Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 05, 1846, Image 3

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J. Hanna, G. Weyinan, T. S. Clark
3 Rail , WATER nr tits CgANNYL
Consul, Bowen, Brownsville.
Arena, Peebles, Brownsville.
Michigan, Boice, Beaver.
Lake Erie,. Hempliil,l3eaver,
Louis I'VfLane, Bennett Brownsville
Senator, Cinhinhati.
Arena, Peebles, Brownsville.
Consul, Bowman, Brownsville.
Michigan,- Boies, Beaver.
Zanesville Packet, Scales, Zanesville
May Queen, Bowen, Zanesville,
New Ark, 'lent Zanesville'
Wilriiington, Dawson', Wheeling,.
Island Packet, Worley, Wheeling.
OF A Retail Stock of Fancy and staple, foreign
and domestic Dry Goods at auction, for cash
current funds, at M'Kenna's.; I will commence the
sale of a extensive fancy Dry :Good store, by order
of Assignees; on Monday next, September 7th, at
ten o'clock in- the forenoon; and continue selling
the same each succeeding day (Sundays excepted)
until the entire stock are disposed of. The goods
have been judicionalyr selected by a gentleman po
sessed of the most refined taste and jndgernent, in
sucji mailers, aud are well•worthy 'the attention of
Purchasers. They will be ready for exatiiivation
froth. 19 till 12 o'clock, A. M,, and from 2 till 5 o'•
clock, P. M., on. Saturday; next, sth inst. The
Ladies are particularly invited to attend.
Among the articles may be', mentioned the follow
ing in part viz: .
English ,French and Ameri4m wool cloths, various
colours; French and English Casimeres; Superfine
Casinetts; Blenched and BroVAi Muslins; Red and
White Gauze Flannel, Twilled do, Welch do, Can
ton do, Indigo Blue Checks; French and English Me-1
rinoes, Figurcdand Plain Alpaccas, Chintzes and Cal
icoes, Umbarellas, Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs, f
Hosiery, Sewing Silk, Ribbands, Irish Linen, Laces,
Edgings, Capes, &c.; with a;great variety of other
articles. For further particulars see catalogue.
cep 3. P. bicKENNA,'Auctioneer.
undersigned respectfully informs the business
men of Pittsburgh, and citizens generally, that they
will publish a new and complete DIRECTORY, of
the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, and the ad
jacent towns, with all the recant improvements. The
work will be ready by the first week of April, 1347,
and will be got up in a supeib style with regard to
elegance of type, accuracy ofcompilation, and a sys
tematic arrangement of the various trades and pro
essions. No item, however trivial or minute, at all
necessary to a work of this kind, will be overlooked;
and the public may confidently rely upon having a
Directory worthy of tlie city of Pittsburgh and its en
virons. Business cards inserted on reasonable
terms„ and the work will be illustrated with splendid
lithographic designs of the public buildings arid
manufactories. Price to subscribers will be $1,50.
Several active young men wanted; apply at the Office
of Publication, No 11 Fifth street, between Market
and Wood.
aug2.s-dly ARTHUR BROW & I r. Co.
—Fos Ssix--The Stock, Fixtures, and good
will of a Ladies' Shoe Store, in a central part of this
city, being one or the oldest establishments in Pitts
burgh; it has had an micellentran of cash customers,
and the stock comprises a general assortment of
Lathe's Gaiter Roots and Shoes, together with a lot
of Sole Leather and lasts; will be sold at a bargain,
'the present owner being aboitt to retire from busi
ness. To a person understanding a business, this is
first rate chance, as the whole will be sold on a
credit ofsix months or a year. Inquire at the Agen
cy and Commission Office, II Fifth street, between
Market and 'Wood sts.
rpliE. poisonous effect on the skin.of common pre-
I_ pared chalk is not generally known by ladies;
how yellow rough and unhealthy it makes the akin in
time; besides. what a corpse like, palid look it gives
when applied. They should use a beautiful prepar
ation, purely vegetable, which givez the face arms or
neck, a natural life-like whiteness, and makes it
smooth. It is called Tones' Spanish Lilly White,
and is sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Ware
house, 89 Liberty street, headof Wood; at the same
place is sold Jams". Coral - .llair Restorative, Italian
Chemical Soap and unrivalled thawing soap.
36 Building Lots in Lawrenceville at
AT'9 o'clock, P. M., on Saturday the sth day
of September, will be sold on the premises.
thirty-six very handsomely, situated and' valuable
Building Lots in the Borough of Lawrenceville,
near the Allegheny Arsenel. A plan of which
may be seen at the Auction Room, and any infor
mation that may be desired, will be given on ap
plication to the subscriber.
Tears, I cash, and balance payable in three
equal annual payments with interest, to be secured
by notes and mortgages on the property.
JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
- (Gazette ; Chronicle and . American copy.)
In the Court of Common Pleas, for the County of
Allegheny, No. 7, October Term, MG.
SUMMONS in Covenant for the re-'
• C.l/ covery aground rent.
Aun NOW Ili wit.- August 8, IS4S:
The Court order and direct, that the
Sheriff give notice of the alias writ of!
.r.il;%" summons, issur,d in the above case, by
publication twice a week for three successive weeksl
in the Prrrsavaan Post newspaper, commencing on
the 11th day of August hist.; agreeably to the act of
Assembly of the Sth of April, 1840.
From the Record, GEO. R. RIDDLE,
augl2-4:l2awa3w Pro.
STERRETT & CO., have removed to the corner
of Market and Front streets, No. 16, one do,A.
below their former stand, where as usual, they will
be happy to wait upon their, friends. augls
Tr DE undersigned would respectfully inform the
jj citizens of Pittsburgh 'and its vicinity, that lie
has purchased from Mr. Moses Cory, his large and
splendid stock of Dry Goods, kept at No. 66 Market
street, where he intends to keep a general assort
ment of seasonable Goods, Which be will sell at very
reduced prices. Please call and judge foryoursel yes,
No. 66 Market street.
To my friends and patroas 1 am much obliged,
and would respectfully recommend Mr. William
Cowen; my successor. MOSES CORY.
AVE invite the attention of all who wish bar
gains to a fresh arrival of seasonable Dry
Goods, bought since the reduction of the Tariff, at
exceedingly low prices and will be sold accordingly.
No. SI, MaDliet at., between sth and the Diamond.
Select School for Young Ladies.
ArKENNEDYwiII re-otenhtSchocl o:111on
caylt ) gust.penstretaixthdol3e :
Pitt street.
Wall Paper.
• A SPLENDID assortment just received from the
1 - 1 . East, of entire new Patterns. They can be
had very low at the Wall Paper Store of
Smithfield street.
"WINDOW BLIND PAPER—ore yard wide, for
Tr__ sale by J. SHIDLE,
Smithfield street.
10 000 PIECES of . Glazcd and Unglazed
Wall Paper, ofmy own manufacture,
430 hand and for sale at did lowest market price.
Smithfield street.
ECEIVED this day Parasolletten and Sun
_UL F Shades;
Ladies Corded Skirts;
do Sea Grass do; -
SI Black liernani Shawls;
Beiege Scarfs, and Shawls;
For sale at B. E. CONSTABLE,
je27 B3 Market sL
HAVING a very large; and commodious ware
house, we are prepared to receive (in addi
tion to freight for shipment) a large amount of Pro
duce, &c. .on storage at lowrAtes.. •
C, 4, :McANULTY & CO,,
Canal Basin.
COFFEE -50 Bags Prime Rio;
10 , 4 Old IG• k ov.. Java; •
10 Laguara; for safe by
J. D. WII,44AMS, 116 Wood st,
Assignees Sale.
Interesting to Buyers
Manta Inventions Outdanb,lly nature.
• "
THIS Oil hi obtained from a well. near Bdikaville,
Kentucky, at the depth of 185 feet bbliiVir the
surfime of the earth, and 170 feet through solid rock.
Its curative properties are. truly astonishing, add as
a Remedial Agent it may well be pronounced won
dean'. Since the discovery of this Panacea of Na:
tire, numbers of remarkable cures - have been effect:
ed . by its use. It is Innocent—Powerful—Safe and'
Certain in its , effects. It has been used with unpar
aliened success in the treatment of the following
diseases: Inflammatory Rheumatism, Burns and
Scalds, •Cholic, Piles, Flatulence, Inflammation of
the Kidneys, Deafness, Consumption, Liver Com
plaint, Phthisic, Scald Head, Cancers, Weak _can
Sore Eyes, Bruises, Fresh Cuts .glid Wounds,
Sprains and Strains, Dropsy, Pains in the Breast and
Side, Tetter, Influenza, Ulcerated Sore • Throat,
Consumption, Bronchitis, Spasms, Ulcers, Spinal
Affections, Scrofula or King's Fvil, Coughs, Syphilis,
Ringworm, all Bowel Complaints, all Chronic dis
eases, Impurities of the Blood and General Debility.
It is likewise very beneficial for Female Complaints
in general;.acts as a great Restorative from Languor,
weakness of Back and Chest, Low Spirits and Faces-
sive Debility. • - ' '
Read the following Certificates, all of which are
authentic . ; all the persons therein named are now
living, and well known in Cincinnati:
CIACINNA2I S July Ist, 1846.
Sir: Hating boon cured of a very severe disease!
of the eyes and head by the use of the American'
Oil, I feel it my duty to the public, as well as to you,
to send you the fbllowing certificate:
I hereby certify that I was severely 'afflicted one
year ago last winter, with inflamed sore eyes and a
very severe pain in my head from my eyes up to the
top of my head, and Continued so for several weeks.
My eyes were so much inflamed and sore that I
could not see to attend any business, nor could I tell
one object from another a few yards from me. I
called in a physician, but still got worse. I also
tried a good many remedies that had cured others;
but in my case they failed. In April, 1845, I heard
of the American Oil. I procured a bottle, and be
fore I had used a half a bottle I was entirely well,
and still continue so. I will not be without it in my
House as long as 1 can get the genuine article. I also
gave it to oneof my men that was working for me,
that had the fetter in his hands so bad that when he
would grip . anything tight in them_the blood would
burst out, and the use of half a bottle cured us both.
I would advise all that are afflicted in any way to
give the Oil a fair trial } and I think they will be
pleased with the effect it will have, &c.
This is to certify that I have had a sore leg for six
or seven years. It was sometimes so bad that I was
not able to walk. 1 have employed several physi
cians, and tried a great many remedies; some would
relieve me for a while, but nothing that 1 have tried
has done me so' much good as the American Oil,
which 1 applied externally and internally once a day.
When 1 commenced using the Oil my leg was swell
ed very much and was a very (lark purple from my
knee darn below my ankle joint and had lost pretty
much all feeling, and the ankle Mint was stiff so that
I could not move it; before 1 bad used the Oil three
weeks my ankle joint was loose end my flesh a natu
ral color, and it is now entirely well. I have recom
mended it to several of my friends since," and it has
proved good in' every case. I would advise all that
are afflicted to give it a trial, for I have used it for
other complaints besides my leg, and it proved good.
Walnut, between 13 and 14 sts.
CINCINXATI, February 156, 1546
This is to certify that I was afflicted with a disease
of the bead; one side of my head commenced swell .
ing and was very painful, and very much inflamed
and sore. My left eve was entirely closed up, and
I could scarcely sec any out of Cy! other. It had
been so for about two weeks, and getting worse dai
ly, when I commenced the use of the American Oil,
and in a few.days the swelling had nearly all disap
peared. My head is now well. I have used it also
for sure throat,:cholic and cuts. lam fully satisfied
with its healing virtues. I used it by taking it inter
from a half to a teaspoon full night and morn
lug, and bathing the part affected two or three times
a day. Ido believe it a good medicine, and would
the advise afflicted to give it a trial, as there is no
danger in using it. JAMES MADDOC K ,
Sycamore street, north of Canal.
Sold at One Dollar per Bottle at Jackson's Patent
Medicine Warehouse, KI Liberty, head of Wood st.,
the Genuine American Oil eats be obtained.
Beware. of a Counterfeit article. The Seneca Oil,
put in American Oil Bottles, and labelled "Amer
ican Oil." It Somewhat • resembles the American
Oil, but possesses none of its virtues or healing pow
W. Jackson:respectfully informs the Public that
D. Hail & Co., the proprietors of the American Oil,
have appointed him their SOLE AGENT for West
ern Pennsylvania.
All persons wishing Sub-agencies will apply at S 9
Liberty street, as, above.
N. 7S. Sub-agents wanted for every town in the
above District.
A great number of certificates are on hand and
can be seen at the office, SO Liberty street, head of
Wood. aug, y
Pittabburgh and Connethoville Rail Road
11 \TOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of a
resolution of the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh
and Connellsville Railroad Company, authorizing an
increase of the capital °Paid Company, and directing
an additional subscription, books will be opened for
receiving additional subscription to the stock of the
Company, at the Mike of Wm. Larimer, jr., in 4th
street, between Market and Wood streets, Pittsburgh,
on Friday the 4th day of September. The books will
remain open from 8 A.M. until 3 o'clock P.M. of said
day; and from day to day (Sundays excepted) until
the requisite number of shares be subscribed, or until
°them ke ordered. By order of the Directors.
scp2 WM. ROBINSON, Jr. Preset.
lie received by the subscriber at this plnce;
until 'boon °roe 14th September, for banish
ing and delivering at the Navy Yard, Pensacola, two
thousend tons (22.10 Ilia each[ of the best lump coal
for steamers use. Those who may be disposed to
make offers are requested to name such time as will
enable them fully to comply and prevent disappoint
ment. If any of the offers should be accepted, the
person offering will be notified within ten days alter
the fifteenth of this month,
The said coal must he of the ter y best nudity, and
pass such inspection at the Navy Yard, Pensacola,
as may be directed by the commandant of said yard,
and it directed by him, any portion of it which may
not be satisfitctory, is to be immediately separated
from the other at the expense of the contractor.
Satisfactory bonds, with two sureties ' in half the
amount of the contract, will be required for its faith
ful performance, in addition to a reservation of ten
per centum, for all hills which may be • approved,
which reservation, will not lie paid until the comple
tion or the contract, according to its terms.
In case of failure on the part of the contractor to
deliver the coal within the period limited for its de
livery, the right is reserved, to direct purchases to
be made to supply deficiencies, and the contractor
and his sureties are to be liable for any excess Of
cost, over the contract price, and the ten per cent
reserved to be forfeited to the use and benefit of the
United States,
Payments will be made on hills duly approved by
the Commandant of the Navy Yard at Penncolai by
such of the IL S. Navy Agents as the contractor may
prefer within thirty days after the bills are presented
to him. W. W. HUNTER,
sep4-td Lieut. Superintendent.
Monongahela Bridge,
Pmrstaincti, September 2, 1846.
TILE Bonds issued by this Company will be paid
in par funds, at the Bank of Pittsburgh, both
Principal and Interest, as they respectively become
due, and the holders of said Bonds are requested to
present the same for payment, and are notified that
the Interest will cease and determine on the day the
principal is at maturity / after which no interest will
be paid thereon. JOHN THAW,
iscp3-d3l.* 7'reasurer,
Blakely and Mitchell,
Offices on Penn and Smitkfteld ste
GENTS for the Old Black Ball Line of Livcr•
.1 - 1 pool and New York Packets.
Remittances made as usual to England, Ireland,
Scotland and Wales, in sums of one pound sterling
and upwards—payable in any town of importance
in Great Britain and Ireland.
. .
Persons wishing to send far their friends can have
them brought out by the above splendid line, on the
15th and 16th of any month, iY7
Light in Dark Places:
PERSONS - wishing to test the value of a bright
light in a dark night, will please call at the Drug
Store of Hays & Brockway, and purchase an article
called CAMPIIINE Ott. 't is death to darkness and
a "terror to evil doers? , No. 2, commercial Row,
Liberty street, Drls
&smut, C, 67.0. G. BROWNEy
MPORTLBS and manufacturers of Wall 'Paper
and General Paper Warehouse, No. 87 Wood
rect., Pittsburgh, jc2o
AT A. MORTIS'S No. 65 Market et. We hive
now on hand the cheapest lot of Lawns ever
offeredin this market. Such as are usually sold at
91 cents we are selling at $ 2 50 the Dress Patterii,
37 yards.) Call arid look at them. jog
katest Improvenient.
BEDSTHA.Dii of different kinds with Gaitant%
iron patent fastenings, superior to anything now
in 'use; for sale low at the furniture warehouse of
YOUNG & Eo; Hand street:
MID The attention of:purchasers ie invited to bur
geral stiiek Of these Goode.
4-4 auperhir Seri Island Shinji% Muslinsj
15-16 it 11 11 14 si
12-4 Hamilton Elheetingl
5_4 tt as
943 "
mar 17
B RAZIL SUGAR-5 bags white for sale by
110 Wood street:
BROOMS -25 doz. superior quality Brooms, just
received and fur sale by
BEST JAVA COFFEE, ground and put up int
pound packages, received and for salt at the
Pr.ztri Ten STORE, 72 Fourth street, near Wood.
CONSISTING of black, blue, red, superior book
and card ink, warranted a superior article, for
CANDLES -20 boxes Stearinq
10 " Star; ,
Just received and for sale by
coy. Wood & 4th sts
CIILORIDE LIME;-4 cases prime just received,
j and fur sale by It. E. SELLERS, '
tuguugll 53 Wood street.
C AMWOOL).—.St) bids just much cd and !lir sale by
sep I corner of Gtli and Wood.
i - ILARET WINES.—A few dozen "Family use,"
and Chateau "Ponitet Canet" brands; also fifty
cases "utedoc St. Julien" and other brands—at the
wine store of (ang`.29.) STERETT & Co.
CORN -117 scks Corn, for sale by
CIiILLICOTHE SOAP--200 boles landing from
steamer Acadia and for sale by
CRA B SIDED.-1.2 Barrels sal - Amor Crab Ci
% der for sale by P C. MARTIN,
jy 20 GO Water street.
eINECKS AND TICKINGS.—An excellent as
sortment of checks and tickings, just received
and for sale very low.
73 Market st., N. W. cor. of the Diamond.
F BI', 50 lads No. 3 Lary's Mackerel;
3 North
tO 1
“ Herring (Allwires)
“ No. 1 Salmon; in store and for
sale by
F RUIT -10 boxes M. R. Raiaina;
Fr Drums S. riga;
12 Jar, fresh Prunes;
Joel received arid for sale by
irIS cor. Wood & 4th sta
17 size) rent fine Salina Salt. lit (Or table use and
Dairies, fur sale low by P. C. MARTIN,
for sale by THOS..MILLER,
PAS cor. Wood & 4thds.
LOUR-30 banes Flour, just received and fur
sale by
1 RADUATED Stripe and Plaid white Muslin
Graduated stripe white Mi.slins;
Mull Muslins; Nainsook do. Jaconet do.
A large assortment just new to-day
je27 No. 83 Market st.
" s .l a ii n te d L s i u n , e n n me D r r c il l l :ni fo i, r , gent's pants;
1 Tweed
Gent's Linen Cambric Handkerchief's;
Do. Silk do.
Do. Ilernani and Silk Cravats.
An invoice of the above received this day by
je 27 B. E. CONSTABLE, 83 Market. st.
HANDS WANTED-2 Bedstead makers;
2 Table makers;
8 hands to make other Cabinet ware;
None need apply but find raw workmen.
11. It. RYAN.
auS (Journal and Chronicle copy.)
HIDES -111 Missouri Hides, for sale low to close
T FMK WlNKS—Rudieheimer, Steinberger, and
11 Ilaut Sauterne brand. for gale by
For Sale at the Wharf.
JUST received per Canal float
-10,000 feet inch poplar;
10,000 4 , " sensonm];
43,000 " 4,.4 Scantling.
11i8 1.. WILMA RTII
1..4 AWNS ! LAWNS! !—Great Rargronii in Lawns
are non, to be had at Alexander !¢. Day's, No. 75
Mtrket st., as they are selling off their stock of these
good' . at a great reduction of prices, So now is the
time for persons to suit themselves at a comparative.
ly small e‘penue. ALEXANDER & DAY,
. .• . _
AWNS--1F ART cotons).—A nether Int or n ,
just opened at A. Morns',., N u 65 m ar k f . t m..._.,
warranted fast en:ors—which we are selling at
EMONS'7S BOxes Lexnonß; for sale very low,
1 .. / by
Litcsk. - En liarrills Linseed Oil, warranted
pure; just receked and fur sale by
EmoNs.—iou boxes lemons in good order,
LI for salt by P. C. INIARTIN,
y 20. GO Water street.
LARD OIL-3 Bbls. Superior, in store and for
sale by J. D. WILLIAMS,
aug2U 110 Wood street.
Al A th D e r..ll ( l . A t
c l e V l l e S b ' r l a t',:— t : d in b d ra e - T z id iS i l n a i e f, h o t) r u te ri d i 111 t a o d t e ,e ir i a i — ad
at the wine store or sTERETT & Co„
aug29 No. 16 Market et. cor Front.
usw.Tro NETTS.--A large lot of musqui
to netts on hand 4nd for sale unusually low
75 Market et., N. W. or. of the Diamond.
superior qualities, on draft, for medicine and
other purposes, for sale at the wine store of
an,g29. 61 Market street, cor., Front.
I, T3SALMS & HYMNS, for the usa of the German
Reformed Church in the th Si of America, En
glish and German. For sale by
jell 115 Wood st.
DRINTS AND MUSLINS.—Just opened a large
_l_ assortment of low priced prints and a variety?
of different makes of brown and bleached muslins.
75 Market, st. l N. W. cor. of the Diamond.
de. Just ree'd and for sale by
cor. Wood & 4th atm.
piusi SOAPS boxes Cin. jthst received and
for Hale by THOS. MILLER,
jeIS Cor. Wood & 4th sts
pLANTATION MOLASSES-100 bbla landing
from steamer Lady Byron on consignment and
or sale by MILLER 4. RICKETSON.
PIG METAL.-" 11 ton S c cioto Purnact , pig iron fin.
sale by 606) JAMES MAY.
ECEIVED by Express last evening, an Invoice
_n o of super French Drees Ginghame, many of them
entirely new style and patterns very desirable, at
No, 46 Market/ street.
aug"...4 BARROWS & TURNER.
RICE -3 Tierces fresh received and for sale by
ang 3 110 'Wood street.
Lawn. Cheaper than Everi
SHEA & pENivobii
Prescott Printing Ink
(Journal copy.
No. '75 Market rt.,
N. V:. COrlll . r of the NIT MOD,'
New Pall Gingham'.
TIP ECEIVED—Per, Ciiital Great Western
-100 pcs Cherry Scentling--515 and 616--6000
Lights Window Sash suitable for the weistern trade,
12116,11/xl2 and Bxlo. 'For sale- br
RDEWED THIS DAY, by. Hi ',tope, another I
of rich black MANTILLAS; at•Wo New York
Store, 79 Market street.
SITUATION wanted in a Wholesale Grocery store
by a Young Man, whose !references as to char
acter and capacity are of the best ordeil inquire at
the Ageucy and Commisslori Offiee, Fifth street, be
tween. Market and Wood sta.
atig26 ARTHUR PROWN, Si. & Co.
CI HOT-40 kgs Shot, assorted Nos. tbr sale:by
SPANISIi recelted ajid For
Bale by aug I I It. E. SELLERS:
- , •
SILVER SAND =3 bbiejnat received and for gale
sepl * ..corner 6th and Wood et.
SICILY SUMAC. — j 4 bags just received arid cut
sale by FAHNESTOCK & CO,
sop] borner of 6th and Wood.
SQATrig STRIPED DE LAINES. , :-.lbst received
a lot of black and .I:cdokeil Satib Striited dl
Laines, which wt; are sglitig leery cheap.
aug3 75 Market st, N W 'coi tiftheDianuand.
SALERATLIS---1000 lbsSalerattisTnbbis
No.l ptiele, on hand and. for sale by
.61.11RTIN dl
jy27 - 56 W:iter at.
auSA 1.1-1;:ti barrels, landing and forsale by
SWEET MALAGA WINES--13qr. casks just
received and for sale by
cases and kegs, a superior article, fin- sale by
15 Ma rket st., cor Front.
SA PTAGO 7 --f.,0 lbs. solierior for sale by
110 Wool street.
rpm: person who came to Miller's Painting Room
j_ during his absence, and carried away a Book en
titled the Golden Rule, had better return it and sane
V I,.BLES---Pier, Centre and Card Tables of differ
ent patterns. I r von want a good article cheap
call at the Furniture Warehouse of
T. 11. YOUNG & Co,
31 Hand st.
T jBACCO-40 bxs Hutchinson's ss;
30 bxs Price & Harwood's ss;
Jo .1. R. Grante ss;
15 " Layton's ss;
65 " Is.. 125., ]Cis_ 325., Halt. plug.. and
Ladies Twist; arriving this day. and for sale by
Wood Street Property for sale.
rp I iAT desirable lot of ground at the foot of Wood
L street, occupied rit the time of the great fire by
Messrs. King & Holmes, is offered for sale.
Enquire of
TEAS -12D packages Y. H., Irnpl., G. P. and
Powehong, of late importations. arriving. and
for sale by LAMBERT &
/VHF. MEINSOF PEACE.—A Sermon delivered
in the "Third Presbyterian Church" July 12,
by the Rev. D• K. Riddle, and published by the re
quest.if the Congregation. For sale ter
GO Water et
VENEERS AND VARNISHES, of the very hest
quality, for sale at H. H. RY.-IN'S Cabinet
Ware Rooms, N 0.31 Fifth street.
George It. White & Co.,
WILL dispose of their choice stock of Barages,
painted and Gingham Lawns, summer Shawls
and Scarfs, at reduced prices.
They will also dispose of their entire stock of
Cloths, fancy Cassinierez, and Kentucky Jeans, at
original cost, as they intend relinquishing this par
ticular branch of their business.
jy22-2m (Chronicle
. please copy.)
W .1Z 1 1; F e D 4oo .— t A . ;nazi, active young pu
e t r n i a n n a u; a i
profitable and well established business, paying, an
average profit of $3O to $3:, per week. None but a
cash customer need apply. Inquire at the Agency
and Commission Office, 11 Fifth street, between
Market and Wood. ARTHUR DROWN, Jr. &Co.
aug 26
W.ANTED to borrow $lOOO for two years on
property worth $6099, a liberal interest will
be paid. Inquire at the Agency and Information
Office, No II Filth st., between Market and Wood
(sts. ang2s ARTHUR BROWN, JR. &Co.
Gazette, Journal, Chronicle and American copy.)
Air ANTF,J) a young man an an assistant sales
! man in a Wholesale Grocery. good references
required. Apply at the Agency office No 11 Fifth st.
between Market and Wood.
aug2s ARTHUR BROWN, in. & CO.
M T /I l o T r E u Dß ,it l• e :S d S rc r assort men goofs, each as t
Jackonett, Mull and Swiss Muslim. Just received
and for sale very cheap by
CHALK-2313just Vere.ivi:d and
11 for sale by ring, I R. E. SELLE RS.
Wlll7ClialrliNqNsiltreLeitQlc.Cilril.l7:r—onlrrin.oriTTililll4rer;r:t:eN;t 1 0 6
invite attention to tlieit large assortment of Wine.
and 1.114110 M l'uchasers would do well to call and
es :Hinny thetn before purchasing else.* bore.
I, r.S II \III , suitable f•t Plasterer= purposee
•./ lbr vale l M. 11. ItI11:1 . &
"111 BALES Ntissirtnirpt Cotton, for wilt-. by
"t./ M. B. ItIIEV Co
OLD WINES & LlQUORS—consisting of
Port Wine.
Madeira Wine;
Malaga do;
Rhenish do;—in half and quarter pipes,
and on draught warranted pure;
Pale Brandy, of different brands;
Dark do,
Holland Gin, line flavor:
Peach Brandy, s years old;
A pple do, 4 do do:
Old Rye Whiskey. H and 11 years old,
Part of the above Liquors from under Custom
House Lock, fdr sale itl quantities to suit by
.13"2n 6') Water st.
MBE undersigned have entered into partnership
under the firm of STracrr .& Co., as Wholesale
and Retail dealers in Foreign Wines and Liquors, at
the corner of Market and Front streets:
RECEIVED to-day at No. 46 Market street—
IL Another case of those rich Hingham prints,
in brown and purple plaids, beautiful patterns.
ALSO, 50 pieces white and colored Musquitoe
Netting of superior quality ; for sale cheap at
ant IS Market st,
Jtin . received from New York, a large quantity
of Havanna and Principe Segars of the most
popular and superior brands now in use. Also, an
excellent article of chewing Tobacco and several
bales of superior Cuba Leaf Tobacco for sale,
No. 50, Third street, MO doors from the Pos
Oifice. may:).
45MIDS. N. 0. Sugar, strictly prime
25 bbls. Nos. 4 and 6 Loaf . ;
10 cases "Lovering's" D. R. Loaf Sugar
118 bbls N. 0. Molasses;
In store and for sale by
aug2s. 133 and 135 WoBd street.
3f)(1 BAGS Green Rio, part prime;
klki 54 , Old Government Java;
Arriving this day and for sale try
75 Market it., n. west cor. Diamond
icelv Goods.
Segars Segties
Sugar and Moiasaan.
BODY.—It-is an.astonishing fact, that a very
large class of diseases tan only be cured by such
remedies as will enter into the BLOOD, and circu
late with it, through everytOrtiOn oPthe body, foi
only by this means can the remedy be brought
into immediate contact with the disease; and to at
tain this desirable end, no prii4iation has beEn so
uniformly successful as DR. JAYNF:'S ALTER
TIVE. Scrofula, Kings' Evil, Cane& (rad Canitr
ous Tumours, White Swellings, Enlar/*nent 'of the
Bones, Chronic Rheumatism and. Gout, Eruptive dis
eases ofthe Slain, old and indolentillcgis; Goitrous
Swellings of the Throat &c., are cured with a certain:
ty, that has astonished every beholder. It is; be
sides, one of the most pleasant articles that Can be
taken into the stomach, operating as .a tonic, Old
removing Dyspeptic and Nervous affections; and
imparting a glow of animation and health, nob
quailed by any thing in the whole Materia Medica.
For sale at No. 8 South Third st.—Price $1 per
bottle, or $lO per dozen.
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
on Fourth street, near Wood, and at the Drug Store
of 11. .P Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny City.
TION is the only medicine that will cure this so
very common and troublesome disease. It not
only immediately allays inflammation, stops all
bleeding, subdues that intolerable itching, but ef
fectually cures, in a very short time, persons whose
lives have been rendered miserable for years. Its
appliCation produces no pain, but rather an agree
able and pleasant sensation. if persons afflicted
will only call and hear of the great number of ca
ses that have been cured, they grill be astonished.
A . gentleman of this city, who bad been under the
knilh of the surgeon two or three times, without
being cured, has, by using two bottles of this
brocution, been radically cured! It sells beyond all
precedent! ,
all Diseases of the skin, particularly those that are
attended with disagreeable and troublesome itching,
are readily cured by anointing the ports effected,
night and morning, with a small quantity of Dr.
Jackson's Embrocation. Astonishing cures have
been effected by this medicine. For sale by Dr.
1). Jayne, No 8 South Third st.; Philadelphia.
For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
72 Fourth street, near Wood, and also at the Drug
Store of H. P. Schwartz, Federal street, Allegheny
City. aug2B-4
j_ SOFT, FINE AND CLEAN; to make the scalp
healthy, smooth, white and fruitful, so that a good
crop may spring therefrom, persons have but to ex
pend thirty seven and a half cents. And, reader,
our only aided for selling the article at that price,-is
knowing it to be all we state, that when you once try
this you never will tied aught else; , whether it be
merely to embelish, td drbss, beautify, and preserve,
to force growth, stop falling off, and cure senile or
TINE will never fail to do all this, as hundreds will
tell you with gratitude. It dresses the hair beautilitl
ly, and mikes red or grey hair grow dark from the
Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warehouse,
g 9 Liberty street, head of Wood—price thirty seven
ands half cents, fifty cents and one dollar Fier bottle.
At the same place is sold the Italian Chemical Soap,
Spanish Lilly White and unrivalled shaving soap.
Itc.novto—The celebrated medicines of Dr. T.
G. Evans of Brownsville, Pa., are now for sale
wholesale and retail, at Jackson's Medical Depot,
No. 89 Liberty street, head of Wood, Pittsburxh.
Wholesaln Dealers and Agents supplied.
Dr. Evans' Sovereign Tonic and Grand Restora
tive, a certain cure for the Fever and Ague.
Dr. Evans' Vegetable and Anti-Dyspeptic pills,
price 25 cents per box.
Dr. Evans' American Vegetable Vermiluge, price
2,5 cents per bottle.
Dr. Evans' Tonic Eye Water, an infallible core
for sore eyes , price twenty-five cents per bottle.
Rev. Dr. ames Estep's Black Syrup, for the cure
of Coughs, Cold, Asthma, Croup, Bronchitis and
Consumption—price one dollar.
Remember Dr. Evans' only Depot, is JACKSON'S,
No. 89 Liberty street, head of . Wood.
rilitE SKIN AND COMPLEXION, at this (and,
I indeed, every other) season, is often repulsive
in appearance, caused, in eight cases out of ten; by
the atmosphere; and what persons suppose disease
of the blood, is simply a disease of the skin. If
some of the thousands whb tag purgative medicine,
pills, and useless Sarsaparilla, were to use on their
skin a softening and clearing balm, that opens the
pores, whitens the skin, and causes a healthy perspi
ration, that, hr the skin never so disfigured, unheal
thy, or diseased with pimples or freckles, sunburn.
tan and morphew, the true nett genuine JONES'S
ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP never fails to cure
and dispel them, and to make the skin clear and
lovely- It acts so mildly and soothingly on the
skin, that physicians use it on ladies and infants, in
old cases of scurvy, crysi paha, salt rheum, sore head,
ringworm, and it (mind, the genuine Jones' soap)
has often effected a cure when every other remedy
failed. It is indeed a blessed remedy.
Sold at JACKSON'S Patent Medicine Warelwfise,
89 Liberty street, head or Wood—at the same place
is sold the Moorish Hair Dye, Coral Hair Restora
tive, amid Spanish Lily White.
PRINCIPAL Orrire-14ign of the American Eagle,
82 Chatham street, New
Ladles Dersi. Goods.
T UST received froMNew lick by Adams &C;i:;?ri
efi Ezpress, the followiij, sluice of Ladies Dtess
Goods, which for beauty and cheapness caninit be
surpassed in any of the Eastern Cities, viz:
Embroidered Gingham Robes, (new styles,) !
Graduated Organdi do do;
Rich Ombri !lunges (milk and wool! very clidap;
Ilalzarturs, ferry price onuf quality;
lot :style:l Rep. Cashmere and lie Lains;
French Gingham and Ginuhani Lawns;
Paris Ptinted lief - n:omi Cubviltmr, ta new arti
cle of Ores. Goode, eery kautiful..)
Graduated Muslin Holies;
White Embroidered iln;
All the above goods lirive recently been purchased
it the New York market since the great reduction
of prices and mill be sold at a email advance above
Eastern cost by
A montus;
No. 135 Market st.
James Cavanagh.
IMPORTER and Wholesale dealer in French, Ger
man and English Fancy Variety Goods of every
description; such as Jewelry; table and pocket Cut-
I er•, silk Purses, bead Bags, silver and German' sil
ver Spoons, gold and ail% er Pencils. silk and gum sus
penders, 100 doz. of Germantown Ilocs and hairdo.
Trimmings of all kinds;and a general assortment of
toys, constantly on hand at No. 61, Market Street,
between Third aitd Fourth streets, Simpson's Rota,
Pittsburgh. tnyl3
JUST RECEIVED—Lnrrzns ettOg Rnoosa, Asia
Minor, by MrS. E. C. A. Schneider, with an
essay on the prospects of the Heathen and our duty
to them, by Rev. 11. Schneider4nd an introductio.
by Rev. E. Heiner, A. M. Fublished by Rev. Samin
Gutelius, CharnberSburgh, 1846. For sale by
jell 115 Wood st
IN "' ,t S pa A l
LlY r l l7 g :ria
IN 4 and bright
its liquid light."
—Anil not only "sparkling and bright," but for its
delicious flavor, Hays & Brockway's Mead Snd Min
eral Water is certainly 'unrivalled" and the syrups,
are equal to any that ever graced the Mineral
Fount. Call and sea, at No. 2, Commercial Row
Liberty sti jc6
I carton black second Mourning satin striped
'forage Shawls;
I carton beautiful fancy Bemge Shawls, ombrt
1 carton brocha Berage Shawls, extra handsome;
'' ic Scarfs
1 " satinbordered ti
1 " hernani twist'd silk "
I " extra sup. hernani "
The above handsome goods have all been purcha
sed lately at auction, in New York and Philadelphia,
at the closing sales of the French iinportczil, and are
now offered at a small advance, and less than tbo
cost of importation, at the Cheap Cash Store of
_I L the Progress of Nations, in Productive Industry,
Civilization, Population and Wealth; illustrated by
statistics of Mining, Agriculture, Manufactures,
Commerce, Revenues, Banking, Internal Improve.
nienCS, korttelity, Emigration and Population; by
Ezra C. Scanlan:
A few copies of the above work for sale by
aug2o corner of Market and 3d sts.
Lawns 1 Lawns 11
F.O.S. SWARTZ has on hand a lot of Gnc Lawns
Ur which will be sold at the very low price of 18/
cents per yard / persons who want a good article / at a
low price/ would do well to call soon.
Also on hand's good stock of Nansook muslins for
Ladies Dresses very cheap at
4013 No. 106 Market street.
' .
. . .
- Sclling Off :
LADIES; look
!.for bargains,
. have rectiii&d.
price,, o`f all
=mei goods.
in hand a splen
atscirttitent Of
ris and..kuglish
wns; Bereges,
IzorinCs; Sum-1
ir shawl ti,seaxes '
tvats. Al so' ;
tey • and Plain
dd. Bonnets.
!Or the Gentle
in, a few splen
' vest patterns,
it stuffs, gold
I silver mixed
iddaishirts, Col-
Just received another box of c.Vhitd Domini Rib
bons: iY2I3
Gold P0t164
JUST RECEIVED--Anbther large addition to my
stock of biamond pointed .Gold Pens of the
best makers and for sale at the lowest prices.
Also—A large tieSortment of Gold and Silver Pen
cils, Tooth and Ear Picks, Tveczers, &c.
57 Market at.
Thiecnirty to .I;a*ithascrs.
Each box or GENUINE SUGAR, COATED PILLS boo upon n
- _
l 1
I.flM.Rv.to.rr-rtvntrion - T ..-,_;vw:,,.
PILLS are the first and only Medicine ever
known that will poltidely cure
Headache, Giddiness, Measles; Salt Rheum,
Rheumatism, Piles, Heartburn; Worms,
Dispepsia, Scurvy; ' Cholera Morbus,,
Small Pox, Jaundice, Coughs, Qkinsy,
Pains in the Back,; Whooping Cough,
Inward Weakness; Cimsumption, Fits,
Palpitation of the Heart; Liver Complaint,
Rising in the Throat, Erysipelas, Deafness;
Dropsy, Asthma; Itehings of the Skin,
Fevers of all kinds, Colds, Gout, Gravel,
Female Complaints, Nervous Complaints,
And all other diseasess, originating from imptirities of
the blood.
trr They have Cured, since their introduction,
over 2,000 persons, who have been given up as hope
less cases, by the most eminent Physicians.
CM They are _pairenized. and recommended by
men i'd" the highest distinction - , among whom are—
Hon. David R. Porter, Hon. Henry Clay, -
Hon. John Q. AdamS; Hon: Daniel Webster,
Hon. Martin Van Boron, lion. J. C. Callioun,
Gen. Winfield Scott, Col. It. M. Johnson;
Hon. James K. Polk, Gen. Lewis Cass.
r Their virtue's are so infallible that the money
will be returned in all cases they do net give univer
sal satisfaction. Although lint two and a half years
have elapsed since these celebrated Fills were first
introduced to the public, the sale of them in the
Eastern and middle States 1 has far exceeded Dr.
Clickener'a most sanguine expectations. During the
past year, alone,'no let's than 10,000 gross of boxes
have been sold in the State pf New York, 6,000 in
Penesylvania, 4,000 in Maryland; 3,000 in New Jer
sey, 2,000 in Delaware, and 9;000 in the New England
Stateii, requiring the constant employment of 27
hands, exclusive of printers 'and engravers. In the
same period, upwards of 4 00,000 copies of the
"Family Doctor" have been ordered by agents in
every section of the country. These factii must
show, conclusively, that Dr. Clickenees Sugar Coat
ed Pills, besides being the very best medicine in the
worl 4, are held in the highestestimation by the ptiblfe.
We might extend this publication, to an indefin
ite leilgth, if we deemed it {expedient to publish all
tersimonlals we Italie received, not only froth agents
but individuals and familieS,} who have experienced
the benficial effects :of Clickeners Sugar Coated'.
Pills, but we deem it unnecessary. ,The most in
contestible evidence of their unprecedented success,
are the numberless Imitations and Counterfeits which
have already appeared, notwithstanding the brief pe
riod they have been before the public: Even some
of our staunchest pill makers hale had the audacity
to imitate the Capsule of Sugar, in order to disg,uise
the ingredients or their vilh compounds and palm
them off fur the "real simprt pure:" inch paltry
shifts cannot last long without exposing their hgeous
deformity. Truth and honesty mast inevitably pre
vail over rascal ityand deception.
For sale in Pittelnirgh by 'WM. JACKSON, at his
Patent Medicine Warehouse; No. 89, Liberty street,
head of Wood st.,. Pittsburgh. Price, 2.5 c. per box.
Dr. Clickencr's principal office is 81 Barclay street,
New York.
t— Beware of an imitation article called Im
proved Sugar Coated Pills, pin-porting to be pateiit-id,
as both the pills and the pretended patent are for
geries; got up by a miserable quack in New York,
who, for the last four or five years; haS made his
living by counterfeiting popular medicine
1 .// - Remember, Dr. C. V.tlickener is the original
inventor of Sugar Coated and that tiotSiog of
the sort was ever heard of until he introduced them
in June, f 443. Purchasers should, therefore, alwoni
ask for Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and
take no other; or they will be made the victims of a
fraud: may 9
University Live , Settoi3l4
/Tim FALL SESSION of this department of the
1 Western University; will commence in the new
University Building; on the I , ‘lntrr moßidir or SEP
FEEDER next; and . the SPRING SESSION of 1547,
will commence on the Fitts* MONO.A7 or FEitiirithr
This institution having sci far recovered from the
effects of the great fire of Lpril last year, as to have
the new building nearly completed with increased
accommodations Air all its departments, it is hoped
that the Law School will be found to present increas
ed Ile:dales and attractions:to those who desire to
pursue a regular and thoriingli course ~flog a l educa
tion, and to prepare thtimsels es creditably for ad
mittance to the bar.
There will be daily recitations by the classes"
assigned lessons, so arranged as to etribraee, within
a:two years course, all the' principal and Unlit im
portant branches of the lair:. Occasional lectures
on law and equity,, will also be deli‘erc.l as part el
the course;
Tire Moor designed for assisting Ancients
in acquiring knowledge and readiness in the prac
tice of the law will be resumed as soon as the num
ber of students will justify - . r The degree of tAciru-
Lon or L.i.tv will be . couleired on students of the
institutions accordin g the rules usual in such institu
Any further information that may be required can
readily be obtained on application to the Professor,
WALTEti IS. LowatE, who has his office on 4th above
Smithfield street, Pittsburgh.
TERMS—Seventy-five dollars a year, or thirtv:sey
el and a half dollars a scsSiori. tiugG-ti3m
11. Williams' Select School,
- ToßTii East corner oi* Federal and Robinson
streets, Allegheny, will conntenee its Fall
session on Monday the 31stihst.
from Professor R. H. Lee, :11 7 ashington College, and
Having attended, an exitilinatirin of the school
taught by Mr. Williams, we take pleasure in bear
ing our testimony. to the evidence afforded by it of
the unusual skill and labor of Air. Williams. , The
Understanding of the principle of the subjects Nyhich
the scholars. had been studying, shown by -their
Clear answers to qUestions asked by others thane the
teachers, prove the excellence of tilq New' England
Modes of teaching, in which Mr. Williams-seems to
be proficient, • R. 11. LEE,•
From,the Rev. Am Preston, Doctor Hunt, Ac
Haying attended au examination of the. Select
School tinder the.care of Mr. Henry Williams, held
'recently in his school roorn, corner of Federal and
Robinson litrectsi Allegheny city, we wish to call
public attention to this institution. We were highly
gratified with the progress and order of his sehool..- - .
This manner of simpliiving and illustrating the dif
ferent branches is peculiarly happy, and well calcu
lated to give interest to the pupils. His mode of
teaching them to read struck us as novel; and one
tlikt Cannot fail to make good readers.
From the knowledge that we• have of Mr. Wil
liams' character as n teacher; his zeal, fidelity and
:success, we cordially recommend libel to the patron
' ago of the publie. His location is elegible for both
cities. DAVID HUNT,
I attended the,above examination, and can truly
tray I was much gratified with the attaintrnent of the
pupils. WM. PRESTON.
Alleghouy, Cemetery.
IIERSONS desirons of purchasing lots in this
r Cemetery are referred for information to the
Superintendent on the grounds, or to E. Thorn
Druggists corner of Penn and Hand streets # Pitts
burgh. By order of the Bo..Ard. J. eIIiBLETT,
den 11 Superintendent.
s ir ic X 1 7 73 oj e r i reo,.. r piekerl Sicily Lemonyfor
=?Zw 4 Ve''"°m
ror Cluctuntal tend St. Louts
The passenger'steamer PALESTINR,
Capt. Williams, will leave for the abcrvo
a`nd al intermediate ports regularly.
For freight or passage apply on board. jc9.
L 4 Or Cincinnati and Louisville.
Braman PACT ET.
ajlajaThe new and splendid passenger steam
or C O L 13141) I A, O'Neal:, Waster, will
leave for the above and intermediate ports, regular.
FOr freight or passage apply on board, or to
jai D. WILKINS, Agent
. .
'Pttesatiy Evening:Paolint.
Thenew and splendid passenger steam.
- &oat DECLARATION, Capt. Vorheeti r
will run playeguiarpacket between Pittsburgh and-
Cincinnati; leavingthis port every Tuesday evening .
at 3 ele.ck: Peturning she will leaVe: Cincinnati
every Friday er . a4ifig at 3 O'clock.
The Deelaration afters supetiof acebfrenedations
to passengers. Fot passage appiy - on
board. Jel
THE regular ail and pasenger steam
- mail
UNION, Captain Maclean, will run as .
a regular packet between -Pittsburgh and. Cincinj
nati, leaving this port el•ery 'Monday. at t e r clock,,
M. Returning she will lease Cincinnati every
Thursday at G P. M.
The Union vas built expressly for this trade,
and afibrdS every abcommodation.
Por freight or"passage apply on borrd. may')
The well known fast running
CAMBP.IA, W. Forsyth, Master, will run
as a regular'Packet, leaving every Wednesday morn
ing at 10 o'clock; and Wheclifigi-at 10, P. AL, !tar
same day. Jletiirning, she' will leave. Cincinnati
every Saturday, at 10, A. AI. - - •
For &eight or passage apply on hoaid; - of to
FORSYTH Sr. Co., Agents,''
No. SO, Water street.
fr" The regular mail and passenger steamer.
;Capt. Isaac Bennett, will
run as a regular Packet between Pittaburgli and
Cincinnati; leaving this. port every Saturday, .at 10,
A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M , -the same "day;
Returning; she will leave Cincinnati emery Tuesday,
at 10, A. M.
For freight or passage apply on beard.
The Circassian was built expressly foi this trade,
and offers to het passenger's every tornibrt dc
commodatipn. • mar-23-
IZ The regular mail and passenger steamer,
MESSEiNGER, Capt. Linfercl; will run as
a reinlai - Packet between Pittsburgh, and Cincinnati,
!caving this pert erery Saturday at. 10, A. M., and=
Wheeling at 10, P. M. ; the" same day: Returning,
she will leave Cincinnati 'every Tuesday, at . 10
o'Clock,..A. M. ' •
- For freight or passage apply on board:
The Messenger was built expressly for this trade,,,
and 'Arens to het passengerS every .`comfort and.ac
commodation. mar 2,3
.._ . 4,
THE regular mail and paSsenger steam;
er HIIIE,RNIA; Capt. John Klinefelter,
wil run as a regular packet betwebn Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati; leaving this port every Tuesday at 10 A.
M., , and Wheeling at 10 P. M. of the same day.--'
Returning„she will leave Cincinnati every Friday at
10 A. M. .
For freight or passage apply on board. -
The Hibernia, was built exPrbstly for the ,
and"bliers to the passefi'gers every coinfort and 'siu.•
peri4, accommodations. " apt
TIFF; regular mail and passenger steam'
CLIPPER N 0.2; Captain Crooks, will
run as a regularpacket between Cincinnati and Pitts-'
burgli, leaving this port every Friday -at 10,A, M.i
and Wheeling at 10 P. M. the same day. Returning.
she will leave Cincinnati every Monday at 10 coclok,
A. M.
For freight or passage apply on beard.
Therlipper No. 2 was builtexpressly for this trade;
and offers to her paSsengers•every corhfort and ac
cootplodation. mar 23
THE ievr - U. S. 11failsteamer
'• , - ,7 1- 4 .M,M. E. Ludas, Master, will kith as a. regil- .
Tar passenger packet 'between Pittsburgh and the
above port during the season of 18-16, leavingevery'
Thursday at 10 o , alock-A:
The Aeadia is new aid has silicribr atdoeurodi,
tions. For freight or passage apply onboard; or to
ap9 S NEWTON JO...NER. Agent.
,A h , The regular mall ani passenger steamer
... , -'''*- -. .;_..luoNottakiff".LA, Capt. Stone, will run.'
as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Chichi
nati, leaving this port every Mohdity at 10 $
and Wheelirig at 10, P. M., the same. day. Iteturn
ing; she will leaVe Ciatinhati every Thursday, at 10,
For treight of passage a Op 1,1" on board.
The Monongahela was built eipreSsly, for this
trade, and 'offers to the passengers eon:Wort, and su
perior accoininodations. mar 31
I'or t"inclnhihtl.
,ztaA, The new light draught packet steam:
er CALIFORNIA, Captain Hunter, will
leave for the above and all intermediate ports this
day. regularly.
:For. Weight or passage apply nn 'haul, or to •
J. W. BUTLER & BRO., Second Ft.
The California was built expressly for the above
trade, and will inake her trips regularly during the
season: augh,
For Citric rknat 1.
iir.nrLAn PAcKST
THE new and light draught passenger
.et • - - s -
- steamer Vl, T tapt. BAKER,
will leave fur the abo.e and all intermediate, ports
regularly. The WestOrn draws but 12 inches, and
was Built expresSly to run in the trade during the
lour wnter-season.
Cor” fiei”ili or riss?,7,e, Navin , superior aecornmO
, j
~, .
liiiiezis. apply on board . vla
A THE regular mail and passengersteam.
NF:NV ENGLAND, Capt. R. B. Page,
will run tin n regelar packet between Pittsburgh and
Cincinnati, leaving this port every Wednesday at 10
A. hi., And Wheeling at 10 P. M. the same
Retnrning, 51:c will leave Cineinriati every SaturdaY
at 10 A. r.il,
For freig - ht or passage apply onboard.
Ttte.New England was built expressly for this trade
and offers to the passenger's eYgry_tortifort and supc6
rior accommodations. mar 26
The new and splendid passenger steam
er TOM CORWIN, Capt. Bugber, will
run in the trade from Pittsburgh to St. Louis,du
ring the Beaton of 1846.
The Tom Corwin; was built expressly for the
trade, and` is elegantly furnished in every respect.
For freight or passage apply on board.
may 19-
The new and spleridid "passongersteans
er BRUNETTE, Capt. Perry, srili run in
te trade from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, during ,the
season of 1846:
The Brunette was built expressly for the trade;
and is elegantly found in every respect.
For freight or passage apply on , board. apl4
The new and splendid passenger stearnJ
• 7 er TONNALEUKA, Capt. J. K. Moody,
will run in the trade from Pittsburgh to Louisville,
during the season of Igl6.
The Tounaleuka was built expressly for the trade,
and is elegantly thrnialied in every respect.
•For freight or passage apply on board.
For Sale
• A PROPERTY near the Allegheny arsenal, Law...
renceville, consisting of dwelling houses, store
room, &c., with a large lot of ground, situate on - the
Main street, leading through the Borough of Liw- -
renceville. This-property is EU situated that it can
be divided into small portions, and all or part will - 11ei
sold on reasonable terms, part cash in hand,. and h
liberal credit for the balance. Apply to Elakely
Mitchel, or to J. 11, N.KEE„
angB • near the premises.
Lake Superior.
- iiEtiPLE. visiting the copper Mines of Lake Su.,. -,
perior during the 'season, will find it to their
a Vintage to call at Hays & Brockway's Diagstorn- -
w ere they,can procure such remedies as the - peep-;:3
liarity of the climate require. Any information re ,
!afire to the country will be freely given.
No. 2 Commercial Ro*,.,Liberty at, ,
- •
%f TOBACCO.-75 large and 90 small boxes Missou,
ri tobacco, of prime quality, just received oti
consignment, and will be sold cheap tbr-msh,or
Pittsburgh manufactures.
august 18 TAAFFE & O'CoNNEE.
ON-33 cases Genoa for sale by -
110 Wocal street,