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Meeting of the County Committee of Correspondence Pursuant to notice given, the Democratic County Commit tee of Correspondence met at the St. Charles Hotel. on Sat urday, December Ist, 1.845, at 11 o'clock, A. M. After some discussion, the following resolution, offered by R. Biddle Roberts, Esq., was adopted : Resulred, That the Democrats of the several Wards, Boroughs and Townships be requested to assemble at their several places of meeting, on Saturday, December lath. 155.5. and elect Delegates to meet in County Convention on the Wednesday following, (the Rah Met.) at the Court House, in the City of Pittsburgh, at 11 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of selecting Delegates to attend the Democratic State Conven tion, to be held at Harrisburg, uu the 4tb of March nest. The following resolution was unanimously adopted : Resoliwi, That the thanks of this Committee be tendered to Meant. Bryson S Shills. the gentlemanly proprietors of the St. Charles Hotel, for their kindness and liberality in fur nishing us with BO comfortable and convenient place fur our raced ug. 5A1111... W. BLACK, Chairman. N B.—The Wows of meeting, as heretofore appointed— the Townships from 3 to 6 o'clock, P. M_ and the Wards of the two Cities and the Boronghs from 6 to 7 o'clock, P M. THE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Locke commenced an engage ment at the Buffalo Theatre on Monday night last. Dick Sliter's negro minstrels were in San dusky last Saturday evening. An Ohio editor, in view of the fact that George Law is likely to be the American candidate for the Presidency, suggests Phineas T. Barnum as a proper man for the Vice Presidency on such a ticket. Twenty-nine out of the thirty fire companies of New Orleans, marched in procession to La fayette Square, on Monday, and surrendered the city apparatus, in consequence of the non-pay ment of appropriations and other slights from the city government. W. W. Cones, cashier of the Kanawha Bank, has written a letter in which he says the report that the aforementioned institution had faded is without foundation. The bank has redeemed $160,000 of its circulation within two weeks, not one dollar of which has been re-issued, and at this time has a greater amount of specie in its vaults, in proportion to its circulation, than any bank of Ohio had on last report day, and is abundantly able to pay all of its circulation without trespassing one cent on its stock AMERICANS AND ENGLISH In another column will be found an article from the London Times, in which the writer un dertakes to explain the state of popular feeling between the Americans and the English people. He tells some troth and makes some mistakes . We have no doubt, as the writer says, that be tween the people of the two countries there is A general and cordial good feeling. But that very fact makes both quick to wrath when an exciting cause occurs, or a provocation is given . But while Americans are friendly towards the great mass of Englishmen, they have no sympa thy or love for that hollow-hearted and insolent aristocracy of England that usurps, and wields for its own benefit, all the powers of the British government. While we can even feel pride in English courage and enterprise, and rejoice that English commerce and colonies are joined with our own in spreading our common language and civilization over the world, we still hope thnt the day is nut distant when the English monarchy shall be overturned, the aristocracy humbled, and both replaced by a government of equal laws and popular freedom. Had England such a government now. and were her rulers the free choice of her people, peace between the two countries might be profound and perpetual. The Tines makes another mistake. It sup poses that only the worst classes of our people fail to sympatt,lq. with England in her present struggle with Russia. Our better classes of peo ple are few in number at that rate, for it is sel dom that we find any man who wishes that Rus sia may be humbled or dismembered, or that England may have an easy and speedy triumph over her eastern adversary. Every one knows that while the Russian empire exists in full strength and in a hostile attitude toward Eng land and Prance we have a pretty sure guaranty of peace with those nations. Russia is our nat ural ally should England or France provoke us to hostilities. But they will not do it. They are bound over to good behavior towards this country till they are clear of the grip of the Russian bear. But the change in the tone of the Timm to wards this country is as remarkable as it is quick. In three weeks it has wheeled right about. It blustered quite lustily a month ago, and talked largely about the increase of the British West India fleet, and hinted that England had been in sulted by our Attorney General. Now it says, " see how these two nations love each other." We are sorry to find such instability in that pa per. A journal occupying the proud position and exerting the wide influence of the old " Thum derer " should not be given to such sudden freaks of wrath or kindness. If it makes many more such mistakes as of late it will win the title of " Blunderer.'' CALIFORNIA WITH Hen BACK I.P.—The last Gubernatorial election in California showed her to have a voting population of over a hundred thousand, or the eleventh State in the Union in that respect. Her representation in the House of Congress is only two, or une member to every fifty thousand voters. This condition of things excites the bile of California editors, certain of whom hint at a separation from the Union if their grievances are not redressed. It is hardly fair dealing with California when it is remember ed that the northern States are allowed a mem ber of the House of Representatives to every twelve thousand voters, and in the South to every ten thousand. KANSAS.—Some of the letter writers at Wash ington believe that neither Whitfield nor Reeder will be admitted to a seat in Congress, but that a new election will be ordered. Meantime a let ter from Gen. Stringfellow is published in which he admits that Missourians took part in the Kan- MIS elections, and declares that they will do so again. What good will a new election do at that rate p But it is a matter of very little conse quence. The future of Kansas is sure for free dom. Even Stringfellow admits that, unless the &lath sends aid immediately. But the South will send no more slave property there. WON'T Aix. —accounts from California repre sent that the Chinese population there are pre paring to leave the State. The relentless hostili ty of the American and European races towards them has satisfied them that they must leave. They are pretty numerous and generally peacea ble and industrious. They have tried hard to win the good will of the Anglo-Saxon race, but in vain. The European and Asiatic blood won't mix. Settlers from any part of Europe are well received, but from Asia or Africa they cannot come and remain at peace and upon terms of equality. ORVILLE J. VICTOR, of the Sandusky Commer cial Register has been selected to deliver the poem before the Editorial Convention, to meet in Columbus, Ohio, on the 10th of January next. The Association could hardly have made a better selection—at least oat of its ranks in the Buckeye State. Mr. Victor is highly gifted with the divine afflatus, and is, besides, one of the Lest fellows in the world editorial SENATOR SUMNF.R ON A .• BENDER time ago the lion. Charles Sumner took occasion before a:Koston audience to depict certain hor rors ana..enormities of slavery. alleged to dative been witnessed by himself in his late tour through Kentucky. Directly after seeing a re port of the remarks, the Louisville Courtier con trasted the violence and abuse of Mr. in his home and among his abolition confreres, with the soft and rather approving words he had for the peculiar institution when in that State. This brought forth a rejoinder from the Senator in which he denies the allegations of the print in. general and in particular." The Courier of Monday reiterates its charges and adds several others ; one of which is that the lion. Senator, on the day he is said to have ex pressed surprise at finding the slaves so happy in the South, imbibed three times from a jug supposed to contain apple brandy' It is very probable the Courier is right, as it offers to pro duce two colonels, one baggage master, and an express agent, as corroborating witnesses, should he again deny the charges: but it would only be charitable to suppose—in view of the apple jack—that the lion. Senator did not mean what he uttered, in other words that lie was slightly " tight" when he used the language attributed to him. Fayette Democratic Convention We learn by a private despatch that the Fay ette Democratic County Convention met in Uniontown yesterday, and unanimously declared fur the Hon. John L. Dawson for United State Senator. They also unanimously appointed him a delegate to the fourth of March Convention Napoleon'■ Speech at the Close of the Exhibition The Paris Exposition closed on the Ifith of November, with considerable ceremony, the Em peror, Empress, and others of the Imperial family being present. The Empress looked very well. Their Majesties were received by Prince Napoleon, the Imperial Commission, and the Commissioners, and were conducted to ti throne prepared for them in the centre of the transept, opposite the grand entrance. The Prince then read a report relative to the proceedings and re sults of the Exhibition. The Emperor Napoleon made a speech on the occasion. He said: Gentlemen: The Exhibition which is about to close offers a grand spectacle to the world. During a serious war, from all points of the uni verse the men most distinguished in science, arts and industry, have flocked to Paris to exhibit their productions. That concourse, under such circumstances, is owing, I trust, to the general conviction that the war thus undertaken only menaced those who had provoked it : that it was prosecuted in the interest of all, and that Europe, so far from seeing in it a danger for the future. considers it rather as a pleelge of independence and security. Nevertheless, at the sight of so many wonders exposed before our eyes, the first impressien felt is a desire for peace Peace alone, in fact, can develope still more those remarkable productions of human in telligence You must accordingly all desire, as I do, the speedy conclusion of a durable peace. Put in order to be durable it must distinctly solve the question which caused the war to be un dertaken. That it may be speedily concluded Europe must declare itself, fur without the pre , sure of general opinion struggles between great powers threaten to be prolonged : whilst, on the contrary, if Europeonce determines on declaring who is right and who is wrong, it will be a great step made towards the solution. At the present period of civilization, the success of armies, however brilliant they may lie, are only tem porary, and it is definitely public opinion that always gains the last victory. You, then, who all believe that the progress of the ugricul tare. industry and commerce of one nation contributes to the welfare of all the others. and that the more mutual relations are multiplied, the more national prejudices tend to disappear Tell your fellow-citizens on your return to your country, that France has nu hatred for any tta• tion, and that she sympathizes with all those who wish, as she does, for the triumph of right and justice. Tell them that, if they desire peace. they must openly express wishes either for or against us, fur amid a grave European conflict. indifference is a bad calculation and silence I,r) error. As for us, who ate allied for the triumph of a great cause, let us manufacture arms with out any abatement of our industry or labor : let us be great by the arts of peace as we are by those of war; let us be strung by our union, and place our confidence in Clod, that we may over come the difficulties of the present and the chances of futurity. itESOLI. TIONS RETr ILSE D.—Governor Adams, of South Carolina, in Ills message to the Legisla ture, says that he has returned the resolutions sent him by MaitsaeLtusetts to the proper officers of that State. In explanation lie say: Massachusetts confined herself to resolu tions expressive of her feelings and purposes in relation to slavery, impertinent as I may have regarded them. I would have received them with indifference, and transmitted them without com ment ; but I consider the acts of her late Legisla ture as an insult and an outrage upon every mem ber of the Confederacy, who has a right to de mand the enforcement of the fugitive sta.. act_ A State whose Legislature deliberately, unblush ingly, impiously violates her constitutional obli gations, and whose people resist the execution of law, even to the shedding of blood, is not en titled to comity from us; and I feel that I would have betrayed the dignity of my trust had I hesitated to affix on such conduct the seal of official condemnation. The interchange of civili ties with a people who feel it to be nu dishonor to prevent the recovery of stolen property. will hardly reclaim the faithless, and is incompatible from the respect which honesty owes to itself POWDER MILL EXPLOSION.—Capt. J. Y. Hurd, of the steamer Bostona, informs us that the dry house attached to Waterhouse t Co.'s powder mill, near Portsmouth, 0., caught tlre on last Thursday evening. The flames spread rapidly to the mill, containing fifteen hundred kegs of powder, which exploded, blowing everything to atoms. The report was heard for miles. The workmen discovered the fire in time D. escape. No one was injured. --('i n . ' 4•101., De , . 3. 'the powder must have berm very weak or we would have heard a little of the noise in this vicinity. ija-M'Lane's Celebrated Liver Pills are ranked among tho must popular remedleo of the day. 'Chat it will cure liver complaint, sick headache, and dPlPoPola, to now beyond a doubt. Read the following testimony from a Nell known lady and gontletnau of our own city: New YORK, August 3. Mr and Mrs. Williams. No. 248 Seventh street, teutify thu they hare both been Buffering with the liver complaint f about tire yearn, during whit time they hare spent a lur k • amount of money, and tried many remedies. hilt to no par pi,. Final!), hearing of Dr WLane'il tiny purr liouo, flier t,..xes. which they took according to the dirvill..ll.l a compan)ing each Los: now pronoun,. thou.,' yes f or redly tired of that dintressing disease P S. The above redouble remedy, aluo DrM . l.a.he . e cele. brated Vermlfuge, me now be bud ut nil r,peetlible Drug Storm m thin city. pay Purchsuere will pied*, be rurefill 0; Evil, for, mud take noun but Dr N'Lane's Liner Pill, There err "illm bilk, purporting to be Liver Pills, now before the public AlBO, for eerie by the sole proprietum PLEMING tatOS.. &loom:morn to J. Kidd t Co., decl:daw] No. Co Wood street, corner of Fourth. Sand•' Sarsaparilla.- , -luvindi s ir,ation and ex. pertinent have demonstrated that upon the condition of the blood depends the health of the body. Consequently, whets disease in the shape of Scrofula, Erysipelas, Ulcers, Cutaneous Eruptions, Liver Complaint, Sc.. appear, it to at once evident that the secretive functions have because inert, and impuri ties have been engendered in the blood which are working their way to the surface. SANDS' SANSAPAItILLA is ex pressly prepared to remedy such cases, and should be at once resorted to. It will gently stimulate the functions of the stomach and bowels to regular and healthy action, and without nausea or purging expel therefrom•all deleterious arrumulationii, purify the blood, equalize the circulation, promote perspiration, improve the appetite. impart tone and vigor to the system. and gradually but surely extirpate the disease, causing all unsightly excrescences to disappear. and leaving the skin perfeatly smooth and flexible. Prepared and sold by A. 11. & D. SANDS, Druggists, 100 Fulton street, Now York. 81d also by FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Ps., and by Drugichsts genernllp. n0v27.111'1 Air From the N. York National Monitor of February 24.-1 YOLAN VAPOIL—Dr. Curtis has done mote to a.mishurate the condition of humanity afflicted with lung rotuplaints, than any oilier practitioner of medicines that has struggled with the secrete of the moterin medica, for the last century, by the in•entipo and perfection of an instru ment that will convey to tft lunge n medicine in the shape of a highly Medicated Vapor, which acts directly on the disease, and not, as hitherto, by syn,p„,.by. Those who urn troubled with diem-vie arising from disordered lungs, will subserse their intereirts by giving the iiygeau Vap o r p t r im . Caution.—Dr. CCRTLe HUMANA fe the original and only genuine article. nov26:3wdi, Ogi-Dam 91' a Thousand Flowers, for beontifylog t 1 a Ccenplexion, anti eradicating all Taal, Pilg rim and Farextu from dm face. Sold at pr. Kalman's, 1.40 atreat jan3o * 414 •-• EINE MEM THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. T1!itR 1 101 - -00V11.11ECON ' GREAS. i7l FIRST SEStI CITY, Hecemlik 3.4Thetie is Hood deal of)lianeussing' going on to-night. 'lt Is gener ally ultderstoed that the Black Republicans and Free Sellers wilreeneentrate to-morrow on Mr. Banks, of Massachusetts, numbering together 123, and being sufficient to elect. The caucus of Southern Know Nothings, and National Democrats and yir,4igs, num bered T 3. It was resolved 'to reject all fusion with the Free Soil factions, but they have no hopes of defeating them. Greeley, Weed and Seward have been working all day to fuse the factions, and are understood to have succeeded. We may therefore look for an organization to-morrow, and the message vn Wednesday. The National Ainevicans.,vrill vote for Henry M. Fuller for Speaker, and endeavor to draw the entire Democratic vete to him by conceding to them the Clerk and Printer, thus forming a Union party against the Free Soil factions. They deny that the Republicans can by a fusion poll mote than 105 votes, while 113 is necessary to elect. The President persists in refusing to print the mes sage, and it will be sent to the two Houses in writing. The despatches received by the Atlantic represent our affairs with England unchanged. Since the de parture of the Canada, Mr. Buchanan says that Lord Clarendon and the BritiA Cabinet are endea voring to patch up a reply to our government com munication with reference to a violation of our neu trality laws by British agents, in order, if possible, not to wound our sensitiveness, and, at the same time, to shield Mr. Crampton. Our government has finally acted on the memorial of Denmark proposing capitalization, or a tax ac cording to the value of the cargo, in lieu of the present Sound dues, and have rejected the pro position. The National Intelligencer confirms the reports re ceived Crum Kansas. The despatch received from bloc. Shannon, making a demand fur troops, was re ceived by President Pierce yesterday. It Stated that civil war was threatened, and requested prompt assistance. The immediate transfer of troops from all the nearest posts was transmitted by telegraph by the President. WASHINGTON CITY, December 4.—There was oo election for Speaker on the first ballot. Sewate.—The Senate wee called t., order at noon. Messrs. Hale, Durkee, Yulee and Pearce were sworn in. The Rev. 11. C. Dean Ara+ elected Chaplain, when the Senate adjourned. Hoos,.—CM motion, the balloting for Speaker wee resumed, and on the first bullet resulted as follows: Richardson 74 ; Campbell 58 ; Banks 23; Fuller 20; Humphrey . Marshall 19 scattering 26. There was no election, 111 bein g necessary to a choice. (SECOND DESPATI•IIj The ballotings still continue. n the oth trial Richardson had 75: Campbell 57; Banks 25; Fuller 22: Marshall lg. 7th: Richardson 74; Campbell 54; Banks 28; Fuller 20: Marshall 20. Bth : Richardson 75; Campbell 51 Banks 32; Fuller 20 ; Marshall IS. 9th. Richardson : Campbell 51; Banks 31 ; Fuller:2l; Marshall 18. There being no choice, the House on motion adjourned. Boarding an American Brig--The Irish Organizations. Nits. Yott tc , December 4. --- A let ter from Antigua received here states that the Brig Leung.. of Phila delphia. was boarded in the harbor of At. Johns, by the It:tigrish authorities, and a colored cook, named HOPI, was forcibly taken ashore under pretence of being 11 Flare restrained of his freedom. Rout pro tested that hr Iva.; a freeman, and at the lust accounts he WWI in the hand, of the police awaiting au exami nation. A meeting of delegates from the different Innla organizations in the Cnitrtl States and the Canada, is nuts in session at the Astor }louse. About one hundred and fifty member are in attendance, but more are expected. The ohJect of the meeting is supposed to here reference to n movement on foot fur reeuriug the redemption of Ireland by an invasion lrom this country. The reporter are not admitted, the proceedings being strictly pro ate. New York Canal--F alaiFire Ai.natti, N. Y., December 4. -- Lcr•patches ro reiyed from all along the line of canal state that mats are crowding along in lintnentv duets, and there is no doubt that all would reach tide water be fore the closing of the canal. The house of Mr , . Spelman. on Palmer Hill, in Essez county, was det , troyed by fire on Sunday morning. and three small children perished in the flame, The Catastrophe at \lemphl• December 4. The fire originated on hoard the steamer : then eonimunii‘ated to the stern rd the !dayflower. The May Haver is valual at 8100.000, and was insured for $50,000. Tho Collier valued at $35,01t0, and ass insured for $15,000. The wharf boat vas burned, riaito.ining $20,000 worth of ruody, which are a total buss. Fiftt..en per arc nneen ng , supposed to Inc hott. Fever and Ague 2--.1.,1111 \Van] "I rn• your lIITrEILS an retried) for Ye%/yr and Agr. 1. - .999 not 9 iwn..l by It tuywif. but der., 4 my (Honda Its nig on Wylie litre-9.S were a1.99k i'llred 01le of thorn, who runs on river. tool the Chilly for titr.. niontt, and wage the liiii.LAND }3ITTEII/4 on. th. •9nly tiling that did him :thy good.- • .0'71.) , ; • —fte. L.sareful Bitten. Th great pvpulzult) ,3I thw ruedicllte h.., Induced mnnr iMilath.un, hip b the pu nto,ul,l ruar,l nolinst pur. chading. stai_ Mld at SI por boffin. ur ?do trottit. for 5.5, by the pro. prrotura, B ENJ AM IN PAVE. Ja t 00., Manufacturing Pbarmazeutasta and Cheiunqa. Putaburgh, Pa I.l.:ltti S Cu., Burner of Sr rd rod streets; and I.kruggngs generally tied, The Great California Plant.—Candialt. gun, the great ma.licttad herb of call forma, is a now auLt invaluable addition to our PlommarotaMa A Robinson, Req., author of •• Life In California" ll,n. J. C Jones, long a n-eldest there, and other eminent travelers. testify to the woridarfill success with which If by th e natives as a Lure for Pulmonary and Bilioue Complaint., By rwaubinlng it with Lieerieort and Tar, the best lelneth. ha Coughs, Colds and Catarrhal affections known. prior to the raMitlon ~f this Plant to our Ileflarium, a med.:the has then pro 11t1,11, if we are to I•elleve the tLealll,,my ./f Korea of convalescent patients. will rt.rr (teistenpti.en ttsetf, in its earlier stages. NVe refer to DR- ittkilißS' SYRUP OF 1..1V• }RWORT. TAR ASD CANCHALAGUA. The public are not asked to take its virtues upon true. The pamphlet in the hands of Agents explain, the philosophy ,it its operations, and gives the proofs id' Its success. nos lkedsvirliar H3' Sate helor's Fiat r Dye...—Why has 110 ons succeeded in making a mind& Mir Dye, except Batchelor ' Because they would ar,,ld the cares, the thought, the titqe, patience and labor necessary. Others. by short cuts, would err n reptuall..l, they cannot ; and by certificates of feed chettilst,. and newspaper bravado., light their way to notori. qtr But in d ustry has ita reward." Witu.s the invincilrle reputation of BATCHELOR'S Hair Dye; made and sold, or applied. (in nine private rooms.. 233 Broadway. New York. Sold, wholesale and retail, by Dr. Ueo. H. KETB.CR, 140 Wood street de,I4I(LIIrW Stockings and Hosiery for Wliater.-. If you dou't want your feut pinched with taut and short St..ckluge, you will take our adv I. and go to C. DAL T'S, eon uor of Market alley and Fifth ',treed, and btty HOMO of three I.goot lino St.x-Lluge, that make your foot fool nlee and “antoriable Ittte also melee and belle every variety of Hosiery chat you cue Wlltion, at wholesale sail retail. Remember the place, corner of 3Larkut alley and Firth Street. oct4 Wean at No. 164 Wood •treet, and ex ouliuo our otuck. of SOFT lILTB and WINTER CAPS. Just TO rolved, la largo lot of Slionglial, CeletOtol, fool other 10)1. of Cops, which we wtll tell low fur cash. !donuoN & Cu., 164 Wkosi saver. ts.llB WILLIAMS (Sz. ALLEN, iIINOLD & -WILLIAMS, )11: , I FACTT lIRR9 OF Chilson Furnaces, Wrougbt Iron Tubing AND FIVIINO GENERALIN For Warming and Ventilating Buildings 4:k3r W Al A. will contract for Warming and Ventilating Ly tt..111 or Ilot I,Vater, New or ClOlson's Furnace, Church ,.lea,la. Hospitals, Factories. UrCOLI Houses, Dwellings, Court Houses, Jails, or Bottle. No. 26 MARK rt STREET, Pated.urgh. apl6 JAMES BLAKELY, EEROPEAN AGENT AND CONVEYANCER Corner Seventh and Smithfield .t.., Psvnrug•re brought from the old country to Pitts burgh. and motleys remitted to Europe. [uov27 WESTERN EXCHANGE HOTEL FOR RENT. and the FURNITURE. FIXTURE.% Lc- FOR SALE, with is lease of the promises fur fifty years....-The sub scriber now offers for rent the Hotel, which be has occupied with a continual increased business for the [Bat Id years, known WI the• WESTERN EXCHANGE IRYTEL, situated In Market street, above Fifteenth, PHILADELPHIA. It Is large and conirmalions. five stories high, and has accommu stations for about one hundred and filly lodgers, and Stabling for nearly sixty Horses. It fey considered one of the best IL,tel stands in the street; is convenient to the various Rail reale Depots. Markets, Ar., and it being extensively known. it:Ls deemed unnecessary to give details in an advertisement, OS persons wishing to purchase would undoubtedly call and satisfy themselves of its advantages. aa_ Particulars can be had by writing to. ur calling on, the subscriber, on the menu., decad 1 w JOSEPH WATERMAN. DROPOSALS will be received at the Office a K. E. NEGOWIN, Penn street, until WEDNESDAY, the sth instant, for GRADING about 600 yards of tacaea- Lion on Bluff street, near Marion street_ WALTER KI RK PATRICK , Street Cupunissioner. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND OYSTERS Just received raid for sale. Also, 18 bbls FRESH FISH, of all kinds, both Lake and East era,\wH which we will sell wholesale and retail. Families supplied with Shell Oysters in.so cents, 75 cents, end $1 per hundred. Five Ms euperlor TOMATO CATSUP. CAN OYSTERS constantly on hand, wholesale and retail. We invite the citizens of Pittsburgh to tome and try• them. Restaurants will do well by giving us a call. The different kinds of Oysters are: Duck Creels, 16gg Harbor.'Salts, Tan glens, Chesapeakes, Cove Plants and Delaware Bays. All will be eold wholesale and retail by . FOR SALE LOW, at Jes. Co',Liss St Co.'s, No. 115 Water wrest, between Wood and Smithfield, a number of RAILROAD CARTS, with Burnam complete— .euitatle G.r Railroad Contractor. Also, the Running Gears for a one-Lone w ag ,, riov3O •I . 'f i • e . . - I=l CHAR. RISIBLE & CO-, corner of Bond and Liberty streets .-, ' EIMM= Ohio and Pegnsylvanla Railroad. DIED, ri •; 1 At Louisville. Ky.. un Sunday affern...,n, December 2.1. RUNNING FAOOI PITTSBURGH 1.1 ., , r few days ' illness, UEORGE Llllll.llJ, the 58th year le age. Alp Tak piss TI-dR leaved at 2,30 A. M.; through to His remains will he taken to Allegheny Celnetery for in -011-fcbilliati L 1243 luitiritind 40 illiltintte Fare. 87. • termini, tells (Wednesday) &mamma. at o'clock,,from ?•.:' Map. TRIM leawitt at BA. M. • • his late residence, No. 82_ Second street. The„eglattenS and friends of the finally are , respectfully invited to attend the glitneatk-Taarn leaves at 3 P. M. funettiill. • - TRatfa MALI all Make clam connections at erodible, so that passengers avoid detention. The direct route to St. Louis In now open, via Crootline and Indianapolis, 100 miles shorter than via Cleveland. First class fare from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, $18,30. Second clans, $12,00. Connections are made at Alliance with the Road to Cleveland, and at Mane field With the Road to Newark, Monroovllle and Sandusky City. No Trains run on Sunday. Three Roads connect at Crestline. Fur particulars. see handbills. Through Tickets are told to Cincinnati. Louisville, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Chicago, Rock Inland, Fort Wayne, 'Olovelant and the principal towns and cities In the Wein. The NliW BRIORTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaven Pittsburgh at 10 A. If. and 4:45 P. N., and New Brighton at 7:30 A. M. and 1 P. M. For Tickets and further information, apply to J. G. CURRY, At the corner °Mee, under the Monongahela Rouse. Or at the Federal street Station, to Pittsburgh, November 22, 1855 OHIO AND INDIANA RAILROAD, 11121,0 Tt/C Continuation of the Ohllo & Penna. R. It TO FORT WAYNE, 71111LX RONDE= AM]) EIOEITEIX MILLS FROM PTFISOUROII. TRAINS CONNECT AT CRILSTLLNE, WITIIONT nsramrurs, WITH ALL rill TRAINS ON TIII Onto AND PENNA. ROAD, and also at Forest with Trains going North and South, Alb the Mad River and Lake &lei Railroad. Fur Tickuta, apply at the Railroad Office of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company In Pittsburgh, Allegheny City, or at any of the following points, Fort Wayne, Belleiontaine, Cincinnati, Cristun, Dayton, Springfield, I ndiartapolls, Richmond, Findlay. Persons desiring Tickate will be particular to ask fur a Ticket by the Ohio and Indiana Railroad. Jet S. B. STRAIJOHAN, Supt. MARINE INSURANCE. FIRE RISKS. MANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE COMP'Y OF PHILADELPHIA. CILLITIft PIOXPETCAI-41111-NTID HT TRY IMO% OF PECVSTISANIA. Chartered Capital, $500,000. FIRE, MARINE AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION, AARON 8. LIPPINCOTT, President_ ORRIN ROGERS, Secreury. EMOROR YOUNG, Treasurer. D I lIBOTO RS Aaron S. Lippincott, William B. Thomas, Mahlon 0111Inghara, William Neal, Nicholas 0. Taylor, Alfred Weeks, Orrin Rogan, Edward E. Jones, Joseph nosily, James P. Smyth. Afar This Company has been organized with a Cash Capi tal, sad the Directors have datarmined to adapt the business to its available resources To observe prudence In conduct- Inf., its affairs, with a prompt edJustment of losses. ITTESBUROII OFFICE, No. 68 Water street. J. NEWTON JONES, Agent. CEGETEM The following well kuowo and responsible firms in Num. burgh have authorized reference to them with regard to the stability mod monodist'o of the MaNuracrounts' I msuluacct C 0111,1( Y Kramer A Rehm, tioorto P. Smith a C. Jones, Tiermth t Co, PITTSBURGH LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, OORNER OF WATER AND MARKET nREETS PITTSBURGH, PA. JA.Jam D. SFGaL, Secretary . 041 - This C..xupany wakes 'Wary iasurnnca apiwitaining I conuotteal with LIFE RISKS. Also, Mlic HULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio and Mlssissipis Rivers and trillutnries. and IA R INK RISKS generally. Aud against Lugs and Damage by Fire. and against Perils of the lien and Inland Navigati.o and Transp,rtatioil PutLCieS isSllO4l at the Wu oat rate. eCamisteLit with safety I. sll burro. DIRECToRSI. Akx.ander Bradley. John Fullertou, tlarnual Welurkan. James W. lialltnan Charles Arbuthnot, thrrld Richey. Robert lialitay, James S. noon, John M'Alpin, Witham 1.1111111.15, John Scott, Joseph P. ileutam, M D. James blarthall Horatio N. Lo., Kittanning. EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. JOHN 11. SIIOENBEIIGKR, 11..61161M ROBERT FINNEY. Seeretnry. C. W. BATCHXLOIt, (loner-al Agent. WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL RINDS 11.ARLYR AND FIRE RISKS. DEEM= .1 LI Stioonberger. C. W. liatcheLor, Isaac M. Pennock, W. W. Martln. IL T. Leech, Jr Ueorge S. Snide a, Datid M'Candlatn. IQ'. AL Losses 11.tillIdi by parties insured under policiet ensued by this Company will be liberally acllosted and prompt ly paid st its OYVICE, No. 99 WATER STREET I,iyi I CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH WILLIAM lIAG A LEY, Proniden 8 L' EL MA.RBIIELL, So< retttry. OFrICE: IA Water greet, between .Varlet and W.od street —lnsures !MU AND CARGO RISKS, ou the Ohio mud Mhisisetppi Ravens mud tributarlea. Insures against Loos or damage by }IRK. agattutt the Perils of the Sen, and luland Nailiretiou And Traueportatlou. EIMMTM William Bagsley, James M. Cooper, Samuel Rea, Robert Dunlap, Jr Isaac M. Pennock, S. HArbaugh, Walter Bryant, John Shlyton. PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH. Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Streets, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, 8300,000. lifir Insure Buildings and other Property against Lose or Damage by Fire, sad the Perlis of the Sea end Inland Nalq. sewn util Transportation. DIRECTORS. Wm. P. Johnston, Rody Patterson, Jacob Painter, A. A. Cartier, W. M'Cltntock, Jan. P. Tanner, George W. Smith, W. S. Haven, D. E. Patel, I. Grier Sproul, Wade Hampton, D. M. Long, Jones, J. H. JOl3OB, 11. R. Caggshall OFFICERS. President Hon. WM. F. JOHNSTON Lire President BODY PATTERSON .•kc'y and Treasurer.A. A. CARRIER PEARL STEAM MILL, ALLEGHENY. PLOL'R DELIVERED TO FAMILIES to either of the two Mk.. ORDRES may bo left at the MIA or to boxes at the LOOAN, WILSON & CO, 52 Wood street. BRAUN d RESTER, cor. Liberty and St. e 115... streets. P. SCHWARTZ, Druggist, Allegheny. TERMS: CASH, UN DELIVERY. ,1y•29 BRYAN, KENNEDY A. CO. WILLIAM HUNTER, DEALER EXCLUSIVELY IN FLOUR AND GRAIN , No. 299 Liberty Street, Pitt•burgh. Cortreurn.r Ricervnto the BEST BRANDS PENNSYLVANIA, 01110, INDIAN• and MISSOURI, SUPERFINE and EXTRA FLOUR. Which will always he avid at the Lowest Cash priced. (apt 1 WILLIAM B. HAYS & CO., DEALERS IN MACOX HAMS, SIDES AM) SHOULDERS LARD, LARD OIL, DRIED BEEF, SUGAR-CURED and CAN VEBSED HAMS. A large stock alwaye on hand at No. iil97 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A British & Continental Exchange. SIGHT BILLS DRAWN BY DUNCAN, SHERMAN & CO. ON THE UNION BANK, LONDON, lr thrms or 11 AND UPWARD& /DP These Drafts are available at all the principal Towne of ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND IRELAND, and the CON TINENT. We also draw BIGHT BILLS on Itl. A. Grunebaum & FRANKFURT A MAIN, Which serve as a Remittance to all parts of GERMANY, SWITZERLAND and HOLLAND. Persons Intending to travel abroad may procure, through us,.Lettare of Credit, on which Money can be obtained, no needed, In any part of Europe. Cow:mows of Billy Notes, and other securities in Europe, will . receive prompt attention. WILLIAM H. WILLIAMS di CO., Wood, corner of Third atreet- PEKIN TEA STORE, No. 38 Fifth Street. GREEN AND BLACK TEAK, warranted to give mat istucilon. BUCKS 011 EXT 9. Oolong-50, 62, 75, and fineet Young Elyson-50, 62, 76, and quality $1 "ft ID finest quality $1 English Itreakfast--60, 75 and Imperial and $1 Gunpowder-60, S 1 , 75 mid Ore lp en and Black Teas of all 62 grades put up in metallic fc = it g ;rices sezinreesly for the trade, and will be bold at the COINEE--Prime Java and Rio Coffee, green and roasted. SUGARS—Lovett/go Crushed and Pulverized Sugars; and prime N. O. Sugar. Baker's Broma, Cocoa and Chocolate. novitAhn HAVE YOU TRIED WEIGHTS PREMIUM KATHARION If not, try it, and you will never be without it. Be wire to ask for WRIGHT'S PREMIUM HATHARION, Or usay get a worthless artists. m you a l sda tir Sae by all Druggists ZS cents per boiftks Wistarn De t. Dr. KEYSER. Ti K SELLERS W, sod JOHN rued TEN YEARS among the Mail Bags, or Notes from the Diary of a Special Agent of the Poet Unice Department, by J. J.l.olbrouk ; with illustrations by Durley. Received in advance of all others. The Widow Bedott Papers Crotchets and Quavers, by Max 31aretzek The Discarded Daughter, by Mrs. Southsverth Curse of Clifton. do The Deaertetl Wife, Klusterheim, by Thomas De Quincey: Harpers' Story Book (No. 1:1) for December. Just renetved and for sale at W. A. OILDENFI—Nti El" & CO.'S, deck! Fifth st., opposite the Theatre. rrER..NBULL'S EYE BOTTLES— I have Just recelred a large supply of these celsbmted All of Turnbull's preparations can always be had at my store. JOS. FLEMING, decb corner Market and Diamond. EcrrniENT—The people are rushing to the ENTERPRISE. 74 Fourth etreet, for Picturgi at 50 GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Age. - ants, and upwards ROLL BUTTER-2 bbls prime for sale b• Elect. 11ENRY 11. COLLINS.. BEANS --50 bushels for sale by deck HENRI H. COLLINS. PO BRIDGE BUlLDERS.—Proposals will he received by the Board of Directors of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company, addressed to the under signed. until noon on THURSDAY, December 27th, 18.55, fur furnishing the materials and erecting the superstructure of a double-flack Railroad Bridge, with wide side-walks fur foot acros9 the Allegheny river, at Pittsburgh. The bids are to be at a fixed price per lineal foot, fur the length of the saperetructnre, to Inclnde all materials and workman ship, to complete the Bridip ready for use, with a double tract; the Company furnishing the railroad Iron for the tracks, and the contractor all other materials. The Bridge will have seven spans, and its whole length will be about twelve hundred feet. The masonry. which is of the most permanent character, is in a forward state, the piers being fifty feet long and ten feet thick on the top; and the eastern abutment and some of the piers being now up to the coping. The superstructure will be required to be COlL pleted by the first of September, 1846. Bids will be received fur a I. Burr Bridge," with heavy arches, counterbraced with iron rods; mad also for a " Howe Bridge," or any other well tried plan, provided the bidder will secure the Company against all claims for patent rights. Plans and specifications will be ready for inspection at the Company's office, in the city of Pittsburgh, on and after the 17th inst.; and further Information may be obtained from S. W. ROBERTS, Chief Engineer. The Board of Directors reserve the right to con tract for the work In such a way as they may deem best for the Interests of the Company. Pittsburgh, December 1, 18&—kleciktd) 'NOTICE is hereby given to all persons in teregted, that Lettere of Adminiatration upon the estate of CHARLES SILBERIIORN, late of Pitt township, Allegheny county, deceased. have been granted to the un dereigned. All persons indebted to said decedent will make payment, and those haring claim against the same will present them, dul l y authenticated, to us for settlement. MIN HARRISON, Pitt Township, GUSTAVE T11L31.11, 199 Penna. Avenue, deri:wGt• Admire of Chas. Silberborn. deed. COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE- BLAKELY Jt RICILEY havo for war ; A Farm of 141 acres Adauss township, Butler county . Also, one of 180 acres near Apollo. Armstrong county. Also, one of 284 acres in Versailles tp_ Allegheny county Also, one of 40 acrersin Plum tp.„ du Also, one of 110 semi In Patton tp.„ do Also, one of 68 acres in Robinson tp_ Also, our of 75 acres In Plain tp., do Also, one of 118 acres In Plum ry,, do Also. one of 110 sores In Plum tp., Also, a beautiful piece of land in Pitt township, containing 10 acres, within four miles of Pittsburgh. Also, Sty acres, with suitable buildings for a suburban reselerior, in Alinersville, within fifteen iniuntes' walk of the city Also, a Perm of 130 acres in Versailles township. Also, one of 150 acres adjoining the shore farm. 100 Building Lots et the end of the new bridge at Slarpsburg, lying between Sharpshurg and Stewartstown. The also.° Farms and Lots are very desirable. and worthy tin. attention of those desiring such property. Please can and get one of our Registers, deekdaw Wilsuu, Childs dt Co., liampum A Ounpix.ll 11. Childs A Co. ft!TY PROPERTY FOR SALE—BLAK A Weitz's have for bale the following desirable city property, viz A /tonne and Lot on the N,wth C.lallb al. In Allegheny city. A tut of tirsiund en 4...litavon street. in Itirliilngliaun. and two elling homes. A Lot of Ground ,in Penns)lvarint Aq.130/., and seven Dwelling House,.. A well eatablished Oh:elated) Wholesale Liquor Establish ment un Liberty street, Fifth Ward; lot 2.5 by ICU Iliet deep. with Warehouse, Dwelling Bow., Ac. A very tine Cottage building en Robinson strlad, running back to Ann street; lot 27 II) 100 feet. Four Lots of Uround on iititarry street, 25 by IUI feet. Übe Lot of Urotiud on Liberty street. Fifth 1V ard. one Jut and two Dwelling Iluttaes in Lau minces ill,. Call arid get otie of our Register', with full de-wiiptiona deet.lik d'APERA MUSIC—The Opera of La Som nambula., by V complete, wail Italian and English words, and, M $ - t Plano neeiStripanltneut. Price, s 2.— Also, the following pieces from the above Opera, separately : As I view theses scenes no .harming; Ali' don't mingle; S001101!1 so boy fug ; Sllll Cl gently err me stealing; I ' lure. fur me thy power; Oh! I ctanot give expression: Take now this ring—Vocal duett ; Phantom chorus, When daylight's going. - Abu, arrangements for the Piano of the tartirite airs of this Opera, by Wallace, Beyer, llerz The above fur sale at the Muxic Store of deel JOIIN 11. 31ELLOR, 81 Wood st. - UNGLISII Papers by the Atlantic—London .L. 4 Illustrated Newel, Punch, Times, and Della Life. John M till' J. CB-91, K. K T. B. Cpdtke, R. U. C.hrati, Jutm A. Caughey S. S. Bryn. Professor fiarr a Great Work, I solume, 40.1pat.,,5, with illustrations. The Widow Bedott Papers, illuitrated. Cultivator Altnarisc for 1958. Crotchets and Quavers; by )fax )laretzok. Casto—a story of Republican Equality. A large assortment of new Juveniles ret cited. Gift Anumils, hmyer Books, Biblero, kr. fur th 11,.11,1ays Subscriptions received for any magazine or twriodionl pul Tishri in the country, at a liberal discount from publishers prices. Harper's, Putnam's. tiodry'g, Graham's. and all other .f. 3 magazines supplled at s2,bO , free of postage. Richard Floyd, Samuel M. tiler, William Bingham John S. Dilworth. Francis Sellers, J. Schoonma.ker, William S. Hays. d;c4 H. MINER & CO., 32 Smithfield et. A SSIGNEE SALE OF STOCKS, &c.-01 Thursday eve lag. December 13, at 7 o'clock, at th Merchants' Exchange, Fourth streot, Pittsburgh. by order o Thos. Mellott, lay., A...signet , of Gen. Wm. Lorimer, Jr., wil be sold— All the interest, property, claim and demand of said bari um, in the Youghiogheny Slealkwater Improvement, known no the Connellsville and West Newton Navigation Ono - many. a hick interest has been appraised at $40,000. Four shares Little Saw 21111 Run Railroad Co. stook. One share in the Locust Grove Seminary, near Lawrence i Ile, which cost $lOOO. Pew No. 84, middle aisle. First Presbyterian church, Pitts burgh cost $825. Ternw at sale. P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. QTATEMENT OF THE CONDITION of kj the PITTSBURGH TRUST COMPANY, MS required by required by the Chart. : DR. To Di aunts. Notes and Bill, or Fachange 5626,383 05 Cash on hand $142.ir,17 05 Cash dun by Banks and Bankers, subject to cheek 00,371 18 By Capital Stot.k Cuuti dun to Hanka and Bankers SHEETING MUSLINS— One particular brand, the pre-muluent merit of which has been estab lished by long experience, and le cow univonuilly acknow. ledgod. The choice cotton from which they aeo tondo, their freedom front intperfectlons, the firmness and smoothness of their thread, and the general ouxdience of their mariutee turn, render them unqueotionably the most serviceable, du rable and economical Sheeting over offered to the public. T,. bo had at the liouse Furnishing and Mom-nlngStore of BROOKS tt. Ct.loPlin, deco No. 75 Market street. KEEP your head cool, and free from dirt and dandruff, and the scalp free from disease, if you wish t. preserveyuur hair. 1108F.31Alti is the beat thing you can find to accomplish these übjeeti. It is likeisise an excellent article for softening and beautifying the hair Price 25 cents par honk. told by S. L. CIITIIIIERT, 16 , 1 53 Market street. fTOFFEE-530 hags prime Rio Coffee landing and for sale by 'deed] MILLER dr RICKETSON ALCOHOL -10 hbls Fletcher's 76 0 Alcohol in store and for sale by _ HHERRING-50 boxes Scaled Herring for BILle by Ltleq] MILLER & RICKETbON BUTTER -3 bbls prime Roll Butter for sale by [dec4J MILLER & RICKETBON. OIL Sperm, Winter Bleached, Tanners' No. 1 lard Oil. to more and for sale by SCOTOII ALE-6 casks Scotch Ale landing and for sale by tilec4d MILLER Si. RICKETSON. - T OBACCO -120 boxes ss, Se and 1 lb. lump, Twist, •`l3raut'g," "RUS3EII & Robinson," El Durnuio, " anket, Doodle,” and other favorite brands, In store and for sale by [deol] MILLER & RICKETKIN. CODFISH -10 drums "Grand Bank" Cod fish for sale by [deco] MILLER & RICKETSON. SBROCHE SHAWLS—A. A. MA kJ son & Co. have Just opened sumo new and very destrabl. }troche Shawls. der& VINE FRENCH WOOLLEN LONG SHAWLS —We have Jet received a lot of the above very &wire ble, double centered, high colored Lon g Shawls. dee&A. A. MASON & CO. JARAMETTAS AND COBLTRGS--500 pieces of the above Just received, including a large lot Brown and other desirable colors. [dad] A. A. MASON it CO. ATOIRE ANTIQUE TRIMMINGS—Just received, 20 cartons of Clunk Trtintnnpor, at reduced prices. dec4j A. . 4 CO. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-60 sacks, a good article, (or sale by doot SMITH, MAIR k HUNTER. TO THE PUBLIC !-M. R. BREEN Si CO. have now on hand, and are constantly receiving, at No. its FIFTH street, opposite the Custom House, fresh supplies of PRIME OYSTERS, WILD GAME. and PHIL which they are selling at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. The Oysters are forwarded to accommodate. They also wish to make known to the citizens of Allegheny City, that they have opened a Depot at the EMMETT HOTEL, on Federal street, where the above articles can always be obtained- [dec3i3t P. JAYNES. CLOUDS should not deter you. Coo liurns out the very I.zest of Rictures by his Mazdmoth Light, In cloudy weethea. 10,_18 fourth street. dee]. K in PAPER—ZOO lb. of Kies Paper for sale by a ANDER:34)N ~~r ~~ ....n~4~`t~' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C.,unty 80de... 'Waking. Roust.. 6,0t1 t Dividouda. Discounts and Premiums received Contingent Fund 40,184 40 Individual Depoalts 394,539 71 individual Deposits on luteremt a,eount 194,000 00 JOIIN D. SCULLY, C.lslfr Pittsburgh, Dec. Ist, 184.5--iilec:l) IN VENT,IOWAND PATENTS NEN L ' Entam hue now for sale at hisexhh ..„ rtidM. Mix 80 Fdifith street, several very valuable patented-articles. Among others is hopper's patent hunch plane, which is:ha great demand a patent vice attachment ; celebrattid heaters find ventilators; the much praised 'portable oven, w hich nofaMily should be without ; UartisY and Fox's fan blowers; and several other useful inveutimas. The plane, the oven and the heaters we ran safely speak of in the strongest terms from our own observation. Mr. Eaton's new line of business ought to prove profitable to himself and useful to the public. New Inventions are all the go now...days. and there are eons good 011.3 offering of late. HEALTH, AND EXCELLENCE.--" Kuno -Lk first and the. Decids( 7 -Wiatatp - tf, p aavonr and V=- .. TILATIoN a trio sanctionecl±by Nature, indispensable to Life, Health and Action, and in every tray replete with universal Importance. Some years of study, labor, expense and proving have been given by the subscriber to simplify - and perfect his system for warming, draught and ventilation ' and its Mtroduction and use within the past two years, in ninny plains. (but chiefly in Philadelphia, Now York and Bostonj has met with all the approbation he could wish. The following is a brief deacrip- Don of his improvements, all of which are patented in the United Staten, and part of them In Hughand: A Draught and Ventilating Chimney, which, in factories, dwellings, and buildings of every description, secures the fol lowing advantages perfect proof against fire; self-clean- Ing and self-preservation; a constant, powerful, regulated draught, no that a stack 4U feet high has more draught than those uonally built 10u feet high, or more; a saving in fuel, at least one-fifth part; a means of taking warmth and venti lation into tad out of rooms; a saving hr paft of the heat that is usually lost in the atmosphere; and the construction of one flue to answer in every story of a building, for every room adjacent to it. A Trio Ventilator, or a ventilator dirth three powers of ac tion, which con be made of any size, in any form, to suit the architecture of any building, and may be plain or ornament al: this secures constant ventilation fur any edifice, without tohnitting snow or ruin; it cure. smokey chimneys, and is certain to give them draught. A Ship and Car Siphon Ventilator. to throw abundance of fresh air, and distribute it in a ship or car, and draw,out the foul air without admitting any snow or rain, and but one hole to be made in the roof or deck. And last, but not least, a Tubular Furnace, or_lleater ; this may be of any alze, and portable or axed. Buildings with it are warmed in a superior manner; it admits no red tir taro• . tines heat, but takes the fresh atmospheric air ?arid, direct and warmed Into the rooms, making a house feel like a plea sant June day, and contributing largely to promote health, comfort and cheerfnluess. No gas or smoke escapes, and no furnace can be safer as to fire It is highly approved in churches; it is durable, simple, easily managed, not liable to get disordered, can be cleared without making dust, and is not clogged and obstructed by coal clinkering+ it saves In fuel, and if properly attended. (but little attention is needisio in a fuel saver. Theta Inventions are all aimple. but offeetual. Architects, artienns. builders. and all interested, are regriertfully request ed to examine them. References, good and imilicient, given. JOSEPH LEEDS, Patentee, and Proprietor. M.3IOBES F. EATON. Agent for Patentee, No. a 0 Fourth street, Pittehargla, is ready to receive and fill orders at abort nodce for any of the above mentioned great inventions, and is also prepared to receive propoeLqy for maniMmtoring thy same in the cities of Pittabargh or Mich/mai. noy27:d2w EXCELSIOR CORN-SHELLER. THE WONDER OF THE. TIMES. J. P. Smith's Patent, February 21, 1858. r rims most admirable and complete Hand or Power CORN SHELLER has been pronounced by the most competent Mechanics and Agriculturists to be the fastest and molt complete Corn-Sheller ever invented, being able to shell A Bushel per Minute It is worked by hand, with a small expenditure of muscle, and separates the corn from the cob without breaking a par ticle of either. liivery Farmer should have one; and every man who wants to make a fortune, should purchase a right. A fen Southern and Nastern States are ot to ho disposed of, and will he given on such terms as w ill Insure an Immense profit. Call at mice upon the Agent, No. 110 Smithfield street. opposite the Poet Office. utiV-M Ut.E.A.SE'S DIAPHRAGM FORCE. PL'Plll', patented' Am -- gust. 1854. is the moat perfect and efficient PU)IP ever iu vented. It h. of cast iron, beautiful and ornamental; double setiug; weighs 40 lbs., and delivers 30 gallons water per minute, (smallest aloe). It can be afforded at one-third less price than any other Pump of equal rapacity ; is loot lia ble to get out of order; simple in construction: cannot pos sibly freeze; and giVrel a constant, steady stream of Water. For Steam Engines, Mills, Factories, Boats or Workshops, or for Wells or Cisterns, those Pumps cannot be excelled. All persons, interested or not, are Invited to call and see the one m operation at Lewis' I nteLligencer Office, on St. Clairstroct, near the Bridge. 4tl - The Western Counties of Pennsylvania are for sale, and afford rare chances for manufacturers or spemilatem to realize a handsome Income_ JOSEPH Luwrs, novis:diw No. 2 St, Clair street. 1, - isTLAcics GILLAT IMPROVEMENT, tOr fastexiing LA' Washboards to 11,at.c patented June 5, lila. No guod building nhw.ld be finished without using theAe Fastenings. 31USES F. EATON, Agent for Pntentee. Su Fourth strost. Pittsburgh. R,f.r to the following Architect, in thi. city' J. W. Kerr. Churl. Bartbergnr. and Nio;ari... Barr .k Moser, tmvl PATENT VICE ATTACHMENT—A new, ingenious and useful article for Machinists. For sale by MOSES F. EATON, Agvnt. au Fourth St rcpt. to). Refer to 3feasn. Li, ing,ton, Copeland Novelt,, Works. nov2S DOLLAR SAVINGS RANK. No. li3 Arry-th errrt AU Deposits made in the month of November will the intermit (1,111 December 1,185 n. CILAS. A. COLTON, Treasurer. re's MERCANTILE COLLEUE, 1010.—Incorp,mted by w Legislature itf ltnnsylcania, edit Perpetual Charter— The only Institution of the kind In the United States—con darted by an experienced practical Merchant, and the first io introduce the details of the counting-house -successfully And systenaticolly into the claws-room, in the roast extendesi and diversifial business training over given in the country. the untixamplisi SUCi . einf of the establishment is evidence of rho general preference its Students obtain truer those of men, theoretical Teachers. Large numbers of them are now in counting-houses and on steamers, on salaries from SSW to slfsoU a year; and numbers of the Students of other Cons mercial Colleges have. in conseguenoe, studied Book-Keeping over again in this Institution. it now employs NINE PRO FESSOILS, Mc-lading Mr. J. D. WILLIAMS, the best-Business Penman in the United States. Pull particulars can only lee obtained by sanding for a Circular, which Ls mailed free. It also contains (p. 2w soma practical and Interesting Problems foam our class examination. DUFFS BOOK-K EEPING, pp. 192, royal octavo ifarper.s, Now York, '21,50. "A perfect combination of Commercial Science and Practice." DUFF'S STEAUBOAT 13001-lEEPrNil—Price. $l,OO A perfect mtem fbr such Books and Accounts:' deaderwtf WINDOW GLASS -100 boxes Rx 10; TANNERS OIL-15 bbls. No. 1 Bank Oil 10 bbls. Shore 011, for ,ale by dee:3 SMITH. MAIR & OUNTEIt. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-30 sacks just re ceiv.land fur sale tq dec3 SMITH, MAIM R HUNTER. CCODFISH-40 quintals just received and fur sale by 0.4.3 . 1 SMITH, MAUI I HUNTER. TSARC 1.1-1. 0 boxes Wood's Starch, for sale by Ilec3] MAIIt & 11UNTF21. DRIED PEACIIES-300 bus. for sale by de HENRY IL COLLINS. GREASE -20 bbls. for Railroad und Coa Cars, for sale by [dee:l] lIENRY It COLLINS. TNFANTS' FANCY HATS AND CAPS, at 91 Wood ictivet. [derlj .1. IVILSON ..t SON. IRON CITY COLLEGE—I)Ar AND EVENING et.s.m3--.lrithmetic, Irraing an.i 11.114eeping.—Ladies :o...l,ientl.emolfs Apartments separate. 248,11:03 2.000 00 1 ',WV 00 682 54 A RI THMETIC, and its applications to business, (a now systom,) shorter, plainer, and better adapted to business, than is to be found in any t reatise. Results obtained with great nonlity by new rules. termed .Aritlunetical , Nifigie." Arith metic, per month, $4. 0111 for a Circular of the College. detl V. W. JENKINS, Principal._ 43,...4 , 4 35.3 52 wu,oou 00 19,212 09 RECEIVED! RECEIVED !—llarper's New Monthly Magazine for December, eontaining its usual number attains. This number commences the ntli volume. Also, Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fashion, and the Bean Monde, for December, containing the latest fashions. with a beautiful colored fashion plate. AU the other Magazines received for December, and for sale at W. A. OILDENFh'SNhk" & dent Fifth st., opposite the Theatre. 1,859,343 82 OTIOE TO STOCKHOLDER-S.---Stock _Ll holders in the Pit.Mburgh and Councilman° Railroad, whose stock is paid up in tull, are hereby notified that the interest on the same, duo October 1, 1855, Is payable in msh, at the Office of the Company, NEVILLE HALL, Fourth and Liberty streets. Pittsburgh. VERDEIL norteaw Thunder Clerk. NEW STYLES GENTS' FELT HATS and SILK PLUSH CAPS, ut No. 91 Wood atrert. dud. J. WILSON & SON. White Fish! Fish! Fish! RIRER & HUBBARD, SANDuIKi, OHIO, have for sale and keep constantly on ) 1 0 1 21ft hand, a full supply of FRESII AND SALT WHITS FISH, and all other varieties of LAKE FISH. 0CM:920 PPLICATION FOR CllAßTElL—Whereas, a number of _TV the eitizena of Peeldee and COMPS TOWlllthipt, glieny County, have applied to the Court of 00131111011 Pleas of odd County for a charter fur the " EAST LIBERTY COL- LittitATE LNSTITUTE," the following order was made: And now, to wit, November 17th, 1865, it in ordered by the Court that the foregoing application for u charter be pub lished, according to Art of Annembly. lty the Court- fv ARTLEY s FUN'S PA TENT FAN BLOWERS, for Ut" Foundries, Rolling Mills, Smith Fifes, &c., pstente, July 17, F 17 : 18 :1 5 1VS are made ou an entirely sew principle, and will run with less power than at other other Fan now in use. The blowing wheel is muCh lighter and stronger than that of any other, and from its peculiar construction is less liable to get out of order. The shafts are made of cast steel, anti the Journals are parallel, running in gun metal Lome, MOSES F. EATON, Agent for Mannfmturors, No. Su Fourth urea, novl:dswtt Pittsburgh MBE LADLES WILL FIND AT HODKINSON'S FANCY CU NA STOKE every article of the beet white STCLNE- W ARE, euitable either for Table or Toilet, of the latall B tYlee and direct from Europe; together with everyvariety of Fancy Goods, Glassware, kr., az. novEk2w-cla AA T RITLSIG - CliA - E4EB- - Ftil'S COLLEGE—No estab- Ushment in the Went hen the same facilities for teach ing all the breurbea of this art, Mr. WILLIAMS' skill as a 8121400E0 and an Ornamental Penman is unrivalled, Gentle- men and Lady teachers Distracted in ail the ornamental branches of the art A class of Lady Teachers, and young ladles, who are engaged to other studies during the week, moot every Saturday afternoon from 3 till 5 o'clock. For terms apply to the Principal. • CORY 31M 'tea, Feedcra ate mnested .to examine Ecott's Little Giant Caw and Cob =I, which will grind corn on the cob, or abated, with ease and spd. Price ,4O tind $5O, complete; warranted.. JAM WAItDII.OP. WOSTENHOLM'S, and other celebrated makes of PEN and POCKET KNIVES, warranted not to cut in the eye, for sale at BOWS St TETLEY'S, tair*X 136 Wood strout. BOXES MACCARONI; IV 10 boxes Vermicelli; just received and for sale by REYMER / ANDERSON PINE APPLE. CHEESE--5 cases junt receiymt awl fir by REY3IER It ANDERSO xuln N. NOTICE.—The cith.eas of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Couhty hurehy take notice that my wile, -...)LAROA NET ANG.4.L.Inft my bed and board, on ThursdaY, the day or November without any Just muse or ondlocalull; and that after this date I will not pay an debtAcqPqAtivd by her. [nov2Isd8oll) NICIIOI,AI3 ANGIILL. SA LERATITS— boxes 2 casks and 5 n Store and t !sale Ly attiLBAUGH. LO boxes 10x19; 30 boxes I0x14; fur salo by SMITH, 3LAIII fi HUNTER I=l AGENCIES. A. A. CAIIII.LEft... .a. CABBIE' A. A. C ADRIEB. & Corner Fourth and Smithfieldfireets t Pittsburg. A U . N „T S STATE MUTUAL FIRE AND . .mAuni e INSURANCE CO, OF lIARF.ISBURG. CAPITAL ...... -.4 ... -4350,000. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSPEANCE cC OF PILIGADELPHIA, CAPITAL 4300,000 INSURANCE COMPANY OF TUE VALLEY or ,7114.u.castA vrtsetritsTEß CAPITAL.. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE ilvatiß.ANclajdomPANl ILAIITTORD, CONN. ml7j CAPITAL AND A55173...9%15:167480 . . MUNNS & CLARK'S . PIANOS.---FRESE STOCK.-11. IILL.IINILI; ORO, lucre . F lIIMIIt now on the way, and piirtly received, a complete and choice stock of PIANOS from. the the Factory of NUNNS & CLARK, N, York. , in They are provided with all the late and. izeftt Impress, ents which distinguish Name & Clark's 1' above a' others, viz : the Overstringa, Felt.covenvi litmomers, Frenci Grand Action, etc. £very Piano la Any rzercintel., vitt the privilege to the pnrchaser"of returning the same if '' proves in any way defective. Testimonial from SIVANOSH, the unrivalled Pianist:— ." CLVCDOIATI, November 19,1855: ,Veirrs. H.. K leGe7 d pro, Palisburyh—Getittemen: Perm., me to thank you moot sincerely fur the magnificent Oran: Piano. of Messrs. Nnuns & Clark's manuisahre, which yo have been so kiwi as to loan me for Parody concerto in your city. This superb !miming - a is one of th very best over made In &aerial:: land'ffor 'eetztra =- Power of tone, as well as solidity of cutiteurtion, leave nothing to ho desired. I may congratulate its future owx er, who shall he so happy u to possess one of the masts[ works of Ameriam industry. With hearty„Vithes for yak hapianetg; rot& obedient otiidient serviint, ' • tdiillitlCE stn. :Rosa. tio , Role spoil , far Nunes & Clark's unrivalled Pianos BLEBBit & BRO.'S, ; No. 53 Fifth street,: sign of tki 4/olden Harp. F.!, nov2o J. IL Mull T, MAT MRCP. BOOK AG EN CY.— The subscribers bar , established a Book Awney In Ph ladelphja, and wit tarnish any book ur publication_ at the pica, free c postage. Any persons, by forirntdingtheepliwxiptlan pow of any of the $3 Magazines, inch Act flarpoes,-Godera, nain'ai Graham's, Frank LralWs Matt the magazines for ono year and a splendid ethogroplrporeas of either Washington, Jackson or Clay; or, - If'subeniblrig,E $2 and a $1 Magazine, they will receive a copy of either de the three portraits. If substribing to worth czadsozw.&' ail three port site will bo sent gratis. Mnsie Ihrnlshed tt . those who may wish IL , Envelopes of every description and %large or lattai quantities furnished. Seal Panama, Dies, &mown; to *Maori Every description of Engraving on Woolf.nxecnted sari 4 neatness and despatch. Views of .BniklinEarVeVnillsris Headings, Views of 'Machinery, Book lllUMrations, Lostgq certificates, Business Cards, &e. , All arderS sent by mail promptly attended to. Pertains wishing, views of their bait ino engraved, can send a. daguerrnotypa or sketch of ill/ building by mail or express. Persona at a distance havii /rig ealeable articles ivoulcl find fi to their advantage to addroas the subeeribeis;as we walk uet as agents Cur the sale of the wane. & TUNE, 50 south MEYIA /L • tbiladelph ; bt. uov2Ardawl 0. P. 0007? BROTT &C U Dealers in 1161 Estate. St. Anthony Falls, Minnesota Territory: 'idand boughtesi.,. and sold throughout tilt Territory. Moue: /Mined, hind. is meats made to the' best advantage, mid Land Warrants ken; tot. Also, Agents fur the Bale of Lots in the town of KV, CLOUD. 65 miles from St. Anthony, and headof navigatlorf, above the Falls. The survey of the great radfle ilailroadkl; crosses the at ssiselppl at this point, and the , numerous ad' f. vantages it posames as a plane of business, will make it (mei, of the larko.t. cities In the Northwest. HESOLENCYS: " Ex Governor Ramsey, Minnesota. r r. lion. Wm. 11. Welsh, Chief Justice of lintraesota. Uon. J. Meeker. Hon. IL M. Rico, DulogateloCongreirs. Ifulllngshead t Becker, Attotniys SI Dm Manua. Bornp & Oaks, Bankers. Rev. T. M. Fullerton, Registerbf U. S. Lund °tam sepal ALEXANDER W. FOSTER, Attorney uth Counsellor a Law, and Solicitor in Chancery, Agent', tor procuring Bounty Lands and Pendotui, and for the (bi-: leetion Claitus in tircat Britain and Ireland, • /kit- Culled:tow made in this and adJtilnlng - eistri . Limp D' tat. of dneodents settled; Rest . }haste bought, said ori, leaNid, and rents colßcted. Moneys instated ,on or other security - . Titles eumminednnd title - pialiers drawn. Office on FOURTH street, alms doors above Smithfield, Pithiburoi. ?arch 2 8, .18551.11111-Thahwl A W. FOSTER, Notary Priblio; . and Corn-t, taissioner for the States of Tennessee Mow khzapt store; C.ritiocticut, Wisconsin, New York, •thottiog, LAS, , California and Virginia. de -Deeds drawn, and acknowledments find - proofs taken for record or use in any of the above hated &atm, DliriolNl 511 , siseiripi and Rhothi Island. Piusburgli, idarch 28. 184,"—{mh28d.sw) LIASIIIONADLE HATS AND CAPS,' ar prer.Pstces.—.l„, r WILSON t 80N, No. 91 Wood street, respectfully In- - Irwin the public that they have a /arse Assortment of thei Latest stylea of Hata and Cope, which the'yxilLzell at low;, prints for mull.A N. ll—,/netrocelvell, a new Style of I,sdlei'Elding nataj and Cope. [nov10) J. WILSON 3 SON. BLACK MERINOS—A assort-4 meat of the above goods, of every glade, received thto day by (dock] A. A. 11.4901 a co. • I - AND WARRANTS.—The leigbaat market.- ...L/ price paid for 40, SO and 120 A4(l,!' Land auto, of the lute issue.: A so—Fur 80 mid 100 Acre Warrante,letiand under the , 13w of 185 u. Apply to BLAKELY & RICKEY, sep2litiew corner of Seventh and eta. S UNDIIIES 40 dozen Pepper Sauce ; 30 dozen Catsup, assorted; 10 mats Dates; 5 eases Prunes, In glass jars; Just received and Ex sale by [uov•22l RRYilblit A ANDERSON. FOR SALE, VERY CHEAP-A BUILD- ISO LOT IN ALLEIIIIMIt QTY, .24elbeI.by 100. A good bargain mul be had by applying isoon'at the attics of the Jyl2:tl , MORNING POST. LOT FOB, SALE—A good BUILDING LOT, ! 24 feet front on Corson street by 100 feet to depth, In inrmingham, will be sold cheap. ldnoulzu of GEO. P. OILL.3IORE, }Y/ 3 SILK PLUSH, for Cloak Trimming, for sale at No. 91 Wood streai. [deci] J. WILSON. SON. ORAS:dES-5 bbls Sweet Malaga YNES & Just tec'd ANDERSON. And:ft sale by nov2B KE ()LANE:M .4 3—A. A. MASON ct CO, have recetTed another splendid lot of Wool Blankets;of Ike rivet approved wakes, and In all sizes. nor2B UPEII.IOIt WILITE FLANNELS—A. It. MASON & OX kj have on hand a very large and desirable assortment of Welsh and other makes of tine Flannels. . n0.r28 Ir — ADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS—A. A. MASON CO. kaen LA opened another lot of elegant styles of Ladles' Cloaks. DROCIIE LONG SHAWL *--We .ahall open lira few &IP 1.3 another large lot of the above Shawls, compOsing saran ..•ry elegant new etylett, nora. • OIL CAKE-15 tons to anine and for my by norms lIENAI n. COLLINS: B UTTER -11 I.,xes fr.lt Hull; 5 Argo Packed; for saio by fIRNRY 11. COLLINS. .EED 011,--For sale by . HENRY IL COLLriS. C LIEESVOO hoxre for sae by Mtn L COLLINS. RREN APPLES-300 bbl 'Bamboo, Plppl a,As., for sal IX by Enor27) SMITH, MA .-TER. 7INC WASHBOARDS-40 doz Cinchurafax sale by nvvlri SNITLE, BLUR & MINTER. GERMAN SOAP-00 boxes No.l for sale by , uoy27 SMITH, IIMB *WY: LINTEIiPttISE: PICITICKS, 74, South stretN - Jur _LA lence and cheapness can't Wheat noi r W ° i ( l ll" et W edv .l o G ve S r i litOr S- 13 . tutwr o manufacture of the Say State and awstatikilaupatay. oeirx lE.E."l—Manz . bays triod the r un , an a f ru & T on so ld a t the China T e a ataral and r 'ronourical them superior to ..f ill the city. [aae 2l LY it. Diu.Vo, N0..1 Diamond. VEW BUCKWHEAT constantly on band; 11 new C° I IN MW—, for sale by • n0r...) P. It. DRAM), $0: I.lMartiond. L I OWAR varlost, patterns tutticaparity, for hand and "power, for selo by JAMES WAHDR.O.p. h.! i-VARV. 7 11.1. - .3—New York, NO& 1 and 2, on band and So I.J ale by [corgi] JAMES IVAILDROP. ri BRUS/112-1 have Just received nnqthar lot of fine Tooth Brushes. Thoswishing anything in thin line should call and examine my atxick.befora.parclmidng elsewhere. JOS..FLEMING. nor: corner Diamond Lind hfetket street. TVANT HAIR BRUSIIES—A large'snd fine assortmont . of Intent Hit* Brushes Just reeelyeti by nov27 JOS. FLEMING. VAIL BRUSHES—A Roo assortment of Nail Brushes to. 11 retired by (noviV] .J 0& LL'S PALM SOAP—A large supply of Oda celebrated Palm Soap Just received by JOS. FLEMPIO. Y 1101—A very ruperlor article of May Aniplust ree JEll by [nov27) J 0,9.. FLEMING. ANDDIE,—Au excellent articlefur chapped:bands, to A large supply received by JOS. , =MUG. DYES -A large assortment on hand.teadlorsale nov27 ..103.1303nNC1. ENTS' TRAVELING SHAWLS—A: A: lifitaQN CCL jr have just received some dozen different atykdoof Gent'SP, 'traveling Shawls. nos 27 bias for solo by B. A. YAHNESTOCK 21f 00., corner Firtfnild Wood eta D k:FIN ED SALTPETRE—AID bop for sale by . novIN B. A. IMIINESTIAC & CO . _ Se= B. A. FAIINESTOCK'St tior2o corner First and Wood street'. H 0112. 2 CLOTllDlo.—Gentlemen ru How Oath" ing will find a largo assortment, at 011 8.874 Na 4 St. Clair street, Blankets. la cents aidupwarda-;i 11111 , 1 Wrappers and Bleiglaing Robes, &a. • ao" MISSES' FELT HATS, at No, 91',Wood et decl J. =ram SOS. NiACK ERE L-1 1 00 00 b bbit as bl 5 • No. 3, KATES! SKATES! SKATES !--5%) pairs• of assorted Skates, from 20 emits to $2,50 per -- .pair; emo them very desirable patterns• ror dale at ' nov3o SOWN TE27.Erg,ll6lrwaid A nIN D. SKATE STRAPS, of gNid quail-- T , x. 5 ty, assorted , fro t 0 60 =Wes' pair. For sale a Amu, DOOR FASTENERS, perfectly safe against Burglars. Ws Dave a go« 7 assortment On band and ior sale. [nov3o] • SOWN TETLEY. AFEif - SiORE of unrivalled RIFLES'.. .filch there is so . ninch talk about, ear the low price of $10; all warranted. For tu)e at ' nov3o 80w7.4. =LEM HIDES -70 Thy wad 56 Green Hides, itt eteTa and for sale by IPRINGEtt lIARIUMOII, uns , 43 No. 299 Liberty Street. WANTED—Two good Filers end amoral: Jobbers. Now, aadi anik unlesa ttee.saT, boa:. w. , rkla,a Enquire .tt BOWN TtaLblll'9. 31.1 1:30
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