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" - •'"!"t' :''-• . :','?;,,i' '.. ! ...;.,: i 7 . 1 ., ..... f ,:,,....; ..,.2.,.f.,--'.. , „, 4 .. 4, , .. ~.„, t 4,,, pirttt: w t , ''. ~, / ; , ~ ``' " 1,- t ' .. - '" .. ' 4 ,4. , 14 0, 1' ''C' ' :::‘ --• 4 ., • -.,-- : "'* 4 -' • '4, tt:' - t : 1 / 4. - . ' 4. /. ---. -1 J 4 ~_.. . MFR r'*"."?. :...' :"t` , - ': ." t 'cv- ‘ ;,- -, t , ,tf..-.1,, G i l 4, _ T • ! . C.., , :',r.„-',•P',1""e,.. 2 7.4 , yr"',-r•-• , ; , t rill ii''Al';';‘, s , l ii'.' ..4 1: VT4_,C ' : ~,,' ...,C4.. '7 4 , . . •V- r J , ~ 1 ' ' ...,, ~ 'r-' 3 , . 'Ot.j . P. ' ' ~, -L.',. /, .e, P-1. '''',' o ; s i t ; ,"-,: 7 1 . -,,.' ,, ~,.....,r , fi - -- ~ • t - .,,''‘lt- •,4 -4 . 4" , •4 -' • 4 '' • rrl;',. -!'' ' , ..,, •- 4 ' , ' s‘. .;.."'''lt ~.. .t , 4 ' '444, • '- • o 4,•:.4C, 4 . 4 ' . .4 41 4 1 / 4 1f4 S '''' , 11 4 7 01= '''-1 4. 4 1 P 4 41 41(4* ' 4 4 f 1V"1 . 4 ., '" '.'.... 4, .' -. .e s .. , 1 ir, •„ I. ~ .e./•,, .1,,, ‘: I. , ,„t 4 , .k- 44- ,‘ t.' ~, t. ~ :"."-,,) 4,4;'-'.4‘,- ,, , , ..t,'4'troir.l. , tt ,, 4 14 '•-•,,' 4 , •'; ....`""1- tar - Til i iti itS,'4s,fti 4t l . .., ; „t• •..tl' ~ I r , ,-, i t . •t- , 4 ,-.4 1 -. t• 4- ' + • • t_• +.-V- o• • •• e_ . - • „;., „-;` • • • . t , .04 tz,- e... 4 ta :44.1r • - - -P4IIBBURGII. -- MOIONG - POST; - - - Prinied and InibUsl4i/ eery morning, ( Sundays excepad,) BY .61-LLEIORE & MONTGOMERY, ON THE norm-mum COMM OF WOOD AND FIFTH MEET& TERMS.—Five Dollars n year, payable strictly In advnnco. Blx. Dollars Invariably nspilral if not paid within the year. 411 - Single copies, Two Corni—for rule at the counter in tho Moo, and by tho News Boys. THE SATURDAY MORNING POST Pub! ind from the eamo Mike, on a large blanket sizo sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Single copies, Flu Corn. • /Kir No paper will be discontinued, (ilitiaim Lion of the Proprietors,) until all arrearagee. era P'"'" Jiiser No attention will be paid to any order unlees accom panied by the money, er satisfactory reference in thin city. tfiS - Connected with the Establishment of the Morning Post le one of the largest JOB PRINTING OFFICES in the city, where all kinds of work is done on the shortest notice, end mast reasonable terms. PROFESSION AL C ARDS -- ()BERT C. G. SPROU L, Attorney and R come , nor U Law, °filo, No. Fourth drool, Pitte burgh. JAMES A. LOW RIE, Attorney at Law, Ake Fourth street. Pittsburgh, between Amithtleld and Cherry alley. decllay JOHN BARTON, Attorney and Counsellor I sale' at Law, office corner of Fifth and Grant streets, Pitts burgh. Jealy SAM P. ROSS, Attorney at Law, No. 109 Fourth strut, Pittsburgh, fourth door below Mr. Rody Patt,rsou's Livery Stable. je?.ti 101 TRI CK WK. EN NA, Alderman of Third eflkr corner of Grout and Fifth streets. (formerly occupied by Alderman Lewis.) where all business pertaining to the office of Alderman and Justice of the Peelle will he promptly attended uo. tebl:3nl AII L, Surgeon Dentist, sueeegisur to G. e W. Itt laic. N.. 144 Shaltllllt4ll stroct. Air Office Lour, troll, • to 1 o'clock, and from '2 to 5 o'clock. T SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors Nlarket. Qv-I , th, loom , 'rum 9 It'cl•clt A. Nt. to 5 o'clock P. M. dor2o:y BUSINESS CARDS - r OH N MOO RILEAI), \V hu1k...T..11e Grocer and ty Conunissiop Merchant, for the sale of PlO METAL and BLOOMS, d P ROD E generally. So. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. 0p24 etutem 1111.L1.11- WV. ItlasEisON. MILLIsR 1 II1CKI:TSON, Wholesale (m- cars, 1 tnporter of BRANDIES, \ V 1N Eti A ICS. 172 n.n.l 174, onrner of Irwin :Lna stroete, Pitt, burgh. Iron. Nail, evltou Yarns, im hand. )r2 , ) M' K E & CO., Mitlittfacturers of co' S • P.•nnrp-lrania Glare, all ,izeit W matey tilttee., Doubt• Strength, Intitatittn Criatit and Roby V Lila. Fitetti Pickle 11041 Preeervt• Jan; Vin,. Porter and Nlineral &alb Telegtaphit; and Lightning-Rod Inollaters. Sectant between Witeil anti Marliet streets, l'ltt Ila . lint a short distance from the steamboat lanai. anti frt. Monongahela House. St. elan les and City Hiatt. apr ERR ..... 11,711, L RINCITALT. litlitEitTSON C(l., Man U ructur,re to, Cut. 1 1 ,...,1 and Plain Flint t;I..kBSWARE ,v11.,1101). N., 17 N 1 Ft , r,r of Front, Pit .I.trgit Ike- All .alt..r ki.t, or til.y.ware and low I.ltrk,ot JIYG It J0.1t.1 . 11 J. CLAM. T M, Sticoess ,, rs bt 11111vativ _ILA A. ',di,..nut.-tilter, Or rut. N1.111.14A1 Aanl 1 . 14: and V., 1%,14,1 1..:04A \I AKE, an.' /I..alct, In all Gant„ 4 M on! 1141lAn. Nor 6..0 .n nor ur)larl,r and ‘.l atta str,sia. I . lt,burglt tivh.l.lly t \ l'talttr. 11 tut_ anti l'ltuttt llttltlett; DtAttOttltt, :1.1 at:.. , . 1.21:1: , w crew vallety. t 5 arttlitat , !st , , 101 ttt•-•,-11.1 anti 'r r- , t str, t__ m 1.1 2, F.R. 1)1\-N ' t ), dealer n t , ;t•NTHY 1•1:0111;t1 , .. 00,-tt; for salt. a ttot...- t .tttwk Ri Eli Kt•leett-t1 f, family a,. every Nat u- tiuti 1.7 - toutti at 1, Si';,,, 6111._ 1,1,1 ltuttl, Fttrtti,:lt Att.l raki , !! In exchange na-rt F. R. I). has lonwur.4l a lull l!! ..! ranted IIAKIJE \ an.l at, 1,11 ,1 tere-dr 4 d ill rural affairA. lunl )SINIISSION 141 ~I It 11.4,W by 111 , purivq.o. at Hllllllll'lll I.trovt... tot, !lit., 111.0, N1....t1ga10 . 1 , 11 , 11 , NV, wtil ,•• IA .•.1 1•. I 4,1• . • ItACIIN. CHEESE. 010,, I lAT - •1:111 1 , !Ht.\ 'MIA) lI,V. • .‘lll.ll sv.• 1, ol A; tt, In tstark o t rat, A 1,.. Eli , (4, 14. 1,1,1,11.0 I I • RI , lISHN N. F,lrvi;tlll :in kola, .I.•it: FISH. BA , A:.•I 011.. \ hot, , I 1411,1 1., A I t1.41.1..1.. \ lir !.. - - A L T \V ELL, LEE ..; h 1% \\ nl find -t rc••1 hit-hur, , t - Croux \\.. A u :In, 1%1L11es1“/ 11. r - hatt , . ;teak., i all kind. ;II MAN I'FACTUItt.IS. I.E. kJ/ PIPE and HIKE' LEAD. N 0..; FE.ht ...tr. I. i:!s;RY 11. i'()LL,IV. , , V,,r‘sardin;z: m«rl-I.,rit MP( 1,1111.1 , 0 , , I..11`•1 11. HSU BETTER. SEEP , an I t•ItoIdECE N. l'11.1,11111',111,11; 11 L. .ILLEN. 'ft.lr 41.•:11 , r iu • NV I N It!: '.'L,E..(l{:. .11.1 11nt....1aa.11.1.; and P. iI ISE 1. ; h EEC ft El IN. , ittl . 'dit.LEE. Nr. h Ihtt.....trull ',X.,. I .I;unail - a St-it I'll.l , 1111t1 n. 1111 1,1111. 1 . 11,...1.•. 1111‘1111.11g1i. , . h Al; 1,11/11,11 Er ,1 rll 11 . 1-11. ~ .1111% it,1111. , 11, 11..11 , 11., mid .1.n...1 Mtn...kr Atu.l;•. In. \Vihi Cla 11 and ltl,kl , 1.111. 11/1• . _ar- -.1..n1.11 1',111111,1 111'. L• C 1.1.111,11 1, N. 111111,11,, F.LII. • 111, Era- 11. , t ti— tfrnw . ;rho ;;I Fa) . At 1,L1.11‘1. C.\ lilt & CIL (\V illiam Carr. WW nt ; f th. tir. .1 VAT Ct. CEE.S. !obd in 1 dt.uzu (VINES and IiIt.ANDIES. M.,taingaludtt and id.; tili•-;! 11l sE Y, No. :rd.: , (katancrclai sti,•l ).tn'Y Tc)sEPII EI.ENI I N(;, t. L. Wil t" corn, of Mark, .tt...d and Ow Lh.motid count-at:l y ..0 haul a full 1,4 , 11111,11 .4 Ulcl 1;:`. DINES. NIEI.I.'I NE I'llEsTS. and nn arti cles I,rtaintnir 1 , . his 1 . 1 iota. r 111111114111.11.11 nt all bout-a. .3'91 . . JOHN 1,1,101Nr: TLEMINt; successors to .3 _I: K 1.1.1 & whoie,ll , • DKUIC/OTS. No nr. Wo-I Pat...burgh. Proprietor of Dr. Nita 'V.'s n•kbrut. , l Vcrnnt fl4,,, Liver PLID, lOU J(AIN 11 A FT. Jo., Sllvrosnili James M reta:l 1/111'4:IIIST. 'IAA 11.0, in PAINTS. OILS. DYE STUFFS. kr.. No 111 \\,.• . 1 slrgn.t. three Vlrgin Pittslough. np-k) T L. .NIARSIIALL, successor t.,1 IL Lee. DEALER ....I C.OIIIIS,ION MERCHANT I,itnol) Pltt-100 ;J. (rreno,---W. k A Won., Kr,tner A. Ka/int. 1l or phr.'Tn-rann A Co.. Brunt, k kisrkr“tnek. Pittni+urglt, Nla). '2l, 1,2.1'. In)^2l I dealer in Kentucky 1...1 I,IIAIVO, RA; Alld PAPER., NO. 149 W.., rt)ooL lwlow rl.4ll,llllt.l.urglt. 1 y tlzir 111 plu4 for _ . • •. 51,11,1. • .1,:s1.1•11 R. 111. 1 ,1111, TAT . 1r:1 kasn,l '.,IS, to.• - :7 NV...1 a0.r...t. f.r bratol of an D..la-uart 0... T. (n. M(11{(; .1, N. Bnok,:eller and Sta -111 ,) • timer. l la, al, a) hand a g.,rieral .•1111a...•11, BlankPrintlng. and Car Pala,. AL... mai retail, N. 104 Wra,al !drew!, belrpa tt A N'l'Elt -R:l,2;t nml Tanut•rs' Strapa. T1)1 IN MELLOR, \\la - 10:4111e and llntni I .Iral. rio I'nICAl , INS'rltl . ltl Y.NTS, PIANOS. NIUSIC, I-4 WI, It. 0105 at. 1.1 STATIONERY, N.,. al Wtkxl ntr l N-I, T ly, M'i 'OI.I.IST E hnles.ale and Ro t) 50.31 kIISiA N 1' ACV:REP. .leol.o 10 SNUFFSEIIAttS, No. Eilth ll Ao. ..1 Ilitiaborttit KtNps n 1,4: ntly r‘n ltis•l it largo "apply of all Ra s_nriln. twang. , of Imperial Ill,gart. I•111L11, 801111:1‘ .... ANO6lO'O5. .PSOIIrN to R! . E ) F a : len ( l ' e t r i s ‘ OKt ITS. N I"rs. SPICES. 0, IN FECTION ARV. S Ili A ~ N. 311 "t root, opi,o/111.• Om St. Cliarlt Pinl t!, burgh. A.l I.N 1)1.1!:, \Vlndlesal.- and Retail S A 1)- . IiAItNE:'.S, TRUNK. VALISE nod CARPET BAG I.IANUYACTUREIL.No. 106 \V..0,1 "erect, Piustatrgli. JY2gIY E.RPRI SE N.S. 10. 136 \V Nod etreet, third door 1.-low Virgin alley.--61)1%N A TET LEV would gall the attention of Sporting nl,ll to their tarp. onsortieeet CV ItIFLES and KEViii.VINU PISTOLS. the largest and hest whigted snick finer Open,.l this em r. ket, together with a gee, as-iortitient liardn are, roll, ry. Tools and Fielitug Tarkle. all of high we otter at 111.• IOWVAI hmuilge prig.-8 f.n.slf purchasers. or ter good p proved intl.,. marl`, Nowrii.wEsTEßN HiLICE AGENCY, so. h..) W. 111140,11 street, Corn, of InAirlfrn. Cll I• CAGO, I LL1N1 1 1:. • LLA 1% K D. 11. unnoirgs. PINEEKTON denote then entire attention to the tranexuon ,if a gt•tforal detr , tiv.• POLICE BUSINESS in the Staten of linnets, Wierottion, 1liclIi1;:lif and Indiana. rabigidtf TX11,012, Third street. next floor to Myatt 11 Ilniltitrack. thankful for the very 'literal patronage heretofore hestowtal upon hini. bop' leave to ask a continuance top the same.. he 114 now bott, prepartal than ever to furnoth his !rime's u m' t u rners with oar ne•itt.. a ha I t will insure entire satisfai that. lie always liters 'to lintel a large taikort lama ul the styles of VI l. STINti. CIaS6IMV.E.I->", C 1,0111. " .", hr., which lo; will make to oilier on the kltortekt notice, upon ret.oualile terms. 11' , 4_ A perfoct Et alwayg warranU.d. — 7 - JOHN a. ........ Ttl6B. . L rr B. YOUNG & CO., No. 38 Smithfield • oppeAte (qtr Hotel, atatinfacturear of CABI- N KT FURNITURE and CHAIRS, of ,very deacription. terudo : n ot work-ntanFhlp warramt , 4 l , tool sold at. redo I Care taken In packing for land and water carriage 1.01 WO()IIWELL'•S FURNITURE AND ( "HAMS, wholoaale nand retail. embracing est., y eta le of furniture, in Itoaewood. 3lahogany and Walnut. en - ta . ble for par chambora, and dining ; equal in any iu !New York ka Philadelphia, and at lower pricos. Ever) article Made by hand, and warranted. Cabinet lak trplind with any quantity of FURNI. TCItE and Cll:k7R; u ,un reuaurmble tunas. hotels and Steambrusta furnished at the aborted notice. Warerooma, Nos. 77 and 'ln Third atroet., au PirflAßUßGlit PA. _ _ JOHN COCIIRAN & 131.105., Manufactur ers of lron nailing. Iron Vaults, Vault boors, Window 6oard.4, Stc., tn Second street and co Third street. Ire tweet. Wood fool Market streets. Pittsburgh. have on hood 0 variety of new patterns Fancy nud Plain. sultahls fro. 1 pUrfwelos. Ikutiosaar attention paid to enclosing Gray., oats. Jobbing than at short notice. untrui PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE Sz, MONTGOMERY, AT THE " POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM • - - _ _ VOLUME XIV BUSINESS CARDS Agent No. 201 Liber t‘i the following very choice Lir _TORN LITTLE, Jr., ty Street, lute just receive BRANDIES. °onto Brandy, (very fine.,) ()turd Dupuy St Co., (super.) Marrott & CO., !MC. Jamaica, Santa erne Boguet, London Cordial, Schnapps. SUNDItI S. Rutherford's Scotch Ale, Barclay's London Porter, Wild Cherry Brandy, Absinthe, A ah.athe, Coracca. Sardines, Mocha and Java, Young flys. and Black TOM. linglish Bronson Cheese, Imported Havana Cigars, of various brands, Uld Monongahela Whisky, all grades. iries connected with the bust my2Otiisis Surcial Aladeir, !Inward. March At Co. Mad'ra, India Madeira, 'Pablo do Aniontilkule. Sherry, Manzanillo do Tad., du Cooking do Iteexwing Port, l'ureJnico do Ordinary to St.. Julien Claret, Malaga Dry, I) Sw,t, Cltinpagnea, A nchur. Vertenev, Ti.gother with all othar art lER'S TRANSPORTATION Anticipating the want of facilitiut for transporting Freights to and from tho Enitorn Cities, via Pennsylvania Canal anti Itailromis. we have increased our stock of S.,_ on same. too fi.)I.ILE DAILY LINK, which given u..a c'apneity of over 1500 tons per mouth earl, way. We as.sun, 1/or friends, and those dispi.ed to patronise th, State improvements. the, will be nothing spared on ow part to retnior groorld mail:faction in forwarding Easter, :med Western Frv.ights with promptitude and despatch. e ft It Mit B.IdITCILELL, augll:y Quid Ittufin. IHtc Gargh, Po. _, ::~. J. J. tiILLYSPIE J J. 4; ILLESPIE Mauuructuren . mud looking tiloss Plata. 4131nr, gruriugli, Colubm mud Funcy tioot6, N 0.76 Wood utter, Vitt: burgh. Ihi hand and made to unity. Gilt Pier and 3tantln GlastukA )bduq,uuy. Ittriewuo4l. Walnut and hilt Frania, ur Mould in, it every 4-6 • Stenltli 3. Int C211,111s I).,,rat.ed and E NTERPRISE WORKS, No. 13ti Wood Est., third LI., alley.—BOWN A TETLEY would tail the Attention of Sporting men to their largo az. .inrtinent of ICES, RIFLES and REVOLVING I'ISTOLet. Jun! I wat Ae',tell stork ever opanied to than lila, Itt.t., together with a general amortnntnt of It A RIM ARE, CUTLERY, TOOLS and FlBlll5O TACKLE. all of tt hid/ 'WY Offer at the lowest }wend& prime to mill purrhosent, or fur I ,n,nd approved Inner. marl S MA. SW I LER, WllololtaiP and Retail Itvaier 111 Flit WWI, Stoves. T.. h . ., and lionsekenta•rs' thud war, 'runner,' Mactitars and Tool. Tin Hate, Sheet Iron, Wire Riven+, Ac., '24 .North Second -tree!, ,oppaitu Buehler's noteld HARRISBURG. - 1 0.29,cim VIT, VENETIAN BLIND I‘l.lN I: FACT l R.. cued ho , lo.alth w, ao t i r0...111111 , Iti.W •.1.1 1.1/,11/0 , ,, and ha, op.noll his DUNI/ NIANUYACTORY. ng•ar • altlai. I\lll.ll, has an of BLINDS. trittnuod nrlii idain awl fancy Wond,i and Silk Truntilin , ,.., 101 , 1 po•parod to 011 ,nty .adhd In hi. 1100, on the newt His NV•krk In narrann....l to giro eatinfaction. or mon , ' rofundt.d. VIII,. old Eltn,L4 rlutiroa. Thins givo him a call, an ), tl4l,'T 1 twat m uorkialtsoltip. - VEIV ( '0.1( 'll AN l'.VIIII1.1(11: Tolt INSTON, HIU TIISHS R CO, corn., of ao4 nt11,.:110,0 City, notild I tilD thr a o o .1- at •I inlihr hat the, itav••Oa. t CA Itli 1011 CI S II" RAI AI% .‘ S, 1,1 1;111 F.S. 111, .ind I'II A In all t h •:, nli. 11,,,t, and AII order* i 1,1111 •tt 1.4 .1.1. .lit II•I I....tats 1:.•I t, a 1... 1. n. 11.1•-•1 I • .11 t 111.,1 1 . .111 . 4 in all their th. 1 . '41,401 , 1 Shafts. at..l t1a..3 441 at that all %, it h 111..14 tottr,Lage. utll 1.. 1.. 11. e. tly ott ball 111. n. ato ....tt. ••• ar,. .in0.t.,1 rty11,1.40r.. put • !wry. I. WC LIAM „ .;),Itta ALMLIIT PIT'I'SBFItffi I c().wil FAcr()Ry_iiii;. El,/144 t'. to 41 V. \.. 4.. 1nt 0....1 W,KPII At; E. , . C. 411'11E: 4 . A I.:TIINS. zto.ltlowriltl4.At ..t NCI VF:111C1,14. , built :and 11:11.11.41 in a 1/1“,111 I.r ..1 ~.rlsitlatudop and itmt..t - tal • tt t)„1: a, ‘4 scat 440..1 1 Ell IL NV N,,. Sll Nlarket T t. aft., 114 Oi DA Y. fs , ft.tul , ..r 1".‘1..)1 AS mod : 4 11.diS ni 1ttr,..0) tt.dtt. -, 1 It ttt.d, Ow, t. , rtt!.l:, mud iso• dttp,v, a- Id utak , land r ro. , m ftd IA [lit , ' 151,1 5•1,1,, 4, ail w.tilt .ItJ Ow .t .4011 ;IA 1140,1i1,1.• .ulln - WILLIAM S. lIA.V EN —THE OLD la. V.Sitatl: 3 ll 3.1 Fa - L.IM , •lohnston A ,1.r1.1.33.3 an•l I 111. A !33K It•a./K and ST F./t.N . NI. A ItEli• 1.• pr imam tan mmNer) ml Leval. 3133333ta,3331. Canal .3.1 S4eanit33tat JOB PRI NTINI: and Ito•OK HINDI \U. Mi • a1,.1 In 313-313 o,nry artmoln In tho Ittank nook, l'atn, mon, 5ta13.333. ••rt line, at the N 1343313-4 noUct• art 33 .33 134. 1313335 t 33-3 rn. u Malik It, and Statmonnry R am 33134,11.413. ['Tint tng 0111. • ••11•1 It ..k limmtmlmq • •••dm•nr ut Nlarkei and Ssavomml sta • mlnvl It1(11A It I 11'. 1•10( . KINI;, Ma.n.ufactiirer (;:;t, Silt 3, . Bra:a+ and itronaa LASS. 1 , 38't lt.‘ I T and PICTCRE FILANIKS, llama and Ornarnantna. ♦•• rd. Clair strrnt. All kinds mmf CourpramUmin Ortnitunnts. La I-ItiNummbant, kr. All kinds 14 Gilding and rc-OLldtng. to ..13 , r. 31111 N3.13131.3;3 for F'ranmen. whale:can and nrlliAt Immr Oil 1 .- uniting?, Eng - m.llgs and Laborrytiptta, tar u Inipairte.l or defaced Oil Pruntinge reet.oreel in the bret manner e AU Moab inanuractnnei in thi. ee t tblialiment nra, be cleaned. without iajury. with wan awl cat.-r. Call and :wit. 10. a Bt. Clair street, l'itteburgb. nac2l;:cr JO T,IIN GROUT Importer of BRANDIES, GIN. WINES, c. Dealer in Tian Mannnirah. i la Peae Mao. RECTIFYIN4I nlol'l 1, LER. ei.rnet of SluiilLield and Front ntrrotn, Pittehurgli. ttpU2 II()MAS OLIVER. SADDLE, 11 ARNESS ANn TRUNK MANUFACTURER. No. a St. Clair street. papiliumbi fin_ 'Law. Chithing. Whip, Spur, AMILLIKEN & CO. have on hand, at . her tenni,. CABINET and CHAIR MANI:EAU .] i)EI, No. 64 Smithfield streaL, a larip. ~1 Ynury Farnitur, which they will pvr than i i taitkimary rate+. Terms, ra.411 only . _ •- 011.1111. ES BAItNETT, Ilt use SuoER .IND BLACKSMITIL hies ...rel. - tett a new and coninusliou. brick SilOp on CHEItEY ALLEY. between Third mid ~ thoro ho is prepared 4e do oil work in lAN line with thii uuuoet promptitude. flaring had lung exporielicii rho busmen., ho respectfully aoliciui the patronage• of ilk old ' eublic genoially. _ . urto.wrs and tht , pt I.' M ES IfELLINGER. Monottpilwla l'la- • -s. --unlit inform los frauds awl no we mnils. that Its new establudottent i" to at iuporit• tt.lll. and that he prepansl to furnish Lint Cabins, and till all orders for 1.1,A N El) LUMBER, with promintate. tool st this lowten rates. Board stud Plank. pinned on 0110 or 6411 constantl) i'll SIU4I, Door. stud Mouldings, of every 41oNcription, Tua.l,• b. twat, Ettililer4 and Carpenters would find it to their tag , to give 111,0 a can. as he can now fUrnesb them with Planed Stuff, suitable for every dexcriptlou of work. WILSON, corner of Market and Fourth streets,te.ipti the largest 14,0 Ch 14 WATCHES, F'IN Ii .lEn - Ktity. te f•enut jn Western Penns, Ivania. long er.hsetionn•, e.stnl.tlsbtareputation and moderate charges present the Itiglicatt inducenienta why thine ill is unlit of u gyuut Watch. or other article's in MB 11110, should stint, Lim ism I opportunity to nerve then, ur,_ Fine Watch Repairing norm promptly and in the beet tean 110,120 J DLAKELO Jim r.. 1 C. mew,. BLAKELY & RICHEY, REAL ESTATE. Ela)- E.)31.8, earner of Sovt•nth and Sinahliold etroots, j i lts- burgh. Farms, 1 luuses. Loth. Mills, Furnaces, kc. kr.. bought and sold on rot - mai/I:don ; Land Warrants hought, sold Lod Lod ; Bills. Bonds and Notes negotiated. Especial attention gir - mt ui sul.livaling Farms, and imposing of them. Terms 1101 - 27:(11Ni . MANUFACTORY-MRS. RENTER, PIS doors from the Aqueduct, opposite the Mlle, Allegheny City, le prepared to fill order. for WIGS and all kinds of (AIN P.NI'AL HAI It WORK. The bes , quality of material Is furniobed, ;Lod satlefartlon guar atite4.l. my‘r I y VI; LTON CAR WORKS, FOUNDRY AND x• MACHINE Slloli, Ono,—The subscriber having moved into his new W it hi, n•ecntly erected. carat of Water, MiDonough and Sholdy streets, is prepared to c.ott. wart for and evcute all ordeN for Passenger, liiii;gar;e. House Freight, Platform, Gravel, Hand and all other liPsCrirtiOt , of CARS. Also, for STEAM ENGINES of all mines. GEARING, RAID ROA D CASTINGS of all descriptions, and all other work appertaining to a Foundry and Machine Shop. The Foremen of the different departments are ocientili. and practical men—mostly from Eastern manufnetorie. %Vb. , keep themselves informed and adopt all valuable mod ern Im.rovernma. iuurAitf . 1 W. W. WETHERELL. R. J. CUMMINS....J. C. CUMMINS-RI. C. SUNKS....W. O. WOODWARD. AMERICAN PAPIER. ISIANC FACTURINU COM I'ANI, N. 7S SOCOII4I street, Pitts burgh, manufacturers of PAPIER MACRE ORNAMENTS for Marches, Boum., Stetuasatta, kc.; Mirror and Picture Fromm. Window awl Deur Beads, Brackets, Trusst...- Cur- Ventilators and Centre Pieces for Ceilings. Rosette., and Mouldings of every description, sae and design, cheaper and warranted more durable than any other article now in .o.b" . Orders executed on the shortest notice. 13.—Attention %.11 . Swambost Butiders is esix.cially rested to this article, ou IWO /Ull of its light woight. CUMMINS. TUNKS st No. 7R Set,tl,l street, butwoeu Wood and Mark,t, Pittoburgh J. 11. JONIM F.. D. Defy. JONES & DENNY, Forwarding and Conunica Miir chants, No. 61 Water street, Pittsburgh. (aptii LAW BOOKS.—I ant authorized to sell low name valuable Law {looks. 10 vols. Pa. Reports, by Barr; Bouvier's lostitutos; ()coronet's Evident. , ; Wharton 's Digest, last ed.; And other Reports, ElemonP.ry Work., itc. GEO. F4ILLMORE, at the alto of Morning Post _ r_I_RF,ASE -20 bbls. for Railroad and Coal Cure, for We by [decd GERRY IL COLLLNS. C gr i A v FANCY Y I. I -IATS J. AND ,A , P so S ig at YOU can be thoroughly suited with Atubm typos or Daguerreotypes, .t °ARGO'S, 70 Fourth spasito wmdm aCo-'5. doos FOR SALE h ND TO LET. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE &ND LRAM.—The following valuable property, situ ate in the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pennsylvania, and other additional heal Estate in different parts of the Western country, in now offered for sale, or leioie for along term of years, on reasonable terms. The City Lots, from the nature of the grades, and width of the streets, and aven u es runningt, throligh them, according to Mr. McGowan 's celebrated City District Plan. and from their I,,ention, will soon become the finest parts of this city. Persons from a distance wishing to stake investments of capital in manufactures, will find this the loot property in Sr n e ar this city for the purls. , . It is traversed by two and has also all the COLlVelliellt l t l of Allegheny river, on Which it is situated, Wllloll will socnre at all times abundant supplies of coal, Iron and lumber, at the cheapest 9'ER-V8 OF SA LE— 0 in hail, and the bat Knee ..r I.IIIMI annual paymen fa 11l NIS y uars, uperl) secured with interest payable semi-annually. Forty-nine Lots fronting on the Allegheny river, in the Ninth Ward of the City ~f Pittsburgh, 24 feet by 1.1.7 feet in depth to Butler street, (GU fort wide.) Fifty Lots on Butler strut, in the Ninth :Ward, 24 feet by 120 feet in depth to , Spunce alley, (24 feet wide.) Forty-eight hots fronting on Sntallinan street. (Cu Get widc,) each having a front of '24 feet and 41011 of 120 feet to Spence Forty-seven Lots opposite the alive. on Smallinan street. each hating a front of 2.1 feet by 120 in depth to Mulbem 0 in Penn street, 24 (rot In front by 130 toe Fortysme Lots ia in doptlf to Mulberry alley. Forty-six Lots opposite the Minya, each having a front 21 feet by 1140 feet in depth to Spring alley. Twenty-flve Lots on Liberty street, (-aril having 21 fret by 100 foot in depth to Spring Sixt....mi Lots 011 Friuli,at street, adjoining the outer depo of the Penta9lvunia liailruni Company, of different dun, Biolll Seven Lots on the cursor of Penn and Wuou street'. 120 feet trout on Peon by MS fort on Water, of ditlerest depth.. A Lot of ground On ^Ollll and Try streuts, adjoining Parry lc Co.'s Foundry, Nevi:lg A float on S.rovoutt site eet s 7 feet, and running along 'fey' street 1211 feet to Green...Of street. A Lot of ground opposite the shove. has Mg a front of 07 (rot on tire4nough street. and In depth 343 to low, water mark all the Monongahela river, with a rivet frost of Al to+ Two Lots on Third street, above Ito., each IL WAIL 2,4 feet on Thud Street, by Si) in depth. A 1.1. W lIESP CITY, Ps. Ls.t No. 'l5 in the Itoromrh trio, toll the eft.), of Frot (annum and Writer Street, having a (mat on Suet Comm o n of Si) feet by 240 feet in depth h. Nuidusky Arcot. Lot 2S in the Bortrugh plan. on the owner of Fast Common and Gay alley. ravine /t front on Kest Common And Gay allsy of SO feet by 240 In depth to Sandusky etreet. lAA No. 52 the Itoneigh plan, on the west std of Bear , •r street. 11051LLI 0 trout of ou feet on Beaver s tool 2,40 tea tw ebffter St ISS•L lAA S 4. in the same range us above, having a fr,nt on Eke Scr rdreet of 01) 11 :AO to Webster Alter- PITT TOWNSHIP. A I.l.rnitr,y Col STY Nits l h ,e-Acre Lots, ur more, on -Pmitillield Farm. - sat .tioini.c. "I I ALLIAIIii," OIL ti,' Fourth :Al: Road. • r • PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1855. WE: , TNIOI-11.:LAND )tiN'rY. Twn hontlt . nt Anti S , VV/It) 1.111 w nY.OII I,,olit.ntln rnntr Ow town of 1.4:1 , 11/el ARNISTItiIN I I CoI'STY . . Twmlty .1i OW 111".1 11 ../ K iSk I : 4 1 . 11 .1- : )F INDIANA. . . . . A tun, 'A%) N... 14 in 0.m.0,. , 11 ab.,ut I'2 mil,+ fn.nk sTATE OF ILLINI,1:, 11110 th.12.1i41 two 11111.h - I,lmnd tsli•lll),ii J.1.•1. , 111 1 1 , 001 ounty th;;ls..ati.l 11111‘• liull;11,1 and I;l1) act 11; ./st ; ;-;unt. u;)_ Jr;; pimin ntid sli. .4 all apply thy .sr A 11.1. ES 11 SCI: . A ,nt. 'Mir .1 .t 1,, 111.1 ..1 Mari, MEM X v OTICF: Tll \%11(01 IT NAY t' \ Si., ,xsg 1.1"1..t.• rr,N3 lord tl.• I I.IJI `4:.1,t , roil, T, 14, I;:ta4'.ilh.„ . 14 1 1 1, • 4.1111,14- ,111 d Wlll 11 , 111 101 l ..r.•.011 , 11 In J., ,, 11,11 V f 441 41,11%441).14 1,1 •.1 .1.1, t4l 111,... 114 1% 4'111111144-4.111 R 44. 114 +1.,. 1..1 1111/ 1 / 4 4111114 ly, .01,11 1101114,111.4 4.thor 111. COIIIIII , II. 44. I'l%lllllllW It ,114.11 1•111..011C .1( In , . 4.11414444' In , m "11 ,. L. A prniut......t trust. In ...tin. up,. 11..rolosith h0.....11,1 Tw.. 1,4111,;.1 4.1 . t‘ork nth, lb. , ....4111 , 0th.....1 ,4'u, Sl , ne fertorrrrs .1. , .• , 111, N 4,1,11 1 ,11 r•.. 1 h. 1111.,1 with 1,• 'Phut, a. 11.1 e.. 1 t••r1.1 lit 1..... ' , pi - mg 'Cl''"''',tn.. ul 44111 . /14410, , - .41114 I 11‘. , ht. , Into N1...ht.,. !Lir., Caudle , . awl 414, 111,11 to , 1mn,11.• , .... , 11 Ato uh.. ,11.1 1... t In, ch....glint, I,t th.. fot.r 11... C 4.111 141141114 44.314.4. 1111• 1,1 .I,t 90111, 111,1,011, 411 ' ,1r.,. 5,0, I rtlwr - ,17”. thir.l 1,1 ...J.- !tear 1/111 . 41 11/ L. 1 711 T t' I;t4 S hit. ,1 to t, a aiaa.4l f , ‘r 1.•f0r.. Pan :to , I ~/ 1.0 I I I, 12,. ma.l ouly tr,.n. fr , ,nt The trI.IIIIJ,4ILIM ofil Pool , y.f”ur th.• or ••I 11,. lo—ho In! 1,....10) r. 1..1,1,11 lb. •Llh.l r,t, g r...a hr.• o hulo:r..l ko . _ V - ALV ABLV. CITY AT lIKIVATE - AVALI A BLE 110 USE An LitT t. to! na4tl .• npaal ard 11,-1 11 , 1, , The , taillatant3.3ll). build. a ILI. a -lone - 1 , 4 r st. , rßal laaelt. and gtai,-IThe 4.1,4 11010111,'„ Feta.rl, Pi, and n^ ,aniably 1.,/ a Valuating Li ,, as/L'Tavt4o, or Manntarturi intri ,, ,a. This praporty null in .14 cheap, and t4l t.4n,. lr apply lug I. li IL HY AN, 31 httlt treat Ai.so—That viii IV A Itl4iht rl 'b ANB U rr, tin ,arner Wo , rl and !runt nr, (row .41 K, n„1 .tract, and extruding along Front r,aq feet- twit ,cupo. , l \‘ 11. Saunaa Li rdeery and 1,111 , r Starr. Apply u also, AL..-- A dean - 10 , 10 1111 ELIA NI; AND (PT, tt Bern maldea, F. , L P.411a4-,l<allia A sena., a d 1.1,1 leaf rlaim of thin Court llona. , Thd 1.4 1,4 CI ontiw ' d 1 , 1111 1 va.nia Avenue, and ..111.11 , 1. , a '...Slfaa't al Icy 113 , L• Me.'.,li sa• ,• • •111.1t1 II t EvA ten roll!,, Wit All 110.1,1 i nni,r, , ‘,4neuta. prep rte ,ody to la, at-on tt , bo adinil , t. and Will 1.. r lento ii.II. Its AN, 31 Blith FEiv It(; V 1111101 ,, i. Nllll il . 1:1, I , lllbilllgt and Irani ing nu the illy , , rivor It it otlorod nt non thin itn •it th lot of lu.ll , ter.. on the .111erbel, river. in Du quesne. Borough. on nl-In'l, rule-rio: lion, It .111 it - tven lltexi hung- 1.4 g' .1 \t,-.tern louol irwunlyenulit w lee nt Run, thr..e uulen liolior the twenty-ttiree .IJoilitng All the, aro offereil low enough to tempt yon out of Tour tine. . nod If titer. Ilu a.l ' , lilt pant inll Anil get iny printed ItrigLater of Lotn nud Intitile I, .ale. On It there Aro bikrKult. offerinl. TIIONIAS tr.,orws. ..t.ll 76 Fourth street. NVi)RKS FM: :NA I.E.—Sixty threu 11.71 of Intel. with 2.50 it Cord art:win-I. the Int. In nu. ..1•••1 Own e. 0.1 Fart. . 11,0 Nlon our II :It hilt, 4. 1 . 0 t.• 11.1:11. 4. •• 101 . V 1- 1 ,111 . oniion. Itrulro:ut kr,.•‘. • lip, : 'The SrILI of (I.ntl In use fieit thick. loot cannot nallt> For furthor 1,41i/ink , PAYNE, No 'ZI.SZi !Alien) nn. t. jor2tt . .. _ 131' I 11) 1 NU I,o'l' FOlt SALE.---A kt 21 ~.,•t ~., ICY I.ll'. 'qr. ri. and .-ttro,lol.: la., I. 11 1 1 , , to 111,1e.illry On do• lat.l. part 01 11r. lot to a 0 , 11/.1 M all. tatitt for ta ,, atnall le l'lti. lot 1. In a Irsit.tl.l.. Ik . ..tato° fto trat,li•orr , awl otll 10 , ptol,l I ra. mid ••111.t,' id , 0 • 1111 . Tail' 1; , 4Pk1. 101 , 1 rloar Li lip utahrtorr. lilritt,re ~I 1101, F (111.1.‘1,q1E, at Me °Met . ..! Morn he,t ,R,AIN OFFERED.--Tht , undersigned for &ale SIX hirrs ~1 ground frunting Spm aw ie l inhuming the heo i Pittoburoli owl unnelbo Hollr,wl, in the gooving. ;hid ilirhing Borough of ! , 1 . 1( RES . 1 . 1/RT. Four of tie , loon aro 37 1 , 1 foot un w atilt by atom. 121 1 In depth, fronting at uno end is, the laput, Itil d at. the 0111.11 . On Sinclair atreet ; awl twe Mom fronting for them wh"le knoll on other etreeto Lirrs. bo•t in width, fr..n l lng tbe other ol the L41./1, and in •of InOr• border ing for its W 11.1 kt lon gth ...11 , ',heel. No Lott, prop e rty ann 1. , tuned. and it will be sold Wu. part of the paymont taken iu Murk of LLn Cmmelloville Railroad, if doeirod. (ii;(1. F. (111,1.14. /RE, Offiro of tho ASunning Poet. Pittsburgh, Aukuht 31, lb3s. — io.wtt 11)1.D LARD LAM P—lbty/e eeld Lamp run n ow Ire V,) 0 , 011 nt ttIO .EXPI ibi Hann “f M. F. EATIIN. No. SO Rotirth xtreet. Tiii• the Patent , . will lio fouild there, Itlkti in mop:trod till Orkit's 3IL righw lot Stows and Collut jet, 1t isn new V,11t1,11.1--Wk•il epprnvnl In 0..' mho know it. :Ly wafter of ,4,llottiy in lighting ,11111, 11 it 11011,n. It burn., odd 1,011, r'l.l imam: , a lollhout Fortuiwg C - 311 to uuu l .unt if it, t rights ii•rriurly will be /add cheap, by JOHN W. lIITT, Agont of Paboltee. WESTERN LANDS.—We have itrrangements with gen tlemen of experience In the different Western States, Ly which choice lands call Inc located at Government pri,e. Pursers desirous of locating lands, either fur speculation or fur actual settlement, will find it to their advantage to give us n ra n. one of our correspondent. in lowa has spent dm bud six weeks in critically examining the lands in that State subject to entry, and writes us that he has selected over 20, Ofsi acres of chime lands- BLARELY A RICILEY, supt2Pdsw onrner Seventh end Smithfield streets. Ai,CABLE LAND FOR SALE--Three aud a-half acres Vof Laud, eligibly situated on the East Liberty Road, op posite the °Minim,. of Cartwright, Esq. This laud lies well, and in very ilesireclo either for a family residence, or to divide into building hits. Price, $3,600; terms easy. nuit2o S. CUTHBERT & SON, 53 Market street. HIOICE BIALDI Nil LOTS, at very low prices and on ae- N, COIIIIII4 KIMILIC terms of payment. pleasantly situated on (lifetime street. Lawrenceville, within floe minutes' walk of the a Minibus Station. Mechanics. itml all others, d,wiroan of purchasing a cheap lot. and Oil case ' terms, will find the above -all right." tioiv-Aij S. CUTHBERT & SON. _ RECT from the Staffordshire PotteEes-- It late arrival of QUF:ENSWAILE, at the old stand of II EN ( assortment 11l Y. No. 1t.2. Wood street, Pitts barglL This embraces some new and T,,.. 0 e 'cbdicia styles of white Breakfast, Liiiiing and Toilet Sets, of brilliant whininess, from one of the first manufacturers in England Also, Vitrified blue and white Iron Stone Ware. for lintels; and a very general and superior variety of till article. of Flint Glass, and other waren adapted to the wants of city and country trade; all of which will be f a disposed ot low prices. novs ISSOI,ITFION OF PA_ItTNERSILLP.—The partnership Dformed by the undersipied and JAMES O'NEAL, in carrying on "THE CAMDEN COAL WORKS," under td mune and style of JONES, O'NEAL A MLLLER, IN now dis solved. ISAAC JONES, ~ .July 7th, 18,55. JOHN D. MILLER 'Is fresh for sale by HENRY H. OoLLINS. :It-2 bb uov2o . , ) • *6.' **;". " .•• mow:. MEM MISCELLANEOUS - DITTSBURGII AGENCY OF TILE /ETNA INSURANCE 0./MPANY, of Hartford, Coon. Chartcrixl,lBl9. Paid up Cush Capital, $500,000, with Uric surplus securely invest. ed. Send-annual dividend of 8 per Celli-, July 1, 1855. This Company have NIVII )loing an insurance business nearly a half century—barn paid out for property deeterqed by fire under its more than Fifloen Millions of Doti Mrs since they commerfeed businesa. 14 , 6 annual receipts and present iIeiVOUI (which are below) give indemnity to each policy-bolder of more than two millions of dollars. A policy of insurance is no better than brown paper, unless it is in a6t Company that will pay in anise of lug. It becomes necessary; therefor, that you know something of the character 111111 solvency of LILO lundtu Lieu before you take a poligy. Its age • experience, cash capital—lts uninterrupted six rears—its uniform course ief honorable dealing—places, the .:Etua.ll.urance Company among the first and mosksol-t vent institutions of the country. Its premiums are cosh No premium notes taken—no e.s.sessinentd made on policy holden—but all is CASH. If you meet with a loss, make up' your proofs, and in sixty days call and get your money. • This is the way we have done business for nearly forty years., They continue to make insurance on Country Stores. Mills Factorkst. Dwellings, Barns, and all descriptions of property In town or country. at fairl rates. Tour attention 14 invited t. 6 the following low rates on 'Country Dwellings, ur the whole term cif one, three, or tine years 1 )oar- 3.ymirs. 5 yens Built of brick or stone, metal ro o t, 80 feet from similar risk 4 . 5 1 % De ilt of brick or BlOnglo roof, 50 Frame dwellings 75 2 ASSETS OF THE CON PANT, JULY 1, 1955. Cl.ll In hand, and Plioanix Bank $ 65,030 25 Cook in bands of Agents 137.137 81 Real le,tato. uninennibeml 16.1.172 05 72 Nlortglige !Sunda, 6 and 7 per cent. intennit, Inty able reui-ani ly 72.000 00 PU six in, cent. Stave of Virginia IWuda, laterend payable semi-annually 5 nix per cent. State of North Catoliila Bowls, int...re:it payable semi-aunually 10 nix per cent. Jersey City Water ISuud, interest parable semi-annually 5 ten Der cent. City of IMllwatilrie Bomb., lot/T -ent payable 9 HeVi•ll p r Vent. 10( . 0111C 80114 iIItEIV4 I/41y able i-annually dee tb. Cnimpaily, ...cured by mortbmgt.. Bills r..ceiv able, ituiply nen:tired, and payable at Bank 00(1 Milan, Hartfdril and New Haven Railroad (Aim pall).. 106 '• llartford and l'rot or It. 11.,10 per cent. preferred and stilarantoed.... 9,925 00 11 1 7 '• • lidaton anal R oree.der 10)1.511 00 " Conitectient dttier ...... 14.000 00 '• rotini , tictit Itiier Company 1.200 00 100 "Stn6ol.l Bank, ingtalaninta pawl in.. 3.10)0 00 30 .• Eagle. Bank. Pronal.•tire, It. I 1.900 00 1100 " [lank. flank' d, CAM,-...... 33.600 00 :108 '• Exidialigeltank. - ..... 17,456 00 '2dU " ruitners and Ilechitilltw' Bank. Hatt: '25.000 lord, ....... Oll 1:a) " Hartford.. 11,7:,0 " Ilartfdrd Nod, 111 State Bank. 1a 104 00 Hartford County Bank, City Bank, Union Rank. New York 12.117./0 00 00 ktroielwmy Batik, . 4.100 00 1.1.100 r Rank, 10.f.000 . .. . 11 .50.1 1 ,0 11 int, et N..it I, O !WTI', N..“ Irk 10.a.00 00 Rank oi Adnera 13A.11110 I..tak dt the •• '1µa:.11110 11.iiik the N. 1 . ..11, 1.110 I lemirataa• itn•l "root 1_ idled 11:10, ..5 . 111.1 C,111.11) An by II It. 'I'VN-KY('H. Agent ..t .11.t1 F.llls 15,. t .1.4,11:tt t.. 11 Al OW omuting-ro.ar -atttrlnv \!,tntllg rpm.: SATI•111 1 .‘1" EN ENING I)ST.-- 1 I , Z,C, the pr,prl. OW- of the I:..: L.', It for 11..0 t till Are alt tolerahlt •••ii ii•,ll.tiliti ii N all tlii i oar:let/A •f ft t t .01.•au .lof mu the ktorfo. Aa.l('hit 1 /1 . !: Et ht Tlwir Wa). It I 1 , , 1,111.1,L11 ‘,.••kly ftklntly elta o'hi. It ..11,11 Dot alt woo.. but in,trtict . 11 ti, complt-In f.. the 1..0t at lades ore t 'nt. 1f...t li , .w for , hitt 1.0.1 .lAutentft lad onutt..l .urn-1 ,, of ;xn in-troctlvu character pruure.l, o loaf 1 ..,.hl. 11. w V.,,.1,.:111,1t.i• tiwAt Intert•ntill!,,l.ortiong th. Nk I.li ea. of the NV at ld Skot. bra ,t Lift, Adorn, tone 1 • 1 n.l .Ire.,-fttal A nick. 11i... k i•,1111: hrod to e and fitAtek klarltets. anti Lo LA, Aut , l 111 the hot. Rut llt • t0...1 requite. it wt.!. r rot , , - it farult to. n 1. 1 ,1. 1.41. t to le , 1...t00r00. orel ely. tooulnathre. , u.l 1..• I:• al hAv•• 11,:r appropri- A , e 1..• owl. to , it colekequenre. Ih. lot. 11..1 Lk. a.tof tAir-r01..1, nod If oat rthio Ie tat,. Ltl: hi r ii 1•11-roll. nen husuon nattua. e l .t. • Kat I.lk - the. IA-at... r rat of tapto- f , 1.... p. o fall 111 . 111."Ttili/1 •of tin- Piot lo l,lt 1,11-1.1 ftl AtAl 11 L ill the hr.( too bt tin.. above 1/, i ., A 1 of the illorot ut,ft..l o ntets It. the laA.l kt t Iti. llon 10111 try upon the 1 , -ot 11111 ....ILO my! tA real Brim,' IV.. design It, ft 01 , 0 A 1., Author of . In 4 , 01 hint I•uper of k I hift•it talk.. of Ifttpurtalit onfi LA.., -A I and othell -atoms, o ether, r•.1‘11 , : harm - tr.. are al freely 411 , THE PRESS. .)I the 1:s, large paper„ tilled with lite rt. tle.i,_l.t. lurch-ring tranh lin I I 1 , 1 111. I allt 1. ~•1111., . utility awl taet. It einpley tt.e 1.t.•1 al) wad Apart., no paints ur c.nn•liee. A a Litany' :ely•..ale Metal y and gvneral intelligence, w t i..-411youirr Clue/ .Ittimen, :I'. 1. t • inay rely tip•on it. that Dearwn & l'eternon wit 1,.• (I‘.ll want 1, , far tie we ran ythlge by yeurn ate.•1‘.11. , 11, thee , publinher. rather mere than the 1.1111.. tleir lever in with very' linaketl ability It 1. .ragitlaris Irnni tatimentalbeal and bills.. t...f a 110:11 . 101.1 LODI' on all gubjecte. alway• nnelerage mgnage. I•sit i•lway• atly.wittang the right. ‘lO tin It ..1 the ne..t gen-tally attra,tive iwpetw in our e -.s.rardee It 1- L,t• literary asul tannly 'oar., In the C 1110“. j: , .1 /A-Gin.l,-r. hiand. M. lirrrhifore Apiikiin In 1114 h term/ of the meritA of the , inii ot the oar iia.clisitigri hat, and a thr hir_At liturary impers to ho 101111 d n, r• at. arii siiriltrii ;Anil!), nlit. /11.i..p• irliuil riPW of ruin and - Wripid-rlitfir, lb. It r l• , air 4 the rot popular l,oldie Journal,. in It •loirs, in n littiritry point iiuiw of burl mat;nzlnca, with a Vaal :tinuillit of t v li t gon.,—Reiveblican, litthfidd, Tv.uNis ,Cl.lll inn,;‘,11,0,--Strt,:it. ropy, a year. 4 $.5 00 a year 1u Ou 10.1 111 out, to grtter.op of Clulti Ito ( 1111 ont• to 4,•ttio.•titt of Club, lillll ye 1,041 pa 01, ItlilAt'Ari No 60 Sooth Third street, se 'Santini nunitivrs stint wrote, to an) one, when re goostisl Carringe Repo•itory. Cniihit II ‘viii'rx, Slow iltroying on Inst. , t ris• f 11,41111 111, t•II.1‘11 , 011 prowls.", I now tangy the Patsiongli and tiniensliurg Turtipilso. tonr Two Shin Hun. Isitwoott ' lin lot nI rgh an d l i owrea.iovtlln. rospisitfully Invites the public t. his id— Is of CA ItltlAtl BUtittlltS, itc. And ho pi.• oto i) i:tt..l pnr./I , ,ers. that ono pricy i• toodi t syri••l, - 1 . 111 3110 1.11 , , oisiidos lion to t tII4OII . III! , pats moi tho,' l J ag ,. loi h • eu, many past it has is-I. 10, particular itopartoinit solisit, fins the vat,. and itriiit talent-oil n to init. tort•l 3. Ti.. MI. CO6 , of 111, 110 W Pytlt.olll In 1111,1Oto - -tits 0 , 000111 Y of his arranttommata will supply the Is•it and moot fashionable niannliieturno al modorato 111111W1 , 1 by I ilo,o ItOaVy tho sotnatt -.ming hi PIA•OM of linsanoss hai 11.414,1 upon the prier zis ski o n inc b. Inlifo runts, Ji nshi I'll NY liITE will soll, ti les+ than ttoi usual pricQe-e, t'arrintos rop.virod to the nlOllll,, with ilostiatoli 1 )IUJCLAMA'fION.—Its Virtue of a precept nailer the Lamb of 11 to 11. ltictlltue, President of the Court of t notion 11as. iu and for the Fifth Judicial District of Ptodisyl% aunt. anti Justice of tin , Court of Over and T.'lllll - an.j I i••ltrid Jail Delivery, in and for said District, and and riahriel Adams, A : nowt:de „Judges the NLIIIV Courts, in and for Ow County of Allegheny. da ed the Sth day of NONeilibt`r, in the year of our Lord One eight hundred and tiftydire, nail to ore directed, hohitng it Curt of Urn clad Tio uuuer, 1t21.1 General Jall a t the court I loam, ,i in the City of Pittsburgh, ou tie. fourth Niouilay of In,,nher next. at 1U &duck, Pablo nob, is hereby given to all Justices of the Peace, • a nd constables of the county of Alleghenv, that tees is, then and there, in their proper luunous, wiOl their t, ii,, n, oats, iuyutsiDou~, aiaminatlorts nll.l other retneub Idancen, b. do those tiling, which in their respective °dices, u, i heir behalf, appears to la , dole—and also thlar that Will I the prisoners that now or tatty be in the jail of n0,•1 l'Olinty of Allegheny, to 111.• thin nud therl• to prtuecute agantird them na shall be just. trou under my ham'. in Pittsburgh. this fifth day of No ... O'er, in the year of our Lard ono thonsand right hundred nod tiny-tivu, and of the Commonwealth Oar 7Sth. RODY PATTERSON. Sheriff. --- BITING CLASSES—DUFFS COLLIXIE.—No estah. liniment in the ‘Vest ha, the sante facilitites fir teach ing all the Itrant - lets of (hill art, Mr. NT I I.I,IAMS' sldll as a Ituuness and an Ornamental Penman is unrivalled. Gentle ms LI and Luly teachers instructed in all Wa OrnilMental hrancbes of the art. A class of Lady Tetlell,,g, and young ladies, a Ito are engaged to other studies during the wools, meet every Saturday afternoon from 3 till 5 ~'clock. terms apply to the Principal. nov3 _ . 11ROOKS & COOPER have just opened a J sire assortment id Linen Collar., and Slenotift, White G.tpherd Collar., black do.. black. Crape Collars, do. in sets; and will continue to receive during this week their third supply of pads at the Mourning and Howie Furnishing Store, No. 75 Mtultet street. n0r2.15 WINTER BONNETS.—Mrs. E. DAVIDSON, No 33 St. Clair Aretit, will open a large assortment of FRENCII BONNETS, CAPS. MANTLES and NEEDLE WORKED GOODS, on THURSDAY, Novembor 8, 1855. Clair stri...t. nest 401TLERS—,1011N OGDEN A CO., Bottlers, N 0.187 First 1 . ) street, would respectfully inform the public that they Iwo constantly on hand a large supply of SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATER, ALE and PORTER, of the best quality. The rittoution of families Is particularly directed to the ficct that they bottle WAINIIIOIIT'S ALE in its purest state., Physicians recommend it to families on account of its whole sme and strengthening qualities". oct3ooy FRESII FRUITS— WO boxes Raisins; 'a)o " " in halves; 100 " " In quarters; 300 drums Fimt; just received and sale by REIMER A ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street r)t— STONT-100 0 lbe for sale by nov3o FLEMING-RAM& Q.ALERATUS- 2 oasiks and 5 boxes in store A. 7 ikud for rain by Luovoo] SPRINGER HARBAUG.EL ..;.: :!..;VI-I;-:..t . .. • , . it' I, ' + ~~'h 'z t~~~ t ~.. t' SEIM t i"h l .~ ~ ~ ~ K .. --~ ~ ~ ~, at ~~. i t yr. ~x z -- -<t ~a ~a4 ~. ~c h F.~,i -. mar^ • . MISCELLANEOUS II ORSI4 CLOTIIING.--4.lentknnen requiring Homo Cloth- - • • - _ Rig sill llnd a large aasortnieut at OLIVER'S, No. 4 AIONDAY AIORNING St. Clair street, Blankets, 75 cents andtipstards. Railroad Wrappers and Sleigniug Robes, Sc. nowl ISSES' FELT lIATS, 'at No. 91 Wood st. AUNT MA.GUIRE'S docl J. WILSON Pc SON. Description of The Donation Party. - ause; y For u ba . co lo Ly SKATES! SKATES SKATES !-500 pairs of asserted Skatee, from 'X cents to V2.,50 per pair; NOM° of them very desirable patterns. For sale at nov3o BOWS Sr TETLEY'S, 136 Wood et. 51)DOZ. SKATE STRAPS, .Of goetiqualiL ty, asserted large and small, frumo to 50 cents mu' , 2 pair. For sale at ` nov3o] & Tl. CE,I s. A FEW MORE of those unrivalled RIFLES, wldch there is so mach talk about, for the low price of t„le ; all warranted. For onto at nov3o BOWN & TETLEY'S. GENTS' TRAVELING SHAW LS—L-Just received, a full ltmortment. Alen, Mufflers, Searle and Oen& Neck Mauls, by L. HIRSHEIELD & SON. (3,4 - I.INTEETB, of every description of Fur. Alito, Buck lituKt with fur, and fur tort, at the Furuish ing StOrd of [nov3o] L. lIIRSIIFTELD Sr SON. DINE APPLE CUERSE--6 cases Just ruceived and for 31110 j; by (novt.%l RATHER. & ANDER6ON. GLOVES—On hand, a full wasortment, of testry description, by L. iIIitSIiFIRLD & SOS, novBo 1 . 0 Wood %trout. LiSTLACK'enillitAT I)IPROVENIENT , for fast wing T.l Washboards to Walls, patented June Co, 1856. Nu good building should be finished without using these Fastenings. MOSES F. EATON. Agent for Yntonter, Fourth street, Pittsburgh. •• Refer to the following Architects in this city :.1. W. Kerr, Esq., Charles Barthergur, Esq., and Messrs. Barr & M ovloser, Ens: n DUFF'S STEAMBOAT BOOK-KEEPING --4uch is the reputation of Clerks who have studied this popular system of River aegnituts, that many of them are now in the receipt of Staid and ilnt/ll u your. It embraces the whole routine of river busiueoii re-shipping freight and passengers: amanita with steamboat agents: buying and soiling tibiporents on the veesera arronnt, and on iterount with others in Laimpaily: purchase and transter of owners' shares in the vessel owners' settlements before and after sale of the vessel; and many other practical transactions not given iu any other system. For tern.. apply at the College, corner of Third and Market streets. lean . . 017.1COUSTOMERS ARE Di:LIGHTED, and well they may be, for the way wn put RAZORS iN ORDEAL can't but plelk., any all'. I: iV, UN a trial, and be rot:let:wad, at [deem: BOW N & TETLEY'S. RIFLES, RIFLES, RIFLES.—Wo have a few morn nt those r4plea4l4l RM..: at the lese pric., ei $lO. Every our warrautod, or no emln. at 41,01 /10 N'S at TETLEY'S. WANT KU 151111:D1 AT FAA" —Bard in a rennpeetwow ily, by a gentleman and his lady—ante or two rooms rafluirtal; 2 gaol enotie for privata families, waps ;2 per week; 8 tiirla to go to Fnewickinny nod New Brighton 10 I.lnrb , for hotels in the city: a gaol Blacksmith. Situations wanted be a lay 13 )I.lu, ,4 nenon habit, and can give g.ad nil a yang mat, a:, Mark; a porter; a bar-krevr, a hey to go 1. , the ; clirrian6e driver; a gardener Apply at BARR'S lio it) street. nenv,i7 B LANK BOOKS, • J1.1111.1,d, Ca.Sil book,', Day Books, Invoke jks,k,s, h er -ord., Ar. A large variety of the MolVe alinart on hand. Blank Di s.dis made to order, to any style requird. W. S. FLAVY.S. 114,10 Blank Book Manufacturer. DIARIES FOR 1766—A great variety e Counting thane 'a nd Pocket Diaries for De:ifi, for Sal 11) W. S. HAV EN. Book:eller and Stationer, .a...lecld Market street. trier of Si i..md. ... . . . -- - , , TILE POETRY OF GEW.q.k.NY, (xinsiqm. of seleetions from upwards of 0, may of the must cui heated tke.t....—tranAliiked tutu English verse, with the oriut °al text on the opposits pit,se; by Alfred Baskerville. t.i, sate by ;deed] B. T. C. N101:ii AN, lag Woosl st.. VirOUBNINGAND HOUSE ECItN:SIIINti STORK N, ..13.1 75 Market stmt—We gist. our entire iitiention ti; ill i kind of stuck, to the exclusion of Fairy Goodo, in eon-, pounce of which our a,eurtinent in both branches ie nuie complete. We have just recuived our SECOND SUPPLY k) GIOODS, and can guaranty,' persons wanting psalm in oil line, line, to bu pliutsiell both in quality and price. Call and sew u. 4iir Plca.se note thu Moak., No. 75 Market street_ octi3U BROOK'S di COOPER. FOR SALE LOW, at JAS . COLLINS Sc Co.'s, No. 115 Water su - vet, between Wood and Smithfield, number of RAILROAD CAIFF'd, with Harrieo compleb— suitable for Ralli - mid Contractors. Also, the Running tienni for on,-bona wagon. uov3o LIASIIION A ULF LIAM AND CAPS; or Low l'anics.--J WILSON A. Si IN. No. t.l atrert. reitioctfully in tort. the public that they have a latge aneortninut of the latest styles of Hat and Cupa which they will sell at low -pricea tor cash. N. B —Just marked, n new style of I,olisse lint and Count. J. WILSON A: ;ON. E E P your head e ndl, and free front dirt and dandrutt. and dm scalp free from .litienat., if you mirth proaerm your hair. ROSKJI ARV OIL to the I not think on coal find to ittsaintploth them object,. it is lilt - vain. an timolloot art, Ie for nottetung nod boantif)ing the hair. Pr 2.5 cents per bottle. Sold by S. 1.. elf'f lIE BRT. dot W.l Mat hot "Ire. t. 14ILT EW 800 S.—CASTE, a Shin . of Reputes Equality; by S. A Stew, Inst,lltiraut.. or the lona Wife. Hem Otto holnunout by D. lc Iwo (leoll,y Nl.incton ; by Mt, M nnl [0 hy quininty . Wtittont Bedlitt Vattern; by Alice B. Holden Path; by Marton Hartaml Alone; do Jo Star Paper , : by 11. W. Beesi•r. Toy torn Japan, Chtua---tatent loth supply. LONDON PAPERS. se. Louden Illuntrated Now:.-20 Cnte; Tinxv: Dispatch; ; Falstaff; u Atheneum; and other English papers supplied Auso—lllustrated l'unch and biennial rape". tarnished faun ten to twenty per cent lower than au% story in the city. Pletorial flipper. Pica, one, Christmas 'Pictorial Brother Jonathan, cm hand and for sale at LAUFFKEt'S No. 3 , 1 Fifth st NOTICE. -I have this day sold out my in tersot Lu the firm of uosTrrTr..a. SMITH A 00., to lay ha, partam. A(VII HOSTETTEE. Vitte,burE,h, Nov. 29, 1.,'.5----1tn.04.; D. IltlSTETrEll. LAND WARRAN T S.—The highest market • pricy, plaid for 40, SO nod 130 .tore War rant, of the Into acme. Awe---For SO and 100 Acre Warrants, iestmd tinder Gm law of 111,50. Apply to BLAKELY RICHEY, safe 1. earner of gerenth and Smithfield sts. FOR SALE, VERY CHEAP--I BUILD INO Drr IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 feet by la). A eat Irtirgani can to had by applying stein at the o rt,,.f tha jylll:tf IRN I Nil OT FOR SALE—A good l'em,: loc lA)r, L 24 feet front en Corium street by DX) feet in depth. in Birmingham, will he sold cheap. Knquire of OEO. F. GILLNPNICK, Jpla at the nth., of Om Morning I . • FINE FRENCII WOOLLEN LUN A .. Imre. jiipt rirrireii Int G of flit' .•I'y rentormi. Long Sim , . . A A NI ANIN k 1,T).1 1.31:U611F-S--1 ju.t r1,e1v,41 another lot of tiny Brii4llo4. :Ln.1,114 Itt Cot+ cull and .•xamn. l mr xtock 141, f mrt ng .1t oS. YLMI I SU. own., Dialnond and i+cre.k•L HAVE OLr HI EI) WII.IOI.IT'S PREMIUM lc ATHARION It uot, try it, and you will never be WII.IIOOI. it. ISO enn, to Mit for W RIGHT'S PREMIUM KATII AMON, Or you cony get a worthless article. For solo by all Druggists. 2.5 cahts per Ntillolesale Wix.ern Depot, Dr. KEYSER., K. E. SELLERS k CO., and JOHN HAFT. augl fl IAINCITEMENT—Thi, people are rushing to the ENTERPRISE, 74 Fourth street, for Pictures at no ents, and upwards. EoIND ARRIVAL OF GENTS' FURN I` lINU GOOD'', tot L. LILIP.SIIFIELD k SON'S, N 0.70 Wood street. Having Just retain,. frotn Now York, and received all new styles of goods that arrived by the last 5t011.1.01.1r, wo offer Llie following for Inspectidn Gloves, Gauntlets, Cravats. Fs-arfs, Opera and Oxford Ties, („I„tubric and Silk Handkerchiefs, Undershirts and Drawers. Mufflers and Shawls, Traveling Shawl, Shirts made to order; also, every style on hand. Together with in full itssortinotit of goods In our Now styles of go,sis roodvlsi by tacit steamer from En !, 11 I It6llFl ELI) & SON, No. 70 Wood at.. ti.•vl3 between Fourth street and Diamond alley. F ILESEI FRUITS-3 dm. tans Strowlerroo , ; 5 " botLk Peached; 3 " Pomo; 10 ,• (molt Piuo Applo; 5 " nsoortod Preserves; 10 " Tomatoes, in bottles; Jost rocoirod end for sale by REY 51E11 ANDERSON, all Wed at., nov2B Oppnsito St. Charle+ Hotel 11 liYS[I gI:TS--, bags Filberts; 25 • English Witluuts ; 25 " Nuts; 50 trails him almond.; 10 begs Bordeaux •• 5 " Sicily " 1000 Cocoa Nuts; 10 boxes Shelled Almonds ; Just received and for Kale by norM BEYMER ANDERSO!si NINTIM 110NNETS.—I1III.S. DAVIDSON, No. ..T St.. 3 Clair 'trust, will opou a largo assortment F llonnots, Car, Mantles, and l'iuedlo worked Goods, on Thursday, November 8, 1855. nuvE, MAGAZINES, &c.— Harper for December; price 20 cents. Putnam do do 20 do Knickerbocker do do 20 du Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fashion. 20 cents. Frank Leslie's Journal, IS do Peterson's Magazine, 17 do Godey's Lady's Book, 20 do Ballou's Magazine, 10 do Westminster Review; Blackwood's Magazine. Just received and for sale at LA OFFER'S nov3o Cheap Bookstore, No. 30 Fifth of. TWO VALUABLE BRICK HOUSES FOR SALE—Nos. 136 and 137 Third street Each -lot has a frout of B 3 feet, by 86 deep. The houses are arranged its a largo store-room, hall, dining-rooni and kitchen on first floor, four rooms on the second, and three on the third story. Both houses are user and in good order. nosh° 8. OUTHBERT & SON, 63 Market et • " _f -A" PITTSBURGH POST. See, it's about a year since you was here, ain't it, Nancy? Twa''n't long afore you was married, I know. Well, ther's been sonic changes here since then. We've lost our old minister, Parson Scranttmi r and got a new one. He seems to be a . very good man, Parson Tuttle does—qhite young yet.—jest begun to preach, bein't hen married but a little while. And his wife appeared like a nice woman, tew. But I feel sorry for 'em. This is a trying place for a tuinister,, end- a minister's wife, tow. Though I don't know but what. all places are jest so. All goes on slick enough yet, but I'm afeard it won't last long. They hain't ben here but three months—and the folks are medrin' a terrible fuss over 'out. You know it's the way they always dew when they git a new minister. They're ready to eat him up for a spell. And his wife— lawful sakes! ther's nothing equil to her. They make.an awful parade about her. Such treat ment spiles the minister's wives. Afore long they begin to think themselves the most important characters in creation—and ,really expect the hull community to be a flyin' round all the time to attend tow And 't ain't at all surprisin' it should be so—it's accordin` to natnr. But after a spell the minists,g4s,to_bei an of story, and the people begin. to find fault with hint. Some think he's pittin' Wonfierful tejus ; some think he ain't gifted in prayer; and he ain't sper ritual minded enough to suit some others. But the most gineral comPlain,t ds, that he don't visit enough. As if a minister could write tow ser mons a week—sometimes three—and go a visit in' every day besides. And then his wife—'tis astonishin' how public opinion changes consarn- - in' her. The upper crust begin to think she's a troublesome helpless critter. Say she depends on the congregation to take care-of her, and all dior. They pick flaws in everything she says and Bloc And the under crust call her proud—says she visits Miss Thix, and don't visit Miss That. If she invites some of her neighbors to drink tea with her—some o' the rest Al he mad, because she left them out, and say, she feels above 'em. Anil so it guts on—gittin' woes and wows—she 1111 . t please nobody. After a spell. the deacons insgin hint to th ,, mini-tor that pain' Nab r bard to rai-e his 'glary, and wonder whether or no he couldn't lice on let. If he thinks he coulifnt, they wonder whether or no he couldn't die' more good in some other place. So at last they drive hint to as a dismission, and the poor num takes his family and goes off somewhere else, to go through with tile same trials and trouble over again. And after they've been settled about a dozen times, the minister begins to find out that all ain't gold that glitters; and hi< wife. it' she's a woman o' sense—discovers that she ain't it supernatural being, and must hike care of herself, like other folks. Time,: the expel i once o' ministers in gineral. I kit' it by my own oh:ervatiou—and I'm sure it had ben the care with the geraniums. They'd hen settled in a number o' places afore they come here ; and Miss Serauttun, her Self, told me that it took her a good while to Tarn that a minister's life must he a life ii' trial and self-denial. But she did lore it at last. Miss Scrantum was :in excellent woman. Site wa'n't no gadder nor no gossiper. She stayed to hum and took care of her husband and children. If any body was sick or sutferin', she was there to help 'em ; hut she selilinu went out any other time. She was good to the poor, tew—and divided her mite with 'ern. Y.iu'il a thought folks could'ut find find fault with her. But they did. Some grumbled because she won't more sociable— and some was mail because she wa'n't what they called an active Christian—that is—she wa'n't willin' to spend the heft of her time a runnin' round on mission ary bisness and distribitin' tracts, and so forth. But every 6.06( . 1 was outrageous at her, 'cause she tried to reconciles Liddy Ann Buel and Deacon Fnstick' , wife—instead a' Ml:du sides with ary one on 'em—when they had that awful quarrel about the ostridge feathers. .lint I thought, and think yet, that Mks Scrantum acted jest as a Christian ought to act in that bizness, though everybody else blamed her; and Liddy Ann and Miss Fustick got as mad at her as they was at out' another. Parson Scrantum was a good man, tow—and a smart man—they didn't know how to vslly Trim here. To be sure he went away of his own accord ; but I spore if he'd a wanted to_ stay, they'd it druv him off afore lung—jest as they always dew—for husband said they was begin nin* to growl about pay-in' the salary. I tell ye, I felt dretful sorry when they went away, and so did yer uncle--we sot a great deal by 'em. And then they had such a nice family o' children. SIIKLII, the oldest, is as nice a gal as ever I knew'd. I took a wonderful likin' tew her. Her mother used to let her come in often and set a spell with me. I was awful lonesome after Jef ferson went off to study to be a doctor. Ter uncle was in the shop biggest part o' the day, and I used to he here rill stark alone a good deal t; the time : and when Miss Scrantum found out how lonesome I was she used to send Susan over ,ometimes to see Me. She'd fetch her sewin' or Ituittitt• and stay an hour or tew ; and sometimes she'd fetch a hook and read test me, and it used tit chick me up wonderfully. And Mr. Scrantum, he 11,4 t., ( tome in once in a while, and always litil semethin' good to say. tt You said he went away of his own accord, aunt ; how did it happen." Well, I'll tell ye. When they gin him a call to settle here, they agreed to give him four him. tired dollars a year, and a donation party ervry wilder. Well, he thought he could live on that 1-' , ur humhed ,hill ir , was putty small, to he s:ure, but then they was very egninomical and industrious--did'ut keep co hired help— Miss Scrantum and Su•an done all the work them se!Yes 'ind they thought the donation party weitl,l be tillite a help—they never'd had one— they wiin't customary where they come from, ,NN e ll. they managed to git through the summer and fall (They come here in the spring o' the year. I In Dm:ember follerin', the congregation gin 'em their first donation party. I did'in go ; i never had hen to none; used to kind o' want i to go ,40Inctimes—hut yen uncle wa'n't willin' to have me--lie never approved ti' them givin' visits. Ile thinks when the people want to make their minister a present, they'd ought to give it in a I private way, and not go and turn his house up side down to dew it. So I &dent go to that one. Gut I don't think the Scrantums thought any the less of Its for it ; for they know'd NCO was as wil lin to do well by 'eat as any o' the congregation was, for yet- uncle always paid his pew rent promptly, anti that's more 'n some that was richer done. And, besides that, we often sent 'em presents. They always looked upon us as the best friends they had here, :: Well, never heerd how the donation party conic out. Miss Scrantum never said nothing about it,, and I never axed her no questions; only I know that through the rest o' the winter the minister's folks seemed to be more pinched than ever. I was in there quite often, and though they dident make no complaint% I could see plain enough that they had to scrimp and save, and patch and turn every way, to keep any how comfortable; for they had house-rent to pay, and six children to support, and it takes considerable to feed so many, to say nothin"o clothin' and oddicatin' on 'ern. They had a good deal o' company, test, anti that costa somethin'. You see they had to entertain all the stragglin' agents that come along„ for all sorts o' societies in creation. They'd stop there to save payin' tayorn bills. It's the way they always dew, ye know. Wall, they contrived to live along till the next winter. The time come round fur another donation par ty ; and I says to yer uncle, says I—" Husband, I want to go to that giviti visit." " 0, shave," says he, " what do you want to go for?" " o,' says I. - 'cause I think so much of the minister's folks." " Well," says he, " that the principal reason why /should want to stag Away from the givin' visit myself ; as for you—of course you ' can do as ye please." " Well,• then," says I, " if you hain't no objections, I'll go ; and I wish you'd go tow, jest for once." "'Tain't no use to ax me to go," says he, " it's aginst my prin ciples ; I always mean to dew alll'mable to sup port the Gospel and help the minister; but as for them .bees—l won't countenance 'em by my pres ence—tbet's all -, ,. ..and let nab tellion one thing, if you go, I'll bet a ceche) , .you'll wish yim hadn't a went afterward." " Well; the;t's toy lea.: cot," • 7' • •,u. , ti , " ; .!:r . .'- ,7- ',:,..':,' '':.'s',-1,-.,..:•-,]-..-,,.,:ii,;'. NUMBER 67. ::DECEMBER 17 PROM THE BE:DoTr PAPERS. , :0"... , ~,• .1 1 Ih. RITES or iOVEIrriSiNG AGREED GN BY TIT' PITTSIMEGIR PRESS TEN voyaltert i oft, Ono vinare; ono tuiertion ' Do. ' each additional Do. ono week Do. two lvoelm Do. tlitve .... ...... Do. ono month Do. two months-. Do. three months Do. four mouths.. Do. erix months Do. ono year Standing Card, e! Utica or lemi, annum• cuiNagaste 6T rummuz: Ono spurn, per annum, (exclusive of the diaper,) 26 00 Marriage noticem, 60 cents; Death notices, 26 cents. , says I, "if you're I'll go." " And what'll you take ?" says he, " a stick o' tape, or a pint emptins, or what ?" "No, I won't," says I, "I'll take somethin' o' more vally than that." "Then you'll be odil," says he. So after consideriu' a spell, I concluded to git, what.Mis' Scrantum need about as much as any thing, and that was a new bunnit. Sho wore a shabby, faded old thing, that looked as if it came over in the ark. Well. I thought I could git a ginteeler one in Harristown, than I could by havin' on't• made here. So I got yer uncle to harness up the hoss for me, one afternoon, and bein' as he was tew busy to go with me himself, I went over an axed Susan Serantum to go 'long ; I thought ehe (could help roe about pickin' on't out. She'd be likely to know what would 'suit her mother.. So I goes over and calls for Susan. She was delighted to go—she dident git a chance to ride very often. Well; we druv to Harristown, and went into the best lookin' milliner's shop titer was there. "Now, Susy,-" says I, "Pm a gwino to git a new bunnit, and I want your advice about what to choose." " Why, Miss Maguire,". says she, "I thought you had quite a nice one a'ready." "Well, it is taiddlin' nice," says I, "but I'Ve wore it tow, winters,- and some ladies gits anew one every winter, ye know." So we examined all the bunnits in the shop, and I axed Susan which she liked the best. " I should think that one would be veryrpurty - for ye," says she, pint. in' to a plum-colored satin Onetliathiing:oit a • peg. "It's ma's favorite color, and that makes me like it." NOW that was jest what I wanted to know. So I 'DWI the milliner to hand it down, and I tried it on, for I reckoned if 'twould fit me, 'twould fit Miss Scrantam--she was about my size—and it did fit nicely, so.I bought it. I had to pay six dollars for't—quite alaunch out for me—more'n ever I paid for a battik for myself. Sasso looked as if she thought I was isither ex travagant, but she dident say nothing. Well, I put it in a bandbox I fetcht, and we went hum.; When yer uncle come in I showed it tow him, an he was quite pleased with it: and 'twos a ciciir beauty, plum-colored sat . e.• trimmed off with a ribbin the same color, anti lace borderin' with white satin bows between, all quilled round the inside. I axed yer uncle if 'twos more expen sive than he was willin' 1 shonld give. " No," says he. " I don't begrudge: the money. I want you to do the handsome-thing ; but 'tic-Dahl snit me a great deal better if you wait till the next 7day and then take it over," " Oh, husband," says I, ‘• I've got me heart of cn attcrulin' the party dew Wine 7 , 1 '• go," says he, if y6u're beet lee ; imt mark my words, I'll , e 1 a dollar you'll wish you hadn't a went." [To DE CONTINUED.] The murder Case in Boston. Edward 0. Coburn and Benj. F. Dalton, who so brutally beat Rufus P. Sumner that be died, have been arrested for murder, The• Boston Transcript of yesterday says: The Police Court room was crowded with spec tators soon after its opening this morning, it be ing understood that Edward O. Coburn and B. Franklin Dalton were to be arraigned on a com plaint entered by Deputy Chief Hans, for the murder of young Sumner. The greatet curiosity was manifested on all sides to get a view of the accused. The prisoners were brought up from the jail, and at 11 e;cluck were placed in the bar of the Court, (Justice Rodgers on the bench.) Theyboth appeared quite pale,.sober and deject ed, and wore an anxious expression of counts. nonce. They waived the reading, o f the com plaint, which charged them joiutly . with giving Sumner one mortal wound by beating, striking and kicking him with their hands and feet, and thereby " feloniously, wilfully, and of -their 't malice aforethought, did kill and,wurder. " After some consultation bet en the counsel and the Court, the prisoners were fully commit ted to await a preliminary examination in the same Court on Tuesday next at 11 o'clock..., Deputy Chief Ham appeared for the prosecution ; Hon. S. I). Parker, for Daltoti, and Nathan Morse, Esq_, for Coburn. Before the Coroner's jury, F. A. Sumner, a brother of the deceased, testified as follows: " Previous to his death my brother told me.that he was attacked by two gentlemen; he was met in a saloon in West street by two men, who iry, I formed him that Mrs. Dalton desired to see him in Shawmut Avenue, at the house of Mr. Colinin; he informed them that he hadn't time and could not go to see Mrs. Dalton ; they told him that they would take him home in a carriage; lie then went to the house of Mr. Coburn with the men, and was taken to the third story of the house ; he was there confronted by Mrs. Coburn and Mrs. Dalton, width° two men who took him there, proved to be the husbands of the ladies; Mr. Dalton then aske I him several questions in regard to tiberties taken with his wife ; to some of these questions he answered "yes," and to some of them "no ;" after talking some tine they left Itim alone in the room for is short time ; Dalton came back in. his shirt sleeves, followed by Coburn, and they commenced au at tack upon him; the ladies began scream, and implored their husbands not to beat him ; they then dragged him down three flights of stairs ; while going down stairs he saw two men standing in the entry, and he told me that his courage then left him, and he did not dare to resist, as he was afraid they would kill him; they dragged him in to a cellar, "land then commenced boating him with their hands ; he told me that they did not get him down, but while he was stooping to pick up his hat, they pushed Lim against a wall and hurt his head. After escaping frons the house he took the cars for home, and went to bed, com plaining of pains in the head and back ; on the Friday following I saw , him; his eyes were badly discolored, and he complained of a bad feeling in. the head ; I next saw him on Thanksgiving Day, and he told me that he felt well, with the excep tion of slight pains in his chest; the nest time I saw bins was last night, when he knew me, and asked me if I could forgive aim ; he then wan dered is litle, and said to me 'Keep those men away, they want to kill me !' " The lion. Miss Murray—A Description and an Anecdote. The intention of this lady to publish a book on America, advocating some views not in accord ance with the opinions of many others f , - - has brought down, at least ono characteristic criti ei,m upon her personality, in which it is clearly demonstrated that it is utterly impossible she lbould hold nny opinions worthy of respect. 'Ph° critic in the comprehensiveness of his wrath, annihilates the whole class to which this lady bet.mgs, but gives us' little rpecitic information of herself. The following pleasant description from an article entitled " Some Farther Remi niscences of Cuba," from the November number of the Southern Literary Messenger, will be read with interest: " Merriest of merry was the Hon. Miss Murray, lady of the bed chamber to her Majesty Queen Victoria; a young lady of sixty, whose beautiful neck and arms would have graced a belle of sixteen. I afterwards saw a good deal of her, and was charmed with her unaffected manners and sound common sense. She told me much about her life at Court, and her private history. She is the daughter of the Bishop of St. David's and aunt to the Hon. Charles Augus tus Murray, so well known as the author of the Prairie Bird. At the ago of forty she was cho sen Maid of Honor to the Queen, and served in that capacity until a few years ago, when, accor ding to her own account, she told Her Majesty it was too ridiculous for so old a woman to hold such an office, for, said she, when your Majesty tells a page to request the young ladies to come down, how absurd it is for me to walk first into the drawing room.' The Queen, not wishing to part with her, made her lady of the bed cham ber, and she is the first unmarried lady who has been raised to that dignity. Byron has celebra ted her in one of his poems, and from the posi tion she bolds, she may be considered as one of the first ladies. of England. " 10 FRAILS - MESH DATES; 200 boxes now Figs ; 300 drums do • 20 mats Seedless Raisins; Just rec'd and. tar by dec6 REYIII.II & ANDERSON, 39 Wood st. CASES PR NES, in jars; 50 box. do 25 half boxes do 25 qr. do do Jest received and for pale by dedi • REYSIBII 6 A—NDEBSON. NI) BOXES LEMONS just received and for e -RA- , gale by [dec6] REYSSEIT. & ANDM{SON. ALCOHOL 10 bble for Bale by B. A. FiaiNEeivm tr. co doccortlotFiManii {ti ood gm_ CHLORIDE LIME- -30 casks for sale bCOy de6 • B. A. VAIDa3STOCK dect z ., .,.'.:' - i - i.:.1',.:;,_.t,', 2 ,:::;:: , ,f• - ,:.:' , : -, ', 1 •%.::',1.,.: , :',.',:3',': . :i-_:•':',:;,' ,-, D , i . ,.';.:-1 REM • 400 c, 00 s 00 ... 9 00 .. 10 00 .. 12 00 ~ 18 00 ~ 10 00 0 • k. co 6. YARN =MCI
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