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PROPRIETORS AND RD1T0R5.,,..., RBIDAY AIORNING-s: ',13 - - , To Newspaper Publishers The type on which the Daily and Weekly Morality Poo was printed previous to getting our new dress is offerod for sale. It is Nonpareil and Brevier, and in good condition, as any one can see by looking at a copy of the paper of last week. It will 13e• sold cheap fur cash. Meeting of the County Committee of Correspondence. Purvnant to notice given, the Democratic County Commit too of Correspondence met at the Bt. Charles Hotel, on Sat urday, December Ist, 1855, et 11 o'clock, A. M. After some dhs-uAsion, the following resolution, offered by B. Biddle Robert; EN, was adopted Resolved, That the Democrats of the several Wards • Boroughs and Townships ho requested to assemble at their •• several places of meeting, on Saturday, December iptibls.ss,. Delegates to meet In County CutiViilstiim on the Wednesday following, (the 19th heat.,) at the Court House, In the City of Pittsburgh, ut 11 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of relenting Delegates to attend the Democratic State Conven tion, to he held at Harrisburg, on the 4th of March neat. Thu following resolution was unanimously adopted Resulted., That the thanks of this Committee be tendered • to Meows. Bryson 6 Shirts, the 'geutlecoonly propriotore of the St. Charles Hotel, for their kindness and liberality to fur nishing us with so comfortable and convenient place for our • nwethig. SAML. W. BLACK, Chairman. N. 11.—The times of meeting, as heretofore appointed— the Townships from 3 to 5 o'clock, P. NI., wad the Wards of the two Cities and the Boroughs from sto o'clock, P. M. We ore prepared to print on a letter sheet copies of prices-current of the Pittsburgh mar ket. The merchant ordering them can have his card inserted at the head of the list of price.,. Clubs are forming in New York for the support of Senator Hunter, of Virginia, for President, and Augustus Schell, of New York, ( Hard Shell, for Vice President. The Kanawha Republican of the 4th inst. says the bank continues its regular business, and redeems its notes in specie whenever presented at the counter. A fire occurred in Norfolk, on Monday even ing, which consumed twenty-one buildings, in cluding the City Hotel. The hotel was insured for 530,000—the others were not insured. Rev. Henry C. Dean, a Methodist Clergyman, of lowa, has been elected Chaplain to the Senate. He is said to be Anti-Nebraska and Anti-Know- Nothing. Henry Ward Beecher, Theodore Park er and Archbishop Hughes, each received one vote. A large building in Honesdale, Pa., known as Cornell's Hall, and occupied by John Grady, Ju dah Levy and C. W. Stockbower, and owned by Thomas Cornell and Co., was entirely destroyed by fire on Tuesday, with the adjoining storehouse, containing a large quantity of hides. The los. is over $BO,OOO, on which there is only a partial in- Mr. Appleton. of Maine, late United States Secretary of Legation at London, has resigned. With the letters of recall sent by Government to Mr. Buchanan, at that gentleman's request. there was sent, we hear. an appointment for Mr. Appleton as United States Charge d'Affairs, ad interim, which that gentleman declined, pre ferring to return to the United States, where his private business demands hie presence. Early on Monday morning, the store of C H. Uartrell, in Fifth street, Cincinnati, was entered and robbed of between two and three thousand dollars worth of silks, satins, embroideries, shawls, handkerchiefs, &c. The thieves effected an entrance by opening the back door with an outsider, and breaking a thin hoard which was used as a brace under the tock. Mr. Gartrell and one of his clerks were sleeping in the store, but were nut aware that the robbery had been per petrated until the usual time in the morning for opening the store had arrived. OHIO RIVER IMPROVEMENT It is encouraging to witness the lively interest which is almost every where manifested in the improvement of the Ohio river. To make it navigable the year round is the general desire expre- , ed by the press. it con be dose, and some day will be done: then why delay the un dertaking, and lose its benefits longer It is stated that the steamboat tonnage on our western rivers amounts to 877,355 tons ; and that the capital invested in it is $35,587,547. And this tonnage bears annually toward the mar kets from two to three hundred million dollars worth of produce and merchandise. The navi gation of the western rivers has now become one of the great interests of the country. Those rivers double the value of every acre of land in the west and southwest. Opulent cities spring up upon their banks, and their shores are a con tinuous scene of commercial life and activity. Those rivers afford twenty-four thousand miles of steamboat navigation ; and by a comparison of the business done on them it will be found that the Ohio is, for commercial purposes, the most valuable of them all. Yet generally there are only a few moths in each year in which it is navigable by steamers of good size and class. This year has been ah exception. A good stage of water has continued nearly all the time for eight or nine months, and the consequence has been a vast increase of business by this route, showing that it would always be the preferred and best route if a good stage of water could be relied upon. It is to secure this that the im provement is proposed. it is estimated that seven million dollars would build locks and dams and side dams sufficient to keep four and a half feet of water In the channel the year round. That sum, or even nine mil lions, is a trine compared with the sums invested in railroads. Nearly seven hundred millions have been employed in the construction of oar rail roads ; yet theft is no railroad in the country of one-fourth the value to commerce as would be the Ohio river when improved as is proposed. The great question is, where shall the money come from to accomplish this undertaking ! And another question asked is, will it not subject the commerce of the river to ruinous tolls ! Both questions can be answered. Congress can be in duced to grant, in money or public lands, a mil lion and a half of dollars. The money is lying idle in the treasury; the lauds are as liberally given to other improvements less important and less national. Let the great West speak out with a unanimous and decided voice for it, and the East and the South will respond in its favor, for all parts of the country are interested. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company contributes largely towards the construction of some of the Western railroads, yet no Western road would he half as valuable a feeder of our road as the Ohio river. A million dollars could not be better invested by that Company than in this river improvement. For several months past that road has earned about a hundred thousand dol lars a month more than in former years, and the fact is unquestionably mainly attributable to the continued high stage of water in the Ohio river. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company has an equal interest in the project ; and should equally contribute. Then, there are six States whose shores are washed by the Ohio, and whose Legislatures would speedily follow the example of Congress in promoting so great an enterprise. Such contributions could be obtained from pub lic sources as would insure the early completion of the work, and make the tolls low when in use. ' This improvement of the Ohio is practicable and every way desirable ; and it would prove one of the moat valuable and profitable undertakings of the age. Wu had the pleasure or a call from Mr. Fisk, of the Lafayette (Ind.,) Courier, yesterday. He publishes an excellent daily and weekly paper there, and it would be as good an advertising medium for our merchants and manufacturers as any paper in Indiana. DECEMBER 7 To Merchants and Others THE NEWS Merchants publish certificates that speak high ly of their goods in order to ilicr6ii., their xle We see not why newspaper propriet N may not do the same for the same purpo , ,-. We, there he-inatty mentnry notices of the Po , t that we have lately found in our exchange pager yvo are grateful their good opinion, :}ll hopo we shall eon iittne tatieserve.it : I From the Wash i ns - cun Conunoawifdtli, t whig Tur:lPittsburgil Da4ly giet prefiated itself in n new dress lust- Mondiy morzung,add now inaket, the neatest nppearariie of - any of theAlailies of that city. The Pools ono of our most readableexchanges—ono we could not do without—and we are glad Lt. see this evidence of its prosperity. [From it.. 1.111. m Pntn, Pittsburgh Daily Post Thin sterling Democratic journallmo,l its appear ance un Monday in a neat and beautiful dross. The Poet is the bent paper in the •' smoky city," and is eqp.al in all renlects to the Lunt in the Keystone Rate. We heartily reomnmend it to such of our friends an desire a 'Pittsburgh paper. [Vntm ILo WaAing,t,n En:11111110r. The Pitt *burgh Peat. This old and sterling Democratic paper appeared on Monday last in au entirely new dress. Its iip pearanco is very considerably improved. The Rost is one of the ablest Democratic papers in the Colin try. We wish iL conductors all imaginable pro. per ity and success, pecuniary and political. [From .1111 t b.. The Pittsburgh Post We neglected to notice in our last the assumption of s new dress by that admirable paper, the Pi"tor buryh Poet. It is now one of the handsomest, as it has ever been one or the Le=t, daily papers in the Union. It deserves and should receive a liberal pa tronage. } ' now I lie .111.t1 The Port. Our neighborq of the Pest have given that paper an entire new dress and new type throughout. It looked as neat as a pin yesterday morning. While we feel bound to oppose that paper on political grounds, we most cordially congratulate it un this new token of its prosperity, and wish for it all iteces , in the wave of honest merit and lnet a"6rt. [From the Pittnburgh Diepahh Tar. Post appeared on Monday in beautiful new type. It looks like a healthy, well supported jourunl. and we are pleased to see its en t:dallied suceess. From rho ernivionl Doultx-nat Tete. Pittsburgh Poet put on en entire new drew last week, and it IS flow one of the neatest and bright est looking papers on our exchange list. The Post is a live paper. in which we always find something new and interesting. (From the Mcr,r Indeptn.lent I,Ant-rioan Tae Pittsburgh Purr made its appear-mire this week inn new dress from hewd to foot. It is now the handsomest shoot on our eo•hange li=t. and I'AJII - a larger amount of reading matter than any of the other Pittsburgh dailies. ',From th, SantMilky. ll_ l'omnwrdal rtcr,..i..r Whig • Tat: Pittsburgh P,.., mtne , to us in a bait garb, and now presents a mere neat and ta"teful appear. ante. The Da:uocratic, i- one of the Lest papers of the Ke . %,ltme -taw, and tit-servo its success. Edited by NI t,,rb. I; illnaureand Montgomery it has attained to a character 1111 lie above that Fought for hr " Democratic" journal•, and is a ertltt 1.. kl` party and 'tnte. l‘ a a it all Vrtan the Law, 11.•i` J.. 11: nl.l Pittsburgh Post. This exerillent leading Democratic paper, alway a favorite with the party, has donned an entire new dress, and looks as neat as a bride in her teens. We are pleased to see it proeper. and may our friends vialmore Montgomery never Mel: imirmage for the ol.t pot We Wive n i)•x'Dor , the -tm ~, modtaity forbid= aning any thin;.. ra-re nb-at aeivea to-dny--eren i v rel.ratirw alb.l,lhars -ay THE: :-;t-,;an Rouge tlm.l fth ult., say 4, that early test in October. and the almost uninterrupted imintner weather since, will cut the sugar crop tit this State MT at least tine-half, if n' more.' The Tlidwaleau ilinerra, 24th ult., Fay. • •• are delighted to hail the advent of cool, bracing weather, hirti ~1111 not Lut materiaßy improve the sugar erop. - Lafourehe, I/um-hitt, and other flier , et 'hat ' , tate. are rapidly ri , ing,!tha there itt 3 fare pliopoct good navigation. PITT' , I3I . ItI:II St. CI , INNATI. -The Flour and Wheat into these tmo e‘Ltea since the fir er Septeutber to DeeetuLer Ctrst three mouth., been tl-9 rot tolil Pttisl,urgh A in •Innut In the exput t Flour, Pitt<lwrgh ex . 0.4..111 - .1,•;1 nati 2U,52S WAs,--the I , •rturr E.lporting :,n the lattrr '1_,7,11e1;! 1,1.1 LA RUC EX I,PI or Pl.o stenincr A merit.", which left this icwi. on Wednesday fir New Orleans, had as a i.ortem of her cargo 1.,97 pLni shipped by Messrs. Hall A ~ p eer. This is but ,ne of many evidences we might furnish (I the Itnpi.!:alice “f Pittsburgh as a manufacturing point. They were fur the most part intended nir a Texas market [Friml the einrumati C.. 11,111• Sad Accident—Ex plo•lon ar Oar ti trn m Mire Engine Jot Ho., Yesterday alterzs , a the Straw Elie Eu it Joe Ron' '' Ica , placed at the c r 0 ,,,10g t yi n ,. rind Sixth street , . to make a trial, for the eve einl benefit of the city official, of Chicago. who are visiting our city for the purpose of dries,- ing the operations of three tire annihilators. About 4 o'clock, the time when her gr(sme , t power was being tested, the reneiling chest ex ploded, instantly killing the enginem. Jahn terbottom, and wounding some ether gentlemen A. B. Latta. inventor of the Steam File Engine. was badly scalded in the face and on the_ urine. Jeremiah Brant, carpenter at the People's Thea tre, was scalded. Horace English, of the Fire Company, was severely bruised. one ur two others were slightly injured. Mr. Winterbot tom leaves a wife and one Child thirteen toonthe old. The force of the explosion was so great that it threw Mr. V,. some ili.tance into the ;tie. 'lt— membering his legs. and otherwise injuring his body, which fell some distance from the engine. Several panes of glass, in Dr. Chapman's drug store, were also broken by the shock. From the testimony of the witnesses before Coroner Men zies, we learned these facts: that the -steam was raised to fio pounds to the square inch in 7 min utes, while it took the engine Latta 12 min utes to gain the same .tatittar.l pent . the to , ual working point r,t) pound- ;ina kw minutes the steam was up to Oil or , whist the en• gine was working rapidly, the lo.se pipe burst some person called to the engineer to stop the engine, which he did, though not instantly; al most as soon a it stopped working, the explosion occurred ; the engineer was warned but a few minutes previous that the , tetuti was getting too high, and cautioned Mr Latta :thew the RIMILITII of water in the " pre-chest ; the steam was at 180 pounds—the highest point in trials hereto fore only about 14.5; that the eiigitkol dined to have his own way CAHLYLY -- Friend A, es In tin- age or quacks, charlatans and mere windy, gaseuu, pre tenders to heal, who blow at every s'orner, awl in the face ansl ears of all men, thsir loud, bla ring Jericho trumpet- , and other noh.y boisteriou , wind instruments of marvellously twisted ba, , , in such a woefully sham-ridden epoch a, this, I any, it is comforting, nay es - en cheering to the earnest well wisher of hi- race to know ther e hush arrived in this world a genuine Physician —to light once more upon something besides mere Sangrados and Don Mercurial Jalaps, with their phlebotomies, poisons and warns water. Your Cathartic Pills and Cherry Pectoral, car ry us forward to Halcyon days—to millenial Parmacopoeas, when Science, deep diving down into the principles of things ; shall, with infinite cunning bring out the genuine Elizer Vitae : fur of a truth there is manifestly enough somewhat of that same Life Essence iu your subtle vegetn ble distillations and compounds. 'ion realize to us the visions of those painful lest, smoke-dried Alchymists—bootless seekers— dreamers among retorts and crucibles, touching the Quintessential hidden Virtue of the Universe, which should antidote distemper, and break for man the Wheel of Time. 4,Eg- Fever and Ague l--John Ward says: 1 re commend your BITTERS as a remedy fur Fever and Ague. I was not only cured by it myself, but three of toy friends living on Wylie street Were also cured. One of them. who runs on the river, had the Chine for three ruonths, and says the ROLLAND BITTERS Wee the only thing that did him nor good." t'AUTION —BeI careful to ask for Boerhave's Bitters. The great popularity of this medicine has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against pur clued rig. LIES.SoIiI at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $6, by the pro. prietorn, BENJAMIN PAUE, Jn.. dr. CO., Manufacturing Plui.rtanceutists stud Chemists, Pittsburgh, Pa.; K. SEL LERS @ CO., corner of Second told WpoLl streets; ud tiniggista gliusrany. Jrjr4fftti! fiats 1 .VI” have received our Nab SEA° 9f SILK frAll4 Which will be found. on inspection, a neat and good article. A. good Rat for $3, and on extra one for $4. Call and aee. goEpAN g cx,.. 164 NVuod et., Next house to the gap Presby (Amid,. en . One door grow tlutti etrevt. • t • ' i ir Et‘ ` . 4..." ., 5 ' • glitict 4 , 'FAT 1,11-TEST--NEWS TIFIRTVFOURTH WASHINGTON CITY, December 6.—Senate. Mr. Rule's resolution calling On the President for a copy from yesterday's rep4i, was taken up. Mr. tinnier remarked that ,it tit)" utzusttel to mace suOtvall§-13:atiriiecetV , ing infiikmatiolideAred. At4l',MtilitorteentectFibat the rgeoltitioti , . shoOd fwd 4ier t d iiioved'ihat vihenrtbe Sedate adJourn' if'adj nn tiL ' 3tendsj Mr. Hunter hoped not. az the House may organize to-day. Clayton remarked that such an adjournmen would delay the reception of the President's message which the country is anxious to see. Several Sonaturn urged Mr. Hale to withdraw his 'notion. Mr. Ilale—ln view of the fact stated by the Sena tor from Delaware, on which 1 W IL9 entirely ignorant, that the country is waiting with greatenxioty for the me, , ake, rwithilraw the motion. (Laughter.) The Senate then adjourned. Heu,,,,..—".Mr. Whitney withdrew the name of Him phrey Marshal) as a candidate for Speaker. On the sixteenth trial, Itiehardson 721 Campbell 79; Pen nington it ; Fuller 20 ; Wheeler 10: thinks 6; Smith, of Alalettort, IA ; Valk 3; Thureton 2; Pnryoar, Mace, Nictiolp, Andrew Oliver, Edmondson, Carline, Otto each. The House on the Pevent ee nth ballot voted as fol lows : Campbell 70: Richardson 73; Pennington 10; Fuller 21; Wheeler 11; Banlcs 14 : Amide, of Ala bama, 10: Thurston 2; Whitney, Puryear, Mace, Nichols, Zollicotler, Walker and Lake each one. There being no election the House proceeded to another ballot. Eighteenth linll..t --Campbell 82; Richardson 72; Pennington 11; Feller 21 Wheeler I 0; Banks 18; Smith II ; Thurston 2 ; Puryenr, Mace, NicholF, Oliver, Carlisle, Zollierdler, Walker, Etteridge. Mar shall and Florence one each. Nineteenth : Richardson 71 ; Pennington 11 : Fuller 23 ; Wheeler II ; Minks 18 Smith, Thurston, Pun ear, Mace, Nichols, Oliver Carlisle, Walker, Marshall, Houston and Davis, tv Maryland, each one. Twentieth Ballot—ltiebarikon 71: Campbell 48; Pennington IV: Fuller 22: Wheeler 12; Banks 23: smith : Thurston 3; Com., 2 • Mae% Nie hole, Oliver. Walker, Lake, Howard. Davis, of Maryland, and llingulan one each. Twenty-first Ballot—Richardson 71; Campbell 46: Hanks 21 : Pennington 26 ; Fuller 21; Wheeler 13; smith 7; Thurston 3; Nicholson 2; Oliver, Mare, Walker. Howard, Davis, Dunn and Aiken one each: 211 vote' necessary to n choice; 11)6 last vote. SEW YORK, December B.—The steamship St. demi..., from Havre and Southampton has arrived. She drings London dates to the 21st ult. The Africa ar rived out on the 18th. The papers furnish interest ing items not contained in the Halifax despatch by the America: Three magazines belonging i., the French artillery were hlown up near Inkerman, killing 70 Fioldiers and In officers. The magazines contained :ttl,tlee killo granune of powder. 600,000 cartridges, and 300 charged shells, all of which were destroyed. A terribly destructive fire occurred in Paris by which the public bakery was consumed. It contained "%,11110 quintal , torn, and an espial quantity of Flour and ItIACIIII.. which were burned. The Ahip Americo, which wici yi reeked near Cnlrilu jtnil which tvEte:iwild by the Unticrwriter , i, hits lireu ;at the purchatem A large nmount of Russian grain on the coast near i,beerliennati had been destroyed by an allied flotilla sant for that purpose. The grain was intended for the army in the Crimea. and iVIIP parked in six lierfl, which extended along the merit for two miles. The 4:roc has dismissed Prince Munschatruff a. chief of his staff. and appointed Oen. Oldenburg in his •tend. Advice. from Km- , -tate that lien. Monrovia. ~,rrvowo by ho defeat before liars, hod become in :All., and that Lien. BOALmti had bra iummuned ~•'tnnr !ht . t• , ,Li .111 NI WAtiIfINCT., lie•serniser f. It hat just Loin lo.yond the possibility i.f cavil, that a despatch hos been received frets Mr Buchanan rebt titu to Mr. Crampton's difficult), the tenor of which in that the British government, its a vourteons but positive manner. decline gii lug ouch explanations na inert. demanded 1.0 i.ur ge,ernsiest, regarding the ii.latien ~ I •iir neutrality laws by 'British aeetits. This aspect s.f affair• imposes on the Ameri government vet-) delicate obligations, and it will rie l tiirc all Its wiel•ia, to extricate it.elf from the present The gun ermnrnt+ lionduras and c•.-in -trotsgly i,rote.ted to this govern ment against the recognition Mr. Wheeler, the I cited Mates Milliliter, of the present Nicaraguan get-eminent. lie ha. probably thus acted, however, with the P0MN1117.12 , 4.• of ,mr g,v eminent, cud in ac cordauce with our lilliforttl pulley, Whatever may be 1111. obiection• en the part ot the Central American Flour. LLl= W114.54.t. Lu The g..erowrnt of ' 4 :111 Sal ad"r predicts that the pre:it:lu order uf thi or. , in Nicaragua will not long ~nimue tot rcao•t,.. ,tested, and declare therugelvex r, , 01ve , 1 to exterminate all foreign adventurer , who may invade their sod fur revolutionary purpo , :es. The inionherot the !loose are interchanging vi e w, 1 0 -mght. and emit:al - ming In urrunge mutter , that an organization may be effected without further delay, but their figuring eunnot promise them a favor aide pr,,,,pect. The Democrat, are resolved to stand nrudy upon their platform, recently fulepted in min .-tn.. In the hope of eieutually imeeveding, Arcing that the majority of the 11,Mn in apposition t, them can log ant le. hit t ~r th, latter are comforting them. ,clre. with the assurance that after several of their numher have hem: complimented with a heavy vote, elegy ti. , ti of Speaker will easily follow, Thing. In I,Varhington. :Csu Deeetnber 0 The He,oid's eorres• I,. , tolent telegraphed that all the administration 1,110.4 of the hallSa, affair, is, that Uov. Shanpon has telegraphed the President for authority to protect the Sheriff of Douglass county in the execution of a proeessi The President replied that on the occasion f a rising, he would execute all the authority ho possessed. As the Sheriff is not aU. S. off*ir;,:xxnd could not seise under an net of Congress, theillf.* - jlhe execution of which has been opposed, wittlitahave boon an aid of the territorial logislattip,t4t the Presoleut in such i•ase has no authority except that ccl.ll the arts of Congregs confer to employ the UM lit ta of one or more States uud the land and naval hires of the United States to suppress insurreidion to any State or Territory. r. ti reeky, of the telegraphed last even. ing •' Humphrey Marshall prevented hie supporters from going to Mr. Fuller yesterday. He and his friends would probably support Richardson, if that would secure hi: election. Mr. Banks, with all tie friends he could carry. voted to-day for Camp -1,11. and part of Ponnington i s Friends followed snit. I do not think it possible to carry Campbell's vote over 100 in any conting,enry. I Ull , ler0:11111 the next rally of the anti-Nebraska members will be made eon N. I'. Ranks.' Another Tribune correspondent telegraphs that Mr. Fuller, In reply to the questioning of pertain members, declares himself unequivocally In favor of admitting Kunver into the or 'Without d sv ery, provided -he lot SLI population, and possesi.e, ether cou,titutional icquirements. This declaration producyd considerable exeitement, par y among the Republican member, Lonnaylvania delegates had a conference this evening, and resolved to cling to Mr. Fuller. The Southern Know Nothings are holding a caucus this ',ening.. the result of which has not transpired. N't w (ntt.rs•-oi. December n.--By the arrival of tLe At.ilmalip Perseverance to-day, we have dates Into tialv eaten to-the Ist inst. A hill was before I.egislatitre proposing to Man to, the railroad &impunity WOO fur each mile of railroad tiol).fafter SO mires shell list e Leon timAni. the State to retain a mortgage on the road. It Is believed the bill will Sei era! of the paper, are urgingthe Legisla ture to instruct lien. Houston to resign his seat in the Semite on accou nt of his anti -Southern sentiments. ti.LLTIOJItE. December O.- Four men who wore ern - pioyed in painting it. Alplionsue to•day, o err precipitated to the ground in conseyuence of tha breaking of the platform, and all were seriously and perhaps fatally injured. Chief Justice Taney has disp.,o,l“l his reSjdQbee in ltil oily, and Intends residing permanently in \V eahingtau. 44 -The Greta California Plant.--noichabr• ;ma, the great medicinal herb of California. ie a new and invaluable addition to our Pharmacopeia. A. Robinson, }No., author of Life in California." lion. J. C. JOllOl, long a r+ , ident tiler+, and other eminent travelers, testify to the wonderful NUM'es with which it is used by the callous an a cure for Pulmonary and Bilious Complaints. By combining it with Liverwort and Toe. the best remedies for Coughs, Colds and Catarrhal affertiOlLl known, prior to the addition ~f this Piaui to our Ilerharinui, a medicine has been pro diked, which, if we are to believe the tkitimony of scores of touralesennt patients, will run' ansuniption V 44/, in Its earlier eltirt.s lye) refer 411, ROGERS' SYRUP OF LIV ERWORT, TAR AND CANCIIALAQUA. 'The public are not asked to take its tirtues 1(p011 tract The pamphlet in the bawl, ' of Agents yr:Mattis the illttiottophy of Ile operations, and glees the proofs of Ito attrevug. rhp- Per sale, wholesale and retail, by R. E. SELLERS & CO., roofer IVO..Mi nwd Second street, add else b HENDERSON S BRO., Liberty street; H. P. KIN : ARIZ, awl IirCiiHANI Q MeHENNAN, Allegheny l'lly. uov3C,:titWlW Xii-Batrhelor , B Hair Dye.—Why has no one succeeded in making a reliable Hair Dye, except Batchelor? Because they would avoid the cares, the thought, the time, patleinte and labor necessary. Others, by short cuts, would sus a reputation theycannot wk.(; and by certificates of feed rhemists. and newspaper bravado, fight their way to notori ety, But 't industry has its reward.'' Witness the laylacit4F reputation of BATCHELOR'S Hair Dye; mute and sold, or applied. Hu nine pritate roomy) 233 Broadway, New York. wholesale and retail, by Dr. Lilo. H. Krim, 140 Wccd street. deotidsw r . .:. • ' ?" 1. - • t - I. s •r. " E MEE ESI BY" TELEGRAPH. [SECOND DESPATCH.] LATE PROM EUROPE ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER ST. LOUIS 6`‘ om Washington City Texas Affairs fa' rpm Baltimore Celebrated Liverls are ranked among the most popular renuallee of tIT day. That Lt will cure liver complaint., !rick headache, and dyspepsia, is Clow beyond a doubt. Read the fidlowlng test stony from a roll known lw.lrYird.aglilfillltkavOkliukartVrilM4rra,-‘—',,,...'1- Mono, August 3, 1852. Mr. and Mrs. Williams, No. 24S Seventh strelit, testify that I.o4.kcsin iniffering with the liver "Oraptaint for fira..3*s, ruilng which time they hatei*ent a large atki.int Of linney, 41 tried many remcsil i s. twit to occilar pcialik. F4riall:) , ,,,hearfiajpif Dr. 1111.ane - a thy pui*-44§a fofiboies,i/thich ail took according hitille Arecticips air milVanyinich bcii.l and no prottou4:o thiinsel vet ter teddy curarlf that,d4/4r7ing disease. P. S. TKe above rilifit remedy, also Dr. M'Lane's cele brated Vermlfuge, can note be bad at all respectable Ding Stores in this city. t 0... Purchasers will please be careful to ask for, and take none but Dr. M'Lanes Liver fills. There are other Pills, purporting to be Liver Pills, now before the public. Also, for sale by the sole proprietors, FLEMINO Successors to J. Kidd .t Co. declalsw] ho. GU. Wood street, corner of Foul - . 'Banta' lillatratt'parliht.e.olavestigatiou and ex periment have demonstrated that upon the condition of the hluotidepends the Nadal or the t,odv. Consequently, when disease in the shape of Scrofula. Erysipelas, Cicero, Cutaneous Eruptions, Liver Complaint, be. appear, It Is at suer evident that the secretive functions have become Inert. and impuri ties have hoer, engendered In the blood which are working their way to the surface. SANDS' SANSAPARiI.I.A is ex pressly prepared to remedy such easel, and should be at once resorted to. It will gently stimulate the fuuctioni of the stomach and bowels to regular cud healthy action, and without nausea or purging expel therefrom, all tlrleterioll9 aceumulations, purify the blood, equalize the circulation, promote perspiration, improve the appetite, impart lone and vigor to the system, and gradually but surely extirpate the disease, causing all unsightly excrescences to disappear. and leaving the skin perfectly smooth and Ilexible. Prepared and sold by A. B. & D. SANDS, Druggists, inn Fulton street, New York. gold aloo by FLKIII%.I RItJ3., Pltbiburgh. I'd.. and by Drug4let3 generally. nuv•27:l2. Oaf-Prom the N. rork National Monitor of February 24.—Ilreeav VAP,III..—Dr Curti, hi, to ameliorate the romiltion of humanity afflicted with lung complaint's, than any other practitioner otianedwiiies that law strinwled with the socret3 of t h e tooter/a tnnlim, for the rentur7, by the invention and perfection of an initr ntent that will convey to the lungs a medicine in the ahtepe of a highly Medicated Vapor, which note direct!, I.a the diorama, and not. as hitherto, by sympathy. Those who are troubled with diseases arising from disordered lungs. trill totb..erve their interests by giving the Ilygenn Vapor a trial. (itution.—Dr. Crime' HUMANA is the orii,inel and only gennine article. nu r2lh wdtw a3-Ciall at No. 164 Wood street, and ex amino our stock of SOFT Him and WINTER Cops. Just re ceived, a large lot of Shanghai, CeLeethd, and other etylas of Caps, o Inch we wlll sell low for cash. MORGAN 6: Co., 164 Wood street. octla Ih3 ,- Balm of a Thousand Flower■, for beautifying the Cumploziun, and entdiatting all TAN, 11, Pus and Filo:imss front tho face. Sold at Dr. firrstat'd., 140 Wood atraet. jau3o ' , Oar -Spectacles and Surgical Operations Useless..-Mlle Blind May Sc r e,-It is gratifying for us to hp able to announce to the public that the utility BALL'S PATKNT EYE CUPS 1. now no etperiment.— their wonderful effects Or cowing itaily to the kLlONVietigo of tio• proprietors. Strung,. se It may soont, it bi true. that Spectacles may Ix dispeniesi with outirdy and sight rewired to Ito original power. Thee, Cups ore simple, yet 011, loisieni. They are used without pain or the thou danger of Injury. Below will ha found wet oral highly in their favor: t Flom the Now 'fork Evaavli4t A VEX! ejruple yet pitilosophuxl instrument, hats been I, vented by J. Ball k Co., al" this city. by the sispileation of which the cornea of Ll4O c,r• is gradually ranted ha its original eons exity, Callsln g toe feces b iMpillge .41 the retina with out the tad of run rei 1 , 213/1.1. ThISS by all eeoy pr. esi NOLI• who have used glass. for years are enabled to oc dispense with them. The eslit.or of the Ponniylvanin Dem.:rut wr;teg a+ 11.1 re.peeting the eun., L,f Mn. tionit.,u..l. ~1 LlitotitQu, I•enr4.)l. MUM: U.ThATtrs—i, t.. August I. Being min oeilusiutesl with Mr, I rnWml, I know that li.efore used - Baird l'uteht Eye Cop," it waA oupiowuble for her to real without the Ow of awl that hio 114.1 ro4toruil ti) the ivio iii Cup, so [hit( the Null. with her naked eyii without .I,ifictilty. Sir--Lintata Last my tight by old purehoes your yeotedorful nentrucuonte. and h. using Ow sittnencenerding to your directions, I suckinolosi In tutoring my eight to that I ono road 19 - night or Any ithoot eleytn die. I Us.• out tm.l my spertnelns tot the ISA throe or four months. Which show. that the rot oration ie not a Min VOttlf y Low, hat a Wllll9lllO &tot pertunnent cum )tarns Of the firm of Stl,ll S Brothom, 4-xr fly ?omitting tls, dollarn, a pair will ,vot Paid, wlch full directions, to any pat t the ...war, A,l• Dit KEY EP youner of 19011.1 Vtrgin alloy, Pittsburgh, Pa. air Important to lesruiers.-Nesv Dlaeov erlea.—YßkJETAßLE CATTLEI Poe, dere arerput up Iti . nite pOulkirf - tiVt3, and are really a article, not only for the disce r n. inesieot to torve. rrnet. 1/erlie, and MAW( animate, bat they are likewise as eta t 'lout airtivle to itupnvve the r.indillmt or 11. FM Mach rine., they not only Improve the ,ivelition of notch c 011.., but they mermen- the quantity at well as no prove thve quality of milt and hotter. The prop, ktida eay that it nsrraaeit the quantity of Mittel from half it 1.1311.1 to a ;wand a nvek to emits cow, n tole tie.- licraoli. she hate Uld it say a pound and a half to two pounds her wok, with the I.lllm kind of heed no butore of one thing we tti all t dto tutu It unto will PPP It till the tint, and vit, money by Ina operation no troll Itv Improve :he appcarance of their sto.-I‘. l'rice cent., a papa: ;I papers for $1 tI H. K k:VSER, Corner of etreet and Vtrttiti xih v, It laoiwealo Agent tar-Cough Remedies.—•l:4 Keyrei's PECTOR A SYRUP will cure you. Kelser'S Pecturul Syrup will cure Ilroncliai, Dr Keyser's Pectoral Syrup will cure 1.1 r) ugito . IA Keyser'. Pectoral Syrup will cure Influenza. Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup will cure a Cold in the Ilead. Di. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup will cure Inc/pieta CutlsUllip liCrx A recent letter from Mr .1 W. Yettt‘h, Imp+ I aunt you to 'oral mo two bottles of your Pectoral Syrup by mail. ]'bete is a lady hare üba has a rough and Tilt) doc tors can't cure her. I was in thu same way, and tried every• thing without benefit, until I got a bottle of your Pwtoral Syrup; I took it but twice, and it cured me sound and well." AA: (or Dr. Karasx's Prronai. Brace and tote no othrr. frier, Stl mote. Bold at DR. KEYSER'S, 140 Wood and at J. P. YLE3.IIM3'S, 4N10214. y1 . 2:4.1.•w 4:8 - 11 1 47fah l e ItadlciLl Cart Tra.s, ors. !war)) every came of rodnomble Hernia. Tr ha oval 4 1 .14 1 ' 1 0 1 nm pricy* rtimo I. 00 10a101 _ick &dr pa 'a wrussos of rilffelvnt forms and strrugth for Nilo. Elastic Stocking. for Tafirtynt or Rifboned Too, Abdominal Support ern—A down diffentot kind. Pile Props for the support and curt, of Pile.. Shoulder Braces to relieve s ertaaked and deformed oundition of the Chest, and many dhows. of the Chest. Snspesuillon Bandages. All three articles may ho had or applied at DR. KEYSER'S Wholnialo and Retail TRUSS DEPOT. No. 140 Wocal Street, sign of the Qoßlen 4 q eme; or pill ho toht to any part of the roontry toy kipCllll4( the money mid 'newton,. irtp2.&,,Lw WILLIAMS & ALLEN; ~ 9.00CE580128 TO ARNOLID. it WILLIAMS, b4/04T)A0 aglog Chilson Furnaces, Wrougbt Iron Tubing, AND FITTING GENERALLY, For Warming and Ventilating Buildings tar W. d A. will contract for Warming and Ventilating try Steam or Hut Water. Pipes or Chi-Won't. Furnace, Church es, Sohootn , limpitala, Factories, Green Houses. Dwellings. Court Rotuma, Jails, or Hotels. NU. 'Xi M.IIIRET STREET. Pattalnyrgb, epic JAIII,EB BLAKELY, Et:ROPEAN AGENT AND CONVEYANCER - Corner Seventh and Smithfield its., PITTSBUIttI 11. qq_ Pontionga. brought from the old iitimutry to Pitt, burgh, and [wheys r em ittal to Europe. [nov'-7 TO BRIM E I I,DEE.S.---Prvpusals will be received by the. Bonn! of Directors 01 the Ohio tuid l'ort 111.) crania Railroad Company, addreeoed to the under signed., until 110011 on TILURSDA Y. December 27th, 18.55, for furnixhing the material. and erecting the superstructure 01 0 double-track Railroad Bridge, with wide side-walk, for Let passengers, actx..l the Allegheny river, at Pittsburgh. Tb.- bide err to be at a ftfed Wee per lineal foot, for the length of the emperstrUcture, to Weld& ad idaterials and workman. ship, to conaplete the Brldkp , ready for use. with o double tra, k lloi Company furnishing the rallnutd iron fur ti,.. track., and the contractor all other materiels Tito Bridge will have seven spans. audits whom l e ngth will be about twelve hundred feet. The masonry, whist l ot' the most permanent character, is In it forward state, the piers being fifty feet lung and ton lint thlok the top; tool the eastern atnamem and some or the piers being i tt .., t e the roping. The superstructure will be required to be com pleted by the first of September, 184d6. Bide will he received for " Burr Bridge," with hoary arches, rounterbraced with iron rods; and also fora " Howe Bridge," or any other well tried plan, pro, ided the bidder will secure the Company against all claims fur patent rights. Piens and specifications will be ready for inspection at the anapany's office, iu the rite of Pittsburgh. on and after the 17th Inst.; and further information may be obtained from S. ROBERTS, Chef Eugiuem. The Board of Ofrocuas read - V.3 the right to no,- truot for the work In such a may as they may deem best no the interests of the Company. IttlBIN&;)N, Jr., President Pittsburgh. Deceinber 1, lafts—(decditill DR H. J. BORRETTE, 13 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, °Dora ltie valuable FRENCH REMEDY, N 4 10141 tx Unfailing in the cure of all thoee painful and dan gerous disorders in which the Female Constitution ie pv-t. Il gpilieritleitall excess, itud reAuvea all ollatrpctlaps— nivigoratava the debilitated and delicate, by regulating : ntl strengthening the aystutu, and fortifies the cotietitutiou for the duties of life, MARRIED LAMES I t Ls peculiarly suited, as it will in a short Moo remove all obstructions' We are nut or the number who believe and act In accord ance with the belief that long and blab...rata 111.1101 gives weight and dignity to objects or either motnentons ur Wo incline' to the oontrury opinion, and hold that simplicity and truth Invest such as are worthy of any atten tion, in decidedly the must rich and comely colors. In the present instance, our gnat desire to to be understood by those who may lookeu no for information, all else being con sidered of minor importance. Sea drcuiars. 95, Office hours, prom 9 A. SI. to 9 P. M' NOTIC --E.—lhave this day sold out my in terest to the firm of HOSTETTER, SMITH et 6_1., to toy into partpef. JApop pOSTETIIII. KttebOrgh, Nuy:W, 18--[1260301 IfOSTETTFR. LHIRSIIFIELD Si SON, Dealers hi Gents' . FURNISHING GOODS, and SHIRT MANUFACTU RERS, Nu. 7U Wood street, between Fourth street and Uia mood alley, Mum:me i , pa. ••• Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. THE ONLY It AILROAD RUNNING WEST PROPII PITTSBURGH. w—p........,..ga-ZlNs.4AtUtaUsTAATett.at,..tartie.,lttrUn'titlglfutfir utzteltinntl Ih 13 - Itoui; and 40 minutes. Fare. 7 . Alai. 'Flury loaves at 8 A. M. EXPRESS MAO leaves PIA 3 P. These Tin.illB 1111 make clpae artMovtlong Cr,li.lllo, to that,passen,gursavold I*.inilett shßtar than via leveland. lirskelatpfrgre gOtrt Pittsburgh $lOO. 4gonireboti4 l sl2,oo. ennitectioo are nnids.ojrua*i F ithih 9 „plad ictCloveland;:and ', Mans , fieldwith 'the Ritsit to NOtvark, 3lonroevllle and Sandusky City. No Trains run on Sunday. Three Roads connect at Crestliuo. Fur particulars, eel handbills. Through Tickets arc soil to Cincinnati, Louisville, Bt. Louis, Indianapolis, Chicago. Rock Island, Fort Wayl:w, Cleve land, and the principal towns and citlei in the West. The NEW BRIOIITOtsi ACCOMMODATION TRAIN loaves Pittsburgh at 10 A. M. and 4:4-it P. M., and New Brighton at It.SO A. M. find I P. NI. For Tick: to and further infiirmation, apply to J. O. CURRY, At the eurner office, under the Monon s tahola Or at the Federal stroet Station, to GEOittlE PARKIN, Pittsburgh. November 52, 1815. Ticket Agent. 01110 AND INDIANA RAILROAD, Cont inuation of the Ohio !a Penna. R. R TO FORT WAYNE TLLHCE lIIINDILED AND EIOIITEEN MILES EDAM PIttSHURGII. TRAINS CONNECT AT CRESTLTNE, WITHOUT arra:max, irrra ALL THE TRAINS ON THE 01110 AND PENNA. ROAD, and also at Forest 'with Train 4 going North and South, on tho Mad and Lake Rrio Railroad. For Tickets, apply at the Railroad Ofti, of the Ohio and Pentisylvania Railroad Company In Pittsburgh, Allegheny City, or at any of the following points, Fort Wayne, Bellefontaine, C'incinnati. Urbana, Dayton, Springfield, Indianapolis, Richmond, Tiffin, Findlay. Persons desiring Takata will be particular to oak for a Taker by the Ohio and Indiana Railroad. lob S. R. STRAUGHAN, Sup't. MARINE INSURANCE FIRE RISKS. 11A\UFICTURERS' INSLRAXCE COMP'Y OF PHILADELPHIA. MARTI/IL PERP&MAL--GRANTED DT TRY STATE OF PT.NNiaLVANIJ- Chartered Capital, 8300,000. FIRE, ALIRINE AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION, AARON S. LIPPINCOTT, President. ORRIN ROGERS, Secretary. GEORGE YOENO, Treasurer. D I RECT 0 RS. Aaron S. I.ippin ott, William B. Thomas, Mahlon Gillingham, William Neal, icholas G. Taylor, Alfred Wee .e, Orrin Ito_ sera Edward E. Janes, Joseph Healy, James P. Smyth. .Ti- This Company has been organized With o Caah Capi• tal, and the Dircctors have determined to adapt the business to to available resources. Te observe prudence In conduct ing its affairs. with a prompt adjustment of louses. UrEIChl. No. Water street. J. NEWTON_JONII9, Agent. The following well known and respomdble firma in Pitts burgh have authorized reference to them with regard to the stability and soundneee of the 3f,suzacztazns' 'minuses Comeasz. Kramer & Rehm. tioorge P. Smith & Co. Jon.. Tiernan k Co, 1101'7 PITTSBURGH LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, etiIINER OF WATER AND :MARKET STREET'S, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, Prexident. .Itlts D Secretary. .ti This Company makes every insurance appertaining to or connected with LIVE RISKS. Also, against HULL AND CAROO RISKS on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivera and tributaries, and MARINE RISKS gen.trally. Aad against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of Oka Sea and Inland Navigation and Trammortation. I,tued .11 the 10,. rat rates coutiistent with safety to ail parties. DIRECTORA. nobc.rt U,ii.a), Alexander BrroUtty, James S. Hu.., J..hn Fullerton, John Samuel William James W. Hailman, John Scott, Chariot Arbuthnot, ..L.tepli P. Drumm, M. D.. David Richay, James !Aural...ll. John Horatio N. l.re, Kittanning. [fold: EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. 3,up; II , 111PF:`,11E101ER, President. KY. Secretary. W RATUIltil.9lt, ileneral Agent. WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL KINDS UY if:IN/NE :I.\ FIRE. RISKS. L.d.pEcrolci. J.ll. ShoeillKtrrer, J. W. Camr, C. H. Ilatattiba. W. K. Nlmiek, 1i )1. Penn.. k. T. B. Updike, W. W. Marla, It D. Ouebraii. IL 'F. 1.... ch, Jr., &Ain A. Catighey, ti..a.rge S Seldau, S. S. Br) ail, DiVirl NiThr . pileT:. 4-4- All LirS.SlYi q ultai lied by plirtieS Insured tinder policies /Ml 7 1/0.1 by Oa:. t...getny tr 111 be liberally atijm.ttal and prompt Ic paid ra. IN 01.1 , 11.1, Nt. 95 WATMIt STILELT. ( jyll CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY PrI'TSISURti 11. IV I 1,11 ANt B.kti ALE V, Pt ..,idont. AII RSIIELL ;',.r;trtr) • Ll 4 .11arket and Irde.tl strref:. & a ,r- lIL 1.1. CA.R.140 nn the Oho., and Ntiasks:lnnf hirer, and tnnutarica. I ar,lttutd or duutngr by Alw, againet the I'vran .1 - the Sea. and Inland NIN iption and Trangtxddatido. IVillnim 8.igu1..1, Richard Floyd, .ifirattlf )1. (.......JIWI, ifainuri M. kirr. Samuel 11... a. William Bingham, ii...l..rrt Dun Lit, .h.. Jahn iii. Dilworth, li.aisc M. Pena...[, Francis Sailors. 2- , liarliaugh. .1. Schoonmaler, %Vali., Di . i :Wt., %Valiant 8. liars. J,,litt ... , niptoci. `,‘..1-or'2l PENNSS'I,VANIA INSURANCE CO. Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Streets , AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. 9300,000. lucure Rulldinga and other Property against Loss or Daun4,, by I , iro. and the Peril. of the Sea and Inland Navi with. and Transportation. w, F. JAI.Loci, Ruin, Paii:em.n, Job Painter. A. A. Cam Qr. W. M'C'llutfmck. Ja.f. /'. Tanner, Lf...t ew W. Smith, W. S. Raven, b. E. Pard, 1. U 1,, Sprolli. W*lo liAntpluu, ii. H. Lung, .t J J.o tf ts. J 11. Janus, IL IL Q..gvhall /Y .sided rie• President. and Tre.asurrr.A. A. CARRIER. PEARL STEAM MILL, ALLEGHENY. O. FLntR DELIVERED TO FAMILIES In either of the two Cities OA actin may be left at the NIIIL or In bona, at the clot,. nf DOAN, WI 1.5.0 N .k CO, 52 Wood street. PALAU N ItiIITKR, nor. Liberty mne at St. Clair acrts. SCHWARTZ. DruggiA, Allegheny. TERMS: (ASH, ON DELIYFRT. BRYAN, KENNEDY & CO WILLIAM HUNTER, DNALER EXCLUSIVELY IN FLOUR AND GRAIN, No. 290 Liberty street, rittalitirgh. Oa' CONSTANTLY llj,cwi the BEST BRANDS of PENNSNLVANIA, OHIO, INDIANA 11111 i ;%ITSSOURI. SUPERFINE &lad EXTRA FLOUR, \l"h,. 1, a ill ninny, l o sold nt the Lowret Cash [npll WILLIAM B. HAYS & CO., DEALERS IN WON HAMS SIDES AND SHOULDERS, LARD. LARD OIL. DR lED REEF. SUGAR-CURED and CAN VESSED RAMS. A I go st,KI alwayA 01) hand at No. 297 Liberty Street, PITTSBURG El, PENN'A. British & Continental Exchange. 91OLIT BILLS DRAWN BY DUNCAN, gIIERMAN & CO. TIIE I.VI( L V BANK, I. 0_1710.V, IN SUNS OE CI AND UPWARDS. //4- natio Drafts um , available at all the principal Towns of ENtiLAND. SCOTLAND AND IRELAND. and the CY/N- T! N ENT. Wu also draw 81(1117 IBt.Ls on 111. A. Grunebautu & Br o lltt, \ "ti FYJ T A MALY Winch seryo no a Remittance to all part.l of OERMANY, SWITZERLAND and HOLLAND. Persons intending to travel abroad way procure, through us, Letters of Credit, on which Money can be obtained, as needed, In any part of Europe. CoudarrioNs of Bills, Notes, and other seeuritiee In Europe, will receive prompt attention. PERIN TEA STORE, No. 38 Fifth Street. <O4 , BRKKN AND BLACK TKAS, warranted to giro sat 14fiscti tiLdeSS. ,IREENS. 0 , ..1 , ,1tg—b,), tr.!, 75, and finest 'Young Ilyaoli.— Su, 75, and quallt) $1 lb !Meat quality $ 1 lb. English Break fitst--50, 75 and imperial and Llunpowder—LO, th. Q., 75' aud $1 la lb. Omen and Black Teas of all grades put up in metallic packages expressly for the trade. and will be sold at the lowest prices. COFFEE—Prime Java and ltio CAR., groan and remind. s I;IIARS—.L., uring's Crushed and Pulverized Bugarsiand prime. N. 0. Sugar. linker's Brame. Cocoa and Chocolate. riovWchhn [nov9:Sm• _ }[AVE you TRIED, }TRIG Etra PREMIUM RATIIARTON ' r ot, try It., and you will never be without lt. Be sure to ask for WRIGHT'S PREMIUM KATHARION, Or you may get a worthies, article. Va. Fur male by all Ihruggists 25 ceuta per bottle. Wholesale Western De t, Dr. BETtlillt, IL E. SELLERS /I (X), sad JOHN . ea gle =MO loin, Childs & Co.. Hampton & Cat:option 11. Chlkis & Co. E=l! OF PITTBBUROIf MEM L.m. WNI. F. JOIINSTON .RODY IVILLIA3I 11 . 4141411.1 a c. , t).. j(o9.,l;'POrror; of Mint iitrret RETAIL PRICE:t S..IAYVRJ. --~._r loam amval EARBIERS-4NIHIECHINICEIP'A --- . . INSURANCE COMPAW 3 ) , S , ...;:i_ O F P,ll ILA D E L PIVI A'. ISSa4Acerp64,gl --by the Legialaturo or Pennsylvania. A 5.1. ifillttsblytts Branch Office, Nu. 90 Water mfrsoL - Aa: ihoriteit capiW,S2oo,ooo. Paid up cupitill,'lllail sePurely . J l Trv.iks l i ViirW--- TltllS. IL FLORENCE, Piro t. Rim - a. HEDitiqii, Secretary.' - /PAH:TS OF THE COMPANT: - ...h. ',-,'' ..,s ' P. VAL. at. vat- Allerita; l 3' 00U-9F,-,Bonds, (Pittsburgh and - CleveLsatlg...i ifjir,....- W.,,,000 .5.16,830 Allegheny Co. „linlids, [Allegheny Valley,)... 2,0t.19. 15,040 Pittsburgh City s, Coupons 1 A1560 '50,400 Philadelphia 6 ' ll- .10,000 . 9,350 Delaware Railroad .30,000 2,400 , Reading Railroad 12,500 12,000 Aniount Loaned on Mortgage in the City of Philadel. - -•-• phia , .., 51,850 Anionnt Loaned on Notes, secured by Collateral or, Personal Property 2,000 Cash on hand and in Bank 21,309 ' . , Amount of Fird or Marine Losses ascertained and not pnid None. AinonuLot. _Ere ur, Marino -LossesPelabneiL other than those aseertninad and unpaid. - The Company has nu unsettled claims at the Pitent Mice, and will adjust and pay in this city all losses occurring at the Pittsburgh Branch. For basuyalicoOPlLF to THOMAS . ,n7:Jt, Agent, 90 Water street, betwe'en Wood and hiarket. Neither with my oye nor with my faith will I trifle.". IMPORTANT TO THOSE AFFLICTED WITU BAD SlGHT.—Persons suffering from Bed Sight, arising from Impaired vision, cormitutional decay,.old age, ur uthrr causes, would do well to call upon Dr. O. E. SHAW, PRACTICAL. OPTICIAN, where they mad• rely upon getting :+pextacles scientifically adapted to the JUST WANTS OF THE EY& Addreas, Fifth aired, opposite A. A. Mason's, Pittsburgh. P. S.—Telescopes, Microscopes, Thermometers, and every article appertaining to the Optician trade, kept and repaired un-the peemisea. Q , 3- Ma.. Inverted In old Frarnee. tB,„ Any article not approved of, excbang - ed free of ex pow,. • • dec7:ly NOTICE—The partnership heretofore exist ing between Jacob Ifoetetttr, D. Hostetter and U. It. Smith, under the firm of HOSTEWER, SMITH & CO., was dbmnived on the lath day of November last, by the entire purchaje of the Interest of D. Hostetter by Jacob Hostetter. The business will be conducted as heretofore, under the name of HOSTETTER & PEKIN TEA STORE,. NO. 38 FIFTIr STRtET. _ . All qualitiea of Or and Black Tens put up in quarter pound metallic packagee oxpre,:ely for Retail Grocern, and warranted fa pier satirfadirm. decil Y. J AYRES. AT A MEETING of the Trustees of the PITTSBURGH DOLLAR SA TRIGS INSTITUTION, held December 74, 1555. at their Banking House, No- Fourth street- the first semiannual dividend was declared, at the rate of Six per cent. per annum. - At the same time the following, persons were keeled a Committee of Investment, or Directors, fort.ha ensuing nix months : Isaac M. Pennocic., , = Bradley, . John IL Shoeriberger; - ' , '" - ' Gnittan Murphy. Henry 1... Tlingsralt.... dect3:lot CHAS. A. COLTON, See'Y and Treasurer. G. FOX, FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER, No . 45 Diamond alley, second door from iVot4. street, keeps ronstantly on hand good moon moot of ROOTS, SHOES, CONGRESS GAITERS, TYES, Ac, &e Makes to order to fit tho fret. Keeps none but the host workmen, mil the hart stork, and manufactures all has work. ,tlectnt B`),; l .RDe.3,„,° g; F., s TRAj),.. ". — Th 7 eurlTlfldinhh. - 11....m5, on FRIDAY , th e ute itn Inst.: m at 2:/. P.M. held resolution te will be offered to change the hour of the daily meeting. All the members are requested to attend. dee& J. P. DARR, Secretary. SND RI ES- . --Gold Pens, Eleetre-Magnetie Mackin., Diamond Sparks, (for glaziers and glass cut ters,) Porte Mammies, tillehrist's Unequalled American Ita. sous. Military Goods. Regalia, Jewels, ihnbletns, Seals; Door, Number and Pew Plates; Table Cutlery, Silver Spootni, Yorks, Le. Jewelry, Watches and Clocks. Rs-Watch Repairing et the old .tabllshed house of W. W. WILSON, deed corner of Market- and , Fourth etac • to FR AILS FRESH DATES; boxes aeiv Fign; 303 drools do :Al mil Seedless Raisins; Just re4'd and for stdo by d,ll REYSIER A ANDERSON, 39 Wood ot. • 5 CASES PRUNES, in jars; 50 boxes do In hat/ bases (1.1 2 gr. ern co Just Fecolved and for Bala by Jcd" RI:YSIER rt'44.3IDEIL.BER: BOXES LEMONS just receirOd and for sale by &r6] REYMER & ANDERSON. /71_LC01101,--40 bbls for sale by a. A. FANNY.SIiIeK CO, (4 , 1,6 corner First slid Wood std. CEILoRI DE LIME —sa) casks for sale, by dreti B. A. FA lINESTOCK & Co. BLUE M A SS--100 Itui for sale dtv6 li. A. FAIL.NI47rOCK & CO. AATOOLI,EN SHAWLS—A. A.. 10....50s Cu, hare just opened ores 1000 new and handsome Woollen Shawls, which, with their prinlous large assortment, constitute an immense variety of style, suited to Avery taste. deed AT . ERIN° PLAIDS—Just opened, 2 cases or ant. Merino Plaitto,./El3ll rolling at inketetbat Make tkrm thr most desirable Dross. Wads in the market, deal: A. A. MASO Jc 00. WELTL DISCLOSURES; by Maria Monk, of the Ifotel Dion Nunnery, of Montreal: containing also, many incidetaz tte,er Imforr published. NoW , minion FOX' kale by B. 2C. 1104ciAN, . • deco 5a."10.4. Wood 4 OL` can be thoregglit s t• suited with Ambro types or Daguerreotypes, at CARGO'S, 76 'Youth St.. opposite ,t Co.'s. . dent TEN YEARS among the Mail Bags, or Notes from the Diary of p Special Agent of the post Department, by .1. IloIbrook; Nvtth illnstrations by barley. Iteceivod in advanc6 a all others. The Widow Betlntl Crotchets and quavers, by Max Marotzek; The Discarded %tighter, by Mrs. Sonthworth: Curse of 011fton do The Deserted svlr.3. do Klosterbehu, by Thomas De Quinetry; Harpers' Story Book (No. 13) for December. Just received and for sale at W, A. GILDENFENNEY Fifth st., opposite the Theatm TCIRNBULL'S EYE BOTTLES I hare Just received a huge supply of these celebridod.Bottles Al! of Tnrnhull's prepurattuus can always be had nt ray COM. JOS. FLP.4.11 det-5 corner Market ardiond. EXCITEMENT— , -The people are rushing to the ENTERPRISE., 74 Boutin ehuct, for Pictures at 44.1 cents, and upwards, dec.s • OLL BUTTER-2 bbls prime forsale by dres LITSIEM H. CULLEN& BEASS--50 bushels for sate by dorl imam u_ couass. NOTICE is hereby given to all pets pens wrested. that Letters et' AdmisMratwai upon the I..stote of eIIARLI IsTEntmliflltN. late or Pitt township, A I legheny i.soutity. devrosol, have Mot granted to the un denosned. An peosats imbibted to said decedent will make pa) tutut. and thew having chinas the same will leewrit them. duly enthentteatest. tom for settlement JOHN IJAIIIILAIN, Nit Township, °TWITS 189 Ronne- Avenue, deuttartt. Admire ofthas. ililberhormidee'd. VOUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE BLAKELY A RICHEY have for sale: A Yarns of 141 acres In Adams township, Butler county. Also, one of 180 acres near Apollo, Armstrong county. Also, ono of 284 scree In Versailles tp.. /diegheny.eounty. Alen, ono of 40 scres'in Plum tp., do A I.), one of 110 acres LLy Patton tp., do Also, one of 63 acres in Robinson Fp, do Abas. one of I'6 acres in Plum tp., ' do Also, ono of MI acres in Plane tp., ^ do Also, one of 110 acme in Plum tp.. do Also, a beautiful piece of land in Pitt township, containing 16 acres, within four miles of Pittsburgh. Also, 3 1 ,4 acres, with suitable .b.uWings for a suburban residence; fn 3llneravtilo, within fifteen minutes' svalidof the Also, a Parm of L3O acres In Versailles township. one of 156 acres adjoining the above farm. Also, 100 Building Lots at the end of the Row bridge at Sharpsburg, lying between Sharpsburg and Stewartsumn. The above Forms and Lots are Tory desirable, and worthy the attention of those desiring such property. Please call and got one a our Registers_ deettlaw pay PROPERTY FOR SALE-BLAKtLy have for sale the foßatsing desirable city property, viz A Howe sod Lot CM the North Common, In Allegheny city. A Lid of U rotintl'on Carson street, in Birmingham, and two Du el ling Homes.. A Lot of Ground on Pennsylvania Aqourio, and seven lie ..iting Mmes. well established (licensed) Wholesale Liquor Establish ment On Wanly street, Fifth Ward; lot 25 by 150 feet deep, with Warehouse., Dwelling House, die. A very tine Cottage building on Robinson street, running back to Ann invent; lot a by 100 feet. Four Lota of Ground on quarry street, 2 by 100 feet. Ono Lot of Ground on Liberty street, Fifth Ward. One Lot and two Dwelling Rouaes in Lawrenceville. Call and get one of our Registers, with fall descriptionq. dec4aLtiv (IPERA MUSIC—The Opera of La Som k./ riambula, by V. Bethel, complete. with Italian and English words, and. Plane accompaniment. Price, $2. • the following pieces from the b.• above Opera, eeparately : As I view these licence so charming; Ah! don't mingle; Sounds so joyful; Still so aptly leer tee Bleating; Og! love, for me thy power; Ohl I Cannot give expresslou ; Take now this ring—vocal duett ;, Phantom chorale, "When daylight's going." • Also, arrangements for the Piano of the favorite airs of this Opera, by Wallace, Bayer, Herz, &a. The above for sale at the MOSic Store of deed . JOILN 11. MELLA)R, Ii Wood Cl. 1 N01.4511. Papers by the Atlantic—London Illustrated News, Punch, Times, and Bell's Life. Professor Great Work, 1 volume, 400 pages, with Illustrations. The Widow Bedott Papers, illustrated. Cultivator Almanac for 18513. Crotchet)] and Quavers; by Man Maretzek. Caste--a story of Republican Equality. A birge Buortmeut of now Juveniles received. Gift 1100 k., Annuals, Prayer Books, Bibles, Bc. Bc. for the Holidays. Subscriptions received for any sanguine or periodical pub lished in the country, at a liberal discountlrom publishers' prices. Harper's, Putnam's, Godey's, Graham's, and all other SS numarlues supplied at $2.00, free of postage. dect IL MINER & CO., 87 Smithfield at. S HEETING 9—0ne6,..) brand, the pre-magma!, Merit of which has beenrestsb fished by to ug experience, and to now universally imimow ledza The choice cotton from which they are made, their freedom from imperfections, the firmness and sinooduaas of their thread, and the general excellence of their manufac ture, render them unquestionably the most serviceable, du rablo and economical Sheeting ever offered to the public. To had at the lions° Furnifthing, and Mourning Store of BROOKS & ODUPNu, Jeri No. 76 Market street, BLANKETS -2000 pairs of Blankets, corn prising every grade of 9-i, 104, 114, 124, 134 Delon warn, aw ue, Rochdale and (overfed unumfacture, en Land„ uovlrr ' 4. 4, ELWIN 8 0:1P. :~~ ~ ;e l k: . .. A. ft. CA Corner Fourth and Smithfield streets, , A ¶l' 7.` rift*. 41. 111 D mA..nixF..,iNsvaansolt • ov cAptr44,.._ .. ... $350,0014. -- • ' ii/BANti -FIAB pAzgrit Iststraesren; oP Ptinakirnu. . CAPITAL ....... . • INSURANCE COMPANY OF Tne.,..vA,ltLEir. OF VIR fill Li WINCIIESTEri" *A. sBaQo,OOO (10141 4 1.E0r.tetT COMPA 11Aff.M1 , 1Di CONN. 1.171 C.A.ETT :it AND AASEZI-412,154,Aiees • - VUNNS & eLA:Rivs . STOCK.—II. KLEritat &ISO. have now on the way, and partly received, is eemplete end choice stock of krA.Nos from the poetory of NITNNS CLAltil,,N4York. - • I They are provided with' il the late amid import= meats which distinguish Mains A Clark's Pial3o3. others, tke °rend:rings, AteltthVered hamme rs, Grand Action, 'etc. "EVory klatimisVidly warrant. yt * time privilege to the purchaser of returning thg sam4 proves in any way defective. Testimonial from NI. - StusEn22,ihnlnriva/led Ouds agenorin.;'.!ScivemberlOilfilk News. H. K/oher.d,Bro, Pittrldirg*Oonthanent 1 0 me to thank you toast sincerely r i etku, mwattiziant , Piano, of hlessrs. , 2% onus Clarri, manufacture, Which hare ban eo.kind es to loam* cei,-1111e. Tenni PA: C01100[0! ilk your city. This SuP4h Insfrumout hslMe c; very hest aver Maas la L A lied - A.Morkitki for sweetneul power of tune, us well us, etahlityrsconstruction, nothing to- be &Skid: I renkt ciwiltdate Its fdtum Cr, who shall be ea happy 0:9 ta-40"0" 0" plthe to; works of American truhistry. Illtithearty*Laltdit for happiness, etc. Your obedient servant„ - • ,1 MAUltlet,' srr of o:t_. Sole agency fur Nunn* A Clad. tifimitallectMae • U. KLEMM, A . • Ng. 131,Mt Street, si g n of Golden trim. ' no% JACOB BOSTETTF.II, 0:It. sulTer • • - T. star D00K...AUEN07.,-iThe subseripa eitatMeholi Look iiefiay_io nattlar and nwaish any tarck or „ oft itk. Ri rata, ; Any persona, by 'enrolling mg sunscript.loa of any of the $3 Magazines, ientilialif Zatser* (Wet* cm's. thahtonhrtratik Lealioh thalthitho du, will to the magazines for one year and n Splendid lithograph pot of either Washington,.,lackson many: or, if anbecribit 1r $2 and a Sl iSlagartne, they vriltremiA a copy oft eitla the three portraits. If sabscribLattellfOtorthof MagaZ' all three portraits will besentsigla;:-Music facade! those who may wlah , r Envelopes cif'every deieripthin fare or ei quantities furnished. Seal Protrooe,DieL4c.„ sent tont, Every, description, of Eagrnriel; - On 4,00,1 circhtld' neatness and ' &vetch. Vl•nra. of Ettildlogo Sea* Headings, - Pieta Machinery,- Book ithuttrations> Certificates, Business dirds,-,kr. .iorders sent . by promptly attended to. l'ectimui waking Slim of their of • , Inv engraved, can"sertt a daguerreotype or sketch of building by mall qr eopreso totem at a distance having saleable articles would to their advantage to addre.sa the ltistilieribers, sa iwe 'Et act no agents for the sale of the same:, r--7) s 50 South Thirdtreet, _ nov26:Aswly 3ROTT cltYls, Dearerit hi Real St. Anthony Fails, minnoaatemlii*ry. • Land bol Bow throughout the Tarrltork: 'Motley loaned, in utente made to the beet advantage, andEnnd Warrantat • tod. Also, Agents for. the sate' of.:Lete the taint of eLotTD. miles from St. Ant.hinsy t aluth4ad of turtign-; above the Falls: The survey nt the..grecttl'aciliel.Esp4 - crosses the 311asiastpal at this pelitt;land,the nuraeronsi vantages It maseases nidrick etlandrieisimill malls it • of the largest cities In the -Nortbkrest. A .LEXANDtat W....FOSTER,.Attonary a!: 11,11. 40/ICittk dg • ' for - proctnitzgllnnetylanda r and .Penshinai and fur the Col section of Cleft& in Ureat;liritaia:altJ.lreland. s: - ikeP Callectidaa Made imthheand adjoining C..ountice ; • -tales-of d 666 a 6 gettkat Real Rotate btaighte, solif„ • leased, and rents collected. Mon eYar inVstt4 on MGM* or other security, • Titles examined and title Vaperadnnell Office on FOUILTII street, a faar , docanabove • Irtenitldiakil Pittsburgh, March '2B, ISSte—frritter'': i; A W. FOSTER, NPtiut kablic,•, , stne.-eof • missioner rot sho •States of Taiinioinee.. - Aili Ilati suiro, Connoctirisi,lViscanslis, California and 'Virginia. • 4:0 - Doe& drawn, and liiisnouluchu.9lllll and prc4s tat: for record or use in any of the el:nteznazneitltatetn:lllln.: ttlanoippi and 'Mode faked. • Afar& 28. 1855--EnthZaknil t .: TATEMEN— CONIATION THE', • the PI TTSBIRtaII TRUST COWST4sisnainked nrolred by the Charter: . DR. ' To Discounts, Notes and BERSoritxehtjiig 3 sel• - 4VRA3EO caskets • Cosh due by Baas — and Batt* 1 ' subject to citec......,„...44....:4440,angs if 2.000 V,OOO .LA09,853 County 80ndi...,. itunking - llaukx... Expenie account-1 By CuOaf Stock t''4200,000 Cash duo to Banks and Bankara... .... . . 18,212 Unpaid .. .. . '314 2 ' Discounts and Premitrut recehr4' 4 • 1,345 cdurawka , ludlrWnal De r .ita Inillrldaal Deposits on Intend 06c01uit.:L:'....,114,0D5 potter-. Pittsburgh, Dec. lit, 1.655-q4ealr NITESTEIiNFXCWISTG.E. HOTEL FO3 .REVT, and the &MINUTIAE. WiTUEI23.A., PO : SALE, with a teem of the pretidses for isvi.Yeass.;-4.11e sul scriber now offers for rent the liotel,,,whielrbthilknettlPlll with a continual increakd Ibihbat.i 2year: knotin as the IFTS'rEIIN BECLIANUE - VOMeitnatedl!' Market street,. above Fifteenth, It' i larva and commodious, ilea starker blah;linit has: nerntann, formerly about one hundred andtlftylodinnot,,innlStablin; Cur nearly sixty Horses. It is rtuuliclarod.nne the bee, Hotel stands In the street; do cenvenfentl4 the various Rai? roads Depots, Markets, ".5..4 and it bell* isa - teiedvidy knowtt it is deemed unnecessarrtogiverdatelleill4ll adlattisemeni as persons wbshing tnpurelmse weak! undmihtedliCall an 4 satisfy themselves ofits advantages. , gft„Particulars . can; be had by writhlito, hr calling the subscriber, on the premises, , deasilw JUSEPiI - WAmP:rior. irEEP yourhead 000Vvidrfieef0, 1 Aai r ' taw, 11 dandruff, and theacalt. fretkitom . tlf.tatsevikion xis to preserve recur hair. R.OSIBIARY - .olVi t th e , bad thi n; you can find to accomplish these (Nona It.is likewise at excellent ankh:l.lin softenin beantifyitie the hair prim 2.5 rents per bottle. Sold by S. L OJTIIWT, .. • dee& • •53 Mark* ',street. (TOFFEE-530 bags prime Rio Colreelarding 11..,/ and for eale Ay idea) atILLEIV* :-lEICI SON_ A — LCollolr—.l.o bble Flotettees;76*Alcolul • In store and fora:do b.) , dirt anuan N. ■ MO M ERRING-,10 boxes Sealed for • sale b (dec4l MILLEP. A: roe '—3 bbla prime Roll Butter sale jj by [geol] MILLVR ettlerglSON.. OlL—Sperm, Winter 'Biettelle4* No-. 1 Oil, In store orl fm• late by •( deci • . • .1!d111.Elt - • kz i• TOBACCO-120boxes&ss8a an , Twist , " aranVit," t 4 4lAskdk&-Soldrison," Ddi Yankee Doodle," Afkd',4l:tei. &mar* brandi; bite mail for Tulip by -Real . AMU :EICKIZINOS. CtODFI: 11-111 • iluntvaOrad r aiEVSod- N_.) &II for sale by- ---RA,lo3Trals • SQUARE BROCHE eas.t Co. heYe riellipedyeu iiverileb• 'troche tituride ' 't • "DINE FRENCH A - WOOLLEN Loßo.ttp.,a7 t . , —we ease Jast_teseto4s, Got of tbn anti Ne : t Ale, doable mitered, MA 02 4 44A TPF.k , deol 14-4(ag,, K 401 I ARAMETTAS Asp CORURQSzo l i p i ece , or the above J tud rePArtit bae l 4 4l 4iti ,P . :& fa grown and other desirable eeinve.. • peon opt ACO. MOIRE ANTIQUE TR - Dfaitos 4 received, i!) canons tder 4 l -1:74-5137',simarix). B u FtiT v r il ,tr A e tT -1. " -5-CR-6° sa *O . -P`m i ` dec4 'arm TTEE:PUBLIC 'have , '..zon , on hand, and are constantly reed* at No. ti FIFTR enteette the Custom lbetteaillfea of PilL.An Or Jo* 'WILD OAME,:atufl/181; tehle4Ln , y ere setting at the LO ,MANNET ft.AINN ‘ t cuv thrwarded to akeOmmotkita. ,, They iteo , wletirte tube annum to the careen*, pr. enj• City, - that , tllLey7 . loivo opened a Depot as the F 110TZLi on FeetePillitreet, where the aboraextfebee.puerelwaya boiatattuidl:,,f.rthetl3t.' CLOUDS should not deletyoli.Orn9 out the vary finest of Pktures by his Lieu, in cloudy weathea. 101..76 Fourth end. ,1"1,1151:1 VA.I3IIIONAIILIiILin 'AND CAPS, kr U n nr sit Vl 2l, --4. .1 'WILSON t SON, No. 91 Weixl- street, alMln• form tho public that they have a large' tu*rtaient...4 She latest styles of Hats and Caps, which t.hey,*_l9l'aell,*low prices for cash. N. B.—Just received, - a new etyletd , laulleetidlakilats and Cana. [novlo] J; WILSON'A bQN. BLACK MERINOS-,--A I.4:yqqgelt , mew of the above goods,' - of , o*rtr7 grade. rectiv ,lay by_ [deal - AQMABOXV AlsiD — liiiiißßlVl - 5".;--711e. highest' market ju price pad for 40, 80 and 120 Aces rants, of the late issue. "" • Atze—For SO and 100 Acre Warren leer of UM Apply.,. BLAKELY & ser&l:dair corner of &renal and Budtbdela QUNDRIES-40 dozen Pepper SitIPC,, U 3O dozen Cinntip assOrtail• • " 10 =ad mien ; " 5 cusp nov22l Prines, in &in -B E joss: J inn a roceiv-aiwit =A--A- . VORSALE, VERY 01#14P--,A.BRILD,. int LOT' rs ALLEOILENT CITY, 21. feet 14401'' A 11.9 d bargain cap ,boloitObrapplyi.! 2 rsopa at the Eloa* • ' 1 , 10RNIX(If VOSTI j - fit FOR •SALE-;-4 good Eintn3o , Lor; .1.4 24 Pet (tout on eiison street. 4.100 feet' trOloptbi l ki Binningliam, wig ld be ao cheap. .}..)aquiro p r. I L ; Enta-it4llll.lloßA:'';'," JY at the cake el Abe - Morning Peat: ILK PLUSH, for CloakMulti:lll4;f: at No. et Wood &Wet. Wel J.AVIISOX Swett Main just ree'd 4u3S fault ti . r oiCANtIIO-.4 Ott ' n0v28.. =IC3IM4; &AND- ' zl3`. CO. hara:Tecettedatol." L qd eta tat of Wool Blanket!, tif - tke Awl* 4414 - .. P. 4. wakes, and eizqii. • . AGENCIES. CAPI?4L. ;:.: nrstarscm: , ' E4 - Clovenactr•lllitsey,.3lMarsotti. Ron. Wm:lL:Wehilt, Chief. Jastlea „iltattesaa. Ron. t. 316eker. Him. IL 11. Itlce, Delegate tolleigriss — ..? IlollliMettead a Decker, Attorzayant laer. Megtall. &am' & Oaks, Baitkorti. Rev. T. D. Fullertoa,lteglateitof D. Stitantl.olDco. gepft) - . 7 ; • $t A. c; otat and for sale by - .[der4 15111.1..E.U.t,111CE1M10N.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers