Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 11, 1846, Image 3

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Prepared and corrected every Afternoon.
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Office of the Pittsburgh Morning Post.
. - Thursday. September 11, 1846.
Busiteass.—For several days back our city has
shown quite an active. appearance; the fall basi.
ness has just commenced, and our merchants are
receiving and shipping large amount.: of goods dai
ly. With the exception of the advance in flour,
.We have no change of moment to notice in the
market. 'The attempt on the part of the whigs to
raise a panic since 'the passage of the new Tariff,
has proved unsuccessful, and articles of produce
will undoubtedly advance slowly; flour has aliea
'dy advanced twenty-five cents on the barrel, this
will be chee ring news for the farmers, they will
at length be enabled to secure a fair compensation
for their products. The cry of low wages to the
mechanic and operative has ceased—this old fa
miliar hobby of the whigs to frighten the mechanics
and laboring men into their ranks has also moved
a failure. The advance iu the price of produce
must necessarily be followed by an advance in the
wages of the consumer. In a very few weeks more
matters will become settled, and the abortive at.
tempt to create a panic for political effect will
be laughed at by the honest; eoabers of all parties-
The weather, since our last, has been oppres
etvely warm; yesterday it began to feel a little corn:
fortable,And wore the it .carance of rail a g ,k g4;
river has run out;yesterday evening the water had
again got dolvu to three feet two and a half inches.
Aaasa—There has been nothing of moment trans
acted in this, article for some days—the receipts
have been light, and prices range at—Potts at 4
an; pearls 3451; scorchings 21a3c; Saleratus 41
BEANS—Nothing doing—small white, $l,OOO
_ BEESWAX—No sales; we quote it at 25 to 28 cis
for good yellow.
Radii:ea-873 to $2,25, per doz owing altogeth
er to quality.
CEIEESE—The market has been generally quiet;
sales of . Western Reserve at .5-#053 per lb.—an
extra good artiele has brotight oc. Goshen retails
at 10 cts. lb.
C , orrrix.Tennessee, middling; has been sold
for 7 etc; Mississippi, fair, 7309 cts.
COirox . Y.aiiicii=We quote prices at 10017 c.
far the different nurtibers; since our last an advance
of I et. p In. has taken place.
pr.ona.. , --Flour has been gradually advancing
for a few days hack, and we qtlote no settled price,
yesterday at the river sellers v.-ere asking $2,56a
$2,02 for goad quality Old- - --Iresh ground from last
year's crop is scarce; and brings 2,62052,75--we
understand that sales of fresh ground have been cf
fected at $2,62, $2,75e52,87, and $2,20.
ERIILT.—Green apples are not arriving so brisk
ly as when last noted, they range from 50 cts. to
$l. Lemons, bring front $2 to $5 per box.
Gnoczarss—Coffee—Java, white, 113012; Rio,
8081. Molasses—Sugar House, {;gall. 40015; N.
0. 30 , 433. Sugar, N. 0., prime, 8 cts. by the Iliad. ;
fair, 71a71. .
Guam—Wheat has been selling for 43030 eta.
per bush; shelled Corn at 30a33—Rye, in demand
at 31033 p bushel.
Pnovzsiorrs—The market continues dull and
prices without variation, shoulders in casks have
been sold at 3031, sides 405. Hams 41033. Lard
remains at former quotations,leg sells for 0306/ .
butter for table use ranges from 15 td 183 cts. per
lb. in 'market, keg from store 6(37 is to quality.
Wursar.r.—Rectified 18 cash, add 183010 on
' hirrAx.—ln pig metal the market remains quiet
soma few sales have been made of 0: H. at G
mos.; H. R., at $32(//$33, on 4 and 6 mos.
Woor..—The market stillremains quiet—the re.
ceipts for "re-shipment have been fdi gonie weeks
past pretty heavy,
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Advantage to call at Hays & Brcickwars Drug store
where they can proctrie such remedies as the-peen
' - Rarity of the climate require: Any irillirmatio'n
leave to the country will be freely given,
je2l No. 2 Coriiindicial Row, Liberty tit.
G. 'Weym an, T. S. .C 1 ark
PORT OP PiTTsPirston.
Consul, Bowman, Brownsville
Arena, Plebles, Brownsville.
Louis M'Lane, Bennett ,Brownsville.
• Michigan/ Boice,Beaver.
Lake Erie; Iletetp hit, Beaver
• " Wilmingron,Dawson, Wheeling: '
New Ark, Herd, Zanesville. •
• :May Queen, Fiacker, do.
' Western, Tomlinson. Cincinnati.
Prarie Bird, VandegrifF, Cincinnati.
Arena, Peebles, Brownsville.
- 'Consul, Bowman, Brownsville.
Michigan, Boies, Beaver.
Lake Erie; Hemphil, Beaver.
..Louis M Lane, Bennett,_ Brownsville
CireaSsian, Cox, Cincinnati. •
Cutter, do. •
Ringgold. Major, do.
North Queen, Catlett, Wellsville.
California, Hunter, Cincinnati.
Cincinnati—Per str. Prairie Bird, 141 bales cot
ton; 94 sks. wool.
Irellsville--Per. str, N. Queen. 400 plough han
dler, 80 bushels timothy. seed, 1 lot plough beams,
3 sks. feathers, 10 bls. mustard seed, 2 bls. scorch
lugs, 7 sks. wool, doz.. sickles', 2 sks. bags, 9 bls.
-butter, 4 water jars, 1 crate ware, 00 bls. flour, 93
Per str. Newark, 90 bls mustard seed, 2 bls.
wheat,.6 btlls, leather, 7 sks. wool, 278 ps. bacon,
18 sks• wool, 7 .sks. feathers, 9 kegs butter, 1 crate
and 7 sks. rags, 30 hds. tobacco, 1 hd. rags, 1 lot
Monongahela. 1171pm-own:el—Per str. Consul, 15
bales sheet Iron, 04 kegs nails. 1 lot moving, 1 lot
scraps, 10 bags wheat, 10 sks. bags.
Per str. Louis McLane,. 6 boxes, 2 bales mds
190 boxes glass, 19 bls. - flour, 107 bags wheat, 23
kegs nails, 3 tons pig metal.
Farm Ceuta[Wog Coal toe Safe:
THE subscriber offers for sale, a valuable Farm
on the Monongahela River about 13 mile!'
from Pittsburgh. one mile from Elizabeth Town, Al
_legheny county, and one mile below Dam No. 3
situate in Jefferson township. The farm contains
about TWO HUNDRED ACRES, one hindred of
• which is coal, of easy access from the River, beside
• being a first rate farm for cultivation. These desir
ous of purchasing coal land, will find this Wm' pas
sessed.of perhaps more advantages than any similar
one upon the River.
For further particulars apply to the subscriber,
living within one mile of the premises.
augl44Srwlm (Journal copy.)
Jeffereon Democrat, BerksCo., pleas copy, 4 times,
and send bill to \ this office.
aloe Suffer .
PEOPLE visiting the copper mines of Lake Su
perior during the season; will find it to their
HAVING a very large and commodious ware
house, we are prepared to receive (in addi
tion to freight for shipment) u large amount of Pro;
duce, &c. otl storage at low rates.
jy23 . Canal Basin.'
Man', Invention. Outdone: by Nature.
HIS Oil is'.obtained Bina a well near Burksville,
Kentncky, at the -depth of 185 feet below the
surface of ther,earth, atni 4'70 feet through solid rock.
Its curative properties are truly astonishing, and as
a Remedial Agent it may well be pronounced won
derful. Since the discovery. of this Panacea of Na
ture, numbers of remazkable cures have been effect
ed by its use., It is Innocent—Powerful—Safe and
Certain in its effects. It has been used with unpar
aih3lled success in
,the treat of the , following
diseases: Inflammatory Rheumatism, Burns and
Scalds,Cholic, Piles, Flatulence, Inflammation of
the Kineys, Deafness, Consumption, Liver Com
plaint, Phthisic, Scald- Head, 'Cancers, Weak and
Sore Eyes, Bruises, Fresh Cuts and Wounds,
Sprains and Strains, Dropsy, Pains in the Breast and
Side, Totter,' Influenza, Ulcerated Sore Throat,
Consumption,, Bronchitis, Spasms, Ulcers, Spinal
Affections, Scrofula or King's Flit, Coughs, Syphilis,
Ringworm, all Bowel Complaints, all Chronic die
easesxlmpurities of the Blood and General Debility.
It is likewise very beneficial for Female Complaints
in general; acts as a great Restorative from Languor,
weakness of Bank and Chest, Low Spirits and Exces
sive Debility. :
Read the following Certificates, all of which are
authentic; all the persons therein named are now
living, and
,well known in Cincinnati:
P 11 1 .9111511011, Aug 22, 1846.
This is to certify that we have used the American
Oil fur the whooping cough, among our children, by
giving them from 20 drops to a small tea spoonful at
night, which always enabled them to rest well through
the night. I also applied it to one of the children
that got her ann burnt by turning over a tea cup of
hot coffee on it, the child seased crying by the time
the arm was dressed and bound up, and has never
complained Grit since. I also was afflicted with a
pain in my side ano breast, and have been so for 16
years. I commenced using the Oil by taking a tea
spoonful twice a day and in 3 or four days using of
the. oil I have lien very much relieved, and do really
believe that it is the best family medicine that I have
ever seen. I applied it to one of my neighbor's for
a strained ancle, which relieved her in a few minutes.
We have also used the oil for a strained joint in our
own family, which gave ease in a very short time.
We live ondie cast side ofPenn st., 3 doors south of
Walnut, I am now as well as I ever was in my life.
PITTSBURGH, Aug. 14, 1546.
This is to certify, that my son has had the Plethisic
for seven years, and was very bad with it, and about
12 or 15 days since, I commenced giving to him
about 20 or 25:drops of the American Oil, twice a
day. which relieved him in a day or two of his diffi
culty of breathing, and he is now entirely relieved
of his cough; our boy is 10 years of age. We live in
King's Alley. NANCY KING.
CINCIXNATI, July Ist, 1846.
Sir: Having been cured of a very severe disease
of the eyes and head by the use of the American
Oil, I feel it my duty to the public, as well as to you,
to send von the following certificate:
I hereby certify that I was severely afflicted one
year ago last winter, with inflamed sore eyes and a
very severe pain in my head from my eyes up to the
top of my head, and continued so for several weeks.
111 y eyes were' so much inflamed and sore that 1
could not see to attend any business nor could Itch;
one object from another few yards from me. I
called in a physician, but still got worse. I also
tried a good many remedies that had cured others;
but in my case they failed. In April, 1845, I heard
of the American Oil. 1 procured a bottle, and be-
fore I had used a half a bottle I was entirely well,
and still continue so. I will not be without it in my
house as long as I can get the genuine article. I also
gave it to one of my men that was working for me,
that had the teiter in his hands so bad that when he
would grip anything tight in them the blood would
burst out, and the use of half a bottle cured us both.
I would advise all that arc afflicted in any way to
give the Oil a fair trial, and I think they will be
pleased with the effect it will have, &c.
Sold at One Dollar per Bottle at Jackson's Patent
Medicine Warehouse, S 9 Liberty, head of Wood in.,
Pittsburgh. THE ONLY PLACE ID Prrrintmon where
the Genuine American Oil can be obtained.
Beware of aCounterfeit article. The Seneca Oil.
put in American Oil Bottles, and labelled "Amer
ican Oil." It somewhat resembles the American
Oil, but possesses none of its virtues or healing pow
%V. Jackson respectfully informs the Public that
D. Hail & Co., the proprietors of the American Oil,
have ayjmiiated him their SOLE AGENT for %Vest
" Tiernas w.votint - tqw-agrucieti will apply at 89
Liberty street, as above.
F. D. Sub-agenta wanted for every town in the
above District.
A great number of certificates are on band and'
can be seen at the office, SD Liberty street, bead of
Wood. aug 2.4-ly
BODY.—It is an astonishing fact, that a very
large class of diseases can only tie cured by such
remedies as will enter into the BLoon, and circu
late with it, through every portion of the body, for
only by this means can the remedy be brought
into immediate contact with the diseare and to at
tain this desirable end, no preparation bus been so
uniformly successful as DR. JAYNE'S ALPER-
T! 1 - E. &roftda, Kings' Ertl, Cancer and Cancrr
ous Tumours, Whire &ratings. Enlargement of the
Boats, Chronic lihrum.dism and GrGut, Eruptive dis
eases of the Skirl, old and indolent Ulcers, Goitrous
&writings of tht 'Throat &c., are cured with a certain
ty, that has astonished every beholder. It is, be
sides, one of the MOM pleasant articles that can he
taken' into the stoMach, operating as a tonic, and
removing DySpeptic and Nervoiis aßl , .ctions, and
imparting a glow of animation and 'health, tale
quailed by any thing in the whole Materia Modica.
For sale at No: 8 South Thioi st —Price $1 per
bottle, or $lO per dozen.
For sate in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
on Fourth Street, near Wood, and at the Drug Store
of IL .1' Schwitrtz, Federal street, Allegheny City.
I~110DES.8:. ALCORN, (Late of New York city,)
No. 27 Fifth st., between Wood nod l'ilarket,
Manufacturers of Mustard, Gibund Spices; Catsups,
&c., &c.; will open dUring the present week a !Sage
assortment of articles in their line, which they will
wholesale in quantities to suit dealers, at Eastern
wholesale prices. All articles sold by them warran
ted. 'Merchants intending to go east would do well
to call before leasing the city. They may be. found
at their warehouse, No. 27 Fifth street, in Ryan's
13uilding. sep7
Fall Fashion of Bats.
dril At REEVIL'S, to-morrow, Thursday August
NA 27th, a neat and cheap article of P - ittsburgh
manufacture cap be had at the above store; ahead of
fashionable hats imported from the East.
aug2U No 152 head ofWood at.
Brick House and Lot at Auction.
T WILL offer for sale at public Auction,on Thurs
i day, the 17th day of September, at 10 o'clock, A.
M., on the premises, a three story brie& house, on
oth street; near Grant street; neatly finished, size
of Lot 21 feet front by 100 feet deep; sale positi% c.
Terme at sale. JAMES BLAK ELY,
Att`y. in fact for L. Mitchell.
P. WKENNA, Auct'r.
(Dispatch kw)
rrillE partnership heretofore existing between
I Hunker ¢ Dickson is this day dissolved by mu
tual eonsent. The affairs of the late firm will be
settled by P. H.'llunker, who will continue the Bak
ery and Confectionary;at the old stand in Filth, near
Market street. P. 11. HUNKER,
A ' Xenophon, chiefly according to the test of L.
Btu orf, with notes, for the use of schools and colla
ges-. For sale by- LUKE LOOMIS.
sepl [Journal copy? Ag't. 1
Pittsburgh lizitt Conncllwllle Rail Roa'
NOTICE Whereby. given, that in pursuance of a
resolution of the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh
and Connellsville Railroad Compaiy; antriorizirig an
increase of the capital 4said Company; and directing
an additional subscription; books willbeopened for
receiving additiOnal subscription to the stock of tbo
Company, at the office Of Wm. Lubber, jr., in 9th
street, between Market and Wood streets, Pittsburgh','
on Friday the 9th day Of September.' Thq.books will
remain open from 9 AM:until. 3 - o'clock P.a. of said
day; and from day to day (Sundays excepted) until
the requisite number of shares be subscribed, or until
otherwise ordered. By order of the Directop !
sep2 WM. ROBINSON, Jr. Pres , t. •
Cotton Yarn, &C:
4.5 /10
LBS. assorted numbers, long and
shbrt reel Cotton Yarn.'
16,000 lbs. Carpet Chain.
10,000 41 Cotton Twine.
100' Bales Common Batting.
100 " Eatra family do.
For sale low to city or country trade, by
EL D. RHEY at CO.,
fr 7 Wood street.
y 7f ?
;•-•. al •
AT A. MORRIS'S No. 66 Market it. We hive
now on hand the cheapest lot of Lawns mrpr
offered in this market. Such as are useally..aold at
91 cents we are selling at 11).' ,60 the 'Drees Pattern,
37 yards.) Call and look at them. e 2
' Latest Improvement. ,
BEDSTEADS of different kinds with - Gazzane's
iron patent fastenings, superior to anything now
in use, for sale low at the furniture warehouse of
T. 13. YOUNG & Co, Eland street.
The attention of purchaiers is invited to out
geral stock of these Goods.
4-4 superioi Sea Island Shirting Musline;
15_16 cc cc cc cc c,
7-8 "
12-4 Hamiltrin Sheeting;
54 cc cc
p_g cc
mar 17
BEST' JAVA COFFEE, ground ¢nd put upint
pound packages, received and for sale at the
PEEIN TEA STORE, 72 Fourth street, near Wood.
CLARET WINES.—A few dozen "Family use,"
and Chateau "Ponitet Canet" brands; also fifty
cases "medoc St. Julien" and other brands—at the
wine store of (aug29.) STERETT & Co.
CORN -117 scks Corn, for sale by
je26 'JAMES MAY.
CRAB CIDED.-12 Barrels supenor Crab Ci
der for sale by P C. MARTIN,
jy 20 130 Water street
CLARET WINE.—We Will tap another cask o
Claret this morning; persons in want of the arti
cle on draught can therefore be supplied. Call early
at the Wine Store of
.CIIIECKS AND TICKINGS.—An excellent as-
Vsortment of checks and tickings, just received
and for sale very low.
75 Market st., N. W. cor. of the Diamond.
FLOUR -25 bbls superfine family flour in store
and for sale by
sep2 56 Wood street
FISH -150 bbls No. 3 Lary's Mackerel;
20 - " 3 North
10 " " 1 "
20 " Herring (Allwives)
5 " No. I Salmon; in store and for
sale by LAMBERT &
FIN!. SALINA TABLE SALT---50 bags {small
site) very fine Salina Salt, fit for table use and
Dairies, for sale low by P. C. MARTIN,
1Y 27
GRADUATED Stripe and Plaid white Muslin
Graduated stripe white Muslins;
Mull Muslins; Nainsook do. Jaconet do.
A large assortment just new to-day
je27 No. 83 Market a
Musqueto Netts.
EO. S. SWARTZ has on hand a lot of very so
pertor white and colored Mosqueto Netts
which will be sold cheap at No. 106 Market street.
H E4:i. , % , : e Y ed x . - h tt i n te d L g i u n m en me D r ri c lL, tr . gent's pants;
Gent's Linen Cambric Hand kerchief;
Do. Silk do.
Do. Ilernani and Silk Cravats.
An invoice of the above received this day by
je 27 B. E. CONSTA ISLE, 83 Market. st.
lIANDS 'WANTED-2 Bedstead makera;
2 Table makers;
S hands to make other Cabinet ware;
None need apply but first rate workmen.
11. H. RYAN.
auS (Journal and Chronicle copy.)
TT IDES-411 Missouri Hides, for sale lOW to close
fIOCK WlNES—Rudisheitner, Steinberger, and
Haut Sauterne brands for sale by
aug29 STERETT & Co.
For Sale at the Wharf.
Tlvr. irwA Dar Canal Boat
-10,000 feet :nett poplar,
10 , 000 .` " seasoned;
45,000 4t4 Scantling.
lAWNS! LAWNS!! — Great Baiyains in towns
4 are now to be had at Alexander & Day's, No. 75
Market at., as they are selling off their stock of
good at a great reduction of prices, so now is the
time for persons to suit themselves at a comparative.
ly small expense. ALEXANDER & 11AY,
No. 75 Market st.„
iY 13 N. W. corner of tile Diamond.
LAWNS - -- 7 ,i.t;7C01:1 3 / I ).—Atititlicr lot or La;irs.
just opened at A. Moms's, No 65 Marked .I.
warranted fast colors—which we aro selling at 12tc
per yard. je2
lEMONS--75 Boxes Lemon s ; for sale very low,
4 by
jyl4 JAM ES MAY ,
lEMONS,—.IOO boxes lemons in good order.
41 for sale by P. C. MARTIN.
.7 110. fit) Water street.
TADEIRA WlNE—lndox Blackburn Madeira—
lit the most celebrated brand imported—to be had'
ai the lame store of STERETT & Co„
aug29 No. 16 Market st. cm Front. ,
r USQUITO larze lot of musqui
lUL to netts. on hand and for sale unusually low
.Nfarket et., C. %V. enr. of the Diamo n d
OF a very superior quality, for sale he
sep:l corner or Wood and Foth Otn ;
superior qualities, on &ail, for medicine and
other purposes, fur sale at the wine store of
Cl Market street, eor., Front.
psm.ms a: REINS, for the Us. ) of the German
Reformed Church in the U. S. of America, En-
OA and German. For eale by
SCRUM & surrini.Ert,
115 Wood at
73RINTS AND Ml.q. 7 LlN.S.—Just opened a large
11 assortment of low priced prints and a variety
of different mat:es of brown and bleached muslin.
augl A LEXA ND ER & DAY,
75 Market st.,N. W. cor. of the Diamond.
13IG METqI..-1" ten Scioto Furnace pig iron for
sale by (je26) JAMES MAY.
ECEIVED by Express last evening, an Invoice
111 . , of super French Dress Ginghams, many of thew
entirely new style and patterns very desirable, at
No. 46 Market street.
pECEIVED--Per Canal Boat Creat Western
-1,, 100 pcs Cherry Scantling-sth and 616-6000
Lights Window Sash suitable for the western trade,
12116, 10x12 and Bxlo. For sale by
TERRETT St CO., have removed to the corner
0 of Market and Front streets, No. 16, one do. .)r
below their former stand, where as
. usual, they will
be happy to wait upon their friends. augls
ITUATION wanted in a Wholesale Grocery store
by a Young Man, whose references as to char
acter and capacity. are of the best order. Inquire at
the Agency and Commission Office; Fifth street, be
tween Market and Wood eds.
aug26 ARTHUR BROWN, Sr. & Co.
S .
110T40 kgs Shot, assorted Nos, for sale by
Cl 4. porisy WHITING-25 bbls., received and fur
0 sale by augl 1 R. E. SELLERS.
LATIN STRIPED DE LAINES—:4ust received .
LY a lot of black and corona Satik Striped de .
Laines, which we are selling very Cheat*.
ALEXANI,rEff fc DA )7,
ang37s Market st, N cot oilhebiamond.
cases arid kegs, a superior Article, fur sale by
, . • STERETT & CO.. .
atiil,9 . 1 . 5 Market at., cor Front.
Received Last Evening at No. 40,
MHE fifth and last lot of Merrimack Gingham
prints, style the same brown and purple plaids
and patterns beautiful, at the Dry Goods cash }louse
of (sep4) BARROWS & TURNER.
rriffE: person who came to hillier° Painting Room
_L during his absence, and carried away a Book em
itted the Golden Rule, had better return it and etio
Lawns Cheaper than Ever.
cor Market and Front eta:'''
Nevr Frarhloned lints,
New Pall 6 I aaits; aa•
rrIABLES--Piey, Centre'and.Card Tab,lei of diger
eatpatterris. yo,ti want:o good article cheap
calL4t, the EgrAipare Wiirehouse :
-•.- .
T. B. Y01.714C1e Co;
jog - - 31 !land at. Y.
Wood Street ioropeirty-,fti Sale.
jHAT desirablelot of ground - attheToot of Wood
. street, occupied at the time.of the greatfire by
Messrs. King & Holmes, is oared for *talc.
Enquire of *- J k K. MOORHEAD.
r . ,
EAS--120 packages Y..#l„ Gr., P. and
Powchong, of late brninmatioris, arriving.and
for sale by LAMBF2ItT & SHIPTON.
TEMEA.NSOF PEACE.—A Seririorr.delivered
in the “ThirdePresbyterian Church" July 12,
by the Itey:D. K. Riddle, and published by the re
quest ofthe Congregation. For safe by
To Let. •
rP HAT Splendid Store corner of Wood and Fourth
I_ streets, possession given immediately, enguii e
of the subscriber on the premises,-
sug2.9' THOS, MILLER.
TOBACCO -40 bxs Hutchinson 's ss;
30 bxs Price & Harwraxl's
10 " .1. R. Grante ss;
15 " Layton's ss;
55 " Is., 125., 165., 325., Balt. plug, and
Ladies Twist; arriving this day. and for sale by
stug2s LAMBERT f s . , SHIPTON.
7riOI3I3ACCO-25 kegs No. 1 six twist tobacco re
ceived and for sale by
. M. 11.'.11HEY & CO,
sep2 No. 57 Water street.
Homer'm Odyisey.
Tr HE Odysimy of Homer, According to the text of '
j_ Wolf; with notes; for the use of Schools and
Colleges: by John J. Owen, Principal of the Corneli
us Institute. For sale by LUKE LOOMIS,
sep7 (Journal copy.) Ag't.
VA. Twist Tobacco-19 kg!, Va. tobacco, No. 1
article, in store and for sale by
sep2 56 Wood street.
. _
VENDERS AND VARNISDES, of the very best
quality, for sale at li. 11, RYAN'S Cabinet
Ware Rooms, N 0.31 Fiflti street. j. 16
VINEGAR -50 bbis cider vinegar in store and for
sale by M. B. ADDY & CO.
George R. 'White & Co.,
'TILL dispose of their choice stock of Barages,
VI painted and Gingham Lawns, summer Shan Is
and Scarfs, at reduced prices.
They will also dispose of their entire stock of
Cloths, fancy Cassimerez, and Kentucky Jeans, at
original cost, as they intend relinquishing this par
ticular branch of their business.
jy22-2M (Chronicle please copy.)
• - - - -
15TEI) —A
smart, active young man with,
V' with $2OO to $3OO cash, as a partner in a safe,
profitable and well established business, paying an
average profit of $3O to $3O per week. None but a
cash customer need apply. Inquire at the Agency
and Commission Office, 11 Fifth street, between
Market and Wood. ARTHUR DROWN, Jr. &Co.
aug 26
WANTED to borrow $lOOO for 'two years on
property worth $6099, a liberal interest will
be paid. Inquire at the Agency and Information
Office, No 11 Fifth at., between Market and Wood
(Eta. auger ARTHUR BROWN, Ja. &Co.
Gazette, Journal, Chronicle and American copy.)
NtrAN'TED a young man as an assistant sales
man in a Wholesale Grocery, good references
required. Apply at the Agency office No Fifth st.
between Market and Wood.
DRF—SS•CfM)DS—A large assortment
II of White dress goods, such as Nansook,
Jackonett, Mull and Swigs Muslims. Just received
and for sale very cheap by
75 :Market st. , n. west cm. Diamond.
VET ITF. reci , 7red and
for sale by o ugll R. E. SELLERS.
- UT INES AND LIQUe RS.—Srencer & Co., No 16
I . V Market street, for. Front, would respectfully
invite attention to their large assortment of Wines
and Liquors. Pucharers a mild do well to call and
thr.na Getout purchasing elsewhere.
a utt:l.9
Interesting to tiorers.
virE intitc the attention of all who wish bar-
I gain' to a fifth arrival of seaxonahle Dry
Goodie, bought since the reduction of the Tariff, at
exceedingly low pnceo and will be sold accordingly.
No. St. Market at., between sth and the Dtamond.
ENOPIION'S Clint-tr.% KULA: The Eyroparala
or Xenophon, accortioq to the test of 1.. Din
tirtd, with note.; for the use of school. and college.,
by .1. Oliva, Nine:pal of the Cmtlelitt. Inatttote; for
site hy 1.1:K E LOO lIK , Agent.
rop 7 Journal cop".
DALES WWI, .tritable for Plastr , rer.purpo.r.s
for •..1.47 M. H. fill &
30 1) 1. K S :11..ttimiltpt3(;otut:n
OLD WINES & LlQCOUS—coluistior; of
Punt Wine:
"kladelra Wine;
Malaga dd.
Rhenish ball and quarter pipe,:.
.nod on draught warrant.d pure;
Pale Brandy, of dakrent brands;
It.trk do,
flollind Crn, foie flavor:
Peach Brandy, 8 yens old;
Apple do, 4 do do;
Old Bye IVhiskey, I and II years old,
Part of the abto,e Llqllot3 from under Custom
Home Lock, for sale in quantities to suit by
6dl Water et.
rritE undersigned hare entered into partnership
under the firm of STEstrirr ez Co., as ‘Vholcsale
and Retail dealers in Foreign Wines and Liguori', at
the corner of Market and Front streets.
ti ctr G uoda
ECEIVED to-day at No. 4G Market street—
IL Another cane of those rich Gingham prints,
is brown and purple plaids, beautiful patterns.
ALSO, 5u pieces white and colored Musquitoe
Netting of supeliOr quality, for sale cheap at
IS Market st.
Segura Seger's!
JUST received from New York, a' large quantity
of Havanna and Principe Segurs of the moat
popular and superior brands now Also, an
excellent article of chewingToba&o and several
bales of superior Cuba Leaf Tobacco lorsale.
No. 50, Third street, two doors from the Post
Office. map.
f4ufgair and Molasses.
4 11111/S. N. 0. Sugar, strictly prime
.25 bbls. Nos. .1 and ti Loaf;
10 cases "Lowering's" I). 11. Loaf Sugar
118 bbls N. 0. Molasses;
In store and far sale by
133 and 133 Wood street
I - illll.S. Pita:
UV Itosan• '
150 Boxes Tobacco, viiious sixes;
10,000 Seed leaf Cigars.
On consignment and' ill be sold low. for Coil], or
exchanged for Pittsburgh manufactures, by
300 RAGS Green Rio, part prime;
ss l Old Governmpnt Java;
Arriving' thliday and for sale by - •
European . and General Ali . eniCy.
rsubscriber continues to make remittances, to
I . or furnish' Eiehange;nn Endland, Ireland, Scot
land. prance or Germany , to any amount, from .£l,
to 1000. Passengers brought out, and all business
connected with an European Agency, attended to,
by the subscriber himsetf, who leaves:on the first
of October, each year for Europe.
European and General Agent,
. • Third street,.near Wood,•Pittsbnirgh.
aug 13; 1846-d1 m',
i_ I r r
Nt l,i
Arn.y..l. bare:attired by,thestibscriber itthis place;
IV until noon of the l e ilth September, forfurnish
ing arid-delivering at the Navy:Yard, Petasacola, two
thousead tons (2240 lbs each [ of the ]test "lamp coal
for steamers *use. Those who may be; disposed to
make offers are requested to name such; time as will
enable them fully to comply and prevent disappoint
ment. If any of the offers should be accepted, the
person offering will be notified within ten days after
the fifteenth of this month.
The said coal must be of the vtry best ,quality), and
pass 'such inspection at the •Navy. Yard, Penaacola,
as may be directed by the commandant of sahlyaid,
and ifdirected by him, any portion of it which nifty
not be satisfactory, 'is to be immediately separated
from the other at the expense of the contractor.
• Satisfactory bonds, with two sUreties in half the
amount of the contract, Will be roci.uircefor, its faith
ful performance,. in addition to a reservation 'of ten
per centum, for all bills which nady; be approved,
which reservation, will not be paid untiLthe comple
tion of the contract, according to its terms.. •
In case of failure tin : the part °Nile contractor to
deliver the eorll within the neriod limited for its de
livery, the right is reserved, to - direct purchases to
be made to supply •deficiencies,and, the contractor
and his'suretics are to be halite for any excess of
cost, over the contract price, and the ten, per cent
reserved to be forfeited to the use and benefit of the
United States.
Payments will be made on bills duly approved by
the CoMmandant of the NavyYstrd at Pennacola, by
such of the IT. S. Navy Agents as the contractor may
prefer within thirty days after the bills are presented
to him. W. W. HUNTER, .
,aep4-td Lieut. Superintendrait.
rplIE undersigned having disposed of; his Estab
lishment, No, 112 Market st., to Mr. Thomas
A. Hinton, would cordiallyrefornmend him, to his
friends and the public generalit, as one every way
worthy of their patronage.
augtl2 A. 3rCA,MMON.
- •
The undersigned, having purchased the large and
extensive stock of Boots, Shoes, &c , hcllonging to
A. M'Carnmon, No. 112 Market :-.treet, one door
from Liberty, will continue to conduct thebusiness
in all its branches, turd trusts that by a strict atten
tion to business, and an ardent dispositioh to please,
he will meet a continuation of the patronage so
liberally beztov.ed upon his predecessor'.
N. a—Two or three good workown can have
imijnoyment, by Making immediate amilication.
atigA; .
SOFT, FINE AND CLEAN; to make the scalp
healthy, smooth, white and fruitful, so that a good
crop may spring therefrom, persons have; but to ex
pend Leven and a half emits. And, reader,
our only object for selling the article rit that price, in
knowing it to be all we state, that when yen once try
this you never will mie aught else, whether it he
merely to embelish, to dreat, beautify, and preserve, ;
to force growth, stop falling off, and cure retufg or:
dandrutia, the JONES' CORAL HAIR KesTouad
FIVE will never fail to do all this, as hundreds will
tell you with gratitude. It dresses the hair beautiful
ly, and rankrs red or grey hair grow dui* from the
Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warehouse,
S 9 Liberty street, head of Wood—price thirty seven
and a half cents, litly colts and one dollar per bottle.
At the same place insult! tile Italian Chenille:o Soap,
Spanish Lilly White and unriialled Waving soap.
Itc.itorrn—The celebrated medicines of Dr. T.
C. Evans of'Browitsvillc, Pa., arc now for sale
wholesale and retail, at Jacknows Medical Depot]
No. SO Liberty street, head of Wood, I?ittsburgli4
Wholesale Dealers and Agents supplied. !
Dr. Evans' Sovereign Tonic and Grand Restora
tive, a certain cure fur the Fever and Ague.
Dr. Evans , Vegetable and Anti-Dyspeptic pills,
price 25 cents per boa.
Dr. Erans• American Vegetable Vernsiruge, price
scuts per bottle.
Dr. Evens' Tonic Eye Water, an infallible care
for sore eyes, price twenty-fire cents per 'bottle.
Rev. Dr. James Estep's Black Syrup, for the cure
of Coughs, Cold, Asthma, Croup, itrotic.hitis,and
Consumption—price one dollar.
Remember Dr. Evans' only Depot, is JACKSON'S,
No. 89 Liberty street, head of Wood. 1 fy2.
E SKIN ANI) COMPLEXION, at this (and,
indeed, every other/season, is oftert repulsive
in appearance, caused, in eight cases out or ten, by
the atmosphere; and what persons auppoie disease
of the blood, is simply a disease of thei akin_ If
some of the thousands who take purgative Medicine,
pills, and oarless Sarsaparilla, were to use on their
skin a softening and clearing balm, that lopens the
pores, whitens the skin, and causes a healthy perspi
ration, that, be the skin never so diatigured, unheal
thy, ur diseased with pimples or freckles; sunburn,
tan and morpliew, the true and genuine JONES'S
ITALIAN CHEMICAL St/AP ;wiser fail th cure
and dispel them, and to make the akin clear and
lovely. It acts so mildly and soothingly on the
akin, that physicians use it on ladies and lufants, in
old caaes of seu rry, erysipelas, salt rheum, sore head,
ringworm, and it (mind, the genuine Jones' soap)
has often effected a cure when every other remedy
faded. It is indeed a blessed remedy.
Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warehouse,
Liberty street, head of Wood—at the same place
is .01d the Nloorish Hair Dye, Coral Haiti Restora
tive. and Spanish Lily White.
Paiscirm. Or. --Sic•
Orrtc - E--Sizu of the Anirric4in Kagk,
Chorb.uo atri,t, New York.
Ladle• Derv.* Good•
J UST received from New York by Adams & Co's
the rUlloWillg styles of Lathe, (lens
(;Dials, which for beauty and cheapness (cannot be
billtpdt.. , .(l in any of the. Eamtern
Embroidered Gingham Robe:, (new iilylcod
Graduated firgandi • do do;
Ombra images (silk and u-nol) very cheap;
Maharanee, Terry peke and !
Rich styles, Rep. ramlitnere a n d De Lidos;
French Gingham and Gingham j.num4;
Par.. Nulled flernanni Cobaltine, (a now arti
cle of Dream GOIAS, eery beautiful.)
Graduated Muslin Robot;
%Viotti Embroidered do;
All the above goods have recently been purchased
in the Naw York market since the great 'reduction
of prices and will be sold at a small advance above
Eastern cost be
James Cavanagla; ' •
I.NII)ItTER and Wholesale dealer in French, Grr
man and English Fancy Variety Good's of every
cleacripttem such as Jewelry, table and peel:et Cut
lery, rdk PurweA, bead Bags, siker and German eil
%er Spoonß. !told and silver Pencils, silk and gum 611.1.
panders, 10u des. of Germantown Hoes and half do.
Truu:ning. of all kmd,, and n general ascertment of
tom constantly on hand at No. 61, Market Street,
between Third and Fourth strcel.q, Simpsoirg Row,
Pittsburgh. myl3
New Books
JUST RECEIVED—Lermai raox RitoosA, ARip.
Alinor, by Mrs. E. C. A. Schneider, with an
essay on the prospects of the Heathen and our duty
to them, by Rev. B. Schneider, and an introductio.
by Ecw. E. lleiner, A. M. Published by,Rey. Samin
Guts e, Caatube,alurgh, IS4t3. For enh, by
115 Wood id
1111 . "Sparkling and bright
lits liquid light."
—And not only "sparkling and bright," but for its
delicious flavor, nays & Brockware Mead and Min
eral Water in certainly 'unrivalled" and the syrups,
are equal to any that ever graced the. Mineral
Fount. Call arid nec, at No. 2, Commercial Row
Liberty at. je6
T 1 F.R.
1 carton black second mourning satin striped
Berne Shawls;
carton beautiful fancy Berage Shawls, mine
I carton broeha Berage Shawls, extra handsome;
I Ili it Searle
•• bath' bordered
1 •• hornani twist , d silk
1 . c.stra salt. hernani " . • ,
The above handsome goods have all been purclia-,
sed lately at auction, in New. York and Philadelphia,
at the closing sales of the Frenatruportcri, and are
now offered at a small xlvance; and less than the
cost of importation, at the Cheap Cash Store of.
_L ale Progress of Nations in Productive Indastly i
Civilization, Population and Wealth; illustrated by .
statistics. of Mining, Agridulture, Manufactures,
Commerco,:anvenues, Banking,, Internal Improve
ments, Alohallty, Emigration and Population; by
Ezra C,. Semap.
. .
A few• copies of the above work for sale by
corner of Market and 8d ate
Lawns ! Lawns St
GEt:). S. SWARTZ has onland a lot office Lawns
which will be sold at the very - low price of 183
cents per yard, persons who want a good article, at a
low price, would do well to call soon.. •
Also on hand a good stock of nansook muslin, for
Ladies Dresses very cheap at .
$O. 10 garkof street.,
... : :.:.-•.-.'-,.'..!. ,- !::::.7'i -, ...`,....4.: - :..
j!Selling Off •
Just received ttnotiter box of White Bonnet Rib
bons, jy2O
JST RECEIVED—iAtother large addition to my
stack of Diamond pointed Gold Pens of the
best Makers and for Sale at . the• lowest prices.
00--A large nsiortment of'Gald and Silver Pen
cils Tooth and Ear Picks, Tweezers, &c. &c.
jolt i , ' 67 Market at.
S 1
tout' ty. to Purchasers.
Siguoturo ALL.,
Ors'nal / 011- .cotjar
. ,
fneclitor2 TiRtZIT
rn•tnTvlJT.rwlltlrrnwinhik,a(,!l.:r,!,s;. fJTflrrS4!
Aj PILLS are ;the' 'fast and only Medicine ever
knou'ii that will positii•ely cure
Headache, Giddines, Measles, Salt Itheutn,
Ithe'urnatism,Pßes, Heartburn, Worms,
DiSpepsia, Setivy, Cholera Morbus, •
SMall Pox, Jaundice, Coughs,,Quinsy,
Pains in the Back, Whooping Cough,
InViard Weakness,. Consumption, +lts,
Palpitation °rale Heart, Liver Complaint,
RiOng in the Throat, .Erysipelas, Deafness,
Dropsy, Astnma, ItAings of the 4in,
Feyers of all kindtq Colds, Gout, Gravel,
Feinale Complaints, Nervous Complaint!,
And all other diseases originating from impurities ofl
the blood.
Kr' They have cured, since their introduction,
over ;:',,000 persons, who have been given up as hope
leas cases, by the; most eminent Physicians.
' it 47 They are patronixed and recommended by
men of the highest diStinction, among whom are—
! lion.iDavid It. POrter, Hon. Henry Clay,
ilonOolizt Q. Adams,: Hon. Daniel Webster,
Don.lMartin Van Buren, Hon. J. C. Calhoun,
Gen. ;Winfield Scott
~ Col. It. M. Johnson,
Hon.Jumex K. POlk, i Gen. Lewis Cass.
Kr - Their virtues are so infallible that the money
will be returned iii all 'cases they do not give univer
sal satisfaction. Although - but two and a half years
have ;elapsed since these celebrated Pills were first
introduced to the public, the sale of them in the
Eastern and middle !States has far exceeded Dr.
Clickeners most Sanguine expectations. During the
Fs.tit year, alone, ho less than 10,000 gross of boxes
have been sold in the State of New York, 6,000 in
Pennsylvania, 4,000 in Maryland,3,ooo in New Jer
sey, 2,000 in Delaivare, and 9,000 in the New England
States, requiring the constant employment of 27
hands, exclusive Of printers and engravers. In the
same! period, upwards of 200,000 copies of the
"Family Doctor'y have been ordered by agents in
every section ofd the cc.untrv. These facts must
show * conclusively, that Dr. Clickener's Sugar Coat, .
ed Pills, besides being the very best medicine in the
world, are held in the highest estimation by the public.
We might extend this publication to an indefin
ite length, if we deemed it expedient to publish all
tertiumnials we have received, not only from agents
but individuals and families, who have experienced
the benficiall elfects of Clickener's Sugar Coated
Pills, but we deem it unnecessary. Tho most in
conteatible evidence of their unprecedented success,
are the numberle4 Imitations and Counterfeits which
have already appeared, notwithstanding the brief pe
riod they have been before the public. Even some
of our staunchest pill makers have had the audacity
to imitate the Capsule of Sugar, in order to disguise!
the ingredients of their vile compounds, and palm l
them of for the "real Simon pure." S uch ' paltry I
shifts cannot last long Without exposing their hideous
deformity. Truth and honesty must inevitably pre-'
rail over rascalityi and deception.
For, sale in Pittsburgh by WM:JACKSON, at his
Paint Medicine Wardtouse, No. 89, Liberty street;
head Of Wood st': * Pittsburgh. Price, 2.5 e. per box.
Dr.Clickeuer's principal office is SI Oarclay street,
New York.
ty- Beware or an imitation article called Im
proved Sugar Coated Pills, purporting to be patented,
as both the pills and the pretended patent are for
gerieti, got up by ia Miserable quack in New York,
who, fur the last;fout five years, has made his
living by counterfeitin.popular medicines.
Remember; Dr.. C. V. Clickener is the original
inventor of Sugar, ,Coated Pills, and that nothing of
the sort was ever •heard of until he introduced them
in Julie, 1843. PUrchasers shouldr, therefore, always
ask for Clicketter's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and
take do other, or they.will be made the victims of a
fraud.' may 9
tu tvli
Y FALL SESSION of this department of the
I;Vestern Uniiersity, will commence in the new
Universityon the Fit= MoivnAv or SEP-
TtEZER next, and the SPRING SESSION of 1547,
will &opulence ea the Fxr.sr 31oxpAT or Fnar.r.snx
TIM, institution iliavinv, , so filr recol ertd from the
effects of the great tire of April last year, as to have
the new buildipe neatly completed with increased
accommodations fur all its departments, it is hoped
that the Law Schold will be found to present increas
ed facilities and attractions to those who desire to
pursue a regular and thorough course of legal educa
6nti to prepare themselves creditably for ad
mittance to the bar,
There will be daily recitations.by the classes on
assigned lessons, eo arranged ad to embrace, Avithin
a two years course, all the princia.l and most- im
portant branches of the law. Occasional lectures
on law and equity -4 will also be delivered as part of
the course.
No. 65 Market t 4
Moor Coritr, designed for assisiing students
in enquiring knowledge and readiness in the prac
tice bf the law will be-resumed as Eldon as the nuns
her or, students will justify.. The degree of BACHE:.
Lott or Law will 'be
.couferred on students of the
institution, according the rules nstial in such institu
tions. .
Any further infoimation that may he required can
readily be obtained on applicatio4 to the Professor,
Wm:mull, LOWRIE, who has his 'office on 4th above
Smithfield street, Pittsburgh."
Tritns--Seventy-five dollars a year, or thirty-sev
en and a half dollars a .session. ang6-d3m
1 1 / 4 "r ORl'll East Corner of Federal and Robinson
IN Streets, Allegheny, will commence its Fall
session on Monday tlin 3lstinst.
From Professor R IL Lee, Washington College, and
Having attended an examination of the school
taught by Mr. Williams, we take pleasure in bear
ing our testimony ;to the evidence afforded by it of
the unusual skill and labor of Mr. Williams. The
underatanding of the principle of the subjects which
the scholars ! hail been studying, shOwn 'by their
clear answers to questions asked by others than the
teaaliars, prove thq excellence, of the New England
modes of teaching, in which Mr. Williams seems to
be proficient. It. It. LEE,
J. WISHART; &,?;;•:.
Prom the Rev. Mr. Preston; Dorthr' Hunt,
Having, attended an examination of the Select
School under the care of Mr. Henry Williams,held
recently in his school room, corner' . of Federa and
Robinson atreetsi Allegheny city, we wish to call
publiclattentiOn to this institution. We were highly
gratified with the prqgreSs and ordet of his schOo).—
This manner ,of simplifying and illustrating the dif
ferent branches is peculiarly happy, and well calcu
lated to give, interest the pupils. DM mode of
teaching them to read struck us as novel, and one
that cannot,faiLto bake go,qd readers.'
Prom the knowledge that we have of Mr. \YR
name Character as a teacher; his ?zeal, fidelity and
success, we cordially recommend him to the patron
age of the public. His location is elegible for both
cities.? DAVID HUNT;
RICI-1 , 1) BARD,
I attended the shore examination, and cau truly
eay I was much gratified with the,attaiutrnent of •the
pu pils;
aug44-2m. ' -
Allegheny Cemetery. -
PERSONS desirons of purchasing lota in' this
Demeter) , are referred for information to the
Superintendent on the grounds, or , to E. Thorn .
Druggist, corner or Penn and .'Hand streets,Pitts
burgh. By order of the Board. .
dee 11 • : s Superintendent.
C.. PAN' ISH WHITLNG---70, bbls just received tr.xßl
, for.sale by A. FAENESTOcK, LtCo.
eel! 4 cone: of 6th`ai d Wood atreett-
Gold Pens.
IL 1V1111t1211.40 : Select School,
For Cincinnati and St. Louts
The passengeveteamer PALESTINF4
Capt. Williams, will leave for the above
andalfiutermediate ports regularly.
For freight or paasa*e apply on _hoard, . jag:
• *
LADIES; look
it for bargains,
I have !reduced
prices of all
summer goods.
In band a spina-
assortment of:
ris and English
wns, Bereges,
Jzorincs, Sum,
er shawls,scarfs
•avats. Also,
icy • and Plain
id Bonnets.
'or the Gentle
s, a low splon
vest patterns,
it stuffs, gold
I silver mixed
ieds,Shirts, col-
Pow CinetAixesti. and .41auls•trtIte.
- ' REGULAR PACKET. • • •• •
-• b, The new and splendid panenger
erCOLUNIIt A, O'N.r.A.T.,M4stbr, Wilt
leave for the above and intermediate porta, regular ! .
For freight or pansage:apply on board, or to
jel . 1). AVILKINS,
..Tuesday Eveutrig Pi:miser( •- •
, 'The new and splendid. passenger,stearre.
boat DECLARATION, • Capt. Vothees,
will run asa regular packet ,between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Tuesday evening
at , 3 o'clock. Returning lihe will leave" Cincinnati
every Friday evening at 3 o'clock. • - ,
.Tlie.DeClar.ation offers superior. accommodations
to passenger - S. For freight or passage. apply on
_ .
- .
l „ THE regular mail. and paseng.2r steam
UNIOIy, Captain Maclean, will run as
a regutar packet between Pittsburgh and Cincini
nati, leaving this port every Monday at,6 o'clock,
P. M: - Returning she will leave Cir.citinati every
Thursday-at f, P ' -
The I..Tni(n'ywas built enpresslytqr this trade;
and afcirds every accominothitiOn.. -
For freighter passage apply on btartd inny9
The wvll knoivn 'fast rimning :steamer
• —co: CAMBRIA, ly.,Porsyth, Nasterovill run
as i - iegular Packet, leaving every Wednesday morn
ing at 10 ia , elOa, and Wheelingat 10 2. P. M., the
same flay. Returning,, she will leaga Cineiatati
every Saturday, at 10, A. M. •
For freight or passage apply , oif board, or to.
I'ORSI7II & Co., Agents, 1
No. :10, Water street.
j :
_Mil l The regularmail and passenger sterifnet
~ „I.. CIIICASSIAIiCapt. lsa c Bennett, - trill
run as a regular. Packet between Pittsbtirgli and
Cincinnati, leaving this port. every. Saturday, at 10,
A. M., and Wheeling at 10,.P. 11., the :Same 11v . ,
Returning, she will lease Cincinnati ercry Tuesday,
• _
at 10, A. M.- •• •
Fur freight or passage appl:: on board. z .
-The Circassian was built expressly fot thin trade,
and offers to her passengers every comfort and ac..
commodation.' mar 23
The regular mail and passenger steamer
C pt Lief() d a
- 7 a • . -r,
a regular Packet betiveen Pitniburgh and Cincinnatii
leaving this port every Saturday at-10, A. M., and
Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day.- Returning,
she will leave Cincinnati every Tucade?„. at 10
o'clock, : - -
For freight or passage apply on board.
The Messenger was built - espressly for this trade,
and oirers to her passengers every. comfort. and an,
commodation. mar 23
b. % THE regular mail ,and passengersteaM.
er - HIBERNIA, Capt. John Klinefelter,
will run as a regular packet between Pittaburgh end
Cincinnati, leaving this poit — oveiy Tuesday at 10 A.
and Wheeling at 10 P. M. of, the same day.*
Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Friday at
For Height or passage apply on board.,
The Hibernia was built expressly for the trade,
and offers to the passengerss•every comfort and su
perior accommodations.. apl
TEE- reg,ular mail and pas-sung - 6 - r steam.
CLIPPER N 0.2, Capiain -Crooks,. will
run as a regularpacket betweenCineinnati and Pitts
burgh, leaving thin port every Friday at 10 3.'11/..,
and Wheeling at 10 P, PI. the same day. - Returning
slid will leave Cincinnati evety 'Monday at 10 coclolc, -
For freight br passage apply on board.
The Clippeil N 0.2 was built expri:usly for this trade;
and offers to her passengers every chinfort. and ac.
commodation. • • - tnar23
j 4 THE new Ir. S. Mail steamer ACADIA;
E. Lucas, Master ; will run as a test
i:lr passenger packet betwC'en Pittsburgh and ,the
above port durinethe season of 1540, leaving every
Thursday at 10 o'clock A. M. -
The Acadia is new and has superior accoinatoda:
lions. For freight or passage apply on•board, or to .
ap9 J. NEWTON JONES; Avant.
_ The regular mail" all 2 passenger steamer
MONONCAIIREA, Capt. Stone, will Thin
as a .regular Packet between Pittrii.r-T• f' , .--•••• •
nati;leaVing port --- 617 - ery — Miiiday at 10, A. M.;
and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the same day. Return
ing, she will leave Cincinnati every Thursday, at 10,
For freight or passage apply'on board. -
The Monongahela was - built expressly 'for,-tins
trade, and offens to the passengers comfort, and su
perior accommodations. mar 31
The net- light draught. packet steam
. -a, „,
er CALIFORNIA , Captain Hunter, will,
leave for the above and all intermediate ports this
day. regularly. • .... -
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
• IV. BUTLER, & BRO.,'Seeond st.
The Californiawas built expre=slv for the above.
. . _
trade, and It ill make her trips regularly during.the
. augls
• nattptan PAC.KET.
TUE new- and light draughtpassengct.
ti^rT . , steamer NV I ST l RN, Capt. RAILER,
;villieie for thnaho,e and all intermediate porta
regularly. The Westere. draws but 12 inches; and'
was built expredaly to run in the trade during the
low water season. , •
For freight or passage, having superior accointno
tlations, apply oz board. 3y15
THE regular mail and passengersteam
.er NEW ENGLAND, Capt. S. D. Page,
will run asa regular packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati. learinr , this portetery Wednesday at 10
A. M., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the same day.—
Returning,- sue will leave Cincinnati every Sattirdny
at 10 A. la-.
For freight or passage apply onboard.
The New England was built expressly for this trade
and ofibrs to the passengers every comfort and supe
rior accommodations. marf26
. sAtgp toms PACKETS.
The zawand - spleadid passenger
er TOM CORWIN, Capt. Bughermiit.
run In ple. trade from.Fittsburgli to St. Lpuis,, du
ring' the seasofi of
The Torn Corwin, was built extres*ly for the
trade, anti is elegantly furnished in eversr respect.
For Height or passage apply on board.
may 13.
. .
r r p , The new and splendid passeggerstenna•
per BRUNETTI:, Capt. - Perry . , will reit itt - -
toe trade troin Pittsburgh to St. Louis, during the
season of 1e4(1. • , ,
The Brunette was built eiprevnly fir the trade,
and is elegantly found in every ienpeet-
For freight or patsage apply en hoard. npl4
The new ardsplendidpasrenger stear
er TONNALEVKA,.Capt. J. K. Moody,
will rem in the trade front Pittsburgh to Louisville,
during the season of IS4G.
The Tonnaleuka was built expressly for the trade,
and br elegantly. furnished in every respect.
For freight or - passage apply on board,
LAKE suPEnTort. •
z h THE STAUNCIViow Kessure,.
chip built Steam Packet,VOLTA-".
PALMER, Capt BENS .A.. STAV:I-111.1), .
having been put in complete condition forsea,
run upon Lake Superior during the season;coMMOTlC.
ing :id August, between the_SaUlt do St.- Marie and
the various ports,. as business may warrant. -The:
,T. P. is well furnished in every particular; andls es
fine a. heavy weather vessel as any ship that floats
the seas. FYBui good upper cabini- state rooms and .-
family saloons, as also single berths, ladies cabin
and steerage cabin. All well ventilated, and will
acdurnmodate 100 cabin Passengers. Freight in large
quantities can be stowed under decks. Parties with
or without freight will be accoMmodated at the vari.
ous landings upon 'the British and American sides
0- One or two voyages will be made to La Pontei
during the Indian-payments, and two pleasure voy
ages will be made entirely around Om lake coast
wise, during August and September, giving to plea
sure travel an opportunity til;enjoying the most de
lightful, unique and interesting, scenery in the, known
world. State rooms or single - bertlis eau be secured
in advance be addressing
W. F. F I ORTER'TAI LOil„Mai3aging owner,
Sault de Ste Marie, Michigan.
Julv, 1843. jy2o-3tml3in
N. 13: Property c.onsignell to W. g, ; Porter Taylor
Will meet with immediate clesiMteh as 15rdered.
For Cincinnati.
For Cli!clxinati