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Going up Wood street, just after dark, he required the whole sidewalk fur his zig-zag navigation. A mariner would 88y be was "drawing all the water in the channel," at one moment seeming just about to enter a store, and the next balancing himself with despe rate efforts on the curb-stone. He managed to get up to the corner of Wood add Fifth, and then struck across for the auction store. Two boys were prostra ted, and one old lady nearly capsized by his uninten tional collisions. He was brought up by the wall of the building, and started to cross Fifth. A man's boots will "take a sheer on him" sometimes, and so did our hero's. After several rods of travel, however, he reached the opposite pavement and gave a big jump to. surmount the curb-stone. He succeeded, but went headlong against a man who had a large and splendid mirror on his shoulder, sending man andmtrror prostrate into the gutter, and, of course, smashing the mirror into a thousand pieces. The man was much injured by the fall and cut by the glass. Pat heard the crash, and knowing there was mischief done of some kind, took to his heels up the middle of Fifth street, and made the best possible time his reeling limb.. would permit. He tried all sides of the street, and probably no mariner ever found more difficulty in " rounding Cnpe Horn" than he did rounding the post-offm earner and taking possession of Smithfield street. That was the last wesaw of him; but the mirror bearer was in an aw ful plight: with muddy clothes, a bloody face, and a mirror smashed. Some parlor had lost u Christmas ornament; some lady was "dreadfully disappointed," some gentleman was largely "out of pocket;" and all through Pat-riotie opposition to the "Jug law." What a fine thing it is to be paid off in full for a week's work, on Saturday night, and have a big drink to sleep on over Sunday. What is the value of a looking-glass in comparison with such a privi legal But who shall pay for the mirror? Pat, you will say. Aye, hut you must catch him first; and nobody knows him. He only knows that mischief of some kind was done, and thinks perhaps he knocked down a whole warehouse. Ito will keep quiet about it, of course. The liquor seller should pay, and there is a law to that effect. But he, too, must be found first, and vain the search for him. Between the ven der and purchaser it is, and ono or the other must pocket the loss, and oppose the repeal of the " Jug law." A Ilrfoettiful Work of Arr.- •Among the articles ex hibited at the Orphan's Fair, in City Hail, is a model. in stained glass, of St. Paul's Cathedral, which is really a beautiful work of art. It was manufactured at Ledlie itlam's glass works, in Birmingham, by Mr. Edward Itsxlatenti, who was occupied for about two years in its construction. The model is about two feet lung, and nearly tbeMC in height to the top of the. towers ; the proportion of the various pa.rtsitetifitely preserved, the scale for this pur pose Int . ving been furnished by Bishop O'Connor . Great ingenuity has been shown by Mr. iteiLmond in putting ittogother, as it was only after repeated fail nres:that he succeeded in I rtr r I r.r.. I hi. part of his work" 'Rite entire model, we belies e, '555 WWI. be him, with the.exception of a little as.i.taio., easiontilkiiet:eired from his follow workmen. Visit ere to the rair'shottici not neglect to take a look at this beautiful production of,,a Pittsburgh inechauic lhhhle Mirror of C-oh-fa A ~,,, I 1'.41-ifuritift is now on exhibition at Apollo Hall. Fourth .trryt, nuns W ood. The scones comisrsing the: itallalllllllla are finely executed. Among the ttiwt ieuta Coro vioves of the coast of Mexico arid ls 'warn gua PWriatua, with its principal buildings, and streets thronged with natives in :: state of and foreigners from every clime ; the burial at sea is beautiful and solemn ; the view.. of Francisco. Sacramento, Stockton, etc.. tuns said to Le avettrate and truthful; lire rural scenery is truly tuagnitleent —mountains envered with flowers of every hue, and wild. -1 1animals grazing, or quietly reposing beneath the giant trees--pletivant valley , . threaded by the silver brook, and here and there a party of toutgrat le from the States, wending their way to the gl,id ,hg dings, all combine to render the scone striking and plc. hue_sque in the highest degree. Iron City Con: int . We ha% c Jur% re ttarnoci frcifo &Dottier vi-it to ill, popular v•inbLi.aLt went, which ii , juFtly regarded a among the firi,t its class in this country. and we have enjoyed highly. The order. the decorum. Lite riutettle., which prevails among more than one hundred ate dents now in daily attendance ; the unequalled beau ty and perfection of the writing, the efficiency mud clearness of the instruction in accounts. in numbers, in drawing, and indeed in every department. sari, deafly account for the preference which awe tenths of our business men manifest for the graduate: , of this school for assistants. We need not commend to the public attention an institution .I.IICII so decidedly commends itself by its usefulness. Let it bo fostered. Beau:Vo/ Aeitirolypes.—We were shown y esterday, three beautiful ambrotypee, taken by Mow-c .4. Co., Allegheny, which, as specimens of those kind of pin tures, are superior to any no hare yet seen, and ex. hibit to what perfection this newly discovered art haskilreadyimen brought The plates are represen tations of the time tables of the Pennsylvania ('en tral and Ohio and Pennsylvania Itailroad•, and the card of the Michigan Southern, taken so aecunitely in %it:datum as to allow every letter and figure to be distinctly read. They wore enclosed in hand some-gilt frames, and, we believe, are intended to be sent to the office of the Michigan Southern Railroad, in Chicago. We do not believe they ran be ex celled. Effrets of Carebwww.--fPn Saturday after noop two young men named Gorman and Lesr la were down in the cellar of Gorman's bakery, on liberty street, bunting after rats. Lewis had a double-bar reled pistol, with which they were shooting the rats. Afker shooting off one barrel, he carelessly put the other to the head of his companion, and in jest at tempted to fire it off. Contrary to his expectations, the yreapon exploded, lodging a number of shot in the flue of young gm-man, and completely destroy. ing ono of his eyes. The sister of Gorman made in formation at the Mayor's office of the occurrence, but as it appeared to the Mayor that the matter was en tirely an occident, ho declined to interfere. The Nut:talon Cuse. —on Saturday. the motion b grant an injunction to prevent John Taggart from erecting a building on the property of the Pennsyl vania Railroad, on seventh street, was argued lief, Judges 11.ampton and Williams, by J. H. Hampton Esq., for the Railroad, and F. C. Flancgin for Tag garL After hearing the arguments, the Court issue, the following order: "It is ordered and declared that John Taggart the respondent, be restrained from entering upon using or occupying the property described in the MI of complainant, as appropriated by hint : that he la restrained from proceeding to erect any tenement of said property, or of finishing the one now in proces of erection until a final hearing, or further order the Court, and upon giving bond in the sum of on thousand dollars, as pros hied for by Act of Asseuibly; Serious Accident. —At Brown's coal works, on the Monongahela river, un Thursday, John and Edward Ashton, father and sou wore both severely injured. As,they were ascending the piano in an empty cool car the rope broke. They both jumped out of the f ar to escape the danger of going down, and fell a dis tance of some twenty feet upon the rocks below. The car ran off the truck and was broken to atoms. Mr. Ashton, senior, bad pis thigh broken by the fall au'l was otherwise severely bruised. Mr. Ashton, junior, had his collar bone and some of his ribs broken, be sides being severely bruised on the head and shoul ders. Theatre.—Yankee: Locke, the popular comedian, commences an engagement to-night in the laughable piece of "Podijah Peasly, his X mark." lle of course, accompanied by Mr. Locke, whose pleas ing and unaffected manners created her many friends here daring their former engagements. As it Las been some time since they performed in this city, and as ?drs. Locke was always popular, wo have no douLl they will be greeted:with a crowded honse. The per formances will conclude with the legendary play of Capt. liyd, in which Mr. Locke will also appear. t Ado:1;044 to the Bar,—Richard Beeson, Esq., on Saturday, on motion of Hon. R. P. rleniken, was ad mitted to practice iu the various court, in this county; =ZEE fOIW7. ing is the reinit of the. primary Ineetliiga held on Saturday, to select candidates to the Mayoralty Con vention, on Wednesday next: First Itrard—J. C. Sarum, John Roth, Robert Bryar, Jacob Kent, James Kennedy. ,Brood Ward—Charles Barnett, A. P. Anahutz, T. 11. Devitt, E. C. Matthews, Michael Keenan. DECEMBER: 24 Third Word—M. C. Milligan, James Herdman, Felix Lafferty, I. U. Sproul, John S. Kennedy. Fourth Word—Joseph O'Brien, Martin Connolly, W. J. Montgomery, H. Lacock, Hugh Burning. Fifth Ward—Francis Felix, John A.. Parkinson, John Mackin, Michael Leahy, Joseph Bell. Sixth Ward-11. J. Rogers, Win. H. Whitney, Robert Laird, James M'Cabe, Henry Rea, Jr. Seventh Ward—Jos. A. Irwin, B. F. Latahan , „l. N. M'Clon ry, W. W. Irwin, B. Kane. Ei !Alb Ward—William M'Clure, Daniel Seitz, B. Flanegin, Edward Brett, John Coyle. Niiith Word—Thomas S. Rowley, Joseph Weeks, William Hamilton, George Rohm, John Dorris. .mold Irlt I'd Democratic Meetitty.—Pursuant to notice, the Democrats of the Second Ward mot at the Duquesne Engine House, on Saturday afternoon. Mr. T. Watson was called to the chair, and Arthur appointed Secretary. On motion, the following gentlemen were unani mously declared elected delegates to the City Demo cratic Convention which meets on Wednesday next, with instructions to support Capt. John M. Irwin for Mayor: Chas. Burnett, A. P. Anshutx, E. C. Mat; thews, M. Keenan, and Thomas B. Devitt. On motion, the following gentlemen were placed in nomination for Ward officers For Judge of Elec•- tion—Andrew Burke. Inspeotur—Thos. B. Hamil ton. Assessor—Thomas B. Davitt. Constable—M. Keenan. School Directors—John Wilson and A. I'. Anshutz. T. WATSON, Pres't. ARTIII.II MCGILL, SCO'y. Christmas is Comitiy, and all persons who have not already provided themselves with a handsome gift to present to their friends or relatives will certainly not flate do so inunediately. Those who deslns to procure something beautiful or tasty, we recommend to take a look at the assortment of jewelry, fancy goods, etc., offered fur sale by Messrs. Roberts Bro., on Fifth street, next dour to our office. Their stock includes many articles peculiarly appropriate as gifts for the season, and as they advertise to sell remark ably cheap they will no doubt please every one who gives them a cull. Scrynth 11 . i/rd.—The following resolution was assel] at the Primary meeting in this ward on Set- R ardrcd, That the (delegates appointed to repre sent the Democracy of the Seventh Ward in the City Convention be, and they are hereby instructed to op pose, by every fair and honorable means, all and ei cry attempt to defeat the nomination of a Demo cratic candidate fur Mayor, end that in the event of the Convention refusing to nominate a regular Demo cratic candidate, we do not bold ourselves bound to support any frisiou candidate recommended by it- WARD.-A resolution wa, Nots o d et the primary meeting, in the Third Ward, on Saturday, that the Democrat, of that Vard would atutetuble at the house of Capt. Geo. Funiaiin, corner Smithfield street and Virgin alley, on Saturday nest, and place in nomination candidatere for Ward offii-cs. A iv,. ont mr-rtt Crier nad Tip.t.srrN. -The follow tg 14. 4 1,4511, Were UppOiLlLOti cries and tiffr, {AVM , . of UlO wirt of Quarter ! , Lessel"nl. , . ou Saturday Crier, Chas. ol.ertz. 1....p5t..4, es, lo.bort Ne r et) , Jonathan Neck. Terre Brennan. I%"tillsan Boughur, John Fox dud rna.rd Doug U ert A Idt•rinan ag4• • d;• led) r,ktiJuo•t. ,r 1 Z•alltni al, 41, tt.g hat II" uoul i r • rf It Ti Turucr rt• going to Lary a t rratoi Tue-otto o ening t I.afat vitt' Hall. Tito ••r1•1 nitol hi .ri fo. it 1.0 old of 14,.1.11t1e lun allki a eno.• ~1 u,:l o br thrry. Th. T r , r•• m thi.l , lltrtri ( ~ •11rt arc , nald Slat .1 Ir tilirn Ent 111.)”.!.% .1 Juntlary nt. + . .0f Qta:artcr til meta thu m.rnmg rit mor .rolet,ter, holt the teputatenf of the pre-eptor 71, • atreet::, utel permanent, niftLet, that of tits 1.-1 .11 than ticaccounts:lt tomreg newt!c the yet"; Ilan who, fir the 4alte of n trifling difference ut Ih ,r•tt e4.6t, put, hillla•Vit fluter a thocher of no rernita man i.ei a antiralir Chant, f , .r lIIVIVI,IICti I b. Thurvi.L.ll, , n of the principal .1 tht. ttr.ti weir t. uttentrol 4v theuratel• of ht, rtteleht, 11,,,,gb , ..t the reunify f;,tt,t•. /,.., :11 11.3.n1 1 .14.n and H. 11 011 the Bench T. lii thy! ra-, Sruithvr, E , Eaton, Mk Jut) retull/ ‘.-rsliet ,•1 $?00(.1 Gar Idainta Cu Clark's titomach 1111 tars . all u bay, bout taruity rne.fl.ln I. 0. 111 , C.i•tdirn•-•••• arri • do• Q. 1••..-.1 stair the I.larr and .t..riunli They Ins,. n.. rlral pruprurtury n. 4 prrt,..l b. ration.: pi..nsic (r• nu tradh;, prrparittlunm Unit are nalun..l np..n Lb. pa Idu• urn:, h.• rt....nu Ilitto•r , .. fl.ci ha... bruin] that ' , thy irtal was nivale•l it, n-ndrr much nunr , ..ituut i..r uulr, choi.vin, by QILLPM k r LAI: K. Third and Market: li Kll II K KYLIKit, lin , ••I Lt.e.t; and by Druggist, grneraily ar - Balm of A Thousand Flowers, for , tditylug dui culupir.nual. and ..ra.dicshting r.ll Tot, Pim 1..., and FE.I.C.LLIJ to , ra tin lase. Old st Ix. Krrsrs'a 12!93=11 r 'it) litl.lll(3rE ,ert‘ tni utrd D,rmt.,,, , alo .•Comp...to, rt,Lirtseell to the ..t.1,1 utstil Ife.•n oI TiIt . R.SLJA V. Darr ullper f, it 11, -Wu;; the usateti..l4 fuel ere, leg the •tepetet.... tun, .. Itaflora-1 Brut,. with nate •r -rtreetcirgertk MC-1, WI the A llegheny ri ter, at Elttalon gh The ate to let ut w firr,l pri.o let lineal lot, lor lestgtli ••f th, etileTtrtrneture, to !belittle all material, antl vetaltnian -ton. to erarrplate the Itehlree ti-arly for us, with a iloultle trltekt the Crimptiny firrnkiiing the rolnud iron tor the tru• Os, atel the eontractor ail other material, Tll.. Brehm will have 'even apans. and Ita whole le• about twetie hundred! feet. The nias•inry. a 01, 1. t. of the utost pertruntent character. to Its a lora mid state, tht -• Isdntt fitly fistt long Mid ton feet thick on thy ton, end obutisotto and -pore tire Idrn being 0... up 1. , t -ping Thevur re.,ulr.-.1 1,1,0 4 1 the first of ,titemher... 1••lon Inde will he Ft...e15...1 Burr firnigir: with henry arrle, r.attiterltrae,l with n•',dr: nod also hrr •• nt nor .1111V1 tried plan. pros...lei! the 1,1.1- re will a., or- the ("ontitanr rtgaittet all elaints for putsnt rlghts. Plaus and orte•elllcatione will ho rawly for Inspection at tho Cinnttany's 1414 - 2... ill tln' on, of /hrtalittrg,h, "II and after the 1711 a ; tr od fu r th e r intlyrnsatirtti ton, Ito etitainetd from ie. If. 1:011E1tn!, Chief Engineer. The iloani of litreetors p••.ertre the right truet for the work in elicit u way as they may tletern heat for t li.• interests of the C,inpanY. tV. ROBINSON, Jr I s rearaent. • Iltt-qlltrgth I)ere m 4:1,11 IIMtMIE/I3EI Cgrner Fuurtli and Snit!hfield streets, Pittsburgh A G E N TS State Mutual Fire and Marine Lnouraite Co., of lIMULISEfUItth C.. 4 /7T,AL, 6,000. Girard Fire and Marine In•urance Co., I•IIILADELPILIA $300,000. Insiortante Co. of the Volley of Virgint • NVINCIig. , T.ER, VA. CAPITAL. 0300,000. Commonwealth In•nreoce Company, HAI I:IM3LAt4i. r.I VITAL, $300,000. Conntetlent .rtlnt turd Life Immortal., Co. lIAKI VvlW. l'A PIT .IL AND ASSETN. 5'4,16 4,4 Hit Pe....y.1v solo Insurance Co., of PITT:4IICM; 11. /17*.g ALS 1 , .1.0..4:7X INN 6. $1410,02 . 4 41/. WAI F 1'0r01.... A A Csnalut, IN.r.rrlkry. I y NMCUS & CLARK'S PIANOS.-FRESII /TUCK.--II lit,EliEls h 111(1.Lnvo 01111 011 Lb ~r 9, and partly roxr.v..l, 1111401.0 11101111.4 r, rtork PIA Ntk.i !run. tho Fwrony of NI • NN.: , k CI.AIIk, N. York. Tltry an- 1.r.0k1e.1 WO. 411 tilt: 1.44 wJ t olortuut improve-- 14 , kt. Sti.llo/1 11.tasinliels NIItItIF A CLurk'o other*. v We 11.4.14u44 , 1, French ; and A n.. ro. rie. imirrateteri, I,th th. you char:, ..1 relu. ult.g the 04000 I.t It In any way I.4erUve. T, rliuwuwl fru. 31. 5TRA)(4.11,111.. uurivitilod Pianist . CINCINNATI, 1\ cr‘rrithol 10.184 b. M.),11. K lAer d Br, Pormil Iu 14.w4 )vu 00.61 'rid, lur Ilu , touguiticont iirood Plano. Sl/ull , lillll/11f11 , 11i1, .111C1/ La" . I,llli t. 10 14 4tII my for lulu. Tertota hirodi'a .efrof tom your city. 'rho ;superb tuntrumout in one of the oft lit eer ovule of Amon.. um] for A 5.11110,4 nod poser of I to well an noliflity of count! notion, lettoon to f , o 1ic,11.41 I really etnigrattilnto it , future own. r. ult. eltall to no hutp) an to putonon 4 , 110 4.1 the muffler- Wonhi of American Imhoff y. Nt ith hearty atalea for your Ins pi lion, et, Your obothent servant, STRAKOSII. G'9. Sole ageary rot utlrm 4 Cl4rleh uutiralled hanum at IL 1(14:15101 a N'. 63 Fifth tit - vet, gign .11 the IfoLkm Llarr. taw% 0. r. MOTT 0 CUBTO BROT't CURTIS, Dealers in 'teal Estate, St. Anthony Falls, 51innesota Territory. Lund bought nod sold throughout the Territory. Money loaned, invest ments Wade W the best lolvatitago, ami Laud Warrants loca ted. Alen, Agents fur the sale of Lots iu tie town of ST. CLOUD. tS.S mil. from St. Anthony, and lam! of navigation above the Falls. The survey of the great l'aeine Railroad renew the Mississippi at thin point, and the UttllllfrOWll ad vantages it possesses MI a place of buetnoon, will make it one of the lar,st cities iu tho Northwest. FLEFEILESUES: Ee-klovernor Ramsey, ?4innettota. Hon. Wm. H. Walsh., Chief Justiao ut Minnow's. lion. J. Meeker. Hon. H. M. Rico, Delegate to Congrens. Rice, Hollingsheail k ikakor, Attorneys at Law. Messrs. Bump k Oaks, Bruskers. llon. T. M. Fullerton, Register of U. S. Laud Office. eep:o3 • . R. 1.. Purkin , Jung 1/1.1.11 01,1A3 the pr , .4•,./Lt.e• -I 11. e, CEl=ll A. A. CARRIER & BRO., ~`~I~IIV~~Z,CYAI,. PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE AND MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. President. NAILMARTII. t*?ce Pm-Went& • T. S. CLARK I?, OHO. W. CABS. Tn.-usurer. N. lioLmEs. Jr.. .1 kNIES RANI; Supnrintendent T NORTH A NI. dn. tn !Use rV . . 4 rbll,:tbal .V.,rnts Ler i 1 NV CASS. V. . MPH COSIIRAVE ./lIIIN .iltA h ' F, II KY LA NI MET. JANIJ ifll.4l:k. RATES OF DISCOUNT P ENNt..I . LT ANIA. ,Braii; lot Wooster . . 41, Bonk of IN tudatrgli par' Bratit I i at Veil iot !•:i Exchange Ilan k, do pad Bran; hid You agston n... tit; Mcr. and Mitunf- do. .... lotrlUtty Book, Cincinnati__ do Bonk of Conitneree .. porl, l'otanicreis I Bk. Citicin'ti do Bonk of North Am otrila... purl Franklai Bnk. do Batik of Fortheru Lilier';‘, iku i Lola) ette Baal: du Bank of Pennsylvania... ionic 1111. t lax:. I nt. A Trust Co. do Bank of Pena Township, par ! Western laser,' Rank .. do es influential Bank of P 0... tow It:mall Notes.. . .... ... ;,k, Fanners A MOCilallif.' Ilk, par 1 N bib ENI ;LAN P. ( ; tram! Bank par , All Sol, amt Banks. .. . !A, Kensington Bank pot N ENV lir/I E. Mann. ft Nlettlitudes' ilk . par 1 Ncw York Clip.... .. .... par Mechanics' Ronk ... . ..... par. ,Vountry . i' Moyamenstug Book . I urn M .NRY LAN D. Philadelphia Baal' purl {Ultimo, liar t.4.lltilVolu - k Bouk.. i „, (toll at ry 31 Tradesman's Bank ptrlN. JERSEY A. DELAWARE. 11 4 . ..4 te r n Bank par All Solvent Bunks.. .... 1 -s . , Bank of Chamber...lon g. t I IlltilNlA. Bank of Chester Coot . par, Bank of the I alley.. ..... t.i; Bank of Aunt ilk . pot Ralik of Va.. Richmond.. fit. Bank of Del. Co.. ellt,tl t o pot Ku, Bank. Va. Norfolk. do Bank of Ueruatiitou a low Formers 11: of Virginia. du Its kof ( ;..tlysloirgli.. ~l, , klerr limits' A Mioli. Kook , t, Bonk of Lewtstiou a North Western Bank do Batik ..f NI iililleh .11 .. .. k. r , ; !ifilltrizii. l':.l Motstg.novry C. Hank pal Nolll'll IA 111 tl.l NA 14ap1...f Cap.. 1 , ..a.• 0.11111a:I Ilk A 111 al., C.. par .•i N .1.. 11.9•11.1/..m . Ekink_ ti haat,' Ilk. \.., lawn dm kln,. Bank ~; F:11,11,11 . Ilk t•t . Burk, 0. por; Itk ~1 I h SA o f .1,, FiAlluerm' Ilk of I..Anc.A.tr.r. lynx L lCAtik t 4 South l'Art,liur ;i0 FArmorle Ilk of pAr,llaol. of ClAirl.-Alon I, FlArm. iik of Schuylkill Cu par Flab t..re.' AAI ,t Ilk ;I; Fur. it Drov. Wtr)nerthurg I; Fa iltt. I A. Frit:AAA Ilk IV2.lllnglon. ~ .....,Auguout 111, A Ilk's: C.. Ilarru.littrg.lAank ..1 1;,11.i+, 110...5;14.1... BAL. 1:1...1 Ui ;;;;Am A A. An, n Lum.,ut.or Bank TEN Lanartater County Bank.. var All !Wok. .. Lelukutni Itauk Sarl K K\TI'('KV Ikulk of Pottarilh. tug lik 4 Kentu,l:y. I,IIIXN c• Ni , miongubolailmk. 1.. Ilk I..uotvi't..Thur%t,,ll Itrancia tkwk.. ... 11:1.1 North., n LSk,4 Kent ark ‘Vynthlng Ilk ..IKczawkr IN 1 , 1 kNA . . I Stni.• lkulk . 0111.0. NIISSOUttI Ihto stm., Ilk :".11114.- !Irani h at Al, I,al . OVIAWitt.IN lhatt. h 111,111.11 n 1 Itrtoh.talmtrt. 0111'1I1l_sAN Itrat.lk at Chtilicatthe. do. Fa , h. , r..t ‘1.•• h I Brant hnt I 'l.•vt.tantl. . "at' , • • I Itrata• h v ltr.utt hat Dayton., . Itraisch at Delaware. 1 N. 1.1,1. Branch at. C.0i1.11/thlti. . el., hk ni ! s t T Bran , n al .kmli tabula of 'Ts.- I loran. It al Ntlettt . Nnurcl. at 111. ..1 •rrr Eft \ Ilrutch at Cluttntiatl 4.1. V., 1c..., i..r Arrt r•A A •• Branch at 1% m.1113.0...t. th. hut ...ph/ tl I,Delsats, • F. It !a 1 Si ancli 2.t•Allootl, tn. ..1."1(115.i/1 %I; Tr. 9 IMIZIENEI=II h nt Itrnl). MIIIIIIMEIIIIMI ISt , nr,lt• KATI ..11, !III!!IIIIIIM!!!!!!111E1 ST(►('!; BON I/ LIST lENIE=MiI „'.,, I. 1. •V.i \•! ••••••••... ••• ••• • ... ..., 1 •••.•, •• • •••••• t I, Il I• 1.•••• ,1 7 • - 11.11 , 1..1 It h . • ••. • .t.21.,‘ h. . I • I'. 1% k -7 , •' k t =MT VIT,I.Jr-0. 1r.,. • 1•6 2 • .. It• k • sl• .• It ..k ',I MEE= l•• :1 1111.1:/i4e. ef,k .Itrra klat I 4 1.44 , 114 a. Wsi4l", 4 n.4 vu:..! •44a/ 4 .• •. ..•. :„. ~. • t. ••11-•rfltt , It ni dt,... lAt • 1- I • • ,•. • • .1••• rr .1 p - • I 1: 3 . r rll t...' ' . .1 V. .ItAl3 I . ltatli. lii 1 1, ft . I'. a 1...4! at 1,10 1p0...h Its. Indt, ft,. . at 1.-L ,st n• Iroto at >lnl.Avr Y.N v..• L o ol 4 , 4, toat 42 ".f. 1..1 • Y.. 1, FH1 4 11 . . • lth-Coptlkterfvlirr•, Ile.vrnre th. •.1 ..z 111/11.111•.II I:qt/tit ItITTFJ, 'I . .I+ , 1.4(.111 , °lv Vlltt 21,d llolL.nd /IA /• , 11 •‘ r. ' ." •I. I I r Irartri, Tirr. a 1., IA For St. 1.0101. CI. It I , h 1 A. t. rt• ‘..!! t.. IA t.l k A ‘I h., 1., 1,•11t ..pplk 1.. For SI. i.\ lN ‘,ll tro• :t., Pritl \ k A 11 \ll4ip A OAR \ F.., 1,, I . iI i 1... 111.• ,1 'Ol 1,1. 11 1'.11N1.1,1111) 11 ,1 I For At. 1.001% Th.. .1 t• kl,vr..--(1.1 . 1:. \V T ii4nuL , ... :111.1 ro!le. Ti @MEI ttt 11 , 00 tti t 11. Al A 1.1 \ I \ =l3 111.: 1 1 .51.1 Nit. .511 1r..., 1.t1155• .51. N. 5551 :5 1..5E555.1.1v 15.511 .1 12 ..1 1 1%.- 5. 5 \155N11A1 5 15.5511514. r :51 51.. h.l NI ireight ~r apply t,t,to I. n, t., 0,1 , 5 FLACK N I.l\l\l.ll'l l \. Ags.l. ,logic ph W Carriage Repository. WHITE. now arr, n.; on !,;.- r, H.,. In It, •Itttl•Itr11.1 pretut...v. wow lAtuly 044 4 1.,h; 0/4 Lt Ititt-ihnrghttn.l tit,,,nahurg otntlik, new the Twu JLIr Run. Iktove.en ill th li tt rgh a tt ,l L4WI . OI.IVeN rtulyeethilly Invitee, the pultln intpect lua titockt of CAIULAti Es, nuot; i ES. he And bn loorme gNttlkunon pitrtthasrra, that 011 At pr., , • , s, 14.'"" . • r. II Z TITEATRE.-J. C. FOSTER, sole Lessee and ma.a g er; War TI. Ttrrn, Stag° 'Manager; Cum,. FOHTE.); Acting Manager. Treasuret..l. V. Benoit:. PRICES OF ADMISSION: - Boxes and, Pargoette 50c. I Private Box., large 00 25e. Private F,xea, 00 Boxes for colored perisonh nt•. XIC - Cortiticate, securing seats, 12y . , cents extra. Arßt appeara.ne,...f Y.I.SKEE LOCKE anti Mr, (1E1). E. LOCKE. MONDAY ES ENING. Ilcui.gm.r. 15:;5. PodlYniht B. Petlxly, hi■ Mork--P.dijall I. mils._ ,;.., I. 1:t1.1‘11 _.,.., ~;: ~, ~~~. I t• %I I r Oi• P,L4I 4.7 0:• 14 11,4, , hmtilt, 1.4 VI t )1 1, vi LI, • Nrs. 'S. , ' ISZEIMIE 41/I• AMUSEMENTS. 111K3 Emily I. D. 11% „111. h. II,• 1,14,0.14 Kyd--Phiti..11,,... unk• L. k•• • K 3 ,1.. I' Hut, 0,- 1.1,0 mm 11,1,. 1hn01,•11 ,, n, NI, Itri.l-; ll , •llnnotrt 11ry l'intillug .1011.1 NI Mr• 1..1114 , 1. NI, ra)2t ,, r or:nr, CIIRIST.IIA,I A. t ii (11,11.1 11 I-1111.111. I, Alt, p.rfiolimticv at 2. 1 1 111 . : 1 CABIN. - - _ L AFAVE I I V. II \L I.. Fort Tili.l'lllltl , lNlAS 1101.111 A At , - and tow Cho Old • ITI 111/AA FII N• '2:2. IV 11.,•111 f. , 11.. 11.• Faixt w ill n pf” . .11 . • . . MR I' J t,A NNW,. The Iri.h a".l th ,, following intinn.,n at , . . . th.•'fllcr. Rannent ... (1)1111..111 , I 1 1111. li. 111.. 11 - 1. 1 11 1 .. .m1;2.1,111 Introdnrlng ...in. A lo• It 1,11 NIASTER 1.: C.AIJN ALDER SANDERS. I rllF. )11111'EL 1111,111111, A child not nn year a ill lo the following parts • Nl:t.gtur A.+ a . I.ster leorw• an .1 ~ . Dl inter George to a )lustor George "A n .. Introtlueno., n v irioty at Coolie- Soot:, ('ATTAIN SANDERS IN Ills MAI:II"rMNIVI.E. The o hole to I . l.eillikahl, .1 II lIINIISA Y'S Comedy of 01.1/11 , NT7. A.llll .ti.ll .2.ft tom[,: ll.rr. 1.114 411.1.1 r, tinder twelve, 10 ,or. Iba.(pen fat 1`,1..,III:111. t•' i• 7 , Front I Nlantvg.-r. (;RANI) PAN()RAMA or TUE SUNNY SOUTH AND GREAT WEST. MASONIC HALL. _NS DitlEt''S CELEBRATED l'A NORA MA' of a trip from I,llW:ix.. Li, via St. 4•um• thon. City of Chicago! Pvni. Cl.•vt•lazul mud T.. 410, and Ow lin,t Lake NACU, In the World, th , dh,,, Hall.AITI:1)1Y. 1 1 .,1111 , •r and forth, ..t, IY:v - :•••nt, - Idr , .n. I". Family ticket 2. Gtr NItiIbTMAS HA therr Bill 1,•• din, Grand Extodi td Ad 11% 3 and; , -, oirl,w-1: th.• 311 Alt•dn.•d: }:xldliGd, a: 2. 1.., rtredotru•nint,,, :4 ftunille, d.,3l.dtpc () It I I : ‘ ,. ..N rr . S y l I F A A I I . I;ni r 1 , ,0 , h , e1 1 ( , 1 • t!kt h. fiq tI, h f ST I'l •isty isnd .•r nin es • MIIIMI )It P i ll N : t 1 '1: 11 , L J IIIN It'll I I', Rn L I'rr.r ;H and •1- 111 “N(1:1:1" , . 1.1.171 1:X t••• • .1•••: 1•) .411. t•l• grAplA. ••r •,tll.l - •;.••••••1•••1 11, •n - 1 th• INVENTIONS AND PATENTS 1 x N.l r I. Azvi 1.11 ij I 11 , •I llorrr I'. Eaton, t. I .-ai••r v I‘. =MEMO 4'..i N1.5.."0, =EMI pant ••• mon !..LArr.lll at: +0 , • ••Ii• 4/r tt •_!tr, ; ul, ~i i• =ISE ) , ,El'll 1.1.:1-1 , I' ,Ire. , q n . k, QUIN( iLE :11ACI{INE.--KENDALI.'S l'A FENT ACTINti RIVER IND KLIAVKIL- lh a.. r .11t., Ll:z • itilatu.kl2l,.. turoots ulti• It !!•.!!• .!!!!n !!!..! !!!...• I..!!. 1•••,!: !!!!,•••1 \!•!!!!!, ;.,... 11 t m. 111, iI 111 .1 I ! ~,,Vl.lldo 1,10 on Tli, \ o\l I •• 11 \ rnol. r at 1.1 , 11.4,4 1.41 1t1t , r1.1.1,,, Sri! , t.l .iod II IN Ili INI L11..1,1.1 \ • N i.;\‘' 111 -t• Atli IN 1 11 It 1 1 1, .111 1., 1 1111 11111, 111 , IL. IA )1111431.1 i1 , ./1 ‘..1 .111.. (11,. 113.. ,1,11 111 1k.`1,111, Is .tr nom, I' , 114, 111 with II it. tikAio, ul, til :11-•••• 1..5 111111111, •\ i , llll, 11 .•:1,1) AA hell 11l 1/•I/I, Art.l put, It, tt .tt ....titit• .11,1 ,ku.l r,t1,4•1 o th.• JA NI ICS Tll , l CIA \ IF IA \ • silt Encl 1111.1.11\1 11. 11 %I:I'll:CC. ,tlllArmoot A C..: I-. 1 It' , N S. 1'.11.1:11 IS 111,11,1; I. II I.AT , IN ; I. T. I' k 4.1 1, Itt.rllllle. ollh !ho FSl'l.l'sl\li EitHIT 01111 NNING ()NI; OR CHINKS. (mit, Apply t I' IF 111 h\\ ELL. %Vat, . 1 . 1t1.0.11,}1. IZtollt:RT _ d ROOKSrik.C.CyI:, E io. R, , :tLA l Nt .i. nru:un dhit a •I•• 1.1“ k Cr.ti••• t'••ll7tr, ••••t,: ittietw ill cipiltitiwe l.• lett•,•• murlug tlii• week thew third eupply of /4,0, 41 the Moqrning, Store. N.. SS Martu , t et re,q no, a, AIDES -4',1 ) Dry and ."", ; reon Hides just, ,a 1 .•• SVitl NOER 1111{11.4.0011,4. `~ g ~~„;, MEM air Spectacles and Surgical Operations Useless—The Blind /Way See.--It in gratifying for us to I,e able to announce to the public that the utility of their wonderful effects are comlng daily to the knowledge of the proprietor. Strange as it may seem, it is true, that Spectacles may ho dispensed with entirely and sight restored original power. lee ° Cope aro simple, yet philu• nophical. They are used wit.lamt pain or the le-.st auger of lohiry. • Below will be found several certificate!, which speak highly ie [hair furor: 'From tho IshwY York Hvangislist..l A vutt yet Idlil.mq,micul ilogroinent, mrw mini 111- ,1071 by J. /bill 4.t. Co.. of iii, city. 14y the, stpl,licsttloti of IA 111, It OW ..t thv t•)•• m F 1.0.11, 1104,11 I•• rtn ofigilial Ow I. is , E., 5,111.111....... .11,• db -4,111 foraid of 01),IN't, I, no i•, 444,,N pe sons 110 /111.11. b.: P.,1 .1 , t , ..111 44 •11 . 1e with Elwin. Tile of the Pell Its ylvanist Drame lwrite, aq 171- luw the ci, .PI Gut,tead, of Uniottlown, 1..-tti,) Is anm Peni;,. wadi acquainted with 51rn. tiiirmteinl, I know that In . re.ie lwall - Bain , Patent F.y.• Cups," it wan hnpoanibh for h.•r to r 1.8.1 without tlw u.,r of sportaci,44, and that her sight leei •i ii reNtered 11 . the use of tie Cup +, ru that slue wit rustle ' , runt with 11, 1111.k.i rye without difficulty. .loin F. ISTAZELL, Ed.yentta. DenlectUt. I).or Sir—lfaving lout my sight by k)1,1 age, I wam minced ptirrlin:e your wonderful instruments, and by using the Maine /1.• ,, r , th0.; L. your 4iirertiu.. I succeeded in restoring me ,w that loa real by niglir day without specta ch.. I have not used my spectarb fur the last three or lour months, which ,bow, that the restoration is nut a ten, p..rar y one, but a valuable and permanent cure. eLvats SNELL, Of the firm of Snell .h Itrotheni, Fimlubtle, Mass. oar Ity remitting fivedolhtrs, a pair will he sent, lust paid, with full directions, to any part of the country. Ad drt,s DR. 1;g0. It. K.EVSER, corner of Wood street and Virgin alloy, Pittnburgh, In. (sepl9alAw air Cough Iternedics.—Dr. Keyser's PWTORAL eN1:11 , .111 cure you. li.eyser's Pectoral Syrup will cure Ilronchith+. Keyber', Pectoral Syrup will cure Laryngitis. 1/r Kv)rwr's l'.4cturUl Syrup a ill cure lieyser's Pectoral Syrup will Cllll3 a Cold In the Head. Dr. Keysor's Pectoral Syrup will cure Incipient COWIII2.IIp. [no. A recent lei ter from Mr. J. W. Veatcli, of Rohoby, Ohio, say t y ou LO send me two bottles of your Pectoral Syrup by until. There is a lady hero who has a cough and the doc tor. i 11.11% Cure her. IW. la the Hume way, and tried every the.; without benefit, until I got a bottle of your l'ixitorid Syrup; I took it but twice, and it cured me suuud and well." A.,k for Dr. litrarat'a Pk.MURAL SYIII.7P and take no other. fare, 50 centa. Sold at DIL ILEYSEIt'S, 140 IVOIXI strtalt, 1111,1 at .1. P. FLEMING'S, Allegheny. np2s;daw 154- Marsii , s Radical Cure Truss will cure nearly every case of roducuable Hernia. Trusses at various prices always on hand. Children's Trusses of different forms and strength liar vd•. Elastic Stockings for Varicose or Enlwed Veins. Abdominal Supporters—A dozen different kinds. Pile Props fur the support and cure of Pik, Shoulder Braces to relieve a crooked and deformed condition of the Chest, and many diseases of the Chest. Suspension Bandages. All them, articles may hr had or applied at DR. KEYSER'S W1;..1, , a1e and hetail TItUdS DEPOT, No. 1111 Wood street, of the tiolden Mortar; or will be sent to any part of the CIAI try Ly sending . the money and measure. [rm./Nitta, tee- a Substitute for the uew Liquor Law —l,it. ANTI-i3,b2CLIANALLkN ELIXIR, a sate a.: run• rrmody for the cure of A rated vegetable extract, and at a tonic is nnegnal -1,,,r the lo!lowing complaints It is a moat valuable mad .:paw, Liver (:bytplessnt, Epilepsy, .Vessralgiss, !Wes, 14, all f acne. Iktiebret Trenteds, General. Debility. The, Nesns•me i,. intemled to lirotiCWO a clumge in the sytteni, and 1 dinta,le i.,,tleoii 4 dlllll.. Several instance2s where we avr• it, w.• have tie most gratifying resnlts; to per,ol,, x ule rally detirous of breaking otf the inrlul w int.no acing beverageg, thi.'liar will bo a great ie-lp. 'hill ut $1 pm bottle at th.• Drng Store of Dlt. II KO. 11. K I.ln 15"oo..1 street, corner of 'Virgin :dips, :II 4 tin C Mortar pg.sxl., w 1100FLAN1''S CELEBRATED (31.:11111A.N BITTER: . pr•pand by Dr C. Nl. ACKS , IN • rlina.l.l. 1 .1! ft....11,t .1% Lay., I . wrupliulet. 1,1•1,1"Iin.. .1 out, t t • N.,• •t, ,:f t it- :r..•11/ In..tt.ieri...l Liver or Stomach. .I 4. I•a Er= of th, /1,111/111.11, 111 th. lL:4l. ILtrri.~d nt; tilt IU; Flottr•ruir; at the 'kart, ritit.ll In lying Itinnu•ss \ th, Ii ht, Ft`Vt•r 3/11/ Uull hurl /I/ Cll. It-tiniucy ..1 Ili , SI., 1 . 11/11 in the tr. . Flush; • I IN,/ Ilurtinir: I ruagiu. tip ...I .;i Sihr U. TI.. ; d.•• :itt; ution du; to r • :r • I,: a ~I t ti,. utnio, :..• natli ;,..,nrulophrtr,i; to Ow It ..... r.., u,.0 ;Arr.l mar art, I.rit that I 1 , • .4 to, Ir - tar 1 , ..f0rc trio Amer Rau runt, tr, I 'al , n 1111, il3/1,1 I.y any nitillitir prop,. i.1,1t Th.. r.--ctitterric) in rt. hit ~r t rist.cr 111,t 1/till 1.11 ,,, k II J in. , a LAOS nild u, JI it.vr t., Or- 1111111. lirforrtut: ally whit I. Ill) •• .rr I'm tit-al Itanipt tor Fano, F.ll/EO.ll, tat In. hat/ WWI, at] all aar....ttrtralta tt• t marl Itittr-t• I': .ir ccticr, eu , l %I.trlttrat.tor), Idat Irdt etrerrt, Gu ~ 4 .1 U D. 11 K. 3 3, r. 1141 1r0.,.1 IL A 4...1, A BrlAlerm, N”. t II 1' r l w.Liti I' 111-ttlttig, =EN MEMO =Mt I) R. 11. .1. iti/11itt:TTE, 1:1 F'ourt.li street. . sur al all painful nail Wm- I+ ILI. Irt1:31, (tttllettitlltlOLl t Itt••tel .111 ttittd-1.11,111.4, • C., 1..!k1.d•A Azi.i tin luale. 1.. Ili , a," ‘t.1.4 toth , nand. I ,tllll 1.00 ,. / Ilia! lot, anti tlahotato .It latt gi•et. • ta.tei Itot.t.) oltiot ts t•attta tottutrutotts Jr tati, tat t . IP till, La, dt.. , tott a ar . l • 1311/1,11. and httld that AOl t Lull t-ot tat ft a.,art•worthy any att..- ta. ttlt , tl) the lat ..t la it tutu] tttatoly adorn. lu the a...t 11,i-alt, • . tin ,:ttata &atm inuntittrt.ttaot.l hr Law 1141.11 .4 A. M. to 5 P. M. I)ILIVATE DISE.ISES---DR, BROWN, No J., 4 ..11. , (.y tto tqatte .ttellitott t , .ort, I . rt•tt 1 , t,111.-3, a L110At) •1, OW? mitt ',tett 1.1310 alta> tt, tm Is, .11.1 tit e, yttlttltful intim ge.llN, s) 1./.1 I - Lrut , tivltg, tionorrtle., 6 Ivet, Stlisturs; • olUto Liool, .a.ll all dismt.e., t skin Scorbutic eruptittis, )let cut cil 1))+,....5. iZlaetinb.ttialtt. Fk 11.40 ‘Va,./.04.1.1, o/ till ./.411t, Yi.tula lit Am, Nc.,V1.11 , 1 IL 11.1 lia,• k and 1. euti. 1 ryttatlot, of the lIIIIIEZ N intlidir RMI S PI KATIIARION tlt.• hrad. anti /014.1V1,4 all epoptoms of !load litII=!lIl 111= I' r N, NIA:I6IMS KATIIARION L.. - Ver \1 Muni - S. PE lOU UM K ATI L EIUN 1. th. :t; -t r.t10.d.1•• ...-onponoll to Ow loam, ret.riaing the reittite.l For no. IQ I.r. GEO. 11. KEYSER at.l IL E. SELLERS A IU.. out. per Irottla artglt 21•110(11, I ;FA RAPHIES. — COLTON & C . ) VIDAL'S SEIU twe, irAy two, u.urks. The. .. , 1.4;.• I,IV lot, Aran., with mathematical sciontine y , (tem Ow latest as I 1..,1.1.• ....thorn les. awl iii ht Explorattels. wl listln •:y 1., I Is A m t. Iporta a nt • 00 , , t l l.e \laps ~.the 0a.11.1C21 41111 certaiaty 11141. which ,e.. 11 learn at firs. iew the nettle of smell map, in awl statute utils, thence arquiring a true • 1... 111. on el • 'icy state In noulitty. Pawl, 31ap is me I, t.llowe.l by primed doseriptions of the e...intry rt • h.' .1.. hence Geography and Atlas are in tile same „..t; lunch attention has 1,,1 tlet.ttll to exhibiting the I 1.% -It AI et. In et r y. so that the very I,lensim.; elssor, 111,4 l he animals peculiar wench part of the ts !Jamul, pro,' hied The print being entirety new, La %.•1 plow. awl neat awl all .1111.eult /1.1111, 4 ore ot: • •1., 40 , 401, ,en, colibists of four ~., :,,. 'l.: :,~,,, , /*in Lk. mitily in Jail 1,11 I•n 1 y /1•\ M. •Ilt L,!MIA, !. I, iu :10 g at 1/VO/and 1.,, . t I I ail 1011 1. u , ' , . It ill.' tt.tt,irds .11 tttn In I • ••Itit•••• 1;.•t It I I St:to/0 Lit.tgraitit ttt.:l ~t ftl,sto-5..1. 11. I. t't IN A (NI.. J11,11,41-,1. ~u 1,1.; ~1 UKo. t .141 , 1,1. 41 CON 11 , 4,4 l'tttAtttr_lt. l'Arti.:ltz , IN. ‘llt-t.htt.t. Ct• ,4 a. Lai: .4 14111.. i... 4 , 41 41 tat sa. 11..1 a lar,;•• , malha !11a1.. 11:11.11134: NOTICE TO STOOK HOLDERS' - 4EI. E. ....Y . 1 lIE IxEND PENNA. IL I: =EIRE h111..11 Hi...011,Z %,! oi6llti ,101 • 1VrS ot the , • 11”, P , .111, , hamit 1 1..• ueld iLe COMI., Oft ,, . 2"1 ilir . tviug tit, I th ilay of Juotmry, :It 11 I I \I . nud the eloctioa of Direeturs held ;1, • ••• ••L, IL. ,/1110 1.1.1 Ari...” 1...111,..1 11 A )1. .. \ I r 111[11).60N„Ir., llt EI )11 SA LE- -The well known Fann NV illrut Lodes from the city, in Upper St. I.lir T•PW,hir. ,ntaining of nest-rate laud, in ,•xt client audition. The placc le well watered with never t:uli rig springs, pleasantly sitilatelL and euitable for a Stuck or Awry thrto. Tl,• improvements are a sitkitantial Slot, with Barns mud Stabling. Tho Mainers YalleN il.ulcoad I , located within three-fourths of a mile of the nil will tnako accoes sore and speedy. This ‘altlaitlo is underlaid with Coal of the arst nnality, and will Iv h or without coal, ur divided to suit port hul'er.. For h•rms, enquire of MI. H. WILI-I-01S & Woal street, corner of Third. N( , T 11 E — The partnership heretofore exigt -I.'tween Jared, Itiwtetter. B. Hostetter an.l W. under the tirm or IioSTETTEII. NMITII 8 CO.. sn-:.m N.lvemher best, is, the entire Puroßa ,, e ear the Die•Mrt. Of D. IbrSbli, iv ..1110,1b 11n-tit h•r. Thu busin,s, e. ill ls coleheled ad heretofore, under the name ,•1 111 oSTETI"EI: • JACOB HOSTETTER, i. NY. 0.11"111. ~ ,'.~,' ~,.~r.:>`~..~.~ '.~.'~.a,~:.t..::__.K ".?:..}..'"~ , _k.:i`<~xw rrr _.,~tti'a~s...~.?~~'i ..;.~~af'ljuf,": ==l Such Countipn (lon, Inward Pilo+. it Blood to the 11.161. .y of the Stomach. Nan., a, Iliurtliurn, Dimio o nit for Fillip , - or nioglit in th, Stomach. Sone u,conittiu..,, Fluttcrinc Ti,.• Pit 1;. , uiL.l. It ,1111 Limo IVI/10,. all gur ,, , , W, treatd. ("are guarant, ,, l. i•ruct.tr- .1 , 1, it, tbt, dtv!,itablt, Dr. drown A.•••,11.1•••1••• • f I‘..dy co, to all who may cotne 1,1 Prrentc Rama 41 110 V1 . 1:11.t I y 31,,F, II N 1610.1 rcnd•r, and ,L,•11.1% t.l 'l'l, • • Ge.tarvvh,—To 1,0 ready ni.kps Iv. Ii ii iargi rtk in , 'h q.<7.,// ‘:e.,-,-./1.9u...-71t, IN- lIII=I 7,llaps ! 'laps ! Maps ," t i , ill, N 1 otl.l. .i,• a:n.ut :11; moult.. ft,t I :11.• I l'..titdari ,•I l't i 4 $l.l. Ix. supplipti tht• Agrut. GE O. I'. !lANSON. I City IIA•tel, Pittsburgh. N. Pittsburgh, Ih•crinlAT .locl3.,Ltsr 1 w(chD) NOLLAIMaTITTE.IIS ELJECTRO-CHERILSCIIE "AROMA OF Edtt Hollandsek Kraiden, rr WO YEARS have elapsed since the i n tri.- x tlncnon of thin valuable m, 1 • he iota We Unite4Stat , s. boring this lime it Ism nine t elatergai jaapaariky as n. rkonedy for .1%-vel and Ague, DyFpqrs“ . digration;..Ffeadadir,. Loas j Appetile, aatiocziess, Mind anti Bfreding /Va. • Many of our most ,vortity citizens teary:to its wornierthi.. efficacy in all :Life:AM:is of the stomach and Wig, As a ' tonic, it never Las been equalled, for the relief it affords in. all cases of debility or weidthas of any kind is almost be e sa th aeo us. in nervous, rheumatic and neuralgic uffso tioas. it lute to numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. )Then eminent physicians prescribe, and their patients so maliesitatingly recommend, surely we may cease t ionbti and eagerly tat its virtues for ourselves. NEVER...IND AGUE. A Our of Eight Months' Standing Cured by Bar:Actor r/Ta• Land Bilfers.--Michael Kelly, No. 117 G - ratft, near Stnitb geld street, says "Last July, while running on the river, ,On n cotton boat plying between Natchez end New Orleans, I WILY taken with fever and ague. For eight long months I suffered terthia dreadful disease. - The greeter - lout of-this' time enable to work, .and, spent at least, nfty for.dif ferent medicines, but V Laind•no-pei .4nidillat I Three weeks ago, ono of my friends Imitated upon my ti7itIINW. have's Holland Bitters, saying that a cure todilguardu fr ado' Alter taking it for one week, I must state I was a 50unt1 . ,... man. I have been at work now for two weeks, and hags;- haul no return of the chills and fever whatever." • I certify the above statement Is true. Tooates Arum, Diamond House, Or at B. Chester's, Gothic Eon. LLEADACIIE AND DEBILITY. Mr. Silas Liscomb, of 13irmifigham, says: uI have found in Boerhave's Bitters a remedy for he.deche .and-debility. My wife has also used it with the greatest. benefit-^ Mr. A. S. Nicholson, of Pittsburgh, also remarks that ho has experienced much relief from its use for headache. READ VIRE .4 Hollander's Testimmy.--Jricob Minikes, living In the Holland settlement of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, says: "After suffering for some time the misery attending an utter proe tration of mind and body, I have been restored, by using Boerhave's Holland Bittern, to perfect health. ' The fact of this remedy being in such high repute among the Hollanders in Wisconsin, bliclitgan, New York—in foci, In every Holland settlement in the United Statm—nrgues much iu its favor. STREZiOTII AZi'D lIRALTLI RESTORED.. Mr. John Davidson, living ton miles above Pittsburgh, on the Perinsylvinala Canal, says: ‘!When I commonced inking Boerhave'sMal Bitters, I could hardly walk—now, I enjoy excellent health." WEAKNESS OP 'SUE STOMACH AND INDIGESTION., Another Great Cure Effected by Bocrhetv's Holland Mid* —The wife of Peter De Witte, living in Holland Town, Bb6" - boymin county, Wisconsin, suffered much from NireaklAClSS the gtomach and inidipstion. She had been wider a Aort4 don's care for some time, but the disease seemed to bate even his skill. She pm-chased come Holland Bitters at our Oboe, which hna given tone to her stomach, her appetite and ,trength are returning, and we firmly hoboes that this is another great cure effected by your medicine. We have still to record many wonderful cures effected by this remedy, but must wait another opportunity. One thing you can rely upon, what we have published are from persons much respected in our community, and are literally tend. J. Qmsrus, kkiitor Sheboygan Nienwbode, Bbieboyigin, Wis. nil EIJMATIS3I. . - A r.l nn. St.nding Carrel by floexharet Ira la lad Ihtb-rx.-6..0rg0 Ilentlerann, of Pittsbarghays: "'After •ciaertrv,, B.r t h r toonths with rhemnattsm—.4 paitof the I :Int, N wverely as to confine me td.my bed—l bard been entirely enrol by using Boerhave's Holland Bitters. I hate had one attack since, but found almost instantaneous relief in the same medicine. It is, in my opinion, o sure remedy for rhomnatisna." NERVOUS AND lIIIEUMATIC AFFECTIONS. This olinetzeitlile weather is likvly- to produce a great deal of mirk.... To rwrisona troublo4l with uorrous or rheumatic afkahms, s‘e would ree/seniest Boerhare's ilollend Bitters. q i rp.f,criug tq our coluiend you will find certificates from some of oar lirdt Gerusin and English coma Naa.ts • .111E - WoEtzT 71; , )1:31 OF PILES CAN BE Clink) Wenrt. at Illo•rty f. refs to several well known gentle men. who hart. oil, thoroughly tooted, and now recommend Ito-rhato's ttolla, d no tt roluotly for piles. We are not at liberty to put lish their osims, but will take pleasure in referring any nom., t.t them who denies this statement For tbis ntf,etion, out.t-htlf of the prescribed dose should hr taken —tovy half-tmisp, .atful—wonting, noon and night, te !atilt lo•fort , utrals. The great porularity of this delightful Aroma has induced many imitations, which tho public dhoul.l guard acstust PO' :A.-lug. 1h not i.ersuad.l to buy anything else until you bare given Itnerhare's llolland Bitter, a fair triaL Ono Lot t], will eons ince you how infinitely superior it is to all these ituitutiouv. 4.,)- sad at 1.1 isittle. r pis bottles for by the sole is, Tr ieho,, BENJA,SII:i PAGE, JR., & CO., Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists, Cr.i Smithfield and Third streets. Inttsburgb- IL E. SELLEMS & CO., Drugginta, corner Second and Wood streets. And all Druggists in Pittslairglt,..A.Megherty, Binadughspah, Mani-floater nn.l Tempe - cancel - Ole- sep. dtsrly ja INVIGORATING CORDIAL, A PILE_ DIIENON IN MEDICINE Health Iteatored and Life LenOtteued MORSE'S INNIGORATING ELIXIR, IT WILL replace weakness with strength; incapacity with efficiency, irregularity with uniform and - natural activity, and this manly without hazard or reae t.oe. but u with a happy effect on the general organization. t.t.i-• near in mind that all maladies, wherever they begin, imlsh wail the nervous system, and that the paralization'or ti nerve of motion and twimition Is physical death. Bent ei wind, :den, that for every kind of nervous disease, the Elixir Cordial is tla• only reliable preparation known. nt,t, CURE OF NERVOUS DrsvAqßs. No language can taitivey an adequate idea of the flame& at, and almost talluentous change which it occasions In theli diom,ed, debilitated and shattethd Wervons flpite.l.l4 whatbert bn.t..l down by escose, weak by nature, or impaired by sickness—the unstrang and relaxed organization Is at otico braced, revivified and built up. The mental' and phvnictOt of nervous Liisem,t vanish together Mule; ftslllfil: - tqwe. Nor is the effect temporary; for the Cordial properties of the int4liCint‘ reach the constitution itself, and restore it to Its normal condition. LOSS OF ..11E31011Y, Confusion, •idiliness, rush of blood to the head, melancholyt .. . ' liy,terhi, wretchedness, thoughts of self. lestruction —fear of dyspepsia., general prostration, irritabili ty, nerrousnocs, inability to shop, disease indolent to males, ,rear of the propagating functions, hysteria, monomania, rage- tore tiiiivitatitm of the heart, impotency, constipa tion, etc., from whatever rnus,.n rtrii,ing in, If there be any ‘,.linaca to I i l c,ni ou human testimony, absolutely inid- I I 1.1. e. A GREAT MEDICINE FOR FEMALES The ntmarall, led eiTect, of 010 great restorative In all oauplaints Incident to finuties. mark ...w °raj. the Oanais of nie,ticine. Thousands of stimulants have been invented— thonAands of in vigoranti enneoeted—all :purporting to be niwetlied in the various dkeatk‘s and derarqementa td - whicit the delicate formstion of woman render her liable: • EVERY WOMAN OF SENSE, . who sufferz from weakness, deran,gemeni,nervffiniircrAlkl. mrs. pains in the hack, or any other' dilorder, er pe- culiar to her ocx, or common to both sexes—should give the invigorating Cordial a triaL PERSONS, Or others, mill find this Cordial, after they havemsed abets Ile or two, 0 tilltrOtLel regenerator or the 10.1461:6. In all at!, tam. /I, n. Is' found the happy parante of liehlthyali-* . 1 ,11, 14 1, mi., would not have Imam vs hut for this ostrtiorill-• navy preparatll,(l. And it is equally potent for the many uhich it is recommended. ThormandsciFyotang nem have Iron restored by using it. and not In a single RI- O:111 ft. 11.0.5 it failed to benefit them. PER6ONS OF PALE COIIIPLEXION, or consumptive habits. are restored by the use of a bottle or tao to bloom and vigor, changing the skin from a pale, yel low, sickly color, to a beautiful florid complexion. TO TILE MISGUIDED. Thelie are 'some of the sad and melancholy elrecte produced by e,vly habits of south weakness of the back nut rah. in tho head, Silliness of sight, loss of MOSClilltr poo-er, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, norvous•inita• deiangemont of the divstive functions, general de bility, symptoms of consuniptMns, etc-. s• T Nlvotelly, the &cartel effects on the mind aro much to tnii, j tt: Lev of memory, confusion of ideas, depression of t.p,iu, evil forebodings, eversion to society, self-distrust, 1. cc of :ulitudo, timidity, etc., et, some of the oils produceeL ALI film afflicted, iitIFORE (Y)NTE3II'LATING ILkItRIAGE, tqlonid Rlivvt that a ennud mind and Innly art the most ne -I....llllcites to prtrllloio connubial happiness; t;o• jgl, a.•> thrangli Life laNautcs u weary pilgrana,— the prosp,,t h.aa ly tlarkens the view; the mind -11.410we‘l n ith ,11.,padr, utul tilted with tho melatti retlectiiiii that thi, happiness of another becomes; with pint UTIO:‘ Dr. )14,5...a 144 vigorntin Cordlul rn been cannterfeitt4 m. unprincipled permit., In future, all the irenii inn will hare the proprietor n I ac-Kindle paste,l o. rr tillet,ri: of .1. bottle, and the follow ing wen!". Idown in thu glanni Dr. Morse's lat a Lgorat.ing Cordial. C. IL 111 SO, Proprietor, N. Y. The pot or. eoneentented, in pint bottles three hottl.., two ftTe five elollsre,dx2for lathe dollar,. C. IL. RING Proiniet9r,. . 11r...mtway; 2d., Y S ,, hl Drur.i,ts throughout the United Staten, Canada and ti. we,d ria , burgh Dr.. GEo. 11. KEYSER, No. I.4nWootlM. FLE3IING EROS., No. 60 W9ed etreet: IL E. SELLERS. Wood etreet. A ony City ...11ECE1.1-A.:11 EN ; 1 t\ILS T. SA3IPLE •k. CO.; J. P. FLEmr..m. Agent for D. P.AR.R., Cincinnati lapltakmly F. Brown's Essence of Jamaica. Ginger. Tills ESSENCE is a FlT:lntim. ofuutiSllo raceflence. In ..r,linAry .li.n - t, in all cww. , pnr•trittlon ,4 the digestive Nix - nous, it is of inestimable c In. During the prevalence of eipidomiil cholera and rummer complaints. it I peculiarly Oft - ad.:inn no family. individual ~ r truvehir should 6, without-it. Ckt-m.as.—lto mre to pt.: the pa:ulna F.asent, which Is only by F. 111t011'N, at Ids Prng anti Clierrtiml E. corner of Fifth and Chestnut KtreviA, Pltatulel phi., ...I for role by all the respectable Apotbecaries'in the batted t.talvs., and in Pittsburgh by It. A. FAIINESTOCK & CO., SCULLY a: CO. A :al in Allegheny by Ti.P. FCIFWAIITZ, se I,4. , ;fande sr..] LEI: A. Ill:CH.11AM. Palmer's Celebrated Epicurean TAN.DS preeminent fur flavoring Soups nraviee, Fieh„ilent, Cana, adritaall Geo& 6.n.«wuern to try /t. cent» per bottle, at, all-drew ry Steles in the United iztotes end Careldat.. , Fur wile by iI'CLUI;r; and G. H. IiIIYFER, Filtstiatitly P. T. WiIIGIIT ,St CO.. , . . . . . ja 1119:klAwl y is) . '241 Market streaU Phiade/Phi' I.IALSAM 1 , 113.-1.00 Iljsjti4*OivOd an Jul. rut Bala by . . Dkil7) VIMIThIi Dims. 4! -- ` , j . • t .4t. • ~' ', . ' 4 BOrRHAVEIS Abro ISM= Mt. MORSE'S METE ~: ~+