Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 16, 1846, Image 3

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/Hanna, - G. Weyman, T. S. Cl.l-1:
inr - V. 'B.. PAiMEß, Agentlbf country newppapers
it the Agent for the Pittsburgh Daily Mgrning Post,
and Weekly Mercury and MantlfactUrer; Au receive
advertisements and aubscriptionsl Ile has offices in
. Nitv YORE at the Coal Office, 30 Aun stknet, (ad
joining the Tribune Office.)
BOSTON, No. 12, State street.
Puttanet.Plua, Real Estate and Coal Office, 59
Pine street. • -
BArrptont, S. E. corner Baltimore and Culverts,
where our paper can beseen', and tenhs 'of adverb
wing learned. ; ' '
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Prepared and corrected entry Afternoon.
f ob At d
2 feet 4i itici
cc:Y-I%e .plendid tasserig,er steamer Senator,
Capt Itz.o.N leaves for., Viricinnati direct, this
morning at 0 o'clock. This is an excellent op
portunity fo persons wishing to travel that way.
13:1• The U. S. Mail steamer Acadia, Capt. Lc.
eye, departJ i for Cincinnati and all intermediate
ports this morning.
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Waare glad to hear, says the Louisville Cou
rier of the 12th, that the steamer James Pitcher,
which he reported sunk yesterday, was raised in
about 7 honrs, the hole in herhull stopped, and , th't
water pumped out of her hull.' The damage oc
casioned was but slight, and she proceeded on her
voyage, arriving at New Albauy yesterday morn.
nt. She is now undergoing thorough repairs,
and will be ready to restimeber trips in a fe , .v (lays.
,:i•At Louisville on the 12th. the papers quote
5 feet 9 inches in the mouth of the canal.
1 t ,,
.., , i.
Inn's . LITE Bo Vri.—Mr. Pair.mrs, oviner of the
• North River stelmb.nt Oregon. has recently pt[Te..l
on baud his stanncii craft, two ne.vl7 in•:ea:cj3ron
Life ants, which, from the'r pecaFar construe:i:m
are said to be capable of sa , t tinin; ore hundre
persons. ThiS is an eKcenent arra:leen - lea:, an]
isbould be adopted by oar steamboat
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Consu , Bowman, BroWnsville.
Michi an, Boies, Beaver..
Lake rie, Hempliil, Beaver.
Louislhi'Lane, Bennett, Brownsville
Senator, Dean, Cincinnati,
Const ,Bowrna.n, Brownsville. .
Louis M - Lane, Bennett Brownsville
Mich pan, Boies, Beaver.
Lake Erie. Hernphil, Beaver, .
Earle , Hazlett, Cincinnati.
Palo • Ito, Al Donald, Louisville.
Alert Gregg, Cincinnati;
7in. tier, Icountz, "
•et 8 inches water on the shoals in the
•k'yesterday evening there were lint
es mater in the channel, and falling
Kishrilic--=rer s!r N.i;laville; 40 tuns pig metal.
1 bx mis. 7 Mils tubicco; 26 sks feathers, 11 sks
-ginseng, 3 c'Lcs bee3xlx.
Cinrinuati—Per str Senate; 1 bx mds, 10 bhils
sug.ar, 140 m atrasse:, - , 2 bxs tobaccn, 16 bales hemp,
3 bbls blue lick Nrater, 15 b!..1., 411-lea peaches.
Monongahela Imprx-ement—Per str Louis M'
Line; 351 bxs lass, 10 bgs oits, 4 sacks rags:
Per str Cbusal; 7 bxs I bale Ins, 2 crates rags
40 bbls dour.
Onlce of the Pittsburgh Morning Post
Flour—As we predicted in our last review of
the market there has been for the last weak a grad.
!ual raise in she price of filar. Fresh ground was
Iselling yesterday by the wagon load at $3 per bbl,
: old•brings $2,7.5, retail price $3,25; this is an ad,
itance of fifty eta per bbl in the last week.
Salt—:= learn of sales delivered. at 90 cts.
GROCEIIIES.—There is considerable activity,
confined principally to the city trade, there being
but few buyers in from the country—coffee is in
fair request at for good grades Rio sny, Eat , not
many transactions. sugar is very fair at advan
ced prices, 8 cents by the hhd has been Waled for
a consideMble lot, yet we heard of small sales at
•that rate, it commands. El in bbls. The supplies
of teas in ;this market was never better than at
present, embracing the usual range of grades from
40 to 80 ets, and composed principally of recent
importations. There is no change in the price of
molasses—the supply is good, and we continue to
quote 30e32 eta.
Only!Four Lett Out of Thirteen._
WILL ' sell at private sale the following pieces
I of Land, situate on the Franklin Road, 4 miles
from Allegheny City, being the balance remaining
unsold from the public auction of the 24th ult., and
private sales since.
Lot No. containing 13 acres, 5 perches, a
beautiful piece of land. price
Lot No. 13, containing 11 acres, 72 perches
price i
Lot No. 10, containing 14 acres 15 perches,
an excellent piece of land, partly cleared,
price $5OO
Lot No 12, containing 15 acres 40 perches,
price 1 $325
There is timber enough in some of these Lands to
par forthem, if brought to market. They all front
on the Franklin Road, are within four miles of Alle
gheny City. and 41 miles of Pittsburgh. They will
be sold on: fair terms. Apply to
AWN.. in fact for
(Despatch copy.)
- • Splendid Bargain--House and Lot.
MWE have for sale, a neat two story - . .01.....,-A,.
i. bri'dk house, with finished basement, 1 17 i'l
vault, 4.c.1, Situate on Fifth street, near Ile new Court
House. The house is new , , containing seven com
fortable Rooms; and will rent for $l5O per :inherit.
. Pricelow and payments easy. Persona wishing to
seethe Ittiuse and learn particularF,,willip'eaFe apply
aep9 ! - Smithfield at. near sth.
— .PereniptOri S r ale of istniitiln i g Lots.
i t T 2 o'c•rick, P. M. on Saturday. the Ist!, inst, ,
;11 WA ' , be noir:. without reserve on the prenamee,' Lake Superior.
.29 valnable,and very has isornely situated Luts oi s , - F)E7)PLE. vactmg the copper mines of Lake. Su-
Ground in tie City District near Arthurseilte and. 1 porter during the season, will find it to their i • SATURDAY PACKET. •
Sisih Ward; nine of inch have a front of 22 to 24 advantage to call at Hays & Brockway's Drug store : , _
,ItTe__N The regular mail and passenger steamer
Tec; each on Duncan street (now coal lane) and ex- ' where they can proem e such remedies as the peen- ' k:: 39,;1 Capt. Linford, will run as
tend back 120 feet. Twelve have a front of 2 , 1 ter': 'rarity of the climate require. Any milli-elation re- a regular Packet between Pittsbuter sited Cincinnati,
each on De Vil'er street e loch is 50 feet w i de and lots to the country will be rr , cly tic en. leaving this port every Saturday at 10, A. M., and
extend back ltil test. The Miler eight lets :.rljoin Ii.IYS & IiIIiCKWA.Y, . Wheeling at 10, P. 14., the same day. Returning,
the ahys e, each tracing a trust ',Alii feet and citing re2l Na. 9 Commercial Row, Litirdritp st. ' she will leave Cincinnati el, ery Tuesday, at 10
, • back 103 :Cot. i ombrieb, A. M.
A plan :nay' r, r- Peel. at the Auction roam and P.:ly ! ' FOI rreigbit or passage appy on board.
and er , m!.V.1 , ,0M1 Wl,- .
in'ormat.un thvo miiv be deiiireil will be given on 71r,- - , - I
T AVIN.C. , a very large rim NietrSeetZeg Wag 1.1.1i:t r evprensly (Li - this trade.'
pl.citmil co tee. suiiiiiieriber. Timis sic half' cash, rx. 1:01150, We are. prepared tia receive It 1-1.1,- mr , i! oilers to her passengers every coinfort and ac-'
tion to freight bir shipinemd n. iarge amount rii‘f I' r 4-
and balance pyabic in te , e - ve niontlis with interest.. cemmodatinn. mar 23 1
scplo JOHN D. DAVIS, Auct'r. duce, &c. on storage at !Ow rdi,S. --
C. A. mcANPLTY ,s, co, . Not lee.
Canal n.,,,,.ri111F. undersigned having disposed of his F.:stab-1
Dissolution. .1_ lishment. No. 112 M.11.4et st., to Mr. Thomas
9111 E partnership heretofore mostirie between A. Hinton, winilll cordially recommend . him. to h is,
Hunker ,5- Dickson is this day dissolved by mu- friends.ancl the public generally, as one every \ray ,
tual consent. The affairs of the late firm will be
worthy of their patronage.
I • - f 1
Fettled by P. H. Hunker, who will continue the Bait- A. MCAMMON.
ery and Confectionary, at the old stand in Fifth, near ' I
:A rket street. P. H. WINKER, The undersigned, having purchasett the large and
,e .1 ROBERT DICKSON. extensive stock of Boots, Shoes, &c. l belonging to,
A. M'Cnmmon, No. 112 Market street, one door
from Liberty, will continue to conduct the business
in all its branches, and trusts that byla strict atten
tion to business, and an ardent disposition to please,
he will, meet a continuation of thd patronage so
liberally bestowed upon his
N. B.—Two or three good workincn can have
employment, by making immediate; application.
• Pittsburgh and. Road i
NOTICE is hereby g{ven, that in pursuance of a
reso l u ti o n oi'the Stocl. holders of the Pittsburgh I
and Connellsville Railroad Company, author' mg an
increase of the capital of said Company, and (Meting
an add.tional sebscriptiiin, books will be opened for
receiving additional subscription to the stoat of the
Company, at the -Ace of Wrn. Larimer, jrl., in 4th
street, between Market and Wood streets, Pittsburgh,
on Friday the 4th dad ofSepteniber. The books will
_remain open front . 9 A.M. until 3 o'clock P.M. of said
day; and from day io day (Sundays excepted) until
the requisite ntimberi of shares be subscribed, or until
otherwise ordered: { By order' of thnDirecters.
sep2 1N M.' ROBINSON, Jr. C'res't.
ALOMEL-25 Le Hyd. Sublied Calomel, in 1
IL/ lb bottles, just eceired and for saie.byl,
sesl4 R. E. SELLERS,
J3RITISH LUSTRE—! - case just r6cdived
sale by I R. E. SELL}
Tepl4 67 Wobd
:--11.etters from the U.S. Squadron, off Point An
tonia de Lizardo, up to Aug. 29, contains intern
geAc'e of the loss of the U. S. brig Tru*ton,;on the
bar of , the Tuxpan rivei, about-130 miles'north
;,raild of Vera Cruz. - The captain and crew sur
rendered themselves prisoners of war, and are said
to have been kindly treated by the Mexicans.
A correspondent of the New Orlearnt Bulletin
. 15 tate, that Santa Ana was allowed by Corn. Con!
ner to enter Vera Cruz. He says:—.'
"The ex-President; (Santa Ana,) arrived off
here on the 16 instant, and entered Vera Cruz on
the same day; he was accompanied byhis lady'
and daughter ' and General Almonte: the steamer
that brought him was boarded by an officer from
the. St. Mary's and his excellency a little' disturbed
by the visit, apprehending he might possibly be de
tained, but the commander of the St. Mary's pre
viously instructed by the commodore, Permitted
him to pass: judging from the reports that have
reached us and the royal salute given him, his ar
, rival was hailed with great joy."
Fins in PIiILkDELPIITA.—We learn from the
Philadelphia correspondence of the Baltimore Sun,
that a fire brokeout at 10 o'clock on Sunday morn
ing in the lumber and building establishment of
Mr. John Rice, bound by Sixth, Brown, Marshall
and Coates streets, loss $15,000,,tw0 frame dwel
lings on Poplar street were consumed by fire at the
same time.
H. Williams , Select School,
NTORTH /East corner of Federal and Robinson
1.11 streets, Allegheny, will commence its Fall
session on Monday the 31st inst.
From Professor R. H. Lee, Washington College, and
Having attended an examination of the school
taught by Mr. Williams, we take pleasure in bear
ing our testimony to the evidence afforded by it of 1
the unusual skill and labor of Mr. Williams. The
understanding of the principle of the subjects which
the scholars had been studying, shown by their
clear answers to questions asked by others than the
teachers, prove the excellence of the New England
modes of teaching, in which Mr. Williams seems to
be proficient. It. 11. LEE,
From the AS , :r. Mr. Preston, Doctor Hunt, 4-c.
Having attended an examination of the Select
School under the care of Mr. Henry Williams, held
recently in his school room, corner of Federal and
Robinson strepti, Allegheny city, we wish to call
public attention to this institution. We were highly
gratified with the progress and order Mils school.—
Tins manner of simplifying and illustrating the dill.'
ferent branches is peculiarly happy, and well calcu
lated to give interest to the pupils. His mole of
teaching them to read struck us as novel, and one
that cannot fad to make good readers.
:!tom the knowli.dge that we have of Mr. Wil
liams, character as a teacher; his zeal, fidelity and
success, we curdia:ly recommend him to the patron
:l,4e of the ptfilic. His location,:s e:e7ibic fur both
I attended the. a' , OVC OS261.111(.011, and elm t7uly .
fa,' I Was :nuch grat.fied with the an t.ntntr2t. of the
Brlc is liouxe and Lot at .Auction.
T WILL o.F.er for sale at pub,ic Anaton,on Thurs.-
the 17. a ,!ay or Se;)tcober, at 10 o'c ., A.
M., Oa the p•tleo a three Story Oa
Gh strut, n-ar Grant strert, nr!at'y s.ze
ofLot L 1 IC ff tby 10u I*?,-.t r
'terms at sale. JAMES i,i'LY
Att'y. to fact fur L. M.:6liitil
P. 11'KENNA, Auct'r
(Dispatch copy) •
New Goods I New Goods II
At No. 62 Market sfreet, Sinpson's Row ,
S now in receipt r.f and it; comdantly receiving
new DRY GOODS of every description, from the
eastern Manuracturcra and Importers, to %Inch he
calls the attention of the public, U 2 Maract st.
J i :] \ D . 7, I i
count ,
J. D. WPilliam• & Co.
110LESALE and retail grocers, Forwarding
and commission merchants, and dealers to
y produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No.
ortheast corner of Woos! and Filth streets.
'FEE, 150 !lags of Prinae kw Coffee.
20 " Old Gov. Java and Laguaira do
For sale by _
rrEAS,BII Packages fine and extra fine green and
black tem. For ualc by
sep. 8. J. D. WILLIAMS & Co.
S UGAR, 6000 lbs, prime N. 0. Sugar.
1000 " Loaf, crushed, Pulserized and
clarified, do. For sale by
1:r8, Prwie
. sugar
Fur sale by
ICCOA, chocolate, cocoa paste and brutua of the
best quality. For Fait' .by
sep. Sf J. D. WILLIAMS & Co.
'Wall Paper.
SPLENDID assortment Just received from the
East, of entire new Patterns. They can he
had very low at the Wall Paper Store of
Smithfield street.
su g 2.7-aim
tT INDOW BUST VAPER—ene yard uide, for
. 1 sale by • 3. .SHIDLE,
aug27. Smithfield street.
10,00 0 PIECES ofGlazed and Unglazed
Wall Paper, ofrny own manufacture,
on hand and fur sale ut the lowest market price.
J. Si' IDL E,
Smithfield street.
Cotton Yarn,
45,000 LBS. assorted numbers, lung and
short reel Cotton Yarn.
15,000 lbs. Carpet Chain.
10,000 " Cotton Twine.
150 Bales Common Batting.
100 " Extra family do.
For sale low to city or country trade, by
M. B. RIMY & CO.,
Wood street.
ECEIVED this day Parasollettes and Stn-
Shades; •
Ladies Corded Skirts;
do Sea Grass - do;
R.; Black Hernani Shawls;
Berege Scarfs, and Shawls;
roe sale at B. E. CONSTABLE,
je27 83 Market st.
CLOVES -124 lbs just received and for sale by
,epl4 57 Wood street.
111 ACE GINGER-106 lbs just received and for
TV sale by R. E. SELLERS,.
INDIGO-230 lbs Manilla, prime, for sale by
57 Wood street
i and for
1011ENCII OCHRE-618 lbe s .just received and for
jc- (1;0 by , It E..SELLERS,
re44' 57 Wood Arcot,
. r .
, Lyre. THE spleplid new and light drought
--, s passengOr steamer-S ENATOR, Capt.
M. , CLonz, will leavp for the abpve and all intermedi
ate ports, regularly. For freight or passage, apply
on board. , sepliihn
The new light draught packet steam
.— er CALIFORNIA, Captain Hunter, will
leave for the above and all intermediate ports thiS
day, regularly.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
' J. W. BUTLER & BRO., Second st, .
The California was built expressly for the abOve
trade, arid will make her trips regularly during the
season. augli
THE new and light draught passenger
steamer WESTERN , Capt. BAKER,
will for the abo.e and all intermediate ports
regularly. The Western draws but 12 inches, and
was built expressly to run in the trade during the
low water season.
For freight or passage, having superior accommo
dations, apply on board. IYIS
The new and splendid passenger steam.
er TONNALEUKA, Capt..J. K. Moody,
will run in the trade from Pittsburgh to Louisville,
during the season of 1846.
The Tonnaleuka was built expressly for the trade,
and, is elegantly furnished in every respect.
For freight or passage apply on board
--••• The well known last running steamer
- CAMBRIA, W. Forsyth, Master, will run
as a regular Packet, leaving every Wednesday morn
ing at 10 o'clock, and Wheeling, at 10, P. M., the
same day. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati
every Saturday, at 10, A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
FORSYTH 8: Co., Agents, -
No, 30, Water street.
The new and splendid passenger steam
er TOM CORWIN, Capt. Bugher, will
run in the trade from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, du
ring the season of 1846.
The Tom Corwin, was built expressly for the
trade, and is elegantly furnished in every respect.
For freight or passage apply on board.
may 10.
nee' aid
AITA r h it ° I C e a n p d t i . a P P e a r7 n m g - i e l r i s r t u e n a Tn .
the trade from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, during the
season of 1846.
The Brunette wan built expressly for the trade,
and is elegantly found in every respect.
For freight or passaite apply on hoard. ripl.t
--'i'Capt. «'hhatns, will leave fur the ahoaf
and ull intermediate porta regularly.
For freighter passage apply en board. je9.
Poe Cincinnati aud Louisville.
°r coLum The new arid splerutid passenger steam
-I`l A, O , N At, Nlaster,
(cave for the above :Ina intermediate ports, regular.
For freight or pncsage apr2y en heard, or to
je WILhINS, Agent.
71 lip The new and sirlend:d pas;enger steam
ho-t DECLARATION, Capt. Vorhacs,
wwii run asa regular packet Lets, een Pdtrburgh and
Cinc nnati, leaving this port et ery Tuesday escrittic
at 3 o'clock. Ileturtnng she wiil lease CAnci.unatr
every Finlay evening at 3 o'clock.
The Dec:arat,un offers aupericr accommodations
to passengers. For freight or patt.age apply on
boatel. jet
The re..ular mall an: pas:tent:et !insult's
--,:7,4 1 .r..4:1,10.7ittNi;.1111.:LA, Capt. More, g' tll run
aa reguta046.....1 between Ptlthiburgh and (mein
nett, leasing Ons port eters Monday at 10, A. NI.,
and Wheeling at It!, I'.:A.. the same day. Iletorn•
tniy, site will:erase t.in ;111t1:111 every Thursday, at IV,
For freigfgt or passage apply en board.
The Minortgabe:a Watt Ludt expressly for On.
train, and off.nrs to the passengers coinfart, and so
li a:ten:man lattons. mar 31
THE reglar mail and payer:ger eam
UNIt 'IN, u :M
Captain aclean, wst
ill tun as
a regular pacl:et between Pitishurgh and Cincin
[lath leaving this port every Monday at 6 o'clock,
P. M. lieturn:ng she will lca.e Cinc . :nnati every
Thnrsdav at G P. M.
The enion w•as built exprre , ly for this trade
and utTonls every accornnklatiun.
TIIK regular mail and passenger Stearn
' Cr 1111BERN1A, Capt. John Klinefelter,
will run as a regular narket between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaning this port every Tuesday at 10 A.
M., and Wheeling at 10 I'. NI. of the same day.—
, Returning, nne will leave Cincinnati eiviy, Friday at
10 A. NI.
fi7 %Vond street
Par Onoinize.ti.
For Cincinnati.
Car Cincinnati land St. Louis
Tuesday Evening Pnekct.
For rreiebt or passage ripply on bornl. mayil
For freight Or passage apply on hoard.
The Hibernia was built expressly for the trade,
and offers to the passengers every comfort and su
perior accommodatom•. apl
%V ED";1.1.1 Y PACK ET
7' Ili THE regular mad and passenger Meant
er NEW ENGLAND, Capt. S. It. Page,
w, I rt., as a regular p. et between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leavtnt this pert evers Wednesday at IC
A. M., and Wheeling nt 10 P. :1 - I. the same day.—
Returning, she will leave Cincuinati esery Saturday
at It/ A. M. .
For freight or passage-apidy on board.
The New England was built expressle for this trade
end offers to the passengers erery comfort and sope
.llor accommodations. roar2ti
THE new U. S. Mad steamer ACADIA ,
M. E. Lucas, Master, will run as a re u.
ar passenger packet between Pittsburgh and the
above port during the season of 15 , 19, leaving el et)
Thursday at 10 o'clock A. M.
The Acatha is new and has superior accommoda
tions. For freight orpaasage apply on board, or to
ao9 J. NEWTON JONES, Agent.
THE regularmail and passenger strain
:'_`der CLIPPER N 0.2, Captain Crooks, will
run au a regular packet between Cincinnati and Pitts
burgh, leaving this port every Friday at 10 ?. M.,
and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the same day. Returning
she will leave Cincinnati every Monday at 10 o'cluk,
l'or ri eight or passage apply on board.
The Clipper N 0.2 was built expressly for thistrade
end offers to her passengers every comfort and at
aommodntion. mar 23
The regular mail and passenger steamer
CIRCASSIAN, Capt. Isaac Bennett, will
run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Saturday, at 10,
A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day.
Returning. she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday,
at 10, A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board.
The Circassian was built.evpressly for this trade,
and offers to her passengers every comfort and ac
commodation. mar 23
A _ . .
SAFOETIDA-1 ones justrecehlod and for sale
eepl4 . 57 Wood etroct
4..e.teSt,-fi4prOvement. ; ~,;
BEDSI'FADS of d.lffeTent• kinds with Gazltanif'S
iron patent fusee - dings; superior to anything lintl
in,use, for sale low ae4he furniture warehouse of
• . .. T... 4. °HDTV & Co, Hand street. •••
. ..
The attention: o
geral stock of these (
4-4 superior. Sea Ise
15-16 11 - 'it ~:
7-8 " 4
12.4 Hamilton. Sheeti.
5-4 44
9-8 -; cc 44
mat 17 .
BEST JAVA COFFEE, ground and . put up 'at
ponn4 PaCkages, received and for :sale at the
' Pticur. TEA SPront, 72 Fourth street, neat Wood.
. je29 ti
CCARET WINES.—A few doyen .Faudly use,"
and Chateau "Eonitet CaneVt.brands; also fifty
cases "medoc St. Julien! , and other,brands—at the
wine store of (aug29.) STERETT & Co.
C°lll-6 117 mks Corn, for sale by •
Cd A er7fo C r t s p atly -12 Barrels
P su r. r l7Al C r r A b N Ci
jy 20, 00 Water street
CLARET WINE.—We will tap another cask of
Claret thka morning; persons in want of the arti
cle on di-aught can therelore be supplied. Call early
at the Milne Store of
AND TICKINGS.—An excellent es
sorttnent of checks and tickingsjust receive.]
and for sale very low.
15 Market 'st . N. W. cor. of the Diamond.
rls! , Mackerel, Shad, Salmon, and Halt. Ssca
le4 H D erring. For ea!e by
EC.. S. T. . WILLIAMS & Co.
FISH -150 bbLi No. 3 Lirfe Mackerel;
1. • i 20 " 3 North
10 " 1
20 " Herring (Allwivcs)
No. 1 Salmon; in store Ind for
sale by
1.1)1a superfine family flour in store
and for sale by \
,G Wood street.
-PINE SALINA TABLE SALT-50 bags (small
size) very tine Salina Salt, ti Sro table use and
Dairies, fur sale la w by P. C. MARTIN,
7y2760 Water et.
11ADUATEingtripe and Plaid vaate Muslin
Graduated stripO white Mullins;
Mull Muslims; Nainsook do. Jaeonet do.
A large assortment just i,e' to-riaa•
No. S 3 Market st.
Tolusivatto Netts.
EO. S. SWARTZ had on hail 3 101. 0: vers. su
xl perini v.iiite and colored Jlusqueto Nett.
which will be sold cheat, at No. 10ti Market street.
iTrAvY white Linen Drill, fur gent's pants;
n_ Tweeds and Summer Goths;
Gent's Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs;
Do. S:lk do.
Do. Hernani awl Silk Cravats.
An invoice of the above received this day by
je 27 B. E. C( , NST AIILE,SS Market. et
TIADS WANTED-2 Bei:stead makers; •
2 Table maker,i;
8 bands to w other Cabinet ware;
None need apply but first rate workmen.
auS (Journal and Chronicle copy.)
- I, 77 I
paintedL L ti is •p o a le d o G f
f o ra f e r i1 Y1i 1 f.. e .. 3 1.11
and Scarfs, at reduced price..
They will Almn dirpose of their entire stock - of
Cloths, fancy Casaanerez, and Kentucky Jeans, at
original cost, as they intend relinquishing this par
tic,,,f, b r anch of their business.
jy22-2ni rCliror.c:e please copy.)
w iii - r r E v, D m It a F ; S : S tre G „ ClC v 'DS O 7- I, A n il ,c a i rge , as ic so a r n t s m o c o n k t
J ic'r^ett Mull and Sea Muslin. Just received
. . 1
FAN. Sale at the "Wharf. I and for sale sory cheap ;iy
ALEX ANtir.n & DAY,
1.. - ST reco,Tcd per Canal 111'44 1 jyl3 75 Market st., ...es). car. Diamond. 1
10,0f0 feet inch poplar;
1i).(4.) " i '•scannescanned; l AITINES .IND LIVRC O —Sze - slitErr Et. Co No IS
43,0t.:0 ~ .1.14 SC and trig. I 1r v 'Market street. cos. Front, v,muld respectfully
j. ,,s L. WILMARTH. I invite atlection to their large assortment of Wines
-------- land Liquors. Put:havers v, mild do well to call and
Neer Lt00.1...i. I examine them before puichasing elsewhere.
y UST RECEIVED-I.l7rrits roost IlaeesA, Asia aug 29
it) Minor, be Mrs. E. C. A. Schneider, with an _—___ --
essay on the prospects of the Heathen and our duty Interesting to Buyers.
to them, by. lice. It. SCIIIII•I‘kr• arid an introductio. 7E invite the. attention of all who wish hr
he Rev. E. Heiner, A. M. Published by Rev. Satuln VI. gains to a Ifiresit arrival of seasonable Dry
Gutellus, Chambersbernh. Is4ll. For sale by Good. bought since the reduction of the Tariff, at
S-Clllll.l fe SCHEHILER, exceedingly low prices:viol will be sold accordingly.
jell 115 Wood st 1 ;PRESTON & IJOSKINSON,
No. Sl, Market eta, between sth and the Diamond.
A are now to be had 'at Alesander tk Day's, No 751
Market et., as they are selling off their stock It:these.' XENOPHON'S ICTRCPAEDIA: The eivropnedia
good at a great redaction of prices, to now is the
..,.. of Xenophon, according to the tett of L. Din
-1 time for persons to suit themselves at a comparative. i droll, with notes; for the use of schools and colleges,
f ly small expense.
1 fiy
No. 75 Market at., J. , Ow en, Printlipal of the Comelins Institute; for
sai e
iv LUKE LOOM'S, Agent.
jyl 3
I t
A' 525--itAs.l cutoßs).—AnotheT . 1
Int of Lawn" , --- .T .-- 7 by. .......
'''' It ALL±... HAIR, suite. e for Plasterers purposes;
[ just opened at A. Morris's, No 1,., Markets!.-- 0 for
... lc by H
M. lb RE ' & Co
I warranted feat colors—which we arc selling at 14}r. . i
au ,o4 '
per void. jet
F.' , 10N5.—.75 litne , l Lea/011.; fur sale Tery low,
LbY -
i y EmoNs.—ieu boxes lemons in good order,
siJ for sale by P. C. MARTIN
Hi D 11,1 ea, for sale lovv to e!uae
11 6(1; WINF:S-11‘2.'...6he rrirr,Ste:ntlercer, and
lllnt S.lnterno brsndu for ora!e r l. , y
20. 1.10 Water street.
. .
r ADEIRA WINE-10tha Illackburit
the mord celebrgrandlebrated grand Imported—to be had
zu Madeira—
the "slue store or SVERETT S CO„
aug29 No. 16 Market at. cur Front.
Ut'QUITO NETT —A large lot of
.01 to netts ort hand and for salt unusually low.
augl ALEXANDER & 1)A1',
Market st., N. W. cot, of the Diamond.
New Peephtaned Hate,
O F a very auperior qualitygo T g t l
r i eby o
corner of Wood and Ftfth at P
pEnsoNs desirous of purchasing lots in this
Cemetery are referred for information to the
Superintendent on the grounds. or to E. Thorn
Druggist, corner of Penn and hand streets, Pitts
burgh. By order of the Board. J. CHISLETT,
deo 11 Superintendont.
superior qualities, on draft, for medicine and
other purposes, for sale at the wine store of
nug29. Cl Market street, cor., Front.
lIISALMS & IPihINS, for the usa of the German
11 Reformed Church in the U. S. of America, En
glish and German. For sale by
115 Wood et.
DOT ASH-15 casks Potash, No. 1 artier, on
hand and for nalo by
:Xi Wood at.
T_)RINTS AND 111 USLINS.--J ust opened a large
I assortment of low priced prints and a variety
of different makes of brown and bleached muslin.
75 Market st., N. W. cor. of the Diamond.
"DIG METAL.-1 ^ ton Scioto Furnace pindron for
_IL sale by (je26) JAMES MAY.
. .
QU I TINT.--100 ounces just received and for sale
sepll. curner of 6th and Wood sta.
RECEIVED by Express hint evening, an Invoice
of super French Dress Ginghams, many of thein
entirely new style and patterns very desirable, at
No. 46 Mirket street,
RECEIVED—Per Canal Boat Great Western
-100 pcs Cherry Scantling-sxo and 61G-6000
Lights Window Sash 'suitable for the western trade,
1.416, 1011:2 and Bxlo. For sale by •
EFINED LIQUORICE—IOO lbs just reccivcd
and for sale by
sep9 con Gth and Wood sts
STERRETT & CO., have removed to the corner
of Market and Front streets, No. 16, one dear
below their foimer stand, where as usual, they will
be happy to wait upon their friends. negro
SHOT -40 kgs Shot; assorted Nos. for sale by
SAL. SODA-4 casks just received and for sale
sera 1 cor. Sixth and Wood sts.
- , , - ,!,„f.,, , - , "j. , .:',..
f purchasers is invited to our
'oods. - F • *
and Shirting Mushes;
I,‘ • C
. 14 14
cor Market and Front eta.
Allegheny Cemetery
, New Fall Ginghourts.
- - - --... _. . . ~
13 a lot of black and . colored Satin Striped de
Lehes, which we are selling very cheap.
ang3 75 Market at: W Cor ofthe Diamond.
cases and ;Itegs,•a supOtior article for sale by
15Marketat., car Front.
_ Rcoolve'l Last Eve,ning at No. 46,
T HE fiftirand last lot of Merrimack Gingham
jprints, st}dathe same, brown and purple plaids
and patterns beautiful, at the Dry Goo& cash Douse
of B.4.RROWS &
' ' •
the Progress of Nations in - Productive Industry,
Civilization,Population and Wealth;; „illustrated by
statiatics "of-Mining, Agriculture, IVlanufactures,
Comnierce, Revenues, Banking, Internal Improve
ments, Mortality, Emigration and Population; by
Ezra C. Seaman.
A few copies of the above work for sale by -
corner of Market and 3d sts.
TABLES—Pier, Centre and Card Tables of differ,
ent patterns. If you want a good article cheap
call at the Furniture Warehouse of
T. B. YOUNG & Co,
31 Hand st.
. • Wood Street Property for Sale.
T.desirabl e lot of ground at the foot of Wood
I street, occupied at the time of the great fire by
Messrs:King & Holmes, is offered for sale.
Enquire of
gIEAS-120 packages Y. H., Impl., G. P. and
Powchong, of late importations. arriving and
for sale by LAMBERT & SIIIPTON.
aug 25
TIIE MEAN'S OF PEACE.—A Sermon delivered
in the "Third Presbyterian Church" July 12,
by the Rev. D. K. Riddle, and published by the re
quest of the Congregation. For sale by
riotc't. .
Tli AT Spl tolid Store corner of Wood and Fourth
L streets, passession given immmliately, etiqu re
of the subscriber on the premises.
aug 29
JBekCCO-40 bas H '`'S
utcaiinson's ss;
30 bxs Price & Harwood 's 55;
1 " J. R. Grante 56;
15 " Litton's 55;
"Is.. 12s, 156„ 325-, Ralt. plug, and
Ladies Twist; arriving this day. and for sale by
►pOfBACCO-25 kegs No. 1 ca. twist tobacco re
ccivcd aad forsale be
N 0.57 Water street.
How eOs Odyssey. I
rvur, o,lys9;y of Muller, nec:lrding to the text of
IL. Wolf; with tittles; for the use of Schools and.,
Cunt - idea: by John J..oiven, Principal of the Corrteli
llii Inatome. For sale by LUKE LOOMIS,
acp7 (Journal copy.)
A r A. Twist Tobacco—l 9 1:76 Va. tobacco, No. I
article, in bture ar.d or Gale by
5G IVooil street.
. • _
VENEERS AND VARNISHES, of the very hest
I quality, for ertle et H. 11. RYAN'S Cahinet
I,i are Reotal, N 0.31 filth stied. 3)-16
X TINEGA bt,:s cider vinegar in store ani for
er..C..c by M. B. RIMY & CO.
George R. While it, Co.,
1 30 BALES INliondsispl Cotton, for
M. B. ME
OLDWINES & LiQUOßt'—consisting of
Port Winn;
Madeira Wine;
P , I alae do;
do;—in half and (lirter pipes , ,
and on dr ,iight warranted pure;
Pale iiiraudy, of different brands;
Dark do,
11‘Itand Ciin, tine flavor;
Peach Brandy, S years old;
Apple do, 4 do do;
Old Rye Whiskey, S and 11 tears; old,
Part of the alma% e Liquors from under ICusto. Custom
kleuse Lock, for sale in quantities to suit by
P. C. MAR'rE , I;
uter st.
ZIHE undersigned hare entered into partnership
under the firm of Strntrr & Cons Wholesale
and Retail dealers ifi Foreign Wines and Liquors, at
the corner of Market and Front streets.'
New Goode
P ECEIVED to-day at No. =RI Market street—
t Another case of those rich Gingharn prints,
in brown and purple plaids, beautiful patterns.
ALSO, 30 piect white and colored Musquitoe
Netting of superior quality, for sale cheap at
au_ 1 l 5 Market st.
Segn.rn i Segnirs 1 !
JUST received from New York, a large quantity
of has alma and Principe Segars of the most
popular and superior brands now in use. Also, an
excellent article of chewing Tobacco and several
bales of superior Cuba Leaf Tobacco forsale.
No. 50, Third street, two doors from the Post
Office. may P.
sugar and Molasses.
A RIMS. N. 0. Sugar, strictly prime
L. 1.4-/ 25 bbls. Nos. 4 and G Loaf; ,
10 cases ..Loverim , "s - D. 11. Loaf Sugar
118 bbls N. 0...11(11%E5 - es;
In stoic and fur sale by
133 and 135 Wood street.
50 00 Rosin• '
150 Boxes Tobacco, various sizes;
10,000 Seed leaf Cigars-
Oa consignment and will be sold loWl for Cash, or
exchanged for Pittsburgh manufacturmby
seps . TAAFFE: & OICONNOR. ,
300 BAGS Green Rio, part prime;
54. Old Government Java;
Arriving this day and fOr sale by
RHODES & ALCORN, (Late of New York city,l.
No. 27 Fifth et., between Wood and ; Market,
Manufacturers of Mustard, Ground Spices; Catsup,
&c., &c., will open during the present week alarge
assortment oriarticles in their line, which I they will
wholesale in quantities to suit dealers,l at Eastern
wholesale prices. All articles sold by than warran
ted. Merchants intending , to go east Weidd do well
to call before leaving the city. They may he found
at their warehouse) No. 27 Fifth street - o n Ryan's
Building. • - - . 500
- - -• - 1,-
.iu.. -- ., - ... ,,,,,. . , ! ,-, ! , .•.-- , !!`..7--:! ,. "- -,---------..., ---,'. ': -•
and Writing Riaoms,corner
of Fifth and Market.streets,
The liberal patronage
en to this. establishment :by
Ins friends' "aadt the public' induces, the proprietor,
in order to encourage: perseverance and industry a.
mong.his students, to offer on the lErofOctober next,
as premiums TWO GOLD PENS, elegantly mounted
in silver pencil; cases: One to be awarded to' soy
member of his class for the greatest proficiency in'
Book-keeping, find.the other to any member of his
class for the beet spechtten and greatest intprove
rnent in Itlercantile Penmanship.. Day and Evening
Classes. Houri i of business until Ist of October, 2
to 4, and 71-terDs P. M. ' • • sepl
T• • • ••, • -
UST ,ILECDIVED—Aniather large addition to my
stock of Diamond pointed Gold Pens of the
best makers and for pale at the lowest. prices.
. . .
Also--A large aarsortment of Gold and Silver Pen
cils, Tooth and Ear Picks,Tweezers, &c. &c..
W. W. .
67 Market st.
:At KEEVIL'S, to-morrow,Thursidy August
F 4 Z - 1 27th, a rlsat and cheap undo of Pittsburgh
manufacture c4nbe had at the above store, ahead of,
fashionable hats imPbrted from the' East. ,
3(EEVIL & CO., .
No 152 head of Wood st.
Eutero4 morsel., of Coonootio /ft , fon. of a
kat. Wi of GkirillilgT3l, * GAß COATED• PILLS has upon it
PILLS are the first and only Medicine ever
known that will positively cure
'Headache, Giddiness, Measles, Salt Rheum,
.Rheumatisui, Piles, Heartburn, Worms,
Dispepsia, Scurvy, . Cholera Morimis, •
!Small Pox, Jaundice, Coughs, Quinsy,
Pains in thd Back, -`Whooping Cough,
'lnward Weakness; Consumption, Fits,
Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
'Rising- in the Throat, Erysipelas, Deafness,
Dropsy, Asllima, Itchings of the Skin,
Fevers of all kinds, Colds, Gout, Gravel;
Female CoMplaints, Nervous Complaints,
And all other diseases originating from impurities of
the blood.
it They have cured, since their intzoduction,l
over 2,000 petsols, who have been given up as hope-
Tess cases, 6.0.4 , most eminent Physicians..
fl They patronized and recommended by
men of the highest distincticin,..among whearrare—•
Hon.-David It ' . Porter, ! Flom Henry. Clayi
lion.john Qi Adams, . DimierWebster,
Ilon. Martin Van l3tiren„ j lion! J. C. Calhouti,a
Gen. Winfield Scott, Cob It. M. Johnson,
lion. James K. a Ptilk, Gen. Lewis Casa.
fr.:.'r Their Virtues are so infallible that the money
will be returned 4tl all cases they do notgive univer
sal sanafactiOn. Although but two and a half years
have elapsed! since these celebrated Pills were that
introduced to the public, the sale of them in the
Eastern and middle States has far exceeded Dr.
Most sanguine expectations. Luditg the
pust year, alimg, na less than 10,000 gross of boxes
have been sold lin, the State of New York, 6,000 in
PenurYlviiniii,l,ooo in Maryland, 3,000 in New Jer
sey, 2,000 in Delaware, and 9,000 in the New-England
States, requlriug, the constant critployment of 27
hands, excitor° ,o 1 printers and, eneravera. In the
same period, !upwards of 200,000 copies of the
f , Farnily. DOCtort , have been ordered by agents in
parry sectidn of the cmintrv. , Theat facts must
snow, conclusively, that Dr. tilickener's Sugar Coat
ed Pills, besides being the very boat medicine in the
World, are held in the higliestestimatien by the public.
We might extend this publication to en indefin
he length, if we:deemed it expeillent to publish all
teraimonial4, we have received, not only from agents
hut individittils and families, who have experienced
the titinfici?l effects of Clickener's Sugar Coated
! Pills, but we deem it unnecessary. The most in
!contestible evidence of their unprecedented success,
:are the numberless imitations and Counterfeits wbicb
have . airemly appeared, notwithstanding the tiriefpe
riod they have,bcen before the public. Even some
of our statiechestpill makers have had the audacity
to imitate the Capsule of Sugar, in order to disguise
the ingredihnts of their vile compounds'and palm i
them off ibr the "real silage para.!! Such paltry
shifts canniit last long witheot exposing their hideous
deformity. 1 Troth and honesty angst inevitably pre
vail over rai.calitv and deception.
For side pis Pittsburgh-by WM. JACKSON, at lds
Potent .11e4icine War..ic_gc, No. 89, Liberty street,
head of Wood st. Pittsburgh. Price, 9-3 c. per box.
Dr. Click eUeti,s l rincipal ace is SI Barclay street,
N \Torii.
Be.ware of
proved Sugar Coat
as btaii the pills
genies, got u p by
who, for the li‘st
living by counter:
;*••• Remember
inventor of Suga
the sort was ever
ask for Cliekener!
take no other, or'
Mlt. inivr?s
Gold PC/10.
F4ll Fashion of Hats.
,ScOitrity to Purchasers.
--- min
lan imitation article called 1m-
A Pills, purporting to be patented,
• nil the pretended pateDt are for
miserable quack,ia New. York,
four or five years, has made his I
• iting popular mediciu-s.
Tir. C. V. Clickener is the original
Coated Pills, and that nothing of
'heard of until he introduced thein
rchasers shonld, therefore, always
Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and
they will be made the victims of a
snav 9
Llalverbity LiksvSchool.
PALI- SESSION of this department or the
Western University, will commence in the new
Linversity Building, on the; Pinar MOINDA Y OF See-.
rezera neat, and the SPRING SESSION 0f,1847,
will commence on the Finn- Moswav OF Fine.clillY
tit Ito.nug.
This institution having so far recovered from the
effects of the emit tire of April last year, as to have
the new- building nearly (completed with increased
accommodatiousfor all itsilepartments, it is hoped
that the Law Scliciol will lielfoundro present-increas
ed facilities and, attractions to those who desire to
pursue a regular and thortiSigh course of legal eines-
L tins, and to preparecilickiticives creditably for ad
-1 mittance to the bar.
There will be daily recitations by the classes on
assigned lessona, so arraSel.ed as to embrace, within
a two years course, all ill principal and most im
portant branches of thel I w. Occasional lectures
on law and equity, will al o be delivered as part of
the course. c
Tun Moor :Coeur, deigned for assisting students 1
in acquiring knowledge and readiness in the pram
tice of the law Will Ile rcsOmed as Soon as the num,
ber of students will justi "Yi The degree of -BACHE ,
Lott or LAW will be,cp ieried on students of the
institution accordinith rules usual in such institu
Any further informati n that may be required can
readily be obtained on 'a plication to the Professor,
Wstrtn H Lowrim, wl has his office on 4th above
Smithfield street, Pittsh rgh. :,•
Trans—Seventy-five Miura a Year, or thirty-Sev
en and a half dollars a ession. . riugfi-d3m
I lON is the only medicine that will cure this so
1 ery common and troublesome .disease. It not
only immediately allays' inflammation, stops all
bleeding, subdues that intolerable itching, but ef
fteltially cures,in a very shOrt time, persons whose
lives have been rendered miserable_ for years. Its
application produces ,no paip, but rather an agree
able and pleasant .sti4tion. If. persons,afilicted
.will only call and hearlof the great.number of ca
ses that have been cured, they will be astonished.
A gentleman of this city, Nilo had been under the
' knife of the surgeon twO or three times, without
being cured. has, by using two bottles of this Em
brocation, been radically cured! It sells beyond all
precedent! . -
, TETTER., RlNGworakt,s.ktr RHEUM, and
all Diseases of the skin, particularly those that are
attended with disagreeable and troublesome itching,
are readily mired ..by anointing the pats effected,,
night and morning. with a Emallquantity.of Dr.'
Jackson's Embrocation. Astonishing cures have
been effect.sd by this medicine. For sale by Dr.
D. Jaytr..No S South Third st., Philadelphia.
. For sale iti.Pittebargb at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
72 Fourth street, near Wood, 'a d also at the Drug
Store of IL P. Schwartz, tede al street, Alleghehy
City. , . ang2S-d
SOFT, FINE AND CLEAN; to make the scalp
healthy; smooth, white and:fruitful,- so that a good
crop may spring therefrorn,:Ter,sons have but to ex
pend thirty seven and a hr.i.f seas. And, made?,
our only object for selling the tirticle at that price, is
knowing it to be all we state, that when you once try
this you never will use audit else, whether it be
merely to embelish, todress, beautify, and preserve,
to force growth, stop falling off, and cure scrufs or
dandruffs, the JONES , -COITAL' HAIR RESTORA
' TIVE will never fail to do all this, as hundreds will
tell you with gratitude.. It: dresses too hairbeatitiftil ,
ly, and; makes red or grey hair grow dark front the
roots. •!
S Patent 3't
of Woo.
ents and,
sold the ii
and Oath-
. -
Sold 'at JACKSON'
89 Liberty street, he
and a half cents, fifty:
At the Same place is .
Spanish Lilly White: ,
J 1154
-> :::'f
. ,
ittan , s Inventions Outdone by Natare. - - .
arAD; ittft.Eer, pa wise, Ann t 4vdiernne'B °ELEA/
tAMEDICING OF N. TURF. ; :=•-• -
/111IIS Oil is obtained from a well near Burksville,
Kentucky, at the depth of 166Teet beloie the • , ',--
surfaceof the earth,,and 170 feet through solid rack. .•
Its Cur - atire propeities are truly
. astonishiiig,. aad as
a Remedial Agent it May, well be proponnced won
derful. .Since the discovery of this Panacea of Ica
ture,_numbers of remarkable cures have bee:id:feet-- -
ed by its Iwo-- It is Innocent--Poirerful-6aßimad
Certain in its effects. .It has bur:rinsed with 'nripar
allelled.subeess in Gil treatment of the folloWing
diseases: .',lnilanimatory. Itheurnaticin, Berne
Scalds; Choke; Pam, Flatulenee, Indlarnmation;of -
the Kidneys, Deafnesi.; Consniciption, Liver Com
plaint, Fhtbiele; Scald Head, Cancers, Weak - end
Sore Eyes, Bruises, Frezh Cots and Wounds,
Sprains and Strains, Dropsy, Painsin the Breast and
Side, Tetter, Influenn, Ulcerated Sore Throat, ...
Consumption, Bronchitis, Spasms, Ulcore, Spinal
Affections, Scrofula or Eing,'s Fvil, Coughs, Syphilis,
Ringworm, 'all 'Bowel Complaints all Chronic dia..-
eases, Impurities of the Blood and General Debility. t
It is likewise very beneficial for Female Complaints'
in general; acts es a:great Restorative from Languor,'
weakness of Back and Chest, Low Spirits and Feces
sive Debility. ,
Read the following Certificates, all of which are
authentic; all the persons therein named are note'.
living, and well known in .Cincinnati:
Prireutitar; Aug 22; 18.46,
This is to certify that we have used the American ;
Oil for the whooping cough, among our children, by
,givin g them from 20,drops to a small, tea spoonful at
night, which always enabled them to rest well through.
the night. I also applied it to. one. of the children
thatgot her arm burnt by turning over a tea cup of '
hot coffee on it,.the child seased crying-by the, time
the arm was dressed and beano up, and has never
complained of it skate. I also was afflicted with a
pain in my sidenno breast, and have been so 'for 16
years, I commenced using the Oil. by taking - a tea
spoonful twice a day 'and in 3or fourtlays - using of _
trio, oil haseben Very much relieved, and do. really -
believe that it is the best fetidly Medicine that I have
ever seen.. I applied it to onc of my neighbor's for
a strained anCle, whichrelieved her in -.a few minutes.
We have also used the oil for a strainefloint in our
own family, which gave ease in a very short time. . -
We live on de east side of Penn st., 3 doors south of
Walnut, I am now as well as I ever avaain my life.
Pircsnyncit, Aug.. 1.1, 16 , 46.
. .
This is to certify, that my son has had the Plethisic
*for seven year's, and was very bad with it; and about
12 or 15 days since, I commenced giving to-him
about 20..
or 25 drops of the American Gil, twice a
day...whichlelieved him in a day or two Of his diirt
'cuity of breathing, and he is now entirely relieved.
of his cough; our boy is 10 years of age. .We live in
King's Alley. NANCY F..L.XG.
. _
• , CINCLVICA.Tr, July let, 1846:
Sir: Having been cured of, a very severe disease
of the eyes end fie.ad bit the use of the American
Oil, I feel it my duty to the public, as well as to you,
to send yon the following certificate: - - • ... -
I hereby certify that I was severely ifilited ano
year ago last winter, with inflamed sore eiee - and a
very severe pain in my head from my eyes up to tho
top of my lead, and continued so for severalweehs.
My eyes - were so -much. inflamed and sore that I
I could nut see to attend urly busincse, nor eculd I tell
one objedt from another a few yards from me. X
hailed in "a physician, but still got .warse. I also
tried a good many remedies that had cured others;
but in my case they failed. In April, 1595, I heard
of the .American Oil. I piocured a bottle, and be
fore I had used a half a bottle I was entirely well,
and etill continue so. I will not be without it in my
house as long as I can get the genuine article. I also
gave it to one of my men- that was working-for me,
that had the-letter in bis bands so bad that when he
would grip anything tight in their' the. blood•Wobld
barst out, and the use ofhall a bottle area us-both..
I I would advise all that are afflicted in any way, to
give the Oil a fair trial, and I think they will be
pleased with the effect it will hai.e, &c, - . •
Sold at One Dollar per Bottle at Jackson's Patent
Medicine. Warehouse, S 9 Liberty, bead of Wood et.,
Pittsburgh. Trim orrtv .e.t.act. ate Prm - sstranx where
the. Genuine American Oil cAir be obtained.
Beware of a Counterfeit article. The Seneca Oil.
Fit . in "American Oil Bottles, and labelled "Amer
ican Oil."-' It somewhat resembles. the American
Oil, but peeresses none of its virtues or healing WI"
W. Jackson rospectrfilly informs the Public that
D. Hail & Co., the proprietors of the American Oil,
hare appointed - him 'their SOLE AGENT fur W 4 .34
ern Pennsylvania. . -
All persons-wishing Sat-agencies trill apply at 89-
LibL - :rLy street, as abur . e._
Stb r agents. canted for ercry town in the
above District. -
A great number-of certificates are en Ilsed and
cvn be seen at the office, 89 Liberty street, head of
Wood. - ang 28-ly
.JC BODY.—It is an astonishing fact, that a very
large class of diseases' can only be - cured by such,
remedies as,will enter into the Eamon, and circus
late with it; through every portion of the body, for
only by this means can the remedy be brought
into immediate contact tvith Oar. disease; and to at
tain this desirable end,.no preparation has been so:`
uniformly succes.sful,as.,Dß.. JAYNE'S ALTER.
TI YE. Scrofula, Kings' Evil, Cancer and Cunrer
ous Tumours, Mate Swellings, Enlargement'of the
Ewmes,Chro.aie Rhrumatism and Gout, Eruptive dis
eases of the Skin, old and indolent Ulcers, Goitrous
Swellings of the Throat &c.,. are cured with a certain
ty, that has astonished, every beholder. li.is, be
sides, one of the most pleasant articles that can be
taken into the stomach. operating as a tonic, and
removing Dyspeptic and Nervous affections, and
limparting aglow of animation and health, une
qualled by any thing in the whole Materia Medics.
For sale at No. S South Third sL—Price $1 per
bottle,orslP per dozen. A
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
• on Fourth , street; near Wood, and at the Drug Store
of 11.,.P.S.thwartz; Federal street, Allegheny City.
aug2S-d . :
Tr HE SKIN AND COMPLEXION, at this (and,
indeed, every other) season, is oaen repulsive
in appearance, caused, in eight cases out of ten;by
the atmosPherel . and what persons suppose disease
of the blood, is simply a disease of the skin. lf
some of the thousands who take - purgative . medicine,
pills, and useless Sarsaparilla, were to use on their
skin a softening and clearing balm, -- that opens the
pores, whitens the skin, and causes a healthy perspi
ration, that, be the skin never so.disfigured, unheal
thy, or diseased .with pimples or freckles", sunburn,
tan and morphew, the- trot and genuine JONES'S
ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP never fails to cure
and dispel them, and to make the skin clear and
lovely.. It acts so mildly and soothingly on the.
skin; that physicians use it on ladies and infants, in
old cases of scurvy,.crysipelas, salt rheum, sorehead,
ringworm, and it (mind, the genuine Jones , soap)
has often effected a , cure when every other remedy
failed. It is indeed a blessed remedy. "
Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warehouse,
89 Liberty street," head of Wood—at the Same place
is sold the Moorish.-Hair Dye, Coral hair Restora
tive,and Spanish Lily White.
P - rscre,kt. Orr/et—Sign of the American. Eagle,
82 Chatham street, New. York.
1 Removals—The celebrated medicines of Dr. T.'
G. Evans of Brownsville,-Pa., are 'now. Tor sale
wholesale and retail, at Jackson's Medical Depot,
No. 89 Liberty street, head of Wood, Pittsburgh.
Wholesale Dealers and Agents supplied.
Dr. Evans' Soveieign Tonic and Grand Entera
-1 live, a certain cure for the Feverand Ague.
Dr. Ecans 2 Vegetable and Anti-Dyspeptic
price 25 cents per box. '
Dr.: Evans' American Vegetable Vermtfuge, price
25 cents per bottle. _
Dr. Evans' Tonic Eye Wafer, an infallible cure
for sore eyes, price twenty-five cents per bottle.
Rev. Dr. .Tames Esteps /Mack. Syrup, for the cure
of Coughs, Cold, Asthma, Croup, Dronchitis and
Consumption-price one dollar.
Remember Dr. Evans' only Depot, is JACKSON'S,
No. 89 Liberty street, bend of Wood. jy2.
urtar. poisoactis effect on the skin of common pre
' pared chalk is not generally known by ladies;
how yellow rough and unhealthy it makes the skin in
time; besides. what a corpselike, palid look it given
when applied, They should use a beautiful prepar
ation, purefy vegetable, which gives the face arms or
neck, a natural life-like whiteness, and makes it
sthooth. It is called Jones' Spanish Lilly White,
and is sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Ware
' house, 89 Liberty street,headof Wood; at the sama
place is eold „Tones' Coral Hair Restorative, Dalian
Chemical Soap and unrivalled shaving soap.
y24-tf. .
A rt EO. S. SWARTZ has on hand a lot offine Lawns
kjr - which will be sold at the very low - price of 133
cents per yard; persons jwho want a good article, at a
low price; would do well to call soon.
Also on hand a good rdocl: of Nansook. rnuolins for
LadieiDresses very cheap at • - •
jel3 No. 101. Market street.
d--price thirty seven
lone dollar per bottle.
Italian Chemical Soap,
ailed shaving soap.
91013ACC0.-75 large and 90 Erman boxes Itlissou•
ri tobaeco, of prune quality,,inst received, on
consignment, and will be sold cheap for cash; Of
Pittsbnrgh manufactures. • : -
auzust 19. TAAFFE o,colilCg.ltt
141wnst,I4Y - wiaill