Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 16, 1846, Image 1

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    VOL. 49.
pt dListtEv jinii , Mirrym BY
13-10'L Wit it/SAIOR
N.,W..corner of / 40'and and Fifth Ste.
Tgliats:LTive dollar+ a year, payable in lidtance.
Six dollars will invariably be'required if not paid
within the year.
Single copies, Tivo cravrs—for sate at the counter
of the Office, and by News Soya.
Is published at the sameZ. , ffice; on
. a - double medium
isheet, at/TWO'DOLLARS it' year, in advance; sin
gle Copies, Sot men.
Viinas of
• •.
tE)I. - Kirins. n. ciy•'re
'prie insertion,so 50
/ Two do, 0 75
/ Three do, 1 00
One week, . 1 50
Two : do, 3 00
Three do, 4 00
• Yearly Adi
cntacrotADL l
;'One Square.
`Six month, $l5 051
Ole year, 20 00 I
Larger advertisements i
j CAZDS of four lines
One month, .$5 00
TWO do, • 600
Three do, 700
Tour on - , • 800
Six 4344 10 00
One year, 15 00
n proportion.
P. C. Shannon. •
ATTORIs. - EY AT LAW, Greensburg, Westmore
land county, Pa., willpractice in the West
moreland, Indiana and Cambria: courts. decB-y
VlTtlllam Dintinhori,
ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chancery.
Office in Bares new building, Fifth street, be
4ween Wood and Smithfield. augll
illagsm3v 6v M , S.night,
A TTORNEYS AT - LAW, Office removed to the
%residence of H. S. Alagraw, on Fourth st., one
Aloor'fivm Cherry'Alley. np2l-y
: Pittsburgh, Pa. Office on Fourth st., between
Smithfield and Grant. marl4-y
Edmund Snowdon,
ATTORNEY AT, LAW, office in the building on
the North East corner of Fourth and Smithfield
.streets. novll-y
flanatlton & Ursine,
AittsTTORNEYS AT LAW, CifFICO North side o.
Fifth street, between Woad and Smithfield sts.,
burgh, Pa. Collections matte on reasonable
terms. -y
R. Morrow,
ALDERMAN, office north side of Fah street,
between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
Andrew nurke,
ATTORNEY AT LAW - , office, Smith.field street,
between Fourth street and Diamond Alley, op
-Iposite Mr. Geo. Wayman's tobacco manufactory.
Jaracis Callan,
TTORNEY AT LAW, office in the chambers
ateeen Wood and Smithfield. aplS-y
111 , Candlesa & M , Clure•
aA ...
office on Fourth street, opposite It. St' R. H.
tterson's Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. seplo-y
Forward Swastzwelder,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Fourth street between
Wood and Smithfield, opposite Patterson's
y stable. ap7-y
George F. Gillmore,
TTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Breed's build
ings, 4th et., above Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa.
C. Orlando Loomis,
A TTORICEY AT LAW, ofsce Fourth st., above
A BEELEN has removed his commission and for
wardingg business from the Canal Basin to hie
hew warehouse on Third street, nearly opposite the
'Post Office.
If&hard Cowan,
TTORNEY AT LAW, office in Stuarts build
ings, Fourth st., above Wood. junen-dwy
John W. Burrell,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, having returned from
his European tour has taken an office on the
h cast corner lof Fourth and Smithfield sts. Per
'sons having had business and papers in the hands of
Samuel Kingston, Esq., deceased, will call on the
above, as all the unsettled business of Mr. Kingston
has been left in his hands. mars-y
_ _____------------------_
Charles 31. nays,
ATTORNEY lAT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Corn
missimer to take the proof and acknowledge
ment of deeds, leases, contracts, deposites or other
writings, .to be recorded or used in the States of
.Itentucky, Indiana and Tennessee. Office No. SO,
Stuart's huildingS, Fourth street. rnarl2-y
James S. Craft,
Pittsburgh, Pa., having resigned the office o
Secretary P. Nay. and Fire Ins. Co., will attend spe
cially to collections and business connected with
navigation, insurance, accounts and real estate. Bu
siness hours, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Office, No. 1,
Stuart's buildings, (No. SO, Fourth st.,) second door
east of Wood street. feb3-y
Edwin C. Wilson,
Franklin, Venango county, Penna., will attend
promptly to all business entrusted to his care—col
ections made in Warren, Clarion and Jefferson co.'s.
J. A Stockton & Co.
Murphy, W i llson & Co. 1 Pittibargh.
John Bigler,
lion. James Kinfiear, 1 Franklin.
lion. Alex.M , Calniont,
lion. James Wilson, Steubenville, Ohio. juy23l
John /L.Pnrk.hison,
ALDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, between
Walnut and 0 7 11 am streets, where he may be
found at all times. Those having houses or other
; property to sell or rent, can have the same punctu
ally attended to; debts collected, and all the duties
of an Alderman will receive prompt due:ll6oa.
R. Holmes dr. Son,
NKERS and dealers in Foreign and Domestic
BBills of Exchange, certificates of deposit, hank
notes and specie. Drafts and notes collected, and
remittances made to any part of the United States,
• No. 55 Market Street. jan7-y
Johnston 45s Stockton,
KERS, No. 114 Market street. Rep IILy
- -
Bertha & Soho!bier,
No. 115 Wood street, three doors below Fifth,
Pittsburgh, Po j0n7.3,
annies Patterson, Jr.,
CORNER of .First and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh,
Pa., manufacturer of locks, binges and bolts,
tobacco, fuller, mill and timber screws, housen
screws for rolling mills, &c. seplo-y
Wm. A. Ward,
TiENTIST, has removed to the place of his for
mer residence in Penn street, two doors below
B. E. Constable,',
VVILER in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods,B3
jj Market street, Pittsburgh. nolo-y
Edgar Thorn's
1 .1r01.1G and Family Medicine Store, corner o
Penn and Hand streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., Phy
sycians , prescriptions accurately compounded. Medi
'eines can be had at all hours of the day or night.
Brownsville Junintet Iron Works.
EDWARD HUGHES manufacturer of iron and
warehouse,Smithfield above Fourth st.
C. A. 111 0 Annity &
Canal Basin; Pittsburgh ; Pa. mar3d
!Martin Zytleo
F •
itIIELY GROCER, Smithfield street, next dear
to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. inne6-7
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No. 26 Wood st., Pittsburgh. . nov27-y
GEO. S._ SWARTZ would respectfully inform his
friends and customers that he has removed to
No. 106 Market street, between Fifth and Liberty sts.,
east side, where he is receiving a large and well as
sorted, etobk of spring goods, to which he would re
spectfully initit'e their attention. I ap'3:46m
New Book Store.
liar S. BOSWORTH'Co., No. 43 Market street,
.11 - 11 . next door to Third street, are just opening a
new and extensive assortment of Seeks and Station
ery, which they will sell, wholesaln and retal,at the
lowest .rices. ; aP25-Y
tmetTEL C. mLL. aim. a. raowNE,
IMPORTERS and manufacturerit of Wall Paper
and General Paper Warehouse, No. 87 Wood
re et, Pittsburgh. je2o
Two Squares.
S2O 00
Si: months,
30 06
One year,
L. IV ilmartlii
['Alan office on Penn street,
XI between Irwin Sad Rand sti., Pittsburgh, Pa.
All commissions wit': promptly attended to. mar4l
School Book anilPari Wk.rchouse.
LUKE LOOMIS, Agent, publisher, b . O"o'keeller and
bookbinder, No. 89, Wood street, Pittsbllth.
Pilkinton's Unrivalled
A i r ANUFACTURED and sold wholesale and re
lit_ tail, Smithfield at., between Sixth and Virgin
M. C. Eden,
AirANUFACTIMER of Lard Oil and dealer in
111 Star Candles, Fifth street, near Marke mar t, S. W.
- • 24-y
Coleman, Hallman S. Co.,
yANUFACTCRERS of Carriage Springs and
Axles, A. 8., and spring steel, and dealers in
coach trimmings of every description. manufactory
on St. Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood street, op
posite St. Charles Hotel. jan23-y
Flint Glasx Establiiihment.
NTULVANT LEDLIE manufacture and keep
J_ constantly on hand cut, moulded and plain
1 , 1 int. Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse
corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh.—
Our works continue in full operation, and we are
constantly adding to our stoch, which enables us to
fill orders with promptness. Purchasers are respect
fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms.
ep 1 6-y
frANUFACTURER or Itsconnuertstr. TEETH,
1 1 LSmithfield street, two doors below Fiftli street
pitut.urgh, Pa. Always on baud a full assortment or
Plate Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades, as
simple Plat:, Molars and Iliscuspirlatoes, Gum treth,
Screw Picot teeth, &c. Teeth and blocks made to
order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro
fession. All orders from abroad must be accompan
ied by the cash.
111 - Platina always on hand.
Dr. Daniel itl'Ateal.
FFICF. on Smithfield, three doors front Sixth st.,
1-9 Pittsburgh. deeltl-y
Wm. O'Hara Robinson,
ATE ti. S. Attorney, has removed his office to
7.6. 8 St. Clair at. sept4-y
Otto Kuntz,
Dr. George Watt,
OrricE, No. T 7 Ssrah fi ela street, near F:sth st.,
Pittsburgh. aug.l.l-y
F. lllsr.me,
PIANO rOILTE manuractnrer and dealer in Mu.-
.ical kV - Jur:tents, No. 112 Wood street, near
Fifth. ,n
Jame• Miller
PAINTER, Fifth, near Market at., Military flap,
Banner', signs, design's for steamboat iVheel
house", and fancy painting of every description neat
ly executed at the shortest notice. j/27-46m
George Haney,
PLUMBE.R, and, manufacturer of Pumps and Hy
drants, which are superior to and cheaper than
any in the city. Please to call and examine for Your
selves. Fourth street,between Smithfield and Cher
ry Alley. Hydrants and pumps repaired. jatill
ECTIFYING DIS'fILLER, and mholesalr
er in:Foreign and Domestic , Wines and Liquors,
'No. 114 Liberty street, and 53 Diamond Alleyt
burgh, l'a. iY2/-Y
11. D. Sellers, 111. D.
J .MOVED to Penn it., between Irwin and Hand
streets, five doors below Eland et. splrr-y
. _
lingta A.rters,
QUILGEON DENTis o r, 118 Liberty street, a few
doors below St. Clair at., Pittsburgh. ap2S-y
Ogden Snowden,
sale and retail druggists, and manufacturers of
white lead, red lead and litharge, corner of Wood
and Second ets., Pittsburgh. Pa. norl3-y
Martin at Smith,
UCCESSORS to Irvine tr. Martin, wholesale gm
cers, 'produce and commission merchants, and
dealers in Pittsburgh manufactured articles, No. 5,
Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. p-y
John 3l'Clo#key,
AILOR AND CLOTHIER, Liberty at., between
J '
Sixth street and Virgin Alley, south side.
Alderman's Oilier.
Tttndersigned begs leave to say to his friends
I and the public generally, that he has removed
his onkel.) Penn street, near the canal bridge, oppo
site the United States Hotel
11. A. rahncstock
v'VrIIOLF.SALE and retail Druggists, corner Sixth
and Wood streetu. sept2-y
Thomas MlHer , s
STORE, corner of Wood and Fourth streets,
Pittsburgh apt4l
Sterett &co.,
IV HZL in r e .S st it i
c LE W a i n n d o retail s
an d d ealers foreign eici
e a and
No. IS Market street. spS-p
P. C. Alartin,
WHOLESALE and retail Grocer and dealer in
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nuts, &c., No.llo Water
street. seps-y
Lambert & ShlptcM,
Commission Merchants, dealers in produce
and Pittsburgh manufactures, Nos. 133 and 135 Wood
street, Pittsburgh, Pa. tbb2-y
John Scott ,Sr. Co.,
vV Merehdrits, No. 7 Commercial Row, Liberty
street, Pittsburgh. al9-y
J. 6r, J. DVDev Kt,
• -
WHOLESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce
and Pittsburgh manufactures generally, No.
224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. ap2S-y
John 11. Mellor,
WHOLESALE and retail dealer in Music and
Musical - Instruments, Piano Fortes, School
Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street,
James Park, Jr., & Co.,
WHOLESALErimIy:r GROCERS, importers of
op tin plate
and queen and dealers in copper and
Pittsbuth manufactured articles, Non. 112 and 114
2nd st., between Wood and Smithfield sts. jal4-nl4-y
Select School.
WM. MOODY respectfully announces to his old
friends that he intends opening a Select School
in this city, on the first Monday of April next, in the
basement of the Third Presbyterian Church. max2l-t
H. E. Sellers,
NIVIIOLESALE DRUGGIST, and dealer in dye
stuffs, paints, oils, varnishes, &c., No. 67,
Wood street, Pittsburgh. oet3l
IT, D. Williams,
V V FIG Wood street ; corner •of Wood and -Fifth
streets; Pittsburgh, aprB-y
Dr. Wrn: M. Wright,
DENTIST, Office and residence in
clair pt., a few doors below
°Aria erty, near the Exchance Hotel.
Franklin House, Fourth street,
. .
Between Smithfield and Gtant Streets, Pittsaburgh
CHRISTIAN SCHMERTZ, Proprietor, respect
fully informs his friends and the public: general
ly, that he will open the above splendid House on
the Ist day of May next.
The House being new, and finished in she moat
commodious and convenient manner; and having it
furnished with the newest and most beutiful style of
furniture; flatters himself that he will be able to ac
commodate his friends and the travelling public, in a
manner not inferior to any similar establishment in
the city.
As the House is situated near the Court House, ar
rangements have been made to servo up meals at any
hour in the day, this will be great convenience to
those who are in attendance axcourt.
Vr Refreshments of all kinds can be had. Boar
ders taken by the week or day.
ter Lunch every day at 11 o'clock, A. M.
JAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Corner of St.
Clair and Penn streets. Pittsburgh, the proprie
tor begs leave to return his most grateful thanks to
his friends and the public for past favors, and hopes,
by attention, to merit a continuation of their patron
age. The houise is pleasantly situated near the Ex
change; it has accommodations for travelers, and a
large room for public meetings, dinner or supper par
Refreshments always ready, or prepared on the
shortest notice, with the choicest the Barka will af
ford. Gystcrs and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell
Oysters, received e'itlry , day during the season. The
greatest care has been taken in the selection of wines
and liquors. A variety of newspapers are regularly
filed in the establishment,
P. S. A Hot Lunch served every day at 11, A.
ap IS-y.
1)Y R. Doss Err, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penna.
j Boarding and lodging, by the day or week, on
the most reasonable terms. Strangers will find it to
their advantage to patronize him. Persons travelling
east or west will land this house a convenient loca
tion—it is within one hundred yards of the canal
basin, and convenient to the forwarding houses.
Evely information given to Iron Manufacturers in
all branches of the business.
Home brewed ale can at all times he had at the
bar. tiovlo-v
Lafayette Refreotory.
1; OS. 61 and 63, Wood street, under Lynil's Ame
.lll tion store. The subscribers have tined up the I
:Move place in superior style, and they feel assured
will give comfort and satisfaction to all uliti may
visit them.
Arrangement+ have been made to have a constant
supply of Fero% Oysters, which u ill be served up to
cu store and families on the shortest notice. Other 1
luxuries, candies, fruit and paltries of the choicest i
ktods always on hand. Their Bar it filled with the
best brands the market can afford; and Regalia, Cas
tello. Ponape and Havanna Cigars of superior (mal
-1 try. Every attention paid to visitors. Their motto
i is, every luxury m 113 season. Paces moderate.
uorltk.y OGDEN & GIBSON.
Sweat District
TS.VIC MUIIIKAIi. formerly of the Union Hotel
1 on Water street, having been burnt out, has built
1 a new and handsome house expressly for the acrom
modation of travelers, at the corner of Sezund and
Sntithfie4l streets, wlimh will be known as the Burnt
District lintel.
Ile is now prepared to offer every accommodaton
and every comfort to the traveler, at very moderate
charges. Ile is provided with ample and convenient
atabiing. dee 12.1
Cn., sato:male and retail dealers in
0 Foreign Wine" and Liquors, corner of Market
and Front street". Prtaburgh.
,RerrenCetl—W fn. 11.talet & Co., Henry F. Sct;ue:)-
pc, Win. Fachbau , 11. Wearer.
Their stock has been "elected with "seat Ctre,, and
consists of the cliooirst quabbes soitahle fur this mar
ket, to which they would respectfully call attention
and solicit a "hare of publx patrona;e. It coinprmes
the follon , :ng in croik* and tetttles:
Innr4—Mnderaan, Sherries, Tenerdrey,
Porta, Malaga" Calabria'. L' or:—
Rums, and Whlskie".
LEN BROWN, Pnurstirrun.—Terms ildisf per
day. Theu calerslgned, COMIC, wof the Merchants
Hotel, c orner of tV trod and Third streeti, Ilse ii-tarsi
this superoir establiabinetit, led firnirbed it a 41)
throughout, nub new beds. new bedding seal, new
furniture. Great core has been taken to till his cel
lar with the ChOICI•51 viands. A handsome omnibus
and a baggage wagon ate provided for the use of his
guests, arid a Porter will be in attendance at all hours
to meet the demands of the traveller. The long ex
perience of the underingued in thin business, siourea
him that hit casnest purpose to satisfy all who call,
cannot be unsuccessful. lie feels altogether et lit,-
env liberal
his visitors a comfortable and cleanly
abode,liberal entertainment, and a hearty welcome.
t at a moderate espense. ALLLN BROWN.
ht:i 4Ja5.13,1f
Hailman and John P. Jennings, under the name and 1
style of Coleman, Ilailman & co., will now hare in• t
created facilities fur manufacturing Steel Springs,l
hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Stettl,l
Ike.; to which the attention of dealers is respectfully
solicited, and hope by strict attention to business, to
merit a Continuance to the new firt9 the favors no lib.;
orally bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair at.
—warehouse 43 Wood at., opposite the St. Charles
field, where can be found a good assortment of
SPringS; Axles. A. 11., and Spring Steel, and Coach
Trimmings of every description, together with Iron,
Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. DI - The
highest price paid for scrap iron. jan22
- -
BBELLAND !BRASS Ft/UNDER, has rebuilt and
commenced business at his old stand, No. 70
Second, between Marital and Ferry streets, where
he will be pleased to sec his old customers and
Church. steamboat, and hells of every size, from
10 to 10,000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most
approved models, and warranted to be of the best
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Mailing, &c. &c.,
together with every variety of Brass Castings, if re
quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A. F. is the sole agent for Ilahtritt's Anti-Attraction
Metal, so justly celebrated for the reduction of fric
tion in machinery. The boxes and composition can
be had of him at all times. novl3-y
41.7TLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer,
No. 140 Wood street, two doors from Virgin al
ley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand an extensive
assortment of Surgical and Dental instruments,
Bankers', Tailors', nutters'; !lair Dressers' and Tan
ners' Patent Shears, Saddlers' Tools, Trusses, &c.
TILL continues in his old business of inanuflietor
ki ing Wagons, Carts, 14rays, Timber Wheels,
Trucks, and I,Vhcelbarrows,,un Filth street, between
Wood and Smithfield, whe4 he keeps constantly on
hand, or made to order in !the shortest notice, any
amount of work, by the best of workmen ritid good
materials, and at prices tb suit the times. Those
engaged in the Santa Fe trade, and Ftirhace Men,
are requested to give him h call before purchasing
elsewhere. ap7-y
20 kegs Plug Tobacco;
5 44 Ladies' Twist, do;
10 " 'Va. 44 do;
10 " Cav'd, is Lump, do;
In store and for sale by J. &J. M'DEVITT,
ap2o 222 Liberty at.
ALOT of Ground on sth street, 30 feet front by
120 feet deep. Also, 2 lots in Pine st., 20 ft.
front by 61 feet deep. Also, 2 lots adjoining the
above on which is built 2 large and substantial frame
dwelling houses. Mao, 5 frame dwelling houies on
Locust at. Apply to
ARD OlL.—Prcminm Oil of Cincinnati manu
facture for sale by DEORGEtOCURAN.
,je26 no. 26 Wood at.
Washington Hotel,
Canal Boat House:
bo,nce I
A. Patton.
Jcilin Cartwright
NV int 'Lyn plc lCee.
For Sale.
r ;
Lard Oil at a Reduced Price.
mErb su bscriber would respectfully inform his
"friends and the public in general, that his new
Factory is now completed, and with a large addition
to his machinery, he isprepared to make considera
ble quantities of a avatar article of Lard Oil,
ivhich he is determintgle sell cheap, fully apprecia
ting the old proveritAat f. 4 ll..nimble sixpence is
worth more than a slew He feels confi
dent that consumers;would find it toq their advantage
to give him anal and for themselves.
Woolen m anufacuirers, machinists and others, are
respectfully invited to examine his Superior uil, Fifth
street, near Market, opposite Hunker's Confection
ary store, and Messrs. Samuel M'Clnrken & Co.,
Liberty street. I M. C. EDEY,
Pittsbrirge Lard Oil Manufacturer.
A superior quality otStar Candles, always 'on band ;
of assorted sizes. 1 mar24-y
Ornarooktal Hair Work
*RS. RENTER, Wig Maker,
Alitheny City, six doorsfrom the
Aqueduct, opposite the Collectors
Cefife, wishes to inform the pub
lic that she has, just commenced
the' Ornamental Hair business,
tibia a very superior stock, re
ed from the Eastern cities and
Paris. and she ii prepared to fill
all o;deritat the shortest notice,
anti; in a manner that cannot be
xcrlled by any similar manor:ie
. and intends keeping, a large as
sortment of Ornamental Hair Work, such as Ladies ,
Wigs, Bands, Ilraidsi Curls, Necklaces, Guards,
Bracelets, Finger Rings, Re. Gentlemens' Wigs,
Tanpries, Scratches, &c. •
Mrs. R. has been fir many years engaged in the
business in France and the United States, and from
her long and experieue, she feels'confident in being
able to give satisfaction to all who will favor her
with their patronage. i lifer prices* are more liberal
than have been offercl in this city, heretofore.
mar 17-ly
James novrard & Co.
NAVE the pleatruo to announce to their friends
- 11 that they again occupy their old stand at No.
83, Wood street, where they have opened an eaten
:Five WALL PAPER twArtilitou.s E, and will have
contantly on hand an , ettensise assortment of Satin
glated and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and
Imitation Porders of the latest style; and moat hand
some patterns for papering halls, parlomand cham
They maniiracinreanil have on hand at all tiines,
Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Pelrer,
, Bonnet and roller's Roat ' do--all of which they offer
for sale on the inortAce,optroodating terms, and to
which they 111434: the attention 'of merchants and
ALSO—Wank Books orall kinds and the beat Iva:-
j ity, School uiwnys on hand and for sate
A 3 above. aug 2:1
Latxdreth ela
's %Vranted Garden fiends,
DIRECT FltOM 1 1 HIL.ADE1.0111A. Each paper
jJ hears the lahel and warranty of I)avin LAN
untrit. For sale by r. L. SNOWDEN. No. Water
at.. at the eland formerly occupied by Geo. A. Berry.
Extract from the .Iteport of the Vmdang Cuannatttee
of the Pe nrmylvanla IlartscultMal Y.octetv ' unant
mouldy adopted anti ordered to to printed..
LA.NDPgrti . s svitsEit its AND GARDENS.
" rhete cttent,to grounii• and oti lederiii street,
near the Arsritial. •1 • • • '.l . he earlicit colion
non of CAinclltai wan made here. Some of those
now in possession of those distiniiutshed nor'irerymen
are ten feet high- :• • • • The selection of
ttiatezt-airtsr: rta, all to alluerle arid est ens: re.
"The Nurseries 4i13 Cary (“Tr1.71-1:: lttatrzi;ed, slip
plying every part of the, Conoi, a detail of which I
would octupy too much of our spice, we t'Oerolore
i content eat-selves with Stating that ti'it fluty is very
LirCei a.n.i in e‘tir ft'atO .1 - gro,2le, (14171.50,14 0(1
I ri 'it ES' l' AND tiitNA Mt:NI - A I. TREES, CV i:lt-
a collection of herb:set - eons plants, fruit teem of the '
hest teinit and mar, he=alth,' c ondition: tarp , heds arl
Weedl,t4 a pple., peals, ;AUER", ILO., as sane;,. for tord• I
Log and ;;mien,',;; a 020 very superior to that eft
working upon clirhea, vv loch carry with them tato
thelgran atm the ll...eases of the pa rent stork •
"tiatittnen Santis of the linear quality have been
i scattered crier the country Iron theist , grounds, and
may ad #'3', tbe dOpe.stkd +you. The (eed estahlteh- 1
; nvent of thine iliirneultariNts is one of the most es- 1
l i tetivive in the Colon, and iii i eputatton is well sustain
! ed from !rat to sear.
l'u °haute the charier ~ r meatier of the fries of I
idle planar of the aarne family, they hive taut:tithed ;
another norsory at a rtattltle distance. s,' that degerie•
ration canard 14.11 S place, sod which •rieurev to the
~ j oirehaoir a igiroathe artrele. o Enowrittt Omit the, ,
i aRe, loslity and prorea• of ed:ture of t'sery. plant,
:the supply frum their g rounti• or reernotoroded with
great emalatierre e." .
••• Shaer the date of the' lleporr from which the
>,..," al 0 tersrtsql , the court' einaldishrroint has Loren
greatly enlarged. The erdlectorti of Camelhair cut-
Graces all the liner klit-It. 3[I.ItIWIIIITS of Some thou
sand* of Tallovail tiirfij SO 111.1 , SLOC SUSI/ Itoers, and
other ds-aIt3WS plant., both tender and hardy; front
trees, &c.
Th e s ee d i: an lena alone cover fifty acres, and the
whole is, as it has hero far more than half a century,
under the .11errAllie Miltiaarttletti Of rather and lOU,
the most prominent to America.
KT °Tilers receive , ' by I:- I— SNOWDEN. from
whom catalogues may to, tree-nest grata. --roarit-y
A C Ard
r suLscr,ber begs leave resywctfu:ly to return
J. his grateful acknoo legenrenu , for Ow liberal
tronage trestroted upon bun for yCnrlll.l.ll, and par
ticularly to Pone sslio so generously patronised him
euuce hie mistirrtunc by - the late fur. tlastug consid
erably enlarged his btoones by , assocrahog with Win.
H. Roberts as a partner, he would earnestly sohcrt a
continuance of tbrmer favors to the now firm of
Roberts lk Kane, and he trusts that by prompt `atten
tion to busmeas they will give general iratorfautlon.
M. KANE, Jr.
RI Mot,' AI
The su bscribers would respectfully inform their
friends and thu public that they have removed to
their new warehouse on Third between Market and
Wood curets, south side, where they trimsby strict
attention to business, to inert a share of public pa
tronage. They solicit attention to there extensive
stock on hand, which has been got up with great care,
in the latest style and most substantial manner, con-
tinting in part of the following articles, viz:
Mahogany Wardrobes,
Dressing Bureaus,
Book Case and Secretaries,
Section Back Sofas,
Plane do.,
11 Divans.
tt Victoria Chairs,
French do,
It Plain do,
Centre Tables,
Card do,
Bureaus of every description,
End Tables,
Marble Top tier do,
Centre do,
14 Sofa do,
44 Dressing Bureaus,
• Wash Stands,
Mahogany Work Stands,
Ilat Racks,
ItOCking Chairs,
Sewing tiO,
44 Music Stools,
Arm Chairs,
French Bedsteads;
Butlers' 'frays.
Mahogany; cherry and poplar bedstCads, warrant
ed proof against bugs, and superior to `Any now offer
ed to the public- Also, a variety of Windsor chairs,
or the best quality,and a new style of arm chair with
spring seat, well adapted for offices or societies, with
a variety of other articles too numerous to locution.
We have at considerable expense introduced into
our new factory on Front street, a steam engine with
machinery, which will enable us to sell, wholesale
and retail, at reduced prices.
The attention of Western Merchants, and persons
moving West, is invited to our new and extensive
establishment. Western Cabinetthakers are also re
quested to give us a call, as they will find they can
purchase from ,us for less than they can manufac
ture. Orders front a distance will receive prompt
attention, and the furniture will be carefully packed.
Steamboats and hotelaurnished at the shortest no
tice, and on favorable terms. ROBERTS & KANE.
N. B. Undertaking in all its branches attended to.
COTTON -A few bales of Mississippi Coiton; for
sale low by GEORGE COCHRAN,
j'2 ?o. 26 %Woad.
G. W. Biddle,,Dentist
FIVE doors above the Canal
- Bridge, Penn street, performs all
operations on the ; Teeth satisfarc
ll.—Having lately made one
of Oct.-greatest improvements , in
forceps that has ever appeared be
t f t o o r e e ea2)tubtleite
such bo . ease
as to astonish all those who have
aililed themselves of his service's.
Pittsburgh, July 24, 1846-1 y
. II ,
Pumps Arad leyeirants, .
1 Which are superior to and cheaper than
I any in the city.
II t
Plum to Call and examine for younsclres.
. -
V:rlfydrants and Pumps repaired. janl.wa.dy
No• 66 Simpson's Row,'
UST received a general assortment of seasonable
J fancy and staple Dry Goods, bought from man
ufacturers and importers, (and not at Auction,) at
the lowest cash prices, all of which will be warrant
ed sound and perfect.
Pyramidical Graduated Robes.
Embroidered add Sttipcd Tarlatan Robes.
Organdy Graduated
Sup. Sup. Frerieli Lawns.
Embroidered Berages.
Polka and Mazurka flanges-
French Gingham Lawns.
French, Scotch and American Gingluns. •
Black Satin Striped !hinges.
Black and Colored Balzorines. • -
Fancy Dress Silks, Plain, Figured and Striped.
Plain Black Silks..-
Watered and Striped Silks.
Silk Warp Alpaca.
New style De Lalnes.
Fine Chintzes.
Swiss Muslin, pliant and figured
Bishop Lawn. Jaconet.
Plain and B wred Cambric.
Natisook and Victoria Lawns.
Colored 13oriler'd Linen Cambric Mikis.
Revere florileml Cambric Hilkfs. .
Cambric Ilandkerchiefs.
Tape Border'd •
Mall. Swiss. Jacvuct and Thread Edgings and
Linen Camlirics.
laude Collars.
Oteside do
Rich Styles - of. „Bonnet Ribbons.
Shickleiord s I ittportation of Liglit Dark Kid
Gloves. -
Lop: and Short Nett Gloves and ›Sitts.
LaAle Thread ant Embroidered Silk Glares
Sll A lA' LS.
Thibet. embroidered, new style Caslanere,
ernhr,ldered I...cine,printed, black Met Loe:cr.2
and Ilersac Shawls, Sc.arrs and Cravntz., dhaek and
CC/b./red &e.
Made to erles. all the new and iraprtned styles,
of J Si M SAUNDERS, 3linutactule.
• All the celebrate,l makes of French and Erg;
3-1 and G-1 doe shin Cassimere; disgo- 1
coot Cosi:mire: new style impreigied French
imerci inimitaLle; with a variety of Enelish
land American Cassirocre; a general aiiiiortment of
Of the meat improves! makes, tircAsed and undress
evl or tuft riot-hod, hind spa:Yam! grass bleached
2..craMe-1 this.
J'aramolas and Son S.'iarks.
Superior Checks. Cotton and Linen together with
a stock (4 domestic arid Staple Goods, not surpass
red by any other house in the west. Buyers are
earne.tly requested to call awl- evamine the stock
previous to purchasing elsewhere.
my :l-rrrit No Ce.: st., Nittsbarh. Pa.
JK. LO(; N , has teill , lNl•ti to No S 3, Wood i
• atreet, one door below Diamond Alley; to the
store lard., occupied by Clark 6; Cameron, where he !
has opened a Wholesale and Detail Dry Goods Store, I
and haring just returned from the Eastern Cities, is
opening a new and well selected stuck of Goods,
conziating of French, English and American cloths, I
(all colors.) a great Naticty of new style Casilitneres
and Satitictts; Cashmarctts, to new style;) Oregon ;
ICalsintere, a good stock of smuttier cloths of all
kinds; late style Vesting,: also, a great variety oil
I Lawns and Gmgliams; Pyramidical Graduates and
other fancy patterns; a variety of prints 6 to 2ti cents I
, per yard; a eery superior lot of white goods, consist-
I mg of India Linen, Damask Plaid, Striped Cambric;
Victoria Lavin striped and plain Mull; Swiss Lace
land barred Muslin; figured and plain Ilobtattt; black
land blue black Silks; plain. figuraiil and atriped; a
!large assortment of Irish Linens; bleached brown
Muslin.; table Diaper; Marseilles Co untcrpanes,
;large sari) Moreen; a good supply of Umbrellas . ,
Parasols, Parasoletts and tinnsliadesCa very large as
sortment of tnen, women, and children's 'Hosiery; it
vets fine article of Lisle Thread Hose and Gloves,
and many other articles not enumerated. lie would
laespecthilly invite his former customers and the pub..
he generally, to an examination of his stock, to
which he expects to make additions regularly.
"Ile who in pleasure's downy arras
Neer lost his health, or youthful charms,
A hem liven, and justly can
Etclaim—" In me behold a man!"
DURING A TRIAL, of a number of years, Dr. l
Thomron's PILLS have been found an inval
liable remedy in cases of indigestion, bilious corn
plaints, for derangements of the digestive organs and
obstructions, a sluggish action of the liver and bow
als, which occasion more or less the following symp
toms, viz: heartburn, giddiness, acidity; head-ache;
sickness, spasm. and flatulent distention of the stom
ach and bowels 9 drowsiness and dimness of sight,
an uncomfortablo sensation experienced at the pit of
the stomach soon atter eating, with a feeling of weight
or oppression, appetite impaired, breathing difficult,
tenderness about the region of the liver, bowels ir
regular, sometimes obstinately costive, with languor
tiffd depression of spirits. Price 25 cents per box.
Prepared by the sole proprietor,
rlDCalt THORN, Druggist,
corner Hand and Penn sts., Pittsburgh. Pa.
Also sold by it'll the principal druggists in the city.
• je 23
John i'd. Townsend,
ket street, three doors above Third strert,"Pitts
wrgh, will have constantly oh hand a well selected
assortment of the best and freshest Medicines, which
he will sell on the most reasonable terms. PhySi-
Mans sending orders will be promptly attended to,
lital supplied with articles they may rely upon
Physicians' prescriptions will he accurately and
neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour
of the day or night. ..
Also, tor sale, a large stock of fresh and good
erthmery dec 30d
Few Drug Store
JOIIN D. MORGAN, Wholesale and Retail
Drug ,No 03i Wood street. one door South
at Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh.—The subscriber
has just received from the Eastern cities, and is now
opening at the above stand, a full assortment of
articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of kuids,
Dye Stuffy, Paints and Varrrishe , , herdicals,
&c., together wih all such articles as are usually
kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug store.
His stock is entirely new, and has been selected
with care. He is confident that his articles, both
as to quality and price, will please such as may fa
vor him with a call. mY9-9
HAMS, -2 casks prime hams for snl6. by
A. W. pnots - mts.
nAirs imockW, AY;
Comn i iercial Row, L bcrly st.
ARE now ripening at their , new, wholesale and
; retail Drug Warehouse, a splendid assortment
of goods and merchandise, Which have been selected
with the greatest care , in. PhiladelPhia, New' York
and Boston- consisting or Drugs, Medicines Paints,
Oils, Vaniis ' liek; .pre.,ltogether with"a - splendld lot of
Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Toothi" Hair and. Cleth
Brushes, &c. Fre. . "All of Which," together with a
general assortment elan sueliarticles as are usually
kept in a wholesale and' retail Drugstore, we, now of
fer to sell as low as any other"hoirso.in thjs city:
We have confidence in asking the public to call
and see our stock before making' purchases else
where, and judge of the quklity and price of our
goods from actual observation.; ."
Country Merchants and individuals coming in from
the country, by the danal, will; find our house more
contigious to thq BaSin than any other Drug Ware
' house, and may probably find it to their advantage,
(as well as ours) to Call at the "BIG Gomarri Mon-
Orders accompanied by the. cast, promptly and,
cheerfully attended to. Family and Physimans,Pre
scriptions accurately; compounded at all hours. Dui
store, which is newly and neatly fitted up, is in No.
2, Commercial Row;lLiberti Bt., where we may be
found at all times ready to wait uptin our customers.
fitlrMind the'place"; No. 2,1C0m. ROW, near Canal
Basin. . . ; jc4
Pape*- Warelhouise.
undersigned ha.vitig hiinght the_ paper ware
house:and wall paper_ inaiufactory, late of
lioldship & Browne; have entered into a co-partner-
ship, under the name and Style:Of Hill &Browne; for
the purpose of carrying' on the business in all its va
rieties. They-will have always oi hand a complete
assortmei}t N
hf their- own .inaiMfacture) and their stock will be
improved and enlarged with periodical additiims
from the best ! French factories.
.. Agents for ! the well-kn Own Clinton - Paper Mill,
Bteubenville,, from ! which ; they Will be constantly
ING PAPER, BONNET BOARDS; &c.; all of which
they Offer wholes Sis, and retail, at their store, No.
7 Wood street, mit way between Fourth and Dia
' mond Alley, whera Coudiry merchants and dealers
are invited to call.
I' _ _
JAMES IMAK - ELY, i : .101111 J. LIITCIriIt,
Ahrei.aullt, ;
ff' ' 4ttorney at law.
r to nttend to the selling and renting
, of Real in the City ial'ittsburgh and vi
emits. Rasing detiiiiiiiiied to denote a large portion
of their ti th e to this branch of b siness, they with
confidence: solicit a share of th epatronage of the
public; fro th the facility they !JOSS .iis and the experi,
ence they hare (UM Senior partner having been en
gaged in the, Real F.state Agency: for, near f..'o years,)
1 they believe that Lucy }Mil give ge neral satisfaction.
titliceoMPenn nt,, near the C. S. lintel, and Smit
hfield st., betUmen Diamond Alley 'and Fil th street.
1 .D . 7 . ' ' 1
ot and Shcie Store) llS6:Lilicrty sired,
.bolic the he or Coed st.
:BEE tz .IIAY;ViII.P, would
announce to, e citizens of
ad vicinity that they have a
ai)Cyre nam l ad place for the
ties Of all kinds and qualities, com
e asSottment of Ladies', Gentle
ys,,;Youtlis' and Chi!ilreris 2 wear,
they arc deteinained to sell verp
New B
jA f r,s c ip. , N : 0lc:l i t l ult o i doors
l'ittisbargli .
pencil astern nt t
asie col' llo i nts & SI ,
prising an e'sttinsi 1
mans', slisien',li
all of wilielligcosils
law for nun.
r. pc ctful I y solicit a call from all in
ucTrunks and Carpet Bags,
th.it are usually kept in Shoe
ouddrint that they %Mil enabled
tic quality and Price. je:2o-tf
Tlicd would LI
want of Boots, S
&c., or and good.
Store, as tlloy are
to pleare troth in t
i •
unequalled by any .M4.•.dicine
Fre of Liver Complaint, and other
,m ... cerangeil state of the Liver.
s been in public use fur about s
irquiroq a reputation for curing
tit *hich has never been equalled
lere;ofori! offered to the public.
is, Or -Purgative Pill, they are un
,.tild be used in place of the corn
. dayr. ; Give them a trial and the
I . Pio•pared and sold by.
1 57 Wodd.sreet.
c_ELLEaIs. S
A 7 which stan
known thr the c
diseases arising f l
This medicine it'
years, and has
the liver 'Comp]
by any remedy
. As an Antt-biliol
surpsed and sh, l
' mon pills of the
truth will 'appeal
:1) 15
I. 1 -t—
. Mcp(r.s:All.l), re/1 an& Erass
44,4-. First street, near Market, is
.are'sl to rriak4 &ass C4stinz.s and
as Vrcirks generally on' the most
: niblh termsl and shortest notice.
invites machinists and alt those
is to give Ititn a call, as he is de
. 1 ‘vtirk iii hi line very lor:
-..- ' FL)
At pre
T-1 t- lir.
re-_ , 4 ,--- *._
, kV
using bras,s Ivor
terntined to do •
may 27-1 Y
TUE r cam for sale a tract of land about
threexiile from the city of Allegheny between
the Franklin an Beaver roads,l containing one hun
dred and forty-o e aerris;aboutl44 of which is clear
ed. This landre °Wt . :red at reduced prices and will
be sold either in a body or diNiided into 2;06 to suit
purchasers. Frout its chn4nience to market it would
bo a very desirable location either, for farming pur
poses, paituring cattle lor for Ganletiing.
ffryenti.:fot.b"ildini tots on a credit of ten years.
These Lots are situated on 'Grant, Wylie, Filth,
Ross timi Diana nd streets in the third ward of the
city of Pittsburth, atijldning the New Court House.
Perilous disposed to ptVehase Will find these lots fa
vorably 'located as to health, lc, onrenience:to busi
ness, and will soon he in the centre of the city. For
particulars cnipiirc ofi.l. C. Cummins, of. •
jy : 1 SARAH 11. PVTTP.RMAN.
- It.eldles Dersa Goods.
T UST received frail New York by Adams, Sr. Co's
tJ Espress; the - follbwifig 'styles of Lathes Dregs
Goods, which for beauty and cheapness cannot be
surpassed in any of 'the Eastern Cities, via:
Embroidered Gingham Robes, (new styles,)
Graduated Organdi do do;
Rich Ombri Bungee (silk and wool) very cheap;
Balzarines, erery4irice and quality . ;
Rich styles, Rep. Cashmere and De Lains;
French Gin s ghamland Gingham Lawns;
Paris Printed Hernanni Cobaltine (a new arti
cle of D i sadoods, very beautifid.)
FGraduated uslin Robesi
White Eni roidercd do;
All the above goody; have recently been purchased
in the NiilV Ydrk riutiket since the great reduCtion
of prices and will be !sold at a small advance above
Eastern cost I •
, I
No. 65 Market st
.541.wis ertyrizingh
i,lMPOßTEß hndWholesale,dealer in French, Ger
man and English iFancy Variety Goods .of, every
descriition; sneh as jewelry,itable and pocket Cut- I
lery, silk Puries, bead Bags, Silver and German ail
ver Simons, gold and t.tilver,Peneils; silk and gum slis
penders,.lo() doz. of 4ennantown Hoes and half do.
Trimmings 6f all kinds, and a general assortment of
toys, constantly on hand at, No. 61, Market Street;
between Third and Fotitth stTeezz, Simpson's Row;
Pittsburgh. • , myl3
John. D. Ein!ria,
Sl' Corner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh,
is ready to receive merchandise of every description
on Consignment for Public or private sale, and from
long experience in the aboveibusines, flatters himself
that he will bb able to give entire satisfaction to all
who may favor him with their patrondgn. ,
Regular salts on. Moridayl and` Thursdays , of Dry
Condi and Fancy articles, at 30 o'clock; A.M.
Of grocerief, Pittsburgh manufactured articles,
now and second hand furniture, &c., at two o'clock,
P. M. ;
Sales every, evening at early gas-light. augl2-y
EcfEivEm THIS DAY, by Expresa, another I
JR ) of rich black_ MANTILLAS, at the New York
Store, 79 Mae' tigt.eet
111 EFINtEr t , 13011AX-3 cases just received and
for sale by A. FAHNESTOCK; ta Co.,
se? It , I Corner of 6th andtood streets.
PPIIBLICA'TION OF The, Landqn ,Q::earterly
JA& . Review, the Edinburgh Rerrew, the' Foreisos
Quarterly Revirir the lirestrniu.ster Review; and
Blarkivood s Edfnintrzh Magazine, -:-The aboveyee
rioliCals are reprintiiil Prew York, immediately
on their arrival, by the British steamers,-in a bean.
tiful clear type, on fine white paper, and are faith .
ful copies of the originals--BlaCkwood's Ma.gatint
being an exact fac•snnile of the Edinburgh edition:
The wide-sfiread faiiie' of these splendid Periodi
eels re-nders it needless to ,say inuchintheirpraisei
As literary organs, they stand far in advance of
any works of a - si milar_stamp now published, *idle
the political complexion of eaeli' is-Tairked by a
dignity, candor and -forbearance riot often`found is
works of a pasty charaeter. -
They embrace the.views of the three great pan/
ties in England--Whig, Tory,- and -Radical.--+
"l3tackwood" ati.t s , London.-o,Marterlare
Tory; the "F,diriburgh Review,"
"Westminster," Radical. The "Foreign - Qukrter.
ly" is purely literary., beitig devoted principally to
criticisms oti foreign.ContinentaL Works, '7`
The prices of the .11.E.ritx-rs are kiss than-one
third of' those of foreign copies, and while they
are equally well got up, they afford-.all that adiant
tape to the Anuricanover the Engllih reddei
For any one of the four Reviews, $3,00 per annturt
For any two, dO. '5;00 ct
For any three, do. 1,00 (4
For all four of the Reviews; 8,00 ,
For Bleckwood.s Magazine , 3,00 4i-
For Blackwoodand th 4 Reviews, 10,00
- -
. ,
alt .
Four copies c
any orthe' above ivorimvvill
be sent to one adciress' on riayrnent Oftbe. rein's'.
subscription fOr tbree—tbe fourth combeing gia.
Remittances and communieatlons must be
made in all cases without ex-pense to the publish
ers.—The tormer may always be done through a
Postmaster by,hdnding him the amount to tett&
mined taking Ills receipt oral forwarding there=
ceipt by Mail, Post-paid; or the' money may be
enclosed in a‘letterrPost-paid,direct r ed to the pith:
N. 131—The Postage on all these Periodicals is
reduced by the late Pi3§ - t Office law; to about one
'third the
_former - rates, making a very
saving in the expense to mail subscribeis.
•.* In all the principal cities and towil through
ottt the Uailed Stales to which there is a direct Roil•
Road or Water rommimicatiort from the'iity of Nina
York, these periodicals will he delicered FREE OF
tEONiIID SCOTT & Co, pUblii:n . eis„
jo.l-11G - 112 Fulton St., New Fork
Fiftli Ward Livery Statile.
atTHE subscriber, having bought out the
well known Livery Stable. kept C. 113.
Doty, in the filth Ward,• respectfully informs :63
friends and the public generally, that he will, keep at
all times a stock of the best description of riding
horses, buggies, carriages of all kinds, and is stied
every thing required in his line of business.
A considerable portion of hie stackin now, atl'lhbr
,is donfident 0E64 stodk the city willskierioi'
to his. .
His terms will he moderate. its stable is Crral.
erty street, a few doors above the canal bridge,
where he respectfully solicits a share of public
tr:r He is also provided with an elegant Hearse,
which will be furnished when required. cnt2Eo-tf
jii. CIIILDS. & CO., are now receiving -Near
spring supplies, eonsisting of one of
the largest, cheapest and best as- e•-rii 2 11-
sort/tient of Boots and Shoes that they have ever
been able to bring to this market. Also, Ladies and
Misses Florence Braid, and Straw-Bonnets, of the
latest style; together with a splendid assortment of
Palm Leaf Hats, mens , and boys' Summer Caps:
Also, a large lot of New York Tanned Sole Leather,
I all of which , havin g been purchased at the lowest
rates, and selected with great care for the western
trade, will be sold at a small advance above cost and
charges. All merchants Wishing to purchase will
find it to their interest to call and examine their stock
before purchasing elsewhere. marfil-tf .
LNCTIA.NGE .13110li — F.R; corner of Wood and'Sd
streets. Gold, silver and current bank mites
bought and sold. Sight checks on, the eastern cities .
tor sale. Drafts, notes and MIFF collected. - .
Wm. Bell & Co.,
John D. Davis
F. Lorenze,
Pittsburgh, Poi k
J. Painter & Co.
J Woodwell
Joseph \Voodwell,
James May
Ales. Bronson Sr. Co., } tfi iiadeinhiao
John H. Brown Et C 0.,.
James .M'Candless,Cineinntd, 0.
J. IL M'Donald, St. Louis, 11 . 0.
\V. H. Pope; ?met Bank of Ky., LotdsvißM
Book rindJobPrintingßillee,
T"' proprietors of the Mornifig Past find Mer
cury and Atanufaciure'r respectfully inform their
friends and the patrons of those papers; that they
hare a largo and - well cbosen assortment of
o 3011 TYPE; Am) LLL 0111 ER MATERIALS
Necessary to a Job Printing Office, arid that they
are prepared. execute
PRESS rativrxtrn, OF r.vnar-intscntrrirne:
Books; Bills of Lading,
Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards'
Handbills, Blank Checiis, Hat Tips.
All kinds or Blanks, Slam ' s Steamliodt anti Gana!
Boat Bills with appropriateellts, printed nii - the . elro=
test notice and most reasonable tetras.
We respectfully ask the patronage or our friends
acid the public. in 'general in this branch of bur busi
July 23,1 25.15
• New Hat and cup Store.
' •
cus. H. POULSON, (lacc of the firm
.Poulson & Gill,) having opened his
new store at No. 73; Wtiod street, neit door, to the
corner of Fourth, is now manufacturing and recei
ving from the Eastere cities a very large assortment
of hats and caps of every description ' warranted- to.
be made in the best manner and of the best materiels.
Otter,Seal, fine and . common-.Mushrat, Sealetlx,
Hair Sal, Plush and Glazed Caps.
Also, a Sue assortment of ladies, furs, etch_ as
Lynx, Fitch, Genet and Coney Mull's and Tippets
and fur trimmings, all of which he .offers for sale at
eastern prices for cash, both wholesale and retail:
Country mcrahants will please -call and eimnine
my stock before purchasing elsoveliere. -
N. B. The Fall Fashiun for Bats and Caps reedit , :
ed. • sep27.l.
THFb subscriber having been removed by the
- great fire to Allegheny, is prepared to make
Steam and Fire 'Engines, 'Hydraulic and Screw
Presses, for Oil, tobacco or any Ctlier narpose, and
machinery . , renerally. J. S. GWI27NE,
Franklin Machine Works '
On Rebecca street and Bank lane; West of Federal
street ; Allegheny city. - -
N. B. Orders left in Pitttlir.:gli Mr. S.,
Cuthbert,,in _Market street, 2 doors below Third
street, will meet with prompt attention.
- Gold 'and Silver Watclied
riF the best manufacture, both of England and
LJ Geneva, in large variety and for sale at 'the
towestprices-7patterns, new and of' the latest
Also, Diamond pointed Gold Tent, another largti
supply, juat received of the belt rnake.
Wareijewelry, Fine Table Cutlery, Spectacles,Fene
cal; Tca Ware; Lamps; Military Goods.
corner of Fourth and Marketnt
Mary of Christian Doctrine as used 174 the
Geiman Reformed Church, English and German.—
For sale at our store, No. no Wood st. Pittsburgh--
r SCIIEIBLDR, Booksellers.
- Allegheny City Property for Sale. •
NE will sell a.Lot of ground, 2S feet front by Gt
.feet deep, situate on Perry street; in Alleghe.-
op City, on which is erected a double frame 4welling ,
House, &c.-" Terms easy. Apply to
voreth rt .Perlodlesia
TiTholegale Shoe Store.
l'iankliu. Dlucnine.Vtirks