Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, December 18, 1855, Image 1
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' ' 4 4 ' .:. - ....Y ....,`, • l-t,'. .., 4, . ~,,,,,t •, , , , - 2 ,1, . ;,- . • 4** * »t.,.m.ttlx - ,..,!„.4-,,,,,,..,.„.!,',..:1tivg.,'..7 . .J.C., , ,7,,rta,'..:,.. , ,f+ , ,5,...,, , ,,,,,:- - ..:224.i....L..3 - 1. , ...ti . - t_.. - I'.Z.:-.'..:. - t-i....3,44:;.7.2....i...5 , , ,- .l.L.tizek....l2ZZE:g2 . t•.• , , ,-- 7 - i , ..1:,15.5..e.: :.....: , o , . , s :4 MORNING POST. IRinted a1u41e!,;40 every Intl:rang, ( Sundays ettepled,) Ird Ilaatt OBE di. MORTGOIIIERY, ON TOL NORTIWT-TT CORKER OF WOOD AND nyzn STREETS. . TLIILII4.--Fiva Dollars a yaw, payable strictly in advance. L .*iiliollars invariably rivpured if not paid within the year. far Slagle copies, Two Corre--for sale at the counter in the Oftloo,vind by the Nintißciys. THE SATURDAY MORNING POST Pilafshod fit= tho mama office, on a Largo blanket size at. 11170 DOLLARS a ycer, in advance. Single copies, Pion Owls. No paper nil] be ascontinned, (unless at the discre tion of the 'f.rcipriehlirs,) until all arrearages are paid. attention will ho pidd to any order unless accom paultd by the money, er eatisfactary reference city. Gif - Connected with the Establishment of the Morning Poet Is one of the largest JOG PRINTING GPNICES in the -city, whore an kinds of work is done on the shortest notice, and mot reasonable terms. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. .ROBERT C. G. SPROUL, Attorney and Counselloi at Law, °thee No. Fourth street, Pitts htirg,h. deellay TAMES A. LOW It IE, Attorney at Law, tp office Fourth street, Pittshurg,ll, bet wren Smithfield and Cherry alloy. drellay JOHN BARTON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, of corner of Fifth an d Grant streets, Pitts- SASI P. ROSS, Attorney at Law, No. 109 Fourth stret, Pittsburgh, fourth door below Mr. Roily Patterson's Livery Stable. PATRICK M'KENNA, Alderman of Third Ward, office corner of Chant and Fifth streets, (formerly occupied by Alderman Lewis,) where all buolneno pertaining to the office of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. febl:3m TT MIL, Surgeon Dentist, successor to G. W. Biddle. No. 144 Smithfield Street. ate- Office hours from 8 to 1 o'clock, and from 2 to .5 o'clock. feblfitly SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors J . west of Market. 44r Office holm Iron, 9 o'clock A. M. to & o'clock P. M. ded2o:y BUSINESS CARDS JOHN MOORIIE AD, Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant, for the Bale of NO METAL and PLOOMS, and PRODUCE generally, No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. ap24 tstu.tsst mn.LER, PlAhula tru. RICICMON, Pi ttAbllrgli. MILLER & ltICHE'l'SO7.s, Wholesale C; (-ern, Importers of BRANDIES, WINES and SIX: A RS, Nos. 1;2 and 174. corner of Irwin and Liberty streota, Pitts burgh. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, &c , conntantly on hand. Jy2o SM'KEE & CO., Manufacturers of M'Kee's • l'entisylvania flias., all size?. of IV:n.low film., Extra Double Strength. Imitation Crown and ltnby Flasks, Pickle and Preserve Jars; Wine, Porter and Mineral Bot Cos: Telegraphic and IJghtning-Itod insulators. 4.4 - Second. betlreAm Wood and Market streeta, burgh. Pa.. but a 5111111 distance from the ete.ubom lan d ing, and from Molioni;aheb Ilona°, St. Charles and City Hotl. apr 21 ALTBET. B. CL'iILE , IIOGGAN ROD T.N.130N. EDWARD DITIIKIDOT BENNY L. RINGt , ALT. 11.0BEICNON & CO., Maim faulurvra of Ont. Prentted anti Flint G LASSWAII ts,trehouse N.t. 17 street. corner of Front_ l'ittshurgh. Cl. All other laude of Glas..wart, mud Wtmlow Gla..tzt. at low Market prkt, ttplblly J B. LEPLIE -105E.141 .1. ULIM. Li:DL I . LAM, Successors to Sultan' S itiedliti. manufacturers of Cut. Monitied and Plinio lint :tad Faun Ctilored (ILAnniNV A RE, and in all kind, of NI lotion,' Want& Flaittiot. Viala anti Bottlen. Ware lodise tawnier of Market anti Water atrcotn. Pit te,burgli. EMOVAL.—C. :\la r nufacturr lu of every variety of I IA Inuit NV IN fn• ill . til.Anin; •black Pinter. NN me and (bust 11.4t.in0; Denninints and 1...Arb0,: I lint ti lass in every nanety. arvilirl4a 104 i,11 , 11 I and 17.1 i First stritt, I;itthiburgti. F Pitti• i burinh , deah'r ut cot.sTry wn:t: .dvrs for aide a tone ettiels 4lrtail:E.ll.,. selectee. (or family use nip, r' of entry triety iLt...l the pureed quality. ground at het irte.lll Mill, Ala.. Dried FrllliN ink,ti lit eiteltiouite for me, Ilan it,- II D. het: proeured it full intet.irt men, of I_Lit !trill • a:u ntitled GAI.DEN itnil tits Ili , (1,,. all 4'l• terestrid in rural affair, 1 ell 1M MI ;;$31.0N Flil , CFl her- , have 0pt.1,1 tt 11-‘1,.• 1, Ow nI,,Vr ptirp,e f 1 i Yu. 17 Llll . do- , r+ ul.rar tho )lowwapulula IA, gill imrchn., - ...r c,man,,lou. fri sale. (~.;,• rlgnnwn , ~t CII L}: E, 016. N. BARLEY. FLAX SEED, GRAFQ , SEED. BALED RAY. A . which x•• ts : II 4 pon n: :h. , 1 , -; InJwlcet ra.h. .‘I,EO 5`,. R. N. ....H I 11:1,..1, 111( ' 11 Alil)S(1N, I' r\c:trliu l a nd 51,11... t .. tt01.,.0.• isli. ElA.`tr,', .441 4 411.. tilt I 141i441/ITE ,z4 4 1,. 4 ,11% 11.1,0 ....11r1 ,- 1 I.y 114104,1p4 A Ingitiam. N.• I I Vat, 4.141 1:444 Fir, 151 1:11.. LEE 4.111111..1,1 'jr.ll.llil `II Sq. In Illl,ls \%31 11.11.1 1-'l,lll .Ir. JOHN AV. cll.. an.l Nl,rchadt, In 101 kinds cQ 1;l7R1111 )IAhI • FACTI 1.1!_11) and :•FIF.h., LEAD. So. 67 Yndo P4l , 11.1::N r. , , 1 1 it g BurcEr., end 1'1101)11"E gala rMI r 25 Wood strePt. LEN - wit - , le- le •• t IV L v . It F. AN . 1, I 4 1' 1 :1 end lip. , N{ 111,1 i ILECTIVYINO N.. h Itranat,. Cell,. 1%, Imit. .'attraca and N.-,v Etniland Ciarrt,, Sc , 4,11 A 1.. London finnan -.tout : I 4 r0t...11. CPA Mon., live and Itert.fi , l NVltHiy: Apple. Pend, Wild ittni Rinds kerry lirturtn•s; itnported Havana. Regaltai Principe Srnvirs: II SICeIm i.h 1111.1 COIII,IIOII : at fault box pru-,t.. 411%1101,g:4 rvanpetiti,ni Fan, liar )Cep atnel.annin , l !i ailer. evnry iaylo. and flrtntj , li. I .1.1 i . ,-. 1,•.‘•1 V 111 Ail 1. all exaonnation of 105 elOck, at No h Wait ctr rt. Pn.n.hurgh. earl r AV ILLIAM l; r of j k t c, • I{l t UO.,(W CERS all.l u, Forrixn WI NES mild III:AND( MorttutgabfLt awl WIIISKY, No. 3.1t9 tlontut..rr..l !tow. Liberty ntre.•t. • JO:•_ , T1)11 FLEMIN(;, successor t o L. Wil co,. of )lorkrt tdrem and the Diamond. keep" cdtadatal) on hand a full moony naafi of Ditt.t.i?.. \I El , MEDICINE CHESTS, Pk:KM:Mk:RV, mud all sat.- clan yr - tidal:at to Imo I/ f•Kh.. Lthrtl — Prracripthant carefully compounded at all houra. it'AY FLENIINU BROTHERS. successors t .1 Kold .t a - hol,ale MID ;GISTS.. No. GO Wood stn, hroprirtors of Dr. M . L.111e . 6 erlobraikd Vero... Ingo, lAvrr joie JOIIN JR... Successor to James Mc urfoy. wholes:do nod retail DRUGGIST, and ihialer PAINT,. 011.6. LIVE STUFFS, 5.c., No. 141 Wood tercet, three doors In-low Virgin alley. Pittaboroi. aPtiY JL. MARSHALL, successor to 11. Lee, . ISinyL DEALER and CIONIMISSION MERCIIAINT. No. 135 Liberty titroet, riteiburith. R4ferencr—W . M'Clintock ,t Bros.. Kramer i Raton Mur phy. Tiernan k Co.. Brown & Kirkpatrick. Pittsburgh, 3lay 24. 1555. my 24 I W. CIIII)WICK., dealer in Kentuck v 1,,:a TOISAIV , (I. RAGS and I'A.PER, No. 149 W0,;.1 . tv ,...t..1.•1,4 Kuck. 1'1tt.0.11r,..1). or_to 1 9 4 1 .)-Tiii• iligini.q. us., Lot prii.n, in onh, paid fn llng. W ..tr N. P. MAILSIELLL...IOI,4II K. in i.ari i . . . ANTP. M.. \ ItSll A LI. LS: (2 , ,., Inip o rtors a nd . I I , :tlern in Frinn i ll and American L'APliiii HAN!, lit;, , Vic,,. i. ‘V,i,rlFtrefit.. lint.iborgli. E r .-s,,i, iicsiiits l i nt the iiiiiebrated manufacture, ..; Mi i iiiir• 11,1,,otirt IL,. Paris. ii ni.l Br moiwAN, Bookseller and Stn . alalt nys on haul genanal naiborlin , [if is , 140 , 1. Miscvnoll , nand Blank 1_1(.4.; Prinung. Post I Cap raper. kr.. whoiosair and retail ; No, 104 WOO.l aura brink rioth 0°4.1 tOl l Pittsburgh. Rtir WANTED —4:142m and Tanners' Scraps TOWN IL MELLOR, Whnle.ale and Retai t/ dealer in MUSICAI. I NSTRI'M MF\T'. ANI rS. M 1 4 CIIOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY, No. CI Wood Cr., Pittsburgh. ."' Jaol JAI_VB M'COL MST ER. Wholesale and Ro wil SEGAR >fA NUFALIT It ER and dealor in all Lind,' of TOBACCO. SNUFF and SE , ; ARS, No. '2l, Fifth str,,t, Pittsburgh. ihr Keops constantly on haul a largo supply of nil tbo. various hran , lBr.f Imperial F•egart. je:.; rlfll.ll , RERMY I: . . . J. ANDRAS° REY )11:1: 5: AN 1)EliS( ,N, ( suo v essor s to .4.,eshlin. Rhodes & scholt..lkl.3 rloalelli in MR }:N: Ettl.. Nt:Te, SPICES. (Vl': If.("Th Y. 61'41ARS. kr.. No. 39 IVood street, opposite the 6t. Charles Hold, Pit!, burgh. tipl • ATIN DLE. Wholesale and Retail SA 1- . DM LIAR N Tl:r \ • 1.1,5 E mpl CARITT liAO MA \ CFACTURI , T., Nu trret , t.o.ure , jr2a:y 1‘; TER PR I.; 1V(11t1S, No. 136 Wo - oa straet. third d•Kir benne Virgin alley.—BOWN ITE7- LEY woul,l rail the attention of `parting awn to their tarp' atttortruent tI C S. ItLFLE. and RE VO LV INO I'Vrt the larizett and Leat t el•t•ted stitLi ~p 4 . 1,1 in tint mar ket, ith n gelWrill 1.1301 u ( . 111 17, Tcxln and Fishing Tarlile. NVIII(.11 we otter at Itin• lowest pstil•lo prn at I • 'Jail rt. or ter ga•al ai. proved par,. I-W ESTE R N E 1(;P:!;i1 ; 1'. IN“ Mn WaphillOOn ttread, cia oat al Inaultrit, CIL CALK), UJL N• I e •LLAN ri K,Eftl't IS I 6 1,41 E.. zr thiira attenhun transurtion nt a ,Z,.11. 131 0 POLICE IniSISE.'S 1.114, Stltl4, Of I Ili,,,lll..ltintagan and Indiana. mhllydtf BAI: , 11(:)1 , E LI ..NIERCANT T I.OR, Third ,trem. m•xt .I—or to laspatoh Iluilding.«. thankful La the s,y lawral patron:tiro heretofore la.,toNoki 111,11 bt, beg,' it•tigt• t oiliLltitifilart s of the SAM". 1114 he is le., better prri,:ii,l than ever to furniah ltta Mende and r t o mers rt ith gtwon•Lll, it tilt Ii will Insura entire salipLa.:tmt. lie ul y. keeo 113, It large assortment of the et atylot ESTING.S. CASSINIERKS. cLoTits, wiod, ho malts. orLI, on the shortest notic e, upon rea.sonal I. terms. te_ A pot - foot fit alwaye warranti,L [norlthtf —JOI4-X-11. ....... B. YOU.N" Fr,Nels Yot,i. TB. YOUNG & CO., No. 38 Smithfield acre t. opposite City Motel, manufacture, ed . (AMI NGT FURNITURB and CHAIRS. of every tieseriptron. Ma terials rind workmanship warrantcil, and sold at radric•-•1 Prim'. Car,. tak,n in packing for land and water carriag, aug3l W 0 0I)WE L L' 'FURNITURE AND (-HAAR,. wholesale and retail, embracing every style of flu :inure. in Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut, su.- tabla for pa., tiers, chamben, and dining rooms: oqunl to any in New York or Philadelphia, and at lower prices. Ilvely article made hp hand, and warranted. Cabinet Makers raipplied with any quantity of FURNI TURE and CHAIRS, on reaseeabh, Hotels and Steamboats furnished at the abortest - notice. jzg- Wareruomo, Noe. 77 and 70 Third street, ang2 PITTSBURGH, PA. JOHN COCHRAN & BROS., Manufactur err, of Iron Railing, Iron Vaults, 'tacit boors, Window Guard., &c., Nos. 01 Second :street and St Third street, be tween Wood and Market Streak Pittabargh pa,; have on hand a variety of new patterns Nancy and Plain, snitahlo ter 11 partms.:.. NrOcalar attantiosi paid 10 encloatng Grave tda Jibbing degia at shoat nutted. morn ,~.:.~- 1)111,1:mx!-th , , ,oryttitA E.. 7.1 t • PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM VOLUME XIV. S CARDS BUSIN ES Agent, No. Liber al° fonowtni very owl. al- JOHN LITTLE, Jr., ty street, has just rrceiv, ticice : BRANDIES. (lento Broady, (vory line,) Otard Duprey di Co., ottper.) ' Marrett Si Co., Sazeruc. J8.1.113ir IL, Sa.llta env. WINES. Simla] Madeira, "Toward, March A Co., Madre)), East India 31arleira, Table+ do Amontillado Sherry, lanzanillo do Table do Cooking do Beeswing Port, Pure Juin, du Ordinary do St. Julien Claret, Malaga Dry, 1)0 Sweet, Champagnes, Anchor, Vernoney, lleidaseek, Together with all other art' near. Baguet, London Cordial Schnapps. SUNDRIES. Rutherford's Scotch Ale, Barday'a London Porter, Wild Cherry Brandy, A hsi rale. A nisotho, Curacca, Sardines, Mocha and Java, Young llyx. and Black Teas, English Bronson Cheese, Imported Havana Cigars, of various braada, Old hionougahthil Wlitaky, of all grades. cies connected with the teasl mfAhdaw Mina gigirga KIER'S TRANSPORTATION,' LINE.- Anticipating the want of facilities for transporting Freights to and from the Eastern Cities, Till Pennsylvania Canal and Railroads, we have increased our stock of Boats, dr., on same, to a DOUBLE DAILY LINE, which gives no a capacity of over 1500 tons per month each way. We a.sure our Monk, and those disposed to ;aitrunise the Suite improvements, there will be nothing spared Oil our part to reader general satisfaction in forwarding Eastern and Western Freights with promptitude and despatch. KIER k. MITCHELL. Quad Rosin, Pittnbargh, Pa. T J. GH.I,ESPIE k CO., Looking Glans l'ilanufarturern. J Mid dealers in Looking Glans Platen. Plato Glass. En gravings, Combs and Fancl Goods, No. 76 Wood street. Pitts burgh. Ou hand and made to order, Gilt Pier and Mantle Mahogany, Rosewood, Walnut and Gilt Frames, or Mould ing. of every doncription. ifir'Stetunboat Chins Decorated and Gilt. all ENTIRPRISE WORKS, No. 136 Wood at., third door slow Virgin alley.—DOWN 4, TETLEY would call the attention of Sporting 111011 to their huge no, sortment of GUNS., RIFLES and REVOLVING PIz. , TOLS. the target and beet nolectod clock ever opened In thin mar ket- together with a general sweetmeat of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, TOIILS and FISHING TACKLE, all of which we offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchasers, or for god approved paper. marl S A. SWI LER. Wholesale and Retail AT. Ihltler in Furna,,. Ranges. Sloven, Tin, Iron nod /lonbek,ners fiarilwarr, Tinnorn' Nlnrhines and Toole,. Tin Ptah., Sitoet. Iron, Wire Riven, &c.. 24 SortL Second Hotel,' 11A IMISBURG. ber29:d:im HITE, VENETIAN BLIND MANI'FTU J• W AC on:. Inns re,,,,e.rod his health In r.sulno hip oid and lion opened 11 LS BLIND MANI:FACTOR Y at Fifth are, t, near the roSt min, whet. he has an n,,,rtnient of BLINDS, trinin,d ott h plain and fm.cy , 1 and Silk I'm:lmmo, and f reialr ,, i to till any older in 111, tins, ,311 I in, 10.11.1 C. man lli. wort: is 1, urra Wed to glue satisfaction, or monny n•ttin.h.,l (M,l Blinds r , pairr.d. give Lim a call, !AA Le 111 t Lo 1 , - at 111 my .I,y - VENN - ('().1{11 NI)CA11111.10 A._ T.'I:Y ..r th. awl it , ' ••11 , '1"1011.111:t1 h" S" th" 'tt , laLlfarllll , At;l.S. 1'..\• 1.141411:6. IttkK.llVAl.••• i:k.i .twl I 11l el'S. I:trn—ii • .2 t•••• rti Ail -.rd--r. will 1.. ,A••••tti...l t, th ,$:•• t . I.ility And beauty of - the ne-t rmt., , t3a1,10 t• 11:1, 1",,, i II t..• F.A.stel, Wh. rl idutt, tlie) ieel deal that all a Ili. f.ll, theta iattli theit ii,it , •natto. still ts. rdrlectly satisfied trial of This u. u,irk Pali - 11/I,er , aid ritlieetd-i e us a init. liefidre ;•Hr. g .x - tt .) Mt:ll 5 W ...... I. • !Et ,101.11 \l.ll pI'll'S111•Itt;11 ).\ (11 FAl"r()izy.__);ll;. .s. E. V. N•'. 4 Pia [atal alloy, 15.. w 1t.0.1 r•.•I. C . LUAU:, \ rt , ,•l,•vor down: it.. , s F.kNl'r EIIICLE, hyllit to or ler at, I mar orr I.lr :tu!, %,1 •klll of w. , rkutli-lop olait.rll,ll. t).. AU work srarrani ,, l. 1 EO7 x, n4..4. mtcnd. ott mot aft,r Nit 0, DA V. Y,.rntlrr Lhi z• t t-t• tut. thrir ;Pro:sett: tA TALAI and I A NCI hLl.6n tiL uutl) rt.ttot eti prim. Ii thou' tutcutitto t., ettlart, and tnltervc,.. , itttitrtty. :qt , te. et , tie ht make tuttre rotttn tor the. bran. - It t.f their 1,1,11,1, and it,,lting 1.• .1.• mittextietely. 111 e) a u.n t iear tett the ettta. an thtnti na 1 , 1,, as ieweittle. onv WILLIAM '. IL \\ V EN—THE 01,1! PRINT- S,: tLILIKIM T. llt.rel,P,n an PLANK and trTATII!NERY WARM!! rl'r! 1.. pre par.!! In 'taut' every .t,,!! Lettal, Cl•mmervial. Canal arel Stranil..eit JOB PRINTINvt and BOriki BIN \ (;, nli furnish 'corn urth le in the Elora, l'aper ntni ritati!ne ern line, at the AltArte,t tI tun niel of the twat rea,!nahle t.. 1-11111. 11Iank r..ok anti Statitaittry ‘Vart.•littue, Pr nth Ofti.t.• and 13,,k llindery.er.rner. of .Nlarkot and Soottiti eta. RicilAßl) c. BocKixi;, )I;inufacturer ~ f Gilt. Silver. Itratis iIA IT will PICTURE .I , IIASLIES.Pinirt and OnutiliPlit , t. No. 'II W. Clair tarvet. All kozide of f.,nmo,otool t 1.. t stttamlttmt,, .kt - . All kiraitt ttf and rtt-t lilting:. to odor. Gilt Nltailtlititt, for Frame, wt.:le...ale and ret.itl. Varrasit for Oil klugraviagt. aml Litlittttratitte. for la - 9_ Impair,' or ilrfact4l(til Pnanuttgs rttstored ui thr 1.-1 All Ilt - tt.mu, :Lid :Moulding. tnanufaclurod ni tits s taldstlunt.nt tatty l.• tier:4l, 1. without injury, vittll soap at: I vatt•r. still it. Club stresq, l'utzburgit. ntlt'26:tf Joi I N UROCTT, Importer of }IRAN 1)1 ES. GIN. WINF'. Ac. Denier in fine Oki )10131ali,111”1:i Also. itlX7llllNii Di-ril. LEI:. corner of Swuhuuld not Front 'Arnett. 14tittinr,11. THOMAS OLIVER, SADDLE. HARNEss AND 11 TRUNK )MANUFACTURER, Nu. 4 St. Clair strret, Pittston,- h. nothing. Whips, Spur,. Sr. A MILLIKEN A:. CO. hate on hand. at A • their extern,. CABINET and CHAIR MAN UFAU- Ton Y. No. tit Smithfield street. a large assortment of Valley and Plain Furniture. which they will sell 15 per rent. I.,wer than customary raftt. Terms, cash only. I dee-'7 CIIIARLES BARNETT, lloasE Saoe.a AND lJ BLACKWITII, o new and C(1111111c.ii0LIS brick Shop on CIIEIIEY ALLEY, Lx‘ortieti Thud mid Fourth str,p„ where he is prepared to do all work in his line with th- utmost promptitude. Having had long experience in the lnnime.e, he respectfully wlicito the patronage of his old t-t,,on.rs mid the Itttltt t ztliermlly. T IVES MEI LI N ER, Mnnnngu.hela l'la- IP, !ling Will. 'told rt-!p•,cfu ilc Infirm fricipls att.! the tho public that ha' now - in full 0p.,. 1.... and that he i• forirnh 10.01 Callum and Oil all orders 1, PLANED LUMBER, with prtAnittualso, tittt! at the lows( rote, It..artt uud Plunk. one or bulb silos, constantly lintl4l. Sa,h, 1). hd , xl,l M..”1 , 11n0. of every doscriptiou. made Us_ liallders and Carprnt,ni would fillet It to their adi an tat.:ll 11110 aall. ILA he Call now furoiHll them with .StLttl . . salt-•11,1y (or ovory d,,.•npnon of work. _\\lLSOti, owner of Market and Fourth ..tre.,t, keeps tho largest st , s.k of WATCHES, Fl JEWELRY, ar.., to be Pdind in We.tarn Penwlyanin. long oxporieinv.etitabli,hed roputation and moderato chiu - gen present the highest imincements why those in Want i , f a inJud IVatch, or other articles in his lino. should giyc him an opportunity to serve them. .fe_ Villa,' Watch ILepairing done promptly and in the turt umn ner. nor'2.6 JAMES 1i1..43:14.2 JAMQ , C. RICHEY. BLAKELY S: RICII EY, REAL ESTATE liacr KERS, COrtler of Suvonth and Small&11 Stri.vt.4, Pitt, Farno. lionaer, Lots. )fill., Furman, Lc. Jr.,. bought and Fold on conoms.at ; Laud Warrant. bought, sold and Mea t •••I ; Itdlt , Bowls and Not. negotiated. Especial attontioo given to subdividing Flail., ;Lod disposing of them. T.•rms reasonable. Jort2.7oltn• • ACIVRY ItENTEII, mx the Aqua.itq., orp,mitu the U•Alt-utor',4 Canoe. Allegheny City, iwt pr, , purial to till ordere for 196 and nil I: imle of ORS Ala 1.:N.1 . AL HAIR NV - 0111c.. Thu - In-et quality of suatenal is itiroi.ll,i, and cut iro sat i,factioo an teed. layls:tlial VI • LTON CAH W ItKS, Ft N tRY A\[> mAcitiNE snot', 11111.-I'lw Fnbtrr, , or linvillt; moved irate hit um% N kilts. reveutiy ,•iveted, e:de, ,it 11 atvr. Nt•lhmough and ly 'lno, in pr, purl to k•.,- trail I and xneuto nil Fr”ight, Platlw (i ravnl. ILcnd ILlttl iil ,11), .lencriptiwlnof em.;:i. . . . I. riTEAM ANCI I N tiIIRS, it E 515.1N17. 12 A 11, lis A STl.Nti;i: of oil dent:lll4l,ms, and all other am, Lunlng bo a Foundry will Maehlue Fee ten of the dillereut. deparimoul, are and practical Meu—courtly from keep therusulvet, usi.rubal wail aot.pt all valuithie heal . eu improleuleutA. VI. 11. 1P ETU F. J M)11 , 1,..J. C. 4.,LN1M1N.5..../1. 0. TUNKS ...W. II NUUDW IIt U. MEIIICAN I'A PIER )IACIIE FM:a:RINI; I•A N 1, No. 7 tiecund Kreet, Pit burgh, manufaisturern 4 PAlll4li ORSAMEM'S Sdeauiboabi, de.: M error and Picture Fram,a. 11.iiirlow and Door Dead, Vontilatore and Centro Plviier for C . ...HMV. and Moulding, of every doniirlption,iime and dopign. de ij or and warranted more durable than any other aruele now In kre• ()niers executed on the Fhnr n..tice. N. B.—Attention of Steamt.at Builders is especially .It rectKl to this article, on account of its light weight. C('NIMINS, TtiNKS h 0).. No. 7S :.‘ocorul ~trcot. betwreu SVood and Market, peg Pittsburgh. J. II JONES r n. DENNY. TONER S DENNY, Forwarding and Communion 31er a) chants, No. 01 Water strevt, Pittsburgh. laillO LANVBOOKS.--1 am authorized to sell low some valuable Law Books. 10 vols. Pa. Reports, by Barr ; ' "IlKinvier's Institutes ; rvonlief 's Evidence: Wharton's Digest, last taL, Aed other Reports. Elementary Works. d- GEO. F. 0 I LLMORE. at the office of Morning Post. GREASE -20 bbls. for Railroad arid foal Cara, for sale by [(lea) HENRY IL COLLLNS. ristFANTS' FANCY FIATS AND CAPS, at . 1. 91 Wood stmt. Owl) J. WILSON k SON. you an be thoroughly mita(' with Ambro types or Diguorrsotwas, at CA FU3O', 717 Fulerth et., deo6 PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1855. FOR SALE ~ ND TO LET VLUAB A LE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AND LEASE.—The followlm: valuable property, situ ate in the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pennsylvania. and other additional Real Estate in difterent parts of the Wisttern country, h now utremi for sale, or lease fur a long term of years. on reasonable terms. The City Lots, from the nature of the griules, and width of the streets, and avenues running through omm:wort - ding to McGowin's celebrated City District Plan, and from their position. will soon become the finest parts of this city. Persons from a distance Wadallg to Mai, Investments of capital in marinhutures, will find this the best pn,perty in or near this city fur this purpose. It is traversed by two Railroads, and bits also all the convenience of the Allegheny river, on which it is situated, which will secure at all tunes abundant supplies of coal, iron and lumber, ut the cheapest rates. . . TERMS or Sits—Will ba one-fourth in hand, and the hal aneo of equal annual payments In six years,properly secured, with Interest payable Forty-nine Lots fronting on the Allegheny river, in the Ninth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, 24 feet by 2'27 feet in depth to Butler street, (50 fact Wide.) Fifty Lots on Butler street, in the Ninth Ward. 24 feet by 120 feet In depth to Spence alley, CM feet wide.) Forty-eight Lots fronting on Salailman street, 0;0 Let wide,) each having a front of 24 feet and depth of 120 feet to Spence alley. Forty-seven Lots opposite the above, on Sntallrinto ,treet, each having a front of 24 feat by 120 In depth to Mulbert y alloy. Fortrone Lots nn Penn Street, 24 feet in front by 1317 feet In depth to Mulberry Forty-els Lots (wait° the above, earn having a front of 24 feet by 100 feet in depth to Spring alky. Twenty-five Iss-s nu Liberty street, each having 24 feet by 100 feet in depth to Sprung elle). Sixteen Luca on rergn,on rtreet. adjoining the ,niter dop,,t of the Pen.ylvanlin Railroad Company, of different blens. Seven Lots on the corner or Min and Water stroots. 190 fort front on Penn by IdS foot. on Water. of different d01.t1,. A Lot of ground on Seoul etol Try streets, adjoining Parry S Co.'s Foundry, has tog It front on Socond tit) et of 87 feet, and nutting along Try stivet IV feet to tire's ongh Street. . . A Lot of ground opposite the above, Mien.: a front S 7 feet On Greet...ol street, nod in depth 11-k3 to lower eater mark On the Monongahela 1 - Iver, smith it rivet front of 9;) feet. Two Lots on Third id rent, ahoy.: each a front of feet on Third tareti, ley L in depth. A LL - 1.4 II ENY Let No. 25 Ia the nork , ll4ll forth, tpf Common and NVater ntrert, Ita‘mg a front 00 East Cettimeu of Ott feel by 2.1.0 feet is thigh ti Sandusky ntreet. Lot 2.8 to the Borough plan. ou the c..rner of l'eet l'oinnem anti 1./ayulley. haying a front on }lam C o wmen mt .! slay t ale). t,ftlo fevt by AO in depth to eantimacy street. Lot No. 82 in the lie rough piste, 011 the wool ~I, Bearer street, having a Nett of ell fret on Beat - , nt re. oby 2-to Iret to Webster titres. Lot %1. 10 010..1111e rang, as sts,e, havias f:00t W Oar street of 00 feet by Webetsr street. Flft y kne-.tcr.• Lotn, Cr toorr. n nith Gels Fktrlo. i. - nald Townxtiip, nkljolning Oitkinu.l," on the Foam h I=l Two hundred awl , neat the Dean f it••t'• • ' 12=11 STATE 41Y IN 01 AN 1. A trnct urrcr. N,•. 14.1 ,u about 12 maim from Vmconnos. tiTAT.}. ~Y 11.L1V.1, .4, 0.0 , 411 d lw, I.uu L , d and to ruts -iN fit dph county. two thousand fume undre,; acre, rota-ay. For I,lau. and .I..,.lli..atadts fdl It ard.:y tho subtterthrr.., .0, 1.1.1. Third al r. , t. th.t d.a” . trot, lIMEI Ny110'; \1 LICN c-Thc 1 . 1,1 .111 SPn.r. Itc,l I:•• ,r• c u.i \ pr.••••orl t r /1”:1•7.., /...d.rhOsA.uo.l I.° Il•-11 1101, pr: , t'.l: • 1. arty for :Ichyluylat Tar. ‘lll 11/1 . 0, .1.1:1. 110a01.0 los no h.r Itrin...u.k.W.y. huuhu.,..• ‘,.t. • .. 1,00 • I! 0 , 0011110•1111.4. 11•1111'1111a .s ;;.11111 11111 'lllll .01 10, 10S 111‘.11 • ..thor ..f Cal n n pr.l,l•ly ••nii •y t. 4,1 La. A pnunineht kuhsl,l.-1, It ru I/14 . 100 , 1 1 Clol , ed 10010 tarp. h.... 11.1 J ...Ir.. u. 1111,/,. 11/ ' r • 1 , .rt roth h 00,0,1 4 -. 4.11,• , •.1 pr,auo. dr•:. I .1 sttlinilillthn , i In tin, thlghbut Our (eta", ...I at.. 11111,11 r .s thy r....n.11.-artlug Ii• 1.10.01 111101.1 1,01 11,11101 Lan , ioSer u, `••••• nung .. ttnu : ~ II bk - sou • r• 1.010 .1 ..ur I: •13—••••: 1110. :1 Iguro for Lunater, four lAu.lhen. 10/111:10,1s. .11/ / th , •ut In.. via h. At, who 111 , i 1/. , 1:.. 1 % al It, I.att tati... x•taa.n. t att pal , ta• ant.., , tit.. .•-• - •lit • ata..t I.ut palm.. 4i ante,r.tatt it. }at. latata---1 Mitt .1 .1., lit 011i‘ )nar land otto-thu - d in t A 1 , . 1, , t.•1 , 1 ta. 11,1 at t,. , 1. • appll.l (..1 1.1. a, the . A . th ylnv The-, 1.. t• , +k , .,• lalgr Likual , lot-a aral ~n ly Iran, f..1_1.;01 inn (—.4 Thal,r•••..ot re—orl an,l mnot.lslll.l,l 1 , ,t1t 4.1 t hl.l 1••11t n r• la t li„• ~ f fill 1.... t) A ~ f I tn,ught I , ,nuitl, the ,ttl, ,- rtla. ~' harca.... ,11,1 ti.• at. to., ;1. , P.AIL,AINJ in han,ir,,l A rAid. A nt.}: lily AT I . lt[\' krt.. _ A I ALA ABLE 11.11 . : 4 1.1 A VI , LIIT-11 Fur, ',IF • r I", , rierly 1. 1 1,1 11,,o; The ho n.. , IS Amlottnuttally built.4ll' lon.unu,.l lour r.t.0.V3 lorts I. sued gruvul 1 , 11si.1111.! 0 40 Irontlug Fern •truut. I , y i uup.:.o li. mot.‘l,l. Tar. rn. 110rnu10; ;11.41,4 p“fir..... Thin pr of.rriy nlll 1, add .1.,p, 411,1 out uto., ripplyluz II 11. 0;1 Firth .zroet voltil.lelV.llol,lll/F,ll Al, I , IdLI F um< Wo.] ulul Fro!, ntruet, , ,1 , 110,,; 211 U.. 1, I rout .;11 ,cruel, and extruding 3.0,1ng Front mtrot.; ICI Fut -11.0. upted I , y lldlumr 11. SAIL toll AS /I Gle e. 3L•! I,lu, Jtr‘ru Apply RS :LINO, I)11 ELIA NO 1101 . 1 , 11 .1 \I. IA a v rv.itiloti, ti. 5 Pomp.) Isania At ehati. ttd tilt a few twilit •if the ttwort How, The lot t. 6:1 feet trent fig •in Piitittty I. annt Atottoo, and on tenth, hark hail to a *.Ji ti. alley. Th.• h.ta.o to Li,. ly t . tint:Quin, te to t all lut,lvrtl inttwortitheintg tirittierty to" tin i,lt to toi ratrn to la: tyluttred. and will IM :told tilt at lonia. 1f IL 111 AN. ttervls,2xv Filth etreet _ YEW .•1 t.tx r.s. %1t....tt1e I,llt, finely improved. with Irutte uul 1.1111,1.4z', awl tient lug on the Ohio river. It IN otlerell at tititelt lore, than it worth. One lot of hall an acre. on thi. A Ili.;lion, ricer. in lei ptyalin It.itieigh. h . ectiel a eeilivocr Ir tic it will Iwo given in exchange for good NVe•ott.ru laic! Twenty-eight acre," at large Hun. [hive mil, loire IL city. twonty-three acres luljoining TemporancevOlo. All them, are otterod low enough to foutpt y.. 11 out of your money: and If [hog, do not cult you. Jutd call and get toy pruned Register of I,d, and Lands tot. sale. tul It thero ar offered. THOMAS. NVOODn. uctlll V , dirth ,treet. - 10 A WORKS DALE —Sixty three wah 111/ 1),,,,•1110utn thor,al tu Aftuat,4l :tlon.. o 4aLnda nurOt. and is Kuppliell with a but I. i Orclukrtl, teat vriu of f'oal rr tiro Get titidk, and ,dnitoi ,urprt.A.d in quality. Fur further particular. apply 1., >l4'll IL:3‘).\ h 1 '.IYME, jel2:tf frdf, Idl.•it, .Ir.-. BUILDING LOT FOR SALE. -A f«•t %Vl . l .1E .1 estendina h NS hie allay. On the !etch part of tha 1•• t is a Cellar NN all. bullrfar two small houses. Th. kt a w :1 d..-Ir7o Iv In at 101 l for n mgjdowe ; ntlti Will he sold low, an ,sahio• TlCir gad, and clear from Ito nmhranr• Iltolurro F. jyid at ti ol)1, - e of Moran,: Pout. • BARGAIN OFFERER,--The undersigned nfbre for sale SIX. LOTF, jr n ifimg 1100 and adjoining the Drpnt of the Pittsburgh and I . oon. ligyllir Rail,44 in the growing and I lin V. 1 .: Itornogh nt M . KEI ,- - P ,, ItT. Four of the Lots er r 37‘., fret In wnlilL by vb,“ 121) in d; pal. fronti:J ; ; at on.- °nil on the th.pot. 01,1 other on Sinchut stmt; and two, of them fronting, la their whole Inngth un other stri•etu. Auo—Two Ltllo. 37!, ft,: in width, 1. - untdi; the olhei side of the Dept, nod depth 1211.“(e 1 6 , 1(1, • in; fon Itwhalo length un t. Yo hotter property ran he found. cold it will br sold Inn - Part ..14h, payn,ni Laken m ,n , ,k u 1 thr IF:lnroad, If dvuired. C11.1,i. I. islLL‘lidllF. 6111 d, the Morning toil Pitt.trurgll. A ligu , t if Lar.l 1,11111, . tit, EA MN ••,1 T 11.• Attl•ilt lit till' Win f.. 0,1 Owl, an, 1.• pry pnn I t•• .`lll.l 1 . ist and Couutte- IL 15 a il..w Invention— well npi , rnr.d I,y ic i i „ t, .„ itsis ora tt o r of gr.., tny houses if burnA c,1,1 bird. awl null o, a 1•1111tunt In,bt Fortune. can be mod., out of it. and the rights tor I. rritory will l. sold cheap. by w ol Patent. , F i S l Tr n E o ß n N of l. c . ‘ k ‘ N p. r , ti . , i, u h t a i ,1 1 , i t t c, ra n if by which I`llol, 1111 , 1,,111 IS . 1..011(.1 at iio,eroment io In2rsont , deKtrou, ot 10elltizt,; laud, oil her lot sp., Mel .r for mural settlemont. will Ono It to, their adsentage to go,. ns u rail. One of OUT correspondents in lowa hits spent the 1,..t PI; weeks In criticallythe lauds in thitt slat , mth.b,t to entry. nod wrt Lon LIS tint 1r lion ove, 000 ',rot. of Litotte lands. BLA.E.ELY A. RICHEY, tiopP2l . dio• rrrner Serentl end Smlibfiold street.. A "ALI:ABLE iii SALE—Throe and V of hand, eligibly situated MI the East Liht•rty 1;,3,,i, o p. the rerarlense or -- Curt, right, Esq. This Inod is,„ and deeirecle °all, for a fitfully residence. or to divide inbs lauhltrig lota. Pt ice, t. 51.10; tArtun ert,) nova) S. CUTHBERT A SON, I'll Market streot HUR7E BUILDING UrrS, at Tory l..sr prices and o nttr. commodating forma of payment. pleasantly nittatto.l heutuut street. Lawren , evillo, w ohm tit,. inintit,s' walk at the Omnibus Elution. Me. harms, and all others, tionirotto of purchasing a cheap lot, and on 1.115) torms, will find ate about "all right." ',n0r21.11 1 , S. cuyHBERT S. SON. DIRECT front the Staffi.rdshlre PotterieF— A late arrival of QUEENSWARE. ut the old ,- y a ~tend of HENRY BIBBY. No.l= W tame!. burgh. This nasortment embraces NAM- now and '" , f; choir* atyles of white Breakfast, Dining and Toilet &qt., Af brilliant whitenesa. from one of the lust manufacturers in Englund. Also, Yitrited blue and white Iron Sono Ware, for Hotels: and a very general umd superior rnrietr of all articles of Flint lilacs, and other wares adapted t•, filo whirls of city and country trade; all of which will he dmposed of Itt low prices. novs DITSETOCT.iiiON OF VAIIiNETLUIIIP.—The partnership formed by the undersigned end JAMES O'NEAL, In carrying on .T 1.1.13 CAMDEN COAL IVORKS.,” under the name and style of JONES. O'NEAL Sc ISAAC N MILLER, is now die- JOES, July 7th, 18.55. JOHN D. MILLER. fresil6r7sale by u0r..0 ILENILY H. COLLINS. -_ _~,a-y • , 4r ; 4",.4 4 PITTSBURGH AGENCY OF THE MINA INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. Conn. Cbartereil, 1811). Paid up Cash Capital, Vit.KlJmn. with large emplus securely invest ed. Semi-:usual dividend of 8 per cent., July 1, 18,55. This Company have been doing an insurance business nearly a half century—have paid out for property destroyed by tire under its policies. more thee Fifteen Millions of Dol lars since they couunenced businms. Its annual receipts and present assets (which are below) give indemnity to ecieb policy-bolder of more than two millions of dollars. A policy of insurance is no better than brown paper, unless It is in a Company flint will pay in MSC of loss. It lexomes necessary, therefor., that pin know something of the character and solvency of the institution before you take a policy. Its age, experience, cash capind—its uninterrupted mimesis for thirty nix years—its uniform course of honorable dealing—places the ;Etna Insurance Company among the first and Meat sol vent institutions of the country. Its premiums are cash Nu premium lodes taken—no assessments wade on policy holders—but all is CASH. If you meet with a loss, make up 3 our proofs, and in sixty days call mid get your money. This is the way we have Mimi basins for nearly forty years. They continue to make Insurance on Country Stores, Mills Factorim Dwellings, Barns, and all descriptions of property in town or country, at faiti rates. Your attention is invited to the following low rates on Country Dwellings, or the whole term of one, three, or live yearn. 1 year. 2 years. 5 years Built of brick or stone metal roof, feet from atone, 45 1 lay Built of brick or e a se, shingle roof, (Si Frame dwellings. i 5 2 ASSETS OF THE CO3II ( ANY, JULY 1, 1855 Cask in hand, and in Pbwnim Blink $ 05,580 25 CI.II in hands of Agents 137,137 81 Heal Estate. itniticilmleurtvi 113,672 05 72 Nfortgage Bonds, ti and 7 per cent. interret, tuayable 20 six per evil. State of Virginia Bonds, Inter...lt parable genii -annually 5 nix I. l r oent. State of North Cartlill.l BOLIIIM, interest payable wmi-antinally 5,0( 1 0 00 10 six For vent. Jersey City Water Bonds, interest payable soini-otinnally 5 ten per cont. City of lilarnukie Bonds, inter est payable sonli-antinally se, en IwrIMIL 1111'0111C PA)11.111,1IIVIVIit Inlyablo senti-annitally lilt, till Cumpauy. surtirtal by iii,,rtgage.... 111110 receivable. anifly secured, and payable at 11:111k fA '0 shares Ilartfnnl and New IL-non ltailrwul Cumpll y 14,000 00 105 •• Hartford wed Pnuveletien It.. It., 10 per vent. preferred and guaratib‘al... ' 8.32.5 00' 1.7 li.o.don and NVorecestrr ..... 10,05.8 01 731,1 Conna, - ticnt 'Liver llallroa.l 1-1.0(10 00 0.0(1ot-tient Oliver Company 1.250 00 1.81 Stailonl Bank. 1 mot/Little:its pull lu.. 1,011) 00 a. •• Eagle Bank, Provirkore, It. I 1.084 00 •• 1.11.011iS Bank. 11art5ml. Conn l - 1,600 00 ElCltange 21,0 Fanners and 1[1:11.111,• head:, Hart ford, t'onn . 25,000 00 " C../1111 , 0.14 . 11: Lit. or Batik, Hartford... 11,750 00 .• II artfor.l 25,400 (10 I n ks •' mate Bank. 75 •• Hartford I',olol ... 7,875 00 1, 0 . .• City Itat,k, r o k a , Nt•ty y...k . ..... 12,nAt) 00 " 14,160 00 .. . 44 00 (5' •• lianor , r }tank. -111,61 tn (In .int• •• Nto .. 11.900 I. honk .1 \ .a•th .t, I.lrlt . 11 . 1.:,(h) I. U./ •• BALI( ol %inert., •• 00 1...• It.Lnk •.1 the 11,•poldt , . . 111,71,1 00 Rank l'olutnottwnitittt. Set/On 00 1611 :1101 Y •.rt. Itontrttnce nod Trust Unit , l Trltto t•,lllr.ny MEE .., 0,1:1t:111:y paid 1114.1.• 11. U. r::,EYCK. A o rnt. W. •rner PiffleaudPifflestreetsittchthttr,h. 01' For forth. I 111, ollqulrr at tit,. ~111113”;-rooLsi ,t‘tri:ty w:Sui r r II I": `A..11 • R1 ) .1 1: 1 - _-t A 11,...,11 ILI, I , _l ,1,1,•.1.1tut,q 1 Y. , . t .Y , !.••••., It remain, to b.. a ',a. 0.. , 1t nLull .It4llk . All I 111111,1 , 11,., thoe". .luu l'.; ;;.; • do" tnot Artn kr" :u. .-•1 I AU.; 1 , 111,411.61, I. !%,..,/ clottuLior pro:tired, 1 tin; Dortiolv. 11• 11,. P. 1. LJP, I hII.:•• tr; nut IJllytUwi Algid.," upon 1,.; ult.., 1.; urg -I to. Alarnets. told • g inturuptlon 1. 1 , 11i1.1 !II 11,. )'.mt. Ir. • 3 La, rattaiLit. ,311 , i 11 , n1%. latavltni,rt. la, t1.11..c ah Ll.l-I,Z i!ont . appr"pri- 1.-.1 , •nn. ell 1. , t•Ht. awl m a 011/44,114,11,11, I • t'..l •7t11., 111“ 141111 one,itiod, kind m not able t.. tool [014,,•11. 0, 01 14utnftli nature and uo. 1,10. , rnVlnwt of n tor up0r1... , n of the to rot.TI: an-I 111 hla (It % i., •glt lamt tla• a 1.., 1.. tit,. 134,t ‘S ~.rt ITT IT•, t:,t,., I ...U, UN" " u l I..tt.it , ilm it , 11. , atry and Groat BrltAln Ni .Ic.lgn i 6 m so - .rt 1., MI , aathor of • (a,,•••,1 tf , Ai, In Oar I,llt paper of Nt MIMI= .tf nnyntant and ac t. ‘1:111I,11 Otili'r 1,0 , 1 V lin cn uon, ,nth others • tt. th...;11 ueik Ilutact , r, are Mao finvly ..1 its. I. largt, 11410.11, 11114,1 w,lll and r!, t nist• .4 liintle•rit, trash Its is•sl I i lib rattly. Ls3ort,vstr, Midi! yan i trvi. It ..n.pluys ts. t. .t houury taler,t, and natl.., an isuos t•11.-litt, As sp.:lle ~ f literary andgttsiunal intelligvnt linlty ~ : t, m-1,1 it.—t hguvu Chvf. I s m.ty rely ulssu n, that Derunat A Peternou Is. as thesr u nitl. So tar an ne can yudgo by rear. of , 4sert anon. the, publishers an rather more than they • anal tle•ir paper talatsl vary inarkesl ability. It is sni.futarLy fr , e. from hilly moutinientatunn and NUM.,. Lnt bs a healthy d , n. In all subj.nts. always tolsietwo. but always ruilalt wl.uatin. the rtglit. We rind It ein. of the !wed gen:Many AttraciArtt papel S II slur ri• I.tstt,zr.—S.lturritay Patsburgh. It la the. Lass. thsurary and- family imp, In the ['snort.— y: .1 I.4.nrler, N. Nand, Rl, %I I,a, tuarl•talliro iip•uken In Ingh ti•rma ni tho moray of 'll.. halt. au ./w• of the host pupeni on our el i t hAtize 11,4. and is td it an nue or ti, , litvrary paper/. to tie f,nnid anywhere. it..adnoriulx aro writtott with ability, and tale indci•ittlent and ,oniiiretwiniilve view of non and - Ntar it'rvhfie,l;t, Its. It iv deiiiervtally .ini• of the pi,pular public panuall in the l'nited consbnang a, In a litrrary pant at ilou, all the int,rest of tin. lumpil-inelt. ‘ , lth a vital .inionnr of I,tweal aitellute.n,-- L8c6fi..1.1, (I. TERM: , :Cush ui adiance.--,,ligle napy, i'.l2 a your. $5 00 a yatir. a (And one to got for-tip al .... " 1.4 " 4 And one ti. gotlor-up .......15 to a a. A tol .rna• to ~..;ottor-ttil .... tril A ,1.1 reran, always post paid, 1)1 , ...AC0N & I'ETI.E.SON, No. GO south Third street, Philadelphia_ Sample numbers writ grail:, to any When re tal.stval. II 0 V 213 JC.cplt White's Carriage, Iterwatory, ItF F.PII WIIITE, now carrying on him- , 4z oic ‘ , 1 11.1 t. 111 bit Hp.I.JUS preflliS4^3. (MIA' er till. Pat,' itIr(:1 i;r0 , 11. 1 / 1 11.1 g I,llr the TWO . Run. Iwtveiv!rl 2 I •41,1.ur glt andre.prtfully invitee the public ti 11/N14,11 1nn,t..4, And h•.F irul.i rl. itd, no. g•dale:t.td, rordhd,rs. thde csrld Ii i•.• ~ 1.1%. I- 5113,11.. F..urteinn yvininn . experience in the Immunise onahles him t. , lial . .nru his patrons the samr data, colloction of (lir , nage, which, e.. many years 1..4 it has boon his particular .I.partne•nt to select, tram thu norm. ma and most talented Ein..terni manufacture,. The 611.2“.. of Inin now Pytltorri le • troinomy of Ms arrangement.; will supply tho ...I inmost randuonalnle inimujactitrio at modurain- pra•nis. I inenicnnibured by those heavy esponaus, winch the osmium .muting houve, of bmiujes has haapu.l up,. the price ..f t.. largn. rent....linSEl'll WRITE will t. , 11. 100 ncy 0111 y. tit 11110111 4 b15 1.1131 , usual prices. Carrlag,TerfinlTA in ihc host manner, with despainii ENE • + 44 4 , V '' , 4 S • • •-• • ' ,1, r MISCELLANEOUS 1:i 1 , -01:14 rt.- b r 11, , prtetnr• of Or .^: itthiti Eh, pulklp are t. , lombly t:' I, a ::af rni.-1 Iltai •111-11.; 1!... L..: u.. ht,•• , T r TI II: Vic F.SN. . . 1 )I'OCLA.SIA'rION.—By Virtue of a if rtwolit under the I 1,111,1- ot 5% nt. McClure, f`tv-sithoit of the Court of , ,un•m Ploan, in and for th , Fifth Judicial District of JIIf.LIC.: tho Court ofdyer and Fermi n,. and tieneral Jail 11,:very. in and for said District, and L ;l;au, ll..ggs and Gabriel Ariiiins, Es•fri., Associato Judges i tho inn.. Court, In And for the County of Allegheny, da vd rho day Novotober. hi the year of our Lord OM oi,,,ht 1,11,11,1 .rut nrty•n‘... ~11,1 to rna .r hud,linr a Court of thor and Tei tienerul Jail it at the Court I i0t,,,• CIO of Pittshurgh. on fourth Monday of Dooetnl.or n, St. at lit o'clock. A M pnbife .4,0 4 Is 11 , 1 , .1.y ••11 1. , . 01 .lUatirr, of the toner and Cutodabi,, coonty of Allegheny. that too. 1.. thou and thri , -, pr,per pers ms. with th• it record., mum,. ton-. , a.unniat..•l, ant nth, nanrni- 11, ihri a rnr who in ihror tri,irectivo 111 CU .oil I i. , hrt Into the 1ifie1,14 . 1,1 that lieW 'way iY• ill the jail .4 irunty "1 Alleglieuv. h. Ii then owl thrrre to !Porto - into Ili , . as ..hall jubr. mliory Coro rin . th r. nun,. no ilia yoar ut our Lord Otte thoa,aad : .1 tutu' and of tin.. ,oveatich tho 7eth. 7.1.1 ROPY PATTERSON. Sheriff. IN , ItITI t 41/ etaal , lolottient ut the %Vt./ tuts the issue hunlittee. for tonch. 4/1 tie itat it,e of this :nit, Mr. 5Y I Ll/lA/MS .kill as a Ita .i i, uvl an Orhattlelltai Itlllllll.l tx unrivalled. (tout le• eettunl Itchy le:teller. te•Cllett•tt in Itii the tte htt meete.l I .11 itch .19 ;t1 tho art. 1 class of Itch Tv:lnborn. and young t•ites. Wlle are ettgaged lititt r ntn,lles thiritatt, the w e ek, tt.• t ,•cry S44[l,day aftoarniiiiti rent S till I ..1 tyruta apply to the Pt inctio 1. 13 1100 Ks conpEß hav,, iu,:t opened a ,Ly.,: o rtuleut of Linen Cidiziriti whit, l'olltait. hint k iii, will t..“ twelve d uring rm. their third Kt 11. and "Lave Yuntiehing .:ore. No. 75 Marko/ street. . Dov2o _ _ TTI\TEFt BONN ETS.—M rs. E. DAY - ID:)N, Ni. SL Clair. street, will Dr.. 11 n Mtge assortment I•RENCII 110NNETS, I'A.PS, MANTLES and NEM/LI:- WORKED TII URSDA Y, Novernh, S , 1052. !\•t. ;41. Clair strwt. uovh "t Greet. would re.peotfully m4rrm the public• that th": ; . constantlybare on hand a largo supply of SA ReAPARrLLA. MINERAL IV AT SR. ALE and PORTER, of the hest quality. The attention of families is particularly directed to the foil that they bottle Vi'AINRIG firs ALE in its purest state. Phricians recommend it to families uu account of its whole some and strengthening qualitle.. oat:.l4' )il y FRE;SII FRUS— IT 200 boxes Raisins . ' 200 " in halves: 100 iu quarters; 300 drums Pigs: just received and lot mile by LLEV3LtiIi A ANDERSON, N 0.39 Wood street. PUMICE STONE-1000 lbe for sale by nov3o FIEMiNG BROS.__ SALERATUS-2, casks and basesin store and for 1543.10 by [novl3o] SPRINUSR ILLSBAIJOH. + z e. +, , .* s • . MISCELLANEOUS Tj ORSE ClATllTNO.—Gentlemen requiring Iler, Clih- Il Mg will Midw largo assortment at WAVER'S. Ne. 4 St. Clair strata, Blankets, 75 ~mtn andupwards Railroad Wrappers and Sleighing Itnbes, Lim 1 MISSES' FELT HAT W S, at N 0.91 ood st dec . / J. WILSON & SON. NreCeitEREL--100 llbla No. 3, Largo; 100 MlA's " " For sale by SKATES! SKATES! SKATES !-500 pai rs of assortod Shaba', from 20 con to to 22.60 per pair; Knee of them very desirable patterns. For sale at nov3o BOWS & TETLEY'S, 136 Wood et. 50 1)0Z. SKATE STRAPS, of good quali ty, ussurted large and . 20 d from Fo r. a 'ma poir. Fur sale at inov.3ol fEI L AFEW MORE of those unrivalled RIFLES, wkiai there is so much talk about, fur the low price of $10; all warranted. For sale at nev3o BOWN & TETLEY'S. GEN'T'S' TRAVELING SIIAIVLS—Just received, a full assortment. Also, Mufflers. Scarfs owl Gun& flock Shawls, by L. I.IIII.BIIFLELD t ?Os. GAUNTLETS, of every description of Fur. Aleo, Buck lined with fur, and fur tops. at the Fur;iah lug Store of LuovW] L. 111PotIfFIBLD 4, SON. I/NE APPLE CIiZEEK-6 cases just received and fur sale by [nov2SJ KEY.ILER A ANDERSON. GLOVE— SOn hand, a full aasortrnent, o every description, by L. lIIRSIEFIELD b SPE, nov3o 70 Wood 0 i c.f. - - EISTLACK'S GREAT IMPROVE3IENT, for lamming X/ Washboards to Walls, patented dune 5,18bb. No good building should be finished without nshig thew Fastenings. MOSES F. EA FON, Agent for ?ability,' SO Fourth street, l'ittstairgh. Refer to the following Architects it thin city: a. W. If err Esq., Charles Ilartherger, Esq., and Mesas. Barr d Sloxer. Eggs. , earl DUFF'S STEAMItOAT —such is the reputation of (ler .4 who have :dude. tins popular system of River accounts, that many of them ale now in the receipt of $l2OO and $l5OO a year. It embrace, the whole routine of. river hairiness: rewhipping freight and passengers: acrowats with stow:Moat agents: buying and selling shipments on the teasel's account, and on account with others in company: piircharre and transfer of owners' shares in the vessel: owflni settlements Worn add after male of the russet and many,other practical transactinns not given In any other system." Tor terms, apply at the Clings', corner of Third anal Market streets. OUR C STOMURS ATIE DELIGLITED; and well they may bo, tar the vvey we put RAZORS . IS UttnEit mill, but please any one. Vito w a trial. and he convinced, at Pied') BOWS S TETLEI'S. RIFLES, RIFLES, ItIILES.—We Lave a tow more of those splendid Bilk, at the low krioe of $lO. Every one warranted, or no sale, at decB BONN S TETLrY•ii WAN'rliD I,,IMEDIATELY—Board in a respectathe tan ily, by a gentleunin and hie MAJ.—one or TA, roluirol; '2 g..,1 Cook. I,r private ft,tnatee, wages s'2 pc week; 0 Girl. to go to Sewickley and N , ,v Brig.htto I Undo for hotele in the city; a gt,od tEtuntiona wantnnl by It In py ..urn 4n . ago. ••1 ti -41 1.11, 'lark; bllllllll, anal ran al, gout! n•terettro ). 11,11 L inn - ter; beir-4.. , •1.,, IN4y t , go 4. , Inn .t, tats f , . 4 ta.rrtain• 414 - ienr n tntr,intivr dip;444,,4 nn 1.4A14.1t . 4'4 .INT.V.LI,I43.ENCE IFFiI,;E, 110 Lib ar ty otrtvL. nbv27 BLANK BOOKS, Letlgorr. Journals, (`Ch Ilcioks. k t Lay Bi..ks, I olonco 11.nd:A Itcp...r, , &c. A largo Vllrit•ty of the aNn - c. away., ..n I,' I. Egan Book. Ltatho R. ofdrr. in any stylo rt4,11tr,...1. IV. S. 1.. V. V E... ..n Blank Pex.k Ma.nufw:ter, _ D 1 AhIES FUR great varivh Granting llnuw and 1 . ,...104 by H . A. lIAI EN. 110.4....11,1 nwt ~ , t attotor. :sl,llll.rt Tn. ..t rr 1i: 1" (; Y. oousit-tin -f t,in , born .13 01. rut) i iit• ti nstc,l 100000—tratodate1 into ‘00 4 . 0 . Wan thm os. nal tact on the oppoolt• porn: by Alfrod l..keroillo. E. Bala by H. T. C. I4)IUiAO. 104 Wo.d st.i routooNG AND EUli\lo 4ll7"i Tint E. j_ Maxkot etroot.—W..l,-1% o w' euurn 01 tcn two kind of riot. u. the oitclu.tion of Fano. in Loa liOonco of with our oosortinotit in Nit tuo c.,inpi to ISt. have Atilt ruroirri our tiliCti.ND .:SUPPLY 0)D0,, and conguatantoo 040 in 01 1100. to Iv. plooood both in quality 00 ati , l C Nom, 0 , 40 /.110 location. No. 7) 1130,4 ,ariort. oct.:10 BROOKS •_ FOR SALE LOW, :tt J AY. e 01.1.1 Vs & s. No. 111, Water streot. Ninon. 1100:1 and Smittifi , ld a number of 'Lb Harms., I..aapt, tt Imitable for itnilmad Contract...on the RunttinE, for a coo-berm wagon- twv3o tATs. - AND k kririnf 1_1L.....1.)N fl ntspes - cfulty in tortn the public that they tuts° a huge a.,•,orttuent of the latt-4 Ktyles of lints and Cap, which they a tii .11 at lots pritsv for molt. It.—lust r,tvit,l, a BOW eityle llat, au.' C.o. triune'; J. NV 1 LSO £ I . - • • KEEP your head cool, anti free from dirt rind dandruff. and the scaly frut [pith, dlnenliiini. if you wish prsoerse sour hatr. Ito isMA It Y 'II. th.• bent ran Iln d ht ars,napllsh der sa It in -11Lets1,1 , art etso•llent articlo tor loftening and brunoutyinC the bsir. I . rwe camts 'wt . bottle. :told hr S. 1- dosed llarkrt ntr - - - - _ 'STEW BOl.)E S.—CASTE, a Story of Kepub -I:qualit) ; I rS. A. i. , tory. F tell Grant. or the Lost Wifo Ilenriott.a flotanKin; ht D. Mllsrt. MOIIII,I, by Mrs. Moodi.• Kloste111.•Ini; by 1.. k• Widow Boilott Papier,: by Ali, rt. Nod 11 /(I..lish Path by Marion ILtriatol. ALnn; Jo .10 star Paper.: by 11. W 11,erbi•r. Tay toe's Japan. eluna—non lON LniN PAPER:, Disratch ; 11 hind ; FalStafr . ; " Atheneum; and other Eu plod papers stipliti.•.l Au+ls--111uNtrzscod Punch and l /err.uc pap,' furm,dtod from teu to twenty percent lower than any .ton, in tho.•lty. Pictortal Clipper, Pion) uno, Chnatman hotorial Itrnthor Jonathan, on hand and for role at have this day sold out me in torizt In the tlrm of HOSTErIiAL SMITH l OiL, to my Into partner, JACOB HOSTETTER., Pittsburgh, Nov. '29, 1ti5.5-4 1/I, 30] 1). HOST ETT EiL LAND WARRANTS.—The highest market prier paid for 4.0, 50 and 1:a0 Arro Land \Val - tants, of the late issue. Ai-so—For SO and 160 Acre Warrants, ist:ned under the law of ISSO. Apply to BLAKELY & RICHEY. P 1 .11 2 :IIkW corner of Seventh and Smithfield ,as., FOR SALE, VERY CIIEAP—A 1.,0T IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 2-1 feet by llk,. A good bargain can ho had by applying ow O 0 at the offiro I the 1Y1.431 31ORNINti POST. L '" FOR SALE—A good 13ttiturut 24 front on Careou strtvt by 100 fort to depth, in Birmingham, will be sold cheap. Enquire of F. HILLMORE, jyrl at tho office of oho Morntax !N a t _ _ FRENCH WOOLLEN _a_ •wo h„—•,—, 1 •AAA 4,1 Aln 01 the e tblAll d.sitde CODE, 1.01 COl.rod Long Shaw Is. doct A. A. MASON A Iris iTH 1411Cc1I ES—I have just reveres,' niu.thrr hit 01 I true Tooth Brushe.s. Those wishing itnythiug iu Mile 1111 e hllollltl Clll.l and examine my stock hefore purchasing elsewhere. JCS. FLEMING. Corner Diamond and Market street. lI L AVE lOU TBAED N VIGO UT'S P REM ICM THA R ' li not, try it, and you Will outer bo without it. Be sure to ask for NVIGOHT'S PREMIUM KATIIARIoN, Or you may get a worthless article. nil_ For salo by all Druggists. 23 cents per 'pull, Wholesale Western Depot, Dr. liET:jElt, R. E. SELLERS and JOHN HAFT. engin - L 1 XCIT EMENT — Thu people are rushing t o the ENTERPRISE, 74 Fourth street. for flown, ai Al cents, and nnwards. docs ECOND ARRIVAL Ott GENTS' FURNISHING GooDA C . at L. 11111SHFIELD S SUYS, N 0.70 , A nod street. Having just returned from \ew York ant m styles of good• that arrived by the last stellnler, we on, the following for Inspection 01,ice5, 1 V,attntlets, Cravats, Scarfs, .Tura and Ixfw d Ties. Cambric :and Silk Handl. e , l !-, Undershirt , and Drikw , •r, )111M, , arid Phew H. fraschug ha, l•. Sniflll til e l erkr : also, e,ert -;yl,, 'l',.pdh, with a full assortment of in nor New styles lit goods rociuvi d by each steam r (relit L. HI RSIIFIIH.D a ',IN. Ni.7o Wood , novla betweets Fourth street sod F d,en runs Striwts " Isdtles Pmehes; 10 •• It oh Pine Apple; 1.'0111,1. l'r,, , erveh ; Tomatoes, in bottivs; Just ei,cile.l and for sale Lv REYM ER A ANDERSGN. 39 Wood s• nosn opposite St Charlet. Hotel FRESH ~n 1 NUTt—i,o ba '25 Eughsh Walnuts; !Snail Nut.; 50 (rails Ivh'a Abu olds 10 bags Bordeaux •• Sicily 1000 Cevisu Nut, ; 10 lb,ses Shelled Almonds Just received and fir sale by nov2o WINTER BONN TS.—MRS. E. DAY—, so. 38 St. Clair stront, oral open a large a. ,, orttnent 0,0114 of French Bonnets, Cups, Mantles. and 'Sendle worked Gonda, on Thursday, Novemher 8, 18bb. 11,8 MAGAZINES, S..c.— liqrfter for December; price 21 , cents. Putnam do do ,!.. rl.. Knickerbocker do do 2u do Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fash,on. 2. , cent, Frank Leslie's Journal: 10 do Pet-emcee liagazano, 1i do findey'B Lady's Book, '2O do 13allou'n Magazine. 10 do Westminster Review; Mackwoorre MagallYlP. Just received and for sal. at LAUFFER'S nov3o Cheep Bookstore, No. 30 Fifth at wo .VALUABLE BRICK HOUSES' FOR T SALE--Nes. 135 and 137 Third street. Each lot has a front of 20 feet, by 85 deep. The Menet are arranged with a large atom-room, hall, dining-room and kitchen an lind T. tour rooms on the second, and three on the third story. !Loh hon.,. are beer and In good order. uov3o S. =SBA= 8 SON, 63 Starke[ ec PITTSBURGH POST. TUESDAY MORNING AUNT MAGUIRE'S Description of The Donation Party. HENRY 11. COLLINS [cot:mai - ED.] Well, the day afore the party Jefferson come ham to stay a few days. I told him I Was gwitio to the donation party, and he said he'd like no bettor fun than to go with me. Jeff's always ready to go, you know. So he _went and got n ream o 3 nice paper for the parson to write his cannons On. At last the day came, and: I and Jeff, we started off for the party. We went quite early in the 'evenin', for I wanted to be there 'fora 'twas crowded. Ther hadeut nobody come when we got there, only three or four ladies, that was a gictin' the supper ready. There was Glory Ann Billins, and Polly Mariar Stillman, and Jo Gipson's wife, and old mother Parker a sottin' the table. You know at them sort o' dewins they always have a,supper sot for the company . The cougreOtti*Erovides the intertainment goisnol ly; Butt SitWAStitea the minister's wifokki to find a r ,gestd,asseon't. Miss Scrantum fefind the )aa aid sugar cream, and butter, and so'forth.'Scime o the neighbors sent in Duke an pies,"and cheese and biscuit. But Miss Serantaun sins afeard ther woultlent be enough o' the cake and pies—so she sent to the baker's and got a mess more. Well, I axed less Vripson KETTI NO . . where we should put our donations, and elie us to take 'em in the parlor and - lay 'em Ott the table. Thor was a table there ipurpoie to lay the . dry goods on. The provisions was carried into the storo-room. So we wont in thete and laid 'ern on . the table up in a newspaper.. started off. to find Miss Scrantum. I found her in the kitchen a makin' coffee. She looked dret ful tired and beat out. I was real sorry I Madera a went sooner and helped her. She was w4nder ful glad to see me; and I told her to go ant; dress herself, and I'd make the coffee. So she thanked me and went—and I took hold and made the cof fee Thor was an awful sight on't I neverimade so much afore in all my horn days, and I Beyer expect to agin. 'Twos made in Miss Scrtitum's biter. Sho'd scoured it up fur the occasion. it wa , a biter that held ten pails full—and it Was brintrulte full u' catfcc. After I'd got it made, went hack int. , the sitti&-room. They'd gOt the taw- ail ,ot. Ther was lots o'.,eoke, and bicuit, and and cold meat, and all sorts o' Then I went into the paelor, and lo.and bqhold, Ju Gipson's wife and Miss Parker had ondill the Litman, and was admirin' on't at .ft .woncierful rate. Jest then Mr. and Miss liernritum an the children eerie in, and dear me! how pleased` they were with the litinnit. Miss Ser.:Mum:ale rind it on., :mil it fitted her to a 'l'. But Sn.saa,y d: ou'd seen Sn' , :in Sne jumped and frisked around, and dident hardly know what to do with her.iiiif, she was s‘.• delighted. 0, Miss, Mr.- nk - that beautiful bunnit wasn't i'‘a- y, a •Int`r wan it What a dear good wo o, t 0 make IIIIR sueli a line pret!unt. ,nice at ul..rbotly now— won't' you nos Thee -eemed Wonderful pleased to secii.lef tew cud Mr. Serantuni was very glad to it f•e paper—Said 'twas jilt what he IN-atited. Weil, party son the company begun to 4me, and soy came pouria' in thicker and faster till the house was crammed. The settiril-room door /IS h.ekl`d, so as to keep 'em out o' there till supper Iva, ready—and I tell ye all the rest o' the house was just as full as it could stick. The parlor and the hall and the bed-rooms was all crowded and crammed. You a thought from the number o' folks that was there, that ther'd been a wonderful sight o' donations brought but as true as Um a 'thin' critter—that table wa'n't half full. But then ther was a good many families that fetcht one article to answer for the hull. For instance, lleac,on Skinner and his wife awl four darters and tew sons was all there—and Ills. , Skinner fotcht a skein o' yarn to knit Par son Scrantum some socks. Miss Hopkins and her three darters and her son and his wife, that was a visitin' her, and their three children all come—and Miss Hopkins brought half a pound o' tea. And the Runyons with their four young ones—what du you think they brought? why, Miss Runyon fetcht a little fancy basket to stick on the centre-table and put visitin' cards in. 111.1 the Miss Footer, three on 'em, they brought Miss Serautum a pair o' cuffs. And all the Bingham., they fetcht a neck ribbon for Susan. And Deacon 'Peabody and his tribe, tiler's as mach as a dozen on 'em, they brought a small cheese. 1 heerd afterward that the half o' it was II donation and (other half was to go for pew rent. And Cappen Smalley and all his children was there. lie fetcht a box o' raisins out o' his store, there was twelve pound in't, and Susan told me afterward that ten pound was to go to ward pow rent and the rest was a present. The Widder Grimes and Charity was there of course. They dident go nigh the donation table for some time, and Lams kind o' citrus to know whether they'd brought anything, and so I watched 'em, and bitneby, I observed Charity go np slily, when she thought nobody dident see, and lay a Ole paper on the table. I had the .curiosity to see what was in it, so as soon as I got a chance I took up the paper and peeped into't, and lo and be hold ! there was two skein§ o' thread, did you ever? Widder Grimes is well off, but she's too stingy to be decent, and Charity's jest like her. Then there was over so many belonging to other denominations. that dident bring nothin' : they come to show their good will, to let folks see that they wa'n't bigoted and prejudiced, though they did differ in a religious pint o' view, and git their sapper. And besides them, I noticed a great many that I never see before—nobody knows elmro ii ,•y come front nor where they went tew. they thust a been raised up fur the occa sion. :Ind then ther was an awful sight o' chil- I:.et 12 F Vlt !took •Iro. No. SU Yift h Et dren that straggled in from everywhere. Doctor Lippincott, he was there, bowin' and scrapin' round as usual—awfully anxious about every body's heakh and his wife, tew, as much con- Sal-lied as he was—and their promisin' red-head ed boy, and interestin' darter, Army Mariar, with her six starched skirts on—takin' up more room than ary ten decent dressed girls in the room. The doctor always goes to all the dona tion parties for fifteen miles round, but nobody knows of his ever takin' anythin'. On this oc casion, Army Mariar took a took-mark to Mr. with a thing QM it that looked like a c/eppia's/msri-, and a mess of French nonsense below it. But the greatest part of the perform ance was the seminary gals and their donation. Thor was twenty-five on 'em, and what do you suppose they fetcht Why, the hull kit and car go on 'em had conspired together and made a rag-lihy for little Adeline Scrantum, and rigged it imp in gauss ,trul tinsel, and they all come to :2-ether and hr-ught that. Miss Piuchem, their teacher. wrin't there. She was sick o' somethin'. I pie , it' Qh.- had a come, she'd a kept 'etc tittle - , raig.liter. Land o' liberty! I never see such nn actin' set o critters in all my born days! Tticy carried on like all possesst. I see sonic on I 'eta n tiourishin' round Jeff—he's always ready , for a serape, you know—and I was afeard he'd I git to e.irryin' on with 'cut :tad I wouldent a had • him for anything, so 1 gin him a caution. •• Jeff," says I, you let them seminary gals alone they're a will set : proper to cut. up so in a minister's- house. - Jeff promised to keep clear on 'cut—he ginerally does as I want him tcw. I'll say that much for Jefferson, he's 31 'w"Ys l been good about mindin'. But it went hard with him to dew it then: he was ripe for fun, and deter/nine.' to let off the steam in conic way or other. So he looks round and sees Char ity Grimes stuck up On the setee 'father side D' the room. Stiff /IS a poker and prim as a pea pod---,you know what a starched up, affected old critter she is. Jeff went to school tow herlshen he was little, and she snapped his ears, and cuff 't him round, so he's always 'hated her like pizen evvi . since. She's ben tryin' this twenty year to git married and calil make it.out,at She'd chased after Squire Fuller ever., since his wife died. Sluice Fuller got oiaraied about a month afore that—and.yer uncle verily believes ho did it in self defence, .jest i to git rid n' Charity Grimes— she botherd him to death ; he couldent go out in company but what she'd contrive to hook on to him. lie's a very perlito man, the Squire is, andhe dident want tew he rude to her, but he couldent bear her, though she tried hard to make folks think he was her beaux. At last he got married, quite suddenly. to a young woman in Cbenang county and yer uncle says he don't believe he'd a done it, if it hadent a ben to git rid a' Charity Grimes ; for his wife had ben dead El= 114-0\ N calm NUMBER GB. DECEMBER 18 FROM Tim REDOTT PAPERS The buardt was pinned Jeff he sot down, _and I wy ,:::-4..-:..,... 1, •:..; ,, ._ . . , , • 4 1 ~., , s _. r a i' ' r 4:t RATES OF ADVERTISING AGREED ON RY TUE PITTSBURGH TEN LINTS OP 71071PARPSL, 00 MP : Ono square, ono ineertlon to Do. each additional insertion._ 1 25 Do. one week.' 11 70 Du. two WeekS— , 3 00 - Do. three weeks. .l 400 Do. one month .....,..4 5' 00 Do. two months .1 7 Off Do. three months 1 0 90 , . Do. tour monthS. ilO 00 Do. , . six mouths Do. IMO year 18 00 , Standing Card, six lines or lees, per nautili 1 10 00 CIIAPIOTABLEI AT =ABM= : - One square, per annum, (exclusive or-the paper,),.....t 25 00 Marriage notice 4 50 cents; Death notices, 25 emits. five year, and he seemed to be uncommo tented for a widowisr. But tWait gtvine you what Jell' done. Ha 'see Charity a there a tryin' to do the agreeable' to Smalley 018 wife hadeut ben dead long,— way they make a good match wouldent tl Well, Jeff says to me says Mother, I go stir up Charity Grimes? " ' , , 4 I don't what you mean by atirrin' on her up,". ' " 0," says he, " I jest want to condole mi a little on the loss o' Squire Fuller." ' ' says I, "you needent dew' no such 'twould be very improper, and very aggro ! tow." " Well," says he, "mtlYent•rjest; talk a little Shakespeare tow her?" (e ways quotin' Shakespeare, you know.) L afeardye'll say - something sassy," says , I wont," says he. " I'll be all killid' pe " Well, go, then," says L Se off ho step inure as a deacon. Good eve inn', Mies Gr . 'says he. " Good evenin',' Mi. Illatudie,' _ she. "It seems like old timeato see You agin," says he; and then he observed to Cappen Smalley —" I used to go to school to _Miss Grimes when I was young." Charity puckered up her - mouth and grinned, and says she. " Yea, you was' quite a boy then—and I was a mere child myself, ex ceeding youthful for a teacher." - " Well," says Jeff, says he, " you lutin'l altered spok sined—you bold yonr own anstizingly,--y1 look ed every bit ss old then as you 'deli'lloW ;..but how do you feel about these dayar ' ,,- "Feel 1" says she, pickin' aP her ears, " I feel as Well as common—why shouldent I,?'? ,- '', Excuse me," ~.. says Jeff, "I only axed' because I didenti know but you felt rather no : lipids:led, put tin.~ busi ness since Squire Fuller got nuirrie'cr 'Old Tel ler's ocorpation's gone now, I.a'pose,: as. Shake speare says." Giacions 1 how mad Charity was ! She brustled up like a settin hen, and, says she " Jeff Maguire, I don't care a straw for what Shakespeare nor none o' the rest o' your rowdy acquaintances says about me ; I'm abovir it ; but whoever he is, you may tell him he's an impu dent puppy for callin' a young lady an 014 fake --and 'you're another for tellin' on't." 'So she got up and donned out into the hall. Tho folks all ,giggled and seemed wonderful. tickled ; but Jeff, he looked round,as astonished as coUld be, and says he—" I wonder What ails Miss . rimes. ' I thought for the life o' me she was a "no to snap my ears, as she used to when I was , ung." I was vexed at Jeff, and took him.to taskdis soon as I got a chance ; but he declared 't wa'n't old feller" he said, but somethin' else; -how ever, it sounded jest like it, May way. ' - [TO BE CONTINUED.] It A LEAKY VESSEL. --A lady of our acquaintance, says the Troy Daily Timea, had employed'in her kitchen a down-right, good natured, butabom inably awkward native of 4 , Zharmany ; " just emigrated, and with the dews of her radar land " scarcely cleared from her blue ;woolen sack or black lace cap. One day when al' largo family ironing was being-done, and-the stUire was almost entirely occupied with the: 'f.hetiting " process, mistress remarked to Kathrina..thjat she had better boil the potatoes in the 'furnace, at the same time showing her that article of culi nary economy. " Yaw ' answered the willing. Kathriiia, and she immediately set about making tho,pr,opara ,, tions. The mistress thought no- more of the matter until near dinner time, when she chancndPin the kitchen again. The room 'was liternllrfilled with steam, in the midst of which, like, an angel of industry in a cloud of glory, bobbed about the head of the industrious Katbrina-her (puffed cheeks literally dripping with perspiration, and a muttered exclamation of " Gott in irtminells " occasionally escaping from between her clenched teeth. Why, Katy ! " delarmed , the Mistress, in alarm "what nre-yon about ?" , lMinc Gott I try to pild de daders." " But I told you to boil them in the furnace." " Yaw so I to. But de furnace pe goot for nix. Dunder and Blixen, "as a stream of water poured from the stove upon the floor at her feet, "he leak all over like to tap-eel. " Kathrina had put the furnace on the stove, placed the potatoes in it, and had very industri ously pourd about eight gallons of water upon them, up to the time when she arrived at the sage conclusion that " he leaked like to ttryveL" SAFETY OP RAILWAY TUAVELINCL—At a recent Meeting of the English Railway Club; which is composed of the representatives of the principal English railways, Mr. e Edward G. Watkin, the general manager of one of the most extensive lines, presided, and made a speech, Which was received with great attention. He said . those present represented £300,000,000; employed more than 00,000 men and administered a reve nue of £20,000,000 annually. In regard to the safety of railway traveling, Mr. Watkin furnish ed some novel statistics. He said he had often thought that if a person wanted to be:in the sa fest place in this world ho should get into a first class railway carriage, and never leave it. In 18.54. the English railways carried 111,000,000; the number killed in consequence' of accidents beyond their own contri was 12. Thosoil 4 000, - 000 traveled about 15 miles each, so that it was cleara man must make between 10 and 11 journ eys, traveling between 150,000,000'and 160,000,- 000 miles—and that would take,liehad calculated, ' between 2,000 and- 3;000 years—before a fatal accident might be expected to happen tci him. Now, he challenged comparison, in point of safe ty, between railway traveling and that, of any other mode of' traveling, Or . any other avocation. Two-thirds of the accidents occur from moral causes, and not from physical ones, as the break ing of an axle, or some defeat in the permanent way. A Meritorious Case. In the United StateS . Senate, on Tnesday, Mr. Seward presented the memorial of Mt* Catha rine Van Rensselaer Cochran, only living child and immediate representative of Gen. Philip Schuyler. Mr. S. observed that he presented it at this early day on account of the advanced age of the lady, (now in her 79th year.) She sets forth in her Memorial that when. Gen. Burgoyne was advancing along the Hudson toward Albany, it became necessary for her father, who then commanded the American army, to construct a bridge across the river of over half a mile in length, the whole cost of which was furnished from her father's private purse t that when:Gen. Burgoyne was retreating, he caused the mansion house, stores, mills, Sc., of her father, to be de stroyed, involving a loss of $20,000, according to Lossing's field notes, and according to the statement of Gen. Burgoyne, of ten thousand pounds sterling. She states . that her declining life is embittered by the inconveniences and sor rows attendant upon poverty, together-with the trials imposed by an invalid and, helpless son dependent upon her for support ; that the recog nition by the last Congress of meritorious acts of the noble De Kalb has emboldened her to ask a sitttilar acknowledgement of her father's self sacrificing devotion upon the altar of hiscountry ; and that she confidently relies apon the patriot ism and justice of Congress to vindicate her father'S merits. . _ Mr. S. asked that the memorial might he laid on the table, and gave notice that he would,.. at an early day, bring in a bill for her relief. FarritFl'L Love.—An English paper announces the approaching marriage of Sir Thomas Trow bridge, rind Miss Louisa Gurney, of Norwick. Sir Thomas was in the battle, of4lina,agdlriker mann, and greatly dislinguished hiinaplf- by his gallantry. At the battle of Inkeigtann he con mended a battery which contribeM essentially to the defeat of the Russians. But. during that terrible fight, a cannon ball carried away bath of his feet. Expecting to blood to death, he refused to be carried to the rear, and directed his men to raise him to the front, that. he might see the issue of the battle: and in that position, he continued coolly to direct the tire of his bat tery until permitted to share in the shouts of final victory. Contrary to all eipeeMtion, the wounded man's life has been spared, and he was about to be I-manly(' by the happy' eonsumma: tion of a long cherished attachment with the beautiful and amiable lady who is to share his titles and honors, while she consoles and repays his sufferings. THE CASE OF MA itY Axx Wthu_ots.s--Alder man Snider yesterday gave his decigon in the case of Mary Ants Williams. It will be remem bered that the brother of the girl wanted his sister, who is sixteen yearNol age, sent- to the House of Refuge, because she-persisted in attending Cath olic worship in opposition to big 'wishes. Thu girl was discharged, and the magtatrite read the brother a lecture for striking his sister, when :he refused to comply with his wishes.—Phil. Buie tin, Saturday. , t e: • *. 4...'. ~'.. ; ..._. ~._ _ a:f: ' ::: }: 1 — 1 - con to tell ‘ittin' appen by the know Ygl. h her I I No," lug; 1 z atm' oand 'a al ,<No lite." I-, de mos," says --- ,~....,..._.._...._ z. ~~~