Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, December 14, 1855, Image 1

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4 .." '. lg l' :V r . ... 4111 t. : ` 1 111 ,. 4 - .4 . .e , r,„:1 4 va r tely of rtew patterns Fancy and Plautt, euitithle lor
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Ppowttuam pubhihal em.ry rmraing, (Sundairi Nxtpled„)
By IrardIMIWILIO itrPriftlterGbDEßY,
- „
TER2ilB.—Fivirbolletre a" year. Viayiklilti strictly 1z advances
Six dikaturePiniariably requited tttattE4The)W
sitatilikVicAieki, Tat Chrilitrir r
aki3 at t he counter in
the Ti e ' a'!lby the Neva.Acn.„ _ .„ .
rith,rl4lloloTnt &Bre, on a Urge blanket elnA
eh a Cp() . l , tjt a year, In arlynxica Mugle copies,
Fivr, Cm&
No.piypier,„ %WI, be 4) tarn,' ri =ad., (unless. atthe discre ,
tton Prdprietorq) anta alkarrn.rsl7..re Pig& ' •
No attention will bo paid to any order unless accom
panied by the metier erattiefalorrreeitental Di tlilitSr'."
WV - doinlecitia with the E'stahliihment of the Siorning
Post le one of the XV pet JOB plt.lNKl,Nti,tgryjcg,3
city - Zti'lltWete au kbpda (lone on the shortest notice,
and Subttl' terms.
1.) WWII C. U. SPRUU L, Attorney and
AigidifFit at Law, odic° N.,. Fourth etrftt, Pitts
TAMES Ai LOWRIE, Attorney at Law.
once Yatirth Atrea, Pittsburgh, between §mltbtteld and
(117,MY apex.--- decilny
1 - 011 IN BARTON. Attorney and Connselloi
ey at Law. Alva corner of Fifth auk Grant atmota, Itittr
QAM ROSS, Attorney at Law, No. 100
kJ , liintrth etre.. Pittehurgh, fourth door below Mr. Roily
Patterson'. Livery Stahl, je2li
F.TRICK WEIL.N.NI, Alderman of - ThiTd
Ward, of ce cornet of Grant and Fifth strrets, (formerly
...a.:upW4.l by Alderman vai...lro all tmeinrsm portatning
odic., of Alderman 811 d Jmnioe. of thr Pear. will ho
pm:aptly Attemletitu. fehl,nta
- ALIT., Surgeon Dentist, successor k,
it I . W. ithhue,N, 144 Swilbliuld. .tr,4
Ahorififieplouns from Is to 1 and I r..iti 1: 1.. 5 ,11 - I,x k
Dentit, Fourth street, tivii doors
west of Market_
G Mee hours fr,,rn 9 tielodi A. M. 1, P. M
dot 1:y
TWIN . MOORHEAD, Wholesale Grocer and
T-1 COMUll=ioll Merchant, for tho ink of P)4l METAL and
1:11.)0,1L4,,iwil PRODUCE gonerally, No. 'X Wood stroot,
Pltta/U.b. up 24
WILLIMX-36GLES, Phtlada vclr. Riettrabs, Pittmburgh.
N. ELVA{ & 'RA C K liulesu le On,
cent, Import,rs of IittANDIE.S, and SO./ARS,
Noe. 1,'2 and 174, r-ornor of Irwin and lAi•crty
burgt. Iron, Nada, Cotton Yarn,. .te , constantly .k hau 1.
Q 141"1( Elti & CO. , Mallufacttlrers of Sl'l(ef,',9
rolltlayrrnala rllaan, all '1 kokh 1,....1,ra
Double Strength, I alit 'thin Croon kto! Ruby \ cti,,Flank.,
Itregerve inrs ; Nri in. Porter and Nlineral 11‘. , ttler,
Tolograplia . and Llghlnag•li.al I u-sulat na.
farS , runrt. between Wool and Niarket street-r,
bin-plt, Pa.., but a pliurt distance Dont (to rte: utiroat litt‘dtnr4.
and from Manougulaga house, St And t.'ity
apr 21
ALFRED • . I..,.urar,s
ETMAR.I) 1191,1 I. RI rurrn i.
ItOIIERTS(iN ('O., Mativ
k facturrrsof CtiL l'releythl nd Pluto Flint it LIMP, AR E.
arelrouee No. 17 NV04,41 strfNet. au uct - riLtzt.orgi,•
4„3- All miter 1:1141s of (1L..., n o ro and ', V i
low harlot 111,1141 y
J k}ILS P.. II.DLIE .1,4441 J. ULAN,.
L'LIE Sl t LAM, Suoet.i.isors to M oh - any
4.11111. mannfactaters of Olt, St - ollid.Ni nnP i
t and l'un,y f'..luro.l .14 LASSIV ARV., ant (1...11 , rs in oil
kiwis Flnsks. V awl lilt!,, %i
r"i nor of Mark, , : und Wrinr at roots, I'itL4l,nrgh
REM( )V A 111.NISE'N, ilaTinfit,tairt.r
~g evey eiwiety ul 1 I A rIT L. Kt: a nit WIN Ifott
ta1.A6. , ; Lim k Porter, Wit,o and (11.iret
and C.1.11royo: altu. k hot tila.a In every vartoty areboosii
N.. 1114 Sevond and street.
. iu 0/I.INTItk ottani for aftle a elloa ,
ift,ick of (TROC.F.ItI KS, aeleciod for faintly nets twin, 01
esory rtriety and die purest fluidity, aronna at 1,0 Steam
MIII.. Ala f y Prifal Fruia. Foreign nod Doitiastie Prodoeii
taken 111 exe.kange for Lll.rt Isaixli ..
V. It. I). procured a 11111 avir.r 1,111.1r.ch).
ranted GA1.11./K.N SEEDS, and InlLe. tie. .1. 1114.11 (.1 . ..11
terasted lu rural
havo openwl a llou.o for ll.n ulna,. p0rr.0... X".•
hmithtie r ,lo Stre,t, four do ra hIKIVO tlu. Mf)..t121.110k11
We tfill purciquo f , or ror,riTe on C1,11.1111”..f.. or “..4« • ron•
niglimeras FL. UR. R A(..0 N, V.:F.51.., 11.1 t Alo
"I"M NlnCh ay pol uutko advalicm. to purrlin.A., at tin
market ruin , • j k
NT If. . toyenkate.ree . . --- SI nr. , :ti - r
& IC-HA-1 . 4.1. 1 410N-.-Forrettrdin_
_LA and C..nuniaNnm mnrt bant. and wponpnd , .
Vlj BACON and It) a.., and I.I2IIrWP N% ni•
huumao fnrmerl ta 111.111.11 , 1 g, I 1,41J13/ . .1. 1 , .
Wuter awl lal Flral ntr.a-t. Iltn.htnt6,ln 1.44'
)011S ATV , V. 1.1.
AI'WELL, LEE & Cu.,W11,111.1;11,,.t.r-.
PP Kluct, and Oil:unit:awn Nltirrhautt.. ant] ,lealt.r, •i:
Pittsburgh Ntzu,ulacturt-, N... it ‘Vc.,..1 t..tit.et, i.,itn ton II tit. 1
and timid Street', l'lttial,n,-g h Or P .,
JOLIN W. BUTLER & CU.. ”r‘varaino- and
Commist4i..ti ' , kr limit, tit-Itl,ris ni F ~
all kiwis ~I. rirp--
LE)a), No. tt - 7 Front strt,t. l'itimburgli ~.1....ts
HENRY 11. COL.LIN: , . Ft,rwunlin2: 2111•/
Giallo ii4Bion .Nlerd.l.C. +3lul tvh.ll...sai, tlenkr in FISII.
CtIEFP&E, ItlCTl'li,ll. SEk.a.rS .1.1 I'llidtuci, ~,,,,,,,,11,.. \.,
f.lf., Wood areet, Pittsburgh. twirl'.
R ...
• L. ALLEN, whnle,;:iie dr4lvr in Foreign
. WINES, BRANDIES, SW: ARC. I'll,i *A10,..,n4 - ,,1.,,-!.,
and Rye Will - 56T. Sr. a RECTIFYINti 131:,T11..L.E1...
No S Wood ittrect, Pittsl.urgi l.o.
trine* FirstatEtnsf Gito,, tr`Ar.lhitbi, Jautttira Spirit', ,! rr ~
. .
5.1..1 Now England Ram. Chet!. Oluimi..tgvws, - , ..-..t01l Al •
I,anclou Bros a stout ; Irish. "catch, anted oft. , ild i 51....• 4, .
I Isola, ley. and IL/Kline...l ‘111...1.3 ; Apple Pro. It, Wll.l l'h., t
't sail Blaalsorts . Brtnfrll. , g: '11111...r1.41 1 i ar.,:.. 7 1 .;.,;tt1in and
, - l'olnolts., ;.gars; lialf.rtesullsh told Common tii^.,:s.r..; all at
.. 1 such low palms as to rhallortgo or - lulls:tit in. Yanr, It,,
goo and I..abellod Rotel.. of wont y oty I, and Ihnnijolins ..t
sis.w. 1 reste.,ttully invite an ..suuttnati.u. .4 . my stock. at
.11 No. S Wood str....t. Pit Isl.urg. h
. ap:l-1r
'4 WILLIAM (A.R.Ft & C(').. ( WTi) 'lull Car-.
Into of tho firm of .1. Parker k C...., u hole.alo tilt. ,
CERS and dortkr. 4n ronntg - n WIN PS I and DILA ARIES. old
Monongahela. snob lewltsflod VN If I St. V, \ . ..Y2'... Corn - I:normal
.4 1 Row. lil, - ty strut. Ills Oorgl, j...i.
'A 1 TI)SEPFI MLEMI NO, fo.loor‘ss,,r t,. 1,. NVi
1 ty can d, Co,. corn, . .1 Nl.rlcot stmot and Ow 1.1...,.. I.
k”.lp..estantiy on hand ti. fail noortm.nl -4 111.11. , 1: , . 11E14
RAN, !SLEDICINE tll EM'S, I'ER FT NtER '. mid all Art .
dam perlAaaln a 1. , lao loota . o
44r" Ill):43 , w, Plot.. 1 lid.-os ...I•.fiz II ...IN. on dab at all
hours. .10.7
1/1.141N I . ; BROTHERS, stleCeSt..q - s t J.
. u t..,11-‘l.• nit lsr,.N,, td I IV 1.4 e.l CV/
Putuburgh. Proprletorm Dr. Ml.atio'n c•tl..brutei Cur /111
liver MIA, Ir.
JOHN 11 AFT, J ft., suerei , ser James M‘.-
Ciciffny. Whole.snis and mail Diti:4ll.llFT. sn,l ilsslor
1'AJN11 , ..011..5, DYE STUFYS. dr., No. 141 strisit,
three desi r e billow Virgin alley, PirtstAlrgli si , f y
JL. M.SRSIIAI.L. succosmor ti. il. Leo.
No 139 Liberty street. Pittsburgh.
41Pelint.h Ar firm. It roan, lir .
Tiernan k Co., Brown m Kirkpatrish.
Pittsburgh, !day 24, Pf.i.S. il3 - 24
IW. .C11..41)1V1r,K, dealer in Kentucky
. Led TOBAOCO. tit.l PAPER, 14i tV.,..1
slyi.s,t. Irdo.r histli. I . lttnturgh.
Ai-o^'llle 111..11...1 1v, , , in cool, 4.4.1 fv lbws
- -
ALTM P MA.100.1.
Wlttil I A LL ini.rt,r, ❑H , I
civalet m Mnet,. L and All,ll. a/1 i• /lAN 1I•
IN( is. No 'AT Pit tNlmi .4 - 11
421 — Sole Llgolith 1..51 LI ti. celrbrato+l nsm ula, lir., •
Dolialurt A 'Co.. I.6rh. .16;
_—_ .._... ___ _
BT. c. NIORA i AN, l'tt toksittlotr aud Stu
. Lion, H. MIN:. \ x ,rit bald 11 giu,ral uasortua , .. l ~ I
h,13,.11. MiltiltliliM4/US allif illunk it,. 3. ; Printlilg, P. 'et MIA
l.• -up Paper, Sr.. wttoluklt. and 1 utail, N... 104 15 ./t1 .0,14,
Iwkon• Barth (rest ha)lo) rlltabu rel.
4.7-11' Ai TED--R a gl‘ nn.) Tau mull' Scraim a 1,11,1 y
---_ _
JCAIN AL M E LOH, \V 11,41eale and Retail
dealer in NAliSicAl., INSTAL)/ ENTS, 11
wilom . noon ~41 A•rATION gICV. N.
Pit tsinnit - gh. • J" t'l
141 . 44 AV. NIA NU NM 'ft , It Fit ntl.i d.nl. i 111 all loolm
r ,t TOBACCO, SN awl EU A ItS, N Flll/1
Ar t y- Konya r.m.tantly gar bond x lark, anipply of all tin
carom trranda I tit 10.. rial *zed,
PUILIP•ILETLF.6 ...... . .... ....IYMEXT J. ANDE....,IN.
A:, A EY3tEit ..N
kV Joshua wholautle klettle. In FNItKJ 7N
N. 39 Wood otreot, oppo•itn thu Cbarien PHI,
ATINDLE, Wh,dosalf , and Retail SA I)-
IIAU ALANUFAariaLKK, No,lini Wool stmei, Vittabit:
Jrziky • . • .
IrON'I'Ett.PRISE WOltK S, N o . 13e, w o , ,a
itriPet, third door twlow Virgin aljej.—liVWN A 'MT -
1.0 Would cull the nitouttou el Spertipg oleo to their larim
assortMent of lit.:Nn. RIFLP and IIk:VOW...I:St; l'lZTtiLti.
the lai r geet and brat nth. ,- ad et,. h et ,1,,,l In thlf, low . -
kat, together with it gonersl no,, , rtflooll ~1 Ilardwarr. Cutle
ry, Toots and Fiehhig l'arkin, all ~f which wo offer et the
lowort poesibfe kit,. to oiwii, pitr 0,„.,,,, ur i„ i . ~,„I p.
proved paw. Illng It
'EN ti: l'"
'No. 89 Wanbitigton atteut, cormir ut Doarborn. Clll.
P.INHHItON 1 CO. tlosottl Moir retire ottootiott to Oto
tretrtaction- of a gcnotal iloteclii a POLICE. Ill'iiilNFititi z lii
tho Bttitrisior Illinois, Wisconsin. Michigan sun Indiana.
i% mb I 9:dtt . • • .
---- - -
)3 F. SliaßE, MERCHANT TAIM)R, Third
. stroet: next dotal to Imiparch Budding, thankful tur
the very BtwrSl patrousga berel.aforo lwf.towed upon Idyll:
Loge leave to.ask a conelnuall , of the K ann, ae he In
honor prolatted Oran Oyer to fornr3h bin tnendt and t 0...
tOrlleri Wit* ADlVllletad 3rhlrli a ill itisuro ..11t11,
sivrays keeps on hand a Largo assortment of thn Lo-st
he sal tetaklato lOrttor dully shurt.t 11 , 1tICA, op.,n rom.onsbhi
1131- A perfect:fit always warranlNl
_• .......... Ln1,,,,• TRALNITS L. Yoi:Ngl..
V. YOU NO St CO., N. 38 Smithfield
sweet, crppoitito Ott - Hotel. inannfactureer n(
CA 111-
L'r Ft/ aNitUtlE add CliA tItS, ovary deecription Ma
awl workmanship warrant 1, and aold at rviln.
price. Cane taken In packing for /and and water rartinge.
. , . . ~. . .
. . .
.. . .
. . ''' `• ~ .
)101•••• - • -- • ......-.-,..
' . ..". - II ' " '"" , .',' ; ;,.:'
.. - .•I r . --
, P. ' , ' A ' . 1'
, 4 . '
. ••: : ::1 - i i t - ;:,, i''''' . - .
.1 :,' . •-• :'. :
.. ' t .. .
. .
.1 . .
. 1"" .• „ _
• _.______,_.,_ _______.=,________
ty 'treat, has 51301 rect,iV;
(tante Brandy., (very floe,)
Otard D¢puy * (karpt. )
Marrett Cu..
Sarrial Madeira, '
Howard, March & Co., ..qatrrtl,
East India Madeira,
ralrlP do
fn...1011.10 Strerry,
Metrraanille do
!3emtswing Port,
hlre JuiN.
OnUnary di,
St. Julien-Claret,
Idalaga Dry, • • •
U. Sw.N.t
Vory.cm , y,
Together with all other sr .
~")IAYU 111811afaciared,
ING geston, aced for xkle hJ
.101 M 11. MELIVII I N U. ,Wood; street
between Diamond al laid area.
son Nfrflitl Is now redwing an entire (mit sleet
of now PIANO-FORTES from the manufactory:of Merkur-
Orin )ions. Boston, coomating of all the varions styles of.
8. flj and 7 oetares,, to arltich,the atmation.ut purr-Masan
t.rctfully terite4. All tile Piano-Fortes from peo factory
If Chirkoring A 54ith too warranted. and sold at Boston
priteA. JOHN li. mELLort.
AF,eut fur CIIICK INO SONS, 1•4 PiLtAbn-rkfb ^ ,Ol
11' t-Rtrrn Ptl3 nsy I va uitt 114,14
OE4= •
Ani,..ipqllne the want ,'1 h, transporthlt:
. right, L. and tr.an the VARDII . II ntion, rin Drllllty/TAD
Ca WO Ild tve 11/IA - 0 tafy
A,.. .x r. I" DOUBLE' DA 11. Y LINE syriletiQ,nai tt...
.la:anal) °nor IWO tong per el, .nt h eerl,
N 0 ,1,11, ..or friehds, 117 rd th.....e.11,1....t1 I, rat i rtatiat, Ow
it.... Hata ..vorm...t, ttiore will 1... ta dung a((prod L. uur
IW rt t.. Tem.', goadral miti.i..t.,.,. lii I. , llValilll/g • Eantel II
d ,,,i %.„..,i,, a Fr 4.41,0, Nrilll pr,asiptita.lo and dta iil.
K I El{ g 311 lIELL.
Canal Snout, Pitta burgh, Po.
J. I3II.LI T ,SPIM & Is lilasti Manufacturers.
ointat d..dPn in LrLiLiiis (Oinks Mite*, Flute Ginn.,
gra rtng n C.nnbs and Fancy tionits, Nn IV.isslistr.tt,
nu gL.
r . .
at and - ail,. . Gilt Piqr and )hie tit Gk...,
. A 0 lFdt Framo,, , o
ttVery doettaJi!Littll.
• Co - Stenstittisittt Cabins th . coratteti and t I tlt [tttl4
W ItK.S. No.. IML IV oorli :
VirgitiAosiy.-134J)VN t T.F.T LK
N 1 011 ill rail Ow atts.ntkon of ii4sirting men tc their tarot ..*,-
stirtinent It' ILES and ILEViALViNG
titrgsso nO.l lost 3olisctsisi moct uv,u- k .Den, t i In thin nu, -
tOgtlh, with is hcurtnl missirtirtntit a It IRDIV AB.E,
th'TLb{Y, TOOLS and 1.1611 . 1 NU 'LACK LK. rill of which we
otter at the lawerot possitda prices to (111/ 1 pureliaatrn Cr f.a
4.id approved 'paper. niarili
_TVA. 71SVv 7 1 L I.: lt, NV holestile"'und Retail
L Dealer in Ftirnareq, Hani,,, Staves, Ttn, Iron and
I .aisekeopers' Ifarthrere. TitiTlol,l' Machlties and 'Tools, Tin
l'hit, Sleet ;ram' Wire Rivets. c 1..... Lc.. 24 North Strand
teL taiiikeAte tichler'e 119621,) 11A.RILISBUIllii
eep29kl3nl . i
IV If ITK, I'vx Hr.r Asyrxert - -
amt. ha. ..rat hFA health pl. , fia ~1,1
tal - inetis„ h/Ni lu,. Awned BLIND Ni.AN FAI - rn.c 1 . , at
Ni , . Filth ,1 re,t. near the "filer, bettiwon rovl
Snot Mitt I. lila . , lit Lan "I BUN DS, trutlin i t
nw, plow and fn nor And and 11,
t ,, 1111 tiny tinier in I, tiny, on tiro 14,10 renainisti , '
1.1111- 1I ot r.nk t, iitirranie.l . 4 - ite ealottacti, , ,i, ur won. ,
ust, Int Mid. riltairel.. Ile.n giro hint El tdl. :u lee
0311'i 1.4.11. t 111 IlEtlanlEtn.:bill I
y TI
ilt Y. Illit KR'S a CO., corner
1.1 ~Elm. Aileghruy City,
lulls taternt their frintiek aiet the gttnerally - . that the.
ittate a ~.1 the utattnta. t ttre of CARAI AGES.
ICI AW A 1;1'60 SLEIGHS and Cli A
11l In Id ms )*'l , or ankh athl preprirti.in
11'9_ All rneinEtEA with oltrICE regiaral ti. tut-a
kin, Awl Leanly .1 tine.h !t.-pore Si 111 Ilist/ Ik alfrutlinl
" tiLr to-wt rena.ttable t. rum CAHN:, in nil their it ..rk
1..74 li.tap-tere Shaft'', Italie. and Win-cl stuff, they feet Litton
t h•nt that uli whet (ante than ertir their rE1111 , 4119p , . vrll I.
ly truth of then ti• tv work
i'mrchaserit are re. t ueittet e an a tall, t.ef.tre pue
lin,itur ictt..l.ly
111.EL04 - . RIM 1. dulr. L111 . 1:111
DI TT • ••••11 I 1-{Gal FAL"I•t../ItY-1314,
eneceleor.i t.. Nn iu inat
allPy, near '%l'rtri.l Afrvet. Inttaburgn
L.( VANCV Vlalli.1.1.:1,1 - intit to ..rtler anti in et
iitairtwr ntiOurraiaatal for tiority of elegan., o[ tlnbL.
..f nrkutani, and .Itirabilit, of tttatormlr,
AlliNork witrtsiit.l
GEcy. R. IVIIITE .1 co..N 5) Market
Aroot, intrud, on and aller NIONDAT, ?iiirrnitier 2n,
1.,. out prpruint CLOAKS.. TALMAS and
A NCI' SILKS at riaitivetl prior .
It bctmg they lutonton to erdnree end otherwise improvt
their :•qore., so as 14 mulct, more r , ,ut t..r thi. t•ratich 01 th. , o
hltillltlftn. and wothing to do to' imenedtslelv,they Want b
dear Out the etvs k oa, hapd eft soon ne possible
NN J.A.,1A51 S. 11.tiii II E OIL) PRINT
}1.7 41{1.1511 NI ER. J. 0111., kton.. 111.1 t
par. ,1 every ,C) II rd Le.:ll.
:4t....tpb441A .1011 I'ILINTI.SU eAul LtOLIK BINDIXEL asp
n.rl/01.• in the Bnprr rta4 Statii.?
•.1 y le, at ,lo•rt,1 11.4111 , 111.-I masmp.l.l
*Unk. liooklund , Slation..ry lA ' aretu•usk. rrintlng 4111Ve
.01 , 1 liirotery, cornett of 31axtkut 111.41&,.x0rn1 utx, tuo 1 , .
R"'„.,,,,),. 31unatfact1trer ld
,;,,t.. r I4rand Iltvuze I /10KI iLA F.:.
I'IC A 1 T and '1 . 1.:1t6 Pkt 4.111: ti. Plain and I /routflutat.,-,1.
N. '2l nor rtrt..l All ki n ds of wt. - out,
tkr team lc. All *lode 1 OIL-hug . 04 rc4aiming• a.
So . 1 11111 Itiz,nl;ll,lg, Itu k'nuo.o, whoI;o.0 Ie• nod rowol.
X urn 6 , r Faxgractnipl and
I rill...in-I detticeil oil Pain 111/ niediitnl in In, lin
limn tint
All Frain. kill 31,aultlingta luauufacturral au this
thlalablinaaant n.) ba , ulkaatU , 'LL vtChOUA injury. with ..P
sa atter. .C.atil Anal aft , \.. Al Si Clair ntrrrt. Pilistain b.
j( 111 - N 4 Rottri% importor of Bit ANI 11 ES,
WINE:, 1 1.1.2aJ0r la flan Oil Nlunopgaltnla
M Brandy, Sr. Abu, RE TIFF I Nti LISTIL
LER.....t urr ut Nuitlifleld and Froitt it ronitA. Pit 0.11 . 111 g.ll
T iimmis OLIVER, ARs
TR K MANCFACTUKKB, No 4 St Clwr ntrot.l.
Hum Clot tocLs
t M ILLA KEN ('lt. hut - ti op haw', at
CAIMN T midi:ll/WI MAN V/ .1.1.•
1. N.. e 4 Stull 104.1.1 htra.• 1, a I.Lrg, kmll
.11 Ham Furnltar... w 1.1.1. th...y will ..•11 lu pvf cr, I. 10,1
4,I,I•NII:Lry Int.,. Tel 111, 0,1.1 of/I,y. .
I A . l'.l,FBifi. P1"1'1 1
J BLACKSMITH. btu •Torted a unw and coital...Z.4w
It, ich. Slay ~n GII KklllV AI/LEY. t . ,,1wt , 0n Tlt lr.! and vih
v. 1„., 1,„ in I ,,pa r ,t to d., weal. In ILL, Iluo
at.• Irtniuvt prompt ntda. Harm); trot Inns exp.drioli...,
t hr Irueitier, he rr-41WrIfIllty fratronags or b. old
the public xrnerally.
A ME:4 I.b.:LLlNl..;llli....sl(in..ngalii.la l'ltt
tong Mill. would rexped.cull; . Lallans hi, friotole and ti l l.
tie latlthc hhat attialtlialstnont ie nos.. itt full °port
that, mud that ho ix proltat‘al to furna.ll Watt Cal.ht, anti fill
nll ordrrs for PL IN hit L 1.1.1113 Eli, uohh promptusK., and at
t Invent
. _ .
ikoird nud Phrnk, plithod on ono 1/4 - I.ab elAnn, cone.t_ndy
at 11/1.1.
Doors imi Moilldialga. of ordry detoriptinii, tle
W. Itlr.
to_ Builders and:C*l4,l3lot, maid find it to thoir
tags to giro him a rail, er ho can now furtikli litchi with
l'ianod 14tutr. imitable fur ev”rd tlearriivtihh '
__ •
WILSON, corner' of Market , and „Fourth
idreets, kocpg tha,largest at e nck. of WAIT:ILEA. FINIS
.1l V, Sr., to be found In SVoatern Pennsylvania.. Ills
1.0n.t ro perietum, enaldushod raPntattrna and tiowierat" eliargoa
pr.:Kola the highest inducements why [hoar lu wapt of a
gust Watch, or nthor article, in his
ppport nutty 141 nor,' them.
lig. Vino Watch .finpating:duna pnimldly and in the boet
Manner. novU
/Mon ❑taainT • r . Jibleg e. RICHET.
- cunfter Seventh and Smitittluld stroeus,
Furuas, lionael o Lots, 111118, Furnaces, &c. Igc.,•bought and
sobi ou conthilsefon ; Laud Warrants bought, sold and lohn,
u.. 1; Bala, Bonds and Notta nogothaud. F.Jiyagin.l attnutlun
wren to nubdividtilg bums, and &Lapwing of arum. 'roma
teaxonabh. nov2l:datv
x frau] the Alnectutzt.,Oppoeite the entlertoen
Oftiod, Allegheny (Ay, lnYonered erillo fur WIGS,
all kind. of OttiVAM&iTAL lIALIC. WORK. The I,eet
ideltty of plattOnl is turtkiAlpd,an4 eutiro ealllnfaction guar
fe.e4l. my I):at w ly
MA.CI.IINM Bazintscr, Own--rThcn erubscribar
h ving moved into his now Works, recently emetkal, num.
of Water, M'Dntintigh did liffehly strseta, is prepared to con
tfatt Ipc . and execute all ordrirs for Passenger. liaggat,nr,
PostA)ftics, ho n e troighT,Tlatforni, Gravel, Mond oral all
otiler descriptions of OARS.
Ale. for STEAM ENGINM of 'all siirk.,•GEAIVINII, 11.4re,-
FR/A D CAS INUS r4.a11. - descriptions, and •all other work
iili,ertainlnEs to a Foundry and Machine
The itirettren of . the dittOrenrdeithrtreetits Are scientific
antii•ractioal• men—ingstlY firm Eastern manufactories—
ho keep thenisolvi. Inforpied tad stilt valtiabliiiiiind
or .
autflgifff W H.
C. Ea:WTI—At
FA&ruliiiiii.ifiOSlPANY,No. 78 Second street, Pitt.
lnirgh, manufacturers of , PAPTIIII mfrorrt Olei - ATILP7••.ITS'
kr/Church.. Holmes, Steamboats, Arc.; Mirror and Picture-
Yramee, Window and Deer Merida, Brackets, Trusser, Cor
nices, Ventilators SO contra. Pieces for Cei/lnfo. RepOttpe
o 4 Mouldittga i f a4ary degcriptioli; eite anddesign, cheaper
ol warranted • wore . durabte 'dm any other xxtic.lo./,ovr
Orders'-exeCuiej on the shark, i;
1. 11.—AttOutron of Steronbent.'Qdirs jsespetially di
rected to this artiele, on account of Its light weight.'
No. 78 :•kerond stroet, between Wood stol Mtn - torn
Je'2l • Pittsburgh.
.1. N. JON.,E. D. DENNY.
.:TONES & DENNY, Formaniing And o:,mmisaion Me,
0 chants, Nu. &t WiLtsr.eiiseti •Pittetruigh. Lapl9
Gr " ASEr - 7 - 2 47 134 113 . for ft.ificria , iii -- ,a C r it.lt 1
cwt. lett . , A.by__ 441.e.c.3) HENRY 1.1,. 001 3 .14 NE. •
91 Wood etrael, (decl) J. WILSON n SON.
AND following valuable property. Mtn-
ate in the cities of Pittsburgh and Alleghtry,'Penlbrglraltia-A
and other ailditiotliel Heal ksiede in iliffen.it parts of O.;
Western country, to now offered for sale, or ladle fur a lohg
term of yours, on reasonable terms. ,
Tho'City Lots. from the nature of the grades, and width of
the streets. nodal - Haas running through them, according to
McOdyyjn'acelehrnial ialty Diarelet4lan.and from their.
pueitlbn, w ll soon become the finest parts of this city.
Persons from a distance wishing to make investments, of
capital in Manufactures. a ill t e l this the best property in
or mar that clay for the purpose. It is traversed by two
Itailioada, and hes also tell the convenience ed the Allegheny
river, on which it is situated, which will secure at all times
Ithundinit supplies of coal, iron and lumber, at the ebeepost .
rated. " •
TUOLS or Seth--Well bo one-fourth to laud, and the lief:.
•Agt.mt, No. 201 Liber
th.ToOwinA very choice er.
Wudon Cdrdial,
. .
'Rifftiorford'R Seidel. Ale.
Burclay'n London Porter,
tirnd Chem , Itrendy,.
Abe ache,
Se dines,
Nfocte. arta Sara,
Ttketig lIYtl. an BLick .
EggltAh 'firOnsott Qfieeee,
mporfeW Cikarg, of
rariow brands,
Qld NlOnotliet n diOlti WlditcY, of
nii great.
des covaettc4l Ifttfi the bug
- ilifiseAkw
Forty-nine Let, (routing an the Allegheny river, in the
Ninth Ward of the City ,d* Pittsburgh, 24 fret by 227 fret in
depth to Butler street, 1&t feet wide.)
Bifty , Late on Butler street, 10 fbi Nirttil Ward.'4l feet by
12U.Iest in depth•toS'pencoalloy,l(24 feet wide.)
Itaty.-el,ght ,Lots !fronting on Stealßean street, (CO feet
vide,) earh having a front of 24 feet, end depth of 1 2 2 1 feet
to Spence alley. • . . .
Forty seven 1.4, opposite the above, on Smallman =twit,
tni,h having a front of 24 feet by 120 in depth to Mulberry
Forte-one Lots on Penn street, 24 feet in front by 130 feet
in depth to Mulberry
Forty-six, Linn opposite the -above, each having a front of
1-4 feet hr 100 loin in depth to Spring
Twenty-Ave Lots au Liberty•street, elieh having 2-1 feet by
100 feat in depth te Spring alley
SI tie,. 'Hots on Feegek,,,n'stri.et. dßoinlim the outer d
of the Pennsylvania Itadroad Cdrapany, of different Moen
ace of equal unzusl ruyments in fix yea+ propurly secured
rtb intereett payablu want-annually.
Stools Lots on the corms - of l'onn and Wafer streets, 126
foot front of. Donn Lv I Xs 11.• t tm li'atnr, of lithsont depth,
• - -
A lAA of ground on Amend and Try gtlrotx.
Pmrry,& C": 14 Foundry, Tan trtk n front on mind strroc ‘.l
87 fret, and running along Tty str.rt 12n feel I.llirronon,l,
at rent.
A Lot. of ground oppoeito the atom, having a rtont
(vet on Ureimpugh etroet and in depth 313 to Nair tvat.•r
marl an UN idol:loth...1001a river• 111111 a ftver front
Tbini sheet. uhoiv lions, each a front of '24
••11 Thti.l
Lot No. 2:1 iu the Rorotigli 1.11 Ow of
Contition.nnil %%alio ri,t. having it I orit l'• runs
of nu foot by 240 fort in d,.ptb tai niantinatil atroot..
Lot 25 in the It,rrough ;thin. on [tin MrnJr ••it gnat Couitnon
wal !lay alloy, 114.171 . Olt Hind 0,111111011 old (boy iuldy
of al foot I I 2.10 in :lentil to
hot No. tt2. w 111.1 itorough plan. on the woi•t. SKIN of Dealt,
street, haring a (rout of tai feet int lionvor atroist by 2pl foot
to NVeintin iaroct.
I.oi 44, in. Cite worm range as t i nting n f ro nt i n,
tot .tort in to foot dog 240 L. Ni stri,
l'IlT TliWNi , llll . , T OA Nil
Fifty 1,4., or 10,04 51,42110.14 V4rtn.'
rod 74n.LATi Ildj.lllllllv " the F.,(1r16 r.tl.Vt.
•. Inlngirr,t rtnd I.Ven iy 4,11 r MCI t , .ll.n 111,a n 3 Cr
town of I,l4',,mier.
Alt.11: 4 1130Nli N - TI"
TH ow" . arr.* at lb.. month ~f it,. kink imilirta. iUtot
A tract of hull, 500 art., I+4 trt IN.ltutt,tt Cnaiut
abont Inn , . from Vitt.tettut,
TY. t 4.
One Ittotr.Antltl true littrittrt‘i art..l Ixrury ma a ‘,l
tlittplt county.
TWO thonsuipl time lioudt —I drol fitly A. 1,, in .15
N 9- for plans and .I.riti.attloh• of all tho forTl4, , tog hr
apply to tLv sulnwrtlntr. or aSSr.ro Boa :70, Pitt el arch, 1 4 a
y SC(' 1.4.1', A 0..11 I.
dla Thud nt 1,01. urns .I•+a ttf Nlarloq
WllOll 1T MAN' CONCERN —flu, Put luz
Npritif )1 , 4) F tnte nt 1.4.4 - I,mtrr 44,114 AV
00 thr 11.1/IN; 4il/.../4: , t/N h.. hurl. Cintlis - wilr..d. 114 et
.40;444/4 ;;/ .14.• .1., / ,/ .-1114•1,4.1 h.: I t “I iv
.1, 11:04 , a ttlit•lo Lim
hthl r.t.taut .44.141.;!tu;-.4 • utr.lin fru. .1.; ; ht.:. h. /1
Ltnilliez v.,11 1. t -44,11,4 4-urt un 4144. •.•.
1.1.1405.4. n.
'fire lin' Bus' t ,,
an•l H• 11 100 In full rnurn lu .Itru.• :v. , tint Car, ...111
trurtr , rrturftr r. fig. 1.4
Tn„er thre e tn, .-Iturt nett. to It.. I*, u.t t t ••tt
tot tinult.tltnta-ly . and hum., n.nt other n0pr.•,•1,...1. 1..
.'•lllOneneve. rtnettrin4 n TV , Ar ton •Oltr lino. at :43. , 1
• 1“ , I.le , nelepothitinit of tho E,4llbis,llllla.lll, a 1.. h
,r1!1 Frolnut , l3. nom ono la , in,, 1,11011”.1..
A prominent. I , rickniuket Irmo Pit ...burgh Iwo. Jul.. pn
mirth large lran. ht.! Co .11 tr. tai It• 'CI tb•-n;
t.n th.tl; vQII4U4 hrt. - 1. , T.. e.t. Eh., I 4 linn4Pt
IA twit the pre....t.1 hermit, the wither
,-tAbi,nb,-d tr, the urighl'otte Kr!
..nu (eau , ric7 are O •I I, num. and
the T.. 1 Looting I, then, 1111,1 U 111, t..,111..
Lutalrer to 1.....01thr abana/ror kh.l ehe.rp tetemimlt
sprung op I ...Ana at ..or is , wht. h ntn
tire t.M.111.M1. WO, and vt
I hrto t 0 end.
A fly Wil43 Wd 1.1 , 1 t i'll) Ch. , 111 , th filar pn nitr FnlYn
6011143 PD. 4 , r ttw four Tnit.ftr gnl/ie :op
o[lll secure good bar gllnn, 111 prt,ll, "Jag' by ,•II tiff'
,yily.i.rltint- in It, wiiquiter. (11 inn. -0.. tl.ii
In nil" year nip! 155.'
T r cow 1.. r,
1 P f••.—A cow {ota owl v..t In. l of Stiolo $lO ,
%main! for 1 lncn W. 17 , tit %int Int, or' tvf ,
• 4. , f.,1 1 . 2.5. and flit wt.!.
I,ttly 1n.u!g1,50 to $.2.„ 1 / 4 11.1 If tot (root Tht• pronnut rotor ,
homestead nod ninfoittl , ent pr .11. , ft/toi Ptonoy. fur sotv
In tln ,utrn of lln borntaglr of if“ , •ltt-5t.,.. An. Ow Ingot!
In' f wend. it.••ro. Ittitl•ling.t.rolasra. i! Roo•..•
1.•11;.flet 1150 ust•na st ;rout 1.
ikr4 ~1 1 LAI,. SINN Alan. n [wk. t,
V r AIX A ELM CETI mturr:lrry AT I'l[ll ATE ALE -
tha Flit ard P. 11.11.
atilmtatittilly 1111,11. nttli n •1./n..
atdra. 11, - k, and 4rav7.l
D.ctlng pt b., a
T2VOTTI. 1,1" Manuraotarii.,
Thin prilnarly he ....hi rFrail p, WI ma') 1.)
via,. 1.. If rf. RYAN, 31 Filth
ALati--Thal lvahiv W Ali Y.llOl'E AND LilT....llll4air
411.1.. rant oif Waal and Er.nt strata. Daingi, n
It pat wr,vt, and iirtt . a.hug airing rr,•1:11 .tirvl -o. l a
by lain 11 1 -1 111./Stl ft, a Ur,L.,11“1
11 a ,, . Apply as rand,
dnatrable DWELLING 1101:5F. AND Lin%
thd au/awl - 11a, maiden, N.. 5 Eennitylvanni Al.-taw, %rain....
tr.. F. 4,4 rt. Cnart H , n The df, 1.3 fivf fis.:ll.ll,
1 ' ' 1 •131111,1vatill Arrant', and et inadn hack Din land 1..
.i 11.13 Th. 1”11 roan, , , 1 4'111/
ovairrt. 111110 ,, ,i11eu1 , Tills propart, ..Illy in 1.
1», a4mit - v.l. and /t , '..11“11.1011,
torah, 11 11 Fr, AN.
no.-1) matt ft Ulf, /tIJ.I Ali Is
010 Ohio OltVgl . 4 I• Ili.
I•t holt 91.1 V 3I tit+ e
baby rIVr. DiJ
IVlrnftit• ..” I, I, n a .uperittr It.anw. It
a ill be oven an •Itchnogn t. 14..4 but
Twvuty.•titltt .1 Ja. k 9 .1.3113. t bra , mtl,a latloa th.
rnent)-Iltr. , acme atit•qtansg Tvnlpetaltn,lll..
All aim. Arc onortml lon enough I. t.oupt yod wit of you .
rnnao): and if thon, do non omit. yon, Jurt run owl iv.< my prnltrd Riff.lrr of Long and Land. for solo. tin It there ti
Oat t Mon ottert,l. THOMAS WOolni.
i o.:111 7 Fourth rtrort.
V , r, ,, if lit. nilli 1!:' ,0 of C...,k1 at nuzisl,aaloll Hie rm.
, •t• 1//rlll, 1/1 , 11 . 0// i .0111 441.4,..1.1.40. 1441 F. In 14
111Iftted 11,44 M444.•41.;41‘114.1e; r.ver. ...1 1a1147.44.144,14Pitt.
qi gll. nit.l In 0; wrtlo n Yarn; IF .1.. 'I • ....a
1,4 1 4,4-0. Prrlinnl. Knil; 4n4l ‘t, x 4.11. tt
Tll4. • tit L. 4.41 ttl4. 14-1 ;ill. 4. all Ullloi nurint0.......1
1 1413.111 pat tlcia.tr ;41.1.ts t..
ic11 4 11,44; \ .1 1•A11, E.
1.11,1 ty nit r 44.
III'ILDING LI )1' Ft )It lot 24
t,. .t 11",1 1.1 It vet, aa.l exl.•actiag. Ita , k 1.9 10e1 to
'9 lA. airy flu Lh, bo. It part of the lot Is n t ollar It all,
Idldl loi t o SIMI/ 111)11,14, thin It 1,, inn de• 11 a 111,4 l ot artt,,
far .1 reradtinto rohl • :m4l on lat . , able lot ma.
'114141 K. plar I/411 - 1 - I' , .1/1 in. taml.rik Eloi uitll •1
.Iyl_ rd the ratio, of taturalag
Otero !Jr calif e.lx LOTS of lfTauml fretaing upon
emd 04PtirifTig the r,,,pvt of the Plttahurgh and C.40101/eville
14ulf eel. In the vatting end thnviug n0{011;411 of
Xotkr el the Loh, are it7,l feet in - width by about
1?i0 In depth, fronting 'al ,eno end on the Depoti,, and al the
other ott y liittelop street: and twothelll frcul ug fur their
whole it , gth Teller streets.
Ate*--TWO t'YF2. feet In width, fe , utlng the ether
s ide Id tic Depot. and itt depth 121-one 01 the 1.,,t+1..td,
tut Its whole length en Jerome street
‘No bettor property (.I.te to found, and rt w ill be sold toe
Pert of thepayment taken to Stock of the Connelletille
Rallteact,.if dtilrett. fIEO. tilLL)1(1111 , 1,
Dells of the 3lornlng Piet.
Pittsburgh, Attest 31, 181,5.—it4a if
ltiLD LARD LAM Cell filed I,etup ten tore 110
seen at the labiblflon Itoom 11. V. EATON, N'. be
Ponrtb grout. The Agent of the Patentee will I.e found
three, and le prupartal to lilt °Here and soil right,: for elates
and Cornett-x.
enlt new to vent ill /N. 11,1 I, I 111.0 1, l Kn. tt.
lt, as s matter of great ecouoiny In lighting (1.11,l
ILMints. it 11 - 11.1.1. Atrti. 11.+Lk. IL 1 41111111111 iIEIII.
1 . 0111111.1141 .11 lye 141,11. out .t 1 It, ItPtl tits n ;;Ltr fl/c tr , r, y
to, mill rlioup, by JOHN %V. lIITT,
11.1v2:k. , t'Lw Agunt of futon(...
11VSSTSRN LAA/S.—We 1 - A,o• tu - rungenomia, with gen
e de ten of eXporience in the difforent 'Western States.
)whioh choler 1311.15 can be lio.ated at tloverument price.
I.fieroons doalrone of locating lands, either for 0p...0151t0n or
for actual settlement; will find It to their tulvatilegt, 10 give
Tlygo all. ono of our cot reepondento In lowa has anent the
6,41. tax weeks LA Critically etaniinlug thedaole in that Slate
pub act to entry, nod writati us thatlici has eathtOted ',or 1.5,,
Latletres of choice lands. BLA K EL? . .k 11l CI LEY,
S'eplUltdayr earner Seventh nod Emil lOW sr ...
\ - 7: eiLL'ABLMNVYFiIi STEI , ..—ThT,To and a-half acres
1 of land, Oligibly alturittol an the 14gat Liberty Rand, op..
1 _Nona tire residence of - Cartwright, V.l. This land Ilea
. WOll, and is very doeira,Lle either for a family residauce, or to
tifinle into building lots.
vt Price, i.',3,f,0u; tortes easy.
id 0.51 S. CUTIIIIIIKT & SON, 53 Itrirket Street.
- liolu,r. BUILDING LOTS, of racy low price. and on or:-
. commodating terms of papnent. plonnintly ahnated on.
tstnut street. Lawrenceville, within five minutes' walk of
£l4Otnniltfoi Station. Mechanics, and aU others, do.grmts of
porchneing a cheap I , t, an.l 'lO eas4t, term.,'will And the
tire "all right." [n0v.5.11 S. CUTLIBELIT 'tk SON,
_. —____
IRECT from th© Statru - a - sittr" - n",,ttertes—
A l ate a rrival of QUEENSWAFLE, at 010 old ..,,,,
.0 dot HENRY If itillY SO.IM Wood street, frlthl- ''... ~,„
bllr h. l This antortnient ' Ocultrares some rtat , e' ang •-•
- '
10,. styles of white Breakfaat. Dining' and Toilet Sala, of
1, 1,„,, t whitmops, from one or the first manufacturer& In
..d. Alio, Vitrified blue and whlte,lron Stone Ware.
for Hotels; and a very gonenal and sum/riot varldy of nll
articles of Flint Ghats, antic:tante wares adapted to the wnlib
glity and country trade;; all of which will lot . diWo•ool of DI
prices.. l ^ ' ' - ' ' " 16),(1, '
Irfost 7. krmeA I ,,,D,'"Z"astriA - Z4 AVI 7 1 h.
carrying on "lase. CAM.DIsN COAL WORK S," ' n
11=0 nud style of JONES, O'NEAL k MILLER, id now
July 7th,18.55.. Jowls D.M.U.,Lita.
eUTTEE-I-2 'Tar eb for sale Ly
._.... __ .. -
j_ l - 3rrrslluntin AGENCY OF TIE ANA INSURANCE
(X/lIPAN Y, of Hartford, C,,nn. C6artored;2Blo. Paid
op Coup Capital, 3500,000, with Largo surplus socagely invest , .
od. Seiai-annual di Videllli of 8 per coot., July I,lBlk,
Tlds tompany have been doing tw insurance business
nearly a buff century—kayo paid nut for proisitty destroyed
by tire under its issliales, Mars than Fifteen Millions of !Sol
lars since they conimenoal busineca Its annual recuiptsnud
presmit• onsets (which aro below) give indemnity to each
policy-holder of more dean two millions of Malian. A policy
of insurance is it, better.thau brown paper,unless it Is In a
Company that will pay In uxoe of loss. It becomes necessary,
tlituvfore, that vas know something of the character and
Solvency of the institution Infers yen take a policy. Ito age,
experience, cash capitol—as uninterrupted. success for thirty_
six years—lts uniform course of honorable dealing- rr places
the -Etna Imisratice Company among the; firs/ and mint .01-
N/eat i umtitutiuus of the country. Its premiums are cash
.1,.• premium notes taken—no assessments ands on policy
holders—but all is C.1:+11. If you meet with a loss, make up
your prisofe. and In sixty days call and get your money.
This IN the way we have dope busier , . for nemi,Lforty years.
Thertontinto to uniltaltuada:nCe on Cotititrores, Mills
Fartonce, Dwellings, Hares, and ell descrlptlobtistpropertS .
in town or country . , at Puri rates. Your attentots.insited
to the follnw mg low intes ou Country Ihve ips, or the
whole one of one, three, or lite years.
guilt of Liridi or stono, motsl roof,
SO feot front similar rink. 45
e r i
Boat of brick' orstone, shingle roof, 50 1 1,,
Fracno dwellings. 7C. 1!,4 2
Cnsii in hand, rind in Pinenix 'Bank $ 65,630 25
Cwiti m Lauds ot Agrtits._
it.. 1,1 I.etat.. uimicuml,rrd... 10,612 0.5
72 31 - ortgago Bowls, ti an.l. 7 1 - ,,, rent. interest,
payable R.4111-11.1101/111/) 1 . 2000 00
. -Il
an per ..,.rit. Stale ~.1 Virginia Dui.ls, in tareal
• papihrie Fariii-nnitnallY ' ' '' 2
1:1 r
b nix Mr 1.1"11L Stat., of! North lltrolion „Bombs,
inter..st . payablo serni-itnno4. ll .Y —.... 0,000 00
ID six p., ..4 . 11t. '- .l.•rsey City Rater 14.u.15, interment
puiectlin 21,111i-tillo unity'
G ton "pvr.ent. L'lty of 111lwanklo /10114111, 11/ ter
es.t payable .
Lola. 71iC0111e11. , 1 1 / 1 , is 14-rest igkrahlp
,mi-anrtnntly. • x,ino oo
U, bt+due the t:tanpally, acctirod 6,21 X) 00
amply and I,,iyablo at
11 , 0 aka,. lIR rt fr,r.l and N. w Hurrn I(allroad
U. all pan) ..
Li , I I.trt Lad atol Prol Amt.,. It it rwr
. itrofor DI,/ and guamatatai...•
•• nth] NVorveator Railroad_
" C'ono,..ticot Ith 11.11111 . aaf
fp , •• 'btteri tra t v,-r Compatly
(Ito hiatldrd liauk. 3 outtalausnus pail iFF-•
; •• Raglo Batik, l'rdritlotaa, 1.
:100 •• I 'toga{ x Flank, Karl n,rd, ( un
•• F. toltati4o
•• 113.101, unit y..Ralunt' Raul, /lart,
1:000. • ••• ----- 2.5.C40 u 0
•• (1,01, - 6,11 Tt 1,.•r !fart 1-11..07 . 1;0 00
.• 1 1 urti,nl 11406,
11 , •• •Late Rank, " AO,ll/4 00
7.; ••• • 1i.,r1 ror , l C.lit l• " 7 ,S7f, iq
lln •• ray Rank. " (n
•• I. 11101, Bank. NOM V... k.._.....114•3)0.1111
Hank, •• . . ... 14,160 1.10
1 r,l •• 11001:. '• 4.0.10
It. •• Bunk. 1 o.n(x) IMI
.41%1 Bank. " ••• • ••• • 1 4 9 54 0
'O . ' • "Icsnk •.f • anall m0r0,... k 10.504.1
•• 11.01. 01 1:3.tr3) , ,r)
li.uk ul Et. I;,p‘,t,i,c„ - 1/1,760 nU
1. 1 Bonk o , f the I'-1000. h,WO UV
04 I ..rL L. 11.. I nalarAn.... Trnbt
IC 1•01711 " V 1 11; ! 'rrs0“ ..1 1 ; . 1ri.l . gc* ; It.3Y' IMI
•.“..••• •. I )I.lj ttl .4, it ilk/ I/1 0D444 in.,11.
.141j1Intap.tita ina , le b.
)1,11. - TOl , l:selin. A gnio
, IV ICta .1 wut Yin alrveta. Pittaburgl
IF For Itathvi ort..,atra at (ho ...ailing-I-13m
Ili- 510t,1,13,
I . ufaut
1,n1,1 ill, Ibll ‘Veek.ly esiltioan lurt wrath
; 111. 1 . , f..r I tle prom tin.
Piet lei, it tor 1;73.”1-1 .1 / 111-3.; in teelitic are al rawly , teileratly
ell s , ~11:L111;, . 4. Wait Lin/ lutracierr. of a paper tlmt Is. griovii
51/ a,h turuig the, wtona. wall miirelotiss of VIII RTY -1 4 it'll
Then ol9is t alwnia ha- Levu. as it 11014.111V1`41 n WWII, pap, fat tautly frllM`h 611411
nil ../111 ,•. but al.se 1115trui t and improve, ttseas nine
1111 ,, teen; IL 7 .4 ,/ actiotui.li•ti this ‘.11.3..., ilia treat artsies ere
51.5 tell 4;1 .uudrne..l from tormicii and datnestic ttcrimlicals,
...I,tneal urn. kna .4 an lawn active charaeter procured,
a, hen 15e5tlile.
tatl•tr slt • El 1.1.; the ruost WWI - sating I , artions
•.1 11. , e‘i the Al .;/ It ; 5k411410115 WM, Aiiri.e
tm.• I tears. ar, and Ittiitinal /lattetev alum
A it. I.• A., onti Pruitt.-r r , tis le Market., and
Boni, Isete 1..ir1. ;;ICl.Lkitli atinala the aatiettipfortuistum
t • t 5. I, found to the Past-.
!mot reohrus a ,aidsce•remgi , ---le - tiai [acuities
I. lintin,ream sod tire.. tititeilmaglitatiec
nib! p..••tu ImAilter2,l4]. must tests Weir apprei.re
sic 1,551, clacethey become mat be ac.k1,N0,11.,,, n.
;;11` 1,11.4.11.... t 15,-,./ues !Atrial, and um-MI, ai- alai it noi whir
p• TAIL 1. 1 aini ceiten , mi vice - ~1 built. nature and
It. • th n
I,,ft4y tero felts - 111 , 1401.5MA1
••ttr tor ta , ts,rtiou of We Pisit te/
P It "I I. I' , UTttk zmai
Ae. 0., antrit.ouuntau tlw anst,Cit.,iitirtM-Ithove 1,
.r the 111.../.1 64111 N. I ,t:
t,.41 and i•...tr) uy..t Lim I.
(1.-11 n! , . ,•trntrY nn I 0 le - II Itrrtaln ri`e :Ira
411141 mg aors itory t.a Mrs ALTTH. , uIII.
Th, In-.. r •n 0 :I• .• •NI 111.1111. kr . Bret peq-Jr
VI of .mp.t..t •
Urni 4 / 2 ,1 Ut Nv Iu V0.t.L1,111, w,il, ••LIX ,
16 11 , 1, •n•Att. though 201101-1 ,hors. tor. too :Lbw 6,,
N , Yricrz (IF TIII:
Tl,.•t. tom ~I lIIn I'm, largo iopatty 1111, a 1 od hl/r. an.
Ititntatt tm; I taali. IL" ntamybkommt t
13.11.—' It, oymt.tty. atolny and tact It employ
111.. ....! 44,art-1 Ito loom or .trt.....nya .k
Ittm.ly tot , ..,I 111,1:.1) am/ Crawl - al iy.t.,lll.4mua.
r. 11.0,11.1 It. - Oryttoo I 'h+rf
.nu M.,- ty :41 uvot it. Um/ tlti.ston tut
1.. n. -.1 III. „ S‘ far .1„11)1111A,m I,y
. .
pulal,ll,t, awe
14 toe... o.el Item pop. i i. ...Med rii ii Tory marked akin>
It I. .oyul.o ly f (roof Alf y 1.1.141tti
t • tt b• Wthr t. maall oulde. tht aleray• moderato n t, •I m tlo,Lt r 11,11.111 ...is. Moto the mat. %V, Me
It me I the alowt Itele tally . attraemoo oettooy at MI! t;
ff,,rt4ty I f.rti. - r, it/
It i. tL, l o , ot literary aret jaded) tylper m aye Lime..
1 . 1,..1r11r,. J 1.40
.. latremfot , tern, of merits of
fhe P.ol. att on , of if,. Itest toq 'ts tm nu tlehatme Int% .41
e tewar•l a tat .1 the le--u literary luntent wbx Mand
vu fleet If. , edit:a tun 1,1 IA Intro e t a. a nlfity. and Lobo
It tetrnl. a1.1,t , 1. at and eounmelauss Yu nett of aum tuut
tlo - tad .ttiie . tlutte, Wee,MZ.settie., fn.
I t odl) of Om toot popular publte. Journals to
11,, I . it 11,. , 1 :States, t.otalataug,uat n Itterary phut ost-si , 0.11 Ito leyt aunt:tin:es, stab a 'tout
Am mitt of t atta.ral latelluanutt.—Reputtimayn. Lt:civida, ft.
'11:F01, (Cm.h ot 6,u,g10 copy, $2 a year.
•••• • I I tut • tt•• t.• ••( I, Iult)
•• • ttd, ono 1.• o wtt. , :r-ol• of eitst.,.
• klld "Dr• t.• p•tt, tti• ••I klub,
Ad• 11••... abd.,l3, 1.44.
N,. I'l4o mullet. Iltilwitipht.
gr:ltis to' Roy onc, mhrn
I tt..F.1 . 11 %%11111... r) vie
CI items In 111, elgw•-wit , prt•cols , .. now httoly
t•tilars;•••/ • ~” t t;tr,nslitut. •
Itt oink, la. nr Mau ltun, 1,4w4,11 •
1 , 1 utpl w ro•poctfitilyinvitem aba pu RIC
.t... k {lt It I Ari KS, ttUtiti t e. Ani he
uhti t, ut,r ~• patn , iej,rs. that tme. prtre
r, t t•
years , est...mow , ... the besttwes ereibles tent te
i.s hetete .I.llll‘ rtndao nrillei lein nt t`es.
t to lib h, na. Lastly rears, past it tout bees, hit prtttieuhr
lep.stletent N belect. from (Ito annul and wrest- tajp,,ted
ilLabufaal.nrerm. .1 . 110 ad 111, new atetn
..411pleb•--the i.e....my of law errstisi,,staettel wilt supply the
Isar nest eiest heileetethi. tentelleettiree at tteKterate prsees
I liett.sleii.,.l by tlesee poesy expertise,
• It , ' .1,1.'1K Iset•esrhf the pn.s.
t..,9111t I. large reltte.i J Vi It IT E will sell.
„, .„,„. at teu. - I. less ()bin tiro usual pies..
Ate Carrte.gps reletwesi as that boot teduilier, with ilt,spatCh
. . . . _
t) a.ILA MATDIN —lt, 1 irtnu at' p6,eid udder thu
hand', Wm It. McClure, l'iravlent of 1110 coon of
n .I'leas, in and tim the Yllth .tudiwal Dirtrict at
Pon n.ylvania, and Jnctico of the fine[ of Oyer and Tenn,
net. and ti o. J at at ry, iu and La' mid District. and
llogo uud Liabricl Adamrt. laq N.. Aisoefato Judges
of Iho omit. Cr.ortn, in and far the C..enty of Alloglomy, da
ted Ow :.th day of November. in the year of our Lord one
and lift.tfive, and to mo tiirected.
I, holding rt Curt 01 . 01" /I.lTolninef, and lionondJell
uo,v,y. tho ()mut doom in mlle City bf Pittsburtir, Sri
the foul th Monday of December neat. allO o'clock, A. Nl.
. . .
Pulike notice is hereby giro" to all Justices of the P. 130,
Coroner mid ComMtblen al the county af Allegheny, tint;
they ho thou 1111 d ,hero, it their proper peruitilyowith their
ri1 . ,,,,,rec0ri13, iii•lubdtloio., LLIMIIIIMLIOII.6 and other h , lllllll-
b lite., to tiO OW.) tllllllO tvloch lu thefr respective oftiom,
in thmi (ehalf - , appears to he Mae- told also thou, that will
proaemits the prisolierx that now or may he in the Jell ol
said iminity of Allegheny, to 1).• then nod there to pniseente
sigainet them a. !dial' lw just.
(Oen tindet in hand. to Pittsburgh, this fifth day of No
vm lie
pl , to itie )..,r ~I our Lord one thousand night hundred
nod filly-live, Luol of Om Coninmowealth the ;Stli.
4 7- ItlTl',';fl CLASSES-1/1.;14 - S et iI,LtYIE„—N,, total.
ligh,,,,•nt It, the Wein hmi the Wane. faiiii4es for teach
ing all the hrancliminf this lift, )Ir.. Vf ILI.IA,NIB' skill am a
!Maimax and an Ornamental Pomona is tinriirallal. &Jennie
limn owl Lady teachers ineartieted in all tine ornamental
hramilerr of the art. A cla.an ot 1,,,..,iy p,,,,,,h r0N ..„,{ young
Indies, who are engaged to other Outlive during the sreek,
tileet every Stiturthly afternoon (sum 3 till f, 0'c1,..k.
For time apply to the Principal. tierB
1111! ROOKS & .00()PPIR have 'just iipeneil`a
nit aes,rtment Lownlla.rn and 810 . 0v.re, white
tiophord Coliarw, Nark Ihtek Crape Cullum, do. in tote;
And • will .-“ntiun.• to receive during thin week their - thixti
avid! or go It nt the M.nit ning und Utmost Furnishing
Store, No. 75 Market street. Entv'.lB
• _ _
No. 33 l a r g , amor t men ,
WOREE'D OOCMS, hie TILETSDAY, rember 8, ,18:Z.
No. 31 a. Clair etroot. novB '
B l o m.r 4 :ll s F oui - Tp - r iiN ( e n::
~ , t 1 rc 0 , , , , 4 L t tottle he , p 1 ,Z.45 Te e l
have constantly .o.il htM e i a laZaaupply I .1 S I ALAT ' ARILLA,
!d1 N ERA L WATER, ALE aßil Plktqf '.“1111, rpf [lnv beist.gvalUev
ho attention of 11unIllee is rularly directed tot he
frt. that they bottle WAINRICI 1.4 ALE in ice purest state
isictaus ca1...1)4410;4 it to faulilies on ancountonta tviink,
sown and atrangthening qualities. oct31.1;11
_L• 000 boxes Raisins;
1:110 " e. in halves.; •
j 100 " in quartent;
, - ;:o0 drones Figs; just received and for sale be
No 39 Wald etttet.
4 .- • "
NI . „Ar., ' •'i ,
* • f' • 4 6l '
4 ,
_ .
• -
4. . *
.7 '
I year. 3 yeul. 6 Te,<Tl
loseph R'hllc'■ eitrringo Hopostt ory
STONE-1000 lbs fox_inile by
QALERATtrS-2 casks and 5 boxes in store
1 .„) and for We by Irkov9o) SPRINGER ELARRAUGIL
t_ ,
, • 4i 1..
1. .1 7"
ri ORM CLOTIIING.-4lentivinen floroo
jj lug will find a largo as ortinesit at OLlVlffit'S, 4
Jt Clairatreot, Illfankids, 75 rents fulitiwtardo. RailruaJ
Wrappertiiknd Slnighlug Hob., Sc. :
MISES' FELT BATS, at No. 91 WoodTii
decl J. WILSON & SON
MACRE , im_._loooo
" -
ATES! SK ATtS ! SK A ES !--STOpairs
1,) of ageorted Likattel, frtnn 20 evnir t '2.50 per rear: ROM. ,
af them very Seffirahle itattertm. Per rule 01
nov3o • BOWN & TETLEY'S, 131; Nr,evl
b n
asstirtettlarie and 'midi:, frana 20 th 50 cents tau
pair. Fur rata at Inev3o . l BQWN ar TETLEY'S.
A WMME of those unr ed 11 s,
wieth them iS SO much talk about: fbr'tho top'
01 $10; nll warranted. ler sale at
creel v,al, a full aasortment. Also, MnMers. Scarfs awl
dental' Neck Shewls, by L. H IitSTIPTHLD Nfz'S+rs..
GAUNTLETS, of etery description , of Fur.
Also, Auck lined with fur, anti fur tops, at Alto
ing Store Of tuoral L. 1111311..M.Ln1 . : !At
GLOVES—On hand, a full assortment, of
evelj. deeCription, I,y L. IfIRSIIYI ELI) A: ;-4,N,
11,140 TO Wood irtruo..
11 1 STLACK'? fur fastening. -
_Piiroihtards to Walls. patented Jun, 5. 1555.
No good banding ahould ho finished without using. tfFe,
Famt-orlings. M.OSrMP. EATON, Agout fur Pateraft,.
80 Potirth'strnet, Pittsfalrgh.
Refer to the following Archftc‘cte in. tine .c.ity ,I, %V., Kerr.
Charles Bartberger, Bsri., and Messrs. Barr k Moser.
IMya., .
iijoFF' S SrEAMRuST B Nil
sw-h the reputation of Clerks who have
thi., popular systom of River a,ounta. that many of tlo•rn are
am in thu reo•lin of sl2oo' and Slfol a Year: It ernhtv - ek ,
the whole cuutine of aver bunko., : p.-al.Uppingjreigh.t and
pagge.up>rEf! acrotintA nith .Feamboat agent, haying and
ealhug estuptnontm tm the venel . rl 'icor:Mut, nand .n.t -.ward
wall others in companp . : purchage and transfer nor,'
,horns In the realsC4! settlernonts hefore and after
sails of tits vessel; and litany other pra. - tical tranitactiutu, not
Kb.o in uny other system. For term.,, appi3 at the Collego,
C4rllOr of Third and _Market stmets.
9 , 425 Oa
10,0.8 u 0
14 uoU yv
1 .I.n 00
3,000 00
I,me. U 0
1" r.r ful
ILJ thooy nosy be, for the wiry tso lout It A %OILS IN
lAtil.Klt can't lout pUsase any (000. Gn .un n teal, and a,
rourinced, at Ittoit N k TETLEY 'h.
RIF - LES, RIFLES, RIFLES.---We 11:t.ve 41
few more of that. toplonslool Rolle.o at the I,nv 1.1,•os os
$lO. Every one warranted, or no nal, at
sles•N" BOWN A
fi, ll: , D . fat n
genllemnn and Lie lady—+me .r tau , ct;
roritursal; L gauss! Cad. for. pi - Irate 6rmiliea. wagersZt 'tor
tiorlA to go oo Sewickley and New ItripLton; 10
oilrla for hotels In the city ; uorod Iltarkgroostto.
rutuatsous wanted by a boy, 1.1 yo:tr.tof age, of
,grsool. Intl
ut-ee babibol, awl can pro gs KNI roofer:ours , : or siting noun as
ohsrit ; a porter; a bar-hoc:per ; ahoy too go to the ,coutotry:
arrtage .Irirer, a Hardener.
atrrcL .popcv.:7
Ledgerr, . Journals, Cush lkink.9,
Day flooks, Invoice Ek)olo; Itespr4s,
A largtrrarlotl bf the
made to order, in any style rely:trod. W. R. itAVHIY,
.loclo Blank Book Slaunfacturrs.
EAMES FOR Ixs4—A grmtt Tari,..t-c of
C.un Ling Hour, and Porket Utortee fi,rlWMt, R , r tin
W . S. ILAN' EN. Bookseller and 6tatiorier,
61..10 Market street. c,rner of Secinol.
-•— .
TUB PUEI'RY OF GERMANY, e.onpiktinf:,-
of deiertimn front upward.. of w., nay of too watt rut
r^t.,-,1 M.1.--tl - 1111 , 1.tted Into vert.e. with the ,•rigi ,
11.1 i best on Che oiposito pliVi; by A 14,1 pa•Nlier% ill, )at
rale by 11. T. C. SIORGAS, 104 Wool of.
.jTS 'Nfartet strnet.—We give our entiru to. this
kind-of stork, to the excimion of Forirranoda, In
quonoo of which our assortment in both bruneloss
Wa hare put vverfeo.l our fiLIXIIND eIIPPLY tit
400DS, and can guarantor per... wanting 14.413
line, to it., ;de...A both it, quality and pro.. tShc and
&17Y -. Ph•asc note tine hn itloit, No Market street.
to= RHO , qi.t.7 d COAPER.
Vffit SALE LOW, at ,I,ts.roirl'ANs
to. 115 Wilier Oteri4.. I , et ("en WOAti 11.11 , 1 Slllllllll , l‘l.
a number of RAILROAD CARTS, with Ihrria. ,
suitable tar Railroad Coutractora. Abu. the RUstnittg
lot a ono-horse wagpo- LIV , 3U
f-4ig i Wit Eiri I A T ;C; . 14,: l'iu4s 44.
WlOt)N k ACM, IV, RI Wo6ti stroet., r%aa , aq ffullt ill-
IttEnri OW pubtao Shad eiv,lta..yan lq.rga Ir.,rtryr9l
Istwt “( 1110.4' a •1 Cape, ' , Alia, Noy „ dl sell at I•,w
SEW .... 1 -0
prices Lo rash
N B -Just received, a new style of ladies' lii.litny HAD
and lisps. uovlu' J SYll_ , St . , A SON
KEEP your head eraki, and free frvenklirt and
datlntit, aryl the non.lp liss• from disease. .1 t.„ w nit
t.. plesseree your hair 110S1 , -MAttl' tat. to the .6... t lacy
yea can find I, 44 , -, inPiint, till , e 1.A.i.,t `c II Li likewise wi,
rseellent article for softening and tssititaty toy the hair
lb tce 2:l' emits ter ls,ltle .told iy S. I. i'lllill1.1:1',
det'l'.',l %bake( al r• et
NEW 13(..)0N S. —CAsTE, LI Sittra' of Rol, 111,
14.eui I...pudgy , by s A. Stott.
Eaten Omni, or the Last NT if.•
lien, tetra Ito/swoon , toy It tVtlisat
tieoflrry Nieto too: ht Mrs. 140.11. ,
kleetterheint , hy De 140111erty.
'ditto 13c4 , it ropers. I.) Alt.. li. \e..l
Illdelten Path. l- Slari-it Ilarland
Al-or.: do tl. ,
Sind Papers: by H. it- Pans , her
. r,,,i.. a ,N, , m, mi..- two...wili sopplt
lAlNlitili PA I'Llis, A.
a-l.n. Illtinrste.l Nov,- •.:11 ceto-.
s ineNitch .
- Putth;
•• Atheneum, sod other ran:hall pap, a .111/1,11011
A.l -+O- 11111st110,1 I.lllt Ii and Orrin:in papers tut D. 141,1
froth ten to [Wont) . percent lower (loth au; ifor,• in I Ile I ill.
1.,,. t „ r tni a1p i ...,, Picaynrt, Christirras !bed - trial Itrothic
Jonathan. on halal and for china;
LAI:Fri.:ICS Itook stdr• .
i ' ,Ala 's N,...n Filth sit err .
I/Tit:E.—l hat,. this day s..itl out my M-
I tt"toat to the Brut el lb tr.rilllTlilli, 5.111T.1 i A i:o.. to
i thy late partner. J Al't 'lf Ili I,llcl - ft:lt
Pittsburgh, Noe ..t.t, IsSs-Itios3o, U. IIuSITTIT4-
LA N'D IV . Aillt ANTS.— Tlw highest ./mtrket
1 .1. loud for 40, tilt and 120 s. - re land \Var.
notts...l the late assue.
Awn-- ft, RD and 160 Arr., Trturttrlts, boated under the
law Id Pyigt
6. e2I Stn- rot ner of lievendi 0.11,1 ISILIi I ttllo Id Ka.
. _ __ _
_ i nit S.kl, l i';, VEIiY l'llkAl—A B111,1)-
INO LtrT IN; Al.i.l4,lllliNV ('ITV, 111 I.•t be ton A
*lasi I.olgll/11 non In had by applying soot at t boogie...lt the
jyl:4:tt Mt)IININii .11/ST.
L'''' „... SALE,--.1 good lir rt
tuntNn Ism',
34 feet Plait .th °arum slt•of 1., 11 , 4) foot in (I,l , ot • ltt
istruilughaut, will be add cheap. linguini of
Iji al the ote of rile Morning Post s
- I_4 -4 .1 - 31 - IVI.II NCVULLE.N LoNa Sa 11Y:.s
is ' _ w., ik„,,..,,,..t creosol a lot 111 Ore above yet , Ihrolo
LI, ihothle coolotol, hiKh col”, h. Long 1.11..n0 , In
A A M t'oiN I CI).
- - ..._ •
1111.1 7 5111E.S --I bate ju , t ali..thol lot ,4
firm Brushes Tt u uo wishing anything to thi.
'hue should call tutu Ort&nli my stork ptrultnArg
44 .Z 7 biaulond Had
YE YOU 'l' R]
1•711101trS KAT/L(711(1N'
111,0 t., try it, and you will noror Iw nitliout It
Re sure to ask ihr
\V ItI(iILTY. -PILA)111W .114A7ItlitRI4Nt •• • • •
Or %to may got a worthless senile,
F r sal° by all Druggists. runts lior bottle.
111oilusala Weetern Dotal., Dr. liliII31:11, IL
0.11, add .1011,1 etteld
FNCI'rENIEN'r—The people are rustling to
- tho ENTAIRIILISE, 74 Fourth a1r....t, the Pie 4 taw ilt ho
cents, and upanrds. ,d.. 5. •
10 at L. ILIRSII IQ ELI) A SON''', Na,,70 Wiraal atreet.. .
int lug just reuirned &ran New York, and received all new
ot l ot of goals that artituti by the lust uttoUntr, tve 01100 60
to owing for Inspection i
Gloves. Gauntlet., eravata. Scarf*
Opera and Oxford TWA, , . ,
Cambric and Silk Ilikudkerchinf.,
Ttt4rsilirts and lirawera.
Mufflers and Shawl.,
Traveling Sthrwl..
Shirts mad« tr, under; ~lost, every style on Laud. Together
with a full nas.a . tineut of iphata In our line. . .
New style. of goods received by each steamer from lin
ruts,. L. flfusHFrrLD ,t . sos, No. 7n '11 . i.,,1 .1.,
tioN , l3 between Fourth street and Diamond alley.
-y ,u„.l FITS --, 'lC ITS --, 'l dor. rang StraWherrle.;
5 ° Istlllol i'varbon;
3 "' P 1..;
lo •• tre.ll Pine Apple;
l.morted Preaur vett ;
10 Tomatoes, le (att.]. ;
Just received and for vale by
RYA XtEli & ANDERAON, l 9 .
nov2B Opposite at. Ulmules 11.1101.
ii,NREgu rirm-
. 1
'S--50 bags Filberts;
45 '• ,tingilakOValunts;
21. - Brasil Nuts;
5o Bells I vlca Almonds;
' 'lO bags Bordeaux
S " Sicily "
IWO Cocos Nuts t
10 boxes Shelled Almond, •
Just received and fur sale by
nor2B • • • RHYMER A: ANBF.RS.O:4'. , _
k 1 rirEit •norN ETS—NIRS. E. 1//.11 - TAN. N...
. 33 St. Clair street, ,rill upon a larlie assortnwut
ranch Bonnets, Caps, Mantles, and Needle worked
*sods, on Thursday, horettiber43; 1855. ' • ' noet
MAOKarnes for llta•ombeal prica 2f• rent*
A.ZINEg, &C.—
- - pub= " dd do A do
'‘• . 4 Knickerbocker do do 20 do - • .
i g }lrina Lealie's.Ontatto of Faatoon, 2V emits.
• g Fr.ar.4 Postitea JRPrnal, la do .
Petereotee Magazine, 12, do
ClodePlaalfs Book, 4 do
BaDou'e Magazine, 10 do
Weeduilueter Review- Miacktvond'rrlngazth• ie. " '
• Jost rocaived and tor hate at _ - • , • LAIIPPRICS
i in•B• 30 . fateeLP IkadetKoke..No. SO nal, 44.
' • S Illt
ALE—No. 1154Ad"?37 eestrek Elk'
. ' is loi"hay o .
f tof ttg ffietstDl B4 &op- , Tho homewarusuttinted with a
largo staisTrooni,.hoL4tning and kitcrten on Ark: Boor;
four rooms on IStk e second, aAaxhces Oa tjle thn - d. sc4ty, Ruh
houses &regrew and irt t (Sod order'.
00.80 S. CUTHBERT 9 SON, 53 Market et.
From do. New York Times-, Derentber 10.)
Trade to New York. • • '
The Foreign trade returns for the past seek, pb (,he,
port of I.:'ew York, show a falling off In the Import of
Foreign -Marchandltie of one-third, die compared with'
tho,peerious week,. mail the total,. including Abe. Dry.
Goods table in our last ,mtper,, is only $1,675,54,
against $2',1112,9110 the correspoinling Week in Decem
, ber, The total forthe cahandaryear 'tel the'
Pr , = ll 4 .$ O,Pgaiostsl7l,s33,goo to
'same date last year. The gxport of Domestic Pro
&lce And' ittiK , ellatrootn . aond4 - ' fiii 1116 othai-13'azia, is
larg44.ahowinga total of $2,008,02.002gain5ti51,758, ,
384 same week last. year, and,for the,nalmadar, year,
$35;106,000. against $61,383,000 to same time in
1854. There was no export of specie during the'
weelweither direct or pro Boston_ The aspert(saine
week last year, was $5,000 direct, and $,162,400 vicf .
Bosthrt: The 'total Specie' EspOrt 'frein Yoidc,
'direct, 1855, is $26,579,000, lagaitist '5X41, 1 000, - 000 to.'
date last year. From,s,jvvi Yo.ek .13nst,on togeth
er, $11,002,000, against J 45 , 1732,000 in 1854. There
weretto dell4Ories of Valifortildiold during tile' Week:
The. deliveries.indbe co responding week „last- year,
were $1,384,005. To the present,tyne the epmpari,,
,on is, in 1555, $35,547,050, against $46,889,f67 to
same time in• 1•854. The sub-Treasnry • balance on
Saturday Afternoon was .$4,018,630, against $4,8(13,
.170 to close of the previous week., The specie re
serve vin 'the lagt W eeldy ' tank Atitemen t . was $11:-
227,L34.... trhe avertc g eeito bownade•up tirionfternlion
.will probahl,lshow an inc,rea.§e. The following, is a.,
comparative statement of the Fxports of Domestic
Prohnre and-difisi , eihuicotn - -(1o6,11 - for the week, - and'
the corresp.n•ling week of last year
1654. 1855.
Ilalaa. ft Qaieissy.
Cotton, hales, ,4„567. $101,150 . ,950 $40,157
'Flour, Ws. 18,034 ,155,601,.„ I , liol 442,261
.Cons meal, hills
aird tcs, 720 3,815 325
Wheat, busks, 15,295 :10,524 202,595 421,181
Corn, husks, 21,...,871 230,0,3 47,109 C t,sl-4 4
Pork, bbl; tcs 2:171 20,620 038 14,056
. .hoof, bids do tea 3,8 . 13 113,404 1,540 -35,384
F..r Kale by
Ii Bti ItY 11. COLLINS.
Jor the week s $1,1'8(1,384 $2,008,49
The t‘teliuniliip Ariel, nt this port from Entre and .
Sontlmtntdon.'l'l&t`t•entl;er 24, brings reit hours inter'
int OilirAil3CBirlilll Plll.lOll, and IV day Inter. from •
Satuntny 24th, stond.BB+e ,
rrrr each, 1113 , 1 S34A for the tith Deem:Aber settle
merrt. The Freneh in Paris, f113.111 - for the
new .three per coat-., f.ir the 01.. L Tho shoree
the alt 1..1,210 francs nq lilKl
The 1..tn.1..t, money report of Friday evening,
P j he Eng,li.lll .F.Unch3 opene,d with. fun:mass' Alia
morning at the final 9tiotatious of yesterday ./ find for . ,
a ,Ir6rt time exhibited a - tendenCy to further improve
ment, liut.ultimately a grackle) decline took place,
`the market elosicg with
,tt gerterol appearanoe
of rt e li aess . C o roor for money were first quoted at
kKt to Y. arhen(k. flier' aditteetr ttl SSp. SeVerill
Palen wore then effect...xi. *OA relawe:took plaeo-to
which was the last official tireq. gor the tit.h 9,(
Deeettir,er, they t'liieed iii . SST; to but after regular
beam, trmistioione were entered' fn to 'it f'dd
cline , ceitrrenee uf miles in/the absence of
any nu Ealu tazaniani tudia;22, taluftrin.tho reporta
ciliated luring the pant day or two of
. Fain and,im•
portant p,nti,,3l arrangements, was , the .principal
cane of the 'reaclimi, i , ,upled with a lees tavorable
appearance or the Continental Ex elMii gas. The mor
eantileadvi!.e. frotn PnviF I , trntintie to deseriWeent
general etewttn.eeF. At lirrerrbiar,t,' the'prastire for
111(•11r y appears slightly to , Ferve dirrrinished, but the'
rate is still tki.per gout- Petorebnrg letters ,
are 1., the Ir;tki, and quotadhe exchange 3541. The
weather was still. epeu,.althoush rather.adder, with
Blight frost. Since thn,,departare of the advanced.
portion the allied f leets, a number pfenuill,ye,sala.
had been in eommunlcittion with ate cutest of Fin
land. and (he tiee't desilted . to convey munitions of
ear, kr. , I Streabef'g, Was Atidetito:Od tnlie'iyatiting
'tits opportunity "-;
Althong.h the copper mining interest in this
country iq, es net, in its infancy, it has . alreadY
proihmeil results: that give promise of its soon
etairding attiring the foremost of our industrial
pursuits, and of aFldifl another to the already
greatly diverrified resources of wealth and rft wer
re our people. precious to IS4O, 'we were, in
common n-ith the rest of the world, entirely de
pendent npon England for our 'supply of this
useful metal, We are this year producing about
:,000 ter: of to 1-17 of the amount re
quired to inget the demand of the - Whole . world.
Tlio copper mines ~f Cornwall, Erthind, hart:
been writ for centuries, wliUti those of our
Lake Superior — region have only teen opene'd
few years: and not , uocc.slully and' 'a,ysterenti
rally operated within the lest five years. The
opening of tire S•anit vt. Mari(' 'Canal—by ,
11,f ling the navigation of 11,41:e Superior wi'th
that of the - chain of tower tikes—lies given an
initittmi to the 'business that will anon mats: it
do, great curt of 'supply or copper to our 07 . 11
and foreign countrie4, on secouht gfeat
purity tint the inexhaustible beds Of its ore.
Eighteen new i-itarapingmill= ht ve boon erected
this year, and nt trust fifty more will he put in
"„,i nn in ti-irrie. f'apitnl and enterptiSe haTe
boon attracted tligto this Syrian that will he'
atiumianti - y - rewarded: The value,uf (ho copper
prod-nerd and sent to mlirket aria Yedr,dieStinitr,
terl at $• - .2.,0ffi1, - EtOfi: 'and is expected to foot up, at
itt,lol - iiiriti the emnihg season—a large
amonrrt of money that has heretofore been sent
atol'ad; het now retained at home, to the benefit
of (.111. uwu lilet•hz11110, and Workmen,
_ ~ .~
N UMI!),EI-t 65,
Total Ptc,4l nee
~..,~~--s - : : . P
r:Freym tire 1 n reator:l
American toppNr
The Commerce Between the UatteAStatts
and 'Liverpool
There ic,uo t." wn :in the world so in
tuatety) coinec.teA, by.conttuerce, with,the United,
Striae,, and
. witecift prosperity ie ao dependan.t.
open Lid.. country, e,s fleet tf,Liverpool_ The
!reveal anqlkint of. Nieerican products exported
te teo.y he roughly estimated nt
iit lialea iif cotton,.and. fifty thou.-
„r tho greater portion of
hicii is from I.ou4:iana, together with tobacco,
cunt, tluur,pi.i iirovititeits,. the amount of which ,
we hate no tueitaii of determining, although wo
may .\'btitip vine idea of theiturae.nse trade car-
rte L on lietwoclA, the two countries from. the fact
that twelve hundred vessels, whose ,aggregato.
hurdle/ 3 !nay he Set dews at five millions of tuna.
:uottiallf .enter cute port of Liverpool from vari
ous parts of the ("Mimi States.
The .149 1 . 4 / 4 94 of Liverpool is abort three
hundred thotisand. lts.-inagnifieent. docks, the.
P0r4 11 .11, in flol world.. stretch..fon Three,
miles along the Thore of thellersey.ntol have-an
extent of , tun)" sotto ten or twelve miles.in length.
,owes its pre-eminence, an. -nenPOrtt
partly to its . favprable geographical ppait,ien, but,
mote especially to, its being situated, in Lan
cashire, by fpr . tile 10051 important manufacta- ,
ring county . in BegJaml, the. staple manufacture
being cotton goods ; hut it, also.cauries on. an ea
ten.ive trade in silk, woollen and linen fabrics ;
in pottery ware, machinery', atnlin.roanuEs.etnres
of irou aria brass. „These form nth immaterial.
part of Englamlis guarsnteee fur theipreservation.
of l'eaxe, in this eoputry.—,halt. Patriot.
Tn El SUGAR &MOM. AV Wei IN &Mit n.—Tile'
London ()tat,- co. Mates that the risein the price
of sugar, fully .forty per-tient:o withitr the last
few weeks, ties been caused by•extensiste opera- ,
Hon..; entered into by three or•four tiplieultdora • iir
that city... Thciso.individuals, one of Whom is a
large ship.OWller, arrangedto.ga into the nintivet
and purchase 4th ".ano slap,' aH the'phra-§e goes,
the.sugar in hoed, with as much as they Could
obtaiiiof theisdine afloat, ter on lty'war ter the
eouillry. A r lie Oborsno , achlg v • ••• - • •
It is stated that e:tell-•of'qlm -operators in
questi ou ele UWlr £1{..10,4)00 by•tirio morning's
work, awl .that several of the small fry of Speen , '
lotors.. who always-follow in the wake •of the
larger. as :the &Wash follows -the .shatk; trove
Yehti zed. considorablo sumo by .foreing he Market
fur sugar st.ilL higher. "
Lace-knitting vasinvente( in' 156.1. TSinee
then. very great' iniprovenienta have been made',
in the manufacture of an articleld important
eu l u merre; Mat; mail the beginning of the i)rvi:'
eat c en t ury,` it Vas' wreng,ht entlreTy
implemen ts—ui itie.n4lete 'B6 fif 10 . OCACt . :
lion 01 i saving •raboi.' i ; clitncern'6l,' 'bac Wciii
productd_fabriVs fat; superior' to ilie"prosS - eilkniii 2 .
:chine-malie 1163 - - Tire eontlititic'e tif
genera! usie,fai ttripiiristAe entiistok
and a s6ces . snrdlt yrlintrera tlifeMs
41 , ere witiAM: — the 'iztatt49l "to y Wfonoihrisras
'purled with pine nn'Alie"duhren; - 13A these
threads, tdgitilh"nith a heavier one called gymp,
were twined intricately about them.
• • ,
Lt. .4;4
trf • d!lfineft, taki t "
One square, ono itiaetibial '' •t ' ' ' "i'i $
Do.each aildMitinal insertion,
Do. two week!, 8 00
Do. tfit'ea'fraire. i .'..':.: '" `I ••• 4 ' •• t 400
Dol -env atone "" ' '' " 960
Do. .....
Our niotiqr,.iiieirry.•••re•r••••metri•--,ri 0 00, t
Do. four months
Do. ' ' 'MY months • "'lt 1 06 —
Do. one year 18 QQ
.•,, e.l, 1.,
Stantiffig ilkltriiie . or`lo , sh liar' annum. ; fo
one gorfor6,*x atinarri; (adilied4 of oi.s j564,•6V,) "115 '
Marriage undoes, Mt eentetiDeatte•tiet.Wedii2sieentit.'
In order to load the charboat/ Oh the,r;e,4lV,::
Canal,..short but steep, incliriel:44ano,-01%
about , one hundred and fifty.dostirt-lehgthi
made "ht the chute - Which
'house '')1.111, tno ad, l ßEP,Pirrt
°illation revolting sereen. TR . 41.910Nn a,,car
attaelia p 409e...sduak dnawa,np ananupty.car#
is suddenly. unbolted and , the-coal is
great verocily 10140 4 ;:,' 'tiffs docirvisyeig",.::
, rectic into the screen, Ouch hue,
• Alitee la i No
coal: of
is shot. by seuPperT:, WRY, d 3 Pat§...„
waiting for different descriptions of tiie article.
fe•iii , months since, a Yankee, %lite inqui47
tiv6,'hut Were *ertlaiit Wonid
,gained the station•honse , ,'.and gaiect4vittiltdlideir '"
at the contrivances. He particularly admired
the wiftnt§trvti th theiblitted 6 - ae teecen-
DEC'ENIBP:fi, 14
ed•nnd emptied its coati;• u nti thb"velekitl , with
Irhir.h.,iP:returned: to give place tn“another, , t
Shortly his attention a tt ran to,m i gmei t tig
laborer - mount one of the full cars,aboat to
make the-descent. ' "' ' "' ' "
G o i ng to: glidel , " , itiquired , he:-
r,O ; going, to chute,;, uon't, you gott'...
" W e n I , 11 19ss , KPst9R 1 141,00 951: 1 4.9A,.„
.1 h Ital.,
TIM dar l S l Vriflly de.t;tMtitirdr, atal; ere A reelte
thehoiTetrthe•paslcengor 3 umped , WilsafolY:'
yoa.thi that ['agar? t' inquiroddae‘ol i onm , .t
the hi.borers , In the sta . ciqn . hplyst., „, „
"Oh, yes continua:l6V was the waggish, aft;
swer," " yrailtmlw 'ratist"ttll nib rittatiikiti" aro
gle men and , ado they !have ordei+s fet , 141nrhit.j. 4 I
coal, ' we alwaya,entl. down a datunierrtaarboith
every cat' of, that hind, .to
S all, now, tf tikcli, " attoreallo eastern Wan.
The' more the Yank eh 'hi
.the m ore .113-did -beeorne>oonvineed , that it - would
be 4„gsApy. thing : to, go dowx, t h ebs t ee p,i,thot.
I. 7 4 n t i il' i c i o in u s rl4,ete app'roiiched the sn~te n- . a
"Thabbeats,sleddingido*whilk alorftrit?m- ,
" 4COU ow4laiu't let g f uer docen t
‘Mlilfrcic , `"Fct;' 3 ,lll'e'onlW '""
iine/P.P.P. at.: . 71,:a7
9.10 Dal
tfdh;. y.ts, . I' m.. seek - mod , ce.risidetable - • oft''
jerepor r —:ityypingAlops.me good. • Lonee q iumpett..f
off a linytnow, ,I , itrtx feet and it,n4,4:1,0_10)
'so ctiple Trn given in tote t'Eelliest citineer,
in the hull • "
"Well get um-azoi take care of , yourself. 'rt.."'-,1
Attkr Antrged toiti.,und.ounfrienth..)
found the speed so fearfnl, end
,„tlio,d„cydivAty so ; ci
'greet, 'That he rr'cid' to stoop - dovr! f1.11!.1 ,
grasp the side of •Ixis'veliiele'l'ar 'e"'
place 3thermtholaborer halldeeped off -Wes rellch
ed, but tho. XPLakqgiFfts notlittia,pnsiting to jump
- he had to hold on, and, runnit . iig.,
three times' as steep' as thaf - Which ho had comc, i a,
'sudden. click' sitat•• . the half, ahtt' witiert vibte'nr •
force, out went the contentsc Ytankee itrcludell; in. ^
• to the.hOPP.al% •,1,
Murder get out ! itopthecontarn.;",Ahook.,
ed enr hetd, himhelf "sliding dowel the
h 0 pper_to -the cylender. •"' Mkirllb'r "Sttiri
tonsure:. I'll be killed
e ll o fth °. " cOPP4T4.I' we Mater, tithich..liatinth— ,
svnipM.hy with those whoAursue ItnovleOge,9 7 ~t ,
-,tar difficulties, anll - thosti who saw were too dis
• tent , -end too'. ntuciverrnlithmd•with
yield Intmthe isoreen he slid lisridin
°° the . t°l4, and us, he )eft hitoeql:sevolying, N adi
the coal, he grat4.ped the
log tiethe boitiom,
around the wheel be went, and' ttur'her6' s
ides were ,tanchecLup by a - plentiful 'ehow-thl'oc the I
coal 4pst, Tid4pl . .,Ommigh , from. au..the.aliam.,
Ile managed to get one eye open, and EAR With
delight thatthe Mylitt - der wttt'anly icbtitit ilfiteA L
i -Tek an& he:forced • his- wtly &revert/ to"
'the opeuilV, tivith,4etiPeratiOtt, ,
'altogether successful; another p revolution/4' the ; ,,
w heert ad ye to' be berfie, and the next tune he
-maelied the bottom, he' was shot' cittt - of the Seitp , L .
per into the boat beneath. Po' the advents. of
laughter with which his advent, was ltailed,..on.r.,
•hero said not a word, but ,getting 0nt,144 . 01d, , ,
hankerchief,Yubbedithe diist'ouf of ' 'his eyes, and,
surveying 'hie torn apparel antilitiliged,'bUtttie, '''•
scratched and,cut l'mhs, ho: t. raised hisoveint "--•
to know as to !hat, qaaliy ,of. anthxvizitele.hasl
been delivered—when smashing his
,r . enymn i t,,of
a hatbyel' his eyes, sthmp'e . d itit; mutferatg,
" broken -and rereened;by thutider°.•''''
C V' %) . me Ural ago . R. pr0294#9 1 1. , Fat a. •
tasted; advocating'calling.cif a d'onyetitipn
of delegotes from' the
ern StAtfes,.ta.mnet at Itiohmotitl; fortherpmtion6 ..1,
of conferring together open matters ; bearing upnrt.,
the erinimereial interests of thos e ..iiaqi9na . gf t.l{e
- .
By an. article in the Itichninnd
Icarn that, at a-meeting ni) the citigens , iif-Riiit.h
mond, on NVednqalay ifts.p„tbet Art:Zattuary-1,..
next'trris selected as the day up,nn
Convention Intilirlie held, aiid the r6iAwing re
solution in referenee . theretaailopttidin
• Raolved, That& .eornmittee- of tliree bolt lifirkifekted,''''
w - ho, in conjunction with a..like s ammattittee ,, frottir
Board of Trade, 'shall constitute a Committee of .4-„ „
*Ration, whose duty it shall be to request the dov-
.ernors of the several Southern i, ild . AnuA i lyestern
States to attend tlh'efbiltroti peraonalc and that
they be requested tx,) appoints deluge:ties , fkotn-thelV
Beyond States: au4 the ,taid eetumißee.,arn i fypikir
requestdd to Invite the
appointment or a aeloptipp
by the Boards of. Trade • oursaricitia BUrttlititeititd`''
South-Western cities anti_tow,ns,lazul such,ruerchaaits!.
and other citizens as in thejud . nent or said Cotn
tnittee it weld& fudielottilq‘ant-ite—
• •
Caa4l 9 / P. a f 4.!
[groin tin , Albany 3nunsal, Dnc-I,LI
Last night stiiicold; - and The N41;1
tats ~~ltor3l
- was covered-with icye. ••••Wt. thi l vtsY4or gtlY
telegraph from. va.riona. prd.pt,.c•lllong-tho l liiter;""
which indicate that to-day will put an end to the
navigation, this year. Fortunately . 1;1 . 94,,
proportion of sucieeaett ii
getting , through,- and ;rntuirtif thels(6
are near enough to t heir .dostination, , to , be-abge,-
try the use of the ice -breaker; to reach it. West
of UtActl..t•he.natair has. been-draw Ave. -••••••,•-•
111). ECE V 4C.EI Vi 7 115.mite.,44 Ne m
JUL, ALiattdY 51 — aarkidiorriecembei, Oolatainang usual
nninl,ei.of pate,. This Ininates isonanenetisittieq9ll24oteutee." -; •
; Also, Frank Leslie's Quetta of ,Fashiott., and Apr, limn •
Mande.-fdo'neciiinbeirtiontalitittir tbe Ititan'tislilelis,"selill
Liinut dui collared Inahlop ; Onto.. , •• , ; • ;
-All tile' 11.1iiksInes feaVed be . cetuber, and for
sale at A. Gil RN-ELIO; 141 1
dral Fifth. et., op. ite .0 ni ..„
4&•Diatuaritt•altoycv m andB66e Yttith Wad'
k"j enntnn47 on nnnta a med. mark, •
meat or
coNtmESS (MIRES,. . t •
Makes to tinter to tit the none husititeeihiesa.i
AvorkniOn, [lto L'es't stock; and maarifacturest%his
OOPERA.T he 0 pen" -of , I.lcif-LEktin •
nambulm by V.,BeiliM, coinplate,
Inttlin• and • Erlghlh , dracts, and pi , .50444
Piano Fcoroptptrarxt„.....Prine, •; , I • • •
•Also, 111, following pieces from Alm
A., I view aim. tioanea vo t,
• Abt don't
gently Sli p eo o'er me stealing;
oh/ kom,for me thy power r• •
011! I cannot give expression ;
. Take nosy thia ring—vocal duet)
1:b. 1, 4 2 9 clogul , ll 4 :Sibta.dayll.gbilsk goittg..l ....
Also, arrangements for the Piano of the furcirito air of.
AI& Opera, by..Wrdlato r fibeer •"• • "
t . 13.1 e aboro for solo at the )I Lode :store of
der; JolllC IL 'MELLOR, 81 Wutsci
200 - bctirs ftbtt "Ass ; '
`1Q0d.'4 1 441., . - {—A I:I, ..• I
.. ji MALI &tetllCB9 E ni s lns just rc'c'd aqd fur vole by at
' deri di-AND.EIL.Malicat
CASES. PRUNES, in jars -s' . ' ':"' '
50 taus, do
, 25iiilrbb10:s •"' • ,
• 4 0 ,in?Lrece i toLanalfoilitalbitY g , -""
AOAn BOXES LEMONS juA received and for
gale by (rlec6] REYAER. & ANDERSON.
A LeottoL"to nl5l for 5a,14313jr, -
- -4 4• • • . 13, A, iFAIIItESFOOKA*Cet,"
'WA corner 14 . 94'1t5t,t
caske for sale
NJ' doc 6 'l3 rki&v.sToCk
;NVOOLLE4.2II4IVJS _..--------
—44- A, 41.itsio;-& - •
lioCo. hare just oper,ed, ova: /00,- Sow qpd Nactstm
• -stawitottitaurareirvi-vytoliiTarre, anprtiwnt,
:constitute an lumens. va ritlxar.al.o4.anited-t a.ar0x3.11.44.
, der"'
TA-oNb'bNi., -
doc 3 .
E s i h tS 0 . 1.1"; m1 1.5 N
o b b A). 17.13a — nk - ' tail;
A Yankee in,a Coas•Seareeeto
-By Jilt: MAhLEB4,7II
Da — MASS-100 lbs for sale by
dna , - • iat, A: RUIN titrUeit'
,t, - '
i. u:. tii.
...,03 .1