid I) MIN H. )IELLOIi, 11'hole. , ults 11.11,1 1: tail NIUSICA I. INSTIU iivrs. PLANI t+, N 1 I SP', n rl. 13, 101.6 [aid STATIUN Eli ohurgh. I.,ui A( 'I )1: MTOLLISTER. kVliolesule a nd tad s It )lA\I ACTI . 1:1:1: ar.l in all litA4 z•NI:FF and sFa)Alir• No. '2..5 Fifth strvet. totr4h cou..t.nutly “n haul n lau - ge supply of all th t.i.tu Is of I ts;,urial Sagurs. )1 Eli & AN I ItSO N , buccessorg Rh.l4. dealers ILa FOREIGN ITS. NL - N, SPICES, (..; ),N FECTI. )N ARV. 5Cu ARS, 39 G al strut, opposit, the Charh, 11. I'lNl)Lb, 11 . holele and Retail lIA RN k›IS. TRUNK, VALISE and CARPrF NIA\ FAcru II FR, No 100 w,,od nt mot , ht,,burgh NT ERPHISE WO.Rh.S, No. 136 Wood ~L r4 ,c, third donr loi w Virgin TPT woul.l Ow attention of Si.ortin. r i i n t.• lary.• tiahnt tiliNS. RIFLES nod REVoLVISit nrp-it shleetni °period in thin Ina n tight ali a gonertil astorinh.iit of Hard, an.. and Fatting Tackle. nll of tt hi It we ollia at ti . t prim: to cash piirchithers, or for I. I path, marl, ()ItTlf-IVES'I'EIZN AGENcY «:,.111n0,.,, rtze,t, (111 ), 11.1.1 \ On". IMEMEO EICIN iN 8 (NI. devotn 11/01,1 011 tire :trtbm n genpral th.tocto.• 0 , 1,10 E I.II:: , INESS .1i taten IVl:4o.Eisin. )lichlgun aud 119,11 f F. S HOPE, hIEILCII A tiT TAILuI, Third uort ,loor to Ihspau I Ituildniga, thankful fot e rrlllslnd patronage ttervu,tun• bestowed upon him, leave to u•J a 1 - 4ttuurianco of the slow , . us he is 010, r preltllre , / than arer to -fundgh his triends and rtr,. nt with garments n hlt.lt will insure; entire ttatisfaetion slways lteept. , uo 11:11/1t a large rottortnient of tile tutu o f N . ESTI - NOS CA.SSIMErtIES. CLOTIIS, Sc., whiolt 111 make to order on the shortest notice, upon reasonal•h, A FrerfMt fit always Nmrrnntod • - B. YOUNt/ & CO., Na. -Smithfield apposito City Ifotut, manurlirturefr or CAIII - and CDAI fir evory dosi•ription. Ma. and workmanship warnintiNl, and sold at reducod Cary token iu packing for land and water carriage. - 7 % '• oto tf};:e . •. , ,•• rtyi • f.t • • • t •,,ikt-L • ij'ittOimi.h. . ,:,....;.:i,,.-,.4titii - i 1:10it PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & 'MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM VOLUME XIV. BUSINFSS CARDS TOWS LITTLE, Jr., ty street, hms ju !Welrel BRA &DIES Gent. Brandy, (very flue.) Uteri! Dirpuy & Cu., (super.) Martrott WINES. Sac al Madeira. Reward, March & Cu., Mad'ra, East India Madeira. Table du Amontillado Sherry-, 31anyanille d o Table do Cooking . du Lt.:riming Port, 1 1 111, Ordinary .1. St. Juliet/ Chiret MitNo Dry, b,oet, ChampagaJea.. Andiur, rerZoliey, Lieu Toga.tbor wilt) all othor art 1:1888. T(IER'S TRANSPORTATION LINE.- M4iEipating the want of facilities for transporting Freights to and from the Eastern Cities, via Penrerviranta Canal and Railroads, we Imre Increased our stork of Boats. on manta to a DOUBLE DAILY LINE. which given us a rapacity of over I boo tont: jar month each way. We ...ore our friends, and thnsr disposed to pat Tout, the State Hopi ov,itonts, there will he nothing spar,' on out part n. nadir Emaerat satisfaction . 111 torwardingZeiteru , 00l d -st, Olghts with promptitude and ilia:patch. BIER 1 MITCHELL Canal Basin, PittAturglt. l'a. J. J I : A.. CINICUINE i• J. I.I.ESPI S. CO.. lAs.king Ulnas Manufacturen., . and rs in Looking Ulm., Plats., Plate tllnss, slid Fancy Liv....ls, N0.7t.4 Wood street, Pitts burgh. tln Loud and undo to order, Gilt Pi r nut Mad. Glastivq, .Nlallogarty. 1114 nut and ti It Fruntos., or lloulai. lug. of rvory de-wription. Z - -13 - :quart,boat Cal/tua Doeurated and Hilt. (oil/ ESTE ItYItISE WORKS, No. 136 \l'«,d st., thita ,t,s,t . alloy.—BOWN A 'CP:Fitt:l s% guild oall lite attenuant nt Spettthg th e n to (lair large. ILL,- ,:ortntrut of UI'NS, 111 PLE., and lid , : OLVI NH PI Sit 11-4. the larg...d and twat aulocted stuck vrer opened In 1111 A war tot, togvlllar with a goneral as.,rttent ut lIA Itit%V ARE, CI"I'LEIt Y. TOOLS and FISIIINU TACKLE. ell of witiell wo utter at Ha, Ittwolit prt,.. w malt purchason, ur for aptarovetl marls M A. S)VII,ER, mid Retail it, Purnak,.... !tango.. Sirs 'a, Tin, Iron and Itoupwkoetwrs' 'lard, aro, Tumours' 3lacinueh and Maks, Tin Pluto. Sto...t Iron. Win, ItivolA, 11 North SoaouJ initieetito Itheltlee6 itetett sere29ll:lstt VFSETIAN BLIND MANUFACTC . stn. Ira I - woven:it his Itettlth so no to resume his of buwleve... and Ilse upentsl 1161 13UND MANI:YAM/la. et No. ig.l Filth ntrot.t, lief, the Post Oftive, between 1% tend and Smithfield. where hr has an towortment .tf BLINDS, Irmo:to-4 stub Hain wed fancy li'n - ettsl and Tt /MII/ ings, and prei.er.st till nut order ita his lima, toll the my, rese,,n e ld e terms. Ilm tv,rl; is , arrante,l to give mutt/duet iOll, or matey rettenbel. t: A_ Ultl I.3ltritlit retutrnit Please silo hn ft /1. 1.041 t ht W. klllllll,4lip 'MC: It NTEw cuAcit ANtI CARRIAGE FAO -11 ' IN HIV — J INSTON, Ba(nut:Rs a CaL, ettartter 01 to i.e . ..., anti Itelnettit sweet.. A Iletianto) Cif). would restttsot full) inform tin tr friend. anti I lee ittiltlie pirrailv, that the‘ ha, a.mnnmce , l the Mkt/Ili:LC} CA ItILIAUES, HA . Itt it'K AW A YS, Mt it: I ES, SLEIGHS arta ( ' II.A in all title sti feat of finish anti proportten tot?.. Ail t trate, w 111 he executed n nh An!. t Int oe rill, ieihnMot IM,ill y ofßepot, will dare , uttetiat, it , tin tint neet re:list...He tern., tong, iu all their work the 1, 4 0 I. 4 tern tih.ttat, Point, and Wheel taut', Hie) G.d t tent dint till who fax, them with 1.111,:r II:L(1 , 11.44n. is ill 6.. - ittktirit on trial of then next witt L. •• Purelnt.tent Art• t.. girt , 111 It nll, Iwforp ;•cli n. tua crow ...urns -71"" .11.1".11.7 pITT' SB l• 1I Co AC' FA(.1 . 0 Y-- B 1; ; - Els INV su A . ,..50r. to F. M. IliKelon, No. in b.- tound alley, near ntr , 44. Pittsburgh—CAM:lAA:FS, CoACIIES, vicirroNs. IR:Gums. aud ever, tioss - ript,n of FANCY FIIICLF., built to order, lunl 11.61.41 tn manner unsurpassed for 1,110 of design. eleganre of Muhl, .1,11 et ‘.4 ort.lnaledlin nud tikinardit y of tuaterta.l. • tkfl. All wart: warrruitol. orJ WO. R. IV II ITE kTho., 51J Market Ints rsl. an./ iJL r MUNI/AI% NAvrtnlssr 2.. 2 1- .I,es ..r their present ( 2 1.C/A Firri, TA DIAS and F SrLK- 1 irralLs naluced prices. 2 I hen, th,r mention I•J enlargi. and ..theririss their to !flake nor, ruin for this brunch ..f their I.u.iness an.l alLang t,. I. Ito uninailratelt. they 'sant to , ;ear ~ ut the rt.,, , n us Ps,n as isuasihle. n..vi22 , 11111 Nk . / I LIA M IL\ VEN --THE v.,111t.:•1,1i,,T, • listr• J..111/.1..11 S rst.sria...n.. and 111. A 11.11 K a. :+ . r . FAO AItI.2II.2II'SFL i.. prs psr...l un. st.L. legal. t'..trltner.n.l. S.t.ean.l.nat Jilt `:TI and Inhat 1211 N NU. and furnish es ery artrele in the Blank •Papor and Station s line, at tits non tent notaa, and 0.4 tilt: !watt ra.u.5..a.1./n terms nt+.. nu,l Slat 1.411 . , WU/11M., Printing °Mop all,l ~ . rnor of Market and Lick,nd stn. 010..16 RICHARD Mztnufacturer of too. xa, . Dram 10111 Brourn 1.1)0KING-GLA, IT and I•I47ITHE FRAUF:S. Pluin and I)rnanwot..,l. l'bur ”tro,t All kin,ls..f I ` , .n.p.ltion , vrnaltit•utn, All 1,./.1, •A and re-Wl:ling, 5., Frarnog. whole•nle. to t ',All d n It S r mil Pninting, Engraving... ,1 Lith.,graph, I tit; fz...N.1 Oil l'auak/g, r.nd-red iii tLr 1.. t All Frarno-g and M..‘41•11n2r 11311.11tIEtl turud in this c y unlaatt injur). %Gat wrap anal a au-, nr lun al NI. :I'l At Clair rttreat. Pittsburgh. tnlt2egtl ' TollN Importer uf BRANDIES, WINE: 4 . ic r4,441er in fln,- t/41 Monotn,mla4 v. Penal, linial4,S.. A 1,./ RECTIFYING ..-.1 - ta-r : , ,rnittlnt-1.1 nail Front ettr.4-.1., - i)LIVEB, SADDLE, IlAnNEss \ mANcr.teTutEit, N, 4 St Clair Att., 99. lion (s Cloth/DK. 11 lapa, srla NIILLIN EN & hat ,a 1 Land, at their ex teusive CABINET and Clf A I It SIAM. FAt • /..91. No 11l Sulu hlial/1 greet, a large a/a/orb/wt.( of Fanr) Film/lure. which they will aoll IS par cent lower ill tn. ustoin.,( rates. T.., MA. t onl) . 01E/4'2: 'y 111.111. ES 11/111sE 'lhuiEß,\'.i BLACK SMITII. has er.sled a 000 aO.l Leak Shop nit AL1.191". between Third and Fourth MIST.E.N, SOWN he to prepan,sl to do all t(ork In his lan.. ugh It. utriekt promptitude flaring had long exparience the buslno./1„ he respectfully salieits the patronage of Ma obi puhlic genorallJ Jo:!1 J\III':'.4IELLINGER :11,,ntnigrabela 11111 would respoottolly 10t...0 los friends awl tho t.../ pul.h. th.o. In, ID., os9/I.l.lllnont to m w in lull open.. awl that he is preparol furnish IScit Cabins, and 1/ii or/boe. lot NRL lA . II HER. ith io..inpltiass. and at 11,e lou eel z 0(0, ;ill.l pLutmd .11 Qat I.uth .11 Imn.l and M,,ultling, vC ecery t onto, Os_ It whit., and Cat - venters would find It to thou LaIVII-11- tuq.• Firelihn a all. iv Lo can now furtindi thaw with Plaii,l Stuff, guitablo roerr drocrtplion of aork. corner of ;Market and Fourth E ie largos!. siocii of WATCHES. NU, E Wxt J t% ELI( y.Sr., 10 , found in Wee.t.ern Penn,leanta long 4•1p,..1•L34,.. e.4.11./.1w11,1 rernintloll:lnd gfeirate ahargox 1.! ~en the heineenesnix Hinny in want N awl, or other ttrilels, in his hue, should giro low nit opportuaity is. serve then, U4}.. Pine Wntell Repluring done promptly and In tho hest Inanntr. nor 26 J A YEN HAMS ELI JAY.; V. ILICHET. J3LAX ELY. & RICIIEY, REAL ESTATE thril- EMS. mkruor of arumh uud Sunthliuld struois, Mtn burgh. • Farms, !firemen, Leta, Minn. Furnaces, kn. Ac., bought and sold on WU) 111113 , 1i011 ; Land Warrants lanight, .1d and loca ted: Bills, Ronda and Notes negotiated. Especial attention given to subdividing Farms, and disposing of them. Terms reasonable. nor27:daw A r ITIO MANI:FACTORY—Mits. RENTER, y nix doors from the Aqueduct, oppoalte the Collector's OfHee. Allegheny City, to prepared to BB orders fur Wlttet, and all kinds of URNANIENTAL HAIR WORK. The beat quality (d . material is furnished, and entire satisfaction gum - - 1.4,d. ly VULTON CAR WORKS, FOCNDRy AND _11.: MACHINE Pilot', F. txnuaKT, 0010.—The subscriber feo.ingntoval into hla 000 Wurks, recently erected, ..oruer - . , • ,•i %Vatur,.-311kotiough and Slluldy htreeta, I:, prepared to con tract fbr ' and execute all ordunk fur Passenger. BuicKago. I . .ed , Mine, lion.' Freight, Platform, travel. Hand and all other desk-notions of A 140, fur sT Ea .11 EN(..; I .\ X.. 9 of all sizes, GF.l.lltl NU, RA I L.- 110 A D CA: , TINGS of all doseriptdolut. and all other work appertaining In Foundry and Maclu n« IShop. The Foremen of the dillerent department.; are scientific and practical airs—scantly from .I.lxitern manufactories-- a no ist , T thetnaulved inform.] and adopt all valuable mod ern IMpros unbolts. tanZ/411 j W. W. WETIIERELL. It. 1. CUM-MIN/1-3. C. CU5.15117.....H. C. TtNEB....W. H. WOODW4RI). AkIERICAN PAPIER 31ACIII: MANL-- FA ("IT Itl .N(1 CX/NIPA NY, No. 7$ Second street. Pitts lairgh, manufacturers of PA.Plell: MACIIN CILLNAMP,NTS bar Churrhes. !louses, Stßetnho.. dc.; Mirrur and Picture Frames IV ind,,u and Door Heads. Bracket... Trusses, Cur melts, Ventilators and Contra Pieces for Coiling,,, Itneettue met 11,dildbu. every deecription. size and design. cheaper lifui warranted aura durable than any other arucle now In iris - Orders cze.cuted on the shortest notice. B.—Attention of Steamboat Minders oveciully di rooted to this article, on account of its light weight. C1.31311N5, TLNKS CA). No. 7S Second stroet, bettvden Wood and Market. le2l Pittsburgh. _ .1. H. .10N1.1 E. D. DENNY. JONES A: DENNY, Forwarding and Commission Mor chants, No. HI Water street, Pittsburgh. [apin LAW BOOKS.—I ate authorized to sell low radiu valuable Lave Books. It) vela. Pa Reports, by Barr Bouvier's Institutes; tireenlief 's Evidence; Wharton's Digest, last ed.; And other Reports, Elementary Works. bc. (IEO. F. GILLMORE, sepia at the office of Morning Post. GREASE -20 bbls. for Railroad and Coal Cara, for sale by (decS] lIENILY IL (XILLINB. INFANTS' FANCY HATS AIVH CAPS, at 91 11"0,0,1 Etreot .Idocli .1. WILSON & SON .oU i .on be thoroughly suited with Ambro tYP-e:s or DithmerreorYPro. nt CertOo , s, 76 Fourth .Bt, Liking di. 0040. • /4 ir :'141,Q;,‘ VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AND LEASE.—The tidluw tog valuable property. ittt atx in the cities of Pittsburgh and Aly. t•cunsylc ulna, and other additional Real Estate in ihili - ent parts of the Nt estern country. is now uttered I. e -al c. ire kit. , Lit ti LW. term llf vale an, reiuonabh• tern. City leas. front tlh• nature of the m.le3, mail 'Width of tin• streets, and ItVelitleti 1111113111 g 011,14;11 then,, according to Mr. Malowin's celebrated City District Plan. and fnan their position, will soon biwoine the Inns; parts of this rite. Persons from in distance wishing k, nndte investruttuta of capital in mannfartures, will filet thi, the bent property in or near this city toe the purp.,se. It by two Railroads, /Mil hat also all the etiliVelilelli it the Alkenthy river, WI which it is -ituat•tl. tittle!, Will secure at all nines abundant supplies uf coal, won and lumber st tL. clieapiaq rates. Agent, No. 201 Liber t U folluwing very choice ar EMI Eloguet, Loudon Cordial, Sch oappis. SUNDRIES. Rutherford'. Scotch Ale, Barchty'. Loudon Porter, Wild Cherry Brandy, Absinthe, A I/motile, unseen, So ha Kati Java, Young Ilya. and Black Teas, Eng11...,11 Bronson Cheese, luiported Havana Cigars, of TKRus IJF S t , 104,111111 :0 leuel, nud 110 hal an, of equal :0010a1 I.:1)110.0v: in qix yean , ecured truth interetu payable SCRIL-antkuully. Forty-nine tot, fronting ou ilit•lieu) lino. ID tin', Ninth Kent ul the ot Pdt-tio ,11. :24 foot '2'27 depth to Itutler Id, Fifty Lote ou Mitlet . etrio(-t. It t 1 '_‘“.ntil \e.lil , 94 frot hl tlvritli si*o..4 , t1..4,1'/.1:1i.r.1 vile Forty-eight I.U' fronting on ern/W/111111 4[1,10 1 C4I frit tqu'll It (0 z/g a (rota ;)( t 4 feet tio.l depth of '.l•.:v fret to Sven, alloy. Forty,..ven hotA opikwitv 11, Rhos., on Snnilltrool nowt having it flow of ioet Ly 1 - 2‘: al .11 pill 1., Mull-•,1) alloy. l'orty-00, Lot, on POW) qtrrg•t, I llni i ll 1 In depth to NI y 01l y. various brands, Obi Itonongahola Whisky, of all grades. ilrx eknizinctud with the bud -1313.29:W0n. F 0113,1., orptrsini .kbo, s 11,11 of 21 frwt ,t. l.n, to :1,, Tw.uty-tier Lit.. Lib, rev :Art...Lt.:it it hat Inv 74 Itttrt Lt ICtO fott In depth ttt ,Tring Sixttt.tn I,tt, tttt ftt•t.tittttlt °At., t. tt.lttttn ns tilt tttilt, tlttpt - tt of U. Pttntot)lvattott Rath U., kj./liV:1113 thllttrt•tit titittn won, tIe , CLI •LZI .11 1110 .i.[ I`.•un 11... t ❑ LdLL ./0 :in t .0/ 1\ tact ot depth,. l'nrry ILA% III.! n Irontn.nnanl •ntlrLd. FT 6.1, and InILLon6 niLL•nt 1... t 1 L ‘l,Ln•LnLi.dt Strnet. A Lot (..1 ,1%.111.! ..1.1.,1t• vin; n fr,pn: ,7 leo& uu lirt•.-n0t0...“ 31,1 .o ".11 t v ..r. twak 0., (It s.ith ri,,t .•i lot. leet ll.od GAI th. 141.. Lot No. 2:I litt: . /tputuue,.l.l. Om, 01.1 tsl U.lllll°ll mid Witt, ,Irvi•t, rat ( . .•1:.11o , 11 of hu le, by 2.-Itth., In dttfttlt.ta t'AttetU..-Iff Lot it. the I:..roth-li 1,1 1,. on Ow t and Gay :d1,,. hiss 11:4 al it of Alt f-a, by '..4t1 to ,Itspf.ll Futt•tusl.y atrt-t Lot Na. N'l m th.• th Nv,t itent, Ytn . ot. 11111111 z., ts)l..et 1.) ":4b to not Lot bi, in the ',III, !Any , . n 1 , , vurrtre,t r, 1C• ~r PITT TI)WsSIIIP. Fifty oti••• r... ..,.11!:(1dit.1.1 .46,1 T„v l. •• I,skt3l: 01 .r4l the Y , ,1111 !List!. and "...vent) It•or 1.. y t1h.41.1,4 ' . l /,.l, th, L.uU oi 1.1,.111,1 'ST.ATF: UI INDIANA A t:a. t 1.1.1 fAio 144 in t indyd train 111.-yun,, z , TATE 11.1,1N01S ("(((.. thousand hn(1.1(...1 :And Isrt,t:t) 111 HAD dolph ,o111,(.1 tliviznitnd litho hunt and I' a m J $i uFA., mi... 4 a❑ the appl . , Ft , th.• 770. 1•11 A 1:1.F. , It '4'l 11.1. ___hu,'-`1 .11%r Third ..:.-..t tt ....I t T.. Nt 10)1 i t F:1; nd tl 1.. If. .tr. the Pt t: nn.l tart 4111,44 1.- 1,...,0 Tito , t,.1 will k... t o 'l ‘l .1 : . 1..:V1V ta ,• nt ; .ulit•:1• - ,41, t • 14144:4511: 1.1 In. 1. 11, 'l4 ..I, ! 1 111 1 1 .4I114 1 4: A prultuu,n) :11 1•,11.. , .1,,,it j“..1 14, ..1•1 I I,tt, 1'1.41 11, 4 :.11 LI.. t.s fort-1 , 411i 1., • —4 t •• n..ual.l.lit•d 111 • I. • . 1 • • 3 : • : 'llOlllll. I, Let,•4,r 1.1 ~,, . .1.4111 •, .11: 1.1 lg. i,;, :••14.•i• tt tjki.—. I, Iu ‘‘ Liwit• 1..0 n rut,;,, fait, .- -ja 1 , 1,3".ut I. - it -1, •,‘ ; •:. • 1., :1, M. t all 1.I• :•••-A t is 1 air )•t 1.1 ir tit at j,•. , !• l•rt tur cr NIA) I 'r••...• tut.. rur I-, largt• K^ 1,11.11 rnt Irrt- 17 Irr r 5 A. rt •I, 4uttat•lll,lll atr I turtctuti....ttt pi •111 rit •), rtl l'ttr.) tour ract Isrrugitt thr rr,.:tt tlt..rtt , r•rt •rr• atru not I.‘ 1,1n.‘4%, n rnrri . .1 G 4,1,1) .-111.x..1 3. ••• .. II . Tt.," I. •0t , 4t...(nc,.., h•u: 1.ru•k..111;.1 ; „ ; 1 . 11,13%/111g 1..1. II 1 ~ r T1;45!..• • I• : ;.• It IL \. I I.;ft!; AL-3, That ~t ,km):1•• tl AP.1..1 I , .1 .1. \ t . t 1.4: t. 1,1 1 .1 tttltttitt ‘ltt't•ltt t tt 1 tt: t• tt: N% tookl strowt, r I , t tt •:. ::111 -. 1.1.1' , . IL ,•'T • :mi., ‘. • k • „. „ I'...nttwyl:Arii, 311 Li r•; all 111.•/ , 111 ' • ti." I. z 1., 1— num,/ ••11. w, I • ItItl• II I:1 \ 1:".r.2: FS 11“: 11 • - • • , • : 111,,TY tn.•l n : • . . lug m t LW' II• t l '• rt' IL,« 1,,1 ill' qn,n, kat • 4,,!, ••i% 1.• loV«11 T utt. Egl,t , 0„, All (boil: ar... , 111,... - 1 I. rut t :.•t,;. .it rtnnt...y tunl smtl tttoll •••it pot. dit att•l e ti prlntell Kegt..ter ••r ”!.•1 1.. t”.; • ! Imn.2-Lin4 TlitlNl 11i titjt,t, 7 I , ..urth ~•; • 11).1i. \Wit/ S \ LE. - :••!x!N! t dlr.! t tl mtlllt 4 L.i t,.. h.tu,l;,lllh, , t tut Itutp.l rut tl,. sl.• 10 , t,.... : tu t. ,1 burgh. an Ib. ..tti.1,11.-.1 Nr. .t..th I tat •it 11., t It I Ur. nt t att •t; r r•lrt I Ctuti t• 6v.•lt • in •imil•ly. Sio luttlitu ittott, nupl, t \ F. \ • I,ltt tl, -It 101.1. k sr,' ,—• I 1..,r,1 ;, ,••••••;1 at Ow ‘1 LS • \ f•t..•tt. '11; . .Ir , ~t !.. I aria 11 tallutt•••1 : 1, , tta I ; • t ; ,•tat nud U.aust It in u.flo,t intration—a,•ll antart• !A IL aL. 1.,, 1t. A it:miler of great oroir , iny it, In.Ltnie br,• - n< rtt i. And intik., A la illtant Fortunes ill wale of it, an , l the territoi will Le ~ t ),l cheap, 11/11', noy•Yßttldw .\ gent AI Patentee. EFTER 'v LAN .• I elt h din-iota \Vt.:nein Stale-. by which chute, lardy rim lA. lot And at ILA eminent pew , . Persons detitrAtel of looittlng land, either hd bp. ;nation At . fur artltal,ettLir, rt. ail! Lid a t ,, It./ :llihtre tst• tin a rail. huo of our eeerebtottetentll 111 lowa hue ht the 1144 , ix trucks In critical!) ratuninaL; the Luc L. lit wit subject to ...try, and as met , it. that In. lA. , ,lertell tnt, (MlO ,tires of choice laud... MAI, ELY k 1111:11EV, eeptYlnlaw owner 50001111. And ;trait .!re. lA. AI.LA I-% NT/ F lit SALL_ nn. ;,,„ 0194:111.1, ehrthltr tit , h h • t: t•t ty pooite . •- art or 11,1 Thal lan well. and In verr -leg,. rlllier 1. , 1 A e t Weida inn, building. iotu. PT VT, le, rut e,..r. ) notr.bl TIIRELT A 11th, :41 Ntaik r t rt }NICE 81,11.1i1N,i rl's at 1,.1. I. a air! a. eurinundant, le, eh I ,ty:ll.•ltt. ple,Artily k!ttieted •r ehelt.llllt Ntehet. LaN 1 , •11 e 'lllllt 11 ,, MIMI,. Ant, .• tins ano a!! oil • t , ...• A ttrehtttlialt t 11,1 p I••(. and 1111, • I 11. , ahl.lVt• 41.4 rig!,,s ••••• B rc AIN OFFEItEI). • --Tile Lithlersi L moti „m a ., 1,,r IX Li rr, , nroittel frontind and arljtninnic the Deika of the Pitted/MT h nurb I ',lle I :;1. Railroad,bn the glowing and tYii la,na liorough rti NI h hF POUT. Your 01 the Lots ar, 1 fret It! a altlt ht al , ont I:b.i in depth, (ranting lit eh,' and ttli Ilee 1..1.4. eh I it Il.r. utteef un Sinclair Street: and la, of then! fronting. for their whole length an Whet adreety. Atso...-TWO WI'S. 117 . ket 111 ,I. MI, fr. m ling th....th, tilde of Ind 1...p..t, and iii ;lupin 11 —WI.' .0 the Lut, h0r.1.•. lug fotAtl ivie.• length on J eroni.• xtr..q No batter property ran be found, and it will h e null low Part of the payment taken In 5t....1. of Elie C01i.•11,..1ie Itallrowl, if dotted. 0E)). F...11.1.M. , 11E, (1111.... .0 11... Mondry, Pot Pittaburgli, August It, 1555.--itlawtf DIRECT from the Staffordshire Potteries— A !Ate arrival of QUEENSWARE. at the old sta,al of II EN 11l ) LIG BY, No. 1'24 Waal Niroet, Pitt.. burgh. This asit..rtment embraces 1 , 01110 new and choice apples of white Breakfam. Dining and Toilet Sets, ..1 htillitint Whiteness, from one of the firm tool./ liwturerm in tkiglaq., Also, Vitraled blue and N. Into Iron Stone Wu., fur Hotel; and a very general and superior variety of all artitleeufTlint Oleaa, and other wares adapted to the w....t.... of city an 4 country trade; all of which will be di5ix.....4 .0 at low pritt.a4 ....vf. Polo fillet On tint bark part .0 the 1.. t is a Cellar Wall, built fur two small huurte.s. Th. lot In inn ril - Wirnitle heath, for a rualliptice; and will be sold low, and on nivoi able terme. Title go:4,and clear from Incumbrauce. Enquire of OEtt. F. 011.1. MORE, Jyl2 a at the office of .Plotting P....t. DSSt3liti'lliNiili PARTNFNISHII I .— TLC partnership furtnod by the undersigned and ./..1211ES ON EA 1.. in carrying oil "THE C-21.ILDEL9 COAL IVOR ES," odor the name an style of JONES, O'NEAL L - MILLER, In now dia. waved. ISAAC JONES, July ' 1855. JOHN D. MILLER. m r ,,,,._:: 111,14 freas6 for Side by D 1.7 14 kilti s i ai. /./. OULLLNFI PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1853. FOR SALE 1, ND TO LET Twenty nen•r at rite ov.oli; -1 th.• 11111= 111 MISCELLANEOUS HORSE °wit] --lieutleuteu requlritig llom. Cloth ing will tied u ho - ge OM EICS, N,, St. Cluir strerl, blatila.ls, 75 tcliGs au.lupwards Wrappers owl ,leivlang Robes, dc. non MISSES' FELT II ATS, at No. 91 AV” , .,1!-:t. , h ,•l ii IL.OhS S N)]. T ACK EREL-100 bhls N. 3. Lage I'l lul hf bbls • SKATES: SLATES: SKATES!-50U pair ~f tn. ^ fit c•liti+ h. $?..50 pvr pair; ot them rrry aesirahle leatern... For sale at 0,0 3.0 (toIVN c. TETLKI - S. 136 11 . 0,K1 I)( SK AT E STRAPS, of good 5 k_f t), 1014,01,1 largt , and small. from a) to 50 cry, ER 1 , 4' pa,. Ktle at TO ROWS Lt. Tni.J.: . AFEW tia,se unrivalled RIFLES, wi t then• in se inset, talk abo. for the lin,' pri.. ;5.1 4, . all warranted. sale at ItOWN k TK'rLEY'S. G oiTs, TRAVE I. NG till ANV LS--.1 wit ;•nit ite,eatalent. Ale, Mufflers. Scat le ntei I.:euts' Neck Shank, tt) 1. itSIIFIELL) A etttt, GA [NI: LETS, of every description .f Fur. Also, Ittak lined h fur. tin,l rut tape, et the naltieh ing Store,ta -- t:10, 1i11t....;11F lELD A S I , IN )INE A FPI. E I F.F.SE-h mid It.r rule 1. by it FYN' Fat & Dier,,oN. • Gi,ovES—(ln hand, a full assortnuaa, ~•t. 11,script,n. by I. 1111t,IIVIJKLIt A NIN. :-T I , i..A.cit . ; v:IIE:AT INI l'ht.i% F.)IF..s.T, for h. II nits, tetlennel June N.. nui,hot voth.Aa M"StiS F. HA'llO., Agent. ILr Patent,. knurl!, .41 - ..• t. 14.1 . , 1. , the lallanntg At.•lnteete J h•al. F.e•l . Chat is hat Ileaget, . enJ Mee, Flt - EN.ir 4 ok 1 BOOK-KEEI'ING (rrntal 1011 ..r flak, wit havi , .40th , -1 Ha. 1 , 111101 40•I1 iwc. , unt, that mnoy of them ale 111 11o• 111111 uar. It I.lllblll, e- 11... II 11..1, 1 , 111tIta• • / freight ultd I , ,,eit Art n ~ ut., 111111 . I.ILII/1. ag , qo4.- 1,17, Awl •Itii.111•1a. ^(11111 .11 as 1, ,11/6 o 1.11•1. 111 .11 - • t.aarler dm lie, 11, 1111 1•, , e1 vlll,l, tlealenle I..toru &11d all, .•! and I .410 I v,al ipf gi4ll 111 ,tO. - 11/ f 41.01, at .4 11111. i .11,‘lcfrk,‘ 01 fund ~.:1 itia I.e. fit' Ow luny ter i.nt RAZ( qt,., t•itt an, 11 , a trial. arid t, 0,1%1111 . 01. It“WS d - 0 15 ;sir. ,Jr no nal, at 11011 N A VI . 1 , 1 , 1E1 , 1 Al'E --ll.atnt In It l ,, lMtitaloin Gun V 111 1., g nl , "Inn Rllll IW /t1141) . '•- MO tlt ‘1 ga•••I pr, rata lnmlL. wag,. $ 2 l,•. ; I I • g.• t.• :••••.•aa-kley and Now fit i gli4.n; It. Jul.. WI la•t• tn On. • •t) a gian.l Illarksontla. Sit LIAO 1.% a. 1..) lalst 11:Lbit Wk.! i glTa g.x.l h man tr• lei is . la ct. tau 10. , 4, a!- 4 , the c4utur , a.rruage •It.t r. a gb.r.i..nPr. A p;•Is ut EAR: 'A WEL 1.1.11 ;EN CE 1 )141C E, 410 Lilwrty nti,eL 00%17 B LANK BIK)K, , et) A. A •1 s • t, 1.41.04. 1:1“111: .1•+'I!. Mall: li..k )111.ttufrt , ittr..1 - DI .kI:IES I - 't it; _A t•r t .,,t I •••1•1,, II • 1 ,, A. t U.. 1' tt- I • ." 1f,.1 T ifi: C.I:1C11:1N 1. int.J Foglp.ti .41 .•.t T As, 1..4 1% ,t _ . •,1 \ NI, A\ I , II I 1.1 KN .111Nli 7.• .tcz•vt - qtr 1 . 1.1ur, h.sol ‘.I I the .II•1..t. Cr, .1 ul.l. towor11.•• D i/; (I 1.1.1 Carl Of. •LLA ,v,lntittg lake nu! pritx. ?old •••••• tr. Bap - 1...a+ I/ sit. i !!. Nfluic.rt larvei - 1 - It 'II l.h: I.( )11 at .1 ‘,. 11N, .5, I ‘lk.-1 I htl.-1.1 ..f n.l. 11. 1, 11. I 1:'1T,1 1111 u..A 11. - •, • I. Litt,' id/ 1••: I bv,341 1 1•!11 ,, \ 1111 , \ I/IAP , PKlrn , 1‘ \, , N \ \ -1„111;:! . . I!, 1. 1 , ..tt -I 1., -t, 1.. ould 1,1,1, It Ow) in 0 lin IM Il!liE111=EIIIII!!!! II L'" I.l.l'tiirt 2! I. 2. ME= V /ilk . , 1-I . ‘ "( • • 1;1. i • ;..1, .r tt, I. ‘% r tt to lir. \‘. .• It .1 ••I t 1, I 11.. =EINEM •. +iq IN l• ua~ ..,i. ~ ~ . r:~~. =EOM! I i. aI. ~,-I i.alk•ts Ilil I r...• . P. : LAi 1. 1 . 1 sti IIEIMIIIIIIMIEMEI t -1 11. , \ll I II .‘ rk:114.1; ‘1 .\ 1:1;.1NT. The hi , he -t ilLakct Ij . 1 , 1.1 10, MO rt:,l I'4o k. 1.• Lkil INt r gui.l I fiU A f %% art not•. i.nu .I ut..l (I ItLAK ItICIlt:1, N , •1101 /1/1.1 •b• 1 / 1 ;)11 \ cIIEAP—A BI ILI) 1\ \\:'. 7. /col by b,I) 1.1 ~.CL .a. i. L..e Lr :~pph 111 g w.al at LI.. “111, ,1 . 01'11; ‘11.!: \ I \ LuT Lug, ii..nt ••n Car••••n ••tr••••11.v 1.4 fe,t do-rith „1.; 'l, • Ili, N1,r1,111,4 1 1 ,41 `, l I\l. 111. \CH \\ I Ltsi; ' 4 11041 , 13 )I.t ro. . I th.• A .\ .MA :` r • ( . I I lt1:l I I lin.. T.... 111 o. • 1.11..1111 ~,,,tl. It.• 1;1, I. 1.•• I •r.. .1. 1.1..\1 I N c../ 11, 11.1i,..zi I qu.i \ TRIEII 11 N‘1;1,111", 1.1(ENIIIM 1444... try tt. i 44141 ).4u aII 4444 :•44 44:/14..1,4 ll .4114... 4.4 n. 4414 144 r WI; 14 . 4117" S 1140111211 r .41 441:9 , 1,4,4^t a m . 4.141414..4 :41 - ticle. 44 rs. r Maio by 4411 Druggimb, '25 vr . \\144.1..44..1, , N 14.4ter II I 4.r). t, Dr. KEY:4ldt, IL H. 4 . 4i4L4.1 , :145 & 1444,1 .14/11N II A 47. aulrltl F\ 'ITI:NIEN'F--The people arc rushing to ENTEItPI4I,F., 74 Fourth ,441,1, 1.,r P4llll, ..•11t.i. and AR RI 11. F I II \ 1,111\17 GooDs !lasing Just returnml lroin si• , 1.4 k.an.l 13.• st. nitlt...l that IL.. List •teiliner. th.• 1.1. ,11., (i.l1.11;r1 , 1, I'. ..I I-, ~1., iintdrd Ti , '.. Undershirt.. wet bra, t't •, Aliiltiers awl iiitni,l4. TrIIVOIIag .Q der ; le 'in I lue.irtirietit t t gas.lii in our 4. , ;00,1.. 10 .4.11 ,I,ALLOO• Fr , L. 11.11;SIIFIELli s SW,. No 70 W0 0 .1,,i L. 0•1:1 1,0w0,0 Forth ,o.lcet And Fla IT, • .0.• _ _ . 1 , 1 1,-41 Ih r Appi4; •• ny.ts•rtetl l'rt•s••rs t•T•t; Iu •• 1.••• I ; J tt:.t r.r eive.l and fur Mk In RE \ A \ I , EltSt \l'.-4 rt. p 1.,, to St t'ttarle, 11-tttl. 1, , It N CT, hug , Filtrert,; •• Estglinit Walnut • . '2fl •• 1r it Nut. :At ft Itils Ilica 11l bags '• 10‘0 i`t,eon Nub.: 10 L. , 0,3 Shelled Almonds Jurt receieed and fur sale by nov'Ss 12.EYM Ell .t .ANDERSON. 11 , 1...4TE1t - 11 4 JN N i.T... , .--MRS. E. DA V ID: 4 ON, N., v 33 St. Clair street, will spell a large assortment i A 1'1...ail I34.nnets, Caps, Mantles. and Ntavile worked •••44 -L1....d5, oulfhursday, Noveintwr 1, 1655. nuvB rAG AZI NES, S:c.— -Lt l. Ifarper for Decenther ; price 20 cent. :Tatham do do 20 do Knickerbocker do Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fatthion, 20 cents. Frank I...ealle's Journal, is .1,. i'Vterth 'WS Magazine, 17 (i,dey's Lady's Ileak, Lyi do Ballou's Magazine, 10 du Westminster Review ; Blackwood's Magazine. Just received and for eat. et LA Li ait'S moan Cheep Bookstore, No. 30 riftlust. rNI A A LUABLE BRICK 110USEB Fort _t SALE-7 os, lab' and }lli "Flit rd 'street. F.akil loth,. nun' of 2J feet, by deep. The homes are arranged with a large storeroom, hull, diningroom and kitchen uu first Mad.. four roonui tab the second. and three on the third story. Both houses are now and In good order. noedil ,' d CUT.ELBERT dt liktN, b 3 Markat ea. ==ll • T-• • • •fa , J 4t , ••• f~ .~ ~`~~ BONE TUESI).II MoRNINC Fur sal« by HENRY If. coiLINR. The third week of the -essioti has nesriy ex pired, and no Spenker has yet been selected to preside he Hon-, 11. , 1,,,,,aat Wit.h the newspapers thi , 6s hr.nroe a steriiii typed oli-ervittion, which tuly continua be Until the trillliplar `tat, of virile, in the House shall be reduced to Ix(' parties, (wen- rying Ittltag. , nistio and 1 , 7 ,1,,i ng clearly , !.-line,! 1,1 inci ries. T. thi c. , 1,1)1,xi0n t i, now -10.1% . , y and aithoool it inay app.' t . ,•nt (runt chati t .tr. in lit vote V,ir Si.cakor, it it fairly t1,10,•11,1t. (turn "ccktpiel It y , t•N era) tat atitcr, '1- tilip.l by thern,eivr, iirt,ent the . k ha- bet 1. ,peitt iu diacti...,,,ire &Late rather than in I, 11l ding. 1 Ll' 11.111 - • tdlll - 11141 tine or t%,.. t.. rat - ilitate nn urgani zarien , erving it+ the ace:la-1i f..r a gent ral du hate. inai.l‘itig the ilithettlties in the v. ay 1. hat iug a .Speaker, the :.la‘t.i‘ ln a-ka. tint an tin. .1 -, aught hat r Leen t .legiee ,tp i par..•,,l rip pre-rtrrtr•rl 1.0 11.• 111-11,1ttiQ, rrf Ithhhtlthg Pn IMO , / . t can ni I I d elhe ' a id that ;;. is ,•% t•ltilLg, byt the elianient... ..r tr1,311,J ate Ite, 0, impatient ..f re-traint, and it i net :Atria - Li] therefore that there bece iti l these .!‘nir,-.1,,ti.,n,.r feeling. ashen the real ~w•-• . ,0n Hu - nivel in an if the i- ap proaching. These illnuile-tatiutl,, hoarser, pru eyed entiri•ly from the the Lull, being etadineal 1. , the Black, 1111-1 Know Nothing,: the lieniecrat, ...ta..u.l 1 ., their i . ..1.ir-, and certainly ni s rt without goof deal intere..l. the netvett...re-, the hrhorll lit {lll II Hitt ttirittlrh 1011 ' fire Ireinecrat , are calinly await iieg tic artiun (if the rei.en-ihlt . ;11: I thr n.r partioipate in the anxietN. A general yucrtiuniug fn-in all Dart , of the t., the ditlerent grulleulcu and f eitelipat ty general iletinine tit .1. of ihe the,. - • x..ei.ting the liernaeratit party, the p.ei•itien of which has I li,•en detitti,l with iiiiviluivocal exiti!litude. When ever the Dew...erne% drawn i tt t._, t h e d, - hate. it net failed ta „ ter „f the ad,.p1,,1 I.:, the er itie party at if- prelishantr cattcu4, nit, the mark at %stitch the Bi de ], Ilepublicar thd Nathin,f iterew. t.t . I IVt•l't . Irt fly. Ile - , l•taine.i ...g.h.tt I. tAo 11.%)1. I=l :1 , i11111a0.4 , 41 ,•: I.:• 111 , "l pain prinrip!e ;I,e 1,.r of party w,trfare Nlr. 0: hi , 11.1. precist - 1y That •cl, I i I or) '-r;:rt•-- i 0 111, !Hat ter )±..) Witt I knoll a thitt hi- ‘l‘.le.liret.!. , iti pity rather than hit - •:,•ak , VllOl ft rid: ~f I !!;'lt krtrt• ntindtt•r ttr Ll. It . .ttlr-Itt,titO•ttr. I.t•lv c.t. nx '::11t 1 :I :11 IV au.•>n❑ I . 1,1 I ;li,tl , 1 t• 11,1 4 1 11:1 , .. )4 . :1Vt1 W. 1 •,• t ‘-t ~ .t Inn', utter ‘larlsne,,, artnoilri,•p- Inent that lit .•tuced t3 , 11,Rier31,1, :111111`t•Infili In the hal! e , 4erloy, 3,1 the . 31,1 h•, ‘1:1- 1 ,eritog er the har , •f e‘ 3;e:Itl, do - 3 t the ruining- it t , In I:II:Cir. 'Fhere 3re ,thi.r tlit• •.; 114 .1 V. \ pkrt o. ..f I CI nu:r.l:T. • `,1,..1•..•1 i , nirtr-r 111/1 I I, \\ \f 1 4.111t1 t. , delilLt• llii It I'l,lllht, !•.% i;It• ;[ r {%•••1 te:l 1:1`NI I 11 - 1.4171:' . • Flub r 11: Lick \ , JILL: 1,, L III 01/.., 1 1, •111, , ,:u1 n 11.11 . 1 . Ctotitill;SellvV. It I , ~ 111 the 1/1.1:1.kCI low II tA . 11 11-, •t> It. • t — . 1,1 I Yu!',, • .\;: ;H:1 .• 1,, ,• ~,• :lent t., .de prf•- % t 421 I.rj'llt:/ Tili• 1 . 1• , ..111il(,11 pl./V . 1 , 111T rt.,' the elocti.trt "r /I )y 1,1 hOl`fl \„t{ , l 11111k1 . 0.`1.111 I.! t•,•ti.j,.; - pretiy gruerally Hitt, Th =MI I ..t • iw:‘• th,y !,• ,t11...•0t0 n:1 an I Ow 1112111 NC .11,k11 1' 11 ,, 1V 1 ,,, V , , , •11‘ ,111 1. , , 1• t•Vii 1 111•••111 , !lig It.tt•l II , 4.tllilenl h•trra-. tilt. g...sitrlttilitht it litc , ter; 1 . 4 . 11,1 t.. Cr.t it- ' , 111 , 1 ,, T . 1. htit i^ Att th, tsttull prttit.., • but A ttltitt..r,try tlorutt„ - ,.• went. A pttretittn-i.titt4 or .I;thgor I tout it,ttitt tptt, ‘‘,.tiltl but exittitt• !to ritrittr,m tlr th, th, t., therowa , ; - lpetl.zer. . 11 p„ ! ! lot Ito oett think Ih:it there iv hoWitig ,luny, o r that i;artie, .tre and Cite po , itodi e,!: and t..Ntiey deteniline I. Mr. t' e l,h. ‘‘1... , e re :11.i.e.irtut,e in the 11,ntse it pret.ert- LtiliVe , 1111 , keen greeted Itith general -.uiaactiuu thretiP,!l.eut the o.putttry, ti-s• n; 'peaking initeiliatel, lip.in the i -no iii- Nikred, and ilia into usiele , s and the 01.0 , 101 111..111!),I . glib furt.her 1101, lI 11 to the 11. 1 1„,n.jemi, , ,6 "I' at , llitc , tart experie::ce to t, t . .qitei in the Deinucraiii• rank . Th i s soaat,i were confident of the of the Il u e to Org•inizy, that is adjuLiril 0,1 ~ve r yeiderday until Nionility. The holiday , : are near Ilt when usually nothing 'in done town lir, are already pairing titl in view tit a litilef vi-it to their Inoue, A talk with their ci.ti tdititents will do theta al! good, and alter the hnlidayr they will reitii perliaiiii organize without thrther delay. The election of print er to the Senate Las been postiKmed until the second Monday of January. Sonic o f the Democratic Senators are disinclined to support Judge Nichols n, and the intervening time will afford an opportunity for some (an promise. By the way, a Mr. Feller, the editor ,r the Ohio ✓ocrnal, published at Columbus, understand has been nominated by the Black Re publicans for printer of the House. so fa, ieB away the prospects of the Organ 4.„y-Counterfelting.—Suc.h in generally the fate of ernre truly meritorious art., 1,. Ihat Wholt by its iesuol 'sorth it eatabilSiles it reputation, then it ia that some unprincipled persons, ecru at the rink of life, will ;mini oil to the unsus pecting an articlo wore likely to kill titan to rues. llonce so ninnylinitauuns of Or. J. I.I.!STETTUSii CELBrat ertn STOnarli Birraus. The r!inutertletter, usin g II," argument order to effect saleNi to Ritterr to purctrnati ft !nal, them. and .11 it in Hostetter The genuine aittielti needs only to 110 tastod to se credit its great worth. Wholesale coil retail depot, Nu. :in; Penn street, and by the druggists and hotels gra n -rally throughout the United States and Canada!, ilivargTTEß S SM/TU P' .- ••'i . ''....r . ''..:'' . :f.':' - : - ';;:'..';'-;'.7 , ;.:' , ! - 7: - .'t•-:.:-',•••"'n''''. rirrsmr - lic rosT. PROM WASHINGTON. SorreA:.!l4loll‘ ti hi tAmr,ll M. , rnlng Post .Ste Otxtrval,n—.[ 11,4 ,:f fl rifling up— lAtiheny I u..ihunr--J . f;id Ornt”ry - Faller-- rmaen, 7l , i r TA , Al renyllA our Instant, ;Id!, , :r - 1100•,11 /'„6i Vin:iitsGroN, U4•cember 21, iru-; thou t , LH, hu. IMITIEMMI :411ki 1111111,11 g ti Li I, 1., Ili I. ~:,1 I::," ~..i,,1:, i 4 N.- I 1 , 111 11 , ..“ ili• '14,111 .+,l .t . 1 an.; 1..1 e I I ,c ~ i tl e lIENIII I•,i by' .t .l 1111'11 -t itotl bq otto .\ll- }Miter \II r.•I I ~. ~> a'~Ay} R f: .'~: NOBODY'S STORY: D EMBER lie lived on the bunk of a mighty river, broad and deep, which was always silently rolling on to a vast undiscovered ocean. It had rolled on, ever since the world began. It had changed its course sometimes, and turned into new channels, leaving its old way dry and barren ; but it hail ever been upon the flow, and ever wits to flow until Time shall be no more. Against its strong, unfathomable stream, nothing made head. No living cretitilre. no flower, no leaf, no particle of iinitintte or inanimate existence, ever strayed back from the undiscovered ocean. The tide of the river set resistlessly towards it; and the tide never stopped, any more than the earth stops in it, circling round the sun. Ile lived in a buy place, and he worked very hard to live. He had nehope• of ever being rid' enough to live a month without hard 'work, but he was quite content, lied knows, to labor With a cheerful will. Ile was oneof atrinrthense fasiily, all of whose sons and daughters gained their bread by daily work, 15rolonged from their rising up betimes until their lying down 'at night. Beyond this destiny he had no prospeut, an•i he s mght none. There wilt over-much drumming, trumpeting, and speech-making, in the 'neighborhood where he ill, It ; but he Lad nothing to do with that. Duch eidah and II pn,or cam, from the Bigwig laimiy. at the unaccountable proceedings of ;vliieh race he marvelled much. They set up the , trungest statues, in iron, marble, bronze, and brass. before his doer: and darkened house with the vga and it - lib, of uncouth images of fie wondered what it meant, -.roiled in a rough good-humored war he had, and kept at hi. , hard work. The Bigwig family (composed of all the noisiest) had undertaken to save him the trouble f thinking for himself. and to manage him and hi.: affairs. •• Why truly," I have little time up on lay hands : and if you will be so good as to take care of ine in return for the money I pay over - -for the Bigwig ihmily were not above his menq--- I shall be relieved and much oldiged, ewisidcring I hat you knew best." Hence he drumming, trumpeting and speech-making, itild the ugly images of horses which he was ex pected to fall down and wor,liip. ti , ""T-Ho Pt under-tan , ' all this - „aid he, rill , - I.ing hiV 'Tom - ed brow confe,edle. • ' But it has a iiiennin ,Iciiinylie. it' I could find it out ” •• It moatdf" returned the Bigwing fatuity, susre•rtint htinTothing of what he said, 4‘ honor and ghrryt in fii4 highest. to the highest, merit." - WI: " Fula fie. And he was glad to hoar that. 111:t Wlif . ll he looked among the images in iron, marble. hrnnie, and brass, he failed to find a rather meritorious countryman of' his, once the 40 1 -, o f a IV,irwickshire 001:Slealer, or any sin gle c,ottr man whosoever, of that kind. Ile coidd tied n.ole the men who-4 , knoledge had esened biro and his children from terriiie and 111 , i1glIri lig di!-.ease, whoa boldness has raised. his fore-fatlos, fruni the condition of setts, whore fancy had opened a new and high emisteure tho who , , ,kill hal filled the 111.11 c S World with accumulated wooden.. 56 hereas. 103 did tind utheni whom he knew no f. viii even others whom he knew much - I don't quite under 12 went home. an.l e , at down by his fire -ble to grt it out of his mind. Now, fire,ble was a bare one, all hemmed in by blael:enol , Ireet-:: but it wam a precious placr to 11;.u. liia children, stunted in their gi tu, here trace- of Unwholesome nurture: but Cory had beauty in his sight. Above all other thintr.s, it was an earnest desire of this II I all! , llllelllll, =aid he, I ' for want knowlo.lg,v, lea,t let them know better, and nn If it is hard to me to rear C.. • liar\ e-a of pleit , orti and instruction that is in let it Le easter to them. I,unly broke into violent Conkeriling '% hat it was inwful to t • ~•h to thl , !:1311 . 4 dliVreil. Some of the f , ain itt,l.ll on such lung heinc primary and I'l ashore ILI other things: luvl others i.onily insisted on such another thing be and indispensable above ill usher the Bi.:wig family. rent into laetion..=. a:,.t,• paruphlct=. hehl can vocations. delivert , l ~ ration..., and nil varieties of discourses : Anp ,, ntided ‘ , 1.• ~thee in courtm Lay and courts threw ,het, exchanged 13111111nel and feil t,Tether b.% the male in unitthodi • anhit•, , hy, matt. i n hi •Ir rt et cuing anatehi at h , a tire-side. r-aw tin ;,• ~,., n I frll,,rance arise thre and take his ail ,::• n t, , tz,ell. ;lc ,a , A , his daughter peevertot •.: ht ltv. Itternly drudge ; he saw hi , -on ,•k , 1 , %V , 1 Ni - rty , or low , ensinility. to rut stilt- atol crime ; he saw the dawning light ;;;:el;:gilice In the ey es of his listoes so clang_ catimn.; and suspicion, that he could \ wi;died ;hem idiots. I don't. understand this any the better, " . i " but I think it cannot be right. Nay, i~r;Ito clouded Heaven above me, 1 protest roll; " Boc •inin•4 lII' A . L.7 - till 1 1 , 1' Lis pas -ion nas short-1.v..1, and nature kind.) he about at on his Sunday , . and holidays, an d h e sa y ; h lii u,•:, n, o not.,ny and we a gln e ,,... Iva ", drunkcnite , s ar, , e t. ILL all its tra.it or ruin. Then lie appealed to tits and said, .• We area labor ing people, and I have a glimmering suspicion in me that laboringipe.,ple or whatever condition ti c m lade uglier intelbgence than a • t p,,..r1s tind tud 1i,..10 :Uhl e tt hat to 1 IF'in e Inge'_ t: lulo. t• 'Tit tcithuut it. fume .U 1 1 ,1•0 Wt. ,huw me surnething, give Pm: here the 'dip\ ig family fell into n state of deafening. When some few voiee , were faintly heard, proposing to show him the wonders of the world, the greatness of crea tion. the nOglity changes of time, the working, ~f nature and beauties of art—to show him these things, that to say, at any period of his life w hen he could look upon them—there arose :inning the Bigwigs such roaring and raving, such pulpiting and petitioning, such maundering and memorialising. such name-calling and dirt-throw sneh a shrill wind of parliamentary ques tioning and feeble replying—where "I dare not" wnited on .• 1 would "--that the poor fellow stood aghast, staring wildly around. .• have I provoked all this," said he, with his hand , to his affrighted ears, " by what was meant to Ito an innocent request, pladulynrising out of its familiar eNperienee, and the common know of all loci, who choose to open their eyes': I don't understand, and 1 tint not understood. What is :o come of such things 110 w to bending wer II is work, often asking 1,;,„- e lf th e 1 testiuu, when the news begun to spread that n pestilence had appeared among the laborer,!, and was slaying them by thousands, tlding forth to look about him, ho 8(.1011 fOllllll I. be true. The dying and the dead were mingled in the close and tainted houses among wideti life was passed. New poison was dis tilled into the always murky, always sickening air. The robu.d and the weak, old age and in fancy, the father and the mother, all were strick en hitwit IN hat 111(1.11S of fight had he He remained where he was, and saw those who were dearest to him die. A kind preacher cause to him, and would have said some prayers to soften his heart in his gloom, 'but he replied: 11 what avails it. missionary to conic to me, a man condemned to residence in this fmtid place, where every sense becomes a torment, and where every minute of my numbered days is new mire gilded to the heap under which 1 lie oppressed: But give toe my first glimpse of Heaven, through a little of its light and air: give me pure water; help me to be clean ; lighten this heavy atmos phere and heavy life, in which our spirits sink, :sod we become the indifferent and callous crea tures you too often see us; gently and kindly take the bodies of those who die among us, out of the small room where we grow to be so familiar with the awful change that oven /Ts sanctity is lost to us: and, Teacher, then I will hear—none know better than you, how willingly—of Him whose thoughts were so much with the poor, and, who had compassion for all human sorrow!" Ile was at his work again, solitary and sad, when his Master came and stood near to him, MIFF( LI, ~.~~:. ~-„,,, , i, ,, , ,„ :.i..„ - .7,,,,y,,,,, ‘ .._:.,„,t„..-„,,,,,_.,.:,,y,,,,,.,.:,:,, . .:;, : .;.„-,, , :.„::.,:i!:„,z , f.:,.....,;7,.;, . ,..,.,7 n. ,.,i g, „,,z z, .; . ,.0 - :; . .i 4 ...,,:i.;,n;,: T. 4 : ;7 . 5 . i , ,,',.,.„,'„,.,..„:,:. NUMBER 74. A CHRISTMAS TALE ui th...t. him children ,hould he taught NM= . . RATES iOP lAIWERVISINCi 3 AGREED ON By TDB gITTSADROpPRESIS, TTX LINES 0/ NONPAILLIL, CE LESS One square, one Inserthin. ... . N. each additional Insertion...._. De. (MO week..... Di. two weeks... Do. three weeks. 1!!1!!!!1!!! Do. two months. Do. Vireo ............. Do. tour months Do. six months Do. one year Standing Carl, six tines or less, per annum rneNULABLE AT PLUt“SURS : One 6 , l . tutr i epe e n r o an ti nu: 11, 50 ( c e . sr t lusi .,; of per,). of thnectirtwt.2..v..i.,c,40..25..!)0; dressed in black. Ile. also,. had suffered heavili!'" His young wife, his beautiful and zuoi.l,,,l•pu,ng wife, was deal; so, too, his only child: "Master. 'tis hard to hear—l klibwit-L•btit comforted. I would 'give you comfort could. The Master thanked him from his heart; but .. said he, " 0 you laboring men! Tho„calamity gan •among you. If you .had but lived!inore . , healthily and decently, I should not be the wid owed and bereft mourner that I am this day." Master," returned the other, shaking his head, I have begun to underattintl a little that most calamities will come from us, as this one did, and that none will stop at our . poor doors, until we are united with that great squabbling family yonder, to do the things that Ate - right' : • cannot live healthily and decently, unless they who undertoolr. manage tut - provide the means. We cannot ' - Int - instructed; riteW thei will teach us: we cannot be rationally ferreted, unless they will amuse us; we cannot. but haver.:: . some (rase gods of our ow n, while they rawly of, theirs in all the public places, - The evil conseque;ceS of imperfect InStrtiCtiOn, 024,14 conseque ces - of Pernieiens -negiCct;ilhttleV•Oon sequences, of utuaaturalfriistraint - aimUtho*niai of liutuaulaing enjoyments, :will come from us; and none!of . them will stop with ue.,,They wjlY S spread fat and wide: They 'alWaYs r d;'; at 4. '" ways hare Mte" derstand 4o mach, think, at last." But the limiter said egoin, "l) you htboiiug. mew! hurt ~ e ldoin du we ever hear of you, ex cept in co6twetion with some trouble!" "Alaster," he replied, Nobody, and ; tittle likely to heard of (riernyet. mdeltstantotitiß •,; to be hetird of perhaps), except ,whertAtern 41, .. some trolible. But it never begins with tne, and, it can never end with toe. As sure tis Death it' comes down to me, and it goeelnp from There Was so much reason in what he said,. • ; that the Bigwig figuily, getting wind of; it,, ant) being hot—ibly frightened by th late desolation, resolved nu tuiite o with Liu,to do the things that were rig)t—tit itf event', so - far as the said things were associated with the direct prevention, • humanly Fpealiing, of anotkr, peatileptC9-fr o Puir i .;.'; as their fear were off, which 4.seon began .to Jo , they resumed thrit falling out among . their:ale:l46, t and did nothing. Consequently the'seetirge-4''' '' - peered again—low down as hefore,.imd spreati.mi: • avengingly upward as before, and carried off vast numbers of the brawlers. But not a min among them ever admitted, if - in the least degree he ever perceived; thnt he had anything to do with it. Ko Nobody lived and died in the old, old, old way and this, in the main, is the Itfimle,pf body's story. • had he no name, you ask? reehtipS it was !' Legion. It matters little what his name was. Let us call him Legion. If you were ever in the Belgian rillagesnenr the field of Waterloo, you will have seen, in some . quiet little church. a monument erected loyfaittr-' ful companions in arms to the memory of Colonel A, Major It, Captains C, D and E, Lieutenants - • and U, Eusigns 11, 1 and J, and seven non,- commissioned officers, and one hundred and. . thirty rank :tad file, who fell in discharge of their' duty un die memorable day. The story of 'Nis:— holy is the story of the rank and file of the earth.. They bear' their share of the battle; they.have !; their part in the victory ; they fall; thezleavo no name but in the mass. The march of 'the proudest of us leads to the dusty - way:by Which' they go. I)! Let us think of thenrthin year nt .!. the Christmas tire, and not forget. them when it is hum. out. Anstria and the rutted States Ity the foreign mails received per the Asia, we learn that the Chevalier Hullseulann, vi-ho-for many years represented Austria at WashingtUn as a simple Charge Affaires, has been appoint ed Minister Resident, and the Oct Deutsche Post has a leader on the subject, which deserveiatien- Lion, as its object, i' to show the Americans that Austria is willing to forget the Rostra affair, and to improve her relations with the "sixth great Power. - The article being very long, it will be given in a condensed form: " The :United States has long been looked on as a bugbear to be avoided or ignored, but the diplomatic tradition of there being only Site great Po wersis growing antiquated. The coaled , emotion of States on the tither side of the Atlan tic is beginning to claim its right to be consider: ed in the sixth great Power, and to interfere in' European affairs. We see that -England wishes to remain UR good terms with the United States, anti that autocratic Russia ostentatiously endeav-, ors to obtain the friendship of the Transatlantic . Republic. If the present war is to remain a ealized." and limited one, the United States must not interfere in it. if the Washington Govern ment should think fit to introduce its word, sword llnd int.. the unan•el, the - war would soon assume itifferent dimensions, no the second= rate European pou'etis would immediately declare in favor ‘,l" the tole or the other party. if Amor ion resists the t rieptati,in to meddle in the East ern question. it will be a proof that those persons who tam she has h. statesmen libel her. Good e..mse is the basis of statecraft. and we have seen that a State whose diplomacy is astuteness per sonified hat got into difficulties because it lost. its "ton .tras. - • It is not necessary to be a political prophet" to foretell that the time is not far distant at which the United States will make its influence felt. Europe. The condition of the Caucasus, of the eastern frontiers of Turkey, of Asiatic Russia, forms part of the Eastern question, and the idea ' of a balance of power in Europe is fast merging. into that of a genera; balance of pewee. Need it be said 01.11 the Republic which rules over the largest part of North America, will, .and must, . play an important part when it is the question of balance of power in the world. Prudent statesmen al wnyv look before them, - and theref.re , noriticing her long-cher r diplomatic rein lions with ,L Power wni:Ll is advancing with giant strides towards tnaturi!y. If the positions of Austria and the United States are regarded dis passionately it becomes clear that a good under standing between tham on foreign matters cannot but be beneficial to both nations. The two coun tries are so distant trout each other that it is not to be feared the one can exercise any great in-' tluence on the internal affairs of the other. The difference in the form of government and religion formed no obstacle to an intimate alliance be tween England and Austria. which lasted nearly a century aa a half. Henry VIII and Ferdi nand TI supported the same cause. Marlborough ' ' and Prince Eugene fou,ght.side by side, and ;the , policy of the British Parliament and that of Prince Metternich harmonized. IYhy then should there be any duality between Vienna and "Waal- ington in matters in which a co-operation would he of advantage to both 7" . Joseph Whites Carriage Repository. ; , JWiLITE, • now carrying on busk. • ey Dees in his spacious I,reilliees,(noW lately I eulargetl,)uu the Pittsburgh anittireoceitiveg' Turnpike, near . the Two Mile Rub, between ' : Pittobar„h and tawriNevill'e, respectfully invites the public toiuslxwtli Lti stock of CA ttitlAtiES, BUGULES, iiittuthe. particularly inforuis guutleinen puiotZstrs, that and price Only in mute. If lutirteen years' experience in the business ennblee#hinxto pine° before his patrons the genie choice cullktion of Car- tinges which, 40 many years past it has Ron his particular deportment to select., from !ha various and most tale4W Eastern manufhcturem. The saccess of his ries , syitem 14 complete—the economy of his aremegenients will BApplyithp bait and moot fashionable manufactures at moderate prices. Unencumbered by those heavy expenses, which the 12141141. for detonating houses of business bus heaped upon the price of goods, (owing to largo rents.) .108F.i'll Wifitg vtill•sott, on ready money only, at mach less than the usual macro. .a.l•-•ftniages rquilred in the toot manner, with Matisitch. mhazdaw rBRIDGE BUlLDERS.—Proposals will ho receivcd by the Board of Directors of the Ohio and l'enimylvaina Railroad Company. to the under anal THumsDA 1". December 27th, 1845, fur fitrubthing the material., and erecting the stiperxtrneture of R,,,Looad Bridge, with wide kilo-walks fur foot passengers, acres. the Allegheny river. at Pittsburgh. The bids are to bea at a fixed price per lineal foot, for the length of the superstructure, to include all materials and workman ship, to complete the Bridge realty for use. witha doubts" the Company furnishing the railroad 'lron fat the • track,, and the contractor all other materials. Bridge will have seven slams, and its :whale length • will be about twelve hundred feeL The masonry, which is of the most permanent distracter, is inn forward state; the' piers being fifty feet long and ten fas.a thick op the top; mud the eastern abutment and some of tho . pfers being now lip to the wiping. The superstructure will Le roqttired to be rem pietist by the find of September, for a "Burr Bridge," with heavy.uniheii % isauttertiraced With,. • iron ads: and she, for u" I lowe Bridge," or any other well • tried plan, provided the bidder vvOl.seenre the Cottipatbi.. - against all claims tar patent rights. Phogiandayeciflcatlatia will be ready for Inapietion'tit the Company's office, in the' city of Pittsburgh. on and after the lith inst.; will further., Information may Is, obtained from S. W. likilLiitTS, Chief kingtrieer. The Board of Director. reserve the fight:le fon- • . tract tar the work Is such a way as they Indy deera best Our the interests of the ConttsmS• W. ROBINSON, Jr., President. Pittsburgh, December 1, 1955—{..1ee4.1d) MEM --;* ;ft) 5,0-0 71 4 00 7 00 00 1:041 1800' • :10:00 ,L ^,.. ' .t -..., 4: . 4, . . 'N.,',... .t . . ..i..i.,..:.,....