PITTSBIJEGII DAILY MORNING POST. JOHN BIGLER, •Eolitor.. ITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, SEPT. 15, 1846, Allegheny County Democratic._ Ticket. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, WILLIA.III B. FOSTER, Jr.', — o r EIiADFOBD COURTI4. • Congrers, , WILSON MVANDLESS, of Felder, Senatf, THOMAS HAMILTON, cf . Pittsburgh Isherlit ) #2:OliY PATTERSON, of Lairroarville Prothonotary, GEORGE RIDDLE, of Allegheny SAMUEL W. BLACK, of Pittsburgh. :ROBERT KERR, of .81kghetly. JOHN H. NELHENNY, of Itfferson JOSEPH. COOPER, of 'Moon. • Commissioner for 3 years, ROBERT DONALDSON,.of Wilk na. Commissioner for 1 year, WM. BRYANT, of Pittsburgh: Auditor for 3 years, 'WILLIAM EWING, of Robinson. Auditor for 1 year, N. PATTERSON, of Birmingham. • Coroner, LEWIS WEYMAN, .Bltegheny • D4r.V. B. PM.atEE, Agent fbr country newspapt is the Agent for the Pittsburgh Daily Morning Post, and Weekly Mercury and Manufacturer, to receive advertisements and subscriptions. He has offices in Nnw YORK, at the Coal Office, 30 Ann street, (ad joining the Tribune Office.) Boston, No. 12, State street. PUILADELPRIA, Real Estate and Coal Office, 59 Pine . street. BALTINORE, S. E. corner Baltimore and Calverts, Where our paper can be seen, and terms of adverti sing learned. , • - CORRESPONDENTS. In reference to communications which may ap pear in this paper, we have one or two remarks to make. We will insert none without the name of the author being first made known to us, and when •inserted, must always be taken as expres siVe of the views of the writer, and not the editor of this paper, unless the views so expressed are ed itorially remarked upon and approved. The Democracy of Allegheny. We hear good news from -every part of the county. The democracy of Allegheny were never more cordially united, or more determined to do their whole duty, than at the present time. The efforts Making by whig, leaders to arrest the prosperity of the county by means of a I panic, created for the sole purpose of promoting the cause of whiggery, has disgusted hundreds of honest well meaning Whigs, and we greatly mis take the "signs of the times" if they are n,ot, in October, taught a lesson which they will elver re member. The farmers, the honest tillers of the soil are fully aware of the importance of the con test—they will on the second Tuesday of October be found at the polls, nobly exerting themselves in defence ofthe agricultural interests of the Country. The Farmers, we doubt not, are entirely [willing that the manufacturer shall have adequate and fair protectiOn, but will never again consent to the passage of a Tariff bill so restrictive in its charac ter as to induce other nations as a means Of retal iatiou, in effect, to close their ports against the ag,- riculturafpviducts of the United States. ; The re peal of the British corn laws, they know, has al ready greatly benefited them, in truth, the present advance in the Twines of flour, isheat, crivr, rye, &c., is owing entirely to the.foreign demand, and the fact that Under the new English Tariff act, the agricultural products will bear shipment, and yield to all interested a fair profit: It is, therefore, idle . to suppose that the Farmers of the country will consent to the renewal of a higly restrictive reve nue system, which must inevitably lead to the a doption of a similar policy on the part of other nations in reference to our agrictiluiral products, and thus cut them off from the advantages of for markets.sign . The Farmers, we are i assured, have carefully investigated the subject—they can not longer be deceived as to their own interests, or the interests of the country, and wily hereafter vote with the party that favors and adVocates the • broad and• liberal doctrine of equal:and fair protec tion to all the great interests of the country, and opposes all enactments calculated to enrich the fan and empoverish the many. 1' • Hon. John Y. Dinson. Without wishing to cast any censure on the' conduct of Mr. Secretary Bancroft, during his ad-, mirdstration of the navy Department, We cannot but rejoice at the appointment of .Mr.llMAsorc. Whilst Secretary of the Navy under Mr. Tyler, he won the hearts of onr gallant Naval officers, and endeared himself to all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.' Mild, amiable and courteous to persons having business to transact with him; up right and honorable in all his private as well as official relations, no man deserves more esteem from his fellow citizens President . .Por.u. could not, we, think, have appointed one more popular with the people. We do not say that under Mr. Bancroft the navy languished, but certainly that gallant arm of our defence has suffered in reputation singe Mr. Ban. croft's Itilministration commenced. We shall now look, for more activity, more energy to be infused into the Navy; and if brilliant deed's do not suc ceed the monotony of the past, we shall confess ourself, greatly mistaken. During Mr. Masons's administration , of the navy department, Pittsburgh always hail her share of the favors dispensed. If iron Steamersl were to be 'built, Pittsburgh Mechaaics were appreciated, and as it Was before, so we hope to see it again. We, therefore, thank President Pox. for restoring to us our old and valued friend, I • 17The editor of the Philadelphia' Spirit of the Times, who has just returnedfrom Europe, says, ' 1, "it is, serious truthi and Very unprejudiced mind acquainted with the facts must admit it, that there 1 i t is really nothing like the amount of Imtellectual a. 1 bility in the 'British houses of parliament, or the Fi-enh chambers, that there is in our two houses of cOngress. We repeat, 'nothing like it.'" • TeEBEST TET.- - -‘ , My dear Polly; 1. - am stnpri . seu at your taste of! wearing another woman's hair on your head;' said Mr. Smith! to his wife.— ..My dear Joe, I am gqually astonished that you persist its 'B'earing ai!othrr sheep's 1 wool on your back. There now." Poor Smith. (0 -Cot. SAlittEL .stElarti, whiiom our cotetn porary of the Ohio Statesman, is the Democratic Candidate in the Xith Congressional 'district, Ohio. lie is a bold, thorough and able Democrat, and will make a Mast efficient representativ4, if he is elect ed, as we hope he may be. OThe Clerk of, the fine steamer Palo Alto will accept our thanks for late river papers. The Palo 'Alto leaves for Cincinnati to-day. 131. The splendid light draught passenger steam- Thrancier, Capt. Kourrz, leaves for Cincinnati thli morning. , (',C•The grist mill and distillerb of Chester In galls, at And Arbor, Michigan, as , destroyed by .re' last week: . Loss S5OOO-,—no insurance. .• F. ' 4 ll 7: APPEADANcr. AZirzin.,_Dxsxn.--When the scot*. fin containing the body of Burns, was opened, in 1815, theirs' lay the ,remains of the great' poet, to • appearances nearly entire, and retaining various traces of vitsiit)r, or, rather, exhibiting the feitures I of one Viito had recently. sunk into the sleep of death—the lordly forehead, arched and high, and the teeth perfectlyfam and white. The scene was so imposing; that most of the work - men stood bare and uncovered, as did Dr. Gregory at the exhuma tion of die hero of Bannockbuni, and at the'same tims felt their frames thrilling with some undefin . able emotion, as they gazed on the ashes of him whose fame is as wide - as the world itself. But the effect was momentary; for when they proceed ed to insert a shell or case below the coffin, the head separated from the trunk, and the whole body with the exception of the bones, crumbled into dust. . . _ Lord Nugent, on opening the coffin containing the body of John Hampden, found it perfect, after a burial of 200 years; even his features were pre- set.% • When the body of Gen. Wayne, which had been buried at Erie, Pa., in 1799 ' was disintered forty years afterwards, the corps had undergone so little • change as to be readily recognized by those who were familiar with fhe.Gen. in his life time. Its perfect preservation was attributed to the character of the soil, in which was agillaccous earth, strong ly impreghated with alumni. AN INs►SS MAN TO IFS H►gor:D.—Dr. Brig man, Superintendent of the New York States Lu natic Asylum; Dr. Van Epps. Dr. \ Fosgate. Dr. Briggs, Dr. 3lcNaughton, Dr , Hun, Dr. Me-Call, and Dr. Coventry, all concur in pronouncing Free • man, the negro murderer, insane, and consider him a fit subject for the Lunatic Asylum. The man is to be hanged on the 18th of this month, and so great is the excitement against him at Auburn, that it is, probable he will be executed, notwith standing the testimony of the ablest medical men in the State. A CANADIAN' Row.—A riot took place on Wed nesda:y last, near the mouth of the Welland Canal, during which the steamer Dredge was set fire to and only saved by being scuttled. Some Amen: can sail Ors, one story goes to say, got into a row ' with the priest stationed there, fan Rev. Mr. Mc• Donnach, by refusing to shut a gate, and his reve rence, in trying to compel them, got worsted! The canallers getting wind of this quitted work all along the canal, and attacked a number of Ves sels which were passing through, and at last at tacked the Dredge, as stated above. The military were called out and succeeded in quelling the riot. SICK,NESS IN rex WEsx.—The Chicago crat says the sickness in the country, in conse i'quence of the extreme warm and (try weather, is I indeed distressing. We seldom have heard more lof it. From all we can learn its fatality depends more on the want of persons to take care of the sick, than from the nature of the disease. Many persons have lost their entire crop in con sequence of their own sickness and the scarcity of laborers. BOX 31tEr.—A witty limb of the law in passing a person engaged in posting bills on a corner, ad dressed him thus: "How are you William, to-day. 7 • "•My name is not William, "0 replied the man, it is John." ~A hr replied the first speaker, •d thought your name was William, for I heard them call you Bill Sticker."l cd" The Horse Cholera has extended to State Island; where the horses are dying of in great num hers. it is very remarkable that no remedy car be discovered for this disease. An excessive drought has prevailed in Ken nebec for the last six weeks. The cattle have to be fed with extra feed;--the grass is scorched up. The Lexington Observer contains an extract from Gen. Taylor, dated Matamoros, July 2±— Gqieral says "At WlntOrey, to which I ern pushing forward as rapidly as possible, the enemy will make a stand, it he does at all, which I Very much doubt. Should Paredes, however, give us fight there, or at any other point, the, Kentucky troops shall have an opportunity of glancing' to their satisfaction, and doubtless they will do so with credit to them selves and their state." Literal InterpretatiOn.ome years since a Mor mon preacher was holding for h .in the state 01 Illinois, and, to sustain some of its absurd notions, contended far a literal interpretation of the scrip tures. After he had sat down,l a dry old citizen congratulated the congregation on the discovery: "for," said he, "we have a bountiful :and, and all we lack is water power. Now t said he) the broth er assured us that the scripture 4 are all literal, and mean just what they say; and they says: "He that he lieveth,out of his belly shall flow ricers of water."'" So all we have to do for a milliprivilege, is to per suade our believing brother to remain with us, and to be placed on the hill yonder for the water pow er, and wt. will do the grin inn here below, on speculation ? . 1 Married, l On Satfmlay evening the ftftli inst., by Alder man Blakely, Mr. Joskrn pOULTLII, to Miss MARTIII WALKER, all of this City. Worms cannot exist in the Ssistrrn, if a liberal use qe made of the Clickner Sugar coated Vegetabel Purgative Pills. They not only destroy the worms but thoroughly cleanse the stomach and bowels of the mucus or slymy substance which supports them. Their operation is s i p gentle, that they may be administered to children of the most ten der age without producing those injurious effects upon the general health, which have always con stituted the most serious objection to Vermifuges. Their metallic base is generally so violent in its operation, that the system seldom recovers from the shock until the patient has arrived at the years of maturity or actually otitgratva it. We know several at this moment whose constitutional vigor has been so completely paralysed by the injudicious administration of metallic _Vermifuges while young, that they are almost totally unfitted for the transaction of ordinary business. The Click ner sugar - coated Vegetable ills, on the contrary, have never been known to leave any injurious of-, recta behind them. They rather serve to invigo fate the system, and render it proof against the most inveterate ailments. Sold by Wm. Jackson, corner of Wood and Lib erty streets, who is general !Agent for Dr. Clicke , ner s Pills in Pittsburgh and vicinity. MUSICAL. Arrival of the Barmoneons from Boston. WHOSE grand Musical Performances through out all the Eastern cities and British provin ces have received the universal approbation of the people and press, and whilem. Washington City in the months of May and June, where they perform ed to full andfashionable houses for 40 consecutive nights, diring which time by special:invitation from - President Polk and Lady, they had the honor to. appear at the White House before a numerous assamblage of invited guests. The darrnoneons baying arrived in Pittsburgh ornukt inform the LadieS and Gentlemen and in ' habitants generally, that they will have the plea. mire of appearing before them on , Iluesday Evening, September 151 h, at the Odeon, On which occaSion they will offer - a choice and hipusing Programme of Quartettes. Glees, Songs, 44,‘, mostly of their own composition. .'Doors open at 7 o'clock; Concert to commence at S. Tickets 50 'cents at, the door and at all the principal llookstoths. Children •w:ith their.pmenta hair price... eeP.l5-It 'UV -• •P'r * 0 - „o• ••• _} - ; • • • . ' List of Letters ...,, REMAINING in the Post Office, at Pittsburgh, Sept. 15th, 1546. Persons .calling for letters, whose- names are on= this List, will please say they are advertised: Allison Jane Artists John Appleton Jacob Anderson A D Anderson Abr Augry Isaac A o j n o g hn Elizabeth 2 AT A A r s B gm h y w strle orth Robert Agnew John Ainsworth Edwd S Adams John S Adams Emmett B Adams B. 8 Allison Ebelino Miss Aston William Allvin Mary Allison James Baker. Charles Boston John Baker John - Bostick Edmund Ballard Jacob Bowman H A Baird W Capt Bonner William Bailey George Boireird John Barclay Rachel Bogert Hannah Barnett Joseph Brown Sarah Barrett Mrs , Brown Henry 9 Bartley A S ' Brown Julia A Barns Elizabeth Brown Alexr Barber C W - Brown William Barton I Brooks Robert Barlett G W Breachly Geo Barker Legiand Brady James Baxter William Rev Bradford James D Bell William Brice Louisa Bell Elizabeth Brooks Stephen Benyhill Thomas Brouster Samuel Bede. Rosaunah Brockway Relief Mrs Beltzhoover David Bracy Geo Bennett J M Braden Lattice Beall. John I Bundall P. Best Alexr `2 Bulger John S - Beach Susan Burts A P Bengough Ann I Byron R S Bemis Sames Di Butler Thomas Blazen Matilda Ilyrington Jeaptha Black William Burke John Black blary A Butler Mary J Mrs Black Thomas Burns J „..- Bossart William Burnside Robert Bostick John It 9 Burrell John W Boggs Maria Burdon William Borvin Matthew Rev ^ Casey 3.litcheli 2 Collin G W Carson John Cunningham John Careen William Connor James L Catz Oliver Cook Jessec Carothers James Cocks M A Caven Nathaniel Cowles H 11 Caskey William Cordell Allan Carlisle Daniel Cook John Casey Edward Cook Lewis Carson Thomas Cook & Jones Campbell Johh Cameron Cornelius 1 Chester William Rev 2 Costen 7, 11 Rev i Charles William Crawford William Chapman William Crain Nehemiah Chollar Louden Cranston John Chalfan John Crispin Peter 11 Chamberlain Brown B Culp Mrs Mary Clark Thomas Cunlifie Charles Clark Isaac Rev Cunningham James V Clark Edward Cummins Robert Clark Isaac Curran Manassus Cooper Franklin Collins Thomas Cooper William Collins B F • Colburgh George Coats Peter D Davison Christina Miss Doyle W Dawson William Dobbins Eliza Mrs Davis Silas Dougherty John Davis Daniel Denning John Davis James 1) DrippsJohn Delvin Francis J Dunlap William Dnnill P E 4 Durand W Decker Jacob Diluter DCapt Delicr John Dunlap Julia Ann Deny Leyi Dunlap Thomas Dillem John Durlev St Evans Deihl S Miss Donaldson Eliza 3 Dickinson James -r Rev Dorsey Thomas G Dougherty Martha Mrs E Dougherty John Eseufdder Catharine Miss Eva! s Elleott Williain Eyman Jacob Fdlwirttiz Isaac Evans J Fagg John Faisectt Thomas Farics James Ferguson Andrew Ferguson N H Flanigan Frances C 2 Fleisher Andrew J Fitch Roswell 2 Flanigan John Fleming Mary Jane Fisher James Fuller Oliver Galenor James Glenn Alexander Galbraith Geo Rev Glenn J G Gaurble Thomas Gold G Garwood Elizabeth Gormly William Garwood Samuel Goodbreak C David Garret Edward Gordan Mana Gates William Gooch S T Gallagher M Her Green Andrew T Gardner 'Nathaniel Griffin Sarah Gelston Samuel C Gubline A J 2 Galbraith James Grooves Elizabeth Gilbert Hezekiah 2 Griffin Sarah Gibson William Grthine Mary Miss Gilmore Archibald Graham John 2 Gillespee Samuel Graham E C Mrs Glendenning Robert Gray David Glenn William Greiner Jacob H Hamilton Caroline Harris John W Haile . A Harris N Beings Richard Harkin Joseph Hadley Urban Ilaign John Helene Fredrick !turner G W Hackett Julia Miss Ilevland John Hampton Caroline Flashleep John W Ilagarty Mart Ilawthan Moses Ilagarty William Hazlett E C 1 Heaney Jano Hays John B Harris E E Hays John Hare Adam Hays S B liartline George Hays Jatnes W Hurdle John Hayslett James Hurdlett Isabella Bath George Hartley Geoge Henderson Matthew Harden Sarah Hurry Bridget Hartley George Hutson Alex Hill AI, 3 Hunt II L Hines Elitabeth Ilaberatin Jacob Iltirkle Charles H iilenp Susan Hilands John Hugh Mrs Histe Rebecca Hughes Thomas Hillier Arthur H Hunter R M Hobut & Thompson Hunter Davis Hodgson Mary Humes Jane Hocking Jane - Hurd W J Hoffmeyer Gustavus llowser Abraham Holmes A B Horner John ollentmek William Ilowenstein Andrew loward 'Fliumas llopper Hanson hood Allan runs A S - Irwim }lobed min James B Capt Irwin Alex rwin John Ii Inglish James tigratn A P Jamison Robert J M enkins ary Mrs Jack Robret ohnson James Jackman Nancy Johnson G W James Joseph Johnson Robert 2 Jackman Charlotte J oh ones James nson David Jack A Jeffries Ann Jones Isaac 11 Jeffries John Rev Jones David Jordin James Jones Robert W 4 Jenney Sarah :Jones J H Johns Mira Jones Samuel Jewell James Jones Thomas Jeffries Margaretta - Kane Mary Miss Kerr James A Kitt= Joseph - Kelly John Kaine henry Kelly T L Kuteheon Isaiah Kerr Mrs . Kerr John S Karney Garrett Ketinedy Capt M Kline Ellen Miss Kayo Joseph Kirkpatrick Edward Kemmett Alfred Kirstrue Jacob Kennedy John . Knox K Mrs. Kelley Joseph Kuhns Daniel Kelly Catharine Mrie 3 Lamborn Isaac J Linn John La Motte W Capt Livingston Samuel Lapps Martin Lincoln) Lyman Larkins Owen Leming Daniel Little James ' Lill ywhite Benjamin Little Margaret E Lilly George Lathrop Alfred 2 Litchfield John Larinier° E Miss Long Andrew Lexington Archibald Longhrey Hugh Leonard Mary Anne Lockhert D H Leonard Mary Anne Logaii George Lewis William Lyon Capt Leonard Mary Mrs Lowry William Little James Ludwick M'Clellan. Little Jane Lummer John Matthews Robert rc Miller John Mackey James A. 2 Miller William 'Maber Charles C Rev Miller Jeremiah Mucky James FL Miller J B Mack Thomas Mitchell W Mahorney Sarah • Maberj.y Thomas Madisoa Ouis Moorhead R Mann Peter , t • A Morris Thomas T Matthews *dr% Moodie J W Martin glikifieth Morrison'ffirr I : Martin Polly . . More'Josuph Jlz 2 Murthilliti L - - Myers Matgarel TP B Metz'RPlP'Y -. Mulsty And Mr*: Mstighan 'Henry Munn John Middlemese Andrew Malhollana-Mris Mite. Samuel' I.` , ' Myer John 1 - Mulligariliihi '. Murray3ohn 1 .. - - Mitchell Margaret Murphy Jamesap Miller Letty Mrs - Murray Annie airs - . - .M l . • - i WAvoy Michael - ' M,Garr,Elizabetri Mrs M'Brido B I ' M'lntyre Mr. I ' M , Bride A It! ADlntyre William M'Bride Andiew • -Mdlwaine Isaac IVlTnllough Wm Rev M' Illhaney it H M'Callough James Wlllwahab Andrei's! M'Cling Angalini Mrs M9Keever William M'Cabe James H IvlrKernehan IS• co WClinton John , . MlKelly Mart Miss M'Closkey Leonard . MiKillen Am nda 18DCaslen William 111 , Kelvy Sam, el W M'Cauu Hugh , WlCeuna Charles APO= George M'Kennen He nry M'Crecvy Hugh M'Kelson James M'Curdy I, M , Lair i W W Rev M'Cormick Wm M'Lean S P Capt 2 M'Cormick ft Dravoo ' M'Claren William M'Donald Nancy WLaughlin Sias M'Donald John M' Quiston Alex - 2 .151 , Donald Michael MlMealliCharles M'Dowell Elizabeth M'Maeters Thomas liVGlone 'David WMullan Jcilin • M'Gill Rebecca Mrs M'Mannua Mr ~ N - 1 '• Newland Maria Miss Nickle Simplon Nash Joseph Niblock And Ntswill B A Nichol John ; Nevill Margaret Nolte G H I Nicke John Noble Arthur 0 Owens Winnefried Miss Olos David Odd M J Mrs Owens Owe O'Brien Joseph Oakes hazel Orr Mary Mrs Orr Robert , ' Obey John . frilalleron Bridget' Mrs I Oldshoe Doct P I Palmer Henry Pike Emma Ella Miss Payne James Piper Lucinda Mrs Padgett Ebenezer S Phillips D' E Palmer Franklin Phillips W Iliarn Patterson Joseph Pryor Sila Parker E B Porter W Parke Thos C , Porter John J Patterson Nancy Price George Patterson John Potts Mary Anne !Perkins Hiram Powell C S' Plummer Davis &Co Price George D. Phillips Augustus Pryor Mat D QuinnQ Bishop Rev It Ranson William Riter II:4a C Radley Jacob RockifellOr Mary D Miss Ralston Joseph Roney Jilin Reddy James Robb Chedertield Rheyman John Rockefiller J P Reese James Ross Emdline Reed Bridget Rorke Olen aßeed Julia Rohr Job i , Itestin Dennis W Rowswilll W Richardson W. 2 Rowe Thomas T Rice A C Rodebau6 l, h John Iticheson Hugh Robinson C L i Richards William RobinsoJames H Richardson Lavina S Rogers ranee! 1 Richard John /lapel! J mes _ I Richardson George Rubinsoi Mary Mrs Riley David A • Rubinsori Ebeneazer I Rink Joshua Quinn Mr s San Campbell Spillman i Mary Sanders Chase A _ Speer J I Sample Catharine Spargo William Scott Walter Snyder 4, licholas Scarborough Scdgwick Spargo lary Scott Elija A Squire I °ratio W Scott Margaret 2 Steele 1 hoebe Suly C C Capt Stedma Samuel Sharp Margaret Steele achel V IShaw George Stearns Emily ' Sharpless A .1 Steven William Ship Thomas Stewart Campbell Shook John Stewart Margaret , Shuman J Stewart Samuel Shelby Rachel stewart. James Shinbarger George S'turgiaS D Lt stilley I,J B Shuu • Shinier k J .N o l h i n ch N ael Strong Y. D Shunk Catharine E SturgeOn John P Slater Josiah Stoner .4 . Simmons William Strickland William Smith Robert B Stimmell Charles A Smith Robert Stoopi George Smith Samuel Swain ;Morris L Smith H So earenger-W D Smith David - Swich I Margaret Sherry Patrick Somers Phillip, Spence E Sweaty C B Snook Peter 2. Summers W F Springer C W Spina William T Flynn Thomas Findley Samuel new Falwell F W Fester H D Forgy James Frew William Franks Margaret A Freeman Gco E Freeman N Franceis John K Fulton John B IMMAIIMe 2 Tackaberry Thomas Thompson Mrs Tanner Isabella Mrs Thompson Robert Taylor Mary A. Miss Thompson William ' Thompson Josiah S 2 Thompson Andrew Taylor JeremiahTilden B F Taylor Joseph B Torley J Tharp Roderick Tomer Jucob Adam : Thayer G F Tomer Thomas Thomas M Trelevan Richard ! Thornburg Thomas Trainor Indiana Mist Teelters Marshall Trimble Theodore Teelters Samuel M Trimble Margaret 1 Thompson Joseph Tucker George i Thompson James ' ! • firing J V Veach James Vendegrift Joseph 1 Vickers Samuel W Walker Jaoli Whitesides Robert 1 3 Walker William White John Walker Alexandet Williams Samuel Wallace Ernaline Miss Williams Jane K Mts Walter F A Mrs Williams William Walter George G Wilson CallJmes Waldron John Wilson Ward MarytMrs Wilson James B i Ward Elevia Mrs Wilson James W Watson Mr Wilson William Rekv Watson Phorhe A 2 Wicks Elizabeth Mrs Watterson Wm Wicks Lewis i Watkins Elimore , Wickline Samuel 1 Watt David J Wigam John C Weir Thomas Willis John A Webster Henry Williamson Richarii. West inerva a Miss Williamson JII Well* J T Wiekett Sarduel i Wells Abraham 3 Wintbn James Welsh George Winter Mary Miul Webb Elizabeth Miss Woods Patrick 1 Weir William Woods Mr Well's James Dr Woodburn James j Wharmell Alexander Wright Sophia lifts Whittaker JaMes Yale. Simes Yaney George Yarnell David Z Zigler L George N Maj Initials--JM C. IWKIBBEN, Postm6ster. septls-d2tawlL Extensive Sale of Valuable Books. A T 7 o'clock, P. M., on Wednesday the Mb A and Thursday the 17th inst., at the Commer• cial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood andlsth sts, will be sold a choice collection of valuable new Books, in all the various branches of Literature, embracing Theological, Medical, Historical, Poeti cal and Miscellaneous works, Family .U)les in great variety, among which is Scott's comfit ntary, 50 vols. quarto, Pocket Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books, Letter and Cap Writing Paper, Steel Peas, Blank Books, &c. 13:1 - Private sales during the day. sepls 3011 N D. DAVIS, Auct'r. NEw FALL GOODS.I f HE subscriber is. now receiving a large and fine assortment of FALL AND WINTER DIST GOODS, recently purchased from the manufactureis and *- porters, in the New York and Philadelphia Markets, since the great fall in prices, and will be sold tteentv per cent cheaper than the same description of Goods were ever before offerred in this market. ; All those wanting great bargains Life requested to call at No. 66 Market street. ep 15 • ABSALOM MORRIS. hew Dress Gingham'. WE havernow on hand a full assortment of beaus tiful French aad Scotch dress Gihgbams, twil led and plain, at remarkable 'low prices. Also, an article of embroidered Gingham—very beautiful for Dresses, for alio by ABSALOM MORRIS, • sep I 5 . • No, 65 Market street. Six - Cities KEW Fall Print. TUST • REbEIYP.IS this day, embracing all the new - auedesirable styles in The market; and . will be sold at gr‘atly reduced prices, by ABSALOM MORRIS, • N . °. 65 Mariet et. TORGEOCS.OLL-3 hal (Torte's Sturgeon's Oil for sale repls - 'IVIILLEWIk.iiriOktTSOW' . . MM!M Lady's ;tress Silks. RECEMD this d 4; Bereral vaCkages of very rich new style Persian—embossed Ornbri, Bro cade, Chainelion, Striped, Plain Poult de Soie, arid - Black Satin, Striped Common Dresa Silks, and will be sold cheap ,for Cash, by ABSALOIA -MORRIS, No. 6.5 Market et. Ciihmeres and De lanes. JUST RECEIVD, a beautiful assortment of new style Ririe printed, Ombri ibided, Rep Cordia and plain Eathmeres and tviiins, and for sale; T ABSALOM MORRIS, No. 65 Market street: suA • S, 131-Let, LS ALARGE and splendid assortment of rich and magnificent SHAWLS, just received this day embracing all the new and desirable styles, viz: Paris Printed Terkeir,Cashmere and Brocha, Embroidered Black and Mode colored Silk, Frit*, Thibbet and Maine, Chamelion Plaid; and Striped Silk, Merino, and Persian, Plaid, Silk and Worsted, together with a great variety of Worsted Shawls, and will be dis posed of at a small advance on the original cost; ' by ABSALOM MORRIS, sep2s No. G 5 Market et. TOBACCO—.SO packages Se, Ss, I2s 169,, Lump I and Plug Tobacco; just received and for sale by sepls MILLER & RICKETSON. RICE -10 Tierces prime Rice, just received a for sale low, by sep lb MILLER ¢ RICKETSUN. ATTY BOXES TEA. Thirty 13 lbs. Catty I3oxes C Young Hyson Tea; Thirty 6 lbs. do. do.; Just received and for sale by sepls MILLER & BICKETSON. TACKEREL-30 Barrels large No. 3 Mackerel; just received and for sale by sepls MILLER Si RICKNTSON. WRITE F ISII AND TROUT-142 Barrels Whit 4 Fish. 60 Barrels Mackinaw Trout; Just received on consignment and for sale by sepls MILLER & RICKETSON. WHITE HAVANNA SUGAR-10 Boxes White Havanna Sugar, just received and for sale by 6cpls MILLER & RICKETSON. PLANTATION MOLASSES-1 00 Barrels Plan tation Molasses, on consignment and •for sale Sy sepls MILLER ¢ RICKETSON. SPTS. TURPENTINE-10 bbls just received and for sale by , R. E. SELLERL, 5411.4-- 57 Wood street. -- SNUFF-353 lbs. Garrett's Scotch, just received and for sale by [sepl43 R. E. SELLERS, riALOMEI.-25 lbs Ilyd. Sublied Calomel, in 1 lb bottles, just received and for sale by sepl4 R. E. SELLERS, RITISII LUSTRE—I case just received and, for sale by R. E. SELLERS, repl4 57 Wood street. CLOV E.S-12.1 lbs just received and for sale by R. F... SELLERS, . V Wood street. lIACI GINGER-106 lbs just received and for sale by It. E. SELLERS, sepl4 57 Woodstreet. INDIGO --230 lbs Manilla, prime, for; sal R. SELL _ . Woos 'DRENCH OCHRE-618 lbs just reeeiv r sale by R. E. SEL sepl4 — 57 WU 1 A SAFOETIDA-1 case just received a d for ea 1-1, by A. E. SELtERS, se.l4 57 Wood street. DRUGS. Cantliarides; cochineal; Fovrd Russian'Castor; Flake Manna; Oil CR Gum Mastte; Gum Landrac; Oil Cil Just received and for sale by R. E. SF.L sepl4 57 -------- • Stray Cow. AME to the subscriber, six weeks NMI Vi Rosa township, about a mile from P. small dark brindled cow, marked on both long white tail. The owner is segues! prove property, pay charges, and take she will be disposed of according to law. sop. 1,1-3 t.• CASPER REEL --- eILARET WINE, we will tap another] ki cask of the season, very superior •, those wishing to purchase this article b! will please send their orders to day store of! STE,RE sep. 12. No. 16 Market it come Notice. MBE undersigned have this day asso 1. the firm of J. 1). Williams & Co., pose of carrying on a general whole grocery, forwarding and commission b 110, Northeast corner of Wood and Pittsburgh, Sept. Ist., 1546.J.:1"). \V sep. 8. TILOS. Medical Books. ARNOTT'S Elements of Physics; Muller's 44 " Physiolo , Dunglison's Dunglison on New Remedies; Bell and Stoke's Practice;. Miller's principles of Surgery; Hunter's Paucost's Wistor's Anatomy; Dewec's on Females; Meig's Velpeaus Midwifery; Lee's Blundell's v< Anatomy of the Groin, by Darmc Hunter on the Animal Economy Clark on Climate; Dick on Digestion; Hall on the Nerves; Pritchard on Insanity; Stokes on the Chest; Williams 44 " Bampfield on the Spine; Tuson's Dissector; Holland's Notes, Condi° on Diseases of Children Cooper on Dislocations and Fra For sale by 11. S. BOSWOR s . 43 11 eplOl - - 0 AND CRUCIBLES--10 0 nests ju. received and for sale by 13. A. FAHNEST oCK nep9 corner all a Wood sts. ASTILF. 60AP-10 cases just r - 1 L) sale by B. A. FAHNEST sop 9 cor. 6th Young Otis Young H Aims Election Notice.) N Election under the new Consti Trustees of, the Green Ilridge C I will be held on Monday, the 14th d inn at '7 o'clock P.M., at the office Esq., on Smithfield at. A general a Stockholders is requested. , STLKS ! SILKS ! I SILKS ! large selection of rich Dress Silks, can be fouro a't No. 62 Mar ket street, and are selling at least 2131; per ct. less than usual prices. sep9 A. MASON. S 43 ',"-.•:!,.;•: -. .:.,.. ,.- :k:I4.i;.;... -. -: - r...-i - , - .:::::•.4.'-P:' - : , ;':-'q ~ , ; -?:!.,.-- _ ., . 1•', . ,-'., . .y- 7 4...:k4., 4 - ,: . . 7, v , - , ,,' , .4• . ri • -''' .-. --._. r -77,-.. A in? . T No. 62 Market street, 8" peon's Row/ ate offered for sale very cheap, large stock of bleached and brown Sheeting and hirting Meeting, Irish Linens; Bed *Pickings Striped Shirting's, Broad Clothes, CassimeresiCaesinetts, an Vestings; also, a lot of Spring and Summer Prints, former prices 181 and 25 cts. will be closed out at TO and 121- cts. sep9 A.'.A. MASON: 11ALIFORNIA PLAIDS—A be j ladies, just opened and for • by AL EXAN I sepS 75 Market st. N. W. eor NEW STYLE DRESS SILKS lot of now style silks just re , A LEXAN sepS 75 Market at N. W. cor 141,TENV STYLE GINGI.IA.MS-41 great variety o j 121( new style French and Seotei Ginghams, us received and for sale very cheap! ALEXAIiDER4 DAY. ..sept3 75 Market st. N. W. - cor of the Dianiond. . I Water street Propertr For Sale. - HE SUBSCRIBER will sell lit a bargain a lot of ground on. Water street in the city of Pittsburgh adjoining -Mr. Dalzells- warehouse • betwen Market and Ferry streets, containing in front 35 feet and in depth SO feet; the purchaser can get the lot running to First street, either by trading apart on the river bunk, or by purchasing at a - fair value; apart of the puichase money ; may. remain in the hands of the purchaser if required for ten years, by beitigaccured .by Bond and Mortgage on the property,with inter est:, .Tke title is , indisputable. for furter pardon.: lartdriqutie of the subscriber on Water street between • Grant laud *toss 'tree*, - • - • ; Wig. 1101144.11.: RE. .c. S. gowitit . Pr 1 . . L ices or First Tier, to) cents. Second Tier, 371Conti. Third 4, ta j 4. I Pit, - " Fifth night of the engagement of WI ___-.--- 1 BGjU. TUBA Eighth night of Ca/Sta. TUESDAY EVENING, SEPT. lo ? 1.646. Will be , presented a Tragedy_ in Five 4icts, called VVENI . CE- ritir.sEvrtp: To conclude ce' Doors to k precise! Mooney Wanted fhex ps. change tor Mite and Ca • JR,THE subscriber would inforin the public that he has received his fall stock of Caps, all of which have been principally made to his order, and as his purchases has been made on the cash system, he is enabled to sell his stock of Hats and Caps, at unusually.low prices for cash. His stockAoes not consist of the cuttings of Eastern houses; but * are all a fresh manufactured article. Neither] is his establishment replenished with the old stock. from eastern markets. The Proprietor being a hatter and Cap manufacturer, by trade, as well as profession, he is also daily man ufacturing Hats i and Caps of all descriptions, and for their neatness and durability, cannet be sur passed. All of, which he offers at wholesale and retail, and at such prices as cannot fail to , please . I the, purchaser, G. IV. GLASSGOW, No. 102, Wood atreet, third door below JOhn D. Da. vis' Commercial Auction Rooms. septl2. 1 Public Sale of Lots in the Sixth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh. 'WILL be exposed to public sale, at the Corn f r YV mercial Auction Rooms, corner of Vood and Fifth streets, on Wednesday, the 23d in t., at 7 o'- clock, P. M., by order of Henry Irwin, of Baltimore, the following lots, situate 'in the 6th W d, of the City of Pittsburgh, in Irwin's plan, to wi t ; Nos. 21 and 23, being ecch 24 feet in frOnt on Coal Lane, by about 90 feetilvtlepth to an Al ey, 26 feet 51 inches wide: . Nos. '46, :54 and 56, each being in front on the northerly side of Wylie street, 24 feet by 109 feet in depth, to an Alley 26 feet 51 inches Wide. Nos. 69, 71' and7l each, being in ito n t on the southerly side of WO street, 24 feet by 124 feet in depth, to an Alley 26 fet 51 inches widd. Nos. 102,1103 and 1 4, each being in front on the northerly side,of Franklin street, 24 fee by 124 feet iu-deptb, tolan Alley feet 51 inches ide. Nos. 119,1120 and 121, each being - in 'front on the southerly side of Franilin at., 24 feet 126 feet in depth, to Decatur street. Na. 136, at the corner ' of Franklin an =Logan sts., being in frdnt on F klin st., 3S feet by 126 feet in depth to Decatur st. No. 117, at, the co er of Franklin and Elm sts., being 43 feet 6 inche front, or width, on Franklin at. by 124 feet2l inches n depth on Elm si., to an alley of 26 feet 51 inches, nd being only 37 het and 2 in ches wide +the saidl alley. I Terms: one half cash and the balance in one year, with interest; to be secured' by bond on mortgage on the property sold, the cost of the dedd, bond and mortgage, is to be paid by the purchaser ! A plan can be seen atthe Aucti+ Room. JOHNID. DAVIS. sep. 14th. , (American copy 4 I . Auctioneer. ' sProperty for Sale. a Lot of ground 'on the north treet, 30 feet front' by 120 feet meats renting at $502, per ann., 1 $5,000' bond on Penn and Locust sts., street, by 122 ft. deeri, with im at $350 per atim,lprice $3,600 in hand, and the balance in five 1--- Vii'ili 76 tr e el 'VETE offer for salt IV side Of Fifth deep, with improver price, cash :' I • Also, a Lot of grl 40 ft. Cent on each i provementsi renting Terms—orte•sixth years. :: Also, two Lot okround adjoining the above, 20 ft. front by 61 ,ft. deep,'iprice, each: i: $35 0 Also, two 2 story Brick Houses a i lid one Frame , house and lot, on Canal Basin , lrenti 0 for $4OO per I , $OO year, price,: , 40 . : I Also two 3 story ' Brick Hou'ses arid Lots on the corner of Penn lit. rind Stcvenscin , s al ey, or :the Ca nal Basin, price i : Also, al:Lot of 'ground 'on pale street, in the borough of, Lawrenceville; containing near I of an acre, with',l, seven prick and Frame Houses; will be sold low and on farrable terms. Abply to seplo I -II - BLAKELY 11. MITCHEL, •d and for ERS, street, olocynth &ves; I . street. living in rryirville, a ars, with a ed to call, er away. or and #~~ received , a large ertoPtreiTos — ," BLUMES , for sale atr sepS Islo. 112 Wood street, 2nd door above sth land the last laret wine, the gallon :o the wine & Co. of Front FREM- FALL GOODS=4Alczanlier & Day are now receivin' a very large assortment of new goods direct from the Eastern AuctiOn, to which they invite the attention; of the nubile; as they are prepar-' cd to offer great bargains ALEXANDER & DAY. sepS 75 Markel. st. cot of ; the Diamond. i --I , - pi ci - & - f - e 17, .1 Vices out Penn and Smithfield sts. AGENTS fur the Old Black Ball Line of Liver-I pciel and nw York Packets Remittances mirde as usual) to England, Ireland,' Scotlandland Wales, in sums" of ode pound sterling' and upWards—payable in any town of imprirtanee, in Great Britain abd Ireland.' Persons wishing to send forltheirlfriencis can have them brought entity tb:fiaßote aphindid line, on the 15th and; 16th of oany tionth.l , 7 77 - • h• R7IOI7ES & ALCORN,(Lnte of .slew York city s ) NV. 27 FiNt it., between Wood and Market, Manufac!turers ori Mustard, Orounc. Spices, Catsups, I &c., &c.'i will open during tht relent week dlirge en assortmt •of artreles th4ii- whiCh they will wholesale in quantities to t ddalers, at Eastern wholesale pricesi All articles sold by them warran ted. 4erchants3ntending to go east weuld•de we'll to call hefore le4ing the citor. They may be found, at their 1. warehodse, No. 27IFillhstreet, in *you's Building. I I = seg I iated under !for the par , e and retail I.iness at No. ifth streets, I LT.I PCMS, 2421113 Fat* Fashion of 1 nits. It At KEE'cIL'S, to-morrow Thursday August 9.lth, a net and cheap 'article of Pittsburgh manufaeture eanibeitkil at the abdve store, ahead of, fashionable hatsla.misi . eed from the East. KEEVIL & CO., , 1 2, I No 152 head of Wood st. tures; 1 II at co., , arket street rput, poisonolts effect on the al4n of common pre ' i pired chalk is not generally known by ladies; I how yellow mu& and unhealthy i makes the skin in time; besides. u•pat a. corps like, palid . look it gives when npplied. ;They should uset beimtiful prepar ation, purely vegetable , which gi esthe face arms.or neck, a natural life-like white ess, and makes it smooth. It is called Jon: Spanieh Lilly White, and is ! s old at .10.CKSON , S atent. Medicine Ware house;.B9 Liberty street, h adof Wood; at the same place Is sold J u nes ' Coral hair Ltestorative, Italian Chemical Soap nd unrivalled shlving soap. y 244 f. ) 1 ccived and for lk CO. ' and Wood et. tion, for seven pper Company, :1 of September I'lJames Dunlop, tendence of the RECEIVEDi this day Para Shades; padies pzorded Skirts; 1, do Sea Grass do; I 01 Black4laniard Shawls; Berego Siarfs, and Shawls For sale at p. E. CONSTABLE, je27 83 Market st. i CRIBA, 7 Lake S4peribr. W.OPLE visiting the copper! mines of Lake Su perior dering the - seasons will find it to their advantage to all at Hays! Btleckwars Drug store where tltey can procure sti t ch remedies as the pecu liarity of the inmate require. Any information re lative to the country will lbe freely given. • g , HAYS & BROCKWAY, 344 INo. 2 Cominereial Row, Liberty at... - r. Storage. . - , T_TAVING very large and commodious ware .'" housei we are prepared to receive (in addi tionjo freigh) for shipment) a large amount of Pro duce, &c. on M.orage at low rates. - . i C. A. McANULTY Canal Basm. !alibi article for ,e remarkably low I.lkY f If the r A. very superior dived by t ER & DAY, of tho Diamond. iti=l • . Pii . relbungsa and Coliztellsvillle Rail Road ~- Corapaziy. ' iIkTOTICE hereby gi‘, en, than, in pursuance of a resole on of the Stockholders t i 1,11 ckholders of the Pittsburgh and Connell ville Railroad Company, authorizing an increase Of t h c capital ofsaid Ccrmininvi and directing an ci.ciclitional aubscription, books will be opened for receiving adilitional subscription to the stock of the Company, a l the oillce Of Wrn. Larimer, jr., in 4th street, betwiten Market and Wood streets; Pittsburgh , on Friday the 9th day of September. The books will rennin oper4 from 9 A.M. until 3 O'clock P.M. of said • day; and falm day to day (Sundays excepted) until the. requisieg number of 'Oates be subscribed, or Until otherwise ollered.- By order of the Directors. sep2 R WM. ROBINSON, Jr. Wean. 1---tilliiiroliiiion. • THE pagtnership heretofore existing between Hunket 4. Dickson is tbis day dissolved by,mu ftis! conse:nl. The affairs' of the late firm will be settled by ii,l3. Hanker, who will continue the,Bak ld and Coniectionaq, et Abe old stand in Fifth, near c,r,irket_etrqat. , - ,- , -_P. H. HUNGER, - ...iril pi : 1 - ' .. -‘ i . - ROPiAit .. VD/CZSON , •1 . , 1 I I EMMIT=2 PirrataTlNAnzA. Philadelpl4Danks ...pax Pittsburgh. ... ...... par Laneaster ..... .par Chester county :.....• par Delaware County,. . . par Montgomery ounty..par NorthuMberbind par Colbmbia. Blitige Co .. par Doylestown par Reailing par coUnty: , .....par ' Pottsville par U. States Dank , .28d Drowneville id Washinglon" ' ' • id All other 'Solvent bkii:.24i Lewistown- D ank•. ,: .50d Scrip. Mer & Man. bk. Pitt , h. par State Scrip . ; City and County • 'lid onto. Thable 'Farce; Called the autmence tti septls . - -- Lancaster -10 d Hamilton 15d Granville 45d Fanners , Bk Canton...9.4'sd Urbana. 40.31 5d Seiota All Solvent Banks... .11.3 iolletteu and Sun- • • ItA.Tios OP_lnscouriri CORRECTED DAILY BY ALLEN KRAMER, EXCHANGE BROKER, CORNER OF THIRD ARD WOOD STREETS• State Bank& branches. 45 Shawneetown. 70w IState It . rik &branches. 11 TENNESSEE. All solvent banks .. 31d N. AND S. CA2OI.INA. All solvent banks....2ld AlLsolvent banks ad liT.Vi r YOBS, New York city: .. . .par ICountry Baltimore Mar & Fire In Co. Milree 5 'MICHIGAN. FaMG and.Mech bank.lod - All Other Sol vent....lod Exchange--Selling Rates. New prm Philadelphia prim prm GOLD AND SPECIE. VALDE. Frederiekdors $7 80 Ten Thaleis 7 SO Ten Guildera.. ..... .3 90 Louisd , ors 460 Napoleon 3 80 Ducats 2 150 220 Eagle, old. 10.60 " new 10 00 Doubloon, Spanish..l6 o€t Do. Patriot 15' 6121 Guinea. ' ' ' 5 obi EtIMIZI Stat 6 Bk &tora aches. JO scrip,s & 6 p : c: .spla xrarrocaT. All solvent Banks; ..lyd MIME! Eastern Banks id Wheeling dd do. branches lid Bech at 111orgontown.. Id on intfl Fire Insiz nipany. Mal fret Street- Pittsburgh Navigat ranee c Office, No. ,21, T 0118: Michael Allen, William Ebbs, C. Anshutz, Lewis Hutchison, Thos. Bakewell, Fred. Lorenz, Robert Beer, • I James May, R. W.. Poindexter. M. ALLEN, Preal, ROBERT FINNr.z, Secretary. . aug2.o-dGrn. ITU. DUFF'S and Writing Rooms, corner of Eva aftd Market streets.. The liberal patronage giv- A en to this establishment by his fi 7 Rl ---- ids azs the public. induces the proprietor, in order to encourage perseverance and industry a mong his students, to offer on the let of October next, as premiums TWO GOLD PENS, elegantly mounted in silver pencil cases. Ono‘to be awarded to any member of his class for the greatest proficiency in Book-keeping, and the other to any member of his class for the beet specimen and greatest improve- went in Meicantile Penmanship. Day and Evening Classes. Hours of business until Ist of October, 2 to 4, and it to 10 P. M. - sepl I . TI . Peremptory Sale of Building Lots. AT 2 o'clock, P. M., on Saturday the 13th inst, will be sold without reserve on the premises, 29 valuable and very handsomely situated Lots of Ground in the city District near Arthursville and Sixth Ward; nine of which have a front-of 22 to 24 feet each on Duncan street (now coal lane) and ex tend back 120 feet- Twelve have a front of 24 feet each on Do Filler street which is' 50 feet wide and extend back 104 feet. The other' eight lots adjoin the above, each having a front of 24 feet and extend back 103 feet. • A plan may be seen at the Auction room and any information that may be desired will be given on ap plication to the subscriber.. Terms one half cash and balance payable in twelve months with interest. se .10 JOHN D.- DAVIS, Auctq: Splendid Bargain—House and Lot. rirWE have for sale, a neat two story &gm* brick house, with inished basement, WI vault, 4.c., situate on Fifth street, near the new Court House. The house is new„ containing seven corn., fumble Rooms, and will rent for $l5O per annum. Price low and payments easy. Persons wishing to seethe house and learn particulars, Will please apply BLAKELY &MITCHEL, Smithfield et. near sth. Only Four Left Out of Thirteen. WILL sell at private sale' the following pieces lof Land, situate on the Franklin Road, 4 miles from Allegheny City, being the balance remaining:, unsold from the public auction of the 24th'ult., antr private sales since. Lot No. 8, containing 13 acres, 5 perches, a beautiful piece of land, price Lot No. 13, containing 11 acres, '72 perches price Lot No. 10, containing 14 acres 15 perches, an excellent _piece of land, partly cleared, price $5OO Lot No 12, containing 15 'acres 40 perches, ' priee $325 There is timber enough in some of these Lands to pay for them, if 'brought to market. They all front on the Franklin Road, are within fourmiles of Alle gheny City, and 41 miles of Pittsburgh. They will be sold on fair terms. Apply to JAMES BLAEFLY, AWy. in fact for LAWRENCE MITCHEL. (Despatch copy.) New Goodi t Now Goods S t At No. 62 Market street, Simpson's Row. A. A. MASON,' IS now in receipt of and is constantly receiving new DRY GOODS of every description, from the eastern Manufacturers and Importers, to which he calls the attention of the public, 62 Market et. sep9 J. D. WL1.1.1.&315. - • THOS. lIIILLED. J. D. Williams it. Co. 110LESALE and retail grocers, Forwarding Wand commission merchants, and dealers in' country produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures. No. 110, Northeast corner of Wood and. Fifth streets. COFFEE, 150 Bags of Prime Rio Coffee. " Old Gov.javamadLagauirado. For sale by J. D. WILLIAMS & Co." T"s'Bo Packages fine and extra fine green and black teas. For sale by sep. 8. J. D: WILLT AIMS & Co. SUGAR., 6 1 0 0 r 0 Ib c : , trim oaf e crushed, O .Sugar. Pulverized and clarified, do. For sale by *rep. 8. - J. D. WILLIAMS Es Co. n iAMS, Prime sugar ci . in aie by J. D. WILLIAMS & CCl e o s A t. cocoaloasr tsealaerT yb rorna of the bquality. 88P- 8. J. D. WILLIAMS '& Co. 'Wall Paper.• • SPLENDID assortment just received from the 1 - 1 East, of entire new Patterns. They can be' had very low at the wan Paper Store of T. SHIDLEy Smithfield street., ang27Ailm WINDOW BLIND PAPER—one yard wide, for sale by J. SBIDLE, aug2.7. Smithfield street, PIECES of Glazed and Unglazed 104000 wall paper, ofmy own manufacture / on hand and for sale at the lowest market. price.: J. SHIDLE, Smithfield street. aug27.d I m R EFI d N r I i qUORICE--100 The just receised anß. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.; cor. 6th and Wood eta SAL. SODA-4 casks just received and for solo; ' byß. A. FAHNESTOCK•Es CO, sepll' cor. Sixth and Wood sta.. ettIININE-100 ounces just received and for sale Not by . B. A. TAILNESTOCK & CO., setill. corner of 6th and Wood sta. Cotton Yel2lll, &O. LBS..assorted numbers, long 45 000 short reel Cotton Yarn. " 15,000 lbs. Carpet ; Chain. 10,000 4 4 Cotton Twine. 150. Bales Common Batting. 100 4 4 Extra family do. For sale low to city or country trade, by M. B. RUBY iIl CO:,. 57 Wood streett• 1110 T ASH-15 casks Potash, No. articlo, oro r hand and for pleby mma IN & SMITH, 56V00d isw -Mackerel,- Shad,. Salmon; -and Balt.:&. Boa- JC led Herring; y y , - For solo , by . 111111 ML /V ' • D.:WILLIAMS it VC ' - - EE:=O NEW ENGLAND. MAIITL IRD par id . i -