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Poet is °4l,.AP,kidV= t, ..b , „0 - 4, ~, t , ',.... ti. 4 1 4 , ,,rT ~,, ,1 „.,' •,, .5 t ,, ;"• ~i t 11,, t.v ~ ft, :WA" 4e , •• .'. L., ..%i . . 1 . : , t , -;', tie 'Jr 4 dipt,tle . esej;, la )1 3 # - __ 4 -. .TeN ..*+ t u e '.,,• 4: 4 :.• ~.."., .4 • . „„• -, 11 1 --2.. - • • 'V ' is eity . , whe BUSINESS ~-.;,. - .*„. .4 # T. 4 C ' '' • '' i - - rirgi ,;. .1 .i I, i ..,• .1 T - ' t t ,4: 1 4 1r, f V. 51..t., .••,- ' 4 1•,- , •.1 '. f e• .' ' ' ...' •/ • • • t• ' .l ' I t• ' .... l l . ' t - ' l t 't " N.' TORN LITTLE, Jr., zi .14, t. ~.. ' ...4 4 1 4, ,, - •-• 7,,. s. ~., t. , 4 1., ,, , 1 , ~..•••: ..1 ,••,,,,. , 1 ••,4. 4. ' t ... 1 7 4:,,rattot.,:rdt, t : ) .,ipu , atr 7m i Ais t, l3: : : , : sLEs ;:'N'' i11''''",2"P . : 1.4, e'',1; 4 4. 4 l ' ati' . . 14 4'l' • 4. , ' v .,. , • 4 •‘ f j. . 4 ,..,. !' '').":,•'4,.. ~..e., jI 1 , • "J: , . 1: . ' 4 1 Hu, ''.."a . ' 6 4 4 ' , t:: l ' ;4s . i i 4...5" .r •t ..: ~- • , P. 5 r.," , r.,!.. 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'' cjiitix mooltirEAD, wholes •; c.o: „.• i , o;4' P f ~, t,. ,-1 4', i , ,Nl. 4 F t.„- (l a 't,... , q. . , ' i n 11erannt, fur the rat' ..4.- 01 •A`1, 1 • 1: C ' l / 4 , t V il t, ( '• , ‘ • • A le i ate j t';:rVe ' j i.kt::-I . eT''l'% ".' 1 1 V"tr a 'l . :, r- t a ; n t , n itb , N i i,.T.,l-., , ,c,. ~.. .., fe,k , .. ilke'„,4 4. '“ l ,"'• •• ;1 7 1 . .7 4 ;." - '7. 4 Sir e d . ," t Y. '' '4 " Jlltabt V,,-, 11 .,,,.. .• . s., CI E•4. ....4, ,, 0r.i4P. c ,3 1 'ivc• ••• ‘'. ,, ••,..,4 4 r.* 4 ~.* .--,,atuu-nux.v4 •••••:.:::.-.4. o.4o rzll t t;l. L' l'..C .:Zl; l 4‘ 't, :::Uitiaß4WE44,l' A t i 1 th4k, q., ,,,, 0 0, M t 41'''t i Sl. 4 ,'< 4 , e's .%• 7 • ( 1,.. i. 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' • , • •R,''!, ` .t.y.::- * Lii " S -4 '., -, ~tP , t" • - ''''' '' '• r - - ' :;.,,..'?:''..e.,:ii'..':::::70',71';,--':':-(1,-;'.7..t,-.7-:.• 7 4 •z . . _ " 4 tif; 1- 4 ' •• rt..) • di; , : . :41 e . 4 :n'7 • EMI . 1 4- j'rnani and InkaWi tkelAnn t attg , (Standar =Vat) UV - oILLMORE mcpwriggo, ." - ke Oa • *air' wmarr Tamar or wow lid'vtitn ' M.giye,DotWixoppz imnbinortqAty„inenvsnce. requirreil if not paid within the year. ea-Single copse tiro Cram—to t• tit& a antennae , in the Office,llo ITV* NeidD f'• .•°'' WritUrAkkiktkikrißlifiklifilib /.4(444` Published front'thietithiii btflcd, bn a larbra blankot 4z°' shoot tip a year, in adcaniep. Stogie copies, • Pm. Cimra. Zir No paper willlat diaccatinued, (unless at the discit, , . .Ggandcha, unx.rPr PP Ail JliiPlfi.,,,awi.l„gard to any order unless accoiri . ponied by the y,'Ar frietart to fene in this city, SiribbitriWilidrith Vie mitablishinent of 'the Morning Post la con fko W-gOt JOB ylf.; OFFICES in the city, who ay - , k.WM levnbrie donb•Citr the, ebortest notice, ~/M*7oo. .:.t t, 'J _ ‘. . . .... ........ Zigrt.43:...,44,-.OL.O.WELIs,' . Attorney at i La*, oftice Fourth striit•t, Pittsburgh, botween.§i4thlinittaud it ' liallek.t, /. t.,01 , ..,..., • • •• 'i' - 1 .d.1y ... 4 1i. :; ..BARTW . Attorney J.trqr ".•,t .- ..t.'W.tve - e:ioe:C4inqr tit kini lualii-api;etrimu,.,Oitt.- i; . nitk 7 . V'i It. ; , • ; • . . 1.3: 1 Y i g,„ - • rliZAl4l4tvoßoBB;"Attorney "DA 'haw, No. RFD r •-- kg`lPotrrtlirittret, Pittsburgh, fourth &lot MOW Mt..11.04y '''Puttestou'irLfeery Stable. ' 50"M' '....1a.A.TR1,P.K. 1 1 / 4 1. 1 kENNA, Alderman of .Third J_ Ward, office corner of Grant and-Fifth streets, (formariy ticeupiod by Alderman Lewis.) where all business pertaining tO•ttio' eilic•O••of Alderman. and Justice of the-Penne -will be promptly altandisi to. • febl:Sm I LTSnrgeon 'Dentist" successor to yr. . NO. 1.44. sruitidwid !diva. .4.Eit79gica home from 8 to.l o'clock, and from 2 toy o'clock. ":1 - • SCOTT, Dentist, Fonrth street, thee doois — EP . ieogiormaiket: `'claim nouni troin o'clock 4. at. to 5 o'cioe.t. P. M. IN • • l''''''' . 93USlNESS CARDS. MOORIIEAD, Wholesale Grocer 101., anatitisaion Merchant, fur the wile of .1111,11ETAt, isii...kbmc - lat, et . wtcotlCE. generaiy, No. 21 Waodratreat, clesoN, Arai l 4atlara SON WhOlesale Grp stirs,ltaportgaolEl3.ll, Ei ES and WI Altt, - 44174, come . of Irwin wad. Liberty.acrvets,l , l4 , 10914,1-irfatinataieclttoEt coludantly.on Imng. VREE 4:. - qo . "islrnufp , cturp.rl4 - of 31.'Kee s WAYStlialitrk Vi . 111:1 . 9W 'Glass% miutte . strength. ruitfictiod - cro.i• zurd 101 e, and, e,rwery.q..Tarti %Yaw, Porter And Minerai 130 atr=c 704gralZ1V=401441tilly&giad Insulators. bccon4,l; Ilaty - OiI.,NTOOd and Idarint no MO. lur,P;P:c I?ni nhort`thi treiA ibe emu:Oval. lending. Xonongral4 ilTlOUpes 81. Chatlpa ancl city now. NOWAY Itl.l3MrStr: 4 ........ —.MATEY 4MING.V I LT. (1, lIQBERTSWNF &• CO., • binnu .fiictißitostattittsimi dad PfAifiIIint:OLUSWARE , vottrettofriolfen 1.4 - Weio7'stroot, corner of Treait,' Pittankgh. Al,l, °Ow landreif (Hamm*. tcn.r - tvrn.tm , ht lint tqW at4 1:,1 r ./011:1-1.EDIAil • Josrrn J. CU+, Suctem-nrs to rnamtfiftlit r 9 ot -Cwt. '7.Fllhleßt sad FuncyAkTorod-41.1.ASSIV A, It It und. 4.14.14)-111 811 kinria,ot linduce lil,tta. Elmtts, Vial., and Bottle.. Warr conifr-othlarttt BA& Wator ittwrta, Pittsbnmli .mbMll.l U- 1 ,-SVSKAN , ..vf.ayors.vg•ritqy td, 11.14 uqrriAs and 1).1.N.U01) , WIWAL,O4I4e4,,ViiiO 4404 CLuv4 1.1 0 1.)),.%; o.unijo.lll,s and C: ovry variety Wo.reitom)... ,•,. 104 Sevon.l sod 14 Firstoarret. R. 1).13.A VO, Diamonct-Pittql.mo- 4 1.61ca1 - 4 - r "liera f , r ,4o took of llitOct:ltlES, molts:44,lm family uso: 41res kf ..very vormiy miff gromul al Ms Ka:',}„ Ihio4 Fria," Iforoii;n and DOllll.ltiC Pr , Mll4O krn !v vxcluLtago fortherclouolig,-. P. it' •11:1f5.0 pto'utod . a mil as. Ttloon t .4'1.11m1/1411'5 wo!r- . ran t e d . ("ARDEN - I„MroffteLits.reirll tat/rt.. • • jtl,lll • - fiaNiMISSIC 4 N .114)USEPlie loite'oroco'd a Tiongd ror'filo AN4t , p0rp.....e. tit So. 17 Suntlitold Ertrkt, Tourd6Ors (114 Monougabola puraut., or feielvt. on COMTUIRiiiIII, for . ...ANi, cot , • gigturontot YLCIER;' BACON, CleigE, 11(l'ATF., -- - 11.))111,ET, PLAY FEM . ), GEASC EF.EI'), BALED PUY, kt., 'tirort ulltlaalce.lotranc , s. or parrhose at ntrerßet TTLIPI(B.r migE. Luov - 6) ALOE° tCI I. - LTENRy . if: 'COLLINS,. - Forwarding mild _ ~,ti:ta.ami...*. Merchant. and a - liolesale M ender in I , I SII, 00-110.,E, Burrmt, SEEDS and PRODUCCh generally N ..'• ~ 24 Wood street, Pittsburg!, 11101 - 1, ALLEN, wholemle tirhlet iti Fo4ei4n — ALV.7:wr.NEs. BRANDIES. St.:OARS. (,Id Monongahela and ll.cts WHISKY, ke.: all,. RECTIEVINti DISTILLER.' lip, A Wood street. Pittsbm'cli. • ' g. . t' ' Winea, Brandies, Gine, Conlia.k.s Jamaica 6,,wit,.., t. .roix do New Rugliml Rum. Claret,. Clituripagnts scotch Alr. L';'64" Brown. 1 ""I` ~. Iri•ht `coal, livurbon, 6td m0...0,. ~. 1310,,itse and Reef rd Wliegki; Apple r roneh, Wild Cbertv tinil Blaeltlie-rry Brandi... 3; imported iinvium, Regalia and tipAK• iS4 . PI? i j Half-Spanish u.ud Common Solcals; all at such Jury prices"ar fu atallenge competition. Fancy Bar 35egliand Labelled Bottles of every style, PIA Benumb,. of sues. I respectfully invite an examination of my stock. tit ;CtS,W,Y.x)BIT2S,Egh- aplly W ILLIAM CARR & , 00., tWillitrrn Carr, ,•late, Pr. the API' of J, 1141 Pr k.C.u.,) srbole.ain OM. ,tnd dealerii iu korolo WINES and BILANDI;ES, old - linxiimealiedi and" p.ktitk , l W1C14314A. 'So.= Counnerrito ... *i, Litittf4t*t., l!itttdnugh. , , . laic). .;;~',7,~ ..i,, t Bia),gigSlON iCARDS OBERTTaSW4I4thin., Attorney and --Itannt Lat..attlakticu mum. iytnil:t4 Frites V+, it - VW11.1,021 .... ...... 7. RP - HARM ON BE3NEVT. sx+LfspF & Itteti A S . ; Votwitrait ConanNst.t, I.lltl A...11,t3 VISII:4IACtIN rind' ItL. honl•Ticotrccr. I.;ener - Ally. ltguse forworl ...ruplo4l 11.; ~nsrrmat lt6 Virg • MreC.t. I'd .3. 01l 011.4. -‘2ll - 11.1. ATV.' E LI, .1, EFA & GO, Wht.b.sule I iTileerft. Prattler and Coont...don lfetrtwnth and d/et.l/•es In S,l) 000 stret7„ Dettmett nod t ttotif streets, Pit:taut - O.' PVI S TLE 11 & CO., F , t' )rxard in g and cosumb.o4i.” Morenant.t4 drt,Jvr w 11.11 kinds of PlTM lailtall MANUFMNUICES..• LEAIY. 'MPH Tend — Ml - ENT LEAD, No. GT.ikunt strrot, Itittxburgh. °SEMI FLEMING, successor to L, trot its Co, corner of Market street and the Inamoull„ keops ramatantlr an 'hand a 101 l assortment of DRUGS, .I.lEls MEDICINE citEsTs,pricnntEns, and all sate des pertaining to bis'brtaincas„ • Za-•Physicians' easefully compounded at all Jet3-.7_ JOlll4 Fp:NOCI. . . ... ............. - •• • L auccessors to J. jiidd k Cs., wholesale DRUGGISTS, No. rag Wood street. .httsburgh. Proprietors , of , Dr. 51 , Lats'e celebrated hem logo, Llver Mlle, ke. litrx suceessoc „to ,Jamp.,s iduff,.l, , 4-h01.&.A0 -04 'retail DRUISPOIST, did 114.14 to PAINTS, OIL& .DYE I:7IUFFB., !lc.. No. 141 Wood ssrect. three doombelow , Virgirt alley, Pittsburgh. ei4:y successor to 11. I ee WielL DP:ALI:A and .COSIMUSHON 31E1161,1ANi. No. 12.9 Liberty street. Pit Reference—W. NL'Clinto=rr.s.. liranier Palm, ur pb r, Tiernan lc Co.. 'Brown di Itirkpatrick. Pittiakurgh, sSay 24, 1655. my •24 - uIV CII IDWICK, , dealer in Kentneky teetbradat, PAGE. and PAPER, No. 141 I'is4.l tiel9cr Sixtb,,Pittehurgh. jut:kat:ly highot, marktqt price, in reels, paid fur Rage. ‘l.Trit V. MAIMHALY .... . . 111.,111E14. AV PL. MARSHALL ti (`rt., Itnpßters 11.11%1 e dealent Sn Treneh and Anienviin PAPER 11A !‘ t nom No, Si Wood' Wreet, Plitaburgh. ".(fe agelita fir the celebtatea ninnntartures of 311 , re. Shillentrt .t . CAi.j. Parts. . p T. C. MORGAN, BOOkisellCr anti r 4 ti. - ..ief il.P.ocri.:ll. Rlwar , op hood n..ganeral ats.tment of tr.. v. leie and ileiZtfe and retail. No 101 Wood ntreet, b. 10 - ;tua {up p' TOLIN 11. NIELLoiI, wholesale and ßetail •- -rivuletin laft :nett INStII 1".11 ENV", ANOS, MI: a IL', St.:13001. BOWis *TATION ER V, No. Si IVuoal st TVOICM'COLLISTER., Wholesale end It-- ...fr.. Lan -SW AIL. MAN UFACTURER air, deal, in all I, mil.. TOBAOLNJ, SN UFF grsl SIIIIAItS, ?an. - 25 Fifth etnui. Pittsburgh. Keopn •eonstantly on burnt n largo supply of oil the ariour brim& of Iniporial 'Supra. • - - `OStrti p tet3o:ll • .11W. ANIE & ANDERSON, specessors to ettun Rtiodoe& fkl.A witAtestle'rleMPrs it'II3IIF4WC UTE 4 $.413; CaiNION A RN; fil-10 A Ttlif .Nalo 4YrtidrttOttiP l4 .oppatite the FECT Clmrlet HotA, Pitt, _;'t - - A TINIMY;Who kid Retail 8,11:- DI I' ILAILNESS, VALISE null CA P ISA° NI AN l; AZTUREIL No. 11.6 strwt, • t tsbur 01. v•2'.):y TINTE It l' '- ORK§, ' No. 136 IT( . _LA ,treet, third door blot Virgin pitny:—.,J.SOWN A TE.T.. LEY would min the attention or 400iting men to their largo rmsortment of GI.II,:S7II.IFLES fIEYO;,V.VAQ the Lar . g,eAA an& tiegt .41.0 ck ever owned tilts mar , a general imsortinent of Hardware, csi.o ry, Tools and Fishing tics!., all of wfiich wo offer at th, I,ORWL p.solLla prices colt Miiii . asers, or fpr go,•11 Bp marl s l'HeUve . k NT 0 lIT I I-WEST I.:ItY • POLICE 'Ai ; ENE V , il N. m) Wruhisiglun eitiret; Corlt;irl,l Dew - born, CIII CIAO), , ILLINOIS. .... _ . .14 pllfirtirroS D. B. ROI, ; I: ILS. vnmivros -& 'Co: dev(iti,"that outire utteutiou to the transaction of a gazterul tte ',POLICE :BUSISPOS in the States of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigun and Listiants: mhlindtf 'V: 'SHOPE, -MERCHANT TAILOR, Third B nitx.l:.lbor to Dispatch DuiWings, tinualaul for the :tem liberal sus/nonage. hereta&w , bestowed , upan {mat Imre tis 4 P cOntinuanco ef she sante. in. 44 4) • lAr better prepared than ever to famish b friends and Unwept with tatrunstitswhirds thsurreedfirS brit somals Ifs sawartkoeps col hand a.large assortment of t AVMs of NESTINaS, CASS 511 , :ltES, CLAYIII6, /Cc., which tie „ n ul to order op the shortest - notice, VIM Totwatablo 16.:it'pdricict Or all ways warranted. [florid: t jonx I'QTA-Ektni...l::lTOOß.'lo#6tNr. • meccts 11 11 43. YO IT NG • • CO. Nu. 38 SmidArle artroet, opplrito 11111.111:1Ndaregr e2A ittartIIVSIXII/MArlit OILAIR4 (11..cripti > 04415 Ana-Ivßil94llol-11.3%Eqmt.xl, twd 6011 i rollirm 043 rco- Carp kert.o.l4c l :4og fqr bia.snd matrx atrriuge. aug,3l - py w L' S. ; FURNITURE D pad retail,. eirireoingkery .! 1 •T a ?i itttnituncin.Rotkowtl 140.114gilnY.tutd Walnut, atn- XoPte Irgiera, chambers, an dining root.; equal to any. in New York or Philadelphia, and at•louret prior. .Every artieloritatieloy haw., ,ftriatod.: 1 Cabinet .Makers auppm4..tt,h. any: quantity of 161110 , I gpgg end MUSS, on reasonabloteraus. , •• • •••••• noteltrand Stontoboata furnished nt the shortest, noun,. , ogiiplWarertroma, N.. TT and 79 Third street, ` YlTTEStiltatl, P.X• ! 1:#1 it : , COSIER& N : & Imes. , tilaidaluocur ,„ ; ell 21. ir italang .7 „ 41SlattIrigt. avivtda. e IP3t4M- . c-... 132 41% 1 7= I ta, " %llti , ,, Pt' aM f n V • to "piailitifkitentitiO luta' ionndoetn t :l3= Jobbing done at abort =Aim. . war2l . .. . • -. . . _ _ - - - --- - ' • .. .„ .. ..... •... .. . . ..._ _ _ _ .„ 1 0...: : • 1 4 ... • '. , C . . :, .. . vt - I - .. :.: , f. I . • , ' ' '' ' '', ~.. ..a...; ....?. ..1 , !. • • 7. , :t , .. . .•,•:.- • - . . . .. . ~ • „., . .. . . . .. . . .;.r PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & ,MONTGOMERY, AT TIIFr "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE, DOLLARS PER ANNUM. VOLUME ,XIT4 BUSINESS CARDS, JOHN LITTLE; Jr: tY atrwt, ),a just rekvit. ticks BRANDIES. Gupta Shandy,' (1,Tri;11110 Otzrd Dtry . & C0.,(11.1per.) Bazerae. "IVLNES. S.araal Madeira, tiotedrd' 31firch k •Mad'ra,, East India Madatra, 'Table -.. • do Amontillado Shorty, • BlUtni.irtiflio" • do • Table ' •do Cooking - du hicettirlng Port, Pure Juice do Ordinary do St. Julien Claret, . Jcialaila Dry. - . Ito Sweet, . Chalopayrnea, Anchor, . "oriancY, . . Veldoseck, . Together with all other ar area ,ANOS. manufactured by I.lllloKim LNG & SONS, 110 , 4011. awl for mdeiVf 'JOHN H.• MELLOR: NO.' 111 -s Toogi ette between Diantond alleyantl Pourer tOzreet. ••• ' 3011)i tl,•MXlSOlLlartouoreohittglan entire fresh stodli of SSW PIANO-Ft/WM from tbo manufactory Of icker ming & Sons, Boston, consisting of all the various styles of tf,tl , ,e t and 7 oomves • to which the attention of purchasen , to ros•yiectfuily invited! All Piano-Fortosifyoo the tfacjory of tbica6ring Aro ilia - in:idea, and tiOld 'at Roston 'JOII,V IL SI ELLeitti - Sole Agent for CRICKEILLNO SUNS, fdt l'lttetitirgh and Western Petrusytrante- ' novl4 lagWw Ktr.v.s.:TRANSPORTATION • LINE.-- Anticipating tho want. of facilities (01'U:importing reights to and from the Eastern Cities, via Pennsylvania CaLlOAlnLittintr,ds sin.baceineireased. our stork of Boat, Ir., on same, to t• DOUBLE, Dialisir LINK, which gies us a ransaiky.or, deeF.l6W tone .peentooth earl, way. We assure oem friewlis4tiad t)moo altspoped to.twrmnlee the State improveinents, .there .will bit nothing diparesl ott oto pat;} po s tuder geweral atitiefastion in forwarding, Kasten, and Western Freights with proroptitudiy and d•syatrb. • "Ki ett 3 "M1TC1114,1.... . Orniti ilaeiit, Patidinrgh,-1 1 / 4 . - J. 7. rtrursPir... ..................... :. . . :.. : ... KV T J. 011.1.1 , 41 . 11.: X - CO., T.c.oling 141iiikufactmr , r , denivrs fu Lookhig„Ohik.4Fhif.w, Philo Glanm, 1.:1,- ;.Mr , ilM. Combs And Yttncy 064,14, .N ., , - 715 `41',•.z1 etrort, Pit iatrgh. OP - hand and made to order, tali i`xer and Nittalle blidt,upo;is. Pon,SerwootL Frt...., at ) , Fio,i,i• of onerrae,riptant• Strands at 0,1,1ux fkx - arrtGNl and TI 4 NTERI ) RISE WORKS; No. 136 Wood U third door below 5: TETLEY ould rail the attention of Sporting moil to 11a•ir larg, 3. ”ortownt ,p 1 Or:\ RIFLES tud • R.I.:VOLVING IrISTo I.F. the target and last Polo - toil arock 0vt•t7 , 1.4A1 he the. 111:11 bet, with u Arbe,ra/ zutsortunnit d lIAILDNY CUTLERY, TOOLS and Ft - SUM TACKLE, all or whip h • at the ivercest tteasibli! piliteS to gout approved paper. • • ' ' war , MA. S - 11 Wholesale and Raw r. IN-tiler in Eurnapor.. Rang, , . Storo, Tn. Iron nln liour,kooperli Hardware. l'innerm' Niarlnno, and Tool,. Til !Into, Shoot Iron. Wlre RivetA, .tc.. ,!e.r., 14 North 5.,.n. Arnact4opymitniutehier's Ilatri, j HA ILHHV LT RU. ser4l-43m. . - VENETIAN BLIND 31ANUFACTI: I.enliL no mi.to 11•411.11.1.111+L 440!yuVPCIptal 111 A BLIND NIANUFAI - n .Ft V. r.l So. to Rath otro.A. Dent 111. Pi.; W.Kyl Seilthfield. where lie has an se.....,rinicnt of MAN triipuo..l .wlth.tdain and daney tiorsicd •Trinimmkk. lVi t I zu any caner in his 1111. n s,...ta,tl .1. icftltn. Ilis_work is Warratand trii...o lll Blinds repaired. Please ulcr I.lw a tall. a. he can't he teat In workullisiship. 1111,17 I) EW CO Nell AN I) C. 1.1.111 1 .1 ;E I AC -4.1 TORY.—JOIINS'CON, ItILOTIIERZ 4 A eU.. ones c' nehecea and Belmont 4n-et-la...Allegheny City. wmild Owleet full ) inform their friends and the puldic generally. that tie a have .1113.11.1 Ced the Wan ufut mire ot I norenEs. cK Aw AI: lIUUU(ItB,ALKIUILn and 011.1 lakirn, in all their iVris styles IPr tthtil 1 .111 orders will • with strict re yard dm hinny ure.isi4inal'"ZbA' Itrlwtr+mill the Muir a wir " s o xii ru r i t I tli . • I ,rot Ea...tern Shaft, Ponce, and Wheel stun:. they no, It dent that all ache (11.102. them with th or p•atr•miga. will t••• perfectly satisfied on trial of their-new wori;- ~..Purehaarrs are- Mitiestt4l to giro tni a rail , l•ctl;lnai chasing elnemliciii a. .attrs L STEVEN 7 ...G4l/14.15 ...t.tater lipp ITT:int! liCal COACH I'ACR) Y - Er.)tr & -01.}....ut , hetconr8 tif V.. Ir. 134,,we, pv I de inacid-ulloy, near .wash street.. Pittsburgh—CAßPl:kb Y.V. abiCLIES, P1i.d.h70.118,11U1.14.11.Eft, and evesy ikseription .of.P.ASVI built tc cider, and linhdied in a manner urourpassini fur beauty of de:inn, elepitine skill of wurkmanstilP and durrthilhy . miterials eu „Ali ieork warranted. CIEO.WHITS A: CU_ Market ictrept. inun d. on and MON - h. 1 1 ., Socenil.nr to ch.., out their prroont ans-k of TAT.3I-XS ud AlsiVi RI Lic.f3 gteatly redurril pa nee. It being their intention to enlarge und.atherwiso their . Starr, so an to Rieke morn roow for this Brennen net thcli bustboax. And wishing to do so immediately, they want to .cleat out the stuek on hand as soon an passible. • . WLLLIA)I.s. HAVEN-,-THE• OLD .PRIST -44. EYTAISIJSLIS4NT, (lato Johnston at Sturkt.tl.) and BLANK 10)E: and STATIONMI WAIIVALOUSE. is pri pared to execnto otery style of Legal. Oatninerctal. ettlitki fad litAalllir JA)B owl BMW BIN hoftl, and furnith Avery artieln in the. Blank BoAk. Paper and trition aryi tltuy at the shoritAtt noftte . And on tire most MUSulibl , [ , . (tß_BLtuk Bak awl Stationary Warnhonsa. Printing Oita , : ant Book Bloilory-cmne.r of MAA kat and Second oto. i mac U• RICHARD C. lIOCKING, Matimfactura of Gilt, . Brrt® and Bronze LOOKINfeGLAS, rkIItTRALIT arld Plata and Ornamented. o. 21..5.1.C./air groat. • AU kinds of Compostrion Ornarnonte. for Stennat.oats, kc, All klud3 of Gilding and reGilding, order (lilt Moulding?, for Ettimee, %tallish foroll • Hunting.. F.`•ngras'ing% ahtt ro, .le. • • • • Impaired or defaced Oil Paintings restored In the lest mariner, _ , AAA Fllroneri -trad fl d inßs tuarinfarinred - to - th is toblediment may hteckaheil, hithoot inlmn.era' , &.q. a:el taster. Call afar% Clair "trent, klyt.lourgl, ruh2frti • ' _ JWIN GROI7 TT, importer of BRA N - DIE S.. (lIN. Dealer ii lb. Old ?I.,nongabei Wbiky. Peach Brandy. Be. Al., IcLOTLFYINIi DISTIL LED. roruer of Smitlttiolti and Srout streout, ratt.kirgb upIL: TII4) 7 IAS OLI EIF, SADDLE, lIA RS ESEA TIWNK ?C , s.' 4' Pt Clafr Str,ut. Yatsurgh. te,_. Hum Clothirg..Whipo, Spurs. dc. 1 oreuty.tnree yrre.t. adjoining Tesia,ratiroyille fill theloitro atter,4l,•sy ( ~ •••114 - t, t• • plus ,yon uut of Tom rre.ney . mid tf these do out uut t on.. J ust cal! and got ray t oeth !14 1:1 VII Fie gear of I,Vatid Landi for tale, in, It them art THOMAS NV( OM, A IFIILLIK EN &. C.CI. have not hand, at 1 '''' l ' l "''''' ll ''''' d ••• 1..31 7;.'t 1 . ..1 4 1.114n , ..4 „CIL, their eN. lento vii CA It; NKT and CHAIR M ANI - FAC Itittl Y. NI,. 1,1 Snail, ta.1.1 .0 reef. ft large as,ortno rat of Fon..y ICH /AI.- WORKS 1 7 (4_ -ti.t _, x. f_ , th ree 1 --- 17,Fk ----iil.ll , a, r•-• ut la./. with '..tftfl of Coal tittarhe,anditll the lin. nil Phial Funtitur, which they will tell 15 per rent. ioo et than cuatoniary rates. Teem, etch on i v t.1e , ..r Y 1. pnnemataa thereun in. sure.oiltil operathm Sctid Farm bt el 11.‘kiltEs BARNETT, Flux , i; s ii ,, ,F.o. A , 1 , .•,,,,,—; ,• T.I. 51,..•••,4:,,,, , ,,, , h•r. 34. mile. ,0••••••• 1 , ,,t,,- 1 ,,„ ~,.,,t , ,,i ~, ~,,,,, ~,,d , m ,...„ . .. u . • Ilf ....It and tr, .oipple..l 0.1 li a 1o m Hoot., lion. Tenant , 1b.,. - lie- r,..t 1, •It.•. 11, .•:,•1 .•,•.1 ~, ••.„ • 1,,,,,t. r,,,,1. i 1._../ BLACKSIIITII, 'trick Shop on. CilEltli Y ALLEY. lietu et.. Third rid E,qirtl. , ~,,,,,,,n , ..,.. ..,....,..., ~....i n. ~,,,,,n , ...„,- 1 - „,,,,__, In.. „,,,,,,,....,1 n peer.,, when , lie la prepared Lo do all ~' i rk iii his II.• N .fl, in ~,,,,,, ~,,, ~,,,,, n pn ,,, , n , n .. n ~ • , the lltdnottt kfillott.ittudr. __Liavirg.hmi lung espenonct• in . 1 1 Id , l lqi.klidspliN k; (!A I NE. the business, lie respectfully solicits tie patroudge of 1i0., , 1d 1 jesit ,. l r • • - N, 2. - .., 'Libel t) .fiesta ustomers aud tliepthlic genealls- g ' 1 , . - 1 . 1: ILi )I...\ — a - InT i(i ir — gALE.--- .1 10, ').4 1" ATI‘TES MELLINGER, Nionong-ahein l'1:1- 13 1 . , ront,'n'AVY 63 i4rt 1.4. k mid .'"iXteiiiiiigiii.sh. I.oit foet to ty ninottu, woutirrellecthillB inkirm his friends and Ilic.i ~,,,,,",,,,,, in . f . t r,i,,, , Ii ~,,,, ~,...,,,: ~f .., a ~.,,,,, .„..,,,,,. eno.pnhit.- - tbnr. nip new establishment is now in full nisei, , ~ ,: i , „4 „ ,„4,,,,,,,,,,,,,., 1, , , ,.., 1 „, ri,i..1 ,,,,, t , 1ii . ,, .;,,,,,., , ,,,,,,,--;,..,,,,,,,, lion, mot taut be IA prepared to furnish Moat - Cat,ib.s. ate' till . ha , , ....h0.... and will 1.• .oddlow •, all I .rl, lal , rabiLl t , In , all etrdhrs fir' I'L,ANEIII Ll.ThlllElt, with kromptm.na, an.l at 1 Tab . n,...„,,,,....„ ,-leer mire ~ , , , , .....n , „, ~ ~ ~,...1 .0,, , , ~ F.. the lowest Ytitss: ~ lot F. tilLlAPilth's Board and !Unit, pliiiii.,l on one or 111 Ail .41,10, C./nit:lli illJ, I ~, l - .at dig nits, q.N f .14,1111.1, 1 . ,, , ,t. ~,n bend. '-'• • gash, ttoor, and Ntonl,iinge,'Mlf every dufirrirtiun•Tnite• t.. j AIiGA.IN. (.../F.F. - EILEI). - -T1 IP liflllerSiglll'd •ortlar. . . •• ' I . t j tk•r7 ( qr role.` I\ 1.1 l'l'i of ..41,1111.1 fronting ;upon vie_rtniidorti and Cargenlorit would Mid is to their shwa-dva- , „„, ,„ ~,u m g , tC, I lepot of the l'ot•bargh and l'..iniells,t Ile tags to give hint a call. as Ito ern now furnish them v. ali it,,g,,,,,d • lictlic'growlng and tiul clog' Itritontli of srfl ! Elli'•- i'imaad tinuff, suitable for every description of enrk poitT. lour of the Lois art d 7 14, nal In wltitlt by abont W,11 4 50,, .6.)rrier. of ihturit;ot, anti Fourth : I '-',', , , y1 , 1 , , , 1 , ‘,e.r , ti,u 5 g . 1 .11 ,,, ?.0:0 1 4!).. !tit: -4..3 10 4' 10 ' 1 . 1 1) . 1 , - „ , , c 1 , , , ,.1,. , , i.., . ,,, it ~i: ~,, y, : . ; . t . ,, , ,t u. : 4 ,. .1 !w o of lnt tit Wonting tor tin Ir streets, k e ep, the largest stdrk of Si A TialE/S. FN'S • 4EWX ,1 • 41 / 05 ; c ••• 1 - (-1 - 6e-fulln ‘ l in sY m i ` nca P °ll • l " )4 ` L "'”' Rl ' ' ALso-Tliti 1.. , ri . ,, :17'i feat it, width, fronting the other long experience, vstaldlabed reputation and moderate charger tl 'itlo of llio Di* tu "Ot, id in depth LEI --one 01 the Lots is,rilci. present the ' highest induCeruente why I hate in want it a lag - for Ito ‘ihr , i, lotorth on :rtrotris Arta" • „analwatch. or otitur arliuletlin.hal lino.•ahollid. Al' , hi. A. I N,, !..ttee prop...rty ' ens I.' footed and it will be sold low .tliPortnuit._Y t...tili. , V , then. • . ' Part Lti Ow liavnicut taken in 1-deali of. the Connellal db. M. FittolVatelt Repairing ,loro , promptly and in LllO I,olq. ,„ , , , , . bIEO.• E. GI LI,Th )11E. . 0, ,, 1 ,.. , ~....,r,Lil, ii t e 5,,,,, manlier. 1 . . . 0111,•e or the Notting l'tzs.t .1A11421 MA4t0.tf1........,......-:.t. .. : ... '' ' .IfittlLO c' tocge, . , .in 1A111,1141. Autood.:ll, 1,..,; - , -,,Livt tf BLAKEILY & RICIIIEY, -REAL EsTATeBaC)- ' i hill) LAR 1. D I‘ll , --Ilave Pohl t. , ,rd titan, ran nos lie kW, corner of Ses'eutk and Sulitlilletil ansits; Pitts- I 1,._ ~...1, lit..Uu• itiv-Iniotion konin nit Ai •84 SAToN. No yi, • litirgri. Fourth et re,t. .Ih,• Aj..u•ls I ..1 the Psi on ie.. will 1..- found 'Ttrrroa, }tunas, Lots, 51111 s; Futnat o s, kr_ 1.U., bought owl there, 'aieli- id rtidit s 4 t.. lill otd , rs and .ail ritdd, for Stales, wild on mininflOkidu ; Liind Warrants bouFlit, wild ,l and hsio : and Counties. tad; Bills k 11011,18 and hobo nogOilahol. FAl.Chti littentlon t• :ft ts rent* thvoirtl,frilAvvell • ditptll, ed h}' tt.lA, , A 1 ,,1t1„,„, gielit'tti tifiViPtiiihig, Farms, nod dutpoinng of Ebel, TIT Illn I I, . .i. a 111a1U.S . ~ ii nri.a.c..niouty. in lighting n•'out .iiid reasouabte. nitCruLtw • lomat,. , /1„ tura§ poll/ jprtf,,,prpi ,trialort.,ll.lmlllallt light. l'' irtiiiii, c•iii 'CI. made out ~I it, au, the I i •IJI, I, t •rr t •,-,, WIG INIAIC U. F ACJTORY —M us. RENCF 11, 1 , ill ~,, ~,,,:i ~h , t , • jotiN 6 i‘ ,. i i.; Ti . , ' MI d,loore from the A quo/lust, eggosig, the Collodi, eel I. ' k ‘,,,,,,, ." i ' Y. , , , . . (414 . ti tOl I ' at 015 ti•• • .0111013..Atirghony City, ix iireparal until ordom-fop•14 . 10. ! 411t1 nil b-Indsof ORNAMICNTAL llAltt. WOICK, , r)-• t.n.m. t 1iVE;5j .,,, E , .1 , 1, ,, Nr - 0f )., ,; % .. 5 .pi, 1) ,. . , -- ,,, ,,)‘, r , h t a b v ,, , : a arra n . or r nt. ol :‘ , ,, , , itta t,, , ,n, varb s , , , ::: , q uiff of nutterial Is furnished, end entire eatixfoction guar myugra,.,,,i, lit, uhich choice lands can lie iouated at Government pdee. auteed. t_. -. ' -4- ; , I'r r.111,11,i,115 01 locating laudA, walux fur t , 1 •,.., 4 1,,tir,,, Of Fvrrow ()AR Wl)ll.l(S;.r.ol[Typicy ik.N I ) tor coral sottleunt, will tied it to then telt antage to give gA.Q.,tiN,, , 2.116 V, inimualci, 01,110.--ihe BuitsCiiiier , in ii iall; - •eitio , t11 cute rtiremenratruch' to Piwinias nlottt the h,,ipg n wycil ,igto I,o* now Siorini, tecontly erected. cortior . let six wc..ks in- c rit ic ally oviniining Ow lantim In ultra State ill Vint,. 11Tonouidt,and tibeldy streets, hi prepared t,, ciao I suleect-to entry, and tes no that lie has selocted over 2A, • trput, for twitl, e,sixtito all orthirs for PnOlnlig, ,, F. •Bagg ,, ,v. • too wrps •,t ciente hinds. 111.-A SHIN & 1t10115.1Y, ri,st-OiliellOiodlie Vrvight, i'latforms UrRY O I, 'laud ai.l all i . liopt2l!div earner Seste.tith end Renfthileld streets. _ _ __ other de..crtptions of CAPS. I IT AIX AirlY. LAND I'oll SALE-Throo and u..half acres Allty,foc FT4v.t, .w,s(3l:str..s of all pii.q.s. (1,E2,11 I NO, II- \IL- , ' of Itie r d ", ,, , hi ll , g .r. ii , d) . (k e r itlnt r e a ri r c i , , l , l r t i l g e h , I, Eas s,, t l l . .ll ,T ,or h t i y , lic ia st u d l . l , , , , t . :- ., ItoAM QA.STIB , I I ..S of all tio , criptious, siol all other vtorl, ! 1„-,0111•-tile ..,,,,, , appOrthluing to a fountla and 51114ine Shop • well. and e• vet v debit lulu either Tot mu (aridly residenee, or to. IlAf VPrrilr of the 4ifronnt (. I .l.°XtV'eut" N'C' . l e.""i' . divoto biro htillill s i . li,' c l u OT T s r ; i3 l m 'f i l t C T lN xit.l.s!AoNNl ;, tz,,,]1,.°;1,,,,,,,k,,a. street. AV'''":lo..lk.":7;tl•Caibt,inSOM".ii—elrinlonntlY orrkiZdEa'tad:pr'jrervUlLTYlhrl"l:4-1- .' ( 7 ii v o .2‘ j ut.., . 8eii. „ ) ,,,. (i 1, ,,,, 5. ,, , , ,e ,„„ 1 ; w 0 ....,1 ~,, .:, eat improvements. lanW...lidil W. 11. AY:STILE/ • i relmtitoll4l4.l,:hgt.::,:rp.utii:7l44:l,4:„.7firi::r.:l:lll7:,::t:l,s:::,il:.ti,::::±,:ll on k :: ~.... , , It. J. ri.,i.M1,116.. .J C. - Cl. 3MI:C. .li. C. *,tin... Ny.'n. woOpWiti.n. , Cliii.4 tint str , o: A of INIERICAN PA PIER ..111SCILE M.ANU- 1 Ow oluipt)unStAttur , .. i Al.::: c_ i ., ,an: j. 7, a s_ nt: l all i ;, l ll.te nt r i s t , T dlvtico ,,) u N . of FACTIMILNU-COMPANY, Na. 'IO Second strict, 1 , ,, r ,•_ rm- , 1‘ , 0.1 , 1it iturgh, manufacturers of PALTER M ACHE. tatNANIENTs.; he n".". all "gh , . - for Church.. litmaas, Steanibriats, tee. iltirror. 11.114 Picture .-- -p , ,=-• LitECT f ro n t, th e .Staffordshire octorie...*--- Frames. Window and.. Door Heads, Ilrackots , Trussas. Cs,r- •1) . A late arrival of QUEEN . SII'ARE..at the old Moos, Ventilators and Coutro Pieces for Ceilings, ltosottos and Mouldings of every doecription. 517. ti and design., cheats, tdAlatleitliS....Nllll RIGBY. 1N0.122 WlNol.streat„ No, and • svanantai , more. durablo than any oilier articis ii.dw in burgh. This assortment ouiliraces i-oupi now and .. ... . • • onoies styles of white Breaktrist, Dining and lonot Sets, of . .. . l iZl i a an ,,, t i. Wh A ' lrrn it , e ilfr fn :fie ra d l ' ilt a tilo t tl h° W ii la rst ite IlWi lrort u lituno N7itr i t i l ' . .8148 - Orders situated on the shortest notice. li. P.,—.Attudatfon.of Stuaraboat Baildans is. eapacially di rected to this artlcle,On =Muni. of ire Liao. vanglat... tu r Ll Q taip; J ug{ a very g•coarsti std superior variety of all CUIIMIN, T USK) k at. ~r u c i e .s. s o f yaw was., aw l raker w ares adapted to.thn want, . . . . .... No. 78 Second street, between Wood and Market, f city and eountry trtole, all of which will ha disposed of a PittsbuiO. 1 loin prices. •• • • • novs ENE= TONFS ./ DENNY, , Forwarding an Commission Mor t; chants,.No. 61 Water West, Pitt/burgh. -' • [ gag fQr RitiltPa4, l ind - Cpal . ow, far aide by [deal.. .HENRY..it. COLLINS. IiNrANTT-RANCY•HATS AND CARS at %bid Idar.l3 3., WILSON a SP. VALUABLE.REAt ESTA'rE.FORBALE AND LEAnII.—The following viiinable . property, situ ate in the citeiauf Pittaburghund-Alletn..iuny, Pennsylvania, and ythsr additional Rat Rotate in illt-rout parts of the %Vester'n c'onatiy,ls now offertsi for sale, or Itql.se fora long The Cny Loin, from the nature of tin grudos,and width of the' steuelat.and avenues running through them, according to Mr. *Xruvriu's relebratr4,City Distriiityhtn. and from their d~aißlitir, "wlO soon lsawnnc dyer fn •4t 'Nits of thlli of t4:j t r i al ?l t a r: Ig7grdtturte,'Txrrviitliitilake L l A " rtc4 W i W 4 ht or near thin city for the pUrpose. It in traversed by two 21allimuisouniqutha-coriverderato of--thn Atiegthiny river, on which it in tUtuated 3 winch wit) sours at all times abundant stilipliei or coal, frotl dint lumber, at the cheapest Trout OF SALT—WiII - be one-fourth In hand, and the hal-, anrerf-equtrl alumni pitymenta In puts, tirtiperirsocureS, with interem 'payable seintunnvuilly. Ar,ent, No. 2.0 - 1 Libor ' tho' ibilmvitievery choice ar- otualA Buda, CrTo r QIN • Loneot,-; Corll 1, 'SUNDRIES'. neglch. Airy tare* . 8 Logician Porter, WWI eberii AWntlle, Aninethe, Curanea, loelut and Jaen. Young llya. and Maek Tees, Bronson Cheese Inlp6itecl linvana Cis4 of TatiQUAttraDd9,. Old noxioggabolala ins t Kz 2 Dr all idoo net th ttio.land mOkdAw _ . . Forty-nine lota fronting on the Allegheny river, in the' Ninth 11 , ntd nf the fifty oFritburalt, — :4l'feet by 72i feet in, depth to Butler street, (al) tbet wide.) • Yifty Lon" on Butler street, in the Ninth Ward, 24 feet by 120 feet In depth tolipenee alley, ( 21 feet wide.) Forty-eight Lots fronting on Small - man' atreet. (CO feet wide,l each tinting- n front of 21 feerund depth of la) foot to Spout* alley. Forty...woven Lots oppoeite the ahoy° , on Sinallninn atreet,. tnehburingw - fttnrt - 0f'24•1 1-t et by 121 'depth to Thilberry plle ,Venth6.ll6.l . ofir on Pena street. 211 eat in front by 130 feet to depth.to Mulberry alley., Fortetail 'Late ,firpoglto'"tree allt6 - oNntrYl filtering a front of 24 feet by 100 feet in4to2tb. to Spring alley Tventy-nwe Lots on Liberty greet, curt paring 24 foot by 'llX.llbetin 'depth a • Staing alley, • • .Elztcon 100 tin Bergmann to obit; adjoining alto outer depot of the Pennt . ll.7p.p4A4nkryikoSvppriuya pc tbaerent dimen elons. • Even Lou utt the eornet'of Perna - nintWatentreette, -. 1 26. foot It-Aeon Penn by 100 fentnn iTtifer,Vrtlifidrent depth.. • -A.-4a4 of gronod or, Seeotnl end Try atreeta, edJoirring Parry it i't..'s kioundry, ludrinp n (MIA an. Second strvet of le , t, and running along 'ray otaoot 320 tr,l to ttreettoogit PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, .Igc.iblißEß 8, :1855: FOR.. SALE J 1 ND TO-LET al.rtant.r. A 1... t .4 ground oppciat.te the having n Gout or h. f....t. 011 G 1 . 1,1.01401 fat.a. depth :343 to lower wxte marl: 'Mr 51tInelliga1eirt rtvror, 41th L titer tint t,t 9 Tsar Lote on 'Third 6t.,..1 at.rvr mri, ly,,nt „1 Tbfrit street. bo 8u in ALCMI ENV CI YS, in. Ent' No. '2B In the I§u - ong,ll flab. TM the entuar of Rust ennminn amt Water Htreet, basing n finnt nn }.net COnan.ni of - f fhet by 210 in In depth to tiantinaky atrent. the'ltrirnu.,:t pfririnn enroer • i.if Ea at Common (jay alley, having a front on Load Cora than irtni tiny rd lay ,tf2AY , et - 17 740 in del rttrt 'Sandusky strt•et. Lot N ,, 8'21,1 the Borotlgil 1 , 1. t ti, MI the w,l of Braver r trcet . iota n,T, a front nf , e,o fere rin Beat strn , t 24ti inet Orr W...b.inir• atmet. • • I.at ri4, In the tam,, rang. a 4 ern,. having a (rant on Ila- Vkir bt,oet of 150 1,40 to W•intne ntr , n't {TIT B,llll'. All_,.iirs't i'ouvrr Fifty Ono-Arro lIAR irr una , , on "Stnii+tfield Fat n, hi 'foiviieliip adjoining •• tialitrittelf . on the Fornit 6(1,til IVESTNI))IZELANI) C , .1 . NTI" Ta i , . hu udrel nod ....oys-Ivot wt 1L..., Ow towrlof „I,l4t.Olutir:. 7' • • CUUNTY • Teo ut rhootl, : 4 TA • I'M. Of 1,1% DIA !I A.. A It at t or lama, No. 11-1 I , kt I xi, 1.1012 b. Li .1%11 IPOTIV. VllllOll 0., . • :iLiT.4/I,Fi/LLINOES. Om. atttlis t attli ti n t. 11:4thI4v41. , tr,.1tout , ••17. acrom m Kart ti of Mffff= ~-truto• thonnstwi. ttiw. he - mit - eh ntal fifty Itrreqr ill Jar ktton nail • „,„ 1 aitoetfirtttiont, of - MI tho for/71'm; Int. apply to tilt , ttulttutt - Ilwr, tor lin: 770. itittdmri,th, It (.11 Itl,F,tt It Set LLI A;tont Brut dun Aremt. Niart...t VirrlcE tYIIU7I TT m: — TV7S:7:CcER.)77 7 :- rt 140,, .kr It'va? Pribii wi Tr...L.nter now 141r1) gver, ..t I:-. 1,. •1••. n .41 1,,,.11 (tort ..r 1,1,1 I. Is • 41/. 1111,1. tilt 1.,•••••.•ttl Ihr. r.,, i•Irli'1 ,1 y111 , 11 1 t1..1 11. 1 1;' , 11 I mi 11.... m•on. wlll r•• ry ~( 0r.,.. - 1!„. irr Mahan!, F,/ u• 1,01,1 romi.l will 1. , in full ..p.,-.0.•••• ir• ..hon• . 1 1 V , lal 03n. ~1, 1.. t t fd .111 k 15q"..1 r hr.,- new rio,n - 1.. , ,111 1.01111 1 511 . 1. fol nutat , lo3.l), moat rumt othpr Ituprovwur..33l. , will tr , L....mu1l hoed, ...1%.14 trio tsz .x 41111-111.11 Or 1.1.11411.111.1.1 .11-1 •the ('or }.....13.1 , 1,-.1.D.,••• ~ i ll 1.• .!,t1,14 fr.. 111 ~ I ,e 1. , 2.,,1,14.10+1. 1 pi -gum. no I.nktn.,k, tom, l'ittAhmo I nu Itot psi , ~ .1 Tru‘k• I hob 1. , 11.1.with &opt. brzt k. Tc,.• M.., i't/1,11101/1 1 .1;1 1,11,41,111' V 1 0 14.. WSW , . 11,0 1.)00.1 . 4 1 :1, 1 1 , •Ler.-1•41..o •tal.;,-I,nl • .1 411" Oa, rrpli ulrt,ll) Aith ~r Cn i•coi (hr. hu, I WO It If am- Lawn, r .1111:114.1vr na.l )II X .11 .prtu,e , up 1. out , 1$ hn Arc th.nufiuu. h.ur i.. 1101.—, Itrl, 1'11111114., nlll.l 111111 tu, I. Any „tin OM but I•u, 1.4./.. ut Ulu cur putdu 41.1‘e %1144 t. ur thn tour pultltt -41.1ra tlto prt,tott gyring, “tut grill ttotlrro rotxf bargAin. ni prattoln 'tate IT railing - on Ow t•uh- , t ittrt tti I6tt - 11 , 1t . r. "rt3IMS--111, tlwJ .httsb. '- in owe 7.-sr nntll,lt-litird to I M. T. C. GOU1.1). P. S --A - few l,.tr inn yet I, haul at itrA, if altltlivkt hit Laa,,,lt the NtAy. Tlltie hie ure (Walt thrg, ch, vt7 AO d,,• trotn is iit.t,hit per loot trout. Ti,r ro-nnt trartyrd hothrstra.,l alatv,int.rhl profit .4 sty four .•rom in the ro,r,rr nt - thr tiorragt., •.1 I:richt:rt. - . air.. the ttrauti thl tarn' n• Initrltn;,. arlt.tor. 3.. • , 1 b.. Lough' t1.1..p.', ti,4‘ll..erth, ni grrat harpot, anti thrrr 401, out lit rt..c. 111.1Willst.t x•tlltut, a hundred mile, I; n,rt V"Al.l' .11iI.F. GIT V PROPERTY 11' 1 11 111 VATII SALE -- A VAI.L'A }ILK 11()UWE AND IfYT on Merry .A1..4. 1.,rt0 , r1t.. on-I wOw Fit.t Wurd Ittabll , School !t og , Th ..- .. ho. snb-.4nottally boat, w nli It .toily iiiieu•LOolit - I'M, •tortest:brioll. and gt, -, -1 r -, yot Tito blinding If n 1 1,-1. 1 c, i ,,,img on Y....ril a1..-t I.v ,'. ,teep, and Is nottabl. , fi , i a 11, .trling Lloorw, Tatorn. or Nla LI kJ liv't iirlng purprwo.. This property trill lA , n.,1,1 clie.A4l, and on rosy termr. Ir, Lipp's:4i; to II II VA-AN, 31 Flllll etreet , At.,,--That, valuable W Alt Ell' tt "SE AND LOT, et t tint,' on 1, the . - • , ruer id . Wood and i root Itr.,tA. being I.i tent trout on 1 Wood n,tre,t, and ,xo.tniutt; along Ernnt nt1,....4 no teet - now I. i i,,,,p,i i,y WII.U.dg 11 6ntion ,11-.1 is Grocery nod Lpitior Xtbrn.. .14ipls 3o.aboc. . .:. . ••. ~ . - . A.l,O—A ‘l,,wirably DWELLING 1 touer: AND IAYT, NI ben, the ,N0b.,.-riber I , •ticreft, 1 1, 1 1 A 5 "Itt•notty IYanin A Yellin., Wald!, is vale of .t..lgt LlturLklanine- ..l'ise. LA, in GI feet .trentlatr on 1 '.'1 1,111 31 . 1.,wn, te,z,Nl,e s itn , wad wxlettdr. Itock. Inn tt.4l to tt 'X f ,, ot alley. IL/And:ln jtt tpwity new, ~ , oteduiug tell ruOLGIA, ,i I til 1111 ihel.rn Iniprorentenn.. 'nil. propniA,l r.twY-11 1 Qtly I ' l I .' 1, , ,-It to 1.0 Alrldred, and will be ..1.1 on ItoononnAtnAing 1,111. 11. 11. RYAN, N ~,. Al Fifth sArtvt ~ f at Wt•utlft' finely with it .I‘ , l huiltittags. .ud Crttnt. tnt; on nv.• It rt ttanrcti at much lea, Shim its rrortit. ono 1.,t ‘.l I,:t an aLlh, su th• Allt-ght•tly rtyvt, ,c ItU nu ce 11,rittaFh. ,to whicn ern , :..d:..dn ..ultortut - nu , it ,h ❑ tn , O'af' tt, excLut.ito (0; VCcrtnrri land Twenty-right mint , at .Itu - kr Run, !Ur. , luhrxr unt., tin City. riTSAOL,i;TION OF PARTNERSHIP.—The partnership formed by tilt , undoruigued and JAMES O'NEAL, to rarryiug ou THE CAHTIidN'eA)AL'IVOItHS," undetbe name awl-sty-1: cool JON BS, O'NEAL- k •MAILER, is t164-dis . solved. aIiAACI JONES July ill, 1855. JOHN D. MILER. TitTTER'2 tIIIIB th Ifao nor3U r 10,...,.. 4).k...it M I SCF,'LLAN EOUS. PITTSBUIItiII AGENCY OF Tilt Ra.N.e.i.ssultAricg co3trAwy, ilaittint Csidu. Charte'red,lBl - 2: - raid up Cash Capital, $. - .00,000-, with large meninx sOcunly (wrest- . od• aitidotid ofh fax ceut.,,Jitig 418'05- . - 1 This Company hare been . doing au jusumtneti busituon nearly - a halt CelntnrY—lilive ! paid - out tot pl'utenty destroyed by fire under its policies, more than Fifteen' Millions of Doi btrs 011 3 . 0 Sku7 tantunmusathuslikinv.. its aututtaxaccipin and present assets (which aro is•low) giro indemnity to each policy-holt - 7dr of ItiOts than two Militias a A policy of insurance. is insbettertirem brown paper; intleesit is in Company that will pay In case of liar It Wanes necessary, therefore, that you -know something of the character and solvency of tits institinkrn before you take a policy. Its age, expiation«, cash capital—its uninterrupted succesefor thirty six yearn--its uniform course of honorable dealing—ptac6 the ..•Eina !moron. Company anioligille thetratell most sot -vatic institutions of the country. Its prembinis ere rash No premium notos• taken—no .atmessanehb Mirk. on policy hohlani—but all Is CAIII. if yen meet make up your proofs, and In sixty lisp? , alll mid_.et your money. This is-tire way eve have done business for nearly forty rearli. Theymontinue to make insurance onCountry. Stotes, hlilli Factories, Dorailinga, Darns, mid fill-descriptiout of pmperty In town or country, at !rani - Jame , Youraltimtlon is invited to .the following low nat. in Country Dwellings, or the whole term of one, Wrtr, or live years. ! Built of brick or atone, metal roof, 80 feet from similar risk •db• 3fr Builtof brick orstono, shingle roof, tiO 1 • Frame dwellinp ;a • —l44' 2 91' 111X,C4IMANY.. 4 ULI essai In hood. and in Phcenix Bunk_.._.. .__ Costrio Lands at Agebta ' ' '2S',I3T"KI lie tate. runineumberad....... ....... ... o-141612• Ou telortl.w4o heeds 6 awl per,norit.,lnt•crest.• pa - yable tonal-atinually — 7 ; DID 20 certt: Sthtt , of °°°' -payable ... • 9:1;200 - , tmr.: .1)1, at OVultnalkLuds, . . iritereo pay to send-annually M D° D D pOr tent:'.lerseyCityVnter • ! vans; tale , rog - • .. payable - •• DAA) I . I . 1N.C.rt1T4,4)) ))kiI I A2II I 2IACI bonds, inter. unt papaw° •••••••_•••••• „ 4!r-Usi9. OD Thgoveff pea' ront'Turltnnttetels,bitrt.4yitatibre ' • .. Seini-cusnually. • " • oierose.. ••• • •A• -e:teo• op Prep) dpo,ton,enlbll4lo2. serrlred k reottgafc.„.....) 10.00 11111 s ress•lvale„. stnpl,l Arinll,4, ak. • "- " • • 0;412 . 12 ha/. shams ItartGo , l aria Nees lievorr• fterlirearr• - • 'A ~ Citektsua,y„ 00,9101. Ilariford and l'rovide.uou IL.ll,lD . per, . rat. pror"rrol ruin' k ILndoO a 4•141 W•orrayaorAtallrnadr • • 10,658 00 " La't a:W.4O " Cenuertnnit ,111% rt Cniapauy 1,200 00 • • Hteffard Baia 3,tku 00 .E4...e1e bank,. 14tn-lanonn).lte-I-.....• • •.'. a)' 1•1 - ena Rank. liartlord. COML. ...... M.eal t/0 E. JOwL " 07,164 oo • Yarinrro Cult . . .... 2r , .00 CIO "' . t'onm,tiortt . to , ltallt, artra'''r L,bdrXr. XI 00 ....- Ibiraere I.ls •'beta,. . .", „) 14.1.04 ~ Il:,rttntCauntl tLod,„, • " •.. 7,1)15 00 10 0 " 1"Ity-Intn1), - • • "' ' "• fa) 4. , •as ••Itrvndnoy Bank, ..... 0.0„11:4 , 110 " I s t-Lyle', TWA , . '' 1,100 110 10° lbtnevor bent,..... 10.:00n' W 4.00 siocto‘wa cook. .„ 11.400 Oa 100 '• Rwk eI Nurtir Ainerala. New 3vrl 10,5e4) '• gaol,. ktner'a. . 7 1.3,1r..W 00 • ¶OO ••• P:atik ertlro It/10We. " .: - 18,TrOt) go . Mulk Itto t.Jugna.a.w.aalll4. -40,000 CIO 100 •• N.er 1 I Ininrnra Truat. 11111i:01V f0:000 800 o itnd• r:rait , l Trost Chettimyy. 11 * .t.NICr ' •-- h0e:404 equitnl.l) a.ll/e/te.l. awl proroptly itouL .. - • • l'uhei., tone! ol trt,rt tuiefulinohtm nintf:tby ' .. . • •IL • 11., , Tfiti-WIRIK, Ago. t. ifil,,. N W, eons, Woenl noo.ilfl4) estrwts.Xicuslnrcgb. C 11,r further itifornotioa ethrtire al thin csmatiog - r nsrit of rho Psatertahry Morn tag MtV•a. • ' . ipt...W . .3in . - .... . ril TIE SA'l'l* 1:1).11 - EY ENING P OST.— 4,... Natn.l.ll/4/0.4 . ALhatari 40...1 1 V.1 • Warskiralltims la/tar/al. Name ,stel ao.tpoo, . ... . .. - -..... la ...e.t.a.: tlaa/ Pronirectu , ha 1 , 34'5, ate ilrloprltrtliri I.:1 the p.... 1 tote It fat grtret/ 4 1 flout the innt , ll, - ,‘reith , t.,diy • h,loritl.ty u . .-11 actioituihtimith•tho elLarttetar eta iota, that ion gn•sara ml,lik; . sturita( llsr 61.r/on a... 1, ...alum/ of TILIALIY•Fts I :I I l ' E.llt. Their ohjon .dent, 100 lanai. no It remoras to he. h. 1.1141,1 t a vrertly tospor''for tin filially ofrak, sylsil•h ,liall not. Only 311){1., hut alt.. outman mud ftnprerve. - 11/ore ohe mar runt it.. T00..,05p10.1s lilt, ohltr..t,, U. lent artirlon net. ...:1;, : t...1 ~e ,),,dt.,..41 ji ,11l (.1,0-I mud titdat.V. , , mi d nr i g i,,,,l arth ir,, 4 . ., tward..tlvo crta.2.:tler procured, Islam tn./anti/la_ I,f.t.ern tr. m Ftosagit L.a.ialat Vu Ilkl.L I llteSIX.11104( poi' Of tin W,,4.1) Neu, of the iVot la , Skrt‘twalif Life., /idsee to, ant (nrararter - 1r..1...11 , 1 /Ot Tirit.thant ArtlrTra Nag. Airrnalliore; A..e....5t .../ the i`arto..ennsl•gtrarit-Nlnairetn, a.l a Elatals Note L.I. it, 1,1:10,1i 311.0/414 OW 0.1 , 4 1 . 1 ‘d.".""' i, N. tamalautl) fottud to Oro Pot. lint the tainti requirra IL arlatit 'T.g.--rt • Nan tarnhie , which thhi..4kt In tho h1t.11.04 , 41.4 air.l. hvoly, ere how:6mat *. owl tareusaLl. 'I ht.,. thillitlt, it.., must 11411 p their aitt.eopti- MA' h.. 1. An. it.., 1,,,,1nii. vulaa-wad, laud, uf..n 1,,15NU..114, lIIP int/Pit/set Irritira. sorrow naellasaa.. l / 1 /4:fital 1. , 11,1. abiu to hike- Oa oaln.raoal nod Larsterain ries* •.f hattanti Marti', aryl la ao.tinr TO piatkirehr , r 11:11 - Prt-hoplinto:d ersylafra el. Ant 1.11.11 .1 t .1.AdLut.1e.5.h.0441 , 11.1 - ..bi• i.rnpurtlotwor itto-Pku..t to FlctloN : 1 , ,E - city and II Lit, fit. .... A in • .1,.. • All n',lltllllUtorl mthe iir+t twoo f the abut', IN partmourr, am ...stint or the In,st gtttval Veltotqfri ttu, laud. We al,. draw trroly 1,..r Virtton amt. poetry upon• thin heat la.-11.+Ileal , la tho ~.altilr3 and 3.; 1 - 1,1;&; Orit4lll. W. 4,-1101 t,IIIIIIi. tent a N. o k. , 1 - ) In Mr. e:01:1111.08111. moth/a - of •• • ••Th. , Norrte.) W - 1t... - -!ltiretto."' .te ,to our fltut Tot/or of Jillllll.o- in-St. FIN , ; It A ‘ I ',,,..,, illn,ti,Lime of uui.ttuttt pieced. mind at- I On, or A ~,t . ~'aural aril .1.11,1 Inn" luveutluna, milli otbves of a Ilum ,i.ao.. titmgh ,1111t4t i'hantri,r; art 'aluii tenoly given. N0T1(1.F.6 OF .• 'tti.. parivr, with lifu and thought, ttrat•eel of inirtherfnv 1111-str. 11n hlatitiVtrieht by roil tact .- It.ocuploye , the to-at literary tuber. out .4etees e.. leen+ or expense. Av I'to4 payer. tihni,...‘t. htertnr.Pla intekillgtmor, it.—•lnyuy , r ' hoofJ 1 nq IV. Our inns . rI•Iv upi in it, tHnt Droron •1111 L. ae good en their were:. Solar nn-Airri eiltricuip try-ran of Ole...flat/eh. these putdlrhers du ...hcr...l2.re Wait they ' premise, and thi.o pc . i.piiir eatitani WLIAI very nugkoil ntolitj• Ft 1 . .111,:n1101 (err from :illy Kehtlnteninfietnlthd tilUnter. teat 1.4 of tt healthy tone on all Enstvjerttrraisetry* moderato in lrutg - nnrte, hut alwrtye uttbdtv calvvcianin . , , tho.Tight... We find It er r e of tio, n e e,t generally atiteCtive papers in par 0:t -ell:Inge ruaTei, Patsbieiljfi, 141. It in the lee 4 literary and. hilallyllairer tie 'diet -7 11KM.-- (ticeolor. Ittr): Meru& HI. We linen berl.l./4.1,r spoken in high terms of the /elite of a.. the Po4l, , of thi , brat I•aper4 on our extillinge 1,4. and Ire rizard It as ion, of ;Liu hi.nt lltentry jrnierte,to be found anvzhere.' i-lltneltreretl , 4115troritelth Witty. arid . WO ewe. somprelxinisfiiir y ie., of men end thlegr.---..shir oval -I(4ecraper, lirruliterdle„, ta. . .•ro of the moat popular public iournriti• In thn Stab -4. .rroltdolhy f a l .• iroon. 111 n ritarai'y point of show, dl the Inn.rrAt-tif the. Mat MarhArlea, with • sent awouuj f k zoimralintv.lll.7tint . „,,-Rcpriblicir.n , Lirrlyfide4 LT. (Cool] in advancer -Single cops, C 2 xt.Tx. 4 rapine. i..•": 1 no a iear. ~ . " up of . . " •• r.iud one to iso ter.up if Cl ht. 1 Addrra,. uGou,sts pod. vs./. ••• • - - • " - DE.I.CON PETERSON. ( 4 ,6 South Third 4trot,t,. Philadolph4. /Air Mnipto ntunbotv over f.7rati, 'to aby one, men 1W:1U/4i. • n0r7.8 err White's arrioge R epos to ry , ‘rinl7t,',. way .. s 1.10.8 a Lis spaelLiuis pretnisee Lion Int.ily r ittAttptgji roontbosg Turnut near t Twt. Vile liw f betty !t •I'itt•ftittegit affirt.Rcatv6ctNitte;ye , twrifilny lit iltOi; the public to.luxpoct hi 4 iitue.k.ofilA it 141 Atiltiti Ito parta Wetly tii(nrin3 gentlemen. purchasenr. that. ottn L. m. 0.. P'ou • et.' 1.5.113 t , ital;tt Lirn 4 , pin<t• th.C.re ~ins .m+ 9t ear '1130,41116191,..1 of t\' Y.a .. 1 if . ilk, I.ein his ttnitiettlin iievartenont to ...tent, Crtnti tine *vernal, .inet nnet — tnittnitetl I.estern ,witrtnnteteirere tattoo ad. hie tune. spasm in .int t lie oc. moan y .3( hit an ratip•lrlest. %Mt nial,lltlu•ltlrtrr , al thirlertan pricee. Unencutithered by ill., h.,pvy - Per eirentectit4 hrnixt.. , ll' 1 illsitia , riuNitt , apd opts, tri7; p rim . A node, ite nit! to bit O:-11, 1 early. !MO.!) . 4Ply.!!t tituelt hes. that the usual priers.. lit the I.lllt nuttintir, with Apppatt . 6 • Inhitlaw ---.----- _ prOCIAMATION —fir "Virtu: , or .• I•ra•opt uo or Ito hande of Wm. B. Pirsident of the oourt of into tha Fialt Judicial Distrint- of. I'enusylrania. and ./Linlio: of Lilo Court of (.Ip , r and Termi-• nil flenvral Jr:WlN , l(l , q , y. tit awl 'for 7.h . strih, not William Bogge and fiahriel Manes. A..o“,cistoiluttglot of Eho . urine lidiutd for the C o mity o f bpi the sth day of Norettiher. on the year of our Lewd grin thousand eight 111111dt - 1 , 1 and fifty-her; ;ticd Kfrected, for holding a.Court of ()yet , laid Terminer,. said Unmet,' Jail the Court flows. in the City of Pithstorrgh, on the fourth Moislay of .I.)orotnher next. at ltl o'clock. A. M. Public notice to hereby given to all Justicsvi of the Prare, Coroner and CAlnstahles of the ennui) , of Allegheny, that tinny be then and there. in Linde proper persons. wet{; their rolls, records, ingulaitiona, exaniinntions mind other tyrnetti brancee, to do tines, things wink.. in then. rot - wetly.. oillres. in thou 1...ha1f. appears to doti.---•ami ale. those that will the prisoiters that now •or may he fir thelnil of said county of Allegheny, to in- then furl there to prosecute against them as shall in, Just. Given under my•hitial, In l'ittshurgh, this fifth day of No vember, in the yaw , Or our lAird one thousand right hundrui and fifty-tire, and of Om Commonwealth the SSth. nov73+l It01)Y PATTKRSON, Sheriff. WRIT) -541 COLLEUE.—No c•statt lioh wont in ,the Wont hrts.tho nn to farilitieo fi,o teach ing all the bratiches of this nrt, Mr. NCILLIAMW skill ao huojnoas tool as OYMlldrytal Pon man moo and Lady toachora tiot-rvat4 in. all. the ornamental branches of the art. A claim. of Lady Toochora, nal young Index, sylio are ay:piglet to other :Anti led luring the vook, moot Ivory ..Saturday aftorneoa from 3 till 5 o'clock. For tonne apply to the Principal. . nov3 , BROOKS - & cOOPER have just opened a aigo atutortmout L4' • Liten Collar., and SiOO,,S, white tioilherd Collura, black. doe blugh CrapaCollarra do. in seta: • awl will coutluue to roceiye duruig this week their thLral eep tfty e y- g teel e at t a,, nalruing - riot )Too* Fueftrahing Store.. No. 75 Market street.- • •• • • " oov2B WINTER BONN ETS.-L-='ltrs. DXVrbs'oN, T.. NO. 33 St. Clair sti will-oyon - n largo rtegortrubot of FRENCH BONNETS, CAI'S, SI ANTLES and NEEDLE "IpIiOItREP Gaps, Tl3r64DA.s, Nortabber 8,1865. *80.38 Sr Cliireareetv • ' • • - • • OTTLERJOIIN 0611E24 *OO., Bottlers, No, 18 Fl rut ww.411 reepeeiti. hlly,lhfoym the Dribligythat they ClAwntantly bg largthupply the ASAP kRILLA, MINERAL WATER, ALE hhd POUTER, of the beta quoty. atiMU'M lirrw lilattlVlt G ltteeeiVte. Phyeiciapy 4c4quumindlt. 10 foraillm (Mac:coma of its whole -0 and.trent ea Ana acq:/tly • • F _RESIT. FRUITS-- .. 200 boxes Raisiuni 2:00 " " in halvinr; 100 " In quarter.; 300 drum, Figs; just reeomsd and for N J. by REYMER & ANDERSON, i31.0}30. Wood street. ?T i 9M-1000:1b1=f , ey Q-ALERII3 8-4-e Aka 5-bosee- itt , store 1 0 ,.7 sad far sale by .(DaKal XIBINGIift EtAERMAII Y OOLW(S. • '4 . •_ . . 6" • • JA. • ••• - 407800 CD V 51.0 3 1) 1 . - 1, 7 47..i:,-,Ti:r*-'f:l =NM PITTSBURGH POST. giving' up the army • cortlig-shablt -Fitt- bean, and lookedms if it had, but onlyeaidt - "No, no, ---•- 190 lisrve.no giving up of anything."rime thengb SATURDAY MORNING. -- DECEMBEit 8 'when 'Eugene is bald and grayilielnied fbrliiro to sell toriaccomnd snuff ;• - and, who tztrows;irtard ma," confirmed the braxe halt Eugenemmy live to be a general. Wouldn't you • like to 'see me a general's wife' unintnia, a.gititidethime, and grunit /nacos' IfipiinehaM Worded going to' Court," and Coralie - hetd`tup her head, In one of the streets branohing off to the and curtseyed gracefully codling - the nirranna not right,-as you go up the Champs Elysees towards ' tetartgairt - that Berme's' love Idrltisfrofession the Barrierede rEtoile, exists Madame Severe's - was wd great proof fatilr , battrahed. Pimaiennat for poling ladies, a tall, white ititim- The clayitatrient last, When therelteg ritYltmger sing building, lig btfitsita character and purpose. any'timeTordistaMsingthe matter. -It had been Alinost chnventtial dliielpline ie observed at mpposed-that'the'regnnent,' ordrinteirenteinied nadame Severe's the }dung ladies aro supposed from -fbreign"serviee, would remain'at horn& for An ow no I,g 0,g4y . /10,wv JR the neigh Some urontht. Now, hovel& it was EtlatiaOrtly borbood.._ But 89 , they pace rouncLand. round the ordered 'to Algiers. Passionately ns Ragentrtlei monotonous garden, their eyes being in no. way sired military aliStinction, 'as he mew Bette - ell anuised, •their youthful imaginations go wander- I Croralie's unselfish devotioti, he felt'Antrost 'in ing to an extent little dreamed of by' their reve- I elined to :relinquish every ambitious hope ferher red directress or their revered confessor dear sake , . . Love, lovers and weddings are, sad to say, the "You •must- go, Engerre," she said,'when he staple of tbo-tionaminatiotr Of 'that nearly grown expressed some feeling of this kind. "-Thum:lust up paw of friends, whispering as they walk. go---we have delayed too long - fornurother deti- They are in fact discussing their prettyunder- 'ion now: My brave Engent,uttsbravettirtayard teacher. himself, must be like him-, trot onlyxonspeur, but Go away, my dear,". R ao Mi ss si x te en i t. sorwreptorre-.• could not-tore Eugene awl do, -Miss Twelve, who comes. bounding up to her. - - linither," turning to Madame - fifther, who was what are you two whispering • aboutt'" •'murmuring same "opposition "if I said -other., askslittla Curiosity "-Never mind, my dear," says Miss !roper- - • " Wounded'? - maintecll-Idid you sayt tone°, unconsciously imitating her own noun-malt 'wen, see thathe bd'irtis crtecir, way of sending herself out of the room on the baton lir *ft vieUme;" and she pressedherinver's arrundrif n oonfuiential. friend. ".Go and - play stnmetwrigroilteris, flashing overbrowandleasom miles Graces with. Louise.') • with the effort to subdue natural , yea.rpi,ngs And. so, as I was totying,".continued the old- natural Tears. eirtellingtop teiiible'Wortivhist eat girl of the soluisil, "Madame called headonn pered-by theauether, She-flung -her tirtisqirohnd to givo hor the letter; find you -ean't think how hie" neck, triThliV'"' sl), " , ' ll( " Tilllic6 . 4•41 e -L le cannot die , but; 'even -so; itds mwilinY Bhp blushed_ara sure she knew •the hand , , die for Ivis-country? and Eugerrewill dtflhis`thrly, And now the confidante wonders if "Mademoi- and hers."•- 'Pc:of-bete; bow it seller can bo really engaged, and•who to None ittriveve't iiietofirio• emit it of the masters, that's certain , : ,for never iTeltelbe"-Jvrti v e'we r ' lTN '' n irAtteltl i cl"' the ' hard . speaks to any of them, not even to s•lons.- Ernest, victory over self cerm - He'hiUrSYM•' ''Sibt","lierFelf) tho..drawing-nmater, who has more, thee, once only-realitmlit when theftght it;i's over; arrid-she hinted what mcapital sttuly,,Aladom.oisoile %qui' left kimr•et i 'milernmfe ? ,... feilieirmud cher's bead would rttako-....,The two girls•think ft I,o re. ter? itt"eottitin'elY-7 5 '" , -atilk ea]. ofsgitlisaWfliix,siktu' west,,--_,Seshea6girls • generally Elpisll?e n glory round the head :done 'or , oittet Althe geotlemert wholiave trio lionor of teaching them. A pretty young , creature once owned.iterfargti be , :deSperately indove, as she called it, with her harp-master. it little elderly man to.yeanAlipße,m,who thoronOly . d espised her - for - ISW - - itrahlor tdiestelit talent ' Coralie was'ttlii, Mid had a Commanding cat.- PAP S hgt.141;rgi3.13014,3Y9re WlCkt tkL v rivet.btack, soft, not, stparkling,osith clear depths,, into which it Willi pleasant...to gaze; her complexion, of n rich Inewn.t• andrlaerasoll-shapod head a perfect Llll4 , Vel of glossy b 111149 and plaits. An elegant and accomplished girl, she waslove,rthetcrfrll- in - the situation' dfit il durgetiehdr 'in Madame 'Settre'h school; 11,§alfill :9f the& litintrred francs, or twelviis9,nyli' year,,for which she engaged to teach grt , m3mnr,, history., gpogr4pity, writing, cyphering and needle-work of every do sormitvin, amen, Awenty.pupils, whom she was ex p o rted n ever todoseosight of during, the slay (Mot MOIL ill play hours, 1. and moreover beim , ° 'kre quired every morning to brash the hair of score of obstreperous school-girls. The half of Sunday, once s. fortnight, was the-Only holiday Obraliti was allovnid tinting thb halr-year. A terrible life (hit' Mr a senttitive, Well-educa ted girl of two4-twe. Iluicevet, Corolla had endured it unflinchingly for four years, aindloek ed plump and ree - 0111 , 1. Gentile was waiting mall all thmfaith of a,pure..hca.rt for the return of her affianced husband. A. year more, 114111 ire would be back; andas , that thought rises, how she bows her bluithing-faee, and lays her hand over-her heart,, as if the strong beats must le seen by smite 6f die . tiresonie mother's cherutrs round her chair. " Coralie was an orphan Ke.r.t a thgt, a medical mini, hod died Whim the cholera was raging in • Faris. tie Lad Been. respected-by his profession al brethren, and as m. 'matter .of course beloved by his olientelLo. • What doctor is not "-the doctor, we mean. Poor Dr. Fischer died, just as his , prosperous diva imd set in, leaving widow and a little girl to the tender mettles of the world.. And the wind wag tettipered to these shorn lambs some of the many kind 'hearts of Dr. Fischer's patients obtaining for the widow, the right to sell tobacco and snuff, winch enabled that poor lady to sup port herself and hare her Coralie eduoanal. When Clonal° was seventeen, Eugene Peroud one day came to pay his respects to Madame Fischer. He called himself Conches uncle, be lug the son of Dr. Fischer's stepmother by her first marriage. Madame Fischer therefore called him trton fret e, and Mademoiselle Coralie at the beginning, said, Moo uncle, very respectfully. This state of, things lasted but a very short time. Though there was abundance of reason for questioning tho.relationship, there was none at all for doubting that M, Parotid was very handsome and only twenty-seven. The -assumed unoleship allowed- of urrasuat intimacy, and Goralia's young heart was irretrievably gone be for'e she knew she had' a heart to Test'. Eugene left off petting her, and distressed her ,greatly by calling her Mademoiselle. IS'as he angry with her After Furious .hesitations, whether " to..put. it 1 4 1 the touch. to win, or lose it all," Eugenemade • the mamma acquainted math the condition of .his affections. A cabinet council of the confessor mid one or two of the distant relations of the Fischer family was held, and then it was gra ciously announced to the anxious lover, that Ids canoe was wen. Then it Mime out' how very stupidly every one had acted in Making En,,, ,, ene into an ; for, although it way allowed on all hand , that he was a mere, Faunae 0.1 Att un cle, still the pretence was substantial enough for the confessnrie deelare..thatat.dispensation iii fon - 1 11 . 11min he obtained before the marriage could be solemoired....The levers wore..ver.ed and pro yoked; but it must.be owned, that as-thoy met daily to talk over thew plans nod provocati , ois time del not hang long on their halals A, It alzrevs happens, no sooner is n marroter decided on, than a host of diffirdties 'how their hydra heads in au:paths to Its realization"" The spiritual' Maternal affection of 'the Church of - Rano produced number one; sexed tile temporal maternal affection of Madame Fischer, number two; end the hri4egrootn's loNe of his, rofession _number. three.- But l'arabe was a girl in n thousand, without any sollishnoss in her love, at least, if therro were a slight dash of it. it was is solfialmoso o data - The case -wait-this- Eugene Peron& though of a good-bourgeois family, na-, at - the time we are writing of', only a gergtfalt Ilt of the rogitnents Of the line. It II a colo n:fon practice en Fiance for young men, very re spectably counocuid; to eider the army as pri),ates and work „their way up to a C10gri11t.4.9% .N9w kingeno, besides having, every reason tu expect him promotion within a reasonable txmo, had a life-rent of a thousand francs a year—about forty •pounds of English money, and so Coralie considered she was making so rich a marriage, for ix girt without a son of dowry; that she might be suspected of interested InOtites. Like Many other Manna:is, Madame Fischer was of a pro cisely opPolita _opinion to 'her danAter. She thought dm!. CPraite was, throwing herself away " I have yielded to. my.. cluld's feelings," said m a dame Fiaeher, with dignified emphasis, '• and the least I think I have a right to expect in re-, turn is, that.tho man. for.whomthat child sacri fices so much, should. willingly „give up his ,ambitious views, to devato himself to domestic felicity." 4. Arid how are we to live ?" Eugenein, a half penitent, humble tone. ‘, As we have hitherto done," said the lady, in 'the same tone'of injured worth: " I have drily reflected on the plan I now propose, and to carry it out,. .I shall make application to have my limmse Wansferred to my doughier.".. gugeue looked aghast. fur new-,"here madame Fischer.pansed, and raised her handkerchief to ,her i` I shall not long be-a- trouble or burden tomuy one:" • Eugene laughed out at this II assertion, while euralle exclaimed,- - 11,111 ma ' 'r 4' . 0 1 ...0w 4;i u Amy 8 .4 1 i um - Seur Pomr./ 1 419 beuhled burden.!. intunmai, and when you have done so math _ for mu; for us." •Then forcing. back the tears.4lling - her eyes, she smiled,• and lifting off •hermotherts pretty • little cap; •gave -to. view -Madituttl- Fische - es profusion- -of-glorious-'black hair.' Tencterirsmonthipg, anditissingthe - black hOitlit, she chide " - notline r l y i • rthrover ins iii be teen loth; 'EuoSiiti; is'thisre ± and mam ma 6.l.te,hALas if ago ;Y:90110, ,replmi.Als , 44l9 EisdLer..te placing &he nap„..arid-itu unquelicot.ttrihhous. ti What van my.hair, have •to .do ..with-Eugene's C ORA LIE = • '141%. NUMBER 60, 'f'fie li• liqk C onveigt,o#7-14!„VjAi:,e,'Hp. 4 . " t .i 1 (b . i et , s ' ' .. .. • . lPruiit'ificrf`? ' "t?k Da i ly., r44E3of fial4 3 i;): I Public astilgA•wgN, :4 30 1t, two Y94raago> Callen tor hel4iit differentparts,4f this, eity; . m4 lao numbers enrolieji jute, an, ,Argaimization it'ilv•as, tii:e " 1- i.sh AlAitilrY aliti CANII Atvcia , thin... 7 - 'ThisSiOploty,,a r s its nituzwinclioAted.,,,yras - a two-f01,,1 one.. The Civil bratieb:wini gomp . w.sed "of marriiSlMen and otliterf, wrho,,titouglitlieming, Irish liberty, could not , ji.,ctjyelypar i tigipAlp) ' bringing about, but who tyquisl,- give ,of -attic; Si'e 4 fL s ,PTY 'de, f .4t end .pe.4 l, ll.44TY,F_fie PPP I ,posetkqe t g ieft,a, yer,f.Ne,A4,aFal yilling;to Netpr j t 4) )Z14.11/44 a"t43,0ihi1•h.44414.1.0.-,thse.liC.P t h e .'lgl,l6,t'Z°4•9•. The 14,ter.4P•Cell.1q0 R.. iced into companies, had A:p.guhyr: offteere, anti , seri:l:J.lll'l4lam far, stmlying thetaAlitaa };ill,, . ! - . The A . oc ieiy.is still in existence, ,ThemilAary ,potlion of it is,liZO - wn.n s the . 41nigx44 . :494ui.. nest ept Associati o n , anti rultrabemin thls,city . .olone - More than 3,(/00 determined ' mpn;,, ; pledged . 14 oath Co obey the summons of, their chiefs, And embark, for Ireland, when ordered, A Nnstani communication ,is kept up with men ju Ireland; ' banded, together in about ,the •satrie manner ; and having the , same object as had , the famous '.'Lltii-• tea Irishmen " oh' ''..nc.. The existence of t his, or gaullation is no great secret,. and we do pot stM.,- pect that this public mention, of, it ,wlP.,prove in the least to its injnry, as all tAp foots, we ,havb mentioned are no doubt ltnown tp the Eng.li,lhuu!- theritie.s here, and on record ip . the . .castle ,at Dublin. .. ... ~.. . , .. . . in Boston, .',gass., about a . year agp„a few gew tlemen wet and formed a society,,w/tioh, they called the - Irish • EMigrantAi i .hagtvainty.'' , They aeclare,l their int ention to be to aid the gawp . of Irish freedom. by every means consonant with the laws of their adopted country,, and' called on their brother ponatryrneu thrtinghprit, the - 'Union to organize amlconlesee for.,a. similnr,pqn- • pose. The call was responded to with tilserity, and soon almost every town in l‘lassachuge44,had it, auxiliary, Aid Society, existing tuulek,ohtiytera' granted by the parent body in Boston. This movement received a great impetm,irorn the support given it by the Citizen and Irish Anierwan newspapers 'of' this city, and their cots 1 respondents from An parts of the country. A letter signed '. one 'rho would Go, liPpear ed in the Citizen about Six months since, caning upon The Irishmen of the United States to meet said ' ' make Another effort for Fatherland..." . - This letter was introduced tiy the editor bfkoliere-' marks, in Which he suited that the write of it was a man of so eminent fume that" th'e inere mention of his name " would cause the Queen of England to tremble on•ber throne." This singular letter, and the singular irdroditc tion to it, gave rise to much comment•and no little hope to the hopeful Irishmen, who believed it to conic from "the man" for whom they had been so long looking. The editor was asked for the name of the great man, but he saiddretonld not give it then. It would soon appear. •• Some said the letter came from Smith O'Brierr; • others -that it • woo the proditetion of John Mitchell ; a few maintained that Archbishop Hughes was its nuthor ;..brut the- genersa•belief settled. down-that 4'One•who would Go'?•antl•Gen.• Shields .srere one and -the-same—no ail 'events,- , the letter, •come from wbo•itonight; had the•effeet it was• intended to have, It- - ayes . TtApOlided •tO 'from- all parts; and Societies; on the same plan as tlutt of-Boston, were soon'in existence in nearly all the Statos. A convention oC all"the, bodies was suggested, and was held T'n irOstoti - : ''" The proceedings of stich'etyrivrtitt cat -Irtre- i''Orys fillty • rePettett in the • public press-at the time; and it is' only riece , Ssary to say now that it issued.amabizessoexplanatury of the object sought, iiind expfesly liisclaiming, hn attempt to violate the American laws in theft mode of bringing about suet An da&el:.' -Stem . mitteo,.composed• of •resporisible• men, was ap pointed to rmmive.all..funds contributed in aid of the organization, and such committee are per sonal guarantee for the r e turn of the contribu ' tidies if not used for' the purpose givoh; hefdre a .givea•time.. -The. Convention adjourned. to•ineet in New York on the 4th of December, 18•55' . .. In the meantime, the movement has been *Spreading, and' dalli heCoMing stronger. Where is iota town crf• 'any importance in the - Northern States where an /riot' Fanigrant-Aid Soeiety4oes not exist, and initially of,. the liouthern .States there are similar bodies. li - Shoilld he remembered, - how ev er, that the " Emigrant - Aid' Society',"' and - the '''Emtnett Monument Assesaiatiorty'? ••though•aimirtg •to effect the same object, are .entirely. distinct. .To he. come a member of the forneb,,no oath . is re quired, iind all its proceedings are in a measure open: 'The latter is' entirely settet: • fts-mem beraareall sworn.. This differtomehas prevented , a concert of .actio.o.. l ,tetween' .the..hotlies.. ! Some of the Catholic clergy have opposed the li;mtnett AssoeiatiOn, because it required - a secret' oath ; but; so far its'we are' awaits,' hone of theta" have .spoken-against -the other society, -Thutematters stood yesterday, when some sixty delegates. of the Irish Emigrant Association met in conven tion rit the Astor IlOuse. The "Convention met 'with closed 'doors.' - ''. '•.-• - • ' - . . [New bort Correspondence of the Philadelphia hedger, Oth.] Tha Tiish tiationaT COn'vention, at the Astor House; continues to tx cite tatielvrenAark: "''hough but oatsis e r ef. what- istoing the lobbies are crowded. mith an excited. crowd in a state of high fever ? while expressions of dissatisfaction at the way things are managed inside are everywhere - audible - . .1 met Col.' Do hen), marching up•and -dorm the-hall, this morn ing. exhorting We frioade.to wash their Ituads of the whole concerti. For some reason or other, he and the . CO:Icor r;rlhe Citizen are at daggers' painh , ; eau Its the' Convention" tvill" - bot - torn "Mae' Ott; tht,' Col: Ilan taken - the 'position Of a belligerent outsider: One sot coMplain that Al tither Set' as' talt en it' uptor themselves' - to " dfit and "-the whole affair so as tot advance; not ..the.".liberation Irelandi",but certairiperaonal ends. Renee, the time ix pretty.. nuielitaken.up in gross personalities,etui frequent appeals even to agencies of a more material character. • • A !Ann, I am told ; has -been- submitted , "to reach -the heart of thb British lion " through his. Canadian lungs. Five thousand able -bodied ..flibiarniannsire-represented-to.bo , all reedy- for 'enrollment tegnarehtto Canada, ortler , to .co opefate,vith•Som4S, Russian , demenstration ; • said to be, orgenitin„ on.-thouortliwestoonst.- Money '4OIBM - eat to. defray , expenses; is-further- said, has idietvig-kteen-raised,-and.tbe-enly-thing - •re- I nniningte•bedene,Lin4eftml 4 nninn-in whonvell emir beve-eonfnieneene-asien4ler. , --Seeteey being ....u - ": - . : _ ._ ...........:4;:-- - . i'" - „..,........ , - - „, ,, ; - ..;,, , ,:.-• - ••••==' - ... 41,, - --.,„ -.---. ~ '.. •= .• ,:. = , • 4 ,t - t-.." 4.-• t!tot2'4,. , C - ,:k.;.• ,1 4 , ::,..• --- '7' 4. '' : . .4 . ...-' ~ % • - v -k i. . 4 -- .:•- r ::•''''' - • •:-. -'•''' , , : --4: .1 4t`''= - ' - '• ,... V•f 1 r;‘t..•.4,_,...-..;:it_.f .f.: l- ,....k . ... t ,:=-.:_,... - %.. .4 :r • 4G('il* 4%7 4 .* 1 4,1 4 0 l i dfrl4t P BB. ,t One mum, meeruon .1)14. each additional innottinn-...:,..;.: .23 DP. 11.:Al4glirPiktif,ti.k.o.-oa-ooft•tornorzevr.• 173 Do. ttr0Vefit5.00.h....0..i.t. f .,..4.1....... ...... 300 Do. three weeks— 4.4 •• • 400 : i Vat in0irth:;.:;;;1ga1.411.1.46t....:4113.4:00 - ,three niuntimi:MArou.44.ma . if...ti::: „ ......». 900 0,.1..11Q.0.:f,1a9r,,M0Utit5,.!......;....4,0ttr.re010mmr-a;10 00 DO. , .... , ... / 2 Co year "lklo Standidg "" •iceto -.• • - Ono square, per annum, iesoinslve-ofthe-papei,) 25 00 4 1, 4rrinesP9 6 *%. - kg "nfiA l tntt, .1,443W25:5V49' flie'ene g'ea' to keep out. of the Feykapery u:nithilAhlte a ts'itille'itihr • nu the fade , hefe"benterfinitty , bel , relittntpWrA.Dis .probahlei, horrever,:.that..the..tvhele,isrbrunen.irAll "bust . np,7 Jrwing te_theyeryorstioykritli personal . hatreds whietiiovern the Convention. APS:t i P3WPA.Ant?.' 1iqb9J1144 1 .°!190 ; it is a wild one, but 'o Virj da u iris men are engaged Siiiiigth&g r itP tri n rigerit'tf Ittektitv,` . there,•dscrialtitepte thetaattail _agent ;and the eili eng,ineertei thorsthelet tun- A 9%, Wh.ocAP 7 11 •er, kTliAr,fEnt;, spy t juit it is thought to be something 0 f3))2 urged te get up an if:01362111d Ca_44 iip,..mier• illititiefthe skAlieffi. at AcEnbr.alld drOlibilitg.l924.7PlS.Wkd to transporqt Rertion.fif,her,..pmy...utt.gruT to the .A.nrerielti,coloraes. . the FAN on 'get ' 'Yn lisle tn.:miaow sonw ,- 6f ithealevehint.tapers vabi6h, ,your : caretpondearg•ffpititEmpOng..4. - yPtopipwilAsz an'' wonder vit. 1 7.4j1.-P.Yda c i e ll.' E 4 .posted up with win is SIRP. pomp,. tv.,,WAilaimat t oilt ..The-Yhing!.oft eortrpendelkt of- the 9- InCiiii 'Ssu lrl;tES Auto tieieniter - Cti; Voir. ZildnirOtieli**ii• - ai46if , , a gg e.vmed-conioßinttrwivturea tanasaltrite lievo.that it,gas iattudeittorttaaatamTh4oat , at .4 .9 trorVg4iiinog, gang_ flaw. -- "abjf tit — Walled Agitation, - itAny -, prefailsi , Akttiivitidi4i4Andiak s-ud olgo:KLwil EA stated in the iii.eipatAg qa-AhP non Vhat pailfied4 lavAliavo_ L een setodalAy 'ffie Ctitt AfriltV ftrAtian .ofaletnvegillattt - a11 ,1 111.1 , Itaihr4MAY* t.sriguraiti ,goverumuttri itileglahziktt ouculionnojsire„ .Tbekdmcotasaithreir- Voroie fieinstiCes niif,resurrto tin courts bf _ rt i b ate. trnou 1041,e„ ,e);1111 'WC?. 4311t,ILhaVO ntiairatad/Ilkliti,64bilitatidear4o Mist Mc+ oettalimunitLenocif the lathrationpf the seditiorblagyatistcppavaLgiglksMilli inent. of, anxperpon pr at h fineimpmottm,ol 0fg784( 614-BTedy .xists legally in aftablasiYmasq •". 4 auiP .7 A PeklP4Aasoontereigndtx thin , de.t4end the free Stheyl"tate peo i ple A f yl l i g tvins4,..not. e Velist 1,66 Benfence phse 7 en ifltßfbrg s fo?V‘ , Pai r iYYAA 7 Ziktiff 6 l . , S 0 icCia-posnitatetlvnlabisls Abe nhtinchof , lbe gfe- BBgt •3 , al The liansamiumlup."t‘ch ja_aAtim:OpejOg of session itie - fig m,-Repre?e,rofi ,tiTtstifiteleiinicirit4latlStiivirt (12,' c (, "4 f"; . riI+CVYII.7 f3l ;1.174Pe4/ .„;,;; aUggla DEJ4EraValgTl 24 . 2 3r 4 " CIVEAiMP,r9 39fFrY15114 WhgtaiY et carious m aas pep ifirAtestoot 6 doSßlitste itko i r t 6ttpotitro to afvtliteiciliipotibidesic -ognntstinests4,94itbviietpento oTlie A°Vt.."/4? Lc ed WitjMvs.s.sr thrtmillgEL 411-1544,116 'We l 4 pOLLATERAL INHERITANCE TAIV-- Xi? ;., ~,-, ~. ',.,.: Qoxlustoszatt enarr o .,ej " 'l.'ittsburgli; NoTem hot 30 1855. ...Tug accordamcceYstitliinfiaol.tif i aiiieat ,W., 1 % 6, requitix.ag Z 1 4 .5 Commitadooon, of gAvog,iPiono . l.l,-to lottligletolinttn cottad lit Vgistifro falCollatotei in ) TritADA , Xm; 4•fa timnivlenignv4 do ipnbUaltutba =mina o Aleixouder IlichitrMion, liegider of Allegheny, County, from tholioOtirmbertFigniginiil liiiiolt..Mir, IBsl = both 11 ?1 i T.'. l . l TY e 't .ci • X2-41114-113RIAC, • • "X . Grr AIA44 ; 6 .„,, , i , *;, 1 , a,, 3110:11112M111, .ii I A . , , ~ .1 AXES , ~ 0 . 0:1311XY, C,1r1c.. : AtrxxVyitn.yerfami;simrs. .=17,1: * ; ,tosa't2,(•listtreceil'ell AC. Jan..aglttrri , slxintinin" , ; trator of the entate of Elirshoth . . affarts,4leoeitnorl ••• 8, Cash from Beni. Lotte,. Admiu'r of •'• • ' Mtn of IssTttf; aced' . i'Jtelf2 20 , w imam; 40trexi , V4 0 04;44,..ca. , Prudence morro,oced... r .. 112 Jarey 5, Cash from S. Johnson, due uppn •• "" tinhat -. • 4000 . WqP, Ilalfaut.Sn'idio44ll2o-tut si •i7r Buis, dee d...... ,10 85 . Peter 8atc4443116:0141 1 0:itaiiifii4:$. 731 :111,140::.1tiViiX.rdt110oft 4tl~to to - ;.: • .0.1.10-ildrlAgetthltnikOX i•• 3•4 • ' rot Marna% 31 40 ohe 0U4119•31969."'i of &gaud D .04c,11, amp:med.-, 3 3 255 • Jblitt 'PbSteNdd, Adteriff Wni:" . • E•Tag,3lll9o, ,kaiBs ••: tem - in Hutchison survtlyinig Ex-, ..ecator. otJaai Actantitideed.t. , ti , i s-90- 1 67 8, •-• Graham Scott,one oftheailir t .'9 • • • ••uf 'OO . ABdcllv rThleirr Antwboier , u4 quest of Amore man. $ de ceased :-.)•495160 Arthur 41enalevaal, of Nast ~ ••• ••gaft4 deed' • ' 4 "48 70 Mdllt6.•• Sohn 'Ramage, 249 60 Alex. Hurglmtaidg,•ExOsninrof , t•I ,Lahinaßrtioli;enrid,„.-o„ „3.0 18 Orthd•FA'de-' ' of TO-.l l 4 o 9 6 l: 4vd f i rirroi -04200 AAllbs. sfi s value of ground „ sent dalsetlananall , Notgareti" ,, lm- - , 31 0 18 O•MM.M •51alvh•S; ' ''liNhtP,'im6 " tlffh& }hoe " u,5 , 4 1 44 , 1i'i1kn40 06 EiDaratAoo/i.,1 an ;75 ranas Karns, Executor,,, ••.23150 .ins, C. Cummins, due Pyib? fit • tate teJoltii 'll 69 •.•••;: mst I o .lira ,et eece, de ceased, to Hanna J. lnsital.O.s,`• • • 1 0 37 Ben•PlilViion, Executor, „Se vid insou r dec'd-. 831 Aril ' ` - .l . M . ln's die,of &ritual ligitsr.hidaeAull-lirtri„, flu 05 3 ••• as. Bonny and -L, Wilco Jr f •• • ••• ••• • ktnehtdrillof•lrmini - KutaliMcst A)266 `oo . • JoYs T n 1 d 99. ursUall, ..- • 99 50 8,, .. • ...• ...FrandiKagassExocuton oilnat ion bells defd. . 1-16 •• -- • &Mattel • ~APP4t‘i, 3§ a t e ,., tillit i rrEs4 e fa: o7 ;l €l3 .01M1.9 Christian Ihmsert,otro of tho Ex-, • „,, ••• -t•cntersfife.4oPPrtrielPM*l4 9 . l *, • Ar so 41Printithilt r 20700 51ra. Jane Kerr y duo by.estrito of • • • 'AndrtoWfrAert, lied/ 5tt,5,r54.61105 Th°'''Firill i N a P d iA /fle lkY r ti•u:‘- lifarkii,'Mzentao Oilamns . . 9uteth "9 50 Atlin,inintnatoan,4.r.4 of Wilthant Jones,. nOTwAnltitakdi4iltie, , of ground bcsrainitlintild ,• • • Mannar Slif Yu:island? de,...h11tite5..• ,1, 13 95 Carta, LIM noon ....#4l" fi c:MATOrts 'ir e tt-gx . 111 •• • dee(1,...1 .. • " 364933 E-Jslitanan.,..A4adnleiratoro. 05 . ~4 5 ;q4 a1... 1 1,33 0 1Ae5Arf.d........i .4,- :,;. 11 pne of Use ecrpre . fie;orLymaK4:CDfl .• iteudit6netmii.loctlttohia.- " • iitmnownbith,:kfto,f • , .0 0 E0111 sEkStt.9 o oi4A ll o._V-7. - . „ .. . v ecbtorr4c of donn_,Mlur H. ciithrt Taccutor; 4.7 of L , • -It %Lowrie, a'3.l •..11 , ' k 4; rhib by 1106 2' }BUs ..,r•zi..103 82 Bolifst Patterson, acting Ex . ecto • torria., of4oo.ll 4 attersonlideereP 31 '1 7 ' 4 .(krail l* " , 6f marylsreAkitg, dherT '23'75 •••• - ,NP•Onni°l-.51a0a1.8.11i1 • Dasid.l , Broadfoot, Execntora of Nary . - - • .• • •Bohadfooti•ddedu.riii-UitsAi.itol.llB4: o s Rules 51.Chridty,.tizmitor,&c, • or linty —"" 'Dterto - Gro..ilnelb.,A(DatainVaDlT, •" of John Boyce, deed :61,0 0 • - Vitcoajnioni-ef,thriaiemej •• " tors, sr.cof, Jounthau • er.r&Si " • •.• • • , . 12 c ' of Elizabeth Davidson, dee.L.... 179 09 ..• '34l•4"ol"idprialuinftholissem44,.l4 tors, of tioah ..s.looltt,.deed.-„52,2 19 '' - rs. tobt&is, AiltitiniftrAltt"'"" • -.4440E.J.JA1L.9.3311P.,41.1-c44444i.1 7056 Benjamin labbe, acting Execu tor, Ac., of james, Lor r deed.. 1 1 12 47 glitanan ,on Mit" t" u" cl i si . eAF2a 4 F ---•;".TI°2 toe, 46 sthah.ial A1te4,ate(6,414'6 1 ...i Tpson. Tax on "Letters7lfron Pe cen tl, • bet 4;, is,s* , neNtonaubbt • gOtb; 115 54 0 3 90.4 , 5 1,14•0 1 ,4 vrnritatid if!..90 -,65.11V58 li% % r I, ~. ..~ ~. .5........... -M„- Aug! 11, • • 1 1 4 :civIr -TO Certify titO'rtb6vo - 7n'hA *6 FAAL,PP4II74IAv e cI i TS 4I . I /Air d9 til li Sh at r , late Register of AileOlopy county, tto you' ng SocociNer 300, 1554,4 in apponni.b3 . 4l l o 'Zarb ili•las iii AVitstsvat liana comber A. U. puo Wonsan i e . ^l3t flau and AVMS' AGE 00;06044aireetil .11er' 'ri • 'N'•"7 2 " LIVEAD ES'AVILE'FIN tuaucoomtol, OirMA...STOE.°h.It mgAlcsoTgPatAgwan,,,, f t re es , AVAt.A.44it°Vgii47- fßigell"lTlfYVltird'EWrhe [ 1:61,8,431 ; . .4: 1.; °".i -4, - ...,...., . ---. \42-'Zi.:?.•
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