Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, November 30, 1855, Image 1

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[Pram the London Atlas, Nrfrember 10.]
IQl l ls C 4 4N -1 4 1 {P.; :z.‘. ''• , . 4 1 tv.o 4 • ? ~ 4 , , 1 ~, ,
''''f '. 4 ,,k'ts,'' rt• '4 4 1•• ,' , 1413.6 T IS VIE MATTIM WITH ANCEIIIOA. ?
4 ' 4 . 4 :ir .55? .... T .4 L.- 't: l .o4:fes.s. c'. ' , I ' %. 1 ‘ " ' Whoever be thei man that pushes England to
- , ,,1. ,, ,,," ~,,1 R ,,, c ,',..4,`ft% ' ,
~,,, * .•..a - 4
~-0. ..,.,.'"....2. 4 f4-' , - ~, .
1.7,.. ,i',.. -e k t; it 14."K(/,`." t, ' ,„:.$ 1 ......,` - , i... 1 4 ' •-• ' • peek a etuallict with the United States of America,
°4 •l` a ii,tF . t;,, ( ";r',.....1,„7 ‘ "p;:e" . .t" ..j. without a motive amounting to absolute necessi
-49 ... •a. / 1 . , 0 ..4.„, .1., d tti, .'s" iti,„-t r,,• se t ' i fy, 4 he cannot be a true and faithful friend to the
4 4VA:, 0 4";1, 4 4,.e,4 0 ",,,54,11.ri , e 1 .1,. ' Cs' . rlit t ,, t :s •.. liritish empire. A contlict with the United
,0e,4,,,,1..;-4,g . , 4 ,71 1 :,,, 4 < , 4 ... ?„,r'5,. ": ' .{ 4' 42 . ,, r4 , '
, 1 States would bear quite otherwise on the vital in
itt",olrri'cr,A44,l ''' ,1 4,4-"1t'e', 1 "!t.,7"... ) j c-:til- e . wrests of England than a Ituiguishing campaign,
i re,at. s o-:-.t!ltt ,tr. 1,,. ~ ...1` c.. ' ..lo ...t ey •
t L
, t + . . :Kr
~, Oarried on in a subordinate position, 'Subrzentinz
i..; v. ,ti. o:',,'i-'., ---0 , N 1 ;, 1 %.!..I , '" I , '' t' l li , "l' " darum of Loins Napoleon Bonaparte in the Cri
il•Ot", .. itia'• ir 4 t,k ,”,'" 4. • ' i ' t .- 1 '
i+ e. • . i, 1, ..5q i•i> .
.. r . • 0 , , mom' Yet the British government thought it
••" 4 -4•!i'' . t 4 ••3 "Ltru - i 2 7 C ‘'' C 7. 4 144 '''''• 1 4" ,' '.:''.' I '..4
' , , I P, ~., ~ , ,, J ,‘,..t,..4 , •,,..‘,..,, , ,_., 1 ,.., 1 ,.„..‘ ~ , . ~ i 'prOpor to challenge a rupture with the United
' '4""',1'1%-."..".., ',t
V. -1 • 7 ' ' i ,l / 2 -v ''ci •-• ' '''' ''' '' States by a naval demonstration evidently hostile
~ iitillt, , ...„a „ rett . -ETC,-.. .;`''t' 4 t., - " , ,,,.,,•"*.*‘5 0 cel lu' .1 i_
a et t ,,, -, e , - .t .. 1 .',,‘, ,. • ri , •,tl ~- si ,,, t' :i! t t „,, ‘ „,‘,l , %I-4' l ti • 1 in character.
~,4•47,-It ai t•- t ir t :'r . , o4 ,llk.t C. 1.•. itiii 15..,,,,V1 t .,9.,7 4. 4 . t. C' ' That is a serious matter, very serious. The
,i,„,,,g- . 6 1 •; 44 i1,. 41 ' se ( .• tif 4o ••t a i4.64,? ''••••' '''' t t.,,' v. '''. ' United States are not Greece with them; a Don
'6,T l 'le,elf,'s -7 4,5441 . i 's!,, .4; 4 i - • 4 1, tN - t4 13 :. t',. 1 . .
%•4 4 .- 4c.41,4,t;;',.,:•! m 1.ty.41- t • t „..., 1 / 4 "f.!,1-;--J'-;;:-. i s I Pacifico pohcy won't do ; they are no people to
4, , ti r rtarVir k tialot; ( "l,7,,, f. 4,7 7 0.., !‘z , . 44 I.] he bullied any how. What is the matter with
` i 4 B-Z„Vri.F..l44 1,*,g,7.ft - W5, t ,',.`4. 4 c",:fe 4 T,r t ,., i „,..; t ' , " . ~), r- , „America, ? ' What are the reasons assigned tor
A...i4 k itt.5...1 1 g so,'',,,!iljy• i.,....,,,"•;, t ; , _i11,",,,',,,... c ., the strange determination of the British govern
c•'''''t.,, ''Siet,l.ti l 'ale,l'it'''' t''• i.'°a• ''",.. 1 " . ,1 , "' et i•'' 4. ,"' ' ' meat" The Times in its edition of Octoher •il
' , 1 , 11, 1 Oviki'l 741. 'Nittsf,j•iy.",,,,, s, :•• is , ~ t,i„ •., 3,` , - •
q 1
Wei ,t- -.,- rti i "-D , s,!st.eri c t r ..,,tra.e (.. , i'; . f ~: came out with the explanation that the British
4,Nf050. 044 ...4 7, ..,„:1 1.,'"='t‘ 4 .1 4 2,rr:'7 c- 1 ;;; , ,,A4,,, : " 4 . , \Vest India fleet has been strengthened with the
0.4.4.,,Pir.,•._r5,. J ." es• ea* ail° • t 1q0 ., ,k -: k.' ur ose of "intercepting a contemplated filil tits
*..l z'revo 7 o.;" 4 t.orf, e'c.7:..` , .`,t , P ,, - 1 .`lo i' o '..f. t , t t et, ..., P P
; . :4 4 44.444, 4 a,,5tf,, t; (14,i• 4 4 •<;,... c r p c,,,4. 4 ., : • ir t ~ 1 ., 4 taring expedition of plunder and murder on 1re
.0rt,;',.re."..ty.K174.,1;1'',§1-(.7,it,,,,P.t...„x";,0.5.,,.5..- ,-',"`,..„f 'arid. - The charge is envenomed by remarks on
'''' 4 * e.„ l " l 49‘' 2 , lll t 4c o t . il •r stil'er"& c. oke o tr s. 4. 4 l ",<" 4 ,4lf4l - ,:j * ., the institutions and organization of . the United
',6,4 1 I.et, •t ..... f', 1 ,,&n,g5 ; .„1,.....Av 4 V.. ; :i . tat, ;. States ; remarks as blusterusg and insulting as
.. r t's•,,li*V i i P-Uiligly.li4P - ic 6 i&e.,%•.7 7„ , „:"'-',,t:45 ever have been offered to a free, independent,
,c - -, 4 • 04*,, 1 ",tM t',': 41,1, 1. ; 11 / „ . . , ';.:•1).,„,,,1: ?IT- ~, j =. , ; ' ,; l 'a ~ , c , and powerful nation ; the tree of freedom and the
f1'•'4, 1 4,,,,...,,E.K,4'"q" ,1 / 4 *"Cr ci vs-"ittt ' Lhe ~- 'Y.."' goddess of liberty come in for their share in the
~, ~ ~
~, ~,,,,,r, rpo , r.; .r ....t,..c. , „,
,".',,,.1 . :,:k.,: . .1,r'., 1 %ure , cd.7,4 1 ,tTp ~.,,, iZJA ,, , : x;.. , „‘„ ,- provoking diatribe. Nothing is wanted but Co
k-,t,„ , ,i'50;),,Vi.1.L1it,t1, 1 4; , ,ht` .. ....yrf1t•'-, ',V', - ,7,' , ‘ . ..L Yit , .. .`tr• ,-' quote the secret articles of the treaty of Verona,
11 r4 f,'F' ; 4 "4 2 . 5 1.t 1 4;biie...9 : '4 1, ( ,- ,,"1- 4 . C 1 . , ii 'l' 1 ' t : to invoke Pozzo di ltorgo's bright conception of
'Z''• 4 ' -'4. 1..Ar 4 I P t littiq '''
Y` ti ,, l`l'''r '''''''' t' 181 -
q..;.' ~ ,,s' .t•- ,x" ass , , ' - ‘4 ., „r.,f,. t ,,t,,.,..; t t,5 hunt down the United States, :tad shout,
~......„- -. .,,,,,,.., ,, ,, , ....!„ , ;( , ,,...1 1 - , ...„}..- -, - „ , . .,..„..ff44..... .• Down with the Republic ' ' The Times speaks
~, i tio•4l / 4 i c. . ;i 4. , jr"...:100 . .t. , ...tf..1.,'-'4r S, r ~' . :„...,..5. .. , as if it were the Monsieur of the coup cr eta! regi
,1,LF)it,,42;?,2,55"-:ti7, ~,..."t'. ._ ,i , t 1 .,tic,t5i1,`,0 1 :t., , , 3 .4 . r..,:.t- ~,,, Perhaps it is. It will be fortunate if the 1
iqtriiiiejik3.4-;6l.!nueVr,,,,:i?:7'.u. ,f,,,,i,.. 1 fa' ' - Transatlantic brethren ' do not take the T Mies
4itt•tns 4 :-Pf: t vy:.., i',,,••••P••-,..,..,,..4--;..f,,,,,,,,,,t'y •
row an exponent of England's sentaruents , or else
~,.. V,Nii ,i,_,att.l di ,-.. ,, , , r, ,•,,,-, 1, , ,•1 0 ,„
i'.51,4%-to--,,,45i,m1q;,v,...,‘,,,..1,Fi‘A.,;--,,,,,,,,,,,,.c,, that article could }et cost England dear, very
ze,„." ,, r4.treV0t44,t". , r5.•, s;-...pi„.,.. f ..,`1,:t-,:?' 1.,:t. dear. But the most singular in the matter is
7, , •t. -E" , r 4 .4„...': . .""1 . 0‘••••,,."' ••,-`" .. 1- ‘•••%.. - /Xl 4 that the explanation dues explain nothing, be
' i- , - Vl' , ' I " '' , - 1 4 ''4 , ttcr- ' `t'i 'l-6rke}rt : • ,
ilt, te,,.,-fisjl,,s---!;•,,,, , ,, , ,„ -,„t .„.„.4.- i,,,,,, , t , ~,;-,,,,, cause, first, the charge i. absolutely false; there
.....-- ~,.. ..„ -4, 14:„ .. 1 4 ,"11:414._ ) .;7 1 .•,,' -Tr ti,' ~:_,..',;, I S frl '%''..- - is not the slightest foundation for it : secondly,
f r t . `-t' 1N,,,,.. , -0,,` 1 %,,,,1,' ,- ..„7,41;5 1 1 1 .,Pe"1tt.1 1 .....-,,„ because the allegation is absurd, inte.much as the
'it , e7 4- Vi.iiit.44 4 e l 4l;;thii ° T 4 .,.„,1 - 4.. ' ", ,, t••••i';',„•,' " strengthening of the West India station" would
?,•r-p,,,, 4..A114.,,p_kti,,1-:y, 1 :..„'•.,1-ictl,-p,,ie,.4"10:1r' r b,,./, ' not be precisely the place for intercepting a "de
i'Llti* N..11.41. - 1i . t..' 4 ..ii - , ,, .;-,..'-i - •t' , l rtß ,l l,,°-.'S:'". See - fit on Ireland " and, thirdly , because the
,tri - ',l - ,ttc'• - ;,ot , ftrslrttli.•;`,Lt.l t. t , fl,:, : f . r, -- j-,. - 71„ r` r . Times knows, and ha = avowed, the charge to be
k ialfr
r,, ; / . /. i- , li'i•• , "iti-il" , iti• - •'•• o..e.lu'i ''' . 1. -cl''. -"....`" I 'i .- ''' falue and the allegation absurd, inasmuch as wit a -
,„4-it.o, eefr..9, f dii iii., s " ri, 4 E•e..;; - '‘',' ; ' - S''" i 5 ' • -
e2,rl .- Eva 1„- ~, i i ,7 Mk i 4. ty - , ~'' ,`.• .l. • ,-. , t --c-t in meek, they have dropped it entirely and un
-9" ,et l 4'.3',,if.,,*r.Lis ti. s ,, e , p t • V. 5.,N,„.: '''',, i' L . •,,,, 4 :.,:-,s, k ~,.: rekervitdly, and substituted for it another expla
*:-Ifitt.latliti,T,lt- tr,l.,,:tlra V.; , t 1 " . ..`, - ';' - ijl- - 'l-,1•,t . .:,i>.ti cation, perfectly different.
g i.
'..,' „Ilt,„l,l;v i gii * ,t , .''4o,,,-t , 4 1„. 1 9 % ,..-,:, "::: ,:, ,, ,• ? 7,,,1,,• What is it ? It is the recruiting bustne..s. I.et
04, ''ii. , , , t,• l lft.. '„„i t ., ° •fo4ocl eci" 0 ,.,,...Q 4 ,„t..:.: t i . ::. us see. The Times confesses that the British
1 .: 6 1 1p. IV ; •`'.. 4 ' . " - t v 54... , 0,1 1 - , %111,4t..•: - .l' '<- t . '...." government did commit the error of giving orders
th....„ 4 - 1 Isrl?7ilfitt' l* '" 7 - , `1 •k i., 03..\ ,.' 4 • 4 ',1;i1,-", , ""';:' , ' tor recruiting in the United States. The offence
~ ; I'skii.r. '-' , avowedly oninates with the British go \ eniment
w VW•f :;7 e l . 4: fof'' , '' s f.',tl: l :r k :.J"''''.l3 .1 :' ` ' -an i a. •• 1 i th
- .. .4 . 1-1,„,, , k.f..„.., 41 14-,....,,0
~., ~ ~.. ~,,, 4, ~,,, if, ~. ~. ,:. ~.,, s 1 „. It is, therefore, en tto tui tu ston. lOW e
4 'is , •••-ko'o';•`iit l'i`;'''''?' ''''• ~4 \- ' ,, 4 1 ; •-• ..,,- -.... strengtheniog of the West India fleet can b.
• .•„,•• , 0, ,,tt.,',..,Nee,, ~,..P. ~,Is.. \,,, c oSti.,,u- l p„ t ; r ls c ',7t*' •tu,•' - - ' ,
a"4--4:4 - rtv.,--tr,:q - i.. p aris.,7,,i's*.i- 41..,,•t,- , ,,t; 4 ,2, 4-..,• 3. In, accounted. for on this ground. The runes =len
e - iLt ""'''.'' ;-,' '' '4l',l) (>- ;,, = 1 ,." c ''''' ..`l ,rirt' -'.,-' u.ste,:. (but die" , nut mean to excuse) tue "error"
,t, , ,..,rit' i clU'ilL l- tr i.,t,,t, •0, t J r ,•.. -,•„, „ ,,,t, ~,.', ,
44 5 •,..r i y1,44, : 1itve , ,.. 5 t,..„ l.'s: 7,,1,".‘:;-..ll:••'•ribil...t, • 1 5...,,. - on the plea that it is the American minister wh
-P5 6 ,i,744';"'p;" - ".. 4 £:;... , -k.....-",„ , ::,..1'",...te ,L,1 1 1 ., ,,, ..t,',';,.,, , AT.,;;;:; ";_ misled the British goieretnent tutu the error, by
5 ..........frhtute , '”.1";.‹, ..,C,„" , : - : 4 .,,..41;1iie 1.it,ii,,,. 1. ,i eSsurlug them that "the tatted States were wit'.
I s t-1 ',t)''y'a. " , .:' - ' ,i ) c ":1 , i 1 ::P„,.. , '`Lti.. ; ,e,11 3 ,,' '': . .ls , ing ta make England's quarrel in the East thou
'''''°•'-r"..- '' - - 4 ; : :".'e , - , -,' , ;" , 1:•;• - `1,-. -4 ,s' , -6","` own and aid her with thousands of stout hearts
....g , i.e. , .k'...,%,,,'P'1 7 0z , Z - . 4.-• --• r- 4, i-11!";•!:i r' %i ' brawny ' X I say most positi4e!v
, t''.. , F'•4' ,, r,,1.,..4.'r, 4 '41 i , i ..:. 4 I. 1 and nuns." . ow,
47.,,,,, 11 4 •74',,tau ~‘'''.,.,,- e i stP • Lvei„ ,t,. 1 , ,, :,-, - t,.4 .. .4,,, and categorically, there is not a shadow of truth
6,"_,;‘,...re_b".g._4„241-,tzti',",..3,a5,'':a..."'4,!,..i.,.,,1yeti -1. 14. 4 i•- , ; - ;-... ' `,‘ , ;1a." 1 `'" :4 " - .....* . in this allegation... The TiineJ was misinformed,
5,"K"...ict1 e ...1 u 1 - 4r , 1 ,, , , ... - t ', c .,;kV I S. road it knows by this tune that it has been mit
& i
~,,.,:„,,,. ~.,.,;,,,-...4...,...--4--7,1, 1iv.c„it,...1. 4 ; Informed. I defy the Times to contradict me,
~,,q,„( . 44 1.e .:,"ig. , ,.(4C. , ,, ; 4 4 •,,,''-4'`;:.;..,1 t Al e'il l :l4,.. r fr', ( :,•- , -,:5",„ r, that they know it.
~,1 , pLJ„. „ 1•, . 2 f '44 ', - "..-,L'''.. 41 ,-, , , 4 ,6: 1 ,'" Then, what is there in this recruiting business
e,..lfiteii244 - "rt 5 it... 1 %,.." " ..,5 a , z , . 4.t .5.Aq.i.;;; 1 *„ , ?-'ili^...lk.:tl , ; , ibt'4 to account for the hasty recourse to the eiliona
' Vite , ""tr F4 ''''' ' l ' 1 i 1 "=" lt tl- 14. 4t 1 ; :4 4 4: 1 ! , --' , - who regum en the part of the'British governs
''.L-4. t tszet•lttirA .'iso,',Z;'-/,''*spicor.*)..,.--`irr,,-.Fi me:rit., - '
Irnit . lp . Ocie , t g. . (o .- 4.- Istril l i s i; : ' ' '',,,,,,,,„"`''''-'s7l-ir , :. !4 : 4 „,Vt . . - F'''l : -1 . Is It"'t he:prosecution directed against British
44. ,3 :,•1 4 11, 4 . ir ie cf t., 747 ,,r ,.' - ' ~,, ,, ,,,,,'6..„.- .„...; c, c4 - e . , , ,,t agents . who bast t 'elated the laws of the I..nited
, -,.,..,44,ii loe'ti if r , ,,i'11 ., ,E,,,4 , - ,- ;:44.:.:, 0 - ,
.r e -, 4 ' 4 . P .tl,.‘ States by acting in the intele , t of the British
!- '•"'"' ",,,,:o ,r,l, s' a. ..„ - d f .... : 43,,,i,,3,.i1fi- 4'. ..1. 1 ' f f,1t -U f:"+ -- ..." 4 ,..." 1 1,„' recruiting sen iee ' No, it cannot he Son ie.
'11`, 1 "1,9 klfdio - '''' - ii•:••••• , "• 4 ‘<iN t iltts,lr-.4 Lt-i•u••`,, , Pa :ir I- where in Germany. Br,nsh agent and consuls
4.4t i1 1t.'•-4- • . ' l.t'l ' , i 4-411 f, 14; .• * ?,i`0` .14 ''' t 'actually't r u„„ti „• • -
-- s cut . ‘ ,1‘,.., it , -et- •it / 4-, a r.• 40, d ,•-# suety , ,A a
• re ruder , e e fur a like offence.
vis,,tN 4...Vcr, sue,(fa zi, + •-• . q a 4 „74., , ft .''t tz --- En land did not recur to armed demenstration.
'l•tt , Sii'bqt, q.finiA',.' 4 - 1- ,,t•;'7 , ,7",1iW1. 1 . oti d lt"4. , , s.'," '' 'g - s Iv h i
'li es.""Vs•ur ..XL ,*!..-•"!.., •e•;,:":0 t ..),. ;', for it, Besides, the British 1111111•31kr at tis rig
~'••••',3,'*".,,te,,,,,71,ia. , :i, t., I It, 4.' t ton has been us tune t urnished with official enter
'4l..t:Ftier4iia--'-.1•V,5.1 `ii fs '- 74 1 1 c ri li;ti. r . : e r d' '7t . ..,3 '' f'.+ ; ....;.- - '‘".s.• nation of the neutralitylaws of the United State.,
al's 'lt' . 4.1,e le- . . ~,...2batt• , • •-•,,. e- ?. • • and received H. timely warning dust the American
,4 0 ....g.' ''''‘`. '4"'jt 21.4 „,'' , 4 5.,‘141.,. 4- t," , `-4,1? t F'. havedeterminedmaintain the
r. -- ee•
„'''.., .. F .;`• ~.' ,fi, s ,.• 4., ~, . ......„- s 1 It
~?, e , tlo‘ ernment to
' ' t ,, - , 1-t, 0 4;- 1, .' e -„..P. 1 1...)', / ~ ,%..4\- 9- 1, - .., ,-,,1; b i . 0 ..5 - 1 - ; laws. Or is it the instruction Mr. Cushing, the
4 k)
,k,, f . i t - , ,,,",,,„.."•iy. 0 3.,4V" t ikt55.. , ,te.: , .. -- -a-l 6 i,„'"'4 e,„.,' ..1....1ie Attorney General, has intimated to the District
-•' rit5fe. 40 5 4.4 w , ""t 4 i45.."- .Werk'1.1 4 :_t"1. 1 7%,,,.. 1 1:17/ 4, 4 Attorney or Philadelplua ' No, it cannot be .
••• ,attiLti,..•,,, ' „„. is ..," , „,„'Lt ... ... 4, - ii..; s et3 eq .94 ,, 1 ...:, --,0- - *•.,
from the simple reason, that these instruction.
C 1 ti7"..,...1 4 .'7*,,ti••_ .. - t r ,-oil l e44„tir•ume4e,,,i'.• uver`tt-t; we're not, rind could not has -e been, known in
+ "it ' i l t v ik t. ."4.l":„ " w, --- e.
~..k t tiZtailttslisir ' 1, 17-5 14,iiiV.s.'1; ‘ ,„- England when the ho-tile -_•m oust ea ti un u':l'
„,,„,,,,,„.,,,,,....r.,,,,„,,,,,,..,,,,,,„,...„,,.,,,,,,, 44 - t. ' 1 1,,qh5,..1...-1 - 1,..• decreed Or is it, perhaps, that the Aineric in
4 47 , • , q,C;,..1-.1,1-e-1'`W':,....,41:?A:4tiQ1q,.vt.44-,,,,,4":-,‘''', government demanded tie , • rem' of Mr. Crump
-1L.7411""" ',.5ak„,,q...3.j3 - .g*, ' - '' 1 %,,1t.,„ % . `4',t" * . u-; ~5t, , ,, . :, ,,„ :1 ..'• ton, the British Mlnister' No, it cannot be.
. s *,vlr, 4 , 4,i i t..lff, ~- ( iv`P'•zi- t • P"V''..^','" t'‘ - ;:t." Unless lam strangely misinf ,rme‘l, the American
;. 's , t t"' t741..,,' i;c. - ..4" 4 ,.,1.,1- , , i ' r,‘ ernment did not . make a formal, official de
~..., ~,,,i tai ii l_tp, _ 4 :‘;‘ , : i kAi .,l,.. ' - r„;41:: : .7; 4 1 -1 1„1.,.. *' , 4i,: u tt ri ' s: g ,, ru l a i n er d i to the tli n a t t eri eff -of ec - t w i ar at least, not up to the time
,E,i ii , true Don Pacifico
' # 4•T 11 '.." 1 -te s" • . L ll 3 4 4Pfl ' tyle) were ordered to America. I think the
~,,, ~....„..„,* ..,
srzi.., ~.,..„,,, ......,„„,..,..., ~_ • tof W , hin.ton would have rather, bravo
4 t 1 17 4' ..14 115)44' ils - r'-/ '''c''
furnished M g Cram ton hispassport than
, / ..:/1, 4,,, , ,... vs.ski,„, g..„„,,.,, rte, 4.1 , 4 , eit,,Lt.,. % , mono,
.. 1 p
'"1 -'',. , ._' - es,Ap'-r.b.„•utri.1," 1 ,,,....1.4 4 ,g1 - 1..k -4 ,,i-sir4. begged for his recal. They did not. HONVete er
7 ar, , ;„:„.=5 e: ..,4--.s•--1--.0‘,74--ce .9.' q."' ,- t.r,;' , ,, ,,, ," ,,, ~ suppose they had, would this explain the ha-a)
fi r ," 4 11{ P.‘ 74. 1: 4k e'iii,:c i g:ta'sr,r,4 11541 . .1.',:tir":•i,„ 11 .-"i. C •l4i - recourse to they
' Let the precedent .:f
;era - tsaPi. ~P)-1, P 1 0 . i .41.4 ' 1 ' 4 . ,.*''5t%4 0 ,t+, L.P. 0 $.4, 1 Sir hi .Bulwer S expulsion from 'Madrid, and the
t 1 .4.. - ek „Q,, , ,,,N,""t ' ~ ,,,,„r , ''...i. , -.....,---c,,,,t,. 1 .t...,...,....- . bse tient course of the British government,
''""." , ... 4 4•t41 - lk. -,--t . 1 4 ,, i/t , ,,4 , v41,• io ~,.,,...,..„ ~,,r , q,..,
.. 1.- taa q
g:tr,,. 5- 4 2 ..tnip . - itee',.. , ~,,..,& 71," . „,,,, .”.;•t e 't, t ;f o4 answer the question.
ea ‘V,ti t a'Reski.l;4TriltPi -4,
.k.rp' ol 4. -4 '.f„,,lsaia I Then, what is the matter" The Tintee say's,
Yfr,. t. ' ~L 'ci"t r k 14,.•.,, 4„ ... 4 .•i - 4.„''''.-,1;f5/ & --4- `,,,%'+' , „,f t. ' e;,,,,' 4 '"'„ •• the British government retracted the recruitN I''' . ' - ' 4 4.t l ckr ,s . V r " , f' , " --4, 1, -- - , •• order, and 'RN e .atisf ictoiy explautition. ,
0..._ 1
4 0,,.. -- 'T ei,,, , .. ile -4 , """4: 3 ,. . - ' - ; itf , t , ' , JPP' t ',,41 in
..,: '.O '4,.eitAtflid - N, 1 -„,. -2 ' - ',..,- , ;.tit . ,.... t 1 4 1t4•t i rtf:...,? lint the American geN ernment rt tea •
„L +'4,..... '
L ' -c sj il 'i` - rlS.';t - T.1 . ,,”• 1 / 4 ....tr,N_ . ..-.0 % ) . 7, -,.attack" (yes, tittut kis the weld—it is America
- .., _ .t • - • -- t
..i .:1,,,,, „t 4 ". A: -. ' ... 3 * L - ri'_''' - -,...q! - -r 7 - _ . 1. , .,..% -,- -"&•i•di ..4 L frh V,,, - ' that attacks, you sec) • • with a new derma bla
l icti'4,4 .' ''ze, - ,- II•vr suf, ,u,„, ry,O. W s.- - 4:1 ' ; - ' ' 's" - . - 17ilta_„ -- 4.1 7 . 7 1 - " -- 1 9 ;;‘-••"1.:1• 4 ' 1,,F t ;:. i . - ' . ; to which the English goiernument returne•l II
7 4, 4 ,41.% 1 4 144.3 K, •r; f- .. "' .4- ,,....t71; • C 1 - ...,, '• ' 4 ;7;4? . ,,, 1 .,t 2 4',": ' el u me perate, but firm and dignified reply , and to
, ... , ,
)-4' • : ' ''-'' 4=r 44 ' ,4 - 1".:• - ' , s - j e-5 .4 e 4- ,
.4=-, a '..,,.. , ‘ ;''''.., l7 , 1::` t:S r i..P defend England's , eight' against the attack by
e ..., ri4 ~,.,,,,,r , „,,,..„,,,,,,..,.,.,,,,„,,,,f i. ,,,: :, (4,,..:t the , despatch ' lets seconded Its diplomacy by
II A ii ,',4 4 .`,,e
. 1 ) :T.1 . 5 - "i r. , 7 7,13 t tfd4.- 1 ; i, , " v
t xe , strengthening its West India fleet." - And in
~,go - 6' ''''' „ L X l rt.,,t?" , i,telf.4 - ,, 4 .11 ,0 V,;•t,d,p•it,,1 5 •1i (3 1, this position affairs now - stand," I says the Tune:,
EN' kb ' . e,,, 13 0 ) - -.54- ,„e'.4‹ . V 0 r ‘ ,.. . 4-, ,P-1 1 : ;. (,qr4 with positive authority. Now, appealto sound
' ;re '" "Xige - tuy"'4 3 o,ls - ••.'s, p ts,l7, *,,• in sense, is that a plea to explain the mena
, 4 . ......." ....,,, , •104,„n '"?Cl 'a f.. ,e A s•`• ',...4 ee'. 11.- t. g.,,Z•u""5" 4 c ` nms ‘ • ' t had us
'v ',
l''''-s," -- _,,4,.t.f.0ti1.tt, r4 a ring attitude the British government
"16 4 1 " . "1 • "T. .'•, ' 't < ••• •' ,.. c1 4-1- " `ti:` , ''' . ..C'or••ft' -, ‘, mod" Is that the held to account for such hit
''nt' "f t ''X('‘i,:l.4:•• reri , ' - '9•, = t ,'•' t - t.il` - ta':v t i• u
l i t c ,,, k.-..i., 7- 0 ' ,- -t,'-';.---,.. .3.±- , 47d,-- I ,'l Ix' tor words of challenge and defiance as •• we are
t' ' its l'i' - ;' , 4'"14 4 1 4 •4•1.;;;; r,' ~0 3, - , 4 " 1..4' tirlit7 ,- ; : r . troll enough to tnamtiiin and to .'indicate • our
'',-.•••' J r itt,,. k iglie i: •4 ,o '-• . ,Li,?..,-... - -",!'`,e„,5 ; ,," - t l / 4 r,'":Vrl c yc i t ,''' . .. i .,llll- right ?' " (What right", the right of recruiting 9 )
1 .'
itl ie 4 -itiii:tjP t 4 ''Ql"l ' i , V o4 l2l:2 ' "J‘747tlit"tp Call that account fur the el 'dont endeavor at
''' 1f.....,s .3.F . ,.... , N,,,,,"*:. ~ !5t .i i,.., , ;',., % 1 , ,,4;q 41 -ta p.•ve, ► getting up a qiim - rel with the United States by
.. " . .7A...Vt.:• 15 ';' 1. 5. - A. 4 ' -- " 41. -!. r .",_ ti• * 1,,V.P.-., *. e,• faumn the sparks of discord into flame with
411, ,,,Vii,5m --e- ' - 't.•-•;- !''* -. * :1,,,k r z -" . ,..:; . L.'"'"2__-el:li,',..4 4 .174 •. % •,.147.,.'"e o ! invecti g ves, wilful misrepresentations and inenit v
' ' - '•• • •" -: •; . .. -1 P,..•,: 1 41.1%...„4:`sti‘ - t r 4 i , 'co, it cannot, there must be something else be
lt4":,!tats4--ty".„Adri,,,,,ifr.,,,,;Po'Zi4,,k.‘ hind. La fact, the recruiting difference may
;ibrff . ?",,Ti,,,,' •• V...1 - ~ ,- 4: .. , 7„ .11- 4 . Y>,....- nom, arter the despatch of the fleet, have been
; , :1`",i4r<3, 7 744.2!„.;` ,7 .,)r . ;P:d1• 1 b ugh tin by Lord Clarendon; he may prefti t.•
''''';' , t' s4V "‘" ' ti-Y..r,'"V.3 PT :i l l t er'at treat ro it between himself and Mr. Buchanan at
.',..'-' at
' . -illtZ f "', F ,-,5 . ,..\'' ) .' 1 ":„ ! ,46 i - 0 .4 1, ondon , than leave it between Mr. Marcy and
V . r . ",e„.1-..e'eft1.2...-S-1. 1 .`4',.' 4 - 4 . 1; Mr Crnmpton at Washington, where it has been
''"ti'T''1....„;,'"„,„;.?" , 14,,,_ ~ ar- til new: hut, unless lam strangely iniqsaeit,
e.;,,"; .....4,,p ; -..wkz,l-:,,kTi.-1 . 2 at the time of the '. seconding of Engzli.h dodo
7 1. 11.1,1 e- ,;''..,""t'''; . 01',.::.3,`),„ 1. ace hey Men-Of w.it,'" there wau us other •liplo
t v-sd' '' ;4l . '. - 70 'ts.."f-el."Ts.„-'itii , 1.,,,,..•; , man: ,iue: r t n iu .a n
w at an i : su: , l ,, e ,, i here o l i n f , , a o , i , e t l, e n ,e l, n e: s t :' ,o ll
''',;" t'. 7- " ,-" !../; -.-' 11 t „.1 ' 44 . ,,q. 1 2,.•,..Z' l two tovermuents. b u t the , differ e nce
1i.. -- *4 12i ,ii % ,`E .i 1 1if.1g ,.. r , r,: t i:1 6 17.. ,•Pf:',.itt,::, the ue
t inte g rprotaticoi of the Bulwer and Clayton
• 17,1,4',"":.--;T:lr'4",,),tr;tY•Ti r°a : . I this, fot Ilex . work; in the mean
....o--'''"o:4„,.'' t.041--'4,...5' ,, -.. explanati.m 0 ,
"'. . ! ... i .' " ' ...7 L ...',.'„,q.i, r l a ,''' e
u-t:l ' P ' s I " ; ' , lS Z ' f ' l: 4c discussion on the subject, or in the prat tital
L .4 "`"!•l 4 ' Z'' ''. ;;" ;-„7• 1 4., - Ar-f ,. •••Ts.`s ercunistance-L. to afford in the remott-t w:,, • I
"..7v l ; ' " I.' ' '''' .l' '''" ''''; i ' " °'• l ';`" 44 rill not say a motile, but even a pretext forgot
.t'* .‘..
t this very moment, a quarrel ‘vith
, f" ... :P 4 'o'Ci•tv'.•"`T-' l l- 4 ;",e . .. ` n g uP' now a Neithertheb•Ot r
f „, 1 „ -• ••; . - ',7: , po':•?'\ - i'.' 4.:ft 4- 4 1,e,,,,• 0 .0 he United States. is motive c
e4,...r. 4 .,..',..i1ei-Z„ t y ; •,,, e i5 , „, ,,,,"‘„ .. t' 1 ,, 4 '1,‘ f p l aided, which I am told the Glote %sutures to
.11 , - , t ,. .. -: 44 1 ,-.'',,, . :' ,' C issign via the arming and fitting of vesseL. ter
, e•-„4:t,, '''-_•'• i1,,...t''';`,.1, - daT,,-s. /... : -' ' inthe United States, from the simple
,f''''xt iu .' k ",g *N It: ~...4 . )" (..., ofl ' s''' ussia
-.--.Pl7'. t- ' ''. .... “* :?.........'"' Y. ' '' ; ''''' on that the charge is false There mas! be
,+± - ..: i4 _,5k r ` , . , : 7, 0;,, , e v t,..,,,..+ * '15 ', 1.1i?. 4 -" a ,e,":,•'.l l ,r i rf 4.„r t ;s:" . 84s mething else behind. The allegations Altai
tit' calculated on the
tf.-i.,ori l ,t" r.,••...,rja1: . :.;:t. , •"4 -- ....1..•! . ,,',=r...r'ty 4 .f 1.,."' ti" .V 2 ,..',* ow advanced are 'widen
•' '' ' ' TY, ie,.,.., t tic,... ` lc 4 c - , -, v, -- „..._ - - rid— , ~ ..--- Z ,-,- ~, me rather to cover than to discover the nu t,
~,,,r,,,-,,,-. ...,i,.„,,,,,.,,,,v,..,,,,.2,,,„....,...,:,:-.4-,.4* nd, on the other hand, to fan the flames of tits
s. t:1.d.„ ,, __ . _""Z5i,:4",..,"•„,1,,,,- : , r,r,. - ,.? . ., tt.:" 4 : 4 , ' '% ..rs , -.+ -4-el..b ord. There must be seine secret agency at
i ti47:5 31 Z., 73 ., , ,- - - 7 ,..E1-1,..,' - ‘4,ei .1 ,.-7.1,A,..c 6 f.j . j.,','-- , t .- :4;.,;;P:',;, -, ; 4 ',., cork, bent on embroiling England In a conflict
4 4; 4 41 " - `: .l l 7l ".P l" +;?ift..l '' ' '. : ' .4. - • ' 447 % 7 '"• : ;:t '...:i.. - , ‘- `...%' : . ; .4qt..% 1` . ..1' f - , :,- , .., 0 4, ...... t_. l - , - United States of America, and it must
~,1?) ." -nt. : ,,s., 1 4- 4 4..r:?1 - :, ,- . 7 1 . .'rcP,',7: 1, , , ,:;4• - 6'r , ',' ili.: , ! ° ~r e ri` lt Tr° ; le indeed a powerful agency, since all the men
'''''' '' 4'.. ' '''' ' :ll ' '`
''''' ' ''''r rt '''' ; " : ''' -- , '" C '''+ 'o ridable ruin to lie land looming in the prospect
i„.}.``,,.;'''Jalc:,- , '"‘' , 7- c'" '';'', '..,' --f ' .4:4.'' l':'.2:ir.'7.- I conflict. such a tnom,„t could net
t ,e,.. '1r tv ,,, , j .; . ---• , .....- rti.`7 r4 } ,z!..L. , ,,4" ,_; 142
,n . ~ ~..,„ . ~ .„, I Il a! 3tl
i s.: ~i ‘ ^T: '''', l;;; ‘ 14 * 4'...'C f
it ,' .;•"" c .: : :i l T ' ~.. ..' rr 4 6 ..,..• 44 .4 ~.. : •• ' 4,' :: • • • . '1) r 1,4 •• ~..' 11 .` ltd, 'C V. irei ent the English govorumeut from yielding to
„- ~..,- , ..,,,-,,n...-rtf... jto-f !:-.i. -, ..t>;' ,- ;-'.‘* -- tz,-' , -,' ' "*,....., - ..,,''' . 1- 4 , Ls tainchievuu, nalluenee
`,-57• 7 ; 1 " - ••••r: • 7 •rd• -l - ' • •••N. - t
ti: i1t.1." !-- .',:e\:',- .t.''''' • What t. that agent 'l' ' IS hat can it be '
~.. 1Y:4.1`,,'",:f",„'i.2,”?'!..',;4.'" 4 4 7 -''' -,.54' '`.. = 4.•• kr' :. , r , ,', dri.steamer,last Saturday
t rf''' - ' , Ai`..? - ••." -- - - ; - ; - % - i'en•l ~ C" . •-•'' 4s ,
..y . v, ":....;-, - ,tt,: . .., ~.., •ee ~.ina , firming
- t'.. --- _ , .. t =''. rf -• e' . "•'•-s.' - s - ',-." ' e'ifi - . Liierpoel. the English pubile there thronged
r, -,=' ,, --,-AP , AF v ~,,frt..;, 1 , ~ ,i e,,, - .4. 6,.,5 , ,
"t,.:, , , ,,, -;,• . -,...-i.ilw i, -,' •• k `,-, . 1 4 a . 4 . 4 :4 vitn in ten•e , anxiety around the newcomers front
es',u,r• - i'Z''':i '- ~..- . .:- • ,••••l- - "'", 0. . tts't - • ~,' ..' "" ''• a ... •• N‘ hat al ,out it. i • '' are we to
..,,...,t....„,,5 t ,. - t „,•,........,„„,.., 1 ...,
.„ , -.-. 1 ..., c
•-•?,;., r ; y, t d ;..... ~:- . •,,,s - , x,, ,-; • reerica . vir .
T 1 ;,, -I ,_ •• 4 .`l''''ti•.- ° aerP,P.l4', 4 l . "' . l ..- L ;f1.,.. 7 t ki',.`Y t 1 1, Is,' '147.- ' are a war with you ' was the question, they
;Ic''---, t.i• j " -- - - 11•73 t - '..- • ''• ••• i• - i'iiv" 't ....-Pl..'''•4-iacaa•••s-i , t with at et ery• .i ,p. The Americans
~..t'iv't' s 4 t +!..- -. l , ''' ' ''''',..- .- -, ‘ - '" , :i ' I s -...""', , ...-' ere me
'mli.'.., , t-.!. ,, c.:-.1-44 1 ,`,,-c ~: - . .7. - - „ ,'^i.;- • ;.;'' ~:)...1- 4 '.',' ,-, ooked quite astounded—they could not, of
r*lsr , ..tM ,•41;i7'." - tfr'...,,r c,... ,- ,f -, r- , ,,7/.... , 5 % , - -,„ k' 7, - i know anything about the - seconding of
` l. :., : f;• *6 ?" 4l i,, l ci' L t 7 f,fa ' .. - i2'4 ': i . s .'e, - _,,,, : t:' - 4 s - - " ' '( . 2, .,•: 17 .t. '4 ..,, 7 1. 1. .., 4 -'ll - 7 - "/S„; '' u n a g i lis g ' e b.. diplomacy” by well-armed ships.-War '
,ro'4•-.l,i'i":•''''.••*. .s ?"'S e-•: :a - - .' , 'T•ti . :-.7.i.'4C1"•:i.,' by should we have a war with you? „ was the
...; ..„,„,„• 1 ,,,,,,,...:„t ,d t, ,
~",,,....,..y.--i i i. " ••"- -i 'st -s 4 f.7T 4 %..!• , ' t i ri i n re t. Upon this an English goa
L , t _ . v. ...„,,. : , . 1 5 . ... 1 .. ..,,, --. 7 e, ~ ,- 1 c 11108 0
'4 , '!' e'.• l , 4 , ‘': !- 1 ...},f. ,. 14 ,t-' . ...,r 7 ., -- ,.„,- , %'1j... 7 ••, : i.,:,,- ... .J:, ; ,..ti:,,-,:„ . a,,::‘, , ,, , .; leman (an M A P . ) . is reported to base eaid, ,
1 1 '•'- - /"A`v,...,,r , 4" - ; ''r ~ -%,... 0
, ~ 4, , ~., th y , - , i, , t•
• it i . .. y . : - i- 4 :/ / ,ti,,',,t.. , ,e, : , ~.... ~,,
.:,, t
' '''s ,.? - : , -"tr' ' ' , , ,- ` ,+! .-- ",- 7 ,'-', " '."'-‘,-, " ' `.-••
..*.: • :.....-,,,,..., +.1 5 1 ‹, -, it , -,t-st':..w't ......- ` I 5 <",t' ...‘
p •, i
.2 ." ,, ,:0 ,' ,.. - , •,, ••', .--, '.• .' --;-:,.. - r • •.-,,,T4, , 4 ..'
• ~'- , ""-. ". .•
4- - t .-`'.ti- ,s- ' i ~` . ii -- r '').-.. '''• f •;.," cr•-•,„
t,' .' -- t '' c' 2: ' '''-• -'" 1, ',t o-- t, '.. ..
~ .-----. II ~,'.!',...,`, 3 •-:,-,- .!, -, r :',;-‘l:'.., z :,.r . ; , . ,. ..,..:.-•,,,,,,.„:„,„.,.• ,4 ,, ,,
- ..: Ic4 •..- • '., ," ' ' I, • , '''' '' ."," ' z';',7 ' '(.-`•.,*••• .? •, '" "?'" - A" , .'', ,
C i ; 4 P':'•(- - `-1. ""`•" ` '''' ; ' 1111 • , •'',4,E . '4 4 .1.1,.. , „ , y't . 'l li',
_,,! 4 i':: . , 4;', ',.... '. ' ''' .!!' • 'o;, , ,.. 1 r"W"..lklt•`,'"/, ''''' '''.
'-,'. • .::: .4 ''":'' -.'- e - P. , ,.. 11 5.:,'„µ,.",,, , {..,Ag.. -.L''' . .,',
~,,,,- tOa ~,.',4t..."...,`Z!rf..*. 1 ::,= •,"'", ~,•• • •- , - , .L -' 4',-, .',g.'' ' ••:', ' ..;;;',-, • TL4-l4 C:'2-1'...' - 4 74'7"; : .':-:l!' " ).'l 4 i''- r r '''''. -- '-
‘' '' .... 4. 1'":, 1 1' '', "- ''l , r ` '''-• ..t 0 fr.. ',., ° c '‘l ' 'T . ' ''' -,, S' / r. '"' -.) -... I
~ - . - , - ,,'o't ell '',.WifrArTV-V tv4-r,,,l r ': 13; -.,.. 1 .,• ~7.1 . ..7,te-'-' t` ,-,
...'"i.. - 1,";;;';'" . ...,; - - , V'til-l','*„ 3 -, .'''''..„‘" - :.,..'' • .. ' , t '....*".- ...--, ",.., . 4 'l' . ... ' ;....,..`'., , s ~,,14 , ... ''. . 4 AL..F.,:47 . 1 ; j,,, 0 ,
.„,g,....;,7 = arty,' N .../..t.
`` l k , ,.. u ,, ,.i.t.,-,.....: , atee.tr.0:`0, "-- "•;.1•,;,t .' • '''. e?" 7 •,': 1" -'''.., - = ''' t ..;'1.73.f.f4,7b , 1 - ' • .. i , . ~,. . J
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Printed'rytdiepery eilitnind,lSdnape excepted,
cm, rcrs soita-wrrs coax= OP WOOD em ITPTA alum.
• ve year, payable .etrietly In advents,.
'BirThilletit'invariehly required If not peld within the year.
' - '".I4P-Biiigle copies, Two Ca - re—for sale at the counter in
mice, and by the News Boys.
Pottliabrat from the sante aim an a large blanket BIM
aleet, ac TWO DOLLARS a year, advance Etnglo oopiea,
41*— No, paper will be discontinued, (maims at the &enrol
`Hon of The Proprietors,) until all arrearages are paid.
,gar No uttcntiou will be paid twiny order unless Rosana
panted by the money, or satisfactory referent* in thin city.
/0-Connected with the Establishment of the Morning:
Take is one of the largest JOB FRINITI , I4 OFFICES in that
.elty,mhere all kinds of work is done on the shortest notice,
and most reasonable terms.
Kossuth on England's Warlike De
monstration against America.
"Well, if you don't know it, then all I can say
is, that this intimate alliance of ours with L. - N.
Bonaparte will yet prove a ruin to England."
Let us take the opinion.of that gentleman for a
hypothesis, and analyze. • Is it likely, or is it net
likely, that the British GoveriiMent could have
entered ou a courseso . hazardous, as the provo
cation of a conflict with the United' States, at
such an =auspicious moment toe, withouthaving
previously concerted the matter with L. N. Bona
parte. They must have concerted it—that ad
mits of no : ,dtinbt The ruagnikude of the case
justifies the supposition, and if, anything would
be wanted to bear it out, one had but to look at
the position - of subordinate dependence to which
the British Government has contrived to arrive
vita-viz their ally. Why your great statesmen
go so far as to 13.ctually, to boasti of the fact, that
Paris and London are but...one 'Cloven:uncut sit
ting in two Cabinets. The wm-id did not-want
to be told this. The history of ,the Whole War--
with that ahockiug languor that would be per
fectly incomprehensible, wore it not that it finds
its explanation in the person 4 policy of L. N.
Bonaparte--the war, such as it is, testifies to
the fact ; and the blue-books cry out to Heaven
and earth. 'Whatever change has come over his
dreams, England has submitted to it. Ho was
the body, allowing to England but the question
able glory of the shadow. Call it entente eorduzle
—call it by whatever name you like, such is the
fact ; and the fact is the logical consequence of
that other fact, that England has consented to
such a mode of warfare, which! has in advance
reduced Euglund from the position of an equal
to that of a subordinate, . Anticaubordinnteishe
is, in fact, to such an extent, that England's de , -
fmit does not interfere with the master's victory.
You were defeated at the Bedell, while his army
took SebantopoL He distributes marshals'
staffs ; pro have to recall your general.
I never did blame the fact that England ac
cepted, nay, courted the alliance of L. N. Bona
parte ; nor do I blame it ; but l did always and
do blame the fact, that "England did not know to
maintain the position of an equal--that she did
niiii_rausteratifficient - resolution to let him feel
thr"not all the favor is on his side, Ewnd all the
obligation on hers ; that, in a word, she accepted
the position of a subordinate. The logical con
sequences of that position have : crept upon Eng
land step by step; the very air is full of fear of
Bonaparte. lie, the boasted friend and ally, is
more generally feared in England now than when
he threateuod you with invasion three years ago.
There is, indeed, but one government in two cabi
nets. The war, the negotiatidtts, the financial
embarrassments, everything attests it, down to
the newest sad event of the expulsion of the
thirty-six exiles from Jersey-. It is now 'known
that the fact did not orgihate with the Jersey
authorities—it is not an emanation Of the par
ticular privilege of•Jhrsoy to be subject to arbi
trary punishment from their municipal authori
ties, without process and judgment; the expul
sion has boenordered by Her Majestj'Ntiecretary
of State-for the Home Department, appointed to
watch over the inviolability of the principle, ~ t
the English Bill of Eight. And it a vet?,
ciretth33Lance. that the order of the
minister has been pubitlieil at JerAt , y'oa the hit l
of (blotter, while at - Pori , . it bowl
published on the '2llth in tin Alonot,ur. There
Indeed, but cue government in two Cabinetr.
It is, therefore, I.keydici a do.tbt that tite,ht(ar
tile demonstration against .America ha lc en prc
riously concerted 1, 1.. N. Idenhpurlt . '7:
cerLeci".' wore—that I
—hut I know, and 11.1.311 . 1" au English 111841 W re
member, ,amee. lacts «rd to throw toime light
pereotol ladling both with regard t Awe( (.•:,
and to Englaw.l. :t to a di. t
publicly reported, accredited ail novel
that in I sP. L. N. 'likdauptirts , .
President of the French Republic, declared . to
Mr. Rush ( American minister,. I think) th , “
ever he went to war, he would ,fleet the
States, " If snCh were his sentiments whonst,
President, what mast they luttie been whet Iyi•
ettlittilthit9ol:>Eariperon. -
He notei 'ma is nirry - Secret of his. hittti Tot—fhb
United States. And this is very natural. In LIP
position. with his antecedents, the very memory
of Washington is a reproach. and the name •• Re
public- a hunger, chiefly when that name is
coupled with the letters '• C. S., - which means
not only a power. hut has likewise the nte_antng
of a n ( France) the sum of—my freedom
and independence." Presidentilierce, irresolute
a man as he is, did still on the 4th of July, 185'2,
remind the people of the United States that this
•• I t/ is still unpaid. On a tine morning
Jonathan might remember thiN. The very idea
Unpile,/ a danger to L. N. Bonaparte. Alen don't
like to live under a constant apprehension. Is it
not natural that one should avail oneself of an
opportunity to see a blow Amick at one we hate
aud fear, chiefly when a third party offers him
self to undertake the task for us. By-the-br,
there is a curious fact occurring to my mind. I
have mentioned that at the time of the strength
ening of the West India fleet," the only isotte
pending between England and the United States
was the Bulwer and Clayton' treaty on inter
oceanic communication (rectiut colonization pro
tection and claim of authority in Central Amer
ica.) This is a question pending since 1850. I
happen by a strange accident, to have before my
eyes an 1852 number of the New York Courier
and Engutrer, where I, to my 'considerable sur
prise, read the following paragraph:
" Lord Palmerston's retiring from the English min
istry excited great attention. Let us guess a little
what it means. Two years ago w e e were on the verge
of a war with England in relation to Nicaragua.
The q uestion then was in London whether Palmer
ston should or should not retire, on the ground that
he was so committed that there could not possibly
be a satisfactory arrangement of the Mosquito ques
tion if he continued in the cabinet. However, the
attempt was made to settle the question with us. and
still retain Lord Palmerston in the cabinet. \Veil,
the attempt has failed, and now, Wilt)11 . the Prome
theus affair comes between them, the old questloh
arises: Shall we retain Lord Palmerston, anti go to
war with the United States, or thrust 'him out, and
preserve the peace? The decision has been in favor
of peace, and Lord Palmerston has retired."
is not that curious ? Well, the Nicaragua
question has recurred again, and Lord Palmer
ston is again in the Cabinet ; only that now lie
cannot be •• thrust out," not only because he is
Premier, the soul of the body; but alto because
he recognized the coup d'etat on the, receipt of a
telegraphic despatch, the very day it occurred,
is consequently the "person* gratissima," the
very fulchrutn of the entente cordials," which is
now the paramount consideration in Englund,
stronger than anything, the run from a war vt , iti?
America not excepted. The occasion appears
favorable for the realization--through England--
of the prospect ingeniously held out to Mr. Hush
iu 1849. As to England, the words I shall hay
will be few but weighty. How far the momn
tary , alliance With .:Louis Napeleen !Boia.iparEb
may insure his lasting amity towards England ?
that I do not,k_now. • TO big cop!I tIV11(53310 more
than at: ally"—L-11 sworn servant; now he it:-
laugher Emperor. Three yearhago every E,tigitth
paper resonrided with the contemplateinvaslon
of England; anti Englishmen, who have con
versed with lam, reported publicly. the story
about his star that would lead hint to revenge
his uncle on England." But he may or may not
be sincere in his intention to remain England's
friend for anything t know. Time is a strange
l thwarter of intentions.
But so much I know, that if ever ho inteuMd
to recur to his plan of invasion, it would well
serve him to have you weak ; if, on the contrary.
he thinks to remain :,t.ur friend. he ,till and
roust be your rival—tiro primes inter pare. , Pt
rope cannot bear. To be the —priinus be :t.ttiatit
wi.h you to go down, down, down, to the place
of a s,cundus at least. Be must, though your
Well, your armies, and your millions are en
gulphed there in the Crimea. As a land prwtr,
•• you are already less thou his esre,d: you are,
in fact, scarcely authing more. lint two pillars
of might you still have, upon which your first
rate position proudly stands enthroned—your
nary and your foinni<Trr . A conflict with the
United States is precisely the means to inflict a
mortal blow at both. And remember cue fact,
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte is but a man, a mortal
man. And you have offended every possible ele
ment of - future France." You have. And no
fault ever escaped punishment nor ever will. Let
fear and passion sleep for a moment, and calm re
flection' bear the sway. Reflect on the 'words of
the M. P. at Liverpool. KOSSUTH.
FATAL MISTAILL.—A. few evenings ago, Mrs.
Sweetland, of Medina, N. I" ;' sent for a dose of
morphine to a, drug store 'in that village.' By
, ki,rue means, strychnine was sent in mistake,
which the lady took, and died in less than an hour..
- •• •
. •
Pocni PANI", of liartford, Conn. Chartered, 1849. Paid
.IND l.t:.taiL.---The iollowteg valuable property, situ
up Cmfh Capital, $.500,Q0U, with large surplus tfoeurelY fave , t- n t e 11, of Ifittshnre.ll and .I.lh.fgheny, PeunsYlvanift,
ed. Semi-annual dividend. of 8 pertonii July 1, lllnft. mai other additional Peal EA:lti` 111 different part- of the
Thts Otitiliatity have" boon
,delng /111 ithinranco business ter n,
or country, is now offered for tulle, leaeo for a long
n+9llls reutery , '—hareifuld out fetiprlterty dein-1 0 3:W terin yeara, r..a...ottahlt.
More than Fifteen .littlons of Teo,City Lola, from the nature of lb , grades, awl widfli . dt
lazrinctoo they commenced busnie.. Its annual reKeiptanno t h..• avantt, running- through thew, aotortltu r .,” to
Prevent meet. , (which are below) giro indemnity to ouch Mr. IlleCtowiffs e.tiebrat..tl City Iflmtrirt Plan. and front flittie
policy-holder of more than two millionm of dollars. A policy will earl p„rt,„,f.tw city',
of in attlittndo .te.no batter than brownpaper, unless It Min a • r0t , 10135 Irdin 6,th-tat:ICC n.J rrklitl
eamPaiO that vOligPaY in Mo. , of 1 (... It I:won - III'. ns‘ . .° BB .r) , ecttitat in twootfa. t Ilr.n, .111 had this the l et pr .porgy ID
therefore. that'ytattknow comet hing of the ahriracter and or near tact for the puri.oeu. 11 to trarurnul ly 1.1 - o
edvainty of the Institution.bcforc you take a pall-v It. Ratltt.ald,. n fi4 bat .doo all fl:, f'4 , ll‘t - ai , nry of tli...Vll4finny
export -n- -. nwL •n p tuJ—tto uninterrupted S" ' C'"" for th u . t - . oil tvt.ieh it is sftwm,t, which will encore et all tint.,
sit vettr+—its to one ...our., o,llaltallt eUprile, of coal, true and lumber, at the chetquel
Ineurfun't Company amour the hilt imd must
t•Ut urn I'r.l:3lS NV ill be one-fourth in hand, and ILn hal-
No premium non. takf•tt—no tier ,tIIIOIIN DELI.
hoW.ra—lnit all 11.A.S 11. It ) anal . a loca. wet, p I gun, of
wit h
pair proof+, and in slaty 114,, eall and e.l our
. .
. .
'rm., i.Y the way it , bay° .1 raw bolont.• for o$ al ly li.cf p arr .
,Theyf.},lltiilltt 1.,) =lto illtit:rull, oil ,. .ollLlrs . Non,. Thus!
Factories. Dirollingi,aatrie, itud-olf4l°,...riptuant of property
ie to orcaontry,ot fib - eeiti. Tour attoutboi to iri‘id. El
[o= till 44401,ri1ig iiv.v rate% . - ob Country. Dwallingib, 0r....tb0
whole term of ono, throe, or 0 re years.
I your. 3 years. 5 yourn
Built of brick or stone. metal ro, , f,
80 feat from eLnillar risk 45 7, 1 n,.
Ftuiltor bi - Ick or stone, shingle roof, 50 1 ' 1! 1 .
Friuli . ° dwellings 7.5 1.!.4
Cash be band, and in Plazenis Bank. $ 65.030 2.'
(4...,1k in hands of Agent,. ...... ........ .... 137.137 c.l
Heal Befalls, nuinetuuberxxl 16.672 Of,
72 Mortgage DA,11,114, 6 /Lad 7 per cent. interest,
payable semi-luau unity.. 72,000 on
20 six per cent. State of 1 trainat Bond, interest
payable nap y. .............. 20,200 (6)
5 six per cont. Stat... of North t'arulins &aide,
intent payable Aeinlannuall 5,01)0 Oct
10 six per rout. Jersey City 11 - ater fklud, intere,t
payable laml-anirnally 10.3 Lit
6 ten per rent. City of Milwatikie Bends. niter.
• . eel iviyable arani-annually 5,15 u (di
0 80Ven per rent. Innnne i 14,1 1 ,1%. Interest payable
serul-uan ;lady 0.1(6) tio
Debta due' the Company, seeurt.l by mortgage.— 6,1110 (t)
111110 receivable, amply rs.x.otred, aml payable at
Bunk . .
SOO %ham Ilartfurd and New tiavrn Itnlirwad
Company 60.000 0(1
105 ILartfonl and Pruritienee it. IL. to per
rent preferred and gnarantred.... 0,025 fin
107 " Benton and Worceater Itni!road lu.ooo 0
250 " Conntructo. Myer Rai 11,000 00
50 " Connecticut 111vnr Company 1,250 o 0
100 ••• Stafford Bank. 3 inataltnenM paid tn.. 3,000 0.
30 " Engle Bank. Providence. It I 1.9 w tro
300 - Pltee(Li. Bank. llarttord, Coon .. :43,600 (a)
2025 Exclangoßank. " 17.556 (10
209 -• Purnarres.a.ud Meehan. C But.k llort
turd, Coon.. 35.000 to
150 " Connecticut River Bank. !Jargon( . 9,190 00
la.o Bart f( V, " 25.400 00
110 Ftate Bank. •• 11,1.4
Dartford ('• untc Bwk. Ix,
100 City Banta. bon .x,
200 " Union Bank, Sow
450 " Ilrnadway Bank 11.1er 00
103 " l'oopla a Dank, . 4,406 rep
/0 0 " llanuser 111.(11,1 1 ,1
400 `• Bank, •• . 11 , `ll3
100 " Bank of N. lilt America, Sew Yurk .. It •, .0
120 " Bank of a mt-rinn 1.t..c1.0 0,
150 llattk oft,, Itcpubtic. 1",7n,
.50 Bank oft he 5.090 0,
100 " e« York Life Insurance 051 Truat
100 Unite+l 6tatve Commay
In tably ndjust.-1, anti pr,u ptl 1.1
l'ulAmee 129,1100 fIGIAI ruljuottuerris msdu
I 1 7 1 LA•EI , Ii. n •
N W 1 , 1f:11 et reetA, l'lttrtrg
Ile"' For further trtf, ,rtnt I. enquin, al the cou.ntmg..rs,uu
of the wuntie '.l..rzu.ug Pkort. • •7,
_ - • -
For th.• 'lnd Pr .tr?-1,1( P;.,+
J.Jrn I r 1.1,1 e,,
t ie
Tit's truly , 4111.114 . .
r1X,11%,)f tiv9 u‘t.ut; d
lO4'Orfl/1 .S Litt• .411,1
;u I . ttrizt, •••• at It, ;in , ully rt.ttir
tiyc ttt valgt.t.,l,:t• tltt.t.tt, t Li.ut
• swi-ssw•l extra.; z•issiarars!Li is i ,u} , •-
re r I•I art's c.tb• l ..r pur II s rm.; 14•• t:ty of
6.3144, :lout Fvrre, p,mpb,
Cutau,ou, ki rtma •
ir...prats, Br
i •• }e
nnui. Iry
tkari4v, ,: ,ie nl, prises,: .11.11 ;.• c.atmlythou
.nach. the Cirottallini au I tin. and eo-ntiy r.t.u.to
uhai. r , s.; in.. the 4.1.1
1. Writltalig 1.11.1 pl•Jll4il3.‘l tr, hi fil Ih.trrg
rr0get..61.,, It it. la 41•VV11: -1,. t[ll4
1, 1,, Yar way Ink, it St tittlo with iserfrset
11.• altoirlBll I g eutaY, of thte nte-h0.0.. .i.o..n.antly
11.. 1,,r1. ralstecti Bar at the
sia•tiniztathwt watistawnitatltraY cf this Fp.clitto OM: it i.2.2 . 2a•
sntirrgy out .40 , 111p:1 , th
r•-•ie.n.fhlly tel tr. the f • 'el'
.1/4 , •rt .4 /1 d • ...1111,11. u 1 ,
than t tot • toi.oi tr o.il. Cott iirt , afful
la. timzvb t••rat:, Imattund nnl
aolf, atol t,• "Ina, iolo-f t,t,. rtiot total toodiati,-
atipi m n
otor :sly oltc,. waitrondt
ta4 t 'to f Lo.
I,rn. of, lout in., cut ad of itottiitta cnii.itunt y ram
Rar-N-.rllla. make ati tat f it, atol 1 :no
Any Ittat ht. , done n witrld at gt.nl. but :tit; coottlalrl3,
ounit RIP. Unplug that Llly evid, an: r ,111 k •L , •I
simitorly atlnt - tiol I , ailot t • nuttn , , 1!)1 •alllO
nitilifurtz , ry Morottl, 1 ,ntain grnr..f"!l)
Qgsy Prwpared and -told by A P A U s \ lac. UrttAtiets
and Chortawtt, het I td, New Yolk ,4.1 , 1161... In
11. A FAIINI...s'rOCI. A Co., ILE \I 1 Nat 111105... Ii wl.ar4l
and iv Inati4;iate generall) pat bottle. or ata. Lot
that fpr itytj;.ltn
)1111,1C SALE ii VALI AISLE LANDS.--'flte undttr
molted mitt offer at Public Sale, at tht r. ham.' Ex•
change, Funt - th str,et, it - .tabu WI, tat Tlll' NSDA 1, Januar)
3, 114116, at 7 &eh...h. the tall,. 1., : de:a-tatted talltatht pr. iser
try, being I,t). No., It 3 ,01 l 10 of the tintelether Ilan of Inle t
situated In Pine Tonunhip, A Ileglten . , rtani y. te, miles
front hateratown •
Lot No. 9 nuntalna lid) te•res of la n d f,tt ~f afn.f, arc
o 1 red and u, It 11101 6.1' of rulflvatton. the balance excel.
lent oprout land. There It a tir.t-rate .prune it water tdi the
premises. The improvenieuta mua.r of 3 Log TMll.lllf if 01//le
and Stahl, with ether 19 analed tie fed
luau : North by lands of have- itrable. and J. Weddle; nanth
by Inn& Or Litliid Cried ty. rr anti J 111, Ibm
Itunt by land. of %Vat Statue'. I•) hands of Vittl
Witottu and other.
Lot No 1 0 r - nntain, tu - rus, dent which are
cleared and in at, ..3. , •e110nt state of rul tiv ati. at, the remainder
nr,t quality white oak laud. The harm - et - neut.., are
two To Ilumws. Baru. ;la] On this tract uiil to.
found mo:ollent elpring %, ate, . an well An a run. which ungt.t ,
be runverted into a null-racu without tram h eapeune. lot
No. 1D In b.llUdo4 oil the north by latut of JohlIMIl WILDUII;
south hp lands of Thom. (I out I s luad t of tole hand
Murrm.. and Wm. DleLr•y; anted by land.. ,4 Thomas and
'Moss: art: the last two :rat to ttf !its ahtve plan it( lots. (tot
which Tistatna tala.on L. is-en arttrig us At:oily.) therefore
purchasers should ittiok ht (hair thee alp huts it
tine tiptsirt unit yof making a handsome
wattling to view the pritisittNsail -It tliti {swims. on eith e r of tits propel - us, 1", hid , if sal. loath I: tutu it at the
time tel plus..
For furthnr loarwolor, 11.141 rt.., Wll I. l'A
!tort., Ren4llllg,
Or rANI 11‘4'FNI.IN.
NO 341 North Trrt•Oth streot. ItikujolplAn
nov27,rstfrhOl P. M. \ Iq Anctimroor.
GEO. R. 'WHITE CU., No. 5 , .1 Market
street, int.etal. en and after 110 N 11.1 Y. Novetober *26,
to clime out their present nt,n6 of CD to K.-% TA Lit AF , ,antj
YANCY 611.K5 at greatly redured
It being their intention to ruler., Qtnerwir.4 itnprove
their '.Store, ,so as to wake more 'vow fat tins brunch thar
and %ribbing to I itniusdiat. - Iy. they watt tr.
clear out the stork on hand
A ITTION SALE—On'Tuesday nest. of I.;
11 Lo t . of Ground to Duquosue 13nrough. each 1 . 1 151
trout by 100 feet deep. near :be ,toneive Iron Wel k 4 pt
1,0renz..4 Stewart. 7111, property villt be Auld in 101,s.
or all tegethot Thee u. ald earl 'lloi - barn., for remnlenciv
or if .told together. kLa •I fq. a j.l..anant •Ilburbao rexiaeueoi
Sale OD TUOMAI y next.::h riot., at 2 .'el, r ek
Terms at 'ale I,rf ,, t BLAKELY .1
. . _
WILSON, corner t.f Markt.; un.l Fourtb
iitrentiei, 'roil. the larg . stink Ii A It ' ll l:;, hNE
JEWELRY, ar.., to lie found tit WeEtru Penroirivanla JAn
long experience. estabils,b,! risi unit an-I no iii,rato r;;@
prurient the highest iiidu .• •uieute silly those in want
' good M air', or other art wire to hla hits, should Lou .01
opportunity to bet,' tl,, to
eyy.. Tine Wan h Roparraig done prouipil) dn.; ti.o4t
manner. nv2ti
BROOKS & COOPER have just ~p tatel 1
Gdph.rdc.didr.... (..s ; ,
and will 1011111/Ut t./ re- .curing tits a iik thow third
' supply 411 gt..l, at the Mourning anti Ilene }urnitikkig
diorr. No strict
IIYSTERS--100,000 Shell Oysters, just kir
k.; rived. .9(.1 , 1 wholole. ile and rota& Wo
unto the !!ittzons to come and to thew. Fan!.
Wee ...applied with tiItELL !!Vii , l'Ette , at
and f. I or hundred. V.•Li a ill nod out that
thin to the right way to Pay them We remo•tautlY , on
basal cans of t.yetere---a! ! letiolesalo eud r.-1411—uf supe}t4t
Re , ts exam; it hip. ,
C•r!!!. 1 114,1 ind ty
N •. , •tDrent i3:•tor-. aro
11-ATE _
41 Diamond. Title:, ~t i,re nit
to an Offire PractiP, motto rnllnflo'd
to private reiwr,l7 ('unit;'. .in I. 010 . 10 Alb,
tines, brunght on LI iniyru.;‘,..e.vi.uthl al indulge...o
and excess. i
Entlitilltie Eruption. Gonorrhea. Girt. Strictrt7r7
Gee ,l Discharses, Impurity of i11...Eu..1, with all
the Venereal organ. Skin Diseases. e.eorhutit:
Totter, Ringworm. Insoaisea. Seminal a ealyni,,,
Impotency, Piles. Rh, umatisio. F,nalo IVesl,nexs. Mont h l,+
Suppreastoun, Disnase, of the Join,. Fistula it, Am,.
Affections. Pains in the Burk and h,uii , Irritation of the
Biaiider and kidneys. oureesfully trt , at , 4l. Purer e - nar.inte,i,L
l'erenty years' I,rag . tiee (ten le till. cit..; enable,. Dr. Deo, i,
to offer in, , iiratier, of a !Trod ;tire t o h.• mac
der his care.
°the e and trbfate•Cottenttnticat'Reetas
, fig* Charge?. moderate!. , •• !a - ova:at - Y.ly *
KLOSTERIIEFM, or the IFlasfitie, a histor . i , '
cal tinsel. by the author of Cenf,sions of an Engholi
'plain Eater An .itterarycotaposition It 1,, ~,ritten in Lie
Quincy's hest skyle. The tit:ll%llva points in Ins veil:lope:tit
writings are absent from this story It was. written In tits
full maturity of Do Quinev'n wlud, at the nge of fatty'-cis. It
eminently dt..sen or the designation of a curmaity of liters.
tore— , -hio?l , othahti swede atu4ng PO klianctit Puperout.
wrillnks: as Ott."6nly ate tiled'6l.tenetv. effort it him
imagination all Pernpaii.'"—Dr. ,V'Aeaere.
For sale by • JOUR S. DAVISON.
hierket,l2o,ll Fourth Street.
- ,
." ~!;14 L .ll ' `.', l
• Zr•-'ff. -
• -
V.. 4gl - n o .. 1
urty-niDo Lots fronting" eu the Allegheny river. in the
of the Cite ot Pittsburgh, 24 feet by =lf lernln
depth to Butler 0i r-s-t, ten feet wided
Fifty I.ots on Latter stout. in the Ninth iVni - d i c.24 dart be
1.2 ,, .1t-ot to (14 , 011 to Opence alley. 24 feet wide.) •
Foriys-ylit Lots fronting on 511121 . 11a11111 143 . 1,t,
wid‘ , l) each haring it front of 24 Imaand depth of 11f he" i
to Fpenrio
Forty-soven Loot oprsedte the above, on :mailman street.
haelniz a front of '24 feet by 120 in depth to 311ilbertY
Forty-one lots on l'onn street. 24 feet in front by - T3O rmt
in depth to Stulherri alley, ,
Forty-six Las opposito the oris.ve, men nitylng it trout of
2t feet by 100 f.-' to depth:to Spring nib-v.
Twenty-live Lots on Liberty mtremt, each linclo;24 fee r .t47
100 feet in depth nr eirritig alley. : i 1
Sttteen ialtg on Vergl/Alth Ntrl.ot, 01d:4447;a
of the Pell nsyli.nniii Itallritadt'onipairly, of different
sioos. 4..te
Sr, 11 ;Ads en the corner of keUrtond.W4tOrntrettu, 3110
fort front on lnun lry 121 feet on Water of different dnitrio.
A I.v of ground on Second and Tr y strneta, adjoining
Parry A Co:. Foundry, baying a front on filefrind Amen of
07 feet, au , l running along Try atrest 120 feat to Greenough
A Lot to( g - rnond eppLnite the above, haring a front of 07
eet on Lirrenono etrtel.and 10 depth sta to Lover wat,r
nark ,n the Monongahela river, with a slyer front i tir
Lots on Third gtreet, nbror.• R.,se, each Itlroutof
...et on Third Aimed, by 80 in depth.
Lot No. 2 in the Borough plan, on the tamer of-Ent
Cour/Juni and Water street, having a front on tact Common
of 50 feet by 240 fora in depth to Sandusky street.
1.4 17. in the Borough plan, on the corner of Eadenmdrion
and Gay alley, having B front on East Common and Gay alley
of tin fe...t by .t4O in depth to Sandusky street.
loot No 02 in the Borough Nam on rho west lido of Bravo:
otroot, list lugs front of B) (cot on Bowyer, atroet by. 240 feel
to Wrbstx , r street.
the same roost no alauee, baring a (coat OB Bea
r, 111 fort hr •2,40 to WO - I.st., street.
I'l'LT PGWNSII.II.. ALLbi star (aa - a tr i o
Fitly ono-An, , Lots, or mrn. on n
s,n,l Taw whip. mljoinin l . talsland." on the Fedi%la..rgro
n , l, I MlOl WT4 t y-faur icrhl bib Loyallt laua
near th- .4 Ural, !tin,
7 A He trnti Catr.VDr—
Twentv tun-f-c at thi moatli of Chi. 'Rift f`
A Ire.rt Mail, SOO acre, 54 , . 144 m Etomiti Rintr,t
h..at I i miles from Viw.mAlle,
• TAIi t EP 11:1.1N1A. -
One th011.,111./ two Istuittrcd and t went ...TT, in I.ac
i„iph r,.unty
thow.-3r).1 um.. °mired talLi AR?' 4.c0 , 4 ia-44an . ou
F. inane and qh.,:ificniktile or AU tLo farkg
t.. the ante., r. vr adartvet Box 770. YlitstnrcEb.k..
CIVLILLES IL 3CL.1.14, Ajr..4{,
LIILt LArkttl. first
A ANL.' CoI:RT ti.,ALE...--P,Lrnusunt to. tt arltiror lb«
t , rph.,n, t't t •1 t,tt• t • 'tint) t/1 Aleclgtotin , ileid ut
.:•e!. the t It rt.) of Sol - ember. A. U
t‘.r•utdn ,n S,-(LTUY.-PA.14.t.1t0
oL'r. A. P. at It, • mtthe ( L amyrr et!
t.livl...extlzt LlLouttt•, IL, • t.l
k IIL•Lt crrLaitt Mr of ',vett zt • ttn..l.ittlattt t7'.11 , 1
:ht. City .6 21'1. y CtstaLttyL-1!..tta.,.. ,
art r• 1 ; a 011111 , I ttstrLy-7.4r
.•: ,A rut by 1b,,, aiyt4 trbiriki..
r•ok . : ; ;; , 1. itag , ; I • •L0.4.1. -. 1 ,•-
4 6
~ .4./..,.i u. , ..:--i.•“.. • , . ii•-•,,tu1t12, at a r,,,f/ r v.: Wl. fc ,•,T . ,,,,,
~ 41,, •li,trint,t• •1; slttyiur,a feet th_s j•41,,, , 1L A , .441,,-
; •rt , fm-11:•••.. , , , , 101 , 41 i1.,,4f, Ntrom - Om , " : eihni; ' ,• , ',', 1h...t
, •,, e, , ~..,-, . e.• eh, hm, 1414 ra14:1,.. - .. .3 lb, tl,trry•-te • 1,11.
...: :•" ..• k •,.: ,:/34,,, 1,;.,, • 1':1113 it- , .t to :a lot 1.45.4 PJ J. 0.:.:. ~
11.% rt. . ••.- • t ~. a),A. I) ,-,r•.41.ki tral of lerkd.“ll, . s •.•
•••• I au . . -9,, t .1 . ... • 1.., Ihn , 11.0 rt . .. -- 1A5ti, , 11,,, r,11“1,1,1
„J .., ~, ,• , .4, ~,, A;LIG.3I 14 ~,,,tti1u11:16,44 p,,,
Il t .
1 , 11/It , 1 ,- rt,- • il.r.; • !.• • rt h dny 'f , l , epterhher. A `I , t.",..,;,,
4r+L . •A -•••. t Andrew
••; a al. -.ld plan. aa.l .hirlo 4tll+ 0) , tr.
, -• I I. !lar 1
‘t Al : ut, OILY:tell INA I,,tu
It . 1..1 , lell Lir , day Of; NO
1.1 '•
c1uv.:7,L114 5 .• Jt Adui oa. krul (.1 ~f Ahfonistpr.
V` A VALUABLE Aloust , " A:43l.-rizrr
ectiplr.l u_r the Vitct IVani--1•41 Se
'ft... , 1, Ii 31 .1.111. •' 1 . 43.1111110- -
ur art crawl The 1,10.1“, t- tot. et
and .•f u t
B..arting It uv 'I 0 , 1 13, , , Nkinutacturtu. 103470,16...
i •
WAKE/OUSE .0.1 , 1,1
• I.• .11.• .1 •i 10.1 Fr..llC .41..111,1..14
a., it U rt.., ;11/ , 1 1.041.•
.1;14 .14 r•
1.. A, • - A 1./W Tinc:T. AND It) %r her ,
th• .I.lev r - !. ttii.l 11111,11,
t tv. I Tto In. :
r , Nt4 1,1 , X fl, I. lul il./•t
I- , ••(11111 . 1.031,,t , 1•:1
I 11‘111t0,..1. and .C 1 ,111111 1 ,111111,
31 Fifth affilm
RG AI N OF I: F. I( El - Th, tuidersign.l
,11or, for area., SI X 4r..anti fronting up. , u
and a.l),•tolnd tt, 101,,4 of tho Pittalaktah o u.t I ',.11..11.n,
if a ,lrorul, In la, Fr.ro lug and thrivlng pomagh of 3r/U - 1 1 / 6 -
I'frltT 14,ar- the irate aro 37 1 4 fma is nfffh by ahont
dept L, fr,a,tina rat .one end on i.e ..n.l .0 I.
otllm r.lt illutatr ,tryrt , 14,1 1... -4 them (run t inki for their
teno ti “.” of h,.r afm.atx
Atee—TWo LUD. 37;7, feet in width. frouting' th•• oth,t
ado of tho Depet, fuel in depth 121--enn of rho Late border
1044 fur )ta whole length on Jor‘nnt. ertroct.
N ,, I.ltor pr..pf.rt v 1.• aud it will be galli,low.
th- t.kken m ..f th.• n•llxrilh•
11,alruad, II ‘lmtr...l Li 11,1,..110):
(Mir, uf w.. \I ruing P.O. 1
Pittabutgh, I.t 11, lAil:3.—Litawif
LAW BOOKS.--I am rtuthortieni to sell•lstv,"
Name rntualde Law Itr,lud
1 , I:riad t.. I, tbirr ;
Whiti Darr.. la, ;
And lioystrui Yd , utootwry IVorka. Ar,
• 'GO/ F
sop2l of the off', of Mni-rdnklTat
. _
- 11_15 U. 1 LDI NG LOT FOR SALE.—A
_UP f". 4 on W 1 - 1,11; atrart. and ••xdraling bark 101f u Z4
IN Or tin tit. , lav - k part the III( Iv a ('allttr Wall.
built fur two ~mall Itousra This lot lata a draftable Wrath,
Ira rts.d..ton and will to sold low, nuti on favortibloActrin,
Title i.paal, and clear hunt iucuntbranew. Ecoluirn td
nt fladofflar of ‘fordi'dlf: Prat.
t MLA I\°_‘ . ta• . NV•aad ,
tlaaty icopreatai. anta If nib. and and Vroni
the rtvor. It to ..tTerod at toactt 1.-., than
no I.+Vol' 'half an .r 4". flu (I% !Lt
queam• 11..reugh. on which in orecte.l a euper, ,, i hole,. It
sell} be peep tnorichango fur pun i Western laud. -
Tteonq-etgbt Ara,. 44. flu nZttp . .,. beicre
Twetitylatee aeren adjoining Tainpefancevib.
All then• are otlrred low enough la tempt yuu out 4 , f j...inr
money; . and if thorn do not 'nit you. just call and get nij
printed Reglnt , ..1 and lands Min. On it then) are
!,arwalns offerL4l. T 11.0121.8 1t gilt Uoo,
GoAL.WOjtii.S,Fnli SALE.—Sixtv tltrrt
acne of itt2l.l. with 2:5,0t Cue! a.tutch.:tl,itud ill tin Ins
provrinvnt, thercon to Ftp - T.,,t111 ..p-ration. Seel Farm
.ittl , tett WI th Mock,u4Akieli, rib.-r„ 4 Tao, o.Loyv Pitt,-
, ud It d l 2/0 1 e4 Fitti F0r4116‘04; gam:
I , r , Lard. Itatlrotol, and ap t•xxcslbut r
Th, c- sa l i s 5e.• font 11111 . 11. and 1... surpa,..,l
it. ,LuaLty. her further 1 , 111./CAlittrs apply ty
"Niel:l6l-sdg & RAY NE.
.1417tf ' t t Ye 239 LlLnrtc Ft r,f
'".k1.1:A1t1.1.: lo F 11 uda /1-11Sil 31:1,5
1.11-an,.l. thu Last Lilwrty linad -
tho rosi4oric, ut might. EFfi Tl,- land L..
w,ll. uud rut - 3' tivviratle c•ltlmr Ctr s ittallty,Sllionr... t
in'tiY Unfitting 1.,.1.
' 'tinN.
'E It tqt.DlNOltt . 77ii TR . , Fri - R.,
/ oommotLiting terms of par,. tnat .l
Chat nut street. Lawronrcv.:l , . 11vc litinuto ' walk ,
[lns limnlbuz Ainallanle. dud-alt altars: iliedlrottx e.f
clkrap nil 11.
.11,v.. - all 17Ighl "
)I.lNilt+ maullra - turd ftlif;ll
INO Boat.ll. and F. nab 1)y
N, SI NV,..1
;vai woo, I)larumail alloy and Fourth strut.
J.)lrN RLIPR an entire frenti stock.
-f new PIANff-rf RTF fr.ou th • unkind:o..l,y of Cinekor.
ering taiittii. •eetlueof ell the tortoni, Ft yle, of
a• .11.1 7 tietilYea, to, Lich the attention id la 'nhaUt, In
4.-p , oettu!l, ois the ii.. , :, the p, the
ine; S'..'us Lie warranted, and
. J.IIIS 11. MELI..,R.
Selo Agent lo:
Ni'veteru l'i•nueyiraulu. wit 14
ri , l I D
thorifuanly and pritcue.illy ,51, rd in
1111 fle•ir flvt,ll,. 141,01 ff-to the kennel, of ./. 10 Yoet en „ ilv
illl , l to, wall Giulio:Tens ealentlatlvils iffel •f , 1.1,1• 114
I.v liarniibell !aortic-, pi - in:final owl nun fatlffen
„j Arifned f'lfeunefe,)." "Chem:rid and I'lloTufaf'culn
ntc. Jlhtuarnt dhy n linnteei
P,•r liy
11, n C mowiAlV. loi 44 odd 'lt ;vet.
: t 111 ( f ' cll; 1 1 , ‘7
k. ; t11:1
on 1101e1 0 large .111TIV sA li 11.1. 4.
MINERAL WATER, ALE , 4 3 . 1 quality.
The attention of fanfiliflf, pertkularly directed to tiff.
lint that they SPAT, ti lir:, A 1,11 in its parent slat,
recoTumelid ILti.efanilliei ii , eouut of ii„„
eone and etrengthcning Otaittie , oct:intly
4,..Piti5i116 - ...A.1.41.1411911iA1ND CAP:7 , , it LOW
NVILSON 4 S . J)N. No 91 \Voiit 4ireet. re 4 iinctitikly- in
lorm the putilie that theydiave a kegs aatiortnKint °Tithe
latent styles. of ..H.ats and Cope, which they will eell at low
Ifrires for carp.
S. —Juni ltylo !indica' Hiding Hats
and Cope. J. W I I,6ritil
J. H. JONES ..... . . . ............................. D. DEWY
ONES .1 DENNY, Forwarding and Ooluntisiddul
daunts, No. 61 Watt, street, Pittsburgh. ;app
T- oitsE CLOTHING.-.oeatiomon requiring Hutto Own-
Ing will find a large assortment at OLIVETRI4,-Net i
St Clair street, E4itakiiti,2ls colts and upwards. Rn:l nod
Wrappers and Sleighing Robes, &n. noel.
tiv- 94 4.5 44 -
4 ' „
- Spectacles and Surgical Operations
Cseless--Tlie Blind May Sce.--It Is gratifying
for u, to be able to announce to tile public that the utility
of BALL'S PATENT EYE CUPS i 8 now iso experiment.—
their wonderful oiled,. are coming daily to the knoviedge of
the proprietors. StriturgVie'itniny Reent, it is true, that
Spoctacles play 'qv .lispep.,,,ed with entirely and eight restored
to iteuirlginal power. Thonc Cups an simple, yet philo
bophical: They aru used Without pain or tbi , ienot laagcr ~ f
injury. Bei , .te will he found Kweral rertilkates w hich speak
highly in their favor
Frtbl the New lurk Evangellat. , .
A v Eli 1 yr t phlbwophical 'mama:lent, ham been in
,.•1,t,1 by J. 14+111 Si G., M tbi. city, by the aplllication of
whn h r ,, r11,11. , 1 the
n$ gradually a original
con,alty canting the kW t, nui.inge uu the retina. with
.,at tht n. 4•1 of convel buses. Tints by an ca,y KY . ..h . 1-
u ,
*hp IVO 0 ass! glaone. for :mars are enabled to gllernse
with theta.
Pet , u,)lva.tm Luutu,rut Write as Pd=
tn.h; tlw cure (..1 Gllrtltekld, of ralioutosvu,
I::sIuNToWS, All.lllo, 1,
WI i! lif , paltitlVA with "Mrs. Ciurstioel7l knew that
et, vlia: Patent tye Cups," It we. impl,aiblir
lei tier to read without the, use, of Epoctaclut, and that her
si7,l,t ban IKrii reidertil by, the fin of the Clips, HO that the
now fuels prinrieith her naked eyo telthritat difficulty.
Jou* F. Bratili., Ed..!renua. Durnocrat.
, . nittenTurotrg,
- Dear Sir—lTaving imtloyeight by old age: liiitta induced
to puritan- your wonderful haetrnments, and by pilng the
name ti.Lronling to year directions, I succeeded iu restating
my eight no that I can read by night or day "ulthiautapectri
eles. I have not used my upeiutarles far the lard three or
four manilla, a Web shown thatithe restoration is not a min
porary out, but a valuable and permanent care.
tlt• firm of 6111%11 & Drothota, Fiskrialo, Mass
AV- By remitting tire dollars; a pair still be sent, post
pabL with full directions, to any part of the country. Ad
drew iitt. (ILO. IL KBY.S.BIL corner of Wood otreot and
Virgin Pittsburgh, Pa. [sepia:cis w
Import:met* 't. 'lP'armerr—N7e"Vv — ini
der, ire snit up in nne pound pucka, and arc really a good
article, not only for tho Aleeturea incident to horses, rows,
suuakt, and other animaln. but they are likewise an excellent
article to improo the condition of the animal.
For Xilth awe, they nut only hnprtrre the c'enclition of
milch cows, but they increase the ghantity an Well an hn
prorethe Outlay hr. milk anti butter. The proprietors say
that it Increases the quantity of butter from halfs pound to
a is,und a week-to each cow. while those persons who have
trial it say i'potma and a bait :a two pound, per week. with
tits.,atna Ned of lied as before. tlt one thing we ass cer
tain, all alla aim it once will tee ft all the time, and Aare
motley bptlta.oporation as well a. improve the appearance
cheer st•s•k. Price teats s iuy.er; 5 papers for $l.
Corner or nun Virgin
Wiwi...Lin and livtal AgnnL
fi7 - ('ongh Itemedice.--Dr. rEcroitt
SY !Xl` will corn yint.
ileciorul dy rup will cure Bronchitis.
Dr. lioy,cr'n turd 'Syrup will cure Laryngitio.
Br. lirymar's Pectoral .yrup trill cure Influenza.
DT. Keyser'e Pottural Syrup will oure n Cold in the hicod.
'oral Syrup will cure ipcipient Cmununp-
A recant letter fmn Mr. .T. W. Ve of 1201,:t.1.y, Ohio,
I want you to send me two be,ttle, of your reet.ollll/ eyrup
by wail There it a lady hen, who ha: a t.,alt;tl and the the,
t"rA.can't cur, her. I lexe in the game way. and Idea every.
that,g.wtthout bonetit. 1101.11 I out a Natio 01 your I'och,al
;.;)rup; 114.11 it hut twice., and it cur,.l too mood and
Aak. ft Pt. Kr.riet . i Pr.. - rnaLL I' AI: i Lao• no
e. !,.•:‘: a: DI: 11“ it ch , trref,
and Bt J YLlal.ll.4..l'rt, Alleghen) apa,a;thw
447.11arsi.ss Radical Curt, Truss mill ctue
n.•ns IV avery tnr-v rrvluceabl. , It--rim.
• •
'Vritatea a.ts - varloua priers on band.
Children's TILLSSeIf .1 vullui...ut 10f1u., ..La
11)e 140.•
Elastic Stockings it), ‘ . .47 , '" , .• Jr 1:fl1,17 , 1 t eit ,
A Odom tstal ti any° eters— A dozez, ktod,
Pile Props 1, tt., e.J.111-t I .•! I
!Shoulder Braces OiStlte,,,,
ot,tter..,..4ll.otitatt. J.1.1%1 many litt,a.J., of tl,a Cl a ct.
iin•petision Bandages.
All amyl,. 1,1 atitc[.?l,l Islt I; it'l"t.Y.l...
111. 0 1..., 4 1, twit It. 41 1111
fit: at tet• tiortai , , t, oeut to ally L,u r •.t the
_ - _
A Submit:we for the net,v Liquor Law
.11.1.1 N 11.1,:11:, a -al.
Cited nift, cu;' of
,• la ut rat egattiiila to. triutc, and a , a tome tie mu:quid
...l. I" , a - the following viitnplilitita it 14 a 11101 , i1.11.1.1e au...71-
1.4111; ./..Q.spip' , 6l. - ide.erfitotspititn4P.piftp4, - .lVearafvut,
fi•lP 7 4ly.
fu,ah'int.."l§ infeii‘lea toixtryluco a - eltan7.gb intitc-asst4,o4.agtl
ti , 113Iit4t, for xk..rholic drinks. St.verul inst.azi.va where a.,
fare '04.l it. we kale Lad Lhe moo. tifyiu g "mite; to, to
who rmlly tioairaw of !"',king off the irieLi
getwe in Itit.aiWtitti,t thino L .wwill U. a grelkt
&.1d at $1 per I,lllt. 01 the Drug Starr Dll. 6EO.
11. KI:V,T.It. N. 140 1V.,,.1 sti c..ruer ~f \irgitt
tile Chsht•li )!niter.
INC OT I GI: To P, I in.Nl IT PUblie
I.ltips atgDino, of E.t.tile at If who-tor tiro now rinaoil,
atui the ItLILLll. , ili SEA BON tut,. fairly roinmerierel. Every
cingeri of liorligAer is isti•iliy ..11,[titifcti. Even thirty no forty
no., ItlLt• Cluten.4 the pr. setet Spring.
hod , onztant ruipivenieut out in a few day,. a hundred
farad., moll. wall Lie roil - tired to curry .111 thaw work 44 tho
The. r!zr batigiazg Estabb,hmeref now n, w r
and will nin full uperatn , n in Juno. i-trwral Cars ill In
ru.dr fur ad , "r9. LIY .wntruLt. the Int of July IShi
r•-•• rniircluw, !ii 114 wluwter. will b.. ~,,t..ted
fot uwueduttel., I,lld 111.11C,W1 other luaprovenienta .111_144
couaveheell, re.oarta 4 a 1.-reat anwunt of meellameal amt
tabor Who!' itwiepeudeut of the Car Eafahlwinnaut, which
will D 1.014161) ewtylo) tkoat Ate to tw.• hawde,,,l.
A proaaaen7 trot maker fro.. Parntalrgh hoe just yur•
ciat,ed. !awe isrp: lota. mul contracted o• ul.•u them
forthwWll 600„Uou kortak.s. Xvra. gaup of hand+ , vanmenee
ork the I,re.ent work, hesiiltw the other yartla heinaofore
e.tahliNhed In the neighhorhoo.l.
Ott .Aloa., (h,•trrio aro alh•mty aliN - e with w.•i kmen. and
Lite road lwolueg to 4scll/ limvl wtth tewite,
f. I+IITr In ln~vnitug abundant 11114 vu - up.. and tenements
4"111 wall 9 ring up In relieve e..tne ../
tuns lii 0 tamtllen. four families. throe farad lee. and d.,rens of
t n: to L. fustillos ea. L.
ohadusl not boy cheap 101 l at the (or pabla
Inn! kll, 91 . this (au pubLe calm the lament sprm6, ,an
still !secure gnu! Ds.rl,llJus at priradc 6,11, by Caalllg on the
,lartiber ht )taellever. Tut.x..s--Ont,tbira down, ene-tbird
in eta. year and one-third In tot. yealli.
. .
I. feu. Into can yet L .O had at Vu $lOO ..OclL, if
Applied for before the 20th .N.lay. Three lob are I. Iry 11.3
large as u'ual city lots, TSZ feet by 12L, and the price
out? from $1,.50 to V2. 54, 1wr fool freuL Thu pre..ut rumors - ea
b•miestuel stud inuguirkeut profit of Ovid Pinney, four acre,
in [h. coutro ..f the borough of Itoeh,tor ; rilfUs, the beatuti.
lui snooty Am., buroliug, orchard, sr., of F. 111,uo. can ho
tbrough the subscriber at greet bureaus, and thoro
ars. not TNT. sl' , ll UkittS.kl3S V. u lassidred VlAlca. C.
my 6
julit r,etvt.l by JOHN S. DAVISON. N, 65 Vitirkot.
I , lalmudLott,..i nil IS. , an I 1 , 1” , 11,:-.
.f )1, Clni•l• .
4,! v Ne-levutfor, be Wbb , l,4
ol t• I rpa/L. 441vrotloun, by Cuturuhch.4o
Ibuly Llfe. ;,igon 14 tbt , Tlllll, s. , ac., I. Cum
Lithe 1311111,1,4 P. and a 11,1 , ' boOli by the namo
liritivir—Henry or What They Did LH Coo,
a new book by the with, of •• The Plan of
Salvati,.o ;"
The Grant question, he Dr D , uudman, a new e.litiran iu
bergs type;
t,ood and Evil Angels, by Dr. ‘Vhately;
I larbamcli a 15'orke; 0.0 . 8 Chnetaw Life;
New Ameriran and •Tuveuiles, v••ry
Tho Early ('heir,, n bo..k for Datightors, by Dr. 'Fn.--lie;
IL,LII L.L al . 6 Christian Theism; Kurtz's r.a.e.nel Ihstory
Fall er • s Howes. or the 'leaven of the Bade;
w 11.10 , by Preßhytorlan bard Publication:
hea.rnmg Carrerse; Tonnent's Sermons;
)lemoirn of tirlubart. ; Jnelepentlnuro, True and False;
I.U' ri, t Les irom Seott.sll a:story;
• Annivemary Ilymns and Music.
For sale by .1 S. DAVISON.
No. no Murkot, :Amu - Fourth street
-111.1 tot N }.1.:.E.A.L0 LA—Dr. 111tOWN herntiy
the allbcted that lon the the allure men
tion," .me that will cure. 11,. will wartant
eon. in this kind. Tine remedy was steer iznnwn
to lad ullea propvrly persevered with.
tortarp.,l lion , omplaLut tut nwntLt Mid
.•a b. wht la a G•Nr , 1.41ar• w.nJd procure a certain, ,ite tutu
elthcce ant) Prl'rute C-Itmdfing IL,:ns, Nu. 41 DIA)10:\
At, roical. Rc Expretet, Hro , t cruel
he luau at:Willi...re, It Fplewlid as,ort
went ul Cal;eb U PISTOLS.
and are. illO.l 6.11,14111, all
orhi,b. Ire trill soil for (lett, nt a, law
then can be bonnbt in the city of Now York. Pr?r
-eut.t.s glang le And t'Ain"rum will rind that. linty ran
ti.• t ••1 Lli,r oyu,pnso at Lame, tball t try
An .111:1 , r.: giro peru sac n rLJ ti 1.1 try
nay of 4/w tgl , 6. lat.sro Ivzting tie , city. and lu taro
vf a fatilJ,ro wJ 101 , 1101 innttey.
ft' )1V:": TETLEY,
1. , . titre,. Pit btburgli
EvrERPRISE WORIi.S, No. Ei6 . Wot).l
et_ :hard door le , lw Virgin 411•. y —DOWN t TETLEY
tte I tu , att , Cum of ,tvortnag men to their lark, :te
em intent I s.l fir, 1;!i Ltl:, and riEIOLVINt; PISTOLS,
tho tat .st an I 1.,4 , opened m tins mar
ket, t ,ueti..-,r with Li trod ku,eorttioqrt c , f If AR 1)51 AR E.
PI:TLEIiY, TOOL,`: and t•ISIIING T.W11.1,F., all of whirls are
offer at Th.• lowest p eoLlr priced to cash purclumere, er fur
pool approved paper. marls
I w 11.,10eu10 and rouul. enkleermn ••Very
etylq of (111111014., .I“LeeNeVd, Male warty and Walnut. 1,111-
tow, for luny cbutubtre. and dining rwnnsl resinsequal to any
In New Yeti: (1r aml at Doer price Every
articto made I.y. MI MI, and warrant,-d.
o.thitist ..I.lalter supplied with luLy quantity of FI:R.NI
and cIIAiRS, ou reasonable trrlus.
_ .
Rotel* titid Strarribortts Tuntintted at the shrulest
'os.:7 and :9 Third s trt...t.
JOILN.GOCHEA N & BROS., Martnfactur
ors of Iron nailing, lrou Vaults, Vault Doors, Window
UnardaidiacNost Bt Second Arcot and Atif-Tlliird'sfreL,
terwn AVpoti,itud. Market Areeta, Pit tsisurgh..Pa4 have 'on.
band a rariety,of,ksw pattarna Yancy and Plain, suitable for
ail parTaitieS." Paiticular attention paid to enclosing Grave
Lots. JobtfingAdone at abort notire. inanl
33 St. Clair street. . 11 ! , ScL,alark acwortfain
of -.Wends ZottiPttii; Caps; Matitmoind indTh W111214 1 W
Goods, on, Thgc2.l67, November 8, 1866.. ; -
= "
Eclat Hollaruisch ICettiden,
TWO "YEARS •haNii'eldpsed since the intrc
duction of thht , vnloahle medicine into the linfted Sham
Luring this time it bee gained a =in:nal popularity au a
remedy for
,Feca• and Ague, Dyrpeptia, feulige:dim, Headache,
Lase of Appdite, Dein lity, thaiirenas,
/31(nd and Bieriffno•lVes.
Many of our most worthy citizen s:testify to its wonderful
.theory in all affections of the etomach and liver. As
tonic, it never has been equalled, for the relief it affords in
all cases of debility .or weakness of any kind is almost In
stantaneous. In nervous. rheumatic and neuralgic affec
tions, it hasin.ntimerons instances proved highly-beneficial,
and in others effected a decided cure.
When eminent physicians prescrihe, and their patients NO
atilietUtididgirrecismmond, snielyeive may term In doubt,
unileageri F y seat its virtues fur onmives.
• 4 sue Of Eight 2do;Elh.;' aurnding•Glard by 80/alarm' s Hol
land Bak:lL—Mich.) Kelly, No. 117 grunt, near Smithfield
street,--sityitt Last July, while running - on the river, on a
cotton 0 , 0 1, Plying between Natchez 'anchNew Orleans,3 was
taken with fever cud ague. Yor eight lougponthe / guffered
with tide dfeatlfill disease. The greater part of this limb 1
was unableto-wort, and. upset qt 104 :111V1.401pra fur dif•
ferent medicines,but I found no permanent rehef. Thom
weeks ago, ono of my friends insisted upon tfiylDTlng Boer.
have's Iloilaod Bitters ? saying that. a curs toasspormtfeed.
After taking , it for one week, I must Ante I was a sound
Min.-'1 have been at works now , for two wooka ? -and -hove
hod,tio return of tbo chafe 9cL fovea %Id:Lab:lmq."
I certify the above etattaulnt
THOMAS Arum, Diamond -• •
Or at B. Gliestarle, flothjet,//aR.
Mr. Silas. Litichnab, of Birmingham, says: : 4 -11travoltexu'd
in Boerhave`s Bittern a rime:sly for headache and dahilip.
My wife has also need it with the greatest benefit.
Niel:lolmin, of Pittaliurgh, also remarks that he
has experienced much relief from ite use for haulache
A ifuLkurder's Tc.r.tinunly.—Jacub Rinska., ii%ing in the
Holland settlement of Sheboygan, Wihcousin, nays: "After
suffering for some time the Infeeryed,tAMillng nn utter pros
trution of mind and body, I have Peen reatomi,.. by. : cui4g
11.3H - wive's Holland Bitters, to perfect fieBltb.:' •
The tact of this remedy being in such high !vats among
the Dollauders in Wisconsin, Idichigan, Now. )..ork—rin foot,
In esisryfßilltitot settlement In the EMl:ad Statesirkime
rottelliv , iuttavar,
Mr. John Davidson, living ten miles above Pittsburgh.. on
Me Pennsylvania Canal, spys:' " When f conempnced_ratiing
IbertuoeVatfldttiioet Illeiten#,' Iribfild' harkily 'svalk-t•how, I
enjoy assailant health.'
Anther Onsat (re 4ra:tea by BaerhatVs irotbMiff.,Thrtess.
—The wife ol Peter De Witte, living in nonacid Town, She
boygan cOhirty, 'Wisconsin, stiffendinuch from wenknard of
the sue owls and indigestion.. Slat had boca-under q pb3*-
dan's rare ter some time, but the disease seemed to baffle
even t in.skilL She purchased memo Holland Bitters at oar
inns given tone to her stomach, tier -appetite and.
etren..;th nee returning. and ire firmly believe Mat this Ia
,h.other great cure. 0/1 . 1.%.1434i by your medicine.
We have still to r ecent many wonderful cures effected by
this re TI . tart i. 1 ,4 wait lII3OIII2POpPOIVIIIity. One. thing
a es]. own, what we base published ars from pampas
noel: rels , out community, and are literally true.
Editor Sheboygan Nietiwbgals, Sheboygan, Wis.
A Cue , t 1 Sfandiyiti Orrot by Boerbores Rd
land Bltto~ Henderson, of l'lttaborgh, Bap • -After
audering tbr three months With rhoumatiren—a tetrt of tho
t ow , n. aovor.lV as t.,.) conilue to my bocl—i Lrro beep
ti:cured by wing Bout have's Holland Bitters, I bave
had one attn.,* since, but fouml almost imonntaneous relief
lit the Name wethou... It 19, in my opinion, n„ earn remddy
for theurnati.un."
TLi+clmroo'ald.• w.ather l!liely to twain, a gat deal
mt 100 to , . To portents trouldwi with nintwitia or rheumatic
wo would recounamel inierhare's 4.011/111‘i Bittern.
tin roterring to our columns you will Mid Certificates from
some c4.crur. first Oerimui •and English ritim u ,p, n i i ss.
ato nt hlwrt 1 refeetki acanthi iteclLErMfna gonna=
men, who hare used, thorottithly Mahn', and no recommend
Doortureonliolland Bitter. an a remedy for pica. We Are
not at libertflo•prtblitit-tindnAmlipmLant will, talgo•pie^vnw
in roferrine, tiny person to them whoWittar-tkinatitannints
For cilia affection, eno-itatf of the prescribed =dine elvitild
tnicert---ffny drtif-h.v.spoonfal--rnorning, zionn 'anti night,
one hour teture meal.
no grist populartty of thiS delightful Anima has induced
many inotsti•qis, which the public should guars! against pur
chasing. lie not persuaded to tiny anything also until you
have given Boerhare's Holland Bitters a fan trial. One
tle will conviuce you 11‘,,- inlinitrly mapetiorit fit to off tilt-JO
8-0- Sold at per buttle, or six bottles.fox Ltn, by the exile
prkvletor, BENJAMIN PALM, Jn, & CO.;
31anufficturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists,
cur. Milithrield and Third streets., Pittsburgh.
It. E. Sk...LLERS & CO,Drug.gis
corner Second and Wool streets.
And all Druggint. in Ilitsburgla, Allegheny, Binninglutm
MAncheeter and Trul,wrancevllle. een*„.'llitlawly
Health Restored and Life' Lengthened
TT WILL replace weakness with strength,
incapacity with efficiency, irregnlarity,with uniform and
natural activity, and this not only without hazard of retie
(ion, but with a happy effect on the general organization.
.eir Bear fu mind that all maladies, wherever they begin,
finish with the nervous system, and that the nasalization of
the nerve of motion and sensation is phyilical death. hear
in mind, ale, that for every kind of nervous disease, the
Elixir Cordial is the only reliable preparation known.
No language can convey an adequate Idea of the immedi
ate and almost miragulons change which It occasions in the
diseased, debilitated and shattered narcotic system, whether
broken down by excess, weak by nature, or impaired by
sickness—the unstrung and rehtsed organization is at once
braced, revivified and built up. The mental and physical
symptoms of nervous disease vanish together under its influ
nce. Norm the effect temporary: for the Cordial properties
of the tn,slicine roach the etiostitutioo itself, and restore it
to ity normal condition.
LOSS OP )11:3108.1",
Confusion. giddiness, rush of blood to the head, melancholy,
debility, hysteria, wretchedness, thoughts of self-destruct be
—fear (4 insanity, dyepopoia, ;plural rurostratiurt, irritabili
ty, nervousness, inability to sleep, disease incident to males,
decay of the propagating functions, hysteria, monomania,
vague terrors, palpitation of the heart, Impotency, constipa.
lion, etc.. from whatever rumen arising is, it there he any
reliance to be placed on Inmllth - testimony, absolutely infal..
The unpartillaleti effects of this great restorative in all
complaints incbbintiofemalea, mark a now era in the &nimbi
of loci icine. Thoiminchlof attmithlnts have been in•eutial—
thousands of inrigoraucs •Coacocted—alt.parport.ing to be
Q th m : • , i 1 1 , 1 .13:,.. 1 in
,0 t i t, i i m v n ar t Lfl u ns iif dls wo.... . and derangementsto which
Who MIMI, from weakness, derangement.; nervousneso, tre
mors, Ivune iu the back, or any other disorder, whether pe-
culiar to her PDX. or common to both sexes--shuuld give the
Invigorating Cordial a trial.
others, will klui this Cordial, after ahoy have neat a bets
tie or two, ft thorough regenerator or the system. In all
directions are to be found the happy parents of healthy off
spring, echo would not have Limn no but fur this extraordi
nary ',cepa! atiou. And it is equally potent for the many
for which it is recommended. Thousand.' of young
men here boon restored by using It, and not in a single in
stance Imo it foiled to Mundt the=
nr ron.limptivo habit , are restored by the use of a bottle or
two to bloom and rigor, changing the skin from a pale, yel
low, sickly color, to a beautiful florid complexion.
These are some of the at and midadcholy effects produced
IT early habits of youth, *is, wealanetts of the bock and
lunlys, pains to the boad,.dimuess of sight, loss of muacuisr
power, palpitatiqn of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous hubs.
I.ility, derangement of the digustive functions, general an
-I,day. symptoms of conotnuptlous, etc.
Mentally, the fearful cffette ou the mind are much to ho
.1 steele. Levi of mamory,eoutrusionaf ideas; depregsdon of
splnt", evil rorehoduat, ATt.ll,Oll w eociety, NOlftliNtrllett,
1..1e of vi s litucte, timidity. etc., arc , 01.110 of the es Ils produced.
All thus afflicted.
reflect that a sound meal mid Ludy are the most 110-
C , ,,ary rNllinitOS to promote connubial happiness; inked,
‘vithout three, the journey thmugh life becomes a weary
pihgrunagt , --thepr.yect hourly darkena the 'View; the mind
becomes shadow cal with drepair, and filled with the Melan
choly reflection that the happiness of another becomes
blighted with your own.
Dr. Morn invigorating Cordial has been counterfeited by
Nano unprincipled porsonn.
In future-all the genuine Cordial will Mice the proprietor's
fac-dicuile paned ever the cork of each bottle, and the
lug word. blown it. the glee :
Dr. Morse's Invigorating Cordial.
TI,. Cordial ix pot up, highly cohcentrated, iu plot bottles
—pride Hitt* dollars per bottle, tiro for five dollars, tax for
twelve &4WD. C. H. /tING, .Proprietor,
132 Broadvray, :N. Y.
Sold, by liraggpsta throughout the Untied States; Canada
and the AlTsaVindtes.
I'ittaburgh Da OEO. IL KEYSER, No. 140 Wood et.
BROS, No. 60 Wood street;
Allegheny City....eitalKllA:ll A 1 11'KENNA14;
T , ,,,dit,1 T. SAMPIar. 3 W.;
Agent foe 0h10„..i. ...Tx ; o net C [4l.l,dAwl
v .* . •
NER VOl. - AND 11111:C11YtIC .4IFECTIONI,.
cm llux I
TO Tll IS 3LLSCH Elie)
C. FI. Imo, Proprietor. Y
"t:y L ~ .~a.s :~".
.., t .
`may µ ~,
F.-my -tong
5E...V.1.13123 OP IsoMpAtty„ 00. LEsS
Ono square, one Insertion
Do. each additional insertion......._
Do. ; idsdi . ...
Do. two weeks a 00
Do. three weeks....
Do. one Month
Do. - thidef 7 mOntltd.
Do. fcmr months...
Do. six montha.....
Do. one
Standing Card, six Linea or less, per, annum
CSAYOEAn4E AFPLenetra . E .
One flare, per annum, (exelusiVe of tilt , paPer,) -
3Lu,rm o notices, 60 emits; Death notice4:lYrestits;;.,,,,;.:
it - t - gt,'= - ' - kg.t0tr..8,.7:,..!
Ebtablisheel Angist 4th; 1811:WesAlyrditionliEtztie , " ans.
bu,uoo and PO,OOO.
In issnlug their Prospectus ihr VISCs, fh6 troprleto of tr
Post Makeitfor' grantad that the paidic'are already tolerably
actputinttel with the chant, ter of a. paperathitt kits grown
strong during the storms and etuartillte'of TlifitTY-FOUR.
YEARS. Their object always:luta bags, astitTellasins to be,
to pubigh Isafei'tsfaressauttlyictitleOliicb
not only runmo, but also instruct ..uslimprv,m ggoz. who
may reatlit. To areoinpllsh this Aide; r thirlsestartidesiatv
selected or - condensed AOMlOraigistinndiiitiP , li.-Parkulti*Y;
and original articles of an instructhe fparnater protu
scht•pinssilAcC - "- • -
Letters frora,Foreign Lent s,. the most interesting portion&
of the Weekly Nevis of the World ; 'Erketches• 61 .. 1,11,4 - MlTh. r
tam and Character; Select-al 'anti Original • ArlielaginPon''
Agrirulfnre; Account of the lhaeluce and 'Stock Mallets, and
orßank Note I.l4t;artt included arming -Ohs solkisinfArMatiottl
to Lo constuttly,found tmtho asst. . • s •
lint the mind requires a iritier 1;1110?-41 tels'farttltiet
which delight in tho huatiorattaainl livfilYsAn
atld poetical .. 'these faculties also Mind have 'igen . appropil
ate food, else they terome enfeebled, vied, M tl.cemaetipoutr
the intellect becomes narrow sad 1311.1taaed, Lunt ianot,sobl s
to take an enlarged and generous view nitwit:lion natisra
Its destiny; To satiafy tht-so insepentimplantoti rraylnr of
our mental Lola- we devote a fear pr , oportion of the Post ro
, YOETItY and IMMO& .
Among, our. contributors in the first two of ,the above De
partments, are several of the most gifttsi Writers
We also draw freely for Fiction and Poetry upon ~ rho best
periodicals in this country and (treat Britain. "lVd design
eummencing a New Story by Mrs. Sourirwtrritiitaitherof.:
" The .Deserted-Wite," "311riafs,",lic, „in ,ecrtirstjere.re4
.EN6RANIIGF. illustrripre..e.hnpprtanr plaerrAnd ac 7;
dons, of Agricultural and other new Inventions, with . others
of •s Humorous,. tkomdt- relined character; are also
This is one of. the few large papers tilled with life and.
thought, instead of lumbering trash. Its management la
smirked by liberality, conrt-sy, ability and tact Itemtoys
the best literary talent, mid epareano pains or expense. As
a family paper. one of literary and general - intelligence, we
cordially rectmitnendlt.—Plyaawefl'hirfe,dularrriviNi-r
Our readers may rely upon ft, thatiliaion . l; Pettaitun Win
do as good as their word. t'ild filreSite tau judge hy;y6ra df
observation, thmo publishers tin rather more tban they
premise; and their paper is edited' With vi;ryisilariaid ability:
la is singularly free
. from silly sentimentallarnand bluster n
but is of a healthy tone on all sobjeiqs; always niiiderate iii
language, lint always nilhley adamatinglhe riglit.: ltiolindl
it one of the moat generally- attructive papersln. ci.nrexr.
change.—gsturday Mite': lqier,bidide, l'a-- - ---'-','-' ,''' '; • ,
lt.lit the bast literary and - fanitly.paper A in,thir Polon.—
Rock Islander, Rock Island; EL '
Wobivmheratofore spoken in;high terms otthe merits oft
the rosp, nri one of...the best papers on our exchange list, and,
theregard it as one of the beirtliterary papenitto lie:found , -
Bllrahott., Its' erlitortnis.aro written with ability, and take
a liberal, independent and comprehensive view of men arid
thing..:-Sear and Arise:nisei, IYrightsrille, PtL.
It 's deservedly one of the most popular publiefournai+ in
the United States. combining 11.4 it: dom. in it literary fioliitt
of view, all the int,rrat of 'Oho bust mapzinenovith ari3t,..
amount of general Intelligem - p.—Roptibhenn, LilekadeL, CI:
TERMS ((osh to tobasucej—Single copy.;.V...a.yeaz. .:., .
4. copies.
8 .. And one to getterim of Olub)- ' 'PO '00 (k) ! IL ". 71L l ' • t f ear, .
.• ( And one tovttaritip of Club) - 15 00 . . L.'. •
al " Arid ontilo getyr-up oftflifti) ' .'5l 00 '''' '
,Addreas, atumts post infil,•__ . . ; , ••_ .- ~ ,- -• :' ' .t
'No. 66 South Third street:TM:Udelphia.
que'sted.Sample numbers Bent gErity -p . o. n. 9 - *pi, re)
Vl l - seyt 41„rat)•.. lit Xivir,
DOCTOR rtAnz, - Geminate .and ;Platetitihne.Y.inathe aid
Schools of Aledidee, Allopathic and Iloniccopathic, and fox,
the paat-ten-years a snectlaftri - HYdr'oprithietifficropWreeri
WAT 44 cu.= in the aborstocation • -
The perfectly wife; direct and inidediaio v;ffect this 'sYstein
htueonnllForers, and sitqrtioaics acute and - cirradicorhilmit
is,mild, grateful end invigorating to the freakmaddelailitated,
redderriltiteculiarly dmirable in ilnerillesivelnisvai&rioted
at their-homed.
Alihmithic" and llonuropathic - treat - moat will be admiais-:
tared whore desired; bet, atter long. and Thom* eaperla9.
enee, Doctor 13AELZ gives a decided prehlrence, to Ifyihmathy,
which lies, throughout the 'old luta tisuo.wortit, Proven so
emhaently succasaut in every, form of-disease" IncliadDjg y . ts
clpierit Consumption. 'BrOneliitht Tfillinamittorf
and Chronic Rh.mmatlarm Itsttuna,Cuttineons;.Arvonn mut
Liver Diseases. Testimonials of cures frees highly reputable
citizens df nearly every State in they eanlee , examined ,
at Doctor Bass's office. The Reverend Clergy aro to,
eorigult Min gratis.
Warm cater, being_ used in,the cimmencetrenk,axid oilmf
throughout the treatment it is a luxury.insteadpf unplef,
sant,eis those uninvmainted might •
Itzrzammts--llessra. Charles „Brewer; Watennan kalmer„
W. W. Wilson, 'IS'. H. Wfiliams, ThompriC T1'130.1, - 1:11. Wet":
din, D. T. Moreau, Wm. B. Holmes, 19.
. ,
The undersigned. , having visited 'Doctor Iteuts."Alfni
non, and uitnosued hie successful .tteatment,ichcerfully,
recommend hiln as a thoroughly educated aid stalltUrPhyV
sician :
Charles T. Ilus-cll, Jos. M'Connell, David Tfunt Job ft C.
Curtis, liobsrt• Patrivii. John B. Lierinton. gottiii-WriOW
Datrick„ 31um. F. Eaton, J. (~1.9i.51.ky
TiPOINAM ATM:N.—Try Virtu& of a , wseeptotuter4.l4. , , ,
tm,l% of Wra—B- akeltire,* President a u thEr, CitittAik
entruno'n rtral. in and Tor the Fifth Jttilicial `Districebr
Peo l laYlvanin, and Justice 9f 3 1 15. Pdurt - of Olgr , azaklergilt
Arr. and General Jail Delivery, Laurel forsalif.Dietriet; i and
Bo' and Gabriel /LOU( 1 ages 'AE}iaelaii ad`
of the 'Seale Courts, in and-torah& Countyof-Alleetrily;
rod tlto f.tb day of ; .I..lovernberi in tho'year ,arottrzAutglne
thousand eiztle hilitai6 - 1 and fifty-five, anT fir wo directed,
tar hulding , a;Carrruof Oyer atici-Turroiner t , sind.GenerAMlC
Delivery, at,the Court lions in theQitx, Pittaborgkroia
the fourth - Monday of Divinftliciacit,utlo - o'Clheke&l4l.' 4 ' -
PtibliC notice is . netebY. Ginnt .I.,XPll,4x4faci4 of t*tkneget
Coroner and Constables of the eounti;Or4lle4epy, that
therbo-then and there, In their-intmecrpeistine,,xvith Weir!
rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations. and.pLhoe c remeni i
Inunci.e to do those things which hi that vestieutlviroiliceili,,
in their behalf, appears to ho done 7r und-oltin thesisethotricia
prosecute the ppeoners that - now or may be In theTlail of
said county of Allegheny, to be then and there .toVesentito
against them as shall be just.
Given under my hand, in Pittsburgh, this - fiftlili?ofttZe:
vember, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight'hundred
and tiftv-iive, and of the Comnionwealtii The 711th. -
nov7nd RODY R.Bol,4.Sheciff.r,'
Joseph White's Carriage 11.epositpxy.1., : ,
JJOSEPHaI - 111TE. now carrying bus,
110,38 in his spacious premises ' ( tioerlatety
enlarg on the Pittsburgh and Oreen'sbnig
Turnpike, near the Two Mite Itrrn, - hetti,en
Pittsburgh nllllLowreureville, reapectfully,inaltes,the public,
to Inspect his stock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, he
particularly informs gentlemen purchastrs, that lartir:ptice
only is made.
Fourteen years' experiencti in the linaineca enehles lib i to'
place before lib patrons the name choice collection. of o.vr
riages which, so many . year's past it has been hl' pcirticalar
department hi * select, from the various tunliantal talented
Eastern manutaActurens. The success of his MeV system is
complete—the economy of his'arrabgementevvill bnpply the
beet and most fashionable manufacturns tuudowite r pu .
rnencembertcd by those heavy expenses; which the mania
for decorating tonies of hosinees hm. heaped ttponthn price:
of go..xls, (owing to large rents.) .10t..EPII WHITE will 54,
MI reedy money only. at inutilltelS than the usual prices.
fvf- earring. repaired in the best. manner, with dppatelii,,
MEW BOOKS-Crotched-and Quavers, or
Re'relatioun of ail Opera Miinagcr bLAmeri.ca, by 51. ax
31aretzek. •
Amy Lee, or Without and Within; 19• the author 01" Mu
blatriagea Lottery, by Mr,..Grey;. _ : ; -
Travels in China, 'by N. Hoe;
etytlions, of Physinal Geography. b y Geo. W. Fi tch;
Coltun's and .14tch's Modern Miool Geography; JUsl out,
and ix superior to soy Cemz-raphy ever published in thiS
country. Directors and Teachers would du welt tcrexantine
this work.
Bayard Taylor's Japan; Pickwick Papers, by lirefori§;
Old Homestead, by Ann 8. Stephow;
Powers' Columbian P.•riodual Diary and Almanac, ebutain
ing a S'ynoptical Perpetual Calendar for •JOOll years in,
now style.
• Oliver Twist, by Charter Dickens;
Dombey and Son.
David Coppertield, ‘"
New York Journal. for December; price 18 cents;
Peterson's Magazine, ••
Ballon's Magazine,
London illustrated NVNVA furnished weekly for 21 Cantfi .
Godoy's Lady's hook for JAN...., (expected to.dai•)110
All who want New Books, as soon as published, And front
10 to 2.oper cont lower than etsewhere,go 11-413.4K1PS
BOOKSTORE, No. 30 Eitth, street. • ~01143;2°,
'ER SlC—ThOhl Playgrouwl.;
by Edward J. Allen.anusic by J..baltuviw; a pe - w and
beatitiful song, just publistiod.
• ..
Glad to got Boole; lloueyouckle Glen;
Proud World; Brawl Dye; Pro Going Home—three new
soup by that popular oomposer, Wurzell, (George F. Root.) .
They are Monde, instructive and exceolingly hdautiful.
Como Dearest. the Daylight i, Gone;
Fleur do Bohome; Polka Mazurka; Talexy ;
Village Malden—S. C. Pewter:
Old Rouse at Bente—Leder; Pop Goes the Question.
The above just received and for rate at the Music'Ftore of
ltovZt JOHN H. 2,131.4011., bl Wood area.
Gr the Testimony of Reason and Revelation to tke -Ex
istence and ammeter of the Supremo Being; by Thoimpsom
Price, $1,25. By maul, $l.aS. For sale by
n0r17.7 .1. 5. HAVLS:.)N, 11.5 Market step:. .
QUNDIHIES-4-0 duzen Pepper Sauce;
so dozen Catsup, sorted;w
10 taunt Dates ; ,
5 cases Prunes, in gla•u; jars • Just ,r,eirt•ii and for
igalo by Cnor2-21 ANIMILSO . N.l'• 4
J. J. ...... . ............ ........
T J. OILLESPIE CO', Looking Glum ''Aituirt - att
and doaler6 in •Luokiugllla..44 Plate-a; Plate tilW3:4 - I.En-4
gravings, Combs atufgury Goods, No. Ti Wool strett
• -
On hand and made to warier. Gilt. Pier and Mantle. atairt
Mahogany, Rosewood. Walnut Vraine::orillinfl
tag, of every description.
Steatubbat Cabinii Decorated and Gilt. 1 - .0 4
WES M T - !T .- L .- DA — N — S.—We hay° amingements with'pn
tlexunn Or exprrioner to Um . clitferrent Wentern States,
by which choice lands can located at °over-anoint price.
Persona desirous of bride, eithrr for apeindation ht •
for actual settlement..[ ill rind it to their adrautrigei to give
as a Ono iif our c...e in Insalias Hjanit'ttio
laSt. NIX weeks in critically examining the lauds in tint State
subject to entry., and writ, ft, thttrllo turn wTcah ll offer 20,-
.101) acres of choice Dinah, )3141i.411.iY. 4.IIICIIES,
sepal dais corner i•eventh arid Smitldleid
311TII. MAIR k ITIPSTEIt, (late Smith ik Eiuclait.)
`l IVlloksals i;roeers. Produce and Commission 3lmithants,
and Dealers h all kinds of Pittsburgh Illanufacturcisi.l=So
,ai arid 151 Firrt street. rittiiburgh, Pa.
CIII:SA STORE every article of the best Arbittiantier.
WAItE, salmi& either for Table or Toilet, of the hiterit
and din& from.'Euralwit tether With eterytarialY.r rimf'Y
Goals Glassware, &c., kr. •
FWidllent in the West has the awn. 1 " -i4t " f irC IP
ing all tho branches of this art, Ilt.--trrLtrAms• atm . a
Bnainlan and an Ornalnentai. Penanka i 8 anritalled,d3ehtle
men and Lady tour,,her,t instructed in all the ornamental .
branabea of. the art. A class of Lady Teacher+, and young
ladles, who are engaged. lo other ntudito during, th e xret,k,,
meat every Satnrday afternood freer 3 till 5 ,relock:
F q_i_ t4rln4 aPP I , la the krinflied.
Q . T.RipEi) 5.10.1.KE ANT.I.QUE--NVe.have-a
vaAity of We above, very desirable. riA and In a%
nos:. MASON A- s:.y.
-. _._.a... e.l
~~ ~ t~.
....... Oo
10 DO
_l6 00
lo 03
~~~~`.ws.s a