Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, December 22, 1855, Image 2

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T 1: I:DAY ),101IN LNG
To Newspaper Publishers.
the type an which the Daily and Weekly .1/cr,,;,,!/
Not watt printed pro iitatt to getting our new drets
Is offered for sale. It Nonpareil and Ilrevier, and
in good condition, as any one can :tee by looking at a
copy of the paper of laist week. It will be sold
(+cup for cush
Saturday Morning Poid.
iitir weekly for Christmas i , an unusually ex
cellent number. It contains all of Aunt Ma
guire's Description of the ILmation Party. - the
Convention proceeding,. t'ungre , i proceedings
for the week, &c.. Sc. Price five cents.
Dion Bouricault is not dead as reported
despatch from New Orleans.
Sidney 11. Stuart. the 'police Judge of Nein .
New York, who was, recently toed for corruptly
accepting a bribe to clear a burglar. it is report
ed. has transmitted hi- resignation to Govertow
Mrs. Margaret Button sued the Hudson Rail
road Company to recover damages for the death
of her husband, by being run over by a train of
cars, souse two years since. The defendants deny
that the accident was caused by any negligence
on their part, but the jury thought otherwise.
and returned a verdict for $5,000.
The regular term of the Burlington (N. J. i
County Court commenced at Mount Holly, on
Tuesday. Kingdom, the ticket agent, of the
Camden and Amboy Railroad Company, who is
charged with robbing a dead body at the time of
the accident near Burlington, is to be tried dur
ing this term. The engineer of the train to
which the accident happened is also to be tried
immediately after.
Alvarez. the present dictator of :\1,1.10 , seems
likely to hone no better success than Santa Anna
in securing good order and good government in
that country. lie is surrounded by bad council
lors—mere military adventurers, who can do no
thing to put an end to the anarchy and confu,ion
that reign throughout that nation. Mahifest
destiny" is steadily and rapidly at work. Ameri
cans of the Anglo Saxon stock have now the con
trol of Nicaragua, and will in a short time, no
doubt, have all the Central American State- Com
bined ander one firm and settled republican gov
ernment. Together they contain a population of
over two millions. and possess a soil, climate and
mineral wealth that will attract emigration in
large number , from chi , eountry and frnan
rope, as soon a- such government i , o , tabb-ldd.
and peace. order and security of rights and pro
perty are obtained. r, alker and Kinney and
their followers are likely to secure that soon
They have had rapid , :ucees , thus far. ;111.1
well received by :k large portion of the milk,.
With the Central Amer can State- lbw: ruled
and peopled. and renovated. all the South , rn
States of Mexico woidd
ix pn"
aa• ,
, •
:7 t- 1 4
. ,
new republic. The people of the \texit'an tittite
wants gool cunt .table govornment,
:utl wain
welcome either from the , outh or north :tn\
nexation that will g-it - t , than them the ttle -in
of such s vvertimPht The Walker- , an.l
ney4 of Centril Anh.ries ark. fillihuster: I,y pr
: tI.I they !lot be .low D. imio-t,
any opportunity t extend their republic by th,
yond the reach of [nited State- n e utrality law
and may build up a republic there a- (la- , a- the
all I \V or can 11.0 i t.
though they are called. yet the next generation
perhaps even tin-. will say that they eneDsl
a good work, and that inillhuis of
unr rare hay
been lienefitu , l by their boll undertaking- Ceti
trill America and Mexico need ju-t such then ti
govern those States, to develop their re-ources.
and to infuse nit.. their hall Hvi':l,l
the spirit of improvement. industry and
merit that characterize- the nineteenth ~nl,/r,
With the Uniied State,oll the north, and a , Igo? -
one a n d progressive republic on the -outh of it,
Mexico must soon be absorbed by one hr both.
and those two republics will cover the whole con
tinent from the St. Lawrence ricer to the istlimu ,
of Panama. Nor will that be the conclusion or
the work. Those two republics wimid ere I , tiv
become one. under the stars and qtripe ,, . •
We believe that such le the , le-tiny anil
of this republick and recent evente seem Lkely
to hasten the prtree,S by which such a o.lonsura
mation, whether fur good or evil, is to be reached
New - Castle and Darlington Railroad.
The Cleveland and Nlalioning railr , ad
tend? from Cleveland t New Ca.tle. Laurence
county, in this State. The work i- progressing
with good speed. and it will ,non be completed.
Pittsburgh should meet that road at New Castle.
By building a ruail from Itarlillgtoll, .11 toe lin ,
of the ()Liu and Pennsylvania railroad. Dolt
thirteen miles in length, a connection with the
Cleveland and Mum inning road is effected. :mild it
gives Pittsburgh another route to Cleveland :and
the lakes, and sweeps a wealthy portion of north
eastern Ohio. There is a charter in existence
for this Darlington and New Castle road, tool 311
effort is being; made to secure a , ufficient sub
scription to it ,, stuck to enable the company
to organize arid go to work. lint forty thousand _.„...
dollars is necessary for that purpose, and the i •• We are of opinion dial . the 15.,-a , holoble t •.,1 n
ital stock is but $4-00,000. The route 1 has burst, and that the people on both sides ant .it i
whole cap q
1 the western Larder are now enjoy ing the q uiet ,d . 1 sdeernseniest, tsar ,„ ~„,,,b,•,•,.,,i„,„
has been surveyed and found a good and easy one.
t ,, l f ie' t tr iu ltol l n;, talking
gi n 1:t1 i e
\ st l i n n i, g v u ve n r u th , ( l . o i u n l c t iilet t i r t , "
C, t n ,i,..): - , i , :r r s , N i v ie Li
.:, 7i 7t1... , mi l d ,, r,.t..it, I
Now, two questions must be answered before
capitalists will take hold nit' this enterprise. lighting their battles over agaiii, in much happier . 5...1.1 ,d... b. II ENl ' il•.it.S ll \ A ;t;t:i
Where can the means be found to insure its cow- ; wood than when rumors of burning shanties and ,-,•illiAlCry., .u.i B EO
? butchered oxen were rite. 55 hat with cold ,n,
pieties" Will it pay when built
ither. ram and hunger. and the sober second
The whole cost will not be over •.- - :.:300. 0 0 0 .
Insight, ‘ t v' : ' We think peace Ini , been entirely re-
The Cleveland and Maboning Company' propose established. and hostile armies dispersed Kau- 7 "
to take $lOO,OOO in aid of the work. The bonds sa- is riot materially injured b). the coup driai.
of Lawrence county are already issued for $l5O,- Western men were not • born ill the wooml, to be ,
1 ::
OW, and the proceeds of their sale can lie ap- i le c dr i 1 , , , 1 . t i ? ,i
ittilit,, tti\t{,sl.l'orliN:l.l.,s,yttnlptiitetn?.:,itliri.,•,tillt..l,,e, wt ( t . .: , te l - t l .
plied to the construction of this road. Private of the We,t. Their 1•1•...1 goes up and down Irks ,
subscriptions to the amount of s4o.oo'' it the 11.,,ids o f the NI i„souri rater: but 3 -, , t th e\
hoped can he obtained, and with these resources ' l'"1'1 "'tend). aim ll'e"'1, an I will. Let"ill all 1::,
luestt•uHwith that ?trite Angto-Suxon , eo-e that a
the work can he dune. Will it pay" That din.- • .
,•toiro•terrid— our count rN Wen evert where. e•.nto
teen miles of railroad will be a short and ettettp ..111 • right le Up with care. - •it
route from Pittsburgh to Cleveland. and the .. `" Fr-I.th , 10,,tek,11.. Coon,. ifolues•tu -
lake regions. It is a rich country all along that' II
Negro Si mp
route, and its local trade and trade with alb , city „
'ititi.i. RI - NAWAI , Ltlttt'W Oif --Grrtlf Efr“r,ottit
will be large. At Darlington is the rich and ex- :,„ n„„/,„,,.._,,,,,,ver fl u en tly,. Pori, ~,,,,i„,,,. •
cellent bed of cannel coal which is needed dent writes us that there was a negr"ll o stampedight
in all the lake cities, and that road would be from Millersburg. Bourbo n county. the n
half supported by the coal freights that would
l ' i t i . „ t •i b l e ig lt }i t t i instant,t'rticuiars of. whirl TileN.l l - i l (: t g \ i' l . i e l s l„ u rs s li t u h r e,f' : l l -,
pass over it. But the Pittsburgh and Erie Sunday night, iu Mr. Mac. Miller: splendidcar- ,'
road is yet to be built, and this Darlington and riage, and in passing the toll-gates on the Mays-
Sew Castle road would form apart of it, and rifle pike, the carriage was driven by a White : I
carry all its freight and pas , engers passing north :: t' i u t i c . li wi C:t r i i'tL'[.i7°,`,'.`„°,',liiit.- Aill':,!'r'i'lle7•ll3'talierulliTa''2Ya
and south. eau there be any doulit that this Green of Kentucky. Or get married. There Were ,'
?Short road would pay . , We , hould think nit: seven negroes in all —three men, three women
and is not Pittsburgh deeply taterested in it '.' and one child. One belonged to Mrs Taylor. " i
----.. _........_ otie to Mr. Mac. Miller, and the others to ('id
THE PRIMARY MEETINt , .—The Democrat of l lYna l t , ip, and o othi o .r f s
th in the neighln i irh i oTl of Mi l l t
the city hold their primary meetings to-night. tin ~..7 fr u e r t g ; at the last ter n it leg i r d '! t n " l ti e u n rt ' . ' t ' i v ) N e l e r n Abe..
elect delegates to the city convention on Wed- ' Moore, of Bourbon.
nesday next. The object of that convention i s . " They proceeded in the carriage to near Wash
to determine what shall be done on the Mriy.., it t)i iton, t whene i e they went i i m foot to East i Mays-
ally question. Of course none but Democrat , 0 .
skit'y v i e me t , i k e? - tr a l t e t ti e k ni e, p • i te a ' ud t t ' u c ti r k us'' ar t id 'e tL l r i' tr i e i t ' i
should he allowed to interfere in the primary w-nwn atel child were drowned. The men cried
meetings. Mr. Cult's friends mat' try to help f " 'ell' and were rescued by a market-ntan go- i
us, but we need no such help to settle our 0 .,„,„ .nuogtftlol,',Aayer.kleeiti.to.Nlftysville, who, happening
.I ,k ei t t l e i m en e i n t t , . a t t ne m. j i t l i l i e l iss a . t
affairs as a party. We hope good and true
Democrats only wilt be elected, and that they burg. ia3svill and e. if T tte r y :-' , lm . '" : Ts g e.t ,. a .t t' i e' ,,issession of the free
will he the kind of men to deliberate candidly. negro. he will probably be hung. The white
man, if he is discovered. will be pretty apt to
and decide wisely. We must win the race this
'fleet with the same treatment
winter against the K. N.'s. and can do so if no —
attempt is made to do things by force. Give GEEAT Pores HEMEDY.—Dr. Rog is ers syrup
us some man that all can cordially unite in sup- Liverwort, Tar, and Canchalagua a seientific
remedy for coNsummus in all its various stages,
porting and he can be elected. and is especiallp efficacious for a common cold or
WE ARE furnished with a call upon Mr. amuel c ough. NS h ' f
hen taken according to the directions.
almost immediately, and in a few
A. Long, for the Mayoralty. It will appear on i d ' effects g av i s vesre
a permanent cure. Fur sale by
Monday i DruggiSts everywhere.
. . ..
. . , .
. .
. .
. c •• ..
. -' 1 - - - r.. , ' •
'• ' • •1' ''.., ;..
. " . • A '
0 4 1, -- •
~., . .
77. tholl , is r,ost, Map! , Bei4—a name
ul4.iroiliar to the American 1)111)1;e—will also
o tea-t 1, every one fowl of good reading. It
bb., ling of the tueful l‘ith the sweet; for
c moection with the llN.,l.lenripti,n of hun-
t. :till trapper life. we or , iofonued of the
balk-. haunt- an.l cirlracteristic, of the
eut ,111,111:11 , to I , C foon.l iu the wil•kvf the Great
I, , utYer ht: , it fur ante :At hi: , 10,,,k No
;U Fifth street
,T \\ Nr, York
seup..ll. No, 1 , 0 nild 102 Nassat,tl,...t
Ilene Illterl.,llllll .1,11.1-. n e at o ,taN,.
volume a Lettotittil bitid.ing,. 31,1 the 111,.1 . 31 ,11-
tirely utwxceptlonalile. comtuend it to any
frik.wl• who Nvi-11 t,, inuk, a pre-t•ut of a
to a ,weellit•art or tut.ittaint-titttt,. t,t Nchil4.
aWay tier 1,,11g wintry ccruthat an• 11.1 W
I,:tulrer. Firth
:11 , 0, A numLct of other
,uit•tble for !wildly gifts.
-Irt , t, who
A PAYING INsrtryrnlN.—An abstract of the 1
report of the directors and warden of tic (Ono
penitentiary - , which is to he presented to tin , next
legislature, hat just been publi,hed in the Colum
bus papers. It shows that the institution ha,
paid all its expense , . including the salaries of all
it s officer , . and has a , urplu: of near foe thou
sand dollars. Add to this the work of tons ict ,
on new shops, etc., and the net earnings, over
and above expenses, would reach twelve thousand
,b-llars: The whole number of convicts is Ow.
Uf these 4'.› are per,ons nf intemperate habits.
and 17.'7 , temperate—thew lag as usual, that
drunkenness is the fruitful cause great i>or
tion of the crime. The number of whites incar
cerated is : blacks and mulatt,,es (me
hundred and thirty-six young men, under twenty
one years of age, are among the convict,
THE PILI:RIMS.—Two hundred and thirty-five
scars ago, to-i.
Mayflower on Plymouth beach
there the tito - d white settlement that was 111/141.•
eithin the present limits of the Iftilted States.
The settlement at Jamestown. in Virgirna, was
eommenced thirteen year. earlier . and that at
St. Augustine. in Florida, at a still earlier date
But the Plynt“mh eohm:. has Lean the 1111,1
an.l of I.“pulAt! ,, n T6r Punta:,
Ire vryw here
tit! the 4.N - rut of the ttot,lttt.t. inte.l f
Ne t.f the Unitett State— ttur fnentt
P 11 1 ,44111,4.1 1 4,,titt tt,1,3v.• it th,
1- 11 .'1 Wlll,ll 1,111111,1
th plea,ure
111.1 W highly I.r.hal.le, n
, k.tter !Ilan ~..‘ll.l Lr 111111C•1 In t6i. r i tttha
411 ,111 v.. I ,s
t 11.! .I,rllll 1r %, 111 )11 - I the :11a”
it iLlet . , lie —rk /WO,. a g.
NI:. Ittlt , tty , tt.• t ,tAt
tt. k -1,111 , 1 11..ti0• tt. , 11, Inn tp•ti 10,11,.. - rt
tt iterc t.e 1911
1 t!, IV't) 'll,Zifit I .•,tlll/3:,ii,1 rr•t,e,
.1 1 . I. !it•r
1,121. n I:.r, NI I 1,, .1,
131! 31,,orhei in t h e
1 ,..11: ‘• C.,. I:Aker I
••:Iniyn 11 .;.I r:arr.•.l the tar-r
❑ hr A .A1`,.1
Ti.i. r.• rif-n
a ss.ieviites, aiel they
Jul the five in. udiereliti •1,
,ireadfir i•Xeitelliviii
(h•.':11114'!"- 11,1 turrililers , wen• seized, I
state-. \Net, thr , ,Cll nr•41:.•1 iike •
ilin• • f the waiters, nante•l
tell, NVll' , ,truck with a decanter 11.'9.
dreadfully iniurid that the
think he will ,11rYlVe I the
named Ales. 1,1,e, had hi- arm Itr,ken .
Intined Patrick was k m
;t horn the head and face th.• Lc•
of the ln,tel Wire r 1,1,1-•
- F
.. -' 1- .1 0 ty ' 3 • r .. ," . e ,t-S, t,... t e , ..:%,...,' , . 4 -•,.....4. .
•' ~. 4 r' ''' w":;.....!..1.1 ,-- , 1 . r ,-- ~ , , 1 4.
' ''
• 4'
.''': P 4 4 1 4 ,:, 110.-:' 4 1' rf• ',. 19 .•. ' ‘ . -I- . I
• • -:,,d.,,.....-.4,, e ".•:, - " . 5 14 e% -' , •• „I 1,- It ,1
• t t,' Of 4 ..',..... , , ' ,: r ' ," -- "., '."
10 iL- 1 • • ,
~.... J , ,N, 1 ~...,..44 % ,,ti1,
.74 ..
- 1,t1t4
N4l t4,‘
• >44T
• •
llook“ for C 111•1141 Oka ,
• - , i It, C.tio It. ol 1••ik
To-night they will he eeiehr.l
If \I, arr I , iia''• x Uruv.,rr:Lll
‘N• Uk 1 .7 k !
The It fol n \err lor k
I G.
. ..... t•, tight t
it .!,1. I tip•
vt II II ik
rll,lll Iht - ~oillt• t
l a ic - i l , Alt 11 1.11 !heft
~ i• 1,5....
, •••!71-.-1
m: \ lac
nml :ttte,:tr. • I t..
I •• • • It••••,.•1•••1 It , t• Tli •
I ln .Int• tlg!,
t , I tr , ) 1
having Leaten rcery
!Jan.!, Ow gang ntarcliv.i
mini in arm. riy this limn. 3 gri•iit
1,1 wa,
:thy 4 them arrive 111,1.1 , 111.• tune ae
tight. Whi , h 111.-ted "vet; half an dour frdni
cepti.sl, N.. d o ubt measures ma:i ke taken
rent the offending partiett to-da . They ar
r H os, --Our la.t ad‘ tr4.ril
are calculated t r relieve Ow ptthlic min , ' from
appreherisiJal Ili regard to the character atel re- . the k 0
the recent .11-turimutc, in that l'erritory
The t 1... ,11,taht. a""i T`
.„ '1
Fll E
INGT,N CITY. December 21.-110 tom— Mr. the
Giddings rose t a privileged title:aim', denying that ,
he used such a remark as el, attributed to him by •
Mr. McMullen, namely, that the ,;•tt,cridnent ithould
go into the hands of the North it the Alatlition party
would elect a President. and dm: then I Ile
ought nail woulwould:11r. trug- •
ed that no man would caplet ilitn t rcply to that gen- P r "
tienntn hereafter` except in a case ot pitipnbli• 'h4
Mr. .1.. c. tio• 111,151 1 ., mean 1
cap:041,2.d member Fin
tine \\lien I 3211
I.lt !now!, tr,,ilt 1 SN IP I rtll intro , D ,
1 kilAt tnnintiontu tine
nil 1113 i u,cml. t i..l I ha,
thing I i I.",
Mr. t:ox re , ..iimc•l h. , culli:11;•-. ~.1111111:1101..i ,411
day. etelen,ormg t•, -.how 01.11 the Natimial Amen I
can party ccald not unite ••11 the eleetion of Speaker •
‘‘ttli the L itt ..bo erg part, at Lire N•affit Ile de
1,11.i,•41 t h e In. , litat..,ti ..1 -latrrr ender Ow v.1, , ,1L1 ,
tubl..t,ct ,, itig . the whir que.titi in ‘letail.
Mr. Ethridge: differed from the gentleman, claiming ,
, that the South hold ti• the e
InFlitutra of shiver) I,
1 contempt of the Com.tituti , m• the in , ' billion ha., in;
existed before that it,trunient anr trauled. i
Mr. l'ox. after giving •cecral gcntletacii opportu- 1
nitim , f., explamiibra emlcern.m.:: the Ka:,-”, and
NebraLka toil. combinied b.- deer tem:. 'pee , Ii in
1 the ii it , I lb , A tach.•au pal t.
Mr. LA.. ~1 he., ..1,',L1i , i....1 i.... , 1)..11 , ..'rati , friend-
from the charge that ttie, are re.p...,.ible Ira latt 1
urn to orgatiire the Ilcum., •matending that they are 1
in a minority, and further. that they canr. , t allito
whir the N now No:ho b :l., a 1,-.• prbseript ive prliii I
r pies form an 11111.-011. i, ',artier. lie ITIN-keti 1,..- i
friend: , to stand firm. and not tease the l/elow•rALL
~rl/11117.116911, v.11.V.•1311 11l all Icmr ,hen it bad been
purged 1,1 the net I c. 1..... !, ~f Fie , 5 ,, 1 , .• 11 '
14 , 1110er:ill.. party i , . imtertmg iget. tam triumph. k.l
Fester re 171,1. •:Q lit Dotnverat , land
r 130.3,1 thenThels, ! , ,r ❑ gre,i;
lor Ow 1.71,1 ca liili
un.10r,10.7 , 1 7litivrc..7l% 11, -7, -...7..77
•7. t;7 •10,1,
I.ut 7711 e • ti„.
ratio t•aucti-
Tht• thuti
k,111•,:loN !11. r
t.. dni ha , hivne.l betwt•c
the fr il!Ch:ll . l , •ii 11, I. ! • !.. •
Ui -uppurter, .dl•rt‘,t.t.!y I,,rt.
•lia.ll I.e
they tit(' :111.1 ~. 11
velar:1;111g the
11/••t PI!!(111)11.
rhea i nn
Mr. Wallmck,
.ontti r,-r. •nntrt. l't.r.ti•N l .nu: • t
Sni,th'• 1,.10.. lr
Th r.
\ e.-k
Ichral to or t lie I, st‘tio;; of thr
1.:11o1111)11:! the 111 , %VII: :•. !lllit 1/1
1 . 11u,k3. 1 I..trlr • ~i..
114.11114 3 ilig% ..t
I T r
T,',11, I.nn r ilic
Prot, I Iti t , LnSi lu Ar.rtit I.
{. \
1\ II It -I,t!*.
Uaol /1 Of 11/ I nu, itr 11. "1 ()ilk,
, k,i " ['t• r ."! •r II H.':
r opt a.
NEnS 'n o t,• C'll t`.•l
Depnrt ur. of I lie Aslant-Icm
Cu Worm•: Worm
11 , , I•r I th. r
r I.F.m I N 1;
onstrtstaption'. Prrolontlorit, art
It In tilt• t•%.•r. 1,111- :tt
44 - Importrkskt to Irartztirrl.--dear 1)1scov.
~uly Ow incident 1.,
intpttive tlltt ,ti 111,11!n
.llttst. Litt t it
..int ;hat . oolisc) tio• :1,11, 11, 111,—10t..
-.I 1;4;111) 1.1. I. 1/ L. ///1 , 11, the
LII , CILL/C / ZLICI iliil/CUL, \ s% ikri•
arming fn. liming , . nil!!
,tibst-r,t their iuterii , t , liy gis kAt•ati Cup, n limal.
coutvfn —Dr CURTI,. iiI,LANI iirigimial —lily
Al . I) PRoI,(•CE GE.,VERALI,I,,
4 sy - Stocking. and Hosiery for Winter.-- No. '2 99 Liberty street,
If pet titut't want )ett fret Inn: ietl e 111, bad anti sleet ,1,,,14 : ,1,, PFITSBURtiII.
.... ....
t.t....k0ttt... ~tt wilt take uur ads tce au.l Rt. t., t' It.tt.,'-. cut i ) , ,
~ 1
1L..1 ..1 Nlarket alley and Fifth street. anti (my stunt• of ib.....• I LA RI A s r I 'l EA m mI I 4 1,,
elegant fine Stocktrms, that Illulit. ~tir it.it 1 . ,.1 il /0 . :L.,' A I, L E (-: 1 - 1 E N 'V.
teutfortable. bait ,As., ,11.,i0. , .4.1 ..11, ever. ,ariety u: 44,- Fl.tit'lt Itr.I.IVERKD To FANIIIAKIS in either tit thy,
Hosiery that yutt can mention :it aI L. ,lesa lc and retail let t Otte.
tete., may be left at the Mill, b
ill, ur in uxtts at the store, of
Remember the place, curet ruf Market alley mud Fifth •
ttc4.l s;AN. \Vit.:3l,N .t. CO, 52 MM ott.sl street.
. ___ BRAUN i. IttIITER, c.f . . Liberty and Cl. CialtiVrets.
11. P. SCIIWAITCZ, Druggist. Allughtm3.
4613 - Batohelor's Hair Dye.--lakt. a Ida river,
1.1-.1,1 and ,leep and atrutii4, ill, roputation of BATCH F:1!IR', TERM s: CASII. oN DELIVERY.
HAIR DYE Ilowt , ~ I l and n nwaril. boning imitatur, sm i al I._J BRYAN, KENNEDY Jtr. CO.
kialtut up prolenders, drowntog all conipetiti-n, iiisitli4i
upuii the sluiras and .ii.iniug nuks the l',/iti ~.1 Isolkstilisi IVILLIAIII B. HAYS C0.,.k
rutfory and 110 doad dogs of unappreciated trualeakiinrers. . DEALERS I N
Made. aor applied at V.3:', IlileallWily, NeVl YOrli. 1
.„i, N 14,11.11113 laid rist.all, Ls in. GEM, 1 1. KETBEIL, •411 . • •- L , 1 t
Wood street- ' 4 . =1 . 9 • .41h _ W _ LA RU. LARD OIL.
ifit [ED REEF.
'6 CU AR-CI: RED ,u,d
.1E - Call at No. 164 Wood street, and sr.
ut.6166 Our swell of SOFT HATS and WINTER CAPS. Just re
n large lut of Slmlghn.l, C4516,tm1, and ”tlier styles 61 .
Cops, , 16-1, 1%.• ill doll 1 , 0; for 04,411 l liver: C., 164
Wood %root. rtlS
f - ••
Pilgt lIIMv
,ovat hero
Untitotlll ill, 1111
111.1 /... I I UV
but Iti,ewin.• ti.l
1 . .‘ ,' 1/Cer. , 3L/A 1 N Arrndill Wilha/l/S,l
Wrong - 111 Iron Tubing,
4 ' ). From the N. York National Monitor .l V 0 II TI_V 1: E .N" f: I? AI, Li,
-11'"`" 'l, r Clots ' l''' For Warming and Ventilating Buildings.
th , k.t Vii- W A A will rtnitruct f',,r \Vanning and Ventilating
innlait, than ..1 that ' II
iir lint Water, l'ipos or Furnae, Churvin
"" h " 1""hih" '"."""•
' t 7. ...11' " t or ni7i"III.I.Ca*E'TD.:I:II(IF:I43.,
1,.. ni•trth • ii,,i„„gh. apl6
Alt I \ .Lll.l
11!,. , 1..-10 , • It1.1:111 A,ti
, ~,
...... 4 4
. .
. . .
... . . . . .. . .. . . . . --.-
tru_Seinds' Sareaparilla---Inveatinatinii and et, Ohio and l'eniisylvania. Railroad.
Al St. L.mis, December K. by the Rev. WILL liOpkins , fr.
n•rinient leave denionstratd tehat, upon tin. condition of Ow Tit E ONLY li AILILOAD
•i•--FRANK. 13A.11.1.1Y. Clerk of the steamer Cristal Palace. fon
1.......1 deperi.l. lhe h, ,, lth of tha . UNly• ,J i n ceiiiiii•iit it. the" it ir N SIN (~, yk" EsT FROM PITTSBUROH• nt erl3 of Eittelairgh, to Mi. , . KATE. only daughter of Cot ,
11,,i, ill the 611:lpt . of SCr.4 . olo , ErysiPuisei I .iiiiiiiii•l i liiiliii"' l6 Ir,r- TILE I , IOT TRAIN lea‘ii.i at 2::10 A. M.: through to A. 11. Johnson, of Washington county, Mo.
Erupti.ms. Liver Cumpleint, le., aplo.ar. 11 I, at • dice i•vident Cincinnati in 1:1 linen and 40 niiiitin... Fare. 57.
that the secretive fuuctiuns have become Inert. and nillloll- MAIL TRAIN leaves at SA. M.
tios have been ungendere.l in the hiusal which are trot kin.: EXPRESS , . TRAIN leaves at 3P. M.
sir way to the surface. SANDS' SANSA EA 111 LLA 1, ..x- These Trains all make C 102343 connections at Crestline. so
,ssly preiutred to retn'ly sects C0.5(.11, and ,Imuld 1, at that passengers avoid detention. The direct route to St.
resorted to. It will ,•:Illy stillinlitt , the finciiicns •iii 1. ,„,,, I . ~„,e ore , via CI-oolitic and Indianapolis, 100 miles
- ' aa ' ili ' nil l ''''' .l. s ' "" lar '''' l hoatthe a ''''''''' '''' ..1”.1 ter than via Cleveland. Fit,t-...lass fa, (rut. PittOatrgil
Wont nail..., or pur.:l,,, ..st.el th,r. it ..1 idi deletert.m , i,. St. Lan, 0'3,30. : -1 , , 1t41 i'11i..4.1, $l2. Coll:1,11°11s are
•utaulattutis. purilv the 1.1 ...I. ... i ii..1,... the iln iiiiiiii•e. ~ h, 0 , .,
. it
~,,,,,,,,.,, „.,,, Its ," it ,,,,, i ii. , ch ,,.., ‘ „i i , i ,„,1 ~, M„„„_
'''''''' I— " l ' ireto ' n ' ''''P r. " ' ' l '' "11..."''' ”"i"" ' '''''' 'el
fi' • 111 with tit , R,LII to Newark, Monroeville and
.us... cansin4 all um.,.litly ,Xrr0,..1...,1 no il,,tpl.lar. and , (~, \ , Trail, rt. , li ~ 1 111, 1 1 ts.
Ir.is it. 16.• this v•rft , lly s , ll —lit .11,.1 11,11.,,
„gated and p... 1.1 1.,, A II & U. ,AIN Dr-. 1.rt.40.,t,. 1 ,, I , 0, 0 ~,
/it,. ht. 1.5.1. Nt . W Voth. Thren..4ll Ti. liol- , axe 4..141 te C 111,11113.6. I.tlitlVilk, St.
Sold it'd, dt FLE)II:.Oi 1 . '11 , 4 , , Pltt,lntrg l . , . Pa.. and hy 1,. In,. Indianaindln, Clot - ago. 1t.n . 1: Inland, Fort Wayne.
i. 1 ., g. e 1 / 4 . rally ''''' :7 I ' Cle‘elnn.l. and the prnapo.l tev.na and olden In the Wend
I t I . 11 . S I (. It 1 . 1
I i 'Fle• NFAV ItlthillTl)N AdVoNPrhildA'fltrN TitAIN ie:lVei
' L1:n1.t..01 al lu A NI nod .1 . ..4:, 11. NI , and Nem' Brighten at
~,,,, 1 i, ,
/.\.`..Lit.d.‘,'/: Cl/ I/P.I.V S
"-";" A s'
ti i .tt Rrriii Statin, ti
A S): L: s,..ssissstus
W 0 irolr..tt. t •
M all
.4,.:3.”1 4 1 111 LI. I t . RISKS 1411..
And M NI : F Ohio and Indiana Railroad,
I.!!!!tirt-t and liamag, F!r!.. J. 11.1
hda„ font 111111111 On of the Ohio et. Penna. R.
II 1 trt to. Ow Haf , t T FI)RT NY A Y SE,
..y - s
//alwlty. Al,d.:1•1/•/ - R/II• 1 /•' •
.1 1•11
.1 Kn.,/ 11 , •//1.
,t/t/ti• I )(1'11,11://1.
,1,/, \l' I/lion.
,I:Lrite , Ila:////ati
NV/Ilint/I 1.11/11q.,
Clot/ ,Irl/11/1/11-I
.1 .11/1 ••11.
NI , I Ith - 11/•
.t,„ WI ill/. .
./ M1,r51.11.
11 , N 1.0 1,,u11111.,, f , . 1 B a . n. 15,11,1.P111.A411,.
:11.AltINE INSURANCE. IYai Sprinpfield,
1 F: ISK S. I inanapull, Itatintnd,
Tann. Findlay.
\ \ iNsuR E (oily ; kids m particular to ask a
I tin• uhi.. and Indiana Ilailroad.
... 11,171 k: -1.1,,,1. I, `111..•,, I 1.r., ,, 11N ,lk
Chartered Capital. 8500.0011. ,
1- Ili F. .11 lIL 111: .4.\1 , I.V I. IN II [HA N, I'll; r irb , V No. 38 Fifth Street.
.t 1]:10, , I.ll'l.l\i't in 1.,,,„1.. 1 ,, 1 1 41...rt,1tEi: \ AND BLACK TEAS. warranted to giro sat
t,nRIN 10rtt1.1;,.... L IIIAII. • l• lA. tom
I ,EttitC,F. Vot. Nil. 'rrottmt:or
ni/ty.,1.111,. 1.1..C.Kg. GE.f1r...01..
T ',AUX-, lont,- -:0 1 . 62. 71,, and fi twat , Young, llyattn—,so, G 2,75, and
SA 1111..111 11
ii .iltain al. ; i t,,,10t $1 - rt It. : finttat quality, $1 Itt m.
~.1 \ S t... N•tA.•. . /.11.11-11 Isrttakfa..d -stt 71, and; finprrial and ldunpowder-5 0 .
\ 11
It.datt.o d It: .I.ttota. $1 " f t Itt 62, 75 and $1 ji? Id,
all grad
.111.111. , 1 . ,11.11.11 ; 't r.... , aliti 111,61: Tt•att ..f . . put up to rnetallw
s; ,„ 1 ,,,,
~ ~,..,,: , ; „ : . ,,,,i „,,,, ~ , „.. t , ( al , i.ittk.,, , .1. - idt•,-Itt f •rthe trade. and alli !x• odd ld 01 thr low•
~ ~ . 1 „ ~,,,.„,,,,. ,-„,,,. ~, ~,r „ 1,,, , ; t:t tdt Ed, ;'ronot Pt-: anti .bunt C 011.,. Kn.., and rotated.
n:.11 s. ...11..1 It/ .114 , 1 ...1,.113”•111 i,l 1.......... Si t iA IN -1,. t . rl/111 ' . cru,.16 , 1 and PultotrakvlStugari. and
I'd ttottit .1t t 'lnt , . 5,.. ot N 1 at, ,Itou, i ',to. N t 1 ...411gAr
.1 ~ lii 1,„.., Ital.ttrt , kin an. C.,..41 eillA 11”..r , late
t 6. tt" , t .1111
n 1.1.1 1, .111.01:List.
•tt.tl,llA. .. tt, I ttt I JAL:IIES BLAKELY,
Ti.. 1-.61
UP PII I I)1 i. P El I A
Li,' 1,• t'•-1
111. t ,I\li' l / 4 %
lititivh ( untincnt a:X(11:111:U
I 1.1: I'l
1)1 N( AN, 411E1:7,1 A, (
~‘ Till. I %1. , \ I\l%
k` LP ~ ,1 1 k\l , I.:I . I'
?I . . Grtinrbnistro A Itnill”
1•1,11 • A: • ;
tt 11 / . 1 , 1(1.1 \ 1.1 , A 1 11 111. k .• 11
11 1,1,
1 . ...10 . .111" t 1 \\t:l • ; , ta: ,
t T , II r+.
\ !..•1•1
, 1 t.i..
par k . 11-1.{1L1)1,.: ) asll.P., iort.l. - .1 I,li 1., a• it
1 ,n, laa sa aaa ha . I.l4•iali)
al I, , P ATEI: "T'lt LET
.11 rti,hi z! h t PIT U., 8300.000
\ \ ..ri•
11 Kit,.
11..1, 1N NI k .1
r INI l'A
.1/./ Pr .-t/ A . 1. t A 1{111F:11
F I' I T S I: (.; II
VI I.LIAM ilAti.U.l.l Pt. .1 1,11
,A\ll r.
FF.'f strr , f, tAllo , r , .5/J
- • -
/Igr I 11.111 .„ 1111.1. .IND i;p4l,
~.1 und !I tholat •
IV illlaui Basznley
.1 miles M
Satnuel Heft.
11,,bert Ihin .1i
Irusr ?I. Prnn.. L.
C .1/ /'.4.V 1,
Neiv Lisbon, Ohio.
, 1 .3 111 NTF.R.A!: , 3II •—• '', \\ot ,
I moI mrkot, I'ittrl4ur!.;ll
II leElt , .
F . LOCIISA Prt>tth-nt.
.1 lICR.DICK, In, Proshlrtil
iIARTIN. Ttoomttet
.1:1"1.4., 1V,30,1,vei
.11.1., B. NI. 1i..1310.
I larhatigh, Dr.. 11.1. Parke!
Blrlampllann, Do.u.ot. Nvmnlyar C
U N-U .)N Us"
A hirer stock alway,t , ii haat! at
No. 1197 Liberty Stro,t,
. '
, •
r I
‘1 h
lail El EMU
N' Sltl HUII
• 14 , 1mrt‘
! the ,u I I n!,.,1
Jo, Tat,hor.
II It t
1,13.1 t. II a/74.!
J It J •w-.
.11,1111 u 1,11,4111.
Fran ,
.1 S•lt•—nnoil...l.
Villt3nl 13
F., part wolars,
.1 Ttt ket t and lurthrr inf mat ion. ttropl)
At h.• tuilvt tln. Nl.4l.,tizaht•la Ihmse
'..!"2, 1
wlth all the 'fraitte no the Ohio and Penniiyirania
and at Vt.re.t with Trains going North and South,
.1. the \ lad Its, et and Lake Erie Itoilroad.
.r apply at the itailmid Ottice of the Ohio and
”ti- IN mita Itailrcad Company to Pittshurgh, Allegheny
5r At MO the rt•llowing
urn•r , ! r Srm-nth and Smithfield streets
fries the old country I, Pitt
ri•rnitteil to Enrive. itios-27
• .. ._
"" ' J. P. Smith's Patent, February 27, 1855
j AM.. and Coln pit,tr Y uwer CORN' .
• I boen pI,IIOIIIICOA by cosupeteut Judges.
nee, A p - ir aim ristm xud N.ehnn6n, to be the fastest
• . ot : , eparntor ever in tented.
A Elushel per 2111mi:tie:
liou.l, vul. o smell expeuiliturit
oiel ...parole the corn fr,lllll the• piirfa
I,rrn6l tio a port, le of either. F.a , •ry Fort
ni I +a) Ulu... win w r.lt t.. [nuke a tUrtUue will/
,11 , 1tAt .1, Ilia pun 1/A n , n It.„ ht nt ,tll,.
it, ItAll In A `t e ll. andOtta
•2• , . til In• K I. . ...I nl,ll tern, ;is n tII insure
ItAl.l/11 IN FA It)1 It
, I .In Tl,l3r.an, .111er n.K.n. Jurilvar
k . . t•y
I, •.I.4l, , tntralrix •.! la, Juni , . Ita
• • .. ,li. •11 N..titttlivlll Tun.
ILL G-ILILL•.o. r.LuLL.ILLILLL.:•LutainItt4
.... L. L., ILL•L-L S•i111 • 11 t• I/I*i
•.1.1..1 1 . 14• ..1 tondo, 411 IV,
.LLLIML, tour.
t,-L SLlLtilt NI:011mo*.
.LveLLILLtIo. Tlm•mat, 1., , •r
LittLty ILL wlll. - ti t,ravato
.kli 1, .1.1, u
-t• , '1 , 41, t h
Ot..r. il,
f init. ,
na). , 1,11.4 t lit nt.:ir.
(111111 K upward. tit lin) now , cholvic Wait
. [tarn. Sinlin mini buililing ,
s•in loch +(Ate cultivntion. It
Annikinne ilinntry scats, beluit
Nittuttnins in tin• vicinity of tin,
! insitr.:leil. Title inditiin.
i • ski u,.,ouually l' ly
M DAVIS. A uct limper
I( 1 ST Litt eilliesda‘. the Iltth instant,
A t lie- uua mall ..1 to John Urontt
II ti olaants t and wade is, 0. & F. or
•••lier poldr cast, pless tot. net,. , and not letes,tot it.
etee-tet 1t... i.e., .1 JOHN OROUTT.
eci.il it
rpm: 'Ft) I,E.T BARGAINS--1)u
-.•ltr tenth, stock of Silk
Pl.-0e ' q wee t.' ' , meet ing Caps. Frtettele Felt linta. I,lW . te
o•aillA list- ant e; l• et .es, Childre's Fancy Hats and Silk Yi
!. %loam— Felt Flats. to gr n eatly Mal...Vs]
•I 11
•• • ..ett scar ,- tat t.n. at N., "1 W O 4l iitreet.
- )RIME LI. libls this day
i•,•••1\ l b, sAlirt 5.1.1. and for sale by
1 4 1 1 bids received by railroad and for
1 ,4 di, 11 lI Y XIIY II. COLLINS.
lIRESII TEAS— The attention of families
sal ,
oraiiirs la tailed tae iny loge nail carefully selected
sack + et PI ti BEEN AND BLACK TEAS. piarchasod
rural alas itui—rters, which will be sold at prices lower
bh usual S. JAYNES,
l'••kin Ten Store, No 3S Fifth street.
c:7 , 7T he Expres-s—KATE Weenie:
L , Well steel to De: By Joon te De Watt.
Tlo. II enters Feast: , ranted the Usurp
Falas 11101.4A-111t1 MAN 110 Reid.
ilec2o 104 Wood settee
n non-residents
to renting
h....—. sad t••,ll,tslig also to insurance. repairs. pay
ent of tate,oar charges fur such services are mode
rate. Wee in rite the of property owners, especially
atlai reeesadee ••111 et the city, to this branch of our busi
nss. We ids., nepitintii Loans on Bonds,MOrtFlgVA,
II•••••11 , ..1••• 1.1 this kind etttondist 1. , promptly, and all comma
co-wads-mod. All inquiries regarding Real
Estate. ot other matters. must enclose a post stamp to pay
Mark RT 0
1,1.1 • 5 T RATED and liscellaneous Books
Saturday . evening. Decomber iIJ. commencing at
• • ! •••/.. ••.I l':•ltline•rviAl 11•••• ti, cornet of Wetud nut
.ea ntreeeent, let ettettle.gue, a cleetitete nod collection o
I e I tatist and It iscellaneous Books. ninny of which urn suit
for Oro Holidays; and among them will be found Allson's
ilisa•ry of Europe. 4 vols . , Heroine edition of Shokspearw,l3
Illustrated: Griswold'' Prose Writers of America; Lives
..1 Etutnent Christians; Dowlirig's lUstory of Bumanism;
Greek and Roman Classic , FiaataS vole: Goldsmith's Works;
Ms... May's Essays; splendid Family Bibles, superb Anntmls,
he. Full particulars in tatudogmes. which can he obtained alt
lie Auction Store. P. NI. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
HOTF.E FUR.NITURE. &e., at Auction—
°. Thurs.day morning, Daaietribe.r 27, at 10 o'clock, al
the Allegheny Hotel, corner of Irwin street and Duquesta
51 ay. mill be sold—A quantity of Household and Kitchen
Furniture. Bar Fixtures, Sc., aiming which are Feather
lte,lditig, and Bedsteads. Maul - asses, Wash and Work
Struts, Looking Glasses, hall Lamp; China, Wass anal
ticens ware; Fare I nuts, Fenders, Cupboanbt; One large
C.s.l,ing Stove, which cost 1125; Kitchen Utensils, oc.
DAVIS, Auctioneer.
filyett.• Itnilding. See. SO Fourth street. Situated on
cio of the principal thoroUglitaras in the city, with its easy
L , ,,t acce,a—its large and splendid Sky and Side Lights—
o ith every facility I, doing husininis_eitim,is i t to flank
men: the tirSt Ili the country. Citizens and striumers may
of getting the Ilenert Ilicturau that the art I,LII pens
eiery style tef raps wed framo a lockets, limn, rings.
at the 31•01 c nasal liuilrry.Price 50 vents, and up-
'op) tugorrectly 11.1, Rooms open from 8 A. M. to 6
M Sven) picture given perfect or no charge.
1111 - motto in to please. deel9
of the Pittsburgh and Eric Railroad Company
willnieet tireenvillc, Mercer county, on THURSDAY. the
thud of January next, for the purpose of electing thir
ten Directors. tdeclo THU. J. POWER, Prenidaut.
1.•,, Student- attending the Day and Evening Classes.
l'stimanslop. Rook-keeping, Arithmetic, and Its applica
tion, to kle.iness, taught in Olio extenAiroCummerrial SCIIO,II
Mill N 1, 4 ,1 Counting-bw, to large classes of Ladies and
success guarannssl to all who attend. A few lessons front
au unsurpassed penman correct the worst hand-writing.
Book•keeping, when correctly taught, is 1 • 101i1) learned.
Merchants and hosiness no, apple here for tirst class
I llook keep. r, Accountants and Clerks. Cull tool obtain
specimens Hermes writing—a circular for lull informa
-1 o.”---opposite the Post Othee, at CoLLFAIE HALL.
NV.—The President and Direct. , of this Company
bate this day declared a dividend of Sit Dollars per share
upon the Capital St,s7k—tlve dollars payable to the stock
h, riders or their legal representatives, and one dollar credited
t•• their stock, on and after the '22.1 inst.
ing the StockhohlorB of the Monongahela SaYigatku
t'ompan) will he held, m repiired by law. on THURSDAY
th , • loth day of January. 185 G. at the office of the Company
No Grunt street_ to the city of 4lttsburgh. at 2 o'clock t
M.. for the election of officers for the ensuing year.
•I,l7:mbiMlJ/ WM. BAK EWELL, Secretary.
-I..utolr's R.ttra 111 iv, OIL quart.;
pints; just reekved
F. ft. DRAY°.
MASON 6 (4). are offering the whole of tneir stock of
Plank ompri,ing the 'post elegant and thanionable styles,
trend) redoced price", deel9
UTIJ HALL raised a breeze ; Rose Clar:lc
wilt create a hurricane
Ftinny Feru's uew tx.k
For rule by
EP,RING-50 boxes Sealed Herring for
wile by [droLl ALILLEat t.JUM.,x.
- - -' •
NOTICE I—The Democratic citizens of the
First Ward are requested to meet at the
:sapoleou House. in the Diamond. THIS AF
TERNOON, at 3 o'clock, to elect five Delegates
to represent them in the Convention to nomi
nate City Officers. dec22
NorricE!—An adjourned meeting of the
Democrats of the Seventh Ward will be
held THIS EVENING. at 7 o'clock, in the
Pilliiii . Sditail Ilona! of said Ward, for the
',impose of nominating Ward Officers.
de,._ JAM ES A-IRWIN, Chairman.
1101.1 DA Y S.—Laughable and M.A.!" Attrartinn far
to, 01d and roan! commencing an SATURDAY EVEN
INO, December '..t2, wherein the following celebrated Artistes
from the East will appear:
Hit. P. J. 41A NNON,
The paling Irish Comedian and Vocalist, in the following
(lan non I. Teddy the Tiler
Bannon as Paudeen ti'llafferty.
(Mimi, api O'Brien. the Irish Emigrant.
Intr.sitiong some of his host 15.1811 SONUS and DANCES.
A viola not six years of age, will also appear in the following
dull nit parts:
Master George as a Violinist.
Master tiss,rge as . . Flutist.
Master George as a Drummer.
Master George as a Comedian.
Introducing a variety of Comic Songs.
The whole to conclude with J. W. lIINDSAY'S laughable
Comedy of OLD HUNTZ.
Admission 2.5 cents; Boys and Girls 15 cents: Children
under twelve, 10 cents.
Ika,rs open at filA o'clock; Perfortnauce to commence at 7 1 / 4 :
o clwk. front seats reserved for ladies.
dee22:l CAPT. SANDERS, Manager.
FOE SALE—The House and Lot of the un
dersigned, on Rebecca street, Allegheny City. It Ims
been put in perfect repair, with Gas, Water, Ac., in the house,
and Is in complete order. JAMES KERR, Jg
WANTED—An Unfurnished Room, with
Boarding, in a private family, where there are no
other boarders, by a gentleman and his lady. Address . ' H.
P L ," Box 398, Pont Office. dec22:2nchJl
IL MINER A CO., No. 32 Smithfield street. have on
hand the largest, most magnificent, hod, and most complete
stock of Books, fur presents, In the city.
Gift Books, Albums, Annuals, Children's Books, and Games
of all kinds.
The Republican Court; or, American Society in the Days
of Washington. With twenty-one portraits of distinguished
women, engrirred from the original pictures.
The Scenery of the United Status; Illustrated in a series of
forty engravings, embracing tie's. in eiery portion of the
United States.
The Eve of St. Agnes; by John Keats. Illustrated with
twenty designs, by Edward li. Welmert.
Women of the Bible; illustrated with eighteen engraving.
Antique morocco.
Beauties of Charles Second's Court; by Mrs_ Jamieson;
with twenty-one splendid plates.
Iroinesi of Shakspeare; portraits of the female characters
of the great Bard—forty-live large and brilliant plates.
The Waverly Gallery; portraits of the principal female
characters in the writings of Scott.
The Gallery of Byron Beauties; portraits of the heroines of
Lord Byron's Poems.
Poetry of the Year: pasaagm from the Poets descriptive of
the Seasons; with twenty-two colored engravings.
Gray's Elegy; beautifully Illustrated with new and beau
tiful designs.
Bongo of American authors; comprising views of their
birth-places or residences, engraved on steel, with vignette
on wall.
' Illustrated London Not.; embellished with many thou
sand spirited engravings.
The Wide, Wide World; illustrated edition; onibellielied
pint), fine engravings front original drawings
M,s,re's Complete Poetical Works; illustrated with very
fine steel engravings and portraits.
ilyron's Complete Poetical Works; illustrated with elegant
steel engravings and portrait.
I I allisrk's Complete Poet ical Works; beautifully illustrated
with tine steel engravings and portrait.
The Complete Works of Robert Burns; containing his
Songs, Poems said Correspondence, with a new Life of the
Poet• and notices critical and biographical, by Allan Con
- , igham ; elegantly illustrated with steel plates. Idec22
OF,Olttil.: PARKIN,
Ticket Agent
•. I \
Ruse Ckark," is rt 34 3-
11. MINER .t Co.,
Nu. 32 Smithfield street.
bLls prime Roll Butter for Rule
ar ! )1 I LLNII d RICK WSW:
k_„, Gents of Beauty;
Christian Keepsake; Power Gift
Keepsake of Friendship:
Token of Friendship:
Ladies' Gift
Roe. of Sharon
Ladies' Wreath
Magnolia ;
Adventures of tdineit ti.,allead • the 1,--t Cl,r,str
hook. publicly,'
Balloon Travels in Etirp...
Tocettier w nit a large ~sortim-ilt of Jitx.mile
1.. r 11...L.4101M 31141 Neu lem Present.. also, a lart,re
of 01 ,tandal.l,l 110..k.m. 1,011114.11 n el...rant binding,. A
.1 the lit e are at, nil We :OR t, I.•
‘o,llllne, and cotopare taw. , with other -I.,re ,
Garver. Ilaipoite• lot S. price JO
~let's ,to 210
Put mini',
lamb, N Y d..
Pet ers. Isatit/ttie. do. tit,. 1:r.
Nlamvitte, d,. ilO. itt
Remember. the place is at
,10,22 No. 7,1 Fifth 3t.„, he at
Plea.se the mind, taste and sight by call.ng and be) hug
Lytle of our licitly illuminated lic...l.s..such as—
The Itopubß.au Cut.it N Itll twenty-one portraits of dil
-1 n 01.6,110,1 FelnateM of the United States. in the days of
ra) 's Elegy; itlnst rated.
LeMlets of Ilemory for IS:A.
Poetical Work., of Byron, :111 . d. LongiellOW.
Bur., Ac., In ammo° and halt antique Nudity,
The P, acerly Gallery; antique binding.
Charea - teristics of Watson; do
Women of the Scripture's; do
Chroduan's Daily Delight; do
Call and evamine for yourselves at
tlec22 Fifth et, oppostto the Thom
ham at Auction--Un nalrioatly evening, December 27, at 7
o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange, Fourth street.
burgh, will be sokt—
Lots Nos. W and 611, at the corner of Carson and Oliver
street., having a front of tit feet S incites on Carson stns...
and extending back along Oliver street 100 feet to Chestnut
alley ; on which Is erected a very superior new three-mom
Brick Dwelling, with extensive back braidings, elate roof and
hea modern improvements.
Also---Tlmt large Manufacturing I.ot adjoining Foundry of
Hersey. Bollman A Garrison, having a front of 46 feet ou
Voter street, and extending batik 300 feet to Bingham street.
ALso--Lote Nos. 1.31 and I=, having each a front of 24 foot
Carwm street, between Gregg anti Joseph streets, extend
ing back 100 feet to M'ainut alley.
Terms--One-fourth ,ash ; residue in two years, with inter
est parable semi-annually. Title indisputable.
dec22 P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
DRY GOODS at Reduced Prices.—A. A.
MASON 00. are now offering all of their immense
. ..al: at minced prims, comprising over one thousand Catle3
ad pkgs. of NEW GOODS, just opened. All of their extensive
lock of SBIa, Shawls and Dress Goods, Cloaks, Bonnets,
:mbrolderice, Trimmings, Hosiery and Gloves, Domestic
,sis, lc., will be reduced and sold at 25 per cent. less than
nil rates. (dee= A. A. MASON A 1X...25 Fifth st.
Beaver County, at sixteen mllos from the city—a
Mill (louse or4hree stories, with three run of stones. corn
eraeker. smut rimehlno, and all other gaming and fixtures
and in complete order; also, a Saw-Mill, with its fix
tures all complete; two Dwelling Domes, Stable, Sc; 20 acres
of prod Land. all in cultivation. Apply to
dee= 8. CM/WERT k SOS: No. 53 Markel It
'wan= Candles;
Pin Wheels;
Sky Rockets, of all Sims.
;lied riwired and for sale by
REVUES lc ANDERSON, No. 30 Wood rt.
LARGO'S GALLERY, Fourth street, al
ways open on Holidays, and prepared to attend to
host of customers.. dec22
C1,...15M ARABIC-2,500 lbs for sale by
corner First end Wocot dt...
AND PAPER-100 reams for sale by
der22 11. A. FAHNESTOCK k CO
R EFINED BORAX-5,000 lbs for sale br
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-200 sacks, a prime
article, fur sale by SMITH., 51.4.111 & HUNTER.,
122 Second, and 151 Front streets..
TIMED APPLES-50 sacks for Bah; by
RIEI) PEACHES-20 sacks for sale by
A. LEE' ATUS-20 boxes for sale by
I S - .oses or .: e my
PPLIiS--50 bbls Green Apples for sale by
dec22 sCeU' s lIIINTInt.
MINCING KNIVES and Choppers, of a
very superior quality, can be found at
dee-12. BOWN & TETLEII"S,I36 Wood st.
We a
good assortment of the above instruntents on baud,
varying in price flow $1,21 to $lO, or sale at
der.l:. BOWN & TETLEY'S.
QK AT ES-500 pairs of aasorted Skates, from
colas to $.3 per pair. Alvo. Strap for the saute. very
cheap, at irked] BOWS & TETLEY'S.
QIIOT--2.0 kegs assorted Shot, from BB up
to Nu. 10, for sale low for mill, at
dee2,l ROW N & TETLEY'S.
—NO. I DIAMOND.—Tbe µuri4 and trushilem of
these Spires and Mileitani have WOO them u gltait. celebrity.
Ina op in '1 oz., Ulb and lb papers. Try them. Whole
sale or retail, by (d0e1.41 F. R. DRAY°.
—ROSENTHAL & BRO. Fifth street. opposite Ma
sou's, hare a large stock of Men and Boys' CLOTHING
on hand, comprising some entirely new and elegant styles,
which they aro prepared to furnish at the lowest Globigices.
Also, a large and fashionable stock of GETM' FURNISH (NO
GOODS. declti:dly
11EAVER BRIDGE—We have a. very eon
reuient residuum for eale, sittlui'd about throe minutes'
walk from the Baiireful Stalled at Beaver Bridge, Thu lot
I. 7,5, feet front by 110 deep, The house contalus nix roms,
in good order; has a ports,. in front, and purclrin the rear.
A well of excellent water, garden fruit trees, &a. Price.
$lOOO. Terms easy; a will BS exchanged fur an Allegheny
County Staid. S. CUTHBRIIT I SUN,
der r 4 53 Marker street.
DRY GOODS at Reduebd Prick—A. A.
MASON h CO. 4{.43 wlu Ing the prtee on evory
6iriptial of Dry tiondx. Silks, Shawls and Loren (Jowls re
kinc,l a per cant decl4
FOR SALE-40 aorea of good Land, aix
mile. ( N ., Wiz city, on Saw Mill Ron: 20 acres Int
prom!, with a .t rate Stearn Saw MIL Frame House, Sta
hitt Sc The timber on this tract will pay for the land.
Terms accommodating. THOMAS WOODS. .
decl4 71 Fourth street.
REFINED WHITE SUGAR at 10 cents per
pound; Double Refined Crushed end Pulverized, 11c.
Prime Rio Coffee, 12% mato; Old fioverament Java, 17 chi;
Mocha, 20 cents.
ROASTED COFFEE, fresh every few days—warratited
equal to that we retail green. JAYNES,
dt,l4 Pam T. Mom.
—A large and beautiful lusiortment of WATCHES,
CHAINS and JEWELRY, at ti Market street, corner of
Fourth. W. W. WILSON.
Uilchrist's American Raters, "the best In the world,"
for sale only at the above place. det`2o
Characteristics of Women; 20 steel'engravings; an
tique binding. : .
Istyltrif Ancient Rome; antique tinding.
Waverly Gallery; 30 enp.uvinp; London edition. .
RepubLican Court; 21 portraits of American ilcMakilt, ,
Christian's Daily Delight ; flue illustrations; autkinobitlirg.
Women of the Scriptures, do do,
Knickerbocker Gallery; 49 portraits of distinguished On
tributors to the Knickerbocker Magazine; morocceiand cloth
Leafiets of Memory fur 1850—a beautiful gift book.
Kehler's Christian year; beautifully illustrated; morocco.
Irving's Sketch Ifook—tine edition.
The floral Keepsake—a beautiful present.
The Diadem.
Scenery of the United States—the finest book of the sensor'.
Puets—Byrun, Moore, Burns, Mrs. newass, Ben Jensen,
i..kgyeare, ht.; in antique and half antique binding.
Large and small Bibles, Prayer Books. in various styles of
Children's Books—over 500 different kinds, suitable for
children of all rips.
Don't forget to call at
dec2o Fifth et., opposite the Theatie.
No. 42 Fifth street,
Where mu be found one of the largest and fluent
weortments of all styles of
Gold 'Watch., (cases of our own manufacture.)
Silver Watches. in all their various styles.
Pure Silver Spoons, (of our own manufacture.)
Plated Ware—a very large assortment.
Jewelry—an endless variety of the latest and most bead:al
to' patterns.
Fancy Goods—a large assortment.
Clocks to suit all.
The undersigned, thankful for past favors, beg to remind
their friends nod the public In general to favor us wittetiitall
during the Holidays. and we are sure they will fititilo;&
and price to suit. decl9
11. C. iterivaitss CuAs. mamas unscital.
received by F. IL PRATO, No.l Diamond—
Raisins—all qualities;
Currants—old and new;
Lemon and Oninge Peel.
Also, Pickles, Sauces, 11-esh Peaclies and Tomatoes.
itoukurss: i 1 Fifth street,
Who will dispose of tiny article in their variety at piece
lower than the same articles cap be bought for elsewhere hit
the city, within fifteen days. They have "marked down"
their stock, in order to make place fora new andllnePidec
tion, purchased with an eye to the holidays, and holiday re
membrance., by the senior partner, who is at present In the
East for that purpose.
We stake our veracity upon the assertion that we will sell
FIFTEEN PER CENT. LOWER than former prices. Thom)
who desire any article in this way will
FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS, - what so mita-
Ws as a Pocket Revolving Almanac, to tell the dby of
he month at an instant's glance; or a Pocket Locket °Oh
ms it o. The above articles ran be had at
k1,:20 NO. 53 MARKET ST
Corner Fourth and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh,
State Mutual Fire and Marine Inattrane
Co., uI 1191tRI8BUta1. CAPITAL, 3350,000.
Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of
Insurance Co. of the Valley of Virginia..
Commonwealth Insurance Company's HAR
Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co,
Pennsylvania Insurance Co., otPITTSBURQA.
CA P17'.4 L AND A ssErs; N0v.5,1855, $129,022 49.
Y. JOHN Toy PresideLlt- A. A. C. 11111141, Secretory_
now on the may, wed partly rrreired, a
complete and choice stuck of PIANOS front
the Factory of N LINNS I CLARK, N. York.
The) art provilical with all the late and Import:at improve
um-n4 which distinguish Nelms & Clarke Pianos above an
•Alters, viz the therstringe, Felt-euvered Hammers, French
Orand Action. etc. Every Piano LS fully uurtrylecl, with
Ow privilege to the purchaser of returning the &Imo if it
privet iu any way defective.
Te.ttimonial from M. Svr..22.osu, the unrivalled Piitotst
CLNCINNATI, Noveralter 19, 18%.
M.,trt IL A leber Et Bro., Pittsburgli—lirugualen: Permit
me to thank you most sincerely for tho magnificent Brand
of MeAm R. \attune eiark'S manufacture, which you
have been so Load as to loan me for Mile. Teresa Parcae
otucerts in your city. This superb instrument is alto of the
,ery lat.t. ever DAP.II3 in America: and for sWeetIIIPSS,AILdI
poWer of tone, so trait as solidity of connrurtion, law.*
amt fling 11,sin,t. 1 really cougratulato tut future own
er, be too happy PS to isYSP4S. 0/10 Of tbS) Auaster
costa of Auierican industry. With hearty wishes for your
happlite.,,, etc. Your obedient PerVlllie,
obedien t
S‘ t ap.ncv for Sums & Clark's unrivalled Pianos an
11. KLEBER. d 131:1C:4, No. 23 Fifth street, sign Of tbir
Goldeu Ilarp.
P. Baum 0. =PM
BROTT C CURTIS, Dealers in Real Estate,
St. Anti..uy Falls, 31innersuaTerritory. Land bought
mid solikditroughout the Territory. Money loaned, introit
melds made to the best lidvantage, and Land Warratits loca
ted. Also, _Agents for the nab of Lota in the town of ST.
2LOUD. tl5 mil. front St. Anthony, and head of navigation
:dove the Falls. The survey of tlie 'great Pacific Dailtuad
comere the Mississippi at this point, and the numerous ad-
vantages It pos'sessed as a place of business, will make It one
of the hilliest cities iu the Northwest.
Extlovenior Ramsey. Minnesota.
lion. Wm. H. Welsh, Chief Justice of 31innirsota.
lion. J. Meekor.
lion. 11. It. Rice, Delegate to Congress.
hie e, Ihillingsh..l A Decker,. Attorneys at Law.
Me,ers. 110113 p S. Oaks. Bankers.
Rev. T. M. Fullerton. Resister of U. S. Laud Omen%
. . .
00 K AG EN CY.— The subeeribere have
bl I RI, .1 a Book Agency in Philadelphia, and will
tarnish any book or publication at the retail price, free of
postage. Any persons, by forwarding the subscription price
of any of the $3 Magazines, such as Harper's, Godey's, Put
-11701, Graham's, Frank Leslie's Fashions, the., will receive.
magazines for one year and a splendid lithograph portrait
of either Washington, Jackson or Clay; or, if subscribing to.
$2 and a $1 Magazine, they will receive a copy of either of
the three portraits. If subscribing to $6 worth of Magearnell,
,dl three portraits will be scut gratis. Music furnisheilAo
these who may wish it.
Envelopes of every description and size in large or email
quantities furnished, Seal Presses, Dies, &c., sent to order.
Every description of Engraving on Wood executed with
neatness and dispatch. - Views of Buildings, News=
Headings, Views of Machinery, Book Illustrations,
Certificates Business Coeds, eia. All orders sent by mall
:iromptly attended to. Persons wishing views of their build
up engraved, can Bend a daguerreotype or sketch of the
kidding by mail or express.
Persons at a distance having saleable articles would &edit
to their advantage to address the subscribers, as we would
.act as agents for the Bale of thesame.
BO South Third street, Philadelphia.
FOR SALE—A portion of the beautiful.,&-
mta of the late Ilon. Walter Forward, on Squirrel MIA
about four and a half miles from the city, comprising about
twenty-five acres, including the Mansion Rouse, Barna, Car
riage Rouse, Stone Spring and Store-house, and other im
provements, with several line springs, and about four Senn
of coal.
The orchard and garden fruits are of the rarest and finest
varieties, not exceeded in Pennsylvania, having taken •flrat
clam premiums at horticultural exhibitions for eight years.
Only a small portion of the purchase money will be re.
quired in iMnd, and a very extended credit allowed rot' the
remainder. Apply to ttIAJMY A RICIIEY,
Real Estate Agents,
corner Seventh and Smithfield eta.
GFoundries, Rolling Mills, Smith Erns, Ac.,patentea
J '17.1815. '• •
These FANS are made on an entirely new principle, and
will run with less power than any other Pan now in use.
The blowing wheel is much lighter and stronger than that
of any other, and from its peculiar construction Is less liable
to get out of order. The shafts are . made oreast' steel, and
the journals use parallel, running in gun metal boxes- ' •
Agent for 'Alanufrctorora, No. 80 Fourth stAnes,
nevi VWWWwilh
- - -
A LEXANDFR W. FOSTER, Aktai,iiey and
Counsellor of Law, and So'leiter I.n, citaßcell, AVM
for procuring Bounty Lando anti Pensiow, tirld, for the Cid
h.ction of Claims in tireat Britain ansklreltuid.. •
Collections made in this eackaolainA: •Cot40 10 1 1 :*
lawn of decedents settled; Rem. hstato bought, s
ieusol, and rente collected. Moneys invested on .MOrt
or other security. Titles examined nrid.lalli.l l aldets ( "VA
Office on F'OURTIt street, a few doors alma Smithfield;
l'ittsliurgh, March 03, 1.8)55-4m628:41N1
W. FOSTER, Notary Public, and Col
ix. • nnasioner for the States of 'Peackllcaeos New IffUnP•
ann., Connecticut, Wismnsin, New, York,, Michigan, lowa,
California and Virginia
165- Deeds drawn, and aokmmiedmenta and proofd taken
for roc.rd or ule in any tlie above named States,
Mississippi and Rhode inland.
Pittsburgh, Mardi 28, 18.55—{mh28d8w1 •
The Perpetual Almanac. This practical titneimeper ,
to ativaya right; very aimple in its operation, but corroctiKeki
eunvouieut. Uy wijueting the brit day of the month; yoli
can tell at a mement'd glance the day of the week deol
lue4th. It ta much valmil as a pocket-piece, While
that utility luau made it a universal favorite with bot) , .',.. dies
and gentlemen. liave you emu it 1 Sold by
decls S. LCIJMURitT.:'...3 Martial a_
CII E ESE--800 box
p - it,,,„1c,,r , $ itif 37 :CEl)—lingazines, &c.
yr. , 8uPP".....1 at siX months or one year, as follows
. -,ol 3'' ''. . a Magn2.ll,o, per year '
12 40
9" ..tnain's do * 2 40
Oraluou'e do na,
Kuickerbocker do -
thaley's Lady's Book, 0
I 90
Peterson's Magazine.
1 90
Leslie's Ladles' Oazette,
Leslie's New York Journal. 1 90
Blockwoal said four Reviews, 10 00
Littell's Living Age, 5 I's'
Illustratad London News, 10 50
The retail price is already known to theentire community.
In (store wo will sell all the new books lately published and
and $1,50 or
now publishing. Ac.„ at 10 per Cent- disc-Unlit to art. 80 you
will get $1 books for 00 coast /1 1 : 25 for $ 1,12 ;
5. 1 . 35 ; but will be acid at those prices for cash way. a •
Remember, the place to buy to your own interest is at
No. Dri Fifth street.
I[4. 0 ! TEA 15 - RIN KERS -- Pt RE AND Faun
TEAS—VoIu: IlYson, Imperial, Extra Oolong, Flues
du.. English Dreatrast, and tho delhately flavored Wyman.
These Teat I will sell as moderato us any establishmeat iu
this city, and warrant them equally as good.
doer: F. It. DRAVO, No. 1 Diamond.
cr 100 boxes WO;
50 boxes 10x12;
30 boxes 1.03.14; for sale by -
der2 S3II.TH, MAIM s two=
0 COTCH ALE--4I casks Scotch Ale landitvg,
at.l tor talc by ilev4J NI I LOtit @ Meta:IN:IN ,
-.--:'''. ';'''.4'.*•,v-',4to,F•—
. . ,
8. 8, CAltiaZIL
fr. Cutting ;
D.• for sede by
HENRY U. cOttan3
- %Y ~~
.~ .7-'~i'_ 4